#Twin Dent
bruciemilf · 1 year
Bruce: You're the most jealous man I know!
Harvey: You know other men?!
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chess-blackmyre · 6 months
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the dark knight (2008) // batman: two face strikes twice 1.2// the long halloween (2021) //the once and future king by TH White//the dark knight novelization by Dennis O’Neil // teen titans #48 (1977)
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kneecap-homicide · 7 months
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ramenflavoredchaos · 6 months
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Harvey is so Little Twin Stars coded.
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bonzai-bunny · 9 months
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things that did not age well
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I had an idea for the Stoner Moon AU
what do you think would happen if like. one of the Bloodmoon twins is accidentally hotboxed and gets a contact buzz, but the other one is completely sober
Imagine it’s the calm twin who gets hotboxed and the chaotic one who isn’t. Poor Blood Moon is just freaking out because his twin is fronting and zoned out on the ceiling and has no clue what to do. Alternatively, Blood Moon is high and going absolutely batshit insane trying to eat all the food he can because he’s got a down bad case of the munchies and Harvest is trying and trying to coax him to calm down and just go visit Monty for them to get fixed (because he thinks it’s an issue with their stomach).
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denticulate-blooms · 1 year
Happy Birthday to my Daughter and Misha Collins! Perhaps the most chaotic but kind birthday twin for her to have 💙 (taken yesterday but still counting it)
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clamorybus · 9 months
my parents are watching hgtv again and its making me think about what i could do with $10 million dollars
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Would Harvey end up having a favourite child at the end? Or is everyone equal to him?
Honestly, I like to think it's like this:
The batkids: who's your favorite kid
Bruce: I love all of you. All of you. You're all unmeasurably special to me. I'd choose you all over again. You're all my favorite kid.
The batkids: Who's your favo-
Harvey: Stop bothering me, it's Cass. I told you already
Two Face: It depends on who annoys me least that day
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chess-blackmyre · 3 months
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vaultsixtynine · 1 year
also thinking some thots and thematically i Know trigun isn't interested in specifically exploring How gunsmoke was or is to be terraformed, i know the concerns are more about the human condition, good and evil, the most christ imagery ever seen outside of a catholic church, and the power of bros with big guns.
i know the plants are an ancillary device to make the rest of this happen, esp concerning vash, but ughhhh. i find myself so captivated by how often there's lamentation about the ecology, but almost no worldbuilding around what anyone's Doing about it. the science of making gunsmoke more livable is a background concern, meant to happen off screen. but at so many points it's sitting Right out of frame, so close i could scream - and thus. this is why darcy exists. this is her driving force in life, something she's already lost a lot over - but she can't abandon it and thus, eventually, can't abandon vash, either.
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HARVEY BLEW UP THE TWIN TOWERS!??? Two-Face obviously predicted 9/11! (This is a joke. He actually decided against blowing up the Twin Towers in this story on the same page this panel is on. Entertaining coincidence though!)
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llatimeria · 1 year
i wish i could buy a house
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two-baes · 2 years
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the ending of Flashpoint Beyond was all well and good, and it's nice to see both Thomas AND Martha get a chance to heal,
but consider: they deserve TWO kids, and Dexter deserves his twin!!! So Debbie is alive. :3 I gave her Claire's CoB "robin" outfit—bc I actually really like the color scheme of it—except changed the shoes to be like ballet flats (like what marvel's Ghost-Spider runs around in), and gave her a hair clip.
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dentistibucuresti · 7 months
Fractura de dinte: una din cele mai comune urgențe stomatologice
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Fractura de dinte reprezintă una dintre cele mai comune urgente stomatologice cu care se confruntă persoanele de toate vârstele.
Această problemă poate surveni în urma unui traumatism direct asupra danturii sau ca rezultat al deteriorării structurii dintelui din cauza cariilor netratate sau a unor manopere stomatologice necorespunzătoare.
Este important să înțelegem câteva aspecte esențiale legate de fracturile dentare și modul în care acestea pot fi gestionate eficient.
Tipuri de fracturi dentare
Fracturile dentare pot fi împărțite în mai multe categorii, în funcție de gradul de severitate și localizarea acestora. Printre cele mai comune tipuri de fracturi dentare se numără:
Fracturi de smalț: afectează doar stratul extern al dintelui, smalțul. De obicei, aceste fracturi nu provoacă durere, însă pot fi inestetice și pot crește riscul de deteriorare ulterioară a dintelui.
Fracturi de dentine: fracturile care implică deteriorarea stratului de dentină, care se află sub smalț, pot determina senzații dureroase, sensibilitate la temperaturi și la dulciuri și pot necesita intervenție stomatologică imediată.
Fracturi de coroană: afectează coroana dintelui, fiind adesea rezultatul unui traumatism puternic sau a unei carii extinse. Fracturile de coroană pot fi dureroase și pot afecta atât aspectul estetic, cât și funcționalitatea dintelui.
Fracturi de rădăcină: Aceste fracturi afectează rădăcina dintelui, fiind adesea mai dificil de diagnosticat și tratat. De obicei, aceste fracturi necesită evaluare și intervenție specializata.
Semne și simptome
Recunoașterea semnelor și simptomelor unei fracturi dentare este crucială pentru gestionarea corespunzătoare a acestei situații de urgență stomatologică la clinica TwinDent.ro. Printre principalele semne și simptome ale unei fracturi de dinte se numără:
Durere la nivelul dintelui afectat sau la mestecare.
Sensibilitate crescută la temperaturi extreme (cald sau rece) sau la anumite alimente și lichide.
Apariția unei crăpături vizibile pe suprafața dintelui sau o ruptură evidentă a acestuia.
Sângerare gingivală sau umflături în zona dintelui afectat.
Gestionarea fracturilor dentare
În cazul unei fracturi dentare, este crucial să căutăm imediat asistență stomatologică profesionistă.
Înainte de a ajunge la un cabinetul stomatologic care ofera si servicii de urgente stomatologice in sector 5, este recomandat să ne clătim gura cu apă caldă și să aplicăm comprese reci în exteriorul zonei afectate pentru a reduce umflătura și a diminua disconfortul.
Este important să evităm consumul de alimente tari sau lipicioase care ar putea agrava leziunea.
Urgente stomatologice in sector 5 | TwinDent.ro
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În concluzie, fractura de dinte reprezintă o problemă frecventă care necesită atenție imediată și intervenție stomatologică specializată. Prin înțelegerea tipurilor de fracturi dentare, recunoașterea semnelor și simptomelor acestora și luarea măsurilor corecte de gestionare înainte de a ajunge la cabinetul stomatologic.
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lxvvie · 6 months
Couples Shit with Simon Riley (Part 2):
Having a giggle/chuckle fest almost every time you are intimate. It first happened at the beginning of your relationship when you would giggle every time you two kissed. It opened the floodgates, had let that nervous energy out, and Simon was right there chuckling with you. ("Heh—aw, fuck me.")
Swearing up and down that you're gonna fuck each other's brains out but as soon as you hit the bed, you and Simon are out like a light. The last time this happened, he was supposed to go down on you, but the next thing you know, you woke up to him fast asleep with his head on your stomach.
Kissing the bridge of his crooked nose and Simon turning into putty every time. Hell, kissing any and every dent, bruise, and scar, and making your man melt.
A nice round of horizontal tango turning into a cuddle session after you comforted Simon through a charley horse. Poor baby.
Initially making the telly watch you two make sex but turns out whatever you're watching was pretty decent after all so you guys are back to watching the telly again.
Getting hot and heavy one time but you were so intrigued with the mole you discovered on Simon's inner thigh that you spent the next half-hour or so trying to find other moles on his body.
Telling Simon that you "always wanted to do this" and when you get him hot, bothered, and hard, it turns out what you always wanted to do was measure him. His disappointment was immeasurable... even if he was interested to know the number.
Twinning in some way, shape, or fashion whenever you're out together.
Talking mad shit about his snoring but let him tell it, he doesn't say shit when you take up about 80% of the bed, covers, and sleep under him.
Speaking of talking shit, having disagreements like every couple does and when you go to bed, you're angrily cuddling each other. And yes, Simon still wants your kisses in the morning, even if you two are still mad at each other. Simon doesn't give a shit, you're still gonna love on him, dammit. And him on you.
Being mad with Simon when he arrived too late to get the creepy crawler that was harassing you. Harassing you by doing what it does best: be a creepy crawler. Simon tells you you'll have to conquer your fear one day. You tell him to conquer the couch tonight lmao.
Agreeing to disagree about the superior ice cream flavor in the house. It's too bad there's not any of his favorite ice cream in the freezer. There's some of yours, though. Why? You didn't get any because it was so superior that you wouldn't "dare sully it with your hands". Cue the judgemental stare and him eating YOUR ice cream afterward. Rude.
Scaring the ever-living shit out of Simon on the rare occasions he gets to sleep in. He woke up to you sitting up in bed with his mask and paint on. Oh, and he calls bullshit. He did not nearly fall out the bed. Nor did he jump. Okay, Simon.
Chilling and drinking with Simon. Finding out he gets hot and sweaty pretty easily and off comes his clothes. Waking up hungover the next morning and you're the big spoon to a naked and equally hungover Simon. Choosing to do fuck all but sleep it off that day.
Playfully calling or referring to him as the Missus, especially in front of your co-workers. When they finally meet Simon and ask him who he is, he replies in pure deadpan Ghost fashion: "The Missus".
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