#Tyler galpin x Addams!reader
The Monster Inside (Tyler Galpin x Addams!reader)
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The Monster Inside (Tyler Galpin x Addams!reader)
Sequel to Monster Like Me
Word Count: 5170 Reader Insert: she/her pronouns Warnings: mentions of prison treatment, self-hate, a gun, hanging, active murder scene, and (obviously) SPOILERS for Tim Burton's Wednesday tv show on Netflix. Note: NOT A TYPICAL HAPPY ENDING
Since their first encounter, (y/n) has found herself visiting Tyler more often than she would like to admit. The past twelve months have seen the two draw closer as they try to heal old wounds. But just when there seems to be a light at the very dark tunnel they both crawl through, a threat on Tyler's life forces (y/n) to choose whether to let justice reign... or embrace the monster inside.
Welp... guess I have to eat my own words because we're here now. That being said, thanks for the support on the first piece, people. I do appreciate all the love and nice comments and so this is for you since I can't get this story out of my head!
The snow crunches underfoot as they walk their daily route around the prison exterior.
It became regular every time she came to visit for them to go on walks. They had picked up the routine six months ago when the prison stopped putting him in straight jackets and the resident therapist suggested gentle exercise would do him some good.
When (y/n) had first heard the news, she hadn't hesitated to drag him outside to feel the summer sun on his skin. She would never forget the look that had blossomed on Tyler's face when he had stepped outside for the first time in who knew how long. It wasn't exact joy, more of an awestruck disbelief. Like a dream he never thought would come true.
Perhaps it was that very look that had been engrained in her brain from that day on that drew her back more often. Six months after her first visit she only returned twice: the first time was two months after, being her scheduled check-in with the boy for clinical reasons, the second a special request from Sheriff Galpin himself. But after six months, after that summer day, she found herself visiting more and more until she came by the prison once a week.
Every Thursday she booked off to visit. Although, (y/n) couldn't exactly deny it was just for professional reasons anymore.
'I think the weather has finally had enough of seeing our faces,' he says, his breathy laugh floating like a ghost past his flushed lips. His cheeks bleed a demure scarlet.
'On the contrary,' she counters, her eyes wandering across the white landscape surrounding them, 'I think it's rewarding us.'
'How so?'
'Don't you see it?' She gestures with her arms to the snow that blankets the ground, that nestles in the tree tops, that glistens in individual flecks off the remaining leaves. 'It's beautiful.'
Tyler huffs, only sparing the view a moment of his warm gaze before it returns to her, charming smile stretching his lips. 'Guess I hadn't noticed with you being beside me.'
Her cheeks flush. He's still got it.
The flirting wasn't a new concept to either of them. Between their snarky banter and clinical catch ups, they always managed to sneak in a comment or two that had the other blushing. It was like some sort of competition: who could rile the other up so much that they get turned on first?
But it was always something that appealed to their dark humour. Recently, though, the comments had become... sweet, nice even.
The worst part, however - the part that had her truly sick to the stomach - was how genuine he sounded. How she sounded in return.
Her gaze locks with his. Hell help her, no wonder even Wednesday fell for him for just a moment. His eyes, his hair, his voice...
He was intoxicating.
The sudden sneeze shatters the bubble the two had formed, forcing them to stop in their tracks and drawing their attention to the accompanying guard that walks twenty-odd metres behind them. It is the same guard that has accompanied them since they insisted on walking outside the prison yard. He looks elsewhere, rubbing his nose with the sleeve of his coat casually. Despite his relaxed demeanour, (y/n) knows a gun hides within the giant pocket of his coat, ready to draw if Tyler tries anything.
There once was a time I was willing to pull a gun on him. In some sense, she still is. A gun (approved by the prison) lays in her own coat pocket right now. But things have changed. She is not so certain that she would be able to do it with as little hesitation as she once had, with as little guilt and regret.
Tyler pulls at the collar of his orange jumpsuit that is tucked under a tattered trench coat lent by the prison. More specifically, he pulls at the black shock collar strapped to his neck - the new substitute to the constant gene-repressant drugs since he has been on 'good behaviour' according to the prison warden and therapist.
'Might as well be summer with this thing on,' he says, his tone betraying a bitterness (y/n) had come to associate with the boy. 'Darn thing gives a whole new meaning to being hot under the collar.'
'Oh, don't lie,' she scolds. 'You're practically a Smurf you're that blue.'
'It's called the Prison Look, where orange and blue are the new black.'
Despite the dark meaning, an amused smirk twitches at her lips at the joke. But his shivering form prompts her to unravel the white scarf that warms her neck without a second thought.
'Here,' she says gently, raising herself onto her tippy toes to reach behind Tyler once, twice, then tug and tuck the reminder of the scarf into the top of his jumpsuit. For good measure, she tugs the tattered jacket as much as possible over the jumpsuit, as if to trap as much warmth as she could inside.
'There,' she breathes out, looking up at him once more. 'Now you won't freeze to death before they declare you fit to return to society.'
His eyes glow under the winter sun much like a fireplace. She senes his awe, his wonder as he scans her with those eyes. But she also senses uncertainty, doubt.
'I wouldn't waste your breath,' he mutters. 'I've spent six years here now, and not once have they indicated at potentially releasing me.'
'Because up until now you haven't given them a reason to consider it.'
'Well maybe that's because I never had a reason to consider it.'
The way he looks at her now, she swears he can hear her erratic heartbeat with his heightened hearing thanks to his Hyde heritage. His sadness and pain threatens to consume her, and she is oh so tempted to take it all away like he had begged for almost every time she visited.
Another emotion stops her, though. Between the sadness and pain, she senses a glimmer of light. And as she looks in his eyes now, she sees it.
(Y/n) forces herself to breathe, to steady herself before she speaks again, not knowing where this conversation is heading. 'So you have a reason now?'
He doesn't reply straight away. Instead, his gaze flickers down to her lips then back up. It was only a second, but the movement has her breath hitching as he some steps closer to her.
Chest to chest. Heart to heart.
'Maybe,' he whispers, his words taking shape in the form of warm mist that grazes her lips. Like the first time she got this close to him, back in the interrogation room with only a gun between them, she finds herself wanting to lean in more to him, desperate to feel warmth, but more importantly his warmth.
'You really think I can ever go back?' he asks, and the desperate plea in his voice is so genuine and hopeful it threatens to break her heart.
Based on his past actions alone, absolutely not. Nothing would ever be the same as it was back then. But many nights (y/n) had dreamed of Tyler, of him being released and starting over somewhere else.
Some nights she dreamed he would take her with him.
Wednesday scolded her any time she brought up Tyler in casual conversation, saying, 'You'll surely regret ever involving yourself with him.'
She knows he is trouble, that he still doesn't regret what he did no matter how sick it was. But that same sick, twisted part inside her couldn't find it in herself to care.
'Maybe,' she finds herself repeating, because she doesn't want to see his hope die in his all-consuming eyes. 'You're a good person, Tyler. It would be a shame to see you waste away because of someone else's choices.'
'A waste for who exactly ? Society? Or you?'
Before she can answer, an alarm pings inside her coat pocket. She waits a breath, thinking it is just her imagination. But when it goes off again, she forces herself to step away from Tyler - to let go of Tyler - and retrieve her phone from her pocket.
It is the timer she sets for an hour every time she comes. Time truly does fly when you're... occupied, I guess.
'Time's up?' Tyler asks, though he knows what the alarm means by now.
She nods, turning around to call to the guard. 'Ready when you are.'
He nods in reply, silently walking up to them to lead them back to the prison. Before he reaches them though, Tyler flashes (y/n) a sad smile.
'Guess I'll see you next week?' he asks, his voice a mixture of light amusement and hope.
The moment between them has passed, and who knows if she'll ever get it back. But (y/n) finds herself smiling in reply. 'Aw, you going to miss me or something?'
'You know I will. You're the only monster like me I know.'
(Y/n) cannot drive to the prison fast enough.
A week has passed since their walk in the snow and she can no longer deny her excitement she feels with every impending visit. But this morning she received a call from a certain Sheriff Galpin that melted her mind into irrationality.
She doesn't bother correcting her park as she pulls up to the entrance of the door, nor does she bother locking the car, for she is already racing into the foyer.
'Where is he?' she declares as she enters.
A guard immediately stops her as she attempts to pass through the declaration zone. 'Ma'am, you need to go through standard procedures before you are allowed through.'
'You have no right to do this to him. No right!'
'What is going on?' It is the warden. He's a tough and burly-looking fellow, his stature emphasised more so by the petite figure of the prison therapist that follows behind him, her heels clacking against the tiled floor.
(Y/n) turns to him, fury coursing through her like wildfire. 'That's a question I should be asking you. What is going on with Tyler?'
He releases an exhausted sigh, but she senses no regret or guilt from him as he says, 'So you heard. Sheriff Galpin, no doubt.'
She nods, and it takes all her self control to not punch his pudgy face in. 'He's so close, sir. I respectfully ask that you rethink this course of action.'
'I'm sorry Miss Addams, but it's not my call. The higher ups still consider him a danger that needs to be stopped.'
'He hasn't turned, let alone hurt anyone, in six years! He hasn't done anything to warrant your distrust.'
'And in those six years he also hasn't done anything to warrant our trust, either.' It is the therapist this time, her clipped words clinical and heartless. 'I'm sorry, but his lack in progress is unsettling, and I'm afraid he cannot be saved.'
(Y/n) cannot believe what she is hearing. Each word they speak breaks her heart a little bit more than she liked to admit. 'So you would subject a 22-year-old boy to be executed like some medieval criminal?'
When Sheriff Galpin called her saying Tyler was to be hanged today, she never could've expected the panic and terror that floods her entire being now, that turned her veins icy and halted her heart for only a moment.
She knew from the start that this would always be Tyler's end. Even as they drew closer and she hoped beyond hope that it wouldn't happen. But she should've known better, even as her judgement had been clouded by emotions.
She should've known that monsters don't get happy endings.
(Y/n) turns her blazing gaze upon the therapist. 'And you're one to talk. Isn't it your job to help people like him? To fight for every life?'
The therapist smiles sadly at her, her calm demeanour angering (y/n) more. 'You don't need to feel guilty for him, (y/n). We both did our best. Some people just don't want to be saved.'
'Miss Addams,' the warden stepped back in, 'it is not our decision to make. I am simply following orders.'
Furious tears threaten to sizzle down her cheeks as she looks between the two. Logically, morally, what they are talking about doing is right. The clinical, factual side of her is partial to those demise.
And who doesn't love a good hanging?
The hollowness behind the clinical facade, however, is so strong that she feels as if she is being torn in two. But she is surrounded, she is the minority in this majorly wrong operation.
She sucks in a deep breath, blinking rapidly to force the tears away. 'Of course. But... can you show me to him? Perhaps the thought of death row will make him see some sense. I'm sure his dad would appreciate that closure.'
The warden contemplates her for a moment. She doesn't look away from his scrutinising gaze. She doesn't even blink. My sister and I are more alike than I thought.
A moment later, the warden sighs in defeat. 'Of course, Miss Addams. If you'd care to follow me...'
The walk to the yard is blurry, (y/n)'s mind numb with defeat. When they finally reach the open area, the sight of the huge hanging platform doesn't bring her the joy she thought her first official hanging would bring.
The ones she and Wednesday subjected their dolls to as children don't count.
Instead, she resists calling his name when she sees Tyler being lead towards the stairs that will lead him to the platform. Which will lead him to his imminent death.
'Hey!' The warden holds a hand that tells the guards to stop. When they do, he turns back to (y/n). 'You have two minutes.'
She nods her thanks before jogging over to Tyler, the guards escorting him taking a few steps away to give them some privacy.
'Hey,' she says.
'Hey,' he replies, lips twitching with the itch of a smile though his eyes don't reflect such casualness. They are almost as dead as the day she first visited him a year ago. No fireplace warmth to take away the sting of Winter's cool breath blowing through the yard, through her clothes.
She doesn't know where to begin. For a year, she has stood by this boy. For a year, he has shown that he is still the kind and loving boy she first met all those years ago. For a year, she has spent her time and attention and - dare she say it - heart to heal this boy, only to realise somewhere along the way he was helping her heal too.
And now he will be slaughtered like some farm animal.
For a girl who prides herself on her eloquent and succinct way of speaking - how her tongue was more like a rapier, and wielded words with deathly precision - she now finds herself in the most discombobulating situation where she cannot speak her mind.
'I just heard this morning,' she says, the words coming out strained like she just ran a marathon. 'I came as quickly as I could. I... I...'
'It's okay,' he offers, noting her struggle for the right words. 'Honestly, I didn't expect you would come.'
Her brows scrunch with confusion. 'Why wouldn't I come? It's the day I always come.'
He shrugs, causing the chains on his wrists to rattle ever so slightly. 'Don't know. I guess... If my own dad wasn't going to come to my hanging, then why would you?'
It is the genuine tone of his inquiry that makes the statement all the more heart breaking. He is almost nonchalant about it all, his face a rigid portrait of nothing. Void of emotion, his exterior is the perfect deflection of the deeply hurtful emotions that lurk in the shadowed parts of his heart.
(Y/n) tries to remain relaxed in the face, cool and collected in her stature. But when she speaks, her words are tighter than she intends. 'But I am here,' she finds herself saying, stepping closer to him and placing her hands on his. As if her presence alone isn't enough to convince him of the reality that she truly is there, standing by him.
His hands are ice under hers. Perhaps that is why he takes in a sharp breath before huffing out a quiet chuckle. It isn't joyous, nor sad. It is a melancholic sound that echoes in her heart in a way she doesn't appreciate.
'You are certainly one of a kind, (y/n) Addams,' he says, and it relieves her to see some life return to his chestnut eyes. 'And seeing as I'm now on death row, I see it only fitting that I tell you my one regret in this miserable, horrible, bleak life.
She cannot help but roll her eyes. 'Oh don't be so dramatic. Don't tell me now, of all times, you have grown a conscience.'
'Come on, I'm trying to be serious for once, Addams. Can't you let me have this one?'
She wants to playfully argue more, wanting to draw out these two minutes as much as possible, but can't find the words to do just that. So instead, she breathes out a shaky laugh and concedes her loss with a nod.
'Fine. What is it?'
The chains rattle again as he reaches into one of the pockets in his jumpsuit, his hands rifling around for a second before pulling back out. As one hand clenches tightly around something when he is finished, he uses the other one to pull her own hands out in front of her. A conglomeration of emotions shoot through her every fibre as his fingers brush her palms, gently open and letting the small object float softly into her awaiting hands.
It's a small square piece of paper, with white on one side and on the other side-
No. Not a piece of paper.
(Y/n) recognises the object now. It's a photograph. Of the two of them. Well, sort of.
The image itself is blurry, like the photo had been taken while in motion. Usually an image like this would make her cringe, having spent countless hours researching and practicing and taking notes on taking the perfect shot. This photo disregards all the rules and formats of proper photography.
Despite the poor quality of it, the smiles both her and Tyler wear are clear as day. She remembers the day it was taken. It was about six months ago back at the beginning of summer when she had brought in her camera because why not, and Tyler had managed to steal it from her bag without her looking.
The picture captures the moment she had realised and had tried to tackle the camera from his grasp but he would not relent. Somewhere in the chaos of it all the picture had been taken. After taking her camera home and looking through her photos, seeing that one in particular brought an unfamiliar yet familiar feeling into her heart. She didn't know what it was, but she knew she wanted Tyler to have the photo. So the next visit came, and she gave Tyler the photo.
She hates how her throat constricts at the sight of the photo once more, how she feels herself slightly shaking at the thought that he kept it all these months, right there with him.
'That I couldn't give you more moments like this,' he mutters so deathly quiet (y/n) thinks for a moment she imagined it. 'After all, there are not many monsters like us in this world. Perhaps if I hadn't been so pre-occupied with Wednesday, with all that drama back then... perhaps things would've been different for us.'
It confuses her when a water droplet plonks onto the picture in her hands. Until she raises a hand to her face and feels a wet trail from her eye run down her cheek and chin and realises that it is a tear.
She is crying.
The last time she cried was six years ago when Wednesday battled Crackstone at Nevermore and somehow came out of it alive.
(Y/n) finally looks up at Tyler to find a similar mixture of shock and confusion on his own face, probably also not expecting her sudden reaction.
She's aware they have no time left, so she swallows the threat of more tears and nods in agreement. 'Yes. Yes, I believe they would've.'
Footsteps draw closer to them, and suddenly Tyler is being taken up the stairs of the platform to be fitted with the noose. (Y/n) looks up but isn't really watching, her mind racing with thoughts, her heart thumping too loudly and with too many emotions. What she wouldn't give to feel someone else's emotions right now.
It is true what they say: the quiet ones usually are the ones that feel the most.
She watches as the noose is fitted around Tyler's neck, how the executioner hides behind a black cloth so he remains an unnameable murderer who kills in the name of justice.
Justice. She used to believe in justice. It is why she agreed to help Tyler in the first place. It is why she didn't argue about Tyler's treatment at the prison for so long. But where had it gotten him? No trial, and an unfair execution of life.
'I truly am sorry, Miss Addams.' (Y/n) hadn't noticed the warden come up beside her, the therapist in tow. 'But people like him... well, people like him just can't be saved.' They look up at the platform too, but now she looks at them, irritation morphing her features.
'He didn't even get a fair trial,' she mutters, because that is all she can manage without screaming. 'Sounds like you didn't want to save him rather than the other way around.'
The warden huffs but doesn't spare her another look. 'Look, if you think a psychotic monster with no regrets about killing can be saved, then you're just as crazy as he is.'
His words aren't meant to mean much; a simple, blanket statement at best. But there rings a bell of truth in them that flips a switch inside (y/n). Like when one turns off the lights of their house to go to sleep, all thought and feeling disappeared, leaving a void of darkness of hollowness.
With the light gone, there's nothing stopping the monster inside from coming out to play.
She turns her head with a cool grace to look upon the platform. The executioner is ready to pull the lever, Tyler is set to fall. On the warden's call, it will all go to hell.
(Y/n)'s hand slips into her coat pocket, fingers folding around the desired item like it was made for her hands alone. 'You know what, warden?' she says, voice as steady as her grip.
'I think you might be right.'
A gunshot rings through the yard before he can say the word, and another follows close behind. The warden and executioner both hit the ground simultaneously, identical shots in their heads.
The therapist screams but is cut off as (y/n) fires another bullet and finds its target too. The surrounding guards of the yard run towards her, their stunned hands fumbling with the guns they never thought they would have to use that are stuck in their holsters. But she clocked them all the moment she stepped into the space, and she is pulling the trigger faster than they can call for help.
Fifteen seconds. That is all it takes before the yard is quiet once more.
The void suddenly closes up, and the lights inside her turn back on. A tightness constricts her chest like a python constricts its prey. Ever so slowly, her heart aches more and more at the horror around her, the horror she brought upon them all.
I turned it off. The realisation is both terrifying and exhilarating, fuelling her with a kick of adrenaline that spurs her towards the platform stairs and up them. She finds Tyler's face in front of hers before she can fully comprehend what she is doing.
'(Y/n),' Tyler says, his eyes wild and cloudy - a reflection of the confusion and shock she senses from him. 'What are you-'
'We don't have much time,' she says, bending down to the executioner to fish through his pockets. She eventually finds a set of keys and returns to Tyler to work on his wrist and ankle shackles. By a miracle, the key fit the key hole of the shock collar around his neck, too. It makes a heavy thudding noise as it hits the wooden platform. Once he is free, she throws the noose off his neck and pulls him off the trap door. 'Other guards will have heard the gunshots by now. We've got to move.'
'Wait.' Tyler's grip on her forearm is both strong but gentle, firm but comforting. His eyes search hers, however, much like a bloodhound, his gaze insistent and headstrong. 'Care to explain what happened just now?'
'Tyler, we don't have time for this.'
'Fine, let me rephrase: Tell me what in the hell just happened, Addams.'
She looks frantically around. No guards yet, but she knows they will be there soon. But when she looks back at Tyler, she cannot find it in her to deny his eyes.
'I turned it off,' she says so quietly it is almost a whisper. 'I turned my humanity off... and on again.'
Tyler looks her up and down, his face relaxing with shock and surprise and something else she can't quite put her finger on. 'I thought you said you couldn't do that.'
'I couldn't... until now.'
'How, then? Why?'
'Seriously, Tyler? Can't we talk when I get you out of the prison?'
'Wait, slow down. You're breaking me out?'
She rolls her eyes. Her patience is wearing thin. And so is their time. 'Damn, I would've thought me killing a bunch of people then breaking you out of chains would've been a big enough sign, but I guess not.'
'But why, Addams? Why didn't you let me d-'
'Because I love you, damnit!'
The silence that stretches between them is weighted with the echo of her words, bouncing off the walls and tiles of the yard and coming straight back to them. Only their heavy breaths from their heaving chests breaks up its monotony.
Tyler swallows thickly, his voice tight with an invisible restraint. 'You what?'
She clenches her jaw with a force so strong she might've broken her teeth had she not opened her mouth to reply. 'I know I shouldn't... but I couldn't let you die, Tyler. Not when I know you're good deep, deep inside. Not when you've worked so hard for a second chance. Not when I still needed to say that I love you.'
Her gaze falls from Tyler's prying eyes over the edge of the platform. Pools of blood bloom around each corpse's head, and from the angle and height she stands from, the whole thing looks like a painting.
It is a sick and twisted outlook, but one that she cannot help but relish in knowing this is all wrong wrong wrong. She knows her humanity is back on because she can feel. Tyler's shock, the confusion and panic of close by prisoners. She even senses the emptiness where emotions should've been in the corpses, their hearts still and their souls long gone.
But among all the emotions she feels, cannot find it in herself to feel sorry for any of it.
'I never thought I'd fall for anyone,' she continues, turning back to Tyler. 'Let alone you of all people.'
Something shifts in Tyler's demeanour as they lock eyes. His gaze darkens as he steps closer, and she senses another emotion festering inside him. This time, however, she knows what it is. It is the same emotion she's been feeling for a while now unknowingly. But she recognises it all the same.
Want. All-consuming and disorienting and intoxicating want.
'And who am I? To you?' His breath fans her face he is so close, his voice sultry and promising danger. But despite the lights, the monster is inside the house now. And it lives for danger.
'A monster like me,' she breathes out before Tyler grabs the back of her head and slants their lips over one another.
A primal hunger courses through her every nerve as she grabs at him, her hands not seeming to pull him close enough despite how their bodies fit together like puzzle pieces. The taste of mint and fresh air taints her lips as she tries to devour him, her hunger for him insatiable. She senses the feeling is mutual as he kisses her with just as much fervour and want.
His hands in her hair and down her back, his lips on hers, the groans and growls that escape him when she bites his lips. It is simply delectable.
But underneath the hunger and desire, there is a genuine passion that burns so intensely it pulls a squeak from (y/n). What they feel is true and raw and overwhelming right despite the wrong circumstances. A sense of relief and joy overwhelms her at the thought.
The door to her home has finally been opened to guests and she is just so happy to have a friend.
A monster like her no less.
When they pull apart, all she wants is to pull him back in for more. It doesn't help that his eyes burn with life again despite the lustful darkness that surrounds them. 'You are... full of surprises, (y/n).'
She can't help the small smile that twitches at her lips at the tone of surprise. 'As usual, you underestimate me, Tyler.'
'Something I will never do again.' He pulls her back in for another mind-numbing kiss, but this one is backed by relief and a gratitude that threatens to break (y/n)'s heart. When he pulls away, he keeps their foreheads touching, his panting breath hot against her cold skin. 'I never thought I'd find someone like me, someone with a monster inside them.'
'I guess fate works in mysterious ways.' Distant, muffled shouting echoes down the hallways that lead into the yard. (Y/n) pulls away from Tyler, her mind racing with plans on how to escape this place. Well, there is no going back now. 'Come on, lets get out of here.'
Soon enough the news will get out: Prison staff killed in monster breakout. She knows Wednesday will never forgive her. Her family will never forgive her. But she has never felt quite right playing the role of the good guy.
Perhaps she was always meant to play the villain. And with Tyler by her side, she finally feels at home.
The monster inside has been unleashed, and she has no plans on locking it up ever again.
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tempobaekh · 2 years
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Some behind the scenes photos from Wednesday🫶🏻
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l3xi3luv · 2 years
pov. new remus lupin fancast?... maybe? no? just me?
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7K notes · View notes
mntalbrakdown · 1 year
pocket size - P. Hynes White
mentions of: height? idk let me know if you find any!
synopsis: percy liked that you are shorter than him
a/n: i’m no longer writing for him so plz no hate!!!!
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12 inches. a whole foot shorter. you were 5”2 and Percy was 6”2. he liked how he could tower you. he liked the way you would have to look up at him. he especially appreciated when it was sunny outside because you would have to look up and the sun would catch your eyes making you scrunch your face. he also enjoyed how your hands would be wayyyy smaller than his. but out of all these things, his favorite thing about how short you were was putting his head on top of yours and wrapping his hands around your waist.
You and Percy have been dating for a year. you bumped into him in a pharmacy, trying to develop your film. Percy was waiting next to you holding his camera and you with yours.
“you take pictures” he tries to start a conversation with a girl he found attractive
“yeah, just started with this, I have an actual camera,” you say smiling weakly
“I think you should keep using a disposable camera so we could bump into one another more often,” he says trying to secure a date with you
“or you could just ask for my number” a date you wanted
“would Instagram be included in that bundle” he tried to stalk you, he tried to find out who you were as a person
“or maybe on the other hand I actually don’t have a number” you try to joke
“no don’t be like that” he’s a little flustered now
a few days later after that interaction, you were on a date. after that date led to more dates than asking for you to be his officially. it was nice to have someone to call yours and be excited to hang out with whenever possible.
“ready to head out,” Percy says wrapping his hands around your waist as you’re putting on the final touches of your makeup and hair
“yeah, one second,” you say putting on some perfume that Percy got you during his time in Romania. it was vanilla-scented. your favorite
you were ready to go out on your date. the date was a dinner and you wanted to bet Percy that he was going to move your seat next to his to be able to sit next to you.
right, when you were seated across from each other Percy gets up and moves his chair in the middle asking you to do the same and you did. the thing is that you thought that the distance between the two of you was perfect, but in Percy's eyes he thought differently, he scooted your chair so his practically touched. the whole night after was him with his arm around your shoulder or his hand lying on your thigh.
during car rides, Percy likes to put his hand on your lap. squeezing it and making his fingers dance around. when it was summer he liked how you would dangle your head out the window. how your hair would dance in the wind.
he also liked how in the winter you would bundle up and wear his hoodies because they were so warm but you secretly liked the smell of them. he liked that you would wear the hood and sit on the car seat with yours legs held to your chest because you were so cold.
he never cared about the arts really until he met you. he liked being able to take pictures of you in his bed in a small form but never liked actually making the art. he never learned from the lessons that Netflix made him do.
he liked how you would look when putting your head on his bicep. while you would observe the art. he would have you wrapped around his arms. his head on top of yours. you would talk about all the details of the painting and he would listen nodding and humming in amusement.
one thing the two of you had in common was liking films. every Tuesday heading to the closest AMC theatre. you would watch films and analyze them together afterward.
the theatre had reclining seats and you could move the middle cup holder up so the both of you could cuddle together. and that’s what you did.
every film no matters if it was scary or not you would lie on his chest while he wrapped his arms around you. (the same way you both slept) you liked the way his heart would beat speed up when he would look down on you. you could tell because his head would move around. and you could tell his shit-eating grin was on his face once again.
of course, afterward, you would talk about the film going back to your shared place. he would laugh at your theories of the film. he would play your theories in his head on the way to sleep and they would always make sense.
he also liked baking with you. he liked how you would move around a lot and get the batter on your face somehow. he liked that you had your hair back in a messy style and would have an apron on. sleeves rolled up ready to take on whatever you were doing
“perc! I need your help” you yelled and saw him resting his body on the wall that splits your living room from the kitchen
“what do you need my highness” he bows down
“I need you to get me the pink bowl on the top right cabinet” you point to the thing causing your pissed-off state.
you never understood why he never got you a stool. maybe he liked being of help and being able to be in your bubble while you bake. because he never once got in the way of your work.
he never once let you put the pan into the oven because he was scared you would burn yourself. which never happened when you were on your own.
“why can’t I do it,” you ask feeling like all the work he has done
“don’t want you to get burnt,” he says opening the oven and putting in the pan
“there are mittens for a reason, y’know they aren’t decorations”
“but you look so pretty all healthy and smooth,” he says getting the brown batter from your nose and licking his finger clean
he liked cleaning up with you. playing with bubbles and splashing you with water. he grew in love with your face, he grew to be able to read your facial expressions. enough being said he could read how pissed you were but he knew to not mess around anymore.
waiting for the pastry was enjoyable. he liked waiting on the couch with you. you were in between his legs and your head rested on his chest. you would scroll on your phone and Percy would watch. when the pastry was ready you both would always burn yourselves it was like you never learned. and you would both laugh at each other. but it was enjoyable and you both would finish it in a day.
the get-together was at his place. it was strictly just the cast. they slowly started to pile in through the door. he was excited to be reunited with them. he found the friends that he loved. and you were happy for him. as he greeted everyone he was ready to sit down on the couch and you were close behind. he was holding your hand guiding you to your seat.
another thing Percy was extremely mad about was you sitting on his lap. no matter if there was plenty of space everywhere else. he loved sitting with you. he especially did this when you were laying on the couch watching some TikToks and he would make you get up and lay on top of him. it would make you go crazy and not in a good way. but it made him happy so you let it slide.
“so how long have you two dated” hunter asked
“About two years,” Percy says playing with your hair. twisting it and fiddling with it between his two fingers
Emma was trying to get your attention. she thought you were interesting. she liked the way you probably have a lot to say but just keep to yourself. she knew deep down you were funny because well you were dating Percy.
“what’s something that Percy has done here that no one else knows about,” Emma asks looking directly at you. you start laughing at the thought
“no-“ Percy says trying to hold you from saying it
“he…he sings t swift when he’s bored” Percy tried to cover your mouth before you finished the sentence, but it was too late because what you said was out and everyone was laughing
“so- uh- so who wants to play uno” Percy says trying to move the conversation
wanting to get the Uno cards that were under the coffee table. in a red tin box that once contained chocolates, Percy got you for valentines day. once you got it you were walking to his kitchen. all the seats were taken and Percy put you on his lap. he shuffled the cards and something about that no matter who did it, was attractive. Percy however liked the way your hands made the Uno cards look humongous while he made them look tiny.
“Are you both teaming?” Jenna asked
“should we” Percy whispers in your ear sending butterflies straight to your stomach
“Sure,” you say kissing his cheek and everyone started teaming up.
halfway through the game, Percy has half the deck with him.
“I should've never teamed with you” you laugh at just seeing the cards
“I’ll make us win don’t worry” he had his eyes wide like he was determined. and that he was because he always kept his promises to you.
and by the end of the night you both did. he liked the way your eyes would sparkle with joy that only lit up with winning. how you would wrap your hands around him and laugh.
one thing Percy hated was high heels. it was like they were enemies. you never understood it. it wasn’t like you would get whiny about the heels hurting you. in fact it was the opposite. you would run dance jump all of it and all Percy’s face was saying is how much he hated those things giving you height.
he liked that you would have to tip-toe for him but those were easy access they took one of his favorite things about you. and if he could he would destroy them all.
he liked that at the end of the day, you would dress in his clothes to go to bed. it was practically a nightgown for you. he liked how you would clean your face and make sure you felt clean. he liked the way you would be ready to go to bed and not even act like you didn’t want to be by him. because you did you wanted him to wrap his arms around you because it is reassuring and comforting. and wake up in that same form in the morning.
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gyuuberryy · 2 years
jealousy jealousy
xavier thorpe x reader x tyler galpin
>summary: xavier has been blowing you off for the new girl at your school and you’re fed up  and jealous of it. somehow things lead to you making out with tyler, the barista at weathervane. oh boy, you really need to sort out your feelings.
>warnings: angst, jealousy, mean!xavier, crying, kissing, slight mentions of food
>word count: 1.4k+
>note: hiii, this is my first fic on this app, i hope you’ll like it. this will have a part 2 as well!
ever since wednesday addams had arrived at nevermore, something eventful always happened. appearances of a bloodthirsty monster, creepy rumours about wednesday, the  start of a rivalry between bianca and her. and worst of all, your best friend of six years, xavier thorpe, was obsessed with wednesday.
xavier was too busy following wednesday around like a puppy than to even acknowledge you anymore. recently he had been cancelling your plans at the last moment with sorry excuses, ditching you in lunch, ignoring you for days at a time; to sum it up he was blowing you off like you were nothing but a nuisance to him. 
and it hurt, it hurt so much especially since you had recently developed feelings for him and were planning to ask him out to this year’s RaveN. but now it looked like you would never have chance with him. first bianca, now wednesday. ugh, why was your love life so unfortunate.
you were currently on your way to miss thornhill’s botanical science class and were hoping to be able to finally have a talk with xavier as you were his seatmate. thankfully that hadn’t changed as this was the only class you shared with him. but when you reached there, you were disappointed to see none other than wednesday addams sitting in your place, glaring at xavier as if she was forced to sit with him. a pang of hurt went through your chest as you saw the adoring look xavier gave her. so it had finally happened huh? this was the only thing left to do to completely push you out of his life.he had replaced you after all these years of your friendship. he threw it away like it was nothing. he made it clear he didn’t want you around, so you would do the same now.
you stormed past their table and sat at the back. you noticed xavier look back at you but you just ignored him. soon class started and throughout the class bianca and wednesday bickered, which was amusing. wednesday seemed interesting and you know she was not at fault for what xavier was doing to you, so you had no bad blood with her. although, you couldn’t wait to go to weathervane and get yourself a nice cup of coffee.
after class ended, you immediately gathered all your belongings and walked out when a hand latched around your wrist and pulled you to the side. you looked up to be met with a familiar pair of eyes. “xavier?”
he gave you a timid smile, “yeah.”
you freed your arm from his grip and gave him a stony look, “what do you want?” 
he looked confused at your reaction, “well you’re in a bad mood today, what happened?” you scoffed, “what happened is that i’ve felt this way the entire week. you’ve been constantly ditching and ignoring me all because of your weird obsession with wednesday!”
his face screwed up into an angry expression and his stance turned defensive. “oh so you’re jealous now huh.”
you couldn't believe him, “i’m more hurt than jealous that you would start ignoring your bestfriend for someone you’ve known for a month. i don't mind her, but it would be nice if you spent some time with me as well or invited me to one of your hangouts.” you threw your hands in the air, “you’re acting as if i don’t even exist anymore.”
xavier just scoffed meanly at your words, “you’re not my only friend y/n. don’t be so clingy and get a life.”
tears stung your eyes but you stopped yourself from crying in front of him,you weren’t going to show him that his words affected you. “oh yeah? so all this time you’ve only seen me as a clingy, pitiful person.” you glared at him, “and for your comment, i have a life. now you just won’t be a part of it anymore.” he looked distraught at your words.
“and to think i ever even liked you”, you muttered and walked away. 
the walk to weathervane was as gloomy as that day’s weather. hopefully it didn’t rain till you got back to your dorm.
the bells of the cafe jingled as you entered and the smell of coffee invaded your senses sighing, you trudged towards the counter and rang the bell kept on it. immediately a head full of brown curls peeked out of the storeroom. “oh hey y/n!” 
it was tyler, the sweet and cute barista who worked as a part timer at the cafe. yet, somehow he was always present whenever you came. you gave him a weak smile, “hey tyler, can i get an americano with three shots of espresso.”
his eyes widened, “whoa are you okay? that’s a heavy order, you usually get lattes.” you grimaced, “yeah i’m not exactly feeling too happy today. might as well get something strong.”
he gave you a sweet smile, “then i know exactly what will cheer you up. lemme surprise you with something nice, yeah?” you smiled softly at his concern for you and nodded. 
sliding into your favourite booth, you put your head on the table and tried not to recall today’s events, but no matter what you did, they came crashing back at you. how could xavier say all those things to you? all the times that you had been there for him, in his highs and lows, meant nothing to him. he just found you clingy and anno-
“y/n why are you crying?”, tyler’s worried voice broke you out of your thoughts. you looked up and he gasped at the sight of you. tear streaks went down your face and your eyes were red and swollen. you looked miserable. he sat down next to you and pulled you into a hug. you leaned on his chest and closed your eyes, breathing in his sweet scent. 
“what happened?”, his voice came out muffled in your hair. you sighed deeply, “i had a big fight with xavier and he said some really mean words.” tyler rubbed your back soothingly at that. “it’s alright, that happens in every friendship.” you moved away from his hug, still in his arms and looked at him, “but he’s been blowing me off and doesn’t even talk to me anymore.” you ranted, “and i even had feeli-” you stopped when you noticed how close you were to his face. your eyes wandered shamelessly over his face, admiring the moles on the right side of his face, his brown eyes that looked like freshly brewed coffee. and his pink lips. you wondered what it would be like to kiss him. no stop! what the hell were you thinking about?
right at that moment the bells at the entrance door jingled, signalling that someone had entered, you both looked to see who it was. surprisingly, it was xavier and he seemed to be looking for something, or rather someone. his eyes brightened when they locked with yours. and as his hand raised to give you a wave, you gripped tyler’s collar and crashed your lips on his. his eyes widened at your gesture initially, but then slowly closed and he tightened his grip around your waist to pull you closer. his lips moved against yours with the same urgency you put in.
the kiss was messy and fast and your head was clouded with fury and all you wanted to do was show xavier that you didn’t need him, to make him jealous. you opened your eyes to make eye contact with him and relished at how his face was scrunched up in anger. he turned around and walked out, slamming the door. you pulled away from tyler, both of your lips swollen and wet. you grinned cheekily as a rosy blush dusted tyler’s cheeks.
“so, what does this mean for us?”
your smile dropped at his words. shit, you hadn’t thought about it. your motive was making xavier jealous, but you hadn’t considered tyler’s feelings. sure, he was really attractive and sweet. recently he had been there for you more than xavier had. and that kiss did make your stomach swarm with butterflies, maybe that was just the adrenaline. but what about xavier, it’s not like you can suddenly push away your feelings for him.
you needed time to think things through and you were sure tyler wouldn’t mind.
you looked at him to see him staring at you expectantly. “i need some time to think things through, i’m not really in a good state of mind right now.” you smiled at him guiltily.
he nodded, “of course, take your time.” you smiled at him.
“meet me at the crackstone crypt tomorrow evening.”
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biggestsimponhere · 2 years
“Tyler’s the monster, you shouldn’t like him”
Boo freaking hoo
Tyler <3
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mindtrcks · 2 years
oh, dilute me
Pairing: Tyler Galpin/Reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: AFAB reader, manipulation, light d/s
Summary: Tyler can’t have Wednesday, but he might still be able to have you
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So Wednesday knows. So Wednesday was bound to figure it out, because she’s nothing if not stubborn, and Tyler stood no chance against the Addams’ family values that have been instilled in her. The values that tell her not to trust, and not to forget, and certainly not to give up. So Tyler can’t have Wednesday.
But he might still be able to have you.  
He keeps the act up in the police station; it’s clear Wednesday’s not buying it, but you keep avoiding his gaze and biting the inside of your cheek and he thinks he still has you on the line. You’re not tense and sharp like Wednesday, not glaring at him from across the room. You’re still making yourself small, still staring mostly at the ground, remaining silent while Wednesday takes the blame for everything. While Wednesday gets expelled. While Wednesday gets out of the picture.
She’s seething when Tyler’s dad finally steps away, you standing by her side looking like you don’t know what to do. Wednesday has lost . Tyler’s sure that was never in the cards when you followed her to that shed. And now you’re out of your depth. Torn between your friend who's supposed to know everything and the guy who’s supposed to be a murderer, and Tyler knows you like him far more than you could ever like Wednesday. He stands up from the bench he’d been occupying and walks toward you, keeping his shoulders hunched and his eyes skirting. He’s gotten good at playing the victim, at garnering sympathy. Your eyes zero in on him immediately, he can hear your sharp intake of breath.
He says your name once he’s close enough, whispered and reverent and betrayed. Your lips press together like you’re holding back tears , and isn’t that something? Doesn’t that mean that he’s won you, too?
Your eyes flick to Wednesday, worry clear on your face, but Wednesday doesn’t look at you. She doesn’t soothe your doubts or reassure you that you did the right thing. And that’s her first mistake, because that’s what you need. You need somebody to look you in the eye and say it’s alright , to hold your hands and tell you that you’re good . Tyler’s known that about you since the first time you walked into the Weathervane, with a small voice and fleeting gaze. Tyler’s known that about you since before he knew your name.
“This isn’t over,” Wednesday says, staring up at him with those same dead eyes as always. The sad part is that she believes it, believes there’s some way she can win, still. But Tyler’s got the police, and Tyler’s got the school, and now Tyler’s on his way to having you, and Wednesday isn’t even putting up a fight. It’s pathetic.
She walks past him, shoulder checks him as she does, and he winces for effect. He’s still battered and bruised from Wednesday’s torture, but the pain is nothing to what he’s felt before. You don’t need to know that, though. You’re still standing in front of him, watching Wednesday walk away, and Tyler side-steps until he’s the only thing in your view, waiting patiently until you finally look in his eyes.
It really does look like you’re about to cry. He’d do anything to see the tears fall. “I’m sorry,” you say, your voice shaky and soft. “I should’ve trusted you, I don’t know why—”
“It’s okay,” he whispers, grabbing your hands. Instantly, they stop shaking, and a pretty pink blush spreads across your face. You’re so much easier than Wednesday; Tyler could have made this all go so much smoother if he’d never let Wednesday get under his skin. If he’d looked past the glamor of the shiny new toy to see you behind her, ready to be pushed, ripe for the taking. He sees you now, though, a delicate flower trusting him to hold it, trusting him not to crush it in his palms. “I know how convincing she can be.”
You look down, embarrassed, maybe, or just still not able to hold eye contact with him. “I should’ve stopped her anyway,” you mutter, pulling your hands out of his and towards your own chest.
Your guilt is thick in the air and Tyler knows he’ll be able to milk that for ages; instead of reassuring you again, he just ducks his head down, revels in the way you instinctively step forward. “It’s over now,” he says, letting his eyes skirt up to your face. “Do you want a ride back to Nevermore?”
You trust him enough to get in a car with him; Tyler wonders what else he can get you to do.
He’s fighting Enid in the woods when he realizes he has to make a choice.
There’s no way he wins this; even if he snapped Enid’s neck and left her for dead, he wouldn’t walk out of these woods a winner. Because after Enid, he’d have to go through Wednesday, have to go through the principal, have to go through anybody else who's been convinced of his guilt, and by the time he was done with that, he’d already be in a prison cell. So if he wants to win, if he wants to leave this mess behind him and walk away a free man, an innocent man, he has to make a choice.
Enid gets a paw at him, and he lets himself be pushed into a tree, lets his head hit the cold bark, lets himself slide down until he’s shivering and naked on the leaves, and Enid’s staring at him with wide eyes.
“Tyler,” she says, cautiously, both of them human again now. She ducks down to pick up a stick, holds it out like it’s a sword. “Stay right where you are. I’m not afraid to use this thing.”
He blinks up at her, intending to look confused and out of it. “Enid?” he asks. “What the hell is going on?”
She narrows her eyes, but lowers the stick anyway, and Tyler knows that he’s going to get away with this.
He stumbles out of the woods wrapped in a bright pink coat, eyes scanning the crowd of disgruntled students as he looks for something he can latch onto.
Of course you’re the first person he sees.
He hasn’t had time to think about how he’s going to play this yet, but when he spots you standing there, staring at him with wide eyes and fingers twitching at your sides, he gets an idea. He pulls the coat further around himself, makes sure he’s shaking enough for it to be visible as he approaches you. He watches as you take him in, cataloging the scrapes and bruises, the dirt on his skin. He says your name, and your eyes flick to his face. “I—” he starts, ready to rattle off something untrue and pitiful, something that’ll make your gaze soften, that’ll make you reach out to touch him.
But you’re interrupting him before he can, stepping forward and jutting up your chin. “It’s over now,” you say, echoing his words in the police station, and he freezes. Tries to scan through his memory to find what he got wrong, because he had you, he knows he had you, why are you—
His careening train of thought is once more cut off when you take both of his hands in your own—you have a thing for stealing his moves, evidently. “I don’t want to know,” you say, looking grim. Looking like you really already do know. Tyler’s panicking a little; this is his last card to play, and if you don’t believe him, and Wednesday doesn’t believe him, then nobody will. He furrows his brows, doesn’t have to fake the confusion in his eyes. “Whatever lie you’re spinning,” you continue. “I don’t want to hear. Save it for the police.”
And that’s not what Tyler was expecting. But he can work with it. Right? Sure, maybe you know more than he thought. Maybe you don’t trust him the way you were pretending to. But you’re still here. You’re still holding his hands, fingers on his pulse point, and standing close enough that your hips are touching his. You’re not what he thought, but you’re not as bad as you could be; you’re not Wednesday, who's already glaring from across the crowd. You’re not on your way back to the station, ready to tell the whole world that Wednesday was right.
You’re here, with him.
His story is that it was all Thornhill. She manipulated him, tricked him into killing people and he didn’t know anything about any of it.  
You’re next to him in the police station as he gives the official statement to his dad. He’s wearing your clothes—pajamas you’d rummaged through your dorm room for while he stood in the doorway, not knowing what to say or how to act. He still doesn't. He doesn't know what you know or what you’re thinking or what your plan is. But he knows you’re here, and for now that’s the only thing he really cares about. He gives the statement, lets his dad hug him and apologize, rattle on about how it’s his fault.
And then he looks at you. He doesn't know where he's supposed to go next, what he's supposed to do next. But he does know that wherever you go, he'll follow.
Six months later, and he's enrolled at Nevermore.
The general student population leaves him be; in a school for outcasts, he's not the strangest one there. He can skirt by without being noticed by most. Fly under the radar, go unrecognized. People who don't remember what happened, who weren't there that night in the woods, assume he's a wolf; they don't question why there has to be a special set of chains for him in the nurse’s office. They don't question anything.
There are a few exceptions. They come mostly in the form of Wednesday’s friends. They look at him like they're sorry for him, sorry that he's there, sorry for what he is, or sorry that they locked him in a shed and tortured him not even a year ago. It makes Tyler’s skin crawl, their pity, their guilt. It's like he's the one who's supposed to absolve them, and he's got no interest in doing that. But he supposes it's better than them knowing . Anything would be better than them knowing.
The only people who know are you and Wednesday. The latter reacts about how he would expect; she glares at him in classes they share, calls him a monster in the hallways for everybody to hear. She avoids spending any time with him at all unless she has to, and she rarely has to. She hates him, that much is clear, but Tyler doesn't mind. It seems like she's given up on trying to convict him, which is all he really cared about. She's moved on to bigger things. In a place like this, with people like him, there's always a monster to hunt. For Wednesday, Tyler is last year’s obsession.
For you, the story is different.
Because you know. He knows you know; how could you not? You know what he did and you know all the things he lied about, and you know how he's still lying now. But you don't seem to mind. You act like nothing's changed. You spend your weekends in his dorm, your free periods sitting with your legs tangled up in his. You brush your fingers over his cheekbones, smirk and whisper things under your breath that only he can hear. If his life was once sink or swim, now the only thing he can do is drown in you. He's wearing your clothes more often than he wears own; he's with you more often than he’s not.
He knows he should be concerned. He's supposed to have the upper hand over you, supposed to make your cheeks flush and your words tumble out of your mouth. But he’s increasingly finding that the opposite is true. One look from you and he forgets everything he's ever taught himself about not getting attached, about the danger of distractions. If you say run, he says how far , if you say jump, he'll ask how high?
He doesn't do anything without thinking of you; he does everything hoping it’ll make you happy.
“Like this?” he asks, crooking his fingers as you’d instructed. You sigh and press your face into his shoulder, nodding against his skin. He's best at pleasing you like this, at taking you apart under his hands. He brushes your hair out of your face and presses deeper, harder, reveling in the way you gasp. He’s always done anything to get you stay; if only he knew back when he met you that this is what it takes.
You lift a hand to push at his, say, “ Okay ,” all out of breath, and he knows immediately to stop, eyes flicking up at you, waiting for direction. “Okay, Tyler. I want your mouth now.”
He makes a pitiful sound that he would've been embarrassed about a year ago, but doesn't think twice of now as he pushes himself further down the bed, lifts your legs up and over his shoulders. You’re already wet; he’s been fingering you for God knows how long, but he would’ve kept going until his fingers cramped up if you wanted him to. He’s glad you didn’t. He likes tasting you so much better, and he wastes no time getting to work now that he’s got permission.
You’ve said before he eats you out like he’s starved for it. Maybe he is. As he licks at you, your thighs trapping him in place and your hand pulling ever-so-slightly where it's buried in his hair, he feels as though his taste for blood has been replaced with a taste for you. Maybe that was your plan all along, get him addicted to this so he won’t do that again. If it was, it’s working. You’re the only person he’ll kill for now.
“Just like that,” he hears you breath out, your hips lifting up to grind into his face. He squeezes his eyes shut, moves his tongue faster. His own hips are searching for friction against the bedsheets, but it’s fruitless. You still haven’t touched him, and he knows he won't be able to come until you do. He can’t find it in himself to be frustrated, though, not when you’re letting him do this. Not when he can hear you gasping above him, when he can feel you wet against his lips.
He’s done this enough times that he can tell when you’re about to come. You grip at the sheets, your hand in his hair tightening enough to sting. He can feel your legs tense up, your thighs quiver. But what gives it away are the little punched-out moans that start tearing out of your mouth, loud enough they almost sound like sobs. Tyler hums against you, shifts the angle so work his tongue inside you and nose at your clit.
At that, you cry out, shaking underneath him, and he knows you’ve finished, but he doesn't stop, doesn’t pull away until you sink back into the bed and brush your knuckles over his cheekbone. When you pull him up to kiss him all slow and sweet, there are tear tracks on your cheeks.
He once thought he'd give anything to see you cry; turns out, all he had to give was himself. 
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Enid: "What? It's a werewolf thing!"
- I like to think this is the moment Tyler did rethink his life choices and realized there's a good chance that in the end this little ball of sunshine could and would absolutely fucking murder him.
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priniya · 2 years
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reader gets upset, when xavier pays no attention to her at the raven’s, but when things get complicated, and her best friend is in the center, she lets down her grudge.
notes: xavier thorpe x reader. reader is a witch. best friends to lovers. mentions of alcohol (wine), underage drinking, probably a few curse words, characters might be a little off tho. SPOILERS for wednesday finale! read on your own responsibility. NOT PROOFREAD
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in the depth of your heart, you’ve always known that you’d end up with xavier thorpe, or have a high school love story with him, so there was no surprise for anyone that knew you, that when he finally asked you out to be his date on the upcoming ball, you were on cloud nine. almost as if he knew that you’ve rejected at least four boys that invited you.
suddenly becoming involved and interested in anything that revolved around the dance, looking out for a dress with enid, and wednesday was much more fun than you anticipated, asking yoko to help you out with make-up, and hair. you were ecstatic — happier than you’ve ever been.
it was finally your turn, after so much time of sulking, you got a chance.
at least you thought so. xavier thorpe has been your friends ever since your parents put you together in one crib, during a spontaneous meet-up with his. you were always there for him, hardly ever putting yourself before him. it wasn’t a shock, when you developed a crush, you could say it was expected.
and then, when he put down another of your offer to have at least one dance, you realized what was going on. your best friend wasn’t as happy as you, whenever the topic of the ball was brought up, changing it as soon as possible, he wasn’t keen on dancing, his mind definitely somewhere else. his eyes tracing around wednesday addams.
your heart clutched in your chest as you shifted in your chair, ready to stand up. “maybe you’d stop sulking if you asked her, instead of sitting here.” you rolled your eyes, the happiness far gone on your face. “do it. i’ll be outside if you were looking for me.” he just nodded his head in reply.
sneaking out noiselessly, you managed to climb upstairs to your dorm to quickly find a bottle of wine, you’d hit under your bed earlier. as soon as your dress touched the wooden floor, your eyes filled with tears — how couldn’t you think about it? even for a second? it was so painfully obvious that he was using you to get her jealous.
the bottle emptied pretty rapidly, but it wasn’t the only bottle you had hidden somewhere in your room. sobs, accompanied by the tunes of a song playing from a random, heartbreak playlist, filled the quiet room as you poured another glass of the liquid. you were just a pawn in his game, a small chapter that didn’t matter, not as much as he mattered to you.
you didn’t even think about washing off your makeup, as it only reminded you about the humiliation you faced after putting it on. you didn’t even put the dress back into the wardrobe, nor clean the empty bottles of your favorite wine.
yet, even though you were hurting so much, all you could do is wonder if he looked for you after your sudden disappearance, did he care enough to be at least a little worried, although you wouldn’t like to know the answer, it didn’t matter anyway.
when your roommate finally came back, her white dress soaked in red paint, she didn’t even care that your sheets would get stained, she didn’t even ask about the reason of your current state, she just pulled you into a hug, and didn’t let go for the next hours as you poured out your heart.
“why do i keep doing this? why do i keep running back to him, whenever he gets upset? why does it hurt so much, when i should’ve known it would end up like that.” you cried, head resting on her laps as you sipped the sweet liquid from the bottle. “will it ever be me?” you asked.
on the next day of classes, you weren’t really yourself. you were rarely bothered by anything, always trying to bring a good mood wherever you went, now — you were the complete opposite. earphones plugged in your ears with music blasting so loud that you barely heard your own thoughts, sunglasses resting at the bridge of your nose to hide the puffiness, and redness of your eyes, not even a single word coming out of your mouth.
“earth to y/n.” bianca tapped your shoulders lightly, grabbing your attention. you two weren’t exactly best friends — she was an ex-girlfriend of a boy you were so obviously interested in, yet you managed to hold everything in for the period of their relationship. “what happened between you, and xavier last night?” she asked, a worried expression painted all over her face.
bianca respected you more than anyone that could possibly be a threat to her relationship with thorpe, when they were still together. which was weird for anyone around you, knowing how inseparable the two of you could be, yet you never wanted to be the one to ruin their best friend’s relationship. so when bianca questioned your motives, not believing any of your words until you asked her to use the siren speak on you to learn the truth. that you backed out the second he told you, that you kept your feelings and affection for yourself.
“nothing.” you shrugged. “i was just a pawn to get wednesday’s attention, something i should’ve expected.” you cracked a sad smile, fixing the sunglasses on your nose. the girl seemed to be… shocked, a frown appearing on her face.
“he was unable to stop talking about you, when we were together yet now when he has a chance, he pulls out shit like that?” a sigh escaped from between her lips, arm threw over your shoulder. “i’ll swing by our room tonight, i’ll make sure you’ll be busy with something else.”
you smiled at the girl, accepting the offer, before she got back to her friend group. a notification popped up on the screen of your phone, a humorless laugh leaving your lips immediately.
xav: need 2 talk, my shack in 5?
as a rational human-being you were (with additional psychic abilities), you left him on read, and never stepped into his art studio. well, at first you were convinced to do it, but your legs decided upon going there — so again, you were running back to him whenever he wanted.
“hey.” you spoke out softly. “you said you needed to talk?” you added, the dim lighting of the room making him almost invisible. his head shot to you immediately, determination painted all over his face.
“where were you after you left?” his words sharply cut through the thick tension built around you. you were about to part your lips, and reveal yourself, when he added. “were you in the woods? that’s why you had to run away so fast? because you are the–”
so this is what it was all about — he didn’t want to see you to check if you were fine, he wanted to see you to investigate if you were the hyde that hurt eugene, and killed rowan. you let out a humorless chuckle, turning your back on him, ready to leave, though his hand gripped on your lower arm.
“so you are the hyde.” he stated, eyes burning with fury. “you left to run after eugene, because he found out about your little secret, so you had to cut ties?” his words incredibly pained you, cutting your heart like a knife, proceeded by stabbing.
you let out a long sigh, looking him dead in the eyes. “i was in my dorm, bawling my eyes out while drinking the wine my sister sent me, because my date didn’t even bother to look at me for a second, even though i spent my last savings to buy a dress, so maybe for once, he would look at me and think that i look pretty, that i did it for him.” you felt the tears filling up your eyes, yet you kept going. “i’ve spent the entire night, wondering when my role as a pawn in his game will end. and i’ve come to a conclusion that it won’t happen, there’s always gonna be someone above me in his hierarchy, even though we were friends for more than i can remember.” he let your arm out of the grip, a confused grimace on his lips. “why didn’t you just ask her? oh wait, i know, i’ve already been told why. you did ask her out, but she refused to go, because tyler invited her earlier, so i was just a getaway car as always.”
when he didn’t break the silence after you finished your monologue, you left, running away to the woods to gather your thoughts, and cry for the fifth time that day. you clearly weren’t in a mood to talk to anyone without a sip of wine. you felt invisible, when you found yourself a seat somewhere in the forest. you were sure that your roommate would ask the teachers to give you a sick day, firmly explaining what happened.
xav: yn,,, im sorry, can we talk it through?
you didn’t reply at all, starting to hold a silent grudge against him, for once, placing yourself before anyone else. until the classes were finished, you were walking around the woods, gathering herbs for your potions, trying to calm down.
throughout your whole life, you believed that your mom has linked your souls together at the very young age, so you could be some sort of anchor for each other, whenever something overwhelmed you, nonetheless it was a double-sided sword. he could mess you up to the point, where you had to take a calming potion (and vice versa), or he could be the one to calm you like no one other could.
so when the evening came, you found yourself dressed up in your favorite pjs, which some time ago belonged to your best friend (now it’s yours, of course), standing at the door leading to bianca’s dorm. two bottles of wine, hidden in the depth of your bag.
“i hope you bought more wine, she drank two and a half bottle last night.” your roommate laughed, arm wrapped around your shoulders as you walked into the room.
the time flew by as you emptied at least three bottles, and you were comfortably laying down on divina’s bed, covered in a blanket junpier brought with her. “he accused me of being the monster today.” you spoke out suddenly, changing the topic back to xavier, who endlessly occupied your mind. “and earlier, enid told me he actually asked wednesday to go with him, she just refused.”
“he really has no shame, has he?” bianca rolled her eyes, taking a seat next to you, and gave you the tightest hug it was only possible. “you know, the thing with wednesday will die down soon, and he’ll come back sooner than you think, he always does.” she planted a soft kiss on your forehead to make her words more believable.
“and if he doesn’t, which is doubtful, then you have us, we can find you someone.” divina joined you on the bed, a big smile spread over her face as she watched you let out a light chuckle. “maybe elliott, the werewolf? he’s pretty hot.”
you were cuddling for the rest of the night, sleeping in the most uncomfortable positions that ever existed, surrounded by blankets, and lots of pillows. after that night, full of drunk confessions, words of reassurance, cuddles and lots of wine, you felt confident enough to face xavier.
it happened sooner than you anticipated, you made your way downstairs to see him, waiting and knocking at the door, pale, and shaken up. “hey, looking for someone?” you asked, his large t-shirt hanging loosely on your body.
“yn, can we talk it through? please.” he asked, begged, watching as you walked into the room, and when you didn’t close the door, he took it as a sign to step. “we?” you scoffed. “let me explain myself.”
“i don’t know if i want to hear it.” you smiled at him, before mumbling something under your breath with a hand above a pack of cookies, changing it to a proper meal. “eat it, then we can talk.” you passed the dish to him, crossing your arms afterwards.
there was a thing about xavier that had always extremely infuriated you, ever since you were children. — he was terrible at taking proper care of himself, usually forgetting to have something to eat with him, whenever he went to his art studio. you’d always cast a spell on some of your snacks, you just bought in the city, to change it into something he liked, and then accidentally step by.
“i- i’m sorry that i made the dance miserable for you.” you leaned your back on your desk, eyebrows furrowed as you listened to him speak. “i really wanted to have fun with you, but i felt the presence of the monster there, near wednesday. it frustrated me to the point, where my mind went completely blank, ruining the dance not only for myself, but also for you.”
“and you’ve never been a pawn for me, you’ve always been present in the back of my mind, you are the factor that keep me sane, you’re the only person that brought so much happiness to my life.” he stood up from his seat, and walked towards you. his hands grabbing yours, softly, knuckles caressing it gently. “i’ve always been aware of my feelings for you, my heart has always belonged to you, and it always will, but i’m scared of losing you.”
“then why didn’t you call me, when i didn’t get back? why did you assume i was the monster? xavier, i beg you, stop trying to mess with my feelings, nothing adds up.” your tone was so quiet that the boy had to get even closer to hear it. “all i wanted was you to spend quality time with you, because you ditched me for wednesday a lot, since she got here, and i get that you can do whatever you want, so i was quiet about it, but even at the event you invited me to go with you?” seeing you so vulnerable made xavier’s heart clutch painfully in his chest. it was all, because of him, and he didn’t like a single bit of it.
“i wish everything was different, really. making you cry was the last thing i wanted to do, and you can hate me all you want, i deserve it for treating you like that.” he let out a long sigh. “but i just want you to know that it’s always been you, my head was always filled with your laughter, and memories of you.”
the closeness between you was overwhelming, taking your last senses from you, the same moment, when your best friend closed the gap, kissing you so delicately. feeling his lips on yours was infatuating, and enchanting, nonetheless, you pulled away, his forehead leaned on yours. “no, no, no. you can’t do that right now, not when i’m so angry with you. give me time, please.”
and with that, he stepped back with a simple nod, his eyes didn’t leave your face even for a second. “i’ll give you as much time as you need, i promise.” were the last words he has spoken before leaving your room.
for the next two weeks, three tops, you two barely exchanged a word, everyone around could sense the tension between, but you weren’t ready to talk to him as you still felt the pain from the dance. however, when wednesday announced that xavier was the hyde, you couldn’t believe it. none of these attacks were thorpe’s doing, and you were positive.
“i’ll curse the hell out of you, if you won’t let me see him.” you hissed at one of the cops, before he leaded you to the cell, where they kept your best friend, and seeing him in a state like that was destroying.
“yn?” shocked was painted on his face as you stepped into the room, a worried expression on yours. “it’s not me, i swear. please, someone set me up, please, you have to believe me.” his broken voice rang out in your ears as you nodded.
“hey, calm down and breathe for me, please.” you asked. “i’ll find a way to get you out of here, okay? everything’s gonna be fine, i’ll figure out whose doing it was, and you’ll be clear.” you sent him a reassuring, warm, and soo loving smile that all he could do was reciprocate it. “then, we can go out on a date, but you owe me so much wine, xavier thorpe that i don’t think you’ll be able to pay me back.”
when your time was up, you hang around the city for a while, thinking how could you get xavier out without breaking any laws that would put you there instead. grabbing a quick coffee from the weathervane, before coming back to the castle with xavier being your only thought.
you visited him thrice over the time, promising that if you don’t find the person who set him up, you’ll start breaking laws and free him within a blink.
you were surrounded by a crowd of people during the evacuation, caused by bringing joseph crackstone back to life. you were responsible for the spell that would keep everyone tranquil, and quiet in a place safe enough that the pilgrim’s actions wouldn’t reach.
and then, you noticed the boy you had feelings for, standing further away, making his way towards the crowd of people, and you couldn’t resist — you ran to him, throwing your hands around his neck, pulling him into a hug. when you backed off a few seconds later, your fingers running through his hair as you smiled so widely. “it’s you.” you chuckled lightly.
you remember everything that happened afterwards — mr. galpin handcuffing his son, the funeral the new principal threw for mrs. weens, brewing a potion for wednesday, so her scar from taking an arrow for bianca could heal faster, the end of the school year, and your date with xavier.
some would say you were reckless for not moving on from the blonde boy, some would bash you for giving him another chance, but you valued your friendship, and his presence in your life. so, it wasn’t a surprise for his housemates to see you at his door at one of the last nights of school year, dressed up in the comfiest clothes you had (which were, surprisingly, his).
you both decided that going out to a restaurant was unnecessary, and you could spend some quality time with each other in his room by eating a strawberry shortcake, drinking wine, and watching movies.
it was around first in the morning, when you finished ten things i hate about you, your head rested on his shoulder as you clung to his arm, being already a little tipsy. “i can’t believe you actually hadn’t watched my favorite movie before! julia stiles was so hot, and for what!” you giggled lightly, turning your head towards him.
“waited till i could watch it with you.” he tugged on a smile, and kissed you so sweetly that you felt like dying from the butterflies in your stomach. your fingers grabbed the collar of his shirt as he pulled you even closer, sitting you on his lips. “i love you.” xavier whispered in between the kisses, making your stomach burn on the inside.
it felt like a dream — to be kissed by a boy you pinned over so long, to have his hands on your waist, and hickies made by him on your neck, to be loved by him. even if it was a dream, the last thing you wanted was to wake up.
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tempobaekh · 2 years
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Pt.2 of some behind the scenes photos from Wednesday🫶🏻
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eufezco · 1 year
SUMMARY – You go to Xavier for comfort.
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Xavier knew something was wrong when he discovered that you were the person knocking at his door, chewing at your lower lip, and looking so close to tears. Since you started dating Tyler Galpin, you stopped visiting Xavier at that time of the night. He understood that your those encounters could no longer happen now that you had a boyfriend. What you and Xavier had was already a thing of the past. You were still friends, even though Xavier didn't like Tyler and your boyfriend tried to apologize to him, there was only one thing Tyler could do to get Xavier's forgiveness and that was giving back what once was his.
"What happened?" Xavier asked. Instead of answering his question, you jumped into his arms, and he had to take a few steps backwards to keep himself from falling.
Xavier quickly hugged you back. His arms squeezed you against his body just the way he knew you liked, tight enough to make you feel safe but still soft to not make it suffocating. Both of your hands were on his chest, covering your face as you sobbed in silence, while one of his caressed your back, and his other one was at the back of your head, doing the same thing with your hair.
"Okay, let's go." Xavier carefully pulled you away from him, holding your face in between his hands to make you look at him. His thumbs wiped the tears that rolled down your cheeks but it was useless because you couldn't stop crying. "Come here." He grabbed your hands with his and guided you to his bed. You sat next to each other but Xavier didn't let go of your hands. "Did something happen?"
Your bottom lip quivered before you told him that Wednesday finally found the identity of the Hyde. Xavier's eyes widened after you told him and he quickly understood why you knocked on his door crying. He hated Tyler, but he did not believe him capable of doing something like that to you. "I'm so sorry, y/n." Xavier put one hand over your shoulders and you rested your head on his chest. "You don't deserve this."
While you sobbed on your friend's chest, you couldn't help but feel stupid and regret every single moment you spent with Tyler. Xavier warned you about him and you didn't listen, yet he was there, not making you feel worse by saying "I told you", not closing his door at you for having been so naive, just comforting you and helping you to realize that it hadn't been your fault. You should've chosen Xavier, he had always been the right one.
Xavier wanted to kill him. At that moment he didn't care about how many people were killed by Tyler, Xavier only cared about the way he hurt you, about the way he lied to you. His jaw clenched thinking about how much you've loved Tyler, about the way your eyes shone every time you talked about him or after one of your dates, about how he played the nice guy around you but then was a true monster behind your back.
After what felt like forever, you were able to calm down and move away from Xavier. Your friend arched his eyebrows with concern. "How are you feeling? Any better?"
You nodded softly. Xavier knew you were lying.
"Look, I'm not letting him anywhere near you. You would never have to see him again, okay? It's over. Wednesday would go to the police, and everything will be over soon." You didn't know if Xavier's words were making you feel better or reminding you of how you fell for Tyler's lies.
Besides Xavier's soothing words, there was something else that could make you feel better. You stared at Xavier's lips, and when he noticed, he found himself with his eyes locked on your lips, thinking about how bad he had wished to have them so close to his again. He clenched his jaw, knowing this was wrong. You were having a breakdown. That wasn't a logical way of dealing with your problems but an emotional one that would not solve anything. An emotional response. Did that mean that that was what your heart was telling you to do, right? Not your brain, not what you were supposed to do but what you wanted to do. Xavier softly shook his head, he was overthinking this situation. This was wrong, you were not okay. "Y/n..." He called you while sighing against your lips right before you finally kissed him.
Oh, but your lips felt so good moving against his. They were wet and salty because of your tears and he could do nothing else but kiss you back. Quickly the kiss got more intense, your hands held both of his cheeks as his helped you to sit on his lap. Your hands moved to the back of his head and your fingers tugged his hair at the root. Once you pulled his hair, he gasped and finally realized what was going on.
"Y/n... We can't do this right now..." Xavier said while his hands went to grab your wrists. Your lips were still on his while he talked. "Y/n–"
"Please, I need it." You begged him as tears started rolling down your cheeks again, and how could he say no to you? Your eyes were red from all the crying you did, your cheeks were wet because of the tears, your bottom lip quivered softly but enough for Xavier to notice. He could feel your hands shaking under his grip. And if he was honest with himself, he had missed your kisses so bad. Not only your kisses but your giggling at his door after you dodged Thornhill, your hums and snuggles when he kissed your forehead at night, your hands braiding his hair... He missed what you two had before Tyler Galpin. He wished you had come back to him in other circumstances, but as you said, you needed it.
You needed Xavier.
Your lips ghosted over his, Xavier swallowed nervously. Your breathings were heavy, your lips half-open making it easy for them to mix. "Please, Xavier." You mumbled. Now it was Xavier the one that kissed you, holding your hips in place as your hands dug into his scalp again. This was exactly what you needed. When your lips were connected with Xavier, you weren't able to think about anything else besides how good it felt. And he didn't mind if you were doing that out of neediness or if you were just using him to forget about Tyler because as hard as he tried, he could never say no to you.
Xavier tucked your hair behind your ear after breaking away the kiss.
"Where's him now anyways?"
"I don't know, I think Wednesday is torturing him in your shack."
Xavier blinked slowly. "Wednesday is doing what?"
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millie-luvs · 2 years
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blakeswritingimagines · 9 months
Sitting on their lap
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Wednesday: She would be caught off guard by the unexpected action. Depending on her trust level with her partner and your intentions, she could either push you off her lap or embrace the physical intimacy.
Enid: Enid is a very open-minded person, so she wouldn’t mind you sitting on her lap. She’ll probably laugh and call you cute for trying to be so close to her. She might even play along and kiss or snuggle you. Ultimately, she'll be happy that you feel comfortable and close to her.
Xavier: When you sit on his lap, he feels a heightened sense of excitement and intimacy. He will wrap his arms around your waist and pull you closer, expressing his gratitude for the privilege of holding you in his lap. He will kiss your neck, stroke your hair, and provide other physical comfort and affection, making the experience of lap-sitting one that is both intimate and pleasurable.
Rowan: He would feel both excited and nervous. He would feel excited because he would be in close proximity to you and he would be able to feel your body heat, which would remind him of your connection. However, he would also feel nervous because it would be a new experience in your relationship and he wouldn't know how to react or what to say. He would want to make sure that he didn't do anything that could make you uncomfortable or feel awkward.
Tyler: He loves it when you sit on his lap. It's a very intimate and romantic gesture that makes him feel close to you. He usually makes direct eye contact, taking your hand in his, and strokes your hair or face. If the situation calls for him to move, he will either rise to his feet and hold you close to him or gently lift you off his lap and have you sit next to him. Either way, he makes sure to provide lots of physical affection throughout and after the interaction.
Ajax: He feels immense joy and gratitude when you sit on his lap. He is filled with a sense of wonder that someone is willing to give him that much affection and trust. He feels a surge of passion and a deep connection to you. It is a truly magical experience that he cherishes. He can't deny that he also feels a little excitement in anticipating what may come next. His heart flutters with happiness and anticipation when you sit on his lap. 
Bianca: When you sit on her lap, her heart rate usually rises in anticipation, and she has an uncontrollable urge to cuddle and kiss you. She will place her hands on your hips and pull you close, holding you in her arms with a warm embrace. Your noses will often touch and lips will touch from time to time, as you enter a realm of sensuality and adoration.
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rcsewcrld · 1 year
incorrect quotes w y/n + the wednesday gang !
y/n: Made you all playlists!  y/n: tyler, yours has only heavy metal, and is dark like your soul.  y/n: xavier, yours has sad songs and blues to pair with your crippling depression.  y/n: And ajax has the ABBA Gold album. 
y/n: That's ridiculous, ajax doesn't have a crush on me.  xavier: Yes he does. tyler: Yes he does. ajax: Yes I do. 
y/n: What is love?  tyler: An emotional minefield.  xavier: A neurochemical reaction.  ajax: Baby don't hurt me. 
tyler: We call that a traumatic experience.  tyler, turning to ajax: Not a "bruh moment".  tyler, turning to y/n: Not "sadge".  tyler, turning to xavier: And DEFINITELY not an "oof LMAO". 
xavier: You were stabbed. Do you remember anything?  tyler: Only the ambulance ride to the hospital. xavier: That wasn't an ambulance, I drove you.  tyler: But I heard a siren.  y/n: That was ajax.  ajax: Sorry, I got nervous. 
y/n: I told wednesday that her ears turn red when she lies. enid: Do they?  y/n: No.  enid: Then why did you tell her that? y/n: Because I can do this.  y/n: Hey wednesday! Do you love us?  wednesday, with her hands over her ears: No. 
yoko: A mouse!  ajax, pulling out a knife: Go back to where you came from or I'll stab you.  divina , pulling out a frying pan: It'll make a nice meal!  bianca, giving the mouse cheese: You deserve a treat, little guy.  y/n, gasping: It's Ratatouille!  xavier: His name is Remi, dummy.  yoko: ...I was going to say to just trap it and throw it out the window... what is wrong with you people. 
divina : If you got arrested what would be the charges? ajax: Theft.  bianca: Disturbing the peace.  xavier: Aggravated assault.  yoko: Arson.  y/n: All of the above. In that order, probably. 
y/n : Don't go to the kitchen.  tyler: Why?  y/n : I saw a spider.  tyler: Well, did you kill it?  y/n : It has 8 arms and I only have 2, it's not fair... 
y/n : Is it just me or is instant ramen even better uncooked?  xavier: It’s just you. 
y/n : The first time ajax opened a box of Cheerios and looked inside he yelled, "OH WOW! DONUT SEEDS!" 
merry christmas eve!! 🫶
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kimpossibly · 1 year
REQUEST Hi hi happy new year!! I love your rowan fic (can't wait for part three) and I was wondering if you could do hc's for Wednesday characters (Wednesday, Enid, Xavier, Rowan, Tyler) seeing their SOs in a suit (preferably a female reader please)? thanks! — anon
AUTHOR'S NOTE: AHHHHH MY FIRST REQUEST!! Hi hi happy new year I love this prompt! I'm getting maaaaaajor Kate Bishop vibes here...this is so exciting. I kind of ended up doing the suit hc + how they would act when taking you to the Rave'N, so I hope you like that bit as well :) Happy new year! I hope you enjoy it!
PAIRING: fem!reader x wednesday characters WARNINGS: two little suggestive comments, but other than that it's just fluff!
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We all know that Wednesday is not one to show enthusiasm...or any emotions. About anything. Ever.
But when you appear in the doorway in a suit, she almost almost cracks a smile.
She recovers quickly, of course, and gives you a brisk "You look nice."
I'm just going to assume you're wearing a suit to some sort of formal event — maybe even the Rave'N
Regardless of where you're going, Wednesday sticks by your side the entire night, glaring at everyone who looks at you.
Basically she's giving everyone the silent "She's mine."
And if anyone comes up to you to flirt? Oooo boy she is threatening them with everything she has.
And after the potential flirters walk away, terrified, and you give her a surprised look, she just stares back at you like she's done absolutely nothing wrong (which, in her mind, she hasn't.)
"Wednesday, what was that?"
"A reasonable reaction to people hitting on my date. Why do you ask?"
And you can only roll your eyes at her, blushing like mad as you wrap an arm around her. "No reason."
Now Enid is the exact opposite of Wednesday when it comes to this. When you pop up, girlie squeals.
As in, loud enough to make everyone cringe and cover their ears
Once again, in the opposite fashion of Wednesday, Enid takes every opportunity to show you off to everyone, so much so that you end up a little embarrassed.
"Everyone, look look look! Look at how good Y/n looks!"
"What? Can't I tell everyone how good my girlfriend looks?"
While not socializing, she is dragging you onto the dance floor just so that she can admire you from every angle
And every five minutes she reiterates the sentiment
"Ugh, Y/n, you look so good!"
"I know! You told me five minutes ago! And five minutes before that! And five minutes before that!"
Poor girl is sooooo down bad.
I feel like he'd get so thrown off by you in a suit that it'd be easy to mistake it for him not liking it.
Like, he's just so baffled that he can't properly articulate his feelings towards it.
Your heart starts to sink a little, but you cover it up with a small grin.
"That bad, huh?"
Needless to say, that gets his lips moving.
"No!" he shouts, a little too loud. "No, no of course not. You just...you look incredible."
He just genuinely forgets how to get across how drop dead gorgeous he thinks you look
And he feels sooooo much pride when you guys walk in together
He's not going to show you off verbally, but with you on his arm, he's exuding "Yeah, that's right, look at my badass sexy girlfriend."
And towards the end of the dance, you'll ask him if he's ready to go
"Ready to leave?"
"Yeah," he says, then leans in to whisper in your ear, "I really want to see what that suit looks like on the floor."
I think you know what comes after that...
Oh my God...this boy forgets how to speak.
The second you appear in the doorway wearing the suit, he's a stuttering mess.
He's gonna need his inhaler if he wants to get a few words out
Once he gathers himself, he'll finally tell you how amazing you look
God he feels so cool arriving at the dance with you on his arm
He's just like me...he thinks women in suits are hot.
Literally cannot take his eyes off of you the entire night
He's not much of a dancer, but if you are, he'll probably suffer for a few minutes or so. Just for you.
Plus, it's just another opportunity for him to look at you up close, which is a total win for him.
Also, he is very touchy just in general, but I imagine especially so at this dance.
When you're off to the sides, he'll keep an arm wrapped around your waist or a hand locked in yours.
If you're sitting, he'll keep a gentle hand on your knee
And when you're dancing? He will be holding your hands, waist, anything.
He just likes the feeling of security and knowing that you're there with him and you're not going anywhere.
He'll probably even pull you out of the dance a little early, just so you guys can get back to his dorm before Xavier gets there
I may not know much, but I know that this man is going to get you blushing in 0.000275 seconds.
He'll momentarily be awestruck by you, but of course he'll recover pretty quickly from the shock. Then, he'll say something that'll get you all hot and bothered
"If I had known you were going to pull off a suit better than me I would've brought sweatpants."
Idk what it is about that slightly awkward, slight confident vibe he has going on, but it works
He knows how to make a gal smile, that's all I'm saying.
He'll be a proper gentleman the whole night, but he's expertly hiding how freaking good you look in that goddamn suit.
He'll probably even make some kind of "twinsies" joke...because, you know...you're both in a suit. Please laugh he'd be so embarrassed if you didn't.
You guys would be on the dance floor ALL NIGHT
You'd be tearing that shit UP don't lie
And it is so much easier to maneuver in a suit over a dress, so you best believe you guys are doing allllllll the dancey dances
The only reason you stop is when one of you is about to collapse and you need to go slam some punch for stamina.
And at the end of the night, he would pull you close just to tell you once more how absolutely amazing you look, just to see the cute lil blush that follows &lt;3
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lexix001 · 2 years
Tyler Galphin x reader
"Come on half of the earth population have tiktok!" Enid groan. "12.9%" I remark. "What?" Enid said. "If 4 billions people have tiktok that would be absurd" I chuckled and flip to the next page. "Did you.. count that all in your mind.." Enid asked. I didn't bother to reply her question.
"Can I get you ladies your order?" A guy with curly brown hair asked. Do you have crossaint? I will have two of those and milk coffee what about you Enid?" I asked the sunshine. "Oh I'm not planning to stay here long" she said. I gasp "but you said you will accompany me"
"I did if you agree downloading tiktok so I can show you how it work but no..So yeah bye y/n!" She waved and walk off. "I can't believed you!" I yelled. "I CAN'T BELIEVED YOU EITHER" she shouted back and leave. I sigh "soo two crossaint and milk coffee?" The waiter mumble. I glare to him. "Make it black" I demand. "Got it" he said and leave. I continue to read my book and try to relax now that I look like alone freak.
"Here is your black coffee and two crossaint" the same waiter place down my order. I was expecting for him to go back to the counter but instead he sat down infront of me. I look at him curiously. "Oh I thought you might need some company" he explain. I raise and eyebrow "that is the nicest thing that people did for me" I confessed. And place down my book, he smile "my name is Tyler Galphin" my eyebrow raise again but in interest "youre the sheriff son" I said. "I prefer to called Tyler, than sheriff son" he joked.
"Yes, my apologies I'm y/n" I introduce. "Do you lived around here?" Tyler asked. "Im a nevermore student actually" I correct. "That explain everything" He chuckled. A new customer enter the cafe catching his attention. "I will take his order and be right back" he smile.
While he take the guy order I look outside the window seeing xavier with my sister wednesday. They walk away from my eye sight. I wonder what are they status. Even though wednesday would rather die alone. "I'm back" Tyler voice startled me. I eat my crossaint and drink my coffee. The bitterness was fittable when you are angry its like what am I feeling in the moment but Tyler made it better. Is that weird?
Me and Tyler talk more about ourself and yes I would love to talk with him ever again. "Its nice meeting you but its almost 10 I have to go back to the academy" I say packing my books. "But we still have more time-" Tyler plead. "Im sorry, I promise I will visit you" I sigh and pay for my food. And walk to the door. "Do you want a ride at least?" "And you leaving your work? No thanks"
Tyler POV
No, I want to talk to her again. I need to talk to her. I grab a paper and a pencil quickly write me phone number and chase her. I saw lining up to take the bus. I yelled her name. She look at me with her angry ish eye. "Tyler?"
"I want you to have this" I give out the paper. "Its my number"
"do you expect me to call you?"
"Do you expect me to say no?"
"I'll think of it" she chuckled and hop into the bus and shyly waved to me. I smile and wave back. She is mine. I will make sure of it.
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