#UK non-binary petition
cassolotl · 19 days
UK petition: Recognise nonbinary people's genders in law and in identity documents
It's that time again. There was no active UK parliament petition about nonbinary identities being recognised in law, so I made one.
The UK government has repeatedly acknowledged the existence of nonbinary people, but it has repeatedly refused to grant recognition in law and systems. Nonbinary genders should be recognised on: - Passports - GRCs - Marriage documents - Death certificates
[ Sign here ]
Deadline: 11 October 2024
Signatures: 54 of 100,000
See a graph: here
Who can sign:
Anyone living in the UK, regardless of citizenship
Anyone with UK citizenship, living anywhere in the world
No one else! Don't fake your postcode or whatever, it'll invalidate the petition
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injuries-in-dust · 2 years
Help by signing my petition
Make non-binary a legally recognised gender identity in the UK
Non-binary genders are not recognised in UK law. The Gender Recognition Act 2004 (GRA) enables a person to change the sex recorded on their birth certificate, either from male to female or vice versa. It makes no provision for the recognition of any other gender. 
On the parliment website, I have started a petition to get the government to recognise that non-binary is a valid gender and should be recognised as a legitimate legal choice.
Before the petition can go live and allow members of the public to sign it, it requires a minimum of five signatures from supporters.
If you’re in the UK, please click the link below to show your support.
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thebobbu · 1 year
UK queers - a call to action!
Let's see if we can get the UK government at at least acknowledge the existence of non-binary people, shall we?
(You must be a UK resident, and you must remember to confirm your email or your signature won't count)
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Hey y'all, I'd appreciate anyone from the UK signing this petition to allow trans/nonbinary kids to stay closeted from their parents if they're out at school. It's obviously very important that children be able to keep potentially dangerous information about their identity away from their parents, and explore it safely in a school environment.
If it reaches 10k votes the government must respond, and 100k means they need to debate it, but any votes are good for raising awareness and profile.
If you're not from the UK please share this so others see it
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tardisinapokeball · 1 year
Hello. I am speaking to you on behalf of trans and non-binary people across the United States, the UK, and beyond. Our political situation at home is more dire than ever. In the UK, they would rather cause a constitutional crisis than allow us to transition. In the US, there are calls by prominent political leaders to ban our very existence. Every day there are more attacks, both physical and political.
You can help us.
This is a petition (Canadians only, I'm afraid) to allow trans and non-binary people to seek asylum in Canada. It takes only a minute to sign, and if this passes, all our lives will be so much safer.
Thank you.
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Using my gimmick blog for good I know I haven't posted on here for ages but I'm back with a petition
So basically the government has posted a draft of guidelines which would prevent students from socially transitioning and force schools to out trans and non binary students amongst other things you can read the full guidelines on the UK government website there has been a public consultation on the guidance and the government will be responding to it soon. Please sign the petition to prevent transphobia against children.
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mxactivist · 8 months
UK petition: Do not require schools to tell parents their child is transgender/non-binary
[ Sign here ]
There are reports that the Government is planning to introduce guidance stating that schools in England must inform parents if a young person seeks to change their name or starts wearing different uniform. We believe this information should be kept confidential, unless the child chooses to share it. For many trans and non-binary children, school is a safe space where they can escape any transphobia at home and live as their preferred gender. We are concerned about reports of new Government guidance that would require schools to tell a trans or non-binary child's parents if the child wishes to socially transition in school. This has the potential to put these children in danger of abuse at home This will not only affect today's children, but children of future generations. We need to stop this before it is too late.
Deadline: 27 October 2023
Signatures: 36,987 (track here) - 100,000 needed for a debate in parliament
Who can sign?
Anyone living in the UK, regardless of citizenship, and
Anyone with UK citizenship living anywhere in the world.
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enbycrip · 8 months
I have started a petition to the UK Government to scrap the new transphobic building requirements for every new non-residential building to have separate binary gendered toilets. It’s an ongoing part of the Tory hostile environment that means fewer public buildings will be able to provide ungendered bathrooms, as they are very unlikely to build three separate spaces.
I’m sure you all know how bathrooms are currently a flashpoint for transphobic abuse and violence, but I wanted to raise the fact, as a disabled nonbinary person, that only providing gendered bathrooms mean more trans binary and nonbinary and intersex people who are afraid of facing attack or abuse in them for being perceived as being “in the wrong space” end up having to use accessible bathrooms, even if they don’t have accessibility needs, for safety.
Given how inadequate accessible bathroom provision is, this means more people being forced into using an inadequate number of facilities, which can be really unpleasant for people with GI problems and other reasons they might need to use bathroom facilities very urgently.
Basically, this is a way to screw a whole load of marginalised people at once. I would really appreciate if you could sign and share my petition - I know it’s easy to feel it’s pointless, but given the Tories are such blatant populists, it’s far from the first time they have u-turned when people make noise about an issue.
Please sign and share!
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abpoli · 1 year
A petition to the government of Canada is calling on them to open up seeking asylum to transgender and non-binary people from places with eliminationist laws regardless of where they are from. It specifically cites the UK and US.
Petition to the House of Commons, whereas:
The world is becoming increasingly hostile to transgender and nonbinary individuals;
Transgender and nonbinary people's rights to live as themselves are being restricted and removed in many places;
This includes the so-called "Western democracies" which have historically been presumed safe;
The United Kingdom is revising their Equality Act to exclude trans people from its protections;
More than a dozen American states have enacted or are considering legislation eliminating or criminalizing gender-affirming care; and
Canada has prided itself on being an inclusive, tolerant, and welcoming society for everyone regardless of gender identity or gender expression.
We, the undersigned, residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to extend to transgender and nonbinary people the right to claim asylum in Canada by reason of eliminationist laws in their home countries, whatever country that may be.
Sign the petition here
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Anyone in the Uk who has the option, please sign this petition.
It would allow schools to continue being the safe space they are for many young trans individuals all across the Uk; this is important as there are reports of the Uk government planning to introduce guidance that would take away the safe environment many children have by forcing schools to inform parents if their child wishes to change their name or wear the uniform of the other gender.
If you can’t sign, share, because we have never and will never go quietly
Update: We’ve reached over 10,000 signatures and the UK government has discussed this issue. They are currently finalising a draft on the issue but we can’t stop now;
Keep signing and soon we can reach 100,000 and have it put forward for debate!
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demigenderness · 1 year
Important petition notice!
The UK Government is trying to introduce guidelines that would force teachers to tell a child's parents if that child presented as a different gender at school.
This would put thousands of children at risk.
Please, if you live in uk sign and share the petition!
If you don't live in the uk please only share the petition! We don't want forged signatures to be an excuse for this to be dismissed.
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earhartsease · 1 year
for what it's worth (given the number of court cases that have failed to make the UK government budge on this), here's another petition to give legal status to nonbinary people - please sign if you're in the UK
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There's a UK gov petition going around that's asking the government to ensure schools don't out trans/questioning kids to their parents and like, while obviously that shouldn't happen, I have no faith that the petition will actually make things better?
Like last time a petition like that (the one to ask the government to legally recognise non-binary people) gathered enough traction to be debated in parliament they used it as an opportunity to shit all over trans women, spread general lies and misinformation about puberty blockers and kids' (both cis and trans) medical rights, and generally drag the trans community through the mud over things completely unrelated to the legal recognition of non-binary people.
No progress was made on the actual topic, non-binary people are still not legally recognised, and the trans community got dragged through the mud for no gain.
"Debated in parliament" doesn't mean "seriously considered by people acting in good faith", it means "tossed around by transphobic assholes using it as an excuse to air their displeasure at having to think about us at all"
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circus-bagel · 1 year
Hey guys it’s me again. Not so fun fact: Non-binary and genderqueer people aren’t legally recognised in the U.K. Please, PLEASE can anyone who interacts with this blog from the UK sign this petition to have us be recognised and finally take a better step for us!
(Just so everyone knows, I didn’t make this petition. Thanks so much to Emily Melissa Cappi for creating it!!)
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thejockdiesinstantly · 10 months
I'm not sure who's gonna see this but here's an idea I came up with yesterday but forgot to post until now:
Electoral Monarchy
It's kinda like the US and the UK merged, but with some differences
Executive Branch:
King /Queen/Non-binary Monarch serves for life unless impeached (more on that later)
No prime minister, cabinet formed of heads of every government department (titled General Ministers)
Upper House: Parliament - structured the same as the House of Commons in the UK
Lower House: Congress - structured the same as the House of Representatives in the US
Basically the same general court system, but the prison system is completely plagiarized from Norway
How to get rid of a bad king? Same way you get rid of a bad president. More or less.
Since there's no elections until the monarch dies, the people can't vote them out, but they can launch a formal petition to impeach the monarch for reasons such as overreach of power (tyranny)
The legislature can also vote to begin impeachment proceedings if the monarch is suspected of corruption, a charge which will prohibit a person from holding public office or owning over $100,000 in any form of wealth (residence not included) for a period of 15 years (if found guilty)
If the monarch is found not guilty then impeachment proceedings stop completely
Same process applies to every legislator, if any one honest member of the public finds out about their corruption that's 15 years gone for them, no more being rich or powerful
Whistleblowing is encouraged, rewards are given out for exposing corruption
Finally, the moment we've all been waiting for: how do these people even get elected in the first place?
The royal election actually isn't contested between individual candidates, but rather entire families (styled as "houses")
Families of any amount of wealth can run for royalty, they just need to pick one member to put forward as the monarchical candidate (more on the line of succession later)
After that, it's all strictly up to the popular vote, no BS electoral college like the US presidential election
For legislative elections, it's not as showy but it's basically the same as UK parliamentary elections and there's no gerrymandering allowed
Also, mandatory universal suffrage: every citizen over 16 years old must vote no matter what
Line of Succession:
If the monarch dies or is successfully impeached, they are not succeeded by their designated heir, although their house can run for reelection if they so wish
While the election is held, the Monarch's designated heir only serves as interim monarch until the election results are concluded
Bill of Rights:
Freedom of speech
Freedom of marriage
Right to housing
Right to safe food and clean water
Right to reproductive freedom
Right to fair public trial
Right to life
Right to peace (government is not allowed to start wars of aggression)
Right to protest against war
Right to healthcare and education
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queer-quester · 10 months
any uk folk plz help out here, this is so important for young queer kids' safety
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