nefja · 2 years
Just reached 5000 posts.
Only took me 6 years, 4 months, 3 weeks and 5 days.
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sugaggukkie · 10 months
newjeans on the new jon batiste album but not taehyung????? hybe you will pay!
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anarchopuppy · 11 months
I, a hearing person who likes subtitles just as a preference, shouldn't have to read a subtitle that's obvious nonsense, go back a couple seconds, and listen again in order to figure out what's going on. An accessibility feature should not be the most half-assed part of a professionally made production. Scripted media has absolutely no excuse for not having subtitles or having subtitles that aren't perfectly verbatim. Professional captioning services should be ashamed of the shoddy work that they put out. Captions should be treated as a part of the production, just like filming, editing, audio balancing, etc - and anything that releases with missing or bad captions should be seen as unfinished
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ibtisams · 5 months
At this point- day 108 of genocide, 25,000+ Palestinian victims (10,000+ of which are children), 1 million displaced Palestinians, 1 million starving Palestinians, consistent communications blackouts, bombed hospitals, mosques, schools, homes, 100+ journalists killed- if you are choosing to stay silent/neutral/willfully ignorant you are either intentionally or unintentionally siding with zionism and you are not for the liberation of Palestine
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tempo-takoyaki · 7 months
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Happy Pocky Day with some Bingqiu! How did they acquired the pocky? Ask the System.
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arispensieve · 1 year
had a dream that em sent me three letters/card things saying she was sorry and wanted to talk to me and i think that was very cruel of my brain and request from it a written formal apology (not necessarily in a card and/or three letters) 
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nerdpoe · 9 months
Ground Control to Major Fenton.
Danny's chosen for a space mission, along with a group of other astronauts. They're gonna rendezvous at Justice League Watchtower, and then go for a part of space as of yet unexplored as a part of a Justice League effort to map the cosmos.
But something goes wrong with the ship.
And one of the escape pods gets damaged.
So Danny tricks the Captain of the team into a pod and fires it away into space.
He then immediately turns around and makes sure that the ship won't explode, just turning off his breathing on the way.
Danny did this because, unbeknownst to his employers, he is the only person on the crew capable of surviving the harsh nothingness of Space. As a half ghost, he doesn't need to breath and his heart doesn't need to beat, even while in human form.
So when the Justice League sends out Hal for salvage and corpse retrieval, Hal get's the absolute shit scared out of him. Like, the dude almost legitimately shit himself.
It went a little like this.
He managed to pry his way into the dead ship; no oxygen, no gravity, no nothing. He checks the rooms one by one, noting along the way that the ship shows signs of attempted repair.
His head is filling with images of the lone astronaut, Fenton, desperately doing his best to save the ship.
All the rooms are empty.
So if Fenton was trying to save the ship, then that would mean the last place to check would be the engine room.
Hal goes to the engine room, and there, cradled in wires that had been pulled from the ceiling, is the corpse of astronaut Daniel James Fenton.
The wires show clear efforts from the man to anchor himself in place, probably when the gravity went, so that he could still try to save the ship.
With a heavy heart, Hal moves forward and starts to detangle Fenton.
Only for Fenton's hand to shoot out with inhuman speed and catch his wrist in an iron grip, and when Hal looks up he sees a pair of glowing, inhuman eyes staring at him from an impossibly pale face, the neck at a strange an unnatural angle.
Hal screams like a little bitch and runs to the other side of the engine room.
Danny, however, had just tied himself to some cables so he could finally get some fucking sleep without bouncing around the room. (He woulda gone to his bunker and just used the seatbelts on his bed, but that room was Creepy without lights).
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expelliarmus · 2 months
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shima-draws · 3 months
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What do you mean I know EXACTLY how WCI went it went just like this
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sistertotheknowitall · 3 months
Some Guy Bingo
Nearly three months into (what Jason called) The Haunting, the siblings kinda started a game. (“Either we're haunting him or he's haunting us, I haven't decided yet." "Considering he's the one appearing randomly, I'd say he's haunting us.")
Technically Tim had started it with, “five bucks says Danny went to class today.” (Gotham university was having an out break of fear toxin curtesy of Dr. Crane.) However, it was Jason who kicked it off with, “ten if he says something about actual scarecrows.”
Dick had snorted and said, “fifteen if it’s a personal experience about a farm.”
“I call bingo if he makes a vague statement on agriculture.” So it was actually Steph who started it.
“Bingo? We were placing bets.”
“Unlike you Hood, some people don’t get adopted by money.”
“As if Bruce doesn’t give you an allowance.”
(“As if he didn’t offer to adopt you,” Tim tacked on.)
It became a running joke where they started calling out "bingo if -" whenever they had to go out on a call. The joke had later formed into a running game when Danny had told Cass, “fighting gods is a pass-time, it is humanity that the real fight is against.” (He had trip over a curb and laid on the ground for several minutes before she asked if he was okay.) She said it wasn’t the most concerning thing he said to her and Steph chimed in claiming, “on a scale of one to ten that statement rates at a three.”
Jason had asked why Cass and Steph always got the weird ambiguous statements and he got cryptic shit about his “soul”.
(Damian had pointed out that at least he wasn’t being constantly referred to as a baby.)
I Call Bingo, which they still played whenever a situation required more than one of them, became “on a scale”
Dick was sure that “having given up on optimism, I find your enthusiasm to be overly bright” should be ranked higher then “I don’t like two-stepping but I’m from the mid-west, so do you know how to line dance?” (Danny and Duke had gotten into an awkward side step where they kept blocking each other.) Damian said the wording seemed passive-aggressive but the tone was too positive to be rude so he gave it a three. Jason said it sounded like a bad pick up line and gave it a two.
They often debated and defended the score they gave with Barbara chiming in over coms. She had never met Danny as Oracle but he was a regular at the public library. He was always polite and respectful and had quickly become one of her favorite patrons. Like Steph and Cass she also got odd statements but hers felt more like half-hearted jokes.
Bruce didn't always join in on their game but it wasn't surprising to see the occasional score placed in their reports. (They had a file dedicated to Danny's remarks. Originally it was to keep track of what they knew about him but at this point it was just to let the others know what he said this time.) Alfred was roped into it even if he didn't really participate unless asked. ("Hey Alfie, what would you give 'i'm glad i don't have to fight my food to eat it but if Batburger keeps giving me the wrong thing I'm summoning Lunch Lady.' Cause Tim says two but I think it's a five.") (He gave it a four.)
Post 4
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valgeristik · 10 months
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i dont think he remembers what a normal meal is, nor does he care
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ruubesz-draws · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's Day!
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theluckiestlb · 1 year
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girl...WHEN??? WHERE????
what are you talking about???? when you kept him isolated for 14 years??? when you robbed him of bodily autonomy???? when you exposed him to his mother's corpse to akumatize him, TWICE????
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wait, wait—OH you mean when he was terrified for his life, literally begging you to stop after you beat him up. my bad.
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no? OH, you mean when you forced him to leave the country and the love of his life.
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umblrspectrum · 1 month
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i got lazy in the second panel and didnt feel like coloring or whatever bite me
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simcardiac-arrested · 8 months
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day 30 - videogame (undertale, fnaf, etc)
somebody get this man some chapstick
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baskeigh-ball · 1 year
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@rateater2000​ you. i like the way you think >:)
now all four of them be stylin (they’re not completely the same, if that’s what you were expecting, but I wanted to give them a little ✨flair✨)
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