#Unleashed Recipes
viapu-com · 11 months
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Dive into the world of flavors with Succulent Secrets! Discover the magic of our Beef Shank recipe! Unleash your inner chef! 🍖🔥🍽️ #Foodlove #BeefShankMagic
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sonknuxadow · 9 months
all of vectors recipes in the sonic cookbook are like im so broke i need money so bad. and all of charmys are like im banned from eating this because theres so much sugar in it . so i just lie and say theres not any. and all of espios are like *trying way too hard to sound cool and mysterious*
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imwritesometimes · 6 months
love reading reviews for the pound cake recipe I'm eyeing today and ppl are like "bad recipe. you forgot baking soda/powder! added it to mine. came out horrible. don't make this!" like bro the whole point of a pound cake is there is no baking soda/powder. it rises from the eggs and beating the bejesus outta the batter. fuckin morons.
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waugh-bao · 1 year
If Charlie was on social media he would have been the most comprehensive jazz (and Georgian silver) resource online. He would’ve wanted to be anonymous so jazz historians would have been like “who is jazzman41 and how does he know so much? Also, who is this jazzman41hubbykr who just comments ilu and hearts on every single post no matter the content?”
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totalutfrysning · 11 months
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Japanese recipe mega upload! - Imgur
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troyholden · 1 year
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Chicken and Sausage Jambalaya
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homeintennessee · 1 year
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Taro, Chef - Imgur
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em-ontv · 14 days
Under his skin.
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Pairing: Soldier Boy x fem!supe!reader
Summary: When he met you, who was just like him; tempered, aggressive, he immediately hated you, no, loathed. But maybe that's not all he feels for you.
Warnings: vulgar language/cursing, mentions of violence (barely), no use of y/n, English is not my first language, mistakes should be present, apologies beforehand.
Author’s note: So… I just wanted something where this man isn’t an egoistic maniac. He annoys me so much but I love him <3, this was written just out of spite, enjoy!
Word count: 705
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Ben hated you.
You were a supe, a big deal. The leader of a new team of supes who were really just assholes when the cameras were turned off, and each of them possessed powers more messed up than the previous.
You were quick to throw fists and unleash whatever terrifying power you were gifted with. And fuck, did that rub him the wrong way. It was the same recipe, a sweet smile in front of the public and a complete disregard for human life in private. And you were the worst of them all; invulnerable, aggressive, with a temper that made Soldier Boy himself look like a boy scout.
He fucking hated you for that.
It was bad enough that Vought thought it was a good idea to create another superteam in case Payback ever went awry — then it succeeded, way too much for Ben's liking.
He had a hard enough time trying to keep his own idiots in line without worrying about another set of so-called 'heroes' stepping on his turf. But no, they went ahead and made you into their new big thing. And what's worse? You were someone who didn't take shit from anyone — not even him.
From the first day you met, it was like pouring gasoline on a fire. You talked to him like he was nothing, like some relic from a different era. You didn't just talk back; you tore into him, picking apart his ego piece by piece, you got under his skin like a parasite.
But the real kicker? You weren't afraid of him. You stared him down like he was a joke. It got to a point where he couldn't stand the sight of you. Just knowing you were around would set him off, make him want to tear somebody's head off, preferably yours.
"Where's the asshole?" Ben growled at Mindstorm, who swallowed thickly and pointed toward a room. He shot him a glare before nearly kicking the door open.
And there you were, sitting there with a smirk on your face, like you owned the place.
He clenched his fists, feeling his blood pressure rise, and you haven't even said anything yet. "You piece of shit. You think you're hot stuff, huh? Running that joke of a team like a dictator?"
"Don't be mad at me just because your team can't find it in their hearts to respect you." you tilted your head. "Talking about Payback, how is it? Still playing dress-up?"
His jaw twitched, and for a moment, he considered throwing you through the wall.
"You're nothing but a wannabe," he spat. "A cheap rip-off version of me. I don't know how you got this far, but don't think for a second that you're anywhere close to me."
You just grinned, more amused than anything, but there was a hint of anger lingering behind your eyes. "You're a washed-up mascot for Vought. Your team can't handle the dirty work,” you leaned forward. “And you as their leader? You can't even get your own shit together, talk about leading a team."
Ben's face flushed with anger, his fingers twitching toward his shield. But you just watched him, knowing you stuck a nerve.
"You're lucky Vought's got rules," he muttered, barely holding himself back. "Because if it was up to me—"
"You'd do nothing, Ben." you cut him off, your voice dripped with condescension. "Because you can't do anything. Not to me."
And in a split second, he swung his shield at you, but you didn't dodge.
You caught it.
And then it started.
Slowly but surely, Ben would lie awake at night, fists clenched, jaw tight, replaying your arguments in his head. He'd think about you and that infuriating smirk. The anger was still there, seething, but there was something else now, something creeping in at the edges of his thoughts.
It was humiliating, that's all it was. He was Soldier Boy, the toughest bastard on the planet. He didn't take shit from anyone, let alone someone like you. But then, one night, after downing half a bottle of whiskey and staring at the ceiling for hours, it hit him like a freight train.
He didn't just want to beat you.
He wanted you.
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 months
Johan Seong x Reader: Meeting Mrs. Seong
Requested by a few 🫡 G/N. Fluffy.
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"Don't you dare!" 
Scowling at Johan, you smack his hand away with a spatula.
He gives you a frown of his own in return, recoiling sharply, nursing the offending hand, acting as if that hit was the worst thing he has ever endured.
It hasn't even turned red, for god's sake.
"It's for your mom," you say, not like it's any surprise to him. You've been perfecting a cake recipe all week, Johan being the happy and compliant guinea pig.
He had moaned, at first, before he was unleashed on all the baked treats. But how could you turn up to see Mrs. Seong with nothing, not even a gift. It's your first time meeting her. What must she think of you if you showed up empty handed?
"She doesn't care," Johan told you, rolling his eyes, crumbs around his mouth after your first batch.
What he doesn't tell you is that she's already over the moon to meet you. To know there's someone else out there looking after her Johan and making him as happy as he sounds on the phone.
Either way, it's the principle of it. You want to make a good first impression. "I care."
"Mrs Seong!" You greet Johan's mom with a wide smile and a bow.
"Y/N, it's so nice to finally meet you. Johan has been talking about you nonstop."
Her arms encircle you in a tight hug.
Over her shoulder you give Johan a funny look. You thought they had only started to talk again recently, how much have they actually talked - and about you?
Blood already rushing to his cheeks, he refuses to meet your eyes. Chooses to squat down, cake tin in one hand and fuss over Eden and Miro which tells you enough.
"All good I hope!"
"Of course. I've never heard my boy so serious about anything. The other day, he said the sweetest thing about you-"
Johan springs up, eyes blown wide in panic. How could she snitch on him, embarrass him like this.
The pups, sensing their owners distress start barking.
"Ignore them," you give a sweet smile to Mrs. Seong, one hand latched onto Johan's arm and holding him firmly in place and other slapped to his mouth, muffling his complaints. "I want to hear all about it."
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holdinbacksecrets · 9 months
Hi! Can you please write BTS version of the voicemails they will send hinting their feelings? Thank you 😊
thank you for requesting 🖤
voicemails from bts, hinting feelings
namjoon: “i was in a bookstore the other day and started to imagine a book you wrote being on the shelves someday. everything you do, down to the indentation of your steps, leaves behind a story. do you remember your birthday two years ago? you drank one glass too many, and it’s like the fiction unleashed. i recorded a voice memo, but i never played it for you. i want to.”
jin: “are you scared? this morning you sounded really scared on the phone. i’m sorry i didn’t say more or say enough. i was caught off guard because you’ve never showed me scared before, not like that. i’ve seen your apprehension. i’ve seen your insecure. i’ve seen your anxiety, but this was consuming fear. i’m making dinner, and i feel like you probably haven’t eaten today… if your anxiety gives anything away about your scared. come over when you’re off. i’ll greet you with a hug and bowl of soup. or two bowls. i have cheese and bread too. the good bread. the loaf you turned me on to.”
yoongi: “you used the notes app on my phone to write out your grocery list, and i’m amused. it sounds like you’re having a conversation with yourself: right now, i want rice crispies, but i’ll probably change my mind once i’m in the cereal aisle. trust your gut, or get two boxes. you’re 26. no one is stopping you. oh! get some apple juice too. i keep having dreams about twelve year old me at a friend’s house. we’d sit at the kitchen island after school with graham crackers and apple juice, and i miss her. i miss those simple conversations. you’re so pure and magnetic. sometimes i wonder where you came from, but then i’m just glad you made it here—tumbled into my life because you did tumble. you’ve always made the story sound too elegant. the tumble was charming, i promise.”
hoseok: “you’ve been sharing recipes with me, or i guess i should say the final product of your recipes has been shared with me, repeatedly, and now i’m starting to wait for the knock on my door or the ring of a text. is that bad? i wouldn’t want you to ever think i’m demanding treats, but i love… i love the time we spend together when you bring them over, and your eyes sparkle when my expression changes because of how good everything always tastes… i love that too.”
jimin: “did you say everything you needed to yesterday? i swear your lips parted and you leaned in so many times to never say anything. i know it was a busy place, and it’s not that fun sitting at a table for twelve. but i was ready to listen. i’ll be ready at 2 am too. whatever you need. there’s something to this, right? to the ease of our conversations. you trust me?”
taehyung: “do you want to sculpt clay with me? i bought a whole bag and a bunch of tools. i thought about booking a private lesson, but i wanted my record player and access to a kitchen and the ability to get my hands dirty whenever i want to—need it. do you need it too? if not, keep me company while i try to make something?”
jungkook: “can i pick you up today? this is going to sound ridiculous, but your smell used to linger in my car, and i can’t quite make out the notes of your perfume anymore. i can imagine them, but they don’t meet me when i open the door… i can’t leave this as a voicemail on your phone. can i leave this as a voicemail on your phone? i sound insane.”
bonus: “i’m calling to tell you i’m proud of you. sometimes when we were kids, i used to think our dreams wouldn’t make it higher than the trees. i thought they’d get caught in the leaves, die on branches come winter, but look at us. look at you. you’re incredible. we did it.”
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littledovesnow · 8 months
any era snow with a sick s/o? 🫣🫣
even if its just a cold i feel like hed 100% worry over them
first of all, i love the 🫣 emoji it's one of my most frequently used ones teehee. second of all, god i love protective worry-wart coriolanus
Keeping the mug of steaming coffee under your nose, you relished in the temporary relief it provided for your congestion.
"Do you want me to call Coriolanus?"
You peered over the mug at Lucky Flickerman, who had stopped pruning his mustache to look at you, worry on his face.
Shaking your head, you gripped onto the back of the chair next to you while the world teetered for a moment. "No, I'm fine. I don't want to worry him, it's the first year Coryo's working as a Gamemaker, he needs to be focused."
Lucky chose not to comment on how your "fine" sounded more like "find" with how congested you are, but the frown on his face persisted.
"What's with that look, didn't your mother ever tell you if you stay like that it'll freeze?"
Lucky was going to reply, but a rough cough from deep in your chest cut him off. "That's it, you're going home."
"You're not my boss." You replied, though you agreed with the brown-haired man. "But yeah, I think I should go home."
Lucky had an assistant at the studio call for a car, patting your back as you were caught up in another coughing spell.
"Don't tell Coryo." You pointed a finger at him, dropping into the plush interior of the car.
Coriolanus closed the door to the apartment you two had recently moved in to, trying to let go of the stress and work-related issues at the door.
He frowned when he heard a hacking sound from the bedroom, and he noticed your bag and coat strewn across the couch. You usually weren't home until later, helping out where you could at the Capitol News studio.
"Love?" He called, walking down the short call to the bedroom.
"No, no, don't come in!" You said, pitiful look on your face. "I'm sick, and you can't get sick, the Games are coming up."
Coriolanus tsked as disregarded your command to stay out of the room, instead pressing the back of his hand to your forehead. "You're warm. Why didn't you have someone call me at the Citadel?"
Shrugging, you leaned into Coriolanus' cool hand, relishing in the feeling against your feverish cheek. "Didn't want to worry you, it's just a cold."
Coriolanus sucked his teeth, disappearing into the bathroom for a moment and re-emerging with a small glass of water, setting it on the bedside table. "I always worry about you, love. Cold or the plague, you're the number one thing on my mind."
You rolled your eyes at the plague comment, knowing you could be quite the dramatic person when ill. "That's sweet, Coryo. But you're going to get sick, and then Dr. Gaul will unleash one of her mutts on me if she finds out I'm the reason her star pupil is sick for the Games."
Laughing, Coriolanus patted your comforter-covered leg as he quickly changed into something more comfortable. "Why don't you grovel in the thoughts of what mutt she might unleash while I work on some soup, hm?"
"Oh, please call Tigris. I don't want to have food poisoning on top of a cold!" You called, breaking into a cough at the end of the statement.
Coriolanus shook his head as he walked out into the kitchen, following your wish to phone his cousin and have her make some soup, knowing he wouldn't do the Snow recipe justice.
send some blurbs here!
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cerisahh · 8 months
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SYNOPSIS ꒱ social media/internet headcanons for the saiki k characters.
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CHARACTERS INCLUDED ꒱ saiki, kaidou, aren, nendou, toritsuka, hairo, teruhashi, aiura, yumehara, mera, rifuta
NOTE ꒱ i love the saiki k characters so much they’re like a fond memory.
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• surprisingly, saiki has social media.
• private account, of course. 0 posts, 0 followers, 0 following, (12 follow requests which he will never accept).
• claims it helps him be percieved as 'average' (he's keeping tabs on his friends those nuisances that follow him around).
• enjoys baking videos! when he finds a recipe he likes, him and his mother will make it together.
• he's one of those people who use perfect punctuation and grammar whilst typing. never turned off auto-capitalisation.
• dry texter by choice, not by chance. he's less dry when he's speaking online to someone he actually likes, but not by much (by less dry, you get a sentence instead of a one-word answer).
• leaves everyone on delivered most of the time.
• tried changing his number multiple times, but someone always manages to get hold of it so he just gave up.
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• no one wants to say it so i will. he uses wattpad.
• tried to use ao3/fanfiction.net but found it too difficult so he stuck to his roots.
• he would definetly write paragraphs upon paragraphs of the lore of the-jet-black-wings and dark reunion, as well as the origins of the power sealed within his right arm (black beat) and why it is DETRIMENTAL that this power is never unleashed or stolen by evil.
• everyone in the comments think that it's just a cool original story idea.
• absolutely inserts his friends as original characters in his lore. i might make a whole seperate post about this.
• he also uses reddit. where else is he going to get story ideas?
• has these apps pin locked and hidden in his phone, on the off-chance his mother decides to look through it.
• ABSOLUTELY plays roblox, his username is something cringe he made when he was ten (like the rest of us), refuses to change it. account is -13 for some reason.
• he has spent a lot of money on roblox. a troubling amount.
• types in lowercase, except when he's talking to his mother, then it's all punctuation and manners.
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• still purchases burner phones even though his gangster days are over. old habits die hard.
• uses an ipad more often than not.
• plays roblox with kaidou, is a bacon hair. his messages constantly get filtered because he still doesn't realise you can't swear on roblox. warned almost everyday - on the verge of being banned.
• watches motorcycle tiktoks, it's literally all his fyp is. the comments he leaves are usually just questions relating to the specs of the bikes.
• is the member of the group that pays for netflix and disney+ and lets everyone leech off of him.
• reformed aren posts pictures of his friends and himself, it's actually a really normal page - which is his goal.
• pre-reformed aren would just post videos of him flexing, and all of his fights. there's a lot of fights.
• also: mullet pics.
• is on reddit SOLELY for the purpose of biker groups. could probably write a thesis on an single engine part. probably has. don't ask him to show you.
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• this guy BARELY knows how to operate a phone, let alone the internet.
• only really uses his phone to google stuff and talk to his buddies.
• nendou... is so bad at spelling... like... SO bad.
• half the time nobody can decipher his messages it's just that horrendous.
• uses emojis, but doesn't open the emoji tab?? so he'll type the emoji he wants and then leave the word prompt in the message?? (ex: 'ramen 🍜 after school 🏫 ?')
• made a seperate account for koriki no.2 but just uses it as his own.
• his first time posting a picture of himself one of those ⓘ - generated by ai messages was under it. THEY THINK HE’S TOO UGLY TO BE REAAALL.
• unintelligible comments left on everything he sees.
• also likes everything he sees. his fyp/explore pages are filled with nonsense. nothing makes sense.
• there are a lot of cute animal videos though - this is a recurring theme.
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• sigh.
• falls for those ads that are like: 'horny women in the area ready to fuck'.
• has a lot of malware downloaded without his knowledge.
• a reddit troll, there's no doubt about it. he LIVES to piss people off on that site. think colin robinson in that one episode (this is a niche reference).
• i regret to inform everyone, but before omegle shut down... he was a regular.
• probably has several failed business ideas. also has probably invested in cryptocurrency, bragged about his newfound riches, lost his newfound riches due to the market collapsing, and the cycle continues.
• says outrageous things on twitter. outrageous. one might even go as far as to say heinous.
• probably has hate pages made about him.
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• without a doubt has a gym bro tiktok account, might be a disciple of joey swoll.
• reposts those 'before and after' gym pictures with messages of congratulations to the person - he's so sweet. >_<
• probably has a couple thousand followers, a lot of people from his local gym follow him.
• contrary to popular belief, he doesn't type with caps on all the time. keeps auto capitalisation on and uses a lot of exclamation marks though.
• is the person who created the class groupchat. and the group chat of the ENTIRE school year. he literally added EVERYONE to it.
• follows everyone? like... people don't even know how he knows everyone but he does?? (he's just really friendly).
• there's multiple videos that he's tagged in of him doing kind things for people, hairo is such a sweetheart guys.
• uses his platform to give fitness advice to people. there's a lot of motivational quotes plastered on his accounts.
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• of course teruhashi has social media, how else will she broadcast her beauty?
• she has SO many message requests, dedicates hours a day to respond to them to maintain her 'perfect pretty girl' status.
• posts once every week at a scheduled time, get's thousands of likes without fail.
• has a finsta for her close friends.
• doesn't have tiktok but somewhow still has fan accounts on there. and on every other site.
• is really into conspiracy theories, although she won't publicise this or her stance on anything either. she must remain neutral.
• her @'s and tags are mostly full of her fans taking pictures with/of her. she appreciates it, of course! but it's still strange...
• has her brother blocked (thank god).
• has numerous ootd highlights, the people eat it up everytime.
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• chronic pinterest addict
• unironically uses yubo (she needs help)
• her instagram highlights are so fun to go through, it's messy but it's a hot mess
• posts A LOT, like multiple times a day
• consumes a lot of yoga/meditation media.
• a lot of her media intake is different subcultures of gyaru (obviously), but she's really into haute couture.
• she actually streams on twitch sometimes, mostly to do online readings for people - she also does makeup tutorials and posts fashion advice!
• has also been banned by twitch several times for bypassing terms of service. (it's not her fault that the admins are sensitive).
• her most used app is probably spotify. has ayesha erotica in most of her playlists.
• she has a seperate account for her business, she posts newly decorated crystal balls each week and does free weekly readings in order to promote herself.
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• runs a semi-popular baking yt, (which saiki follows, to the knowledge of no one)
• used to post gacha life love story videos.
• might be the only person who knows about kaidous secret wattpad account (bar saiki obviously), reads everything he writes and inserts herself into his scenarios.
• types all cutesy and uses emoticons like there is no tomorrow
• 'hai hai everyone!! (^_^)' <- for example.
• buys sketchy stuff off aliexpress that promise the most ludicrous results (ex: she buys fat burning/slimming creams and expects them to give her a perfect beach body, gets confused when it gives her a rash and then buys more).
• has an etsy shop and makes custom jewellery (makes it free for her friends and leaves it in their desks with a custom note, it's very wholesome).
• her notes app is under LOCK AND KEY. that shit is more secure than the nuclear codes.
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• doesn't have a phone. can't even afford gas and electric, let alone internet. is poor.
• would join giveaways even if they're obviously fake. she's desperate.
• miraculously end up WINNING ONE?? she gets flown out to be featured in one of those obnoxious youtubers videos and comes back with a fat paycheck and ridiculously expensive electronics (which she eventually sells, probably to pay the rent).
• is a reoccurring guest on yumehara's yt channel, as a taste-tester, obviously.
• was also meant to critique the food but she rates everything a 10/10 so was not very useful.
• her most used app? let's all be honest with ourselves, it's a food delivery one.
• has the most games downloaded out of everyone, mostly to entertain her siblings when they're bored.
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• has a really cute and aesthetic tumblr - yet somewhow doesn't know what fanfiction is?
• dear god this girl uses everskies. she ABSOLUTELY uses everskies. has been banned several times.
• has so many throwaway accounts. like it breaches fifty, it's getting to be a problem.
• definitely argues with people on public forums, you can't convince me that this girl doesn't have festering anger building up inside her, arguing online is like a rage room for her.
• her phone layout is one of those aesthetic pink ones, she spent hours on it. hours.
• this girl is a MASTER stalker. has every social media under the sun, even the ones nobody has heard about in years.
• is unnervingly good at editing photos and videos.
• her alts are constantly getting suspended for harassment. has anonymously harassed saiki multiple times (he knows its her).
• everything she posts is really over-the-top with cutesy filters, like, blindingly so.
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© CERISAHH 2024 — all fics on this account belong to… ME! don’t steal my shit.
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sonknuxadow · 5 months
gary i need. to make more stuff from the sonic cookbook
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just-cofffee · 7 months
Glimmers of the Past
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- gojo satoru x reader
genre: just a little angst
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In the midst of the kitchen, Satoru found himself surrounded by utensils and ingredients, determined to surprise Y/n with a delicious homemade dinner. However, his culinary skills left much to be desired. As he attempted to follow the recipe, the sauce burned, the pasta turned sticky, and the vegetables resembled more of an abstract art piece than an edible dish.
Y/n, observing the scene from the table, couldn't help but laugh at Satoru's desperate attempts to salvage the culinary disaster. Amidst laughter, she approached him and embraced him gently, reassuring him that the gesture meant more than the outcome. Satoru's eyes radiated adoration and love for the woman now in his arms, showering her with soft kisses all over her face.
Deciding to leave behind the culinary debacle, Satoru opted to order takeout. Together, they enjoyed an improvised dinner, sharing laughs as they relaxed on the couch, wrapped in blankets and watching cliché movies.
Satoru always made sure to demonstrate his love for Y/n. Despite his youth, he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He was deeply in love with every aspect of Audrey: her voice, her soft hair, her smooth skin, and her exquisite aroma.
His heart ached with pain and betrayal as the evidence unfolded before him. Evidence confirming his alleged cooperation and collusion with Geto Suguru. First, the loss of his best friend, and now, the betrayal of the one he believed was the love of his life.
"I didn't do anything, Toru, it's false, you have to believe me," she pleaded, but Satoru was blinded by anger and pain. He shouted without listening, wounded to the core. You understood his pain, but he was also hurting you, accusing you unfairly with words filled with hatred and contempt.
"Leave, or you will regret it," he snapped, his tone icy and filled with hate, cutting you like a sharp dagger. It pained you to feel those bitter emotions directed towards you. You tried to approach, but his infinity was active, something that had never happened before. Wiping away your tears, you decided to leave…
And there you were, shining like an angel, ethereal as he remembered you. So close, yet so far away. He watched as you laughed, illuminated by the jokes of one of your fellow teachers. A knot formed in the depths of his stomach, rising up his throat like a blazing fire as he watched you share laughs with that man who was clearly flirting with you.
Satoru knew your gestures, your looks, your laughter, and he could sense that you didn't perceive the true intentions of that individual, just as it had been with him in the past. A familiar feeling of helplessness and pain washed over him as he watched the scene from a distance, trapped in a sea of turbulent emotions.
It had been more than six years since the last time he saw you, and, by all the gods, you were even more stunning. Your hair now cascaded like a waterfall down your back, framing your face with a beauty that had matured, yet still retained the same tenderness that had always characterized you. What never changed was your gaze, that pair of eyes that always hypnotized him, making him nervous like the first time he approached you. Those eyes, seemingly normal, were magical and unique to him, capable of unleashing a storm of emotions within him. Now, that last look you gave him continued to haunt him, filled with pain.
He didn't rest for a moment until he found the truth, and when he finally unearthed it, he was consumed by a burning desire to disappear. He loathed himself with a searing hatred that devoured him from within; he had falsely accused you. He fought to find you, but, as expected, you slipped masterfully through the shadows, out of his reach. There you were, just a few meters away, perhaps unaware of his presence, and your eyes, as if they could read his mind, observed him with a mixture of confusion and curiosity..
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dollcieee · 2 months
Beside you
Advent Children Cloud Strife x fem! reader
<3 Just another normal day in Midgar
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Cloud has been delivering packages all day outside of Midgar, the sunlight burning through his skin. The motorcycle roared to life as Cloud straddled the smooth machine, his gloved hands gripping the handlebars with a firm yet phlegmatic grasp.
He just really wants to go home, back to you. All this work has drained the energy out of him and he needs to recharge. He already thought of what he's going to do first once he gets back. Take a shower, talk to you, eat lunch with you, watch some news with you, take a nap with you, cuddle with you, or perhaps...
Lost in thought, Cloud sees ahead of him the sight of the domineering power-base that is Midgar. With a twist of the throttle, Cloud unleashed the motorcycle's potential, propelling forward with an exhilarating burst of speed. The wind whipped through his blonde spiky hair, his mako colored eyes focused on the road, as he leaned into his ride home.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨🧁୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
After parking Fenrir to the side of the small cottage house, he walks back to the front door to be greeted by a small cute sign that reads 'Cloud &Y/n's house', going inside, he's greeted by the smell of sweet pastries, the smell overwhelms his nose in a good way.
'Y/n must've made those blueberry muffins again..'
Walking over to the kitchen, he meets the perpetrator of the creations of blueberry muffins, his sweet and amazing girlfriend, Y/n.
"Welcome back! You're just in time, the muffins are all good to eat" y/n places the tray of muffins to the table, walking back to the near kitchen counter to take off her frilly apron, folding it neatly and putting it inside the drawer.
"So..how was your day?" They both sat down at the table facing each other, Cloud took a muffin and looked at it. The muffin boasted a golden-brown crust with tantalizing cracks, revealing pockets of juicy blueberries nestled within., "it was okay..nothing much going on" he takes a bite of the muffin as he chewed, Cloud savored the harmonious blend of moistness and density, relishing the interplay between the muffin's rich buttery notes and the bursts of tangy sweetness from the plump blueberries.
"You?" Cloud asked, "Oh me? Just selling some bread and helping Tifa out at the bar" she replied, taking a bite out of her muffin.
They quietly eat their muffin. By the time they're finished, Cloud washes the dishes while Y/n dries them, leaving the two in a comfortable silence.
It would always be like this, moments of complete silence but it never bothered the two. To them each other's presence was enough, Cloud wasn't really the type to express his feelings much, but Y/n understands and knows Cloud loves her very much just like how she loves him as well.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨🧁୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
"I'm gonna take a shower, wanna join me?" Cloud grabs his towel in a rack and gazes upon his girlfriend scrolling through her phone, "I'm good, just showered earlier" she quickly smiles at him and back at her phone.
"Okay, I'll be quick.." he walks upstairs, leaving Y/n downstairs. Cloud walked into the bathroom, closing the door quietly behind him. He turned on the shower, feeling the water gradually warm up as it slides down from his hair to his back and down to his feet. He lets the soothing stream cascade over their body, washing away the day's stress. The steam filled the room, creating a tranquil and comforting atmosphere, enveloping Cloud in a peaceful embrace.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨🧁୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
"So many brownie recipes.." She kept scrolling up on her phone. She's been planning on making brownies and giving them to Marlene as a thank you for helping her clean the bar.
Y/n adores Marlene. Whenever she sees Marlene doing something like reading a book or playing outside of Seventh Heaven with her friends, she imagines herself taking care of her own child. The thought of being a mother warms Y/n's heart.
She wonders if Cloud liked the idea of creating a family of their own someday.
"A family with Cloud.." she whispers, looking at the window in front of her blankly.
"What's that?"
"OH- Cloud you scared me" Y/n places a hand to her chest, shocked by the presence of her boyfriend behind her "Well that was quick" she laughed, checking Cloud out, he went from his everyday clothes to a black t-shirt and some gray sweatpants to go along with it.
"I told you I'd be quick" he grabs a chair and sits down beside Y/n, his head resting on her left shoulder. Y/n tries to act cool as possible, she continues to scroll through her phone searching for a good brownie recipe. Hoping Cloud didn't hear what she said just now.
Cloud looks at Y/n her eyes focused on her phone. He wanted her to talk about their day again. He felt that the conversation they had earlier was too short. But it seems like Y/n has other things to do, he could start the conversation but..
'Y/n might think I'm clingy.. I'm not clingy!'
'But Y/n might think I don't want to talk to her..'
'I'll just look at what she's doing' Cloud sighs softly. Looking down at her phone, he sees numerous links to brownie recipes.
"What's that?" Cloud asked, Y/n has the tendency to talk a lot when it comes to baking. He doesn't understand most of it, but it got his girl all happy and talking, so he just nods along, happy that Y/n can share the things she likes with him.
"Oh, it's just these past few weeks Marlene has been helping me with cleaning the bar at night. I just wanna make her some brownies as a 'thank you', and also if she wants, she could share some with her friends if she wants to" Y/n clicks a link, reading its contents while still talking to Cloud, "I've also been wanting to learn how to make brownies, they don't really sell brownies down here so it's hard to find such sweet delicacy." Cloud hums in agreement, reading through her phone as well, "And when I make Brownies, I wanna put small cute toppings like marshmallows...or peanuts!" she smiled at the thought of sweet tasty brownies, "Hey, when you go outside tomorrow can I join you? I'll buy some ingredients for the brownies and also stock up our fridge. It's kinda getting empty now hehe.." she giggled wholeheartedly.
Cloud wraps his arms around her waist, pulling Y/n closer to him. He raises his head up and kisses her on the temple, then snuggles his face into the side of her neck.
"Of course...I'll go with you, because.." Cloud pauses for a moment "because I wanna spend some time with you..."
"We're gonna have a long date at the supermarket then" she laughs, and he just smiles, hugging her close to him.
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marsbutterfly · 3 months
..cowboy hanji
that’s it
Headcanons: Cowboy! Hanji Zoe
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warnings: nonbinary! hanji zoe, fem! reader, fluff, they do throw up at the end so idk sjfaopfa be aware of that. also, this is lowkey inspired by stardew valley and i didn't beta read, we die like men
/ cowboy! hanji has always been the town's favorite. they are known for their little quirks, such as taking in every stray animal they find in the desert and nursing them back to health, or mixing drinks down at the saloon while no one was looking and daring their friends to drink it. It never ended too well.
/ cowboy! hanji is oblivious to the fact that every girl in town has a crush on them. like, it's pretty bad actually. they keep getting "not so secret" messages from girls they've just met, saying how they are "soooooo smart, and kind, and have the most beautiful smile." they think they are just being nice.
/ cowboy! hanji never believed in love at first sight until you moved into town. you were moving in to take over your grandfather's old farm after spending most of your life traveling around and collecting all the knowledge you needed to make things work.
/ cowboy! hanji didn't know someone new was moving in, so when the mayor introduced the two of you, they immediately turned into a blushing mess, unable to even form a single coherent sentence. but when you giggled at their antics, they knew they were fucked.
/ cowboy! hanji immediately offered to be your tour guide, they were so excited to have someone new to talk to about the different kinds of vegetations and you had more knowledge than anyone they had ever been around. oh, all the information they could learn from someone like you.
/ cowboy! hanji who always stops by your farm with new books regarding the town's history, dishes they learned to cook during their childhood and their designated recipes. they always do their best to come early in the day to help you care for your crops, or take care of your animals, even help you take stuff into town to set up your stall at the market. they don't mind the temperature and seeing how happy it makes you, just makes it all worth it for them.
/ cowboy! hanji has a thick, velvet laced southern accent. it's a little stronger than anyone else's and, at first, you do have some trouble understanding them. but the more time the two of you spend together, talking the night away over a bottle of aged whiskey, the more you understand them. not only the way they talk, but also the way they think.
/ cowboy! hanji who carries around two guns and three knives. if there is one thing about them is that they refuse to be underprepared for any kind of danger, even more so now that you have come into their life and they found something that they want so desperately to protect.
/ cowboy! hanji who never saw themselves falling in love with anyone, but can't seem to get you off their mind for a single second. the simple idea of seeing you later in the day makes their heart race and they clutch their hat every single time.
/ cowboy! hanji who sees you and tips their hat at you. a simple sign of respect that always earns an honest and gentle giggle out of you because the two of you have been close for a few months at this point.
/ cowboy! hanji who can tie any knots and lasso literally anything that moves. the first time one of your cows escaped, you tried your best to get it under control yourself, but your talents involved plants and crops and the mere idea of lassoing anything caused a small wave of panic to wash over you. luckily for you, hanji was right on time for their morning help with the chores and, as soon as they saw the runaway cow, they chased after the animal and lassoed it with such ease that you can feel your face burning with embarrassment. you repaid them with fresh lemonade and a pie.
/ cowboy! hanji who always considered themselves to be straight forward but can never get a single word about their feelings out when it comes to you. their entire face turns bright red and their brain stops functioning the minute they see you smile. it's their biggest weakness.
/ cowboy! hanji who invites you to the town's festival one day, explaining how it's a massive tradition and how everyone would be there. you ask if you should bring something or maybe set up a stall and they shake their head, saying they'll take care of everything and you should just save up the most delicious looking veggies and fruits you've harvested so far.
/ cowboy! hanji who pays a group of teenagers to take care of your stall at the festival so the two of you can have some fun. it's a thoughtful gesture and you insist on paying them back, but they deny it immediately. the two of you go back and forth for a while until they decide that the only way you can repay them is for you to be their arm candy for the night.
/ cowboy! hanji who refuses to let you pay for any food or any of the games around the festival. they get you to try their favorites and the two of you continuously have eating competitions or seeing who is going to win more prizes by the end of the night or who will be the ultimate hero.
/ cowboy! hanji whose eyes immediately glow when they notice the mechanical bull at the town's square. the mischievous glint never fading as they look at you, only to realize you share the same look in your eyes. no words are needed for the two of you to understand each other, running to place your prizes behind your stall and making your way towards the line.
/ cowboy! hanji who gives up so easily when you flash them those big, puppy dog eyes and they agree to go first. they're experienced, more so than most people, so it's not easy to knock them down. as you count, it takes nearly a minute to get them off the back of the fake animal and you set it off as a personal vendetta to beat their record.
/ cowboy! hanji whose lips can't seem to close the longer you stand on the back of the mechanical bull. a minute passes, then thirty more seconds, hell you are nearly at two minutes by the time your arms give up and you allow yourself to fall from the machine. all you can hear are the roars of the town's people celebrating around you.
/ cowboy! hanji whose screams are louder than anyone else's as they celebrate your victory. they scoop you up in their arm, placing your ass on their shoulder as they continue to pump their hand in the air while the other holds you in place. they don't even notice, but they've been chanting the words "that's MY girl!" over and over and over again.
/ cowboy! hanji who finally places you down as the two of you begin to make your way back home, all your items already packed. as you stand at the edge of the festival, a few people still dancing around and eating, you stand in front of them, your eyes glistening under the hanging lights and the moon. with their free hand, hanji brushes a strand of hair behind your ear, their breath trembling slightly as they finally find the courage to ask "can i kiss you?"
/ cowboy! hanji whose cheeks turn bright red and their breathing hitches in their throat as you nod. their lips gently brushing above yours as you melt into their touch. it's a gentle kiss, the roughness of their hands on your waist contrasting directly with the softness of their lips, the taste of the candy apple the two of you shared earlier in the evening still present in their tongue as it wraps around yours. you can't help but hum against their mouth, your hands gently cupping their cheeks as you carefully nibble at their lower lip.
/ cowboy! hanji whose heart has connected with yours the minute they saw you for the first time. their forehead touching yours as the two of you stand in a comfortable silence for a little while, it doesn't last long. the two of you stare at each other for a few seconds before running off towards the nearest trash cans. the combination between the excitement of the kiss, the mechanical bull ride and all the junk food finally catching up to the two of you.
/ cowboy! hanji who holds your hand as the two of you get sick together in the trash cans behind city hall.
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