#Urban setting
imaginal-ai · 1 month
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"Urban Vagabond" (0003)
(More of The Urban Dwellers Series)
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hardcore-gaming-101 · 2 months
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In the early 2000s, Sega developer Toshihiro Nagoshi had an idea for a game. He had been working on arcade hits and cult favorites for the company for years, including a stint as director for the Super Monkey Ball series. He had to fight for it, even sneaking in a reel during a meeting with a then CEO, but eventually got to get a team he was leading to bring an idea he had to life. That idea was Ryu ga Gotoku, or Like A Dragon, localized as Yakuza initially for the west. It was to be something aimed specifically at adult Japanese men, taking inspiration from crime dramas, and most likely some Shenmue DNA from Nagoshi’s time on the first game in its final six months of development. An RPG and beat-em-up hybrid, with a world to explore, but one very familiar to the target audience.
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bullard90kendall · 1 month
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She walks with the sort of grace that's usually reserved for the silver screen, an organic blend of confidence and a touch of nonchalance that suggests she knows the world is watching; yet, she owes it no favors. Clad in the inky embrace of a leather jacket, she is both the whispering rumor of midnight secrets and the undeniable clarity of daybreak. The city wraps around her like a static ocean—its waves halted by the sheer force of her presence, its buildings mere whispers in the choir of her story.
There's a softness to her features that belies the steel in her gaze, eyes that don't just observe but seem to pierce through the veil of reality itself. Her hair, a chestnut cascade, falls just so, catching the light as if Mother Nature herself chose to spotlight her in this urban play. There's a graphic tee under the protective layer of her jacket that suggests a symphony of tastes and interests—a flag to her personality, understated yet fiercely individual.
In her hand, she casually holds an enigma, something that speaks of power and possibility, that contrasts so starkly with the gentle curvature of her fingers. She's not just a figure walking through this concrete kingdom, but rather its quietly acknowledged queen, a matriarch of the moment and, you get the sense, of many moments that have passed and those that are yet to unfurl.
She's the embodiment of the tales whispered by the city winds, a narrative of strength and softness, an ode to the urban odyssey written in flesh and blood, in denim and leather. There's a story behind her eyes, a history in her stride. She is, by all accounts, her own universe unfolding.
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chiokedmachi · 4 months
Cliff Notes Version: The Heartless Reign Chronicles by Chioke Dmach
– **Setting:** The story unfolds in the stark and sterile environment of the Reign Apartment Homes complex, where diverse characters grapple with their inner demons and search for meaning in their lives. – **Characters:** 1. Chioke: A strong, charismatic young man in his mid-20s, radiating innocence and faith despite the challenges he faces. 2. August: A brooding figure battling self-doubt and…
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papa-squat-89 · 7 months
Can't wait to plant these next year. It's funny cause I got the pink flowers from my Mary jane dealer's place and people are judging me lol. Retards probably think that I'm gona smoke it.
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There's Avocado, lemon seeds, lime seeds, grapefruit seeds and the pink flowers. (Actually called pink weed or smart weed. [It's not weed it's just a weed.]) Not sure when to plant it but I like wild flowers better than perennial flowers.
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Reminds me of the woods. I loved going in there.
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ultralowoxygen · 1 year
Under the East Cross Route by Ian Roberts
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secondlifep · 1 year
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Morning world
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Patchwork Damnation
When a sorcerer performs a summoning and binding ritual; the magic calls forth a contrasting and complimentary figure from the Primordial Madness, that will both target the sorcerer in question just as much as it will serve them and push them to grow. Samantha is a young sorceress full of drive and a deep, unsatisfiable hunger for achievement and the desire for others to view her with a mix of awe and pride. When she performs the summoning and binding ritual to open up the Primordial Madness and receive her familiar; she is shocked to see an anaemic and warped figure collapse into a heap before her right as the rend in reality was starting to close.
It is only realising that the creature is as hungry and capable of being as spiteful and vile and obscenely driven as she is does Samantha even grow to remotely tolerate the abomination. It is when house politicking and the changing landscape of progress and tradition; a reshuffling and damage to the status quo does the creature show one of it's unique talents, the parasitizing of other life.
The two clash and are just as much of a threat to each other as they are to their enemies; each seeking any way to more power to sequester and maintain their own petty empire free from the control of anyone else. Samantha is on a warpath, seeking to destroy those who had wronged her and left her for dead after a terrifying battle in the backalleys of Brentwidge. Her Frankenstein familiar realises that Samantha is parasitizing his gifts while refusing to heal from her own mental and emotional wounds. So, he decides that if she won't willfully learn; that he will force her to learn, each time his strength grows he will lash out at Samantha and force her to confront her own personal demons and her vile worship of power and perfectionism.
Leading to the pair plotting against each other as much as they plotted against other sorcerers and demons.
(story idea accompanied by some very, very old artwork I made when I was in highschool.)
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imaginal-ai · 1 month
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"Cargo Shorts" (0005)
(More of The Cargo Shorts Series)
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hardcore-gaming-101 · 18 days
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Yakuza 0
This is it. This is the big one. This game right here is where Like A Dragon became a household name. It almost didn’t happen. If not for fans coming out to beg Sony for Yakuza 5‘s western release, Sega would have never bothered with a 2017 release of this 10th anniversary project, and that would have been it. The failure of Dead Souls would have buried the western reach of the franchise. But they kept at it, got some Atlus localizers to punch up the localization, gave a PC port a shot to see if that would do anything, and boy. Did it ever.
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aryelsereio · 1 year
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I'm still a Believer! for Metropolis Speedway
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octokoco · 2 years
some concept artwork for the setting of my comic!!
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^^ an outside view of the city where most of the story takes place, vernadel.
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^^ the view from inside the city-- this area is called the terrace.
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^^ this chasm along the inner side of the perimeter wall is called the rift. an 80-foot descent by way of an elevator brings you down to the city's forgotten underside.
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^^ the mantle, hidden underneath the terrace, ignored.
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marlynnofmany · 2 years
A friend of mine had this idea, and I’d love to see it in an urban fantasy: magic is real and it stays secret because it looks like bad CGI. The fakest thing ever.
People who witness magic in person can always have their minds clouded, as they have been for most of human history, but all this newfangled technology has to be handled a different way. A video camera records exactly what it sees.
So, what it sees is … something that looks laughably fake. For any time period. The various secret magicians of the world make a point to keep their spells up to date with the current mundane trends — some of them even have running contests for who can make the most fake-looking spell.
I imagine they have a great time doing it. I sure would.
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may6th2030 · 15 days
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so extremely excited for Never Stop Blowing Up like!! brennan dressing up season???? hell yeah!!!
[photo from here]
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The "I know a Guy" mechanic, but you can't just make up a new npc to help. Instead, you can once per session point at an established npc and say, "aw, shit, that's my ex."
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