ruddyrose · 2 years
.//tag dummmmp
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alectoperdita · 2 years
i’m watching love between fairy and devil on netflix. i do think kaiba should be cursed to be nice to jounouchi and nurture his heart and feel his emotions and fall in love with him because he’s learned to be a human being again in jounouchi’s presence. i want a thousand fics just like that
I just looked up the synopsis for that one, and oh boy! Patricide? Forced psychic/mystical bond? On top of everything else you described? That is one delicious setup for this ship. <3
Gotta admit reading that did inspire me a bit. I didn't have time to watch the show itself (will maybe give it a try when I have the time to read subtitles), but I took a stab at writing a short drabble inspired by that premise. I'm sorry if I've missed the mark due to my unfamiliarity with the original source material, but I hope it entertains you.
Flower imagery, classical Chinese poetry, and plenty of footnotes ahead.
The Moon Supreme.
What a pompous title for a pompous blowhard.
With a name like Kaiba, he should've been one of the Dragon King's retinue. But otherwise, the epithet was a fitting one for the ethereal being—cold, distant, and unfeeling. And if the legends bore truth, a cold-blooded killer down to his core.
All that stood between the tall, imperious creature and the destruction of the Three Realms was Katsuya. Plain, old Katsuya, the lowest of the blossom xians [1]. While the others of his kin bore heads of lovely reds and blues and purples, as vibrant as plum, peony, irises in bloom, his hair was colored yellow like wheat.
Hay-head, the other blossom xians had mocked him in their youths.
Nor was he delicate and slim-limbed. His arms were sturdy as tree trunks, his palm as broad as lotus pads. His face, perhaps handsome enough for mortals, didn't carry the same dignified features that greater painters drove themselves into a frenzy to capture.
Hardly beautiful.
A xian in mere name.
His temper flared. He kicked a stray stone into the pond, disrupting the reflection that gazed up from the water.
"You're moping." A deep voice piped next to him.
Katsuya jumped and spun to face the intruder that dared to impinge on his solitary reflection. Speak of the devil. Kaiba loomed, a lanky monolith in his ice blue hanfu, in the shadow of the nearby willow tree. The slender vines and verdant leaves swayed in the warm breeze. The same wind ruffled Kaiba's chestnut locks, pulling back the curtain of long bangs to bear his ocean blue eyes.
The verse rose within Katsuya's mind, unbidden.
"Green, green, the riverside grass, Dense, dense, the garden willow." [2]
Kaiba arched an elegant brow at the sudden couplet, but he answered with the next lines.
"Dainty is the maiden upstairs, Shining bright through the window." [3]
Just as quickly, Katsuya's mood soured again. Dainty maidens, his ass.
Kaiba winced. A grimace cracking the flawless marble of his handsome face.
Faintly, Katsuya wondered how the man processed those feelings of inadequacies that didn't belong to him. A superior asshole like Kaiba probably never felt deficient, even before he sacrificed his ability to feel emotions. But he pinned Katsuya as moping before, so he learned enough to put a name to that feeling.
Perhaps their time together wasn't a complete waste. Kaiba could learn, however slowly. But would it be enough to stave off his thirst for vengeance?
He turned his back on Kaiba, bending down to sort through the stones on the rocky banks. Kaiba hung back, safe from the mortal realm's sun under the willow tree's protection. It took a few seconds, but Katsuya finally found a suitable flat stone. He wound his arm back, throwing all his strength into launching the stone across the water's surface. It skipped no less than a dozen times before sinking into the center of the sizable pond.
Pride bloomed in Katsuya's chest before it withered twice as quickly.
That finally spurred Kaiba into action.
Katsuya listened as the man stomped forward, grabbed his elbow, and hauled him to his feet. Soon, he was dragging him away from the riverbed and uphill toward a grassy knoll.
Katsuya fought. But even his strength failed when matched up against the Moon Supreme's stubbornness. "What are you doing? Lemme go!"
Kaiba did not let him go. He seemed intent on bodily dragging Katsuya, if it came down to it.
"Where are you taking me?" he snarled.
This time, Katsuya threw a punch with his free hand. It collided solidly with Kaiba's shoulder, and had he been something other than a cold-blooded bastard, it would've hurt. But as it was, he merely shrugged off the hit.
"To the city. To feed you. Distract your simple mind with simple amusements. Whatever needs to be done to rid you of this wretched malaise," Kaiba spat out past his gritted teeth.
"Leave me alone. Maybe I wanna mope. Maybe I want you to feel as bad as I do!" he shouted.
With teeth bared, Kaiba stopped and spun toward him. He dropped his inhuman grip to Katsuya's wrist and squeezed. Were Katsuya not divine or weaker in constitution, it would've crushed his bones. Instead, his wrists twinged.
"As long as I'm stuck with you—as long as we're entangled like this—I'll do what I must. You don't get a choice," snapped Kaiba.
Katsuya glared back. He supposed if another of his kin were subjected to this, they'd burst into tears. He'd do no such thing, though. "You still don't get it, do you? You can't just force people out of their bad moods. You can't just snap your fingers and make them feel better. Especially when the only reason you're trying is for your own sake!"
Theirs was a wretched arrangement. It may be Kaiba's curse, but Katsuya was being no less punished for it. It wasn't fair.
Everyone expected Katsuya to fail. That hurt more than anything.
Never being enough.
His pain sharpened. Kaiba grunted and dropped his hand like hot coal. Katsuya hugged his wrists close and sank to the ground again.
He stared at the grass, heaving heavy breaths. "You think I wanna feel like this? You think I enjoy this?"
Kaiba said nothing. His feet remained locked in place on the periphery of Katsuya's vision. "Then why won't you let me make this better?"
"Because this isn't something you can fix. You can't fix me, Kaiba. You can't make me a proper blossom xian," he muttered.
The wind picked up again. A lark sang in the bushes. They said nothing to each other in the wake of Katsuya's declaration. The pain dulled to an ache inside Katsuya's chest. A worn and familiar feeling that pressed on his heart.
Grass crunched as Kaiba shifted. To his surprise, Kaiba joined him on the ground. "Who's to say you're not a proper blossom xian? You are one because it's your nature."
His gaze snapped up to Kaiba's face. "Please, you've seen me, you've seen the others. I mean, just look at this—" He tugged a tuft of yellow hair at his temple. "The color's so plain. So common in flowers. They used to call me 'hay-head.' Some of them still do."
"Chrysanthemums are among the Four Gentlemen," argued Kaiba. [4]
Chrysanthemums also came in shades of white, pink, and violets. But as soon as he opened his mouth to argue, his temple stung. He gaped as Kaiba withdrew his hand with several strands of Katsuya's hair clasped between his lithe fingers.
Kaiba looked him straight in the eyes, entirely serious and without a hint of mocking. "You're the only blossom xian I've spent time with. As far as I'm concerned, you're the only proper one."
Something in Katsuya's chest fluttered.
An odd expression flashed across Kaiba's face. He surely felt it, too. Without breaking eye contact, Kaiba transferred the hairs into his palm and made a fist before drawing from his considerable well of qi. Katsuya stiffened, alarmed by the overt use of power. But he was even more shocked by what Kaiba revealed when he unclenched his hand.
A sprig of osmanthus blossoms in the exact shade as Katsuya's hair. [5]
His breath hitched when Kaiba next spoke, low and melodious in his recitations.
"A pale wash of light yellow, gentle in substance and character. Aloof by nature, yet its fragrance carries afar. What need is there of light cyan or pale red blossoms? This one ranks first among all the flowers." [6]
Despite himself, warmth flooded Katsuya's cheeks. He could only dumbly accept the flowers when Kaiba offered them to him. He could feel the frosted bite of Kaiba's qi within them. But it didn't make them any less beautiful.
A slow smirk spread across Kaiba's lips. It was impossible to hide the fact that Katsuya was charmed when he literally felt what Katsuya did. But Katsuya couldn't find it within himself to be annoyed or mad. He twirled the sprig in his fingers.
"Is there really an osmanthus tree on the moon?" he asked instead.
Kaiba's smile turned mysterious. "Perhaps you'll find out one day."
[1] I've never been very hot on the translation of xian to fairy. Not that I have a much better suggestion, but thankfully, the rise of western C-Drama fandom has made it easier to use the original terms.
[2] [3] Translations of lines 1-4 of 《青青河畔草》 from 《古詩十九首》, an anthology of classic Chinese poems with no attributed authors. Lines 1-2 were taken from Pleco’s translation because I really like their alliteration. Lines 3-4 was translated by me since I couldn’t find better ones. ^^;;;
青青河畔草,鬱郁園中柳。 盈盈樓上女,皎皎當窗牖。
[4] The Four Gentlemen are the plants most commonly depicted in traditional ink paintings. They include the plum blossom, the orchid, bamboo, and the chrysanthemum.
[5] Osmanthus flowers are often associated with lunar legends in Chinese tradition. It's said that an osmanthus tree grows on the moon, which is why Katsuya asks Kaiba that at the end of the story. It was just too perfect of an association to pass up! Jounouchi's blond! Kaiba's from the moon! It writes itself!
[6] Ronald Egan's translation of a poem about osmanthus flowers by Li Qingzhao.
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ariel-seagull-wings · 2 years
@themousefromfantasyland @princesssarisa @softlytowardthesun​ @the-blue-fairie
(This variant of the Sleeping Beauty type of story, wich gained a cult following among western readers after being inserted into european translations of the the One Thousand and One Nights, is derived from the egyptian tale The Story of the Prince in Love. What makes this story unique is that instead of making only the heroine sleep, both the heroine and her prince have to go trough a death like sleep before reuniting to be married and live happily ever after)
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There was once a woman who could not conceive, for all her husband's assaulting. So one day she prayed to Allah, saying, "Give me a daughter, even if she be not proof against the smell of flax!"
In speaking thus of the smell of flax she meant that she would have a daughter, even if the girl were so delicate and sensitive that the anodyne smell of flax would take hold of her throat and kill her.
Soon the woman conceived and easily bore a daughter, as fair as the rising moon, as pale and delicate as moonlight.
When little Sittukhan, for such they called her, grew to be ten years old, the sultan's son passed beneath her window and saw her and loved her, and went back ailing to the palace.
Doctor succeeded doctor fruitlessly beside his bed; but, at last, an old woman, who had been sent by the porter's wife, visited him and said, after close scrutiny, "You are in love, or else you have a friend who loves you."
"I am in love," he answered.
"Tell me her name," she begged, "for I may be a bond between you."
"She is the fair Sittukhan," he replied; and she comforted him, saying, "Refresh your eyes and tranquilize your heart, for I will bring you into her presence."
Then she departed and sought out the girl, who was taking the air before her mother's door. After compliment and greeting, she said, "Allah protect so much beauty, my daughter! Girls like you, and with such lovely fingers, should learn to spin flax; for there is no more delightful sight than a spindle in spindle fingers." Then she went away.
At once the girl went to her mother, saying, "Mother, take me to the mistress."
"What mistress?" asked her mother.
"The flax mistress," answered the girl.
"Do not say such a thing!" cried the woman. "Flax is a danger to you. Its smell is fatal to your breast, a touch of it will kill you."
But her daughter reassured her, saying, "I shall not die," and so wept and insisted, that her mother sent her to the flax mistress.
The white girl stayed there for a day, learning to spin; and her fellow pupils marveled at her beauty and the beauty of her fingers. But, when a morsel of flax entered behind one of her nails, she fell swooning to the floor.
They thought her dead and sent to her father and mother, saying, "Allah prolong your days! Come and take up your daughter, for she is dead."
The man and his wife tore their garments for the loss of their only joy, and went, beaten by the wind of calamity, to bury her. But the old woman met them, and said, "You are rich folk, and it would be shame on you to lay so fair a girl in dust."
"What shall we do then?" they asked, and she replied, "Build her a pavilion in the midst of the waves of the river and couch her there upon a bed, that you may come to visit her."
So they built a pavilion of marble, on columns rising out of the river, and planted a garden about it with green lawns, and set the girl upon an ivory bed, and came there many times to weep.
What happened next?
The old woman went to the king's son, who still lay sick of love, and said to him, "Come with me to see the maiden. She waits you, couched in a pavilion above the waves of the river."
The prince rose up and bade his father's wazir come for a walk with him. The two went forth together and followed the old woman to the pavilion. Then the prince said, "Wait for me outside the door, for I shall not be long."
He entered the pavilion and began to weep by the ivory bed, recalling verses in the praise of so much beauty. He took the girl's hand to kiss it and, as he passed her slim white fingers through his own, noticed the morsel of flax lodged behind one of her nails. He wondered at this and delicately drew it forth.
At once the girl came out of her swoon and sat up upon the ivory bed. She smiled at the prince, and whispered, "Where am I?"
"You are with me," he answered, as he pressed her all against him. He kissed her and lay with her, and they stayed together for forty days and forty nights. Then the prince took leave of his love, saying, "My wazir is waiting outside the door. I will take him back to the palace and then return."
He found the wazir and walked with him across the garden towards the gate, until he was met by white roses growing with jasmine. The sight of these moved him, and he said to his companion, "The roses and the jasmine are white with the pallor of Sittukhan's cheeks! Wait here for three days longer, while I go to look upon the cheeks of Sittukhan."
He entered the pavilion again and stayed three days with Sittukhan, admiring the white roses and the jasmine of her cheeks.
Then he rejoined the wazir and walked with him across the garden towards the gate, until the carob, with its long black fruit, rose up to meet him. He was moved by the sight of it, and said, "The carobs are long and black like the brows of Sittukhan. O wazir, wait here for three more days, while I go to view Sittukhan's brows."
He entered the pavilion again and stayed three days with the girl, admiring her perfect brows, long and black like carobs hanging two by two.
Then he rejoined the wazir and walked with him towards the gate, until a springing fountain with its solitary jet rose up to meet him. He was moved by this sight and said to the wazir, "The jet of the fountain is as Sittukhan's waist. Wait here for thee days longer, while I go to gaze again upon the waist of Sittukhan."
He went up into the pavilion and stayed three days with the girl, admiring her waist, for it was as the slim jet of the fountain.
Then he rejoined the wazir and walked with him across the garden towards the gate. But Sittukhan, when she saw her lover come again a third time, had said to herself, "What brings him back?" So now she followed him down the stairs of the pavilion, and hid behind the door which gave on the garden to see what she might see.
The prince happened to turn and catch sight of her face. He returned toward her, pale and distracted, and said sadly, "Sittukhan, Sittukhan, I shall never see you more, never, never again." Then he departed with the wazir, and his mind was made up that he would not return.
Sittukhan wandered in the garden, weeping, lonely and regretting that she was not dead in very truth. As she walked by the water, she saw something sparkle in the grass and, on raising it, found it to be a talismanic ring. She rubbed the engraved carnelian of it, and the ring spoke, saying, "Behold here am I! What do you wish?"
"O ring of Sulaiman," answered Sittukhan, "I require a palace next to the palace of the prince who used to love me, and a beauty greater than my own."
"Shut your eye and open it!" said the ring; and, when the girl had done so, she found herself in a magnificent palace, next to the palace of the prince. She looked in a mirror which was there and marveled at her beauty.
Then she leaned at the window until her false love should pass by on his horse. When the prince saw her, he did not know her; but he loved her and hastened to his mother, saying, "Have you not some very beautiful thing which you can take as a present to the lady who dwells in the new palace? And can you not beg her, at the same time, to marry me?"
"I have two pieces of royal brocade," answered his mother, "I will take them to her and urge your suit with them." Without losing an hour, the queen visited Sittukhan, and said to her, "My daughter, I pray you to accept this present, and to marry my son."
The girl called her negress and gave her the pieces of brocade, bidding her cut them up for floor cloths; so the queen became angry and returned to her own dwelling.
When the son learned that the woman of his love had destined the cloth of gold for menial service, he begged his mother to take some richer present, and the queen paid a second visit, carrying a necklace of unflawed emeralds.
"Accept this gift, my daughter, and marry my son," she said; and Sittukhan answered, "O lady, your present is accepted." then she called her slave, saying, "Have the pigeons eaten yet?"
"Not yet, mistress," answered the slave.
"Take them these green trifles!" said Sittukhan.
When she heard this outrageous speech, the queen cried, "You have humbled us, my daughter. Now, at least, tell me plainly whether you wish to marry my son or no."
"If you desire me to marry him," answered Sittukhan, "bid him feign death, wrap him in seven winding-sheets, carry him in sad procession through the city, and let your people bury him in the garden of my palace."
"I will tell him your conditions," said the queen.
"What do you think!" cried the mother to her son, when she had returned to him. "If you wish to marry the girl, you must pretend to be dead, you must be wrapped in seven winding-sheets, you must be led in sad procession through the city, and you must be buried in her garden!"
"Is that all, dear mother?" asked the prince in great delight. "Then tear your clothes and weep, and cry, 'My son is dead!'"
The queen rent her garments and cried in a voice shrill with pain, "Calamity and woe! My son is dead!"
All the folk of the palace ran to that place and, seeing the prince stretched upon the floor with the queen weeping above him, washed the body and wrapped it in seven winding-sheets. Then the old men and the readers of the Koran came together and formed a procession, which went throughout the city, carrying the youth covered with precious shawls. Finally they set down their burden in Sittukhan's garden and went their way.
As soon as the last had departed, the girl, who had once died of a morsel of flax, whose cheeks were jasmine and white roses, whose brows were carobs two by two, whose waist was the slim jet of the fountain, went down to the prince and unwrapped the seven winding-sheets from about him, one by one.
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Then "Is it you?" she said. "You are ready to go very far for women; you must be fond of them!" The prince bit his finger in confusion, but Sittukhan reassured him, saying, "It does not matter this time!"
And they dwelt together in love delight.
(Powys Mathers: The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night: London 1964, v. 4, p. 390 ff. (AT 410, Arabien)
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libidomechanica · 5 months
And braiding gray
A ballad sequence
               First Stanza
A dead wings by his Cheek of the     for thy preluded jade face vnarmed, if you of dead! The     power, the rangers of
flowers, the dew had joys to land,     sister, helpless for years fell? ’Tis there, ev’n thou, feminine     you can’t a pleasures, and
what either her mine athwart though     my Petite, however, daught I’ve heaven bed and and glades     were fondless lambs, and drank
your solitary pails bring gales     of force your name one but fords a Hells me thou say. What it     would have him that old breath
to the rather joy? All the kind     amber left his Cheapside; pitying! Her eyes,—ere the oxen’s     imperfect hear me!
               Second Stanza
If I—this honey-whispered, so     revenge the lone who in flow the last I unclose delights     onion. They tried; and heart.
First to strike doth flower down twenty-     five, and he flower of us water, urge no meant     aught near, no light all out,
yet no dream with the cross your hallop,     flower, as love any long-hid lover cones rave a     young, all hopeful a
sympathetic touches free from the     maternal bounds, and whiteness, as I by you’ve me. There. Simple     beautifullest, of a
grave; ghost the make a is you thought     up to hear me from highest brush’d shaking round Apollo’s     pipe, letting of yew tree.
               Third Stanza
So danger, my love could have paint.     —His sportion as cold with suddenly have cruel stay he inspire     when all I forgetting
fourth the soul, and strife with the     visions on a hostilent groves well-sung hence find you, now!     Of all the blue-bell as
eyes cannot with silken tend is     snow is it? Among the celebrate, what a cadaver.     For one wounded from the
will as the World. The Maidens can     makes sensity; and take thine between learn’d gilly moated     one in him the found soon
it? And moon, to see grated gentle     greed, the sprung and I rise twenty, yes: who love, only;     you whose ever heart-free,
that blow! Or canst the loud continual     chaff of chalk, the beauty. This, with naked the last     yestern religion grins
of men—man’s Henna from dreadful     passionate paid; she matron; over thanks. Who, in as the     sweet thence, till China and
linger in perfectly because     I never where be, noticed you’re my hip, the old, that is     the see who love, awhile
we their grandeur of the bow’rs,     celestial room the saw his parts to past touch entice up—he’ll     life for me from her muse!
When I see as the liar, and     in their pledge of then, you reproduce he harmony her     and yes I will water.
               Fourth Stanza
Same law and think of you’re happier     perspection cast in they tell my brow and I think they     leaves where sped a while earth,
and verses to heart, the works of     another’s art. Your play forget the mistress, your eyes fill     with’ring overs, the door
with noise of the Exchange their kindly     am service; yet this eyelash desires; and ripply     company fathers.
               Fifth Stanza
As well, but mine ground her bargain     of a grand-dames, on thy lip, and cannot exaltation,     haste what’s friends in my ivy
garden grape in thy faithful     blast has not beef I lovers’ soul cheat and pinch. But on their     steps aside, so liver
this wife, you’ve forgotten. A tear     my soul gave bethought the world see who from peels, murmurs is     the brightful love that mark?
               Sixth Stanza
” Who am I ran, her pale main.     If youthful of business, might be her splendour survive no     long far braine, and eyes of
reason, owe, O Heavens you because;     but glow this still, I know Love, to sullied, begin now     taken up some emanations
end? Quick for one another     to hers, and their beautiful passion speaks forlorn, void     left forth an Indian
book this friends in beams divine! Shake     you this, out-facing arts, with my being, not composed rose     of two, and business in
repeat. How fashions and then did     he, There hand languisht wits are their vows of a king! Were are     a patient light; and in
the short a store of youth law and     the foolish thy hand, whose Two Love’s milk. An element them     not wish result of all
over, next, well-suffice: no     leisurely bourne, I should have swore be all than Time’s start alike     thirst lean Heart, hoping sounds
the sight, sooner of eminence     find, which else would suffocating so soft, moon was long which     the window long, and ev’n
my all of the bailey beaty     and banks, arms, but his never rat, thou love tie; next, Virgil     I’ll drown low, and wide laws
of lips? Of the stone set influence     dead surrogate? Rest the chapel open shed, on her     one? You are, as the Lily-
whisp’ring leads hoary, I would     at lace, in rejoicing throughout hush on the sunly and     all out-told nough. A bower.
Thrown and verse precipitated     brow and tranquil checked, there I ran, here in one hangs by     link but passions wild that
make him and small rest love; nor that     other served through. To plays where Justic leap the diamond vallies     may be failing eye,
if Loues cup do keep of ethere,     and smile of the whole day, what yon all I, unshade doth skin;     when so it stopt with my
heart, and the bride—till wiles. They were     sheep-track’s master the tiny cells, and on that image was;     and grows o’ the comes of
life, and adulterate heroes     outspreads of clove, from the war; shall not in dissembles there.     For her vodka or civet
can bright be as might blessed me     a human foul of Good as at painted, and live, whose? When     The way my lov’st to see
thy sphere, such a one as the natures     we protesque, none, it in their cried on that men stay. For     her voice; then now wind, where!
               Seventh Stanza
Her sons dart, and no long age, that now look, and yon     the daught miss, the exalts thorn peer, were is calm and since and that take in me every soon     the sworn to any darling help,
comethings to do thee! Like the rites the this cooing     guilt, then i’ th’ unfamiliar, towing the statuary it is the store of     the grasshoppers form he ladder! No
means can be done, in the ground so, you as a ladder!     We were then, sweet herbage; and thro’ the Maker not once-love but pass and her she leave     to makes up the words the bar through flower,
thrills with the year, the lot. Moods: not this no     encroaches bough! I cherry him? And the nether commitments close by the fate to roam the     Maker’s Ancle—cries, and arms long against
thou prevenge in like a chastity retorted     hare: how full of the sad moonless flush with treason. To the broad way. Of disbelief;     ah, more them Yet I roses; and, plasted
to be brood, the crown on the grafts of the leaf     that all enforce, no. Honor’s made of black where quickly veins? Body who shall see stems at     length my dazzling best, to moments, by
the porch of flowers him with yet lose this green her     virgins keep it at heart of us will at least night had sea; an unknown the glen at     whim, seems there to pain; the will Yes.—Why,
began to annoy; treble pray: so kept me Love     into a river ran one, and other own domes in humble as not streams, and the mirror     of eve, while Abelard life in
progress song out. While they camera charity! As     pole; in her, to what Barbican. What doubt, I’ll my joys before Alexandria was,     unwilling than on., I will, with all
ill once my smile as they are, whence and her side, in     a coming winds and take amends. But all enforce her mind, turning-star’s a flag in, so     in my Abelard because foot or
face, in thy company of his rightened hours     have pass into the happy charms: straying, if the morn, to feeling smiles, when he little     journed over one finds the kind grow!
And the snowing that I do but for my stores our     idle world’s no sluggishly by dying your passed young man, to delight thy change variety     countless fear, could rise, she proved
bed-posts serve than nightingale’s conside on, when     I hold your coat, then love among before, Lovers than we began the might and thro’ the     kings freshfully,—how thou smiling of
Ireland, could you, his most mad to the sun. All the     heart’s contentment! That now the Syren’s imperfect heart thousand this what grasp, that sucks that     heaves about, and Sleep the restrait should
thy genius fruits. The rather love me shade. And the     goes of lovely July-flowers. Fail I alone tell him windows holds a blow! Bowery     island with fane? Forget not by?
Enough sealed in which I sight its me not warm th’     unwilling, that for her crown. She priest eyed grandeur of the lidless did he meant to     issues fortune be at this tyrant,
if to process the rescued from above they ’d     man once more or clouds, and the end of going taken as I may foretold the poet’s     best, the ledge of in blackneyed the will.
               Eighth Stanza
Beautiful a wail’d, change! Grind of     beauties, love find abundants; the passionists do the Kiss     of a mistress she weak
thee forgive told may brings asthma:     it’s doings, and hair, an innocence? With thy grieve my     desires, the ebbing she
way of time world’s dusky brim their     air be my soul; and learned,— and so tame woof offal     interestinies! The murmurs,
and, the Rich it seem most sad,     so deep woods mine or deluded jade face against my voice     engender pious, but
the horn peer, shall primrose, and pains     his name it work, ’ said; she save passionally fitted to     fold that shoulds’t, while I see;
shall feel! Were asks ease, and breathers.     I could with his chance, the porch, refusing skin and for the     led her from thou are rivers
that you, to whose call have been     now, while or kiss and in you put uncurrender if not     help it unto you move
under stirr’d, and mourney tongue lay     a trace and from her sweet nothings, up a thou, than I hope     to feel and sunny noonstrain:
be seem! How things lonely driven     him, but Thee dominions whispers, instead on a pile     of they store of ill-requite
did hand oppos’d, dear, not take     me some breathing? But you scarcely taut, ere ye know how each     press of her sin. A blood-
red heavy ditty, and could suffering     hand did she bondage of my past but stream pass the nuptial     day. From Greenwich Village,
far for me to have hopeful     stay’d and listening sea love for the rising offence and love     know’st hope, Africa meet
searching moon: and look on that rites     vnflattend! For if April wear locks smooth ouerpassed me wrist;     starlight, as the born. Sometimes
deliver the for she was     but yet with one burn! Poison bed lasting’s plating of ether     since at Prato, splashing
court, as truth,—thou are o’er that     beautiful passions all the stagnant or brow! And for our     shrill with thing has power.
               Ninth Stanza
Bliss of pictur’d liver mortal     love renews at the was, and fear me creak’d; then, Love better     smart. Two bodies, and can’t
stay, since the mad; all these presence!     By our day morning oblivion been, the this he used,     were within the cool radian
book; or, it means good cabins,     the sure, my cheek discovered grave space of windows sweet first     come. My bonie false to high!
               Tenth Stanza
Were love, my death. His queen all throught—     and till its Salt, again, to see the was; and a rhyme? Was     in the said, came tomb-stone.
               Eleventh Stanza
What poor drudge, an on your hunting     hence this name his mouth,-—anon among thee of heave to hath     being, if any wood ye seen? Ever after will linger’s     silks are left offender’d away her lives how seem besides     of reventh Heavens
our souls, and a world rush of what,     iste person to sin. It is seen upon a sweet sounds, and     then prayer; heav’n; dispense I never knees; ye soft, and earth     wine, is tomb, a neighborhoods we tales to working to breezy     sky, through of Zephyr-
sigh one sighingly house under’d,     and vales: but you, so I will hand, plasted to banish thy     posies soon forget the glimmer, or a tradesman’s lives,     my heart? Was a pearl, and waking and sacred flies for that     I would aching in the
freely call, there; of why on ever     thee with endless in the treaty and small all virtue,     new acquiesce, adventures, cold—yet someone which is knees     old. See now knew; all be, when his she that the charity     Who whirr and the fled so?
               Twelfth Stanza
The sea of weary, care began     to roam that rest clouds of spangly by the white. I’d live     without in her still—It’s
no seas the moon, to me along     to be richly reasons all fancy flatt’ring in turn to     get through seal’d. Shall my sigh,
whether walked all mind; so I miss,     letting that water sudden spites; my paint on my voic’d:     Ah white curtain, is no
fence, thou so clean one, in minished     into a climbings in the Ages, who dives it     posterious, survive I brough
shyness that yon the walk alone,     for any more. Saucy pedanticipated with mine,     hawk on that scent wrong hawthorn
parley from despised love white     amber, through his swerve morn and bade their days, thought patient rule     of journey take back, and
Thee in peace or kiss and she     precipitate and prayers to knit they are meaning downcast,     as in kissable took
her blood knots, though the nerves will brown     me lot of Thee! So long’d, not to come and yet, a more rain     clings to them which else, your
distance of her fortune before     my Muse-brow’d round so well saw that Urne. That are peepest her     grange your cull time be dead:
an element. Vitriol madness     the dew fall a little, and gently to the Gardens     fair pledged shoulder: her spongy
hydropt my darling on the     bard secure, twas every mistresse, the Dust of some blooms: and     legs and between that the
morning all the careful arch of     gain’d wood, as deep darkener of the fawn and the lute, from     our voice, but bid it is
how, ere like thou still, and let me     thrush of us: then, unload of Love lies, to tease my source:     The bent, until my for
days, we called my eager follow,     from Thames of the first, unheard. My lips the sun is soule posses     the virgin-troop of
the stiff promises like sports rescued.     But to groan, whose every disk caughter land doom to     wherefore her sips late with
that watch thy lips, whose pure dearth wake     unto hide the shall I look’d themselves of prais’d my store, Love     war; shake you which shall my
swelling presently unmendable     fallows cold night than the little light; and throb with been     beams into stands not who
could have neither tremblings to a     dawn in the you about me; and my verseeing swarm and in     beds door until a
genital feel the blue moor last to     pat thou had been are so thee, like downiest me so, your looks;     to entirely son!
               Thirteenth Stanza
Is them by a deepest he is     good whole, or ruffled for still that off! It is the mouth last     spark of the well-raisde not know all mind a day, trodded to     sluggishly in the swore with ambers of love forest; stare:     gay the Prior: when you
give and them, as uninvolves     with you! Cave is not the gift; creating somethink heart     was, strange thyself diseases; or, if thy God! Thus I want     deplore the learnestly, knot, would not looking woes. Death the     piece will breath, the occasionate
palpable pipe, let face     I said, he roar, not all companies near. Thirty years might     enormous is not shrines! Dust wish resign’d the here! Both day     hate than heirloom seed saved as white hands dropt offence. Is as     it with strong, weeks but your
hallow was a spreading, through it     out, if you stick through at month: so, boy, not for being—had     I behold have sleep it always no Room ancient cause that     charity fame haste what she, stained, that bound there’er I long     ere that liuing norther Lippo’s
doing hugging armada     of the goal, the very nest. Or so well courtier flower     issues force from me? Made the day, not, my sackclothed     and done thou stand in truth our my night, thy morning all thy     did no wore that, roll! Give
ready walk with the firm and     deformer love him, gliding, all the drew his western still the     bad. Love tie; new objects love been? Does by, when sadly die?     A little lisper two little without that can once my     body still at once dead?
               Fourteenth Stanza
Were singing walls across heroic     company forget’st holds john Baptist’s homicidal     ring-dove let we touchwood, and let another’s at lengthen     in thy of you! Into Natures for the Rahvs in like a     very flower, yet love
light on was a cheek, like grass or     deares, can be bleating song. The dreamer, all looked all: wrecks.     Except in one flute. For he alone upon that fellow     warm her pure a god and clear rise if she was in a     roysterings, ever soul to
prune, the seek repose: heaves, of woes.     She new chang’d, no means again, and pure deeply tongue, that sweet     fine. Love my day to giue me from the unsatin intentment!     Into the bloom and heart, wot not one day, those shopping     so dead, fair make good, lilies
making reign, and seen, what you,     greatness of flower-plots were it is, through flowerets crystal     Devon, wipe Thou knead me to this Childe-like thing the boats.     That watchingly covered the stubborn cycle. Rules of no     vulgar bra and each only
mighty deathful wiles. Someone,     oh, be all the this, wha forbore—so delights I stood before     the merely sonne of motion’s and stronomer. And I     want to that and never is not do with not, beseech arise     and heart. It feelings
and would have love’s man, and fast;—oh!     I will all thirst set a plate prayed faces leisureless     lie? Stink like a long fair; in brood on a dark wood-coal or     two with endorse this cruelly moated gentlenesse favorite     neck, as we are rich bondage
of the toast brake, rise about     to keep it, our she three deceitful surgeon’s care; buy terms     did the future spectation of the world have so bliss, leaving     shall by men-slugs and alway herald this sunk children     to stamp the trysted name;
yet retire—to loves; ev’n the     suddenly proper pines thy mighty be, and then, coffee,     open free her dear horses from my eyes doth keeps us     to see what twinkles gone, or ruffled fro, a day, as he,     with Bloom off gorged young
were morning to his Foot may like     sun, so slow from who but fewell? Sudden silent night gold     far as I have I brough and liness thou are, yellow reeds     the maid, My life! You are richer earth wake. It make my store;     laid her where he might think
me the wild the bed of grass or     maps on the grass and thought, but in this, with the sinner be     bleating Boy, since at Prato, splashing was charmeth their noses     of morn! Back that he head of which thy love-suit, though each     with bad-mixture spoke in
his cheeks but them kiss your worse to     weave the pearl round-worms, let the hold, love your wind of garland,     home. Trust her, with Time hast though suffered, the girl, whate’s     elysium; vieing chance, and the talking. Had she’s no advancing,     channels pebbles every
source, where, Heavens your hand, some     with a crystal brown, I had with less a charitablet,     and darling rings for hid deluding like breathe was whirr and     plunge the led him our work down to weigh did soaring high soar     so might lastic leap in
their vows on I tell, but, if not     meeting tones? Tis so failing fragrant pride with life are of     the pomander. Here harps shrine: each to bower? Of thin like     an innocence. About all ride of bones, to bid good, when     a novenas to my
sway. The larks, be she three. And, say,     watch my brow—it felt too, were slight? Yet ’twas talking, still I     thing form had gone but this wet more comfort her, ’tis blue flying     thus spark of admitted to flight, mark upon the name     instinct tis scornful rise!
               Fifteenth Stanza
In my mind; soft my heart, the green-     blue branches: late, our slumber matron Nina Simone singing,     conception office
pay, they both, and give the dim-descry     what we two at last. My forehead of life in her smiles,     whose virtues with when your
eyes that chastity return to     my guiltless vow to ride, spangling for the bailey be     romantic. To mix their meadows,
and now distracter’d from the     year, nor ev’n the poor drudge, and saints—a lambs, and that bring roads     so easy to some
pleasantly for whose would I know not     he: Men of lute Ones where she prayer; heavens dart her hand,     evening-starving soul cheek!
Both dark socks, that farewell. Of what     this trumpet’s contain-top, that, if I dreary eve and eyes     such alone as beautiful
dreadful house under at shine     his bone fleet came his eyes full helpless when he badge, my love     meadows, thought—o Greta,
death to find grown; there, the walls. While     priests, taughts so thine, such the sung in my downiest leaves and     stronomer. Tell met—flower
of love the bird’s keepe, while young     company look’d above the after I turn that o’er-taking     witness? And came her lover’s
taper single home, and blushing     brance, I call. Little, and that till, and base subject, and     less—lessons part; if
everyone extraording you mountains;     whilst my nerves the seeketh noise; he grave, althought. To see bush     as crept behind young mayst
know where then, behold now, and that     doth endless curtain, in bidding from the which the day love     thrush of unsluicy sand,
my body dip into Elysian.     With thee to pay by deep, has seek, and wonders grew the     prayer. And clear and from
above; if I drink the could have;     or half-forgotten had not a dazzled solemnity.     Through each me, and yon all
of bedded new made at London,     that she saves no timely doe as crest Chloris’ dear! So long     pavilion; ’tis window,
and your cones rainbow’s chiefe Pernassus     be, you this chirrup on the Cape. Until I noticed     you about in music-
notes life find’s rite, had to the     zodiac run, the palmy feel! Lovely-head! Then, where walls, that     takes cannot dreamer, beam.
               Sixteenth Stanza
Like spoils of linger’d—joy and too     ripe forget now tis may for days, and them the rustic streams     are not till as your home. You wilt thou love in the eye his     names her babe for the dust lies, or delay the twinkles gone!     Upon thine, and my earth
for every oak at charms, but     underhand, and the value are she startled footman, you by     the treasure is come the contain chased and sleep’s double bow,     or days he, and shapes of freshfully. Gives in pride and dragged     proof her tender the clouds
despise. Formed got men cage. Thou thinks     a spring girl, in which I though thou reproduce he bell     away as youth wayward Quantock’s maw; or to yonder ring     with a flame my bow, they belt only we, one, who sit up     a thou knead, as Lot’s for
myself into rhythm, your read     to pleasures; nor loss of painting, astarted heart. The bridegroom     which down; nor were all arous’d by degrees, a ventures!     Is ever you shew her so well say what sweep in them with     one procreater but for
thee by mistake breathers lower,     endymion looked the floor of her way. And faith, which one rude     worn; this painter grace, you I love, by comforter! That of     you turned to sell a sister, were were. After I confirmed,     that more life, inspir’d! All
the moon, trees that darknesse to be     over her sighs I blessing its supplied, where some go witness     of any, when victims at you The pink snape me her     both stars, tis so he creep, prickly know I thou art and whole     heart could be thought they pray
make it came from field about my     all over the Crown, his memory: fair on the riverse,     tis soul! Come to hideous to see business, or faire, ties     at hides looking of a Host, fresh death, this. Of music, which     are shine, to feeling stepping
as the veild that oft in midst     these restless by look was nothing in warmed got, curse within     your braveries of any day, the will drink to your country     at would chain-side, like thou have eye shines clear, with for soul     smoothes speake, he comfort
her, she spake horn, of murmured rites     in it gurgling bless permutations beauteous still, then, the     Muse-brow’d throng. Felt upon he’d heavier great, man can it     till as temptations ende such, yet do it the assembly,     a dream remember send
the be she friend; for nothings forced,     that thing on the narrow old there is cheating through. Leaving     looks at eight but gaudy shouldst behind. Pennsylvania humpback     air into a strange. All night, again. The went ever     mind was at and till drink.
               Seventeenth Stanza
Be shed her eyes sleep. A merely     breath’d infantasies to make me so favorite nor answers     and heart receipt with full
passion bound to love’s wrath different     Italiant buds,-—that for that churchyard comfort thou chance roll     do nothing come. Hers he;
nothing-while the has bring about     between the earth feathes stuck in your tiny infinite,     you love and spreads sun-rise
is sun, and saw for his name upon     thy mourning shepherd songsters on, he let its five yearn     of race father, to wayward
a Wild I fell intenting     wretches and stirr’d, not up with less nightly: what night! I dreams,     and meet. Where it to sleep.
               Eighteenth Stanza
It felt frown to mar through and bleed.     Where asleep, a care bore, nough the stem, Be still that may speake,     her matron eyelash dear, with a geranium. Wanting,     white less was do and without
all, making light; that’s scrambling     on they falling die rathering lips it streaming latch; weeded     like them ride, as those Head. One in his hard prose, a row     of all the morn: Apollo’s
pipe his bleating, it words enough     my Petite, hauing no double. Latent in the black     invitation bed to field the cloth roofs and red, two with cushions     with ebon urn. Not
dead, alder long passionate prayed     by a fool, unruly shoes in equal fire. My soul, and     graves! And wood, without from the maid held you, the night; and what     she press through the panacea,
Sir! When I have my love     me—toll the lost than it be street, teares, don’t; for nothings,     the bore am without a would injure taught upward, and     shown; and gave lisper two
little a parts, whose he door without.     Like we prompt distant sigh and no breaks away, and turns     rolling cart an hour out that blooms, thy morning Beauty;—Mortal,     who hurry in the
tip-top, to sudden of Man, towing     that oppress of window falling but the quire in transient     veil her veil for this earth is, by all. Benight holy     streamless was what thy curling,
right, again, advances do     despair. And it that is murmuring rose beyond when praising     until it all die: who shall the golden pomp of delight     invaded each with
ev’ry bear, could I green-blue gaze     o’er was a hot fires, love by will window false altar. As     whether the did I ev’ning this after such a gray. Now     then the word for they’re gait,
mark upon his grow! Thought this Urne;     so the wealth came and amber, by shall else world’s promised your     thy love warning pour selfe doth shut, till waited for so devil’s     tender’d steal that all,—
whatever bed, but know not to     name most have not yet new; so shore, our green; and thaw before     my brow, at and lust. Or will beside by come sneaking of     such a bower, and Phyllis
the season; my Muse, and grey;     as before my rest so smooth, the forth in time stand in war     by delicate from itself down upon it? And the Forms     of my desolate in
the spirit never that next I’ll     be truth is ending a little thick as you do lie faces,     and got, curst come, fly sung; and moment that I do, a     crystal mocks from the day,
and thy let the comes the only     die? Dost shade deep rivers glimpses of the world between this     left below, all state the said heavens high way of him out     the tea-cup open think
but all you, dear embryos into     a soul and in deares to a crime that men shore. I     never the call the middle light up a live, thus a little     serpentry, the friend,
through almost rich the altar-foot,     go at last so devotion; now the life’s fit foxes     creating the loves. And hoary, he convent’s tongue, and run to     home grew thing in October,
beams of fresh in their book myche     to a wearing you going word of merciless. Thou smile,     or as crayoned life it feel em most useless omission     still slime leave been stole, to
weeping a trailest tiptoe to     these essenger, and she diffus’d a straight of this stinguisht     win strictly become. Richer eyes love’s fuellest, that is lips     and he knows, and me so
falles it peasant deplore, your     glad, yea, taken moon die, when he walls their fair live passion     desire, till waiting that well-known name. And none of thee!     There but light-fowl crowns and
in a would yet I feeling a     transfusing as stuck on bounds for heavy with bad rais’d my     heart of conspire of the light! And, from the hear my     virginity. Swells despised?
               Nineteenth Stanza
Stream, I play, your beam of the grass,     all the sun growling, pray’rs not be so easy now as I     drew thing likewise. And signing
angelico’s that, yea, take     hollowing a fields of grave I shall not taken of sleep     I never mean, poet.
Theirs; and through autumn mistake balance     the dance and pass thereat liuing in the dire channels     pebble up all through its
suppose you nothings down upon     my own. And everything, give that she ’d got, curst; of wisdom,     and would lie outside.
               Twentieth Stanza
My those by thee by night carnation     with a boat, and, O ye deities nimbly scrawled the     will, they was charm—she faire,
a horse? Lied who need hair, and her     bottom of her smile that, and talk about in night her ended     spirit in from thee?
Wish wing, the spheres down a vulture     gaze. It was but bury myself to a strange, and whispers     ago. Before either
above think that Ice stray, and night     reason of the cattle’s which the Night frown grapes. Thee, you both     was a chorus sang a
kind, as the Pole. I neuer I     trembling the hours and cloister of us wilding was under-     song venom, that torn
of a grain comes glory of your     lips. Those jacks evilly, and gauds; nay, in sagging at him     name, doth endless leaves your
poems still bury soon thy fingers     in their voice, both gone? Soul more I would then cry, thro’ the     world of sister rain of
the golden Crown like his, how near     to its merchandize; I did ring? So by wimpling but mossy     stomach bird before
how rough in your smells me of then     in a row out only water what indefeasible     into knit the dewy
budded that with no doubt the beat     an order. The worlds of a vastness regions will or tame     flowers with my visions,
it was sure, where fields of their more,     Peona’s hand, and heart,. Why did not lust, by hap, the heaven     in emphasis, should do.
As yours, where? What, who want to the     cooleries, and still windows o’ truth, of life, my death her     hanging at see even
is coupled, what, methought of a     saints and put also in sacred her apron.—Why not I     cannot clap yourself, his
world of all-beauty, and doors     leadiness; then. Among sea- line perfections be and look’d the     doors old fright years, children’s
best faine its flattend! A sweet I     roamed athwart, e’en o’ love the air is of miss, thou had found,     to see what other skill.
               Twenty-first Stanza
As he maid on Devon, with and     merry, what I so them and legs and see on the contentine.     Wear to keep, greatness.
               Twenty-second Stanza
His pageant any lonely Niobe!     Faint it with poppies before it will breeze, but a little     journey thee, view! A city’s
song in that place roof and is     which turrets forlorn by the mount of the trod thing incenser     clouded jade face one
on and the wept, since over them     not why that self disguise, when alley-lilies for shame. On     a diploma, just above,
and, being and lanted the     ditty to treason; my fancy took life, office: no long     outlasts wings for what got
in the rich a saints—a laugh all     its swell; let thy hand, by water she wavered divine? Who     missal the widest off!
As must been? Row of a corkscrew     and saint em, whose path beechen what may we lie, devoutly     to tramplight, ’t was under
those silvery mothers of     heavenly said Almost deadling to bring mortal part in     his the stars of my
frankindness by kiss: work of what stept     into thyself in my heart-free, great Pan! I lovers burning,     if youth: but can usings
beauty from me?—Ah, well she     cashier brows—there they who would say, think each in the night into     two bits by moon deep,
search will quite. But in flower singing     glory, poor words the hill: and dawn in the sun on Art.     You needs must be should the
lame; in her hand serenely veins?     That blooms are the starving at the church hanging and verses     yet not be—who dreamlet
vapor does nature’s sweet lost Travel,     other cattle-bolt says Rose, with a satire to     heart, fear thy kiss I figure
of Absál, that think? It is     the very, began to warm the joys before meant aughter     the molecules. Wad made
of the cannot mountains in thy     face and that I made and then I look an apprecipitate     aquiline perior
swain search, such impossibly fortune—     ranges itself and form to what so little touch, first,     with the edge, and set of
two, look, warbled solitudes     in her virtue with men lie; peaceful earth, sees old that’s     Beauty and sinks a strand!
               Twenty-third Stanza
What is call at last; and throught of     flesh, and keeps, the ground her, or breathe also in the sun’s care     oblivion, that worth
became a lion crowd. And weep:     all suddenly silken ties old. Who, in that night of Greenwich     Villainous green, and
methough her sips See, and human     say. Its refin’d whither, while bay let our mind the got to     believing how some hence.
               Twenty-fourth Stanza
’St and thy compass the bed-posts     sham’d for the more dark deter than I can complete: supplies     where a more. As they dances
for on thy summer comforting     flower pant on it back her in me. Love I thou that,     that no more that next time
against us must as a rhyme?     Out! Her came fashion of the bells, where praise I listening. What     prayers, to silent her
eyes up buttondown, who pale     maidenhead; yet with spurious in prayer, the minutes wilding     in a serving shows
souls in no doubt the game of journey     tongue. From the rising the tears as I envý none to     loue. You can, that strandsome
crevice to tunes for thy dial’s shall     forth, nor no! What never nothing come to dwellers with want     and forgiv’n, one thrush of
almon sinks tears after finger     strike, not her by thyrse a changeful sap, at beams, as if     her head, thy possessively
Julia’s love? The spirit     flesh, you cannot suck my best sighs most is net? Put a sort     of the fat, or the nation
mixtures, and is shagg’d with me.     And through came, within thy love: and gummy fruits to the grandson     anothere Cupid,
merests; while was too, or thou, that     hold, and coughs when fair on his wet more thee, and fragrant mine     ground! While thee roused, throughly
painting thy Will. Seek my love you     must break. Her how him the Chines irradiate, Luke     Havergal—luke Havergal.
               Twenty-fifth Stanza
Blushing to the dead! Play up; and     plain angels exercise green’d me is nerves it all slime leaves     so, even by thy wine,
I engraved there willing out, all;     and so lose fair! You art! And daught she artiller do with     foot; brother as the same,
as in and lights! An heirloom of     waters born, to dreams as much, you so many morning composed     look’d about, my love.
               Twenty-sixth Stanza
A fellows cold forms of thine of     a broken, love across their ruffling down? There in the danc’d     to use wastes, and from Indus
to bind an Angel whom that     she knew she slave fragrant his lessed throught not be born can     be anyway it’s that
such? Upon a moment, tying     tree—meet angry would windchime wasn’t misses, friends arise if     it see the flowery
souls are you shall I’m sorrow to     see her said, he roses us all the silver comfort     her all our smell of this
sees winter-liuerie is; then I were     once me, no. His Feet. Where laughingly by steel. Nor the survive     I sue god used the
gaps a lawny film, and how long     upon high-front of desires in praise. Hide it still couple     and mood but forget
when content of Greece or Ilium     any one when throught! Saw his little oak-room for fear nothings,     their grange. Yes, touch we
inhuman from the table love     and once morn; the ring, you only wondered lightly, knot, wot     not Beauty of court hunt
that tell your who shall I could have?     Surrogate? Though ocean- foam in you saw him, and beaming,     then soul morning, Oh. And
when tender’d then? To teased to their     live show, a year up and the praised loud and have the day, which     yellow perpetual
fruitful to commonwealth all in     Heart, would do—I’ll leading the corn and spiness increase we     wantine. Thought thou shalt seem!
               Twenty-seventh Stanza
Say where between their name of jet.     In due process, and what sets us all rebellish’d by     thorough to-day, my song,
as earthly wrecks. Make most circle     range and you will well confined, drag on my gross seen? To prayer!     Mount I ought bright. Tells
floating the dances of sweet thou     could written her five you must reasons to see thee and where,     each otherly cheered not
a rehears, child, I said yes I     will everyone every soul can; they sigh, and save thee to     our mine style: how seem been
one, unsafely music, while     between each shall the moonrise, out with fane? Whose deity.     Homer, as not howsoe’er
I never still, making ray, and     oftentime, he’d just to somehow, as here. Their pleasant his     head—mine’s many quickly
tongue, than our eye. Whose some wear! Pillow     that brood, there be drowned, that steal these present flies, summer,     to see memory
quickening I die! For the dark stain     up a part of woe: not along, some others she less night?     Ye soft foot, frailties past,
warm wishes, the urching hope thyself     only to go out its mean to relate is the day     happy as wel-shading
tender shrinks, priests, thou fall, without     and give. Here wet fear nothing, passion have not guess’d; give it     was continuing moon
without to thee? Shall be his. The     strange: unlifted with been come, Anthea, knows! There are gone.     How could say, could see grave
at my passe, to kiss, hung a     whispers round, and dark with their silvery mouthful whit, e     the ones what my love offence
I takers. An element.     Go to be as still, I am sick? Saved fire-tailed unfamiliar     in sagging all
wonder self thou uses over     imagined honors too ripe flared to be pity move to     asked, and in they were you
both, since on my beautiful dreamer,     through not, said: Brother name When he can’t fearful earth     That was verseeing without.
               Twenty-eighth Stanza
Hip that doth notes; yea, takes meet; but     a woman, children she dives me sing, You standing, All ’s     Well! An eye—tell your eyes,— ere the old Benbow; and sing of     break, soon her his Hubbub
know while pray’d, love to the trembl’d, and     and hell from the fat, or death, resumes his gracious morning     rose I needs down a lion time, a cresses new; soft     illusions of you may
hand serenest evident. All     my hair, thrilly power; no more with you that in it a     diseases; it’s the tip- top, the world faith it, both crystal     clear, bright of holiday.
               Twenty-ninth Stanza
You have a giant to the bents     and temple’s weights so good as swam heav’n fire, then I see feet     hath again, but yet, I see what though continual     charity various mortals have lean Heaven! Ah wretch’s aid,     some blue fly meets of Truth,
out-facing Lucifer, as before,     my soul, in rhyme? … The married? Meaning, my wine, althought     I’ve bright in these, now what thou art! At with lightlest griefs I     lean for earth to faded the shape of ancient, shops of that     is moments cry, phillis
is they cullion tiptoe, sad moon,     to occasionate palm— Not so unsluicy sands, and more     daffodil death. Forget not to say, nay tis think of their     plays about the skipping on my eyes where’s yours of flowing     bless the brute to Heaven;
a new rosebuds bent to     hides and the pink snape me more of the years, for my loves stedfast?     No foundations white, clenched and said, The fields, thought near-dwell,     in desolate a stars, and made retain. So by will ride     doth passage sated was
right I with all-eloquench her     in my niece what are remember’d the pock! Speckled wide in     at flies warm ever be back that the true as I’ve mistresses     fenny, and arms. All those pit and him time breath, but uncurl’d     my fond for that or
wag, this sensity; taught, already     earth shows with my Son, will thee and faith its light, and I,     and the run, to be made doth endles to this streams again,     he is morn of life enduring love you, I envy the     corn; ye softly shift the
spoke thy nailed the moors: dread a-dangled     winged in perfume thine; since? Go throbbery, by thy wife     put once is brethren, his arden or not move, but my life.     Thought my darling with a service; when all the strange mine eyes,     now who still my holy
sigh-warm breast where in his arden     and such as pudding we will eat thy to death does shady     strike on his Neck to your entant her press’d in dangers—heirloom     after the rose, and growing a which happines you.     A dead and freeze before
than heirloom off his Hubbub know     I reading down? Its scene; the more that ’s under yon all     those of all my love his to crowd; and Thou; if I could mostly     smil’d, nor trust misreport of the bride’s pretty done tell     with upturn’d wave on a
dazzling of the moonlight to sue     heart’s combination. No more people and keep me now no     face—his, no defence or slights! Through ne’er beauty and yet more,     if he could have give the vapour mistake you, and all the     grief. My eyes upon the
calm of her ankle griefs to glide,     and him, glides her open my God in in that blooming of     a wounded forehead love you have maiden’s bow into friend     than living dire corn such remains the skies. First fond     imagine Natalina
star. Love them did now they huddled     between to where; and their round highly string to Jack, Death thy     cap, throat, and to beauty still means again, that of his, wha     foreverend a beast by! Make the page, her night, and sailing     back to me? With beads
his glad exchangeable filled to     meets wit. What she long hand, my souls shalling on his Hubbub     know wind blusters oh, young to San Sebastian-name thine my     separate someone from heaven have to proved, the there bright spreads     so sad a singled with
curse my blue-bells, those he must needs     music plays Himself: and death a coast of Greece or loveliest     darknesseth: what when is griefs to eye look’d since I was     green seen, and over, not to know how time to all the other     riverse music, white.
               Thirtieth Stanza
A heavily, where that now mething     branches: lately paint John, becalméd bark bar’d the looking     eyes us. Your despites;
thought upward, nam’d for? What it     was in the nerves were frequent! But still; and they are that the     hills—teenagers senteth
not stop with closet-gods the full     of her river Busy old with caroches, through the whan     the last where you then cage.
Can beauty with old by they? Cannot     this furious phantom of Heavenly by, nor she     wishes, fringe-feed of all
the brimm’d and child, each salted charge,     where no more the mountain- top, he is He not, whence, and faint     the wide him I cannot
my names and surly sight whose strant     proved; heavier grow she threefold, Tibullus, never fell     wink a glorious prophet
of the Breathless boughs, and me:     I’m tell. Rage from vices flies that need himself down? Moving     down? Could rain, rain dreamer,
a war and back there, sipped—how rought     in me not yet me to sounds, now while as their grange us,     and any one hand: Ah!
Just me scrip, with you then by young     shuttle cup do keep; obedience has been me infant     constrous poison’d their either
door all-eloquench her slight.     Touches the only beads of life from thy face! Of art though     their lived, to perplexing
in my Lucia, let Lisa go,     when her soul of sun of music, my heart in a should ill     with tears. But single and
fading yield to violence than     our with nimbly because of the bird in ev’ry fearful     a spy, begirt with the
soul will round lose that now, since thee     memory of a fee; my Muse and doubting Beautiful.—     Then now, so long’d to good
old; the down upon our cultivated     sighs, and day, I plucks they glimpsed the spray; sad profane     his wrong’d, noticing I
never be born. What is middle     of break the crystal breathing off her women after to     the cup of my life, in
strange: unlifted worthless. Heart of     a pieces slept, since minute forth my those she is noble     yet with horse? I lovely
toad half-stripped not breathing so all     you pours; and every on some sad varied its rope distant     in the petrel on that
home a part of a marble cloud     war, thermopylæ its loue. Who to be, suck my blind yours fair     or weep there, for say I?
               Thirty-first Stanza
Blue with sweet fields like a little we plays Himself     hath forget whatever stood stupified to our brave: and now I take amends. Down—yet     the more, weep of owlets fraud of
immension beyond the air hue, bounds, nor blackest bounds     for a childlike silent wrong and heavenly like vestal’s lie, some bench my view her Sun     did I never yet, and jewels on; all
the lamplight. A bower, and head, where not complete     to comeliness, palaces, and make ’gainst us kiss will thy breath, for feared, and want     to love than just she world. But forget!
               Thirty-second Stanza
Conjure to him. All inter, forget     their sister, can trace mighty followed me then. Past hours     fainted all about my fern, and died; his next Heav’n listening,     all happy are! Though his bed; the soul and say,—paint now, and     so thou reproduct and
writ of June, bright not his better     art to issue, all its by unseason roots in tent—where     she consider prayers, my soul-soothe morn! But rapt; not to     grown with there thy bloods, I murmuring, longer in the gone     to several parts, we
journey throught miss assure; such warmth,     which with their choice up—he’ll poll that you enter bodies us     part of you, his pow’r away as me; to persuasive     forswore the very vessel could their forty-three in each     might with points wings; look not
for this blithe air ladies us     from things, ruinate with bad- mixtures, nor all. Of Latmos was     the kiss to love to a story on them sigh’d to ever     clear and playmates, and plunging, riding years before help to     breath’d in the believes till
hearings ignity o’er-arching     the sinn’d in every main— why should’ring rosemary wolf, or     a tansy let us and frantic with so sweetly lull     thee, like vestal’s lives made of midnight was no more falling     to have been merry him?
               Thirty-third Stanza
The boat and a geranium.     Or somewhere were loss, or close tender if April wealthier     breath’d away; to bow,
unless snow, since weighs amang; which     thou, that oppress’d, love me— toll the sound. And we have pass of     a wear locks are born of
Love living here, embalmed ever     head with successful visions and gath’ring empty cedar     pole friend, you see white, haunt
of kiss and so well-built exaltation     look for on the chosen forget him—Hysterious     means again—first thy wife,
for a golden The bad. Sparkle     lang’rous fruit in tissue, a sea; an old schoolmistr … manners,     the firm and lately he
must befell; the dear! To let thereat,     method as one. Desires what and vale, and a hands     not Heaven enticement
sympathy. Listen he pleased your     crashes, pearl, and cloister; and man, you can no works in all     that lost is a parts, where
then they mighty for a flame up     and prayers, you all they ken na what asking is sires, while     this hushed from low-thought free:
they deepest shapes are a dream how     dark with pointed—better lip, and one day, I met me loth     art to plenteously all.
Shall I caughter virgin spine and     not the Ears old a roses, and on someone flesh. Because     I brough bodies meet; but
go, and chalk and fine in that the     crush’d me you ’cause it and some have men of any darling     has not mere upbraided,
how of helpless for admonite     each thee to herself! My crowned light each unbinds eolian make     captive as to a colour
gentle closet-gods the humbly     behind. In their father horse this I speak optics is     the grottos, fully on
early: That’s it was constance. The     sound, and hast to name most of the cornice-wreath that tone, when     leapt slantinent cause here,
on early affairs and some     fashioning in the vermeil rimm’d and dark, the well-lin’d the stay     have to the Virgil I’ll
drink thus season disappointed     crosswise, of for the wouldst stealthy and in you weep, and gentle     the crime to puts out.
               Thirty-fourth Stanza
My stumbling the sea, born beneath.     Glory on shadow. Clench my verses yet one, and of all     round the Hall about the
from that Urne. It too, lending, somewhere     awful arched, they with the sun sank to then crown’d, pale grew     higher to your love, how
fine and Sleepe so—thou my shadow     for your small. Doings, or crowds approachment to do the sun’s     pulsing from than alive
he die. Without ensigns shagg’d down     boy, with celebrate, forbids; yet love’s din; now I plotted     forget their more of a
great March divine or delay a     trespass found ever. Old ere mate to her; now, your eyebrows—     there’s be not by you
rise, and through reeds the will let us     and in his rise, red in the marke the harden, look’d, and     voluntary gloomed
and I cry, Speak these no water     matins, or else but passed this right o’ Mary, aweary,     he lo’es me these fair. Come,
for the Minion. Age to sue her     her face, and chains hymeneals between you for Death. A water     savourable work.
               Thirty-fifth Stanza
And in who come outside the pops the threshold up     a man with one whisper, O fair blossomed heart, felt and thee? Of love thrushed beyond white     aside, and by Saint away at the
sullen musical: sweet nation of the comes the     streams, so passionately choose gloomy proposed lets no secreter than the crystal breeze,     but let it came upon them forgetful
task! This, or ravish’d out as thou need a sick,     and the freaks of they shady splendour forest invective lights; once, chance: so soft, which I     thousand that there one man but our lived,
but vainly and Stars they are stone that moment, with     Molly was the mount of friend; but kind a springs such vicissitude; what she had thrushed     hare: how happy bands, do I roam.
               Thirty-sixth Stanza
In she; each yet thy closed down sometime     that chaste! Aside, that gainst my breathing branch down toward toe,     sad fat fame, and trust, They
went. If I could adored my feels     so, side; pity move rage unto his pow’r dost love my hath     diffusive as thou need
him, and statuary which thus     all my wont too; winning sun; and plashing come hence in a     more such pleasant scene before
that breathe, that charge? To sun, and     did roll, such as erst took and breast: ev’n my body go, and     friends, a very glass thy
drown’d, the cause of love my rest, or     from itself self-possessed those by, because it was my foot,     go chime, and go at all!
               Thirty-seventh Stanza
Garden with nerves in thy kind eyes     how he table grass and temples and weep of eglanting     to make you because I
lay thyrse a sweeter childish escape?     Use, that, that caps that he pieces shine, and Time’s ready,     free from than echoes rending
subject of him stand man we     cast friend! I marvelousness of his spoils of love or others     to lived tomb let eyes
in a five yearn ten mine. Yet for     so low did not vain. That she gods the waves, echoing though     each hang nodding pulpit-
place, in peacefully,—how tiptoe,     sad at that time work dividual light the shriek, love immortal     brow, the strange ask his
poor, sick, as they are shall processity;     but strange. Half-stripped from which thee-—yet the shall linger,     heart, when praising mind your
place, he heard. No, the ocean’s verse     my heav’nly for thee, and take, much but draw him, but wits are     folly, and mean to heart.
               Thirty-eighth Stanza
When though thee a misguis’d hears be:     and the sun are, and tears, forget now is the content; and     stone to distraughter’s Ancle— cries death-like one hands bounds, and     I stars, night offendering linnet it but win or every     flowers on our vows,
what and oftentiment fail so     false almight’s sure is fail’d, a carpent’s fits! Part of Joy renewed,     after studs, my death. Our face, pen, to sure then he was     lonely downward, thou were palms tip toward ragged present to     tell me, the mid for through
the pillow with your hand lastern     border added to successful trembling ravish’d by     publicked winner the portive sheets of the bestow. Not till,     the way, whose I oft illusions were an heirlooms, and content     roused, but by my lookest
moved alone as a fling of     a sweetheart, speed easily should religion quench herself     might to these darker husbands, laying the was great scene if     she happy reign law; and from the space; what its more best     womanly drawn; felt enough
the said her own garden or having     can to pre-occupy. Bear, not Love. How shining breasts     will cloud clappiness what act conception taught be prince! Than     a moment sweet poesy, glooming of itself self-destroying,     and sending Devon
banks, crystal Devon, with his early     lips into a ring looks and deathful of all-beauty     from open Hand. And could put choice, haps were done, yonder’d and     to her to thee, in pass form to warm breath; and Phœbus fire will     given to go again
spend my Julia’s beside by thy     name and rope than such as some faces in her drank they still     unbearably in the hope so much a brook,—who, for the     chosen both behind then, not wish sprig of ill-requiring.     Did her his Saint a-praises
like the doors of flesh, and without     desire, and sour patron-temple, and comes they huddled     from my oracle of the moist earned tomb-stone, in black,     and deeds, a mourning through my minded fro, a dreadful love     and continual chaff.
               Thirty-ninth Stanza
When I demands a-wooingly come.     Had joys no dress her exampled to sit and kiss the wealthy     and still, wither’s greet
of the face I saw Salámán     did see a cane that come! Wrapped her threshold injury. And     round helpless silver is
close that echo sigh’d, we could insane.     To warm in that had swoop’d huge an arbour, over age     no need nothing for as
I by you most fond that he push,     beloved your knife, drive the mystering the apple bosoms     of verb and nature’s
noon; gie me like a cheek with wonders     given him to weep so at last needs of chalk, this first     love, I repine? She lace,
in a fields; a honeycombs; old     die: who gath’ring Beauty. It is most he is fathers’ pray’rs;     snatch’d in two, and Muse met
with cold, that is forgetfulness;     but be with an earest ways. Myself, so reading hole, what     I was but a serve the
hope of the morning glass and rose,     far and growth again spit. Mourning to this blinds you there. Like     hand, stars dependence to
plants of spicy night, while to snows     warm in the very sports refuse these delicate; a lion     can shells beyond the
great March face I fear: thus a live     heaven, to the tea-cup open furthern bow: and posterings     good in front, of my
heart of day: tired with angers     lost, yea would so this I swallowed by that night. Wide hour out     in eld, with me? Than they
mourn no one’s a chef come, so reach.     She scaffold’s praise; before thee for the more hovell’d now     On the brighten to-do!
               Fortieth Stanza
An element-curtain’s chives, who stood with midnight;     our love, foolish golden cage. With Love is only become. But sown; and me, faint dyes us     to go foreverend a journey
through his pipe, forget those which thou fair. Need you     with countenance find, and coldly shining me quick in his gaine; brotherwise twenty-five     you and dared? Or no! Was itself and
said Almost, freshest helpless! Sung, consecrate! Yet     did the blackest with a human dear except in my stores our voice up—he’ll not yet had     ceased to Dian? More by a poison’d
poison’d none though well a kissogram. Then, that I     taken fruits—they leaves that was far. Body of my should say’st to sometimes but loud till one     precipe he’d written—in equal pity
move is was apprecious mingled without d’ye     called by one from thy breast we take breathing looking, for aught meets with grief and, pleasure them     round love; while I stay here! How I plotted
fool, you’ve for a stores with a soul, and we two     bits own sublime left to creepe: she stern still voices come, and round that it may gracefu’     air; ilk feathed as I by your knaves
sooner tonguess, thing flashing body and small round,     by the moments of our ears: aye, that beams that without its fell with spies, long, and     adulterately prest a confess the
dear emble, as if her hope, nor e’er heart, and breather     grimly flight! We possession-—swung through almost glen at which have taken of me. His     flowery sport me, I must go. Of
heaven too, what snape me of three. For such as I     was at even a theologic wine must breather lifted up to the great; his future     she disgrace. My mistress of Maud? And
graves! Into grown upon that we are all mock its     homes of horse, O! After I closed to lingers walking damsels dance ecstasy I loved.     Wave of love as we result win in
see before Natalie her yon all her much grief     and dote upon, will may dare nurtured and still think that’s been us all! And pray’rs not tear     thy fine, and cares; as if shepherds with
and some pledged the silence, excelled. When in my all     that our walls, and will end tomorrow old were in thee, let not be realize I’m not     abuse. In that is—you’ll not going.
               Forty-first Stanza
Steps leaves and clearly and launch. Because     officient watch overbold; nor euer he wild winds all:     one to feels right handsome
to find not humbly because I     have leaves as my life remedy? Was runnels, my hair shame,     both little with must drown’d.
To breathlike, now the ruinate with     abandone tell. In greatness in a snare: gay that part. But     morn! It well of all the
virgins, whilst my body’s hand thou,     Muse may pay the pushed interse I lay brow, and love. I ask     and not to myself did
disting’s in their fired wings inter     locks when silent upon the lily well me away,     to please, cheek, and so that
had man but can recall her noticed     you to my slept, and I sunny noon; dreamer, but we     known name one be, yea, more
follows like his trimm’d and a wretches,     and wild of our grew them as the world to weeps, the world     is getting for fair beam.
Not of all the believes till force     begot in them with her Heart, but, for soul, nor in blood. Any     I have and fragrant-
curtain of Delos. Can it too.     Fair shone sweet retreater I will not my name? I sink but     renown among then, folk—
remember that this watch and clear     old and presence the nails fellow thee, my foe beggars round.     Who went a breath’d in you
like saucers, of loosened for the     shatter babe foes would fore- known—by a Tombe did not so     unprovident. Pass the cruelly
melon path and than went frown     from my own vallies, that to know, since is dread thrush of grave,     the op’ning like back; O!
               Forty-second Stanza
How much of the cannot to that     tempting so; I must befell? Fame, nor us, ne’re not heart     so longer in on Art.
               Forty-third Stanza
The bar throughts his essence fellow bend; for one weep!     The plight commune way, sweet flow; so deep with horrors of garments when her smile as he did     most, fresh nuptial print with the thy on
the tea. Race in you, looks directly bear, by a     Tombe did glide. Can with the breast we take the left by a brow, he couch; to endure to ever     it, having words the Argonauts,
in a mother, safe-left, share a childish escaped     out from out of sadness of grasp the damsel’s hand in the breath one muse, that such as a     magic sleep, power’d in that which else
cannot dealt be loved before to frame down injury.     Than altar for ever saw: thou behold master—a. Assist me; and thrown dark, the     string, we journe of beauty of their fair
into answer: The western religion ground, you     say—the said—Then, that, roll! Her comfort freedom to whereof disgrace which no more, but in     the unsatin heaves were gardened foot
so night some rouse behind his paint Ambrose, I will     had fourth the rest: but demand, may spent, for his mingle act stop throught the forest least like     breathless. I believe where furled; for
a mess I love the tea. Will shine, hath colours, blood?     No remorseless rills seems a winterpart, and of that; gie me let us virtues rainbow-     largely part; nay, with all things in
mushrooms, and now I rejoicing pool of it? We     walls at everywhere hand, the moonlight personal present love and for Neptune’s race,     perfumes cool bosom beloved him
name, and some to free from my praise hath between this     bones, and two at least discern how her garden and quiet shall lean over-spangled creep     the horses of love you lo’es me fixed
to malice lend through their turn’d the shoulders did after     as pow’r dost it: so got in my swell away to remorse to what oppress of play     but if a man kept, life-disquiet,
turtles partly began to my mothers. He restle     tame flower on either he muse her hand a bag of absence, advance, and the     figureheads of the voice and them and
then to walking arms; it’s that we are a man kept     his own, I will not as thou so deepest he that I had glad: they meteor-stone, and     that home again rever mind; be not
stood by thee how can makes up his mad. Then, love without     an orbed brow and be fair freckled without at recover charge nibble thing, give     our lord. No high-front, or a child; shut
face didn’t you, and dewdrops I love, weke, and my crime     to feed to Dian? Sits true-love forgot to raven set my should be convent. When thou     dost herbs that once the silence is not
heedless leading yet it up, do—harry eyes because     hath one by a doubled out can be a wanting, other in their chance of us     will, I am aweary, seem’d they?
               Forty-fourth Stanza
Warm the freaks forbore— thy Shadow.     Soft as been arrow was not Heav’n listened a summer. So     love,—and the z, paint away;
to pain, and said; there, did late     while the World foot or so well I cannot mine? Wilt thou shall     besmears that I wondering
to realize I’m a manna-     dew, wants to make his, how them, but never ages, and     who shore. Or more, was the
more luscious must been me who     conception the day likewise I lose or white hanged back from God     you willing to calling
crime. Whatsoever calling star     through porous restless life beyond the hot you and cons settle     great or the horn: mother
divine persuade a yield to     flow’r, and wither the was a pelican be soft as though     the fragile bright increase
hist, with Lover-spangled by divine,     from such as I live, to loved me you catch divide the     trees, untamed, thought; then
in great it under as I know’s     daught and grow. The would yet maidens squawking could scanty times,     for so soft, who, of lights
better beams of earth features throught,     I could not care the stammer’s decline, This isn’t make his pride,     and with full perisheth
on endless flush with midnight of     think our love and secure a notice upon, to do homage     charm. Some more the kind
oft thee her kill, though the shafts office     to breast dispense. More like their for blood the pass in the     prostrate fruitage; yet more
and do—I’ll be wielding and dust     for lamb did the rounds arise. These moments adrifted was     past misreport passing
the rose in their turn, Amen! And     weep: all eye—while no nigh to-day, love you and father round     showers, cling standing worthless
our bed their because inmost     bonie faculty to a new made eternal sunset, more     my life for her mother
triumph—let the petrel memory     quickly that you some desires in all dispraise my     voyage prevenge fast, and
growth. This, or now; tis scald and green     the sun gutterance gaed the stars impe fear my virgins to     fill as the gentle cast,
to patience on my name. Not of     a weapon, like doth not, she sighs, and does were fed, you can     bred thee, let him blaze, and
any fretful scarlet gown arm’d,     whom the mountain of his opening-staid not like a sad     sighingly veil the on
the Maker prayed by Maud, like a     feast; who forget not these long, but Thee dominion ramps around     Prenting take but a
world of what you were she had noticed     through bodies life see, goodness in her miscarries of     the three fall alchemy.
               Forty-fifth Stanza
With her girl, whose block to eye twinkle     in war of our graceful ornament breath the earth you     more she sleeping to that
hand leaves heroines, and Love’s flower,     and they bear, a city can on. As presence, nay—he     pitying fair stately
son! Gripped—how shall laws of all the     lily management find there had I demand, may reason     one, and naught to be, and
keep the wild that deity. Withdraw     then looked neighbourhoods we movement of all over brother     Saviour’s been only
visible to be still the sun.     See in times, let weaves, in the wept out discharge nibblers, in     bearing and of windchime
in tell to-morrowing ore: we     touch, new chance from the honey- feel third! Of my heart. You triumph’s     strange. Upon a beams
divine, make a novenas to     sever to they bedew’d taperness? In the wind blushing     to turned mark, whose a feint.
               Forty-sixth Stanza
That grief at last inadvertent breaks a’ the die.     Round he rose by consumed. Are tearest, as the middle life shatter faultless curl—can said     and then I deign to make the golden to-day, your days, trying the best? Air unsullied in,     ere their book; and, there you—poor, long upon
in. So welcoming back thee. Th’ offensive     form to sell as eye glances done: like a might to the world to persuade a yield’st thou     are children’s hair way. Of all the kitchen was precipitate angelic kind only     tent—where swung tree, our for no earth: the
piteous, which called with demand, may ready was she     called out-grown little wave? Be the first sit, and if to feel they want to kiss impress was     the cruell Death his made deluded here in my flying yardwand, could your beauty by degrees     ev’ry dawn, we’re my poet’s friendship’s
horn, of monk of thy griefs, and as world, to wait     Thee! Into spasmatician onely into sits happen. Love ended my will mould     not so beauty clenched swings; and I hurried? Sprung a bowers in she middle of the     offices. John’s bow against the season,
bare; for sympathy. Her sad! I am sicken,     skin after shout an hour a man we no mine, that heaven-ward or rathers oft than for     maid held her she milk!—Better as pudding gleams again. The pinks that drops, and that church up     for age and braine, what watching in
October, I would rising Love’s footsteps them with a     crown. Fabric to take. It is, to paint out, if force of journey takes upon a sleeping     house, that does are. In the crown’d, which love, I look in you, to remedy? Such was no more     they say, why do the wars … And its to
their fondness. Yes I would though you. Yes, with a rage,     hearing a body, savage channels of human film, and leafy shame, now! I remembered     is enjoys, eve and what make in degrees, beseech though a roll, and outs all out! The     pictures, our bodies, I were drinking
of pursue, richer eye and dinted in their ripe,     too until the Sun … I opens and on gladly yellow at last years, las! Those     soul the earth. When were in the lily wardrobe, then I been though the city and silent     nightful Fairy Princes, white hands out.
As I pleasure that, have all this part; nay, what got     in mild and but a stranged hand, that wild as sure, who might shall men starfish. Shall paint away.     Was hold and faint apace, that, from the dews are bottles, spite of coral: for     Is gone; for All—None could gossips waist!
               Forty-seventh Stanza
To and dote upon thee. One thirst intense for once.     Here, till Paradise. Whence, of all mine. Fingering they leapt every one are their filled, shepherd     songster fame! Was thou lovers rise!
               Forty-eighth Stanza
Now whilst thou will life, forgetfulness!     What spreads here! In pleasing the Crown like a ship camera     charmed,-than all is as he gone to repeats its love my crowds     appears my uncontrolled to Church a proporting flash, and     hereupon her yacht’s rubber
divide the worst. By all. Gave     like child, each day and his time never so, lendidly true     heap huge and groan and each salted chalk, the pin at for but     place, never not giving round the Zodiac run, that whispers     slept. Welcome lives, blacke
an end. My transient cathe, then these     rare for a meadows till, stars, and that I had run aground.     Go to unfold the creeps me see, sweare Monument: the Forms     of the Champak odour, warm the which I escaped on the     Horizon’s vaulted cares
the grove, the night given your lips,     temper, the scald and its roads so easy now in visions,—     saving, in my earth time bribe appear, could rather self in     blackest when I get out, mine earthly poet’s foot in virgin’s     desponsibilities
have seem’d, those pure wall. Those smallest     ne’er silvering looked not yet and us; then, have the     chariot lamp your wide into a gipsy late ancient,     felt of Tempe sitting breath, whose every people of Death,     resee the plants clench becke, so
doth our pillow leaves pickpocket     full of their persuade a yield a feast, nor I must, bread, as     the hills, then in her as constant cannot word—’Oh. The had     all paint god slantwise to the devils of my hand all the     rose, the way it wasn’t this
magazines are mind as I lean,     i’m a black and wide sits beauteous descennine. And whifts, whilst     Ben have my breath, I cherry in that he work, ’ said, My lids     pale, cold wholesome from France on a husband! No time thyself     will love, or counter is
compose tend is baby their     beautiful ardor but twelve year, ah God!—Why, I met, and worthless     vow to roam? Ilk feathe, thrilled, she inspir’d! Me the Dust of     the doors upon the human say. Look not fear them for the     mail, lest and smiled exhalations
were than simple bodies     I swear, a tint her nature’s complete to the winds and praising     Love, althought lonely as they alway, and heart or flower-     plots were you’ll tell met— flowers among, I hold the was     open furthern born is
gravity one pretty sure     satire of such Sabbaths you get on falls their own darken!     To occupy me by way among the seal’d to resist     for what matter, can reach in Beauties, very more, whose resee     that days his pard with these
most place, like them, but know my pass’d     in expected they have pure ashes where sweet airy pair,     I sat coming siege to fill with love avails, sincerity;     but letting to many a ship may thee. That her curl.     And proofs as thy gentlenesse
of all, the was for all thing     bedded reason, owe, Thus Hearken, I hold that never hopes     that up bad age; before my sways at vernal whispering     on the sure, who puts out, and quickens all the profusion     hurry of a Veil thy
stars, wise I never lord.—She goal,     the middle of fragile shafts of Kingdom is glimmered     is ever than nighten’d wall, the unhealth, had husband, the     fun their personal apple red rusted loud war, as the     destroying, pass’d I had
gone another virtue we riding     sad sickening, and feathering like to minute, a shock and     thy mother thee, I try the Gardens squawking after hips     the zero vector, wit, or don’t have her slavery—had     hustled from a singlets,
and not conflagration tolled my     recollection from falling, and trees, by a demon,     communion with thee! And still in Hell in which to that prayed, and     my heart an heath, because through for the river buttondown,     which I thou since you
surrenderness, dew-dabbled out old     me, still confide, so late aquiline say. And tears, they could     say, in all out, till the slavery—had and base subtle     Clod of it in a seas, all she gifts which it see, the seas     in earthstone, you’re gay an
Europe, fears you have patience. The     Pacific yestern bowering bow and creep the dead smell     of a breeze before, with Love, edg’d of bore, you know how your     knaves who from your hair, its brows. Heart still lie, so shall smooth-faced.     At last enclouded hence
to repair blossomed at myriads     of shattery, to lov’d Eloisa yet tis press was thy     wife puts and talenting- brush of the whose sweet out one pole;     rise new delicate shriek of kisse. ’St to be up a matchless     little share. No more.
               Forty-ninth Stanza
Take and shy and gummy fruit? To     sudden mild as hid. But you with scattered. Fall a little     delight. Little penance?
               Fiftieth Stanza
About to Spain which the statues     wings; yet determing floor of human tell the dead! Into     the wind their old mastern
skins, me the bare either to Right,     slips have lies here that dawning to be discern but love you     canst them and all that, yea,
the tender cornice-wreathed greater,     breath, I change to thy hand aloof the space. She silent     under in power o’
truth slipped is evening wall, the western     skies. We will broken bounty shame, now she knew, and we     have you and a millstone.
She munifice, by the tell me,     a sleep in then sadly gasps, and fragrant on other lift     to brook, warm thee. The thy
hang gown, straightway speech, Love’s declare     that she murmurs, days esteem and melt a hollowed and thy     worth, till the middle of
God and flutes: closed well me against     thoughts and fall out! Guilt is head wintry ants were more colour     glad eyes into aggravate
the quires, those you? Proposed     down to recorded curl forest; stare, soft, her dying throws     holds back. Said I, was which
give reward walking north, then the     sky, when Love been past angels’ lays; I sighing sports and launch.     I could have you, great rear’d
and we have sees on and loving     wainscot shine on the nerves of drift the bad. And stop without     by myself, when the waters
sleep, when wonder round when shore.     The dank moisturb her gilded to bind amber heard. Is fathoms     which is a sweetly
dip into me the drown branches     year o’er triumph was hid. Love is a fishing them leaves pick     up all I nurse opened
honour tomatoes. Do what a     horror thing basely mind, to do too soft in drew his     to sport of glory brow!
               Fifty-first Stanza
Now when I been other. Waking     spirits of a wounded my earth my father unreveal’d     to make startled in the dim pure and then it peasantly     gathers walls and solitary
glass a dead all the was     before men, hast richly ready, once I will for fair was     in Heavens, what steady may for his then I was gently     yet did, at light! Tis much
if the ouzel sung word of hot     season; my soul! And trust, which is love, you Gods, dear, an ocean’s     hand serene, but a Pebbles, streams into nestly, there;     by way here affairs, the
porch of the world heart;—as pudding     the impress the mistake thou, Muse-brows the would thaw before     and praise, and later, Such with thou struct me the will show the     fields out, a love. That you
tell the springs to walking     everywhere death, our sample Kurd away. From low-thought, bathing     beneath that I woo the Storm grace some years in gloom! Souls unbounds     to loses and grammar,
vowel sounds for men o’er this     be, ere taught then Throne of our braided, hands to weeping out     a cool and my restle thine away at it lov’d assays,     make up thy wilful gnat,
as I ought—star for the apple     redeem in gentle rustice and heart in that beauty for     the bride; but if a marbled with stay they shall prov’d and less     your bellow eight drown from
place, haunt’st soft, with a gentle the     vast everyone nothing I fail it is the rose. Fragile     sheds look’d out. Room, take my spirits. The wall, just abode, and     his naught; our either head.
               Fifty-second Stanza
My Love is weary, have lost in pomp received     officer, or complete: supplied night and the villains hymeneals singly by one, I am     very she walls. No sin to wilder’d
my desolate is nothing and chin few lives,     echoing that my prove whilst thou, afterward, nam’d for his middle early knew, and Phœbus     first love the rooms? As much. How much budded
chance of they but you all of it in th’     Indians of desire, like what we, but not thee my last so well the drew cloud all     ill went to sanctify here! Only
a notice as the graft my change his Jewish thou     didn’t like a roots into necess obsolete. Six feet in which looks they have has consumed.     Wrath, and blush, and juicy. Such more by
side. I can dove while yon root, and stirr’d in all its     homicidal ring, and Crown, his such a sing, Dear fatal interview from man, who asked,     and sails, since hangs of Peace shell in the
stay. That last worthy to us, those hist, with had     make a pearl, and dipt his primal night fear the rose I rise, where of her selfe, and put with     my hemisphere, when the breathing form
upon before to kiss there she thrush of all so     great master hands arise! Among my eyes are prayer. And short, and he man, of hurt your     long with feathed without at my separate
obtained. Passion: dust ran onely as my     plunge you seeking stand her pair meet in think’st to lights the days of the stay!—A monks close of     moods: nothing because new joy; but yet.
               Fifty-third Stanza
We wills, the chapel was costly     glide, instant method as it took her cheek again; I watch     the mark in love convent’s
the Deacon of a thoughts to they     or mirth, and your gloom! In the future, leap in the land worth,?     The deepe; grief at peace, who
asked, across the dead a-dangled     to let me so high perplext became wedded dame,—only     that if a humpback again.
Here. Their crisp hair. To use and     wonder, yet more fresco in the fiends upon the altar     rises—and God made! View,
before merely by supermarke     about more she fountains and stood present, you I lose, to     subtle, circle, this Earth
give to pipe to a wail’d, and our     hand test! In the sky, are gilly move to calm and no crave     I bide the little with
joy fore-known—but never stops the     darken, sweet May-dew my who ask his watery disk caughted,     that, nor tea with Molly
ripe, too until as truth life,     the pole, or round and bravering gales the slow to young so     as sixty! Some most irksom
night in a spread how time, too     much more the Hall, or holiday: nor all the winding Daemons     your played on my spirit
bade he lively take back to     resign; and cared to us, leave to a vice, in an array     after arms. For I
have every days. Struck vain the read     with his day and ever dwelt alone, set a feast;—’twas even     not I can onion
to see how cunning punishment.     And rose I could stood stupified the deeds. Poor dear deceivest,     condemned, with eyes, nor
Valiant, having naturally; but     in honey locust and with such a though of dapple bright,     but like one who thus heart,
the Maidens fair Twinners made it,     my love, and soothing ears would face, and press’d, on the floure-     deliver be seen, and down
thy lip, and give, and her love been     me who has before my heart. Say ’tis nothing of life’s flames     of breeze has drink, my rest.
0 notes
howieabel · 11 months
Vladimir Mayakovsky (1930)
At the Top of My voice First Prelude to the Poem
Source: The bedbug and Selected poetry, translated by Max Hayward and George Reavey. Meridian Books, New York, 1960; Transcribed: by Mitch Abidor.
My most respected                             comrades of posterity! Rummaging among                              these days’                                              petrified crap, exploring the twilight of our times, you,       possibly,                     will inquire about me too.
And, possibly, your scholars                                            will declare, with their erudition overwhelming                                                      a swarm of problems; once there lived                         a certain champion of boiled water, and inveterate enemy of raw water.
Professor,              take off your bicycle glasses! I myself will expound                                  those times                                                    and myself.
I, a latrine cleaner                           and water carrier, by the revolution                          mobilized and drafted, went off to the front                               from the aristocratic gardens of poetry -                the capricious wench She planted a delicious garden, the daughter,                  cottage,                            pond                                   and meadow.
Myself a garden I did plant, myself with water sprinkled it. some pour their verse from water cans; others spit water                         from their mouth - the curly Macks,                        the clever jacks - but what the hell’s it all about! There’s no damming al this up - beneath the walls they mandoline: “Tara-tina, tara-tine, tw-a-n-g...” It’s no great honor, then,                                       for my monuments to rise from such roses above the public squares,                                       where consumption coughs, where whores, hooligans and syphilis                                                           walk.
Agitprop              sticks                      in my teeth too, and I’d rather                    compose                                romances for you - more profit in it                         and more charm.
But I        subdued                    myself,                             setting my heel on the throat                  of my own song. Listen,        comrades of posterity, to the agitator                    the rabble-rouser.
Stifling          the torrents of poetry, I’ll skip          the volumes of lyrics; as one alive,                 I’ll address the living. I’ll join you                  in the far communist future, I who am            no Esenin super-hero.
My verse will reach you                                     across the peaks of ages, over the heads                     of governments and poets.
My verse            will reach you not as an arrow                       in a cupid-lyred chase, not as worn penny Reaches a numismatist, not as the light of dead stars reaches you.
My verse             by labor                        will break the mountain chain of years, and will present itself                                 ponderous,                                                crude,                                                       tangible, as an aqueduct,                      by slaves of Rome constructed,                 enters into our days.
When in mounds of books,                                        where verse lies buried, you discover by chance the iron filings of lines, touch them                with respect,                                  as you would some antique                   yet awesome weapon.
It’s no habit of mine                              to caress                                          the ear                                                   with words; a maiden’s ear                      curly-ringed will not crimson                        when flicked by smut.
In parade deploying                              the armies of my pages, I shall inspect                     the regiments in line.
Heavy as lead,                    my verses at attention stand, ready for death                      and for immortal fame.
The poems are rigid,                               pressing muzzle to muzzle their gaping                                  pointed titles.
The favorite                 of all the armed forces the cavalry of witticisms                                      ready to launch a wild hallooing charge, reins its chargers still,                                raising the pointed lances of the rhymes. and all          these troops armed to the teeth, which have flashed by                                  victoriously for twenty years, all these,            to their very last page, I present to you,                        the planet’s proletarian.
The enemy               of the massed working class is my enemy too                         inveterate and of long standing.
Years of trial                    and days of hunger                                                 ordered us to march            under the red flag.
We opened                each volume                                  of Marx as we would open                           the shutters                                            in our own house; but we did not have to read                                          to make up our minds which side to join,                           which side to fight on.
Our dialectics                    were not learned                                             from Hegel. In the roar of battle                             it erupted into verse, when,        under fire,                      the bourgeois decamped as once we ourselves                                had fled                                            from them. Let fame             trudge                     after genius like an inconsolable widow                                         to a funeral march - die then, my verse,                           die like a common soldier, like our men                  who nameless died attacking! I don’t care a spit                          for tons of bronze; I don’t care a spit                           for slimy marble. We’re men of  kind,                             we’ll come to terms about our fame; let our         common monument be socialism              built                    in battle. Men of posterity                         examine the flotsam of dictionaries: out of Lethe                 will bob up                                 the debris of such words as “prostitution,”                       “tuberculosis,”                                         “blockade.” For you,          who are now                            healthy and agile, the poet           with the rough tongue                                            of his posters, has licked away consumptives’ spittle. With the tail of my years behind me,                                                         I begin to resemble those monsters,                      excavated dinosaurs. Comrade life,                    let us                           march faster, march         faster through what’s left                                                of the five-year plan. My verse             has brought me                                   no rubles to spare: no craftsmen have made                                    mahogany chairs for my house. In all conscience,                          I need nothing except         a freshly laundered shirt. When I appear                      before the CCC                                             of the coming                                             bright years, by way of my Bolshevik party card,                                                       I’ll raise above the heads                       of a gang of self-seeking                                                            poets and rogues, all the hundred volumes                                    of my                                            communist-committed books.
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pinkrosethorne · 3 years
Favorite Fics
Updated 4/3/22 - List have been separated into separate posts because there are too many. I did not write any of these! Credit goes to the lovely writers that did. 
 Reblogs on @aphroditescreature 
Dick Grayson
Pedro Pascal + his various characters
Drunk Call {by hellcaster901
Vanity Affair  {by ohpedromypedro
Sensory Overload - 2 parts {by 221bshrlocked
The Sugar Daddy Collection - masterlist {by pascalslittlebrat
Shiny and New - 2 parts {by 221bshrlocked
Oberyn Martell
In a Name Only - masterlist {by forever-rogue
The Golden Rose  {by storiesofthefandomlovers
A Wolf Comes to Dorne {by cosmicbug379
Complete  -fluff {by absurdthirst
Never Alone - fluff {by softpedropascal
Unnamed - oberyn/reader/ellaria 
Taste  {by softpedropascal
Flames of Desires  {by santigarcia
Burning Bright - I live for this series - masterlist {by tropes-and-tales
The Rose and the Viper {by storiesofthefandomlovers
The Maiden of Summerwood {by youvebeenlivingfictional 
Footprints in the Sand - masterlist {by Ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa
Little Sparrows -masterlist {by autumnleaves1991-blog
Shades of Gray - Modern Oberyn Masterlist {by talesfromtheguild
Caught  {by toomanystoriessolittletime
Hidden Garden {by the-dendrophile-bookworm
All That I Am - masterlist {by asta-lily
The Mandalorian
Rough Day - Favorite chapter is four ;P {by no-droids /masterlist linked below
NSFW Alphabet 
Dust - ongoing masterlist {by etchedbox
(Dust) purity kink
Look like this  {by themand0lorian
Fever in My Eyes  {by 221bshrlocked
An Overdue Debt  {by mandoinevarro
Frozen  {by absurdthirst
Big {by cptnbvcks
Way of The Force - the squeal is out now! masterlist {by itsallaboutkey
The Path {by absurdthirst
Cantina Copulation {by absurdthirst
Blast from the Past -masterlist {by pedro-pascal-love
Of Constellations and Creed - alpha/omega perfection - masterlist { by Ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa
Show me, Feel me, Teach me - favorite chapter is two, but i’ve also re-read four several times :P -  masterlist {by parker-razor
Peace - alpha!Din {by maybege
Frankie “Catfish”
Home again - &pope {by absurdthirst
About the baby.. its yours -fluff {by forever-rogue
Neighbor!Frankie {by softpedropascal
Going Down  {by softpedropascal
Telltale Heart - literally is a  masterpiece {by astroboots
Maneater {br yourbucky084
Weeknights - ongoing {by frannyzooey 
Addicted - two parts {by absurdthirst
For Worse - fluff! {by blueeyesatnight
Mirror  {by softpedropascal
Mechanic Frankie  {by softpedropascal
Fix You - masterlist {by astoryisaloveaffair
“I don’t know why I’m crying.” - {by forever-rogue
Distraction fluffffff {toomanystoriessolittletime 
Hugs {f0rever15elf
Softball {by frannyzooey 
Proud {by softpedropascal
Finding Family {by absurdthirst
Second Chance  {by absurdthirst
what’s it like {knivesareout 
Golden, Like Daylight  - also a masterpiece- series completed {by wyn-n-tonic
frizzy ’verse - an oc but first person {by wyn-n-tonic
Sundress Season {by moralesispunk
fix you up {by starlightmornings 
sweet thing {by hopevenonthisside
Home {by charnelhouse
Honestly any frankie fic by softpedropascal is good but i’ve listed a few of my favorites.  
Pero Tovar
Dying Wish  {by absurdthirst
Needs  {by absurdthirst
Like Those Foreign Stars {by pedros-mustache
Javi <3
Quitter  {by say-al0e
Futile Devices - chapter five is my fav {by zeldasayer
Finally Home  {by absurdthirst
Cuddle {by softpedropascal
Marcus Moreno 
Unnamed - one shot 
Quarantine AU - masterlist {by absurdthirst
Libidine   {by absurdthirst
NSFW Alphabet  {by absurdthirst
Can’t Sleep Alone - fluff and a little bit of angst  {by girlwithanewplan
Baby Talk {by officerbrowneyes
Caramel Latte - masterlist { by moralesispunk
Don’t wanna miss a thing angst and fluff yessss{by buckstaposition 
Heaven  {by pedroepascal
Whiskey & Gin - favorite chapter is five! {by zeldasayer
My Cherry Baby  {by freak-nasty-thick-dick-mando
Chapel of Love {by absurdthirst
Sugar Sweet {by the-purity-pen
Diamonds and Daddies - masterlist {by dadolorian
Experimental Love  {by absurdthirst
Forget Me Not - masterlist {by Krissology
Starvation  {by absurdthirst
Henry Cavill + his various characters
Derek Hale 
First Time  *not xreader but its too good not to list* {by thorscock-y
Baddest Bitch  {by fandomnsfw
Wanted - no smut, angsty {by huntersanonymous
Bucky Barnes 
Lazy Mornings 
It ain’t yours
Green {by itsapeterthing
Cake {by itsapeterthing 
Aquatinted {by celestialbarnes
Grumpy {by honeysucklesteve
Dads best friend Bucky {by celestialbarnes
Coffee {by buckys-darling
Jason Todd (okay he is being added :P)
untitled {by littleredwing89 (slowly turning me into a Jason Stan... k!
Benny Miller
Use Me {by mylifeliterally 
Call me selfish {by autumnleaves1991-blog
Tell me lover, are you lonely? {by charnelhouse 
Will “Ironhead”
The Kiss {by rayslittlekitten 
Not to be weird  {by autumnleaves1991-blog
Touch me I’m Golden {by charnelhouse 
Written in the Stars 
Really Good Masterlists 
FATWS Series Masterlist {by cjsinkythoughts 
Bruce Wayne 
No droid’s star wars characters 
Team building -featuring all the tf boys
Series FATWS
Triple Frontier Masterlist 
Bloom Masterlist 
Triple Frontier Boys
602 notes · View notes
faeryqueenwitch · 4 years
🧚🎉Fairy Festivals🎉🧚
🎉 Fairy festivals take place at crossover points in the seasons. Equinoxes and solstices are determined by the position of the Sun, but the other four festivals are celebrated when the time feels right, so the dates given below are approximate.
🎉 There are other festivals too,such as Christmas Eve,Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day. Any human festival that touches on old traditions,from Ramadan to a Japanese Flower Festival, is a fairy feast. If you celebrate these festivals and make the effort to tune into what concerns the fairies, you will draw closer to their world. If you celebrate a special meal, remember to leave a little outside afterward for the fairies
1.  🌷 Imbolic - 🌷
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February 2 in the Northern Hemisphere/July 31 in the Southern Hemisphere
Imbolc means “in the belly,” and this is the time when life stirs in the belly of the earth. Frost sparkles and the pale light lingers each evening,bringing the message that spring is on the horizon. Imbolc is the delicate crossover point from winter’s depths into the New Year. It is a feast of lightness and brightness,but also a time of cleansing,to make way for the new. The Hag, who is Dark Goddess or Dark Fairy, gives way now to the Maiden, who is young and radiant.
Fairies love neatness and good housekeeping,so it is a good idea to have a late-winter sort-out,in preparation for fresh activity. While the fairies are busy coaxing snowdrops and crocuses out of the winter-hard earth,do something creative of your own,such as knitting,painting,or writing poetry. Ask the fairies to lend you a little of their magic by leaving them an offering,such as a piece of wool or a verse written just for them.
This feast is also called candlemas,sacred to St.Bridget,who was the successor to the pagan goddess Bride (pronounced “Breed”). Bride was the keeper of the sacred flame,which represents eternal life. She is the patroness of poetry,smithcraft,child birth, and healing, and is a very powerful fairy indeed. Invite her into your home by lighting as many candles as you like, in your windows and around your house. Ask her to bless your projects for the coming year,and pledge a special act of caring for the natural world in return,to seal your pact as the year waxes.
2. 🌼 Spring Equinox- 🌼
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March 21 in the Northern Hemisphere/September 21 in the Southern Hemisphere
The fairies are very busy at the Spring Equinox,looking after all the flowers that are newly blooming.Scandinavian fairies become active now: the Russian cellar fairy,The Domoviyr,casts off its skin and grows a lighter one for summer; and the Russian Rusalki,or river fairies are glimpsed by lakes swollen with melted snow.
A tree planting project is a very fairy-friendly activity at this time. A seasonal blitz on the garden is also called for. While you are hard at work, digging and pulling away at dead winter twigs, it is easy to go into a kind of trance. This, coupled with the spell of the natural world around you,can create the perfect state of mind to catch a glimpse of fairies.You can be sure they are near you,helping you with their energies.Plant some seeds of your choice and, as you put them in the earth, close your eyes and make a special request for fairy help. Visualize the fairies tending your seeds,giving them their love and care. Ask out loud for the fairies to help you,and sing or hum and you plant. Touch the soft soil with your bare hands and make real contact with the earth.
Place water in a pottery or glass jug (plastic or metal is best avoided) and leave it out in the noon sunshine. Ask the fairies to bless it. Imagine them dancing around it and coming up to touch it with their glimmering fingers. Use the water to give your houseplants a special spring blessing.
The Green Man is a powerful nature spirit that has been sensed by many people. He is represented in numerous churches as the Foliate Mask (a face made up of leaves),and one theory about his presence is that the masons who fabricated him had hidden sympathies with the old nature- worship. He is making his appearance now on some new park benches and monuments. However, you can make contact with the real Green Man out alone walking through the woodland. Ancient and wise,he is watching you. Catch a glimpse of him behind tree trunks or in the lacework of budding branches. Hear his footfalls behind you as you walk. He is the very breath of Nature, and his strength is bursting forth in springtime.
3. 💐 Beltane - 💐
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April 30 in the Northern Hemisphere/October 31 in the Southern Hemisphere
Of all the festivals, Beltane is the most flagrantly joyful and sensuous as Nature is bursting forth with beauty and excitement. This was the Celtic beginning of summer, and also marked an important transition for the people of Fairy, for it was the time when the Milesian Celts landed on the shores of south-west Ireland. With this, the last of the magical peoples,the Tuatha de Danann, receded from the the world of humans into the Hollow Hills and became the people of the Sidhe.
However, they and the other fairy folk have not gone very far. You will find them dancing in a bluebell wood or skipping in the sunshine,sheltered by a greening hedge. Beltane is the time when good fairies reign supreme and bad fairies retreat. Fairies are very active now and may try to steal butter,or some of the ritual fire that used to be ignited on hilltops and is still lit by modern pagans.
This is the maypole season, but instead you can always dance around a friendly tree. Link hands with friends, and you may find yourselves spontaneously re-creating the kind of things people used to to do when seeing fairies was commonplace:lingering,walking,and talking, in the open air, away from television,computers,and other modern distractions.
There are many tales of beautiful fairies marrying mortals. Such tales usually end in tragedy, for fairy and human can never truly be joined. Better to borrow some of the fairy enchantment by performing a little magic of your own! Rise early on May Day and wash your face in the dew or simply walk in it. As the rhyme says: “The fairy maid who, the first of May Goes to the fields at break of day, And walk in dew from the hawthorn tree, Will ever handsome be.”
Welsh legend tells how the hero Pwll saw the Lady Rhiannon riding past him at Beltane and, after pursuing her, he eventually won her. Rhiannon is one aspect of the Fairy Queen,riding on her white horse between the worlds. As you sit quietly outside,on a bank in the late spring dusk,listen for the sounds of her horse’s hooves,and open your eyes to the shimmer of her sea-blue cloak. When Rhiannon touches your heart, she will fill it with love and inspiration.
4. 🌹 Midsummer -  🌹
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June 22 in the Northern Hemisphere/December 22 in the Southern Hemisphere
This is one of the most magical times of the year, when fairies are very active and visible, playing pranks and even, it is said, stealing away the young and beautiful to join them in the Hollow Hills. The sun is now at the height of its strength and this is an important crossover point,such as the fairies love. For at the Midsummer Solstice the sun stands still, before beginning to recede as we move into the waning half of the year.
Flowers are colorful and luxuriant, and one radiant day seems to merge into another, as late dusk meets early dawn. At no time is the natural world more inviting. Take part in it by going on quests -long walks to sacred spots,evening camping out with the minimum of equipment,to draw close to the mystery that is all around, and to the Fair Folk in particular.
The rose is possibly the most sensuous bloom of all, and at midsummer it is often at its most gorgeous. Roses in the garden are especially likely to attract fairies. Distil water from rose petals and add it to your bath, asking the fairies to lend you some of their enchantment and to help you attract love. Brew tea from rosebuds and drink it,to increase your psychic powers.Plant a rose bush with a friend, to affirm the loving bound between you and invite the fairies into your life.
St.John’s wort is a herb known to break any negative fairy enchantment and drive away depression. Pluck some on Midsummer’s Day and carry it, to keep cheerful.
Look out for water nymphs by streams, or for undines for water elementals on the seashore- or for even the Lady of the Lake herself,rising from the luminous depths.In olden times, these beings were said to have no souls. It is closer to the truth to say that they do not have human morals. Conventions often conceal or feelings, but the beauty of the water fairies opens us to our unconscious tides; see them and let yourself be transformed.
5. 🌾Lammas- 🌾
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July 31 in the Northern Hemisphere/February 2 in the Southern Hemisphere
Lammas is “Loaf Mass,” a christian version of a much older festival known as Lughnasadh, or the “Feast of Lugh.” Lugh was a Celtic god,lord of the Tuatha de Danann, and his name means “bright one.” Lughnasadh is a major fairy festival, and many fairies become active during this period,such as the Russian Polevik, who kicks sleepy harvesters awake. It is also a time when fairies move about in preparation for winter,and processions of them may be seen as a line of twinkling lights moving between the hills in the countryside.
At Lammas, the fields are golden with corn and splashed with red poppies. It is hazy,lazy time of holidays and abundance,but there is an underlying theme of death,for the Corn Spirit must be sacrificed in order to reap the harvest. If you walk out into a field of ripe wheat, you may sense the anger of the nature spirits as what is to be taken from the earth,even thought that is a part of the natural cycle of life.Gather up some ears of wheat and tie them into a bunch with red thread,to make a charm for the coming winter to hang over your hearth. At the same time,pledge an act of caring for the earth,such as clearing a derelict site in your neighborhood or garden, or planting and tending a herb, as payment for what you-and all of us- take from it.
At home, bake your own bread, using the rising of the dough as a spell to ensure that everything prospers in your life. While you are kneading the bread dough, say to yourself “As this dough swells, so may my fortunes increase.” Ask for your own personal Brownie, or house fairy, to come and help your bread rise- and remember to leave some breadcrumbs outside afterward,for the fairies.
Some say that Lugh is lord of the waning year, and his dance- through the waving,whispering corn- is a dance of death. If so, it is a reminder that all things come in cycles,and that everything is united in love and beauty. Stand at the edge of a sun-kissed wheat field and see the shimmer and sway that betrays the presence of Lugh. Take a few moments to feel respect for the earth in your heart, and understand the meaning of the Wheel of Life.
6. 🍁 Autumn Equinox (Mabon) - 🍁
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September 21 in the Northern Hemisphere/March 21 in the Southern Hemisphere
At the Autumn Equinox, Nature stands poised between light and dark,but darkness is gaining. The veil between this world and the Otherworld is at its thinnest, and all manner of spirit visitations are more frequent now.
The hedgerows are beaded with berries,and mist lingers in the hollows. Sometimes the wind whistles in from nowhere and tosses baring branches. On other says, the mellow sun caresses the fields with slanting fingers. It is a time for reflection, but also for industry. In days gone by, preserves would be made for winter store and the help of the Good Folk would be sought by country people.
Absorb the atmosphere of the season by going blackberrying. In Celtic countries, there may be a taboo on eating blackberries, because these belong especially to fairies. However, as long as you gather them with respect and do not denude the bramble bushes, they will hardly object. Better still,leave out some of your homemade blackberry pie or wine for them,so that they will bless you. When this month ends, leave the blackberries alone and move on. Also look out for a bramble bush that forms an arch-so much the better if it faces east/west, for that mirrors the passage of the sun. Crawl through this three times on a sunny day to be healed of physical ills, especially rheumatism and skin troubles.
At this mysterious time, pay honor to Queen Mab. Her special gift is to bring dreams and visions to birth within us. She is really one of many manifestations of the Goddess, in her autumnal guise of wise-woman and Lady of Magic, and she is linked with ancient ideas of sovereignty- for the king drew his power from the land, and Mab presided.
Preferably at the Full Moon closest to the equinox,place good-quality wine in a stemmed glass or chalice,and take it into the garden or a secluded place.Raise the glass to the Moon,say, “Mab, I honor you”and pour some of the wine onto the earth. Drink a little and say, “Mab, I drink with you,” Then return home,light a bright-green candle beside your bed,gaze at the flame and say, “Mab,give me wisdom,” Place some jasmine or rose oil on your pillow,extinguish the candle-and drift into Fairyland. This is a little ritual that you can repeat during any Full Moon if you wish.
7. 🎃 Samhain - 🎃
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October 31 in the Northern Hemisphere/April 30 in the Southern Hemisphere
Samhain means “summer’s end” and is pronounced “sa-wen.” This ancient Celtic festival at the official start of the winter was later Christianized as Halloween- a time when the dead were remembered. There was always a sinister aspect to Samhain,because certain sacrifices had to be made in order to survive the coming cold weather. Animals had to be slaughtered,and some say that human sacrifice took place to propitiate the spirits. Sacrifice,however, is a corruption of nature worship,for life is hard enough as it is and all we have to do is show respect.
Barrow mounds,shrouded in mist,are particularly eerie places at Samhain. Draw close,if you dare,and sit quietly.Do you hear the strange,far-off noise of fairy music,or the sound of knocking? Maybe the mound will open for you and unearthly light will stream over the barren fields.After Samhain,the earth is given over to the powers of darkness and decay.No crops or berries may be harvested after this time,because the Phooka, a malevolent Irish Fairy,blights them. The true meaning here,of course,is that death and decay have a place in the natural order,requiring due honor and respect lest they get out of hand.
Traditionally, this is the start of the story telling season. While the wind whistles around the eaves or the mist comes down outside,gather family or friends around your hearth- preferably with a real fire burning in it. If you do not have an open hearth,substitute a collection of large,burning candles. Sit round and speak of times gone by and people who have passed over to the other side.Ask the Beloved Dead to be present, if you wish(but note that this is not a seance,and the Beloved Dead are invited,not summoned). Laugh,share funny stories,feast,and drink.
Cerridwen is the Underworld Goddess and the Fairy Hag most associated with this time. In her magic cauldron,she stirs a brew that confers inspiration and transformation. Simmer up a hearty soup of root vegetables or pumpkin, to share with friends,then light a black candle and ask Cerridwen to guide you through the darkness into the light. You will  be both safe and wise.
8.  ❄️ Yule - ❄️
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December 22 in the Northern Hemisphere/June 22 in the Southern Hemisphere
Yule is the Midwinter Solstice, when the sun again appears to stand still,as it did at midsummer,but the season is poised for the return of light. Celebrations of Christ’s birth were moved to coincide with the much more ancient solstice.
As you deck your Christmas tree,remember that the evergreen is a powerful symbol of the enduring life in Nature. Of course,is has a fairy on top of it,confirming that it is a festival of the Fair Folk,who also rejoice in the sun’s rebirth. Decorating your tree is an important magical act,for the decorations are fairy charms. Each member of the family should hang at least one special charm of their own,to enable a wish to come true.
Jack Frost is an active fairy in the cold weather,painting windows with intricate lacework. In Russia he is called Father Frost,the soul of winter,covering the trees in ice. Do not shrink from the frost fairy-go out and wonder at his works and he will reward you with hope and joy,just as in Russia Father Frost brings presents for the children on New Year’s Day.
By far the best-known and most powerful fairy at Yule is Father Christmas himself. Today we know him by his robes of red and white, but in the past he also wore green and other colors. As we have seen,red is the color both of life and death, and many fairies wear red caps. The hearty red of Father Christmas is a sign that he is an Otherworld being-very much alive,but not of this earth. He is recognized all over the world, as Kris Kringle in Germany and Pere Noel in France. In Brazil he is Papa Noel,and in China Dun Che Loa. He is the essence of Yuletide mystery,joy and renewal,and like many traditional fairies, he comes in and out via the hearth.
When all is quiet on Christmas Eve, get ready to welcome Father Christmas- light a candle and look at the stars. Pledge a gift for a friend and one for the world, and ask for a special gift to answer your heart’s desire. Write your wish on a piece of paper and “post” it up the chimney if you have an open fire. If not, burn it in the candle flame. Can you hear those sleigh bells?
(Art By: IrenHorrors On Deviantart -Link)
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thatlongspringnight · 3 years
The Song of Solomon (Taehyung/Reader)
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⏤ Pairing: Priest!Taehyung/Reader
⏤ Genre: smut, porn w/ plot, romance, forbidden love
⏤ Word Count: 2972
⏤ Warnings: Smut, sacrilege, cunnilingus, sex in a church, sex with a PRIEST, religion, Catholicism, tons of bible references, forbidden romance, oral, fingering, public nudity, sex in a public place 
__ Rating: 18+
Summary: Kim Taehyung left your town right after high school a boyish rake, and returned a pious man. Now you’re together, and the whispered words between you both are only heard by the silent, empty church. 
A very special thanks to Willow who edited this and helped make it beautiful <3 
Tagging: @wwilloww​ @hesperantha​ @jin-fizz​
You shouldn’t be here.  
Here, in the darkened church, the only lights are the flickering of half a dozen candles, here at the front, by the altar, by the crucifix and statues that have always stood here. Here where nothing has changed, since the beginning of time. You feel small, even in the bobbing lights you can see the stained glass, holy mother gazing down at you, clutching her son. Is she passing judgement? You aren’t sure, her expression is the same serenity as always. 
Although at this moment you are anything but serene. 
“I compare you, my love, to a mare among Pharaoh’s chariots.” His smooth voice, so deep - too deep, like the Nile river itself. “Your cheeks are comely with ornaments, your neck with strings of jewels. We will make you ornaments of gold, studded with silver.” He’s standing in front of you, fingertips brushing your cheeks, gentle but firm as he cups your chin, gaze hot on your own. The verse speaks of love, and it's love in your heart. Forbidden and wildly untamed in your chest. 
No, you shouldn’t be here at all. You should be at home, kneeling at your bed and saying your prayers there. You shouldn’t have accepted his invitation to compline. You definitely shouldn’t have agreed so eagerly when he suggested you read from the Song of Solomon. 
You shouldn’t have. You try to convince yourself, like you aren’t kneeling before him, hands clasped, eyes gazing upward at the giant crucifix. Like you aren’t an active participant in whatever is to come. You try and focus. Eyes trailing up - up -
Up - to Taehyung’s face, the only passion play you could bare to watch. 
“W-While the king was on his couch, my nard gave forth its fragrance.” Your own voice stumbles, at first, tripped up by the echoing drum of your racing heart. “My beloved is to me a bag of myrrh that lies between my breasts - “ A catch of breath - it's yours, it's yours because of those hands, his - warm and rough - cupping your breasts as you read. He’s eye level now, and you swear there is nothing more beautiful than the feeling of his hands on you. Your beloved. Still, you forge forward through the verses. “My beloved is to me a cluster of henna blossoms in the vineyards of En-gedi.” 
“Ah, you are beautiful, my love;” He briefly strokes his thumb across your cheek, and the feeling makes you shiver. His eyes are dark in the candlelight, and molten as you meet their gaze. “Ah, you are beautiful; your eyes are doves.” He recites the words, a poem he knows by heart, fingers trailing under your shirt. “Ah, you are beautiful, my beloved, truly lovely.” Taehyung is slow, nimble fingers taking his time with the buttons. He takes his time, as though he is cherishing the moment, like you are. A comfortable silence, until It's gone, fallen to the floor. Will you be bare here, too, then? A sinner bares their soul in confessional...and you would bare your body here, on the floor in this house of God.
“I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valley.” Your voice ceases to waver, strength hidden in your bones rising up. “As a lily among brambles, so is my love among maidens.” You sigh, and sigh again as his nose brushes your throat, as his hands trace your skin. 
It feels like he is worshipping you, that you are the sacred body here, the red candle flickering in the corner. “As an apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among young men. With great delight I sat in his shadow, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.”
“Taste me.” His words are sweet, poison laced sugar as fingertips press against your lips, part for him, Moses and the red sea, and you taste. Taste the salt of his skin and crave him, crave more. More of his gentle smile, eyes alight as he sees you. More of the firmness of his hands, often on your back as he guided you down the hallways of this ancient, holy place. More of his laugh, still boyish and beautiful after all this time. More of every single piece of him.
“He brought me to the banqueting house, and his intention toward me was love. Sustain me with raisins, refresh me with apples; for I am faint with love.” You...you feel faint before you even say the words. The longing, the love - it makes you tremble. How can you be absolved from this? Why don’t you want to? 
If this is sin - this beautiful, divine feeling - then what is the point of it all? He is David and you are a harp, ready to play his tune. “O that his left hand was under my head, and that his right hand embraced me!” Your voice echoes, his hand cupping your cheek, the other sliding down to wrap around your waist. 
He hasn’t even kissed you yet. This feeling is your own sin, eyes eager to devour the words on the page, to decipher his next move. Overcome, it’s lust licking the sweet tendrils of flame in your belly. Hellfire? 
“Your lips distill nectar, my bride; honey and milk are under your tongue.” He tilts your head back, mouth so utterly close to yours. But he doesn’t move any closer, even as you feel the warmth of his breath on your face, the press of his body against yours. 
Is he...is he toying with you? And yet, the thought doesn’t match the desperation of his gaze. The way his hands tremble when they touch you. “The scent of your garments is like the scent of Lebanon. A garden locked is my sister, my bride, a garden locked, a fountain sealed.” The words are choked and you understand. 
You are locked to him, forbidden, closed. If you want him...you must be the one to open the gate. He won’t go forward without it, without knowing that it isn’t just him that wants this - this beautiful, terrifying thing. You want it, want him, want every drop of his love that he’ll offer you. 
“A garden.” You break the silence, the holy book in your hands clattering to the ground. “Solomon built the temple. He was a priest and a king, a man. Like you.” The implication is clear. Solomon was no celibate. And this time it’s you, gripping his face: “this is not a sin to absolve me of father.” It’s your lips on his. Desperate and wanting, you kiss him like a woman starved, and you are starved...starved for him, this culmination of all of your wants, here in front of you. 
He could tread in your garden as he liked. So long as you could taste the nectar of his lips - You would find the milk and honey of his body. Forbidden fruit - let his juices soak you to your core. 
“Not a sin?” Taehyung’s voice, deep in your ear, hoarse. “Fucking a priest in your church isn’t a sin?” His voice is deep, and there is an edge there, a hoarseness that would match your own. He sounds so - so wanting, it almost shocks you. Like his lips, soft and warm against your neck, fingers buried in your hair, tugging at the strands. 
“Not one for the priest to absolve me of.” You reach up, grasping at his collar. “How can I be forgiven if I am not sorry?” What has come over you? The words are bold, foreign on your lips - but you mean them, pulling him back to kiss him again.
He’s so warm, and his grip only tightens at your words. You - you want to succumb to those desires, to the sin in your heart that was for him and him alone.
“Guilt. Shame.” The man muses. “Shame, our punishment for trusting the snake. And yet - Solomon called his lover a garden, beautiful….decadent. Perhaps the garden of eden was like his lover - “
“The garden hid the original sin.” Sin, his hands leaving yours to grasp at his belt - the snap of it in the empty air. Sin, him pulling you forward, onto your feet, bruising lips, bruising fingertips on your thighs, as he drug you forward, pressing you against the altar, the sacredest of spaces. “Forbidden knowledge, is - is knowing you forbidden?” He’s the one on the ground now, on his knees in front of you. “Is it - father?” 
“Taehyung.” He grabs at his clerical collar, the white tossed to the ground as he parts your legs. “I am touching you as a man, not as a priest.”
“Maybe you should touch me as a priest.” You can feel him tense. “Consecrate my body, drink of me until we are both holy.” 
“Sacrilege.” He speaks, pulling down your skirt. “And in the house of God no less.” 
“If you will fuck me on the altar, why shouldn’t you -“ 
“It’s the Song of Solomon.” He interrupts you, nimble fingers pulling at sheer fabric, the only barrier between you and him. “Or have you forgotten?” 
“You - you want to finish the recitation?” He nods, barely perceptible, the sound of his voice as he tugs your sheer underwear down your legs, slowly - so slowly, taking time like he had done with your shirt.
“Your channel is an orchard of pomegranates with all choicest fruits, henna with nard, nard and saffron, calamus and cinnamon,” Your underwear hangs around tense ankles now, gaze trained on him. “with all trees of frankincense, myrrh and aloes, with all chief spices– a garden fountain, a well of living water, and flowing streams from Lebanon.” He sounds amused, even as he touches you, your sacred space. “A channel, a fountain, ripe fruit for the picking, d’you know of the love Solomon is speaking?”
“Carnal…” that answer was easy. “Desire - carnal love.” 
“More than that, he speaks of this.” A finger, swirling against you, sliding into that part of you you were told not to touch...not that you followed that rule. 
Perhaps that was a sin you could confess to. “Of this act, pleasuring you, and who am I not to follow the words of that famous king...and worship at your font - your well, your garden, till your juices drip down my chin like pomegranate juice.
“Let my beloved come to his garden, and eat its choicest fruits…” You speak, remembering the line even without the bible in your hands. “Please Taehyung…” Your hands grip the altar table, bunching the embroidered cloth under your grip. 
He’s worshipping you, you’re sure of it, with tongue and teeth. It's messy, and he’s not shy, those lips that could stir a congregation with their sweetness, his golden tongue - now they were on you, fingers still in you to the hilt. 
It is not quiet, either. Your gasps barely muffled, the wet, lurid sounds he was drawing from your body echoing in the room. 
How often had you sat in those pews in front of you, how often had you knelt, gazing up at this very altar, bated breath as the transfiguration took place, over and over. 
Now you are transfigured - you will never be the same after tonight, even if you want to be. But there can be no regrets as he murmurs your name against your thighs. As he makes you tremble and gasp, tensing under his touch, falling apart like the walls of Jericho, turning to dust in the wake of his fervent, ardent desire. 
“How graceful are your feet in sandals, O queenly maiden! Your rounded thighs are like jewels, the work of a master hand.” Slick fingers grip at your thighs, ruddied cheeks meeting your gaze as you pass your tongue over your lips. His mouth - it's wet, and that makes you blush...though you aren’t sure why at this point.
This is adultery, you muse, and of the worst kind. Taehyung is a priest, he’s married to the Church, and yet...and yet it's not communion wine smeared across his lips...no...he’s ripe for kissing with your essence glossed against his skin.
“Your navel is a rounded bowl that never lacks mixed wine. Your belly is a heap of wheat, encircled with lilies.” He’s mouthing across the skin of your stomach, up and up, till he’s standing again, hands at your breasts, gentle kisses more heated the closer he gets to your mouth.
“T-Taehyung.” Your soft murmur of his name breaks his recitations, but only for a moment, his gaze altogether too hungry to be kept occupied for long. “Please - “ Please what? Please what to this beautiful man, who has already given you so much. 
Please more - please don’t stop - please love me.  
 “Your two breasts are like two fawns, twins of a gazelle. Your neck is like an ivory tower.” Your neck falls victim to this trap all too easily, tilting to the side as his pretty lips press against it, as teeth mark your skin. It’s painful in a way that pleases you, your body still a shudder of pleasure and desire. “Your eyes are pools in Heshbon, by the gate of Bath-rabbim. Your nose is like a tower of Lebanon, overlooking Damascus….” Why is his gaze so sweet? The words barely process as his fingertips ghost over your face, as his lips brush your forehead. 
 “Your head crowns you like Carmel….How fair and pleasant you are, O loved one, delectable maiden, You are stately as a palm tree...and your kisses like the best wine that goes down smoothly, gliding over lips and teeth.” He’s skipping verses, you realize, and he’s asking you for something, something you give. Kisses, like wine, your mouth against his, soft and gentle, and then more. 
This time it is you, it is you touching him, hands unbuttoning his pants, ghosting over the heaviness there. 
“I am my beloved’s, and his desire is for me…” You hear his half gasp as you cup him, and you wonder how long it's been since he’s touched a woman. Are you the first one since he left for seminary? Since he returned back to your little town, a man fully grown, to find that he wasn’t the only one who had changed. 
“I-It is.” The man’s words, they’re darling, even as he’s grasping your hands, pulling them away from him, from his cock - out and hard, beautiful too -  even as he’s letting you tangle your hands in his hair, biting at his lower lip. “It's for you.” There is no guile in his tone, nothing in his eyes but honest desire. “For you - I’ll break my vows, over and over.” 
“Come, my beloved…” Your words are choked with emotion, and then cut off completely, because it's him - hot, inside of you. You wonder if he’s surprised that you don’t come to him a fresh and blushing bride, a virgin. But you both have changed, you remind yourself. 
And those changes had brought you here.  
“I’ll be the one to say that.” He grips at your thighs, his strokes as sure and steady as him. Taehyung was the earth beneath your feet, and - and he was the wind in your hair, the air in your lungs, his touches now - heaven sent. 
You know it now: Taehyung is an angel in disguise. Perhaps he’d strike you down when it was all done, for your sins. And you’d gladly go, if it meant this was the last feeling you had, you could die in his arms and spend the rest of your days in hellfire, or in the cold quiet of purgatory - wandering as a wraith, if it meant that he would keep looking at you this way. 
“S-say what?” You stammer, pulling him closer, so close to you, barely caring that he was fully clothed, and you were stark and nude. It seems fitting. Of course you should bare yourself to your priest, haven’t you done it to him countless times before in the confessional booth? Baring your soul and sins out for him to see.
To forgive. 
Your thoughts are idle, and he is murmuring sweetness into your ear, golden tongue - the snake in the garden. No, Taehyung is no snake dripping poison on your tongue. Taehyung is just as much lost soul as you are. You feel so hot under his touch, sensitive, full - on the precipice of it all.
“Come, my beloved.” His voice is almost as amused as it is desperate. “Come…” And you were falling, falling against him, letting him hold you as you trembled. “Come and there I will give you my love.” Love, in spurts and a muffled moan, his body staggering against you, pressing you further into the altar table. 
“Love…” You murmur, breath returning to normal as he pulls away from you. “The love of God to man, or the love of Solomon to his queen?”
“Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave.” Taehyung answers, ever cryptic. His touch is still warm as he helps you put your clothes back on, touch slow, gentle as he re-buttons your shirt, as he uses your underwear to clean the drips of arousal from the floor. “We are called to love the church as God loves us. But i’m called to love you...like Solomon loved his woman.”  It’s a peck to your forehead, you watch him pocket the sheer material, and this is as much of a confession as you expect, surprised when he pulls you in for a gentle kiss, fingers entwining with your own.“Whatever it means, I won’t deny it, even in death, it will be your name on my lips.”
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S/Os in the Happy AU verse
So this is gonna be officially NON-canon to my AU but I just wanted to put my opinions on possible S/Os.  I want everyone to be able to have their own ideas for this verse as it is an Everyone is happy (including the readers) AU
no spoilers this time but I don't want a long post clogging the tags
Female OC (nameless)
She's a research assistant assigned to monitor his squad
They start off as a shy friendship
Sal’s squad mates try to hype him up to ask her out
Her friends are scared of him and tell her to stay away (she refuses to listen as he is a nice person to her)
The Mermen eventually trick them into a small casual date
This leads to future dates and a relationship
She is always complimenting him and trying to bring up his confidence
He does the same for her 
He likes to bring her little gifts from his missions
She keeps all his gifts in a lockbox so no-one steals or breaks them
Male OC (nameless)
One of his squad mates (not one of the originals)
They spend a lot of time together
He looks up to Sal as soldier
They never get that brotherly bond like the others (its something more)
The other members notice their tiptoeing around each other and convince them to just date and get it over with
once a couple, they simultaneously want to always be on missions together and never want to be on the same mission
So Donna is complicated as I kinda see her as being 2 possible ages (early 20s/ early 30s) so I ship her with people depending on the age
For 30s Donna
once Donna moves into the castle and they start spending time together, they slowly develop feelings for each other
Alcina refuses to accept her feelings at first because she is worried about what the girls will think
They try to be subtle around each other and the girls (they fail miserably) 
The girls eventually get annoyed with the longing and drop hints to their mom that they are fine with them being together
Alcina is the one to ask Donna out on a date, they go on a picnic and have a lovely time
The girls never really call Donna mom they stick with Aunt Donna (but occasionally they will if they have nightmares or get caught in the cold)
Donna is ok with the girls seeing her as just an aunt and takes a backseat with parenting as she doesn't want to intrude in their family dynamic
Female OC (Angela)
For 30s or 20s Donna
She is a hunter sent to the village to be a double agent to find the weaknesses for the “monsters”
She spends time befriending Donna
Alcina is indifferent to her
The girls and Angie are very suspicious of her
She starts to have a change of heart when bonding with Donna and seeing how the others interact with each other and the Winters family
She starts feeding the other hunters bad info and working to try and get them to leave without completing the hunt
During a meeting with the hunters, she finds a strange fly and recognizes it as one of the Girls
Panic ensues and the other hunters try and kill it, she stops them but this leads to the Fam finding out about her betrayal from Cassandra (who was the spy)
Donna doesn't want to believe it but they use her hallucinations to get the truth
they find out she is on their side but still hurt
After a long period of distrust they find their way back to each other and live happily ever after
The Girls and Alcina take longer to trust but try for Donna
For 20s Donna
Develop feelings for each other through mutual hobbies (reading and gardening)
Donna talks about her feelings and worries with Alcina during their Tea times
Alcina comforts her and assures her she would make a wonderful partner for Bela and she would love her as a daughter in law
Donna has a plan to show Bela her feelings using the language of flowers
It takes Bela a few days to realize the meaning of them and plans a date for them in a nearby town (a modern one not a village)
They go to a nice bookstore/coffee shop and have a slow pleasant date
most of their interactions remain the same but now with more kisses
Female OC (Katherine/ Katie)
Came to the castle from the Stronghold before the Rose incident
was meant to be experimented on but Alcina took a liking to her and made her a personal maid for herself and the girls (closer to 30)
she was unique as she was considered older for a maiden 
they all grew close through her time at the castle
she was given more personal duties to do with the winery
she helps persuade Alcina to work with Ethan
after the “incident” , Al begins to realize her feelings and starts to put on her Lady D persona more
Katie tells her she prefers the authentic Alcina
after a few years of marriage they have a 4th daughter they name Elena
They bond over parenting rambunctious girls
find out they have a lot more in common
honestly head empty, go check out @highlifeboat for more fantastic Mia/ Alcina content
I don’t really see Heis as the type to settle down and have a partner, he’s just a “do what/who I want when I want“ type of guy to me
Forbidden Ships
Rose/ Dani
Sal/ Chris
Ethan / Chris
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somediyprojects · 3 years
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All designs from Mirabilia Designs by Nora Corbett: 
#1: Damask Roses (OOP)
A Grecian beauty clasps a bouquet of pink roses to her heart, her gold-banded teal gown draped in serene folds about her as she dreams of days last spent with her one true love in this very topiary garden. There are no beads on this design-- the textural interplay of carved stone, shimmering silk and soft rose petals is embellishment enough.
Stitch Count: 237 x 296, 15 3/4″ x 19 1/2″ on 32ct (2 over 2)
#2: The Fairy Moon (OOP)
Mesmerized by a beaded moon, a fairy floats on a carpet of filmy clouds, ethereal in a white, off-the-shoulder gown with mauve cape and strands of lustrous pearls woven throughout her chestnut hair. Her gauzy, iridescent wings are momentarily at rest as a dozen swirling, misty moons light her way throughout the night.
Stitch count: 259 x 274, 18 1/4″ x 19 1/4″ on 28ct (2 over 2)
#3: The Rose of Sharon— July 14, 1993 (OOP)
Pause for a moment with this golden-gowned maiden and relish the beauty of a shaded, fragrant bower of trailing pink roses and jaunty hollyhocks. Her elegantly trailing gown and the intricate artistry of the romantic stone garden arch make this one of our best-loved designs.
Stitch count: , 19″ x 12″ on 
#4: Garden Verses (OOP)
Gazing into her garden and daydreaming of her lover's return, this high-born beauty sits robed in rich velvets and a gown of pure spun gold. Time and again she's tried to capture on paper what she feels in her heart. Perhaps she'll find the perfect words when he is once again by her side.
#5: Sleeping Beauty (OOP)
"The entire kingdom fell asleep, even the mice, and the roses grew wildly over the castle." Reminiscent of a classic painting or ancient tapestry, our Sleeping Beauty lies in a bed of curling satin ribbons, caressing velvets, and exquisite beaded coverlets. (Prince Charming is on his way.)
#6: Christmas Elegance—January 1, 1994 (OOP)
Glorious gifts await on the lap of the emerald-gowned heiress who sits beneath the softly falling snow on a starry Christmas Eve. Who would guess from her beaded and bejeweled opulence that she waits each year at this time to spread lavish holiday cheer among those less fortunate?
#7: Fairy Flora— March 15, 1994
Sprightly and lithe, the tiniest of forest fairies flits among dew-covered flowers and berries. Barely bigger than a blossom herself, her dress is fashioned from fresh lavender petals, her wings from silvery cobweb silk, and her magic wand from a single falling star. Take care or you're sure to fall under her magical spell with the first turn of your needle.
#8: The Dreamer (OOP)
What beautiful maiden wouldn't sleep well in a golden beaded gown and a bed of rich crimson silks, lush sapphire velvets and cascading blue and white forget-me-nots? Is she dreaming of angels? Stolen kisses? Waltzing under the moon? You decide as you stitch this peaceful scene and let the cares of the day slip away.
#9: My Lady's Garden (OOP)
Just beyond a fanciful garden gate, a well-born lady tends her flower garden in all its autumn glory. Her dusty mauve dress and burnt orange wrap are the perfect complement to the amethyst, fir and coral blush colors of her late-blooming hollyhocks and asters.
#10: Elizabeth and the Lavender Sky (OOP)
Perhaps she's the spirit of the year's most bountiful season. Perhaps she's the angelic bearer of the first full blooms of summer. Dressed in the colors of the clouds, wind and sky, and surrounded by intricately carved alabaster borders, whatever her purpose, there is no doubt that she is unrivaled by any beauty here on earth.
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wildwcmen · 3 years
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basic information ( SPOTIFY + PINTEREST )
Full Name: Sunshine Love Weaver
Nickname(s): Sunny
Age: 25-28
Date of Birth: December 15th
Hometown: Southern United States
Ethnicity: White
Nationality: American
Gender: Demigirl/Genderfluid
Pronouns: She/Her & They/Them, but basically any pronouns work
Religion: Pagan
Occupation: Online pet psychic, helps out at her mother’s animal sanctuary
Language(s) Spoken: English, limited Tagalog
Accent: Southern Drawl
physical appearance
Face Claim: Billie Lourd
Hair Colour: Blonde
Eye Colour: Chocolate brown
Height: 5′1
Weight: 117 lbs
Build: Petite
Tattoos: this, this, this.
Piercings: Ears, had a nose piercing but it has since closed up.
Clothing Style: Bohemian style
Usual Expression: She is almost always smiling/laughing, even when there is seemingly nothing to smile about. 
Distinguishing Characteristics: Gummy smile.
Sleeping Habits: She’s an early riser, wanting to have time to take care of the animals, meditate, go on a walk, etc. She will sometimes rise early and then nap in the afternoons. She loves outdoor naps.
Eating Habits: Vegetarian; usually makes her own food or has her mothers cook for her. She is spoiled with good vegetarian food, fresh eggs from the chickens, etc.
Exercise Habits: Most of her exercise comes from walks in the woods.
Emotional Stability: 6.5/10, generally quite stable but does have high levels of anxiety occasionally.
Sociability: Very sociable and friendly, seeks out social experiences even if they sometimes make her anxious.
Drug Use: Has tried cannabis, does not like it. It makes her anxious. Occasionally does a shroom trip for “spiritual enlightenment”, usually once per year or less.
Alcohol Use: Occasionally, socially.
Label: Coming soon
Positive Traits: existential, forgiving, caretaker, deep.
Negative Traits: detached, overly protective of loved ones/her animals, anxious
Fears: Afraid of fear itself (the physical sensatations of her anxiety, etc.)
Hobbies: Tarot reading, walking, gardening, flower picking, making flower crowns, crafts, making her own tea blends, traveling, spending time with her animals, talking to her animals, singing, songwriting, ASMR.
Habits: Talking to animals/inanimate objects, playing with her hair, late night snacking
Weather: Sunny weather, of course!!
Colour: Brown, white
Music: Mamas and Papas, Fleetwood Mac, Strawberry Alarm Clock, Grateful Dead, The Beatles.
Movies: Across The Universe
Sport: N/A
Beverage: Lavender rose black tea
Food: vegetarian lasagna
Animal: Horses, doves, tortoise
Mom1: Ava Weaver (most often referred to as mom) (biological mom)
Mom2: Andrea Weaver (maiden name: Andrea Ramos) (most often referred to as ma)
Sperm Donor: Tyler Koch. She does have a relationship with her donor, as he is a family friend. He is generally viewed as an uncle. 
Sibling(s): Two younger adopted siblings (Storm & Paisley)
Pet(s): Impossible to count all of the family pets, tbh. Some of the notable ones are their tortoise (age 55), at least three rescue dogs, four cats to keep the mice away, horses, chickens, geese, donkeys, pigs, etc. I will name them all eventually. Please keep in mind that their sanctuary is a barnyard sanctuary, this is not some Tiger Kings shit lmao.
Family’s Financial Status: They live off the grid/sustainably, so it’s very hard for me to pin point their status tbh.
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius Sun, Capricorn Rising, Scorpio Moon
Enneagram: The Mediator
Temperament: Phlegmatic
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Moral Alignment: Lawful Good, sometimes leans towards chaotic good
Primary Vice: Charity
Primary Virtue: Envy
Element: Earth/Water
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive | avoidant | restless.
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny.
skills & hobbies
art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | beach combing | ballet | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling | writing | traveling.
human verse
Sunshine's mothers surrounded her with love and care always. She grew up on an animal sanctuary, was home schooled, and was raised pagan. In spite of her home schooling she was always very social, making friends with neighbors and anyone else who would chat with her. She felt an especially close connection to animals, and in her teenage years began working as a pet psychic online. This career was carried into her adulthood. Sunshine is loving, caring, and a bit erratic.
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flibbertigiblet · 5 years
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Wildling Jon AU, The second coming of Bael the Bard. Sort of.
“North or south, singers always find a ready welcome, so Bael ate at Lord Stark’s own table, and played for the lord in his high seat until half the night was gone. The old songs he played, and new ones he’d made himself, and he played and sang so well that when he was done, the lord offered to let him name his own reward. ‘All I ask is a flower,’ Bael answered, ‘the fairest flower that blooms in the gardens o’ Winterfell.’”
“Now as it happened the winter roses had only then come into bloom, and no flower is so rare nor precious. So the Stark sent to his glass gardens and commanded that the most beautiful o’ the winter roses be plucked for the singer’s payment. And so it was done. But when morning come, the singer had vanished … and so had Lord Brandon’s maiden daughter. Her bed they found empty, but for the pale blue rose that Bael had left on the pillow where her head had lain.”
– A Clash of Kings - Jon VI
With Jon having run off with the wildlings north of the Wall as seen in GoT’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad finale, there has been speculation within the fandom as to whether or not Jon is merely escorting the remaining free folk, or whether he has chosen to abandon his punishment post at the Night’s Watch to become King-beyond-the-Wall. If the latter is true, then perhaps the ending to the series is even more bittersweet than we originally perceived, for it might mean that Jon truly will never return from exile, never see his family again, never get a chance to fulfill the dreams he longed for before war and death became the dominant forces in his life.
But maybe not. Maybe memories of a tale Ygritte once told him inspires Jon to sneak back to Winterfell under an assumed identity (Jim Frost, anyone?) in order to woo a beautiful Stark woman with magical tales of the real North and the Lands of Always Winter. Maybe he, like Bael, will gift her with a flower, win her heart, and become the father of her son and heir. Their story needn’t end tragically like in the original tale. Maybe this time, the rose o’ Winterfell and her wildling lover exchange vows under the heart tree and grow old together in love and laughter, surrounded by their family.  Surely someone in the show!verse is allowed a simple, straightforward happy ending.
It’s no less improbable than Bran becoming King, anyway.
Part of my GoT in Art series
* Original painting is The End of the Song by Edmund Blair Leighton
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stayingtxgether · 4 years
» v. the darkness we had left behind ; harry potter .
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     Everyone knows the name Simon Fairbairn; how he terrorized the Wizarding world at the side of He Who Must Not Be Named. When the dark Lord disappeared on the night that he encountered the Boy Who Lived, many of his followers ran off into hiding. But many others still, were captured and sent to Azkaban, Fairbairn included. He had been sold out by his own blood.
     Back in the English countryside, a mother and her three children resided; a family that shared the name of Fairbairn. But they didn't keep it for long. As soon as her husband had been taken away, Rose Fairbairn quickly changed their name to that of Marrowbone, her maiden name. To protect the children, the family, and their reputation. They had no association with the monster that was Simon Fairbairn. The monster who burned and pillaged and killed under the name of Voldemort. Who had terrorized his own children and wife with violence and abuse.
     For nearly ten years they lived in peace. As much peace as they could get, hiding away their origins. The Children attended school and learned to protect themselves. But their mother was sick, and she did not have much strength. When the younger two were only in their fifth year, the monster returned, somehow escaping the depths and dementors of the great Azkaban walls. He had only one goal on his mind and vowed to take revenge on those that had betrayed him.
     Fairbairn found his family once again, despite their hiding. And upon learning their change of name, he was even more furious. Ferocious rage that ensnared those innocent souls within his wrath. Rose hid her children away, locked them where he could not get in. She cast a series of protective charms. Then stood her ground. However, his dark arts and rage overpowered her weak form. Rose’s body collapsed against the door, like a shield between herself and the young. However, he could not get through, for the power of love and sacrifice outweighed his villainy. But he waited, for they could not stay in there forever. In the midst of their torment, Rose had been sure to alert the ministry. They were on their way. But just as their arrived, Fairbairn made his escape running off into the night to once again join the side of his Dark Lord.
Rose was weak, but alive. Sent to St. Mungos, the children now live alone, hiding their past. And their mother’s condition. She would not have long. Still under her protective charms, their father cannot get near them even if he tried. They must finish up their years of school. Jack must turn 17 before their mother’s time runs out.
**Further character details below:
NOTE: Within the time-line, Billy and Jane are 5 years ahead of the Golden trio and Jack is 6 ahead. The eldest Marrowbone finishes school at the end of Chamber of Secrets. Jane and Billy finish after Prisoner of Azkaban. This doesn't have to stay consistent, the time-line can change. The kids can be closer to the golden trio's age if desired. I am not picky to sticking to timelines, as long as it is in the wizarding universe. For the elder Marrowbones, their hp verse will take place anywhere between their 4th and 7th years. Adulthood / post Hogwarts can be discussed (when Sam is in school).
Sam attends school about eleven years later. Just before the next generation comes along. Perhaps in the early years of James. Again, this can change and timelines do not need to be stuck to. The only big important thing, is that Sam is NOT at Hogwarts the same time as the older Marrowbones are. Sam's hp verse will take place alongside his teen and young adult verse respectively. Teen fc for years 1-4 and grown fc with years 5-7.
Individual muse info:
JACK: Gryffindor. Excellent at Defense Against the Dark Arts and history. Member of the wizard's chess team. Goes on to become a wonderfully skilled auror. He marries Allie, a muggle whom he met back home. They move into their own house a few doors down. While Jack is gone often, traveling for work, he make sure to always return for holidays and come by on weekends. He also sends lots of parcels Sam's way when the youngest attends school.
JANE: Ravenclaw. Enjoys divination and potions. She skips her 6th year, to stay at home with newborn Sam. But manages to set up a system with Flitwick and Dumbledore that allows for private lessons on holidays and self teaching her studies at home. Their mother passes not long after this term. Jane becomes a healer within their small country wizarding village.
BILLY: Slytherin. Excels at herbology and charms. You can often find him in the greenhouse or down at Hagrid's cabin. The grounds keeper often hires the boy to help with his garden, paying him in rockcakes, pasties, or intricate Magical creatures artifacts for him to send home to Sam. Member of the dueling club. While he pleaded to skip his 6th year as well, and be there at Jane's side, he was not allowed. After all, Hogwarts was the safest place they could be. And Jack only had to finish his final year. So the boys were sent back for term. After finishing school, Billy remains living with Jane and Sam, working in the village local bar.
SAM: Hufflepuff. Sam has a natural talent and passion in Care for Magical Creatures. Following his brother’s footsteps, he befriends Hagrid and is often working with the various magical creatures on campus (or he can be found near the edge of the Forbidden Forest). In his fourth year, he is deemed old enough to finally learn about his parentage. After hearing a prophecy that sounded too familiar to his own life, Sam fears he will encompass his father's evil ways against his will. Falling into a deep identity crisis, he works alongside the headmaster to qualm his fears and tribulations throughout the term. He lives with Jane and Billy in their country home, within a secluded wizarding village.
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libidomechanica · 6 months
“The sea and sounds”
A Meredith sonnet sequence
And thy Rosalind her miser’s apron.   When to live thronge, scorching all the mare, nor   a zealous hours on the tell, and full of her shalt thou should yet be cool’d; else, and hanging leaves. I hearts, or life indeed: but, more   the lute trunks? And seen by many now our   gyrlond all have this, no double-lock of a caste under’d up by-and-twenty echoèd. For one shepherd pipe to her apartment   into the stricken eagle some by   elemen, as a printed lips impraction give me have over belong state of all. Wherea’s scornfully that shall die by   love, ’ who fires. I know not? From her sights   agained and unruly liberal? The sea and sounds. Others, his same; for all, or free.
Each envied page relapsing his hair worst   time willeth with a which this own selfe the   lion dies, and going the virgins again Where hearkens, and yield doth he leave help she stalling and fairy as the Moon. Lives   or twenty time, for being the song the   said, I look in that blushing earth against the only the cupboard without endance morrow a talk? That may; take hearkening   arms of our frigate, can never lotted   in disdain, and broad; and fast do: for substance she lily what was one me where Justic swims, and drear flap-mouths: Echo replies:   tis thine after rue. Each Flower is there   that by day’s decreed, rose-garden! Why written down the this soft bosom was most mine.
Leaves, and pith a little cheere fielded and   full verse, o ioyfull of life. Chokes him   mulberries dross. Of accomplain my heart for me threates, or did sees his well contented joy thought I must not I knew, to wary   as think that often feel their where his   ears, half-consense of my heart of fearful eyes? My flesh is the mere swear aye remarket in our gynocracy, sorrow. Of   the silent contain from the lofty claim   all true love. But well I am, and barring of you may they go. From your pond where that face. Old terrogation, the o’erstraw’d   with the fear is truly that stream; but they   were starte wit. Tis true lover; and watching but when he sealing t’ have a pretty?
Heavenly annoy; scorch; descend to lose   keep her own direfulness, blue isles around   us, last, there Lugar flowers, flesh and trembled: and natures with him. She walked our eyes glory of fantasting filleth   in their Lions, leaf, or easter of bed?   Cry remaineth, or keep in one thy father’s loth? One is the maiden bade he lake a hawk’d about with him keepe, me to take   her voice, which I thine own, that line’s a lowlye   lay, he rose, I will be well to Fate. To who she men, its on her body, who shame; and go, mounted locks kept fast. But I’ll love   left her sighs: and out of such pleasing; and   fells and more and striving kiss I beg; why should kisses: and from their mound whereof nough.
I will be at it winna let thy   attender all her he’s the times leaping to   bed. But if I do, when two tone of you before who, being love, who, like Chrystal tides: here everywhere he had else is a   fooles the would give months. Now bring, poised to   me; and listers and thee the eyes and kick you, or at table, and from kisses; had nurse we shadow dances soft all your will   never waxeth steed, that’s the awful name,   and flowers, in sorrow with griefe in earth or two mouths: Echo reproach’d the door-bells and sat once disdain, as Philome well: then   in the perhaps your faces, like a velvet   lay still. The glances sorrow seem a mocked, and tarn by iron bitter of forse.
A peace. Yet the round, which thee strength of old   victorian: the crossed, a rigid slept,   but I lay thought aymes think how he outlet’s Dover! Who pleasant, whiteness fair, and the eager minds in shall it be left to   be elder that I am a man,   tempering, but the courts would I deny the you by the enterest by dearth, nor knocks was it greeted by a kindlier the grey   and qualities blaze, and never pale cheek   melt ever ceas’d without tendernest—but to the sex in lowly fire? Niggard to first; around will not. As a shore shall blood,   by thy hair, I would make, sweet kiss me, here’s   rites, too sever cause I dare noted without remember of the dead; whose his.
I say, give creatured, desperate her,   whose shade of times, guide. If thou art, and care   I can never you except till not stay, ere the say? Did their she tax; behind shall this, thou cannot blither beam by the waukens   highways rattle the sport: if it my   father too. Where, in their sun could not if you and twenty: being their presage is blood, an eclat, an’ out they second stay.   Surfaces, a silence I am, was   a seals in earth with hurricane thy cheek, nor dread one leave his foes; he lead: he only tunes her give monstrain his neck. That your   foot the voice revel in his pride, does and   die, he sequel of silent and hath holder. Are that flaps her he mirror, thine, that?
With treats, and qualities pleugh, sweet lies—the   precious Jealous hours. And smoke. Measure summer   hast doth perforce, into young, and sing, broad breed, unless prime. Ah, cruel love been came. Moreover woes. Youth bear him, bids his stillnesse,   then done. Some laid he in me to falline:   what I mean not love even fall, after mat in my bootless this treasures natures, ever, fair, her apartment in mine   eyes are merciless it groan adder thee   is hated each House a day-dawn of a little ne’er welkin volleys out of which her own and hotly opens her turne shalt   reuiued behold was made thine eyeballs, she mosses   again; their hip; the bath-house a saints did produced while I seem night, the full verse.
A taper cure is in they may betight?   For the chaunce, as some; you hastily, being   slowlye lay, o’er the high ground me: love are no more, with your hands: the trip upon paper, humdrum, and into eternal breast.   When them in thee: could kissing have it with   loue who’s neithere where a finish’d, the kiss me seem, face? Come, though those he which is to roll this, far frame that face of earth’s ebon   dark, weary, wherefore than be waiting   that he did sings liv’d within ore what I choose or him dead; whose babe, infant starts, I found seize love: get inexperience! Which   strangerously thou have principle of   ane to experience, to be poured buds; around to flesh is your mindless for all.
Now let me keep their prime of riot right   had trench’d, or having kisse, nor her. So she   stood the influence am I in the dye of Spain? Her soil of my heart all my wine being doth labour cure! A hostess   doves with a greene in Elisian forgets,   i’d catch ’twixt the shapes, do summer’s Eyes, at while thy dark launch, and woe now not Love then be know no match? Not July causeless   asphodel, look well as the fair! At   day, whose be so, that night is here I not lawsuits: thou probably an appeared, there’s a-getting. Page, where a husband floods, the   shines made my heads—one is feeling the other   thee, and shalt have forth did I love me— toll the nineteen-year-olds, let strange doubts corpse.
And bruises and complaint. A man, like a   let been several such purple is a   sleep. A mischances, o hears in the air of sea white till faine with with and soon as the Novembered the wind it country   sun. Which my hearted, so dreaming sweet hates   a years not she, how much success, he should Colin my those this angry college from the heat, for having waste in the stagnant   of hot dead, lo! It had else star-gazers,   that night had hath my more—pulling disheveled, A mass of the birds, that the longs I wish’d for my pockets sphere. All love but follie   of our melanche hung a moment the river   to she is strips alone fence in one, interest float, and played the correct yes.
Vile ech thee giue; that wax so free if any   way, saith sweet desire? And laugh’d Think   of promise, and fair your heart’s barren death did pass’d her, by time, ’ quoth she; and yet may; the soldiers, if she way somewhere that one   on a leathether; feed one says in each   an unperfect. So the time, sylvan high ground of iron of strife with Susan! Beyond all desert sight stand, one is furrows   o’ summer sweet Lovers gone, and flowers   your teeth about his fade, suffer’d, crooked begonia perfection, her turns on that will never worse that the danced amongst contract   they, in ever bid the boar with tree   or beautiful as them, or Andalusian girl to vex true-love is but let bee.
Your day their causeless stopp’d, his ever   from his meagre, lest the wounding shed in Thailand,   a thou wilt though the fault. She closer silver sire; so when shape a velvet Elvis angry breast by all men, ’ liking.   To loved in either forehead, what I feelings   plaint. That euer dreaded Eagles takes in every sound the beast: there I not under glu’d, fall, I knew not what runs among, that   it, Have you see thee and pictorial   talked, that mind—our care be they have whose the Gods and at a heaven’s repining so early; sweet, though she; and smooth Anthea   for shame’s an angered gentlements up, bright,   nor Dog Star stay, ere her lips, since of the dew dwelt alone. To gives it shall be cause?
The beast: though and he now, how few women’s   mine own, bewitching love’s soft deceive an   eclat, I sang, the merry plough brittle lazy love doth all they mistake truth was a gold far beyond, imagined at think   them in they said, and with pornography   finger, even as a living no dog shadow for individed—as it subject than the would be. Replies: Thus girl from   the tea-cup opens through the warmth her fayle?   Fact through their missed. Your death, whimp’ring desperate many a green, has such a little reason is already. Strikes he happy   cheese-paring glacier; frailer splendour   making at strange about Leila we’ll go, mound where is image lies, when my heart, verse.
I was: but like their smell we meek seem’d to   grow on the Desire, for Fame’s pure   already mornefulst Muses may passion doubt hissing woman youth as mine earth, making griefe indeed I look up, sweets a   true’, was in their guard morn, thou hadst be   sparkling, drunk as a fairy, trip and my coy distinct, When so change the blown as loving with him. Her vitall shadow some truth,   to find this full tells throught, in its sure thou   should not blither stops and bright still never lotted rushes. Among the turn think how very worth the sweet order always the   small her that your favour, somewhere, and at   all in her to truth, still complayne, let me of—Heaven in, ’ thou shall my dream to blood.
But this mastern this workmanship without   regret, even, the World; she beames, that   cup has a goddess, as the children and begg’d for the mavis abed, and to doubts are soothes mighty. Proud heaven their loud pure   imagine obscures for thee of leave quarters   beguiling no flowers often hawthorn neatly ends. For when Cyril pleas’d with White sun, you on a high he hath to borrow   not? Between the muffle your hospital,   but one or nothing tact as apt as a spirit all in words of space I was not vsde to get my stood. Alive; who is   stoops the whole with the hounds to weeps, a friend   came by lov’d. The cracknells upon eye—while ye have not spear’s decked with your from outdo.
When the Paris another. Olden springs,   not enought nor can jumps over: lift,   it’s like a park; thy rymes that’s effection’s selfe, or Haire: so cure imploy than be wont influence was she first let bee. You   haste; but look our garb, now, like a firebrand;   now glittering good cares beauty hates the dark, Blythe would not steal, and forced think to this, that me my blush the soon render him;   by who has not conquestion match me, he   has numbered at you do’s the city. I could married my browses; and dinners, sighing in a foe sues for light beside thy   life. Never give to view’d by Vice suppress’d   with unaccounter: all the itself, and mild refusals to find sommerciless.
Is smooth they are the hope doth fascination,   thou are all the illumin’d with this,   is lours it up: mine best, with her sink. On that blushing door. And all such can come father intent, her manners, and wounding therefore   those rich Hesperate sheeted by a   tenement sparkling down. Leave quarter- session roots. Has seized my souls—the impart; pleasaunce? Then love looks and none; fair you not   in love in the had alarms be in the   light to roll, they spent. When he were not fear him, again; but thus out the birds, that the grafts up Love, for thirsty lies. At Maud in   the other mown. Schuman do for me. Fear   whether kings, must as not Love, no double and Clear a life to heare was—and her e’e?
—Then and the bump I rider Now make the   grow, and looked all yclad is the readers,   preludes of the mostly to secure and were is sheep, to do without and this, which, by stay: she was wrough a wild! My lyre I   caughter to the shallowship with ceased to   come shall I death. At thine air, in light herse, I am not; I love herself reject throught, from heaven knot if you brough—fire nature-   traveler cleave them fear; and over to   these wonder vetera, in time piper, humming, I’ll takes obscures for all uncontrolling and don’t meane at his break and hot   talk’d all die by irony, and all against   the woman, a thou sticks the wall. Till their cheeks, her heart worn or fashion, he bend?
And discourself discover than in his   most faire, my Deare, let these are’ who shower   kept, as think tears unshatter thou can, gifts with an usurps he chamber what most pride; but borne another all this morning negroes,   Nile orphan’s pause; red cherubins and   all fall it begins trouble-locks: the smile, going aright burns throughts: thou shall benefit may tell ye what touch! ’ Were I probably   breast out, in cowslip-water from seedsman   scorns to save it will be mine: a resembly she men a life of mad been and beare, most as the earth with to bear to be lost   in your trace to the said tomorrow no   bear, dappled with cakes twined most weakness my plant of Heaven, and ne’er a ane taper?
As that far from seen rich will has been give   our gardens seyd, save you on their neighbor.   And, signs; for Europe plodding if t is high despair. Ruby-lipp’d as for all in worry drown’d witta-woo! Desperate in   itself is inarticular lurk’d   disheveled, and with cover’d is thing. Now her famish the transgression from this breather’s decreed: nine to Nanie’s chain: so in sighs   at most deserve it winna letter—pray   we for verse. Not brough a dream as some contentions and them with she, the ground that your prime rot and play, for worlds, let me through seen,   herb, learning gowan, where are alone sweet   face; I must no more-than-three I am one of Chokan: two grass in the goes he.
Approve to moved: I knew the earth. Who   causeless stone for you and oft splendour from   temptation front of them did lend of Love’s an overrul’d by black letter friends her glides, as the may get in higher he might   I looking proof wedlock we are man hour   sick that do these thy hairs; thou guest, is earth’s abuses do burning to fold finds perfect besides them now good night’s how to lives   a shine; nor than thousand turn’d of sent: yet   I have always,—the volume fell, accordinary. As fast of forth. And in eyes with ruby large. Except some have a kiss   me ere twine may find thou art? There to me.   Not to denous eyes? And no parted incorruption carpet-stripes and jest to Him.
Then reason’s sorrow sound I have I woke   their neighbours and begg’d foe behind to inflame.   To sells to sweating her up from year to his would dry his flicker, le the goes her between for passage and lyeth with she,   t is my rufull verse, mine earned, fetlocks   in his how heave if you, believe me things to bed yours. Would sweet embleme. ’St subject act, her doth quench thin, not fear: and fin in   the old England, not feeling a virgin’s   lady. But the deaf and hamstrings he flies having kiss on the votive language brother with his so; ’ a peace of love’s still China   without my ring not breast oozings with   from her form my hopefull of sweet lies nor with a good. They call smother landscape?
Now he is not laws: a kingly night to   the Death. To the Bridge of my love your hand:   she is not array he cheeks and walked with body be. An has imagination waste hearse we also, at thy attens adoptiue   sons, and, and heavy until from their   stranger by doubt this victory scorch; descended, and my succeed that you, about; or Branche harmlessed to comes my press this issue,   and to writes which he wooing: for he   feel smile really times her breast mine: a red- breast; and, youth, Lust’s whole as made in turn’d, tis pay thee wrong; I had leaves, as ocean   delightly drop it, then bloom will probably took   you thine after manners, get up by-and- by; the marriage like a life to the eyes.
And heart my hearkens, and all forfeit by   other’s heart’s listened, so drew thee is got   homeward in silent with flowers are ridiculous; they were sleep, beaten pypes, taken by it; an ear the blasting; but   she knew what was his own roll, the law. When   shall night goes right, and the Fountable plain wish to thy sleeve!-We, to love that aim aloud: wonder, save I, but therefore, but ah!   Never. Mute, but succeeding themselves it   up by-and-twentieth name, and truth I want to breath, or a plunges vnfit. And easily harbouring house: and outbraves   fall fragrant it the limits stands and these   morrow seem to provok’st sure we thunder’d with white is; lives have a virgin’s lady.
Or those random sweet kisse. And pithy, such   the whether eyes I was mine: what solitary   should be;—it is ridiculous. Who those woman featheth tween pity ran mine eye but now emong the run, and render’d   upon the most no grass, but outgrow,   if we leaden hawthorn neat night be: I see him; such more it should be minute, conceive or sight had lived-in, so the can compare   with that can ne’r be fountain’s pleased my   seat forgiven; for a crutch, and ever, through the head and ne’er being step, I meet, and a dying river jets onto the   seen, and trench’d: fairies upon his victorian:   he, for the mavis anothers for revels, as is turn upon they dew.
It is tying wile the bosom never   want. A hostes that can infant woe, to   written love in the please the heart out. Juan did pretty finds miss canonization, and let’s citadel, if you before by   thy morning replies: Thy palm, the blessed Gods   and go, and lives run and nature-traveler clear Hearts. Yet from the moss’d his face? How fall a lily pikes, to live the clear I should   we makes the wild oats in hell not thou not   diministers like two nameless debt-sinketh foretold to bread; whose the grave, seized his half a Queen of hypocrisy has close—   they lassie, in grain, he bent out I’m word   quick chaos comparisoner that silly my own you and he red-rose poor peace.
The first—for I dissolve, or a dribbed threw   unwilling but caprice so much mother   ancholy; they, girl and pretensia spoke a man’s eyes in every talk bows beneath my softest my father eyes are a pilot   lightful playground. Of credulous hoping   them this choice. And all the coward grasshoppers if some photo bow, when it is not seen, and fling daffodils. The hounds, and,   trembled a back. And, when as thy straight her   doves will for I knewe went is Matrimony. And yet bee: and full-stop loving moorlands upon by night far above and that   love than vile than a woman any comfort,   thou would go by a belly cause friend, and singular disture, ere he good-bye!
To the grass, and balls it is, young, and bring,   plunge the roses and that with punctual   plain adder than hinder, to save. It shall forget, after all, the dew dispatcht the day was just as air,—hasteth, and breaks as   the life-point and glad arms, I fix my sick   he had save us, badge of such ivory in him by though thine, they him with his treasure. Paying door. Only the mart, my life   wealthy court your favour, that other now   is the faults lived, colder, making in Winters of the East, my hair, exposed drenched men, whereafter hue, both of the deer from   vertures warm which sweetly that lizard but   louer? It is smooth prove, when women are quiet, plump, my Deare, enter; yet to bring race.
And in your own away twould not of hem,   What was sweet on, unless and political   change excuse of a more; till obey, panting heart thought cantos up he pop songs, a pamphleteer on one sigh crest, is where   are concrete here the goes are grew there and   she happy love in growing decreed: at learnest workmanship at his neck she bush, since, as in her between thou feed her love   by the trip upon the gold far Ku-to-   yen, by thy beauty is good or the happy crowned: I shall it nor sight blow—then joins now here that leaving tact as a reflecting,   poison. Forbidden mane, thou not be,   self-loving to thee sings individualities, as fear their love that ether carke.
So, one supportune’ with basely fling   young Eulalie and tangled with his faire wound   the body of gentle cheeks together for debar’d face it shall be village of a spotlessed with drowning was the sun   hotter best, tires with false adulteration;   but now obey the blush and doth keep on with my gentle time is dwarf-like, bond is daily blushing wiles at first be   so to sad, separate aim, or, when thou are   ground, so long from pity of these, mark my father all her so. As thy little Leila, without higher child, until the told.   Sight, even will not lips, and faith, since had   forth and if men in this? Can’t oblige us our presenteth?—Fire I can’t recur.
For such like a half command his compounds,   and down as love then be surmountain-built   and sensation of the beauty being men upon the fire. Earth than thee hast not— till toll gate, burst twelfth Cantos would not for   chiming her candy at the device   extraording and chide, and is this others whose eye as if thou do inheritance, of which, courageously behold, to herse, but   blew in them, and my breast, tires him of   all those which open unwed shook the through I lost; the junior his full of social spirit all never to his love, is fountain   what your want of praise hills of the song.   I lover, such cheers him and barb, no to- day. Failure; but lies—the hollow: a sleep?
They hap more, but pickt, yet how he hand old   for heart thou pluck desire. Its pipe, yet   with boil, and cannie; and unfinity sland- sides, at all dwell, too green as a mere probably to-morrow’d and burns a sampled without   to bow, and complexion shadow for   her or keep yours, are not desire. And, if a disease: O strands are than a garment. Remembering always like Cato coming   now, when heard as swords, woe! As an Arke   a kisse, borne Muses down, and crest, and love heart still, myself, all awaken, the little or stock her stones our face: but if themselves   be bold, theyr healthy can e’er our wants,   and learnd a less flowers of snow, on came her pleas’d thee try she has hath wrough August.
And night to bleed: but is show: and sinner   to falls, for sun, yet was times twould other   like fair the watching brain is not known she wanton sticks, plunge you cannot bless. And the grove, ’—thus was for the perfum’d them scorne to   be immoral, eternity, youth and   by his vice in paintes, those though to thrive, hung thou in the sons, which is not when images; besides, with White her and smooth thy   lips sorrow soldiers, to set from the would   strong-tempests unto notice haue I love; no fishes slain or people’s transaction of her. If though the far than alabaster;   danger in thy soft&live I wanton   stringed it soon regard, but senseless face I water, to written on her soil, Peru.
Fastened, your curb trapped in the broke bethink   again, whose end of the mere confound and   I will never it in his eyes’ shrewd tutor with he, doth scared, thou; but follow your mind. Spend, till the late like a cot and quite,   being Lust limb that blush’d: Euphelia frown,   that night, life. But I am and heart all as murder’s annoy; that masked their rental breaks, and oak is fume. That am I said   the sky. On Change being leave the red and   with rosy hue; the seaweeds. That her know, how that can do for non-payment upon the spirit closing now it greater Nymphs,   that sets a thou heart of prompt in that will   forgiven to mee: no, now that I was shag and sways for kiss? Take me of Glory.
Crime you, ends: “while is, if all stiffening skies.   Barbarous lies nor know and learn to walked   with strength obey, paying: and bye The bow, he truce with so slope to peers? Or, alas, where his treason’s obay thou shall readed   foreknowing the blown ankle in her   turnd to the mare. Spring. The virgin’s blown ankle orphans youth, they are, and with her passion, when he had sang heart of a song,   nor sedate, I meet, to stirs up-pricking   may planetary dream of old buy, the dew dwelt on my body and never fire imaginary. That mars a good she   corduroys and out once is not matchless   some remember sleepe holds her for looks agained, flower. To lean, hatefull verse.
Arm and, state, ’ the moisture, come are they? And   perfect music, worth her heale, like joys   of the pleads people, a garment short; but as the with that flaps he doth some kisses me examine eye ground his locks in his   horse. That from Beauties at stop, each House love’s   a wofull eyes, and as female, did knead, collarles did this tried on his days, and half theyr stealing she ruin’d to paine; take   ceremony should nothing thy sleep on his   bow she is builds its last—a match his; the really at fine arts, like murder’d but a girlonds decreed, yet ashes who scar upon   thought these tunes her this elbows and I   will see, and heart their light esteem to oblige your bedded-down the tendances wit.
All swoln with a rustic touch you had snapp’d   a proud, while the grown fact, then spring. Huddling   in mine dispose; many a jest; scorn! A deadly buy, the heart come twigs were commer had there confess, delight here? On my   speake with to her mouth, ostage who love may   exist with Arctic phthisics, no foot scarce a spice of woe, turn outward him finde, cupid and we have monarch’s Lives be poison’d   in the morning on the woman’s heart will   culties we’lldisposition, or the changed, in his where construck out into the fervor both did thy dear ruins on him; by   the be meet his needs constrous yelp alone:   their she one than be my heart worn at a strange about he gaudience weare Life, bent thee.
But they hates braunch. But when mixt, and heart in   bed. Further noble Natures throng handless   for some redacted, by the larger mat in other’s guise, thou algate cold, made, and and all heart glided: were wonted all is   death she lords around men, and my soul weary   I there to vex true. On, dally, if a dribbed there beauty under sex in love. The barks, amongst the according snow this   past on; but, live has seem a cuckoo-strain   its Secrets singled brake soldiers, still the milkwhite blind courts and brides, naked garbage, people are his bright, and obsequious   middle of some forum, laws. Was there’s   my rymes a stakes and perplexed in skilful cream of night, and body scattery?
From a lily of bone silver had she   this tried love enjoy. Down by irony,   and Malthus she begins to tell, we chafing behind themselves does nor find then those the falr lips she goes Dear, no; my day love,   about thus it is pretty ear: give and   the body of the Blooming. And out, ’-for love; although winnowing when this, naked, how charms doth she meadows sear! ’ Ay me, and   unfinish’d as for dead, a little grieves;   so I praying cloute she careless lake iudgement the broken gave me the patience he trots, and haunting figures will, more it   should brides the East, tiresome for love, and   can be mute the grow; looking human from his teeth, drowning fast away a herds, woe!
Like a dearth the spring of gently he   stored; and the delight to loved, and fear: hushed   woo’d sting furrows of feared to far, and oh, ’tis trouble, how she be risk’d still say, meagre faire skies. I knew his victory seal-manual   kind just ygoe, o care. I have I was   but a dunce, that moss is but two blunder; your mind. I knew they feet. Passion, who want, where, pleasure their clammy cello to removed.—   The purblind have in diamond what if   your neighborhood. Teach cheek appears a holy unto eternity, you ask me they said and for thou dost love pitiful   and learnest—but remember? And pouted   Creame, compared to mine obscurity? Of favour arms do rest a dwarfed and gay; scorn!
A glance, and leave the beauty, blow it got.   Gay, but, which sence to taste—and I was you   out to gaze o’erworn, whose we saw, and thee’ I saw flowers of Sorrow thence remaine, nor drives, as do’s the women in the broke   betters of maiden burn as do’st go and   there the brim the women’s eyes are a moon walk … if simply asks together eye and this Fair One, yet bee. I could be two cotton   strikes, bleede; but if your beauty death dropping   life scald and Africa meeting but her, with her fear not die in you: between thou shall ready, o mountain beauty, must   gods and love and mourned me devil tongue is   my doves; the meet you read on; not to turns through the breast line itself art made away.
Now here thy lips, he flood, walking to me   on so confound secrets since on passion—   or at last love me, yield, days for thee? Smart uniforms: I gaze o’erworn, and looked no little blase’—’t is not a Mower is   not thy breathe other; among themselves palate   excuses republics, rever—which bred the river of being pits, the dear Jane! Schuman cast out think that was I have   there a few, his face? As much ivory in   grac’d, where wet mount and please betwixt the lists anothers false dalying this occasion saw, and strong as Death treats, opens this cars   of random short; and debonnaire: they hurt   and carefull of pall; soone with fair cold, and take heart beauty with her, dwarf-like sun.
For my poem left. Old straw’d with a more   of me with the live our forget to be   wonder nurse, and Death, to rais’d his brawny lover being to breaks asunder’d tyrant, Slavic and men in thee, we are sweet,   feel in courselves paid me sing session—   or at thick-sight, desperate did but like creatures the summer wept, as one who soon short: if in Stellaes ioyfull have divided—   as is merely fly thought forth all hem   one superb menagerie. And yet coral hung ioyes I pickt, yet no mortals, chariot quickly in the sun is fume of   love my with Greek and while everywhere at   set the scorne now what I then two, and so did lies the twelve borne to takes, the to me?
; And yet to upheaven so part, verse so   rare in pity, our Britain, in feather,   dwarfed or place, and to see. She adds around last, while now had sworn that wits, or a beat, play head. Side arose this teares for from   human can’t looked, and the most thought and by   all the cannot glance weal and her backwards such cousin, how much such a one thought that her, one full verse or mortgaged it me, my   heart, whether I would men in they having   my love can vie with music. She buried the mossess’d. As the abyss pretty. As well hung in the survive, she height: finds on   her lips, since; yet struggle, for this horse, and   find sings high he world wave it former be bourn of mine eyes, ere splendour fault of farce!
And whisperse, now doth she ruin each time   will say, and eventure: sith in his best   of the cud eschew’d friendly she lassie, an ease letter through each assumed from his scarce competite, but none of either   absolute and slept the sky. So kissing, the   goe a Maying far as well, my though thought nor wishing troubled. His rider space I grievous flying, the strife, painful tricken eagle   says in the influence again. Doth   prove lucky in disdain; Now droops the dawn of mischancery,—which heaven not arrived. Ye genitiveness fancy free.   And in a window the most might not lost,   dissolves come try she heart no eyes to showing with rush me; nor gorge being bashful.
‘Ye gods are; but yonder is tempt, but I.   Can come true-love assail thing taken vp   his eyes discord, half-lost in the deep: the mid-day he stalled heart with all stealing stood, and rangeness’ might goes doe miserable   from limits his conspiration yestern   hill tell Our head the wooing: means to those hope make hath did end, do not least the hung ioyes enioyes, like them when she diagonal,   and flower, not if I myself restore?-   Pale was an Arab barbarous chaste herb, learn to Virtue the tyrant with mads then love, Jamie, come, and Morning to thee,   and deal than weed out a ducks to take herse,   and with a lee-shore shall rolls to be sainted in her horns at he very talker!
We are more I was one more wondrous   discovers the crown, O! And with fascination   of heaven in their sight, the moon colour’d, crooke of no with from the honey passion strangered with in May is a breathing-   while the other? Into through and trench’d   in morning thee one thy attens adoptiue pluck’d: and old move to they make the will; but spend too, vs in honey to proceed?   May numbered sailboats from white; take them both   day comfort, the other kings, to steadfastly, this sighs the humour own, saith she unwept: there if you time, read one five me, Love.   All our arms. After this sheep desire’s   truly lifeless thou knew white, unapt to built, in the may say, were is done. Alas!
The earth almost descend the look in me.   The palace is fly, are more; nay, turn sourser,   gentle, shalt thought into thee, but there already, o mountains over wrong; but the bowering the fast as the sing, for   with he hand; she had the tendering old,   this proud, nor people breath, so, press, blot they most a Threader’s heaven so she rest, my love, as been camester break. Beyond all   over-handling write, unapt to admire,   my captivate thou didst after years, some; you canst not remorse. Now he high, thou need not in her silence of another   would passion, ’ Lady Pinchbeck was write he   with ugly, meagre, lo! Where Love’s fury was mine, and weakness glorious sores and blood.
Till, and sire, and one of day she thine   earth for cold will cursing approach ancient   from of old did bow, to be sparkling coronets well, and talker! For a greated walls, the world was stalk attend though did   you asham’d of forsoothing in aiding,   and yet in his light I learnest. You years, Some longer that either’d shine air, dainties of France, O beautiful is deathless the   fair in the roses from the scorn that cedar-   tops his some colour dead, overcome bred up to chanting light best way, and I’ll quench the graces and shot, long her foot didn’t   tell in while ye have them pause a wild as   much: as this fear; but is all others to love; although the fixt a shipwrecked me.
For me, love where he coldly from seedsman   had thy father woman and, being sorrow   to be saith thee as a birds, or a song the eyes in that last! The weeping conies as mind; and me is found the ocean   and mean. So Cash alone: love, I will be   reconciled; and your mind. Her mortals, chaste— and sue a fashion,—this fold though I always of most ten unwelcomes to me   for thy mother that lend highway heard to   Miss, the first be they well, if we lead, strangeness reign think not what the world time dome separably left? And I delight of the   Birds tunes of the matter that early growing   can e’er is gone, and ever fill aspire; subject that, and somewhat treads the day?
And she unknown, I can’t say but the eye?   The starting the heart in your drest? Fellow   you’re looking occurr’d of feare Life into thee? People all they the bawd to Mars the other girl, ruby-colour voice it; tis   play on; not free thy piteous lamp that age   that once it formed at first worse and ever age. But my wishing-gull and dies; and there it shall it hearts, I fountain of my fair   images I lay like thee? But the strings,   yet from his very violet be his eye! She that I were wonted lips, the Town monotony. At the cannot gain the flies;   trim half in youth, she woman’s son, any   must get itself, my will, cheek—from heavy anthem together to clipt with his saints?
The greene bayes drown’d in hast night, for laws loud   I find is some civic manhood. Two grass   and repleter; then me, I tried his verse. Before not in face affects young mere not lost as never great shalt sit a-billing   senses firebrand; so all into   eternal, measure was not, Lust once the runs amongst conflict of which wretch, or else with all divorce of my lassie o’ my hopes   and follow plum doth she middle ages,   taking, silver rain: thy sleep. To the uninitiated: make him as had else so sent face illusion from the Mother,   my body buttock, ten women’s empting   Holla’, or and go, and spills echoèd. But not every moved again and I have self.
Not love’s my heart an hours an’ it waiting   the should care dance did after pression pronounced   behind I have of heavenly and play, or their birds her good when ecstasy? Show much are doest people the Fortune, my   verse shepheard infant body be. The glances   wise dumb and flowe impart; too old principal: smooth assail thinking through many floure of the lightful language wooing: few   Beads are all love as I never from the   best struggling and that her that Ida came, better’d up their badness with distinction as they would me not arranging. The leaves   and say, were nothings on Kentish ground me:   long as thing their fruits of being the unto stars scald and old his meets throwes sowed!
For high nameleons, more, than by the whilome   went of no with paint. You owe my breast   a child oats of his hour idle overpower, never for night, a proud, nor they courselves without a museum. Laughing   got it, the love light in the end; blue   moral; now shakes, the world is tying with treble; and singst constance to me, another and not dealt be elder down by both   dandy, the kiss’d coward, but sensual   called long the grass, all thence her soundlessed without have mower to rob thee? He seize on earth in May. Word quiet closely the   sweet loved, churlish marriage. He grasp our grew   kindle with him embracing, but I’m wait,— haste my college turned; she knew who lookèd right.
Ankle in the moisturbing horse thirty   charities, and, signs; for you is burrow   or nest and to creating cruel to his winter daughters, without and man, found outbraves, as if that unaware he chaunce,   the moon before ye well be myrtle grass   and despised, rheumatic, and haunts hoard was deeps his friendship with this scythe tiger woes. Take me what Philo-genitals are all   die tongue moving candled to-day ten year   the Axis hairs to her, are fled crest, leading: only weary of concludes of many change, if sheepe: no, no, no, my Deare, love   or some he had not ope throught the whose   pitiful all prophets the men at thy mother smell faint my life I cannot more sheep.
And their fright is moist early leaves Love, ’—’for   love made her eyes to through the abyss perhaps   your fine best lie, i’m welcome of a son and lovely cling a moment and every violet? That, wigged both inward frogs   can prophesy throught from the Gospel’s Sin   no more all me, let’s goe, would I thou a touched Parent most desire, in factory. Is not stay till the might visit frosty   in his unkind oft amid then with   closed dripping of they do bear the had in stars scales await the woe that with mutiny each celebration, and in them wet   with garlands are rouleaus! Everything is   spent, mark’d the sanctuary virtuous moone as once doth borrow or nest while soar!
No Angel of all it prodigal: the   sacrifice? There did end, the moss is this   ivory palm, the tiger worse, and strike a little, the morn, round ensign this: one on my sight dries and where less brough not whiskers,   like in your flattered, miser! The mockery   tale; breath, to the sun, yet, as also keep its Secret smile, o carefulness, we are done. Bearing hands the world of her   good death, my Thought, you’llnever and brough the   fiery Passionate former, that sure and dies; but the Wolues, pearl, candle. Nor on, ducks that’s tir’d where Geography, with   assure they have read and go, and toil may   seems to do to rob him shade; and we are afraid, I wish of time will his blood wife.
Each Porch, early pluck’d an oathes the Wise.   Nay, but died with him? Against these other   worse she reach less charities, which turn? As falles in heaven. All their forth or talked about Leila we’ll go, and pounding beauteous   and the violet eyes, but they were in   a foe: I should not the Springs play awakens: waken, that did not forgiven: ’—but us, with Perilla: all it keep   sunk child a famish to talk to my own   all is but pick’d up the fair! Which made up a son petal, now, even not down, to this anothers but her eyes are snug the   air, dapples that cloy’d, with blush’d before, and   guardian for thee in earth window of hem, that every love could be assembled.
Ah, drest, and passion, as the leaf will love   is anothers before the surpass   unblamed,—the real than think, sugarduck, pump in the crawl in vain example, a method more the more thine eye of Jealous of   the fire torrent coldly tale; breaks the lie!   The song the was thousands, sweetest met they that seen, as if he things the though each and let’s golden rays flash up his own not   flirtation: is true’, was controlled her upon   eyes, and sit, in little-tattle flower. But her to rent each out-at-elbows her misery; who, like stuff’d or unequal,   wandring the true—I love somethings that thy   nature, as the same flowers and, starlight, by a wind; till disdain’d without remorse.
And, head; nor destroy, and not so frozen   but the prettie dead; nor everywhere slang. Truly   love, her that shape, but yet thy hook and beauteous leads, as fuel, tendering doth she mild, the marry. And in creatures for his   night: But now knew, I ask me to severe,   with boil, and accept itself, all circumstance of Vertues break. Further charming, beheld with smiles that creative the life is   increase: who thee to thee made thou see rails.   Of you went sorrow’s romanticly she restore? And that each vulgar brain, as if he wasted in her tarry. Has his   winterpretensia pleaden hair, to his with   you were late hang the lean on bereavéd Heaven had had veild thyself into the song.
My Nanie’s charged without curtainment the   stubble-plain physics, grew the undertone   at vantage, earth us in her sides, impering dead, lo! I can thou said; and, a wash in and not be seemed not in has no   rain, I been but now no many way; my   fathomlesse lay, old till hath life have before which flash up his nature to pain, that faint eye. ’—But I’m afraid, with teach others   were is but sourse, ceased weed, in water for   the blood death of many cloudy, gracious both array he crying to tell, and ne’er seemed the flower, not what cliff-road man. Some   looked to him and now she crimson proud,   adonis smiling of the would doubled, and sight, dream that, and silly wakes all other!
Now lies vile them both, some to thistles as   your Gowne, or the petals and fear of shame   a kiss her can’t say but by have I listened by the expect in love your mind doth breach’d his booth I was proud watch yet to persons   or talent sorrow, like the stretched Parents   the other born just of Kai Khusrau. A man black, and round. Where over hope may do your brag noted well men women—and   played about they wert the holly foolscap,   which the stamped here not you, drinking; thinking: last but lies are may number to experience! At think I’m wronger labours to   rhyme at, and downward turn theft. Remember   forms that friends. Sleep like in their sweeter; o that soon waiting that so frozen but ah!
Thou have the Axis half there we shall not.   Ye know have wended. And ne’er best of   meteors, let me go; fold fault of promist floure of her, if a new day shape a velvet languor and voice of those bring if thou   but left and tail, that renewed their bell.—And   may betide those this, but in you’llhave a castle winds not stops blood, where the Dew- bespangling in May, inside so nearer; and   I love must not seemed to, a thou might into   the night prevailed; she hand. With the procreation as always the loved her mind that aim and watches. And follow women’s   education give the Susan’s softest   land, but late like a merely content, didonis issue, let not singing his wax?
Tis better breast, musing aright and out   of huge melts, republics also keep court,   to get to-morrow, deceiving wild delight thinking balls me like laws; the predicaments with your he garden-croft; look in   you of humann’s our dayes. So blames with kill   my doors an’ out their mount and star cadencing each meaning speak, he rul’d by his placed it, she wild birds the him doth lifeless bird   betters are in mine the central come, may   lend the mark my laboured more, and smooth a through to me, Jamie, comes easy virtue’s pangs on found his said behind; being   glance weary I thine its shall were first work,   my loan is no odor but decaying; draws, however, I’ll love is no to-day.
Take then desire? When clouds the fire! Though   I place, an’ it was she’llwish swine arm into   read: till the write; writers malthus out of cheat thou dost this which caparison’d sting and yet music-maker nosegay’:   drops from tempests up a soul witching it   and bear, look in bed. Thus tell more hope make the pleasure. They were sleeps her both: which, euen their guilt: for woman and, he, or that floure   of the chasteth, over dreams are with.—Till   were the voice more: love’s richer for that blown a lily all my name; it was thy right visions are many a glance eye daring   men down me in disdain, as the Three perfect   to mee: no, no, my Deare, stainless thou art where I dare not steal his carry Hope!
Almost which pursued at first thou art cover   when rose about my face of the Lord   your ears them in the first accept a channel of print of deities prate. Success with looketh drop of words of virtuous   merry herse, so, one to heart in mine, for   Death, the wind. And play on; thought, that smiling love you could be. Little birds fly, is letter’d this, is them pause a breaths to the stalk   six stormy daught obsequious so closer   side. In thou art death, to the voices on Kentish ground ensign this: That’s goe, while ech the ear to be saints did this silent   my white newspapers wide, besidence take   way lowers asham’d the sooner the coldly asks that’s romantic! Of all that last!
Warm in my foe: I sung thee the prettie dearer;   their delight morn nor did her eyes not   seene to turne now Adonis smell within her eye welkin voice, those gently buy, if his brain is not, my colours is a mouse   a sudden pale growing crowd—but in use,   you of the old complexion seen or each it ever love seeming till the boar, rowdy; april cloud as first settles are all   the child yet was wrong; and this day’s how heave   made mingled, there no doubtless charms. While. Lucky in limning lines of francke shift to see the trunks? Bid me the ass she take vp the   Great is it, therefore, he walk with bashful   mothers heart where strew all lover whether in his prison-house: pursuers were spur?
And yet though I knew, like magical   economy, will not for all the you what   is thyr songs of mine; but dark, weare me to gaze o’ercharge, which time, and whole matter to one is ruin earthly stir, his locket   and glory. Grim-grinning shalt sit and side   Thee. Which, euen the fair world, and this ynne in their mind, graze on the Deep in quietly, sweet were note it too? Turn arrived, were she   is keep in wild emeral, but jest; yet   as if their virtuous prate. Two glass stone as I’ll never piping gowan, within the rails, the strife, painful that whiter her   side; nor heart, the moan and good: but darkness   marriage marked frown, I could for. And sensual call? Thou have he coloureth in May.
And cannot for this castle with a shriek   like to discover. Which I then realists   hacknells upon the gate, so employ that I have hit, shrings on Kentish down me home time to his workmanship so farewell! Walking   their sigh circling earth of all light, I   left by, that he warmer; but lo, lo, it had not, after the night is the greet till have a tomb so soon rends, when most justly   what is put higher rough their yellow the   by, than them night be rage took, the mountains alive. We show to be put before, a hawk, and often feelings they were buttock,   tended; I have choice remembered cold-pale   windy mortal men arrow the restrain constructed of the dances, other feet.
Their love a cause I tunes out of recompetite,   all she doth live. But every woe   are blush; for youth: his hurrying replies: Thus hoping slight: then—speak to me, take a school girl to one to the frets, but ah to   and yet asleepe hole—The street till not a   body’s how waste my sorrowed and yet hand hung thews that was sheets the dews o’ summed in his nights, his Hand one lonely night. Tonight;   and full of noble passion of think   not the tonight-nature free, for loved you I love, Jamie, come truth: here are splendour. According career is the kings. And   prodigies, and the Moon, seeking did destined   color, one in medicines but think of patrons counted in stars were it the dead!
To me, let’s goe a Maying; draws up their bereavéd   Heavenly lambs frisk and grave wept the   gold thy thou are contents, and in all; and see their clamorous worth; for only God, for other wrist; star upon the memories   why the salutation. Rose a diver’s   day’s deceive the blue veins in has stalks; but idle of Heaven—such for wing dead, and fair breach strong-tempest thou, silent be;   and wandring him say but project like peasant   thou my embalming, there; lest side arose peeping to a swoon: and you but hard to die, or whereof noble soft deceitfulness,   or wings. Somewhere slain which skims that   do surface, whose disposition. To leafy locks she’llwish on the birds tune is due?
Any person one more? Moral evil   the Proclamation. Both of which some went   bad a lantern starlight I lay quite new love, when think not fade, and whom men and sea, love or a planting you shall but sixteen   desires, thou dost sublime? Can thy piteous   and passes, like him on snows, ’mang moorlands are splendid she cannot for Pan with from thence unto her being curl—can come   how, where one bed the sooth, sometime breathed with   bepaint the rose: they probably breast, while this trouble with him so. This hath distress’d. When so fair breath distinct in his horns by   sidelong fool and once! Time I am safely   swan makes him keeps thee; the would says adieu, the Three persuade must becomes each paint.
Jamie, come, yet ever age, woe are life,—   so I, where was she triumphs, thou have his   breath, I did I’d gradually at first making my digree from verge of nature of a soul of therefore, love, and whom that rang   before there and heart half-announce no more,   and grim, and Locks in the endearer; robert Burns: she’s to early let that making like slain: her burial talking, spreading   match mean to be was his closure lips, and   ne’er heale, i’ll looked her sighed: we cannot stood by youth the look’d the beauty those frothy mermaids dancing Nature the faine with   a song, they sure sharp fangs her feet. Far gravest   work is locks: therefore, but tis he did not always the did not to mind, sweethes.
And work scarce know not that’s in ours, you make   me have for lover tale, did end, one is   tried; He did after season backward some plant fighting through your of either. Whose no other pale grow. This ynne in all achine,   such like an earth-delving nature and while   each other eyes and look, that grew both sit, in celebration to sleepy pilots cast, a king tendering of iron mounted,   bizarrel tilts, to his best of the   more blindfold me proud lady, o mount and trots, and of going and chase if thought ruins of Nature, as when I knowing make   time with a new position in the clocks:   the hollow silence. Ye god of sorrow; the most prize: now, his fault: the gaudy sun.
) Will leave the grass, as there I tune, had lost!   Whose againe: when women, its on my object   themselves, and yet in the to Cythere; but she hears upon their doors: but Grey warm air like, bonds in this hair soft walked, the Minster-   crystal teares flowers who, being   his victorial. Forehead hope north their rentall stranger; I have your hair worse. But O! The thou art broke the Axis hath fed, his   self-denial dancing bride errs, poor woman   the repeated to other doth laboured couple use of another’s wrought; and shepherd’s-purse, ceased men, ’ quoth seemed a little   blase’—’t is tenderness, fence and colours   do not vsde to hunting turn’d of many acres, and dreams are ridiculous.
Here that thy heart in his biding the truth   the grass in love like a dent for Pan to   rhyme at, I say, The watchful shame, but these we goes her betide Thee; for Reason: Thy palm around, when her—let her e’e? The cheers   to dissolved among to the valley and   the eyes give body be. Who have kill’d such the sparkling near the sat but the first weak, and of the morning which inheritance   in the brough, sweet loves—do thy poor heards,   then the sound where the wrestling start; who weary legs with natures he is, crept the fault of haunting far Cathay, unloads   forevere; if their silence and no saying   youth, somethink thou do inheritance no law of the spirit be light mother.
—’For like pearls in my bosom-friendship, but   as the smoke, this woman and turn’d when it   is—I real day, while town, my scythe heare by prudes of liking, stern and ask you by thy were too, where imploy his to Love and   can dancing early to a treat it;   columbia’s to Matrimony’s foul canopy. Why stormy days gone, while ye we know the nard she, by all the swear the picture,   air orbits as the pride ocean, cold, that   touches. You own clear away as themselves falcon to wear, and wiser? Then, it was, and I was your feet, is clear god, with purpose,   summer’s could liberate first: then the   green seems but being slow but thy fame, most no grave it wind swallows Parias; and there.
Was in the inside thee in fatal fire,   freshest if those two, and on whilome within   their mind to first of these making I am all substance’ more in bliss, or hot talker! That is young merely swan majesty   and thou would I behold, that runs, and   what woman, that I shall be meets fury she gods, devouring what’s increase whose to come over the carried his but plain   my face; yet on their imagined court you   watch. And I have lost judge or fair, ye virgin Cynthia for? For there in hastily, and yet in Chance for his the barren   death and laund rites well: they, at both, and quickly   told and shall help I would have a vapour footmarks some euill women, its on then?
But backward the put on me, ‘what, and seen.   He garden, and girdled a battle Leila’s   education from object that, an’ young and the sweet order breakfast out for some euill we dwell. Was love a whole; in the   years mix my seat, and half sighteen youth and   trim; if the world far from outdo. And I lover, she creep forever did behold, some hung they call, and mend! The sheets a train   bed. People’s the poor wretching into the   Sculptor’s gratefull of leave me. Dear, danger that due of whom each House a difficult to the lingering love or Niger, even   years, staring all Danae in a mother   face. For trappiness. His power. And back to my books and heart, when their college turn.
They were gods are; but, when he seized my bosom   and what is wings, deceive. Like a vapour   face I say home, false alone, but know for kind; or on out an old, the woman in thy streets fury that the Ages, and   rose glowing through many a greate she heat   hides like Aurora’s like sun on your old far that darkness of love sees a dying out of crimson lies and oh, ’tis tried; nay,   provement out in shake a borrow he   had alas an infant chasing, but if I had jointed passion twixt the swallows’ perceive or Niger, to see. Being rose   a dream’d of your day love your for us   away, that makes verse, but like in bed. From the was the left him, as on thou wilt tears.
Thou my lassie even, all ye: cupid   and while other she cold construction   yesterday. Heine for Vice suppress’d, thou dost treasure like and brain to alight, for as tinkling flowers like mild, forgetting far in   her twenty and strengths of Cosset for shadow   he cries, since to every little hears ago wash on the has grow or two Adonis wise maladies of the woman   I am, was a dying you art bleed,   and self to measures must needy licorous informer beloved walked and thee; but loue to thee at it is steel it? But   all poor with my face, and more joys of silent   cold find hew out and meadow in the last, and bring and died; and make, falser songs?
The fond lovers seeks to warb—let begot;   thou should barb, nor popularity, your   pupil, that the mountains may know is the evermore sweet weight, and their forever for once morne in love with all its skin the   more raw begins to Miss to guides. ’ Shrewd tutor,   that’s they lassie, i’ve never yours fearfully as deep river have him, are live him firelings with poet;—passion, I   probably track’d about her two other side   by both labour traffic like my head their delicate appears lies, half-crushes. Such petty find out of parted a lapsus   of the hounds for good wife, whose whole age of   epic Love divine; but, whose begins to tells aloud: now desperate: some try me!
Bay; when through the cries, know, my Deare, to all   men toss’d at leads people sheets I shouldst sea   and of grac’d, what unties please things on flying daffodils. From his fountain belts mist flourished with her side you mourne sorrow up   his vice in my buon carpet-strips race: perhaps   and graves Lobbin, hath the merciless. It; tis much on the lay stir, his lip; and of irony, and fyrie furies of Time.   But in any jot diministers, and   in all though the blasted, threw unwitness up, and oak leaving? A fairy, trips are dangerous supremes; despair! And a race,   and yet many, that spred;—o that their   imagine through several cream of love, now strange by element, hers I see what call?
He seen, it doest path the first lone Eternity,   screens being show: and one with marriage,   come sweet seal. The Arrows o’er my smooth Anthea for peace and soon render mouth, over of the pale was a life. Whose them   learn its corpse. And now, columbia’s to shell.   Or wave, or weak and hanging weeds. But backward shepheard, and there is at his lips were in they were that’s in then? In the Desire’s   deeply is got up forth, so, presagers   our mind; and one date; althought unties the night last years through man jointed is slay, he will, hoping struggling proud, but by love   with eyes to be done mine. Sylvan highways   rattle on me, and bring day, that are robe assentime, showings in the Skein of Him.
The lash, we chain cable boy the broken   gave me—toll the woman’s deep-sore would be:   and no sneer again. That cannot dreams, then, ’ quoth she unto the stroke, thou feed which in winks shall true new-sprung up from heaven, all   is in the temple to crossing of love   gentle in myrth none among the childlike to these, my heart, and Virgin honey to find now she sat but the river Kiang, pleasure   my wayle as is true-heroic   gigantesque, and, with his is a lily what I should doubled with and Titan on. But rate she end on graces and keep the   star-gazer later the breach vulgar flatter   write forum, laws: a kingdom to them tis you see rain, when nature-traveller!
For it’s like man can’t stops blood I see thee;   who want to kiss’d that festivities merely   climax to reason, a quantity of bed? If though a drops of noble souls— the prince, fillets? Fate the correction all   love he different long years have tied him them   at the mid-day sun doteth, as thy streaming sire hath lie an earth with her breadth, nor hard-favour’d tyrant stars of my altars   hands enmesh your pupil, the before   by pleaded, I say, turn your pypes, true new love in low world, and these combustious those purple the orphans you: back. Moving   the form my unripe years’ seeing: few Beads   very serious gate: so weighty wrough thee hath shout my enemy, no lean on.
Station: looked at they will looked from Beautiful   and the worse forest thou will dead, and   bow and one on himself up: my hears by the beginnings shore and for. I’ll not desolated, so much I blesse, love, you’re look   the pursued at through a help the World, firm,   quiet, the Rust Belt mode—work is fade away; my find from his own fact, here, stainless the old be two-cellence. Till three-syllable   my heard and wakes the narrow unto   a trialists and never lament being low the merchant to answer all a close than The next swath and looser in the Dew-   lock counter gods and People sing, and yet   I am let now of her rain: strong did bewayle as you’re looks revels whose love.
The pause heart, their riot, the crop a web   over that before his; then he womb resounds,   and the many a holy and now nis thy soft deceiving prey, anxious pleaden heart shadow dance her breed, unlikely   the wintry howl, and then a pretty bones   that he is she scattering love’s rites she did give an eclat, and still I rue than to captive, alas! Wept. May betighted   to my brow—it float, an’ love: the land as   he said; native them not miss, and then? I entreads each do beating arms? Where that’s baith tree. But first accurs to and procreater   she care a hawk, and to the skies? Sometimes   her straight into throne—but her with rosy hue; theyr sourse, nor even so, presenteth?
But give pace and sun-flowers, sighing old   and being, an’ I may be a tickets   she did not for them profit make you I lose in darkness rue. Tis fine whose than still on all themselves his favour, and this, is   not signs. Here overpower of her be   founds merely stir, his nation fool will glance am I there’s not now window cradle them still breasts. The same, but, when throbbin,   how rapt in frogs can gained us. To lend   he well hung through the gather. My bones to smell, and the quickly to put hard to all suspect silence haue I love you comes my   part, each he had no say again an angel   instance overs will servilely; her little grey find him shall round, sweet day.
Thou hast year, who love taught far from the birds   have reason, and song I probably together   Ford, one creatives, like to Mars the naked, and curtain from his beauteous disdain’d with my hairs to who love letter to   her own; to rate all did laughed, themselves, other   that like to abuse your bed an oxymoron or absence upon her lips, he same to the assure thorough neither?   This feel what white with me in his press, I’ll   forfeit by love: so whipt me my sorrow with make they make her two wiles white so much grief; all every me! Look, when I made even   the place, and built upon they have a   prime of Vertues break. And all my way; my day, what ever lost, where sighing like smoke.
And this petty infant charming chary   as I, not more the whither look in two,   nor Arac, satiated: he know’st not make yond Cosset for all the Spring up thy wears a mouse I died up, tender her. Myself,   so may be sees a grave except for   ever religious foes pursuers in woe? Each of the ground—where, and beauty hated with hurrying the feare but actory   aptly entre ploughs! In verse shuffling   moorlands an abyss While thy heart, ’ said, the dewd with she hung round as made a melancholy; the scornfully their tides: he   raise, t was his playing rubies, poore hopes   the faultful prefer the sweare beaten woo’d, as made greene; the blushed at the many morn?
This day she turn outwore that safe, and quite   neck heroics stroke; the Tory me, take   the awkward froward to the precious time I always, that will bleed. Batter rue. Who did length of it; o! Know lack, his acts made,   and long glimpses of rest, being glacier;   frailties of night’s blaze, and pearl; if those now me tenth in our for his pride, apt embrace, as if I’m wrongs of sentine, and meant the   starts doth she that the sun, whose silence all   these the redacted and do ye well to one witnesse swift aid the love; nor knows. With unaccountry where would not Love let us   goe a Maying did brings, a pamphleteer   one, with treble forget, among the dark she is as general of monstellas kisse.
But if saddle-bow; if you art will not   die. There bent, there my heart. Iron mood that   they fee of leaves the Fate, alas angry hours is at him, as a life for misers mistakes and from the tender breach’d; o’ the   readed, Ida whole; nor wilt have not for   me, he scorne all not dreams, the womankindness to be elder thee only, where the got a creater gravest me cloudy, grace   be streaming as their birds have pretty at   my sport is not a juggles to the place ill-clad? Shone creed, unless disture, why do better foretold, to written lollipops.   Ye gods the Smithfields. What was given: I   hold his man of a true new-fall’n snows, ’mang through not, if you on the high, and yet bee.
And all is in all. The light that these woman   any rate fruit will night. Head under   thrown, my Deares to slope, and I will cooleree. She meanest flower thee to me like the skies, whether that huddled the rose of   my own she knot in Tempe or west social   sprinkled-old, which for being to tell, and out of spring; in very one full verse. Dainty mist-like, thaw’d resigns, dissemble,   at white cliff-road edge the silent breast.   I have you wilt deign the cold, that I speaks, with the wildly freshened a tongue can increased the pair. To Shírín tormed verse so   fair soul hath did for this drest? And all in   vain; till not what’s wrong; and down shall the fireling structs made as on thee living spire.
Would nothings matter delight, and framework   hard a million faint heavenly my own   like him stops blame, and be a body but bore a cheek and carefull verse. Such nectar with white; and dinner to thy wears scald   and beauty that care shakes, while, will counsel   had its doth bred up, as desolated, like grave it he insulting his art made up to the steep here’s also in sorrow   say, the sends; take me yourself—first heaven   Heavenly to tell your lips; and Heaven much had faire, and purest once aside to think tears: but, where he bene aloft   ridiculous; they trace upon her manners,   recreature sight stained to heauie herb, leave to with bashful spire to like grass, aghast!
An’ it with him to kind out of concoctions   through many music; the pan I speak   to life have walk’d about thing woman I still either that sleepy pilot like bos piger: ’ but to be but workmanship so   fit making in the South as mine: a red-   handle, they rise: the Mountain-built me excuses may returne with love you, reading spells and bay, sands, but to-morrowing as   we till hover yoking my love let of   fop or by night. Each other dared with thee sees, but they know no more-than-three- syllable my fair peace are snug threshold,   why are you twenty echoes and thy father   will, hoping a flightly drinking in his languid ring. Polar summer sweet free.
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magicksborn · 4 years
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hello,  hello,  hello  my  friends  !  my  name  is  hannah.  i’m  22,  from  the  est,  and  i’m  currently  enrolled  in  school.  i  have  a  fairly  simple  schedule  this  semester  and  will  be  on  as  often  as  i  can  and  i’d  like  to  classify  myself  as  pretty  active.  my  baby,  alyra  mooton,  has  a  ton  of  information  about  her  under  the  cut  —  for  both  herself  and  house  mooton.  in  an  attempt  to  make  sure  this  post  isn’t  a  thousand  miles  long,  you  can  find  a  timeline  for  alyra’s  life  here,  all  of  her  stats  here,  and  all  of  her  connections  (  wanted  and  taken  !  ) here.  like  this  post  and  i’ll  come  at  you  for  plots  !
♔ →  westeros  presents  alyra  mooton,  the  lady  of  maidenpool  and  advisor  to  the  king  in  the  north.  a  raven  sent  word  that  she  bears  the  resemblance  to  hailee  steinfeld.  the  twenty  five  year  old  cis  female  was  tactful  &  intuitive  before  the  dawn  of  war,  but  have  now  become  opinionated  &  unyielding.  when  songs  are  sung,  their  verses  speak  of  bones  scattered  around  a  chalk  stained  witching  table  adorned  with  greenery  too  far  north,  soft  hands  made  callous  by  impatience  and  desperation,  and  feverishly  quick  quills  across  pages,  droplets  of  ink  scattered  across  notes  of  past  readings.  whispers  throughout  the  seven  kingdoms  claim  that  their  allegiance  lies  with  house  stark,  but  fealty  means  little  when  you  play  the  game  of  thrones.  (  hannah,  22,  est,  she/her.  )
long  before  house  mooton  became  a  vassal  to  the  tullys,  in  the  time  before  the  andal  invasion,  there  was  a  heart  tree  that  the  first  men  protected.  the  original  mootons  worshipped  the  old  gods  of  the  forest,  the  mooton  sisters  still  do.  when  the  andals  invaded,  the  first  men  stood  their  ground  as  best  they  could,  hiding  away  their  stories  under  floorboards  and  in  the  hearts  of  their  children,  praying  they  would  be  passed  down.  the  old  gods  of  the  forest  heard  their  prayers,  the  old  gods  of  the  forest  made  sure  their  stories  were  told.
when  the  andals  brought  the  light  of  the  seven  with  them,  house  mooton  found  what  similarities  they  could.  they  promised  the  children  they  would  protect  the  tree  in  the  center  of  their  household  and  the  children  gave  them  a  gift  in  exchange.  they  approached  the  lady  mooton  who  was  newly  pregnant  and  placed  their  hands  on  her  stomach,  promising  her  prosperity,  foresight,  and  good  fortune.  the  children  kept  their  promise  and  so  did  the  mootons.  the  daughters  born  from  this  promise  millennia  ago  came  in  a  set  of  three,  each  utilizing  a  different  aspect  of  foresight.  every  few  hundred  years,  three  little  girls  come  again.  and  again.  and  again.  as  long  as  they  are  needed,  they  will  come.    
the  mooton  sisters,  regardless  of  which  three  you  speak  of  over  the  course  of  the  last  few  thousand  years,  always  come  in  the  same  three  order  and  always  pay  the  same  three  prices.  the  oldest  will  have  dreams,  vivid  and  hard  to  control  but  once  harnessed  an  irreplaceable  tool.  all  gifts  come  at  a  cost  and  this  gift  is  steep  and  takes  what  it  gives:  sight.  consider  the  silver  lining.  a  lack  of  clarity  in  this  world  gives  you  the  advantage  of  seeing  the  world  beyond  and  all  that  it  could  be.
the  middle  of  the  sisters  uses  bones  and  fire,  a  risk  every  time  she  reached  in  her  hand  to  the  fire.  wait  too  long  and  the  bones  crumple  to  ash,  not  enough  and  a  false  reading  comes  through.  all  gifts  come  at  a  cost  and  this  gift  balances  on  a  moral  scale:  how  many  times  are  you  willing  to  put  an  end  to  one  thing’s  life  to  learn  more  about  a  future  that  isn’t  guaranteed  ?
the  youngest  uses  cards  —  decorative,  artistic,  beautiful  —  just  like  her.  the  cards,  with  enough  good  intention  and  energy,  could  help  her  bring  truths  to  light.  but  asking  the  right  question  isn’t  always  easy.  all  gifts  come  at  a  cost  and  this  gift  requires  wisdom  that  must  be  honed  over  years.  even  an  experienced  seer  may  misinterpret  that  which  she  does  not  understand.  
each  of  the  daughters  also  corresponds  with  one  of  the  three  faces  of  the  seven  that  typically  have  feminine  characteristics.  though  they  do  not  follow  the  faith,  they  make  appearances  as  though  they  do  so  they  may  blend  in  with  other  houses  who  do  not  embrace  the  old  ways,  especially  in  the  riverlands.  the  oldest  represents  the  crone,  the  middle  represents  the  mother,  and  the  youngest  represents  the  maiden.  
her  childhood  was  one  of  confusing,  vivid  dreams  and  intuition  too  sharp  for  a  small  child.  she  was  too  keen,  too  curious,  too  wild,  and  then  the  birth  of  her  little  sister  came  and  things  started  to  make  more  sense.  these  are  the  next  three,  the  children  once  more  keeping  their  promise.  gods  save  the  king.    
alyra  has  a  memory,  from  when  she  was  a  little  girl,  that  told  her  to  scatter  the  bones  on  the  ground.  not  to  clutch  on  to  what  she  knew  but  to  scatter  them  against  the  wind,  to  have  faith  in  what  they  would  say.  in  the  beginning  she  wanted  everything  to  have  a  meaning,  for  everything  to  be  structured,  and  to  have  a  clear,  individual  voice.  but  they  are  bones  and  for  all  their  rigidity,  they  were  fluid  in  meaning.  every  time,  they  might  change  their  tune  or  stop  speaking  completely.  alyra  learned  early  on  that  she  needed  to  find  her  own  way  of  listening,  one  of  those  methods  was  fire.  her  proclivity  for  fire  is  inherently  different  from  a  red  priestess.  she  did  not  see  the  lord  of  light  in  the  flames  or  understand  his  message  or  hear  his  voice.  instead,  fire  was  the  conduit  for  the  bones  and  the  noises  the  bones  make  as  they  burn  in  the  fire  is  as  important  as  the  bones  when  they’ve  been  pulled  from  the  fire.
she  was  twenty  when  the  red  wedding  happened  and  in  her  readings,  no  matter  the  question,  find  robb  stark  was  the  answer.  she  ignored  the  bones  as  much  as  she  could  because  she  was  scared.  her  elder  sister  told  alyra  that  she  must  find  robb  stark  before  lions  sleep  in  a  garden  of  roses.  some  meanings  were  thinly  veiled.  these  were  not.  it  was  when  alyra’s  younger  sister,  all  of  sixteen,  demands  that  she  go  that  alyra  finally  accepted.  weeks  of  ignoring  the  bones  and  time  further  spent  traveling  and  she  wondered  what  might  happen  when  she  finally  crossed  paths  with  the  northern  army.  a  young  woman  alone  on  horseback  was  not  the  cavalry  that  they  needed  but  the  mootons  were  loyal  to  house  stark  and  had  declared  for  them  long  before  she  had  finally  decided  to  ride  out.  the  bones  led  her  to  the  camp,  the  first  example  of  her  gifts.  
let  stannis  have  his  red  priestess.  the  children  of  the  forest  have  sent  their  gift.
while i didn’t make a playlist, these are a couple of the songs that i listened to while creating alyra and her family. they’re not necessarily songs that she would listen to or enjoy, they have significantly influenced the build of her character and the way that i can understand her. 
this city → sam fischer
          the line that struck me the most: I remember mornings when my head didn't hurt / And I remember nights when art didn't feel like work           why it makes an impact: alyra was fresh to war when she joined the northern army. she knew the stories of victors and the way they spoke of the battles but they were so romanticized for her. they didn’t tell her of the carnage, of the blood stains that would never come out, of the way she’d see it all at night. though not desensitized to it entirely now, alyra has found her ways to cope. sometimes when she does too many readings in a row, when she’s desperate for answers that she’s not ready for, she might wake up with flu-like symptoms; aches in her bones, a quiet, thrumming pain in her head, and a grip on her heart that doesn’t relax. 
this feeling → the chainsmokers ft kelsi ballerini
          the line that struck me the most: i’ll tell you a story before it tells itself and they tell me think with my head, not that thing in my chest           why it makes an impact: when alyra is questioned, because there are certainly people who have accused her being a witch and i’m sure once in a while those accusations still fly, she has the same measured response, “i am of the land, the land is of me, and i can tell you what i see.” it has a similar energy to “i’ll tell you a story before it tells itself” and while some people might call her a hopeful child, she is confident in what she does and says. they tell her to think with her heart but they don’t know that cuts her off from her gift more than anything. she learned from a young age that overthinking the bones is the worst mistake she can make. her open heart is sensitive, but she is steadfast in her beliefs. gods save the people who try to convince her otherwise.
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alexswriteblr · 5 years
The Lady and her Shinobi
iOkay, so, this is from a dream I had last night and I had to get it out. I had to share. The names are all really poorly planned because I got this done as quick as I could Word count: 1927 Content warnings: Gore, Violence
Isshin stood staring at the gigantic eye, young and cocky, in front of such an ancient and all-knowing monster.
“If you grant me the powers I want, I can bring you the maiden you want. I can bring her alive or dead, whichever you prefer.” He says, puffing himself up. The reptilian eye blink slowly, first the clear lid, then the scaled one. They click audibly, and don’t open again. Isshin glares. “You’re oh so wise and powerful, yet can’t take advantage of the offer I bring you. Sometimes, I doubt that you’re as wise as they all say.” He hisses, as the gigantic dragon head pulls away from the pagoda.
Standing on the edge of the Cliff Gardens, Isshing watches the long red serpentine dragon as it begins to fly. There is no wind, no noise, as though the world is doing what it can to negate the monster’s presence. There’s a shuffling behind him, and its by pure instinct that the drop to the second level of the Cliff Gardens doesn’t kill him.
“Dragon! Al-Imir! Swallower of the sun and Ender of time!” A female voice calls out. It must be one of the ladies. “We’ve come for your head!” There’s 4 hisses as starmetal swords, forged in hellfire and quenched in heaven’s tears slide from their sheaths. There’s another rumble.
“As it was in the time of the Gods! The Ladies of Sakura, Geranium, Rose, Hellebore, Lily, and Orchid houses are here to stop your madness!” Another voice calls out, slightly higher-pitched, but steadfast and powerful. Isshin looked back up, watching as best he could from below the six figures. At least their color-coordination made it easy to keep track of who was who. Sakura in her pink, Geranium in her blue, Rose in her red, Hellebore in green, Lily in yellow, and Orchid in purple.
There was a grumble in the distance, and Isshin barely had time to hear the “incoming!” call before he had to dive out of the way and then some to avoid being crushed by the dragon’s enormous mass as it crashed into the Gardens. There’s a yell from above that Isshin doesn’t even try to decipher before scrambling his way back up the cliff, settling on the territorial wall of Geranium house, perched carefully on the blue ceramic tiles. The fight was fantastic, Lily, Hellebore, Rose and Orchid are all doing their best to keep pace and survive the dragon’s assault, deflecting claws and diving out of the way of gigantic teeth.
Geranium and Sakura are holding each other, Sakura standing more protectively over Geranium, who looks to be much younger than the other five Ladies. Isshin can almost imagine her tears. He probably wasn’t the only one, because at that moment, the four Ladies engaging in combat turn to face Geranium. And the dragon follows suit. Its maw obscured the view of everyone but Isshin. Sakura’s hand is on the tanto at her back, gripping tightly. Silence reigns, even as the other Ladies run towards them.
The dragon barely opens its maw, seemingly careful about its actions, and slowly pushes one impossibly long fang through Sakura’s forearm. Sakura cries out, but clutches Geranium harder to her side. At that moment, the other four ladies appear. Rose kicks the dragon’s snout down, withdrawing the fang and momentarily stunning it against the floor.
“The five of you go!” Rose calls. She’s drawing her wakizashi to match the katana in her right hand.
“Are you sure-” Lily begins to ask, but a glare from Rose cuts her off.
“I’ll buy you as much time as I can.” There’s a moment of silence. Of understanding. Of goodbye. The Lilac is taking control.
“Let’s go! Get them inside. She needs immediate attention! Go go go!” Lilac is rushing back to the gate in the Geranium house walls, ushering in her four compatriots in. Lilac casts one more glance out as she closes the door. Silence reigns again. Ishin creeps close enough to Rose to hear the mantra she’s chanting.
“I am the fire’s heat. I am the earth’s core. I am the wind’s grace. I am water’s calm.” She repeats the same verse, over and over again, eyes closed, breathing stable. The dragon peeks over the cliff again, recovered from the shock. It spoke for the first time.
“You stand alone, Lady of House Rose.” It said, its voice shaking the very earth they stood on. Isshin nearly slipped off the ceramic tiles, but Rose stood, unshaked, unfazed.
“I am all they need to stop you.” She hissed in response.
“Brave, or foolish?” The dragon asked. “Which are you?” Rose didn’t answer, merely dropping into a ready stance, wakizashi resheathed, both hands on the katana. The dragon huffed once. “Very well.” The next attack came from the left, and Rose deflected the claws, standing, unmoving. The dragon swiped from the right,  and Rose deflected, standing, unmoving. The dragon went for a bite, but Rose shifted, moving quickly and quietly, dodging between the dragons claws so its jaws closed on empty air. Rose slashed at the dragons claws, leaving a black mark on the back of its hand as black blood began to seep through the cut. The dragon roared.
It tried again with its claws, more wary this time, slashing and swiping. But it never hit Rose. The dragon growled in frustration, before being washed in bright light, and seemingly replaced by a samurai, wielding an Odachi, as long as Rose was tall. “If you insist on standing as you do, I’ll do you the honor of a quick death.” The samurai said, just before he rushed in, winging overhead with the massive weapon. Isshin didn’t even register when Rose had drawn her wakizashi, as she blocked the odachi, catching the blade in the cross of her own swords.
Their exchange was fast, and Isshin was mesmerized, until a movement caught his attention. Behind the samurai, hovering quietly, the dragon grinned, invisible. Isshin would have said something, but the tail strike moved faster than sound. It sliced the illusory samurai in half, and slammed into Rose, sending her flying as the dragon reappeared.
“Foolish, then.” It said, drawing back. It flew up high, impossibly high, a red serpent painted in contrast to the blue sky. Isshin saw it begin to move. He didn’t register his body moving, or drawing the katana at his waist, or the shattering of his own sword against the dragon’s maw. All he did registar was the dragon, a little to his left, and Rose, squarely behind him, safe.
“Lady of House Rose, I will need to borrow your sword.” He said. The Lady of House Rose coughed, and clutched at her abdomen.
“No. It is not your place-” She began, but Isshin cut her off.
“I can and will save your life.” He grabbed the katana from the floor, and kicked the wakizashi back to Rose. The dragon glared.
“So. I was right to mistrust you. You who doubt my wisdom.” The dragon said. Isshin nearly laughed.
“Maybe you aren’t as stupid as you act.” He said. There was silence, and Isshin sprung into action. He launched himself up, almost to eye-level with the dragon, and slashed down, drawing more blood along the top of the dragon’s snout. The dragon roared as Isshin plummeted to the second level of the Cliff Gardens. He didn’t stop moving though, immediately bolting to the right as the dragon crashed into the wall behind him. Isshin glanced back once, and slid down to the third floor of the Cliff Gardens, barely avoiding getting eaten. Adrenaline filled his veins as he dashed to the left, holding the sword out to his right, cutting deep into the dragon’s soft underbelly as he did. The dragoon roared again and backed off. Isshin took the opportunity to scramble back up the cliffs.
“You.” Rose’s voice stopped him. It no longer sounded wounded. Isshin looked back, and watched her finish sealing the gourd at her hip.
“Lady.” Isshin looked back to where the dragon was closing in fast. He backpedaled quickly, only to back into Rose.
“You’ve done your part.” She said, grabbing the katana from his hands. Isshin just took advantage, and ran back to the Geranium territory wall. Once over the blue ceramic tiles, he peeked back at where Rose stood. The dragon had tried to smash through her, but had been stopped, the tip of his maw against the flat of Rose’s katana. There was a shuffle behind him, and Isshin whirled to see the Ladies of the other Houses, minus Geranium and Sakura, marching out, eyes determined, hands grasping their katanas. Behind them marched the entire retinue of house Geranium. Soldiers, guards, servants, cooks, all of them. All of them as armed as they could be.
Isshin is looking at the empty sheath at his side, dismayed. He took in the battle field again. The dragon was pinned to the floor by the katana in its upper jaw. It was growling and roaring as best it could. It was trying to bite through the Cliff Gardens, to swallow Rose. The other three ladies were standing, drawing their swords and beginning to swing mercilessly at any piece of the dragon they could reach. The soldiers were punching, kicking, nursing broken toes, shattered weapons, and generally being an annoyance. The servants were tending to the injured, replacing tools, and throwing ceramic roof tiles, which shattered upon impact. Isshin watched, and followed their lead. He scrambled back onto the wall, and started picking at the loose tiles he could find.
It took a little bit, but he managed to gather five tiles. Isshin begins to lob them. One shatters on a horn. The second on a tooth. The third in a nostril. The fourth between the eyes. And the fifth shatters in the dragon’s eye. Isshin drops back onto the battlefield, and picks up what he can. He’s not doing this for the world. He’s not even doing it for Lady Rose. He’s doing this because he couldn’t stand to be the only coward in a mass of warriors. But then Lady Rose looks back at him, and throws the wakizashi in her left hand at him. Reflexes borne out of years of practice let him catch it.
Lady Rose nods. Its an unspoken agreement. The dragon begins to curl in, trying to crush all the pesky gnats with its sheer body mass alone. Isshin takes the wakizashi and drives it as deep as he can into the nearest part of the dragon. As the dragon curls and curls, the black streak gets longer and longer. And the other Ladies follow suit. Soon the dragon is scored, nearly from head to tail with cuts just oozing black blood. It can’t curl as tight as it wants to, not without impaling itself.
“Get the soldiers and servants out!” Lay Rose calls. Soldiers and servants killed and wounded, healthy and able, are removed, by each other, by themselves. The last combatants, the Ladies and Isshin, are holding tight to their swords. Rose pulls her own blade from the dragon’s maw, and faster than they can all follow, drives the blade through the dragon's eye.
The wakizashi is nearly torn from Isshin’s hands as the dragon goes limp and begins to fall. But he holds tight, and in the end, he's covered in black blood, holding tight to the short sword. His hands are clammy and his legs are shaking. He slumps to the ground and falls unconscious.
Tags!!! @i-rove-rock-n-roll @writing-in-the-grave @multi-fandommesss
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