ruddyrose · 2 years
.//tag dummmmp
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samd1o1 · 7 months
The Disability Coding Of Aphelios
Hey everyone! Today I thought I'd write a little post about my comfort character Aphelios; The Weapon Of The Faithful from League Of Legends!
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Specifically I wanted to talk about the disability coding of Aphelios. For those who don't know; coding means the character is written to be an allegory for a life experience. It's about the closest you can get to canon without being necessarily canon. Many stories in magical fantasy universes use this technique. The most common reasons are for hiding from censorship and backlash, and creativity. I personally find coding way more interesting because of all the ways people can think to use magic as an allegory. But I also understand the importance of canon representation. Luckily, Aphelios does both!
So let's start with base main universe Runeterra Aphelios. To be able to talk to his sister and access her weapons he has to drink a special moon flower poison. This poison causes him immense constant pain. It also renders him mute. Obviously he isn't technically disabled. He can choose to not drink the flower (though that would be a dumb decision). But the fact he *must* drink it to save his people and it leaves him to chronic pain and muteness to the point of becoming numb to the world. That screams chronic illness's that cause pain.
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Now many League lore nerds are always quick to do an "uhm actually" when you call Aphelios mute. But they're not thinking of the coding of it. Like I said earlier; fantasy stories using coding is very common for many types of minorities, not just disabled people.
My favorite example of disability coding is Hunter from The Owl House. Hunter lives in a world full of witches but he has no magic. He struggles at times but is able to find a way to navigate the world. He uses his palisman as a disability aid and makes do.
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Now I'd understand some people not seeing this or just denying it. But what they did with HEARTSTEEL Aphelios basically confirms to me the disability coding was intentional (or at the very least something they're sticking with).
HEARTSTEEL is a boy band in the League musicverse. If there was ever a time to make Aphelios speak, it would be a boy band that sings. But no they didn't do that. In fact they understood the music verse is a more grounded universe (hinted to be our own even) so they made him CANONICALLY disabled.
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When Aphelios was younger he had nodes in his vocal cords and they had to be surgically removed. Aphelios never fully recovered and lost his singing voice and the majority of his normal voice. He can't really speak above a whisper. In interviews he whispers to his sister Alune and she answers for him. (Someone teach this poor man sign language).
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Another thing I find cool about HEARTSTEEL Aphelios is how he copes. Aphelios is the lyricist of the band. Kayn and Sett's verses are very in character for themselves but K'sante's fits Aphelios as a character way better.
"They wanna kiss me long good night with a rose
Hoping that the Eiffel falls, of course
You don't understand the life we chose
(On life support, life goes)
I need my silence, my privacy so I can heal
And even rockstars got feelings that they feel
In reality, this just repeats like a drill
This verse shows Aphelios struggle with being disabled. He didn't choose this life, but life goes on. The best part of this verse is that his friends are his voice. The fact K'sante sung his lyrics is very powerful. Shown in the music video, his friends metaphorically (and literally) saved him from drowning.
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I can speak from experience that friends are very important. They really can help you through the toughest times and save you from drowning.
(I also feel it is important to mention; that while it's beautiful that someone sung Apehlios thoughts for him. It is suspicious they chose the ONE black champion in the band. The other two who sang solo verses got to have screen time all to themselves for their verses. K'sante isn't present at all for his verse and it is instead Aphelios and Yone.)
Anyway that was a little infodump about Aphelios and why I love his disability coding. I really appreciate that Riot are keeping him mute in all universes so far. (My worst fear is a legendary skin where he speaks.) Riot has stated that while champions are different people with different life experiences in the alternate universes that the champions will keep their core identities. They were mainly referring to LGBTQ champs in this statement, but disability is also a major part of identity. I'm sure it applies here too. Sona has also stayed mute in all universes as far as I know (she just uses aids like telepathy and text to speech).
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Anyway see you all later on the rift where I will OTP HEARTSTEEL Aphelios and maybe some Sett support because I'm gay.
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stargazer-dreamer · 10 months
It's on the Tip of My Tongue Chapter 2
character: yami sukehiro
content warnings: denial of feelings, jealousy
reader: gender neutral; ring magic user
chapter list: 1, 2 [you are here]
notes: also on ao3. 2k word count. pre-relationship. part of the stoprewind verse
Mealtimes at the Black Bulls were chaotic. In the week leading up to your official first day, you had no idea—you hadn’t dined a single meal with them. Either out for lunch with Finral during a break, or so focused on getting your room cleaned that you didn’t notice the plate left for you at the door until it grew cold, you hadn’t sat down at the table with everyone until the ebony robe sat upon your shoulders and the paperwork was properly filed away. And even then, it took the witch coming out to find you and bring you back already in the thick of it to get you to understand exactly how hectic things could get.
It was well-past noon, and you and Yami had wandered aimlessly throughout the forest talking. It turns out, he was serious about getting to know you—but his version of this seemed to only consist of asking unrelated questions one after another until you were sure he didn’t actually care about the answers he was getting at all. It became quite repetitive, a question and a reply, the captain barely sparing a moment to reflect on your answer given until he’s moved on to the next.
He probably does this to all the new guys, you thought, stepping over a fallen tree branch in the path, to help them feel included. You were going to be living under the same roof—you figured the plan was that Yami would spend some quality time with you before returning back to his normal routine. Break the ice, learn some facts about you, converse a little. The two of you were, after all, supposed to be working closely together from then on out. It made sense that he would be working from a mental script—he was the captain. This was apart of the job.
Nothing else to it. Nothing at all. But I didn’t know Yami was such a poor conversationalist…
It was starting to get ridiculous. You watched as he bent to pick the branch off of the ground. Pausing for a moment, he slowly rose to full height with it in hand, an unidentifiable look sitting on his face. Eyes on the branch, you watched as his eyebrows furrowed. And then, in a large swooping motion, he whipped the branch to the side. You blinked. He did it again, and again, and again, and with one step forward one more time, before straightening back up again.
After a pause, he looked at you, tossing the branch to the side. He said—“What do you like to eat?”
For a moment, all you could do was stare. What kind of a demonstration was that? And that’s what he decided to ask you? Mouth opening trying to formulate a response, you were needlessly cut off by a rising, grumbling noise. It came from Yami’s direction. The longer it continued, you realized that it was coming from the captain himself. Namely: his stomach.
“Oh!” you bit back a laugh, understanding the question now. “Oh, you’re—okay, yeah! We can find a place in town. Here—” a ring left one of your fingers and hovered in midair between the two of you. “There’s a place I really like that serves—”
“There you two are!”
Voice drowned out by the sudden interruption, the two of you looked skybound. Up higher than the trees, a figure on a broomstick waved, her dark robe stark against the sky. Flying in a sweeping circle, she found a break in the treeline and descend; the wide brim of her hat fluttering in the wind as she did. Landing, she walked over with the stick over her shoulder. Her eyes shone like jewels, tinted lips curving the closer she got. She was recognizable even from a glance—Vanessa Enoteca.
“I was sent to look for you guys!” she said, with a hand on her hip. She was as beautiful as they say. Perhaps moreso, in person. “Figured you guys would be in town by now, but now that I think about it—this makes way more sense!” She smiled at you like she knew something, but you were certain you had absolutely no clue on what exactly that something was. Before you had time to respond however, her gaze traveled. “A quiet little outing—I didn’t expect that from you, Yami!”
The captain shifted his weight, reaching for a new cigarette and swatting at your still-floating ring, causing it to return to your finger.
The action didn’t go unnoticed, but, “Lunch is ready,” she was carrying on. “Let’s get back and eat!” And with that, she turned on her heels and started down the path with a bounce in her step.
Hesitating, you adjusted the now resting ring on your finger. The final piece of the puzzle put itself into place in your mind as Yami’s hand came down gently on your shoulder as he passed you, leaning down so his next words were heard by you only—“Next time,” he said, scratching the hairline at the back of his neck. The action drew him closer, and his next words came quieter, a rumble that shot exactly to where it shouldn’t—“There’s a place I like. I’ll take you.”
Despite the order of finding work, it seemed like the entire squadron was there; filling their plates high and chatting all the while, loud and boisterous—this was the Black Bulls you knew. Sitting in a circle around a rather large table, chairs and sofas had been moved to gather around; the common room transformed into a space to share a meal together. The noise was incredible, each person’s voice raised to speak over the other, seemingly in a constant loop that grew louder and louder by the second.
“Captain!” called the man with the mohawk. Magna Swing, with his gloves still on and sunglasses pushed up towards his hairline. “I saved seats for you!” He patted heartily at the loveseat beside him, nestled between him and Finral. “Come eat!”
Vanessa found a seat on the opposite end of the table—and it appeared that the only remaining place for you was right next to Yami. A bit sheepishly, you followed him into the fray and sat down. It was a bit of a tight fit—the loveseat was of average size but Yami’s bulk was anything but average. An unfortunate shift in your seat could have your thighs pressed up against each other—and following that specific line of thought, you snuck a peek sideways out of the corner of your eye.
He was silent, face once again unreadable as he filled his plate with the buffet before him. The reach of his arm going across the table towards the various foods stretched his muscles nicely, and when he pulled back, the shape of his biceps had you—
At least Finral was on the other side of you. “Welcome back,” he smiled. “You two were gone for a while.” There was a certain lit to his voice, one that brought to mind the memory of earlier in the day, when just about everyone had laid witness to the misunderstanding in front of the base.
Your face burned. “N-no! We were just talking!” You looked towards Yami but any additional input you hoped he would have provided was nonexistent—his plate now towered high with several portions worth of food. He slapped thieving hands away, the movement drawing your eyes to the ring encircling his finger. Stealing the light, it sat vivid against his skin and the scars that embedded him. A new connection; a bond formed between the two of you, the ring a symbol of your—
“We were just talking,” was your explanation. For everything. “Just walking around the woods!”
Finral gave you another smile, polite this time, and raised his glass to his lips. “Okay, okay. I won’t embarrass you.”
“Nothing to be embarrassed about,” came Yami’s voice before the overloaded plate was dropped in front of you. “Figured we’d talk in peace. Finally. What with you hogging up my new ride’s time and all.” His face was still indescribable, but the angle of his brows were curious as he locked eyes with Finral. “Couldn’t even offer a simple hello before you started portaling across the entire kingdom.”
There was a certain hardness coming from the captain. A pressure that weighed you down, leaving you sinking into the cushions as suddenly an awkwardness settled within the room; a haze that slowly drowned out every voice. Not so subtlety, conversations stilled and all eyes came to your side of the table.
Avoiding every gaze, you focused your attention on the food. There was just about everything on that plate, the entire buffet’s worth of selection spilling over each other and tumbling down the tower every so often—and a glance at Yami found him without a plate of his own. Admittedly, with so many different flavors and textures mixed together, it didn’t look very appetizing at all—but a fork was passed over to you, so you started to dig in, if only to appear that you weren’t paying attention.
Picking at the bread, you listened as Finral sputtered. “I was just doing what you asked of me!” his eyes flickered in your direction. “Come on, I’m not trying to—we still have a lot of places to mark—”
“Now you suddenly want to work.” Coming from Yami, it didn’t sound like a question.
You knew of Finral’s reputation—he was known to slack off, often found leisuring around the castletowns instead of working. You frowned, remembering that day in the alleyway. The two of you were paired up immediately, imprinting upon countless and countless of locations, so really, who’s fault was it that you were often together? Besides, Finral was working—what was wrong with that? From what you’ve heard, he was usually off flirting…
Cutting through your thoughts like a hot knife, your attention was pulled across the table towards the starry-eyed boy from before as he called out to you. The conversation happening at your side drowned out as you tried to remember the kid’s name.
“Asta!” he supplied. “From Hage Village!” You didn’t know where that was. “I didn’t get the chance to ask you before—what kind of magic do you use?”
His obliviousness to the confrontation happening literally right in front of him was a breather, causing a soft reset in the vibe at the table overall. Slowly, conversations started to pick back up and the noise level steadily grew—not to what it once was, but high enough to no longer be as obvious about the eavesdropping as before.
“It’s ring magic,” you explained, trying to concentrate. With multiple conversations happening all around you—including the one currently flying over your head—you were finding it exceedingly difficult to hear yourself. “I can do a lot of things with it, but it follows the basic functions of rings as a whole.”
Asta shoveled food into his mouth as he looked at you in awe. Without swallowing, he asked, “What’s that?”
“Communication. At least, that’s how I think of it.” You thought of playing with your mother’s jewelry box as a child, and fiddling with her rings. They were cheap things, bought on whims, but you didn’t care. They were beautiful; hers, a piece of her left with you while she worked long hours, away from home. You felt your heart start to swell at the thought of it. Inspired, you carried on. “A ring usually signifies a bond or status, so I can use them as communication or tracking devices. Opening portals is what I do the most though—it’s just so much easier to take one step as opposed to walking all the way across town.”
Suddenly solemn, your eyes lowered as you remembered: “It’s not a really desirable attribute though, since it’s so easily replaceable with actual magical items. And it’s no good in a fight.”
“What are you talking about? It sounds like you could do all sorts of cool stuff,” Asta chewed. “Besides, it doesn’t matter what other people think—aren’t you here because of your magic?”
You didn’t know what to say.
“If you want to learn how to fight, I can teach you!” A messy-haired boy spoke up from the other end of the table. You recognized him as Luck Volta; and if his reputation is anything to go by, you knew taking him up on that offer was a bad idea.
His static raising your hair already, you frantically shook your head—“No, thank you, really, I’m not good at that—”
“If you need help with your magic, you should ask Gauche!” A small girl was stuffing her face. As she paused to down her drink, you were able to catch a glimpse of her features—Charmy Pappitson. She pointed in the direction of the man in question. “He’s usually using an item, too—he could probably give you some good advice!”
Gauche Adlai was looking at a photograph in his hand, hardly touching his food at all. Monotone, he replied, “I only help my sister.”
“Focusing on one aspect of your magic isn’t necessarily a bad thing,” Vanessa sipped directly from a bottle. “You’re working on portals, right? I heard you can make a whole lot more than you used to—and it’s only been a week! You should give it a proper spin.” Before you could ask what that meant exactly, the shine in her eyes appeared again as she stood up from her seat. Circling the table quickly, she came to a stop behind you. With each arm, she pulled both Finral and Yami closer, encaging you in a huddle of sorts.
“Okay you two, I think we can all agree that Finral can take a little break,” she smiled. “Yami! Why don’t you two lovebirds go on that mission you were talking about earlier?” She shot you a wink, “The two of you are perfect for the job!”
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letters2fiction · 4 months
Welcome to Letters2fiction!
The concept here is to send in a question or a letter request, and you’ll get a response from your fictional character of choice, from the list below. Please stick to the list I’ve made, but of course, you can ask if there’s some other characters I write for, I don’t always remember all the shows, movies or books I’ve consumed over the years and I’m sure I’m missing a lot 😅
Status: New Characters added - Thursday March 21st, 2024
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A Discovery of Witches:
Matthew Clairmont
Baldwin Montclair
Gallowglass de Clermont
Marcus Whitmore
Philippe de Clermont
Jack Blackfriars
Sarah Bishop
Emily Mather
Diana Bishop
Ysabeau de Clermont
Miriam Shepard
Phoebe Taylor
Gerbert D’Aurillac
Peter Knox
Father Andrew Hubbard
Benjamin Fuchs
Satu Järvinen
Law and Order:
Rafael Barba
Sonny Carisi
Joe Velasco
Mike Duarte
Terry Bruno
Peter Stone
Hasim Khaldun
Nick Amaro NEW!
Mike Dodds
Grace Muncy
Kat Tamin
Toni Churlish
Amanda Rollins
Olivia Benson
Rita Calhoun
Casey Novak
Melinda Warner
George Huang
Sam Maroun
Nolan Price
Jamie Whelan
Bobby Reyes
Jet Slootmaekers
Ayanna Bell
Jack McCoy
Elliot Stabler
One Chicago:
Jay Halstead (Could also be Will if you want)
Antonio Dawson
Adam Ruzek
Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz
Dante Torres
Vanessa Rojas
Kevin Atwater
Sean Roman
Matt Casey
Kelly Severide
Joe Cruz
Sylvie Brett
Blake Gallo
Christopher Hermann
Violet Mikami
Evan Hawkins
Mayans MC:
Angel Reyes
911 verse:
Athena Grant
Bobby Nash
Henrietta "Hen" Wilson
Evan "Buck" Buckley
Eddie Diaz
Howie "Chimney" Han
Ravi Panikkar
T.K. Strand
Owen Strand
Carlos Reyes
Marjan Marwani
Paul Strickland
Tommy Vega
Judson "Judd" Ryder
Grace Ryder
Nancy Gillian
Mateo Chavez
The Rookie:
Lucy Chen
Tim Bradford
Celina Juarez
Aaron Thorsen
Nyla Harper
Angela Lopez
Wesley Evers
BBC Sherlock:
Greg Lestrade
Mycroft Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Simon Basset
Daphne Bridgerton
Eloise Bridgerton
Kate Sharma
Edwina Sharma
Marina Thompson/Crane
Jamie Fraser
Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser
Frank Randall
Black Jack Randall
Brianna Fraser
Roger MacKenzie
Fergus Fraser
Marsali Fraser
Jenny Fraser Murray
Ian Murray Sr.
Ian Fraser Murray
Murtagh Mackenzie
Call The Midwife:
Shelagh Turner / Sister Bernadette
Dr. Patrick Turner
Nurse Trixie Franklin
Nurse Phyllis Crane
Lucille Anderson
Nurse Barbara Gilbert
Sister Hilda
Miss Higgins
PC Peter Noakes
Reverend Tom Hereward NEW!
Horacio Carrillo
Peaky Blinders:
Tommy Shelby
Downton Abbey:
Robert Crawley, Earl of Grantham
Cora Crawley, Countess of Grantham
Lady Mary Crawley
Lady Edith Crawley
Lady Sybil Crawley
Violet Crawley, Dowager Countess of Grantham
Isobel Crawley
Matthew Crawley
Lady Rose MacClare
Lady Rosamund Painswick
Henry Talbot
Tom Branson
Mr. Charles Carson
Mrs. Hughes / Elsie May Carson
John Bates
Anna Bates
Daisy Mason
Thomas Barrow
Joseph Molesley
Land Girl:
Connie Carter
Reverend Henry Jameson (Gwilym Lee's version)
Midsomer Murder:
DCI Tom Barnaby
Joyce Barnaby
Dr. George Bullard
DCI John Barnaby
Sarah Barnaby
DS Ben Jones
DS Jamie Winter
Sgt. Gavin Troy
Fleur Perkins
WPC Gail Stephens
Kate Wilding
DS Charlie Nelson
Sergeant Dan Scott
NEW! Once Upon A Time
Regina / The Evil Queen
Mary Margaret Blanchard / Snow White
David Nolan / Prince Charming
Emma Swan
Killian Jones / Captain Hook
Mr. Gold / Rumplestiltskin
Neal Cassidy / Baelfire
Peter Pan
Sheriff Graham Humbert / The Huntsman
Jefferson / The Mad Hatter
Robin of Locksley / Robin Hood
Will Scarlet
Zelena / Wicked Witch
Alice (Once in Wonderland)
Cyrus (Once in Wonderland)
Jafar (Once in Wonderland)
Tiger Lily
Prince Eric
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Tinker Bell
Red Riding Hood
Aurora / Sleeping Beauty
Prince Phillip
Prince Thomas
NEW! The Vampire Diaries / The Originals
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore
Caroline Forbes
Elena Gilbert
Bonnie Bennett
Enzo St. John
Niklaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Finn Mikaelson
Marcel Gerard
Davina Claire
The Pirates of the Caribbean:
Captain Jack Sparrow
Will Turner
Elizabeth Swann
James Norrington
Harry Hart
Eggsy Unwin
James Spencer / Lancelot
Alastair / Percival
Roxy Morton / Lancelot
Maximillian Morton / The Shepherd
Orlando Oxford
Jack Daniels / Whiskey
Dreamland Billionaire series - Lauren Asher:
Dirty Air series - Lauren Asher:
Ladies in Stem - Ali Hazelwood books:
Fourth Wing - Rebecca Yarros:
Xaden Riorson
Dain Aetos
Jack Barlowe
Rhiannan Matthias
Violet Sorrengail
Mira Sorrengail
Lillith Sorrengail
Bodhi Durran
Liam Mairi
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2024 Chipped Cup Awards - Masterlist
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Here, once again, are the winners of the 2024 Chipped Cup Awards
Family: Tea and Roses by @thatravenclawbitch
Comfort: Struck By a Golden Arrow by @avatoh
Fix-it: Ritual by @peacehopeandrats
Reunion: A Dream is a Wish by @rowofstars
Kink/BDSM: On The House by @kelyon
Romance: Brandy, Apples, and Spice by @rufeepeach
Comedy: Accidents by @peacehopeandrats
Threesome: Fulfilling a Fantasy by @thescholarlystrumpet
First Time: Queen Takes Knight by @emospritelet
PWP: In the Dark and Wicked Hours by @rowofstars
Death: Strong for Belle by @desperatemurph
Hurts So Good: To Have and To Hold by @thatravenclawbitch
Misunderstanding: Unexpected But Not Unwelcome by @tickletorso
Date (overall) Lost and Found by @peacehopeandrats
Courtship: The Sweetest Dream by @threepwoodmarley
First Meeting: Portrait of the Heart by @chippedcupwrites
One Shot: Pages of Reverie by @chippedcupwrites
Series: Lover’s Leap by @eirian-houpe
Novel Length: Mountains, Streams, and Magical Things by @peacehopeandrats
Short Fic: Babysitting by @timelordthirteen
Holiday Centric: Brandy, Apples, and Spice by @rufeepeach
Remix: Our Masks by @lotus0kid
Crossover: A Blade for Belfrey by @eirian-houpe
Dark Castle: Marble by @peacehopeandrats
Storybrooke: Leaving Storybrooke by @peacehopeandrats
"Missing Years": The Tent of Infinite Adventure by @peacehopeandrats
Wish!Verse: Deception by @eirian-houpe
Golden Lace: The Storybrooke Whisky Appreciation Society by @threepwoodmarley
Woven Beauty: Undefined Desires by @worryinglyinnocent
Background Swanfire: To Have and to Hold by @thatravenclawbitch
Afterlife: Granted by @peacehopeandrats
Drama: Love Me Before the Last Petal Falls by @deliriumsdelight7
Supernatural/Sci-fi/Horror: The Cunning by @mareyshelley
Comedy: Lacey and the Tramp by @chippedcupwrites
AU-Original: Wretched Beginnings by @poorobscureplainandlittle
AU- OUAT: Tales of Gold by @JurisLadyAnna
AU-Other Media: The Black Swan by @deliriumsdelight7
Creature: The Finfolk’s Bride by @chippedcupwrites
Unexpected Twist: Contract by @kelyon
Bobby Squared: A Blade for Belfrey by @eirian-houpe
Trope: Love Me Before the Last Petal Falls by @deliriumsdelight7
English Language: To Nurse by @charon53
RSS: If You Will Be My Queen by @eirian-houpe
Fluffapalooza (Fic): The Tea Shop by @peacehopeandrats
Fluffapalooza (Art): Kiss Me Again, It’s Working by @milaeryn
Monthly Rumbelling: The Landlord and the Princess by @Rumplerose (AO3)
Belle: The Not So Dark One by @charlotteashmore13
Dark One!Belle: Rags to Riches by @alphashley14
Lacey: Sore Hearted Souls by @nerdrumple
Spinner!Rumple: Witch and Spinner by @Strummer_Pinks
Dark One!Rumple: Gilded by @eirian-houpe
Wish!Rumple: Once There Was a Wish by @peacehopeandrats
Mr. Gold: The Caretaker by @thestraggletag
Detective Weaver: Forgery by @peacehopeandrats
Baelfire/Neal: A House Built With Love by @of-princes-and-savages
Gideon: Finding You by @clarahue
OC Rumbelle Child: The Zoo by @peacehopeandrats
Villain: Cora in On the House by @kelyon
BFF/Wingman: Mountains, Streams, and Magical Things by @peacehopeandrats
Fan Art: Kiss Me Again, It’s Working by @milaeryn
Graphic Art: And Love is When Someone Who Even KNows Your Scars Stays To Kiss You by @chippedcupwrites
AU In Art: Belle Isn’t Fascinated by the Idea of Marrying Gaston by @notonlymice
Fluff Art: Belle French and the Dork One by @chippedcupwrites
Angsty Art: In My Memory It Doesn’t End by @ace-cf-cups
Comic/Graphic Novel: Wearing Each Other’s Clothes by @angelqueen13art
Use of Color: Kiss Me Again, It’s Working by @milaeryn
Video: Your Beauty Never Ever Scared Me by @chippedcupwrites
Best Artist: @chippedcupwrites
Best Author: @kelyon
Best New Author: @ace-cf-cups
Best Rumbelle Fic: The Language of Flowers by @deliriumsdelight7
Best Anyelle Fic: Let’s Spend the Night Together by @ifishouldvanish
Best Anyem Fic: Tyger Tyger by @shakespeareanhoneybadgers
Rumbelle Lifetime Achievement: @jackabelle73
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emperorverse · 9 months
The Emperor-Verse: RWBY: Saints of Remnant, a reimagined AU(More details in Keep Reading!)
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Once there was a world by the name of Omnibus. Created by the supreme deity The Author Allfather through the mysterious entity The Storyteller, this world was composed of four holy and mighty kingdoms, ruled by The Author’s Patron Saints whose reign protected the people, human and faunus alike, with their mighty armies, hunters, and their own holy powers from barbarian hordes, and the hordes of The Grimm who were the incarnations of hatred of the fallen seraph Grimmel The Black and his fellow fallen angels
In the dreadful world-shattering war of Ragnarök, the glorious age of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, and the days of Romance, Heroism Adventure, and Eucatastrophe came to a tragic end.
Now all that remains is the world that is Remnant
But there is a prophecy made by Ozma The First Time Wizard before his death at the hands of The Witch-Emperor, that one day the bloodlines of the original Patron Saints and the families betrothed to them will return to take up these powers, rally armies of the righteous, vanquish the darkness and restore the holy kingdoms and Omnibus and reign over them once more.
Sinners will become Saints
Legends shall be restored and new Legends will be born
And what was a Remnant, Shall Be Whole Again.
But until then, the Hunters lead a struggling battle against the Grimm while the modern kingdoms suffer under corruption of all kinds, both to the benefit of darker forces who have horrifying intentions for the world.
Cue Ruby Rose and her older half-sister Yang Xiao Long, they are about to enter Beacon Academy after being approved by the eccentric Professor Ozpin Pine along with the heiress Weiss Schnee and the introverted faunus Blake Belladonna forming team RWBY
Ozpin has also enrolled a few other students and transferred others.
The former forming team JNPR, and the latter being Team SSSN of Haven Academy
Ozpin seems to have his eye on all of them, but what for?
Heavily inspired by CS Lewis's series The Chronicles of Narnia
Main Ships Contained:
Iceberg/Arctic Water
and some other ships
Also will contain unorthodox reimagining such as Adam Taurus(He's an initial antagonist turned good) and the White Fang and Jacques Schnee and the SDC with their Canon!Counterparts replaced with substitutes among other things
Currently the concept is in the works in a series of notes.
Details of the Emperor-Verse
Now I'm sure there's some questions you probably are all asking which I assume are the same questions as my blog
“Why are you using your Religion?”
Mostly due to it being a strong foundation, notably theology, for most of my stories, there are many strong foundations of storytelling, religion, history, you can even fantasize science if you put the imagination, time, and effort into it.
After doing some soul searching and listening to the Narnia books on Audible, it became another important element in making this au and I might include elements of CS Lewis’ Space Trilogy
This AU is set in my fictional Multiverse The Emperor-Verse which Narnia is implied to exist in, or I should say had existed in(its set after The Last Battle)
“Isn’t this kind of entitled and disrespectful?”
Disagreement isn’t necessarily malicious, and entitlement is not inherently bad if its your opinions and subjective feelings which people are entitled to.
Tolkien was heavily inspired by his distaste for how Shakespeare handled certain concepts, such as the Ents when he was upset and dissatisfied that there were no walking talking trees in the Enchanted Fortest of Macbeth, and the Valar Aule the Smith and the origin of the Dwarves make him something of an Anti-Prometheus
Not to mention Philip Pullman, the author of His Dark Materials Trilogy, made it out his distaste how CS Lewis made the Chronicles of Narnia and his overall beef with Christianity, and nobody seems to take issue with that.
I’m not saying the direction RWBY went with V3 or Pyrrha and the rest of the cast potentially ending tragically in some way or another is objectively bad, it was just not my taste
And I am not saying every normal RWBY fan/RWDE person who liked it is an elitist about it nor are all of them trying to insult me and attack me personally or say my ideas are bad
Nor I’m not trying to change canon or its “trajectory” , nor am I doing this to spite Monty, especially when I never knew the guy. This is a difference in handling ideas and concepts.
I’m doing my RWBY AU, which will most likely be revamped into an original story since it takes a whole different directions with the characters and world, but it's mostly because with post V3 and now in retrospect I saw what this world, characters, ships and other ideas could have been all in a story I believe is worth telling. And I was disappointed that it wasn’t.
I mean yeah it's also due to personal tastes and preferences and subjective feelings, at least I’ve been told, but I also try to integrate that in a meaningful way.
So I hope you all enjoy what I have to offer, which will most likely be put on AO3 and FanFiction.Net, and who knows, I might get a few artists to commission to redesign some characters or illustrate some scenes if anyone is up for it.
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blindmagdalena · 7 months
hii, not extremely well versed in all your writing (yet), but so far w what ive seen w the cannibalism fic & how u write homer (lol), i must say i love how beautifully u intertwine his violence w romance, w how u write him, it's like his egotistical macabre nature & need for love r making out lmao! feel free to ignore this part bc praise shouldn't feel like you owe the praiser anything, but id love to see something from you, anything of any length, w homelander x a y/n who loves how creepy & macabre & scary he can be! like, they're gothic romantic sorta? like "oh, you can hear my heartbeat? tell me if the gushing in my arteries differs when i am around you! go into grave detail please! i want to peel the skin off your body and claw around inside of you too to see what makes you tick!" lol, maybe he sees them in black & is all "wowie, finally decided to kill me and you're getting prematurely ready for my funeral? well, nobody can say you're not a multitasker! how very feminine of you!" "no because if you died id want to be buried next to you!" "oh, i see!" "even if i was still alive! :D" "wow! well, morticia/gomez, you're... intense! i like your... prep! your... uncolourful enthusiasm!" lmfao. he tries to return it by trying to give them weird compliments in turn that fit w them; "don't you look like the most dolled up, prettiest corpse in the mausoleum in all that black make-up!", he sees them blushing or something & he's like "look atcha, blooming up likeeee... a bloodied bouquet of rose!trying to make my heart stop or something? least you'll be sittin real pretty on my grave huh?" he's like that meme that's like "my hot witch girlfriend" & him in a summoning circle like "me doing whatever tf she wants" but he's also a freak just a blonde one. dude is the star-spangled superman & a celeb who should be dating models and yet he's like hiding a heart shaped necklace under his suit that's like a preserved vial of their blood lol. i feel it'd stroke his ego in a different way where they also love how weird & freaky he is, yet in contrast they're not violent or harmful w their love for gore or whatever themselves, for them it just bubbles up into a deeper way to express love & their own self expression. i also wanna recommend "the horror of our love" by ludo if u dunno it, feels sort of fitting for how you write him! "i want you stuffed into my mouth, hold you down & tear you open, live inside you, love id never hurt you. but ill grind against your bones until our marrows mix, i will eat you slowly"/"the awful edges where you end & i begin, inside your mouth i cannot see, there's catastrophe in everything i am touching as i sweat & crush you. & i hold your beating chambers until they beat no more, you die like angels sing" :p 🖤
first of all. calling him homer made me scream. 😂 second, thank you! this is so many words and they are all very kind and fun. I think currently the fic I've written that's closest to this premise is Don't Fret, Precious (I'm Here) which features a reader that's ultimately pretty into his whole deal, and fairly deranged herself.
I definitely want to write more macabre readers though, and I love this gomez/morticia angle you're talking about. I've had a WIP in the wings for ages where the reader herself is a serial killer that Homelander catches, but ultimately decides to cover for because he's intrigued by her bloodlust. it's very much a yandere x yandere. it doesn't fit into the idea that the reader is harmless, but... fiction is fiction, right? no one's really hurt! lmao
also, Ludo is one of my favorite bands!!! I actually almost named this fic "The Horror Of Our Love" but ultimately decided "The Horror Was For Love" suited it a little bit better.
as you've accurately deduced I definitely love mixing elements of romance and horror. you have very much inspired me to step up my game and return to that serial killer fic, and maybe something new featuring more of an oddball reader that really throws Homelander off his game.
thanks again for the lovely message. 🖤
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Desmond verse - Hell hath no fury - for she is here
An Ask on Tumblr led me to write this oneshot in a single night. The writing frenzy was super fun though!
A huge shoutout to Deadmeme Jack, another awesome writer in this fandom (read her fics. They're awesome!). She literally sat down on a Discord call with me for more than 4 hours to help edit through this fic. I've learned a lot from her and had so much fun! So thank you, Jack! You're the Queen of Beta Readers everywhere!
Tagging: @moonandstarlightsposts @itsdaifuku @neptune-cinths @theealluringstoryteller @the-bewitching-hour-at-4 @daveyistheloml
Summary: Before she’s a woman, Celica is the Imperial Baroness of the Coastal Empire first and foremost. But when her dignity as a woman is wounded, she’s more than happy to remind Rhett, Castin, and every Intacians present why a woman’s wrath is akin to hellfire.  
A ‘what if’ oneshot where after being publicly humiliated during her Intacian debut and being told not to make a scene, Baroness Anesidora refuses to hold her tongue.
Celica could remember the day her world shifted on its perfect axis. 
Ezekiel greeted her morning, carrying a pot of Black Assam and a pink diamond necklace tucked in a velvet box - the first piece made from her mines and a promising start to a profitable collection. Tea and gems - a wonderful combination that would brighten any woman’s day.
Only for her best friend (who had been missing for months) to quite literally crash through her bedroom window (which was most definitely not on the ground floor), startling the poor maids solely to confess that she had fallen in love with a man - A Witch Hunter of all things! 
Yes, the Baroness knew that nothing would ever be the same again. Though she still called the doctor to check her brain and later the Exorcist. Just for good measure.  Once her friend was deemed ‘somehow - actually sane’. She deemed it a good measure for all to wash up. 
Clad in her freshly steamed bathrobe (“Thank you, Ezekiel”), the maids resumed preparing the Baroness for the day ahead, Celica kept her mind open as Isolde Vermillion waxed on and on about her and Rhett’s vision for Intacia and the Coastal Empire. About how future generations deserve to grow up without centuries of war looming above their heads and that peace is long overdue. She hums when needed, nodded at some of the points that would benefit the Anesidora Household in the long run and even humoured Isolde’s tales of her misadventures.
However, those weren’t enough to quell her anger over Isolde’s abduction. Even if something allegedly good came out of it.  
“It’s clear that the two of you put lots of thought into this,” The Baroness remarked, faux blithe. In front of the vanity mirror, she struggles to muster a smile when one of the maids delicately drapes the new necklace around the column of her neck. In apropos of nothing, Celica asks, “That reminds me, have you heard of the rose bushes they planted at the academy grounds recently? Rumour has it that they are fast becoming a romantic spot for couples.” 
The smile on the Water Ascendant’s face froze. She put down the cup of tea and exhaled slowly, understanding the true nature behind the Baroness’ words. Gambling, mind games and layered conversations - the favourite pastime of Imperial Nobility, her friend being no different. Isolde began to choose her words wisely as Celica dismissed her maids with a stilted smile and soft tilt of her head.
“I… I know it doesn’t make sense, but after everything I’ve been through, I understand that Rhett is actually a good man. He’s far from perfect, but his heart is always in the right place, his head is always thinking about what’s best for his country and people. But he also carries a lot of regret for what he did as a Witch Hunter, Celica. The assault at the academy? Those deaths? It’s all because of this-this forsaken war! Both sides are equally the sinner and victim, you do agree don’t you?” The Ascendant implored her, beautiful green eyes all but begging. 
Celica said nothing. Truth be told, she couldn’t have cared less about the war since it has never affected her or her business. That is, until Isolde’s disappearance frightened her enough to learn everything she could about the Witch Hunter’s organisation and Intacia’s standing in the war. Pushed her enough to smuggle a group of Ascendants to Intacia’s naval base just so they could rescue Isolde. And if the worst came to be, avenge her best friend by any means necessary. 
“I don’t care about the war, Isolde. I care about you,” The Baroness genuinely admits, causing the other woman to flinch, eyes wide in shock. Shock, as if she hadn’t considered the content of the characters of those who stood beside her.
‘Of course, she wouldn’t have’.
“You know of my duties. You know I must put the welfare of the Empire and her Royal Family first. Most people don’t even know a war is going on right now. But you and Reyes are the only friends that I have - Do you understand how scared for your life I was when you disappeared, Isolde? How, even now, as we’re sitting together for the first time in months, I am desperately trying to understand how you could ever fall in love with your enemy?” She tried not to spit out the words, but she could feel some of her loathing seep through.
Such framing seemed selfish. Perhaps because she was raised without parents to love her and moulded by the strict and indifferent Imperial customs throughout her life; a dark part of her refuses to feel guilty about said selfishness. Call it nurture or nature it does not matter, everything considered the Baroness possessively protects those she cares for. 
It was the honesty in that selfishness - perhaps even the vulnerability - that Isolde appreciated. Likewise, even reciprocated. Pushing herself off the settee to kneel in front of the Baroness, Isolde placed her hands on top of Celica’s. 
“Then, as your best friend, I beg you, give Rhett a chance. Try to understand that he’s more than just an enemy; he’s the man I love. A man that will bring an end to this war. We just need your help to make it happen.” She squeezed her hands with fondness. “I believe in him. I believe the future we can make together, and I want you there with me.”
And because Isolde is one of hers, Celica closed her eyes and nodded once. Setting the motions that utterly destroyed her old life. 
Today is the same day that Isolde returned to her a month ago. It seemed longer given all that had happened. Only this day marks an important occasion for everyone involved. 
In a land where commoners, warriors and politicians could mingle and receive first-hand news on where Intacia was heading in the future, information was the new great power - if only by becoming a more visible player in the game of politics. Something the new monarchs were keenly aware of as they made the arrangements for Celica’s debut. Celica’s own political machinations had been kept hidden from the public eye. Yet, no matter how quiet Celica’s arrival was, rumours still spread like wildfire; an Imperial Noble was amongst them. Keeping things under wraps became more difficult the longer Celica was kept hidden. A fine balance was to be struck; too rushed a debut would inspire disaster in a country that held great animosity towards her stature, whilst too delayed would leave them losing the upper hand it granted them should she be exposed. 
Tonight, the royal palace was alive with music and buzzing excitement. Food and drinks are plenty for all, with everyone enjoying themselves. Most of them were blatantly staring at Celica from afar. She had been instructed earlier to rest at the quiet corners of the banquet, completely covered from head to toe in her white dress, tight puffed sleeves with a beautifully ornate lace as the chest piece.
No one dared approach her. 
The Baroness was just mentally debating fixing herself a plate of macaroons from the table when King Rhett - her best friend’s enemy, kidnapper and husband - decided to make himself known with a neat bow. 
It would have been considered quite polite by Imperial standards. Had he not also made a concerted effort to stare into her eyes beyond the embroidered veil. ‘It’s not their culture’ She assured herself, ignoring the nagging doubt in her mind that Isolde would have already taught him this.
“Baroness, a word?” 
Celica gave him a curt nod. Together they stepped away from listening ears.
He continued;
“The Queen wanted me to tell you she’s sorry she couldn’t be here,” Celica felt her heart sink just a little at that. “But we both wanted to thank you again for your cooperation. I know this is likely not what you imagine for yourself, but the sacrifice you are making is deeply appreciated.” 
From behind her veil, Celica stared coldly. “I’ve not decided yet.” 
The once Witch Hunter caught his blunder. “Right. That is if you choose to go through it.”
The Baroness shifted her attention to the crowd before her, lightly tugging at the veil obscuring her view. Somewhat surprisingly, he seemed to notice her annoyance at the itchy fabric.
“Yes. I’m sorry about the veil; I know it is dumb. But it’s an Intacian tradition, and we must humour the old men. Your future husband must not see you until I present you to him.”
She tried not to be irritated by his comment. Regardless of the outright duplicity veils had in her culture beyond death - she had agreed to this. Did he not know? Veils were considered so duplicitous to her own people, that it was downright cheating! Only acceptable in the height of mourning. Yet, here she was, doing him the favour of disregarding her own people’s traditions for his. Repeating Isolde’s words in her mind, she tried to assure herself. ‘Of course, he couldn’t know, it’s not like he’s our king. Surely he only meant to comfort me rather than highlight my own frustration to everyone? To assure me as opposed to belittling both people's traditions?’ Her self-assurance was apparently lacking.
The topic of her husband and arranged marriage has only been discussed twice, and both times were brought to the table by Rhett. The man assures her that he has someone that could match her in every way, including status, but he’s also held his tongue from speaking any further. As if not to spook her. Celica would pardon him if he was one of her servants, but the withheld information did nothing to endear this new King Rhett to her. 
“What kind of man is he?”
“Well, uh… his name is Castin. Castin Hammer, and as I’m sure you’ve heard, he’s a dear friend of mine. Were it not for his support of him and his fighting men, we may have not succeeded in uniting our nations.”
“I see. So I take it he’s rather good?” 
“He’s a great warrior, in fact. Among the best in Intacia.” King Rhett boasted, pride dripping from every word for his friend - blatantly missing her own ‘praise’ and the opportunity to quip with her. Perhaps he was hoping to appease and nurture a sense of curiosity within the Baroness - something young children from Noble Household’s often do during playtime to win over their friends. 
She could imagine how an Imperial King might react, something closer to ‘other than being my First Commander? He’s decent.’ But Rhett was not just an Imperial King consort - but an Intacian King. She would have to adjust. Celica, not for the first time held back a sigh; she felt far too old to play this sort of childish game.
“Where is he?” 
King Rhett frowned. The Baroness’ succinct questions reflected a tempestuous mood, and he knows he must manage that well. “I… don’t know. He should’ve been here already.” He then beckons one of the younger workers.
“Yes, King Rhett?”
“Go. Find out what’s keeping Castin.”
The messenger bowed once - perfect in his politeness - before making himself scarce. King Rhett resumes their conversation. 
“Listen, before he arrives, I must tell you, Castin is, uh, how can I say… a guarded man. It may take time and patience to bring him out of his shell.” 
‘Finally’ she thought, ‘something intriguing about him’.
“So he’s a shy, great warrior?” 
King Rhett hesitantly shook his head. “No. I did not mean it in that way. He’s… definitely not shy, but - ” 
Suddenly, the large entrance door pushes open, and the messenger returns. “King Rhett, presenting First Army Commander, Castin Hammer.” 
Celica could see how her best friend’s husband - finally slipped into his kingly persona, though it would’ve made her etiquette teacher massage her forehead in its obviousness. Back ramrod straight, chin up and eyes, front; it was as though Castin was commanding him. He walked forward - at least his gait did not seem haltered.
As Rhett took the proverbial stage, conversations tapered off. 
“Commander Castin, thank you for coming.”
“Yeah, of course, King Rhett. Sorry, I’m late.” 
In the background, a woman boldly interjects. “Asshole!” Her friends giggle. Something begins to itch beneath the Baroness’ skin.
King Rhett cleared his throat - without meaning to, yet acknowledging them. That itch steadily spreads. 
“Castin, our new nation owes you a debt it cannot repay. As a friend, I would like to thank you for the sacrifices you’ve made to get us here.”
“Yeah, of course, don’t sweat it.” 
At this point, it clearly must be Intacian manners. 
“And now, I ask you to make another.” King Rhett paused to address the crowd, staring each of them in the eye. “I know many of you have reservations about our union with our former Imperial enemies - ” 
Immediately, the audience began to stir. A few people murmuring that ‘reservations’ are too mild of an understatement, yet still, King Rhett took it all in stride. “It is OK. Do not hide it. Get out in the open what we are all thinking. I know many of you secretly talk about it among yourself. You are angry over the centuries of war that come from the Empire's constant aggression. Angry over the suffering and devastation brought upon by the Ascendants. And you have every right to be.”
What a bold move. One that put his Imperial guest in great jeopardy should he lose said audience’s reins. She doubted very much that the strapped dagger on her thigh would hold more than one off.
“But know that staying angry will not change the past. We’ve won. But seeking revenge will only result in more suffering. It is time we end this cycle that’s been repeating for centuries now. Put away the grudges and start building a new future where war on this continent is a thing of the past.” His attention returned to Castin once more, who seemed more interested in what was behind her veil than his king’s speech. “Castin, I am asking you to contribute to that future.” 
Celica's shoulders are poised, tensed in a way that seems elegant to the people surrounding her. 
When King Rhett offers her an arm, she could have screamed at the inelegance. ‘He’s Isolde’s husband, not mine! It would not be against either custom to offer his arm as the father of his country to a guest, in fact, it would be rather flattering to hold the king’s arm. But given the  context and the lack of his queen, it was as if he was already giving me away as a war bride!’
Still, to refuse would be to refuse His Majesty. 
Tentatively, she held on as lightly and gently as she could as he escorted her to the centre of the hall, where Castin and his troops stood. The King, not his messenger, made the personal introduction. “Presenting the Imperial Baroness Anesidora and personal friend of the Queen.” He then leaned closer to her, whispering - “Now, take off the veil!” 
Expression perfectly schooled and hands steady as ever, the Baroness pulls back the white cover. Gasps erupted among the crowd and awed murmurs travelling across the hall. Even Castin seemed taken aback. It reminded her vaguely of her first débutante. A familiar feeling in a foreign land - but people were people.
The audience seemed enraptured, King Rhett continued. “Now, Castin - ”
“Nah, it’s OK, Rhett. I can take it from here.” Commander Hammer intervenes. The itch makes Celica restless now when the King side-steps so that the Intacian warrior may approach closer. 
“Baroness. You’re even more… dazzling up close.” He says with an easy swagger. A line that had been fed to the Baroness from those wanting to take advantage of her many times before. So not a good start. But his next sentence starts to wear her already dangerously thin patience. “How’s it going, sweetheart? I’m Castin. Castin Hammer” 
Already, she found her perception of the Commander souring. ‘The audacity of this man! Addressing me using anything but my title?’ 
“It’s a pleasure.” Celica blatantly lied through pursed lips though it seems it flew over his head, for Castin smiles roguishly. 
“Nah, the pleasure is all mine.” His eyes barely concealed the lust brewing, and if this was her manor, Celica would’ve hit him with the bottle that had allowed only inebriation could let slip such a tone. No - actually, Ezekiel would have done it for her.
But the game is still on, so Celica kept her rage to a simmer. “Commander - ”
“Oh, c’mon, you can leave off all that Commander stuff.”
“...Leave it?” Celica repeats, incredulousness creeping into her tone. 
“Yeah, it’s cool. Titles don’t mean anything here, anyway. You can just call me Castin.” The man assures her. Almost eager, in fact, which doesn’t sit well with the Baroness. Titles meant boundaries and boundaries meant room to run for the fucking exit. In an esteemed and elegant manner of course. 
 “I’d rather not, Commander… Castin. Though I will concede your surname.” Perhaps such a pun would be inexcusable at home. Though she doubted Castin had noticed her refusal of his surname already.
Rather than put off like she had hope, Castin chuckled instead. “I like the way it sounds when you say it.” 
“Castin, I believe you had an offer for the Baroness?” King Rhett interrupts.
That apparently snapped Castin back to reality. “Right. Your Grace… I would like to give you pretty much everything I have. My lands, my army, my money - all of it. To you and this new country you’re trying to build. All I want in return is that you agree to be my wife.”
‘What an arrogant form of confession.’ She thought to herself. ‘His lands? Household Anesidora owns a mountain with rich mines. His army? Eaton is an Air Ascendant and her one-man army. His money? She was willing to bet that she makes more monthly than Castin makes annually. And that’s just from her gems alone.’ She side-eyed King Rhett, wondering if the man ever informed his friend exactly who she is. She could excuse such arrogance if he had also been kept as naive as her.
She doubted it though.
Castin cleared his throat. “Speaking of which, Rhett, I brought the Baroness a gift. Can I give it to her?” 
Before Celica could even open her mouth, King Rhett spoke for her. “Of course! How thoughtful of you.” 
Fingers clenching tightly on her dress, the Baroness repeats Isolde’s plea for Rhett in her mind. The blatant disrespect from both men is cracking her patience, and the itch for her poisoned dagger is becoming overwhelming.
Oblivious to the Baroness’ pale knuckles, Castin signals his men. “Bring it here, boys.” One of the warriors marched forward to hand over a box to Castin, who in return, proceeded to present it to Celica. “Here you go, sweetheart. This is for you.” He says and waited expectantly. Pushing a receiver to unravel a present from them in public is a form of rudeness that would make the Imperial Nobles banish Commander Hammer from any future party invitations. 
But this was Intacia and she was a guest. Intacian culture meant she could open it later but with all eyes on her and expectant, she was not to be given that choice apparently. Celica began to untie the ribbons on the box.
“Hopefully, it’s the start of a long and exciting relationship.” He added with a strange grin. Like stating a joke that only he knew. 
Soon enough, though, the Baroness realised why. The audience gasped again, only this time, in shock and glee at her expense when Celica held up a skimpy lingerie. The glass is shattered, and the itch overwhelms her. Her heart is pounding painfully against her ribcage the longer she stares at the offending piece while King Rhett hissed out, “Castin! What is this!?” 
“What? It’s for our marriage bed.” Castin nonchalantly defended himself. Laughter from the crowds rings painfully in the Baroness’ ears.
“What have you done?” King Rhett presses lowly; indignation coloured his tone.
‘Was he stupid? Of course, Castin knew what he had done. Finally, the Intacian mob could witness Imperial humiliation in the flesh.’ All at her expense! She didn’t even care about the stupid war!
But Castin ignored him in favour of the Baroness - delighting in her indignity. How could she go home with this above her head? The Armistice would be over by midnight!
“So, Baroness, what do you think? You know this is genuine Steelgate silk? I’d just figure it might add a little something-something to the wedding night.” 
‘Whether a sadist or simply stupid - it would be a cruel fate if I married him.’
King Rhett immediately turned to the Baroness, hands about to grasp her but catches himself back at the last seconds. “Please, forgive him. I-I told you he is - ”
With a serene expression, Celica lowered her right lingerie-clenching hand and raised her left-  slapping Castin as hard as she could. His chin whips towards the audience as silence descended into the hall. 
“Oh, shit.” a distant voice sounded. Her hand stung triumphantly as Castin turned back to look at her. Smirk freshly wiped from his face.
King Rhett cursed as Castin blinked before asking “What? Did you just slap me?” 
“Oh, no.” The King whined, but it was too late.
Castin began to grin again - but his eyes narrowed at her. “I didn’t realise you Imperial women were so… prudish. You know how expensive that is?”
Sadistic more so than stupid it seems. A cruel fate indeed.
Celica wordlessly stuffed the lingerie back into the box that the now clearly uncomfortable soldier carried. Slamming the lid on top before yanking it away from the still reluctant soldier and throwing it towards Castin’s smug lackeys.
“Whoa, whoa! Take it easy, sweetheart. If you don’t like it, I could always get you something else.” 
“Well. That was utterly insulting.” Celica says, devoid of emotion, making a pointed effort to wipe the dust off her gloves.  
“Insulting? Rhett, please. Tell me, how was this insulting?” ‘So he only pretends to be stupid!’
King Rhett, however, started to panic. Trying again to appease her. “Baroness, please. I understand your frustration. But you are making a scene. The peace is fragile. We must keep up appearances.”
“I’ve been humiliated.” 
“Yes, I know. But, the people of both our nations are watching. Just let me handle this.” 
“No,” Celica softly declared. Her tone sent icy shivers down his spine. “I’ve had enough of your incompetence and disrespect.” 
The Baroness rolled her shoulders back and clasped her hands in front of her stomach. A plastic smile pulled onto her face. To the world, she appears as an image of the inherited imperial right - As though the Goddess herself had begun to pull her strings to a tune of power.
But King Rhett, at that moment, only saw a dark chasm splitting the Baroness into two. Her mask widened as from behind pearl-white teeth, inky darkness flooded out. They were tendrils, threatening to choke every ignorant man and woman nearby.
And what eventually crawled out is a monster unlike anything he has ever seen before. 
Rhett could remember the day he lost his childhood. 
When the Ascendants assaulted his village, sparing no one, he could no longer be considered a child. The same goes for any of his surviving playmates. Goddess, even now, Rhett could still feel the burning anger and hatred nestled in his heart when he was a Witch Hunter; he remembered the faces of the Ascendants who removed their armoured masks when the village was no more than a mountain of ashes.
With lungs full of black smoke and eyes stinging with tears as he huddled close with Castin and Lilia, Rhett will forever remember those Ascendants as the ugliest monsters he had ever seen. Logic dictated to the child that they were humans, just like him, but the absolute terror the Ascendants evoked petrified him enough that he thought nothing else would frighten him like that ever again.
Rhett was horribly wrong. 
The Baroness cast an inscrutable glance at Castin and repeated her previous remark, “You have publicly humiliated me as a woman and tarnished my reputation as the Baroness of the Anesidora Household with your… gift.” 
Then she focused on him. 
Something must’ve dawned on Castin - perhaps his self-preservation finally kicks in? Rhett could only hope - for he tried to defend himself again, properly this time, but the Imperial Lady refused to spare any more attention for him. 
Now confronted by his wife’s best friend underneath the glittering chandeliers, Rhett can clearly see the Baroness’ face transform. Her serene human face melted like hot tar, revealing a brand new horror that only a monster could provoke. Its lips curled back, exposing razor-sharp teeth with a guttural snarl. Its eyes, though still ruby red, now have a tint from the abyss with a sort of mindless feral wrapped in shadows. The worst is its gaze; it struck Rhett like a furious beast from Hell, terrifying him in place. Distantly, Rhett wondered if his heart had ceased to beat because he was certainly struggling to breathe. 
Unlike the Ascendants, who were monsters moulded by war, the abomination in front of him was nurtured. Hungry eyes tore apart even the tiniest flaw on Rhett’s face. 
He had been a fool to think the Baroness was a creature sheltered in peace.
“Your blatant disrespect of my title infuriates me, Your Majesty,” Celica Anesidora’s voice is controlled. Smooth as silk yet loud enough to be heard by everyone in the hall. “So I will approach the Queen with a simple question: Me or you?” 
“What do you mean…?” The young King questioned warily. His mouth tasted of ash.
“Tomorrow, the Queen must decide: her husband or best friend. If she chooses you, I will return to the Empire. I will withdraw my support, wealth, business networks and influence from Intacia. Burying my friendship with the Queen for choosing a man that repeatedly insulted her best friend, her fellow countrymen and even herself. My support of this peace rendered meaningless, and the embargos shall resume as well active assault. However, if she chooses me, I will bring her home. I will then personally fund the Imperial army using every last coin from the Anesidora fortune. My Knight will lead every available Ascendant I can employ against Intacia. When your lands are utterly destroyed and your people starving, I wonder how many of your ‘brothers and sisters’ will clamour to bring me your head for my mercy.”
The room was silent. A pin drop could have been heard had there been one. Everyone in the room held a collective breath. Castin’s face was paler than a phantom as his hand rested uneasily over his sword hilt, waiting for permission to draw and behead her. King Rhett swallowed thickly. The atmosphere stayed tense, waiting for the guillotine to fall. 
“Are… are you threatening me?” 
“No, Your Majesty. That wasn’t a threat. It’s a promise.” 
“After everything… I thought you wanted peace! I thought the four of us wanted an end to the war!”
“You think. You want. As if you’ve done something that warrants my endearment to either of those things.” 
She’s curious, Rhett realises in horror. She’s curious as to why he expected her to play nice, even when plans for the unification of their countries are on the table. It’s a sort of selfishness that’s devoid of empathy.
He now understands the warnings his Queen gave him in their bedroom: 
“OK, look, underneath the frills and sparkly stones, Celica is a simple woman with a simple desire. She just wants her family - which you can count on one hand, by the way - close by. While she treats her title as a 9 to 5 job, she takes pride in her hard-earned achievements. But you also got to understand something, Rhett. Living in a gilded cage broke her… I think. And the Empire took advantage of that.” 
“What does that entail exactly?”
“So you know the Imperial Nobles are nasty in their own way, right? Unfortunately, Celica isn’t an exception. She likes pulling strings from the shadows, using others to get what she wants. And when the blame game begins, she’ll have people pointing their fingers at each other. Don’t look at me like that, Rhett! The Baroness isn’t malicious in nature. That’s just, her? She won’t hurt you, but she will just give you enough rope to hang yourself with. Actually, that still sounds kinda bad.”
“Hey, she’s on our side! I managed to convince her to give you a chance. So wow her as you did me, OK?” 
Perhaps he had been too distracted in the bedroom. Now in the present, Rhett perfectly comprehends that the Baroness has pushed them all into a corner. The decision that she’ll lay for the Queen is an illusion; no matter what his wife chooses, the Baroness is the victor. If any of his men harm her in retaliation or fear, the Empire will immediately resume attacking Intacia.
It’s insane how an arranged marriage - Hell, just an arranged engagement transformed into a Goddess damned ambush!
King Rhett bit his lower lip, struggling to put a lid on his growing anxiety while the Baroness silently stared at him. Waiting for his next move.
Like most Intacian warriors, Rhett was taught to fight until his last breath. To take death over defeat. Now though? This is bigger than him; the crown on his brows weighs the heaviest. Whatever he does now spells either the doom of his people or elevates them into a new era. 
The politicians began to murmur among themselves; the commoners were confused about how to react while the warriors watch Castin. Castin, now guilt-ridden for pushing his friend to the point of needing to beg an Imperial, steps forward to place Rhett behind him. Only to be pulled back.
It is the King of Intacia that stops him.
It is his friend he cannot bear to watch kneel before her in supplication. Though ranking had never mattered to him, honour did.
“I’ve wronged you terribly, Baroness Anesidora.” The accented baritone voice boomed off the walls despite his humble tone. Celica seemed unmoved by this. “My actions and words tonight were egregious to a woman of your stature. But please, I humbly plead that you reconsider your promise. For the sake of my wife. For the sake of my people. For the sake of my nation. What will it take to earn your forgiveness?” 
Seemed was the word, being on the floor, King Rhett couldn’t see how Celica’s human face snapped back into place. Dragging the monster back into its cage as his gesture once again made her uncomfortable; though for a different reason. Not out of offence, but rather because she found Intacian dramatics to be, well, dramatic.
“Acknowledgement. Accountability. Followed by a public apology from the offending parties,” The Baroness easily offered. As if she’s already planned for this, planned to have him humbled if not humiliated publicly for wronging her and at this point, Rhett doesn’t doubt it.
But since the terms were simple, he eagerly tilts his head up. Hope blooms in his heart like a budding flower during Spring. “Then may Castin and I deliver our - ”
“Unfortunately, I’ve grown weary from tonight’s affair,” King Rhett’s expression dimmed ever so slightly at her announcement. ‘Is the Baroness still playing her games?’
 “I’m open for an audience tomorrow. That should give you plenty of time to practice your deliverance…” Celica offered graciously.
Everyone could only watch as the Baroness gave King Rhett a curtsy before the crowd parts like the sea as she exited the hall. Taking with her the oppressive air yet leaving the Intacians uneasy. Some claim that Baroness Anesidora was bluffing; others didn’t dare to wait for the fallout. 
Cutting through the chattering partygoers, Castin helps Rhett up to his feet. His voice is uncharacteristically small when he speaks. “I… I shouldn’t have - I never - I didn’t mean…” The Intacian warrior exhales deeply and tries again. “I didn’t mean for things to turn out like this. It was my fault, Rhett. I’ll fix it with the Baroness; I promise.” 
The words rang in his ear. Chorusing the night, “It’s a promise.” 
“I was in the wrong as well, brother. I should’ve paid closer attention to the Baroness. This went beyond cultural differences; this was a political nightmare.” King Rhett sighed, rubbing a palm over his jaw. Another realisation hit him; the Baroness purposely chose to talk to the Queen tomorrow. Forcing Rhett to break the news of what happened tonight to his wife so he would stew in the pot a little longer. 
‘What a -.’ 
“So what’s our game plan?” His Commander asked seriously. 
“Acknowledge our mistakes. Give the Baroness an appropriate form of accountability. Apologise to her with both nations as witnesses.” King Rhett parroted. 
Castin whistled lowly. “A Water Ascendant as our Queen and an Imperial Baroness as my spouse. Rhett, I say this as your buddy, but you sure know how to pick your women.”  
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darkestspring · 1 year
Do you think we could get a rundown of who and what your OCs are?
I’m new here and I don’t know where to start lol but they look interesting!
aelyra targaryen - she's alysanne and jaehaerys' second daughter, she was born in 54 AC, a year after daenaerys and she dies in 129 AC just a few minutes after viserys dies. she ends up marrying both aemon and baelon and she's the mother of rhaenys, viserys, daemon and an oc visenya ii.
visenya ii targaryen - she's aelyra and aemon's youngest child and the youngest all together. she has a bit of a romance with daemon in her younger years before he married rhea royce and she ends up married to cregan stark and becomes the lady of winterfell. she has a known hatred for alicent that she refuses to talk about.
baelon ii targaryen - he's the only child of daemon targaryen and rhea royce, this kind of came from the idea of 'what if rhea and daemon did have a child together'. in some verses, daemon knows about his son but doesn't know how to properly connect with a child that came from someone he hates and in other verses he never knows until rhea dies. baelon ends up in the care of viserys and alicent. he ends up becoming one eye instead of aemond and he has love interests in aegon, aemond, helaena. in the main verse he ends up married to a baratheon girl but sometimes he ends up married to helaena. in total he ends up having eight children. five with his baratheon wife and three with helaena.
diana royce-targaryen - she's the daughter of rhea royce and daemon targaryen. (you can find her intro post HERE)
cerise lannister - she's aegon ii's wife in this verse. she's the younger sister of tyland and jason lannister. she has a stern personality. she hates cheaters and gamblers. she has a bit of a manipulative streak and likes to egg people on because she thinks it's fun to see them angry. she has her own lion named, leopold.
vivian tyrell - the rose of highgarden, she ends up as daeron's wife in this verse. she's a lovely girl with an eye for flowers but she's also very skilled in the art of fighting and dislikes it when men other than her husband try to touch her. she's well versed in the art of poison.
eloise baratheon - she's the youngest baratheon sister, a very naive and innocent girl who has never actually seen the outside world because of her isolation at the hand of her father and sisters. she's the spitting image of her deceased mother, causing an obsession over her to form between her father and her sisters. eloise goes on to become aemond's wife after he becomes obsessed with her sweetness.
daella targaryen + daella iii targaryen - daella i targaryen was aegon, visenya, and rhaenys' youngest sister and ended up being aegon's thrid wife due to the obsession her older siblings held over her. she had four children with aegon who's fates remain unknown. daella herself dies in dragonstone, just a year before visenya.
daella iii targaryen is the fourth targaryen child, and alicent's second daughter. the soul of daella i entered her body after she was born a stillborn and that almost death in the eyes of the public caused alicent to develop paranoia and a deep obsession and possession over her youngest daughter. daella iii lives out her life under the obsession of her family while trying to navigate her surroundings.
ysilla martell - a princess of dorne that was fostered by king jaehaerys, she ends up married to baelon and has two children with him. ysilla is very standoffish, she uses jokes to hide how awkward she is when it comes to affection, she doesn't show her love very easily because she doesn't really know how so she just showers her loved ones in her wealth.
Daelaenys Targaryen - she's my immortal targaryen oc. daelaenys' mother was a skilled witch who was skilled in black magic. she performed a ritual that gave her daughter immortality at the cost of her own life. so daelaenys can't die, at all. trust her, she's tried everything and she's still living. she's daenys the dreamers great-great grandmother and now lives in seclusion after being kidnapped by visenya and then escaping. she lives in godswood. those who seek her out will never be able to find her. she's very cold and disgruntled. mushroom gave her the nickname of undying blizzard because of her white hair, colder than ice nature and her immortality.
Lisenya Targaryen/Little Dove: lisenya is the daughter of rhaenyra and ser criston cole. depending on the au, she either grows up as rhaenyra and laenor's child or she grows up and alicent or viserys' child.
in the latter au, alicent steals lisenya from her crib after she feels a deep connection with the child and lisenya grows up being loved and adored by the green. lisenya is a dragon dreamer but different than helaena, rather than dream about general events, lisenya only dreams about her future and can only remember it long enough to paint it and then she forgets it.
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Bracket has been updated for Round 2! Matchup list is in text under the cut. Round 2 will begin within a few days. The loser's bracket will begin after the main bracket concludes.
Betty Grof (Adventure Time) vs. Evelyn Wang (Everything Everywhere All At Once)
Edelgard von Hresvelg (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) vs. Almalexia (The Elder Scrolls)
Maeby Funke (Arrested Development) vs. GLaDOS/Caroline (Portal)
Nico Robin (One Piece) vs. Helen Richardson (The Magnus Archives)
Nefera de Nile (Monster High) vs. Lady Barbrey Dustin (A Song of Ice and Fire)
Jennifer Check (Jennifer's Body) vs. Moira O'Deorain (Overwatch)
Artemis (Greek Myth) vs. Tomie Kawakami (Tomie)
Rachel (Animorphs) vs. Shego (Kim-Possible)
Tabitha Scarlet (Scarlet Hollow) vs. Morgana Pendragon/le Fey (BBC Merlin)
The Witch (Into the Woods) vs. Nimona (Nimona)
Klaasje Amandou (Disco Elysium) vs. Ianthe Tridentarius (The Locked Tomb)
Sailor Galaxia (Sailor Moon) vs. Lady Alcina Dimitrescu (Resident Evil: Village)
Vriska Serket (Homestuck) vs. Willie Jack (Reservation Dogs)
Galadriel (Lord of the Rings) vs. Charlie (Don't Starve)
Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond (Steven Universe) vs. Tokiko Shigure (AI: The Somnium Files)
Shion Sonozaki (Higurashi When They Cry) vs. Yuko Ichihara (xxxHolic)
Laerynn Coramar-Seelie (Critical Role: Exandria Unlimited) vs. Granny Weatherwax (Discworld)
Catherine Earnshaw (Wuthering Heights) vs. Starlight Glimmer (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Dr. Frank-N-Furter (Rocky Horror Picture Show) vs. Jinx (Arcane/League of Legends)
Eva Ushiromiya (Umineko When They Cry) vs. Empress Phillipa Georgiou (Star Trek)
Paige Duplass (The Silt Verses) vs. Dr. Pamela Isley AKA Poison Ivy (DCEU)
Reagan Ridley (Inside Job) vs. Kalina AKA Shadow Cat (Fantasy High)
Power (Chainsaw Man) vs. Marcille Donato (Dungeon Meshi)
Remy "Thirteen" Hadley (House MD) vs. Fang Runin / Rin (The Poppy War)
Han Sooyoung (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint) vs. Wu Zetian (The Iron Widow)
Emma Perkins (The Hatchetfield Series) vs. Nadja of Antipaxos (What We Do In The Shadows)
Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa) vs. Malva (Pokemon)
Vermouth (Detective Conan) vs. Eleanor (Do Revenge)
Asuka Langley Soryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion) vs. Leliana (Dragon Age)
Anthy Himemiya (Revolutionary Girl Utena) vs. Kyoko Sakura (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
O-Ren Ishii (Kill Bill) vs. Gwendolyn Poole AKA Gwenpool (Marvel Comics)
Lappland Saluzzo (Arknights) vs. Dr. Harleen Quinzel AKA Harley Quinn (DCEU)
Faith Lehane (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) vs. Rue Kuroha AKA Princess Kraehe (Princess Tutu)
Eve (Biblical Canon) vs. Ellie Williams (The Last of Us)
Marina (Sinbad: The Legend of the Seven Seas) vs. Sucre/Sugar (OFF)
Shodan (System Shock) vs. Halea Haumea (Phantomarine)
Arcee (IDW Transformers) vs. Wu Zetian (IRL History)
Miranda Pryce (Wolf 359) vs. Perihelion / ART (The Murderbot Diaries)
Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum (Adventure Time) vs. Lady Macbeth (Macbeth)
Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb) vs. White Gladys the Orca (IRL)
Doctor Carmilla (Doctor Carmilla and The Mechanisms) vs. Catra (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Jasnah Kholin (The Stormlight Archive) vs. Medea (Greek Mythology)
Odin (The Bifrost Incident) vs. Nana Daiba (Revue Starlight)
Beatrice (Umineko When They Cry) vs. Any Female Praying Mantis (IRL)
Veronica Sawyer (Heathers) vs. Eleanor Guthrie (Black Sails)
Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) vs. Shadowheart (Baldur's Gate 3)
Noi (Dorohedoro) vs. Beatrix Kiddo (Kill Bill)
Rat God (Mad Rat Dead) vs. Petra Solano (Jane the Virgin)
Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club) vs. Cinder Fall (RWBY)
Major Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan (M*A*S*H) vs. Mrs. Lovett (Sweeney Todd)
Claudia (Interview with the Vampire) vs. Lady Eboshi (Princess Mononoke)
Entrapta (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) vs. Princess Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Samantha Groves AKA Root (Person of Interest) vs. Shanoa (Castlevania)
Makima (Chainsaw Man) vs. Raphaella la Cognizi (The Mechanisms)
Yennefer Vengerbeg (The Witcher) vs. Toriel Dreemurr (Undertale)
Elizabeth Swann (Pirates of the Carribbean) vs. Wanda Maximoff AKA The Scarlet Witch (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Mapleshade (Warrior Cats) vs. Gertrude Robinson (The Magnus Archives)
Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) vs. Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
Muu Kusonoski (Milgram) vs. Romanadvoratrelundar (Doctor Who)
Rouge the Bat (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs. Yubel (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Ponyo (Ponyo) vs. Aubrey (OMORI)
Dr. Olivia "Liv" Octavius AKA Doc Ock (Into the Spider-Verse) vs. Helena George Wells (Warehouse 13)
Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs. The Fairy Godmother (Shrek 2)
Nami (One Piece) vs. Lucretia (The Adventure Zone: Balance)
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panlight · 1 year
Who is each Cullen’s favorite superhero? +Bella and Jacob
With the caveat that I'm not super involved in superhero fandom so the pool I can pull from are going to be pretty Mainstream.
I feel like Carlisle has enough moral gray area in his existence as a vampire, he doesn't need that in his superheroes. He likes the aspirational and inspiring goodness of someone like Superman. Someone using their powers to help others because they can.
Likewise I think Esme might go for the Classic do-gooder types, your Wonder Woman types. Your Super Girls.
I could see Rosalie relating more to some of the villains or anti-heroes like Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy and Catwoman. They are more complicated than a lot of the heroes and I think Rose could relate to them. Maybe someone like Black Widow, too.
Emmett loves them all? Marvel and DC and anything else. I could see him loving the Hulk for his strength but doesn't relate to Bruce Banner at all. Loving Thor for this strength and his energy. Loving Spider-Man for his youthfulness. I could see him really loving the humor of the more recent Thor movies too.
Who has the best costume/super suit? That might factor into Alice's decision. I think she leans more into the X-Men types than the more Classic Superman stuff though. Maybe Scarlet Witch?
IDK about Jasper. He's always the one I feel is the least connected to human pop culture. Like he's aware of it because of Alice and Emmett but he doesn't like, care all that much. Just sort of passively absorbs it. But I guess he'd gravitate toward those characters who maybe start out on the villain side and then slowly switch over to the heroes.
I feel like Jacob is a Marvel type rather than DC too. Obviously hates Batman. Too much vampire imagery. The bats. The black cape. Not the vibes. I guess maybe he'd relate to the Hulk in the sense that strong emotions can trigger a phase? But again I don't know that he'd see a whole lot of himself in Bruce Banner as like, a scientist and all that.
Bella seems well-versed in superheroes (probably because SM has said she liked them), referencing radioactive spiders and saying she doesn't want to always be Lois Lane, that she wants to be Superman too. I guess maybe her favorite used to be Superman because of the comparisons between Lois/Clark and Bella/Edward.
Edward's is Batman, obviously.
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umbralrosa · 5 months
Tagged By: @s-talking
Tagging: @fallesto, @astra-stellaris, @cursesavior, @azure-steel, @that-butler, @brazenlystrong, @casketdweller, and anyone who wishes to do so
𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐒: (I used HTML Color Code website)
Rebecca Purple (#663399)
Dark-Magenta (#8B008B)
Dark-Red (#8B0000)
Black (#000000)
White (#FFFFFF)
SakuYoru actually has single or double scents going on about them, and is either one or the other or both at the same time. It depends on their mood entirely, and the proper list can be found in the Headcanons link.
Rose and Petrichor
Autumn Leaves and Petrichor
Cherry blossom and Burning wood
Lavender and Geranium
Bergamot and Blood (the coppery smell is very light and hardly noticeable unless you know what to look for or know it's there. The bergamot is used to hide it)
Default Verse (No Armor): Silks, and open, flowy garbs. No accessories except for the sash to hold the mainstay haori in place. Blade-like heels or bare-footed. Undergarments are either none, or a placeholder with a thin layer of the armor to cover the necessary places. They come across as nobility.
Default Verse (With Armor): Skin tight, akin to a second skin yet very rigid and strong, and always matte black. Sharp protrusions on the joints. A tattered black cloak. Occasional menacing mask that merges with the rest of the armor when applied, and appears as though it has a crown with sharp points. The legs appear digitigrade with the 'foot' being a sharp heel or a sharp warped stilt. All of which is not made of normal materials. Appears regal.
Modern Verse: Skin tight clothes (skinny jeans and mesh shirts) and combat boots or vans. Loose shirts and oversized jackets. Shorts and tank tops. A black umbrella or brimmed hat (like a cute witches cotton hat, or a bigger sun-hat). Some of the clothes are torn on purpose for the design. They wear lingerie. A choker can be seen with their mother's crystal pendant hanging from the front (either a stretchy cotton/polyester band, or leather). Think of a cute goth girl tbh.
Mother's crystal heirloom, dangling by a thin silver thread.
A weapon (sword, knife, spear, or bow)
Pets (War - An experimental hybrid creature, Amaryllis - Serval, Lovecraft - Crow, or Edalle - Raven)
A book and pen.
Seemingly immovable, physically and/or emotionally. Comes across as stoic and regal.
A sharp unyielding glare, which intensifies with staring or anger/annoyance. It can be noticed if the eyes begin to slit to points, very much like a cat.
An uncanny-valley type of silence and stillness befitting of a porcelain doll. No emotion. Nothing. Until they do move.
A tense and stiff body, even if the posture comes across as calm and comfortable. A distrust of the world that leaves them ready for anything, but is unpredictable in where that distrust resides. Particularly around people or groups.
Predator-like behavior of an abnormal degree, an apex predator of humans. They are excellent at stalking and hunting, often 'playing with their food' for the sake of emotionally and mentally breaking people, such as circling, a threatening saunter, or letting them 'get away' only to hunt them down when they think they survived. Tending to 'appear suddenly' in the silence and swiftness they maintain when moving at all times, even in broad daylight.
A quiet clearing in thick woodlands. At night the moon is center and full, with lunar moths fluttering about in the illumination. Mystifying unknown lie in wait of the light and shadows. Ethereal and otherworldly.
A house or castle in the middle of nowhere surrounded by trees, it's age is there but it is upkept, but seemingly abandoned in the silence that claims it. Maybe it's haunted.
A full, massive library or museum. The table is covered in many notes and books with a single pen, all of which are organized and meticulously placed. It smells like fresh paper and ink, with the sound of a fireplace. Past and present come together here.
A field of white roses, where the foliage is black, and the soil veiled by the full white blooms hide a deep red from the amount of blood spilled over hundreds of years. They move without the need of wind, and the heads moving to watch like eyes. All is not as it seems.
A dark, empty room, save for a single chair and the soft blue-white of a cloudy day filtering in. A window veiled by a thin white curtain is in the corner, the glass wet and dribbling on the outside, with the gentle patter of rain and distant rolling thunder. It's cold, and so very lonely.
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ranidspace · 1 year
John Egbert, Rose Lalonde, ascend, descend, rise up, abscond

Jade Harley, Dave Strider, They all play Sburb and end the world

Harelquin, Nanna, Bro, Mom, Dad, Youth Roll
Grandpa, Pesterchum, Hella Jeff and Sweet Bro.

Heat and Clockwork, Wind and Shade, Frost and Frogs, Light and Rain
Vagabond and Mendicant, Renegade, consorts, and denizens
Skaia, 413, Countdown to the Reckoning
Derse and Prospit, Carapaces, Pogo Hammer, Sassacre
You can’t fight the Homestuck!
Though it’s weird and random, it’s the greatest fandom
You can’t fight the Homestuck!
True it’s quite outrageous, but it’s so contagious
Jasper’s secret, Davesprite, Casey, Mutie, doomed timelines
Good dog, best friend, Jack causes many people’s end
Black Queen, Nak Nak, stuffing corpses, shoosh pap
Robot bunnies, midnight crew, hey coolkid is this you?  

Lil’ Cal, babies, ecto-biology,
Apple juice, Pupa Pan, Nic Cage, City of cans

Doc scratch, Sn0wman, “I warned you bout those stairs man!”
God tiers, March drag, Who even is this douchebag?
You can’t fight the Homestuck!
Though it’s weird and random, it’s the greatest fandom
You can’t fight the Homestuck!
True it’s quite outrageous, but it’s so contagious
Exploring with Aradia, Tavros, Sollux, Nepeta
Terezi’s nuts, Karkat’s a crab, Gamzee’s got issues with his dad 

Equius, Feferi, Kanaya the vampire fashion queen
She slices Eridan in half, and Vriska is a badass
 Shipping charts, sick fires, all the irons in the fire
Buckets, squiddles, angels, all the Lusi get culled

Faygo, Recupercoons, Horrorterros kill you
Troll Jegus, killer clown, mobius double reach around
You can’t fight the Homestuck!
Though it’s weird and random, it’s the greatest fandom
You can’t fight the Homestuck!
True it’s quite outrageous, but it’s so contagious

Matesprits, Auspistice, Moirail, and Kismesis
Betty Crocker, ICP, dead Daves are the enemy

Green sun, Alpha-verse, Jane, Roxy, Jake and Dirk
UU, princely tights, Guy Fieri is the anti-christ

Captchalogue Modus, and Strife specibus
Heir and Knight, Witch and Seer
Can’t outrun what’s already here!
You can’t fight the Homestuck!
Though it’s weird and random, it’s the greatest fandom
You can’t fight the Homestuck!
True it’s quite outrageous, but it’s so contagious
Dream bubbles, Shenanigans, All who die come back again
Tick tock break heads, honk honk, scary wolf heads

Cue balls, magic dogs, the universe is a frog
Felt mob and fairies, Lord English killed Hussie

Troll cops, Thresh prince, don’t screw with the Condesce
Scale mates, rap wars, blowing up the tumor
Zillyhoo, shaving cream, echeladder, science beam
Cascade, Morse code, this fandom’s about to explode
You can’t fight the Homestuck!!
Though it’s weird and random, it’s the greatest fandom
You can’t fight the Homestuck!
And from now on, it will go on, and on, and on, and on
You can’t fight the Homestuck! Though it’s weird and random, it’s the greatest fandom
You can’t fight the Homestuck!
True it’s quite outrageous, but it’s so contagious
You can’t fight the Homestuck!
Though it’s weird and random, it’s the greatest fandom
You can’t fight the Homestuck!
True it’s quite outrageous, but it’s so contagious
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seolinah · 3 months
under the cut are muses/test muses i wouldn't mind using (especially in f/f things); like this and i'll write you a starter (might be short, might not be) based on something on your wishlist -- lmk if you have a preference or it'll be random!
ALEXANDRA “ALEX” THAO. 44. filmmaker. she/her. bisexual. (fc: maggie q)
ALISHA MURPHY. 39. general practitioner. she/her. witch (supernatural verse). bisexual. (fc: billie piper)
ANDROMÉDA OSORIO. 49. mafia boss & owner of black smoke club. demon (supernatural verse). she/her. bisexual. (fc: marisol nichols)
ANELE JACOBS. 40. enforcer & former musician. she/her. immortal (supernatural verse). bisexual. (fc: gugu mbatha-raw)
BEATRICE TURNER. 31. gang leader. she/her. bisexual. (fc: laura harrier)
BELINDA WEN. 26. musician. she/her. bisexual. (fc: havana rose liu)
BILLIE SELLE. 30. chef. she/her. bisexual. (fc: olivia swann)
CALLIOPE EVANS. 34. inn manager. she/her. bisexual. (fc: candice patton)
CASSANDRA HEIDRICH. 35. horoscope writer. she/her. bisexual (fc: vanessa kirby)
CLARA PRICE. 26. flight attendant. she/her. bisexual. (fc: madelyn cline)
CORA HONG. 29. podcast host. she/her. demisexual. (fc: kim go-eun)
FLORENCE FITZGERALD. 31. casino owner & gang leader. she/her. bisexual. (fc: brianne howey)
FREJA RENDAHL. 39. queen & witch (fantasy verse) / ceo. she/her. bisexual. (fc: rebecca ferguson)
HARLOW WALSH. 29. dishwasher. she/her. bisexual. (fc: maia mitchell)
HWA YU-MI. 32. author & tv personality. she/her. bisexual. (fc: seo yeji)
JANE GUTIERREZ. 32. medical examiner. she/her. bisexual. (fc: melissa barrera)
KIM JOO WON. 31. assassin (crime verse) / martial arts instructor . she/her. bisexual.
LAURA BEZZERRA. 35. cartoonist. she/her. bisexual. (fc: isis valverde)
MELANIE PARK. 42. horror tour guide. she/her. bisexual. (fc: song jihyo)
PRESLEY HOLMES. 30. petty criminal & motel front desk clerk. she/her. bisexual. (fc: samara weaving)
PRISCILLA LEIGH. 39. fbi agent. she/her. bisexual. (fc: kate siegel)
RORY BAXTER. 30. cashier & former drug dealer. she/her. bisexual. (fc: jodie comer)
SAWYER REECE. 41. ex-con & mechanic. she/her. bisexual. (fc: lauren cohan)
SINN CHAIROT. 30. assassin. she/her. bisexual. (fc: davika hoorne)
TASMIN ABEL. 40. waitress. she/her. bisexual. (fc: jessica alba)
VALERIE MA. 27. reality star & influencer. she/her. bisexual. (fc: chase sui wonder)
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BFCD Black Witch Characters Masterlist
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Witch Characters
Abigail Bellweather Motherland: Fort Salem | Abigail Bennett The Vampire Diaries | Angelina Johnson Harry Potter Verse | Anacostia Quartermaine Motherland: Fort Salem
Beatrice Bennett  The Vampire Diaries | Bellweather Witches Motherland: Fort Salem | Bennett Witches  The Vampire Diaries | Bonnie Bennett The Vampire Diaries | Bree  The Vampire Diaries
Carla Spectros | Carmen Eguiluz Always a Witch | Chichi of Nimm The Nsibidi Scripts | Cleo Sowande Legacies | Cressida Into the Badlands |
Elphaba Wicked | Elzora Eve’s Bayou | Emily Bennett The Vampire Diaries | Epiphany Proudfoot Angelheart | Evillene The Wiz
Fiji Cavanaugh Midnight, Texas | Fringilla Vigo The Witcher
Glinda The Wizard of Oz/Wiz
Hermione Granger Weasley  Harry Potter Verse
Jada Shields Charmed Reboot
Lena Aruza Night of the Cobra Woman | Lisa Fortier Scream, Blacula, Scream | Luisa Manjimbe Mortel
Madame Zeroni Holes | Mama Cecile The Skeleton Key | Marie Laveau American Horror Story | Miss Cobbs Tales from the Hood | Mistress East Emerald City
Nova Bordelon Queen Sugar
Petra Bellweather Motherland: Fort Salem | Prudence Blackwood The Sabrina Show on Netflix
Queenie American Horror Story
Rochelle Zimmerman The Craft | Rosalind Walker Sabrina Netflix | Rose Granger Weasley Harry Potter Verse | Roxanne Weasley  Harry Potter Verse
Sheila Bennett The Vampire Diaries | Sunny Nwazue  The Nsibidi Scripts
Tabby The Craft Legacy | Taranee Cook W.I.T.C.H. | Tituba Salem
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evita-shelby · 2 years
July 19th 1920
Based in the Nothing More Difficult than Love verse, an au where Tommy and Eva had an arranged marriage at the beginning of season 1 and in which Anna Gray is alive and comes home after black star day.
Inspired by @zablife 's fic, Heatwave
Gif by @amongst-the-roses
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“What did you do when days were like this?” Tommy asks they just lounge on the freshly mopped floor with nothing but his trousers. Door was locked, but if both him and his wife were naked in such close proximity, the floor would need to be mopped again and Polly would kill him.
Now that they are almost at the finish line, Anna and Polly did most of the chores, fuck, sometimes he did because his wife has been told to take it easy and Eva listens to a doctor as much as he does.
“Not much, went to the beach, had raspas, had ice cream after church. Of course, right now for me it feels like home, for all of you, its hell.” She comes to lie down beside him in a thin shift that barely reached her knees now that she was almost due.
Charles Henry Shelby will be born on his father’s thirtieth birthday, July 19th, his witch has seen it. The greatest gift he has ever received in this lifetime, and it was coming in a few hours.
“I feel like a beached whale.” She complained, holding his outstretched hand because most forms of intimacy feel too hot to carry out. Besides, she’s already feeling the pains, soon enough they’ll be driving her to the hospital.
His witch may have faced some of her fears of pregnancy and childbirth, but she was so afraid of dying like her sister that she refused to give birth at home like all the women here did.
“You’re not a whale, love, you’re just pregnant.” he had some notion as to what that meant. His wife had compared herself to a sloth when everything made her tired, a cow when her milk started to come in, a pig when her clothes stopped fitting and couldn’t stop eating, and most recently a whale.
“For the record, I didn’t plan to have our son on your birthday, Tommy.” She gave his hand a squeeze as winced. The pains were coming stronger and closer together, but they weren’t enough yet. Or that was what she and Polly told him earlier, when the first ones came in.
“We could always take Polly’s advice and make him come sooner.” He suggested, taking her hand and kissing it lovingly. As much as he loved his son already, he dreaded having to celebrate his own birthday.
“No, as much as I want you in me, I won’t pass up this golden opportunity to make you celebrate your own birthday.” She let out a shaky breath.
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