#VERY parasites cw
lynxgriffin · 8 months
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Eldritchrune - Parasite Nightmare
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Story Setup Eldritchrune Masterpost
Kris tries to stay on task, but they've clearly got some traumas and worries about their situation weighing on their mind. Still, they at least eventually find what they're looking for!
Still working away on the final part for this too...gotta finish in time, aaaaah!
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animalshowdown · 8 months
Phylum Round 1
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Annelida: Segmented Worms. This group includes earthworms, leeches, and many classes under the umbrella of "polychaete". This diverse phylum encompasses deposit feeders (eating dirt), detritivores, scavengers, deadly ambush predators, filter feeders, parasites, herbivores, and more. They are broadly defined by their repeating body segments and parapodia, which are nubby appendages used for both movement and breathing. Some have curved jaws for catching prey or scraping detritus off of rocks, while others have wide, elaborate feather-like fans for filter feeding. While able to crawl freely, a majority of marine Annelids spend most of their time in self-built tubes or burrows. Among their many important functions, they play a key role in mixing soil/sediment, breaking down decaying organic matter, and providing a key food source to countless other animals.
Nematoda: Roundworms. Split between free-living and parasitic, terrestrial and aquatic, Nematodes inhabit just about every environment on Earth. Nematologist Nathan Cobb once said (paraphrased) that if all matter on Earth disappeared besides Nematodes, we would still be able to identify where everything used to be, simply by the thin layer of nematodes left behind. In the harsh environment of Antarctica's Dry Valleys, these worms dominate the relatively barren ecosystem. The roundworm C. elegans is a widely-studied model organism in science and medicine. Nematodes are also known to parasitize humans, due to their ability to enter a dormant larval state within the muscle of a carrier animal. This is part of why we fully cook pork; to kill any parasites in the meat.
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A juvenile red-billed seagull. It was found dead by my dad, in a carpark near the beach in the early morning. No obvious signs of the cause of death, absolutely no wounds, broken bones, etc.
I wonder if it was something it ate?
As a native/protected species, I will need to apply for a permit before doing anything with this one. But it might be for sale eventually.
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dw-flagler · 4 months
gross thought but like what do you think would happen if taylor got a parasite. like a tapeworm. one of the ones that hatches in the human body. cause her power doesn't detect larvae or eggs i don't think so she wouldn't know about it if she drank dirty water or something.
again gross thought but i'm thinking about her like detecting through her power a tapeworm hatching in her own stomach. or intestines. wherever tapeworms live. what would you do about having a tapeworm in your stomach and knowing about it from the moment it hatches from its egg. like do you let it die? cause she controls it so she can just make it so it doesn't eat any food and it starves to death. does that make it worse does that kill you
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grislyintentions · 6 months
|| HC- Diviner's Fate ||
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In reference to the Glimpses into the Beyond manuscript penned by Fuxuan herself, she spares little effort in reminding/warning other diviners that any actions that imply attempts to predict Yaoshi's fate will be treated as an unforgivable felony.
Despite the considerable leniency that is offered to those who attempt to predict the fates of other Aeons (still illegal), the Ten-Lords Commission equates acts of trying to predict Yaoshi's as a crime equal to the Ten Unpardonable Sins. Diviners found guilty of said transgression will be punished strictly- provided they are still alive after committing said crime as those who have tried have all met tragic fates of their own.
Given these factors, there are two possible outcomes that befall Diviners who attempt to predict Yaoshi's fate:
Mental Collapse (Subsequent development of Acute Megalophobia)
Divination is by no means true omniscience. It is a practise of making calculations based on recorded instances of data and the Diviner's ability to map out multiple possibilities based on the movements, logic as well as thought processes from it.
As witnessed in March's story quest, the Matrix of Prescience is used by diviners to draw information from the past to predict the future by literally placing the observing person in said variable scenarios to derive accurate outcomes, albeit heightened by Fuxuan's third eye.
The Matrix actively draws the future it observes from Chaos.
So how does one even begin to calculate and predict the fate of Aeons who fill the skies like celestial bodies? A being that is incomparably huge, move according to their own Path with a transcendent mind? How does one even define chaos of such magnitude?
Both devices as well as the living mind has their limits. To withstand, hold and interpret something of this magnitude is realistically impossible to accomplish without breaking something in the process either by fragmenting of memory or mental collapse in efforts to preserve one's well being ie: amnesia, memory repressing etc.
In such a scenario, it is likely that diviners may experience a similar phenomenon. Their added ability to literally "visualise" observations may also cause the Matrix of Prescience to backfire and create a massive toll mentally. And they could thus develop an accute fear of vastness when bombarded with everything at once (fear of outer space, bodies of water, atmosphere so on so forth). TLDR: A living hellscape they cannot avoid. Resuming divination duties would be impossible with the emotional association, PTSD and trauma. ON TOP of having to be punished for committing what is essentially a crime.
Victim of Parasitism (Eventual Brain Death)
To essentially divine an Aeon's fate is to quite literally observe and visualise oneself walking down their path. While it might seem achievable at first, this places the human psyche in a very tenuous position.
They have to possess a certain level of emotional understanding in order to navigate the accurate steps. When tied with their own cultural complicated feelings towards Yaoshi, it can all form a level of cognitive dissonance and dissociation in order to process things.
With reference to how the "Aeons" in Herta's simulated universe could capture notice of the Trailblazer from his actions, why would this then be a stretch? Especially when the Luofu is a place already filled with Yaoshi's blessings, along with those who actively pay homage to their practises, it is all too easy for the Aeon to take notice of repeated engagement from a certain device.
Diviners who try to place themselves in the mindset of an all too generous Aeon will likely be further poisoning themselves with not only knowledge but also a stronger unfiltered emotional connection with Yaoshi.
With parasitic comparisons of my Yaoshi portrayal, I like to think that the diviners may suffer a similar fate to the ants who have the unfortunate displeasure of crossing the path of the Ophiocordyceps unilateralis.
Once infected by the fungi, ants would often alter their behavioural patterns by searching for areas best suited for fungal growth. They then attach themselves to leaves, remaining there to their deaths from which the fungi spores grow and release from the spores in their head. This is something that has devastated multiple ant colonies.
Similarly for diviners, they will remain unawares to the facts that mara symptoms have begun to develop at an erratic rate within them. In the ensuing days to come, they may experience a radical change in ideology, compelling them to follow down Yaoshi's path or join up with the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus.
Those who fight to retain their own lucidity may experience the soul crushing endeavor of losing their mental faculties periodically, feeling their bodies and mind revolt against them. It is a slow, terrifying and debilitating experience that may cause them to take the only means out rather than give in to Yaoshi. Thus, also succeeding temporarily in accomplishing the Aeon's goal of relieving them from 'suffering'. They cannot escape not even in the end.
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its-a-full-galaxy · 1 month
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@red-flight / @sundanceofapache liked this for a starter!
Face rubbed the back of his neck. It had been almost two weeks since his and Hobbie's single day of freedom, since he watched the light fade from his eyes, dying right in front of him. Even Ton hadn't died in front of him like that.
The slug, Brava, insisted he wasn't dead, that he couldn't be any worse than he was before Kilzan set him up with Loran to visit the Lounge. Neither of them had been there beforehand, the area having been reserved for willing hosts to engage in entertainment and recreation while their Gastropoda handlers basked.
Face wasn't sure he believed him, but he believed the threat Kilzan posed in giving Face to someone else if he didn't cooperate with his slug. So he did his best to get back on routine; sit with Hobbie, talk a bit, holding his own bedside vigil until either he or the older pilot finally gave out. The Lounge held no temptation for him, not when his fellow pilot was languishing.
Finally, one of the pool guards signaled and Face sighed. "Well, it's time to go," he said dismally. "Hopefully Brava will have better news today. Anyway, I'll keep you updated if anything happens." He reached over and gave the unconscious pilot's shoulder a squeeze before pushing himself to his feet and glumly striding to his seat where Brava was no doubt waiting for him.
Face sat down at the booth, gazing at what looked like a modified Rebellion Starfighter helmet resting on a small stand. A thick, black tube sprouted from the top of it, connecting to the side of the Kandrona pool where he knew the slug would come in from.
Face sighed heavily and hoisted the helmet onto his head. He grimaced as the helmet activated, the suction cups inside pressing against his head as warm liquid filled his ears. In moments, he felt his handler and winced, gritting his teeth as the slug traveled from his ear to his brain. Usually it didn't hurt, Brava was good about that, using its natural numbing agent to make the transition as quick and painless as possible. But this time, this time it did. Was Brava angry? Had something happened in the pool?
He felt the rippling sensation along his scalp that came with the slug settling in and he acknowledged the slug.
'Welcome back,' Face said cordially. 'Everything go alright? You're not usually this rough on entry.'
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normalenjoyer-png · 8 months
i had a michael afton ass dream a few days ago but it is like VERY disgusting, cw for worms, parasites
more detailed cw for said worms being under my skin especially in the head area and in my mouth. described in detail.
i had a dream that for some reason, my sister was like. a home remedy type doctor, but with very medieval methods. i was about 15 in this dream and so she was 12, and there was something wrong with my brain. a part of it was wrong and needed to be removed, and so she said “come and sit down, let me help.” and she pulled out a jar of worms. not earthworms or mealworms, they were like tapeworm-shaped but the size of a long earthworm. she said they were brain eating parasites but they’d target the part of my brain that needed removing (somewhat in the same way that some maggots only eat dead flesh). she said it shouldn’t hurt as long as i sat in this chair and looked at this board. she let them crawl under the skin at the crown of my head but contrary to her promise, it hurt like hell.
it was about 15 minutes in the dream that i spent screaming and thrashing and running around trying to claw them out but fighting that urge all the same because they were supposed to fix me. i could feel very viscerally the sensation of them crawling under my skin and it hurt so fucking bad. at the end of their time inside me they burrowed out and into my throat and you know how if you follow your teeth to the back of your mouth there’s a band of muscle that connects your jaw? they were tunneling out of that and into my mouth and i coughed up a handful of worms. i could feel that very viscerally too, not only in my mouth but in the way my lungs and stomach heaved and my throat ached. she was quick to pull out the rest of the worms that hadn’t made their way out my mouth, and as she pulled them out of the back of my head i could feel them retreating from under my skin and it hurt just as bad as before but i was so relieved they were gone.
i woke up convinced i had bloody sores at the top of my head and worms crawling out of them.
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invidiatechdemo · 8 months
remind me to write up my big meandering thesis about what i'm assuming the standard ecology of yonder pecharunt is like, because i unfortunately have been rotating them in my mind for the past weeks.
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maddymoreau · 2 years
Niall: “Here, I wanted to show you what our children inside you look like! There’s even one that looks like you . . . Ah, here!”
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vampacidic · 2 years
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nerdallwritey · 1 month
Perfect Every Time
Summary: You got up and joined him in the ankle deep water. “Do you want to try right now?” Astarion thought for a moment and clicked his tongue. “I have a better idea, actually.” He gave you a sideways look, his lips quirking up slightly.  “What?” you matched his smile. Rather than answering, Astarion reached for the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head.  You furrowed your brow. “Looks an awful lot like you’re preparing to swim.” He started fiddling with the clasps on his pants and groaned in your direction. “Swimming is not the only thing one can do while submerged in water, dearest.” He gave you a sensual smile that sent heat to your cheeks.  OR Before your party travels into the Underdark, you and Astarion catch one last sunrise together.
Pairing: Astarion x f!reader Rating: 18+ Word count: 7.2k CW: smut, reader is new to sex, hand job, piv sex, water sex, dirty talk, mentions of Astarion's past trauma, blood drinking, extra mild angst, soft Astarion, porn with feelings, reader is an idiot (and a bard), so is Astarion (not a bard, just an idiot), Illmater's blood-stained rack Spoilers: Minor spoilers for Act 1 (in-game dialogue, plot points, etc.), as well as Astarion's plotline Also posted to: AO3 FAIR WARNING: This is PART 4 in my series, "Beauty and the Bard." Find the masterlist here.
a/n: Surprise!! I'm back with a new chapter of Beauty and the Bard! This part is shorter than the other ones (who cheered) because it morphed from a little smut scene into one that deserved its very own part. One million thanks to everyone who's read and enjoyed the series so far, it's so much fun chatting with you guys and hearing your thoughts and it truly means the world that you guys care so much about these goofs. I already have an idea for Part 5, so that will be coming soon, but I have a request to fill first! Thank you all for your patience. In the meantime, please enjoy our regularly scheduled silliness with Astarion and bard!tav :) (Thank you once again to @kermitwazowski for beta reading!) As a reminder, the last part was the Tiefling party!
Taglist: @a66-1, @khaleesiofthewolves, @khywren, @lollipopsandlandmines, @mizuki-nautilus - Let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist for this series!
Several days had passed since the hijinxs of the Tiefling party had taken place. By now, the former refugees of the Emerald Grove were well on their way to Baldur’s Gate, the looming threat of goblins and power hungry druids far from their minds, their thoughts instead replaced with hope for new beginnings in the city. 
Just like he’d promised, Halsin had returned the next day to discuss the parasites, officially joining your party of misfits on your journey towards the Shadow Cursed Lands and Moonrise Towers. His calming presence and sage advice was a welcome addition to the group, especially given that this leadership role had been thrust upon you by the others with next to no discussion. Having Halsin around finally felt like there was a responsible adult among you. Not that you all weren’t adults, but you definitely had your… quirks. Sure, Halsin turned into a bear if he let his emotions go unchecked, but Gale was a bomb. 
As for you and Astarion, not much had really changed, you were both still yourselves, but now you openly tortured your companions with more pet names and cheek kisses and obnoxiously loud banter. Lae’zel had threatened to cleave you both in half on multiple occasions, but had yet to follow through on that threat. The others would groan loudly or avert their eyes politely.
Your days with Astarion were spent fighting side-by-side and teasing one another, and your nights were spent chatting and reading together. Aside from the physical intimacy and emotional vulnerability that came with being in a new relationship, it was really as if nothing had changed. And those were small prices to pay for where you currently found yourself: wrapped together with a trancing Astarion.
Ever since the Tiefling party, Astarion would worm his way into your tent at night. Whether he asked permission, or stayed a little too late into the night reading or talking or drinking from you; you would never ask him to leave. You’d slept together every night, sometimes beside each other, and other nights wrapped in each others’ arms. You were allowing Astarion to set the pace, as you were in no rush to get anywhere in particular. You simply enjoyed his company and his magnetic presence. 
The pair of you hadn’t been too intimate since the party, barring stolen and sometimes steamy kisses. That was plenty for you, and Astarion continued checking in to see if you were okay with his touches and advances. Whenever you assured him that you were, he’d smile and return to your lips. You never asked him for more than he was willing to give, and even though you knew he wouldn’t say anything about it, you could tell he appreciated the courtesy despite the smug mask he so often wore.
Now, you found yourself stroking your hands through his hair as he tranced on your bare chest, breathing quietly; a habit he told you he’d picked up to look more alive when prowling the Gate. 
It was funny, honestly, how sweet and unassuming he looked when he wasn’t fully conscious. And yet, you knew the kind of violence and debauchery and bad jokes he enacted and adored when he was awake. A small sound escaped his lips and you paused in caressing his hair to make sure you weren’t waking him. When his breathing returned to normal, you resumed raking your fingers soothingly over his scalp. 
The hour was a little before dawn. Truthfully, you hadn’t gotten much sleep last night, knowing that today was the day your party would pack up camp and make your way into the Underdark for the foreseeable future. You’d re-emerge eventually to find the crèche Lae’zel knew to be nearby, but the Underdark was worth investigating for the sake of further answers about the tadpoles and a possible alternate route into the Shadow Cursed Lands. Plus, Shadowheart was adamant about seeing the rumored temple to Shar hidden down there.
All that to say, you and your companions wouldn’t be seeing the sun for quite a while. The thought saddened you immensely, knowing how much the man trancing on you would miss it terribly. How cruel, you thought, that your adventure was leading Astarion back into the shadows after he’d just gotten a taste of the sun for the first time in centuries. 
“Why are you awake, my darling?” came Astarion’s raspy voice from the dark. He shifted his head to look up at you, his grip around your midsection tightening a bit, his eyes heavy with grogginess.
“Couldn’t sleep,” you admitted. “You should get a little more if you can.”
Astarion chuckled. “Too busy thinking about me to sleep? I wouldn’t blame you.”
You sighed. “And if I was?”
Astarion’s face fell a little. “Why the hells would you allow yourself to lose sleep on my behalf, pet?” His voice was soft and one of his hands unwrapped itself from your body, taking your hand, and bringing it up to his mouth to kiss the back of your fingers. He cleared his throat. “I mean, obviously I can understand why,” he tried deflecting the sweetness that had seeped into his words by injecting his tone with fake bravado.
You let out an amused breath and allowed your hand in his hair to continue petting him gently. “I want to watch the sunrise with you again this morning.”
Astarion hummed. “And that kept you awake?”
“I didn’t want to oversleep.”
Now it was Astarion’s turn to let out an amused breath. “You could have asked. I would have woken you up.”
“No you wouldn’t, you keep letting me sleep in. It’s like you enjoy watching me sleep or something, you creep.” You poked his nose playfully.
“It’s just amazing how much drool someone of your stature can produce.”
You smacked the side of his head and he laughed softly. The two of you sat in comfortable silence for a little while before you decided to speak again.
“This will be the last sunrise we see for a while.”
Astarion let out a long sigh and remained silent. After a moment, he said, “I know.” 
He sounded sad. 
“It’s not forever, though,” you assured, moving your hand to stroke his cheek and regaining his attention.
He chuckled. “I know that, too.”
You yawned, a little more loudly than you meant to. “Good. I promise you’ll see the sun again.”
Astarion tsked. “Honestly, darling, did you get no sleep at all?”
“I got a little,” you lied.
He held your gaze, lifting a skeptical eyebrow. “I don’t believe you.”
“What does it matter?” you asked, caught. “I can handle a little lack of sleep.”
Astarion rolled his eyes and sat up to look at you more directly. “It matters because we need you alert. None of us knows what awaits us in the Underdark and I- we can’t have you getting hurt because you didn’t get enough rest!”
“I’ll be fine,” you assured, bending upwards to kiss the corner of his mouth. “Besides, I’ll have you to protect me when I get sloppy.”
Astarion groaned. “You shouldn’t get sloppy,” he complained. “I swear, if you somehow hold us back down there, I’ll slaughter you myself.”
He groaned again. “Would you, just once, allow me to threaten you seriously?”
“No,” you patted his cheek lovingly. 
He sighed and pushed some of his mussed hair out of his face. He took your hands in his. “Just… stay vigilant, alright?”
“Can do,” you said, withholding another obvious yawn.
“I saw that.”
“Saw what?”
He shook his head at you and sat up fully, stretching his arms above his head and giving you a clear view of the scar on his back. You sat up and kissed his bare shoulder.
“I’ll be fine,” you repeated.
“Mhm.” Astarion passed you one of his shirts. “Come on, darling, let’s get a move on.” He tossed on a spare shirt and watched you as you pulled his shirt over your head. 
“There’s still a little time before sunrise,” you said.
Astarion snorted and fixed some of your hair that was sticking up from putting on his shirt. “You could stay here if you want. Drown in your own drool. Up to you.”
You huffed at him, making him laugh again.
“Only joking, my love.”
“Sure,” you said, opening the flaps of your tent and crawling out into the blue that preceded dawn.
You went to stand, but felt Astarion’s cool fingers wrap around your wrist and pull you back. He turned you slightly and caught your lips in a kiss, one that wiped away whatever fake ire you had towards him and replaced it with a dopey grin. 
“What was that for?” you asked when he pulled away.
“Delicious,” he breathed, raising a seductive eyebrow. 
You laughed and grabbed his hand. “Come on.”
You’d only been able to catch two more sunrises with Astarion following the one you watched the morning after you’d slept together for the first time. You’d woken up once on your own after Astarion gently shifted himself away from you, and another time when he woke you up purposely, not wanting to be alone with his thoughts. You’d whine and moan whenever he let you sleep in, despite the fact that it was probably for the best to keep you in tip top shape for fighting and recharging your magic. He’d always find his way back to you, and you knew he needed his own space sometimes, but you still loved to watch him bask in the golden light of the morning and you couldn’t help feeling a little disappointed whenever you felt his gentle hand on your back before opening your eyes and seeing that the sun was already up.
Astarion led you through the forest again, his hand holding yours firmly. You knew your way to the ravine lookout by now, but you liked not having to take the lead for once. He helped you across the little stream that led into the clearing where you first laid together and you felt your cheeks flush at the memory.
“I can hear your heart picking up speed, darling.” He turned to smirk at you. “You’re adorable.”
“Pardon me for still being shy,” you half-joked.
“Mmm,” Astarion hummed. “I’ll pound that out of you eventually.” He furrowed his brow sensually at you and you scoffed.
“Shut up.”
“I, of course, don’t have to-”
You made a whiny sound and he laughed.
“I know, my love,” he said, removing his hand from yours and instead wrapping his arm around you to pull you close. “You’ve been so patient for me,” he nipped at your earlobe. “So good.” 
“I’m in no rush,” you reassured on a shaky exhale. 
Astarion made his own whiny sound and pulled you closer, leading you to the cliff’s edge where he’d opened up to you willingly for the first time, just a few days ago.
He sat, pulling you down with him, far enough away from the edge, where he knew you wouldn’t be nervous of falling. In the distance, the sky was just starting to indicate the sun’s arrival. 
You sighed happily and rested your head on his shoulder. You felt him tense a little. “Is this alright?” 
Instead of answering, he leaned his head on top of yours. 
“What’s something you want to do in the Underdark?” you probed.
Astarion groaned. “You don’t need to make small talk with me, darling, sometimes silence is golden.”
You scrunched your nose, knowing he hated pure silence. “I wasn’t being polite, I genuinely wanted to know.”
He groaned again. “Even worse.”
You laughed lightly and felt him laugh too, his arm gently shaking against your own. 
He thought for a moment before he responded. “That Zhentarim fellow we met mentioned a cache of supplies hidden somewhere down there. That might be fun to pillage.”
You laughed. “I’m surprised you ever stopped thinking about that!”
“Oh I didn’t, but I wanted you to think your little thought experiment had actually evoked some sort of… thought… in me.” He made a face.
“Want to try and rephrase that?”
“Not particularly.”
You hummed fondly, taking one of his hands in your own and examining how your fingers slotted together just so. 
“I suppose you want me to ask you the same question?” Astarion asked, clearly not wanting to ask.
You laughed. “Your interest in my interests always astounds me, Astarion.”
He rubbed his cheek against the top of your head. “Get better interests and I might actually want to pay attention.”
“Rude,” you muttered, a smile on your face. “But since you so desperately want to know, I’ll answer anyway.”
“Oh, goodie.”
You thought about it. There wasn’t actually all that much you knew about the Underdark, aside from the few mentions of it in the books you’d read growing up. One thing did stick out in your mind.
“Singing mushrooms.”
“I read somewhere that apparently there are colonies of sentient mushroom people who communicate through song.”
Astarion pulled his head off of yours to hang it in front of himself instead, groaning loudly. “That sounds like a nightmare.”
“It’s not! It’s fascinating!”
“Sentient mushrooms?”
“That sing?”
Astarion shook his head. “Am I still asleep? Do you hear yourself?”
“I’m not making it up!” you exclaimed incredulously. When he didn’t say anything else, you crossed your arms in front of yourself. “We’re going to see the mushrooms.”
“Whatever you say, darling.” He kissed the top of your head almost pityingly. 
“You’re an ass,” you said, pulling away from him and sitting back on your forearms. The sky was turning a faint pinkish orange in the distance. You snickered to yourself. “More like Ass-starion.”
The ass in question scowled. “That will not be one of your pet names for me.”
You shrugged. “I’m surprised no one’s called you that before.”
“I’ve been called far worse.” Astarion tilted his head up pompously, as if nothing you could say would hurt him.
“Okay great, so ‘Ass’ is nothing new.”
He sighed heavily. “It’s like you want me to throw you off the cliff.”
“Go ahead,” you challenged, catching his eye mischievously, knowing his threat was empty. 
Astarion looked at you and then towards the horizon. He inhaled deeply and rose to his feet. 
“What are you doing?” you laughed nervously as he approached the cliff’s edge that gave way into the ravine below. 
He peered over the edge, his brow furrowed in deep thought. 
You shifted uncomfortably and sat up completely straight. “Astarion, please be careful, you’re making me nervous.”
He ignored you and walked along the edge, looking past a batch of trees and into the distance to your right. He nodded and turned back towards where you sat.
“Up you go,” Astarion approached you and gestured his thumb upwards, indicating that he wanted you to stand. When he reached you, he helped you to your feet.
“You’re not actually going to throw me off the cliff, are you?” You kept your tone playful, but the anxiety you were masking was obvious.
Astarion smirked. “Stop annoying me and I won’t have to.”
You rolled your eyes and began to follow him as he started walking to the right, down a slanted slope and into a patch of trees. 
“What’s happening?” you asked when you caught up with him.
Astarion tilted his head. “I just thought an occasion such as this needed a change of scenery.”
“‘Occasion?’” you echoed.
He nodded. “It’s my last day in the sun-” he saw you about to protest and quickly added, “-for a little while. Might as well start the day off right.”
You hummed. “Why do I get the sense that you’re up to something?”
Astarion stopped in his tracks, a hand held to his unbeating heart in mock offense. “Me? Up to something? You’re far too paranoid, darling.”
“Uh huh.” You kept walking, but quickly realized you didn’t actually know where you were going. You looked back at Astarion for help and found him watching you. 
He rolled his eyes affectionately. “This way, dear, it’s not much farther.” He walked past you, deeper into the trees, and kept talking. “Did you know that that ravine we’ve been sitting above gives way into what I can only assume is either the Chianthar or the Sea of Swords?”
“I didn’t,” you said. “Though those are two very different bodies of water.”
“Give me a break, my geography lessons occurred well over 200 years ago. And we’re in the gods damn middle of nowhere, might I remind you.”
“Mhm,” you affirmed with a smile. “Go on.”
“Well, it just so happens that that ravine’s mouth isn’t far from our little sunrise spot.”
“‘Our?’” you teased.
“Focus, darling,” he said. He turned to the left, leading you back towards the cliff’s edge that had continued along the treeline.
“Astarion, please be careful,” you called after him, hesitantly following him towards the sound of rushing water. 
He turned back and held out a steadying hand for you as you approached the edge. Not too far below you were narrow rapids that gradually became calmer. The cliff that had been on the other side of the one you currently found yourself on had disappeared, forming a mouth where the ravine did in fact empty into a much larger, much calmer, body of water.
You wrapped your arms around Astarion’s middle to anchor yourself and leaned forward a little to see where the cliff you were on ended. A little farther down, you squinted to adjust your eyes to the dim lighting, and saw a tiny beach that quickly shot upwards into a new cliff. Rocks surrounded the shore, keeping it slightly out of view, and gentle waves lapped at the sand, far enough away from the rapids of the ravine to remain serene.
You caught Astarion’s eye and pointed towards the small patch of sand in the distance. “Is that where we’re going?”
Astarion pursed his lips. “Yes, that would be much easier than jumping in, wouldn’t it?”
You scoffed. “You expected me to jump in from this high up? There could be rocks we can’t see! And we don’t know how deep it is!”
Astarion sighed. “You’re no fun. Though I suppose you’re right, I hadn’t thought that far ahead.” With your arms still around his middle, he started walking back into the trees and down towards the tiny beach. 
You laughed as he dragged you along. “You can’t possibly be serious. You’d get your hair all wet!”
“Nobody said I was going to jump in with you,” he teased.
“I’m not going in alone,” you narrowed your eyes at him. 
“Pity,” he tutted. “I like it when you’re wet.” He smirked and you shoved yourself away from him. 
You picked up your pace to put distance between the two of you. When you didn’t hear his footsteps gaining on you, you decided to quickly slip behind a tree, hoping you’d lost him and that you’d be able to jump out to scare him as he sauntered past.
Unfortunately, nothing but silence greeted you. After a heartbeat or two, you peered around the trunk of your hiding spot but saw no sign of his sleek frame or shock of white hair. You started to second guess yourself; was it possible he’d passed you already? Or that he stopped, out of sight for some reason? 
“You’ll have to do better than that, darling,” came his voice softly next to your ear.
You yelped and clutched at your heart, which raced with surprise. 
Astarion sighed happily. “I do love the sound of your blood pumping.”
“How do you do that?” you asked, breathing deeply to calm yourself. 
“Years of practice.” He paused. “Centuries, even.”
You conceded with a nod. “I shouldn’t have even tried.”
“No, you shouldn’t have. The effort was hardly there, either.”
“Alright,” you rolled your eyes and continued on through the trees down to the beach.
“I mean honestly, have these weeks on the road with me taught you nothing about stealth?”
“I play music for a living. My job is making noise.”
“And I don’t know why I even try at this point.” He raised his eyebrows playfully.
“You like my noise,” you said, sing-songingly. 
“You’re loud, I’ll give you that.”
It was then that you emerged from the trees and onto a grassy dune that sloped downward onto the flat sand below. You slid down the dune with as much grace as you could muster, only falling on your ass once, before taking off your shoes and sinking your toes into the cool sand that made up the shoreline. Astarion followed after you, his long strides keeping him upright and as elegant as ever. He came to stand next to you, taking his own shoes off and placing them neatly beside yours.
You exhaled wistfully and grabbed Astarion’s bicep, leaning your head onto his shoulder. From here, you had a clear view of the sun on the horizon. The sky was a deep shade of pink, giving way to golds and oranges the closer you watched. You looked at Astarion, whose eyes were focused on the sunrise in the distance. 
“What are you thinking about?” you asked quietly.
Astarion looked over at you and blinked. Then he smiled. “Just that it’s truly a wonder you’ve made it this far in life.”
“What?!” you exclaimed, shocked and amused.
You could tell he was holding in a laugh. “You are inept at hiding and fall down sand dunes. What were we thinking when we started following you around Faerûn?”
“I’ll push you into the water, pretty boy.”
“I’d pull you in with me, my love.”
“Touché,” you smiled and released his arm, sitting on the sand. You pulled your legs to your chest and rested your cheek on your knee. Around you, reeds and tall grass swayed in the morning breeze. Astarion remained standing, watching the horizon. 
As much as you enjoyed watching the sunrise, you enjoyed watching Astarion watch it more. The way his attention became transfixed on the sky, the way the vibrant light painted itself onto him like a blank canvas, the way his entire body relaxed when the warmth of the sun finally reached his skin. 
You heard him sigh and watched as he walked forward a little, allowing the tiny waves rolling off the water to rush gently over his toes. He flinched a little in shock and you let out an affectionate breath through your nose.
“Cold?” you asked.
“You know, it’s funny,” Astarion said, his voice a million miles away. “It’s been so long since I’ve been able to move through water like this.”
“What do you mean?” You furrowed your brow. “I’ve seen you in the lake at camp before.”
“I don’t know, I guess I haven’t given it too much thought until now. Normally, I can’t move through running water like this. Don’t ask me why, it’s one of those idiotic vampire laws dictated by some ancient devil with an infuriating sense of humor. I can bathe, sure, but I haven’t been proper swimming since… before.”
You stayed quiet as he moved further into the water, letting the waves wash over his ankles.
“I have to imagine I knew how to swim at one point,” he said quietly.
“I could teach you,” you offered. “I was going to teach Shadowheart at some point too. You’re welcome to join us if you want.”
Astarion snorted. “And look like a fool in front of the cleric? I’ll pass.”
“You don’t need swim lessons to look like a fool,” you clarified. 
“Ha ha,” he said humorlessly. 
You got up and joined him in the ankle deep water. “Do you want to try right now?”
Astarion thought for a moment and clicked his tongue. “I have a better idea, actually.” He gave you a sideways look, his lips quirking up slightly. 
“What?” you matched his smile.
Rather than answering, Astarion reached for the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head. 
You furrowed your brow. “Looks an awful lot like you’re preparing to swim.”
He started fiddling with the clasps on his pants and groaned in your direction. “Swimming is not the only thing one can do while submerged in water, dearest.” He gave you a sensual smile that sent heat to your cheeks. 
“Oh,” you said, stiffly watching him undress. “Should I-?” you awkwardly pulled at the collar of his shirt that was currently resting on your shoulders. 
He straightened, naked but for his underwear. He frowned a little. 
“You don’t have to do anything, my love. I just thought we might have some fun while watching the sunrise.”
You bit your bottom lip, thinking it over. “I do like fun.”
“I know that about you.” Astarion walked towards you and reached for the hem of your shirt. “May I?”
You nodded and lifted your arms to help. He took the shirt and tossed it over to where he’d discarded his own clothes. He stepped closer to you, pulling you to him so that you were chest to chest, and nuzzled his nose into the area where your neck met your shoulder. He placed a slow, gentle kiss there that had you inhaling sharply and exhaling unevenly. He groaned with need before pulling back and readjusting to kiss your lips. He came at it with more force than you were expecting, causing you to stumble back a little, but his hands firmly gripped your biceps, keeping you steady. You suppressed a giggle and instead smiled against his mouth before opening up for him and allowing his tongue to meet yours. Astarion hummed with pleasure, moving his mouth against yours and bringing his hands up to tangle in your hair. When he finally pulled away, he left one more chaste kiss against your lips before fully pulling back. 
His eyes were alight with something that morphed into joy when he saw the gooey grin on your face. He rolled his eyes affectionately before looking you up and down and exhaling a laugh.
“You are perfect,” he said, almost in awe.
You smiled. “When?”
Astarion pulled you closer, his eyes narrowing seductively. “Every time.”
You snickered and pulled away from him, a teasing grin plastered on his face. You bent to remove your own pants and watched to see what Astarion would do next. When you saw him reach for his underwear, you averted your eyes and heard him laugh.
“Nothing new over here, darling,” he said, and the soft splashing sounds that followed indicated he’d walked into the water.
“I know,” you replied, embarrassed. You turned back towards him and shrugged. “Habit, I guess.”
“Well, cut it out,” he called, now knee deep in the water. His body was rigid from the temperature, his shoulders rising up to his ears. He turned back to look back at you, still standing on the shore. “Illmater’s blood-stained RACK, this is cold!” 
“I don’t know what you expected,” you called back, hugging your arms to your chest and trying to convince yourself to brave the frigid waters and join him.
“I rather expected you would be in here with me to keep me warm,” he said, turning back towards the sunrise ahead of him.
You quickly pulled off your underwear and started walking into the water, tensing at the cold, but willing yourself to keep going. 
“If you wanted my blood, you could have just asked,” you said when you finally reached him.
“There you are, darling,” Astarion said and grabbed your hand. 
“Hi,” you said softly.
“Brace yourself,” he tipped his head forward a little.
Without warning, Astarion lowered himself into the water so that it was just below his shoulders, and pulled you down with him. You hadn’t expected to be yanked so forcefully and unsurprisingly lost your footing. You plunged downward, reaching your free hand out to break your fall and ended up dunking your face below the surface. You were submerged for less than a second, but you came up sputtering and made eye contact with a gleeful vampire. He sucked in his lips to keep from laughing.
“And what was that?” you asked blandly, flicking wet tendrils of hair out of your face.
“Apologies, darling, I didn’t mean for you to get your pretty hair all wet,” he pouted at you and sounded less than sympathetic. 
“Uh huh,” you narrowed your eyes at him. You crawled closer to him, made weightless by the water, and sat beside him, the water level reaching slightly higher on your chest than his. You scooted back a little and dragged your arm out behind you. You pushed it forward quickly, creating a splash that soaked the back of Astarion’s head. He instantly hunched forward and yelped. 
“How dare you?!” he exclaimed, his curls flattening and falling partially into his face. 
“Whoops,” you shrugged. Your eyes widened when you saw him wind his own arm back in retaliation and quickly dunked your head below the surface to avoid his onslaught of water.
When you reemerged, you heard Astarion snicker.
“Look at that,” he said, his tone mocking, “you’re all wet for me.”
You wasted no time in splashing him directly in the face.
“Let’s not do this,” he said flatly, his eyes closed. He brought his hands up to wipe the water off his face, even though his hands were equally wet.
“But now you’re all wet for me,” you teased. 
“I’ll show you what I am,” Astarion growled and took your hand underwater. He pulled you closer and led your hand to his cock, which was already rigid with desire, despite the temperature of the water. 
You made eye contact with him as you started pumping your hand up and down his shaft and he hissed out a breath. 
“Easy, darling,” he said shakily. 
“What’s the matter?” you asked, close to his ear. “Don’t you want to cum while watching the sunrise?”
Astarion groaned and you moved your hand up to swipe your thumb across his tip and then back down to continue pumping. You lifted your weightless body up and swung your leg around so that you were sitting between his legs, facing him head on with the sunrise at your back. 
“I know what would make you even harder,” you cooed, wiping wet hair out of his face with your free hand. Instead of finishing the thought, you tilted your head to the side, offering up your neck to him. 
Astarion’s eyes, half lidded with lust, went wide and looked at you. You nodded to him, and he pulled you closer to his chest, kissing your throat feverishly upon contact. Your hand was still wedged between your legs, twisting around Astarion’s length. He moaned as he nosed along your throat for where your pulse thrummed the strongest.
“Thank you,” he said before sinking his fangs into you. 
You let out a moan of your own, your mouth falling open as goosebumps broke out along your arms. The cold water mixed with the ice in your veins created a delicious mixture of pleasure and pain. The hand pumping Astarion’s length started to slow as you felt yourself focusing instead on the satisfyingly dull thrum that came with him drinking from you. 
“Don’t stop,” he murmured against your skin, kissing your throat and licking a few wayward drops of blood that had escaped before returning to his meal.
You made a noise of affirmation and squeezed his dick before continuing to twist your hand up and down, from base to tip and back down again. 
Astarion whined lamely and dug his nails into your scalp and shoulder, which in turn made you moan wantonly. You rolled your hips, trying to find some relief of your own and ended up brushing your clit against the base of his cock. You both groaned in pleasure and you brought your free hand up to tangle into his hair as you continued rolling your hips. 
“Hah,” Astarion huffed sweetly as he pulled himself away from your throat, his cool breath made warm by your blood. He licked at the wounds he left behind and kissed them gratefully before angling his head to kiss your mouth deeply.
The metallic tang of your blood on his tongue sent a chill through your body and you opened your eyes when you felt Astarion’s hands make their way to your hips. You broke the kiss to give him a curious look. 
He returned your look with a blissed out smirk. “I want you to ride me,” he drawled. 
Your eyes widened and the hand that was still working his cock slowed to a stop. 
He surged forward to kiss you again and moved his hands to your ass, where he lifted your weightless form to position you over his length. 
“Are you sure?” you asked. “I thought I was close to getting you off.”
“You were, sweet girl, but I’d much rather finish inside, if it’s all the same to you.”
Your lips quirked up. “I think we can make that work.”
Taking his cock into your hand again, you guided the head to your entrance before sinking down on him slowly. Astarion’s eyes closed in satisfaction and he tipped his head up to the sky, golden light painting his beautiful face into something ethereal. You sucked in a breath and rested your forehead on his shoulder, taking a second to adjust to this new sensation. You hadn’t ridden him yet, nor had you ever fooled around in water, by yourself or otherwise. 
Astarion kissed your ear before encouraging you: “Use me, my love. You’re deliciously warm.”
You nodded and tested lifting yourself up a little and bringing yourself back down. Your mouth dropped open and you adjusted your legs so you were resting on your knees, making it easier to bob on his dick. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you lifted yourself higher and brought yourself down with more force.
“That’s it,” Astarion cooed, “take your pleasure from me.”
“Touch me,” you whined, rolling your hips and picking up the pace of your bouncing.
“With pleasure,” he bent forward to kiss your neck, bringing his hand down to circle your clit. His other hand came up to squeeze your breast. 
“You make me feel so good,” you sighed, raking your nails over the ridges on his back.
“The feeling is mutual, d-arling,” his voice caught when you brought yourself down on his cock. “And I’m the only one who can make you feel this good,” he grazed his fangs across your collarbone. 
“I don’t know,” you said, your body shuddering with euphoria, “Halsin seems like he could give you a run for your money.”
Astarion raised a disbelieving eyebrow at you.
“Teasing, my love,” you kissed him softly before letting out a loud “Ah!” when he started raising his hips to meet yours.
“Oh really?” he asked, his voice coming out like a growl. “You think Halsin could fuck you as well as I can?”
“Hah,” you half laughed, half moaned. “I think technically, in this position, I’m fucking you?” A lopsided grin graced your lips. “But I don’t know, I’m new to all this.”
“Funny,” Astarion remarked sarcastically and pulled his hand away from your clit, making you whimper in protest. 
“Take it back.”
“Take what back? I already said I was teasing!”
“Say I’m the only one who can fuck you like this.”
You smiled, panting and still riding him beneath the surface of the water. “Are you jealous or something?”
“Hardly,” he rolled his eyes. “But you’re mine and it wouldn’t kill you to remind yourself of that.”
“Sounds an awful lot like jealousy to me.”
Astarion groaned in what sounded like frustration and pleasure. “Do you want to cum or not?” 
You leaned forward and kissed him deeply, moving your mouth slowly in time with the rhythm of your hips. When you pulled away, a string of saliva connected you to his lower lip. 
“Astarion,” you said softly, “I don’t ever want anyone else to fuck me. Only you. For as long as you’ll have me.”
The smirk on Astarion’s face was smug. “Because?”
You rolled your eyes. “Because I’m yours, you stupid bat.” You kissed him, then whispered conspiratorially, “And I like you the most out of everyone at camp.”
“You flatter me,” Astarion said, immediately returning to his ministrations on your clit. You gasped at the contact, which quickly morphed into a moan of delight as you rested your forehead on his shoulder again. His hips rose to meet yours once more and the moan he let out as a result sounded as if he’d been holding it in for a while. Perhaps it was to sound eloquent during your back and forth, but the noise was music to your ears.
“Am I making you feel good?” you asked a little shyly.
Astarion opened one of his eyes to look at you. “My sweet, you’ve only ever made me feel good.”
“I know that’s not true.”
“It’s not, but it is true about the sex.”
“Thank the gods,” you laughed, though you shut your eyes tightly when Astarion hit a particularly pleasant spot inside you with a roll of his hips. “Whatever you just hit felt heavenly,” you relayed to him.
“Good to know,” he said mischievously, and repositioned you on his lap so he could rise to meet that spot every time you sank down on him. 
“Oh, Astarion,” you sighed, a grin overtaking your features.
“You like that, love?” he nipped at your shoulder. 
“Yes,” you sighed again.
Your bounces on his cock were starting to become sloppy as the knot of your climax began to build low in your stomach. You moved your hand to his and reversed the direction he was currently circling your clit.
“I’m close,” you confessed.
“Thank the gods, so am I,” Astarion’s voice was strained.
You opened your eyes to watch him as he approached his own peak and exhaled dreamily at the sight of him, bathed in the orange glow of the sun which was now halfway risen. 
“You’re so beautiful,” you whispered, “and I like you so much.”
“Don’t make me throw up when I’m trying to cum,” he opened up an eye and smirked at you. “You’re not half bad yourself, gorgeous thing.” He groaned when you sat back down on him forcefully. “Now, would you cum for me already? I’m dying here.”
“Almost there,” you laughed. “And you’re dead already.”
“You’re making this very difficult, darling.”
“Let me help you then,” you said, reaching a hand forward and lightly caressing his balls.
Astarion’s mouth hung open in silent pleasure, his fangs glistening in the emerging sunshine. He watched you wordlessly as you leaned forward.
“You’re so powerful,” you purred next to his ear. “You make me feel so good, and you’re the only one who can fuck me this well. The others will never know how good I feel because I’m yours and I’ll only ever be yours. You’re the only one who will ever be inside of me.”
“That’s right,” he groaned. “Your cunt is mine and I love the way it feels around me. The way it grips me so tight. You filthy thing, letting a vampire take your innocence. I could have killed you and instead I brought you the most pleasure you’ve ever felt. Isn’t that right?”
“Yes,” you moaned. “Astarion, please. Need to feel your cum in me.”
“You want this cock forever, darling? Prove it. Prove you want it by cumming for me and screaming my name.”
His command brought you to your peak and you wailed out in pure ecstasy. His name fell from your lips like a prayer, over and over, and your cunt gripped him like a vice, as if claiming it for itself. In return, Astarion groaned loudly and spilled inside of you, moaning your name repeatedly and throwing his head back in rapture and delight.
As you came down from your high, you leaned forward to place sloppy kisses on his exposed throat. He brought both his arms around you and pulled you closer as he returned from his climax. 
“You are-” he didn’t finish his sentence before crushing his lips into yours, moaning pathetically and you giggled in response. He bit your bottom lip with his blunt front teeth before releasing it and peppering kisses along your cheeks and jaw. 
“Go on,” you teased, encouraging him to finish his thought.
He looked as if he wanted to argue, but instead gave in and said, “You’re wonderful.”
The words caught you off guard and you bent forward to kiss him in a way that you hoped conveyed your gratitude. 
“I think you’re wonderful, too.”
“Obviously,” Astarion smirked.
You pushed him backwards, causing him to slip and submerge his head fully underwater briefly.
“My hair was just starting to dry, you wretched beast!” he sputtered, looking appalled. 
“Aw, but you’re so pretty like this!” You brushed some wet hair out of his eyes.
“Um, hello? I’m always pretty, darling.”
“Ah, you’re right, how could I forget.” You gingerly lifted yourself off of Astarion and floated yourself to sit beside him, facing the sunrise. 
“Perhaps you’ve had the lovely head of yours hit in battle one too many times.”
“That must be it,” you agreed jokingly, resting your head on his shoulder. 
He leaned his head on top of yours in return. You sighed happily, enjoying the vibrant hues of the sky above, still filled with the euphoria of your high and the presence of the man beside you.
“I really do like you, so much,” you said softly, accompanied by the quiet lapping of the waves on the shore nearby.
“Ugh,” Astarion groaned. “Let’s not get sentimental, darling. After we just had such an excellent time together.”
You laughed. “Pardon me for wanting to express my feelings.”
“You are pardoned.” He gave you a sideways smile. 
“Thank you, Mr. Magistrate.”
“Of course, beloved citizen.”
You both laughed quietly and returned to a pleasant silence. The sun rose steadily up into the sky and you knew you’d have to head back to camp soon to help pack up, but for now, you were content to sit and watch the horizon with your favorite traveling companion. 
“How are you doing that?” Astarion asked, breaking the silence.
“Doing what?”
“Tickling my thighs. Did you cast mage hand or something of the sort?”
You sat up a bit more to look and snorted. 
“Astarion, my love, I think it’s a fish that’s tickling you.”
“Ah,” he said calmly. Then he shot up, flinging you backwards and underwater. When you came up for air, he was rushing towards the shore, barreling through the water.
“At least it had the decency to wait until we were finished!” you called after him.
Astarion ignored you. “Slimy, disgusting, vile creatures!” He shook out his entire body as if he couldn’t rid himself of the sensation.
You watched him with adoration as he muttered to himself about how irredeemable that particular fish was as he pulled on his pants. It was then that you felt your heart swell with something big and alarming.
Oh no.
You were in love with him. 
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latenightdaydreams · 4 months
will there ever be an update to the trucker konig series?
Yes! Thank you all so much for being so patient with me!
Trucker!König x Stranded!Reader Part 5 (fem)
Part 1, 2, 3, 4
Final Part
Master List
🚫Massive Triggers for self harm.🚫
>cw: fem/afab, pregnancy, self harm, cptsd, breastmilk
2.6k word count
Tag list: @vivasab0tage, @teddy2510, @nexthyperfix, @nachofriess, @mariapallett, @prettystrangething, @smolduck126, @vampie-com, @sagedbelladonna
Now you’re eight months pregnant. The reality that you might have this baby with König weighs heavily on you. His paranoia has gotten so much worse since seeing the flier. He’s blacked out all the windows in the bedroom. Day in and day out, you sit in darkness other than a single lamp. He doesn’t let you leave the top floor of the house anymore, and you spend most of your days in the bedroom. Dark circles have formed under your eyes and your body has grown weaker.
This morning, König comes in and removes your restraints, bringing you to his bathroom. He turns on the shower and pulls your stained night gown over your head.  His hand goes to your breast instantly and squeezes some milk out. A smile crosses his lips as he leans in and latches to you, squeezing your breast while he sucks.
The sweet milk filling his mouth make his moan, his cock getting hard in his pants. “I’m going to have to keep you pregnant. I can’t go without this.” His lips wrap back around your nipple and sucks.
König pulls his head back with a pop, milk still spraying from your nipples. He wipes his face before opening the shower curtains and gesturing you to enter.
“Clean yourself well. The doctors coming and I want him to see how well I keep you.”
Once in the shower you roll your eyes. König times you on how long you can take in here, so you quickly wash your body. He doesn’t allow you time to enjoy it. When you step out, he has to be the one to dry you before picking you back up and bringing you to the bed room. On the bed was a beautiful lavender maternity shirt and a pair of maternity leggings. König puts you down on your feet for you to get dressed.
“You look so beautiful, Maus. Our baby boy will be here sooner than you think.” König’s voice was cheerful. His eyes scanned your pregnant body up and down like a hungry wolf.
Your tired eyes meet his, you give him a weak smile. Once dressed, you look at yourself in the full-length mirror. The person you see staring back at you isn’t someone you recognize. You look as if you’re wasting away, the large parasite inside of you transforming your body into one you don’t recognize. The light in your eyes is gone, leaving behind an empty dead stare. Mirrors have become your enemy.
König walks up behind you and hugs you, his hands caressing your large swollen belly. His touch sends chills up your spine. You just want to be free.
“Remember to smile.” He whispers in your ear.
Just then, there was a knock on the door. König gives you a look, as if you should be on your best behavior, before turning and going downstairs to open the door. You walk over to the bed and lay down. His bed is much nicer than the one he has for you in your room.
“Mom is in here.” König says opening his bedroom door and in came the man with him. König has never told you his name, but to just call him doctor.
“How are you doing, y/n?” The doctor asks as he sets up his equipment on the dresser near the bed.
“I’ve been well.” You smile cheerfully and look at König to make sure you’re doing well.
“Good. Have you been feeling a lot of activity?”
The doctor sits on a chair next to your bed and lifts your shirt. He squeezes out blue gel on your stomach, placing the ultrasound transducer on to your stomach and spreads the gel around.
“Yes. He’s very active.” You watch the doctor's every move.
On the small screen you can see the shape of your baby. Usually, a mother would love to see this, but you can’t bear to look at the screen. König’s blue eyes were gleaming with happiness as the doctor checked the baby; all he does is tell you how long he’s waited to be a dad.
The doctor pulls away and König hands you a towel to wipe your stomach off with. They spoke about the due date approaching and my birth plan. At home, only König and the doctor. You lower your shirt but stay laying in his bed.
With a hand extended, the doctor comes over to say goodbye to you. “I’ll see you again in a few weeks. Hopefully, the baby will be ready to come.”
“Yes! That would be very good.” König interjects and kisses your forehead. “I’m going to walk him out, Maus. I’ll be back.”
König left you alone in the room. You just lie there relaxing. It feels nice to be in a comfortable bed, no restraints. No restraints…
Thoughts flood your mind when you decide that this is the exact moment you’ve been waiting for. You’re too weak to get up and run away, but you still have one option for escape. Planting your feet firmly on the ground, you pull your body up from the bed. The room is peaceful. The walls were a deep blue with the bright sun coming in through the windows.
You walk up to the window and open in, breathing in the fresh air you’ve been missing the past few months. The sun hits your skin, closing your eyes and letting the breeze blow over your face. Tears forming in your eyes as you open them. Thoughts of the family you left back home flood your mind, you’ll never see them again.
Without closing the window, you walk away and leave his room. Your steps are quiet, making sure König can’t hear you. You walk to the top of the staircase, looking to the left you can see into the nursery. A stuffed wolf is sitting on the rocking chair. Your gaze lingers on it before you close your eyes and let yourself fall forward.
König hears a loud crashing sound. Panic consumes his body as he turns and runs from the kitchen. At the bottom of the staircase, he sees you, face down and blood surrounding your body. Tears form in König’s eye as he kneels in front of you and touches your pulse. You’re still alive.
“You have to take her to the hospital.” The doctor said, König knew he was right.
You wake up, bright lights consume your vision. The sound of machines beeping and a hand on your arm fully wakes you up. The cold hand causes you to jump, looking over to see a woman wearing green scrubs. Her brown hair in a ponytail with a neutral look on her face.
“How are you feeling sweetie?” She was fluent in your native language. “I’m nurse Lena. I’ve been taking care of you.”
“My head hurts…” Your voice sounds strained.
“Yeah, it sounds like you had quite the fall.”
“She did, she scared me so much. I’m thankful that she and my boy are okay.” König’s voice cuts in as you feel his hand on your knee.
The look on your face alerts the nurse. Instantly, your eyes widen and your bottom lip begins to tremble. Your heart rate begins to speed and the monitors pick it up. Lena looks from you to König.
“Good thing your husband was there to find you in time.”
You look straight ahead and don’t say anything. Lena studies your face, the way you seem to dissociate. She sees the bruises on your wrist and ankles, bite marks on your neck and arms. She covers you with a blanket and hands you the remote to call for a nurse or turn the lights on and off before leaving you alone with König.
Once alone you can feel the tension in the room change drastically. König’s eyes bore into you, anger bubbling to the surface.
“What the fuck was that about?!” He snaps.
You look over to him and freeze, the anger in his eye is worse than when you ran away. There is nothing you can say that would make this any better. You know once you get back into his hands, you’re going to be in trouble.
“You could have killed my fucking son!” His voice booms louder than he meant for it to. It took everything in him to not strike you right now.
Tears begin to burn your eyes as you frown. “I’m sorry.”
König walks closer to you and puts his finger in your face. “You’re going to fucking regret this. I’ll make sure you can’t ever get up and walk again.” His voice is a terrifying, low growl.
Before he can continue, Lena walks back in. “I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to ask you to leave for this test. Only doctors and nurses can be in the room to remain sterile.”
König looked suspicious of her words, but bent down to kiss your cheek, whispering in your ear, “Don’t say a word.”
“I love you Liebling.” He squeezes your hand once more before walking away.
His heart is in his stomach as he leaves. Once through the doors, he sees hospital security waiting. Calmy, giving them kind smiles as he keeps walking past them. König isn’t stupid. He is aware of what is about to happen.
Without a second, though, König keeps walking. He gets to the elevator and presses for the garage. Looking at him, you wouldn’t guess he was panicking on the inside. It felt as if everything was crashing around him. His perfect wife, his son, his online audience, all gone. He has to start over again.
Once in the garage, he rushes to his car, dropping his cell phone on the ground and stomping it before getting into the car and speeding out. Tears swell in his eyes as he realizes he will never see his son.
“FUCK!” He shouts and punches the passenger's headrest out of anger.
In the room, Lena sits with you and looks into your eyes. “Are you safe?”
A wide frown appears across your face as tears stream from your eyes. You shake your head no.
“Is that man really your husband?”
“No.” Your voice shakes as you try to hold back sobs.
“Do you need help?”
“Please, yes. Please.” You grab your hair, pulling at it, as you sob. A huge mix of emotions overwhelms you as you realize you did it. You’re really safe.
Lena hugs you and tries to soothe you by rubbing your back. You wrap your arms around her, clinging to her for dear life. As much as she tries, there is no holding back the immense amount of sympathy she feels for you and cries with you.
“You’re safe now. I promise.” Lena’s voice cracks.
The door opens and security walks inside. They heard the sobs through the door. Lena turns her head to face them and nods to confirm her suspicions. They quickly talk on the radio to raise the alarm to not let the tall man with scars on his face leave. A guard stands at your door as others search for him.
“A social worker and police will come to talk to you, okay?” Lena pulls back and wipes her tears away.
“I don’t want this baby.”
Her eyes drop to your stomach and she nods. “We can set up an adoption plan for after birth.”
Hours pass when cops along with the social worker come walking into the room. Their faces are serious. One cop with hazel eyes and brown hair sits in front of you. He looks at you, looking at all the bite marks and bruises on your body. In his hand is a manila folder filled with paperwork. Finally, he speaks.
“I’m Officer Hauser. I’m here to ask you a few things to better help you. Is that okay?”
He pulls out a photo from the folder and it’s of König’s truck. Your heart sinks as you just look at the photo. Your heart rate is picking up. The social worker walks over to you and offers you her hand to hold for support.
“Do you recognize this truck?”
Officer Hauser nods and pulls out another photo of König, but in a military uniform.
“Is this the man that was here with you?”
“Yes.” You can feel the woman’s hand squeeze yours.
“You’re doing great.” She whispers to you.
“We believe you were one of multiple victims of an ex KorTac Colonel named Alexander J. König.” Officer Hauser speaks up. “He was said to have been KIA, but it appears that is false.”
“Did- did you arrest him?” The look in your eyes is so hopeful.
The officer clears his throat and looks from you to the social worker. He is trying to think of a way to say this.
“We haven’t been able to locate him. He’s disappeared. Every country has eyes out looking for him. We will find him. I promise.”
When you heard that every country was looking for him, you felt confident that he would be caught soon. Days passed, weeks, months; still no word on where König is. Labor and delivery went smoothly. Lena the nurse came in on her day off to support you through the labor and passing the child over to the social worker. You did what is best for you both.
It’s now been ten years since the whole ordeal with König. You’ve been in therapy, went back to school, met the love of your life, and settled down. It feels like a whole different life now. That person that was held captive is gone. You’re truly healing deep down inside.
Today is a warm day with a cooling breeze. You sit outside and close your eyes, taking in deep breaths. For a moment, you were your younger self standing by the window and taking what you thought would be your last breath of fresh air. A wave of anxiety crushes you and you begin to breath heavily. Thoughts of the son you gave up, he would be ten this year.
Just as your thoughts begin to spiral, you jump, feeling a hand on your shoulder. You look up to see your partner, Sam. They look down at you with a worried look in their eyes. One of their hands comes up and caresses the side of your face.
“Are you okay babe?”
“Don’t lie to me.” Sam crouches down in front of you, grabbing your hand to hold. “Talk to me.”
“I just…I had almost, like, a flash back…to—” Your voice trembles.
“You don’t have to say it, I know.” Their thumb caresses your hand. “You’re here with me. You’re safe. Remember that.”
“I got a letter in the mail today.” Your voice comes out as a whisper.
“Yeah? What was it?” Sam tilts their head.
“They found König.” Your eyes meet theirs. Sam's mouth drops open from surprise.
“How do you feel?”
“It feels like I can finally relax. Well, it did. I have to go back and testify. I have to see him again.”
“Oh, y/n.” Sam grabs you and holds you in a tight hug. “You’ve got this. I’ll be with you every part of the way.”
“Thank you.”
Six months later, you sit in front of a courtroom. Your eyes meet his familiar pale blue eyes. König scowls, looking at you with immense rage. You look back, showing no fear. He is nothing but a pathetic broken man who will die alone. Everything he did to you did not break you. You’re still here- thriving, all despite König.
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merakiui · 1 year
his blueberry eyes (anagapesis in paradise).
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yandere!azul ashengrotto x (female) reader cw: yandere, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, death/murder of reader, obsession, codependency, emotional manipulation, psychological abuse, mentions of self-harm/suicide attempt, brief mention of pregnancy + loss of baby, vague mentions of binge-eating/disordered eating, angst, characters written as 18+ note - the color blue haunts azul. // loosely based on clingy, codependent bf azul.
the prelude - forever lost in cerulean paradise.
Azul Ashengrotto, a man forever bound in burdensome blue, surfaces from the numbing sweetness of an all-consuming slumber and finds the tops of his hands are littered with deep, dark, desperate scratches. They’re furious and distinct, standing out like pearly teeth on black tile, spotting his pale, paper-thin skin like a child’s poor attempt at proper handwriting. Carefully, he runs a trembling finger over the length of one as it travels from ring finger to the delicate bone of his wrist. A wet laugh bubbles out of him, ink-stained and heartbreakingly pained. He wipes tar-colored saliva from the edge of his mouth, smearing it, and shudders through another laugh. The sound wavers as if caught in his esophagus, pronounced choked and raw.
“Ah… I did it again.”
He sits back on his haunches, small and scared like the squishy thing he once was all those years ago, and inhales a steadying breath. His vision, once narrowed so scarily slim, widens to encapsulate the rest of the sitting room, which is cast in a cool glow from the crystalline cityscape beyond. He spies his haunted reflection in the glass, his hair mussed and matted. From sweat, most likely. It’s unsightly, his unkempt, ugly appearance, but it’s him staring back. 
Looking on with those bewitching blueberry eyes.
Swallowing thickly, he pushes a swoop of silver hair out of his face and whispers, “I fell asleep…again. Right. Again. That makes it—what is it now? Four times in a week? No, not quite… I fell asleep, but then I…”
His gaze slides from the windows to the floor. Lying sprawled and stiff, amidst shattered glass and crumpled, lemon-hued tulips, is the love of his life.
“Ah, I see now.” He runs two fingers over the injuries on his hand. His nose wrinkles once and then twice. His throat is set aflame, constricting like a python coiled around its prey. Blueberry eyes sink in a rising tide, overtaken by tears spotting a weary lash line. “My world… My angelfish…”
He forces himself to stand on rubbery legs. He stumbles once, reaches for the coffee table’s reliable support like a newborn grasping their mother’s outstretched finger, and peers at a shattered portrait splayed on the floor. It’s you on your wedding day, flashing a toothy grin at the camera, while he holds you close, an arm secured around your waist. Clinging to you like you were the only buoy in a rocky sea. Planting parasitic roots by way of attraction, and you were simply too blinded by the charms of shimmering, sparkling cheer to realize. So was he in that regard—struck dumb with a too-large love, unable to handle the full capacity of what it meant to fall into a sugary-sweet romance.
It’s a happy picture, one of many, but then the memories of the many elude him at this moment. He, the brilliant, benevolent actor, struggles to differentiate the real from the fake. What is a smile if not another foggy reflection of something far sadder? What is laughter if not the sounds of a hollowed sweetheart howling joyous tunes to placate?
His fingers curl around the wooden table. It’s too familiar and, as if having touched something hot, he jerks away. Azul turns his hands over, searching for imperfections he’s already found. Slowly, he pivots to confront the body.
“My darling angelfish, please wake up. It’s not… It’s not very nice of you to play pretend. We’ve been over this.” He shakes his head and steps around the overturned vase and puddle of flower-spotted water. He lowers to your height, offering a hand you don’t take. “Please, my love. I’m sorry for scaring you. I won’t do it again. I… I’m getting better, you see. I’m doing it for us. I want to get better. I promised I would, didn’t I? Aren’t I a man of my word?”
You remain there, eyes shut in blissful permanence. Azul sucks in a breath through grit teeth. You’re always so…difficult. Sometimes. Not always. And even when you act like this, he still cherishes you. But fighting is not something he loves, and he wants this feud to end sooner rather than later.
Azul Ashengrotto hates the sharp, bitter sides to his marriage.
“I can be patient,” he says, though it’s more of a consolation than a promise. “I’ll be patient. But, really, being vindictive will get you nowhere, my dear. Haven’t we been over this?”
Still, no matter what he says, you don’t stir.
He allows silence to fill the room to a suffocating degree.
One minute passes. Then two. He drums his fingers along a newly forming bruise on his arm.
Now it’s three.
It’s too quiet without your pretty voice filling the empty room, filling the hollow in his heart, filling the gaps in his brain to snuff any other self-destructive thoughts from pushing through.
“I love you,” he whispers, less forceful this time. “And… And I’m sorry. Truly, I mean it. I’ll never put my hands on you again. Never. And I’ll go back to therapy. I won’t skip my sessions. I’ll even take my meds!” A crooked smile stretches across his lips. “I promise. I won’t lie to you. I’ll leave the cooking to you. I won’t touch sharp objects. I’ll stop hiding knives from you. I’ll be honest from now on. So please…” His voice cracks, weak and raspy. “P-Please… Please don’t ignore me…”
Azul reaches out to you, fitting his trembling hand in yours. It’s cold. He brings it to his face, kisses the top of it, and then cradles it close. His shoulders shake, wracked with silent sobs.
It’s cold.
His breath hitches.
You’re cold.
“Angelfish, please…” He sniffles. The tears are already falling in thick, salty rivulets. He’s always been an ugly crier. “Please don’t leave me. Without you I…”
His untrimmed nails dig into your palm, and a great sob shudders through his body when he presses his thumb into your wrist to check your pulse.
It’s stopped.
He scrubs his face with his free hand. A fruitless effort. The tears won’t cease.
Without you, I’m nothing.
He gathers you, stiff, cold you, in his arms and holds you like you’re a treasured childhood plushy who’s lost its stuffing. His reflection blinks back at him, blueberry eyes awash in watery tragedy.
Without you, I’m all alone.
He spies the markings on your neck and his throat closes up. He grabs your face between both hands, searching it for any indication of life. A lie, surely. You’re just pretending. You’ve always done that, putting on acts to keep him and everyone else pleased. You, the best actor, knew him better than he knows himself. Because, in spite of the loose, fraying seams, you took them, poured remnants of your heart into each tear, and stitched them up until they were better again. You’ve sewn him anew when he thought all hope was lost.
So it’s impossible. A lie, definitely.
You’re a pretender, and he’s the captivated audience member. Soon you’ll open your beautiful eyes and shout, “I got you! You should have seen the look on your face!” And the cycle will repeat itself. He’ll pretend to be okay and you’ll follow along with a sweet smile, chopping vegetables with the same knife he used to threaten his own life days prior.
You can’t fool him.
Only you do. And you have.
He peels your eyelids open. Your listless stare pierces something in his brain, wires the circuitry correctly so that Point A and Point B can connect.
With a horrified gasp, Azul drops your limp corpse. Your head smacks against the floorboards, but you don’t groan in pain. Because there isn’t any pain to be felt. Because you’re not going to wake up. Because this is the final act and the curtain has closed on your skillful pretending.
Azul Ashengrotto, a man forever bound in burdensome blue, has lost the very person who once made him feel so whole.
the first vow - to have and to hold.
“We should make a baby.”
In the first month of being newlyweds, you’d told him that. He leaned over to nudge you with his hip while you painted swirling designs on a blank kitchen wall. “Yeah?”
“I’m not opposed to it.”
You pulled away from your canvas and grinned. “Neither am I.”
“Sooo,” he encouraged, nodding, unable to curb the glee in his curling smile. “What? Should we make one?”
“Can we?”
“This conversation feels rather circular, my dear.”
“You’re circular.” You stuck your tongue out at him and dipped your brush in a bright blue. “I’m gonna paint an entire field of cornflowers on this wall.”
Azul hesitated at the sudden change in subject, considered the meaning of a cornflower, and snorted in amusement. He came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. “If you want a baby, just say so and I’ll give you one.” He nosed your neck, humming into your skin. Sneaky hands slipped under your loose cotton T-shirt to cradle your stomach. “I once read a statistic that claimed marriage improves the outcome of a pregnancy. Shall we see if it’s true?”
You rested your free hand over his. “If you help me paint.”
“You know I’m no good at art.”
“Anyone can be an artist.”
You shifted in his arms and held up a clean paintbrush. “Anyone, Zul. That includes you.”
He stared at the brush, frowning. “I’m nowhere near as good as you.”
“I’ll have none of that talk.” You rested your head against his chest and peered up at him through your lashes. A pleasant smile softened your face. “I don’t want this wall to be my masterpiece. I want it to be ours.”
“Yes… Yes, I’m aware. But even so—”
“The best things come in two, don’t they? Come on. You won’t know if you’ll enjoy something until you’ve tried it.”
“But I have, dear.”
“Not with me you haven’t.”
Azul laugh-scoffed. “Stubborn,” he chided, pinching your side and shaking his head in disbelief. One hand slid out from beneath your shirt to grasp the brush. “I suppose I can try. An entire field of cornflowers won’t paint itself now, will it?” He winked.
“That’s the spirit! I think blue suits this room, don’t you?”
“I’m struggling to see your vision, darling.”
“It’s a nice color. One of my favorites. And…” You turned in his arms to press your lips to his cheek. “Blue is you.”
He was smiling; he could feel it—the tug of toothy jubilance. “Is that right?”
“It is! I thought that the moment we met. If it weren’t for your pretty eyes, I don’t think I’d have approached you.”
“Ah, right. You thought they were rather lovely, didn’t you?” His hold on you tightened as he recalled the memory. “How did you say it? ‘Sir, I just had to come up to you to compliment your eyes! They’re the nicest shade of bewitching blueberry blue I’ve ever seen.’ You said it like that, yes? And it was the first time I’d ever heard such a strangely specific compliment. Normally, most go for the outfit or the hair.”
“But you liked it, didn’t you?” you say, singing the question like a pansophical siren.
“I did. I…really did. I still do, in fact.”
Your body shook with your laughter. “Then it’s not so strange after all.”
“Not in the slightest.”
His fingers brushed your navel, a fleeting touch that turned giggles into shivers. You put your brush to the wall, but no designs bloomed. He did much the same, meeting your brush halfway, bristles dipped in friendly yellow. Only after he’d marred the wall with it did he realize his error.
You always ruin everything, he thought, resenting his clumsy ways. Everything you’ve ever touched, you ruin.
“Ooh, yellow and blue. That’s pretty. Like sunflowers and cornflowers!”
“But I… Your blue—I completely tarnished it.” He couldn’t help it; the words rushed out.
“What? No way! I like it.”
“You’re just saying that.”
“No, it’s true. It adds something to the blue. Makes it come together, you know?”
Azul stared at the wall, his face scrunched with poorly veiled vitriol. “I fail to see how that logic tracks.”
You gathered both brushes and set them down on the countertop before turning fully in his arms. “Hey, it’s okay. We can paint over it if you want. But… Well, personally, I think we should keep it.”
“Why?” It came out hushed, a broken murmur.
“Because it’s like happiness amidst sadness.” Like the angel you’ve always been, you reached up to cradle his face between your warm, gentle hands. He melted in your hold, weak to the ways in which you often lifted him up. “Too much of anything in abnormal amounts is unhealthy, so we need happiness to balance the sadness. Plus, if this room was solely blue, I might go crazy.”
He wanted to reject your explanation, gripe and groan about how it was much too fluffy and foolish, but you were right. You have always been right with emotions, reading him well enough to pick apart his tells.
It’s your lips on his that brought him back to himself. He blinked when you separated.
“You’re not perfect. No one is. Not even me, and this wall definitely isn’t going to be perfect either. But it’ll be special because we made it. Because it’s a unique combination of us.”
Azul felt himself nodding along.
“So don’t worry. Sometimes mishaps like these are for the best. They help put things into perspective—to show us something we might not have seen before.”
“Like painting a new picture.”
“Exactly!” You squeezed his hand. “So no pity parties, got it? Not unless we’re going to throw one together and have snacks and tea.”
He exhaled shakily, reciprocating your affectionate touch. “Thank you, my love.”
You smiled so beautifully that he was compelled to enshroud you entirely and keep you with him in a cage of limbs. To ensure you’d never leave. To keep you backdropped by a work-in-progress wall forever.
And for the first two years of your new life with him, you remained in that cozy, quaint house, adding details to the wall when you could. The kitchen shaped itself nicely, embroidered in an array of blue hues, accompanied by sunny yellows and frilly whites. Every morning, you’d stand at the counter and cook, ever the early riser, and he’d drag himself in just after the sun had peaked in the sky; and together you would eat in front of that wall, tied together by the bright, beautiful wonders of young love.
Sometimes it was the yummy temptations of good food that brought you together. Other times it was each other, bodies pressed flush. Clothes wrinkling and coming off in heaps. Windows left open in the aftermath to bring in sweet spring breezes. Gathering each other and sitting in the bath, giggling about something silly. More kissing and touching; playful squeezing while washing the other. If Azul’s life had been a tragedy before, then this was certainly something far better. A new chapter in a new book with crisp, unturned pages, each one ripe and ready to receive love in loads.
You fell pregnant just as the changing winds ushered summer in, and suddenly that storybook blossomed considerably, pages stained with all things good. He had pinched himself before just to ensure this wasn’t a delusion or a dream, and finding that it was neither proved that there was indeed tenderness in his world. It was destiny that you two would meet by pure chance, fall for the other’s quirks and charms, and agree to a whirlwind marriage, so swept up in the authenticity of redamancy.
Azul thought his life couldn’t get any sweeter. A perfect wife, a perfect job, a perfect house, a perfect paradise built for two. It was a future he’d only ever fantasized about, an illusion he imagined to be forever out of his reach. But he had attained it, miraculously grasped it with both hands, and from here it would only be days and days of wonder and whimsy.
Thirty-one weeks into a perfect, pretty pregnancy, you fell again. Down the stairs, crumpled in a heap of limbs and broken promises. He stood at the top of the stairs, his chest heaving with the remnants of some animalistic emotion. You shattered like porcelain, a marionette cut free from her strings. The baby fell with you.
Then came the darkness: creeping, encroaching, all-consuming.
Then came the lies.
Then came the obsession with omniscience.
And all throughout it, you’d continue to imprison yourself in his eyes.
the second vow - to love and to cherish.
“You shouldn’t work so much.”
By the fourth year, he had told you that.
You looked up from your plate, which you’d spent most of dinner pushing the food around rather than actually eating. Meals carried out in this fashion, a cyclical routine you dreaded. Ever since he’d purchased a penthouse suite and moved you to the city, abandoning the life you had built in the tiny, two-story house with its friendly neighborhood of faces, your world became the sky: sad and cloudy. Always rainy. It was empty up there, and the luxuries he provided did nothing to fill the holes in your shattering heart.
You couldn’t paint any walls here, for they had already been colored in boring monochromes.
“But I like the coffee shop. Everyone’s really nice to me, and the hours are reasonable. I’m paid well, too.”
“It’s minimum wage, (Name).”
“I make enough to support the both of us.”
And it was true. He’d just opened the first branch of the Mostro franchise, an elegant, high-end eatery stuck right in the heart of the city. Money has never been an issue, not when he was so determined to see each of his dreams through to the very end. You were dragged along through the wild currents of those ambitions. Simple luxuries were no longer sleeping in on weekends or watching the sun rise and set in the garden. Now it was extreme excess and opulence, devouring you with designer brands.
“I’d rather not be home all day. It’s lonely.”
“Jade or Floyd can provide company should you need it.”
You stared at him, your mouth agape. “I don’t need babysitters. I’m an adult, Azul.”
“They wouldn’t babysit—” He sighed, shook his head, and pinched the bridge of his nose. “You’re welcome to accompany me to the office instead.”
“But I like my job. I like talking to customers and taking orders and making drinks. If I quit, I wouldn’t have anything else.”
“That’s not true. You’d have me.”
“The regulars would miss me. So would my coworkers.”
“Darling… Angelfish, I don’t quite care for them and I don’t think they care for you either. At the end of the day, all of you are working a dead-end job, putting up with nonsense from rude, impatient customers who never bother to tip despite having full pockets. You’re not working.” Azul smiled, his blueberry eyes ripe with a strange sort of light. “You’re surviving, and that’s not a quality of life you should shackle yourself to.”
You pushed food around on your plate, unconvinced. “I just don’t feel right about lazing around and doing nothing. It’s not very fair if you’re the one doing everything while I just sit back and reap the benefits.”
“Why not? I hardly mind. Besides, I enjoy spoiling you. You deserve this and so much more.” He made a sweeping gesture with his hand. “If I could, I’d package the world in a little box and give it to you, my dear.”
“We had that once and you broke it.”
His body stiffened, eyes flicking to your mouth. He couldn’t meet your eyes. He’s never been able to—not since that day. Neither of you can figure out whether it was intentional or an accident, or maybe it was something more: an intentional accident.
“I had the world and you broke it.” You set your fork and knife on your plate, perfectly vertical in accordance with proper etiquette. “Back at the old house.”
“Darling, you know we couldn’t stay… We were due for a change of scenery.”
Furiously, you opened your mouth, tears springing forth, but no words came. Instead, you clamped your jaw and stood from your chair, turning away from the table in a hurry.
“(Name), sweetheart, please wait!” He stood as well, nearly stumbling over himself as he moved to intercept you. “My love, you know I never meant for that to happen. If I could, I’d go back and I’d fix everything so that we’d never have to experience such sorrow again.”
He reached for your hands, but you slapped them away and took a grand step back. “You knew we were at the top of the stairs. You knew, Azul. You knew it was wrong because you moved me away so no one could question it!”
His face contorted with offense, nose scrunching as if he had just smelled something foul. “I did not.”
“You did! You pushed me down those stairs and you watched me. Watched me cry and groan because it hurt and the baby was hurt. You watched and you waited because you knew.”
“I did not!” he said, louder this time, his face blue with rising frustration. “I was in shock, (Name). You can’t possibly expect me to jump into action when I was frozen stiff and horrified. And it was an accident. We’ve been over this before. I’ve apologized numerous times.”
“Sorry, but words aren’t gonna fix anything. See? I’ve said it and nothing’s changed. It’s not words that fix broken things, Azul. It’s action.”
You stomped out of the room in a huff, blinded with tears and rage. You weren’t sure if you were more frustrated with the circumstances or Azul himself, but it might have been the latter when he pursued, insistent like the worst kind of thorn. One that’s wedged itself so deep you couldn’t possibly pluck it free with your fingertips.
You’re not sure tweezers would work either, for the hold he has on you was and still is a nasty vise.
“I… (Name), love, darling, I’ll do better. I’m trying.”
Though he made these claims, he expressed them rather pathetically—his arms outstretched, palms up, as if to show you he was no longer a threat to your mental and physical well-being. His face was in poor shape; he was blue all over, flushed from the rush of emotions, his eyes much too small. He looked almost deranged in a desperate, animalistic way. As if someone was cutting him into meticulous slivers with a precision so painful it would leave him to bleed out for hours.
You inhaled a deep, shaky breath, freezing the red-hot anger for a moment. I have to be the bigger, better person. Fighting isn’t going to accomplish anything.
“Look, if you want to make a conscious effort to be better I’m all here for it. But you have to actually try, Azul.”
“I am—I… I will!”
“I’m serious.”
“As am I.”
“Then please let me do things for myself. Marriage is about fairness. It’s you and me. We have to work together. And if that’s you supporting us with your business and me working part-time for extra cash, then let it be that way. That’s togetherness, not forcing the twins to babysit me like I’m senile or convincing me to quit a job I enjoy doing. Money shouldn’t matter if we’re both making it and we both trust each other to be responsible about it. So, while I appreciate surprise purchases, I’d much rather we do things together like before. That’s more meaningful and priceless to me than materialistic ploys meant to win me over.”
He swallowed thickly. Blue bled into the rest of his scleras. You watched him gradually inflate with relief. “I… I understand. I’m sorry. Truly, I am…”
“Stop telling me that. Show me. Please. And mean it.” You held your hands out. Hesitating, he fidgeted on his feet before gingerly placing his palms in yours. They were ice-cold. “Every relationship has its faults. Ours is no different. I’m forgiving you for the past, but I’m not going to forget and I’m not giving you a free pass either. I want to trust you, Zul, and I want you to trust me.”
“I do…” he began, only to curb himself. “I… Well, you know I worry. I know you have good friends, but when you’re out so late… O-Or when you don’t text me back… I’m always worrying.”
“Don’t.” You smiled and squeezed his hands. “I can take care of myself.”
His face darkened at that, a slew of stormy emotions brewing behind blue eyes. “Still.”
“I don’t worry about you when you’re at work or flying out for business trips. I trust that you’ll be okay because you know what you’re doing.”
“That’s different… That’s—”
“I’m happy that you care so much, but I promise I’m always safe when I’m out. You know this.”
“Yes. But… Well…” He sighed and shook his head. “At the very least, please let one of the twins drive you to and from your destinations.”
You fixed your lips into a moue. “Azul.”
He squeezed his eyes shut, groaning softly. “Yes, I know how that sounds. I know.”
“I’m not asking you to change overnight. No one can. It takes time. Everything does. I understand that you worry, but I’ve proven to you more than once that I’m plenty capable on my own.”
“All right.” His eyes flicked open at that, and without warning he tugged you into his chest. The embrace was constrictive with an alarming tightness that seemed to mean: I can’t lose you, so I’ll never let go. He buried his face in your hair, clinging to you out of sheer need. “All right. From now on, let’s be together.”
You nodded, slow to reciprocate. “No more gloomy dinners?”
He shook with awkward laughter. “No more gloomy dinners.”
You thought you had it under control. You thought you could reel him in and sculpt him from the shards—take all of the hateful, broken parts he harbored and glue them whole. You thought it’d be safer to organize his medication with encouraging notes each morning in hopes that he wouldn’t neglect it. You thought you’d ease into discussions with a gentle approach, if only to avoid stoking the flames of something monstrous. If only to ensure neither of you would scream at each other until your voices were spent.
You thought you were making progress when he showed you all of the secret spaces in the penthouse, admitting to squirreling things away out of weakness, out of greed, out of some tangle of complicated feelings. The majority of his stash was comfort foods, each one more unhealthy than the last, accompanied with a tiny notebook he’d used to scribble calorie counts. The pages were brittle and stained when you flipped through them; he had been crying each time he documented the amounts. Pieces were beginning to fit themselves together. On days when he surpassed his recommended calorie intake, he hardly indulged in dinner, preferring to pick at his plate. Instead, he would feast on empty conversations with you and those would be enough to sustain him.
Throughout all of this, Azul kept his gaze firmly glued to the floor and tore at the skin near his nails. The tips of his ears were flushed blue with humiliation.
“I hate eating,” he muttered, tapping his foot in quick, anxious rhythms. “I hate it so much.”
“Azul,” you said, soft like linen, “do you really mean that?”
His eyes found yours, glossy and defeated. “I… I…” He shook his head, the truth spilling free like paint dripping from a slain canvas. His arms, trembling and twitching, rose to his face. “No, I don’t,” he wailed into his hands, the sound echoing in the hall. “I really, really don’t.”
You shut the diary. It’s because you love food so much that you hate it, you thought, pitying him and the self-deprecating notes he’d scribbled alongside columns of calculations. Because when you eat, you don’t want to stop. Because if you aren’t thinking about numbers, you enjoy it. It makes you happy. And you restrict yourself and this happiness because it hurts to have any more than the bare minimum. Because the bare minimum also hurts, but it feels better when you have less in your stomach so you can eat the rest in secret.
“Let’s start small,” you offered, placing your hand on his arm. He lowered it to reveal a snotty, teary face, blueberry eyes darting to and fro. “Let’s plan our meals together. If we know what we’re eating in advance, we can avoid falling into bad habits. And meal plans are a good way to budget.”
Wiping his nose with the back of his hand, he sniffled. “I’m…not opposed to the idea.”
You had it under control.
But then the knives would go missing, later turning up when it was most convenient. When he needed a clever way to get you to stay.
You had it under control.
But then you would forsake plans with friends and family in order to help him through another spiral.
You had it under control.
But then it felt like he was breaking himself into pieces nearly every day, at every hour, over the smallest of inconveniences. Working a minute too late. Eating dinner before he could get home to join you at the table. Going out on your own without supervision from Jade or Floyd.
You had it under control.
But then his shadow was stretching too far and too wide, swallowing you in a portrait of possession.
You had it under control.
But then that was at the cost of your sanity.
the third vow - till death do us part.
“Hypothetically speaking, if I were to die tomorrow, would you grieve me forever? Or would you simply get over it and remarry?”
By the sixth year, just a few hours ago, he’d asked you that.
You looked up at him from the notebook in your lap, where you’d been aimlessly scribbling in circles. The lines overlapped, ink blotting together in manic patterns. Originally, you were going to write a grocery list. But now all you had were jagged lines and not-quite-right geometry.
As if you had rehearsed it prior, you answered smoothly, albeit with an edge to your voice, “But you’re not going to die tomorrow.”
“I could.”
“You won’t.”
Azul slumped back against the sofa and pulled his knees into his chest. “Maybe not. I have a clean bill of health.”
Not mentally, you thought, morbidly wry.
“You shouldn’t sound so disappointed. It’s good to be healthy.”
“You won’t care for me as much if I’m healthy,” he mumbled, gazing out the window at the sparkling cityscape with those dull, dreary blueberry eyes of his. “I wish I was sick. Then I could take a week off from work and just…exist.”
You frowned at him from where you sat opposite in a comfortable chair. It was the only piece of furniture he took from the old house. For sentimental reasons, of course. Sometimes you thought it still smelled like home, even if the scent of home was so warped and far-off now.
“You’re the boss, aren’t you? If you need to rest, take some time off and recuperate.”
“I want to, but my schedule can’t afford any interruptions. Not now.”
“Don’t overwork yourself.”
“I’m not.”
The conversation flatlined, only to soon breathe again when he suddenly added, “We should go on a trip.”
“A trip?”
“New scenery would do us a world of good.”
“Oh. Um, okay. Where should we go?”
“Anywhere is too broad. Plus, we’d have to plan it in advance. Make sure everything’s covered. Expenses and whatnot.”
Azul’s expression soured. “Ah. Right.” He hummed his contemplation, drumming his fingers along the sofa’s armrest. “We could go somewhere nearby. Hospital food sounds good.”
You speared him with a sharp, stern look. “Don’t joke about that.”
“I’m not!”
You set your notebook and pen on the coffee table, aware of his powdery hues tracking your every move. “Azul?”
Your heart wouldn’t stop pounding. Relentless, the sound skyrocketed into your eardrums and joined in chorus with rushing blood. But you had to tell him. You had to broach this subject. It had been gathering dust and cobwebs, aged by many tiresome years. You couldn’t do this anymore.
“Azul, I think—” You swallowed hard, your fingers curling up into tight fists. “I think we… I think we should get a divorce.”
His head snapped up from where it had previously rested on his knees. He stared at you for a long, silent time.
And then, sucking in a breath, he asked in a fragile, breathless whisper: “What?”
“Um… I… We…” Your chest heaved with your exhalation. “We’re not happy.”
“We are.” He blinked at you, owlish and unwilling to look past the gilded lie. Unable to stop playing pretend. “We’ve always been.”
“No… No, we haven’t. Azul, it’s—really, it’s so exhausting. I’m so tired.”
“Then let’s sleep.” He lowered his feet onto the floor, intending to stand.
“Mentally, Azul. I… Fuck, I’m so tired. I really can’t do this anymore.”
Color seeped from his eyes. His pupils widened and shrunk, and then a wobbly smile overtook his gaunt features. “Angelfish, that’s not a very pleasant joke…”
You could only offer him your most forlorn look, finally defeated after six years. Six years of pushing a stone up a hill, never to advance and never to succeed. This conversation was well overdue.
Azul rose to his feet, his apparent horror dawning. It molded his features into something wrong and fearsome. Something panicked and cornered. “Darling, you’re not serious about this, right? You… We’re just going through a bit of a rough patch, but we’re okay. I’m okay. Yesterday’s session went so well. I’m getting better. I… I’ve done all of this for you—for us! So we don’t need to do anything rash. We don’t need to get divorced. We just need to—”
“You’re not okay. Azul, I’ve tried so hard. I really have. I’ve done everything, but I just can’t keep exhausting the same tricks.” You heaved a dry, tearless sob. “I can’t keep doing this anymore. I want to go back to work, but I can’t because I never know if you’ll be okay on your own. I want to trust you, but I can’t. We’re not communicating. We’re just—we’re playing the same delusional game and it’s getting us nowhere. You and I both know we’re not working. We stopped working the day you pushed me down those stairs.”
He froze, his lip quivering. “Darling, please… Please don’t say that. You don’t mean that.”
“I want you to get better—genuinely get better—but I’m not the help you need.”
“That’s not true. You’re all I need—all I’ve ever needed. With you here, I’m whole. I’m happy. What was it you told me? That marriage is togetherness? That it’s you and me? So as long as we’re together—no matter what may come between us—we’ll always be happy. We have our disagreements, yes, but every relationship is like that. It’s normal, my dear. So please don’t say those things. I am better, and I’ll continue to be better until my final breath.”
“Azul, you’re not listening.” Now you were standing from your chair. “Togetherness is not this. This—” you gestured to yourself, to the way your clothes hung from your body, a size too large, before pointing at him— “isn’t healthy. We’re not healthy. Every day I’m with you is hell. I need a break as much as you do. We can’t keep doing this. Let’s save ourselves the insanity and misery, and let’s be sensible adults. A divorce is the only—”
“You’re wrong.”
The rest of your tirade stuck in your throat. “W-What?”
“Divorce is an expensive, lengthy process.” Azul stepped around the coffee table, his stare blank and haunted. Twin pools of the darkest ocean bored into your skull. “I can easily afford it, but it’s a price I’m not willing to pay.”
Despite what little confidence you had before, it’s all but diminished now. You shrunk away from him. “A-Azul, calm down. You… You’re scaring me.”
“Well, that’s nothing new now, is it?”
“You want sensible adults? Very well. Let’s have an actual discussion instead of picking each other apart like this.” He peered down at you from where he stood, his head angled in such a way that his acknowledgement of you appeared contemptuous. “So sit back down in your chair and talk like a sensible, mature adult.”
Opening your mouth, you intended to respond. But the words wouldn’t come. They were lodged in your throat, coagulating with raw, rich fear.
“Well? I’m waiting.”
I can’t say anything, you thought, your body petrifying with every passing second. I’m scared…
“If you put just a little more thought into your brainless idea, you’ll find it’s quite…lacking. Divorce ruins our togetherness, splits us apart and condemns us to two different worlds. And if I’m no longer able to cross into your world—if you forbid it and leave my world—I’ll truly die. I refuse to let that happen. So, no, darling, we won’t be getting a divorce. I won’t agree to it.”
Perhaps it was the hopelessness in your heart that forced fresh tears from your ducts, or maybe it was the final straw in your weakening defenses, but the words came bursting out in a hurry.
“I don’t care anymore! I want you to die!”
You slapped your hands over your mouth. Azul stared at you, stupefied.
“I… I want to be rid of you,” you continued, your words muffled and distraught. “I’ve always thought… Always hoped you might just disappear one day and I’d finally know peace… Please, Azul. Let’s end this. I don’t want to be stuck in this cycle. I don’t even love you anymore. I’m just…done.”
“You don’t mean that…” He made a strange sound, a hybrid between a gasp and a laugh. “Y-You’re just saying that. You still love me. You don’t actually want me gone. You love me… R-Right? Please say you do. Please, angelfish. My love… Please…”
“You’re not well, Azul. I think… I think this is for the best.” You turned away from him. “I’m going to stay in a hotel tonight. Please take some time to calm down and then we’ll talk more in the morning. I… I’m sorry. I really do want you to get help, but I can’t be around you any longer than I already have. It’s draining. You’re draining.”
You took one step further and something inside him splintered.
His power was cut, a line between consciousness and reality severed.
You did not love him. You wanted a divorce. You did not love him. You wanted a divorce.
Did not love him. Divorce. Did not love him. Divorce.
Did not love did not love did not love did not love not love not love not love.
Divorce divorce divorce divorce divorce.
Not love not love not love.
All alone.
Alone like before.
Back to the disgusting creature he once was.
You were walking away, your back turned on him.
He was going to lose his world. It was slipping through his fingers, fleeting and frail.
He couldn’t lose his world, for it’s all he’s ever had.
Azul lunged, seizing your wrist and dragging you down.
Your scream was cut short when his hands clung to your throat.
From then on, everything was a blur.
Two blueberry eyes swallowed you whole, entrapping you in cerulean paradise.
the epilogue - there will never be two without you.
“They used to call me all manner of cruel things when I was a child,” Azul admits to the desolate quiet of his penthouse suite. “I was ridiculed every day. I couldn’t even recognize myself in the mirror. Isn’t that just terrible?” He leans against the sofa and exhales slowly, running a hand through his disheveled hair. “But then you told me I was pretty and suddenly the mirrors blinked back at me. Suddenly the world looked just a little wider and…brighter. So bright! The sea swallows so much color, my dear, and so you’ll never know just how vibrant the surface is to us merfolk.”
He deflates with a wet, wheezing laugh. “No one’s ever told me I was pretty. No one’s ever loved me. Not in the way that you did.” Sighing, he runs a hand down his face. Tears track his cheeks; his blueberry eyes exist in a field of splotchy red. “You were such an angel. To love a filthy, hideous thing like me… Only an angel could do that. Only an angel could look beyond every flaw of mine and love so gently.”
Azul lowers his arm and peers at the knife clutched tightly in his other hand. “I never deserved you. I’ve treated you so horribly. I—” He chokes on a rising sob and shakily lifts the blade to his wrist. It presses against his skin for a moment before he’s yanking it away.
“Fuck,” he spits, his voice trembling. “I… I can’t do it.”
You’re a coward, his inner critic berates. A cowardly, clumsy fool of an octopus.
Gritting his teeth, he steels himself and tries again. The blade digs deeper into his flesh, enough to draw the tiniest pinprick of blood. Pain flashes through his nerves, prey instincts firing off commands. He attempts to push past the curtain veiling his thoughts—Stop before you hurt yourself! Stop before you kill yourself!—but then he spies the blue rising to the surface, pooling under the blade, and he retreats immediately. Horrified, he discards the knife at once. It soars across the room in an imperfect arc before settling on the floor with a clatter, just inches from your body.
“Fuck,” he whispers, closing his hand around his wrist to halt the bleeding. “Fuck. Fuck!”
I really can’t bring myself to do it…
He throws his head back against the cushions, eyeing the ceiling. “I’ve done such an unforgivable thing to you and yet I… I can’t do it to myself. I just can’t.” He shuts his eyes, inhales deeply, and opens them again. “I so selfishly took your life, but I’m clinging to mine like a spineless loser.”
Azul lowers himself onto the floor, curling into a fetal position. He grips his wrist in a tighter hold. His glasses are somewhere in the room, likely cracked or worse. He can’t be bothered to seek them out.
“Did you ever believe in soulmates? Ah, what am I saying? Stupid… But I truly think we were soulmates. Perhaps not in this lifetime. But somewhere on a distant horizon…” He smiles dreamily, pressing his cheek against the cool floorboards. “I wonder if we’ll ever meet again. It’s a matter of luck and fate. Sea Witch below, I hate those odds.” Another noisy sob bubbles up in his throat. He shakes with the force of it, his throat raw and ruined. Another onslaught of tears pours from his eyes. “I was r-really happy that day you approached me. I was so happy… More… More happy than you’ll ever know. Thank you for looking at me and seeing me and opening your heart to me. I’m sorry I couldn’t cherish you more than this.”
He forces himself up onto his arms and then, as if just learning how to walk again, rises to his feet on wobbling legs to cross the slim distance to arrive at your body. Like a sinner on trial, he drops to his knees and gathers you in his arms as if you are his Madonna della Pietà.
“Without you, there is no world,” he murmurs, holding you close for a moment longer before lowering you to the floor. His tears dot your cheeks like somber rainfall. He reaches for the knife next, his mind made up. “Thank you for loving me. Sincerely. Truly. You’re the only one I’ll ever love. For that, I’m grateful. Because of you, I was able to know the taste of romance. And…” He hiccups through his bawling. “And it’s so very sweet.”
Blue blood spatters the floor, spilling from a messy gash in his abdomen. The knife is sharper than he thought.
Azul flops onto his stomach beside you, reaching out to run his fingers over your cheek. He inhales a weary breath and agony fills his lungs.
The world is dyed a brilliant, burdensome blue.
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Azul Ashengrotto wakes in captivity. Bandaged, dressed in a plain gown, and cuffed to the bed, he is alive.
He moves his wrist, each of his senses filtering in at once. His other arm is turned over and pierced with an IV. Groggily, he lifts his gaze to the machines humming around him. Blue blood sits heavy in a bag, and he watches the liquid travel down, down, down through the tube. He blinks. His eyes are crusty. Has he been crying?
Assessing the handcuff once more, he turns up empty.
Why is he here?
Why does it hurt to move?
Why are there so many bandages around his stomach?
Most of all, where is his world?
What is this place?
It’s a hospital, yes, but why is he here? He has a clean bill of health.
Where is his world?
It’s when he starts actively struggling against the restraint, his breath coming in terrified huffs, that the nurses file in to tend to him. They check his vitals, run some harmless tests, ask him a few questions—it’s a lot all at once. He goes through the process as if stuck in sludge.
“My… My wife,” he croaks, unable to think of anything else. His heart tightens in his chest. “Where is she? What happened? Is she okay?”
Nervously, the nurses skirt around his questions until, eventually, he loses patience and tries to tear himself free from the bed that confines him.
“Where is she?!” he’s screaming, thrashing on the bed like he’s Frankenstein’s monster—a haunted reanimation shocked with electricity. “Answer me! Where is she?! She has to be here. Please… Please tell me she’s safe. I need to see her—need her here right now.”
They hurry out just as he curses at them.
“You can’t keep her away from me! She’s my wife—mine! If you lay a hand on her—”
A new face appears in the doorway; it’s a man dressed in striking attire. A police officer. Azul stares at him, his nostrils flaring wildly. For a short beat, they simply watch one another. Eventually, the officer nods towards a chair.
“May I?”
“What do you want?” He narrows his blueberry eyes, immediately suspicious.
“I’m here to have a chat with you. It’s about your wife. Is that okay?”
At the mention of you, Azul’s thoughts stall out. “Do you know where she is? Is… Is everything okay?”
The officer lowers into the chair and casually crosses one leg over the other. Casual in the friendly sense, Azul realizes. He really doesn’t like this man. Any longer here and he’ll start trying to build rapport.
“We’ll get there in a second. First, I’d like to introduce myself.” He goes through the motions; Azul is only half-listening, replying when it’s beneficial.
(Name). She’s safe, right? She must be. She has to be. Everything’s okay.
(Name). (Name). (Name). (Name). (Name). (Name). (Name).
Where are you? Do you realize how worried I am? Oh, this must be my fault. I did something foolish again.
I must have tried to hurt myself. Angelfish, please wait for me. I’ll be okay. You’re safe and so am I.
Safe. Yes. Right. Safe. Safe. Safe.
Safe… Right?
“Had your friends not called in, you wouldn’t be here right now.”
That brings Azul back to the world. He blinks at the officer, one eye at a time. “What?”
“You were on the verge of bleeding out.”
“Friends?” He’s slow on the uptake. “Jade and Floyd?”
The officer nods. Silence fills the space. Azul wonders when he’s going to open his mouth again.
“What about them?” he asks instead.
The officer frowns. “Do you not recall anything?”
Azul thinks long and hard about this. “I… I was having a discussion with my wife. It was something about a trip. No, not that. Um… Something…important. Something else, perhaps?” He shakes his head, unable to turn up anything useful. “I haven’t a clue. Why? Is something the matter? Where’s my wife?”
Silence is his only reply.
Somehow that tells him everything and nothing all at once.
Somehow he suspects it. His body knows. His fingers twitch with phantom spasms, curling inwards to cut off airflow. The puzzle is scrambled and the image is fuzzy, but he knows.
He knows because he’s already crying, and there’s only ever been one thing that can bring out the inner crybaby he despises so.
It’s always been you.
Azul Ashengrotto is the sole speck of blue in this white hospital room.
And he certainly feels it.
He’s right back where he began: alone and clumsy, an octopus out of water, viewing the cramped, compact, colorless world with his bewitching blueberry hues.
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sha-n-dowbannedlol · 2 months
Lucifer — I really miss your face
part 1 │ part 2 │ part 3 │ part 4
an: wow this took a while lmfao,,
CW: enemies to lovers, lucifer hates you lol (part 1), slight angst (part 2), angst in part 3 (BECAUSE THERE'S ANGST IN THE SONG) he insults u in his mind multiple times (part 1), events in lessons 16 ifykyk, also this lowkey follows the og obey me timeline and events but like i dont feel like adding the whole time travel thing lol, suggestive, nsfw is described a bit (part 3)
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A parasite.
That is what Lucifer would describe you now, a parasite that has invaded his heart, his mind, perhaps, even his very soul that has long turned dark.
You were a parasite that buried itself within the deep recesses of his thoughts, his feelings, and his emotions, a parasite that burrowed itself into his family and has infected him with endless thoughts of your own self.
Even if you weren't by his side.
He was the one to bear witness to the sight of you opening your pretty little eyes after your nap, recovering from his little brother's rough ministrations on your person, even if it was against Diavolo's orders.
That was cruel of Diavolo, Lucifer thought to himself then, but he knew that the Demon Lord had done it out of concern for your well-being. Because other than the fact that one of his brothers had almost prematurely ended your life—making them the biggest threat to your life at the very moment, Diavolo has also put Belphegor's life into your hands.
At least, that's what he told the remaining six rulers of devildom when they barged into his castle, despite the eldest supposedly being stuck on house arrest.
"It was them that Belphegor had sinned against," Diavolo had explained, his arms crossed against his chest, the tone of his voice making it clear to the brothers that his decision was final.
"Whatever they decide his rightful fate will be is what I will follow."
The Future Demon King then went on to reiterate that not one of them is allowed to see you before you made your decision regarding Belphegor, as he was afraid that the brothers might influence your thinking—one way or another.
Yet, here his right-hand man stood, watching as you open your eyes for the first time since the incident.
Sure, he was here to apologize on his brother's behalf and to attempt to plead his case to save his youngest brother, but that wasn't the sole reason why he was here, and he knows that your current caretaker, Solomon, knew that. And maybe that's why the sorcerer had allowed him to see you, promising not to tell a single soul about this visit.
Or maybe that conniving sorcerer just can't allow an opportunity to make Lucifer, the Avatar of Pride himself, be indebted to him. Either way, Lucifer ought to worry about that at a later time.
"Lucifer," you call out to him softly, effectively pulling him back to reality and away from his thoughts.
Faced with the object of his affection, Lucifer can't help as a hand raises up to fix a strand of his hair to ensure he looked perfect; he stood a little straighter and puffed out his chest—reminiscent of that of a peacock, showing off to attract the attention of a potential mate.
As much as Lucifer wanted to express his concern toward you, his time was limited. There's only so much that he could do before either Barbatos or Diavolo catches wind that something isn't right, and not only will he be the one to receive the consequence of his actions, but possibly Solomon as well.
And so, Lucifer went straight to the point. He can see your eyes widen as the Eldest of the Seven Rulers of Devildom bows his head towards you before he apologized profusely on his brother's behalf.
It's a huge blow to his pride, yes, but it doesn't matter to him.
If you asked him to get on his knees and lick your shoes just to ensure his youngest brothers' safety, he'll do it in a heartbeat. His brothers are always his priority, pride be damned.
You, however, poor, innocent, delicate you, had asked him to do no such thing. Instead, you only asked one simple question:
"Why does Belphegor hate humans so much?"
Lucifer had limited time to be with you, and so, he told you a condensed version of his brother's story, if only to appeal to your emotions. That's one thing that made humans so weak and vulnerable, after all; They're more prone to think with their heart rather than their minds.
And with the serious look on your face, Lucifer had known that he had already accomplished what he set out to do. With a wave, the eldest wished you well, inciting his wishes to see you running around the mansion with his brothers soon.
That was the last time Lucifer got to have alone time with you.
To no one's surprise, you chose to forgive Belphegor and let him go. An act that the youngest was surprised to hear, but delighted in nonetheless. You had also returned to the House of Lamentation, and despite the tension between you and the youngest at first, the Avatar of Sloth eventually ended up warming up to you.
Lucifer once overheard the twins talking about you and heard that Belphie had started warming up to the delightful human because he reminded them of their sister.
He would beg to differ.
To him, you were nothing like Lilith, but whatever ensures your safety and his brother's happiness is good enough for him.
Much to his delight and perhaps, a bit of disdain, ever since that night, you had ended up spending most of your time around the youngest.
With Belphegor's clinginess, and his other brothers' tendency to get jealous of the youngest hogging all of your attention; Lucifer found himself drawing the shortest end of the stick—never finding the time to be able to insert himself in your schedule.
However, with it comes the blessing of being able to think straight—something that he has found himself incapable of doing whenever you were within his immediate area. He finally had the time to sort out his feelings towards you, and what he was supposed to do with it.
The first apparent thought that came to mind was to let you know of it and to make you his... but that was his heart talking, not his mind.
You and he only had a year to be together, and half of it was spent with him hating on your entire existence before even realizing he had feelings for you, and now, the second half is being used by his brothers hogging all of your time left in Devildom.
You were only supposed to be here for a year, you weren't going to stay here forever. Your paths were never meant to converge for a long time, and he knew that.
Even if he confessed to you, and by some form of miracle, you felt the same.... what then?
You go back to the human world and he stays here in the Devildom, with the both of you living your lives miserably until the end of your days?
No, he can't possibly do that to you. He was meant to just be a passing face in your life, and as much as the thought annoys him, you deserved someone who can be by your side. You had your life ahead of you in your own realm, maybe even find a lover who can never treat you as well as he does but will make you happy all the same.
It was just never meant to be. Lucifer had decided then, he was not to speak of his feelings to you, he'd let you live your life thinking that one demon that you had met and spent time with for a year in your life hated you.
He had no room for temptation, no room to doubt his own decision as you spent most of your remaining days with his brothers, down to your last night in the Devildom.
Unfortunately for him, he had forgotten you were a parasite.
An enigma, a tantalizing mystery veiled in ethereal beauty, a cruel riddle he yearned to decipher. It's a cruel twist of fate, denying him the chance to unravel the secrets of this captivating enigma before it slips through his fingertips.
And no matter how strong his resolve may be, it easily crumbles before the very presence of the biggest temptation Lucifer has ever faced; you.
The mere brush of your lips ignited a profound addiction within him, spreading like wildfire through the fibers of his very being. Every thought consumed by you, your body pressed against his, the tantalizing warmth of your kiss.
He wonders if it will be even warmer when he's inside of you.
His solid resolve immediately crumbled at that moment, whispers of the promises he had made to himself dead in the night immediately thrown out of the window amidst your overpowering presence. The new and foreign feeling of his newly made pact mark with you throbs, and the delightful feeling made him lose his mind.
As his lips met the tender warmth of yours, his once impenetrable resolve shattered into fragments, and whispers of the promises he had made to himself dead in the night were abruptly cast aside, discarded with reckless abandon in the face of your overwhelming presence.
A surge of unfamiliar sensations surged through his veins, ignited by the newly made pact mark with you.  In the embrace of this newfound bliss, his sanity slipped away, consumed by the euphoria that rendered him utterly spellbound to you.
That's right. What was he even thinking before? Letting you go to be with someone else? No. You are his, aren't you? These marks confirmed them.
Your words confirmed them.
In the haze of his emotions, all rational thoughts were effortlessly drowned, consumed by an insatiable yearning that rose to the forefront of his consciousness. With a swift and eager motion, his hands found solace in the gentle cradle of your face, his gaze ablaze with intensity as he drank in every delicate contour of your features.
"I've always known you wanted to do this," He whispers, his breath caressing your parted lips, igniting a flicker of electricity upon your skin. You watch his eyes hooded with a primal hunger enough to make you question Asmodeus' title as the Avatar of Lust. "And I know what you'd like to do next as well."
In that instant, his crimson gaze meets yours, and a soft curse escapes his lips. Your eyes meet his, glimmering with a mix of longing and anticipation. Lucifer's insatiable lust courses through his veins, igniting a fire that radiates from the depths of his being, settling low in his abdomen.
The next few hours became a tapestry of euphoria. An intoxicating elation coursed through Lucifer's being, unrivaled by any sensation he had experienced in what could have been centuries.  He found himself immersed in a blissful haze, utterly consumed by the essence of your presence, as if etching the taste of your lips, the gentle touch of your skin against his, into the very fabric of his soul.
In the midst of his bliss, his guard faltered and, in a moment of vulnerability, words slipped from his tongue that were never meant to be uttered.
"I love you,"
He hadn't noticed his mistake at the time, but you did.
In the ensuing silence that followed such a passionate night where you both found yourselves amidst the chaos of his usually pristine sheets, his arms pulling you close, you didn't shy away from bringing it up.
"You... mentioned something." You spoke, voice quiet and still breathless from the exertion that lasted for hours.
"I've said many things throughout the night. You'll have to be more specific." He responds, voice almost a hum, and if you didn't know any better, you'd think there's a hint of delight in his words.
"You said..." You take a deep breath, deciding there isn't a need to beat around the bush. "You said 'I love you',"
Lucifer does not falter.
Fear, nervousness, panic, and other feeble emotions are foreign concepts to him, for he was meticulously crafted in perfection and shall forever embody perfection even as his once celestial halo transformed into demonic horns.
The Morning Star, God's favorite angel.
The Avatar of Pride, Diavolo's favorite demon.
In essence, such emotions would never be the catalyst for error. After all, Lucifer doesn't make mistakes.
"You must have been mistaken." Lucifer spoke, voice deep, emotionless.
At least, that's what he'd like to believe.
"I'd never feel such a thing for you."
When the next day came, Lucifer woke up to an empty bed.
And the day after that, and the ones after that.
Just as Lucifer had anticipated, you both went your separate ways. You returned to your world, and he's stuck in his own. The memories of that night were the only thing keeping him going — a haunting recollection of your touch and the solace of your warmth.
True to your parasitic nature, even in your absence, you had woven an intricate web that ensnared his very being, leaving a void—vast and consuming—in his heart that has long turned to ice.
Your presence lingers like a haunting melody, woven into the very fabric of his surroundings; In the shadows of the House of Lamentation and the echoing halls of RAD, he glimpses fleeting reflections of you in every corner. Your presence whispers through the corridors, and echoes of your name resonate in the playful banter of his younger brothers.
Despite it all, he didn't dare reach out.
Even after establishing a schedule of communication between you and his brothers, he dared not include himself in the mix. Stuck in a silent yearning that remains unvoiced, buried beneath layers of restraint and unspoken desires.
Lucifer knows not where the future will take him, where these feelings will take him.
All he knows for sure is that he'd never love like this again.
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sugarpasteltmnt · 5 months
Okay silliness aside… I love to think of the raw ANGST of TNV-Leo meeting @intotheelliwoods ‘s Poptart and Sprout.
Have a few little headcanons below but they’re a little Spoopy so proceed with caution
(cw for blood, self-harm, a little bit of body horror and Leo being a smug jerk)
For a darker take on TNV-Leo’s reaction to meeting the 2AL Leo and Future Leo… I’d imagine TNV-Leo would be very, very, very envious.
He’d be absolutely sick with jealousy. All he’d be able to think about was the fact that they got out. They succeeded when he couldn’t. Even Sprout, even though he came from the bad future, he was a leader everyone relied on. He was responsible. Strong. Unlike TNV-Leo.
And if Poptart and Sprout had a violent/terrified reaction to his Krang parasite, TNV-Leo would get great satisfaction out of it. A petty sense of revenge. Much like a sibling getting back at another for something silly. (At least, that’s how TNV Leo would feel about it— he wasn’t totally malicious, but he also doesn’t grasp the scope of just how scary this reveal was.)
And with TNV-Leo’s messed-up-noodle, it would be hard for him to register that they were real. That they were their own selves from another universe rather than a hallucination like he thought they were—
Perhaps it was out of sense of spite. Perhaps it was out of a sense of wanting what they had. Or simply wanting to feel like he belonged too—
But I could see him making a spectacle of cutting off his arm (like in that one chapter). Slicing it off with his Krang tail, cheekily commenting that now they all ‘matched’ 🩵
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irishmammonagenda · 3 months
cw: graphic imagery bordering on gore PLEASE DONT READ IF YOURE SENSITIVE TO THAT !!!! inspired by a dream i had <3
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The castle dungeons are dark, damp and desolate, with the only light source being the flickering flames in their holsters on the walls. Bhí an t-urlár fuair fliuch. The stone walls were cold to the touch.
Occasional dripping sounds were all that could be heard until a series of harsh hurried footsteps and muffled screaming cut through the eerie silence like a butcher's knife to a pig.
The demon is thrown harshly into a cold, stale cell, before the lock clicks shut, and they're left to stew in the cursed ciúnas.
Momentarily a calm clacking of pointed shoe soles sound on the stone hallway. The demon listens with bated breath as the cell door is carefully opened. The unoiled hinges screech like a bean sidhe. A cart is pushed in, one that delicacies would be served on.
But instead of sweet treats and teacakes the trays hold something far more sinister.
The demon shivers as forest green eyes lock onto them. The most feared butler in all the Devildom takes a tantalising step forward. Barbatos doesn't break eye contact, politely sinister smile unwavering; he's in full demon form, intricate horns and a strong, glistening tail stand out in the light of the flames.
"Oh, my dear subject...how careless could one be?...." The butler drawls slowly, polite demeanour not yet wavering.
"I-...P-please!-...." The demon finds that the words get stuck in their throat, a chuckle is pulled from Barbatos' chest.
"Please what?" Barbatos cocks his head, smile tightening ever so slightly. "Please let you live?" A deep, sultry chuckle erupts from his chest as the demon nods frantically.
Barbatos steps away.
Towards his tray of tools.
With his back turned to the chained demon his polite façade drops as he listens to that parasite's begging and pleading for mercy.
He hums softly as he slowly removes his gloves, revealling long slender fingers underneath. "Begging me to let you live?...Oh, the navieté...." The butler turns around, gentlemanish smile back on his face. "You see, when I'm done with you you'll beg for death...."
"I didn't even do anyth-!" The demon begins to protest, squirming in their chains, before Barbatos' súile glas meet theirs with such a ferocity, words fail them.
"Don't." Barbatos grabs a tool not unlike one a dentist would use, before approaching the chained demon with such anger in his eyes it trumped even the Avatar of Wrath's. "Don't say that you have done nothing. You see. You tried to hurt his Majesty, by trying to hurt the exchange programme....that already would have landed you some time down here....had I so felt it necessary...."
Barbatos takes the Periodontal probe and slowly inserts it into the demon's right eye. They howl in pain as the sclera is pierced, eyes watering so much, they're unaware if everything is becoming blurry because of that, or because they're going blind.
The turquoise haired demon steps back, as if admiring the handiwork already completed on his soon to be broken toy. Something else flashes in his eyes, polite smile still trained on his face. "You see...you tried to hurt the exchange programme by attempting to hurt someone I hold very dearly....and for that...." Barbatos' smile widens unnaturally. "I'm going to show you just how much the rumours at RAD completely downplay my dungeon of horrors..."
With the demon's wailing as his motif, Barbatos approaches his tray once more. "You know, I've been meaning to try out some new....methods....but alas, I felt it wouldn't be ethical to test them on the Little Ds....I'm quite fond of them you see....even Little D No. 2...." He turns around, eyeing the state of agony the demon is already in.
He smiles. "Perhaps if you're a good test subject, I'll kill you earlier than I'd originally planned to..."
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The mangled corpse lay on the ground, legions of muscle and bone exposed, joints jutted out in painfully unnatural angles. The deceased demon's damaged eyes were poked until massive holes formed, in which fire ants were placed in them, the creepy crawlies still stinging and crawling around the eyesockets of the now dead body.
Barbatos leans against the wall, panting. Pale skin covered and splashed in the most beautiful of reds. His hair sticks to his forehead with sweat . Pupils completely dilated.
The tools on the tray are bloody and sanguinary. Not a single one clean.
The door to the cell creaks slowly open, the Butler's head snaps to the sound.
A small black blob trots shakily into the room, shivering when it meets Barbatos' bloody gaze.
"E-er...Mister Barbatos....?"
The demon tilts his head, eyes blown wide. "...Yes?"
Little D No.2 shivers, fiddling with its tiny tophat. "Er....Little D. No.1 s-said to tell you MC is on their way t-to the castle....."
Barbatos nods, eyes softening ever so slightly at the mention of you and the sight of Little D No.2 fainting upon discovering the mangled corpse in the corner of the room.
Barbatos chuckles softly, tension not as firmly molded into his shoulders as he scoops up the tiny demon in one ungloved hand and places it in his bloodied breast pocket.
The turquoise haired demon strides out of the cell with learned poise, muttering a spell to clean the blood and entrails off of his muscular form as he puts his ivory gloves back on.
Walking out of the dungeons, he motions to Little D No. 6 who bobbles its little head and begins to make its way into the dungeons.
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(Meanwhile....) A portal opens in the dark cell. Flat sneakers step out of the abyss and halt upon seeing the gory scene.
The figure tightens the grip on the scythe and sighs, pulling down her hood, revealling long ombre hair.
Thirteen sighs, watching as Little D No. 6 chomps down on the dead body's liver. "Oh for fuck's sake."
She groans, leaning against the wall of the cell, uncairng of the blood getting on her stupid official reaper robe seeing as she hated it anyway.
"Barbatos owes me a new motorcycle for this." Thirteen grumbles, she was woken up from her nap for this. The reaper watches as Little D No.6 uses the demon's pierced, leaking stomach as a trampoline. "...and he better make it a pink one."
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With Little D No.2 still in his breast pocket, Barbatos opens the palace doors, eyes glinting with something unreadable as he sees you.
His smile is geniune as he welcomes you into his abode. "Oooo! Barbs! In your demon form today? What's the occassion?" You ask, bouncing from your tip-toes to your heels.
Barbatos just chuckles, tail wrapping around your waist as an arm wraps around your shoulders, guiding you to the kitchen. "Oh, I just felt more comfortable in this form today....pay it no mind, my dear MC."
"Meh, I won't, your demon form's pretty, now...." Your eyes glint excitedly as Barbatos steps away to grab some bowls and ingredients for your cookie baking/gossiping session. "...you won't believe what Asmo's done now.."
Barbatos raises an eyebrow playfully, polite poised smile still on his face, although more relaxed than usual. "Oh, do tell...."
And so, you're launched into your tirade about the latest scandal you and the brothers caused and reaped the consequences of said scandal.
You both bake, with Little D No.2 waking up from his nap in Barbatos' pocket and then attaching himself to your shoulder halfway through.
With a sharp exhale you place the batch of cookies in the oven, before moving to clean up with the BUtler. (Even though he protested it very much.)
And hey, if Barbatos' tail wraps around your midsection and wont seem to let go, that's not something he's going to acknowledge. ;)
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dia daoibh a chairde!! ( translation: hello friends) [pronounced: jee-ah deev ah hard-jeh] dividers by @/saradika-graphics
its summer so im on my grind fr. i've been obsessed with the concept of feral barbs and also have had a few pretty bad nightmares so now im making it the entire obey me fandom's problem.
also I can't characterise Barbatos why is this man so polite
[moth anon i am so sorry im planning out ur ask rn]
NOW ONTO THE IRISH (you thought you were safe since i haven't been including irish as of late? 🧐)
(1) 'Bhí an t-urlár fuair fliuch.' - The floor was cold and wet. pronounced: Vee an tur-lair [tur as in t(air)] feh-where fluck.
AGAIN ‘ck’ is okay to use but try to pronounce with your throat!!
try to pronounce fuair as like one syllable sort of? as per usual i cant write pronunciations, so as a special treat have this:
irishmammonagenda voice reveal😨 (i tried to speak slow and clear </3)
since its a sentence here's my shitty handwriting explaining the structures.
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(2) 'ciúnas' - silence prnounced: q-un-ess q as in queue un as in how you'd pronounce the un in 'uno'
(3) ;súile glas; - green eyes pronounced: sool-eh glass the 'ool' in 'sool-eh' is pronounced the same way as the 'ool' in 'school'
'súile' means 'eyes' and 'glas' means 'green' as i've said before, in irish the adjective comes after the noun.
Go raibh maith agaibh a chairde. Slán <3. [Thank you (plural) my friends. Bye <3.] [ pronounced: gerah muy ugg-eev a hard-yeh. slan.]
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