#Various Hoop Sizes
bri-cheeses · 5 months
| May 3rd | Prompt: Illusion | Word Count: 953 | @rosekillermicrofic |
Evan was waiting. For who, he didn’t know, just that the letter he had received had told him to be in this spot as soon as the moon had reached its highest point.
He sighs, sitting down on the fountain ledge behind him. The water in the fountain trickles slowly, as if it’s forgotten how it used to work and is only a sad echo of what it used to be.
Kicking the grass beneath him, Evan thinks about how he’d gotten into this situation in the first place.
It had started with a white crow. Now, Evan isn’t one to follow vaguely unsettling birds for the heck of it; that’s more up his sister’s alley. But Evan, like everyone else, had been raised on the legends of crows appearing to various people and leading them to the most extraordinary, elusive circus in the entire world.
The circus was said to travel everywhere, but getting an invite was rare. So if you were lucky enough to have the crow appear to you, you followed it, knowing that once you reached your destination you would experience the best week of your life.
Not to mention that the circus was rumored to be magical, as well.
And so Evan had followed the crow into the forest on his family’s estate, watching as it weaved through the trees. Eventually he had stumbled upon a door carved into one of the trunks. Evan had had the feeling that the door wasn’t entirely real, but he had gone through it anyway.
And it had landed him in a small circus tent outfitted with a bed, clothes, and other necessities. Evan had immediately deduced that it would be where he was staying for the next week.
Then he had noticed a slip of paper on the stand next to the bed. And of course he had picked it up and looked at the directions written there, following them out of his small tent and into the night.
There had been a cobblestone path leading away from his quarters, winding through a dark field and into a small, quaint town. From there he had gone to the outskirts of the strangely empty village and found the fountain that had been drawn on the paper.
And now he was sitting there, waiting for… something.
He looks up at the moon just to have something to do. It’s full, or at least close to it, and its light illuminates his surroundings.
Evan sighs, scuffing a foot along the ground one more.
And that’s when the night explodes.
Not literally, of course, but the overall effect is similar to that of an explosion.
The moon begins to emit swirls of color that wrap around the courtyard, filling it with delightful shades of reds and purples and greens and every other color imaginable. The shades are all bright and playful, almost overwhelming in their radiance as they solidify into shapes of various sizes. Evan sees a swirl of fuchsia tangle with a light blue and turn into a circus tent. Beside it, a burst of tangerine forms a fully grown tree. Evan’s not sure, but he thinks there might be a yellow monkey swinging from it. He can’t say for certain, though, as his attention is being pulled in a new direction every other second.
A tightrope springs up from a flood of crimson, dragging Evan’s gaze to it. Then, on the opposite side of the clearing, a cloud of navy condenses into a wheel of knives. He can feel himself becoming dizzy as elephants and swords, ropes and stilts, and tigers, fires, hula hoops, and more are brought into existence all around him. And a vibrant circus is left behind as, one by one, the colors die off.
All of the colors but two.
A bright purple and green swirl around each other, winding faster and tighter as Evan watches a form take shape.
The boots are the first things clearly visible, electric purple and pointy. Then the legs form, along with the torso, all clad in a bright green suit. It’s perfectly tailored, decorated with purple trimmings that immediately catch the eye. The cape and gloves that come next are the same color, tying the entire outfit together. After that, a green hat pops into existence above the headless body, suspended in mid air.
And then finally, the head of the mystery person appears, a devilish grin and a pair of sparkling eyes fading into sight.
Evan’s taken aback by the boy now standing in front of him. He’s Evan's own age, with brown hair, captivating green eyes, and a cocky arrogance about him. And despite Evan’s best instincts, he’s instantly intrigued.
The boy makes a show of acting surprised to see Evan standing there, then sweeps his hat off of his head and bows. The grand gesture brings a slight smile to Evan’s lips.
“Barty Crouch Jr,” the boy introduces himself proudly, “ringmaster of this incredible circus.”
Wait. This is the ringmaster? Evan thought he’d be older. And far less charming, if he’s being honest
“Pleased to meet you,” Evan hedges, still slightly unsure about all these new happenings. After all, it’s not everyday that one experiences magic. Especially on a scale as large as this.
“No,” Barty says, his mouth curling even further into a wicked grin, “the pleasure is all mine.”
His gaze meets Evan’s eyes, causing him to shiver. There’s something to be said for being the focus of a magician—particularly one as bewitching as Barty is.
And somehow, surrounded by the most beautiful illusion he has ever seen, Evan gets the distinct feeling that this just might turn out to be the best week of his life.
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rubyredridinghood · 8 months
JJK Characters and Their Piercings/Tattoos
SFW✅ CONTENT!! 18+ blogs please dni ^^ TW: Mentions of needles, some spoilers, not proofread lol
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•Standard ear piercing but usually nothing extravagant
•Unironically has the cross dangly because he thought it would be funny but never wears it
•Mostly diamond studs or silver
•He thought it would attract more attention from the ladies (as if he needed anymore) and of course it worked
•Also has his belly button pierced and I stand firm on that belief
•Likes to flaunt it on the beach and often keeps his shirts unbuttoned in unprofessional gatherings
•Often matches the nose stud and belly button ring and has drawers full of them
• Has a tattoo on his hip of a black beta fish (yeah🥲)
•Speaking of which, he has a small one on the back of his neck of a crescent moon
•He got matching ones with Geto right before *the incident* in high school to celebrate Suguru’s 18th, Geto has the sun
•Covers it with foundation all the time when he’s in public
•Has a tattoo on his upper arm of a doodle Megumi drew when he was little
•It was the first thing Megumi ever drew and showed him (It was literally just him and Tsumiki as stick figures) and he cried
•Has a pretty high pain tolerance so he mostly did well with the process, but the hip tattoo hurt like hell for him and they basically had to pin him to the table to keep him still
•Made Shoko come to his appointments for moral support
•Standard ear piercings
•Usually just sticks to silver or black studs because he’s afraid of being judged :< •With a little push he might wear small hoops occasionally
• Vertical labret piercing (middle of lip) only wears hoops
•Does not do well with needles (shockingly), so he cried the first time he got body mods done
•Got his ears pierced at Claire’s and held the teddy bear
•Has only one tattoo along his left forearm with the names of his brothers written out in kanji (including Yuji)
•Also cried during the tattooing process
•He’s just a pretty princess he can’t help it😞
•Has a rotation of like 5 different pairs of earrings and lip rings because he likes to keep things simple
•Really wants to get an eyebrow piercing but chickens out every time
•Gauges (duh)
•Started stretching his ears in early high school after he got tired of normal earrings
•Used to sit in agony in class whenever it was time to move up the taper size
•Got his septum pierced but decided he didn’t like it a few months later
•After high school (betraying everyone lol), he started by getting industrials
•Tongue piercing came next, has all kinds of fun tongue rings for funsies
•Tongue was super puffy after getting it done, Mimiko and Nanako had to speak for him for a couple weeks while he expressed his throughs through grunts of frustration
•Has the universally headcannoned back tattoo of a dragon
•Has the sun tattoo on his nape to match Gojo’s moon
•Covers it with his hair obvi but sometimes looks at it in the mirror when he’s feeling lonely
•Left arm is a complete sleeve filled with various details such as red spider lilies, various geometric patterns, and names of his loved ones hidden throughout
•Simplistic patterns running up his fingers on both hands
•Did not budge during any of the procedures, however the intensity of many of his healing processes usually rendered him unable to do certain things, so he often required assistance afterwards, even while swearing up and down he didn’t (he almost fell down the stairs)
•Definitely has the standard earlobe
•Used to have a nose stud but stopped wearing it
•Again nothing flashy but his wife and Tsumiki bought him hello kitty earrings and he will wear them proudly
•Has a simple tattoo down his neck of his wedding date in Roman numerals to Megumi’s momma (or you😘)
•Got it there because he tends to rub his neck when he’s stressed, so running his hands over the ink reminds him of his life’s blessings
•Also has Megumi’s and Tsumiki’s names behind both of his ears (screw canon can’t change my mind fr)
•Has one (1) on the knuckle of his wedding ring finger of a heart his wife drew
•Hides it under the ring because it embarrasses him to show other people but loves to look at it when he’s alone
•Pretends to be completely fine during his procedures but is gripping his wife’s hand for dear life and biting his lip until it bleeds
•She def laughs at him for it
•Hates needles with a passion and always dreads getting new ink done but it’s always worth it in the end
•Canon tattoos lol
•Also canon that he has his ears pieced, but he definitely got everything possible done on both ears
•Has a ton of different earrings and chains that make his appearance more regal and scary
•Has his tongue split 100% •Had a super puffy face after that procedure, and Uraume had to had to hold back laughter while assisting him through his normal daily affairs
•Nobody could take him seriously for weeks
•But when it healed he was scary as all hell
•Bridge piercing 1000%
•Didn’t really react to his procedures, however if you look closely you might see him barely squint his eyes when the needle goes through
•Got permanent bracelets because he thought they looked cool
•Small gauges
•Doesn’t let anyone touch his tattoos or piercings unless he’s being bathed or with someone he loves (you pookie🥰)
•Partly because it’s lowk sensitive for him and he doesn’t like the feeling
•Forgets to take out his earrings when he sleeps and wakes up with weird marks all over the sides of his head
•Constantly losing earring backs
•Also drops earrings all the time because his hands are huge and steps on them with the needle side up
•Poor Sukuna
My first time posting detailed hcs! Hope you like it ^^
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belbeten · 1 year
To cope with… well, you know... ::makes vague gesture:: EVERYTHING for the last 3 years, I’ve been puttering away at a series of cross stitch projects to cheer myself up through the effective combination of (1) swearing and (2) stabbing.
10/10 highly recommend. Here’s what I’ve made so far:
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[ID: Photo 1: Overhead photo of a group of 9 cross stitch hoops and a rectangular framed cross stitch. They contain various swear words and motivational messages related to swearing.
Photo 2: Overhead photo of a cross stitch hoop with black fabric and the word "fuck!" stitched in rainbow gradient lowercase cursive letters, circled by rainbow French knots. The hoop is surrounded by bobbins of thread in rainbow colors.
Photo 3: Close up photo of a cross stitch hoop with the word "fuck!" is stitched in rainbow cursive letters, surrounded by French knots.
Photo 4: Overhead photo of 4 cross stitch hoops in navy blue or white fabric. In small text they each have repetitive swear words stitched: (1) goddamnit, (2) oh shit, (3) fuck, and (4) bitch.
Photo 5: Overhead photo of a framed cross stitch with blue fabric. The white large-font stitched text reads: "Don't give up. You can swear the whole time. Just don't give up." There is small yellow cursive text stitched inserted with a caret in between "whole" and "time" that reads "motherfucking goddamn".
Photo 6: Close up photo of a cross stitch hoop with pink fabric. The purple and silver stitched text reads: "Maybe swearing will help?"
Photo 7: Close up photo of a group of 7 cross stitch hoops with fabric that is either white, navy blue, pink, or light blue. They each have repetitive swear words stitched in a small font: (1) bloody hell, (2) bitch, (3) fuck, (4) oh shit, (5) assorted swear words with tangled thread, (6) goddamnit, (7) assorted swear words and insults. /.End ID]
Crafty details and more info under the cut.
Many of these (especially the mini hoops) were done in between working on larger projects, to take a little break from full coverage pieces, or to use up leftover fabric or leftover thread. I’d never finished the back of an embroidery hoop using felt before, and did several of the hoops so I would have a chance to practice my blanket stitch and whip stitch. I also wanted to experiment with dyeing fabric, and getting more practice with French knots.
Fabric and size details:
Each of the small hoops are 3-inch with 14-count aida.
The rainbow fuck! is a 5-inch hoop with 16-count black aida.
The pink Maybe swearing will help is a 5-inch hoop with 14-count aida (dyed in grape koolaid, lol!), and uses DMC Satin Floss #S762. (Never again!)
And the Don’t give up piece is 8" by 10" on 14-count Nordic Blue aida.
Pattern credits:
Lettering for the rainbow fuck! hoop was modified from Oh Wow Stitch on Etsy.
Font for the Don’t give up piece was from adapted from SuncatcherStudio.
And I've seen the quote "maybe swearing will help" stitched a bunch, but wanted to make my own pattern for it. I had a lot of fun hiding some grawlixes among the flowery vine. :)
Totally okay to reblog but please do not repost to other sites. Thanks!
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intermittentstitcher · 4 months
List of Online Embroidery/ Sewing / Needlework Resources
Hello my name is Cleo and this is my masterpost full of resources and information that will help you in your stitching journey.
Taglist Form
Invite link to my community Fibre Artists on Tumblr
My Tags
Intermittent Stitcher Recommends
I don’t go here but I wanted to pass it on
Intermittent Stitcher Thoughts
Intermittent Stitcher Opinions
Intermittent Stitcher Poll
I love myself a beautiful gradient
Intermittent Stitcher PSA
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Intermittent Stitcher Tips
Cats of Craftblr
My Perchance Generators
Random Things to Stitch
Needle Type generator
Random Textile Craft and Technique generator
Random Thread Colour Generator - DMC .
Random Thread Colour Generator - DMC Colour Variations
Embroidery Website randomiser
Embroidery Hoop Size randomiser - in inches
Embroidery pattern Design Prompts
Random Embroidery stitch Generator
Aida Fabric Count generator
Embroidery Styles
Embroidery Project Generator
Other resources that I have made
My Goodreads book recs
Needle Organisation System
Embroidery Organisation Bingo Card
My Embroidery Pinterest board
Songs to Stitch To - my Spotify playlist for when I’m crafting
Orchestral Crafting Music - for when you really want to focus on your projects.
Crafting Acronyms - a list of acronyms used in the crafting community.
Videos to embroider to - videos that I like to put on in the background whilst I’m stitching.
Other Resources that I have found
Threadcolors.com - colour matching for DMC threads
Thread - Bare Stitching - tools and calculators
Flossmaxx - colour conversion for major floss brands
Needle N’ Thread - blog with useful tricks and tips.
Royal School of Needlework Stitchbank - has a wide variety of modern and historical stitches.
Sarah’s hand Embroidery Tutorials - a visual dictionary of embroidery stitches
StitchLifeStudio - an Etsy store that sells custom frames for embroidery hoops
Colour Scheme - good for helping you to select fabric/ thread colour palettes for your projects.
Color Designer - a website that has a wide variety of tools that can help you develop colour palettes for your projects.
List of colours ( alphabetical)
List of colours by shade
List of Crayola crayon colors
The symbolism of flowers
Sew What Podcast - A podcast where the host Isabella Rosner talks about historical embroidery and interviews a wide range of guests
Sarah Homfray Embroidery - YouTube channel
Antique Pattern Library
Bernadette Banner - Historical recreation YouTube channel
Sewstine - a historical recreation YouTuber that specialises in machine embroidery
Danielle Clough - A South African embroidery artist who produces beautiful pieces with bright colours. I have linked her Instagram.
Quilter’s Paradise - free online quilting calculators
ImageColorPicker - allows you to pick colours from photos
Loose Ends Project - This allows crafters to sign up to finish the craft projects of those who have passed away or have become disabled.
DMC - A well known embroidery supply brand. They produce high quality stranded cotton as well as a litany of kits and free patterns.
The DMC Youtube channel- has lots of tutorials and information.
Sylko thread colour inventory list - for those who have inherited their grandmother’s thread stash
Omni calculator - allows you to convert various lengths
Thread colour palette generator - allows you to generate colour palettes to use in your projects
Stitchpoint - allows you to write phrases in 7 different cross stitch fonts
FlossCross - a free online cross stitch pattern maker
Hours Tracker - the app I use to keep track of the hours I spend stitching
r/Embroidery - the embroidery subreddit is a really good source of information, encouragement and inspiration
r/CrossStitch - the cross stitch subreddit is a really good source of information, encouragement and inspiration
Code Crafters Quilt Generator - allows you to generate a random quilt design
Freebloss - a Amazon store that produces kits for many crafts including embroidery and they are affordable and high quality
prettycolors - a Tumblr blog that posts random colours along with the hex code and this can be a helpful resource for fibrecrafters when they are trying to pick a colour for their project(s).
colour-palettes - a blog that posts user submitted colour palettes and I think that this blog can also be used as inspiration for fibrecrafters when selecting colours to use in their project(s).
Swatches - this app allows you to swatch colours from photos as well as being able to swatch colours in real time.
John James Needle Guide - a guide to different types of needle and their uses.
Cable Patterns - allows you to make your own cable patterns for knitting
RSN collection and archive- photographs of objects in the Royal School of needle work collection. The first 100 objects have just been digitised and put online.
Hand exercises for knitters- these can also be used by other crafters in general
Things that I suggest you buy
I have not received anything in exchange for recommending these products
A colour wheel - this will enable you to choose the best colours for your projects
Multicoloured cases - this box filled with multicoloured cases will help you to organise your threads ant to easily take them on the go.
Plastic embroidery hoops- I find that plastic hoops are able to maintain tension and keep your projects drum tight.
Embroidery Floss Organisers- these help you to keep all of the various colours that you are using in your projects in one convenient place.
Pellon Stick-N-Washaway Embroidery Stabilizer - allows you to trace or print out your design and stick it onto your fabric, stitch over it and then wash it off once you’re done.
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kteezy997 · 5 months
Daddy's Boy-Part Nine//t.c.
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You put on the pair of blue linen pajamas that Timmy had set out for you. It felt so sweet and cozy to be wearing his soft, oversized pjs that smelled like him. He said he wanted to show you something, but you had no idea what to expect.
He led you to another room in the apartment. He flipped up the light switch and stood to the side to watch your reaction.
You looked around the room, and it looked like a little boy's dream come true. The bedding on the bunk beds was Hot Wheels themed, and on the floor, there were a few different Hot Wheels tracks with multiple lanes and loops for the cars to race on. There was a small basketball hoop, several action figures, and various sizes of monster trucks and toy cars. There was also a closet and a dresser under the TV. It was absolutely perfect for Theo. It was more than perfect. You were speechless.
Your heart was so warm, you thought of all the time and effort Timmy had put into surprising your son with his new room. You heart ached and you felt like crying.
"Timmy, this is..." you shook your head in awe, "amazing. He's going to love it. He's gonna freak out!" You hugged him, nuzzling your face into his neck.
Timmy squeezed you, "I hope so. He told me he'd like a bunk bed and then the rest is just stuff that's similar to what he has at your place, and other toys that I thought he would like. I don't know if he will or not." he shrugged.
"Of course he will!" you assured him, cupping his face and kissing him on the cheek. "You know what he likes, and you have great taste. Plus, you're his Daddy, he's obsessed with you. He would have loved his room, no matter what is in it, because it's at your house. He's gonna love spending time here with you."
You walked around the room, taking notice of the small details, the personal touches that Timmy added. Atop the dresser was a Willy Wonka Funko Pop figure and a chocolate brown Wonka top hat with the gold letters on it. It was so cute, and you knew that Theo would adore the memorabilia, as he had been watching his father's Wonka movie nonstop these days.
At the end of the dresser was a framed photo of the three of you that you had taken when you went out for pizza one night. "Awe, I love that picture. He's going to be so happy that you put it in his room."
"Yeah, we make a good little family." Timmy agreed, coming up behind you, placing his hand on the small of your back. "Are we going to tell him about us?"
You turned, slipping into his embrace, you took a moment to truly ponder over your response. "We shouldn't move too fast. Let's just enjoy where we are, and where this takes us."
"This. Meaning?"
"Our relationship. I know that we have been together before and clearly those feelings are still there; but I don't want Theo to get excited over something that might not last. I don't want to get hurt, but I worry more for him."
Timmy nodded, pulling you closer, putting his hand in your hair, tucking it behind your ear, "I want you to know that I am serious about you, y/n. It wasn't just sex or a one-time thing for me. I've been thinking for a while that I want us to be together, with Theo, as a family. I lo-"
You cut him off, putting your fingers over his lips, "You don't have to say it. Let's just take it slow. We can spend more time together, as a couple and the three of us. Theo will be so happy. You make us happy, Timmy."
He smiled, "Well, I'm glad to have you both in my life now." He then kissed you tenderly, holding you against his body.
He offered to make you an omelet for breakfast, which you happily accepted because you were starved. But as you sat at the kitchen island, watching him cook, wearing those damn sweatpants, you started thinking that you wanted something other than food.
You got up from your chair, and as you moved around the island, you could get a whiff of his scent on the pjs you wore. You leaned against Timmy, putting your arms around him and tucking your chin on his shoulder as he finished cooking.
You needed more of that smell, and you wanted him to notice you. You put your fingers on the collar of your shirt, bringing it to your nose and inhaling the sweet smell laced into the fabric.
He looked down at you with a quirky smile on his face. “What are you doing?”
"Smelling." you answered, innocently with a tiny smirk.
"Why?" he chuckled, briefly turning his attention to the omelet in the skillet.
"Because the shirt smells like you." you said, then kissed him on the lips.
"Hm." Timmy hummed onto your lips as he pressed his own onto them. "You're acting like you like me or something." he teased as your lips parted from him.
"Because I do. Want me to prove it?" you dared, running your hand along his chest, slowly.
He tilted his head a little bit as he turned to look at you, "You don't want breakfast?"
You looked ahead of you and turned the knob to switch the stove off. "Maybe later." you suggested. You let him turn, facing away from the oven. You sank down to you knees, placed one hand on his thigh, the other snaked into the vertical opening at his crotch. You pulled his cock through the hole, stroking his length.
Timmy met your gaze when you looked up at him, the look of desire and awe in his eyes made you wet, made you tremble with the need to please him.
You put your lips around the tip of his cock, letting him slide into the wetness of your mouth. You moaned softly around the girth of him. You let saliva seep from your mouth and down his length.
He combed his fingers through your hair, bunching it all up into a wad in his fist. "I'll take this over breakfast any day." he admitted with a soft chuckle.
You sucked and slurped along his cock, bobbing your head and running your tongue along his shaft: anything to make him moan or let out a little grunt. You happily gulped down the cum shot he gave you within just a few minutes.
Afterward, he picked you up, and placed you on the kitchen counter. "Now I get to return the favor." he cooed, nudging your nose with his, grinning.
He had nestled between your legs and started to kiss your neck, but you looked at the clock on the wall, seeing that it was nearly 11 a.m. "Timmy, we can do that later. We should get cleaned up and ready to pick up Theo from my parents." You placed your hands on his upper arms, softly rubbing them.
He sighed, "You're right." He leaned in, kissing you, saying, "Maybe we can take him to the park nearby, yeah?" he raised his brows at you.
“Sounds good to me.” you replied, pecking his lips. “It’s a prefect day for him to play outside for a bit.”
“Let’s get a shower.” Timmy said, and you could hear his excitement as he grabbed your hand, leading you to the bathroom.
You and Timmy went to your parents’ place together to pick up Theo. He didn’t know his father would be there, so you knew he would be thrilled to see him.
Theo tilted his head, frowning in confusion when he saw you both. But it only lasted a second and he ran to you. “Mommy!” he cheered as he jumped into your open arms.
You hugged your boy quickly then loosened your grip on him so he could look at his father. “Daddy! I missed you!” he said, leaping into Timmy’s arms.
Timmy caught him with grace, squeezing the boy snuggly and cupping the back of his head, saying, “Ugh, I missed you too.”
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @softhecreator @tchalamss @lixzey @bitchyunknownuser @ducktapebar @aoi-targaryen @yukideadinside @mel-vaz @thatoneweirdgirl17 @iwishchalamet @jindongdongie @elloise0 @rennyd26 @briefkittenearthquake @that-one-fangirl69 @sammy-halpert
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 month
Hello!!! Stumbled upon this blog on a casual scroll-through and am super impressed at how thorough and passionate it is!! Kudos!!
I had a question, if it’s not too much of a bother:
Is there any sort of artifact mentioned in JTTW (or Chinese mythology at large) that’s been used to contain a yaoguai’s power/take it away from them? Maybe in the vein of Guanyin’s vase? Sorry if this doesn’t make sense.
So what you are asking for is something that can take away cultivation so to speak? There are some tv/movies that do show other yaoguai that are able to eat the life force of yaoguai and forcing them back into their original state therefore taking away their power and their humanoid form.
However that is more popular in modern media, as for any canon items they are more focused on subduing and capturing rather than depowering.
Gaunyin's vase sadly hasn't been able to show any depowering abilities either if you were asking about that. It has been show to whole an entire ocean and that it can hold healing water. But there are movies where she is able to capture demons (such as Wukong) in her vase and keep them in a state of status. But I don't know how in canon that is as she does have a lot of history outside of journey to the west.
But on to magical items in journey to the west! I shall rank them from most subduing to least subduing
Subduing Buff Attacking
Golden Jade Ring (金剛琢) - it can change size, is invulnerable to water and fire, can strike all things, collect various magic weapons and weapons, and has infinite uses. Laojun used this treasure to knock down Sun Wukong and help Erlang Shen capture him. The One Horned King used this treasure to take away Sun Wukong's golden hoop, Nezha's six weapons, and the magic weapons of hundreds of gods and generals. It can even dissolve water, fire, thunder and lightning. Later, Taishang Laojun, who came down to the world himself, defeated it with a fire-type banana fan. This was the thing that put Wukong stop in his tracks, doesn't take away power but def the most powerful.
Flask of Yin and Yang Essence (陰陽二氣瓶) - it contains the Seven Treasures and Eight Diagrams, twenty-four Qi, and requires thirty-six people, according to the number of Tiangang, to lift it. This treasure can hold a person and if a person does not speak, the bottle will be very cool. But once they speak, fire will burn them into pulp water in a moment. Wukonghad to use his Golden Hair he was given by Guanyin to escape. While not invincible it took another magical item to counteract it and thus very powerful.
Golden Cymbals (金鐃) - the magic weapon used by the Yellow-Browed Monster who trapped Sun Wukong inside and would have turned to puss inside it if he didn't escape. Sun Wukong escaped from the golden cymbal with the help of Kang Jinlong and immediately broke it. Took nearly an army to escape it, very powerful.
Purple Gold Red Gourd (紫金紅葫蘆) - as long as you call out your opponent's name if they respond, the elixir will pull them inside. Then a note with the words "The Supreme Lord Laozi, please obey my command as soon as possible" will be posted on it, and the elixir will turn into pus in a few hours. Hard to say how powerful this is since Wukong escaped it twice turning into a bug so... take that as user error or not.
Human Sack (人種袋) - Sun Wukong invited the twenty-eight constellations, the two generals of the tortoise and the snake, the five great dragons, Prince Xiao Zhang and the four great generals, but they were all put into the monster's bag. Later, Maitreya Buddha took back the human seed bag and put the demon king into the bag. Very powerful but does not kill, so less of a threat.
Golden Cloth Rope (幌金繩) it was originally a belt used by Taishang Laojun to tie his robe. It has a tightening rope spell but also a loosening rope spell and if a user knows both they most likely will not be affected. Powerful but if you know the loosening spell it is useless.
Suet Jade Flask (羊脂玉淨瓶) this was used by Taishang Laojun to make elixirs and hold water. It has space inside to hold water from all over the world.
Seven Stars Sword (七星劍) - the real sword from the Ming and Qing dynasties that has survived in modern times was used by Tan Sitong. The seven stars are mainly symbolic, but from the perspective of material mechanics, they should have the function of buffering stress concentration and preventing the sword from breaking.
Palm Leaf Fan (芭蕉扇) - The two banana fans, yin and yang, are held by Taishang Laojun and Princess Iron Fan respectively: the banana fan used by Taishang Laojun is yang, and the six Ding divine fire it fanned is the power source of the alchemy furnace; the banana fan used by Princess Iron Fan is yin, and its water vapor can extinguish the fire in Huoyan Mountain. The two fans are mutually reinforcing and mutually restraining. There are prototypes that can be traced in reality.
Banana Leaf Fan (芭蕉扇) - The extremely yin treasure fan can fan out water vapor, and water can extinguish fire, so it can extinguish the 800-li Flame Mountain. "Journey to the West" Chapter 59 "Tang Sanzang's Road Blocks the Flame Mountain, Sun Xingzhe Uses the Banana Fan" "...Her banana fan was originally a magical treasure created by heaven and earth since the beginning of chaos behind Kunlun Mountain. It is the essence of the Taiyin, so it can extinguish fire." The yin wind fanned out can make people drift 84,000 miles before it can stop.
Purple-Gold Bells (紫金鈴) - This Purple Gold Bell was forged by Taishang Laojun in the Eight Diagrams Furnace, and it is very powerful. Shake it once, and fire will come out. Shake it twice, and smoke will come out. Shake it three times, and sand and rocks will fly. Sun Wukong stole the golden bell and then subdued "Sai Taisui".
If you are looking for more magic items that can take away cultivation I actually think that there is something in FSYY that took away some daoists' cultivation... but I think that was more of a formation than an item... I'm sorry I didn't take notes on but that novel DEF has a lot of magical items!!
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Afternoon Dress
United States
This dress was made from a paper pattern bought in Paris in 1874. Extant garments created from the early days of this type of garment are rarely identifiable. Sized paper patterns were introduced by Ebenezer Butterick (1826-1903) in 1863 and quickly spread to many different companies across the United States and Europe. Being able to create stylish garments at home by sewing machine (which was invented in 1790 but wasn't affordable until the 1850s) revolutionized fashionable dress for the masses. This particular dress has distinctive features of its period such as heavy trim and decorative pockets. The bustle silhouette, although primarily associated with the second half of the 19th century, originated in earlier fashions as a simple bump at the back of the dress, such as with late 17th-early 18th century mantuas and late 18th- early 19th century Empire dresses. The full-blown bustle silhouette had its first Victorian appearance in the late 1860s, which started as fullness in skirts moving to the back of the dress. This fullness was drawn up in ties for walking that created a fashionable puff. This trendsetting puff expanded and was then built up with supports from a variety of different things such as horsehair, metal hoops and down. Styles of this period were often taken from historical inspiration and covered in various types of trim and lace. Accessories were petite and allowed for the focus on the large elaborate gowns. Around 1874, the style altered and the skirts began to hug the thighs in the front while the bustle at the back was reduced to a natural flow from the waist to the train. This period was marked by darker colors, asymmetrical drapery, oversize accessories and elongated forms created by full-length coats. Near the beginning of the 1880s the trends altered once again to include the bustle, this time it would reach its maximum potential with some skirts having the appearance of a full shelf at the back. The dense textiles preferred were covered in trimming, beadwork, puffs and bows to visually elevate them further. The feminine silhouette continued like this through 1889 before the skirts began to reduce and make way for the S-curve silhouette.
The MET (Accession Number: 2009.300.777a–c)
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shadowqueenjude · 1 month
Well, I’m working on a fic for Eris week which takes place a little over three centuries before the canon series. It is Eris x OC arranged marriage, and here is the prologue. I’ll post it on ao3 once I finish writing the fic.
Asha stood arms spread, legs apart, and eyes straight ahead as the tailor took her measurements, or rather, a floating tape measure did. The tailor just stood there, looking up at her, eyes narrowed and ears flattened against her head. “Arre yaar, you are huge,” she remarked. Asha sighed. She was used to this kind of comment.
In actuality, Asha was not that big. She was tall, but not incredibly so. However, most people in the Dawn Court were quite petite, so she looked massive in comparison. Her height combined with her broad shoulders and large bust size made fitting traditional Dawn Court clothing difficult; hence the tailor.
“I can have this dress done in fourteen days,” the tailor said. Asha pursed her lips, tilting her head downward to meet the tailor’s eyes. “I need it in ten.”
“It’ll cost extra.”
“Just get it done,” Asha said, handing her the dress material and grabbing her bag she had left on the sofa. She walked towards the door, the light falling upon her skin the wrong way, revealing the multicolored hue of it. Looking back at the tailor, she saw the small shifter swallow nervously.
Gorgon. Asha was half Gorgon. She had been conceived while her mother was blindfolded to her faerie lover. It would be a disturbing story to anyone not familiar with the Faerie, but in Prythian, the story was positively romantic: a gorgon choosing to lose her sight to be with the one she loved.
Unfortunately, gorgons were well hated by the High Fae, and she and her husband had been murdered in a brutal incident resulting in twenty dead faeries.
Hence she’d been taken in by her much older cousin, whose mother had been her father’s sister. He was also the current High Lord of Dawn: Thesan Abhiraaj.
So, she was practically a princess; only she had no High Fae blood, and was therefore highly resented. She had to try extra hard to fit in amongst them. Her gorgon blood did wonders in the intimidation side of things. Since she was only half gorgon, it was nearly impossible for her to kill someone with the look of an eye, but she could paralyze the person she looked upon when provoked to rage. Hence, no one dared cross her, though they may not like her.
“Relax, I am not going to kill you,” Asha said disdainfully. She did grow weary of being terrifying sometimes. She swept out the door, stepping out into the lovely dawn.
In the light, the tawny color of her skin faded, revealing the green and purple scales that went all across her body. The three small snakes in her head took refuge behind her thick dark curls. Her black hair and eyes glowed bronze in the sun. Bands of lavender flowers wrapped around various parts of her arms. The gold threads on her tunic shone, giving the white churidar the dazzling look of a goddess. Small ruby hoops hung from her ears. This was just the every day look of a Dawn Court princess.
Princess being honorary. Asha was certain most princesses didn’t work as healers on a daily basis. Princess duties were unbearably boring; she needed something to occupy her time.
She got her fair share of looks while walking back to the palace; some nasty, some in awe, but Asha ignored them all, floating back into the palace.
Inside the palace, her snake features faded once more. Sending a tired wave to her cousin and his lover, Abhijit, Asha went towards her room before flopping onto her bed. Not very ladylike, but no one was watching her here. She was too tired even to change; this impending meeting under the mountain was stressing her out.
She wasn’t really stressed over the meeting itself; she had been to loads of those. However, this was to be no ordinary meeting between courts.
If all things went her way, by the end of the meeting she would be engaged.
Did she have a special someone in mind? No. She would be marrying for influence and power. Horrible? Maybe, but royalty rarely had a choice. It was better to know what you were getting into than holding out for love or whatever. Asha didn’t really believe in all of that. Jaded? You might think so, but no. She’s just never really experienced any sort of attraction before. Platonic love she had. Romantic love? Never before. So the prospect of an arranged marriage didn’t much bother her.
Asha woke up the next day quite late. Most injuries to a Fae could be healed by their own magic, so any injury so bad that it requires a healer meant long-term patients.
She put on her usual forest-green robes, tying her hair up and putting on her running shoes. Then she walked out through the secret exit from her room to avoid people.
Asha didn’t have as many patients as some others because people didn’t like being treated by a gorgon, but that was alright with Asha; she liked a light workload, after all. Unlike the High Fae, she could not winnow, so she jumped onto her pegasus and soared into the sky.
Her pegasus had golden brown fur and exceptionally rare blue eyes. She was missing one leg, which she lost when tigers of the forest nearly killed her while she was grazing. She managed to escape and fly into the sky, but she’d lost so much blood that she was barely alive when Asha found her and healed her. Then, her friend Nuan managed to make her a prosthetic leg and save her life. Asha would never stop being grateful to her.
Her first patient of the day was the elderly faerie Yogesh. He was once one of the High Fae, but he had now reached an age so high that his body had actually started to deteriorate and fade away. At that age, society generally did not consider anyone High Fae. The term High Fae in itself was an elitist term created to tear down those they believed to be of a lesser class, so it made sense that they’d view faeries who broken down, which was practically unheard of, less than.
Yogesh was 877 years old. It was a miracle he was still alive; most faeries got killed off by the time they reached 500. He had some wrinkles on his face and silver hair, but the real signs of age were in his body. Everything hurt for him, so it was Asha’s job to alleviate the pain.
“More back pain?” she asked as he walked in, a slight grimace on his face. He shook his head. “It’s the knees this time,” he muttered. Asha linked her arm in his and guided him over to a chair. After he managed to sit down, Asha lifted her palms, which had begun to glow with her magic. “How is your daughter?” Asha asked as she placed her hands on his knees. It served as a distraction, yes, but it was also important to address potential mental setbacks to physical recovery. Yogesh and his daughter had been on icy terms ever since he’d expressed serious disapproval over her marriage to a woman of lower birth. Ever since he’d lost his status as High Fae, he’d begun to realize how foolish his hyper fixation with the High Fae was and that he’d messed up with his daughter. Too little too late? Maybe for his daughter to forgive him, but not to be a better person. For that part, it was never too late.
Yogesh, to her delight, beamed. “She actually let me visit her yesterday. It was extremely awkward for a while, but then her wife initiated conversation between us. She is actually quite civilized and a great partner. I am glad I am getting to know her, even if it’s very late.”
“It is never too late to improve, Yogesh,” Asha said kindly. Her work was simple today because neither his mind nor his body were fighting back. “It takes a strong person to admit when they’re wrong.”
Yogesh patted Asha’s cheek. “You are always so kind, kid. Your parents are lucky to have you.”
“Thank you, my lord,” Asha replied. The old fae let out a wheezy chuckle. “You know there’s no need to call me that.” No, there wasn’t, but Asha sensed how much it pleased Yogesh. Her healing magic gave her a heightened sense of the emotional states of others. “It is a habit,” Asha quipped. Then she stood up. “You’re all done. Have a good day, my lord!”
After a couple more patients, including one little kid who had been attacked in the woods and a human relative of a faerie who was rehabilitating his legs (brought all the way from the human lands too; that level of care for a human relative was exceptionally rare), Asha was done for the day. She went over to hang out in her friend Nuan’s studio.
“So I was thinking, judging by the wingspan of your horse, if we were to do a proportional equation to the size of an average faerie, blah blah blah,” Nuan said, or at least it was what Asha heard. She didn’t understand anything her friend did, but she supported it wholeheartedly. Nuan’s arm had been cut off by her own abusive father, whose rage had known no bounds due to his own unstable upbringing. She had spent years making prosthetics for various people who needed them; her own personal project was making wings. Winged beasts were native both to Dawn and to Night. Illyrian women get their wings cut off by the men in their family, which is why the project was so personal to her.
“Perfection,” Asha said. Nuan snorted. “You have no idea what I just said, do you?”
Asha shrugged. “It sounded smart, though,” she assured her. She walked over to her station, where Nuan appeared to be building a circuit. She looked past her shoulder at Nuan. “That reminds me. I have a gift for you. For the upcoming party thing.” Asha snorted, trying not to snarl at the thought. She was so not looking forward to that shit. She didn’t like gatherings in general, but this one was particularly stress inducing. Getting engaged to a stranger would do that to you.
She needed to get one of the good eligible men, not one of the wicked men summoned from the most fiery depths of hell.
“What is it?” In answer, Nuan pulled out a crown. It didn’t look like much, but Nuan shone a lamp on it and it shone like the brightest star on the darkest night. In the ballroom, it would look magnificent.
“Wow,” Asha said, staring at it. “That is stunning.”
“It enhances your beauty when you wear it. It also doubles as a knife,” Nuan said casually. “Since you’re not allowed weapons in there.” With a click and a flip, the crown turned into the fanciest knife Asha had ever seen. She took it gingerly from her friend, running her fingers down the blade. It was smooth and cold as ice.
“You have truly outdone yourself, Nuan,” Asha said, handing it back. Nuan changed it back into a crown and put it on Asha’s head. Asha pulled her into a hug. “Thank you.”
“Only the best for my best friend,” Nuan said. Asha smiled. Truly Nuan was the best friend anyone could ask for.
The days went by quicker than Asha had hoped. Before long, she was getting dressed for the trip to Under the Mountain. It was just a simple silver dress; the real magic was being saved for when they actually got to the meeting place. They had a room, or rather a carved out hole, awaiting them there.
Asha threw her head back against the carriage, her braid smushing slightly but holding strong. Sleep was the only way to get through this boredom. The carriage was shaking too much to read or write anything, so she had no other options. Even sleep would be fitful but at least she could still dream.
When she woke up, she could feel the air getting denser, the ground growing more powerful, and her own magic leaving her body. The Middle was an eerie place. It was once home to the foulest creatures of Prythian and may indeed still be. It is an old and strong place that didn’t conform to the typical Fae rules. It was why Under the Mountain was chosen as a neutral meeting location; no one had the upper hand here.
Asha considered her options for marriage. There was Helion, son of the Day Court high lord, though she highly doubted he intended on getting married. Could she convince him? Doubtful. He probably wouldn’t make a good partner anyway.
There were the Spring Court brothers, as well as Kallias and Casper from Winter, as well as the legendary Morrigan from Night. Rhysand and Eris Vanserra were absolute no-nos; she had heard terrible things about their families. Even the Spring Court brothers were questionable for that reason. Morrigan was the only woman on that list, and being from Night she was also an asterisk. Asha knew Kallias in passing and had the distinct feeling he was in love with someone, which left Casper as her best option for marriage. Well…
The light was swallowed by the underground, and Asha knew they had arrived. Slipping out of the carriage, she allowed Thesan and Abhijit to escort her towards their room, each of them holding one of her silk gloves. Every step they took echoed. It was terrible every time they came here.
When they reached their room, Asha flung off her gloves and flopped onto the bed, sighing. Her skin was sticky with cold sweat as it always was after moving through the middle. She wished for a nice warm shower and some proper sleep. But when did a girl ever get what she wanted?
“Into the bath, go go,” her maids instructed, gently pushing her into the shiny white tub at the end of the room. The water was so cold that Asha hissed. She wished she had fire magic to heat this stupid shit up.
After what felt like hours of being scraped and scrubbed and beautified, she was finally ready for the ceremony. Her dress was magnificent, a saree of various shades of blue, from electric blue to robin blue to turquoise, embroidered with golden peacocks. A gold and sapphire chain hung around her neck while earrings resembling chandeliers adorned her ears. Kohl rimmed her eyes and her lips were painted garnet. Topped with Nuan’s crown, Asha looked like an empress.
She just wished it wasn’t so fucking hard to walk.
But as she walked towards the large hall, Thesan and his lover by her side, she felt like she could win over anybody.
At 189 years of age, Eris Vanserra was rather tired of being his father’s puppet.
But what was he to do? He was the eldest son, and therefore the one people focused on. Well, him and the baby, naturally.
Eris was constantly being groomed to be the perfect heir, the perfect loyal son, the perfect leader, the perfect Vanserra, and the sword to stand side by side the crown. And part of that image involved choosing a bride, apparently. It had been an obsession of Beron’s practically since the moment he was born.
He was 9 when he first got engaged, to the great warrior Morrigan. She was 17 at the time, he believed. The prospect of being wed to someone twice his age while he was barely old enough to hold a sword was…frightening to say the least. An adult wedding a child, it would’ve been. Eris had felt untold relief when Morrigan had slept her way out of the marriage.
The sheer terror he had felt when she had arrived at his doorstep nails all over her body…well, it was the most gruesome sight he had ever seen. Eris is certain he lost his childhood right then and there.
He had panicked. Bringing Mor across the border to be treated meant she would be forced to marry him, but if left there, she would probably die. But death was preferable to the life she would have with him. Even his nine year old self knew that, though he didn’t understand that what his father was doing was wrong.
Unfortunately, Beron’s wedding craze didn’t let up. Just a decade later, when he reached young adulthood, he was engaged to Lady Polonia Dumont, who was actually his second cousin. Horrified at the prospect of having to marry his own relative, Eris tried to reason with her to stop the wedding and wound up accidentally killing her instead. How the fuck does that happen, you may ask? Eris was the young volatile son of a High Lord; he hadn’t known his own strength, and he had yet to gain the mastery and control over his magic like he did now. It happens more often than you may initially believe.
Fifty years after that, Eris had been secretly engaged to a man of his own choice. Naturally, since Beron did not approve of his choice of spouse, he had him put down. After that, Eris didn’t bother with serious relationships. However, it only took another thirty years for Beron to start nagging him once more. It didn’t take long before he was set up with Marisol Spell-Cleaver, sister of the High Lord of the Day Court, which would’ve been fine if she wasn’t centuries older than him. The idea of marrying someone older than his mother terrified him.
So Eris talked to Marisol, and they both agreed not to get married. Somehow, Marisol was able to talk Beron down. Eris wished she’d revealed her magic tricks to him.
And now he was here. Beron had threatened to do to him what Keir had done to his daughter Mor if he wasn’t engaged and married within the fortnight. Part of Eris thought it was hopeless. He seemed cursed to never marry. Four failed engagements seemed like a sign.
But unless he figured out a genius plan to assassinate his father, he had no choice. And this meeting seemed like the best chance for Eris to pick somebody who:
1. Wasn’t older than his mother
2. Wasn’t related to him
3. Wasn’t so unworthy as to be murdered by his father
It seemed easy enough, but for Eris, these were great obstacles to overcome. Beron seemed determined to cling to his side as he murmured in his ear information about each of the eligible people.
“Lady Bethesda Rose of Spring is a great catch, though she may be a little too low on the hierarchy for you. Lady Paulina Fernandez Borbón III of Vallahan would give Autumn advantages in foreign affairs. Lady Aishwarya Kumar, who requested the name Abhiraaj be added to her name to represent the men who raised her…” Beron wrinkled his nose. “She may have been raised a princess, but she is mixed low-born scum. Though relations with Dawn would be useful.”
Pointless information. Eris already knew all this, having looked into it himself. Beron just liked to insert his opinion, to make Eris do what he wants.
This was what marriage was to royals: a political alliance. Eris had finally accepted that love would play no role in his marriage. That didn’t mean he had to completely abide by his father’s wishes.
Slipping away from his father, the Autumn court heir first introduced himself to the Vallahan lady.
The female offered her hand, which Eris raised to his lips. “Lady Paulina,” he said, bowing. Paulina smiled. She was pretty as all the Fae were, with her sparkling green eyes and chocolate brown curls; however, when she curved her lips, it revealed teeth as sharp as fangs.
“Lord Eris,” she answered airily. She looked him over. “You look good enough to eat.”
Yeah…no. Eris wasn’t in the mood to get eaten by his wife. He backed away slightly, maintaining a polite smile on his face. “Thank you, my lady. I shall meet you again soon.”
In other words: never. Beron can’t have known that Paulina was a vampire, or surely even he would disapprove. Eris’s introduction to the Spring Court lady went well, although he suspected Beron would not wish him to marry someone so low born, despite her still being nobility. Shame, though; she seemed decent enough, which was hard to find amongst nobles.
He was so deep in thought that he didn’t notice when he bumped into a tall woman. He found Morrigan staring at him. Eris tried for a polite smile, trying to ignore the queasiness in his stomach. “Hello, Morrigan.”
Her expression melted into a withering glare. “Eris,” she said coldly. Eris swallowed. Was she angry because of the border thing? That really wasn’t fair considering how young he’d been, but he decided to apologize anyway. Best not to make enemies. “I’m sorry for what I did,” Eris began smoothly. “I was a child then, and I made the best possible decision I could. I never intended for you to die.”
Morrigan’s expression fractured, and she shook her head. “I’m being unfair,” she admitted. “The truth is, I can’t think of that moment without seeing your face before me. I know it’s not your fault, but…”
Eris nodded, relief flooding his body. “I know. I blame you for my loss of childhood too even though it’s technically not your fault.”
Morrigan tilted her head. “Why?”
Eris shuddered. “You were the most gruesome thing I have ever seen.”
Morrigan’s lips pursed. “Thing?” she snapped. Oh hell no. Eris did not want to be here. He was a 9 year old kid again, and Mor was the far older woman he was forced to deal with.
“Lady Morrigan!” a voice exclaimed. Eris turned towards his savior. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She had thick brows arching over big dark eyes. Her skin shone bronze over a lovely blue saree. Small wavy strands of hair framed her face perfectly. She sunk into a deep curtsy upon seeing both of them. “And Lord Eris! It is a pleasure to meet you both.”
Eris smirked, lifting her hand to his lips. “The pleasure is all mine, Lady Aishwarya,” he murmured, and Aishwarya laughed lightly, looking down. “Just Lady Asha is fine, if you will.” She offered an arm to link with his own. He took it. “Pardon me, Lady Morrigan, but I think there is someone Lord Eris ought to meet.” Then she forcefully dragged him out of the conversation.
Once they were a safe distance from Morrigan, Asha let go of him and curtseyed. “Have a good day, my lord.” Eris inclined his head. “Thank you for saving me, lady.”
Asha merely shrugged, the slightest of smiles forming on her face. “I could feel your discomfort from across the room.”
Eris snorted, then watched as Asha walked away. He felt inexplicably drawn to her as she walked away, but Eris tamped down on the feeling as the introductory speeches began.
Eris’s baby brother Lucien crawled into his lap, and Eris absentmindedly cradled him as he began to fall asleep. “I wish I could fall asleep too, sunling,” Eris muttered. Unfortunately, paying attention was his only option if he wanted to appear like the respectable prince of Autumn.
Eris mussed up Lucien’s bright red hair as he slept. Of all his brothers, Lucien was by far the cutest baby. He was also the smartest; he was 10 and could already talk circles around many Autumn Court adults, which considering how weird Autumn folk could be, was a significant feat.
After the boring speeches were over, it was time for dinner. The long silver tables were dreadful. Eris sat as far away from his family as possible, securing Lucien a seat by one side of him.
“Don’t take the Som Tam,” Eris ordered Lucien. “It’s too spicy.”
“I like spicy!” Lucien declared, his face splitting into a toothy grin. Eris sighed. “This is too much spicy even for you, Lulu,” he said. “Take the fried rice instead.”
Lucien pouted but obeyed. Eris himself only took a little bit; he didn’t much like spicy food. There was loud chatter around him, but there was silence beside him. Finally, peace from his stupid family. He felt guilty for including his mother in that, but a part of him did feel resentful, feeling as if she was a little too complacent in what his father had done to him. He knew Beron likely hurt her too, which was why he felt guilt too. He was also a little jealous because she seemed to prefer Lucien to him; she wasn’t even that affectionate when Eris was a baby. Overall, Eris felt as though he needed his space from all of them. Except for little Lucien. He seemed to be everyone’s favorite.
“Can I have your sweet?” Lucien asked, turning pleading chocolate brown eyes at him. He was the cutest kid ever. Eris handed him his jamun. “Here.” Lucien squealed and took the dessert, stuffing it in his mouth before reaching over to hug Eris. “I love you,” he mumbled, his mouth muffled by food and Eris’s shirt. Eris tried not to get too emotional, but those words hit him in the chest every time anyone said them to him. “I love you too, sunling,” he answered.
By the time he finished dinner, Eris had made his decision. It may be one that he came to regret later, but whatever; if he was going to get married, it would be on his terms.
He pushed through the crowd, seeking the one person he wished to talk to. Lucien was riding on his shoulders, ensuring that Eris didn’t lose him. At last, Eris found her in the corner, talking to a few other ladies. He slowly approached her and bowed.
“Lady Asha,” Eris began. “I know this is sudden, but…”
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daemonmatthias · 6 months
I just have no motivation today. Even in my dream last night everything school related felt kinda pointless.
How on earth do they expect teachers to be motivated? They're making us jump through 50 billion extra hoops about testing coming up; meanwhile they did NOT come in our rooms at all like they said (so the kids don't feel like there's any urgency to jump through these hoops), and they're discussing various budget cuts due to the state refusing to allocate more funding to schools despite having a multi-billion-dollar budget SURPLUS (in an obvious and malicious ploy to destroy public schools so that the stupid fucking waiver system will get passed).
They're eliminating the district curriculum coordinator positions, so who's going to order our consumable textbooks, talk to the reps for all the various programs we use, etc.? (Probably department chairs and instructional coaches?)
They're supposedly eliminating the testing coordinator positions, so who's going to plan and orchestrate the ridiculous number of tests we have to administer? (Probably instructional coaches?)
They're reducing the number of instructional coaches per campus to only 1. So they're just adding MORE responsibilities to a position that's already way overworked while reducing the number of people in that position.
And, realistically, that's what's going to happen to everyone. Our class sizes will be bigger, we'll be expected to take on more duties and responsibilities-- all for less pay, because they're also discussing reducing or eliminating various stipends.
Does anyone know how to move from teaching into HR or corporate training? Because at this point, it's not very likely that I'll be accepting next year's contract...
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superwings-cultural · 6 months
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Traditions and Events: The Dragon Dance - China
The Dragon Dance (local name being 舞龍, or wǔ lóng) is a traditionnal and ancient performal dance practiced in Chinese culture, as the same way as the Lion Dance (more infos about it there), it is more often see during festivities, like the Lunar New Year. This dance is performed by a team of expert dancers, manipulating a giant dragon figure, the dance team simulates the imagined movements of this river spirit in a sinuous, undulating manner.
The dragon dance is, as said earlier, often performed during Chinese New Year. Chinese dragon is an important symbol of China's culture, and they are believed to bring good luck to people, therefore the longer the dragon is in the dance, the more luck it will bring to the community. The dragons are believed to possess qualities that include great power, dignity, fertility, wisdom and auspiciousness. The appearance of a dragon is both fearsome and bold but it has a benevolent disposition, and it was an emblem to represent imperial authority. The movements in a performance traditionally symbolize the power and dignity of the dragon.
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The origin of the Dragon Dance was most set during the Han Dynasty, were multiples texts described different form of dances, mostly associated with rain. According to a Han dynasty texts, these rituals was made to call two dragon deities: Yinglong and Shenlong, who each one bring rain and wind for the people.
There is also others form of dances involving these creatures, more as a popular and entertainment form. One of theses examples is the Baixi (百戲), when there are dancers called "mime people" dressed up as various creatures, including the dragon, and also a fish-dragon creature, mentionned in those dances. However, theses Ancient dances does not reflect the modern dragon Dance, stated in the illustration stones from the Han period.
Objects like dragon lanterns (龍燈) and figures are also disposed for the dance preparations, the lanterns are carried long the path the dance is mostly held.
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The dragon is a long serpentine body formed of a number of sections on poles, with a dragon head and a tail. It is assembled by joining the series of hoops on each section and attaching the ornamental head and tail pieces at the ends. Traditionally, dragons were constructed of wood, with bamboo hoops on the inside and covered with a rich fabric, however in the modern era lighter materials such as aluminium and plastics have replaced the wood and heavy material.
The normal length and size of the body recommended for the dragon is 34 metres (110 ft) and is divided into nine major sections. The distance of each minor (rib-like) section is 35 cm (14 in) apart; therefore, the body has 81 rings. Many may also be up to 15 sections long, and some dragons are as long as 46 sections. Occasionally, dragons with far more sections may be constructed in Chinese communities around the world to produce the longest dragon possible, since part of the myth of the dragon is that the longer the creature, the more luck it will bring.
Historically the dragon dance may be performed in a variety of ways with different types and colours of dragon. Green is sometimes selected as a main colour of the dragon, which symbolizes a great harvest. Other colours include: yellow, symbolizing the solemn empire; gold or silver, symbolizing prosperity; red, representing excitement. The dragon's scales and tail are mostly beautiful silvery and glittery to create a joyous atmosphere.
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The dragon dance is performed by a skilled team whose job is to bring the motionless puppet body to life. The correct combination and proper timing of the different parts of the dragon are very important to make a successful dance.
The patterns of the dragon dance are choreographed according to the skills and experiences acquired by the performers. Some of the patterns of the dragon dance are "Cloud Cave", "Whirlpool", tai chi pattern, "threading the money", "looking for pearl", and "dragon encircling the pillar". The movement "dragon chasing the pearl" shows that the dragon is continually in the pursuit of wisdom.
The Dragon Dance is one of the most popular practice in the world that competion performances have been organized, those events have stricts rules involving the dragon movements and the routine performance. It is also performed in others countries, mostly in Asia like Japan, Vietnam and Indonesia.
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riverbills · 2 months
Task: Share an early memory your character has had at Woodrow House
Date:1989 & 1984
Location: The Music Room and a recording studio in LA
The size of Woodrow House wasn't what overwhelmed River. He had been in plenty of grand hotels in his short life and he grew up in a large house. However, instead of aging wooden surfaces and walls lined with large bookshelves like in Woodrow the house River grew up in was full of reflective white surfaces and walls lined with platinum records. More importantly the house he grew up in was home. Woodrow was never going to be home, he decided with his arms folded. He missed his playroom and the familiarity of home. Most importantly he missed his parents.
River sighed and rolled over to look at the clock on the bedside table. It was illuminated by the low light of a purple lava lamp (one of the few personal touches he had added in the brief time he had been at Woodrow). It was roughly one in the morning. It was still the middle of the day in California. He wondered what he would be doing if he still had his parents. He decided he would probably be jamming with them in the family music room.
It was always an exciting adventure when River was taken into town. It was a rare occasion and whenever he asked his parents or nanny why they told him the city was dangerous and a special treat. However, as he squirmed in his seat, being allowed to accompany his dad (or Uncle Marty as he was told to call him in front of people) didn't feel like a special treat. The adults were too preoccupied with recording music to pay attention to him. Occasionally he would lean over to talk to the sound engineers on the same side as the booth as him and he would be shushed. His cabbage patch doll and crayons could only keep him preoccupied for so long.
There was a brief break in recording because his dad had gone for a piss break. River decided it was his opportunity to introduce himself to the session musicians. It had been too long since he talked to anyone and musicians were always rad. The sounded engineers were too wrapped up in a conversation that sounded boring . It was the perfect opportunity for him to sneak into the other side of the booth. The drummer and bassist gave him an apprehensive look when he walked into the studio but didn't say anything. He would introduce himself to them if he had time but his attention was drawn to the guy on the weird keyboard thing. The man had a shirt with the first three buttons undone underneath a leather jacket. His shirt was white with various blue and pink geometric shapes. What River noticed from where he was sitting behind the soundboard were curls cascading down past his shoulders. Now that River was closer he could see that he had a hoop earring and smaller silver hoops further up his ear. He was cool in a way River couldn't describe when he was seven and for reasons he couldn't put his finger on
"Hello River greeted, enthusiastically.
The weird not quite piano player took a drag from his cigarette before replying."Hey" He answered with a bemused expression.
“I really like your earring. You look like a pirate”
“Hope you're not trying to say I look evil.”
"Oh no, not all pirates are evil. Some pirates in movies are actually nice but they're fighting a mean government.”
“It's always good to fight mean governments.”
“What does this do?” River asked, pointing at the weird not quite piano.”It looks like a piano but it makes noises that sound like a robot singing.”
“It's a synthesizer. It's basically an electronic piano and you can change the settings to make it produce a range of sounds. Do you want to have a quick go?”
River nodded excitedly. The synth player stood up and gestured for River to hop on the stool. He put his foot on the pedal to adjust the height once River sat down. River pressed a sequence of keys and squealed in delight at the sounds it made.
The music room was silent. River stared down at the piano keys. He breathed in deeply. It should have been easy to press a key. He had done it countless times before. But it didn't feel right. His limbs felt heavy and music didn't sound the same anymore. It was as if how wrong his life felt without his parents extended into music as a concept. Every note seemed out of tune. He lifted his right hand up and it hovered over the piano, shaking slightly. If he pressed a key he would feel like he was betraying his parents. He couldn't have music without them. He felt like he shouldn't have been in Woodrow's music room. He thought he shouldn't be at Woodrow at all. He wanted to go home. He wanted his parents back. He felt the tears begin to fall and it was difficult to breathe. He jumped off the stool on shaky legs before kicking it over.
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disgruntled-lifeform · 8 months
Question for my fellow embroidery peeps:
When you buy a pattern, do you buy it for the specific hoop size you intend to use it in (6" for instance) or do you look for a pattern that includes various sizes in one pdf?
Maybe one that includes a file for you to set your own sizing with?
I usually make my own patterns for things so I've never purchased one before and was curious about the norms one encounters and what would be considered going 'above and beyond'.
What are some 'nice to haves' that you tend not to get from your average pattern purchase?
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someonewhos-world · 8 months
The trudge to finding the stupid cab was quiet. Mostly. Jace somewhat blocked out most of Noelle's unhappy grumbling about her hair and clothes being wet. Oh and her shoes,Jace realizes.
The deeper red haired girl counts to 8 before looking at Noelle for a moment, assessing the damage done. The aforementioned disgruntled teen's long hair was sagging, sticking to her face and beginning to frizz a little while air drying. Some of her tips dripping with water. A little tangled in her hoop earrings. (Salt or Fresh? Jace doesn't exactly know,but she assumes fresh, the eels looked like European Eels.)
Her clothes were soaked, Jace knows fully that her clothes were heavy and dragging her down. She knew her shoes and socks were wet too, from the squelch of water in her sneakers and the occasional grimace on the girl's face. There's goosebumps on her arms and various eel bite marks that were bleeding steadily.
Jace turned away, processing the new information before stopping. Noelle stopped a few steps a head, raising an eyebrow at the kneeling girl who dug through her backpack.
"What are you doing?" Noelle narrowed her eyes, turning towards Jace as she paused and looked at Noelle with a smile. The former took in the latter's appearance, leaves and a stick or two tangled in her wind messed hair,no more were the cat clips in her hair. (Though Noelle was sure Jace was the one with the outlined cat hair pins and Jess had the solid. She never really took a mental note.) What was usually pinned back,was in the latter's face and obscuring her line of sight. Theres small tears in Jace's sleeve gloves, exposing old scarring that's darker against her tan skin. Her skirt is torn in some places, petticoat dirty.
"Getting you a new shirt," Jace smiled, eyes creasing a little. Noelle crossed her arms,eyebrow raised. Jace stands, handing Noelle a neatly folded black,one size too big shirt. She looks at Jace with a unreadable expression before unfolding it. A beat of silence passes before Noelle lowers the shirt, staring at Jace with a pinched expression like the former handed her a lemon. (Jace wont admit to the startled snorted giggle she let out.)
"This is a Green Day shirt." Noelle deadpanned, waving the offending piece of clothing. Indeed, on the front, was the cover of a Green Day album. Jace smiled,amusement pleasantly welcomed in her veins and her expression. "Yes," She giggled, covering her mouth was her bracelets clinked at the same time as Noelle's clinked together on her own wrists. "I dont have anything else that would fit you." She defended, raising her hands in mock defense as Noelle's gaze sharpened for a moment before somewhat deflating. Weighing her options, the aforementioned teen decided that wearing a shitty, bleach splattered band shirt, was more better and leaves her with less of a chance of getting sick.
Noelle mumbled something unintelligible before stalking off to a Bush. Jace turned away, examining her gloves before removing them. She turned back towards Noelle, snorting in amusement at how the green day shirt clashed a little with her usual aesthetic. Noelle frowned but nodded a little.
"Thank you, I appreciate it."
"Mhm. No one deserves to be in three different layers and weighed down."
The track continued,but not the silence was more comfortable. Though, Noelle amused the question of why Jace helped, only to be partially stunned when the girl admitted that Jody was a force to be reckoned with. Not that Jace ever knew. But something about short girls being fairly scary in their own,unique ways.
wowo!!!! I wrote em!!! I should write my gym final!!! With the same enthusiasm!!!
Genderswapped AU + Noelle belong to @same-name-supremacy
Jace belongs to me :3
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Best Moissanite Jewelry 2024: Top 10 Moissanite Jewelry Designs
Are you looking for trendsetter Moissanite jewelry designs for 2024?
Here is our list of the top 10 trending designs in Moissanite.
1. Moissanite Engagement Rings: Timeless Romance
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Trending Designs:
Classic Solitaire: A timeless design that never goes out of style, the solitaire moissanite ring is perfect for those who appreciate simplicity and elegance. 
Halo Settings: For those who want maximum sparkle, halo settings with central moissanite surrounded by smaller stones are trendy. 
Vintage-Inspired Rings: With intricate detailing and unique settings, vintage-inspired moissanite rings are perfect for those who want a ring with a bit of history and charm.
Signet Rings: Signet earrings make a bold statement with their classic, personalized flair.
2. Moissanite Earrings: Subtle Elegance
Moissanite earrings are a versatile and stylish addition to any jewelry collection. Whether you’re looking for a simple pair of studs for everyday wear or something more elaborate for special occasions, moissanite earrings offer stunning sparkle and sophistication.
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Trending Designs:
Stud Earrings: Classic moissanite studs are a must-have. They are understated yet dazzling, making them suitable for both casual and formal settings. 
Drop Earrings: For a touch of glamour, moissanite drop earrings are perfect.
Hoop Earrings: Moissanite hoops are a chic choice for those who want to make a statement. Available in various sizes, from subtle to bold.
Cuff Earrings: Cuff earrings add bold sophistication to your style, effortlessly commanding attention.
3. Moissanite Necklaces: Statement Pieces
A moissanite necklace is the perfect way to add a touch of elegance to any neckline. Whether you prefer a delicate pendant or a bold statement piece, moissanite necklaces are sure to turn heads.
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Trending Designs:
Solitaire Pendants: A single moissanite set in a simple metal setting makes for a timeless and versatile piece.
Tennis Necklaces: For those who love a bit of luxury, moissanite tennis necklaces are a top trend for 2024. 
Cubin link Necklaces: Modern and sleek, bar necklaces featuring moissanite stones are perfect for those who prefer contemporary designs.
Lab-Grown Gemstone Necklaces: Elevate your style with a necklace showcasing the brilliance and ethical allure of lab-grown gemstones.
4. Moissanite Bracelets: Everyday Glamour
Moissanite bracelets are the perfect way to add a touch of glamour to your wrist. Whether you’re looking for something delicate or bold, there’s a moissanite bracelet to suit your style.
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Trending Designs:
Tennis Bracelets: Just like the tennis necklace, the moissanite tennis bracelet is a classic piece that exudes elegance. 
Charm Bracelets: For a more personalized piece, moissanite charm bracelets are a great option. 
Cuff Bracelets: Bold and modern, moissanite cuff bracelets are perfect for those who want to make a statement.
Infinity link Bracelets: Infinity link bracelets symbolize eternal elegance and unbreakable bonds with their seamless, continuous design.
Moissanite jewelry offers the perfect blend of beauty, value, and ethical responsibility. Whether you’re in the market for an engagement ring, earrings, necklace, or bracelet, moissanite is a fantastic choice that promises to deliver stunning brilliance for years to come.
For personalized assistance and to explore our latest designs, visit https://ivoryebony.co/ or contact us at [email protected]. Restyle your wardrobe with the premium moissanite collection from Ivory & Ebony.
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abigail · 8 months
hi abigail! i hope it’s ok to ask about this - where do you get your amazing jewellery from and do you have any tips on building up a collection? every time you’re draped in gorgeous layered necklaces it’s like 💔💔 so so good!! kiss!
hi lovely !! thank you so much omg and of course it’s okay to ask :-) honestly happy to share anything i can when it comes to styling stuff lol but yes !!
i’ve had a lot of my jewellery for years tbh and if i’m honest and a lot of it is secondhand ! i’m lucky to have lots of charity shops/vintage stores in the area i live/work so i always like to nosy what there is whenever I can, i really recommend if you’ve got any secondhand stores near you to never miss the jewellery section, often it’s not a lot of stuff but you can find some beautiful stuff sometimes !! if you’re able to too, if you go to an area that’s got a lot of like.. rich people living in it (lol) check out the secondhand stores there ! because i’ve found charity shops in areas with more people with money usually have more jewellery than other charity shops idk ! but also there’s online too like vinted/ebay/depop/etsy - just of course have an idea what you’re looking for and use the search tools to really narrow it all down !
i do buy new quite a bit with jewellery though, some of my favourite places to get them is regal rose (i usually wait for them to do a sale though unless it’s something i know i realllllyyy want), livia wednesday (everything is handmade and so beautiful ! because it’s handmade it is a bit more expensive but in my opinion it’s totally worth it.. i’ve got quite a bit from her and i’ve never personally had any issues !! easily my favourite place to get jewellery with pearls and whatnot hehe), i’ve also got a bunch of things from mysticum luna before (i haven’t so much these days because their recent collections haven’t quite been for me but i do still love the things i have and really recommend them !!), and for cheaper stuff/costume jewellery i do like asos !! they’ve got sooo much stuff and i love the tool bars because it means you can really narrow down what you’re looking for which is helpful and doesn’t mean you’re scrolling for hours through thousands of products ..
another thing i do is buy charms and add them to my own chain or earring hoop !! charms are everywhere and usually pretty cheap, so if you get various chains of different lengths and thicknesses or pearl beads or whatever you’re wanting, you can add the charms to them (i find them a lot in charity shops too and they’re always like £1 or something super cheap) - going off this too i like to move my jewellery about, like today for example i have a locket with a skull on and i changed it’s chain to a shorter one so then it can be stacked different with another necklace than what i usually do y’know ? it just means i don’t always have to do the same stack of necklaces every time, i can change them about to work with my outfit easy too and it keeps it all a bit more fresh looking i suppose !
oh and see if your parents/grandparents have any old jewellery they’d give you !! honestly you’d be surprised, i asked my dad not long ago and he gave me a lot of old rings from dead relatives i had never met and some then random but very cute bracelets hehe :-) and if there’s anything you don’t really want anymore see if any of your friends would wanna trade with you (same with clothes too if you have friends who are the same size and have the same style as you !)
for building up a collection honestly i’d say to just get pieces you know you’ll keep for a long time (hopefully forever !!) and getting pieces that you know you can wear with loads of different things etc if you get me ? like easy to dress up or down !! and of course make sure you look after your jewellery :-) i’m not sure what else i can suggest other than that i’m sorry !! but yeah i hope all of this was some help to you at least :-) take care <33 mwah mwah
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jalmin45 · 2 months
Affordable Earrings: Stylish and Budget-Friendly Choices for Every Occasion
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Affordable earrings offer a perfect blend of style and savings, allowing you to accessorize without breaking the bank. From classic studs to trendy hoops, there's a wide variety of earrings available that cater to different tastes and occasions. These budget-friendly pieces are crafted with care, ensuring you don’t have to compromise on quality.
One popular choice for affordable earrings is the simple stud. Available in various shapes, sizes, and materials, studs are versatile and can be worn daily. They’re perfect for adding a subtle sparkle to your look. Another trendy option is hoop earrings, which come in different sizes and designs, from small and understated to large and bold.
For those who love a bit of glam, affordable drop earrings are an excellent choice. These earrings can be dressed up or down, making them suitable for both casual and formal events. Whether you're shopping for yourself or looking for a gift, affordable earrings provide stylish options that won't strain your budget. With so many designs to choose from, you can easily find the perfect pair to complement your style.
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