#Versa Platinum
Real estate investment stands as one of the oldest and most profitable avenues for wealth creation. The steady cash flow, capital appreciation, and portfolio diversification allure have attracted countless investors into this dynamic market. Also, you’ll find many real estate investment companies that are well-versed in tackling the hurdle coming their way.
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snallavanta · 3 days
what do you mean hoshi & omar are in the same vicinity rn.....
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hydnes · 5 days
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does it ever stop because i'm scared as fuck right now
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cassie-thorne · 1 year
Vibing to Platinum playlist in 2023 like 💆🏽‍♀️
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My local Japanese store had the most recent edition of the JoJo magazine, so I bought it soley for this segment about Jotaro’s relationship with the crusaders. The two paragraphs on the bottom explain how Jotaro and Kakyoin have such deep respect for one another, and even mentions how Kakyoin is one of the only people to bring a smile to Jotaro’s face. 🥲
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Another thing that’s mentioned that I originally wanted to make a separate post about was how Jotaro was the only one of the crusaders to hear Kakyoin calling out for them upon his return from the hospital.
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One might say it’s because Star Platinum is a precision based stand, so of course that would mean he also has excellent hearing. Well, yes, that’s true, but the magazine says it’s because he’s Jotaro’s ‘Best Partner’ and that they have a bond ‘that goes beyond reason’, which is also just as correct (I mean, Jotaro didn’t have a reason as to why he risked his own life to save Kakyoin’s ffs). After all, Jotaro is the only one who was willing to sit and listen to Kakyoin’s fun facts, so of course Jotaro would be the only one to hear Kak’s voice. And Kakyoin will sometimes even speak up for both of them, he’s aware that Jotaro isn’t a talker and prefers to convey his feelings through actions.
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Kudos to the author of this article btw, they even pointed out how Kakyoin is so attentive to Jotaro’s opinions on anything. In this panel, Kakyoin exclaims something along the lines of “Let’s hear your opinion, Jotaro!” (I’m too lazy to look up the official translated version, lol).
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Kak knows Jotaro so well to the point that they no longer need the words to communicate with each other. They barely needed to say anything when they reunited too!
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And this beautiful relationship was formed all because Jotaro was the first person in Kakyoin’s life to show him genuine kindness and dedicate his time to listening and understanding him, and vice versa.
Uhh, I don’t know where exactly I wanted to go with this ramble. I just wanted to share some stuff that I found interesting and adorable from this page of the JoJo Magazine. xD
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lodium · 5 months
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Idk if somebody already drew Cephalons like that. After so much time it definetly could be tho I wasn't in the fandom and didn't post anything what I was drawing at 2016-17. Now when I'm doing it again after two big breaks
I got a strange feeling from their dialogues in The New Strange. Was redrawing them several times and was more unhappy with what I did before than now with the symmetry attempt. I'm just not good in designing such things. Tried to base their designs on the room for Simaris, and on the Orbiter ship for Ordis with it's additional parts as mech I wasn't in Warframe for 5 years and lost access to my old account. It's a pity cuz I miss a little my Frost and Limbo that you could create without Duviri. And when did they add open world maps, wow. AND YOU CAN FISH NOW. Still I can refresh my memory with quests I remembered that I needed to do Frost mission for 18 times to get his spine or what it was. But now it's a bit pointless with obtaining his full blueprint only at Duviri (I don't consider platinum options) as for some other warframes. Though I don't remember where his blueprint was obtained in the old times. And it would be so much easier for me if the trade system in such games was like in WoW and other MMO, where ppl just leave their things with a price or vice versa and no more interactions are needed ehhh
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lowkeyrobin · 1 month
If you're still writing for The Umbrella Academy, I would love to see a Viktor x Reader one shot about Viktor bringing his S/O home to meet his family and just seeing how they react to his S/O. :)
AWE OMG YES ☹️☹️☹️ ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy 🦠!!
VIKTOR HARGREEVES ; meet the family
summary ; vik brings you home to his mama and daddy (his siblings) (I'm making fun of country ppl pls get the joke)
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; post s3 ig but they still have powers (for the plot cause I thought it'd be fun)
word count ; 836
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Being Viktor's partner, especially for this long, had long called for a family reunion for you to meet them and vice versa. To say that was nerve-wracking was an understatement. That fucking man had six siblings. Six siblings you needed to impress. Six siblings you had to prove yourself to. Six siblings you had to give a good first impression so they knew you were good for Viktor.
Yeah, no, you weren't prepared to step inside the Hargreeves' mansion of a home.
The first to greet you was Allison, sporting long, dark curls against platforms, black, bell bottoms, and a white top. Get it girlfriend.
"Oh my gosh, hi Vik!" She smiles, wrapping her shorter brother in a hug.
You stand beside them awkwardly, nervously, thinking quickly in your head on what to say, if you should speak at all. No, of course you speak. Speak when spoken too-
"Hi, I'm Allison" She smiles, holding a hand out for you to shake.
You quickly accept the handshake, a kind smile on your face. "I'm Y/n"
"My partner" Viktor smiles.
Allison's soft smile turns into one of joy, much more gleeful. "Congrats, both of you." She looks between you both, a mutual smile being thrown back and forth. "You're a lucky person to have him, trust me"
"Thanks," you reply, looking to your boyfriend. "I love him a lot"
"Good thing I won't have to rumor either of you into saying it out loud," She jokes, patting Viktor on the shoulder before heading back into the living space.
You raise an eyebrow, looking to Vik. "What'd she mean, 'rumor us'?"
"Her power is to rumor people. She says, 'I heard a rumor' and essentially has power over their mind and actions, " he answers.
"Don't worry, she's just joking. Sorry"
He pulls you into the living room, seeing his other siblings having a grand old time already. At the couch sits Diego and Lila, sipping on some fruity mocktails.
"Well, hello chaos bringer!" Lila smiles, quickly greeting Viktor with a hug. "Who's this lovely looking friend you've got here?"
"My partner" Viktor smiles, looking to you.
"Y/n" You smile, stretching your hand out for her to shake.
Lila accepts. "Lila. Diego's wife" She nods back at Diego.
From the couch, Diego smiles and waves, chewing on a slice of the orange which was in his drink. "Hi! I'm Diego, the only good sibling here"
Lila rolls her eyes, turning to Vik. "Do they know about all our powers?"
"We're just learning as we go" Viktor chuckles.
Lila turns back to you. "Well, I can replicate other people's powers, which is kinda shit sometimes." She shrugs, shoulders slightly knocking around her shoulder length, platinum white hair. "Diego's a master at corn hole. Don't challenge him"
"That's not my power!" He exclaims. "I have better aim than all you dorks, knives are for men!"
Lila and Vik speak to you in unison. "Guns are for pussies"
You chuckle, a hand over your mouth, finding comfort in this chaotic family already.
"Viktor, Lila" A new voice speaks, nodding his head as he speaks. "Who's that?"
"Five, meet Y/n, my significant other." Viktor smiles, turning between the two of you, "Y/n, this is Five. He's the one trapped in a younger version of his body, but he's actually like, seventy"
"Sixty-two," He corrects. "But, welcome to the family, Y/n. You're going to hate it here" He whispers.
"No, they won't!" Klaus groans with an eyeroll, appearing out of nowhere. He places his hands on his shoulders, which quickly fall to his sides after Five teleports away. "Hi, I'm Klaus" He smiles, quickly hugging you.
Lila continues, recapping you on powers. "Five can teleport and time travel, and Klaus is immortal and can speak to ghosts"
"And created a cult" Vik adds.
Klaus smiles, stepping back, looking between you and your boyfriend. "Let me know when the wedding is. I'll have to go shopping"
"Coming, Diego!"
As Klaus leaves, Luther and Ben approach, being the last of the siblings you had to meet. They both shake hands with you, then begin to argue over who was in charge of dusting the paintings on the walls.
By this point, you were wondering how they even put up with each other, then remembered that they barely did. I mean, you understood. You wouldn't want to be around your collection of siblings anymore after saving the world three times.
Lila turns back to you. "Luther is super strong, Ben has tentacles in his stomach"
You slowly nod. "Gotcha"
Five clinks a fork against a champagne glass, silencing the room. "Let's raise a toast to Viktor and his new partner, yeah?"
"Hell yeah!" Klaus smiles, picking up a stray glass of water off the coffee table.
Ben hands you and Viktor a drink while Five speaks, then drinks once again.
Vik turns to you as Lila joins Diego on the couch again. "Thoughts?"
"I'd be worried if not"
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bexalert · 1 year
Jojo characters reactions to you being hurt
(Jonathan, Joseph, Jotaro, Kakyoin, Dio)
(mentions of violence)
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Jonathan Joestar:
• Since he can heal, he’s not too worried
• But he’s still freaking out a bit inside.
• He’s SUCH a gentleman
• “Are you alright? Here, let me carry you.”
• Even if you’re fine, this man is watching you like a hawk.
• He just doesn’t want to lose anyone else :(
• If it’s a more severe injury, broken limb, stab wound, etc. He’s more jittery
• Like if you’re visibly in pain he’s gonna feel awful.
• “Please don’t cry- it ok. I’m here.”
• If he can’t be there, he’s gonna have Speedwagon or Baron watching you.
• He’ll fight for your honor 😤
• He’ll just do to your attacker what they did for you
• And a little bit more 🤭🤏
• But he’s still honorable! So he won’t go too far
• He knows you’re capable he’s just really worried and paranoid.
• He just cares so much :(
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Joseph Joestar:
• He’ s gonna be making jokes
• Not because he doesn’t care, he just wants to make you feel better
• He’s so confident it’s almost annoying
• “Don’t worry, Joseph Joestar is here!”
• *wink*
• But if someone did this to you, you best believe Joseph is messing them up.
• “You made a big mistake hurting Y/N!”
• It’s gonna be night and day
• He’s so gentle and nice with you
• And then he’s beating someone half to death
• If it’s a more severe injury, he’s PISSED
• Tells Caesar or Lisa Lisa to watch you while he murders someone
• Skipping the witty quip
• Just going straight into destroying them
• He’s gonna be a lot nicer if you’re genuinely hurt
• Doesn’t want to make jokes if it’s more serious
• “Everything’s gonna be alright, Y/N.”
• He’s not leaving your side
• If medicine isn’t making you feel better, he will.
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Jotaro Kujo:
• If silent but deadly was a person
• He’s not even gonna have to fight whoever hurt you
• He’s just gonna walk up to them and they’re already on their knees apologizing
• “Don’t apologize to me.”
• Now they’re desperately apologizing to you, and you’re confused cuz it’s just a scrapped knee.
• You’ll have to tell Jotaro that you’re ok and it’s not a big deal.
• Cuz at this point you feel bad for this random guy
• But if it’s a severe injury
• This person is fucked
• He’ll make sure you’re ok, and leave you with one of the other Stardust Crusaders
• And then Star Platinum is killing someone
• And Jotaro is just glaring
• You are not leaving his line of sight
• “Are you ok?”
• You won’t notice, but he’s gonna be hyper aware of what you’re doing
• Helicopter parenting
• He’s gonna make sure you’re happy and safe.
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Noriaki Kakyoin:
• He’s very worried
• If it’s something small, he’s probably not gonna go after whoever did it
• He’s just gonna make sure you’re ok.
• “Are you hurt? Let me see, I’ll help.”
• He’ll patch you up, and you’ll go on about your day
• But if it’s a worse injury
• He’s FREAKING out
• His eyes are going all wide and he’s gonna go straight to you.
• If it’s an easier enemy, he’ll stay with you and have Hierophant Green get them, or vice versa
• But if it’s another stand user, he’ll leave you with the Stardust Crusaders and destroy them 🥰
• He’s making it quick, cuz he just wants to make sure you’re ok
• He feels guilty that he couldn’t keep you from getting hurt
• He doesn’t want to seem clingy, but he’s gonna stay right by you’re side
• “I’m sorry you got hurt. I won’t let it happen again.”
• And he means that
• He’s going to keep you safe
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Dio Brando:
• oh boy
• You gotta try and calm him down
• Like you’re frantically trying to convince him not to kill this poor dude
• “How dare they touch you?!”
• If you’re able to convince him to leave the guy alone, his mood will be soured, and you won’t hear the end of it.
• But eventually he’ll let it go
• If you’re seriously injured, however, he’s not letting it go.
• He’s going to take his time and make them suffer.
• He’ll have one of his lackeys take him away, and make sure you’re fine.
• If you’re not, he’ll get you the best care
• And he WILL make this person suffer
• “They will not get away with doing this to you, believe me.”
• He’ll do to them what they did to you, but tenfold.
• And he’s gonna be clingy, but will deny it
• He’s gonna act like he’s on top of you 24/7 for your sake
• But he was actually just really worried
• He knows that he has many enemies, and doesn’t want you involved
• He’s not gonna forget about it for a while.
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Riddle, Rook: By Order of the Queen
I wrote this one during a very busy time for me irl so I apologize if I didn’t end off the Platinum Jacket line of imagines strongly 🙇‍♀️
A Tale as Old as Time.
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A young girl, an older man, and an odd hare shared the same table. The latter two were sitting upon it, propping their feet on the cloth.
Pots of tea—each of a different design—did not match the cups. A mouse poked its head out of one, curiously staring at the girl. Bent spoons sat beside the saucers, gigantic sugar cubes floating in pools of tea.
Riddle stared at the painting intensely, picking apart the details, the rules being skirted or blatantly violated. The man and the hare are not in chairs, there’s far too much sugar in their drinks, and is there even jam properly smeared on that dormouse?
“Roi des Roses, what about this painting has captured your gaze so?”
He startled at the deep timbre at his ear, jolting back. His shoulders relaxed when he met a familiar face. His heart, still racing, was unable to be wrested under control.
Devious, tumultuous thing, the heart.
Riddle cleared his throat. “A roundabout way of asking for my opinion on this work, Rook-senpai.”
The grin the Pomefiore student wore stretched, reminding Riddle of his childhood days. Cheshire smiles and sugar-coated memories, tasting far sweeter than the hours he toiled at a desk.
“Ah, do forgive me for the sudden request! As an avid fan of art, I love to hear different interpretations of the same piece,” Rook rambled excitedly. “A painting that invokes joy in myself, for example, may bring about despair for you, or vice versa! The wellspring of human emotion, expression, and experience is just that vast.”
With an exasperated expression, Riddle folded his arms. “… Well, I was just thinking that I would never allow for this sort of behavior at an unbirthday party. It would be an affront to the spirit of Heartslabyul.”
And yet…
His chest ached so longing when he looked at the illustration. A taste that remained long after he tried to wash it down. It drew a word out of him, pulled thin.
“However… I must admit, I feel a little envious of their quaint little tea party. It looks…” He grasped for the correct adjective. “… fun.”
Rook’s brows sprung up. “Fun!”
“You disagree? Or does it perhaps surprise you that the rose-red tyrant would make such a remark?”
I know what they say about me. The thought was tinged bitter like medicine as he swallowed.
“Non, non.” Rook wagged a finger, his eyes half-lidded. “You are correct in every way!”
“I beg your pardon?”
The Pomefiore vice dorm leader placed a hand on his chest. “My immediate family is quite large and likes to keep busy. Those few precious times when we are able to steal away and sit down for a meal with one another… Those are the most magical of all.”
“We each fall into our seats and—like a match struck, the moment comes alive. Words and laughter flow like fine wine, enhancing the flavor of the food that touches our lips. The weariness of study and work melts away in the dishes and drinks, replaced with good company in a safe, warm haven.
Riddle squinted at his senior. Suspicious. “… What is it that your family does for a living again?” When met with Rook’s still dubious smile, he sighed. “Well, I suppose it’s fine so long as you’re not hurting anyone.”
“Fufufu. Roi des Roses, I see that you’ve considerably lightened your evaluation of the rules.”
Riddle made a pensive sound, not confirming nor denying. “Mmm. Lately I’ve come to a realization.”
“And what might that be?”
He hesitated. “That perhaps the world as I saw it is not as it truly is.”
It feels like waking up from a dream. Tendrils of it still clinging to him as he made to rub them from his eyes.
Rook silently nodded, watching him. Not the huntsman stalking his mark, but a silent observer.
“I wonder for just how long I’ve been living in that false reality. Seeing the tea party and thinking it a disgrace…”
Something slovenly. In need of fixing. Out of line.
“Ah, but—” Rook raised a finger, “what matters now is that the veil has lifted. The line between truth and lies is that much clearer to you. That is the first step to any story: the beginning.”
Then his hand fell and grasped Riddle’s.
The man practically glowed, his grip firm. “Now the decision to stay on the path or to stray from it is yours.”
To renounce the party or to join it, given the invitationz
Riddle pulled himself away with a frown. “Of course, within the limits of what is acceptable,” he lectured. “A minimum level of decorum is expected, even at the most ‘fun’ of festivities. Should anyone cause a disturbance in the peace—”
He raised his arm, slashing at the air once, delivering a strong blow to an invisible victim. Riddle, in his element, brimmed with smugness, arrogant as an unchallenged queen.
“—it will be off with their head!”
Without an ounce of fear, Rook laughed and bowed his head. “As the queen commands, so shall I heed her orders,” he drawled. A tilt of the head, then came a suggestion. “And if I were to drop by an unbirthday party to observe?”
“Because you asked politely, I may consider it—but see to it that you attend as your normal self,” Riddle warned. “That means I expect you to be on time, your behind planted in a seat at the table. There will be no hiding out in the bushes, no watching us from a distance. You are to stay and engage in all manner of merrymaking with us.”
“Oh la la!” Rook feigned surprise, throwing both hands up in an exaggerated act. “Is that a rule?”
“No, but they are orders,” Riddle clarified with an all-knowing smirk. “After all, it would be a shame if you disobeyed and missed out on all the fun we shall have.”
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tokiwarcube · 3 months
I always wondered what the boys would think if their s/o was in a band (the genre is up to you) and they have the same position in the band as the boys. This has been a thought that won’t leave me alone, help me!!
P.s I love your writings for these 5 silly men !! :)
Aww, thank you so much!! I absolutely fell in love with this prompt -- and I had an absolute blast writing it! Now I will Also be thinking about this forever, haha. Enjoy! <3
(Implied NS/FW warning for Pickles' section!)
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Nathan Explosion
My simple, multi-platinum krillionaire rockstar — for as much as he daydreams about what life would have been like if he got to live like a regular jack-off, it’s just not the path for him. So dating another famous lead vocalist? Right up his alley.
He actually likes it more than he thought — it’s nice to bounce lyrics off of you, and vice versa. Toying with pitch, cadence, and intonation, all the different vocal techniques without judgement of sounding silly… Your halls are always alive with the sound of music… even if the subject is about death and murder, it’s its own form of magic.
But singing at home and singing in concert are two very, very different beasts. He wasn’t prepared for how intense you could be on stage, with the band to back you up. Your confidence as you stride, growling so mean he can feel it in his blood before perking back up to bounce away? All of your little stunts? Half of him is taking notes for their next show, and half of him is utterly starstruck. Your eyes dart over to him every now and again, smiling when you notice his wide eyes. His breath hitches when you throw a little wave to him in response, and he can’t help the breathless “holy shit” that falls from his lips.
You’re not as popular as Dethklok, but you couldn’t tell that from inside the venue walls — with how easily you command the crowd, he’s certain you were a siren in a past life. Or now. You could tell everyone in this room to jump off a bridge, and they would, he’s certain of it.
That would make a good song, actually…
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Pickles the Drummer
Pickles has a pretty sizable repertoire of instrument proficiency — bass, guitar, keys… a brief stint with an alto sax, as a bit… and currently, drums. He’s got a soft spot in his heart for all of it, each instrument representing a specific era of his life, but he’s found himself enjoying the drums the most. It’s strong, supportive — every song needs a beat! It takes a specific personality to play drums well, and it’s one that he both embodies within himself, and covets when in others.
This is all to say — he finds it very hot that you play drums.
And as a man who appreciates a nice set of legs, he very much likes the effects drumming has on your calves. Your calves might be sore after a long practice session, but that’s nothing compared to the bites he’ll leave later in the night.
He also loves to watch you play — sweat rolling down the column of your throat as you raise your hands above your head for another well-timed strike, lost in the rhythm… Woof.
You’ve kind of gotta beat him back with a stick while on tour if you ever want to go out for drinks after a show — if he had it his way, he’d be spending the post-concert glow in the hotel, letting you know just how much he liked your performance.
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Skwisgaar Skwigelf
Anyone looking in would assume this would be a point of competition, but he actually really loves having someone he can talk technical with! Despite being in Dethklok, he doesn’t really get to talk guitar often — Toki, Murderface, and Pickles can play, sure, but the former two don’t give a fuck about technique, and Pickles just doesn’t care about it enough to chat about it outside of the studio.
He loves hearing about all of the little musical decisions you’ve contributed to in each song — don’t think he didn’t catch the time signature change there. Just a single bar, why? Or this section here, that was a reprise of the first song in the album — how are they connected? He catches all the little details, and he wants to know all about them. In this same vein, he’s also great to bounce ideas off of when you’re in a rut… but be careful! His ideas are damn-good, and at this rate, he might just need a spot in the writer’s credits.
It’s very fun to just sit down and jam with him, passing the melody back and forth as your improvised tune grows. He calls it practice — and in a sense, it is — but really, he just likes playing with you.
He pushes to have your tours alternate with Dethklok’s so he can be at all of your shows, and vice versa — you have his full attention during your solos, and he’s not above slapping the boys to get them to shuts up so he can hear you in all of your glory.
He’s pretty stationary on stage — such is the downside of working with a bunch of uncoordinated dumbasses. (He is not exempt from this.) But if you have the agility and focus to bounce around on stage while playing? Oh, he didn’t think he could fall in love any further. He didn’t think he was capable of being starstruck, but you’ve proven him wrong tenfold. He’ll happily brave a couple thousand rabid fans for the pit experience — sorry to all the people stuck behind his towering self, but being backstage is nothing compared to barrier. The flashing lights, choking fog and towering flames only make you look more beautiful than ever, and he can’t help but reach out to you when you waggle your fingers at the crowd.
Personally offended if you don’t throw him at least one pick on tour. He does not care that he is 1.) Dating you, and 2.) Has limitless access to your stash. It’s the principle.
You wear each other’s picks on necklaces <3
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Toki Wartooth
You play rhythm too? Wowee! You’re so good, though — how are you not playing solos?
He is completely gobsmacked by the fact that not only are you not the lead guitarist, but that you don’t care to be, either. I mean, he has Skwisgaar to compete against — and as loathe as he is to say it, it’s a pretty fucking high bar to surpass. But you? You could easily play lead! You just don’t want to? What?
He doesn’t really get it, but he writes it off as just you being humble. Beyond that, your similarity doesn’t really play too big of a role in your shared lives! But when concert season rolls around, he’s insistent about hanging out at barrier, just so he can see what it’s like to be at one of your shows. And then, then, that’s when he gets it.
You never seem to stand still, bouncing this way and that, playing in ways he never even thought possible. You don’t need to play solos to wow the crowd — hell, he’s been practically raised by the most popular band in the world, but with you in front of him now, he feels like just another one of your adoring fans itching at the chance to even be seen. Nobody cheers louder than Toki, and he’s insistent on going to each and every one of your shows.
After show from here on out he’ll interlock hands with you, congratulating you on yet another show well-done. He traces the callouses on your fingertips, heart swelling with giddiness at dating such a badass guitarist.
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William Murderface
Finally, someone else who appreciates a good bass line. A band is nothing without the bass, especially metal, and it’s nice to talk to someone else who understands that. Especially after being AJFA’d out off all their most recent albums.
Playing bass is a very thankless job — you have to support the entire band, giving them structure and direction without any of the thanks that the rhythm guitar or the drums get. The most, and I mean the most that he gets, is a solo at the end of the show. Which is fun, but you know… it’s very much a job that you take because you love the big picture, not the details.
That’s his point of view, anyways. Because the second he sees you in-show, his whole world gets flipped on his head.
You have a very confident poise on stage — unshakeable, much like the deep notes that you pluck from the instrument. And yet, you command attention from the crowd effortlessly. It’s like you were made for this — all long strides and sneaky smiles as you move around on stage. And despite the eccentricity of your fellow bandmates — a very energetic show, he’s noticed — you still draw a sizable amount of attention from the packed arena, and man does he wish he was in the pit right now so he could get that sly little smile head-on. And huh, maybe bass can be fun, after all.
He loves to brag about you, and will do so at any opportunity.
After seeing your prowess on stage, he starts practicing a bit outside of concert season… and then more, and more, until he finally feels ready enough to fight to get the bass turned up in the next Dethalbum. Thanksch, babe.
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yuurei20 · 9 months
Concerning light and dark magic, has there really been like a significant difference between the two? Like does dark magic have certain benefits and vice versa for light? How about weaknesses? Or is it just a visual indicator for who is twisted from the "bad" or "good"? Sorry if these questions are confusing in any way and thank you if you do answer!
Hello hello!! Thank you for this question!
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As of this point in the game, I am not sure if it is an indicator of anything at all! :> (Not to say that there is no symbolism happening! Just that the details have yet to be revealed, so we do not know what it might mean.)
There are various rumors as to what the different magics may represent, mostly based around who was twisted from who (as you say!), but from what I can tell they are still fan theories!
Things are complicated by how they are not always only one-to-one recreations of other characters: Jamil seems to have various elements from Aladdin and/or Jasmine, for example, while Kalim seems to have a curious amount of influence from the lead character in "Sinbad's Storybook Adventure' (a ride exclusive to Tokyo Disney Sea that technically qualifies Sinbad as a Disney character).
And we might be seeing this theme re-establishing itself in real time via the Platinum Jacket series (card groovies under the cut)!
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The expressions of the characters in the Platinum series might be most charitably described as "devious," from Jamil to Jack, with (thus far) one exception:
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It is exciting to think about what Silver and Kalim's cards might look like!
As for card strengths, I am really not at all knowledgeable about battles and things, so I referenced a variety of different card rankings to see if there seems to be any preference for light magic over dark magic or vice verse.
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Many people recommend Epel's Applepom as one of the stronger cards in the game, but I have seen many comments that he was recently dethroned by Kalim's Playfulland card.
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Dorm-Malleus also gets referenced as one of the stronger cosmic-cards, but so does Dorm-Kalim!
This is further complicated by how different cards can become stronger than others depending upon how they are leveled, what other cards they are paired with, how much the buddy levels between those cards have been leveled, etc.
I have heard from meta players that the balances of the cards in Twst are well curated when compared to other games (SSRs are a plus but not a requirement to go through the story, for example), so I think it is safe to say that there might not be any major imbalances between dark and light magics at this time! :>
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nottsukkomia · 1 month
I don't know who came up with the idea that the whole sinnoh trio, not only Platinum, is interacting with Moon, but that's awesome sauce
Their dynamics would be interesting, and the ones that I've seen so far are.. well, not far from the truth, I can totally see it happening
The idea of Pearl and Moon bullying each other is the funniest shit ever, I kinda like the "older sibling annoys younger sibling and vice versa" dynamic they have going on in fanon, though they aren't blood related. I would still stand by my personal headcanon that they became so close, Moon could accidentally call Pearl her brother.
On the other hand, much more gentle and kind Diamond is viewed as someone who not only bakes the best sweets, but is also the sweetest person ever, Moon can totally see why her sister is close with him. They're incredibly loyal towards each other and she probably enjoys spending time with him more than Pearl, though she probably doesn't understand his passion for food and rather, ignores it..
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dreadsuitsamus · 1 year
Anytime | Kensei Muguruma x Reader |
author's note: this hurt a little bit to write lmao and i apologize in advance if it hurts you too
pairing: kensei muguruma x fem!reader
warnings: reader and kensei are divorced, a little bit of angst and jealousy
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"I'm on my way."
It rings in your head, over and over, as you sit on the side of the road and wait for your ex-husband to come save you. Stomach a pit and each and every nerve wired and frayed, tears nearly brim in your eyes at the anticipation of his arrival. Being stuck on the side of a road you're sure hasn't seen a single driver on it in at least a week is one thing, and it's another when you've got three flats and an ex-husband with a hefty I told you so locked and loaded.
Your divorce with Kensei was finalized over two years ago, but the sad fact remains that he's the most important person in your life, and vice versa— which is why you informed him of this last-minute road trip, only to be warned against it.
"I don't think your car can handle that trip. Put it off until I can make sure everything is functioning properly."
And like a fool, you neglected to take it seriously and off you went to the festival. Perhaps it's why you had as great of a time as you did— karma was evidently waiting with a dish best served cold.
Your heart jumps at the sight of a black Silverado truck pulling up. He hates that damn truck, much preferring his fuel-efficient Elantra, but you've left him with no choice today. You're so distraught you can't even take much time to appreciate those long legs of his as he steps out of the truck; sometimes you wonder how you could be divorced from the most handsome man you've ever known.
Dressed in jeans with the platinum chain you'd gotten him many moons ago attached, boots and a black button down shirt, your gut tells you he was busy when you called. Looking so fine… He was on a date, wasn't he?
It burns.
With a resounding sigh, you meet him in the halfway distance between your cars. Kensei's never been particularly talkative and mouthy unless angry, and though there's certainly some simmering beneath the surface, he's calmer than you initially expected. He passes you a bottle of water and a protein bar before going to inspect the damage, subsequently sighing and rubbing his temples with his long fingers. "I'm amazed that your luck is so shit that you only got three flats so your goddamn insurance wouldn't cover it."
"I'm still trying to figure out how I only got three."
"Divine intervention." Kensei mutters bitterly and starts to roll up his sleeves past the delicious forearms that once would hold you up against the inferno that is the rest of his body at night. "When's the last time you even got these rotated, let alone changed?"
"I don't even know what having them rotated means."
Kensei sucks in a sharp, irritated breath and steels himself; it'll do no good to get upset this early into the project. He just… Wishes you fucking listened to him. About anything, at this point. "New rule. Get it done every time you get an oil change." And thank God your car is one that will bug the hell out of you about your service interval— he doesn't want to consider what your oil and other fluids would be like otherwise.
"Okay." You mumble and crack open the water, taking a long pull from the cold drink. It's refreshing and perfect, pulling your spirits up just a tad as you start to feel a little bit better physically.
"Eat that protein bar." Your ex-husband demands, heading for the bed of his truck and lowering the tailgate. He's got everything he needs for the swap— including time. "I know you, you little shit. You're running on a refresher from six hours ago and had a hearty helping of hopes and dreams to eat, didn't you?"
You scowl as you chew the protein bar. It's terrible, like every protein bar you've ever tried, but at least he got one that doesn't make you want to vomit. "I didn't call you here so you could lay into me about my eating habits."
Kensei's brown eyes cut to you as he lowers a tire to the ground. "You rather me go off about the rest of the shit you got yourself into now, then? 'Cause I was saving it for later."
Rolling your eyes, you look away from the man you married six years ago. He huffs and resumes himself, setting up a workstation and prepping your car to start swapping the new tires on. You find a spot nearby him, settling down onto the lawn chair you took to the festival as he begins cracking off lugnuts. Sparing a glance your way, Kensei feels a bit of a tug at his heart despite his rage. You may be his ex-wife, but you've never been bad to him a day in his life. "How long did you sit here before you called me?"
"About two hours." You sigh, finishing the water after forcing the protein bar down. "I tried to get my insurance to help me. They wanted to charge even more because it's a Sunday and I just don't have the money for all that. I considered just camping out for a night and having them come out tomorrow, but…"
Kensei shakes his head. He was waiting for your call or text announcing you were back home; that plan would never fly as long as he's in your life. "We gotta get you a new insurance policy, babe. You're done paying for one that would leave a woman stranded like that."
"Yes sir."
Silence settles in for a while as you watch Kensei work. A light bead of sweat trickles from his temple to his neck, and then he tosses his tools down to carefully slip the buttons open and take off his shirt. If it's somehow possible, his biceps are bigger than they used to be. Leaving himself in a white tank top, he tosses the shirt your way. "Keep that clean for me, yeah?"
"Mhm." You slip into the oversized shirt, his handsome smelling cologne flooding your senses. He's not slick at all; it's chilly out in this wasteland, and rather than simply ask if you're cold, he'd rather ensure you won't be.
His unstoppable air of authority wraps you up, even now.
"Were you busy?" Tumbles out of your mouth after the beat of silence lasts too long. He's finished one tire already and it's really hit you how much you relied on him during your marriage.
It's no wonder he didn't fight to salvage it.
"No." He lies through his teeth and it's easy. Just a little too easy.
It's no wonder you served him divorce papers.
Huffing softly, your brow draws together. "Yeah, right. You got dressed all nice just to come bail me out? Bullshit. I'm smarter than you give me credit for, Ken."
"And yet, you went on this trip without getting your car checked out." Kensei snaps right back, irritation creeping up and warming his neck and ears. "If you didn't wanna wait for me, fine! Why not take it to Abarai's place?" He's got a point— You've known Renji for years now, and he'd always make time for a friend, his business needs be damned. He'd have it done in a day, easy.
Still, the embarrassment of being scolded like this lights your temper. "I told you, Ken, this trip was not planned. I had a friend up north mention the festival and we decided to go to it and meet up."
"Even if I accept that answer, which I don't, there's no reason for you to let your car get this bad! I don't even wanna look under the hood! Why do I always have to take care of your shit for you?? Time and time again, you fuck up and then you call me to bail you out!"
Your eyes widen with a series of blinks. He doesn't sound pissed as much as he's simply… Tired. Upset. Kensei being angry or frustrated is not foreign to you— on his surface, it's the only emotion he knows. But as his wife, you saw the softer side of his feelings. He does get sad, he does cry and he does have bad days like anyone else. And as you take in his tirade… The realization hits that those glimpses of his belly showing were almost entirely gone by the time of your separation.
That marriage was already doomed by the time you attempted to save it. Serving the papers to him wasn't supposed to do anything but show his true colors— he'd fight for you, or he'd give up. And Kensei chose the latter.
"Ken." You murmur carefully. "What were you doing when I called you?"
Kensei throws the tools down, rubbing his hands over his face. "I was on a date."
You'd rather have been left on the road to die than hear him say those words to you. The sinking feeling in your stomach threatens to send that protein bar back up just at the thought of him sitting at a restaurant with another woman, treating her in the same ways he'd treated you way back when. Kensei dating isn't unusual, per se. He's a single man, attractive and still quite young…
But he's yours.
"And you came for me?"
Kensei's hands drop to his lap. "For better or worse, babe: that's the promise I made you."
"The wedding vows don't particularly mean shit after the divorce." Tears of shock and hurt fill your eyes, though you refuse to blink and let them fall. He will not make you cry again, ever, but… The turn of your head to look away from him sure does accidentally force them out.
Kensei drops his head— he hates it when you cry, and hates himself for being the reason. He should've just lied again, brushed it off and moved onto the next flat. It wouldn't have worked though; the guilt he shoulders when he lies to you eats him alive, and it triples due to the look on your face when he does lie. You know he's not telling the truth, every time he tries it.
"I don't know why you think I'm the type of man to leave any woman stranded, much less you. You're the exception to every rule I have, always have been."
Your lip wobbles. It's true, you've always been the one to break Kensei's rules. He said he didn't date coworkers. But he dated you. He said he wasn't after a serious relationship. He married you. He said you shouldn't see each other after the divorce. Yet, he was calling and asking how you were doing not even a week later.
He's always loved you.
It's quiet for a while, and eventually Kensei gets back to the entire reason he's here. Clouds are rolling in, and he'll be damned if he gets caught in the middle of a rainstorm right now. His chest cavity feels empty and he wants nothing more than to crawl into his bed and sleep these horrible feelings away.
"Why?" You ask after a while, your few tears mostly faded now.
Stop, stop, stop! Stop asking questions, stop crying over your ex-husband moving on!!
"Why what?" Kensei mutters as he torques the lugnuts on the second tire.
You sigh to yourself, a beat of silence taking over again. Kensei's amber eyes flick over to you, snuggled into his shirt and avoiding his gaze as you curl into your chair. You're at war with yourself, that mental battle clear as day on what he can see of your face. His heartstrings tug, and next thing he knows he's wiping his hands and kneeling in front of you, cupping your cheek in his hand so you'll look at him.
His thumb swipes away a small tear. "Babe. Talk to me. You're not gonna feel better otherwise."
Your chest heaves at his touch, at his sincere eyes and warmth that keeps you so in love with him even now as a shudder wracks your entire body. "You keep your promises to me. You're always there when I need you. But why didn't you fight for our marriage?"
Kensei's silver brows raise before knitting together. "You wanted to leave. I wouldn't force you to stay if you weren't happy."
"I wanted you to care! I wanted my husband to tell me he still loved me and that we could work it out, but you didn't! You let me leave without so much as asking why!"
Kensei withdraws his hand. "Of course I cared! Does this—" He gestures back to your car. "Look like I don't care?? You had my whole heart in your palm, and you broke it! But I still come for you! All I want is for you to be safe and happy, and if it's not with me, so be it! You matter more to me than I ever have!"
"I've never wanted anybody else." Your eyes burn with fresh tears. You've never so much as entertained another guy for a potential date, let alone go out with someone after the divorce. There's nothing but your love for Kensei stopping you, but foolishly you hoped he would do the same; how unrealistic and unfair of you.
How many dates has he been on with this woman? Has he kissed her yet? The entire idea makes you want to scream and cry and cuss an innocent woman out for banging your husband. Ex or not, he's still so much of your heart that to lose him would ruin you.
"Then why divorce me?" He murmurs, standing and stepping back. The clouds are darkening, and he feels a hefty drop on his shoulder. "Why put me through a divorce if you wanted to stay together?!"
Anger boils inside your stomach, blood churning at an incredible pace as you rocket out of the lawn chair and fill the space he's created between you. "Why not fight?! If you love me as much as you keep saying, why didn't you fucking try?!"
"I already told you!" Kensei yells right back. "You wanted to go! So I let you go, because it's what you fucking said you wanted! You ended our marriage over a goddamn test, like the six years we spent together were some kinda fucking joke to you. You can't accuse me of not caring when you ended a four year marriage over petty shit!"
"I gave you a choice, Ken! I served the papers, but you signed them." You poke his chest harshly as two raindrops bounce against your forehead.
"I'm not having this argument with you; the shit's been said and done with for almost three years." Kensei turns his back to you as the rain starts a steady fall to swap out the last tire and get the hell away from you.
"Is she pretty?" It's beyond petty, so stupid and childish but you've got to know. If he likes this woman, or God forbid loves her, you'll never call him again. You'll die cold and alone before even considering reaching out to him, as an ex-wife to an ex-husband should.
Kensei stops in his tracks. "Yeah."
"Do you love her?"
Kensei looks up at the sky, the gray clouds swirling as the rain descends. He closes his eyes and breathes deeply, and it's the same as always every time he's left to gaze at the back of his eyelids— you and him on the night of your wedding, laying together in bed and giggling like teenagers at the prospect of your happy life together starting.
He turns, white tank top half soaked as he comes back to you and holds your face like porcelain. This beautiful face drives me crazy… "Nobody's ever gonna be able to be you."
You whimper and a fresh set of tears mixes in with the rain as Kensei leans down and kisses you, his passion so pent up that he's picking you up and pressing you to his truck before you can make heads or tails of anything. His shirt is swiftly bunched into your hand as the surprise subsides and the gratification fills you to the brim, your lips and tongue sliding with Kensei's in a messy reunification. Too long, it's been too long since you had this, since you felt his warmth on you and reveled in it.
His silver hair is silky between your fingers and he groans as you massage his scalp with your nails. He's always been a bit like a cat in that sense. Your legs around him and his arms around you tighten as you urge your bodies closer, leaving no room for even Jesus now. The rain pours around you, leaving you drenched by the time you've got no choice but to pull back, lest you die making out with your ex-husband.
All in all, not the worst way to go.
Kensei kisses your cheek gently, his lips lingering as he maneuvers to open the door to the passenger seat and shield you from the onslaught of rain. Peppering small kisses while he wipes the rain from your face, he turns the truck on and sets the heater up to keep you from getting sick.
He strips himself of his tank top once he's left you safely in the truck, tossing it in the truck bed before running to finish up the last tire change with this lucky break in the rain. Your fingers come to touch your tingling, smiling lips and you close your eyes as the space of Kensei's truck encompasses you.
By the time Kensei's back, his tools and your old tires all loaded up, you're beyond sleepy. Scooping you into his arms, your husband walks slowly and kisses your temple as he carries you to your car. "C'mon. Time to go home."
You steal a kiss off his lips, and by the time you're back in town, you weigh every option as you sit at a red light behind Kensei. Taking the next turn leads you home, but going straight will bring you right to Kensei's apartment building.
The light turns green.
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baublekute · 2 months
Tagged by @ghostoffuturespast! ♡⸜(ˆᗜˆ˵ )⸝
RULES: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
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Just The Facts:
Full Name: Valerie Rose Barrère
Aliases: V, Val
Height: 5’3”
Age: 27
Pronouns: she/her
Gender: Cis woman
Sexuality: Mostly heterosexual (everything goes out the window if she comes across a hipster lesbian at the bar with swagger)
Features: White skin with some freckles/moles, magenta-ish hair (switches up her hairstyle but mostly sports the long hair undercut), green eyes, purple eyebrows, piercings (ear, eyebrow, bridge, nose, labret, naval), neck cyberware (she chose it cause it kinda looks like an upside down crescent moon), bold dramatic makeup, platinum mantis arms with pink blades, chrome talons (I mean fingernails), floral body tattoos in black with chrome accent
Protective. Feisty. More willing to kick someone's ass for a friend or lover than for herself.
Extremely passionate, feels things very deeply. Tries to hide it but not very well. Authentic even when she doesn't want to be.
Silly, fun-loving. Will tell dad jokes and terrible puns.
Brave. Frequently does things she fears.
Kind, compassionate towards others (unless they're shitty, then all hell breaks loose.)
Ambitious, grandiose ideas (pro or con you decide)
Strong moral compass.
Flexible. Good for the field and the bedroom.
Guarded. She knows she's over the top but sometimes it's impossible to hide. "Crazy."
Easily bored.
Style over substance. If it ain't cute, she ain't wearing it.
Impulsive. Reckless. Doesn't always think before she acts.
Not lady-like. Too wild for "proper" society
It's summer and you want cuddles. Too bad. You'll be sleeping elsewhere and as far away from her as possible.
Tends to push people away, thinking they are safer/better off without her.
Asks too many questions.
Forgetful. Chaotic.
Thinking she can fix ALL THE THINGS by herself and blames herself when things go wrong. Terrible at asking for help.
Tagging no pressure!! @streetkid-named-desire @shimmer-like-agirl @harellan @miss--river @fly-amanitaa
Maybe you've done it and I missed it! Or I didn't tag you and you want to play!
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theworldsforgottenboy · 2 months
Oc smash or pass
This looked fun. Thought I’d do it. Nobody tagged me
Rules: include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
Hope Ironwood
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(This is her after a rough fight, I’ll get better pics later)
Age: Around 89, she’s experienced but still has a long way to go
Height: 6’3
Species: wood elf
Class: life cleric
Sexuality: bisexual, with a lean towards women and twinks. Leathal weakness for platinum blondes
Big beefy butch, ruggedly handsome lady, can bench press you
Gentlest of doms, most service-y of tops
Consent queen! Asks you a million different times if you feel good, if this is ok, etc.
Values freedom above all else, will insist you make your own choices unless they endanger her or her friends
A grounding presence, will keep you from going off the deep end of your own volition.
A gruff cowboy type of flair, a vagabond wanderer’s charm.
An Easter and Christmas kind of cleric, bare minimum and will not shove her religious agenda down your throat
Got sort of a McCoy frontier doctor thing going on with her healing. She has said “damnit (insert companion), I’m a cleric, not an navigator” at least 3 times
Dry wit
Has a dad with a dog attitude towards her people, she didn’t want them but they grew on her quick and now she’d die for them while still insisting that she’s still a loner
Makes her own clothes, super good at a unique embroidery style, knows what kind of colors work best for your skin tone, is the person you’d want for a dress up montage cause you will come out stunning
Would rock the hell out of a doublet if the game didn’t change it to a feminine version when she puts it on
Throat goat (her blood tastes great! Nobody tell her what that actually means. She’s decent at that too, though)
Exact opposite of power hungry.
Good at tactics
Has managed to create a spiritual vibrator
Doesn’t shave (which imo is a pro)
Commitment issues!
Views intimate relationships as a prison (at least at the start of the story) and is terrified of falling in love as she thinks it will constrict her freedom and chain her down to an unsatisfying life like what happened to her parents. It is possible to enter a relationship with her, but you’d have to roll a 30 on persuasion
Even then, if you make too many decisions for her or push her to settle down, she’ll straight up walk out on you in the middle of the night
Almost always tops, doesn’t like being outright submissive and reacts negatively to domination.
Lack of long term sexual relationships means that she hasn’t fully explored the depths of her own desires
Almost never initiates sex, you have to ask first and for people with anxiety that’s a big ask
A pack rat, despite her nomadic lifestyle. Insists that one day she’ll need this specific rock so she’ll keep it (she’s got the strength to shoulder it but still)
Horrible at navigating
Does NOT like when people are taller than her.
Terrified of cats, if that’s a turn off for you
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