#Viennese whirls
brunchbinch · 11 months
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Viennese whirls (x)
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bewitchingkitchen · 11 months
Today I share six recipes from blogs I follow and love. You can find the links to each recipe so you can visit the original source and get to know them too… Here they are, in the chronological order they showed up in our kitchen… . HANIELA’S CHOCOLATE WHIRLS Haniela is a cookie decorator, but her blog covers all kinds of cooking, including savory stuff. Definitely worth subscribing to her…
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dekarios · 2 months
ough.. i feel sick........ why..........
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uwuspaceboy · 16 hours
i'm already planning my gbbo bakealong guys we're so back
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Chocolate Viennese Whirl
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Vegan Viennese Whirls - The Little Blog Of Vegan
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veganmade · 1 month
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Chocolate Viennese Whirls | domesticgothess
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legacyshenanigans · 6 months
Marvolo: *in his office eating one of Rowans favourite snacks, before he hears Rowans footsteps approaching his office, he quickly hides them in a drawer*
Rowan: *pops his head in* Are we ready to open up?
Marvolo: Yes.
Rowan: Cool *goes to close the door again but then stops and pops his head back in sniffing the air*
Marvolo: ......
Rowan: *steps fully into the room and sniffs the air some more*
Marvolo: .....
Rowan: ...Are ya eatin' Mr.Kiplings Viennese Whirls in 'ere?
Marvolo: No.
Rowan: *narrows his eyes, one long sniff* ...Yeah ya fuckin are!
Marvolo: No I'm n-
Rowan: Where they at?!
Marvolo: *frowns* Rowan! I'm no-
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may--hawk · 2 months
xxx. slow and steady (ineffable remix)
XXX. Slow and Steady - Of Monsters and Men
I move slow and steady / but I feel like a waterfall
It’s a summer night in London, the beginning of the nineteenth century, and Aziraphale’s dancing. Or, well, he’s trying to. Angel’s don’t dance, aren’t meant to dance. It is, in fact, one of the clear biological1 ways to determine an angel from a Fallen angel.2 Still, Aziraphale is not much like the other angels, is, perhaps, halfway in between, and is trying, stubbornly, to dance. He’s not very good at it. Angels aren’t meant to dance, but they’re not meant to eat, either, or meant to want, and he’s managed those so far. What’s a little dancing? Crowley can dance, for Heaven’s sake. Aziraphale’s watched him for centuries, a long dark streak in a crowd of humans, whirling like a bird in a gale. Centuries of Aziraphale holding up the wall, and smiling his best smile, and clutching a champagne flute, and watching Crowley, in tails or in a ball gown, graceful and vivid, his partners always laughing, always so alive when he holds them, lightly. Crowley is best at the Viennese waltz, fact and racing, the quick, natural, elegant serpentine of his legs, his hand on his partner’s waist as they move forward in sync.
(And if later, afterwards, Crowley shreds his dance card, and escapes to the balcony where Aziraphale stands, unable to watch anymore past the swelling in his throat, the bitter gall of something that might be envy - “Whew,” Crowley says, flinging himself against the cool marble railing, shawl slipping off his shoulders. His skin wet with sweat. Aziraphale watches it drip down his narrow chest. “What an awful lot.”
“I saw you stepping on Lord Buxley’s toes,” Aziraphale says, as if in reproof.
“Should’ve heard the things he said,” Crowley says. “The rotter. You’d’ve done it too. Do me a favor, do it for me next time you see him.”3
And some time later: “Don’t you have to go back in?”
And Crowley, stretching. “Nah,” he says, and holds out his arm. “Fancy a turn in the garden?”
It’s not pity. It doesn’t feel like pity. But still. If he could only join him, if he could step across the floor, his hand advanced - )
So Aziraphale dances. He’s got the windows open, the blinds pulled low against the night as he moves across the bookshop in tight boxes, one-two-three-one-two-three, his lips moving imperceptibly as he counts, arms perfectly poised around nothing. Occasionally he trips over his own feet, or a piece of furniture, or the corner of a rug that he hasn’t rolled far enough up, and he mutters to himself, lightly, and shakes his head, and starts over. A little breeze flaps the blinds, brings in the smells of the street, the thick humid air, which is clinging close to his skin, as if holding him. Aziraphale’s stripped down to his shirtsleeves, sweating, his shirt stuck to his back. Occasionally, he stops to mop his brow, or drink another glass of cognac. His head swims with the drink and the whirling. Is this what Crowley feels, is this why he likes it? It’s three AM, maybe a little later, and he can feel Crowley somewhere, across the city, asleep. Aziraphale wonders what he dreams of, if he ever dreams of dancing. If he dreams, as Aziraphale does, of the day Aziraphale will finally be ready, the day he is sure of the steps, sure of himself, the day he is no longer afraid, the day Aziraphale will finally ask Crowley to dance, will take his hand and pull him towards Aziraphale, will place their hands together, the day they will begin to dance, Aziraphale leading, or Crowley leading, it doesn’t matter, because soon enough they will be moving together, in constant, inward motion, two stars rotating around each other, pulling each other in, closer, closer, until they are indistinguishable from each other, are only the dance, moving together, finally, as one.
1. So to speak.
2. Theologians consider it one of Her greatest punishments that no matter how low the angels had gotten as they’d Fallen, boots hadn’t been invented yet, much less boots with the fur. back
3. And Aziraphale had, stepping back in the buffet line and neatly crushing the man’s toes. “Oh, I’m dreadfully sorry!” He’d said to the man over a stream of impolite insults directed his way. “So clumsy of me. It’s a good thing I don’t dance.” back
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it-happened-one-fic · 2 years
Viennese Waltz- Youngsters Like You - Strictly NRC Dancing
Author's Notes: Normally I only post on Strictly NRC Dancing fic a week but I kind of feel like this one is a little weaker than the others so I'm posting two. The featured character in this one was surprisingly difficult to write. But anyway, I watched Disney's Cinderella (animated and live action) dance scenes to help me along with this fic, but I still struggled a bit since I'm not entirely sure that either of those waltzes are actually Viennese. I also listened to Shostakovich's Waltz no. 2 While writing this one. Just like the rest of this AU/series the reader is female for this fic. I hope you enjoy!
If you would like to read more this AU/series, the fics can be found here: Strictly NRC Dancing AU Master-List
Type: Dance AU/female-reader/fluff/platonic
Word Count: 676
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I shifted slightly, easily slipping into hold with Trein and allowing the older man to slowly lead me in the whirling but graceful dance that was known as the Viennese waltz.
 I’d realized it back when Crewel had first been teaching me this specific dance. The Viennese waltz was possibly the most recognizable dance of all, considering it showed up in so many movies. 
And I could honestly say that I was pleased to have Trein as my partner for this performance.
 It wasn’t that I didn’t like dancing with the other staff members. Truthfully speaking, all of them were good dancers. But dancing with Trein was somewhat reassuring, kind of like how I imagined dancing with one’s father or grandfather would be. 
Plus, Trein was quite experienced with this dance. He’d told me so during choreography practice. He’d apparently danced the Viennese waltz with his late wife at their wedding. 
I also had the sneaking suspicion that they had been one of the couples that would dance in their home, so there was no telling how often they’d at least feigned a waltz.
He’d apparently also assisted both of his daughters when they learned to dance. The mere idea of him carefully dancing with the two young women brought a smile to my face. 
The usually stern professor taking the time to help his daughters practice.
 I had no doubts that he’d been a doting father. It was obvious just from the way he talked about them.
He spun me around easily, ever-relaxed as he led me through the storied steps of the waltz. A dance that he’d apparently taken part in throughout his life. And even now I could say Trein was a good dancer.
More proper and restrained than some of the others I’d danced with, but there was no question as to his ability. I could not have asked for a better person to lead me through this performance.
I smiled slightly as we continued to swirl elegantly around the brightly lit floor, easily matching the odd tune that came across as both romantic and uneasy in nature. Trein’s eyebrows arched slightly, “Something amusing?”
I shook my head, “No, I was just thinking that waltzing like this is actually rather enjoyable.”
A smile appeared on his face, the same smile that had made the laugh lines that I now noticed on his face with slight surprise since he was so often frowning, “Good. Youngsters like you should enjoy yourselves like this. Dancing is meant to be enjoyed.”
Like this… I suppose he met that in comparison to other alternatives for amusement that we ‘youngsters’ might use. He was, after all, frequently annoyed with things like jokes and whatnot.
But he wasn’t wrong. Dances, even ones as old as the Viennese waltz, were meant to be enjoyed. Especially so by the so-called ‘youngsters’ who typically performed them.
We swirled to a stop, and polite applause sounded before we both turned to approach the judges table. Trein to take his seat and me to receive my grade. 
To be entirely honest, I already knew I was going to pass. 
That performance had been far too easy for it to receive a failing grade. It might not have been an awe-inspiring dance, but it was a tranquil one.
Crowley was already on his feet, applauding as Trein sat down next to him and let Lucius hop up into his lap. 
Crowley paid the older teacher a little heed as he looked at me with, well, glowing eyes, “That was a splendid performance, Hatchling! Truly touching. What one would expect if they were watching a grandfather dance with his grandchild.”
Trein shot him a look that went ignored by the birdlike headmaster even as the other staff members attempted to stifle their laughter, “I think I speak for all of us when I say you passed.”
I nodded, biting back a smile so that I could avoid Trein’s annoyed glance as I thanked the exuberant headmaster and headed off to get changed for my next performance.
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soniabigcheese · 29 days
What an eventful day.
Firstly, we had an appointment but hubby decided to go into town two hours early. Simply because there's a food and drinks festival going on.
As soon as we arrived, we could feel a few drops of rain, so we scarpered into the indoor market.
And good job too, because the heavens opened and it absolutely heaved it down.
We stayed and had a cuppa. After half an hour, I checked and it was drying up. So we explored the food stalls before going to the appointment
After that we thought we'd have some food and tried Jamaican for a change, hubby had a pale ale and I had a glass of prosecco
Hubby was still hungry so he bought a frankfurter
We bought some craft cider, special baked doggie mini muffins - which Tommy hated on sight
Turkish delight, a couple of cakes (Viennese whirl and an Aero rocky road)
I visited a lovely little bakery up one of the yards and bought some granary sourdough bread, as well as a parmesan roll and a cinnamon muffin. I've yet to eat the roll but the muffin and a slice of the loaf were absolutely delicious ❤️❤️❤️
Oh and some absolutely divine body butter - rose geranium. You only need a teeny tiny bit
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tallymali · 7 months
if someone doesnt bring me a viennese whirl im going to start hitting people with my handbag
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girleboy · 6 months
fucked up on mr kipling viennese whirls
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fairyhaos · 10 months
it's 17:25 and ive only been out of bed for an hour and im literally running on only tea and paracetamol and those mr kiplings viennese whirls rn,,,,, wish me luck on not keeling over during my school's open evening u guys
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askwhatsforlunch · 1 year
Springtime Treats
Whether the sun is shining brightly in a cloudless blue sky, or the rain is falling ceaselessly on the young green grass, watering the Kitchen garden and making the fruit trees snow their delicate blossoms --both can very well happen within the same day, even the same hour, these Springtime Treats, from crunchy biscuits to creamy choux, are a seasonal delight! Happy Sunday!
Lavender and Vanilla Biscuits
Raspberry and Chocolate Eclairs 
Congolais (Coconut Macaroons)
Hazelnut and Lemon Biscuits
Apricot, Nut and Seed Florentines
Passionfruit Chocolates
Lemon Meringue Kisses
Chocolate and Caramel Viennese Whirls 
Almond and Date ANZAC Biscuits
Scottish Shortbread
Retro Choux Sawns
Belgium Biscuits
Anzac Biscuits
Almond and Apricot Biscotti
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courtofmatchups · 1 year
Heya, I believe you may actually know me from Instagram as I think we are mutuals :)
Anyways, I wanted to see if you were okay with giving me a matchup !!
So my name is Lilith, I’m bi but for this I’d rather be matched with one of the boys, and I use she/her pronouns (but I don’t overly mind they/them pronouns either.) I’m a little shy and touch starved, I can be easily frightened by sharp and harsh behaviour, and I’m relatively fragile and sensitive to small things too. I don’t like loud or sudden noises or movements, as I can be frightened by those as well. I’m quite an introvert and stay away from the crowd, and find a lot of peace in my own company. If I get close to someone I can be clingy or over protective, but I keep that to myself because I find it an annoying trait of mine.
I’m creative and enjoy things like art, I ride horses and love being around them too, and I absolutely adore cats. I have three cats myself and a dog, but I’m not that fond of my dog because he’s a little too loud for me sometimes.
I’m polite to everyone I talk to, but I’m not that talkative in the first stages because I won’t be comfortable yet. I won’t ever be rude to anyone unless I can get extremely angry, but I don’t do much more than snap back a little. Keep in mind this is an extremely rare occurrence, I don’t really feel angry like that. When I’m comfortable talking to someone, I talk a lot and can tend to ramble. However I lose confidence quickly if they don’t seem interested, and I will go quiet again. I’m pretty much a perfectionist and always want to do my best, or how things should be in my head. I can get upset if they don’t turn out how I thought they would. To add onto that I also find I’m a people pleaser, and want others’ approval.
I’m a pretty boring girl, I don’t hang around with people and go out all the time like most others my age do, I’m happy to stay home and listen to music or draw. I’m a fan of the whole dark academia or Victorian/gothic/vampire aesthetic, this I based my ocs on.
I don’t tend to look positively on things because they often do go wrong in my case, which gives me a pessimistic view on most things. However whenever my friends are upset and need comfort, I always come up with a optimistic result for them.
As for fashion, I like things like cargo pants with oversized T shirts. I wear a lot of jewellery such as rings and necklaces, or maybe bracelets too. I also like nature-like colours for example green, brown or maybe black too. Occasionally also some greys and whites. I also do like certain types of Lolita fashion, but I don’t think I’d actually wear anything like that in real life.
I have quite a sarcastic sense of humour, and I tend to communicate a lot through dry sarcasm. But only really if I’m comfortable enough to do so. I also really like wearing perfume, and it’s refreshing to think I smell nice. I don’t want to leave the house without putting on some sort of perfume.
I have a determination to dye my hair a dark/deep red later in the summer, and I feel as though that would suit me.
So to conclude, some things I like are: cats, horses, any kind of calming animal to be around, art and drawing, history, salty things, hot chocolate and chocolate milk, baking, writing, music, snow, rain, thunderstorms, cold weather, Viennese whirls, tea, anything nostalgic, stuffed animals, calm people
Dislikes: loud or jumpy dogs, coffee, mint, anything spicy or too sweet or sour (can’t stand the taste), mornings, hot weather, spiders and bugs, uncertainty, most people, especially boisterous ones, disapproval from others
I believe that’s some basic stuff about me, and I hope this helps you find someone ^^
It seems to me that you have captured the heart of...
The Loyal Maladroit:
Tino Maes
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(A/N: when I say this has been sitting in my inbox forever 💀)
Hear me out: Tino would be the most understanding of you since he's pretty experienced with highly sensitive people (*couch*Lynt*cough*). He quite understands your dislike of loud noises and sudden movements (he's seen how stress-inducing that shit is firsthand fuck you Daan), so he tries to keep those to a minimum. If he does let that slip when he panics, he will apologize to you afterward when he calms down.
You weren't that talkative the first time the two of you met, but as time passed, you noticed he went out of his way to help you in any way he could. You were often alone, so he would strike up a conversation, and if those mad fangirls were ever harassing you (let's be honest, those mfs won't leave anyone be), he would de-escalate the situation for you. At first, it came from the base-level kindness in his heart, but as he came to know you more, he couldn't help but be curious about you. At least subconsciously, someone who makes themselves smaller has quite a lot more to their personality than they let on. In turn, you were becoming more attached to him too. Understandable since he genuinely seemed interested in you. And he is. He appreciates you for your personality and interests
As for your hobbies, he would be very fascinated by them. I headcanon that the members of the House of Maes should have some iota of an interest in art, but even without that, he would be interested in the art you make. I highly doubt he would tire of hearing you ramble about the things that interest you
"Lilith, are you here?" Tino calls from outside your chamber
"Yeah, come in," you reply
Tino came in with two mugs of hot chocolate looking quite worried. He told you about the magical thunderstorm that would come in about half an hour. He was a bit surprised to know you actually enjoy them, despite your aversion to loud noises. He supposes there is just something calming about relaxing in someplace cozy as a thunderstorm went on outside. He sat down next to you, putting the mugs of hot chocolate on the nightstand.
"Pardon me if I'm being intrusive, but you seem a little bit down today. Would you like to talk about it?" You told him that this week hasn't been all that good. You've been drained as hell, but you still had to go on with your work for the week. Almost everything you did for either your friends or for schoolwork wasn't up to your normal standard. And just today you nearly failed a potion, and Toa seemed disappointed. Logically, you knew that Toa understands that this rarely happens, but still, that incident stung.
Huh. So this is how you feel whenever Tino worries that he's disappointed someone. You've been there for him whenever he felt down and he was there for you, and now will be no different.
"Thank you for telling me, Lilith," he said. "You must know that I commend you for all the hard work you do. I suppose coming here with the mugs of hot chocolate was a good idea."
You smiled as you took a mug and snuggled with him. He would stay there holding you as long as you like
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