#Vld discord
spacecowboy-01 · 3 months
Hey guys! This server is so much fun and I really think you all would enjoy it! The link is down below if you want to :)
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Poster credit to: Natan (he is in the server and doesn’t have a tumblr)
Here is everyone’s tumblr! (Who has one)
@future-mr-red-lion @nyxmainex @cupparaine @bawl-sax
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Met Melchor, Allura’s older brother for a voltron rewrite I’m probably doing! He’s very dear to me, and I have so many plans for him.
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cassied03 · 3 days
okay, this may sound like criticism to the writers/animators of voltron, which it.. isn't.. but why couldnt they have made keith a bit more galra?? Like, the only times we see it (spoilers, sorry) is in that one episode near the beginning where keith opens a galra door with his hand and closes a galra hatch, or when he's fighting shiros clone. Which, why was it never talked about again???
Especially with when he opened the GALRA DNA/MACHINERY CODED door and closed the hatch. Like, surely that would have come up. Surely Lance was like "Yeah, and as much as I hate to admit it, the whole plan wouldn't have worked if Keiths hand didn't cause the panel to close that hatch." Like, what do you mean no one brought it up again?????
And when he was fighting shiro, I understand that no one brought it up cus it was only them, but are you kidding me. He's half galra. Realistically, his DNA is half his dad, half his moms. Ergo, He should have more traits from the galra. Whether it be small things like deep purple hair, or dull purple eyes, or even just his pupil being more cat-like.
And i know the animators can do it, in the fight scene Keiths sclera (whites of his eye) were a pale yellow (which i also headcannon for him), and his pupils shrunk. What do you mean that was the only time his galra features were shown??
So anyways, i was thinking about making a gacha voltron rerun at some point if i felt like it, where the Keith had more galra features and more of the relationships between characters were spoken about more. If anyone wants to be a part of it, i could always make a discord for it, but the whole thing is just a big maybe. HAVE A GOOD DAYYY!!!!
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alluraaaa · 4 months
lance loves loudly and dramatically. he makes declarations and makes moves and lives with his heart on his sleeve. when he likes someone it’s obvious, especially when he likes someone romantically. he’s a hopeless romantic. he’s been planning his dream wedding since he was 7
keith loves quietly and indirectly. he would rather go through arduous torture than say how he feels out loud, especially if what he’s feeling is mushy and sentimental. he’d much rather do things for people. completing tasks is much easier than talking about his emotions. he’s also a massive pessimist romantically. he’ll silently daydream about actually having a crush like him back, but staunchly believe that it happening in real life is impossible
because of this, the two of them often butt heads when it comes to their relationship. keith doesn’t know how to react to lance’s cheesy lines or cutesy pet names. lance thinks keith is sometimes too distant and wonders why he doesn’t say anything back
but also, they’re both very physically affectionate. they love hugs and cuddling and holding hands. and because it’s them they also love wrestling and chasing each other and fighting. there’s a lotta ways in which they’re different, but they both reach across the gap to meet in the middle and hold each other
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klance-brainrot · 4 months
klancing all things end by hozier
tw: angst, mcd, klance on-off relationship
They know they will break up again and then get back together and then break up again because they just don't work together but they can't live without one another.
Their personalities clash too severely for it to work permanently.
"The last time I felt your weight on my chest, you said: we didn't get it right, but love, we did our best"
this is them knowing they are going to break up again soon because they can't be together for more than a month and they both feel the end nearing. This is the calm before the storm, this is the night before another big fight, this is the cuddle before the argument.
"Just knowing that everything will end and we should not change our plan when we begin again"
this is them talking about their next try at a relationship and how, even though it never works, they would never change anything about their fucked up relationship attempts because at least they can be together that way.
"All that we intend is built on sand"
when starting new they both already know it's going to fail again. it's a fragile peace, it's all built on sand, it can be swept away by a single wave.
"If there was anyone to ever get through this life with their heart still intact, they didn't to it right"
this is Lance standing over Keith's grave and thinking about all they could've been and all they could've done together if it had worked. But it didn't work out. They tried so often but it never worked out, but Lance knows he doesn't regret a thing, he would've tried over and over and over again for those moments where it does work.
Until it doesn't.
Since he knows Keith, he knows, he didn't regret a thing either. Keith too would've tried over and over and over again just for those few moments of peace in between.
Their friends and family had tried countless times to tell them that it wouldn't work - it wouldn't work this time and it wouldn't work the next time they tried, but they never listened. For a while they tried to keep their distance from each other, but both of them were doing so bad during it. Lance was barely eating and ended up in the ER. Keith thought he was the only one suffering that badly but once Shiro let it slip that Lance was in the hospital he couldn't do it anymore and he came back. They always came back to each other. They cant live without each other.
"I have never known a silence like the one fallen here, never watched my future darken in a single tear"
this is the first time they broke up. They really thought it would work but their personalities and traumas and behavioral tendencies just work against each other unfortunately. Keith thought it was fixable, he would try everything, but one fight had gone too far and Lance breaks up with him. He sheds one single tear while doing it but remains otherwise neutral and says that it's probably better form him to take some time for himself. Keith is numb from shock and can't really say anthing, nothing that'd help Lance stay. So he watches the single tear fall and he watches him leave. For the first time. He will watch him leave over and over and over again.
"I know we want this to go easy by being someone's fault, but we've come long enough to know this isn't what we want"
this is their 5th breakup. They've done this before. They know how this goes. They get back together, they are good together for a few weeks until everything goes down the drain again. Most of the time there isn't even a trigger really. It's just a few fights too many and a few unfortunate things said that hurt bad. Too bad.
Lance says this when he's about to leave again - they both know it's both of their fault and at the same time it's noones fault.
Because that's who they are.
Keith with his parental trauma and need to distance himself from the ones he loves, and Lance with his fear of abandonment and being the second choice. He grew up in a happy family and can't deal with Keith's traumas forever. He needs to put himself first and he can't do that while being with Keith. But he can't live without him either.
They can't live without each other.
thank you @justdissimp for the beta and @numerous-bees-in-a-skin-suit for the encouragement <3
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twixdoesstuff · 1 month
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This trend with three of my fav characters from my favorite shows/game 😼!!!
Nick Valentine - Fallout 4
Discord - My Little Pony
Lotor - Voltron: Legendary Defender
They're angry at eachother because they think the others got them kicked out of the restaurant (Nick lit a cigarette, Lotor insulted the menu, and Discord turned their waiter into a chicken)
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charliespaddys · 1 year
um so i just spent like 5 hours making a discord server for fanfiction and like fan fic recs and discussions so idk like hmu if you’d like to join, warning it’s bare bones rn
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bifairywife · 1 year
Their fucked up swag has captivated me in indescribable ways
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gaykeithbilance · 1 year
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pidge would wear these ^
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leakinghate · 6 months
i don't mean to come out of nowhere, but is Team Purple Lion still active? i'd really like to join the server since the website isn't active anymore. i know VLD is dead, but i'd still appreciate the chance to discuss the series with others who also studied Voltron. i tried joining on discord a while back, but i just couldn't find it.
We are! We have a small, private, unlisted server. We vet everyone we invite personally. I notice your blog is blank, do you happen to have any other social media we can review? Feel free to message me any links :D Any fandom is only as dead as you let it be. We're small, and basically just a group of friends who found each other through VLD at this point, but it's lovely to hear there are still others out there who loved this show. I hope you don't mind me posting this publicly. We don't really advertise, and on the off-chance there's more of my followers who are wondering what ever happened to Team Purple Lion, or who just want to talk VLD with us, I want to let them know we're still out here and to drop me a line if you're interested in chatting! (Sorry that my asks are closed to anons at the moment, I've got a persistent troll I'm attempting to fend off - part of the reason every applicant to our server gets a personal review)
We've never completely given up on this show. There's still - and probably always will be - an ember of hope that burns in my chest. Some day, some how, perhaps we'll have our answers.
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vexednperplexed · 10 months
Are you an adult that loves voltron and wants to hang out with other adults that love voltron?
Join Galactic Adventures on Discord!
It's a server for adults, not necessarily because of NSFW content, but so we can be ourselves without having to worry about how we engage with minors. Hang out with other people who have an unhealthy obsession with Voltron, specifically Voltron Legendary Defender, but all forms of Voltron are obsession worthy. Be surrounded by welcoming people, in a welcoming environment! There is a 0 tolerance policy for any sort of discrimination or harassment. Roleplay! It's not a requirement, but there are quite a few roleplayers in the server who would love to partner up, or even participate in group RPs! Relax, make friends, and don't forget your green socks!
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0xy--m0r0n · 1 year
hello everybody!!! i drop by with a quick announcement that one of my good friends has created a discord server!! it's for their voltron and the dragon prince AU, and they've posted some really cool art already!!
the server is by no means finished, but i think we would really like it if people started joining in now.
the link is here:
thank you for your time!
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feyejax · 1 year
hello 🫡 i rlly dunno how this works on here but i’m looking for some rp partners!!
a few things first …
be 16+. im 20 and would rather not rp with people too much younger than me
literate — advanced literate preferably, though i am willing to do semi-literate :)
i am to either canon character or original character roleplays, but i won’t do ccxoc. fandom settings are welcome!
i only rp on discord sooo if you’re interested, interact and i’ll shoot you a dm (or just message me first idm!)
now for what i’m looking for is preferably smth enstars related! i don’t do ocs for this fandom tho, just a heads up. i have a number of ships i can give you! (i dont do incest, pedophilia, etc obvi. also i don’t consider a 2 year age gap to be proship, for example a 17 and 19 y/o.)
other fandoms i can do are bsd (ocs okay), voltron (no ocs), and supernatural (prefer ocs bc i’m fairly new to watching it)
if you’re interested just lemme know!! <3
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princessallura052 · 2 years
Somewhere Only We Know Discord
Hi guys!
So this is a Voltron server that is post-s8 and based on my post-s8 Voltron series. Allura comes back or as I like to put it, she never died. Very pro-Allura lives and respects all 8 seasons. Link to the series is also here but please come join us for fun discussions about pairings, characters, the show in general. Klance fans are welcome as long as you are respectful and nice but please no Shaladin (especially Sheith or Shidge).
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burr-ell · 2 years
Yeah, this whole situation is messed up and the fact that these scumbags think it's okay to abuse and harass someone for stating an otherwise harmless opinion that wasn't even about their fave and then cry about being the oppressed by the "tumblr clout chasers" as they called us really makes them worse than the Voltron fandom.
honestly i'm reluctant to classify almost any fandom as being worse than the voltron fandom (simply because for all the nasty things they've done, i've not heard of any fe3h fans blackmailing intsys or koei to get them to declare crimson flower the One True Route or whatever; and for its faults, 3h is not nearly the tire fire that vld became), but it's definitely up there.
like, it's not enough that edelstans have their own spaces; they have to have everyone else's spaces, too. it's so childish and privileged. and honestly, i think most people were perfectly content to let them have their own blogs and their own subreddit; the only time anyone's really put their foot down has been when they've actively been trying to hurt real people, almost like a well-adjusted adult knows that real human beings are more important than pngs.
(also like. Very Incheresting that the only people they're willing to go after with this level of intensity are the people who identify as male. boy howdy shucks golly gee, it's almost as if they know they'd look bad for harassing the many, many women and people of color and lgbtq people who think the same things and have said them just as loudly. or perhaps they don't think any of those people could ever really hold those opinions without being brainwashed? either way, as far as i'm concerned, it's just bigotry in a funny hat.)
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zenithpng · 2 years
au where kosmo grows super super big like clifford or something he's just massive please
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