phantomtrax · 11 months
convergent evolution is honestly a funny as fuck excuse for fucked up taxonomy. Yeah i decided that this guy is a species of snails that evolved to be humanoid and have human intelligence over millions of years while completely unrelated to actual primates. How? Ummmmmlol it juse happened
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nyxyxx · 10 months
Godly Desires - Part 2 -
So yeah here's the second part. A little rough but the next few should get more interesting. I. II. III. IV.
As usual this story will contain yandere themes and religious themes so please proceed with caution.
"For you"
An apple? You blinked twice, confused. You hesitantly reached up towards the mitachurl's hand and took the apple in both of yours. After gazing at it for a while, as if looking for permission - you took a bite of the apple. It was delicious. It tasted so real it almost entirely discarded your belief that this was a dream.
You sat in the hilichurl camp there for a while, as they kept gifting you with seemingly random food and materials, but they seemed overjoyed with it regardless. It was an odd feeling. Despite the fact that they were known as dangerous monsters, they showed such kindness to you. You were almost compelled to just live among them for as long as they'd allow you to stay - but you knew you had to keep going.
You had to continue down the path, to find out how exactly you got here, and why. So, after a long time of playing with the hilichurls, you said your goodbyes, and they said goodbye too - or at least you think they were saying goodbye. You weren't exactly the most knowledgable on hilichurlian.
You walked down along the beach, trying to figure out where in Teyvat you could be. It didn't take very long for you to notice the tip of a very recognizable cathedral. So you were in Mondstadt. That made sense, you supposed. It was where the traveler first woke up, so it would make sense that you would appear here too - except you were on the opposite side of Monstadt.
It would take a while for you to reach Mondstadt just by walking, and you weren't even sure what you should do when you got there, but you might as well start now. You turned back towards the hills and kept walking, resting by trees when it got too dark, or hanging out in more hilichurl camps - where they always seemed to welcome your presence.
It was safe to say that you did not go hungry. Though, you could really use a change of clothes. They were starting to feel all gross. You luckily were by a lake, and well - you might as well take this opportunity to bathe and wash those clothes.
You were a little worried about being spotted, but figured you were in a quiet enough area that it was unlikely. Or if it were monsters, you had little fear of being attacked by them. So you carefully stripped down and submerged yourself in the lake, trying to adjust to the cold temperature of the water.
When you were finished washing yourself - you reached back up to the rocks to grab your clothes to wash them as well, only to find that they were gone. Wait...gone??? Panic began to set in as you realized that you were currently naked and stuck in some lake in the middle of nowhere. What were you going to do...?
You stared at the water for a while, tucking yourself as closely to the edge of the water as possible, as you just thought mindlessly over what you were going to do next. That is, until you heard a voice.
"Excuse me, by any chance do these clothes belong to you?" A voice called out, and you instinctively hid yourself lower into the water. "My bad, I don't mean to invade your privacy. I'll just leave these here." The man said, before you listened to his footsteps get more distant. You slowly lifted your head up to look, only to find the man in the distance standing behind a tree, facing the other way, waiting for you.
You looked back to the ground and found your clothes returned, though in a slightly worse condition, but regardless, you hastily threw it all on no matter how wet they were going to get. Once you were done, you ran over to the man in the distance, who slowly turned his head.
"An animal must have stolen them," he began, "I was out for a walk and saw them on the ground by the grape vines. The animal must've left them there after it realized there was no food in them." He smiled.
You were sure you knew who the man was, but that suspicion was only confirmed when you glanced down, and saw the pyro vision hanging from his belt. "...Diluc?"
"Ah right, yes I'm Diluc Ragvindr, at your service." He seemed a little surprised that you knew his name, but internally, his mind was on fire. You, of all people, knew his name. He could barely contain his joy, although it was nearly impossible to tell from the outside.
"Oh. Nice to meet you. Thank you for helping me there." You said, a little taken aback. at your service? what did he mean by that? Regardless, you felt like you might as well thank him for helping you.
"Please do not mind it, I am only doing what should be done." He said, only showing as slight smile. "If you would like to thank me properly, how about I invite you for a drink?" He asked. He hoped you'd say yes.
"Oh sure. Lead the way then." You failed to notice just how exuberant he actually was that you agreed. It has been a while since you've last talked to - or even seen - someone, so you were a little bit lonely. You also figured that you could get some helpful information from him, so you might as well take this opportunity.
soon we're actually gonna get into the more entertaining parts but that's it for now. The next part is gonna have a lot more Diluc which is nice but also terrifies me I'm so not prepared to write him. Taglist @mmeatt; @iamapotatoe; @clavichordcleffa
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damagedcoda6669 · 4 months
omw 2 getting diagnosed w POTS :3
is tumblr just my designated place 4 mental health/disability posting now????? yes. thagts vry tumblr.
so i went 2 the ER twice earlier this year becuz of extreme lightheadedness after standing up 2 the point of almost passing out, and i got a referral 2 a cardiologist becuz they noticed irregularities w my heartrate on the ekg. it took so much time waiting and i was so upset and angry that i had 2 wait so long, but i had my first appointment 2day!!!
ive known since my second ER visit that i probably have POTS, so it was EXTREMELY FUNNY when the assistant had me lay down 4 five minutes and then stand up, and after taking my heartrate the first thing he said was "have u ever heard of smth called POTS" LOLZERSSSS (MY HEARTRATE WENT UP 2 FUCKING 140 BTW)
then the cardiologist came in and the first thing she said was smth like "have u heard of POTS" ITS 2 OBVIOUS. IM THE POTS MAN. basically she told me that its PROBABLY pots but that she wants 2 rule it out becuz theres no cure and im so young n healthy n beautiful and she doesnt want me 2 have pots (she was so sweet :( and so im gonna have 2 get an echocardiogram and get bloodwork done and wear a heart monitor 4 two weeks
kinda excited 2 find out whats wrong w my fucked up heart!!! i think if i do end up having pots im gonna look in2 getting a wheelchair and try 2 adjust 2 it (i tried out one of the public wheelchairs at walmart recently and i was so embarrassed 😭 but i need 2 get over it becuz using a wheelchair is gonna be SO MUCH easier than walking I NEED 2 GET OVER IT NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW)
the heart monitor is gonna make me feel liek joseph w the ring around his aorta.. /JOJO REF
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I saw this post and it inspired me to ask a similar question I was dealing with. Is it weird for the narrator to explain time skips or off screen events? They always feel so unnatural when I write them. Ive seen it done, but I can't judge the best way to do it.
Narrator Explaining Time Skips and Off-Screen Events
Nope, it's not weird, no matter who your narrator is. Your narrator is there to tell the story to your reader. If there is no way to show something through action or explain it through dialogue, the only other alternative is to have the narrator explain it.
With time skips, that's almost always going to be the narrator's job rather than something shown via action or told via dialogue, simply because action isn't often the best way to show time passing (though it can certainly work in some cases), and dialogue doesn't usually come right at the beginning of a scene (though it can sometimes.) The point being, although you certainly can show time passing with action or explain it through dialogue, a lot of the time it's just explained in exposition, aka narration. I talk about that in these posts: Guide: How to Skip Time in Your Story, Subtle Scene Transitions, and Skipping Broad Gaps in Time without Timestamp.
With off-screen events, you really have your pick between exposition, action (yes... action... I'll get to that in a second), and dialogue. It just depends on what works best for the scene/story. So, for example, let's say a secondary character had to run an errand for the protagonist, and what they find out from that errand is important, but showing the actual errand playing out isn't important. So, it happens off-screen. You can have the narrator explain it:
While Todd and Amy started pulling down the interior walls, Anna went to city hall to find out next steps for permitting. After waiting all afternoon to speak with someone and being told to come back the following day, she returned to the house feeling defeated but bearing mochas from their favorite coffee shop.
Alternatively, you could use dialogue to show this off-screen moment:
"How did it go?" Todd said, dropping his sledgehammer when he turned and found a defeated-looking Anna, who at least came bearing coffee.
"Not great," she said, handing him and Amy a mocha from their favorite coffee shop. "I was at city hall all day waiting to talk to someone in permitting, and after I finally got to speak with someone, they told me to come back tomorrow."
Amy frowned. "Yikes."
If the off-screen event happened before the story begins, or happened off-screen but was particularly important or memorable for the character who experienced it, you could also potentially use deep memory recall, a flashback, or a dream to show it happening. This wouldn't really be a great choice for Amy's long wait at the permitting office, but for the sake of the example, if it was worthy, it might look something like this.
Amy woke with a start, drenched in sweat, her nightmare addled brain telling her she was still inside the permitting office. The nightmare had been so real, she could still smell the stale coffee that permeated the small room--could still hear the quiet sizzle of the mildly flickering fluorescent lighting. She'd been suck waiting to speak with someone all afternoon, and they'd told her to come back tomorrow. Now she felt like she'd been through the ordeal twice in one day. She wasn't sure she could stomach going back again in the morning. She would have to make Todd go in her place.
I hope that helps! :)
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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scuderiafemboy · 1 year
f1 lestappen database nini edition
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notes: number 1) this can get outdated super easily… number 2) i also dont know how to link content as i dont use tumblr alot but upon request im remaking my twitter thread here number 3) im not putting the races in chronological order as im quite lazy
at the 2019 japanese gp, max and charles hit eachother into turn two.
max after the race on the crash:
“i just dont get it. there was no need to risk so much in turn two. cause at the end of the day, both of us had to pit.”
2019 austrian gp, 3 laps left into the race max overtook charles and won the grandprix.
charles at the postrace pressconference:
“as i said, ive done exactly the same thing from the first and the second lap so i didnt expect any contact on the second lap. as max said, i think he braked a little bit deeper. i dont know if he lost it or not but then there was the contact. i felt like i was quite strong in traction. on the first attempt i managed to have better traction and have my position. on the second one i couldnt do that cause i was off track.”
2019 silverstone gp, the race right after austria. max and charles closely battled for 10 laps straight
charles during the postrace press conference:
“the best move was probably the one on max, on the outside in copse, i think he just passed me and i passed him back around the outside of copse. i think that was definitely was one of the most exciting (moves) of the race… of my race!”
2020 sakhir gp, charles crashed into checo, forcing max to go wide and then also crash
max post race:
“i respect charles alot, hes a great driver but i think today was a bit too much. he asked me “what happened?” and i say “what do you mean “what happened” you crashed into sergio and i have to go around”. i think he will look back at the footage and i hope he will understand that that was maybe a bit too aggressive. which is a shame.”
charles on the beyond the grid podcast 2021, talking about his rivalry with max:
“its the same (their rivalry) at the moment its obviously a little bit deminished because i can not fight against him, unfortunately. but if you look at the fight in silverstone 2019, i think you can understand theres quite a bit of competition and its always been the case. i mean its nice; we have grown up together in karting weve been always fighting eachother and now we find ourselves again in formula 1. so its great and i cant wait to put the team back were it deserves to be and fight against max for the title.”
monaco gp 2021, during Q3 charles crashes which means max cant set a laptime
max postrace interview:
“he just clipped the wall initially and ended up where ive ended up twice [laughs] so its just unfortunate. ofcourse i am disappointed not to have a shot at pole but thats life, you know. sometimes you cant do it. i mean its fine, i dont think his lap should be deleted in the future if they want to make rule changes. i dont that would be fair.”
charles instagram post after the 2021 silverstone gp yes i am counting it too:
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max saying he prefers his rivalry with charles over the one he has with lewis, 2022
max to sky italy:
"i prefer what we have now because, first of all, charles i know very well, hes a nice guy, we are a similar age… on saturday night, we even had a laugh in paul ricard... we are hard competitors on the track and we will always try to beat each other, which i think is very normal, but outside of it you can have a good time as well, and thats what i really enjoy about this year."
max debunking that charles never forgave him for austria 2019 and racing together with him, 2022
max in a video interview:
"i never speak about these things with other drivers, i mean, it happens. ive lost wins as well, and its not the end of the world, you move on. i think charles is one of the most talented drivers in formula 1, and he will win many more races… i would say back in the day it was a little bit more difficult, but also we were very young and growing up and you are fighting for the same goal, right? now that youre in formula 1, i think it is really different. you are representing really big brands. so we get on very well now. we can have a good chat and enjoy our battles, and i think thats very nice. knowing each other for such a long time helps. weve spent so much time together, in a way."
2022 hungarian gp, max told the hungarian press he understands charles his frustration after the 2022 french gp
max to the hungarian press:
“everyone handles that (their disappointment) in a different way. some people need to reflect on it like that. at the time youre still a bit emotional from what just happened and maybe become a bit too emotional, but thats fine, people should be emotional, they should show their emotions."
charles on fighting with italian site corriere della sera, 2022 this is not an official translation sorry but i can link the source
“i like to deal with max, we have a similar level of aggression. we have fun, with respect. im not saying that last year there was no respect between max and lewis, but it seemed like a different duel than ours. but if we were to get to the end of the championship very close in points, the situation would be much more tense than it is now.”
max, also for corriere della sera in 2022
“i have known charles since we were five years old, we are of the same generation and we grew up challenging ourselves on the track.”
max to viaplay, 2023 after charles crashed during Q3 of the miami gp, meaning he couldnt set a time and had to start from P8 (this is a livetranslation of mine post qualifying, so the quote isnt 100% spot on but you get the gist)
“the red flag was annoying, but it happens on streetcircuits. it just sucks, i will have to cope and move on.”
monaco gp, charles had an interview with canal+ for its 10 year anniversary with formula 1. he got asked to name 10 drivers hes the closest with
“pierre without a doubt, carlos, lando, george, alex albon, yuki, lewis, max aswell eventhough most people dont think its the case but it is! esteban, and lance.”
this is it for now, i am a bit tired but thank the tumblr lords you can change posts later on so i can update it with ease later on. enjoys besties 🫡
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I want to second that anon on how epic you format things. I sometimes forget im reading halfway through a sentence or my brain turns off for a bit n i have to wait for it to restart as well as... Many other issues that make reading things very difficult even if im interested in the topic(got this 350 page book about a subject ive been very passionate about since i was 5 and its taken me 2 years to read 300 pages 😅).
I assumed reading your lessons would be the same but! No! Most ive been able to read through uninterrupted and if i dont succeed in that, ive been able to pick it back up without much confusion! I'll assume it'll take forever to read but then it'll be over fast and i only have to reread it once or twice to make extra sure i retain any new information or internalise or make updates to a certain way of thinking etc. If i notice im forgetting parts of a lesson the way you've made your pinned post makes everything so much easier too.
I know they're not 100% accessible to everyone since thats just straight up /impossible/ so im sure there are ppl out there with a good excuse for why they can't read them but it's just. I dont know. Youve done such a great job and im just really happy to be able to p easily read something for once! The effort, time and thought you put into these is just. Amazing to me. And it makes me very happy to be able to share them with others. I love all the art you reblog and the "Share your favourite Black character" submission thing and its really cool that you share a bunch of other important things too. You also just seem like a very admirable person outside of it as well??
Sorry for this ask being so long, I really hope it didn't come across as weird as i think it did and that you have a good day! :)
🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 well thank you. I appreciate your support and your kind words.
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moonshynecybin · 4 months
Omg yes!! Thoroughly enjoyed the Oxley bom episode. My fav part was when they said, Marc gives you a second, move or be put in the grass which is more humiliating than guys just straight putting you in the grass.
Pedro's part was also so good. Where they said Pedro understood what was happening as he had tucked himself inside and then was like wait why are these premier class riders behaving like Victorian girls at a ball and BEING SO RESPECTFUL OF SPACE.
Post Marc win episodes are truly delightful
literally they were like. everyone is so respectful of each other except marc and pedro who are HUGE cunts who want to WIN and will also just. make the goddamn move. and thats why they DO win! and thats why this season has been so much fun! and thats also why. they often times do end up in the gravel. literally you gotta risk it for the biscuit behavior. the epic highs and lows of stanning crazy people... sometimes they bin it into the dirt in portimao and sometimes they make up eleven places twice in one weekend but they ALWAYS makes me feel like ive done 37 rails of cocaine :)
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sadisthetic · 4 months
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hi. this is my dnd character for toonkind dnd that i first made 7 years ago that ive recycled twice now because i wanted to finally play an ongoing campaign with him. for his third life, not only did i give him a design update, hes also has undergone a MAJOR overhaul in terms of personality and backstory tho i kept some bare basics the same (human ranger with urchin background who LOVES swords and knifes A LOT. and that he has an ambiguous age) the overhaul includes the isekai. and that hes a cunt now. but hes funnier now too lol.
im adding some more details and trivia about him under the readmore
so like if it isnt obvious the double isekai is meant to mirror the fact that i fucking played with him in 3 separate campaigns now. its part of him metatextually now lol. he was such a different guy tho. an EXTREMELY LOYAL guy. now hes significantly more selfish. and rude as hell. but hes not that to be mean or malicious. hes actually a pretty nice guy hes just extremely inconsiderate bc he prioritizes his own wellbeing most of the time. its how he had to grow up
copy pasting this tweet i wrote about him "blade at 15 was a guy that shouldve been playing halo while drinking monster but instead hes a guy stealing apples and eating mushrooms off tree bark. miraculously few instances of poisoning all things considered"
he wouldve been a fucking gamer otaku fr. he got isekaied in the mid 2000s and as a kid he fucking LOVED watching dragonball on saturday mornings. if he got to be a teen on earth, he would eventually found the anime and gaming subcommunities online BUT ALAS. he grew up trying to catch fish with his bare hands. or at least he did until he gave up quick and ate weeds.
also. despite the hardships. hes like. fine? somethings wrong with him. but its not trauma. he didnt mourn his parents much although its not like he couldve done anything with their freshly isekaied corpses when immediately hes being chased by fucking beasts. its okay they were like b-tier parents. (hes definitely not a normal person.)
he wandered the woods trying his best to survive alone and in spite of everything trying to kill him (including the shit he ate...) he ended up in a nearby(?) town and things got a bit easier after that. because he could fucking steal to eat real food now. he stayed in the woods on the outskirts of town bc no one showed grace to a thief and just dropped in every so often to swipe shit. steadily he learned forage (through sheer trial and error)
he was highkey a menace. but eventually in his late teens, a traveling party gave him an idea to like fucking. get a job. as something. he managed to make it work as a ranger/guide for hire
he fucking loves booze. he absolutely underage drank. when he could steal it. and later pay for it. and also even though he could pay for things as an adult, he still steals shit if he thinks he can get away w it (he has an absurdly (or at least pretty) high sleight of hand stat)
before he got isekai'd a second time, went through a CATASTROPHIC DIVORCE with an elf woman who he met in an expedition party who became enamored with him after he saved her life. the uh. fallout happened bc blade didnt realize (and still hasnt realized) that hes kinda aro (fundamentally did not understand her romantic intentions and thought she was just a friend wanted to hang out w him a lot. those were dates.) and his ex didnt realize how onesided it was bc she was so love with him. geez.
also. he was from arizona. hes half white half mexican. but with all the time spent not speaking spanish in a different fucking world, it made any spanish speaking skills he had atrophy to hell. it happens and it was bound to happen bc he was so young and had like no reason or opportunity to practice.
also he chose his name. he hated his lame ass name so much he was like "wait. i dont have to use it anymore." but he was 13 fucking years old. anyways he thought blade sounded cool for a name. knifedad happened later when he got his first knife. he still had a bad naming sense. he was 14.
also although his ethics are kinda wack, whats important to note is that he ultimately doesnt want anyone to like. die. its like his policy. save people that he can while trying his best to not die himself
he also has a soft spot for kids. whether hed bc a good dad is debatable but like. i think hed be a nice one
most important note: his longsword is named Darla, his dagger is named Samantha, the knife in his pack is named Nicky, and his newly acquired strange glowy sword is named lucia, and he wants a cool greatsword very very very fucking bad
i drew him in his under clothing also so that i could have a better sense for his body type when i designed his new outfit im adding it here too. he has a shitton of scars bc hes the type that pisses ppl off that they wanna shank him and also he routinely eats shit a lot. a lot of the scars in this sketch are pretty random except for one specific injury for a certain backstory event i have in mind
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hannahbarberra162 · 20 days
Ik the initial one-shot wasn't yandere, so ignore if this is annoying lol but the murder attempt might be a good point for those types of feelings to start developing. You're still a resource before anything else, but there's still a... shift afterward. Marco is much kinder to you than you expected him to be when you're terrified to start "donating" once more- sighing and rubbing your back while you blubber hysterically about being left alone in that room again. He's familiar with PTSD and it helps if you've been obedient up until this point. He'd made it clear you wouldn't be hurt if you obeyed, and you did, but you were nearly killed regardless. This isn't your fuck up. He's responsible. Considers moving the equipment to a different room, but assigning crewmates or nurses to stay with you in shifts is a much easier option. Thatch dotes on you too, if he's alive- you're getting treats, rules be damned.
It’s definitely not annoying! Yandere is one of my favorite tropes, I have to stop myself from adding it into most things I write. Even my nicer fluffier ideas make me think “hmmm but what if dark? What if kidnap???” Like for Struck Twice By Lightning (a lighter story I’m writing w/ Shanks x reader) I have an alternative yandere ending just because uh…it’s too much fun. Also, Thatch isn’t going to die, silly Nonnie. He never dies! Neither does Ace or Whitebeard or Izou or anyone else I love! Everyone is just on Laughtale, waiting for us to get there. 
ANYWAY, I love your idea Nonnie. 
You had begged Marco, truly begged him on hands and knees, to move the phlebotomy equipment to another room. Unfortunately, space was at a premium on the ship, even one as large as the Moby. The phlebotomy room had been built to unique specifications, there wasn’t anywhere else where the equipment could fit and had the right electrical connections needed to run the apheresis machine. He had a busy day ahead of him, there was a lot to do and plan after yesterday’s attack. But you were pale and shaking, afraid to go into the room, much less stay there for the six hours you needed to. Of course, he could just drag you in and sit you down, put the IV in your arm and leave. But you’d been compliant so far and he didn’t want to punish you. After all, this was his oversight in security, you hadn’t done anything wrong. Marco sighed and rubbed his temples. He’d tell Haruta to take over the meeting for now and ask Deuce to manage the infirmary. 
Crouching so he’d be at your eye level, Marco took your tear stained face in his hands. You had dark circles under your eyes, Marco knew you hadn’t slept the night before, which caused his own sleeplessness. He forced you to look at him, even though he was pretty sure you hated him in that moment. And maybe always. “Listen. I know you’re scared yoi. It’s understandable. But I can’t move the equipment, you have to be in this room. I can stay with you, if you want. Would you like that?” You averted your eyes from his face but nodded almost imperceptibly. He guessed you would have preferred Deuce, but Marco didn’t feel comfortable leaving you with anyone below Commander level. You were friendly with Thatch, maybe you’d want him to sit with you later. And Thatch had been baking up a storm for you since yesterday, baking treat after treat to try to find something you liked. Thatch wanted to get you to like his desserts, if he had to try every recipe on the Grand Line. The chef was always warm and pleasant company, getting people to relax in his presence was one of his gifts. Marco would allow the brief interruption in your strict diet if it helped you relax.
“We can take a break after one session if you’d like yoi.” You took a shuddering breath as Marco took your hand in his. Squeezing it gently, Marco walked you into the room. It had been cleaned of all the blood but the memories remained. You perched in the chair, pivoting your head every few seconds to check outside the window. Your hypervigilance was concerning even if it was justified. Marco didn’t want you to think they couldn’t keep you safe - they were a Yonko crew after all. There had been multiple fails yesterday that culminated in the assassin gaining access to you, but that wouldn’t make you feel better. Marco quickly turned on the aphoresis machine and prepared the equipment, watching you wince as the needle entered your arm. You were still squeamish, not wanting to see the needle insertion. He took a step back to check his work. Looking at you on the padded chair you were…small. Scared. Exhausted. Anxious. Marco didn’t like it, he needed to ensure his prized resource was healthy. “Would you like to hold hands? Would that make you feel better?” You nodded once again, still not speaking. Thinking back, Marco wasn’t sure you’d actually spoken since right after the attack. Marco took your clammy hand in his, noting the chewed nails and bloody cuticles. He’d heal those too, once it was time. He couldn’t let you out of your cage, but he could make it more comfortable.
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holly-fixation · 7 months
Fallen Silver: Ch 4
Summary: Sephiroth is MIA. Second Class Rhapsodos and Third Class Hewley are tasked with locating and finding him. The public does not know of this disappearance. No one was prepared for the truth. 
No one knew SOLDIER hung on by a thread.
Chapter 4: Relief
Inspired by @altocat 's and @rottenpumpkin13 's posts.
Please enjoy.
The heart monitor beeped at the occasional fluctuation of vitals. Oxygen levels remained steady, blood pressure nearly constant, heartbeat a perfect pattern while the patient remained unconscious. Every attempt to waken the man scattered all regulation to complete chaos. For his own safety, Genesis was strapped down before any attempt at a test took place. Some tests purely examined the floating rods in the Crimson Soldier’s eyes. Others proved the lack of connection between actual vision and what he claimed to see. Even a pitch black room held the phantom he critically begged to escape from. 
Twelve hours had passed. The fourth experimental cure was ready. Angeal was the only person allowed in the room as the doctors added the cure to the IV and weaned off the sleep medication. They left as the old friend stood in silence at the side of the bed. 
All Angeal could do was wait, watching the slow progress. 
The small movements of damaged hands, the soft scrunch of eyelids, the adjusting breath. Once beautiful mako blue eyes opened to the stain of dark rods slowly swimming in both scleras. “Angeal…?” The voice was hesitant, careful. 
“Hey Genesis,” He couldn't help the small smile, the small hope, from entering his voice. It was the first time Genesis recognized anyone physically inside the room. “How are you feeling?”
The redhead glanced around the room, every exit, every window, every potential weapon fully taken note of. Then he noticed the restraints and looked up at Angeal desperately. The rods in his eyes jostled with the movement. “You need to run. Get out of here before he comes back.”
“No one's coming after you-”
“He’s going to kill me. You have to save yourself, Angeal. I'll distract him as long as I can-”
He stopped. 
Angeal couldn’t be more thankful that his friend could finally respond. “It’s not real. Sephiroth isn’t attacking you. It’s an illusion. It was all an illusion.”
Genesis tried to move. “But my injuries-”
“Weren’t caused by him.” Angeal couldn’t tell his friend the whole truth. Not now. “Wutaians attacked in your confusion. Sephiroth dragged you back to our base.”
Mako blues blinked once. Twice. Thrice. “...I-” the rods stirred again, obscuring both irises. His head snapped to the door and he tensed. “Don't come any closer!”
“Leave him out of this! He's done nothing!”
The Third was given no other option, reaching for the closed, unlocked IV. 
“Don't! Stop it! Angeal, don’t listen to him!” 
Drops slowly slipped through the tube. 
He bit his own cheek, drawing blood and whipping his head as if taking a blow. 
“Angeal, please, you know that’s not true! Don’t listen to him! Don’t do this! Please don’t do-... don’t…… please…….” Genesis fell limp, his eyes closing to trap him in quiet darkness once more. 
“I’m sorry.” 
The nurses and scientists returned. The Third Class SOLDIER was sent away. 
Angeal leaned against the wall and exhaled slowly. He was so close to getting through, but Hollander still had no reliable cure. He didn’t think keeping Genesis unconscious for this long was safe, let alone another few days or possibly weeks if no cure at least brought him back to sanity. He should probably update Sephiroth…
Wait. Sephiroth. His head snapped up. He hadn’t seen the First since Genesis was strapped down. Where could he possibly be?
Hojo’s lab, of course. However, all his attempts to enter the highly classified laboratory were completely shut down. 
* * * 
Why wasn’t it working? 
Unbeknownst to Sephiroth, the cure for the toxin hadn’t been touched since the head scientist received the broken gong. He first struck it without any repairs, but the Silver Soldier showed no reaction. Sephiroth was left locked in the exam room as Hojo entered the cold storage containing various cell cultures: bacteria, viruses, and even the preserved Leviathan scales removed from the Hero of Wutai himself. 
The first true attempt was filling the crack in the gong with the scales and the same Wutaian bronze as the rest of the instrument. No effect. Then, after calling in a team of engineers, they attempted to extend the rivets and curves on the surface, matching every wave with scientifically perfect accuracy. Again, no effect. Hojo even requested a proper musician to strike the instrument, and though the resultant sound was exponentially better, Sephiroth showed no reaction, not even a wince. 
What were they missing?
Despite the frustration, a hidden experiment was also taking place. Sephiroth did not speak a single word since the promise of helping his friend. Hojo kept a simple notification ready for if or when the man decided to speak, perhaps even give hints about who or what he was talking to. Yet this experiment was also a failure as Sephiroth never allowed his thoughts to leave his lips again. 
In the days since Rhapsodos’s emergency return, both sections of the lab were useless. 
“I have a task for you,” Hojo stated as he entered the room, the addressed man not even turning his eyes in response. “Return to Wutai and retrieve an undamaged gong.”
Slit pupils met black glasses in bewilderment. 
“This will continue your progress on the front as we continue developing a remedy for Rhapsodos. Though I understand you cannot accomplish this task alone.”
He looked down like a guilty child. A failure. A disappointment. 
“So what will you require?”
After a breath, the Silver Soldier hardened, his eyes flicking ever so slightly as ideas ran through his mind. After a few seconds of silence, he responded, “Four Second Classes with confidential or higher security clearance. And Angeal.”
Hojo nearly groaned. “Him? What can that inferior Third possibly accomplish?
“He is the only one I trust to carry out the mission. We share the same motivation. He is the only logical choice.”
“And if Hewley is captured or gassed, what will you do?”
Another moment of silence. A small shake of mercury. “...I’ll follow my instincts.”
* * * 
The flight back to Wutai was silent. The director of SOLDIER informed all personnel of the First’s immediate return, saying the orders were completely above his rank. Sephiroth was granted the extra reinforcements he required. He had yet to discuss the plan with Angeal who already had dreadful feels about this sudden decision. It was difficult enough to leave Genesis in that lab, especially since both Angeal and Genesis refused to return until Sephiroth recovered. 
On the dawn after arrival, Sephiroth requested Angeal’s presence on a hill half a mile away from the latest claimed fortress. 
“What are you thinking?” Angeal questioned immediately upon reaching the location. 
Sephiroth breathed deeply. “Hollander won’t find a cure. Hojo claimed to aid the effort in return for finding an uncracked gong.”
Mako blue eyes widened.
The head of silver turned away.
“We’re doing this to take one back? Does he know what it did to you last time?”
“For Genesis’s sake, it doesn’t matter. Loathe as it is, I’m confident Hojo will identify a cure when he recreates the compound in his lab. I must personally deliver the gong to him as soon as possible.”
“What does he want it for?”
Sephiroth winced.
The Second glared. “Sephiroth. What does he want it for?”
“He’ll run experiments to find the cause of the feeling. Either I grow a resistance to it or Hojo develops a countermeasure,” His words were cold, detached. He flinched, shaking off another thought. 
“And what about the toxin?” Angeal tried to back the First into a corner, to force him into abandoning this incredibly dangerous plan before allowing it to leave his lips. 
“I’m resistant to it.” His eyes still contained the rods. There was no hiding the simple truth. 
“Not immune.”
“Then with all due respect, you should be nowhere near this mission when it begins.”
“I already have a plan.”
“I will lead the team of Seconds to the next outpost. They are already aware of the secrecy of the matter. I will distract the Wutaians and tell the Seconds everything they see me do is an act.”
“Our troops know that’s a lie.”
“Which is exactly why the team is new.”
“What will you do if they confront you about it? Or if the cadets let it slip?”
“We’ll burn that bridge when we get to it.” Sephiroth’s expression hardened. “When I collapse, I want you and a team of scouts to infiltrate the outpost and retrieve the gong. Anything else you can accomplish will only be permitted if the gong is retrieved undamaged. We then claim the outpost if we can.”
“And what will you do when your ‘act’ ends with you losing consciousness?”
“I’ll tell them I must commit entirely. If Wutai in any way believes I am playing them, they will abandon the post and retreat with the payload.” He suddenly grabbed his head, trying to suppress a noise from escaping. He hunched, blocking his face with his bangs as he turned away.
Angeal’s frustration halted, reverting back to the kind hearted friend they both knew. “What’s happening? Sephiroth, is it the toxin?”
“I don’t care what happens,” He spoke through gritted teeth. “I don’t care what happens to me. This was my fault. I have to do this.” Slowly, hesitantly his posture returned. 
“I don’t like this…” 
“During my capture, how many times did you say that exact phrase to Genesis?”
“That’s different-”
“It’s exactly the same. We’ll make preparations now and leave at dusk. That’s the only way we can help him. It guarantees the payload is present and gives us a solid chance to claim it.”
“Taking risks on the field and torturing yourself are two different things.”
“It’s not that simple…”
“You keep saying that.”
“Angeal-” He cut himself off, turning away and curling in on himself, small, weak, afraid. He didn’t notice his friend whipping around to watch his face. “I have to do something right. I can do this, I swear.”
The Third softly pressed a hand to the black leather arm. He said nothing until Sephiroth relaxed into reality. “You’re not healed. How many times are we going to do this?”
“Until we’re all safe again!” Sephiroth’s snap silenced the discussion. Angeal hugged him, but it felt empty and cold. The silver soldier craved something the friend could never provide, but he did not know what. 
* * * 
The last orange glow of the sky dimmed as Sephiroth and the Second Classes approached the outpost. Though the Silver Soldier could feel the tension, confusion, and hesitation of the team following him, they dared not speak a word. He focused on forcing one foot in front of the other, despite his survival instincts screaming in protest against every wave of the toxin. 
He silently wished the Seconds would speak their mind. At least then something would distract him from the voice.
Even She failed to persuade him. 
Know that I am with you always. Cling to my words to spare yourself and your friends.
The moment the firelight of the outpost shimmered his silver hair, the gong rang and he collapsed instantly. The phantom strings of his heart pulled in every direction, desperately reaching for something to connect with even at the cost of agony. He curled on the ground, rocking and screaming without the comforting, fear awakened voice. His body grasped the needle like threads of desperation tightening around his heart like a noose.
No one remained to comfort his despair. 
Wutaian forces laughed, mocking the hero and raining down magic at the Seconds defending their fallen leader. 
After all, it was just an act, right? He’d get up soon? He’d save them if they were in danger?
On the other side of the outpost, Angeal and the small team of scouts slipped past the guards undetected. Inside, everyone seemed to be enjoying the show. They stayed low and quiet until the gong was in sight. 
The scouts claimed the gong and mallet while Angeal dispatched the enemy soldiers. At the muting of the dreadful instrument and the bright red target on all of their backs, the full force of Shinra’s troop attacked. 
All except the Silver Soldier who laid unmoving with Second Classes sworn to protect him. 
Hours passed before the highest ranking SOLDIER awoke. Only his Third Class friend waited for him. The cadets were scouring the outpost for resources while the scouts called in the payload back at the claimed fortress. 
Inhuman eyes opened, ebony rods finally flushed away. 
Angeal held out a hand. “You need to see this.”
Sephiroth took it and rose to his feet. “Lead the way.”
At the heart of the outpost stood a mausoleum. However, Wutaian culture would not allow a final resting place so far from any public gravesite, so perhaps it was only a front. Sephiroth’s assumption was proven correct as they opened the door, an ornate staircase descended, lined with patterns of silver scales, not a shred of gold in sight. He rushed down the stairs despite his instinct to run away. Stone and marble statues of the Wutaian water god constricted the room. Its scales surrounded them like a victorious snake. Altars, fountains, torches, candles, shackles, ritualistic weapons.
Beyond the silver, it was all the same 
“This was for Genesis…” Sephiroth’s words left breathlessly. 
“Two with one is unpredictable,” Angeal quoted. “They’re trying to take down the top three SOLDIERs.”
“Or all three of us.” Sephiroth met his eyes. “We promote SOLDIER. Even though you haven't made Second yet, if all three of us fall victim to capture or toxin, no one will enlist and the program will be deemed a failure.”
“And the Wutai’s war would finally end.”
Inhuman eyes fell. “Or Shinra creates a new weapon to destroy their entire country without a second thought. At least with the war, some of their people will survive...”
Something hid in that statement, but Angeal chose not to push. “Let’s head back to the fort. Get some real rest before transport arrives.”
Sephiroth nodded. “I’ll call in an excavation team.”
* * * 
The gong cured the toxin. That was what Sephiroth told both scientists when he arrived in HQ with the instrument in hand but lacking the black rods in his eyes. Hollander immediately attempted it without a second thought. Genesis did not react. However, neither did Sephiroth. Again the science department summoned a percussionist. Apparently the reaction required proper technique. 
Sephiroth watched through observation glass at the second attempt. In Genesis’s room, the musician rang the gong. The Silver Soldier fell to his knees, gloved hands clawing at the glass and uncontrollable groans leaving his lips. 
The Crimson Soldier remained perfectly still. One quick look from the scientists proved the instrument was a failure. Sephiroth was told to seal himself in an experimentation chamber before Hojo injected the lab-grown remedy. 
Of course, Hojo’s cure succeeded. Genesis finally came to, surrounded by scientists and nurses, not a single friendly face at his side. Sephiroth was long gone, and to Hojo, the less he knew the better. 
Within The Drum, Sephiroth paced, his arms crossed and his head down. Waiting. Preparing. Fortifying his emotions. Praying they could contain the resonant emotion. 
He glanced up at the observation chamber, some part of him attempting to see through the solid force field of indigo hexagons. He hopes the scientist would at very least reveal the instrument to him before the training began. 
Step by step he begged this to work. 
The chamber blocked out all natural light, adjustable fluorescent bulbs illuminating endless stasis. The pulse of the force field gave the illusion of measurement, subconsciously counted by the Silver Soldier. 
Mid step, the gong rang, and all attempts at resistance shattered as he clung to his own body, his shouts echoing off the walls. Any thought of progress and control collapsed. 
Hojo watched, fascinated and disgusted by the effectiveness. Sephiroth was stronger than some musical instrument. What occurred to cause such a reaction? Despite his desire to immediately take samples, he decided to indulge a different desire. He contacted his assistant and ordered them to find more musicians. 
How long could the First survive on his own?
To be continued…
Thanks for reading!
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Undisclosed Desires - Part 11
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Joe Goldberg x female!Reader
Summary: Twenty minutes before he would have met Guinevere Beck, Joe meets you instead. You intruige him, but it will soon become clear that there is something off about you.
Words: 951
Guysssss I'm sorry if this sucks. I spent all day at the office wishing I could write and then I got home and people just would NOT leave me alone and I had to keep taking breaks 😭😭. Also I kind of didn't know how I wanted this chapter to go at all but now that I'm past it I'll probably have less trouble.
I'm not mad, (Y/n).
It's been three days and you're still avoiding me, but I'm so not mad that I give Ethan a raise and that I buy Paco dinner twice and that I smile at everyone who walks into Mooney’s. That's how you know I love you: I understand that you need time and space to figure out how you feel. And I can wait. And I don't take it out on others. Love is patient, after all.
And this is love. I know it is. You said I am great, and cute, and ugh, and that means something. But you said it yourself: you are ruining this by avoiding me. And when I text you, you're short with me. Why are you doing this to us? Are you the kind of girl who sabotages good things?
Then you finally text me properly. It's a long string of texts, and I want to ignore you because I'm not mad, but I'm a little disappointed in you, honestly, and I think that's fair. But the more I read, the more I smile, and I know I will not ignore you.
YOU: ok im so sorry i know iv been super distant and rude and that is totally on me and id love to tell u iv just been busy or whatever but the truth is actually that i've kind of been avoiding you?? i know i know im a mega bitch. plz forgive me 🙏🏻
YOU: but heres the thing iv never??? done this before??? like gone on dates and gotten drunk and spilled my guts to a guy and liked a guy
YOU: like this is so embarrassing bc i might just be making a super big deal out of nothing
YOU: iv had like six coffees today im sorry im not making sense
YOU: iv never had a boyfriend before and i dont have any other friends here and also im kind of like. super insecure??? so
YOU: you can interrupt me any minute now
YOU: pls
ME: Just give me a moment.
Ethan isn't here to watch the register but honestly, (Y/n)? I don't care. There's only two people in the store and they've both been browsing forever. They're just going to end up buying books they will never read, so I go into the office and close the door behind me. And then I call you.
You answer right away.
“Hey, you,” you say, embarrassed.
“You should have too much coffee more often,” I tell you.
“Uh, no, never again. I have a horrible headache.”
“I'm sorry.”
“It's okay,” you assure me. I hear something slam in the background. “Oops.”
“What are you doing?”
“Just rearranging my furniture.”
“Okay. Why?”
“I'm having a… day,” you say. “Sometimes I just have these moments where I have to change something about my life right this second, you know?”
“So you rearrange your furniture and you text guys illiterate love confessions.”
“Illiterate!” you exclaim. “I will have you know I am a copywriter, and I'm very good at my job.”
“Uh huh.”
“My failure to capitalize my texts is entirely on purpose.”
“And so is the lack of commas.”
I keep quiet, and you realize that I called what you sent me a love confession. You don't correct me because you do love me. You do.
“So,” you say. “Thoughts?”
“I like you. I think that's pretty clear. I went to a music festival with you, and the music was terrible.”
You laugh.
“But I don't want to push you into anything. Have you really never had a boyfriend?”
“Well, there was this boy at summer camp when I was twelve. We held hands on the swings and he shared his Nintendo with me. But I don't think that counts.” I've never wanted to kill a twelve-year-old boy before. “Then there was a girl when I was fifteen. I liked her but it turned out she was just, like, experimenting. So was I, really. We lasted two weeks.”
A girl, huh? This isn't something I expected. But I don't react, because I know you want me to react, and you also don't always like to get what you want right away.
“But no,” you conclude. “I've never actually dated anyone before. That doesn't mean you're pushing me.”
You are so brave, (Y/n). You've never been in love with anyone before but here you are, taking charge.
On your end of the phonecall, something else slams. Then something shatters. You curse and someone knocks on the office window, and I hold up my finger at him to indicate one minute.
“Hey,” I say. “Do you want me to come over and help? After work, I mean.”
“No. I mean, yes to coming over, but no to helping. I'll just get annoyed because you're not doing it exactly how I want it to be done.”
“I'll just bring food, then.”
Another kock at the window. I'm going to kill this guy.
“Great! I'm craving pizza,” you say.
“Pizza it is. Toppings?”
“Pepperoni. And jalapenos.”
“You got it.”
“See you tonight, Joe,” you say, but what you really mean is I love you.
We hang up and I go help the man. I am so nice to him, because you have invited me to your apartment. You want me there. You want me to sit on your bed and feed you and watch you move your books around because you love me, and you told me you've never had a boyfriend before which means you think I am your boyfriend now.
Closing time can't come soon enough.
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popcornforone · 1 year
Enjoying The View
Chapter 5 of the Is That All Mr Gutierrez Fan Fic series
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Chapter 4
Sorry Dave York (unsurprisingly) got in the way of chapter 5 of this, but I’ve suddenly really got a move on with this today & ive really enjoyed writing it. I promised people I wouldn’t break Javi G which considering I mainly write Dave, is actually really hard to do, but I think I’ve done well. Things really get going now. Maybe the next chapter will be sooner rather than later.
Synopsis: You wake up the morning after the night before in Javis bed wondering if it was all a dream. But it’s the sight of the man that you’ve always loved that makes you realise this is so much more than just a dream.
Word count:3000
Warning: DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18!Protected PIV sex, kissing sucking, teasing some pre cum play, admiring& seducing, swearing. Boss employee relationship. Long term friends to lovers.
Thanks as always for the read peoples it’s really appreciated. All feed back is welcome in any form. I’ll hopefully see you soon for chapter 6.
Stirring into life on a Sunday morning has always been hard. The bright light flooding into the bedroom as you go oooh no & pull the bedsheet back over you. It’s just your thing. You dont want to get up, Sundays are lazy days. Your bed is meant to be your safe comfortable space until you realise you should make some sort of effort with the day.
But then you smell the bedding. This isn’t your sheets at home or in your room at Javis. These are blue silk & smell of Javi. You are asleep in his bed. Last night was not some wild dream you had. Last night you had sex with Javi on the sofa, not once but twice. You never watched Paddington. You were to engrossed in each others bodies that you never got that far. You can still feel the echo from his hand clutching around your waist, how his flat large thumb was made to pleasure your sensitive clit, how his lips tasted of love, lust & desire. Yea it happened, you & Javi had sex & you chuckle slightly under the bedding, realising that all your dreams had come true.
However thats when you realise Javi is not in bed with you. A quick look around his bedroom & he is nowhere to be seen. But there is the amorous smell of coffee waiting for you on the bed side table. There’s steam coming from it so it can’t have been sat there long. You sit up & that’s when you see the curtains blow from the balcony of his villa. He’s having his morning cigarette & coffee watching the view over your town as it it comes alive on this Sunday morning. You realise that you joined Javi in his bed in your birthday suit & you have no clothes to put on to go & give him a good morning kiss. However the bed sheet is thin & easy for you to wrap around yourself or so you think. “Why do they always make this look so simple in movies” you mutter to yourself before you sort yourself out & eventually knot it. Once you are covered, you take your coffee & slowly make your way across Javis bedroom & lean on the door frame & just have a few private seconds staring & admiring the man you love.
He sits there so peacefully, coffee half drunk on the table, smoking his cigarette. His lips plump after each exhale. His eyes gleaming at the sun, his locks of curls beyond anyones control now, his skin being kissed by the golden sun that is already up, each blemish is a line of perfection & his body is long & impressive, especially his broadness. Those shoulders look a little more relaxed than they have done recently, maybe last night was a relief for you both, that after this morning may never be mentioned again, but you hope to god it’s not. He has his boxers on, being his bedroom of course he could grab them when he woke up this morning. It’s as his large hand grabs his coffee cup, that out of the side of his eye he catches you staring & admiring. A small smile creeps across his face.
“Enjoying the view?” he says casually like it’s nothing unusual that the girl he’s wanted to be with for his entire life is wearing nothing but his bedding just a few feet away.
“Well it’s certainly is something” you reply. He stands up coffee in hand, with the cigarette in the same one walks towards you & he strokes your face, delicately taking in all of your facial features this glorious morning.
“I’m glad you are enjoying it” these soft words from his mouth a followed by a succulent kiss. One that says good morning & I need you all at the same time. The sensation it sends through your body, almost makes you drop your own coffee cup, has your hands trembling. “Morning precious, did you sleep well?” Javi asks as he goes to take another drag of his cigarette. Your own fingers take it from him & you take your own puff. It’s been a while since you’ve smoked anything, probably 3 months & that was to try the recent crop to make sure it was up to scratch. You don’t smoke as much as you used to, it’s much more at the end of a night out or for social reasons. Your mum still hates that you ever even go near it. You hand it back to Javi before answering his question.
“Like a baby, Javi”
You’ve never seen him put a cigarette out so quickly in all your life. It’s stubbed & both your mugs are on the table as his hand caress you & his lips more than welcome yours back to his. Your body remembers every touch from the night before. As his hands enter your hair you recall the moans, the pleasure & the adrenaline. You gasp as the kiss breaks & smile, At the most perfect man you could ever hope for.
“Last night did happen then?” He asks, his thumbs tracing across your knuckles as he looks you up & down.
“Yes Javi it did” you reply looking up into those large brown puppy dog eyes, smiling with your own hoping to get a similar look back.
“I thought so”… he pauses for a second before thinking of his next words”…I… I… I wanted that, for a while, but never thought you would want me back or even think of me as more than a friends” Javi says looking a little sheepish that it’s taken him so long to ask you. “& I didn’t even ask you on a date first” he says shaking his head. But your two fingers that you trail up his neck to his chin make him stop & admire you.
“It’s not like you need to get to know me Javi” I laugh “I think we can skip the dates, I mean we did cook dinner before hand & had good intentions for a wholesome evening as friends, but no…” I smile & stroke & twist his rouge curl”… this curl has taken us down a path that I’m glad it lead us to… because I have been yours from the moment we met as kids” You let out a deep sigh after saying that hoping for it to be reciprocated, your heart beating at 200miles an hours, faster than Lewis hamilton can go.
“Well looks like we are both terrible communicators” Javi replys, clutching your hand that was on his chin & resting it on his firm chest. He can see your body judder, as the contact between his chest & your palm make you feel like you have a teenage crush all over again. His heart if possible is pounding more than yours.
“I like you Javi” you say after a few moments of silence, “I really really…” but you don’t complete your sentence.
“So do I” is Javis quick response before you’re passionately kissing him. Mouths intwined in desire, your hands gracing his shoulders to make sure you are both as close as you can be. It’s a feverish kiss. One neither of you can really control. His hands love the feeling of your body under that silk bed sheet, but he knows that’s not good enough for him. With one hand around the back of your neck & the other around your waist he pulls you back into the bedroom, so your out of view of anyone trying to get a peak at what’s going on & your own hand loosen the knot you spent so long adjusting & tying. The bedsheet cascades to the floor, meaning you’re naked as you make out with Javi as he moves the two of you towards the bed. He’s not yet realised this, he’s too busy enjoying the taste of your loving lips for him, & he’s really wondering why the two of you haven’t attempted to do this sooner.
“Javi” it’s a soft seductive moan that escapes your lips. “I want this, I want you forever” you continue to say inbetween kisses. It’s only when Javis have traces across the top of your breasts he realises the sheet has long gone. His smile twitches as he looks down at your nipples eyes wide.
“If I’d have know these were what was under all those dresses & bikini, I’d have indulged in these long before last night” Javis face is as excited as a kid at Christmas. Those dark caramels scanning your body. From you hair down to your toes, taking in the glorious naked sight of you. He lowers you onto the bed & without realising you spread your legs, fully on display. Javi pauses as he hoovers above you. “Fuck precious, this is too good to be true” he can feel his erection getting harder the more he looks at you. So he stops looking & from your neck downward he kisses you. Your nipples harden as he is sloppy kissing them. His hands wandering as well as you start to roll your hips from just Javis kisses on your skin. The moan he lets out when he reaches your mound & sees the sight is undescribable & it makes you clench around nothing.
“Well, this is a sight” he kisses your thighs, before two fingers slide through your arousal, teasing you but not going inside you. “You really want me that much my princess ?” You lift your head & see Javi suck the two fingers he just used to tease you.
“You have no idea Javi”
“You’re not just sex & lust drunk?” He says as he stands up & quickly shuffles to his dresser to find a condom. He drops his boxers as he goes. That arse really is perfectly firm, like a peach, tanned & looking rather scrupulous
“Javi I’d have told you if I regretted last night I don’t I… I…” words fail you as Javi turns around. This swim shorts & tight trousers always made him look big but it’s girthy too. No wonder you experienced pleasure so quickly last night, your jaw drops, a little trail of spit leaking out as you can’t contain your reaction to how stunning & how large your man is. This is more that you could have ever asked for & you hope to experience this pleasure for many more days to come.Javi Gutierrez being well endowed is an understatement.
“I’m guessing that you really are enjoying the view now” he says as he rips open the condom packet & gives his penis a few leisurely pumps before he slides the protection on, as you sit up on your elbow to check this isn’t a dream. He’s big, he is very big.
“Did I…I…”
“Most of it baby, you took most of it baby, if it is too much we can…”
“No Javi” you interrupt as he straddle over you. “…I said I wanted all of you, & I mean all of you” he holds your hand & your fingers lock, his over hand preparing for his entrance inside you.
“Then we will take it slow baby, this is as much about your pleasure as it is mine” he says before he kisses the crook of your neck. “Are you happy my precious?”
You slowly nod & bite your lip “yes Javi yea I…” the gasp is deep as he slowly breaks down your entrance & you feel his cock slide inside you. You’re panting already. Was he really this big last night? Did he feel bigger now you had seen it? You don’t care. All the air has been punctured out of you & then some. “Fuck” you moan on his second motions as he get deeper.
“Is it too much?”
“No Javi”
“If you need me to stop…”
“Don’t stop, ever” you say quite sternly looking into his eyes as he wanted to ask you face on. He smiles.
“Okay but please let me know if it’s too much”
Javi moves a piece of your hair out of your eyes as he then starts to rock. Each motion pushing his penis further inside you, each one you gasp & moan at experiencing pleasure no man has ever given you. Your hands dance over his chest & shoulders. Your leg instinctively in this position wrap around him making him moan as how good you feel.”oh fuck baby, your so tight, fuck me” he moans before he grips your face & the kissing commences.
Your bodies have very quickly worked each other out. He’s pushing you deeper into the mattress, you’re pulling him further into you. Your hips match his pace. & the moaning gets more. He’s now finally fully inside your. Your vagina is filled to the brim, loving every stroke around your walls. Making you Experience so much more than pleasure. He’s looking after you, you can tell that Javi is a very passionate but sensitive lover, not that it would be a surprise if he was. He is loving you moan & gasp for air. He looks deeply at you, as the sweat drips from his main front curl. The way your eyes shut & scrunch in desire as you feel him move. & then when they open it feels like they are looking at him for the first time again. Your eyes he often says are diamonds now dazzling for the world to see but your world is Javi. He keeps kissing your lips, be them small pecks or longer passionate exchanges as his hips rotate & he starts to pick up that pace. He feels like he’s making up for least time. The more he moves the more you roll with him, clamping every few thrusts, loving every second of making love with Javi. The foreplay was everything, but this is going to be over quickly, your both over come with desire that this moment is here. It’s better than you both imagined.
Your hand leaves his which we’re still gripped together, the nerves of your fingers coming back to life as they trail down his spine, feeling all of his own goosebumps. His body trembles as you do this & it makes him go faster, the moans your now making in sync with each other. You really are meant to be.
“Sweet Javi” you moan & he moans your name back before his lips find your mouth again & then something inside you breaks as he nips at your bottom lip & you let go. Flooding your arousal, cuming & moaning “ooooh fuckkkkkkk” as you experience one of the most intense orgasms you’ve ever had. He’s moving faster & then he pauses as he cums himself. Filling the condom & grunting deeply.
“Ooh baby, oh yea oh fuck” Javi collapses completely on top of you, both of you panting so hard, & you then hold his chin & kiss him hard & firmly on the lips.
You didn’t realise you’d fallen asleep after the intense pleasure you & Javi had experienced for your early morning or realised that Javi had left the bedroom when you woke up. You were back under the bed sheet & some underwear & a robe were on the bed side table for you.
You get yourself together when you realise what the time is & that your meant to be at the hotel help your mum this afternoon with a conference & quickly run to where your room is in the house to shower & get dressed ready for the event. As you put on your shoes you text Javi
*where are you? I need to leave to go help mum
*in my study… your going so soon🥺
*unfortunately yes
You grab your bag & head to the study & see Javi clicking away at his computer & knock twice as you would normally do. He’s in his swim shorts & an open floral shirt as he spins around to see you.
“Afternoon” he says coyly smirking looking you up & down his eyes undressing you.
“Hi Javi, I really do need to go or my mum will kill me”
“No she won’t”
“Yes she will it’s…”
“Not if I’ve already sent Diaz over there to help her set up” Javi interrupts & you look shocked. Diaz is Javis personal trainer.
“Why would…”
“Because I told him I’ve had a works out today” you both blush & you shuffle a little bit awkwardly towards him. The smirk on his face you can tell he doesn’t want to let you go. “& I’m his boss”
“Do all your employees do that Javi? Just do what you want at the snap of your fingers?”
“& more, some go above & beyond” he realises how that’s come out & you can see the concern in his eyes. He didn’t mean it to sound like he way paying you to be his girlfriend or have sex with him.
“Javi if this is going to be awkward I can resign or we don’t have to do this. What happened today & last night was phenomenal but I…”
“I love you…” Javi says & your jaw drops. “I always have, I always will, I’m not wasting anymore time. No one else can do the job like you & im not going to make up any excuse. I want you , I need you, I love you” he then whispers your name seductively biting your ear lobe & you drop your bad on the floor as you stroke his arm & then tenderly kiss him.
“Javi… I.. I..”
“Don’t say it back because you think you have to, but deep down we both know you do” he says.
“No Javi, I think I need to call my mum tell her I’m really delayed.” You smile your eyes dancing & looking back at Javi. His beam back at you before you turn around & lock the office door, to make sure no one can walk in on you enjoying each other. A view for just the two of you.
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I'm going to preface this by saying this is not meant entirely an admonishment but more a reminder. It's also not aimed entirely at you specifically but rather people I've seen in notes on your posts, as well as Neil's. Neil is not lying about Crowley not being Lucifer and isn't going to surprise us with that suddenly being canon in the series. He quite literally can't do that now. He knows people are or will be making fanfic of it now. He now cannot ever use it. Same with the Raphael theory. Same with any other popular fan theory someone has taken to his inbox for confirmation, only to be denied. All that accomplishes is confirming he in no way will ever use any element of it in any of his writing going forward. So keep speculating! Keep having fun making theories! But stop taking them to Neil. All you do is ensure they will never be canon. As Neil always says, just wait and see.
hi anon✨
im going to take you at your word re: it not being entirely an admonishment or aimed at me. and choose to simply see this ask as a way of getting a general PSA out into the tumblr ether. that, i will gladly help with.
i respect your view and agree with it... i would however argue that personally i think the people that have been in my post notes in particular have been pretty respectful from what i recall, or at least have been very clearly joking.
there is, as far as im aware, a relatively small group of blogs that went generally full-ham on the theory (and perhaps im in that number, idk) but from what ive seen, following neil's ask, the majority have actually found the whole situation very funny...
maybe gone a bit ironic/sarcastic with "lmao imagine if he's lying" out of disappointment (me too!), but obviously joking and otherwise pretty respectful. honestly, i found the whole thing hysterical, i hammed up the Lucifer Theory Grief for an evening, and have since largely gotten over it. i think a lot of others have been the same.
however. i managed to read about 20 replies through That Neil Ask before i was starting to get pretty pissed off, by people on both sides of the lucifer argument:
i get why people were getting irritated by the pro-theoriers; the theory was debunked - move on, or take it off of the ask. i agree with that sentiment - other than rb'ing the ask twice and adding my tags, i left it alone and kept the dialogue on my own blog, and imo others should have done the same - just simply left the neil ask, and taken the discourse to their own blogs.
that being said, some of the anti-theoriers were coming across as outright rude, to the point for me of even being quite upsetting (and it wasn't even directed at me lmao). i get they were probably getting annoyed on behalf of neil, and that's admirable - but neil is a whole ass grown man. if he wanted people to stop commenting on his ask, i imagine he would have locked the post, posted a PSA, or just simply turned off his askbox. people do not need to police for him.
one thing i will point out, however, is that the lucifer theory came up on an rb, not directly in his inbox.
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neil chose to respond to that rb (and the one after) entirely by his choice; it wasn't sprung on him in his inbox. noone should have to police their rbs or rb tags just in case he sees? direct inbox submission is a huge no-no (i agree with you, especially as he has actually asked for people to not do that), but this particular situation, ill be honest, does not fit that.
i also think the way both sides have reacted over the lucifer debunk has now unfortunately set a rather unsettling precedent for any other theory that might come out and people disagree with; ive been bracing myself for a potential shitstorm all day about my theory on the second coming for this very reason... and tbh i shouldn't have to feel like that.
everyone deserves to have fun in fandom-space, that's what makes it enjoyable and collaborative. if you (royal 'you') do not like a theory, or think it's a load of rubbish, either argue it back eloquently and with an open mind, instead of just being outright dismissive and making people feel stupid (as i felt after reading those replies, tbh), or leave that person/collective alone. it doesn't hurt you, it doesn't hurt anyone, and it's just people speculating and having fun with it.
now about the actual debunk of the theory itself - yes, i agree, it could be an IP nightmare potentially. i have further thoughts on this but i think im going to leave it there for now, my reply is already long enough✨
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goosetrainer · 8 months
Mari's Last Minute Tera Raid Guide # 11 - Empoleon
Ooof much trying, such fail. Found the solution tho, fear not :D I have a Florges set! Man I love Florges. Reminder that I can lend it via Home trading if needed
Apparently Skill Swap works in raids now. It wasn't always the case, right? I'm not going senile, right???
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Florges lv.100
Tera type: Steel
Ability: any~
Item: Shell Bell
Nature: Modest (/Mild)
IVs: all max except attack and defense
EVs: 252 sp.atk., 252 sp. def., 4 HP
-Tera Blast (TM)
-Calm Mind (TM)
-Skill Swap (TM)
-Moonblast (level up) / Psychic (TM) / Energy Ball (TM)
First things first: do yourself a favor and flee immediately if you see you have an NPC ally with Intimidate (Arcanine, Staraptor, Tauros).
Empoleon has an ability that raises his special attack twice every time his stats get lowered by the opponent, so you're very easily starting the battle with an enemy with +4 sp. atk. if you try it with Intimidate. Don't do it!
The same ability is the whole reason I'm bringing Skill Swap: I checked the NPC list and there's like. 3. Of them. That can't lower Empoleon's stats in any way, and that's a very small number and we do not want to lose our sanity resetting for them (if you DO want to lose your sanity, though, I won't stop you. They're Clodsire, Dudunsparce, and Heracross).
The max speed is needed to act asap and possibly before one of your allies tries a stat-lowering move; if that's not enough and you see Empoleon's Competitive being activated, again, flee. It's not worth it
The following strategy works pretty reliably, but the remaining time is very little. Do not lose too much time thinking and waiting.
The main reasons for failure are: Competitive activated at least once, time ran out, you got freezed, and failure to trigger both player stats resets soon enough (see below).
Now that the foreword is over, to the battle. Once you have non-Intimidating NPCs, mock that penguin's pitiful attempt at Blizzarding you (but flee if it freezes you...), then QUICKLY use Skill Swap. That'll take care of Competitive permanently! Congrats! You can forget about it now! 50% of the battle is done!
And now for the boring part. Florges have astronomical special defense, but they're still weak to Flash Cannon. Which is why we need the steel type tera btw. You ARE going to die, but not before the third turn. Until then, you're going to use the non-tera-blast damaging move (so, Moonblast/Energy Ball/Psychic), twice. (Re: choosing the move: Moonblast is more powerful because STAB, needs no TM, and has a chance of lowering the opponent's special attack; the other two are basically the same move but in different types, they have a chance of lowering the special defense instead. The secondary effect doesn't activate all too often anyway, so choose whatever. Energy Ball may be sliiiightly better than Psychic but only if you end up with Arboliva as an ally - it gets more powerful with Grass Field). Once you come back from the inevitable K.O., use the same move once more so that your tera orb is charged.
This is where you have to start keeping count of the moves you used: Empoleon resets your stats at 80% HP left and at 50% time left; they should happen very closely, but make sure you trigger both asap. Terastallize as you start using Calm Mind; 3 Calm Minds in a row and 2-3 Tera Blasts should be enough to reach the 80% HP treshold, while the time will pass regardless. The time-triggered one should activate first in my experience; you'll have to attack once or twice more to activate the second (it's not easy to see, but it should be slightly to the left of the mid-point between the left-most end of the shield and the 100% HP point).
Once you see the second player's reset (and probably Empoleon's stats reset too), you can start setting up again. The time bar should be at around 30-40% now, it may seem too little but should be enough. It's pretty straightforward from now on, 6x Calm Minds in a row (ideally you should not need to heal now) and then as many Tera Blasts as needed. The main difficulty now is that at some point, towards the end, Empoleon starts acting twice each turn; not too worrisome for your HP since you'll be beefed up by then, but it wastes precious time for nothing and there's a chance he'll use Ice Beam - which could freeze you. Just keep spamming A to attack and pray (I suggest putting Tera Blast in the first slot because of this).
I have won once with literally 0 time left, and once more with enough time bar to cover the clock symbol (so before you see the warning that the pokémon is collecting energy), so it's doable but may be scary. May need a couple of tries.
Also: I didn't pay too much attention to the NPCs except to avoid the ones with Intimidate, but if you're having a hard time you may want to reset some more for better ones: Sylveon has a move that can lower Empoleon's special attack; Umbreon, Drifblim, Arboliva, and Gardevoir can lower his special defense; Bellibolt can use Light Screen and paralyze even during the shield. If you need to go to these lenghts, I suggest checking the trick to keep the same NPCs for more than one raid, I should have the link in a past guide!
TL;DR: Skill Swap, Moonblast/Energy Ball/Psychic x2, die, Moonblast/Energy Ball/Psychic x1, terastallize, Calm Mind x3, Tera Blast x1-3, keep attacking until you're sure Empoleon reset your stat modifications TWICE, Calm Mind x6, Tera Blast xwhatever, be quick.
-no DLC no version exclusives required
-any ability will do
-once you're terastallized you'll basically not die, very reliable
-needs a tera type change
-lots of setting up + one inevitable K.O. will leave you very little time (unless you somehow manage to drop Empleon's special defense. I couldn't)
-you have to avoid some common NPCs
-crits and freezing are rare but can happen and they will ruin the entire run
I'll stop adding the screenshots because it's too many steps and I hope you guys believe me by now...
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lucindarobinsonvevo · 9 months
i really want to share this because i think i was so smart to come up with this and i dont think i'll be finishing karma is a bounty hunter anytime soon. here's the twist:
Elle would be speaking on the phone to Tash and Andrew, and she starts complaining about this Ristic dude who's been the one spearheading the campaign against her and Harlow.
Tash would be like hmm interesting. have you considered that it might actually be pronounced Ri-Stich, which is a common Serbian last name.
Elle pauses, then goes I'm such an idiot!! and goes on to explain that Ristic is Lil's maiden name but she's only ever heard it spoken, never seen it written anywhere. Then goes on to say that she's only ever met three serbian people not including Tash. Lil, Serena...And the guard outside Robert's room (Robert attempts to kill himself *actually a murder attempt) who won't let her in to visit him despite her being explicitly named as his POA. Andrew asks how she knows his last name, and Elle explains that she can't see his name tag because he's wearing a coat but that one of the other guards called him by it earlier.
Then, she delivers the big fuck off twist. She can only think of one person who would care about getting revenge on her and Robert...Lil's eldest son Luka Dokich. She's been trying to speak to him for an interview for years but she's been searching for the last name Dokich, it never occurred to her he would have changed it to anything else. Realizing that Robert is probably in danger, Elle, without any allies left (Paul disowned her in part one, Riley is still in Sydney, Nicolette and Leo turn their backs on her in part three when she reveals that she actually could have given David a kidney, however she had made a choice to save it in case Harlow might need it later, Harlow tells her that she'd kill herself to get away from her too after Robert's alleged suicide attempt etc. it's the dark before the dawn basically) runs out of her hospital room, and up to Roberts. Robert is not there, the door is open and there's a small trail of blood from a removed IV...And crushed jacaranda flowers going up the fire escape.
Jacaranda flowers were going to be a repeating image in the story. They appear in the first part only on Elle's computer (she has Beneath the Jacaranda as her wallpaper), but in part two they would show up when she meets with Riley in Sydney and they walk under them in a park. Then in part three they would have shown up again when Elle arrives back at Lassiters and she follows a trail of them to another hotel room where Luka is spying on her and Harlow from, and for a third time when she's pushed down some stairs by him she's got one in her hand. In part four they would have shown up in Elle's extended dream sequence that takes place in the Plane from the Plane crash, where outside the window they're like, raining on them, and again after her long talk with Helen in the second part of the dream sequence she begs to be allowed to see Cameron before she goes, Helen agrees and lets Elle out into the backyard where he's waiting for her under some jacaranda trees. Finally, in part five they show up twice. Once, on the way to the prison with Harlow to see Robert they pass a car that has crashed into a Jacaranda tree before receiving the call he's tried to take his own life (and Harlow is angry that Elle is his POA not her) and again to lead Elle up to the roof top where she begins her confrontation with Luka to determine if Robert is going to live or die.
Part of the reason I havent actually started writing this is that it's too daunting lol, and also I haven't done that much research into Luka's episodes so I'm not sure what his actual fate is/if he has a personality that would lead her. not that it matters I guess neighbours can make a baddie out of anyone. But anyway if you were curious about the ending of Karma is a Bounty Hunter, then. here you go!
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ellieauthor · 2 years
muggle mall au | part I of iv or v I forget | was way too long for twitter
"In what alternate universe do you have a chance with her?"
Draco shrugs. "She's hot."
Theo knows she's hot. Everyone knows she's hot. But more than that, "she's smart, dude."
He sighs, familiar with the futility of arguing with Draco's confidence.
"What would you even talk about?"
"Why would we talk?"
How to explain this to someone like Draco.
"Look, man. She told me once that the downfall of our society lies at the intersection of consumerism and vanity."
"So, you work at Abercrombie."
Draco stares vacantly. Then, "Wait, you talk to her?"
Theo shifts uncomfortably. "Yeah, sometimes."
Any chance he gets, really.
"Oh hell yeah. You can talk her into hooking up with me!"
It's Theo's turn to stare blankly. "What?"
"You're great at talking, I'm great at making out. It's fuckin perfect!"
Theo's stomach sinks. There's never an easy way out once Draco is mid-scheme. "Look--"
"Shit, I gotta get back. Tell me once you've done it, yeah?"
And then Draco's heading out of the food court, leaving Theo behind with his untouched fries and his unvoiced protests.
He turns to see the redheaded girl he recognizes vaguely as someone who also hangs around the bookshop where Hermione works.
They're friends, he thinks.
"Hi?" he says dumbly.
"Hi, yeah. Anyways. You like 'Mione, right?"
"I...what?" he asks, also dumbly.
"Jesus, she made you sound like the smart one."
"Are you asking me?" she's joking, but it's mean. But like, a fun mean?
"No, um," he clears his throat. "I definitely am."
"Good. She could use someone with a spare brain cell. The boys in this town are rough on her self-esteem, and they're not worth her time."
"But I am?"
"You're asking me? Again??" she huffs her frustration. "'Mione seems to think so. But after listening to you just now, I'm not so sure."
"I am," he says with slightly more confidence.
"At a minimum, you're better than her other options," she admits. "At least you're hot."
"For fucks sake. Are you a man or a parrot? Don't make me second guess this. Just tell me if you're in."
Theo is smart. At least comparatively. To some. But he doesn't have a fucking clue what this chick is talking about.
Not that he's going to admit that now.
"I'm in."
"Oh you poor thing, you don't even know what you're agreeing to," she says, pinching his cheek between two fingers. "No matter, I'll coach you through it."
"I don't need to be coached."
She gives him an indulgent, condescending smile. "It's cute that you think so."
He's not sure how he feels about her tone. He thinks he should probably hate it.
So why is it kind of turning him on?
"Meet me after your shift in the parking lot behind Macys."
He has some hesitancy. And doubts. And questions. He should share them.
"Um, ok?" he says instead.
"Bring a better attitude and your friend's number. Unlike 'Mione, I kinda like them dumb."
He nods. He can do that.
She pats his face twice, like a child, then stands. "That line of hers about the intersection or whatever? If you've got any more of those, take notes."
"For your date," she says, rolling her eyes. "So you don't end up with this echo malfunction of yours around her."
"Right. Date."
With the girl from the bookstore?
How the hell does getting bossed around by one girl turn into a date with another?
"See you then," she dismisses him.
"See you, Red."
"No nicknames," she says, scowling. The expression nearly knocks him over. His cock twitches, then he scolds himself.
This day just went from bad to worse to actually looking pretty great, and he will /not/ fuck it up now.
The relevant facts, from what he can tell, as as follows:
He's somehow swung a supposed date with the bookstore girl of his dreams.
Draco won't mind the change in plans because to him, female attention is female attention.
The redhead is interested in Draco. Not him.
"Whatever you say, Red." Then he winks.
He shouldn't, but he can't help himself.
She stomps away, her cheeks tinged the prettiest shade of pink.
Somewhere in the recesses of his hormone addled brain, Theo has the thought that he might enjoy a life spent making this girl blush.
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