cinamun · 1 year
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Comfortable & relaxed | Next
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daisywords · 11 months
One of my biggest nitpicks in fiction concerns the feeding of babies. Mothers dying during/shortly after childbirth or the baby being separated form the mother shortly after birth is pretty common in fiction. It is/was also common enough in real life, which is why I think a lot of writers/readers don't think too hard about this. however. Historically, the only reason the vast majority of babies survived being separated from their mother was because there was at least one other woman around to breastfeed them. Before modern formula, yes, people did use other substitutes, but they were rarely, if ever, nutritionally sufficient.
Newborns can't eat adult food. They can't really survive on animal milk. If your story takes place in a world before/without formula, a baby separated from its mother is going to either be nursed by someone else, or starve.
It doesn't have to be a huge plot point, but idk at least don't explicitly describe the situation as excluding the possibility of a wetnurse. "The father or the great grandmother or the neighbor man or the older sibling took and raised the baby completely alone in a cave for a year." Nope. That baby is dead I'm sorry. "The baby was kidnapped shortly after birth by a wizard and hidden away in a secret tower" um quick question was the wizard lactating? "The mother refused to see or touch her child after birth so the baby was left to the care of the ailing grandfather" the grandfather who made the necessary arrangements with women in the neighborhood, right? right? OR THAT GREAT OFFENDER "A newborn baby was left on the doorstep and they brought it in and took care of it no issues" What Are You Going to Feed That Baby. Hello?
Like. It's not impossible, but arrangements are going to have to be made. There are some logistics.
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artkaninchenbau · 8 months
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Crocodile finds a strange stray cat an 11-year old Nico Robin (AU where they met 13 years earlier. Robin's been on the run from the World Government for 3 years. Crocodile's 27 and has not set up base in Alabasta yet)
It seems like I have become possessed. By some sort of demon.
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 291
You know what? I’m feelin’ a Prompt with the whole halfa family, all the clones and everything. 
See, Danny? He’s grown up, he’s moved out, started looking at colleges himself after spending a few years travelling and learning about himself without the threat of a ghost attack. 
He’s kept in touch with his friends, both living and dead, and ignores Vlad for the most part now that they’ve reached a truce of sorts, and honestly? He’s just living his life. 
But see, it’s kind of hard to figure out what college to pick, with his admittedly not-great choices. Look, he might have a new-ish ID but he’s still visibly not exactly human (though thankfully doesn’t have to worry about the GIW after a… summer activity that ended with several missing buildings) 
And most people he goes to? Finds him ‘too unsettling’ which excuse him?? How is he unsettling? He’s a twenty-five year old with six kids ranging from one to six! How is that “scary” huh? Ancients, and all this is making him use the cash he’s saved up over time. 
And then- as though all of this isn’t stressful enough and he’s not genuinely worried that he won’t have enough money to feed the kids if he goes to school- a hero nearly trips over Jordan and starts freaking out. He is so fucking done. 
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ca-8 · 7 months
"Thank You, Angel..." (Part 1 of ???)
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Silence screamed.
Drops of decay either echoed in the distance or fell inches from his withered nose. They aided in the cackles and chirps and growls that erupted from within each shadow. Each shadow that held home of the little critters with those little desperate, famished white eyes and wide toothless grins ready to devour anything with even a hint of a pulse. And when those critters couldn't stand the empty pits of their stomachs, those cackles and chirps and growls and drops of decay sang along with the tormenting squelches and tears of his miserly flesh ripping off and into those widened, toothless grins. And when they were done, after hours of slow, burning agony and screaming filling their stomachs, and the decay hushed to sleep as those horrible little critters scurried off toward their master -
silence screamed.
DogDay hated it all. He hated each sound of falling wood or concrete or spare intestine hitting the floor. He despised the critter's sounds as they drew near. But most of all, he hated the silence, because it was a constant reminder that his friends were gone and no hope gave a breath.
All alone. Always alone. With nothing but a wonder as to when he would finally draw his last breath.
Poppy's words once gave him back a lifelike glimmer. She speculated that someone had to come back here to save them all, an ex-worker, a total stranger -
an Angel, perhaps.
Just someone, anyone who can release them of this constant, lingering, rotting despair.
But so much time has passed. DogDay lost count at…he didn't even know, it's just been years and years and years, perhaps even decades. An eternity of this sickening silence since the day their revolutionary feast took place.
That glimmer was smothered out long ago.
Were those footsteps?
Not the little pitter-patter of those godforsaken critters, no - human footsteps. They were distant, but carefully drew near. As they closed the distance, a shriek from those little monsters echoed throughout the prison.
DogDay's head perked up, but only slightly. If he had a little more energy he'd call out for help, and more certainty too. Maybe he was finally going mad. Maybe what's left inside his head is feeding him false hope with these made up sounds hinting to a rescue.
No, not a rescue. Whatever he had left was drowned in the past.
His head slumped back down, and critter's shrieks halted. But the footsteps grew closer. DogDay didn't want to remove his gaze from the floor and risk disappointment, he knew it was nothing, that even if someone managed to sneak in here, there was no way they would survive this hell. He knew that thing was right, no one was coming to save-
"Oooooh nooo…"
His head sprung up, earning a little gasp from a
a human. An actual human, standing right there in front of him. It - They - couldn't be a hallucination, could it?
No. No hallucination. No human either. With how those lights beamed down on their glowing, moving skin and illuminating the life in those eyes, this was a blessing from Above. "Hello…?"
DogDay realized they were inching closer, but he was too stunned to flinch or tell them to get away. He could only voice his stagger.
"You…You're Poppy's Angel," he choked out through his voice box. "Come to save us…!"
The Angel blinked. "Uh, yeah…" Their eyes were widened; no surprise, anyone not too familiar with this decrepit place would be shocked to see him like this. A pathetic, filthy excuse of a dog wasting away. That's what they were thinking. They had to be. "Nothing left to save, not here…" He held his head back down.
"What're you talking about?" Their voice was as sweet as honey, so filled with life.
"You're in CatNap's home, Angel. Their home." Just saying that thing's name left a disgusting bittersweet taste in DogDay's mouth, but he was given a second chance at being useful, he had to take it.
"A million of pairs of eyes are on you right now," he continued. "Watching…waiting….hungry." A faint spark of terror flooded the (e/c) in those beautiful, breathing eyes. "They want nothing more than to crawl beneath your skin and eat away at you bit by little bit." He spat out the last word before heaving in a gasp. "…fill what feels empty inside themselves."
"I-Is that…what happened to you, DogDay….?" they asked, eyeing the bitter remains of his lower half.
They knew his name. He appreciated that, although couldn't express it too much. "I'm afraid so, Angel. Because of…that…that thing. CatNap. The Prototype is his god, and this is what he does to heretics."
The Angel snuck a glance at the darkened hallway outside their halo and quickly returned their gaze to DogDay. He continued.
"These little toys follow CatNap to avoid that very fate, and in return, they are fed." DogDay coughed. Black substance spewed out of his mouth and onto the floor. "We tried to fight it, the Prototype's control. I'm…the last of the smiling cri-"
His right arm fell to his side.
DogDay's ears bucked up and he turned to his side. His right arm dangled heavily right by his torso, and the belts that were supposed to be supporting it up to the ceiling were cut short. His gaze whirled to his left side and saw the Angel reaching up to cut off the other belts.
"Angel! Wh-Wh-What're you doing?" he frantically yelped, swinging his torso back and forth.
"Sorry to cut your speech-thing off so quickly, but I think we may have a problem!"
It was at that moment DogDay heard the heightening shrills and screeches from the critters. A sharp chill ran down him and his heart stopped. They were coming; so many were coming! Coming for him! He was about to die if they couldn't get away!
"Angel, please, go! Leave me! Save yourself!" he pleaded desperately. A growl erupted right next to his ear, and DogDay turned to come face-to-face with a miniature Bobby Bearhug. A scream almost escaped his throat until a small flare flew past his face and shot mini Bobby back into the darkness.
"I'm sorry, but could you stop moving so much? This is hard enough as it is!" As they said that, their knife (which he noticed was strangely colorfully patched together) cut through the first of the two left belts. His body darted right towards the floor, but not until Angel caught him with their arm.
"Angel PLEASE! I beg you!" Tears pricked his empty sockets. The shrills were so loud they might as well be on top of them.
But the Angel kept their gaze glued onto the last belt, and as soon as mini CraftyCorn entered the cell, he was finally free.
The Angel hopped down and kicked mini CraftyCorn back into DogDay's worst nightmare: a sea of predators mirroring his friend's appearances. The Angel spun around and ran the opposite direction.
"Don't worry, I got yo- OOOOOO-!!!" The floor collapsed beneath them, and they landed right onto the bottom floor. Well, more like the Angel fell right onto the floor with DogDay cushioned safely on top of them.
This couldn't possible get any worse.
DogDay tried turning his head. "Angel? Are you okay? I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean it! I didn't mean for this to happen! I swear!" He wanted to get off of them to ease whatever pain they were in, but his arms were held up for so long, he could barely even feel anything in them anymore. 'Pathetic! I'm pathetic!'
"I'm fine…I think-!" The Angel got up and sprinted to the end of the hallway. "Just don't look back!"
They held DogDay in a position where his only option was to look back. Snuggled tightly underneath their arm, he watched as a tsunami of critters dashed towards them, snarling with hunger. Hunger for him and his Angel.
He whimpered loudly until they spun him around. "Sorry-! Sorry! I got you!" A flash of another critter was summoned to the right, then suddenly wished away by the bright flash of the Angel's flare. DogDay couldn't do anything, only let his heart squeeze and whimper at the sudden sight of painful reminders until they're blown away by the Angel. He looked up, their gaze was locked forward, doing what he should be doing.
But he couldn't. He was worthless. Just like that day.
The poor withered dog squeezed his eyes shut. He couldn't watch anymore. If it weren't for his weak arms, he would cover his ears as the screams of the damned drew ever so near, or maybe do something actually useful. He felt himself get heaved up and a sudden wind blew against his tattered face. Then, he was lowered, and the Angel gasped for air.
Where were they going? Was there even an exit? He couldn't look. He didn't want to look. If he opened his eyes he would only see the Angel get devoured and it would be all his fault.
It wasn't until they were both thrusted into the air that his eyes were finally forced open. Below them was a deep pit of darkness with the critters nearing the edge they hurled over. For a second, he thought they had jumped towards an everlasting sleep, until the Angel landed right onto a lift.
The door shut behind them, and devastating shrills and shrieks were muffled. They were….safe. DogDay was safe, and the Angel didn't die. He hadn't killed them after all.
The Angel gently lowered him onto the floor of the lift and pressed the button to lower them back into, if he could remember correctly….Playcare. They collapsed onto the floor, and the thud snapped him back to reality.
"Angel! Are you okay? Are you hurt? I'm so sorry!" DogDay tried to haul himself towards them until they let out a strange chuckle.
"That…holy shit. That was awesome! But also terrifying. And tiring. God, my legs, I'll be surprised if I can even walk once we get down there. What were those things? You called them critters? I kinda feel bad for thinking they were kinda cute now, SHEESH those little devils were relentless!"
The Angel went on and on and on and…not a hint of anger was on their face. DogDay only stared at them in disbelief. They hopped on their knees and leaned closer to him, making him flinch.
"Anyways, are you okay? I don't know why you're asking me, you're clearly the one who needs help here! How long have you been down here? Actually don't answer that. What happened to you-? Wait, wait, don't answer that either, sorry!"
"You…." He finally choked out something. "You…saved me."
"…Well yeah!" A big smile graced their lips. How were they glowing even brighter than before?
"You…You saved me…!"
"….Yeah! Go team!"
Something was building up in his throat. More tears streamed down his face, but there weren't any rivers of regret or disappointment or self-hatred… DogDay leaned into his Angel's chest.
"Oh, hello!" they said cheerfully.
DogDay sniffed and looked up, and for once, a big, genuine smile filled his face. "Thank you, Angel…! Thank you so much!"
They froze there for a second, and their stunned expression melted to that of warmth. He felt their hands wrap around him and gently caress his back. Nothing could ever feel more soothing.
Softly, they giggled. "Hey, call me (Y/n), alright? You're giving me too much credit." ͙۪۪̥ ͙ ♡𐡘 𐡘 𐡘 𐡘♡ ͙ ͙۪۪̥ ͙͙ ͙۪۪̥ ͙ ♡𐡘 𐡘 𐡘 𐡘♡ ͙ ͙۪۪̥ ͙͙ ͙۪۪̥ ͙ ♡𐡘 𐡘 𐡘 𐡘♡ ͙ ͙۪۪̥ ͙͙ ͙۪۪̥ ͙ ♡𐡘 𐡘 𐡘 𐡘♡ ͙ ͙۪۪̥ ͙͙ ͙۪۪̥ ͙
Hey guys! Like what ya saw? Well you can commission your own private piece now!! Read more about that here! Thanks so much for reading, and have a great day!~ 💜💜💜
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year
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Stede + His Babies
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warpedpuppeteer · 6 months
Listen, I can't wait for Buck to realize whose attention he was actually trying to get. My man, you fucking adjusted your shirt sleeve and looked over as you lifted the weights to see if Eddie noticed your arms flexing. I don't think getting Tommy's attention was the problem here my guy 😭.
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juniper-clan · 4 months
Just realized I’ve been hitting Longstrike with the transfem beam so hard that I didn’t realize that wasn’t an actual thing that happened 💀
If you want him to be he can be! I allow all LGBT headcanons with my characters.
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ikram1909 · 4 months
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thezoraprince · 1 year
Family Planning - Sidon x reader (18+)
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“Possibly NSFW, but could keep it SFW if you wanted! How do you think Sidon/Bazz would behave during a period of time of trying for a baby with y/n? Do you think Zora get more protective and primal over a mate during that time? Would they go into a heat? I can just imagine them pacing outside the bathroom while y/n takes another pregnancy test lol” - @rocklover719​
slightly nsfw, so marking this one as 18+, just incase
i tried to write this one as gender neutral as possible, but.... babies come from somewhere, ya know? 
i had a TIME writing this one, i tell ya! but OH MY GOD THE FEELS!!!!!!
i hope you enjoy <3
(Bazz will be posted here)
y/n - your name
“That was fun…”
there you lie
on the bed next to Sidon
you’re both panting
smiles painted on your faces
you giggle breathily at Sidon’s comment
he’s taken your breath away
quite literally
you’d both been trying to conceive for a couple months
as you’d discussed it HUNDREDS of times throughout your relationship
you’d both been tracking your cycle to the max
and most of all
you’re having fun 
“Can we do that again?”
it’s hard for him to get out of his princely duties
let alone for something secretive
because he isn’t telling ANYONE about this
but he ends up being able to take a few days off each month, claiming it as ‘quality family time’
no one has to know that you’re ovulating 
and if he absolutely HAS to go to a meeting during one of those days
you’re coming with him
he’s become so protective of you
and he has to know where you are during that short time of ovulation
it’s almost as if he goes into a small rut each month, as he can smell it on you
“After this meeting… I need us to get home as quickly as possible.”
he’s nothing but persistent on starting a family with you
and you want that
you’re taking pregnancy tests whenever it feels needed
and they’ve all been negative so far
you start to feel a little discouraged
“Oh, my sweet pearl. I can promise you it will happen. Don’t let this negative test bring down your mood.”
he’s so good at cheering you up
a month or so later, you start feeling a couple of pregnancy symptoms
Sidon’s getting ready for the day, as he has so many things to do
“Sidon? Umm… could you stay with me for a bit?”
and he gives you a concerned look
“It’s just… I’m not feeling the best right now, and I think… umm…”
“What is it, y/n?”
“I think I should take another test.”
he’s slightly in shock
“Of course I can stay for a bit. Do you think I’d be able to sit though a meeting knowing you’re here with a secret?”
he’s just outside, pacing back and forth in front of the door
and you pull him in once you’re ready
he waits with you
and he has nothing but positive things to say
“And even if this one ends up being negative, we can always try again.”
and you look at the test
“I don’t think we’ll need to this time.”
“Wait… what?”
you hand him the test
and he immediately starts crying once he realizes that it is indeed a positive test
he pulls you into his arms
the both of you sobbing tears of joy
he’s always wanted this
but he never imagined how good it would feel to know he’s becoming a father
he pulls away to look at you, his beautiful y/n
“I hope you know I’m staying with you for the rest of the day now.”
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moongothic · 7 months
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...I... I do not know what on earth compelled me to make this nor why, but I will not be taking criticism at this time
#Moon posting#Break Week is rough y'all#Please I just needed to shitpost a little let me have this#OP Meta#I know this chart is incomprehensible you just have to accept it for what it is#No I was kind of thinking to myself it was kind of funny how of the OG Shichibukai half of them are either dads or borderline dads#And I was like. Can I make a chart of this. Can I make a Dad Chart of the Warlords.#I don't know why I made this nor what to do with this information but. Sure. Let me yeet this out.#Kuma is the Dadliest Dad to Ever Dad in One Piece. Moria canonically adopted Perona when she was little. We love the OG Goth Dad#Crocodad is real TO ME but if nothing else he does have the energy 100%. It's just short of Canon Confirmation at this point#Mihawk is a weird uncle to me. He has no dad energy. This man does not fuck. But he'll look after some kids (Zoro & Perona). Sure.#Blackbeard is like the opposite of Mihawk. He has never looked after a child but I'm sure he has spawned a bastard or two or three#(He may be a father but he is not a Dad) (But canonically as far as we know BB has no kids yet so I'm putting him in Not A Dad)#Jinbei is the new Token Father of the Strawhats according to Oda and so I'm putting him where he is based on that. Also vibes#Law's where he is kind of for similar reasons as Jinbei. This boy is too young to be a dad but dealing with Luffy gave him a few grey hairs#Doflamingo did arguably watch over Buffalo and Baby 5 as those two grew up so he's The Most Qualified in that square#Weevil is baby#Hancock could have Dad Energy in the right circumstances. Like she has THE POTENTIAL#Buggy does not fuck#...Thinking about it I probably should've switched Hancock and Buggy's placements on the chart but whatever it doesn't matter
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If you think about it, the eras of PB’s obsessions form a pretty linear timeline of a shitty relationship. Hear me out: first came the barrage of wedding books, then it was the pregnancies and parenthood, but now they’re tired of the picturesque shit so we’re on to the affairs and homewrecking. At this rate we’ll be playing divorcees or widowers by next year.
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saturfied · 4 months
kudos to all kimchay writers!!! y'all are doing a great job🫡👏❤️
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pushing500 · 5 months
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We left Loyalty's Meander at the same time our last guests did. Apparently, the horrible murder-cult vibes weren't enough to deter them, so now we have allies! That's nice, I guess.
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Blackthorn learned to walk while we were road-tripping and I couldn't get this scene from Ice Age out of my head while I was trying to draw it so you just get the scene instead.
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Thanks to the vehicle mod, it only took us eight days to get here, so here we are! I can't wait to see the ship!
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there is... no ship
That is problematic. We'll try to mine into those mountains and see if there's a ship hidden in there somewhere, but I fear this may call for some Dev Mode intervention from Ecthuctu themselves...
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Duchess now is not a good time
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Curly, that is RUDE. Ecthuctu will not be impressed by this slight, mark my words... Terrible things are coming for you.
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sonicenvy · 1 month
one of my favorite library kid encounters this weekend was a with a little Greek three-year-old named Andromeda. She and her mom came up to get her beads for SRP, and, as is pretty common, they start telling me about what they've been reading. Friends, this child and her mother have been reading the Odyssey in Greek together. The mom and the kid chat back and forth in Greek together about the Odyssey while picking beads (and counting them in Greek), translating bits and pieces for me as they go along.
Apparently, Andromeda's favorite character in the Odyssey is Penelope, which, uh, girl I see u!!!!! Obsessed with the vibes of this toddler who read the Odyssey in Greek with her mom FIVE times this summer because that's her favorite book! GOOD! FOR! HER!
Additionally the mom was like, "yeah we also read the Iliad this summer."
no notes. impeccable. there are days when i love our kids so much y'all.
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WIP Intro - Changing States
Genre: Adult literary fiction, short fiction (a Moth Work story that occurs after BODY BACK)
Status: Currently drafting / 3k words
Synopsis: After a whirlwind romance devastatingly ends, Jeremiah moves back to his hometown in Maryland for support only to receive word there’s been a death in the family the day he's set to arrive.
Setting: Baltimore, MD
Vibe: Sunny backroads, noonday fields, retro diners, long car rides, the sparkle of headlights, motion blur, undeveloped film, dusty sunsets, a purple MP3 player, the way childhood feels in photographs, crackling home movies, misty autumn evenings, quiet bursts of grief, summers at the lakeside, the first dreamy flare of sunrise, returning to a place you once knew
Jeremiah (narrator - 21) | gentle, thoughtful, nostalgic, devoted, wistful, romantic, sad, brokenhearted
On the evening Jeremiah decides he’ll drive thirty hours to Maryland, the other half of his mattress is cold and Madonna’s on the radio. In his bedroom, he taps his cigarette on the windowsill, the ash scattering into rainy blue hour, and listens. Time goes by so slowly, she goes, her voice singed through his boombox’s broken speakers. He’s meant to replace it, though he’s meant to do a lot of things: check the mail, make a quiche, buy lightbulbs, call his sister, take up cross-stitch, recycle an olive jar, move his bed to the opposite side of his room. But time goes by so slowly, and Jeremiah would know—he’s twenty-one, yet feels he’s been alive for much, much longer.
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