anyone else want to run away and never see any of you again or is it just me and that guy from fall out boy
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supermarvelgirl15 · 4 years
Home- Chapter 1 (The Sin)
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Summary: Jesla lands on Nevarro where a certain Mandalorian and Force-sensitive Child catches her attention. Din is helped by an unexpected ally.
Pairing: Eventual Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) × OC!Jesla Gavdo
Word Count: 1,750
Warnings: Violence, gun TW
A/N: This is the first official chapter! I hope you all enjoy it! Comment if you would like to be tagged in this series! Chapter 2 will be up Wednesday!
Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
    Jesla's hand fishes in her bag for some credits as she makes her way off the ship that had just landed on some planet called Nevarro. Finally, she grabs them and places them in the hand of the Twi'leck that brought her there, thanks him, and then makes her way through the town.
   Now, all she had to do was buy some supplies before she made her way out of the town, away from all the inhabitants. She just needed to buy enough supplies that would last her a couple weeks. After a few years off on the run, she learned that the less she was in a populated town, the better. 
   She makes sure that her hood is down over her face- even though she doubts she would be recognized here- as she wanders down the streets, buying food and necessities for her survival from the vendors. She didn't have much credits left, she realized as she paid for some fruit. Hopefully this town had a place that hired bounty hunters.
   Jesla was placing her purchased items into her bag when it happened. When she sensed him.
   Her eyes scan around the crowd until they finally land on a pod that was following a Mandalorian. The last Mandalorian she had ever seen was a bounty hunter named Boba Fett, but he had been killed on Tatooine. Since then, she had never seen another one, which caused her to think that there wasn't anymore. Until now. 
   Whatever was in that pod was extremely powerful, Jesla sensed. Possibly even more powerful than her. Her curiosity got the better of her as she starts to follow them, making sure to blend in with the crowd. When the Mandalorian turns down an alley, she climbs up onto a roof of an adjacent building, following him from above.
   She watches as the Mandalorian walks up to a building and knocks. A entry sensor appears and scans him before going back in. Then the door opens and two Stormtroopers walk out, making Jesla hold her breath. 
   The New Empire was here? And the Mandalorian was handing over the poor creature over to them?
   They all walk into the building, the door closing behind them. Jesla waits for a few moments before the Mandalorian walks back out with a camtono. Alone. Without the Child. She watches as the Mandalorian looks back at the building and she senses his hesitation to leave. 
   The Mandalorian shook his head, muttering something to himself before he began to walk back through the town. Jesla looks back at the building, suddenly worried for the creature that was inside. What did the New Empire want with him? Did they know that he was Force-sensitive as well? Was she also in danger?
   Something inside Jesla told her that if she wanted to help him, she had to follow the Mandalorian. She wasn't sure where it came from, but her old master told her to never ignore her instincts. Jesla frowns slightly as the thought of her old master crosses her mind, but she quickly shakes it off before she sets off to find the Mandalorian.
   Jesla is sitting in a common house nursing a drink when she sees the Mandalorian again. He's wearing new armor, made out of Beskar if she had to guess. She watches silently as an older man starts to talk to him.
   “Ah, Mando! They all hate you, Mando. Because you're a legend!” The man exclaims loudly, drawing the attention of everyone in the room. 
   “How many of them had tracking fobs?” The Mandalorian asks gruffly, looking around at all the other bounty hunters that occupied the house. 
   The older man scoffed. “All of them. ALL of them! But not one of them closed the deal. Only you, Mando. Only you. And with it, the richest reward this parsec has ever seen. Please, sit my friend,” he says as he gestures to the seat across from him. The Mandalorian takes the rifle off his back and sits.
   Jesla looks around the room, hearing bits and pieces of the other bounty hunters' conversations. They all seemed a bit heated about not being the one that was currently being praised by whom she assumed was their boss. 
   Her attention is brought back to the Mandalorian when he stands up, acting as if he was going to leave, but halts. “Any idea what they're gonna do with it?” She hears him ask the older man. 
   “With what?”
   “The kid.”
   “I didn't ask. It's against the Guild Code.”
   The Mandalorian didn't know what the Empire wanted with the kid either?
   Jesla is perched on a rooftop across from the building that the Mandalorian had taken the kid into earlier, planning what her first move should be. If she showed herself to the Empire, they would know she was still alive. However, if she did her job right, there wouldn't be anyone left to spread the news after she was finished. All she knew was that she had to rescue the kid.
   She is brought out of her thoughts when she sees the Mandalorian walk up to the front door and knock. When the entry sensor appears, he breaks it off and quickly hides himself. Stormtroopers walk out and one of them orders the other to check the perimeter. The Mandalorian then blows out a wall and enters the building. 
   Getting her MK-modified rifle ready, Jesla patiently waits for the Mandalorian to return. After a short while, he exits the building, the Child in one hand and a blaster in the other. He starts to walk through the town streets, Jesla jumping rooftops as she follows him.
   He is finally stopped on the main street by the older man from the common house. As bounty hunters began to circle him, the Mandalorian trains his blaster on the man before him.
   “Welcome back, Mando. Now put the package down,” the older man orders him.
   “Step aside. I'm going to my ship,” the Mandalorian states sternly, his grip tightening around the Child.
    The older man brings his hand to his chin, acting as if he was thinking about it. “Hm. You put the bounty down and perhaps I'll let you pass.”
   “The kid's coming with me.”
   Jesla lines up her scope with the older man as they try to negotiate with each other. Before she can take the shot though, the Mandalorian suddenly starts shooting at the bounty hunters and jumps on a speeder, hiding behind the cargo. He yells at the droid and it starts moving down the street, the hunters continuing to shoot at them. Jesla races across the rooftops, hitting some of the hunters with her blaster, causing some of them to take cover.
   Finally, the speeder gets stopped by the older man shooting out the droid pilot. The Mandalorian disintegrates a few bounty hunters with his pulse rifle before he takes cover with the Child. Jesla notices someone creeping up behind him. Quickly, she snipes them before they could get him. The Mandalorian looks up and sees her for a brief moment before he pins himself down in the speeder.
   “Someone find that sniper!” The older man yells as Jesla continues to snipe the other bounty hunters that try to approach the speeder. They eventually spot her and make their way to her. Jesla tries to take out as many as she can, but there are too many of them and she needs to reload. Her hand grips her lightsaber tightly. She never used it unless it was an emergency because she knew if she did, people would know what she was.
   Suddenly, multiple Mandalorians appear and start fighting the hunters, drawing their attention away from her. The Mandalorian gathers up the Child and flees towards his ship. Jesla swings her sniper rifle over her shoulder and takes off after them.
   She gets to the ship just in time to see the older man get blown out of it. Without thinking, Jesla slips in just as the hangar door closed. The ship takes off and flies away from Nevarro, disappearing into hyperspace.
   Jesla takes a deep breath as she takes in her surroundings, her eyes widening when the realization finally hits her. What was she doing here? She didn't have the right to be here. So why did she get on?
   “Trust in the Force,” a familiar voice tells her.
   Before she could even wonder where that voice came from, she sensed a precence behind her. Swiftly, she draws out her blaster as she turns around, being met with the end of the Mandalorian's.
   “Who are you?” He questions, his grip tightening around the gun. 
   She rolls her eyes, placing her blaster back into its holster. “I save your life and this is the thanks I get?” She asks sarcastically, placing her hand on her hip. The Mandalorian doesn't move. “Lighten up, will ya? Put the gun away, I'm not here to hurt you. The name's Jesla Gavdo, by the way. And you are?” She says as she holds out her hand.
   The Mandalorian still doesn't move his blaster. “Then why are you here?” He asks, ignoring her question. She drops her hand and opens her mouth to say something, but stops when her eyes land on something behind him. 
   “Because of him.”
    The Child looks back at her, a small ball in his hands. The Mandalorian watches as the Child walks up to her, neither of them breaking eye contact the whole time. Jesla slowly kneels down in front of the kid, taking her hood off and pulls down her mask. She holds out her hand to him, and after a few moments of hesitation, the Child places his hand in hers.
   Din Djarin watches the entire interaction before he finally puts his blaster up. “You were the sniper,” he realizes as the woman before him stands back up. She nods as she continues to look at the kid. “Why?”
   Despite it being a very vague question, Jesla understands what he means. She finally looks back at him, making eye contact through the visor of his helmet. “To protect him, just as you did,” she answers.
   The Mandalorian looks down at the Child that was at his feet, as if recalling the events that had just occurred. He looks back up, his head tilted just slightly. “Why does he matter to you?”
   Trust in the Force.
   She hesitates for a few moments before she finally speaks. “Because... I'm just like him.”
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snappedsky · 4 years
Fanatics 79
A mysterious threat is making it's way towards Earth, and the Battalion have to work fast to destroy it.
*Links to previous and next chapter in reblog*
Trouble through the Milky Way
           Pluto. An adorable, little planet beloved by many on its far off neighbor, Earth. It floats quietly in its cold, dark orbit around the sun, minding its own business.
           Then it’s blown to bits.
           A small ship flies by. It would be nondescript, if it weren’t for the giant plasma cannon grafted to its underside.
           A few lightyears away, Lard Kio watches the vessel through her distance viewfinder on the Resisty ship. She immediately calls Zim.
           On Earth, the sun is just barely peeking over the horizon. Zim is sleeping lightly in his bed when a beeping sounds through his base.
           “Master,” the Computer says while Zim’s eye cracks open. “You are receiving a call from Kio.”
           “Transfer it to my phone,” Zim orders as he sits up and grabs his cell phone. He answers the call and Kio’s face appears on screen.
           “Zim, we got a big problem,” she says sternly.
           He listens intently as she quickly explains the situation.
           An hour later, Dib, Gaz, Tak, and Pepito gather sleepily in Zim’s lab- except for Tak, who is wide awake.
           “There better be a good reason for waking me up before 6,” Gaz growls.
           “There is,” Zim replies from his chair at the main computer. “Pluto has been destroyed.”
           “No! Not Pluto!” Pepito cries in distress.
           “What could destroy Pluto?” Dib asks.
           “Not ‘what’. ‘Who’,” Zim explains as he pushes a button on the keyboard. A blurry image of a small grey ship with a disproportionately large cannon appears on the screen. “We’re not sure who they are, but they appear to be heading straight for the Earth. And with firepower like that, they can cause a lot of damage to the planet. At their current rate of speed, they will arrive by tomorrow morning. But because we do not know the range of their cannon, we have to assume we have less time than that. We have to stop them before they can get close.”
           “How do we do that?” Pepito asks.
           “Can we use the Epic?” Gaz suggests.
           “It doesn’t have any weapons yet,” Zim replies, “and going up against a ship in space without our own vehicle is just plain stupid.”            “So we gotta stop it from the surface,” Dib muses, “do we have any weapons that’ll work?”
           “I have an Irken Surface Cannon at my base,” Tak replies, “I just don’t have any mortar shells for it.”
           Dib rubs his chin with consideration. “Can you load it with other things?”
           “If they fit properly, sure.”
           “Then what about…the Blissful?”
           “The Blissful?” Gaz scoffs, “you mean that giant bomb you, Tak, Squee, and Maddie made for that science fair a couple years ago?”
           “Yeah,” Dib replies, “presumably it should be incredibly powerful.”
           “Presumably,” Tak repeats emphatically, “we were never able to test it.”
           “But it is highly unstable,” he points out.
           “You say that like it’s a good thing,” Pepito grimaces.
           “Shouldn’t we tell Squee first before we try to use it?” Gaz suggests.
           “That would be the polite thing to do,” he agrees, “I wonder what he’s doing right now.”
           Squee is fast asleep in his bed, his face pressed into the pillow. Beside him, Nugget is also asleep, her claws restlessly kneading Squishy Pete.
           “There’s no time to call Squee,” Zim points out, “what if he doesn’t answer? We can’t wait for a response. We have to act now.”
           “Fine,” Tak groans, “where is it?”            “I helped put it in Squee’s basement,” he replies, “it should still be there. We will have to remove it and transport it to Tak’s base.”
           “So we have to get into Squee’s house,” Pepito’s states, “I think Devi has a key so she can clean while they’re away.”
           “We need to work fast,” Zim declares, “let’s go.”
           They leave quickly and fly the Epic across the city to Devi’s building. After setting down in the parking lot, they hurry up to her apartment and knock until she answers, looking none too pleased.
           “Ugh, it’s you guys,” she groans, rubbing her tired eyes.
           “Hi, Devi,” Pepito waves, “sorry but this is an emergency.”
           “What is it?” she asks impatiently.
           “We need into Squee’s house,” Dib replies, “you have a key, right?”
           “Yeah, hang on,” she says and ducks back into her apartment. She comes back after a few seconds with a single, bronze key. “Here. Just give it back to me later.”
           “Thank you,” Pepito chimes and they hurry away as Devi closes the door.
           Wasting no time, they fly over to Squee’s house and park at the curb. They rush up to the front walk and use the key.
           The kids stand uneasily on the front step as the door loudly creaks open. It seems to echo ominously throughout the dark house, the early morning sun barely filtering through the boarded-up windows.
           “Wow,” Dib comments, “this place is uh…kinda creepy without Squee here.”
           “Let’s just get into the basement and get the bomb,” Zim orders and steps into the house. He freezes, a chill shooting up his spine. He suddenly has the feeling that he shouldn’t be here. But he quickly shakes it off and glares at the others. “Let’s go. Hurry up.”
           Zim marches through the living room and Tak, Dib, Gaz, and Pepito quickly but cautiously follow. As they head to the hallway, they’re all constantly glancing around warily. They’ve been to a lot of haunted locations before but somehow this feels worse. Not haunted exactly, just…forbidden.
           They finally reach the basement door and Zim pushes it open. It creaks open even slower than the front door did, revealing a much darker room.
           “Where’s the light?” Gaz asks.
           “There isn’t one,” Zim replies as an electric torch pops out of his PAK, illuminating the area. It’s a completely empty room with a sudden drop near the opposite wall. Zim points to it. “The bomb is down there. I remember Johnny and Squee bringing me down there.”
           They quickly cross the empty room and peer over the gap. There’s just a ladder leading down into more darkness.
           “Right,” Tak grunts and nods at Zim. “After you.”
           Zim glares at her for a second before descending the ladder. One by one, the others follow.
           It’s only a couple feet to the bottom floor and they all look around as they hop off the ladder. They’re in another mostly empty room that leads to a large hallway, lit by flickering, fluorescent bulbs in the ceiling. Somewhere down the ladder, the normal drywall of the house changed to cement blocks that make up the entirety of the hallway. There are stains on the walls and floor that the kids try to ignore as Zim points to the only object in the room.
           “There it is,” he says.
           The Blissful: a giant, round, silver bomb with a purple smiley face with closed eyes painted on it. Five feet in diameter and over 150 pounds, it is practically just a container sloshing with volatile, explosive liquid.
           “It should fit in my cannon,” Tak says, “now, how do we get it out?”
           “The same way I got it in,” Zim replies as he extends his spider legs. Using lasers, they cut out a large section of the ceiling and set it aside, creating a hole to the surface. The kids are all slightly relieved to see sunlight.
           “Tak, you stay down here while I-,” Zim starts to explain before he’s cut off.
           “Why do I have to stay in the creepy basement?” Tak snaps.
           “What, are you scared?” he jeers.
           “Of course not.”
           “Then stay down here while I lift everyone out,” Zim orders, “once I’m out, you’ll help me lift the bomb up to the surface and Dib can bring the Epic around.”
           “Fine,” she huffs and eyes the spooky hallway. “Just…be quick.”
           Dib, Gaz, and Pepito hold onto Zim’s spider legs as he lifts them all up to the surface. Then he crouches next to the hole and lowers his spider legs down.
           “Okay, Tak, gently lift the bomb and pass it to me,” he demands.
           She seems to ignore him as she stares suspiciously down the hall.
           “Tak,” he says louder.
           “What?” she questions, looking at him. “Oh. Right.”
           Using her spider legs, Tak gently lifts the Blissful and passes it to Zim. He carefully lifts it through the hole and rests it on the ground.
           “Alright, Dib get the car,” Zim orders. Dib nods and quickly hurries around the houses back to the street. “Tak, let’s go.”      
           Again, she doesn’t reply. She just stares down the hallway, her eyes narrowing.
           “Tak!” Zim snaps but she doesn’t hear him.
           Far down the hall, a bloodied hand slaps down on the floor just barely in view, clawing at the stone. An inhuman groan echoes off the walls.
           Tak’s eyes widen and her spider legs shoot up, hoisting her out of the hole.
           “Seal it, hurry,” she orders frantically.
           Not knowing what she saw, Zim is slightly taken aback, but nevertheless he obliges. He quickly picks up the section of the ground and slips it back into its hole.
           With the basement sealed off, everyone suddenly feels more at ease, and they heave a heavy sigh.
           “Okay. Let’s agree to never go down there again,” Gaz says and everyone nods.
           After Dib comes around with the Epic, Tak looks at Zim and asks, “now what?”
           “Now is the really tricky part,” Zim replies, “you and I are gonna have to ride on the roof and hold the Blissful steady while Dib flies to your place.”
           “Good luck with that,” Pepito comments as he and Gaz get into the car. Then Zim and Tak climb onto the roof. With their bottom two spider legs, they hold onto the vehicle while the top two hold the Blissful in between themselves.
           “Okay, Dib, take it slow and steady,” Zim orders.
           Dib carefully raises the Epic into the sky and flies slowly over the buildings. Everyone is tense during the ride. If they drop the bomb, it could very well decimate the city. Dib just tries to focus on keeping the car steady and hopes a bird doesn’t fly into them.
           Thankfully, they reach Tak’s base with incident and Dib parks on the curb. Everyone gets out while Zim and Tak carefully lower the Blissful to the ground.
           “Alright, ready up your cannon,” Zim orders.
           “Already on it,” Tak replies as she grabs a remote from her PAK and pushes a button.
           The roof of her house folds up as a giant, silver gun rises up on a tall pedestal. In front of the gun is seat with a monitor and control panel. Tak pushes another button on the remote and a space opens up at the bottom of the pedestal, just big enough for the Blissful.
           “Let’s load it up,” Tak says and they shove the big bomb inside and seal the door. As it rises up the pedestal and loads into the cannon, she climbs up to the monitor and sits in the chair. Zim quickly follows her and hangs off the side to watch, leaving Dib, Gaz, and Pepito to stare up at them.
           “Okay, just have to find the ship,” Tak muses. As she searches through coordinates on the control panel, the monitor displays different parts of space until finally landing on the familiar, grey ship.
           “They’ve blasted a hole into Jupiter!” Zim cries, “we have to hurry.”
           “Locking on,” Tak says and a crosshairs appears over the ship on the monitor. “Let’s hope this works.”
           She hits the big, red ‘FIRE’ button and a loud *boom* echoes over the city as the Blissful is shot out. The kids watch it fly into the sky until it disappears.
           It breaks through the atmosphere, the friction causing its volatile fluids to heat up, and flies through space at an extremely high velocity. The passengers on the ship just barely see it coming.
           The explosion can be seen from Earth as a star that lights up then quickly dies out. The Battalion immediately erupt into cheers, jumping up and punching the air.
           “I can’t believe that actually worked,” Gaz remarks.
           “I knew it would!” Dib grins.
           “I cannot wait to tell Squee about this,” Pepito exclaims.
           While they celebrate, Zim and Tak watch the explosion on the monitor, satisfied with the smoke that fills the screen. But as they start to hop off, Tak notices something.
           “Wait,” she says, “something’s happening.”
           Zim looks back at the screen just in time to see five objects exit the smoke.
           “The passengers survived,” he snarls.
           “They must’ve used escape pods,” Tak exclaims as they look up at the sky.
           Dib, Gaz, and Pepito don’t realize right away that something’s wrong until Gaz notices the Irkens. “Something’s wrong,” she says.
           They all look up and watch for something. For a second, nothing happens. And then they see five things appear in the sky.
           “They’ve broken through the atmosphere!” Zim exclaims.
           They watch the objects plummet like tiny particles in the distance, each landing in a different spot. Then Zim and Tak jump to the ground.
           “We got an alien invasion,” Zim declares, “one of them seemed to have landed not far from the city. If we leave now, we might catch them.”
           The others nods and they quickly clamber into the Epic and take off. Zim flies them quickly towards the site of the closest crash. As they near it, they spot a plume of smoke.
           A small, round pod has crashed into field just outside the city, causing a small crater. The Epic lands and the Battalion hops out, weapons at the ready, just as the hatch opens.
           Out tumbles a short, black alien with a pair of large, compound eyes and four spider-like legs. She hasn’t noticed the Battalion yet as she coughs and picks herself up.
           “Hey, I know you!” Pepito exclaims, “it’s Uu!”
           The alien looks up at them in surprise before crying out in an alien language. She attempts to scramble back into the pod, but Zim’s and Tak’s spider legs lash out and grab her. They hold her overhead, and she glares at them.
           “You’re one of Carcas’ soldiers,” Zim says.
           Gaz groans exhaustedly as she rests a hand on her hip. “I hope Squee’s at least having a good day.”
           Most mornings start early in Cammie’s house; especially when the smell of waffles is wafting down the hall. Everyone quickly gathers in the kitchen as Squee readies their breakfast.
           “I hope they’re good,” he says as they dig in.
           “So good,” Johnny chimes with a mouthful.
           “Crispy outside, fluffy inside,” Cammie remarks.
           “You should do the cooking more often,” Thomas comments.
           The Night Terrors are too busy quickly stuffing their faces to say anything, which is complimentary enough.
           Squee beams happily before sitting down to enjoy his own breakfast.
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puckrph · 4 years
starters taken from fall out boy’s “mania.” feel free to change pronouns, etc!
‘ i think i’ve got too many memories getting in the way of me. ’ ‘ i’m about to go tonya harding on the whole world’s knee. ’ ‘ some princes don’t become kings. ’ ‘ even at the best of times, i’m out of my mind. ’ ‘ you only get what you grieve. ’ ‘ are you smelling that shit? eau du resistance. ’ ‘ the only thing that’s ever stopping me is me. ’ ‘ my life was just a killer dream. ’ ‘ seems like the whole damn world went and lost its mind. ’ ‘ all my childhood heroes have fallen off or died. ’ ‘ real living, fake tears, but the alcohol never lies. ’
‘ i was just an only child of the universe, and then i found you. ’ ‘ you are the sun. ’ ‘ you are the sun, and i am just the planets spinning around you. ’ ‘ you were too good to be true. ’ ‘ gold plated, but what’s inside you? ’ ‘ i know this whole damn city thinks it needs you, but not as much as i do. ’ ‘ you’re the last of a dying breed. ’ ‘ i wonder if your therapist knows everything about me. ’ ‘ i’m here in search of your glory. ’ ‘ there’s been a million before me. ’ ‘ you’re the last of the real ones. ’ ‘ i am a collapsing star with tunnel vision, but only for you. ’ ‘ if they find you, i will protect you. ’ ‘ tell me i am the only one, even if it’s not true. ’ ‘ i’m here at the beginning of the end of infinity with you. ’ ‘ i’m done with having dreams. ’ ‘ i think you drain all the fear from me. ’
‘ i never really feel a thing. ’ ‘ you were the only one that even kinda came close. ’ ‘ when your stitch comes loose, i wanna sleep on every piece of fuzz and stuffing that comes out of you. ’ ‘ i took too many hits off this memory. ’ ‘ i need to come down. ’ ‘ hold me tight. or don’t. ’ ‘ this isn’t how our story ends. ’ ‘ i got too high again. ’ ‘ i realized i can’t not be with you, or be just your friend. ’ ‘ i love you to death. ’ ‘ we were lovers first. confidants, but never friends. ’ ‘ were we ever friends? ’ ‘ the distance between us, it sharpens me like a knife. ’
‘ i was gonna say something that would solve all our problems, but then i got drunk and forgot what i was talking about. ’ ‘ there’s nothing more cruel than to be loved by everybody but you. ’ ‘ if i can get my shit together, i’m gonna run away and never see any of you again. ’ ‘ i hope the roof flies off and we get blown out into space. ’ ‘ i always make such expensive mistakes. ’ ‘ i know it’s just a number, but you’re the eighth wonder. ’ ‘ i’ll stop wearing black when they make a darker color. ’ ‘ when i say i’m sorry i’m late, i really mean i didn’t plan on showing up at all. ’ ‘ i hate all my friends. ’ ‘ if we hadn’t done this thing, i think i’d be a medicine man so i could get high on my own supply whenever i can. ’ ‘ i became such a strange shape from trying to fit in. ’
‘ if you were church, i’d get on my knees. ’ ‘ you’re my sanctuary. ’ ‘ you’re holy to me. ’ ‘ take the pain, make it billboard-big and swallow it for me. ’ ‘ you are doomed, but just enough. ’ ‘ i love the world, but i just don’t love the way it makes me feel. ’ ‘ i’ve got a few more fake friends, and it’s getting hard to know what’s real. ’ ‘ if death is the last appointment, then we’re all just sitting in the waiting room. ’ ‘ i am just a human trying to avoid my certain doom. ’
‘ one look from you, and i’m on that faded love. ’ ‘ if there were any more left of me, i’d give it to you. ’ ‘ i’m a missile that’s guided to you. ’ ‘ go out in the world to start over and over again as many times as you can. ’ ‘ if i don’t make it on the list, will you sneak me a wristband? ’ ‘ would you give me a boost over heaven’s gate? ’ ‘ i need a boost. ’ ‘ everything else is a substitute for your love. ’ ‘ i’ve got dreams of my own. ’ ‘ i’ve got dreams of my own, but i want to make yours come true. ’ ‘ you’re the one habit i just can’t kick. ’
‘ we’ve made a mistake. ’ ‘ i’m a champion of the people who don’t believe in champions. ’ ‘ i’ve got nothing but dreams inside. ’ ‘ i’m just young enough to still believe. ’ ‘ if i can live through this, i can do anything. ’ ‘ i’ve got rage every day on the inside. ’ ‘ the only thing i do is sit around and kill the time. ’
‘ i don’t even have my own attention. ’ ‘ you say “please don’t ever change,” but you don’t like me the way i am. ’ ‘ the world tried to burn all the mercy out of me, but i wouldn’t let it. ’ ‘ the pills are kicking in. ’ ‘ i love you till i don’t. ’ ‘ i have no idea what i’m doing now. ’ ‘ there are no atheists in foxholes. ’ ‘ the pressure’s getting to me. it’s time to throw in the towel. ’ ‘ i’m stuck in the sunshine riptide, dancing all alone in the morning light. ’ ‘ you came back like a wave when i was feeling alright. ’ ‘ i fell in love, but i didn’t fall down. ’ ‘ i feel like i’m bulletproof with the sun shining through. ’ ‘ you are my truest feeling yet. i love you so much, it’s just like oxygen. ’ ‘ i had a public meltdown. petulant, but irreverent. ’ ‘ take all your possibilities, then take away the limits. take your ideas and throw away all the gimmicks. ’ ‘ i do the best with what i have. ’
‘ we’ve gone way too fast for way too long. ’ ‘ we were never supposed to make it half this far. ’ ‘ i lived so much life, i think god is gonna have to kill me twice. ’ ‘ i forgot what i was losing my mind about. ’ ‘ i was young and a menace. ’ ‘ i woke up on the wrong side of reality. ’ ‘ there’s a madness that’s just coursing right through me. ’ ‘ i’m flying off the deep end. ’ ‘ i’m here to become the best yet. ’
‘ i’m pedal to the medal, make no mistake. ’ ‘ this is my pity party. ’ ‘ i’m in spiritual revolt from the waist down. ’ ‘ i’m just a full tank away from freedom. ’ ‘ these are the last blues we’re ever gonna have; lets see how deep we get. ’ ‘ the glow of the cities leads us back to the place we never should’ve left. ’ ‘ i’ve got a feeling inside that i can’t domesticate. ’ ‘ i don’t want to live in a cage. ’ ‘ i’m yours until the earth starts to crumble and the heavens roll away. ’ ‘ i’m struggling to exist with you and without you. ’ ‘ i should walk away, but i just want to let you break my brain. ’ ‘ i can’t seem to get a grip. ’
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momentofmemory · 5 years
fictober - day sixteen
Prompt #16: “Listen. No, really listen.”
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe - Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Netflix Marvel (Daredevil) 
Rating: T
Warnings: Sensory Overload, Explosions
Characters: Peter Parker & Matt Murdock
Words: 2279
Author’s Note: set somewhere between spider-man: homecoming and avengers: infinity war (but after DD s3). this was not meant to be as long as it is and i guess maybe i’m writing more of them now?? only time will tell…
>>I Hear, Said the Blind Man
A sword comes flying out of nowhere at his head, and Peter thinks that is this is exactly why he should never leave Queens.
The great thing about being a superhero in New York City is that the city is arguably huge, but patrolling never feels like it because of the sheer number of vigilantes in the area. Queens is his, but Harlem belongs to some guy called Luke Cage, the aptly named Brooklynite has, well, Brooklyn, and the Bronx has—
…Does the Bronx have anyone, actually?
Peter backflips mid-thought to avoid getting skewered by another very pointy sword, then launches himself at the ceiling as it’s immediately followed by a blast from the alien guns he’s been tracking all month.
Hell’s Kitchen is technically Daredevil’s place, and he knows the guy’s pretty territorial but he didn’t exactly have a way of contacting him, so.
Field trip.
“Do you even have a license for these?” Peter fires his web-shooters at the closest gun-wielding ninja, yanking the contraption away and slamming its wielder into one of the supports. “I know you guys are like, two hundred years out of date, but the DA tends to be pretty strict on enforcing unauthorized carry laws.”
Peter takes advantage of his perch in the rafters to remove the power core from the gun, then chucks the useless shell at its previous owner. A warning blares at the base of Peter’s skull, and he lurches to the side just in time to avoid a throwing star aimed for his chest.
“Okay, I get it, I get it, no one likes unsolicited legal advice.”
Peter’s hand snaps out and wraps around the wrist of the ninja trying to sneak up on him. “I’m not a fan of unsolicited murder, either!”
The ninjas are definitely way more skilled than he is, but what Peter lacks in finesse he makes up for in raw strength. He sidesteps the ninja’s sword (man, these guys are quiet), then throws him forcefully over his shoulder and into the last ninja.
They both go down and stay down.
Peter hops down to floor and dusts himself off—rafters are always disgusting—and nudges one of the fallen ninjas with his toe. There’s no sign of consciousness, so he slides around the black-clad figure to check on the box the guns were packed in. He peeks over the edge of the crate and notes only one is missing—the one he’d already disarmed. He breathes a sigh of relief.
“Score one for the Queens kid,” Peter says, webbing the last gun and snapping it to his outstretched hand. “I hope you enjoyed the show but I will not be here all night, because some of us have calculus tests to study for.”
Peter slips his phone out of its hidden pocket, and is just about to call the police when his sixth sense lights up his entire spine. He whirls around just in time to see at least twelve more ninjas slip into the warehouse.
He’s surrounded.
“Listen guys,” he says, ignoring the warnings Karen’s blaring into his feed, “if this is your idea of a surprise party I gotta say, you need to work on your presenta—”
Peter’s cut off when a ninja materializes beside him, and he barely gets the gun up in time to block his opponent’s attack. He flinches when the blade still goes more than three-fourths of the way through the metal casing.
He shoves the man using more of his super strength than he’d normally be comfortable with, and the ninja flies across the room and lands in a soundless heap. “Not to go full nineties, but I knew I should have stayed home today.”
That’s the last quip or takedown Peter manages to pull off, because while he’d done pretty well against five ninjas, he is no match for a dozen. Peter tries his best to make offensive moves when he can, but for the most part he’s caught in an endless cycle of successful and slightly less successful dodging. He’s further handicapped by the fact that he’s trying to stay in the vicinity of the weapons container, certain that the second he loses sight of it, it’ll be gone. After the fifth sword swipe he’d failed to entirely avoid, Peter thinks maybe he should give up on that part.
In that moment, two things happen.
First, a red and black billy club comes flying from the rooftop and incapacitates the ninja about to turn Peter into a shish kabob, and Peter thinks holy shit I’m going to meet Daredevil.
Second, said ninja’s sword is redirected towards the weapons crate and slices clean through one of the power cores, and Peter thinks holy shit I’m going to die.
Then Peter’s world explodes.
Or at least, Peter’s pretty sure that’s what happens, because he doesn’t have any other explanation for how he goes from fighting for his life in a warehouse to leaning against a chimney on a rooftop.
“You all right?”
Peter turns his head towards the voice, but everything feels muted, like that one time the Vulture dropped him into a lake. Or like that one time the Vulture nearly got them both blown up.
That last one’s probably more relevant.
Peter starts to yank his mask off in an attempt to breathe easier before he remembers he’s not alone. Instead, he blinks a few times, trying to get his eyes to focus. Slowly, the blurry shape in front of him materializes into the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen.
Then everything else materializes, too.
He doesn’t feel any injuries from the explosion per se, the suit having protected him from the brunt of it, but it’s wreaked absolute havoc on his senses. Sound comes rushing in as his accelerated healing repairs the damage to his eardrums, and it’s too much, too fast, too loud.
“Karen, turn the—turn the dampeners on,” he gasps.
He sees hears feels Daredevil tense across from him, but he doesn’t have the brain capacity to figure out reason for the Devil’s reaction.
“I’m sorry, Peter. The settings for limited sensory deprivation are not available at the moment.”
The blood drains from Peter’s face, and his already high-pitched voice jumps an entire octave. “What do you mean not available?”
“Some of my systems appear to have been damaged in the explosion. The suit will require manual repair in order to bring them back online.”
“Spider-Man?” Daredevil’s voice is too loud, too close.
Peter waves a hand in front of him, trying to get him and all the noise associated with him to go away.
“Your blood pressure appears to be spiking, Peter. Do you require assistance?”
Peter squeezes his eyes shut. “No, I’m fine Karen, I just—I—shit.”
It’s childish, and dammit Peter wanted to make a cool first impression on another superhero for once, but instead he presses his hands over his ears and whines because it’s just so much and it’s everywhere and it’s—it’s—
It’s his heartbeat thumping wildly out of control in his chest—
It’s the crunch of gravel under Daredevil’s feet—
It’s the wind skipping across the roof and over the air conditioning units—
It’s the cat stalking a mouse on the street below; the man rifling through the garbage; the hurried footsteps of late night traffic; tourists with cameras, car horns honking, brakes squealing, engines backfiring, locals yelling, sirens wailing; the sound of his breathing, the leather in the Devil’s costume, the drip of a drainpipe, the drip, the drip, the DRIP—
Daredevil squats down in front of him and Peter’s head jerks up.
“Can you hear me?”
Peter bites his lip so hard it bleeds, because he’s pretty sure Daredevil is whispering but it sounds like it’s being shouted through an air horn. “That’s—that’s kind of the problem, Mr. Daredevil, sir, I’m really sorry—”
“It’s okay.” The cat hisses on the street, and Daredevil lowers his voice even further. “Can you listen?”
Peter thumps his head against the chimney, because he just said that’s all he can do right now and the cat’s just caught that mouse and—
“No,” Daredevil says, interrupting his spiral. “Really listen.”
Shit, does he have mind reading powers?
“Pick one sound and listen to that.” The Devil keeps talking, and somehow Peter hears him over the rest of the noise. “It’s okay if you still hear the others—but only listen to one.”
Peter slowly lowers his hands from his ears and tries, but there’s just so many of them.
A window slams shut two buildings over at the same time Daredevil clears his throat. “There’s a grandfather clock with a second hand that skips every third tick, in an apartment building four blocks from here.”
Four blocks what the hell—
“I uh—I can’t go quite that far,” Peter stammers, cautiously opening an eye. “But there’s a drainpipe across the street that keeps dripping.”
Daredevil tilts his head to the side, then smiles. “In front of Dahlia’s Flower Shop.”
“I guess so.” Peter closes his eyes again.
Peter hears Daredevil back away from him, just a few feet, to keep from crowding him. “Tell me about it.”
His concentration slips when a tourist stops in the middle of the sidewalk and someone starts berating them. “It’s… a drainpipe?”
“Is it metal? Concrete? Plastic?” Daredevil takes out his billy-club and rotates it between his hands. “What does the way it echoes sound like?”
Peter searches the dripping noise out and tries to focus on the water and the wind.
“…Metal,” he decides.
“Is the water fresh, or dirty?”
Peter doesn’t know how to distinguish between the two at first, but then he imagines the way dirty water sloughs through pipes as opposed to the way clean water glides, and when he realizes he can isolate the smell, too, he says, “Dirty.”
“And how high is the pipe when the water drops out?”
Peter listens to the water separating at the mouth of the pipe, waits for how long it takes for the splash as it hits the ground. “…Two feet?”
“Good.” The smile is still in the Devil’s voice. “Last question: what is the water landing on.”
Peter tilts his head in the same way Daredevil had, and strains his hearing to pick up as much detail as he can. The water coming out of the drainpipe feels hard, like the metal encasing it, but when it lands the splash is muted—like it’s sliding to a stop instead of hitting a flat surface. There’s also an almost bouncy quality to it, so it must be something that’s not rigid—something delicate, or fragile.
He remembers what Daredevil had said about the shop the pipe was connected to, and his eyes fly open with a grin.
Daredevil nods and sits back against one of the air conditioning units. Peter keeps listening to the sound, wondering what else he can figure out about it.
After a few minutes, Daredevil slides his billy-club back into its holder. “How’s your hearing?”
“Wha—?” Peter jerks his attention back to Daredevil, and suddenly realizes the world has gone back to sounding like Normal-New-York, instead of Acid-Trip-New-York. His eyes widen.
“Whoa, thanks! It normally takes forever to go back to normal when this happens. How’d you learn to do that?”
“Not in any way I’d recommend,” he says, propping his elbow up on his knee and letting his hand hang down. “Now, at the risk of sounding needlessly overbearing, what’re you doing in my city on a school night?”
“Oh, uh, well I didn’t really mean to come all the way out here, but I’ve been trying to track down this weapon’s deal for like a month and—” Peter chokes as he registers the end of Daredevil’s sentence. “Wait, school night? Why would uh, why would that matter?”
“It’s your heartbeat. Too fast to be an adult’s.”
“I was panicking!”
“And your voice?”
“…Also panicking!” He clears his throat and attempts to drop a half step. “Not that I am anymore. Because I’m a superhero. Adult. Adult superhero.”
“Hearing people’s heartbeats also means I can tell when they’re lying.”
Peter freezes, then drops his head into his hands. “Shit.”
“Are you old enough to say that?”
Peter’s indignant. “Yes!” Then he pauses. “Wait, if we’re here does that mean the ninja guys got away?”
Daredevil shrugs. “The blast took out all of the weapons. The Hand wasn’t interested in sticking around after that.”
“The Hand?”
“…Stick to Queens, kid.”
Peter flinches and draws his knees in to his chest, which probably doesn’t help his image, but. He’s really tired of being a disappointment.
Daredevil gets to his feet and for a second, Peter thinks he’s just going to leave him. Then a gloved hand appears in front of his face.
Peter looks up in surprise.
“You’ve got talent, Spider-Man,” he says, and Peter notices he doesn’t remove the man part.
“Really?” Peter’s mood lifts almost instantaneously. “I mean—yeah, yeah of course. Talent. You too.”
Daredevil shakes his head, but pulls Peter to his feet without commenting on his exuberance. “Give me a call if you hear anything else about weapons—or ninjas—in Hell’s Kitchen. Maybe we can work something out next time.”
“Whoa,” Peter breathes, his feet rooted to the ground as Daredevil walks away. Daredevil’s already reached the edge of the roof before an important thought occurs to him. “Hey, wait, I don’t have your number!”
Daredevil smirks. “You don’t need one.”
With that, the vigilante flips off the roof to the next building, and disappears behind its slope. Peter stares at nothing, and wonders if he should try to chase him down.
Then Peter hears water dripping out of a drainpipe, and thinks four blocks down.
Peter grins.
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tazatouille · 5 years
free fall
word count: 1343
warnings: none
ao3 link
note: hi! this is my first fic im posting on this blog, my previous blog was xandars, i hope you enjoy it!
Sam finds that people have many different reactions to near death experiences.
Some people cry, or freak out entirely, which is perfectly normal. Sam's been in enough of those situations to feel the weight of morality resting on his shoulders, that's for sure. Some people brush it off, like it's a minor inconvenience. Others take it harder.
Bucky had fallen off the roof of a building, which the guy is completely terrified of heights and this building obviously wasn't short. Sam doesn't want to think about the way Bucky called his name out over the coms and how quickly it made his bones chill and the hairs on his neck stand up. He doesn't want to think about how fast he changed his course, shooting towards Bucky's blurry figure like a bullet.
Except it was different this time, because Sam caught him.
Bucky's arms wrap around his neck tightly. He won't open his eyes. Sam has on arm under Bucky's legs and another on his back.
"Don't worry, I got you." Sam says to him, a little braver than he feels. He feels Bucky's hold on to him just a little tighter, or maybe he just imagines it. Sam lands on a nearby rooftop, gently setting Bucky down and letting him grab his bearings. He retracts his wings.
"Thank you, Sam." Bucky lets out, his breath a little short and his hair blown out. He runs a metal hand through it, blinking like a deer in the headlights.
Sam gives him a soft smile. "You owe me one." He teases, trying to push down his own growing anxiety. Losing Bucky isn't a thought he wants to entertain right now.
Bucky's eyebrow quirks up, a faint smirk on his lips. "Oh, really now?" 
"Yeah, really," Sam crosses his arms. "I just saved your life."
"Well, great hero of mine," Bucky takes a step closer. "How can I repay you?"
"Maybe by doing the dishes for once, that'd really--" Sam is cut off by the sudden press of Bucky's lips, feeling his beard tickling his cheeks. Almost instinctively, Sam kisses him back, feeling an arm snake around his waist. For a split moment, he feels secure. Safe. 
Bucky pulls away, face still so close that Sam can feel Bucky's breath on his own skin when he asks, "How's that?"
Sam blinks at him, feeling extremely exposed even under all his tactical gear. He wants to tell him it was great, that something like this has been on his mind for the past three months, but something tells him no. And so, Sam shakes his head slightly and pushes Bucky's face away, looking away from him. 
"We have a fight to get back to, Bucky." Sam tells him, stepping back and trying to regain any of his composure. He feels like the winds been knocked right out of him and he hasn’t even taken flight. 
And before Bucky can respond, Sam turns on his heels and flies off. 
After the mission is wrapped up, Sam doesn’t meet Bucky like he usually does, doesn’t get Bucky’s arm wrapped around his shoulders in a side hug. The indication of a job well done.
Instead, Sam runs, or rather flies away. He’s turned off his coms now, probably worrying Bucky to death, but he takes his wings and soars far, out past the city and into the quiet. 
Sam needs to think.
It’s no secret, at least to Sam, that he cares about Bucky and getting kissed by someone that you’ve spent the past few months pining over seems like a dream come true. It seems so simple, but then why is it so confusing?  
When he gets far enough, Sam closes his eyes, feeling the air blowing across his face. Then he retracts his wings and lets himself fall. 
He does this on particularly hard days, which Sam wasn’t expecting this to be a hard day but Bucky really threw a wrench in that one. 
The image of Bucky falling is too familiar. Sam knows it too well. Every time he’s reminded of it--- the memories of Riley or Rhodey… they seep into him like some sort of poison. Letting himself fall through the air brings Sam closer to something. The adrenaline, he thinks, it’s almost cathartic in a way. 
Maybe Sam just doesn’t actually like Bucky. Maybe he’s just been tricking himself. Maybe--- No, that’s not it. Too many beats of his heart, too many fleeting thoughts about what could be. A kiss is a total win, right? 
Or maybe, Sam just doesn’t want to lose this time. 
Sam’s wings spring back out to catch him before he hits the ground. Sam swoops back up high into the air, meeting the darkening sky. He starts heading home. 
Sam knows that when he gets back to their apartment that Bucky will look at him with that soft look of concern, the one that picks him apart and makes him want to spill his guts out. He knows that Bucky won’t push, won’t force Sam to say anything. The unspoken solidarity between them that has grown and grown and grown ever since they started living together. 
When Sam’s feet hit the ground, he just wants to collapse. He shuffles his way into their apartment, hearing the faint noises of their TV through the door. He takes a deep breath and opens it, looking down at his feet. A chair scrapes against the floor in the other room, but he ignores it, tugging his goggles off and tossing them to the side.
Suddenly, gentle hands move to help Sam take off his wings. The slow and methodical ritual of taking the shoulder straps off, unbuckling them and pulling them down his arms. His wrist armor comes off, along with his gloves and now all that’s left are their hands woven together.  
“I’m sorry if I went too fast for you.” Bucky tells him, his voice low. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s okay.” Is all Sam replies with. Bucky presses a kiss onto the inside of his wrist. 
“We can take this as slow as you need it.” He continues. “Or, you know-- we don’t have to do anything at all. We don’t have to be anything unless you want to be. But I want you to know that I’ll be right here, sweetheart.” Bucky’s hand comes up to cup Sam’s cheek, brushing a thumb over it. 
Sam hates crying, but he feels his cheeks getting hot and his vision blurring and it marks the end of him. His tears fall and all he can do is cling onto Bucky as if he’s the only thing keeping him from fading away. Bucky wraps his arms around him, keeping him close and whispering softly to him. Sam isn’t in his right mind to make anything out of it out right now, head too clouded with fears and anxiety.
Sam doesn’t remember when he fell asleep, but he wakes up in his bed to complete darkness. He looks up at the ceiling, letting out a long sigh. Then, without even thinking, he pulls the covers off of himself and walks across the hallway, to Bucky’s room. 
“Bucky?” He calls out, peeking into his room. A night light casts a faint glow to his room and in it he can see the rise and fall of Bucky’s chest. Bucky stirs a bit as Sam approaches the bed.  
“Yeah?” Bucky replies sleepily, propping himself up on one arm. 
Sam rubs his arms. “Is it okay if I-- you know--” He can’t find the right words at the moment and as he takes a minute to collect his thoughts, Bucky takes his hand and pulls him closer.
“Whatever you need.” He assures him, scooting over so that Sam can lay next to him. Sam carefully moves next to him as Bucky tugs the blankets over them. Then, as if it’s second nature, Bucky’s arm comes to wrap around Sam’s stomach, hugging him tight. 
“Is this okay?” Bucky asks him.
Bucky doesn’t get a reply. 
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tomeandflickcorner · 4 years
Episode Review- The Real Ghostbusters: Doctor, Doctor
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Eep.  This was a suitably creepy episode.  Not to mention somewhat intriguing.  Though also a bit frustrating at times.
We jump right into things with the Ghostbusters in the middle of a bust.  This time, they’re pursuing a purple humanoid ghost.  Even though they refer to this ghost as a Class Three Vaporous Apparition, this ghost seems to be proving to be a bit of a challenge, as the Ghostbusters are clearly out of breath from pursuing it.  In an attempt to get away, the ghost slips into a chemical factory plant. The Ghostbusters, perhaps foolishly, storm into the chemical plant after the ghost.  For a while, they simply walk through the plant, which is surprisingly vacant of employees.  But before long, they spot the ghost hiding near one of the chemical vats.  In an instant, Peter fires off his Proton Pack at the ghost, with Egon shouting a warning a little too late.  Because the ghost was too close to the chemical vat, Peter ends up hitting the chemical vat instead.  As a result, the chemical inside the vat undergoes some sort of reaction, and it explodes.  Rather explosively, too, as a large chunk of the roof gets blown off.  And the Ghostbusters get completely drenched in chemical goo.
Despite the mishap, the Ghostbusters are still able to successfully capture the ghost as it tries to make a break for it. To their confusion, however, the readout on the Ghost Trap, as well as the PKE Meter, state the ghost they caught was a weak Class 2, even though it had previously registered as a Class 3.  Of course, there’s no time for them to really dwell on that mystery, as the employees at the chemical plant choose that moment to appear on the scene.  They are clearly not happy about the Ghostbusters being there, as the chemicals that were in the vats were experimental.  Fortunately, Peter is able to smooth talk their way out of trouble by informing the angry workers that they had been given permission to be there by the owner of the chemical plant.  So the workers all back off, and the Ghostbusters return to the Firehouse to unload the Ghost Trap into the Containment Unit, and to scrub off the chemical gunk.
Turns out getting the chemical sludge off was easier said than done, as the next scene shows the Ghostbusters lounging about in their bathrobes, bemoaning to Janine about how they must have lost multiple layers of skin trying to wash the stuff off.  Egon goes so far to say he can physically feel every single molecule in the air around him, which is clearly his way of saying that his skin has been effectively rubbed raw.  Even Peter is feeling pretty sore, as he announces that he never wants to be touched again.  Out of nowhere, Egon notes something strange is going on.  The skin around his wrist has started to bulge outward, and it begins to pulsate, as if something was trying to break out from beneath his skin. And Winston, Ray, Peter and Janine can only stare in shock.
Strangely, they don’t seem to actually do anything about that, as the very next scene shows Janine calmly returning to the Firehouse, carrying paper shopping bags filled with things to make lunch.  And when she comes across Slimer as she’s making her way upstairs, she asks him if the guys are back yet.  This seems to suggest they simply went out on another job, but maybe we’re supposed to conclude they went back to the chemical plant to ask what exactly was in the gunk they came in contact with.  It wasn’t very clear.  In any event, Slimer is visibly upset and fearful about something.  He even states that he is not hungry, which is obviously a first.  The reason for his demeanor becomes clear when Janine makes it upstairs and sees the Ghostbusters.  Their bodies are now almost completely coated with a heavy layer of red sludge, with only their heads visible.  Ray states that they tried to call the chemical plant to ask what exactly the stuff they got hit with was, but it turns out that, when the explosion happened, a lot of the chemicals got mixed together.  So even the people who work at the chemical plant aren’t sure what the Ghostbusters got drenched with.  (Okay, so they called the plant.  Guess that means they didn’t go down in person.  But that suggests they did indeed head out on another Ghostbusting job. Seems like an odd thing to do when you see your wrist reacting the way Egon’s was.  Isn’t that a bit like going to work when you notice your skin is turning purple?)
So to try and figure out what’s going on, the Ghostbusters admit themselves into the local hospital, in the hopes that the doctors can help. Which isn’t a bad plan, but… we just established that even the people who were working with these experimental chemicals weren’t sure what was in that sludge.  How’s a doctor going to do any better, since they’d probably only have a database of known illnesses and conditions to work with?  Still, I can acknowledge that there’s not a lot in the way of alternate ideas.  Even so, it’s made rather clear Dr. Gould isn’t quite sure where to begin, as he rigs up a stethoscope onto a lengthy pole since he doesn’t seem to want to get too close.  Ray, realizing that they might be in real trouble, comments that at least their health insurance is paid off.  Upon hearing this, Peter starts whistling a little too innocently.  Which suggests that Peter has neglected to take care of the health insurance payments.  While I’m sure I could make a joke about the crummy state of the American health care system here, I’m just wondering why Peter seems to be in charge of paying for health insurance for all four of them.  Isn’t this something the four of them needs to take care of individually? Or did they get some sort of group health insurance, since they are an established business.  Can you do that?
Anyway, the Ghostbusters are all given a private hospital room to share, and Janine stops by to drop off some things for them.  For Egon, she has a bowl of chicken soup with mushrooms, which she states is Egon’s favorite.  (Though I suspect Egon was slightly disappointed, as he seemed to have been hoping Janine was bringing some of his technological toys, such as the Spectrometer, the Ecto Diffusitron and the Plasmometer.)  She then gives Ray a box of doughnuts, and Winston receives two books, one by Herman Melville and the other a Charles Dickens novel, as well as a Walkman and cassette tape of The Allen Parsons Project (a British progressive rock group).  Peter then asks what Janine brought for him.  In response, Janine states she’s going to let him live, simply because she knows he won’t enjoy it.  Okay, granted Janine and Peter never seemed all that close, but did they skip a scene that explained why Janine is seemingly so angry at Peter here?  Is it just because she’s holding Peter personally responsible for the current situation the Ghostbusters are in?  Of course, there’s no time for the show to really explain it, because just as Janine is getting ready to slap Peter for a smart aleck comment he made, they are interrupted by the sound of Ray screaming. When Janine and the others hurry over to Ray’s bed to see what the matter is, they discover that a large yellow eye has formed on the sludge coating his body.
As one might expect, Dr. Gould, despite his claim that he knows exactly what to do, is clearly at a complete loss.    Nevertheless, he informs Janine that he can indeed cure the Ghostbusters, though he admits it might take a five to six years.  However, he adamantly instructs Janine to keep Slimer away from the Ghostbusters, as the green ghost would contaminate the findings. He then walks off, muttering about running more tests on the Ghostbusters.
And so the tests commence.  After a rather confusing bit with Egon and a nurse (the nurse instructs Egon to fill a beaker, and when he fills the beaker with water from a nearby pitcher, the nurse says ‘I warn you, I know karate.’  Why exactly would she say that? While I get the implication is that Egon was supposed to fill the beaker with his own urine, and that Egon was trying to be funny by filling it with water instead, the nurse’s response still seems to come out of left field.) Dr. Gould proceeds to poke and prod the Ghostbusters, even going so far as to inject them with who knows what.  When Winston points out that Dr. Gould has punctured them ten times in the past five minutes, Dr. Gould states that he IS the doctor, so there’s not much they can do about it.  In response to this, Peter, Ray and Winston start chasing after him, with Winston carrying a rather large syringe.  Can’t say I blame them for that response.  Dr. Gould seemed to go a bit too far with that comment.  In any event, despite the endless tests, the Ghostbusters bodies are still covered with the sludge.  And eventually, Peter, Egon and Winston’s sludge-covered bodies start sprouting various body parts too.  With Peter, it’s an ear, Egon, a nose, and Winston, a mouth with pointed teeth.  And the doctors are all taken aback by this, as well.
Eventually, Dr. Gould apparently tries to cut the sludge off Ray with a blowtortch, but to no avail.  Janine and Slimer, who had been watching this procedure from outside the room, both go over to check on how Ray’s doing after the blowtorch attempt fails. Upon seeing this, Dr. Gould nearly blows a gasket, shouting that he’d told Janine to keep Slimer away.  At that moment, however, a large chunk of the sludge flies off of Ray, momentarily freeing his hand.  The sludge launches itself at Slimer, who manages to dodge out of the way and darts away.  When Slimer disappears around the corner, the sludge returns to Ray’s body, covering up his hand again.  Hmm, I wonder what THIS could indicate.  Could it be the Slimer’s presence is the answer?  And that allowing him to get in close proximity to the Ghostbusters would solve their sludge-covered bodies problem?  Of course, Dr. Gould doesn’t even seem to acknowledge this possibility. Instead he tells Janine to listen to him next time.
As time goes on, it seems the Ghostbusters’ predicament has now become public knowledge, as there are news reports on the matter, with the latest word being that their condition may be incurable.  Ray, however, states that he’s not giving up.  He asks Egon if the people at the chemical plant had been able to offer any insight.  Egon goes on to state that the chemical that exploded had been experimental, and it had been designed to absorb a wide spectrum of energy.  He then goes on to explain that’s the reason why the ghost they were chasing at the beginning of the episode seemed to go down from being a Class 3 to a Class 2.  When the ghost passed through the vat containing this experimental chemical, it absorbed some of its ectoplasmic energy.  And, when the chemical then came into contact with a blast from their Proton Packs, the ectoplasmic charged chemical got the spark it needed to come to life.  Ray speculates that this means that it might be possible for them to zap the sludge, if they were able to remove it from their bodies first.
No sooner than this is said, the sludge starts to react, to the point when it comes close to covering their mouths.  Janine starts to hurry off to fetch Dr, Gould, but Egon stops her.  He notices that Slimer is watching them through a window nearby, and that the sludge seems to be responding to his presence.  (Did Ray and Janine not tell Egon what had happened before?)  Upon realizing this, Janine is about to take Slimer away, but Peter tells her to allow him to come into the hall with them instead.  Because they’ve finally figured out the obvious solution.
So Slimer heads over to the Ghostbusters.  And as he gets close to them, the sludge starts to remove itself from their bodies.  Egon concludes it’s because the sludge is responding to Slimer’s ectoplasmic energy, as the sludge needs that energy to stay alive.  Before long, the sludge has completely removed itself from the Ghostbusters.  However, it then reforms into a large sludge monster that proceeds to lumber after Slimer, in order to consume the little green ghost.  In order to save Slimer, and make sure nobody gets hurt by the sludge monster, the Ghostbusters slowly force themselves to their feet (the episode makes it clear that they’re all feeling particularly weak from being cocooned within the sludge for all this time).  They then make it down to the hospital parking lot, where the Ecto-1 just happens to be, with their Ghostbusting uniforms and equipment waiting inside.  Well, that was sure convenient that they had all of their gear waiting for them on hospital grounds, wasn’t it?
The Ghostbusters catch up to the sludge monster just as it’s about to eat Slimer.  Of course, they acknowledge that it’s not actually a ghost, so they can’t simply trap the sludge monster.  Egon concludes their one chance is to try and continue shooting their Proton Packs at the monster, in the hopes that, since this monster absorbs the Proton Streams, they might be able to overload it.  This ultimately works, and the sludge monster explodes, coating the entire hallway with sludgy residue.
Fortunately, it seems the sludge has now been rendered inactive, as a week goes by and the Ghostbusters are showing no indication of a relapse.  So Dr. Gould declares them officially cured.  He then gives them their bill for their treatment at the hospital. However, Peter doesn’t bat and eye, and announces that, coincidentally, they were just about to give Dr. Gould the bill for their services in stopping the sludge monster from harming anyone at the hospital.  And wouldn’t you know it, both bills come out to the exact same amount.  So, as Peter states, that makes them even.  And he proceeds to rip up both bills.  With that, the Ghostbusters head off, leaving Dr. Gould standing there, completely flabbergasted.
Gotta be honest, I’m not sure if we were supposed to feel bad for Dr. Gould here.  Because I have to admit I didn’t.  Because he didn’t do ANYTHING!  In fact, his insistence at keeping Slimer away from the Ghostbusters turned out to be a hindrance, as going against that order was what fixed things.  In fact, I’m actually kinda wondering if he WAS trying to cure them at all.  Maybe I was just reading too much into things, but at certain points in this episode, I got the distinct impression that he was just using the Ghostbusters as guinea pigs, and that he was only interested in using their conditions to become famous within the medical field.  Case in point, this scene when he’s informing a nurse that the Ghostbusters are responding well to his treatments.  Even though it’s glaringly clear that his treatments haven’t done a blessed thing.  All things considered, Dr. Gould really struck me as the sort of doctor who became a doctor for all the wrong reasons.  The kind of doctor who pursued the career out of a desire to make a lot of money and receive the prestige of the profession rather than a desire to actually help people that were in need of healing.  For that reason, I didn’t have a problem with how the Ghostbusters got out of paying the bill Dr. Gould tried to stick them with.  He should just consider himself lucky they didn’t try to sue him for malpractice.
That aside, the plot itself was very interesting.  And it was suitably creepy when the sludge covering the Ghostbusters started sprouting body parts.  I’d go so far to say it was very John Carpenter-ish.  And there’s nothing wrong with that.
(Click here for more Ghostbusters reviews)
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yellowdistress · 5 years
So, my cousin asked me to write this little piece. It’s short. It’s actually slightly based off of the Last of Us (which is what she wanted haha) and she’s one of my favorite people on the planet so I wrote it and sent it to her. She doesn’t have a tumblr, but she told me it was okay to post it. Hope you guys enjoy this irondad Last of Us thingy!
It came from a facility up north. That was what the government had told them.
The startling thing was that everyone ignored it at first. It wasn’t scary. Diseases happened, it was like all of the panic that had followed Ebola, and it had never really even touched the states. But people went on with their daily lives, stepped in and out of existence like none of it mattered, because it didn’t, they were just people, they were people living and getting through the day. 
But then it was Atlanta. The airport.
Los Angeles, New York, Dallas. 
Overseas...Hong Kong, London, Dubai. 
People were dropping like flies, and he supposed that was when things got serious. Doctors started looking for cures, and even The Tony Stark put an effort into curing something so vile. A virus that could  take hold of the most enhanced humans on the planet, turning them into something from old black and white films. Except these did not move at a pace ungodly slow, they sprinted, they held on, they dug their teeth in. But then there was the death that grew up the flesh, into the brain, right at the stem. Tony knew that much. It wasn’t long until the world was consumed by it, people were subject to the horrendous torture. People Tony Stark cared about. People he loved. People he wanted to save, and couldn’t, because he built things, not bodies. Not brains for the rotting ones. So they died. Tony died with them, somewhere along the way.
Survival was key. It gave him something to do, despite wanting to be dead for so long. It involved unsavory things, he supposed, smuggling. But he only shot the assholes along the way. Smuggling was based solely on something he didn’t see, getting food and weapons where it needed to be. Again, purpose. Surviving. Helping others do it, and reach that and get there up and up and up. Tony was dying everyday, but he needed that purpose.
The past few weeks had been spent with a different purpose.
The Immune Boy.
It had started out...weird. A favor, vague and secretive, Natasha had asked him to do it and he had. There was the scar, dug into the boy’s wrist. He needed to be brought to some medical team on the west coast, somewhere, he didn’t know. Tony hadn’t cared at first until he had realized the boy was something different. Something immune, something...otherworldly. It was simple: Get the kid there. To the facility. Keep him alive long enough to find a cure.
Tony hadn’t bothered to call him by his name, until the second week when the kid had been grabbed by some road runners. Not the kind that wanted to steal. Maybe he had known the name before that, but it was more important there, when Peter was covered in the blood of the guy whose head Tony had blown off. After Tony had helped him clean his face. When Peter had been shaking and asking “what happened? Why did they do that?” And Tony hadn’t the heart to tell him why. He already knew Peter had been raised in the safety of his aunt’s school. A place she ran for orphans, but she had died, Peter had been bitten, Nat had found him. It was simplistic and complicated, but Peter had grown up behind the shield of walls. The way not all children were lucky enough to be raised behind now.
Maybe Peter wasn’t lucky, his survival skills were lacking because of those walls.
That was a day ago. Peter hadn’t spoke much, not since Tony had gotten his face cleaned of the blood remnants and the particles of human. Peter hadn’t moved much either, from the little shed they were staying in. One with a barricade at the door, two cots, some canned goods and water. Peter was just sitting there, when Tony had pushed the canteen towards him and he had ordered almost harshly, “Drink.”
“I’m okay...”
“Drink it.”
So Peter did, because he usually listened. Tony watch him open the canteen with trembling hands, face long and sad because he didn’t understand what had happened yesterday, but Tony knew what human traffickers were and what they were capable of. How they were cruel to children like Peter. Of course the kid knew the world was no good, by any means, but his aunt had done a good job keeping him safe. Peter set the drink aside, and looked up at Tony silently through his eyelashes.
“Are we leaving soon?”
“When the rain lets up,” Tony replied bluntly, sitting on the cot opposite to Peter’s. He wrung his hands together, stir crazy. He wanted to move. It was all unsettling. His hands devised a plan to punch their way through walls, through the faces of those men yesterday. Peter pulled the blanket tighter around himself, rain patting the top of the tin roof.
Tony gestured to the water again, “You should keep drinking. You’re pale.”
“I’m okay,” Peter repeated the statement from earlier. Things were difficult. Ever since Peter had watched him shoot those men, he knew Peter didn’t understand. Behind the walls, things were different. Sometimes the military executed, but other times, things were fine. Almost like how it used to be. Behind the walls, that sort of violence the outside world offered didn’t exist the same way. 
Peter paused, then continued, “I didn’t sleep...well. I dreamt about - anyway...I still don’t understand - “
“That’s fine because you don’t need to understand,” Tony said, “Just know it happened. Those dickheads deserved it. End of story.”
“Why were they doing that?”
“Because it’s the real world, kid,” Tony snapped, he didn’t want to talk about it anymore, he wanted Peter to stop asking questions, “Alright? These aren’t the walls, where everything is great and happy, we’re on the open road. People die. A lot of them are murderers and sick assholes who deserve what they get.”
Peter silenced, his mouth snapping shut. He sometimes talked a lot but sometimes didn’t. This was one of the times where Peter looked afraid of him. They were going to have a long journey, many more weeks to come, and so he needed the kid to trust him, but Peter was scared of him. Tony didn’t blame him. Old-Tony would have been the same way with himself now. It wasn’t him...Not really.
“I just...” Peter breathed, “You know, the Corpses? Those are the enemies, and it feels wrong to kill people who are healthy.”
Tony replied, “They teach you that behind the walls so you don’t go rogue on each other. It’s not true out here. Two different things. These guys don’t have remorse, they don’t have rules, there’s no military in the wilderness. Just you and me, and them, and I’m trying to keep you alive.”
Peter pulled the blanket tighter, hunching forward, “I’m sorry...It’s...”
He paused, then finished, “They were humans, you know? Not Corpses.”
Tony breathed deeply, standing to his feet. He stared at Peter, and Peter looked up at him, concern in his eyes as if he thought something bad was about to happen, but Tony’s blood pressure was rising, so maybe it was. He stepped forward, bending into a crouch on his toes, elbows on his knees. Peter stared at him, his hair still wet from when Tony had to basically dunk his head in the creek behind the shed to get the blood off cause the kid could barley move from shock.
He poked Peter’s chest, “You’re human. They weren’t.”
Peter didn’t look like he believed Tony, but then again, he still didn’t really trust him. They had only known each other...not long. Under a month. He then flicked Peter under the chin and the kid looked away with a sort of nod, maybe just to get off the subject, because Tony wasn’t going to drop it. He couldn’t drop it.
“Take a nap. We’re leaving when the rain stops.”
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I’m listening to fall out boy and everything reminds me of soukoku. highlights include:
The bruises on your thighs like my fingerprints And this is supposed to match The darkness that you felt I never meant for you to fix yourself 
Until you die for me, as long as there’s a light my shadow’s over you ‘Cause I, I am the opposite of amnesia
the kids aren’t alright:
I’m not passive but aggressive. Take note it’s not impressive. Empty your sadness like you’re dumping your purse on my bedroom floor We put your curse in reverse. And it’s our time now if you want it to be. Maul the world like a carnival bear set free. And your love is anemic. And I can’t believe that you couldn’t see it coming for me. And I still feel that rush in my veins. It twists my head just a bit too thin. All those people in those old photographs I’ve seen are dead.
fourth of july:
You and I were, you and I were fire.
It was the Fourth of July You and I were, you and I were fire, fire, fireworks That went off too soon And I miss you in the June gloom, too It was the Fourth of July You and I were, you and I were fire, fire, fireworks I said I’d never miss you But I guess you never know May the bridges I have burned light my way back home On the Fourth of July
I’ll be as honest as you let me I miss your early morning company If you get me You are my favorite “what if” You are my best “I’ll never know”
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean any of it I just got too lonely, lonely, whoa In between being young and being right You were my Versailles at night
My 9 to 5 is cutting open old scars Again and again 'til I’m stuck in your head Had my doubts, but I let them out You are the drought And I’m the holy water you have been without
They say we are what we are But we don’t have to be I’m bad behavior but I do it in the best way I’ll be the watcher (watcher) of the eternal flame I’ll be the guard dog of all your fever dreams
I am the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass I try to picture me without you but I can’t
’Cause we could be immortals, immortals Just not for long, for long And live with me forever now
stay frosty royal milk tea:
Some princes don’t become kings Even at the best of times I’m out of my mind You only get what you grieve
The only thing that’s ever stopping me is me I testify if I die in my sleep Then know that my life was just a killer dream
the last of the real ones:
I was just an only child of the universe And then I found you
You were too good to be true Gold plated But what’s inside you But what’s inside you I know this whole damn city thinks it needs you But not as much as I do
Cause you’re the last of a dying breed Write our names in the wet concrete I wonder if your therapist knows everything about me I’m here in search of your glory There’s been a million before me That ultra-kind of love You never walk away from
hold me tight or don’t:
I never really feel a thing I’m just kinda too froze You were the only one That even kinda came close
Another day goes by So hold me tight Hold me tight or don’t this isn’t how our story ends
I got too high again Realized I can’t not be with you Or be just your friend I love you to death but I just can’t I just can’t pretend We were lovers first Confidants but never friends Were we ever friends?
Cause I’m past the limits The distance between us, it sharpens me like a knife
wilson (expensive mistakes):
I was Gonna say something that would solve all our problems But then I got drunk and I forgot what I was talking about
don’t you know There’s nothing more cruel than to be loved by everybody but you
If I can get my shit together I’m gonna run away and never see any of you again Never see any of you again
I hope the roof flies off and I get blown out into space I always make such expensive mistakes I know it’s just a number but you’re the 8th wonder I’ll stop wearing black when they make a darker color
I hate all my friends, I miss the days when I pretended with you I miss the days when I pretended with you, with you
If we hadn’t done this thing, I think I’d be a medicine man So I could get high on my own supply whenever I can I became such a strange shape, such a strange shape from trying to fit in
I love the world but I just don’t love the way it makes me feel Got a few more fake friends And it’s getting hard to know what’s real And if death is the last appointment Then we’re all just sitting in the waiting room I am just a human trying to avoid my certain doom
heaven’s gate:
If there were any more left of me I’d give it to you And I’ll tell you that I am fine But I’m a missile that’s guided to you
Give me a boost over heaven’s gate I’m gonna need a boost 'Cause everything else is a substitute for your love
you’re the one habit I just can’t kick
I’m calling you from the future To let you know we made a mistake And there’s a fog from the past That’s giving me, giving me such a headache
If I can live through this I can do anything
sunshine riptide:
You say “please don’t ever change” But you don’t like me the way I am
The world tried to burn all the mercy out of me But you know I wouldn’t let it It tried to teach me the hard way I can’t forget it
young and menace:
We’ve gone way too fast for way too long And we were never supposed to make it half this far
“Oops! …I Did It Again”, I forgot what I was losing my mind about I only wrote this down to make you press rewind And send a message I was young and a menace Woke up on the wrong side of reality And there’s a madness that’s just coursing right through me
I’m just here flying off the deep end I’m just here to become the best yet I’m just here for the psych assessment I’m just here for the, for the… Fall
bishops knife trick:
I got a feeling inside that I can’t domesticate It doesn’t wanna live in a cage A feeling that I can’t housebreak And I’m yours 'Til the earth starts to crumble and the heavens roll away I’m struggling to exist with you and without you
I’m sifting through the sand, sand, sand, sand Looking through pieces of broken hourglass Trying to get it all back Put it back together As if the time had never passed I know I should walk away, know I should walk away But I just want to let you break my brain And I can’t seem to get a grip No matter how I live with it
Okay that’s all I got! it’s only two albums because I wanna be able to sleep lmao. I’ll probably do the other albums later. thanks for coming to my ted talk
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microsoftedgy69 · 6 years
🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 >:3
u know what? fuck yeah i’ll do all of those
Foo Fighters -- The Pretender
I'm the voice inside your headYou refuse to hearI'm the face that you have to faceMirroring your stareI'm what's leftI'm what's rightI'm the enemyI'm the hand that'll take you downBring you to your kneesSo who are you?
NEED I SAY IT?? this is just dirkhal. it’s the general theme of the song too though, the pretending (duh), the anger, the feeling that you didn’t get what you deserved and you’re done playing along.
Woodkid -- I Love You
Whatever I feel for youYou only seem to care about youIs there any chance you could see me too?Cause I love youIs there anything I could doJust to get some attention from you?In the waves I've lost every trace of youWhere are you?
i put this one on his playlist back when he was still crushing on his timeline jake, which isn’t a thing with him anymore. but it was a thing for a very long time and did shape him a lot as a character, so it stays. years of pining for a guy who doesn’t even see you as a sentient being will do shit to your head man
Muse -- Algorithm
This means warWith your creator
i was full on screaming when this came out sfbsdgh please watch the music video theres TERRY CREWS!!! anyway it barely has lyrics but it’s about an a.i. and those two lines really do say enough don’t they
AWOLNATION -- Kill Your Heroes
I say you kill your heroes andFly, fly, baby don't cryNo need to worry 'causeEverybody will dieEvery day we justGo, go, baby don't goDon't you worry weLove you more than you know
ngl i get perverse satisfaction out of just putting every song with the word “kill” in it on his playlist...... BUT i regard this more as a song about his dave, with the kill your heroes theme. for a long time dave was his hero, and he obsessed over him, and then turned out to be extremely disappointed with him, so this one is about moving on from that and doing his own thing. also “don’t you worry we love you more than you know” makes me tear up sometimes because it’s TRUE he is SO LOVED and i wish it got into his thick skull easier
The National -- Pink Rabbits
It wasn't like a rain, it was more like a seaI didn't ask for this pain, it just came over meWell, I love a storm, but I don't love lightningAll the waters coming up so fast, it's frightening---You didn't see me, I was falling apartI was a television version of a person with a broken heart
mostly i like the general heartachey feel of it, but the mixed feelings about the sea and storms always hit me to fit him, and that line about being the television version of anything also always got to me. he’s one of those kids who learned how to be human through tv, with nobody else around.
Fall Out Boy -- Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea
I think I got too many memories getting in the way of meI'm about to go Tonya Harding on the whole world's kneeAnd I'm stuck, night visionSo stuck night visionBut I come to life, come to lifeSome princes don't become kingsEven at the best times I'm out of my mindYou only get what you grieveAre you smelling that shit?Are you smelling that shit?Eau de résistanceThe only thing that's ever stopping me is me, heyThe only thing that's ever stopping me is me, heyI testify if I die in my sleepThen know that my life was just a killer dream, yeahSeems like the whole damn world went and lost its mindAnd all my childhood heroes have fallen off or died 
I REALIZE THIS IS LIKE HALF THE SONG BUT DAMN!! THE ANGER??? RAW. the tonya harding line is one of my favorite lyrics in all of music but that’s neither here nor there. anyway this is a dirk strider song tbh, but so it works with him too. the frustration, the need to Do Something, the fact that the only person who could ever be in your way is you, You Shithead, and of course the line about childhood heroes. yeah it’s him
Panic! At The Disco -- King Of The Clouds
I don't trust anythingOr anyone, below the sunI don't feel anythingAt all 
it’s mostly in there for those lyrics, because p really does not trust anybody. MAYBE alma mindparkour, but that comes with conditions too. it’s terrible but he’s working through it. also, “heaven knows that i’m born too late / this old world” is just a terrible jab at 25th century kids
Fall Out Boy -- Wilson (Expensive Mistakes)
Don't you, don't you, don't you knowThere's nothing more cruel than to be loved by everybodyThere's nothing more cruel than to be loved by everybody but youThan to be loved by everybody but you, but youIf I can get my shit togetherI'm gonna run away and never see any of you againNever see any of you againI hope the roof flies off and we get blown out into spaceI always make such expensive mistakes---I hate all my friends, I miss the days when I pretended
if you haven’t noticed until now, i never left my emo phase. anyway. dumb heartache after the only motherfucker who ignores you? check. wanting to get away from questionable friends and never seeing them again? check. calling killing dirk an expensive mistake? check sir
P.O.S -- The Kill In Me
And it's gone, wash your hands of thisAnd I know you never lookin' back, don't just stand there, justAnd it's strange, I could accept it, but check itSee, I'm just happy with a piece of youAnd I'm sane in the brain, truth is I'm simmerin' hereSteady lookin' for a bit of hope and I hope that you get itWhen I'm steady comin' for your throat and it's strangeSee it's been dormant and docileBut if you poke a pet too much too longThat shit'll turn hostile---Tucked away in a heart snapped and stripped of it's guardTucked away in a hole carefully picked in the yardSinfully slippin through shades, lickin cries and snivellin'Something so significant dies, who's the beast?Who bears the burden?
another song i could just quote entirely tbh. yeah again i had fun just putting songs about killing in there but man, the raw violence of it, and the part about poking a pet too much. he’s been saying that! if your a.i. wants to kill you maybe you should have been nicer to it. and that last part i think is probably self explanatory. everyday questions for this poor little guy
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fanmaniac · 7 years
King Dice Singing
A DevilDice, DiceCup, Normal fic all smashed up together!
Song used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mq4UT4VnbE
It’s a slow afternoon around the casino. Customers come around night so there wasn’t really anyone hanging out at the casino, so usually around this time the employees had free time to play a couple games themselves.
“Black Jack!” Cuphead exclaims.
“Way to go bro!” his brother Mugman cheers.
“Again? Really?!” King Dice slams his cards down. That was the 21st time in a row and that can’t just be pure luck.
“I swear if I hear you made a deal with another demon…” the Devil growls.
“Ah don’t blame me for having actual skills.” Cuphead smugly said leaning back in his chair.
That really got the Devil fired up.
Cuphead and the Devil then went back and forth in a heated fight about what are “actual skills” and poor Mugman was trying to break it up. King Dice just ignores their immature bickering and starts shuffling up the cards. He starts humming an old jazz tune.
“Hey Dice….why do ya always hum?” Mugman spoke up trying to distract the two from fighting. Everyone already quieted down to listen to the humming.
“Eh I just like the sound of my own voice.” He responded nonchalantly.
He honestly never really thought about it before. He always hums. He hums to himself, hums while gambling, hums while working on paperwork…
“If ya like it so much how ‘bout you sing?” the Devil suggest with a mischievous smile.
“Yeah! Sing for us, I’m getting tired of winning to ol’ furball here” Cuphead snickers.
If he doesn’t stop everyone knows that all hell will break loose.
“Please…” Mugman barely says above a whisper as he shrank back. There’s fire in the Devil’s eyes and looks like he’s gonna blow.
“Alright fellas I’ll sing for ya. I haven’t had an audience in ‘while.” He stands up and straightens himself before heading to the stage.
The stage is for the casino’s own jazz band. It was an instant smash hit with the customers.  
Of course it was, he did lead the band after all.
He learned from his pop. But he himself never actually sung before; his ol pop was a jazz singer himself but…that was a long time ago.
He still remembers some of his pop’s songs. A good ol’ classic should do.
When he makes it to the center of the stage, he clears out his throat and hope for the best.
“Hey folks, here’s a story ‘bout Minnie the Moocher~”
Everyone knew that song. Even the boys smiled from the nostalgia.
“She was a red-hot hoochie-coocher,
She was the roughest, toughest frail
But Minnie had a heart as big as a whale~
Hi dee hi dee hi dee ho!”
The guys join in.
(Hi dee hi dee hi dee ho!)
Even the devil couldn’t help but smile. Cuphead was trying to hold back a giggle himself.
Some customers came in and sat down near the stage when they heard the singing. Then band slowly join in with the singing.
King Dice decided to tease them with a little dance. Getting low and swaying this way and that, as he waves his arms as though they had a mind of their own. No one in the whole audience can take their eyes off of him.
The whole room starts hooting and hollering and whistling.
And loudest ones came from the devil. Dear Lort what did he do to deserve a guy like Dice? That vibrating baritone that you feel in your chest, and the way he hits those notes.That voice can bring angels to their feet.
Meanwhile, Cuphead just was in absolute awe. He never thought King Dice’s voice could be this good. It was just majestic, elegant, loud, proud it was…King Dice.Honestly a blush was forming.
King Dice felt nostalgic. A full house, the band swinging, the hoots and hollers littered throughout the show reminded of way back then.
He was a waiter at the Cotton Club where his dad worked and every night he would see his dad perform. Everyone loved him, they just couldn’t get enough of him. He being the lucky son of the star, got special privileges like going backstage and hanging out with the band and they even taught him how to play their instruments.
Everybody went on and on about how lucky he was to be his son. And how lucky he was. He would stay up after a long show to tuck him in, read him stories with that funny voice he used, and when he grew up, he would talk to him between breaks at work. He knew he loved him to bits.
And he loved his pop to bits too.
“Poor Min, Poor Min, Poor Min~” he bows as he wails out the last note.
The whole house stood up and erupted with applause. King Dice didn’t even see the house was really packed. They seem to really love him, and thoroughly enjoyed it.
The dice-head gets off the stage walks over to the table where the fellas are at and sees poor Cuphead flabbergasted, his mouth hanging and his eyes blown wide open.
Dice lifts a finger,“Close your mouth, you’re going to get flies in there~” and closes Cup’s mouth.
“Dicey! Why didn’t you tell me you had a voice of gold?” The devil patted Dice on the back.
Dice only smugly reply with “You never asked~.”
He was glad that the fellas liked his singing. He was…ecstatic even. He was…
“Dice?! What’s wrong?” Mugman notice tears welling up in King Dice’s eyes. Everyone at the table turned to look.
“Nothing, nothing just… being up on stage reminds me about my pops and it’s been a long while since I-”
A tear or two drops down and spots his suit up but he uses his handkerchief to wipe his face.
He sighs,“Since I last thought about him”.
Suddenly, he felt someone grabbing his leg.
He looked down to see Cuphead hugging his leg tightly.
Then Mugman on the other.
Then a hug from the side from the devil himself.  
King Dice sigh, shakes his head then smiles a genuine smile.
‘These idiots are going to get my clothes all wrinkled’
His hugs them back just this once. He really needed it.
After the hug party was over, the Devil announces his plans.
“Ho ho ho We’re definitely having you perform from now on”
“Boss, I possibly can’t. I have to do too much work to do around here-”
“Your workload will be lighter. Hire as many  employees you need.”
“Dice! Nothing you can do will stop you from going up on that stage. The crowd loved you! And think about how many customers this will attract; business will go through the roof!”
That and he wants to hear Dice sing again but he won’t tell him that part.
“By golly you’d knock them dead out there!” Cuphead chipped in.
“You really think I was that good?” he asked the little cup.
“Good? You were tremendous! I gamble all my money to hear your voice again.” Cuphead said with enthusiasm. Mugman nodded in agreement with his brother.
He patted Cuphead on the head.
“Ya know that’s all the courage I need to do this. Thanks little cup.” He watches as Cuphead’s face grow red.
“Does that mean-” he said too excitedly “I mean… you’ll do it?” the horned demon asks.
“Of course~ Since I know you’re dying to hear my lovely voice again.”
Thank everything unholy that his fur cover up his blush.
 Later in the dressing room that evening, King Dice was preparing himself for tonight’s show.
Everything was ready to go. Everything was perfect. Everything was just fine. So why is he pacing back and forth around the room?
Normal stage fright? Sure but… it was never like this.
‘What if I hit a sour note?’ I haven’t sang in a long time. ‘What if the audience hates me? I’m not exactly a crowd favorite here…’ He peeked at the audience and saw that at least half the crowd were well known debtors. He can get through that but what he’s mostly worried about is…
‘What if I cry on stage?’
He barely has his head above the sea of doubt and the thoughts are like the monsters, hiding just beneath the surface ready to drag him down into the abyss.
His thoughts are interrupted by 6 knocks on the door. Must be the fuzzball himself with his signature knock.
“Heya Dicey! We came by to wish ya good luck.” the Devil greets.
“Who’s we?” Dice looks around.
Cuphead steps into view. He’s holding something behind his back.
“What ya got there little cup?” King Dice kneels down and asks curiously.
“A good luck charm” he said avoiding his eyes. He holds out a little red poker chip keychain.
King Dice picks it up and looks at it for awhile.
‘He doesn’t like it? Man I knew I should of got the-’
“Aww Cup, even though it’s an ugly color…”
‘You ungrateful little-’
“I love it. Thank You for thinking of me” he smiles and puts the keychain in his coat pocket.
Cuphead’s face was as red as his shorts. He rushes out with a quick “You’re welcome” and high tails out of there.
‘Gosh that cup is cute.’
The two remaining in the room just chuckle and move to sit down at the vanity. “Dice, I know what happened to your pop.” the Devil said his voice sad. King Dice isn’t even surprised to to hear that, he expected that he knew everything. “He was a great guy my pop. The best there ever was” he said with a heavy voice. “You are too and don’t ever forget that.” the Devil pats his shoulder. He really appreciates that his boss cares about him. “Aww boss, what made ya ever think that I didn’t know that?” “Nothing. But I can’t have my right hand man running off stage now.” “Oh? You thought that I would abandon my audience?” he puts a hand over his heart, offended. “I bet that you’ll run off before halfway through the show.” The Devil said showing his signature smile. “I bet that you’ll be in tears halfway through the show~” King Dice says right back. “Whoever wins get the remote for a week~” “Deal~” After shaking hands, the Devil walks out of the dressing room, hoping that this is will be one bet that he does lose. As soon as he closes the door King Dice heads right out to the stage. He stops and tells the stagehand to bring the sax out and bring tissues for the audience. He’s gonna make some people cry tonight.
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distrustnbetrayal · 7 years
Fall Out Boy - M A N I A Sentence Starters PRT 2
Wilson (Expensive Mistakes)
Gonna say something that would solve all our problems, but then I got drunk and I forgot what I was talking about.
There's nothing more cruel than to be loved by everybody but you.
I'm gonna run away and never see any of you again.
I hope the roof flies off and I get blown out into space!
I always make such expensive mistakes...
I'll stop wearing black when they make a darker color..!
Woke up on the wrong side of the paradise.
I really mean I didn't plan on showing up at all.
I hate all my friends, I miss the days when I pretended with you.
I became such a strange shape, such a strange shape from trying to fit in 
If you were church, I'd get on my knees.
I love the world but I just don't love the way it makes me feel.
Got a few more fake friends and it's getting hard to know what's real.
If death is the last appointment then we're all just sitting in the waiting room.
I am just a human trying to avoid my certain doom.
Heaven’s Gate
If there were any more left of me I'd give it to you and I'll tell you that I am fine.
In the end, if I don't make it on the list would you sneak me a wristband? 
I got dreams of my own, but I want to make yours come true.
Sunshine Riptide
The world tried to burn all the mercy out of me but you know I wouldn't let it.
It tried to teach me the hard way---
The pills are kicking in...
I am just playing house---
No idea what I'm doing now.
The pressure's getting to me-- it's time to throw in the towel.
Ain't no slowing down, no I keep it rolling now.
Smoking in my fucking ride. Passing it to my fucking guys. 
I love you so much--- it's just like oxygen and it's going through my head.
Bishop Knife Trick
This is my pity party.
I'm just a full tank away from freedom.
These are the last blues we're ever gonna have.
The glow of the cities below lead us back to the places that we never should have left.
It doesn't wanna live in a cage...
I'm struggling to exist with you and without you---
I should walk away but I just want to let you break my brain.
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shark-myths · 7 years
4. wilson (expensive mistakes)
part 4 of shark-myth’s mania meta series
so even though there are a few posts of preliminary screaming about this song already (here and here), I haven’t done a proper crawl through the lyrics yet! hold onto your butts, kids. here we go.
Wilson is named for the volleyball in Castaway who is Tom Hanks’ best friend and sole companion as he sloooowly sinks into madness. The bond is imaginary, created entirely in Hanks’ head out of his desperation. There is no hope of the relationship ever being reciprocal—Wilson, by definition, cannot participate in it the way Hanks would want him to. Isn’t that an interesting choice of dynamics to frame this particular song with? ISN’T IT. The initial assumption I made on was that Pete was the Castaway (Pete with his endless endless ENDLESS way down south stuff, Pete with his introducing the song as ‘this is about the person you want to run away to a desert island with’). but later, when we get the video, that perspective shifts: it is Patrick holding the volleyball, Patrick from whom Wilson is violently ripped away in the Beyond the Video.
Tumblr media
pair that with the soundplay-over-wordplay quality of certain verses of this song and the mentions of being drunk (which as quite rare in the FOB discography, but quite plentiful in the solo Stump discography), and I think Patrick had more of a hand in writing these lyrics than usual. (oh my god I promise that was an ACCIDENTAL youngblood pun.) I think that there is some sharing of voice, here: some of these verses are from Pete’s perspective, and some of them are from Patrick’s. sonically and thematically, as I have argued before, I anchor this song firmly in the 09 era, around the time of I Don’t Care (this song’s twin, I think) and the hiatus.
the song opens immediately with some classic p. steezy lyrical markers: stutter-singing and emphasis/rhyme by repetition.
 I was I was I was I was Gonna say something that would solve all our problems But then I got drunk and I forgot what I was talking about I forgot what I was talking about
If the lyric was got high, I’d think Pete wrote it. But it’s not, and I think this bit is Patrick. It’s the feeling of being the one with the power to say the one thing that would fix it all, but losing your nerve, or fucking up your intention. What could Patrick have said in 2009 that would have fixed every problem faced by the band, by he and Pete in particular? here you are in shark-myth’s creepy museum of queer conspiracy, so I think you know what I’m going to say. I love you. Patrick could have said Pete, I love you too.
and god. wasn’t it a mistake, not to? didn’t it cost them—everything?
Don't you, don't you, don't you know
There's nothing more cruel than to be loved by everybody
There's nothing more cruel than to be loved by everybody but you
Than to be loved by everybody but you, but you
this verse is pure Pete. Pete Wentz, adored and loathed in equal parts, jumping his own fucking shark in 2009, a media mogul and a reality star and our punching bag and our golden son all at once. (aside: even in their February 2018 interview in UPSET magazine, Pete still expressed that he’d rather be hated than ignored. this explains so much about pete wentz.) And all he fucking wants is for Patrick to love him, and he can make the rest of the world hang on his every word, and it doesn’t mean a fucking thing to him. Patrick is what he wants, what he can’t have. and it’s so fucking cruel.
If I could get my shit together I'm gonna run away and never see any of you again Never see any of you again
This is pure way-down-south escapism. I’ve got a whole post about it, linked above, if you want to hear more about that. It’s very consistent with 2009, and fits well as a line of thinking that preluded the hiatus.
I hope the roof flies off and I get blown out into space I always make such expensive mistakes I know it's just a number but you're my 8th wonder I'll stop wearing black when they make a darker color
This verse is definitely Pete’s voice. We’ve got the pop culture Wes Anderson quote, the pop culture Addams Family quote, and the sharp, clever wordplay to prove it. Pete loves Wes Anderson, and very specifically, this quote from Moonrise Kingdom is pulled from a movie about two oddball kids against the rest of the world who decide to run away from their mundane, misunderstood lives in the name of their true love. their love and relationship is very underdeveloped in the film, very adolescent, very becoming; it serves as an echo and an amplifier of each kid’s sense of not fitting in, of isolation. They choose each other as the miracle solution, the cure, to that isolation; an adult looking at their escape plan sees the futility of it: running away with someone else, someone who is totally untested in love, someone you have made into this huge lifechanging idol in your head but you don’t know very well in real life? they’re going to disappoint you. you’re going to get to mexico and you’re going to find yourself, and all your shitty feels, right there. You have to find a way to fit into your own life before you can fit there comfortably with anyone else. The movie is a good one, and it hits every fucking note for me when we layer it in next to pre-hiatus Peterick and the choice of the Wilson/Chuck Noland relationship as the title of this song.
‘I know it’s just a number’ evokes the weird fixation on math and accounting that some of their lyrics have had through the years, which I will write on someday when I sort out my thoughts about it. I like here too the acknowledgment of artifice; we get it again in TLOTRO, with ‘tell me I’m the only one, even if it’s not true.’ Words and symbols, endearments and declarations, we choose those: we wear them. They do not reflect a true quality. They reflect choices. Pete’s saying, listen, this doesn’t have to mean anything to you, but it means a lot to me; you are the most wonderful thing in the world to me. There’s the great pyramid, there’s the hanging garden of Babylon, there’s the temple of Artemis, and there’s you: Patrick fucking Stump of the golden heart and marble thighs. Which. Fucking same.
The Wednesday Addams quote is of course a fucking delight. It says ‘I’m intense, I’m overwrought, I don’t give a fuck. I’m only ever going to double down. I will never back off. I don’t care if you think I’m ridiculous, I am too much, and I always will be.’ I treasure this line. I sing it to my cat like, several times every day (which i understand is the normal amount)
On the wrong side of p-p-paradise And when I say I'm sorry I'm late, I wasn't showing up at all I really mean I didn't plan on showing up at all
The first line here ties well to Y&M—I woke up on the wrong side of reality—and I love the way it highlights the gap between what we say, for the sake of social lubricant, and what we really mean. Pete and Patrick are both self-identified hermits—Patrick has been speaking a lot lately about his horror of interacting with others, and Pete has said that his main goal on any given day is to speak to as few people as possible — so this line could really be either of them.
Don't you, don't you, don't you know I hate all my friends, I miss the days when I pretended I hate all my friends, I miss the days when I pretended with you I miss the days when I pretended with you, with you
 Uses of Pretend in Fall Out Boy Relevant History:
the whole song The End of Pretend, written by Pete during the hiatus
"Pretend you don’t remember,” written by Patrick during the hiatus
“Don’t pretend you ever forgot about me”
“I’m outside the door, invite me in, so we can go back and play pretend”
“But I can’t just pretend we weren’t lovers first”
‘I hate all my friends’ is a good time-anchor too. We have the friends who only like you for your hotel suites, we have the making a few more fake friends, we have pete’s endless blog posts about fake people who don’t really care about him—this mentality is very, very indicative of pre-hiatus Pete, especially during his disillusionment in the Sell Out Era, when he moves from ‘the world’s not waiting for five tired boys in a broken down van/these friends are golden’ to a much more cynical ‘sham friends/friends just because we move units/we’re only good because you can have almost famous friends/these friends, they don’t love you/I’ve got a lot of friends…who are just black holes/my friends all lie and say they only want the best wishes from me’ perspective.
If we hadn't done this thing I think I'd be a medicine man So I could get high on my own supply whenever I can I became such a strange shape, such a strange shape From trying to fit in
THIS BIT HERE! This is SO GOOD! The song really shifts all of a sudden at the end. Pete has described himself of this era as a drugstore cowboy, and speaks very openly (especially in this amazing interview with playboy that will make you fucking weep, I need to own this magazine, yes for the articles, and in post-divorce articles about his mental state at that time) about his misuse of prescriptions during that time. so this is pretty obvious: if they hadn’t done the band, if they hadn’t somehow made it work, the only kind of future he can see for himself is dealing some kind of artificial high and keeping himself medicated, insulated, high above all the rest. Interesting, the lyrics say my own supply, but the actual track says our own supply. That shifts the content for me, a little: it makes it more about a collaborative magic that he makes with someone else. It brings me squarely right to the drug use peterick metaphors, the way Pete has written about Patrick as a drug and a high for so many years.
Finally, I love more than anything this line: ‘I became such a strange shape from trying to fit in.’ This, here in the strange tone-shift of the last verse, takes a step back. This is present-day Pete looking back at himself, the way he became contorted and wracked from trying to please everyone. He’s looking at the Pete who ran away from Chicago and floundered in the neon emptiness of LA, getting drunk and photographed and letting his body be used as a dramatic set piece in the flashbulb frenzy of up-and-coming starlets. He’s looking at the Pete who sold himself cheaply, because he knew he wasn’t worth much. He’s looking at the weirdo behind the awkward tragedy of Fresh Only Bakery, the Pete who bit off his own tongue so he never again had to hear himself speak. ARE YOU CRYING YET? I AM. But the line isn’t just sadness: because it shows us, now, the solid ground that present-day Pete is standing on. The distance he now has from his former life as a demolition derby heart. It shows us how well he knows himself, and what he needs, and what he is newly capable of giving.
Love you guys! more MANIA meta soon, and keep your eyes peeled from some v day peterick on wednesday 💘 💘 💘 part 0
part 1
part 2
part 3
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padawanlost · 7 years
I need an au where Anakin quits the Order by yelling slightly re-interpreted parts of FOB’s latest song “Expensive Mistakes” at them -
[the Council, denying him recognition as a Master] [Anakin, justifiably angry]: This is outrageous! It’s unfair. Don’t you know there’s nothing more cruel than to be loved by everybody but you? If I can get my shit together, I’m gonna run away and never see any of you again!
[Yoda, and his horrible, “mourn them do not, miss them do not” garbage] [Anakin]: I hope the roof flies off and you get blown out into space.
[the Council, lectures him on crashing a ship or whatever else] [Anakin]: I always make such expensive mistakes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[Obi-Wan, coms him when he’s at home trying to spend time with his wife because there’s an emergency meeting.] [Anakin, rumpled and annoyed]: When I say I’m sorry I’m late, I wasn’t showing up at all, I really mean I didn’t plan on showing up at all.
[Anakin, to Padme]: I hate all my friends. I miss the days when I pretended with you. Let’s run away and never see any of them again.
[Anakin, to the Council]: I became such a strange shape from trying to fit in. I hope the roof flies off and you get sucked up into space…I’ll stop wearing black when they make a darker color. [flourishes attractively, quits, exits the building, takes his beautiful wife and gets the hell off of Coruscant, they can deal with the mess, this boy is out.]
(I’m sorry this is such crack but somehow it’s what I immediately thought of when I heard those parts of it.)
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fandombandblog · 6 years
Wilson (Expensive Mistake) - Fall Out Boy Rewritten
I thought I was Gonna say something that would solve all our problems But then I got drunk and I forgot what I was talking about Drank too much and the thoughts all flowed out. Then I though, don't you know There's nothing more cool than to be loved by everybody But nothing more cruel than to be loved by everybody but you When you’re loved but don’t know what to do, with you. If I can get my shit together I'm gonna run away and never see any of you again Done feeling like a means to an end.
I hope the roof flies off and I get blown out into space I always make such expensive mistakes I know it's just a number but you're the 8th wonder I'll stop wearing black when they make a darker color
Woke up on the wrong side of the paradise So when I say I'm sorry I'm late I wasn't showing up at all That’s why I didn’t answer all the calls. I was thinking, don't you know I hate all my friends, and I wish the friendships ended But now and again I miss the days when I pretended with you But I guess all the pretending is through.  Us too. If I can get my shit together I'm gonna run away and never see any of you again Done feeling like a means to an end.
I hope the roof flies off and I get blown out into space I always make such expensive mistakes I know it's just a number but you're the 8th wonder I'll stop wearing black when they make a darker color.
If we hadn't done this thing, I think I'd be a medicine man So I could get high on my own supply whenever I can And I became such a strange shape, not quite the same from trying to fit in Sick of smiles that became fake, walking away. 
I hope the roof flies off and I get blown out into space I always make such expensive mistakes I know it's just a number but you're the 8th wonder I'll stop wearing black when they make a darker color Whoa, whoa, whoa When they make a darker color.
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keprambles · 7 years
Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) -by Fall Out Boy (I have never related to every song by a band as much as I do with literally every Fall Out Boy song ever made. Also this music video is hilarious, 10/10) I was gonna say something that would solve all our problems, but then I got drunk and I forgot what I was talking about. I forgot what I was talking about. And don’t you know that there’s nothing more cruel than to be loved by everybody. There’s nothing more cruel than to be loved by everybody but you. Then to be loved by everybody but you. But you.
If I can get my shit together, I’m gonna run away and never see any of you again! Never see any of you again.
I hope the roof flies off and we get blown out into space! I always make such expensive mistakes. I know it’s just a number but you’re the 8th wonder. I’ll stop wearing black when they make a darker color. When they make a darker color. I’ll stop wearing black when they make a darker color.
Woke up on the wrong side of the paradise so when I say, “I’m sorry I’m late.” I wasn’t showing up at all. I really mean, “I didn’t plan on showing up at all.” Don’t you know? I hate all my friends and I miss the days when I pretended- I hate all my friends, I miss the days when I pretended with you. I miss the days when I pretended with you. With you.  If I can get my shit together, I’m gonna run away and never see any of you again! Never see any of you again. I hope the roof flies off and we get blown out into space! I always make such expensive mistakes. I know it’s just a number but you’re the 8th wonder. I’ll stop wearing black when they make a darker color. When they make a darker color. I’ll stop wearing black when they make a darker color.
If we hadn’t done this thing I think I’d be a medicine man so I could get high on our own supply, whenever I can. I became such a strange shape, such a strange shape From trying to fit in, yeah. I became such a strange shape, such a strange shape... I hope the roof flies off and I get blown out into space! I always make such expensive mistakes. I know it’s just a number but you’re the 8th wonder. I’ll stop wearing black when they make a darker color. When they make a darker color. I’ll stop wearing black when they make a darker color. I’ll stop wearing black when they make a darker color. :)
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