caughtonwebcam · 1 year
these edibles ain’t shi—
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ihamtmus · 2 months
it's weird how jhope is Right There and he's like the Most Talented Person but some armys just. don't see him. should be studied
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butwhatifidothis · 1 year
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bl stans are sooo much stronger than me bc if someone said something so blatantly and heinously wrong about my faves like this i’d snap. like i’m so serious this would send me straight into my joker arc
(guess you accidentally put it in twice lol rip)
I'm not gonna address any kind of defense for Not Just Kills But Murders OP, we all know that the original tweet was silly. The fastest way to spot a clown is the funny clown nose and wig, but another, more subtle way is to watch if they've ever tried to make NJKBM anything but the accidental joke that it is.
But I kinda wanna actually talk about the Fleche one a bit, because there is such a weird amount of going-to-bat for her and Randolph that's actually kinda baffling.
Fleche and Randolph are bit characters. They barely even are characters. They are devices the writers put into the story so that specifically AM and specifically Dimitri benefit from what they give, which is a solidification of the message that letting vengeance be your one driving force will lead to your end. They are completely irrelevant to all other parts of the game, with Fleche even being completely absent in half of the routes save for one mention of her name as Randolph is literally dying. She loved Randolph so much that she was willing to kill Dimitri to avenge him, but apparently not enough to kill Seteth or Claude for doing literally the same thing.
Except, hey, wait a hingly-dingly minute there, that's not right. Seteth and Claude can only potentially be the ones to kill Randolph in their respective routes, while Dimitri is literally the only one hard-confirmed to not be the one to kill Randolph. Byleth does. They kill him. But Fleche still singles out Dimitri as to one to kill him - not threaten to torture like is the case, but to kill him outright. She calls Dimitri a monster, she hates Dimitri with all she has, she'll never forgive Dimitri, while not giving a single shit about Byleth despite them being the one to kill Randolph. She doesn't give a single shit about the multitude of other people that could have potentially killed Randolph in SS or VW.
Hell, it's not even clear how she knew about Randolph's death, only that she knew that a "monster" (aka Dimitri) was in the ranks of the army in AM, so it looks like she kinda just assumes "the monster" killed her brother without having any actual knowledge on who did what. And even giving the benefit of the doubt in that "well Dimitri MADE Byleth kill Randolph so same difference," that still doesn't explain Fleche's radio silence in the other two routes this can happen in. And still doesn't actually explain why Byleth wouldn't just be lumped in the vengeance quest for, like, still being the one to actually kill her brother outright?
Because we as players aren't meant to really care that much about her - she and Randolph are given no point in the story other than showing off to Dimitri why his quest for revenge is Cringe And Not Based like he thinks it is. They are literally meant to show off why Dimitri's misguided quest for vengeance is dangerous and unfulfilling, which is why when Fleche stabs and kills Rodrigue Dimitri comes to his senses and rejects vengeance as a motivation. That is all Fleche and Randolph do.
(we ignore the "Edelgard did nothing to Dimitri" lie - because at this point they've got to just be outright lying to cope - we know it's not true and we move on from it)
They are given no focus whatsoever on any other route because it is AM where their one, singular purpose is found. Even on CF, the route where you can actually talk to them, at best Randolph is given one cutscene where he dies and makes Edelgard Sadge before she immediately gets over it and moves on never to mention or think about Randolph ever again. And Fleche does literally nothing - she just stands there for the rest of the game as a lump on a log. So seeing multiple people saying "Fleche wasn't allowed vengeance when Dimitri was!" when Dimitri literally isn't allowed vengeance and always dies should he continue to strive for it is just weird. They're, again, trying to go to bat for two bit characters that are solely meant to encapsulate the opposite of what the batters are saying lmao
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euphor1a · 2 years
heyyyy, ive been meaning to ask you this but idk why i didn't until now🙃, lol anw since you posted that anon hour thingie im just gonna ask: which kpop idol is *actually* your type?? fr who would you date irl👁️👄👁️
your stan list is hefty(lol i check your carrd randomly sometimes it's so pretty)so im v curious
Ahhhh interesting question 😳!! I have never really thought about it, but y’know, sometimes (more than sometimes tbh) I’m watching a video and someone does something and internally I’m just going “hmm I think I’d actually date this guy” or “damn I think I’m in love is he maybe looking for a wife or something” 🧍🏽‍♀️
Skshksjk anyway, I made a whole ass list. Because yes. You might find it suprising at some points but not really... idk 🤡
bts: hobi (... he’s so hubby material it huRTS 😭! have you ever noticed how fucking caring and understanding this man is? and the way he’s so passionate? he’s so attractive 😔 also his vibe is top tier I LOVE IT SM GAHHHH >.< it’s like an instant mood lifter) + jk (pretty sure no one is surprised that i’m picking him, but 🥺 he’s so boyfriend shaped 🥺, and god, i can’t explain in short but i adore everything about him to bits ☹️, you can go through my tag for him and see the embarrassing ass posts i make about him if you wanna know more. PLS DON’T ACTUALLY, DO YOURSELF A FAVOR)
txt: binnie (i’m aware that i rarely scream about him so let me just— OH MY GOD CHOI SOOBIN IS LITERALLY MY IDEAL TYPE 😭?? i love quiet and shy people who are actually unhinged once they get comfortable, because guess what i’m exactly the same 🤠! we can be introverted clowns together and i’d love him so bad 🤧! i’ll probably be whiny and pouty all the time and i just know that he’s the type of boyfriend who pouts back and then kisses you. KICKING MY FEET WHY DID I IMAGINE THAT FUCJNSSS)
svt: gyu (the male-wife agenda is real you guys 😔!!! he’s a soft giant™ type of guy :( also his vibe??? idk bro something about enfjs 🥲, i feel so drawn to whatever he does. and he’s really fucking tall and buff, which are such a BONUS, because for some reason i really like the thought of being carried around in the house, especially if i’m tired or sleepy. so yeah. would climb 10/10. cuddles for life. size kink go brrrr. big boobs so i can hide from all the scary things in his chest. also i love him so very much and it hurts. ok that is enough simping) + dino (ah... love me a guy who can make me laugh to the point i feel like i’m gonna die because i haven’t breathed in the past 40 seconds. another enfj too :') i just know i’d be the happiest girl on earth with him. he’s so attractive??? and his personality??? and when he laughs???? and he’s so honest about how he feels :( *falls in love and breaks a limb*) + cheol (look me in the eye and tell me that he isn’t TOP TIER HUSBAND MATERIAL. i. dare. you. if he cares about you, you’re gonna be his top priority and i stan that shit so hard. he actually makes me feel like a 14 y/o who has developed a crush on someone for the first time 😭)
enha: park jongseong (🛐🛐🛐 he regularly makes my expectations for a partner reach new heights and i’m not exactly a fan of it. LIKE??? DUDE DON’T DO THAT I’M GONNA DIE SINGLE🧍🏽‍♀️??? ugh god he’s so :((( totally the type to hug you from the back as a surprise and then kiss any bare skin he can find in your shoulder/neck area. also, the type to bury his nose there and inhale your scent because he associates you with home— NOW TELL ME WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF 😭😭😭😭)
&team: kei (the irl disney prince i deserve!!! 🥺 throughout &audition he tightened his grip around my heart so badly... i legit get heart flutters whenever he appears on screen. he’s so exceptionally thoughtful and caring 😭, and his energy is so intoxicating! i love it, it makes me smile all the time! can’t wait for his debut 🥺)
skz: chan (do i really need to explain?? this man makes me feel such a wide range of emotions. a big heart with a big... nose and so goddamn boyfriend??? i love him. and ngl, it feels like he walked straight out of a romance webtoon. chan is very supportive of everyone too, it’s kinda crazy? i adore him 😞)
atz: yunho (this guy... i’d commit arson for him. he’s my honeybun, sugarplum, cuppycake, gumdrop etc. etc. you get it 🥺🤧😭!! i love him so much fuck i know i’m repeating the same shit over and over for everyone but yunho is so precious oh my god 😭!! soft boyfie :(( my heart aches for him, and!! yes i do the cooking, yes i do the cleaning 🤠👏🏼 *is that enough for a ring?*)
— “ anon hour ☁️ ” + send me an ask!
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plan-d-to-i · 2 years
What in the devil is with these anons? StOp BeInG rUdE tO JC
LeT uS eXpLoRE WaNgXiAn sEx DynAmIcS
Sorry, did anyone of these people dox you to make you do that? Did they point a gun at you? I don't think so.
We want to dislike JC? We will, we don't need Freudian or philosophical speeches about philosophy of morals. He's an asshole, whiny, childish despite being a full grown up man who like a teenager in a rebellious phase can't see what he has under his nose and his anger issues are not even endearing, and always ALWAYS looks just in the past (in a really unhealthy unproductive way), we don't need Socrates or Kantian moralistic here.
And why all so protective/offended about WangXian sex? The first time they had was PURELY consensual. I readed the chapter, I know what I'm saying. The non-con kiss is a bit of a grey area here, I too believe it, LWJ shouldn't have done that but I don't think he was proud of it as well, given the later reaction of frustration and anger. And flash news: LWJ did it on an act of impulse, as far I could comprehend at least. LWJ is not a cunning manipulator with all the schemes and wits just to get the guy who he simps for, he was a complete M E S S with feelings. Nothing to see here, nothing new or unheard. The perfect student (later Simp 1) who struggles with his crush with the class clown (later husband and Simp Of Simp 1, Simp 2). At the incense burner thing, again, it was A DREAM. The manifestation of a subconscious thing, which evidently AGAIN LWJ wasn't proud of, because man can't control dreams. LWJ never, NEVER, acted upon these impulses in the Cloud Recess.
BuT ThEy CaNnoT LiVe WiThOuT cOnFlIcT, iS JuSt BoRInG
Guess what: THEY HAD CONFLICT FOR A GOOD PART OF THE INTERACTION IN THE FIRST LIFE! Happy? No? Just because there's no Beatiful or any soap opera kind of trope, cheating or heavy angst does not mean "unisteresting", it just means they solved every kind of misunderstanding they had! They want to be silly, cuddle and stay together, because guess what? People want peace. They had: a war, a literal massacre and death, solve a mistery of an zombie arm, Xue Yang and the whole situation leading Guayin Temple. You had your whole share of angst, and still want a "ROBERTO, PORQUE?!" situation?
BuT JYL wAs-
WHO THE HELL CARES ABOUT HER! The times she appears can be counted in less than ten fingers, and in all of them was useful like a koala that fell off a tree. She was plain, a plain girl who simply lived her life simply. The narrative says so, her actions say so. Think of all the scenarios you want, they cannot be nor proven nor perceived.
You can do all the "buts", "ifs" and "maybes" you want, they are just in your imagination and will stay there, because guess what again: YOU. DON'T HAVE. THE DAMN. PROOF. You don't have passages, pages, and are following the wrong adaptation (CQL, donghua). They are and will remain your doubts and theories, but nothing that can be proven.
Sorry for throwing up all of these frustrations, but seriously I can't believe these stans want me to metaphorically read philosophical and psychology essays to have a point to hate a character or ship something, I'm here to ship two husbands together while the two are solving a big mystery not trying to graduate on the said two subjects. I won't chill, no. Unless those anons don't chill, and go to their spaces and do their own threads and things. Sorry for boring you sjsjsjnsbssn.
go off anon! (ノ°∀°)ノ⌒・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*☆
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springday-aus · 3 years
Hockey Player!AU with Mark
moodboard link
Group: NCT
Member: Mark Lee 
Genre: fluff, romance 
Additionally: college!au
Type: Bulletpoint AU
Word Count: approx. 2.3k 
→ Inspired by NCT U’s 90s Love! 
I’m gonna be completely honest: I don’t know shit about hockey so apologizes in advance
Mark is a left-winger for the team
he plays for his university’s team and they’re actually pretty good
within the three-ish years that he’s been on the team, they’ve won a couple of championships
it’s not really hard considering that Mark takes everything too seriously
(at least that’s what Donghyuk says during practice all the time)
Johnny somewhere: “okay Mark”
Yuta: “let’s not overreact Mark”
Taeyong: “leave my son alone”
Mark: “I’m a grown adult…”
Taeyong: “shhh”
since he used to play for his team back in hometown, he naturally joined the university’s team
he was a natural and everyone easily took a liking to him
especially since now they have someone to make fun of constantly
by they, I literally mean just Donghyuk
I’m just kidding—it’s all in good fun because it just shows how close they are
Mark is just that one college kid that’s still cute even when he’s not a freshman anymore
the other team members still treat him like the youngest even though YangYang and Sungchan are like
👁👄👁 hello ?
speaking of which, their teamwork is incredible and it shows through their games
and, on the rare occasions that they don’t win, they still have dinner together afterwards
well, it’s less of dinner and more of drinks and strategizing what went wrong—which are kind of depressing but it’s fine
at least that’s what Sicheng says as captain, but it sounds like denial
anyways, even though Ten is the co-captain, they all work to make their play plan together
they all contribute ideas, especially since they’ve been in the positions they’ve been in for, like, ever
again, Mark is like really good
so you know he got that bombass scholarship
and that’s what really pushes him to do well bc let’s be real, college is e x p e n s i v e
he also likes ice skating in general because the cold reminds him of home
so he’s one of those hockey players that also likes figures skaters and it’s funny because he gets so many weird looks from the others
(altho, Jeno goes with him sometimes bc he’s nice)
back to what I was saying tho: Mark is really good
despite his personality, he’s a bit more aggressive on the ice—considering he’s a forward
Donghyuk, the right-winger: he makes sense
there’s the passive aggressive-ness
Mark? who knew he had some strength to him when it’s actually applied
seriously, have you seen his thighs?
speaking of which, the team serves a lot of looks
which means a lot of speculators that show up to the games
which means lots of fans
people typically come for the looks, but then stay for the games bc the team is very underrated
they actually win games and everything but like
advertising for the team? nonexistent
@stupid college funding distributions that focus on mediocre sports like football
so, where do you fall into the mix? you’re an og stan
you’ve been in the stands since you entered university
it didn’t even have anything to do with the members (altho, it is nice to have some eye-candy)
you just……… like hockey
even if you don’t understand much about it
it’s just… interesting to watch
so, whenever the season rolls around, you go to the games
but to say over the years that you didn’t develop a particular attachment to our boy Mark…… is an absolute lie
so, do you have a crush on Mark?
but also like
who doesn’t have a crush on Mark
this man is literally so talented and nice and adorable and he just makes you want to take care of him all the time and ugh
one of your friends went to a game with you and literally was just like “oh he’s cute”
You: “we know”
he’s def one of those guys who everyone has or has had a crush on at some point
and you are no different
the thing is that you are fine with not ever confessing because you’re happy with just being on the sidelines because you’ve. literally. just been on the sidelines…
the idea of confessing feels ridiculous bc realistically, what would you mean to some guy that literally e v e r y person has a crush on?
the thing is though is that Mark knows you
at least, he knows of your presence
if he didn’t, it would be embarrassing considering that you come to every game - he’s got loyalty unless some people
Ten: “who?”
Mark: “dude”
Donghyuk: “is this another one of your imaginary friends?”
jkjk , they all kind of know you, considering you’re one of the more consistent faces since they’ve been playing in these games (primarily the home ones bc free tickets for students but still)
you also don’t paint your face or anything—you just show up in your university sweatshirt with a couple of those foam light up sticks or something
again, not that wild like signs with his face or anything
you’re just…. a spectator
but yeah, Mark knows of you as a loyal fan ?
who also is kind of cute when you’re cheering for them
I want to emphasize that you have gone to, like, nearly every game, but the main ones you’ve *always* have gone to are the home games bc they’re more convenient
or the final games bc hello
they’re the finals, why the fuck would you miss the finals
I emphasize this because, when you’ve suddenly gone down with the flu, you literally cannot make it to the finals championship game
you thought: no one was gonna notice your absence anyways
haha, you thought
your friends figured you were sick from the beginning and were like, my friend, it’s flu season, stay away from me and pls stay at home
(wash your hands kids, it’s still covid season)
so you didn’t go and stayed in and binged watched iCarly or something
meanwhile, during the game, Mark was like
where... where are you???
so homeboy is highkey distracted and lowkey worried bc did you die???
(you were dying bc of your clogged nostrils, but otherwise, no)
they somehow managed to win by a couple of points so it was kind of fine
but the teasing was increased by all of Mark’s friends
i.e. Johnny, Donghyuk, Jaehyun, and everyone else
come on, it’s so easy to make fun of him
but like he doesn’t care about any of it bc he was worried about you
which got him thinking
why is he worried about someone whose name he doesn’t even know? is there something more? why is there something more? he literally doesn’t know you? except that you come to the games and you’re really cute cheering him on? what is this?
you know, ✨just Mark things✨
this bothered him for quite a bit more than he liked to admit
and it’s about a couple of days later
things are normal and you don’t feel like everything is dripping out of your nose
until you’re walking through campus from your class
and there’s some footsteps running from behind you that makes you coil up into a semi-standing ball bc you thought a bunch of frat boys were just excited or some shit
but then the footsteps stop at you and you’re standing there, wide-eyed
in front of an out of breath Mark
he was walking out of his class with Jaemin and he spotted you from across the quad
and immediately ran to you
Jaemin: I was talking but okay
this isn’t about you Jaemin
Mark is in front of you, panting and you’re just like sir?
You: “how are you out of breath? aren’t you an athlete?”
Mark: “oh my God, you’re just like Donghyuk”
you give him a bit of time (and some water bc he seemed like he needed it)
and once he’s caught his breath, he stands up and blurts it out
Mark: “what happened to you during the championship?”
You: “....................... what?”
seeing you blink at him confused, he can feel his ears reddening when he’s realized the situation he’s put himself into
Mark: “um, I just”
Mark: “I noticed that you weren’t at the game”
You: still confused bc how does he know about you
You: “huh?”
Mark: oh my God this is the wrong person, want to die
Mark: “you know what, I have the wrong person, I’m just gonna bounce I am so sorry—”
he starts backing up, but you aren’t letting him escape
You: “whoawhoawhoawhoawhoa, hold up hold up”
You: “I didn’t even know that you knew that I knew you”
You: “wait, did you run here just to ask me that?”
Mark is full on flushed at this point bc of all the questions and realizations and it’s all crashing down on him all too soon
and now you have this mischievous look in your eyes that remind him of Ten when he’s clowning Doyoung and he feels like he’s made a mistake
a good mistake but still a mistake
You: “is it?”
Mark: “well, you like, show up to all of our games and you didn’t go to the finals so I didn’t know if anything happened”
You: “oh, I got sick and I figured I shouldn’t be going into giant crowds while having my insides die internally”
You: “but, I did hear from my friends, congrats btw”
Mark: “thanks”
Mark: “are you feeling better tho?”
You: “yeah, but like, my throat is still kind of shitty”
Mark: “oh, if you want, I have a couple of friends who might be able to cook something up for your throat”
Mark: “I’d offer to make something, but Kun doesn’t let me in the kitchen anymore after finding out about the egg incident”
You: “the egg incident?”
Mark: “I can’t cook, like. at all.”
You: “I think I’m good, I was just gonna go get some tea to make it less scratchy or something”
Mark: “I can walk you?”
You: “sure”
so you two go to a cafe or something for you to get some warm tea and you two end up talking and you get to know each other a bit
and then you end up trading numbers and you make some time together
since Mark doesn’t have to go to practice until the next season, his time has opened up considerably
sometimes you study together
other times, you go check out some other places nearby campus
(eventually, you did get to try Taeyong, Jaehyun, and Kun’s food, to which there was no turning back at that point bc they make the best kind of food—free)
you’re basically dating at this point and his friends know you as his significant other so
Chenle: “is (Y/N) gonna be here?”
Mark: “no? it’s our movie night”
Donghyuk: “aren’t you dating tho?”
Mark: “what”
he told you he took it casually and cool, but considering how red his ears were getting when he told you………………. cute
Mark: “c-can you believe they thought we were dating?”
You: “is that not what we’re doing?”
Mark: “what?”
you both established your relationship after that and Mark got a lot more shy and it’s super adorable bc it makes you wanna take care of him and ugh
he’s precious okay
also cut to him trying to ask the other guys for advice, but then he gets embarrassed as Johnny and Ten tries to educate him about love
or how Lucas gives him cheesy lines to use on you
these boys are having a field day and Xiaojun and Doyoung have never felt more at peace
def the nervous type that he can’t even hold your hand and keeps asking if it’s okay
so you’re the top of this relationship bc he’s a shy lil boy
after a bit tho, he gets more comfortable and it’s great
he’ll get teased often right? when it happens in front of you, he just runs to you with a whine of your name and buries his face into your neck
and you end up yelling at someone
it’s cute tho
bc they def see you both as an adorable couple
when the hockey season starts rolling around again, you def spend more time at the practices—whether you’re there to watch, do your homework, or just help motivate him to play better
you started dressing up more too, especially since he gave you his jersey so you started wearing them to the games (and also face paint bc Jungwoo had some extra for an unknown reason)
and you make Mark Lee signs and it’s super cute
Sicheng also invites you to the afterparty dinners bc why not
also, remember that thing I said about watching figure skaters?
you two watch the Olympics for that and it’s like tradition now for you two to settle in front of the tv with snacks and watch them skate
so, since he’s an athlete, he has to be careful with his body bc then like scholarship will go poof
that means some of your dates might be physically limited
like he’ll go mini-golfing with you, but he can’t go to like self-defense classes with you
he’ll go to support you but if his foot gets busted, his coach and the rest of the team will be on his ass and he feels a bit bad about it but like you understand
considering that you absolutely refuse to get on the ice bc hockey is hard people
speaking of hockey, you told Mark he’s hot when he plays and he was FLUSHED
bc like the look in his eyes and the way he carries himself…. reminds you of when you’re doing some more………...steamy activities
anyways, stan Mark Lee
he’s a sweetheart who works so hard and you’re there to provide him with lots of love
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sortasirius · 4 years
“Destiny’s Child” and the Destiny of...Them
So that was..........A Lot.
Liked A LOT about it, a lot more than a usually do with Buckleming, but uh, some issues.  Eugenie didn’t really need to bring up Busty Asian Beauties, that had gone and we didn’t need more of it.  And I hate any mention of John Winchester that is positive, whether it’s in an AU or hammering home how poor of a father he is, but other than some details, this was a wild ride that I mostly enjoyed and have a lot to talk about.  They certainly crammed a lot in there.
Starting from literally the very beginning, they’re hitting us with some sick parallels in the “Then” portion of the episode.  Listen, y’all know me.  Y’all know I am.......Not A Fan of M*g or M******l, I am, however a Rachel Miner stan, so when the “Then” started out with the pizza man and the cringy kiss from “Caged Heat” I sorta rolled my eyes but held out hope for a Rachel cameo bc I.....lov her.  But then.............”I learned that from the pizza man” is compared directly with Dean being mistaken for a pizza man?  And then eating pizza in like 20 different scenes?  Could the production be louder???????  There is, in my opinion, literally no other way to take that, that was a sequence that basically said “Dean taught Cas how to kiss” and I will not be accepting dissenting opinions at this time.
Also AU Sam and Dean were so dumb and I appreciated their stupid Fiat and the song that played when they got out of the car, thanks Amyn, I appreciate you dawg.  And then Sam and Dean explaining it to Cas?  Thanks base gods.
Cas was so fucking sassy in this ep and I......love him so much.
The idea of killing Amara is interesting, mostly because it brings her into play again, we saw in the beginning of the season that she just....doesn’t give a fuck about any of this, but the boys don’t know that, so maybe she’ll become an ally?  Idk, here’s hoping.  I miss her.
And when Cas and Dean have this exchange about the occultum:
“It was housed for hundreds of years in an ancient before it was-”
“Plundered by pirates!”
“It was...dug up by tomb raiders!”
“It was...seized by the king of the dead and his warlords amiclose?”
“Looted by invading mongol hoardes for trade on the black-”
“Black market, yeah I was gonna say that next, that was the next one.”
Like.....can y’all say MARRIED?  Anyway.
Danneel and Gen???  Together???  Ruby and Sister Jo????  Together???? I’m gay.
I’m SUPER interested in the convo that Jack and Cas have in the kitchen, specifically about Dean:
“Will he ever forgive me?”
“You know, Dean...he feels things more acutely than any human I’ve ever known.  So, it’s possible he could work through this.  One day he may explode, let it all out, breathe deeply and move on.”
“How long will that take?”
“I don’t know.”
Can we say PARALLELS fam??  First of all, Cas is so in tune with Dean, he knows him so well, knows how much he cares how deeply he loves.  Honestly it causes me chest pains to think about it for too long.  But Cas knows this because he just went through it, Dean “couldn’t forgive” and “couldn’t move on” until he had an Outburst in Purgatory and begged asked Cas to forgive him for how he acted.  It’s an interesting parallel because it isn’t a direct parallel: Dean was the one that asked forgiveness of Cas, not the other way around.  It’s a little detail, but at this point every little detail seems to be important down the road.
Also there were a lot of Looks between Dean and Cas and they were all soft and I gtg
And then we get the big mention: the first mention of Cas’ deal since last season.  I knew the writers wouldn’t just write this plotline off, and Cas is, “far from happy” as he says himself.  So.....not to clown.....but if getting Jack back doesn’t make him happy............what does? (I think we know)
And then Cas in the Empty, looking for Ruby, and runs into “Meg” (Rachel I missed u).  And I think it’s fascinating that the Empty appeared as Meg specifically.  The Empty knows Cas, of course, but, more specifically, the Empty knows EVERYTHING about Cas.  “I know who you love, what you fear.”  And the Empty appears to Cas as someone that he TRUSTED, not as someone that he loved.  It’s an important distinction, because if the Empty wanted to appear as something that would RATTLE Cas, it would appear as someone that he loved or hated, but he trusted Meg, that’s why it appeared to him as her.
Also, “go get her, pizza man” after that intro?  Really just hammering home that Dean is the pizza man with all the subtlety of an elephant imho.
Also Concerned Husband Dean is alive and well, he doesn’t even hesitate, he makes Jack bring Cas back immediately, important information be damned.
But before Cas leaves, Empty!Meg says something that should NOT be glossed over, about Death’s plan to defeat Chuck, “Funny thing about her plan though, she didnt say anything about needing you.”
How many times have we heard this this season?  How many times has Cas occupied the negative space?  “No one mentions Cas,” the loudness of his absence after the breakup, when he was kidnapped by Leviathan in Purgatory, not being mentioned in Billie’s plan, and now? Fret not my friends, I know so many people are worried about Cas, but Andrew Dabb is a Cas stan first and a human second, and all of these mentions or lack thereof of Cas being a part of the endgame?  It just makes him all the more important, because he’s a surprise attack, Chuck never sees him coming because he doesn’t consider him important.
And when Cas comes back and Dean calls him an idiot?  Some serious callbacks to one of the gayest episodes and one of my personal faves: “Lily Sunder has Some Regrets.”  They be married.
AU Sam and Dean were very wrong and I did not wike it and that’s that on that tbh.
So they get to the church, Sam holds the door against the hellhounds like the badass boy he is, and Dean and Cas really do just stand exactly where a couple getting married would stand, with Jack standing where the officiant would stand.  I mean.....it’s LOUD.  It’s just real LOUD in here.  Also pretty fucking ON THE NOSE that Jack stands in front of Jesus, Cas in front of Mary, and Dean in front of Joseph.  I’m not qualified to do religious iconography meta but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh come on now.
That snake sequence...Jack’s life flashing before his eyes before he gets his soul back?  Ya boi weeps.  Buckleming had no right to write something as amazing as Jack’s snake sequence and final scene, it shouldn’t be allowed and it was not what I was expecting.
So.....there was a lot happening in this episode but, y’all know I sound like a broken record here, Dean and Cas were, once again, the overwhelming and blatant focal point.  Sure I watch with my eyes tuned to them especially, but they’re really cranking up the volume over here.  The Empty deal is back and unresolved, Cas talks to Jack about Dean’s forgiveness, Dean’s fearful when he thinks he’s lost Cas again, the fucking pizza man.  It all points one direction.
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432 notes · View notes
vikingpoteto · 4 years
middle children must unionize
read on ao3 ______________________
my contributior for @batfam-big-bang
Summary: Jason realizes no one is taking care of Tim - not even Tim himself. He decides to do something about it.
Notes: I can't stress enough how grateful I am for joining this event. First of all, stan the mods. Stan my beta reader team, @timmydrakewings, @stormleviosa and @sun-lit-roses. Stan my artist team @houser-of-stories, @reese-haleth and @anicomicqueen To all of these amazing talented people that, for whatever reason chose to help me with this story, I can't stress enough how grateful I am. ________________________
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Jason doesn’t keep in touch with the Bats after Bruce’s gone.
Batwoman only trusts him as far as she can throw him. Dick is not easy to avoid, but Jason keeps their contact to a minimum nonetheless. Ninja girl doesn’t speak with him. Replacement… Well. Jason does have a weird professional relationship with the kid. As professional as you can get with someone you tried to kill. Barbara will probably never forgive him for making Dick cry so many times. Brat girl will probably never forgive him for trying to kill Replacement. The other one, whatever his name is, is low-key/high-key terrified of Jason. As for the gremlin... Well, he’s like 10? 11? Jason doesn’t hang out with children, not even assassin ones.
So yeah. Not on friendly terms with anyone in the Wayne family.
However he is an instigator at heart and, while whatever they’re doing in the Batcave is none of his business, he’ll be damned if he doesn’t finish one of his rare visits by stirring things up a bit.
Dick usually makes sure he doesn’t do anything too outrageous, but a distraction comes in the form of Gremlin, who shows up demanding to know why Dick is late for their training session or whatever. The brat sends Jason a scathing look but otherwise doesn’t acknowledge him. Dick only smiles patiently and waves Jason goodbye, leaving Replacement unsupervised. Before heading out, Jason approaches Replacement, who’s sitting by the batcomputer.
“So,” he starts. Jason notices when the kid flinches a little. Your regular guy wouldn’t, but Jason was once a bat too. “How does it feel to be replaced, Replacement?”
Replacement’s shoulders go stiff for half a second.
When he turns to face Jason, however, his expression is empty.
“Predictable,” he says.
Jason quirks an eyebrow up. “Meaning?”
“I was only a Robin because I was, how can I put this, a coworker?” Replacement turns his eyes back to the computer and starts typing. “It was a no-strings-attached sort of deal. Bound to end at some point.”
That’s… new.
“You’re legally adopted into the Wayne family,” Jason hears himself reminding him.
“Yeah, ain’t that a pickle,” Replacement laughs. “Can you guess who forced Bruce to do that? My money was on Dick, but now I think it was probably Babs or Alfred.”
Jason stares, unsure what to make of that. Before he decides, the kid stands up.
"I have always been a patch job, so being dismissed is to be expected. I'm just overstaying my welcome at this point."
“You can get dismissed? I thought this was an until-your-untimely-death sort of gig.”
That was not how Jason expected this conversation to go, like, at all. He had never seen Replacement looking so… worn out? Lifeless?
“I don’t know, man,” Tim frowns as though he made himself confused. “God, I’m sleepy. See you around, I guess.”
And Jason watches him leave the cave with his shoulders hunched and an empty stare. Dick and Gremlin are so preoccupied with their sparring session that they don’t seem to notice. Jason sticks around for a few more seconds, stunned, before he realizes what he’s doing. He goes home.
Jason can’t stop thinking about what the kid said.
It’s not that he didn’t think something of the sorts, especially when he was angriest at Bruce. He had thought about how Batman trained his children to be soldiers and, like soldiers, they could be easily replaced. After all, what was one more problem child joining their broken family? What’s another deadly brat being thrown at some creeps wearing literal clown costumes?
He did think of them as Bruce’s kids though.
Not that Batman had any expertise in healthy parenting techniques, but Jason didn’t have any healthy son experiences to compare so it didn’t matter much. They were Batkids for the better and mostly for the worse, and if something happened to them, well, the crusade must go on.
He never thought of Robin as someone that could be sent home out of the blue, like your average GC Pig. A disgrace to the family? Sure. See, kids, we don’t talk about cousin Jason. He got himself killed and came back all crooked. That’s what happens if you kill murderers or forget to brush your teeth. Still, the idea of being dismissed for no reason never occurred to Jason. It was absurd, because, as far as Jason knew, his replacement was the perfect little soldier. Why would he walk away?
Dick fought with Bruce. Jason… well. You know. Brat girl had to move cities or whatever? Or she died, but got better? Jason doesn’t really know anything about the chick. Either way, he knows she became Batgirl soon after. Tim, however, had nothing stopping him from staying masked. Why would Replacement talk about being Robin as if it was a summer job?
Does that mean that the wimpy kid Jason has been bullying was really that cold and detached?
He thinks about it until his head hurts and he starts remembering times with Bruce and Dick and Alfred and suddenly he doesn’t want to think about it anymore.
It’s a good thing Jason is good at compartmentalizing, because that’s what he does. He pushes thoughts of Batman and Robin to the depths of his mind and forgets about it.
He doesn’t find out until weeks later.
He’s not visiting the manor because he wants to. It’s just that there is this stupid encrypted information he needs for a case and he isn’t exactly tech savvy. He doesn’t think Barbara would do him a solid - she’s still ignoring him for… whatever. He doesn’t even know. Probably something about hurting Dick’s pwecious feewings or eating the last cookie Alfred made. Either way, Jason first tries contacting Replacement directly. Only when the kid doesn’t pick up he forces himself to go to the cult headquarters.
He needs that data, dammit, and whoever called programming logic, was out of their damn mind. If true, execute commands 1, 2 and IV, it said. If what was true? Jason read and read and still didn’t get what it was referring to. And why would someone name the commands regular numbers then just… throw a fucking roman number? Just to spice things up? Whoever wrote that damn code should get a bullet in the foot.
“Jay!” Dick grins at him, although he looks unamused by the fact that Jason is coming in through a window on the second floor. “You do remember that we have a door, don’t you?”
“I like to keep ‘em guessing,” Jason says. “Which room is the kid’s? I have a job for him.”
Dick tilts his head to the side, confused. “Damian is at school?”
And then there’s that. A lot to unpack. First, Jason is deeply offended that Dick thinks he would ever go there after Gremlin, the child that likes to criticize Jason's  skills despite the fact that a) Jason was trained by Damian's father and then b)Jason was trained by Damian's mother. Second, Damian Wayne. Going to Gotham Academy. Does he wear the uniform? Does he have homework or does he threaten the teachers with a sword until they quit? Did anyone explain to him the concept of playing tag before he murders a bunch of 9 year olds? Jason has so many questions. If only he had time.
“I said the kid . The human one, not the imp.”
“Oh.” Dick seems taken aback. “Oh, he... Jason, Tim isn’t in Gotham. You didn’t know?”
Jason groans. “Are you kidding me? You annoyed him into leaving the planet with his alien friends again, didn’t you?”
“No, he… I actually don’t know where he is now.”
Jason blinks in surprise. So Dick didn’t pick Bruce’s habit of microchipping his kids?
“What do you mean you don’t know? How do you lose a whole Robin? The uniform is basically a traffic cone.”
Dick sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. Jason had seen Bruce do just that so many times he forgets for a moment whatever stupid joke he was about to make. When did his older brother become the dad?
“He left a while ago. He barely spent any time here at the manor after I gave Robin to Damian, so…”
Jason freezes. After I gave Robin to Damian, he says. Being dismissed is to be expected, the kid said weeks ago.
“Dick. What the fuck did you do?”
Dick looks surprised at the raw anger in Jason’s voice, even though he shouldn’t fucking be. Jason remembers the distant voice on that day. He did think that was oddly cold for Replacement, even if he was a calculating nerd. Except that wasn’t him being cold. That was him lying to himself.
Jason would know. He spent most of his childhood telling himself he didn’t need a loving father. A good part of his teenage years telling everyone that would hear that he didn’t care at all that Bruce kept holding him to the standards of the perfect son that went away. It’s a lot easier to pretend you didn’t care because it makes it hurt less when things are taken away. Jason was a fucking pro at that technique, so much he wonders how the hell he didn’t notice earlier.
“I did what I had to do,” Dick says, defensively. The way he does when he’s second guessing himself, but still in denial about it. “Tim’s a hero of his own right and he’s capable enough that…”
“That you fucking fired him?” Jason barks.
“Damian needs Robin, Jason! He’s just so lost and being Robin gave him a sense of purpose, allowed him to actually be a child.”
“No shit Gremlin is a child! What about Replacement? He’s, what, 15?”
“He’s 17, how do you not know your own brother’s age?”
“Whatever! He’s just a teen and you basically just told him to fuck off.”
Dick sighs. “Look, I tried to help Tim. Tim’s friends tried to help Tim. But he’s a mature person and he wanted some time for himself.”
Ain’t that a familiar song. A good dose of leave me the fuck alone while still wearing a goddamn bat on his chest and making sure to make enough noise to draw attention. He doesn’t like how close it hits to home, how Dick, who’s supposed to be the best of them, ends up being just as shit as recognizing emotions as any other Bat. Jason laughs without any humor.
Incensed, Dick’s jaw sets in challenge as he adds: “I trust Tim and I respected his choice to leave on his own mission, because he knows what’s right for him.”
“Keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night,” Jason says. “You’re right. Give the demon what he needs. Replacement is a grown ass adult because you respect him so much .”
“Jason, I didn’t say that…”
“He was never a kid here, Dick, even I know that. You all keep throwing shit at him, messes for him to fix ‘cause it’s fine, it’s little Timmy, he’s so fucking capable, he can take it. Have you ever considered that he was always an adult because you all are the fucking children?”
I have always been a patch job sounds awfully similar to I’m here because he got lonely after you left.
But apparently Dick is done exercising his brotherly patience and Jason hit a nerve.
“What do you know about him? You never bothered to talk to him, to spend time with him. You don’t know shit about Tim.”
Jason scoffs. Dick’s face grows unevenly red.
“You don’t, Jason! You were busy trying to kill him. Remember that bonding experience? Must have been fun for him. Having the hero he grew up admiring trying to murder him?”
Jason throws the first punch. Dick easily dodges, the motherfucker, the damn superior Robin.
Screw it, Jason thinks as they start yet another classic Robin Brawl that would only end when Ninja Girl mysteriously dropped from the ceiling and kicked both of their asses.
Jason doesn’t hear from the cave for a while. His phone gets a weird virus, so he guesses Oracle heard he pushed Dick down the stairs. He just tosses the whole thing away and decides that screw his stupid case with the weird code, screw detective work. The biggest detectives aren’t around anymore. He'll just call Kory and convince her to help torch the place up and hopefully the new Batman and Robin will have to deal with the aftermath.
The next time Jason hears from his brothers, it’s a frantic call from Dick that makes Jason’s blood turn into ice: freaking Ra’s Al Ghul is in Gotham doing his whole Head of the Demon thing. He grabs his bike and he’s still on the comms with Dick as he heads to the manor because Alfred is in there.
“What did Gremlin do?” he asks.
“Nothing,” Dick answers and Jason can barely hear him over the wind. He’s probably swinging around Gotham as he speaks. “It was Tim. Tim’s back and Ra’s is after him and everyone he cares about.”
Fuck. This is the kid Dick trusted to go out alone on a self-discovery journey or whatever. Jason wonders what the hell he had been up to get that much unwanted attention.
In the end, everything works out, kind of. No one on their side dies, but Tim does get thrown out of a window. Of a very, very, veeery tall building. Jason still thinks he got off too easy. As smart as he is, Tim shouldn’t have survived a run in with Ra’s.
Jason is curious enough about it to stay in the cave after the fact. He and Dick sit near Tim’s bed while Leslie works her magic. Dick doesn’t take his eyes from his little brother’s pale face for even a second.
“We almost lost him,” he whispers at some point. “Again, we… I almost lost him.”
“But you didn’t,” Jason says, voice flat. “You saved him.”
Dick bites his lower lip hard enough to break the skin. Jason punches his shoulder to snap him out of it.
“Jay, about last time…”
“Ugh, don’t apologize, you freak. Why can’t you just bottle up your emotions and pretend nothing happened like the rest of this stupid family?”
That makes Dick give him a weak smile. If not for the bottling up part, for the part in which Jason admits they’re a family.
“You were… well, not right. I still think Tim shouldn’t be treated like a sidekick anymore,” Dick continues, despite Jason’s disgusted noises. “But he shouldn’t be left alone either. No one in this family should.”
Jason pretends to be gagging long enough that Dick gives up on trying to be a sensible adult and returns to silently watching over his brother.
After that, it’s a matter of stalling and by stalling he ends up watching the other Bats. He finds from Alfred that Ninja Girl isn’t looming over Tim’s bed because she’s in Hong Kong. Brat girl comes and goes the whole night and Jason doesn’t understand why she can’t simply sit down and wait as a pile of nerves like Dick is doing. At some point, she reads the morning newspaper and starts making so much fuss the one Jason doesn’t know the name - Dave? Dylan? - takes her upstairs to calm her down. Damian is nowhere to be found
In the end, Jason manages to be there when Replacement wakes up. Everyone is busy celebrating, too elated that Replacement is fine, so much they forget Jason is still lurking around. No one sees when his face goes pale and he feels like he’s going to puke.
“How did you know I was going to catch you?” Dick asks.
Tim gives him a tired smile. “You’re my brother, Dick. I knew you’d save me.”
Fuck. It’s like looking into a goddamn mirror, except Tim is so much better at this than Jason ever was. So much that he might even be fooling himself.
But he can’t fool Jason. Dick wants to believe in the best of them, he wants them all to be sane and safe and happy - as much as a Bat can be, at least - but Jason is more of a realist. He knows no one can plan that far ahead. He knows Tim went to a meeting with the Head of the Demon fully aware that he would most likely be carried out in a coffin. Considering Dick’s misstep from a couple months earlier and the fact that Tim had already assigned him and Damian a task, Batman was the last person Tim was expecting to show up.
Of course Dick would save him, any of them. Despite his issues with Bruce, Jason had his hero worship towards his brother restored pretty fast. Dick, the golden boy, the perfect son, loved him no matter what and Jason loved him back. Knew now that Dick had love enough to go around for all of them - all of them. But did Tim know that?
Tim finished his little mission, wrapped it all pretty with a bow, making sure no one kicked the bucket. Except for himself. Timothy Drake-Wayne was the contingency plan for Batman’s contingency plan, but he didn’t care enough to make a plan for himself.  
Bruce is gone. Dick is painfully blind. The Drakes are dead. Alfred has his hands full. The Behemoths or the Little League, or whatever the hell the super kids call themselves now, were just that. Kids. Jason curses to himself, because, if no one else will watch out for Replacement, it’s none of his fucking business.
It’s not.
Jason doesn’t know how to put his not-plan in action. He can’t exactly walk up to Tim and say hey, I think we’re not so different, you and I, so I’m worried for your safety. I know I tried to kill you, but that like... two years ago, get over it. Let’s be friends.
Before he figures it out, he hears that Bruce is back. The real Bruce.
He doesn’t know how to feel about it, so he decides to put some distance between him and the family one more time as he takes some weeks to process. He goes out of town to hang out with his friends. He is done with Gotham bullshit for a while.
Unfortunately, Jason finds himself facing his worst enemy: the damn encrypted data.
He hates that dealers now do their thing through the internet. Who the fuck buys marijuana online? Where is the poetry in that? The class of being friends with the sketchy guy that lives around the corner and hangs out with you while you smoke? If they’re gonna sell oregano online to rich white kids, fine, but they’re selling heavy stuff to people that live in his territory and there is a thing bigger than just drugs, if Jason’s hunch is right. He could confirm it by cracking the numbers he stole from their stupidly unguarded computers.
Except the encryption is too complicated for him to access the files.
Well, isn’t that the perfect excuse to take a visit to the kid’s apartment.
Because that is the situation right now. The kid is emancipated, controlling Wayne Enterprises and living by his damn self. There is so much to unpack that Jason wants to throw away the whole suitcase.
He should probably do just that, or at least that’s what he thinks when he climbs to Tim’s balcony (in his head, he hears Dick’s voice going what do you hate about front doors, man?) and he is immediately pushed to the ground.
He is wearing his helmet, sure, but it doesn’t make it less painful when someone fucking stomps on his head, forcing his face against the floor.
“Fuck,” is all Jason thinks of saying.
He then kicks his assailant in the shin and is satisfied when they tumble backwards. Unfortunately for him, they - she - doesn’t fall over the railing, she just stays away long enough to give him time to stand.
A bald girl wearing a distasteful crop top glares daggers at him. She is already back on her fighting stance - one that looks way too familiar for Jason’s taste - ready to strike. And strike she does.
Her movements are similar to Jason’s - fast, strong, unpredictable, unfair - but she has the advantage of being more slender and having more freedom of movement in the small space. All Jason can do is defend himself and not get tossed over the edge. Who the fuck is this girl? Why is she attacking him? Doesn’t she know he is the freaking Red Hood? He just wanted the damn-
“What on Earth are you guys doing on my balcony?”
The girl freezes. Jason does not. He lands a punch straight on her nose and she falls backwards, her mouth opening in pain even if no sound comes out.
“What the hell, Hood!”
Tim rushes to the girl’s side.
“What the hell Hood?” Jason parrots, indignant. “I just got here and she attacked me!”
Tim frowns and turns to the girl. “Is that true?”
Instead of answering, the girl holds her bloody nose and glares at him. She uses her free hand to show Tim four fingers. Tim sighs.
“I know it’s the fourth time you’ve had your nose broken,” Tim gives her a wry smile. “But the three other times you had it coming. And maybe even this time. Why did you attack Red Hood?”
She makes the gesture of someone walking with two fingers then points at Tim’s balcony door. Jason doesn’t know a lot of ASL, but those don’t seem to be the same signs Cassandra uses.
“She attacked me because she thought I was trying to break in?” He asks. “You have a bodyguard now?”
Tim stands and holds out his hand to the girl. She begrudgingly takes it and lets him pull her to her feet. “Why don’t we all go inside before someone notices the Red Hood on my balcony?”
Jason grumbles in annoyance but does make his way in. Tim is right behind him and Jason can’t help but think he’s acting as a shield in case the girl wants revenge for her nose.
“Come here, Pru, I’ll get something cold for your nose.”
Jason takes a look around. As they cross the living room, he notices it looks like a shiny rich person apartment you’d see in a magazine. Jason wasn’t sure what he expected of Tim’s new crib, and he knows the kid just moved in, but the fact that the place looks like a hospital’s reception makes him feel some sort of way.
Fortunately, the kitchen is a bit better. Not much, but it’s something. There are papers spread across the table, dirty glasses in the sink, a mug full of black steaming tea, Tim’s laptop open on top of a pile of books, and there are pictures on the fridge. Jason remembers vaguely Dick mentioning that one of the kids had a thing for photography and another liked drawing. He has to assume Tim is the photographer as he takes a good look at them: one of Brat girl’s grinning face with a big heart magnet, one of Tim and Cassandra sharing the same reading chair, one of Bruce in one of those fancy sweaters he used to wear at home, one of Dick and Cassandra doing handstands, one of a red head kid, behind him Tim, a muscular girl and an even more muscular guy. Jason doesn’t need to be a detective to figure those, even without the uniforms, are Impulse, Wonder Girl and Superboy.
“So,” Tim starts. He hands the girl a pack of frozen peas and shrugs at her dirty look. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Without ceremony, the girl takes a seat by the table and tries to steal a glance at Tim’s laptop. He casually closes it and smiles at her. She scoffs.
“First, you explain the bodyguard,” Jason says, gesturing to the girl.
“Right. Where are my manners? Pru, this is Red Hood. Hood, this is Prudence.”
He doesn’t turn to her so she can read his lips or use gestures to speak, so Jason figures she isn’t deaf, only mute. Maybe it’s something like Cassandra?
“Really? Prudence? That’s ironic. ”
She shows Jason her middle finger. Definitely not deaf then.
Unlike Prudence, Jason doesn’t make himself at home. When he crosses his arms and doesn’t say anything for a minute more, Tim reads his silence correctly and adds, “We’re working together for a while and there are a lot of people that want us dead, so you’ll have to forgive her. She saw a suspicious guy trying to get into my place and she assumed the worst.”
Jason quirks an eyebrow. Tim can’t see his expression behind the helmet, but he sighs nonetheless.
“Come on. She couldn’t know I sometimes work with the Red Hood too.”
I sometimes work with. Ouch. Jason supposes that’s fair, though. Tim hasn’t exactly been informed of Jason’s newfound empathy or his protective streak.
“How did you know where I live, by the way?” Tim asks.
“Alfred told me you moved,” Jason says. “I got your address from Cassandra.”
Tim’s brows disappear under his messy fringe. “Really?”
Jason nods. “Took a lot of convincing before she believed I didn’t want to kill you in your sleep.”
At that, Tim snorts. He’s still grinning when he asks, “What did you want it for then?”
“Tech support,” he says as he fishes a small flash drive from his pocket. “I was hoping you could crack some files for me.”
Tim takes it and nods. “I’ll check it out. I’ll send the results to you as soon as I have them. Anything else?”
Again… ouch. Apparently imprudent girl is welcome to kick back and hang out, but Jason is just a fellow associate that came to hand in an assignment and promptly piss off.
Then Jason realizes that that was exactly what their relationship was like before Tim went around the world to fight Ra’s al Ghul. Damn.
Well. It’s not like he can take off his helmet and stick around when there is a stranger in there, especially when Tim carefully introduced him as the Red Hood instead of good ol’ Jason Todd. He just wanted to check on the kid and he did. No need to get all clingy. That’s Dick’s thing, not his.
It isn’t until much later that Jason realizes how pointless the visit was. He wanted to see if the kid was okay. He suspected he wasn’t, but it wasn’t like he had any idea of what to do about it.
Lucky for him, Tim looked a lot better than last time. Less dead eyed, more like he has some sort of purpose. The fact that Dick is included in his little photo collection must mean they made amends. Whether it was because Jason’s whooping Dick’s ass or in spite of it he’ll never know. Based on what he knows about Tim, the kid might have just worked everything out by himself and forgiven Dick on his own terms.
Despite his decision to take care of Tim from then on, Jason is definitely not great at it. He doesn't think he lost the rights to admonish Dick for not talking to his brother. The fact is Jason isn't great with words. He wants to help Tim through actions.
Still the question remains: how?
(And Tim emails him the files he needed 8 hours later and Jason worries that the kid didn’t sleep, which… great. This is just great.)
Less than two nights later, someone gets into Jason's frequency. He's about to head out for patrol when a creaking sound inside his helmet precedes a familiar voice slightly twisted by static.
"Red Hood, this is Red Robin. Do you copy?"
Right. He goes by Red Robin now.
"What you want, rep… kid?" Jason inwardly winces at his misstep.
There is a moment of confused silence before Tim mercifully decides not to ask what that was. "I'm pursuing a lead in your territory."
Jason hums. "What's it? I'll handle it."
"No!" Tim says too fast. "I mean… it's my case. I just thought you could take the night off? Please?"
This is supposed to be the smart Robin, right? He does know that Jason isn’t a complete moron, right?
“What’s in it for me?” Jason asks.
If this was Damian, he’d get a colorful death threat. If this was Dick, a winded speech on how brothers are supposed to have each other’s backs and he's just asking for a tiny favor, Jason, don’t make me make my ex-girlfriend hack into your phone and block Netflix again. Tim, however, knows that everything has a price and has an answer ready.
“You owe me for those files I decoded for you.”
Straight to the point. No bullshit. Jason is starting to really like this kid.
“Fair enough. You go follow your lead and I won’t murder you for being in my territory.”
“Always a pleasure doing business with you, Hood.”
Jason didn’t say anything about taking the night off, though.
Jason knows that, if he was working alone, Tim wouldn’t ask for permission. He would let himself in and out of Jason's territory assuming Jason wouldn’t even notice - he’d done it before as Robin, and Jason did notice but pretended not to. He can’t track Red Robin as easily, but the fact that he doesn’t want Red Hood around means there is something or someone he can’t control tagging along… and who’s the one person even Tim Drake can never control?
“Brat girl,” Jason mutters to himself, a cocky grin spreading on his face. One of his informants just confirmed he saw Batgirl driving whatever the fuck that is that capsule vehicle into an empty building just south of Jason’s place.
Oracle is probably out of town again, otherwise she wouldn’t allow her precious not-daughter to be messing around with Tim in Jason’s territory. But then, if most of the rumors are correct, even Barbara can’t quite control the new Batgirl.
He wonders what the duo are up to as he lets himself into the abandoned place through a hole in the ceiling. Red Hood walks on the rafters in the dark until he can hear familiar voices. He stops on his tracks when he notices that Red Robin and Batgirl aren’t alone. Wonder Girl and Impulse stick out like bright red sore thumbs against Gotham’s darkness.
Red Hood hears enough to know they’re planning on saving someone - one of Impulse’s friends? - from a local group connected to Black Mask. Their plan is solid, but it’s hardly a task herculean enough to warrant the presence of a speedster and an amazon. Red Robin makes it sound like it’s absolutely necessary nonetheless, assigning each of them a role that fits their powers and going over every little detail. It’s the first time Hood sees the kid in a position of leadership and he thinks it suits him. He seems extremely at ease.
Actually… that’s not quite it. He’s not as wary of the world as he is when he’s with the Batfamily. Not Batman’s perfect mini-detective, not Nightwing’s model little brother, not WE CEO. He’s still very much a hero, a Robin, but it’s possible to see he’s seventeen under the cowl. Even his posture changes, his shoulders relax and he allows himself to be… God, himself. That must be the first time Jason sees Tim completely in his element, no tension, no (metaphorical) masks.
Real Red Robin stays close to his friends. Very close. Hell, Impulse is almost sitting on his lap, his arm firmly wrapped around Red Robin’s waist as he points at some sort of map his wrist pad is showing. Batgirl is clinging to his other side, her chin resting on his shoulder using the excuse to see better what he’s showing. Hadn’t those two broken up?
Then Red Robin says something so softly not even Hood picks up. The other three teens get tense. Impulse nods and disappears in a gust of wind as his friends wait in silence.
Half a second later, something hits Hood’s back at a very alarming speed because of course Red Robin noticed someone listening and sent his speedster friend to get him. He curses while he falls, barely managing to roll fast enough to avoid serious knee damage when he lands.
“Jason!” Red Robin whines not unlike an embarrassed child crying out mom, not in front of my friends!
“Maybe check who’s spying on you before sending a child bullet careening into their back, will ya?” Jason complains.
Wonder Girl frowns. “Is that…”
“The Red Hood,” Batgirl confirms in a flat voice. “Yup.”
“Isn’t he a criminal?” Impulse asks, genuine curiosity in his voice.
A facepalming Red Robin groans. “He doesn’t do crime anymore.” Under Batgirl’s skeptical glare, he corrects, “He doesn’t do bad crimes anymore. What are you doing here, Hood? You said you were taking the night off!”
“I said I wouldn’t shoot you for being in my territory,” Hood corrects. “But I didn’t say anything about your super friends, because I didn’t think you’d be breaking so many rules in so little time. Really? Bringing metas to Gotham?”
Red Robin simply shrugs. “What Batman can’t see doesn’t hurt him.”
Batgirl snickers and Hood grins a little under his helmet.
“Little Timmy,” he gasps, resting his hand on his chest in mock shock.
“Shut up, why are you here?”
“What, you can’t tell me there is a case and expect me not to follow up.”
The other three kids look from Red Hood to Red Robin. It’s obvious that whatever Tim’s verdict is, they’re going to accept it. Even Stephanie. And she knows Jason (sort of).
“Fine,” Red Robin groans. “But no shooting anyone.”
“No promises.”
Wonder Girl and Impulse are obviously wondering whether they’re joking or not. Knowing they’re completely serious, Batgirl makes a face and pokes Red Robin’s cheek. He frowns at her and the two of them seem to have a conversation consisting of weird mouths and head shakes for a moment. Jason would know. He and Dick used to do that all the time. Finally, whatever face Red Robin is making convinces her and she lets out a defeated sigh.
“Well then, ladies,” Batgirl deadpans, “let’s get this bread.”
Despite Dick’s best efforts, Jason never quite fit in with the Titans. With Tim and Stephanie, however, he can work.
Breaking into one of Black Mask’s hideouts is a piece of cake, if not outright fun. He has to hand it to Stephanie. She is not as cunning as Barbara or as deadly as Cassandra, but the girl can blow up a marijuana deposit like no one else.
Sure, the smoke makes them at least 30% high—all of them except Impulse, whose metabolism won’t let him get intoxicated, to which… Just R.I.P. you funky little man, Jason really feels for him.
Even with the little diversion, there were still plenty of crooks to fight. Wonder Girl takes care of most of them on her own— amazons, man —and soon enough Impulse comes running, carrying a dark-skinned boy wearing power-dampening cuffs who keeps yelling at them in Spanish. At that, Red Robin announces they’re retreating.
Tim looks a lot more comfortable with his peers than he is with the Bats. Part of Jason wonders if he could’ve been like that. If he would have ended up differently if he had actually stayed with the Titans and made friends like Tim had. He tells himself not to go down that path, because he is who he is, he certainly doesn’t make friends in that teen sitcom way and you can’t change the past.
He is genuinely glad that Tim has those friends, though. He’s glad that he can feel that way despite the hint of jealousy.
As they leave a ruined hideout behind, Wonder Girl and Impulse are drowning Red Robin in hugs and cheering so loud one would forget they’re still in Gotham. Their friend laughs with them even with the stress of being so rambunctiously rescued. Batgirl slaps her arm around Hood’s shoulder and admires the Titans being loud as if congratulating themselves on the job done.
If all of them— all of them—are still smiling themselves silly as they leave, it’s only 50% because of the marijuana.
Jason quickly learns that Tim doesn’t like owing people. When Jason asked Tim to crack some encrypted documents, he just needed the damn files. He didn’t expect the kid to show up to tear down the place when Jason decided he had enough reason to dismantle the operation.
“What, you can’t tell me there is a case and expect me not to follow up,” Red Robin quips as he nudges a goon with his foot. The man groans, but doesn’t get up. Seemingly satisfied, Red Robin crouches down and starts cuffing the man to another by his side.
“Remind me to never ask for your help again,” Red Hood says.
Red Robin glowers. “I saved your ass from getting stabbed about three times.”
“I shot the kneecaps of four guys trying to murder you, so don’t expect me to thank you.”
They hear sirens. Red Robin stands. “Well, guess our job here is done.”
Hood nods. It’s been a while since he fought side by side with a fellow Bat, just him and another Robin and... it was nice. Roy and Kori are great partners and all, but they don’t have the same training a Robin does. They don’t get the specific maneuvers and the subtle secret signs. The fact that it had been so fun fighting side by side with Red Robin makes Jason feel like his not-plan of taking care of the kid was finally going somewhere.
Then Red Robin stretches his arm to grapple his way out of there and gasps.
“Uh…” He is now pressing his hand to his side.
“Is… is that blood?”
“Did you get stabbed and didn’t notice, you freaking idiot?”
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” he groans, pressing the heels of his hands to his eyes over the cowl. “Why me?”
Red Hood sighs. “Relax, kid, it doesn’t look that deep.”
“I’m gonna have to call Batman,” Red Robin whines. “A’s gonna kill me.”
“Over a tiny stab wound? Don’t be a pussy, I’m sure you can stitch that yourself.”
“The stitches aren’t the problem, it’s just the medicine…” Red Robin says, making vague hand gestures. “I have no spleen.”
And then there’s that.
“I’m sorry. You what?”
Red Robin pulls a guilty face visible even under the cowl. Jason wouldn’t blame Alfred for killing him. He has no spleen and he just… decided it was a good idea to bring a staff to a gunfight at one of the grimiest places of Gotham.
Tim Drake-Wayne, everyone, smartest Robin to date.
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Jason, however, decides not to kill Tim for his stupidity. He recognizes that particular frown. It’s the I-messed-up-and-I-don’t-want-dad-to-find-out face.
The GCPD sirens are getting closer.
“I’ve got a big collection of antibiotics back at one of my safehouses,” he mentions casually. “I could patch you up so A doesn’t have to.”
Tim’s wide eyes are evident. Jason wonders if this is him being able to read the kid too well or if Tim straight up sucks at hiding his emotions. It’s probably a bit of both.  
“You know. As thanks for helping me.”
“I thought you wouldn’t thank me.”
“Don’t push it, kid.”
By now, they can see the red and blue police lights.
“Lead the way.”
He rolls his eyes and drags the kid to his bike. He really hopes the pigs didn’t see them, because it’s bad enough that a hero showed up to Red Hood’s bust, he doesn’t need any cops thinking that he kidnapped Red Robin or any shit like that.
“Are we going to the one behind the new theater or the one around crime alley?” Tim casually asks.
Jason freezes halfway through mounting his bike. “How the fuck do you know about those?”
“I know the location of all of your safehouses,” Tim admits.
“Batman knows about my safehouses?”
Tim quirks an eyebrow. “Last time I checked, I’m not Batman.”
That’s… nice. Kind of. A confirmation that he can trust the kid to have his back.
“Smug nerd,” Jason mumbles.
Tim only chuckles in response. They set off to Jason’s place.
The rest of the night is peaceful. At least for a Bat’s standards. Jason helps Tim disinfect his wound and stitch it closed while Tim raids Jason’s medicine stash until he finds the ones he needs. Jason promises to hook him up with his supplier so he doesn’t have to rely so much on the cave. By the time they’re done, Tim’s lips are permanently curled upwards.
When he starts shuffling awkwardly as if looking for a way to say goodbye, Jason nonchalantly announces where he can find clean towels and clothes, as if this is a thing they do everyday. Tim seems baffled, but thankfully he doesn’t call Jason’s bullshit and obediently heads to the bathroom. By the time he’s done, Jason is fixing a meal for the two of them and some stupid movie is on TV—never the news, god, Jason hates watching the news.
Like a skittish stray, Tim is unsure of what to do with himself at first, but he catches the cue fast enough. He sits on the couch all stiff and restless until something on the screen grabs his attention.
“You like Wendy the Werewolf Stalker?” Tim asks, eyes wide.
“Do I like fucking what?”
Jason just needed the background noise to avoid freaking out about  how weird he’s being right now. Apparently, that was the wrong answer. Tim launches a rant on how amazing Wendy is and half of it goes over Jason’s head. He just gets that apparently Tim and Superboy both have a crush on this werewolf hunting chick and they used to spend hours watching her instead of doing actual work at Titans Tower.
He also manages to actually eat the food Jason made, which is a win in Jason’s book.
It’s a nice night, overall.
It becomes, not a habit, but a thing. Tim sometimes shows up to one of Jason’s safehouses needing a stitch job or medicine. Jason doesn’t know how he nails which one Jason is at currently or if he just goes to every single one still bleeding until he finds Jason. Or even if he just lets himself in and takes care of his wounds without any help. If so, Jason wouldn’t blame him. He’d choose his crappy hideouts over Tim’s soulless apartment any day.
On the third time it happens, Tim isn’t hurt at all. He just wants to bitch about Vicki Vale stalking him and his supposed ex-fiancée that he's actually trying to date. Jason feeds him real food, as usual, and listens to what he has to say, as unusual. They end up on the couch watching A Nightmare on Elm Street, which, oddly enough, has Tim getting overly enthusiastic about going to bed because he’s curious about the magic behind Freddy Krueger. Jason tells him to let him know if any dream demons show up when he leaves Tim dozing off on the couch.
Tim starts texting Jason. At first, it’s all very professional. Messages like 1 of the stupid crooks in your territory almost killed robin yesterday do smth abt it followed by I don’t care that he’s a demon in a kevlar vest Hood you didn’t have to deal with nightwing crying afterwards!!! Then they slowly shift into something more casual on the lines of is dis u? An d attached a picture of Elizabeth Bennet wearing the red Power Ranger helmet which… What sort of context led to that meme being created?
Jason pretends not to care, but he preens with pride when Tim laughs at his dark jokes. Stupid gallows humor that would have made Bruce call an expensive therapist and Dick squirm in discomfort have the kid snorting coffee out of his nose.
It’s like they’re friends.
Part of him sometimes toys with the idea of them being normal kids —or as normal as you can be in Gotham—and he realizes that he would’ve made friends with Tim so fucking fast. Dick is the golden child and all of them would end up worshiping him and respecting him as their older brother, of course. Tim would be added to their family and Jason, not-murdered, regular problem-child Jason, would resist him at first, but he would soon see that he wasn't just an annoying nerd. He was a fun, annoying nerd. They would gang up on Dick, as younger brothers ought to do, and Jason would protect Tim from bullies and Tim would use his good son credit to get Jason out of trouble with Bruce.
This, however, may be as good as it gets for people with their fucked up upbringing. Jason already knew Tim wasn’t your regular spoiled rich boy and they bond over having shit childhoods even if they don’t talk about it.
All in all it feels nice to be looked up to. To have the kid come to him when he’s in trouble. To have someone looking at him with a shine in his eyes like the one Jason has when he looks at Dick. It makes Jason feel like he’s worth something. He sees Tim get comfortable with him after weeks of acting like a stray cat and he knows the kid feels the same. It’s a new feeling for both of them.
It’s like they’re really brothers.
Being part of the Red Robin fan club, Jason finds out, gives him good credit with the Bats.
Bruce and Dick are always going to be concerned about Jason’s slightly loose moral compass. Gremlin is always going to hate him because he’s a Gremlin. Barbara tolerates him at best.
Stephanie, however, shows up unannounced to one of Red Hood’s busts and laughs it off when he complains about Batgirl ruining his rep. She then invites Jason to watch a movie with her since they finished early. He thinks that’d be very weird, so he refuses. Unbothered, she says an airy “Maybe next time” before leaving.
He thinks a shadow once told him to come by the manor more often, almost giving him a heart attack. He thought Cassandra was in Hong Kong, for fuck’s sake; when did she come back?
One time he texts Tim for tech support and no one but the Signal shows up at Jason’s doorstep with a codebreaker and a list of instructions from Red Robin. Duke doesn’t look as wary of Jason as he once was and the two quickly fall into friendly banter, complaining about Tim’s nerdiness.
Jason knows if he asked Steph about it, he would never hear the end of it. Cass isn’t the easiest person to hold a conversation with. He guesses Duke is decent enough not to dwell on it, so he asks,
“Why are y’all suddenly okay with me?”
Duke quirks an eyebrow at him. Fortunately, he’s smart enough that Jason doesn’t need to explain further. “Tim trusts you,” he says simply. “Tim is the holder of the one brain cell of this family, so long we follow his cues, we’re golden.”
Jason doesn’t know what to say to that.
“Why, you don’t want us around?”
He mumbles something about it not being a big deal. Duke shrugs it off and changes the subject. Jason knows he’s doing it for his sake, because Duke might be the kindest person in their whole messed up family. Jason feels bad for refusing to learn his name for so long.
So it seems like two-thirds of the Batgirls and Signal were always less worried about Jason’s past than they were about his rivalry with Robin III.
And, fine, Jason does get a little jealous of that but he’s mature-ish enough to take what he can get. Plus Stephanie is funny as shit and it’s always fun to annoy Barbara by getting Batgirl involved in his fights, especially when Red Robin is around to back him up.
Everything is sort of nice now.
Sometimes, however, Jason wakes up in a cold sweat with the taste of copper in his mouth and a nightmare gunshot still ringing in his ears. He tried to kill Tim. He could’ve killed his little brother. He’s thankful for the times the nightmares come when Tim is sleeping over, because he can walk to the living room and check on the kid. Remind himself that Tim is alive and breathing under the old blankets and that he’s forgiven Jason. When he isn’t around, Jason is absolutely not above calling him in the middle of the night, making up a stupid case he needs Tim’s help with. For all his smarts, Tim never seems to realize Jason’s true motives.
Now that he thinks about it, he notices that Tim is on good terms with a lot of people that tried to kill him. Jason. Damian. That Prudence girl. He doesn’t find out the details, but he does hear something about Stephanie fucking him up and she’s now his best friend. Jason is more than a little concerned about that forgiving side of his.
Red Hood hates a lot of things. If he were to make a list, it’d take days to write it all down. He knows for sure that on the top of that list would be clowns. There is nothing he hates more than clowns.
Scarecrows are a close second, though.
Definitely close to a tie as he watches Red Robin stumble. “I think…” he mutters. “I think my rebreather is broken.”
“ Shit.”
Red Hood has to think fast. Fear gas is every-fucking-where and he lost sight of Scarecrow three canon-fodder crooks ago. He doesn’t have an extra rebreather, because he’s wearing his helmet and that does the job. He’s used to fighting alone. Not that having another rebreather would do them any good now that Red Robin has already breathed the nasty toxins.
In the end, Hood decides to take the defeat for what it is: a defeat. He throws a smoke bomb on the ground and grabs Red Robin by the waist, ignoring the startled squeak the boy lets out. They need to get out before Scarecrow’s goons realize what they’re doing.
“Stay with me,” Red Hood hisses. “Whatever you’re hearing or seeing, it’s not real.”
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They’re five minutes away from his nearest safehouse. It’d be faster to take one of their bikes, but he can’t risk it in case Tim starts hallucinating halfway there. They can make it there swinging, he can keep his brother out of danger.
“I’m fine,” Red Robin says. The way he’s limp in Hood’s hold, says otherwise.  “We’re going home. We’re safe.”
“We’re going home. Close your eyes. Focus on my voice.”
He does it.
“It’s just us now,” Hood reassures him. “We’re on the way to a safehouse where no one can find us and you can rest until the toxin is out of your system. Safe, easy.”
“Steph is fine, Bart is fine, Cassie is fine,” he chants, “Cass is fine, Alfred is fine, Dick is fine, Tam is fine, Pru is fine.”
He keeps listing people that are fine, because of course his fears are all about his friends being hurt. Surprisingly, Hood recognizes all of them. He’s heard Tim talking about all of them repeatedly and he knows their names and personalities, even if he doesn’t have all the faces to match. He isn’t surprised that his friends come first then their family.
“That’s right, kiddo,” Jason encourages. “Who else?”
“Dad..” Tim’s eyes shoot open. “Dad’s gonna kill me. Dad, Dad will know I’m Robin, he’s- He’s gonna take Robin away from me, I can’t- This is the first time I’m being useful.”
“Your dad isn’t here. And you’re not Robin, kid, you’re Red Robin,” Jason reminds him.
“That’s… that’s right. I failed him. I failed Dick, so…”
Double fuck.
“That’s bullshit,” Jason says, but it’s hard to keep the conversation going while he’s carrying Tim’s weight.
They’re two minutes away from safety before Tim starts struggling to get away from Jason. He doesn’t say anything else, which may be more concerning, he just grunts with the effort and squirms. Jason really hopes no one was paying attention enough to notice what looks like Red Hood kidnapping a terrified Red Robin.
“Shit- Stay put, Red, we’re almost home,” Jason says.
Tim’s breath catches and returns, erratic, and Jason can’t bear to look at his horrified face, he hates to see the utter fear that has his brother’s already pale complexion turn ashen, his lips pressed into a line so tight it has got to hurt. Jason starts listing the names of the people that are supposedly fine and that catches Tim’s attention long enough that Jason can swing straight to the fire escape of the abandoned building where he set his hideout.
He sets Tim on the dusty mattress on the corner in a hurry and tosses his helmet aside. He starts undoing Tim’s safety measures so he can remove his cowl. Unlike Jason, he doesn’t wear a domino mask beneath it and Jason makes a mental note of talking to Tim about that later.
“Almost there, Timbers,” Jason says. He rips off his own domino without caring about the sting, hoping a familiar face will help. “I’m here. Now, where do you keep your fear gas antidote? I know you carry some around.”
Tim unconsciously reaches for a particular capsule on his bandolier. That’s enough of an answer for Jason, who pushes his hand away not as gently as he should and reaches for the small vial inside.
“Jay,” Tim whines. “Jay, you’re okay, right?”
Jason blinks, confused. “Of course I’m okay, Timbers. I’m right here.”
And as he rushes to grab the first aid kit under the sink, Jason starts to freak out. This gas isn’t causing hallucinations as much as it’s making Tim feel paranoid, it seems. What if it’s a new formula? What if the antidote doesn’t work? What if Tim keeps having anxious thought after anxious thought, until his heart gives in and-
“Jay!” Tim calls, desperate. “Jay, we have to get Kon! He’s- He’s in danger.” He starts getting up.
“Nope!” Jason pushes him right back into the mattress. “Kon is fine, he’s invulnerable, remember? He’s probably doing superdouche stuff in Metropolis.”
“He’s not, he’s- He’s gonna kill himself, Jay!” There are tears welling up in his eyes and Jason feels like someone just punched him in the gut. After all the shit they went through, he had never seen Tim cry. “He’s gonna sacrifice himself to save everyone, I can’t lose him, please, I’ll do it instead. He’s- No! Please, don’t do it!”
There we go. There are the hallucinations they all know and hate. Tim stretches out his hand as if he’s reaching for an invisible Superboy, so Jason takes the opportunity to start rolling up his sleeve and cleaning the inside of his elbow. Lucky for him, he always has a sanitized syringe. Now he just needs Tim to stay still.
What if it doesn’t work? What if I make it worse?
“Kon El, no,” Tim gasps. “KON EL! CONNER!”
Jason had never seen Impulse going full speed. But he did meet Barry Allen back when he was Robin and he never forgot the deafening noise of someone breaking the barrier of sound. More familiar is the noise of his freaking wall exploding. Before Jason realizes, he’s being ripped away from his screaming brother. He hacks and struggles, but there isn’t a lot he can do when a kryptonian steel arm presses against his throat, effectively pinning him to the wall.
“Give me one reason not to kill you,” Superboy growls, his eyes already glowing red.
Jason would be impressed with the boy’s ability to look murderous if he wasn’t about to have his head melted. He struggles a little more. Superboy doesn’t even seem to notice. Jason then pathetically raises the syringe in his hand and manages to choke out:
Superboy blinks once. His eyes return to the regular shade of blue. He blinks twice. His expression shows only confusion when he releases Jason, that promptly falls on his knees. Jason coughs, touching his throat as if to make sure it’s still intact. Damn clone.
“What happened to him?” Superboy demands.
Tim isn’t trying to get up anymore, but rather convulsing on the same spot, screaming wordlessly in horror, tears streaming freely down his pale cheeks.
Jason coughs some more before he’s able to say something. “A-ask that first next time, will you? It’s… it’s fear gas.”
“And, what, am I supposed to believe you were helping him?” Superboy snarls.
Jason groans. He doesn’t have time for this. Tim has his eyes firmly shut and every scream, every time his voice breaks, it feels like someone is slashing at Jason’s chest, robbing him of air almost as effectively as Superboy did.
“I was about to do that before you interrupted,” Jason shows him the syringe again. “What do you think?”
Superboy squints at him, unhappy with his response.
“We don’t have time for that,” Jason snarls. “At this point, he’s gonna have a heart attack. I need you to hold him still.”
Superboy bites his lip in hesitation but Tim screams his name again and he winces as if the sound is kryptonite for his ears. Finally, he nods and crouches down by the mattress.
“It’s okay, Rob,” he says. “I’m here now. I’ve got you.”
At that, Tim miraculously relaxes for a second. Jason kneels by his side again and holds the outstretched arm Superboy is keeping still.
“Don’t hurt him,” Jason warns. Judging by the look Superboy gives him, the only reason he’s not getting the laser eye treatment is because he’s the only one around capable of helping Tim.
“No,” Tim whines. “Not Jason…”
Jason freezes. Superboy’s eyes start to glow again.
“Not Jason, not again,” Tim continues, delirious, his expression twisting in pain. “Please, please, don’t, help him, HELP HIM!”
Jason stabs the needle into his pale skin and it’s a miracle that he does it right, because he is shaking. Fuck this. Fuck Scarecrow. It’s wrong, it’s horrible to hear Red Robin begging like that. He hates the way the kid startles with the needle. He’s thankful that Superboy makes sure Tim stays put, because he doesn’t think his trembling hands could do that now.
“It’s okay, Timbers,” Jason hears himself saying, “it’s over now.”
“Please,” Tim sobs again, “I- I’m gonna solve this.”
God. Jason grabs his hand. “You did enough, baby bird. You solved enough already.”
Tim whimpers, but finally starts relaxing. It seems like the antidote is working its magic and the boy falls right asleep.
Superboy refuses to leave, much to Jason’s chagrin. It doesn’t surprise him, though. Conner is Tim’s favorite conversation subject when he’s in a good mood and apparently the clone is ready to just fly to Gotham if he hears Tim’s voice.
“You know, metas aren’t allowed here,” Jason reminds him.
Superboy has been stomping back and forth around Tim’s mattress. He's so angry that Jason is worried he’ll break the floor any minute now, but he stops to give Jason the biggest, meanest glower of the night. He doesn’t look anything like the mental picture Tim painted of him. Even with his ripped skinny jeans and 90’s leather jacket and dumb earrings, Superboy looks absolutely murderous.
“I’m not going anywhere until I see that Tim’s fine,” he says.
Jason sighs.
“Why are we here?” Superboy snaps. “Why didn’t you call Alfred or… or Batman or…”
“Because we don’t do that,” Jason cuts him. “Red Robin is not Batman's sidekick. If we can solve shit without involving Batman, we don’t involve Batman.”
It’s their unspoken rule, Jason knows that since the first time they fought side by side - the first time they had a sleepover - and he brought Tim home to patch him up. They don’t call dad or their older bro if they’re in trouble, because that’ll lead to them being in more trouble. They simply watch out for each other as much as they can.
Superboy isn’t happy with that explanation, but, before he can murder Jason for real, Tim stirs.
Jason and Superboy are kneeling by his side at the same time, which says something, since Jason doesn't have superspeed.
“Timbers?” Jason calls.
“Jay…?” Tim mumbles and his voice is still a little raw from all the screaming. He blinks and his eyes set on his best friend. “Conner? What are you doing here?”
“You called,” Superboy says simply. “I told you all you had to do was call my name.”
“How’s the head?” Jason asks. “You're still smart, right? You can’t afford to lose your brain cells, Timbers, with your ugly face they’re all you have.”
Tim snorts. Then groans. “Fuck off, Jason, don’t make me laugh.”
Jason smiles at him and he doesn’t notice the weird look Superboy is giving them.
“Rob? Do you remember what happened?”
Tim starts to sit up and Superboy is faster than Jason in wrapping an arm around his shoulders to steady him. He helps Tim rest his back against the wall and the grateful look Tim gives him makes Jason frown a bit because he feels there is something there he’s missing.
“Hmmm… We were fighting Scarecrow,” Tim says. “Fear gas, broken rebreather...” He looks at Jason as if seeking for confirmation. When Jason nods, he continues, “Jay got me out of there and the rest is… Wait. Where is Scarecrow? Did he escape?”
“That should be the last of your worries, Timothy, you almost died of fear,” Superboy scolds.
Tim sighs. “Oh, to be a young vigilante in the XXI century… passing away of fright.”
Superboy doesn’t get it, judging by his expression, but Jason does and he laughs out loud. He doesn’t miss the way Tim’s lip quirk up.
“See, baby bird, this is why I wear a helmet and so should you,” Jason says.
“Okay, but have you considered that we’d look stupid if we were all the man in the iron mask?”
Jason raises an eyebrow. “God forbid a whole family fighting criminals in leather fursuits look stupid. We wouldn’t fucking want that.”
Tim laughs, even if his voice is still a little hoarse, and Jason is relieved.
He is so relieved to see his brother fine that he doesn’t pay attention to the fact that Superboy still has his arm around Tim’s shoulders. That Superboy’s eyes get all soft when Tim laughs. That Superboy looks a little hurt when he offers to fly Tim home, but Tim refuses, saying that he’d rather spend the rest of the night here.
“I mean, if that’s fine…?” He glances at Jason, reminding him of those first sleepovers, when he was still unsure whether he’d be welcome or not.
Jason is so done feeling or letting his brother feel like an outsider. “The mattress is big enough for both of us, I don’t see why you’d go back to your own apartment when you can just sleep on a perfectly good mattress on the floor.”
“Hm. Cool then,” Superboy says, but instead of flying out through the giant hole he made on the wall, he shifts his weight from one foot to another awkwardly, clearly stalling.
Both brothers notice it. Neither has a problem interpreting Superboy’s fidgeting. Jason finds it annoying, but Tim gives him a pleading look. Jason sighs.
“You can stay too, big guy, but you gonna have to sleep on the floor.”
Superboy’s face lights up and he definitely doesn’t look like he wanted to melt Jason’s head just a couple of minutes ago. He rambles that it’s all good, he just needs to text Ma Kent to let her know where he is and he’s used to sleeping on the floor of the barn with Krypto and the cows (Jason would find that more upsetting if he didn’t know there is a cow somewhere in the Wayne manor too and Damian sleeps in the cave with it all the time).
In the end, Tim bullies Jason into giving Superboy the thickest blanket he has around. He tries suggesting he should sleep in the blanket and let Jason and Superboy share the mattress, but shuts up mid sentence under their glares.
It’s probably the most awkward sleepover so far, but Tim grins at Jason, grateful, and turns his back to him to be able to talk to Superboy in hushed whispers.
Jason tunes out their conversation and focuses on the fact that he did it. He saved Tim. It doesn’t make up for the times he fucked up in the past, but it sure makes him feel better about the present. He’s also thankful that Tim stayed instead of going to his own place. Hearing your little brother scream in fear for your life isn’t something enjoyable and Jason is sure he would have nightmares about if it wasn’t for the fact that Tim was laying right there in front of him. It’s the sound of his brother’s muffled laughter, mixed with Superboy’s, that lulls him to sleep.
Jason should have noticed then. But he didn’t.
For an intelligent guy, Jason can be really stupid sometimes.
The thing is… Jason is smart. He’s not Tim Drake smart, but he’s still a good detective. He’s also fairly sociable. Or at least he used to be, before he, you know, died and went through all the trauma, etc. He is no Dick Grayson, but he can hold a good conversation, pick up the right social cues, all that crap.
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t mess up sometimes.
You see, months go by. Red Hood and Red Robin don’t often go on the field together, after all it’d do a number to both of their reputations, but, when they do, one of them always ends up injured and the other carries him home. It’s like a curse, the universe telling them to stick to their off-patrol partnership. Then a couple of weeks go by and they miss the feeling of fighting side-by-side and there they go again.
Tim keeps showing up at Jason’s place whenever he feels like it and he even hangs around Jason’s visiting friends sometimes. Kori adores Tim from the first time she puts her eyes on him. Roy takes a little longer to warm up, but even he can’t resist the kid. Jason likes it. He likes having his brother around. He likes that they get on like a house on fire.
So much he forgets Tim is a master of hiding shit.
On the week nearing Tim’s 19th birthday, Jason goes to his apartment. He doesn’t realize until he’s halfway there that he hadn’t been to Tim’s place since the night he met Prudence, which is odd, because it’d been basically a year and a half. Still, Tim goes over to Jason’s place all the time. The fact that Jason doesn’t repay the favor has everything to do with the fact that Jason hates Tim’s magazine apartment and nothing else.
Instead of going for the door, Jason uses his signature move and just swings to the balcony. The door is unlocked - Jason really has to have a talk with Tim about security, they’re in Gotham, for fuck’s sake - and he lets himself in.
To Tim’s credit, the place looks more well lived in now. There are mismatched pillows on the couch, a forgotten mug and a couple of books on the coffee table. Jason recognizes his copy of The Count of Monte Cristo and makes an annoyed sound noticing Tim’s bookmarker is still somewhere in the middle of the book even if it’s been weeks since Jason let him borrow it.
“Tim?” Jason calls. It’s half past nine, a little early for vigilante standards, but…
He hears the sound of someone sputtering and coughing from the kitchen. There he is.
Jason heads there and finds Tim desperately grabbing paper towels to clean coffee he apparently just spilled on his bare chest.
“Jumpy aren’t we?” Jason comments. “What’s up, baby bird?”
It’s clear that Tim had just woken up, judging by his messy hair and the fact that he’s wearing nothing but red sweatpants with Superman’s symbol all over. His mildly terrified expression is weird, though. Tim is usually slow in the morning, but not that easy to startle.
“What are you doing here?” Tim whispers, clearly panicking.
The fact that Jason never visits Tim’s place suddenly comes to his mind. The possibility of him not being welcome hits him and it’s surprisingly painful. He thought they were doing well, that the kid liked him. All this time, was he being arrogant?
As his brain scrambles for something to say, something to think, he notices a sound that he hadn’t registered before: the shower.
Suddenly Tim’s rapidly reddening cheeks and doe wide eyes gain a new meaning. Jason forgets the hurt and a sly smile stretches on his face.
“Oh my god. Oh god, this is priceless. Baby bird, do you have a lady guest from last night?”
Tim makes a weird choking sound and this is too good, Jason is too delighted, look at little Timmy go, already getting it. (Jason would’ve chosen different pants for the morning after, but alas.)
Then a voice calls out: “Sweetheart, are you okay?”
A male voice.
Tim’s face becomes three shades darker, now perfectly matching his pants. Jason’s grin is now frozen on his face, his eyes wide with the realization.
The shower stops.
“Tim?” The voice calls again.
“I’m fine, Kon!” Tim responds and his voice is surprisingly even, considering he looks like he’s having an aneurysm.
That’s a bat for you. Master of hiding their emotions.
Sort of.
Kon, Tim said. Jason realizes that Tim isn’t wearing Superman merch. The sweatpants are Superboy themed.
Jason still remembers Superboy’s protective streak all those months ago and the fact that he woke up to the two of them holding hands - at the time, he thought nothing of it, because it had been a stressful night and he didn’t blame either boy for wanting to make sure the other was okay - and he thinks of all the subsequent times Tim went on and on about Conner and how a couple of weeks ago Tim just stopped mentioning Conner altogether.
God, Jason is the worst detective ever.
Tim pushes Jason out of the kitchen and towards the living room, presumably farther from the bathroom where his boyfriend with super hearing was showering.
“Fuck,” Tim mutters, “ fuckfuckfuck… ”
And he looks and sounds so distraught that Jason loses all the eagerness to tease him, concern quickly replacing any initial surprise he might have been feeling.
“Look,” Tim murmurs, looking anywhere but at Jason’s eyes, “it’s not… we’re just…”
Tim scrambles for words and this is so unlike him - Tim always has a plan, always knows what to say - it takes a moment for Jason to catch up on why he’s a stuttering mess. Jason had been so excited to find out his little brother had a boyfriend he forgot he lived in a world where homophobia was a thing.
“Timbers, chill out.” Jason grabs Tim’s hands from where they’re still resting on his shoulders. “It’s just me.”
Tim dares raise his gaze to meet Jason’s and it hurts a bit to see still a little fear in his blue eyes. Jason gives him an encouraging grin.
“I can’t believe you officially bagged a kryptonian. Way to go, kid.”
His shoulders slouch in utter relief right before he starts blushing again. What a cute kid.
“You keep calling me kid. You’re not that older. And don’t say it like that,” Tim mumbles.
“Like what? Like you’re snogging Superboy?” Tim punches him on the shoulder and Jason laughs. “Now I know why you were in such a hurry to leave the manor, you wanted your own place to bring your boyfriend over…”
“That’s not why I left and who said anything about a boyfriend? Maybe this was just a one night stand.”
Jason gives him a condescending look. “Timbers, I might have not realized you’re gay, but I do know you. You’re a boyfriend kinda guy.”
Tim rolls his eyes and mumbles something about assuming shit. “I’m bi,” he says.
“Cool,” Jason says, a shit-eating grin never leaving his face.
“Fuck,” Tim groans and lets himself fall on the couch. “How do you de-escalate an emotional situation so fast?”
“It’s a Bat thing, and you know how to do it too. All of us are trained to avoid emotions like the plague.”
“I was not prepared to come out when I got up this morning,” Tim admits.
Humming, Jason finally realizes that Tim doesn’t want to skip the emotions for this one. He sighs. The things he does for his brothers.
“It’s not a big deal, though,” he says. “I mean, you’re happy right?”
“I’m never happy.”
“Don’t quote Zuko. You started the real talk. You don’t get to bat your way out of it now.”
A sigh. “I’m happy. Conner is… the best.”
Jason nods. “Then it’s all good. I’m sure all the others would say the same.”
“You can't tell them!” Tim snaps, his eyes suddenly wide with panic again. “Seriously, Jay, you can’t-”
“Calm down, kid,” Jason cuts him off. “When did I make a habit of spilling your secrets to the B-man? It's none of their business.” Tim visibly relaxes and Jason adds: “Actually… Want me to make your house Dick-proof?”
“I mean, not kryptonian dick, you’re clearly into that,” and he ignores it when Tim pops him on the back of the head. “I mean Dick Dick, our brother. I could set up a better security system so you don’t have to worry about one of your siblings walking into something scarring, especially the clingy one.”
“No security system can stop Dick’s clinginess.”
“How do you think I keep him off my place?”
That’s when their little pow wow gets interrupted by more kryptonian skin than Jason ever wanted to see as Conner walks in with nothing but the smallest of the towels wrapped around his waist.
“Babe, what is--” He notices Jason and slips on literally nothing, barely catching himself before falling on his ass. “ Shit- I mean, nothing, I mean, we were just binging Wendy!”
Jason doesn’t say anything, but he does give Tim a look that says it all. He wasn't judging earlier, but he is now. Tim gives him a look that definitely means shut up.
In the end, Jason stays for breakfast.
It’s only mildly awkward, because he and Tim fill the silence talking about the latest case Jason’s working on while Conner makes them pancakes. Judging by the fact that he’s getting the ingredients from a bunch of plastic bags, he must have brought all the food with him. If anything, Jason is grateful that he and Alfred are no longer the only people trying to get Tim to eat actual food.
When Tim turns to Conner for his opinion, leaving Jason to enjoy his coffee, Jason looks around and notices that there are new pictures on the fridge. There are some of those disgustingly cute pictures of Tim and Conner, their cheeks pressed together as they make weird faces for the camera. There is a picture of Conner by himself and, again disgustingly, he is smiling at the camera as though the most precious person in the world is behind it. Both pictures are held by a sun magnet. There is a new candid shot of Cassandra, one of Alfred-Alfred holding cat Alfred, a new one of Dick and even Damian is in there.
And, his heart stops for a second, because now there are pictures of Jason as well.
They’re carefully placed far from each other, but there are three different pictures. There is one of Jason wearing his Lord of the Rings shirt, eating cereal on the couch, a confused expression on his face. He remembers when Tim took that picture, because Tim waited until Jason had his mouth full before calling hey Jay? and snapping the picture right as Jason looked at him, his cheeks like a chipmunk's. The second picture is a candid of him smiling, leaning against the rail of some safehouse balcony. The shot was carefully framed to not show anything distinct of the surroundings, just Jason and Gotham’s sky.
The third one is a selfie. In it, Jason is asleep, his lips parted and face relaxed, his head resting on Tim’s shoulder. Tim has a shit eating grin on his lips as if there is nothing funnier to him than his giant older brother falling asleep on him in the middle of movie night. Tim had the decency of drawing a mustache on Jason’s face to decrease sappiness, but that effect is ruined by the fact that the picture is held by a magnet that was clearly Iron Man but Tim had painted it red to look like Jason’s hood.
Tumblr media
Jason had sworn off killing, at least for a little while.
But he would gladly kill again for his little brother.
As he gets ready to leave, he turns to Conner and deadpans, “I don’t have to tell you that I can and I will make kryptonite bullets, do I?”
“Jason!” Tim scolds.
“What? I’m the first of the family to find out. Least I can do is taje care of the shovel talk.”
“Stop threatening my boyfriend.”
Conner blushes profusely and mouths the word boyfriend with marvel and ugh. Just… ugh . Jason is happy that Tim is happy, but he and Conner are apparently that kind of couple and Jason wants to have none of it.
“So, first we kill Damian,” Jason starts.
“No,” Tim says.
“Aw, come on, you didn’t even consider it!”
Cassandra waits until they decide their plan of action (it’s probably going to be Tim’s) and keeps her expression carefully neutral as not to show which one of them she agrees with (Tim).
The thing, Jason realized, is that all of them have favorites in their family and knowing that makes it easier to tear them down. Dick can fuck off with his I love you all equally bullshit, because he clearly always favors Damian. Damian swings between Batdad’s little boy and Nightwing’s murder baby. Tim will easily lose focus whenever Steph is involved. Steph is oddly protective of Duke, for some reason. Cassandra is mostly neutral. She’s everyone’s favorite, including Bruce’s, but she’s also the deadliest of them all so she is no one’s weakness. She does, however, have a soft spot for Tim over any of her brothers. Since Jason became close friends with Tim, he entered Cassandra’s selective protection bubble and he’s now, by all definitions, untouchable.
Or at least that’s how he felt when she chose him for her team right after Tim.
“We kill Dick first,” Tim knocks down the little Nightwing action figure on the carpet. “Cass, you’re the only one who can take him down. Jay and I distract the others while you do the job. Damian will get personally offended by that and will grow reckless.” He knocks down the little imp figurine. “I can take care of him then. Steph will be hiding somewhere ready to strike. She is best in close range combat. Jay, I need you to take her down before she gets too close.” He pushes down the Barbie doll someone dressed as Batgirl, because apparently they couldn’t find blonde Batgirl merch and they were very offended. “Then we win.”
He may sound impressive, but the whole time he’s speaking he has his head resting on Cass’ lap and she is carding her fingers through his hair as a villain would do to their evil pet cat.
“Can’t I murder the demon brat?” Jason complains.
Tim glares at him - again, not very intimidating while he’s basically lying on his sister’s lap.
“You know Steph would wipe the floor with me. You’re the only one I can trust to get her.”
“Unless…” Jason turns around. “Du-”
“Come on, I’ll give you ten bucks.”
“Jason, we’re all rich, you can’t buy me.” Duke doesn’t even raise his eyes from his book. “Plus last time I let y’all drag me into this shit, Steph knocked off one of my teeth with Tim’s staff.”
“If you hadn’t killed me, then she wouldn’t have taken revenge,” Tim argues.
“And yet you’re planning to kill Dick counting on the fact that Damian will try to avenge him.”
“Wet blanket,” Cassandra says.
Tim and Jason go into a giggling fit as Duke sputters, too indignant to put his thoughts into words.
In the end, Duke still doesn’t join them.
As they expected, the enemy was listening to their plan - Jason is sure Dick was against it, but Stephanie and Damian are definitely not above spying - nonetheless they still played their parts as expected: Steph and Damian tried protecting Dick first and foremost, but not even the two of them combined could take Cassandra. Not with Jason and Tim backing her up.
Cassandra knocks Dick down and sits on his back. The large yellow paint splash on his chest proves that he’s dead. Rather than being upset, Dick starts doing push ups with his sister there as the rest of his siblings and Steph fight to death.
Unfortunately, Damian wasn’t as angered by Dick’s demise as they expected and is still a good match for Tim. Until Tim gasps and goes Titus, don’t eat that! It was an obvious ploy, but still got Damian to let down his guard and whip his head around looking for his precious dog. Tim shoots him without hesitation and Damian goes on a rage soliloquy.
Jason would appreciate it if he wasn’t having such a hard time with Stephanie. Apparently Barbara has been feeding her steroids, because the girl is now as quick as a ninja. She hits Jason in the kneecaps with Tim’s staff - they’re not even in the same team this time, how the fuck did she get Tim’s staff??? - and shoots him point blank in the chest. And damn, that shit hurts. He bets it’s purple under his shirt too.
Steph is mid celebration when her victory whoop turns into a pained groan. Twin splotches of red and yellow bloom on her back as Cassandra and Tim lower their guns.
“Fuck,” Jason complains. “Couldn’t’ve done that before she killed me?”
“We win,” Cassandra says.
“Shouldn’t you be fighting to the death now?” Dick asks. Now that Cass is off his back, he’s lying on the side like one of your French girls. Jason wishes Cass would shoot him again.
“I would never betray Cass,” Tim says.
“We rule together.” She walks to him and stands on her tiptoes to kiss his forehead.
Tim grins a wicked grin because he knows he is Cassandra’s favorite and everyone can die mad about it.
Steph and Damian start shouting their complaints at the same time while Dick laughs his ass off. From his lawn chair, Duke is glaring at them as if he can’t believe he’s legally related to any of these weirdos.
His gaze meets Dick’s and his older brother looks absolutely elated with pride even though all of their siblings are yelling about paintball.
Jason simply smiles back.
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ghostnebula · 4 years
thinkin bout the werewolf au, and the thing about real wolves is that they lick the insides of each others mouths as a greeting & if they're acclimated to humans (like in a wolf sanctuary) they will do their best to greet people the same way. it occurred to me that it could be super funny if one of the losers ran into the toziers in wolf form and realized they were friendly, but in a way that's weird for a wild animal. and from there they basically conspiracy theory their way into realizing(1/2)
that werewolves exist. only THEN do they realize, oh hey. the toziers sure have a lot of dog toys for people who don't own dogs or dogsit and realize that maybe the toziers are werewolves. I don't know if it's funnier for whichever kid ran into wolf!toziers to drag the ENTIRE losers club into investigating and richie's panicking internally the whole time or for them to thoughtfully drag everyone EXCEPT richie bc he's afraid of werewolves and he has no clue until they show up at his house. (2/2)
I really thought this ask was going somewhere else dhjdhhjf thanks for making me think about Richie literally licking Eddie’s mouth (wolf or human form honestly lol)
But ALSO!!!! I love this concept because I imagine Ben just walking through the Barrens and holy fuck there are wolves. And he’s like, bracing for death, because what the fuck else are you supposed to do when you run into wolves while you’re alone in the fucking woods? But then one of them bounds up to him and starts sniffing at his hands while he’s standing stock-still, trying not to piss his pants. The wolf doesn’t attack, though, just wags its tail and starts licking his hands and nosing at them, trying to encourage him to pet it, so he does, ‘cause fuck it, y’know?
This wolf is like weirdly excited about getting some pats, and then a belly rub, and keeps trying to nudge the other two over, as they sit nearby and observe with nigh-parental disapproval on their faces -- something almost human about it, and that makes Ben laugh, because all parents are the same, apparently. (Meanwhile Maggie and Went are like... “Richie we are not supposed to interact with the humans. We know he is your friend. He is still not supposed to know about us. Develop some impulse control please”)
Ben’s crouching down giving this very good boy some ear scritches when the wolf starts trying to lick his mouth, which is kinda gross but also adorable, and Ben’s not positive, because he’s no wildlife expert, but he thinks he read somewhere that that’s like a greeting between pack members or something, and he’s almost flattered that this wolf likes him that much, but also... this wolf should not like him that much? It’s a wild animal??
Unless.... it isn't a normal wolf? After all, things are never normal in Derry. So he wonders if, just maybe, It could have something to do with this, if there isn't a perfectly normal explanation like "pets escaped from rich asshole" or "ran away from a circus." Some kind of weird Derry influence isn't entirely out of the question, right?
But that’s crazy. In fact, it’s so crazy that Ben goes to the library about it, as one does, and spends his whole afternoon researching wolf behaviour and habitats, and only ends up more confused. Until, of course, one of the books he’s reading contains some offhand comment about some culture or another’s legends about werewolves influencing blah blah blah and the lightbulb goes on and like... really... if interdimensional child-eating alien spider sewer clowns can exist, why not werewolves? Can't werewolves also exist as separate entities that have nothing to do with the aforementioned interdimensional child-eating alien spider sewer clown?
The first person he runs into after an absurd amount of research on werewolves is Stan, and he’s like bursting with all this info, so he interrupts his bird-watching to unload all his conspiracy theories on him. But Stan, bless him, is like, “Yeah I don’t see why werewolves wouldn’t exist. Wouldn’t be the strangest thing we’ve ever dealt with.”
They tell Bill, obviously, because Big Bill is their leader, technically, and they want to hear his thoughts on the matter. Bill 100% is on board with Ben’s werewolf theory, and excited to prove it, and maybe meet the wolves Ben ran into, and now they’re all like “who could it be???? a resident of Derry? some hermits in the woods? a werewolf family just passing through?? what a mystery!!”
Cue these three musketeers running back to Bill’s house to make phone calls to the other Losers, inviting them to meet at the clubhouse after dinner to share this important discovery, and when Bill starts dialing Richie’s number Stan goes, “What are you doing? Don’t do that,” and hangs up.
“Why not?” Bill asks, because he is Bill and a himbo and he is not smart but he is very pretty, so that’s fine, and Stan smacks him (lovingly) on the back of the head and is like, “William. Richie is literally terrified of werewolves. Roping him into this would probably traumatize him, and I think you already did plenty of that with the clown fiasco. How did you even manage to forget Richie’s afraid of werewolves? You should know that better than anyone.”
And anyway they don’t tell Richie, to protect him, so the rest of the Losers’ Club has regular meetings to discuss Derry’s resident werewolves, who at some point are also spotted by Mike and Bev, and interacted with by Eddie (who thought he was going to get fucking eaten when this massive black wolf came bounding out of the woods to pounce on him and almost had a heart attack on the spot, but instead got lots of very slobbery kisses and a reason to brush his teeth 10 times when he got home). None of them consider that it might be Richie for at LEAST the first 3 months.
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skinks · 4 years
I see your “fake/pretend dating” scenarios and I ask instead of you: “we’re secretly together and desperately trying to hide it” scenarios
Richie and Eddie finally get their shit together a week before Bev and Ben’s wedding, and after a whole lot of arguing and contingency plans and naked, sweaty discussion, they decide that if they don’t wanna steal that hetero thunder, they have to try their hardest to act like they’re not a Thing
and it’s a mess. They spend the whole week of bachelor parties (Losers plus Patty sans Bev get sad drunk and wish Bev was there) and bachelorette parties (Losers plus Patty sans Ben wear feather boas and get sorority drunk with Bev’s fashion friends, gossip about Ben and sing karaoke) pretending they’re not sneaking off to bone in every unoccupied room they possibly can
It’s a MESS. Richie figures the years of practice at pathetic, secret longing mean they should be better at this than they are. Like yeah, they’re still hovering in this awkward limbo stage where it’s both terribly exciting and horribly embarrassing to be crossing meat swords with your long lost best bro, while knowing you’re both totally into it, but they already acted so couple-y beforehand that it’s probably WEIRDER if Eddie stops smiling all fond and fixing Richie’s hair, or if Richie stops slinging his arm around Eddie at every opportunity. But that’s letting their guard down, and they keep freezing and jumping apart in the middle of casual conversation. They’re standing with Bill and Audra and Patty and Mike in some hotel function room, discussing whether or not stealing Ben’s yacht is feasible when Richie oh-so-gently says “hey—c’mere,” and wipes a smudge of chocolate fondue (contains nuts!!) from Eddie’s mouth with his thumb. Everyone stops talking. Everyone stares. Eddie stares. And Richie needs to duck and cover so he sort of - slaps him? Not even hard enough to make a noise, it’s more of a tap-then-push. He pushes Eddie’s face. “Is that Staniel I hear,” Richie says, after a moment.
“I don’t hear anything,” Patty says.
“No no, that’s definitely Stan,” Richie says, backing swiftly to the door. Eddie’s eyes are on him accusing and hot, dark brown like the chocolate smeared on Richie’s thumb. Later, Eddie will suck the taste off where it’s stuffed in his mouth to keep quiet as they fuck below deck in Ben’s stolen yacht, Mike and Bill fighting overhead about who gets to wear the blue and white captain’s hat. Eddie’s pants are barely even pulled down. Richie does his Quint From Jaws Voice and goes duh-dun, duh-dun as Eddie pushes inside so Eddie will bite his thumb and fuck him harder. It’s all very undignified, and illicit, and stupid. Eddie loves it. “I have great ears, Pattycake, and Stanley makes this sort of, uh, echolocation type noise when he’s having issues with hotel staff. I should know, I went on vacation once with his family, to the Catskills? Stan spilled soup on a waiter and every bat in the fuckin’ place came right outta the forest and flew into the buffet. Don’t ask him about it though, one man’s vigilante origin story is another man’s traumatic childhood. Okay bye.” Richie definitely doesn’t run, but running away is more about aura than gait.
Audra frowns. “Did he just imply Batman didn’t have a traumatic childhood?”
“Haha,” Eddie deflects, stuffing his hand in his pocket, and missing. “He must’ve had the shrimp. Fucked up that he’s the one with the actual shellfish allergy, right? Isn’t that irony, or something?”
“That would be ironic, if you didn’t know everything we’re all allergic to by heart and would never let Richie eat shrimp,” Bill says, still staring.
“I would,” Eddie says immediately. He can’t find his fucking pocket. “I would totally let Richie eat shrimp.”
“You slapped his slice of pizza out of his hand last week because there was oyster sauce in the marinara,” Mike says, but Eddie is already actually running away. Wow, he’s fast.
Even with the Losers, Richie’s only out by implication, but it’d still be weird if he, for some reason, brought a woman as his date. He thinks about bringing Sven the Sound Guy because he’s as opposite to Eddie as it’s possible to find on short notice since Guy Fieri was unavailable, but he can’t decide whether this is genius cover or so on the nose as to be damning. He goes stag in the end, which is perhaps most damning of all. Eddie is in Schrodinger’s closet, because he doesn’t have to answer either way if nobody fucking asks him, and nobody does, because Eddie always starts doing whatever he’s currently doing to an incredibly intense level whenever the conversation turns to dating. One time at dinner when they were all in the same city for one of Richie’s tentative, low-key comeback shows, someone mentioned post-divorce dating apps, and then someone simply said the word Grindr not even in Eddie’s direction and Eddie cut his steak so hard he scratched the plate. This was an achievement in and of itself seeing as the clown took Eddie’s fork-arm, but Richie was spearing his steak for him while he cut it. He’s an enabler. An enabler to steak, and freakouts.
Anyway, even with all of this, it’s still weird that Eddie brings a woman. She’s Paula. From work. Stan sees her checking her phone so often that he figures out she’s one of the women in the matching white wedding dresses on her lock screen. Stan nudges Patty, who becomes very insistent that they should tell Eddie before he gets his heart broken, but Eddie is probably too busy periodically kicking out the backs of Richie’s knees to make him wobble and buckle against the bar to notice, or care.
Bev has great fucking aim, is the thing. There’s a lost catapult and a space-alien dead as a dodo can attest to it, but she’s still facing the opposite direction and could never predict that her bouquet toss would bounce off two different bridesmaids’ heads, straight into Richie’s hands. They’re so beautiful. White and orange and a rich, nautical blue that matches Eddie’s suit, tidily pinned up at the right shoulder and pressed hard into Richie’s side. Bev is laughing delightedly and Ben is taking a photo, and Eddie has been getting steadily drunker ever since he got back half an hour ago from gratefully sending Paula home to her wife in an Uber with some cake. He’s all pink across the bridge of his nose and he looks so fucking adorable with Ben’s blue and white yacht captain hat tilted on his head at a rakish angle, and the others are all catcalling so hard that Richie figures they might as well give up the pretense. He kicks out the back of Eddie’s knees so he’ll buckle into Richie’s flowery arms and fucking DIPS him like that old wartime photo even though Eddie’s the one with the sailor hat getting knocked off his head because they’re kissing so enthusiastically, clinging to the back of Richie’s neck and snortlaughing into his mouth, but suddenly everyone’s shouting, and they all sound - not pissed, exactly, but certainly indignant
“Are you guys serious,” Bill says, “you’re stealing their thunder right now? One major childhood romance realized isn’t enough, you’re gonna crash theirs?”
“Wait,” Richie says
Bev throws up her hands. Richie can’t see, because of her dress, but he’s pretty sure her foot is actually tapping. “Why didn’t you tell us!”
Eddie is still dangling off him like a monkey, all stunned-drunk limp with the bouquet shoved in his face. Richie hears what uh oh sounds like muffled by flowers, and Ben silently takes another photo, like he’s cataloguing a crime scene.
“You guys... didn’t know? We actually kept it a secret?”
“Until now, you jackasses!”
“What secret,” Audra asks, appearing with like eight plates of cake. “What’s happening? Oh wait, I’m caught up.”
“But—but—the fondue,” Eddie says, and seriously, it’s not like the clown ripped his legs off, he could try standing and facing this with Richie like a true bro, but Richie’s kind of enjoying the weight of him. Plus he’s pretty sure Bev won’t dare to go through Eddie to kill him, so. Human shield it is.
“What about the fondue?” Mike looks like he did after the end of The Usual Suspects. Like he’s re-evaluating every time Richie and Eddie left a room together, and wishes he wasn’t. “You guys are like that all the time.”
“Then why were you all staring!”
“Nobody was staring! It was a natural lull in conversation, we were weirded out that you were being weird about it! Have you always been this self-centered?”
“I guess so,” Richie shrugs. He looks down at Eddie, covered in pollen and thoroughly confused. He’s so drunk he’s looking kinda cross-eyed. “You hear that, dude? We were killing it, until we fucked it all up!”
Eddie grins up at him. “Good enough!” he slurs, and then lets go of Richie’s neck for a high five. Everyone’s gone back to ignoring them in favour of dancing to Journey, so at least nobody notices Richie’s so eager to return it that he drops Eddie on the floor instead
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Don't Need a Flight to Get to Paradise (Crystal x Gigi) - A-tresia
Gigi methodically slices the tape open and digs inside. Her eyes widen and her face is suddenly hot and red. And even though there’s an obvious look of embarrassment seen on her face, she’s still thankful that the camera is focused on her and not on the contents of the package.
A/N: Some non-AU smut because (don’t deny it!) we want this and we absolutely deserve this. This is probably the filthiest thing I will ever attempt to put into words. Enjoy!
Gigi sets her phone on the table and presses the button to start her Live. She fixes her hair while she waits. “Hey, everyone!” she says still combing her fingers through her freshly curled hair. “It’s been a while since I’ve gone Live and I thought,” she emphasizes the last syllable with a nod, “since I have a little bit of free time that I could go do an unboxing for you guys.” She squints and reads through the comments as she waits for more people to join.
She picks up her phone and flips the camera to pan across the pile in front of her. “Okay, so, I’ve got quite a  bit to open. There’s a couple of PR boxes and some merch from my season 12 sisters,” she explains, pointing to the boxes.
Struggling to open boxes with one hand, she decides to prop her phone against the wall and sit in front of it as she goes through the rest of the boxes. She’s already opened two make up PR boxes when she sees a familiar name on one of them, deciding this is what she’s opening next.
“Look, you guys! I have a package from my girlfriend,” she says playing up the Crygi clout. No one has to know the real tea, they can guess all they want.
Gigi holds up the box to the camera to point to the Crystal Methyd sticker plastered on the top. The comments are suddenly wild. “I wonder what’s inside,” she says, shaking the box. It sounds solid but it might just be packaging. “It’s probably new merch. Thanks, Crystal!”
Gigi methodically slices the tape open and digs inside. Her eyes widen and her face is suddenly hot and red. And even though there’s an obvious look of embarrassment seen on her face, she’s still thankful that the camera is focused on her and not on the contents of the package.
She smiles slyly at the camera and quickly grabs a new box to open, trying to cover up the internal panic she’s currently experiencing. “Sorry, you guys. It looks like it’s unreleased merch. Let’s wait for Crystal to release it before I share. Okay?”
The comments are even crazier than before. Asking what’s inside the box. And why she’s suddenly so red in the face. She knows her socials will be flooded with this.
Gigi ignores the comments and even though she only planned to be on Live to open maybe two boxes, she proceeds to open three more make up boxes and merch packages from Jan and Nicky. She’s hoping people will forget. But who is she kidding? Stans never forget.
“Thanks for keeping me company for the last, uh,” she looks over at her clock, “for the last hour and a half. I’ll catch you guys again soon!” Gigi winks and ends the Live.
Not even five minutes after she ends the Live, she gets a FaceTime call and Crystal’s fully-painted face floods her screen. “Gigi Goode, why are people tagging me in screenshots of your Live and asking me what I sent you?”
“Don’t act like you don’t know what you sent me,” Gigi glares.
Crystal raises a brow at her. “You don’t like it?”
“I mean, I haven’t gotten the chance to fully look at it yet.” She reaches into the box to pull out the contents — a bottle of lubricant, and… Gigi holds it up to the camera. “You got me a dildo.” Like it isn’t obvious what’s in her hand.
Crystal leans in closer to the camera. “Not just any dildo,” she smirks like she’s so proud of herself. “It’s a clone-a-willy.”
“A what?”
“A clone-a-willy,” Crystal repeats slowly.
Gigi’s eyes widen in realization. She takes a good look at the dildo in her hand. The length. The girth. The slight curve. The vein underneath. They all feel right. And real. But it’s cold and made of silicone and the person it’s supposed to be attached to is 1,600 miles away. She looks back at Crystal. “So you mean this is —”
“Mmhmm, balls included!” She definitely looks like she’s proud of herself, like she did the most groundbreaking thing on earth. “It’s even really close to my skin tone.”
Gigi laughs. “Were there other options?”
“Oh, I definitely thought of making it in an obnoxious glow-in-the-dark hot pink. I could make you one in pink if you want that, I still have the mold.” Crystal snorts as Gigi proceeds to inspect her new toy. “There’s a suction cup so you could use it on any flat surface,” she says this so very seriously you’d think she’s selling the product.
Gigi finds a button at the bottom. “Oh my god, Crystal. It’s a vibrator too?”
“Only the best for Gigi Goode.” They both snort. But clearly, Crystal is more amused. “Also, Geege, unreleased merch? Should we make a profit out of my dick? Am I a genius or am I a genius?”
“Hey, your dick is awesome. But I’m not sharing. I barely get any of it.” Crystal hasn’t stopped laughing since she suggested making multiple models to sell. Gigi thinks back to the last time they saw each other and realizes how long ago it’s been. With all the touring they’ve been doing, there just hasn’t been time to see each other in between. “Long-distance sucks,” she pouts.
“I know, baby,” Crystal sighs. Underneath her full clown makeup, Gigi knows she’s pouting too. “But we’re seeing each other in like two weeks so that’s something to look forward to, right?”
Gigi whines like a child. “But the last time I saw you was six weeks ago!”
“That’s why I cloned my dick for you. So you can fuck yourself with it and I can watch over FaceTime and you don’t have to miss me as much.”
“That does sound hot,” she considers. Gigi cocks her head to the side and bites her lower lip and looks up at Crystal from underneath her lashes. “Can we use it now?”
Crystal wiggles her brows at Gigi. “Do you want to?”
“I do,” she nods. She takes in Crystal’s face that’s taking up her screen and scrunches her nose. “But your mug really isn’t doing it for me.”
“Later, then?”
“For sure,” Gigi winks. “No, but seriously. I appreciate the sentiment. I just miss you.”
“I miss you too.”
“Should I send you a replica of my dick too?”
Crystal perks up at the suggestion, deciding then and there that she’ll send Gigi a kit — in maybe neon purple. “But it’s messy to make. It was like a science experiment!”
“Crystal. Elizabeth. Methyd,” she says, feigning shock. “Did you stick your dingaling in any of the science experiments you did in school?” Gigi can’t stop laughing at the mental image of Crystal sticking her erect penis into a model volcano.
“Shut up! It was hard to stay hard.”
Gigi couldn’t get anything else done for the rest of the day with the anticipation of what’s to come. Besides, she’s maintained a semi since they hung up and it didn’t really help with her already short attention span. She considered rubbing one out just for a little relief but decided to wait it out. It’s going to be better this way.
She’s already in bed, still semi-hard and freshly showered, with Crystal’s penis replica and a bottle of lube within arms reach when her phone buzzes in her hand.
Crystal: 2 mins. Get your laptop set up.
She doesn’t even bother to reply. She arranges her laptop, puts on her earphones (which, for a bit, she thinks of forgoing since her roommates are sure to hear her anyway), and positions herself on the bed checking to make sure that Crystal will be able to see everything.
In exactly two minutes, Crystal’s smiling face (void of makeup, thank god) fills her laptop screen. “Hey,” they both say at the same time. Gigi feels herself harden further at the look on Crystal’s face as she stares back at her.
“Geege, you shouldn’t have bothered with clothes. I didn’t!” Crystal moves back against her pillows as she pushes her laptop a little bit further from her to give Gigi the full view of her already hard penis. “Come on, I couldn’t be the only one naked here!”
“Sorry.” Gigi shakes herself out of her stupor at seeing Crystal naked, thumbing around the tip of her dick and quickly pulls her tank top over her head. She grips herself through the fabric of her underwear with a groan.
“Gigi,” Crystal breathes.
She slowly pulls her underwear down her legs, watching Crystals breath hitch. It makes her feel flushed and hot all over. “Happy?”
“Very.” She looks straight into Gigi’s eyes and wraps her hand around her cock, slowly stroking herself for Gigi to watch. “You look so good.” There isn’t a need for long introductions, they both know they’re on this call for one thing.
Gigi’s mouth feels dry. So instead of answering, she starts stroking, matching her pace with Crystal. They stroke in tandem for a while, eyes not leaving each other,  before Crystal tells Gigi to get the lube. She watches Gigi squeeze a generous amount onto her fingers. “Ready?”
“Can’t wait,” she says as she shifts to spread her legs wider so Crystal has a better view. “Can’t wait to stretch myself out so I can take your cock.” Gigi fucking hates dirty talk but she just misses Crystal so much she doesn’t even have the energy to cringe at herself; instead, she reaches down to rub her fingers over her hole with warmed up lube.
Crystal stops touching herself. Instead she focuses on Gigi’s movements. She watches Gigi slowly slip a finger in, whimpering quietly at the sensation of a single digit sliding in and out of her.
“Go on,” Crystal urges.
Gigi adds another finger and feels herself stretch and clench around her fingers. “Feels so good,” she breathes out. It’s been three days since she’s masturbated and fucked herself and six weeks since she’s had Crystal’s actual dick. She pulls one knee up for more space and moves her fingers in and out, gradually increasing her pace, going deeper each time. Her other hand wraps around her cock and strokes in time with her fingers.
A third finger slips alongside the first two and Gigi feels fuller. “Crystal,” she moans.
Crystal’s cock jumps at the sound. She’s so painfully hard she firmly wraps her hand around the base of her cock, delaying getting even more worked up until Gigi has her Crystal dildo up in her ass. “You’re doing so well, Geege,” she encourages. “Get yourself nice and stretched.”
Gigi can’t wait to get Crystal’s fake cock inside her. She shudders in anticipation. “C-can — Crys, I need —“ She sounds wrecked. Gigi is easy to work up; so easy to get all wet and open and desperate.
“Fuck, Gigi. You have no idea what you fucking look like.” She watches Gigi’s hips jerk. “Are you ready for my cock, baby?” Gigi couldn’t even form a sentence. Her jaw is slack and she just nods in agreement. “Look at yourself, so slick and open, I could just slide right in.”
“I want you to.”
“Do your fingers feel good?”
“I-I, y-yes, yeah. I like yours better, though.”
Gigi removes her hand from her throbbing cock and pulls her fingers out. She reaches out for her dildo, licks up one side of it and winks at Crystal.
“Torture,” Crystal groans.
“I would much prefer if this were actually you.”
Gigi pulls her laptop closer and rolls over on her stomach, finding a little relief by rubbing herself against her sheets. She tilts her screen down and positions her new toy and herself so Crystal has full view of her mouth.
“You’re gonna want to start touching yourself,” she says before licking the tip of the dildo slowly. Crystal’s mouth hangs open, practically drooling at the sight, and just nods as she tries her best to mimic the movement of Gigi’s mouth and hands with her own hands.
Gigi maintains eye contact with Crystal while she wraps her lips around the toy and starts giving it a very enthusiastic blow job, easing her mouth down and coating it with saliva. She strokes her hand up and down the way she knows Crystal likes as she moves her lips up and down, stopping every so often to lick the shaft and head. At the back of her head, she knows how ridiculous she might look giving a cold silicone toy a blowjob but it feels so much like Crystal she doesn’t even give it another thought.
Crystal is stroking herself with her right hand in a regular fluid motion, matching Gigi’s pace. The fingers on her left hand pinches at her nipple piercing.
“So hot,” Gigi comments.
“Feels good,” Crystal whispers as she watches Gigi take all of it into her mouth, closing her eyes as she relaxes her throat and swallows around it. It’s obscene but Crystal can’t look away. “Fuck, need to be inside you.”
Gigi draws off the dildo with a smirk, pressing a kiss to the tip of the toy. She quickly gets up from the bed, taking the laptop, the bottle of lube, and the very wet toy with her.
“Where are you going?” Crystal asks.
She sets her laptop down. “This will be easier on the floor,” she explains.
Gigi reaches for the dildo and squirts extra lube onto the already saliva-slick surface. She gets on her knees and sticks the suction of the dildo directly on the floor underneath her.
“Wanna ride you,” she says positioning herself. Crystal not able to take her eyes away from Gigi’s hard dick pointing straight at her.
“Yeah, okay.” Crystal leans forward to get a better look at Gigi rising up a little bit on her knees, grabbing the shaft,  and slowly lowering herself down on the silicone cock. “This is so hot, fuck.”
She doesn’t realize that she has her eyes closed until she feels the base of the toy pressed up against her and she slightly stumbles forward at the fullness. Gigi moans at the realization that she’s got it all in; so lewd that Crystal thinks Gigi just came right then.
“You okay, babe?”
“Fucking awesome,” Gigi breathes out. “Feels exactly like you. Not that the dildo is as good as the original, but still.“
Crystal laughs and this sets Gigi’s laughter off too. How very fitting for them to be laughing while doing this.
She waits for Gigi to calm down and adjust to the intrusion and only starts to touch herself again when Gigi starts moving.
Gigi begins to rock herself up and down on the shaft, encouraging Crystal to touch herself. She thinks she could come just like this — not touching herself, just fucking herself on the perfect replica of Crystal’s cock. She lets her own dick bounce against her body as she rides the toy in little short motions.
Gigi moans and whimpers as she watches Crystal languidly work a generously lubed hand over herself.
“I feel like I’m watching a porno,” Crystal comments as her hand starts to work faster on her own cock. Gigi tries to laugh but it quickly turns into an obscene moan. “Touch yourself, Gee,” Crystal encourages.
"Oh, fuck! Baby, I love your dick so much.” Gigi grips her own dick and pumps along with Crystal. She sets a steady pace bouncing on the dildo making her thighs burn. But that’s the least of her concerns. The burn just intensifies everything.
“Mmhmm,” she answers, biting her lower lip.
Crystal strokes her cock slowly, trying to make the sensation last, but the sight and sounds of Gigi pleasuring herself was just too much.
“G-Gigi,” Crystal stutters, struggling to find words. “I c-can’t —“
“Go on, baby. I want to see you come.” Crystal gasps out a breath and instinctively closes her eyes. “Eyes on me, babe,” Gigi croons, syncing her movement on the toy to Crystal’s hands.
She watches Crystal work herself over the edge, listening to her shaky breaths and pitchy moans. She didn’t know she could feel pleasure just by listening to Crystal moan like this, listening to her cry, and try to hold in her whines.
“Oohhh, fu-fuuuuck me,” Crystal moans. Suddenly her hand is moving so fast, Gigi doesn’t know where to focus her eyes — her face contorting with pleasure, her hand pinching her pierced nipple, her hips jerking upward, or the cum shooting over her spasming abdomen.
“Fuck, that was hot,” Crystal says as she pushes back hair that’s stuck to the sweat on her forehead, still panting. She looks back at Gigi who’s waiting for her to recover, still moving her hands over her still hard and throbbing dick with long strokes. “Your turn.”
Gigi leans back against her calves and bottoms out on the dildo. She wraps her hand firmly around her cock and thrusts up into her fist. “Fuck, it’s really — ah — i-it’s really too much. I’m really so — I can’t —” She’s no longer stroking but thrusting uncontrollably up into her hand. “S-so close,” she moans. “Gonna come. Fuck, I’m gonna —” Gigi cries out, eyes rolling back, as thick ropes of cum splatter all the way up her torso, some reaching all the way up to her chin.
Her orgasm is so intense, there’s a deep sense of calm that spreads throughout her body. She slowly lifts herself from the dildo and collapses on the floor, panting and jerking and not even bothering to clean up. She’ll deal with the sticky mess later.
She opens her eyes to see Crystal staring back at her in a daze. Gigi’s never felt the distance between them as sharply as she does now. All she wants is to hold Crystal and be held.
“Wow,” Crystal whispers. Gigi just nods, still too overwhelmed to speak.
For a moment they just stay there, a moment frozen in time, watching each other and drinking it all in.
“Crystal, I —“
“I know. I feel bad that I’m not there to do anything about it.”
“Two weeks.” Crystal nods in agreement. “I’m sticky,” Gigi points out.
“We should probably both clean up.”
“I’ll call you again in 15, yes?”
“Take your time.” Gigi nods.
They wave and blow kisses at each other before Crystal ends the call with a love you lingering in the air. Gigi sighs, equally satiated and sad. Two weeks.
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cocastyle · 4 years
Change - Ch. 2
Pairing - Bill Denbrough x reader
Word Count - 1,981
A/N - and this is the official first part for the second half of this series! I am so excited for you all to where this story goes! I’m posting a cast list right after this and please check it out because I have added a new character for this half of the series that I really hope you all like! please continue to leave feedback and any predictions you may have! I hope you all enjoy :))
if you would like to be added to the tag list for this series let me know!
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P R O L O G U E - The Goodbye
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Saying goodbye to the Losers was one of the hardest things Y/N had ever had to do. It was even harder than fighting a clown that turned into one's fears which was saying a lot, so when the day came where Y/N would be leaving Derry and returning home she was a mess to say the least.
She had woken up in an odd mood, a feeling of dread washing over her as she had looked to her clock to see that Beverly had already left for Portland and that she would be leaving soon as well. It was like she was going through the motions that morning, Stan never leaving her side as the two cousins worked on packing her stuff up. Neither found themselves able to utter a single word and it had to be the quietest the two had been all summer.
It was only when the last of her stuff was packed in the car and the two were sitting in their birdwatching spot in the woods that they broke the silence, Stan letting out a soft sigh as he glanced at his cousin with a hopeful look in his eyes. "You sure you don't want to just move here?" he questioned.
"I wish," Y/N sighed, glancing down at her hands before letting her gentle gaze fall on her curly haired best friend. "But you know my parents would never allow it."
Stan frowned and Y/N watched as he pulled his knees close to his chest, hugging them tight in an attempt to comfort himself. "Things are going to change, aren't they?" Stan whispered, his words making the young girl still.
Change had always been a scary subject for her and she knew her life would be different the moment she left Derry. However, before she could dwell too much on it, she distantly remembered Bill's words to her the day her parents had called to tell her their divorce was finalized.
"Yes, they are," Y/N admitted and she tried to ignore the pained look on her cousin's face. "But," she said causing Stan to look to her, "just because our lives are changing does not mean everything will. We will still always have each other, you know. We'll always be best friends."
Stan was silent for a moment as he let his eyes flicker over the girl's face, relaxing slightly at the gentle and warm smile she gave him. He had never felt more loved than in that moment, but his worries still troubled him.
"Promise?" Stan whispered, shakily holding up his pinkie. He needed the confirmation and they both knew it. He wouldn't be able to let her go if she didn't.
"I promise, Stanley," Y/N whispered as she reached out and locked their pinkies together. They had always taken pinkie promises seriously, so a promise like this was a big deal for the two. "Best friends until death do us part."
"Until death do us part," Stan agreed, his voice soft as he squeezed his cousin's pinkie one last time.
They would end up following that promise until death did break them apart, but they didn't have to worry about that for now. They still had a long twenty seven years of friendship ahead of them and there was no need to worry about it for now.
It wasn't much longer before the Losers began to show up, Bill being the first and sneakily pressing a kiss to the girl's cheek when no one was looking. Then came Ben and Mike before finally Richie and Eddie showed up.
Y/N had hugged Ben first, the boy struggling to stop his tears as he hugged her tight. He thought back to when they had first met, how she had seemed to glow as she softly asked if he was alright after his run in with Bowers. She was like his own guardian angel and Ben had been so happy when she became his friend.
He hadn't wanted to let her go, but knowing she had the others to say goodbye to, he had reluctantly released the girl. Y/N had given him one last smile behind her tears, gently brushing his hair out of his face and whispering "Goodbye, Ben" before moving onto Mike who was quick to envelope the girl in a big hug.
Mike hadn't thought saying goodbye would be so hard, but he realized just how wrong he was as he hugged Y/N for the last time. She had saved his life on more than one occasion and the two had only grown closer as the summer went on. Y/N was Mike's first friend and he would forever be grateful for that, but saying goodbye to her was harder than being forced to kill the sheep on his farm.
"Goodbye, Mike."
Richie was next and he tried to hide his sadness, but it was evident in the way he held onto her, his hands balling into fists as he gripped onto her like he was afraid he would never see her again. The two had been through a lot together that summer and had leaned on each other for comfort when the others weren't around.
Richie couldn't even stop himself from tearing up as the two pulled away and he quickly bowed his head to hide his tears. Y/N gently pushed his chin up so that he could look at her and the two stared at each other with watery eyes and sad smiles on their faces.
"You're not going soft on me now, are you?" Y/N teased earning a weak chuckle from the boy.
"Only for you, darling, but don't go around telling the others. It'll ruin my reputation," Richie joked half heartedly, but it was still enough to make the girl smile.
"Goodbye, Rich."
Eddie about broke her heart when she turned to him, the boy gently shaking his head and refusing to make eye contact with her. He didn't want to believe it, didn't want to accept that Y/N was leaving him. How would he go on without her? She was the one who kept him calm, the one who always knew how to comfort him when no one else understood. It felt like he was saying goodbye to a sister and he knew he was a goner the moment she turned her attention to him.
"Eds," Y/N sighed, her voice soft, but the word had barely left her mouth before Eddie was rushing forwards and pulling her in for a hug. He had to choke back a sob as he held onto her and Y/N shook in his hold as she began to cry. She had been doing so well up until that point, but Eddie had broken her and Bill would only be worse.
But for now Y/N focused on Eddie who gripped onto her with his one good arm as the tears freely flowed down his face. Not even Richie made fun of the boy for his tears for he too had begun to cry watching Eddie and Y/N embrace.
Stan was the one who had to break the two up, gently pulling Eddie back as the boy looked to Y/N with a heartbroken expression on his face. Y/N gave the boy a weak smile and wiped at her tears as she whispered, "Goodbye, Eddie."
She had to turn away from the boy quick before she could see his reaction to her words, but that may have not been the best idea for the sight of Bill was what broke her.
There the boy stood, his hands in his pockets as he shyly looked at the girl with red eyes as he struggled to hold back his tears. He gave her the softest of smiles and Y/N let out a small sob as she walked towards the boy who was already standing with his arms out waiting for her.
Y/N dug her face into the crook of Bill's neck, her hands balling into fists on the back of his shirt as another sob racked through her body and was muffled by his shirt. Bill swallowed thickly and let out a shaky breath as the tears he had desperately been trying to hold back began to fall.
Bill was the first to pull away, knowing that it would only make things harder for the girl if they hugged any longer. He kept the closer distance as he reached up and cupped the crying girl's face, using his thumbs to wipe away her tears as he smiled gently down at her.
Y/N didn't even care that the others were watching and was quick to push herself up on her toes ever so slightly in order to capture Bill's lips in one last kiss. A small gasp was heard from the others before Richie's taunting voice muttered, "I fucking knew it."
The kiss was short, but held more meaning than any words could at the moment. Y/N slowly pulled away but stayed close enough that their noses brushed against one another as they stared into each other's eyes.
"Goodbye, Bill," Y/N whispered, her eyes flickering over the boy's face as she tried to engrave this moment into her memory. He was beautiful even with tear stains on his face and the sight was enough to make her heart skip a beat.
"Goodbye, Y/N," Bill whispered back, his voice cracking slightly as he gave her a shaky smile that the girl returned.
Bill allowed himself to admire the girl for a moment more, taking in her presence and that Y/N Uris smile of hers that he adored so much. He was going to miss her more than either of them would ever be able to put into words.
Bill glanced at Stan and gave the curly haired boy a small nod. Stan took the hint and went over to his cousin's side, gently beginning to pull her away while Y/N began to hold onto Bill's arms just a little tighter.
It was obvious she didn't want to go, but they both knew that she had to and maybe that's why her grip loosened once again as she allowed Stan to pull her back. Bill and Y/N kept their eyes locked on each other as their hands got one last lingering touch before Y/N was pulled away completely.
Y/N barely remembered getting into the car, but Stan was by her side within seconds, gently taking her hand in his and giving it a small squeeze to tell her that she was not alone. The h/c girl let out a shaky breath as she looked to her cousin and Stan merely gave her a small reassuring smile that enabled the girl to look out the window which she had rolled down in order to look at her friends one last time.
"Don't forget about us, sweetheart!" Richie exclaimed from the sidewalk, a teasing grin on his face as he wiped at the tears that had managed to escape.
Y/N's eyes flickered over each of her friends, starting with Stan who sat beside her in the car and moving to the others who stood outside—Ben, Mike, Eddie, Richie, and finally Bill. Each of them was desperately trying to keep it together and Y/N felt her eyes begin to water again as a smile appeared on her face.
"Forget about you? I can assure you that will never happen," Y/N told them, giving each of them one last smile which they quickly returned as the car began to pull away.
Little did she know just how wrong she was.
Y/N Uris wouldn't see them again for twenty seven years.
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The devil within
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Summary: Summer time is supposed to be fun and worried free right? Not when you live in Derry. The capital of kids going missing. But what could cause all these kids to go missing? I think it has something to do with the clown I keep seeing.
It was about 2:30 in the morning before Henry and I fell asleep. Then it was close to 9 until we woke up. When I woke up I noticed that Henry had his arm around me. “Are you feeling any better today Henry?” I asked him. “I’m still a bit sore is all” Henry said as he took his arm off of me and sat up. “I can go get you some medicine if you want any.” I said. “It’s okay I know what it is.” Henry said getting up from my bed. I got up and walked out of my room to go get something to drink. Henry followed behind me. We both walked into kitchen as Henry went to go get some medicine I got him something to drink. “Does Belch know you’re here so he knows to come here to pick you up so you four can do god knows what today?” I asked sitting down at my family’s island. “Yeah I texted him last night. He should be here soon. Are you going to hang out with those losers today?” Henry asked. “I might or I might just hang around my house today I haven’t decided.” I said. “You can always hang out with us.” Henry said. “And have Patrick feel me up. Now I love you, Belch and Vic but Patrick pushes it.” I said. Henry let out a laugh. “Yeah I guess you’re right. Tell you’re folks I said thank for letting me stay the night.” Henry said. “They said that you to keep saying thank you. They would let you stay anytime and you know that.” I said. “I know. I just.” Henry said. “You just like it better at my house than your own.” I said. Henry looked at me and sadly nodded. “You know if want wanted to stay here permanently my parents would be more than happy to go to court to become your legal guardians.” I said. “I know but I don’t know what my dad will do.” Henry said. “Well if the judge grants my parent’s custody there’s nothing he can do.” I said. “I’ll think about it.” Henry said. “Okay and we don’t have to mention this to my parents until you make up your mind if you want.” I said. “Yeah I would like that.” Henry said as the sound of horn rang out. “I guess that would be Belch.” I said. “Yeah that’s him. I’ll see you later y/n.” Henry said as he came over and gave me a hug. “See you later Henry.” I said hugging him back. I watch as Henry pulled away from the hug and made his way out of my house. When I heard the door close I let out a sigh. I grabbed my drink from off the island as I got up from my seat and from seat and made my way back to my room get changed. As I was getting changed I heard my phone start to ring. I rushed over to see who it was. It was Stan. I unplug it from the charger bring it up to my ear as I answered it. “Hey Stan what’s up?” I asked. “I just wanted to make sure you are still coming?” Stan asked. ‘Yeah sure. Just let me finish getting ready. Where did you want to meet?” I asked. “I’ll just swing by your place.” Stan said. “Sounds good just head this way in ten minutes.” I said. “Alright see you soon Y/n.” Stan said. “See you later.” I said as I hung up.
I quickly finished getting ready so once Stan got here when go just go meet with Bill, Richie, Eddie. Since I was almost ready when Stan called I quickly got a small backpack with some first aid stuff and other stuff like that in case I need to help with any of the guys. I also put some water bottles in my bag but that time I heard a knock at my door. “Coming!” I yelled. I put my backpack on as I put my phone in my back pocket on my shorts as I went to answer the door even though I already knew it was Stan. When I opened the door I saw that Stan was waiting on me. “You ready?” Stan asked. “Yeah. Where are we meeting the others?” I asked. “They want us to meet them at Eddie’s house.” Stan said. “Alright as long as we don’t have to go in his house I’m all for it.” I said. “What you don’t you think you and Eddie are meant to be.” Stan said. “Oh very funny I don’t know why she’s trying to make me and Eddie to become a thing.” I said. “Honestly you’re guest is as good as mine. But you seem to be the only girl she seems to like hanging around Eddie. Which I don’t know you’re as bad as Richie maybe worse.” Stan said. I flipped him off. “Are we going to go or what.” I said starting to walk off my porch. “Yeah let’s go.” Stan said following me.
I got on Stan’s bike behind him putting my hands on his shoulders as he started to pedal to Eddie’s house. I didn’t have a buke of my own and haven’t for a while I preferred to walk or run. But when I was hanging out with the guys I usually rode with Stan or Bill. Neither of the two mind. I think that they are just waiting for me to get my license so I could drive them. Richie though would be the only one to just straight out admits it. The others say that it’s not the main reason but I know and I’m not upset at it. Anyways the ride to get to Eddie’s house from mine was only about five minutes. When we pulled up Richie, Eddie and Bill were on their bikes waiting for us. “It’s about time the two of you showed up.” Richie said. “Oh shut up. We’re here aren’t we?” I asked. “Yeah and we have been waiting for hours.” Richie said. “Oh have you now?” I asked. “Yes we have.” Richie said. “Cut the bullshit Richie how long have you guys really been waiting?” I asked. “Maybe five minutes maybe less.” Eddie said. “Thank you Eddie now can we go.” I said. The other three boys nodded and then we started to ride the bike through Derry to go check the sewers for Georgie. I knew that we weren’t going to find anything but I didn’t dare to say anything like that in front of Bill. Because he was so sure that Georgie was just going to show back up. But I have seen enough criminal minds and crime show to know if a kid isn’t found in the first 24 hours that it was never a good sign and Georgie has been missing for almost ten months so odd are he’s dead.
We stopped near one of the many entrances to the sewer. I hopped off of Stan bike as he got the kick stand down. Richie and Bill started to walk into the sewer while Stan, Eddie and I waited outside of the entrance. I could overhear Stan asking Eddie if something was poison ivy. “I don’t know I guess.” Eddie said. “That’s poison ivy. And that’s poison ivy. And that’s poison ivy.” Stan said as he pointed to every plant he saw and none of them were poison ivy. “Where? Where’s the poison ivy?” Eddie asked slightly freaking out. “Nowhere. Not every fucking plant is poison ivy Stanley.” Richie said. “Yeah Stan I told my dad that we were going to be around this area and if there was poison ivy around here he would have told me for us not to be around here. “What exactly did you tell him?” Richie asked. “Just that we might go to the quarry.” I said shrugging. “Okay I’m starting to get itchy now and I’m pretty sure this is not good for my.” Eddie said. “Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?” Richie asked. “Sometimes yeah.” Eddie said. “Then you probably have crabs.” Richie said.  “That’s so not funny.” Eddie said. Richie turned to look at the three of us. “Aren’t you guys coming in?” Richie asked. “Well I wasn’t given much of a notice that we were coming to the sewers or else I would have worn my boots and not my vans. I don’t want them to smell like shit tipping off my dad to where we really where so I’m passing.” I said. “Uh-uh. It’s greywater.” Eddie said motioning to the water. “What the hell’s greywater?” Richie asked. It’s basically piss and shit. So I’m just telling you- you guys are splashing around in millions of gallons of Derry pee. So.” Eddie said as he started to go off. Richie then grabbed a stick swishing it around the water that bringing it up to his nose to smell it. “Are you serious? What are you.” Eddie said. “Doesn’t smell like caca to me senor.” Richie said in a bad Spanish accent. “Okay I can smell that from here.” Eddie said. “It’s probably just your breath wafting back into your face.” Richie said. “Have you ever heard of a staph infection?” Eddie asked losing it. “Oh I’ll show you a staff infection.” Richie said motioning the stick towards Eddie. “That is so unsanitary. You’re literally. This is literally like swimming inside a toilet bowl right now. Have you ever heard of Listeria?” Eddie said as Richie had picked up a pair of shorts with the stick and threw them at Eddie. Which made Eddie scream as he dodged them. “Are you retarded? You’re the reason we’re in this position right now.” Eddie said. “Guys!” Bill yelled shutting Eddie up as he turned around. I saw that he now had a shoe in his hand. “Shit. Don’t tell me that’s.” Stan said. “No. Georgie wore galoshes.” Bill said as Richie walked forward to Bill to see who’s shoe it was. “Who’s sneaker is it?” Eddie asked. “It’s Betty Ripsom’s.” Richie said. “Oh shit. Oh god. Oh fuck! I don’t like this.” Eddie said. “How do you think Betty feels? Running around these tunnels with only one frickin shoe?” Richie said as he started hopping on one foot. Then he saw that none of us were laughing with him. “What if she’s still here?” Stan asked. Bill and Richie turned around as they started to walk further into the sewers. “Eddie come on!” Richie said. “My mom will have an aneurysm if she finds out the we’re playing down here. I’m serious. Bill?” Eddie said. “If.. If I was Betty Ripsom I would want us to find me. Georgie too.” Bill said. Now I was debating on if want wanted to go in now or not. “What if I don’t want to find them? I mean no offense Bill but I don’t want to end up like.. I don’t want to go missing either.” Eddie said. Eddie came closer to saying Georgie but he had stopped himself. “He has a point.” Stan said. “You too?” Bill asked. “It’s summer. We’re supposed to be having fun. This isn’t fun. This is scary and disgusting.” Stan said as something large splashed in the water behind making us all jump. I looked behind us to see Ben from school. He was soaked to the bone and bleeding. “Holy shit! What happened to you?” Richie asked as he and Bill walked out of the sewer. He looked over to us and the look he gave just asked for us to help him. “Stan Eddie help him to this rock.” I said as I pointed to a rock big enough of him to sit on. As Stan and Eddie went to go help him I went over kneel down in front of the rock as I took off my backpack and started to take out the stuff I brought.
As Stan and Eddie helped Ben sit down on the rock I put my hair up in a ponytail. I gave him some medicine and one of the water bottles. Ben took them from me. I took another one of the water bottles and poured some on a piece of gauze. I started to clean his bloody nose. “So what happened?” I asked as I started to clean the other small cuts on his face. “I ran into Henry.” Ben said. “Got it. Did he just give you a bloody nose?” I said knowing that I would have to talk to him about this later. “Um no.” Ben said as he looked down. “What else?” I asked. Ben lifts his shirt to show that Henry had craved an H into his stomach. I could hear the other boys wince. I started to looked through my stuff. I noticed that I was out of rubbing alcohol so I could clean it. “We need to take him into town so I can go get some more rubbing alcohol so I can get this. “You heard the lady gentleman let’s go.” Richie said. “Don’t worry Ben I’ll get you fixed up and this will stay just between the six of us alright.” I said as I put my stuff in my backpack.
Taglist: @sparkheels​
Overall Taglist: @the-broken-halo-writer​
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hometothecanyonmoon · 4 years
First of all, this is nothing personal, I just hate you. Read this whole thing with a cool brain for once.
Because you keep popping in my feed when I don't even follow you and I've reported you at least 5 times.
You are without a doubt going to find loopholes or grammatical/spelling mistakes in this rant and you're going to attack me for it, but that's only because you're too egoistic to accept that you're an idiot. You may even ignore the main point i'm trying to make and focus on one sentence or whatever. You'll get stuck on one out of place or irrelevant sentence. I may have started a war and you may report me as many times as you like for whatever, but I don't care. I'm proud that I stood up for what I believe in. People do see your posts and hate them, but at least I did something about it.
I honestly think you need help. You should maybe show your blog to a professional and then let's see if they call it "a lovely place" and "the best thing I've seen during quarantine". I don't know how your filthy followers think your blog is a lovely place. And also no wonder you don't have many followers because people actually love ot3. It is NOT ok to bully anyone, even celebs.
The people you insult are someone's idols. Someone has remained alive because of them. They've helped someone through their dark days. You don't get any right to insult the person or their fans because simply, it's got NOTHING to do with you.
I don't like Justin Bieber, Lizzo and Billie Eilish, but I don't insult them. They all have massive fandoms, and they mean so much to each and every fan. Just because I don't like them, doesn't give me the right to humiliate and make fun of them. Just because I don't agree with it doesn't give me the right to call their fans crazy. It may mean the world to the fans. And you know, when you speak about ot3 the way you do, it hurts. It actually really hurts. Ngl, I cried last night after stalking you [which was probably a mistake but yeah, it happened. It made me sick.]
Harry Styles is not the most perfect person on this planet. He has flaws too, just like everyone else. I could say so many bad, false things about H or Zayn, but I won't, because I love them and accept them for who they are. And also I won't stoop down to your level.
You don't believe in Larry. Understandable. But that does NOT mean that you can insult fans or shippers. If you need to know, I'm the same anon who asked you what you're going to do when Larry come out, and you called me deluded. No worries. I'm used to it. I'm a Larry shipper.
I also asked you that your blog can simply be a Harry Styles fan blog, but you don't need to drag ot3 down. You replied saying that it is indeed a Harry fan blog. NO. It's not. It's a place where you simply hate on ot3 and try to prove your point by using rumours and irrelevant words.
If you are indeed a Harrie, I'm assuming you believe in treating people with kindness. Even though you may not like the song, he's your 'idol' (who I'm not going to insult because I'm not a jerk) and you are most probably going to hang on to his every word.
You say that Harry hated his bandmates and similar shit. [Once again, you are going to attack me saying "I NEVER SAID THAT STOP TWISTING MY WORDS"] Yeah whatever. According to you, Harry was the only good person in One Direction and he believed they were foolish idiots and so he distanced himself from them but he's still humble. Bullshit. BULLSHIT.
Harry loved and to this day loves each and every single one of them. I'm not going to believe your baseless facts.
If you do believe in tpwk (which, even if you don't, you should, you dumbfuck) then why the hell is Liam the exception to your so-called kindness? He said he was suicidal, he said his mental health is deteriorating, and if he's finally doing something that makes him happy {the YT weekly things that made you call him a clown}, then why do you have to ruin it? We are loving it!
LP1 was definitely not his best work, he could have done better, but hey, it makes him happy. He's experimenting with new music, he's getting a chance to make music his way, however he wants, so why poke your nose in between? Don't listen to the album if you don't want to, easy as that.
And he's doing it so casually, he's enjoying himself, we're enjoying watching him, WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?
Not everyone has to be a perfect YouTuber. It's ok if Zayn's tattoo artist made a mistake in the poem. Just because you think you're perfect (jokes on you mate, you're not) does not mean people are not allowed to make mistakes.
Everybody makes mistakes. And everybody is allowed to make them. It's part of being human. People make mistakes. They're forgiven. Big deal?
So what if Niall is half naked on Instagram and he shows his chest hair? If you don't want to watch it, don't. Easy shit. No one is forcing you to look at him. So what if he slid into some Arabella's DMs? His life bruh smh
It's so easy to bully a celebrity. You think it's ok because they'll never see them. Maybe they'll never see those posts, but that does not mean it's ok to bully them. They already have such low self esteem because of staying in the limelight 24/7, and just when they get it back, there's people like you waiting.
I made 4 drafts trying to speak to you properly, but I've decided to fight fire with fire. Maybe it wasn't the best decision, but I'm willing to take the risk. Maybe I shouldn't be wasting my time doing this, writing to you when you'll stop reading after the first paragraph, but I will not let you spread hate. I'll report you and I will END you if it's the last thing I do.
Most of the times, I don't call out hateful people on the internet, because I assume they're having a bad day and yk sometimes it happens.. I'm not perfect either. But you do this everyday. Every single post. You might have low self esteem and you channel that hate on your blog. You are a bully.
I honestly don't want to be mean and I didn't want to generalise (also no offence to solo Harries who are not jerks) but you are the definition of a solo Harrie. Hear me out, I'm not saying every single one of you is bad, some of them are actually really good. But there's lots like you who believe Harry Styles is the best gift this universe gave us and no one else on the planet compares to him because he's perfect. I love him endlessly but his fans are obnoxious. It's people like you who feel the need to interfere everywhere. Like for example, that Billie-Zayn-Louis drama. What the hell did Harries have to do with anything?? You think you guys own the Internet. Sorry to burst your bubble, you don't. It's people like you who hate on ot4/ot3 and you shut down his social media presence. It's now used only for promotions. Poor kid's been in the spotlight for 10 years, give him a damn break.
Do you ever think Harry sees the tweets about his bandmates and feels his heart break? Harry and Zayn were not the only members of One Direction. Each one of ot5 made One Direction what it was. It would've been hella different if even one of them wasn't there. One Direction never was and never will be Harry&Co.
You guys are also in love with Modest! management, and I will not even go there because this rant will be twice as long. All I can say is, you're blind. You're fucking blind.
So what if Louis acted like a kid and he comes across as immature? He can be whatever the fuck he wants to be, he doesn't need your approval. He's been through so much shit and he'd give his life for the 1D boys. I can't imagine how someone can be this rude and hateful. And I saw an anon on your blog about the Torn performance, where Louis was lip-syncing. Like, bruh, duh! He missed rehearsals and Harry carried it, big deal! Everyone knows he lip-synced, even Simon, and everyone knows the reason why. They didn't even try to hide it.
I don't expect you to immediately fall in love with ot3 and start stanning them [here's the part where you say "as if I'd ever like those losers" in that case FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING HYPOCRITE] but I tried. If you feel even a bit of remorse, a tiny drop of regret [which I know you will though you'll never admit it] and if you have even a bit of feelings and kindness and compassion left in you, I succeeded.
Please -I'm not begging you, simply asking- spread love. As I said, make your blog a Harry fan blog, which you can do even if you don't hate on ot3. To prove your devotion to Harry, you don't need to hate on his bandmates.
Thank you for reading this.
I hope the best for you. Truly.
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countlessimagines · 5 years
Remembering [ Richie Tozier x Reader ]
Summary: When you moved away from Derry, your memories of your one true love is gone. Only when you return do you regain those memories.
Warnings: Cussing, blood
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You don’t remember laying your head on his chest. The simple rise and fall. The light kisses he would leave on your head.
He would often spend the night at your house because his parents kicked him out or they were fighting. He always found a safe haven in your arms.
He only began to spend the night at your house when you were both seventeen. Before, you two were weird about it since you were an awkward teen and he always made such inappropriate comments. Needless to say, you had to sneak him in your room because your parents weren’t too accepting of Richie. But, you never seemed to care about their opinion on him. You still loved him.
You don’t remember the mornings where you would kiss his chin, cheeks, nose, forehead, and finally his lips. Sometimes he would get impatient though and grab your chin and smash your lips together.
You always seemed to smile in those kisses, but you can’t recall them now.
You now stood on your doorstep that led to your childhood home where you parents still lived. It had been so long since you were last there. It seemed like a distant memory, but once your old friend Mike Hanlon called saying IT had returned, bits and pieces returned to you.
You rung the doorbell, waiting for one of your parents to answer. But no footsteps came, no opening the door, no happy reunion, no family to greet you.
Your mind was hazy as is, and you just oh so badly wanted to see your parents, regain some type of memory, anything. Especially the memories of the bad mouthed kid with glasses. A part of you told yourself that he was the one. Which one, exactly, you didn’t know.
You sighed in defeat and walked down the driveway.
Richie rode his bike in the rain all the way to your house, to try to convince you to stay in Derry. You were all he had left.
But you had already made your mind up. You were going off to college in another stage and leaving the memories behind. Before, you thought of how it was just a saying to leave memories behind, but now... you really did leave those memories behind.
He was shouting outside your house, begging you to reconsider, pleading you to not leave him all alone. But you shut him out, crying softly into your pillow.
You were walking down roads that seemed familiar to you. You were heading to the Chinese restaurant Mike had a reservation at, but you still didn’t know if you were heading in the right direction.
You were passing through another neighborhood when you saw a man walking his dog. You approached him to ask him if he knew which way you should head.
He turned his head to you, a sick smile wiped on his face, “Directions? Directions? Shouldn’t you know this wonderful place, (Y/N)?”
You stepped a few feet back, “How... how do you know my name?”
“How could I forget you, (Y/N)?” He was starting to laugh, his voice growing deeper. “How could I forget you? Hahaha.”
That laugh. You knew that laugh... Pennywise.
You started to back away even more now, “No... No... You’re not real.”
“Is this real?!” Pennywise shouted and his hands had gross, long nails. He reached for you as you screamed and tried to run away, but he grabbed onto your risk and threw you to the ground.
“No! No! Stop!” You yelled with tears in your eyes, breath hardly there from the hard impact. “Someone help!”
Pennywise wrapped one of his hands around your neck, digging his nails into your flesh. A cry of pain left you and you tried to get him off of you, but he was too strong. You could feel the blood oozing from your neck, the sting of it all.
And the next thing you knew, everything went black.
Your dreams consisted of him. Richie.
You could remember his name now. His hair that would curl sometimes. His large glasses that took up most of his face. His kisses that he always left on your shoulder or head whenever you would cuddle. His jokes that would make you scrunch your face up but at the same time made you laugh uncontrollably. His Hawaiian shirts that he always let you borrow. His laugh when you would blush so hard after he stole a kiss from you.
Your Richie Tozier.
You woke up startled. A car honking at you nonstop.
You felt your dried up blood caking your neck and hair.
With shaking hands, you pushed yourself up from the road.
The person honked again as you stepped aside, beyond confused as to why they didn’t even stop to see if you were okay. But then you remembered, the townspeople were clueless about Pennywise and everything he did.
You hurried now to the Chinese restaurant, your neck stinging in pain and you were drawing in so much breath that the night air made your throat burn.
You had tears streaming down your face as you ran faster and faster to where you knew he would be. Richie. Your Richie.
You imagined what he might look like now and if he changed drastically. You would still love him no matter what.
“(Y/N),” Richie smiled as you sat up from your spot on the picnic blanket, “You are too much sometimes, ya know?”
“Yes, but you love me.” With a grin, you pecked his lips.
“You’re fucking right,” he said and brought you into his arms suddenly. “I love the best dork in the world!”
“Richie!” You giggled as he shook you lightly to emphasize his statement.
Your legs only ran faster once you saw the restaurant. You don’t remember pushing past the hostess who told you you needed a reservations and couldn’t just storm in, you don’t remember your eyes searching every inch of the place before seeing a room in the back, and you don’t remember running towards it.
But you do remember seeing him. He looked older, for sure, but you could easily recognize his hair and glasses. He was laughing heartily at something... Eddie said. Eddie, you remember him now. And there was Bill, Bev, Ben, Mike... But no Stan.
Bev saw you first. She gasped loudly and stood up, “(Y/N)?”
You were suddenly weak, your adrenaline rush wearing off quickly.
Richie turned his head in an instant. He was quick to stand up and grab you in his arms, “(Y/N)?”
“Richie,” you smiled weakly. “Your glasses are... still big.”
He had a smile on his face for a brief second before it turned into one of concern, “What happened? You’re bleeding.”
“IT attacked me... I, I don’t... My neck, it hurts,” You said, your voice not exactly there.
“Hey, it’ll be okay,” Richie told you with a trembling voice, then turned to the rest of the group, “I’m going to take her to the hotel... Can one of you go grab stuff that we can patch her up, please?”
His eyes were full of worry as he held you in his arms. But instead of it being just like when you were kids, full of laughter and kisses, it was full of blood and tears.
Richie was teasing you endlessly for losing at the arcade game you two were playing.
“It’s not fair, you always play this game!” You said with crossed arms. “I call bullshit.”
“You can’t call bullshit, it was a fair game.”
“If I would have won, you would be throwing a hissy fit right now and saying it isn’t fair.”
“That doesn’t matter, I won,” Richie gave you a wink. “Now... I want to saw the deal was that I got a kiss?”
You pecked his lips and gave him a glare, “You’re going down next time.”
“Wanna bet?”
“It’s on!”
You woke up with a bandage around your neck. You could feel it wrapped carefully. Whoever did it also stitched your deeper wounds on your neck, you figured as your finger went under the bandage.
“Hey, don’t touch it,” a voice said from the doorway. Richie stood there with a relieved face, “Eddie said it will scar.”
“Richie,” You said his name, because you hadn’t said it in years to his face. You forgot everything about him, your first and only love, “Richie... I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I forgot you. I never... I never even said goodbye. Oh, I’m so sorry.”
He went to your side, “Don’t worry about it, you can pay me back with a kiss, does that sound okay?” He leant forward and wipes your tears away. “I forgot you, too. Which is crazy! I mean, shit, you’re the most gorgeous woman to walk this planet! How could I forget you?”
You sniffled, “I don’t want to forget you again.”
“Well, let’s kill this clown and maybe we’ll get married,” Richie shrugged like it was a normal conversation. But your normal was far from believable at this point.
“Sounds like a plan.”
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bowieandqueen11 · 5 years
Not True / Ben Hanscom Imagine
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Request: hi lovely! could you maybe do a 2019!ben x reader where they are married and him and the reader get split up at some point and then pennywise makes him see her dead and they all cry and ben doesn’t know what to do so he just yells and screams but it’s a trick and she turns up alive? ending with fluff and soft,needy!ben? thank you!! 
Yess! Thank you for the Ben love! I hope you don’t mind that I changed it so it’s just Ben and Y/N! <3
All comments are much appreciated!
Ben Hanscom wished he was back in Henry Bowers’ arms rather than this place.
The halls are dressed in black and white tile squares like a chess board, and Ben was trapped in an impending checkmate. The whole facade of the red bricked building, with its looming walls and cascading roofs sent a shiver down his spine, reminding him of something out of a long lost nightmare.
‘I do not want to be here’, he thinks, as he wraps his arms around his body and shakes his head slightly in despair. ‘I want my wife, but there’s no going back now, is there Haystack, hm?’
This is it, this is where his actions have lead him. He slowly opens the door, which lets out a tired old groan as the hinges protest. He just hopes you’re doing better at finding your token than he is. He hopes that letter from you is still in his locker.
He hopes, more than everything, that you’re safe.
Staring at the ground, he walked through the hall. Nobody seemed to care that he was unfamiliar. Nobody seemed to care that he was unusual. Nobody seemed to even notice him. He had to take a glance down to make sure he was still there; that he hadn't turned invisible. Laughter sounds along the halls, joined with excited conversations and shouts, the ghosts of the students he once knew ringing empty in his ears. He pretends, as he passes groups of high schoolers sitting around his empty social classroom laughing and causing all kinds of ruckus, that he doesn’t see a legless Betty Ripsom sitting on the desk in their midst. A breath of air brushes his ear; he follows the breeze and sees a blue striped paper plane gracefully gliding through the air before sliding across the tiled hall to stop with its nose against the wall.
Paper planes expertly made? But that could only be-
‘Hey Ben, why are you still here? School’s over for you?’
Ben swivels around, staring a good inches shorter than he was before as he realises his blue shirt has instead been swapped for a blue hoodie.
This isn’t possible.
He looks down at his slightly stodgier hands, reaching up to feel his face as he catches his reflection in his nearby locker, the graffiti blaring red as the silver metal shows the thirteen year old boy looking back at him.
‘Hey, Ben, can you hear me? You shouldn’t be here. You really shouldn’t be here.’
Realising he’d been ignoring the voice, his heart begins to hurt a little in his chest as the ghost of the young boy looks back at him, his doe eyes warm and welcoming as they quickly make contact with Ben’s surprised ones, a small smile lighting his face as he begins to play with his backpack straps.
Stanley Uris.
‘It’s not your time yet, Ben.’
However, the room seems to warp slightly, Ben’s head growing light as Stanley disappears, and instead a singular red balloon floats along by an invisible wind past his head, entangling its thin white string on his arm, small droplets of blood falling from the string swirls onto his skin. He stumbles back, bumping into the nearest bookcase as his eyes widen, pain flashing before them and what feels like thick scratches throbbing threefold on his stomach as the balloon pops, and your dead body lies on the floor behind it, thick, viscous blood pouring out in puddles that seem to reach their wavering hands towards him.
‘But it is Y/N’s’, he hears a grotesque voice whisper in his ears.
The world turned into a blur, and so did all the sounds. The taste. The smell. Everything was just gone. He paused, trying to hold back the strange feelings rumbling inside him but he couldn’t. A lone tear traced down his cheek, and just like that, the floodgates opened. So many tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down his face. His chin trembled as if he was a small child. He breathed heavier than he ever had before. He was gasping for air that simply wasn’t there, his throat burned forming a silent scream.
‘Th-that’s not true! That’s not true! S-she’s alive, and we’re in love and we’re going to make it!’
He doesn’t even realise he’s moving until he feels his back hit against the locker doors, a soft hand belonging to a curly haired boy letting go of his back and dragging him away from the clown shoes that cover your dead feet, and that’s when he starts screaming, your blood trickling down and seeping into his shoes.
‘Ben. Ben! Jesus, Ben, what the heck is going on?!’
You fiddle with the fire exit before finally plunging your way into the dim school, spotting the tall frame of your husband trembling against the wall. You run over, trying to pry his hands away from his face but he only yells louder, waving his arms out and neatly thwacking you in the shoulder.
‘Ow, Ben!’
When he finally opens his eyes, seeing you standing in front of him with a grimace on your face and a hand gently rubbing against your arm, he reaches out quickly and tugs you into his chest as he laughs breathlessly, almost erratically. He pulls the two of you down slowly, sliding down the locker until his bottom hits the floor with a thump as he wraps his arm around your waist and snuggles his head further into your neck with a small sob, his chin bumping slightly against your cheek. With half-lidded eyes, his fingers delicately trace the slight curve of your jaw, a smile gracing his face as he looks down at your  figure, his fingers circling against your shivering skin with a precision he had spent years becoming an expert at. Peppering kisses against the tip of your ear, he pulls you in so tight you feel you may burst as his hand runs figure eights up and down your back, finding solace in your heartbeat.
‘I knew finding these tokens was a stupid idea.’
‘Shoot!’ He glances up at you with a blush burning on his cheeks. ‘I still haven’t got mine.’
‘What is it?’
‘The love letter you wrote to me just before graduation...’
You giggle slightly as you lean down to press a soft kiss against his eager mouth, before murmuring against the corner of his mouth, ‘yeah? Well, mine was the New Kids CD you gave me at out third meeting. It was your favourite, but you still gave it to me.’
And in that moment, as you tuck your head under his chin, Ben Hanscom knew he was no longer in danger of checkmate.
‘Thank you, Stanley.’
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