totaly-obsessed · 9 months
would you be willing to write either an alessia x reader or a leah x reader who has ADHD? i loved your alexia piece. it made me feel super seen ❤️
Fitting In
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Alessia Russo x reader request
-> A struggle day with Alessia - ADHD!Reader
-> @anon Makes me so happy to hear that you felt seen! These are things that actually happen in my day to day life - and adhd presents so different in people, please don't be offended if this doesnt fit you!
➳ Masterlist
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“Baby?” Alessia's shout echoed through your shared home – the blonde had just come home from practice and was excited to spend a nice, relaxing evening with her girlfriend. But just a couple of seconds later she could see that the rest of the day would be a bit more chaotic than she had originally thought.
“Where are you?” Win, the Arsenal dog whined quietly booping her nose on Alessia's shin, trying to get her attention. With a sigh the striker took off the collar, letting the chocolate lab loose – just to see her race to the living room carpet where she dramatically flopped down with a loud huff.
“Bedroom!” Carefully Alessia opened the door, she never quite knew what to expect behind closed doors when it came to you. Maybe you would be dying your hair, trying her clothes on, or simply staring into the abyss. While she had been preparing herself for the worst, seeing you re-arrange furniture wasn’t so bad.
“Hi, Lessi!” The footballer did her best to ignore the heavy desk you were pushing around, instead giving you a kiss, melting at your huge grin and sparkling eyes.
“You’ve been quite busy huh?” You have been. The Wardrobe had been replaced by the bed and the bed with the desk – or at least your girlfriend guessed that you wanted it to go there.
“Help me?” She didn’t need much convincing, but the sheepish smile on your face certainly did the job.
With a gentle push, you were removed from the desk, as Alessia couldn’t watch your struggle any longer. With just a few expert nudges and lifts it was where you wanted it to be, with you directing the blonde.
“Done!” She brushed off her hands as if she were brushing off dirt from hard labor. With a smug smile, she saw you stare, particularly at her arms (still wearing her Arsenal training tank top), before she pulled you into a bruising kiss – large hands resting on your hips, fingers digging into your bum.
“Did you get groceries amore?” Oh right. There had been a reason why you had wandered in here, you originally had planned to get dressed and go shopping but all of a sudden you just felt an incredible urge to re-arrange the furniture. “Sorry, Lessi.”
With a soft chuckle, Alessia kissed your forehead, she knew that you didn’t do it on purpose, you never did. You just were forgetful. “How about we go out to eat?” That was the most brilliant idea you have ever had. Usually, you would order in because Alessia was too tired from training to actually go out – so it was a nice change. “That sounds fantastic baby. But it’s gonna be noisy and busy, you okay with that?” Your excited nodding was enough to melt her heart all over again. Bless you, so excited to go out with your girlfriend.
“I’m gonna have a shower, yeah?” You didn’t really realize what Alessia said until you heard the water running. “No Lessi!” As fast as you could you made your way to the bathroom, your girlfriend still in front of the mirror taking off her makeup. “Can I have it first? I’ll literally be ten minutes!” With one or two bats of your lashes, the blonde agreed, leaving you in the bathroom.
“Hey, google – play shower list! No, play Date playlist!” You had to repeat yourself, your Alexa was too confused with your wishes. The water was still running as you took Alessia's place, looking at yourself in the mirror. “Should I wash my hair? But I washed it yesterday – Shit. I didn’t do that washing did I?” There was no one to answer you, you were talking to yourself. On your way to the laundry room you nearly tripped over Win. “Winnie! You’re here! Oh, I love you so much!”
No answer.
With Win in tow, you climbed back up the stairs, already seeing Alessia with a big goofy smile in the bathroom. “Shit. I left the shower on.” The dog excitedly yapped once she saw the familiar blonde, her tail hitting your leg. “Yes, you did.” She wasn’t mad – she was laughing, and she had shut the water off. “Oh my god. I’m so sorry Less. Promise I’ll go now.”
“You haven’t had it yet?” Win was once again whining for attention but stopped once you leaned down to pet her head. “No, I want downstairs and I was doing the washing because I forgot to do it earlier.” By now you had eventually taken off your socks and outer layer, just in your underwear now.
“I just need to get my skincare stuff.” Why it was in the kitchen you didn’t really remember, however halfway down the stairs, you remembered the disgustingly cold showers. “Need the shower to warm up first!” Up you went again.
Now with your skincare, water warming up, the right music, and the laundry on – you were ready to actually get in, until you weren’t. Your sister had sent you a TikTok, which left you to doom scroll for a while before Alessia eventually came back up. “Are you done amore?”
She knew that you hadn’t been in yet, the half-Italian always knew when you were having a hard day, and today was one of them.
“I don’t know if I want to shower yet.” Your girlfriend could see the frustration building up in you, so she pulled you in a hug. “That’s okay baby. Can I go?” The defeated look on your face was all she needed, cooing over your sad little face before shoving you out the door after calling Win to keep you company.
Whilst the footballer was in the shower, you had tasked yourself with picking outfits for the both of you. Picking Alessia’s was easy, not only did she look good in everything, but all her clothes matched, so there was no bad choice.
When the blonde entered the bedroom she couldn’t help but laugh at you standing in front of the full-body mirror, wearing a cropped puffer jacket you had bought last week. Your lips in a pout and cheeks red in frustration – something was wrong.
“You okay baby?”
Boom, tears. Knowing that Alessia knew you and all your little signs meant the world to you. “I hate this jacket.”
“But you just bought it last week, what’s wrong with it?” by now she was standing in front of you, opening it up, closing it again, turning you around to get a better look, trying to figure out what is bothering you. “It’s the sleeves, look.” You thrust your hands out, the sleeves rising up so that your wrists were out.
“Maybe it’s the hood?” Your girlfriend pulled the zipper on the detachable hood, taking it off and abruptly throwing the hood itself on Win’s head. “What do you think? I think you look great!” You had to admit, that it was better, but the sleeve situation was still bothering you. “Nuh-uh. Wanna get rid of it.” With a final nod, Alessia helped you take it off, throwing the jacket on a pile of clothes. “Ella was looking for one of those.” That was that. Ella would get the jacket.
In the end, Alessia chose your outfit, as you were much too busy playing with Win, who was pawing at you when you had flopped down next to her on the carpet.
Whilst you were getting ready Alessia grabbed the rest of your stuff – that you would definitely forget and run back in and out again until you have everything, like your wallet or lip balm.
As soon as you entered the restaurant you regretted it. There was so much going on and such a wave of noise that greeted you that you nearly just walked back out again – but your girlfriend had already picked out a table in a corner.
“Less I don’t know what to get – I’m like overwhelmed by the options.” Somewhere a child started screaming and a hoard of adults kept laughing at it very loudly. “It’s like I can’t read the words that are literally right in front of me."
It started to beep everywhere in the big room. You had picked a popular restaurant in the area that had pagers that vibrated, blinked, and beeped when your food was ready so you could go and get it.
“What do you feel like amore?” You were zoned out, eyes empty staring at the menu, dead to the world around you. Alessia sighed, she knew that this would happen. “How about Pasta?” You nodded, she knew which one you would like.
A couple of minutes later your girlfriend came back, with one of these little devices in her hand, placing it under her thigh on the stool, desperately trying to soften the glaring noise.
Suddenly the lights dimmed and a birthday song was played loudly over the speakers. As well as you could you held your ears closed as most guests started to sing and clap along. Just as the song ended your food was ready and Alessia went to go and get it.
“How was training Less?” She could see your head swiveling around, overwhelmed by the lights, the noise, and the people – nonetheless, she took your bait, explaining what had happened at the Arsenal training center, appreciating that you tried to listen, and even asked questions.
Ten minutes into eating a children's birthday party sat down at the table next to yours, and as cute as the kids were – they were even louder than your thoughts. Screaming over the top of each other, begging for Ice cream for dinner and even yelling at the poor elders on their other side, trying to show them something.
“Amore? Are you overstimulated? Would you like to get this to go, and just go home?”
“Yes please.”
Alessia went up to the register with your plates, while you packed up all your stuff, grabbing your jackets and Alessia’s little bag that really only held her car keys.
In the car, you couldn’t hold it anymore, and the tears just burst out of you in streams that seemed never-ending. “I-I’m sorry Lessi, jus wanted to be like everyone else but I can't even sit in a restaurant.”. Your girlfriend cooed at you, gently stroking your thigh trying to calm you down a little. “We don’t need to be like anybody else. We can just be… Us!”
The rest of the evening was spent cuddled up on the couch with Win occupying one of the ends, stealing a blanket off of you, as Alessia covered you in hers as well. The wood was still warm when you ate it, even after changing out of the uncomfortable outfits and into big shirts and joggers.
“I love you amore. For you – you don’t need to be like anybody else.”
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hxxsxxng · 6 months
word count: 2.9k
Genre: SMUT
Content: oral, fingering, praising, use of “daddy” and “master”, creampie, unprotected sex…. and more
Preview: You and Sunghoon deserve some relaxation time. and what better place to do it than a vacation cabin.
Authors note: I wrote this back when wattpad was really cracking down on smut, so if there is a word that is weirdly censored that’s why.
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"Ahhh we're finally here." you say getting out of the car.
The 9 hour drive to the cold, snowy mountains has finally ended. You and your fiancée, Sunghoon, decided to rent a beautiful log cabin for the week of Christmas and you just arrived.
"Let's go check this place out!" hoon said as he was stretching.
You both walk up to the huge wooden double door and you look at each other in shock. Y'all didn't thing the place would be THAT big and fancy.
He places the key into the door and then pushes them open. The inside is huge. The furniture in the living room is nice and there is a huge, warm fireplace. You both step in and start touring the cabin.
You come across the kitchen. You are both surprised at all of the high tech equipment in there. Next is the book room. Thousands of books were just sitting on the shelf for display. Who knows how long it's been since someone actually read one.
There was also a theatre room. It seated 8 people and according to the people who let y'all rent the cabin, the sound system is really good.
"We are going to be watching a lot of movies on here babe." hoon says to you. You slightly chuckle.
You both walk down the hall way and come across the master bedroom. The carpet is nice, the room is big, and the bed was big enough to fit like 6 people. Y'all step farther in and walk into the master bathroom. The sinks were so fancy and the mirror was a full body mirror and it had not a speck a dirt on it. And across from the mirror was the bathtub. It had a part where you could sit on and it also had jets. It looked so relaxing.
After wondering around the insanely large house, you both decided to go back out to the car and grab your belongings.
You both walk back in and carry the suitcases to the bedroom and set them down. You are both exhausted and just want to relax.
"Baby do you want to go cuddle by the fire place?" Sunghoon says tiredly
He says this knowing that would would obviously say yes. Cozy cuddling is your favorite thing to do.
Sunghoon then goes and gets wood to start a fire while you fine some fuzzy blankets. You set the blankets down on the couch and go to change into something more comfortable.
You come back and he already has a nice fire going and he is already laying on the couch under the blankets. In a pouty mood, you walk over and lift up the blanket and slide under it. You closest to the fire, and him right behind you. (The spooning position)
He wraps his arm around you and you both fall asleep quickly.
2 hours go by and and barely waking up. You realize that Sunghoon is no longer laying with you. You give yourself a few seconds to wake up before going to see where he is. You hear the water running but you can't tell from where.
It can't be from the kitchen so it must be from the bathroom? you think to yourself
You walk into the master bathroom to find Sunghoon taking a warm bubble bath. Warm enough to make the mirror fog up.
His face brightens when he sees you walk in.
"You're in here, about to take a bath, in the big jet tub, and you didn't ask if I wanted to join?" you say in a fake offended voice.
"I mean, you are always welcome" he smirks
You decide to take him up on his offer. You walk over and stand next to the tub, taking off your top. Sunghoon looks at you amazed and started to touch your waist. Then, you took off your bra. He looked like he wanted to grab your chest so badly. You then slide off your pants, leaving only your panties.
"Mmmmmm are you gonna sit on my lap when you get in here?" he said suggestively.
You chuckle as you remove your final piece of clothing.
You step over the edge of the tub, feeling the hot water. It takes you a second to get used to the temperature of the water, then you submerge your body up to the middle of your waist.
Sunghoon scoots closer to you and looks deeply into your eyes, resting each of his hands on the lateral part of your upper arms. He slides his hands down and sets them on your love handles. He pulls you in for a kiss.
He continues kissing you until it turns into a full on make out session. His hands were roaming your body while yours were resting on his shoulders. He slides his hands up your waist them up to your neck, wrapping his hands around it. He softly grips your neck, as if he were choking you, but not all the way.
This simple action gave you butterflies. His hands are so big, slim, and soft and the feeling of them being wrapped around your neck was such a turn on for you, and he knew it. He probably did it for that purpose.
His hands continue to roam your body and so you start doing the same thing to him. Feeling down his muscular biceps, his chest, and down to his large thighs. He gets so turned on when you rub his thighs so you decided to calmly run your hands up and down them.
While this is all going on, you can't help but notice that he a grown a bit hard. You then reach your hand to his groin area, making contact with his member. This contact made him hum a little bit.
You slowly wrap your hands around his member and gently stroke it. Hoon, still keeping your lips connected, is starting to breathe heavier, wanting you to go further.
You moved you hand painfully slow, causing him to groan. He grips your hips and thighs in anticipation.
You finally decided to give in after what seemed like forever to him. You tighten your grip just a little bit and you pick of the pace. His breaths start to get slightly shakier, but still managing to keep his lips in direct contact with yours. Your tongues are wrestling each other's and Sunghoon playfully bites your lip ever so often.
He departs from your lips and goes to sit on the tub seat on the other side of the bathtub, leaning back. With no questions asked, you come to him right after, heel sitting in front of him. There wasn't a significant amount of water in to tub, so where wasn't a lot of water going every where.
You grab his cock with you hand and you start stroking it again. You open your mouth just a little bit and put your lips on the tip. You put more of it into your mouth, twirling your tongue around it. His favorite thing in the world is when you use your tongue a lot when you have his d¡ck in your mouth.
Slowly allowing more in to your mouth also meant that Sunghoon was slowly getting more restless. He loves seeing you bob your head up and down. He runs his fingers through the front parts of you hair, leading them up to a makeshift ponytail. The front pieces would keep falling out but he would brush them back if they did.
"Angh~ you are so good at this princess." he says
You, physically having no room to talk due to your mouth being stuffed with his perfect cock, hummed in response. Your hum made your throat vibrate and it made Sunghoon twitch a little bit. He starts to move his hips in a rhythmic motion, trying to match yours.
You speed up exponentially out of no where, surprising him. He was so shocked but he loved every second of it. His breathing is shaky and he begins to grip your har tighter. He tosses his head back while his member starts twitching.
"I'm so close baby girl,....yeah right there" he says to you.
You go down farther and farther on his dick , until eventually it was all the way in. He lets out cute moans as you feel him plant his seed in your mouth. Once you suck him dry, you pull away having your mouth hanging open, with his cvm dripping out of it.
He smiles and looks down at you. He grabs your lower jaw and closes your mouth. "Swallow it" he demands. So, no matter how strange it tasted, you swallows a mouthful is his cvm. Leaving some of it around your mouth.
"Good girl"
He switches seats with you and starts by kissing you all of your body, down your neck, chest, stomach, thighs... all of you. He runs his hands up and down your inner thighs while softly kissing them. He slides his fingers onto your sensitive area. He slowly and carefully starts rubbing your clit is circular motions.
He starts kissing you more, like sloppy kisses and he takes his fingers away and licks them, making them more wet, and then continued to manipulate your pussy.
"R-right there daddy, just like that.~" you say while letting out a quiet moan.
He massages you slower, teasing you to keep you on edge. He wants you to beg for it.
"Why did y-you do that??~" you say sadly
No response, he just looks down and smiles a little bit.
"Please keep going, I need this daddy, i need your fingers."
Sunghoon gets painfully turned on when you you any kind of praise word, like daddy, but his favorite is master. He loves the feeling of having power over you, so you saying this was bound for him to have a reaction.
The next thing you know, you feel him slip his fingers inside of you. He starts moving his fingers in and out and he knows all of the right places to do it too.
You lay back and rest your arms on the sides of the tub. You throw your head back and decide to let him take control of the moment. You try to keep your cute little moans to yourself but Sunghoon could hear them.
"Come on baby, let them out" he says
You very obviously blush. Following his request, you allow yourself to moan a little louder, it's not like anyone would hear you.
You weren't being loud enough. He wanted you to be screaming his name. Moaning uncontrollably. Tears rolling down your face. Legs shaking. All of this only for his own pleasure. Seeing you in such a weak, helpless state would only make him more horny.
He forcefully picks up his pace, making you gasp. You try to contain is but you can't. You start breathing heavily as moans continuously fall out of your mouth. You place your arms on his shoulders and you dig your nails into his upper back. This sort of stinging pain was so hot to him.
This is what he liked to see. This is what he liked to hear. Your adorable moans filling up to room while you grip his shoulders. It was heaven to him.
But it still wasn't enough. He eagerly pulls his fingers out of you and grabs you up off of the tub seat. He forcefully bends you over the edge of the tub. He has both of your hands held behind your back with one of his hands.
He grabs his member and slides it across your cl¡t a few times, building up the anticipation for the both of you.
"Are you sure this is what you want?" he asks you
"Yes please daddy, ruin me"
He rams his perfectly shaped cock into you without hesitation. It is the perfect fit for you.
"Fuuck~" he says under his breath. "Your pussy is so tight baby."
He starts off with slow strokes, making sure you are adjusting to the size well. You wince at the pain but it begins to start turning into pleasure quickly. Once you show that it's okay to go a little faster, he increases the pace.
He lets go of your hands and grabs both of your hips for more control. He notices the mirror was way less foggy than it was earlier.
"Looks in the mirror babe" he says
You feel embarrassed when he said this. You groan and keep your head down.
He grabs the ends your you hair with his fist pulling it back, forcing your head up.
"I said look in the damn mirror" he's says but this time, more angrily.
Your face was so red from embarrassment but also from the heat. You were moaning so loud while being forced to watch your self get fucked Sunghoon. But you have to admit, it was hot seeing the faces he made with each stroke.
"You look so pretty when I ram my dick in and out of you, princess. You are taking it like such a good girl." He praised.
He grips your hair a little tighter, giving you goosebumps. He uses his other hand to reach around you body and grab your breast in the palm of his hand. He was so skilled , it was as if he were a pornstar.
He continued at a steady pace.
You couldn't feel your body. Him repeatedly hitting your g-spot perfectly over and over again made the rest of your body go numb. Your mind is cloudy. You can't get over how insanely good he is making you feel.
"I-it feels so g-good,... m-master." these words some how managed to slip from your mouth.
"Mmm really? does this feel good too?" he proceeds you slap your ass.
Saliva begins to ooze out of your mouth. He has you drooling over him and what he's doing to you.
He slows down, but pounds into you with a lot of extra force each time. Your eyes roll to the back of your head and you can barely breathe
"Do you like when I do this?" he asked
He didn't even need an answer. He knew what it was doing to you.
You were so needy for him. You would do anything he said if it meant that you could finish.
"Say my name and i'll let you cum?" he says
"Louder" he says sternly
"Good Girl"
Your legs are getting weaker and are shaking like jello, you could barely hold yourself up.
Your moans start getting shakier and heavier. He picks up the pace again, trying to let you reach your max. He soon realizes that is is close to meeting his own, too.
"I love you baby." he says to you
You try to respond with "I love you too" but the sounds of your moans were masking it. You reach your all time high and you loud enough for the next town over to hear. You feel his warm liquid shoot into you as he continues with his strokes, eventually slowing down and pulling himself out of you. His cum was dripping and seeping out of your pussy while you both try and catch your breath.
He looks down at your pretty hole that he just ruined.
"Damn babe, your pussy looks so good with my cum oozing out."
He sits you back down on to the tub seat. He takes two of his fingers and slides them in you, not even giving you enough time to recooperate. He slides them in and out, making you grip the edge of the tub. You close your eyes tightly, whimpering.
He removes his fingers and sticks them in your mouth. The sweat droplets on his face was so attractive to you.
"You did so well for me today babe" he said taking his fingers out of your mouth while looking deeply into your eyes, gripping your chin.
You smile and thank him, pulling him into a kiss.
Y'all finish up in the bath tub and begin to get out. He runs to grab two towels. He returns and tosses a towel to you. He smiles and pulls you in, wrapping you both into his towel. He kisses you on the forehead.
You both walk back into the bedroom decide to get ready to sleep again, but longer than a nap of course. You both dig into your suitcases to find some pajama pants and a loose t-shirt to wear to sleep. You slip your clothes on and you plop yourself down in to the bed. You were very tired and sore.
Sunghoon leaves the room for a brief second and comes back what some warm blankets in his hand. He sets one down and he lays the other one out on top of you. He makes sure you are all warm and cozy before sliding into the bed himself. He lays the second blanket over the both of you and pulls you in closer by the waist. He leans in and kisses you on the forehead.
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pygmi-cygni · 17 days
hc for moonknight boys ( pigging off of the preferences hc a little..) with neighbor!reader who is thick as fuck and has a big white cat named Osiris and one day the Boys hear her opening her door in the hall and calling for her cat, the boys being like ⁉️ HUH and then they go over and meet the cat and like they have a huge big fat crush on her
AWW anon this sounds cute.
reader is fem (uses she/her) curvy, fluff, pining, dual POV. no y/n
Summary: reader moved in a week ago and her cat is adventurous. not exactly the way you asked but it mutated hehe
song recs: anything by stephen sanchez or frank ocean
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Things had progressed nicely. The furniture arrived yesterday, and you'd got it done in a flash - hopefully the neighbors weren't too concerned with the loud thumps and scrapes. You were most glad that Osiris' cat tree had arrived so he'd stop shredding the carpet.
"Ozzy," you whistled. "Breakfast, bubba." You scraped the rest of the tin into his bowl and waited for the excited jingle of his collar.
Frowning, you peered into the living room. Even in dead sleep, Osiris woke at the prospect of a snack. Part of why you got along so well.
Hoping you hadn't shut him in a closet, you set down his meal and knocked on all the doors, checking the shelves and any tricky-to-reach spots. Ozzy often forgot his size and got into places he couldn't easily get out of.
It wasn't a huge apartment, only two bedrooms and a bathroom. You'd done two rounds before nervously figuring that he'd gotten out.
How? The door was closed and locked - you double checked, always.
Your hands fluttered nervously, lip stuck between your teeth. He was a lovely boy but he didn't know the area. You didn't know the area, where would you look? There was one floor below you until the busy street...
"Shit," you muttered, hurriedly pulling on your shoes. The cold air had started yesterday. I'm comin', buddy, don't worry, you thought nervously. You were dressed in a comfy sweater and sweats. Hopefully you didn't look too much like a crazy person.
Slamming your door behind you, you looked both ways down the hall, eyes squinting for a flash of white fur.
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Marc had enough. Somewhere, a tiny trilling bell was jingling. It was driving him fucking insane. He'd poked through the stacks of books and under the mattress. His phone - Steven might've installed some crazy alarm - but no dice.
He peeked out his door. The hall was empty, but-
"Oh," he said, crouching. "Hey there, little guy."
Steven, now awake, snorted. Not very little, though, is he?
The roundest, whitest cat he'd seen in his life was sat patiently in front of his door. Brilliant green eyes blinked up, and a soft meow carried through the hall. Marc had never been good with cats.
His headmate shoved to the front, greedily reaching out for a pet. "He's so soft," Steve breathed, scratching under the cat's chin. A titanic purr radiated out of the fluffy monstrosity, reveling in the attention.
Steven was in love. He gently picked up the cat, snuggling its warmth. Marc grimaced, tapping on Steven's shoulder. You don't know where that's been, man. Wash your hands.
He waved him off, eyes glued to the cat. It was cold out; the poor thing was probably starving. Closing the door against the cold air, Steven happily set his new friend on the ground.
"Would you like some food, then, little man?" He cooed. The cat meowed again and ran off curiously. Steven watched as it poked and sniffed through his flat, purring the whole way. He noticed a slight jingling sound follow the furball. Aha, he was the culprit.
Means he's got a collar, Marc noted, so he's got an owner, I'd bet. Steven pouted slightly; he wouldn't mind keeping the little bugger. Jake hissed when the cat started wiggling into the closet.
Ay, if that thing steals my gloves I'm takin' it out back.
Steven gaped at the hostile behavior of his friends. "Alright, fine," he relented, "but I'd like to feed it first. It's cold out, y'know."
Whistling gently, Steven knelt down in front of the wardrobe. "Here, kitty," he said softly, clicking his tongue. A fluffy tail tickled his nose. Giggling, he caught the cat in his arms.
"Okay now, hold still for a smidge, lemme look at you-"
The cat squirmed as he felt around for a collar. Truly, the amount of hair on this thing was insane. Jake sneezed.
A little gold tag glimmered. Steven squinted. "O...Osiris? Innat funny, Marc? His name's Osiris!" He dropped the cat in favor of rambling about the deity, hands moving excitedly. Jake frowned.
Isn't that the death guy?
Steven sighed at Jake's vocabulary. "Underworld, mate, very different." The alter snorted. My bad, of course.
Could be an omen, Marc quipped.
"Why're you all being so grumpy?" Steven groaned, raking his hand through his hair, "it's just a cat."
Did the tag have an address? Jake wondered, back on track. The cat had curled up on Steven's lap, so he tried gently to get closer without disturbing him.
"Uh...yes?" The numbers were smudged to hell, so he couldn't really read it. The cat couldn't have gotten too far in the cold, his owner lived close. Steven's disappointment at letting go of his friend was quenched by the intrigue of meeting someone who was interested in Egyptology.
He fed the cat a few pieces of cheese and scooped him up. "Alright, off you pop, let's find your owner, yeah?"
The cat purred in his arms, snuffling into his jacket. Steven whistled aimlessly, locking his door and setting off.
He lived on the third and highest story - so he'd work his way downwards. He paused.
Marc sat back knowingly. See, in order for this to work you've actually got to talk to people, Stevie. Steven faltered. He looked sheepishly in the reflection of the doorknob.
Rolling his eyes, Marc slipped in to front, jostling with Osiris. The cat noticed a switch, and curiously sniffed the new alter. Jake backed out; claiming allergies. Grimacing, Marc reached for the knocker on the neighbor's door.
No luck. Nobody on his floor had seen or lost a cat named Osiris - though he did encounter a tearful little boy looking for his hamster. Internally, Marc wondered if the cat had found the rodent first. Steven would switch out every few minutes to stroke Osiris lovingly, before hiding in the headspace if someone approached.
The cat seemed to get used to the different men, eventually falling asleep.
Marc sighed, taking the elevator down to the second floor. This cat was heavy.
He nearly ran smack into someone else as he stepped out. Osiris yowled and he stuttered an apology, blinking at the impact.
A very shocked woman was staring at him, mouth open.
"You've got my cat!"
He blinked again, looking at Osiris. "Your...he's yours?"
You nodded, reaching out for him. Marc clumsily handed him over, still reeling from the coincidence. You thanked him profusely, gently scolding the cat.
You beamed at him. "Thank you so much, sir, I thought I'd never find him. Ozzy's a bit of a pill when we find a new place, I appreciate is so much."
Marc was stunned stupid. Once he'd gotten a look at you, you were really pretty. There was a nice, calming energy radiating off of you like a halo. A flush had brightened your eyes and cheeks from the cold, coloring you like a cherub. The fluffy cat rubbed itself on your legs, tail winding around your supple curves.
Ay, amigo, Jake whispered, you haven't said anything.
"Yeah," Marc stammered, wiping his brow. "Yeah, for sure, it's...it's no problem." Fuck, he sounded like Steven.
The poor brit was in the same sinking boat, brain gone offline in shock. Oi. Oi Marc, don't fuck this up holy shit do you see her earrings? She's got little moons on-
Marc had to mentally mute his friend's babbling, too preoccupied with not looking like an idiot. You were busy cooing after your pet. A cute smile adorned your round cheeks and he had the urge to reach out-
"Hey, d'you want to come in? I've got some coffee or tea inside," you offered, gesturing behind you. Marc had a feeling that was a bad idea, seeing as how fast his heart was beating, but Steven was doing flips with excitement, so he accepted.
Your apartment was lovely. You'd clearly just moved in, the furniture was clean and new. Incense burned at the window, filling the room with a jasmine scent. Marc inhaled deeply, catching whiffs of your shampoo. It made his chest feel a little gooey.
Steven needed a tranquilizer, he was so elated. A small shrine to Ra was on your vanity, with a plate of dates and gold coins. Your bookshelves, unlike his, were neat and organized. Most of the books were on Egypt or horticulture. That explained the houseplants on every flat surface.
If we were mentioning omens...Jake murmured suggestively, nodding to the abundant moon decor and Egypt references. Marc pushed him away, too enraptured with watching you.
You were humming quietly, grabbing mugs and sugar and cream. That wonderful halo was burning brighter the longer he stared. The sweater you were wearing was a lovely shade of blue that brightened your face like the sun. Fitting that she likes Ra, Steven breathed, she looks celestial.
Jake agreed silently, having swallowed his own tongue. He was excited about the coffee, smelling warm and rich from your kitchen. You handed them a cup, gesturing to the milk and sugar.
"Help yourself to either," you said cheerily, patting Marc's shoulder. holy fuck your hands were soft. He watched you disappear into the hall, mesmerized with the sway of your hips.
Don't be a creep, Steven scolded, as if he hadn't been mentally planning a wedding. Marc murmured something unintelligible, awestruck by your lovely figure.
He gulped his coffee too fast to hide the flush on his face when you returned.
"What's your name?" You asked, sitting across from him. You told him yours, voice musical and light.
"M-Marc," he said around a burnt tongue and a lovesick heart. You asked him questions about where he was from, which he tried to answer, though in truth your sparkling eyes and lovely scent were really difficult to think around.
Your curves were quite distracting, and he kept being drawn to your movement, face aflame. His dignity was in tatters now but he'd never seen a person so gorgeous before. Osiris wound around his feet, an almost-smirk on his face.
Marc's gaze was glazed as you continued talking, words going in one ear and out the other. That was okay - he could catch up once he asked you on a date. Currently he was too preoccupied with imagining your soft skin and supple hips and-
He scowled at himself, shameful. Jake shook his head, sighing. he didn't show it, but a hot rush of desire was also snaking through his chest. Steven was sat and totally absorbed in your conversation like a child at storytime.
Before he left, he slipped his number onto your kitchen table for you to find later. You caught him as he left and pulled him into a hug.
He'd completely glitched when you pulled him into your soft body. Trembling with restraint, he carefully hugged you back, nose pressed greedily into your sweet-smelling hair. You fit perfectly in his arms, waist wonderfully soft and perfect to hold. Marc's mouth was dry as the desert. His heart was thundering, and he held on for a bit longer than necessary. He couldn't let go, he just wanted to hold you and squeeze and kiss you and oh god he's gonna embarrass himself like a teenager with how hard he's getting-
You waved goodbye and shut the door, leaving him awestruck in the hall.
"I think I've been drugged," he breathed to nobody. Steven had passed out, and only Jake was left to numbly agree.
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martian-astro · 8 months
Atmakaraka series - Part 1
Atmakaraka is the planet with the highest degree in the birth chart.
Short note : atmakaraka can give good or bad results depending on the strength of the atmakaraka planet.
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Atmakaraka in 1st house:-
In this life the person needs to take care of themselves and focus on their own development.
Sun atmakaraka in 1st house- I like this one the most, I have only met 1 person with this placement, and she's so charming. I feel like people just see them as a leader. Sun is in one of the best positions here and people who have this placement definitely have a high self-confidence unless the sun is aspected by a malefic planet. It's also very easy for these people to focus on themselves. (now that I think about it, I really don't remember any celebrity having this placement, or maybe I've just forgotten, I'll have to check again, and then make a separate post about it because people who have it just have this "I know I'm the best" kind of vibe, you know???)
Moon atmakaraka in 1st house - I have noticed that people who have this are very sensitive, they try to hide their feelings but they are unable to do so. You know when you ask someone if they are okay and then they start crying and say "Nope, I'm okay, everything's fine" and you can SEE that they're not fine, that situation reminds me of this placement. People with this should definitely meditate, and Journaling can help too, and share your feelings with your friends or family. You guys need to learn how to control your emotions and deal with them in a healthy way. (also, not to generalise but be careful when dating a guy who has moon atmakaraka in 1st conjunct Mars because one of my friend was dating a guy with it and let's just say he was.... Aggressive)
Mercury Atmakaraka in 1st house - yooo, I'm so jealous of people with this, you know those people who start studying 1 day before an exam and still manage to score 90+, yup its them. I know a person with this placement who always has such "controversial" opinions but when you listen to why he thinks that, they make so much sense, he doesn't say things just to piss people off, he actually does his research and UNDERSTANDS an issue before talking about it. If afflicted, they can be scared to express their opinions because they know that it goes against the majority. I wouldn't say just express your opinions because I know how the world is but rather make friends who have the same opinion as you and talk to them. (it's okay if you hate Colleen Hoover, I'm with you)
Venus atmakaraka in 1st house - I know 3 people with this placement and their fashion sense is just WOW, not just fashion sense but design sense in general. So I know a girl with this placement, and she lives in a super tiny studio apartment but when you enter, it feels like the house is HUGE, because of the way she has designed it, placed the furniture and the colors that she has used. I also see a lot of people saying that people with this are extroverted and love the company of others but I don't think it's true for everyone. The studio apartment girl is super shy, she doesn't like going to parties or interacting with other people, she mostly keeps to herself. If afflicted, these people can have low self esteem and they can wear baggy clothes because they don't feel confident enough to wear the clothes that they really WANT to wear.
Mars atmakaraka in 1st house - so I know a person with this placement (that person is me), who loves playing sports, people who have it can be very athletic and be interested in activities like hiking and trekking, I also know another person who has this placement and she HATES working out, but she also has a very hard time controlling her anger, because there's no outlet, so when she's angry she just starts yelling and hitting people or just starts crying in the middle of nowhere, I used to be like this, but it got better once I started doing muay Thai and fencing, it's because all of my anger was being used in that. They can also feel their blood boiling when reading about social issues and it can make them really angry to read about things that they don't agree with, and listen to people who don't agree with them(like if someone tells me feminism is not needed anymore, I'm resorting to violence because WHAT THE FUCK??)
Jupiter atmakaraka in 1st house - these people are the definition of "mom friend", they are really good at giving advice and they are good at teaching as well, I have noticed. I have a friend who has this placement and she would teach me maths 1 week before the exam because our teachers were shit, and I would always score well because of how nicely she would teach me the concepts. She also convinced her mother to divorce her husband, and she was literally like "If you take this decision, I'll be with you, we'll figure something out don't worry. But if you don't leave him, then I'll leave and you can suffer alone", 💀, this may seem harsh but her mom needed to hear that. They can also unfortunately become the victims of parentification.
Saturn atmakaraka in 1st house - (everyone who has Saturn atmakaraka deserves a hug). They can be very pessimistic and can give up on things very easily, they can feel like no matter how hard they work they never get good results. I know a person with this, who would study SO hard, like stay in the library for HOURS only to get very low marks. I know that Mars is considered a malefic planet but in this case, if your Saturn is in conjunction with Mars then your situation becomes so much better, like no matter how many times you fail, YOU WILL NOT GIVE UP, and then, in the end, Saturn will give the best result because Saturn wants you to never give up, it wants you to fall and fall again but still complete the race and Mars, in this case, becomes the hand that helps you get up when you fall.
(all pictures are taken from Pinterest, this is not my art)
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© martian-astro All rights reserved, 2024
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fetishfairytales2 · 2 months
Under the Bed, Pt. 1 (Story)
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Based off an old favorite story that has long since disappeared from the internet, updated to fit new characters.
"Let's go, little sissy," I smirked, pulling her by the leash into the master bedroom. "I know Mommy hasn't let you in here for a while, but Daddy and I have a special surprise for you!" Brandi looked terrified as she crawled into the room. She froze when she saw Connor standing behind me, placing his hands possessively on my hips. I laughed at the fear in Brandi’s eyes at the sight of my bull, "Don't worry, sweetie pie," I purred, kneeling down to stroke her cheek. "Daddy won't hurt you...yet."
Connor let out a smug laugh as he spoke. "That's right, you pathetic fucking loser," he taunted, making sure to stare directly into Brandi's eyes as he gave me a strong spank on the ass. "We're just here to have a little fun with you..." He grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me in for a kiss, never breaking his gaze from the diaper wearing sissy, who was watching with tears streaming down her cheeks.
"Have you noticed any changes since you’ve been sweeping in your cwute wittle nursery, sweetie?” I mocked; “and no, I'm not talking about my new tattoo..." I playfully twirled and lifted my skirt, revealing my lacy black g-string and Connor's name tattooed on my ass. Brandi let out a pitiful sob. "Aww, what’s wrong pumpkin? You know Connor owns my ass now, not you." 
I plopped down on the freshly-made bed, its wooden frame and canopy giving off a modern vibe. It was all part of my plan to make it seem like a normal, unassuming piece of furniture. But in reality, Connor had not only built it, but also put in some serious work in it. I couldn't wait to see the look on Brandi's face when she realized what was waiting for her. "Welcome to our new bed," I said, giving the mattress a pat. I turned to Connor with a loving smile. “Daddy built it just for us and him and I will be sharing it. Don’t worry though cucky-wucky, Daddy thought of you too…” I added with a wink to our little Brandi, who looked terrified and heartbroken all at once. It was perfect. “Why don’t we let Daddy show you?” I asked sweetly. 
"And, here we go again, you fucking freak," Connor rolled his eyes, yanking Brandi by her leash and dragging her towards the nightstand. "Watch closely," he taunted, smacking her diapered butt way too hard. "I'll save the real fun for you later, babe," he snickered at me. Without another word, Connor grabbed a small touchscreen and pressed a button. Brandi let out a squeal as the bed started to hiss and lift up.
I cackled at Brandi's shocked expression as she glanced at the bed, "Looks like we scared the poor girl enough to pee herself!”  I stood next to Brandi as we all peered into the tiny and cramped leather padded space under the bed. "Daddy really didn't leave much room for a sissy, did he?" I laughed, "it looks like he made it just big enough for you to lay down uncomfortably!" I paused and grabbed Brandi's chin, making her look into my eyes, "But don't worry, I made sure to ask for enough room to pad that cold leather with your warm squishy diapees. Aren’t I so thoughtful?”
“Oh, speaking of messy, let me just…” I paused to dig through the night stand drawer. It seemed like Brandi couldn't handle the suspense, the poor darling tried to make a run for it! Of course, Connor was too quick for her. I turned back around to see him pinning her down with a single strong, muscular arm. "Thanks, babes," I gushed as I gave Connor a passionate kiss right over Brandi. "Can you hold her mouth open for me?" 
I giggled as I dangled a huge dildo gag in front of Brandi's face as I knelt down next to her, twirling the massive cock by a series of wires hanging from the other end. "This is going in your mouth," I taunted, sing-song style. "Isn't it just so impressive? And so lifelike!" I moved closer to Brandi's tear-streaked and trembling face. "Do you recognize this beautiful dick?" I asked, teasingly. "It's Daddy's! It's molded right from the real thing, all 9 inches and every single vein!" I grinned sadistically as I watched Brandi's expression. "That little sissy tongue is going to feel right at home wrapped around this!"
"There's also a matching buttplug that you'll get to feel later," I said with a wicked grin. Connor grabbed Brandi's cheeks and pushed them together, which let me shove the gag in and buckle it tight behind the pathetic loser's head. "You might notice these wires here," I forced her to nod by pulling on the wires in front of her. "They're quite long, aren't they? Well, deep under that leather cucky coffin is a bunch of motors and even a couple of special containers! When we plug in this gag and special booty plug, they have magic powers! See those cameras and microphones on the top of the bed?" I turned Brandi's head to look up despite being pinned down. "They help too, isn't that exciting?"
I looked into Brandi's scared eyes, God this is so fucking hot. "Guess what Brandi? Every time that microphone hears me moan and scream Connor's name, or beg him to fuck me, or even call him Daddy, it will make those new friends of yours vibrate and thrust inside of you! Can you imagine that? Both of us feeling that amazing dick at the same time! And you, you lucky slut, you get it from both ends! It can even tell the speed, so the faster he fucks me, the faster those dildos will fuck you. How amazing, right?” I stopped, just to watch as she started to sob again, harder this time. “Aww!” I stroked her head, don’t cry yet girlie, there’s still so much to tell you about!”
"She’s such a kinky bitch, isn't she?" Connor chuckled, pushing Brandi aside with disgust. "You better not move or else I'll make you regret it, loser," he sneered, not even bothering to look back at her. He ran his hand underneath my skirt and grabbed my ass, God he was so powerful. Pulling me in for a rough kiss, he asked, "you’re a wild chick, aren't you?" giving my ass a hard slap. "Tell her all the other kinky shit you've been doing."
To be continued…
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mushroomates · 8 months
merry headcanons
as a child, he sincerely believed he could talk to cats. this ended at age 13.
can do cartwheels. pippin cannot. this is brought up in arguments more frequently that imagined
has a filter, contrary to some of what he says. he also acts as pippins filter
possesses an uncanny ability to sniff out weed. can tell the quality of such by smell alone. can also tell you where it may have come from, and how it was grown
has a small patch of cannabis growing in a back room of his estate. it used to be a sunroom but is now a greenhouse/weed lab.
merry religiously documents it’s growth, soil conditions, exposure to light, and most importantly: potentness
unfortunately this has manifested in a very strong but unpleasant tasting plant. this sort is hearty, can grow under any conditions, but really just tastes/smells. absolutely awful.
he did try and recruit sam into helping him until sam realized what was going on and wanted “no business in such a practice”
uses samples saved from the whole Saruman takedown and propagates what he can. also keeps some for comparison. he is very organized with this and has a whole spreadsheet he references frequently
merry also likes to know where everything is at all times. he’s not super weird about it but everything does have its place and he will know if you move it
got into furniture making. makes. questionable, ‘innovative’ ‘contemporary’ and ‘unique’ pieces
in reality it’s because he likes to make chairs that specifically make people want to leave because of how uncomfortable they are
like. he loves his family. but sometimes they get the squeaky chair. there’s a table with one leg slightly smaller than the rest that makes everyone uneasy. a couch that is just too low to the ground and cushy, so that you sink in but your legs are cramped. there’s a chair with the back curved slightly too steep, so when someone sits in it their posture is terrible. it also has a shorter than normal seat so you can’t scoot forward either
it’s not torture. people can endure it. it’s just mean to make sure no one does for very long.
this set is strategically in the foyer, so if he likes you well enough you’re granted entity into the living room with normal furniture. which is very tastefully decorated and has framed artwork of his many nieces and nephews.
he absolutely adores the littlest members of the shire and will spoil them however he can
draws maps of the most absurd things. just. maps that no one even asked for but are delightfully absurd
“directions to bagend, avoiding all dogs, aunts, sheep and red mail boxes” “brandybuck estate, but only the trees” “every pub in the shire, and who to avoid on your way back from a good time”
and, famously, “pippins brain”
this is a circle, and in it, two singular dots
one saying “pipe weed” and the other “bad ideas”
there use to be a third dot, that said “lack of cart wheels” but that has been a angerly scribbled out (culprit is still a ‘mystery’ )
decent navigational skills
of course, no one listens to him.
judges the annual pie contest
is actually. really good at it. has a very defined palette dispute the copious amount of weed he smokes
“is that rubarb? it adds a wonderful complexity to the strawberry and pistachio- though, i’d recommend not using molasses next time instead try brown sugar.”
like. merry. why do you know these things.
also judges the pie EATING contest. this is because there is a scandalous amount of cheating and he was part of a huge pie-in-the-trousers bust and now sits in the jury as an esteemed member
pippin thinks he’s a traitor to the cause. this is because pippin was a primary perpetrator in said pie-in-the-trousers bust.
has two pet rabbits. by pets i mean fellow members of the “raiding farmer maggots crops” club, who he saved from a few rodent traps and took home
merrys morals, to recap, does not allow him to permit pie-crimes, but he is totally okay with casual thievery
did not have the heart to said rabbits as they were cut from the same cloth. he let them out the back yard once he got home and they just. kind of. stayed
their names are gandalf and gandalf because ones gray and ones white. many hobbits have been taking after that and also naming their animals gandalf. this of course pisses gandalf off to no end.
is a great babysitter. mature enough to not get into trouble but still has a childish sense of adventure, and lots of stories
he is the trusted fun uncle. pippin being the reckless fun uncle.
he acts stories out more than tells them to the kids, as his way with words is not so great as his way with sound effects.
also makes his own sock puppets and will occasionally put on small shows for the kiddos during family gatherings. fan favorites are “merry takes down the witch-king” “the march of the ents” and “the hobbit who couldn’t cartwheel” (the last ends with the hobbit simply learns to accept that everyone has different talents- something not true to life because pippin still hasn’t accepted this)
is high key very smart. doesn’t do a lot with this. he prefers to enjoy the simple things in life, and has found that so long as he makes sure he and his are looked after, life can be very easy.
that being said. he is not as care free as he’d like to be
is very prepared and well organized. has rations for days and a go-bag, even in his later years. everyone mocked him for years but it took him maybe ten minutes to grab everything and join up with frodo and sam. he also has extra go-bags, which is why it only took pippin 15 minutes (an extra five because pippin lost his bag about two seconds after merry gave it to him)
merry got the “anxiety” hobbit gene that manifests in being (only slightly) a prepper. there’s cans of beans and fruit as well as bottled water hidden in the cellar of the brandy-buck estate. enough food to last nearly five years, but for a hobbit, three.
this gives him peace of mind, as he knows he is prepared for whatever life gives him
he also knows he has braved many things before and anything that may come now will be significantly less of a hardship
he will never have to face down another witch-king, or more importantly, go without second breakfast
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queendarkwolvescolby · 7 months
Truth or Dare
Colby x y/n
Requests are open <3 :)
Warnings: Smut18+, unprotected sex, a potential pregnancy, heaving kissing, choking, handcuffs, drunken sex, biting.
You and Kat are at a carnival in Los Vegas and enjoying a nice alcoholic drinks, one each but that was enough to get you buzzed.
“Hey” Kat says. You giggle “What’s up?” You are clearly drunk and so is she.
“Guess who just moved here to Los Vegas and has a hot roommate that is soon going to be mine?” Kat continues.
You look at her confused as she points behind you.
You met eyes with this man and the world frozen, you were sober for a moment. His dark hair with the faded red, his black outfit with the chains bouncing on his legs, the rings on his fingers, and mmm the chain around his neck and how it would be swing forward and backward while he’s on top of yo-.
“Hello? Anyone there?” Colby says snapping you back to Earth. “She’s stargazing over you, she’s fine” Kat said giggling as she then looks back at Sam, the roommate she was talking about.
“Sorry, Hey Colbs. It’s been a while.” You say pulling your drink back up to your mouth.
“Hey, you and Kat are drunk so we will meet yall at the new trap house.” Colby says pulling you into a hug.
You hug him back as you feel his hand gently slide over your ass then he walks away waving.
“Wait, new trap house???” You said turning to Kat
“I’ll explain in the Uber” She giggles.
In the uber Kat explains that they bought the new trap house and everyone’s going to be living in there and blah blah blah.
At the trap house, already mostly unpacked and decorated. You enter the house and Colby greets you, “hey, wanna see my room?”
You look at Kat with a smirk as she nods. You turn back to Colby, “sure why not?”
He smiles and takes your hand leading you to his bedroom.
It’s pretty empty other than the furniture and a few other things. You also notice some empty white claw cans that look recently drank. You lay on his bed as he follows you and lays by you.
“So, what do you think?” He says inching towards you.
“Well, the floor looks kind of empty and your beds kinda cold.” You say moving towards him as well. “Let’s change that, clothes on the floor and bodies on the bed.” He says looking at your lips then back at your eyes.
“Go ahead, I know you want to” you say as you bite your lip.
“You’re right, I do” he said and with that grabbed your face and pulled your lips onto his. He passionately kissed you.
He got on top of you and slid his hand under your shirt up to your throat. As he placed his hand on your throat he slid his tongue inside your mouth.
Yours and his tongue fighting for dominance.
Y’all separate for air.
“I have been waiting to do this for years.” He said then starts kissing your neck, biting it as he goes leaving hickey’s and bite marks everywhere on your body.
“We’ve fucked before Colbs, I was your first and you were mine, and few more times.” You said giggling at the last part.
“Yeah but this time” he starts saying kissing down your chest, “I’m claiming what is mine and only mine from now on.” He says kissing down to your pants and aggressively pulls your pants and underwear down.
He circles your clit with his tongue making you arch your back and breath a moan.
He kisses back up to you while his hand slides back down.
He rubs your clit and whispers “Now baby girl, you’re all mine. This body, this heart and this love… all fucking mine.”
He kisses you while sliding a finger inside of you.
You moan into the kiss and your hand adventures into his pants.
God he’s huge. Trying to tease him, you barely touch the tip and he moans softly breaking the kiss. “Mmm, now thats not what I told you to do, now is it baby girl?” He says as he stops rubbing you.
He takes his pants off and pulls yours the rest of the way off throwing them on the floor. “Get on your knees for me.” He says demanding. You can’t help yourself anymore, it’s so hot you can barely think.
You get on your knees as he slides to the end of the bed where you are. He opens his hands as his cock flies out. “Suck it, baby girl.” He says looking into your eyes, burning your skin, it’s making you crazy.
You put the tip in your mouth and circle the top with your tongue. His head tilts back with a breathless moan.
“Now come on, we love noises now don’t we?” You say teasing him.
“Mm we sure do,” he says as he pushes your mouth down his dick and in doing that moans out loud.
You move your head up and down his dick as his hand was holding your hair and pushing your head.
He lets you come up for air but not for long until he grabs you slamming you back on the bed. He kisses you passionately, biting your lips and taking off your shirt.
You take off his and slide your fingers along his abs.
“Are you ready baby girl?” He said breaking the kiss and spreading your legs.
“Always” You say taking out his handcuffs and putting them on.
“Mm, you know me all to well.” He said grabbing the hand cuff chains that connected your hands and inserted his dick making both of y’all moan.
“Ahh fuck, your so fucking tight love.” He said breathing heavy already.
“Mm, your huge, so it’s not my fault,” you say teasing him.
“Now love, teasing is a brave move right now.” He said, slowly moving.
You moan, “Just fuck me damnit.”
“My pleasure.” He said, picking up the speed. Thrusting in and out hitting the spot every time.
His chain hanging over your face following his movement, his breath heavy and hot. His body sweating and so hot. His dick inside you, warm and throbbing. You never want this to end but can’t last forever and neither can he.
He grabs one of your nipples and starts sucking on it. You moan not able to contain any of the sounds.
“Babe, your so hot underneath me.” He says grabbing the cuffs with one hand and circling your clit with the other.
Both of y’all’s body’s moving together, his dick throbbing and moving in and out of you hitting all the right spots.
“Come on baby, cum for me.” He says slamming his hips into your ass with every thrust.
“T-together.” You manage to moan out.
He nods as he grabs your thighs lifting them up to get more of a handle and deeper into you.
“Ahh, baby baby, I’m gonna cum” He moans with heavy breathing.
“Me too, me too” You moan along with him.
“W-where” He manages to say.
“In-inside..” you moan as he bursts inside of you when a loud moan. With that feeling you, the feeling in your stomach bursts as well.
He collapsed beside you and you cuddle up to him as he cuddled back, both out of breath and extremely tired but satisfied.
Before falling asleep, you managed to say “Good night, my love.” You fell asleep right away.
He blushed, then kissed your forehead. “You know.. I think I’m in love with you.” He said as he looks at you before getting comfortable cuddling with you.
“Good night, darling.” He said, falling asleep with you in his arms.
You wake up being gently shook, “Come on it’s already the afternoon and I made breakfast.” Colby says as you jump up almost knocking over the orange juice on the tray.
Colby had made you a breakfast in bed thing.
“Calm down, it’s okay” Colby says gently.
“My head hurts..” You say calming down and holding your head.
“Hangovers are the worst” He says as he sets the tray on your lap and sitting next to you.
You look down noticing your not clothed. Blushing and embarrassed you look up at Colby.
He laughs, “Yea.. we did.”
You look down and he notices.
“You look disappointed..” He says clearly upset.
“It’s just that.. I’ve had a crush on you for awhile and wanted to move slow with you so I didn’t ruin anything with the group and with yo-“ You continue.
“Hey, hey,” he says cupping your face, “we still can, ok? I won’t say anything to the group and we can take it slow and from the beginning after today.” He says as he kisses your forehead.
Days go by and Colby and you get closer and closer but as a secret.
“Knock knock.” Kat says knocking on the door. You and Colby look at each other and then you quickly hide under the bed.
“Heyyy Kattt” Colby says suspiciously.
“Uh hey, before we do this game tonight, I need to ask a favor.” Kat says entering the room and cracking the door.
“Uh yea what’s up?” Colby replies.
“Can you kinda take it easy on y/n” Kat starts, “she kinda has a crush on you” Kat says with a little smile.
Colby tries not to giggle, “Yeah I can do that, maybe I’ll try to see if she’s the one, yknow.” Colby ends up saying giggling.
“Oooo okk” Kat said exiting, and Colby burst out laughing.
“Shut up!” You say as you kick the bed and move out from the bed. You put on Colby’s shirt, not noticing and your booty shorts.
Y’all head out to the living room and sit vertically from each other. Everyone was in the living room and already recording.
After some easy truths and dares, and the drinking increased, came the harder questions.
“Truth or Dare Sam.” You say smirking.
“Uh dare,” Sam said nervously.
“I dare you to kiss Kat.” You said smiling.
Sam and Kat both blush. Sam gets up and heads over to Kat and kisses her for a long ass time.
Colby looks at you and winks as you blush making him chuckle and look back at Sam.
“Ok, ok. We’re recording.” Colby says laughing.
Sam and Kat separate looking at each other, “ahem.” You clear your throat.
“Sam, its your turn.” You say taking another drink of your drink.
Sam smiles at you. Oh shit…
“Truth or dare.” Sam smirks at you.
“Uh. Shit..” You say knowing either one is gonna be bad.
“Dare.” You finally say.
“I dare you to call the last person you hooked up with and tell them you love them,” Sam smiles in his victory.
You look at Colby and he laughs. You give him the ‘your dead’ look but it doesn’t phase him.
“Come on, what are you scared??” Sam said teasing you.
“You know what, fuck it” You said grabbing your phone and clicking Colby’s name.
Colby’s phone rings and everyone looks at Colby and back at you then Colby.
“Oop” Kat said as everyone starts laughing and congratulating you and Colby.
You hang up the phone, “we aren’t dating-“ you start to say as Colby interrupts you.
“Yet, but..” He starts as everyone looks at him confused and he heads over to you.
“Would you do me the honors and be my girlfriend?” Colby says as he sits beside you and puts his arm around you, his face just inches from yours.
“Y-yes..” You say blushing as everyone cheers.
A/n: Hi guys, sorry it took so long, work has been crazy. I hope y’all enjoyed this and I was thinking about doing a part two with pregnant reader so let me know if I should do that and PLEASE request something so I can write something for yall! Hope yall enjoy, have a good day or night! <3
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onepiecestarry · 1 month
A Different Kind of Pirate - Part 5
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Zoro X Reader
tw, future mdni/nsfw
Part 5: Not alone
You hear the quiet drops of water hitting stone, reverberating through the room. As you slowly blink the blur in your eyes away you look around to see a stone jail cell. Damp and dark you can tell this is underground somewhere. Quickly you realize what happened and look around for Zoro. You spot him lying up against a wall, passed out. You scramble to get up and run to him, slipping on the wet floor. 
Once you get to him you look to feel his pulse, it's there but faint. You quickly lay him down, placing your ripped shawl under his head. You rip the rest of his shirt off to get a look at the wound. Blood crusted and continued to drip around it. You hadn’t been passed out for too long thank god. You rip your skirt and start to clean it the best you can. Taking the rest of the fabric and tying it tightly around his torso to try to stop the bleeding. 
You lift his head gently taking the shawl and placing his head in your lap. You start, without realizing it, playing with his hair gently. The creak of a door and a slam takes your attention. You hear footsteps slowly make their way over, one by one. Someone then walks in front of the cell you’re in. 
“Getting comfortable?” They ask mockingly.
“Who are you? Why did you take us here?” You say with a growl.
“Oh don’t worry about that, you’ll find out soon enough.” They laugh deeply. 
“You won’t get away with this, Zoro is the first mate of the Strawhat Pirates, they will be coming for him!” You say.
“It's not him I want.” They laugh again. 
They turn to walk back to the door, and you hear another creak and slam, telling you that whoever that was is gone. You can’t help but think what they meant, they don’t want Zoro? That means you both got taken because of you. What could it be for, who could that be? You ask yourself. You turn your attention back to Zoro who grumbles and adjusts a bit. 
“Zoro!?” You exclaim. “Are you okay?” You start to cry, dripping tears onto him. 
“It’ll be okay princess, Luffy is coming don’t worry.” He says rubbing your cheek before passing out again. 
You lean back on the wall silently crying, hoping Luffy gets here soon.
It feels as if hours have passed, you worry Zoro is running out of time. He needs medical attention as soon as possible. You’ve searched the cell over 20 times at this point. Unable to find anything that could get you out of here. As you sit ready to give up another search you think of Zoro. How his swords would be so helpful right now, as you stare at them across the hall from your cell. You then think of how Zoro always has them on him, he is never unprepared. You think about what he would do if he was awake. You realize he might have a small knife on him in case of scenarios like this, you quickly get up and run over to him and start searching his pockets. You eventually find a Swiss army knife, perfect. 
You run over to the bars and observe how they are attached to the cell door. You can see it's a roll pin and hole, you undo the set screw in it and run over to grab the one piece of furniture in the cell, a long bench. You prop the bench so it's upside-down hooked onto the bottom of the door. You use all of your body weight to push it down, you continue to jump and push the bench down, each push lifting the door more. Eventually, you fall onto the bench and hear a loud crash, showing the door has come down. You go over to Zoro and start to try to lift him. ‘Why is this man so huge’ you ask yourself. He wakes up weakly and tries his best to help. 
You and Zoro hobble out of the cell, grabbing his and your swords as you hobble to the door. You strap both to your hips the best you can and continue walking. You, as quietly as possible, open the creaky door and look down the hallway each way, it looks clear so you and Zoro start to hobble down one of the hallways. Checking every corner, you start to hear yelling. You internally curse knowing you’re about to get caught. With your one free hand, you draw one of Zoro’s swords, him still leaning on you. You prepare to encounter someone. 
Then loud running starts down the corner a few feet away from you, you brace yourself for a fight with someone. But then Luffy turns the corner, and as soon as he sees you a big smile comes across his face. 
“There you guys are! I’ve been looking everywhere! Oh no, he doesn’t look too good.” Luffy says.
“No, we need to get him to Chopper immediately, it's been too long, I did my best but I’m not a doctor.” You say solemnly. 
Luffy goes under Zoro’s other arm and you both start walking the way he just came, twisting and turning through the hallways you eventually see light at the end of one of them. You both pick up the pace making it out of the dark cave you were in. You take a look around and have no clue where you are. 
“Luffy, where are we? How do we get to the ship?” You ask worriedly.
“Don’t worry, Nami is coming to us.” He says with a smile.
“What do you mea-” You are cut off by a large truck smashing some rubble and stopping in front of you.
“There she is!” Luffy exclaims. 
You all pile into the truck, Nami looking serious seeing Zoro’s state. She then floors it towards what you assume to be the docks. A few minutes later you make it there and the rest of the crew helps you out. You all then carefully unload Zoro and bring him to Chopper's office, laying him on one of the beds in there. Chopper quickly gets to work and asks you all to leave. You start to cry seeing Zoro’s state. You all walk out and everyone starts to question you about what happened. You start crying even harder than you were. You begin to explain everything to the shocked crew in front of you. From the bullet wound to you blacking out, to getting kidnapped and escaping. You explain what your kidnapper said and how it means whoever they are, is after you and only you. 
After you calm down a little you make your way towards the crow’s nest.
“Hey! Where do you think you’re going?! Chopper still needs to examine you!” Nami yells and everyone nods in agreement.
“I’m going to pack my stuff, I need to get out of here and far from you all. Whoever is after me doesn’t care who suffers to get to me, and Zoro has already been through enough. I’m going to leave so you all are safe.” You say turning to walk away again. You then feel a hand grab your wrist.
“You are a part of this crew now, I don’t care what you say, you are a straw hat. And we protect our crew. Whoever this is, is going to have to go through every single one of us before they can get to you.” Luffy says with a serious face, the look he only ever gets when he’s about to fight someone serious. 
You start to cry and fall to the floor, but before you can Luffy grabs you and helps slowly lower you to not get hurt. Everyone quickly surrounds you both and pulls you into a hug. 
“You aren’t going anywhere girly” Frankie says.
“You are one of us now” Robin says after.
After a lot of crying and hugging you all get up to move to the kitchen to get some food, but when you get up you start to feel lightheaded. Ignoring it you try to take a step and your vision quickly goes black as you feel yourself start to fall. Sanji seeing this quickly grabs you and lifts you off your feet starting to run towards Chopper’s office. 
Days later you wake up in Chopper’s office. You sit up and wince in pain. Looking over you don’t see Zoro, panic starts to set in and your mind swirls with the worst thoughts of what could’ve happened. Suddenly Chopper walks in and sees you’re awake.
“Y/n! You’re awake! Finally! How are you feeling?” Chopper says happily walking over to you.
“Where is Zoro? Is he okay?” You ask ignoring what Chopper had said.
“Hah! You two are exactly the same, that was the first thing he said when he woke up too.” Chopper laughs. “You two are clearly close.” Chopper says while getting some medication for you. 
“So, he's okay?” You ask.
“Yes, he woke up yesterday, and honestly you just missed him. He’s been in here since he woke up, not leaving your side, even when I tell him to lay down and rest. To be honest we didn’t know when you were going to wake up, he was extremely worried and stayed here to watch over you. We finally got him to leave and go ‘carefully’ take a shower to clean himself.” Chopper explains. 
“Oh, okay… What happened?” You finally ask.
“I think you initially passed out because of your adrenaline wearing off causing all the pain your body had been through to catch up to you, which caused you to black out. Now for the coma, the only thing that could explain that, is that your body was so hurt that it put you into a coma so it could heal. You were in a pretty bad condition y/n. It's amazing you got back here alive let alone awake. I truly don’t know how you did it.” Chopper says. 
You move to get out of bed and Chopper quickly tries to stop you. “Please Chopper, I just want to get up.” You say softly.
“Okay but be careful.” He says.
You get up slowly, wincing in pain at each step. You make your way to the door and open it to the bright sun, you close your eyes and open them again trying to adjust to the brightness. Before you can see you hear someone run up to you and encase you in a hug. But you don’t need to see to know who it was, you could tell by their scent, their body, their breathing. You knew it was Zoro without needing to open your eyes. You melted into the hug and began crying. 
“I was so worried about you” You say between sobs.
“Me?! I wasn’t the one in a fucking coma!” He exclaims, “Don��t you ever fucking do that again.” He says softly, holding your head to his chest tightly.
“Says you! You took a bullet for me, idiot! Don’t ever do that again!” You exclaim back to him.
“Deal.” He says still holding you.
You both stand there for a minute holding each other before Chopper clears his throat and you both separate with quiet apologies. 
“Both of you need to be careful, especially you Zoro.” Chopper says, “Now go get some food and sleep.” 
You both nod and walk towards the kitchen, opening the door to see the crew. They all jumped up seeing the both of you in the door, you getting a barrage of hugs and worried comments. Eventually, you both sit down and Sanji gets some food for you both. 
You start to eat and look up at everyone having a serious face, you look to Zoro who looks just as clueless as you. 
“Y/n we need to talk about your kidnapper” Nami says in a serious tone.
“You were kidnapped?!?” Zoro yells looking at you.
“You both were dumbass.” Nami says looking at him.
“Oh. huh.” he says in response, going back to eating. Nami annoyingly grunts at his response. 
“Who could be after you y/n?” Robin asks. You freeze and start to panic but before it gets too bad, Zoro grabs your leg under the table, grounding you back to reality. 
“I- um… I-” You start to nervously say. Zoro quickly slams his hand on the table and says, 
“ I’m done! Where’s the alcohol? We are celebrating being alive, no?” He says loudly taking everyone’s attention off of you. Everyone starts to argue with him, and you decide to quietly slip away to your room. 
A little while later, you sit on the balcony watching the sunset. You hear footsteps behind you, knowing it's Zoro you open your blanket for him to join you. As he sits he hands you a cup of tea, your favorite, you take a sip, and it's exactly how you like it. How does he know? Beyond your knowledge. You smile at him and thank him for the tea. You both sit quietly watching the sunset for a while before Zoro clears his throat awkwardly. 
“Thank you for saving me y/n,” He says nervously.
“It's the least I could do after you saved me.” You laugh and nudge him.
“No but really, not just treating the wound, you got us both out of the cell. And you risked your life carrying me out of there… Thank you.” He says seriously. You look at him making eye contact and say, 
“I would never leave you.”
You both sit in silence again, this time you lean your head onto Zoro’s shoulder. Now comfortable he asks, “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I don’t know.” You say honestly. 
“I get it.” He says quietly. “You’re going to have to explain to the crew soon though. They aren’t as patient as I am.”
“I know, I just have never told anyone, and now that someone is after me, I feel like I have to face this alone.” You say sadly. 
“You aren’t facing shit alone, I won’t let you.” He aggressively says. You laugh at his response.
“I know.” You smile. A few seconds later you get the courage to tell him about who you think is after you. 
“I was born into slavery.” You say quietly, Zoro rubs your hand as a silent comfort to keep going. “I grew up serving a Celestial Dragon. It was horrible, but one day they realized I was different. I was born with devil fruit powers, the first child to inherit their mother’s powers. I one day as a child made the mistake of using them, and that was the day they realized who I was. They decided they were going to sell me to the world government to research and test me, in exchange they would have access to all the results they got. When I heard that this was going to happen I escaped, barely. I ran from their palace and disguised myself as a guard. Eventually, I was able to make it out of the city before morning fell and they would realize I would be gone. I ran to the next city, not stopping for two days for anything. When I made it, some kind people took me in, cleaning and feeding me. I didn’t dare tell them who I was or else they may turn me back in. As kind as they were, a lifetime fortune is a lifetime fortune. So once I was strong enough I packed some food and moved on to the next city, there I got a job and started saving for a ship. That’s how I escaped and became a pirate. They’ve been after me since then.” 
You lift your head from Zoro’s shoulder and start to cry, he quickly absorbs you into a hug.
“You are so much stronger than anyone knows.” He whispers. “It's okay, you don’t need to run anymore. I won’t let them take you.” You sob more at his promise.
You both stay like that late into the night, you crying into his chest, and him whispering sweet promises in your ear. You eventually get so exhausted you fall asleep in his arms. Zoro picks you up and takes you to the bed, laying you down. Seeing as you won’t let go of him, he lays down with you and falls asleep.
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eggiesins · 30 days
Sandrock Bachelorettes Being Drunk
Mild NSFW so minors DNI!
So many notes on my Bachelors headcanon post! Thank you guys so much!  Anyways, as (one) kind soul requested, here are the bachelorettes!  I did my best to capture their unique traits, but unfortunately, the dateable women in Sandrock are written more subtly (flat) than the men.  Without such extreme personalities (Elsie and Catori notwithstanding) it was much more difficult to think of unique scenarios the ladies would shine in.
To date, no one in Sandrock has ever actually seen Amirah get drunk, and most would speculate that it’s simply something she’s never done.  Being the parentified older sibling to Arvio, she places a strong emphasis on personal responsibility.  That being said, someone get this girl a drink, please!  Of all the bachelorettes, she could probably use one the most.
But once she does decide to let loose - maybe a Fleeting Youth Tea Society meeting got out of hand - boy does she relax.  Sober Amirah scolds Arvio, Drunk Amirah goes on an hour long rant with Pablo taking notes in the background giggling with glee.  Did she mean anything she said?  Of course not, but a girl needs to vent sometimes.  She’s a very flip-flop kind of drunk, though.  Once the tipsy euphoria hits, you can bet she’s dancing around the saloon with reckless abandon, laughing at anything and everything.  Her usually reserved personality gives way to a sloppy wholesomeness and she’ll spend the night latched onto Heidi and the Builder just laughing and hugging and reminding them all just how much she loves them.
She’s gonna be extra harsh with Arvio the next day, so be prepared for him to show up at the workshop asking why his sister hates him now.
I know a lot of fans aren’t huge on Catori because of how messy she comes across.  But a struggling businesswoman, divorced with a kid, whose idea of rebuilding Sandrock means installing roller coasters in a monster-infested canyon.  That’s it.  I just love messy characters who pour their heart and soul into their dreams.
Anyway, Catori is no stranger to partying by any means.  Again, she has a kid.  She’s not exactly naive or reserved, so when she drinks, it’s really just her natural personality getting amped up a bit.  She’s pitching her latest drunken business idea to anyone and everyone in the saloon because you never know which tourist might secretly be a bazillionaire in disguise.
“Oh Builder, it’s you!  I was just looking for you!  I’ve come up with a great show idea for Catori World.  We’ll have a separate building set up with all kinds of games just for adults.  There’ll be dice and card games, and customers can put their own money on the line for a chance to win big from the house!  How exhilarating!”  “...Catori that’s a casino.  You want to build a casino.  I don’t know how well the Church would respond to something like that in Sandrock.”  “Oh Fuck the Church.  They’ll be on board as soon as they see how much profit it’ll bring in for the whole town!”  “Catori, no”
Elsie wants to get drunk.  No one else in Sandrock wants Elsie to get drunk.  She’s already a serial prankster and a furry when sober.  Who knows how far she’ll go with no inhibitions?  She’s definitely getting drunk by sneaking into Cooper’s premium Yakmel milk supply before she knocks on Mi-an’s door at 3am dressed in a full homemade catsuit.  She’ll spend the next hour trying to make herself purr and climbing all over Mi-an’s furniture before bolting out the door to try and scare Owen as he walks home from the saloon.
Seriously, it’s like she develops super ADHD when she drinks, never focusing on anything for more than 5 seconds before something shiny catches her attention and she’s pouncing on it.  Light help her when she decides to go for a night-time horseback ride across the desert.  She’s 100% gonna wake up near Gecko station surrounded by concerned Penskies, but Logan or Larry will find her soon enough and take her home to an annoyed and frightened Cooper.  He’s been preparing her lecture for the better part of four hours.
She makes the best drinks in Sandrock, hell, in probably all of the Free Cities.  But she never seems to get drunk, ever.  Years of training and building up resistances to different poisons and intoxicants while working for the Alliance make it very difficult for her.
If the builder is dating her, though?  She’ll feel comfortable enough to let her walls down and drink plenty.  Even Grace doesn’t know what to expect from herself when she starts drinking, so strap in.  She’ll only drink heavily at home with the builder, and once she is drunk, she’s nonstop cuddling with all the pets.  Once the builder starts feeling left out and tries to join the cuddle pile, her attitude shifts drastically.
“Hey Builder?” she’ll ask, standing up to look over the builder before just grabbing the collar of their shirt and staring them dead in the eye.  
“Yeah Grace?”
“I’m gonna take your virginity now.”
“...huh?!  Grace, I’m not a virgin.  You know this.”
“I don’t care; your virginity is mine and I’m taking it.  Right now.”
Hold on for dear life, Builder.  You’re in the Light’s hands now
Drunk Heidi is a Smash-or-Pass/Would-You-Rather/Never-Have-I-Ever goddess.  She’s quick with the prompt, and her Would You Rather questions are always the most morally or philosophically devastating you’ve ever heard.
“Builder, if me and your mom somehow switched bodies and you had to sleep with one of us to switch things back, would you rather choose your mom in my body or me in your mom’s body?”  Cue distraught Builder noises ‘cause what the fuck, man.
She is, in a word, relentless when drunk, chasing Qi around the saloon trying to get him to finally admit out loud that he’s obsessed with Gungam, making (welcomed) passes at the builder any chance she gets, and man oh man, does she have some choice words for Master Verna.  
I definitely see her as the type to get ridiculously flirty and handsy with the builder for the whole walk back to the workshop, only to immediately pass out on the couch when they get there.  
Tomorrow is gonna be a “watch a movie” day at school for the kids, Jane already knows.  She’s 6 Yakmel daiquiris deep and showing no signs of stopping.  Why does she drink like a monster?  Who knows?  Knowing why wouldn’t change the fact that she’s doing it anyway.  
She’s definitely making the Blue Moon stage hers for the night, spouting endless play renditions, sometimes switching into her regular teaching lectures, and re-enacting Old World historical events.  She’ll sit at a booth with Ernest for a while hammering out ideas for new plays and novels, maybe even how to incorporate Ernest’s novels into a creative writing lesson.
(Jane, I’m sorry your entry is short.  We don’t get to know much about you other than that you’re a teacher and an actress.)
Mi-an is a very nervous and kind character, so I could see her being hesitant about drinking, and especially getting drunk…at first.  As soon as the buzz and tipsiness start to kick in, it’s a whole new side to her.  She’s singing on the blue moon stage with Jane (making out with Nia in a corner), helping out Elsie with pranks, and generally indulging in shenanigans she might overthink when sober. 
I think Mi-an would actually like being drunk once she’s done it once or twice, like any gifted student as soon as they get to college.  It’s an easy way to turn off her everyday anxieties and just live in the moment.  She’s definitely still trying to fix everything around town, though.  Sober or not, this woman is determined to work herself to death.  Owen has to kick her out one night after she starts a one-woman builder cruise inside the saloon at 1am.
“Go to sleep Mi-an.”  “Owen, you don’t understand, I can fix all your wobbly tables and the sinking booth AND the shelf behind the bar in like, 5 minutes flat.  I even have the materials right here!”  “Yes, I saw you drag in a pile of scrap wood earlier when I told you no.  And what do you mean wobbly tables????”
Ah Nia, recent college graduate Nia.  She’s a party girl, through and through, but in the most wholesome way possible.  She’s the mom friend who may be just as plastered as everyone around her, but will still be handing out snacks and water bottles for everyone else.  Elsie passed out and needs to be carried home?  Who knows when Nia started hitting the gym like Pen, but she’s on it.  She may be drunk too, but she knows what she’s doing and how to work around it.  We see in the game that she’s more than capable of handling herself, from scaring Yan so badly he flat out begged the builder to keep her away from him, to dungeon diving with the likes of Logan and the builder as well.  Sure, she’s incredibly sweet and bubbly, but there’s a lot of depth to Nia that doesn’t get explored anywhere near enough.  If the builder isn’t romancing her, she’s definitely making out with Mi-an in a corner.  Girl’s got builder fever, something FIERCE.
Strongest babygirl vibes of any character in the game, and she’s got the least amount of content of any romanceable townie, tragic.  Tragedy is really the name of the game when it comes to Venti, well, for literally everyone BUT Venti.  Her relentless optimism is only gonna get amplified when she starts drinking.  She made it to Sandrock, she’s got a steady job with people she likes, the town is recovering and Venti is alive.  And she’s gonna enjoy being alive to the fullest she can.  Sober Venti tends to fade into the background, but Drunk Venti?  Try and find a way to not think about how amazing she is, I dare you.
She’s dancing, absolutely stoked over getting all the “fancy” drinks and foods at the saloon, and if she’s dating the builder, she’s gushing about how happy she is with them.  Be careful, though.  Venti may seem the impossible optimist through and through, but that may be more an issue with her simply never acknowledging her trauma rather than having processed it healthily and come out happier.  If she drinks too much, be ready for that happy drunk mask to drop and reveal someone who has buried their sadness so deeply they have no idea how to handle it should it come bubbling to the surface.  So, just focus on having her drink lots of water & get to bed early, then find a good therapist in the morning.
Thanks so much again guys!  Let me know if you have any headcanon ideas you’d like me to write on.  My ask is always open!
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passingnotions · 2 years
Dublur | Dahyun
smut, trigger warning for noncon/dubcon—Dubucon? I'll stop with the name puns when I stop writing Dahyun. Disciplinary Action Pt. 2 btw. 1200~ words A/N: Huge thank you to @capslocked for all the help editing; I'd lowkey call it a collab thanks to his input.
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The secluded door at the end of the hall is intimidating. Overseer Kim D. You take a breath before the two knocks.
“You may come in.”
It’s a sterile environment: every piece of furniture and storage is neatly placed within measured ranges, properly squaring off Kim Dahyun’s desk in center stage. Two chairs face the ensemble and the Overseer herself, who stands prim at your arrival.
“I was beginning to doubt your return. Was our first session not compelling enough to warrant another—in this case apparent—mishap?”
You stand behind both guest seats, matching Dahyun in posture. “My apologies, Overseer. I feared that making another mistake in such a short period of time might attract unnecessary attention. I’m not prone to slip-ups.” 
“Something you should be proud of, yet here you are: willing to sacrifice that perfect student record for another meeting with yours truly. Sit.” 
You obey.
“What will it be this time?” Excitement gets the better of you.
“Now now.” The Overseer steps around her desk, over to the front, where she leans back and sits herself on the edge. “No rushing.” She reaches behind her and slides a glass of water towards you. “Thirsty?”
The glass sits at the edge beside her, fingers trailing the rim as she awaits your response—you’ll have to reach out, not her. “I—yes. Thank you.” You lean in and extend your arm. Her hand never leaves the glass and your eyes stray to find her plump ass spilling onto the desk, at odds with the tight dress that wraps way too short around her pale thighs. 
Another glass is revealed as you pick up yours and you both drink the room temperature water in unison.
 “So, why come back?” Her voice blunt and direct.
“Um.” You ponder. It seems like an obvious answer: the basic pleasure of it all, how it has you crawling back. But Overseer Kim is not that simple. Regardless—”I wondered… about the methodology.” you give the answer a shot despite your unsure voice. “Why… uh… that, out of all things?”
“It’s simple, really.” A satisfactory smile surfaces. “This academy primarily focuses on science—as you know—and students are to learn through testing within realistic conditions.”
“Of course, our primary focus is to learn with real tools, chemicals, and subjects. We—” You trail off, unable to finish your sentence. A bout of confusion follows and you don’t understand how—
“Exactly.” Dahyun picks up your trail. She’s somehow behind her desk now—when did she—searching through one of the open drawers. “You’ll be surprised to know that, as faculty, we are encouraged to do the same.” Her last words feel a world away, and the final image before blackout is Dahyun, blurred, with an object you can’t make out in hand.
You slowly come to. The bright light overhead burns into your eyes and there’s the realization that your neck cranes backwards. With slight pain you level out, sight still adjusting. There’s a sound, a wet sound, and you manage to feel the source before spotting it. 
“What’s—ngh—going on?” You barely manage to speak. 
“You’re being reprimanded, remember? Keep still.” The order is accompanied by fingernails that pierce into your thigh and prevent you from shuffling about your seat. 
When the sight is finally made clear, you notice the Overseer; she holds a device of rubber, plastic—both? It grips your erect cock with gratifying pressure, sliding up and down with the consistent rhythm of Dahyun’s hand. “You—” the glass of water you once held is fixed on the desk behind the Overseer. “What did you put in that?!” You would stop her stroking, but your hands and feet are bound, constrained, fucked.
Her grip on your thigh tightens. “I said still.” The rhythm slows to a crawl and Dahyun looks up from her kneeling position at your still-dazed face. She observes your lubricated length, the veins that shape it firm, and how it throbs with each miniscule motion. “It’s an aphrodisiac, to answer your question, with a very convenient side-effect.”
“Fuck. I would’ve—hng—I would’ve undressed anyway. That’s why I’m here—” She picks up the pace and you’re tense all around. You never thought being tied up would be this enticing. 
“To answer your other question.” Dahyun begins to twist the device on every upstroke, sending waves through your restrained body. “The one about methodology.” She pauses her train of thought to feel your cock ache, watching each pulse make the device move and shift. “It’s about control.” And with the words, she bottoms out on your length, having it completely covered by the rubber interior. “You’re mine, and you’ll do as I say.”
Dahyun begins to stroke once more. “Do you understand?”
“Y-yes.” The aphrodisiac is surely having its effect—you’ve barely woken up and you’re as sensitive as one can get. You feel how your cock pulsates, nearing its threshold.
“How close?” She asks plainly.
“So fucking close.”
The grip she had on your leg turns gentle; it caresses your inner thigh, stimulating the area around your extremely sensitive length. Dahyun is examining you, appreciating you: her live subject to do as she pleases. In the passing minutes, her eyes liven up as your chest quickens its breaths; she finds amusement in the way sweat builds up on your forehead and brows; and how your wrists fight against the tight grip of their restriction?  She revels in it. 
The buildup feels like an eternity—you don’t want it to end—but Dahyun’s pace hastens as she notices your tells. Your hips jolt up and you hiss: “I’m going to cum.”
As your breaths become moans, Dahyun releases you and chucks the device to the floor. “Don’t think we’re done yet.” She lets you pump your seed for about three throbs before grabbing your cock with her own hand, lubricating it with both oil and cum. 
Your moans become grunts; pain—more so pleasure—enraptures your now burning cockhead as Dahyun continues to stroke through the dying grasps of your orgasm. “Cum for me. Again.” 
“Fuck Dahyun, it’s so—fffuck—it’s so sensitive.” She doesn’t care. Her hand is a completely different sensation: it’s soft, silky, and in contrast to what she used on you before, you can feel each finger press down on your length as opposed to the encompassing yet inanimate pressure of the rubber.
It’s a struggle—on one hand, your cock begs for her to stop, each nerve crying out on how it reached its utter limit, yet on the other, her hand strokes your length with such delicacy; it’s downright skillful. 
You decide to succumb to the ravishing sensations—perhaps whatever she gave you is also working its magic—and your cock reaches climax within the minute. It’s a staggering volume of pleasure, all at once, out of nowhere. This time, Dahyun decides to drain you herself, not letting a single throb go to waste, and strokes each and every drop into the air, onto her hands, as the trails of oil mixed with white cover her hand entirely. 
You sit there, tied, spent, as Dahyun cleans herself and the device; it's not until after she's done that she even thinks to release you. Your wrists and ankles are marked and chafed, but the most worn-out feeling stems from your cock. 
“Control?” You ask and break the silence.
She stores the device back in its drawer. “Yes, control.”
“You tied me up.” You accuse.
“As if you didn’t like it.” She deflects. “You would’ve tied yourself up if I ordered, but you’re more agreeable this way. Simpler”
Something stirs in you. You don’t disagree; her assured gaze knows this. 
“You’ll be back before long,” Dahyun speaks before you manage to retort. “Off you go.”
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eldritch-spouse · 10 months
lmao Vesper 😭😭😭
Ok wait for me I have new genius idea for crackass scapegoat!AU
Reader is the poor employee with a curse of being a magnet for Icons. They're trying their best, applying for the jobs in the most "human" spaces – but it's useless to try, it's only matter of time when they're meeting face to face with something very huge and demonic. They're not even trying, really. They're not even at some high position. They're just too unlucky to being the one who listens to all complaints and death threats... yet still very lucky to somehow remain alive after that.
After being kicked out from the theatre, their first honest job, they're totally broke. Underground casino? Yeah, yeah, shady. Sign them up!
Work is actually not so bad until some strange green giant scolds the shit out of them for "playing cheap" and almost brings them to that hot shithole– good thing he got distracted and the only thing poor employee lost are all their money and a job.
Damn, here we go again- Nothing could be wrong with working in a popular restaurant, yeah? Everyone gone through it-
Oh, how lucky they're to stay alive after that day when enormous snake woman decided to visit their modest establishment of a workplace. Their coworker, fellow waiter, is not so lucky tho. Poor Kenny.
With a generous amount of trauma, our scapegoat is escaping to something- something completely different, you know? They got a jackpot! Luck is TOTALLY on their side after all this suffering, how else you can explain that they got a job in that prestigious boutique?
... Well, let's say, they haven't break in tears only because of their lack of dignity at this point. That guy was marvelous, but he almost crashed them into the pulp with all his requirements- they're not even a designer, really....
Okay, maybe, they need to take a rest. Big rest. Take their stress out somewhere. Ikea, furniture store, bed section. Peace and love.
How it's even possible to be fired from a chill place like this? Oh, that's easy. Some buff dude built like a mountain just sorta appeared and fell asleep at the one of the biggest beds- and for some reason they fell asleep on their workplace while it happened. When they woke up tho, here was no one but a broken bed and complain in the customer's book.
That's it. That's a last nerve they had. They're escaping to the amusement park, to be the clown they are and being paid for it, as they deserve.
Only to be mocked by a guy with a fucking macaroni limbs. No, here was other people too, but he brought the greatest display of mockery and dishonour ever possible. Even their destroyed dignity somehow reanimated just to get beat down again.
Kalymir has zero idea why he woke up with a strong desire to go on the fucking "DOTA tournament" and tf it even means, but he already hyped up and ready to crush in-
After having to gamble at the same table as the Lord of Greed and nearly losing ownership of your soul.
After working at a restaurant good enough that the Queen of Gluttony unintentionally erotically fellated your entire body and made you feel like a twinkie.
After getting your department in IKEA utterly destroyed by the King of Sloth's insistence that he nap specifically in your section.
After having the King of Pride rip into you so viciously that you only wished you had been swallowed.
After having the King of Envy out-clown you.
And now, seeing what you can only guess is the King of Wrath well on his way to likely turn you into a stain on the wall...
You think of what could have been. Before this chain of horrid luck took over your life. In that one first job where you had to confront Vesper about his tendency for "group affections"-
Maybe you really should have just taken the deal and sucked him off.
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klaprisun · 4 months
One Sunny Day
(Stardew Valley)(Haley x Female Farmer)
Chapter 29
I don't really know what I have planned for today, or tomorrow, or the rest of the week for that matter. It's a weird time in the season where I'm just waiting for my stuff to grow so I can harvest them and sell them to make some good money. This farm business is going pretty swell. I've been making more money than I have ever made in my life. I truly think this was the best decision of my life.
I don't really want to be too pushy and clingy with Haley, so I'm trying to give her a little space for now. She might be already rethinking things, or regretting ever confessing her feelings to me, and I want to make sure she is still okay with this before I keep pushing forward.
That being said, I still have no idea what to do today. The rain is still going on and it's driving me nuts. As much as I like not watering the crops, I don't want to be soaked every time I go outside. I don't even have my hat to somewhat cover me up.
"Maybe Robin has some new furniture in today. I could really spruce this place up some more," I mutter to myself as I kick a dirty shirt on the floor that's in my way.
I hesitate for a moment, thinking if I really want to walk all that way for possibly nothing. I shake it off and grab my backpack and head off.
It's always a hike up the mountains, but the rain makes it worse. It mixes with the wind and gives me the worst chills. I hope I don't get sick from this.
I finally make it to the door of Robin's place and walk inside. She always keeps it unlocked due to her store being in her house. Oddly enough, Robin wasn't in her usual spot behind the cash register today.
"Hello?" I yell into the house, hoping for a response. Nothing.
It sounded like nobody was in the house at all for a moment until I heard thumping from the basement which is Sebastian's room. I descend down the stairs to the basement door. As I get closer to his room, I start to hear some heavy metal music blaring.
"Sebastian!?" I shout at the door. I pound my fist against it a few times for good measure too, but still nothing. I turn the knob of the door and burst into Sebastian's room.
"Wicked! Danny's here to party with us!" Sam cheers when he notices I have walked in. The music is excruciatingly loud now that I'm right beside the speaker.
I take in the scene unfolding in front of me. Abigail, Sebastian, Sam, and oddly Alex are all hanging out and partying. Sebastian and Abigail are at the two computers, and Alex and Sam are sitting at the huge table in front of me.
All eyes had turned to look at me after Sam had announced I was here. Sebastian got up from the computer and turned down the music.
"I mean why not?" I shrug as I sprawl out across the three person couch.
"Looking for my mom?" Sebastian knowingly asks. I come over pretty often to get things from her.
"Yeah this time for furniture. My house is looking pretty dull," I drape my arm over my face, shielding my eyes from the bright overhead light.
"Want something to drink?" Sam holds out a can of Joja Cola to me. He must be the one who somehow manages to get them in the Pelican Town waters. I fish them out CONSTANTLY.
"Sure. Toss it over," I raise my hand up in the air, ready to catch the can. He lobs it my way and I snag it out of mid air with one hand.
"Impressive," Alex gives me a nod of approval. "You should join a gridball team."
"And what if I told you 'been there done that'?" I give him a wink while cracking open my Joja Cola and taking a sip. It's true that I've once played on a gridball team. That was way back in high school though. I wasn't a fan of it.
"I should've guessed," He shakes his head in defeat. "You're so much better than I can ever be. How will I ever win back Haley now?" Alex dramatically cries out, throwing his arms into the air.
"Wait dude seriously?" Sam raises an eyebrow at Alex. Sam just gets an 'are you serious?' look from Alex in return.
"Sam, what did he JUST tell us?" Sebastian shakes his head trying to hold back a laugh. I see Abigail trying to hide her laughter by turning away and covering her mouth. Sam squints his eyes as he goes deep into thought.
"Aaaaand we've lost him," Abigail stops holding back her laughter and lets it out.
"Is anyone in this town straight?" I let out a chuckle, as I thought it over. We see Sam finally begin to clue into the previous conversation because he starts gesturing an 'oh yeah, that's right' motion with his finger at us.
"It really seems like it's the opposite doesn't it. Not only did you add to the queer population by 1... you somehow brought 2 more into play," Sebastian points out. I give a nonchalant shrug of the shoulder.
"Hey no! Me coming out had nothing to do with Haley or Danny. That happened by coincidence," Alex exclaims to Sebastian.
"Danny, do you want to hear our new song?!" Sam excitedly jumps out of his seat and runs to the speaker. I didn't even have time to respond to the question.
"He has been dying to show people our song. He brings it up in conversation as much as he can," Sebastian explains to me.
"Who's all in the band?"
"Sam, Abigail and I. We do all kinds of genres. We have a gig in the city soon. You should come. Maybe you could bring Haley and make it a date?" he wags his eyebrows at me.
"Speaking of. Has it been less than a week yet?" Alex chimes into our conversation.
"Oh screw you. You can't talk, Alex," I wave my hand at him and brush off his question with a blush.
"You didn't deny it..." Abigail purses her lips accusingly.
"Yoba, you guys have such dirty minds," I click my tongue and hide my blushing face.
"Yeah well I know how Haley works, unfortunately. That woman warms up fast," Alex leans his head back, recalling his time with Haley.
"Like I said before, I'm not going to rush her into anything. I'll let her make the first move and see from there," I fold my arms behind my head to use as a pillow.
"You'll cave," Abigail says, taking Alex's side. Sebastian also nods in agreement. Sam is busy in the corner playing air guitar and head banging to his own song.
"OH WHAT'S THAT? YOU'RE HOME ROBIN? I'LL BE RIGHT UP!" I pretend to yell to Sebastian's mom upstairs. I get up from the couch and stick my tongue at them all. I make sure to laugh a little bit so they know there are no hard feelings. Sam gives me a little wave goodbye after missing the entire conversation. What a bunch. 
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wandabear · 1 year
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This chapter has some WARNINGS: some horror, suspense, angst and two huge big puppies.
ㅤㅤ Jules is portrayed by Adelaide Kane. Here.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤCHAPTER 4
Concern could be seen on her face but she said nothing. Just squeezed the steering wheel trying to bear all those feelings and thoughts that bubbled inside.
“Come on… Say what you’re thinking. now” Y/N dared to say, looking out the window as they entered the forest following a rather lonely dirt road. They took the I-87 to drive almost three hours to the Catskills Mountains. After twenty minutes they reached an old cabin lost among the huge and vast trees.
“Oh, no. You don’t wanna know what I‘m thinking, Y/N.” Jules sighed and parked in front of the cabin, getting out of the car quickly.
Y/N didn't answer, she knew very well that she screwed up by telling Wanda almost everything. Just took the huge and heavy sports bag that was in the trunk and followed Jules inside the cabin.
“I rented the cabin for the whole weekend, I didn't want to seem so…obvious, especially for hunters.” She opened the door and coughed due to the dust, the lonely cabin hadn't been used in a while.
“What? Really? Where did you find it?" Y/N frowned, it didn't look like a touristy cabin especially because of the dust on the furniture and some cobwebs in the corners.
“Airbnb.” Jules teased, but seeing Y/N's worried face she just rolled her eyes. “Easy, I'm just kidding. An old ranger pal owed me a favor, told me that I could come here, he assured me of a safe place and well, this place is quite far from everything. This cabin has been out of service for five years, lots of rattlesnakes and cougars around the place. Too many wild animals.”
“We are not close to civilization by many many miles. Just woods. This is good…” Y/N looked around, quite surprised. “Why didn't we stay here earlier? Why did we have to go to Wyoming?
“Here we are more exposed than in Wyoming. Hikers, tourists miles away.” Jules walked around the place, opening the kitchen door to inspect everything, only to find old empty cans. “A full moon? Sure. But many nights in a row? I can't guarantee that you will attack someone or that a hunter will find us while looking for a Wendigo.”
“Do Wendigos exist?” Y/N frowned and turned to see her quite surprised. “I thought it was just us and some old vampire over there.”
“I don't know.” Her friend shrugged. “We are werewolves. Nothing surprises me anymore."
Jules came over to take the sports bag and look for some stuff inside it. Found everything she could to ensure that they would be able to spend the night safely, though nothing was certain.
“The guy who sold me this looked at me like I was buying something very kinky.” Jules took one of the huge chains, they weren't strong enough but she hoped they would hold them long enough. “Although with the right person… I would think about it.”
“Are you sure it's going to work? We never did this, it worries me.” Y/N swallowed, they never turned without being sure they would be okay.
Jules grunted, shaking her head.
“Well, it would work if we were in Wyoming again but because of SOMEONE, we're still here because she can't let go of her fucking ex-girlfriend!” Jules finished muttering, definitely sensing the ferocity of the beast.
“DON’T START WITH THAT AGAIN!” Y/N temper finally blew up.
They faced each other and snarled, showing their fangs. Dusk was falling little by little, while the sun was hiding between the mountains, the wolf roared inside.
Y/N sighed deeply and closed her eyes, searching for the little serenity that remained in her. “I just don’t wanna hurt anyone.”
“You wont, okay?” Jules did the same and then rested her forehead against Y/N's.  “We won’t.”
“I don't want us to hurt each other.” The brunette whispered terrified. The thought of hurting Jules sank her heart deeply.
“We won't get hurt, okay? Let’s do this.”
Taking a deep breath, both walked away to arrange the place as quickly as possible.  This was the first time they spent a full moon in a place they didn’t know, but at least they knew they wouldn't hurt anyone nearby… Maybe.
Blocked the door with some old furniture, nailed the it and the windows too. The musty old basement had only a big old boiler that no longer worked, plus some shitty boxes with stuff that didn’t work.
Minute by minute, they felt how the heat embrace and suffocated them. Y/N hurried so that they could chain each other and, finally, inject themselves with that purplish liquid.
“This time it will be two doses of wofsbane, hope not enough to poison us. It will hurt more, but it's worth a try.” Jules swallowed, noting but fear in Y/N's eyes. Of course she was afraid too, especially since the wolves inside them were telling them not to.
The hooting of the owls and the crackling of the trees, Y/N tried to focus on anything but the liquid her friend was injecting. Closed her eyes tightly, the pain was immeasurable. But for both of them that pain meant hope.
Ten minutes later, they were both babbling on the floor, hallucinating due to the enormous amount of wolfsbane ingested. Drops of sweat fell down their faces, Y/N tried to reach out to touch Jules hand but it just fell off, due to how weak they were now.
The girls barely smiled at each other, knowing that maybe they made it, when Y/N's face changed completely. Horror flashed across her face.
“Jules…” she whispered.
Y/N swallowed and narrowed her eyes, trying to focus. The sounds of the nature, the owls, the branches, frogs in their ponds, crickets singing in the woods. Two strangely fast heartbeats, which she recognized as Jules and herself but there was something else.
Something wasn't right.
She tried to concentrate a bit more, licking her lips, Y/N felt an enormous hunger and that made her eyes widen, her face paled. Feeling a fear that never felt.
“There’s a third heartbeat.” Y/N exclaimed trying to grab the chain but couldn't, could barely move. Those words made Jules shake her head desperately.   “Oh my god, there’s a third beat. Oh, no no no no.”
They tried to let go but couldn't, everything was desperate and heartbreaking. They were only minutes away from the beast finally breaking free and someone else was out there.
“We have to go now, we must… get far away as possible.” Y/N said with her breath ragged. She crawled over to Jules trying to free her but a ‘crack’ made her fall to her knees, chaos began and they couldn't do anything.
Feeling how tears fell down her face, Jules just closed her eyes, regretting from now on for everything they could cause. “Please, I don't want to hurt anyone.”
“No, no. Not now.” Y/N whimpered looking at the door and clinging to the wood on the floor.  Moments where physical and mental pain was all they could feel.
Now the wolf took control, making them prisoners and spectators of the nightmare.  A huge gray wolf and a white wolf were breathing heavily, trying to recover.
And a long howl began the darkest night.
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Parking the car not too close from the cabin, Wanda remained watching the place with some suspicion. Of all the places she thought they would go, a lonely cabin in the woods was the last place on her mind.
Everything was possible, right? She had seen worse. There were people who cheated on their partners in the most stupid way possible.
Well, they weren't a couple... were they? I mean, they said it but nothing officially.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ "Ugh." The brunette closed her eyes, resting the forehead against the steering wheel.
“Come on Wanda, this is stupid.” She told herself, what the hell had made her do this? She should be at home, crying and choking on alcohol or pizza and cursing Y/N like a normal person but no. She followed Y/N all the way to the fucking Catskills to find out what the hell she was doing.
The sun has already set, the GPS saying she was in the woods -and strangely the dirt road was not even there- and the worst was yet to come.
A long, distant howl made her shrink back in her seat, looking around.
“Fuck it, I'm out of here.” Wanda started the car and tried to back up to go back down the road but the car stopped suddenly, it was stuck or something. The screen showed that there was a problem with the pressure of one of the tires.
“No way, really?!” The sokovian whined and got out of the car, getting closer to see what happened to the wheel, using her phone as a flashlight.
But what she saw made her blood run cold, just a little more. It was ripped, three huge scratches shredded the entire rim. Those cuts were too brutal.
Wanda decided to go back to her car quickly, sheltering from the cold. Maybe it was a branch? Or did she brush against a rock? She thought of everything but the idea that it was some wild animal around.
“Easy, Wanda, you're just overreacting.” Shaking her head, she called two towing services, but neither agreed to come to the location.
One of them said that not even for all the money in the world would go near that area of the forest after sunset, and the other guy just said: fuck no, because surely someone was going to rob him and he was fed up with those scams.
“Fuck!” Wanda yelled annoyed when the guy ended the call without further ado.
It was dark, owls hooting terrified her. She couldn't ask Y/N or anyone in that cabin for help, because she would have to explain what she's doing there, and she wasn't the one to explain. Y/N was.
The Sokovian ended up calling the only person who could help her in such a situation.
"Yeah?" Natasha's hoarse voice was heard on the other end of the phone.
“Nat, I'm sorry I know you might be busy tonight but I need your help.” Wanda said turning on the car's heater.
“Sure, what is it? I can't hear you well, the connection is kinda lost! Where are you?”
“I'm stranded on a road near the Catskills, the towing guy says it's too late and he won't go anywhere. I will send you my location. Can you come pick me up?”
“What?! Wanda, what the hell are you doing there?!”
She sighed, surely Nat would scold her for that.  “I followed Y/N and her friend to this place, she lied to me. She said that she was working and… well, I can't explain now! Just come for me, please.”
‘Shit! Wanda, it's... it's full- ... Oh god. Please, lock the car and stay inside. You heard me? DON'T GO OUT, STAY THERE. No matter what you hear, do you understand me?’
“Why? you're scaring me.” She looked around a bit fearfully and pressed the car lock.
“Wanda, do as I say. I’m like... two hours away, stay inside. I'm coming for you.”
The call ended.
Wanda just closed her eyes, repeating to herself that she was just going crazy for nothing. It was just a forest, she was in her car which was pretty safe. Just had to wait.
“Yay! You see? I knew that everything would work out.” Wanda smiled, feeling calm until a long, deep howl from the forest made her skin crawl.
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Two long, fearful howls dominated the forest. ㅤㅤ
The birds fluttered away to hide in the trees, the animals near the place fell silent. It was an alert, a warning. A much bigger and more dangerous predator was haunting the place and making it its own.
“They're just coyotes.” Wanda told herself again, watching the forest mist. She wasn't going to deny that that made it so much scarier. “Just coyotes. This place is full of wild animals… Stay in the car and that's it.”
An hour passed and Natasha didn't arrive. It was understandable, she was quite far from the place. Wanda started the car engine again to use the heating and the radio - to clear her mind and not be a victim of paranoia- trying to pass the time by looking some instagram stories or something like that. An interesting idea crossed her mind.
She clicked on the Instagram icon to search for 'Jules Boyd' but there was nothing. The girl didn't appear on any social networks, just like Y/N deleted all of them.
Narrowing her eyes, Wanda decided to google her to see what she could find on her.
“Jules… Boyd.” The brunette murmured as she scrolled down the screen looking at the results. Some just didn't say much more than some other people's profiles, but something caught her attention when she was about to give up.
‘Ranger locate hikers lost in Catskills, rescue North Country residents buried in 6 feet of snow.’
‘Two hikers from the Bronx got lost Saturday on the Hurricane Ledge in Kaaterskill Wild Forest. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation forest ranger Julia Boyd found the hikers…’
“Julia Boyd.” Wanda finished reading that article.  “She’s a ranger.”
But suddendly, a loud hit against her door made Wanda jump, the phone slipping from her hands and falling under the seat.
“Shit! Oh my god!” Wanda screamed, moving away from the door. It was a pretty hard hit, but there was nothing outside. Just the cold, dark night.
Wanda swallowed totally terrified, turning on the car lights but there was nothing out there. Couldn't hear anything but the crickets.
She stood still for about two minutes until the hitting against her door came back. And not just once, but many times, about to rip the door off.  A growl made Wanda squeal, clinging to the rear door of the car.
She couldn't see what was stalking her, only heard the growls of the beast. Completely terrified, Wanda got out of the car and ran as fast as she could toward the cabin.
“Please, Y/N. HELP!”  The sokovian screamed, trying desperately to open the door.
Wanda knocked on that wooden door with all her might, praying that one of them would listen to her. She didn't mind having to explain herself if something out there wanted to devour her.
But no one helped and no one responded.
She pushed and punched until the door swung open. Wanda entered desperately and locked the entrance with every furniture she saw around.
Moved away from the door, sighing quietly knowing that at least she would be safe in there, or so she thought.
But looking around more carefully, Wanda noticed that this place was far from being a cozy and warm cabin. The wood creaked in a chilling way, it was dark and cold, the crickets continued to accompany her with their solitary song. The chimney full of soot and cobwebs.
Looked for her phone to use it as a flashlight again, but she couldn't find it.
“Damn!” Wanda remembered that her phone fell in the car when that thing scared her. Would have to settle for moonlight. “Y/N?”
She walked slowly looking for them but there was nothing. She walked slowly looking for them but there was nothing. Just a simple abandoned cabin, this was becoming increasingly strange, where were they?
Wanda opened one of the drawers, taking out an old hunting knife and a flashlight. She sighed in relief, maybe she could handle it.
It was a minute or two befores she heard some noise coming from the back of the cabin. She stirred doubtfully, what to do? She decided to go investigate, wielding that knife and the flashlight. Wanda approached noticing that the basement door was open.
The good news was down there that the light was on. That was good, right?
ㅤㅤ The light was flickering restlessly and maybe a bit creepy, wasn't going to deny it, but if this place kept her safe from that thing? She would take it, but when she was about to go down, Wanda stopped. The light went out completely, leaving the stairs in darkness.
"Fuck no..."
A few footsteps made her shut up.
"Y/N? are you there? This is not funny at all. I saw you were here, come on. You can stop pretending now." She backed off.
But no one responded. What came out of that door was not a human figure, it was something totally and completely different from a human being. That image made Wanda's blood run cold.
That huge white wolf came out of the basement, watching her with a deadly and hungry look. Jules sniffed at her; a huge predator watching every move.
The wolf began to walk towards her, showing its fangs menacingly. Wanda squealed, backing slowly towards the door. If she wasn't petrified it was because her survival instinct told her to get away from there as fast as possible, even if it won't help much though.
So fast, the sokovian picked up an old lamp and threw it at the beast before running out of the cabin. Didn't know where to run, really.
Wanda reached the car but what she saw was much worse. The car door was completely smashed, there was no chance she could hide there. And everything got worse and worse.
A growl made her turn. Behind the car, slowly, a gray wolf came out of the darkness staring at her.
She was going to die, or so she thought.
Trapped, completely surrounded, the only option was to run. Running down that dark and disastrous path that she had come from, but of course she would be easy prey that way, right?
Wanda just ran as fast as she could trying to hide among the trees, trying to lose them. And far from desperately running after her, that gray wolf just enjoyed watching Wanda run. Like a large predatory animal, enjoying its prey.
Y/N allowed her to have the upper hand.
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The heavy breathing and the pumping of her own heart is all Wanda heard. Her face was dirty as were her clothes, she rolled down a stupid hill and fell on an dirty bunch of dry leaves. ㅤㅤ
How long had she been like this? Desperate running away, lost in the fucking woods. The howling in the night was driving her crazy, and maybe that's what they wanted. She stopped for a moment, closed her eyes trying to think, those were wolves. Much bigger than normal but they were wolves.
Think, Wanda, think.
Wolves have a very acute sense of smell that they use to detect other animals like a mile away or something. A huge part of a wolf’s brain is used to process smell, just as a huge part of our brain is used to process visual information.
Wanda took the knife and cut her hand so she could leave some blood on that tree and run again, leaving her blood and scent in many different places to confuse those beasts.
Twenty minutes later running in the opposite direction the sokovian was glad to find that stupid road again, couldn't leave it because Natasha wouldn't find her, and of course she didn't want to die lost in a damned forest either.
She stopped for a moment to breathe, the branches of the trees moved slowly like whispers of the forest, as if everything in that forest connected with each other.
But a nearby howl made her jump, looking for refuge behind some big fern bushes hiding from one of the wolves. Perhaps she was very stupid to think that she could fool both of them. She gripped the knife tightly when she heard the crack of branches and the wolf's panting.
Jules sniffed that place for a moment, looking for the owner of that scent, and continued on its way following that false trail of blood.
Wanda sighed, the plan worked but now she had to keep up. The hiss of a near rattlesnake made Wanda snap out of her hiding place, terrified, run back toward the cabin.
She was this close to snap. How is that she ended up trapped in that freaking hell? Wolves, darkness, forest, rattlesnakes.
How grateful she was to get back to the car and was even more grateful not to find any wolf close to it. Perhaps both were gone to follow the blood trail. Yeah, it was that for sure.
Wanda looked for her phone on the sides of her seat, and smiled widely upon finding it. She tried to unlock it so she could call the police, Natasha or whoever was necessary, but a growl behind her made her turn around slowly and carefully.
Oh no.
Those huge, watery green eyes showed the anguish and fear she felt, especially when she saw that big grey wolf look at her like that. Those fangs were all Wanda could see.
She really believed that she was free of it. Growling and snarling, Y/N slowly approached her prey.
“Please no.” Terrified, Wanda backed up as far as she could, crashing into the wooden wall of the cabin. She never seen the size of a beast like that, a shiver ran down her spine. The cold feeling of knowing that you would die soon.
“Stay away!” Being brave, she raised the knife and held it steady, ready to defend herself with it if necessary. A Sokovian was not going to die without a fight. “I'm going to shove this through your fucking skull. Back off!”
But far from being afraid, the wolf seemed unfazed by the threat. She even seemed to enjoy it, slowly circling her. Like a predator it surrounded the meal before the surprise attack.
“Fuck you, Y/N, for making me come here.” Wanda yelled, accepting her fate.  
The beast advanced, but then stopped.
Y/N didn't move forward but didn't let her go either, just stayed in front of her sniffing; the wolf recognized that scent and would do so anywhere in the world.
Not the blood one. Wanda's essence.
“Oh god or someone else there… Please, don't let it hurt me.” She prayed, closing her eyes, waiting for the final attack that would put an end to her life.
But nothing happened.
Wanda fearfully opened those green eyes again, seeing that that beast was just staring at her. Its huge yellow eyes were terrifying but also captivating.
The wolf no longer showed its teeth to frighten her. It was just there, watching her.
Leaving that frightening and threatening position, Y/N lowered its ears and relaxed its body, recognizing Wanda, not as a threat or as prey. It was Wanda. She was hers. ㅤㅤ
And for a moment, Wanda felt her body relax slowly, feeling a very strange security at the connection between their gazes. She wasn’t going to move, any sudden movement can make the beast to attack her.
“Y/N, stay away.” Natasha's voice caught their attention. The wolf quickly turned to face her, Natasha was a few feets away pointing the gun at her.
Y/N snarled at Natasha, this time in a more aggressive way.
“Y/N? What do you mean with that?” Wanda exclaimed confused and terrified, gulped seeing that the beast becomes aggressive again.  “Natasha, shoot it!”
Natasha shook her head, sweating. “No, Wanda. I can’t.”
“It’s going to kill us! Just shoot it!”  Of course Wanda wanted to survive, but to do so, she had to give what she loved most in the world without knowing it.
“WANDA, YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND!” Natasha yelled desperately, switching gaze between her friend and the wolf. Failed in the first step, avoid making eye contact with the wolf.
Y/N interpreted this as challenging or threatening behaviour.  Every step the wolf took was one that Nat took back.
“Don't make me do it, Y/N. Those are silver bullets... with wolfsbane... you gave them to me.” The russian swallowed, holding the gun with both hands. She was trained to handle these issues, she was a specialized agent. But not to kill a werewolf and even less a friend. “Stop! I don’t want to do this but I will!”
Y/N wasn't going to back down. The wolf understood that Natasha was threatening Wanda, with all those screams and with that gun, and was going to do whatever it took to protect her.
“Fuck!”  Natasha cursed. Took a step forward, threatening the redhead to back off but Natasha charged the gun, ready to fire if Y/N got close. Obviously the wolf took that as a more agressive challenge, and the wolf attacked. ㅤㅤ
Leaping towards her, Y/N rushed to bite Natasha but ended up on the ground.
She whimpered feeling the other wolf's teeth holding her to the ground, preventing Y/N from biting the girls.
Before the astonished look of Wanda and Natasha, those wolves began to fight each other in an internal and external struggle to maintain control over the other.
“Wanda, let’s go.” Natasha reached out to take Wanda's hand, pushing her out of the woods as the wolves kept fighting. ㅤㅤ
It was a deadly dance between Y/N and Jules, between biting and whimpers and grunts, one of the two would end up on the ground.  Blood soon stained their fur.
Jules whimpered in pain as she felt Y/N's sharp teeth tear into her skin on the side of her back, just like Y/N had her leg bloody from the bites. Of course there was only one winner in that fight, and the blood on the white fur proved it. Y/N howled painfully but victoriously, marking territory. Licking her teeth.
She tried to follow the scent of Wanda but Jules caught her again, making them both to fall again. Even though the pack was small, it was a fight of instincts.
Wanda and Natasha ran to the truck but Nat stopped, glancing back. Those two were still howling and fighting and it didn't look like it was going to end well. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“We must do something, they are going to kill each other.” Natasha swallowed, took the keys and handed them to Wanda. “The sunrise will come soon, two minutes. Get in the truck, if something happens, go.”
“What do you mean go? Those fucking wolves almost killed me! All night running from them!” Wanda screamed in disbelief, was Natasha that crazy? “What does it matter? We have to go.”
“Wanda, you don't understand. Just get in the truck.”
Natasha took the gun and fired into the air to scare the beasts away.
And like a ray of hope, the first ray of light intruded between the branches of the trees. Like a blanket of hope for them, receiving a new day.
05:35 am. The curse ends.
The grey wolf had the white one on the ground, whimpering. The dominant dance was over. With a single movement Y/N could kill her, but didn't. It was just a fight, a wolf would never kill another wolf from its pack.
The grey wolf looked up to see how those two women were watching them from the truck and advanced towards them, or at least tried to, because after just a few steps Y/N stumbled, weakened.
Y/N and Jules felt it, their bodies grow heavy. They weren't tired from the fight but more from the rising sun, weakening them, returning them back to a painful human form soon.
Wanda could see an agitated grey wolf, who got up although its legs trembled but she howled again, and this time the white one friend joined in a long howl. The last goodbye before going back to its eternal prison.
Both wolves limped away, sore and injured, seeming to find it harder and harder to stay on their feet until they fell to the ground. Far from a painful and shocking transformation, their bodies vanished for a few seconds, returning them to their human form.
Y/N kept lying on the ground, trying to catch her breath, until she turned to look for Jules as they did so many times.
Every full moon, they both watched each other making sure everything was fine, despite the pain, they would always be together.
If one or the other woke up earlier, they came over to make sure they were okay. A dreamy look that meant that for a month, they were freed from chaos.
But the pain reached Y/N’s chest when she saw her friend lying on the ground, there was no warm look on Jules this time, she wasn't reaching out to take her hand and squeeze it. There was blood on her pale skin.
Jules was on the ground, bloody, hurt and dirty, with a stabbing pain in the side of her body that made her just stay still.
“What the f-” Wanda whispered, unable to believe what she was seeing.
Her mouth moved but no words left her lips. Natasha just hurried to grab some blankets from her truck.
“Jules!” Y/N got up as she could and came running, falling to the side of Jules to check on her. There was a deep wound on the side of her stomach, fang marks over her body and her neck.  Y/N's eyes filled with tears.  “Oh shit. Jules, I’m so sorry.”
“I’m okay.”  The girl said barely, the pain could be heard in her voice.  
“I'm so sorry. I couldn't stop it.” Y/N whimpered not knowing what to do, what to say.  This was all so...shocking.
“It will heal soon, okay?” Jules breathing was rough due to the pain. “Just get me in the cabin, please.”
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ Y/N nodded, but the worst came when she saw a completely pale, shocked and disappointed Wanda watching her.
“Wanda…” She whispered, feeling her heart ache deeply.
“Y/N… take this.”  Natasha approached them both and handed her the blankets so they could cover themselves. Y/N remembered the state she was in and nodded, feeling very embarrassed. First she covered Jules and then covered herself.
Tried to ignore the other two women who were watching them with a mix of curiosity, pity, and fear.
“What can we do… to help?” Natasha felt enormous sadness seeing them like that.
“Just… get her out of here.” Y/N said, watching Wanda out of the corner of her eye as she took Jules in her arms and walked towards the cabin. She couldn't even look Wanda in the eyes, not after all she'd done to her.
Nodding, Natasha walked over to escort her friend to the truck.  Wanda seemed pretty shocked still.  “Wanda, let’s go home.”
“No, I won't go.” The Sokovian shook her head.
“Wanda, come on!”  Natasha took her arm but Wanda broke free of her, pushing Nat.
“Not until they explain to me what the hell is going on here!” Wanda screamed in shock, annoyed and completely terrified. She spent one of the worst nights of her life and she demanded that someone explain to her what was happening there.
She walked determined towards the cabin, willing to know what the hell was going on.
They owed her that much.
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“Is she okay?” Natasha asked as they entered the cabin again. Wanda didn't say anything, she just settled in a corner, keeping her distance with some fear.
“I’m very okay.” Jules cocked her head to see her, Y/N was finishing covering her stomach with a new bandage. “Just a little sore. Don’t cry for me yet.”
Natasha just rolled her eyes, taking a seat in one of the chairs.
“It's okay, it's just… healing faster than it should.” Y/N sighed, she noticed everyone's gazes on her.  “Something we… We can do.”
Natasha nodded.  “So… accelerated healing. That's nice.” She knew what was happening to Y/N, but she never thought about the consequences. Y/N had told her it was best for Yelena and her to stay out of it.
“Among other quite interesting stuff.” Y/N swallowed, noticing how Wanda was staring at her as if she were something weird. And she was, of course.
“What the hell are you both?” Wanda asked bluntly, trying to finally know the truth.
“Lesbians.” Jules responded sarcastically.  “At least from me, of course. Also I’m a Pisces.”
“Werewolves.” Y/N said, accepting the reality that surrounded her. There was  no point in lying anymore. There was an awkward silence for a moment.
“And that's because you...” Wanda tried to find a logical reason for all this. “Were born like this?”
“No. Someone bit them both.” Natasha sighed, now Wanda was looking really upset.
“What? You knew about all this.” Wanda opened her eyes big, she couldn't believe it. “You literally watched me wait a year for her and you didn't say anything!”
"It wasn't my choice!" Nat fought back.
"I asked Nat not to say anything, so you would be safer." Y/N got up to approach her but Wanda backed away quickly, fearful. “What I told you is true… Someone bit me, then I bit Jules.”
“You turned your friend into that? You did this to her?” Wanda seemed more and more upset and terrified.
“Wait, it's not her fault. She didn't know…” Jules tried to defend Y/N. “She didn't want to, I just went to help her and… it was an accident.”
“And what? You both turn in this thing every month. Like a book club or something? ” Wanda gave a wry little laugh with a shrug. “Every month you go out to howl to the moon and hurt innocent people?”
Y/N frowned. “No, we don't do that.”
“Shut up, I don't want to listen to you! You’re a liar!” Wanda yelled pointing at her.
“Then you will have to listen to me! We don't hurt anyone. Every full moon we lock ourselves in separate cells and we don't get hurt, this is the first time we… were …free.”
“And you both almost killed me.” The Sokovian tried not to cry, crossing her arms.
Natasha didn't say anything, just kept quiet because she knew she had no right to. She had already done enough by hiding everything from Wanda.
“I’m sorry.” Y/N whispered, her eyes expressed all the pain and sadness she felt in those moments.  The guilt began to drown her more and more. “We wouldn't have hurt you. I don’t know, we’re new to this…”
“We cannot control ourselves the first few months.” Jules sighed. “We cannot control the wolf yet but maybe we will.”
“They turned us very… recently. A year.” Y/N said in a low voice, looking down feeling how Wanda was watching her and shaking her head. All the lies began to fall one after the other, like dominoes. “It bit me the night we went out on our date. That was true.”
“You choose to play with it, with people.” Wanda swallowed and shook her head, feeling deep disappointment.  “You do, you've lied to me all this time. You made me up a story that wasn't true!”
Y/N said nothing, tried but couldn't. She was right, Wanda was absolutely right, and there was nothing to say to defend herself.
Jules was right too, it was always best to have been away. She barely spent a week with Wanda and almost killed her. Or maybe not, but she almost bit her.
Y/N looked down, guilty.
“Wait, stop there. You don't know how much she's been through without you.”  Jules broke the silence when she saw her friend like that. Wanda had reason to be upset, angry and scared but not to be cruel.  “You have no idea what this woman has been through all this time away from you, thinking about you, missing you, crying every night. I witnessed all the pain she has gone through without you.”
“Jules.” Y/N tried. “Don’t do this.”
“No, tell her the truth, Y/N!” Jules narrowed her eyes.  “Tell her the pain you go through every full moon, when your body twists and your bones break. Tell her that when the full moon reaches the sky, you’re afraid, crying of thinking about hurting yourself or someone else. That you live with guilt. I'm sorry for what we did to you Wanda, but if it were a choice, it wouldn't be called a fucking curse!”
Wanda clenched her jaw, she didn't have much to say to that. She just looked away.
“We don't even attack each other, we’re from the same pack. But we are learning... we live away from everything, to take care of ourselves and people. We came here because  didn't want to disappoint you all.” Y/N ran a hand over her face, trying to calm down.
“So what happened?”  Natasha frowned. “Because definitely that wound is not for nothing. You were fighting and it was scary.”
“Don't know.” Y/N shrugged. “I just know that a part of me… didn't like something.”
“Like what?”
“I didn't like it at all that you targeted Wanda.” Y/N wrinkled her nose at Natasha.
“I wasn't aiming at her, I was aiming at you.” Natasha narrowed her eyes.   She then turned to see Jules, who was trying to sit up on the sofa, holding the wound on her stomach.  “And did you defend me or what?”
Jules rolled her eyes.  “Pff, we've known each other for a week and we've had sex twice, lover. Calm down your pants.”
“You two had sex?” Y/N raised an eyebrow, seeing that Jules avoided looking at her. Another secret.
“Well, yeah… Should you have warned me of something? Can I be infected because of we…? Like a 'welcome to lycanthropy' letter or something?” Natasha raised an eyebrow in amusement, trying to make the moment less tense and more enjoyable.
“Yeah, the old 'welcome to Werewolf 101' because you ate my pussy Oh, fuck off, Natasha.” Jules said sarcastically and they all laughed, well, all but Wanda.
The Sokovian remained deadly serious, with her arms crossed. She simply couldn't believe how they were all laughing while she had been through hell.
“Natasha, can you take me home?  I think I want to go now.”  Wanda muttered walking towards the door, without even saying goodbye.
“Wanda…” Y/N gasped seeing Wanda leave the cabin, as fast as she could.
Natasha and Jules watched each other as Y/N ran after Wanda, leaving them alone for a moment so they could sort things out.
“Wanda, wait.”
She managed to get ahead, standing in front of the brunette. Wanda shuddered, as if she were experiencing some dejavu, feeling that she was reliving that situation in a very different way. She was afraid to be around her and she wasn't going to deny it.
"Listen to me…"
Wanda looked down, no longer in the mood to be upset. She was just too tired of it. "I've heard you, I just want to go."
“I’m so sorry. I didn't want all of this to end like this...” Y/N took her hand, feeling tears well up in her eyes. She would never have wanted to hurt the love of her life. “I never meant to hurt you. You have to believe me… I wanted you to be safe from this. I wanted you to be safe from myself, being away is what I had to do.”
“And you were right.” Wanda said looking down, breaking Y/N's heart with the most painful but necessary truth. Tears began to fall down her face.
“I know it’s too much… but if you only…” Y/N tried one more time.
Wanda cut her off quickly. “I need to think… I- I need some time."
"Wanda, please, I love you..."
"I love you but… This is too much.” Wanda cleared her throat, wiping away a few tears. "Sometimes love is not enough."
Gulping and feeling how everything around her was sinking, Y/N just nodded. “I'll be waiting for you.”
Natasha came out of the cabin and put a hand on Y/N's shoulder, squeezing gently to show her support. Y/N stayed there, watching the love of her life get further and further away. Her heart broke again.
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Wanda sighed deeply before getting out of the new car, well, the one Pietro gave her while hers was in the workshop.
A week passed since the incident and Wanda completely moved away from everything. From Y/N, from Natasha.
Taking her remaining vacation days from work, she decided to take some time to think about everything. Think about what she would do from now on.
The Sokovian took her jacket off before going through the door of that bookstore. It was a small but cozy place. The huge shelves full of books and a counter at the end of the room, there were also some old vinyls for sale.
Wanda walked around the place while the manager talked to a customer. It was just her, two boys who were looking for some comics and a man in his fifties, who gave Wanda a rather kind smile as he searched through history books.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ She smiled too and went over to see some stuff, current novels and some science fiction books as well. Wanda stopped looking at a little book called 'Cycle of the Werewolf' by Stephen King.
The brunette hesitated to take it but decided to go to the counter when she saw that the customer left.
“Excuse me, umh… hi.” Wanda smiled nervously.
The girl of about twenty-five years old and tired eyes watched her as she typed on the keyboard.
“Hello! Welcome to the Corner Store. How can I help you?”
“Well I... I was looking for a section about some stuff... Umh… ” Wanda cleared her throat, she didn't want to look crazy but didn't know how to say it. Sure she looked like a Karen looking for dirty steamy stuff.  “Supernatural stuff?”
“Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Supernatural? Section 8, to the right. We have some comics and books, yes.” The girl turned back to her monitor.
“No, no that.”
“Oh, vampires romance? Well, there's a section on Romance genre, Section 3.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“No, I mean... really supernatural stuff.” She swallowed, looking around her.  She felt quite stupid and nervous. Why not just Google about it? She wanted to go straight to the most real information possible.
Narrowing her eyes, the manager finally smiled. “Wicca? Do you want to start some ritual or something, ma’am?”
“No, I just want…” Wanda exhaled in exasperation, closing her eyes.  “I want to know about wolves. W-Werewolves. I want to write about them and I need some information, that’s it.”
“Oh don't worry, I'm just messing with you.” The blonde girl took a piece of paper and quickly wrote down an address.  “If you need that stuff, you should go to this address. Ask for Layla.”
“Thank you.”  Wanda looked at the paper.
Aldebaran. 117 32nd St, Brooklyn.
“You're welcome, miss. Have a good day.”
Nodding, the brunette left that library to get in the car. It wasn't very far so maybe it would be interesting to go there right now.
But behind her came that old man, pulling out his phone as he watched the sokovian leave. He dialed a number and waited a few seconds.
“Hello. Yeah. I think I have a job for you... I could be wrong but…” The old man narrowed his eyes.  “I think it's a veeery big puppy. Write down the license plate number.”
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This was.. This chapter was a huge challenge. Hope you enjoyed.
I'm working on the next chapter of 'WISH YOU WERE HERE'.
the cutest and lovely people tags ✨ : @lijo-8 , @duck-5 , @username23345 , @i-need-somebody-else , @lattayhottay16 , @germz19 , @chaeismybae , @mrns21 , @whhyyynottt , @tita001 , @dont-worry-aboutme-darling , @is-mise-rachel , @devilsanus616 @imnotasuperhero @wandanatfan @katiemay-025 @yourmamacom
156 notes · View notes
choccy-zefirka · 1 year
What remains of the cultists, has been cleaned up by now. Bodies, carted off and burned. Robes, collected to be unseamed and reused — morbid, yes, Jaheira was first to admit that. But the fabric is good, higher quality than a lot of the Harpers' refugee charges have seen in a lifetime. And warm, too, crafted to withstand the marrow-gnawing cold of the Shadow-Cursed Lands. Even though the first specks of green are already starting to bud on the dessicated tree branches, the darkness will take a while to abate — and the children need blankets, now. Better over-the-top black blankets adorned with the symbol of the Absolute than none at all.
The cleanup has not been complete, though. There is still a sticky red residue caked all over the echoing stone halls, where the Absolute's worshippers once gathered and where their former captives have now made camp, free and ready to move on, once the Harper scouts confirm that the road is clear. There are still dark splatters, marking so many spots where the enemy fell. Reminders of hoe Lae'Zel's blade traced a squelching curve through a cultist's torso; or how Gale's lightning danced, from one lump of charred flesh to the next; or how Astarion leaped from the shadows, ripped into a tender, delicious throat, and withdrew again, smiling.
Niamh has made herself quite busy washing those markings off. She stands in the middle of one room after another, raises her wiry yellow arms to the ceiling, and then brings them down with an almost audible "Whoosh!". The gesture creates a thick, turquoise-tinged cloud, which hangs low for a split second, brushing its downy underside against the furniture, and then erupts into a stream of indoor rain.
Next, Niamh twirls her wrist and closes her fist, as if wringing an invisible towel. The summoned water evaporates, leaving the stone floor impeccably clean, reflective as a giant looking-glass. In its grey depths, an upside-down Niamh strides to the next splash of dried-up gore, while an upside-down Shadowheart watches her, wondering.
"Why all the effort?" she asks at last. "We will be leaving the place soon. And I am certain it will gather more grime ten times over before new tenants dare move in."
Niamh looks up from her work. Her pale eyes are huge and sincere as always. So unlike the steely glare you would commonly expect from a Githyanki — yet at this point, enough to move even Lae'Zel.
"The spell keeps me distracted," she explains.
Shadowheart responds with a soft "Hm".
For a while afterwards, the two women — Half-Elf and Githyanki, once strangers and now something very dangerously resembling friends — hold each other's gaze without another word. Within the long silence between them, someone who knows what they know, might hear the slithering whispers of Justiciars past in the Nightsong's prison, the torturous screech of the zaith'isk, the slosh of corrosive brine around the emerging Elder Brain. Far too much for a mortal mind to endure — without distraction.
And so Shadowheart understands. Still not saying anything, she joins Niamh in her calming routine. Create Water, Destroy Water. Rinse and repeat. Until the bloodied walls are washed cleaner than their hands and memories will ever be.
They are interrupted only by the soft beat of giant wings. Shadowheart flinches, still a touch unsettled by the sound. By the meaning that it carries. Niamh stops casting and tries to comfort her with a smile — again, without a word, yet with all the understanding.
This makes it easier to face their visitor.
Dame Aylin towers over them both, even the lanky Niamh: shoulders spread wide and strong, wings casting an opalescent glow over her polished armor. But just like the hallways of these battle-scarred towers, the glossy surface is marred with a streak of blood. Not her own, though: she is carrying someone in her arms. Sagging, heavy; horned head thrown back and tail hanging limp.
Niamh stumbles closer. Her pupils shrink in shock, taking in the familiar jagged cheekbones; the worry-lined face, now drained to a terribly, terribly wrong, desaturated shade of red; the blood-soaked light-brown hair. Her hand reaches for her throat, where the cry of recognition is trapped and twisted, crumbling into a hoarse ashy sob.
"Verily, I pulled him from beneath a carpet of intellect devourers," Aylin announces. "He had goaded them into attacking him in the stead of a fleeing injured Fist. Oh, by my mother's milk, what a sight it was! What carnage of lacerating claws, what sizzling bite of foul psionics!"
Niamh's lips begin to tremble. Aylin's enthusiasm is clearly not contagious.
The knight catches the panicked look in her eyes, and corrects herself — perhaps after mentally asking, "What would Isobel say?"
"Lo, friends," she continues, much more somberly, as she floats across the freshly washed room and lays Zevlor down on the nearest desk.
Niamh nigh-on leaps to her side, followed by Shadowheart. Good thing, too: she might need someone to lean on. She watches the Tiefling twitch under Aylin's hands while she wrestles him free of his charred armor — and her knees almost buckle when she sees the ripped-up plough marks of his wounds.
He mutters something in snatches of words — mangled, panicked, collapsing onto themselves. But his eyes do not open, and his breaths are so ragged that you'd think his chest is covered on the inside with briars.
"You would do well to work your best healing magics," Aylin finishes. "For I fear the dark lair's filth may have left the wounds infected."
"You might be right," says Shadowheart. "Zevlor is clearly delirious."
A sudden cry rings out — a burst of outrage from another onlooker, whom Niamh never noticed, either as a reflection, or in person.
A young Tiefling skids across the damp floor, coming face to face with Aylin. His nostrils are quivering; his fists are balled into veiny lumps of fury.
Niamh shoots a wide-eyed glance at Shadowheart.
Zorru! They recognize him, from all the way back in the Grove... And yet, they also do not.
He is such a far cry from the fumbling, terrified boy who so easily dropped to his knees before Lae'Zel. These lands' shadow clings on to him, painting over his features in new, stark, hardened lines.
There is still fear in his eyes. Perhaps it will remain there forever, curling around his pupils by day and bursting free at night, erupting into nightmares of blood and guts, of friends' faces turned to contorted death masks, of the arms that once hugged him, snapped like dry tree branches in the final throes of agony. But his knees do not bend now.
"How dare you! How dare you!" he spits at Aylin — vaguely bemused, vaguely impressed — even as he trembles all over. "Most of us are gone now, and instead of bringing back survivors, you bring him! The bastard who did it to us! It's all his fault — all his fault!"
"You are not wrong, Zorru. But it's also more complicated than that," Niamh speaks up, in her most persuasive tone.
Her eyes are not exactly dry, and her hand is clawing at the edge of the desk Zevlor rests on... But her voice is steady. She has collected herself after her initial shock, and stands perfectly straight now — also a far cry from the lost druid apprentice, who groveled and apologized at every turn. For travelling with disagreeable companions. For being born a Githyanki, for being raised outside her people's creche. For... Existing in general.
"If your people agree to leave him be, I will take him with me. Whether he — " for a second, her voice does falter, but she pushes down the lump in her throat, determined to remain firm. "Whether he lives or dies, whether he chooses to join me as a companion or goes his own way, you will never see him again."
"Oh, we certainly don't want to," Zorru scowls — relenting.
"Very well," says Niamh. "Aylin, would you mind fetching Halsin and Isobel? We will need everyone for a prayer of healing."
Zevlor is trapped. Held in place by fleshy tendrils, bulging and covered in swollen lumps, oozing, dripping something warm, something cloying with rotten sweetness. They snake up his legs, glueing them together; they tip-tap up his back, every touch a shudder, and loop around his throat. They push into his mouth, deeper and deeper with each attempt to scream. They run along his temples, melting into one with his madly thrashing veins, and branch out with a sickly crackle when they reach the corners of his eyes... Propping his eyelids wide open.
Unable to blink, drowning in scorching tears, he has no choice but to look ahead. Into restless darkness, which keeps swirling, ever swirling into sickening spirals, like ink stirred in an inkwell.
Time and again, it recedes, rolls away in oily droplets, revealing the same scene, from different angles.
Sometimes, he can see it up close, making out the ruby sparks that still quiver on a dead girl's eyelashes — or sometimes, the view pans out, and he has to take in the entire the road where the cultists attacked them. Where he froze, entranced by dreams of glory... As if someone like him would ever deserve that! As if he would ever be welcomed back into Helm's fold! As if he hadn't failed, over and over, in his duties to protect the weak, to shelter the small, to stand guard against creeping darkness!
He sees them all, again and again: a pile of corpses from bird's eye view, like a grotesque pale flower on the branching path... And then, next time the darkness ebbs, he sees individual people. His people. His responsibility. Flayed apart and put on display before him in minute detail. So he can look, never blinking, and take in every line, every pore, every callus on the hands that once shook his, so trusting, so grateful to have an actual paladin in their midst.
Maybe he is still there, still among them, a swaying lunatic standing guard over people who will never draw another breath. Maybe he imagined all that followed — his capture, his desperate flailing inside the narrow, suffocating, coffin-like confines of a glass pod... His escape.
Yes, the escape must have been a figment of his weak, befuddled mind. After all, she was there. Niamh. His unlikely friend among the druids, and even more unlikely companion for one beautiful night. His ray of golden sun. His lost, long-gone hope.
First, he hallucinated her beside him — smiling tenderly when the roaring crowds celebrated him as a hero; her hand resting on his elbow; confetti caught in her flowing pink ponytail, making her look almost... Almost like a giddy, blushing bride.
And then, he invented a whole story about meeting her in Moonrise Towers. He imagined what she would have looked like, changed by her journey through the dark — more withdrawn, more weary, with purplish circles under her eyes and her hair shaved down to thorny bristles. Yet still happy to see him, still ready to hear him out, to forgive. This is what makes this a fantasy; more bloody wish fulfillment that cost so many lives!..
"I think it's working... Thank you for helping me with the spell."
A voice in the darkness? A new form of torment? It sounds like her again; he so desperately longs for it to be her again — but it can't be!
What if... The tendrils clutch him tighter, compressing his ribs to the verge of cracking... What if he is dead? And his soul returned to the Hells, where it belongs? And this mind-shattering blend of agony and temptation is his eternal punishment?
When the realization pierces through him, rupturing what was not yet crushed by his hideous bonds — he does what he did when his beloved city sank into Avernus. He screams.
... With that, comes another realization. He *can* scream. He can move his arms. The tendrils have come loose. He does not even need to strain against them before they recoil, melting into misshapen puffs of dull red smoke. Instead of being constricted, he... floats. Weightless, yet at the same time, keenly aware of his body — of how strong, how whole it feels. He is carried by waves of ethereal blue, not quite water, not quite light... Magic — Niamh's magic.
It trickled in before he could properly notice: blue cracks in the inky blackness, broader by the second. He blinks — oh, how wonderful it is, to be able to blink! — and all the swirling ink has been washed away. With it, the flashes of the cultists' victims — his victims, even more — are gone as well. The magic envelops him, cradles him, carries him higher... Odd — he seems to recall this sensation of being carried from somewhere before —
"On second thought, perhaps I will not miss hearing the screams of someone laid out on a table before me."
Zevlor gasps, like a half-drowned man tossed ashore. Then swallows — once, twice; by Helm's grace, he is parched. There is some manner of hard surface underneath him, cutting uncomfortably into his back. The light — a mix of dusty grey glow and the last fading wisps of magic — makes his eyes sting. The air prickles at his bare skin. It all feels very... real. And it makes so much sense: his body is affected, and his mind reacts to that. All of him works as one; all of him is his own again.
The half-elven woman who quipped about him screaming is still looking down at him. He... He remembers her; her name is Shadowheart...
"I apologize if I startled you," he half-whispers, his throat growing more and more scratchy with every word.
"No harm done," a massive, yet comforting presence swims into view — Halsin. "You have been through so much."
"We will be moving out soon, but there is still time to rest."
And that's... Gods, that's Niamh! Just as she appeared to him in his final hallucination.
"No... Not again..." he laments out loud, his eyes transfixed on her features. "I wanted this to be real..."
Niamh frowns.
"It is!"
She hastily reaches for his hand and cups it between hers. Zevlor's heart thumps softly against his mended chest; and out of the corner of his eye, he catches Halsin smiling knowingly.
"It is all real. Both the pain, and the hope. And you know what else is real?"
She carries his hand up, brushing it along her cheekbone and bringing it to rest against her lips.
"That you are no longer alone."
Shadowheart sighs.
"Karlach is going to be so insufferable about the two of you, isn't she."
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
OOOOH NOOOO I'M OBSESSED WITH HEATH... FUUUUCK!!! This was so well written and fun! I love this character so much, he's so hot and likable, even though he's so dominant and possessive. Actually he might be hot because of that. Oops lol
I've never had a thing for gargoyles before but I have a crush on this guy. the bookstore scenario is so cute, and the way he's so casual and rough around the edges, then suddenly breaks his composure and fucks the life out of the reader is just perfect. I've been daydreaming about this all day. What's Heath's apartment like, if you can tell me? :D is he the owner of the bookstore? LMAO loved the shading of the reader's sad human boyfriend. I'm guessing Heath has a nicer place and more money than the reader, too. I love that aspect, it adds to the dynamic of him being more powerful and taking care of his cute new little human, while also putting his claim on them by taking them into his 'territory'.
His loyalty is so cute. Bet it'll be so fun for him to get to wake up with the reader, spend the whole morning together and go to work together. Poor thing can never fake being sick to get out of work again, though XD how much patience do you think heath would have for the reader if she struggled with depression and couldn't necessarily be very productive? Reading this I was just thinking about how different I am at home then at work because I only have enough energy to be productive for so long before I crash and become useless lol
I hope you don't mind the wall of text! I got so inspired by your piece I couldn't help it. Thank you for writing things for us, your blog is amazing :)
Haha I’m glad you like him! I don’t know why but I’m obsessed with sort of average everyday leads, though Heath does own the bookstore. He’s not like a psycho CEO or anything, though. He’s a pretty laid back guy who literally hired you because he thought you were cute. This was really fun to answer, because I adore Heath!
Here are the answers:
As for his apartment: 
He lives on the 22nd floor of a building overlooking the city, but it’s not crazy expensive or anything. He’s pretty much upper middle class, but has a good savings and retirement plan. It’s got two bedrooms, a bedroom and a study for his bookshelves, with a large wide balcony. 
He has a cat named Aero and a fishtank with freshwater fish. He likes dogs, but he’s not a dog person, preferring quiet snuggling with his kitty.
He also likes to be surrounded by living things and keeps easy to care for potted plants. His balcony is packed with plants in terra cotta pots he’s raised from cutlets that he’s collected from various little old ladies that come into the bookstore. I just imagine him having a whole fan club of grandmas who found out he’s into balcony gardening and wont stop gifting him cuttings from their plants at home.   
Heath likes to read so he’s got a ton of old special edition books he saved for himself from running the bookstore and comfortable chairs. 
He’s not a slob but he was definitely a bachelor before you. Most things in his house are practical except the books. His house looks very casual with oversized comfy, but quality furniture in cool neutral shades. He does have a nice wooden bedframe on his very large bed, for his very large body. He even has matching sheet sets and pillowcases. 
He doesn’t know much about decorating so he’s excited to decorate with you. Before you moved in he just had fan posters he got from the bookstore and framed, which he wasn’t particularly attached to. His walls were painted gray before you and he’s excited to pick paint colors with you. 
He usually uses his balcony as his front door and flies up to his apartment. He will give you a ride. 
He’s a big cuddle bug and a huge introvert. When he’s at home he’s a ton more cuddly and touchy than he is at work. At work he puts on a bit more of a tough, boss facade, but at home he just wants to curl up on the couch and read books as much as possible. 
His house is noticeably quiet. He doesn’t watch loud movies. He doesn’t listen to loud music. When he does play video games, he wears headphones. He likes a peaceful atmosphere at home. 
If the reader struggled with depression: 
He would be very sympathetic and want to get you help from a doctor because he’s very data driven. He likes to learn everything possible about a subject before he takes action. He’d probably want to go to some of your doctor’s appointments with you just to make sure you’re getting the help you need and that he is doing everything right to help you
He would be really gung-ho about treatment and help you organize your medications, buying you cute little pill containers to put them in
He would definitely let you stay home on days you just weren’t feeling up to it because really he’s more worried about you than how you behave as an employee. He will always want to cuddle with you when you just want to stay pressed in the couch and sometimes read you books while you take your depression naps
However, he would be really strict about doctor mandated schedules, which might cause friction sometimes. He will drag you out of bed and make you do some exercise! He will chase you around with a water bottle and remind you to drink it! He will make you go to bed on time! He will insist on buying healthy food for meals! He will carefully watch your drinking and give you glasses of juice and say they are alcoholic when you are overdoing it. He’s not above tricking you when you are being silly or stubborn, but most of the time he’ll just fuck the sense into you.
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kylianswifey · 2 years
La Flamme de l'Amour - Chapter 1
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Summary: In the glittering City of Light, Anita embarks on a journey of self-discovery and adventure. But fate has other plans when she meets Kylian, a man in a complicated relationship with Maria. Despite their attraction, they must keep their feelings hidden as they navigate a dangerous game of love and loyalty.
Anita walked through the door of her new apartment in Paris, taking in the empty space around her. She couldn't help but drop her bags on the floor as she stood there, staring at the place that would become her home for the next few months. The apartment was nothing like the one she had left back home. It was small, with a single bedroom and a tiny living room that barely had enough space for a sofa. But it was hers, and she was excited to make it her own.
As she looked around the apartment, Anita couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia for her old life. She had left behind her family, friends, and everything that she had known to start a new life in a foreign country. But she knew that it was worth it. She was here to pursue her dreams of becoming a famous photographer, and she was determined to make the most of this opportunity. Her dad would’ve been so proud of her. Before he passed away, he knew Anita had the same passion for photography as he did and he always encouraged her to never pass on an opportunity to expand her career or her knowledge. And that’s what she did, that’s why she’s here. 
A knock on the door pulled her out of her thoughts.She opened the door and was greeted by a young woman with curly brown hair and bright green eyes.
"Bonjour!" the woman said cheerfully. “I’m sorry for disturbing you, but I noticed this suitcase outside your front door and I figured you left it there by accident.” Anita looked down at the suitcase and smiled.” Oh, thank you for letting me know. I just moved in today, I guess I got distracted”. The woman smiled at Anita and reached out her hand for Anita to shake.” No problem at all. I’m Maria, nice to meet you.” Anita shook her hand and smiled at her.“Nice to meet you too, Marie. I’m Anita. I guess you live here in the building too?”, she let go of her hand.
Maria shrugged her shoulders.” Um, kind of. My boyfriend lives here, so I’m around here most of the time.” “Oh, that’s great. I guess I’ll see you around often then.”
Maria smiled. "Yeah, I hope so. Well, I'll let you get back to unpacking. It was nice meeting you, Anita."
Anita bent down to grab her suitcase and lift it up.” Likewise, Maria. Have a nice day.” She watched Maria continue her way up the stairs as she closed her front door and went inside.
As the evening drew in and Anita continued to unpack, she found herself feeling a little homesick. She decided to make herself some pasta for dinner and put on some music from her record player, which she had brought with her from home. As the music played softly in the background, she sat down to enjoy her meal and take in her new surroundings.
As she ate, Anita couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and familiarity from the music playing on the record player. It reminded her of her dad, who had passed away a few years ago. He had been a huge music lover and had instilled that love in her from a young age.
Even though Anita didn’t want to admit it, one of the reasons she left home was her dad. Everything reminded her of him, even a simple joke someone would say reminded her of when her dad told it to her. She wanted to bring her best friend wit her but she had other plans. Anita knew she couldn’t condition people to match her lifestyle, so she didn’t take it personally.
She placed her plate on the kitchen counter and made her way to the mattress she laid on the floor as a temporary solution until she got some new furniture. As she settled in for the night, Anita opened her laptop to start searching for job opportunities in Paris. She had always dreamed of being a photographer, and she knew that Paris was a big opportunity for her to succeed. She had her own clients she unfortunately had to let go by moving here, so she was officially unemployed.
After going through a list of job postings that require a lot of qualities, disappointment washed over her and she decided to call it a night. She put the laptop shut on the floor and drifted to sleep.
Anita woke up early the next morning to the sounds of the city outside her balcony. She smiled to herself, feeling grateful for the opportunity to live in such a vibrant and exciting place.
After taking a quick shower, Anita decided to go out and explore the city. She had heard so much about the famous Parisian cafes and restaurants, and she couldn't wait to try them out for herself.
She wore some proper clothes for the Paris weather and made sure to bring her camera with her and capture some amazing photos of Paris. She exited her apartment and made her way to the elevator, pressing the button. The door opened revealing a guy coming down from the other top floors in the building. She gave him a small smile and entered the elevator. The guy seemed so attractive, he wore a white shirt and gray sweatpants, carrying a small pouch under his arm. He looked at Anita and smiled.” Hi, you must be new. I haven't seen you here before.” Anita turned to face him and smiled.”Yeah, I moved in yesterday. I’m Anita.” “Nice to meet you Anita, I’m Kylian. I live in the penthouse of the building.”
______________________________________ Let me know if you want to be tagged in the future :)
@tandefeaffe @mywhimsyjournal @melliflulu
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