officialspec · 4 months
can i say something. for years i thought the joke of the song short skirt/long jacket by cake was that he wanted a woman who was hung like a horse. like i thought when he says jacket it was a last-second fakeout because he very obviously meant to say cock. and the rest of the things in the song were just her personality and interests. which were secondary to her awesome penis
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intersectionalpraxis · 6 months
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Dozens of women were arrested from their homes and refugee centers, taken to Yarmouk Stadium in Gaza, their hijabs were removed from their heads, blindfolded, and they were searched. Many of them were subjected to sexual harassment, beatings and abuse. [@/mhdksafa on X. 12/28/23.]
I won't forgive ANYONE who calls themselves a feminist -for remaining silent about this genocide -you ARE complicit. During any and all instances of institutionalized and systematic violence, oppression, and abuse being executed by all imperial and colonial forces around the world -for you to say nothing -shame on ALL of you for cherry picking your 'issues.'
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 months
thoughts on "tradwives" as a 19th-century social historian
It's great until it's not.
It's great until he develops an addiction and starts spending all the money on it.
It's great until you realize he's abusive and hid it long enough to get you totally in his power (happened to my great-great-aunt Irene).
It's great until he gets injured and can't work anymore.
It's great until he dies and your options are "learn a marketable skill fast" or "marry the first eligible man you can find."
It's great until he wants child #7 and your body just can't take another pregnancy, but you can't leave or risk desertion because he's your meal ticket.
It's great until he tries to make you run a brothel as a get-rich-quick scheme and deserts you when you refuse, leaving your sisters to desperately fundraise so your house doesn't get foreclosed on (happened to my great-great-aunt Mamie).
It's great until you want to leave but you can't. It's great until you want to do something else with your life but you can't. It's great. Until. It's. Not.
I won't lie to you and say nobody was ever happy that way. Plenty of women have been, and part of feminism is acknowledging that women have the right to choose that sort of life if they want to.
But flinging yourself into it wholeheartedly with no sort of safety net whatsoever, especially in a period where it's EXTREMELY easy for him to leave you- as it should be; no-fault divorce saves lives -is naive at best and dangerous at worst.
Have your own means of support. Keep your own bank account; we fought hard enough to be allowed them. Gods willing, you never need that safety net, but too many women have suffered because they needed it and it wasn't there.
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contact-guy · 1 month
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THE COPPER BEECHES part two (pt 1 here), the conclusion. According to Watson: "As to Miss Violet Hunter, my friend Holmes, rather to my disappointment, manifested no further interest in her when once she had ceased to be the centre of one of his problems, and she is now the head of a private school at Walsall, where I believe that she has met with considerable success."
(This is part of the Watson's sketchbook series)
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lauriemarch · 9 months
and at the end of the day, people will still hate women.
because beyonce is a terrible songwriter who has a good body and nothing more and she's really nothing compared to olivia rodrigo, that stuck-up bitch who steals other people's music, but taylor swift is an old, bitter nothing who clearly hates other girls. and sabrina carpenter deserves to die because she followed her heart, not her brain, and that's exactly why zendaya will never be good enough for tom holland. don't forget about kylie jenner, who's stealing precious timothee's innocence away and dating her is like committing arthouse cinema suicide, or how we said the same thing about miley cyrus and her disgusting profanity, think of the children, poor liam hemsworth, trapped in a marriage with such a horrible woman. lana del rey was hot until she was big and she made trailerpark sexy until her ass got a little too fat. and ariana grande, talentless homewrecker, and selena gomez, jealous and unreasonable, and hailey bieber, even more boring than the blood drying on the knives you are so quick to pull. sophie turner is a bad mom and megan thee stallion deserved whatever was coming to her.
and amidst all of this, we still don't know these women. we cannot fathom the pain of having a public divorce, one where people choose sides and hurl insults at you until the battery on their phone dies. we don't watch them chase after sweet-cheeked children in tucked-away backyards or play board games with their best friends while their chests heave in laughter. we don't know their marriages and we don't know their solitudes. we don't watch them unravel themselves, time and time again, preparing for the battle that we have made of their lives. they can never make a mistake. they can never cry. they can never be who they believe themselves to be.
and we take all of this and we go to work, we ride the bus, we go grocery shopping, we walk in dappled sunlight, and we let ourselves shrivel. i compare myself to every body i see and i comfort in the fact that i can still encircle my wrists with my fingers. food turns to dust in my mouth when i think about the fact that taylor swift thinks she's fat and people still hate sabrina carpenter for sticking by joshua bassett's side when he almost died, for God's sake, and now the people on my twitter feed are saying GUTS is the worst album they've ever heard. i liked it, the tiny voice in my head cries out. she wrote songs that made me feel noticed. they're calling the song i relate to the most a total skip.
so i close the app. i try not to think about the endless profiles screaming about how much they hate a nineteen/thirty-two/thirty-eight/twenty-three/twenty-six/forty-two year old. i try not to think about how much they would hate me, if they knew anything at all.
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aye-of-newt · 3 months
love lies bleeding has something for every lesbian: muscles, greasy working class twig of a butch, mind fucking, fucking, gore, insane relationship timeline they met less than 24 hours ago and are living together, slime, don't forget the cat, girl that makes your skin crawl, eroticism of smoking, eroticism of injecting, eroticism of committing unspeakable violence for someone, normal eroticism, acab, bugs, juxtaposing eroticism of smoking with the reality of it in a metaphoric representation of a character's drive toward both rebellion and destruction as well as adding to a through-line motif of inevitable ends, triumph, toe stuff, artifice, (and how it collides with reality), revenge, decent, ascension, running away, being stuck, being found, being found out, home haunts you, you can't ever go home, the 80's, obligation, freedom, having a fucked up relationship with your dad, having the fucked up realization that despite everything you've done to fight it maybe you really are exactly like your dad, deciding that all the thousand ways in which you are not like him are more important, you will tear yourself bleeding cursing spitting from the jaws of being like your father with the very tools he handed you, new mexico
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pineapplecrispy · 2 years
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As of now telegram, Twitter, tumblr, Instagram, Facebook, Reddit and soon enough whatsapp are blocked in here; that means no social media whatsoever
The VPNs we use are failing one after the other; And the internet speed is gradually getting less and less and less
Once they cut us off the massacre will begin
Please share
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uncanny-tranny · 3 months
I think it's incredibly important to remind folks on testosterone or folks who want to reverse patterned baldness about their options, but man, does it sometimes suck wondering how much of our insecurities about our hair stem from backwards beliefs that to strive towards beauty is not only preferable but "makes you good."
As someone with a rather masculinized body pre-medical transition, patterned baldness has always seemed neutral. Hair is incredibly important (hell, much of my own energy is spent on my hair because I like it), but the pressure to have hair, to have hair the "right way" is something that I absolutely loathe.
I'm not here to judge people who don't want patterned hair loss or baldness, I'm here to say that those traits will never make you lesser. Not only is it neutral, but it is also just as worthy and beautiful.
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brighteuphony · 3 months
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Sakura gets her first lesson in Genjutsu with Saeko. Based on the idea that humans have more than 5 basic senses (though there's no real science behind how many, with some saying 21, while others say up to 33).
Saeko is not actually a Hoshigaki- though they are very very distantly related. She is actually a Ningyo (mermaid) exiled from her coven, and living as a pariah, cursed to wander the earth, barred from the seas and rivers until she can get her pearl back.
As a mermaid-siren, she is intimately aware of the power of genjutsu (especially audial) and is a vicious teacher, forcing Sakura through rigorous training to teach her young charge how to understand and control her own senses/emotions before she attempts to do so on others.
Once again, thank you so much to everyone whose shown interest in this AU, you guys are giving me LIFE <3 <3. I'm so happy other people really feel that Sakura deserved a fighting chance. Together, we'll fix her!!!
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puppyboygf · 3 months
a trans woman gets wrongfully deleted, falsely accused of making threats and is harassed by automattic's ceo, after years of trans women talking about how they are constantly having to deal with things like this, and days later, someone pedojackets another trans woman because they failed to read her website rules in their entirety, and less that a month after that, someone pedojackets yet another trans woman because of a months-old comment replying to a stranger, which she has already addressed repeatedly. not a fucking thing has been learned.
respect trans women. support trans women. actually treat them like human beings deserving of compassion and reflect on how public accusations of wrongdoings do not accomplish anything good, and are especially harmful to trans women, whether they're true or not (and most of the time, they're not true). and yes, love trans women too, but that goal cannot be reached without everything else.
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wavebiders · 7 months
I think what really bothers me about fanon!Astarion isn't just the woobification. That happens to every problematic white boy. It's annoying, but not news. It's that almost every trait that the fandom assigns him is something that is already explored through a different character in this very game
You want a character that's too focused on the task at hand to want to stop and help innocents? That's Lae'zel! Astarion is cool with dicking around, but Lae'zel spends most act 1 actively in a panic about the tadpole and pushes you to just find a cure already
You want a trauma survivor that is mostly self-serving but can't help but care about people in a similar situation? Well, Astarion disaproves of you helping slaves, but Shadowheart really wants you to look out for kids! Even when she gets tortured for it!
You want someone who is prone to sympathizing with the monstrous? Despite being a monster hunter, it's Wyll that has that covered! Astarion doesn't even like you sympathizing with a recently orphaned goblin kid
You want a proper courtship with a prince charming? That's literally Wyll's romance!
You want a character that tries very hard to be bad, but deep down enjoys doing the right thing, and starts to accept that over the course of the game? Shadowheart again! A massive part of her story is just that
You want the angst of a character still having been a minor when entering their abusive situation? That's the case for literally everybody except for him and maybe Karlach! He was an adult with a job
None of this is meant to be an attack on Astarion as a character, but pushing all those traits on him does the game a massive disservice. All these character's storylines exist in conversation with each other, they all benefit from the existence of the others. To instead pretend all those things apply to one character, is just
Well, it's incredibly boring
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annabelle--cane · 11 months
crazy how people will say "there's a trend of bi women dating misogynistic/homophobic men who are really weird about their queerness" and follow it up with "this is bi women's fault and I should make fun of their sexual practices" instead of "bi women need more support and outreach aimed at them about recognizing domestic abuse."
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intersectionalpraxis · 6 months
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Source: [@/ Kandakat_alhaqq on X.] You can follow them here for more updates.
Free Sudan!
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cimicherrychanga · 3 months
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do NOT approach this guy at the pub they WILL talk about ninja turtles for two hours
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peachphernalia · 6 months
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a mother’s love
hey so this fight took me almost six hours to do because i apparently didn’t get the defensive item i was Supposed to meaning i was taking 6ish damage when i was Supposed To Be Taking 3ish . im really Terrible at video game
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j0celynh0rr0r · 1 month
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Death Magic 🩸🔪
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