#WTNV quotes
oc-ohsahi · 1 year
I told the creators of Welcome to Night Vale about the sexyman poll.
im taking a narrative podcast production course, and we had joseph fink and jeffery cranor come speak to the class over zoom
as the final question of our Very Serious QA panel, i told them about the tumblr sexyman poll, with hundreds of thousands of votes, and that cecil still won a decade later. i asked if the power of creating The Sexiest Fictional Man was something that could go to their heads. they couldnt stop laughing.
joseph gave a long spiel about how grateful he is for the impact Night Vale had — he told a story about seeing a fictional flights board in an airport and that it felt so strange to see Night Vale up there. he was super humble and said that Night Vale ‘belongs to the fans’ and takes no ownership of Sexy Creationism.
then jeffery comes in like ‘yeah, what he said, but personally i think it does go to my head’ and giggled and said “It feels pretty awesome.”
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madzwashere · 1 year
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We are a story telling species. Other animals use tools. Other animals communicate. Every division we try to throw up to separate ourselves from our animal kindred gets knocked down, except this. Human beings have an insatiable drive to organize the world into narrative, both real and unreal. We are the only species to tell harmless lies that our audience knows are lies, in order to delight and inspire. What a heavy burden the truth. What a light gift a fabulation. A lie is a thing with feathers.
Cecil G Palmer, ep. 220 - A Radio Jupiter Holiday Special
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Let's have a look at today's horoscope:
TAURUS: Today will be a good day. Not necessarily for you, but for someone, surely.
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Sundry Sidney
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b33viemm · 1 year
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Oh, Crowley. Nothing lasts forever.
Crowley's magnificent hair :D click for higher quality IDs in alt inverted versions below cut
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jene4 · 2 years
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"No pet is perfect. It becomes perfect when you learn to accept it for what it is."
Completely obsessed with the Welcome to Night Vale podcast, so I made a little print of Khoshek for one of last year's spooktober prompts.
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starana13 · 8 months
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be gay write gay radio station host's quotes on the wall
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"The living tell the dying not to leave, and the dying do not listen. The dying tell us not to be sad for them, and we do not listen. The dialogue between the living and the dead is full of misunderstanding and silence."
-Cecil Palmer, WTNV, episode 37: The Auction
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Goodnight, Night Vale, Goodnight.
I just graduated today! Here's my grad cap and my senior quote!
"Everywhere we humans go, we bring our world with us. There is no empty that is deep enough to swallow our life completely. When the last of us huddle in a dying world, one of us will tell a story, and another of us will laugh."
-Cecil Gershwin Palmer
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wehavewords · 2 years
“Are we living a life that is safe from harm? Of course not. We never are. But that’s not the right question. The question is: Are we living a life that is worth the harm?”
Joseph Fink, The Great Glowing Coils of the Universe (Welcome to Night Vale Episodes #2)
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excalibirds · 2 years
The most recent episode of Malevolent reminded me of a night vale quote
“The past is gone, and cannot harm you anymore. And while the future is fast coming for you, it always flinches first, and settles in as the gentle present. This now, this us, we can cope with that. We can do this together, you an I.”
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wtnv-proverbs · 2 years
Look to the sky. You will not find answers there, but you will certainly see what everyone is screaming about.
Ep. 30: Dana
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Let's have a look at today's horoscopes:
ARIES: Winking smile emoji. Graveyard emoji. Thumbs up emoji. 100 emoji.
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