#Wa Do Dem
curryvillain · 2 years
OLDIES SUNDAY: Eek-A-Mouse - Ganja Smuggling (1981)
OLDIES SUNDAY: Eek-A-Mouse – Ganja Smuggling (1981)
It’s Oldies Sunday! Before “Chopping/Scamming” songs flooded the market, there were songs about the Ganja trade. Today’s selection comes from a pioneer of the “Singjay” style, Eek-A-Mouse with the track, “Ganja Smuggling“! Produced by Henry “Junjo” Lawes and released through the Volcano Label in 1981, Eek-A-Mouse goes into details of his life in the Ganja trade. For a long time, many would find…
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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Cities by Impressiveness of Mountain Backdrop / Rut
by u/Gigitoe
After seeing the recent posts Cities with a better mountain backdrop than LA? ( u/odi3luck ) and This is a response to the LA mountain backdrop ( u/sam_woke ), I realized that I had the exact tools to answer a particularly niche but interesting question:
How do we quantify how impressive a city's mountain backdrop is?
To answer this question, we use rut, an indicator I developed back in the days to quantify how sharply or impressively the surroundings of a location rise above the location. (my research paper if you're interested)
Roughly speaking, rut works as follows:
The higher the mountains rise above a city, the more impressive they are, and the higher the rut.
The steeper the mountains rise above a city, the more impressive they are, and the higher the rut.
In the map shown, I measured the rut of every city with a population of over 100,000. Here's some cities in each tier and their corresponding rut values:
S tier - rut > 500 m (world-class, would visit for mountain views alone) -
Pokhara, Nepal (1358 m) | Chamonix, France (1336 m) [not on map; population too low] | Zermatt, Switzerland (904 m) [not on map] | Yosemite Valley, CA (617 m) [not on map] | Innsbruck, Austria (584 m)
A tier - rut between 200 to 500 m (impressive, but probably wouldn't visit just for mountain views)
Kathmandu, Nepal (482 m) | Almaty, Kazakhstan (478 m) | Santiago, Chile (469 m) | Provo, UT (429 m) | Tehran, Iran (349 m) | Lhasa, Tibet (325 m) | Monterrey, Mexico (268 m) | Tacoma, WA (245 m) | Kabul, Afghanistan (232 m)
B tier - rut between 100 and 200 m (mountains in close proximity, or big mountains further away)
Salt Lake City, UT (180 m) | Reno, NV (151 m) | Tucson, AZ (141 m) | Seattle, WA (137 m) | Vancouver, Canada (136 m) | Los Angeles, CA (117 m) | Milan, Italy (100 m)
C tier (glorified hills nearby, or distant mountains, or very distant big mountains) - rut between 25 and 100 m
Denver, CO (99 m; if only it had one more meter) | Tokyo, Japan (94 m) | Hong Kong (75 m) | Seoul, Korea (56 m) | Rome, Italy (48 m) | Knoxville, TN (39 m) | Beijing, China (37 m) | Sacramento, CA (30 m)
D tier (hills nearby, or glorified hills in the distance, or very distant mountains) - rut between 10 and 25 m
Istanbul, Turkey (24 m) | Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (23 m) | San Francisco, CA (22 m) | Quebec, Canada (17 m) | Mumbai, India (15 m) | Brisbane, Australia (12 m) | Pittsburgh, PA (10 m)
F tier (flat tier) - rut between 0 and 10 m
Syracuse, NY (7.4 m) | Birmingham, AL (5.2 m) | Dubai, UAE (5.0 m) | Columbus, OH (3.2 m) | Washington, DC (2.6 m) | Shanghai, China (2.4) | Paris, France (2.1 m) | London, UK (1.6 m) | New York City (0.7 m) | Chicago, IL (0.4 m)
So to answer the question, what cities have a better mountain backdrop than Los Angeles? Quite a lot... quite a lot.
Here's the data spreadsheet that was used to generate this map!
Edits: switched Vancouver to downtown measurement, added more cities, switched to steepness explanation instead of proximity explanation.
Note: rut measurements only consider rise above surroundings (relative height differences and steepness). They do not consider absolute elevation, nor the "aesthetics" of a mountain, nor visibility (or lack thereof) due to weather or smog.
This visualization was made possible with Google Earth Engine, MERIT DEM, and GeoNames.
If you like rut, you'll probably like its older brother jut even more. Jut is an indicator of  how impressive, spectacular, or badass a mountain is—considering both its height above surroundings and steepness. If you want to find the most impressive mountains near you or worldwide, you may find the link above to be useful.
Let us know if you have any questions or comments—I'm happy to address them!
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stainedglassandpigs · 2 months
Ruskaina pt 2
someone was calling
But my body felt like it had just been thrown into the sun then stomped on for good measure
the last thing I wanted was to have to be social so early in the day,
so in response I simply turned my body, the dem dem Mushi couldn’t bother me if I couldn’t hear it
so now I wasn’t facing the direction of the nose.
Peace please it shoudlnt be so hard to have a quiet moment.
No, I’m to tired I’m nawt getting up.
I refuse
Covering my ear with another pillow I try to get back to my rem sleep, my dream cable was real interesting before I was rudely awaken something about a boy and a beast but i couldn’t remember the rest anymore.
The ring was still there only now it sounded to be underwater, this I could easily work with so letting my mind ease its way back into sleepy mode was natural.
My breathing was slower and I started to forget why I was even awaken in one first place when it happened directly next to my head this time that little fu(ker had moved.
“FINE” I yell jumping up and taking the phone from Athena’s massively interrupting self.
“HELLO!” I was rubbing my eye buggers away annoyed as hell laying back down in bed stubbornly closing my eyes.
“Isabell that’s no way to greet your wonderful mom”
Well great I jsut yelled at my mother for no reason. Today as alr looking to something special.
Wait .
Why was mom calling so early
Opening my eyes I looked around trying to gauge what time of day it was.
There was no sunlight coming from the window, just a deep twilight.
“Mom why you up so late, everything okay?”
Getting up from bed I move the phone piece and grab Athena I decided I might as well get a snack while I talk
“Yeah I just was bored and everyone’s asleep, I figured you’re always up so late. I don’t wake you did I pretty ?” I could hear her concern clearly, I missed our daily call today I was so busy with-
With… what did I do today
My memory was so foggy.
“No mom you’re fine I was just straightening up a bit” lie.
“Oh okay that’s good, oh btw your monthly don’t die care package should be coming soon, so yk don’t die. “
“Ha thanks for the encouragement mom”
“You’re welcome” I could hear her laughing which brought a smile to my face. It was always nice to talk with mom being away was so lonely I missed my family and our daily calls kept me sane.
“How was your day mom ?” Opening my fridge looking around it, empty.
Didn’t… I…
Wasn’t I supposed to go out today, I thought I did.
“Your little brother started his first day of daycare today so we took loads of pictures, don’t worry we sent you some in the care package I know how you get about seeing pictures of everyone. Oh the gardens doing lovely that tip you gave about adding crushed bone is making the compost top shelf shit fr. And the Saffron plants have begun to pop above ground which your Stepdad is really excited for soon we’ll be able to send you some, we’ve been working womp womp Also the other- wompawa wa She said to me that- wa womp”
Mom just kept rambling as a searched the kitchen area for something to snack she was basically my podcast at this point.
The kitchen was so bare, I really should’ve gone out today but I was stuck with doing my… doing my ? Doing my what ?
What had I been doing all day
It was so hazy for some reason.
Never mind it I was to focused on my snack now, ig tea would be fine for now.
“And then Miss Jackson threw all the navy out the community garden it’s a shame to see how much they’ve changed from me and your father’s time. But anyways how was your day Isabell you’ve been real quite”
“My bad mom I was making tea my day was actually-“
Jumping up I fell-off the couch this time all my sections were on over drive.
It was a dream, which ment I still needed to call mom.
The sun was now pouring into the house and I was actually awake this time and the sound I heard was real.
Getting up I look in the direction of where the sound came from only to find a man standing in my kitchen making ???
Something ?
A mess ???
Both unfortunately for me the person who cleans this shoddy abode
“Your supposed to be recovering unable to move what the hell are you doing up ???”
The man turned to me and smiled
“I got hungry” he said it so matter of factly like it made so much sense.
“But your wound ??!!!?!? It’s gonna tear with all this movement” Rushing over to him, mouth running a mile a minute talking about everything that could go wrong and how we was supposed to be recovering
The kitchen was a mess for sure but that was the least of my worry’s now, this man with a straw hat was about to start bleeding out in my house AGAIN.
It was bad enough the first time my nose still burned with the smell of his blood I was not looking to relive that.
Reaching him quickly I look at the bandages. So far it wasn’t soaked through with his bodily fluids thankfully.
“May I ?” Gesturing to his wound.
“Will you make me something to eat if I say yes”
Rolling my eyes deeply, I didn’t even know his name and I was already catering to the strange man so much.
“Omg yes now can I please check the stitches”
“Okay hehe, since you promised”
“I didn’t promise” I said as I began to reach for the wrap when he stepped away just before I could do anything.
“Hey !”
I tried again and yet again he stepped out the way.
“WHAT NOW” I regret so much.
“Pinky promise me first” his features had the most serious look on them since I met him. Mind you we had almost died and he was laughing through all of it.
Sighing I raise my pinky to him which lite his face up instantly. Eagerly he took hold of mine
“Say it”
“I pinky promise” I tried to let go but he held my pinky firmly.
I shoulda just minded my own business yesterday.
“To make you breakfast if you let me see you wound and make sure you okay, good?” I look up at him growing more than slightly annoyed.
“Okay! It’s a promise you can’t break it!!” He let go of my smallest phalange.
Attempting once more I raised my hands to remove the wrap heisting just before glancing up at him to make sure he wouldn’t move another time.
Immediately I was met with his big brown eyes staring at me as he smiled lightly.
I guess he was just as curious as me about the conditions of his wound.
Looking back at my hand I carefully began unwrapping the white cloth.
As it unraveled the white seemed unchanged until the very last two layers that covered the gauze which had turned an ugly red color.
Bracing myself for what I would see I peeled the last of the bandages off.
Looking at the wound immediately one thing came to mind.
“Devil fruit ?” I said looking up at him again.
“I the Gum-Gum fruit! Hey how did you know that !!?”
“Educated guess” I shrugged
Looking back at the wound I examine the wound that remained there after a night of his devil fruit working its magic. There was some redness paired with a dark scab and a few stitches pocking out. A far cry from the deep gash it used to be.
“Stay here for a second okay”
“Sure, what are you going to do tho ?” He said watching me as I moved about the cave.
“Dressing your stitches again because they’ll get dirty if I don’t, I really wanna avoid an infection. Wait.”
I stop mid digging through my medicine bag that was still by the bed because exhaustion over took me before I could put everything up.
Standing to my full height again I looked at him. The only part of his body that was clean was the area that I cleaned.
This mf needed a shower.
“What ?!” He quirked his bushy eyebrows
“When’s the last time you took a shower ?”
“A week ago”
“Go taking a damn shower lord how are you alive still. You need to go clean your ass”
“But you promised!” He crossed his arms and stood planted.
“I am doing exactly that, see” walking over to my back pack I grabbed it and began spreading all that I foraged out onto my table.
“I first need to clean everything I didn’t get to yesterday, well, because of you. Respectfully you changed my plans drastically” As I took every thing out it was like Christmas a bit I thought .
All the commotion from yesterday rattled my brain so much I completed forgot everything I collected.
He was still standing in the kitchen as I unpacked my bag I gave him a questioning look.
“I don’t know where the bathroom is.”
“Righhht” was all I managed out,
I was so ready for my morning calm I didn’t even bother telling him I just grabbed his hand and walked him to the bathroom.
Quickly I turned on the shower, taking out a towel and rag, and dumping it into his hand.
“Do you need some clothes?” Looking him up and down I accessed his attire.
Said atire being dirty blood stained jorts and a straw hat, the t shirt he once had on long discarded
“No need to answer actual, I’ll find you some. Take a shower I’ll leave the clothes right here” I pointed at a storage unit near the door.
“And you’ll be making breakfast right” He was looking straight into my eyes again, direct eye contact really was his thing huh
“Yes yes yes, now go clean yourself. And please be careful I don’t want you to pass out in the shower. You may heal quick but who knows what’s really going on inside there.”
Walking out the bathroom I closed the door and began looking for some clothes for the straw hat man.
Which reminded me I needed to ask him for his name.
Finding some close was easy enough, although I live on the island alone my brothers some times would visit and they always left clothes and crap here.
Setting the close on the storage unit I began tidying up even tho I was still pretty tired doing nothing would only make me over think about yesterday .
And besides the cave really was a mess, blood soaked rags and stuff thrown everywhere while I was in a panic, she desperately needed some tlc
Waking Thena and giving her a treat I request I track while I clean she graciously obliged me. Cleaning for the most part goes by fast only real hassle was cleaning and sanitizing everywhere with blood.
Once I had picked everything up to an alright level I put my medical back next to the just in case my guest indeed did need something else done.
I didn’t know what that man eats so I decided on something relatively simple.
Eggs, potatoes, with some random veggies. I was a little limited since I needed to prep all the new ingredients I got yesterday before I could use any of it. And I was certain he wouldn’t want to wait for food.
Turning the stove on I added some butter to a pan and let it heat up a bit while I chopped some onions and ramps since I used the last of the garlic and the new batch was still uncleaned and processed like I liked.
Throwing those in I went to the spice cabinet and took out all that I thought I would need for the meal, adding a bit of sea salt to begin with to help caramelize the ramps and onion together.
Moving onto the potatoes I thought of what I could do with them.
Would he like hash browns more ? Baked potatoes ? Fries ???? Potato stew on the side ?
Fuck it seasoned chopped potatoes would have to do.
Going to the sack of potatoes I kept in the pantry I took out 4 medium Rosara potatoes a favorite of mine personally.
Not even bothering to peal them I roughly chop em up and call it a day
Adding a ton of seasoning just like my mom taught me I throw them in the pan with the butter and onions.
As I cleaned my area up a bit as everything continued to cook I thought about the fight.
This random boy appearing from the sky laughing going toe to toe with one of the islands most formidable beast without flinching.
For a brief second there was this moment I remembered
When the light shone on him like a hug
And his stretched fists and kicks where coming down on the beast like something akin to hell fire that he…
Almost look sort of…
Like… a god.
A small laugh leaves my lips as I think about it all.
Refocusing on what I was doing I transition now to preparing some lions mane with carrots as the the main veggies, tossing them in some oil then seasoning and finally into the oven.
With the veggies in the oven all that was left were the eggs.
But I didn’t wanna use another pan and the potatoes needed a bit longer so I just but everything away that was not in use and took out some plates and such for us to eat on while I waited for a pan to clear up.
Using a fork I poked the potatoes through.
They still needed a bit more time, but I wanted to start the eggs so everything was done when he came out. Using an oven mitt I grab the veggies out and move em over a tad then dump the potatoes onto the tray and put in all back in to finish off nicely.
Using a bit more butter to coat the pan I add 3 eggs in on low heat mixing them into the pan so they would scramble. The process was a quick moving one because the eggs cooked so fast, I graded a bit of milk and splashed it into the end mixing the whole time. The eggs had basically formed by now so I added salt pepper and garlic to it.
And with that I was pretty much done, using my shoddly made oven mitts I took out the veggies and begin plating the food.
Should I put his plate next to mine ?
In front ?
Far away ?
Looking in the direction of the bathroom I wondered how much longer he would be.
In front, I decided
That way I can see his face when we eat.
For manners and stuff..
Placing all the plates and utensils I go to grab us something to drink.
In the cabinet I look at the tea options, Dandelion, Rose, Oolong, Lemon, Matcha, ginger all these options.
I usually had a cup of matcha in the morning but my brothers always said it tasted like grass cum.
So perhaps some Oolong, my family’s favorite.
Taking it out I eyeball enough for two cups and but a kettle to boil.
Bringing the sugar n cups to the table I just sat n waited.
Either the tea would be done or he would either way all I had to do was wait.
Athena was playing a jazz inspired tune now and focusing on that was what occupied my time as a waited.
Circling my thumbs together trying to focus on the music my thoughts unfortunately begin to drift back to last night.
Exactly what I had been trying to avoid.
I could vividly see it again.
The way he looked was just so haunting his chest barely able to rise and fall skin pale as a cloud on a rainy day.
It was like sun that once lit his body had been sucked out all because he tried to save me.
He was on deaths door because I was too busy digging for truffles to noticed a 5 ton beast rampaging towards me.
It was all my fault
As I knew alr being left alone with my thoughts was indeed taking a turn for the worst
Even tho I knew it helped no one for me to think like this the cogs in my brain still churned to push out every single thought that’s while purpose was to make me feel like a royal fuck up
Closing my eyes I make myself take deep breaths and think 2 positive things I did.
1. I got more us to one cave without dying
2. I made sure he didn’t die
The again he would even-
Before I could finish my thought the bathroom door swung open and the energetic young man can out…
He was running to the table
“ thankyoufortheclothes!!! FOOD FOOD FOOD “
And just like that the room and my mind was quickly filled with his bright presence.
I smiled
As I watched him almost collide with the chair I thought to myself something I had been pushing back since I began my research on the island by myself.
Maybe I did want company.
Authors rambling time 🤩
I honestly couldn’t even tell you why I’m writing this story but it’s definitely fun to try and characterize Luffy. Using this as a learning experience bc I do wanna get into writing more. I know only 2 ppl and mice see this but I would love to hear the feedback for those who do !
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tsukiyadori · 2 months
Reading Log 2024.04 - April
Previous: Reading (Watching) Log 2024.02-2024.03 - February-March
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Reading languages: German, English, French, Japanese, not listing which was what. (There's also been some feeble attempts at Chinese.)
Titles are as I’ve read them either first or most and thus remember it for that title mostly
Not going to bother putting in the original titles of translated reads unless there is something worthy of note to it
Cursive titles have been completed
Some notes' content may be subject to repetition here and there, as I also copied some older notes from casual conversations over and didn't go through any rounds of cutting things down.
I now have a new phone lockscreen wallpaper. (See entrance image. It's from How to Survive as a Villain's webtoon a.k.a. To Be or Not to Be chapter 71). The moon being pretty, and a thing for me is kinda self-explanatory given my alias names, but usually you find images with moons to have them being all on the upper part of the image, because obviously moons are up there in the sky. However, for phone lock screens this is incredibly unpractical, because on the upper part is the time display and that one's white... So this one is perfect with the moon not being on the upper part but the lower part of the image. I wonder what blossoms there are supposed to be. I'd guess peach blossoms (with the village being called literally Peach Blossom Village, but wasn't it supposed to be summer in that timeline? And peach blossoms bloom in March to April.)
I found out that you can add any number of tags, but tumblr kicks everything bar the first 30 somethings upon saving and among those displayed only the first 20 actually will count for showups if you want to filter posts with that hashtag. Or like search on the phone app. What the heck. What do you mean I need to actually choose the most important ones now each time. D:
Maybe I should try do monthlies after all, so there won't be as many tags to begin with.
I feel like this is gonna just be a rambling about one particular series this month anyway...
I have learned something new this month. The Chinese have a slang word called 'dog blood'. It's apparantely coming from theater where death scenes were enacted with dog blood and first was about extended nonsensical farewell speeches of death scenes but eventually expanded to describe all sorts of cheap cheesy lines in general. Or in other words, this is basically synonymous to what I call bad, rotten or trash cheese.
Light Novels:
7th Time Loop v2
Brunhild v1-2
By the Grace of Gods V12
Dragon Live Online p8-11.5
Hell Mode v3p1-3
How to Survive As a Villain Novel ch46-57, ch181-183, Ch58-75, ch209-210, ch206, ch196, ch76-136 (and some other random scene cheery picks completely out of order)
Is it wrong to pick up Girls in a Dungeon v9
Mushoku Tensei v1p1-6
The Case Files of Jeweler Richard v13p15-56
The Eminence in Shadow v2p6-8
The Executioner and Her Way of Life v1
The Faraway Paladin v1-2
The Saint's Magic Power is Omipotent LN v2p1-v3p6
Unnamed Memory After the End v1p16-22
Unnamed Memory LN v1p1-2
Wolf and Parchment v4-5
Your Forma v4
Aiko und die Wölfe des Zwielichts v1-3
Ano Natsu ga Houwa suru. ch17
Are You Okay with a Slightly Older Girlfriend? Ch2.4-16.1
August 15th
Buta no Liver wa Kanetsushiro ch35.1-2
Dance in the Vampire Bund The Memories of Sledgehammer v2ch5-8
Delinquent Daddy & Tender Teacher v3
Domestic na Kanojo v5-8
Don't Call Me Daddy
Ein schicksalhafter Bund mit dem Fuchs v1-v2ch11
Fake it to Break it Ch1-8.3
Feng Yu Jiu Tian ch1-4
Flying Witch v11-12ch73
Get the Moon
Goblin Slayer The Singing Death v4ch16-19
Goblin Slayer Year One v8
Goblin Slayer v12
Hallo, ich bin eine Hexe und mein Schwarm wünscht sich einen Liebestrank von mir v3ch15
Hiso Hiso v4-6
How I Attended an All-Guy's Mixer Ch1-4
In Sachen… Geheimnisse (v3)
In Sachen… Vertrauen (v2)
Intoxicated East Wind Skimthrough
Iron Cock Skimthrough
Isekai Transporter ch1-4
Isekai de Ane ni Namae wo Ubawaremashita ch18.1
Kakan no Oukoku no Hanagirai Hime ch12.3-13.1
Kakko Warukute Kakkoii Kimi v1
Ki ga Au to Iu Koto wa v1
Kijima-san & Yamada-san Ch17.3-24.2
Knitter's High ch27.1-2
Koisuru (Otome) no Tsukurikata ch82-83
Kono Koi wo Hoshi ni wa Negawanai ch12.3-13.1
Korsar der Liebe v1-3
Like Milk & Honey v1-2
Living With My Brother's Wife Ch12-15-48
Lonely Castle in the Mirror v1-3
Loop 7-kaime no Akuyaku Reijou wa, Moto Tekikoku de Jiyuu Kimama na Hanayome Seikatsu wo Mankitsusuru ch31
Maid-san wa Taberu dake ch48
Mein Isekai-Leben v1-v4ch12
Mir dir im Wunderland v2 (ou of order read)
Miryou no Otome to Katabutsu Hittou Majutsushi no Hatsukoi Kiroku bangaihen3-4
My Awkward Senpai Ch71-75
My Elder Sister v5-6ch44
My Not-So-Fair Lady is Doomed! (But Not If I Can Help It) Ch1.1-4.1
My Roommate is a Cat v6-8ch24
My Unexpected Marriage Ch1-10.2
Okazari Ouhi ni Nattanode, Kossori Hataraki ni deru koto ni Shimashita ~Usagi ga Iru no de Hitorine mo Sabishiku Arimasen!~ ch25.2-26.4
On or Off v1-4
Rebirth Two Lives I Still Love You ch0-2
Ryuko v2
Sasaki & Peeps v1
Shuumatsu Touring ch37.1-2
Soko ni Suwaruna
Suicide Notes Laid on the Table Ch20-35.1
The 6th Loop: I'm Finally Free of Auto Mode in this Otome Game Ch1.1-3.2
Tokyo Aliens v7ch29-33
Unamed Memory ch36.1-2
Watashi wo Tabetai, Hitodenashi ch38.1-3
Yomei Ichinen to Senkokusareta Boku ga, Yomei Hantoshi no Kimi to Deatta Hanashi ch11.1-2
Breed my Dear Enemy Ch182-194
Fall in the Night with You Ch72-73
Flowers in the Secret Place Ch89-155
Her Atypical Story Ch0-5
Ice Lamp: The Chronicles of Kira Ch45-48
Taberare Usa ch99-101
The Blind & The Homeless Ch8-42
The Goddess of Healing Ch67-79
To be or not be Ch24-95
To Be or Not to Be (reread on Comikey in progress): So well, the first time was a bit not as attentive and then too quick on binge last month so I simply started from the beginning again. And it's so funny in hindsight that it took me until starting the novel to realized this fellow is just about as aroace as you can be (who slowly drops into a demi-romance). Like, I should have had caught the hint latest with this:
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(Difference between a brotherly love or one between lovers)
This is, if you think about it, not the sort of question you'd normally ask, especially not when somebody just confessed to you and there is no homophobia theme nor desperate denial at play, and you don't even doubt that it's meant seriously and can even see that the feelings are genuine. It's.... totally a question I'd also ask, tho. No wonder, this entire progression of that romance and him taking so long to catch on just felt so plausible to me.
Other than that, I still think the first season (up to their first separation) is a pretty great adaption, it takes shortcuts and adds some more flourish at places. The second and third seasons however, after reading the novels now feel excruciatingly chopped, although it still manages to do the most important scenes right. But much of its worldbuilding and side characters is just gone, and some things are still there but don't exactly make any sense - like that hairband from eunuch Zhao that snapped, it ever was only shown intact in the webtoon, but when Xiao YuAn goes to bury his box of mementos there is Hong Xiu's hairpin this broken hairband. Or the list of names of fallen soldiers. Other little changes make sense, and some just seem clunky. (Like this whole "I want to bed him" in the last arc has an entirely different vibe considering they had been at it before already unlike in the novel.) And my complaint after the first read that the last third just seems way too focused on the two MCs with zero inclusion of the side characters or expanding the world, the novel in fact is like that still in that arc, but it already has done all that in the second season, which was nearly entirely cut in the webtoon (or if you look really closely there are some one-liners or random panels showing it) and does some more in the extras, which the webtoon doesn't adapt. Still it does get many of the most important scenes right and the art remains pretty. (Except the last third still has me had this eyelashes issue. Whyyyy.)
How to Survive As a Villain Novel ch46-57, ch181-183, Ch58-75, ch209-210, ch206, ch196, ch76-136 (and some other random scene cheery picks completely out of order): When you go like, let's read it slowly so it lasts longer!! and that even works, but then you just start reading backwards and then all across all over the place out of order anyway. Oh, well....
I already got some clear aroace moods with Xiao YuAn in the beginning that I read last month but upon reading on.... this fellow's really about as aroace as you can be without naming it. It even goes all the length of establishing him as somebody who doesn't understand it at all, has to ask about it, and questions the veracity of the answer at places. (And I still think the "sexual orientation" bits on the official character bios on both him and Yan HeQing are a complete riot. 😂) They both look very demi to me; if that original novel is to still apply Yan HeQing falls for somebody who extends their hand when he's in anguish and suffering and over that emotional attachment he develops feelings (and then it's a dam breaking). For Xiao YuAn it's obviously very slow burn and building one little pebble atop another until a wall that makes him feel safe has been built.
What I thought was incredibly interesting tho, Xiao YuAn still comes off as pretty ace even after all is said and done. And he doesn't exactly know it - he continues to live with a misconception that's just incredibly widespread and not known. In that same scene from the above webtoon snippet he asks Yan HeQing what sort of like/love is he even refererring to. Does he know the difference, is it a brotherly/comradery feeling or one between lovers. That's also what is in the webtoon in Chinese (I actually went to check that one out), but the novel (which scene I also went to check out, at least what web version I could find in Chinese) has him be much more crude and to the point to put that question between that brotherly like/love or if it was one where Yan HeQing would want to have sex with him. (Which he answers rather clearly as having very much some voracious appetite for him in that respect, the answer is still there in the webtoon.) Now put this next to each other. That's his idea: The love of lovers is something that includes sexual desire. Sound familiar? Uhu. He even suggests in lieu of answering him that they simply do the deed. In order to learn and find out. The man's got some very wrong ideas right there. A few of them seem way too dumbly familliar.
The hilariously funny part is, Xiao YuAn proceeds to be incredibly unhinged about this spice stuff afterward. He is going for it, he does the most outrageous things, but he does them in a way that just feels entirely clueless or he realizes just how extreme they are after it's already done or shortly about to be done and he reflects on it and feels incredibly stupid. And most of all, if he causes a dam break in Yan HeQing who, all seduced and riled up, can't help but eat him up rather ravenously he always winds up wailing for him to please stop, because kinda, he didn't have that in mind at all so much. It's like he never really is aware of what he's gonna get himself into and doesn't really learn his lessons either. But also, once he gets touched, he is plenty able to feel sexual pleasure, he doesn't exactly hate it. It's just... it seems more like a passive body reaction, a sort of being okay with it, rather than an innate desire out of attraction? He never seems actually thirsty for it (unlike Yan HeQing who is incredibly straving for it, but knows it and restrains himself constantly.)
He's the first to initiate and propose them doing it and is notoriously stubborn about getting Yan HeQing to do it, but also says it's not like he is in a hurry (or like coming off as badly wanting it because of an actual proper desire like Yan HeQing always has), but it's just he feels like they'd never get the right timing to do it at all otherwise. It makes him sound desperate, like he feels a duty to actually do it and guilty for not doing it, almost as if he has to prove something. And whenever Yan HeQing kinda distances himself from him for whatever reason his go to is to try seduce him and break his self-control for forced up intimacy. (And then just winds up regretting it, because it's too much.) And it seems to entirely not align with what he actually wants and needs most fo have exactly that connection he seeks. After that last dramatic reunion in the third part where Yan HeQing is so out of himself and selfcontrol he wants him so badly tied to bed and everything like those innermost desires he once told him (but never actually executed like that, because he doesn't want to hurt him), Xiao YuAn instead just wants to hug him. He's wanting physical intimicy, but it's more about lying in one another's arms for a peaceful sleep. Every single time when he's still oblivious to it all, but clearly already attached, he just has Yan HeQing accompany him to spend some quality time together. He's the one who wants to have dates even as they weren't named such and even has to explain that thing about it's simply to just spend some good time together to him. (All the while Yan HeQing is so thirsty wanting to steal kisses from him.) And whenever he fawns over the man, it's kinda suspiciously in just aesthethic ways...? (well for what I've read anyway.)
30% of it feels more like a sort of playfulness, a sort of stubborn competition, fueled by those "tyrannical president" antics, which trope he entirely is not, but spent his entirely past life being forced into being and still very much influences his thought process. Almost as if if he doesn't get Yan HeQing to jump at him, it's like he is lacking in attractiveness, something that chips away at his self value. Another 30% is him appearing like he considers it the thing to be done, almost as if he owes it to him, especially as he knows that Yan HeQing's wants in that regard run much deeper and notorious. Yet another 30% is him kinda just enjoy everything before the actual act. Like as if getting him to do it is the goal rather than actually doing it. He clearly enjoys the teases to break Yan HeQing's defenses, his self-control, his stoism. And even as he knows some of his things are kinda outrageous, he, to some extend, still enjoys them. It's kinda the same thing with his fixation on terrible tropes and cheesy lines and everything 'dog blood', it's excruciatingly terrible, all trashy, but he can't help but also kinda look forward to it. The last 10% are... really just him having no darn clue. Like however did he think that red silk bondage was a good idea??? 😂 Maybe I should not laugh as me, surely I'd be just as dumb myself if it ever came to be...
Other than that I quite like how the isekai/transmigration thing plays out.
Xiao YuAn doesn't really get to be all OP or a sort of cheater because of being from a modern world - that is not as a plot device. There are some indications and little details that he does bring in some modernization, like proposing that meritocratic exams system the actual historical China also has had, but it's never really played as a plot point that flaunts his superior knowledge or anything. What he ultimately winds up tackling - corruption, decandency - are things entirely the same still in the modern word and he's also struggling with it all the same as he would in any modern world as well. He knows the future by the plotline, but beyond having a better grasp at insight to their character and be nice to them Hamefura-style, it's at the same time also kinda the obvious thing to do as a decent person. And he's having plenty ability to have an insight on human nature and getting other people liking him even without the cheat skills from the novel plot as his time in the TaoYuan village proves.
I still absolutely do not like that bit about Xiao YuAn's brother, he just remains a complete plot device, but that the doppelgänger from Wester Shu gets to wake up in the modern world as him to improve on his own depression and helplessness was a nice touch. (One the webtoon should have rather have, when it had them actually have a conversation with each other, rather than how in the novel Xiao YuAn only every saw him from a distrance and asked about him. He remained a completely stranger there, so him kinda not having as much compassion to upkeep his past identity's honor seems more plausible. Especially as he's introduced as a good guy, unlike that Nothern emperor who is a scummy villain (and then even he got to have a little bit pity left for him by the original book's ending for him with is love affair.))
That and how it's part of how Xiao YuAn has a few deep seated traumata and in that way that they don't seem obvious at all, because he drowns it all in his smiles, his goofy riduculousness, his apparant ability to just let grudges go when all he does is just to bury them and run away. All that load, it didn't just magically disappear in his new life, no, they come to wreck him even in this new world. He has baggage and a new life doesn't magically fix it nor is this fantasy escapism world it the solution to it in the end. How many isekai tales actually make use of this oppotunity to add some more emotional development? We never really learn much about how he lived his life in the modern world, but little insight is there only describes titbits to establish the origins. But it was never really addressed in his childhood and it wasn't cured at all either, nor is it likely that it's curable at all. Those scars are there and with his futile struggles they only got worse culmating in his rash and terrible decisions. What ultimately keeps it in check and just puts a lid on it without erasing it, is being showered with that love he was missing his entire life by Yan HeQing and his found family in the village and also realizing how the easy way out of it has devastating consequences.
Speaking of that found family, it's really too bad, that got cut so much in the webtoon. While there is still a tinge of it with Lin Shengling getting all touched that Xiao YuAn's place is kinda his maiden home of sorts and Xiao YuAn and all accepted in that village with really close bonds with especially the Zhan family, which family to begin with is a patchwork family. Yang LiuAn and Xiao FengYue kinda become brothers of sorts to him, and old lady cohabitating with them is a sort of motherly aunt there. There's just no ill will in that village (which is its whole point with being kinda called a little paradise on earth.) And also it's just got these beautifully blossoming trees. (Now are those peach blossoms or not??)
Oh and speaking of found family and all closeness and intimicy that there is and which is being perfectly aknowledged as something Xiao YuAn holds dear and misses and seems just so attractive, even as he is perfectly fine with living in the capital with Yan HeQing, which the latter also perfectly respects and encourages. There is also this bit in the extras about Hong Xiu, how it was Xiao YuAn, who tended to her worst fears she never expected anyone to expect and treated her with gentleness, a sort of she hadn't phantomed to ever get. And as the man speaks fondly and caring about her and Yan HeQing get jealously concerned over "do you like her", Xiao YuAn is all he's probably jealous about the girl again, but also that Hong Xiu never was part of of his harem. And then he has this to say to him:
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Way to just get things right. (And she definitely ripped a hole into his heart, once she was gone and even keeps visiting her grave years later. Also really too bad that the afterwards about how curruption cut short his support for her family forcing her sister to become a maidservant, too.)
Other than that I just want to scream: Why could I not discover this a mere two darn month earlier?! That the pre-orders for that Singapore Rosmei edition is already closed and me not having entirely any idea at all how to get it anymore sours me, doesn't help at all, that apparantely that edition is gonna get some new unrelease extra chapter (although that is to be in v3, so technically I won't be missing that one............ whenever the other two volumes are going to be released anyway.) Apparantely there's even another chapter exclusive to some Chinese Edition from a publisher called Via Lactea and I have absolutely no idea how that one's supposed to look and how to get it. And to learn this right when I pondering about looking for some Chinese proxy for getting the books in Chinese, too, now obviously I want that edition to learn what that extra chapter is about. Hhhhnnnng. (Apparantely there's also a Spanish edition licensed with the art of the Rosmei edition, but I know no Spanish...)
Other than that, I still riducilously miss out on those footnotes the aggregator sites have just went and killed. Also, I just found out that the one single site that had the extras beyond chapter 210 kinda did some move and the entire title has vanished from that one's new site. With that there's porbably no place to read the fantraslation of it anymore. (At least for that one I had the epiphany of going though all the chapter sites to make a safecopy last week, I don't really want to know how dkfhkdjfhkjdfh I would have been, if I missed out on reading them just like that from one day to the other.)
In any case, this one as rekindled my interest in the Chinese language, too. Linguistically/writing style speaking this novel is also highly up my alleways. It's chock full with idioms (I image them to be complete utter pain to translate), historical references in those idioms, but also it has all that meta stuff about tropes and everything along with modern slang usage. And it's just having the right amount of twinkling parody of tropes, indulging just enough in it for some guilty pleasure but still managing to have an well build up emotional rollercoaster plot of its own that dances with Xiao YuAn's goofy ludicrousness at times in one hand and heavy hitters in the other. And considering, that it has not newly invented any wheel whatsoever - about every single element in there is something that on its own you can find elsewhere as well - but still manages to get me this invested into it is kinda rather impressive.
Speaking of impressive---
Mein Isekai-Leben a.k.a. My Isekai Life v1-v4ch12: Now that on the other hand is an entirely different sort impressive, or more like, I am astounded by it. Which is to say if I had to use one word to descibribe it it's 'listless'. This is an incredibly listless OP MC cheat skills power-fantasy. It's also... incredibly boring. Brainless. Everything you get to see here is something that has been done elsewhere in way, way better already. I only read all those vols because I just happened to have them there and then I just kept going after the first volume because I wanted to know how in the world is this managing to survive at all. It's a manga adaption of a light novel, both are sitll ongoing and runnning. How does this manage to be this reasonably popular to warrant this??? (After v4 I still didn't really know, so I gave up.)
Wolf and Parchment v4-5 (5 sitll in progress): Ok, so volume 4 was kinda okay in the end, not so much a slog anymore, although the the conversation between Even and Col about how Col would definitely go and prioritize Myuri was pretty interesting, putting into question how long he's gonna last to stick to his he's gonna be a priest and not just take Myuri's handand he's still all that's never gonna happen. (Like hell it won't?!) Then volume 5 started and I was kinda blown by surprise over that bit about them being in this weird space of having a bond, about how she keeps calling him brother despite also saying she is romantically in love with him, because there is no other way to qualify this at all and him also realizing the weird place he is with his attachement to her, too and then the whole crest thing is there, and how every single one involved with it immediately understands it's significance. Something for them, only the two of them, something special, but it's not lovers or marriage. Something else. And it's also hard to get, because how in the world are you gonna explain two people with no tangible relation neither blood nor marriage, wanting to share a crest together? are you just gonna pretend something that pleases general plausibility, while it kinda contradicts its actual purpose? Owoooh, how cool is that. I suppose I really had no trust in this series (or media in general) that this wasn't going down your bog standard romance route.
The Case Files of Jeweler Richard v13p15-56 (that's somewhere into chapter 2): I am making some progress in reading that one off, but admittedly even I am surprised how slow going it is sonsidering how hyped I was about it before its release and then put it off for health reasons because I totally expected I'd just binge with in a marathon with no regard to sleep and food. If I had to put a finger onto it, it's kinda, the first chapter wasn't exactly uninteresting, but also really not very getting be invested either. The second chapter just entirely starts of with discomfort with having this Chinese classmate sobbing about how he is terrible in school and his father is livid about it and just the general vibes of Chinese mentality. Like. Ouch. And it also immediately stiffled my interest in Chinese again that How to Survive as a Villain has sparked up again. Distancing from that language is kinda like distancing from that general mentality for me and looks like I still can't really separate them enough to just enjoy the language without having the culture behind it poison me.
Unnamed Memory After the End: Still very much at the start, but it docks onto where the first series stops before the grand time skip. It also just picks up on a few things that were left unaddressed in its second half. And here is me wondering, if Myralis and Valt will show up again or not. How it ended for them - which by world mechanics has to be a bad end and then they don't even get mentioned - still feels narratively very unfair to me, with all the effort spent on describing their motives and backstory.
Flowers in the Secret Place - finished: This is another series I just read though chapters over chapters wondering why even, until it kinda went decent enough somethiing around chapter 70? from 155 chapters. The only reason I looked into it was because the art is kinda decently pretty. The reason I made it across the first chapter was that.... the MC wears bunny hair ties. Yes, stupid reason, but here we go. The male MC is possitively annoying, the second male lead is much more interesting but takes a whole while to pick himself up. The backstory and its resulting triangle constellation actually winds up being decently interesting.
Rebirth Two Lives I Still Love You ch0-2: Same author as How to Survive as a Vilain, different artist, which... doesn't look exactly bad, but not even half as appealing. This one's also not Isekai, but Regression. Also it looks incredibly cheese. Motivations for reading on were a bit low, but maybe it just takes a bit? Knowing me I will check it out anyway...
My Unexpected Marriage Ch1-10.2: This isn't even an Isekai, but it uses the Isekai cheat skill trick of using some pretty modern contemporary things and common sense, put them into an Ancient-y setting to make everything run overly smoothly for the MC. In terms of plot and characters I cannot say I am wowed. Nevertheless, it is set in Ancient China-ish of a setting and even if the female MC's big eyes innocent gentle shoujo face kinda clashes with the rest, there is definitely some effort spend on all the wardrobe and ornaments. It's pretty enough to keep going. The mystery plot that points to court intrigue is okayish enough, too.
Mushoku Tensei v1p1-6: The way the horny is put in really is a bit "...", there it really just goes, does an overly genuinely touchy feely monologue about how someone is great and how the guy is emotionally touched and everything, only to destroy it with the twist that he stole her unwashed panties. It was a whole block of text about how in his previous life he was a shut in a loser, somebody with serious problems, social anxiety and getting out of the house issues included and the girl took him out for a magic exam, insisted it had the out there and he really is unconfortable with it, you can get really into how this little bit is just a major milestone for him, something nobody in his old life has managed or even tried. But then it just had to goe like and then he remembered that he still had those unwashed panties in his room that he had stolen some month ago. Argh.
At least that horny father seems to have at least some punches to get, and the setup of this guy being a completely loser, but actually it's not like he always was, he was even better but never learned modesty and that being his entire downfall out which he has now learned. This character is a pretty well set up antihero, he is all sorts of terrible, but in that one moment where Truck-kun came he pushed that whoever away with no regards to himself. (and it doesn't get flaunted as that one big good deed.) He also helped Sylphie, and that started without any horny ulterior motives either. (I was half wondering there actually if, with all that attraction to her, when he still thought she was a he was opening up some queer route, but looks like not.) He, at the bottom of his heart, does not seem to be a bad guy, and he has some serious baggage, that he is trying to treat himself with this new life and gets the occasional unintentional help. Will be interesting how his own inhibitions and knowledge about all the bad things of himself bring him on the road to serious betterment. But then also. He is already entirely, totally hopelessly horny cringe.
Loop 7-kaime no Akuyaku Reijou wa, Moto Tekikoku de Jiyuu Kimama na Hanayome Seikatsu wo Mankitsusuru a.k.a. 7th Time Loop ch31: (That's the chapter about Arnold and Rishe talking about the ring, once it was delivered). I wanted to scream at Arnold and Rishe rocks with giving him a piece of her mind like that and also totally underestimates the amount of heart flutter she gets into when she goes and gives the man such a free pass to court her. A very wide load of good faces.
Intoxicated East Wind, Iron Cock, August 15h, Feng Yu Jiu Tian: Stuff from the artist of How to Survive as a Villain's webtoon from some 10 years prior. You know when you like one thing of somebody and then go check out the rest? And then you find out it's dubCon, nonCon, rapey, horny porny whatevers and melp. And by the translator's note from August 15th, apparantely that title is some slang euphemism for buttocks. Because the moon is the roundest on that date, so it's the perfect moon so it's buttocks. I'm like what? The art also look nowhere nearly as good as the artist is able to be pull off in How to Survive as a Villain. I wonder if they are going to have some new work. Couldn't find anything from after its end in 2022.
Don't Call Me Daddy: Nice to have some adult characters there. Like adult and then elderly. And how homophobia has wrecked their life, but it's not even the main theme. Again some discussion about different sorts of wants, but uh, the one that solves that one was that guy getting... a boner from a kiss? Huh. What would ye have done, if he didn't? (Well probably that would have been an entirely different story I guess...)
Domestic na Kanojo v5-8: Collection of notes made upon/right after reading the vols:
v5: Let's continue the exhibition of the worst of cheese afflictions. But I did not see that escalation downwards coming... okay, cheese affliction puts other people into danger, both intentionally and unintentionally... Actually the latter case is even worse as it is a danger of livelihood one... ....... ok, wait, isn't this already sexual harrassment now???
v6: Just go for them both already, those sisters don't even look like they'd mind it that much.
v7: Your cheese affliction is gonna ruin your life.
v8: So, now we have blackmail, coercion, extortion and a kidnapping as well as faking somebody's identity without their knowledge nor permission. Alright….
….. this however
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(Title: How to recover, panel 1: My humble self has a bun, panel 4: RESSURECTED, the bun: HAND OVER THE SNACKS)
.............. is just some supreme truth out of complete nowhere.
Are You Okay with a Slightly Older Girlfriend? Ch2.4-16.1: I thought this was called into quesitonability because of the age gap and at the beginning I had some qualms, because she is outright deceiving him, but that gets wrapped up quickly enough and then I thought it was just gonna be cheese with age unsecurities, but I suppose if those massive boobs didnt alrealy make an indication, this thing's just way to much flaunting them and playing the horniness bits in way too much of an extremely.... kinda dumb way. With a tint of seriously thinking about these issues. (Also mentions of kink and no shaming allowed there, that sister knows how to enforce authority.) And that makes it both hard to outright drop, but also a pain to suffer though...
Brundhild v1-2: Volume 1, 'Dragon Slayer" is a revenge story out of titular Brunhild's love for the gentle and wise dragon, who is killed, gone haywire. She does all her misdeeds wholly aware for what they are and how innocents are getting in the crossfires and how it'll land her in hell - where she can never be together with the dragon again who went to paradise and had very much warned her to not go for revenge when he fully knew he was gonna get slain. She… is kinda, well, yandere isn't the right word, but she definitely is very much badly obsessed by things and worst she knows it herself, that the one she loves doesn't want it and still doesn't stop. I can't say I was wowed, but maybe that's partly because I read it in French and for the second half I was in deadline before expiry pressure and forced it though without looking up a bunch of words I wasn't too sure of. It feels pretty conclusive, so volume 2 'Dragon Princess' at first was incredibly confusing, with it having a Brunhild as a MC again and also some other guy having the same name as v1 Brunhild's brother. And suddenly the dragon is an evil one. Was wondering, if it was some sort of reincarnation next life plot, but then the personality of the characters are very different. Eventually it turns out to be a prequel. V1's Brunhild and her brother were names after the characters of v2 who lived centuries before them and in her family those famous names were often bestowed to children again. V2 I think is pretty good, interesting characters, has some more side characters, very good world building, again a love story but it's entirely different, also very much different ending and lore and it twists your expectations for the world coming from v1 and then actually winds up explaining v1's worldbuilding, which in v1 I thought that outside of the dragon island on its own was, uh, kinda, yeah, it's sorts of just there?
V2 also has a side character who suffers from not feeling love of any kind and having little empathy. Yet he is not entirely unfeeling either and he can be very much devoted looking much the part almost as if there was love. It looks a lot like it's the usual story about yeah and then this magnificent awe inspiring good natured lady is gonna make him find those traits again. It ultimately does not play out this trope the way you'd expect and I thought that it had the galls to do that was downright courageous.
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bogkeep · 2 years
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hiya! hey! welcome to my bog! my name is
Theodore Haiz Heartsword-Thyme
but you can just call me Haiz, really! i'm the bogkeep around here, so let me know if you need anything!
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About Me And This Blog Under The Cut:
in english i mainly use they/them and he/him, no particular preference!
i'm also vibing with ey/em/eir, it/its, and No Pronouns
my preferred norwegian pronouns are dem, han, and nøkk/nøkken/nøkkens
when it comes to gendered terms i prefer gender neutral + gently masculine terms, or terms used in a gender neutral manner. i don't like to be strongly gendered in either direction, and i don't want to think about my own gender more than neccessary!
the best way to describe my gender identity is Taurus II by Mike Oldfield hope this helps
it's like a barkeep but for bogs! this particular bogkeep seems to be a mix of nøkken, huldra, vodník, and possibly a changeling. maybe a cat? i wouldn't worry about it
hi i'm haiz nice to meet you. you can also call me theo or teddy if you'd like <3
i'm in my age 25+ era!
i'm norwegian and czech and currently live in, uhhhhh sweden?????
i've been many things, such as an art history student, a children's book illustrator, a volunteer for queer organizations, a hotel receptionist, And Many More. right now i am a watchmaker student. i hope to be even more things in the future!
i love to DRAW and sometimes WRITE and i have a lot of FEELINGS ABOUT THINGS
this is my personal blog where i post my art! i also post Thoughts and Feelings when the urge strikes me. you can't really get one without the other sorry
i post both Original Work and Fanart. the fandoms i dabble in tend to be a little obscure, but if you're reading this, chances are you've found me through one of them. thank you for enjoying my work <3
i also post photos sometimes
i've had this blog since 2011/2012! it's a bit of an archive. i don't mind if you root around in the old stuff, just keep in mind that it's old!
sometimes i reblog unicorns as they are a Personal Motif of mine, but pretty much all other reblogs go to my sideblog, @longlostpath
i have two other sideblogs - one for funky fashion and the intricacies of having a body @ishallwearcosmos
and a sky blog @whentheskydoesthething
this is my personal space and i decide what goes on here.
i block the following: people who engage in bad faith, people who disrespect my humanity or that of my peers, people acting awful on my posts.
i have no wish to publicly participate in the Discourses. do not mistake this for neutrality or a lack of principles - i feel very strongly about inclusion, compassion, boundaries, personal growth, the vast diversity of human experiences, and the inherent messiness of being a person. i enjoy good faith discussions, but i prefer to have them in private.
anonymous asks are turned off. if you send an ask you don't want me to publish, just let me know!
i do my best to tag common triggers but i cannot promise 100% consistency.
likewise, i do my best to write image descriptions for the art i post, but due to personal inacessibilities it's a little sporadic. i write them in the alt text when i do.
headers/icons/digital decoration?
- yes! just please credit me somewhere. anything that's just fun personal use and not in any way profiting off of my work is a-ok! in fact i am flattered and honored
- please ask me first! a lot of my work is of OCs, commissioned, or otherwise very personal - so it's a case by case decision!
real life wall decoration?
- i do have a redbubble, but it's a little limited in scope - mostly because a lot of my work is fanart of other people's property. if there's something i've made you want to see on there, let me know and i'll see what i can do! as for fanart - i'm honestly okay with people printing their own prints for their personal blorbo shrines or whatever, as long as it's not for profit! if you contact me i can even share a hi-res version of the art with you ;3c
anything AI- or blockchain related?
- nope! any use of my work in this context is without my permission.
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pumpkzsafeplace · 11 months
Me dwyed m' hwair dis mornwing! It dark bwown an da undwr-nweath lwayer ish blwond
Ohs an I fwound a cg! She bween bween kindwa buswy so far, but she weally nwice :) she nuh giv me verwy many rwules, but dat otay I gwes
Me kinda upswet (vent)
So, m' dance studwio sometwimes has self defwense kick boxwing clwasses an deres one coming up next satwurday an I weally wan go. I haven't mwissed a clwass yet. But my mom won't let me go becwause we mights be havwing dinner wif her husbwands old twuck driver mentor. Me don evwn wan oo go oo dat, me nevwr evwn met da gwuy
An me kindwa upset because m' bestfwien pwomised dat if dere was a clwass she do it wif me, (i use to da clwasses wif my boyfwien but he bwoke up wif me in june) an now she saywing she no wan do it. I knu dat she allowed oo chwange her mwind, but she pwomised. I pwetty sur we evwn pinky pwomisd on its. I knu dat I cwant go cuz m' momwy said so, but still.
Me been weally stwessed an bwurnt out lwately an me wa weally lwooking forward oo dowing a kick boxwing clwass.
M' jus fweel wike nu bodwy wike me nu mwor. M' gwanma an mom jus uwse me oo do stuffs for dem, dey don evwn say thwank oo, an m' fwiens don evwn twalk oo me anwy mwor :(
me sowwy for ventwing oo ywou, m' jus don knu wher elwse oo gwo
hihi lil bug’ 🌼
ahh that sounds super pretty! <3
& i'm super duper proud happy for you on the cargiver update! i wish you're dynamic lasts a while & is incredibly happy <3
i understand little one, when so many negitive things happen at once it can seem very consuming. almost as if you're trappd under harsh waves and can't reach the surface. you feel as if no one likes you & you're a burden to everyone and everything.
but i can promise you, that's not likely the case <3.
this old truck mentor may be very dear to your mum & that's why shes introduing you to him- because you're dear to her as well. and your friend? maybe something came up or they suddenly feel really low & down and don't want to burden you, so instead they chancge their plans to protect you <3.
you're not a burden, you're fine, okay? <3.
and if you ever get lonely, we're all here! you have a community here that loves & cares for you! how amazing is that? i bet your mum or friend don't have that much support.
you've got this sweetpea, i believe in you! <3
big hugs <3
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moondark00 · 5 months
Wenn ihr Zusammen ein Photoshooting habt(smut) 1 When you have a photoshoot together(smut) 1
Please don't be so strict with me, English is not my native language
Prolog: Ihr habt euch seit einigen Wochen nicht gesehen, wo durch seine/ihre Sehnsucht nach dir immer weiter wuchs. Sie hatten einfach einen engen Zeitplan wegen einem neuem Song und zu diesem Photoshooting wurdest du und die Freundinnen der Anderen eingeladen, dar das Konzept mit liebe zu tun hat.
Prolog: You haven't seen each other for a few weeks, where his/her longing for you continued to grow. They just had a tight schedule because of a new song and you and the others' friends were invited to this photoshoot because the concept has to do with love
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German vers: Youngbin: -Youngbin wartete auf dich am Set. Du stießt dann nach ein paar Minuten dazu, der Stylist musste noch ein wenig was an deinem Kleid machen, aus dem Grund hat es ein wenig gedauert. Als er dich so sah in diesem Dunkelrotem Kleid, viel es ihm schwer nicht auf deine Kurven zu schauen, es schmiegt perfekt an deinem Körper. Der Fotograf gab euch Anweisungen wie ihr zu posieren müsst. Die erste Pose verlangte, das du mit dem Rücken zu ihm standest und er direkt hinter dir mit seiner Hand auf deiner Taille, deine linke Hand lag dabei an seiner Wange.  Er sah leicht zur Seite hinunter zu dir und dann wurden die Fotos gemacht. Die Member waren mit sich selbst beschäftigt und bemerkten nicht die sehnsüchtigen Blicke die ihr euch zuwarft. Er beugte sich leicht nach unten um dein Ohr zu Erreichen, er flüsterte in einer tiefen Tonlage in dein Ohr:" gott...wieso siehst du heute nur so Sexy aus....so kann ich mich kaum konzentrieren....wenn wir hier fertig sind gehen wir so schnell wie möglich in mein Studio". Deine Wangen färbten sich bei seinen Worten leicht rosa und eine Gänsehaut überzog deinen kompletten Körper. Er war nicht der einzige der in dem Moment erregt war. Youngbin streifte leicht mit seinen Lippen über ein Ohr bevor er sich wieder zurücklehnte.  Sobald das Shooting vorbei war, konnte er nicht mehr warten und zog dich einfach mit in das Badezimmer, was vor Ort war. Ungeduldig und gierig  küsste er dich immer wieder, bis der dich auf die Ablage vom Waschbecken hebt und dir dein Höschen auszog.  Seine Hände gleiten deine Oberschenkel wieder hinauf und spreizte sie , während du seine Hose öffnest und deine Beine direkt um seine Hüfte schlingst. "bitte...ich kann nicht mehr warten" keuchst du Sehnsüchtig, bevor er unerwartet einfach in deine warmen Wände eindrang.  Sofort fing er an sich in dir zu bewegen, seine Stöße waren zu erst etwas langsam, aber mit der Zeit wurden sie immer stärker und schneller, er hat dich viel zu sehr vermisst um das hier lange durchhalten zu können, aber das war gar nicht so schlimm, den du wusstest das es in seinem Studio eine zweite Runde geben wird. .... English vers:
Youngbin: -Youngbin was waiting for you on set. You joined us after a few minutes, the stylist had to do a little work on your dress, which is why it took a while. When he saw you in this dark red dress, it was hard for him not to look at your curves, it hugged your body perfectly. The photographer gave you instructions on how to pose. The first pose required you to stand with your back to him and him directly behind you with his hand on your waist, your left hand resting on his cheek. He looked slightly sideways down at you and then the photos were taken. The members were busy with themselves and didn't notice the longing looks you gave each other. He leaned down slightly to reach your ear, he whispered in your ear in a low tone, "god...why do you look so sexy today...I can hardly concentrate...when "After we're done here, we'll go to my studio as quickly as possible." Your cheeks turned slightly pink at his words and goosebumps covered your entire body. He wasn't the only one who was aroused at that moment. Youngbin lightly brushed his lips over one ear before leaning back again. As soon as the shoot was over, he couldn't wait any longer and just dragged you into the bathroom, which was on site. Impatiently and greedily, he kissed you again and again until he lifted you onto the sink shelf and took off your panties. His hands slide back up your thighs, spreading them apart as you unzip his pants and wrap your legs right around his waist. "please...I can't wait any longer" you gasp longingly before he unexpectedly just penetrated your warm walls. He immediately started moving inside you, his thrusts were a little slow at first, but over time they became stronger and faster, he missed you too much to be able to keep this up for long, but that wasn't the case at all It's bad because you knew there would be a second round in his studio. ....
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German vers: Inseong: Mit Inseong Ist es ein kleines Chaos, bevor du fertig warst hat er schon wieder mit den Membern Quatsch gemacht am Set. Sein Lachen hörte direkt auf als er dich in diesem Kleid sah, du sahst wie ein Traum aus, viel zu schön um wahr zu sein. Er half dir auf die kleine Platform, wo die Fotos gemacht wurden sind. Dankend lächeltest du ihn an und seine Wangen färbten sich sofort rosa, er konnte schwören das, seine Wangen nicht das einzige waren, die deswegen warm wurden. Er war so nervös, das er nicht wusste wie ihr euch Positionieren solltet, er ging immer wieder umher und überlegte, du musstest deswegen leicht kichern, das machte ihn nur noch nervöser. Der Fotograf konnte sich das nicht länger ansehen, er gab einfach eine Anweisung.  Inseong stand seitlich da mit dir, während du dein Bein ein wenig anhobst, seine Hand lang an deinem Rücken genau über deinem Po und deine Hände lagen an seiner breiten Brust.  Es waren sehr schöne Fotos,  die Member waren beeindruckt, das es so gut aussah.  Da du dich so weit an ihn lehnst,  konnte er genau in deinen Ausschnitt sehen und erhaschte sich dadurch unabsichtlich einen kurzen Blick. Das war sein Ende, er legte seine andere Hand an deinen Hinterkopf, damit du dich ihm nicht entziehen kannst und küsste dich wie aus dem Nichts. Du erwidertest natürlich den Kuss, dabei vergisst du völlig, das alle anderen und der Fotograf, das grade gesehen haben. Du merktest, als der Kuss sich löste, das er seine Umgebung genau so wie du vergaß. Mit roten Wangen blickte er umher und bemerkt die Stille.  "hah..haha  okay das müsste an Fotos jetzt reichen, ich muss kurz mit Y/N reden" er zog dich hinter sich her, bis ihr in der Umkleide verschwand. Dort angekommen, schubste er dich leicht auf eins der Sofa und schloss die Tür dann ab,  du wusstest was jetzt kommt, so ungeduldig hast du ihn schon lange nicht mehr gesehen. Man konnte es wegen dir zum Glück nicht sehen, aber du konntest vorhin die ganze zeit seine Erektion an dir spüren. Er ging in schnellen Schritten auf dich zu und Kniete sich vor dir hin um auf Augenhöhe  zu sein. Er küsste dich wider, aber dieses mal sanfter und leidenschaftlicher. Seine Hände glitten deine Oberschenkel hinauf und zogen dabei den kleid hoch. Mit einer plötzlichen Bewegung spreizte er deine Beine und löste den Kuss. " tut mir leid aber ich kann nicht länger warten" mit dem Satz verschwand sein Kopf zwischen deinen Beinen..... English vers:
Inseong: With Inseong it's a little chaos, before you were finished he was already messing around with the members on set. His laughter stopped immediately when he saw you in that dress, you looked like a dream, far too beautiful to be true. He helped you onto the small platform where the photos were taken. You smiled gratefully at him and his cheeks immediately turned pink, he could swear that his cheeks weren't the only thing that felt warm because of it. He was so nervous that he didn't know how you were supposed to position yourself, he kept walking around and thinking, you had to giggle slightly because of it, which only made him more nervous. The photographer couldn't look at it any longer, he simply gave an instruction. Inseong stood off to the side with you as you lifted your leg a little, his hand along your back just above your butt and your hands resting on his broad chest. They were very nice photos, the members were impressed that it looked so good. Since you were leaning so far against him, he could see right into your cleavage and inadvertently caught a glimpse of it. That was the end of him, he put his other hand on the back of your head so you couldn't pull away from him and kissed you out of nowhere. Of course you returned the kiss, completely forgetting that everyone else and the photographer had just seen it. You noticed when the kiss broke that he forgot his surroundings just as you did. With red cheeks, he looked around and noticed the silence. "hah..haha okay that should be enough photos for now, I have to talk to Y/N for a moment" he pulled you behind him until you disappeared into the changing room. When he got there, he pushed you lightly onto one of the sofas and then locked the door. You knew what was coming, you hadn't seen him so impatient in a long time. Luckily you couldn't see it because of you, but you could feel his erection against you the whole time. He walked towards you in quick steps and knelt in front of you to be at eye level. He kissed you again, but this time softer and more passionately. His hands slid up your thighs, pulling up the dress. With a sudden movement he spread your legs and broke the kiss. "I'm sorry but I can't wait any longer" with that sentence his head disappeared between your legs...
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German vers:
Jaeyoon: Er stand mit dir auf einer kleinen Plattform und ihr solltet Posieren, du standest mit dem Rücken zur Kamera, Jaeyoon, stand hinter dir und legte die rechte Hand auf deine Hüfte damit das Foto etwas besitzergreifender wirkt. Von seiner Größe aus konnte er dir direkt in den Ausschnitt schauen, auch wenn er es nicht mit Absicht gemacht hat, erregte er langsam nach und nach. Seine Blicke schweiften über deinen Körper bis zu deinen freien Schulten und ganz besonders zu deinem Hals. Instinktiv und ohne nach zu denken legte er seine Lippen genau auf deinem Hals und küsst ihn entlang, die Member die grade zu sahen waren entweder überrascht oder sahen verlegen weg. Indirekt konnte man mit sowas rechnen bei Jaeyoon, aber trotzdem war man überrascht. Er bemerkt gar nicht die Blicke von den Anderen, er merkte nur wie du versuchst deine Erregung und die Gänsehaut zu verstecken. Er wanderte hinauf zu deinem Ohr und flüsterte dir hinein" ich hab dich so vermisst...wenn wir hier fertig sind werde ich dir zeigen wie sehr". Der Fotograf machte weiter Fotos und bei dem letzten wanderte Jaeyoon Hand hinunter zu deinem Hintern und griff leicht zu um dich zu ärgern, was dich erschrocken zusammen zucken lies. Als ihr Fertig wart, zog er dich mit in die jetzt Leere Umkleide und hob dich an deinen Beinen hoch, und drückte deinen Rücken gegen die geschlossene Tür. Seine Lippen fanden sofort deine, sein Kuss war wild und voller Sehnsucht. Bevor du es merkst, war dein Kleid hinauf gezogen, dein Höschen zur Seite geschoben und sein Schwanz hatte den Platz zwischen deinen samtigen Wänden gefunden. Ihr stöhntet gleichzeitig und er verweilte einige Sekunden komplett in dir, bevor er dann anfing sich langsam und intensiv zu bewegen um jeden einzelnen Zentimeter in dir zu fühlen. Seine starken Arme hielten dich an Ort und stelle, während er immer wieder dich hinauf stieß und sein Tempo erhöhte. ... English vers:
Jaeyoon: He stood with you on a small platform and you were supposed to pose, you stood with your back to the camera, Jaeyoon stood behind you and put his right hand on your hip to make the photo look a little more possessive. From his height he could look right into your cleavage, even if he didn't do it on purpose, he slowly aroused you little by little. His eyes roamed over your body to your exposed shoulders and especially to your neck. Instinctively and without thinking, he placed his lips right on your neck and kissed along it, the members who were watching were either surprised or looked away embarrassed. You could indirectly expect something like that from Jaeyoon, but you were still surprised. He doesn't even notice the looks from the others, he just notices how you try to hide your excitement and goosebumps. He moved up to your ear and whispered "I missed you so much...when we're done here I'll show you how much". The photographer continued taking photos and with the last one, Jaeyoon's hand moved down to your ass and grabbed it lightly to tease you, making you jump in shock. When you were done, he pulled you into the now empty locker room and lifted you up by your legs, pressing your back against the closed door. His lips found yours immediately, his kiss was wild and full of longing. Before you knew it, your dress had been hiked up, your panties pushed to the side, and his cock had found the space between your velvety walls. You moaned at the same time and he stayed completely inside you for a few seconds before he started moving slowly and intensely to feel every single inch inside you. His strong arms held you in place as he kept thrusting up into you, increasing his pace. ... please don't copi it :)
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mooniebatz · 6 months
sillies I do when I age regressed!!
♥️forget how to walk sometimes,,, pup wik, since therian, I walk on fours lol
🤍 forget how to spell big words!
♥️I fall eep soooo easyyyy wik, all need ta dos is talk bunch or let me listen to Asmr. Boom. Pup out
🤍I giggle so much, I is more excited n emotional n expressive!
♥️wen mad/sad/panik I wik, stomp my feet or wave my hands roun cuz hab go much nebetib enegy in me!!
🤍I bark/woof/growl/purr/whine wen little lots! Maybe dis mor therian,,, but wa wberrrrr
♥️wen too tini, I go mute! Making only wik, sounds n nuh words!
🤍I make my oc’s /hyperfixated characters/fictinal crsuhes into stuffies! So I can bee wit dem mor teehee
anybooooo dat it! :3 I jus wanted ta mak dis :D <3333 hab goo dey/niniiii eberyponyy I iz soooo epppy lellll it 11:30pm
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shoobydoo · 1 year
Terf - not a slur
the whole MASSIVE negative chronotation attached to the word terf by confused men in women's clothes and women who, as always, let those same men tell them what's what, is based on the fact that it excludes transactivism from feminism. Which should be 100% consistent with trans activism. Trans women like to emphasise how oppressed they feel by cis women and that they want to do their own thing.
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At the same time, they tend to be radically brutal mysoginists as soon as they feel they are being "excluded". No cis-woman forbids trans-women, or rather, men who like to conform to the extreme patriarchal image of women, to create their own spaces. But that people who have been treated as men by society all their lives now all of a sudden also want to invade the far too few and very vulnerable spaces of real women would simply be accepted as a no-go by true feminists and feminists. In Radical Feminism, the socially constructed gender is to be completely abolished. Trans people are people who assign themselves to a socially constructed gender. Because the biological gender, which radical feminists want to have as the only one, is not a feeling. That is the truth. It is nothing more than an organ. You don't feel your left arm, your heart, your intestine or your kidney all the time. So feeling "no gender" simply means that you haven't internalised the socially constructed gender, not that you are nonbinary or something. And since socially constructed gender has only brought bad things to women and men for millennia, it's logical that women don't want to be told by men, who can only have a superficial idea of what it means to be a woman, that by conforming to female stereotypes they are one of them. They are not. One becomes a woman through different hormone secretion, the period, the uterus, breasts, the vagina and above all growing up as a woman. No man can feel that. After all, hormone therapies are only started AFTER men identify as "women".
die ganze MASSIVE negative chronotation, die dem worte terf von verwirrten Männern in Frauenkleidern und Frauen die sich wie immer von eben jenen Männern sagen lassen, wa sache ist angehängt wird, beruht darauf also dass es Transaktivismus aus dem Feminismus ausschließt. Was mit dem Transaktivismus doch eigentlich 100% übereinstimmen müsste. Transfrauen betonen gerne, wiesehr sie sich von cis-Frauen unterdrückt fühlen und dass sie gerne ihr eigenes Ding machen wollen.
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Gleichzeitig neigen sie zu radikal-brutaler mysoginie, sobald sie dass Gefühl haben "ausgeschlossen" zu werden. Keine Cis-Frau verbietet Trans-Frauen oder besser gesagt, Männer die gerne den extrem patriarchalen Frauenbild entsprechen wollen, sich ihre eigenen Räume zu schaffen. Aber das Menschen, die ihr Leben lang als Männer von der Gesellschaft behandelt wurden, jetzt auf einmal auch in die viel zu wenigen und sehr verletztlichen Räume von echten Frauen eindringen wollen, würde von wahren Feministen und Feministinnen einfach als no-go akzeptiert werden. Im Radikalen Feminismus soll das sozial konstruierte Geschlecht komplett abgeschafft werden. Trans- Menschen sind Menschen, die sich einem sozial konstruierten geschlecht zuorden. Weil das biologische Geachlecht, welches Radikal Feministinnen als das einzige haben wollen, nunmal kein Gefühl ist. Das ist die Wahrheit. Es ist nichts mehr als ein Organ. Ihr fühlt ja auch nicht durchgängig euren linken Arm, eurer Herz, euren Darm oder eure Niere. Sich also als "kein Geschlecht" fühlen, bedeutet einfach nur dass man das sozial konstruierte Geschlecht nicht verinnerlicht hat, nicht dass man nonbinary oder so ist. Und da sozial konstruiertes Geschlecht Frauen und Männern seit Jahrtausenden nur schlechtes bringt, ist es doch logisch dass Frauen sich von Männern, die ja nur eine oberflächliche Vorstellung davon haben können, was es heißt Frau zu sein nicht erzählen lassen wollen, dass diese durch das anpassen an weibliche stereotypen eine von ihnen sind. Das sind sie nicht. Man wird zur Frau durch unterschiedliche Hormonausschüttung, die Regel, den Uterus, Brüste, die Vagina und vor allem das Aufwachsen als Frau. Kein Mann kann das erfühlen. Hormontherapien werden ja schließlich erst begonnen, NACHDEM Männer sich als "Frauen" identifizieren.
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rirismommyspace · 10 months
Hiiis ririis:D I haz a quesom! I haz a paci cowecton an I gonna get two mores custums! (Ans pwolly mak ones mysewf) tan i show ou wen I do gets dem?
I was tinkin abow geting matcin ones frum da sam animee (bakugo an dekuu) ors ges (bakugo an aziaww) wemme know wa you tink!
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˚₊✩‧₊ ohmygosh I can't believe I got to this ask so late ! My sincerest apologies Darling !!! (also can I just say that I love your blog ??? Your writing and everything ??? So fun so cute !! Love love love)
I'd absolutely love love love to see it when you get them !! That would make me very happy <3 and hmmm ~ if you haven't gotten them already and still want an opinion ! I think both are really really good options !! ( but I'd personally go with Bakugo & Deku) although Aizawa is an amazing choice too- so it's really just up to you Sweetheart !
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mydeen · 1 year
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Hajj Mubarak!
Allah’s Messenger ﷺ said, “(The following are) two words (sentences) that are very easy for the tongue to say, and very heavy in the balance (of reward), and most beloved to the Gracious Almighty [And they are]:
SubhaanAllahi wa bi-hamdi,
SubhaanAllahi'l Azheem!
 سُبْحَانَاللَّهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ، سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ العَظِي!
Glory be to Allah and all praise is due to him, glory be to Allah the great!
Ehre sei Allah und alles Lob gebührt ihm, Ehre sei Allah, dem Großen!
[Sahih al-Bukhari 6682]
It is not difficult to say, why not say it while driving or walking, as it could be the last word you say, so it will intercede for you on the Day of Resurrection.
Even the remembrances do not take more than five minutes in your day it will make a difference in the quality of your life. ✅💯
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everglowstardust · 1 year
Yes, I'm
English Translation:
Yes, I’m HERO
I’ll take you with me, just like this
Yes, I’m HERO
Far away, to someplace you’ve never seen
Yes, I’m HERO
I’ll take you with me, just like this
Yes, I’m HERO
Far away, to someplace you’ve never seen
Started with a Superball-like rebound
I can’t be a prince on a white horse, you know
“Won’t I do?” rewind
The era started moving in 1993
An unusual, thorny path
Long hair fluttering in the wind
1996, suddenly
People disappear from the night streets
Involved generation
I just do it
Until time stops
life is beautiful
A hundred million stars fall on the forest of sleepless buildings
One by one they’re shining, shining, yeah
The destination of that contrail
Look up at it and give a thumbs up (good luck!)
Yes, I’m HERO
I’ll take you with me, just like this
Yes, I’m HERO
Far away, to someplace you’ve never seen
Yes, I’m HERO
I’ll take you with me, just like this
Yes, I’m HERO
Far away, to someplace you’ve never seen
Leave it to the captain, leave this game to me
Leave the steering wheel to me, leave this race to me
Leave the industry to me, leave this country to me
That’s pretty admirable to take responsibility like that
“Unlikeness” is precisely “likeness”
Impossible started to become possible with “we gotta win!”
Every time we change into our uniforms
We rewrite history
Right in the middle of an unconventional someday
Will you accept the next unreasonable request?
We lose memories to the point of dizziness
But there’s pain because we aren’t AI
Unstoppable evolution
The time is Reiwa
If you’re aiming for it, 3 stars
Hey, demon instructor
It isn’t just black or white, we’re living together in a gray era
Through hardships we’re riding, riding, yeah
On the day this rain stops
That smile under that mask
Show it to me
Yes, I’m HERO
I’ll take you with me, just like this
Yes, I’m HERO
Far away, to someplace you’ve never seen
Yes, I’m HERO
I’ll take you with me, just like this
Yes, I’m HERO
Far away, to someplace you’ve never seen
The cheers that encouraged me and
The gazes that encouraged me and
The generous applause and responses
There’s a hint in harsh opinions
The cheers that encouraged me and
The gazes that encouraged me and
The generous applause and responses
You who give them all to me are the HERO
Yes, I’m HERO
Romaji Lyrics:
Yes, I’m HERO
kono mama tsuretette yaru ze
Yes, I’m HERO
mita koto mo nai hodo tooku e
Yes, I’m HERO
kono mama tsuretette yaru ze
Yes, I’m HERO
mita koto mo nai hodo tooku e
moto wa suupaabooru mitai na hanekkaeri
hakuba no ouji ni wa narenai shi
ore ja dame ka? tt makikaeshi
jidai ga ugokidasu 1993
katayaburi ibara no michi
kaze ni nabikaseta nagai kami
1996 itsu no ma ni
hito ga inaku naru yoru no machi
makikonda generation
I just do it
toki ga tomaru hodo
life is beautiful
nemurenai biru no mori ni furu ichi oku no hoshi no hitotsu
hitokiwa shining shining yeah
ano hikooki gumo no yukue
nagamete oyayubi wo tate (good luck!)
Yes, I’m HERO
kono mama tsuretette yaru ze
Yes, I’m HERO
mita koto mo nai hodo tooku e
Yes, I’m HERO
kono mama tsuretette yaru ze
Yes, I’m HERO
mita koto mo nai hodo tooku e
makase na kyaputen makase na kono geemu
makase na handoru makase na kono reesu
makase na zaibatsu makase na kono kuni koto
tte na guai ni shottetatsu migoto ni
“rashikunasa” koso “rashisa” to bakari ni
nashi wo ari ni shitekita 「we gotta win!!!」
seifuku ga kawaru tabi
nurikaeteku rekishi
itsuka no katayaburi do mannaka ni
uketetatsu ka tsugi no muchaburi
kioko nakusu hodo memagurushi
dem AI janai kara aru itami
tomaranai eboryuushon
toki wa reiwa
ude nara mitsuboshi
na oni kyoukan
shiro kuro dake ja warikirenu guree na jidai tomo ni ikiru
aranami ni riding riding yeah
kono ame ga yanda hi ni wa
sono kamen no shita no egao
misete kure
Yes, I’m HERO
kono mama tsuretette yaru ze
Yes, I’m HERO
mita koto mo nai hodo tooku e
Yes, I’m HERO
kono mama tsuretette yaru ze
Yes, I’m HERO
mita koto mo nai hodo tooku e
ore wo furui tatasu kansei to
ore wo furui tatasu manzashi to
oshiminai hakushu ya resuponsu
kibishii iken ni wa hinto
ore wo furui tatasu kansei to
ore wo furui tatasu manzashi to
oshiminai hakushu ya resuponsu
kureru kimi koso ga HERO
Yes, I’m HERO
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impressive-cars · 2 years
Najlepszy Car Wash
Auto Detailing Grodzisk Mazowiecki utworzony zosta? z pasji do aut. Dlatego nasi Klienci mog? by? przekonani, ?e zajmiemy si? ich pojazdami tak, aby prezentowa?y si? super, nawet je?li przeby?y ju? mn?stwo kilometr?w. W naszym auto spa robimy to dzi?ki temu, ?e po?wi?camy nasz? uwag? zar?wno ?rodkowi auta, i r?wnie? jego cz??ciom zewn?trznym. Po fachowym wysprz?taniu ?rodka, ma miejsce woskowanie lub glinkowanie wraz z polerka samochodowa, aby osi?gn?? niemal pozbawione skaz wyko?czenie. Poza pozbyciem si? istniej?cych niedoskona?o?ci lakieru, bardzo wa?ne jest r?wnie? zabezpieczenie go na przysz?o??. Dlatego w Auto Spa Grodzisk Mazowiecki mo?emy na?o?y? warstw? polimerow? , kt?ra chroni lakier przed negatywnymi czynnikami zewn?trznymi. Auto detailing to zestaw us?ug, kt?re koncentruj? si? na utrzymaniu pojazdu w ?wietnym stanie, nie tylko pod wzgl?dem technicznym, lecz kosmetycznym. Czyli, aby pojazd wygl?da? jak niemal prosto od dealera, pomimo, ?e na liczniku ma ju? dziesi?tki, a nawet setki tysi?cy przejechanych kilometr?w. Mo?na to uzyska? dzi?ki eliminacji zanieczyszcze? z wn?trza auta oraz dzi?ki umyciu i polerowaniu zewn?trznej cz??ci pojazdu, aby osi?gn?? wyko?czenie prawie idealne. Najprostsze opcje auto detailingu zawieraj? mycie nadwozia i woskowanie plus odkurzanie i czyszczenie wn?trza. Godna uwagi jest r?wnie? us?uga renowacji lakieru, kt?ra eliminuje wi?kszo?? przebarwie? oraz niewielkich rys. Jedn? z mo?liwych opcji, wykonywanych w ramach auto detailingu jest glinkowanie. Glinkowanie polega na dog??bnym oczyszczeniu lakieru lub innej powierzchni z r??nych zabrudze? np. resztki zabitych owad?w, naloty rdzy, sadza, ?ywica, drobiny asfaltu oraz r??nego pochodzenia py?. Car Wash Trzeba u?ci?li?, ?e samo glinkowanie nie usuwa rys, ale wyci?ga z nich nieczysto?ci, nie zmniejszaj?c grubo?ci lakieru. St?d mo?na glinkowanie bezpiecznie zleca? od czasu do czasu bez obawy o to, ?e uszkodzimy przez to jako?? lakieru naszego pojazdu.
W Auto Detailing Grodzisk Mazowiecki opr?cz standardowego glinkowania, mo?na r?wnie? zleci? wykonanie tej us?ugi wraz z korekt? lakieru, pozwalaj?c? pozby? si? do 70% rys. W Auto Detailing Grodzisk Mazowiecki mo?liwe jest wykonanie us?ugi na?o?enia polimeru. Warstwa polimerowa to specjalny preparat zawieraj?cy sk?adniki organiczne i nieorganiczne, kt?ry nak?ada si? w specjalny spos?b na lakier samochodowy. Cho? pow?oka ta jest cieniutka (jej grubo?? po aplikacji to dziesi?tne cz??ci milimetra!), to stanowi warstw? zabezpieczaj?c? lakier przed dzia?aniem szkodliwych czynnik?w zewn?trznych. Dzi?ki temu spe?nia r??ne funkcje: * Bardzo dobrze chroni auto nie tylko przed zabrudzeniami, ale te? przed kwasami, zadrapaniami, promieniowaniem UV oraz substancjami chemicznymi. * Zapewnia znakomit? ochron? lakieru, nadaj?c mu dodatkowo intensywno?? oraz g??bi?. * Wyr?wnuje powierzchni? bez zb?dnych hologram?w i odbi?. Indywidualne polimery s? o wiele mniejsze od cz?steczek wody a dzi?ki temu maj? w?a?ciwo?ci hydrofobowe, czyli odpychaj? od siebie cz?steczki wody. Dlatego te? powierzchnia zabezpieczona polimerami jest wodoodporna a pojazd d?u?ej pozostaje czysty, bo brud z trudem do niej przylega. A gdy samoch?d w ko?cu jednak ulegnie zabrudzeniu, to dzi?ki zabezpieczeniu polimerami ?atwiej go b?dzie umy?. Detailing to zestaw us?ug kt?re maj? na celu utrzymanie pojazdu w ?wietnym stanie, ale nie pod wzgl?dem mechanicznym, lecz estetyki. Czyli po prostu, aby pojazd prezentowa? si? jak nowy, nawet je?li przeby? ju? setki tysi?cy kilometr?w. Osi?ga si? to dzi?ki temu, ?e specjali?ci profesjonalnie czyszcz? i poleruj? zewn?trzne cz??ci pojazdu, aby osi?gn?? prawie bez skaz wyko?czenie. Detailing zawiera r?wnie? us?ugi takie jak korekta lakieru, dzi?ki czemu mo?na si? pozby? przebarwie?, zmatowie? oraz drobnych zarysowa?. Wa?nym elementem car detailingu jest r?wnie? zabezpieczenie lakieru na przysz?e lata. S?u?? do tego specjalne pow?oki ochronne (np. polimery), kt?re naniesione na lakier utrudniaj? przez jaki? czas przyklejanie si? zanieczyszcze?. Jednak auto SPA to nie tylko zabiegi skoncentrowane na lakierze, lecz tak?e detailing ?rodka auta. W czasie wykonywania tej us?ugi, wn?trze pojazdu jest dok?adnie czyszczone, tapicerka prana, czy?ci si? te? elementy plastikowe. Dzi?ki fachowo wykonanej us?udze samoch?d mo?e wygl?da? naprawd? ?wietnie, niemal jakby dopiero opu?ci? salon. Dlatego o auto trzeba systematycznie dba?, aby m?c cieszy? si? nim przez d?ugi czas. Cho? wiele r??nych czynnik?w mo?e wp?yn?? na podj?cie decyzji o zakupie pojazdu, to u jej podstaw zawsze b?dzie ch?? posiadania w?asnego ?rodka transportu. Trzeba jeszcze doda?: ?rodka lokomocji, na kt?rym mo?na polega?, dlatego te? wszyscy wiemy, ?e dbanie o to, aby auto d?ugo na s?u?y?o, to sprawa zasadnicza. Ale wi?kszo?? z nas ? posiadaczy samochod?w ? wola?aby r?wnie?, aby nasze pojazdy dobrze prezentowa?y si? nie tylko, zaraz po kupnie, ale zawsze. Pom?c nam w tym mo?e auto detailing. Auto detailing to pakiet us?ug koncentruj?cych si? na wygl?dzie auta. W tym pakiecie zawiera si? dok?adne mycie r?czne pojazdu oraz sprz?tanie jego wn?trza. Potem ma miejsce glinkowanie i polerowanie , kt?re ma poprawi? wygl?d lakieru. Mo?na tak?e zabezpieczy? go na przysz?o?? poprzez na?o?enie pow?oki polimerowej, kt?ra chroni? b?dzie lakier przed negatywnym dzia?aniem r??nego rodzaju czynnik?w. Po takim auto spa, ka?dy samoch?d b?dzie wygl?da? ?wietnie, nawet je?li na liczniku ma ju? wiele tysi?cy przejechanych kilometr?w.
Czyszczenie auta jest jedn? z niezb?dnych czynno?ci, kt?r? nale?y wykonywa? cyklicznie, aby samoch?d dobrze si? prezentowa?. Pojazd mo?na oczywi?cie umy? samemu r?cznie, ale trzeba mie? na uwadze, ?e ?le dobrane p?yny oraz ?cierki do czyszczenia, mog? zadrapa? pow?ok? lakierow?. Poza tym, nie ka?dy ma mo?liwo?ci (np. mieszka?cy blok?w) oraz czas, aby umy? pojazd samemu. Podobnie wygl?da sytuacja w przypadku myjni automatycznej: stare i zniszczone szczotki mog? zniszczy? lakier, dodatkowo, pojazdy cz?sto wyje?d?aj? z takiej myjni niedomyte. Z kolei niew?a?ciwe obs?ugiwanie myjni bezdotykowych, szczeg?lnie gdy wyst?puj? ju? na lakierze zadrapania, mo?e spowodowa? jego dalsze uszkodzenie. Je?li natomiast przeka?emy nasz samoch?d specjalistom, mo?emy czu? si? przekonani, ?e: *Wykorzystaj? najodpowiedniejsze dla naszego auta p?yny, *U?ywa? b?d? w?a?ciwych myjek oraz szczotek, *Dok?adnie doczyszcz? nawet bardzo zabrudzone zakamarki, *Wyczyszcz? nasz samoch?d w ?rodku, *Je?li b?dzia taka potrzeba, dokonaj? drobnych korekt pow?oki lakierowej lub jej polerowania. Odje?d?aj?c autem po tak specjalistycznym myciu, w?a?ciciel z pewno?ci? b?dzie mia? wra?enie, jakby jecha? nowszym autem. Co psuje lakier samochodowy? Lakier samochodowy wystawiony jest na dzia?anie wielu r??nych czynnik?w zewn?trznych takich, jak np. promieniowanie UV, du?e r??nice temperatur, ekstremalne temperatury. Dodatkowo smo?a drogowa, chemia typu antyl?d albo owady uderzaj?ce w samoch?d w czasie jazdy, z czasem powoduj? zmatowienie lakieru samochodowego. Nawet korzystanie z myjni automatycznej albo bezdotykowej mog? spowodowa? uszkodzenia lakieru. Co to jest polerowanie lakieru? Chocia? na wi?kszo?? opisanych wy?ej spraw nie mo?emy wp?yn?? i powolna degradacja lakieru jest nieunikniona, to jednak dzi?ki polerce mo?liwe jest przywr?cenie blasku i korekta lakieru. Polerowanie pojazdu to us?uga ?cierania pow?oki lakierowej a? do usuni?cia cienkiej, uszkodzonej warstwy zawieraj?cej rysy, mikrouszkodzenia oraz hologramy. Jak przygotowywane jest auto do polerowania? Polerka lakieru jest zabiegiem wieloetapowym, przed kt?rym musi mie? miejsce dok?adne umycie auta. Jest to niezb?dn?, aby zupe?nie usun?? brud, piasek i wszelkie zanieczyszczenia organiczne, mog?ce negatywnie wp?yn?? na polerowanie. Po myciu auto musi zupe?nie wyschn??. Bardzo wa?nym etapem przygotowawczym jest te? ochrona tych cz??ci auta, kt?re s? blisko lakieru, a nie zostan? polerowane, jak np. listwy, ramy szyb i lamp, klamki. Aby to zrobi? ochrania si? je wysokogatunkow? ta?m? malarsk?, aby uchroni? je przed przedostaniem si? na nie pasty. Polerka auta Sama polerka lakieru musi przebiega? w systematyczny spos?b. Oznacza to, ?e skupiamy si? na fragmencie lakieru i dopiero po wykonaniu wszystkich czynno?ci zajmujemy si? kolejnym. Dzi?ki temu nie pozwalamy pa?cie polerskiej nadmiernie wyschn??, przenosimy si? na kolejny fragment karoserii. Po wypolerowaniu ca?ego samochodu dodatkowo mo?na na?o?y? na niego warstw? wosku chroni?c? lakier przed promieniami UV. Jak wygl?da pojazd po polerce? Rezultaty polerki samochodowej samochodu s? spektakularne a pojazd po takiej us?udze zdecydowanie przyci?ga spojrzenia. Lakier jest l?ni?cy i r?wny, co sprawia, ?e brud i woda ?atwiej z niego sp?ywaj?. Kolor jest wyra?ny a zarysowania i hologramy na lakierze ? niezauwa?alne. Samoch?d og?lnie wygl?da o wiele lepiej, a to ma te? wp?yw na jego wycen?. Jak przed?u?y? rezultaty polerki? Je?li chcemy, aby niesamowity efekt otrzymany w czasie polerki lakieru utrzymywa? si? na d?u?ej, powinni?my dba? o nasz samoch?d. Chodzi tu przede wszystkim o jego czyszczenie ? trzeba zrezygnowa? z automatycznych myjni. Poza tym, ?e mog? w nich znajdowa? si? s?abe jako?ciowo lub zniszczone szczotki, to znajduj?ce si? na nich drobiny piasku mog? ponownie uszkodzi? lakier. O wiele lepszym rozwi?zaniem jest mycie r?czne. Ale te? trzeba zwr?ci? uwag? na w?a?ciwe, wysokiej jako?ci akcesoria, jak np. r?kawice z mikrow??kna. Oczywi?cie najlepiej by?oby, aby auto by?o parkowane w gara?u. Je?li jednak to nie jest mo?liwe, dobrym rozwi?zaniem jest woskowanie lub na?o?enie polimeru. Bardzo cienka pow?oka tego rodzaju tworzy warstw? zabezpieczaj?c? lakier przed dzia?aniem szkodliwych czynnik?w zewn?trznych. Polerowanie samodzielne czy u specjalisty? Do polerowania auta mo?na zabra? si? samemu. Jednak trzeba by? gotowym na po?wi?cenie na to du?o czasu, a mo?e nawet ca?ego weekendu.
Poza tym istnieje niebezpiecze?stwo, ?e niew?a?ciwe polerowanie mo?e przynie?? wi?cej szkody ni? po?ytku. Koncentruj?c si? na pozbywaniu si? rys, mo?emy przegrza? lakier albo utworzy? hologramy.
St?d lepiej jednak zwr?ci? si? z tym do profesjonalist?w, kt?rzy maj? w tym do?wiadczenie. A samemu po prostu p??niej cieszy? si? b?yszcz?cym autem na d?u?ej.
car detailing grodzisk mazowiecki auto detailing grodzisk mazowiecki car detailing grodzisk detailing samochodowy auto detailing grodzisk https://najlepszycarwash172.blogspot.com/
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luiz-henrique · 2 years
=”[ A GRANDE CLAVÍCULA -: Livro Terceiro , a Obra Magistral ]”=
-:”{ Abertura }”-:
“ Em Memória de Howard Philips Lovecraft ào Rei do Terror Al Dajjal (...) !!! “
-:”( Dedicação)”-:
“ Dedico esta Obra para o Grande Escritor e Amigo Michael W.Ford..., como também para a Ordem dos Illuminati e aos Outros e Específicos que Buscam Contato com o Ultra Co - Incógnito e Grande Desconhecido...,
Esta Obra composta de Quatro Secções -: Alpha , Delta , Sigma , e Ômega..., que Constituem uma Única Integração, Rito e Chamada..., que todo aquele ou aquela que se atrever a Bater nas Portas do Desconhecido..., deve Efetivar esta Chamada , as Quatro Partes..., sem Interrupção, em Local: Lugar e Condições Adequados , com o Incrementar Ritual, Sem Círculo Mágico como chamam , pois quem nada deve a Deus , nada tem a temer , Entretanto se pode nada dever para Deus e Sucumbir , pelo Presente dado em desde a Malevolência, onde não basta nada dever , Precisa da Assistência e Presença Divina..., E no Bater a Porta , Ela poderá ou não ser aberta desde Quem está do Outro Lado...,começe traçando com a Mão Esquerda ou Sinistra a chamada “ Marca de Caim...,” Símbolo da Primeira Espada e da Chave das Portas da Obscuridade..., que dentro de algumas tradições se Assemelha ao Número Sete : 7 (...). “
=”[ SECÇÃO -: ALPHA]”=
“ ( Pronuncie Três vezes )”-:
“ Não está Morto , Aquele que em Mais que Eterno Jaz...,
e o Além do Tempo, até mesmo o Morrer Desfaz...,
em seu Refúgio e Morada Oculta...,
o INOMINÁVEL -: Espreita , Vislumbra e Espera...,
como que à Sonhar (...)!!! “
-:”( Segue pronunciando uma só vez )”-:
“Em Nome...,
Pelo Poder...,
E pela Majestade...,
Que é ALLAHU AKBAR (...)!!!-:
EHEIEH (...)!!!-:
IOD- HÉ- VAU- HÉ...,
DEUS (...)!!!-:
Que sois Vós , o próprio ALLAH...,
Com seus Noventa e Nove Nomes Sagrados...,
Com Vosso Nome Sagrado (...)-:
Allah (الله) Deus(...)-: Al Rahman : Al Rahim : Al Malik : Al Quddus : Al Salam : Al Um’min : Al Muhaymin : Al ‘Aziz : Al Jabbar : Al Mutakabbir : Al Khaliq : Al Bari’ : Al Musawwir : Al Ghaffar : Al Qahhar : Al Wahhab : Al Razzaq : Al Fattah : Al Alim : Al Qabid : Al Basit : Al Khafid : Al Rafi’ : Al Um’izz : Al Mudhill : Al Sami’ : Al Basir : Al Hakam : Al ‘Adl : Al Latif : Al Khabir : Al Halim : Al ‘Azim : Al Ghafur : Al Shakur : Al ‘Ali : Al Kabir : Al Hafiz : Al Muqit : Al Hasib : Al Jalil : Al Karim : Al Raqib : Al Mujib : Al Wasi’ : Al Hakim : Al Wadud : Al Majid : Al Ba’ith : Al Shahid : Al Haqq : Al Wakil : Al Qawiyy : Al Matin : Al Wali : Al Hamid : Al Muhsi : Al Mubdi’ : Al Um’id : Al Muhyi : Al Mumit : Al Hayy : Al Qayyum : Al Wajid : Al Majid : Al Wahid : Al Samad : Al Qadir : Al Muqtadir : Al Muqaddim : Al Um’akhkhir : Al Awwal : Al Akhir : Al Zahir : Al Batin : Al Wali : Al Muta’al : Al Barr : Al Tawwab : Al Muntaqim : Al ‘Afuww : Al Ra’uf : Malik al Mulk : Dhu al Jalal wa al Ikram : Al Muqsit : Al Jami’ : Al Ghani : Al Mughni : Al Mani’ : Al Darr : Al Nafi’ : Al Nur : Al Hadi : Al Badi : Al Baqi : Al Warith : Al Rashid : Al Sabur (...)-:
ALLAHU AKBAR (...)!!!-:
pelo qual Noventa e Nove : 99 são Nove e Nove , e Assim Dezoito : 18 , que por sua vez é 6 6 6...,
Logo , ante sua Glória Divina Maior...
A Besta -: Chioa...,
Zhyon ...,
Deve Servir ao mesmo DEUS...,
Este..., DEUS (...)-:
“ que Cria Monstros e Terríveis Guardiões , como a Leviathan ( Leviatã) na Porta do Éden..., para Proteger seus Reinos, Impérios e o Mais..., como a Espada Terrível que Guarda a Árvore da Vida , desde sua Sombra...,
A Nomeada Morte ...,”
onde (...)-:
“ o Reino de DEUS se encontra Sob a Sombra de Espadas (...)!!!”...,
Ante Vos : DEUS...,
O próprio Demônio , que de DEUS Conhece seus Segredos Mais Preciosos...,
Deve Honrar e Servir aos Sagrados e Divinos Mistérios...,
À Glória Divina Maior...,
Como na Lenda de Salomão -: Sal- om- on..., que Edificou seu Templo com as Colunas Jakin e Bohaz (...)-: Kadosh...,
Edul- Pen- Gagú...,
Sheckinah (...) -: Phe Vimns Dasah : o Ôlho que Tudo Vê...,
IHVH (...)!!!-:
Se Valendo de “ Mais que as Mil e uma Noites...,”
Do Serviço dos “ Mais que Mil e um Demônios...,”
daí o Rememorar do Lemegeton ,
ante o mesmo SHEMMANPHORASH...,
onde das Atribuídas Ruínas do Templo de Salomão...,
Nunca encontraram o “ Vaso de Latão...,”
Do mesmo módo que os Três Espíritos Malignos que Surgem de Satan , o Dragão...,
e os Três Espíritos Malignos que Surgem do Trono da Besta -: Chioa , Zhyon (Zhyon)...,
e os Três Espíritos Malignos que Surgem do Falso Profeta , de fato...,
Al Dajjal...,
Dariam também a Ênfase dos Nove...,
E Cinco Letras tem NEKAM , a Justa Vingança...,
E Cinco Letras tem SATAN...,
E Cinco Letras tem ALLAH...,
está o Simbolismo da Primeira Palavra , Nesta Versão -:
Chéremitarouere , com seus Cinco Tons...,
Ante Moritolyf , e mesma Gimela , Nahash , a Serpente do Éden, Lilith...,
A Grande Rainha da 🌃...,
Ante o Arcano que Abre as Portas , com suas Notas Secretas da Escala Musical (...)-:
“ EFE - ESM - PER - TIR – SAR - FIL – LAU...,”
Plus Ultra(...)-:
A Canção Feérica dos Jinas Cantada pelas Variantes – , Fadas e Outras nas Notas Secretas...,
IBEDEVI , o Nome da Barca Metafórica que Através das Brumas Leva até Avallon (...)-:
Is- Sidhes , a Grande Senhora...,
Ante a Palavra Perdida...,
Que na Ênfase da Oculta Versão , se Escreve de Forma Diferente , com sua Pronúncia Velada , e Assim Entoada nas Notas Secretas...,
Gravada no Interior do Sheckinah , em Letras Douradas , na Grafia Hebraica , em Sobre o Negro Ônix...,
I- HIH - G(GUI)- Ô- HOH...,
Quem é (...)?-:
É o Hieros Theos , o Verbo Divino (...)-:
ante Este (...)-:
Kumapári et Sekárika...,
Estas Facetas do mesmo Demônio (...)-:
HVHI , OAI , UOEI : UÉJ , HOH- Z- HIH , CHAVAH – JOT (...)-:
Chavajoth , o Cavaleiro Negro Terrível...,
HWH - HÉ - VAU- Z – HÉ - IOD - HWH...,
Com suas Sete Notas Musicais Secretas...,
HOH - Ô - G(GUI) - HIH - I...,
WOI , ENUOYO ( Oposto de -: OIW -: OYOUNE )...,
DRAKÚL , Dragão...,
E seu Verbo DRAKULAH...,
NAMAHARB ( Oposto a BRAHAMAN )...,
RA - TH (Pronúncia Sibilante) - MA...,
MO(Oposto a OM)...,
MUA ( Oposto a AUM )...,
Que Deve Honrar e Servir ao GLORIOSO DEUS INDIZÍVEL que è ALLAHU AKBAR...,
Ante sua Glória Maior...,
o Serve a seu módo...,
Tamemdonare , e mesmo Caim : Qayin...,
O próprio Adamu , o Vermelho (...)-:
Baphometh (...)!!! “
Este Rito e Obra Interrupta na Secção Delta )-:
1 note · View note
drmaqazi · 2 months
How come all so-called Non-Muslims are attacking ISLAM day and night for reasons best known to them?
Some of these people are IGNORANT, and don't know anything about their own Religion or practice it either, but all of a sudden, they are experts on ISLAM. Please explain it to me, HOW?
I am a SENIOR CITIZEN by the Grace of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala(God Almighty), I have started my 85th Happy Birthday on October 1, 2023, and hope and pray that many more will come, In shaa Allah! 
All Praises are due to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala (God Almighty), ALONE, Who made me what I am, and Who Gave me what I have. Al-Hamdo lillahi Rabb-il 'aalameen.
Attached herewith is an article, WHY BLAME CHRISTIANS, HINDUS AND JEWS FOR GENOCIDE, for your information, kind consideration and perusal. 
Thanking you in anticipation and hoping to hear  from again, soon,
Your brother in Humanity at Large, from One Man (Adam) One Woman (Eve), whether you beleve it or not. By the way, some of them believe in Darwin's Theory, which, I, as a Muslim do not, because it is still a theory. 
I am SORRY to say that all those people who believe in DARWIN may be from MONKEYS, but I am not. Thank God Almighty, Who made me a human being (Insan) and a Muslim. All Praises are due to God Almighty, ALONE!
______________ ______________________________________
August 2023:
About a month ago, a video emerged of an Indian teacher telling students to slap a 7-year-old classmate. The boy had gotten his multiplication tables wrong, but his real crime was being an Indian Muslim.
Since 1947, India used to be a secular democracy, but its current leader, Narendra Modi of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), advances a radically different vision. Modi wants India to become a Hindu nation, in which India’s religious minorities (about 20% of the population) are second-class citizens and Muslims especially (about 14% of Indians) are compelled to accept increasing majoritarian violence. 
Indeed, stories of terrorizing Indian Muslims have become depressingly common in Modi’s India, with human rights groups documenting rising violence with each passing year. International groups, such as Freedom House and V-Dem, consider India only “partly free” and an “electoral autocracy” owing to the sharp decline of human and civil rights.
4th of July, 2023 - Happy Independence Day to all Americans. On this day, I aim not to spoil your festivities but only draw your attention to something serious which is happening in the world since a decade after 9/11. Islam is actually a peaceful religion but some countries in the West are hell-bent on associating it with violence and terrorism. We should attach peace with all three Abrahamic religions and that's where this email which I received today is important to read. Please go through it yourself and any references of Christianity here are only meant to serve as examples:
Individuals, not religions, carry out inhuman activities. PERIOD!.
Islam is a religion of peace, accepted and practiced by more than 1.25 billion people worldwide. It is the fastest-growing religion in the world, and if it was what some critics claim, why should the people from all walks of life from around the world keep embracing Islam?
Where is the sword now?
In Islam, a person has the right to defend himself, his family, his country or his neighbor(s), which justifies the resistance being offered by the people of Afghanistan, Bosnia, Chechnya, Iraq, Kashmir and Palestine, to attacks on their soils by the so-called liberators, who are actually the occupiers.
The Holy Qur’an clearly states that if a person saves one life, it’s as if he saved humanity, and if a person kills one human being, it’s as if he killed humanity.
What is happening in the enslaved Muslim countries is a natural reaction to occupation, bombings, killing and terrorizing of innocent civilians (children, old men and women), rapes, in addition to looting of resources, national antiques and artifacts, above all destruction of property by the occupiers.
Terror breeds terror.
We assure those who bash Islam that if there was no occupation in this world by foreign invaders, there would be no resistance – the so-called terror.
We would like those who criticize Islam to explain the following acts committed by the Christians on Jews, other Christians and Muslims alike, throughout history:
- Hundreds of thousands of Muslim men, women and children killed by the crusaders, who were Christians.
- Inquisition of Jews and Muslims from Spain by Queen Isabella, a Christian.
- Millions of people killed by the European and American Christians during the two world wars.
- Hundreds of thousands of Christians killed every year by the Irish Christians, including the British and the IRA, both Catholics and Protestants, during the past few centuries. Why are they not blamed to be “Christian Terrorists?”
Both of them believe in Jesus Christ, who told them to turn the other cheek, and both of them believe in the same Lord, Who commanded that “Thou shall not kill.” Period.
- Timothy McVeigh, who bombed the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, was a Catholic. Are all Catholics terrorists?
Last but not least, the bombings, killings, rapings and lynchings of both American Indians and black slaves (Afro-Americans) during the past 200 years in the United States.
What about them?
Will those filled with hate for Islam blame Christianity for the above inhuman acts by Christians in various parts of the world since its inception?
If not, then why are they blaming the religion of Islam for what is a natural reaction to occupation of Muslim countries by foreign invaders?
Most importantly, these folks should know that the three great Abrahamic religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – have one common basis, and that is one (1) God Almighty, ALONE!
“All men (and women) are created equal, and we all are one nation under Almighty God,” is a statement according to the Holy Qur’an and is very well elucidated in the U.S. Constitution.
Lastly, yet importantly, as brothers in humanity, we recommend those filled with hate get an education in the history of Islam and Muslims, before they dare to write nasty letters full of personal, ingrain hate and vendetta.
We would be pleased to provide anyone with free copies of the Holy Qur’an and Islamic literature in English, FREE OF COST INCLUDING SHIPPING AND PACKING CHARGES TO ANY PLACE IN THE WORLD, which would help them to understand the truth about Islam and Muslims and get rid of hate from their systems, God willing.
May God Almighty show you the light and guide you to the straight path to Islam, Amen.
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August 2023:
About a month ago, a video emerged of an Indian teacher telling students to slap a 7-year-old classmate. The boy had gotten his multiplication tables wrong, but his real crime was being an Indian Muslim.
Since 1947, India used to be a secular democracy, but its current leader, Narendra Modi of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), advances a radically different vision. Modi wants India to become a Hindu nation, in which India’s religious minorities (about 20% of the population) are second-class citizens and Muslims especially (about 14% of Indians) are compelled to accept increasing majoritarian violence. 
Indeed, stories of terrorizing Indian Muslims have become depressingly common in Modi’s India, with human rights groups documenting rising violence with each passing year. International groups, such as Freedom House and V-Dem, consider India only “partly free” and an “electoral autocracy” owing to the sharp decline of human and civil rights.
4th of July, 2023 - Happy Independence Day to all Americans. On this day, I aim not to spoil your festivities but only draw your attention to something serious which is happening in the world since a decade after 9/11. Islam is actually a peaceful religion but some countries in the West are hell-bent on associating it with violence and terrorism. We should attach peace with all three Abrahamic religions and that's where this email which I received today is important to read. Please go through it yourself and any references of Christianity here are only meant to serve as examples:
Individuals, not religions, carry out inhuman activities. PERIOD!.
Islam is a religion of peace, accepted and practiced by more than 1.25 billion people worldwide. It is the fastest-growing religion in the world, and if it was what some critics claim, why should the people from all walks of life from around the world keep embracing Islam?
Where is the sword now?
In Islam, a person has the right to defend himself, his family, his country or his neighbor(s), which justifies the resistance being offered by the people of Afghanistan, Bosnia, Chechnya, Iraq, Kashmir and Palestine, to attacks on their soils by the so-called liberators, who are actually the occupiers.
The Holy Qur’an clearly states that if a person saves one life, it’s as if he saved humanity, and if a person kills one human being, it’s as if he killed humanity.
What is happening in the enslaved Muslim countries is a natural reaction to occupation, bombings, killing and terrorizing of innocent civilians (children, old men and women), rapes, in addition to looting of resources, national antiques and artifacts, above all destruction of property by the occupiers.
Terror breeds terror.
We assure those who bash Islam that if there was no occupation in this world by foreign invaders, there would be no resistance – the so-called terror.
We would like those who criticize Islam to explain the following acts committed by the Christians on Jews, other Christians and Muslims alike, throughout history:
- Hundreds of thousands of Muslim men, women and children killed by the crusaders, who were Christians.
- Inquisition of Jews and Muslims from Spain by Queen Isabella, a Christian.
- Millions of people killed by the European and American Christians during the two world wars.
- Hundreds of thousands of Christians killed every year by the Irish Christians, including the British and the IRA, both Catholics and Protestants, during the past few centuries. Why are they not blamed to be “Christian Terrorists?”
Both of them believe in Jesus Christ, who told them to turn the other cheek, and both of them believe in the same Lord, Who commanded that “Thou shall not kill.” Period.
- Timothy McVeigh, who bombed the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, was a Catholic. Are all Catholics terrorists?
Last but not least, the bombings, killings, rapings and lynchings of both American Indians and black slaves (Afro-Americans) during the past 200 years in the United States.
What about them?
Will those filled with hate for Islam blame Christianity for the above inhuman acts by Christians in various parts of the world since its inception?
If not, then why are they blaming the religion of Islam for what is a natural reaction to occupation of Muslim countries by foreign invaders?
Most importantly, these folks should know that the three great Abrahamic religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – have one common basis, and that is one (1) God Almighty, ALONE!
“All men (and women) are created equal, and we all are one nation under Almighty God,” is a statement according to the Holy Qur’an and is very well elucidated in the U.S. Constitution.
Lastly, yet importantly, as brothers in humanity, we recommend those filled with hate get an education in the history of Islam and Muslims, before they dare to write nasty letters full of personal, ingrain hate and vendetta.
We would be pleased to provide anyone with free copies of the Holy Qur’an and Islamic literature in English, FREE OF COST, INCLUDING SHIPPING CHARGES TO ANY WHERE IN THE WORLD, which would help them to understand the truth about Islam and Muslims and get rid of hate from their systems, God willing.
May God Almighty show you the light and guide you to the straight path to Islam, Amen.
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open-music-reviews · 6 months
You wake up after an afternoon nap on an island and someone offers you a chocolate chip cookie the size of a fist. You finish the whole thing. “Dude, what’s that music playing,” you ask. “Eek-A-Mouse,” says Nick. The rest of the day is spent around the pool table bouncing in slow motion while talking about how the waves get mellower during a high tide.
Recommended songs: Ganja Smuggling, One Hot Summer, Slowly But Surely, Wa-Do-Dem, Why Why Why, I Love Weed
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