#Wannabe Geek
starthelostboys · 2 years
i think that paul tried to learn magic tricks when he was in high school
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rallamajoop · 9 months
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Translating the original RE8 trial scene storyboard
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RE8’s bonus DLC concept art pack includes a couple of pages of an early storyboard for the trial scene, dating to back when Miranda was still going to be a foreign researcher rather than a village native, and Ada Wong was still part of the cast. Though the text is all in Japanese, I had a crack at translating it ‒ it makes for a fascinating comparison to the finished game.
Images and translations are under the cut below – but here’s the dot-point version of how this older storyboard compares to the finished one.
Instead of Miranda, the trial is overseen by a masked figure called only ‘shaman’ (祈祷師). Instead of lycans, the trial is attended by numerous villagers, all eager to see Ethan punished.
This may be the big one: the shaman claims an ‘Adam-sama’ has been angered by Ethan’s (unspecified) crimes. My best guess at this mysterious ‘Adam’ is that it might be a name for the megamycete. Whoever he is, all the 'Eve' connotations of Eva/Eveline (and even the Rose flasks) suddenly start to sound a whole lot more significant.
Even here, the trial is dominated by Dimitrescu and Heisenberg fighting over who gets Ethan – or at least who gets his body, after his execution. Dimitrescu still wants his blood, while Heisenberg presumably wants him for soldat-material. Moreau briefly makes his own bid, but he just wants to eat Ethan.
Donna’s one act is to apparently stop time at a crucial moment to speak directly to Ethan without anyone else hearing – though this seems to be an illusion she creates while contacting him psychically. No sign of Angie, who probably isn’t part of the game yet.
Rather than escaping through Heisenberg’s gauntlet, Ethan is rescued by Ada Wong (disguised behind a plague mask). I’m guessing Heisenberg’s role as pseudo-ally hadn’t fully developed while Ada was still supposed to be involved.
Conflict between the lords seems to be framed more as conflict between separate houses/families. Heisenberg makes a reference to ‘us Heisenbergs’ (perhaps this is from the time when his mother, father and twin brother were also supposed to be characters?) and Moreau to his ‘Kuku-family’.
Though the name ‘Heisenberg’ does appear, he’s mostly called ‘Geek’, while Moreau is ‘Half-fish-man’ (半魚人), and Donna is simply 'Spirit' or 'Ghost' (心霊). Lady Dimitrescu is the only character who is actually called that (though it’s mostly abbreviated to just ‘lady’). I could not tell you why a Japanese dev team would decide that ‘geek’ was a good moniker for their heavy-metal-Frankenstein-wannabe, but here we are. (Note that most of the game files associated with Heisenberg are still labelled ‘geek[something]’, so clearly this was a moniker that stuck. Donna’s files are almost all called ‘ghost[something]’. Moreau and Dimitrescu mostly get shortened/mangled into 'moro' and 'domi'.)
Heisenberg and Dimitrescu actually come to blows over Ethan in this version, with Heisenberg launching his hammer at her and seemingly killing her, or at least blowing her away. But I think we can take it as read that even in this version, she'll show up okay and be back to torment Ethan later.
Oh, and did I mention this little addendum at the end which hints at Miranda doing some kind of surgery on Chris? WTF?
Standard disclaimer for all my Japanese translations: I’m nothing like fluent, and rely on online dictionaries for a lot of harder vocabulary. Corrections from anyone better qualified are welcome.
Okay, on to the actual translations! I'll include the full pages as we get to them, but I'll also break them down into smaller chunks so I can share and translate smaller chunks as we go through.
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Page 1
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[Ethan wakes up to find he can't move because his handcuffs are chained to the floor]
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[Ghost-nobles and villagers buzzing in the church]
[Banging noise as shaman bangs his staff]
Shaman: "Everyone, quiet!"
[Church falls silent]
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Shaman: "I have heard from each of the lords. This man's crime threatens the very foundations of our family! Lord Adam is furious! To allow this man to live will bring disaster upon the village! Only his death will appease Lord Adam's anger!"
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[Cheering from the crowd]
Lady Dimitrescu: "In that case, after the execution, the Dimitrescu family shall receive the victim. My daughters haven't had nearly enough blood to drink of late."
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Geek (Heisenberg): "Oi, wait a minute. From what I've heard, you witches have had it your own way long enough."
["Geek" burns Ethan's hand with a cigar]
Geek: "Us Heisenbergs will be taking this one, got it?"
[Ethan shrieks in pain]
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Lady: "Didn't you have several victims sent to you just the other day?"
[Half-fish-man (半魚人) walks up to the Geek]
Half-fish-man (Moreau): "Oh, grant him to my Kuku-family, I.. I want to break him open and eat his insides!" (Note: I think Moreau's actually saying something even more colourful here, but I'm having trouble translating it)
[He approaches Ethan, parasites emerging from under his hood]
["Geek" halts him, brandishing his hammer]
Half-fish-man: [Groaning noise]
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Lady: "I will not allow you two to do as you please!"
Geek: "Hm, how to settle this?"
Half-fish-man: "Oh, oh…!"
[Rising noise of cursing onlookers]
[Geek raises his iron hammer]
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Page 2
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[The moment he throws his hammer at Lady Dimitrescu, a halucination begins and time seems to stop. Direction and focus of camera fits the spirit]
Ghost (Donna, in a voice no-one else can hear): "….(You… have summoned him… receive your reward…)"
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[Reality returns]
[The hammer pierces Lady D. and blows her away, part of the church collapses. Panic as villagers fall or die]
Geek: "Don't worry. Your corpse will become my plaything."
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[A mysterious masked figure appears and fires three shots into Heisenberg, five into the shaman]
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Masked figure: "Run!"
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[Cuts the chain holding Ethan to the floor]
Geek: [getting up] "..what the…?"
Shaman (still full of arrows) yells to the villagers: "What are you doing! Don't let them escape! After him!"
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Masked figure: "This way!"
[Still handcuffed, Ethan runs through passages before finally making it outdoors]
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Page 3
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Masked figure: [while reloading crossbow] "Your daughter is alive. Go get her back, okay?"
Ethan: "What are you…"
[Masked figure sees someone coming from behind] "No time, go!"
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[Ethan screams as he's thrown over the railing]
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[And here endeth the storyboard]
Page 3 Addendum
This brings us to the latter half of Page 3, which contains only a single column of panels. Remaining space features an extra half-page of Miranda in her original foreign-scientist incarnation, pictured with what I assume were some of her experiments. There's some text on these too ‒ hand-written rather than typed, which made it a right bastard to figure out. But I had a crack anyway, because even at a skim-read it had me going, "wait, does that say the monster is Chris?"
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Yep, it does. The captions (as best I could make them out) read "Miranda's paranormal organism experiment" (奇生体の実験) and "After plastic surgery on Chris' face" (クリスの顔に整形後).
This only raises so many more questions. Is Chris actually working with Miranda, or has she captured him for experiments? Is she repairing Chris' face after some horrific accident? Is she altering some monster to make it look like Chris Redfield? Or ‒ in a far more entertaining possibility ‒ was this meant to be an in-game justification for why RE7's Chris looks nothing like he does in RE8?
I have no answers for you, but you can really feel how much this game changed in development just from these little glimpses of what might have been.
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cat-autism-wizard · 2 months
people of amity park could see how different phantom fought in different days. they could understand how his day went most of the time. he fought fast and not hard almost like a sparring when he had a good day, didnt pull his punches when he was angry, didnt talk too much or didnt use his one-liners at first when he was sad, keep shouting for advices to that goth girl or that tech geek when confused, mostly defensive or just evasive when scared. he was easy to read if you watch his fights regularly and most of the amity park knew him well at this point.
but that day was different. he pulled his punches and he didnt talk either that day. he looked like he was trying to evade attacks but wasnt fast. as if he wanted to lose the fight, or that he didnt want to hurt the lousy ghost hunter wannabes.
the fentons were attacking phantom and phantom wasnt fighting like he did with GIW. was there something wrong? why was phantom didnt protect himself against the fentons out of all people? it wasnt like they were capable enough to actually capture phantom. maddie fenton alone, maybe but with jack fenton it was near impossible.
phantom was shouting at them things but it wasnt one-liners or puns like he used to do, no. he was shouting them to stop and listen to him. but they didnt. they never did.
then it happened. maddie fenton shot the cryptid of amity park. not killing him but hurting him enough to stop him from flying. then phantom started to shout some more. shouting for his mother. like a little kid wanting their mother after falling on the ground in the park. phantom shouted- no, screamed for his mother. but maddie fenton didnt stop.
phantom only stopped screaming for his mother on the top of his lungs when he couldnt anymore.
no one could saw what actually happened. they only saw the green ectoplasm turning blood red.
no one saw phantom after that. the fentons were in no sight either. no one blamed them though, for not being on sight at least. their only son had died the day phantom vanished and their only daughter left their home out of grief.
maddie fenton never hunted ghosts after that.
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beestalesofarcadia · 8 months
Could I request some reactions from Draal, Blinky and Aargh on a teen human(gender neutral reader pls!) Who has the same personality as Marcy from Amphibia, showing them a bunch of video games they love please? Especially some being more gruesome then others, would love to read it! :D
Heck yeah dude!! I absolutely love Marcy <3 BTW this started off simple but I went off the rails completely lmao so sorry about that TwT
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You are a close friend of Jim and Toby, having grown up with them on the same block. You became a trio: inseparable. You were with Jim as he picked up the amulet, you were running beside Toby as Bular hunted you three down, and you were beside the two as you graced the grounds of Trollmarket. Your mind is completely blown by it. You were already off running around: taking notes in your math notebook of what you saw, the types of trolls that were around, facts Blinky spewed out, and even that big blue grumpy one that threatened Jim in front of you!
While your intellect proves to be insightful on the battlefield, your clumsiness also poses a potential threat to yourself and others. Regardless, you’re a valued member of the Trollhunters and have garnered respect from most of Trollmarket (and even Vendel himself). You have helped countless times, and even put your life on the line for others. Now… here are the thoughts of some specific residents of Trollmarket! >:]
Before the duel with Jim, your optimism confuses him, if not annoys him. He legit just threatened to kill your best friend, and all you can do is stare at him with stars in your eyes. Great to have admirers, he supposes. Even if they are some imposter, wannabe Trollhunter’s ally. As you walk away with the group, he can’t help but guffaw as you trip over your feet. If these were the Trollhunter’s allies- the supposed saviors of man and trollkind- then the world truly was doomed.
After getting humbled by Jim, his attitude begins to shift more. Yes, there are moments of annoyance (especially when you ask to measure his horns or teeth and ramble about things he doesn’t understand), but overall you’re strange, and it’s amusing. You are easily impressed by nearby anything he does, and that’s fine. It’ll start to fuel his ego again.
You start to hang around Jim’s more often than not and Draal enjoys having you around. The majority of the time you’re taking notes, and when you’re not, you’re geeking out about some vampire books and other fixations. He tells you he’s met a few, and when you ask if they’re anything like in the shows you watch (attractive, seductive), he hits you with a hard “no” and laughs at your disappointment. Human’s obsession with vampires was so strange.
Draal teases you a lot, and even if it’s mean-spirited you just go along with it the majority of the time. If you do mention something, he’ll back down from it. But it doesn’t stop him from occasionally knocking that new novel you got from the library out of your hand.
Video games are rather confusing to him. Not that he hates them of course! But he doesn’t quite enjoy them as much as Arrrgh does. Of course, he’ll play the more violent games you have, but he doesn’t care for the shooters. He’d much rather tear them apart with his bare hands, thank you very much. There was one time when you had to beg Draal to not destroy your TV the first time you introduced him to Skyrim.
Table-top games on the other hand? Absolutely! He loves playing DnD with you. He likes having more interaction and freedom with the choices he makes when compared to video games where you have to follow the plot. Blinky or Toby often narrates when you have game nights with the group. Out of everyone, you and Draal are the most competitive. You two both get into character and often come up with strategies. Sometimes a little too much for everyone’s liking. The table often gets crushed, and there have been times when you both were at each other’s throats. 
You’re now his little sibling. No questions asked. You jokingly mention something along the lines of a “found-family” trope, and after a brief explanation of it, he just subtly agrees with that being your relationship with him. Prepare for a protective big brother, even if you know your way around trouble. 
You both are automatically besties. That’s it, I don’t make the rules. There’s no doubt about it that you’re all over him when you first get to meet Arrrgh. While Jim is stressed about trolls in his home and Toby is freaking out, you’re bombarding the giant, green ball of moss with millions of questions. He thinks it's adorable and while slightly overwhelmed, he doesn’t mind responding to them. His answers are short and vague though, and Blinky ends up intervening and answers with more detail. 
It honestly doesn’t take a lot for him to grow attached to you. He finds your energy very endearing, and you manage to light up the room with it even during the most hopeless times. You surprisingly don’t get as overwhelmed compared to everyone else in the group, though it doesn’t stop Arrrgh from checking up on you. You might wanna write down how much of a good comfort buddy he is.
Speaking of which! If you are down, he won’t hesitate to do what he can to comfort you. If you need to vent, he is all ears. He isn’t much of a talker, but by God, he is a good listener. His advice is short and simple: usually straight to the point. Regardless, it doesn’t undermine how sweet and thoughtful his words are. Most of the time you talk about how overwhelming your parents are, and often he assures you that only wants the best for you but doesn’t know how to show it. A part of you thinks otherwise, but you know that they do mean well. 
When you visit Toby’s house, the three of you have movie nights. A pillow fort is made in Toby’s room and you both bring all the movies you can. There’s finally the night when you manage to convince the two (mainly Toby) to binge-watch Twilight. You get so giddy it was hard not to laugh at your reaction for Arrrgh. He doesn’t understand the plot, but he’s interested in it. As much as Toby wanted to hate it, he couldn’t help but rant about Bella’s decisions with you and listening how she could’ve bettered herself. Arrrgh just nods, having been seated between the two of you and not able to escape the conversation. 
This troll is pretty protective of you. You’re very capable of yourself, there’s no doubt about it. But again, your clumsiness is what gets you into trouble the majority of the time. There have been instances where you indirectly killed a goblin leader. Taking them head-on during their frenzied state is near impossible, but for Arrrgh, he’s more than willing to take it as a means of defending you. Thankfully, you are pretty witty, so you do find ways to drive them away from you.
As seen in the show, Arrrgh does love video games! You have a considerable amount of video games, ranging from violent ones like Mortal Combat to non-violent ones like Animal Crossing (one of Arrrgh’s favs). Knowing his past, you tend to stray away from the more mature games and settle for the “kiddie” stuff. Arrrgh loves Cooking Mama and Little Friends. Just remind him to be gentle with your switch- sometimes he forgets his strength.
Blinky would not hesitate to admit it, but it’s nice having someone who shares the same enthusiasm as he does! Especially when it comes to learning. While the troll cares deeply for Jim, he can admit that when it comes to their lessons, his less than enthusiastic attitude towards it can be drab. If not, a bit discouraging. With you, however, it’s a complete 180. He always sees you taking notes, commenting on their cultures with genuine intellect, and your analysis is always endearing to listen to. Although you still have much to learn, you are on the right track.
Besides that, you’re always a delight to be around with! He can’t help but admire your charming nature, even if at times you are ditzy. He knows you always mean well, so he can’t hold it against you. He’s most definitely “Marcy-proofed” his library; AKA, he’s put his more “delicate” items in safer places, and the potentially dangerous ones are hidden away.
While Blinky teaches you all the ropes of troll culture, you return the favor by explaining human culture to him. It’s honestly a mix of easy, and difficult. It’s not that Blinky’s dumb (no, far from that actually) or that you’re a bad teacher, it’s just the fact that he’s misinterpreted human customs and inventions for so many years. 
When he turns human, you are most definitely the one teaching him how to drive… which was, all in all, a terrible idea. You knew how to drive. You had just gotten your permit for Pete’s sake! Blinky on the other hand? He’s a wild rider. You lost track of how many times you both almost crashed into a divider just because he assumed you were able to drive on it, or how many times you prayed he wouldn’t take the yellow light. When he finally stopped driving, you insisted you could both walk home.
Video games aren't his forte. The concept of them is interesting, especially with how much they are able to fit into a small disk! But alas, they are but treats to the normal troll. Although it doesn't stop him from being interested in what you have to show. The gruesome games intrigue him. Do humans really like violence that much? It doesn't really shock him that much. They haven't changed much even after centuries, have they?
Like Arrrgh, he’s a good listener. His advice is genuine too, especially when you run away to Trollmarket when things aren’t going well at home. You’ve come there an alarming amount of times to a point the conditions of your home were concerning him. Especially when you break in front of him, wailing about the pressures and stress you feel from your parents and the potential of moving out of Arcadia. At home, you feel unloved if you don’t achieve your parents' goals. They have given you so much, yet you feel you give so little in return. You love your parents, but being with them is draining.
Although Troll's culture is different when it comes to humans, he knows the burdens of expectations are all the same. That pressure of knowing that your best isn’t enough… he’s felt that. He assures you that you are doing your best, more than others could. He assures you that your tears are not a sign of weakness, but a glimpse of your strength. He assures you that you are enough. It surprises him when you suddenly hug him, though it doesn’t stop him from embracing you as well.
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crazybiaatch · 3 months
I'm just gonna put some of my npmd hcs out into the world bc I have been thinking abt this musical all week and if I don’t talk abt it i Will Explode
Peter Spankoffsi
Polish Jew - ethnic, non practising.
Parents aren't around (travel/dead/lost custody) so he lives with Ted, he was originally living in Clivesdale and was shocked by the Clivesdale hate.
Moved to Hatchetfeild in the 4th grade and was immediately bullied by Max for being from Clivesdale
Had an emo phase
Ted and Paul set up playdates with Richie, Pete, and Alice so they could bond
Ruth Flemming
Lives with her autistic dad
Dad is touch adverse, Ruth's love language is touch. This is why she is so desperate to be touched.
Wannabe Discord Kitten
Plays COD - bullies everyone for sucking at it
Scarily good at English (it's the knowledge from the play)
Richie Lipschitz
He was actually the "I have the power of God and Anime on my side" kid
only listens to Ops/Eds/Osts/J-Pop and Midwest emo music
If he wasn't already being bullied so severely, he would be a full blown emo
Grace Chastity
Her parents didn't let her attend sex ed but she already knew everything from finding wattpad as a child
HATES Wattpad when we see her in the show
yknow those people who rant and rave about ao3 being full of cp and r/pe and all those other things? yeah that's her
runs a modesty outfit inspo insta account
She does actually mean well at the beginning of the show. The end is more complicated.
Max Jagerman
hypermasculine to reach his dads expectations
youngest brother (older sister at the least - also middle child brother but I'm not as sure on that)
was scared of Coraline as a kid
If he was Australian he would literally just Be A Guy down here
100% makes Jagermeister jokes
Stephine Lauter
half black (duh)
runs a very popular edit account
when her dad took her phone, her fans held a wake for her
horrible driver with way too much confidence
ofmd fan
was once a child on roblox scamming people for their robux
is now an adult on roblox taking dress to impress way too seriously
has written fanfiction
Kyle is secretly a complete and utter geek and only became comfortable being geeky after Max's disappearance, he was also the only one on the team to actually mourn him when they found out he'd died (also offcier Bailey's son)
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nerdieforpedro · 2 months
I love how you write and it makes me so glad you are here.
can I ask what inspired you to start?
signed - a maybe inspired future fic writer
This is such a wonderful ask! 🥰
I'm glad you enjoy my writing. I have ideas and I write them is my short answer and explains nothing I realize.
The long answer:
I've written fanfic before, off and on for maybe the last 10-15 years. Very different fandoms. Started out with anime, dabbled a bit in Yaoi then transitioned to Marvel and now I'm firmly planted in the Pedro Pascal, Oscar Issac, Benny Miller triangle of hotness.
Fanfic for me is an expression of a story, show, movie, video game or pice of media that I enjoyed so much, I just had to make something. I can't draw, no mixing of hot tracks or beats, I've just started dabbling in photo editing this year and am a beginner at that. It's all purely fun for me. I enjoy it and it's fun to share with other people who create and are like, "Hey! You like that? I like it too. Let me see yours and I'll show you mine. Where'd you get the idea for that?" And then hilarious conversations leap from there.
What inspired me to start specifically in the Pedro Pascal fanfic world was The Mandalorian. It was the first time I realized, "that's the man I've seen before!" And then realized I've seen Pedro Pascal in many of my favorite shows, (The Mentalist was watched for the sake of completion. After season 6 and the first episode of season 7, there wasn't a real reason to continue other than spending time with my mom. She's fine, when I tell people that they think she's passed on but the woman is still lifting 50 lbs mulch bags in her mid seventies. She more than fine.) I then became fixated on this man, reset the password on my AO3 account and found Pedro Pascal character fanfics. I was then led back to Tumblr which before I was on years ago for anime and read fics by @secretelephanttattoo ( I shall always sing about Headshots. It inspired the first fic I posted on Tumblr and is just so damn cute. El is also just a sweetheart.) and @morallyinept whose Tendrils fic only deepened my brain rot for that tall beskar bucket, she's also a dear friend who's made me laugh, cry in a good way, inspired me and very time I turn around she's crafting something new. Fics, banners, self-care, doodles, smut, databases, and all sorts of Pedro interviews and dialogue. Because I'm a fangirl of them both and many others actually, I keep 👀 on them.
What keeps me going is the fandom overall and that despite, recent tribulations let's say politely, we're all still here. Geeking out over a goofy, handsome, I know he gives the best hugs, actor who loves what he does and has been working at it for years and it's finally paying off.
I've met wonderful friends and moots who reach out, give me encouragement, tell me I do well (I'm starting to listen to them I swear. I'm not good at taking compliments in person so it's even worse online FYI.
So I hope this answers your ask and I do encourage you to write that weird, funny, smutty, cute, sweet, dark, twisty, angsty fic that you want to write. I do hope whoever you are, you tag me in it so I can read it. 🤭
Special love to the following and if I left anyone off, I'm sorry. It's after work, I rubbed my eyes, wipes my glasses because I got them wet while writing this and it was a lot:
@maggiemayhemnj @megamindsecretlair @soft-persephone @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @magpiepills
@mysterious-moonstruck-musings @for-a-longlongtime @i-own-loki @undercoverpena @connectioneverywhere
@soft-girl-musings @perotovar @julesonrecord @lotusbxtch @604to647
@yorksgirl @pedroshotwifey @fhatbhabiee @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @bitchwitch1981
@jessthebaker @avastrasposts @inept-the-magnificent @lady-bess @grogusmum
@schnarfer @boliv-jenta @iamskyereads @iamasaddie @chaithetics
@tinytinymenace @yourcoolauntie @alltheglitterandtheroar @musings-of-a-rose @rhoorl
@trulybetty @laurfilijames @wannab-urs @legendary-pink-dot @din-cognito
@sin-djarin @beefrobeefcal @spacecowboyhotch
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soullust · 3 months
dead poets in a somewhat cliche highschool flick 
neil perry - theater kid. popular, but in a sweet way that makes theatre seem cool. throws the most elaborate senior prank.
todd anderson - quiet guy at the back of the class, that talks only to like 3 people. he writes poetry instead of learning, and gets straight Cs. dark hoodies with the hood up, messy doodled over notebooks and textbooks. theatre boy neil brings him out of his shell a little
charlie dalton - punk/bad boy in a band that gets sent out of class at least twice a week. undiagnosed adhd, black nail polish, facial piercings, vandalized desks and lockers, wild parties every other weekend, skipping classes to smoke under the bleachers. also lowkey ferris bueller vibes 
knox overstreet - wannabe playboy. he just really wants a girlfriend, okay? actually a pretty good football player. love letters in lockers, full schedule of "tutoring". secretly a geek
steven meeks - burnt out nerd. easily influenceable. used to be used as an example for good behavior/grades but now is chronically distracted (mostly by his punk bf, let’s be honest). still gets pretty good grades and lets ppl copy and cheat off him for a price
gerard pitts - geeky plug, always either high or working on a wacky invention that blows up in his face eventually (like in those 80s movie)
richard cameron - sarcastic tutor. top 5 in every every class he's in and never lets anyone copy off him. i mean he does but he;s petty about it
chris noel - kindest and funniest lead cheerleader you’ll ever meet. plaid skirts, oversized letterman jacket, broken dresscode, abusing hall passes to gossip and loiter.
ginny danburry - confrontational theatre girl that's also somehow inhumanly shy. she will call the chemistry teacher a misoginist then be trembling and near tears trying to talk to the cute girl she has a crush on.
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gipgalaron · 3 months
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yeah sure, why not. eltingville fan oc with bits of myself.
Abigail, alias "Brace-face" or "Wannabe-Geek", the local tomboy antagonizer 2 every geek boy + eltingville club.
specializes in animation media/cartoons which she feigns for comics, vhs, merch, etc.
but does dabble onto other genres (horror, sci-fi, fantasy, superhero, etc.)
just as greasy, dorky as her geek peers though she doesn't want to admit it.
aspiring cartoonist.
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jockmewalking · 1 year
main tag needs to see my old TDI swap edit + Alejandro n Sierra
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OLD Labels for most of these bitches under the cut:
Izzy -> Sadie: The Crazy Brainiac
Bridgette -> Eva: The Short-Tempered Surfer
Courtney -> Lindsay: The Fashion Designer
Katie -> Cody: The ‘Lovesick’ Fool
Sadie -> Justin: The Commercial Star
Ezekiel -> Bridgette: No label (rip). Basically a chill and amiable fisherman
Beth -> Izzy: The Freaky Farmgirl
Maddy/Cody -> Sierra: The Movie Geek (this label is relevant since she gets introduced in Action and joins the season…)
Gwen -> Alejandro: no label thought of before, but I think ‘The Glam Goth’ works
Trent -> Beth: The Boyscout
Noah -> Courtney: The School President/The Meticulous Mastermind
Owen -> Tyler: The Clumsy Comedian
Justin -> Gwen: The Moody Model
Eva -> Katie: The Strong Heart Of The Team
Leshawna -> Noah: The Sassy Slacker
Lindsay -> Leshawna: The Competitive Cheerleader
Heather -> Izzy: The Overzealous Oddball
Geoff -> Heather: The Snobby Socialite
Harold -> Geoff: The Party DJ
Tyler -> Duncan: The Daredevil
Duncan -> Dj: The Punk With A Heart Of Gold
DJ -> Ezekiel: The Animal Whisperer
Alejandro -> Owen: The Friendly Food Critic
Sierra -> Trent: The Pop-Singer Wannabe
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slutburn · 10 months
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siantmiller: OLIVER played by Barry Keoghan in Emerald Fennell's @saltburnfilm
Oliver arrives at Oxford in 2006, in uniform, and with a 'Zack Efron' self-styled, side swept haircut. He's definitely not in with the in-crowd.
Breaking down the script, there are three stages for Oliver as shape-shifter, which I needed to show. Principally, with a transition in hairstyle taking him from geek, to a Felix-wannabe-wanna-have, to an urbane and beautiful grown up.
Discussing the looks with Emerald, it was super important to factor in to my designs, minimal 'in-the- chair' time with Barry, and quick story day changes. The schedule was tightly packed at 48 days, with Barry in almost every scene.
What I needed was a convertible haircut which I could style accordingly. Beginning with some hair extensions to mask a previous haircut, I created a versatile shape from which I was able to cheat some growth as the schedule permitted, and then lose some extensions as time went on.
Make-up started off as fresh faced using Tom Ford Traceless Matte foundation, progressing to a flush- cheeked party boy using Tom Ford and MaqPro, to the 16 years older and well groomed Oliver. For this last look I also used Tom Ford but with warmer, sun-kissed tones.
Delicate ageing for the latter was achieved with the PPI Greg Cannon Ageing palette.
All in all, using relatively fundamental techniques to support his physical transformation, alongside costume design, we watch the story unfold as Oliver evolves from teen to man with Barry's brilliant performance.
Make-up & Hairstyling for @keoghan92 by me
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same-name-supremacy · 11 months
Opal- The Funniest Girl around
Glenn- The Loner
Heath- The Ringleader
Danika- The Delinquent
Leshawn- The Brother with the ‘Tude
Ginnifer- The Party Girl
DJ- The Sweetheart
Lincoln- The Dumb Prince
Bryson- The Surfer Guy
Trin- The Cool Girl
Harriet- The Dweeb
Corey- The Type-A
Seth- The Geek
Jody- The Wannabe
Issac- The Psycho hose Beast
Taylor- The Jockette
Sam- The Boy next Doors friend
Kam- The Boy next Door
Justine- The Eye Candy
Noelle- The Schemer
Evan- The Bully
Elizabeth- The Homeschooled Girl
Alejandra- The Archvillainess
Simon- The Obsessive Uber fan
Yeah I swapped some of the labels around. So uh YEAH
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meowloudly15 · 1 year
Sometimes a family is the corporeal embodiment of "Por que no los dos", her Trekkie mom, a slug with blue hair and pronouns, three weirdos from Normie Camp, Fantasy Phyllis Diller, a woman fueled solely by autism, coffee, and spite, a reformed anti-vaxxer, a woodcarver with a full-on dwarf beard, a baby god, another baby god with impulse control problems, the literal earth we walk on, the wannabe mom friend, [JFK voice] Gay Dads, a grade-skipping theater kid, the "Wouldn't you like to know weatherboy" reporter, an even meaner lesbian, Fred and George Weasley but with green hair, the poor little meow meow malewife ADHD faildad, a sentient wood carving possessed by the soul of his pet bird, a guy with lava lamp hair, a Creacher, a bard with green hair and pronouns, the three chaos band geek teenagers they sort-of adopted, the hair model for Maybelline, Steve, a kid with a really unfortunate last name, three kids who got in trouble for liking school too much, an assortment of sapient wooden animals, and the, uh, bird tube worm… house… mucus… thing… yeah, he defies description.
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lukeskywhiskers · 2 days
i had a weird childhood im sorry
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honeysylvan · 8 days
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Aiko Shimizu for @dreambot's Lovers Rock BC Challenge!
Cringe video game streamer and wannabe idol! More info under the cut 🩷
Name: Aiko Shimizu Age: 23 Pronouns: she/her Gender: Woman Sexuality: Bisexual Ethnicity: Japanese Traits*: Cringe, Lovebug, Geek, Music Lover, Animal Enthusiast + Gregarious Additional Traits: Happy Infant, Happy Toddler, Practiced Host, Compassionate, Irresponsible, Chopstick Savvy, The Knowledge, Night Owl Aspiration: World-Famous Celebrity Degree: N/A Career: Pro-Gamer (Video Game Streamer) Celebrity Level: Rising Star ★★✩✩✩ Celebrity Perks: Corporate Partnership, Influencer, Noticeable Celebrity Quirks: A Stan! Lifestyle(s): Techi Likes & Dislikes:  Activity - Acting, Comedy, Dancing, Media Production, Mischief, Photography, Romance Skill, Singing, Video Gaming | Bowling, Fishing, Research & Debate, Rocket Science Color - Pink | Orange Conversation Topics - Affection, Compliments, Discussing Hobbies, Gossip, Jokes, Physical Intimacy, Silly Behavior | Arguments, Deception, Malicious Interactions, Potty Humor Sim Characteristics - Funny Sims, Idealist Sims, Pet Enthusiasts, Spirited Sims | Argumentative Sims, Nature Enthusiasts, Pessimistic Sims Music Genre - Classical Music, Pop Music, Romance Music, S-Pop Music, Winter Holiday Music | Americana Music, METAL MUSIC, Ranch Music, Strange Tunes Turn-Ons & Turn-Offs:  Way of Life - Interpersonal, Media & Technology, Performer, Sense of Humor | Engineering, Taken Characteristics - Emotional Decision Makers, Idealist, Optimistic, Pet Enthusiast, Spirited | Ambitionless, Argumentative, Messy Romance Styles - Affection, Gift Giving, Physical Intimacy, WooHoo | N/A Hair Color - Auburn Hair, Black Hair, Blonde Hair, Brown Hair, Hot Pink Hair, Orange Hair, Platinum Hair, Red Hair | Gray Hair Outfit Color - Black Clothes, Blue Clothes, Red Clothes | Brown Clothes, Orange Clothes Fashion - Costumes | N/A Skills: Acting - 6 | Baking - 3 | Charisma - 7 | Comedy - 5 | Dancing - 3 | Entrepreneur - 5 | Logic - 6 | Media Production - 4 | Mischief - 5 | Photography - 4 | Programming - 6 | Romance - 4 | Singing - 8 | Video Gaming - 9 | Wellness - 4
Like so many children, when Aiko was a kid she dreamed of becoming a world-famous pop star. Unlike so many adults, Aiko never grew out of that dream.
When Aiko was four and growing up in Mt. Komorebi, she saw her first S-pop idol performing on TV. She was instantly hooked and knew she wanted that to be her life, and knew that one day her wish would be fulfilled.
Except, it wasn’t.
Aiko was just a little bit too… weird to become a popular, successful, palatable idol, not to mention her complete lack of drive. She might’ve wanted the idol life, but between her cringe-y humor, obsession with all things nerdy, and chronic lack of responsibility, Aiko never got the life she dreamed. At least, not yet. Despite being 23—nearly retirement age for idols—and having zero experience, she’s convinced that someday, she’ll be recognized as the talent she is and finally, finally make it to stardom.
That’s not to say she has no experience in the spotlight, because she does—just not as an idol. Aiko’s obsessive love of “nerdy” hobbies ended up paying off for her when she started a video game streaming channel and managed to secure a decent following. Her “weird” behavior and lackadaisical personality—traits that were points against her in the idol world—came off surprisingly endearing on-screen, and she quickly rose to minor-celebrity status on SimTube and other streaming platforms.
But while Aiko might enjoy her life as a streamer far more than she’d expected, her newfound fame is, to her, simply a means to an end—the chance for her childhood dream to finally be made a reality. Perhaps, if she amasses a big enough following, she can finally secure an agent… and what better way to boost her popularity than to apply to the hit new dating show, Lovers Rock?
Is a very eclectic gamer—she loves a wide variety of video game genres, though her favorites are single-player RPGs
One of her signatures is that she’ll try any game at least once. This leads her fans to rally and mass-suggest the strangest games they can find, especially since somehow she always manages to make them entertaining to watch
Moved from Mt. Komorebi to San Myshuno the day she turned 18
Despite desperately wanting to be an idol, she’s too irresponsible to actually put the work in to even try. She sort of tripped into being a semi-successful streamer
Had a great childhood and very loving parents, who support her dream but are pretty clueless about “idols” and “streamers”
Is an only child and was spoiled rotten
A hopeless romantic who wants a whirlwind romance to sweep her off her feet. But she’s never had a relationship that’s lasted more than a couple months…
Is very affectionate (physically and verbally) and kind. While she seems like she’d be self-centered, she isn’t—just a bit delusional about her lifelong dream. When it comes down to it, she’s a good person!
Is actually quite good at singing, and a passable dancer, so she wouldn’t actually make a bad idol in that regard
LOVES animals, and owns one very affectionate cat
Her favorite animal is cows, and her favorite fruit is strawberries, so she decided to embody the “strawberry cow” aesthetic as much as possible
Despite wanting to be a pop star, her favorite type of music is actually show tunes
*I use the More Traits in CAS mod, but the first 3 personality traits (cringe, geek, lovebug) alone work just fine!
If you read this far... omg thank you so much LOL
Private DL if chosen!
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ladye-zelda · 9 months
Y'know, despite the flaws that TotK has (*cough cough* story *cough*) what I appreciated most about this game is all the little details that the developers put in (mainly through the use of side quests).
i think the major difference between TotK and BotW and what TotK arguably did better than BotW is that TotK's side quests are so much better. Unlike BotW's side quests, which you can get done relatively quickly depending how many shrines/items you have in your inventory, TotK makes you work for your sidequests.
Take, for instance, the new side adventures. Penn's quests, the whole thing with the monster control group, etc etc. Basically, go to [this] area in Hyrule and do [this]. May sound simple enough, but they can be super challenging, especially if you unlock these quests early in-game (which is entirely possible). The monster control group adventure you can unlock basically as soon as you get off the Great Sky Island, while Penn's adventure you can unlock as soon as you try to get to Rito Village. In fact, it's sort of hinted at to complete Penn's adventure first before even doing all of the rest of the main quest so that you would have an easier access to Rito Village (which, admittedly, I did not do because I was that impatient lol).
Even some of the smaller adventures were a leg up from BotW. The one that sticks out to me the most were the ones in Gerudo Desert, which I want to geek about for a moment because this game absolutely made me love the desert. In BotW, it was sort of an empty place (which was totally fine; it wasn't a large focus other than the Divine Beast), but TotK just made it 100x cooler. The archeologist wannabe in me fell heads over heels with the desert in this game, with the inclusion of the quicksand and the ruins underneath the game (which I am like: YES JUICY JUICY LORE).
Anyways, back to my point on the quests: there is a quest in Gerudo Town where you have to find out the mystery of the eighth heroine, and I don't want to spoil anything here but if you haven't finished this quest already DO SO because OH MY GOODNESS ADFSJAKFJLDFJLDAKFJD. And when you're done with that, go to the statue itself and find out the area there. This entire quest (and that little side mystery along with it) made me feel like I was in an Indiana Jones movie and I was LIVING for it. If I could replay TotK again without my memory I would want to replay that part again.
Oh, that's another thing: I mentioned that the statue of the eighth heroine was not actually a quest. There are also a lot more hidden secrets to find in this game than in the predecessor, mainly with the inclusion of caves and dungeons (different from the temples). I call these little areas "dungeons" but they're more like the mini dungeons that you go through in Ocarina of Time (like the frozen area in Zora's Domain or the bottom of the well in Kakariko), because that was what they felt like, and I never felt happier.
Also, quick little details I want to add because I realize this is more of an unhinged ramble than a coherent well-put thing, but some other minor details I liked is the deep-dive into the Gerudo language. Learning languages has always made me happy, and now that we got a few more words in Gerudic (pretty sure that that's what the language of the gerudo is called?) we can probably piece together what the full language sounds like; probably relying a lot on s's and v's along with the "a" "e" and "o" vowels with r's rolled in between.
Also also while exploring the one area there is a callback to A Link to the Past dungeons where there is a secret room where you would find three fairies tucked away. I think I found this room in a couple of cave systems so keep a lookout for that :)
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radiofree-america · 5 months
YOU GET IT🗣️🗣️💯🔥
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