#War of jokes and riddles
comicsiswild · 5 months
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Batman (2016) #26
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michster-64 · 2 months
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matildaverse · 11 months
Okay, I had an idea to do my take on how Eddie got his scar. Essentially, my HC combines Batman annual #4 and War of Jokes and Riddles. The asylum hurt him and he wanted to make a funky ? of his scars to kinda reclaim power over his silly little body. Just kinda like power as a motif throughout his villain journey obviously starting with the papa abuse plot and his desperate attempts to gain power over Gotham and specifically Batman.
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Unfortunately, I ran out of time and didn’t convey ANY of that he just looks like a messy whore.
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nespolkei · 2 years
my favorite thing about war of jokes and riddles is jonathan in a kite
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I'm reading War of Jokes and Riddles. It is funny.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
I'm not a fan of War of Jokes and Riddles Riddler desing and I will scream it for everyone to listen. Now even after someone poiting out he looks like John Cenna I could tolerate the square face, I could begrundgily accept that they made a characther who was either not a physcal fighter or used a mix of agitily, speedz tec and smart use of space to fight into a muscle montain. I could tolarate the stupid question mark chest scar that makes me want to punch him to oblivion myself but he dressing cheaply and with an open jacked in a way that just reminds me of cluemaster is too much. I refuse.
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avengerraven · 2 years
I think we’re going to get the War of Jokes and Riddles in the Reeves’ Batman trilogy. Hear me out! I will start with my weakest point which is that comic canon puts the War of J and R in the timeline of Zero Year which is a modernized version of Year One which The Batman movie was inspired by. Anyone who doesn’t know, War of J and R is a chaotic feud between Joker and Riddler after Joker tries to kill Riddler. Ed declares war on Joker and the two build their own armies out of their Arkham allegiances. The only way they’ll agree to call it off is if Batman surrenders himself to execution. Reasons I think it would be a smart story choice- War of J and R Batman has a confessional vibe to it which would fit well into the narrative journaling Bruce does in the movie. We’d get to see Gotham rebuilding after the flood and dealing with two rogues on the loose in the chaos. Following that, War of J and R includes a serious romance with Selina Kyle. Another weak point, because Bat and Cat are often in a relationship depending on the comic you pick up. We’d also get to see the relationship Joker and Riddler formed in prison develop and devolve in the world outside Arkham. It’s a great use of many rogues all at once and an excellent opportunity for cameos which Hollywood loves right now. It’s also another chance for Bruce to sacrifice himself for the greater good, which he loved doing in The Batman. He also loves Gotham more than life in this series, so it makes sense for him to give himself up in this version of Batman. Also, remember his no guns rule? Yeah, we test that real good in War of J and R.
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elise-51-blog · 2 years
So Kite Man and Batman walk into a bar...
This one's kind of a long time coming. Originally meant to be written for 2022 DC Rare Character Weekend @rarecharacterweekend, life got in the way, and I've never been a quick writer. This Kite Man is that from Tom King's book, not the cheeseball Harley Quinn character (whom I also love).
Fathers and sons, grief, loss. But I try for the jokes too.
There's a Jason Todd & Bruce chapter, here's a snippet for the Jason lovers:
And at some point in there, this scared, angry little kid had looked at Bruce like he’d been glad Bruce had come into his life; like as long as Bruce’d been there to scoop this outrageous little tire-thief up and give him a home, give him pride, purpose, dignity. Been there to show him a little kindness, a little decency, a little love–well, even the mantle of Batman couldn’t compare to something like that. 
God, he’d been so funny too. 
See, you just ain’t punched enough assholes tonight, B, that’s why you’re so fuckin’ bitchy.
Focus, Robin.
Only if you focus on not being a little bitch–
Swear jar’s getting awfully full at home–
It don’t count on patrol.
Yes it does. And it’s twice the charge with poor grammar.
Agent A said it don’t count if you provoke me–
If I provoke you?!
Yeah, if you’re on your period for the night and you go triggering my trauma and shit, I don’t owe nothin’, Old Man. Alf says–
NAMES, Robin.
Whatever, man, Agent A says to let him know if you traumatize me–
YOU asked ME to go on patrol tonight, you wouldn’t shut up about it–
Yeah, but ain’t nothin’ goin’ on, I’m bored.
And that’s traumatizing you, being bored.
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
The Riddler’s being possessive??? Someone tries to talk to his S/O alone and the Riddler wants attention so he kind of places himself between their conversation or pulls S/O aside? I’m not sure if this is a good ask, but thank you. I love your work!
a/n: oh no anon don’t worry this is a beautiful ask. Being the absolute attention whore he is and the moment he finds someone that will give him that attention, you can bet he isn’t going to let that slip away AT ALL
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The Riddlers Being Possessive
Arkhamverse Riddler:
Edward tries to hide his possessiveness over you. 
After all, he doesn’t care what you do or why you do them-just as long as you’re out of his way–
However, there is no denying the weird knot in his gut at you getting closer to the other Rogues. 
Why do you want to spend time with them? Surely, you could be learning far more useful and intelligent things from HIM.
He starts coming up with menial tasks for you to do, so that you are too occupied to see anyone or have anyone steal your attention. 
You have to always be by his side whenever there’s a gathering of rogues. 
Edward will often be the barrier between you and the others, even childishly blocking you from even waving at Harley. 
Edward thinks he’s hiding it well, he’s being clever about it, but it’s pretty blatant to you and the others.  
Reevesverse/Dano Riddler:
Edward already can’t believe that he has you.
He sure as hell isn’t going to let someone else sweep you away.
He freezes every time he sees you talking to someone else. 
Who are they? Who are they to you? Family? Friend? Ex-love?
A possible new love interest to come and take you away and leave him miserable like the world continues to do to him?
Edward is already plotting to find out who they are, where they live, and how to dispose of them–
He’ll already have several different plans by the time you get back to him.
You’ll have to do a lot of reassuring and grounding him back to Earth, and that you aren’t going anywhere. 
Gotham Riddler:
Ed doesn’t like how much attention you draw to yourself. 
And it’s even more frustrating when you don’t even see what you’re doing. 
Edward constantly feels like he has to cut in on your conversations. 
He has to pull you away and bring your attention back to him
Ed will instantly question the conversation, what your intentions were, etc. 
You are by his side the rest of the time no matter what. 
Even if someone approaches you, he’ll instantly interject, and squeeze his arms around you or hold your hand tighter. 
No matter where you are or what the situation calls for, everyone will know you’re his. 
BTAS Riddler:
Edward knows better than most what it’s like to have something you care about taken from you suddenly. 
When it comes to someone he loves…there’s definitely less control and more opportunities for loss. 
He wants to be confident in the relationship, to not be possessive…
But he’s still worried about losing you somehow…
He sees you smiling and enjoying yourself with another person…
Ed has an internal conflict of just leaving you be. 
Or coming over there and making sure…nothing was happening. 
He’s trying his best…
Zero Year/Capullo Riddler:
He couldn’t care less who you are with, who you’re talking to-
Ed’s seeing and talking to other people too, you can too. 
He doesn’t own you and you don’t own him–
Yet when he wants your attention…and you don’t give it to him?
Ed becomes absolutely insufferable. 
He’ll blow up your phone, he’ll show up at your place unannounced, cancel whatever plans you had with whatever company. 
Yeah, you can do what you want, to a point anyway. 
TWOJAR Riddler:
Edward doesn’t hide the fact that he’s possessive.
He always has to have you by his side. 
Ed’s arms are always around you, hands on you, you are always sitting in his lap.
No one should really dare to approach you, but regardless some people don’t get the memo.
He won’t disrupt or anything but he will definitely keep an eye on your interaction. 
Ed will wait for a moment before swooping in and stealing your attention back to him.
Not before making the other person…extremely uncomfortable anyhow.
He doesn’t care, as long as the message is clear; that you’re his.
Telltale Riddler:
Honestly, he’s the least likely to be possessive…
Much like Arkhamverse, however he’s a bit better at hiding it by distracting himself. 
He does have his moments where he constantly asks you what you’ve been up to..
Edward’s very observant, he notices you not being around much.
Or he’ll overhear you talking to someone on the phone–you sound very amused…
He’s not bothered just interested…
Totally not concerned that you may be leaving him for someone more…emotionally available. 
Young Justice Riddler:
Eddie truly doesn’t mean to come off as possessive. 
His possessiveness, like Dano Riddler, is fueled more or less by his insecurities. 
He doesn’t want to lose you, and he’s aware of that possibility at every waking moment. 
However, he’s also aware that he may be coming off…controlling…suffocating. 
Ed will see you talking to someone and will immediately get self-conscious. 
Especially if he sees you smiling and clearly enjoying the company. 
He goes through a bunch of worse-case scenarios that continue to snowball into you leaving him…
Until you walk up to him with a bright smile and hold his hand, instantly comforting him.
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nyhti · 1 year
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Every day I miss this dynamic
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Tomarry AU where Harry and Tom grow up together during the war and end up starting a secret club together. It's a club for muggle-borns only; so that they can help each other survive during the war. This is an AU where Tom and Harry start club for children who has no home to return to. A world where they help each other so that they don't have to return to that place.
Imagine, them starting a club to just survive— imagine, them working together so that they make it — imagine all of them working together to figure out a way to just stay instead of retuning to a home that is no more. Just imagine, this club becoming something more, something bigger — something that will change the world one day.
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comicsiswild · 11 months
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Batman (2016) #28
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outletcrash · 5 months
reading the war of jokes and riddles (HORRIBLE name btw) and that sad dude was KITEMAN??? FUCKING KITEMAN???? I STARTED TEARING UP A LITTLE OVER KITEMAN???????????????
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poor fucking kiteman. side note RIDDLER PUT THEM CHESTICLES AWAY
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starrycomics · 1 year
No because why is Kite Man becoming my favourite batman rogue? Absolutely ridiculous, it's like unironically rooting for Condiment Man
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
oh your ideas are definitely better, especially the ones for the past! the part with the rubiks cube is a nice way to include a reference to his original origin story too, maybe that cube could show up as a clue or so in the present version too to connect the parts even more?
as for my idea i don't know if it is any good either and i tried to keep as much of the original intact as possible so it doesn't feel like an entirely different story but hopefully has some of the weird edginess taken out? i'll send it in two parts though because this is long lmao:
for the past i'd keep most of it the same (even though that is absolutely not how i would do Ed's origin story either) i'd even keep him being bad at the riddles on the test because imo that could work if instead of making him hate riddles and play and fun like in the original (which is a super weird choice for a character who's whole theme is riddles and games) it instead made him obsess over them in part because he's bad at thinking outside of the rigid rules and confines his father set for him since he never knew anything else than obedience and in part because the teacher told him he should try to think out of the box and have fun so now he feels he has to get perfect at 'being fun' to get that teacher's approval and attention because he has been taught by his father that he only has worth if he is perfect at everything and that he will only get positive attention for achievements and for nothing else. it even goes so far that his grades start slipping because he is completely focused on achieving this task he set himself of getting perfect at riddles and fun since his father is never gonna give him positive attention anyways but maybe the teacher will if he just gets it right. it doesn't work though because the teacher does not notice that the kid is being abused and thinks he's just like that (unfortunately a realistic way some people think of abuse victims) and dismisses him somewhat like in the original so that scene in the empty office still happens (btw i agree with you that it was the most emotional moment of the comic) because he feels like he failed, like he is not enough and that his father was right and he should not have tried to break out of his confines because now not only has he not 'achieved' winning his teacher's approval for being the best at fun, but since his grades slipped he can't win his father's "goodwill" (if you can even call it that) back either but instead will always be an imperfect failure in his father's eyes. after that scene he tries to go back to being the perfect emotionally empty student for his father like he was before but finds that he can't, not really, because while his obsession over them started out of a need for achievement, it also unlocked the part of him that just genuinely enjoys and loves riddles and games and play. he feels like he can't allow himself to 'indulge' in these things though because he's already 'failed' at them once and besides his father would not approve of him doing anything not aimed at academic success again, especially not the things that caused him to stop focusing on his grades once already and he can't risk that because from his perspective his father is the only person he has left that might start caring about him if he only tries hard enough to be what he wants him to be (the perfect academic genius that does nothing but study and follow orders). there could even be a reference to his ocd, maybe that he unintentionally developed his compulsion to tell riddles as a self soothing ritual to help with the stress and anxiety he constantly would live with as a kid because they are one of the only things he genuinely enjoys, although he would get embarrassed once he realises he has that compulsion and might try to force himself out of it because it does not fit into the image of what his father wants him to be (probably some internalised ableism too lbh). he has the talk with his teacher at the basketball court but instead of coldly murdering him (which was weird and edgy) the things the teacher says to him about having fun for fun's sake paired with his father ignoring him anyways because of his 'failure' make him think that maybe he can still get perfect at fun and thus get attention from people that aren't his father after all, that the reason he 'didn't get it right' the first time was that he misunderstood the task.maybe that causes him to have some sort of a mental break in that moment which causes him to make 'having fun and being fun' his sole goal in life that he needs to obsessively perfect to get attention and be happy, no matter the cost?
oh no sorry this is extremely long and it's not even finished so i'm not sure if i should send the second part too that would just make it even longer?
I think your idea is way better. Like I genuinally already care way more than whatever Tom King did. Not only that but I think your idea is already better than mine both because is a great adaptation that keeps the major bits but gives them meaning, doesn't have Edward hating riddles (I swear I will punch Tom King) and there is a genuinally curious thrid aspect your version fits King general portray of Edward better.
His obcession with winning at fun to please others can easlly explain his weird obcessive goal of making Joker laught to the point of cominting heinous acts and planning for his own brutal torture as the punchline. It also fits his interactions with Selina in Killing Time and how he is always playing a persona. This actually works as a backstory for King's Riddler au contrary of King's own Riddler backstory (I swear I don't hate everything King wrote to the Batman universe). So yeah. I really liked it and felt it makes total sense and was waay better than mine as a reimagining.
Please please post the part two.
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thwackk · 2 years
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why is he kinda…
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