#Cw: shitty riddle
matildaverse · 8 months
Okay, I had an idea to do my take on how Eddie got his scar. Essentially, my HC combines Batman annual #4 and War of Jokes and Riddles. The asylum hurt him and he wanted to make a funky ? of his scars to kinda reclaim power over his silly little body. Just kinda like power as a motif throughout his villain journey obviously starting with the papa abuse plot and his desperate attempts to gain power over Gotham and specifically Batman.
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Unfortunately, I ran out of time and didn’t convey ANY of that he just looks like a messy whore.
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rei-does-stuff · 1 year
If i fucking see one more person talk about that fucking harry potter game i will LOSE IT, you are SO ANNOYING!!!!
Like it’s everywhere man!!!
If you wanna play it fine, ignore all the criticisms and play your shitty wizard game. But don’t act like people are crazy for saying you shouldn’t, just accept that a lot of trans people won’t view you as safe anymore due to it and move on with your life!! “All these trans people are making me feel guilty for buying the game” THEN EITHER IGNORE THEM AND BUY IT OR FUCKING STOP, JUST SHUT UP!!!
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Being His Sibling- Riddle Rosehearts
Idk the idea came to me. Yuu is GN— 6k words
Tws/Cws: Yuu is said to have medium length hair, Riddles mom is expectedly shitty and abusive, Yuu has shady behavior because of shitty abusive mom. Yuu is untrustworthy of Riddles friends for the first half. Hurt/comfort, angst with a good ending. No incest! Just Platonic!
Before NRC:
You were the older sibling of the Rosehearts family. Being the oldest, one of the very first things you have learned since becoming sentient is that a mothers love is no different from a mothers hatred. From the minute you could babble, your mother did everything she could do to control you. You weren’t allowed outside to play, you weren't allowed any snacks no matter how much your stomach rumbled. You weren't allowed to wear fun or silly stuff. And you were never allowed to fail or talk back.
Soon, your mother— the term rotted in your mouth— soon became pregnant again, and your precious little brother Riddle came to be. You remember your father holding you up to see the small bundle of joy in your mothers arms, excited that you may have a playmate. The excitement however, became resentment.
From the minute he was born, you were no longer a priority, usually being ignored in favor of the new addition to the family. Your chatter is ignored, your physical needs pushed aside, and your emotions bottled. Even when you went to talk to your baby brother and interact with him, mother would immediately begin to lecture you for seeing him without her permission, and you were locked away in your room to study. Yet whenever you peeked out, you saw your mother cooing and coddling Riddle, something you never really remember experiencing, but she would never play with the child.
Whenever you heard your mothers footsteps fade into the distance, you would come out to play, giving Riddle all the things you wish you were given. And one day, you heard his first words— your name. “Yu!” The baby gurgled, making you jump. “What did you say?” “Yuuu!” A wobbly smile grew on your face as you hugged the baby, in that moment promising yourself that you would always protect him
As you got older so did your brother, and mother did what she always does, control. But this time it was different. Mother would always praise Riddle for his studies, but never you. She was always lighter on his scolding, when she would scream at you. Though you were also locked away to study, she never really cared about your progress the same way she did Riddle’s. From there started a grudge that you would hold onto. What’s the point of doing anything mom wants when Riddle’s her precious little angel? If you don't matter at all what would it matter if you acted up?
Mother didn’t entertain your rebellious streak for long, the screaming match that came from you simply saying you wanted to go outside instead of reading left a mark on you. “I don’t get you, Yuu! I did everything for you! I cleaned you, I bathed you, I gave you life! I cook and clean for you! Why cant you be more like Riddle!” She screamed. “I'm sorry mama… I'm sorry!” Your child self babbled shakily while sobbing. “I just wanna play outside with the other kids!”
Father stepped in to try and stand up for you, but he got yelled at too. And you remember watching as your potential savior gave up on you, allowing mother to lock you away in your room again. And yet, you could still hear as she walked off, muttering insults under her breath, wondering why she ever had you.
Riddle soon became the age you were when you started ‘acting out’ and since then you’ve learned to be more sneaky. When mom went away you would sneak out to visit him in his room, playfully messing with him and getting him to take a break to play. “Won’t mom get mad?” Riddle asked, looking up at you with big stormy gray eyes. “As long as you don't tell her— that being said,” You dropped to your knees. You knew that even if she found out, you would be the one blamed for it, “Only I can visit you okay? Don’t come into my room..” “Why?” You chuckled, trying to find a believable excuse. “Cause my room is super boring! Seriously you won't like it.” “Oh.. okay!” Riddle beamed, allowing you to distract him from the theory books he’s forced to read, and telling him fairy tales instead to watch his eyes grow big with wonder.
Mom thought that you were no longer a problem. You never spoke up or out, you did as she said with your head bowed down, you always ate what she gave to you no matter how tasteless it was, and you excelled at your studies. Finally, she was relieved that you stopped resisting, not knowing how you actually were,
For months, you snuck out and played with Riddle in his room, even giving him the answers to some of the assignments mother forced him to do. At parties you were forced to attend, you went behind your mothers back to steal some sweets to sneak to Riddle, knowing how much he always wanted to try them. And when he was still hungry from the small portions of food he was given, you would give him yours, ignoring your own stomach just to see your brother beam.
One day however, Riddle came to your room. “What are you doing here? Only I can go into your room remember?” “Well, um, I know but…” Riddle pulled at your hand to guide you to his room. “There's people at my window!” “Really huh?” “Mmhmm!” Going into his room, you saw two figures peeking through. Both young boys, one a feline beast man with bright pink hair and a stunning smile, and the other a green haired boy with glasses closer to your age.
“They said they want me to play with them but I said I had to ask you first. Can I play with them? Please please please, Yuu?” Riddle pouted, and a pang of jealousy hit you for a moment before you let out a breath. You should be happy for your brother, even if you wish to join them, but you must stay behind and keep watch.
“Of course, Riddle.” You said. “Just come back in on my cue, okay? We can't let mom find out.” You smiled at him, helping him climb out of the window and outside, where you melancholically watched the trio play. It was okay though, your brother is happy just like you promised.
All good things came to an end, however. You were too late on your cue, and Mother found out. You have never heard Riddle cry as hard as he did that day in your entire life, his terrified wails leaving a scar on your heart. However you knew what came next was going to be worse. She was going to scream at you too. You heard Riddle apologize over and over and over and over— It was driving you insane.
Suddenly, you entered the room. You were going to get screamed at anyways, so what did it matter? “Yuu get out of here, dont think your off the hook either! I can’t believe you went behind my back like that! I thought your matured! Aren’t you supposed to be a role model for your little brother?!” “Aren't you supposed to be a mom?”
“Excuse me?!” The wretched woman demanded.
“You treat me and Riddle like shit!” The woman’s face contorted with shock at the language that she never taught you— unaware of the secret books you hid that she didn't approve of. “All you do is scream at us and lock us up! Whenever we ask for anything and do anything you don't like, you just scream at us!” You sobbed, “Why did you even have kids if you don't want to raise them!”
“Do not speak to you mother like that—“
“You’re not my mom! You are the worst mom ever! I hate you! Ever since Riddle was born you always ignored me! And you don't even take care of him either! This is why you and dad fight all the time! You’re never happy with anything. Even when I do everything you ask you're never impressed! All you do is scream! I hate you! I hate you so much!”
Your kid self sobbed, and mother seemed to forget about Riddle, harshly grabbing your arms and dragging off. As she did, you saw your father behind her, merely standing by, doing nothing to save you. You weren't allowed out of your room for days, you weren’t even allowed around Riddle without supervision either.
That's when you really became unruly. If mother locked the windows and doors of the house you would pick them and sneak out. When she conducts room checks, you memorize all the places she looks so you can keep your forbidden goods hidden. Mother hated you, and she made it known. Everything she said was a snide remark at you. How at 18 you will be kicked out. How awful of a kid you are. How fat you're getting since you're sneaking food. How your magic will never be as good as Riddles since you're slacking off.
One day, however, it all boils over. You don’t remember how old you were— 15? 16? Maybe 17? But what you do remember is mom starting up a classic screaming match, talking about how ungrateful and wicked you are. Comparing you to Riddle and saying how she hopes you haven’t corrupted him with your evilness.
“Don't you dare bring Riddle into this! This is between us. This argument is between us! How dare you accuse me of hating my brother, when you have done nothing but make his life hell, when all you have ever done is turn us against each other! When you placed my entire worth on a few pathetic books” You screamed back at her as the verbal abuse continued. Riddle soon came down from his room, as you looked at him.
He’s gotten taller now, and face slightly longer. He walks with perfect posture. Usually, you felt comfort in your brother, but you noted his unimpressed expression. “Riddle, please, don't get involved. This is between me and mom.”
“Why do you hate her so much?”
“She’s right.”
Mother seemed to smirk as you turned to look at him
“You’re joking.” You sneer.
Riddle glares. “It's not her fault that you don't care for the rules. If you only followed them, you wouldn’t be in trouble all the time.”
“That's the issue, her rules always change for me so she has a reason to keep getting mad at me.”
“Maybe if you kept studying you wouldn’t be so stupid as to not understand the value of rules! She’s right! You have done nothing but cause trouble for as long as I can remember! If you would just listen—“
You shook with anger, “Don't you dare talk to me about listening, Riddle! I gave everything for you! Don't you dare pretend the happiest days of your miserable life weren't because of me! I did everything I could to try and look after you and you just—“
You were silenced by a loud slap across your face. It stung. You froze, holding the area as it bruised, bleeding in the areas where the nails made contact with your skin. “How dare you talk to your brother like that! Stop being so jealous over—“ You didn't register what she said, your ears ringing as eyes welling with tears as all you could was look at Riddle who seemed to stare at you with disdain.
This wasn't the Riddle you knew. The Riddle you grew up with. The Riddle that babbled your name as a baby. How long have you been protecting a stranger? Acting up so he can have the slightest bit of freedom that you longed for.
You narrowed your eyes before clenching your fists. "Shut up!" You snapped at your mother. "I'm sick of you! You want me gone? Fine! I'm out!" "Yuu Rosehearts! You go through that door I'm calling the police!" "Go ahead! Tell them what a shitty mom you are! And you!" You glare at Riddle before closing your eyes. "Just stay out of my life."
You walked out, snagging a fair amount of money that you saved over the years to book it out of the Queendom of Roses, finding your own place to crash at as you work a few jobs to keep yourself afloat, up until you are invited to NRC.
At NRC, before Riddle:
You were sorted into Heartslabyul, the dorm of law and order much to your surprise. You were expecting Scarbia or Savanaclaw given their dorms ‘survival of the fittest’ themes. Still, you would take what you could get.
As you stood in line for your dorm, you noticed a familiar green-haired man in the same group. Trey made eye contact with you, obviously surprised to see you, and gave you a nervous smile. You glared at him before looking away. You wanted nothing to do with the man that's responsible for feeding into Riddle’s issues. You both avoided each other, only interacting with necessary and never dragging anything out with each other.
Surprisingly, you thrived in Heartslabyul, able to heal your inner child with all the mundane tasks you had to do, even guiding others and helping them with theirs. You did well in school, usually getting the top score on every test. You had to get good grades for a good job, especially since your parents cut you off financially. You can’t afford to slack off, and yet, you helped to tutor others. Not to mention your magical knowledge and use was already ahead of most others.
At some point within the year, the dormleader approached you, much to your surprise. He noticed all you heard work and wanted to hand off the title to you. After all, next year he would be a senior and would have to go off campus. He would need someone to look after the dorm when that happens and after all he’s done, he needs a break.
Being a dorm leader would look great on transcripts on top of all the other benefits it had. You accepted, and the crown was passed down to you. You were honestly the best dormleader at the school given the fact you knew how to lead, were kind, and got all your shit and trauma together. You were relaxed, but still implemented rules, including all of the Queen of Hearts rules to honor her dorm. Of course, you weren't too strict.
“You need to have lemonade with two sugars,” You mentioned to your dormmate. “Eh- sorry dorm leader I’ll—“ “Don't panic, just stand up and drink it.” “Huh?” You smiled. “If you truly look at the rules and all the addendums, you’ll find a lot of loopholes. The rules says you have to sit down and have two sugars in lemonade. It didn't say what you couldn’t drink while standing.”
You smirked, your mothers rules and years of having to deal with shady jobs made it easy for you to find exploits in any sort of fine print handed your ways, and you were sure to try and teach your underlings the same. Even if they didn’t use exploits and didn’t care much for the crazy rules, you didn’t mind. You weren’t a tyrant. The entire dorm looked forward to each Unbirthday and Birthday party you planned, each one stretching traditions to their limit to offer something unique.
Your knowledge of contracts and high test scores even attracted the attention of other dorms, especially a certain octopus. When you caught some of your students in shady contracts, you would review it with them and point out everything they could take advantage of. This led to you being confronted by the Octavinelle housewarden pretty quickly, though annoyed he was quite impressed.
“Now there Yuu, I do hope you can not interfere with business.” “I don't plan to. If any of my dorm members decide to sign their life away, that's their fault. I can point out a few chips in the contract, but it’s not my job to save them.” Azul seemed impressed. “My, my, it’s quite rare to find someone so reasonable!” Azul smiled with his honeyed voice. “I do wonder how you did not end up in our dorm.”
On top of your housewarden duties, you also ended up finding a wonderful job working for Mostro Lounge, not at Mostro Lounge. Your quick thinking and keen eye helped to calculate Azul’s profits faster than he ever could— you had experience from your times of being homeless and couch surfing. On top of that, you would always point out where he could make a contract more water tight, or places where he could reword it so can exploit his victim for even more. It gave you work experience and a good wage that you and Azul both fought over in your business contract together.
Ironic how Azul ended up with another rowdy and rule breaking member under him, as you also stretched the contract you made to its limit. Azul for once didn’t mind too much, since you were fair as long as he was. Plus you keep those twins out of his way too.
After all of these years of working your ass off, you finally, finally made it. You had a stable home for the next few years. Food security! A job! Spare money for little things! Amazing grades! You made it! You would be fine! Despite everything you have gone through, you are going to be okay. You looked in the mirror of your room admiring the hair you dyed to cover up the ruby red locks of hair that tied you to your past. You were free.
It was one night in your dorm, where you were approached by Trey. Even though it has been a year, it was still awkward between you two, and you both didn’t talk to each other. You looked at Trey with the best neutral expression you could muster. “Can I help you?”
“Riddle is coming.” “Pardon?” “Riddle has been accepted into Night Raven, he’s coming next year.” You shut your eyes pensively. “I see.” “Y’know… maybe you both can… Make up…?” You shot a glare at Trey. I’m not taking advice from someone as two-faced as you— an asskisser, you wanted to say. “I’d rather not.” You simply said, making your way to your room. “Goodbye Trey, do not stick your nose where it doesn’t belong.” You warned, entering your room just to lay back on bed and stare at the ceiling with a newfound dread.
The next year with Riddle:
You stood as the housewarden representative of your dorm, watching as freshmen emerge from their coffins to get sorted. Then you saw him, Riddle. The red haired freshmen walked down the carpet to get sorted when he made eye contact with you, eyes widening for a brief moment before narrowing into a glare, not recognizing you at first with your dyed hair. He stood in front of the mirror, and though you knew it was unlikely, you still hoped that somehow, he would not end up sorted into your dorm.
“Heartslabyul.” The mirror spoke, and like that, everything started to crumble.
Guiding the freshmen to the dorms you stopped them in front of the dorm entrance. It was the dormleaders responsibility to assign everyone a card. “You will be a fine spade,” You said to one before allowing them in. “And you a diamond.” You waved the next person past you. “And you…” You paused when Riddle stood in front of you, before clearing your throat. “A heart would be most suited.”
The welcoming party went fine. You kept it traditional and laid back to not intimidate any of the new members, allowing everyone to socialize. As you engaged in the festivities and croquet, you noticed Riddle and Trey socializing, your brother looking sternly at Trey, before glancing over at you. You had a suspicion that even after all of these years, Riddle still needed to be superior to everyone. Your position as leader would not last long.
You had finalized the papers and packed your things. You were moving in the dorm you should have been a part of from the start: Savanaclaw. Azul cried crocodile tears that you didn’t join him, but you know that though you would have loved to be friends with your boss, he was a ticking time bomb of greed. Being under his control at all times was dangerous. Leona on the other hand, ultimately didn’t care about who joined so long as they could sort out their own shit. He was a safer, more minor and reasonable timebomb.
After packing, you went into the rose garden, noticing you were being followed in the distance. When you got to the center of it, where your favorite place in the whole school was, you turned around. It was Riddle and Trey. Tsk, what a surprise.
“I know you were ignoring me.” “Was I, dear brother? My apologies, it was never my intention.” Riddle would have nearly turned red if it wasn't for Trey putting a hand on his shoulder. How pathetic. He was just like his mother.
“I am here to tell you that I intend to duel you for the position of dorm leader.” “Okay, here.” You take off the crown on your head and offer it out to him, watching as your little brother stares at it a mix of baffled and offended. “Is this a joke? Or are you really that lazy and weak-willed?” Riddle demanded, “I refuse to just accept the crown, you need to put in the effort as a leader should!”
“I don't see why, I’m transferring dorms.” Trey raised his brows, “To where?” “Octavinelle,” you lied, not wanting to risk them harassing you in your new dorm. “Anyways, here you go, Housewarden Riddle. I’m sure you and Trey here would be wonderful leaders.”
“I refuse! Put in some effort for once in your life, Yuu!” Riddle scolded you in that damn tone mother always used on you.
You just laughed. “You do not deserve my effort, firstly. Secondly, are you being intentionally dense or have you forgotten what I said to you— I want you to stay out of my life. I do not want contact with any of you anymore. I'm done! I'm sorry it ended this way. I hope you get everything you ever wanted and I hope I hear nothing about it, truly, I do.”
You throw the crown onto the ground as you take a deep breath. “Don’t visit my new dorm. Do not look for me at all. I am tired of you always making me feel bad about myself and having to be superior to me. The years I spent away from all of you, were the happiest I ever had.” You glared, tears in your eyes as you look for any trace of what remained of the brother you once knew, only to be met with disgust, he huffs then speaks.
“Why would I ever visit or look for you? We are not family anymore if I recall, and we were never family to begin with. It’s ridiculous of you to even think I would want to be related to someone like you in the slightest.” Riddle stated. “You weren't my sibling. You never were, and never will be.” His glare made you chuckle cynically.
“Is that so? Well then, I’m glad that's the case…” You take a few steps closer to him, towering over Riddle height wise. It's impressive how much someone could grow when they weren't stressed all the time and had some proper food. You lowered your voice. “I cannot believe I wasted my entire life protecting you. The amount of abuse I have taken in your stead, all for nothing. You, you're just like her.” You sneer, pushing past Riddle before pausing. “I used to have a brother once you know? He had the kindest smile and the wildest imagination. Whenever we played pretend together we would imagine that we could both take over the world as brothers in arms. I wonder what happened to him.
You take another step forward as Trey looks away from you. “And you.” You sound absolutely feral by now. “I would have expected you of all people to not accept roles that you don’t want to be in,” You leaned in closer. “You damned two-faced son of a bitch. You allowed this to happen to him.” You didn't even look back at Trey as you made your way out of the maze, back to your room to change clothes, pack your bags and go.
Since the first week that Riddle took charge, you have heard nothing but horror stories. He was as tyrannical as you imagined him to be. Whatever, it wasn't your problem anymore, the others will get fed up and deal with him eventually, and maybe then he will finally learn. Besides, Trey seems to have no issues anyways.
Life in Savanaclaw was bliss, you fit in a bit too perfectly, not afraid to rough up others if it came to it. You shared a room with your closest friend, Ruggie. It surprised the both of you with how close you came, actually. Coming from a poor background, you both shared tips for saving money and DIY, along with helping each other do some sleazy things to get by.
You both helped each other get jobs, and you even helped Ruggie pay for stuff with no strings attached since you were more well off. You lended each other's stuff all the time. You even help him grab discounted stuff in bulk for him to take back to his village. You helped to tutor each other in subjects you both struggled with and would even allow him to copy your homework. You both understood each other. Finally, someone gets you!
You rarely see Riddle. The only time you ever do is during test postings. You go up to check your score, and as usual, it is in the top spot. Satisfied, you shrug and turn around, and go to walk off, when you see your brother in the crowd. Riddle's eyes look at the top spot in a mix of disbelief and jealousy, absolutely miffed on how he wasn't on top. You looked up to see where the Riddle's test was, just to see it directly below yours, only one extra credit point behind. You don't think much of it. You leave.
Every test, you would go and glance at the wall, just to make sure your grades were fine, and everytime you notice how Riddle looks absolutely frustrated. You honestly aren't doing it to try and get back at him at all, in fact you wouldn't care if Riddle beat you, as long as you were on the wall you were above average. Eventually, Riddle does beat you on one test— Algebraic Magic Notation, something you never really cared for.
You saw yourself in second place, noticing in the corner of your eye how Riddle seems to stare at you for your reaction, before you just shrug as you walk off, feeling a glare in the back of your head as you do so. You had lunch with Ruggie today.
You have heard about that new magicless student around. Enma Yuuken, his name was. Apparently he caused a lot of commotion at the entrance ceremony and is a dorm leader and stuff now, cool, good for him. You never expected him and his Heartslabyul friends to seek you out however.
You were exiting Mostro Lounge after some accounting and contract checking Azul had you do for his next big plan. As you walked through the dorm on your way out, you noticed a certain quad behind you. “… Can I help you?” You turned around and asked, looking at the students. There was a spade and heart with a collar from your brother around his neck, along with a tall, broad student behind them, monster on his shoulder.
“Hey are you Yuu? Chenya said we could find you here.” The spade asked respectfully. “Chenya huh…” You crossed your arms. “What do you need?” You asked curtly, staring at your newly dyed hair in the windows of the lounge. “Is it true Riddle’s your brother?” The heart asked desperately and sighed. “Not anymore. He’s dead to me. Is that all you need?” You narrowed your eyes.
“O-oh! Uh…” Deuce stuttered. “That doesn’t matter, can you tell us why the hell he's like this?” “Can I go back to my dorm?” “Is this not your dorm…?” Yuuken asks. You just blink at them. “Everyone we asked about said your from Octavinelle.” Grim muttered, you gripped your Savanaclaw ribbon in your fist to hide it.
"Firstly, I am a liar and you should never live in a place that your employer has control of, it will always result in a power imbalance, and believe me you do not want someone like Azul to have leverage over you. Secondly I don't share where I live because of people like you trying to ask me about Riddle."
You stare over at them watching as they all stare at each other with a tinge of guilt. You huff, "Fine, if you have questions, follow me. It's not safe to answer them here. There are eyes everywhere."
You look around outside of the dorm as you lead the group down the hall before stopping. “Okay what do you need to know?” “So your brother,” the heart starts. “How the fuck did he end up the way he is?” At that you let out a short laugh. “Oh, is that what this is about?” “Yeah sort of!” The heart sputters. “Look, we're trying to get him to stop being… like that… and we need to learn about him first!”
“I’m afraid you’ve been led on a wild goose chase. I haven’t had contact with him in years.” “Eh?!” The group booms. “Yeah, sorry about that, he told me I was never his sibling and that I never would be. If you really want to know why he’s like that, you should ask Trey.” “Trey?” Grim asks.
You nod. “They grew up together too, and he was around him for much longer since I left. Good luck overthrowing my brother though, if you need anything else let me know, though we haven’t talked to each other in a while, I can read him like a book.”
You didn't expect the quad to show up again the next day, this time at lunch where you sat. “What is it now?” You ask curiously as the heart— Ace, you learned, sits across from you pouting with his collar still on. “We’re challenging Riddle to the seat of housewarden!” “Oh?” Yuuken looks at you seriously and nods. “We need you to tell us everything about him."
You chuckle sadly. “Even if I did, you all stand no match. We were both forced to study magic before we could even walk, and you both have barely learned how to change colors of objects using magic. I’m sorry, but you cannot win.” Grim whines and Deuce sighs, “What, you saying we're weak?” “I am saying you are inexperienced. Do any of you even know how to cast a warding spell?”
The card soldiers went silent. “You know…” Yuuken starts. “Didn’t you fight Riddle since you were the housewarden before him? What did he do?” “I didn't. I gave it to him and left the dorm.” “You what?! You willingly handed over the dorm to him?!” Ace gawked. “I’m sorry, but it is not my job to save him from himself. Even if I won, he would just keep bothering me over and over. I ran away to get away from the person who defended the person that hit me, forgive me for not wanting to put up with him again.”
At that the table quieted. “So uh… what's your magic like… or your unique one at least…” Deuce asks. “Wouldn’t you like to know? All you know is that it tends to break the rules of everything around me when used— Ironically, with it, Riddle's spells wouldn’t even work with how by the book all his are.” “Breaks the rules..?” Deuce echoes. “Can’t tell you anything else, sorry.”
“Wait! What if we brought you with us as backup?” “It would be an invalid duel, I’m not from the dorm anymore.’ “What if you support us in the shadows or something.” “That's cheating!” Yuuken scolds. “Exactly.”
The cards sigh and you frown. “Look, I cannot help you with that from here, however, on the day of the duel I will accompany you. I'll hide in the crowd and step in if he takes it too far, since he tends to.”
He took it way too far as you stood before your brother, filled to the brim with blot. You sigh as you stand behind the freshmen you came to support, no longer hiding. “Come on Riddle. It doesn’t have to be like this.” “SILENCE! I am… I AM RIGHT! I AM STRONGER! You know NOTHING! You ran away! What would you know?!” “We aren't getting to them. Freshmen, get out of here, this is between us.”
“Nuh uh! I’m kicking his ass too!” Ace says. “Right!” Deuce replies. Yuuken pulls out his kendo stick, ready to fight despite being magicless. “Fine then, just follow my lead.”
You watched as the blot left your brother in front of you. The tyrant, no longer fighting. Then, and only then, did you collapse from your injuries. Even when you gave those freshies direct orders they put themselves in harm's way, meaning you had to tank the hit for them. “Yuu!” Deuce called out. “I'm fine! I'm just… tired…” You felt blood drip down your face as you laid down.
Upon snapping out of the blot, you heard sobbing, the same sad sobs that happened on that fateful day. “I'm sorry!” Riddle shouts, reminding you of how mother would making him apologize over and over. Your head pounds, and the next thing you feel is someone sitting next to you, putting a hand near your face to check your breath before resting it on your cheek, and you recognize it.
They were larger than they were before, but the softness was unmistakably Riddle’s. His hand held you face the same he did when you were both kids and you would lift him up in the air, pretending that he was flying. You smile and open your eyes, and are met with his face looking over you.
He was sobbing, face flushed and hair unkempt for the first time in his life, and yet the look in his eyes was unmistakably the Riddle you once knew. You smile up on him and reach up to cup his face as well. “I think… I finally found my little brother I used to play with after all these years…” You chuckle before sucking in a breath at the pain, making Riddle panic and pull you onto his lap. “Yuu!”
Riddle holds you close to him, pulling you in a hug. “I’m sorry! You were right! You were right… I treated you badly… Will you ever forgive me….?” He sobbed into your neck and you reached up to hug him. “I wasn't mad at you, Riddle. I never was. I was scared… Scared I lost you to her.”
You were critically injured, in unbearable pain, and yet here you were still protecting and comforting your little brother like you always swore you would. “I love you Riddle, always did you know that right?” Riddle choked back a sob and nodded. “Good, I’m glad you know.” “Don’t leave me… Please dont leave me alone again! Not after I just got you back…” “Hey… don't worry about me okay? I'll be fine, I’ve experienced worse. I'll bounce back in no time, and we can have tea parties again, Just like when we were kids,” you choke, and Crowley comes in just in time to pick you up as you struggle to breathe, making Riddle get up and crowd you.
“They’re going to be alright, right?” Riddle sobs. “Riddle,” you mumble. “Takes a lot more than that to kill me.” You beam confidently, despite the various injuries on your body. “Right now your dorm needs you. Show them what a great leader you can be, kay? I always thought you played a better queen than I did…” You slur. “I know that Heartslabyul will shine better with than it did with me.”
“Come on Yuu, let's get you to a doctor.” Crowley says, flying off with you in his arms. Riddle watched as he shook, and a smile grew on his face.
You lay on one of the beds in the nurse's office. Pixies come to cater to your needs every once and a while as you rest to the sound of the heart monitor beeping. You turn your head to the side to look in a mirror and your hair is an unruly mess that matches you, this time however, it is the same ruby red that matches your brother after you used a coloring spell on it. And for once, you do not hate your resemblance to him.
A knock is heard from the door, and you watch the door open in the mirror. Riddle comes in, a small tray in hand. The minute he sees you, he carefully approaches, placing the tray on the bedside table. You prop your bed up to see him better, smiling gently to try and ease his guilty and nervous expression.
“It’s nice to see you.” “I um… brought you something.” Riddle mumbles, opening the box he brought in. Unveiling it, you can see it is a tiny strawberry tart, the ones you would always try to sneak to him when you lived at home. The edges were burnt and it was slightly misshapen, but it was perfect. “I um.. made it, by myself.” He holds his hands in front of himself and looks down.
You reach over for it just to cause Riddle to fuss over you. “Don't move, you're hurt, I’ll feed you.” The housewarden holds the box in his arm, pulling out the spoon he brought with him and carefully scooping up a piece shakily before holding it to your mouth. “Heh, I can get used to this.” “You still have the energy to tease me on your deathbed? You really are… something…” Riddle pouts, making you snicker internally as you take the bite, savoring the tart in all its glory. It’s probably the best thing you’ve ever had.
“I'm sorry, I’m sorry… The tart is really good though…” “We are planning to have an Unbirthday party to make up for the last one… It was supposed to be today, but I put it off so you can come when you're better… If you want to.” “Will it be like the tea parties we imagined as kids? Where were together and can play and eat whatever we want?” “Yes, yes it will be just like the tea parties we had as kids.”
You tear up a bit. “I would love to.”
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lilaccmilk · 9 months
Maybe I am too busy being yours
to fall for somebody new
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x Slytherin!reader (drabble) Summary: Mattheo gets jealous. That's it. A/n: I was thinking of this specific scenario during my daydreaming. SO I've decided to write it. Inspired from the lyric "Maybe I am too busy being yours to fall for somebody new CW: my shitty writing, fluff, hurt/comfort, mattheo being insecure and jealous, ooc mattheo ig
You were walking with Harry to the great hall for breakfast. You had been good friends despite you being a Slytherin. Harry needed some help figuring out a spell and Hermione was busy and you were more than happy to help. Early in the morning you had met Harry in the library as your schedule was filled up later. You both were now catching up while moving towards the Great Hall. Bidding your goodbyes, you made your way towards your boyfriend who was staring at you with an unknown expression brewing in his eyes.
"Good morning love" you greeted only to earn back silence. "Good morning theo." you said a bit louder, he just stared at you and went back to eating. Furrowing your eyebrows, you further poked at him, "What's wrong theo?" Silence was all you got. After the breakfast he quickly stood up and made his way to the slytherin common room. It was empty as most of the students were enjoying themselves outside in the snow. You were quick to follow.
"Mattheo Riddle, if you think I'm going to let you off that easily then you are highly mistaken." you raised your voice a bit and made him turn towards you. "What's the matter love?" you spoke again in a soft voice. "Why don't you just be with that damn Potter?" he snarked. You blinked and stayed silent for a few seconds processing that he was in fact jealous and burst out laughing. He stared at you with a confused look. You managed to compose yourself and then spoke to him," Hey, love he's just a friend. He wanted some assistance with some spells and I got up early to help him so I can spend the rest of the day with you. I'm too busy being yours to fall for somebody new. I love you theo. Only you." You tiptoed to kiss him softly, he returned the kiss. "Now I feel like an idiot, I love you too." he mumbled against your lips. "Lets go outside?" your offered and he nodded. You spent the day walking in the snow, making snow angels and having snow fights with the rest of your friends.
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yuusishi · 2 years
Telling Heartslabyul boys about your world’s weird trends
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I don’t even know how I got this idea it’s currently 2am but the boys’ reaction to you telling them that your world used to eat tidepods as a trend!
pairings: Riddle , Trey , Cater (separate) x gn!reader
genre: fluff , sort of crack-ish?
cws/tws: tidepod trend
Riddle Rosehearts
complete and utter confusion.
“I remember when people used to eat tidepods in my world as a trend” “what are tidepods?”.
after explaining to him he just silences for a few moments trying to comprehend why on earth would people do that.
“Oh well, it’s not like stupid trends aren’t bound to happen on the internet” you answered but Riddle still had that look of shock in his face.
“(name), please tell me you didn’t do a trend such as that” he asked “Riddle, I’m still standing here alive”
would ask you a bit more about other trends in your world out if curiosity but please do not tell him any more dangerous ones.
“There’s a part of me that is glad I was born in Twisted Wonderland instead…” “But we could’ve met sooner if you were born in my world!” you jokingly whined.
being born in a world without magic then suddenly being taken to a world with it, he wonders if these trends happen out of boredom from having no magic or it’s the fault of stupid people influencing others…maybe both.
Trey Clover
another one that’s also extremely confused.
this man has worked in the kitchen how many times in his life, after hearing your explanation on what a tidepod is he was filled with nothing but worry and slight disappointment.
“Do people really not read packaging anymore or are some just…not the brightest” he sighed.
he later laughed it off to younger teens having too much time (and freedom) on their hands for their own good.
“Wait… (name), you didn’t do that trend, did you?”
you let out a hard laugh at Trey’s sudden worried inquiry and its timing, your contagious laughter soon got to Trey and you were both laughing heartily in the kitchen.
“Yes I did actually”
Trey stared at you with wide eyes as if he was trying to stare holes into your head.
“I’m just joking!” he breathed a sigh of relief.
Cater Diamond
“Look, I know I’m the magicam-addict here but what.”
he was silently laughing in astonishment after you explained the trend, his hands covering his face.
“(name), I don’t know if I should be worried or disappointed at your world…” his voice came out slightly hoarse from his earlier laughter.
Cater’s seen a lot of stupid trends created by influencers on Magicam over the years, some definitely coming close to the one you just mentioned.
honestly I think he won’t even be as shocked as Riddle and Trey at that trend because of how much time he’s spent on social media seeing stupid posts, the most he’d be surprised at were people putting their health in very obvious danger but still doing it.
Cater definitely tells you about Twisted Wonderland’s own set of stupid trends they’ve had over the years that he can remember.
you spent the rest of the afternoon laughing with Cater about both of your own experiences seeing dumb and funny things on social media.
It is 3am and I will pass out now, good night 🙏, I also didn’t take this fic seriously so if it’s shitty that’s why. It’s a crack fic after all 😋.
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Moonlight - T. R. x werewolf fem!reader
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A/N: this is the sixth part of this series. It’s mostly unedited so please be nice 💛 No use of Y/N. Comments, likes, and reblogs are always appreciated 🥰 In honor of my birthday you all get this chapter early
Series Masterlist
CW: Being ignored/avoided, betrayal, shitty roommate stuff, Tom being a bit of an asshole, and a shameless add-in of my man Cedric Diggory
1161 words
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You don’t talk to Tom for a full week. Not because you’re avoiding him. In fact, you make more of an effort to seek him out than you ever have before. But he manages to evade you every time.
It makes your chest ache. Mattheo glares at you in the hallways. Pansy doesn’t talk to you when you’re paired together in Potions.
And worst of all, your roommate just shrugs when you ask her what happened.
“I forgot,” she says blithely. “I was busy.”
It feels like a betrayal.
Being without Tom hurts more than you thought it would. You miss his sharp humor, his intelligence. His smiles.
You miss his attention. It cuts like a knife every time he turns away to avoid you. Every time you sit down to study for a class and he’s not there.
Luna and Hermione offer you what comfort and support they can, but after a full week, you give up. You stop trying to seek Tom out.
If he doesn’t want to talk to you, you’ll respect that. You cry your eyes out almost every night, but you respect his wish for distance.
After a week and a half, you start looking for a new study partner. You have to, despite how much it hurts to do so. Your grades are dropping and you need something new to focus on.
Luna and Hermione give you a few recommendations, but all of them have something or other going on. Quidditch season has started and most of the student body is preoccupied with it in some way or another.
So when a boy comes up to you in the library and asks to be your study partner, you say yes before you even look up to see who it is.
When you do look up, your jaw almost drops. It’s Cedric Diggory, the school heartthrob. And one of the brightest wizards at school.
“Y-You wanna study with me?” You ask incredulously.
Cedric chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. “If you’re not still doing it with Riddle, yeah.”
“I’m not!” You’re too over the moon to care about the pang in your chest at the reminder. “I’d love to do it— to study with you!”
Cedric grins. “Awesome.”
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You’re practically bubbling with excitement during lunchtime. All past issues are immediately forgotten the moment you sit down next to your roommate.
“Cedric Diggory asked me to study with him!” You gush, unable to contain your giddy glee any longer. “The Cedric Diggory!”
Your roommate blinks at you, then frowns. “What?”
“He asked me to study with him!” You giggle. “Just out of the blue.”
Your roommate does not look or smell as happy as expected. “Are you sure that’s what he said? Maybe he was just asking if you had a study partner already.”
You shake your head, still beaming. “Nope! He definitely asked if I wanted to study with him.”
She gives you a look you can’t decipher. Your enthusiasm wilts a little.
“I mean… it’s Cedric Diggory,” you say, more hesitantly this time. “You know, the guy I’ve liked for years? This is a good thing, right?”
Your roommate’s gaze flickers elsewhere, then she smiles. The back of your neck prickles. She suddenly smells quite strongly of glee. “Of course. This is wonderful!”
Confused, you turn around to see what she was looking at. You’re met with twin glares. Both equally vicious. One from Mattheo, which is normal.
And one from Tom.
You’re not giddy anymore.
You turn back around, silent. Your roommate eyes you. “What’s wrong?”
She sounds oddly smug. You don’t feel quite so comfortable in her presence any longer.
“Nothing…” you say softly. Your chest hurts again. “Just… a headache or something.”
You’ve never lied to her before. It feels icky. But so does the way she’s looking at you.
You swallow and stand up. “I’m not hungry anymore.”
“Where are you going?” Your roommate calls after you.
“The library,” you reply, a little numbly. “To study.”
She doesn’t follow after you.
Someone else does.
You can hear their hurried breath behind you, their purposeful footsteps. You don’t slow down or stop for them.
Finally… “Hey, wait up!”
You stop. Turn around. Blink.
Cedric’s there, giving you a worried look. He approaches slowly, hands tucked in his pockets. “Are you okay?”
You nod. He frowns.
“No, I mean, are you really okay? It kinda seems like something happened between—”
“Nothing happened,” you say quickly. You don’t want to think about it.
Cedric‘s frown deepens, but he nods. “Alright.”
You both stand there awkwardly for a moment. Then Cedric gives you a small smile. “If you’re headed to the library, can I join you?”
You let out a slow breath. After a moment, you nod. “Sure.”
He offers you his arm with a silly flourish. A smile curls at your lips. You take his arm with a soft sigh and let him lead you to the library.
“So,” Cedric says, glancing down at you as you walk. “Have you done the Charms homework yet?”
You’re grateful for the normal conversation.
“Almost.” You nod. “I just have the last bit of my essay to work on. Have you?”
Cedric chuckles. “Yeah. I finished my essay last night.”
As you walk, the conversation flows freely. By the time you reach the library, you’re smiling and even laughing a bit.
The two of you settle into a corner of the library and spend a good hour talking and working on homework together.
You’re so busy with Cedric that you almost miss the figure
stalking into the library. Your smile falters and drops.
“What’s wrong?” Cedric asks, following your gaze. He falls silent when he notices.
Tom is approaching the two of you. You can smell the anger reeking off him from your seat. It makes you shrink in your seat a bit.
He stops in front of you and glares at Cedric. “What—” he snarls— “do you think you’re doing?”
“Studying.” Cedric replies coolly. He lifts his chin, meeting Tom’s glare full on.
Tom’s glare intensifies. “You know what I mean.”
Cedric settles back in his seat and crosses his arms. “I thought you two were over.”
You shrink into your seat. Over. It makes your chest hurt and your eyes prickle.
Tom glances at you, his glare lessening for a moment. He looks like he’s waiting for you to say something.
“We’re just studying,” you say weakly.
Tom’s gaze flickers. He looks… almost hesitant. Then his gaze chills. “Fine.”
With one last glare at Cedric, Tom turns on his heel. As he walks away, you start to panic. This might be your only chance to talk to him about what happened.
You get to your feet, but Cedric grabs your arm. “Where are you going?”
You shake him off. “I’ve just— I gotta—”
You stumble away, unable to finish your sentence. You leave Cedric there in the library as you chase after Tom.
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kokofromwattpad · 1 year
hi!! not sure if you're taking reqs, but if you are
can i request a reader who is failing all their classes gets comfort from Riddle? and maybe some help ;;
Featuring: Riddle Rosehearts
Plot: You were always a slow learner. So it was no surprise when you made almost no progress in the exams. But this time, it was different, Riddle, your loving boyfriend had been tutoring you so that you could pass, only to give him your unsatisfactory results. How does he react?
Cw: comfort, established relationship, Riddle x GN!reader
A/N: I actually cried on the last day of grade six because I got such shitty grades in maths and was worried that I would not be allowed to go to the next grade.
Word count: 812
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You stood amongst the elbow-shoving crowd in front of the brown bulletin broad, where the ranking for the recent exams were pinned. You had been spending the last two minutes trying to shove your way to the front to see if your ranking had improved at all.
A few Heartslabyul students had noticed what you were trying to do and happily helped you to the front of the crowd. They were honestly just trying to get on your good side so that you would save them from your boyfriend, which you would have done anyways, but it's nice getting a bit of special treatment every now and then.
Once you got to the first year rankings, you traced your pointer finger from the top to the bottom of the page, searching for your name.
When you finally saw it, your heart dropped. '89 in ranking' In a year, there are about 100-120 students, so you being oh-so-close to the bottom probably meant that you would have to redo a year if you don't pull your socks up and try harder in the next exam period.
Quickly, you wrapped your thoughts up and shoved your way out of the mosh pit and ran down the hall to try and exit the building as fast as you could.
As you were walking through the courtyard, you spotted Riddle and Trey speaking to one another. As if Riddle had sensed you, he whipped his head in your direction and gave you and heartwarming smile and a shy wave.
Your expression twisted from desperation into panic when you saw your boyfriend. Quickly, you ran in the opposite direction of him, leaving your boyfriend and Trey by themselves.
Riddle curiously watched your fleeting figure leave the court yard into the direction of Ramshackle. Swiftly, he told Trey that he would be arriving back at the dorm later than usual and then quickly followed your steps to the old dorm.
Just as you entered, your chin bobbing up and down, a shear sign that you were about to cry, a knock on the door snapped you out of your episode quickly. You gathered yourself and went to open your door.
Your short, red haired boyfriend stood on your dusty doorstep, his eyebrows scrunched together in worry. You felt guilt wash over your mind. You must have worried him when you ran away without telling him anything!
You stepped to the side to let Riddle come in and followed after him into the living room, where he plopped himself down on a two seater sofa. He signaled you to sit next to him and you obliged.
And those were the words that made your tears spill. Salty tears run down your cheeks, turning them light pink. Your chin tugged up as you started to sob.
Riddle was startled, but like the wind, he place a hand on your back, rubbing soothing circles. You sobbed your heart out on Riddle's shoulder, surely turning it damp.
After a few minutes, you brought the heel of your palms up to your eye sockets, trying hard to plug up the still running tears.
Riddle brought his forefinger and thumb to your chin and lifted it so that he could get a good look of your wet face. "Why the tears? Were the results you got not the ones you expected?" he gently asked.
Of course he would be able to the head of the nail immediately.
You shakily nodded to the question. You thought that because that you did not reach your desired outcome, that you had wasted Riddle's time with tutoring you and that he was going to surely breakup with you because of this.
Riddle asked another question. "What did you get?"
Your voice was soft and wobbly, but you tried to answer as clearly as you could, "I-I got 89..."
Your boyfriend's face split into a wide and proud smile. He held your hands in his again and brought them up to his small chest.
"That is brilliant dear! You rose up a whole fifteen ranks!" he cheerfully exclaimed.
You were caught of guard with his enthusiasm. Why was he so excited for your horrible score? Yeah, you did improve, but not to your or his expectations, so what's the point of being happy?
"Dear, it is such a big improvement from last time, if we keep this up, you could get in the top 50's before the school year ends!" he encouragingly explains.
You didn't think of that... You were just so caught up in your disappointment that you did not notice how much improvement you made.
Riddle, still seeing how sad you were, said that he would organize with Trey so that he could spend more time studying with you so that you could reach your goal and not fail the year.
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
Hii! Idk if you’ve done this one before but I have a horrible cold rn so my request is: how would the rogues take care of a sick reader? I love your work and I’ve been dying to request something for a bit now
Sick Reader
Rogues Headcanons ok i love offering a lil bit of goodness and comfort for people when they're feeling shitty so i have tried to get this out as soon as possible for you! i hope you're better now though!! 💜 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: fluff, some sexual stuff i mean it's me
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he's actually very calm about it, very structured and prepared
sickness is something he dislikes, so he's sympathetic
and knowledgeable in prevention as well as curing
so you'll be sent to bed with a hot water bottle and a tea
and nursed softly back to health by him until he decides you're well
which he monitors efficiently and obsessively until you call him off
mr freeze
there's a slight panic to him when someone close to him is sick
he wouldn't want it to get too serious, or life-threatening
so he's on it immediately, offering you medicines and comfort
trying his best to make sure you're seen by medical professionals
and ensuring he does his best to get you better as soon as possible
but he'll sit by you, holding your hand, until you're feeling good
he's not sure about how to fix it, which he finds infuriating
but his main focus is making sure you're at least not suffering
so he'll be fumbling, distressed, waiting on you hand and foot
literally giving you everything you could possibly want
it's so sweet it heals you quicker, maybe a placebo
or maybe it was the four blankets and ten soft toys he piled on you
groggy people kind of annoy him, but for you he'll tolerate it
his sympathy is somewhat limited though, it's just a bit gross
he'll still pass you a tissue, at arm's length, and with gloves
and he'll remind you that he's excited for you to get better
not just because you are literally a walking germ right now
but because he misses you at your best, and misses kissing you
poison ivy
natural and herbal remedies are something she's clued up on
so get ready to feel even better than before you got sick
she's going to heal everything in you, from top to bottom
inside and out even, because what couldn't a warm hug heal?
so quick, sip up that weird green tea with leaves in it
and let her just hold this soup in a vine so she can stroke your head
what sickness can't you talk about until it's cured? laryngitis!
ok it's probably not that, less serious... but who knows!
not helpful... hm... what about a hot drink and a hug?
but what about just one more riddle? it would help distract him
of course, you are the sick one... but if you must know!!
he's very worried about you, don't mention that again though
he's a busy guy, but he's calling every meeting off to sit by your bed
whatever you need, whatever you want, he'll get it for you
or rather, he'll have some poor henchman rush out for it
you want soup? something sweet? a new blanket? a new bed?
you want new pyjamas? something softer or warmer?
spoiling you won't cure you, but it will make it easier to cope!
harley quinn
it's chicken noodle soup time, and she'll be hand-feeding you
don't argue, you lie completely still and she'll do everything for you
ok, listen, she's a doctor, but maybe she could be nurse harley
just for you. get a little cute outfit and tend to your every need?
whatever makes it easier for her to force you to just lay back
let sweet nurse quinn take your temperature huh?
mad hatter
every morning he's just glad you haven't died
very dramatic of course, it's just a common cold, but still
you're precious to him, and he'll make sure you get better
how much tea can you stomach? because... get ready for a lot
something hot to soothe your throat, to heat you up
and a kiss on the head to soothe your heart and comfort you
two face
harvey is all about playing nurse and keeping you comfortable
harv on the other hand thinks you should power through it
a combination of both actually works very well it turns out!
being filled up with cough syrup and pain meds is great
but being forced to go for a drive with the window down
while you get hickies at red lights? perfect cure for what ails ya
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thewhumpcaretaker · 1 month
Poem: Why Things Are Not Any Other Way
CW: This poem is something of a vent about my real life familial issues - growing up with one parent being treated as a monster by the other for having some mix of ASPD and NPD. He did not deserve that, despite being a very shitty person in his own way. I just wanted to talk about how that affects the way I approach love today. It’s also very freeform and I didn’t pay much attention to the quality of the writing. Just getting things out of my head.
Creature in the dark, with many names,
God, the Beloved, Man:
I burn all my days for you,
Burn up my brain for you,
Cannot look away.
Please help me understand
The origin of this insatiable frenzy.
Why do you kill me this way?
The first time I met you,
On the first day of my life,
I must have loved the vessel that held you,
The Other, who is in the world with me.
But I do not recall.
I remember two creatures. 
One who never lied (my mother, myself) said the Other always lied.
What a riddle to divine.
I remember when I learned he could never weep for me,
But only for himself.
A dark stone, insensible to pain,
Alone against the ravages of rage.
God, how I longed to refute that.
But to contradict my mother was to contradict myself.
I could only study the truth, bend, forgive.
“What is it to be nothing in some secret place? Does it hurt?”
I asked myself this as I watched him breathe, bleed, drink, sing, laugh.
It must be very secret indeed - I could not find it out, this seat of the soul,
In him or in me.
No matter what he may be, I wanted to understand.
And if not for the things he did, I could not have believed.
Oh creature, in the dark!
You broke my heart in two,
With the vessel of his body as a cleaver.
A smooth cut - the left ventricle divided from the right,
A wind between that sweeps me ever towards the knife.
How dare you?
You took my right to love you. 
Don’t you know that love, unspent, is grief?
I grieve for him. 
I spend and spend,
More than I can afford, in other places,
Find you out in other men,
Who, being dark coals, absorb me,
Absorb the honeyed heat of the sun and warm away my weariness,
Hotter and hotter,
Burn me to ashes with a fevered seeking,
But never with any harm. 
None harm by nature, not one.
Some by choice, but none by nature, not one.
They have been good to me, these innocent versions of you.
But I am too late, for that first Other.
Again and again I say, “See? She lied to me.”
“Won’t you come back now and be better?”
“I am sorry. Do you hear me?”
“I take you within me, your demon soul is my demon soul, your danger is my danger, your gender is my gender, your sins are my sins.”
“We were wrong to estrange you for the nature of your mind.”
But I was not wrong to estrange him for the things he did to me.
I can never tell him how sorry I am for my reasons, when I would not take back my actions.
I can never speak to him again until he is dying, or I am.
Oh creature, who is my father and not my father:
Forgive me.
I am in flames, with no hope of extinguishment. 
I will never stop seeking you in the wild world.
The innocent You, the good, sweet Other with a stone where the heart should be,
and who, unlike him,
Is no lesser or more dangerous for that.
I will never have enough of you, sweet creature.
One day, I will die of that.
Won’t you tell me
Why things are not any other way?
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mrshamada-dorian · 2 years
adeuce (accidentally) tries an edible
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honestly the last one was so fun and easy to write, i had to try it with the trouble-making duo themselves. by the time im posting this, my birthday is in one day. all i ask is that you shoot me an ask. it can be anything really. i just want more mutuals on tumblr tbh. leona ver. idia ver. azul ver.
cw; drugs
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telling ace and deuce not to touch something always results in them touching it. it didn't matter what it is. you could tell them not to touch a hot stove and next thing know, you're treating their hands for third degree burns.
ace was the heathen that always started it. he would get the urge to do it and exactly that as long as you weren't around.
and although you have more faith in deuce, he wasn't exactly an angel either. ace always managed to drag him into his scheme.
but it always ends with you giving them an earful that rivaled riddle's.
it was beginning to become a problem (especially for your snacks) so you came up with a plan.
don't them about it. if they didn't know, then they wouldn't touch anything right?
you had decided to take up a part time job at sam's mystery shop as crowely was a shitty headmaster and just barely provided you with thaumarks (or madol if you prefer) to maintain yourself.
you were planning to hangout with ace and deuce that night so you told them to go ahead and let themselves in.
which they happily did.
ace immediately planned to raid your kitchen. he always managed to find your secret stash no matter how many times you moved it.
deuce, as always, tried to stop him, but still ended up in the kitchen where they saw something that was equally as desirable as your snack stash.
the was a pan of delicious looking brownies just waiting to be eaten.
ace could feel himself drooling just looking at them. he immediately went to grab a piece when deuce. he gave the normal spiel of "you can't do that!" "you didn't ask!" "they'll get mad if you do!"
so what's one way to shut up a wannabe goody two shoes?
involve them in your crime.
ace went through with taking a piece. but instead of eating it himself, he stuffed it in deuce's mouth.
just as deuce was getting ready to complain, the flavor hit him. that shit... WAS SO GOOD HOLY FU-
it was almost a good as trey's baking (emphasis on the almost). it was so good and moist and- WAIT DID YOU ADD STRAWBERRIES?! ... deuce might've just fallen in love with a brownie.
ace was just having the audacity to smirk watching deuce dig his own grave. all it took was a light push on his behalf.
they both mutually agrees that the rest of those brownies had to go... in their mouths.
and about an half and hour later they were resting on your couch after finish the whole pan, well deuce wasn't really sitting. he was pacing because he knew you were going to be upset and ace's care free attitude was not helping.
it wasn't going to take long for you to get home and- opp there you go and suddenly somethings not right.
ace was feeling calm and giggly. way too calm for someone who was about to get cussed the fuck out. he would be freaked out, but he really couldn't bring himself to care.
deuce, on the other hand, was panicking like crazy. you would think that his momma was coming to beat his ass after doing something stupid.
out of the two, deuce immediately knew what was going on. he has gotten high before back in his delinquent days. now he's wondering why the fuck you had weed and where you got it from.
deuce's first reaction is grab ace and hide. but seeing as ace didn't want to move and deuce's cognitive functions were not functioning, they both fell to ground with a loud thud and a shit ton of giggles.
after hearing the noise all the way from the foyer, you ran to the living room only to find your two dumb idiots laying on the floor, one howling in laughter while the other one was in tears.
deuce's tear stricken face looked up at you in so much fear, it made you think that you were a monster intruding in on them.
but then you got to look at them. like REALLY look at them, and by the look in there eyes you could tell what was really going on.
oh yea you were definitely going to give them BOTH a reason to cry now.
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melloncreamsoda · 2 years
Second years when you get a bad haircut
TW/CW: crack, GN!Reader, headcanons
extra; ive been crying over mine for two days there's no reason my hairdresser fucked uo such a sinple style bro crying emoji and i will also find any excuse to write about the octotrio anyway i hope u enjoy!!
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You wanted to change up your current hairstyle, it was simple really– just a little off what you already had. But no! The hairdresser just had to find some way to fuck the entire thing up. You really thought that everything would be different, especially in another universe; but at this point you can't tell if you aren't being clear enough, or it’s truly in the veins of a hairdresser to do everything wrong. Your eyes are puffy from crying all night but time isn’t going to stop for you. You wear a hoodie over your uniform, as well as a hat underneath– you were not going to take any chances, especially being in a school full of rowdy boys who know no limits.
Riddle Rosehearts
Homeboy quite literally does not give a fuck, or so it seems.
Riddle is sheltered, and has not seen the many of the wonders of the world. So seeing your hair in such an eyesore of a state– he had to take 5.
But of course he is a gentleman and definitely isn’t one to disregard your feelings.
Need a better coverup in place of your hat? He has a shitload and will not hesitate to spend money if necessary.
“It’s not as bad as you think I prom- What do you mean my face is red!?”
Ruggie Bucchi
He’s seen worse, from where he’s from.
A little bad haircut won’t change how he sees you anyway, even if he might be teasing about it and snicker while looking at you  from time to time.
It’s all in good fun though… unless you’re sensitive, but he can’t promise he’ll put a complete stop to it! He just wants to lighten the mood, I promise.
Hair grows back eventually, right? Don’t let one shitty haircut ruin your entire week.
“...Anyway have I told you about that one time where I was getting chased by stallholders and accidentally ripped a chunk of my hair off? Yeah, had a bald spot for months.”
Azul Ashengrotto
Wanna sign your life away to him?
Is what he’s implying when he says that “he makes a mean hairstylist.”
Well unless he’s feeling nice, he might just offer to cover your absences from school and write notes for what you missed out on.
But there’s only a slim chance that he will not be asking for payment after this whole phase passes.
Azul will try to reassure you, though he isn’t the best at it.
“It’s… unique..! Some people would love your hairstyle. Eh- to have? Well…”
Floyd Leech
He knows no mercy.
He is going to rip your hood off or either snatch your hat and put it in highest corners he knows you won't be able to reach.
However, even if you do, by chance, get it back, your joy will only be short lived. He can easily sneak up on someone and running away will be no big deal with those long legs of his.  
One upside to this, is that he doesn’t bother to snap any shots of your very vulnerable state; reason being that he enjoys watching the raw, sheer terror on your face whenever you sense his presence nearby. 
As sadistic and twisted– in its own way– as it is, seeing his blinding smile and hearing his boyish laugh can’t help but make you smile and have fun alongside him. 
So maybe the bad haircut isn’t that bad after all.
“Shrimpy! Catch me if you can… If you feel like touring the whole school of your fresh cut, heheh!”
Jade Leech
He’s trying his best to reassure you that you’re being much too harsh on yourself, I promise… Even if that means he’s trying his best to bite back a grin whenever you bring it up.
It’s not that you look bad, it’s just the way that you’re so obsessed with it reminds him of him when he was younger– once he got a bad haircut and cried about it for a week.
He does try to steer your attention away from the bad haircut to the best of his abilities; perhaps it’s the feeling of dejavu that he wants nothing more than to protect you from self doubt.
You’re his wittle bittwle precious gemstone and will make sure that you never hear of a bad haircut ever again!
“It’s alright Dear, I promise. I’ll take you to a much better, extravagant salon. Unless you are able to put your trust in my unrefined talent? Fufufu…”
Kalim Al-Asim
In all honesty, he doesn’t see an issue with it. He just can’t understand why you think it’s so horrible.
But if you really insist and won’t shut up about it, he’ll snag this opportunity to introduce you some of the most glamorous or simple headpieces back from his hometown!
He has everything to cater to your wants and needs, and you best expect that he milk every opportunity, especially for his beloved.
Even if it means giving Jamil more work to prevent him from overspending… but hey! It's the thought that counts
“Hey hey! Look at this, I think it's really gonna help to accentuate your features! Of course it’ll cover your hair… :(“ 
Jamil Viper
He doesn’t really care, or is let alone even free enough to notice.
But if you make enough noise about it, he might not even bat an eye towards it. 
He assures you that you look fine, and might even place a chaste kiss on your cheek to get you to shut up if you whine too much about it.
Maybe he’ll try to fix it, maybe he won’t, perhaps he’ll even spare you a glance for a good heart chuckle every once in a while.
“Please stop making such a mes- FINE you have my attention.”
Does not care now, and I don't think he ever will.
Hair will grow back, but if you really want, you could hide under his shirt or something…
He’s practically half asleep all the time, so your hair will be back to normal before he even knows it.
He’ll draw his sword to protect you from any potential teasing if you really dislike it, granted that he’s fully awake at the time.
“Just lie down for a bit, I don't like seeing a frown on such a pretty face.”
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elysia-nsimp · 2 years
And now, even MORE TWST as things my friends and I said!
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6
CW: stuff like. sex jokes and friendly bullying/threats (all lighthearted and in good fun)
Yuu: And by that, I mean Jade
Idia: all condoms are recipes for allergic reactions to me though because I’m actually allergic to sex /j
Lilia: I have arriven
Lilia: it’s like arrived but fancier
Lilia: three wishes?
Dude: yes
Lilia: Hmm… if you give me your name!
Dude: Great! My name’s Blake
Lilia: Be careful what you wish for.
…: I wish for a [describes a super specific car], enough money to buy a house, and a sailboat that can take me across the sea
Lilia: Great! Your car doesn’t work, you can only afford a tiny shitty ass house—
Lilia: And your sailboat will sink after one trip across the sea.
Lilia: Enjoy your wishes! And thanks for your name, I’ll take good care of it~
Floyd: My parents—who I KNOW can hear me right now—are going to be so disappointed when they start finding tiny plastic babies around the house. I will hide tiny plastic babies around the house. This is both a threat and a promise.
Cater: Some people just know where they belong. Like me! I belong in horny jail.
Cater: Which is really ironic because I’m demi… it’s like I’m not usually horny, but then I really am!
Azul, playing DnD: My character lets out a shrek- SHRIEK-
Idia: Azul let out a SHREK /j
Idia: who let the dogs out but it’s badly rendered Shrek models t-posing /j
Cater, pointing at a drawing of a dead flower (x eyes and all): that’s me
Ruggie: I’m so fucking god that it’s cold
Azul: jumps several hundred of feet off a cliff, survives
Idia: mecore
Azul: I am going to slit your throat
Idia: this is so sad, Ortho play despacito
Ortho: okay, playing Despacito
Idia: NOOO
Ortho: Aye~
Ace, giggling:
Ace, still giggling:
Ace, reblogging:
Both of them, giggling their asses off:
Azul: Im just gonna cross my fingers and hope that if I stop responding then you'll stop
Azul: I was mistaken. I was very sadly mistaken
Lilia: Malleus, are you going through the five stages of grief right now?
Malleus: yea
Malleus: thnx for noticing
Ruggie: I'm deathly allergic to cats, if I eat a cat, I will die
Cater: if your house is on fire, and you got one of those little meow meows, just chuck it out the window, it'll be fine
Malleus: Yuu don’t do this, I might actually start crushing on you—this is a dangerous game. YUU BE CAREFUL
…(Blake): ELF- ELF EARS
…: OI
Lilia: Hm?
…, in a Scottish accent: Hi can I have more wishes :D
Lilia: Even after last time?
…: Ehhh, it worked out in the end!…. Eventually.
Lilia, shaking his head: So greedy…
Deuce: What is a socialist? And where can I buy one?
Ace: The girls are fighting and Barbie is winning
Idia: I had a depressive episode called “quarantine”
Kalim during CH4: Awww poor snake
Yuu: the SNAKE is making BAD CHOICES.
Lilia: Eating a plum at 3 am (gone wrong) (police called)
Deuce: crap
Ace: Fuck.
both gasp, then go incredibly silent.
Deuce: …
Leona, gesturing to Cheka: This child is a piece of shit. Get the parents involved before I fistfight him myself.
Vil: do you want to be the monster that runs into a wall and dies?
Lilia: YES????? HELLO????????
Ace: but was the grink there?
Jack: I promise I’ll protect you from Danny DeVito /gen
Yuu: thank you
Lilia: I need to do more roleplays in furry games
Ace: Fishing is like tinder for fish kissers
Floyd: fishr
Jamil: what
Sebek: You’d think having longer ears would mean I could hear you better, but no, I have an auditory processing disorder.
Crowley: Number one! E! As in… E.
Cater: Can you feel it in your bones, Kalim
Cater, to Riddle: Don't be British in front of your mom
Floyd: Don't kidnap the local tiger, he doesn't wanna live in your bathroom!
Yuu: Why would you keep a tiger in your bathroom??
Floyd: Uhhhh.. um.. D- Don't ask questions you don't want answers to! A- And don't look in my bathroom!
Lilia: modern jesus is staring at me blankly. except modern jesus has no face.
Anyway that’s the end. I still have more. Plus a whole other server of quotes that I haven’t touched from a few years ago…
Already making another one bc I didn’t wanna put too many in this post lmao
Tags: @aetherphobia @thesunshineriptide @end3rm1st lmk if you wanna be tagged lmaooo
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whumble-beeee · 9 months
Whumptember 2023, Day 19
“You are not a hero. You’re a child playing dress up. Now take off that silly mask and go home.”
Villain mentor | In over their head | Trembling 
The Bee's Whumptember Masterlist 
~2180 words
CW: female whumpee, minor whumpee (15yo), suffocation, blood, stabbing with knife, minor character implied death? (idek if they're dead tbh), fear of death, very very shitty caretaker
(this is a part of the same story as Day 1: Did I Do Good? Takes place quite a bit in the past compared to the other one. You don’t need to read that story to understand this one :))
“End of the line, little girl.”
The ice villain slowly advanced upon Air-Master with leisurely bravado, a deadly sharp icicle forming in her hands as she closed in on her captured prey desperately fumbling to shatter the ice that froze her legs and arm to the ground. 
“Stay back!” Air-Master screamed, slamming her fist down into the cement hard enough to draw blood and create a solid wall of air between the two. The villain tilted her head quizically at the sudden obstruction before swinging her icicle down into the substance, tearing it to bits with a light woosh. Turns out, air isn’t very hard to break through.
The villain laughed, finally reaching Air-Master and crouching down over her stomach, pinning her only unfrozen arm to the scratchy ground. She positioned the icicle over Air-Master’s heart.
“Alright kid, this has been fun,” The villain mused, enjoying how the young hero's bloodshot eyes stared at her, red with unshed tears and full of fury-riddled terror. “But sadly, it’s time–”
Suddenly, the villain wasn’t on top of Air-Master anymore. She was slamming into the nearby warehouse wall with a sickening smack, held in place by some sort of robotic claw that, like most of its immediate surroundings, was now sprinkled with morbid red flecks of blood. She went limp and didn’t move again.
“Jenna!” a worried voice yelled from Air-Master’s left, its embodiment crouching over her and pushing his fingers to her neck to find a pulse. “What the hell?! Are you okay?!”
Air-Master pursed her lips and squeezed her eyes shut, chest heaving with barely muffled cries. She was not going to cry in front of Destron. It was bad enough that he’d come to her rescue.
“What the hell are you doing all the way out here?” Destron raised some sort of sharp bludgeoning device and slammed it into her ice-laden arm, shattering the ice while still leaving her hand thankfully intact. “It’s dangerous, especially for kids and especially for… well girls. Women. Didn’t your mother tell you that?”
“Yes,” Air-Master spat, rubbing her arms together to warm them as Destron started slamming away at the more mountainous task of breaking out her legs. “And it’s not Jenna, it’s Air-Master. I’m on the job right now.”
Destron paused mid-chisel to raise his eyebrow at her. “Air-Master? One of those workout stair elliptical things? Like stairmaster?” Destron laughed at his own stupid joke. Air-Master ground her teeth. “Pick a better superhero name, kid. Then I still won’t call you it, because you’re not a superhero.”
“You’re one to judge, Destron. Because that’s such a great name…” Jenna hissed. “I am a superhero. I have a superpower and I’m out fighting bad guys. That’s what superheroes do.”
 Destron chuckled. “Is that right? Well then, call me the best and brightest on the force, because I had to save your super-kid butt from a class nothing villain… You’re gonna need a lot more training if you want to be the one saving people instead of making others save you.”
Jenna feltl tears burning at the back of her eyes again, more so than even when she was about to die just moments earlier. She slammed her fists on the ground. “I didn’t ask you to save me!” she cried. “Why’re you so obsessed with me?! You tried to kill my mom, you kidnapped me! We’re supposed to be mortal enemies! Get away from me!”
Destron’s face took on a rare form of shock as he stared at Jenna, just short of shattering the ice off her first leg. Then his eyes narrowed, daring her to say something even more stupid. “Excuse me?”
Jenna’s throat closed up at Destron’s sudden intensity, but her anger refused to let her back down now. “I can take care of myself. I’m a superhero, I don’t need help from villains like you.”
“Air-Master.” she corrected.
“Jenna.” Destron stated. “You’re not ready to be a superhero yet. You’re too young, you’re inexperienced. You don’t have any training, most importantly. And no, whatever your sorry excuse of a mother tried to teach you doesn’t count.”
Destron scooted closer to Jenna so he could rest a hand on her shoulder and look her in the eyes, as stern as he could muster. “You are not a hero, Jenna...” He sighed. “You’re a child playing dress up. It’s time to take off that silly mask and go home. Please”
Jenna felt something break inside her. Angry tears started to roll down her cheeks as she threw Destron’s hand off her shoulder with breakneck force
“Please just listen–”
She conjured up a spear of hardened air in her rage, flinging it at him with reckless abandon. Destron snatched it out of the air and stared at it for a moment. Then broke it in two and slammed it into the ground. The two halves dissipated rapidly.
“Hmm… It seems I’ve made an error. You’re right, little hero.” Destron muttered, a cold calm enveloping his voice like Jenna had never heard before. All of her rage dissipated just like her air weapons. It almost made her dizzy. 
“I– What?”
“I’m a supervillain,” Destron spelled out, eyes firmly on the modified shuriken he now toyed with in one hand. “And you’re a superhero. And the villains always defeat the heroes, no? Either that or the villains do heinous things to the heroes.” Destron threw the throwing star, and Jenna’s eyes followed it right to where it implanted in the red-stained wall directly next to the still unmoving ice villain's head. 
“That's just what villains do, right?”
 “Uh– I… Yes?...” Jenna squeaked.
“Wonderful. Glad we’re on the same page. Defeat me then.”
Jenna shrunk back from the man now standing over her, the ice freezing her legs to the ground suddenly becoming blindingly frigid. “Y–you-you you want me to… to fight you?”
“That's what heroes and villains do, no?”
“Uh, uh, yes, but… but you’re not–”
“Yes, yes, I’m a villain, I know. Not your dad, not a superhero, but a supervillain. You made that very clear.”
Jenna just stared at the man. There was no way he actually expected her, a 15-year-old girl, to fight him, who some people feared even speaking the name of just in case they evoked him. Not to mention she was still iced to the damn–
“Ugh, you’re worried about the power imbalance?” Destron sneered, rolling his eyes. “Fine, you have 30 seconds to do whatever.”
Blood roared in Jenna’s ear, adrenaline making her tremble intensely as she suddenly struggled to take a full breath. “Wait, w-wai-wait-wait, but–”
“It’s 30 more seconds than she gave you.” Destron gestured with some magically appearing mechanical staff over to the villain he had pinned to the wall like a butterfly. “Use it wisely. 26 now. 25, 24…”
Through her adrenaline-fueled haze, Jenna managed to conjure up a small but rock-hard, and most importantly sharp mound that she started bludgeoning at the ice with. Just like the one Destron used. The first casing came away easily. The second took a few hits, but she managed to rip her legs out with only medium amounts of gashes. She scrambled up and conjured a knife of air, taking a defensive position with her blade held straight out at her opponent. She bared her teeth with a trembling body as she hissed out her breath through her teeth and glared at him.
Destron tilted his head at her, slowly spinning the staff around like a twirling baton. “8, 7…”
Jenna conjured up and skipped across newly appearing solid air platforms. She ignored her legs’ screeches of pain and leaped off the platform toward Destron just as he hit “3, 2…” and buried the feather-light knife into his shoulder with a sickening amount of force.
Destron let out a pained gurgling sound as the knife embedded itself just below the clavicle, grabbing Jenna’s wrist to prevent her from pulling it out just as she tried to jump back. He looked up at her through his eyelashes, striking a lightning bolt through Jenna’s heart as she saw the violence in his eyes. “One.”
Suddenly, Jenna felt… tired. So, so tired. The fight felt so much more impossible now. Destron leveraged the staff up from under his armpit and over Jenna’s shoulder, slamming her onto her back using his body as the fulcrum of the lever. Jenna went down with a yelp, grasping at the air and even managing to conjure her own staff out of the stuff as she slammed into the ground. Destron fell to one knee on her chest, knocking any extra wind she still had in her lungs out of her, and shoved the center of his weapon down at her, eyes dead set on her own as he slammed once, twice, three times against her own weapon until it disappeared under the force and the shank of the staff pressed down straight on her windpipe.
She couldn’t breathe. She actually, literally couldn’t breathe. Her throat itched with a burning cough she couldn’t satiate, her chest heaved against the weight of the villain. She tried to push up against the staff. Gravity and strength both worked against her, and it didn’t budge an inch. Destron’s face was a mask of cold determination. The taste of metal filled her mouth. She squeezed her eyes shut. Destron was going to kill her. 
The weight of the staff suddenly lifted off her neck, as did the knee on her chest. Jenna immediately started coughing uncontrollably, curling up into herself as she was gently pushed onto her side. The entire encounter hadn’t even lasted 5 seconds after Destron started fighting back… She curled even further into herself and let out a loud cry to the heavens. She was never going to be a superhero.
“You’re supposed to tap out,” Destron said from somewhere beyond the haze of looming death. She stayed like that for a long time, lying prostrate on the ground, curled up in her little ball, coughing into her hands as tears soaked into her hair and the cement under her.
“I was going easy on you,” Destron stated, patting Jenna’s back and rubbing circles as her coughs started to subside. “Usually I don’t just turn off the adrenaline response. Usually I make my opponent feel hopeless. Like the world already crashed down around them as they stood by and watched and did nothing. Sometimes they just… curl up at my feet.”
Jenna rolled to her back again with a wheeze, body still spasming with aftershocks as she looked at Destron with half-lidded eyes.
“You got me pretty good, though. In the shoulder.” Destron gestured to his new wound, actively gushing blood all over his sleeveless jacket. “Those air weapons are really something. They just need to be honed so they aren’t so fragile. And good fighting instincts, too, you did better than I thought you would.”
Jenna stared up at the light-polluted sky and squeezed her eyes shut. “You–... You tried to ki-i–” she fell into yet another coughing fit, coughs that painfully rattled through her throat. “You-ou were gonna ki-ill me.”
“I was never gonna kill you, kid. Just had to make it believable so the lesson would make it through all that teenage angst..”
“I hate you.” Jenna cried softly. In the moment, she really meant it too. “I hate you so-o-o mu-uch. So-so much.”
“That’s fair…” Destron conceded. “Tell you what, I could train you. Do a hell of a better job than your mom. Then you could be a real superhero.”
Jenna stared at Destron as her mouth practically fell agape. “Fuck you!”
“Hey! Watch the language! You’re what, like 15?”
“Yes!” Jenna shouted, feeling a second wind finally start to fill her body once again. His power must have finally been wearing off. She sat up to face Destron head-on. “I’m 15! And you, a full-grown man, most superpowered and feared person in the entire city, beat the shit out of me until I thought I was actually gonna die! Then you act like we’re all buddy-buddy again like everything’s normal? No! Normal isn’t almost killing someone just to prove a point! I’m allowed to swear! Fuck you! You’re the worst!”
Destron’s eyes widened at Jenna as she struggled to stand up again after the entire ordeal. Could she really not know? Destron fumbled with his hands. He really was a bad mentor…
“Jenna…” He whispered. “That… That is normal. Almost dying, almost killing people, actualy killing people, feeling every feeling day in and day out. That’s what being a superhero is. That’s what I’m trying to tell you. It’s not a burden to be taken lightly.”
Jenna froze halfway through her standing up. Her shoulders slumped. She took a deep breath.
“...I’m… I’m going home…”
She started walking away slowly.
“You want me to walk you?” Destron called after her.
“Fuck you!”
“Give the training a thought! You know how to call me!”
Jenna didn’t even grace that comment with a response.
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wvbaandtheboys · 2 years
*disco kid voice* y’all ready for these hcs
TW/CW// abuse, alcohol Disco grew up in a very shitty neighborhood riddled with gang violence and crime. He also had parents in an unhappy marriage, which ended up with a divorce when he was still fairly young. As if that wasn’t bad enough, his mother was unable to gain custody of him and his sibling, forcing her to leave them to suffer at the hands of his alcoholic father. Until he emerged from childhood, he found some solace in spending whatever time he could with his older sister through all the verbal abuse from his dad. Unbeknownst to Disco, she was teetering towards her breaking point. One day, the only thing in his household that kept him even remotely happy was gone in an instant. (She got into a screaming match with their father and was kicked out after it got violent- :{ ) Disco was even more miserable without her. When he became a teenager, he knew that his father didn’t have much more time before his addiction took him. Having virtually lost all hope of having a decent sendoff, Disco moved out to find a place of employment, and a place to stay. While he began to slowly try and pick himself back up onto his feet, he felt like he was being.. stalked. It wasn’t unheard of for gangs in the area to scope out potential targets, but.. why was he the one?... He continued to live his life for some time, before finally being confronted by his mysterious watcher. Or rather, watchers. It was a rather notorious gang, the Speedsters. They relayed a message to him; their boss knew where he lived, and said he was a relative of theirs (though, they never gave him a name.) They were going to send him a package, and said to use it to get himself out of the city. And so, when the day came, he used the goods inside the package (a large sum of money, notably) and packed up to move out of his childhood city, and start over. - Disco still hasn’t regained contact with his sister, all these years later. He never forgot her, even to this day. He still wonders if she’s back in Brooklyn, or if she moved out as well. He still has photos of her. - Disco’s got ADHD. - Time for some Quickie lore! Quickie was the one who sent Disco that package. He’s Disco’s (estranged) uncle that wanted to help him and his sister out of the situation after hearing of the aftermath. And yup, he’s the ex-gang leader of the Speedsters. He’s virtually never seen around the WVBA (which is the case with many of the NES/Arcade boxers), and Disco has no idea of his true identity, nor his relationship to him. (Quickie isn’t going to just tell him that out of the blue should they ever meet, either.) - Disco actually also got his love for music to grow cause of Quickie! In the package was also Disco’s first cassette player and earpods, which he still has! (He felt oddly happy about it, he had never gotten such a gift before in his life, ever really. Aside from his sister taking him out to sneakily attend concerts and such.) - Despite his chill “go with the flow” personality, Disco’s got a temper. If you cross a personal line, he’ll put you in your place. Not one for violence, but he’ll knock a bitch out if they deserve it.
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painful-pooch · 2 years
Rules of the Alley: There are No Doctors
Whumptober 2022 (@whumptober)
No. 11 - "911, WHAT'S YOUR EMERGENCY?" Sloppy Bandages | Self-Done First Aid | Makeshift Splint
Taglist: @whumperofworlds, @ocean-blue-whump, @actress4him, and @winedark-whump
CW: Bad first aid, homeless whumpee, blood, and gun violence mention
No. 11 “911, WHAT’S YOUR EMERGENCY?” (Gen) Sloppy bandages | Self-Done First Aid | Makeshift Splint
Whumpee is hiding in an alley, their mind bustling with all that happened earlier in the day, from running away to then being chased by Whumper. They barely got away, but now their leg is suffering the consequences of fighting for their life, bleeding with a constant trickle of blood that mixed so eloquently in the puddle of water beside them.
They hate everything that is happening to them, and they shiver from the cool breeze that passes by them. They must get out of there and find some amount of reprieve from the chilling blasts of cool air and the inclement weather about to hit them. Whumpee focuses down the alleyway, despair hitting them as the eeriness of it all makes their fate all the more apparent.
The shitty excuses of lightbulbs flicker as though it’s rave night at the local bar/club, the sight of unwelcoming figures closing in on Whumpee, the unsanitary dumpster that is overflowing with the unwanted scraps of the dregs of society. It’s all making Whumpee wish their leg wasn’t damaged, but they must make it out of there in one piece. They tear away at their own filthy shirt riddled with mud and muck, tying it around their wound and placing more pressure over where the most blood is seeping out.
That should do it, I hope. Nothing else to do.
They force themselves up just as one of the figures from afar calls out to them. “Hey, whatcha doin’ all alone there, hmmm? Didn’t your parents tell you to come home by sundown?”
Whumpee rolls their eyes and uses the slippery brick wall to stand up again, the pressure on their joints reminding them of why they were on the floor in the first place. They grit their teeth in pain and turn their back on the figure.
The sounds of puddles being stepped in, the police sirens echoing far off, the screeching sounds of the metro’s brakes, and the hollering of the gang behind them make Whumpee’s anxiety go up.
“Did I tell you that you can walk away from me, bitch?!” The ringleader shouts inquisitively, the footsteps picking up in pace.
It’s now or never….
Whumpee fights back the agony ripping through them as they break off in a sprint down the alley, ignoring the shouting and the subsequent roars of pistols going off. They must get out of there, zigzagging through the maze of the alley until they pass by a boarded-up entrance with an opening just big enough for them to squeeze into.
With no ounce of hesitation, Whumpee trespasses the opening and covers their mouth to keep their pained wails to themselves, pressing back against the wall and hoping the gang won’t find them there. They can feel and hear their own heartbeat, rapidly thumping away in their heart, the throbbing sensation building up once more in their leg.
They can’t bring themselves to look away from the dimly lit world outside of the boarded door and windows, hoping they are well hidden in the shadows.
“Where are you, ya little fuck?! We just want to talk to you, is all!”
Yeah, right you want to talk… I’m just going to hang out here and die my own way, mmmkay?
A few seconds pass by after an eternity when the gang keeps moving forward, and Whumpee doesn’t realize they were holding their breath the whole time. They are safe for once, just as the rain begins to fall. They are thankful they are protected by the shelter they found, even if it’s still so cold.
They can finally look at their leg, and they grimace when they see how bad it really looks: the part of their shirt they used as a makeshift bandage is soaking in a disgustingly dark red with splotches of black from what they can only assume is the dust and dirt they picked up when dragging through the opening.
They open their shitty children’s backpack they had found in the dumpster earlier and pulled out a half empty bottle of vodka, tilting their head back and dousing their wound with it, crying silently and hitting the ground with their free hand to not scream. It’s only been a day of living out on the streets, and they are already bloody, depressed, and so over it all.
Though, they can’t say they miss Whumper. They lean their head back against the wall and listen to the rain crashing down against the puddles, cars, and closed garbage tins. It’s relaxing enough to fall into a slumber, hoping their wound doesn’t get infected by the next day. One can only hope. There are no doctors in the alley, so they have to make do with what they can.
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throwthemanaway · 2 years
Some hp fans want to claim anything the books can’t explicitly disprove is equally canon.
made up example: “ u can’t prove that Harry’s horcrux didn’t make him exaggerate the dursleys abuse the same way it twisted Ron’s view of what his friends were saying. Therefore, it’s an equally valid interpretation that the dursleys didn’t abuse Harry as bad as he thought.“
no. technically we can’t explicitly disprove that. but that’s not equally canon to a reading that the dursleys abused Harry like he said. Not all readings are equally valid.
sometimes u have to go where there is more proof vs less proof.
example: evidence from the books that Tom riddle sr. married merope by choice, had sex with her consensually, and abandoned her but dumbLedore got the story wrong? ZERO!! Zero! Zero!
evidence merope raped Tom riddle? - we r given these facts by Dumbledore who routinely explains offscreen things to harry like what happened to quirrel. he is an info dumping tool in the books
- Tom Sr shows no signs of aggressive behavior, especially not to women. His concern for cecelia shows evidence of him being nice in the one short memory we see him in. his concern for Cecilia and him riding alone in a carriage with her implies that if he were to be interested in a romantic partner it would be Cecelia and not Merope
-Tom sr has a pattern where is a victim of the gaunt family. Once, Meropes brother hexed him because merope liked looking at him. Merope used magic on him (Dumbledore’s report). And Voldemort murders him
-Tom sr never marries another woman or has other bastard children, which fuckbois usually do. He is alone with his parents when he dies. why would he have married merope if he wanted to use her and leave her? She liked him. you’re telling me he couldn’t have slept with her without marriage if he was an abuser? His social standing was ruined by the marriage
- merope is capable of performing magic. We know mood can affect magic from Tonks losing her metamorphosis ability when she is depressed and gaining it back when she is happy. It is not a stretch that merope can perform better magic when she is not abused.
-merope is capable of getting money. while pregnant she goes to trade her locket for galleons. She might have traded items for galleons to get money to buy a love potion or ingredients for one. - merope names her son after Tom sr and hopes he inherits his dads looks (which is why she used to stare at him out her window). Not the actions of the typical scorned or mistreated woman. ⚖️ scale test!!! Which wins?
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