#Wattpad or something
otomaniac · 1 year
Another morning of waking up without ao3 😭
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crispyliza · 3 months
I just realized that early fanfiction sites provided me my first sex education.
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danthropologie · 5 months
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a-hyperfixated-banana · 6 months
Just curious
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verminvamp · 4 months
DamarA foR thE souL
FirsT I waS likE “SheS prettY cooL ilL draW heR oncE^,..,^”
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TheN I waS likE “ilL jusT draW heR goD tieR^,..,^”
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BuT theN I waS likE “leT mE jusT draW heR weebieR anD alsO humaN^,..,^”
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AnD theN thaT lasT drawinG leD mE tO makinG anD theN hyperfixatinG oN a interneT dramA humaN aU =,..,=
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can we talk about how cringy this scene was?
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yeah i'm sorry, i'm sure this was written as the Angsty Villain Monologue™, but it just comes off as an edgy teenager trying to be intimidating.
"some people have a bad day, i've had a bad life" you're not special, catra. you've had a bad life and you decide to make that everyone else's problem. other people has had a bad life because of you.
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secondbeatsongs · 5 months
when you're into the Big Ship™ in a Big Fandom™, you have the luxury of having an OTP - a real One True Pairing, where you can read about just them for ages, and you will never run out of fics, and everything is perfect and beautiful and nothing hurts
but when you go to a smaller fandom, you'd better pray to whatever god you worship that someone else in this room ships the same thing that you do, and that if they do, they're writing more than late-night crackfic, because you're on thin fucking ice!
and how small is your small fandom? is it less than 100 fics? maybe even...less than 20 fics?
welp, then it's time to make peace with that god and either open up a text document or learn how to ship everything, because it's swim or drown babey! and your ship is sinking fast
anyway all of this is to say that after hanging out in small fandoms and shipping less-common pairings for a while, going back into a Big Huge Fandom™ is wild because suddenly it's like...wait, why didn't I ship these people again? I don't remember. why was I only sticking to one ship in this fandom?? boring of me, honestly. these guys should make out.
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snipersfucker · 1 year
request from @gh0stfac3-w1f3y: I can't find any fics where Noah and the reader first meet Mirage in the garage and then they met the others
i changed the plot so much, it's so far from canon lmao but we roll. it's long btw sorry for making you wait *cries*
"Any last words?"
Noah looked up at you with widened eyes after hearing the question that'd left your mouth.
He was so close to shitting himself and you were not helping.
"What?" He frowned with his eyes now focused on your face, the word a whispered yell.
You rolled your eyes, not actually having expected him to understand your little joke, considering the fact that you two had slightly different senses of humour. But you had the right to roll your eyes at him nevertheless.
"Before you get shot in the head for stealing," you explained in the same tone, loudly enough for him to hear but also not too loudly so that you wouldn't catch anyone else's attention.
And Noah would've normally kind of snorted at your words. But not now. Not when his special thingy used for opening stranger's car doors without making much noise was inside a Porsche that did not belong to either of you.
He just let out a shaky breath through his nose, trying to calm down his growing nerves. His attention went back to the car, his trembling hands trying to open it without triggering the alarm.
"We're so dead," you muttered under your breath, shaking your head and looking around in search for any unwelcome guests. Noah didn't even hear you, too focused on his task as well as not fucking everything up.
And he nearly let out a loud noise when the safety lock clicked. He was too nervous to properly smile at you but you couldn't stop the corners of your own lips from curling up. You made a proud face and held a thumbs-up to him.
"Get in," he just said, grabbing the handle to open the door, and you did the same thing.
You raised your eyebrow when the safety lock locked itself again.
"She doesn't want us to steal her," you whispered to him, referring to the silver car, your hand pulling on the handle a few more times, hoping it would eventually work.
Humour helped you not to lose your mind due to stress, which was happening to Noah at the moment, almost silent curses leaving his mouth, the desperation in his movements now much more obvious as he kept attempting to unlock the safety lock with the thingy again.
It clicked.
You pulled the handle again. And the safety lock locked itself. Again.
"The fuck?" Noah whispered to himself, the frown on his face deepening even more. This time he decided to trick the system and unlock the safety lock and then open the door as fast as possible.
It worked.
"I knew w—" you began the sentence, feeling quite victorious, even though you did absolutely nothing to help Noah, but was interrupted by the male voice coming from behind you. Your eyes snapped to Noah's face which was filled with just the same amount of horror. They immediately widened in shock and a sudden wave of stress as well as panic washed over you, making your heart skip a few beats.
"Hey! Security!" The man yelled, his heavy steps increasing in volume, getting closer and closer to the two of you. "What are you doing?!"
If the image of you in an orange suit hadn't appeared in your mind for that split second, you would've frozen in your spot, unable to enter the car, let alone run away from the security guard. But you managed to do the former, your hand opening the door with one swift motion, your legs guiding you inside.
"Noah!" A croaked yell fell from between your lips as your eyes shot to your friend standing by his side of the Porsche. Your voice hit him like a bucket of cold water.
He quickly got inside, taking another thingy out of his pocket to use it to start the engine. Random courses both in Spanish and English were coming to your ears as Noah tried to work his magic and get you two out of that damned parking lot.
But before he could even flex his car-stealing abilities, the security guard was already knocking on your window with a lot of force, nearly breaking the glass. That almost made you and Noah throw up from the stress, and the fact that he was still struggling with all the cables—
The engine suddenly started.
The radio blasted music on its own, the tunes so loud they either freaked the security guy out to the point he stopped punching the window, or they completely silenced his furious knocks and pulls on the handle. You weren't sure, not even daring to look in the man's direction, focused only on Noah, as if you were trying to get him to drive without actually yelling it at him.
You tried to turn the radio off but it just kept screaming the lyrics to Act a Fool right in your face. And you could swear you were able to hear a faint sound of a male voice speaking through the radio, saying something you didn't understand because of the loudly playing song.
Why the fuck wasn't he driving?
Your head turned to the left as your eyes met the side profile of your friend hitting the gas pedal with desperation you've never seen on him before.
Why the fuck wasn't it working?
And then, all of a sudden, the car moved. You and Noah were pushed into your seats as the Porsche got out of its parking spot in a dangerous speed.
But there were no hands on the wheel. The pure horror and panic in your widened eyes matched the look on Noah's face as his dark irises met your own, as if he was looking for answers in them to the questions he hadn't asked.
The music was overwhelming, the speed making you grip anything to steady yourself, making you want to scream every single time the front of the car nearly touched an object in front of it.
Was it the right moment to tell Noah you kissed the boy he fancied in the third grade? It definitely sounded like something he should hear before you both die tragically in a car crash.
Noah was doing everything he could to stop the car, from hitting the brakes to slapping the dashboard with his right palm, the other hand staying on the steering wheel in case the car decided to let him drive.
But when the tires of the Porsche made contact with the highway, he wrapped all his ten fingers around the round object, gripping it with all the strength he could find within himself.
It was obvious. Obvious but apparently you and Noah were so stupid neither of you even thought of it. An expensive Porsche sitting in a parking lot for a long time, appearing abandoned but still in a perfect condition, practically asking for a potential thief to steal it. It had to be someone's brilliant idea, probably an idea of a cop, to put a damned self-driving mechanism inside of the car, which now was most likely taking you and Noah to a police station.
You didn't even notice when the music got a bit quieter, enough for you to hear your own, terrified thoughts, but you did notice the sound of sirens getting louder and louder with every passing second.
That damned Porsche sped up even more, making you and Noah scream like little boys, shifting your gazes between the road in front of you and the sight behind you. Police cars catching up to you, the sound of their sirens, and the absolute absurd of the situation made you nearly lose your sanity.
The loudest scream left both your mouths when the Porsche sped up even more, drove onto something and got in the air for a few seconds. But these few seconds were enough for you to have a tiny heart attack.
Why did the sirens stop?
You were so focused on not dying that the police cars hitting other vehicles, brick walls, driving out of the highway and out of the bridge were omitted by your overwhelmed brain.
Your eyes closed, the breaths leaving your mouth quick and heavy, after multiple failed attempts to steady them, you decided to give up and focus on something else, something that would hopefully ground you. Your eyelids separated, the gaze of your eyes shifted to Noah which seemed to be losing it even more than you.
The road got clear, and soon the car turned to the right to drive into an alley, and then into an open garage.
"No, no, no, no, no, no..." you kept repeating, shaking your head, disagreeing with what was happening out of your control, but at the same time being fully aware that your disapproval couldn't do anything to change your situation.
One drift and you found yourself rolling on the dirty ground, now out of the car. You let a couple of grunts out, your eyes squeezed shut as you felt pain in your knees, elbows and palms.
The unfamiliar sound of metal hitting metal mixed with something you couldn't quite name made you turn your head in the direction of the noise. Before you could register Noah kneeling down next to you and the touch of his warm hands on your back and arm, your brain got shocked by the sight of...
A male voice rang in your sensitive ears, its tone slightly deformed to match his robotic appearance. It... was standing right in front of your very eyes, making energetic movements, then walking in your direction.
You managed to get on your weak legs. Barely.
"T'was... Damn! I haven't done that in ages!" He exclaimed, jumping on his metal legs around the garage, punching the air as if he was preparing himself for a sparring match. "Really gets the fuel pumping, doesn't it?!" he directed the rhetorical question to you and Noah, watching you both with a very content expression on his face. After a couple of seconds of not getting any responses, he added himself, "Damn right it does!"
Your friend was as stunned and speechless as you but you managed to somehow grab a metal pipe lying on the dirty floor, and hold it as if you were about to hit the... whatever or whoever it was... if he tried anything.
"Chill, man..." The machine held his hands up in a defensive gesture, pretending to get intimidated by the threatening posture of a much smaller human. "Jus' not in that pretty face, yeah?" He covered the said body part with one hand, acting as if you could even reach that high.
You gripped the pipe harder, ready to swing at the metal man, but then, when he let out a chuckle and shook his head in amusement, you lost all your confidence that you had any, even the tiniest bit of control over the situation.
None of you expected to see a hand of his transforming into a huge weapon, the blue muzzle probably reflecting in your widened eyes. Noah wanted to do something but you stopped him with one quick glance.
"How 'bout now, baby?" The machine practically mocked you in your face, but you were too focused on the idea of possibly dying right there and then to even notice the playful hint in the tone of his robotic voice. "Still gon' hit me?"
You didn't even know what to say to that, knowing that the wrong response would probably put you in the grave, but you still didn't want to give him the satisfaction of being the one in absolute control of the situation.
You finally managed to blurt out, your voice coming out a lot weaker than you intended it to, "Maybe..."
You swallowed thickly, accepting the fact these were most likely your last moments on Earth, but then, the robot made an impressed face, tilted his head slightly to the right, and said with a smirk, "Shi', you got some balls, dude." And lowered his arm, the weapon transforming back into a hand.
The relief that washed over you was indescribable. But you still had to be in the state of constant focus, in case he decided to put that blue thing in front of your face again.
He nodded, eyeing you from head to toes, and then admitted, "I like that... I like that a lot."
"What..." you whispered to yourself, confused by his words, the sudden change in behaviour making a frown appear on your face.
"I was expecting a different reaction, though," he started talking again, the playfully casual tone back, as if he was slightly disappointed but didn't want to show it, "You know, I saved your asses and all," he tried not to make it sound like a big deal, but still wanted to jokingly point out the fact that you were a pair of slightly ungrateful little humans. "...But I get it. I get it. I'd be scared of me, too..." He raised his hands in a defensive gesture again, speaking to you as if he actually understood, even though he found the whole situation, and your approach as well, quite amusing. "I don't expect every girl to get weak in the knees 'cause of me or anythin'."
A beat of silence passed, and the robot just couldn't stop himself from speaking up again, "Where are my manners? The name's Mirage." He extended his arm towards you both, his fist in your faces, as if he was waiting for you to bump it with your own. His next words in an encouraging tone only confirmed it, "Come on... Give it a lil', give a lil', give it a lil' tap."
Maybe complying to his requests was the only way of getting out of this situation alive... But at the same time the robot didn't give the impression of being cruel enough to just kill you both in cold blood...
You made eye contact with Noah for a moment, just to notice him shrugging, and then, slowly extending his own fist towards the machine's one, as if testing the waters.
When their knuckles touched, Mirage exclaimed with a satisfied look on his face, "Now that's what I'm talkin' about!" And then, he looked at you with a slightly raised eyebrow, motioning to your stiff body with his finger nonchalantly, directing the question to Noah, "She always this fun?"
Oh, I'm sorry for not wanting to fist-bump a robot three times my size who almost shot my head off with his weird fucking arm.
"What the hell are you? Some shit like E.T. or whatever?" Noah ignored his most likely rhetorical question, even though the machine seemed to want answers to every single thing he'd say.
"Naah, that'd be at least weird..." he said sarcastically, then made a finger-gun at us and added with a smile, "I'm a robot from space."
"A robot... from space..." you trailed off with a weak voice, Mirage's attention back to you.
"One and only." He bowed ever so slightly, but then corrected himself, "Well, technically there are others. You're actually real lucky you have met me first, though. But chill, maybe they'll like you. Proly not but maybe." He shrugged, not actually caring about what his team would think of his new human friends.
And as soon as Mirage finished talking, the sounds of loud engines were bouncing against the walls of the garage, and then hitting yours and Noah's ears, making you both quickly turn around to see a couple of cars driving in your direction.
"Oh, yeah, forgot to mention they were gonna pay us a visit," the robot who was once a silver Porsche said from behind your backs, but the tone of his voice was so casual he didn't really sound like he felt bad for not notifying you.
Soon, the cars transformed into... robots. Of course.
"Prime! Long time no see! Missed you!" Mirage walked past you, making loud noises when his metal feet made contact with the floor beneath them. He opened his arms, as if he was trying to encourage the huge machine to give him a hug.
"Mirage," he spoke in a stern, warning tone, immediately making the smaller robot let out a chuckle, but also obediently lower his arms so now the metal hands were on his hips.
"Good ol' Prime, am I right, Bee?" He directed the question to the yellow machine which was much closer to being his own size.
"What are those humans doing here?" The gravely voice of the tallest robot sent shivers down your spine but Mirage seemed not to be so affected by it. In fact, he looked like he gave absolutely no fucks about it.
Mirage turned his head in your direction, making a nonchalant motion with his hand. "Them? Oh, yeah, they're my friends, sir. Lil' Lady and The Guy," he introduced you two, and you wouldn't be one bit surprised if Prime shot him right then and there with the same thingy Mirage wanted to use on you.
And you nearly fainted on your spot when you felt the ground shake with every single step the tall robot made while walking in your direction. Your knees got weak but you were lucky Prime helped you and swiped you right off your feet, grabbing you like a rag doll and holding you closer to his metal face.
He did the same thing with Noah who, in your opinion, was handling it much better than you.
"Who are you?" Prime's cold voice made you internally die, your mind already making scenarios about him literally squeezing you to death with his metal hand.
"Nobody," you quickly answered, your voice much more high-pitched than ever, shaking your head in panic, "I don't even know who that man is," you added, referring to Mirage standing behind you.
"Hey! I thought we were friends!" the walking Porsche got immediately offended by your words.
Prime narrowed his eyes even more, observing you with distrust, as if he started despising you as soon as he saw you for the first time.
"We shall not waste our time on those humans," he spoke again, squeezing you and Noah tighter and tighter with every passing second.
You let out a shriek. And that's when Mirage realised he had to step in.
"Woah, woah, woah." He immediately found himself next to the big robot, holding his hands up, telling him silently to stop literally taking yours and Noah's breaths away. "Prime, no need for that. Look, I took 'em here, my bad, should've hidden from the cops somewhere else, yeah, I get that. Next time I will, promise."
And Mirage didn't even care that he just admitted to catching the attention of humans, especially the armed ones, which the leader of the Autobots told him to avoid at all cost.
Prime shifted his gaze from you to the apologetically smiling robot.
"C'mon. Red might be your colour but do you really want their blood on you?" he asked in hope it would actually discourage him, make him change his mind.
And without a word, Prime let go of both you and Noah. You didn't manage to hold onto anything, even the robot's hand just not to fall onto the hard floor of the garage.
But before you could make any sounds or properly experience the pull of gravity, you felt another metal hand on you, this time the grip much more gentle, far from suffocating.
You didn't even notice the moment you closed your eyes shut just so you wouldn't have to witness your own body hitting the ground with a good amount of impact. You opened them just to see a pair of blue, shinning ones right in front of you.
"We friends now?" He tilted his head slightly, observing you with a confident smirk, knowing that you had no other choice but to agree with him.
Because he saved you from breaking your skull on the cement a couple of feet below your body.
"Buddies for life," you responded with a shaky voice and many eager nods, barely catching your breath, the panic still evident in your widened eyes.
Today not only did you not die, but you also gained yourself a new friend who would do anything to protect you.
the end sucks as always but do not worry. there will be worse.
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kevinsdsy · 3 months
Jean Moreau was staring at the ceiling of his bedroom. He could hear Jeremy Knox, whom he shared a room with, chatting with Laila even though the door to their bedroom was closed. He couldn’t smell it yet, but he knew Cat was making dinner right now. Normally, he would’ve been helping her out in the kitchen at this time, especially because both Jeremy and Laila were disastrous in the kitchen themselves. Jean wasn’t much of a cook himself either—his past with the Edgar Allen Ravens hadn’t allowed him to develop such skills, but ever since coming to California, he had learned a thing or two from Cat, and he had managed to not burn the kitchen down.
Everything within Jean screamed to get up out of bed. His body had somewhat gotten used to 24-hour days when he was still with the Palmetto State Foxes, but it was times like these, when he was doing nothing but wasting his time, when he could feel how long 24 hours actually were in comparison of the 16-hour days he had grown up with for most his life in the nest. Jean secretly hoped Jeremy would stay quiet for a long time, so the anxious feeling of being left alone without a partner would kick in and push him to get out of bed. Instead, Jeremy’s voice was moving through the halls, leaving Jean comfortably staring at the ceiling for the past hour or so.
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lakshana-ke-lakshan · 5 months
Wtf is happening with ishman fandom? When we're not being fed anything, Ishan literally on a hiatus, then istg the fanfics were SO GOOD and now? When we're being spoon fed the content? The quality of the fanfics goes down? no offence.
like y'all, as a writer, who was forced to write because of less, but good content, i can't help but be annoyed with the fandom rn. Cuz I literally wrote my ff because there was no omegaverse ishman fluff!!!?!
So the point is that the stories are very repetitive, grammar is wrong (not like I'm Shakespeare's butt hole but still, there are some limits to galat English?), there is just- Nothing new? To be excited about?
I remember the time when I used to keep refreshing the app in case any new updates came and now, I haven't literally opened the app since forever. There is just one author, who i wait for, and they stopped posting the same time around which I stopped posting. So ya, I'm not alone
And don't call me Hardik- you ain't loyal to one fandom- look, ik I ain't but I just got over it?! And vaise bhi fanfics ka cringe alag hi chall Raha hai
It's always the same now- mafia Shubman, hobo ishan or some royalty au, or some businessman CEO Shubman and poor ishan, omega ishan hiding his gender, and ishan running away with his child blah blah blah
Yes there are many new ideas, but i couldn't possibly know cuz I haven't opened any fabric since ages
So ya, ishman is having its downfall era on Wattpad
and if anyone could recommend the best, mouthwatering, booty hole clenching fanfic where there is a new plot, and shub is not bottom(he's never a bottom), please do recommend them to me. Pretty please
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siddyyyyyyyy · 5 months
No, I didn't.
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Pairing: Father figure!Price (x reader) (PLATONIC)
wc: 1.8 kwarnings: daddy issueswhat, military stuff but i dont have much knowledge, no y/n used, no angst, don't worry
Summary: Captain is similiar to being your father figure and you accidentally call him "dad"!!!!!!!!!!!
a/n: (this thing has been rotting in my notes app for a while) there's no romantic plot in this one, just some thoughts I've had about Price and him being the 'dad' figure or something, enjoy
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Working with the TaskForce141 is definitely a lot of work and needs a lot of training, being able to cope and deal with high stress situations. It's all not a big deal for you, since you've been training for this a long time anyway and have probably seen it all by now. From a pile of dead bodies to difficult decision making in order to save people. All this doesn't exactly affect you, at least not as hard as the very first time you experienced these things. After years and years of experience it started to just be another day at work, which doesn't mean it got boring. It's definitely not boring, and if you were honest with yourself for once, it feels like the team you're in makes it easier to get along with missions and makes them less stressful.
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick is about the same age as you, if not only a few months older. He's mostly calm and respectful but won't let anyone disrespect anyone else or himself, always making sure to get his opinion straight and be open-minded for anything. It's great to talk to him, him having a smooth voice and being one of the pretty faces you've seen around. Your other teammate, Johnny 'Soap' McTavish is a pretty interesting person himself. A loyal soldier and a strong one at that aswell, his arms looking like he could rip a tree in half if he wanted to. His scottish accent always comes out thicker whenever he's angry or got a beer too much. But besides that, he is also a pretty good person to talk to, especially when needing some advice for relationships and other topics.
Simon 'Ghost' Riley must be one of the most mysterious people you've seen around. You know pretty much nothing about him, besides him liking his earl grey tea and silly little army jokes. He holds a lot to himself and keeps quiet almost always and looks like he could tear you apart if you breath the wrong way. But he actually wouldn't, being his teammate is safer than to be his enemy. Besides his cold nature and brutal way of handling things, he actually tries to care for his team in his own way too. Checking up on you from time to time on a difficult mission, mostly just to make sure you don't fuck it up. You're not the type to have a favorite in a group, but if you needed to decide, it would probably be John Price. Your very own Captian. He's cold, if not the coldest person you know, always being fast in decision making and not letting anyone get in his way, no matter what. Price always makes sure to be there for his team too, cracking a few small 'dad jokes' then and there if the time is right.
Now, you're all waiting in the middle of a desert for a vehicle to pick you up after another successful mission. It was a mission that went on for several days but it was great, with minor difficulties. As your sitting on the sand, while making sure the sun doesn't give you a stroke, the others are talking about the mission. Well, just the few funny or minor mistakes they did while on mission. Soap is telling about how he accidentally let his magazine fall to the ground while reloading and almost slipped on a rock while doing so. But he got up and continued with the mission as usual, so it wasn't serious and just something to laugh about. After a few chuckles and jokes, Price spoke up and mentioned you, doing something similar.
»I saw you once throw a magazine out instead of a granade. Just giving out free ammunition like that.«
He teased you a little about it while mostly just Johnny and Kyle laughed about it with Price, lightheartedly teasing you about it some more. After another one of the Captains typical dad jokes, you finally speak up as you got enough of them.
»Okay, stop it dad.« You scoff lightly with a slight headshake, realizing only a few seconds later what you actually said. You're met with silence for a moment before Johnny cracks up and chuckles, not able to hold it back in.
»Did I hear you right, there? Did you just call him-«
»Enough. I didn't say anything.« You interrupt and stand up from your sitting spot on the sand, dusting your pants off. The truck arrives just in time, sparring you from any more embarrassing stuff happening to you for now. Price is genuinely suprised about you calling him that, not having thought anyone from his team could see him as something like a father figure. He doesn't mind that much anyway but also thinks he isn't that old. Eventually, he doesn't bring it up, not wanting to make you uncomfortable and he doesn't really think too much of it at the end of the day.
 Something similar happens another time, two or three months after the first 'incident', how you call it. The moment since you accidentally called your Captain dad, you promised to focus way more on what you say as if you didn't already do that all the time.
Once in the mess hall to eat dinner, you couldn't help but feel more tired than usual. Probably because you didn't catch much sleep last night or maybe because you had a lot of paperwork that day, either way you felt rather tired but nothing too bad for you to handle. You're sitting at the right corner of the table while eating with the rest at one of the tables, eating peacefully while listening to the conversations around you. Sometimes listening to the small drama from a table across or just trying to see who else is eating dinner in the mess hall aswell. The food is nothing special, just the usual mashed potatoes, some sauce and meat to it. Salad is also there for everyone. Even though the food isn't bad, you can't help but want more salt in it, feeling like it hasn't got enough of it. Glancing up from your food, you see that Price is sitting closest to the salt shaker. Without much thinking you speak up, looking at him while asking.
»Dad, could you pass me the salt?« You ask casually and wait for him to hand you the salt shaker, not having realized yet what you really said for now. He shrugs and hands it over to you over the table, keeping a straight face as if nothing's wrong.
»Sure, kiddo.« It's a bit strange for him to call you 'kiddo' right now, but you don't question it and pour some salt into your food. Price continues to eat his own food, but you can't help but notice how silent it became around the table for some reason. Before you could look up again, Johnny chimes in.
»Didn't know you were his kid.« He nudges your shoulder softly and waits for your reaction, carefully watching how you react. You're a bit confused and look to him next to you, the gears in your head finally turning. Kyle can't help but smirk slightly at this whole thing as he tries to continue eating, turning his head away a bit.
»No- it's.... I didn't- what?« You stumble over your words while trying to explain this, eventually getting frustrated with yourself. Your back leans back against your chair while sighing out, being ready to gaslight them about this slip up. »It's alright. Happens.« Price reassures you even though he has a very faint smirk on his own lips about the situation, just not addressing it as much as Johnny.
»It's not the first time this happened, right?« Kyle's the one to tease you this time, looking over to you at the table all the while you're hiding your face a bit again.
»No, nothing never happened.« You shake your head and just continue eating your food more quickly, so you can escape this situation as fast as possible.
The conversations around the table return to its usual after a moment, no one addressing it anymore afterwards. Ghost was always just observing your reactions and the situation itself in both times it happened, having noticed a few things.
For example that it happened when you looked tired or when you were seemingly relaxed, speaking from your body language. Or how your ears become increasingly more red the moment you realise what happened, making it more amusing for him to watch your reaction. But of course he wouldn't mention any of those things, especially not to the whole group since it could come off a bit weird. He keeps it to himself but still can't help but tease you subtly about it during a round of joking in the team, mostly just addressing how easily something can embarrass you.
But to say he's the only who noticed that, is wrong. Price was probably the first person to notice those things about you, finding it also amusing in a way. He doesn't exactly mind you calling him 'dad' sometimes by accident but when it happens, he mostly thinks about why you do it. Probably having no proper father figure in your life or maybe he just reminds you of your own father. Maybe it's just the personality he gives off, making it seem like he's the fatherly one in the team. Either way, he finds it mostly wholesome, knowing he makes his team feel comfortable around him. But he keeps quiet about it, not wanting to embarass you even though he finds it oddly amusing to see how you act once something embarrassing or humbling happens to you.
But you on the other hand, you don't find it amusing at all. You're ready to launch at them the moment something remotely humbling happens in front of them, ready to gaslight them if it means they'll forget about one small thing. But you don't do it, considering they're your team mates and you're all almost equally strong. But even though they don't make seriously fun of you and tell you it's all jokes at the end of the day, you still can't help but feel even a little embarrassed about it. It's like having a small crisis to yourself, not sure what others think about you now or how you should act from now on around them. But that's just you being dramatic. Mostly.
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jesterofcringe · 1 month
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Kiss with a Fist Villain!Venture x Reader
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req i received on my main blog, moved it over here :3 tw mentions of blood and an injury but not too much detail no nsfw btw. i straight up forgot ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
★ Romance with a villainous Venture is... somewhat complicated. Your relationship as a whole had a bit of a rocky start considering every other day you were trying to kill each other.
★ You were assigned what should have been a simple mission: Arrest Sloan Cameron. Sounded easy enough- they were an ex-hero, a big nerd with a bigger heart,,, how harmful could they be?
★ You quickly came to learn that talon picked them for a reason, and pretty soon trying to keep up with them was the worst part of your day.
★ At least for you it was- Sloan on the other hand LOVED messing with you. Although it was initially because they thought it was funny to watch how mad you would get, they slowly but surely begin to develop a crush. Unfortunately for the both of you, being the feral idiot they are they decide it's much funnier to toy with you instead of confronting their own feelings.
★ You don't notice it immediately, but you do notice the way they always target you when you're on a mission. You find it incredibly strange- because of their abilities they're able to go after multiple of your teammates at once, but they never do. It's always you that's backed into a corner, shoved up against a wall, or pinned against the floor with their boot on your chest, heel digging into your ribcage to keep you from moving.
"Agh... Sh-Shit..." You rasp, struggling and grabbing at their foot, "I'm supposed to be capturing you, not the other way around..."
Their foot presses down harder, making you wheeze as you claw at their heel. They laugh at the way you whine in protest, and you want nothing more than to knock that smug look right off their face.
★ Needless to say, you weren't exactly fond of Sloan. You spent so much time chasing them your sleep schedule started to deteriorate. Even when you thought you could relax you couldn't escape them as your brain decided to replay the moments you had with them and all the battles you lost in a desperate attempt to analyze what went wrong and how to fix it. Hyperfixating on your nemesis was one thing, but it got to the point that you started to have nightmares. Though the nightmares weren't a daily thing, they were frequent enough to make you consider ditching sleep as a whole.
★ You wanted to punch their lights out sooo bad.
★ As your rivalry progressed, you slowly [emphasis on SLOWLY] got used to their antics. You weren't beginning to like them by any means, but it became less about kicking their teeth in and more about just doing your job. That didn't make them any less annoying, unfortunately, a fact that became apparent when a particular fight had you slammed against a bar counter all the while Sloan continued to make dumb jokes.
"Can I offer to buy you a drink while we're here?"
"If you wanted to treat me why didn't you just ask me on a date like a normal person?"
★ When you quipped back, you meant it completely as a joke. In your logic, you hoped that maybe flustering them even slightly would give you enough time to get them off your back and gain some high ground. Unbeknownst to you, they seriously took your suggestion to consideration.
★ You wouldn't learn this until you found yourself chasing them across rooftops a few days later.
★ Being high up was seriously out of character for Sloan considering they preferred to be close to [and usually underneath] the ground. Despite this, they had a decent lead on you and were surprisingly light on their feet. You didn't let this deter you, and instead stayed right on their track, giving a determined chase.
"Where are you leading me Cameron?"
"Right here!" They came to a sudden stop, and the abruptness of it all damn near made you fell- they had to catch you and before you could struggle out of their hold they spun you around and pointed over your shoulder, gesturing towards the sky.
Oh gods. The sky.
From where you stood, you had a perfect view of the stars as they twinkled and winked. It was like someone had flicked white paint against a deep purple canvas. You were absolutely gobsmacked.
"Pretty, isn't it?"
Their grip loosened, allowing for you to turn around to face them. For once, you saw them in a completely different way; their wolfish smile replaced with a goofy lopsided grin, and instead of the malicious gleam you usually saw in their eyes, you were met with the sparkle of the stars shining back at you.
"Did you make me chase you here on purpose? So you could show me this?"
"Uh-huh! What good is star gazing if there's no one to star gaze with?"
★ You didn't have a nightmare about Sloan that night. You dreamt about the stars, and the person they used to be when they were a hero. You wished you got to meet that person, and almost wondered if there was a way to bring them back.
★ The next morning you woke up startled. You hated thinking about Sloan like that- there was no good in it considering the fact that you still had a job to do whether they were a villain or not.
★ That didn't stop you from accidentally telling them about it, blurting it out before you could stop yourself.
"You had a dream about me?" They said with a cutting slyness in their voice. You could feel your face heat up, and you really hoped you weren't blushing as much as you thought you were, "Awh, I knew you cared about me!"
"I do not." You hissed, trying to save face, "You broke my nose, I kicked your teeth. That's all that happened."
Their smile falters for a second. Though the action was quick, you still caught it even though it seemed they were doing their best to make sure you didn't.
You wonder what ran though their mind at the thought of you thinking about them at night. You decide, for your own sanity, not to let it bother you.
★ Things change, but only slightly. You still fight but you no longer actively try to kill each other. You don't really like them yet, but you're willing to say they're alright. They're weary not to hit you too hard even though you hated when they went easy on you. As a joke, you left a small mark on their drill. Not like a dent or anything, but you stuck a spiderman sticker to the side to see if they'd notice. Eventually they did, but they pretend they didn't as an excuse to keep it there.
★ One night, they turn up at your door. You're ready to get upset when you notice their condition- they look pale, and they're hunched over with one arm over their abdomen. They look awful, and yet they're still weakly smiling at you as if they aren't obviously hurt.
You nearly jump out of your skin, just barely keeping your composure as you stare at them, "What the hell happened to you?"
"Any chance I can borrow your medkit?" They ignore your question as they sway from side to side, "Do you..." they interrupt themselves with a hiccup, blood spilling form their lips, "...H-have one?"
They lean just a bit too far forward, losing their balance. You catch them and usher them inside.
Soon you find yourself with your nemesis half conscious on your couch as you treat their wounds. They murmur small apologies and thank yous as you work, trying not to flinch as you bandage them up. You did your best to remain stoic, though you couldn't hide the way your hands shook as you cleaned them up. You hoped they didn't notice.
"Talon doesn't have a medic?"
"...Didn't think I'd make it in time."
With the state they were in, you were sure they would've suffered significant blood loss if they tried to pull through and carry themselves back to Talon's headquarters. You're surprisingly relieved they decided to knock on your door.
"What did you get yourself into Sloan?"
Again, they ignore your question.
"I'm really sorry," They manage, "I just didn't know where else to go."
"Don't worry about it. I-"
You hesitate. The words were at the tip of your tongue.
Care about you. I care about you, Sloan.
You just couldn't quite say it, the words dying in your throat. Instead you sigh.
"-Have some spare clothes you can borrow. You should really get out of that bloodstained turtleneck."
They nod, smiling wide enough for you to see the gap in their teeth.
"You're the best."
★ From then on, Sloan hardly felt like a nemesis anymore. You don't even feel like it would be right calling them an enemy or opponent. You would never admit that out loud though.
★ Like a lost puppy, Sloan continues to appear on your doorstep, yearning to see you. You let them in of course, and typically they would fall asleep on your couch and vanish by morning. One night, you decide to conduct an experiment. Just to see what would happen, you stole their pillow and tossed it into your bedroom, gesturing for them to follow.
"C'mon man, that can't be comfortable."
"You want to share a bed?"
"...if that's ok with you-"
★ They can barely contain their excitement, though they do try to hide it by creating a big wall of pillows between the two of you. The next time they sleepover, the pillow wall is gone. By the third, you wake up snuggling although you pretend you didn't.
★ It was incredible, how you could fall asleep so close together and yet feel so far apart. You hardly knew anything about them. What did they do for Talon? Why did they leave Overwatch? Would you ever grow the courage to ask? Would you be able to see them the same after hearing their answer?
★ It was like sleeping with a ghost- their embrace was so warm at night but by the time morning rolls around they're gone. All you have to prove they were there is leftover pizza and a rock they left on your kitchen table.
★ You wish it was enough for the both of you, and you could pretend it was, but deep down you knew it wasn't. Whatever you had, it wasn't enough to convince Sloan to leave their life of crime in the past, and it certainly wasn't enough for you to leave Overwatch to join them.
★ Instead you pretend what you had wasn't real. You pretend you hadn't found comfort in Sloan no less than 24 hours earlier as you pull on your uniform and prepare for your next reunion to be on the battlefield.
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restinslices · 7 months
Some of y'all ain't thinking about being Ares' favorite mortal lover and him watching as you get in a new relationship with a guy that treats you terrible so he pulls up on the guy and reveals he's a god and goes over all his titles and ends on him being the protector of mistreated women then asking "have you been mistreating my woman?" AND THAT'S WHERE WE DIFFER
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kiwisandpearls · 2 months
Hey. Fanfic writer to fanfic writer here,
Stop putting your character(s) x oc fanfics into the character x reader tags.
it’s annoying and doesn’t help anyone.
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satorisoup · 2 months
people will think im ordinary until they say one (1) thing about tmnt and all of a sudden im explaining the entire lore starting from the 1990’s movie & why donatello is the best turtle i fear… T^T
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tag limit fights me… i must yap… please listen… SOB </3
#tmnt yap in the taggies !!#would you believe me if i said my cat is named after donnie… teehee !! ^_^#i have been a tmnt lover since i was the ripe age of 6 years old SOBSOB#i used to write bf headcanons on wattpad way long ago… thats where my love for writing started i fear…#i probably have more tmnt merch than i do anime merch which is soso crazy to think about PHEW !!!#notebooks cups plushies legos shirts pajamas stickers tins action figs keychains name something and i have it… is that weird… SOB#im not joking when i say i know the entire lore and could explain everything from start to finish… FOR EACH AND EVERY REBOOT EVER…. wowza…#other than rottmnt because i’ve never been a fan of that reboot sigh…#the only reason donatello hamato isnt on my blorbie list is because i do not want to seem out of touch… he used to be there though !! :3#also i love raph too sigh#i fear donnie was my start to my love for nerdy men… raph was for the mean ones… cough cough akaashi and bakugo#tall lanky men… yeah hes a turtle… i know… let me speak… pls… i beg… T^T#tmnt 2012 will always be my star my light my beloved#i can recite every single episode </3 ALSO THE 2014 & 2017 MOVIES DONT GET ME STARTED i have them on dvd :3#i also have the 1990’s movies on dvd teehee theyre sososososoo good T^T my comfort franchise forever and always#i may always speak of anime but just know tmnt will always be the start of it all and my most beloved <3 its everything to me#also i was and still am an avid tmnt 2012 april oneil hater someone get her out of there i loathe her >:/#was never a supa big fan of leo im very sorry… idk who im sorry to… where are my tmnt fans… am i alone in this world… hello… tmnt fans…#omigosh im back after looking at my old wattpad story IM GIGGLING why was the writing kinda good… it was first person though sigh… goodness#i should create my own tmnt yap tag i fear… i will never shut up about it EVER SOBSOBSOB !! i even had a tmnt party when i was younger </3#donnie ( & mikey ) are so misunderstood UGH i could yap about the lore all day. donnie deserved more recognition he was always doing so muc#FOR ALL of his brothers and they never appreciated it… ill cry right now. donnie you will always be famous to me. april doesnt deserve you.#raph and his temper are so misunderstood too like please. always making him the bad guy HE JUST WANTS TO BE A GOOD BROTHER HES JUST AWKWARD#remembering when i had a crush on a guy names joseph in first grade and he liked tmnt too… joseph just know we were soulmates… i promise </#i used to go up to the tv and kiss the screen when donnie showed up. i was like 6 years old tho its okay… still sleep with my stuffie tho.#thank you to my yaya for buying me that when i had the flu hes still in perfect condition SOB donatello i love you so much UGH im crying#‘thats a mutant turtle ew !!’ HE IS VERY BEAUTIFUL AND LOVEABLE TO ME. YOU WOULDNT UNDERSTAND EVERYPONY </3 nia reference woah hi nia :3#whos in favor of tmnt. raise your hands up high so i can see them. im giggling. tmnt lovers rise we sha’ll prosper… WE RIDE AT DAWN 🦅🦅🦅#is this like totally crazy of me… has anyone read this far… if you have jusy know i love you. i cherish you. you are my everything <3#₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎ — lene’s latest gossip .ᐟ
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transinksans · 3 months
the world simply needs more good parent ink fics where he actually gives a shit about his children and raises them. it doesn't necessarily have to be a ship fic.
i just don't like the idea of ink abandoning his kids just like how his creator abandoned him
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