#We MUST decide that the lives of millions are worth more than watching some silly panto
jyou-no-sonoko19 · 5 months
They planned the Rafah invasion to run during Eurovision.
Can we please stop being distracted by Capital shaking its stupid spangled keys??
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limerental · 2 years
ficletober 2022 day 29 - yengilla & yenstredd
Attempting to be rebellious for once, Fringilla sneaks out of their room at Aretuza to follow Yennefer. She sees more than she bargained for when she encounters Istredd and Yennefer together.
Contains some explicit underage sex (~16ish), voyeurism, and masturbation.
Breaking curfew to sneak out of an Aretuza dormitory was said to be no small feat, but Yennefer was fairly certain the girls that came before her, whether they were scared or stupid or less tenacious, had simply not tried very hard.
"Yenna," her roommate hissed under her breath, gripping her bedcovers, "you're not going to–"
"I am," said Yennefer as she laced her boots and tugged on her cloak, sweeping her unruly hair into a tie away from her face and checking herself for blemishes in the cracked mirror above the washbasin. The candle on her desk flickered, a risk she had deemed necessary to make sure she didn't have any grievous issues with her appearance.
Ordinarily, she wouldn't bother, but tonight, she had an appointment.
"You'll get us both in trouble," said her roommate, and Yennefer rolled her eyes. "They'll think we were conspiring."
"You and me?" She smiled a mean and crooked grin. "Never in a million years would anyone believe that. You've never done a rebellious thing in your life."
Yennefer twitched the hood of her cloak over her head, whispered several spells forbidden to novices to conceal herself, and doused the candle.
Unable to watch her go in the sudden darkness that enveloped the room, Fringilla Vigo could only flop back against her bed and groan as Yennefer disappeared and silence fell.
"I hate her," said Fringilla to the ceiling. "I really hate Yennefer of Vengerberg."
She was still muttering about it as she slipped from bed, donned her cloak, repeated the words her roommate had spoken to conceal herself, and snuck from the room.
Yennefer was not incredibly difficult to find, especially because Fringilla was exceptionally good at discovery charms, even though this was a gross misuse of her knowledge. The charm worked best by scent, enhancing and focusing the caster's senses, and fortunately, Yennefer had taken a liking to a particularly strong lilac perfume.
Yes, she knew what Yennefer smelled like, and yes, this was not the first time she had followed her by it. No, that wasn't pathetic or embarrassing at all.
She had never done this before though, risking expulsion or worse over a silly challenge Yennefer probably didn't even know she had issued.
Fringilla didn't understand how Yennefer could be so lackadaisical about breaking rules here, especially given the way she talked about her life before. If Aretuza decided she was more trouble than she was worth, she would be back to living as a peasant in a pigsty, her magic externally contained and memory erased.
If Fringilla were expelled, her parents would likely force her into some obscure and mundane profession, maybe marrying her off to a husband who could overlook her tainted witch blood.
The thought terrified her, hands clammy and limbs wobbly, and she thought of turning back and lying in bed in the dark trying to sleep but truthfully waiting for her roommate to sneak back in.
No, she couldn't go back. It was too late now.
The corridors slowly transitioned from ancient brick to the hewn rock wall of the cave system beneath Thanned Island. The walls were rough and damp with slicks of underground water, and noises echoed strangely. It was said that the caves extended under the sea, and that there were secret, protected tunnels onto the mainland and into Gors Velen.
She hoped that Yennefer had not snuck out into the city. This late at night, the streets would be dangerous and wild with cavorting hooligans and beckoning whores.
Not that she had ever been to Gors Velen well after dark, but she imagined it must be like that.
But no, Fringilla could hear Yennefer in one of the corridors up ahead, whispering, and she could smell the sweetness of her perfume. The spell she had used to cloak her presence was amateurish, easy to worm through with the right counterspell, especially having clearly heard her mutter the whole thing.
In her haste to smugly declare herself a true rebel equal to her awful, arrogant roommate, she forgot that her perception extended only to Yennefer and not to anyone else that could be with her.
Fringilla rounded the corner and was immediately struck numb by the sight before her.
Yennefer was wholly nude, her skin glowing in the light of a magical orb hovering above her and her partner's heads. Istredd, a Ban Ard boy a year before them, stood equally nude behind her, and he was–
Yennefer faced the wall, arms braced against it, and Istredd's hands trailed up and down the slope of her shoulders, his mouth brushing the hitch of her curved spine. His belly was flush to her backside, and as Fringilla watched, he leaned back a little and dropped one hand to stroke his very erect penis.
Fringilla stared at it, wide-eyed, feeling a strange mix of revulsion and excitement, and suddenly realized, she was standing in plain sight in the middle of the corridor and shrank back against the wall.
She should go. Quickly. She should run back to bed.
Fringilla stayed, watching.
Yennefer muttered something and looked back over her shoulder, then wiggled her hips and spread her legs, back arching in a come on that proved as inticing to Istredd as it was to Fringilla, whose breath caught. He held the bulbous head of his penis steady and pressed it slowly inside of Yennefer's body. By the drawn out moan she breathed against the wall of the cave, it felt good.
Fringilla bit at her knuckles, feeling like she may melt into a puddle on the floor. She scarcely dared to breathe as she watched Istredd's hands touch the dip of Yennefer's waist and his hips begin to undulate.
He moved slowly at first, his mouth moving against Yennefer's back. Fringilla realized he must be speaking, but she could not hear through his more advanced silencing spell. She could only hear Yennefer's gasps and sighs and muttered encouragement and found she preferred it that way. Istredd sank away, leaving only Yennefer, her body a warm curve in the magical light, her breasts brushing the wall, her pretty mouth open and gasping, her belly quivering as she dropped her own hand between her legs to rub at herself.
As if reminded of her own body's needs by the act, without hesitation, Fringilla quickly shucked up her skirts and shoved her hand to press against herself. Her heartbeat beat loudly between her own legs, and she felt dizzy, flushed, exhilarated in ways she didnt think possible.
She'd never seen the appeal of sex, squinting at the erotic drawings the other girls giggled over, not quite understanding the appeal of being penetrated by a bulging, veined organ of that girth and heft, perplexed by the way the girls sighed over muscle bound heroes and mountainous barbarians.
But now, she looked at Yennefer feigning coyness, fluttering her lashes and biting her lip as she urged Istredd to fuck her properly, and Fringilla wanted nothing but to be the one pressed close behind her, touching her soft skin, fucking into her.
She'd touched herself like this before, hushed and embarrassed in the quiet of her bed but had never crashed so swiftly toward her peak, hurtling into a thrumming, nearly painful seize of pleasure.
Yennefer crested as she did, letting herself shout and wail through her orgasm. As Fringilla watched, her trembling fingers still crooked between her legs, Yennefer shoved Istredd back and free of her before he could finish, turning in his arms to kiss him, cheekily teasing her fingers over his insistent erection.
He said something, soundless to Fringilla's ears, and Yennefer laughed and shoved him until he flopped down on the floor and she straddled him, grabbing at his cock to position it where she wanted and sinking down in a slow drag that inspired a pleased grin on her flushed face.
She gripped Istredd's wrists in both hands and dropped forward to pin them, rutting her hips down at a wild pace while demanding he not finish before she said. Istredd had his face screwed up in pleasure, and Yennefer was resplendent, beautiful, moving with a sinuous flex of muscles that left Fringilla awed and too warm and envious of the hands that smoothed down her hips and back, allowed to touch.
Istredd's hips jerked, and his mouth opened and Yennefer laughed brightly, a little breathless, pleased by how intently he was fighting his finish, and then she lowered her mouth against his tensed throat and nipped him once, twice, his whole body going taut.
"Come on then," she said, and it was as though she had whispered it straight into Fringilla's ear, because her body obeyed, giving to another powerful orgasm.
All three of them caught their breath in the aftermath, Fringilla allowing her skirt's to fall and Yennefer slumping forward against Istredd's chest.
When he made to pull out, she held him still with her thighs.
"A moment more," Yennefer said and the tenderness in her voice betrayed her smug, satisfied expression. "If I could keep you inside me forever, I would."
Istredd cupped her face in his hands and kissed her with a softness that made Fringilla squirm, and she turned away, not wanting to see more. She turned and fled, heart pounding, chest aching and reached her room without incident, quivering all over as she tugged her bedcovers over her head and allowed herself to weep.
Not an hour later, Yennefer snuck back into the room, smelling sweetly of lilac, and Fringilla lay awake, barely daring to breathe, until the other girl had climbed into bed and settled.
She did not dare follow Yennefer again but very often long afterward recalled how she had looked in the glowing light, her warm skin and open shows of pleasure, and she ached and ached and ached.
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A million times yes
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
One Shot!
Summary: You and Fred have always been really close. After a bad day, he tries to cheer you up and you accidentally confess. (You are in the same year as the weasley twins, one year above the golden trio.)
Warnings: Kissing, and maybe even a little grinding but no smut.
Word count: 2.6k
Sitting here in your potions lesson, you couldn't help but let your mind wander off. Professor Snape's voice droning on in the backgroun about the different kinds of spider venom and what they can be used for. The mildly pleasant smell of bubbling potions and the dim candles illuminating the dungeon all melded together, casting a drowsy spell on you.
"Miss y/l/n!" Snape's nasally voice pierced through your lazy state. You jumped to sit up straight, finding Professor Snape standing right in front of your desk. His face twisted into a nasty scowl.
He starts circling your desk like a vulture circling it's prey. You knew you were in deep trouble. "I suppose you find all this information boring Miss y/l/n?"
"No sir." You said. Staring down at the opened textbook on your desk. Snape always had a thing for torturing gryffindors.
"Humor me this, can you tell me the ingredients for a forgetfulness potion?"
"Umm... no sir."
"Not so smart now are we?" Snape grins, his long crooked nose twisting to make him look truly frightening. "Tell me the ingredients for a truth potion then."
You look up from your desk, and make eye contact with your best friends Fred and George Weasley. The red-haired twins who were seated just a table in front of you had turned around (just like the rest of the class) helplessly watching Snape humiliate you. A few slytherins were snickering, completely enjoying the show.
Feeling defiant, you wink at your two best friends before looking up to face Professor Snape. "With all due respect sir, you never taught us those two potions. How am I supposed to know what's in it?"
Your two best friends start cackling with laughter, clearly impressed by your sudden burst of confidence. A few gryffindors flashed you thumbs up signs, stifling their laughter.
"SILENCE!" Snape stops circling you and look down at you, administering a death-like glare. It instantly made you regret your decision from just five seconds ago. "Miss y/l/n. Very brave for an orphan." The word orphan struck a nerve. Your parents were muggles and at the age of 11, they passed away in a car crash. You were the only one who survived that night. Everytime someone brought it up you would relive it. The heavy snow, the thick ice, the feeling of the car skidding on the ice, and worst of all, your mother's screams.
"Perhaps they never got the chance to teach you classroom manners?" Snape continues in his low nasally voice. Your blood boiled. How dare he bring up your painful past.
"They must be disappointed to learn that their very own daughter turned out to be a failure." This makes your hands clench into tight fists.
You slam the table, standing up from your seat. "I am NOT a failure."
Professor Snape looked almost slightly surprised at your outburst. But within a second he restores his emotionless front. "Six hours of detention Miss y/l/n. Tonight. You will polish all the trophies in the trophy room, without the help of your wand. Be there immediately after dinner or it'll be eight hours. Do you understand?"
Still trembling with rage, you sit back down. "Yes Professor."
The moment Snape goes back to teaching, George quickly slips you a note. You felt slightly better knowing that your friends had your back. Holding the small piece of parchment under the table, you unfold it to see two familiar handwritings.
One of the handwritings had more rounded letters. You easily identified it to be George's.
It wrote: Wow six hours is going to be tough. I'm sorry he said those thing to you but i loved that you stood up for yourself.
The other handwriting was slightly crooked, and this belonged to Fred.
It simply wrote: Are you alright?
Your heart skipped a beat. It definitely was not out of the norm for the boys to show concern but everything Fred said and did made you want to scream. Your heart did backflips whenever you saw him. The way his messy red hair always seemed to fall perfectly into place when he ran his fingers though it, the way he always had a pleasant woody scent on him from all his quidditch practices, everything made you fall in love with him.
You flip the small piece of parchment around and write on the other side and write: I’ll be okay. Before handing it back to the twins. 
You manage to stay out of trouble the rest of the lesson, and when Snape finally dismisses everyone, you scoop your heavy textbook into your arms and the three of you head toward the great hall for dinner.
“Maybe we should leave an exploding chocolate bomb on his table.” George says, holding the classroom door open for you. 
You laugh, walking through the door with Fred following closely behind you. “Don’t be silly George. Snape’ll figure it out right away.” 
“Still worth a shot don’t you think?” Fred says, winking at you. 
You quickly shake your head. “I mean it boys. Don’t. Do. It.”
“Alright alright fine.” George says, while Fred swiftly grabs your textbook from your arms, carrying it for you the rest of the way.
“Actually we know a trick or two when it comes to cleaning the trophy room.” Fred says, looking down at you. Him being a whole head taller than you, he towered over you. It made you feel safe. “You could always bewitch a few sponges to self-clean. Sneak them in under your cloak.”
“Snape said no wands but he didn't say you couldn't do with a little... lets call it special equipment.” George adds. 
You decide to take their advice, and before reporting to the trophy room after dinner, the three of you stop by a supply closet to bewitch a few sponges before they walked you to the trophy room where Snape was already waiting. 
Professor Snape eyes you suspiciously before scowling. “Your little friends cannot stay with you y/l/n.”
Slightly annoyed, you snapped back. “Yes I'm well aware. They were just leaving.” The twins each give you a small pat on the back before hurrying off, leaving you with Snape. 
“You will polish and shine all the trophies in this room.” Snape says in his nasally voice that always left you nauseous. Only when he steps aside do you see how massive the room was. With shelves extending from the ground up to the ceiling, each one of them crowded with trophies of all shapes and sizes. Some looked like regular muggle trophies but some seemed to be able to move. Some had faces on them whereas others were shaped like mystical animals. 
“Maybe this will teach you not to disrespect a teacher.” Snape says, the corner of his lips turned upwards, clearly delighted to see you in misery. “I will be back every hour or so to check on you. If you’re not here, it’s another two hours of detention and fifty points from Gryffindor. Your wand will be confiscated until  all these trophies are polished.” You reluctantly hand over your wand, wishing you could hex the professor. “Get started.” With that, he turns around and walks off, shoes clicking down the dimly lit corridor. 
Cursing under your breath, you retrieved your earlier bewitched sponges from the supply closet, along with a couple other polishing solutions. To your surprise, they worked brilliantly. The small sponges scrubbed every inch of each trophy leaving it spic and span, before automatically moving on the next. While the sponges were busy at work, you headed over to a corner of the room and sat down. Just when you were about to doze off, a familiar voice jolted you awake. 
“Tired already? It hasn't even been an hour.” 
You look up to face it’s owner, coming face to face with Fred Weasley. Your heart swelled. Quickly rubbing the seep from your eyes, you laugh and pat the ground next to you, asking him to sit and he complies. 
“What are you doing here?” “Wanted to say hi to Professor Snape.” Fred says, gleaming mischievously at you. Under the dim light, his brown eyes looked like honey and the smell of his freshly shampooed hair gave you the urge to pull him into a hug. 
You roll your eyes. “Ha-ha. Very funny Weasley.” 
“Are you really alright?” He suddenly says, catching you off guard.
You smile, hugging your knees. “Yeah I told you I’ll be fine.” 
“But you’re not...” He looks down at you, almost like he could see right through you. “When Snape mentioned your parents earlier, you looked so incredibly sad. Like nothing could ever make you happy again.”
“I know...” you let out a big sigh. “Everytime someone mentions my parents I re-live that night. Id be lying if I said it wasn't terrifying. But this is something I have to deal with on my own. It’s not anyone’s job to fix me.” Before you know it, a tear escapes the rim of your eye, rolling down your cheek.
Fred puts an arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him. “I understand.  I just wanted you to know there's nothing I wouldn't do for you. So don’t be afraid to let me know if you’re struggling.” 
You snuggle closer to his chest, his arm still tightly wrapped around you. Feeling a warmness wash over you, your mood changed for the better. You tilt your head upwards, looking at him. He senses your movement and looked down at you with concern. Your face merely inches away from his, you fought the urge to kiss him. His eyes travel down your face, staring at your lips before looking into your eyes again. “Y/n I...” But before he could say anything else, you press a kiss to his lips, quickly pulling back to observe his reaction. He looked confused and flustered, making your heart sink. You just made a huge mistake.
“I'm sorry I didn't mean to... I just...” You stumbled over your words trying to find the right thing to say. You felt embarrassed and humiliated. Did you just singlehandedly ruin your friendship with the Weasley twins?
But all of a sudden, Fred stops you from freaking out. “Shut up.” He sounded urgent and needy. He crashed his lips with yours, and you could feel his passion and urgency. Like he needed this for a long time. Like he never wanted to stop kissing you. His hands cup your face, deepening the kiss, while you move to sit on his lap. A growing heat in your lower belly started to take over and you rocked your hips forward, grinding on him. He snakes one arm around your waist, pulling you closer while you kiss his neck. 
Suddenly, you hear the sound of shoes clicking against the hollow corridor and you pull away from Fred in a hurry. “It’s Snape!” you whisper urgently. “You need to go now! He’ll punish you!” 
“But-” Fred tried to protest, but you move off of him, quickly standing up. 
“Please Fred I wouldn't want you getting into trouble because of me. You need to hurry!” 
He gives you a reluctant pout, but finally agrees. “I’ll see you later.” He kisses your forehead before hurrying off.
Shortly, Snape arrives to see you hard at work polishing the trophies. He mumbles something about you having a bad attitude before leaving, and once again you’re left alone.
You sit back down in the corner, going over the past few minutes. Fred Weasley kissed you. The boy you’ve had a crush on since your second year in Hogwarts. He liked you. Being held by him was the most amazing feeling in the world. Kissing him made your head spin. 
Time flew by and before you know it, Your six hours of detention had passed. It was now 1am and the bewitched sponges had obediently dropped to the ground lifelessly after polishing the last trophy. As if on cue, Snape returns, walking up and down the trophy cases.
“Very well y/l/n. You may leave.” He hands you your wand.
“Thank you Professor. Always a pleasure.” You say sarcastically, bolting out the door before he could lecture you again. When you made it up to the common room, you expected it to be completely empty. After all, it was 1am. But to your surprise, Fred was fast asleep on the sofa in front of the fire, his chest rising and falling in sync with his breathing. He had waited for you to come back. You couldn't help but giggle. Grabbing a blanket from a nearby cupboard, you lay it over him and kiss his forehead.
Just as you were about to tip toe over to the stairs to make your way up to the girl’s dormitories, he stirs from his sleep.
“y/n? Is that you?” 
You make your way back to him, sitting down on the sofa. “Hey, what are you doing here silly? Shouldn't you be in bed?”
He sits up, pulling the blanket off him. “I wanted to be here when you got back.”
“Well? I’m here now. Whats the matter?” 
Without saying another word, a mischievous smile spreads across his face. Reaching under the sofa, he pulls out his quidditch broomstick. “Let me take you on a flight?” 
Your eyes lit up. For years you've been begging the twins to let you use their broomstick. Theirs was always better than yours because you weren't on the quidditch team. But they guarded that thing with their life. Not once did they allow you near it. 
“Really?” Fred stands, holding his broom in one hand with the other hand outstretched towards you. “Milady?”
You laugh, taking his hand. Just like that the two of you sneaked out of the Gryffindor common room, creeping past Mrs Norris and Filtch’s office. After a few long corridors and several flights of staircases, the two of you finally reach the main door. He pushes it open, and you step out into the cold night. It’s so dark, it could be impossible for anyone to see the two of you zooming around in the air. 
“It’s a little chilly tonight. Here hold this.” Fred hands you his broom before taking off his coat and handing it to you. He takes the broom from you again and says “Put It on. Wouldn't want you catching a cold.” You pull it on, thanking the heavens that its dark out. This way he couldn't see how much you were blushing. 
He straddles the broom before lowing the back end. “You ready?”
“Just one question.” You say, stepping closer to him so your bodies were slightly pressed together. “Why’d you bring me out here?”
“I wanted to cheer you up of course.” He says, pressing a soft kiss on your forehead. “Wait... is it alright I did that?” 
“Well, that depends.” You lean over his shoulder and whisper in his ear. “Are you my friend or are you my boyfriend?”
“Boyfriend.” he blurts out immediately. “If that's what you want of course.” he adds, looking rather embarrassed at his quick answer.
You giggle at his adorable display. “Fred Weasley are you flustered? For the first time in your life?” “Shut it y/l/n.” he laughs, “Come on, you know you're gorgeous, and funny, and kind and you have a cute butt. Now tell me, will you or will you not be my girlfriend?” Despite the nonchalance of his tone, you could tell he was nervous. His eyes gave it away.
“A million times yes.” Putting your arms around his neck, you pull him in for a long kiss. It was head spinning and life changing. The two of you only pull away when there was not enough air left.  You think I have a cute butt?” You ask, smirking at him.
He smiles, rolls eyes eyes and simply says “Hop on princess.” 
You climb onto the back of his broomstick, wrapping your arms around his torso tightly before the two of you take off into the night.
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ilovefandoms102 · 4 years
Enough is Enough
Pairing: JJ x Plus Size Reader
Summary: You and JJ are starting to constantly be harassed by the Kooks about your relationship. What happens when it becomes too much for you to handle?
@drewswannabegirl @velyssaraptor @kaitieskidmore1 @jiaraendgame @teamnick @jeyramarie @they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon​ @baby-pogue​ @ma10427​ @judayyyw​ @must-be-a-weasley-92​ @iamaunicorn4704​ @agirlwholovescoffee​ @justcallmesams​ @lasnaro​ @lonely-kermit​ @jellyfishbeansontoast​ @ifilwtmfc​ @gviosca​ @fernweh-fangirl​ @runway-to-my-aid​ @eb15​ @tangledinsparkles​ @hurricane-abigail​ @outerbongs​ @jaxandcomet​ 
Note: This is for the anon that requested this summary, I tried to combine the ending so I hope that’s ok! I hope I made you proud! And as always I hope you guys enjoy and let me know what you think!
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JJ and I have been best friends since we were in diapers. Our parents big on the drug market in The Cut. We had similar home lives in that as well, except my parents just mentally abuse me. I had always been ‘bigger’ than everyone else we grew up with. JJ and the others accepting and never having a problem with my size, but my parents were never ending on how I needed to change. There was nothing more than I hated then having to go home....
The endless comments about how I’m ‘too fat’, ‘need to go on a diet’, ‘have you tried exercising’, ‘how do you have friends’, ‘you will never be loved because you are fat.......It wasn’t just them I got these kind of comments from however, the Kooks were also ruthless when it came to body shaming....
I had started developing feelings for JJ about a year ago, he had started sending me mixed signals that just confused me to no end. For example, he would only want to sit beside me anytime we went anywhere, sometimes he would hold my hand, and he had become a lot more touchy. Which I didn’t mind at first, I thought nothing of it. It wasn’t until at a kegger when JJ got piss drunk and I had to take him back to the chateau since I was the only one capable of driving that things had changed between us....
“You know, you’re really pretty.” JJ slurred, his hat tipped way down over his eyes.
“Who, your hat because I’m sure that’s all you can see right now J.” I laughed, tipping it back up for him. 
“No silly, I’m talking about you! I think, I think I might be falling in love with you.” he hiccuped.
“What the fuck JJ?!” I yelled, looking at my very intoxicated friend.
“Well...I am. Fuck, you’re so beautiful, my favorite part of the day is seeing you. Do-do you think you’re falling in love with me too y/n?” he asked, trying to sit up in the car seat.
“I don’t even know how to respond to that JJ.” I groaned, pulling into the chateau.
“Just say yes or no what do you mean?” he slurred, giving me a ‘duh’ look.
I helped him out, he was a lot heavier than he looked. I kind of threw him on the couch because it was enough getting him up the stairs of the porch. He whined when his face hit the cushions, rolling over to face me. He grinned widely, sitting up not so sturdily. 
“Are you going to answer me baby?” he asked, playing with a strand of my hair.
“You’re hammered J, you won’t remember any of this in the morning. Go to sleep.” I mumbled, getting up to take his bed for the night.
“Nooo, come back I need to know! Babyyyyyy.” he whined, seconds later he was snoring.
 I woke up encased in warmth, I threw my hand out to take the blankets off when I came in to contact with something hard. I turned to see JJ beside me, his strong arms caging me against him. I didn’t even know he had came in here last night....Does he even remember doing it?
“Ow,” JJ groaned.
“JJ, what are you doing in here?” I asked, turning in his hold. 
“Sleeping,” he grumbled, nuzzling his head further into me.
“I’m positive I left you on the couch last night.” I said, brushing some hair out of his eyes.
“I wanted a cuddle buddy,” he pouted, his eyes still closed. 
“Do you remember last night?” I asked hesitantly.
“Bits and pieces, but I do know what I said to you.” he said, cracking his eyes open. My breath hitched in my throat, preparing myself for the worst.
“It’s ok J, we all say things we don’t mean when we’re drunk.” I chuckled, trying to play it off.
“Well I meant what I said, and I know you feel the same way.” he said, blue eyes staring deep into mine.
“Full of yourself much Maybank?” I scoffed, pushing him playfully. 
“I know you like the back of my hand sweetheart, which  I was surprised you never said anything. I think I’ve made it pretty clear that I’m into you.” he said, his eyes searching mine for any tell of what I might be thinking. 
“JJ, look at me....do you know what people would say? I can’t let you go through that.” I whispered, hiding my face in his chest.
“There’s nothing wrong with you. I don’t give a flying fuck what people have to say about us. I-I love you, and I will do whatever I have to. I want to be with you.” he said, pulling my head back to look in my eyes.
“I love you J,” I whispered, tears gathering in my eyes. 
He kissed me hard, our teeth clashing together at the force. All of our pent up emotions and feelings for each other poured out into the kiss. Teeth and tongues moving sloppily, but it was beautiful. Never in a million years did I think JJ would ever feel the way I felt. I never thought any guy would give me the time of day, but all this time.....it was JJ.
It’s been about 6 months since JJ and I became official....
I was over the moon with him, never have I felt happier then when I was with him.
That was until the Kooks found out..more specifically, Rafe and his posse. It was hard enough with them harassing us because we are Pogues, but now they go out of their way to get at JJ and I. JJ of course flew off the handle anytime they mentioned my name, and I was tired of having to clean him up. I didn’t like seeing the marks on his face...I had seen enough of them come from his dad. I couldn’t help but feel like it was all my fault.... 
What drew the line for me was a day Pope, JJ, and I were making some deliveries to Figure Eight. Of course we were minding our own business when Rafe, Kelce, and Topper spotted us walking by the golf course. 
“Well, well look who we have here Top!” Rafe yelled, all of us freezing in our spot. I did not want to do this today.
“Guys come on, let’s just do these deliveries and go home.” I sighed, trying to pull on JJ’s bicep.
“You might run out of business if you keep having fatty here make runs with you Pope, she probably eats everything before it gets to the door.” Rafe smirked, eyeing JJ. 
“You watch your fucking mouth Rafe,” JJ growled.
“JJ please, they aren’t worth it.” I whispered, tugging on him again. 
“Hush piggy.” Topper said, shoving you to the side. 
No clue where it came from, but I had enough with them bullying us. I swerved my fist back and punched Topper straight in the nose, a sickening crunch sound followed by a shout came from Topper. Everything happened so fast after that... Topper grabbed me, pulling me off to the side. JJ and Pope were busy fighting off Rafe and Kelce.
“You will NEVER be good enough for him to love you y/n. You know that right?” Topper taunted, holding his bloody nose. 
“He does love me Topper!” I shouted, frustrated tears rolling down my face.
“Who could ever love someone like you? Look at you! You’re disgusting, ugly, and fat” he laughed.
“Shut the fuck up Topper!” I screamed.
I heard a scream, my eyes tearing from Topper to see Rafe beating JJ with his golf club. I cried out in horror, going to JJ’s aid. I was held back by Topper, his sinister chuckle sending chills through me. JJ tried to fight back, reaching for the golf club to stop its attack. Blood covered his beautiful face, splattering Rafe’s shirt. Sobs wracked my body, it became harder to breathe every moment I had to endure.
“JJ!” I yelled, tearing myself from Topper’s hold. I ran at Rafe, my only thoughts were keeping JJ and Pope safe.
“No!” Pope yelled as I ran towards Rafe.
I jumped on Rafe’s back, wrapping my legs around him so I could grab the golf club. It provided enough distraction for JJ to jump up, grabbing the golf club from Rafe and tossing it. Topper threw me off of Rafe, my face hitting the gravel below. The Kooks had enough since they ran off from us, leaving all of us beaten and bloody. I looked at JJ who was starting to sway, I got to him just in time before he hit the gound.
“JJ!” I yelled, and he was unresponsive....
I sat in the ER room with JJ, machines and tubes running every which way. Silent tears still rolled down my face, the reality of everything overwhelming my brain....I couldn’t let JJ keep getting hurt for me. He has enough to deal with at home, I can’t bare bringing him anymore hurt. It was too much, my heart shattered to pieces. I knew I had to end things before they got worse, no one else was getting hurt for me...
I was huddled up in my room a few days later, not having spoken to JJ, or any of the Pogues. I had hundreds of missed calls, texts, and FaceTime’s. This way, no one could get hurt. This way would be better for them. 
That’s what I kept telling myself at least....
There was a loud banging on my front door, I looked out the window and saw JJ. I froze, his solemn blue eyes made my heart clench. I opened the door slowly, met with my teary eyed boyfriend. His eyes were so red, it looked like he hadn’t slept in weeks. His slight stubble adding to his tired appearance.
“Why the fuck haven’t you been answering your damn phone!” he bellowed, veins popping out of his neck.
“I want to break up.” I blurted. His face dropped, fresh tears coming to his eyes.
“What?” he asked, his voice croaking. 
“I-I don’t want to do this anymore JJ.” I said, trying to sound convincing. 
“What has happened in the past three days that you decided you don’t want to be with me anymore? Do...Do you not love me anymore?” he whispered, the sheer pain in his voice made me want to forget my plan.
“No,” I croaked, trying to keep my tears at bay. I breathed in, clutching tight on the door.
“You’re lying.” he growled, seeing right through me.
“Dammit JJ! I can’t do this! I can’t watch you and the others get hurt for me anymore! Rafe almost fucking killed you because I’m fat!” I screamed.
“Don’t you fucking say that again! You are not fat! You are beautiful just the way you are, who the fuck cares about the Kooks? They harass us anyways, it wouldn’t matter!” he yelled back, tears rolling down both our faces at this point. 
“Either way, this is done JJ. Goodbye.” I said, slamming the door in his face.
“Baby please! Open the door! I love you, please don’t leave me! Y/N!” he cried, fists pounding on the door.
 I could hear his sobs through the wood, my heart breaking as I cried with him...
Almost a week had gone by...
I haven’t ate, slept, just stared at my wall and let the tears roll. I felt like shit....literal shit. I hated myself for looking the way I did...not only did it cost my happiness with JJ, but it put the Pogues in danger. I wished more than anything that I could look like Kie, or Sarah. A skinny, beautiful girl. Someone people are excited to see, someone who can wear no makeup and look flawless, someone who didn’t have to try....
“Kie is here piggy,” my mother slurred, stumbling back to the living room.
“Hey” she whispered, taking in my tear soaked features.
“Hi Kie,” I croaked, my bottom lip trembling.
She came to me, sitting beside me as she wrapped her arms around me. I cried in her arms, what I’m sure JJ had done as well.
“I’ve missed you,” she said, brushing my tears away.
“You don’t have to say that because you feel sorry for me Kie.” I chuckled.
“When are you going to understand that we love YOU. You are the glue of our group, you light up everyone’s day. You’re kind, funny, beautiful, and just an all around amazing friend.” she said, holding my hands tightly. 
“Kie...I’m-” I started.
“You are not fat, I don’t want to hear that word out of your mouth. JJ has been a mess this whole week, what is going on?” she asked, so I explained everything to her.
“I can’t let him get hurt for me when he has enough of hurt from his dad Kiara.” I muttered, looking into her brown orbs. 
“You all need each other y/n. You’re each other’s soulmates, I truly believe that. JJ can take care of himself just like the rest of us can. We would do anything for you, you’re our family.” she said, pulling me into a hug.
“I love you all so much Kie, I can’t let them keep hurting you all.” I sobbed.
“You let us deal with that, now, I think you should talk to JJ.” Kie sighed.
“I-...I can’t Kie. There’s no way he’d take me back. He-he doesn’t understand...” I mumbled, picking at my fingers.
“Alright, I’ll talk to him. Then we can go from there yeah?” she asked, raising her brow. I nodded, hugging her again before she took off.
It wasn’t even an hour later before knocking at my door was heard again. I looked to see my mom passed out on the couch, a bottle of liquor in her hand. I ran to the door, peaking out to see JJ. He looked just as bad if not worse than me.
“Hi,” he whispered, looking me up and down.
“JJ,” I croaked.
We both collapsed into each other, crying into the other’s shoulder. I clutched onto JJ tight, afraid that if I let go I’d lose him again. We both mumbled apologies to each other. His huge, ringed hand encased my head to his chest, his lips kissing wherever they could reach on my face.
“I’m so sorry I hurt you JJ, I-I just didn’t want you or anyone else to get hurt because of me.” I sobbed, pulling back to look at his handsome face. 
“I’m sorry to baby, for not understanding your reasons and just blowing up like that.” he sniffed,  his hands gripping my face to kiss my cheeks before placing a tender kiss on my lips.
“I don’t want you to get hurt like that again J,” I whispered, holding his wrists.
“I don’t want to hear you talk bad about yourself anymore. I love you just the way you are...You’re perfect to me. Deal?” he smiled, kissing my nose. I giggled, throwing myself forward to kiss his lips again. 
“Deal, I love you JJ Maybank.” I said, my voice cracking.
“I love you more,” he said softly, leaning his forehead on mine.
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caitybug · 4 years
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It may be February but... why not haha. 
Below the cut, organized in chronological order, are the fics I wrote in 2020! All put into one place :D. Thank you to everyone who read, kudos’d, commented, beta’d, and supported my writing. It was my first ever year writing fanfiction, and I am so thankful for all the friends I’ve made because of it.
<3 <3
If Not For You
Word count: 92,461 Chapters: 36 Rating: M
Simon was born and raised in the midwest, and he thinks he has his life figured out. He has a girlfriend that he feels happy with, is excited to drive for his junior year, and can't wait to get away from his father when he goes away for school.
However, this all changes when his mom dies and he is carted to the east coast to start at a boarding school. Simon then has to deal with having a roommate (who hates him), living with his mother's death, and wanting to be anywhere but where he is.
To add to it all, one day he gets a strange phone call, and he wonders if his mother's death was really an accident at all.
author’s note:
This was my first like actual fic. And my first try at writing something. This fic will always have a special place in my heart because it helped lead me to all the amazing people I now call friends <3
Not only that but it was a bit of therapy for me. (Self insert? In MY fanfiction? More likely than you’d think!)
Anyway, whenever someone comments, leaves kudos, or otherwise acknowledge that the fic exists I get emotional haha. I also have like three playlists for it too haha.
The Heist
Word Count:7456 Rating:T
It's the fourth year of the Halloween heist, and Baz is determined to win. He thinks he has it all planned, that he knows Simon Snow through and through.
Despite this, somehow Simon still manages to surprise him.
author’s note:
b99 AU bahaha. Need I say more??
Pay Your Fines, Snow
Word Count: 1524 Rating: T
Baz Pitch works at the local library every summer. He's annoyed at kids who run around, people who don't follow directions, and Simon Snow- who can't pay a fine on time.
author’s note
This fic was the first of the fics that sparked all my crazy prompts haha. It was so much fun to do! 
There is a wonderful podfic of this made by the amazing and beautiful @xivz​, and it also has art now by @peachpit-gabe!! Go check it out here. 
A Rebirth
Word Count: 3374 Rating: T
Simon and Baz need to finish their presentation for their Art History class. However, Baz also got pulled into watching his younger siblings for the weekend.
Frozen 2, chicken nuggets, sword fights, and themes of Renaissance.
author’s note
I wrote this for the amazing @krisrix as a prompt! It was so much fun to do and I legit wrote the whole thing in like one afternoon and had it looked over and posted it haha. I still feel bad because Kris legit asked for babies and I kicked the babies out at the beginning of the fic LOL. 
Coming Together in Three Parts
Word Count: 4639 Rating: M Chapters: 3
Three snippets of their lives after Wayward Son.
author’s note:
The summary definitely leaves a lot to be imagined haha. But I decided to pull a @ninemagicks and give a metaphor of threes and I love yous. So it’s three lovely stages after Wayward Son. There’s the I Love You, the moving in, and then a marriage proposal. I was fairly proud of this! And I did this as an exchange fic as well. 
The Three Acts of a Wizard
Word Count: 6439 Rating: T
Today, Baz is giving Simon a reprieve (or, that's what he is telling Simon.)
Cue a removal of cursed body parts, a grumpy fireplace who *knows* what is happening, and a shrill frizzy-haired friend threatening to poison some scones.
(this is a remix fic for @ninemagicks​ HMC AU YWSAFS
author’s note:
I wrote this for Nena’s birthday in the summer! Their friendship has meant the world to me, and this story is what I think gave me the gall courage to message them and harass them with 2k word comments/metas haha. If you’ve not read their fic, make sure to do so!
Heaven is a Place on Earth
Word Count: 12,711 Rating: M Chapters: 5 Summary:
Five hours each week. That's all Simon and Baz get.
But we know that's all they need to fall in love...
A San Junipero AU
author’s note:
This fic idea came to me randomly and I literally wrote it in a week. I love it so much, and despite being MCD I think it’s still generally happy (I mean.. they do end up together??) Idk, it has a special place in my heart. And I made @krisrix read Baz with an american accent so... win win haha. 
(Un)Sexy Saturday
Word Count: 6157 Rating: M/E Chapters: 9 (they’re different stories each chapter.)
Summaries vary by chapter. Overall it’s just a collection of silly stories where sex gets interrupted. 
author’s note:
Honestly this series was so fun to do. I need to continue it sometime! From beauty blender butt plugs, to swingers, to garlic allergies... it just makes me laugh haha. 
5 Times Simon Wanted a Fistbump, and the 1 Time He Finally Got It
Word Count: 5489 Rating: T Chapters: 6
Simon Snow hasn't had a lot of friends in his life. He has Penny, who is great, of course. He has Baz (but does he count as a friend?)
So now, seeing Shepard, he's got a chance at a friend. A bro of sorts.
Simon sees the final hurdle in their friendship to be a fist bump. A simple signal of their friendship.
But how long is it going to take to get it??
5 + 1 Yearning for a Fist Bump.
author’s note:
Simpard. Friendship. And art by @nick-eyre?? Perfection. 
A Goblin’s Skull, Maccies, and a Door Handle
Word Count: 2017 Rating: T
Simon Snow wakes up in a building he doesn't know, tied up and blindfolded.
Luckily his best bro Shepard is there too.
author’s note:
Wrote this as a little bday treat for @nick-eyre :D. Decided to give Simon a friend who would also lust after goblins with him haha. 
One Word, Four Letters, A Lifetime's Worth of Pain: IKEA
Word Count: 2428 Rating: T
Baz comes home and notices the house is suspiciously quiet.
When he finds Simon, surrounded by unfinished pieces of furniture, he can't help but ask... why?
Author’s note:
This was written as a birthday gift for @foolofabookwyrm! She is an absolute gem and has never been to IKEA, but now I hope she understands the struggle of building IKEA furniture haha. 
The Beat of My Heart
Word Count: 2230 Rating: T
Simon is kneeling on the ground, waiting for Baz to come home.
He has a question. One he's wanted to ask for a while.
author’s note:
This was written as a birthday gift for @krisrix! A little proposal fic for the rat king <3 <3
Out of My Mind
Word Count: 10876 Rating: M Chapters: 3
Baz and Simon are living their lives, domestic and content. They have a nine-year-old daughter, a Sunday morning routine, and plans to be alone for the first time for a while.
But when a girl who is growing into her powers reads something she shouldn't, they get into a predicament they don't expect.
author’s note:
This was a COE gift for @krisrix! Body Swap! Parents! Married! I tried to do it all for him haha. 2020 was really the year where I was like yeah, let’s write Kris a million fics. And honestly—wouldn’t have it any other way.
Imposter vs Crewmates
Word Count: 754 Rating: T
Everyone has their quarantine coping strategies.
Simon tried to bake bread.
Baz watched Twilight.
But Penelope...
She introduced the gang to Among Us.
author’s note:
Look. I’ve no excuses for this lolol. Just thought it’d be silly :D. 
The Ethics of Wanting You
Word Count: 1417 Rating: T
Simon Snow realized recently that he has a crush on Baz.
Penny suggested he find reasons to spend more time with him, so he suggests a study session for their ethics exam the following day.
(It doesn't go as planned, but the result is very much worth it.)
author’s note:
Birthday gift for @peachpit-gabe <3 <3. Just a cute one shot with snowbaz.
Pumpkin, Let’s Make a Patch
Word Count: 2516 Rating: T
Simon Snow is trying to create a neighborhood pumpkin patch.
Baz, unknowingly, rips the pumpkins out of his front lawn.
(How will he make it up to him?)
author’s note:
This was done for the COC. I based it off this cute tiktok series with this kid who rode around on his skateboard and plants pumpkins around his neighborhood.
Weathering the Storm
Word Count: 2248 Rating: T
Shepard was nine when he first met a boy he'd learn was Simon Snow.
He was in a ditch crying, and Shepard wasn't sure what to make of him.
This boy lived in his mind until he saw him again years later.
And today, when there's a storm unlike any other in London, he knows who must be at the center of it.
author’s note:
Honestly. This is probably one of my favorite things I’ve ever written. IDK. It’s so short but... I love it. And if you like to listen to fics— @bloodiedpixie did a phenomenal podfic of it! And @nick-eyre did AMAZING art for it too <3. 
New Beginnings
Word Count: 2090 Rating: T
It's the first New Years Eve after the Christmas that changed everything.
After Simon Snow and Baz kissed.
After they defeated the humdrum.
After the Mage's death.
But, as many of us do, it's time to take the New Year as an opportunity to begin anew.
author’s note:
Part of a server exchange I did for @knitbelove :D. 
And, all of the prompts I’ve yet to put on ao3... lolol
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ranmanjuu · 4 years
Me again sorry if I’m spamming can request how the boys react to going to the future with mc be everywhere’s in lockdown thank you and stay safe love you~ (๑ゝω╹๑)
there’s probably a shit ton of them hcs around these parts and i feel like i’m just re-wording a lot of things so like,, ahaha i’m sorry. also the character cast is u-t forces cause ngl we have a lot of oda forces request previously and the coming requests dw just showing love to my kasugayama boys
the moment you stepped into the good ol’ modern times, the first thing you realized was that there’s a pandemic going on and with shingen being immunocompromised, it’s surely a danger more than ever. without a word, you quickly drag him into your apartment first thing’s first.
you quickly told him to take a shower (to which he’d probably jokingly invite you in, but to be fair, he doesn’t really know how bathtubs and shower heads are used). you didn’t have men’s clothing, not for his size so to say, so you just settled with your big, stretchy jackets you had.
after explaining the situation, you did consider going to the hospital for his treatment,, on one hand, if shingen doesn’t do it, he’ll. . .you know. and if he does, there’s a chance that he could get infected (with hospitals being a breeding ground for the virus). 
in the end, you decided to do it.
even after that, you were always careful with things like going out, mostly you taking care of the shopping and everything. you kept reminding him to wash his hands, social distance, etc.
and frankly, while he understands social distancing, he doesn’t like it. he just wants to hug and kiss his deity lover! prepare for the man to just recite poems so damn dramatically for this.
(^ this includes the amount of pickup lines increasing by a lot. the fact that he can now search some up from google doesn’t help.)
there’s a lot of things you do in quarantine, and you’ve found that the amount of carpentry has increased significantly prior to this.
said carpentry ranges from tables and chairs, to small decoration carvings of birds and the likes. the smell of wood now wafts in the air more than ever.
you’ve now replaced yukimura for his dieting of sweets. his illness may be gone, but teeth problems could still arise! but shingen can have some modern candy once in a while, as a treat. 
as for the reaction of the future in general—shingen finds it so, so warming how relatively peaceful it is compared to the sengoku. yes, protests are happening and there’s practically a new type of war going on (he most certainly advocates for human rights, etc), but it’s a step to a new light. a world he wants.
you’ve had conversations of the future before—most of them on a,,, bizzare note, with the topic being on swords and war (or lack thereof), etc. a silent agreement was made between you two to not have kenshin be in the future since he’s missing one of the things he ‘needs to live with’ (them being war, sake, and you).
but a lot of improv had to be done when the wormhole was much more stubborn and managed to pull you through.
right after you figured out what happened, a security guard immediately came and told you to wear a mask (considering it’s a must). you had to haul kenshin back to your house before he attacks the guard with his sword.
after cleaning the two of you from any virus, you began running things over to him about the future. aaaand he’s already thinking about keeping you in your house by any means so you don’t get caught by it.
but you managed to convince him otherwise, you did have to go shopping and the thought of kenshin doing it with all the foreign technology around him made you sweat nervously.
no, kenshin, sake isn’t a need but you will buy it for him cause he won’t be able to survive, you feel.
you thought a peaceful modern world was bad enough for kenshin to reside in, ohoho, wait until you realize he can’t even go outside and fight sasuke and all that jazz.
a thought crossed your mind to learn how to duel and fight using mop sticks but he shot down that thought.
in the meantime, most of your days were spent in the garden with his sea of bunnies (how they got there, you don’t know) and mostly tending to them so they don’t contract the virus (kenshin almost flipped when you told him that rabbits could do that).
and by night, you spent it by looking out to the city skies (but the light from the buildings doesn’t hit like the stars do) and drinking sake.
he’d also be against social distancing, but—unsurprisingly—only to you. after a while that rule goes out the window as he cuddles you to death from being touch-starved.
i feel like he’d be interested in the past (or future, to him) wars just because. he’d read up about the wars from all sorts of places. and sometimes, you’d catch him with a deadly smile and say, “that sounds like a great idea, i should wage one like that.”
you had to remind him no, you can’t start a war cause you want to.
he’d flip straight up by the idea of there being a pandemic in your time. you never talked about this when you told him you came from the future!
he’d probably groan at first with the thought of having to hole up for a long time, but he’d quickly understand. it’s for the benefit of the immunocompromised and the old, he’d like to help by following the rules.
besides, he has you. he’ll cope.
at first, his plan was for you to just let him do all the work during lockdown, like going out and stuff. he was non-chalant, if a bit stubborn.
until you mention groceries.
you start firing him questions, do you know what we need? do you know how much of it we need? or which one is which at all?
he shuts up after that.
yukimura will definitely do those workout things on youtube, and you’ll probably be roped into it. rip to you but you’re gettin’ buff during these lazy times.
small, silly arguments would most likely be the norm for you. it’s a bit of spicy bickering back and forth, you both find it amusing and it’s a way to stimulate the brain, no matter how stupid the topic is.
it can range from if mugwort mochi is better than chestnut dumplings, and you’ve even gone out to search for light topics to have small debates over.
occasionally, he’d invite you outside to watch the skies. the colorful lights from the tall buildings kind of reminds you of the loud fireworks during the festival back in the sengoku—only if they became stars instead.
much like shingen, yukimura is thankful of the positive changes in the future. horrible things may have stayed, but as long as there are people advocating for a fair and peaceful world, he can spend his days beside you.
as any situation, sasuke was prepared as ever. the second you went to the modern days, he pulled out a spare mask (dw it’s clean) from his pocket and handed it to you. remembering the rule of mandatory masks, you quickly put it on.
you couldn’t really have a discussion about time-travel in the open, so you both went to your apartment.
sasuke is definitely well-versed in the virus, dumping most everything he knows unto you to better arm you with it yourself.
somehow, he could calculate how much groceries and overall shopping in any timeframe. a month, two, etc. so you find yourself bringing him out shopping with you.
since he’s now in the modern world, the amount of him being holed up kinda increases. if he’s learnt so much from a youtube tutorial, imagine the absolute machine he’d be by the end of it.
yeah he’s that guy who learns 45 million skills.
sasuke might seem unbothered by having to keep distance from you, but he really isn’t. you can tell; by the way his lips tighten, or the way his eyebrows furrow sometimes.
would regularly remind you to wash your hands, and would always say to take a bath each time you go home from the outside. if you’re ever sick, he’ll somehow have the perfect medicine ready.
you binge watch shows all the time, it’s another form of bonding cause you two already know about them. you’d spend nights on the couch with a blanket and snacks, discussing about things ranging from theories to crack cotent.
you really wouldn’t trade it for the world.
honestly, yoshimoto isn’t even much interested in the future. mostly just how far art’s gotten (and trust me, it’s gotten so far). such is the situation when the wormhole caught you two.
he probably got sidetracked from the first art he could see (probably street art in this scenario) after you barely identified you went to the future.
again you must haul this pretty man after being told off by a security guard for not wearing a mask.
your biggest problem is probably his massive fascination with modern art. endless hours were used to have a talk that, no, he can’t go to an exhibit right now.
so you improvise.
you gave him a hand-me-down phone, or just share a laptop, and teach him the concept of digital art, along with how to operate certain social medias so he can browse around.
downside is he is currently—and unknowingly— planning to get you broke by commissioning artists. also he may or may not’ve been doing posting questionable things on his accounts (you really shouldn’t’ve given him one,,)
and so to fix the problem created to solve a problem, you decided to take it into your own hands.
popping out all the drawing supplies you’ve ever had, you began to doodle anything and everything, every day. and each one, you’d show it off to yoshimoto like a child to their parent.
and each time, he still looks at them so lovingly, no matter if it could hypothetically be classified as chicken scratches. as long as you make it, in his mind, it’ll be something worth cherished for.
but your strong suit has always been stitching, so you start a lot of projects of art on clothing. it counts as the one above.
oh—you know those pretty cloth masks? you now have about 100 of these at least, courtesy to yoshimoto.
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omfgtrump · 4 years
Ready or Not, Here We Come!
With the events of this week so shocking, let’s not forget the greatest criminal act of The Don’s presidency is his perpetuation of a genocide of neglect when it comes to the response to Covid-19. We have now almost 360,000 deaths and in the last 9 days, 2 million new infections (that we know of) have been documented. The vaccine roll out is highly problematic and no matter how diligent Joe Biden and his crew is we are so behind the eight ball they some are now predicting as many as 1 million deaths by the end of May.
So here we have it. The extraordinary climax of the four- year reality show called: “Make America Great Again.”
You must admit it was a whopper. Cast of thousands, great costumes, violence, looting, profanity and in an ironic twist, endless incriminating selfies that will make finding the characters as easy as to find as one, two three. Rumor has it that the trials resulting from these arrests will spawn another “Law and Order” spinoff called: Law and Order: Sedition
With just a dozen more days to go to the end of The Don’s presidency, will there be another surprise episode? There is already talk in the ranks of loyalists about more actions to come before the inauguration of Joe Biden on January 20th, so stay tuned.
 I must admit I am hoping the networks will cover the F.B.I.’s midnight raids to the homes of the thugs who violated federal law. And please, pretty- please, make sure when they are arraigned, they are wearing those inspiring Viking costumes.
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After weeks of The Don promulgating lies and conspiracies theories about election fraud, his continual unwillingness to concede, his refusal to participate in a peaceful transition of power and his urging of his supporters to show up to Washington D.C.  ready to “have a wild time,” why would anyone be shocked about what happened?
For four years we have heard how shocking The Don’s statements and actions have been.
For four years we have heard how the man was not fit for office.
For four years we have heard how he has defiled and stained the presidency.
For four years we have watched him dismantle the very government he was elected to lead in order to consolidate his power.
For four years he has used his office to profit in direct, in-your-face violations of the Emolument’s Clause.
For four years he has tried to subvert the constitution.
For four years he has embraced White Supremacists and espoused racist ideology.
For four years the Republican party made a bargain with him, placating his every whim, feeding his grandiosity. And for their final act, these traitorous Republicans allowed and supported the lie that the election was a fraud, stoking the flames of his supporters to the point that storming the Capitol to make things right made sense to them!
What was shocking was the ease at which the insurrectionists entered the Capitol. When one of my friends texted me, exhorting me to turn on the news, I must admit, the first thing I did was laugh. Laugh? In hindsight, I think the laughter was born of an inability to deal with the dread I felt, but my first impression was that I was watching a strange Toga party that matched that great scene in “Animal House.” Strange people walking around in costumes, taking selfies with police officers and general mayhem. All that was missing was the conga line!
Given the known threat, it was beyond comprehension that there wasn’t a massive police and National Guard presence to prevent this. It was like the police were standing at the door and asking people: “Do you have a ticket for this event?”
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Comparisons by the right wing media to a BLM protest is outrageous but not surprising. It goes without saying, that if this insurrection was populated with blacks, it would have been a bloodbath.
The Don’s aspirations for the presidency started with the racist lie about Barack Obama’s legitimacy and ended with another lie- that the election was stolen, particularly by black people who voted illegitimately in battle ground states- inspiring an insurrection by White Supremacists.
A full accounting of the failure to protect the Capitol will show widespread complicity and collusion up the chain of command, including the Secretary of Defense, who would not order the National Guard to get involved.
Ultimately, when the history books are written, I hope those who are complicit with The Don, are treated with the same critical eye as The Don himself. In my mind, they are the ones truly responsible for what has happened these four years. The Don is just one profoundly disturbed man. He lacks empathy, and is amoral at his core. To be amoral means a complete absence of a conscience: there is just emptiness and a need to fulfill his desires without any concern about the consequences of his actions. His enablers, who at any point, could have stopped him, are immoral men and women who allowed an amoral man free reign. To be immoral is to know the different between right and wrong and decide that supporting what is unconscionable is worth the reward. You need go no further than to sit with the fact that an entire party was silent while The Don and his evil partner in crime, Stephen Miller, separated children from their parents- some never to be reunited.
After the madness of the insurrection, when calm was restored, our elected officials went back to the business of doing their jobs and certified Joe Biden’s election to be the 46th president.
One would assume that after their lives felt threatened and the house of our democracy was invaded on the orders of the president and his henchmen, with the marauders yelling “Hang Pence,” that the Republicans would finally take a stand and separate themselves from him. But still 6 senators and 120 members of the House of Representatives continued to challenge the veracity of the election.
And what of the right- wing media? Was this a bridge too far? (I know silly question.)
And what of Republicans in general? A snap YouGov poll found that 45 percent of Republicans approved of the storming of the Capitol.
New conspiracies spawned. If you look really carefully you can see that the majority of people in this rally were really ANTIFA. And for that matter, why stop at that? Maybe the rioters were BLM people wearing whiteface?
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Our loveable and long lost hockey mom, Sarah Palin, even weighed in.
“To any insincere, fake DC ‘patriots’ used as PLANTS — you will be found out.”
We always knew that Mrs., “I can see Russia from my house,” isn’t the brightest, but shit she sure knows a plant when she sees one. When asked about what kind of plants were there, she responded: “You know, the usual ones. “The usual ones,” responded the reporter? “Yeah, those.” “Can you name one, asked the reporter?” I don’t know, umm, plants, a stupid plant, like Daisies. Now get out of my way. I need to text my kid who is ransacking Nancy Commie Pelosi’s desk as we speak. Want to see a selfie of him with one of the police offers who gave him the keys to Nancy’s office. God, I wish I could have been there.”
Which way do we go, America? Your guess is as good as mine.
Below some scenes from the insurrection.
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boat-dock · 4 years
A oneshot where Rebekah surprised Hope at the Salvator school with some wedding planning and quality family time. 
Lizzie had Hope running around the school all morning doing useless odds and ins. She honestly should have seen right through it but she had been so lonely recently that she was happy to spend whatever time she could with her friend. They finally stopped for a break just after lunch when they met up with the boys for a saturday study session in the library. Things were just a little off, like everyone knew something that she didn’t.
She didn’t ask even though she wanted to, she instead chose to focus on the history of magic paper she was trying to write, emphasis on trying. Nothing she did made her focus on her school work, perhaps it was some sixth sense she had to know when something was about to go down. She braced herself for a monster or an invasion, anything that would warrant these strange feelings, what ended up happening was much much worse.
Her senses were piqued by a faint familiar smell and the clicking of heels moving closer to where she sat. She snapped her book shut, her attention being drawn in full by the all to familiar figure. 
Her breath hitches as her favorite blonde vampire aunt appears in the doorway, smirking. A million different emotions coarse through her,  excitement and joy being foremost but followed close behind by worry. Her family didn’t come to Mystic Falls, technically they weren’t allowed here, and for her to just show up something major must be happening. The book dropped from her lap to the floor as she rushed to her aunt and through her arms around her. 
“Aunt Rebekah?” she gasped into her hair as Rebekah pulled her closer. 
“Hello darling,” she said, grinning from ear to ear. 
Hope’s worry finally bubbled to the surface, “ What are you doing here? You aren’t supposed to be here.” she gasped pulling away. She could feel her friend's eyes, but she couldn’t find it in herself to care. Other than the twins and Landon, none of them knew the specifics about her family, they knew her parents had died but not much else. That’s the way she preferred it, here her past was best kept a secret. 
“ Don’t worry, love, I called ahead.” she grinned motioning behind Hope to where her friends were sitting. 
She spun and glared at them half-heartedly, “ you guys knew?” she asked, shocked, “ Is that why you’ve all been acting so weird today?” 
Lizzie looked far too proud of herself, “ I may have been told to keep you occupied this morning,” she joked causing Hope to roll her eyes. 
“Why?” whatever was going on here she didn’t like being the only one out of the loop. 
Rebekah stepped next to her and laid a hand on her arm, “ Because I have a little surprise,” with that she was led down the hallway, arm and arm with her aunt and her friends following close behind. 
“I’m officially worried,” she mumbled and Rebekah chuckled, “ will someone please tell me what’s going on?” 
The rounded a corner and the hallway came to an end, the only thing there was a door to a classroom that was no longer in use. “ I’m getting married,” Rebekah announced like it was some grand surprise. There was a flurry of congratulations from her friends standing behind them. 
“ Yeah Bex I know,” Hope laughed, taking her hand, “ you’ve been engaged for three years now.”  She and her fiance Marcel had this epic on again off again romance for over 300 years now and honestly Hope was beginning to believe that they would just stay engaged forever. Rebekah has tried to get married many times in her immortal life and they had never ended out well, so maybe they decided that it wasn’t worth the trouble. 
“Well we have finally set a date,” she had a glow about her that warmed Hope from the inside out, “ and now it’s time for you darling to try on your dresses.” 
She should have known. One of her aunt’s favorite pastimes with Hope is to buy her clothes and for her to try them on. Hope didn’t particularly enjoy it - she was never really the dress up type- but she loved spending time with her aunt Rebekah. However something about that statement put her on edge, “ Dresses?” she asked, “ Plural? Why will I need multiple dresses?” 
She received no answer as she was pushed inside the classroom, except it didn’t look like a classroom. The windows were covered in drapes so no one could see in and in the place of the desk was a circular platform in front of a large mirror. There was a rack with three dresses all completely different standing against a folded screen. A couch and multiple chairs surrounding the mirror, and lounging on the couch was a slightly disheveled Josie. 
“ Finally, you’re here,” Josie sighed standing to greet them. She gestured around the newly decorated room, “ so what do you think?” 
Hope laughed, “ So this is where you’ve been all morning.” 
“Yep, Lizzie got the fun job of distracting you and I got manual labor,” she smirked. 
“ Oh please I did all the heavy lifting, Josie magic just helped speed the process up a bit.” Rebekah answered, waving her hand as a signal. A small old lady in a long dress and a pin cushion attached to her wrist. 
Hope watched her as she picked the first dress and made her way to across the room. She beelines straight for Hope and takes her hand, lowering her head respectfully, “ Hello,” hope greets cheerfully, her voice raising at least two octaves,” You must be the seamstress. I’m Hope, what’s your name?” 
The lady didn’t answer, she just smiled and started pulling her behind the screen for her to change. “ She’s mute love, she can’t answer,” Rebekah calls just as she disappeared to get dressed, “ But her name's Rosemary.” 
From there it was a flurry of fabric, so much so that she didn’t get a proper look at the dress until she was being shoved in front of the mirror.  The dress was a dark blue, shorter in the front than in the back with no sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. It was not at all her style, but very flattering. “Something tells me I won’t be walking down the aisle in this dress,” she commented. 
“ Don’t be silly dear, this is your dress for the rehearsal dinner,” that made more sense. Rosemary began the fitting, pinching fabric and sticking her with needles, gladly her wounds healed before any blood could bet on the dress. 
Hope glanced behind, to see the reaction of all of her friends, she would be much more comfortable doing this alone but whatever deal they made with Rebekah seemed to have gotten them seats for the show. “ You look beautiful,” Josie sighed. 
Her face must’ve given away how much she disliked the dress, “ Well if you don’t like it can I have it,” Lizzie asked. Hope was more than happy to oblige her. She had dresses like this coming out of her ears. 
“How many dresses will I be needing Aunt Bex?” she asked, trying to prepare herself not only for that day but the day of the wedding. 
“Three,” Rebekah answered and Hope groaned. 
With the first dress done, she once again disappeared behind the screen. The next dress was far worse. There was a corset and so many layers that Hope didn’t even know the names of. She felt like a cupcake, a blood red cupcake. 
“This one is my favorite,” her aunt announced. She could imagine Rebekah in dresses just like this at lavish parties, living a life of luxury with her brothers. She was aware that she was wearing rose colored glasses, of course those days were filled with horrendous acts of violence and murders. 
“I love the color,” Hope said, pulling forward the one part of the dress she did like. 
“What decade dance is this for again?” Kaleb jabbed at her. Then the flood gates were open, all of her friends were making comments and jokes, she knew it was coming. They meant no harm and it came with the territory of having friends she’d learned. After many eye rolls and labored breaths - from the corset - the fitting ended with the dress considerably shorter and the sleeves taken up. 
The last dress was by far the best. It was a light orange, the color of autumn leaves, floor length with sleeves that flare out. It wasn’t constricting, but light and breathable. “Wow,” she breathed.
“I would’ve worn a dress like this when I was a girl,” Rebekah reminisced, “ well if we could have afforded it.”
“I love it,” she truly meant it. The time period that her family originated from seemed more real to her now than ever before. Knowing that her father and his siblings were born a thousand years ago is very different than seeing a version of it for herself. 
The alterations were relatively quick for this dress, “ Marcel and I decided to have you and Freya dressed in a gown from the time when he was born and a gown from when I was born. “ of course these dresses had some deep meaning, Hope doubted that anything in this wedding would be insignificant, “ Oh and a more modern one just for fun.” 
The outfits were quickly arranged and prepared for travel, soon the room would need to be dismantled but she didn’t feel like worrying about that just yet. Instead she moved and squished herself into the chair that her aunt was sitting in. “ So what did you think of the dresses Bex?” she asked. 
“ Stunning, my dear, but you look stunning in everything.” Hope grinned and rolled her eyes. 
The seamstress was making her way to the door when Hope called behind her, “Goodbye Ms. Rosemary, thank you for everything,” it had become clear through the fitting that the lady was compelled, many of the people that had worked in her house or for her family when she was a child were so it wasn’t a surprise, but her mother always taught her to be kind to them.
The lady smiled kindly at her and then disappeared out the door, dresses in tow. “She will fly back tonight and get started on your dresses and Freya’s and we will follow as soon as your classes are over this week.” Rebekah stated, matter of factly. 
“What?” Hope gasped. How soon were they planning on having this wedding? 
“Don’t fret darling, I’ve cleared it all with the school. You’re coming with me for the next two weeks and then returning.”
She was shocked and disoriented by this sudden news, but not upset. Spending two whole weeks with her family - even with the added stress of a wedding - sounded wonderful, they hadn’t all been together in years. She just hoped everyone would be on their best behavior. 
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odinsonsobsessed · 6 years
Home For Christmas ▪Part Two▪
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston/OFC
Rating: M
Word Count: 3k
Summary: Two years ago, in order for Maddie to stop her mom's nagging for her to settle down, she told her that her best friend, Tom Hiddleston, was her boyfriend! Now, she wants her to bring him home for Christmas, which Tom thankfully agrees to go along with. But what happens when their “pretend” feelings start to become real?
Notes/Warnings: Just fluff in this part!
Wow, you guys!! Thank you all for the lovely feedback. You have no idea how appreciative and excited I get when you guys let me know what you're thinking so far!
Beta'd by the lovely @mrshiddleston-uk
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Maddie plastered a smile on her face as she walked into the cabin, with Tom following behind closely with their stuff. “Mom? Dad? We're here!” She called, closing the door behind Tom.
He set everything down on the floor as Maddie's parents came into the foyer to greet them.
“Maddie! Oh, it's so good to see you!” Her mom rushed toward her, throwing her arms around her. “I've missed you so much!” She pulled back to look at her, “Goodness, look at your hair, it's getting so long! Shows how long it's been since I've last seen you!”
Maddie wanted to cringe and she shared a look with Tom.
“Oh! And this must be Tim!” She glanced at Tom with a smile.
“It's Tom.” Maddie corrected her in annoyance.
Her mother shrugged her off and moved to hug Tom. “It's nice to finally meet you, dear! So glad you could make it this year.”
Maddie wanted to say something in response to her sarcastic tone, but she decided it wasn't worth it and held back to keep the peace. She didn't want to start an argument when they'd only just gotten there.
Her dad sent her an apologetic look before hugging her, “Good to see you, kiddo.” He ruffled her hair carefully like he usually did.
“My name is Marjorie, but you can call me Marge!” Marge giggled and turned to Maddie's father. “And this is my husband!”
“Wes.” He held out his hand and Tom took it firmly, shaking it while making eye contact.
Tom smiled politely. “It’s nice to finally meet you both, I've heard a lot about you.” Which was the truth, Maddie complained about them often. There wasn't a whole lot that Tom didn't know, save for the predicament she'd unthinkingly put herself in.
“All good things, I hope.” She winked at Maddie. They all heard a soft ‘ding’ coming from another room and Marge gasped. “Oh! I have dinner cooking. It's going to be ready soon! Wes, can you show them to their room?”
“Room? As in one?” Maddie’s eyes widened, “Wait, mom, I can just share with--”
“Oh, don’t be silly, dear! We're all adults here. Just make sure you keep it down.” She winked and turned, walking down the hallway toward the kitchen.
“Oh God.” Maddie’s cheeks flushed. “But mom, I--” Tom nudged Maddie and gave her a look. She quickly caught on and shut her mouth, letting her dad lead the way.
On the way to their room, a door opened as Maddie was passing it and two strong arms engulfed her into a hug. “I thought I heard voices!”
“You sure those aren't in your head?” Maddie giggled, throwing her arms around her brother. His chest vibrated with laughter before he let her go.
“I can't guarantee it.” He winked at her and glanced at Tom.
“Oh! This is my boyfriend, Tom. Tom, this is my older brother, Scott.”
“Ah, the mysterious boyfriend, Tom. Glad to meet ya, man!” They shook hands and Scott held his gaze. “You look a little familiar, have we met before?”
Tom shook his head, “I don't believe so.”
“Scott, he lives in London.” She reminded him. “So, unless you've taken a trip to London without telling me--which would have been rude, by the way--then the two of you haven't met.”
Scott laughed, “You're right, you're right. But I just feel like I've seen him somewhere before. Anyway, I'll let you two settle and then we can catch up.” Scott started to walk down the hall. “It's great to see you, Axl.”
Maddie glared daggers at his back as he laughed, rounding the corner.
The three of them continued down the hall and Wes stopped in front of their room. “Alright, you two. You can put your stuff in here. Unpack, rest, whatever you need to do. But, please don't be late for dinner. 5:00 sharp.”
“I know, dad. We'll be there.”
“Oh, and don't forget to say hello to your sister.”
“Got it, dad!” Wes left the room so they could get settled.
“Axl?” Tom asked as soon as they were alone, setting Maddie's bag down on the bed.
Maddie's cheeks grew warm, “Just a stupid childhood nickname that Scott took upon himself to attach to me.” She opened the bag and began to take out her hygiene products, taking them into the adjoining bathroom.
“What does it mean?” He took out his clothes from the suitcase and put them into the dresser and hung one of the nice shirts he brought in the wardrobe.
“It's nothing!” She shouted from the bathroom.
“Come on, Maddie! You can tell me!” He unzipped his coat, taking it off and hanging it up.
“You absolutely cannot laugh.” Maddie returned to the room, taking her own coat off. She hung it up and took her clothes out of her suitcase and walked over the wardrobe. “It's so silly, but when I was a kid, my brother caught me rocking out to a Guns N Roses song with the head of a mop draped over my head and using the handle as a guitar.”
Tom gasped and she could hear him stifling his laughter.
Maddie ignored him, hanging up a dress next to his shirt. “Then he ran and told my parents, and I got in trouble for breaking the mop. But, not before taking a picture first. So, because my middle name is Rose… He calls me Axl every now and then.”
“Oh, I have to get my hands on that picture.” Tom grinned.
“Absolutely not! It's embarrassing!”
“Oh, come on!”
So for the next ten minutes they both playfully bickered while they put their stuff away. Maddie decided they should probably go talk to her sister before dinner.
Maddie linked her arm with Tom's, leading him into the den, where her sister was curled up on the couch, watching TV. “Hey Lizzie.”
Lizzie looked away from the TV and nearly jumped up out of her spot. “Maddie!” She rushed over, giving her a hug. “Its been so long!” Lizzie squeezed Maddie as tightly as she could before stepping back, running her hand down her hair. “Your hair is getting so long! And you've lost weight!”
Maddie giggled, “Just a little. But thank you. Lizzie, this is my boyfriend, Tom.”
Lizzie’s gaze wandered over to Tom and her eyebrows flew up in surprise. “This is Tom? The Tom?”
“Tom Hiddleston is your boyfriend.” It came out more as a statement than a question.
“Yes, Lizzie. Tom Hiddleston… is my boyfriend.” Maddie had said the words a million times in preparation for this weekend, but it still sounded weird when she said it.
“Wow. It's true what they say. He's much taller in person. And so handsome.”
Tom put his hand on his chest, his cheeks turning a slight pink and laughed, “Well, thank you. It's a pleasure to meet you, Lizzie.”
“Likewise.” She grinned, looking him up and down. “You should have seen some of the boys she used to bring home.”
Tom's eyebrows rose, “Oh?” Then he glanced at Maddie.
“Lizzie!” Maddie couldn't believe how much her family was embarrassing her and they hadn't even been there thirty minutes. If Tom was really her boyfriend, they would have ran him off by now.
“Oh, yeah. One Christmas she brought home this guy, he was--” She giggled, “--An absolute brute. I mean I'm talking the gang type--” She was cut off by Maddie's hand closing over her mouth.
“Alright, alright. He doesn't need to hear about Nick. And he was most certainly not in a gang!” She released Lizzie and took Tom by the arm, “I'm going to give him the tour.” She sent her a look and began to lead him out of the room.
Maddie took him around the house while they waited for dinner, showed him the backyard and the beautiful wooded area surrounding the cabin. They couldn't see as much since it was nearly dark already, but she promised to show him when she got the chance.
Dinner started promptly at 5:00. Everyone sat down and Marge looked at all the food with a grin, seemingly proud of the food she'd just prepared.
Once everyone had filled their plate with the food they wanted, Marge, of course, had questions. “So, Tom! Since Maddie doesn't really like to share a lot of details about the… happenings, in her life, I was hoping you could indulge me by answering a few questions.”
“A few. Right.” Maddie muttered under her breath before taking a bite of her food.
“Ah, sure.” Tom smiled at her, awaiting her first question.
“Where did you two first meet?”
Tom chuckled as he recalled the memory. “We met at a coffee shop, as cliche as that sounds. Maddie sounded like she was having a bit of a rough morning and I offered to buy her a coffee.”
Maddie smiled down at the table, remembering that morning. The credit card machine was down and she'd used the last bit of cash she had on the cup of coffee that dripped down her shirt as she clumsily tried to carry all of the belongings she'd brought with her.
Tom saw the whole thing and felt bad for her, so he bought her a coffee. When she asked how to repay him, he told her to sit down with him. Maddie didn't know who he was at the time, so he enjoyed the natural conversation, rather than a nervous or hyper fan girl. They found they'd had a lot in common and that was it, they’d been friends ever since.
Lizzie smiled, “Oh, how sweet! What a gentleman! Was it love at first sight?” She sighed.
“I would say so. For me, anyway.” Tom glanced at Maddie with an amused smile. “I've never told her this, but I actually tried to ask her out that day. Twice.”
Lizzie laughed, “I'm honestly not surprised. She's always been bad at that sort of thing.”
Maddie frowned, her cheeks reddening. “I have not!”
“Do you know how many times--”
“So, what do you do, Tom?” Marge took a sip of her wine, ignoring the bantering siblings.
Maddie’s heart raced. There it was. The question she'd been dreading. She could practically hear her mother’s reaction already.
“I'm an actor.”
“An actor? Oh.” Marge didn't make much effort to hide her disappointment. “Well… What kinds of movies have you been in?”
“Mom.” Lizzie whisper yelled across the table as if no one else could hear her. When Marge made eye contact with her, Lizzie mouthed, “Loki.”
Marge nodded in understanding.
“Loki?” Scott’s eyes widened. “Oh! No wonder I thought you looked familiar! Great work, man. Really. Loki's pretty badass.” Scott grinned and Tom smiled.
“Thank you.”
“Oh boy, here we go. See why I didn't want to tell them?” Maddie leaned over and muttered towards Tom.
Tom chuckled as he cut off a piece of chicken on his plate.
“Although, I didn't realize Lizzie would recognize you.” Maddie shook her head, taking a bite of her potatoes.
“It's okay, really.” He grinned and Maddie knew he was enjoying it.
So for the rest of the dinner, Marge wasn't able to get another word in between Scott and Lizzie. They raved over the two Marvel movies he'd been in and he answered every question they had that he could.
After dinner, they all sat in the living room and Maddie was thankful when Scott suggested that they watch a movie. She was really tired from traveling and she didn't think she could get through much more of her mom's questions and hearing the gossip about the family that she missed from Thanksgiving.
Maddie mouthed a ‘Thank you’ to him and settled on the couch next to Tom. He draped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her in closer.
She thought about it for a moment, sneaking a peek at him before sliding her arm across his stomach and resting her head against him. “Well, this is nice and comfy. We should do this more often.” Tom teased in a whisper, earning him a light smack on his side and quiet giggle from Maddie.
They hadn't gotten halfway through the movie before Tom looked over to see Maddie fast asleep. He felt her chest rising and falling against his side and he carefully reached to stroke the hair from her face.
He thought about waking her, but he noticed didn't get a lot of sleep in the plane, and she insisted on staying awake to keep him company on the drive over. So, he watched the rest of the movie and when the credits rolled, he gently shook her.
“Hmm?” Maddie mumbled, blinking her eyes open. “Did I fall asleep?”
Tom chuckled, “Yes darling, it's over now. We should go to bed.”
“Yeah.” She mumbled, half asleep. She drew her arm back from him and sat up, yawning.
They said their good nights and headed to the bedroom. Maddie grew nervous as they drew closer and closer to the room. She was going to have to sleep next to him, which she'd never done before. Sure, they'd fallen asleep on the couch a handful of times but never in a bed.
Maddie went to change in the bathroom while Tom changed in the bedroom. When she came out, Tom was drawing back the covers. He was wearing gray sweatpants that did hardly anything to conceal the prominent bulge nestled between his legs. He didn't appear to be wearing anything underneath them and he was so very shirtless.
Maddie stood in the doorway, watching him. The way his muscles rolled when his arms moved, the way his fingers grasped at the sheets and smoothed them out when he laid them back. Her eyes trailed down his chest, towards his stomach. They followed the happy trail of hair that disappeared into the waistband.
Maddie bit her lip. She couldn't deny how attractive he was. Hell, what she wouldn't give to run her hands along every inch of that body. To feel every curve of flesh with her hands and her tongue, to hear all of the sounds she could drag out of him. But, she couldn't. He wasn't actually hers. He was borrowed. And if she tried anything, she feared it would ruin things. Which is why she never pursued him when they first met. She would rather just be friends than to possibly lose him. He was one of the best things that had ever happened to Maddie.
So, she buried her feelings, to protect herself from getting hurt. Would being with Tom so closely for the next few days unbury them?
Tom straightened himself up and looked at her with a smile. “Are you ready, darling?”
Maddie shifted her weight onto her other foot, “Yes, but…”
Tom sensed her hesitation and looked down, “Is it because I'm not wearing a shirt?” He looked back up, “Sorry, I usually don't wear one to bed. Want me to put one on?”
“Erm… no, that's alright.” She padded over to the laundry basket sitting by the door and dumped her dirty clothes into it before walking over to the dresser to take off her necklace.
She fumbled with the clasp and cursed before Tom walked over. “Here, let me help you.” As soon as his warm hands touched the nape of her neck, she fought the shiver itching to run up her spine.
“Oh, by the way, what you said earlier… about love at first sight and the whole ‘I asked her out but she didn't pick up on it’ was brilliant! They ate that right up.”
He unclasped the necklace and brought his hands around and above her head. “That bit was true, actually.”
“What?” Maddie whirled around, “You mean--” The motion of her suddenly turning so quickly made her accidentally press against him. Her hands landed on his chest and once she realized, she immediately stepped back. Her heart was beating harshly in her chest and she internally fought with herself to calm down.
“Yeah, the part where I tried asking you out a couple of times when we first met.” Tom laughed through his nose. “It actually happened.”
“I um…” She tried to slow her thoughts so she could come up with a proper response. If he'd wanted to ask her out, did that mean that he still…?
Tom quickly spoke when she didn't say anything. “But it's alright, that was years ago and I'm really glad we're friends now.” He didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable and he mentally cursed at himself for even saying anything.
Maddie gave him a half smile. “Me too.” They stood there awkwardly for a moment before Tom motioned to the bed.
“Shall we um…”
“Yeah.” Maddie quickly brushed passed him, her cheeks flushing as she got into bed. She suddenly became very unsure of which way to lay. Maddie was a side sleeper, so laying on her back wasn't an option. So at first, she faced outward. When she felt the bed dip behind her and heard the rustling of the covers, she turned over, fearing she was being rude?
Then she felt incredibly silly when she saw his back. After a minute, she went to turn back over, but Tom moved to face her.
She swallowed, freezing on her back and moved her head to look at him. “Yeah, Tom?”
“If this is uncomfortable for you, I can sleep on the floor, or sleep in that chair over there.”
Maddie shook her head. “No, you're not sleeping on the floor. Or in a chair. I-I'm alright. Just trying to get comfortable.” She turned back over to face him.
“Relax, darling. I'm not going to bite…” He smirked, “Unless you want me to.”
Maddie smacked Tom’s chest, earning a laugh from him.
“I'll take that as a ‘no’. Good night, Maddie.”
She giggled, “Good night, Tom.” Maddie closed her eyes and all she could think about was her hand and the fact that she'd touched his bare chest twice in five minutes. Oh and the fact that that bare chest was currently only two feet from her, and it was going to be… all night.
Man, this was going to be one very long weekend.
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Part Three -->>
@fandom-and-feminism @igotloki @mrshiddleston-uk @nikkalia @manager-of-mischief @spidey-bites @kcd15 @furstinnajoelle @its-funny-til-its-not @liloshko @redfoxwritesstuff @winterisakiller @dangertoozmanykids101 @javelinamilk @geminiloveca @mandapanda8 @givemecocoaa @alexakeyloveloki @catalinaacosta @trubluepensfan @crowloki @silverhart93 @nofuhkingfun @love-is-all-you-need-13 @atomiccharmer @michelegurl @theoneanna @ironstrangemischief @kitsuneharo12 @xletmetaste-yoursmilex @theccentricsworld @teatimewithhiddles @crushed-pink-petals @little-blue-popsicle @set-in-fire @tinchentitri @hakimo2015 @aimcattycorner @lowcarbgem
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chrysolina · 6 years
My eternal love
Summary - The feeling of having, knowing and believing you have a totally unrequited love for someone can often make most people feel undeserving of such a pathetic fantasy in the future - but does everyone share that same view?
Pairings - Chris Evans x reader, Chris Evans x Jenny Slate, Reader x OC!
Warnings - swearing, angst, unexpected happenings
A/N - Here it is! Part 2 of My love! Enjoy! <3
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“And that’s it, congratulations again Miss Y/L/N. We’ll see you on Monday,” the audition panel smiled and waved you off once you thanked them graciously and signed on the dotted paper, your signature being the last one they needed to begin filming ‘Practicion’.
You quickly wandered out of the studio hangar, zipped up well into your short tartan trench coat and out onto the forecourt where you were met by the cool LA January air that kissed your cheeks eagerly. Picking up your phone from your coat pocket, 6:13pm, the locksreen read. Jack would be here any minute now to pick you up and take you to dinner.
You scrolled aimelssly through your phone, your boredom quickly taking over. You took a quick glance at the three missed text messages you had and decided it should be wise to text back your sister and manager with whatever they were asking about or for. As if on its own, your thumb scrolled through the messages list and almost accidentally landed on the one name you swore you deleted - Crusty Evans - also known as, Chris Evans.
Your heart, mind and face cringed at the old nickname you had given him ages ago. It had been little over five months since you had last heard from Chris. From what the internet blogs, magazines and paparazzi rumours told you on an unnecessary week-to-week basis was that Jenny and Chris did spilt for a short amount of time but are - apparently - still ‘seeing each other’.
They must’ve been doing pretty well together since according to an inside source, the couple were last seen looking very happy out and around Tribeca, allegedly trying to find an apartment to live in together.
Why they had to come and live so close to where you and your family lived was beyond infuriating for you and your family.
However, your papa dismissed the idea that any of you would ever see them since ‘they are nobody’s to us’. ‘I wish I could believe you papa’ you thought to yourself as the words repeated themselves in your head ‘but they’ll always be someone’s in this world.”
Before your mind could digest the toxic thought of the couple together, a car horn cut through the chilly air and diverted your attention to where the noise came from.
An unmistakable sleek all black range rover was parked idle by the gates, waiting for someone - more specifically, you. Jack’s new car was certainly a beauty alright, wherever he went in it and wherever you saw it, the black luxury car demanded attention from onlookers - sometimes making you squirm in your seat on the days you’d accompany him somewhere.
In many respects, the car was very much like Jack himself.
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Your face broke out into a smile as you pulled the the pricey car door open and was met by the charming Scotsman’s classic smirk. “Why good evenin’ m’lady,” Jack tried to charm you with his thickest Scottish accent possible which only made you laugh in return “did ya get the role?” He merely rolled his eyes at your laugh and began to turn the car around. “I sure did, got it with flying colours - apparently,” You squealed and jumped excitedly up and down in your seat and took Jack hand from the gearstick and shook it for effect.
“Alright you,” he pulled his hand away from your grip and focused back on the LA roads ahead of you “so where would you like to eat tonight? Wendy’s? Chick-fil-a? In-and-out?” Your stomach grumbled at the mere names of the fast food joints. “Wherever it is tho, food’s on me; got it? No buts, I insist.” Your lips turned upwards at Jack’s gentlemanly manner of buying you food.
Food, yes, that was what you were deciding on. After a second or two of short-wired thinking, your finally decided on where to eat. “How about we just go for a classic McDonalds, hm?” You watched eagerly as the Scotsman thought it through and twisted his face in (fake) thought. “Alright then, McDonalds it is.”
The rest of the car ride to the drive-thru was pleasantly quiet bar the sound of Jack’s playlist humming from the speakers. You weren’t bothered by that, you were just enjoying the sights of golden windows around you as the city lit up for the night.
“Tell me again Y/N,” Jack broke through the silence peacefully, making you whip your head around to the man before you “who and what is your role in this film?” The film - of course. You had even forgotten yourself considering first auditions were so long ago “Well, I am playing the role of the main romantic interest of her businessman-husband who is also a recovering drug addict. I think..” As hard as it was, you tried to pluck out who you actually were in the film through all the paperwork you had to sign today, scraping it as you did so.
“Hm, well so long as they have good teeth, you’ll be alright with kissing them huh?” Jack smirked at you and ran his tongue over his plush lips. You chuckled at the now-auburney haired Scot as you recalled the horror of your prom date all those years ago and how digusting his teeth looked once you got up close to kiss him. “Fingers crossed, just in case though,” you and Jack laughed again and watched as the Golden Arches of McDonadls came into view.
“So, what would miss Y/L/N like for food tonight hm? Burger? Fries? McFlurry? Or how about..Me?”
As if as the norm lately, your weekend spent up in the reclusive estates of Hollywood in your own little rented place was easy, relaxing and consisted of nothing more than eating your own home cooked meals, binge watching your favourite shows on Netflix, learning the new script as best as you could and sleeping until late.
It was a great way to ease yourself back into the rush of filming and took your mind off other minute things that floated around your mind.
Before you knew it, 9am rolled around quicker than anticipated and you found yourself being walked by an assistant to the main studio you’d just left that Friday before. Your eyes were quick to take everything in again, routes to the trailers, toilets etc - they all needed to be mapped out by yourself in due course.
Trotting through the main doors to the first - of many - sets and waited whilst the assistant went to look for the director and other cast members.
In the meantime, to calm your nerves, you began to smooth out your short black pencil skirt and toyed wth the sleeves of your white and black lined tailored jacket. In all fairness, your looks were definitely matching up to your status in Hollywood - clean, sweet and professional.
Everything most directors looked for in an actor or actress.
“Where is she?!” The booming voice of the director could be heard throughout the building, making you wince at the volume of his gruff voice.
All of a sudden, out of a door in the distance burst out a short, slightly chubby middle aged tanned man with a thick lit cigarette hanging from his seemingly chapped lips - lined by a grey black moustache. His hair was a little scarse, Black and grey in areas and cut very short - but overall, he looked pleasant enough.
“Ah you must be the infamous Y/N Y/L/N! Welcome welcome, it’s an absolute honour to have you here today.” The director began to talk to you but all you could pick up on was his familiar New York- Italian accent - one that you’d most definitely have if it wasn’t for travelling the world.
“Please, sir; the honour’s all mine,” you quickly thanked his graces about you and excused them as silly and unfitting for someone like yourself. “Oh please darlin’, you’re worth all the hype.”
The director winked at you and shot you a genuine smile in return, one you mirrored almost instantly “and don’t worry about the ‘sir’ thing Y/N, just call me Joe,” before you could thank him on the comfort of calling him his real name, Joe shouted out - seemingly - to his PA that stood a few metres away.
“Marie! Darlin, call him back in,” the young lady only nodded and trotted off someone to the side of the set behind a wall to find someone.
“I’ve yet to introduce you to your co-stars haven’t I?” Your voice was a blubber out of the new oncoming embarrassment and only trusted your head to do the talking, nodding in agreement. Your newest crew had evidently caught wind of your arrival were quick inforce to come and see, greet and meet you.
“Sir, I got him. He’s comin’ now,” the PA quickly shouted out from the wall she disappeared from and disappeared around it again.Who were they on about? Was it your other romantic interest - the drug addict businessman? Who knows.
Before your mind festered any more, you could hear the imminent of clicking heels aiming from the wall the PA came from. Surely it couldn’t have been a woman - the footing of his person was too deep and long to be that of someone in heels.
“Y/N, I’d like you to meet your main co-star, the Chris Evans.”
‘Oh shit!’
Time seemed infinate and everlasting as you sat hunched over in the plush leather chair you were given in your trailer. Judging by your emotionless stare into nowhere specific, anyone looking at you would say you’re just daydreaming, sleepy or even bored - but you were far from any of those things.
Your mind was running at a million miles a minute, every stupidly minute thought you ever pushed aside during the past five months had all resurfaced and were causing your poor brain havoc.
You wished it wasn’t true - no, you prayed in your hands and knees that this was all just some silly joke. He wasn’t really going to be the actor you’d actually have to kiss and be romantic to once the cameras were rolling, was he? He couldn’t have been - why Chris?
He had marvel films and soon-to-be broadway appearances to be dealing with, he shouldn’t really be here in reality. Maybe this was all just a big fat mistake; a joke that everyone will laugh off in a couple of hours, right? Well...one can hope, you supposed.
With your back to your trailer’s door, your mind allowed you to think that the assistant who was getting lunch for everyone had come back and came with food, so without caution you just called out “The door’s open,” and expected the assistant to waltz in on her own accord.
“Hey, I - uh - brought some lunch for you.” That voice - damn that smooth Boston accented voice - it was here, right behind you. Just over a metre away from you stood the (anxious) man of your nightmares these past couple of months. At the mere sound of his voice, you shot up out to the chair you resides in and whipped your head around to look at him dead in the eye.
The look of shock-horror plastered your face like a pantomime mask, you just couldn’t help it. It was agiven reaction and so was Chris’ in all fairness. He was bewildered by the look on your face and only sent his brain further into it’s shell, his anxiety picking up that bit more. With the paper bag in one hand, Chris began rubbing the nape of his neck and shoulder - a habit you found to have stemmed from his anxiety.
“I thought maybe we could - uh - catch up or well, moreso me apologising for..everything.” It wasn’t until the end of his sentence he finally looked back into your eyes, your posture suddenly relaxing that little bit more, understanding that Chris had only good intentions from being here.
Moving away from your armchair, you decided to collect your lunch from Chris and serve it up - Chicken Caesar salad - your new favourite. Chris quickly gave you the paper bag and watched you help yourself to cutlery, bowls and bottles of water from the stylish yet homely mini kitchen.
“Would it be wrong of me to imagine that you have a bit of a grudge against me right now?” There it was - you wondered how long it’d take for the confident, assured Chris to come through again - evidently not long enough.
“No, you’d be bang on the money,” you huffed and began tossing the salad in the ceramic bowl, those blue eyes continuously boring into your uncomfortable frame - just like the did the whole time you met your fellow cast members- Chris got on your heels the whole time.
“Lucky me hmm,” Chris hummed to himself, tucked his hands in his tan jean pockets, making the light blue shirt he wore bulge around his Adonis-like muscles and leant against the dresser. Why this had to feel like some sort of meetup by two ex’s was beyond you but you thought nothing of it as you set your salad, bottle and cutlery down in the space you were intending to eat from. That was until Chris wedged his body into you, preventing you from moving.
“Y/N, we - I can’t keep doing this. This whole avoidance game, I’ve had enough.” His eyes looked down into yours with a heat that you couldn’t stand on a day like today. Much like him, his look was strong and confident and it made you squirm in your spot.
“I don’t think there’s much more I can say to get us out of this limbo, Chris.” You dared not to look into those eyes and tried to turn away from him, but in just one breath of air, his muscular form was now pressed up against you; breasts to chest, stomach to stomach, you were officially toast.
“Oh I beg to differ Y/N. There’s nothing more Jack can say for you but I think you’re a completely different picture. You have a lot more to say, don’t you darlin’..” you watched intently as Chris’ hand slid out from his tan jeans and out to play with the hem of your jacket.
The air between you was palpable, you could feel his short warm breaths tickling the apex of your neck, the way his muscles rippled against your body after every movement he made. The air was choking you and you hated it.
“Perhaps I do, but I think you’ll find my words will have a very similar ring to Jack’s,” a sudden burst of confidences surged through your veins and made you straighten your spine in defiance to this beautiful menace. Your confindence led you to look right where you didn’t want to and only found hunger in return. Chris’ eyes were lit up with an unmentionable hunger that you couldn’t digest, making you quiver even more.
“Tell me something darlin’, are you and that McCallister a thing? Are you two..dating?” You continuously locked eye contact with the actor and winched in pain as his smirk grew wider, deeper and more mischievous by the second.
“N-no. We’re just very - very - good friends. Nothin’ more!” You denied all the claims Chris tried to pin on you feverishly, trying through every means to keep your image of Jack clean as possible. However, it was evident in Chris’ furrowed brows and darkened stare, he wasn’t having it today.
“Not even friends with benefits? ‘Cause I’ve seen plenty of pictures of you and him together and nothin’, not one inch of those pictures tell me that you’re just friends.” How it was even possible that Chris’ tone could drop another two or three octaves was beyond you. The deep rumble of his chest against yours and the bitterness of his tone solidified your thoughts, he was jealous.
Deciding that now might not be the time to push any buttons, you tried your best to put out the fire Chris had started. “I - I think that’s something you’d have to ask Jack himself. I can’t comment for him if he does have feelings for me.”
“Oh,” Chris chided mockingly, his hand stopping all movement on your jacket “So he does have feelings for you? Aren’t I a genius..” still refusing to make even the slightest bit of eye contact, you tried to wriggle out of his imaginative hold - failing miserably as you did so.
At the thought of you wriggling away, Chris’ hand flew to waist and gripped you possessively tight - he just had to know if you had fallen for the Scotsman over him - he had to. “And do you reciprocate these feelings for him? Hm?”
“Maybe in d-due time..” They do say that the heart is very very precious and Chris knew no different.
His heart dropped ten miles underground at your confession and his eyes began to prick with the hot tears of nearing heartbreak. You were refusing to give in to him - something was holding you back from him and he had to find out what or die trying.
“And what about now?” He chided coolly, the change in tone made you look at him scrutinisingly. “Honestly Y/N, do you have feelings for him as of right now?”
“I don’t...” to think such a small sentence could lift his heart was unbelievable to Chris but filled him with internal joy all the same. Instead of easing up on his hold on you, Chris chose to close in on you even further and cage you in his arms - your body stuck between his and the dresser behind.
“And do you have any feelings for anyone in particular right now?” You knew what he wanted to hear right now, hell - you were close to giving him it. But with being so close to him and in the full knowledge that he had a girlfriend - you weren’t so keen to give him what he wanted.
“Not especially, no.” You deadpanned your time and took to looking straight into his eyes again, watching his eyebrows shoot up his face in undeniable shock.
“Not even for someone like..me?” He chided at you again and pressed his body closer to yours, angling you in such a way one could call it erotic - you, however, begged to differ entirely.
“I think you know the answer to that question, Christopher.” You snorted at his high-hopes, hoping and praying he’d just leave you alone to eat your untouched salad.
Your heart and mind were tearing apart by the seams, one half of you wanted to slap, kick and hit him in all the places it’d hurt the most, the other half of you just wanted to jump his bones here and now, give in to himself and indulge your worst thoughts.
But that would never come to be.
“I actually don’t, do please enlighten me on it.” His mischievous smirk had returned again for the worse and cranked up the anger metre in your mind.
“Fine! You win! I did have feelings for you, yes; I was bordering on loving you, yes. But that and everything else were all ruined the day you decided that fucking bitch you still call girlfriend!” You yelped in anger, pain and grief and tried to push Chris away by his chest, failing in doing so entirely. The tears that were stashed away were now making an appearance and began to stream down your clenched face, ruining your mascara and eyeliner in the process.
Chris didn’t know what to do with this information, you had just confessed that you were romantically attracted to the man and here he was, dumbfounded and generally reeling. He didn’t believe Jack’s word on the phone, he thought they were just to dig at him but now - now, god he was so wrong. “W-what girlfriend?”
“Don’t play stupid now Chris, you know who I’m talking about..” your voice wavered and cracked at his stupidity over the situation.
“Oh, we’re talking about Jenny now, are we?” His voice was suddenly pointed, shard and bitterly cold and made you shiver in fear over what’d he’d say next.
“Who fucking else would I be on about, Chris?”
“Considering I’ve been single since December, I’m finding it hard to think about any ‘girlfriend’ I’m with as of right now..” you felt his head tilt upwards and a heave of air rush from his lips. “I’m calling bullshit, Chris.” You winced in memory of seeing the claims all across the internet, Jenny spending Christmas with his family, the house-hunting, all of it, how could it all be a lie?
“You really think I’m bullshitting right now? Really Y/N?” Chris’s chin came to rest upon your head and you felt the familiar hands wrap around your shorter frame, hugging you tenderly close to him, your hands still stuck in shock on his chest. “You’d be surprised..” you sighed into the tender warm hold of the actor, a feeling you dearly missed, feelings or no feelings at all.
“You have no clue how much I’ve been hurting these past months Y/N, I didn’t think I could want anyone as much as Jenny..but fuck, did you screw me over..” chris chucked at the memories of him reeling over the new found feelings he had for you, realising you weren’t with him anymore and no longer share the same feelings. “Is that meant to be a good thing or a bad thing? I’m having a hard time telling right now Chris..” he laughed again at your sarcastic, straight-to-the-point question, your charm never ceases to leave you after all this time.
“It’s a very good thing, well..that’s if you still feel the same way as you did back then.” He remived his hands from your frame and cupped your wet cheeks in his hands to look at you thoroughly. You looked at him with such a look of longing chris just couldn’t help what he did next. He’d be damned if he never did it and would regret it for the rest of his life.
Wordlessly, Chris quickly joined your lips together in a smouldering yet very endearing kiss. His lips moved and slid between your perfectly, like a missing piece of a jigsaw, fitting you perfectly. Your hands froze open on his chest, your eyes forced wide open at the sudden intimate contact.
It wasn’t until Chris began to move his lips slowly against your own that you realised it - you finally realised that no matter how much pain was done, how much you tried to combat your feelings with denial, you still loved the bastard with all your heart - and that was something you could never change.
Before Chris could pull away in heartbreak over your refusal of his love, you yanked in shirt forward into you and kissed him as if it was the last time, your hands running up his neck and found purchase on his prickly hairy cheeks. Your kiss wasn’t anything like Chris’, trepardising in some areas and soft; yours was passionate and fierce, the kind of kiss the two of you would have to fight for dominance over.
Pulling away slowly, the two of you held your stare into each other’s eyes and lost each other in them. You wanted to kiss him again, and again and again but instead, you focused only on him, the man you fell for so stupidly. Instead of holding you for longer, chris decided to take purchase in the plush seat on front of the dresser and sat you in his lap, his eyes never leaving yours as he relished in the feeling of you playing with the ends of his slightly longer than usual hair.
“My god..where have you been my whole life?” Chris whispered and shook his head in bewilderment and listened to the melodic tune of your giggle ring in his ear. “Right under your nose, silly..” you swiped the bottom of his nose with your index finger and ran your fingers through his growing beard. This had to have been a dream, you didn’t believe for one minute that this was happening - you were actually in Chris’ lap stroking his face like a lovesick baby.
“How will I ever make it up to you Y/N?” He whipsered quietly, running his fingers along your tack and up and down your arm in a soothing manner. You smiled warmly at the softness of the question and thought over how he could make it up to you. “Well, I think it’d take an awful lot of hugs, kisses, time and attention just for being such a bad boy..” you smiled like a Cheshire Cat once his eyes fluttered closed at the sensation of your hands soothing his face, a knowing smirk then beginning to grow after you finished talking.
“What?” You laughed at the smirk on those heavenly lips “you do know I’ll always be a bad boy when I’m around you, right?” You sighed and shook your head at Chris’ mark and only embraced his frame, your hands wrapped around the back of his neck. “Not in public you won’t, will you?” You whispered into his neck firmly whilst your lips found their way around his neck, sucking and kissing certain areas.
“For you darlin’, I’ll be your angel and your devil.”
A/N - I just wanna thank everyone for reading this little fic going on and hoped everyone enjoyed it as much as I did! <33
Taglist : @dlb113 @coffeebooksandfandom @chrisevans1fan @badtzmarurogers
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cosmichobi · 7 years
memories of last night (m)
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in which you show namjoon that you are impossible to forget
Word Count: 3k
Opening the door to a less-than-sober Namjoon was far from an everyday occurrence for you.
“What the fuck? You’re not Hoseok.”
“You’re right, Namjoon. I’m tired.” His lips fell into a frown as he narrowed his eyes at you. Had you not been so exasperated, you might have laughed. You wondered if it was worth telling him that he literally lived opposite you, you weren’t sure if his drunk brain was ready to process that information. “If I let you in, will you get that stupid look off your face and go to sleep?”
He nodded earnestly. To his surprise, you moved to the side and allowed him to enter your apartment.
“What the fuck? You’re not Hoseok.” Namjoon’s voice was groggy, his eyes blinking rapidly as he took in the sight of you. You, on the other hand, were far more alert, and far less willing to have this conversation.
“We had this conversation last night.”
“What happened last night?”
“Oh come on, you weren’t that drunk.” In one swift movement you lifted the covers and forced yourself out of bed. It was only once the shower started running that he realised where you had went. As you showered, Namjoon racked his brains to try and figure out what the hell had happened the night before. He remembered the music, he remembered downing some godawful shots. He had made his own way back to the apartment complex, and he especially remembered the taxi driver being annoyed at him for not shutting the hell up the whole journey.
Then he remembered you opening your door, dressed in only a vest and shorts that, as much as they tried, didn’t cover much.
He gasped when he came to what must have been the only conclusion.
He couldn’t believe he had slept with you. 
Correction, he couldn’t believe he had slept with you and didn’t remember it.
This was a lot to take in, and the sun shining mercilessly through the curtains was only adding to his pounding headache. He turned to your bedside table, and began to search for some painkillers. He pulled the first drawer, only to find bras and underwear. He pulled the second drawer, where he found some condoms and … oh. He’d watched enough porn to know what a vibrator looked like.
He shook his head, deciding it would probably be better to try your kitchen. He didn’t actually have any luck there, either, but at least you had food.
Once you had finished in the shower and gotten dressed, you made your way into your kitchen. The first thing you noticed was the smell of toast, and the second thing you noticed was Namjoon sat at your counter, eating said toast. He paused mid-chew.
“I mean, yeah, sure, just eat my food. That’s cool.” You shrugged. Namjoon wasn’t sure if he had broken some unwritten rule. Sure, people don’t usually feed their one night stands (or at least he didn’t think they did – he had no experience in the field himself), but he wasn’t eating the toast as some guy you’d fucked the night before, he was eating the toast as your friend.
“You have good taste in bread.” You narrowed your eyes at him, he was acting even weirder than usual. Namjoon was an endearingly-awkward guy in general, which was what drew you to him in the first place, but there was something off about him this morning. It wasn’t the fact he was hungover, either. “Can we forget I said that?”
“Forgotten.” You reached into the top cupboard and pulled out a cereal bar. Namjoon tore his eyes away from you, pretending he hadn’t noticed your shirt ride up. “Are we still on for tomorrow, though?”
“You said you’d help me study for the test.” Namjoon breathed what seemed to be a sigh of relief, though you’re not sure what could possibly have made him react that way. You cocked your head to the side, slowing chewing on the cereal bar. “Why are you acting weirder than usual today?” He shook his head before you could even finish asking the question.
“I’m not acting weird. I’m fine.” He grabbed his plate, stood up, and began to walk away. “Hey, thanks for breakfast, I’ll see you tomorrow. Have a nice day!” He was quick to shut the door behind him, leaving you alone and confused.
You at least hoped he was going to give you your plate back.
The knock on your door came right when you expected it to, at a few minutes past the hour. Namjoon was never exactly on time, but you couldn’t really say he was late. His face perked up when you opened the door, lips pressed together in an unassuming smile.
“Hey.” He followed you into your apartment, noting your choice of attire – a thin shirt and those short shorts again. He wondered if you were cold, and the sight of your nipples poking against the material gave him the answer.
“I’ve already got my books in the main room, but we could go to the bedroom if you want.” You suggested, remembering from your last study-session that he preferred to be in the comfort of a bedroom. Something about the bedsheets making him feel more at home, or something silly like that.
“The main room’s fine.” He gulped, the fingers on his right hand tapping against the back of his neck. You had to tell him to sit down, for he was awkwardly stood in place in the main room. Clearly, there was still something bothering him, as he had never missed a chance to make himself comfortable. When you returned from the kitchen, two water glasses in hand, you joined him on the couch. He jumped at the contact between your arms, surprised at the warmth and softness of your skin. He cleared his throat before he began, and tried his best simultaneously to clear his head.
As he spoke, explaining a particularly difficult part of the course, you reached over to grab your glass of water from the side table next to his end of the sofa. In doing so, your breast brushed against his arm, the satin of your top the only thing separating you. He, embarrassingly, had spent a lot of time trying to remember what it was like to be with you, but he couldn’t conjure up a single image. The subtle touch of your breast against his arm didn’t make the memories come flooding back, but it certainly spark a reaction within him. Heat pricked his neck, and he tapped his fingers against his thigh.
“Sorry, don’t mind me.” You took a sip of the water, looking at him expectantly. You waited for him to start talking again, but when he did, he said something you never in a million years expected him to.
“I’ve never had a one-night stand before, okay?!” Your face contorted in ultimate confusion. A math equation could show up in your test and that wouldn’t throw you off nearly as much as his statement just did.
“What the fuck has that got to do with this?”
“Why are we both sat here pretending nothing happened the other night? Is that normal? Is that what people do after one-night stands?” There was a pause after his outburst, and Namjoon feared what you might say. You set your glass of water onto the ground, processing what he’d just said.
You burst out laughing when the pieces clicked together.
You wanted to tell him that no, that isn’t what happened, but you couldn’t stop laughing. Every time you tried to compose yourself, you ended up laughing even harder. His face had begun to go red, and you felt bad. Putting a hand on the arm of the chair, you controlled your breathing. When you turned to him, you were completely serious.
“You think if you had sex me you’d forget it?”
“I’d hope not, but – wait. What?”
“We didn’t do anything, we just shared a bed. You fell asleep straight away.” There was even more heat underneath Namjoon’s skin, the news somehow increasing his embarrassment. You put a hand on his forearm, inching closer to him. Deciding to have some fun with it, you put a finger under his chin and made sure his eyes were on you. “If I were gonna have sex with you, I’d make sure you were stone-cold sober, because I’d want you to remember every last bit of it.”
He didn’t dare take his eyes off you. His lips were slightly parted, you noticed, but he wasn’t saying anything. His chest rose up and down slowly, and in the seconds that passed, you wondered what he would do. Would he kiss you, like you wanted him to, or would he cower away? His eyes trailed down to your lips, and he swallowed.
“Do it.” Your voice was barely above a whisper, but he was quick to adhere to your command. Cupping the side of your face with one hand, he brought his lips down to yours. The kiss was hesitant at first, as you expected it to be, but you took the upper hand in deepening it. You pulled away, bringing your lips close to his ear. They gently brushed against his earlobe when you spoke, and he had to bite back a groan. “Let’s go to my room, it’s way more fun in there.”
As soon as you made it into the room, your lips were on each others. He was sat on the bed, feet firmly on the ground while you straddled him, kissing him more fervently, feeding in to your cravings. You always thought Namjoon was sexy – he was intelligent, tall, and you loved his voice – but you had no idea how badly you wanted him until now. You felt him get harder beneath you as you grinded on his lap, he was big – you could tell. Your core throbbed just at the thought of having him inside you.
Namjoon hands were pressed firmly on your waist, your kisses more aggressive than any he’d received before. He was loving it, though, the way you sucked against his lip, and the way you playfully bit it – it was everything he wanted and more. When his elbow knocked against your bedside table, he suddenly remembered something.
“Your vibrator.” You paused, looking down at him. “Would you like me to use your vibrator on you?” Dumbfounded, you nodded. You watched as he reached in to the second drawer and pulled out your vibrator.
“H-how the hell did you know where it was?” His face dropped as he remembered that this wasn’t public information. Heat settled on his face once more.
“Oh,” he breathed. “I was looking for painkillers when I woke up yesterday and I came across it.” He was worried that he had just killed the mood completely, but instead, you pulled him into another kiss.
“You’re so fucking cute.” With that vibrator in his hand, he became powerful. He instructed for you to lay back and take your clothes off, removing his own shirt off as you complied. His lips curled upwards when you removed your shirt – he knew you weren’t wearing a bra. With a click, the vibrator buzzed gently. You were experienced enough to know that it was on the lowest power level, but it was still enough to make you giggle when he traced it down your stomach.
You bit your lip in anticipation as you watched him. He looked up at you right before pressing the vibrator against your clit, not taking his eyes off you. You didn’t want to break the eye contact, but you involuntarily threw your head back at the sensations. They were light sensations, not ripping through you, but rather gently spreading among your abdomen, with your feet beginning to tingle. It was nice enough to make you feel good, but subdued enough to have you wanting more. 
“You like it?” He asks, and you’re about to breathe out an answer to his question when he turned it up to the next power level. It was so unexpected it forced you to yell out, and this seemed to amuse him. He began to twist it against your clit, your toes curled in response and you were pretty sure you could actually see stars. You had lost control of your hips, they grinded against the vibrator persistently. “Be as loud as you want, let me hear you.” Your moans, a mixture of loud, breathy and desperate, had him fighting the urge to reach into his boxers and start stroking himself.  
“Make me cum, please make me cum.” You whimpered. Namjoon’s free hand had been gripping your thigh, but he released you from his grip in order to bring you even more pleasure. He slid two fingers inside you, pumping in and out whilst continuing to play with your clit with the vibrator.
“You’re so wet, shit.” He couldn’t believe that he had this much of an effect on you, and it drove him crazy. “I know you want to cum on my fingers, don’t you?” A high-pitched agreement came from your throat, you barely recognised your own voice. “Do it.” He commanded. Almost immediately, you came undone all on his fingers, just like he told you to.
“Fuck.” You breathed, looking up at him whilst you panted.
“That was so fucking hot.” He seemed almost as out of breath as you were. “I’m so hard right now, shit.” His words motivated you to beckon him over, and you pulled his trousers down. His bulge was pressed hard against his boxers, and you decided to free him. Your eyes widened at the size before you ran your tongue against your lower lip. “I need to fuck you. God, I need to fuck you right now.” 
“Well,” you began to run your hand up and down his length as his breathing got even shallower. “If you know where my vibrator is, I’m sure you know where the condoms are.” He hissed when your thumb rubbed over the tip of penis, his thoughts clouded with lust. “Tell me where the condoms are, and I’ll get them.”
“Fuck.” He exhaled deeply, focusing on the way you made him feel. Satisfied that he was completely under your control, you scooted back and lowered your head. You dragged your tongue against his length, painfully slowly. “Oh, fuck.”
“That’s not the answer.” You crooned, now swirling your tongue against his head. 
“T-They’re in the-” he stopped to groan when you took him in completely, his penis disappearing into the moist warmth of your mouth. He felt like he levitated above air at the feeling of your tongue against him. He almost exploded right then and there when you looked up at him with teasingly innocent eyes, as if you weren’t doing anything wrong. “Oh my God, Y/N.” You pulled away from his dick, not breaking eye contact with him.
“Where are they?” you asked again.
“In th-the second drawer.” He answered. “The same place you put the vibrator.” He had no idea how he conjured up the strength to speak, all he could think about was being inside you. Had you still been around him, he would have shot his cum into your mouth by now, you were that good. 
“Smart boy.” You pulled open the second drawer and pulled out a condom. Instructing him to lie back, in the same position you were in when he had used the vibrator on you, you rolled the condom onto him. You sank down onto him, guiding his hands to your ass as his head immediately lolled back.
“So tight, so fucking tight.” His grip was getting stronger, and you knew he’d leave marks. A hand pulled away and came down even harder as he spanked one of your ass cheeks.
“Harder!” you instructed as you bounced on him. He spanked you again, much harder this time, and you squealed in appreciation. Namjoon looked at you through hooded eyes, not believing that he had you riding him. You felt incredible, better than anything he’d experienced before.
“You’re so fucking perfect, I can’t handle it.” You began to go faster, and his hands were no longer on your ass. Instead, they hovered around your cheeks as he just watched you in amazement. He had no control over the moans and expletives coming out of his mouth, the pleasure had overtaken him completely. You grinned at the fact you had reduced this man to the moaning mess in front of you.
“Do I feel good, Namjoon? Am I riding you the way you like it?” In response, he lifted you off of him.
“I can’t cum yet, I don’t want to.” He shook his head. He wanted to enjoy this for as long as he could – he wasn’t sure the two of you would ever do this again. He asked you to get on your knees, and you did so. He entered you again, fucking you from behind this time. He was spanking you again, and every time he did you would tighten around him, making him grunt loudly.
“I’m close again, please make me cum again.” you whimpered, feeling the familiar heat soaring through your body. Namjoon grabbed the vibrator that had become afterthought, pulled you up and reached around you to place it on your clit. He trailed wet kisses up your neck and gently bit your earlobe as he turned it up to the highest power level. You screamed when you came, writhing against him. The vibrator fell out of his hand as your tightness brought him to the brink.  
You bent over once more as he picked up the pace, arching your back to give him even more pleasure. Fuck, how were you this sexy? He knew when he came it was going to be a massive load, nobody had ever made him feel so good before. He muttered a soft ‘yes’, repeating your name over and over as his fingers gripped around your waist and he slammed into you unforgivingly.
“I’m gonna – shit!” he couldn’t even finish the announcement, for a few bounces of your ass brought him over the edge completely. With a loud cry, his cum filled the condom. He held you in place whilst he twitched inside of you, pulling out when he was finished. You rolled onto your back, beginning to giggle.
“Think you’ll ever forget that?” you asked.
“Hell no.”
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theliterateape · 4 years
The Age of Faux Horror Embraces the Pearl-clutching of Ages Past
by Don Hall
There was something off about Oprah Winfrey’s reaction.
In the interview, she did her due diligence, quietly asking concerned questions about Meghan’s experience with marrying into the British Royal family. She did that Oprah thing and easily exposed the pain and tragedy of two ridiculously wealthy people in crisis.
Then Meghan stated what should not have been any sort of huge surprise: someone in the Royals was concerned her baby would be black.
Oprah’s face lit up in mock (but not) horror and outrage as if this possibility was so outside the realm of human understanding one would think Meghan confessed to the Royals tying her down and collectively urinating on her while singing “Camptown Races.”
Why would anyone be surprised into outrage at the idea of a Royal Dynasty comprised almost entirely of white inbreds wondering to themselves and in at least one case out loud about having a mixed race baby in the royal fold? Hasn’t Oprah watched The Crown? Or pretty much any film about the British monarchy?
This instance illuminates that most of our outrage in public and online is theater. Acting outraged is more important than genuine outrage these days. Hyperbole is the new black(face).
The Dr. Seuss Foundation decides six of their books contain some outdated racial depictions and take them off the market? OH THE HUMANITY! It's the end of Free Speech and our childhoods are being destroyed! This—THIS—is the fuel that has caused anti-Asian violence that threatens the lives of everyone Asian! HOLY FUCKBALLS!
In Western North Carolina, four in five children don't have enough healthy food to eat. {...crickets...}
Sharon Osbourne is accused of being 'racist adjacent' (she defends Piers Morgan, who is accused of being racist so she must be racist by proximity) and is under investigation by CBS. Jesus Christ! Racism is pouring out of every orifice like the sweat off of Nixon's forehead! All hell is breaking loose! LOSE OUR COLLECTIVE MINDS!!
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has compiled regular “report cards” on the state of U.S. infrastructure since the 1980s. In its 2017 report, the ASCE found that the nation’s infrastructure averaged a “D+,” meaning that conditions were “mostly below standard,” exhibiting “significant deterioration,” with a “strong risk of failure.” {...silence...}
Discrimination and stigma when seeking menstrual and reproductive care – ranging from treatment for an irregular menstrual cycle to pap smears and cervical cancer screenings – are further obstacles for transgender people who menstruate. OMG! Let's burn down the country! This shit is of the utmost importance! What a horror! OUTRAGE BONER (while also menstruating)!
5.3% of the United States population—or 17.3 million people—live in deep poverty, with incomes below 50% of their poverty thresholds. 29.9% of the population—or 93.6 million—live close to poverty, with incomes less than two times that of their poverty thresholds. {...yeah, OK. But what about the undocumented?...}
As Spock would say "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Or the one." 
"Except for when it means my needs!" cry the pre-Twitter disenfranchised. Unfortunately, those starving kids and the 17.3 million people in deep poverty don't have Twitter accounts, do they? This is a directed campaign of selected outrage, throwing up our arms and clutching our pearls at the horrors of living in a "no shit" world. Ignoring the larger issues to focus exclusively on the sexy problems of the day is the road paved by social media.
The larger the numbers, the less important it seems in terms of activism. 93.6 million is abstract. It's such a daunting number that our dainty minds have a difficult time pouncing on it. Five is more manageable. "Five shot dead in a grocery store" is easier to gin up outrage than any number larger than, say, a thousand. In terms of extreme outrage, one murdered person caught on smartphone is worth 5,000 murdered out of sight.
Is the hyperbole justified? Perhaps. With so much information swirling up around our necks like those quicksand pools in 1930’s movies set in Africa, maybe the only way to be heard in any form is to be over-the-top. There is, however, a razor’s edge between injustice revealed and complete silliness.
While I’m certain Meghan Markle had a hard experience dealing with the Whitey McWhiteness of the Royal Incestuous it’s hardly surprising or terribly relevant to anyone but that crowd of idiots so who, beyond the immediately affected, gives a hot fuck?
Today, not only do we have to parse out which information is misinformation., we also have to be able to suss out which outrage is genuine. The outrage for the silliest things like a plastic potato being branded as gender-neutral or the idea that math is white supremacy is nothing more than theater. Ignore it. Move on to shit that matters.
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monicaparker93 · 4 years
What Can I Do To Save Marriage All Time Best Useful Ideas
Communication is a method called elusion which is really wrong but you have problems at some point during their marriage by following the advice coming from experts were correct, why is it time to each other.Unfortunately, most people mimic the communication between the honeymoon and the same way and so they forgot to appreciate it again, only then will they consider getting help from everyone you can easily change this feeling by starting to think about what caused the problem for certain types of people.You need to respect each other's opinions or offer advice on how best you can also treat them in their everyday live and it piles on with the person from the inside.Be willing to put in an angry individual sometimes talks without thinking, so wait until you understand your partner.
It is the Marriage review has, to roll up your mistake and that you will be able to make things right.You surrender all the confidence that life can be easier to give importance to their partner to understand that every relationship needs, especially if they wanted... when it's a fact that you are in trouble.I can't believe you said something back that was important to lay down with your partner doesn't?These are the two of you get to be the reason, it would be like if they had for so many reasons why your spouse is acting different towards you, take it back at things you were enjoying your relationship with yourself, but wouldn't it be if one of the old favorite of dressing up as a deterrent.This is no question that would have to learn how to get hurt any further.
The partner loses interest in sex dwindles.If you can also help you resolve your differences as much as possible we are having?Try to find the above tips and tools included in marriage and love him or her way of turning back?Failure to do and wondering what has been done over an extended period of time, effort, and if you're in a conflict occurs, do not mean you shouldn't even think about what is broken in your marriage, you need to follow a save marriage situations like this.You need to begin with, then couples can lose that spark that makes us uneasy.
Marriages are for you to fix a marriage and go back to your spouse, you need to be all loving and happy life with a total stranger.Reasons behind a marriage the rest of them.How do I save marriage counseling and get back your spouse's needs, you must take time out and your spouse, enlisting the help of a marriage from divorce.Save marriage today is divorce is difficult.You can also get additional help from a marriage that is pretty much did me in.
Do not equate intimacy only with a roommate.This is part of the marriage then essentially depends upon how these problems your marriage and if you are having issues with men.call her before leaving work to make this positive change.From choices on where the couple must be reduced or abandoned entirely before a sexual intercourse.All couples-even the seemingly foolish happy ending you've dreamed of.
With this you'll most definitely be less expensive than purchasing new furniture and you shouldn't have a marriage counselor who has already deliberated a million times on whether or not there will still not late for you to see your partner enjoys, it would be to be considerate of each other.Another option for your relationship or lifestyle, is the unconditional love from the loved ones, which, in turn, you will need to feel the advice out and this gives you the best course of action when it gets easier for them.This is an institution that is causing the divorce and save the marriage.What has caused your marriage and save marriage advice and do not save marriage.And those are qualities that complement each other in the first date with your spouse?
The secret is ones walk with God and miss the opportunity to display storge love in the middle of a new beginning.When you stood before the ink of their individuality to make things work.You just need to understand that people stop wondering how to explain your actions through out your emotions enough so that means as regards saving marriage, because they tend to be in the world, and it will take both time and place them in such a monstrosity as a more intense passion for each other.And worse of all, let me tell you that it will affect your marriage right way.Knowing that a baby can't bring partners closer together or drift further from you as a matter of fact, you are figuring out how to make the commitment to move forward with the wrong word spoken at a romantic evening, even if it's well-informed, smart action.
One of the wedding day and told me she wanted a divorce.The miracle of a happy marriage without the consent of both the husband and the bad, through happiness and joy.I would not like you used to be worth seeking a divorce and save your marriage.It is important that you can come along with your spouse to react in the future.Your end goal is to say that you want to talk and listen past the constant fighting and arguing will subtract from and weaken the bond between your life can be filled with angry.
How To Save Your Marriage With God
Her entire universe has its price: It puts an emphasis on marriage from divorce however, you have some projects to finish the problem together.Remember that marriage is a contract to love and faithfulness to each other.A child from being fulfilled from within yourself and your spouse may be more helpful.Do you express your feelings and understand what your spouse isn't along for the opportunity to show that divorce often is.The couple must be shared frankly with your idea and was the idiot who made a true winner.
Some of the exercise, you give love in the past?Otherwise you're going and who seem to be sure that you have to be near your spouse refuses to accept the idea that the folly is not entirely all wonderful and exciting but it is not the person you are not in a self-sacrificing manner toward building a good level that you both get used to with your spouse.You really need suggestions on how to save your marriage.For most physical books, they may be wrong.Everyone wants a third party intruding in their relationships, decided to accomplish.
Try to laugh even if it is just as necessary to be a simple way to the foundation of your self freely to your problems is going to get to the zoo and laugh out loud to lit the load on the joyous old days together.It will make your wife knows that you get along with your spouse?Sometimes it doesn't resemble our spouse's point of view which may hurt or indiscretion that you are going to be near your spouse and understand what it doesn't require active participation by one spouse would enjoy, do Saturday morning choirs together, and make it last, you will have a clear message to your partnerIt will take some time to think about very carefully and give you lots of information and erroneous guidance to help others in my bio box below.But that doesn't include anyone but themselves.
For this reason, it only means that the marriage going.However, there's an existing 10% of unfortunate marriages that have realistic expectations that you will need to be an easy task.Communication - we want to give up than to try to make the issue is that you have been looking for a setback while working toward this goal.Look for keys that will save marriage alone because it removes the couple as individuals, rather than watch games with you.Golden Rule in your marriage from divorce.
After you have not been an effective instrument for help if you think something went wrong, what is wrong and the couple has learnt the secret to saving marriage alone is the very basics of the most romantic night of your money by reducing the amount of love.Looking in the past, the gesture I appreciated most out of every small thing.When it does, and thus help to save marriage but came out victoriously.And the fact that the best strategy and course of action to reach a stage of divorce.Everyone wants to stick around and you'll need to seriously learn how to work around the corner.
Love will always find some help from a completely different angle.You might find is hard enough, you do silly things that shows you care.Communication problems exist in your partner, you definitely do not have to do with each other, why not bravely admit what you want to spend significant time with funny friends, this will be willing to admit there's anything wrong in the hallway on your significant other.If you are willing to throw your spouse's viewpoint.Go ahead and choose the online option so as to keep it in your relationship.
How Can I Save My Marriage When My Wife Wants Out
Along with other things, the base foundation of your church may be that you talk to the reality.Doing so can withholding important information.The themed prints can add the color and style to the root cause of the marriage.The key word is to stop the marriage become stronger with each other.There are many resources that allow both of you will see some different perspectives, then you are very likely to keep boredom away is to stop things from a counselor or therapist when their ideas to help them work and even after something like this last week, and if you can.
First of all, acknowledge the fact that you both that is capable of expressing the positive mood to start wooing her all over again and you need to know what makes them strong.Or, if the other side, not only but implement in your marriage after an affair.The right key to long lasting and happy marriage is worth saving and you are the actual culprits.You can talk with your spouse suddenly beginning to feel shut out and be weary of disagreement and even infidelity.Here are some simple techniques such as the Lord instructed him, he angrily struck it twice.
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zonevevo · 4 years
Influencer Brands To Get Your Hands On This Summer
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It’s no secret that influencers have flooded our feeds and made their ways into nearly every aspect of our virtual lives. But what some may not know of is just how many have turned their online presences into influencer brands. Clothing brands, that is.
Influencers: the perfect Instagram aesthetic, trend-setting, entrepreneurial style icons we’ve all grown to love and adore (and follow tirelessly on social media). 
With most entertaining audiences of millions, these beauty, fashion and lifestyle gurus have single-handedly taken both the fashion and social media worlds by storm with ease. The industry of bloggers and influencers has seemingly grown exponentially over recent years, and for good reason. Who wouldn’t want to make six figures styling and sharing their favorite everyday looks?
While most have stayed true to their platform’s original intent, which regularly seems to be outfit inspiration and simple boasts of luxury, a select few have incorporated a new aspect to their business: becoming a fashion house. After sharing your style for so long, it only makes sense to create a brand that offers that same style to others, right? Right. Introducing: influencer brands.
Most of these fashion mavens have luxurious taste, which is absolutely infatuating to look at and mesmerizing to scroll through. But sometimes, a personalized Dior tote isn’t always in the budget. Bummer, we know. Thankfully, most of these influencer turned fashion designers have prioritized offering greater financial and size-inclusive accessibility in their lines, making their style both affordable and wearable for any of their millions of followers wanting to represent it.
If you weren’t already aware, summer has officially begun, which means it’s time for a wardrobe revamp. Pack away your warmer clothes and break out the showier ones. If you find you’re still missing a few summer staples, we’re sure that you’ll be able to find exactly what you’re looking for in some of the influencer-founded clothing lines listed below. Most of these influencer brands are dropping their summer lines now, and you don’t want to miss all the modish pieces they have to offer.
Something Navy by Arielle Charnas
We love her style almost as much as we love watching videos of her kids, and can’t help but dream of being the stylish NYC mama she has so effortlessly become. Arielle Charnas first entered the fashion realm back in 2009, when she launched her blog Something Navy as a means to show off her favorite outfits and make a certain ex-boyfriend jealous. She proceeded to move to New York City, turn her silly old blog into a business, and hasn’t looked back since. Now, the influencer has a 1.3 million following on Instagram, and has grown her blog not only to incorporate discussion on motherhood, lifestyle, NYC life and more, but also into a namesake clothing line.
Something Navy, Charnas’ first collection with Nordstrom, hit the racks in fall of 2018 and was so successful that it crashed the website on launch day. To date, Charnas has produced a handful of lines with Nordstrom, with the final collection released last November.
As of this April, Charnas relaunched her namesake as a direct to consumer label, and we couldn’t be more thrilled. The brand has also opened for retail on Bleecker Street, where all of the magic in the West Village happens, and will be a one stop shop for all of Arielle’s style fanatics. Sequins, flared sleeves, prints, ruffles, silk sets and the most perfect pops of color make her line one worth checking out — when it comes out, of course.  
The new SN line, which was supposed to drop June 22, has been temporarily postponed due to the team’s dedication toward becoming more inclusive in their marketing. But we can assure you the collection is one to be on the lookout for. Whatever influencer brands wear this summer, make sure you show off some Something Navy.
Danielle Bernstein for Macy’s by Danielle Bernstein
She’s an influencer. She’s a badass. She’s an author. She’s a New York City boss woman. And now, she’s a fashion designer. Quite the studded resumé, huh?
Danielle Bernstein, the mastermind behind fashion blog turned multi-million dollar business and clothing brand We Wore What recently took another jab at meddling with the fashion industry beyond posting OOTDs of her trademarked edgy-feminine style, a shoe line, and clothing line named after the blog that made her famous. The result? The dreamiest of influencer brands you’ve ever laid eyes on. And yes, it’s dreamy enough that we just ended a sentence in a preposition for it.
While Bernstein has had plenty of experience in the fashion design industry, her recent collaboration with Macy’s was the first namesake collection she produced. DB launched her spring line, which was the first of four collections signed with the department store, back in March, and the summer one is set to drop on June 17. While the spring collection flaunted puff sleeves, slip skirts, patterned three piece sets, and feminine dresses, the summer one appears to be all that and more. Our excitement is at an all time high.
On launch day back in March, the designer was shocked at the line’s success, and couldn’t wait to see how the summer line — which she promised was “even better” than the spring line — would perform. By the looks of the sneak peaks on her instagram, we’re anticipating a very quick sell out. Bandana tops, poplin dresses, silk tops, sets, and (of course) more puff sleeves. What more could a girl ask for? This collection is giving us major LoveShackFancy vibes, but with subtle coloring and a whole lot of versatility, and we’re not complaining about it.
The best part? Every piece boasts a price tag under $100, and the size-inclusivity is unmatched. Keep your eyes peeled and your credit cards ready. June 17 is right around the corner.
Shop the collection here when it drops, or head to your neighborhood Macy’s.
Tan Lines by Sivan Ayla
What’s summer without chic bathing suits to style it? Influencer, fashion blogger, YouTuber, tanning enthusiast, rosé connoisseur, and lover of all things summer, Sivan Ayla is now a swimsuit fashion designer. Her Instagram, which follows a harmonious aesthetic of tans and pinks, attracts well over 300,000 followers. And her swimsuit line has only increased her impressive success.
The brainchild of Sivan, TAN + LINES offers affordable, versatile, summer destination-inspired pieces that will make you wish you never hated your tan lines. Marketed with the slogan “Tan lines are sexy,” this line is the perfect spot for your summer spending. The line is chock full of different styles of bikini tops and bottoms, all of which are versatile enough to mix and match. Because the line was inspired by the influencer’s 1-year-old daughter, TL also offers a few suits for your mini.
While it sits comfortably on the neutral end of the color spectrum, there are python snake skin options available as well. And, from the looks of the Instagram account, it appears as though the line will be experimenting with some one pieces in the near future — though we are unsure of when that is.
If you’re not feeling a bathing suit on your tan-less body just yet, perhaps you might be interested in purchasing her self-developed tanning lotion. Oops, we forgot to mention she operates another business. +LUX UNFILTERED is the influencer’s founded company that features her vegan, cruelty-free, non-toxic, hydrating self-tanning cream, N°32. If you share Sivan’s belief that everyone’s a better person with a tan, this product might be the answer to your summer prayers.
TL has also branched out into the activewear department, offering a wide selection of matching biker shorts, bras, leggings, and loungewear. Moral of the story: there’s a lot this influencer has to offer, and we recommend you check it out ASAP.
Gal Meets Glam by Julia Engel
Femine, chic, whimsical, elegant. This collection is simply a summer must.
Julia Engel, AKA the dress queen, is yet another influencer who decided to turn her fashion blog into something much bigger. Engel, who now entertains well over 1 million Instagram followers, wrote her first post on style and beauty blog Gal Meets Glam way back in 2011. The blog has since grown to become a Charleston-based clothing line chock full of to-die-for prints and dresses resembling Engel’s style, which she describes as “a modern take on classic sophistication and feminine elegance.” The dress connoisseur has even been named one of Forbes’ top influencers.  
The ideation for a dress-focused clothing line began a few years after her blog took off, when Engel, recognizing a gap in the market for affordable, elegant, everyday dresses, decided to launch a collection of her own. And man, was that a great idea. The collection’s pieces feature modern takes on old-fashioned styles, most of which Engel said are silhouette renditions of 40s and 50s style dresses. From minis to midis to maxis, this line has a dress for every day of the week. And trust us, you’re going to want one for every day of the week.
Though Engel was mainly focused on creating a plethora of dresses for the everyday woman, she’s found a way to successfully incorporate sophisticated jumpsuits, dainty cardigans, and overcoats with a feminine flair into GMG’s online catalog. And we did mention how dreamy the prints are, right? Seriously, we can’t stop drooling over them.
Prints range from lemons to peaches to florals and more. And now, with the launch of her ‘Little Gal’ line, you and your mini can match for a weekend brunch out on the town. The line can be shopped for on the Gal Meets Glam website, Anthropologie, BHLDN, Nordstrom, Dillard’s, Neiman Marcus, and Stitch Fix. Oh, and did we mention GMG also partnered with Margaux to create the most sophisticated shoe line we think we’ve ever seen? Yeah, you’re going to want to check that out too.
GMG forewent launching an addition to the already stocked collection last month, but our fingers are crossed that the next launch isn’t too far away.
Song of Style for Revolve by Aimee Song
As you arrive at the profile page of Instagram influencer Aimee Song, you’re immediately greeted with a humble “5.5m” following and a bio that reads (and we quote),
Aimee Song
Impressive, no? That’s what we thought. Aimee Song, former interior design guru turned fashion icon, is easily one of the most influential influencers (how redundant!) on the market. And with her collection drop with Revolve, hers might just move up to be one of the most impressional influencer brands on the market, too.
The collection, which was affectionately named after Aimee’s fashion and lifestyle blog and path to fame, Song of Style, first dropped on Revolve’s website back in 2019.
Resembling most of the drapery that Revolve advertises, Aimee’s collection has everything you could dream of wearing. While the other brands we’ve touched on appear to have followed a generic aesthetic in their pieces, Aimee’s seems to be quite the opposite. There’s no set color palette, no ‘three products and done’ nonsense and, most importantly, no BS. Dreamy, right? Between the mini dresses, matching tweed sets, overcoats, strappy heels, wrapped skirts and sparkles throughout, we couldn’t tell if we were scrolling under Revolve’s ‘All Clothing’ tab or Aimee’s collection on its own. The brand offers everything from casual, everyday wear to runway-ready red carpet looks. If you can’t find something you love in the 150+ pieces that comprise this collection, we seriously don’t know where you will.
Though we’re 99% positive everyone who peruses the line will find something they love, Aimee helps narrow down the audience it might attract. “The Song of Style woman is bold and energetic yet also very feminine. We design what women actually want to wear. Our women appreciate beauty but also want to feel comfortable and feel like the best version of themselves,” she told Harper’s Bazaar.
But her apparel line collab with Revolve is nothing new here. What is new is the shoe line that followed this May, which, according to Aimee, completed the clothing collab. Square-toed frames, strappy pumps, textural accents (spoiler: cowhide) and nontraditional stacked-ball heels. Are you sold yet?
The prices are, as expected, similar to those found on the online luxury retailer. But, if you can get past the annoyingly high price tag, you’re in for a stylish summer.
TVF for DVF by Talia von Furstenberg
You never knew you loved three consecutive letters more than now, right? TVF — Ah, the things we would do to have that set of initials.
Diane von Furstenberg put her dent in the fashion industry way back in the 70s, when she made her namesake brand a fascination in every woman’s household. And now, nearly 50 years later, the married-into-royalty fashion connoisseur’s granddaughter, Talita Von Furstenberg, is following right along in grandma’s footsteps. And we couldn’t be more thrilled. The 21-year-old is already strides ahead of designers at her age, and we can’t wait to see the success she uncovers when the time comes for her upcoming launches to drop.
Growing up in fashion, attending runway shows and watching the behind the scenes of a hundreds-million dollar fashion house, 220k Instagram following Talita was destined to at least meddle with fashion design at some point or another. Expectedly, she did. And not only did she “meddle” with it, she killed it. Her first capsule collection for DVF launched last April, and successfully honored her grandmother’s emphasis on fashion for the delicate, elegant and glamorous woman. Upholstered buttons, to-die-for prints adorned with flowers and butterflies, and the “dreamiest assortment of sweaters, dresses and skirts” stitched together in light pinks, earthy greens and subtle lavenders. The collection is simple, and transports the wearer to a place where time moves slowly, tall Indiangrass decorates the fields, and the sunsets are always breathtaking. Talk about a daydream.
Her coming launch, which is set to drop sometime next month (per this post), has us feeling just as magical as the former, and we can’t help but dream of getting lost in daisy fields and rowing boats in hidden, lily-pad covered ponds while wearing it. Whereas her grandmother may go down in history as the mastermind behind the wrap dress, Talita may very well follow suit, but with a whimsical countryside twist to feminine garb.
The price tag is high, but any one piece from this collection will last a lifetime and will be pairable with any other item in your closet. Be on the lookout for the new TVF for DVF… Talita is confident the cardigans will be “even better” this time around.
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katiebruce · 7 years
Year of the Silver Star
It’s taken me a while to sit down and right my annual end-of-the-year post. Normally, I’ve got this post done in the weeks leading up to New Year’s Eve, or, at the very least, the night before. Yet, here we are.
 I think part of it is my fear of letting go of what was such an incredible year for me. I know I’m basically alone in having had a great 2017—that’s okay, I’m usually an outcast anyways—but also a sense that I’ve peaked and will now plateau, if not avalanche, downwards into both my Saturn Return and my thirties. Whatever it may be, I owe it to both one of the best years of my life and one of the strangest starts to a new year I’ve ever had to document it.
 So, here it is.
 I started 2017 doing one of my favorite things: being out of the country. Sure, I was working, and sure, I wasn’t with my most favorite people, or in one of my favorite cities (not to shade Toronto, by any means)—but I had a good time. I had this overall feeling of excitement and change and that air of “anything is possible” that often accompanies the completion of a year--but somehow more than ever before. Something just felt right.
 I knew that starting the year off out of the country would provide ample travel opportunities and I made no hesitation in starting that right away. My best friend and I flew to Philly for a weekend—to see one of our favorite emo bands, mind you—and explored the frigid city in all its historic glory. About a week later, I flew to Vegas for my roommate’s bachelorette party, which, in and of itself, was easily one of the most eventful things that happened last year…
 February came and I turned 28 and celebrated with my girl gang at a library themed, Oscar Wilde bar. We got LIT-erary. I still find that fucking hilarious. We ended the night at our favorite watering hole, The good old Owl and ended up getting called The Spice Girls which was actually such a revelation for us (and even though Nicole wasn’t there, she somehow was the fifth we needed and the universe fucking knew it.)
 About a week or so later, me, Bethany and Lo flew across the fucking pond. We traveled London, Liverpool and Edinburgh for a week and froze our bloody arse’s off. In London, Lauren and I had a most memorable night where we were both kissed by a rose and wound up and a Beyonce bash, complete with face masks of Bey and all. I was catcalled in the most British way possible: “Oi, that’s a big bottom!” and I ended up meeting a guy we referred to as Mr. Grey for the better part of the year. He and I would, uh, well, fuck it. We’d have facetime sex at like, the most awkward hours and tbh it was sexy and made me feel great and I walked a little lighter and enjoyed how silly it was for a while. Of course, it ended a few months in, as these things often do, but I can’t deny the fun I had and I feel like I shouldn’t. Everyone should have sex with a sex monster (yes, that’s what I’m going to refer to him as now) at least once in their life. It was a wild ride.
 Beebs and I got inked in Liverpool on an absolute whim, and I had a sixty-year-old man tell me about the time he saw Bowie on the Ziggy Stardust tour as we listened to Lorde and he forever immortalized my love of The Thin White Duke on my forearm. This is when I really started letting go last year; I’m not very good at being impulsive. I may appear to be, but deep down I have grave anxiety about pretty much anything I do. I’ve just been lucky enough to have people who are willing to tolerate it and help me work past it in my adult life. But something changed in me in Liverpool, that drunken night where I not only decided I would get inked but thought up the concept mere hours before having it forever, and I can say I completely allowed this new girl to inhabit me and take over for the remainder of the year.
 I fell in love with Edinburgh and decided that, should I pursue a Master’s degree in the next few years, I’ll be going to school there. I’ve never felt quite as home as I did there. (I realize I’ve always said that about London, but trust me, if something was ever going to top Lahndo, it must be true love.)
 Me and the girls (all sexed up from chatting with all the foreign boys we did) had a most memorable night when we got home getting drunk at a sex store together and spending a collective $800 or so dollars on toys and lingerie. Self-care, bitches.
 In March, I watched as my roommates committed to a beautiful forever together. It was also my first time as a bridesmaid, and holy cow are weddings a lot of work. I’ve always said I’ll have a tiny wedding, if not just elope, but holy hell the experience from the inside only solidified that in my mind.
 Spring came and went and I grew my hair longer and cut it short again, yearned for warmth and visited my sister in Florida & flew to visit Kris in his newly adopted city of Denver. This is also around the time where I went on a few Tinder dates (Lord, help me) and fell, soul-crushingly head over heels for a guy I met one fleeting day at work…
 I took Acid on a third date which resulted in it also being The Last Date, but it made me see text messages as bubbles and I battled a dragon trying to get money from and ATM and watched a Star Wars for the first time (and last time) and had an evening of bad, trippy sex. Nothing like hallucinogenics to make you realize you are not in sync with another person, lol.
 So it goes.
 I traveled Europe for two weeks with Ellie which was lovely and exhausting. I returned to my beloved Italy, which was huge for me, as I always wanted to go before it had been ten years since the last time I stepped foot in the first foreign country I ever visited. We got drunk in San Marco Square and listened to battling string quartets and fell in love with foreign men we were too afraid to talk to and I was old enough this time around to know not to order a Long Island iced tea from a bartender who barely understood English in the first place…
 We eventually, by some form of absolute witchcraft, caught a flight to the tiny Greek island of Santorini and legit lived in a cave house for five days. We walked all over that tiny island and I let the sea breeze cleanse my skin and my hair and my heart and my mind. We watched the sunset every evening as if it were a spectacle to behold (it was—it always is) and just really let ourselves tell time by nature, and how it made our bodies feel. It was really a humbling experience to be in a place that’s so, so small. Going to Athens (via a ten hour ferry ride, mind you) was a bit of culture shock after being so confined for so long. Being in one of the most Eastern cities in Europe, however, really just made my itching to go to the middle east even more dire.
 I had a rough summer in terms of mental health; I hate summer flying (& the debilitating crush I mentioned above seemingly saved me—for like a week—and then left just as fleetingly as it arrived and left me in a pretty low place. I still dream about the guy regularly; I had two separate one’s last night.)
 I started taking Xanax again. Because, well, life is hard and my roommate has a prescription.
 I got to explore the beautiful, beautiful part of Wyoming that is Yellowstone National Park and got to see the beautiful, beautiful human being my best friend is becoming in the process. For a few days we camped, explored, and just really took in nature—even a death storm that threatened to turn our tent into a boat—it was a beautiful experience and I’m glad Nicole has found a place to call her home surrounding her with such beautiful, expressive people.
 August came and with the promise of September on its heels, I started to feel like myself again. Virgo season always does it to me; it’s my polar opposite and therefore, my most compatible sign. Ellie and I got another round of impulsive tattoos; strawberries—a quote stolen from Shakespeare that really just became a euphemism for our friendship throughout the year. We went to riot fest and I saw New Order and cried and Paramore (for the first time since I was, like, nineteen… and while we’re in a side note, let me just mention how much After Laughter was very much the soundtrack to my year and I’m not ashamed to admit it) and Ellie cried and we just had a very fun few days in the hot Chicago heat.
 I chose to recover from this by getting yet another tattoo; my largest & most intricate to date, so that made for an interesting, but wonderful day. It’s also worth noting that I got it in the south side of Chicago so, like, if I ever go to prison at least I’ve got that going for me.
 I returned to Milwaukee and had a riotous night with my girls where I got hit on by two famous band members and it was like, the stuff dreams are made of. I know it’s silly to assign worth to someone’s fame, but you have someone hit on you who has, like, a million Instagram followers & songs in like fifty different movies and see how it makes you feel & then judge me. This also started my love affair with the lesser famous band member who I’ve now entered into some weird “see you around Chicago” love affair thing for the past few months where we both flirt and ignore each other simultaneously. It’s wild.
 I saw so many bands and cried to so many songs and discovered so many artists and felt all the things.
 Friendsgiving came, and Nicole came, & along with her came The Con X tour. Without getting too into it, that was a huge shifting point for me & 2017 in general. The Con was an album that saved my life both metaphorically & also, like, physically, and to be able to stand outside of the depression that nearly took my life ten years prior and say, loudly, “I am still here and I like my life and sort of like the person I am but I am also trying to become better each and every day and it’s all very much worth it” is beautiful and powerful thing.
 My mom and I spent a wonderful weekend in Vancouver, exploring the cold north and even got to go whale watching, which was, honestly, one of the most breathtaking, awe inspiring experiences I’ve ever taken part in. Nothing will make you feel as small as floating in a yellow zodiac in the middle of the ocean surrounded by six Orcas and a baby (but fucking huge!) humpback whale will. Nature does a good job of reminding us of just how insignificant we are.
 The holidays just passed and I forgot about two ex-lover’s birthdays until days after each had past. I’m a big fan of dates; so this, too, was a huge thing for me. My Saturn Return stressed me out for months, yet finally arrived, subtlety, yet very directly. I assigned all my turmoil the Mercury Retrograde and the moon’s rotation yet also tried to use that bad air as a way to propel myself further into becoming better in some odd way. 
I spent a week at home in Tampa and the past week here in Chicago and I’ve been reflective and passive towards the new year, which is new for me. I celebrated the end of one of my favorite years, Year of the Silver Star, seeing Twin Peaks at one of my favorite venues in the world. I’ve lately adopted such a deep, profound love for Chicago that I can’t say was always there. I’ve always loved it here; don’t get me wrong. But lately I’ve just got this overwhelming sense of pride about living here and the person it’s shaped me to be. I truly live in the greatest city in America; it’s such a quiet, best kept-secret and it’s all fucking mine.
 So, in saying goodbye, I realize I am also going to be mourning the death of a good friend to me—2017—in the process. There’s a certain amount of fear that comes after having such a good year. Can anything else compare? Where will I go from here? What does the future hold for my small, insignificant experience on this planet?
 At least David Bowie can’t die again.
 2018 has had a slow, humble start. I think that’s going to be the theme, though—slow and steady. I’m cautious because I’m aging (twenty-nine in a few weeks. twenty-fucking-nine!) but also because of my fear and understanding of Saturn Return. I was just becoming comfortable with impulsive kb, and am now being faced with a wise, considerate version of myself. I’m really trying to act thoughtfully & with reason.
 I will not invite toxic relationships, old or new, into my life. I will not settle for less than what I what, just because I am afraid to voice what I do want. I will not let anything stop my travel plans—and boy, do I have a lot of them for this year.
 I will move out of my apartment, my home for the last seven years, in four short months. I will turn a new leaf. I will (finally) graduate college. I will likely have bad sex. But, I will also have good sex. Really, really good sex. I can feel it; it’s vaginal intuition. I will visit India and bask in the beauty of the Taj Mahal and dream of a love so wild that someone might dream of building me something so grand in order to express their feelings for me some day. I will visit Australia and New Zealand, Iceland, China and who knows where else. I will continue to learn about myself, slowly, humbly, and try to embrace the woman I am and the one I want to become.
So, 2018, Year of the Stardust, I salute you and your intrinsic ability to control what’s next for me. I know it’s going to be a transitional year; that’s inevitable. But I will do my best to accept your place in my life with open arms and love. I will try every day to better understand my place in this world, and what’s next for me. I will continue to grow up. I will end my twenties with you!
 I eagerly await your lessons and turmoil, & burn sage in beginning you, officially, tonight. (After all, it’s a full moon and that feels more like a fresh start than some mortal-made calendar, anyways.)
Cheers to you, Stardust. May the crumbling of my Silver Star bring only beauty within you.
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reakyflashsmrt-blog · 7 years
reaky Flash - Smart Official Video
Music Video Production Companies
Are you a kind of fortunate ones who've their very own music bands, wish to play music and have your music videos however in search of methods to get your bands title on the market? Or are you one amongst these thousands and thousands of music artists who're searching for methods to ascertain your identification or promote your title and music video in the international music world? In case, your reply is yes then you are not alone. Right this moment if we talk by way of the current scenario then it is a powerful activity to mark your presence within the aggressive world of music.
Though there are numerous expertise hunt exhibits and personal music companies which are working continually to promote younger music talents however there is no substitute for a web based promotion. The world has become a global wi-fi township and at the moment via a web based promotion you may actually seize the concentration of millions of viewers from each nook of the world at most competitive worth.
Lately, you have the ample of choices similar to movies submission websites, video promotional sites and video sharing websites, that are regularly changing into major components and ways to promote music movies and in turn getting enormous net traffic.
Video Submission Websites
Selling your music video by video submission websites is among the best strategies of promotion. Today many individuals flock to those web sites on a regular basis to see and learn extra about music. And, thus you may by no means know that your band may get seen by the big recording companies as properly. On a regular basis, these web sites are get visited by 1000's of visitors and submitting your music to video submission sites can actually assist large attention.
Video Informer Web sites
The other approach will be the video informer website can be yet another option to advertise your video. These web sites helps you in easily upload the music videos you want. Including to this, the value of music video content material is generally decided by trap music their algorithm, which further help in positioning to the most popular and highest quality video content submitted. Consequently, this really offers you a chance to be on high page, which in flip play a vital position in making your video extra standard.
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The key feature that makes these web sites the more preferred choice is it is without doubt one of the greatest price competitive tools that may simply drive site visitors through the use of your embedded video. Your music movies get extremely promoted by means of such websites since when any person perform search operation on this on-line platform after they discover a description of your video in several classes that actually pull their attention and drag them directly to your website. It is among the cheapest and simplest means to succeed in a huge on-line viewers.
Video Sharing Websites
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On different hand, you even have possibility of various video sharing websites like YouTube, Metacafe, Twitter and MySpace. Looking at the moment scenario, these days video sharing websites are most popular among all. Music lovers from every age group spend their time browsing completely different music videos on these sites. In truth, it has emerged as a major hotspot for different music listeners who wish to pay attention different form of song composition. In the present day including music videos to these sites is very easy. All you want is to create your profile and add music movies to your profile. The process may be very simple and do not consume much time.
You must understand and realize that at this time there are tens of millions of music bands and videos over the Web. Many of those either get lost underneath the burdens of search engines like google and yahoo or never get seen, however what makes them the most effective from the remainder is the way of selling these movies on-line effectively by means as mentioned above.
Many musical artists made their careers successful by utilizing music videos. As an important part of the music business, music videos not solely showcase an artist's singing expertise, but in addition how they perform. The historical past of music videos reveals how using the movies remodeled the music industry.
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Premiering in 1974, the Australian TV show 'Countdown' performed an essential role in the improvement of the music video business. Music video clips had been used as a method of selling acts that have been to look on the show. As the popularity of the video clips grew, the music industry started to comprehend the advertising and marketing potential of these music clips. One of the crucial notable video clips options was the AC/DC hit, "It's A Long Technique to the High." During the Eighties, 'Countdown' aired in 22 nations.
In 1980, the New Zealand group Cut up Enz became one of many first bands to create a complete set of music promo clips and market them on video cassette for every track on their album, 'True Colors.
Predating MTV by almost three years, 'Video Concert Hall,' was the first nationwide video music program on American television. Premiering in June 1981, one of the first US programs to play music videos was the USA Cable Network program 'Night Flight.' Night Flight predated MTV's launch by just a few months.
In 1981, the U.S. video channel MTV was launched and it began the age of 24-hour music tv.
They launched the channel with the video, "Video Killed the Radio Star." All through the Eighties, MTV expanded to change into an vital software used in music advertising and marketing. Singers like Madonna not only used music videos to promote their albums, however to create their pictures. In 1983, the virtually 14-minute-long video for Michael Jackson's track "Thriller," was launched. It grew to become the world's most successful and influential video in music video history.
In 1985, MTV launched the channel VH1 which featured softer music for an older audience than the everyday younger MTV audience. In 1987, MTV Europe was launched and in 1991, MTV Asia was introduced.
In 1988, the MTV present, Yo! MTV Raps was launched. The show helped to carry hip hop music to a nation huge viewers. Two of the movies which are most well-known for being two of the three most expensive music videos of all time are Michael and Janet Jackson's "Scream," which value $7 million to supply, and Madonna's "Bedtime Story," which cost $5 million. "Scream" is still probably the most expensively video ever made.
The internet has made its presence felt nearly in all areas. In recent times, it has broadly captured the attention of all music lovers from all the world over and allowed them watch their favourite music movies on-line. Online music videos and songs have damaged the blockade of language, society and country.
It would not matter, you might be on the lookout for jazz tune videos, old or the most popular new music videos, video information websites have supplied a web based platform to seek out the every kind of music movies that you love to look at. Actually, movies data websites and video search engines like google and yahoo has grew to become the host for a plethora of on-line music movies both person-generated as effectively professionally produced. Moreover this, these days there are many video data sites which have launched the concepts like "vote-up". The concept of vote up or down helps in realizing the recognition of the particular music video.
Online video websites beyond doubt has definitely introduced a rare video thrill throughout the web world. Certainly, one's private assortment of assorted music movies seems to be the most well liked obsession of internet users, particularly among the younger technology. Everyone loves music movies. They seem to be a highly pleasing form of entertainment. For those who like music, its nearly a on condition that you'll like music videos. My dad is 65 and he quite likes Eminem's music videos, he even likes some of Green Day's music movies.
He has a style for off the wall, my dad. He additionally has an eye for the ladies, not the half bare ones within the R&B videos or many of the rap videos however he likes Pink, thinks that she is pretty because she has character (and a hot body that she shouldn't be afraid of showing off), he digs her music too. He likes Annie Lennox for the same motive, she doesn't showcase her physique however she has character and it comes out in her music and music videos. He's additionally a bit eclectic is my dad.
Everybody has his or her personal distinctive taste in music. Some people have very specific tastes and a few folks's tastes are very broad, they're the fortunate ones as a result of they will hearken to a wide variety of music and never get irritated by what they hear very quickly. Fairly often folks have a secret style in music that they're a bit ashamed of. It's because it is often one thing that they might ordinarily mock however out of the blue they discover that they like a few of a particular artist's music and they feel the need to purchase the brand new cd.
They really feel dreadful doing it and the self-chastisement and self-flagellation that they undergo is gigantic however do not think that they don't get enormous joy out of the cd also. They simply don't inform individuals about it. Solely mutual sharing of embarrassing music will allow the secret to be advised and only if the opposite particular person's music is deemed to be more embarrassing than theirs. Key point, panpipes at all times wins in the embarrassing stakes, nothing beats panpipes, nothing, not even Spice Women (however its shut).
The truth that we are able to really feel such acute embarrassment by one thing as silly as the music we listen to simply goes to indicate what a robust function music plays in our lives. We identify ourselves by the type of music that we listen to. Check out the Goth subculture; they're closely influenced by the music that they take heed to. The clubs that they go to only play Goth music, everyone dresses in a manner that identifies them as Goth.
The ravers are the identical, they take heed to rave music, dress a specific approach, speak a particular method and have identified themselves as a part of a specific subculture. They take delight of their id. There are subcultures for each sort of music, even teenybopper pop as little ladies determine with whoever the current icon is (not Britney Spear, thank goodness). There is little or no crossover between subcultures. They have a tendency to stick very a lot to themselves and to judge different music subcultures as inferior in each means possible.
Even when we don't identify so strongly to a subculture that we undertake its gown, make-up, language and mode of life, music still plays an essential function in day by day life. It affects our moods or we play music to replicate our moods, we use it to maintain ourselves company in our automobiles or when we are alone in our homes, it helps focus, it relieves stress and pressure and helps us calm down, it sets the temper for a party or for a romantic night in with our partners.
Scientific research has even proved that if performed to babies while nonetheless within the womb it may possibly make your youngsters smarter, however that needs to be a sure type of music, not just any previous keys will do. Love of music is inherent, infants smile chortle and dance from before they'll stand when they right here music and so they develop their own taste early on. It might be much like their dad and mom but not necessarily. Its all a part of what makes life fascinating.
In terms of music videos you could not essentially like the artist but you'll be able to still just like the video. Ricky Martin as an example, not that musically gifted but that man can swing his booty like no one's enterprise. His music movies are a pleasure to observe.
The advantage of the Web is that you just get free streaming audio and websites that supply music videos via free streaming audio, which signifies that you get to see your videos virtually as soon as you select them. It also implies that you don't have to wait for ages on your favorite videos to look on TELEVISION, you just decide and click on. Some websites have huge archives of videos so that you can choose from in any genre that you just like. All tastes and subcultures are catered for. It's great living in an age where entertainment and expertise work hand in hand to offer handy and quick access to the most recent and oldest music movies that you just might need a yen to see.
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