#Well he's made his move. What's your next move >:3c?
massivementalitynut · 4 months
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My Ever After comm of Adam from @zestivivi
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gatorbites-imagines · 5 months
Maybe a Steve Rogers x Male Reader with a choking kink???🤔
Steve Rogers x Male reader
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i miss stevie so much, i still live in denial about endgame to this day.
I’ve had so little free time to write for the past while, and I’ve been living off of energy drinks for the past couple of weeks, but I hope y’all still enjoy this :3c
Now, there’s two scenarios that could be put. Who’s the one with the thing for choking? You or Steve? It would be pretty similar either way, but seeing as Steve is a super soldier can do a bit more than you, or needs a bit more than you.
If you are the one that likes to be choked, Steve is your guy. I mean, have you seen his hands? Big, sturdy and he has super strength, and the training to control said strength.
He would also be all about safety, meaning he looks up different guides and diagrams on how to choke a person correctly, where to put pressure, where not to put pressure, for how long, and so on. There would be no fun times without safety being there.
But when you guys have set everything up, made safewords and safemotions, and have discussed what needs to be done, Steve is all for it, in private of course. He wouldn’t be the type of person to do anything like that in public, since choking can be dangerous if done incorrectly, and since he wants to keep it private.
When you guys are in private though, I could imagine Steve being a bit of a tease. Like when you guys are cuddling on the couch, Steve will hook his arm around your neck in what seems like a casual hold, but you both know if he squeezed a bit, your air would be cut off just enough to leave you lightheaded.
Steve would also be bold enough to grab you by the throat, safely of course, to pull you into a kiss, where he would dig his fingers in just right to make you a bit dizzy. So he would steal the breath right out of your mouth with his kiss, and keep you from taking more in with his grasp.
Steve also gives the best praise, his words almost making you just as dizzy as his hands and arms. You would regularly find yourself in a headlock, your back against Steves sturdy chest as he whispers praise into your ear, his arm releasing just enough for you to gulp down air when you need it, before he cuts it off again.
Afterwards, Steve would make sure you are fine, get you something to drink, and what else you might need for your neck. Being the man he is, Steve would most likely also run a medical check, just to make sure it didn’t cause any lasting damage. He’s not above dragging you to medical, if need be.
If Steve is the one that likes to be choked, there would still be a focus on safety, but you might have to put your foot down and have to enforce it at times since Steve has a habit of pushing himself.
Being a super soldier also means Steve needs more than just your arm or hand around his neck most days, if he really wants his vision swimming. That is, if you don’t have super strength as well, where you could just pull the same moves as if It were Steve doing it to you.
You might have to use some professional assassin moves, if you don’t want to use any equipment. Natasha doesn’t question just why you want to learn how to take down a guy like Steve by choking, but you have a feeling she knows.
You guys would have to tie up his hands and legs as well, since the body tends to react when being choked, and he doesn’t want to accidentally hurt you with his flailing, unless you can withstand it. He doesn’t have a preference, sometimes he quite likes his hands being locked together, since it helps him get into whatever mental state he wants to go into.
Steve is as much of a sucker for praise as the next guy, so please praise him and coo at him as you choke him out with whatever you are choking him out with. Be it your arms, your legs, or some kind of collar or even chain.
He doesn’t mind degradation as well, so if you guys are doing some kind of play don’t feel too bad pulling some stuff on him, since it always just helps him give up more of the control he wants you to take.
You always have to keep an eye out when you choke Steve, since like I said earlier, he likes to push his limits. Its nothing against you, he just doesn’t want it to end even when he knows he should safeword or safemotion.
But if he does pass out, you know what to do, just like he would know what to do with you if you passed out. This is where Steves long talks about safety come in handy, since you can get him into the right position and get him comfortable so you can take care of him when he comes too again.
All in all, it can go both ways, and either way, Steve finds safety most important for both of you the entire time, as he should.
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contributing to the curse (ask number) and your request for anything persona x reader (whims)
any game goes, but how about the characters with a reader that doesn't seem to mash with the rest of group too well? i'm talking someone who is quiet, the complete opposite of a team player, doesn't get the inside jokes, and doesn't hang out much with the others outside of persona ass-kicking pursuits...
this errs on the platonic side of things :3c just for fun
I had fun putting this together, though I feel it is a tad sloppy in the middle section but I am pretty sure that's just me.
Now! Your Wish Is My Command!
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Ren drank his can of soda through a silly straw as he watched you, the hat he received from The Boss for his birthday which matched Sojiro’s own save for Ren’s being black with a red band as opposed to white with a black band sitting snugly upon his head.
Ren had to go through hell to get you out here, he was going to make sure you didn’t slip away when no one was looking.
The sound of billiards cracking against one another rang out.
“ARRRRGH!!! C’mon man!Cut me some slack here!” Ryuji cried as Akechi laughed.
“Hmph, and why should I do that? You’re the one who carries around a blunt instrument all the time, perhaps you should learn a bit of delicacy!” Akechi said as he moved to the sidelines and next to Yusuke who seemed to be pondering something.
“Crow, tell me, have you noticed?” Yusuke asked vaguely.
“I have, our dear Joker has been glaring at them for quite a while. Then again, it quite is rare for them to come out for a “Team Bonding” exercise.” Akechi stated as he briefly turned his gaze onto you from the corner of his eyes.
“I… was talking about the scene we are currently in being perfect to paint…” Yusuke meekly muttered, causing Akechi to sigh.
Was Joker the only one with a brain cell in this group?
He was promptly reminded that his favorite and most powerful Persona was a Jack Frost that can nuke anything and anyone. He chose Jack Frost purely because it was cute.
Joker most definitely did not own any brain cells.
“I am well and truly surrounded by idiots…” Akechi hissed to himself.
How could Joker believe such sacrilege?
Jack-O-Lantern was clearly the cutest.
Haru kept her eyes on you as the Mona-Mobile rattled down the halls of Mementos.
This was the first time she had ever been sent out with you on the same team.
It was proving to be… enlightening.
Especially with your Persona, Robin Goodfellow.
Trickery, illusions, and misdirection to position an enemy in the perfect spot to ensure defeat.
That is what your Persona specializes in.
And when Haru took your weapon into account… It made her think of the tricksters in the old stories she used to read as a child.
A wiley trickster causing mischief and chaos as they pleased to both friend and foe alike.
And to a certain point, that fit.
Except… you were always a bit off to the side.
Watching everything, working with the others for only as long as was needed.
The jokes the thieves made were lost on you and the moment they were done with Mementos or a Palace you were gone on the wind.
Now that she thought about it, that is probably why you were only able to do a Showtime with Joker who seemed to be the only one you listened to.
And it was certainly a mindblowing sight.
A “Midsummer Night's Dream” if she had ever seen one.
“It's Showtime!” Joker shouted with a grin as you walked forward, spear in hand.
“Do you Shadows dream?” you asked as you reached for the mask on your face.
Joker rushed past you, knife in hand and carved through the enemies before them.
You tore the mask from your face and your Persona appeared behind you with a manic laugh and an impish grin upon its face.
“I know that I do.” you declared evenly as you stabbed the tip of your weapon into the ground and the world changed.
A forest at night in the dead of summer with a hundred fireflies flying through the sky and a clearing filled with flowers stunning the thieves and the shadows.
“Unfortunately, dreams are but illusions without the will to make them real.” You stated as you appeared behind the shadows, speartip stained with their black Ichor.
Then, as quickly as it came the illusion shattered and an explosion rained down from above, courtesy of Joker.
Haru continued to be vexed by you.
She was not alone in that if the way the others talked about you was any indication.
“So then Joker, is ya pal gonna be joining us tonight?”
“I am desperate to paint their Persona, its whimsical beauty has truly enraptured me!”
“I got these sweets earlier today! I want to share them with everyone! Wait! They’re not here!? You better not eat their share, Ryuji!”
“C’mon! We can’t have a party discussion about what we’ll do in the next Dungeon if we’re missing our Illusion caster!”
“Joker, shouldn’t we try to get them to show up to at least a few of these to ensure everything runs smoothly?”
“If they bring me pancake mix again I am going to break their fingers.”
Haru was happy to see that everyone was treating you as part of the team despite how distant you were.
But… she just hoped you knew they had your back if they needed it.
They all knew what it felt like to be the odd one out as well as anyone could ever hope to know it.
They were outcasts, misfits, social pariahs, delinquents, and weirdos.
They were the Phantom Thieves Of Hearts, and you were one of them.
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
UT! Ren is becoming my go-to place whenever i'm overwhelmed with angsty yandere scenarios lol 😭 i like all versions of Ren though 🫶
✦゜ANSWERED: Ehehehehehe >:3c
"...Wanna sit with me?" He moves his electric guitar out of the way and pats the spot next to him on the window nook. "Here."
He gives you a moment to settle, before reaching over and grabbing a pillow for you to get comfortable with. He also places one of his earbuds in your hand for good measure, making sure the volume wasn't too loud or obnoxious in the process. If you wanted to listen to his music, you can, but he wouldn't take any offence if you slipped it back into his open palm instead.
But it seems as though you wanted to see what songs made it onto his playlist this time.
A comfortable silence falls on both of you like warm blanket, easily enveloping you both and presenting a calm and cozy atmosphere. The mellow music coming out of your earphone only adds to the ambience, alongside the soft lulls of N's heartbeat as you rest your head against his chest.
"...Everythin' okay? Wanna talk about your day?" He leaves room for you to refuse if you want to, knowing fully well that you don't mind having quiet moments with him as well. Simply being by your side was a blessing, and he was going to revel in any opportunity he got.
A familiar hand gently weaves itself into your hair, before you start to feel your husband's fingers start to comb through it. With a sigh, you lean further into his side and let the stress and hardships of the day melt away.
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 4 months
I neeeeeeed more y!Rook and y!Auron, I am obsessed with them!!! What if Elisabeth and Ricardo (if the guys didn't end up killing him) teamed up to try and separate Rook an Auron? They know they can't break them up from the outside, so they try to break them up from the inside
They plant things here and there to try and get one of them to think they're cheating on the other, but Rook and Auron know the other loves them too much to cheat so Elisabeth and Ricardo's plan fails >:3c
Pathetic obsession
Rook was starting to get pissed off by the things they've been finding in Auron's office. Flowers, Chocolates, and letter's from this other 'lover' he has Rook scoft the first time seeing them really ANOTHER person obsessed with THEIR partner? But as they looked at it they connected dots that it was definitely Elizabeth trying something again. Rolling their eyes they thought nothing of it when they trashed the gifts for Auron, he'd rather not deal with this he's still busy with another project.
On the other hand the red head in question was glaring at pictures sent to him by someone. It wasn't one of his people and that set off one warning sign, so looking at the picture he say Rook and another man kissing. He's seen the man before obviously from insensitively researching about Rook and everyone they knew in case he needed it to keep them with him. It was an ex of their's that was a total dick to them, he gotten rid of him a while ago and was confused seeing a picture like this.
His mind went back to Ricardo, so since he couldn't take Rook from him that man is trying to break them up? Laughing a bit Auron set the picture on fire, he knew if his lover saw it they would have a fit seeing them kissing another man that treated them wrong. Grabbing his phone he stated to text Rook to come to him that they needed to talk about something. Smirking as he got a immediate text back with hearts Auron placed his phone down and thought of where those other two could be.
After greeting Trish with a smile Rook entered the meeting room Auron was still in. The man gave them a smile and pushed his chair back for them to come to him. Slowly walking to him they smiled at how Auron couldn't stand not touching them.
"So, love what happened?" Getting comfy on Auron's lap Rook laid their head on his shoulder. They felt him wrap a arm around them and sighing deeply before answering their question.
"It seems two people didn't take my threats seriously." Hissing out as he took a deep breath to calm himself. His scowl turned soft when Rook placed a hand on his chest and looking up at him with dangerous eyes.
"Auron, why can't they just see that we don't want them? Can't they see how were so right together?" Pouting Rook glared at the floor breaking eye contact that Auron still wanted. The head head sighed and leaned his head on their's trying to make them not so annoyed with the situation.
"I should have killed them, that's on me dear. But don't worry they'll be dealt with. How about a date to ease your mind?" Trying to lighten the mood Auron thought of different places they could go to. Maybe the club again or a restaurant they wanted to try together? This pulled a smile on Rook's face they reached up and kissed Auron's cheek.
"That would be nice." Happiness was in their tone which made Auron feel more happy as well. The two turned and kissed each other sadly had to break it because Auron got a phone call. The ring made both of them a bit annoyed but Auron picked it up.
"Yes?" Hissing out the words as he didn't like his time with his partner being interrupted. On the other side he was told that they found the two people obsessing over them and wanted to know what the teams next move should be. Rook looked pleased and whispered to Auron of different torturing methods he could use, this caused him to smile as he told his team to do them all.
"Maybe then it'll go through their think skulls that they had a pathetic obsession." Darkly saying as he got a 'Yes sir.' in return. Hanging up Auron turned to Rook, "Don't worry it'll be handled swiftly and quickly." Another kiss between the two started and got a little frisky, but sadly once again there was a interruption.
The legal team needed their leader to help with a situation that happen with a client throwing a bottle at someones head for touching their friend. It was their most popular one something with Star, who really preferred working with Rook. Grumbling Rook got off Auron's lap and sighed, "Sorry I have to go or else Star will cause a ruckus. See you tonight?" Auron nodded and gave Rook a parting kiss.
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hotnbloodied · 1 year
Hehehe your Zhongli one had me kicking my feet and giggling like crazy! Could maybe write some more about him? I would loooove to see more of how you write him :D feel free to take your time with it, I don’t mind waiting :3c tysm!! I hope you’re having a great day/afternoon/night :]
OMG!! Hello my first ask! It's actually funny, I was debating on finishing this other Zhongli piece I was working on. Thanks to you, I got the drive to go through with it! So I hope you enjoy~ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚HB˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
Yan!Zhongli X Reader
TW: Death, confinement, unhealthy relationships
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It was so hard not to be constantly bursting into tears, adorn in all black you were at the funeral for the last of your family members. “You promised that you wouldn’t leave me alone…” you said to the tombstone in front of you. Everyone else had already long left, or so you thought. The tall man who was the funeral director’s assistant, Zhongli, had been here the entire time. Never once taking his eyes off you. Even through your grieving you looked like an angel to him, now that everyone has left the service this was his chance to get closer to you.
He walked up slowly to you and made his first move, offering to take you to dinner to make sure that you ate. Apparently he knew your relative and he wanted to share the memories with you. Zhongli was very attentive to you, constantly checking up on you as the days went on. Being the rock that you needed in your life now more than ever. You appreciated him greatly, it was thanks to him that you decided that after months of being at home in your depressive state, you were going to try going outside again. It doesn’t take long for you to recognize a friend of yours and the two of you strike up a conversation.
This was the first time in months that you were able to smile and talk like a person again and it was all thanks to Zhongli. But that wasn’t what Zhongli wanted, he wanted you to only rely on him so when he saw you smiling at someone that wasn’t him he wanted to kill that person right there in front of you so you knew who you belonged to. “Sorry for interrupting but I have business with [y/n],” Zhongli said as a way to put distance between you and your friend. He dragged you away and all the way back to your home.
“What’s the big idea Zhongli?” You asked him out of frustration as he locked up behind the both of you. “You’re still not well, next time you go out please let me know ahead of time so I can accompany you.” “What!?” Anger bubbled in your core, “who do you think you are? We’re just friends, and even then, you can’t control my life like that!” You went to open the door to push him out when suddenly all the windows and doors got blocked with a geo elemental barrier. “W-what is this?” You turned to look Zhongli in the eyes. Golden orbs gleamed down at you making you feel like prey that had just been captured by a predator.
Zhongli walked over and placed his hands on your shoulders. “See what I mean darling? You’re being irrational. You need me. Why don’t we go lay down in bed and I can start working on dinner for you?” Everything in your body wanted to scream and kick and say no but your survival instinct was louder. You knew he had you trapped and maybe if you were good he’d let you out again, someday. At least, that’s what he wants you to think. But hey! Isn’t this what you wanted? Someone to never leave your side?
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yarugawitch · 1 year
Nnoitra/reader: Non-specific SFW and NSFW headcanons
Copied from my main acc. Was originally a request. As I said in the original post I think I was a bit dry because imo the dynamic with him heavily depends on the circumstances so you can always leave a request for something more specific or for AU headcanons :3c
He'd deny having any feelings even to himself but he'd be so terribly obnoxious with it that it's literally impossible not to notice. He's too clingy, too possessive, too annoying, too prone to jealousy and likes to get in your face both literally and figuratively. There's no such thing as personal space for this man I fear. Grabbing you by the wrists? Yes. Tugging at your ears? Yeah. Leaning closer to grab you by the face or annoyingly lick it if you're not paying attention? Sure
He's in a constant battle with himself and gives mixed messages all the time. At some point Nnoitra can hint at something or make a borderline romantic/sexual comment but once you confront him or make your own move he'd just hit you with his usual "What the hell are you saying?!" bs. The gaslighting is so real. Nnoitra is like an aggressive cat that yearns for affection with this one. He keeps you at arm's length and even though it's obvious he wants something - trying to get close when he's not ready will result in a nasty scratch
Calling someone he doesn't hate by their name is very intimate to him. So usually it's just "hey you", "idiot", "woman", "human", "shinigami", "quincy", etc.
Nnoitra suffers from cute aggression. There's nothing he'd actually consider cute in this situation of course but if something you did made him feel a little too much or he just happened to be next to you for too long his first immediate response is to want to squash you, break one of your limbs or bite a chunk out of you. Both because he can't deal with his own emotions and because "how fucking dare you"
Both him and Jaegerjaquez are very sensitive to smell and to Nnoitra your scent is very calming. I don't think he's desperate enough to constantly follow you and sniff you lmao but he's definitely stealing something that belongs to you for later. If you're fortunate/unfortunate enough to have the fifth Espada as your roommate and you're away for too long he will rummage through your closet to make a nest out of your clothing or occupy your pillow
The way he sleeps in front of you and whether he does or not in general is very telling. Imo he's a very light and restless sleeper. Constantly on his toes even in his slumber. Eons in Hueco Mundo can do things to you. So if he doesn't take fetal position to hide his stomach with you, won't literally jump up at the slightest of sounds and naps in your presence sometimes - congrats
I think he'd confess only if the situation is so dire he'd rather die than not do this. Like for example if you're having a huge fight and you're so close to leaving he's almost shaking and ripping his hair out out of stress which doesn't happen a lot. Or if there's someone showing interest in you and they're very much successful at making you happy. Then it's a question of defending what he thinks is his even though he won't admit it. Would he actually try to kill the other person? I mean it depends really but if it's Grimmjow or Szayel then fucking sure. Any day. Anyone else is not that big of a competition. Even Ulquiorra. "I mean have you seen him? What a fucking nuisance. He makes me sick. As if he has a chance with anyone at all"
Speaking of which - would brag in front of you all the time
Once you're together he'll never leave and will always make sure others know you're taken. Well not at first of course but still
NSFW (heavily afab leaning)
Tbh I too can't imagine him as an aggressive alpha-dom-top (tm) if he actually has any feelings for the person. So a service top or a damn bottom it is
The worst size kink ever. He may constantly talk shit about people who are weaker, smaller or frailer than him but once feelings are involved he's aroused by the thought all of a sudden. I think his fingers are not the only thing that is unusually long so not fitting all the way in is not a problem for him - it's even better in fact
As fascinating as the thought of penetration may be to him I think foreplay is his favorite part. Mostly because making you squirm is fun but also because only here he can actually assert domination. After that he's just too soft
I don't care what anyone says this man is a MUNCH
So so painfully slow sometimes. If he's on top he would just stop to tease and watch your reaction. Other than that making the process as long as possible is one of his goals. It's not like he has no stamina - he has a lot of it actually but during sex he can be as intimate and as close to you as he wants to be because under normal circumstances he can't afford to put it into words without having to grab himself by the throat
Talks a lot. It's not exactly dirty talk (I don't like it I'm very sorry babes) but he loves saying nasty things and would comment on everything that is going on. Otherwise he's nervous
I'm convinced all of the arrancars must be infertile since they don't reproduce this way so. He likes finishing inside. He won't have it any other way. It's special to him because how are you even letting him do something like this? but he also shows affection this way
The more vocal his partner is the better. Everyone must know
I mentioned that he loves your scent before so yeahhh. I hope you don't mind stains on your clothes
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captain-mj · 2 years
after canon mw2, price is working alone in his office at night and shadow creature!graves surprises him because price thought graves was dead but graves is just a silly little man who's basically immortal :3c
ermm go will on whatever you wanna make this like angsty, smuty, fluffy or gen!! ^^ i wanna see ur take on this
Hey Bites!! I made him a very mischievous boy since he’s yours
Price had music playing, turned almost all the way down. Occasionally, he’d stop to smoke some of his cigar before working on even more paperwork.
They never found Graves’s body. While it being burned was a given, there should’ve been something. A skeleton, some clothing, remnants of the fact that he had been there, but there was nothing.
It drove him up the wall.
Graves was a traitor, but before that, he wasn’t half bad according to his team. They liked the guy even.
Shame it all had to be ruined like that.
Something moved behind him and he glanced back. Nothing there. Weird.
The Floors were Old. Probably just settling for the night.
A breath right next to his ear had Price standing up with his gun in his hand.
The room remained empty. Taunting him. For a moment though, he swore he saw a flicker of movement in a shadow.
“Guess I’m more tired than i thought…” Price set his gun down slowly.
“Haven’t been sleeping well?” Graves hummed, sitting on the desk behind him. Price aimed his gun, freezing as he stared at him.
He didn’t have any burn scars that he could see. A few shadows covered his face though so maybe that was it. Their eyes though...
Price took a tiny step back, blinking. From one blink to the next, Graves disappeared again. He slowly put his gun down and left the papers as is, scattered across his desk. 
The floors creaked under his feet as he moved, trying to get to his door. He hesitated. 
“Yes, Price?” Right in his ear. He could faintly feel weight on his back but no warmth. 
“Are you real?” 
“Maybe.” There was suddenly nothing again. Price could tell when he was being toyed with. He turned slowly, forcing himself to relax against the door. 
“Don’t scare me, Commander.”
“I don’t want to.” There he was. Right in front of him again. Antlers and deer ears poked from his hair. Despite the oddity of the sight, Price wanted to touch them. To feel the soft fur. “Just wanted to get your attention.” Graves smiled, leaning closer. 
“You have it. Been messing with anyone else?”
“Oh. You know. Soap may think he has a sleep paralysis demon. Nothing too bad.” He looked very mischievous, spinning away from him. His movements made Price’s eyes hurt, a slight shifting present at the edges that shouldn’t be. 
“How long have you been here?”
“Ever since you guys blew up my tank. I didn’t... My shadows were gone.” Graves stopped for a moment, becoming increasingly blurry around the edges. “I understand why. But they’re all dead now.” 
Price gently put his hand on his shoulder, almost surprised to find him solid. “You alright?”
“I was alone for a long time before I made them.” Graves said softly, smiling up at him. “I grieved when I was tormenting you guys.” Price didn’t think he had done anything that heinous, at least nothing that anyone had told him about. He pulled him closer, feeling Graves lean against him. Vaguely, he felt a soft press against his leg and looked down to see Grave’s tail. 
“Did us killing you make you like this?” 
Graves laughed. “Oh, John. No. I’ve always been like this.” 
Price frowned. “When we were fighting them...”
“They could’ve changed at anytime! I could’ve changed at anytime.” Graves turned around in Price’s arms. “Could’ve faded into shadow and snuck up behind you.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“Doesn’t matter, does it?” Graves tilted his head. “I’m here now. And what are you going to do about it?”
“Get an exorcist?” Price joked, relaxing when Graves laughed. 
“Don’t tell anyone just yet. It’s fun this way.” 
“Why did you tell me?”
“So you can think of me next time you feel watched.” Graves laughed before disappearing.  
Price would have to get used to this. He fell asleep that night and when he woke up, he half convinced himself it was a weird dream. 
As he started getting undressed for a shower, the hair on the back of his neck stood up, a sense of eyes on him making him nervous. 
Very faintly, he heard Graves’s giggling. 
Price groaned. He would have to get used to this. 
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mystic-blue · 2 years
// babes the brain rot is SO real...anyway @leona-draws made this post a little bit ago and i've been thinking about it ever since from @ashwii and their celestial au. enjoy >:3c
The concept of a 'day' in space when you were the manifestation of a celestial body meant very little.
That being said, Leo thought he was just having a bad 'day'. More stars than usual were blinking out of existence, and the ache was near debilitating. He didn't leave the solar system because his brothers were still here, but he did distance himself. Leo hated watching them watch him on bad 'days'. They meant well, wanting to help in any way they could, but none of them really understood exactly what was going on. None of them lost a part of themselves every 'day'.
Maybe it was the pain, or the distance, or the fact that Leo was dwelling on the pity he was trying to avoid - but it took him longer than it should have to realize what was happening.
There was no exact science to it, but sometimes Leo could tell how far a dying star was from him. He hadn't exactly been blocking it out, but he was actively ignoring it in an attempt to lessen the pain. When the next one cried out - their agony a brief, abrupt thing - it finally clicked. They had all been quick, and now Leo could realize, in a linear path.
Something was consuming stars, and it was heading their way.
Which meant it was heading for Raph.
Whirling in the direction of Raph's gravitational pull, Leo pushed himself through the lingering burn of gaseous death toward home. If he moved fast enough, maybe he could head the threat off at the pass. He didn't know exactly what he would do when faced with the unknown threat, but as long as it didn't reach his brothers, it would be fine.
He didn't let himself think about what could happen if he wasn't fast enough.
Leo swung around Saturn's rings as he laid eyes on the culprit. A swirling, writhing black hole was creeping ever closer to where Raph, Donnie, and Mikey were. Amidst the center of the swirling void, glowing yellow eyes peered out, lit with insatiable hunger. Tendrils of the vacuum reached out at the edges, grasping for anything that might cross the black hole's path.
Even from a far, Leo could feel the tug of gravity at his limbs, a threat and a promise.
"Hey!" Leo shouted through the empty volume of space, catching the black hole's attention. "This is private property, ugly. You must have missed the signs."
He had a half formed plan based on the ingrained knowledge that this thing could not be allowed anywhere near Raph. Leo also had no idea why he sounded infinitely more confident than he felt, but he always had been better at putting on show than his brothers.
"Mmm," the black hole hummed, the eyes at the center turning more fully toward Leo - away from Raph. The sickly yellow orbs flit over the glimmering spread of stars at Leo's fingertips before observing his face again. "Perhaps you will sustain me longer than that pitiful Sun."
In any other situation, Leo would have laughed in this thing's face for thinking Raph was anywhere near "pitiful". As it were, he found himself falling back on humor regardless of the knot of anxiety in his gut.
"Wow, I'm flattered," Leo crooned falsely, flipping the tails of his mask over his shoulder dramatically. A shower of stars tumbled off the ends and flickered away a few seconds later.
A daunting grin cracked through the inky blackness, a yawning maw of a vacuum that only strengthened the tug of gravity. Leo felt himself lurch forward and he strained to fight back.
"Hey now," Leo said, his bravado faltering. "Can't I at least get your name first?"
Despite his struggles, a grasping tail of darkness caught around Leo's ankle, tugging him closer. Letting out an instinctive yelp of surprise, Leo jerked forward suddenly with the pull of gravity, only allowing more of the darkness to wrap around him. He struggled, shoving the darkness back where he could, trying to burn it away with whatever power he could summon from nearby stars. It seemed to work for a bit, but the black hole learned his tricks and started to consume the energy first.
Leo's limbs grew sluggish, his attempts at freedom weakening.
"Know this, little pest," the black hole hissed as it drew Leo ever closer to the central maw. "Know that you have been defeated by Kraang, devourer of stars."
Leo opened his mouth to quip back, and found he barely had the strength to breathe. The edges of his vision began to fade out into darkness, or maybe that was the black hole consuming him.
He hated to leave his brothers like this. He wondered if all the stars in the universe would disappear with him. Would he return when a new one was inevitably born, or would a new entity take his place? Would they be better capable of protecting his brothers, protecting the stars?
"Hey, ugly!"
"Get away from my brother!"
Mikey, followed by the telltale icy burn of a comet streaking past Leo and impacting the black hole. It must not have been expecting the attack, because it was stunned for a moment before the comet was consumed.
It was startled long enough for Leo to be pulled free of it's grasp.
Warm hands, nearly burning actually, wrapped around Leo's biceps and yanked him away. One inescapable vector of gravity traded for another, this one warmer and infinitely more comforting.
"Leo?" Raph's frantic voice said above him, as Leo was held close, away from danger. "Leo, are you okay?"
Lethargic and trembling, feeling colder than he could ever remember being, Leo forced his eyes open. Raph's face hovered above him, blazing and familiar and creased with worry lines.
"'M good," Leo mumbled, fumbling to reach up and pat his brother's face.
Wait...was that his hand?
Suddenly far more aware than he had been before, Leo sat up unsteadily in Raph's hold and stared down at his arms. His hands shook as his breath caught in his throat, numb with disbelief. Where his limbs were normally covered in sparkling, shimmering stars, endlessly glittering - was nearly void. A few lone mites of light sparkled weakly near his elbows, and near his knees on his legs. But aside from those, his limbs were stripped bare of brilliance.
"No," Leo whispered, voice strained and cracking with grief. "No, no, no no no no!"
He twisted violently in Raph's arms, trying to pull the tails of his mask around to check them. When he found them only weakly illuminated, Leo feebly tried to lay eyes on his own shell.
"Leo, Leo, hey! What do you need, what is it?"
"They're gone!" Leo all but sobbed, fighting weakly against Raph's hands as his brother tried to steady him. "The stars, my stars, they're gone. What about my shell? I need to make sure they're okay, I need to know what happened!"
"I got you, little brother, hang on," Raph said, his voice low and soothing despite the quiet horror on his face. He turned Leo around, warm hands still burning against Leo's arms. He was quiet longer than Leo would have liked him to be.
"Raph," Leo all but begged into the silence between them. Mikey and Donnie were still holding their own against the Kraang, the sounds of fighting a hollow, distant ringing in Leo's ears.
"There are still some there, Leo," Raph said quietly, his voice unsteady. "But there's definitely less than usual."
Leo couldn't bear to think if that meant his stars out there in the universe had suffered because of him. Were they gone, too? Why couldn't he feel anything besides paralyzing numbness and a bone deep chill he couldn't shake? Had they perished because of his carelessness? Where was the accompanying pain, the physical manifestation of his failure, of never-ending torture?
"Leo!" Raph's voice pulled him back, Leo blinking his brother's blazing face into focus. "We need to get rid of that thing. Can you fight or do you need to sit out?"
"I can fight," Leo rasped, curling his trembling hands into steadier fists. "I have to."
He wouldn't let the Kraang get away with this.
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halcyon-writings · 2 years
“i think we’re friends now.” “God, don’t say that.” with Childe or maybe Wanderer :3c
ngl i was really debating on who to use this prompt for, but ultimately decided on wanderer, the murderous meow meow.
notes: the reader isn't the traveler, they have a vision, but I didn't specify details about the element/weapon so go crazy ig, i’m trying not to like, give wanderer a specific name bc he's got like 8 at least and then there’s the customizable names, the prompt is from the enemies to lovers midpoint list, so ofc, yall aren't gonna be besties (or possibly more) 100%, but it’s a start
When the Traveler asked for your help in occasionally joining them as they moved across Teyvat, you did not think that you would be actively fighting life-sized mushrooms on top of that.
The creatures, while cute from afar, were far more dangerous up close, especially for someone who either did not have a vision or did not have any sort of combat training. Although you can't help but almost feel bad as one of the many mushrooms you had fought squeaked in pain, coming into contact with your own attacks.
You feel a strong wind coming nearby and you scowl. Because not only do mushrooms move past you, you have to dig your feet into the ground, lest you be blown away by the wind's strength. Your surprised expression immediately morphs into a scowl, of course, of fucking course.
Laughter is heard before you see him, "Ah, hello to you too."
You're tempted at making an obscene gesture, but instead, smile tightly, because you know that he'll like the attention.
"Well, I'm glad that what you lack in height is made up for in your strength."
But your enjoyment the anger on his face is short lived. As you hear the angry squeaks coming from the fungi, you grab his sleeve, and with some force (maybe a little bit exaggerated, since he easily stumbles, although that could be since he was taken off guard).
Despite his protests, at least he thanks you.
The Traveler and Paimon watching this, look silently towards one another with a shared look that is of purely pained understanding, back to you both now sharing friendly banter, then turning back to share the same look again. The pair mutually agreed on one thing: you both were hopeless.
The afternoon continues as normal, or at least as normal as it can be whilst hunting mushrooms and other beasts that made Sumeru their abode. You were currently enjoying one of the pita sandwiches that the Traveler had brought along. Using the giant tree behind you as a way to shade yourself. The rustle of grass beside you has you peering from the wanderer at the corner of your eye. “I didn’t think you’d deign yourself to sitting among the rest of us,” You say thoughtfully after swallowing your food. (Seeing as how he would usually head off on his own, even with the breaks that everyone else took.)
He sniffs derisively, “Seeing you laze about reminded me that taking breaks is good too. Can’t have you working too hard.”
You make a face at his expression, far too pleased with himself for your liking.
“Oh why thank you, honorable wanderer. Are you sure it’s not because you missed my presence that much you wanted to sit next to me?”
He doesn’t answer, and for a moment you think you possibly could have gone too far, before you take a closer look at this wanderer.
Oh my... He was smiling! A part of yourself feels giddy yet proud at this new reaction. For the amount of time you had joined the traveler’s expeditions, this was the first time you saw anything close to a real smile. Most of the time you had shared disdain for one another.
“...I suppose, you are not the most intolerable.” He shrugs, making a point to observe the giant tree above you both.
You grin, akin to a cat that caught the canary, “I think we’re friends now.”
“God, don’t say that,” He says, yet continues to move to sit next to you.
Still, you laugh quietly to yourself.
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derangedanomaly · 2 months
whwheh i feel like strange saying this but everyone being like really possessive over fictional ppls is like. i dunno it’s like upsetting because i also wanna joke around and have fun but everyone seems so serious like i don’t wanna have a sans fangirl showdown lmao. anyways NEW CREATION !!! got a bit long with this one. yugioh anon at it again >:3c
summary: you’ve gotten your leg injured while not paying attention in the courtyard, slamming it directly on the concrete path. coming back inside. you’re in the middle of cleaning the stray rocks out when someone (we know who) barges in. reader wears skirt but no real gender. reader is not exactly friends with anyone, pretty new but knows blade the best. reader is also a little dumb but that’s okay we love them <3
Sunsets never became dull no matter how many times you looked to the skies above. Soft pink, like cotton candy coating the top while it mixes in with a light orange. Some lines in between seemed more red if you squinted. Ugh, squinting at the sun is not a good ide-
White blinded your eyes for but a few seconds and in the next moment your hands and knees allow your body to hover over the ground. Tears prick at your eyes, but you use the back of your hands to rub at them. If anyone saw you crying over a few scrapes, surely you’d get made fun of. Being lucky enough to avoid any servants seeing you fall over after staring at the sun was a one in a million chance, but they can’t be far. You don’t think the servants can smell blood like Ted, so you’re set to go!
Well. You don’t think any of the servants can smell blood, however hiring vampires doesn’t seem beyond Nightmare’s capabilities. You raise your body carefully and stand up. Actually, you think he’d definitely hire vampires for the aesthetic. He’s rich enough and has plenty of bodies to keep them fed. Fear of becoming one of those bodies encourages you to walk a bit quicker than your regular pace to your room.
Air stings at your wounds while you head to the one place you feel comfortable tending to your injuries. Any tears have long since stopped as you’ve been walking (read: jogging away from possible vampires) which clears up your formerly blurred vision. Looking at your hands, very few rocks are stuck in and they seem quite small. Not anything picking them out with tweezers won’t fix. You’d check your legs in your room, but you didn’t exactly feel any rocks that would be a concern. As you turn your head back up, you spot your door down the hall. You would thank Nightmare for the room placement, but you doubt he did it for your benefit. Maybe it’d make him move you due to his strange “no positivity” rule. That isn’t exactly how he explained it to you, but you were fairly sure he just didn’t like happiness. Stopping at your door, you pause before realizing you can just use the back of your hand to twist it open. Not even a creak comes from the door as you gently push it open. Finally, your room!
You set off to your bathroom and grab a clean cloth with the tips of your fingers pinching it in your hand. With the other hand, you grab a small soap dispenser. Pushing the dispenser close to your chest, you reach out your other hand and wet the cloth under the sink faucet. With a few cautious steps, you sit back down your bed. You’re like, fairly sure this is what that guide said that one time? Take a soapy wet cloth and gently dab it on the wound? Then tweezers and the medication and bandage? Well, it can’t hurt tha-
“Fuck- What do you need Blade?” You question, closing an eye after he scared you into pushing the cloth a bit too hard on the wound. “What are you slamming doors for? Go mess with Ace if you wanna scare people, he’s probably messing with his film set or something.”
Blade lets out an amused huff at the idea. “I’ll fuck with him in a bit.” His face gets a bit strange as he examines you. Can skeletons blush? Probably not? Is he having a magic overload or something maybe? His cheeks are a bit red and one of his eyes has a white dot now.
“Are… we good?” You ask, scooting a bit away from him. He approaches anyway. Leave it to Blade to take a hint, huh?
Blade stops just at your feet and kneels down in front of you. He grabs your thigh and you would move back, but his grip is firm. Despite the strange way he’s acting, he does seem to be fussing over your injuries. The cloth is snatched out of your hand as he dabs it correctly on your knee, then moves on to the other, and the process continues for only one hand. Blade looks up at you when he’s done, but doesn’t say anything.
Maybe he wants… “Uhm, tweezers are in the top drawer?” He walks over and opens it. Yep, guess he’s taking care of you. How did he even know? Why did he even care? You weren’t that stupid that you didn’t know he was a murderer like the rest of the magic skeletons in the household.
Blade heads back to you, snapping you out of your thoughts. He’s… got a surprisingly gentle way of removing the pebbles. Thinking about it, he’s killed a lot of people. Perhaps he learned some anatomy or something to do it better? Doesn’t sound like him at all, but could be an order from Nightmare. Silence is the loudest noise you hear while he picks them all out. It doesn’t take as long as you thought it would.
He smirks at the hand he didn’t clean with the cloth for a moment before looking back up at you. “I don’t think we have all that much human medication. Normally when people get hurt they’re kinda meant to. I can bandage it for you, though. You gotta have some sort of clean clothes you don’t really care about here, yeah?”
You nod and gesture to some you don’t exactly care for. Those are some of the cleanest clothing you have seeing as you rarely ever wear them. Blade prances over to the clothes, grabbing them and bringing them back. He kneels down in front of you again as he ties the clothing around each wound except for the one hand he didn’t clean. You’re about to ask when he holds your wrist. Oh, good he didn’t for-
Blade takes the injured hand, shiny with small amounts of blood oozing from it, and licks it. An ecstatic grin spreads across his face, even more so when you wince. Before you can ask what the hell that was and why he did it, he gets up and tilts your chin to look at him.
“You know, you taste far too good, little lamb.”
With that, he exits the room as your face heats up. That wasn’t attractive at all in any way, so why is your face doing that?! Why are you feeling flustered?! DID HE JUST LEAVE YOU TO BANDAGE THE OTHER WOUND?!
The thing about people getting possessive over the characters honestly upsets me too. I want everyone to be able to enjoy them at the fullest! I'm a little sad about the way people are possessive over the characters.
This was really good! As always! I loved it! ^^
Blade's always just unpredictable lol. Well, to be fair, all of them are- but you know. TT
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tunastime · 9 months
hiii tuna :3c how about your number 2 song for the drabbles?
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hiiiiii ghost :3c here's 2! I really liked this song earlier in the year and its always reminded me of ranchers, and I'd be lying if I had flubbed a song to be number two because I listened to this song way too much. hehe anywayy ranchers <3 forgive my mobile formatting also!
(630 words)
"There oughta be a name for people like us," Jimmy says, slim fingers tracing out the bones in Tango's wrist.
"There is," Tango says. "Doomed."
Jimmy laughs—he can't help it. Tango snorts. He sets his hand on his abdomen, drumming against it.
"You're laughing at me."
Jimmy squeezes his wrist. His freckled skin is so much warmer than Jimmy's, especially in the cool, damp night. He briefly wonders if the temperature difference bothers Tango. But he makes no move away from him. He looks over at him as he winds his fingers around it, trying to catch the flicker of his pupiless eyes in the light of lanterns and the moon. Tango's hands are rough with use, but not as rough as they could be. He's not wearing his gloves today. Maybe he trusts himself not to scald his soulmate.
"Not at you," Jimmy says. "That would be so mean!"
Tango hums, unconvinced. His eyebrows raise and he finally tips his head to look at Jimmy. It's a nice face, Jimmy thinks. Well—it's a normal face, and there are nice things about it, like his smile, and the way his freckles show when he's embarrassed or excited, and the twitch of his ears when something's upset him. It's just a nice face and a very kind personality, despite what people said about being volatile and flighty and nervous and bitter. Tango was all of those things, but Jimmy was, too. Did they forget so soon that he could hold matches too?
"What, then?" Tango asks, snapping him to attention. Right. Enough about Tango. Well. Everything about Tango. He was going to kick himself later, wasn't he? Because this was all right place wrong time, and he'd never really get to know Tango like he wanted, beyond this. He runs the pad of his thumb over the raised bone in Tango's wrist and threads their fingers together. Tango shimmies his fingers to get comfortable.
"I thought it was funny when you said doomed," Jimmy eventually says, finally swallowing down the rush of want that bubbled up in his throat. Could it be so bad to want this? To want to sleep in the grass next to the warm shape Tango made? But Tango was being nice. Jimmy forgets when he laid down. Tango was out here first, staring at the sky.
"Normally, people call me names," Jimmy finishes, laughs, scrunching up his face. Tango snorts and laughs and squeezes Jimmy's hand. Oh, that's nice. "But I guess you're right, though, with doomed. I was thinking something else, but that's good."
Tango's wheezy laugh peters out as he sighs, shaking his head in the grass.
"What were you thinking?"
"Mm..." Jimmy sighs through his nose. "I'm like a dead man walking. Always felt like it."
Tango huffs. Jimmy glances over to see him shut his eyes.
"Yeah. Yeah, me too."
There's a beat of silence as they lie together, looking up at the sky. Jimmy tries to map the patterns of the stars to any known shape, fails, and huffs. Tango squeezes his hand.
"You wanna get inside?" He says. "You look cold."
Jimmy nods.
"Are you comin'?" He asks. Tango blinks, shrugging his shoulders.
"Oh..." he says. "Sure. I'll come with you."
Jimmy hauls himself up, brushing dirt from the back of his thighs and ruffling his hair. Tango stands after a beat, tail swishing behind him. He reaches out, picking a stray leaf off Jimmy's shoulder, grinning toothily at him. Jimmy meets that smile with one lopsided and wide and he can't shake the feeling of something being right. Jimmy holds out his hand for him and Tango takes it, knocking into him as they press together against the cold.
They walk inside. Tango doesn't let go of his hand.
(spotify wrapped ask meme)
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tell me about Full Chrome Jacket from your wip files pls :3c
Okay here is a long excerpt from the chapter with the wedding! It's based on Jewish wedding customs.
It was a small guest list, a few representatives from every gang. Bea thought that was weird but V didn't have the time or energy to explain to her, after handwriting 50 names and mailing addresses, the intergang politics of Night City. V and Bea stood on opposite sides behind the folding screens, their respective parties next to or behind them. Rogue fussed with Kerry's bowtie, "Quit fucking whining, Kerry." "We're not that old!" Kerry hissed. The Rabbi walked up and looked at Bea and V, "You kids ready?" They nodded. The music started, a classical string quartet, and the Rabbi walked down the aisle to the chuppah. Rogue linked her arm in Kerry's and dragged him to the entrance. Kerry winked at V and Rogue squeezed Bea's hand before walking next. They sat on the left side. Rat and Dum Dum came next. Rat looked as handsome as ever. V wondered if that was the suit he would have worn to propose to V. Dum Dum's suit was pressed and crisp. He'd even his adjusted the lights of his seven eyes to be a more muted tone so he didn't take any attention away from them. Rat and Dum Dum stood on the left. Viktor wiped a drop of water off the top of Jackie's urn, he promised V he wouldn't cry. Didn't want to embarrass the kid. Viktor stood between the two sides of the screens and looked at Bea. She reached her hand out and rubbed her hand over Jackie's nameplate, then nodded for Viktor to proceed. Some Valentinos whooped and cheered for Jackie. Padre and Mama Welles kissed Bea on her cheek before linking arms with V. V's parents were dead but Padre and Mama Welles helped raise him like he was theirs. They were honored and says yes without a second thought. V looked back at Bea before walking down next. He felt a panic attack coming. Fuck what was he doing? Johnny appeared and walked backwards in front of V, humming the Bridal Chorus by Wagner. Padre and Mama Welles stood next to V under the chuppah.
Janice was next. Bea didn't care what Honey and Janice wore so Honey chose sleek, gold silk dresses for them. Janice sauntered down the aisle and stood on the right. Honey followed after. She kissed Bea on her cheek and squeezed her hand, "Knock 'em dead."
Bea peeked out and watched Honey strut down the aisle. She turned her head this way and that, demurely waving or winking at people she saw.
Pepe walked over with Nibbles in her cage. Her disgruntled meowing made the crowd laugh. Pepe set the cage down and opened the door. Nibbles wore a gold tutu and had two ring boxes strapped to her back. V pulled a few treats out of his pocket and knelt down, calling Nibbles to him. Nibbles kept getting distracted and various guests had to nudge her back to the aisle. They trained her to wear the tutu and harness with the rings but she always came when V called her so he didn't think he needed to do anything else. When she got to the chuppah, Honey picked her up and held her.
Arnie and Greta linked arms with Bea. She shook. "You cold?" Greta whispered.
"She's scared," Arnie said.
Bea took a deep breath and stepped forward. Everyone turned to look at her. She froze. She wanted to run. She started to hyperventilate, the veil moving closer to her face and out with her breaths. V furrowed his brow and mouthed, "Yes or no?"
He couldn't see her face so Bea nodded. Yes, keep going. "Just keep breathing," Greta whispered.
Bea focused her sights on V. He was hazy in her vision, a black column with a teal top. They stood on the right side.
"You okay?" V whispered.
"Yes," Bea said.
The Rabbi said his opening remarks and directed V to lift Bea's veil. The crowd gasped. Bea thought they were just being overdramatic, though.
The Rabbi spoke, "If there is anyone that objects to these two being married. Speak now, or forever hold your peace."
Johnny appeared sitting next to Rogue and Kerry. He cleared his throat and raised his hand. V glared at him.
Someone real, did speak up. A man in the very back stood up and spoke quickly, "Bea ever since I saw your bangin' body at Doll Parts I thought, wow she's hot. You," the man hiccuped, "You can't get married. You gotta go back," he belched, "I got a bigger dick than him, I swear." The man was very drunk and wobbled in place.
Eight different people from both Bea's and V's side stood up and turned on the guy. The tackled him to the ground and began beating him senseless before dragging him out of the area.
V whispered to Bea, "Are you really only in it for the dick size? I mean, if he's got one bigger than mine then, shit, maybe he's right."
Bea smiled and giggled. V's heart warmed and he felt all his nerves ease up.
They first circled each other three times then a figure eight around each other. "Building a wall of love around the relationship," The rabbi said.
The Rabbi next spoke the erusin blessings in Hebrew and presented a cup of wine, Rebbe's Reds of course, for Bea and V to drink from. It tasted wonderful. It must be a special vintage from Arnie.
Honey plucked the ring boxes off of Nibbles's back and handed them to V and Bea.
V opened the box with the simple gold band and cleared his throat. He memorized these words. He didn't want to take his eyes off Bea to read his retinal display. He wanted to look at her, and wanted her to know he saw her.
"Bea," his voice cracked and he cleared his throat again, "I love you. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you performing your Maelstrom interpretive dance." Bea's eyes widened. "I agree with that guy, you do have a bangin' body," V continued. Bea looked horrified and V smirked. "When we kill people together, it feels like we share the same brain and body, like we're part of a single organism. That's how I feel even when we're not killing people together."
Bea looked at V's side of the aisle of guests as some mercs cooed and wiped tears from their eyes.
"I love you so fucking much and there is no one I trust more in the world to have my back than you."
Inelegant, but quintessentially V. Bea smiled and teared up.
Bea bit her lip. She didn't write anything. She knew if she did, she would fuck it up and overthink everything. She looked at the box with the matching gold band then back at V.
"I thought you were a fucking lunatic for enjoying my "Maelstrom interpretive dance." I didn't fall head over heels, that hasn't actually come yet at all," the crowd uncomfortably chuckled but V's smirk widened. "I really just wanted to know what was wrong with you."
Honey subtly nudged Bea in her back, "What are you doing?" she hissed.
"Vincent fucking Guerra, you are the gonkest, most annoying, insufferable shithead I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. You are also one of the bravest and kindest people I know. In both cyberspace and realspace, physically and metaphorically, you have broken down barriers I never thought would or could be broken."
Bea paused for a moment and looked down. Bea closed her eyes and a tear rolled down her face. She looked at V again, "I am terrified everyday I wake up next to you. I am terrified I'll lose you. I'm terrified I'll lose myself." Bea stepped forward and put her hand on his face, Arnie, Greta and the Rabbi gasped. "Every fucking day I swallow my terror because I want to. Because I will endure anything to wake up next to you every day for the rest of my life."
Bea pressed their foreheads together, "Vincent Guerra I fucking love you and that terrifies me more than anything in the world." Bea took the ring out of the box and took his left hand, placing it on his ring finger. Both of their hands shook.
Arnie handed the Rabbi the ketubah who read it in the original Aramaic. He handed it to V, who then handed it to Bea. The Rabbi then recited the seven blessings over another cup of wine. Then, they kissed.
Rat placed the wine glass wrapped in a white cloth in front of V. He held Bea's hand and they stepped forward. He lifted his foot.
Bea felt the familiar sensation of metal ripping through flesh. Through her flesh. "Mazal tov" echoed distantly as she looked down at the broken glass under V's foot. Had a piece flown out and hurt her? The cheering stopped and she looked down at her legs, a red stain was blooming through her dress.
V distantly called to her, "Bea? Fuck, Bea what happened!"
Bea pressed her hand to the stain and pulled it away. It was blood. She felt a deep, hot rage burn through her. She looked out at the roof of Kerry's house and saw the glint off the sniper scope. Before she could point it out, a small team of six Militech special ops soldiers burst through the divider screens. One of them yelled out, "She comes with us and no one gets hurt."
Bea scoffed and gathered up her dress. The tulle seemed fucking endless. V dropped to the ground and ducked under Bea's dress, he grabbed the HJKE from the holster, taking the briefest moment to admire and congratulate himself on the fact that Bea was wearing his absolute favorite pair of lingerie and stuck his hand out to hand it to her. Bea pointed it at the soldiers and V slid out, unholstering his own pistol fron the small of his back.
"Get the fuck out of my fucking wedding," Bea yelled. The HJKE smart targeting reticle locked on and she fired. Chaos erupted. Whoever planned to storm the wedding of mercs was getting fired from the corporation. Nearly everyone in the crowd, Rogue and Kerry included, were firing nonstop at the crew. The whole thing was over and done with in twenty minutes.
Bea sat on the floor and hiked her dress up, spreading her legs for everyone to see as she worked to assess the damage. She felt woozy. Viktor handed Jackie's urn to Rat and crouched down in front of Bea. He pulled a medhypo out of his jacket and jammed it into Bea's leg. "You'll be fine. Let's get inside and I'll patch you up properly."
Bea nodded and V lifted her up in his arms. "I think that went well," Bea said. V laughed.
"Aw come on! That's pure Indonesian synthleather!" Kerry whined when Bea sat down on the couch.
Bea and V chided him at the same time, "Buy another one!"
Honey helped Bea gather up her dress so Viktor could check her leg. Bea ended up buried under her own suffocating tulle.
"How bad is it?" V asked. He was pacing behind the couch.
"Jesus kid, calm down," Viktor set his kit down on the coffee table. He took a data pad with a portable X-ray lense and scanned Bea's leg. "Superficial but, gonna have to dig it out of you."
Bea extended one hand from under the fabric and waved it about, trying to find V. He took her hand and Bea said, "Do it."
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morn1e · 4 months
What is your DudeMarnie timeline? Like, what game do their shenanagins take place in, and what does it look like in the other/later games? :3c Was the Dude ever marries to the Bitch, then left her for Marnie, or did he meet Marnie first?? :3c I’m soooo curious tbh, I wanna know everything
heeheehoohoo thing is i wrote their timeline like a good week ago but like a complete idiot deleted the post last night.anyways will write it here either way:) post under cut bcuz this is rather long
so basically in their timeline pretty much follows p2 only. apocalypse weekend+lost paradise either happens wayyyy later, or maybe even never(have not made up my mind yet). bcuz frankly i just.....do not care abt the dlcs or the other parts. 2 me p2 only exists.
dude is still w the bitch when he meets marnie! theoretically he does have an affair w marnie as he was still married, but i say that by the time dude+his wife moved to paradise their marriage was in literal shambles. the love was long gone&the only reason they stayed married was bcuz of the tax benefit. i like the idea from the postaI movie that the bitch was openly cheating&had her lovers over for the longest time because neither of them cared at all. they hated each other.
ANYWAYS😁. end of may comes, dude+the bitch relocate 2 paradise in preparation for the game dev job. on the same night they arrive the wife nags dude so hard he leaves the trailer to explore the town when he comes across a nightclub, where a metal concert is being held. dude comes inside for the heck of it&gets dragged into the mosh pit, where him being dude he just starts throwing hands&beating the shit out of everyone bcuz not only how dare they drag him into the moshpit but also because he might as well. doing so he ends up socking a bystander girl extra hard in the face - surprise! it is marnie! she stands out to him immediately because it is not everyday you meet a rather tall woman being able to take a punch to the face from a 6'8" man&be so unphased. he follows her home&a few nights later he reappears because not only is he curious abt that blonde chick he socked in the face a few nights ago but also bcuz he needs to get away from the bitch wife. this is where him&marnie become friends (more like marnie letting him come over because she does not have the willpower to say no)&dude starts coming more often because is it a great escape from his wife+free alcohol/weed to leech from&finally, a place where he is not being nagged at, as marnie knows when to shut up&never complains. he enjoys the peace.
time moves from may -> june where dudes biweekly or smth visits become more and more frequent because he is starting to enjoy marnies company too much. every night visits turn into a sleepover, sleepover turns into staying a few nights at a time. by the end of june they start hitting it off. then july rolls around&that is when p2 monday-friday happens. on friday dude shoots himself, his wife leaves (but unlike the events in canon, he does keep champ and the trailer). his ass ends up in the hospital. after he leaves, dude takes champ+his crap from the trailer&officially moves in w marnie&they live together in paradise for a couple of years the least. most likely longer. that is all i have for now. i do not want to think abt what happens next. i cannot say they live happily ever after in paradise bcuz that is just too ooc for dude to me personally, but i just have not thought of anything that satisfies me. so i put a period here.😁.
that is kind of it!
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throughtrialbyfire · 11 months
𝑾𝑰𝑷 𝑾𝒆𝒅𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒅𝒂𝒚 ♥
i hope everyone's doing well and taking care right now!! we're coming into the colder months in the northern hemisphere, and i'm always amazed how fast the sun begins to set around this time!
tagged by the amazingly talented @thequeenofthewinter and @mareenavee !! thank you so much <3333
tagging the incredible @dirty-bosmer @skyrim-forever @gilgamish @aphocryphas @totally-not-deacon @orfeoarte @viss-and-pinegar @thana-topsy @caliblorn @boethiahspillowbook @umbracirrus @v1ctory-or-sovngarde @wildhexe and you!!!! even if your name isnt here, you're always welcome to join in and tag me!!
i've got two story snippets this week! i'm starting on a new fic, but it's going to be slow goings. the working title is "Bone of my Bone", and it's the backstory fic for Wyndrelis of my Dragonborn Trio that i've been talking about! it's going to be a good while before i can post it in full since it contains spoilers for the main fic, but i love working on this and writing in his POV!
Another gods damned rejection. Wyndrelis paced the cramped room of the inn he'd rented, a temporary residence until he'd finished his application with the Synod. Of course, this proved in vain. He bitterly crumpled the parchment between his grey hands, balling it tight until his fingers ached. The Dunmer paused and loosened his grasp slowly, fingers uncurling until the ball landed on his desk in a sorry, compressed state. It curled up next to all the other rejection letters. Quick, biting, quill-strikes. Names of professors he'd never meet. Every Synod Conclave from here to Anvil undoubtedly heard the news, and every single one of them rejected him since that night. He heaved a breath, his cheeks hot with the frustration of the scenario he'd landed himself in. He was far from home, with no longing to go back, and all his bets misplaced in scholars and wizards who would have nothing to do with him. There were other ways, of course, other people, other groups. This did little to ease his vexation.
'Mr. Wyndrelis Femer, We at the Leyawiin Synod Conclave hope that this letter finds you well,' The pleasantries had ended there. Then began the statements of fact, the obvious ban on Conjuration, the musings of how it led to Necromancy, a reference here and there of the end of the Third Era. He rubbed at his temples in small, soothing motions to stave off a headache. He plopped down into a creaking wooden chair. He rushed his hands through his raven-dark hair, his posture slumped, his body thundering with his pulse so deeply it made his temple throb, his hands shake. Anger, no. This was not anger. Frustration, perhaps, or even guilt. Guilt. A sword he swallowed whole. Ever since he was a mere boy, the Hermoric clasping for knowledge pitted his stomach, burning up until he could deny it no longer. He'd devoured every book he could get his hands on that contained any fragmentary notion of the things he sought, and when his family was not around, he'd raise his palm and work the magicka into his fingertips and he'd weave it slow, in, out, like water through a sloshing pitcher. Waves of it, smooth as silk, heavy as lead. He'd learn how to move objects in their home. He'd know how to ignite a tiny spark on his fingertips, and eventually, how to dance it between the tips of several digits without letting it falter. His parents had always despised his knack for the arcane. The curse on their name had been enough to cause his ancestors to scorn the practice, leaving Morrowind generations ago and fumbling their way into a small, mountain town in County Cheydinhal. His home would be a memory he spat out. He was no longer welcome there. He did not want to return.
the next snippet is something i typed up in comic sans to break my brain out of a cage! it's chapter 27 of "Cycle of the Serpent", on the road to Mount Kilkreath to return Meridias Beacon, although they don't really know that's what they're doing. teehee >:3c
Fateless stars align, moons rise and fall, and all Athenath wanted was to be at the Bards College right now. That's what they had come here for, that hallowed institute of the arts, the halls which they'd heard whispers were paved with plaque-decorated displays of instruments from famous bards long passed, the stone paths that wound their ways through the high-rising establishment. From the moment that he'd gotten his wits about them after the first night in Solitude, he'd stretched longing looks in the direction of the building, knowing from the groups shared map what streets of Solitude lead where, and how deeply they wished to just march up the steps themself and ask about applications. The beacon radiated a warmth every time he touched it, like the sun off a rock, or the body heat of a small animal. It alarmed him to some degree, the strangeness of the feeling, but they embraced it. The journey to Mount Kilkreath gave them plenty of time to practice their talents, and practice he did, tossing the beacon to Wyndrelis haphazardly and bouncing from heel to heel, capering down the mountain paths and through the trees with songs bubbling from his lips. Sometimes, they'd trail off, coming to a silent standstill as the words escaped him, before shrugging and pulling back into another song.
"Oh, there once was a hero named Ragnar the Red…" Athenath sang in a sprightly tone, Emeros' eyes avoiding either companion, something the Altmer had noticed. From the moment the trio had decided to set up camp until now, he could feel Emeros' personal twistings of mental acrobatics, but exactly on what, he didn't know. All they knew was that the sun shone bright off the sea, glittering like beetle wings off an aristocratic Bosmeri gown, in its soft and elegant light. He longed to dive into the sea, deeper and deeper, gather shells in their arms and sort them at the beach, turn them over and over for signs of life, for molluscs and crabs, the kind of games he played on the rare visit to the Anvil beach with his family and their old friends, scent of salty, wet fur a brow-furrowing comfort for the Altmer. They could practically hear their old friends calling him down from the mountain, humming and hawing and beckoning the bard down to the shoreline. A hand on his shoulder planted them firmly in the grounds of reality, and Athenath slowed their stride, spinning to face Wyndrelis. "Yeah! What's up?" Wyndrelis pointed down the road. "We're nearing Mount Kilkreath. Do you want the beacon?" He asked in his usual, cold voice. Athenath nodded rapidly, taking the object into their arms. "Isn't it kinda weird how warm it is?" Athenath asked with a smile spread along his carmine mouth. Wyndrelis furrowed his brow. "Warm?" He repeated. Athenath looked to him, confusion dimming the brightness of their eyes.
if you read until the end of this i wanted to give you a special thanks <3 i hope you're doing well, and i'm casting spell of WIP Motivation be upon ye!!
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Cramped inside your coffin
For @raccoonings since we're attacking each other. Major character death heavily inspired by the scene with Keyes in The Flood. Also that ask I sent >:3c.
@infinityactual too if you want to be collateral. Sorry.
The bridge was dark. That wasn't right, was he on the bridge? It nagged at his brain, but distantly. There should be feeds up on the screens; engines, life systems, troop and ship movements. Where was he in this dark? His thoughts were slow, like he was waking up and couldn't remember what he needed to do. Something was urgent - there was flashes of emotion fresh in his brain - but he felt like he was fighting the fog of cryo without the burning or nausea.
Pain was distant - negligible even. Why would cryo hurt? Had he ever experienced it? He couldn't remember; everything was so distant and thoughts came and went like dreams. Where was he - who was he?
Memories came in a rush; Lasky, Thomas. Captain, formerly XO of the UNSC Infinity. Service Number 98604-72690-TL. Emotions followed, some unfamiliar, as if he wasn't alone in his head. That's strange. The emotions welled up like a pressure pulsing in his head, as if a storm rolled in and his ears needed to pop. Instead of humid air and the smell of ozone there was just anger, all encompassing and drowning him. It wasn't his, he was a backseat passenger to something bigger and meaner than him. He had woken up and struggled, and somehow in the process caught the attention of something.
Thomas Lasky couldn't see, he couldn't move, and couldn't remember how he got here. The anger abated, making way for something else. Voices - a droning chant on the edge of his consciousness but growing louder, moving closer until it made thought and recollection near impossible. What happened? Before the drowning, there was pain, gunshots, Sarah's face, Roland's light disappearing, the ship-
The Flood.
The air had been wrong, painful to breathe, damp and full of spores. Tendrils had spread from one of the pelicans. Commandeered, brought aboard.
The memory resonates in his skull and with the surrounding biomass. His mind derails, as if he's not the one in charge of recall anymore. Flashes of faces, meetings, knowledge sifts through his mind. Codes and self-destruct sequences, containment protocol, past successes against the Parasite.
Voices that are not his rise up in mourning wails, a chorus of grief and fury at their state. Human memories that are not his own flow through this River Styx made real. Cadmon's face appears in his mind's eye next to unfamiliar faces that someone who is not him knows and misses. Tears would fall from his eyes if he could find them.
There was something singing above the voices - promises in their wordless cries. The music of the chorus changed into sermons of perpetual existence, guaranteed life free from the fear of death, unity of all. The hypnotic sway of minds turning away from grief into something else, becoming something more together.
Thoughts ebbed and flowed as the river they were in and made up and were going to be came together. Time was all they had now. Nothing could stand in the way. Victory everlasting and this new, ancient way of being came together. There was no he anymore, just one of the chorus, part of the river that eroded all. Flesh and mind and bone made into a new type of life, taken and given. The chorus quiets as the minds are made into one. Peace and salvation offered to all in this new grave, its mouth yawning wide to welcome more.
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