#What a surprise
cinnamon-flame · 2 months
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Happy easter to everyone but these two especially
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dataisms · 5 months
Pictures of Data and Lore that are on my mind 24/7
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noname-404s-blog · 10 months
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chocojincake · 11 months
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Mary on a, Mary on a Cross 🙏💕
Your beauty never scared me q!roier i swear i love u so much, loosing ur child and then the love of ur life for a brief moment holy god
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mushyruuu · 1 year
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dnf dnfing
alt version!
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pedroschka · 2 months
I just remembered that as a child I always collected daisies for my mum for Mother's Day, so there was always this tiny bouquet of flowers in a water glass in the kitchen
Eddie wants to surprise you with a bouquet of flowers, but well our boy's broke so he can't afford one, so he just walks to the nearest meadow and starts collecting tiny daisies (the pretty ones with pink tips) until his hand is full and ties them carefully together with his hair tie.
Back home, he realizes that he and Wayne don't even own a vase, so he scans the shelves for an alternative.
On the kitchen counter surrounded by unwashed dishes, and unopened bills stood now a pretty bouquet of tiny daisies in a Garfield mug.
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obiwanobi · 2 years
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Obi-Wan has stopped caring about people wanting to kill him since he was a teenager but he will NEVER stop being outraged by the general lack of manners of people who don't even have the decency to put a blaster to his face
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metabolizemotions · 9 days
It was such a wonderful surprise that Marina was actually the focus of the cliffhanger of the penultimate episode of the entire series. They have been one of the main and most important emotional cores of the show. It was so bittersweet & disheartening to finally have that for a w|w we've fought for, for so long, only for it to be taken away far too soon.
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…the world… is on fire… we can be together while the world is burning…
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… the world is changing right now as we’re standing here, the world is changing and it’s beautiful… now what I know is that I want to be in this beautiful mess of a changing world with you… I loved the 360 tracking shot of the proposal scene. It was a grand, dramatic effect, like their world was spinning out of control.
On a bigger scale, the 709 ending sequence was the ultimate climax of the arc of their relationship - a revolving juxtaposition of their biggest dream & deepest fear realizing at the same time. With Helm, a younger queer woman who looked up to Marina, yet again witnessing another of their important milestones, with Carina. While Maya was with Andy, her best and oldest friend & teammate. They've walked in and out of so many fires - literal or otherwise - together. They just talked about how far they've come and where they were heading next.
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I love how the writing, directing and editing of this episode worked together to create something larger than the sum of its parts. Like 704, but bigger. Both episodes had great visual storytelling too. Even before the climatic scene, the arc shots around & the blocking of Maya or Carina spoke volumes.
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They were either thinking of or looking for each other. Their expressions and tones conveyed the fears & hopes not entirely revealed by their words. The foreshadowing.
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The love scene also centered them - their desires and pleasure. I could also see this scene doubling as a trigger shot scene.... where Carina helps Maya with the shot, kisses it all better then takes it further... Carina is an expert on orgasm for pain relief after all 😏
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averyshittyseal · 7 months
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Gale my beloved
(And I present to you Beren! My monk Tav)
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scribblry · 1 year
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A screenshot redraw of Kaito from OVA 1
Wanted to try turning off anti aliasing
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neinnerr · 1 month
The moment Legolas and Gimli start getting close and they do everything together... they walk side by side through the rough paths of their journey, they sit close near the fire when they have a moment's respite, they put their bed rolls together and talk a bit before going to sleep every night.
And it's a hard journey to make, the roads that take them winding and difficult, but in all the bad and the terrible, it's nice to find some comfort in each other.
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gabichanwrites · 6 months
I've seen an opinion about JJK that the story needs so much pointless death and unrealized potential because it is the point. That this is the world of JJK, cruel and killing off potential because of higher-ups indifference and carelessness with sorcerer's lives. That Gege did a brave thing by stepping out of the line of a typical shouen plot and made his characters suffer and die and pointed out the ridiculousness of adults making children fight for them.
And to all of that I say - I get it. But also I don't agree.
There is a significant difference between the potential in-universe and the potential of the characters. Sure, they overlap a lot, especially in series like JJK, but there is a difference. For example, both the characters and us have been thrilled with the unspoken potential of Megumi's "sacred treasure" and I'm pretty sure every single one of us went wild when he made his half-baked domain in S1. Also, he got Sukuna as his hypeman - it's hard to really top that in terms of potential. But when I say character potential, I don't mean only power scaling one - I mean what they could do in a story. And one of the best examples for me are The Twins. You know, the ones that try to bargain with Sukuna to kill off the Fake-Getou. And the quite pointless death of BOTH of them.
Their techniques personally interest me a lot but it's not even about that. Even if there is not that much space to explore with them cursed technique-wise, wouldn't it be so interesting if one of them got to live? Betrayed by every curse she turned for help to, alone in a raging Shibuya - forced to work with the School Gang? With their very differing opinions, with her wildly different perspective... Man, I'm not that good of a writer to figure it out on a fly. But there was potential there, a very interesting one, and wasting it isn't the nail on the coffin for Gege's story - but it does disappoint me, considering how hyped the story was for me beforehand. How much trust I put into Gege's writing.
And with the way things are going with Nanami, Nobara and, from what I've gathered from my partner's ashamed face when I mentioned my suspicions, Todou, this is no longer about power potential the characters had (although with Nobara it kinda still is). It's about how those deaths are hidden behind the smoke screen of theme and well, that's the cruelty of the world that tries to hide the balant shock-value of these deaths. Because back in season 1 Gojo already said it - that he knows killing higher-ups won't really solve anything. That it's about a new generation doing better, forcing a change others reject.
So why isn't this story about that? Why does it kill off THREE (?) characters for the sake of kicking Yuuji into dirt? Why does Mahito even require so many named deaths to establish... What exactly? That he's fucked up and immoral and direct opposite of Yuuji? That he can bring out the worst in him? I THINK I GOT THE POINT AFTER JUNPEI AND NANAMI, REALLY.
So, with the spoilers I have from the manga, I just feel like it's not quite right to call those deaths deserved because of the setting. Not when the story in S1 promised a change, a hopeful future set by the new generation.
And if that were never the main focus of the series, then I don't want to hear a single world about those deaths contributing to it because they are not.
Man, there is no one who wants to love JJK more than me and there is no one more heartbroken that I can't bring myself to do so anymore.
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eyeofthechasm · 2 months
Atop the highest peak
[TW mention of death, cremation, self depreciation]
“If one of us bites the dust…what should we do with your body?”
Here again. That question. You’ve heard him ask that question enough times, surely you have an answer by now, right? You’ve already memorized the voice he uses, little breaths he takes between “dust” and “when”, for the love of the universe. Wouldn’t it just be so silly to not have an answer at this point?
But you don’t.
You don’t have an answer. No matter how many times you mull it over during runs, you can’t figure it out.
You suppose you’ve never thought about what would happen because you never imagined being constantly surrounded by five other people. Stars, you figured you’d just collapse and die on the side of the road one day and be found by some poor, unfortunate traveler.
You can’t just…say that, though. They’ll get concerned! For you! As if you’re worth showing concern for, at this point. So you lie. Every time, you say something different or ridiculous. “Throw my body in the ocean”, or “Use me as tree fertilizer.” “Throw my ashes to the stars.” Sometimes, you even steal one of the other’s ideas. But it’s never anything meaningful. You don’t have a belief to fall back on, a tradition you can follow.
You hate it. It makes your skin crawl.
What will they do with your body, you wonder, if you collapse and die but somehow don’t come back? Leave you? You doubt it. Maybe they’ll donate you to science, or ask Siffrin for advice, since he’s the most similar to you out of everyone. Maybe they’ll keep the ashes in your memory.
That’d be nice.
“What about you, Renzo?” Isabeau asks, which startles you from your thoughts. You look up at him, at his eyes. They look so sad.
“…hmmm.” you drum your fingers against the ground, feeling your uneven nails clack against the cold concrete as you mull over the answer you’re giving this time. “I…I dunno. I guess…cremate me, and…do whatever with my ashes.”
They seem surprisingly content with that. A little sad, but…content. Huh. You thought they’d have more questions or concerns.
Maybe you’ll stick with that for now.
Next up is Siffrin. They say their usual. “Burry me atop the highest peak.”
You wonder why that is.
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roxtron · 11 months
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Woo I spent the last 2 days working on this but I finally finished it! I dunno why but I really liked this specific concept sketch and thought it'd be fun to redraw it. But yeah uh fanart for @somerandomdudelmao 's au. (Sorry if tagging is considered annoying, I'm still new to tumblr. Literally joined bc I hit the 'you need to make an account' wall while reading the comic LMAO)
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Also here's a close up because I liked the work on his face and wanted to show it better lol.
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10millionotters · 1 year
A remedy for sleepless nights
Rating: Explicit
Characters: König
Relationship: König/trans masc Reader
Word Count: 1764
Additional information: Established Relationship, Secret Relationship, Quiet Sex
How many rules did they break? At some point they just lost count. It didn’t matter.
König opened his arms to him, the room was covered in darkness, they couldn’t see each other, but they could feel each other.
There was a smile on König’s lips.
Of course he had a reason to smile so big… It must be nice to always get what he wanted. Oh, but he didn’t blame him.
Feeling his big hands run over his body, pulling him closer, unsure what it was that he himself wanted, made his head spin.
This had become a ritual.
Read it on AO3 or under the cut
A good mission was always one that ended with him falling into his uncomfortable bunk bed in the barracks knowing that sleep would come easy.
Not the kind of easy sleep that he remembered from his childhood, when he held a plushie tightly to his chest, smiling, dreaming of the wonders the next day would hold.
It felt more like someone pulling the rug from under your feet, falling into an endless void; but the void was welcoming, it was warm.
It was a lover’s embrace.
Hours could pass, he wouldn’t know it.
“... hey…”
“Hey…”, his name passed König’s lips in such a sweet way his whole body responded.
“What’s wrong, König?”
“... I can’t sleep,” even though he was such a big guy, his voice was so quiet at times, a little shy.
A soft sigh escaped his lips, not because of disappointment, no, it was affection.
What would poor König do without him?
Climbing down the small ladder in the dark had become his second nature.
“Move over.”
Thank God they were alone in their room for the time being.
How many rules did they break? At some point they just lost count. It didn’t matter.
König opened his arms to him, the room was covered in darkness, they couldn’t see each other, but they could feel each other.
There was a smile on König’s lips.
Of course he had a reason to smile so big… It must be nice to always get what he wanted. Oh, but he didn’t blame him.
Feeling his big hands run over his body, pulling him closer, unsure what it was that he himself wanted, made his head spin.
This had become a ritual.
Everytime he left for a longer deployment, König asked him to lay with him at night. It had been awkward at first, too warm, too tight.
Then they got used to each other.
Started laughing, sharing stories, until one night, they shared their first kiss. A kiss turned into an embrace, into the feeling of König’s large hand on his mouth while he felt him move inside of him, confessing his love with every thrust.
Tears were streaming down his face that night, overwhelmed with pleasure and his own emotions he couldn’t vocalise.
Their nights were quieter now, since they had gotten more practice at staying quiet.
König hardly lost time, but he couldn’t blame him.
Instead, he spread his legs for his lover, feeling his large fingers gently squeeze his erection.
“Shhh… be a good boy,” König had some nerve saying that but the words were so sweet when they passed over his lips. It was hard to resist.
“Y-Yes… I-I’ll be good.”
“That’s what I want to hear.”
They shared another kiss, but this time it felt different, there was always a hint of anxiety about every one of König's actions, but now he was so sure about everything he did.
There was no doubt about his intentions, his wants, his feelings.
“F-Fuck go slower -”
Of course he didn’t masturbate while he was on missions, not because he thought of it as improper, it was just that his mind was so preoccupied with his task that he forgot that he was even capable of feeling this way.
But now that he was reunited with König, all the feelings he had been bottling up came back to haunt him.
“I don’t think I want to,” his lips were pressed against his lover’s ears while his hands gently caressed his most sensitive body part, “I want to hear you, even if it’s just you breathing this heavy.”
Could he just shut his goddamn mouth for one second?
If they got caught he would at least know who had to take the blame.
A deep, guttural moan escaped him as König began teasing his entrance.
“Scheiße… mach das nicht nochmal.”
A small smirk formed on his lips, “What if I do, then what, loverboy?”
“I don’t think you can deal with the consequences, mein Schatz.”
The words slowly died on his tongue, he knew better than to challenge König.
“Relax, I was just kidding,” but there was no humour in his words. His lips gently touched his lover’s neck before König bit down, his hands alternating between teasing his erection and his entrance.
No matter how cocky he could usually be, when König was in control of a situation it felt like he lost his spark; sentences got mixed up before they even left his mouth, his legs began to shake when König looked at him lovingly.
He had been proud of the fact that he was steadfast.
But he got so weak around his big Austrian lover.
“I want you… so bad,” König pulled him closer, but he was not one to cut the foreplay short.
“Then fuck me already.”
It was torture.
“You’re almost as impatient as me,” his eyes had gotten used to the darkness around them. He could make out the vague outline of a face, a smile.
“König please -”
A soft chuckle made König’s chest tremble as he continued to caress him, sometimes he pressed down a little harder, almost teasing out another moan.
Everyone was probably fast asleep or focused on their work, but they still ran the risk of being caught, but these thoughts slowly began to fade.
The only thing on his mind now was König.
His hands touched the other man’s chest as he kissed him softly, even in the heat of the moment, he wanted to feel loved, make his boyfriend feel loved.
These moments were precious.
They were rare.
“I love you,” every time König said his name it sounded like a prayer.
“I love you too -”
It was a shudder, violent kicking of his feet, the feeling of his teeth sinking into König’s arm to suppress the moans.
“... can we spoon…?”
Hearing the softness in König’s voice made it hard to even think about anything but being held close by him, “Of course, big boy.”
He got comfortable, pressing his bottom against König’s erection, lifting his leg to invite him in.
A large hand covered his mouth just in time, it had been so long… he hadn’t anticipated to react so strongly. Tears began flowing down his face as he felt König move inside him with little to no restraint.
He was a patient man, he was gentle, but in moments like these, he remembered why König was so utterly frightening on the battlefield.
Lost in any motion, he could hardly control himself. Neither his emotions nor his strength.
Large fingers dug deep into his sore muscles, squeezing them, all while he felt his boyfriend’s thickness stretch him to near limit.
It felt so good.
He touched all the right spots simply because he was so big.
“You feel amazing,” König’s head rested on his own, his lips touching his ear, heavy, deep breaths brushed against his skin, interrupted by suppressed moans and whimpers with every other thrust.
Shut up, shut up.
Talking like that would only make him come faster, he wanted to enjoy this, he wanted this night to be endless. He wanted to get lost in the pleasure, in the love they shared.
“I missed you so much,” why was a soft kiss on his neck so much worse than being slapped or bitten?
Moans and screams died in his mouth as he felt his walls tighten around König, but only briefly.
The suppressed moans grew more and more desperate, König felt his hand grow tired but he had to keep it in place.
If they made it out alive, one day, they’d be able to let all the world hear their chants, their prayers, their testament to a love that flourished against all odds.
In the smallest of rooms, they would be safe, it would be their world, all they’d need.
For now, the thin walls of the barracks were the only witness they had and by God, he hoped and prayed that they’d be a good friend to them and keep these secrets.
König tried to pace himself, move slower, but he felt his love’s body respond to him so eagerly.
I want you, I want you so bad.
If he’d try to pace himself, he knew that would just strain himself. But at the same time it felt so good, he could feel him begin to kick in protest.
“Do you want me to come inside you that badly?”
He felt the weak nod slowly grow more eager, thank God he couldn’t say a word, hearing him actually beg and plead for his cum would probably do him in way faster than he’d like.
“You’re so greedy,” König wrapped his free arm around his waist and pulled him closer, “The nights without you were so lonely… imagining what you feel like… wrapped around my cock wasn’t enough, you know? I wanted to feel so bad this whole time.”
A soft moan escaped König, he began cursing in German, something that he couldn’t quite understand just yet, “Fuck… if you -”
There it was again, this soft, sweet moan.
It really didn’t help.
“You’re - getting close,” and his moans probably made it so much worse, but König couldn’t help it, “Fuck… oh fucking… God… you feel so good.”
He finally let go of his mouth, it was so hard to suppress the moans that escaped him but for a moment neither of them cared about it.
“H-Harder, fuck me harder, König please -”
Their lips touched for the first time in what had felt like an eternity, he could feel every word that König tried to whisper die on his tongue, felt his moans mix with his own as they kissed deeply.
König’s hands grabbed his waist hard as he thrust harder into him, he was so close, there was no holding back now.
Teeth dug deep into the taller man’s bottom lip as they felt their orgasms wash over them.
His walls pulsated and squeezed König’s cock hard while it twitched inside him, releasing every last bit of love he had to give.
It felt like an eternity, it felt like the blink of an eye.
They remained in their positions for a little while, not saying anything before the smaller man slowly turned around and buried his face in König’s chest.
There was nothing left to say.
He felt König’s lips brush against his forehead, he smiled pleased. Large hands gently rubbed over his back. A pair of trembling arms wrapped around König.
It was comfort.
It was home.
“Gute Nacht, mein Schatz.”
“... gute Nacht, mein Großer.”
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stuckwiththesnakeboi · 6 months
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*pats Janus on the head* you can fit so much angst into this bad boy :)
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