#What happens at the Martinez house
Dean Obeidallah at The Dean's Report:
On August 20, a little before dawn, 87 year-old Lidia Martinez was abruptly jarred awake by an unexpected knock on her door. The longtime activist who for over 35 years has worked to expand voter registration among seniors and veterans in south Texas, cautiously peered out the door. Standing on her doorstep were nine police officers dressed in tactical gear and carrying firearms. After showing her a search warrant, Martinez’s home was searched as she was forced to stand outside in her nightgown in her driveway in full view of her neighbors. Martinez was later questioned for three hours after which the police seized her phone, computer, personal calendar and more.
These bad faith searches orchestrated by Paxton were predicated on the claim that the people being investigated were registering non-citizens to vote—despite zero evidence presented of wrongdoing. Very alarmingly, if Donald Trump and House GOP have their way, these types of raids would be happening nationwide with federal law enforcement under a GOP President.  That is why GOP House Speaker Johnson is now demanding the proposed SAVE Act be included in any deal to provide funding to keep the government open.
To be clear, federal and state law already makes it a crime for non-citizens to vote. But this new federal legislation would establish criminal penalties for registering an applicant to vote in a federal election who fails to present documentation proving U.S. citizenship.  That means that what we are seeing in Texas is coming attractions of what the GOP wants to do nationally.
Keep in mind despite Texas AG Paxton’s two year investigation, no charges  have been filed against any of the people whose homes were searched.  Indeed, there may never be charges because even Paxton’s basis for the search is BS. In his press release announcing the investigation, the Texas AG presents no evidence of wrongdoing. Instead, Paxton makes baseless claims like these organizations have set up voter registration booths outside state agencies where people could register inside. Paxton’s press release literally includes this question with no answer: “Why would they need a second opportunity to register with a booth outside?” But nowhere in his press release does he even allege any criminal conduct—only questions.
And Paxton—a close ally of convicted felon Trump—showed his bad faith earlier in August on a radio show when he peddled lies about non-citizens voting. Paxton declared, “There’s a reason Joe Biden brought people here illegally. I’m convinced that that’s how they’re going to do it this time, they’re going to use the illegal vote. Why were they brought in, why did he bring in 14 million people?” adding, “He brought them here to vote.”   That is nothing more than the type of BS you hear on Fox News. But now Paxton has weaponized government by targeting people registering those he believes will vote for Democrats. The backlash to Paxton’s actions have been swift. LULAC requested that the Department of  Justice investigate Paxton's office for Voting Rights Act violations. LULAC CEO Juan Proaño and the group's national president, Roman Palomares, summed up well what is really going in their letter to the DOJ: "These actions echo a troubling history of voter suppression and intimidation that has long targeted both Black and Latino communities, particularly in states like Texas, where demographic changes have increasingly shifted the political landscape.”
The Texas GOPs voter intimidation tactics are based on the faux outrage campaign against noncitizen voting.
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“The Israeli military has a history of attacks on media structures,” Carlos Martinez de la Serna explained. In May 2021, a tower housing the Qatari media organization Al Jazeera and the American news agency The Associated Press (AP) was destroyed by three missiles, on the basis, the Israeli military claimed, of an imminent threat posed by Hamas’s presence in the building. When questioned publicly, Israel provided no evidence to support this claim. Since October 7, 2023, the phenomenon has taken on unprecedented proportions. In response to the Hamas terrorist attack on Israeli soil, the Israeli military has relentlessly bombarded the Gaza Strip, a 365-square-kilometer territory barely larger than Malta. News coverage in the Gaza Strip has become extremely limited. “When you look at the conflicts around the world … you would usually have the international media on the ground,” said Irene Khan, UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression. “None of them have been allowed access. Or they’re embedded within the IDF.” Only Gazan journalists can report on what is happening in the Gaza Strip. They struggle daily to survive and find places to take refuge. In many cases, their places of work no longer exist. According to the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS), around 70 press organizations, including local radio stations, news agencies, transmission towers, and journalist training institutes, have been partially or completely destroyed since the start of the war. Forbidden Stories has carried out this investigation in collaboration with AFP, Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism, Le Monde, Paper Trail Media and other international media outlets as part of the Gaza Project. Supported by the analyses of experts in ballistics and audio, it illustrates one of the many strategies used by the Israeli military to stifle information in Gaza: the destruction of press infrastructure.
25 June 2024
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reticent-writer · 8 months
Hey! Well, actually, I really like the set of stories about Teen!Reader and Alostor where the reader is classified as an assistant, I would like a story that shows how they met and how they get to the point where they consider him an assistant and their confidence to say him dad? Thank you, I'm sorry if the request was very long. (Writing this I remembered the fight Alastor and Lucifer had over Charlie about who she calls Dad, I felt it would still be a good scenario for indignation)
An: I had a storyboard for this exact thing but its messy and if you don't know me you probably wouldn't understand how my mind works but basically i have ocs for this
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This took a bit longer because it happens before Alastor and reader dies plus I gave reader a family so...... some basic info
Y/n was born into a family that was picture perfect on the outside
father was a factory worker Mother was a dressmaker
Doll House by Melanie Martinez fits them perfectly
Y/n was the middle child of 5
When Y/n was born the eldest (Atticus boy) was 10, Second eldest 6 (Alma girl), Middle child (y/n)
when y/n turned 4 their parents had twins (Giles boy, Gideon boy)
This is a glimpse into my mind. It might not make sense.
Y/n is 10.
Your parents were perfectionists, especially when it came to the public eye. The L/n family was always the center of attention in your little town, deep in Louisiana.
You and your siblings were constantly dressed in Sunday's best.
"Kids make yourselves look presentable. A client is coming soon." Your mother called out from her 'workspace'. kids aren't allowed in there.
"Can't we just stay in our rooms." Atticus complained from his spot on the couch.
"Get. Dressed."
Atticus groaned as he got up to go to his room. On his way, he knocked on your door before opening it.
"You're supposed to wait for a response, Jackass."
"Next time you curse at me I'm poppin' you." He threatened but you knew he wouldn't do anything, "Mom said get dressed, tell Alma."
He closed the door before you could complain. You heard the shuffling of his feet as he ran to his room.
His room was at the end of the hall. the hall was short with 2 doors on each side. Alma was across from you and the twins were next to her.
Right across from your room is Alma's. She's going into her preteen years and started to spend more time in her room. Your mother says she's adjusting to becoming a woman and needs her time alone. She's also becoming very snappy.
You slowly opened your door to stare at hers. You slowly walk into the hallway and up to her door. You knock three time and wait for a responce. She didn't open the door.
"I heard Atticus." Her voice was horse and strained but you believed what your mother told you.
That was all you needed to get yourself ready.
Your mother made all (except for Alma) of you sit in the living room and wait for the client.
*knock knock knock*
"He's here. You better behave." She says before opening the door with a smile only guests see, "Alastor, It's so good to see you again."
"Good to see you to, my dear and my my look at the children. They all seem to be in good health." He greeted all of you with a smile.
"Hello sir." Atticus spoke for all of you.
"You seem to be missing one." Alastor commented, making your mother chuckle.
"She's been feeling under the weather as of late, come along I need to take your measurements. Atticus, Y/n prepare some tea." She ordered.
Alastor and your mother went to her workspace and she shut the door.
That night went smoothly until your father got home. He didn't like the fact that your mother was in her workspace with a man and the door closed, even if he was a client.
It caused fighting -well more than there normally is anyway- between your mother and father. It's always been easy to make your father mad.
It got worse when Alastor took notice of it he came by more often with the excuse of having gifts for you and your siblings.
He gave you a radio to listen to him when he went on air. Atticus was offered a job at the radio station. Alma got a set of jewelry.
This angered your father more and instead of taking it out on Alastor or your mother he took it out on you and your siblings. Atticus tried to protect all of you.
One day your father and Atticus got into a really bad fight and your brother was shot. He didn't make it.
It was around the same time when a horrid smell started coming from Alma's room. Your parents said she caught a fever and no one noticed but you didn't believe them anymore.
From then on you started distancing yourself from your family and growing closer to Alastor.
When you got older (16) you started working with alastor at the radio station. He taught you how to live life without worry.
He treats you like your a person and not just your parent's child.
Your parents treated you like a decoration. Alastor treated you like a child he didn't know he wanted.
You found out he was a murder by accident. You forgot someone at the station late at night and went back to get it to see blood spattered in the talking booth.
At first you thought it was Alastors so you took a gun that the station had in case of emergencies and followed the trail.
Opening the back door you saw Alastor dragging the body. The two of you made eye contact. Your body moved without hesitation and helped him hide the body.
Sadly, there are times a birth parent is a dud.
This is long and not what I usually write but it's been stuck in my head for a while.
A/n: I've decided to cut the twins and make y/n the youngest. I had something for them originally but it's better for just Alma, Atticus and Y/n
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Art by @ghostly-one
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averyfawkes · 1 month
Walking back to your house, in the middle of the night, after you got your heart broken, and wailing like a child is not what I had in mind when I set out for the night. I thought I was finally getting lucky, that it was the day for the bullied highschool gay kid to be loved and appreciated for being in my own skin, but no. Turns out, Patrick and his fellow football jocks made a bet on how quickly he can make me confess my love for him. Patrick asked me out on a date and my gullible ass was just over the moon that my highschool crush finally noticed me.
As I walked my sobbing mess of myself across the road, I looked up at the starry night sky and prayed. Prayed that someday, I won't be as stupid and naive as I am today. That somehow, I can change myself to be able to just say what I want in any situation I am in and be rid of all the overthinking and anxiety that I had in my head. I looked up to the stars and prayed for an out from being pathetic and simple-minded. I waited for a couple of seconds, expecting something, anything that can be considered as a response to my plea, but nothing happened. I laugh as I continue bawling my eyes out. That was the last thing I remember before I felt something struck my head and passed out.
As I came to, I was greeted by a panicking nurse. She immediately ran out of the room as I looked around and found myself stuck in a hospital with multiple cables and hoses stuck into my body. I tried to move but I feel so weak to even lift a finger. All I can feel is this weird rumbling feeling in my stomach and the familiar sensation of a morning wood. I let out a sigh as close my eyes and try to remember what happened that led me in this hospital bed. My name is Avery, 15 years old, gay, and I was punked by a couple of football jocks. I want to cry again from remembering but I'm just too tired and my stomach is rumbling like crazy.
After a few minutes, a doctor and the nurse come into my room and proceed to check on how I feel at the moment. The nurse starts removing the life support connected to me and it feels like shit. I always wonder what deep throating feels like but not like this. As soon as she's done yanking out all the cables and tubes from my body, she hurriedly left my room, leaving the doctor standing beside me. I look up to him and he's quite handsome.
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"So, Avery, again I'm Dr. Hernandez. Just to clear you out on some details, I am required to inform you about some news so I suggest you brace yourself for this." He says with a serious tone. "Can you tell me what year it is?"
"It's 2013, I'm a sophomore in Milton High." I sit up on my bed as I try to brace myself for news despite the intense rumbling in my stomach.
"Unfortunately, you were found unconscious on the road one morning and that was ten years ago. You've been asleep ever since." Dr. Hernandez explains to me as slowly as he can.
"10 years huh?" I ask as I feel my stomach rumble even more.
"Yes, Avery. I know it's a lot to take in. I already contacted your sister to pick you up. I suggest that you take this moment to rest so that we can run another check up on you this afternoon to see if we can let you go." He says as he checks his chart.
"My sister? Where's my mom? I want to talk to my mom!" I replied to Dr. Hernandez as my voice shakes.
"Your sister is your listed emergency contact here but I can try to ask for your mother as well. You should calm down and take it easy. Your body's still weak and you will need an intense rehabilitation in order to recover your strength."
"Calm down? Are you seriously telling me to calm down? 10 years! That's an awful lot of years!! Don't tell me to c-" I exclaim at Dr. Hernandez before I projectile-vomit right into his face.
I feel so embarrassed. Dr. Martinez is now covered with my greenish yellow puke. Before I could even open my mouth to apologize, I felt something throb in my head and everything started shaking. I can see Dr. Martinez in front of me and then suddenly I can see myself shaking on the bed. And then it stopped. I look up to see Dr. Martinez standing in front of me with his eyes white while his mouth is wide open. Slowly, his eyes return to normal as his mouth closes. No traces of my puke all over him.
"Look, Avery, I can never know how you feel right now but all I can say as your doctor is that you need to rest. Your body is extremely fragile after being in a coma for 10 years. It was a miracle that you even recovered and I strongly advise that you see how wonderful that is." Dr. Martinez says before he tidy up his scrub before he walks out of the room like nothing happened.
I was left alone in my room, confused and utterly speechless. What the hell was that? Am I seeing things now? Am I losing my mind? But the rumbling in my stomach is now gone, and so is my boner. But I guess hearing that you've been in a coma for 10 years can really spoil your mood, huh? I let out a sigh and gently lay down on my bed. Everything hurts just by moving around so I guess I should really rest for now. I just hope that Agnes will be here soon with Mom.
Have you ever felt like you've been aware of what's happening around while you're asleep? As if you know you're in a lucid dream but everything just seems so realistic that you think it's not a dream at all? Well, you get the gist of it. I'm not sure how to describe it myself but that's the best way I can describe what's happening right.
"Doc, how did he take it?" Pam asks me as she tries to show off her ass for me.
"As you expected, of course. It's really a miracle that he even woke up. To be honest, I just had a meeting with his family 2 weeks ago about pulling his plug. Mrs. Fawkes wasn't able to pay for the bill last month and I gave them options. I guess Avery is just a fighter, you know?" I answer to Pam while she's definitely batting her lashes at me the whole time.
"Yeah, it should feel so good that one of your patients is better now. Why don't you celebrate that with me in the snug room?" Pam replies as she glided her hand along my hairy arm.
"You're just looking for an excuse now, Pam." I sarcastically say, as I feel my dick getting hard from this exchange.
What the fuck? I'm gay!
I suddenly feel like something inside me just stopped. My dick slowly softens and my body calms down.
"What's the matter, Nick? It'll be quick. I won't tell your wife." Pam whispers as she tiptoes to whisper into my ear.
Fuck! This bitch is horny! I have to get away from her right now.
"Yeah, I have to say no, Pam. Maybe next time." I found myself saying to Pam as I walk away from her, leaving her confused.
I feel tightness in my chest as I go inside a vacant room. I go inside the bathroom and look at the mirror. I open the faucet and wash my face with water to calm my nerves.
"What the hell is wrong with me today? Pam is in the mood and I walked away?" I say to myself as I slam my hand on the sink. I haven't been laid for a week and now that Pam was offering, I walked away? What was I thinking?
I am seeing through his eyes and hearing through his ears. I never noticed how handsome this doctor was before. He's rugged look is kinda turning me on.
"Fuck, I look so hot right now. I bet Pam really wants to ride my dick right now." I realize as I try to say my thoughts using my deep sultry voice.
Forget about her. Women are gross. Men are better. Look at me. I'm a fucking hunk!
I have this sudden urge to evaluate myself. Am I still hot? Am I still attractive? I take off my scrub and polo as I look at my naked torso in the mirror.
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"Fuck yeah, I still look hot. Must be why Pam is getting flirty earlier."
Forget about her. Forget about women. You are not horny for her or any women, you are horny for men. Men like you. You look so hot right now. There are other men who look as hot as you. That's what you want. That's what makes your dick hard.
I can feel my dick getting hard as I continue to stare at my reflection. I feel so hungry with lust and my body starts heating up.
That's right, Nick. You're fucking hot. Your cock is so hard right now. You want to look for another hot man like you. You want to plunge your rock hard cock in his ass and fuck him until you had your fill. You need a tough man who can handle all your energy and vigor.
I thought of potential candidates among my colleagues in the hospital. Maybe Paul from the ICU, he has tight abs. Or Jake from Emergency, rumor says he is flexible in bed. What about Sander Huston, the optometrist? Nick always envies how big Sander's bubble butt is. I feel my hand groping my dick through my pants as I let out a gutteral moan. I can't wait to fuck some ass. I need to fuck right now.
Suddenly, my head cleared up. I lost my train of thought for a moment before I realized what I was doing. My face turns red as I immediately put back my clothes and pretend that I didn't just think about fucking my friends in the ass earlier.
I open my eyes to see Agnes and my mom arguing with each other before they notice that I'm awake. I give them a smile before they both start crying and hugging me. I feel so relieved that they're here now but I can't help but feel sad as I stare at their faces and notice that they're much older than what I remembered. Both of them are so happy to know that I woke up and started telling each other the things that I might need here while I go through the rehabilitation. I just let them do all the planning since I'm far too tired to argue anyway. I want to sleep again in order to have that wonderful dream again.
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pinksturniolo · 6 months
Play Date - A Matt Sturniolo One Shot
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Matt Sturniolo x Fem Reader
You call me on the telephone, you sound so far away
You tell me to come over, there’s some games you want to play
I’m walking to your house, nobody’s home
Just me and you and you and me alone…
Summary: The one in which Matt has been helping you babysit your 5 year old brother for the past couple years. Everyone in Somerville, MA knew him as the sweetest and caring guy, always helping someone when they needed it. However, you and him never got along, always disagreeing on most things. You and him had nothing in common. Well… maybe one thing.
Content Warnings: smut, angst, small age gap, fingering, oral receiving/giving, degradation, raw penetration, sneaking around, matt being a tough guy.
Based on this song: (pls listen it's so good and the lyrics are what inspired this one shot)
a/n: i'm sorry if the age gap makes anyone uncomfortable, everything depicted in this story is purely consensual <3
Winter 2024
You watched as Matt helped untie your little brother’s shoes and unzip his jacket, the two of them coming back in from playing outside. You had stayed inside on the couch, keeping warm while you worked on your English essay, watching them from the living room window. A storm hit soon after New Year’s leaving Boston in a blanket of fresh white snow.
He sets his shoes and jacket down, leading him to the kitchen to make him a cup of juice. Your brother adored Matt, there was no denying he was a great babysitter. A couple years ago, your mom started working out of town every other weekend, leaving you home alone to take care of your brother since your dad left when you were a little girl. 
Your mom had always been a strict parent, so naturally she didn’t trust you to be by yourself the whole weekend given the fact you were only 16 at the time. So, she asked one of her friend’s sons to help, who happened to be Matt Sturniolo.
Matt was trusted by mostly everyone, and your mom had known his mom since high school, so she had no problem with him being at your house. You, however, were extremely against this idea. You and Matt had never gotten along no matter how much you tried. You had known him since elementary school and from the moment you met, he always had an attitude towards you for some reason. Being that you were so stubborn, you didn’t back down from his sourness, and challenged him every chance you got.
He was a couple years ahead of you in school and always brought up the fact that because he was older, that somehow made him better than you. You refused to acknowledge that, butting heads with him constantly. It didn’t help that some of your friends were his friends and each time you guys were around each other, it was a constant competition. Who was better at bowling, who got first place in Mario Kart, who had the best golf swing. It annoyed your friends to no end.
When you were a sophomore, Matt would come over the weekends your mom worked out of town. He stayed during the majority of the day, taking care of your little brother. This also gave you the freedom to attend many of the extracurricular activities you were involved in. You took pride in being the top of your class and captain of the dance team. Matt endlessly teased you about it, calling you a “try hard” and “nerd”.
The time you did spend at home when Matt was there, you tried to avoid arguing with him around your brother. The three of you often went to the park, or got ice cream, never running out of ways to entertain him. The more time you had spent around Matt, it was hard not to develop a little crush. You would never admit it, but you admired the sweet side of him. He was good at taking care of your brother.
And he subtly started to flirt with you, teasing you over silly things, and checking you out when you weren’t looking. There was no doubt he found you attractive. But you frustrated him to no end, given the fact that you were so stubborn and weren’t afraid to voice your opinion when you disagreed with him on something. Matt liked to be in control, but you did as well. Still, he admired how hard working you were and your sensitive nature.
It didn’t take long before raging teenage hormones created sexual tension between you two. The summer before your junior year, stolen glances and accidental touches fueled the fire that had been growing over the years. One night when you were both alone, watching a movie after your brother had fallen asleep, Matt finally made a move on you. He would usually leave at nighttime, going back home to sleep so he could come back the next day and help you. But he decided to stay and finish the movie with you.
It had been a particularly good Saturday, and you had looked especially pretty that day. He couldn’t stop staring at you and when you asked him what he was looking at, he pressed his lips to yours, igniting a flame in you that you just couldn’t put out.
From that night on, you two snuck around every chance you got, whenever your brother wasn’t around or asleep, almost every weekend up until Matt graduated.
Making out on the couch until his hands found his way into your shorts and under your shirt, eliciting sweet moans from you while he thrust his fingers deep inside you. Pushing him up against the wall in the hallway as you got on your knees and took him into your mouth, his hands tangled in your hair, pulling and grunting until he came down your throat. A couple times, he even spent the night in your bed, using his mouth, hands and cock to make you cum over and over, in every different position.
As much as you both enjoyed the pleasure and excitement, there still was no denying the fact that you two despised each other. Maybe that hate was what fueled the passion between you two in the bedroom, but outside of that, you both never ceased the petty arguing. No matter the deep feelings you had for each other buried inside, it would never go past the sexual relationship you guys had built. Simple as that.
Once Matt graduated and started working in the adult world, he still took the time to keep his baby-sitting duties which you were grateful for, because at this point, you had started throwing yourself more into your schoolwork. You were applying for all the universities you could and taking extra shifts at Star Market you were working at part time. And then it came time for you to graduate, and you went off to college that fall, a few hours from Somerville. You had lost contact with Matt, neither of you taking the time or effort to reach out to each other.
Now it was early January, and you were on winter break. You had come back home to visit and spent some time with your mom before she left on her work trip. Matt came over to help with your brother of course and this was the first time you had seen him since you graduated high school almost a year ago. He was now 20 years old, had let his beard grow out a little, and gotten several tattoos on his left arm.
Was it possible for him to get even more attractive than he already was back then? But you promised yourself you wouldn’t give into your past desires. You had too much to focus on and even though you were on break, you had an important English essay to finish. Besides, Matt had the worst attitude ever as soon as he saw you, making it easier for you to avoid him.
He was currently burning a hole into you with his pointed looks, glaring at you from across the room as your brother sat next to him, playing with his action figures.
You looked up at him from your computer, returning his dirty look. “Can I help you with something, Matthew?” You asked, knowing he hated it whenever you used his full name.
“Aren’t you supposed to be on break? Don’t you do anything for fun?” He said, referring to the fact that you had been typing away on your computer for the last hour.
You rolled your eyes, focusing your attention back on the computer. “Aren’t you supposed to mind your own business?” You responded.
He scoffed, running a hand through his hair. “I don’t really care what you do. I’m just tired of listening to your incessant typing.” He said with annoyance.
You ignored him, continuing to work on your essay while he continued to stare at you. You tried to focus but his piercing gaze distracted you. He sighed loudly and finally you slammed your computer shut, anger bubbling inside you.
“Fine. It’s not like I can focus with you acting like that anyway.” You snap, standing up to walk to the kitchen and get a glass of water.
To your annoyance, he follows you, leaning against the counter as you fill the glass and take a few sips. “Did you miss me, angel?” He says and you almost choke on the water, laughing as you set the glass down. “Don’t be ridiculous.” You reply, turning to face him. His eyes travel up and down your body, no shame in the way he checks you out.
“You still look hot. Brings back memories of when I had you all to myself-“He starts, a mischievous grin appearing on his face. You interrupt him though, grabbing his jaw a little roughly, smushing his lip together to prevent him from continuing whatever dirty thoughts he was going to say.
“Let’s get one thing clear, Matt. I came home to spend time with my brother, not to be bothered by you. Whatever you think we had in the past, you can forget about it. That will never be happening again.” You say sternly and let go of his face. He rubs his jaw and a dark look forms in his eyes as he leans down to whisper in your ear. “If you ever fucking grab me like that again, I’ll make sure you remember who’s really in control here. Don’t make me mad, Y/N.”
He then stalks off to the living room, leaving you there in shock, chills running through your body, a slight throb starting to ache in your core from just his words alone. Fuck. This was going to be harder than you thought.
After Matt left that night, you couldn’t help but let his words replay, memories from when he used to have his way with you cycling through your head. You just couldn’t deny your attraction to him no matter how much he infuriated you. You felt yourself growing wetter by the second as you thought about his voice, his large hands, what it would feel like to have his face between your legs again, his beard scratching against the inside of your thighs. Your fingers slipped inside your underwear, feeling the slickness there, circling your clit as you moaned out his name.
You couldn’t take it anymore. You grabbed your phone, calling Matt. He picked up on the first ring as if he somehow knew you needed him. “Hello?” He answered, his deep voice rumbling through the other end. “Matt…” You breathed out. “I need you.”
His cock immediately hardened at hearing your needy voice, knowing you well enough to know exactly how you needed him. “Be there in 5.” He replied, hanging up the phone and grabbing his jacket. Luckily, your house was 2 blocks from his and he walked in the cold, heart racing as he reached your bedroom window, lightly tapping.
You let him in, your mouths instantly connecting, tongues tangling and teeth clashing. You kissed each other hungrily, wasting no time removing your clothes and his as you laid on your bed. He put his hands all over your body, kissing every inch he could as you whimpered his name. “Please Matt, I can’t wait any longer.” You said, the need to feel him inside you overwhelming.
He hummed in fake empathy, pulling you roughly by your hips, wrapping your legs around his lower back and lining his cock up with your entrance. “Listen to how pathetic you sound. So needy for my cock already, angel?” He said, slicking it up and down slowly through your wetness, teasing you.
“Yes, please, please…” You responded, not bothering to fight his dominance. You were too turned on to care. He smirked at this, giving in and pushing himself inside you, no resistance from how wet you were. “Fuuuckk…” He groaned, head falling down, arms resting on either side of your head as he thrust into you at a good pace, uttering filthy words in your ear. “You feel so fucking good. Better than I remember baby.”
You moan loudly as he picks up his pace, his hips slamming into you over and over, your tits bouncing in his face as he leans down to suck on them and squeeze them in his hands. “Don’t stop Matt.” You breathe out, and he has no intentions of doing so, eager to get you to your climax. “I’m gonna cum soon.” You say and he looks up at you, shaking his head. “Not until I say so.” He warns, coming back up from your chest and wrapping a strong hand around your throat, squeezing slightly.
He grinds against you for a few minutes before you can barely take it, ready to beg him for what you need. “Pleaseee Matt. It feels so good.” You cry, making him almost bust inside of you.
He starts rubbing fast circles on your clit, pounding into you at a relentless pace. You bite your lip to keep from screaming, your eyes rolled into the back of your head in a state of bliss. “You gonna be a good girl and cum on my cock?” He asks, his other hand gripping your thigh, leaving bruises.
“Yes! Oh my god, yes.” You yell. “Go ahead baby, cum for me.” He says, granting you the permission to release your juices all over him and he moans loudly feeling you clench around him. He’s not finished with you yet though as he pulls out of you and suddenly flips you around before you have time to catch your breath.
He pulls your hips up, so your ass is in the air and spreads your legs with his knee, putting his hands on your lower back. “I’m not done yet, angel.” He says pushing himself into you again. You cry out from how sensitive you are, burying your face in your pillow. “Fuck, Matt.” You whimper and he thrusts into you at a fast pace again, the sounds of skin clapping together and wet sounds filling the room.
You feel pleasure building in you again and Matt takes a fistful of your hair, pulling it, making you moan with pleasure. You feel tears form in your eyes, another orgasm approaching from the way Matt is pounding into you, hitting your g spot repeatedly. “Matt...” You whimper, unable to say much else from overstimulation. “You can take it, baby. Ahhh, You’re such a good girl- fuck. I know you can cum for me again.” He says in between shaky breaths, feeling himself get close as well.
You cum again, crying out his name, your head slumping into your pillow as he lets go of your hair, squeezing your ass harshly as his hips stutter and he releases into you. You feel his warm load paint your walls and then he finally pulls out, both of you out of breath and he collapses down next to you.
“You okay?” He asks, a hand coming up to brush your hair from your face, seeing how fucked out you are. “More than.” You reply, with a small smile on your lips. He smiles back and wraps an arm around you as you lay on his chest, both of you quickly drifting to sleep.
The next morning when you wake, Matt is gone. You feel a slight emptiness in your chest but ignore it as you get up and get ready for the day. The weekend is over, and your mom will be home soon. You have lots of plans for the upcoming week and don’t have time to think about all the feelings he has seemed to stir up from the past.
However, you get a call from her shortly, guilt in her voice when she tells you about an unexpected extension in her work trip came up and she’ll have to stay another week. You’re disappointed but you understand it’s important to her and now that you’re an adult, she’s okay with you staying home with your brother alone.
So, it’s a surprise to you when Matt shows up a couple days later, not even bothering to knock on the front door as he saunters in. You and your brother were sat on the couch, watching TV after lunch. “What’s up.” He says nonchalantly, sitting next to you. Your brother immediately jumps up in excitement, going over to him. “Matty!!” He says, a cute smile on his face. “Hey, buddy.” He says back, ruffling a hand playfully through his hair.
You ignore how insanely cute the interaction is, scoffing in annoyance. “Have you ever heard of knocking?” You say in aggravation, Matt losing the smile as he looks at you. “You should probably lock that door more often. It’s not safe. Which is why I came over to make sure things are good over here. I overheard my mom talking to your mom about how she’s still stuck in Aspen on her work trip.” He responds. You simply roll your eyes and sigh, not bothering to argue with him.
“Whatever. Come on, baby. It’s time for your nap.” You tell your brother, and he gives Matt a hug before you take him to his room, reading him his favorite book as he falls to sleep.
You close his door with a soft click, walking over to the kitchen table so you can sit and work on your essay some more. Matt’s already there, reading what you’ve typed on the screen.
“Excuse me! What are you doing.” You scold, ripping the computer out of his hands.
He laughs, leaning back in his chair next to you. “Not too bad, Y/N. I knew you were a nerd, but I didn’t know you were that smart.” He teases.
“You’re insufferable.” You reply, ignoring him as you continue typing.
“Hmm, I beg to differ. That’s not what you were saying when I had your legs shaking-“ Before he can finish, you pinch his thigh through his jeans, making him yelp.
“Don’t be a jerk, Matty. We both know that night was a mistake.” You say, and he furrows his brows in pain, his eyes closing and breathes through his nose.
Then he grabs your hand from his thigh, placing it back on your leg and rests his arm on the back of your chair while he leans in closer to you.
“What did I tell you before, hm? Do you need to me to put you in your place again?” He says, the blazing look in his eyes making you squirm in your seat.
You look back to your computer, attempting to focus as he traces circles on your bare thigh with his fingers. “Matt. Stop.” You say, trying to sound stern despite the butterflies that form in your stomach.
“Why?” He replies, moving his hand farther up your skirt.
You grit your teeth, swallowing hard. “Because… I’m trying to study.” You say weakly now. Why the fuck couldn’t you control yourself around him?
“You sure about that?” He whispers now, voice filled with desire. His hand is completely disappeared underneath your skirt now, his fingertips soft as he presses them to your clit, a wet spot forming in your panties.
You sigh in desperation, Matt satisfied with the fact that he has you wrapped around his finger.
His lips ghost across your neck and he places a soft kiss beneath your ear, making you moan aloud.
“Just say the words and I’m yours, angel…” He rasps, his dick throbbing in his pants.
You suddenly snap out of it, pushing his hand away and abruptly stand up from your chair. He was not going to continue to just have his way with you.  “If you’re not going to allow me to study in peace, then you can leave.” You say harshly, leaving the kitchen.
You storm down the hallway to your room, Matt following closely behind. “Stop following me!” You whisper yell, trying to be quiet as your brother is asleep in his room. You reach your door, attempting to slam it in his face when he puts his arm out, stopping the door before you can. He has an annoying smirk on his face when you turn to glare at him. “What’s got your panties in a twist?” He says, making you roll your eyes.
“You’re a disgusting pervert.” You sneer at him, referring to moments earlier when had a hand up your skirt.
“Don’t act like you don’t like it.” He responded, the smug smirk on his face growing wider. “Don’t act like that’s the first time I’ve touched you… Like I didn’t just have you begging me to let you cum the other night.” He added, leaning closer to you, a dangerous look in his eyes.
You scoffed, pushing him away from you by his chest. “I don’t recall anything like that ever happening.” You say with disgust in your voice. You both knew you were lying, of course. But you had done your best to try and forget your momentary weakness that night.
“Why don’t I jog your memory then?” He speaks lowly, moving closer again, forcing you to walk backwards further into your room, closing the door behind him and locking it. Your heart races and thighs clench together, that stupid smirk still on his face as he wraps one hand around your throat, the other harshly gripping your waist and smashes his lips to yours.
You melt into his kiss, his grip on your throat making your pussy throb. “Stop being such a brat.” He says, backing you up against the wall of your bedroom. He removes his hand from your throat and trails it down to the hem of your shirt pulling it off you and then ripping your skirt down your legs once again leaving you in just your bra and panties. “But I love the reaction it gets out of you.” You say breathlessly, knowing he was only going to punish you the more you talked.
He attacks your neck with wet kisses, sucking and biting all the sweet spots he knew you loved, lustful moans leaving your mouth. He suddenly drops to his knees, ripping your favorite lace thong off you.
“Matt!” You speak. “What the hell?” You were definitely making him buy you a brand-new pair later.
“Shut up.” He simply replies taking one leg and wrapping it around his shoulder, burying his face in your cunt. “Oh fuck.” You groan, tossing your head back against the wall as pushes his tongue inside you. His hands keep a firm grip on your waist as he continues to fuck you with his warm, strong tongue, only pulling out to kiss and suck on your clit, driving you to the edge.
It doesn’t take long for you to cum, the sight of Matt willingly on his knees for you, his blue eyes staring up at you.
Once you finish, Matt stands up, ready to throw you on the bed and continue to have his way with you but you decide it’s time for you to take some control.
You push him onto the bed before he can say anything, and climb on as well, the look on his face priceless.
“Take off your jeans and your shirt. Now.” You demand, sitting on your knees in front of him, while he leans back against your pillows. He does so without any protest surprisingly, and once he’s left in just his boxers, you lean down, your ass arched in the air, and pull them off. His dick springs out, slapping his stomach and you grab it, taking him into your mouth. He groans loudly, putting a hand in your hair but you push it away, removing your mouth from him with a pop. “No touching.” You say, looking up at him seriously.
He smirks at you, raising both his hands in the air. “Yes mam.”
Satisfied with this, you lower your head down again, fitting as much of him in your mouth as you can, jerking the rest, and bobbing your head. The sounds he makes get you even wetter, and you moan around him, letting him brush the back of your throat. “Fuck, baby, you’re doing so good.” He coos, gripping your sheets as you prohibited him from touching you.
He slowly bucks up into your mouth as you take him deeper and deeper into your throat, one of your hands now resting on his thigh and the other grabbing his balls. You know he won’t last long like this and before you can make him cum, he grabs your shoulders, pulling you up to sit on him.
“Come here, angel. I want you to ride me.” He says and you straddle him, sinking down on his cock. You both moan out at the feeling, and you start to bounce on it, putting your hands in his hair and tugging.
He guides your hips, helping you ride him, the air in the room now hot and thick.
“Look at you, so fucking needy. You just can’t get enough, can you baby?” he says, groaning as he watches himself slip in and out of you.
The feeling of him deep in your guts has you back in your submissive state, just nodding at his words, moaning his name. “Yes Matt.”
“Mm, shit, you look so beautiful, dumb for my cock like this.” He continues, knowing exactly what to say to bring you to that edge again. His fingertips dig into your hips, the pain mixing with the pleasure.
You lean your head against his shoulder, starting to get tired but still chasing that high.
You puff hot breaths against his neck, lazily leaving sloppy kisses.
“Want Daddy to help you, honey? Want me to make you cum on my dick again?” He rasps and all you can manage is a whine and nod against him. “Please.”
That’s all he needs to hear before he starts bucking his hips up, slapping against you roughly and you scream out, the grip in his hair becoming tighter. He’s so deep inside you at this angle, the pressure is almost overwhelming, and you can do nothing but take it, whimpering his name over and over again.
You reach your orgasm, cumming all over him and he finishes soon after you, biting into your shoulder as he does. He holds you for a little, both of you catching your breath, before you climb off of him.
You lay next to him while he rubs a hand up and down your legs, tracing small circles on your hip.
“You know, if this is how the rest of the week goes while you’re here, I won’t complain.” You joke and this makes him laugh, pulling you closer to him.
“Don’t worry angel… I’ll help you finish that essay too.” He says, pressing a kiss to your forehead before you both fall asleep.
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ybklix · 5 months
𝐒𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐜𝐮𝐩 ♡ 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐥 ₊⊹
CRY BABY .♡⊹ (( bang chan )) mdni ♡ part two ♡
3: sippy cup ((word count: 6k)) 4: carousel ((word count: 4.1k))
THREE: sippy cup
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blood still stains when the sheets are washed, sex don't sleep when the lights are off ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
After his first day of work at the university, Chris visited his family all afternoon and called Leah to ask if she could come to her place to get ready, as he wanted to surprise her by spending the rest of the evening together. It had been a pleasant afternoon; he mentioned to his family that they could visit him whenever they wanted, he was finally home.
When he returned to his newly decorated home, he happened to glance at the house next door, which reminded him of his young neighbor, who was now also his student... and if coincidences weren't enough, she would now be his apprentice, and they would spend extra time together outside of school hours. Chris remembered the girl, shorter than him with innocent round eyes. He almost wanted to laugh at how much they had to encounter each other; he had never seen her before, and suddenly she was everywhere, in the most casual aspects of his life.
He still had some time, so he decided to prepare for their first class together; he didn't want to overwhelm her on their first meeting, so he opted to get to know her better academically. He wanted to know what she was made of, her technique, her favorite compositions... although deep down, he had to admit that maybe it would be doubly beneficial because he really did want to get to know her; he wondered about her... in her emotional personality, which somehow must be reflected in her favorite music to play; Chris could almost imagine the delicacy with which her fingers travel across the piano, in a way she was so easy to read, and at the same time there was something complicated about her.
His first impression of her was, a pretty girl, with a shy but hidden personality; seeing her at such a vulnerable point the night before, breaking down in tears, made him recognize her artistic roots. But he could be mistaken; perhaps there was something bold in her that he hadn't yet discovered, artistically speaking, or at least that's what he wanted to convince himself in his deepest thoughts.
As he entered his freshly decorated home, he could already breathe the fresh air of a newly remodeled and decorated interior; he quickly took a tour, analyzing every detail, it had turned out, perhaps, better than he had thought. The perfect combination of dark brown and white colors, and the arrangement of plants, the design of his small terrace seemed simply incredible; he had been in touch with the agency for hours and only a few details remained to complete his studio entirely. He couldn't be happier at that moment, all that was left, was to close with the perfect night with Leah and he’d wake up in the morning with a big smile.
As he climbed the stairs to his room, he remembered the small detail of notifying to change his belongings to the room that was in the opposite direction of the Burton's to avoid any misunderstandings, especially when it came to his student, no matter that she was a university student. He sighed, thinking... did he really want to move? He had chosen that room even before knowing who was in front of it, it was the largest with its own spacious bathroom, in other words, it was the master bedroom, so to simply waste it seemed pointless. Once inside, he headed to his bathroom; he had to be ready for whatever might happen during the night with his girlfriend, as he had booked a rather nice place with a view of the coast, however, he was willing to do whatever she wished.
Chris emerged from his bathroom after a few minutes, covering himself from the waist down with just a towel, this time he was grateful that the curtains, dark enough, obstructed his window. So he began to get ready, wearing light blue jeans with a simple white shirt that he would cover with his leather jacket and some comfortable white shoes. He was waiting for Leah's confirmation, so he grabbed his laptop without thinking, slid the curtains open letting in natural light and went down to his studio, observing to his right all the equipment and bar to work, to his left a sofa and in front of him the studio with his microphone and transparent glasses; the walls were decorated with random discs from artists and the low lighting was strangely comforting; he could already feel the hours he was going to lose himself there working. Chris checked emails and some things he needed to invest time in soon, as and he tried to rearrange his old lifestyle to his new one, like going to a good gym and having a perfectly detailed schedule. He checked the time once more and decided it was necessary to leave before traffic held him up; he still hadn't received a message from Leah confirming that he could pick her up, but he knew her so well, he knew that at this point she was already at her home taking her time to dress and put on makeup, so Chris took the opportunity to buy her a nice bouquet of flowers. He made a little more time when he arrived at his girlfriend's apartment, pressed the button for her apartment number, and informed her that he was there.
“Oh, Channie, come in, I'm almost ready” an impatient Leah's voice came from the intercom.
Chris smiled, feeling tender at his partner's sudden tone. The doorman let him in at Leah's indication, and Chris took the opportunity to take a look around, it had been months since he had been to his girlfriend's apartment, everything was exactly the same, yet it was one of those excellent buildings in the city, it made him proud that after her long work, she could enjoy living in the place she liked. The elevator took him to the hallway of her apartment, where, before ringing the doorbell, a smiling Leah opened the door hurriedly. She leaned in and gave him a quick kiss, which surprised Chris a little.
“I'm almost ready, really” she said hurriedly as she touched her hair with a little desperation.
“Okay, I'll wait.”
His girlfriend gave him a warm smile in response and turned to head to her room where she would make her final makeup touches. Chris examined her from top to bottom once she turned around, and he couldn't help but lightly bite his lip at how snugly and perfectly her short black denim skirt fit her, along with her sleeveless white top, low-heeled shoes, and gold jewelry, she seemed ready, yet she practically ran to her room to complete her look.
Chris entered slowly, almost hesitating, as expected, the apartment was very well organized and tidy, all decorated very much in her style. He sat on her soft white sofa in the living room, looking around, enjoying being in the company of his great love, but when he looked down, something caught his attention quite a bit, and his small smile slowly faded and a puzzled frown appeared on his face as he noticed a dark navy blue tie on the nightstand. Slowly, he picked it up, looking at it with so much confusion...
“We can leave now” her voice came from behind him.
Leah came out of her room, touching her earlobe, giving her earrings a final inspection, when, in front of her, she saw her boyfriend holding the tie that was lying in the living room with confusion. Before he could say anything, she hurried to speak, nervously.
“Oh, I was about to give it to you as a gift, but I couldn’t find the perfect box” Leah said, releasing a nervous laugh as she circled the couch, stopping a few meters away from Chris.
He finally lifted his gaze to his girlfriend, still confused and somewhat puzzled by the sudden situation.
“A tie… you know it was never my style” Chris remarked.
“I know, but I thought it would look good now with your job” she replied, sitting down and sliding closer to him, snatching the garment from his hand. “But I’ll return it; I’ll buy something more your style”.
Chris looked at her puzzled, but Leah got up so quickly that she didn’t even hear her boyfriend say, “If it was a gift meant for me, it’s okay, honey, I didn’t mean it like that.”
Chris was so disoriented that he didn’t know the current reason for her reaction. Leah approached him from behind the sofa, leaning in and taking his forearm sweetly.
“It’s okay, really, I’ll get you something else, okay? Can we go now?” Leah said, her face close to Chris’s, watching his expressions closely.
He sighed and got up from the sofa. He decided not to dwell on the strange interaction from moments ago and to believe firmly in the love of his life, or at least that’s what he thought.
Leah held his hand the whole time, walking by his left side until they reached his car. Chris opened the door, and she immediately noticed the large bouquet of pink and white flowers inside, along with the note handwritten by her boyfriend, ‘For Leah, I’m happy to be with you.’ She looked at him with tenderness and excitement once he got into the vehicle.
“Aw, Chan, thank you” she said, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.
During the ride, she talked about her day at the office, her friends’s upcoming birthdays, her sister’s possible engagement, and her mother wanting him to visit. In turn, Chris updated her on his life, his quick visit to his parent’s house, and the suggestion that they could go on a weekend trip soon. He would take care of everything, and Leah just had to be there with her pretty clothes. He also mentioned that he would be mentoring his first student.
“That sounds interesting, what are you supposed to do?” she asked.
Leah felt a sudden interest, because when she received that information from her boyfriend, she immediately assumed that it meant extra hours of his life and day dedicated to a stranger, simply to someone other than her; she loved that Chris adored her, she thought maybe that the stranger could captivate him so much with their talent that even Chris came to adore them; she knew him well, he was like that, he fell so fast even if he hid himself with that serious man look, she knew very well that Chris could be too kind and soft. But in spite of that, Leah recognized that the main reason for her uneasiness was her worst nightmare, that it was about a pretty, young, naïve and talented college girl. She couldn't bear to even think of her man spending time alone with another pretty, smart girl, he might have it all to capture his attention.
Leah squinted, waiting to hear him attentively.
“Honestly, I’m not even sure,” he replied “I guess it’s about rehearsing and motive her…”
Oh no, there was her problem. She cut off the dialogue immediately.
“Motivate her?” she exclaimed incredulously “Is it a girl?”
Chris turned to look at her with a mocking smile, unable to believe she was getting jealous. Her expression said it all. Suddenly he felt insecure about answering.
“Is she pretty?” she asked, a little calmer and playing along with the conversation.
Chris pictured Celeste in his mind. Yes. But he couldn’t say it, at least, for some strange reason, he couldn’t admit it out loud, not even in a playful way for a fun conversation where he could laugh at her little jealousies seconds later.
Although they had never been that type of couple where there was uncertainty, and they were always one hundred percent honest in the slightest aspect, or at least that’s what they believed over two years of their relationship, he simply didn’t respond, and thought for a few more seconds about the silhouette of his student standing in front of his desk, smiling at him.
Leah wasn’t even that angry, she wanted to play along with the situation, but the sudden silence and disappearance of her boyfriend’s smile surprised her quite a bit.
“Oh my god, Christopher Bang, that silence was so long, fuck, is she really that beautiful?”
Leah let out a little laugh, even if she wanted to be jealous, she knew deep down that in a way, Chris was teasing her and there was nothing to worry about.
Chris smiled at her playful comment and snapped out of his little trance. He hadn’t even realized that he didn’t respond, forgetting the question or even why he was thinking about Celeste in the first place.
“It's kinda silly, you don't have to worry” he said seriously in a soft tone.
“I know. But every girl's fantasy at some point is to hook up with her hot teacher.”
Chris raised his eyebrows in surprise at the sudden comment, chuckled, and licked his lips.
“Did you ever have that fantasy?” he continued teasingly.
“I would have if there were a teacher who looks like you” Chris laughed again. “Seriously, the University of Sydney used to have old professors with years of academic excellence, what happened? Suddenly hiring hot teachers who aren't even in their thirties” she added mockingly.
In a situation like this, where Leah showed a hint of jealousy, Chris would remind her that she's his, and he's hers; but this time he didn't feel it necessary, he just laughed at her amusing comments.
A couple of hours later, after their long-awaited evening, which she was so excited about, a couple of cocktails, and the natural flow of conversation they could both have for hours, Chris and Leah decided to take a stroll around the area, where, a few kilometers away, there was the beach. Chris missed it so much, almost as much as he missed his girlfriend when they were apart. The cool breeze and the characteristic smell of the sea; most people residing in Sydney were so accustomed to it that sometimes, they forgot the simple beauty of being there.
“We should have a date at the beach, when was our last date?” his girlfriend mentioned, linked to his arm.
Chris lowered his gaze to see her with a big smile and instantly realized she must be cold so he hurried to take off his jacket and gave it to her, Leah put it on giving him a strange and adorable grimace.
“Mmm, on your birthday in February?” he replied.
“Whoa, four months ago.”
“Don't worry” Chris said with a small smile “I'll plan it, just confirm your available times.”
“Ugh, do I really have to schedule a date to have a date with my boyfriend” she said amused, looking up at him.
“I guess that's how it works now.”
They were both there for another half-hour, they would have loved to sit down but Leah's short skirt felt uncomfortable in the sand, however, before leaving completely, Chris had to kiss her under the moonlight, feeling his feet light and sinking into the sand; so as a surprise, he took her by the waist and pulled her towards him while with the other hand he gently stroked her cheek and removed a loose strand of hair flying in the wind; she immediately knew what was coming, so they both kissed slowly, the act was so sweet that she had to place her arms around his shoulders for more drama and cliché.
After a couple of minutes, the alcohol took effect on Leah's body, she was a bit tipsy but still alert and conscious, nevertheless, she took advantage of the situation to whisper in her boyfriend's ear to take her to his place, the alcohol in her made her too excited. Chris couldn't help but smile and drive to his new address while thinking of all the ways to make Leah twenty times happier.
Upon arriving and parking his car, Chris heard almost inaudible shouts of argument coming from the front of his young neighbor's house. He frowned with curiosity, wondering what suddenly caused that, but Leah seemed not to care, and with clumsy steps walked to Chris's entrance, he reacted within seconds and helped her instantly.
As soon as they entered and Leah pounced on him, not even giving him time to take off his shoes at the entrance; she kissed him hard and hungrily; Chris recognized the intensity and agility of her movements that he could deduce that Leah wasn't all that drunk, she was just being naughty looking for an excuse to be wild. That suddenly turned him on so much that he forgot why he was worried just seconds ago. Chris followed Leah's kiss and held her ass tightly, lifting her up a little so he could finally carry her, Leah understood instantly and wrapped her legs around his waist. With nothing but intense desire for each other, Chris carried her up the stairs to his room. He turned on the switch lights in the entryway with a sharp flick, tonight he wanted the perfect, full view of his girlfriend at all angles, darkness wasn't enough. Chris held Leah's jaw tightly almost in an order for her to stop with her rough kisses and looked down at her with a cocky smile, her gaze was so docile and she seemed to already be a mess when he hadn't even started, that turned him on so much, just as it did her when he took control, he examined her for a few seconds and brought his lips closer to hers, now entangled in a slower, playful kiss that included the exquisite total control of his tongue against hers. Leah's little moans and gasps between the kiss made him get harder and harder.
He sat Leah on his bed; her needy gaze and the friction of her bare legs, he was more than ready to make her his but he couldn't help but think about the damn open curtains, he wasn't about to give his young pupil a pornographic show, so in a quick jump he was already simply about to slide them back until once again, the sight of his neighbor caught his attention, this time she was seen at the side of her bed; in darkness, illuminated only by the lamp on the cabinet next to her bed and by the small burst of light that crept from his room into hers. Chris watched her left profile, restless, taking irregular breaths, head down, crying; she seemed to be having an episode of anxiety so suddenly everything in him seemed to alter as well.
“Chrisss” his girlfriend called lustily, “undress me.”
The man slipped the fabric off quickly and turned almost perplexed to his girlfriend. He thought, he had nothing to worry about and had to concentrate on fucking his girlfriend very well, so he returned to her, standing in front of her, who looked him up and down with desire, biting her lip; Leah had removed his jacket and to Chris's surprise, she had also removed her underwear, leaving it guiltily to one side of her; he watched her, denying softly, running his tongue along the inside of her cheeks with a smug smile plastered on his face.
Chris leaned down to face her face, which he squeezed with moderate force with his long fingers, pulling her closer to him, feeling her hot breath.
“And who gave you permission to take off your underwear?”
He told her in a rough voice, Leah was perplexed and absolutely aroused, she couldn't resist it anymore, the thought of boyfriend's glorious cock pounding her over and over again, fucking her hard.
Chris squatted down right in front of her needy pussy, she parted her legs and lifted up her skirt, contemplating her wet pussy completely and a little drop sliding down inside her crotch, Chris wanted to go crazy, was she really this wet? He moistened his lips and smiled slightly mischievously, he locked his gaze with Leah's and finely touched the length of her throbbing labia with the pad of his index finger, Leah was elated at the touch and her boyfriend's smile grew as big as the erection trapped in his tight jeans.
“Leah, honey, you're already a mess and I haven't even started.”
She said nothing. Chris noticed the irregularity of her breathing increasing and knew she could cum at any moment; however Leah was too proud to play along and beg her boyfriend to take her and fuck her at once, she only begged him when she was in the act and preferred to always find out what kind of play he decided for her or rather, her kind of fun for him, playing with her.
Chris laughed letting out air, thinking that if this was how it would be, without her speaking, so a little roughly, he pressed her clit and opened her labia a little, stimulating them, causing her to release a choked moan.
“Start undressing for me, sweetheart” he ordered her.
She was almost trembling with excitement and awkwardly managed to strip off her clothes. Chris was so excited to see her beloved's body, he stared at her breasts while a myriad of dirty thoughts came to his mind, now it was about Chris's throbbing sex that was crying out to be released and touched; yet he continued to lubricate all over Leah's throbbing area and without warning, he inserted his two elongated middle fingers into her wet center, fucking her, slowly and torturously, when both are totally lost in desire, Leah can painfully but pleasurably endure up to four fingers inside, but he felt that just now two were just right. Leah leaned back slightly propping herself up on her elbows as she gasped ecstatically, closing her eyes tightly and letting her head fall back at her boyfriend's movements in her; Chris enjoyed every second of her body contracting, trying to regain its composure, yet Leah was so lost and aroused. Leah's belly was rising and falling violently and when Chris could sense her climax, he stopped; he knew perfectly well that this caused her enormous displeasure, but he wanted to save her ready, dilated pussy for his hard cock.
He stood up and pulled off his shirt quickly, desperate for the hot perspiration on his back; Leah excitedly saw the exposed bulge in his pants and her mouth began to salivate just looking at it, no matter how many times she had seen it, it never fails to surprise her; she felt that somehow she had waited long enough, she needed him now.
Meanwhile, when some were having wonderful sex on a Monday night, just yards away, Celeste found herself having an episode of anxiety and depression; she was so restless she couldn't breathe, her head felt more and more throbbing, her vision was blurring and heavy, slippery tears kept coming and her heartbeat seemed stronger than her frail body. She felt like she could die at any moment, but that was not the way she wanted to die, much less for a stupid reason that was out of her hands. She tried to calm down, it was so hard for her to do so; she wanted to tear her clothes but she tried her best to think that everything will pass, she has to catch her breath….
After disturbing minutes that seemed like hours to her, with her fists tightly clenched and her nails digging into the palms of her hands as she suddenly rubbed her thighs against the friction of the denim of her pants… little by little, she was able to recover herself. She lay down on her bed, returning to her normal state, as perfectly as possible, so she stared up at her ceiling for another few minutes, thinking about everything and at the same time… about nothing, feeling an emptiness that encompassed everything inside her. Again, tears slipped down her face, wetting her hair.
In her desperate act she sat up, facing the view in front of her, seeing only the dark curtain of her teacher. Celeste thought she needed fresh air, away from the radar of her home, so without thinking she left her room, almost running to get out of her home; heading with hurried steps towards her usual refuge, the local park. She knew it was late, but that didn't matter to her, it was something she had been doing for almost nine years now.
She didn't understand why the day had to end in a certain lousy way. She had been happy the rest of her hours, she thought of the little things that made her believe there was some joy in it, spending time together with Hyunjin, having to see her teacher, who was her new neighbor, and found a little attractive, worthy of having a term she had so far only read around, as it is, a slight crush on him, just to live in the fantasy of finally feeling something different; a good day at her job, progress in her school work… arriving after her working hours home and, innocently, leaving her curtain open… only for it all to end when, a little after 10 p.m., Celeste spotted the light of her father's car entering the short sidewalk leading to the garage, all from her window, looking down; normally she doesn't pay attention to anything her father does…but the way he almost ran over the bushes planted near the sidewalk, and the diagonal line in which he parked the car, somehow altered her senses and without thinking, she was already outside.
He had arrived drunk and she was so worried because her mother hadn't ingested alcohol all day —or at least that's what her brother told her—, the best option was for him to disappear from everyone's sight, but Celeste didn't know how to communicate with him that they ended up having an argument, him claiming she always wanted to get rid of him; playing the victim telling her that he tried everything and doesn't know what else to do to get her to go back to simply being his daughter, at the noise, her mother joined them; Celeste already stressed out went back to feeling repressed again in her high school years when she had nothing but a little brother to take care of and protect like a mother when that was not her duty.
The stress turned to anguish and culminated in anxiety as she felt the old feeling from the past again… the horrible feeling of trying everything and getting nothing in return. She felt horribly trapped. She really did the best she could, instead of looking for dresses for a silly but crucial event for a young girl like a school dance, she spent her time looking for the best therapies and rehabilitation for her mother. And she recognized so fucking well that she needed therapy, but she had the stupid idea that it would be no different than what she already knew: deep breathing, inhale, exhale; forgive and forget, distract yourself and relieve your stress and anxieties in a way; she believed that it wouldn't change the main thing about the problem: her parents, because even if she changed, they would still be the same; with the ability to always make her feel bad. And she believed there wasn't or was the reason for an intervention, it wasn't something to call the police for, it was just a harmless alcoholic mother with an obsessive compulsive disorder for cleanliness and tidiness of the home, and a jerk of a father.
She hated to worry and get too involved, but after twenty years, she had to accept that maybe that's just the way she is. Celeste sat on a park bench, pressing her hands on the cold artificial wood of it, as she looked out into the dark of the night, rarely feeling the smell of the ocean even though it was miles away, maybe she missed the beach, it could be therapeutic for her as well.
The thoughts and memories overwhelmed her too much, and even though the headache was almost completely gone, tears began to slide down her cheeks once again… always the same with her.
Celeste fixed her gaze on nothing specific, thinking about the simplicity that was supposed to be living, going through your childhood, growing up, meeting people, loving, loving and being loved; she thought, oh, what she would give to be listened to and adored, even though she felt she didn't have much to say, somehow she felt the need to talk to someone from something so banal to her deepest interests. She hadn't realized that perhaps, after puberty she had lived a silent life, she didn't like to share much… but she didn't used to be like that, at some point in her life she admits to having been a person with a bubbly personality.
Celeste let out a breath, wiped the moisture from her cheeks and thought about the wonderful year and a half left before she could graduate, she hoped that by doing so she could get a good job and be able to afford an apartment to finally get away from the non-existent contract that had her tied to her childhood home; she could even consider her brother to stay and live with her. The girl lost track of time, closing her eyes for a few moments and leaving her mind blank, in a few hours the sun will rise and that bad moment will remain just that, a bad taste in her mouth.
Celeste decided it was time to go back, she wasn't crazy enough to stay there all night, much less to run away from home; her teenage years were over and she had to behave like an adult looking out for her future, in a way she felt she had to force her maturity at a very young age… and at the same time she looked herself like a little girl unleashed every time the slightest inconvenience happened, crying, like a baby. Some things didn't change, when her mother was still her mother she used to tell her anecdotes as a baby and how she was always one of the annoying crying type.
There she was walking down the sidewalk a few streets away from home, still it was the same old path, the one she knew how to walk with excellence, she had no idea what time it was, she had forgotten her phone, she almost ran out of there, with nothing but pain in her heart. She deduced that it was perhaps between eleven and midnight. As she walked down one of the less well-lit streets, surrounded by large trees, Celeste sensed a car driving beside her, ever closer and slower; every fine hair on her bristled and she tried not to get hysterical, was someone following her, should she run? She wanted to turn to look at the car but she felt so scared, until finally the car stopped stuck to the curb and rolled down the window, Celeste was ready to ignore it and continue her walk until she heard a strangely familiar voice.
Her name was called from that mysterious car; she turned around cautiously, afraid that her name would suddenly be called, but in the darkness and the dim illumination of a lamppost she could finally see that it was her neighbor.
Chris dropped his girlfriend off at her apartment since, she argued, they both had to work the next morning; as he entered the area of his new residence he couldn't help but notice the girl walking backwards down a poorly lit street, he could easily and quickly recognize the shiny hair of a medium length, along with that unforgettable embroidery on the back pockets of her blue low rise jeans, this time, Chris could make out that she was wearing a black blouse that left her lower back subtly uncovered, something completely different from the sweater she was wearing this morning, did she change? Was she wearing that when he saw her crying? But the bigger question and concern was in his mind, if it really was her, what was she doing walking alone so late and…. whether he should help her go home or ignore her. Chris didn't give it much thought, the street was dark, it was late and he would hate for anything to happen to her knowing he could have done the least to help, he would do it for anyone.
Once again, meeting by chance…. Chris didn't know how to approach without scaring her, but he had to try, he knew a situation like this could make her shiver with fear. He stopped his car softly and called her name. He wanted to say, it's me Chris, but she didn't know him with that informality, if anything they barely knew each other. He was relieved to see that it was indeed her, and he was surprised for a second at how quickly he could recognize her back.
Still away from the car, Celeste could make out his distinctive nose, lips and chin, half of his face upwards were dark. She approached with hesitant steps and bent down a little until she finally caught a glimpse of his handsome countenance.
“Professor Bang?” she said without thinking, it was obvious it was him.
“Are you going home? Come on up, it's late.”
Celeste smiled and didn't know what to say, she just walked right around the car and got in, as soon as she sat down, she felt the coolness of the leather seats and the manly fragrance of Chris combined with the fresh scent of the car. Celeste knew he wasn't a stranger, at least not entirely, and they were both headed to the same place, to turn him down would be a waste, but deep down the strange feelings of nervousness and excitement were slowly creeping up on her. They had barely introduced themselves less than 24 hours ago and she was already riding in his car. Chris watched her out of the corner of his eye for a few seconds and put the vehicle back in gear, heading down their street.
He wasn't sure he'd ask her what she was doing walking alone….. but, shit, it'll just be to try to strike up a conversation like normal people, he thought.
“What were you doing out so late?” he asked her in a soft tone.
Celeste was surprised, she didn't wait for him to start talking, she was so focused on how handsome he looked driving, sneaking her gaze discreetly to watch him. Celeste saw the time on the screen in Chris's car, it was already midnight.
“I came up for air… I must have lost track of time.”
Chris smiled sideways a little incredulously, he wanted to jokingly suggest to her that if she wanted to get some fresh air it would be more feasible to do it from her large patio, but they were not in enough trust yet. He turned to see her and perceived the tip of her red nose, puffy eyes and lips. Had she cried again or was it because of a few hours ago? Chris wanted to ask her so many questions.
Celeste clasped her hands together a little uncomfortably, trying to look straight ahead.
“Yes, but you should rest, you're going to college in the morning.”
Now it was Celeste who smiled, she understood that he was trying to create a normal conversation so she questioned herself if she should follow him and ask him the same questions.
“So do you, you have to teach classes” she added amused as she turned to look at him.
Chris let out a chuckle.
“Yes, but it's different, you have to rest because you’re there to study…”
Celeste just smiled at him and, Chris drove in silence, one of which she found strangely comforting. She could have been dying at that instant, thinking about a thousand things but she didn't know if it was physical tiredness or some supernatural force but she simply felt comfortable and safe to be there, for the first time in her life, she felt calm. After a few minutes Chris stopped the car right in front of her house, and before getting out of the car, they suddenly managed to make eye contact.
“Thank you, Professor Bang. Good night, sleep well.”
She smiled warmly at him and without realizing it, he caught her act and caught himself smiling almost in an endearing way.
“Sleep well, Celeste.”
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FOUR: carousel
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why did you steal my cotton candy heart? you threw it in this damn coin slot, and now i'm stuck ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
Celeste had had a revelation overnight, or at least in that small span of minutes, between the last little sentence spoken by Chris and the walk to her room.
Sleep well, he had told her and that night; Celeste slept like she never had in her two decades. Despite being a different morning and having had limited hours of sleep… that next morning Celeste woke up with such enthusiasm, a couple of hours earlier than her usual routine, she hurried to the bathroom and had a shower and a shave of everything. She moisturized her skin very well, fixed her hair leaving it loose and slightly ironed without losing volume, applied another makeup routine making it more noticeable on her face compared to her everyday natural makeup look, loving the small and simple details that came with being a girl; with glitter eye shadow, a little eyeliner, mascara and a nice pink lip gloss, Celeste left the house, smelling of her favorite perfume and thankful that there was no trace of sun in the cloudy July sky in Sydney. Ready for the partial decision she had made.
She was the most outstanding person taking the bus and subway, during the morning; something about her seemed to shine brighter than her makeup.
She wanted to catch and captivate Hyunjin's attention, although he was not her initial thought; because after the night before, watching Chris drive, was for her, something that changed inside her, a new feeling, an emotion discovered.
Celeste wanted to deceive herself for hours while she tossed and turned in her bed without being able to fall asleep, she only thought if it was that feeling that she could once dream of, the one she had only read in books and seen in movies, it was as if suddenly everything made sense, even if she was aware that nothing could happen between them, despite being two adults, it was morally frowned upon the relationship between a student and her teacher; so, she was not stupid, just maybe a little naive as it was her first time in matters related to this, but somehow it was more than enough to know that she would spend time with him and be at least close to him. So she thought there was nothing wrong with playing with the situation a bit, she had no intentions of being with him in that way as deep down she knew he was too good to be true, in fact she analyzed him all night: he was handsome, good looking, had a house, a nice car and a good job position, the chances of someone like him not having a partner would be low and if he's single, that seemed like a total waste, not for him, but for the people who were missing out on him.
However, one way or another she felt grateful to Christopher Bang, because of him, Celeste was able to realize that she was capable of feeling more than just angst; she was seriously worried about dying alone even though she was apathetic to the subject of relationships, but she finally discovered that there was something in her, a little glimmer and hope, that she can be with people, romantically.
The reason why her main focus was Hyunjin even though deep down she recognized that her attention was totally guided towards Chris; it was because she wanted to experiment and finally wanted to take the initiative to put herself out there, she would give her best effort in order to allow her heart to heal. Besides, it was she who wanted to convince herself, she wanted things to work out; Hyunjin was attentive towards her, close to her age and a passionate artist, Celeste knew they could hit it off easily, so he was the choice, she wanted to have a relationship with him and not with his teacher who was older than her and probably not single.
Despite showing her determination, she was uneasy that she would approach Hyunjin just because he is really the ideal as seen from the public's point of view or she really liked him? Celeste had no idea, how was she supposed to know, she never thought any boy in her high school was attractive, she never felt the curiosity to meet someone; so today Celeste gave herself the task of discovering her emotions separately, what she felt about being with Hyunjin and what she felt about being with Chris. There was also the possibility that Hyunjin didn't like her back and she had that so contemplated as well. But that was something she was wrong about.
Celeste skipped lunch and came to study a bit in the library, so she saw her friend until it was time for the only class they shared and upon seeing her, he instantly noticed the sudden sparkle in her eyes and the delicate makeup on her face, Hyunjin thought he had to ask her out at once before he gets shy and can't do it.
They greeted each other and entered the classroom, where Hyunjin was not the only man to notice the strange change in Celeste's countenance, it was almost magnetic and Chris noticed it instantly. She was now wearing a short black pleated skirt with a thin white sweater with embroidered styling that fell over her shoulders and left a view of her collarbones and neck.
Chris started the class normally, but the only one who wasn't acting normal was her; who avoided looking at her teacher at all costs, she looked at the blackboard, her notes, the wall, but never him, she couldn't do that, not when she was with Hyunjin; she knew that if she watched him she would regret so much of her not so firm decision not to try something with him.
Celeste focused on Hyunjin, she figured she would have time later alone with Chris in their first session together and that was more than enough, so, giving her all, she tried to flirt with Hyunjin subtly, she didn't know what she was doing exactly but she had faith of a good outcome. From time to time she would lean towards him and whisper something related to the subject, Hyunjin was a talkative person who quickly caught him enthusiasm so he would go on to tell Celeste some funny anecdote, in a low voice.
Her teacher was not happy, noticing Celeste's immediate strange behavior and seeing her turn from time to time to look only at her tablemate. Chris wanted to laugh, wondering if that was really what being the best in the class was all about, someone who paid more attention to a single boy.
By the end of class Hyunjin had worked up the courage, he would ask her out on a date. Chris couldn't stand to see her going after the boy, so in an impulsive act and in a demanding tone, called her name before she left.
Celeste almost froze and turned to see him. There he was, just as cute and calm as the night before where he had offered her a ride home, only this time his expression was serious. Celeste raised her eyebrows waiting for him to speak.
“See you at one o'clock” he said more relaxed.
The truth was that he didn't know what to say, it was just an excuse not to see her with his other student. Celeste smiled and left with Hyunjin. He didn't have to remind her, it was something that was nerve wracking her, but she was looking forward to it so much. Seeing him in the music room at one o'clock.
Celeste and Hyunjin walked down the hallway and as they exited outside the building, she wanted to suggest to him if they should go somewhere else, where she can finally talk to him more calmly. But he went ahead.
“What are you doing tomorrow afternoon?” he blurted out.
She saw him, his long dark hair flying as did the leaves and branches of the tall tree behind him; he really was handsome and the image of him and behind him nature on his side seemed unreal. Celeste had to work, but if he suggested something, she'd gladly skip the work day.
“Do you want to go to the carnival with me…?
“Carnival?” she didn't mean it that way, just that it was something that surprised her.
“Oh, I didn't think that…” he added, regretting that he had given a bad idea.
“Why not today? It's already here… isn't it?”
Celeste couldn't wait any longer. She would see Chris today and if possible she wanted to meet Hyunjin as well to defer between the two.
“It's okay, one has to take a break from college life for a moment.”
Celeste smiled.
“Do you want to meet somewhere or…?”
“I don't know Sydney very well yet, but I think the GPS can guide me.”
Celeste looked at him confused as he hadn't given a specific answer.
“Oh, I'll pick you up, no problem.”
She laughed, he seemed rather sweet to her.
She continued her normal day until the clock struck 12:45, she was in a study room a few minutes away from the building where the music room was located, and to be honest, the last few minutes she couldn't concentrate on her studies. She felt nervous, the same feeling she felt before a music performance. You can't flirt with him, you don't know how to do it and you'll look ridiculous, she psyched herself up. Don't get too involved. She knew that boundaries for her were a tricky thing…either she got too involved, or she was out, she was an extremist. That's why she was doing so well in her school, she was either too excellent or she was nothing.
She arrived at 12:57, same old room with the same instruments, the only thing different was the person who was already in there waiting, sitting in the piano chair checking his phone. The door rattled as she entered and that was enough to catch Chris's attention, there she was, with her freshly lip gloss applied, dazzling.
Chris smiled at the sight of her, giving her a welcoming look, inviting her closer. He looked her over from bottom to top once she was near him, still seated and she noticed him as her nerves returning. They both didn't know what to say. Celeste stood in front of him.
“Welcome, we begin our first session.”
Celeste smiled nervously at him and set her bag aside.
“Since this is our first time seeing each other… let's take advantage of this time to get to know each other” he said, trying to maintain eye contact with her, “we can start by introducing ourselves.”
She took a deep breath of air internally and did everything to tie up her nerves.
“Celeste Burton, music student” she said somewhat obviously.
Chris noticed her slight sarcasm and let out a soft laugh. He slowly watched her body language and slid to the opposite end of the alleged leather chair.
“Why don't you sit down?”
He suggested as she tried to be as expressionless as possible, not even with her eyes, he was inviting her to sit next to him, but a better way to think of, was that he was inviting her to sit in front of the piano.
Chris closed his distance, the fabric of his pants brushed against her bare knee and he turned his body to speak to her. She had never been this close to him before, not even in his car.
“You have to help me a little to make the sessions useful” he said, forcing her to look at him closely.
She watched every expression of him, how strangely smooth his face looked and his piercing gaze on hers.
“What did you expect when you signed up?”
Celeste gave it some thought, she didn't want to give an empty answer but she had no idea how to arrange her words.
“I wanted more hours of practice to become better, advice from a musician, to get more involved in this medium than just lessons.”
Chris smiled, looking quickly towards her lips, he hadn't heard her talk so much, he suddenly felt the need to want to make her talk, he wanted to hear her.
“I'm sure you're the best at what you do” he added in a confident tone.
This time she couldn't stop her eyes from reacting, she inspected his whole face from a little less than a meter away… that tone in him and slight change of voice managed to calm her down more, she finally realized that one of the main reasons she had enrolled was for the love of music, that they soothed her and it was perhaps the only thing she loved. She had signed up before she even knew he would be her instructor, it was there, as her only mode of escape.
Now it was Celeste who let out a giggle.
“You hadn't even heard me play, so what if I'm terrible and I signed up because I really needed urgent help.”
There was the real Celeste, cynical and sarcastic, not afraid of anyone but herself.
Chris smiled broadly and nodded softly. She had a valid point, that comment brought him back to reality, he didn't know exactly why he had suddenly blurted out a comment like that, he didn't even know her.
“Well… your grades say otherwise” he justified himself.
“Are you keeping an eye on my grades, Mr. Bang?” she said innocently in a playful way.
What seemed to him a good conversation starter, smooth and fluid, changed his own environment when he saw her submissive expression followed by that formality and sweet tone, Chris sat up and thought fast.
“No, but it was what I could see when the committee assigned you as my apprentice.”
Celeste blushed, not wanting to say it that way, as if to make him answer in a serious tone.
“What is your favorite composition?”
That question took her by surprise, she hadn't thought about it for years, since she had entered the university it was only about studying and being the best in order to excel and look for a job as soon as possible. She remained thinking for a few seconds until a memory from her core sunk in, Celeste smiled.
Celeste felt more relaxed and in a cozy environment, suddenly remembering what she is passionate about and talking about it, sincerely, having someone to listen to her.
“Pas de de deux by Tchaikovsky.”
Chris looked at her in detail as she said her answer, the soft smile on her face telling him that she had remembered something or asked the right question.
“The Nutcracker, do you like Christmas?”
“Actually no.”
He was surprised by her honesty; he really thought she was someone unpredictable, for a second he thought it made sense, Christmas, the typical image of the cold atmosphere with white shades, elegance and innocence, as well as the composition, were perhaps the perfect combination for a girl like her, but suddenly she comes out to deny it, that it wasn't because of that warm holiday of joy that she liked the melody.
Celeste had no favorite holiday, she stopped celebrating long ago, in fact she had spent her last Christmas alone in her old dorm, she only remembers inviting her brother over for dinner on Christmas Eve, in a totally crowded place. Christmas in Australia was different from what the rest of the world was trying to sell, there was no snow, it was warm; Celeste only had the coldness of the solitude in which she spent those dates.
“I first saw the play when I was fifteen” she confessed, “that was the composition that most caught my attention.”
Chris smiled warmly at her little comments that revealed more and more about her.
“With your parents?”
“Oh no, I went alone.”
That puzzled Chris even more, she was like a box of surprises. A pretty, tidy girl like her, looking like that, with her pastel clothes, living in a neighborhood considered upper-middle to upper-income, was expected to have a predictable story: someone who grew up with money, with a piano at home where her passion increased, has years of experience practicing it, going to private lessons and that's why she is so famous among teachers praising her performances —where Chris always heard the same: Celeste Burton, excellent musician, but she is a bit quiet and withdrawn—, a girl from a conservative family, who spends important festivities together with them. But it seemed that it was not so, Chris did not want to judge her from the beginning and she did not disappoint him, she was increasingly difficult to decipher and he felt the small tingle of curiosity for her. Gradually disproving her myths, Chris thought Celeste was a bright girl, willing to engage in conversation, she was not withdrawn, but purely expressive.
Celeste finally played a couple of keys, making the sound echo throughout the place, thinking, just, me, myself and I, as always. Until she came out of her little trance and looked at him, with a smile. He didn't understand what was going on.
“What's your favorite composition, Mr. Bang? You honestly don't look like you like classical music, do you also play the piano?”
Chris laughed at his innocent comment showing a dimple on his right side.
“I studied composition and got a master's degree in music production. Of course I play the piano, it wouldn't be in vain to be here if we didn't do the same thing.”
Celeste raised her shoulders.
“So, what's your favorite composition?”
“Liszt. Liebestraum no. 3.”
She laughed softly.
“Dream of love” she said the name of the piece aloud, “it's a pretty good answer.”
“Thank you, I appreciate it from my star pupil” he mentioned amused.
“Can you play it?” she said enthusiastically.
Chris was taken aback by her sudden excitement but remembered that the sessions were all about her.
“I want to hear you first, play for me, Celeste.”
She didn't know what to say, felt his soft gaze turn penetrating at the mention of the last phrase, perhaps ready to judge and qualify, or so she thought. Celeste sighed, confused whether she should play Liszt or her favorite composition, so she opted for the one she knew with nothing more to say.
Chris watched her settle in and before she started, he wanted to focus on her slender fingers and pianist's hands, but her high skirt and bare thighs distracted him for a second as he looked down. Celeste began, once she did, she ignored everything, there was no one around her, just her and that beautiful shiny black piano; Chris watched her in awe, every detail of her losing herself for just over four minutes as she played the melody. And she had left him, speechless.
Due seconds passed after she finished playing, when Celeste could regain herself again, she turned to look at him, his dark brown eyes shone brighter and he had an expression she hadn't seen on him before.
“Celeste that was…”
He was about to praise her but the ringing tone coming from her phone interrupted them, Chris quickly looked at the screen, it was about his work in Seoul.
“Excuse me, I have to take the call.”
She nodded and watched him walk away, listening to him speak a foreign language. Celeste couldn't take it anymore, that man had it all, now she added to the list that he was connected to his roots and ancestors that he handled another language perfectly. The call lasted about five minutes and he returned to his old place, somewhat agitated.
“Well, wow, that was amazing, how long have you been playing the piano?” he fixed his gaze on her.
“Since I was twelve, I joined in school.”
“And how old are you now?” Chris couldn't help himself, he was curious.
He lowered his head a little, waiting for an answer.
“Becoming twenty-one…?” he added.
She shook her head with a frown of curiosity.
“I turned it this month.”
“When?” he added, trying to soften the conversation again.
“The twelfth.”
He pressed his lips together in a smile as he realized he had repeated the number twice.
“For eight years of experience, that was wonderful. What do you want to do for a living?”
“I want to be in an important orchestra and travel” she answered proudly.
“What is your dream place to play?”
“Mmm, the opera house, maybe” she replied shyly to which he laughed. “What's so funny?”
“You want to travel the world but you dream of playing in this very city; I was hoping you'd say Paris or something.”
Celeste caught his laughter.
“Do you compose?” he questioned.
“Oh no, I don't think that's for me” he frowned and tilted his head in disagreement. “I stopped composing after my first year here…listening to my classmates's composition made me feel bad...”
“Mm, I don't want you to underestimate yourself, I'm sure it's good, show me some of yours.”
“I stopped doing it a long time ago, I don't remember well.”
“Then tomorrow you'll have to bring me something of yours, consider it homework.”
Celeste looked down, after all she had a flaw, she didn't think she was good enough to go around showing off her work. She didn't want silence to form so she hurried to say once she remembered:
“So, Mr. Bang, will you play for me? It's your turn.”
A shiver ran through his body at that request, once again her submissive expression and sweet tone upsetting him in seconds. Chris thought she wasn't after all that much younger than him, only six years younger, and the sudden formality in which she referred to him… a part of him thought it was strange and wanted to tell her to call him Chris, but another part of him thought she sounded so good talking to him with that vocabulary, he had a guilty pleasure.
And now she focused on him; he was very good too, his arm brushed against her sweater as he reached for a key and halfway through the tune, Celeste noticed his strong long fingers moving nimbly, she thought he had good technique, he made it look so smooth and effortless, yet his pressure was strong. The veins in his arms and hands were very marked, Celeste thought she hadn't seen someone so attractive playing the piano like that before, she always judged and listened carefully but now she was focused on everything but the melody, she didn't understand what was wrong with her, she didn't consider what she felt like for a moment. She was lost in his countenance of concentration and the agility of his fingers; suddenly the silly comment she heard once among the high school girls came up, 'you should get yourself a piano boy'.
Her heart began to flutter and her breathing to cut a little short; she had to add something else to the list, he successfully managed to play without any mistakes.
After the great hours spent with her teacher, Celeste went to work more confused than ever, the feeling of being with Chris was something she had never felt or thought she ever would had, not even in her wildest dreams. It felt so right but so wrong at the same time. And she managed even more confused to see Hyunjin, she had to make an effort for it to be him or else she would end up sadly in love with someone who can never love her back.
Once again she questioned herself… would her extremist tendencies let this work out, she wondered. She was falling and getting too involved where she shouldn't. And if she got too involved with Hyunjin she would end up with a broken heart once he had to return to his country. She wanted to act as cold hearted as possible but she couldn't, she always had to feel too much.
Why she decided to start her small love life just now; that question made sense once she got into Hyunjin's car, it was because of him —and a certain person who lived a few meters away—, who conversations flowed so naturally without feeling awkward, of how tender she considered he looked when he talked and his incredible talent and love for art.
The carnival, located to the west of the city, crowded with people and illuminated by the mechanical rides, it felt so good to be there again for her… the last time she attended one she was eleven years old. Celeste looked at Hyunjin excitedly and without thinking, intertwined her arm with Hyunjin's arm. They both had a nice time, everything was going perfect until, while she was waiting for him to buy her popcorn, standing in front of the carousel she began to reflect on the incredible difference between the two men, she never thought she would find herself in this situation, but there she was.
With Hyunjin everything was sweet, she imagined it like the emotion of living a first love; but with Professor Bang she could have talks about topics she always expected to talk about with someone expert in the subject, she felt different, like an overwhelming cloud, she could go from being a nervous wreck to being foolishly calm, only he managed to make her nervous; with Hyunjin she never felt like this, not even when he warned her that he was about to pick her up for their first date.
Celeste turned a little, thinking it was useless and she was just spinning around something that wasn't that deep or serious and, as if it was fate, she saw him, standing far enough away to get lost in the crowd, casually dressed as he waited in line for a cotton candy. Her heart raced; either she was too involved or she had to get out of there, she didn't want to end up stuck.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ TAGLIST: @forklesschowder @bubblebisk @calisnewworld @sunarins-whore @bangchansslut6 @snowyquokka @chansbabygirlsstuff @athforskz @heeyboooo @chrizzztopherbang @yerijaksel @moonlightndaydreams @readr1221 @skzswife @moonndustx @laney1488 @purp13st4r @rockyhedgehog @linosrealgf @lailac13 @ldysmfrst @bitchysunflower11
lmk if u want to be add 2 the taglist☆
thx 4 the luv, i'm a bit shy but i'll interact more w anything you have to say lol, smut on the next chapters idec, posts weekly, i hope♡
divider by roseraris
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starl3ght · 2 years
141 + more with a reader that sleeps a lot
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A/N: I’m back from the dead, haha Melanie Martinez kinnie. I have a cousin that sleeps till 3 in the afternoon like wtf😨 I live for these men. They’re fine as fuckkkkkkk I loved making this
Requests are open and follow for more <333
Simon “Ghost” Riley
• He won’t be worried that much about you
• Maybe you’re just tired so he lets you do your own thing
• He respects you and what you just do around the house so he allows it
• But notices how you nap like every 3 hours a day and he gets concerned
• You just drop wherever. The couch, the living room floor, he found you outside in the grass one time.
• He throws a blanket over you each time and rubs his temple wondering what he’s gonna do with you
• “Love, you know this isn’t healthy right?”
• You had just woken up from your 4th nap.
• You look at him with your puppy eyes
• “But I’m tired”
• Don’t melt his heart, it makes him weak.
• “Trust me you’re gonna regret it, now up you go.”
• He’ll throw you over his shoulder and makes you do some random activities for you not to fall asleep.
John “Soap” Mactavish
• Might do the same thing but not much as you.
• He thinks it’s weird that you just close your eyes and stay dead for a few hours
• Might wake you up for fun
• He likes seeing you angry
• He sprayed you with the bottle one time. That wasn’t a good thing to do let’s just say.
• But seriously he is a bit concerned for you
• So when he walked into the literal, pitched black living room with the tv on and opened the blinds to the sunlight you hissed like some savage cat
• He only looks at you with a weird look
• “Jesus…alright, up and at em love.”
• You’ll just throw the blanket over your face again
• Ok, that’s how you wanna play it? He can play that game too
• He’ll grab your legs and drag you off the couch
• “No Johnny” you’re hugging a pillow against your face and he keeps dragging you “Not letting go that easy love. Now up.”
• He’ll pick you up putting your legs around his torso and your arms around his neck
• “We’re going out, dunno where but you’re done with your hobby for today bonnie”
• You went to Starbucks together( ˘ ³˘)♥
John Price
• Concerned as any parent would be
• Limits your sleeping time
• Has his alarm on his phone to wake you up
• “Love rise and shine, well technically it’s 4 in the afternoon so…”
• You’re still dead.
• He’ll stroke your face to wake you or just come back to existence💀
• Kisses your forehead and shakes your shoulder gently
• If you wake up he’s not letting you go back to sleep
• “You ready to stay up now love?”
• You violently shake your head no but he takes you to the living room so you can watch tv or read a book
• He needs you to be more active🤷‍♀️
• Might consider taking you to a doctor but tries to help you first
• Watches your sleeping habits well
• If it’s insomnia he’ll comfort you in his lap as you rant on about your sleeping issues
• He’ll make you sleep at the same time as him and takes you out to keep you busy or distracted.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
• Honestly it’s ok with him
• He just doesn’t like it when it happens for like a week straight
• 2-3 days is alright him because it’s a long tiring week so.
• When its 5 times every day he’s not allowing it
• Feels bad for waking you up
• “Baby?”
• You’re still in the world of dreams
• “Love, it’s time to wake up now”
• He uses that sweet soft voice you love so much
• But you won’t wake up
• He doesn’t know what to do that he might consider calling Price for help
• When you do wake up and look at him with your eyes with bags under his heart melts
• You must be having some issues
• He’ll make you sleep early so you’re ok for the next day
• He’ll take care of you, trust me
Alejandro Vargas
• Future husband mode activated
• Worries that waking you will get you angry
• But remembers it isn’t healthy
• So he uses your weaknesses to wake you up ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
• Mans kisses the crook of your neck and strokes your hair
• “Mi amor…wake up for me” That deep sweet voice he’s got for you
• You shift around in your sleep and open your eyes
• You just go to the bathroom and go back to the couch to sleep again
• He’s standing there frozen🧍
• “Ahora si, wake up mi vida.”
• He picks you up and that’s when you wake up
• You’ll slap his shoulder from anger
• “There we go…”
• He takes you to the bedroom and gives you a reason to be tired if you know what I mean🙂✨🌹
Rodolfo Parra
• He loves you too much
• He’s very worried for your health
• “Mi vida por favor, wake up.”
• You just won’t budge
• Worries a bit much now
• Like what if you’re staying up all night and he hasn’t noticed and so you sleep all day
• But that if that wasn’t the issue he would calm down
• You just sleep…like a lot
• Considers giving you melatonin for the night and taking you out the next day to have your energy
• He always gently touches you and when you wake he’ll give you something to eat
• He’s literally like a parent having to take care of you
• Will help you with your habits
• Won’t wake you up
• He’s scared
• Like what if you’re so peaceful and he upsets you from waking you up
• But reminds himself this is for your own good
•If you fall asleep on him then may he rest in piece.
• He’s not getting you off of him anytime soon and not easily
• Will nudge you shoulder hoping you open your eyes
• “Schatz??”
•You’re still sleeping. Are you even breathing??
• “Please wake up” oh now his voice is anxious
• “König what are you doing, it’s 8 in the morning”
• Wtf is wrong with you👁👄👁
• “Umm, meine liebe it’s 2 in the afternoon actually…”
• You reach out your arms like a baby wanting to be picked up
• So he does
• Picks you up gently as if you were the most fragile thing
• “Geliebte I think we should talk about your habits my dear.”
Alex Keller
• This mf let’s you do whatever you want
• He only gets curious when you’re in random places napping
• That’s when he realized it’s weird that you sleep a lot
• “Baby, you should’ve been awake 3 hours ago. It’s already 9 pm ”
• He’s literally standing in the living room and you’re on the carpet floor with a blanket over you
• Bro reaches for the blanket and throws it across the room and you wake up whining
• “Alex stop, let me sleep.”
• He gives you an almost offended look
• “It’s already been 5 years, it’s time for you to rise. Now go eat something”
• Drags you to the kitchen and makes you eat
• Now when it’s time for bed you don’t wanna sleep
• He’ll make you either way and holds you to his chest so you can’t escape
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mattslolita · 5 months
lunchbox friends - n. sturniolo ( 002. )
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in which ... they meet at a melanie martinez concert and become best friends. ( platonic!nick & platonic!black!fem reader )
warnings ; cussing, alcohol, vapes, matt lowkey liking reader
"𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓."
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰
the weekend came, which excited you so much. you couldn't wait to hang out with nick, as you both had been texting each other all the time and you even face timed the few times you could. you and nick's friendship was growing by the week, but now you guys would finally get to hang out again.
instead of going out to eat like you guys had originally planned, you decided on ordering some food instead.
you still had about an hour before you had to be at nick's place, so you freshened up your outfit , then you just sat down on your couch and scrolled through instagram mindlessly. one of your influencer friends vereena sayed posted a video of her at the melanie concert from last year, and you excited dmed her about her experience and asking where she sat because you would've loved to sit with her.
an hour ended up passing by quickly, so you called an uber to take you to nick's house — when it arrived, you greeted the driver sweetly and plugged your earphones in and you propped your hand under your chin as they drove to your destination.
you smiled at the la scenery, having loved being packed all together. it could be noisy sometimes, but you adored the city life. you also mentally remembered the route to nick's house in case something happened, but also because it was good to remember.
you soon arrived and nerves filled your body — even though you had already met nick, you still got nervous hanging around new people. and you were nervous to meet his brothers as well, although he expressed them to be nice people.
you thanked the uber driver and got out of the vehicle, nervously making your way towards the front door of the home. you did two knocks, feeling your stomach tighten slightly because of your nervousness.
nick — or so you thought it was — a man indentical to nick opened the door, his blue eyes widening slightly as he gives you a smile, to which you return.
"you must be y/n," he says, holding one hand out towards you, "i'm chris!"
"nice to meet you, chris!" you smile back, already relaxing due to his demeanor, "and damn, nick should've told me how cute you were!"
chris turns a bright crimson color, stepping aside so that you could walk through — you allow him to guide up to their lounge area, and that's when your eyes land on nick in the kitchen. "nick!"
"y/n!" he grins, immediately running up to you to embrace you in a quick hug.
"you smell so good, what cologne is that?" y/n asks him, sniffing his shirt as they pull away from the hug.
"i told you my cologne smells better than yours!" nick grins triumphantly at chris, "i'll tell you later, i'm gatekeeping it from him."
"kid not everything's a fucking competition," chris says with an eyeroll, turning to you and shaking your head causing you to giggle.
"so, we're gonna order food and we can go to my room," nick says, and you nod eagerly with a smile.
"matt and i are going to target real quick, please don't burn the house down while we're gone," chris tells both of them with a knowing look, causing you to raise your eyebrows with a hand on your hip.
"boy, nobody is about to burn anything!" you tell him teasingly, "wait has somebody almost burned the house down before?"
chris gives another knowing look to nick, who groans loudly. "it was one time, chris! i had to make an important call!"
"brian or whatever his name is was not that important," chris tells him with a glare, and your eyes widen.
"i know you gon tell me bout this guy, right?" you grin, giving nick's arm a light tap.
"girl, c'mon!"
nick grabs your hand and both of you excitedly make your way upstairs towards nick's room. once you enter, you kind of stand there, as you're scared to sit anywhere even though he's been nothing but welcoming.
"sit on the bed, we can watch a movie!" nick says, patting the spot next to him.
you quickly flop down next to him, and he fishes for his remote on the bed which he finds at the foot of it — you prop your legs up on the bed as nick does the same, both of you guys giggling aimlessly at nothing in particular. nick opens youtube and when he hovers over the k-12 movie, you smack his arm slightly causing him to grin and click on the film.
you reached for your bag and pulled out a cart and a small bottle of tequila, and nick's eyes widened. "bitch, you came loaded!"
"period, i always got this shit on me!" you giggle, holding the cart out to nick to take a hit first. "did you order the food yet?"
"i got us some wingstop," nick told you, inhaling then passing it back to you as he blew the smoke away facing the other side.
"oh my gosh! i forgot to bring some shot glasses with me," you whine, pouting at nick, "do y'all got any?"
"they're in the kitchen, the cabinet closest to the fridge," nick instructs you, "and girl get your shoes off my bed."
you stick your tongue out at him playfully, sliding your shoes off now in your black ankle socks as you've gotten comfortable — you walk out of nick's bedroom, your cart in your hand as you bop your head to a song stuck in your head while you walk downstairs.
you took a hit from you cart as you skipped into the kitchen, slowing down as you see the fridge first. you look around and shrug your shoulders, before opening it and looking inside — whatever you took, you would make sure to replace.
"NICK, WHO THE FUCK IS IN OUR KITCHEN!" a loud voice boomed behind you, causing you to gasp and turn around.
a man identical to both nick and chris stood there with wide, defensive eyes, before his expression turned into one of confusion — his brown, messy locs lay scattered about his head, and he ran one ringed hand through his curls as his eyes stayed fixated on you.
"calm down, matt!" chris groans, giving his brother a light shoulder slap, nodding towards you as you stand there dumbfounded. matt is fine as fuck.
"that's y/n."
"hey..." you giggle nervously, taking another hit from your cart as you can barely handle the way his eyes stay on you, "sorry we had to meet like this."
"it's fine, i just wish i could've introduced myself properly," he chuckled, giving you a nod and a small smile, "it's nice to meet you, y/n."
the way your name rolls off his tongue causes a tingle to go down your spine, and you bite your lip and grin at the man in front of you. another small giggle erupted from your mouth as you whirled back around to fish for what you were searching for in the kitchen.
you found the shot glasses, then a ring from the doorbell caught your attention as you gasped and set the shot glasses down. matt watched as you skipped right past him and downstairs, opening the door to reveal the food nick had ordered for you both.
"nick! the food is here!" you giggled excitedly, the bags of food still in your hand as you went back into the kitchen, grabbing the shot glasses as well.
as you went back upstairs, matt noticed you forgot your cart on the counter — he watched you disappear around the corner, quickly going to grab it and pocket it, in hopes he'd end up having a way to talk to you again.
"SHE DID WHAT?" nick yelled, doubled over in laughter as you were both clutching your stomachs.
"this bitch had the nerve to invite me to her party knowing she fucked my man!" you told him, wiping tears from your eyes as you laughed, "so i fucked her ass up!"
"i would've beat her ass too," nick admits, both of you bursting into giggles once again.
you both were drunk, having almost finished the whole bottle of tequila — you ended up devouring all of your wings and fries, whereas nick still had his fries left, which you've quietly been eating to try and sober yourself up some.
the k-12 movie had been over, and now some songs softly played in the background whilst you guys laughed and talked with each other, talking about your lore.
you found out the guy nick was talking about earlier turned out to be a jerk, always wanting to do shit with him but keep him a secret, hidden in the dark. nick deserved way better than that, he deserved a guy who would show him off and not be scared to. you promised him if you caught him in the street, his ass would be as good as fried.
"niiiiick," you sang, moving your head side to side, "is matt the one who asked for my instagram?"
"yeah, he wouldn't stop bugging me about it," he snorted with an eyeroll, causing you to giggle, "oh my gosh, did you guys meet yet?"
"he scared the shit out of me when i was looking for the shot glasses earlier!" you explained to him, shaking your head, "he's so fine though, he could have my insta and my number!"
"please, don't start!" nick whined, slapping you on the shoulder, and you giggled.
suddenly like that by doja cat began playing, and you and nick looked at each other with wide eyes, getting up and beginning to dance with each other.
"i'm gon teach you how to throw it back!" you say to nick, as you danced over to him, "watch me!"
you put both your hands on your knees, arching your back slightly as your ass begins popping up and down, causing nick's eyes to widen as he begins smacking it, hyping you up.
"period, okay then!" nick hypes, causing you to giggle as you both continue dancing.
both of you are so caught up in dancing with each other that you don't realize the door to nick's room opened, and both chris and matt stand there in the doorway — chris looks a little shocked and also terrified to see his brother attempting to throw it back, whilst matt's eyes keep traveling towards you and the way your body moved.
"oh shit!" nick says with wide eyes, finally seeing his brothers standing there.
you turn around and you gasp as a small giggle leaves your lips, a new song now playing. you give matt a flirty wave, causing his cheeks to turn a dark crimson color, as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"nick whatever that was, please refrain from doing that again," chris says, shaking his head, as he points at you next, "did you teach him how to twerk?"
"you want me to teach you next?" you say drunkenly, and he shakes his head and backs out his nick's room.
"did you need something, matt?" nick asks his brother with a laugh, as you fall back onto nick's bed, feeling around the blankets for something.
"nevermind, i'll talk to you later about it," matt waves him off, shooting you one last look before he leaves your room.
"so they just came and- y/n?" nick says, looking back to see you had dozed off, that fast.
with a chuckle, nick removes everything from the bed and pulls on the covers to cover up your sleeping figure. he yawned and climbed in the bed next to you, pulling the covers over himself as well — your sleeping figure somehow snuggles up close to nick, taking his arm and throwing over you causing him to let out one last giggle as you brings you closer, both of you falling asleep next to each other.
( lilly's section 💌 )
for my birthday twin @thenickgirl ! i love u so much angel baby, hope you turning up rn stinkaa🤭💋
@luverboychris @muwapsturniolo @prettiest-poision @mattsturniolosleftnut @mrssturnioloo @guccifrog @junnniiieee07 @astrowh0r3 @v33angel @ilovechrissturniolo1 @e1ias3 @l0akkzz @hysteria-things @eyeliketoeatpoosay @sturn777 @stasiesturn @prettypinkprincess15 @breeloveschris @summerssover @mayhem-72 @riasturns @chrissturniolossidehoe @moonk1ss3d @v33angel @h3arts4harry @stargirll567 @bitchydragonparadise @heartsforchrisandmatt @pepsienthusiasts @tillies33ssss @thenickgirl @sturnprime @summerssover @k4di333 @pinksturniolo @middlepartmatt @jnkvivi
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cowgurrrl · 8 months
You're My Only Hope for Heaven
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
Author's note: oh bitch I'm having a fucking blast with this dynamic the slow burn is slow burning
Summary: An unlikely patron saunters into your bar [3.5k]
Warnings: one (1) creepy guy, one (1) fake marriage, lots of flirting that’s not flirting but it’s not not flirting, one (1) kiss
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You try not to make it a habit of picking up bar shifts during the week. Not only is it almost always slow, and you barely make any money, but it's hard to go from teaching for eight hours directly to another job. You'd much rather be at home, grading or doing something for yourself for the first time in weeks. But you couldn't say no when Katie called you, almost in tears, begging you to take her shift so she could deal with a burst pipe in her house. You don't regret doing her a favor, but you do regret other things as you stand behind the mostly empty bar as whatever game is happening plays on the screen above your head. You think it's a UT game. Or maybe A&M. Or any of the other SEC Texas schools with an absurd football budget. 
You're basically yawning your way through your shift and working through your newest painting in your head, trying and failing to not think about school until absolutely necessary. Principal Martinez is cracking down on the stupid minutiae the school board demands of its teachers, and you spent most of your afternoon writing student objectives on the board. On top of that, your art club kids have been begging you to plan a field trip to the local art museum for weeks. You finally relented, but the paperwork is mind-numbing and requires much more work than you thought. Between working, making art, and trying to live your life, you barely have time. 
Another reason you hate working weekdays is the creepy regulars. Normally, you can ignore them on a busy Saturday night, but it's harder when it's as dead as it is. You have no idea how Katie deals with them on a regular basis. It started with a guy at the bar, you think his name is Steve, asking you progressively invasive questions. "How old are you?" "You gotta boyfriend?" "What time do you get off?" One right after each other, even after you made it clear you're not interested. Fake laughing and making excuses to run to the back or change a keg don't throw him off. 
"Keep it up, and I'll cut you off." You finally threaten after he asks you why you're being a bitch. You roll your eyes when the bell above the door rings, probably admitting yet another asshole who's gonna make your night hell. When you turn toward the door, the words leave you before you can stop them. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me."
"Now, is that any way to greet your customers?" Joel chuckles, and you sigh as he sits down in front of you. Thankfully, his brother is not in tow, and you can save yourself a little embarrassment. "I didn't know you worked here."
"I don't," you say. "Whatcha drinkin'?" 
"Looks like you're workin' to me." He smirks and you shoot him a look.
"You wanna free drink or not?" 
"Shiner," he answers quickly. You hum in acknowledgment, not even bothering with the POS system and going right to the fridge to pull a bottle out for him. You pop the cap off and place a napkin under the beer before sliding it to him. "Are you bribin' me?"
"You've gotta be faster with your questions, Miller. You've already accepted it. Might as well enjoy." You say, and he laughs. 
"Well, alright, then," he says, raising his beer to you before taking a quick sip. "So, what's this, then? You moonlightin' as a bartender?" He asks, and you fight yourself on how to answer. What if word gets back to parents? Administration? They couldn't reprimand you for that, right? You know plenty of other teachers with second jobs, so it can't be that taboo. Still, you're hesitant to open up to Joel. Out of all the people who could've walked into your bar tonight, it had to be him.
"Something like that." You settle on, wiping a sticky spot on the bar to avoid his gaze. If he feels anything negative about you having a second job, his face doesn't show it. He has a soft smile on his lips and a slight sunburn across his nose, highlighting the freckles living there that previously went unnoticed. You want to tease him about not wearing sunscreen, but the joke dies in your throat when he rests his elbows on your bar, showing off those stupid biceps you can't not look at. He catches your eyes lingering near the short sleeve of his shirt and opens his mouth like he's going to say something, but a grating voice from the other side of the bar cuts him off.
"Excuse me, sweetheart! You've got other patrons over here!" Steve yells, and you feel your eye twitch at his attitude. Joel notices.
"What's wrong with him?" He asks quietly, leaning forward over the bar to get closer to you. Looking into his brown eyes and confused expression, an idea forms.
"Pretend you know me." You say, and his eyebrows knit together, every emotion visible on his face. 
"I do know you."
"No, I mean," you sigh. "That guy over there is a regular on Wednesdays, and the girl who usually works is married, so he doesn't try anything with her, but I won't give him my number, and he's making me fucking miserable. So, just... pretend to know me." Joel is bigger than Steve. Much bigger. Probably a whole head taller and much broader than the man on the other side of the bar. One word from Joel, and he might actually shut up or, better yet, leave altogether so you can finish your day without any more hiccups.
"Okay," Joel agrees, and you reflexively reach out to touch his thick forearm and squeeze. You don't even realize you did it until he smiles like he won a staring contest or something.
"Thank you," you say before turning and bracing yourself to deal with Steve. "What can I do for you, sir?" You ask, but before you can even finish your sentence, he holds up his empty beer bottle and waves it in front of your face like you're stupid. 
"Another beer." He says, and you bite your tongue. 
"You got it."
"Finally," he groans. "You'd think for such an easy fuckin' job, you'd be better at it." 
"What the fuck is your problem?" You ask, refusing to move from your spot to get him his beer, and he scoffs.
"My problem is that you're bein' a fuckin' bitch and ignorin' me when I didn't do nothin' wrong." He's slurring his words together at this point, and you wordlessly go to the POS system to close his tab and send him on his way. "Hey, I'm talkin' to you!" He yells after you.
"Hey, man, why don't you leave her alone? She's just tryna do her job." Joel speaks up from the other side of the bar, and Steve straightens up in his seat as he assesses Joel. 
"This isn't any of your fuckin' business. Stay out of it."
"It's my business now. That's no way to speak to a lady. I think you owe her a mighty big apology." 
"I don't owe her shit," he spits, and you look over to see Joel setting his jaw and squaring his shoulders. "Why's this even matter to you, big shot?"
"That's my fuckin' wife you're mouthin' off to," Joel says without hesitation, and you quickly school your expression. Wife? You asked him to play along, but you didn't think he'd say that. "So, if you wanna keep the rest of your teeth, I suggest you apologize to her, leave her a nice, big tip for dealin' with your sorry ass, and get yourself a ride home." 
Steve is silent as you take the empty bottle away from him— just in case things get really ugly— and slide him his card and bill. He eyes Joel carefully for a few tense seconds before picking up a pen, signing his check, and leaving without another word. The second he's out the door, you feel a weight lift off your shoulders and sigh at the relief. You scrub a hand down your face and look over at Joel.
"You okay?" He asks gently like you're a spooked horse, and you nod. You take a few minutes to get yourself together, putting in Steve's 30% tip and cleaning off the empty bar before returning to Joel. "What?" He asks when he catches you smirking.
"At least buy a girl dinner before you call me your wife." You say, and he laughs, shaking his head. 
"You said the other girl is married. I just took it and ran," he says. "And I already tried to take you to dinner, but somebody said no." 
"School regulation says it's unethical." 
"Well, we're not at school now, and you're certainly not a teacher right now." He says smoothly, vaguely gesturing to your all-black outfit, and you give him a look. "What time d'you get off?"
"You're gonna get me in trouble." You whisper, and he leans forward across the bar. 
"All I did was ask you a question." He whispers back, playfully mocking you. It could be the smile on his face, the relaxed humor behind his eyes, or the fact that he stood up for you because you asked him to, but you glance between him and the clock and take a deep breath. 
"I get off at 12. Unless it stays dead like this, then I'm closing early," you say, and his smile grows. "But this is not a date." 
"'Course not." He chuckles, and you raise your eyebrows at him. 
"I'm serious. I need you to say it's not a date, so I know you won't come after me if your kid fails my class." 
"Is my kid failing your class?"
"No, she's amazing. But for my own mental well-being, I need you to say that this is not a date." You say, and he grabs your wrist to stop your anxious wringing. 
"Let me buy you a drink. That's it. Nothin' more," he says, squeezing you. "This ain't a date." 
"Thank you." You sigh, and he nods. 
You spend an hour or two idling between conversations with Joel and trying to look busy for any manager who might care enough to check the cameras. You're pretty much done with all your closing duties by 10:00, and you wait until it's been a full hour since anyone else came in to flip the closed sign and do a few last-minute things. When the bar is completely clean, empty, and ready for the next shift, you slink back behind it to make yourself and Joel a drink before sitting beside him. 
"You feelin' proud of yourself for getting us here?" You ask as you clink your glass against his and take a sip. 
"Yeah, I've got the prettiest girl in the whole place sittin' by me," he says, and before you can even scold him, he throws his hands up. "Not a date." 
"Not a date." You repeat.
"Still true, though."
"Don't make me regret saying yes to you, Mr. Miller." You say, and he gives you a look. You like teasing him, especially since you can always see exactly how he's feeling. He's not particularly subtle, contrary to what you're sure others think about him. 
"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Joel?" 
"As many times as it takes, I guess," you shrug. "You also clearly have an aversion to being called Mr. Miller."
"My dad was Mr. Miller." He says, and you roll your eyes, groaning and half-folding in on yourself dramatically. 
"Oh, my God, do you know how many men have said that to me since I've become a teacher?"
"Well, it's true!" He says. "Are you sayin' other people are tryna tell my wife to call ‘em by their first names?" He asks, and you laugh. 
"Believe it or not, you're not the first single parent to ask me out." 
"Am I the first one you said yes to?" 
"So far." 
"So far?" He asks, raising his eyebrows, and you hum. "I'll take it." 
Unsurprisingly, Joel is really easy to talk to. He asks questions about your life outside of work, where you went to school, and what made you want to be a teacher. You ask him about his job and family and, somehow, end up talking about the latest cheesy action film he's seen. When both your drinks are empty, the glasses sit there, the ice slowly melting as you talk into the night. Every time a hint of anxiety creeps up your spine, he makes you laugh or tells you an interesting story from his past and distracts you from it. You lose hours sitting there, and you don't even realize it until your phone pings you with a reminder, and you suddenly see it's past midnight.
"Oh, shit," you mumble, showing Joel the time. "I gotta lock up."
"And you have school tomorrow." He says, and you groan as you stand and grab your glasses. 
"Don't remind me. I've got like five million things waiting to get done there." You say. He watches you step behind the bar, leave them in the sink for the opener to find, and no doubt send a catty message in the group chat asking who closed the night before. His eyes don't leave you even when you reach up and grab your bag, your sleeve falling down just enough to reveal a nasty bruise.
"Woah, that looks like it hurt," he says, gesturing to your arm. "How'd you get that?"
"Promise you won't laugh." Your response does nothing to clear up his confusion, but he raises his right hand and makes a cross over his heart.
"I promise." His tone is gentle and even, but you're still hesitant to actually admit it.
"I fell off a table." 
"I told you!"
"Hey!" You scold. "You promised you'd be cool about it!"
"I promised not to laugh." He says, and you roll your eyes. "They still haven't come to fix it for ya?"
"Would I be climbing on tables if they did?"
"Fair enough," he shrugs. You find the bar keys at the bottom of your purse and walk over to where he's still sitting, your hand resting on the back of your chair. He shifts forward until he can catch the edge of your sleeve and roll it up to see the bruise in all her glory. His fingers are warm, and his touch light as he traces the edge of it, not firm enough to make it ache but enough that you feel the pads of his fingers. You freeze like your stillness will be enough for the feather-light touches to continue, your eyes meeting for a split second. He clears his throat and rolls your sleeve back down for you, drawing his hand back. "Tell you what," he says. "I gotta buddy who gets me a good deal on some spare parts. Let me see if I can track down the part you need, and I'll come fix it myself. Free of charge."
"You don't have to do that." 
"And let my wife fall off tables?" He asks, a smirk pulling on his lips, and you shake your head. "It's the least I can do for the free drinks and, ya know, teachin' my kid." 
"Fine, but don't make it a thing. The maintenance people already don't like me. I can't imagine seeking outside help will make them like me." 
"I won't make it a thing," he promises, leaning back in his chair as his eyes travel up and down your body. He sighs heavily and sucks his teeth like you're suddenly too much, and you smile. "It's a damn shame this wasn't a date."
"What'd you do if it was?" The question borders on dangerous, but you can't take it back now that you've said it. It seems to have piqued Joel's interest, too, because he raises his eyebrows at you.
"You really wanna know?" He asks, and you nod.
"I really wanna know," you say. "How does Joel Miller end a successful date?" He gets a little bashful at the question, a blush creeping up his neck, and you knock his knee with yours to get his attention. "C'mon, don't get shy on me now."
"Alright, alright," he grumbles. "If this were a date, and we were gettin' ready to go out separate ways, I'd walk you out to your car, open the door for ya 'cause a lady should never open her own doors," his voice is slow and low, and he watches your face as he speaks. "And I'd kiss you. Nice and slow so I don't scare ya off or anythin'. I might put a hand on your waist or bite that pretty lip or somethin'. And right when I can feel you wantin' a little more, gettin' a little desperate, I'd stop, say goodnight, and walk back to my truck." His words have a devastating effect on you, and you can't look away from him. The heat rolling off him in waves makes you too warm and flustered. His gaze flicks from your eyes to your lips, his own tongue darting out to wet his plump bottom lip, and you have half a mind to think he's looking at you like he wants to eat you alive. You have half a mind to let him. 
"You're right," you finally breathe. "It's a shame this isn't a date." He nods and stands, his broad chest grazing yours as you look up at him. You're not a science teacher by any means. If you were, you might be able to explain the magnetism you feel toward Joel or what stupid chemical in your brain makes you wonder what tricks he keeps up his sleeve. But you're not. You're an art teacher. So, the only thing you can focus on is the deep brown of his irises and the heavy lashes and crow's feet that frame his eyes. And the swoop of his salt and pepper curls, the tint of his slightly pink forehead and strong nose. You want to capture his image in the dim lighting of the bar, but you settle for committing it to memory to scribble in the margins of your notebook for the rest of the week. Why couldn't you have been a science teacher?
Neither of you says anything as he finally steps away, giving you the space to turn off the last of the bar lights and push through the haze he created in your mind. He lingers by the door and opens it for you when you go to the front and step into the humid Austin night. You lock the doors and give him a small smile when you turn around to see him rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. 
Then, just as he said, he walks you to your car and opens the driver's side door for you. His truck, the only other car in the parking lot, is parked a few spaces away from yours. It would've been so much easier to just ignore you, get in his car, and drive away, but here he is, being the gentleman he's always been toward you. You step into the space created by the open door and throw your bag in the passenger seat, but don't get in the car. Not yet. He sighs heavily, like he's in physical pain, when you meet his eyes again, and his hand flexes around the edge of your car door. 
"Thanks for my not date." You mumble, and he nods. You're close (and weak) enough that brushing his lips would just take a strong breeze. It freaks you out how okay you are with the idea of "accidentally" kissing Joel Miller. You should be panicking. Alarm bells should be sounding in your head, but the only thing filling the cavernous space is the echo of his voice explaining what he'd do if this were a date. Idiot.
He leans on your door a little more, and your heart quickens, thinking he might actually be the one to make the move. His head ducks just a little, and you get a strong whiff of his cologne, your eyes fluttering shut at the scent. Your throat is suddenly dry, and you're all but pushing up on your toes when he swerves past your lips and presses a chaste, firm kiss to your cheek. His beard scratches your soft skin pleasantly, and you keep your eyes closed until he pulls away, looking like he just won a prize.
"Get home safe." He says as he steps back, still holding your door open. You sigh and fight a smile as you look at him— cocky, vindicated, and knowing exactly what he just did. 
"Goodnight, Joel." You manage to get out before sitting down and letting him gently shut the door for you. You wait until he gets in his truck to roll your window down and shout his name until he does the same. "I'm gonna get you back for that."
"Oh, I'm countin' on it, darlin'."
TAGLIST: @abbyhaslongshorts @kiwiharrykiwi @sumsworldz @myloveistoolittle @anavatazes @marantha @cosmoscoffeee @shyminnie07 @beezusvreeland @eddiemunsonsbedroom @harriedandharassed @doodlebob-mp3
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justmeinadaze · 29 days
Don't Be So Hard Part 4 (Steddie & Plus Size Reader)
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Warnings: Older Dom (30s) Coach Steve Harrington/Older Dom (30s) Professor Eddie Munson & Young (20s) Fem Plus size Sub Student Y/N, SMUT, overstimulation, choking, light degrading, use of the stop light system, DP, dirty talk, lots of praise and aftercare.
ANGST, LOADED IN ANGST, *dances in angst*
This chapter begins with a meeting and people in Hawkins being shady bitches in regard to Eddie being a professor and the play the school is putting on. Mentions of Y/N's weight (so brief, more than anything is alluded to when it comes to the lingerie in the play), Mentions of what happened in chapter 1 with her assault. Martin's dad is a dick and victim blames, brings up her father and Steve's.
Steve loses control a bit with Y/N and they get into a fight. Boys get jealous slightly. Um...OH cliffhanger ending but not quite like my others. You'll see. It will make you feel things but...you'll see!
Word Count: 6138
Series here/Donate to Me
You listened quietly as you sat in the back of the auditorium, listening to the parents, faculty, and dean of Hawkins University speak. You told Eddie and Steve you would be in your dorm and asked them to call you when it was over but both men seemed so on edge all week the moment they found out about the meeting. 
The coach told you a lot of times these meetings were randomly called when parents wanted to complain about a “murderer teaching on campus” but something seemed off as the day slowly approached so you snuck in before it began through the booth entrance and waited for it to begin. 
“Ah you little troublemaker.”, Theo teased as he sat beside you. “Got a weird vibe to? Yeah, Ms. Lilah was talking about this meeting with a friend while I was at work so I got curious.”
“Alright professors and parents let’s get started.”, the dean announced trying to hush the people in the room. “Now this meeting here was called forth by some of the parents…”
“Pfft ‘called forth’.”, the boy beside you whispered as you smiled his way. 
“We’re concerned about how downhill this school seems to be going!”, one woman yelled.
“There’s a killer still teaching class, our football team keeps losing and they’re doing plays of satanic garbage now?!”, screamed another. 
“Ok, Ok! Let’s not let this get out of hand.”, the dean shouted as he sighed. 
Both your men were sitting in a corner and you could tell they were already annoyed by their demeanors alone.  
“First and foremost—”
“First and foremost, satanic garbage? Really?”, your theater teacher interrupted as she rose to her feet. “It’s a play about being yourself and—"
“By parading around half naked?”
“Oh, Mrs. Martinez, I didn’t know you were a fan of the film.”
“Pfft, we don’t watch that filth in my house. This town has enough chaos in it.”, the woman spits. 
“It does which is why I feel like these kids should be open to expressing themselves. Everyone in my play is consenting and perfectly fine with the wardrobe.”
“They may be but WE aren’t. Why would I want to see people like Benjamin Lineck and Y/N Y/L/N parading around in that attire?!”
Eddie leaned forward, prepared to say something before you see Steve bring him back. 
“What’s wrong with that? Both my students are brilliant performers and have worked hard for their parts. Why don’t you be man, Paul, and say what your real issue is? You don’t think a boy or a full-figured woman like Y/N should be ‘parading around’ in lingerie.”
“Full-figured? Really? How about—”
“Hey! Enough!”, the dean shouted trying to regain control. “We aren’t here to bad mouth students. Your concern is the material in the play which was also a concern of mine. From the scenes that I’ve seen I’m not worried and it seems Lilah here has taken great care to keep as much detail focused on the story.”
“Recast it.”
“What?”, Lilah laughed. “No way. Even the dean just said your problem is with the material not my actors. No way.”
“It seems the problem is Y/N.”, Martin’s father sighs aggressively. “She’s the lead in the play, right Lilah? She’s the reason my son was kicked off the team and we’ve been losing—”
“No, your son was kicked off my team for assaulting an innocent girl.”, Steve defended. 
Theo’s hand reached for yours and desperately seeking comfort you threaded your fingers through his. 
“He also made threats and disrespected me and another professor.”
“Your friend the murderer?”, Jared countered. 
“You know what? I’m really sick of your fucking attitude.”, Eddie growled as he stood up placing himself chest to chest with the other man. Trying to calm him, Steve placed his hand on his chest to bring him back to his seat but he just pushed against him. “You people accused me and hunted me down based on how I dress and a fucking game I play! You’re doing the same thing with Y/N and I’m not going to let you!”
“ENOUGH!”, the dean shouted so loud even you jumped and Theo ran his thumb along your skin trying to calm you. “This is my school and I WILL be heard! Now, in regard to Mr. Munson and his employment here, he wasn’t charged with a crime and is an excellent teacher to the students of this school. We have evaluations every semester and his marks are always high. This matter has been discussed at length and unless there are new developments it will not be brought up again. As for the play…I will take a vote amongst the student body and faculty and if they deem it inappropriate I will cancel the production. We already know how you parents feel. For the football team, Mr. Harrington have you found a full-time replacement for Martin Click as of yet?”
“No, sir. I didn’t want to replace him fully until your investigation was finished. I’ve been using his back up but Mr. Hunter stated the pressure from the town has been too much. He, uh, left my team last week.”
A heavy sigh left your chest at his words; he hadn’t told you that. 
The dean nodded as his eyes took in the angry faces below him. 
“Stay low, ok? And stay here.”, he whispered as Theo let go of your palm and tip toed to the aisle. “Excuse me.” All eyes turned towards the boy in the back as he waved their way. “Uh, I know I’m not supposed to be here but I may be able to help. I was a quarterback in my hometown. I never tried out because it kind of seemed like…people had their fantasy team in this town.”
“Oh yeah because this is a good first impression and who we want representing our team.”, another parent snarked. 
“Yeah but at least I don’t tear girls shirts and push them to the concrete.”, Theo shot back.
“Allegedly!”, Martin’s father yelled. 
“No, not anymore. Based on Y/N’s testimony to me and the confrontational conversation I had with Mr. Click Junior, I agree with Coach Harrington’s decision to remove him from the team and I hereby expel him from my campus.”
“What?! You can’t do that!”
“I just did. This meeting is over and everyone drive safe.”, the dean sighed as he rolled his eyes. 
Scooting back to your side, Theo waited for people to leave as he blocked you from sight with his body but unfortunately he couldn’t hide you from everyone. 
“How does it feel, Y/N? Ruining someone’s life?”, Martin’s father shouted with distain your way. “Your father would be ashamed of you.”
Your eyes widened in anger as you stepped towards him but a fist blocked you as it flew across the other man’s face. Theo straightened in front of you as Eddie held Steve back so he didn’t hit the man again. Jared spit blood to the side as he squared his shoulders. 
“I can’t wait to tell your father what you’ve been up to, Steven. I know he gave up on you a long time ago but I imagine he never fully understood how bad things could get with his name’s sake. The final nail in the coffin would be if you and the freak here were fucking but even you wouldn’t sink that low would you? Still have some standards?”
As the man spoke, Steve kept try to push Eddie out of the way to get to the man in front of him but the metalhead kept his ground. 
“Get out of my auditorium now.”, Lilah growled as she put herself between everyone. 
“Or what?”
“Try me, Jared. I have no problem taking you out but I imagine you do with me. Want to uphold that ‘reputation’ right? Your son isn���t that smart I’m afraid.”
The man huffed as he promptly turned on his heel and slammed open the doors as he left.
“Are you alright, Steve?”
“M’fine.”, the man grumbled as he flexed his hand and winced at the pain in his knuckles. “What are you bothdoing here?!”
“I talked her into coming. I had a feeling something was off—”
“You lie and defend her a lot. Are you two an item?”, Eddie snarks causing you narrow your eyes his way. 
“No, Mr. Munson, we aren’t. Theo is my friend and just helped defend me.”
Their seemingly calm but annoyed eyes racked over you but you had been with them long enough now to recognize when they were furious. At you or the situation though you weren’t sure.
“Don’t listen to what they said, Y/N, honey, ok? None of this is your fault and fuck them. You’re beautiful.”
“Thank you, Lilah.”
“Theo, why don’t you walk Y/N back to her dorm and—”
“Actually, I’m, um, going to my mom’s house but if you could walk me to my car I’d appreciate it.”
“No detours, Y/N. Just straight to the house, ok?”
“Yes, sir, Mr. Munson.”
You knew what Eddie meant and didn’t stray as you headed to their house. After letting yourself in, you hastily got an ice pack ready before you heard a car squeak and the front door fly open. 
“…have to talk to me! I don’t like when you get silent like this!”, the metalhead shouted as he followed his boyfriend into the living room. 
“You! What were you doing there?!”, Steve shouted when his eyes found yours. 
“You both seemed concerned about the meeting so I just…I wanted to know what was going on.”
“You could have gotten in a lot of trouble if the dean or any of those other fucking people noticed you there.”
“I-I-I didn’t expect them to blame me like that—”
“Of course you didn’t, little girl, because you don’t know this town like we do!”
“Just because I didn’t have a ‘posse’ come after me before doesn’t mean I don’t know how cruel people in Hawkins can be! You think Martin Click is the only one to hurt me and make fun of me!?”
“Well, you definitely have a good amount of people protecting you.”, Eddie sassed as he folded his arms across his chest. 
“Really? I haven’t forgotten about that comment you made. Theo is my friend and he’s a good guy—”
“That fucking made out with you on my desk AND we get to see kiss you on stage constantly.”
“Oh my fucking God! I’m not doing this with either of you! I just wanted to make sure Steve was ok—”
Reaching for the ice pack you had been holding, Steve threw it hard against the adjacent wall making you jump back as Eddie’s eyes scanned him over with concern. 
“I’m fucking fine. What I’m not fine with is you sneaking around and putting yourself in danger!”
“Said one of the men who puts me in danger by being in a relationship with me!” 
You regret the words as soon as they leave your lips as his eyes darken and he straightens to his full height. 
“I’m sorry…”
“I’ll bet your fucking are.”, Steve growled before abruptly reaching forward to grab your throat. “You’re always sorry.”
“Baby, let her go.”
“She’s fine, Eddie. Right, Y/N? Tell him you’re fucking fine.”
“I’m…I’m fine…Mr. Munson.”, you responded, your voice incredibly strained with how hard the other man’s palm was wrapped around your neck. 
“Ok, sweetheart.”, he replied cautiously as his gaze shifted between you both. “You remember the word right? If you get uncomfortable…”
“Yes, sir. Ahhh!”
Guiding you to the bedroom, Steve practically pushed you the entire way and all but threw you on to their mattress. As he tried to pull down your pants, he became annoyed, tearing them with his hands before tugging them the rest of the way on to the floor. 
“Wear these fucking tight pants like a fucking slut.”, he grumbled as he roughly yanked your legs apart. “Don’t fucking cum, little girl. Do you hear me?”
“Y-Yes, Mr. Harrington.”
He was ruthless with the way his tongue flicked and sucked between your legs, bringing you to the edge multiple times before taking away your pleasure. Eddie gently propped you up with your back to his chest and you were grateful for the feeling as you pressed your sweaty forehead to his cheek. 
“You’re doing really good, pretty girl.”, the professor whispered as his palm brushed your damp hair away from your face. “Steve, how many more—”
“As many as their needs to fucking be, Edward!” The metalhead’s head ticked to the side at his name. His partner only ever did that when he was extremely upset and wanted to feel in control. “My fucking dad, this town, and those stupid fucking people think they can tell me how to be or who to fucking love? Keep your legs open, Y/N! After everything I’ve sacrificed for these people and it’s not enough.”
“You—You both are—mmm ahhhh—more than enough for me.”, you cry and Eddie kisses your cheek.
 “Oh please! Like you fucking care.”, he spits as he pushes two of his long, thick fingers inside you. “You can leave whenever you fucking want to… go off to fucking…Hollywood with your young, buff boyfriend who can apparently to it all it seems. He can keep you safe better than we can since loving you is putting you in more danger!”
You barely registered it but his partner did as his wide eyes scanned over Steve. You were too busy trying not to cum as he didn’t pull back this time but had yet to tell you it was ok. 
“Steven, stop.”, Eddie commanded in a firm tone that the other man ignored. “Red, Steve, stop. NOW.”
When the man’s fingers only slowed but didn’t completely come to halt, your professor slid out from behind you and shoved his boyfriend away from you. 
“The fuck is wrong with you?”
“The fuck is wrong with you?! She said she knew the fucking word, Eddie!”
“Yeah and I know you! What the fuck was that?! You tell her you fucking love her this way?! After saying she doesn’t care and that she’s going to leave us, you fucking asshole! That’s not fair to her. We can’t take her out on dates or show her off but at least us conveying how we feel shouldn’t be hidden under all the bullshit you just did.”
“Eddie…”, you sniffle as they glare each other down. “It’s ok…”
“Get the fuck out.”, Eddie commands as he points past Steve towards the door.
“This is my house to. I don’t have to go anywhere.”
Your professor steps forward and bumps his boyfriend with his chest, making him stumble backward as Eddie guides him towards the bedroom door. 
“We agreed that we’d protect her so that’s what I’m doing. I’m protecting her from you.” Steve’s eyes widened as he glanced around the room as if finally recognizing where he was and who he was with. “You don’t want to leave fine but I’m not letting her anywhere near you till you get yourself together.”
With one final shove, Eddie pushes him out into the hallway and slams the bedroom door in his face locking it tightly behind him. 
As quickly as he can muster, the metalhead lifts you into his arms and places you on the edge of the tub as he fills it with water. 
“I-I-I was doing ok. You didn’t have to stop h-h-him.”, you cry as you wipe your eyes. 
“Look at me, sweetheart. Everything is alright. You may have been able to handle it right now but sometimes Steve… goes overboard…when he’s angry. I think it comes from years of growing up with his parents but even when we fight which is rare he has a bite to his words.”
After carefully guiding you into the bath, you remain silent as you allow him to clean you and massage any part of your body he can reach. 
“I’m sorry I went to the meeting. You both seemed so worried and I couldn’t wait. I didn’t expect them to turn on me like that.”
“You’d be surprised how quick they turn.”, he sighs. “We were worried because Steve already knew the town was pissed off about their recent losing streak so he assumed they wanted to talk about what happened with Martin. I didn’t expect them to talk about your play or you like that.”
Your fingers reached out to caress his face and he smiled as he placed his hand over the back of yours. 
“Thank you for trying to defend me with his father.”
“I’m sorry for what he said about yours. Y/N, your dad would be so proud of you. You’ve done nothing wrong.”
“Not even with you two?”
Eddie heavily exhaled as his eyes closed and he shook his head. 
“No, baby, not even with us… what is wrong is hiding you…hiding that you’re ours and that we can protect you. Y/N, when that kid stood up for you and I saw him shield you behind him, I was glad he was there but also really fucking jealous.”
“I know. I heard it in your tone.”, you giggle as his grin widens for a moment.
“Yeah, yeah. What I mean is… I couldn’t push you behind me. I couldn’t tell those people to fuck off because you’re my girl and I’d take a fucking bullet for you. I almost died trying to save Steve and my friends and I’d do it again to save you. I don’t even need to think about it. You and Steve are safe with me and I want all of Hawkins to know that.”
Your lips tenderly find his before he helps you out of the bathtub and dries you off. 
“Eddie? Do you love me to?”
Pausing for a moment, he smirks your way and slides one of his shirts over your head. 
“You caught him saying that, huh?” After getting you into some comfy shorts, Eddie climbs into his bed with you and you promptly curl up into his side resting your head on his chest. “I’m sorry he said it like that.”, he whispers as his fingers play with your hair. “Um, what if I said that I do love you…very much…”
“I would say that I love you to, you and Steve, but that scares me. I don’t want to ruin your careers or the life you’ve made here.”
“I would probably say something back like how it scares me to but not as much as how hard I fell for you. It was the same with Steve. I wasn’t expecting to fall for him but here we are 10 years later. I—we—also don’t want to ruin your life either. You deserve all the good things, Y/N.”
“So do you.” Quietly, he continued to rub your head as you listened to his steady breathing as his chest rose and fell. “Eddie…I love you.”
Pulling you tighter to him, he tenderly kissed your forehead. 
“I love you to, Y/N.”
In the middle of the night, the sound of low grumbles woke you as you opened their bedroom door and tiptoed out into their living room to find Steve asleep on the couch as he tossed and turned. 
“No…no… please…”
As he groaned, you fell to your knees beside him and tenderly moved his hair away from his face. 
“Don’t…don’t hurt her…please…”
“Everything’s ok, Steve. Shhhhhh, baby. I’m right here.”, you tried to sooth as his nose scrunched in what looked like pain. 
“Run, Y/N…Run!” With that his eyes snapped open as he shot up, panting heavily as he tried to catch his breath.
“Whoa! Hey, hey, hey. It’s ok, Steve. I’m here.”
He didn’t say a word as he forcefully pulled you onto his lap and wrapped his arms around you as he cried. You continued to pet his head as you held him to your chest, whispering comforts as you tried to calm him.
“People in Hawkins were trying to hurt you. I tried to tell them…I told them you did nothing wrong but…they wouldn’t listen… you were so scared…I couldn’t…”
Your lips kissed his sweaty forehead before trailing down his cheeks to dry his tears. 
“Steve, everything’s ok. No one’s going to hurt me but if they did I know you and Eddie would keep me safe.”
Leaning back, his large hands cupped your face as he kissed your lips. 
“I’m so sorry for yelling and taking my anger out on you. That asshole was saying all that bullshit and then he mentioned your dad and I just lost it. It made me think of Eddie and what he went through…I just felt so out of control.”
“I know, Mr. Harrington, I know.” At your words, his head hung as he pulled away but you quickly grabbed his chin and forced him to look at you again. “Use me to find your control again…both of you.”
As your gaze shifted towards Eddie who had been watching from the hallway, Steve’s lips kissed your cheek before trailing down to your neck. 
“Please, Mr. Munson...use me.”
The metalhead slowly stepped forward and descended to his knees in front of his boyfriend as you moved off his lap out of the way. Lifting his hips, Steve helped him pull down his shorts, groaning when Eddie spit over his tip and stroked it along his length.
Cupping your cheek in his palm, he brought your lips to his, lightly whimpering against them as his partner enveloped him into his mouth and bobbed his head. 
“Fuck, baby. That’s it.”, Steve mewled as his fingers threaded through his long hair. 
When his free hand lightly tugged at your shirt, you got the message and as soon as you tossed it aside he lowered his head to your breast eliciting a soft moan as his tongue swirled and sucked on your nipple. 
“Both of you…use me.”, you repeat with heavy pant as Steve grips Eddie’s throat to passionately kiss his lips before guiding him beside you on the couch as both sets of hands roam along your skin and their mouths suck at either side of your neck. “Please.”
“Sweetheart…you always say…you need time because…our cocks are too big. I don’t think you can handle that…right now.”, Eddie exhales out between each kiss of your skin. 
“But we’ve—”
“We’ve done some stuff yeah because you were curious but that’s different.”
“Please, Mr. Munson. Pleeeeeeeeease.”, you whine making Steve chuckle. 
“Yeah, Professor. Show her how it’s done.”
Eddie playfully narrows his eyes at his partner before falling back against the couch to remove his boxers. When you straddle him on his laps, out of habit, your hands run along his bare chest making him mewl as his fingers take hold of your thick waist. 
“Whenever you’re ready, princess.”
As Steve starts to stand, you quickly take hold of his shoulder and place a tender kiss on his lips. 
“I love you.”
The coach blinks a couple of times as he scans over the softness in your face. They never expected to meet you let alone start a relationship with someone they trusted so completely as to tell you their deepest, darkest secrets. While Eddie was in the hospital after their battle, he would sit beside him in the chair and imagine what a life could be with him. 
He pictured dancing at metal concerts outside of town or even screaming along to one of Eddie’s songs as he played on stage. He envisioned lying in bed with him while holding his hand kind of like he had been for the past couple of weeks except the metalhead would be smiling and laughing at something goofy Steve probably said. He imagined holding him to his chest as he slept, playing with his hair, and reminding him in every way he could think of that he was safe.
Since they started seeing you, he pictured dancing at a wedding with you in a beautiful white dress that showed off every one of your gorgeous curves while he and Eddie were in crisp black tuxes. He saw you at a game he was coaching in the bleachers with the man you both loved at your side holding a baby that looked exactly like him while they clapped their little hands at something happening on the field. 
Steve saw a future with you both he desperately wanted and would do anything he had to, to protect you both.
“I love you to, Y/N.”
Your grin grew as you focused on Eddie again, surprised when you were met with his lips. 
“I love you to, pretty girl.”
Clinging to his neck, you lowered yourself onto his cock as you whimpered at the familiar stretch. 
“I love you to, Eddie. So much…fuck.”
“There you go, baby. You got it.”, he cooed as you rolled your hips slowly. “Take your time. We have all night.”
“God, you feel so good. Is…is it going to hurt. I mean more than when we…”
“When we put the toy inside your ass?”, Eddie finished for you. “Yes, sweetheart. I’m not going to lie to you. But then it will start to feel good.”
Your forehead falls on his and he cups your face in his hands, caressing your cheeks with his thumbs. 
“Did I tell you I was Steve’s first?” He smiled when you giggled and shook your head. “Oh yeah. Obviously, he had been with women before but he had never explored that part of himself.”
Lips kissed your back and the metalhead scooted his body down till his neck was leaning against the back of their sofa. Something cold made you gasp before Steve’s lube covered fingers ran between your cheeks. This part you knew from playing with them prior and your eyes squeezed closed as Eddie continued to watch your face. 
“We had been together for about three months—fuck, I could sit here for hours inside you telling you stories—and he asked me if we could try. Y/N, I swear, the way those big, beautiful eyes looked up at me…I thought I was gonna bust.”
After placing a palm on your shoulder to steady himself, your breath caught in your throat as you felt Steve’s cock lightly press against your hole.
“When I started to slide inside of him? Fuck me, baby, he was so tight I lost my fucking mind.”
As slowly as he could, the man behind you began guiding himself into your behind. Your fingers that were clinging to the base of Eddie’s neck dug into his skin as you bit your bottom lip to keep from screaming.
“It’s alright, honey. You’re doing so—fuck—so good.”, Steve whispered. “I’m going to push a little more in, ok?”
You nod aggressively before you remember the rules.
“Y-Yes, Mr. Harrington.” As he continued, a sharp burn coursed through your body as you lifted your head and grunted in pain. “Wait! Wait…yellow, please…wait.”
“Ok, pretty girl. That’s alright. Tell me when you’re ready. L-Like he said, I could let you warm my cock all night and I’d still cum.”
“He came before I even started moving.”, Eddie continues as his thumbs stroke your skin. “I fucked him a couple more times that night and then after we laid in my bed talking about the future.”
“Ok, green. Y-You can keep going.”
“Good girl, baby. Thank you for telling me.”, Steve praised, leaning down to kiss the top of your head. Taking ahold of your waist with both hands, he subtly rolled his hips bumping into something inside you that had your eyes rolling. 
“Shit. Was that the spot, sweetheart? Your pussy just choked my dick.”
After a couple more minutes pass, you feel Steve’s warm body and you realize they are fully sheathed inside of you. You had never felt anything like this and the overwhelming ecstasy of the moment had tears falling down your face. 
“What color, Y/N?”
“G-Green, Mr. Munson. I’ve never felt anything this g-g-good before. Mmm—use me. Please…I need you to.”
Testing the water, both men thrust their hips and a moan they had never heard from you escaped your lips. Your own movements took over as you bounced against them, their guttural grunts of approval keeping you motivated. 
“Atta, girl. You like—mmph—feeling us inside you at the same time?”
“Yes, sir. Fuck, you both feel so good.”
While Steve pumps into you, Eddie plants his feet and thrusts up to meet each of your movements with a hard one of his own. Their hands cling to you tightly, sure to leave bruises you don’t mind wearing. 
A sweaty chest leans against your back, pushing you against your professor’s chest and you laid your head on his shoulder as you listen to both boy’s lips smack together as they passionately kiss. 
“I’m sorry.”, Steve murmurs softly.
“I-I know, sweetheart. I know.”
“I hate—oh, fuck—I hate the way they s-still talk about you. You’re both…perfect.”
“Shhhh… don’t focus on that right now, baby. Just…feel our beautiful girl. H-How tight her holes are…fuck. E-Every time your cock slams into her, s-she—mmm—squeezes tighter around me.”
Pulling himself halfway out, skin slaps against skin as his cock roughly hits that spot deep inside making you moan and clench around Eddie. 
“Like that?”
“Fuck, Steve. Just like that.”
Limply, you cling to the man in front of you as you allow them to take over. Matching each other’s rhythm, it doesn’t take long before your orgasm washes over you and crashes like a wave as you shudder against them. 
“Good girl, princess. Good fucking girl.”, the long-haired boy praises as his fingers thread through your hair to hold you tightly against him as they chase their highs. 
Steve cums first, his palm gripping the back of your neck as he slams his release into your ass and after a few more rough thrusts Eddie follows coating your walls with his spend.
“I know, honey. Shhh. It’s ok.”, the coach softly comforts when he hears you groan as he carefully pulls out and Eddie does the same. 
Taking you in his arms, he carries you to the bathroom and holds you to his chest as his partner gets the bath ready. Wincing as he lowers you, they continue to murmur soft praises before Steve climbs in with you and the other man sits on the tub behind you as you lean against his leg. 
“How are you feeling?”, the pretty boy asks, smiling when you nod. 
“I’m worried about you.”, you answer gently as Steve tilts his head. “Jared said he was going to talk to your father. I don’t want him to cause trouble for you both.”
His gorgeous eyes scan over you and his boyfriend as Eddie pours warm water against your skin making you moan as you tip your head back so he can kiss your forehead. 
“My dad already thinks I’m a fuck up like he said. I don’t imagine how much worse Jared can make it unless I tell him about me and Eddie.”
“After the quake, he didn’t try to make amends? I would think something like that would bring a family closer.”
“It brought us closer.”, he grins as he gestures between himself and the man he loves who smiles back. “It made me realize I wanted to be happy. My parents weren’t even in town when everything happened.”
“Are you going to let Theo try out?”
“Can’t say no to someone who wants to see you safe to.”, he chuckles. 
“Speaking of, we may be a bit more protective for a while, sweetheart. You have no idea how Martin will react to being expelled or even the town as a whole so.”, Eddie advised as his eyes flick towards Steve who nods in agreement. 
After getting you clean, the long-haired man carries you to their bed where you fall asleep tangled in their arms. 
Walking down the hallway, you can feel eyes bore into you as you stroll past. The dean had sent the survey asking students and facility their thoughts on the play but that was nothing compared to the gossip of Martin Click being expelled and being fully removed from the team. 
“Hey, Y/N.”, Theo beamed, ignoring the people around him. “Coach Harrington put me on the team as the new quarterback.”
“Oh my god, that’s amazing!”
“Yeah, I’m excited. Let me walk you to class.”
As your eyes search his, you see something behind them.
“Coach Harrington asked you to keep an eye on me, didn’t he?”
Pursing his lips, he nods as he loops his arm through your own and leads you towards Eddie’s room. 
“He said after last night and with everything going on, he trusted me to look after you. He’s a good guy unlike his dad.”
“Have you met him?”
“Ah no but like everyone else I’ve heard the rumors and small-town gossip about the Harringtons.”
As soon as you reach your next class you pause noticing the sign that read “Class Cancelled.” You had just seen Eddie that morning and he hadn’t said a word about cancelling class. Opening the door anyway you are met with complete and utter chaos. 
The desks had been flipped over with the chairs thrown randomly around the room. His own desk that he taught from was on its side with all his papers tossed every which way on the floor. On the board in front of the class “FREAK” was scrolled across in big bold letters. As you headed for his office you noticed the lock had been busted and it was even more messy with all his books and documents damaged. 
Images were dangling from the ceiling above and as you pulled one of them down, you realized they were pictures of the people that were killed in 86.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
Eddie’s strained whimpers caught your ear and you found him in the corner with his knees to his chin, his head down in his folded arms with one of the pictures scrunched in his hand. 
“Go get Mr. Harrington. Now.”, you commanded sternly.
As soon as Theo ran out of the room, you knelt by your professor’s side and slowly pulled the picture from his desperate grasp. It was a school photo of Chrissy Cunningham taken for the yearbook in her cheerleading uniform, her smile bright on her adorable face. 
“Eddie, it’s ok. Come back to me, baby.” 
His head shot up when your fingers touched his hair as his palm instinctively grabbed your wrist. 
“Fuck…fuck, Y/N. I-I-I’m—”
“No, no. It’s ok. Come on, let’s sit in the classroom and wait for Steve. You shouldn’t be looking at these.”
When you rose to your feet, he promptly wrapped his arms around you as he pressed his face into your stomach and cried. Neither of you cared in that moment if you got caught or if someone walked in. He just needed to feel safe again. 
“Jesus Christ.”, Steve panted from running to the room as his wide eyes took everything in. “Eddie, baby.”
Falling to the floor, his partner immediately clung to him as he climbed into his lap. While rocking him back and forth, he whispered comforting words as you stepped back to give them some space. 
“His office is trashed to.”, Theo relayed. “When we spoke, it was heading to the locker room so he probably hadn’t seen it yet. It’s nothing like this though.”
Your wide eyes suddenly meet his.
“Oh, no. Lilah.”
“Y/N, WAIT!”, your friend calls as you run out of the room towards the auditorium. 
You hear your theater teacher shouting before you even open the door. 
“Those little shits are going to get it! I’m not letting this town fucking scare me away!”
In the middle of the stage were all the set pieces she and her team had worked so hard on, now in shambles and charred as if they had been burned right there. 
“We don’t know it was them.”, the town sheriff sighed as his deputy continued to take pictures. 
“Of course it was them! Are you fucking kidding? Martin gets expelled and then the morning after they set my stage on fire with my things!? That’s just a coincidence?!”
“Mr. Munson and Coach Harrington’s offices were destroyed to.”
Lilah looks at you completely shocked before anger fills her face as she gestures your way.
“Is everyone alright?”, Chief Hopper asks right as all three men appear behind you. “Alright. I guess I have an idiot and his father to go talk to.”
@joannamuns9n @dckweed @corkadymu @lilaclazer @aol19 @nailbatanddungeon @dashingdeb16 @micheledawn1975 @too-efn-old-to-be-here @eddiexmunsonlover
I think I got everyone
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commajade · 4 months
finally watched watched my brothers and sisters in the north when it's been in my to-watch list for years and it was so touching and so beautiful.
the people interviewed were of course handpicked and have better conditions than other people because of the impact of U.S. sanctions and such, but it genuinely inspired me how hard-earned their good living conditions are. the farmers had to work really hard to re-establish agriculture after the war and now they get so much food a year they donate most of it to the state because they simply don't need it. the girl at the sewing factory loves her job and gets paid with 14 kilos of food a month on top of her wages. the water park worker is proud of his job because 20,000 of his people can come and enjoy themselves every day, and Kim Jong-un himself took part in designing it and came by at 2am during construction to make sure everything was going smoothly. his grandmother's father was a revolutionary who was executed and buried in a mass grave in seoul but in the dprk he has a memorial bust in a place of honor and his family gets a nice apartment in pyongyang for free.
imperialist propaganda always points to the kim family as a dictatorship and a cult of personality but from this docu it's so obvious that it's genuine gratitude for real work for the people, and simple korean respect. if my president came to my work and tried his best to make my working conditions better and to make my life better, i would call him a dear leader too. if my president invented machines and designed amusement parks and went to farms all over the country to improve conditions for the people, i would respect him.
the spirit of juche is in self-reliance, unity of the people, and creative adaptations to circumstances. the docu rly exemplified the ideology in things like the human and animal waste methane systems powering farmers' houses along with solar panels, how they figured out how to build tractors instead of accepting unstable foreign import relationships, and how the water park uses a geothermal heating system.
it rly made me cry at the end when the grandma and her grandson were talking about reunification. the people of the dprk live every day of their lives dreaming of reunification and working for reunification, and it's an intergenerational goal that they inherited from their parents and grandparents. the man said he was so happy to see someone from the south, and that even though reunification would have its own obstacles that we have the same blood the same language the same interests so no matter what if we have the same heart it would be okay.
and the grandma said "when reunification happens, come see me." and it's so upsetting that not even 10 years later, the state has been pushed into somewhat giving up on this hope. the dprk closed down the reunification department of the government last year and it broke my heart.
a really good pairing with the 2016 film is this 2013 interview with ambassador Thae Youngho to clarify political realities in the dprk and the ongoing U.S. hostility that has shaped the country's global image. the interviewer Carlos Martinez asks a lot of excellent questions and the interview goes into their military policy, nuclear weapons, U.S. violence and sanctions, and the dprk's historical solidarity with middle eastern countries like syria and palestine and central/south american countries like nicaragua, bolivia, and cuba.
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doodleferp · 4 months
So I got my mom into The Walking Dead and I thought I’d post about her journey so far.
Her favorite character is Judith hands down
She cried when Amy died
She screamed as much as Lori did when Judith was born
She was VERY interested in Daryl holding Judith
We got a scream when Patricia got mobbed, and an “oh, no…” when we learned what happened to Duane
Merle and Andrea were her least favorite characters until they both died — she hated the way Merle treated Daryl and she hated the way Andrea was always blinded by a dick. She was also terrified of Shane
She cried a LOT when Maggie was talking to Hershel while he was in his little leg coma because she lost her dad and it was hitting really hard
As of today we have
A shout when The Governor killed Martinez
A very loud gasp when The Governer killed Hershel
A full-body “OH, MY GOD!!!” when The Governor put down Meghan
Actually screaming at Rick to kill The Governor while they were fistfighting
A very loud “OH, NO” when she believed Judith was dead
She kept asking if Rick was dead while he was passed out in the house
We had a very interesting discussion about who was living in the house where Carl got the pudding. I thought it could’ve been some college kids/a college neighborhood and she thought it was a new family moving in. She even found some details that I missed!
A brief intermission so she could do work and the entire time she kept asking me about the prison bus that was supposed to have Glenn on it and she was REALLY upset that something might’ve happened to Judith
When we picked up at like 8 PM she was ELATED to discover that Judith was okay. Then she started yelling at Tyreese for leaving the kids alone to go help someone
She’s terrified that Lizzie is gonna hurt Judith because “that girl has issues”
Side note, when Daryl and Beth found that massacre and she saw the kid’s show she was like “ARE THOSE THE KIDS??? ARE THOSE ALL THE KIDS?!?!” Despite the walkers and corpses being grown adults
She just saw the bus she wanted to see so bad and she even didn’t realize that it was the same bus
This woman turned 53 yesterday and her TWD journey is just beginning. She is already distrustful of Terminus but I can’t wait to see how she reacts to them being cannibals
EDIT: Mom enjoyed the middle finger house fire 🖕
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miniisunshine · 6 months
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It's here! My Kappa x new girl is out
Synopsis : Was he yours if he wanted me so bad
Warnings : AFAB ready, P in V, swearing, dubious consent?, dom Kappa, sort off humiliation kink
Being the new girl in an already established group is never easy, even harder when there's princess treatments for one, but boy oh boy were you determine to move that bitch and take her place sooner or later.
You've met Kappa for the first time in an alleyway; while you were trying to steal from a creepy guy, your plan failed miserably and you ended up trap inbetween him and a brick wall. Trying to escape from his strong grasp, delaying the horrible nightmares who would come next, you were lucky enough to be saved by the long black haired cult leader. Immediately hypnotised by his cold icy gaze, you didn't need to think one minute to accept his invitation to join his "human-robots killers group". I mean, you were already in the crime industry, what could go wrong?
Already head over heels for this man, you were greeted with a cold shower when you first met Kappa's favorite one : Theta. And she made it veeery clear to you that he was hers and she was his, like a prince to his princess.
But what she didn't know was, at night, the one she called "mine" was in your bed, carressing and kissing you, whispering sweet words into your ears as he fucked you until you couldn't see clear and you loved it, even though you still wanted to be more than just his midnight love.
So one night, as you were laying on his chest, drawing circles on his skin, you poured your heart out for Kappa.
"Are you gonna claim me as yours one day?"
"Why are you asking that Sugar?"
You sighed
"I'm tired of being your dirty little secret, i should be the one you show proudly, not Theta.."
"But i love you just like i love her, isn't that enough?"
"No it's not! And you clearly don't LOVE her if you keep coming in my bed every night! Stop lying with those words."
You almost screamed.
Shocked by your anger he got off the bed, raising his hand to slap you, but didn't, like a force prevented him from doing so. Without a word, he stormed out the room, leaving you crying quietly on your matress, deeply affected by his unequival feelings to you.
As the night goes by, sadness grew into anger and anger became vengance: let's see how long he could resist keeping you a secret to the rest of the group.
In the morning, you threw off the sluttiest nightgown you could find, parading in front of everybody, purposefully getting the attention of every man who would get an eyeful of your body.
Bending over to grab the milk in the fridge, your eyes met Kappa's furious gaze, as you slowly poured the liquid in a glass. Because Theta was peacefully eating her breakfast next to you, he knew nothing could be done right now to stop this show you put on before lunch, preventing "his" men from looking at you like lions looking at their prey.
You finished your milk, winking at him while licking your lips, as you went back into your room, changing yourself, ready to attack this beautiful day.
Since nothing was scheduled today, you decided to take on the tasks you were given one your first day : cleaning the house. Washing and scrubing was something you enjoyed a lot and with a boring day like this, it was the perfect activity to waste your time one.
As the hour passed, you were left all alone in the house, cleaning the dining room, while the others benefited from the great warmth outside, or so you thought.
Deeply focus into your work, you didn't heard Kappa's footsteps rapidly approaching, caging you with his chest on your back and his hands trapping yours on the table.
"You have 5 seconds to explain what happened this morning Sugar."
He asked calmly, with a bittersweet undertone.
"I don't know what you're talking about.."
You said innocently, but deep down, this moment was all you hoped for after what you have done earlier.
"Don't act fucking stupid with me. Is it because of last night? Are you now punishing me for telling you the truth sweety?"
You couldn't respond. His dark tone and his tall body towering behind you were making you unable to let any sound come out of your mouth.
"Let's see who's really getting punish in all of this."
You couldn't process what he had said before he forcefully slamed your upperbody on the table, pressing his hard on in your ass.
"W..wait Kappa.. We can t..talk!"
"Too late pretty face, you've reached my limit and now you have to pay for it."
His peaceful voice would have calmed everybody, but the situation made it bone chilling as the words reached your ears.
He cuffed both your hands behind your back with his right hand while he stripped you from your pants and underwear before doing the same with his.
You couldn't deny the excitement in that moment, but you could also feel the anxiety going up as you knew you were in for a rough one.
Against all odds, you felt Kappa's fingers carressing your wet folds, making you whimper.
"Already so wet for me.. Do you really think i believed you when you told me you didn't put that little show on purpose this morning?"
He landed a hard slap on your ass, obtaining a hiss from you, as he lower himself to your ears.
"You want me to show everybody who you belong to?"
You nodded weakly before he inserted himself harshly into you, with a low groan. You loudly cried out of pleasure, but also from pain, as a tear made his way on your cheek.
"Nhg... K..Kappa.."
You tried to tell him to go softer with you but his rapid thrusts could only make you moan.
"Yea, keep calling my name like that"
He grabbed your waist, bruising it with his grip, as if he was scared you were gonna try to escape, but you weren't. The pain you felt earlier was far gone and replaced by pure enjoyment created by Kappa's dick into you.
Both your moans filled the dining room, creating a perfect melody for anybody to hear, and by anybody you meant Theta, who was watching everything from the window, outside. You catched her staring as Kappa kept drilling into you and that's what pushed you to the edge: knowing his favorite girl was watching him gaining pleasure by you was enough to make you come.
Screaming his name, you gripped the table as hardly as you could, legs shaking from the things you were feeling.
"Is my girl already done?"
Kappa's didn't let you came down from your high as he grab you by the shoulders, forcing you to face him and kneel before him.
"Now finish me off"
You licked your lips, pumping his length with your hands before licking it from balls to tip, making him drop his head backwards. As precum started to leak, you take him whole into his mouth, adjusting to his size while your fingers found their way on his balls.
His hands firmly grabbed a chunk off your hair, as he guided your head, sucking him off just the way he liked it.
"F...fuck just like that.. Good girl.."
Tears were creeping from your eyes and spit dripping from your mouth, butyou could only focus on the ungodly sounds Kappa was producing, making you unable to not touch yourself as your clit was throbbing.
Both your paces increased as his breath fasten, signifying he was reaching his limits. Your moans vibrating on his dick, he released his load into your mouth while you came for a second time on your fingers.
Swallowing the milky concoction, Kappa helped you get on your feet, dressing him and you back as he placed small kisses on your body, telling you how good you did today.
You innocently smiled as you leaved the room to go wash yourself up in the bath before Theta blocked you in the hallway
"What do you think you're doing with MY man?"
"I mean, is he really yours if he wanted me so bad?"
Omg i am so sorry it took so long and it being so badly written. I had an idea, but it was done poorly! Hopefully at least one you appreciate it lol
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kaylinlmfao · 2 years
Fuck you
Type of piece(s): imagine, oneshot, drabble, series
Type(s) of writing: smut, angst, fluff, dark
Pairing(s): dom!yandere!ghostface!billy loomis x shy!sarcastic!sub!fem!reader x dom!yandere!ghostface!sidney prescott
Warning(s): non con/rape, dub con, knife play, overstimulation, murder, blood, swearing, violence, mommy kink, daddy kink, dacryphilia, blood kink, dirty talk, nipple play, praise kink, slight public sex, innocence kink, reader goes into sub space, choking, hairpulling, fingering (r receiving), face sitting (sidney receiving), floor sex, hate/angry sex, drugging, ownership kink
Summary: when reader finds out that her best friends are the ones who killed her parents and Tatum & Stu, reader feels more hate towards them than ever. But all they've ever felt is obsessed with her. So they keep her with them forever
A/N: this is my first fic and of course its dark as shit so beware. Give me some much needed feedback and let me know how y'all feel! (I listened to Teddy Bear & Tag You're It by Melanie Martinez for the beginning and Shameless by Camila Cabello during the smut scene. Just if you want, it helps make the story more vivid and lucid)
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(Pics from Pinterest)
"Tate? Ready to go?" I yell up the stairs. "You're taking a trillion years Tatum!" "One sec!" She calls back down. "Jesus, Tate! Its just a party, not prom. Sid, come back me up!" "Tate, hurry up." Sidney says without even looking over so used to our arguing. I turn when I hear footsteps thudding down the stairs, Tatum ready to go. "Finally!" I groan, grabbing her hand to pull her out the door, where Dewey has been waiting in the car for like 30 minutes now. "Wait! How do I look, Y/N?" "Gorgeous, as always. Even if you show up in a ratty old house dress, you'd still look gorgeous. So I don't understand why you need an hour to get ready."
Tatum gives me a kiss on the lips as Sid walks over. "Its called preparation, Y/N." Tatum and I weren't dating but we've been best friends since kindergarten. We've kissed as friends since we were 13. Some of her boyfriends had a problem with it, but Stu didn't care. He knew Tatum and I were besties, nothing more. As we walked out the door, I didn't notice Sidney glaring at Tate in anger and jealously while we held hands.
We pulled into the street across from Stu's house as Dewey climbs out and opens the door for Sid. I slide out after her and Tate after me. "Be careful. I'll be over here, talking to Gale and looking around, ok?" "Yeah, ok Dewey boy." Tatum says, dragging me inside where Stu was greeting people at the door. "Y/N! Welcome to my humble castle." "Seriously Stu, don't put any effort into the theatrics." I smile, giving him a side hug as Tate and Sid walks in and I stay with Stu, greeting people as they walk in.
"Hey, Y/N! I'm going to grab a beer, you want one?" Tatum asks. "No, that's alright. Thanks anyways. Be careful." I tell her, turning back to continue my conversation with Stu about the recent kills that have been happening in Woodsboro. About 5 minutes later, Billy pops out of nowhere at the door. "Jesus Christ Billy boy. I'm gonna get you a cow bell or something so you can't sneak up on me anymore." I laugh, smiling and giving him a hug as I go to find Sid and Tate. "Hey Sid, have you seen Tatum anywhere?" "Um, no I haven't. You wanna come upstairs and breathe in peace without any screaming or anything?" "Sure" I say, bounding up the stairs.
I take a nice big deep breath as I flop down onto Stu's parents bed. "Thanks Sid. You always seem to know exactly what I need before I even know I need it." "I know babydoll. Its what I'm here for." I blush ay the nickname and just laugh it off. I can't help but get flustered at how she stands between my legs and looks down at me. No. I'm single and I'm not looking to mingle. I sit up quickly, looking up at Sidney. "Well thanks again Sid. I needed this but I should probably go downstairs, finish the movie, find Tate, y'know?" "Hmm" she nods. As I stand up, I realize she hasn't backed up. We're so close I can feel her everywhere, our lips inches apart. "Well, bye Sidney!" I call, bounding out the door.
So that was weird. I'll just find Tate and finish the movie. "Hey, Randy! Where is everyone?" I question him as I walk into the living room, seeing it empty. "Oh there was this phone call about Principal Himbry has been killed and is hanging from a football post or something." I jump onto the couch next to him. "You think its true?" I ask. "Maybe. I don't really care though. I just wanna finish the movie." "Alright." I nod, standing. "Where ya going?" "To find Tatum or Billy or Sid or Stu. I'll be right back." Randy's head jerks to look at me. "Kidding Rand. Kinda." "Jesus, Y/N." I laugh as I walk up the stairs to see if Tate and Stu are fucking in a room somewhere like they usually are.
I open the door to Stu's bedroom and walk in with my hand covering my eyes, just in case. "Stu? Tatum? Y'all in here." Suddenly, I hear a loud slicing sound and a gargled shout. "Y/N!" I move my hand and see the Ghostface killer in the mask and Sid laying stabbed on the bed. "Oh shit." I say, turning and running as the killer bounds over the bed towards me. "Motherfucker! I'm too young to die! Shit! Ow! Fuck you, you fucking bitch!" I scream as I run around the house, locking door and creating obstacles along the way. "I am way too out of shape for this shit! Can I have a headstart? Bitch! Randy! Stu! Billy! Tatum? Anybody? Fuck!"
I run into a room with a window and I lay the ironing board across the bottom of the door. "Asshole" I say, clamoring out of the window. I feel someone grab my shoulder as they try to pull me back in. "Bitch!" I yell, jumping as I swing my fist back, hitting them in the face. I groan as I roll off of the boat and land on the concrete. I look up at the garage door and scream and choke out a sob as I see my childhood best friend hanging, dead, from the garage door. I stand back up as I run to the news van parked outside. I bang on the door as the camera man, Kenny opens it and I climb in, slamming the door behind me. I look at the cameras set up and I see Ghostface creeping up behind Randy, preparing to stab him.
"Fuck! Move Randy! Move!" "Move kid!" Kenny jumps out of the van to go inside but I notice the front door is open. I watch the footage of the killer running outside, leaving Randy. "Shit! He's-" I'm cut off with a slicing sound as blood spurts from Kenny's neck. I scream and let out a string of curse words as I clamor out the back hole of the news van. I glance around, not seeing the killer but I see Dewey. "Dewey! Randy! He's inside! The killer is gone and I don't know where he went!" I yell, chest heaving, exhausted. "I knew I should've stayed home." The adrenaline is beginning to fade as I see Dewey walk out of the house. "Dewey! Did you-" I see a knife sticking out his back as he calls out, "run!" Before he collapsed. I see the killer standing behind him, pulls the knife out of Dewey's back and starts bolting towards me.
I start running again even though I want to lay down and cry. But I won't. I pick up speed as I think of my parents, who were also killed by Ghostface. I think about my sister, who is at home waiting for me. I think of Sidney, Billy, Tatum, Randy, and Stu. All for the people I love. After a few minutes, I slow to catch my breath and I see the van lights flashing. I wave my hands around and Gale swerves off of the road. What the fuck? I can drive better than that. Oh shit. Randy. He's still in the house. I start running back already on the brink of passing the fuck out. "Oh Randy. You better thank me for this later. I've never run this much except for the time where that big ass dog was chasing me."
I stop up at the porch and grab Dewey's gun out of his pocket, turning the safety off and pointing it as Randy and Billy come out of different directions. "Oh fuck, Y/N. We've gotta get the fuck outta here! I found Tatum and I think Billy killed her." "No I didn't, Y/N! You know me. Baby, give me the gun." He says, shoving Randy out of the way. "Back the fuck up Billy or I swear to God, I will blow your brains all over this front yard. You too Randy." They both start blabbering at once and I can't focus. "Fuck you both!" I say, slamming the door in their faces. They both continue banging on the door. "Go away! Please leave me alone." I shout, sliding down against the door, burying my head in my knees.
"Y/N?" I hear Sid ask before she tumbles down the stairs. "Oh shit. Sid, you're bleeding! Are you ok?" I ask, running over to help her. She hobbles to the door and holds her hand out. "Give me the gun. It's ok Y/N. I'm here now." I pass the gun slowly to her, no hesitation. That was my final mistake of the night. She opens the door and Randy comes flying in. "Holy shit. Billy's gone mad!" "We all go a little mad sometimes." Sidney turns with a smirk on her face as she shoots Randy in the shoulder. "Oh fuck." Randy says before he falls. "Sidney? What the fuck?" I yell, running over to help Randy seeing he's unconscious.
I turn and I start to run away before running straight into Billy's chest. "Billy please, help me!" He just looks down at me before pulling a voice changer and talking into it. "Surprise, Y/N." I look back at Sidney, who looks at me like what are you gonna do? Bitch. This is what the fuck I'm gonna do. I shove Billy out of my way and I run to the kitchen. Suddenly, Sidney pops out and points the gun at me. "Woah. Woah. Calm down there princess." I back slowly towards the counter. "You fucking bitches. Oh Jesus Chris. I'm so stupid. This is all my fault. My fault."
"Honestly, sweetheart. It is. We killed all these people for you. All for you. Your parents." I choked back a cry. "Your Tatum." Sidney adds. I let out a sob. "Why? What did I do to you?" "Well, princess. You hated your parents, so we got rid of them for you." "But I love Tate." "No! You don't love her. You love us." She told me, picking up the knife from Billy and tracing it down my cheek. The adrenaline from the nights events is wearing off and I begin to actually register what I've done. What I've seen. Sidney stands in front of me and Billy has his head on her shoulder.
"Why? Why me?" "Because we love you, sweetheart" I break down for the first time that night, falling into Sidney's arms as I sob. "Get away from me. Leave me alone. Please!" I start to hyperventilate as I think of Tatum and my parents being brutally murdered. And it was all my fault. My fault that Dewey was stabbed. My fault Randy was shot. I fall to my knees, sobbing. I'm having a panic attack. I haven't had one this bad since I got the news my parents were found. "In and out. In and out. Come on, Y/N. Breathe. In and out." I hear Tatum's voice guiding me as I calm myself.
I stand, looking at the two people who sat with me after my parents died, comforting me, helping me through it when in reality, it was them who caused it. All the pain I feel. It was them. I don't see friends anymore. I see targets. I grab a knife off of the counter and feel it in my hand. Can I really kill them? I love them. But not as much as I love Tatum. Or mom and dad. I don't see Billy so tackle Sid and pin her. Who knew wrestling would come in handy. I pin the knife to her neck and look at her. She's so much prettier up close. "You won't do it, baby girl. You can't." I press the knife down harder as she stares into my eyes.
"Do it."
I raise the knife then drop it with a loud groan of frustration. "Why can't I do it?" I ask myself. I feel myself being suddenly jerked back and something cold being pressed on my black short dress and breasts. "Because you love this. You love all of it. I bet if I stuck my hand down your dress, your panties would be soaked. Sidney, would you like to check?" "Hmm" she nodded, sticking her hand up my dress and brushing them over my pulsing pussy. "Soaked, Billy." I whimper as Billy slits my dress in half, Sidney ripping it off. I realize the position I'm in. I'm straddling Sidney and Billy is holding a knife off to my left.
I'm left in my black bra and panties set and my thigh high stockings. "These fucking stockings, pretty girl. Everyday, you wear these stupid fucking stockings and everyday, I wanna fuck the shit outta you every time I see you in them." I let out a soft whine as I hear Billy's words and I feel Sidney's thumb circling my clit slowly through my underwear. Suddenly, I'm flipped over on my back on the floor and Sidney's by my head, sticking her fingers down the back of my throat. Then, Billy comes up towards my face and I see his cock. That won't fit inside me. In my mouth or my pussy. "Suck it like a slut." He orders as I take his dick in my mouth as to avoid him getting angry.
I moan around his cock as I feel Sid's fingers slide deep inside my cunt, deeper then mine could reach. I suck harder on Billy's dick as he begins thrusting, hitting the back of my throat and groaning at the feeling of me gagging around his dick. Sidney starts pistoning her fingers in and out of my pussy so fast that I reach down to grab her fingers to slow her down. "Oh now now baby doll. You were doing so good for mommy and daddy. Move your hands." Sid commands, slapping my hands away as she continues pistoning her fingers quickly, in and out.
"Fuck" Billy groans as something goes down my throat. "Swallow." I swallow obediently and look up innocently at Billy. "So good for daddy and mommy baby." My pussy clenches harder around Sidney's fingers as I arch my back and let out a loud moan as I cum for the first of many times tonight. "Good girl." Billy comes and trades places with Sidney as Sidney comes to straddle my face. Billy starts rubbing the tip of his cock against my cunt as he starts to push his dick inside my dripping pussy. It won't fit. It won't fit. I'm a virgin! But then he pushes himself all the way in to the hilt as I let out a scream.
He reaches up and chokes me, not enough to where I can't breathe, but just enough to where I reach that fuzzy feeling and drift off into subspace and stopped screaming. Sidney begins riding my face and making out with Billy as he thrusts in and out of my cunt so hard, I see stars and a quickly approaching 2nd orgasm. I let out a cry as I cum for the second time. Shortly after, Sidney comes and I drink all of her juices like a good girl. Sidney sits back and watches and plays with my nipples as Billy's dick disappears in and out of my pussy, his cock coated in red from my blood. Billy pinches my pulsing clit, hard as I cum for a third time.
"Please! No more! No more! Can't take anymore daddy, mommy. Fuck, please no more." "Oh come on, princess. Be a good girl and give mommy and daddy one more. One more. Then you can suck. Ok?" Sidney says as I come again, my eyes rolling back into my head, my hoarse voice screaming mommy and daddy, the tears streaking down my cheeks, all sends Billy over the edge. "We fucking own you. You fucking belong to us, Y/N." Billy groans out. After Billy pulls out of my dripping wet cunt with a mixture of my cum, his cum, and my blood, Sidney cradles me in her lap and let's me suck on her nipple, praising me while Billy goes to get something. I'm not registering anything that's happening except for the good girls and the I'm so proud of yous.
"Good girl. You're mommy's good girl, aren't you Y/N? Mommy's so proud of you. You were so good for mommy and daddy." Billy leans down and gives Sidney a quick kiss. Sidney leans down and kisses me, slipping her tongue in my mouth along with a little pill. "Mommy? What was that?" I asked, starting to feel sleepy. "Just something that will help us to bring you home easier." "Mommy? Daddy?" "Yes, princess?" They say in unison. I bury my head into Sidney's breasts as I mumble two words.
"Fuck you"
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ladykailitha · 2 years
Can Anybody See Me? Part 15
As much as I love the CC boys and all their friends it was time to show life outside them for a second. And Steve got his bitch back.
TW: for homophobic language (rando OC)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14
Steve drove to school feeling lighter than he had in weeks. His parents were still shit but he had friends and people who would look out for him and wasn’t that just a surprise and a half.
He pulled into the parking lot and got out, Eddie pulling into the spot next to him. He had closed the door, pulling his backpack over one shoulder when Nancy and Jonathan appeared out of nowhere.
Eddie raised an eyebrow at him.
“Nah, it’s fine,” Steve said with a small smile. “I’ve got this. I’ll see you at lunch, okay.”
Eddie nodded and walked to class.
Steve turned back to see Nancy and Jonathan staring at him in shock. “How can I help you two?”
“Is everything okay?” she asked. “You’ve been missing a lot of school.”
Steve raised both eyebrows.
“We’re worried about you, man,” Jonathan said. “Especially after what happened with Miss Chen and your assignment.”
Steve sighed. He wanted to be mad at them but he couldn’t. They were worried he might be thrown in jail.
“That was straight up bullshit, by the way,” he growled. “I wasn’t going to show an actual demogorgon or make the characters even look like us. It was just a way to process the trauma. Because I don’t know about you two, but I can’t sleep at night. If it’s not waking up screaming, it’s not being able to go to sleep at all.”
Nancy and Jonathan shared a glance.
Jonathan sighed. “Yeah. It’s got be worse for you because Nancy has Mike and I have both my mom and Will...and well it’s pretty bad for him, too. But you’re all alone in that big house and you’re parents don’t know.” He made an aborted gesture of understanding.
“So we just wanted to check up on you,” Nancy explained, hugging her books to her chest.
Steve ran his hands over his face. “I’m just trying to move on. Make friends that aren’t bullies. That’s not to say you guys are or whatever. It’s just...I don’t want to be on high alert the rest of my life. I’m happy for the first in so long.”
Jonathan licked his lower lip slowly. “You don’t have to answer, but are you with Eddie?”
Steve’s head reared back. “What? How did you–”
He smiled softly, clapping him on the shoulder. “Good for you, man.”
Nancy just looked between them confused.
Jonathan kissed the top of her head. “I’ll explain later. We’ve got to get to class.” He waved at Steve. “See you around, man.” And led her into the school.
Well, shit.
Steve didn’t know how he felt about them knowing before Jeff and Gareth and the rest. But it was out of the bag now. And despite everything he’d been through with Jonathan he knew he wouldn’t tell anyone.
He sighed and made his way to the swimming pool to start morning practice.
Steve sat at the edge of the pool in his Speedo, just kicking his feet. Coach Hall came over.
“Hey, Harrington,” he said, crouching down. “Got word from Doc Martinez. You’re cleared for competition. He says your scans look good and as long as you don’t have a headache day of, you’re good to go.”
Steve grinned. “That’s great news, Coach. Do you think I could add butterfly back in or should stick to relay?”
Coach Hall smiled fondly. “Well, I know I would prefer my best butterfly swimmer back in, but...”
Steve laughed. “Yeah, yeah, I get it.”
Coach Hall patted his shoulder and he slipped into the pool. Ezra immediately swam over to meet him.
“Hey, what did Coach say?”
Steve told him and Ezra grinned. “Hell, yeah. It’s good to see you back, man. It was lonely without you.”
Steve laughed, pushing him away. “Get off, you loon.”
Ezra laughed with him and swam back to the other side of the pool. Steve pulled his goggles down over his eyes and dove beneath the water. Instantly the buzzing sounds inside his head calmed and he felt at peace.
This was where he belonged. He liked basketball, he was good at it. Baseball was fine, but he spent most of the game being bored. But this? This was bliss. Just him and the water.
He surfaced, taking a large breath. He heard the coach’s whistle and came over to the side with everyone else. He listened to the instructions and nodded.
Suddenly it was time to go wash up and change. He eyed the girls as they passed each other. The girls were coming in as the boys were leaving. All the girls were twittering and point at the guys as the guys leered back in turn. Steve didn’t feel the surge of attraction he did when he thought of Eddie up on that stage last night. There was no swooping of his belly, no heat further down.
Well, that was certainly something he hadn’t really considered. He had been expecting some kind of attraction. He had had sex with only girls, he had only been on dates with girls. But now that he had something to compare the feelings to...
It was heartbreakingly obvious that he was gay.
Steve fretted over showering with the guys. But when he got there he realized that he automatically self-corrected and didn’t look. He never had. It had been a habit. One that he did even with the knowledge he was attracted to boys.
That was quite the revelation.
Steve barely made it through his next two classes because he wanted to see Eddie so bad.
He grabbed his lunch and went to go sit down went got bumped into by one of his old baseball teammates.
He managed to hold on to the tray, but he growled, “Watch it, man.”
The boy looked him up and down. “I see you hang with the Freaks now, Harrington. You take it up the ass now, too?”
Steve eyes raked over him. “Why? You looking for a turn?”
The boy pushed him. “I’m not a fag like you, freak!”  
Steve sighed. He could feel almost every eye in the cafeteria on them. “Look,” he said, gripping the edges of the tray. “Doesn’t it get exhausting trying to prove something to these assholes?” He waved at their captive audience. “They don’t care about you or me. In six months, they won’t even remember our names.”
“Just because people have forgotten you, Harrington,” the boy growled, “doesn’t mean they’ll forget me, asshole.”
Steve laughed. “I think between the two of us, they’re more likely to forget you then me.” He leaned forward. “You want to know why? Because you haven’t forgotten me, dude. So what does that say about the rest of them?”
The kid sneered and stalked off.
Steve shook his head and then continued his trek to Eddie’s table. He sat down to eat, but after a moment he realized that they were all staring at him, wide-eyed and in shock.
“Dude!” Jeff said, sitting back.
Brian nodded. “That was the most brutal verbal take down I’ve seen in a long time, man.”
“It was sick!” Gareth said gleefully.
Eddie stared at him, doe-eyed and fond. “I love you.”
The other three laughed.
Steve grinned back. “I know, I love you, too.”
Jeff, Brian, and Gareth all looked at each other, sharing shocked by happy faces.
“Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!” Gareth said, bouncing almost out of his chair.
“When did you guys get together?” Jeff hissed, leaning forward so they weren’t overheard.
Eddie blushed. “This morning.” He ducked his head, shyly.
“Boom-chicka-wow-wow,” Brian teased. “Don’t think we didn’t notice that Eddie here was wearing Steve-o’s clothes.”
“Guys...” Steve protested, “it wasn’t like that. My parents came home and my dad was being he’s usual ass-self and Eddie stayed over to make sure I was okay.”
Jeff sighed. “Damn. Can’t tease you about that one.”
“But we can still tease you,” Gareth said with a grin, “about Eddie wearing designer jeans without a single rip or tear.”
Eddie looked down at his pants and cursed. “Shit. I didn’t think about that.”
“Ah yes,” Steve said dreamily. “Eddie’s aesthetic. Wouldn’t want to destroy that carefully maintained image.”
“Shut it, Harrington,” Eddie grumbled.
Steve laughed out loud. “I know it’s almost the end of the day or whatever,” he said digging into his backpack. “But you can use this to distress them.” He handed over a couple of sheets of sandpaper.
“Why do you have sandpaper in your backpack, dude?” Jeff asked.
“It’s for my art class,” Steve explained. “We have these little paper sticks we use to help with shading called smudge sticks and the only way to clean them is to rub them over sandpaper. Here, let me show you.”
He got out his drawing pad and a smudge stick, flipping to a drawing he was still working on. He began working the stick over the harsh pencil lines, smoothing them down.
‘That’s so cool,” Gareth said, leaning closer.
Steve held up the stick. “See how dirty it got?” Everyone nodded. And then Steve grabbed the sandpaper and rubbed the stick over it, making sure to turn the stick so he got all the sides. “Tada!”
“Huh,” Eddie said, “that is neat.”
Steve shrugged. “Yeah, well. So there you go, you have something to make the jeans more you.”
Eddie stared at him starry-eyed. “You are an absolute wonder, Steve Harrington.”
Steve just blushed and shook his head.
Steve got called to the office in his drama class saying that his mother was on the phone.
He sighed and reassured everyone that everything was fine. That she had promised to call and that’s all this was.
He didn’t tell them that the reason she was calling while Steve was in class is because she was in her layover in Paris, France.
He walked into the office and the secretary left him alone. Not because of who he was, but because of who his mother was.
“Hey, Mom,” Steve greeted.
“I’m sorry to pull out of class, love,” Mrs Harrington replied. “But our flight to France was delayed but our flight out of France was bumped up an hour and we only have forty minutes between flights now.”
He sighed. “That sucks. Were you able to get your luggage, okay?”
“We were, thank you, Steven,” she murmured. “I wanted to apologize for your father last night. You know how shouty he gets when he starts drinking. He never means the things he says.”
Steve closed his eyes. He thought that’s what this conversation was going to be about. What all their conversations were about. Nadia Harrington apologizing for whatever dickish thing her husband had done. It was one of the reasons his mother was so respected in town.
Dad would come tearing through making his mark, making himself the center of attention and then Mom would come behind and smooth away bad feelings.
“It’s okay, Mom,” he assured her. “I know what he’s like. But I really can’t quit drama. Or I won’t graduate.”
She sighed. “I know, dear. And I know you’re only doing your best. But he just has such high hopes for you. To start working his accounting firm, to follow in his footsteps.”
Steve swallowed around the lump in his throat. “I’m just not good with numbers like he is.”
Mrs Harrington hummed. “We’ll figure something out, Steven.”
“We always do, Mom,” he agreed.
“I love you so, much,” she murmured. “But your father is giving me the stink eye.”
“Bye, Mom.”
Steve hung up the phone and sighed deeply into his hands. The secretary came out and smiled at him.
“It’s so nice of her to call you to check up on you,” she said cheerfully.
Steve stared at her blankly. There was no asking how he was. What he was doing. Who his new friends were. Just excuses for his dad. He forced a smile in return and then left to go back to class.
Nothing quite like a conversation with your mother to ruin your day, he sighed as he settled back into his group.
Part 16  Part 17 Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21
Tag List: @shrimply-a-menace @strangersteddierthings @throwbackthrowaway @novelnovella @cursedfoxteeth @babyblender @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @swimmingbirdrunningrock @steve-the-hairrington @winterbuckwild @spectrum-spectre @matchingbatbites @garden-of-gay @anaibis @thing-a-ling @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @artiststarme @sundead  @nelotegreitic @gregre369 @butterflysandpeppermint @thedragonsaunt @kodaik97 @messrs-weasley @scarletzgo @deadlydodos @renaissan-vvitch @evix-syne666 @emly03 @justforthedead89 @ashwinmeird @huniibee @phantypurple @stevesbipanic @shucks-yuckyuck @awkwardgravity1 @bookbinderbitch @reportinglivefromsoda @chasinggeese @be-the-spark-bitch @jinxjinn @kohlraedirectioner @cr0w-culture @xjessicafaithx @whimsicalwitchm @jaywhohasthegay @dangdirtydemons @lovelyscot  @howincrediblysapphicofyou @the-redthread estrellami-1
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jesterofcringe · 22 days
HELLO HELLO!!! COULD YOU MAKE SOMETHING TRAVIS MARTINEZ X READER HUNTING THING!! I don’t mind WHATEVER it is, just desperate for anything Travis martinez😆😆😆😆!!!
Boys Don't Cry Travis Martinez x Reader
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───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── ★ You had known Travis for a long time, and yet you weren't sure what to make of your relationship.
★ The two of you were close friends in elementary school. You were go to partners on class projects and would bike to each other's houses for playdates. Honestly, you considered Travis to be your best friend back then. As you got older, things slowly changed. You guys started hanging out less and less, and gradually split off into two separate friend groups. While you would still consider Travis a friend, the most communication you had nowadays was through quick glances in the hallways and a polite wave when you had a soccer game and his dad dragged him along.
★ When the plane crash happened, you anticipated a change that never came.
★ You tried to comfort him after what happened with his dad and were met with a glare, when you attempted conversation it fell flat after small talk, and whenever you extended hands for high fives you were usually left hanging.
★ You were just about ready to give up when you were declared one of the team's hunters, with Travis being the other.
★ At first, you felt more like colleagues than friends, walking in silence and only talking to point out an animal or a different path to trek. Small smiles and quick nods being your only acknowledgement when you actually shot something.
★ The silence was no fault of your own- you wanted to reach out but Travis never gave you an opportunity. Being stranded was taking a toll on everyone, but considering that he watched his dad die right in front of him, you really just wanted to check in on him. Though he continued to affirm that he was fine, you could see through his facade. You just wouldn't get the chance to actually talk to him about it until one night when you caught him sitting on the porch way passed everyone else had gone to bed.
★ You were about to try and sleep as well, but the cabin was awfully stuffy and you really wanted a quick breath of fresh air. That's when you noticed him sitting on the steps, foot tapping an even rhythm as he stared at the sky. Without a second thought, you plopped down beside him and glanced up to see what he was looking at.
★ "Oh wow," you subconsciously mumbled, "The stars are beautiful tonight."
★ "Yeah."
★ You frowned at him- his flat tone and aloof attitude was really starting to get old. You really wish he would communicate with you like a normal person, but you could just never quite pry it out of him. You knew this. Even though you knew you'd get nowhere, that didn't stop you from blurting out a quick-
★ "Are you ok?"
★ At this, he scoffed, "I'm fine." He glanced at you with tired eyes, and you're expression alone must've been indication enough that you weren't buying into his response because after a small sigh he followed up with, "I don't wanna talk about it."
★ Gods, you were getting nowhere with this.
★ "Do you want me to go?"
★ You supposed he was considering your question. Or maybe he was hoping to ignore you, as he left you in cutting silence. You guessed that should've been an answer enough, an you were about to get up and leave when he finally piped up with a quiet, "...No."
★ You didn't know how long you were out there with Travis, and you wouldn't know until the following morning and you were jolted awake by the sound of the cabin door being flung open.
★ "Well good morning love birds!" in your half asleep daze you could barely process who was talking to you, but you could process enough of their teasing to force yourself to your feet. As you fought to stifle a yawn, the rifle [granted, it was unloaded] was shoved into your hands, "Try to shove your romance to the side as you guys actually try to catch something this time."
★ You rolled your eyes, taking the gun in your hand. You were ready to quip back when you turned and realized Travis was already off the porch, heading towards the path you took to hunt. You were honestly ready to let him set off on his own, no weapon to aid him, before you reconsidered and slowly made your way to catch up to him.
★ As if nothing happened between you two, your hunting trip was the same as it usually was. Dreadful silence as you took turns with the gun. You were prepared for this to be your whole day, until he mumbled something as you completely missed your shot.
★ "Whiff."
★ You instantly spun around, "You haven't hit anything either, asshole."
★ "Yeah but that wasn't even close. Your aim sucks."
★ "Oh sure, I'll take shit talk about my aim from the guy who didn't make the baseball team-"
★ He lightly shoved you, almost making you stumble back, "Cheap shot."
★ "You started it."
★ He laughed. A real laugh. It almost surprised you as you were used to getting absolutely nothing from him. But when he laughed, it made you laugh too. Stifling giggles and awkward wheezing as you tried to shush each other upon remembering you were hunting, and needed to be quiet.
★ "Bozo."
★ "Dumbass."
★ The rest of your hunting trip wasn't as quiet as it was before- you proceeded to miss half of your shots and Travis made a dumb joke each time you did. Despite this, it was you that finally landed a hit and caught a deer, effectively shutting Travis up as you hauled the animal back to the cabin.
★ "I feel like I'd be more effective on my own," You teased, partially just to see Travis' reaction, "Maybe I'll start hunting on my own."
★ "Oh please," Travis huffed, "You need me."
★ "For what, the occasional humorless wisecrack?"
★ "Dude you waste half of our ammo."
★ "So do you."
★ "Alright, enough out of you." Before you could say anything back, he flicked some dirt at you. Not a whole lot, but enough to surprise you. You sat there, somewhat gob smacked at the fact that he stooped low enough to something childish like throw dirt at you.
★ You flipped him off, but despite this, you were more than happy to be talking again. Maybe you were a bit upset you're talking started because he called your aim shit, but you were talking none the less. It was better than nothing.
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