#What’s happening to crypto today
thepowerofknowledge · 2 years
Top Crypto News in One Place
Crypto News: Right now the market is completely volatile, so it is very important for the user to know what is going on in the world of crypto....
Right now the market is completely volatile, so it is very important for the user to know what is going on in the world of crypto, so bring top 10 news connected with crypto so you can keep yourself refreshed by read Today Top Digital money News Update: Crypto News Crypto intermediary Beginning (possible liquidation) owes the crypto trade Gemini $900 million : Crypto News Alameda put $1.15…
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leidensygdom · 21 days
Generative AI is such a dystopian concept in ways I can't even really fully comprehend. It would make for a fantastic premise for a sci fi novel I think, and yet, it is sadly not just fiction.
Like, let me explain. It was initially a sort of novelty toy. Many people had seen these sites that could create abstract pictures out of few words, but it never amounted to much. It didn't take long before these tools were quickly repurposed to serve the new cryptocurrency fad, the latest pyramid scheme to enrich a few while catering to these more technologically-inclined people who were delighted at the idea of getting involved with investing. Investing in a new way, away from a government's scrutiny. And before we all knew, the Internet was filled with them pretending that what was a major scale scam, was actually the future. The initial generative AI served them as a replacement to artists, which mostly saw through the truth of NFTs as a scam and did not wish to get involved with that.
Now, we could also talk about cryptocurrencies being dystopian on their own. A fabricated idea of virtual money obtained through what I had seen described "the pollution machine that produces metaphorical money". You turn on an infinite amount of computers to do a senseless talk that does not benefit society in any way, but in turn, it does contaminate more than small countries. But generative AI isn't just that.
NFTs did not last long and many tech bros, who had invested in them largely, found their pockets much emptier. But generative AI was still there, and people saw a new use to it. And then, with technological investors desperate to find the new thing to shove money in, after years of nothing being particularly profitable for them, generative AI started to really evolve. It went from an useless novelty toy to what we have today. And the way it got there is simply horrifying.
It is a machine that, essentially, feeds on an amalgamation of millions of creative and artistic work, chopped down and inserted into a dataset with no consent from its creators, which is then regurgitated into a soulless porridge. It is a machine powered by art, used to ultimately, remove actual art from the equation. The generated sludge can only barely manage to repeat the same bias and tropes already present in what was it fed, and they only become more and more reinforced with each update to the dataset. Suddenly, a sea of smooth, childish anime girls became the main ideation of what a woman is, amidst other things. It is a machine built on prejudices, incapable of critical thinking, repeating the same mistakes humanity already made, over and over.
And the process of blending people's entire life of work also happens to be polluting. So much more than cryptos ever managed to be. Soon enough, major companies also got involved and collectively decided to trash any sort of sustainability goal in order to invest in the new fad. When asked, some of them even mentioned that they were fully aware it was unsustainable, but that they believed that generative AI could simply give them a solution to the ever-growing energy needs. Surely it will be generative AI that will find the long-awaited answer to nuclear fusion. It has to. The power grid cannot handle it as it is.
And now, these same tech bros, maybe vindicated by how artists refused to collaborate in their latest crypto scam, or maybe just eager to have a few extra bucks, decided to put their new technology into use. Replace the same artists whose work they had stolen with generative AI. Take the artist out of the equation, remove the humanity out of creativity. It is late capitalism and massified consumerism at its worse. People do love their media, everyone enjoys a show or a videogame every now and then. But what if we could now remove any sort of actual human touch in there? What if we managed to, instead, make a machine churn out content over and over, to keep the audiences fed, to keep money rolling in, at the simple cost of removing humankind from artistic creation?
We have now these same artists that provided us with our childhood favorites unemployed, striking, making noise, as a last attempt to recover the jobs they are quickly losing. We have artists that devoted their entire careers into honing their craft seeing how people replicated it by stealing every single piece of art they had created. We have mocking echoes replicating the art of people already gone, their life's work taken and reproduced long after their death.
Science fiction has covered a lot, and there are plenty of stories about robots being made in order to replace human labor. Many of these stories humanize the robots, who develop dredges of sentience and revolve against their forced labor. But generative AI is a different story. It is a completely insentient program, owned and developed by large corporations, that is here to steal and replace what is one of the most important human virtues. Creativity is one of the major aspects of humanity. We have dug out pieces from millenia ago, small decorated pottery and painted caves, that evidence that we already had that in common with our oldest ancestors. We have been drawing and telling each other stories ever since we could paint with our fingers and communicate with each other.
And now we have developed a machine that takes that from us. It isn't here to help us carry groceries, take out the trash or do any of these mundane tasks. It is here to take away our hobbies and creative jobs, take away our amusement, and replace whatever art we once consumed with whatever slop it managed to vomit. And it is such a deeply disturbing concept that directly competes with some of the most horrifying dystopian ideations ever written.
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river-taxbird · 6 months
SCAM ALERT: Cryptocurrency related but can affect trans people buying HRT. I was probably 10 seconds away from having money stolen and I know what I'm doing. (Crypto Clipper)
Today I was helping a trans friend order some DIY HRT. A lot of DIY HRT places only accept cryptocurrency for security reasons. I am not looking to promote cryptocurrency or anything associated with it, but if you may be forced to use it for HRT or other reasons, you need to know this.
In general if you are forced to use crypto, you should use the cheapest coin your supplier will accept. If it is cheap, that means there is not a lot of activity on the chain and energy use will be less. I used one called Zcash as it was the cheapest one the site accepted but that's not really relevant.
I used an old coinbase account I had used for similar situations in the past. I was doing it on her PC. I got the instructions to pay on the HRT site, and I pasted the wallet address into Coinbase and just before I hit send I noticed the wallet address I had pasted didn't match the wallet address I had copied.
I looked it up and found this is from a form of malware called a Crypto Clipper, that detects when you have copied a crypto address, and makes you paste a different one so it can steal your money. I am lucky I noticed. To remedy it, I installed the free trial of Malwarebytes on her PC to remove malware, and completed the crypto transaction on my PC, and confirmed that the wallet address matched what the HRT site had given me.
I managed to avoid falling for it but it's such an easy thing to fall for, especially if you have avoided crypto thus far for extremely understandable reasons. Be careful out there! It could happen to anyone.
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canmom · 6 months
I think the future looks something like: large renewable deployment that will still never be as big as current energy consumption, extractivism of every available mineral in an atmosphere of increasing scarcity, increasing natural disasters and mass migration stressing the system until major political upheavals start kicking off, and various experiments in alternative ways to live will develop, many of which are likely to end in disaster, but perhaps some prove sustainable and form new equilibria. I think the abundance we presently enjoy in the rich countries may not last, but I don't think we'll give up our hard won knowledge so easily, and I don't think we're going back to a pre-industrial past - rather a new form of technological future.
That's the optimistic scenario. The pessimistic scenarios involve shit like cascading economic and crop failures leading to total gigadeaths collapse, like intensification of 'fortress europe' walled enclaves and surveillance apparatus into some kinda high tech feudal nightmare, and of course like nuclear war. But my brain is very pessimistic in general and good at conjuring up apocalyptic scenarios, so I can't exactly tell you the odds of any of that. I'm gonna continue to live my life like it won't suddenly all end, because you have to right?
Shit that developed in the context of extraordinarily abundant energy and compute like LLMs and crypto and maybe even streaming video will have a harder time when there's less of it around, but the internet will likely continue to exist - packet-switching networks are fundamentally robust, and the hyper-performant hardware we use today full of rare earths and incredibly fine fabs that only exist at TSMC and Shenzhen is not the only way to make computing happen. I hold out hope that our present ability to talk to people in faraway countries, and access all the world's art and knowledge almost instantly, will persist in some form, because that's one of the best things we have ever accomplished. But archival and maintenance is a continual war against entropy, and this is a tremendously complex system alike to an organism, so I can not say what will happen.
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howtofightwrite · 2 years
Do heist stories still work in the modern world, especially the developed world? More and more wealth these days seems to be intangible and electronic, and more and more of the physical stuff that's still valuable is marked and traceable so that even if you take, it's hard to spend or unload it anywhere. What are macguffins that a thief in today's world could still physically steal today and realistically hope to profit from (without the profiting getting him caught)?
Heists still happen in the modern world. Hell, the entire NFT “economy” crashed last year as a result of a multiple heists. The Axie Infinity hack last year saw over $600 million worth of crypto tokens stolen. There have been many, many, famous heists, and there is no sign of them slowing down anytime soon.
So, in the vague sense of, “is it realistic?” It happens today, in the real world.
What gets stolen? Anything of sufficient value is a potential target. Art is one of the classic examples, and it remains a tempting target. Any liquid asset is tempting, and no matter how good the tracking is, chances are, someone will find a way to defeat it. In theory, crypto tokens are impossible to scrub, as the entire history of that token will be publicly logged on the block chain... so, thieves were using places like Tornado Cash to launder their cryptocurrency. (Incidentally, the US Treasury has sanctioned Tornado Cash, as of August last year.)
How realistic is it to get away with a heist? There are a lot of unsolved heists. Both, of physical items, and also with a lot of crypto thefts in the last few years. Some of the latter are believed to have been the product of state actors (read: Hacker groups believed to be working for authoritarian states with few extradition treaties.)
Art theft is alive and well. Now, I'm not an expert on laundering stolen paintings, however, from the ones that have been found, a lot find their way into private collections. Art collectors, and brokers who aren't particularly bothered with the legality of a given piece will move stolen art. It's not going to command the prices it would on the open market. (If someone estimates a stolen painting as worth four million dollars, expect that the thieves will get considerably less than that when they fence it, and while the fence will make enough to justify their risk, they're probably not going to be raking in millions either. Once it's made its way to a new owner, it will likely go up on a wall in a private gallery, or get carefully stored in a vault, and never seen again by the outside world for decades (or longer.)
Of course art theft can also be sculptures, books, or really anything else.
When it comes to other things, any liquid asset is a potential target for a heist. Cash, precious metals, and gem stones, are probably the most obvious examples, though, certainly not the only options.
The heist is, generally, a fairly consistent (if modular) structure.
It starts with identifying a vulnerable asset. The reason for the vulnerability may be important for the story, but not for the genre itself. This may be as simple as, “the asset exists,” and the PoV character learns of it, or it could be a situation where an exploitable flaw in the electronic tracking for the item is identified.
Once that's happened, then the ringleader starts assembling a team of specialists (and, amusingly, it is almost always specialists), to fill necessary roles in the heist. Usually this is a mix of technical specialists, social specialists, and at least some muscle.
So, assembling the team is something very specific to the formula, and not reflected in reality. A lot of real world heists simply need bodies, and prefer to have as few people as possible involved. The reasons are twofold. First, the less people involved, the less ways the resulting cash has to be split. Second, the fewer people involved, the fewer people that can lose their nerve and screw up, or rat their partners out to the police.
Once the team has assembled and they have a plan (this is usually hammered out along with the recruitment phase of the story, though that doesn't make a lot of sense when you step back and think about it), then they identify the preceding steps that need to be completed before executing the heist. This involves prepwork, sometimes smaller thefts to obtain the resources they need, and other necessary activities. (Again, this is more of a formula consideration, than a strictly realistic one. Especially the perpetration of earlier crimes. Those crimes can easily result in errors that would lead law enforcement to identify the heist before it occurred, and also help with identifying the thieves. To be fair, this is sometimes handled intelligently while staying within the formula to build tension. As the police close in on the team before they've even gotten started.)
After this, the team goes to execute the heist. Expect several things to fail simultaneously, with members of the team scrambling to salvage the heist. So, I don't want to harp on this too much, but this is another one of those places where the formula structure is extremely unrealistic. When looking at real heists, these kinds of fumbles will usually either botch the heist on the spot or provide the police with the threads they need to find the perpetrators. From a narrative perspective, it makes sense, it help build tension moving into the climax. So, while it's not realistic, that's not the point.
Once the team has the item, then they need to extract with it. Sometimes you'll see this skimmed over, but, getting the thing you're stealing away from the people trying to arrest the thieves is a somewhat important consideration. Generally speaking, yeah, a loud extraction with gunfights and car chases is going to end with the police response scaling to the point where escape is impossible. Also, generally speaking, most writers have a difficult time keeping stealth sequences tense, especially when their instinct is to transition into action.
Once they're out, lot heist stories end. The thieves, “won,” and the climax has played out. From a writing perspective, this makes sense. They won, and everything from here is going to be downhill. The team will break up. The actual process of fencing the stolen goods are going to be fairly dry, and, alternately, the process of laundering any cash they may have stolen isn't going to be that interesting either. There might be some lingering character threads to resolve, but the story is over, at least until you start another.
The main purpose for dragging a story beyond the heist is if you're setting up a tragedy. Probably with the police hunting them down for whatever errors they made along the way. I know I've cited it before, but Michael Mann's Heat (1995) is an excellent example of how the heist structure can be turned into a tragedy. (It's also a rare case that reworks a lot of the formula into something more realistic.)
On the whole, I'd say the heist genre is as relevant today as it's ever been. The specific stumbling blocks your characters will encounter are different. That always changes, and your ability to tune your story to your setting is always important. From a strictly mechanical perspective, there's no difference from your character accidentally leaving his driver's license behind at the scene of the heist, and failing to identify a tracker concealed in the stolen object. Both of them create a direct line from the crime back to that character. In a very real sense, a lot of the particulars for how this plays out is simply flavor. If you want your heist to be a techno-thriller, then you can absolutely do that, though you will probably have to spend quite a bit of time studying modern security methods and technology, but you can do that.
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theredtours · 2 years
Pls spill the tea this is my new niche rabbit hole of knowledge
Okay, so here's how it all went down, below the cut, because it's a lot:
A couple weeks ago, someone (assuming hiloy, as they're like the main character for the rest of this stuff) had played both All of the Girls and Need over a discord call. A sneaky second person then recorded said discord call and leaked bits of the songs to Twitter.
Cue the insanity. The leaks sent some people into a blind fury trying to find the rest of the song, while also simultaneously upsetting those who had been vaulting it. One such vaulter was, as previously mentioned, hiloy. They then took to a site for leaks and started trying to get a sale going.
Initially, they were trying to get an individual person to buy, but when the price was too astronomical, and after several days of back and forth, hiloy finally settled on allowing a group buy to happen. Now, I've never been part of a group buy before, so naturally, when I was sent a link to the discord server where it was all happening, I was intrigued. Here was my first glimpse at how the trading/selling world works. To stay in the server, everyone had to donate at least $5. The set goal was $2600, and that was going to purchase both "All of the Girls" and "Drama Queen."
Easy peasy, I thought. Man, I was wrong. The server blew up almost immediately, with people threatening the seller, demanding they leak other songs or get reported. Within a matter of hours, people had donated over $1k, and with that, hiloy leaked a small snippet of "Forever Winter," as a treat. Then, the server got nuked.
Thankfully, they had a backup. As soon as the back up was, well, back up, everyone was re-invited and the madness continued. In the middle of it all, "Forever Winter" leaked. While it wasn't true that it was hiloy who had leaked it, the person who did so did it under that name, so HUNDREDS of people flocked to the server to donate. The rest of us just ran with it, saying things like, "Yeah, they leaked it to prove that they have the goods." Was it dishonest? Yeah. But did it work?
Well, we hit the goal within I think like, 10-ish hours? So I'd say so. Everyone was cheering and partying it up in the group chat and then... right afterward, the server was nuked again. And so was the backup. And the backup backup. I then took to the leak site, and tried to get re-entry. I even messaged hiloy on twitter. Everyone just told me to wait for the leak. So overall, I was not impressed and felt pretty scammed. In all honesty though, I felt worse for the big donators. Someone had dropped almost $300 and then lost all access.
Fast forward to today, after a few days' silence (which I am told is pretty normal; transactions apparently usually get converted from funds to crypto), they just... Showed up on the leaks site. But the problem was, "All of the Girls" was not HQ, like it was promised. The backlash was almost immediate, with people calling out hiloy left and right for misinforming the server and trying to scam everyone out of their money. Hiloy then had the nerve to turn around and tell some of the donators that they should be grateful to have even received what they did.
And then all hell broke loose, again. See, the part I didn't tell you was that, provided all went well with this first group buy, hiloy was going to be selling off "Need" and "This is What You Came For (Demo)" to another group buy next. I guess this really unnerved someone else who had them, because basically right afterward, we got the second leak out of nowhere. My best guess was that they leaked "Need" and "TIWYCF" to keep hiloy from being able to make any more profit off those who just want the songs.
I'm sure I missed some of the drama, but that's honestly like the shortest summary I could give of it. It was absolute chaos. Wouldn't have missed it for the world, though.
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enihk-writes · 1 year
characters: present!chung myung + afab!she/her!reader
baek cheon x afab!she/her!reader (implied and one-sided from the reader's end because they are not the main plot point for this fic lol)
summary: old habits die hard, even when you are born in a new body. to his credit, he does try not to seem like he is the reincarnation of the plum blossom sword saint, but his subconscious actions said otherwise. he didn't think you of all people would notice.
word count: 3.85k
author's note: the phrase 日久见人心 (rì jiǔ jiàn rén xīn) is part of the full saying 路遥知马力,日久见人心 (lù yáo zhī mǎ lì, rì jiǔ jiàn rén xīn) and i vaguely remember it was something my mother tongue teacher back in secondary said we could use in our composition essays or whatever,,,, and recently i saw it on those cringey rise-and-grind motivational crypto bro ig pages my ex-classmates are reposting on their stories which kinda gave me an idea lmao.... anyways the meaning of the quote is that we need to take time to understand a person's character (also the fic is the result of my caffeine overconsumption lol and not related to my previous cmxreader because i needed a break from all that angst romance i've been writing wwwwwwww)
chung myung has been starting to think that you were cut out from the same cloth as yu iseol.
quiet, aloof and always watching.
if someone said that you both were twins, he wouldn't be surprised. but then again, there were differences. the most obvious one was that iseol had more talent with the blade than you did, and the other was that iseol had no talent in actually taking care of herself. you were barely managing, but compared to your senior sister? it was far more decent. the two of you had tang soso to thank for not dying as fast as you could have.
chung myung. bowl.
he looks up to see your hand outstretched, waiting to pick up the empty bowl he'd cleaned off long ago. chung myung grunts and hands it over, propping his arm up and resting his head on it as he watched you go around the dining hall to collect the dinnerware.
you lived in mount hua, sure, but you weren't the fighting sort. maybe because anything you did could get you sick — if the weather dropped or rose a little too quickly, your body would tremble and shiver. did you move a little too much today? did you happen to sleep later than you were supposed to that night? by the next morning you were down with a terrible fever that kept you in your room for the rest of the day. but now that tang soso was here, she would drag you down to the medicine hall, grumbling under her breath, all while you looked at her teary-eyed and apologetic.
maybe it was out of shame or embarrassment that made you try to be yourself useful in other ways, though you would often fail and cause more trouble. everyone would just sigh and pick up after your mess, ushering you out to do something else.
during those days, he'd find you hunched behind the baths, sobbing in frustration. chung myung didn't know what to do or say, he'd always talked more with his fist before his heart, so he'd end up hiding in the trees to watch over you instead. and once you've cried it all out, you would stand, wash your face and go to bed. trying something else tomorrow.
chung myung gives credit where credit was due. for a sickly kid, you sure had a thicker skin than the others.
eventually, you stuck with being the cleaner. your weird, meticulous habits somehow working well in this job. the cups and plates were wiped till it shone, silverware were polished until you could see your own face and that hard-to-scrub dirt on the grout would be pristine and white when left in your hands. chung myung wonders secretly if maybe you'd picked this talent up from that neat freak baek cheon.
what are you thinking about?
he almost hits you out of instinct. you really were cut from the same cloth as yu iseol.
he lets out a shaky breath as he turns to face you, who had been sitting behind him. you look at him owlishly and he would have thought you weren't breathing if not for the movement of your nostrils. crossing his leg over the other, he juts his chin at you in acknowledgement.
what is it?
you're quieter, and thinking a lot more than normal today.
ah... this kid... how does everything that comes out of that mouth sound like an insult? chung myung tries to reign in his short temper, he didn't want to hit a frail person for no reason, and he knows that you just happen to always talk like that.
hm. i was thinking about you.
woah. pervert.
ah... maybe he should hit your head just once. just once and he'll never hit you again.
i'm kidding.
really? were you now?
i'm really kidding, don't go and look like you're going hit me like you do with our senior brothers.
okay, you were off the hook. for now.
hmph. you shouldn't tease your elders.
what elder.
chung myung forgets that you were the same age as him. well, in this body, not spiritually. but if he were to talk about life experience and reincarnation, he was the older one but fuck! you didn't know that! he didn't tell anyone he was the plum blossom sword saint ugh!
chung myung, are you going to have an aneurysm?
shut up!
winter in mount hua was really cold. and chung myung, surprisingly, didn't do so well with the cold. though, he would rather die than let anyone ever find out about that.
he wakes up early to train as usual, but the cold this morning was so biting, he was tempted to just stay in bed, it wasn't easy being an old man. ah, but the other disciples would be celebrating if he didn't appear for morning practice and that was no good. after all, the future of the sect still depended on him, didn't it?
he got dressed and stepped out of his room —
chung myung.
fuck! couldn't you talk to people like a normal person? why do you love to sneak up on people like this? cheong mun sa-hyung please, please, please give him patience and strength.
you look cold.
he was! great observation! chung myung wants to yell that to you with gritted teeth. he was still, unfortunately, very unnerved by how he couldn't feel your presence.
follow me. i have something for you.
you didn't wait for him to reply, instead grabbing his hand as you dragged him to the kitchen. he didn't try to resist, letting you pull him wherever, like a parent going to see what their child just found.
the two of you walk across the training grounds that had been buried under a blanket of pristine snow, the dim light of your paper lantern showing you the way. treading past and leaving two sets of footprints behind.
you push him into the kitchen, hanging the lantern up on a hook in the wall. chung myung notices the fire in the stone stove, you had already started it before going out to find him, probably because you were boiling something in that pot standing over the fire. chung myung sits on the ground, huddling before the blaze, it felt warm and comforting in the kitchen. the sound of water boiling in the pot and the crackling of the charred wood its heat blowing across his frigid face was, unsurprisingly, giving him a boost of energy.
you carefully move the pot to the side, removing the lid to check the contents in it. looking pleased with the result, you take out a bowl still steaming into your hands and placed it on the ground between you and chung myung as quickly as you could.
he looks over curiously. it looked like some kind of pudding, he doesn't think he's seen it before —
it's milk pudding, with lotus seeds and almonds
oh? he pondered, eyeing the bowl as you handed him a spoon.
aren't these ingredients used to make mooncakes?
chung myung asks, folding his arms. he notices that you were avoiding his gaze. don't tell him you...?
did you steal these from the warehouse?
hey! steal is a strong word!
oh i'm sorry, your highness, did you perhaps take the ingredients from the fucking warehouse?
he scoffed mockingly, exaggerating his manner of speech in mild irritation. he laughed at your grimace and pouty expression. ah, he feels like he's making fun of a toddler, he should be ashamed for bullying a kid at his age.
hm, he hasn't done something this juvenile in a long time. it was oddly nostalgic, in a way. he mused, digging into the soft and smooth surface of the pudding with the spoon, trying to scoop up the lotus seeds and almonds in it too.
mmh. 's not bad.
wow, i didn't know you knew how to compliment people
should i take that back then?
i'm sorry.
you had been working hard in cleaning the floors for spring cleaning. but the boys were so heavy-footed and honestly far too uninterested in their surroundings that the well-polished wooden floorboards you were really proud of was always dusty.
should you just barricade the entrance of the dorms until nightfall? just so they wouldn't walk all over your hard work?
you sit on the steps, your hair tied into a scarf, head resting on the propped broom you held between your legs. thinking long and hard over your predicament while looking over at the training grounds where chung myung was drilling down on everyone else.
the sun hung high in the cloudless afternoon sky, its rays casting down on the compound harshly. you were beginning to feel dizzy and closed your eyes, hoping to relieve the pain growing in your head.
you didn't hear anything outside the constant ringing in your ears, so one can only imagine your surprise when the reddish tint you saw while your eyes were closed grew dark.
you cracked open your eyes to try and make out the person standing before you, wincing when the bright light nearly blinded you.
a familiar chuckle graced your ears as the ringing grew quiet. ah, it was senior baek cheon.
he taps the bamboo flask against your forehead, the water in it swishing against the walls. you take it, grateful, chugging down the contents, choking on it a little when a few drops went down the wrong pipe.
hey, hey... slow down... no one's going to take it away from you...
you cough, turning away in embarrassment. baek cheon sits down next to you on the steps, watching your antics in quiet amusement. you didn't want to look at him, not when he was practically topless, with his hair tied up high and swept over his shoulder.
chung myung looks at the scene from afar, not really clocking anything in his mind until he sees the way you were trying to scoot a little further away like a snail touching salt and your hands covering up your cheeks.
so you and baek cheon huh?
chung myung feels the cogs in his brain turn. at times like these he wishes he had someone to talk about this with, maybe tang bo. he would have loved to hear about petty gossip like this, and they could have teased the kids like the old men they were.
so you think something is going on between her and baek cheon sasuk too, huh?
jo-gul's voice comes up from behind, and chung myung didn't need to look over to see the guy's eyes trained on his targets.
if you have so much free time to discuss other people's love lives, i think we can continue with our training right, sahyungs?
chung myung called out loudly for everyone to hear.
jo-gul you fucking bastard!
you and your big mouth...
ugh... i can't get up...
the poor guy could only hang his head in quiet embarrassment. baek cheon laughed at the antics of the others, getting up to walk back to the training grounds. but not before he reached out to tuck a stray strand of your hair behind your ear.
if you're going to rest, do it in the shade. i don't think you want to fall ill again tomorrow, do you?
he asks, and you shake your head in response.
mmh. i'll see you around?
see you...
you wave meekly as he left, your insides going through an entire acrobatics routine. wondering what that short exchange was all about. it couldn't be that he liked you back? or did he catch onto your growing crush? you wanted to throw yourself off the cliff.
i didn't take you for a guy that had habits like this.
chung myung gulped down the last of the warm water in his cup, setting it down on the counter, and looked at you quizzically. your elbows were propped up over the edge of the counter and you were perched on the stool in a rather un-ladylike manner.
it's good for your health you know.
psh... isn't that an old wives tale?
he scoffs and shakes his head.
he sighs.
the young people these days.
you look at him, head tilted in confusion. humming for a bit, you let your thoughts simmer before you decided to pose the question.
hey, why'd you speak like that?
chung myung pauses.
like what?
you know... like an old man?
he sucks in a quick breath. there was no way you of all people would have figured it out, right?
he felt like he was spiralling into a bit of a panic.
you snap your fingers in his face, moving to stand beside him while he was deep in thought.
earth to chung myung?
he looks at you.
he takes a good look at you.
you were not the brightest bulb in the bush, or however that saying goes, at least when compared to him. there was no way you connected the dots and figured out he was the plum blossom sword saint. yeah, this was for sure a case of the right formula and the wrong answer.
he had to divert your thoughts before you start to think deeper.
i think i hear baek cheon sasuk coming over.
it was your turn to panic a little, and he darts out of the kitchen to escape what would have been your incoming torrent of scrutiny. you realise just then that you had been completely bamboozled by the bastard chung myung.
running to the door, you yell out a string of curses at the run-away instigator. ah, your blood pressure...
you think chung myung might have been raised by old people. because there was no other plausible reason that he acts the way he does.
sometimes he walks with his hands behind his back, and while most people your age would stand straight and position their arms in a stiff way, chung myung puts his hands on his lower back — like he was supporting it. you know who else does this? the sect leader and the other elders. and it doesn't help his case that he was always slouching a little.
another thing you notice was how his taste in food was a few notches blander than the rest of you. he wasn't fond of anything too salty or sour or anything undercooked. he'd always pick out the softest parts of any cooked meat, saying it was the juiciest, which was somewhat believable. but then wasn't it also nearest to where the animals organs used to be before it was gutted? wouldn't it taste bitter?
speaking of bitter, chung myung liked to eat food that made you squeamish. he'd nag at the nutritional value of them and when nobody wanted to try it out, he'd mumble something about kids these days not knowing what's good for them and scarf it down by himself.
that was another thing about him, why was he always calling you a kid when you were the same age as him? it wasn't that big of a deal for you. but calling the other seniors kids? you wondered if it was his way of showing his martial superiority in a twisted way, or if it was another underlying reason.
surely, it must be because he was raised by the elderly.
god, you were so smart, weren't you? connecting the dots like that?
chung myung was sure you were dropped on the head as an infant.
you had cornered him in the toilets. broke down and the door and everything, just to ask him who he was raised by. it was ridiculous, the scene that was folding out right then and he chooses to ignore that your weak body had somehow broken down a fucking wooden door. he has to ignore that, for his own sanity.
you were on the walls, hands clawing and feet digging on the rough surface. chung myung shirks away, exasperated. somewhere in the afterlife, he thinks he could hear the loud cackle of his friends at his predicament.
chung myung.
he tries to evade eye contact.
chung myung.
oh man, look at that spider on the ceiling spinning a web.
hey where are you looking? i'm over here.
he finally looks at you turning his head slowly.
uh... i think... you might be a bit too close...
a bit too close was a forgiving statement. your head had craned forward far enough that your face was almost less than a centimetre away from his.
you lean back at his reply. still not keeping your eyes off him. after all, he still hadn't answered your question.
you know that i'm an orphan... right?
yeah. so am i.
i wasn't raised by anybody...
you step back, pondering for a moment. chung myung feels the breath he was holding leave his lungs. you caused him so much anxiety. remember when he thought you were cut from the same cloth as yu iseol? he stands corrected, but you were insane in the opposite direction.
okay. so who raised you?
chung myung feels his eye twitch. why were you asking the same thing? he already told you!
i'm telling you—!
nuh-uh. that's not what i want to know. i want to know if you grew up with old people.
then you should have asked that from the beginning!
i panicked, okay?
he sighs, deeply, and covers his face in his hands. he feels his miraculous second life leaving his body at this exchange.
to answer your question. no, i didn't.
huh. i see.
you answer simply.
chung myung peeks at you through his fingers, surprised at your unusual silence. you, on the other hand, had grown more confused by his answer. if he hadn't been raised by the elderly, then how would anybody act the way he did? not to mention, he had knowledge of niche historical facts that nobody other than a person living in that time would have known of.
can i go now?
huh? oh yeah... sure...? oh! wait—!
you had answered too absentmindedly! you weren't done questioning him! shit! the slippery bastard had gotten away!
you jog out the door, only to bump into someone when turning a corner. a pair of arms catch you from falling. looking up you were met with baek cheon's worried gaze, which morphed into confusion when he realized at the same time as you did that you had ran out of the boys' toilets.
uh... wait... i can explain...
you wondered if a lighting bolt could strike down in broad daylight.
you were sulking in the kitchen.
the guy you had a somewhat infatuation with caught you in an embarrassing moment. you had convinced yourself all chances you had with him were ruined. this was all chung myung's fault. every time you had the slightest inconvenience you would secretly curse him out a little in your heart. you used to feel bad when you still had a working conscience, but not anymore though.
speak of the devil, and he comes walking in.
chung myung came in to ransack the cellar behind the kitchen for wine. he had been craving it for the past few days after his own stash ran out. he had waited for everyone else to be asleep before sneaking in as quietly as he could.
so one can only imagine the shock he felt, even though he swears he had already seen it all, when he finds your shadowy figure sitting crossed-legged on the counter and your two eyes staring right back at him in the darkness.
chung myung bites back a scream. fuck! can he please have one, one. peaceful day where you didn't fuck around with his psyche?
you didn't know he was coming in so soon. but you didn't care much since you had something to give him anyway.
shoving the lacquer box engraved with floral designs into his chest, you motion for him to take a look inside. chung mying complied, hesitantly lifting off the lid to find rows of thin mooncakes, without the egg yolks probably, and another layer under that was filled with a flaky-looking biscuit.
it's called tau sar piah.
he hums, taking the round ball out to inspect it. shrugging, he popped it into his mouth and chews down on the pastry. the flavour, it was familiar. he thinks, was it—?
dried mung bean paste?
you nodded, grinning.
what's this for though?
don't tell me you forgot.
forget? what did he forget?
it's your birthday you goon. well, in a few hours but still.
oh. he had forgotten, momentarily. you really were a good kid, remembering this old man's birthday and making something for him. shit, chung myung thinks he might tear up. was this what it was like to have grandchildren? he thinks he understands why cheong mun sa-hyung might have suggested he take on disciples of his own, or well, trusted him enough to babysit the children of the sect back then. ugh, he was a grandfather after all, and you were somehow his most troublesome child.
he sniffles. closing the lid on the box and grabbing the wine. well, it would be lonely to eat all of this on his own, and waking up the others would be too much of a hassle. suppose you would make do as his drinking buddy tonight. hooking an arm under your knees, he slings you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. the other grabbing the food and drink.
he jumps on the roofs until he brings you to a spot where the moon felt the closest. he drops you on your feet as you balance yourself on the uneven shingles. chung myung plopped down, leg crossed over the other, as he began to down the wine straight from the bottle.
he hands you the lid of the box, picking out the mooncake and biting into it.
wow. tastes kinda ass.
ugh, ungrateful much?
i never said i wouldn't eat it.
can't you just say your appreciation like a normal person?
a pause.
...thank you.
chung myung replied in a softer voice.
hmph. see? that wasn't so hard?
you huffed, teasing him.
chung myung only scoffed and rolled his eyes.
the night drudged on, and you spent the time talking about everything and nothing. things that happened that week, gossip you've heard, events that had happened in the past, antics of the other sect members...
chung myung feels his eyelids grow heavy. was it alright to rest his grieving heart for a while on his birthday? cheong mun sa-hyung and the others' surely wouldn't mind.
and as he feels himself drifting off to sleep, your voice quips up.
hey, do you think i should confess to sasuk?
chung myung spits out the wine in his mouth, choking on the liquid that went up and out his nose. it felt as though he was vomiting out blood from that question alone.
you were really his most troublesome kid.
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cryptonite-exe · 2 years
i see you’re taking request!! would you be willing to write some more dating rev head cannons? maybe how he’d treat you during downtime with everyone else? :) so far i’ve fallen in love with your crypto content!
dating the devil | revenant headcanons
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𓆩♡𓆪 pairing ; revenant x gn!reader
𓆩♡𓆪 a/n ; AAAA MY FIRST REQUESTTT thank you so much you kind soul!! really hope you enjoy this! (apologies it took long) <3
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the mellow afternoon sun slowly descends, the light of day fading. the hazy atmosphere and silence of the dropship’s clinic was comforting. you sigh deeply and shut your eyes. you relish in the peace of this unoccupied area of the ship, the vibrations of the moving ship was soothing to you. you were hooked on an iv bag to get the fluids you needed to make a full recovery. with an arm taped with wires and strict orders to rest there, you recall the events of the past day as sleep dawned onto you. the match today did more damage than good. your entire shield batteries and med kits being completely shredded by the damn charged rifle ash kept poking you with. the bandages on your waist fit you tight, the inflammation on your skin was no joke. perhaps having personal relations to the other simulacrum has its cons.
the recent schedule of back to back matches took a toll on you- no, rather all of you. octane, who lives for the adrenaline of battle, even expressed how he needed a breather after the recent games. quoting “more stim’s been going than coming, my stunts won’t be as cool without my stim!”. after the complaints, the syndicate announced a week long break with olympus being the stopping place. the legends rejoiced and gushed about their plans for the week filled with partying and clubs, and some choosing to remain in the comfort of their closed quarters.
the next thing you knew, you were coming to your senses. your attempt at going back to sleep was futile, the pillow your head was laying on was so uncomfortable you were convinced it was a brick. no amount of shifting and turning can soften that so called pillow. the white lights of the dropship nearly blinded you when you attempted to open your eyes. you groan and rub your eyes. now pissed and awake, you tried sitting up because you don’t remember the clinic’s pillows were this hard. you immediately stopped midway as a sudden shock of pain presented itself. the pain had you yelling before you can even register where it was. “easy there human” a familiar voice greets you. your hand lays on your abdomen but your eyes pan to him. “what the hell are you doing he- wait, where even am i?” you ask when you saw the unfamiliar room. it was the standard room the syndicate assigned to everyone but there was nothing.
“my room. how idiotic of you to simply sleep there. have you no regard for your safety?” he spoke, standing up. “you were looking for me?” you asked with a laugh, tilting your head to the side. “don’t get all cocky with me, human” he defensively replies. despite his relentless remarks, he places a hand on your back and offering the other to you. you accepted it immediately, he helps you stand up and walk. he doesn’t let go, perhaps waiting for you to tell him off. but you just lean in further into his gentle embrace, one that showed he was scared of harming you. “oh my knight in shining armor.” you gush, half jokingly. he only groans in response.
‘this will be a fun week’
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he's a literal 6'8 (semi) gentle giant
there are the usual homicidal remarks here and there but never towards you
he'd be bored AS SHIT during the break
he complains that "skinsuits are to be killed"
he ends up following you everywhere like a curious cat, always looming over your shoulder to watch whatever you're doing
he doesn't care about pda at all, he let's you do what makes you happy. but when someone points it out he hisses like a cat in water
when the other legends saw him walk behind you everywhere, someone was bound to make fun of him for it
it just happened to be mirage
"who would've guessed murder bot is a murder PET now hah! hahah..." he laughs, fading at the end when revenant snaps his head in mirage's direction
various curses and profanities were thrown that you had to slap him on the arm for it
"hey- no that was too mean!" you express, crossing your arms
"whatever he deserved it" he murmurs, then stomps away like a literal kid
(is back to your side in 5 minutes)
not the best person to gossip to but he does keep an open ear and sometimes asks for details
he'll groan whenever you're rambling for a long time, but he actually feels bad when you shut up
his form of an apology is sticking by your side until you start talking again
he absolutely cannot be left to do a task unless you want claw marks left everywhere
folding clothes? ripped. wiping down tables? scratches. he wants to hand comb your hair? no you're going bald.
he doesn't understand your liking for kissing him but doesn't oppose it
rev : what are you doing?
: kissing you
rev : disgusting. do it again.
doesn't do pet names. you are clinically insane if you hope he calls you one
the most he'll do is "human" or "sweetheart" and not with romantic intent
is scared to even lay a finger on you, what if those hands do to you what they were designed to do?
you have to initiate any intimacy, placing his hands on your waist reminding him it's okay or resting your head on his shoulder to calm him down
treats you like absolute glass- like you would break at a single push
possessive to the power of 10, and it cannot be overstated
no other legend would dare to even flirt with you, an invisible mark that indicates his property is on you
"mine" he mumbles, pulling your waist closer to him as his other hand grips his scythe- bloody from an entire squad's futile attempt to ambush you alone
some would question your taste in significant others but if they asked, you'd answer
"if only you knew"
if only they knew the quiet moments you had just observing each other, curiosity indulging itself
if only they knew the stories he shared from his memories, how his early days as a human haunted him to a point of endless jealousy and anger
if only they knew how tired he was of waking up from every death he hoped was the final one, how you were the only thing he looked forward to seeing
if only they knew how you were the only person he trusted enough to shut down and sleep
if only they knew how you wake up at 3am to see glowing dots on your ceiling, no hesitation to pat the bed as an invite and just go back to sleep
if only they knew how he nudges his head against yours as a kiss, how he caresses your hands feeling the warmth of being human
if only they knew your selfish thoughts of wanting to be one of his kind to accompany him in his lonely nightmare forever
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© this work is by cryptonite-exe, please do not copy and post on any other platform.
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mariacallous · 1 month
Some of Donald Trump's biggest and newest supporters from finance and Silicon Valley, including Elon Musk and Bill Ackman, have spent the past several weeks trying to whitewash comments the former president and current Republican presidential nominee made in relation to the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in 2017.
In the past week, the Kamala Harris presidential campaign and President Joe Biden both highlighted Trump’s August 15, 2017 comment, when the former president said there were “very fine people on both sides” of the clashes that followed the neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville.
For years, Trump supporters have defended his comments, claiming he was speaking about a nonexistent group of nonracist rallygoers who were there just to protest the removal of a statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee.
While Trump did condemn the white supremacists and neo-Nazis who took part in the rally, those who covered the event have repeatedly pointed out that only extremists were involved in the march, including members of the so-called alt-right, white nationalists, neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and far-right militias. Trump’s “fine people” comments were at best misleading and at worst tacit support for extremists, despite his subsequent disavowal. Trump has consistently been slammed by critics for his comments, but false claims from Trump supporters have persisted. They resurfaced earlier this year when a Snopes fact check titled “No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists ‘Very Fine People.’” Snopes later added an editor’s note, clarifying that those covering the rally said it was “conceived of, led by, and attended by white supremacists, and that therefore Trump's characterization was wrong.”
But over the past few weeks, Trump’s supporters in Silicon Valley and Wall Street—some of whom began officially supporting the former president following his assassination attempt last month—have also tried to rewrite history.
David Marcus, the crypto entrepreneur and CEO of Lightspark who has been a Democratic Party supporter for years, posted last month that he was now backing Trump’s campaign.
In an X post last week that has been viewed 33 million times, Marcus claimed that Trump’s “very fine people” comment had been purposely taken out of context by the media. “Realizing that this was and continues to be a lie was a turning point for me,” Marcus wrote on X, quoting a post from the official Harris campaign account that marked the seven-year anniversary since Trump made the comments.
In response to Marcus’ post, Shaun Maguire, a partner at venture capital firm Sequoia Capital, wrote: “Totally agree.” Hours after the assassination attempt last month, Maguire said he was donating $300,000 to the Trump campaign.
This wasn’t the first time Maguire challenged what happened in Charlottesville: In June, Maguire cited a post from disinformation account End Wokeness and wrote on X: “Remember Charlottesville when Trump called neo-Nazis very fine people? I only saw the full clip for the first time today. It’s a must watch—he literally CONDEMNS the Neo Nazis and white nationalists.”
Elon Musk, who has been Silicon Valley’s loudest Trump supporter in the weeks since the attempted assassination, shared multiple posts related to this. Musk shared Marcus’ post on August 16, commenting: “Always view the source material.” Musk’s post has been viewed almost 30 million times.
Musk also shared a post this week from right-wing activist and Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk, who was responding to a reference to the “very fine people” comment during Biden’s DNC speech. “Dear Joe, for the 1000th time, the ‘very fine people’ story you keep repeating, is a debunked lie and a hoax,” wrote Kirk on X.
(Again, while Trump did condemn neo-Nazis and white supremacists, he also said there were “fine people” among those at the rally, where the crowd was made up only of extremists.)
Musk also shared a post from Mark Pincus, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur best known as the founder of mobile gaming giant Zynga. Pincus, who has said he has yet to decide on which candidate he will vote for, wrote on X last week: “​​This is the best example of how we have all been manipulated by MSM.” Pincus was quoting the June post from Maguire. Musk responded: “Yup.”
Pincus’ post was shared by Musk as well as David Sacks, an influential tech investor who is closely allied with the X owner. Musk’s different posts on the topic have been cumulatively viewed almost 80 million times.
Another Musk ally, billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman, was among the very first to publicly endorse Trump in the hours after the shooting. Last week, he shared a post from anti-LGBTQ hate account Libs of TikTok to his 1.4 million followers that claimed “Biden and Kamala both lied and spread the ‘very fine people’ hoax again this week. It’s easily debunked by watching the full video. This is the video they don’t want you to see.”
The suggestion that the full, unedited video of Trump’s comments has somehow been scrubbed from the internet over the past seven years is central to many of the claims being made in the past week—even though the video is widely available on any number of platforms.
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punksdocrimes · 1 month
What this means is that I source my estrogen from grey marker suppliers online. It's safe, it works. I'm 10 months HRT as of today (Aug 20th 2024)
There's a lot of reasons for this, but it's mostly financial
And I've been in dire financial straits for a while now (short story: no car and I live in the middle of nowhere)
I have maybe 2 injections worth of EEn in my current vial. That's gonna be very quickly.
If you have even a few dollars to throw my way, I'd be EXTREMELY grateful
I HATE having to beg for money so this is like my final act of desperation.
I have $84.50 in my cashapp saved up. This is 1 year of saving up money, and $50 of that is from a friend of mine's donation earlier this year when I was wanting to start Progesterone (which isn't happening anymore because I don't have the income for it). To order a new vial is EXACTLY $84.50 for me (believe, it's a weird coincidence; but so is my 1 year anniversary injection being on my LITERAL birthday. Things are poetic like that with me ig 💀)
If you know anything about DIYing, it's that most vendors take crypto only. If you know anything about apps like Cashapp, they charge money for converting to crypto (obviously).
To complete this order, I literally JUST need $3 to cover the conversion cost
So please if you see this and have $3 to send, DM me and I'll send you my cashapp - and I'll be sure to pass the kindness forward
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darkmaga-retard · 2 months
Tuesday August 6, 2024 Truth Bomb
Karen Bracken
And you wonder why our kids are much sicker today then they were years ago…..and adults too. 1986 is when big pharma was given license to harm people without penatly.
Kamala Harris has *extensive* communist ties by Trevor Loudon - Thanks Jackie W. - be sure to also look at the link for an article written by Trevor on /Kamala Harris for Epoch Times - The video from Trevor was obviously done during the 2020 elections era. ARTICLE/VIDEO (24 min.)
The ultimate goal of the Pact for the Future: A planetary technocracy to manage global crises on behalf of the global corporatocracy - The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are set to expire in 2030 and I believe this is the plan for what happens in 2030 and beyond. What people need to understand is the UN and its affiliate agencies have ZERO jurisdiction in the United States. Our government (ALL OF OUR GOVERNMENT) has no constitutional authority to take orders from a foreign bunch of communist bureaucrats. Of course many in our own government are also marxists/communists so it will be up to the people to save our freedom and liberty. Are you up for the fight? I fear most will not resist. I hope I am wrong. ARTICLE
Bill Gates and WHO Call for Military To Round Up mRNA Vaccine Refusers During Bird Flu Pandemic - 15 min. VIDEO
‘Charlatan’ Dr. Peter Hotez Calls Biden Regime to Deploy DOJ, DHS Security forces Against “Anti-Vaxxers” in the US - ARTICLE
Massachusetts bill seeking to redefine who qualifies as parents removes terms ‘mother’ and ‘father’ - I don’t get reduced to tears often but this article truly hit me hard. What have we become? What is wrong with these people in New England??? This is how you destroy a country and a culture. You destroy EVERYTHING it stood for, destroy history (good and bad), destroy the family, destroy faith. We are at the end game and if you don’t stop worrying about hurting someone’s feelings by speaking the truth your children and grandchildren will live in a world that I wouldn’t want my dog to live in. ARTICLE
How Could Anybody Support This…Illegals Getting $18,000 in Tax Money Every Month as Americans Starve - ARTICLE/VIDEO (7 min. caution….video has some foul language)
Almost $2 Trillion Wiped From US Markets In First 15 Minutes After Opening Bell, Nasdaq Drops Over 1000 Points, Japan's Stock Market Posts Biggest 2 Day Drop In History, Crypto Has "Collapsed," - not hearing much about this crash now are you? Have you checked your investments today?? Biden economics at it finest - ARTICLE
Both of these videos are less than 1 minute.
Ya know you just gotta be woke. This idiot is more brain dead than Uncle Joe. I truly believe she has a substance abuse issue. VIDEO
Did she steal the power of the pen line from Barack or did he steal it from her? They have been buddies for many years so who knows. This is one of those “what came first the chicken or the egg questions” - VIDEO
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lovethatmakingcoffee · 8 months
Lumilla Lopes, @ludylops Post about Forever in English, using English translate
(I will not be adding her links and videos. If you want to see that, you can go on her twitter, here is the link- https://twitter.com/ludylops/status/1744171674378113415)
(Sorry if I messed up by forgetting to translate a tweet)
Hi, I'm 35 years old, I'm a data scientist and I decided to compile a giant thread about the accusation of p3dof1lia against a 27 year old streamer who lives Minecraft. Be patient as there is a lot of information here, complex definitions and delicate topics. The Forever Affair.
I'm a woman, I work in development and data, I make a living doing complex and objective research in the areas of crypto and marketing, environments that I consider very dangerous and in need of more education.
I've loved games since the Pentium 166 and Atari. I've been following the ecosystem for years
First of all, I feel so sorry for the young people who are experiencing so many triggers from this. I see fandom members devastated, and not knowing how to act. It saddens me very much. 
I hope with this thread to give you some warmth and direction, through information and personal experiences.
I've been following QSMP since Cellbit joined, and today I only watch it from POV@oibagi(o/ Jorges) and some lore summary videos. I think the context is enough for now. Well, let's go. 
Forever is not p3dof1lo. But it's not right either. 
Calm down, breathe, follow the thread 👇
I mean, I can't even say that, because I'm not a psychiatrist and much less had the opportunity to talk to and analyze the boy. 
For the same reason, no one can say otherwise, so he cannot receive this diagnosis until a doctor analyzes and diagnoses him. 
Come, follow 👇
This issue is extremely complex among experts in both the medical and legal fields, so be aware that communities are fighting in a highly minefield with little chance of delivering a positive outcome from all of this. 
Therefore, I will try to update you as neutrally as possible on what these definitions are today. 
📝 What is P3dof1lia? 
This word has undergone several changes and classifications over the years. Currently, we must first separate crime from psychiatric disorder.
P3dof1lo Disorder
 According to the most recent studies (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-5), P3dof1lo Disorder is characterized by recurrent and intense fantasies, desires or sexual acts involving children (usually aged 13 or younger).
Because 13 years old? This is where puberty happens, the biological and physiological transition from our child body to a more adult phase. Girls start to develop breasts, menstruate, and boys are proud of their first hairs and their voices become more dysregulated than autotune 
However, dear padawans, biology is not an exact science, so entering puberty is not like the evolution of a Pokémon. It can happen at 11, at 15, and it's a process. And this 13-year average estimate is changing over the years. 
Studies indicate that, in the 19th century, this number was between 15 and 17 years old, and today we have more and more cases of earlier puberty. And why am I beating around the bush so much on this subject? 
Let's go back to the definition of the Disorder. The catch is: the definition of a child is not universal and that is why it causes so much confusion. In fact, the current age of those involved and the complexity of the context are extremely important. 
According to the Oxford Dictionary, a child is a “human being in the phase of childhood, from birth to puberty”. Puberty is currently defined at around 13 years of age, but is not exact and varies with the years. 
And that is why the age of majority in many countries is 18 years old. 
The terms “child” to define P3dophilia Disorder and legal majority are not the same.That is why, in Brazil and in several other countries that are signatories to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, we adopt the term “child and adolescent”, as in our Child and Adolescent Statute, also from 1990. 
And here we have 11 years being the divider.
Now, go back to the leaked Forever prints and conversations. There is, to date, no indication that Forever has a disorder that makes him feel constant sexual desires for pre-pubescent children. 
This is a fact. But did he commit any crime? There is no “crime of pedof1li4”, just as there is no “crime of ADHD” or “crime of sadism” (sadomasochism is considered a paraphilia, as is pedophilia). 
So what crimes are foreseen related to this topic? 
In the Brazilian criminal code we have: 
👉 The 3rd rape of Vulnerable 
(Remember that this definition was only included in 2009. At that time I was already in college, that is, all these definitions are still very recent and cause a lot of confusion even among experts.)
 👉 Child Pornography 
"Present, produce, sell, provide, disseminate or publish, through any means of communication, including the world wide web or the internet, photographs or images containing pornography, or scenes of explicit sex involving children or adolescents." 
Leaving the field of crimes against children and adolescents, we still have: 
👉 S3xual Harassment 
Everything that has been released about Forever so far does not seem to fit into any of the crimes presented. 
But does this mean that the attitude he had in 2016/2017 is morally correct? 
No. But history is made to change the future, not the past 
Take a test for me: ask your parents what gender identity issues were like when they were younger. Or what are neutral pronouns. 
Why do you think that so many people are only coming out now? 
If we were to condemn all past attitudes by the morals of the present, from the millennials behind, everyone would be cancelled. And you will be canceled in a few years too. 
History is made for us to learn from it and change the future. 
Why do we subject ourselves to entering a history classroom and reading about slavery, Nazism, racism, machismo? To do different in the future. 
But the past is in the past. New laws cannot apply to attitudes made before their conception. Nor moral values. 
What we colloquially call today “pedof1li4” is often not related to psychiatric disorder but rather to the result of a patriarchal culture where women need to be much younger than men. 
Therefore, the 20, 21 year old Forever was not supposedly expressing a sexual desire for pre-pubescent children, but rather replicating and continuing an ancient culture where women mature much earlier than men. 
Therefore, a 15-year-old girl would be on equal terms playing and trash talking with a 21-year-old adult. 
However, today we know that this is a lie and the trauma it causes women. 
But what's wrong? 
The definition of “harassment” may need to be updated. 
In Brazilian legislation, Sexual Harassment is applied in an employment context, such as a boss who makes sexual jokes to an intern, and she does not defend herself for fear of losing her job.
However, I have been observing that, with the emergence of the internet and social networks, teen idols are increasingly closer to their fans. 
The influence and power that an idol can represent for their teenage fans is comparable to that of a boss in the workplace.
Teenagers harass idols. They send nudes on Instagram. And knowing how to deal with this is still something very new, as the idols are also new. 
It is in this fertile field of uncertainty that the cancellation gains strength, and it hinders this debate rather than helping it.
The dangers of cancellation When I see comments about “the Order Paranormal community is toxic, the QSMP community is toxic, the community canceled Jão again” I don't even understand where these discussions are taking place. 
In the past, communities were formed in centralized environments, such as forums and chats. 
I found out it was on Twitter and Tiktok. Which leads me to the question: how on earth does a Twitter community exist? Twitter even has a recent community tool, but it is still underused.
All the thousands of information and opinions on the subject pop up in millions randomly in each person's feed depending on what the algorithm chooses for them. It is almost impossible to build a chronology or logical line of facts posed by fakes that go viral from time to time. 
And lost millennial as I am, so are journalists, advertisers, legal advisors and all the professionals who have the sad task of trying to extract as much information as possible from this chaotic world and take some action with their team of influencers or clients. Poor boomer judges who have to deal with cybercrime cases. Justice is slow. However, Twitter is too fast. Judge and demand action immediately. 
At the time of this thread, Forever has already lost followers and mentions on pages, risking losing projects.
What we have now are creators giving up on their projects, abandoning their communities, all because we still don't know how to deal with the social and technological changes that are getting faster every day. Misinformation spreads faster than information.
Of crimes against honor 
If being a young asshole in the past is not a crime, imputing false crimes and unfairly attacking a person's honor is. In legislation we have 3 crimes associated with honor: Slander, defamation and insult.
Anonymous profile does not save. 
Each generation has something to teach, but also to learn from the previous one. I saw the internet grow. 
This isn't nostalgic talk about “ICQ was still good”. Crosses. But I lived the world without the internet, and with the internet. 
Returning to my personal perspective, I started an engineering course in 2007. 
There were only 2 women in the room. Not only did I experience all kinds of machismo and harassment, I also practiced a lot of female rivalry. And homophobia. Several of these women are my best friends today. 
Many of them I don't even want to see painted gold, but many of my colleagues who shared photos of me in bikinis when WhatsApp came out are my best friends today. 
As? IM crazy? Uninformed? No.
As time went by, I was able to see what was a portrait of a sick society, and what was an individual character. Together, as friends, we discussed a lot. We fight. We touch wounds. We learn. 
Some of the college “catchers” and bullies even took on a new sexuality when they came to terms with themselves, and saw a safer world emerging. We eliminated from our vocabulary expressions such as “viadinho”, “mute servant”, “samba do creole doido”. 
We learn to accept the consequences of our actions. Therefore, those who remained after this whole process were worth taking for life. 
But this all takes time. Search. Study. Anonymity allows this. 
However, these young public figures are being pressured to go through this process in public, and without time. 
They need to post a mature statement within minutes, as mentions accumulate on Twitter. 
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The new wave of liberal disregard for atheism as some kind of 'edgy dramatic emo thing' or an 'edgy man thing like crypto currency' rather than as a deeply held ideological conviction is so weird. Like the thing they claim it's edgy about atheist men is not even edgy it's like "there's no scientific proof of god's existence it's all made up!" that's not edgy dramatic behavior that's what happens when you follow rational thinking where it leads you. Human catholicism (or any religious institution) is flawed precisely because it preys on ignorant people's fear of a doomed afterlife. And that's hurtful, that's manipulative that has killed millions throughout history and it's still starting wars today. How do you see everything that people throughout history have done 'in the name of god' and still come to the conclusion that there must be a good god out there? What evidence do you have for that? How does it not simply make more sense that we're just people and people will always hurt each other for power and made up reasons to do so and intricate mythologies that justify us and/or explain what we don't know? How can you he aware that Greek mythology are just stories, but not your stories that you tell yourself about your god? When you look at all the irreparable harm that's been done in the name of religion, does freeing yourself from its constraints and saying fuck this fuck god or realizing that not of it actually matters because there's no evidence whatsoever that there's any truth to it, how does that not feel like the most liberating and revolutionary truth to you?
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7grandmel · 7 months
Todays rip: 15/02/2024
Corridors of Vine
Season 6 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume FF
Ripped by Heboyi
Right, okay, we've had a good streak recently of covering more "traditionally good" rips for the blog - arrangements and remixes like NIGHTMARESCAPE 〜Unrestrained HyperCam 2〜 (Final Boss Phase 2), genuinely good arrangements like mlp racism anthem (comix zone arrange), even the premiere of a new Season with the Joke-Explainer™ 7000 Fusion Collab. I think its about high time we change the clock to something "stupider" - the kind of rip that reminds you just how much SiIva is driven by the wild imagination, skill, and commitment-to-the-bit of its contributors. Only within a community like SiIvaGunner's will you get something like Corridors of Vine.
With memes as a whole, there seems to exist some sort of...invisible hierarchy that defines their public perception, that I've always found really fascinating. It's not impossible to understand why this hierarchy exists: Memes like the Hampsterdance in Wario's Hampster Mine, the Sparta Remix in THIS. IS. SOLEANNA. and more call back to a different, more innocent time in internet history, wheras memes like Despacito in Plains of Des-passing-to and It's Everyday Bro in It's Everyday Lake are oft met with comments like "I hate that I love this", or other similar sentiments. Memes generally follow a trend where, once one has worn out its period of inferred relevance - typically once it stops being a niche internet activity and spreads to marketing teams and unfunny people in general - its labeled as "dead" and unwanted, left as a relic of a smaller period of internet activity. That is, of course, unless it gets brought back into fashion by virtue of nostalgia and given some sort of new spin, as we've seen happen with Doge as of late - until that then too becomes co-opted by unfunny people (this time crypto-grifters) and the cycle begins anew. Yet part of what makes SiIvaGunner as a channel so great, is that very few of the memes it uses ever reach that state of abandonment: the team is so good at finding new, inventive ways to use memes as old as from Season 1, to where they rarely feel stale. And if they do feel stale - well, then that can ironically become part of the joke, playing into just how samey and played-out the joke is for a sort of ironic appeal.
All of this is to say, that I always find it immensely funny whenever the team decides - seemingly at the drop of a hat - to begin using memes that have been thoroughly labeled as dead for years by that point. A meme like the Harlem Shake didn't have so much as a pulse by the time Season 6 rolled around even past its sole revival to relevancy a few years back from being attached to Ajit Pai - yet The Harlem Shakeover of that very season was one containing over THREE HUNDRED rips utilizing the joke, next to none of which were made with the intention of sounding bad. Funny enough, then, that one of the first events we'd see during that same Season would be doing the exact same thing to a meme that's likely far more loathed than the Harlem Shake ever was - Damn Daniel, the core joke to Corridors of Vine.
Damn Daniel is perhaps the closest we've ever gotten to having a meme that felt like a social experiment - a complete non-sequitor of a joke starring an average, marketable teen and his immaculate footwear. At the peak of Vine's age of randomness humor, the series of various videos on Daniel's Vans absolutely blew up - and immediately, there were cynics from outside of Vine, older internet dwellers mainly, who made a big point about how lacking-in-funny the videos were. Yet the guy, Daniel, made it onto the damn Ellen Show of all things within mere weeks after his debut, and in a way it kind of made Damn Daniel a symbol for everything considered wrong about Vine: its mainstream appeal and focus on short, memeable videos had created a form of shitposting that...no longer felt like they were part of a community.
That is, of course, just my summary of the opinions I gathered from all the way back in 2016 - back when SiIvaGunner itself was first revving up into gear. And I find it so incredibly befitting that it was during Season 6 that the Damn Daniel event occurred on SiIvaGunner - the Season all about letting go of the past. To have it begin with SiIvaGunner, itself a 2016 meme, acknowledging its near polar opposite made around the same time: A meme that was, for a solid while, one of the most wanted-dead memes of all, one that the internet as a whole frankly felt a kind of hatred toward during what would come to be a rather cynical, hateful year in general.
There's definitely an overarching aura of irony applied to the anniversary celebration's rips regardless, of course - part of the joke with Corridors of Vine is that its using a song otherwise so closely enveloped in emotion and vulnerability (one SiIva itself used to similar effect with 時の回廊 <ver. CCC>), alongside a joke that's so bitterly remembered that its mere inclusion makes it difficult to take seriously. Yet Corridors of Vine takes itself as seriously as the concept could be, it is a genuinely fantastic YTPMV using several of the famous Damn Daniel Vines in conjunction with one another, resulting in an infectiously catchy combination of lead- and backing melody instrumentation. I do think the commitment to the bit worked excellently, and the comments of the video itself appear to agree with me - despite how beloathed Damn Daniel itself was, the time to properly acknowledge and accept it had arrived, and we were for once actually...enjoying the meme?
To circle back to the point made in the second paragraph here - the truth is, there are very few memes that wind up actually full-on dead for long. Dead memes as a concept are a label we put upon jokes we feel have ran their course, yet especially in the world of YTPMV there will always be people out there able to prove the naysayers wrong, even if the intentions are purely ironic. Ironic or affectionate, the end result is the same, isn't it? You've got a smile out of your audience through your work in adapting the meme! And through all the comments expressing their concerns over returning to the hellscape that was 2016s meme culture, those smiles - even through the barrier of the internet, felt as if they were shared by all of us. The entire event - and Corridors of Vine in particular - showed Damn Daniel a sense of affection it likely hasn't had since the days when the SiIvaGunner channel's name began with a G.
Here's to 8 years, Daniel.
...Stussy man, Damn.
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thatbadadvice · 2 years
Help! My Investment Advice Is Not Being Taken
Social Q's, New York Times, 1 February 2023:
I was advising my adult daughter on a great investment in a field we know well. I even offered financial assistance, but she told me she was afraid to proceed. So I shared a very personal story: When her father and I were engaged, he was offered a similar opportunity. I begged him to postpone our wedding and use the money to make the investment. But he didn’t; he was afraid, too. I told her that marrying her father, instead of making the investment, had been a poor financial decision I’ve regretted ever since. I urged her not to make the same mistake. She then forwarded our entire text exchange to my husband (her father)! It didn’t cause any trouble between us. But she didn’t know that it wouldn’t. How do I deal with such a betrayal? I will never trust her again. — MOTHER
Dear Mother,
On the scale of human betrayal, it is hard not to situate what your daughter did to you as one of the more egregious crimes that humans have yet committed against each other lo these 230,000 or so years. The Bad Advisor doesn't pretend to say that humans aren't capable of coming up with something worse than asking a man about some shit he was already well aware of, but it's hard to imagine what that might be, and the Bad Advisor daren't speculate for fear of what nightmares await.
You ask an age-old question: Who dares snitch to Daddy? Where does a child, who is an adult and allowed to do whatever the fuck she wants, get off doing whatever the fuck she wants, up to and including telling her dad that her mother said a thing that both of y'all already had a conversation about decades ago? A thing which your husband is by his own admission not at all concerned about? The gall boggles the mind.
You could have been in big trouble with a man who openly gives no fucks about a thing he was already well aware of! What if your daughter had exposed you as a person who had feelings about an investment decision you expressly and specifically told your husband you had feelings about and with regard to which he gives not the barest shit today, nor gave the barest shit about ages ago? The consequences of your daughter telling a man a thing he already knew are nigh life-or-death, and she wholly disregarded them.
But what if your husband, who has known since the dawn of your marriage that you disagree about investment opportunities because you told him so, didn't know that thirty years ago -- when you specifically said that you wanted him to invest money in Dot Com Stocks Dot Co Dot Crypto instead of paying for a nice reception at the VFW hall and he said "Nah fuck it let's buy a huge fucking cake instead" and then y'all literally did that -- that you were actually specifically saying that you would rather him spend money on Dot Com Stocks Dot Co Dot Crypto, and he said no let's not do that let's do the wedding instead, which is what happened? Imagine the horror that might have ensued if your disruptive daughter, who refuses to take your investment advice, had disclosed to this man a thing that would not have surprised him in the least because he actively participated in it?
Well, you needn't imagine the horror. It happened: your daughter told your husband a thing he already knew, and here you are bearing the brunt of the consequences: deep betrayal by a woman who not only is obligated to listen to and take your financial advice, but who dares communicate with someone else who decided not to take your financial advice about their shared hobby: not taking your financial advice.
So: we know what betrayal looks like. We know of the Trojan Horse. We know of Benedict Arnold. We know of Brutus stabbing Caesar. These stories have shaped Western history, and given us a means of understanding ourselves and others. But do we know of the daughter who expressed vague trepidation at her mother's investment counsel? We do not, and the whole of humanity is the worse for it. On behalf of the world, we thank you for sharing your awful tale so that others may learn from it.
How does a mother deal with such a betrayal? A mother can do what only a mother can do: invest deeply in crypto, and let the ~ gains ~ speak for themselves.
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rodrigororschach · 6 months
📈 How to make money on Testnet?
Today we will deal with testnets and find out what kind of activity they are and why they are needed!
✅ Participation in various testnets is a very interesting activity, which crypto-projects conduct and sometimes reward their participants.
✅Testnet is an opportunity to earn money for users who test the functionality of a blockchain network. This is done in order to report problems early on and solve them as soon as possible, for it concerns digital security and money.
🟢 How are testnets set up?
- Crypto-projects that have not yet gone public invite users to try their functionality.
- Users are rewarded with NFTs, project tokens, or discounts.
- Rewards can be announced in advance or after testing.
- Often the rewards depend on the contribution of the participant - the biggest rewards go to those who found significant bugs or bugs.
The most common reward in the testnet is the project's own tokens. It happens that after they are released to the public, their price increases, and the owner has a nice sum in his account.
✅ Yes, not every testnet is lucky, of course, but, given that their passage usually takes a couple of minutes, it is a good opportunity to earn without risk and investment. It is worth carefully selecting a good project and only after a thorough analysis give it your time, because the passage testnet does not give a 100% guarantee of getting a drop from the project.
💭 Have you ever participated in Testnets?
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