#When i joined the fandom it was dead dead i mean all the other artists had moved on but himbo and she made one (1) piece while i was active
yappacadaver · 5 months
AAAAAA i feel you u_u been trying to convince more ppl to draw my blorbo haha
I've personally still got a long list of WIPs and planned art/fic chapters, but unfortunately my pace has slowed way tf down thanks to my chronic pain and lack of income/job search :( Still keeping at it tho! Just posted my most recent chapter last night, and my latest art was a couple days ago too :')
in the meantime, my commissions are open for anyone who feels similarly and wants to see something specific! And if it's something you're passionate about, I'd be so happy to see whatever Raymond content you'd want to bring to the table, art, fic, hc, or anything else!
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
would u consider obey me a dead fandom?
Um. Nope. I sure wouldn't.
If there's anybody out there who thinks Obey Me is a dead fandom, I would say they're probably confused about what a dead fandom actually is.
I think an argument could be made saying that there is no such thing as a dead fandom. But I'm going to assume you mean that fan content is at an all time low.
Friend, I have been in fandoms where the content was like... you get a fic or two every year if you're lucky. This for a media that hadn't put out any new content in decades.
Obey Me? I get an average of five asks per day about Obey Me. I can queue 10 posts per day about Obey Me. I still average over 800 notes a day on this here Obey Me blog. In the past few months, we've had new artists and writers joining the community and posting their Obey Me fan works. The game is still active and updating. There are two apps even.
So no, I personally would not consider the Obey Me fandom to be dead by any means.
It's certainly been more active in the past. I'll never forget the surge of activity that happened when Nightbringer first came out. My Solomon fics seemed to double their notes over night lol.
But we're also in a bit of a lull right now because we aren't getting new chapters. Every time an event happens, there's another burst of activity. And then things die down just a little before they surge again. That's the nature of fandom.
Another common fandom thing is people coming and going. I've been here for almost two years, but there are others who have been here for four. And then there are some people who've only been in the fandom for a couple months. And then there are the people who were here at the beginning, but have since moved on. Maybe they only stayed for a few months before moving on. Maybe they're only casually in the fandom, dipping in now and again. This is also just the nature of fandom. There's no right way to do it. And it doesn't reflect on whether a fandom is alive or dead.
Hell, we even have plenty of discourse and toxic stuff in this here fandom, too. More of that when there's nothing else to do, I think, which is unfortunate, but also kinda... just part of fandom.
And all of this is just how it is on Tumblr. I know there are active Obey Me communities on Twitter/X and Instagram, too. I'm just too old and tired to maintain that many socials. I actually have accounts on both of those apps but I rarely use them.
And lastly, I'm a big proponent of being involved in fandom no matter how active the community is. By this I mean, if I still have an Obey Me hyperfixation in ten years when the apps are closed down and nearly everybody else has moved on, I will still be here posting fic. Because I won't leave a fandom until I am ready to move on from it, dead or not. (Sometimes this can mean you are one of the few people still creating for said fandom, but you might be surprised at how many people will still enjoy what you create.)
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doubledeadstudio · 6 months
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Hello! Welcome to the official Double Dead Studio Tumblr, the solodev behind Reanimated Heart and Another Rose in His Garden.
(This Pinned is Under Construction. Still figuring out the tags...)
Reanimated Heart is a character-driven horror romance visual novel about finding love in a mysterious small town. There are three love interests with their own unique personalities and storylines. Play the demo on Itch now!
Content Warning: All my games are 18+! They contains dark subject matter such as violence and sexual content. Player discretion is advised.
This blog is ran by Jack, the creator.
Itch | Link Tree | Patreon | Twitter
My policy for fanwork is that anything goes in fiction, but respect my authority and copyright outside it. This means normal fan activity like taking screencaps, posting playthroughs, and making fanart/fanfiction is completely allowed, but selling this game or its assets isn't allowed (selling fanwork of it is fine, though). You are also not allowed to feed any of my assets to AI bots, period, even if it's free.
Do not use my stuff for illegal or hateful content.
Also, I expect everyone to respect the Content Warnings on the page. I'm old and do not tolerate fandom wank.
Who are the main Love Interests?
Read their character profiles here!!
Who's the team?
Jack (creator, writer, artist), mostly. I closely work with Exodus (main programmer) and Claira (music composer). My husband edits the drafts, and my friend Bonny makes art assets. I've also gotten help from outsiders like Sleepy (prologue music + vfx) and my friend Gumjamin (main menu heart animation).
For Reanimated Heart's VOs, Alex Ross voices Crux, Devin McLaughlin voices Vincenzo, Christian Cruz voices Black, Maganda Marie voices Grete, and Zoe D. Lee voices Missy.
Basically, it's mostly just me & outsourcing stuff to my friends and professionals.
How can I support Double Dead Studio productions?
You can pay for the game, or join our monthly Patreon! If you don't have any money, just giving it a nice rating and recommending it to a friend is already good enough. :)
Where do the funds go to?
100% gets poured back into the game. More voice acting, more music, more trailers, more art, etc. I also like to give my programmer a monthly tip for helping me.
This game is really my insane passion project, and I want to make it better with community support.
I live in the Philippines and the purchasing power of php is not high, especially since many of the people I outsource to prefer USD. (One time I spent P10k of my own money in one month just to get things.) I'll probably still do that, even if no money comes in, until I'm in danger of getting kicked out the street… but maybe even then? (jk)
What platforms will Reanimated Heart be released in?
Itch and then Steam when it's fully finished. Still looking into other options, as I hear both are getting bad.
Will the game be free?
Chapter 1 will be free. The rest will be updated on Patreon exclusively until full release.
Are you doing a mobile version?
Yeah. Just Android for now, but it's in the works.
Where can I listen to the OST?
It is currently up on YouTube, Spotify, and Bandcamp!
Why didn't you answer my ask?
A number of things! Two big ones that keep coming up are Spoilers (as in, you asked something that will be put in an update) or it's already been asked. If you're really dying to know, check the character tags or the meta commentary. You might find what you're looking for there. :)
Tag List for Navigation
Just click the tags to get to where you wanna go!
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lostcauses-noregrets · 4 months
Hey, Lost hope u doing good, I'm just a like a half-year-old eruri and I love them so much with all my heart canon or not but there has been a thing lately I've come across many people saying eruri is dead even among eruri fandom. Since the end of Aot' final ofc it' not same but as someone who reads eruri a lot, and wants to write too, it's making me lose my enthusiasm. I really would want to keep it going but it weighs on my mind heavily. Would want ur expert opinion, is it really dead?
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Hey Anon, welcome to the fandom! Please don’t be put off by people proclaiming that Eruri is dead, people have been saying this ever since Midnight Sun was published in 2016, and yet the fandom is still thriving. We’re still getting official art, we have an astonishing number of amazing artists and the number of Eruri fics on AO3 is increasing every day.  Having said that, all fandoms have peaks and troughs that follow canon media cycles and the Eruri fandom is no different from any other fandom in that respect. It’s to be expected that some people will move on when a beloved character dies, or a series ends, but that doesn’t mean the fandom will die out altogether. Far from it!  It can actually be quite freeing for a fandom when the canon media comes to an end as it gives you free rein with the characters. (Not that transformative works ever have to be bound by canon of course.) 
In terms of the Eruri fandom, many fans did leave when Erwin died, others drifted off during the Marley Arc, and when the manga or the anime ended.  One thing I’ve noticed over the years is that a lot of new fans are coming to the fandom via fanworks rather than the canon media which I think bodes well for the longevity of the fandom, though it can lead to some "interesting" characterisation.
It’s also understandable that fans get attached to “their” fandom; the chapters that were published, the episodes that were airing, the popular artists and writers who were active when they first joined the fandom.  It can be really sad when those people move on, and it can feel a bit as if “your” fandom is dying, even if new fans are discovering the ship all the time.  I’m no different in that respect, I still get nostalgic for the Eruri fandom c. 2016, the intense highs and lows, the outpouring of creativity, the amazing friends I made at that time.  However it really bugs me when I hear people saying things like “the fandom died when X artist or Y writer left” because that does a massive disservice to all other artists and writers who are still active in the fandom. 
I think there’s also something to be said about some fans increasingly treating fandom as content to be consumed, rather than a community to contribute to.  Once they’ve consumed all the “popular” content, they declare the fandom is dead and move on, rather than actually contributing something creative themselves.  Fandoms thrive on collective creativity and their longevity depends on having an active community rather than one or two big name fans, writers and artists. 
Anyway, all this is to say, just ignore the killjoys and enjoy this amazing fandom. Enjoy all the gorgeous fic and art by the incredibly talented writers and artists that have come and gone over the last ten years, and support the new writers and artists who are creating equally amazing work. 
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emi-writings · 7 months
Honestly, still kinda pissed that someone saw my jokey post about changing c!Wilbur – in a way that would have resulted in the exact same mc skin – and decided to scold me for “changing a loved character” in a way they considered “sucks”.
Could you imagine if commented every fanart of zombie Wilbur with “this isn’t canon and also it sucks” just because I personally didn’t like the zombie Wilbur headcanon?
My headcanons also aren’t something new, I just held back on how extreme they were because I knew people who were obsessed with cc!Wilbur would get upset for doing things cc!Wilbur wouldn’t like, even if I could back up why I have those headcanons from the canon material!
Just because I posted something in a jokey way, it doesn’t mean that these aren’t things I have spent years exploring in my fanfics, ideas that always wanted to expand on but never did before.
Why do I headcanon Wilbur as a witch? Because potions in Minecraft are considered magic, you get the death message “killed by magic” when killed by potions, and the mob witch uses potions. Wilbur is strongly associated with potions because he started a potion scam when he joined the dsmp! I held back from including things like astrology, but now that cc!Wilbur is dead to the fandom, I figured I wouldn’t need to anymore.
I’ve actually included Wilbur with witchy tattoos in my fanfics before! In the first ever tattoo artist/flower shop in the tntduo fandom!
Gender nonconforming Wilbur is simply based on the fact that he does act very gender nonconforming in canon. He serenaded Quackity to get him pregnant, he refers to himself as the Yin to Quackity’s Yang, I don’t want to touch on the Ghostbur and Friend shenanigans.
Wilbur not understanding geography? He needs help finding things on the server, and he clearly doesn’t know how countries work if he thinks he can just claim a piece of unused land and call it a country. It’s a funny little joke, he doesn’t even know what exactly is going on in terms of countries in the server, he just cares about his own thing.
Wilbur is one of the many characters that didn’t have a canonically height listed, so I made him a bit shorter than his cc! counterpart… He’s still taller than most other characters, it’s not much of a difference that I think would matter.
We know Wilbur is a musician as he composed the L’manburg anthem, but canonically the only instruments in the dsmp are the noteblocks. But I think woodwind instruments make sense for Wilbur, since they’re capable of playing some hauntingly beautiful melodies, and as the son of the angel of death, I think that would make sense for his character.
Like, I shouldn't feel more pressured to make my headcanons of c!Wilbur more like cc!Wilbur after we all agreed that the character was separate from the content creator!
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mirpkechi · 8 months
why not stay and chat ?
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hello :} i'm miro !! this is my main blog for anything art / reblogs / fandom / politics related ; i'm a desi minor living in the uk 💗
pronouns page
no.1 goro akechi kinnie / irl
my identities kind of overlap ,, so you can check out my pronouns.page for a more cohesive layout of my various identities :} please use it / He / they on me 💗
i speak 3 languages fluently [english/urdu/hindi] and am learning a few more :
[ french / japanese / arabic ]
i draw (sometimes), and ramble often. keep an eye out for it !!
photodumping sideblog
gayposting sideblog
jiraiblr / menhera sideblog [tw ; very bad stuff. this sideblog is essentially a dumping ground for all mentally ill thoughts with cutesy undertones]
pinterest [the account i'm more active on . . .]
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things i like / hyperfixations ;
>rhythm games [let me know if you want to play together !!!] >history >space > [my no.1 hyperfixation since i've been about 5 !!!] >sea creatures >games : persona series > mainly p5 ; project sekai ; bandori ; obey me! ; arcaea ; phigros ; kalpa ; minecraft // other cozy games ; + more :3 >shows/films : studio ghibli, ohshc, arcane, the amazing world of gumball (+ many other older cartoon network shows!!), fullmetal alchemist, toilet bound hanako kun (manga nd anime), neon genesis evangelion, + more that i can't remember </3
>lots of bands/artists!! >> mcr / tuyu / mili / depeche mode / queen / my dead girlfriend / takenai namae / wisp / loathe / fennel / radiohead / bôa / the cure / david bowie / james marriott / weezer / buck-tick / elliot smith / malice mizer / lyn inaizumi / my bloody valentine / slowdive / blur / ptv + more // lots of old vocaloid >> wowaka / deco*27 / utsu-p / okame-p / ryo(supercell) / a lot lot more :3 i like mostly rock/metal and subgenres of them, shoegaze, jazz, indie and vocal synths :]
ask me if i know a certain band/artist you like (i'm always forgetting the stuff i listen to.....) // >youtubers? >> dantdm / ldshadowlady / film cooper / james marriott / gabi belle / a lot of older mc youtubers lol / chad chad / danny gonzalez / memeulous / the click / jammidodger / onetopic / jarvis johnson / jordan adika (guess what my favourite genre of video is lol) / a lot more that i can't think of atm </3
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basic dni criteria -- don't be a bad person please. it's very simple but like. just be a good person and be aware of whatever you support actually means:) dni: queerphobes, racists, bigots, MAPs, TERFs, pro/comship, zionists/neutrals on the palestinian genocide, doubles / if you claim to kin goro lol, etc. please dont be a bad person :(
please interact !! mutuals (<2), anyone who has things in common with me, other queer people, other neurodivergent/mentally ill people, anyone who wants to talk
audhd + bpd [plus some other stuff but those are the things i talk about more often]
#miro's rambles -> me when i ramble 😞
#miro draws for once -> art tag!!!
#prosekaiposting -> pjsk rambles :3
#pleas from the void -> mentally ill stuff [not vents]
mutuals i commonly get asks from 💗
irls !!
please look after yourself <3
joined : 17/12/23
ribbon dividers by @aquazero <3
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figmentof · 2 years
i’m gonna share a little story, my close ofmd friends know about this but i think it’s due time that i tell it because i’m tired. so tired of the racism this fandom has exhibited towards me and others
back in late march, around a week before episodes 9+10 aired, i joined a server called “our flag means brainrot”. you might’ve heard of it as it is the biggest ofmd server on discord and still remains so to this day with approximately 2100-ish members. everything was fine and dandy for a couple weeks, i even made several friends-- and then the mod team asked for new mods as the server was growing at a break neck speed and it was getting harder and harder for them to wrangle. naturally, i applied as i had experience running discord servers and i figured it would be best if they had a poc on the team that also lived in asia (the mods and admins were all white save for one other mod who was also asian). i did things that mods do and let people have fun and hosted a couple game nights and movie nights. as the days went by however, the number of izzy apologists (not enjoyers, apologists) started to grow, and of course, the racism started running rampant
increasing amounts of fic where ed was described as being “twice stede’s (or triple izzy’s) size” or would engage in rough behavior with stede and that “stede (izzy) was often terrified of him” was starting to gain traction on ao3, several fans (poc and white) were expressing their concerns about the way ed was being written and how unbelievably racist it all is yet those fics still get disturbing amounts of clicks and kudos. our indigenous main character was being written as a savage brute when canon has vehemently dispelled that trope, but racists would come to these fics defense with “it’s just fiction” or “well canon has them being wholesome so we can do whatever in fic! it’s not canon anyway!”. most of these defenders were indeed, izzy stans. i expressed this to the mod team and asked that we need to step in to give warnings to these fans as they are being racist. i was told that people are allowed to write what they want, and if people don’t like it they simply don’t have to read it
i had also asked the mod team to make a PSA about whitewashing/greywashing ed in art, and that as mods we should notify artists to fix the art they post if ed is too pale or grey. they ignored me and claimed it can’t be helped that artists have their own art style
that was only the first few incidents where the white mod team allowed racism to slide, and told me, a poc, that i should make racists feel welcome and let them have a safe space
back in early may, several ed/izzy shippers had asked for a channel that was aptly named #nsfw-dark and it consisted of, you guessed it, dead dove do not eat metas and discussions where ed (and only ed) was brutally, revoltingly, violent towards poor defenseless izzy. it got so bad to the point that several poc members (and white fans alike) had expressed to the mod team that the depiction of ed by these fans were disturbingly problematic, and it didn’t help that often times their discussions would branch out into other channels. if you’ve ever been in a discord server, you’d know how easy it is to accidentally start talking about something in the wrong channel. the mods stepped in and those fans reigned themselves in a little. but eventually the existence of that channel became too much that even the merely curious spectators/lurkers broke their silence and spoke up because underage content was allowed within that channel
finally the mod team decided to remove the channel only because they were getting so many tickets about the channel being inappropriate that it got too overwhelming, which caused an uproar amongst the contributors/enjoyers of that channel. i had suggested that the subject matter simply wasn’t suited for this server and that they could easily open up their own server so they can act and chat however they please with no one to stop them. several people expressed how this server shouldn’t make them feel excluded (using the kink belongs at pride argument of all arguments) and that my suggestion of them getting their own server made them feel judged and unwelcome, and that i was effectively kinkshaming and policing them. the next day i was removed as mod without warning. no discussion within the mod chat, nothing, just removed because i expressed that an overwhelming amount of people stated that their boundaries were crossed. a couple weeks later, people in the server who made me and other poc uncomfortable were added to the mod team
so that was the treatment i recieved as a poc who tried their best to make fandom a safer space for my fellow poc. white people talked over me and ignored me and sided with racists
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she-karev · 2 months
Babysitting Luna (Andrew DeLuca x Alex Karev’s Sister)
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Five of Five
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Ship: Andrew DeLuca x Amber Karev (Alex Karev’s Sister)
AN: I know you guys love the pregnancy storyline so I decided to explore it more. I want to show when Amber and Andrew decided to get pregnant and why. Here’s the final chapter let me know what your guys think, like and reblog below.
Summary: Amber and Andrew hand Luna back to Alex and Jo. Afterwards, Amber tells Andrew she wants them to have a baby
Words: 1339
January 16th, 2022
Amber washes the dishes in the kitchen sink that is facing the occupied table. Andrew is sitting at the table with Luna where they draw. Amber grins at the crayons scattered all over the wooden furniture as Luna was always switching colors to her and Andrew’s amusement. She can see Andrew smiling at the little girl telling her in a funny voice how she’s the best artist in the world. Luna smiles at the attention from her uncle as she draws her tenth masterpiece.
The sight of it makes Amber’s stomach flutter with butterflies. They were able to overcome the scare from a few days ago and they’ve been attentive and fun guardians for Luna. Amber spent the days with Luna either make playdough, huddling under the makeshift fort, watching educational shows with her plushies, playing with Jazz or having playdates with Link and Scout.
The past week has been fun and exhausting. The couple feel their energy dimming throughout the day trying to keep up with a toddler but in the end they go to sleep content that they kept Luna safe and happy.
All the worst scenarios that ran in her head before they started babysitting went out the door once Amber settled into auntie mode. She has enjoyed every minute of her free time with Luna and so has Andrew.
“Oh, that is a great drawing Luna.” Andrew says to Luna who grins as well as Amber who joins them when she finishes the dishes, “I love how you gave Jazz a little hat, I might just look into getting him one.”
Amber smiles, “Yeah I mean he’s cute enough as it is, but a hat might make people drop dead from how adorable he is.” Amber leans down to pet Jazz’s head as he lazily lies down under the table by their feet.
“Yeah, I bet your really excited to show your mommy and daddy all the masterpieces you made while you were away huh?”
“I bet that St. Kitts was boring compared to your vacation here at our house huh?” Luna grins at her aunt while she continues drawing, “Who needs beaches and carnivals when you can have dinosaur chicken nuggets in a fort while watching Inside Out?”
“I mean I’m good with that all day every day.” Andrew supports causing Amber to smile before the doorbell rings causing Andrew to stand up, “I wonder who that is.”
Andrew walks to the door and as he expected Alex and Jo are on the other side with the stroller. They both are wearing jeans and St. Kitts souvenir shirts to Andrew’s amusement.
Alex exhales in exhaustion clearly ready to rest after their vacation, “Hey we’re back, where is the little love bug?”
“She’s right here!” Amber yells out from the table and helps Luna down from the chair. The little girl runs to the front door where Alex and Jo greet her with smiles and hellos. Alex picks up his little girl in his arms and gives her a big fat kiss.
“How was your vacation little moon? Did you give your uncle and aunt a hard time?”
Andrew grins, “No she was perfect. I mean aside from the scare she gave us things ran smooth over here.”
Jo smiles, “I’m glad, did she miss us at all?”
“Truthfully?” Amber teases causing Jo to narrow her eyes and Amber to chuckle, “She kept asking where you guys were, and I had to set up photos of you two by her bedside so she could go to sleep.”
“Aww.” Jo coos to Luna, “Well don’t worry Luna bear, mommy and daddy got you so many toys from the Caribbean. Hopefully it makes you less mad at us for spending a week with margaritas and room service instead of you.”
“I know it makes me less mad.” Alex jokes, “But yeah don’t hate us little moon, your still number one to us.” Luna smiles at her dad.
Amber grins handing the bag to Jo, “Potty training wasn’t so bad, your instructions were very clear. Also Link and Scout are coming over to your house tomorrow for a little welcome back get together. And I found out to my complete displeasure that singing Radiohead to her gets her to sleep.”
Alex groans sharing Amber’s distaste, “Seriously? It couldn’t have been Led Zeppelin instead of a band that makes me want to flop on the bed and cry?”
Andrew rolls his eyes at that, “It’s an acquired taste.”
“Yeah, for people with no taste at all.” Alex retorts causing Andrew to grin sarcastically before Ales puts Luna in the stroller, “Okay let’s get you home little moon so daddy can nap on the couch while binging Breaking Bad.”
“And mommy will join him.” Jo turns to Amber and Andrew, “Thank you guys so much, we owe you big time. And if you can’t return the toys, we’ll reimburse you.”
“It’s no problem we had a great time with her.” Andrew says.
“Yeah she’s every aunt and uncles dream niece.” Amber agrees, “Let us know when you get home, bye.” Alex and Jo say bye before closing the door and leaving them to themselves. The ambience is different from the last week, and it makes Amber ache for the little roommate they had. The same ache makes her come to a decision once and for all while her husband picks up the crayons.
“Okay I got the receipts in an envelope above the fridge, with some cleaning we should be able to get our money back on toys we are probably never gonna use again.” Amber grins at that before approaching Andrew as he puts the crayons inside the box.
“Maybe we don’t have to. Maybe we’ll use these toys again…with our kids this time.” Andrew looks up with wide eyes and takes a moment before speaking.
“A-Are you sure?”
Amber inhales before nodding with a grin looking up at her husband, “Yeah, I-I mean I’m terrified and there’s no telling what the hormones are gonna do to me and you should probably invest in a bomb shelter for yourself but yeah. I want this with you, screw the stalling and all the reasons why we shouldn’t have kids. I mean taking care of Luna this past week…it’s made me crave it even more and it’s made it clear the timing will never be perfect so we just go ahead with it. Let’s do it, let’s make a baby.”
Andrew slowly smiles at her insistence, “You really want to do this?”
Amber nods, “Yes do I have to say yes until my biological clock expires?”
“No, no let’s get right down to it.” Andrew starts to kiss Amber who responds before groaning and pulling back with an annoyed look, “What is it?”
“First order of business is to get my implant out and then we get pregnant.” Andrew groans remembering that Amber has been using the birth control arm implant since she was 14, “Hey don’t hate me for being smart and safe as a hormonal teenager. As soon as the OB takes it out and the two weeks pass for my fertility to get back to normal then we can try for a baby.”
Andrew nods understanding as a medical professional. Amber grins slyly before laying her hands on his shoulder in a way that makes his heart race, “But until then we can…practice.”
Andrew grins mischievously feeling the same desire as her as he pulls her toward him by her hips, “Yeah? Do you want to practice in the bedroom or the couch?”
Amber chuckles evilly, “I was thinking…storage bench at the foot of the bed.”
Andrew moans under his breath at how erotic his wife can be at times, “God, I love you.” Andrew presses her against him so he can kiss her passionately. She responds with the same feverous temptation before pulling back and grabbing his hand so she can lead him to their bedroom to follow her suggestion.
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kharmii · 4 months
not sure if you have noticed but there is someone in the submas tag whacking the beehive with some mean sounding posts and honestly I think it's hilarious and I'm all in for it.
The fandom bullies need to be pushed off their high horses and brought back to reality that they are just some rude bullies on the internet harrassing people for having a different opinion on fictional characters
And honestly the person is also right: they are frustrated because Ingo in LA took a lot of the shine off the original cast of the game. It is a tragedy he's there but it's also a shame the other cast gets sidelined so much.
And the fandom makes it difficult for others to enjoy the content. It's basically that bird meme with the crow being submas fandom being so obnoxious and loud the other part of the LA fandom gets totally overshadowed.
And I say this as a submas fan. I love the twins a lot. But the fandom is on the brink of becoming unbearable. At least the loud annoying obnoxious part, I actually think the "unpopular" side is much more calm, chill and friendly. And much less in your face.
The fandom needs to get down off their high horse and become a more calm fandom again.
I didn't get along with either side of the fandom, and truth be told, I think a lot of them are the same group of cowards and hypocrites playing politics. This fandom is smaller than I thought. Recently, someone on the crazytrain tag inadvertently let me in on the spice Twitter of one of the very first antis who blocked me. The twitter has 'Proshitters DNI' on their pinned post, (hurr durr durr, get it? Pro SHITTERS. How cleever..) and yet the whole blog is full of fat furries with top surgery scars. FOR SURE that person has a blankshipping side blog FOR SURE.
Side note: I'm into men, but Rule 63 isn't bad if the female version is hot. There's nothing grosser, however, than seeing a male character made into a fat gross furry with top surgery scars and a vagina. IDC about your trans representation. That's GROSS. IDG why trans is such a prevalent social contagion when it's represented in a way that makes me throw up in my mouth a lil like, ..ew..ew..ew..ew..EWWW!!1!1 Why would you wreck him like that?!
Nobody on earth wants to see that shit unless they are into that specific fetish. I doubt even trans males want to see that shit. Hey, you want to be a real male, right? That's the ideal right? Then represent yourself as an actual male and not a gross looking morbidly obese mutilated biological female with a rank dog's head. Fandom is supposed to be escapism, so spare me your harsh, repulsive reality.
Anyway, not only does that person have a side blog, but I'll bet they were on the blankshipping tag putting the most stupid of stupidest head canons out there, like 'RICH WIDOW OMEGAVERSE INGO, YO!!' Where Omega Ingo is yeeted to Hisui, and everybody assumes his alpha (his own brother) is dead because his werewolf bite mark is fading. Everybody in Hisui is pressuring him into choosing a new mate so he can crank out a litter of ass-puppies from his bunge-womb and save Hisuian society from a population crash (Omegaverse totally isn't dog-fucking, but like all the terminology is dog-related).
Almost everybody in the blankshipping tag was into Omegaverse or general werewolf bullshit, so don't even act like you don't know what I'm referencing unless you joined this fandom last week. Other than that, it was annoying when people would use their autism to be obnoxiously antisocial (I only want 'likes' or conversations in tags), or like when people had an issue with me reposting slim beautiful bishounen twins from Asian artists off Pixiv or Twitter. People have been doing that since Tumblr began, -there are entire blogs devoted to it- and yet it only became a problem when I started doing it.
*checks* I think I found the blog this ask was referencing. It's a fun blog because it gets people talking. That and Emmet month has the fanart picking up. My drafts are packed. There's a lot I disagree with though, like how Ingo overshadows the other characters and makes them less relevant. Actually, people being into the Train Twins might make the PLA characters MORE relevant. PLA might have been a forgettable game to some people, but love for submas angst made the other characters grow on them.
Also, they complain that the PLA tags on AO3 are either full of Train Clown fics or Volo x underaged Akari. In the absence of the twins, Volo x Akari would be the ONLY thing you'd see on AO3. You'd probably see even less of the other characters. The Volo betrayal might be the most interesting part of the game for most people. -So many people got taken in by how he pretended to be your friend, tried to get Giratina to kill you, then made you feel sorry for him at the end.
That last part was a guess, btw. I've read very little of both Submas and Volo fan fiction on AO3 outside of the specific ships I'm into, and I've read very little of those too. Most fan fiction comes across as dismal and unpleasant, so I make sure not to read it. That's the responsible thing to do. If you read something in a description you don't like, then don't read it. IE: Not once have I ever clicked on an Omegaverse after holding the bridge of my nose and reading the description of what it is. It's still fun to take the piss though, like....hey maybe people would write more Adaman x Irida -or- Commander Kamado x Beni if there wasn't so much RICH WIDOW INGO MAKES A NEST TO PLANT HIS ASS-PUPPIES INTO11!!1!!!
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Art credit: ばた@bataabiiru Twitter.
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burnin0akleaves · 7 months
Hey! Sorry for popping in as anon, I'm genuinely not sure if some of the things I'm going to say are going to be nice, and I am a coward. But this is regarding you quitting to post in the RA fandom. If you consider my opinion on this as unwanted/unnecessary, do not feel obliged to reply. (Though I honestly think you never feel like that anyway)
I first saw your art when I joined the RA tag a while ago, and I thought to myself: 'Huh. Nice art, not my cup of tea though.' Since then, you have changed my mind. Your obsession with TRR Will and repeated posting about it not only has changed my thoughts on your art (I've really grown to like it) but also on the character of Will himself. I was on Reddit during that massive TRR Will hate phase and some of these posts had really tainted my view. You changed that and I am so grateful for that. Not seeing your art anymore will be sad, but I suppose my own lack of interaction is to blame for that. I made my bed so now I sleep in it. Your reaction to stop posting is justified and understandable, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to miss seeing your TRR Will on my dash.
Who knows what the RA movie (if it ever does come out) will do to this fandom, but I hope that new faces might get things swinging enough again for you to rejoin the fandom. Lastly, I have to say that for me, you've been a legend in this fandom, and will continue to be one, even if you focus on other things from now on.
Well hello there, this was unexpected. First of all thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to write to me! The reception to that post has been overwhelmingly positive even though it hasn't been up for that long and it makes me feel very glad I finally pushed myself to write that official goodbye message.
I don't know who you are and I don't really have any guesses, your message implies you didn't interact with my posts a lot so maybe I saw you around only a few times (?), but you have no idea how much this means to me. Throughout most of my time in the fandom my main goal was always to change people's minds about TRR and more specifically, TRR Will. I've heard that I succeeded many times and honestly, that was one of the biggest reasons I could keep myself so pumped up about a book series I read all the way back when I was in middle school (<- an adult saying this)
Seeing people go from "Cool post, not my thing though." to "Well I can kind of see what you mean when you say it like that." to "I agree, this does sound pretty good!" was both my biggest source of pride and motivator here. Hearing you say I changed your mind just now has the same effect on me, it almost makes me want to rush to my computer to draw or write about Will.
Also, extremely bold of you to say you didn't like my art at first motherfucker /j
Speaking seriously though, my art style practically grew here. When I first joined the fandom I was NOT good; hell, I can't look past anything before July of last year still. Maybe it was just me improving artistically that helped you warm up to my stuff more. I really really hope the new artists have that kind of experience too! You get obsessed with a little guy and then your brain decides to level up as fast as possible. TRR Will is that little guy for me.
Your last words are so, so kind. The way you speak about me here in general is extremely kind. I'm glad I was able to leave a good impression. And you're right, maybe all I need is a break and when I come back this space will feel more fitting again.
Like I said, I still have lots of connections to this fandom via others. I'm still technically helping out with the Gathering stuff, so maybe I'll work on doing a prompt or two still! I'm also a mod in the NSFW server and I love that place, I'm not leaving it anytime soon. If more TRR books come out you can bet I won't be able to shut up about them anyway, if I don't make at least one post then assume I'm dead.
What I'm trying to say is, I'll be around! Our paths will cross again.
PS: The entirety of the RA subreddit can suck my dick. I'm gatekeeping older, experienced Will from all of them. None of them deserve him.
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soothsayerclub · 3 months
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haiiiiiii X3 my name is Fairyfly, but you can also call me Wander, Fink, or really anything that’s polite XD I'm 23, I'm an artist, programmer, and explorer from St. Louis, Missouri. I'm ALSO a member of an endangered speciez - the scemo :o I'm trying to find more scene, emo, goth, or generally alt ppl to hang out with, who are also 21 or older!! ★
( -w•)╦̵̵̿╤─ --💥💥 I'm making this page 2 try to find other creeps and freakz in the area!! I'll be posting about what I'm up 2 when I'm out and about in public spacez or in a hangout spot online, so you can have teh opportunity to join meh!!! And hopefully I won't get killed along the way X3
I hope this place can be a bit of a local network one day!! I don't know where 2 find other scene or emo ppl IRL. I even went to a "goth bar" recently, and it looked like everyone was cosplaying characters from The Office @_@ It waz all normies. People were wearing fucking KHAKIS. It'd be nice if we could find each other, so maybe other ppl could go 2 this blawg 2 find out where to meet ppl like them :3
Like I said, my name is Fairyfly/Fink/Wander/whatever!! I use primarily she/her pronounz in public 2 not get hatecrimed X3 I'm 23 yearz old, mah birthday is in October. I'm plural but we prolly won't talk about that :P I don't drink, but I don't mind when otherz do! I don't drive, but I'm a proficient bus uzer!! I'm scemo. I am tired of NOBODY MAKING ANY FUCKING WEIRD LIFESTYLE CHOICES ANYMORE Xx.
Nobody I run into is weird or cringe or has ANY convictions - I mean, ppl SAY cringe culture iz dead, but then they're wayyyy too plugged in to mean it. SO I guess I'm anti social media. I dont really wanna hang out if u use tiktok.
I work nights Monday thru Friday, and am nocturnal O_o
WHAT I BELIEVE: Queer rights are human rights. Black lives matter. Be a decent fucking person to homeless people, even if you can't give them anything. I will address u by whatever name and pronounz u choose, unless you're like trying to pull some genie logic shit and pick something rude. I'm fine with watever u are or wanna label urself, including contradictory labelz. I am pro furries, therianz, kin of any kind, and people who are plural for any reason. PIRATE MUSIC. Shoplift CAREFULLY ^_^ FUCK COPS. Don't start fights u can't survive tho LOL. Fat people don't need to be hot to deserve ur respect, but ALSO fat people are hot.
THINGS I LIKE: Making kandi, playing DDR, Jhonen Vasquez's works, the bus, flip phones, weird pedantic people, obsessives, music that sounds bad, underground bands, local concerts, St. Louis, bugs, amphibians, pigs, scene culture, emos and goths, debate, MP3 players (I LOVE MINE I'm so sad it broke LOL I'm buying a new one SOON tho), people with uneven eye makeup and no lipstick, lazy eyes, rainbows, thrifting, oddities, antique malls, sushi, meeting new people, trying new things, urban exploring, ZOMBIES, horror.
THINGS I HATE: People more interested in the optics of discourse and using the Right Terms to be an asshole 2 u than they are actually investing or acting on social justice or basic kindness. Advertisements and being advertised to. Hot people, social media, fandom. Has anyone noticed they don't let ugly people be in movies anymore? Even background characters have faces acceptable for Instagram, like weirdly smoothed out. EVEN the kids and the elderly are like. Macy's ad kids and old people. I HATE that. I don't like anime, sorry. If you try to show me a short form video on YouTube or Tiktok I'll throw up on us both. Oh and if you use algospeak (sewerslide, unalived, are you restarted, r/a/p/e, etc.) to my face I will peel yours off.
Errr IDK I'll add more later XD
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millenniumfae · 2 years
Potential Candidates for a MALE Elden Ring Romance Questline:
The two canonical romances available are towards women - Marika, and Ranni. In fact, the impetus of becoming Elden Lord means you're becoming Marika's consort. Plus, we have Fia, who we don't get to marry, but she offers this intimate relationship in the form of G-rated hugs. And the player is a little shoehorned into developing heavily-implied-to-be romantic feelings for Melina.
There's no explicit romance (or romance-adjacent relationships) from any of the male characters. Makes me feel a bit alienated, to be honest. Like FromSoftware is playing towards this very specific demographic.
If Elden Ring had a male 'romance questline', who would be your choice?
As of right now, White Mask Varre is probably the closest source of romantic energy we get from a male character. He's dressed in white complete with a head veil, he fights with a bouquet of roses, you first meet this guy in his pseudo-bride getup when he says you're missing a maiden, his animation of giving you the Bloody Finger is reminiscent of putting a ring on it, and he gives you a sickly sweet pet name. He's kinda like an officious parody of marriage, especially considering he's trying to stray you from the path of becoming Marika's consort. Like he's saying, "marry me instead. Join the Blood Dynasty."
Morgott The Omen King is a popular romantic choice amongst the creative fandom. Maybe even the most popular, going by the tags. Weird? Not really; he may not be conventionally attractive beyond perhaps a passing aristocratic image, but he's a tragic anti-hero with a buttery voice. He reoccurs and gives the player so much lore and context, he's the closest we have to an actual nemesis. That's prime material for a relationship with deep chemistry, folks. Plus, marrying him would potentially serve the same purpose as marrying Ranni - Morgott supplants Marika as God, and you become Elden Lord through marrying him. Or, alternatively, (as more than one artist/writer has conceptualized), YOU'D become God/ess and he Elden Lord.
Marrying Radagon probably wouldn't be that different from become Marika's consort. We still don't know the exact nature of Marika/Radagon's dual identity, but it goes to show that in-game Radagon is the current Elden Lord 'cause of his marriage, so he's your rival. We defeat him but not Marika, somehow. Well, what if it was the other way around?
Godwyn The Golden is. You know. A gross undead corpse, and Fia doesn't so much literally 'lay with' Godwyn so much as symbolically conceive a Mending rune through her freaky necro magic. And a big part of Elden Ring's lore is how golden boy Godwyn, 100% approval rate Godwyn, is dead through unjust murder. So somehow bringing Godwyn back to life would undermine a lot of the necessary tragedy of Elden Ring. Still, would it be completely out of line to take Fia's place as Godwyn's 'consort'?
Adult Miquella is another choice I see bouncing around. Come our first DLC, we see Miquella free from Mohg's cocoon and he's finally a grown man, maybe monstrously merged with some freaky moth-like features par the cocoon and Haligtree imagery. Fans of Berserk have noticed some similarities between Miquella and a certain evil god that specializes in cultivating adoration for his own kingdom. Other fans have said that Miquella was a child not just in body, but in mind as well, hence the huge treehouse where all his friends can live, a branch that makes people like him, and being overly generous towards everyone, from his sister, to his lowest soldiers. An adult Miquella with a suddenly adult brain could spell disaster. An adult Miquella who's been manipulative all this while could be even worse.
As far as the various male NPCs go, more than a couple are easy on the eyes. Rogier, D, Yura, Diallos, Blaidd, to name the more popular ones. But marriage/romance in FromSoftware games are always driven by the lore, and not by player whim. If we were to choose a male NPC along the lines of FromSoftware's previous marriage questlines, then Shabriri is the likeliest candidate. Like a consort questline alongside the Frenzied Flame ending. He even plays upon a player's supposed attachment to our Melina, so he's got a tentative hand in romantic ties. As dangerous as he is, I kinda like the idea of an immortal husband that can take the form of anybody.
Bonus: a comment on reddit brought to my attention the DILF Bernahl, whose lines can very easily be read as romantic. “The way he says ‘You... what in heavens name are you doing here?" when you first talk to him in the Volcano Manor. Could almost pass as him being somewhat protective and telling you should think very clearly about what you're doing there.” You invade two NPC with him as a cute first date. He says this upon completing his contract; "Let us thread the path of the recusant together. Till we reach the miserable death that awaits us." In the world of Elden Ring, this is the equivalent of standing outside a window blasting NSYNC.
 What's your vote? Do you have a suggestion of your own? Let me know!
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triflesandparsnips · 2 years
So listen: filming has started. And that means that, at some as-yet-unknown date, we're gonna get whole new gay pirate canon that will
absolutely wreck
like n+1 of all of our deepest held personal convictions about the ultimate storyline, the growth or decline of the characters, the moral rectitude of every member of the cast and crew, the state of the youth of today, the truth of who shot JFK, etc etc etc. Such is the nature of a bright-burning baby fandom with only a single season under its belt (and thus no way to triangulate a narrative course), in the internet age, when given several months to sit around and Get Weird About It All.
Anyway. Rather than let myself feel betrayed by whatever a group of writers/actors/artists/conglomerates (none of whom, tragically, are me) end up doing with this story, I'm instead going to make the most of the potential fun available to me
To that end, let me introduce you to my:
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This is the current iteration of my card, but I can switch things around or replace any of them riiiiiiight up until the first episode of season 2 airs -- then my card is locked in. Current contenders, from left to right, starting at the top, are:
Ed kept the summer linens
Izzy is nonbinary
The red heart is Ed's silk
A third Badminton appears
Ed is weird about his cravat
Izzy kisses anyone
Oluwande backstory
Calico Jack lives
Ed thinks Stede is dead
Mary and Ed meet
The petrified orange is a plot device
oh my god that's Jemaine Clement
Lucius is living in the walls
Ed fucks someone else
Lucius is "haunting" Ed
Alma Bonnet on the high seas!
Black Pete punches Ed
Stede is weird about touch
"Never left"
Stede kisses Ed
Jim's brother appears
Stede kisses someone else
Stede hallucinates Ed
...sadly, I've already had to make some terrible choices (farewell "A sudden storm" and "Kraken version of the love theme")-- but I doubt they'll be the last.
So anyway. That's my card. I wanna see other people's. I want to get wooed away from one of my treasured options in favor of something daring-- or so likely to occur that it might as well be another free space.
I want to play a massive game with the narrative and as many people as I can rope into joining along, because, at the end of the day, I find fandom infighting to be boring and toxic-- but the concept of fandom competition, collaborative and iterative and, idk, potentially unhinged in a truly awesome way, to be fucking delightful.
So what's on your bingo card?
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✨️ask game✨️
random emoji-based questions to sate your curiosity
👁 eye colour
🇪🇺 nationality
🏳️‍🌈 sexuality
🏳️‍⚧️ gender identity
🛐 religion
☕️ hot drink
🧃 cold drink
🍜 dish
🍉 fruit
🥦 veggie
🎉 holiday
🎲 game
🏐 sport
🐈‍⬛ animal
🌻 flower
🌦 weather
🌍 place
🚙 means of transport
fandom faves
😇 blorbo
😈 meow meow
👥️ otp
📺 tv show
🎬 movie
📚 book
🎶 musical artist
BRO REALLY SAID "ALL OF IT" 🤣 i like that
i'll try shortening my answers.
👁 the emoji but more yellow (?) under sunlight. it's in another post.
🇪🇺 filo
🏳️‍🌈 bisexual but only 1% men? i'm the opposite of androphilic so...
🏳️‍⚧️ genderfluid. is very fun
🛐 don't rlly care
☕️ coffee :3 which i can't have very often due to medical conditions and that makes me so fucking sad if i'm honest lol
🧃boba. gives me that sugar high, chewing experience, and tons of regret. add cream cheese and it's an entire meal!
🍜 no favorites, but anything with soy sauce tbh. it's not my favorite, but adobo is the comfort food.
little story: when a band had me substitute for their vocals one time, they asked me to name compensation besides monetary. i'm so bad at these so they just said "snacks?" and shipped me a whole bunch of peach snacks. it's easy to get my favor; i killed that lineup LOL
🥦 broccoli. i'm improving, but i'm still a picky eater unfortunately... so people found it weird that i've always loved this one.
🎉 don't know don't care
🎲 like... video game, or board game or casino game or- i don't have one anyway. but i recently learned backgammon :3
🏐 i like a lot of them, including volleyball itself, though i've bad history with school teams (in volley, i've gotten sabotaged too) so i kinda only played casually.
more stories! because i can't live without yapping. joined filipino kendo (arnis lol) in middle, sulked and quit after i couldn't go to nationals because my height and weight didn't match my age bracket. i'm still salty. justice for taller girls with muscle mas (and a big ass, thanks mom i guess)! they randomly shoved me into a versus college tourney once for the numbers after that, so i won gold and never looked back lmao.
i loved training sessions though; we'd run around the track and whoever finishes first would get to skip push-ups. my childish satisfaction leaving everyone else on the field, stretch and cool down as they finished their laps and *then* going back to the training area to start doing push-ups immediately, screaming from exhaustion 💀 it was pure sadistic joy i say. they were all boys too so it was fun crushing their pride LMAO this is way longer than i intended but i just had to share this detail xD
🐈‍⬛ CATS. next question. bunnies second, owls next.
🌻 lavenders bc they remind me of my wife and sunflowers bc they remind me of my twin from another mother.
🌦 sunny. other yapping is on this post too.
🌍 in her arms or something. my bed or something. something something.
🚙 the car. cabs next because it's interesting when the drivers start telling me their life stories.
fandom faves
tbh i'm not sure i'm aware about all the nuances of blorbo and meow meow. searches also show different, subjective definitions but uh
😇 patroclus? i can't really think of anyone else since i'm into the entire myths stuff rn. it says morally grey too so...
😈 achilles. they have to come in a set. and it says "committed atrocities" so i guess that's that? lol.
👥 ugh, don't make me say it.
i'm enjoying this link thingy, let me be 🤣
📺 i don't really watch tv but derry girls is funny. i wasn't into it at first but i think my gf brainwashed me through exposure /j wandavision was enjoyable.
🎬 PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME DO THIS i have a lot in mind, as well as the ones i've seen but have forgotten. parasite (2019) was great though. conclusion still gets me every time.
a lot of horror movies really, and the conjuring (2013) is still a favorite. i haven't seen the babadook nor evil dead yet though lol. nimona (2023), instant family (2018), brokeback mountain (2005), howl's moving castle (2004) for a few among many... my working memory is fucked
📚 ... we will be here all day, please. a book that earned the most re-reads from me is osamu dazai's no longer human. i gotta read it again this year lol.
here's a few i can remember: metamorphosis (kafka), father of the four passages (lois-ann yamanaka), the stranger (camus), notes from the underground (dostoyevsky), ecko series (danie ware), the song of achilles (MM), circe (MM), the brutal art (jesse kellerman), distant echo (val mcdermid)... idk, these are my more recent reads. the rest are random theses from the uni library.
🎶 miyashita yuu (@/miy_yuu on youtube). he's a genius and an all-rounder. makes art, does sports, makes his own costumes, absolute GODLY with vocal techniques, range and control. he's also just a silly human being.
0 notes
artzee-bee · 3 years
Popularity is overrated anyways | Rory Keaner x gn!popular!reader
Fandom: My babysitter’s a vampire
Request: “ Hello! Your writing is so amazing, truly! Could you write Rory x Gn!Popular!Reader in which the reader falls hard and so they try flirting and try to impress him? I think that would be an interesting dynamic to explore cause I usually see things going the other way around. No need to take this request if you don't want to write it of course! Have a great day/night<33 “
Pronouns: none specified
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: none
The first time you saw Rory was in art class. It was your first day and you were somewhat nervous, but he walked in as if he owned the place. He yelled "Good morning gays, gals and pals" with this kind hearted smile and you couldn't help but laugh at how comfortable he was around here. How he seemed to be at home. 
At the end of class, you decided to walk up to him, say hello. At the very least learn his name, except by the time you were done packing your things, he was gone. You felt a little lost looking at the empty seat he sat in just a moment ago but you were already dead set on getting to know the blonde kid better.
Since then, you've made lots of friends, partly due to you joining the photography club, which was pretty well known around the school. You were also best friends with the star of the football team which sure gave you a big boost on the popularity chart, not that you cared. Even with your newfound attention, you still felt like you were a little behind Rory. You'd see him every week in art class, always cracking a joke, making you and everyone else around him laugh. You often saw him hanging out with the same 2 brown haired boys and you couldn't help the jealousy you were feeling, so eventually you decided you've had enough. You were going to get closer to Rory!
The perfect opportunity snuck up on you one Friday, when you saw Rory eating lunch in the cafeteria alone. You excused yourself from your friends, making your way instead towards the blonde
"Is this seat open?" you said motioning to the seat right in front of him
"Yeah!" he replied with a bright smile, as if he was more than excited that you wanted to sit with him "I'm Rory!"
You sat down and gave him your name in return. From where you were sitting, you could see your friends.They were sitting around their usual table, glaring at you as if they couldn't understand what you could possibly be doing there, instead of by them. In fact, mostly everyone in the cafeteria was now watching you and Rory with judging looks. You knew Rory wasn't the most popular person in school, but you also didn't care. For what it's worth, he seemed to be a lot cooler than any other "popular" kid you knew.
"Is that a V for Vendetta pin on your shirt?" he asked, reaching over to touch the little handmade pin you had. You felt his fingertips press into your collarbone and sucked in a deep breath, suddenly shy at the unexpected contact
"Yeah! I made it myself out of an old coin a while back!"
"That's so cool! I used to make pins out of beer bottle caps when I was little! I didn't actually drink the beer, I would sneak the caps from my parents at family events!"  you giggled. You barely knew the boy and yet this seemed like such a ‘him’ thing to do
"And how did you make them?"
For the entire lunch break, you sat next to Rory, listening to him talk about his pins and his favorite comic books, which just so happened to match a lot of your favorites. You were more than excited by finding out that you had a lot in common. You liked the same bands and the same movies. He was full of stories about the supernatural and you have always been passionate about that kind of stuff.  
You always knew you kinda fancied the blonde boy and you weren’t ashamed of that, but now, actually being with him, talking to him, connecting with him, the feeling of butterflies in your stomach was almost insufferable.His mere presence was making you dizzy. He was so cute and his smile was worth millions. You loved listening to him talk and seeing his bright eyes sparkle with joy, but than the bell rang and you had to leave for your next class
"I had fun talking to you Rory!”
"Thank you, you're really cool, we should hang out more!" he said, making you blush
From that point on, you and Rory were much closer. You would hang out during school hours usually, which bummed you out, since you really saw Rory as more than a ‘convenience’ friend that you got along with simply because you saw each other almost everyday. You wished you could get closer to him, get to know him more intimately, but you didn’t want to push him into anything. The week after your first real interaction, Rory came to sit next to you in art. You were too engulfed in the video you were watching on your phone to notice when he walked in, but he made sure to make his presence known by wrapping his arms around you from behind
"Hi friend!" he said in a sing-song voice that made you giggle. He dragged his chair as close to you as he could, so you 2 could whisper to each other during class. Now, being so close to him, you could hear each of his sarcastic jokes and clueless questions better, each one making you laugh and smile. At times, he would lean into you to whisper something in your ear and you could feel his breath on your skin, sending shivers through your entire body.
One thing you learned about Rory during art class was just how competitive he was. Each class turned into a game of seeing who was the better artist. You weren't a huge fan of drawing, but you gave it your everything knowing that Rory was going to study your picture. He never said anything bad about it, he was too nice for that, but with each drawing you tried to impress him more and more.
Eventually, one day, you noticed Rory heading out of the school and decided to quickly followed him out
"Hey Rors! Wait up!!"
"Hey Y/N, wazzap?" he said in the funny voice he always made, making you smile
"All is good. I just had a question for you"
"Ok, shoot!"
"Are you free Saturday?" the boy looked at you with a confused smile
"I think so, yes. Why?"
"Would you like to go to the movies with me?"
"Yeah! That sounds awesome!! Who's coming?" his eyes were bright with excitement, only making you more nervous
"I mean...I was thinking it could be just the 2 of us..."
"Just us?"
"Yeah, you know. Like a date..."
"A date?"
"With me?"
"I mean if you want to, I'm not..."
"I would love to!" he smiled
"You-You would?"
"Yeah, sounds awesome!"
"Ok, um, great! Can I get your number so I can text you the details?"
On your way home, you held the little piece of paper with Rory's number in your closed fist, your face hot from excitement and happiness. God, you could barely wait for Saturday!
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auxiliarydetective · 2 years
Fandom List
Yes, there are some weird ones. I do not control the hyperfixation
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OC Masterlist
Caution: Long post! But there are treasures awaiting you, my friend...
Q&A for my OCs and fanfics is always open!
All OCs are listed with their age at their introduction
Side note: I wish I could put collapsable thingies in posts, then it wouldn't be so long
The A-Team (1983 - 1987)
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A. Karma "Kit" Kelley, 24, nonbinary/genderfluid + omnisexual
Character Tag: x
Love Interest: Templeton "Faceman" Peck (Ship Tag: x)
AO3: The Changeling
Faceclaim: Kristen Stewart
The official reason for Kit's nickname within the team is because they can make incredible transformations using a makeup kit, but it's an open secret that it's also an excuse to compare her to a kitten. A former trapeze artist, she's strong, agile and decently flexible. Kit absolutely loathes being referred to as a woman unless they're consciously presenting as female for a mission (but I still mostly use she/her when writing fanfic because it's the 80s). Her most defining feature are the large birthmarks on her face, shoulder and thigh that you can see here.
The A-Team (2010)
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Karma "Kit" Kelley, 20s, trans male + omnisexual
Character Tag: x
Love Interest: Templeton "Faceman" Peck
Artist, soldier, troublemaker. Hand-picked by Hannibal despite his rebellious reputation, Kit Kelley is a member of the A-Team, an elite military unit that has gone eight years, eighty successful mission. That is until a mission in Baghdad goes awry and Kit's career as well as his right to live his truth is torpedoed. With a spectacular chain of prison breakouts, the A-Team's mission to clear their names and reclaim their honor begins.
Band of Brothers (2001)
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Anita Reed, cis-female + bisexual
Character Tag: x
Love Interest: Donald Malarkey
Faceclaim: Ana de Armas
Anita is hard-working and energetic. She joined the WAC to do her part, to finally feel like what she does can move something. Her path eventually leads her to working as a parachute rigger in Aldbourne, England. There, she meets the paratroopers of Easy Company, which is bound to change her life forever.
Descendants (2015 - )
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Diana, 15, cis-female, pansexual
Character Tag: (x)
Faceclaim: India Eisley
Diana is the daughter of Diaval and maybe the worst villain on the Isle - meaning she's horrible at being a villain. She just can't help it, it's in her nature to be kind-hearted. While her father is proud of her for it and her friends at the very least tolerate it, others aren't as happy about it. Among those is Maleficent. When Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay are invited to Auradon, she sends Diana with them, transformed into a pet blackbird, as a last chance to prove her worth as a villain.
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Claire Frollo, 16, lesbian
Character Tag: x
Faceclaim: Renée Rapp
Claire Frollo is rebellious and anything but religious, but she'd be lying if she said the imagery of it all didn't appeal to her.
Ghostbusters (1984)
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Chandrah (all pronouns)
Character Tag: (x)
Faceclaim: Anthony Turpel (male), Juno Temple (female)
Chandrah is a demon, summoned by some kids in the middle of a parking lot. Now trapped in this dimension, it decides to explore a little, eventually stumbling upon the university lab of the doctors Spengler, Venkman and Stantz. Disguised as the human male "Charlie Drake", he befriends the three scientist, accidentally getting himself dragged into hunting his fellow spectres and undead.
Good Omens (2019 - )
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Philomel, Embodiment of Love
Character Tag: x
Love Interest: Crowley & Aziraphale
Faceclaim: Jane Levy
When Philomel was born in the Garden of Eden, birds sang and they say that angels and demons were at peace for that moment alone. Crowley and Aziraphale were the first people she met and fate - or perhaps her own nature - kept sweeping her back towards them time after time throughout history. Especially after her fall (that she still believes to have been a misunderstanding), she is practically glued to them by the hip. They were with her in the beginning, so why shouldn't she stay with them until the end? And so, Philomel, known to humans as Venus Acidalia or Melanie Sapphice, proceeds to try and stop the end of the world, if anything to give her two lovers the chance to confess their love instead of having to kill each other... and because she has fallen just a little too much in love with the world herself.
Hogan's Heroes (1965 - 1971)
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Viktoria "Vicky" Brandt, 24, cis-female + bisexual
Character Tag: (x or x)
Love Interest: Corporal Peter Newkirk (Ship Tag: x)
AO3: Vicky Allen
Faceclaim: Marilyn Monroe
Vicky is the wife of a young SS General... and also secretly an SOE agent by the name of Zoe Allen. To make things even more complicated, she's in a secret relationship with a prisoner at the POW camp she's working at. That's not a lie, she's working at the camp - just not actually for the Germans, but for Colonel Hogan and his Heroes.
Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer (movies, 2018 + 2020)
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Helena, 13(?), cis-female
Character Tag: (x)
Faceclaim: Holly Earl
Helena grows up on a tiny island with two mountains, a smaller one and a bigger one, that has barely enough space for the houses of its residents and a train station plus rails for steam locomotive Emma. Her father Lukas is the engine driver, but her interests lie much more in reading and other quiet, precise tasks. If anyone takes over his job one day, it'll be Jim, the adoptive son of shopkeeper Ms Waas. When the king of the island declares that Emma has to leave to make space for houses for the kids for when they're adults, Lukas, Jim, Emma and Helena leave the island, beginning the adventure of their lives.
K-12 (movie, 2019)
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Honey Penelope, minor, demigirl, sapphic
Character Tag: (x)
Faceclaim: Isolda Dychauk
Image: Artbreeder, edited by me
Honey is the daughter of Miss Penelope, one of the teacher's at school. Just like her mother, she never speaks, but uses her powers to change her gold necklace into the shape of words if necessary. Nobody knows whether her name is really Honey. It could just be because the liquid gold looks like honey when she transforms it.
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003)
I've reached the image limit 😭
Varsha Devi, ?, bisexual
Character Tag: (x)
Love Interest: Dr. Henry Jekyll
Faceclaim: Banita Sandhu
Varsha is a pure mystery to the League when they first meet her. There's something about this beautiful woman in her fine saree and jewelry that's vital to the Nautilus, but nobody knows what it is. Nobody except Nemo, of course, but he keeps his mouth shut almost as tightly as Varsha, who never speaks a word. But when everything starts falling apart in Venice, Varsha's facade, too, shatters.
M*A*S*H (1972-1983)
ENTER PICTURE HERE ONCE I'M BACK ON DESKTOP I've reached the image limit
Euphemia Iris Winchester, 20s, bisexual
Character Tag: x
Faceclaim: Amanda Fix
Iris is charming, open-minded and cheerful, beloved by practically everyone at the 4077. With how popular she is, you wouldn't think for a moment that her and the less than social Charles Winchester are related - until they start bickering and full-naming each other, of course. A known enabler of chaos, her and Hawkeye get on like fire and gasoline and if Hawkeye won't provide her with shenanigans, she'll just provide Klinger with a new dress and her jewelry instead.
Mario Universe; Mario & Luigi Series (2003 - )
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Princess Sherry
Character Tag: (x)
Avatar Maker by: AzaleasDolls
Sherry is Peach's younger sister, raised away from the palace and given a magical amulet to protect her from Bowser. But when a plot against her sister is unveiled, Sherry is finally allowed to step into action.
Night At The Museum (2006, 2009, 2014)
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Bára Heiðradóttir, physically around 16-18
Character Tag: (x)
Love Interest: Ahkmenrah
AO3: The Völva
Faceclaim: Frida Gustavsson
Bára is a völva, a Viking witch, but also one of the many exhibits coming alive at the Museum of Natural History at night. A motivated helper for Larry during his nightly duties, she's free-spirited and witty - and in love with the Pharaoh, even though she has never seen him.
Le Petit Prince (TV show, 2010-2017)
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Sonata (of the Utopians)
Character Tag: (x)
Faceclaim: Anna Lambe
Base by: katsu-bases (I think)
Sonata is the younger sister of the Utopians' diva Euphonia. Her voice isn't as strong or beautiful as her sister's, but she loves to write poems and songs - with magical properties!
One Piece (1997 - )
(note: Names are written in the last name - first name format; faceclaims are given just in case I need them after the live action movie comes out)
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Aether Luna, 18/20, cis-female + straight
Character Tag: (x)
Love Interest: Vinsmoke Sanji (Ship Tag: x)
Faceclaim: Elle Fanning
Base by: Destinys-Heart
Luna is a moon spirit that somehow got caught up in the Straw Hat's shenanigans. Before she knew it, she fell in love with the crew and head over heels for their cook. From then on, she sticks with them like a guardian angel.
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Charlotte Inari, 14/16, cis-female + ace + panromantic
Character Tag: (x)
Faceclaim: Joey King
Base by: Louane-Knight
Inari is the twin sister of Charlotte Pudding, Sanji's future fiancé. But she doesn't know all of that. Dragged away from home because of her devil fruit powers, she grows up all across the Grand Line, finally ending up with Enel and being saved by the Straw Hat Pirates. By law of her devil fruit, she has to stay with them now - and casually gives everyone a heart attack when she mentions she's Big Mom's daughter.
One Piece Live Action (2023 - )
*Curse you, image limit!*
Akaito Coraline, 18, cis-female & bisexual
Character Tag: (x)
Faceclaim: Jenna Coleman
Part of a long legacy of tailors, Cora is a childhood friend of Sanji's. She's kind, caring, and compassionate but freezes at every touch.
The Orville (2017 - )
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Raevyn Caelia Maumahara, 26, cis-female + bisexual
Character Tag: (x)
Love Interest: Gordon Malloy (Ship Tag: x)
AO3: All Our Yesterdays | The Emissary
Faceclaim: Alexandra Daddario
Image: Artbreeder, edited by me
Originally Alara's successor as Chief of Security on the USS Orville (note: I made Raevyn before Talla was introduced), Raevyn is transported back in time on accident. After dealing with Pria Lavesque, Raevyn has to explain herself to the Orville crew of the past. Since there's no way to send her back to the future, she stays on board. This gives her plenty of chances to do things she was simply too late for in her original timeline or that went horribly wrong, including a fresh start on her relationship with a certain helmsman. Half terrestrial, half aquatic Tehiko, Raevyn is an excellent swimmer and has electrokinetic and telepathic abilities. Sometimes, they do her more harm than good.
Die Rosenheim-Cops (2002 - )
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Eva Gardner, 31, cis-female + pan
Character Tag: (x)
Love Interest: Michael "Michi" Mohr
Faceclaim: Isis Valverde
Eva appeared out of nowhere. One morning, she just showed up and now the homicide division has an apprentice from the US. Or trainee. Assistant? Assistant seems like the most fitting word since Eva dislikes being trained and likes throwing in ideas. Sometimes a little aggressively. Aside from having a young, motivated coworker, Eva's presence has the added bonus of there being someone else besides Inspector Hansen who doesn't understand the Bavarian dialect - and of taking some work off Michi Mohr's shoulders.
Sanders Sides (2016 - )
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Eve "Imagination" Sanders, basically a child but ageless, genderfae
Character Tag: (x)
Faceclaim: Keira Knightley
Eve represents Thomas's Imagination. She's not a side, but the embodiment of the concept. Thomas associates imagination with a little girl playing in a flower field, so that's why she's feminine-lloking. On top of this, Eve is also younger than any of the sides because it took Thomas a while to get an understanding for what imagination was. Everyone's little sister, Eve is also responsible for letting Thomas interact with the Sides and for the mind palace - which can sometimes lead to her getting possessed by one of them if they need more control.
Squid Game (2021 - )
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Lee Byeong-ho, cis-male + gay
Character Tag: (x)
Faceclaim: Ahn Jae-hyun
Byeong-ho is an old lover friend of Sang-woo’s from Joy Investments. He used to work there in a low position until Sang-woo helped him reach his dream of becoming an actor by financing his education at university. However, this caused them to have to go into a long-distance relationship. In this time, Sang-woo went into debt and Byeong-ho fell victim to a gambling addiction, further pushing himself into debt too. They both lied to each other about this. But when they both join the Squid Game, it throws them both into turmoil.
Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-1994)
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K'Rala, nonbinary + pansexual
Character Tag: x
Love Interest: Tasha Yar (& others)
Faceclaim: Emma Corrin
K'Rala is half Vulcan, quarter Betazoid and quarter Aenar, making them an extraordinary telepath. But their biggest passion lies in engineering, leading them onto the Enterprise under Captain Picard. Raised under the watchful eye of their traditional Vulcan mother, K'Rala maintains a professional, logic-driven air, suppressing their telepathy and all emotions. Only one person on board can claim to have seen them genuinely smile - Chief of Security Tasha Yar, who they have some less than logical feelings for. But when that bond is tragically broken, it's up to the crew of the Enterprise to put their friend back together because nobody is alone on the starship Enterprise. Through the cracks of their grief, K'Rala emerges as a brand new person, easing into their emotions and determined to give back what love their friends gave them ten-fold.
Star Wars (1977 - )
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Lan "Lani" Skywalker, 19, cis-female + aroace
Character Tag: (x)
AO3: The Rule of Three
Faceclaim: Amrita Acharia
What if the children of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidale had been triplets, not twins? And what if the third child had been raised by Ahsoka? Lani was a special case from a very young age, being the most emotional one of the twins and struggling with using the force on command. Still, she's the only one getting Jedi training throughout her teenage years. Just when she thinks she's on a great path to becoming a Jedi knight, Ahsoka disappears and Lani is left to fend for herself. Meeting her siblings again turns her life upside down and she starts losing control again. Still, her goal remains the same: All she wants is to make her father proud.
Steven Universe (2013 - 2020)
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(old image, definitely needs a redo...)
Indigo Pearl, sapphic
Character Tag: (x)
Base by: TFAfangirl14
Indigo used to be a Pearl in Pink Diamond's court before her "shattering", during which she lost her owner. Upon being integrated into Blue Diamond's court, most of the pink hue was drained from her system, gaining her her signature indigo color. Due to her past of belonging to Pink, Blue kept her very close, keeping her as a second personal pearl. Wanting to take revenge for her original diamond's shattering, she ends up on Earth, becoming caught up in the Crystal Gem's business.
The Umbrella Academy (2019 - )
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Kassandra Hargeeves, 30, cis-female + asexual
Character Tag: (x)
Scene Rewrites: (x)
Faceclaim: Kaya Scodelario
Kassandra, also known as Number Eight or The Seer, has the power of telepathy, with the unfortunate handicap that she can't tell anyone about any secrets she finds out. With her powers rendered mostly useless to Reginald Hargreeves, she uses them mainly to be there for her siblings and comfort them. When this becomes too much for her to handle, she leaves, but she can never let go. Years after she leaves, her father dies and the family comes together again, leading Kassandra down an emotional journey. Also, the world is ending.
Vocalization (My VoicePlay fanfic)
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Evelynn Carter, 21, cis-female + bisexual
Character Tag: (x)
AO3: Vocalization
Faceclaim: Danielle Rose Russel
Image: Artbreeder
Young, childish and insecure. Those are the three words that describe little Evelynn. That is until she meets five men on the way back from a bad party. From then on, fate glues her to them and she goes from an unpopular, scared loner to a cheerful acapella singer in less than six months.
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