#Which is mostly Odin’s fault
ryebread-x · 5 months
More Marvel!Sigyn
Cw: Fake Needle and mentions of unethical experiments
So I ended up making kinda making a full body ref of my Marvel variant of Sigyn. I did tweak her design a bit she mostly based off a viper so I kinda made her snake like.
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A little bit to add from the last post:
Sigyn lost all her magic when she was banished so she couldn’t use that to cure herself. Even then she didn’t know if her own magic would have been able to cure her anyways. So,she ended up turning to experimentation as a cure it just began as experiments on herself but it started to become dangerous. This lead her to start to captured and experiment on innocent civilians instead to further her goal while also descending into her own insanity. Sigyn becomes someone unrecognizable from the kind,caring, and strong princess from Vanaheim she once was. Now she’s a unhinged and unstable scientist who will do anything to see her husband again while avenging her sons in the process as well. Though now Loki may be too scared to see what Sigyn has become.
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amphitriteswife · 6 months
Sounds Of Broken Memories
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Pairing: ! Loki x Sigyn reader
Warings: latest chapter incident
Disclaimer: Sigyn belongs to @miss-seanymph-pani. This shit kinda badly written tbh
Setting: normal au!
Source: shuumatsu no Valkyrie/ Record of Ragnarok
Characters: brunhilde, Sigyn reader, Loki
Genre: angst
Tags: @shark-queen-101 @tinyy-tea-cup @vilereign @monstertreden @nicasdreamer @jonquilclegane @riseofamoonycake @imperfectbloodmoon @swallowtail-lotus @gabelesimp @sigyn-foxyposts @heldril @bromeliae @brokensenseofhumor @telvess @salmonpoki
Language: English
Note: I got inspired by my own feelings? Mostly sadness cause i just tried to put feelings into words.
How long has it been since the last time he saw you? He doesn’t remember, all he knows is that he knows that’s it’s way too long. Loki closed his eyes and plopped onto his bed. The feeling of regret and embarrassment flooding over him. How could he ever show his face? Not only did he piss off the gods by wanting to side with Brunhilde, his wife divorced him in the process which only pissed the Nordic gods more, but some gods of other pantheons too. The image of the other gods looking at him with pity worried him more than their anger. Odin had been quiet but his silence spoke enough for him to know that he shouldn’t do anything reckless. Thor could only look at him with pity, he was never one to show many emotions but it was clearer than ever. Though, he rather had Thor’s pity than the anger of his gold haired wife Sif, who could possibly murder him with one gaze of her anger. It felt as if everyone was against him, and it bothered him greatly. He couldn’t help but feel even more emotions, it scared him. How could someone as mischievous as him feel like this? He never cared how other’s felt by his antics…so why does he care now? He didn’t know. He never felt this way…not until now…He sighed again and put his arm over his eyes. He felt a wave of strong emotions overwhelm him, in a way to hold himself together he bit his lower lip very hard. He was sure that was going to leave a mark. He closed his eyes wanting to get away from everything. The feelings. The hurt. The confusion of what he feels.
Loki felt his eyes water a bit and pushed himself of the bed. He paced around the room a bit. His hands finding it’s way to his face. His breath got heavier. The realization and the weight of the situation getting even more intense. It feels suffocating, it felt as if there were a million hands on his body, all representing things it could be. Guilt? Regret? Hurt? Realization? He couldn’t pin point it. But there was one that he could…one that made him suffocate….The hands gripping on his neck, it felt as of someone was choking him…or was it to tell hom that it was his really his fault? Or was it to tell him that the guilt was weighing on him? He tried his best, he really tried, to not let the suffocation get to him. But it got too much…so much and he bursted in tears. It looked so pathetic doesn’t it? A person who hurt others crying for something he done. Knowing he can’t take it back. Knowing he’ll have to live with this guilt. The guilt of hurting his Sigyn, the guilt of his family being broken up because of him. The guilt of the pantheon losing a precursor Valkyrie because of him, the guilt of acting as of he is a victim, when in reality he is the one who hurt her. It’s pathetic. So pathetic. A god isn’t supposed to be like this. A god doesn’t cry. A god doesn’t show mercy or remorse. A god doesn’t care what he does. Especially not the Loki, the got of mischief. Then why was he here doing all the things he wasn’t supposed to do? Why was he being pathetic? Is he pathetic?
He doesn’t know. He can’t deny, not confirm. All of this is too much. It’s too much. He can’t handle it. He can’t. It’s too suffocating, too heavy, too strong, too confusing. He doesn’t know. He takes deep breaths. Trying to keep himself together. His breath slowly steadied…a bitter laugh escaping his lips as he lets himself fall to the ground, his back against the wall. Is this what it feels like? ‘Is this what you felt at that moment Sigyn?’ He understands now. It’s a dark pit. A void. A void that crushes you heart, it makes you feel so much yet nothing at the same time. It’s simple yet complicated. It can be your milestone and you’ll get out stronger…or it’ll be your end. He sighed again and pulled himself to his feet. Loki’s eyes drifted to a portrait. A portrait of her. How could he ever have done this to her? She was a strong woman, even when she was human, a Valkyrie or a goddess, during all of them she was strong. He felt so much guilt, instead of being the one she can rely on, the one she can turn to, he was the one who ended up being the one who hurted her. He hated that. He hated that he ever liked brunhilde. He only liked her because she represented his wife. Brunhilde had her own lover and her loyalty to him. He hated it. He hated what he did, he hated what he caused. But above all he hated himself. Loki walked up to the painting, his fingers lingering on the dried paint. It touched it as of it could crack if he put to much pressure. His eyes scanned over the painting, taking in every detail. Her hair, her face, her eyes, her lips, everything. He needs to remember it. He needs to know. He needs to see her again. He must. He has to. Yet he can’t. He’s to scared. To afraid. Afraid of facing what he caused. Afraid of seeing hurt and sadness in her eyes that once held love and kindness for him.
Loki felt his stomach drop. He began to doubt everything. What if he wasn’t going to see her again. What if she moved on…then…he has nothing left. He’ll lose everything. He doesn’t want it. He knows now. He knows. He knows that he wants only her and not Brunhilde….is it to late? Too late to say sorry? Too late to tell her how much he loves her…how much he would take it all back? Too late to choose for her? He doesn’t want that to happen… He suddenly realized that he was gripping the golden frame of the painting too hard. He missed her…he can’t explain it. This room…this floor…this palace…it doesn’t feel like home anymore… he sighs and softly pressed his forehead against the glass of the painting. He won’t hear her laughs anymore. He won’t see her smile or her scoff when he pulls a prank, he won’t see her look at him again…he won’t see her enjoy the nature of the Norse landscape again… Loki’s form trembled against the painting. That’s right. What made this a home. His home. Was her. She was the one that felt as of he was at home…not the palace or the broken memories they shared…Just her. She was enough.
Parallel lines never meet. They go on forever and ever, but never touch. Same goes for perpendicular lines. They meet once, but they’ll drift apart forever…perhaps they were meant to drift apart…
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ifuckingloveryoshu · 6 months
Im beyond pissed, tumblr crashed in the middle of me doing this so this is going to be so much shorter than I want it to be. NON RYOSHU RELATED POST ABOUT THE HEATHCLIFF. DON'T TAKE WHAT I SAY AS FACT I AM NOT QUALIFIED FOR THIS. LOOK AT THE LINKS I CITE FOR MORE INFORMATION! You can click them when their mentioned. Im not citing in the proper format. This was done on 5 hours of sleep, two eggs, and a box of banana milk.
The Erlkonig or Erlking is this figure in German Mythology who kidnapps children. When he touches you, he kills you. This poem made by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe then adapted to this song is what you see. Erlkoning Heathcliff is trying to intice Heathcliff to die by telling him that it's his fault Cathy is dead. All identities refer to the sinner as "child" when you look into their uptie stories. Mili and the singer of the video here use the same technique of changing the tone and pitch of their voice to differntiate two characters.
The Wild Hunt is a part of Norse Mythology where Odin, mounted on his sixed legged horse Sleipnir, goes through the forest. According to norse-mythology.org, anyone who gets caught up in The Wild Hunt, spotted or seen, gets carried away. Your soul will get incorporated into The Wild Hunt. We all know Erlking Heathcliff did, the rising of the bodies. The Wild Hunt is also mostly describe as having hounds, and who was a hound? Hindleys.
From the same website, on the page of Sleipnir reads,
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Also, the horse that heath rides on has a weird liney pattern on it's 4 legs that kind of look like that runestone. There's more connection here, I just don't want to type it again.
How did Project Moon mix two diffrent mythological ideas together? (Its not just two, they mixed so many more.) Meet human mistranslation and the progression of oral tradition and story telling throught time. I don't kno where to start. There was mistranslation poem when, according to ancient-origins.net Johann Gottfried Herder wrote a seperate ballad from the one I linked at the start called Erlkönigs Tochter.
The Anglo-Saxons were early German settlers. This is where things get messy because I have several more potential leaders of the Wild Hunt but here are two, King Herla and Herne The Hunter.
Herne The Hunter: Popularized by Shakespeare potentially from a play called The Merry Wives of Windsor. This man called Jacobb Grimm said that Hene The Hunter was related to Odin. Herne the hunter is this ghost. ( https://mythopedia.com/topics/herne-the-hunter ) Im trying to say there are other media that connect the Erlking to the Wild Hunt but its on Wikipedia so it makes it seem fishy. Another Link Here
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King Herla: A british king who attended a dwarf wedding. When he left the wedding, the world had changed. Unbeknowst to him, 300 years had passed and he was claimed to be missing. When his men tried to get off their horses, they turned into dust so they were stuck like that. Read it here, its short. Someone better and more credible than me summed the story up better than I did, historian Chrissy Senecal. Read right here. An additional link to cross refrence if you'd like. King Herla and Odin got conflated together when really, their diffrent people
I found this other website article about Wild Hunts which kind of brings me to the next thing, the Harlequinn. They weild clubs, their devils, the image of them is popularly joyful? Maybe goofy and lighthearted? Perhaps associated with cards? Matt, or Heathcliff's portrayal of Matt. Now, I'm looking at Wikipedia and I see this section.
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What do we have here? A mention of the Erlkönig, Dante's Inferno, masked, club weilding giant. Heathcliff's not giant but hes pretty tall, at least by my standards but whatever, im very short. DANTE'S INFERNO, Canto 11 and 12. What the fuck Project Moon, are you playing 5d chess?
Back on topic, Hellequin is the fairy king, and this figure pops up in German, French, Italian, and English folklore. I can't do proper research when all my search results are mixed with random junk and I'm becoming nutty. You will not normally be able to access this article without paying but here's the link anyways. Journal Article from this book on a section about horned deities made in 1922 speaks of a group of ghost riding, who are also huntsman.
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And also another mention of Dante's Inferno. The name, Herne The Hunter is mentioned again.
All and all, The link between The Erlkonig and The Wild Hunt isn't as wild and unexplainable as I originally thought. It's just so cool to see all these concepts intersect. There still so much to touch upon like the headless horseman refrence and the Dullahans, RYOSHU COMPARING THE WILD HUNT TO THE PARADE OF 100 SPIRTS, something along that line, I forgot the name. I'm just not the right person to yell about this but I will anyways. The writers mixed so many symbols of death into one character. Such a wild and nutty Canto. Thank you so much Project Moon.
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gunsandspaceships · 5 months
OG6 Avengers’ The “Nice Guy” Contest: Results
It's time to sum up our results. Here are links to all the rounds:
Round 1: “Thank you”
Round 2: “Sorry”
Round 3: “I was wrong/It was my fault”
Note: I'll add more stuff in the future and the overall result may change.
Rules of the contest are here.
Now we will collect all the points and add them up for each character. This way we will get our Nice Guys or Not-So-Nice Guys of the OG6. Let's do the same as we did for each round and list the scores from lowest to highest.
#6 – Natasha
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Her total “Nice Guy Score”: 34.1+56.8+22.7=114 points or 1 per 8.8 mins.
Maybe she’s in last place in the “Nice Guy” Contest because she is not a guy…
Nat often apologizes, but not so often thanks people.
#5 – Clint
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His total “Nice Guy Score”: 39.6+19.8+59.4=119 points or 1 per 8.4 mins.
Not-so-Nice guy Clint is last by total number, but his 50.5 minutes of screen time gives him some advantage. He often admits his fault (it's always someone's death), but very rarely apologizes or says "Thank you."
#4 – Bruce
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His total “Nice Guy Score”: 85+49.6+21.2=156 points or 1 per 6.42 mins.
Despite the popular belief that Bruce thanks, apologizes and admits to things more than others - none of this is true. He's pretty average, with 4th place in total number and the same place in frequency. He even came in last place in the "I Was Wrong" round. At least Hulk says “Sorry” sometimes.
#3 – Steve
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His total “Nice Guy Score”: 82.2+53.4+24.7=160 points or 1 per 6.24 mins.
“A very polite person” Steve came in third place. He's second in total, but he's also second in screen time, which lowers his score. Average for all indicators, he never rose above third place. So seems like there are more polite persons on the team…
#2 – Thor
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His total “Nice Guy Score”: 87.9+44+34.2=166 points or 1 per 6 mins.
That's impressive for a guy who started out as an arrogant prince of Asgard and, in the first half of Thor 1, was as polite as Odin to Jane in the Dark World. This is what Asgardian upbringing is like… But Midgard changed him for good in every sense.
And here we are. You already know who is the Nice Guy of OG6...
#1 – Tony
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His total “Nice Guy Score”: 78.4+98+36.4=213 points or 1 per 4.7 mins.
With double the total number of any indicators compared to second place (Steve), and 213 points against 166 of the second place (Thor) by frequency, Tony is the absolute winner.
He didn't win any polls and I think few people would call him the nicest person on the team. But he is. Math doesn't lie. Maybe he will give this position to someone in the future, when I’ll count other indicators. We’ll see.
Yeah, as you can also see – Steve and Bruce are not the “nicest” of them. With Thor in the same group, they have an “average” score of 156 to 166 points.
The last group, Nat and Clint, are actually the rudest. It’s not that they are really rude, but compared to others – they don’t do very well.
Conclusion: All that glitters is not gold. And pure gold is not very glittery. You know what I mean.
These results surprisingly (or not) correlate with my “How to recognize your friends” posts (Part 2, Part 3, Part 4). You may have noticed that Tony cares about his friends and teammates. Thor is not present in the posts, because he didn’t act towards Tony in the way others did (he did mean things too though, but of different kind). And the others (3-6 places) are those who did something unpleasant, to put it mildly.
Some notes for fic writers:
Based on the results, if you find these somewhat useful…
Tony apologizes a lot. And much more than others. Not always verbally, but mostly. And when politeness demands it – always (if he bumped into someone, expressed his condolences or accidentally broke the children's crayon).
He often takes the blame for things he didn't do. And contrary to popular belief, he often says that he was wrong.
He's not the guy who says "thank you" the most, but he does it a lot. Sometimes without words.
Thor thanks-a-lot. He may also express his gratitude in other ways, such as kissing hands and the like.
He is also quite good at admitting his misdeeds and bad habits, but mostly of the past. His anger issues are still with him and there is no sign that he thinks anything is wrong.
Apologies are not Thor’s thing. Sometimes he says “sorry”, sometimes not. He is a man of emotions.
Steve is, again, average. He thanks. But sometimes he doesn't when he should. He has a habit of taking things without asking their owners or saying "thank you" or "sorry". He apologizes. But, again, sometimes he doesn't when he should. He admits his fault sometimes, sometimes he doesn’t. He says he was wrong, but often it’s something like “I was wrong to trust you”, meaning he wasn't really at fault.
Bruce seems more polite than he is. In fact he's a sassy guy. There's actually a big difference in Norton's and Ruffalo's portrayal of Bruce. Norton's Bruce was bad at apologizing and thanking. Ruffalo’s is nicer, kinda.
Clint kills people. He then feels regret and admits that the bodies are on him. However, I have never heard him say that he was wrong about anything.
He rarely thanks and almost never apologizes.
Nat does apologize. She doesn't always do it when she should though. She's not so good at verbally admitting when she's at fault or when she's wrong, but she takes the blame even though it's not really her. And of OG6 she's the one who thanks the least.
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mythical-lotus · 2 years
This is a thought I had about God of War Ragnarok that I feel like I've not seen anyone else discuss but has plagued my mind since it ended. Everyone - characters and players alike - seem to forget that Brok accepted his death at Odin's hand.
Let me elaborate.
Brok (and Sindri) built Mjolnir for Thor. He had worked with the Aesir in the past. And, upon seeing the horrible destruction wrought from the hammer, created the Leviathan Axe for Faye. He was also a dwarf, and while we may not know the exact timeline of Asgard's occupation, he is obviously well aware of what Odin did in his home realm - specifically to what happened to dwarves who attempted revolution or other uprising.
The point is, Brok was very aware of what Odin and Asgard were like when he decided to help Kratos and Atreus.
Now, on to Post-Brok's death.
Obviously Sindri is heartbroken, and I cannot blame him for his anger against Atreus and Kratos in any way at this point in time. They were the people who effectively recruited Brok and Sindri into the protagonists' group, and even if the two dwarves were happy to do it, Kratos and Atreus were still the ones who asked them to. Brok's death resulted from that request.
But it was still Brok's informed and willing choice.
To quote Freya from God of War 2018, "I put my needs, my fears before [Baldur's] own." And that feels very much like what Sindri has done with Brok in my opinion.
When Brok originally died in the forge, Sindri saved him but refused to tell Brok what happened and in turn caused their split. When he died a second time by Odin's hand, Sindri came to blame Atreus (and to some extent the others), regardless of Brok's agency and knowledge of what he was getting into. Brok knew that they were heading towards Ragnarok and feasibly their deaths. He obviously didn't want to die, but he openly accepted the risks that came with aiding Atreus.
Sindri placed his own fear of being alone above the desires of Brok to know how he died and to help with Ragnarok.
I should add here that it's one thing for Sindri to blame Atreus initially, because he was grieving the death of his beloved brother and literally about to go to war. I won't blame him for that.
But, given what's been set up in the games, Sindri will probably continue to be antagonistic. And, if he continues to blame Atreus for what happened to Brok - it will draw an interesting parallel to Kratos and Freya in my opinion.
One party blaming the other for the death of a loved one that was partially the blamed person's fault, while the true culprit (Odin in both cases) is left unacknowledged. In the first case, Odin is ignored because Freya could not get to him, but she could get to Kratos and blame him for Baldur's death. In the second case, Odin is already dead by Sindri's own hand, Brok's soul cannot be revived, and Sindri mostly lacks the power to do more that tell Atreus he hates him. There is no satisfying vengeance to Sindri's grief that hasn't already been achieved, which is why I think he'll be an antagonist in the future, since he's obviously still angry.
There's also a side-tangent I could write on - the fact that Sindri was sent to rally the dwarves against Asgard, but chose not to involve them during Ragnarok. Obviously it did successfully keep the dwarves safe, which was Sindri's intention - but it robbed them of their ability to fight for their freedom during Ragnarok (something they probably wanted to do very badly considering the rebellions talked about in the game), which is once again a parallel to Kratos, Freya, and Baldur's death.
We see it in almost every other aspect of the games' story. Atreus and Kratos lying or withholding details from each other - not maliciously, but with the intent to protect in a way that backfires (in both 2018 and Ragnarok). The same with Freya and Baldur (her protection spell driving him insane), and even with Thrud, Thor, and Sif (her mother claiming that Thrud can't be a Valkyrie because Sif is afraid of what Odin will make her do in that role, while Thor encourages it so that she might be strong enough to keep herself safe).
And finally, Sindri claiming that Brok's death was the fault of Atreus despite Brok's informed and willing choice to fight Odin, denying Brok agency over his choice to help, even in death.
A quote Kratos from God of War Ragnarok to sum this whole thing up, "I do not regret saving your life and never will. But the choice between life and death should have been yours to make. I should not have robbed you of that choice."
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stupidrant · 5 months
at the end of the day, i'm looking forward for what santa monica have planned out in terms for character arcs and storylines, because i trust them on this and they have me very impressed with the superb writing in the games. there are still many questions left unanswered and i know this was done on purpose so that they could be answered in the next installments. like what happened to the other giants, will the aesir and vanir cooperate post-ragnarok? will there be reparations from the aesir?
i doubt there will be any forced interactions between thrud and angrboda. though i do understand if angrboda would need some time before speaking to her (remember, in the game angrboda mostly spoke to her fellow jotnar atreus & gryla, along with kratos, mimir, and freya. she has not spoken to an aesir and understandably so. why would she anyways? they killed her people.)
i would love to see some type of soul-searching and accountability on thrud's part. yes yes the child is not to blame for the father's sin, but she was raised with whatever aesir propaganda odin & co. came up with. a step forward, true courage and righting wrongs would be an amazing thing to see from her.
real life example; my ancestors did commit unspeakable acts of war crimes against a group of human beings, i am not proud of this part of history and deeply ashamed of it. i would totally understand if someone whose family suffered from what my people did would want to stay away from me. even though it's not my fault personally, but the wounds run deep. then it's my responsibility to respect that, and work for how i can help to heal some of the wounds.
another note: friendships between girls are much appreciated than rivalry, solidarity between girls of different backgrounds (real, mutual respect and admiration and love) is vital to see just in general but also for this series. i do think angrboda needs more friends, especially girl friends. so i'm an optimist, i'm sure there will be something for her that will make me cry tears of joy. (THANK YOU FOR READING THIS WALL OF TEXT HAHAHAHA SORRY I HAVE WORMS IN MY BRAIN)
with the way thor died, i think thrud has already started on the soul searching journey as we can see in that post-rag cutscene and that makes the most sense anyways.
unless what will happen is that she uses training as a way to forget everything rather than confront the internal and external issues (which is a repeat of thor’s drinking habits) which would probably in turn go towards her getting over that somewhere in the next game. Atreus isnt responsible for his fathers actions either but theres a chance he goes to random places and says his father’s name and people would look at him funny. Anyways, I would hope they do the former and if any interactions between her and angrboda are present, i hope it will be only good or good awkward ? ones
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lokiinmediasideblog · 7 months
Loki + Odin=Marvel!Loki
This is part (2/3) of a series.
This is the most obvious "equation" out of the three, being that all Norse myth adaptations have an Odin and Loki (unlike say, the lesser known Skadi), so they both have high visibility.
Marvel's version of Loki (mostly referring to the comics but some of this applies to the MCU to some extent) is some weird mixture of myth!Loki, myth!Odin, and sometimes the Devil because Christians decided Loki was "the Norse devil" (by this, I mean original Earth-616 Loki being the "God of Evil" and referring to himself as "Satan" in his very first appearance (Venus comics)) that has until fairly recently become more Loki-like (i.e. reincarnation and onwards).
Odin and Loki are quite similar in the myths (They're both SHIFTY BASTARDS and partake in "female interests" to different extents). So it works out especially when Marvel's Loki is raised by Odin.
Marvel!Loki's similarities to Odin:
Myth!Loki is not a master sorcerer (that's myth!Odin) and is merely a shapeshifter. Myth!Loki can shapeshift themselves and others in the myths which is a common ability of the Jotnar. But is not shown to do seidr or seek it out. That's Odin. I am basing it from the Lokasenna where Odin and Loki are arguing over who's more "argr." Basically going "oh yea, well you're gayeyer" at each other. Calling each other slurs. Odin calls Loki argr for giving birth as a woman for "8 winters" and Loki calls Odin argr for practicing seidr and disguising as an old woman. Loki’s shape-shifting is not considered “seidr” and it’s just something Jotnar do all the time. Seidr pertains especifically to clairvoyance magic and rituals, according to Jackson Crawford's video on it.
In the comics, Loki sacrificed himself for himself (to reincarnate and try to break out of predictability). In the mythology, Odin sacrificed himself for himself by spearing himself and hanging from Yggdrassil for 9 days, to gain knowledge (see the runes for Galdr). In the MCU, Loki sacrifices himself for others multiple times to the point where it's a meme. But the thematic elements of self-sacrifice and resurrection are there, and his final sacrifice is associated with a tree.
Loki in the myths is more of a Looney Tunes character sort of schemer. He schemes, cheats, and lies, but it's usually for a short-term goal such as saving his ass from all the wacky situations he ends up in through his fault or by being scapegoated. Not very Machiavellic. He's not plotting to rule take power. Though he may engage in malicious pranks and the occasional murder (Balder). Though aspects of this may still apply to Marvel!Loki.
Marvel comics Loki is associated with corvids. Magpies rather than ravens. But it's interesting his animal that carried a copy of his soul was also a corvid.
However, there are still plenty of similarities with myth!Loki.
Loki is a scapegoat. In mythology, Loki is the only one that receives punishment for misdeeds, and its always disproportionate (mouth sewn shut, horse impregnation, bound by the entrails of his son as a snake drips burning venom on his eyes, etc). This is similar to how the Thor Comics written before 2012-ish expect you not to find Loki sympathetic and add thought bubbles of Loki thinking evil things while being punished to show it was "deserved". He is portrayed as a sympathetic scapegoat and villain within the MCU.
Loki is an outsider. In mythology, he's one of two deities speculated to be associated with the Sámi people, and a Jotnar that was brought into the Aesir fold through a blood oath with Odin ("blood brothers). Some speculate Odin did this to try to prevent Ragnarok, plus Loki was his shifty buddy for a while. In Marvel, he's a Jotun that was adopted into Asgard.
Loki doesn't fit conventional Asgardian gender role standards. Despite Marvel's retcon, it was quite obvious Asgardians had gender expectations (e.g. Thor lashes out at being called "princess" and nearly starts a war over that insult, Sif being a shield maiden being a huge deal, Loki's magic being dismissed as "tricks" and less important than battle in deleted scenes (grain of salt bc deleted scene)).
Loki is closer to his mother. It has been state by John Lindow that Loki's use of a matronymic surname indicates an absent or inadequate father. In the MCU, his adoptive mother taught him magic and is the parent he's closer to. This is not the case in Marvel comics, where Frigga/Freyja (they can't make up their mind how to name her) rejected Loki (*Blood Brothers aka Loki (2004) was so influential to me*). And tried to force them into a villainous role post-reincarnation.
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I think the MCU's Sif and Loki dynamic is weirdly similar to Loki and Skadi (and I elaborate on the previous post 1/3).
Loki causes Ragnarok in some way. In Marvel comics, Loki does still kill Balder and cause Ragnarok often. In the MCU, he technically also started Ragnarok, but it was to save the rest of the realms. In the mythology, after escaping his torturous punishment, he leads the armies of Hel against Asgard on a ship made of nails.
Odin and Loki are considered to be similar in both the MCU and the myths. In the mythology, they were considered to be so similar, it was speculated Loki may be a hypostasis of Odin by Folke Strom. In the MCU, Hela remarks how similar Loki is to Odin.
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Lazy Citations:
Loki's Wikipedia article (last screenshot)
Jackson Crawford's video on seidr.
Laidoner, Triin. (2012) The Flying Noaidi of the North: Sámi Tradition Reflected in the Figure Loki Laufeyjarson in Old Norse Mythology. SCRIPTA ISLANDICA.
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bugwolfsstuff · 7 months
I said i was gonna rant and by the gods im gonna rant
[This is not gonna make sense and more me shrieking at the gods cus Loki is my blorbo and i hate that Rick fucked up and made him abusive when the first book was litterally implying that he cares about his kids and making him sympathetic.]
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Love how i completely forgot Heimdall was there too between reading this in school and getting home lmao. My phone guy is just that forgettable.
They got roasted too hard so theyre gonna kill two innocent kids, mulitate their corpses and use those corpses to chain their father while dripping acid on him?
It was (slightly) more understandable when it was cus Baldur (even tho hes probably happier with Hel anyways) died.
Cus like an eye for an eye.... (even tho that was much more than an eye, more like two eyes, a heart and a leg.)
Actually no scratch that killing Baldur technically was an eye for an eye if you think about it.
(Odin took three of Loki's kids, Loki took his son, his daughter in law and then the same son again when he refused to cry to bring him back. Thats also three. Thats one of the reasons i excuse Baldur dying)
I know Magnus probably either didn't realise what was going on here or if he did it didnt register in his brain the whole story. Which, fair enough, directly after this he listens to Kvasir getting cut up by a chainsaw (good, its clear if it weren't for him Loki, Narvi, Vali and Sigyn would've been probably fine) and then watches Alex get thrown out by his.....sperm donor. So what happens to Loki is not at the top of his concerns rn but i really hope he confronts Frey about it later. Cus Magnus has been shown to emphasize with Loki on this. AND THOSE WERE FUCKING CHILDREN! AND THEY WERE KILLED BECAUSE THEY WERE LOKI'S CHILDREN!
Basically i want Magnus to yell at the gods the way Percy does. Because like Luke everything was probably WAS the gods fault.
And before you come at me with the whole 'prophecy has to happen' thing. Save your breath because most of you have no problem with blaming the gods when it came to luke in pjo and this is kinda similar.
Who was to say that Fenris, Hel and Jörmungandr would have caused ragnarok if the Aesir (mostly Odin) didnt take them from their home and seperate them?
Whos to say Loki would start Ragnarok if Odin didnt break their oath and take his children?
Or :
Let his mouth get sewn shut after he got everyone shit (Sif's new hair, Mjollnir, Draupnir, Gungnir, Skidbladnir and Gullinbursti) because suddenly oaths matter now, Odin.
Kill his innocent children (its not stated in myth or mcga how old Narvi and Vali were/are but the general consensus is that they were young), possibly made him watch said children get murdered (Sword of summer its stated by Loki that the gods watched in amusement as Vali disemboweled Narvi but that could be hyperbole) and had a snake drip acid onto his face.
If there was any good in Loki at any point (which there might be. He actually seems pretty chill in sword of summer) then its been snuffed out now.
Thanks Odin.
You signed your death warrant.
Whats that saying again?
He who tries to prevent fate is doomed to cause it?
Or something like that i cant remember the phrase.
I have more to say yet i cant quite articulate it. So im gonna end it here.
Also i am really in the mood for writing a oneshot of the day they caught Loki in Loki's—or maybe Sigyn's? Pov.
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sigyn-foxyposts · 10 months
The lokissons twins head cannons!
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Vali 🐺
Vali's birth name is actually Nari because Loki thought it was cute making the twins have matching names.
Not only do they sound similar but Loki thought it was fun to reference how some twins look when born: one big the other small.
Nari's name. means "feeder/nourisher"
Vali's name is unknown, but it could have something to do with valley's.
Nari likes going by Vali or Val instead of his birth name. He doesn't hate his actual name, but he just prefers it more.
Odin actually took and used Vali's name for his own son. Intentionally causing confusion between the two and wanting Vali to be forgotten when punishing loki.
Odin thought it was stupid to let Vali use another name when he was already given one. Loki did not appreciate this.
The other kids in Asgard like calling him Ali out of innocent fun.
Because Vali never understands who they're talking about until they tell him it. Vali finds this as annoying as it is funny.
Vali really looks up to Loki and is definitely a daddy's boy. Their chaotic nature match up after all.
He thinks Loki is super cool in whatever he is doing, even if it gives everyone else second hand embarrassment.
He also looks up to fenrir for pretty much the same reasons. I mean what isn't cool about having a giant wolf as your older brother?
Vali and Thrud are best friends, not just because their fathers are, but because they genuinely get along.
Their shared interests are: play fighting, playing make believe, exploring and collecting rocks.
Likes and dislikes:
🟢Forests, Mountains, the colors blue and green, being read/told stories, open spaces, jumping in puddles, the rain, His family, Magni because he looks out for him and Narfi, protecting others & Narfi, doing very dangerous stunts, drawing on anything, climbing on everything, wolves/dogs, bears, snakes, playing hide and seek.
🔴 Rules, Closed spaces, mud or clay, Modi because he's mean to him and Narfi, getting in trouble, being blamed for something (even if it is his fault, seeing someone get hurt/cry, heights, bugs.
Narfi 🦊
Narfi means "narrow or difficult birth"
Since Vali doesn't really use Nari as his name anymore, Narfi uses it as a nickname because he has an attachment to the name.
If it wasn't obvious, Narfi was the smaller twin out of the two and like his name suggests he came into the world with a few difficulties.
He looks very pale and sickly, he is smaller and thin in comparson with Vali and has health problems.
He tends to get sick very easily during winters too.
This is probably why he is so careful in nature compared to Vali. Who unlike him doesn't have much health problems and is a Daredevil.
Narfi looks up to Sigyn more than anyone else because she has always been there to care and protect him.
He knows whatever she is doing is always to make sure he is okay, which is very comforting to him.
They have a very close bond, which makes Narfi quite the Mama's boy.
Narfi also really likes Hel and Sleipnir, both being very calm and collected people.
Though he mostly favors Hel because they've gotten to bond more with her. This is because Sleipnir isn't much around.
Narfi doesn't really socialize with anyone but his family, when he does though he prefers people such as Njord, Forseti, Idunn or Bragi.
They tend to have a lot in common, especially with Forseti.
But because Loki isn't very fond of Baldr's family whenever Loki sees Narfi hanging out with Forseti he makes the hard decision of stepping in and taking his kid out of there.
Likes and dislikes:
🟢 The color yellow and brown, reading or being read to, snuggling with Sigyn or his siblings, making flower crowns, riding on his families backs, quiet environments, being around Vali, Sigyn or Hel, Summer & autumn, listening to bragi's poems or music, drawing and writing, foxes, deers, cats.
🔴Loki's behavior, being told he looks like Loki, listening to Loki's rules, winter, being sick, slipping on ice, Skadi for winter alone, Modi because he picks on him and Vali, being scared/crying easily, being around too many people, social situations, loud noisy places, mud or clay, playing hide and seek because Loki always wins.
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magnusmodig · 6 months
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rough childhood headcanon qs / anonymous / accepting !
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╰┈➤ 1 . does your muse blame themselves for their trauma?
||. As is ever the case with Thor Odinson, the short answer is still, in itself, complicated. Ultimately the answer is, in my personal opinion, yes , though Thor is an incredibly introspective person, and so he can be self-aware enough of himself and his family situation to see it plainly for what it was. Thor is not a doormat. But whether or not he fully commits to acting on what he's feeling, and thinking based that awareness is its own issue. One mostly steeped in how Thor views himself and partly how he views his own family (specifically: he views them all with blinding rose-colored glasses ESPECIALLY once they've died, regardless of the damage they've caused him).
For some context on what I mean, by "how Thor views himself", I mean that he is shown to have something of an atlas complex (also known as: superman complex, savior/hero syndrome, codependency). Everything comes down to him. He's the strongest, so he'll do it. He can outlive and outlast, so he'll endure. He's the eldest, so it's his responsibility. So on and so forth very often times coming out as "I will solve this problem for you" statements most notably with Jane Foster. He takes failure personally, especially when other people are at stake, or the collateral. And he will hold himself accountable for tragedies beyond his control at length. In "The Avengers" and a deleted scene in "Thor: Ragnarok" he actively and repeatedly lumps himself in with his family (aka his father and siblings, mostly), and their catastrophic, destructive actions and pasts — both of which are things that thor himself actually hasn't partaken to any large degree (unless we count the failed Jotunheim heist and even that he WAS going to bail on before his temper got the best of his judgement.) He proceeds to call them (his family) "bilge snipe", while using the terms "we" (denotating himself as part of the issue) and proceeds to call the metaphorical bilge snipe "repulsive". He does this again in Ragnarok while telling Banner that "we're cursed to fight amongst ourselves while everyone else suffers for it"), meaning his opinions on the matter have not changed since 2012.
And by "blinding rose colored glasses" I mean that Thor has another tendency to see the good in people, partly in nature and partly deliberately, especially when seeking it out. And he does this especially when it comes to his family, and he will justify their actions by trying to step into their shoes even when it may not always be appropriate. (//gestures at literally all of thor: ragnarok and how he still idolizes his father to an obscene degree thankstaika re: "i'm not as strong as you", and even further back to the way thor speaks to odin in thor 2011 at the end of his banishment re: "there will never be a wiser king than you or a better father". He also idolizes Loki in "The Dark World" with the line "loki, for all of his grave imbalance, understood rule as i know i never will" and to a lesser degree does this with Frigga in the same film "she saved us all, a thousand times.")
From a slightly more psychological perspective:
The long and short of it is that it is much easier to blame yourself for things that hurt you that were beyond yourself. Especially when you can't understand it, or didn't deserve it. Especially when they come from someone you hold in high esteem, and hold a lot of love for. Like caregivers and family. In a twisted way, it grants the guilt-bearer some level of CONTROL over their emotions and their situation that they did not have in the moment the hurt occurred. If you're can blame yourself, then you're at fault. If you're at fault, then you can feel guilty, and if you're guilty, then you can atone. You can actively work to make up for it. ( "By blaming ourselves, we maintain the perception that we’re still in control of the situation and ultimately safe -even when we’re not." - rosscenter.com) This is especially critical in children who go through this sort of parental dysfunction and neglect. And the reason why I think this is not a development saved for his young adult -> adult years is because of exactly what we see on screen.
Thor comes from a family that is just as loving as it is toxic. His father was so good at being a wise king that he completely failed at being a good father. It's something Thor even calls out in "The Dark World" ("I'd rather be a good man than a great king") after speaking on how being king is losing who you are to politics and mind games and war. Odin as a parent, and Odin's overbearing, all-encompassing shadow of a legacy is what Thor's entire character arc was always about overcoming. His mother, Frigga, is by far the most decent of the bunch, but she is far from perfect. To pull from a previous meta on the subject, my opinion on frigga/thor is as follows: " [...] an unfortunate cycle in which [Frigga] spent SO MUCH ENERGY [...] making sure [Loki] felt seen/heard and had “some sun for himself” that she COMPLETELY neglected to see that her other son was in just as much pain as the youngest was [...] And only realized how estranged they had become when it was too late, and she couldn’t reach Thor anymore. (She also died before she could make it right.)"
His brother is arguably the person he was ever closest to (even among his friend group), up until his brother manipulated and betrayed his trust, killed him, attempted suicide in front of him, tried to take over earth as payback, tried to kill him again, rejected him outright, and then got put into jail.
Suffice it to say that while I think that Thor's issues stem from deep childhood trauma (and only ever further reenforced by the fact he ages so slowly), my dude's got some issues, and blaming himself for past trauma is definitely one of them. (When he can't get away with internalizing it and avoiding it any longer, anyways.) I do also think to a lesser degree this behavior does also count towards friends, just to a less extreme degree. With the main difference being: Thor adores his family. He wants to keep them close to him. He's incredibly protective of all of them. Which isn't to say he doesn't love his friends, because that would be the biggest lie. But friends come and go. Thor will always want to be a good friend, but he wants to be a good son even more than that. And so in cases of conflict with a friend and a peer, Thor will gladly and readily call out his friends for their bad behavior just as readily as he would also dismiss and justify their bad behavior towards himself. (you know like not checking in on him for five years in "endgame", apparently...)
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mountphoenixrp · 9 months
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We have a new citizen in Mount Phoenix:
          Vitas Halvorsen, a 25 year old son of Odin.           He is an archivist at Phoenix Library & Museum.
FC NAME/GROUP:  Zhang Xincheng (Steven Zhang) CHARACTER NAME:  Vitas Halvorsen AGE/DATE OF BIRTH:  25 years.  Born April 1998. PLACE OF BIRTH:  Ásbyrgi Canyon, Iceland OCCUPATION:  Phoenix Library & Museum Archivist and Freelance Information Broker HEIGHT:  5'10"/177 cm WEIGHT: 146 pounds/66 kg DEFINING FEATURES:  Svelte figure somewhat emaciated in appearance, pitch black eyes that often have dark circles under them, silver-rimmed reading glasses, blind in his left eye, skin pale and very cold to the touch, old surgical scar mid-sternum, bruises easily, only wears black or white or grey, never wears color, med alert bracelet, smart watch for monitoring heart rate, indiscernible dialect.
PERSONALITY:  Vitas was born with a hole in his heart and it shows.  His time is precious and he will not waste it on something or someone he interprets as inconsequential, so he often comes off as cold and uninterested.  It is extremely difficult for him to make lasting connections with others due to a general distrust in people and he is an exceedingly guarded person; however, once he does make a meaningful connection, his loyalty is without fault considering the painstakingly complicated levels one must break through in order to achieve such a status with him.  A smile from Vitas is extremely rare.  He prefers people who are honest and direct with him rather than those who use superficial speech and flattery.  However, he does have a secret passion for poetry and someone truly heartless would not be able to write such beautiful prose…right?  Oddly enough, he seems to have a strong affinity with ravens, wolves, and horses.  He does not hesitate to vocalize his frustrations, but he does so with an eerily calm demeanor.  He will also not hesitate to bluntly correct someone when they are wrong or confront them for lying.  There is only one thing he fears and death is NOT it.  Very rarely does he raise his voice, mostly speaking with a monotonous and almost mechanical baritone.  Vitas is OBSESSED with learning everything that he possibly can, from reading books, to studying online, to people-watching.  To hear him speak the words “I don’t know” would be a rare feat.  He strongly advocates AGAINST gatekeeping knowledge of any kind and if he has the answer to a question, then he will give it; if he does not have an answer, then he will find it.  Has this been known to cause a bit of chaos?  Absolutely.  Does he care?  Not one bit.
He is VERY particular about routine and is an extremely clean and organized person.  It is common to see him with a cup of coffee which he really should not be drinking due to his heart condition, but if he is sleeping then he is not reading.  However, even when he sleeps, he maintains lucidity, relives memories and reviews information while dreaming.  He is able to recall every second of his life since the moment of his birth.  Because he is so transfixed on studying, he often forgets to eat and will only grab a quick bite when he remembers or just so he does not take his medicine on an empty stomach.  He is insanely efficient with regard to research and finding the desired answers, practically a living Google search engine.  Physically, his health is tragically fragile, but he is extremely resourceful.
HISTORY:   [Trigger warnings–Death, murder, violence, gore, torture, sexual assault, child abandonment, cannibalism]
Adelheid Halvorsen was hiking with her sister Marta to see the Northern Lights, celebrating her recent retirement.  In the still of the Wednesday night, amid the silence of the cold, neither expected to hear the squawking of ravens.  They scrambled in the dark to find the lifeless body of what had once been a beautiful woman, her throat slit and eyes being plucked out by two large, black birds.  Beside her, an infant barely even clothed with a blood-stained blanket was almost as pale as the snow upon which he had fallen, still and silent.  While Marta shooed away the ravens and checked the woman for a pulse, Adelheid gathered the baby and examined him.  Finding him to be alive and the mother dead, the siblings rushed to the nearest town for medical assistance and police were dispatched to the scene.  It was a miracle the newborn was alive–not just from surviving cold exposure within hours of his birth, but also he had been born with a hole in his heart which prompted a prolonged admission to the NICU.  Upon discovering the mother’s identity, her own parents underwent a gruesome investigation.  They confessed their daughter had not wanted the child and had tried everything to rid herself of the fetus.  When the baby was born, she wanted nothing to do with it yet did not want to be tied to it in any way; if she could not kill the child, then she would let nature do it for her and leave the newborn in the freezing canyon to die.  Her killer, however, was never caught.
Never had she expected that in her retirement she would become a mother, but after learning the newborn’s own grandparents were despicable monsters themselves, Adelheid offered to adopt the boy after having no children of her own.  She named him Vitas, meaning “life-giving”.  Vitas was a very quiet and withdrawn child which was often attributed to his physical ailment, having undergone several operations as an infant.  Before the age of three, it was apparent to Adelheid that she had a prodigy on her hands because Vitas learned things at a frighteningly fast pace and was fiercely independent.  She likened living with him to having a very intelligent but finicky cat for a roommate.  While others were often unnerved by his presence and despite his biological grandparents insisting he was an abomination, Adelheid still loved him and reminded Vitas of this each night.  It was important to her that he understood he was loved–because a monster was not a monster when it was loved.  He could read, speak in full sentences, and had a nearly breathtaking knack for writing exquisite poetry for someone so young; in fact, he seemed wise far beyond his years and remembered everything with astounding accuracy.  Adelheid discovered fairly early on that the boy could not see out of his left eye which doctors attributed to a blockage in the vessels they had missed during one of his many procedures.  Due to his physical limitations, he spent most of his time indoors with his nose buried in a book.  However, she also noticed he did not have interest in playing with her grandnieces and grandnephews his own age.  He had no interest in making friends at school or on the playground, more interested in playing Chess and Go with the old men at the park or frequenting the library; but the only company he truly cared about was Adelheid.  She was the only person who mattered in his world. 
And then she was gone.  At the age of ten, Vitas woke to find Adelheid unresponsive on the bathroom floor.  She had been so concerned about his health that she had neglected her own warning signs, thinking the pressure in her chest was just heartburn.  Despite his best efforts with chest compressions, Vitas and the paramedics were unable to revive her.  After the frail boy over-exerted himself trying to save Adelheid, Vitas himself suffered a cardiac episode that landed him another extended hospital stay.  He blamed himself for Adelheid’s death–if he hadn’t been asleep, then he would have seen the signs, could have caught it early, could have saved her.  Suddenly, there was no one left to love him, no one left to tell Vitas that he was not a monster.  His grandparents still wanted nothing to do with him.  Marta took custody of Vitas, but was deeply unnerved by the boy’s closed-off demeanor and struggled to connect with him, especially since she was very outgoing and enjoyed her social life as well as time with her own children and grandchildren.  Vitas became more like a shadow of a person and she often forgot he was there due to his quiet and independent nature.
Marta barely noticed that Vitas learned languages quickly; his excuse was that he wanted to learn everything and he could not do that if he did not understand the language the information was in.  When his teachers began suggesting to Marta that he skip grades due to his intelligence, she finally took note of him.  He became more of a commodity to her, just a way to get attention from people by bragging about his academic accomplishments, but she still treated him more as an obligatory guest than family.  He graduated high school at the age of twelve and was accepted to Bifröst University to study linguistics.  However, as a minor, he required a legal guardian and Marta was unwilling to move but also unwilling to part with the accolades that came with having a young genius, so her son took physical custody of the boy while Marta remained his official guardian.  Her son, Jakoby, was not a pleasant person.  He did not like how Vitas always corrected him and called out his blatant lies; he didn’t like how Vitas never laughed or showed any emotion; he didn’t like how Vitas required so much medical maintenance; he didn’t like that his mother was more interested in Vitas’s accomplishments than his own; but he DID like how pretty Vitas was.  And with how weak the boy was, it wasn’t like he could fight against the assaults of a full grown man.
Until he did fight back.  The first night, he was a victim.  The second night, he studied.  The third night, it was his turn to teach Jakoby a lesson.  After inducing a cardiac episode at school, he stole ketamine from the hospital along with other supplies including a scalpel which he snuck out in his backpack.  He made a quick stop at the grocery for other ingredients and returned home.  That evening, Jakoby wondered why the kitchen floor was covered in plastic tarps just as he felt the sharp prick of a needle in his thigh.  He fell to the floor, still conscious but paralyzed and unable to speak.  Vitas had no expression on his face as he flipped the man over, removed his clothes, and proceeded to castrate him with surgical precision, coldly describing every cut along the way with a heartless monotone.  Feeling the man’s blood oozing onto his hands had been the first time those fingers had felt warm since before Adelheid’s death.  Once he had sutured the wounds, he taped Jakoby’s wrists and legs together and nonchalantly prepared a pot of dumplings out of his minced genitals which he then proceeded to feed to his tearful and fearful abuser once the sedative had worn off.  Vitas informed Jakoby that if he ever told anyone what had happened, if he ever touched Vitas again, then Vitas would kill him, that Vitas already had complete access to his bank accounts, his emails, knew enough about his work and work relationships to imitate him without anyone being the wiser.  His studies and adolescence continued without further incident from Jakoby, who now feared the little monster under his roof and could tell no one.
Once graduating with a Bachelor’s in Linguistics at the age of fourteen, Vitas continued his education to obtain his Master’s and ultimately his Doctorate, graduating summa cum laude at the age of 21.  Because of his fluency in several languages, the university hired him as a translator, putting him to work not just with classes traveling to other countries, but also with upgrading their website to multiple languages in order to reach a broader variety of students outside of Iceland; he even taught English to several business professors and did some private tutoring on the side for other languages.  While he was at it, might as well digitalize the entire university library and learn computer code for fun.  Who knew hacking would be so easy?  And boring, honestly.  But what he found to be most satisfying as well as lucrative was selling information.  People wanted to know very personal and private details that may be difficult to obtain, but Vitas rose to the challenge and excelled.  Studying international law would be beneficial, too, so that was next on his list.  Several successful predictions regarding financial investments landed him quite the substantial albeit secret wealth that he merely used to fund further research.  While accompanying a class to serve as translator in South Korea, Vitas noticed a pair of large ravens nearly everywhere he went.  Despite having been born only hours before their first meeting, he recognized the pair immediately, recalled the night he had been found in the canyon, recalled how it had been their talons that had slashed his mother’s throat, had been the ones to draw Adelheid near to find him.  Once the class had boarded the plane to return to Iceland, he noticed the ravens still on the wing of the craft and took it as a sign.  He excused himself, took his luggage, and followed the birds to a bridge.  That bridge led him to Mount Phoenix and ultimately the truth behind his heritage when the ravens, Huginn and Muninn, told him the identity of his father and Vitas found a new home as well as an opportunity to learn from the gods themselves.
Rapid Integration–Vitas is able to absorb information near-instantly.  Once learned, it’s in his memory for life.
Total Recall–With a perfect memory, all information Vitas has ever learned can be recalled with frightening accuracy.  In fact, he can even recall the moment he was born.
Muscle Memory–Much like his mind, his muscles are able to recall any physical move he makes; however, due to his health, he is very weak with poor endurance or stamina.
Resourceful–Vitas is quite astute in using his surroundings, knowledge, and people to complete any task.
Intelligent–Due to his eidetic memory, he recalls everything he has ever learned.
Omniglot–Due to his ability to learn things almost instantly, he speaks and reads many languages including Icelandic, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Dutch, English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Greek, Portuguese, Latin, Romanian, Russian, Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, Thai, Braille, Morse Code, and sign language (American and Chinese).  He is ALWAYS in the process of mastering a new language.
Master Strategist–He is able to calculate moves far in advance, making him exceptionally good at correctly predicting what someone will do or how they will react; he is also quite adept at Go and Chess.
Puzzle Wizard–Vitas can solve most riddles, puzzles, cryptographs, and mysteries within moments.  He actually loves a good challenge.
Paranoid–Due to past experiences, he is not at all trusting of people and often suspects everyone around him to have ulterior motives.
Standoffish–Vitas is not a friendly person; he comes off as cold and distant and is not a fan of idle chatter or schmoozing for the sake of connecting with strangers.
Obsessive–If something strikes his interest, he HAS to thoroughly research it, be it a book or a person; they are one in the same.
Stubborn–Once he sets his mind to something, it is nearly impossible to change it.
Physically Weak–His mental capacity may be formidable, but his body is significantly frail; easy fatigability. 
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nyxlaufeyson · 1 year
(Opening Pandora's Box) Chapter 3 - A Really Unimpressive Plan
Main Masterlist - Pandora's Box Masterlist
A/N: This chapter isn't my favorite, but it is necessary to continue the story. I still hope you enjoy it! I am excited for the chapters to come.
"So, let me get this straight, you accidentally killed a guy, assaulted a Norse King which resulted in your exile, escaped Helheim, and now they want us to do their work and hand you over to them?" Tony recapped, shaking his head.
Pandora nodded, confirming everything she had told them. She sat on a couch, other members of the team scattered around her, yet they weren't to be confused as off-guard. Pandora could tell they were still tense around her, which she deemed reasonable.
Thor paced the room, hammer still in his hand. He was wrestling with his thoughts, trying to come up with a plausible explanation and solution. After a while of thinking, he sat down on a couch opposite to Pandora, next to his brother.
Loki smirked, admittedly enjoying his brother's torment. "Oh come on brother, is it really so hard to believe that Odin lied to you, yet again? Need I remind you of the countless other times-" Thor glared at him. "Enough, Loki."
"Would anyone like a drink?" Tony said, rubbing his forehead as a few people answered, including Pandora. "I'll take one." She said, and Tony raised his eyebrow.
"Are you old enough to drink?" He joked, and Pandora rolled her eyes. She may appear young to the mortal eye, but she certainly wasn't a child. "The ID in my wallet says I am." She replied, shrugging. "I can work with that." Tony said, walking into the other room.
"If you argue self defense, why be so on-guard? Loki hadn't even engaged yet you were still suspicious. Why?" Natasha asked, trying to unwrap as much of the story as she could.
Pandora tossed an apple into the air, catching it. "Wouldn't you if you had several very powerful beings after you?" She reasoned, biting into the apple.
Natasha considered this for a moment before giving Pandora a small smile. "Fair." After all, the assassin had been in some similar situations.
Steve scrunched his eyebrows, eyeing the apple Pandora held. "Where did you get that apple?" He asked, scratching his head.
Pandora shrugged and took another bite as Tony walked back into the room, holding a few drinks. "Hey, who took the last apple? Peter isn't going to be happy." Tony said, handing drinks around the room.
As Steve turned back to Pandora, she smiled at him when he realized the apple was no longer there.
Pandora took a sip of the drink, the taste sharp on her tongue. It seemed to be mostly pure alcohol, but she drank it nonetheless. Of course, it had little chance of getting her drunk, as her Vanir metabolism was higher than the standard on Midgard.
"Did you have anything to do with the whole Pandora's box thing?" Clint asked, recalling a myth he remembered reading about at some point to his kids.
Pandora considered the question for a moment before answering. "Well, Midgaurdian myths often hold some truth to them. I was more of an outcast in Vanaheim, even before all the magic shit went down. And, well, some people weren't very fond of me. I was basically the scapegoat for some people, even if it was entirely their fault."
Pandora fidgeted with her hands as she talked, revealing a bit more of her story. It frightened her, sharing, afraid that it would be held against her for later usage. However, she held back her fear and let herself open up the tiniest bit in hopes to evade trouble.
With no response, Pandora continued. "So I hope you can understand why I'm not in love with the idea of going back to Vanaheim or Asgard, as they're the ones that sent me away in the first place."
After another moment of silence, someone spoke up. "I believe you." Pandora turned her head to the person who had spoken the words, Natasha, who smiled as she met Pandora's gaze.
"What!?" Clint said, surprised. "Look, I'm not saying I 100% trust her, but I believe what she's told us so far. I think she's being genuine." Natasha defended, and Pandora smiled at her.
"Thank you." Pandora said softly, lost in the fact that someone just defended her. She hadn't had many, if any, friends. Even if Natasha wasn't exactly a friend, it still made her happy to know that not everyone was against her.
Natasha nodded and Thor still sat contemplating his thoughts. "So, what the hell are we going to do?" Tony asked, taking another sip of his drink.
"We'll have to go to Asgard." Thor said, and as protests arose, he raised his hand to continue speaking. "I'm not saying we will necessarily hand her over to Odin, but we can't exactly keep her here. Heimdall would be able to see her."
Pandora nodded, silently agreeing with him. She wasn't even sure how Heimdall didn't see her in the first place.
"But how would you even go about that? From what we've heard, they seemed to have acted rashly with Pandora in the past, who says they won't immediately kill her?" Natasha questioned, taking another sip of her drink.
"If Odin lied to Thor in the first place, I doubt that he'd throw out the whole 'trial' idea. I don't know what Odin's plans are, but he wouldn't risk anything getting out to the public eye." Pandora said, thinking of the do's and don'ts of royal politics.
"So what are you going to do, just go to Asgard and take it from there?" Steve asked, unimpressed with the lack of a plan.
Thor shrugged. "There's not much we can do without assessing the situation first. I say that me and Loki bring her back to Asgard and act like we don't know anything. Odin has to consult with a council before making any big decisions, and I can sit in and push for more information."
Steve shook his head, sighing. "What if something goes wrong? You can't just leave her there, or it could end up in a repeat of... whatever happened the first time."
Pandora offered a small smile to Steve. "I appreciate the concern, but Thor's right. If I wasn't to be taken to Asgard, eventually others would be sent after me. I can't run forever, I need to address the situation at some point, even if the idea doesn't thrill me."
"Besides, if all else fails, I'm sure mother can help." Thor considered, and Pandora smiled at the mention of Frigga. "I've heard stories of the Allmother, but I haven't had the pleasure of meeting her yet."
Frigga hadn't been involved with Pandora's exile, but Pandora had heard of what the Allmother had done for all of the realms. Many said that she was a kind and generous soul, and that she helped those who were in need.
"Oh, Mother's lovely, she's very likable. Isn't that right Loki?" Thor asked, nudging his brother who muttered something in the affirmative.
"Alright, then that's settled. When do we leave?" Pandora asked, bringing her hands to her sides as she took a final sip from her now-empty glass.
"We shall call for the Bifrost tomorrow morning. I'm sure Stark has an extra room somewhere in this establishment." Thor said, and Tony nodded. "Me and Loki shall be the only ones accompanying Lady Pandora, as I'm not sure how this will play out. I do not know when we will be back, but I expect it won't be a swift journey." Thor said, and Pandora nodded.
"Sounds good." Pandora said, thankful that she wasn't just going to be thrown to the sharks. Whether or not the sharks would still get to her, however, was still to be determined.
Tony clapped his hands together, happy to finally get things sorted out. "Alright then. FRIDAY, set up a room for Miss Magic." He said to the ceiling. "A room across from Miss Romanoff is being prepared as we speak, sir."
Pandora's eyes widened as the computerized voice spoke, eyeing the ceiling suspiciously. "Pandora, meet FRIDAY, an artificial intelligence system more advanced than practically everything else on the market." Tony boasted, sensing Pandora's confusion. "And FRIDAY will be keeping an eye on you, so don't try anything stupid."
Pandora nodded, not fully understanding what FRIDAY was. "Okay, come on, I can show you to your room. Big day tomorrow." Natasha said, getting up. They bid their goodnights and Pandora followed Natasha through the hallways, eventually leading up to a door.
Natasha pointed at one of the doors and turned to Pandora. "That's yours. Hold on a second." She said, turning to another door and walking in before coming back with a pile of clothes.
"Here's some clothes, hopefully they fit, you look about my size." She said, handing Pandora the clothes. "Thank you." Pandora said, gratefully accepting them.
"No problem. Now get some rest, I'll see you before you leave tomorrow." Pandora nodded and wished Natasha a good night before settling into her new room and collapsing onto the bed. 
A/N: Thoughts? Love to here them! Comments and votes are always appreciated. 
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childofaura · 1 year
I can't really fault Kusakihara's art from a technical standpoint. But the guy does have a creepy legacy. He was responsible for the armour design in Fates, which is just rife with battlethongs, almost exclusively for the women (especially egregious being the female armour knight promotion).
When being interviewed alongside Kozaki, he referenced that Camilla's design was based on " a cow". Then made moo moo noises while laughing.
It is not as glaring in Heroes, but when you know about the guy's history, it's hard to feel comfortable with some of the designs and accept it's just demands from further up the line. Especially since he is very high up himself within Intsys.
He just gives creepy vibes imo.
First off anon, I do wanna state that we’re gonna probably disagree on some points. But the most important fact of the matter is that your feelings and opinions are still valid, regardless of the disagreement.
Now honestly… maybe it’s because I’m an old hag who’s seen things, but the armor designs don’t bug me TOO much. I will absolutely give you the female armor knights though because seeing Sophie in full armor with a little bikini thong on was just… goofy. Like it’s not even a matter of sexualization to me, it’s just janky character design.
But I honestly think Fates balances the fan service between the men and the women mostly decently enough. I mean… Odin’s walking around in the sluttiest mage outfit I’ve ever seen on a man. Kaze, Saizo, Keaton, Kaden, and and Niles all have their man-tiddies hanging out in a V-neck. So I’ll take the male with the female fanservice. To me, weird as it is, the Camilla thing definitely sounds more like a joke. I’d be uncomfortable if he was talking about a real woman like that, but a fictional character doesn’t bother me too much.
Again, this isn’t me telling people not to feel the way that they do about the guy. People are entitled to their opinions and I respect that. I just feel like it’s not the worst thing when it comes to the character designs; FE’s a fantasy game so as goofy as the bikini-armor can be, I’m fine with it.
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Daddy issues doesn't mean it's the child's fault. Its just specifying where the trauma is from its not making it the victim's fault
That's right, it's not what it means but that's how most people use it. There are many nasty implications in how certain people use those words to belittle, mock and laugh at sons and daughters who are suffering from trauma and PTSD, some of which attempt to invalidate their feelings and victim blame them for their issues.
As I said in my post, the characters mentioned in that scene are Stark, Thor, Loki and Quill - so Howard, Odin(*) and Ego. The only one of those to be rightfully framed as a terrible father and a downright villain is Ego, the other two had scenes where their sons hung out with them and "forgave" them for their terrible parenting, neither Howard nor Odin have ever been made accountable for their actions, the narrative mostly frames them as good people who might have made mistakes but the way they treated their sons was never addressed, and they never apologized for anything let alone acknowledged their behaviour.
So the fact that Marvel refuses to tackle bad parenting in a serious manner, gives bad fathers scenes to justify and frame them positively, and the "daddy issues" line is said in a comedy show in the middle of a joke with a funny tone? I don't know what to tell you, I don't like it at all.
(*) I'm choosing to ignore Laufey here but Loki's kidnapping and subsequent change of physiology by Odin has never been addressed even though it's a huge violation of his bodily autonomy. It wasn't an adoption, it was fostering.
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lucianalight · 4 years
Spot the Hypocrisy (6)
Thor: *In TDW Thor abdicated the throne but when he realized Hela is not suitable for the throne, he fought her for it and became king.*
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Thor’s actions aren’t perceived to be wrong, despite the fact that Hela is technically the rightful heir to throne as the first born and Thor had previously abdicated the throne. Because everyone realize that Thor stopping a war-monger from becoming the ruler is the right choice.
T’Challa: *When Killmonger arrives at the court, T’Challa refuses to ask his name and reveal his identity to people, until one of the Elders ask Killmonger about it.*
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No one faults T’Challa for not asking about Killmonger’s identity and trying to protect the throne. Because despite Killmonger having a point, everyone know he would want to wage war on the world and his ways to achieve his goals are wrong.
Killmonger: *When his identity is revealed he challenges T’Challa for the throne since it is his right as the son of a prince, but he later refuses to finish the challenge when it turns out that T’Challa survived.*
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It is clear that challenging T’Challa for the throne is not what makes Killmonger to be in the wrong, but rather his refusal to meeting the conditions of the challenge which takes away his title as the king.
Loki: *Upon realizing that Thor won’t be a good king because he is arrogant, reckless and dangerous, he enacted a plan to show Thor’s reaction and behavior to Odin. And also protect the realms from Thor’s rule for a while longer. Loki never intended to get the throne instead of Thor after that(“I’ve never wanted the throne”). He also didn’t steal the throne. As Odin had fallen into Odinsleep and Frigga refused to leave his side, Loki was next in line and the throne was rightfully his.*
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Although Loki’s way in disrupting Thor’s coronation wasn’t right(but understandable as we’ve seen he is constantly being shut down and ignored), his goal was to prevent a war-monger to rule the nine realms. Loki also didn’t intended for them to actually reach Jotunheim as he had ordered a soldier to inform Odin so he can stop them. And Loki was right about Thor since he started a war with Jotunheim just because he was called a princess.
Fans: Loki stole the throne from his brother! He is evil!
Loki Fandom:
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In Thor1, Loki did exactly the same thing as Thor and T’Challa and tried to protect the throne and the world from the rule of a war-monger. Yet, his actions and motivations are perceived to be wrong and evil just because he is villain coded.
Not to mention that, just as Killmonger, Loki had a right to claim the throne as one of the princes. While Thor didn’t even had that right with Hela in TR, since he had abdicated the throne in TDW. The difference is that narrative portrays Thor’s and Killmonger’s claim to the throne rightful, while portrays Loki to be the villain for claiming one of his rights.
Even in TDW, while Loki overpowering Odin and taking his place was mostly out of revenge for sentencing him to life in solitary confinement, he still took the throne from someone who wasn’t fit to be a king anymore. Odin made rash decisions and was willing to endanger Asgardian lives to take his revenge. He even ordered for Thor and Loki to be stopped by any means necessary. Loki taking Odin’s place also prevented Thor and his friends to be punished for their treason. Then disguised as Odin, Loki offered the throne to Thor and called him king of Asgard. But Thor refused the throne. And since Odin wasn’t fit to be king and Loki technically never lost his title as a prince of Asgard, the throne rightfully was his.
Yet again, the same actions of Loki, the villain coded character, is perceived differently than the hero coded characters. How preventing Thor from ruling the nine realms in Thor1, is different from what Thor did in TR to stop Hela’s rule? How is it different from what T’Challa did, to protect the world from Killmonger’s war-mongering and rule? Why Loki’s actions and reasons, however logical and based on evidence, always dismissed and perceived as him being evil? Why the same actions of hero-coded characters and villain-coded characters are treated differently?
Previous Parts:
Part 1 (Loki faked his death™)
Part 2 (Redemption)
Part 3 (Loki kills people)
Part 4 (Torture)
Part 5 (Mind Control)
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marvelsimp97 · 2 years
Beauty and the Beast (Loki x Reader) Part Eight
Summary: (Name) grew up in a small village in Vanaheim. When she was a small child barbarian men attacked the village and most of the people remembers a beast which killed the barbarians. No one remembers where the beast came or where it disappeared. (Name) knows the beast however, like no one else. Now, after fifty years, Prince Thor of Asgard visits the village searching for a maid who wouldn’t get scared of his brother and who would make sure that the younger prince would get up in time and would attend to the events and meetings he needs to. The blonde arrives right after (Name)’s father throws her out and tells her never to return. (Name) is in need of a roof above her head and money so she accepts the offer because well, she doesn’t really have a choice.
Word count: 2876
Warnings: fluff
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'How could have that happened?!' roared Odin in his study. You stood with your shoulder under Loki's left arm trying to keep him upright. He was still weak but you knew he was only pretending so he could annoy you. Therefore you had to listen to the All-Father's raging since... thirty minutes.
That question left his lips at least seven times already as the Captain of the Einharjar tried to explain what happened. The same man you saw Loki talk to so many weeks ago, Wirn was his name you got to know during this meeting. Frigga was present too but the room was otherwise full of men.
'This is my fault...' Loki sighed keeping his voice quiet.
'No, Loki.' you replied back. 'You could not have known they would capture her.'
'They must have found a weak point on the palace walls surrounding the actual palace.' he shook his head barely visible.
'Look, you cannot control everything, okay?' you furrowed your eyebrows. 'You can do against it by figuring out a plan to rescue her. That is the only thing you can do right now. And besides I am certain that they want to trade her for something otherwise they would not have bothered with getting in and taking her.'
'I swear you worth way more than half the men present here.' your Trickster huffed with a smirk on his thin lips. 'That is why I find you so fascinating, love.'
'Stop it, Loki!' you hissed with a blush covering your face making him chuckle quietly.
'Loki? Do you not have anything to add?' boomed the All-Father drawing everyone's attention to the two of you. You saw how half the captain and lieutenants found your love pathetic for still being weak from the injury but you knew they would've died on the battlefield from the poison Loki survived.
'I think that the barbarians wish to trade her for something they want from us.' he replied not showing how irritated he was from the pitying and judging gazes he got on his form. 'Mostly they must want gold... but we should wait a little in case they decide to reveal their motives.'
'What if the princess gets murdered while we are waiting?!' gritted his teeth a blonde man impatiently.
'They would not have broken in and taken her if they wanted nothing in exchange.' rolled his blue eyes Loki irritated of these stupid men. The other half of the men nodded in agreement. They finally made a plan, okay, Loki made the plan everyone else just listened reluctantly or agreeing. It was way past midday when you got out of Odin's study. You could feel how tired your prince was so you put him back in bed and quickly went for your meals. On the way you met Sarun and Tarth but told them that you had no time to chat so they let you go on your way.
You noticed how happy both of them were and you were happy for them. Sarun deserved to find someone nice after how that guy, some Olän or Oläg or something dumped him because well... the bastard had a family all the while he was sleeping with your best friend. But somebody did stop you. He was blonde and blue eyed, and a prince, Loki's older brother, Thor. He put a hand on your shoulder and looked deep into your eyes suspicion shining in them as he squinted at you.
'Why are you concerned if I have feelings for Lady Sif?' asked blatantly the blonde prince. Your eyes widened and you gulped smiling innocently up at him.
'I am noooot!' you waved with your hand.
'I know you are!' shook his head Thor. 'Loki asked me. He said you wanted to know.'
'I am going to kill your brother, with all due respect.' you forced a smile on your face. 'Why are you asking, Thor?'
'Do you have feelings for me?' asked back the blonde. You sighed and shook your head.
'No, but I know you have feelings for Lady Sif.' you poked his chest making his eyes widen and quickly he looked away from you trying to hide the slight blush. You smirked mischievously and continued. 'And as I saw, you never realized she has feelings for you too.'
'Why are you concerned with that?' huffed the elder prince.
'Because I want to help, you oaf.' you groaned but immediately slapped your hand over your mouth in realization that you just called the crown prince, the one to take over the throne one day an oaf.
'You are indeed spent all of your time with my brother.' Thor chuckled and ruffled your hair with his large meaty hand. 'You know, he only talks about you, (Name). I never saw him as happy as he is now with you at his side. Never let him deceive you with his words if he refuses you. He will think he is protecting you from... something.'
'From himself? I know he is a Frost Giant.' you replied. 'He told me... showed me and there is nothing which can scare me away from him. I might even... love him.' you looked down blushing. You knew how true these words were and you were happy to say it. But you knew you needed to say it to him not anyone else.
'Tell him that before he starts to over think everything and starts to draw away. Someone else let that happen a long time ago and he only got deeper in the pit he dug for himself.' smiled at you sadly Thor. 'I did not realize that until he let that spear go and fell off the Rainbow Bridge. But it is too late for me to reach out for him. You know, what I saw in you when I visited Vanaheim and we first met? I saw that you were special. I saw that you could change something within the palace. That you can bring a new era to Asgard.'
'But I am just a-'
'You are more than you think. Way more, (Name).' replied Thor before saying you his goodbyes and left to his meetings. You were different in a way, you were a beast. But you thought you could only bring death and disaster, destruction. You wished that you will be able to keep that part of you behind your skin. You stood there alone in the middle of the hallway more than you thought and so you had to make your way to Loki's chambers half running half walking.
He questioned you why you came so late but you only revealed that you met Thor on the way and he asked you about the questions Loki pointed to him. You scolded the dark haired prince for being so indiscrete but you still wanted to show Sif that the blonde oaf was reciprocating her feelings. However you had a more urgent case: bringing back Princess Astrina.
Time skip~
Two days passed since the council agreed on a plan to get the princess out of the barbarians' hands. Loki now could walk around like before even if he still hissed in slight pain when he leaned down or moved the wrong way. You planned on telling him what happened with the barbarians back in your home town in Vanaheim.
He was a good sorcerer, one of the best maybe if you told him your problem he could find a solution or something. But there was a chance that he would be disgusted that a beast like you, were so close to him. You sighed as you ran a hand through your hair which was let out from the ponytail you wore all day. It was afternoon, the sun slowly descending to the sea. You just changed into your leather pants and white linen shirt to go into the capital. You wanted to look for something, anything that would hold your interest or just to pass time. There was a knock on your door making you roll your eyes. Who the hell wanted anything from you again? When you were already on your break? You sighed again and went to the door opening it to reveal Loki standing there in his riding clothes and boots. You narrowed your eyes at him.
'Why are you in your riding attire?' you asked but only noticed the armour-y accents to his outfit.
'Thor and I will depart now with the Warriors and Lady Sif with a handful of guards to retrieve Princess Astrina.' he replied confused like he expected you to know.
'In this condition?! You go nowhere like that!' you cried out in anger and worry.
'I am fine, (Name).' replied the raven haired prince narrowing your eyes.
'No, you are not! I saw you limping in your room and hissing in pain! What if you get more injured?!' you protested. You wanted to hide your worry behind anger but as your face got more and more heated you had to realize that the burning in your eyes will not go away forcing the tears to the surface. You thought back to the day the nurses placed him on his bed lying unconsciously. 'What if I... lose you?!' you whispered because your voice was weak.
You felt arms wrap tightly around you and pull you into his firm chest. You smelled his pine and fresh spring-water scent while he smelled like forest after a heavy rain also. It was soothing you and since the kiss he stole from you, you wanted to feel his embrace, feel his touch on your skin. Your circled your arms around his waist and buried your face into his chest deeper.
'I will come back uninjured. We are only going to arrange a false peace-treaty. That is my plan, you heard it on the meeting.' he pulled away just to cup your cheeks in his hands to look you in the eye.
You stared into his eyes knowing he was telling the truth but you felt odd. You felt like there was going to happen something wrong and you had to stop it. You knew the barbarians will not let them get back uninjured that those men were ruthless and rotten to the depth of their souls. You narrowed your eyes before saying:
'I am coming with you.'
Silence engulfed you as his black eyebrows drew together in confusion and worry. You knew he was going to protest and will never let you come along but you had to make sure he was safe.
'No, you are not, darling.' he shook his head. 'It is too dangerous for you.'
'I have to show you something.' you replied determined. 'In private. I only trust you to show it.'
Loki nodded and led you down the hall by grabbing your hand. The two of you walked past the training field, the corridors and halls of the palace to narrow, dark corridors until you reached a simple wooden door. He waved his hand in front of it evoking golden sparkles dance from top to bottom on its surface. He pushed it open and led you into a back garden. It was facing the mountains of Asgard, the mountains which were shining at their peak with fresh snow. Your breath got caught in your throat as you realized that this wasn't just a garden. It was a large pillar extending towards the abyss below. On the left there was a waterfall falling into the abyss roaring like a lion. Small patches of green were decorating the cliff on the opposite side of where you were standing. On the pillar different kind of beautiful flowers were growing under a large tree with snow white foliage.
'My mother kept my lessons here a long time ago. She taught me magic here.' Loki said smiling at you. 'It is still so beautiful. I come here often if I need some privacy.'
'I have never seen anything so gorgeous...' you breathed looking around admiring the sight.
'So? You wanted to tell me something.' reminded you the prince. You nodded and turned towards the end of the pillar pointing to the abyss. You swallowed hard knowing you had to do this no matter how scared you were. Panic always helped you change and falling into the abyss will scary enough.
'Just watch and you will see.' you said before taking off towards the abyss. Loki cried out in protest but his hand couldn't reach you as he reached after you. Your heart was beating so fast in your chest but excitement was circling in your veins. You reached the end of the cliff while you heard Loki calling after you in fear for your life. You wanted to laugh but you were too occupied with showing him your true self. You kicked yourself off the cliff at the edge and dived into the depth below arms spread wide open. Wind was blowing into your face and hair as you were falling rapidly. It was soothing in a way but frightening. You closed your eyes and reached back into your soul. When you opened your eyes again they were (f/c) and your pupils were only black slits. You felt your arms and legs turn into dragon legs with large claws, your wings springing free from your back and your face change into a dragon's muzzle. You grinned with your sharp and edgy teeth as you turned upwards and kicked yourself high into the air.
You flied higher and higher until you got out of the abyss. You let your body stop in the air when you shot out of the abyss. As you stopped the sun made your scales shine like (f/c) jewels. You turned to where Loki was standing with his jaw dropped, blue eyes wide with his legs grounded to the grass like there were roots connecting him to it. You landed gently on the large cliff and circled around him watching him turn to you. You reached out with your mind knowing he was able to hear you.
Hi, Loki! you projected to him making the prince jump in surprise.
(Name)?! he cried out in surprise and disbelief. I thought you are going to die! How could you do that to me?!
You told me that you are a Frost Giant and I could not hide this from you anymore. you said expressing how hard it was for you to show him your true self. I said the guards of my hometown killed the barbarians back then but... that was all me. I panicked as a child and that day I realized what I was. I do not know if it is a curse or completely me but I want to use this for good.
You are beautiful... no matter in which form... he replied still in awe. You chuckled and leaned down with your long neck so you were on eye level with him. You projected a thought to him to pet you and so he reached out a hand and you pushed your nose into his cold hand. His slender fingers brushed along your scales as he observed you. I thought dragons were extinct. It is a miracle... you are a miracle, (Name).
Maybe I am the last one of my kind with my mother dead.
You never told me about your family.
My mother was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and the kindest. She had a beautiful voice... as of my father... he is a drunkard and always made me work instead of him on his fields. Thor brought me here right after my father kicked me out of my home. you replied. Your eyes widened suddenly remembering the time you first stepped into Asgard. Heimdall knew your name because your mother was escaping Asgard when you were just an infant. Maybe your mother was Asgardian and you had siblings here who could give you answers to your many questions.
We will find them. smiled at you Loki reassuringly. Would you mind changing back now? We need to depart.
You projected to him that you understood and pulled back from him. Your dragon form was engulfed by a bright light before your normal body emerged from it. You jumped at Loki hugging him tightly.
'You are not disgusted of me...' you breathed.
'How could I?!' he grabbed your face and kissed you passionately. You melted into his lips as your heart flattered in your chest.
Time skip~
You sat behind Loki on his black stallion called Aemis as you were riding through the capital to the outskirts of the Asgardian fields, into the dangerous forests. Thor and the others tried to tell the two of you that you would be in danger but Loki told could convince them that you were a skilled fighter, which you were in a way.
It was a long way to the barbarians and you could only hope that Astrina was alright. You had an intuition that she could take care of herself but you were grateful to her for pushing you towards Loki. You already took care of barbarians once and you will take revenge for the loss Hemnor suffered back then again.
To be continued...
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