#Which is odd because I usually like Orange colors
giggly-squiggily · 1 year
I love green, but your blue era will always be my favorite.
Ah, yes! The Langa era! 🥰 That one's definitely up there in fave blog themes! Who knows- I just might bring it back this winter 👀 (or maybe even Purple? Decisions, decisions!)
AKkerakjerjke Thank you so much! :)
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lanatusnebula · 3 months
Well clearly I am confused.
#My art style keeps changing and every time I do something new#I yearn for the days of old#where i want to draw what i used to draw like but also loathe the anatomical inconsistencies#i think 2020 may have had my best works which sucks because i'm on the decline#text post#lana please shut up#i also want to ask why there are mmx fans that keepndrawing charactera with#odd skin tones that are very drastically different from canon#it confuses me greatly#is it from an au or some sort of fic that isnpopular on here#or a fanon type thing because it seems to be consistent between select artists#i think skin color alteration is very strange on canon colors#i just end up collecting characters with my skin color like miruko or grey instead of altering things#its odd but fine i think i just dont understand the motivation behind it#actually it's kinda reverse of what artists do to faputa on pixiv#it makes me feral when people make faputa reg's skin color and then go “it's the lighting”#as if to say if you put me under a white light then i too shall be white in skin tone#or god forbid they have someone say indoors and become an entirely different race#maybe both ways makes me mad idk#i just hope it isnt the same thing that happened with dave strider back in homestuck days#it might be and i'm in denial#i will probably stick to canon skin colors for my fanart#unless the skin tone varies in the ref images then i'll bullshit it#adding tags is like whispering#but most of my characters (human looking) have whacky skin tones#by which i mean theyre usually everything but pale#but at the same time#the only pale character i can think of is the stark white one that is based on 0²#and i guess my tiger character but he has vitiligo since he was made Back Then when it was a fad#everyone else is fucking green or orange or somethign
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andyoullhearitagain · 7 months
Top Ten Least Bad Outfits in TNG
I'm gonna be honest and say that the non-uniform outfits in TNG are not my favorite costume design in the world, but there are some looks that stick with me:
10. That Girl Who Kissed Data That One Time's Outfit:
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I can never decide if I like this look or I think it's ugly, but I love the pants and tall boots combo. Her blouse is bad and the bouclé jacket is both too heavy and too fussy for this outfit, but I love the belt and suspenders combo, and the chevron embossing on the suspenders. This costume and all the others except #9 is a Robert Blackman design.
9. This Jumpsuit On That Girl From "The Dauphin":
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This is the only William Ware Theiss design on this list. I love his TOS stuff but most of his TNG designs leave me cold 🤷‍♀️. But I love this is extremely 80s jumpsuit. Love the pretty drape, love the ruching on the sleeves, love the harem pants silhouette. Only note is that the whole bodice should be a structured corset bodice instead of the kind of odd structured panel it has now.
8. Picard's Shorty Pyjama Set:
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TNG is absolutely full of the strangest pyjama choices you can imagine and Picard is no exception but I love this bold look. Would kill for this pyjama set. He also takes a work zoom wearing this one time which is insane.
7. Data's 1890's Looks But Specifically This One With The Shirtsleeves And The Blue Shirt:
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The best part of "Time's Arrow" is that Data isn't a fish out of water in the 1890s, he's absolutely killing it, and I love that the only real Casual Data look we get is this one. I prefer the blue shirt to the pink because Data should really wear more blue, it's a nice contrast with yellow. Please also note his emerald watch fob, which was 0% necessary to blend in, he's just having fun with it.
6. 12 Year Old Keiko's Linen Overalls:
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The paperbag waist! The bow! The little bows at the shirt cuffs! I can understand why she replicated a miniature copy of this outfit.
5. Beverly and Guinan's Dixon Hill Holodeck Costumes:
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I'm counting these as one because they're essentially the same design in different color pallets but what color paletts! Bev is pulling off the very difficult pink+red+red hair and the mint green on Guinan is 🤌. I particularly love how Guinan's hat is so 1940s yet also echos the silhouette of her usual costume.
4. Deanna's Teal Dress:
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Like all of you I prefer Deanna in the uniform, but this dress slays, ok? The space age asymmetrical neckline. The drop waist. The structured bodice. The slit almost all the way to the hip. And of course the matching tights and shoes CANNOT BE BEATEN. Also one time I saw a dude on a Star Trek forum call this a "ballgown" which baffles me to this day, this is clearly a slightly fancy day dress.
3. Picard's 1890s Look:
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You'd think Picard would go full posh in the 1890s but instead he gives us this working-class Shakespearean director look and he 👏 looks 👏 incredible 👏. Way to mix textures, Jean-Luc.
2. Lore's Turtleneck and Giant Vest:
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You and I know that Lore stole these clothes from the Pakleds because we pay a lot of attention to Star Trek costumes, but to a normal viewer Lore shows up and this is just his outfit!! It's giving, like, space-age goblincore and it's incredible. I want wear this oufit every day. I want to make a little doll Lore wearing this outfit to express my love for it. It's only not #1 because the pants are too orange and a strange weave.
Deanna's Ancient West Holodeck Outfit:
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Deanna!!! The pants! The hat! The calico! She looks 10/10 hot in this outfit. For sure the superior version of this is before she gives her neckerchief to Worf (it really benefits from that cool highlight) but either way this is the best anyone's ever looked on that holodeck.
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duchezss · 7 months
I recently finished reading all the Lockwood & Co books, and my god they were good, but it got me thinking. If the show continued, like it deserved too, would Holly and Kipps have gotten a signature color the same way the trio did? If so what would they be? Well I was looking at twitter and I saw that most people agree that Holly's color would be yellow, and Kipps' would be white, and I'll be honest I disagree so badly I'm about to write an essay. It's funny because I distinctly remember finishing the books and thinking, "ah watch everyone put their colors as yellow and white cause it's easy". LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER. Y'all just don't get color theory OR the characters the way I do so listen up.
Holly is many things. She's positive, and compassionate, and kind, but she is so much more than that. She's not just a "yellow", yes maybe she is the sunshine of the group, but honestly? Not really, and that's ok. She's fierce and sometimes she has a short temper, she pretends to let everything slide off her shoulder, when really she's just keeping it inside. That's why her and Lucy are constantly budding heads in the beginning of their friendship, they are so similar. I think her color should be red. She's constantly described as wearing it, and I think it really fits her. Red represents passion, energy, confidence, and excitement to name a few. Holly is always described as having a presence, and her energy and enthusiasm comes off her in waves. Red is usually described as the color of love, and I still think that fits. She has such love for the entire crew, and it's so clear she would go to the ends of the earth for them. I also think this would blend in with the others very well. Despite it not actually being blue's real opposite, blue and red are often seen as polar opposites, which really fits for Lucy and Holly's dynamic. It also works because red and orange are both warm colors and George and Holly have always gotten along. They are similar in their methodical and sometimes odd ways of life. I also think it's fun cause Skully's color is green, and green are red are direct color wheel opposites. I'm pretty sure he hates her the most, but Kipps is also competing hard for that title. And lastly black is kinda the color in between, now more on that in a second.
I see what twitter was going for, Lucy and George are blue and orange, direct color wheel opposites, because they are quite literally direct opposites. So it makes sense for Kipps to be white since he's the direct opposite of Lockwood? LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER AGAIN. Tell me y'all didn't understand their dynamic without telling me. Lockwood and Kipps didn't get along cause they were so different, they butted heads so hard because of how similar they are. It's exactly what happened with Lucy and Holly. Plus white represents a lot of things that are definitely not Kipps. My proposed color for him is purple, I know that's a little odd, but walk with me. Although it's never explicitly stated, one can assume that Kipps was an absolute prodigy when he had his talents. I only bring this up, because purple often represents royalty and luxury, and he practically became a fallen king when he lost the only thing he was ever good at it. But purple is much more than that, it also represents bravery, uniqueness. ambition, and justice. I think Kipps' original color is grey, and not just because of the uniform. Grey represents seriousness, sadness, and boredom. That's how Kipps was before, but when he remeets the crew during book 3 and 4, we begin to see the shift. The group helps him gain his ambition back, and with all of their love and support we even begin to see how brave he really is. He has a unique way of going through life, and even when all the odds are stacked against them, he still seeks justice. Purple fits with the general color scheme as well. It's very close to black, which represents how similar him and Lockwood are, and it's also a cooler color like blue. Kipps and Lucy certainly got along the easiest out of the crew.
Overall it just makes sense. George and Holly are the warmer colors, Lucy and Kipps the cooler, and Lockwood as the mediator between them. I feel like red might be a little hard to incorporate without being overpowering, and I know that purple isn't a super masculine color, but hell if those costume designer made full orange outfits look good they can literally do anything. Anyways I know this isn't that important, but ugh I love color theory so much, and I love how much thought the costume designers put in the first time. I feel like having Holly and Kipps color being yellow and white is just a cheap easy shot, and doesn't take into account the characters and their growth enough. I rest my case.
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redslug · 8 months
Coloring tutorial I guess
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That's my most default shading style, a hybrid of line drawing and painted shadows, and I'll tell you exactly how to get this look. But before we start, you need a weapon This is my main brush for basically anything, including line art on days when I don't feel like switching to something actually intended for inking. It's a lightly textured square brush with color variation on every stamp. Intended for Procreate but you can always just rip the alpha texture out of the file and use it for a brush in any drawing program. That out of the way, let's go. I'll use the same line art as the one in fluff tutorial. Set the line layer to ~60 or so opacity and get to blocking in the base colors of your character. The jitter brush will introduce some color variation on it's own, but changing the color occasionally will add more visual interest.
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After this I add a multiply layer on top and dab orange or red in places where we might be able to see the base of the hairs or peek at the carapace underneath.
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It's places where hair parts and where it's shorter. This accent color works great on joints as well. Example of the thing I'm going for in real life:
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Especially visible behind the head. It's not present on every moth to be fair, but I like to add these accents even where it wouldn't make sense, just because it looks nice. Even on insects without hair. Block in the eyes and mandibles now, best if it's on separate layer.
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Now, the actual funny tricks begin. If you're one of the people who only use multiply or add blend modes, stop it, get some help Understanding the math behind blend modes is gonna get you a long way. My lineart is set to subtract more often than not. I find it produces juicier and more colorful results than multiply. I want to give this picture a warm orange feeling, so the color of my lines should be the opposite - blue.
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And, subtract.
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Perfect, but not quite. We can push the lines to an even softer feeling. Take the line layer, copy it, invert the color and set to multiply. I then throw gaussian blur on the resulting copy and reduce opacity until the lines bleed into the surroundings just a little bit.
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On to actual shading. People who shade without getting in some background first scare me, so let me throw something together real quick.
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A simple gradient will also suffice for this use. We just need some information on which colors are present in the surroundings. Copy your background, bring it on top of your character layers and gaussian blur it real hard. Set it to multiply, remove all parts of the layer that go beyond the pixels of the base color layer. Adjust opacity until the character fits in the background.
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Let's identify the light sources. In this case it's only the sky, but it produces two distinct colors - soft blue lighting comes from the top, slightly stronger red comes from behind. The blue light I set to exclusion blend mode because it felt most appropriate in this case. Both add and screen looked too strong to be the light coming from such dark sky.
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In this lighting context the lower part of the body will receive less light that the upper part. I use the green of the bushes set to multiply to darken the bottom.
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The character is surrounded by all kinds of soft light, but it can't get everywhere. It's time to add ambient occlusion, or contact shadows, for those without a 3d background. Anywhere where there is a crevice or surfaces almost touch, a soft shadow will form.
I do it on a multiply layer with a neutral gray-green color. Gray because any color light isn't really getting in there and green because the fluff is somewhat transparent and whatever light does pass through it gains a greenish hue.
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Last step, red rim light from the fading sunset behind the character.
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Since it's rim light I just work with normal blending mode. Setting it to add or something of the sort would make the rim light brighter than the source of the light. And it'd be odd.
And that's it. I usually throw on some post processing in Snapseed. Pull some curves, throw on a bit of grain, etc. But it's a topic for another time.
In conclusion, try to think about the environment more when shading. What route does light go through to reach where you're coloring? Did it reflect off of any colored surface? Did it pass through something transparent to gain a different hue? What color shadow would this ambient lighting produce? Go have fun with your colors now.
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pamsimmer · 7 months
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When I made "Lunar" someone asked for a legacy challenge for human sims. So I finally wrote one!
Since some people don't like big legacies because it takes forever to finish, I made another small legacy! Only 5 gens.
If you know my stories from twitter or my "pamsimmerstories" you know I usually use a lot of adult themes and this is not different, so be aware this can be a little dark.
TW: Spouse death, while giving birth; Drug Use, alcohol and other drugs; Child Abuse, Neglect; Infetility
Basic Rules:
Start as a Young Adult - any gender you want
Normal/Long lifespan (which one you prefer)
You can use freerealestate cheat if you want to begin.
When I put ( / ) is because you can choose what you prefer or if you don’t have said pack you can choose the base game one.
Colors are not mandatory, but it could be fun?!
Requirements: Cottage Living, University, City Living, Nifty Knitting, Horse Ranch, Get Famous, Get Together, Snowy Scape, Island Living, Seasons, Parenthood.
Mods recommendations (Not required):
McCommand Center,
UI Cheats,
Long Distance Learning,
Basemantal Drugs
Generation 1: “Dandelions” by Ruth B.
You moved from your parents to live in a big city and go to your dream college (San Myshuno Institute)*. You’ve always wanted to be a doctor/veterinarian and this was finally happening!
One day you met the love of your life in between classes (preferably someone you met that is also at uni) you get married, but one day you caught them cheating and you feel like this is the end of the world.
So you leave everything and go to Henford on Bagley and become a farmer. You meet someone that makes you open up again and you two have a beautiful family.
*if you don’t want to use mods like the ”Long Distance Learning” by Ravasheen, you can just pretend you’re going there living in San Myshuno
Traits: Good, Animal Enthusiast/Loves the Outdoors, The last one you pick, to make things interesting, pick a bad trait like high maintenance
Career: Start as University Student in San Myshuno (you can finish it and start the career or you can just drop university in the middle of your term); End up as a farmer in Henford
Skills: Logic/Vetenerian and Cross-Stitch
Hobby: Cross-Stitch or Knitting
Aspiration: Country Caretaker
Relationship: fall in love at university, get cheated on, runaway to Henford and meet someone new. You can have children with the first one if you want to or you can wait until you meet the second sim. It’s up to you.
Color: Green/Yellow
Generation 2: “High” by Miley Cyrus
You grew up in the middle of a bunch of animals, your parent was a nature freak and you became one as well. But your kind of animal is a bit different from your parent. You love horses and you dream in live at Chestnut Ridge and have your own horse and participate in competitions and earn money from it.
You find love, but when your wife is giving birth to your baby, she dies (your sim could be a woman and you use cheats to make her pregnant and if you don’t use mods as RPO/Pandasama you can also cheat to kill the sim).
[The Sims 4 killing cheats: [death.toggle true - kill your Sim] I've never used it, so I don't know if it really works]
So you see yourself as a single parent juggling between parenting and taking care of your horse and participating of competitions.
Traits: Horse Lover, Rancher, the last trait you choose.
Career: Autonomous as Horse Competitor, you can try odd jobs as well
Skills: Riding, Painting/Nectar Making
Hobby: Painting/Nectar Making
Aspiration: Championship Rider
Relationship: Meet someone, become a widow/er. You can find love again if you wish.
Color: Orange
Generation 3: “No Love In LA” by Palaye Royale
When you were born your mother died and you never met her. Your other parent was always busy with his horses and competitions that you now hate Chestnut.
You want more for your life. As soon as you age up, you go to Del Sol Valley and you’re finally able to follow your dream of becoming a star! You want to be a famous actor/actress. But not everything is like you thought it would be, you thought you would become a 5 star celebrity quickier than you did. But you never give up.
Find a celebrity and get married to them just for fame (I guess you’re gonna need cheats for them to meet).
[Modify Relationship
You'll need the full name of your Sim and the celebrity Sim (or vice versa). If it doesn't work, try " LTR_Friendship_Main" at the end.] (I also never tested this one...but in case you don't have mods, try this)
One day you’re gonna meet someone who’s a nobody and fall in love, you’re gonna cheat on your partner and get pregnant/get someone pregnant.
You have two choices:
leave your spouse and be with your love or
stay in a unhappy marriage and pretend the cheating never happened (if your sim is a male, never talk to the pregnant sim again and one day a child shows up at your door, this is gonna be the heir. And if your sims is a female, pretend the kid is your husband’s child. It doesn’t matter, you’re gonna fail as a parent no matter what).
Traits: Self-Assured, Ambitious, and a bad trait of your choosing
Career: Actor
Skills: Acting, Dancing, Photography
Hobby: Photography and also dancing, go to nightclubs often, drink a lot (if you don’t play with mods pretend your sims is an alcoholic, if you play with mods like basemental your sim is definitely an alcoholic and maybe had a drug addiction, let’s go dark here)
Aspiration: Master Actor
Relationship: Marry for fame and cheat on your partner and get pregnant of impregnate someone this is how your heir is gonna be made.
Color: Red
Generation 4: “Flares” by The Script
Your parent should never be a parent.
You grew up in a spolight because of your parent, but you hate it. Everything is so fucked up and you just want to run away as far as possible.
When you become a teen, you're going to run away from home and go to Mt Komorebi, drop from school and work in a part time job.
To scape your own mind you start a few hobbies such as snowboarding/skiing/climbing.
When you’re young adult you meet someone while doing one of those things and you two fall in love. You two start a family and are very happy.
Traits: Adventurous, Loner, and a trait of your preference
Career: Teen: Part Time Job; Young Adult: Salaryperson
Skills: Two of these: (You can choose: Snowboarding/Skiing/Climbing)
Hobby: Choose two from 3 (Snowboarding/Skiing/Climbing)
Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast
Relationship: Find love when your sim is a young adult and this sim is gonna be actually happy :)
Color: Grey
Generation 5: “Light” by Sleeping At Last
Your parents were loving and you loved Mt Komorebi, but you feel like you need to run away from the cold mountains of Mt Komorebi.
When you grow up you want to live in a summery place, so you choose Sulani.
You fall in love more than once, but your relationships never work. You’re also infertile, but you want a kid so baaaad, so you decide to adopt one after years of trying.
You're going to raise a kid alone, maybe get yourself a dog as well? You want to be the best parent someone could be.
Traits: Family Oriented, Child of the Ocean, and a third trait of your choosing
Career: Any of the freelancer careers
Skills: Parenting, Flower Arrenging/Singing
Hobby: Flower Arrenging/Singing
Aspiration: Superparent
Relationship: All your relationships will fail, no matter how hard you try. One day you finally realize it and just accept that you’re going to be alone and you can be happy like this. Then you adopt a child (could be a baby if you want to) and maybe a pet as well.
Color: Blue
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respectthepetty · 5 months
out of curiosity are some colours more common than other, is it possible to rank them as most to least common?
By this question, do you mean in QLs? As color-coded characters? Who are in color-coded pairs?
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Well, I'm not a data person. I work in the humanities, so we don't "do" numbers, but if I had to compile a list based solely on my consumption of QLs (Thailand who is the largest producer of QLs, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam, and even China) , yeah. I would state that some colors are more common than others.
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So on that note, black is the most common color-coded character.
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Black is normally paired with a "light" character in the forms of multicolored characters or white-colored characters, so I don't really rank "light" characters, but they would be next in line if they were one color.
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But black is also paired with blue.
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Which means blue is the second most common color-coded character.
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Korea tends to pair blue with green. Japan normally pairs it with yellow/orange. However, Thailand mainly pairs it with red.
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The next most common color-coded character is red, which is significantly fueled by Thailand.
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Strangely, yellow/orange (usually used interchangeably) is the next most common color-coded character.
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It's odd because previous to 2022, there were not that many, but they are popping up a lot more in the past two years, specifically in Thai media.
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Which means green is now slightly behind yellow/orange since Thai media doesn't use it as much, and Japan and Korea haven't used it as much recently either.
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Next is pink.
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Which much like red, is basically because of Thailand.
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Purple and brown get no love!
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However, brown has strangely been used more than purple.
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Which is why I have high hopes for Wandee Goodday since Wandee will be a purple color-coded main character.
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So yeah. Nothing too formal, but based on my informal observations, this is how the colors would rank from most common to least common color-coded characters in the QLs I've watched.
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Thanks for the ask.
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adobe-outdesign · 6 months
Can you do a moehog review? I feel loke they are one of those forgotten pets that don't get a lot of attention
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Moehogs are one of those pets that pretty much just fall into the "regular animal" category, along with pets like the Lupe and the Mynci. In this case, they're more-or-less warthogs, with the only real differences being a mohawk-style mane and a few stripes. Their name would imply that the mohawk is supposed to be their main feature, but it's so small and non-descript that it really doesn't make them stand out at all. I would've loved to see the Moehog actually rocking a super tall mohawk, really leaning into that punk look to help it stand out a bit more.
One thing that I really do like about Moehogs though is their expression. I don't know why, but they always just seemed so chill and happy compared to other Neopets. They would 100% ask you how your day went and genuinely want to know the details.
Color-wise, the default Moehog has an orange mane, which looks a bit out-of-place (though less so on the yellow one). I feel like the mane either needed to be black to match the hooves and stripes, or have all three be a darker version of the base color.
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The Moehog has basically remained completely unchanged via conversion except for a few shading tweaks and the odd decision to move the back foreleg up.
Favorite Colours:
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Halloween: I'm not usually that big on the Halloween pets that look like they're just wearing costumes, but the UC/styled Halloween Moehog is absolutely fantastic. Not only is the Dr. Sloth concept great, but the post and expression are all fantastic, as is the dull green, black ,and red palette.
The converted version is... okay, I guess, but you should be able to see the inside of the cloak from this angle, especially because the loss of it results in the color palette losing the much-needed red. Also, the far right eye is really jacked up for some reason.
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Darigan: The converted Darigan Moehog is honestly really boring and it wouldn't even be on this list if not for the fact that the UC/styled version absolutely slaps. The body shape has been adjusted to make it look far more bulky and threatening, and there are some really nice tweaks there as well, such as making the mane run all the way down the body to the tail, adding stripes to the legs to match the ones on the back, and changing the ear shape. I'm not usually big on the more muted-looking Darigan pets, but it works well for the Moehog given the warthog inspiration.
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Island: The island Moehog really goes the extra mile all around. The white, tan, and green palette looks very nice and is complimented by a op of red with the flowers. I love how the usual stripes are seamlessly integrated directly into the tan markings, and how the grass skirt and bracelets match the green mane—not to mention things like the shell necklace and earrings, which didn't need to be included but are much appreciated. By far the best detail are the tusks, which have a super subtle carved look to them.
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BONUS: The chocolate Moehog has banana tusks and this delights me. That is all.
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wolfofcelestia · 4 months
29 weirdly specific questions I answered as Zayne because I just wanted to yap about him
chipotle order?
Burrito bowl. Brown rice, black beans, everything else with guacamole and whatever protein I’m in the mood for.
thoughts on veganism?
If carefully monitored to ensure that you are getting all the nutrients you need, I don’t see a problem with it. It’s best to work with a nutritionist when you’re switching to a specific diet.
a specific color that gives you the ick?
Why would a colour make me feel disgusted?
mythical creature you think/believe is real?
She seems hopeful that intelligent lifeforms from other planets will contact humanity soon, so for her sake, I want to believe they are real.
favorite form of potato?
Mashed. Although, maybe I’ve grown accustomed to what they serve at the hospital.
do you use a watch?
While I’m working.
what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home?
I take off my work clothes and take a shower as soon as I get home to wash off the scent of antiseptic and ensure minimal spread of bacteria.
do you have a skincare routine (and how many steps is it)?
It’s nothing special.
on a plane, do you ask for apple or orange juice?
Whatever I’m in the mood for. Usually apple juice. Somehow it tastes sweeter in the air.
anything from your childhood you’ve held on to?
Memories. Hope.
brand of haircare/bodycare/skincare that you trust 100%?
Are you asking for my professional opinion? If you don’t have an appointment with me, I suggest you see a dermatologist for recommendations specific to your skin type.
first thing you’re doing in the purge?
Making sure she’s safe.
do you think you’re dehydrated?
Yes, to be honest.
rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning
I can prevent two of them. The other one, well…
thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
An odd combination but the cooling sensation mixed with the sweetness of the chocolate isn’t bad.
an anxious compulsion you do everyday?
I don’t have one. (He rubs his wrist when he’s anxious.)
your boba/tea order?
Traditional milk teas are always good but I like to try different flavours at least once.
the veggie you dislike the most?
Carrots. Irredeemable…
favorite disney princess movie?
I’ve never seen any.
a number that weirds you out?
I don’t hold any significance to numbers.
do you have an emotional support water bottle?
…Would you like me to refer you to a psychiatrist?
do you wear jewelry?
Rings, sometimes. She seems to like them.
which do you find yourself using, american or british english?
American English for any internationally published research papers. Neither for everyday communications.
would you say you have good taste in music?
Whatever is good for concentrating is enough for me. I don’t usually listen to music recreationally.
how’s your spice tolerance?
I don’t enjoy inducing gastrointestinal issues in myself.
what’s your favorite or go-to outfit?
Simple black shirt, black pants, and sunglasses.
last meal on earth?
With her.
preferred pasta noodle?
Rotini. It caries sauce well and has a fun shape.
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belamew · 1 year
What other “special” line of Eevee are there?
I'll try not to list too many! There's many more than the below. Each eeveelution has MANY different lines.
Royal - Notably a deep, royal blue color. Their face fins don't have the ribbing structure holding them up, so it drapes next to their face instead. 7/10. Doesn't really lower their quality of life, but their face fins are a lot more delicate and easy to tear. Fine if pet-only, but not battling.
Lotus - Often more green in color, but not exclusively. Their key feature is with their tail fins, splitting and overlapping. 4/10. Makes swimming harder.
Charcoal - black flareon! Unlike shinies, albinism and melanism can be bred for. 8/10. Just a good ol flareon with dark fur. Score would be higher, but there's some issues with in-breeding, which isn't as bad of a problem anymore thank god.
Oh My Fluff - yes that's the actual name. They're bred to have more brown fur and are EXTREMELY fluffy, looking more like an eevee. 2/10. Their fur is HELL to manage and while flareon are fluffy, the fur on the their torso is typically short and not long. This messes up their heat regulation. Susceptible to heat stroke. How do you mess up so bad that FIRE TYPE can get a heat stroke???
False shiny - bred to have that greenish color of a shiny. Not an actual shiny tho. Fairly easy to breed due to color variation and p harmless tbh. 9/10. I kinda don't care if they scam people lmao. Quality of life doesn't suffer genetically.
Elegance-Style - distinctive trait has their usually spikey fur draping down instead. 10/10. Looks goofy, but a p harmless line. This line is weaker fighting wise tho.
Jolteon in general actually has p okay lines.
Since I'm NOT AT ALL being brief, more below the cut for the other eeveelutions.
Lavender-Point - you may see this trait on other Pokémon, but the "point" gene gives Pokémon darker fur on their face, ears, paws and tail(s). This line has darker purple at those points. 10/10, entirely harmless. Looks cool. This gene shows on eevee! Although at that point it's a darker brown or black, not lavender.
Twin Tail - has a fully split tail! While typically harmless, I've heard of breeders splitting the tail a birth if it doesn't have a perfectly split tail :( 5/10
Snow - an albino espeon! Contrary to popular belief, not all albinos have red eyes. This line is noted for having white fur and blue eyes. 3/10 because this line often ends up with bad hearing issues and are very sensitive to the light... which isn't good for an espeon.
I've honestly got SO many more on espeon.
Moonlight - selectively bred to have have very pale, nearly white yellow rings. Very pretty. 9/10. Linked to odd lethargy? But they're just a little more lazy and sleepy.
Starlight - another albino! Pure white fur, purple-blue eyes. Rings are tactile visible but are also white and not very noticeable unless it's dark. 5/10. EXTREMELY sensitive to the sun. Tends to have eyesight and hearing issues.
Halloween - their rings are more orange than the per usual yellow, more noticeable canine fangs. Bad history with being used in illegal, to-death fights. Wildly believed to be more aggressive, but this is false. 8/10, bad history, but not a bad Pokémon.
Umbreon and espeon face less issues than sylveon. The feelings involved to evolve are a LOT less strong than the ones needed for a sylveon. Emotional manipulation tactics aren't typically used on them. They're usually just treated well.
Leafeon (has the least amount of lines):
Bright Eyes - blue or green eyes! Not... really much else to them. 7/10 for eye sight problems.
Spring time - hybrid line! Often crossbred with other grass types, specifically flowery ones, to get leafeon with flowers. 9/10, doesn't typically cause issues.
Princess - noted for paler, bluer coloration (similar to a shiny). The ribbons on the side of their head swirl in a curl like pattern. 4/10. They tend to have pretty bad joint issues, especially when they get older.
Snow - surprisingly, not an albino! White fur, very pale baby blues where they should have darker markings. 9./10, very pretty. Sensitive to sunlight.
Both leafeon and glaceon have false shiny lines.
Flower - their bow is feathered into a several splits, forming a full circle that looks kinda like a flower. Their coloration tends to lean more peachy.
Butterfly - two sectioned bow that looks like a butterfly wing. They lean more purple in coloration.
No rating. The lines themselves don't have genetic issues, but the trauma they're put through is 100% not worth it. There's very, VERY few breeders that do this ethically. I do not trust a SINGLE sylveon breed line except for albinism and melanism since those are popular for ALL eeveelutions and don't require strict sylveon/sylveon breeding.
I could honestly talk about these breed lines all day. I see them a LOT at the daycare.
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hannahbisssssss · 4 months
would you be willing to do a nadja (wwdits obviously) x gender-neutral reader perhaps?
Of course~
Nadja of Antipaxos X Gender-Neutral/Non-Binary Reader
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- You meet Nadja as a human fashion designer.
- She came in looking for someone to help her “brighten up the wardrobe,” as Guillermo puts it.
- She’s quite patient and still while you measure her, allowing you to make sure you get all of the proper measurements.
- You tell her that you think she is best suited for neutral tones and/or Halloween-esque colors. Purples and oranges and all that jazz.
- Though she is quite stubborn at first, she eventually gets along with the idea of having a bit of a brighter wardrobe.
- She ESPECIALLY likes the purple shawl you pick out for her to wear over her usual black attire.
- “It’s simple and it’s fitting… I suppose I won’t murder you, human.”
- Okay… odd for her to call you a human when she is also a human (right?) she just has pointier-than-normal teeth (right?)
- Turns out, Nadja is an ancient Grecian vampire with a lot on her plate with all of her roommates
- She breaks the news to you quite suddenly on your first meet-up (date?) after the clothing fitting.
- “I’m a vampire, my sweet.”
- She is quite adamant about letting you know this information, because when you laugh at her obvious joke, she grabs your hand and gives it a tight squeeze.
- “Darling, I’m not lying… I’m a vampire, watch!”
- She goes and take a bite out of a passerby and you try your best not to scream.
- She may or may not have hypnotized you into not freaking out.
- Either way, when she took you home later that night, she gave you the time and space to think through your feelings.
- Before she goes off to slumber when morning comes, you decide to share a bit of information with her.
- “Tit for tat-“
- “You want to see my tits?”
- “No! I mean, kind of, I mean-“
- She takes your nervousness as a sign that you really like her.
- Which is true.
- “Nadja, I just thought I’d share something about myself with you so we can be on a similar level.”
- “Alright-“
- You take a while to get out the information
- “Well, spit it out you silly boy!”
- “Nadja, I’m non-binary.”
- She blinks.
- “Non-binary?”
- “Yes. I don’t use he/him or she/her pronouns. I use They/them pronouns. I’m not a boy or a girl. I’m non-binary.”
- “Oh… well what took you so long to share? That’s not ridiculous.
- Gods help you if you want her to remember your pronouns off the bat.
- Nadja is the sweetest vampire alive (or dead?) but she has a tendency to forget little details on occasion.
- “What is it my sweet girl?”
- “Nadja, I’m not a girl, remember?”
- “Oh right! Non-binary!”
- She gets the hang of it after a month or so.
- You go out on another date and someone misgenders you.
- She’s such an ally after this.
- I mean.
- She literally has a non-binary flag sticker on her coffin to show her support.
- It really is the most adorable thing ever.
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Headcanon: Shego and Drakken have no separate bedrooms (long post).
Not sure if anyone has thought about or noticed this before but hear me out!!
In the season 2 episode Sick Day, we can get glimpses of Shego and Drakken's 'bedrooms'.
Following the storyline of the episode, Shego is the first one to get sick because of her fight with Kim, she then stays inside her room to ensure Drakken doesn't get sick after which Drakken teams up with Killigan and then gets sick as well.
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Looking at this room, we clearly can see that it's Shego's. It's green-themed, has a make-up table, drawers for her clothes, etc. But when I watched this episode (multiple times), I was so freaking confused about Shego's bed. It looks so uncomfortable, too small even for a 1 person bed and nothing indicates that this is one of those beds that you can pull the backside up for back support since it's one big 'piece'. Of course, the backgrounds are stylistic but if you look at the drawers for example, you can see the lines that indicate where the drawer can open.
A-ha! This is not a bed, this is a sofa.
Shego likes to read and lounge about, so she would definitely have a nice cozy spot to sit on to read her magazines. But that leaves the Question: Where in this bedroom is her bed? Answer: There's none because there's not even space for an actual bed.
Just like Drakken's bedroom, Shego's room has a moat surrounding the middle platform. Placing a bed here would end up in having a too cramped space in here. Now take a quick look at Drakken's room.
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Something that caught my eye (and surprised me on the first watch after all these years) was how big and RED Drakken's bed is. Both Shego and Drakken have colors that lean towards cool tones rather than warm reds and they (most of the time) stick to their themes. So it's very odd for especially Drakken, who's blue, to have an entire bed that's red. It's not even his opposite color since that would be orange. What else: his entire bedroom is JUST a bed with surround-sound speakers and a TV.
My theory: This is Shego and Drakken's shared bedroom. 1. Shego's bedroom(?) Shego's room in this episode isn't her bedroom but a relaxation room, full of her personal belongings. This is the place where she goes to take a break and be alone. Having her own relaxation room isn't uncommon since in the Christmas episode, it's confirmed that Drakken has a 'mudroom' in the lair but he doesn't even know what it's for. So he either let it be made for Shego not really caring what was in it or doing research or Shego took it upon herself to get one installed. Her mini spa as you will.
So if that's not the room in which she sleeps, what is?
2. Neutral grounds The bedroom we see Drakken in is also Shego's bedroom. Let me explain:
Both characters, like I said before, have 'nothing' to do with red; at least at first glance! If you look at the color wheel, you can see that their specific colors together make for the balanced opposite of red. (I went through multiple colorwheels and posting all of them would make this post even longer so yeah have 1).
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So we can say that this area is neutral terrain for both of them. They can go in and out of here as they please, without any hassle or the other saying "This is MY bedroom." because none of their personal belongings are in this room.
3. But then WHERE is Drakken's stuff? His lab. It's probably all in his lab.
SO HERE'S WHAT HAPPENED: 1. Shego got sick after the fight with Kim, but none of them knew that Shego was infected. Getting sick usually takes a day or two (at least for me) and so Shego found out that she was sick a day or two after the infection.
2. She stayed out of their shared bedroom and remained in her relaxation room to quarantine herself in the hopes that Drakken didn't catch her cold and he could focus on his plans. However, since it's been at least 2 days, Drakken also would be infected because of their shared space.
3. After a while, Drakken got sick as well and went into the bedroom because he had no lounge sofa or anything to lay in. He has just the bed.
My conclusion: Shego and Drakken share 1 bedroom to sleep in. The bed is big enough for 2 people. Shego probably sleeps more than Drakken does and maybe they take routines with one person sleeping at a time or so, maybe they sleep together with each of them at the furthest end of the bed.
Or my whole color theory and background analysis is off and it's just red because it makes the blue in Drakken's character pop, but there's one more piece of desperate-looked-into 'evidence' that shows that they have a 'relationship' in this bedroom:
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May it represents them having 1 strong bond or them screwing each other's brains out on a Friday night after karaoke time, idk. It can't really be a random hole because of the lack of depth and there are no small holes anywhere else in the room. It cannot be a shadow since it doesn't line up with anything else in the room, the underlaying line isn't shown and the color is slightly off/darker when color is picked and compared to the shadows of the tunnel in the back of the room.
So yeah it's just a big heart being there. Probably just to fill up the space but idk, I'd like to think that there's ALWAYS thought and meaning behind every detail in whatever art or media there is. So there you have it! My overly in-depth analysis. I probably went way too deep into this theory, but I like to think of it this way (especially since I've been drawing cozy cuddle scenes that I'll be posting here later).
Anyway do what you want with this info and I hope you have a good day<3
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wouldntyou-liketoknow · 9 months
Just Another Night at Sparky's
(Disclaimer: Ness/WaiterPat and Jack/Cabbie!Cory are not my creations. I gave Jack his name because he wasn't given one in the movie. Now, one of the characters you'll be seeing here technically belongs to me, but I don't really consider him a full fanego.)
(I was already planning to write for Ness and Jack, but after I learned how Mark was originally intended to play the role of that first security guard who died, I decided to adopt that abandoned character. Go here for headcanons and a more thorough explanation.)
(Certain plot-points in this story were inspired by @flawlessstriker and @insane4fandoms! These two are very talented artists, and I'm not sure I would've thought of such clever/funny easter eggs if I hadn't seen some of their own work, so please go check out their blogs and show them some love!)
(Trigger Warnings: food and drink, eating/drinking, implied trauma, mentions of past violence, mentions of blood, strong language. Please let me know if I missed anything.) 
In Ness’ personal experience, the people who dined at Sparky’s could be divided into three sections on a metaphorical pie chart. 
Twenty-four percent of customers were. . .just a little off. Not like that was necessarily a bad thing, mind you. Working in the restaurant business meant having to interact with lots of people each and every day. At some point, you’d learn to pick up on certain things that were odd in the way you couldn’t quite put your finger on (or, perhaps you just knew deep down that you didn’t want to). 
Ness strolled out of the kitchen and into the seating area, expertly balancing a tray on one hand. He approached a couple of bespectacled young women in one corner of the diner. 
Their visits to Sparky’s were a bit sporadic, but they never failed to claim that one booth in the corner that no-one else ever sat at no matter how crowded the joint was. The backpacks they always hauled along were positioned further up the booth’s seat cushions, half-open and nearly overspilling with various books. 
They always used indoor voices, but he could still pick up bits and pieces of their conversation whenever he was near. 
Tonight was no different:
“—he’ll be hungrier than usual,” murmured the one on the left, who boasted short, wavy hair that had been dyed a dark shade of violet. It complimented her shirt, which read ADOPT A FAMILIAR at the top. Pictures of creepy-looking critters were displayed beneath the message, orange-eyed and outlined by blue against the black fabric. “And he’ll need a live one this time.”
“Ooh,” replied the one on the right, who sported a yellow shirt with the screen-printed likeness of some obscure, spikey-haired cartoon character near the collar. A blonde ponytail spilled out from the back of her ball cap. “Who’s it gonna be? The lady whose eyes were found in that jar last month?”
“Nah, she’ll be in some psych ward. Too far-gone to keep on the playing board, y’know?” A sly grin etched its way across Urban Fantasy Nerd’s features. “I was actually wondering if you’d like to choose. Your guy is making the delivery, after all.”
“Ah, that’s right!” Cartoon-Fan snickered in a way that was just a teensy bit unhinged. “I can already see him slipping on some of the blood."
“Third time’s a charm?” Ness asked as he halted, carefully setting this duo’s Usual on the table. 
(Two milkshakes: one chocolate, the other strawberry. Yeah, it was kind of basic, but he wasn’t too much of a judgemental guy. Besides, Sparky’s shakes were a much safer option than the lilac-colored drinks that chicken shack around the corner had started selling. And Ness didn’t just carry that opinion because of his employment. During one of his typical night-walks, he’d passed an alley just in time to see said purple beverage oozing through said chicken shack’s windows. The strong, sugary smell wafting off it had reminded him of prion disease.)
The girls both paused. Though they smiled up at him and offered quiet “Thank-yous,” as they moved their respective, sticker-covered laptops out of the way, visible confusion mixed itself into their gratitude. 
“For the university’s creative writing contest, I mean,” Ness elaborated. “There were articles in the paper about the last two, and I saw your pictures in the list of winners. Congratulations, by the way.”
“. . .Oh,” Urban Fantasy Nerd answered, exchanging careful glances with her friend. “Yeah. Writing. Let’s go with that.”
“If anyone asks, we were also writing here two months ago,” Cartoon-Fan added with a conspiratory wink. “On Friday, between five-thirty and nine o’clock.” 
Ness chuckled, raising one hand to pull an invisible zipper over his lips. “You’ve got it. Enjoy.”
As he retraced his steps to organize some stuff behind the coffee counter, a little voice in the back of his theater-trained head wondered if the girls’ tones had been joking enough. Unlike many times before, he pushed that voice aside.
On one hand, missing person cases did always seem to pop up on the news channels a few days after the two students stopped by to enjoy milkshakes while typing away and occasionally turning the screens of their laptops toward one another. 
On the other hand. . .well, those cases were always located states and states away, typically near more seaside areas. None of them had been anywhere close to Utah. (Not yet, at least.)
Besides, even if those girls were somehow connected to more sinister things than their coursework, they were still very nice. Good tippers, too. Nowhere near the worst patrons Ness had served in his time.
The strange customers almost always seemed to come in pairs.
Like the duo of twenty-somethings from last week. One sported ginger hair and a She/They button pinned to their  jacket. The soot-stains on said jacket had been very obvious, as were the burn scars on their palms, but she’d still been a delight to make smalltalk with.
The other, a pale young man, had been much more quiet, but still friendly. He’d kept peering through the window at (what was presumably) his or his friend’s car, shakily fidgeting with the headphones around his neck, so it’d taken some time for Ness to realize that his eyes were just as reflective as mirrors.
(For the duration of their stay, the jukebox over by the counter had spat out songs that most certainly weren’t on its index cards. Fine, that might’ve caught Ness a bit off-guard at first, but he still knew to appreciate variety.)
Or the two men who’d come in a few months ago, wearing battered navy-blue bomber jackets and thousand-yard-stares. The one with a dyed-red fauxhawk had screamed and practically leapt out of his skin when Ness came over with menus and his usual greeting, but he’d apologized soon enough. After giving Ness a thorough look-over, that is.
His companion, a similarly dark-eyed man with a larynx that could only be found on seasoned musicians, had muttered, “Don’t mind him. We’ve just. . .had a bit of a rough trip.” His voice hadn’t been unkind, but he’d kept glancing at Ness whenever he thought he wasn’t looking. 
Well, perhaps that particular pair had broken the trend a bit. Because a few hours after they’d paid for their food and left, a lone traveler had come in.
His bloodshot eyes—which Ness could’ve sworn were orange instead of brown—had never stopped bulging, never stopped darting this way and that above his rictus of a smile. When he wasn’t speaking, he’d hum or murmur things with a shakiness that was typically found in rabid dogs.
He’d asked for way more coffee refills than could ever be considered healthy, as well as if Ness had seen anyone fitting the descriptions of Red-Haired-Screamer and Wary-Possible-Musician. Ness, following his instincts, had said no, to which the loner started simply shaking his head and grinning with a mouthful of teeth that looked a smidge too sharp.
Or the scruffy man who'd started coming in for breakfast every other week with his young sister in tow. He was living proof that you could recognize someone without officially knowing them. After all, it was pretty damn easy for Ness to remember almost making eye-contact with him, barely moving out of reach of his flashlight’s beam in time, and then having the seconds feel like hours as he watched him shake his head and mutter to himself about seeing things. 
It wasn’t like that’d been Ness’ first little midnight rendezvous around Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzaria. Just like how that particular man wasn’t the first security guard who’d gotten dangerously close to spotting him during his unofficial, self-driven investigations.
For the record, Ness knew that said investigations weren’t legal—especially not if you counted some of the things he’d. . .borrowed from the old animatronic jamboree restaurant—but he’d made his peace with that.
He hadn’t been sneaking around there to deal drugs or partake in any himself.
He wasn’t exactly chasing the adrenaline that always came with an evening full of ducking around corners and trying to ignore how loud his shoes sounded against linoleum floors when he rushed to find anything he could feasibly hide behind, underneath, or inside of.
He never meant any harm when it came to snooping.
It was just a simple case of having a little too much curiosity.
Thankfully, Security Guard #13 still had yet to show up at Ness’ place with some accompanying cops, so it seemed he didn’t recognize Ness as anything other than a humble waiter. (Or, if he did actually recognize Ness from that night, then he was miraculously chill enough to not bring it up and get him in trouble.)
The very first time they’d paid Sparky’s a visit, it would’ve been impossible to ignore the distinct smell that had been wafting off of Security Guard #13. It’d had a bite to it; like machine oil mixed with something much more. . .organic.
From that bleak look Ness had seen in his eyes, Security Guard #13 was most certainly NOT what anyone could call unbothered, but he was still polite. Plus, Kid Sister was the type who just deserved all the crayons in the world, what with the little masterpieces she’d decorated the paper menus with.
So, yeah. There was a genuine difference between oddball customers and customers that made you lose some of your faith in humanity. 
People who asked for trout to be blended into their yogurt parfait or for their donuts to be topped with slices of pickles that had gathered fuzz from their mysterious journeys at the back of the refrigerator were still easier to handle than people who threw temper tantrums because they didn’t get a refill in under thirty seconds. 
Back to the pie-chart—another forty-six percent of customers were perfectly decent and standard.
Plenty of the locals had a soft spot for this joint; Ness had lost count of all the times he’d been told that the pancakes served here were some of the best on planet Earth. Yeah, praise like that technically wasn’t directed at him, but the cooks were great people to work with, so it still made him happy to relay said praise to them. 
He’d be lying if he said it wasn’t awkward for someone to confusedly ask if they’d already seen him working at the bar on the other side of town. Even so, that once-a-month occurrence always left him amused rather than annoyed. If anything, it attested to that particular customer’s observation skills. 
Sure, he and Sans were identical twins—the fact that their uncle had mixed them up on several different occasions when they were little was still a running joke in the family. But it’d been years since Sans had decided to remedy that via a skeleton face-mask and a dark blue leather jacket, and he’d made a habit to don both aforementioned garments each day ever since then. (Ness was still in partial disbelief that the manager at Grillby’s was cool enough to let Sans wear them over his uniform.)
Just as many of Sans’ customers apparently ended up mistaking him for Ness. Sans got a nice little kick out of that, of course. He hadn’t just been born with a comedic heart—it truly seemed every bone in his body was a funny one. Some people would argue that he just delivered puns upon more puns upon even more puns, but Ness knew his brother better than that. 
After all, Sans had been the one to train him to deal with the last category of customers: the thirty percent of entitled neanderthals who thought treating staff as less than human would somehow magically make their miserable lives more interesting. 
“Food work is all about balance,” Sans had explained sometime after he and Ness had grown tall enough to take plates and cups from a counter without having to stand on their tip-toes. “You’ve gotta be nice and still let people know that you won’t take their crap. If they’re civil, then you’re helpful. But if they’re rude. . .” Sans had paused, a mischievous glint in his eyes, “. . .then you have a little fun.” 
Ness had always been a pretty fast learner. It’d taken a week or so of practice, yeah, but with his twin’s help, he’d developed a tongue sharp enough to rival any butcher knife in the kitchen.
“You use a lot of big words for a waiter,” snorted a wannabe business bigshot with a wrinkled clip-on tie and a way, waaaaaay over-gelled hairdo that spoke volumes of desperation. 
Ness, who’d been explaining the differences between certain ingredients and flavor-enhancing chemicals because Hair Gel’s girlfriend had asked a fair question about the smoothies on the menu, barely batted an eyelid when he came back with, “And you smell a lot like hotdog water for someone who apparently doesn’t work with food.”
“This was the WORST thing I’ve ever put in my mouth!” Exclaimed a woman with an unidentifiable crust caked around the corners of her eyes and an ill-fitting shirt that was advertising some essential oil brand.
“I highly doubt that,” Ness mentioned, raising an eyebrow as he took the plate (which was suspiciously much emptier than when he’d first brought it out) from her table, “but whatever you say. . .”
“Oh! Thank you!” A tiny boy who couldn’t have been older than seven chirped, bouncing in his seat when Ness placed a sundae down in front of him.
Ness had been about to reply, but the boy’s mother—a lady who was trying very hard to look posh (but not succeeding very well due her asymmetrical haircut, as well as all the little green marks around the jewelry she was practically drowning in)—cut him off. 
“You don’t need to thank him, sweetheart,” she’d instructed, reaching across the table to corral her son. “That’s his job.”
That one had, admittedly, forced Ness to take a deep breath and appeal to his higher self for a few seconds.  Despite this, he’d still made sure to look that Karen dead in the eyes when he observed, “I’m not sure what your problem is, ma’am. But it must be hard for you to pronounce.”
(At least the boy didn’t seem to be too influenced; his bright eyes were nothing but apologetic when Ness came back with the check.)
The relative silence was shattered by the jingling call of that little bell suspended over the front entrance. Ness blinked, his train of thought screeching to a halt. He glanced over in the door’s direction, grinning at a familiar sight. 
Another regular; one that Ness got to have actual conversations with on nights like tonight. 
Mason glanced around at all the empty tables, brushing back his nearly shoulder-length raven hair and quickly getting the hint that he could just seat himself.
A golden retriever trotted beside him, connected to a leash in his hand via a pink vest that’d been fastened around her shoulders and belly. It was adorned by black velcro straps that read THERAPY DOG in a bold white font. The forest-green sherpa hoodie Mason always seemed to wear was only about half as fluffy as her fur.
Ness ducked into the kitchen. No more than three seconds had passed before the last cook on duty for tonight—a lanky blonde guy who was perhaps the most unapologetically flamboyant foodie you could ever have the honor of knowing—called, “Order Up! Your buddies’ Usuals, fresh from that babbling kiddie pool of oil.”
Dylan set a triad of dishes onto a waiting platter: the first held a stack of waffles (much like Sparky’s pancakes, their recipe was a secret that his very own grandmother had entrusted him with) and fried chicken tenders. The second supported a small mound of bacon. The third was adorned by a couple club sandwiches with a side of mozzarella sticks.  
“Thanks, man. Right on time,” Ness called back as he hefted the platter up, balancing it on the anterior region of his forearm like he'd been taught so long ago, and traipsed back out. The door swung to and fro behind him as he headed over to Booth Five. 
Though she wasn’t actually in the booth, Checkers was still right by her owner’s side, sitting in a way that could almost remind you of those lion statues guarding the entrance to a Chinese temple. She spotted Ness before Mason did. Her ears perked up, tail starting to wag. Her tongue lapped in and out of her mouth like a party favor as she smiled in that way only dogs could.
Mason, who’d been gazing through the window and fidgeting with his hoodie’s drawstrings, ever-so-slightly flinched as Ness began setting the plates down on the table with a chorus of small clunks. He blinked at the food, as if suddenly remembering the weekly tradition he’d made here.
“How do you always do that?” Mason asked as he turned his head toward Ness, a small smile etching its way across his features. 
“Magic,” Ness answered. “Careful, it’s hot.”
He carried the now empty tray back over to the counter. There, his hands became a blur as he snatched up the coffee pot and produced a trio of mugs. After stirring memorized amounts of cream and sugar into the fresh brew, he returned to the table, setting two of the beverages beside the plates.
Ness hovered, his own cup of smoldering caffeine in hand, and glanced around the restaurant. Aside from Mason and those two writers in the corner (who, as Ness had learned, took generous amounts of time with the shakes they always ordered), Sparky’s was empty tonight. 
With that in mind, Ness dragged a chair away from one of the other tables, positioning it at the end of the booth. Yeah, he could’ve just sat on the opposite side of Mason, but that part of the booth was typically reserved for another one of his friends.
Subtle relief washed over Ness’ knees as he took a seat; he’d been standing and walking pretty much all day.
Mason plucked a strip of bacon from one of the plates, checking to make sure that it was nice and warm without threatening to burn the palette. He then lightly tossed it over to Checkers, who snapped it out of the air almost like a frog catching flies. She lowered her head as the treat crunched between her teeth.
“How’ve things been?” Ness inquired, taking a sip of his coffee. “The theater’s gotten busy, yeah?”
Mason nodded as he took a fork and knife into his hands, cutting a piece off of one of the waffles and dipping it into the complimentary cup of syrup. “Yeah, it really has. Feels like whenever one movie runs its course and is taken off our roster, two more pop up in its place. Especially now that Scream 3 is finally on the market."
“. . .Oh, that’s right! It is!” Ness ever-so-slightly jumped in his seat. After enjoying the first two movies, he’d been meaning to give the latest installment a look. But so far, whether it was Sparky’s being slammed on the more favorable days or Royal Edgar’s Cinema being too crowded for his liking, things had just kept getting in the way.
Acting on instinct, Ness fished a pencil from one of his waist-apron’s pockets. At first, said pencil might not have seemed like anything special. But then you saw Fabio: a priceless treasure shaped like a rubber chicken’s head covering up the eraser. Ness started spinning the pencil between his fingers, causing Fabio to wiggle as though it was alive.
“Have you seen it already? Is it good? I have so many ideas about where the story could pick up from—”
“Hey, hey. Slow down," Mason remarked with some clear exasperation. “I haven't, but I am scheduled to project its last showing sometime next week. . .” He took a bite out of one of the chicken tenders, humming thoughtfully as he chewed. He must’ve seen the glint in Ness’ eyes, because he offered a sly smirk and lowered his voice as he continued.
“Tell you what: I’ll find a way to sneak you into the projection booth. That way, we can check it out together when the day comes.” 
“Really? You’d do that for me?” Ness asked, jokingly clutching his mug in both hands and bringing it close to his heart. 
“Sure. It’s really not too different from the customers smuggling their own snacks past the ticket desk,” Mason shrugged, though his mischievous demeanor briefly turned deadpan. “So long as you don’t play detective the entire time. My boss would rip me a new one if I just paused the movie every five minutes to let you brainstorm and talk.”
Ness scoffed, rolling his eyes. “It wouldn’t be every five minutes.”
Mason raised an eyebrow. “You’re right; it’d probably be every two minutes.” He forked up another bite of the waffles, firmly ignoring the offended waiter noises. 
“Oh, and don’t try to guilt-trip me out of my food, either. I’ve already got one moocher to deal with.” Mason scratched Checkers’ ears, to which she responded via tilting her head to the side, an undeniable trace of smugness in the warmth of her amber eyes.
“You drive a hard bargain,” Ness pronounced, his voice dripping with much more sarcasm than usual, “but fine. I can work with that.” 
“Uh-huh. You’d better,” Mason snorted, reaching over to shake hands with his friend as though the two of them were lawyers who’d just settled on some sleazy business arrangement. 
Mason was a complex person. Everyone had issues, and he was no exception to that. Not like he was at all open about said issues, but once you got to know him, you’d start to see them. (Plus, that just seemed a lot nicer than describing him as a swarm of issues shaped like a man.) He was the type to constantly shift in his seat, to give most people the side-eye, to get lost in his thoughts and grimace at nothing until he snapped himself out of it. 
At least he seemed content working at the theater. Even with the spark of horror that never seemed to leave his eyes, Mason was clearly a creative bastard. Sometimes he’d bring notebooks in and take breaks from his meal to fill their pages with paragraphs or sketches. He really did seem to have the potential for acting, maybe even directing. If his critiques and commentary on the movies he had to watch from the projection booth were anything to go by, then the projects he could possibly work on would be nothing short of awesome. 
He’d actually been one of Freddy’s past security guards. Ironically enough, he and Ness hadn’t met there. Not that Ness minded, since A. if that’d been the case, there probably would’ve been way more confused screaming than there usually was at Sparky’s, and B. considering the fact that Mason’s employment had apparently lasted a whopping one singular night. . . 
Ness still didn’t know the full story, and he could tell pressing Mason for info wouldn’t end well. But with the few snippets Jack had carefully enlightened him with. . .well—
Speak of the devil. 
The front door’s bell only had about half a second to chime yet again, almost drowned out by rapid footsteps.
“You��re late,” Ness jokingly chastised as he caught dark brown skin and black hair in his peripheral vision. He shifted in his chair, moving his legs to make some room under the table as another one of his regular-friends hurried over to claim Booth Five’s empty seat. 
“Yeah, yeah. Sue me,” Jack retorted, instantly propping his elbows on the table to knead at his forehead. It took a few long seconds for him to notice how one of his favorite dishes had apparently been waiting for him. He squinted at the food, then at Ness. “. . .I wasn’t sure I’d even be able to make it tonight?”
“And yet, here you are,” Ness replied, the definition of coy with how his shoulders popped up and down again. 
Jack might’ve wanted to ask more questions, but Mason cut him off. “Look, I don’t get it either. He doesn’t know, but he just knows.”
Jack considered this, then tilted his head to convey the type of acceptance that only came when you couldn’t really question things that probably should be questioned because you already had too many things to focus on. 
“Thanks, dude,” he murmured, nodding to Ness as he plucked one of the mozzarella sticks from his plate.
Ness nodded back, taking a few more gulps of coffee. “No problem.”
Jack paused mid-bite, eyes darting over to the brew that’d been poured for him. He scrutinized it, then raised the mug up and started chugging like a champ. 
The display made Ness glad that he’d taken the time to experiment with coffee so long ago. There was no doubting how he could now calculate exactly how much time it took for coffee to go cold. Yeah, this particular serving had been fresh out of the pot a few minutes ago, but by now it had to be at optimal temperature. Neither scalding nor tepid: just nice and warm. 
After about a moment, Jack pulled the now empty mug away from his face, taking a deep breath as he set it back down on the table.
“Rough day?” Ness inquired, specific parts of his brain starting to tick. 
Something seemed off. 
It wasn’t like he had any room to talk about slight bean juice addictions. And he certainly couldn’t blame Jack for a dependency (especially since he’d even shown some undeniable intrigue at Ness’ argument that coffee was a type of soup). Sure, Jack wasn’t narcoleptic, but when a day-and-night operating cabbie didn’t have access to some perks, things just wouldn’t go well for him or his passengers. 
But whenever Jack popped in for a bite and a chat, it was easy to assume that he’d be heading home and going to bed right after his meal. Right now, however, his demeanor was anything but tired. His shoulders were rigid. His eyes were more or less threatening to pop right out of their sockets. In fact, he almost seemed to be weighing the options of never sleeping again. 
Jack chewed his lip as he glanced in the waiter’s direction. He slowly nodded. “. . .You could say that.”
Ness exchanged glances with Mason, who had obviously seen the signs for himself. As did Checkers, since she quietly maneuvered around Ness’ chair to rest her head on Jack’s lap, peering up at him with an almost human-like air of understanding. Jack didn’t hesitate to pet the shiny fur along the dog’s neck, to which her tail started wagging but she otherwise remained still.
“What happened?” Mason asked, sitting up a little straighter. “If the vibes you’re giving off got her attention, then it must be something serious.”
Jack grimaced, closing his eyes with what seemed to be more force than necessary, taking a few long seconds to rub at their lids. 
“Did you see any rabbit-shaped things out by the dumpster? I think they only come around once a month or so, but I always feel strange if I look at them.” The words glided out of Ness’ mouth and into the air before he could think. 
Self-induced humiliation wrapped its awful, clammy hands around his ribcage as two confused glances were aimed in his direction.
“. . .What?” Jack and Mason blurted in near-perfect unison.
“What?” Ness echoed, blinking as his voice instantaneously grew a smidge louder than before. He rushed to plaster his typical, happy-go-lucky demeanor back onto his face, hoping that pretending he hadn’t spoken at all would convince his friends that he actually hadn’t. 
Not only did his latest sentence sound weird as all hell, but it’d also been downplayed as all hell. Because when Ness had said strange, what he’d really meant was the pounding, churning, pummeling agony that should only ever be present in your stomach after you’ve accidentally swallowed a few dozen live rats that just so happen to be whacked out on cocaine for whatever godforsaken reason. 
And while he wasn’t a perfect angel, Ness would never wish that particular pain on anyone else. So, the fewer people who knew about the floppy-eared cryptids (which Ness could’ve sworn looked like they’d been covered in mucus) that were apparently engrossed in  gang warfare with the local raccoons, the better. 
“Ah, did you get a bad passenger today?” Ness coughed. Jack had to deal with as many entitled idiots as Ness, if not even more. Hell, taking turns venting about that stuff was something they’d initially bonded over.
He peered through the window next to the booth—Jack’s cab was parked close enough to see that there wasn’t anything to indicate an accident. Not a life-threateningly serious one, at least. 
“Not exactly,” Jack replied, following his gaze. Where Ness’ eyes were curious, Jack’s were currently anxious and mistrusting. That was another red flag: Jack may not have treated his taxi like it was his baby, but he still took pretty good care of it. “Just a few more weirdos.” 
Mason hummed, tilting his head. “How weird specifically?” He’d heard plenty of Jack’s tales from the road; as he called on Jack for rides somewhat often, he’d even ended up being part of those tales. 
Jack knitted his brows, fidgeted in place. “You don't want to know."
“. . .Then why did you make it sound so damn vague?” Mason retorted, now dripping with incredulousness. “The less specific details are, then the more they’re gonna nag at someone’s brain.”
“He’s got a point,” Ness agreed, lightly tapping Fabio’s pencil against his mug. 
“Like that’s my fault,” Jack snorted. “Most people wouldn’t believe me if I told them.”
Ness offered an encouraging smile. “Good thing we’re not most people, then.”
Mason nodded. “Damn right. C’mon, Jack; are you really saying something could top the crackhead I had to share the backseat with last month?” 
“Yes, I am,” Jack whisper-shouted through gritted teeth, “because it was a bear!” 
Silence (save for the soft click-clack of keyboards from the corner of the diner, that is).
Jack pursed his lips, looking equal parts exasperated and worried. He sighed yet again, reaching up to press his fingers against his temples.
“. . .What kind of bear was it?” Ness eventually tried. 
Mason, who’d previously been squinting while his mouth opened and closed with no words coming out, turned his head to face Ness with such speed and force that he might’ve actually given himself whiplash. “That’s the first thing you focus on?!”
Ness made a shaky lame gesture. “It’s a fair question! What’re you focusing on?” (He wasn’t wrong. There was a lot of variety among bears, after all. And a bear that lived in the woods and had huge claws and could outeat, outrun, outswim, and probably even outdrink the average person would be a lot more to handle than one of the bears that had attended the latest local Pride parade.) 
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe the fact that you,” Mason declared, returning his attention to Jack, “look significantly less mauled than most people who get close to bears! Seriously, how is your face still connected to your skull?!” 
“I didn’t mea—!” Jack was about to go on the defensive, but stopped short. “What, were you expecting me to get ripped to shreds tonight? So damn sorry if I didn’t get the memo!”
“No! Of course not!” Mason contended. “Look, you can’t just say you had a run-in with a bear and leave it at that!”
Jack threw his hands up. “Well, I told you you didn’t want to know!”
“How the hell can we not NEED to know now?” Ness pointed out. Though he was growing just as confused as Mason, he tried to keep his voice even.
Jack gave him an exhausted look before craning his neck to rest his head against the booth’s seat, staring at the ceiling. 
“It was a huge robot,” he finally clarified. “Looked like it’d been at the bottom of a scrap heap for years; I’d guess it was older than my dad. But its eye glowed blue like the machines inside it were still working. It made the car shake—I’m honestly surprised the back tires never gave out. And God damn, the smell. . .rust and blood and mucus, I swear!”
Now it was Mason’s turn to go rigid. A tidal wave of emotion seemed to sweep through his features; first surprise, then recognition, and then dread. He placed a hand on the nearest corner of the table as if to steady himself. 
“It was wearing a black top hat and bowtie, wasn’t it?” He murmured. It sounded much more like a statement than a question, and the way his tone had become so hollow didn’t help.
Jack lowered his head, clearly unsure whether or not to make eye-contact as he nodded. 
“Sounds like the way Freddy was designed. . .” Ness mused without quite meaning to. 
Memories of the huge sign that had been built to loom over the old pizzeria’s front entrance flooded into his head. The blinking lights that bordered the establishment’s title and seemed to chase each other around and around and around. The life-sized cutout of the one and only Freddy Fazbear himself, using one paw to adjust his bowtie and the other to wave, seemingly beckoning customers to wander inside. 
Those memories dissolved as Ness winced and glanced back at Mason, who was now reaching up with a shaking hand to grasp at his hoodie’s collar, tugging it to cover up the top of an old, deep scar that dragged along the skin of his neck. Ness shuffled in his seat, trying not to stare at how quickly the color drained from his friend’s face. 
Checkers was back by Mason’s side in an instant, bracing her paws against the seat as she licked at his face. Mason blinked, a huge shudder rippling through his chest as he hugged his pet.
A few minutes dragged by, feeling like an hour apiece and jeering at the trio as they went.
“So.” Mason finally announced, still keeping his gentle-yet-obviously-desperate hold on Checkers. “Let me get this straight: that. . .that thing got into your cab like it paid rent just a few hours ago?” 
Jack pursed his lips, nodding again. “There was a kid with it, too. A little girl. She didn’t even seem scared at all. The whole ride, she was smiling and hugging the bear’s arm—”
“Wait, you actually drove it somewhere?!” Mason demanded.
Jack sputtered. “What other choice did I have?!”
“I mean, that’s kind of literally his job,” Ness mentioned. 
True, he was grappling with the fact that he and his friends had apparently been transported into some cheap bizzarofiction novel. And yet, somehow, this wasn’t even the craziest story that’d been relayed to him from a customer. He peered down at Fabio as though it was about to start contributing to this conversation. “Where did you take them?”
Jack raised an eyebrow at Ness (which he guessed couldn’t be helped. Ness already had an idea, but it was rude to just assume, wasn’t it?). “Where else? That old pizza joint you’ve been trying to write an encyclopedia on.”
Mason was about to say something else, but stopped short in favor of turning his shock toward Ness.
Ness raised his hands in a defensive gesture. “Look, I know you don’t like that place, but just remember that I don’t question what you do with your free-time.”
“That’s right. And even if you did, you wouldn’t have to, because I don’t spend my free-time poking around the fourth Circle of Hell!” Mason snarked. 
“I won’t lie and say it’s not creepy,” Ness admitted, unable to stop a chill from racing down his spine at the memory of the restaurant’s grimy wall posters, the draft that always seemed to be in the air over there, the disturbingly sour tang of what he’d hoped was just ancient pizza sauce, “but that still seems pretty harsh.”
Mason gawked, fragments of words leaking through his teeth.
“If we’re looking at the bigger picture,” Jack coughed, probably attempting to steer Mason away from a potential stroke, “then nothing really happened tonight. The bear didn’t even make a peep the whole time. I didn’t get hurt, and that girl didn’t get hurt. She even left a handful of change when we got to the restaurant.”
Ness squinted and tilted his head at that. As far as he knew, the rules Jack applied to his cab were pretty lax and basic, but he’d always been firm on never taking money from lone child passengers.
Then again, if the child passenger in question was traveling with a huge robotic animal that apparently had enough sentience to use a taxi in the first place, it was probably best to just go along with whatever happened and leave the sanity-questioning session for later.
Jack fiddled with the zipper on his jacket. “. . .That actually wasn’t even the worst part of tonight’s shift.”
Mason leaned back against the leather seat, looking very much lightheaded. His eyes bulged from their sockets as he furiously motioned for his friend to elaborate. 
Jack hesitated before explaining, “Well, once the girl and the bear were out, I decided to just call it a day. After I got far enough away from the pizzeria, I parked by one of the downtown curbs and switched the car’s sign to Off Duty. I was trying to get a catnap in—”
“It’s a miracle you could even try to sleep after that damn bear basically held you hostage,” Mason interjected.
“—when someone knocked on the window. I told ‘em to read the sign and come find me later, but they opened up the door and got in anyway. So, I was about to kick them out and. . .” Jack trailed off, shaking his shoulders as though a few dozen cockroaches had spontaneously taken up nest in his jacket.  
“And. . .?” Ness echoed, the curiosity-concern cocktail in his mind getting stronger.
“And there was some tiny doll in my passenger seat,” Jack concluded. “Looked creepy as hell.”
Ness hummed in consideration. “Sounds like it could just be a weird prank? The teens in that area are always following strange trends.”
Jack nervously shook his head. “I couldn’t see anyone outside the cab. It only took a few seconds for me to look; there’s no way anyone could move fast enough to hide after they put the doll in.”
“A tiny doll. . ?” Mason’s brow furrowed in thought for a couple seconds, then promptly returned to its collision course for Mars. He leaned over the table. “Did it have bug-eyes and buck teeth? Was it wearing one of those stupid propeller hats and holding a red-and-yellow striped balloon?”
Jack’s face contorted in confusion as he nodded. “. . .That pretty much sums it up.”
Though his expression was still grim, Mason’s fear quickly metamorphosed into some good ol’ fashioned aggravation. “That’s the bastard,” he seethed, knuckles turning white. 
Jack blinked, perplexity slowly overtaking his latest case of heebie-jeebies. “Wait, you’ve seen that thing before?”
“I have, unfortunately.” Mason grimaced. An odd type of adrenaline etched its way across his face. “Is it still in the cab?”
Jack nodded again. “I didn’t want to risk touching it.”The words were barely out of his mouth when Mason rose from the booth and stalked outside through Sparky’s front entrance. Checkers trotted after him, the tiredness of an actual nurse flickering in her eyes.
Ness and Jack basically had frontrow seats to observe their friend approaching Jack’s cab, ripping the passenger-side door open and fishing something out before slamming it closed again.
With that, Mason raced to the edge of the parking lot and proceeded to dropkick what had to be the mysterious balloon-toting doll out of sight.
Despite his shock, part of Ness still felt relieved that Mason hadn’t simply deposited it into the dumpster. Just in case those awful rabbit-looking things happened to be paying a visit tonight. . .
@sammys-magical-au @that-bat @th3w00ds @bee-the-matpat-simp @touyubesposts @crazy-obsessed-enby @i-used-to-wear-the-fedora @holyawesomestitches @s-e-v-e-n-24 @sotogalmo @ciphershadow @deethedustyassdumbass @theechoingmadness @its-a-goddamn-ass-race @zam-witch @box-goat @redd-byrd @icantmakeupagoodname @pleasedontmind-the-emerald @transparentghosty @vegaslvrr @itzqueers-blog @wannabeavocaloidmystery @shivr0ygf @ciara-clycone @not-made-of-actual-rye @m0on-shro0m @imafruitbowl @azure-trash @il0v3mus1cals @v1r-x @kafkaisnotdead @junaslagoon @alicethemenace @ilovenikkisixx @m00nlight-mexican @w0rd3855 @head-without-a-fucking-brain. @unkn0wn-nys @not-made-of-actual-rye @101k-t101 @theonlykala @dividel @riff-is-on-a-fucking-crisis @roselily2006 @max-afton @abe-the-detective-blog @floating-above-sea-level @madhare051
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mrvelocipede · 1 year
Notes on the multicolored doily
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Ovale Decke: Ravelry link, Ramona French charts
Knitted using three colors of crochet cotton, on US size 2 (2.75mm) needles. Finished dimensions about 24x18 inches.
The hexagonal units are reasonably straightforward to knit, although I had some questions about the chart. There’s a triple YO that turns into 7 stitches, which is clearly visible in pictures of the finished doily, but which is charted in a way that looks like it would result in two groups of three and a single stitch. Historic Niebling patterns tell you to alternate knits and purls in the same stitch for those huge increases, but I usually alternate knits and YOs instead. It makes fewer twists in the yarn.
Then there’s a round of purl stitches, and I can’t figure out why. The pictures from the original magazine don’t seem to have them, and some of the Ravelry projects don’t have them either, but some do. At what stage of things was this variation introduced? It is a mystery. I swatched it both ways, and decided to leave them out.
Ultimately, I made my own version of the chart, and used that. Here it is, for the record. In the hexagon chart, I included every round, because there are a couple of things that happen on even-numbered rounds, and I didn’t want to lose track of them. The border charts use the more standard notation of only showing odd-numbered rounds.
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The 1x1 cable crosses may have all gone the same direction in the original, but I decided to mirror them, and also to not do them as actual cables. Instead, I did a mock cable that I think of as a Fake Decrease, but which is maybe officially called a Twisted Stitch (or Traveling Stitch?) and which I got very tired of by the time I was at the end of the border. All the border leaves are outlined in these crossed stitches as well. There are a lot of them. Bah.
I made four hexagonal units and grafted them together. Then I put all the remaining stitches onto a 24 inch needle, and considered the border.
The hexagon sides each have 17 stitches. In between the groups of 17, you either add a YO or you don’t, depending on whether that corner is convex or concave. I made a little diagram for both the 4-unit and the 9-unit versions, to show the placement of the in-between YOs.
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I used several different colors of stitch markers to keep track of which places had the YOs and which ones didn’t. The YOs eventually expand into the triple-leaf shapes, but at first they’re easy to lose sight of.
I re-charted the border as two parts, A and B, and made a few small tweaks. When you’re using chart A, instead of repeating the chart exactly, you work whichever bits apply: the leaf increases happen at the corners where you’ve added a YO, and the former hexagon sides are gradually decreased away.
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So you work rounds 1-8 of chart A, knitting any ktbl stitches through the back loop on the plain rounds as well. Starting with round 9, the part of the chart inside the orange outline gets repeated three times. Those sections get much wider very quickly, and it didn’t take very long before I had to switch to a 32 inch needle. And eventually to wish I had a 40 inch one.
On round 19, there are some places in between the leaf sections where there’s one stitch, and some places where there are two. To start chart B, you need three stitches in between the leaves, so you either do one YO (in between), or two YOs (one on either side). On round 20, I decided to knit those single in-between YOs through the back loop, because they seemed a bit too open and gappy. I suppose that more or less turns them into a M1.
I used two different double decreases, as follows:
The angled double decrease is slip 1 stitch, knit 2 together, pass the slipped stitch over: the central stitch ends up on the bottom of the stack, and the diagonal decrease lines are emphasized.
The centered double decrease is slip 2 stitches together knitwise, knit 1, pass both slipped stitches over: the central stitch ends up on top, and the vertical line is emphasized.
The 5-into-1 decrease goes like this: first you slip 2 stitches knitwise, exactly like you would for a ssk. Knit the next 2 stitches together, and pass one of the slipped stitches over. Then move the stitch over to the left needle, and pass the next working stitch over it. Move it back to the right needle, pass the other slipped stitch over it, and you’re done.
Chart B is pretty much normal lace knitting (except for the interminable 1x1 crossed stitches). After round 31, the marked groups of stitches are gathered with crochet chains in between.
The ones on Ravelry all seem to be diamond-shaped, but I blocked mine into more of an ellipse, and it’s kind of interesting to see how it distorted the central hexagons. Dealing with all the loose ends was exactly as terrible as you think it was. Writing the notes took nearly as long as the actual knitting. Hooray!
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tigressaofkanjis · 5 months
Transformers: Lost World - All 16 Meadow Transformers
See post for information here
Color Schemes: Normal colors will be present and switch between both types regularly with a 50-50 chance of spawning with a Transformer every in-game day with Regal spawns being slightly less odds but very possible to encounter. Rare and Legendary colors can only be unlocked after talking to Shockwave about the rifts plaguing the land once the Universal Nexus is activated. From then on, both wild and outbreaks of Transformers will have a chance of being all four types. 
Color Schemes may seem similar in sequence or by name, but they are different shades, and the order of colors also marks their prominence. (Main Color, Secondary Color, Extra Details, and Extra Details), (Main Color, Secondary Color, and Extra Details), or (Main Color and Secondary/Extra Details). On some occasions, the first color isn’t technically the overall if there’s an even amount of color space in which case all colors will be main or a main and two secondaries. Most color schemes do not include protoform limb colors nor faceplates.
When you befriend a Transformer in the wild, they will not spawn again once you have them at your base. However, after the Universal Nexus is activated, not only do outbreaks occur to get multiple of the same Transformer but cosmic clones baring any color scheme available for that particular Transformer will appear in the wild spawn locations of the original (even if you never befriended the Transformer at all giving you more odds). If you release a Transformer before activating the Universal Nexus, they will spawn back in the wild in their area and allow you to hunt for a different color available in Normal and Regal formats. 
Take note: Universal molds (G1, TFA, TFP, etc) do not spawn in the wild, only through outbreaks. Colors indicated do not always count protoform color. Bio lights vary. 
Patterns: Depending on the Transformer also varies on pattern. From animal-like prints to simplistic car patterns, fades, and cutoffs, you could possibly find a Transformer with a unique color scheme and a beautiful pattern to boot. (Me adding flare to the game because I find it odd a lot of Transformers have Basic patterning. I would think an advanced cybernetic species would invest in some good designs *tattoos* ahem. And it doesn’t cover their whole body usually, just parts of it.) 
Vehicons (Miner) – Can be seen in Basic, Tiger and Saddled Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Charoite (Purple, Black, and Deep Grey with Red Lights), Tuxedo (Black and White with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Amethyst (Indigo, Gray, and Silver with Red Lights), Cherry Swirl (Crimson and Magenta with White Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Deep Grey, Red, and Yellow with Yellow Lights; Striped Hyena), Shattered Glass (Sea Blue, Black, and White with Light Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Space Cadet (Dark Blue, Teal, and White with Blue Lights), Golden Sheep (Black and Gold with Yellow Lights) 
2. Autotroopers (Gatherer) - Can be seen in Basic, Leopard and Tobiano Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Monochrome (White, Black, and Grey with Blue Lights), Star Sapphire (Slate Gray and Deep Blue with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Snowflake (Frost White and Baby Blue with Light Blue Lights), White Lotus (White, Green and Mint with Light Green Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Light Gray, Black, and White with Blue Lights; Labrador), Shattered Glass (Deep Grey, White, and Light Purple with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Winterdance (Light Blue, Cerulean, and White with Teal Lights), Cockatiel (Cream, White, and Red with Orange Lights) 
3. Jazz (Scout) – Can be seen in Basic, Narrow Sports Striped and Narrow Racing Striped Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Seaboard (White, Cool Black, and Navy Blue with Blue Lights), Chromite (Silver and Gray with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Magical Betta (White, Blue, and Maroon with Blue Lights), Faded Dusk (Light Gray, Deep Blue and Orange with Orange Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Silver, White and Deep Blue with Blue Lights; Lynx), Shattered Glass (Black, Grey, Gold, and Light Orange with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Molten (Neon Red and Neon Orange with Yellow Lights), Freeway (Silver, Black and Gold with Blue Lights) 
4. Cliffjumper (Miner) - Can be seen in Basic, Saddled and Triangular Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Candy Apple (Crimson and Silver with Blue Lights), Crimson Tide (Crimson, Burgundy, and Dark Red with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Warlord (Silver, Deep Grey, Black, and Crimson with White Lights), Blood Moon (Black and Crimson with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Deep Red, Copper, and Silver; Wildebeest), Shattered Glass (Purple, Black, and Silver) 
Legendary Colors: Plague Crystal (Violet, Purple, and Dark Purple), Roughrider (Yellow, Brown, and Green with Yellow Lights) 
5. Barricade (Infiltrator) - Can be seen in Basic, Checkered and Wide Single Striped Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Tuxedo (Black and White with Red Lights), Star Sapphire (Slate Gray and Deep Blue with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Starry Night (Black, Indigo, and Copper with Purple Lights), Moonlit Ocean (Dark Blue, Black and White with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Black, Grey, and Purple with Red Lights; Wolverine), Shattered Glass (White, Black, and Blue with Green Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Interrogator (White, Yellow, and Blue with Blue Lights), Pursuit (Lavender, Black, and Gold with Purple Lights) 
6. Knockout (Healer) - Can be seen in Basic, Tribal and Narrow Racing Striped Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Rose Bouquet (Red, Magenta, and Yellow with Red Lights), Cherry Swirl (Crimson and Magenta with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Gothic Luxury (Black, Gold, and Crimson with Red Lights), Medic (Red and White with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Crimson, Cerulean, and Gold with Red Lights; Peacock), Shattered Glass (Blue, White, Black, and Gold with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Radioactive (Vivid Green, Purple and Pink with Pink Lights), Tango Lily (Tangerine, Burgundy, and Violet with Red Lights) 
7. Moonracer (Infiltrator) - Can be seen in Basic, Triangular and Hexagonal Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Mint Vanilla (Mint, Teal, and Cream with Blue Lights), Grassland (Light Green, Mint, and Amber with Yellow Lights) 
Regal Colors: Variscite Bracelet (Gold, Green, and Mint with Blue Lights), Turquoise (Teal and Mint with Blue Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Cream, Mint, and Gold with Green Lights; Belgian Horse), Shattered Glass (Dark Blue, Black, and Crimson with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Arctic Glow (White, Aqua, and Mint with Teal Lights), Mermaid (Light Purple, Cream, and Teal with Light Purple Lights) 
8. Hot Rod (Miner) - Can be seen in Basic, Flames and Chevron Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Firestarter (Burgundy, Orange, and Yellow with Blue Lights), Sunset (Red, Gold, and Orange with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Obsidian Sun (Black, Orange, and Deep Copper with Orange Lights), Tiger’s Eye (Orange, Black, and Crimson with Blue Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Yellow, Red, and Gold with Orange Lights; Lion), Shattered Glass (Black, Silver, and Purple with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Blue Ghost (Blue, Teal, and Light Orange with Orange Lights), Fusion Flame (Black, Crimson, and Gold with Red Lights) 
9. Tailgate (Miner) - Can be seen in Basic, Tobiano and Hexagonal Patterns 
Normal Colors: Waves (White and Cerulean with Blue Lights), Energon (White, Blue, and Teal with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Glass Marbles (White, Red, Blue, and Black with Blue Lights), Blue Sky (Cerulean, Baby Blue, and White with Yellow Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Blue, White, and Dark Blue with Blue Lights; Adelie Penguin), Shattered Glass (Gold, Deep Blue, and White with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Flare Cap (Light Yellow, Light Red, and Black with Blue Lights), Akebi Fruit (Lavender and White with Light Blue Lights) 
10. Sideswipe (Scout) - Can be seen in Basix, Saddled and Mackerel Patterns 
Normal Colors: Harlequin (Red, Black, and White with Blue Lights), Chromite (Silver and Gray with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Smelting Rock (Amber, Black, and Grey with Orange Lights), Sumi-e (White, Black, and Red with Blue Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Crimson, Amber, Black, and Yellow with Red Lights; King Cobra), Shattered Glass (Teal, Deep Grey, and Silver with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Sunrise (Yellow, Cerulean, and Tangerine with Blue Lights), Desert Storm (Tan, Windsor Tan, and Cream with Yellow Lights) 
11. Sunstreaker (Gatherer) - Can be seen in Basic, Saddled and Wide Double Striped Patterns 
Normal Colors: Yellow Jacket (Yellow and Black with Blue Lights), Coreopsis (Yellow, Deep Gray, and Red) 
Regal Colors: Aspen Forest (Grey, Dark Grey, White, and Yellow with Yellow Lights), Sand (Gold and Tan with Blue Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Gold, Yellow, Black, and Grey with Blue Lights; Goanna), Shattered Glass (Black, Burgundy, and Gold with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Prototype (White, Black, and Burgundy with Red Lights), Machination (Yellow, Cerulean, and Pink with Red Lights) 
12. Heatwave (Healer) - Can be found with Basic, Narrow Double Striped and Cheetah Patterns 
Normal Colors: Fire Hydrant (Red, Yellow, and Grey with Blue Lights), Harlequin (Red, Black, and White with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Cinnabar Dolomite (White, Maroon, and Deep Grey with Blue Lights), Auburn Anthem (Crimson and Copper with Blue Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (White, Red, Black, and Yellow with Yellow Lights; Dalmatian), Shattered Glass (Black, Dark Blue, Red, and White with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Firebot (Neon Yellow, Crimson, and White with Blue Lights), Reverse Deployer (Indigo, Tangerine, and Dark Slate with Red Lights) 
13. Chase (Gatherer) - Can be found in Basic, Chevron and Tobiano Patterns 
Normal Colors: Mosaic (Dark Blue, White, and Yellow with Blue Lights), Seaboard (White, Cool Black, and Navy Blue with Light Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Blue Sky (Cerulean, Baby Blue, and White with Blue Lights), Prime Sherbert (Red, Blue, and Yellow with Orange Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Navy Blue, Baby Blue and White with Yellow Lights; Kangaroo), Shattered Glass (Camo Green, Green, and Silver with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Electronic (Black, White, and Yellow with Blue Lights), Rescue Dino (Navy Blue, Light Teal, and Silver with Blue Lights) 
14. Bumblebee (Scout) - Can be found in Basic, Wide Single Striped and Narrow Double Striped Patterns 
Normal Colors: Yellow Jacket (Yellow and Black with Blue Lights), Black Swan (Black, Deep Grey, and Gold with Dark Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Oriole (Orange, Amber, and Black with Blue Lights), Super Seven (Gold, Purple, and Maroon with Purple Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Gold, Black, and Baby Blue with Blue Lights; Honeybee), Shattered Glass (Silver and Purple with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Terrorcon (Black, Purple, Mint, and Slate with Purple Lights), Sonic Blue (Baby Blue, Dark Blue, and Silver with White Lights) 
15. Perceptor (Infiltrator) - Can be found in Basic, Hexagonal and Saddled Patterns 
Normal Colors: Harlequin (Red, Black, and White with Blue Lights), Ruby Glass (Red, Light Teal, and Black with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Ornament (Red, Silver, and Gold with Blue Lights), Wildfire (Amber, Red, and Dark Grey with Yellow Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Light Gray, Red, and Black with Blue Lights; Red-Tailed Hawk), Shattered Glass (Black and Red with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Retro Style (Mute Blue, Red, and White with White Lights), Minicon (Blue, Orange, Baby Blue and Yellow with Blue Lights) 
16. Shockwave (Infiltrator) - Can be found in Basic, Chevron, and Ocelot Patterns 
Normal Colors: Charoite (Purple, Black, and Deep Grey with Red Lights), Purple Dawn (Purple, Lavender, and Grey with Yellow Lights) 
Regal Colors: Masquerade (Vivid Purple, Neon Green, and Dark Grey with Yellow Lights), Ominous (Teal, Black, and Silver with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Purple, Black, and Pink with Pink Lights; Spinosaurus), Shattered Glass (Gold, Silver, Blue, and Yellow with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Senator (White, Teal, and Green with Blue Lights), Origin (Cerulean, Crimson, and White with Blue Lights) 
It took me a week to plan the Normal and Regal color schemes for all 200 Transformers. Since both categories can have repetitive colors, I had to carefully place same colors in Normal (Canon) slots that matched the description of the Transformer and use them for Regal (Non-Canon/Extra Color Schemes) that seemed to work for the others. You have no idea how painful it was to do. Now that the hard part is over, it's just going through the list for Rare (Beast and Shattered Glass) and Legendary (Rare Toys/Exclusives) colors which shouldn't take long for me to do though scrolling through all the toy lines for unique color schemes is draining.
Please note Legendary skins are chosen by how rare or how meaningful the color is to the character. Some characters have multiple good toys with unique color schemes but I can't always put every one of them, so I have to choose what appears to be the best. I scroll through all character pages of every universe and choose my contenders mind you, so it can get very hard on what is chosen in the end.
Color Schemes are also simplified to ensure cleaner display. Notice how colors can be a bit vague. It's sometimes very had to pinpoint specific colors so the top few most prominent on the character are noted, especially for Legendary skins where I go for uniqueness and individuality compared to the Normal and Regal skins.
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imshii-kin · 5 months
Echoes of Devotion’
A Ninjago Story
Yandere Kai Smith x Male Reader
A sneak peek into something I’m working on. This is a rough, rough draft.
Summary: An over worked traveling doctor who just moved back into the trouble infested city named Ninjago because of a job offer with Borg Tech. meets fiery hot headed ninja while a random villain attacks the city?
What could possibly go wrong?
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Yesterday, today, tomorrow, They are not consecutive. They are connected in a never-ending circle, Everything is Connected
- The Stranger
The sound of traffic filled the night air, a strange calmness settling over the usually rampant city. M/n sits outside on the apartment fire escape, his legs dangling over the edge as he gazes at the sleepless city.
It was late summer, the air was hot with excitement and life, no one could sleep on nights like these.
M/n had heard all kinds of stories about Ninjago City since he moved, from snake attacks to Overlord takeovers, this city has been through it all. Resting his head on the fire escape railing, M/n allows his eyes to close, peacefully enjoying the night air.
Nights like these temporarily make M/n forget about his troubles, a moment of escape before he inevitably gets dragged down again by the reality of his situation.
A soft buzzing interrupts M/n's thoughts, pulling him back to reality. M/n pulls his phone out and flips it open to check the caller.
"Dad..." M/n's expression softens a bit as he sees the familiar face of his father, an older gentleman with peppered hair and a wise old look in his hazelnut eyes.
M/n accepts the call, gingerly putting the phone up to his ear. "Dad? What are you doing calling me at this hour?" M/n's voice was soft, barely above a whisper.
He patiently listened to the call, nodding now and then.
"I don't mind, I'm right next to the coffee shop, I can pick up a few pastries for you and Mom for tomorrow." M/n reassures his father. "I'll let you go and start heading over there now."
M/n hangs up the phone, silence blessing him once more. He pauses momentarily, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere, before standing up and leaving the fire escape.
❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜
M/n travels down the street, making his way to the local coffee shop. Eternal Espresso Emporium was its name, it was open 24 hours, which was something M/n could appreciate.
Reaching the small cafe, M/n quietly enters the shop, the bell atop the door ringing softly, announcing his presence. There was no one there except the barista, a young girl by the look of it.
Approaching the girl, wallet in hand, M/n's eyes glance over the pastries on display. "...I'll take three Pain au Chocolat please." He softly spoke, "And a lavender latte." lazily, his eyes drifted up to the girl, who was staring at him with a faint blush in her cheeks.
"Is something wrong?" M/n asks. The barista jolts in surprise, "Oh-! Um no- sorry," her cheeks glow red from embarrassment as she quickly turns to prepare his order.
M/n raised a brow but lets it go, deciding to take a closer look around the shop instead. The place was small but cozy, warm lights hung from the ceiling which was decorated with fake leaves, all of which were some shade of orange, yellow, and red.
The place sort of gave a cozy autumn feeling. The tables were made from wood, resembling tree trunks, and couches with yellow and copper color schemes accompanied the tables.
"Here's your order sir." M/n looked back over to the barista who was now holding a small box and a well-decorated coffee box. "Ah, right, thank you." He takes the box and coffee out of the employee's hand.
There's another ring, alerting everyone that someone else has entered the shop. M/n looks over, curious about who else was here this late at night.
A dark red hoodie was the first thing M/n saw.
The boy had warm brown hair that was spiked, it was odd but strangely fit him. His eyes were a reddish brown around his pupil with a darker chocolate brown color surrounding it. He had a scar on his eyebrow, giving him a rough look, as well as a few other scars on his hands.
"I'm here for a pickup under Kai." The boy in the red hood announced.
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