#Whitney fordman
kent-farm · 10 months
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—Smallville, “Metamorphosis”
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nicnacsnonsense · 4 months
OH MY GOD, Whitney grew up to be Jack Hyde, fiction editor, from the 50 Shades film trilogy. That is hilarious to me.
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girlcheater · 2 years
just got into smallville and all of these characters dynamics are soooo incredibly fucked up. I'm in love. 21 yo runs over a 14 yo and is like wow . Ur lying to me and HES RIGHT TOOG FJFN. Clark is the world's worst liar and most profilic gaslighter. His dad is just. Confused and prideful . Whitney is supposed to 4 yrs older than clark. He does not LOOK it.
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Guess who!!
It’s Clark Kent!!! Smallville Clark Kent!
This is my last one for pride month 😭😭
Now this might make the fans that get really upset about sexuality headcanons angry but who cares they can deal with it.
Clark is bisexual.
He doesn’t really realise until he gets to like fifteen (around the start of the show) when he meets Lex and I definitely think he developed a small crush on him for awhile but he was still figuring things out and didn’t want to make his new best friend feel awkward. Later on his feelings changed into a more platonic feeling as he met more people but even now they’re enemies he always looks back fondly on their friendship and the feelings he had for him even if it makes him a little sad.
Even though he didn’t like Whitney because he was dating his crush Lana he also annoyingly found him attractive too.
He didn’t feel comfortable coming out for a few years because he was from a small town and he wasn’t sure how the people in his town would deal with it. He wasn’t ashamed of himself but he wanted to be safe even if they technically couldn’t hurt him unless they knew about kryptonite the harsh words could still hurt. He found that people in Metropolis were accepting and when he goes back home after coming out they accept him too and he tries to ignore any negative people.
He came out to Martha and Jonathan together and was happy that they accepted him. His mum seemed to know a bit more about it than his dad did but Jonathan wants to learn to better understand him. He becomes a big support in his life. His parents are very protective over him.
The first of his friends he told was Pete because he’s his oldest friend and he knows he can trust him. Pete is a little surprised but eventually understands it better.
He definitely told Lex too before the two started falling out and Clark also found out that Lex is bisexual and is able to go to him about any problems. Lex is incredibly protective of him and understanding and I totally believe that even after they fall out that’s the one thing they don’t target about each other because they both have experienced hardships in discovering their sexualities.
The thing that kind of started him thinking on his sexuality was when Lana asked him if he was having boy troubles while they were at her parents grave. It surprised him and he denied it because technically at the time he was crushing on her by it got him thinking a lot.
When he’s older he definitely helps people out if they are struggling with their sexuality. I think Conner would start questioning his sexuality and Clark would be a great help to him since he’s been where he is and understands.
Chloe, Pete and Lana are 100% ready to fight anyone who is biphobic towards him.
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random-movie-ideas · 7 months
Clark Kent (Movie Outline)
This is another movie in my series of Superman movies incorporating every major villain and ally. This one however, would function a bit like "The Batman" in that it seems to be an entirely separate standalone series outside of the Cinematic Universe, until it is revealed to be a part of it through a plot twist later on. But we'll get to that part.
The movie will open with a brief little montage retelling Clark's origin, with him being found as a baby, raised by Jonathan and Martha, and growing up as a mostly normal kid. This montage will be intercut with hands carefully constructing various children's toys, which will seem to just be a whimsical touch about childhood, but will have deeper meaning on a rewatch.
We will start in on a thirteen-year-old Clark, celebrating his birthday with his parents. The news will cut to a bombing of a local senator's mansion, drawing their attention for a minute, before Clark's super-hearing kicks in for the first time and his ears are filled with the screams and tears coming from the actual location. His parents will try to help him, but it will quickly subside.
The next morning, Clark will head to school and we'll get to meet some of his friends, including his crush Lana Lang, his best friend Pete Ross, another close friend Whitney Fordman, a friend with a crush on him named Chloe Sullivan, and the preppy popular girl Leslie Willis. We'll get to see their dynamic together through various scenes, and Whitney will casually mention that he is going on a family trip and needs to pick up a toy for his cousin's birthday, which will lead to them visiting a local toy shop in town, where the shopkeeper Winslow is friendly with them, having sold them all lots of toys in their childhood.
Later that night, Clark's will have another sudden burst of super-hearing but this time he will hear Whitney's voice alongside a strange whirring noise. He will also end up developing laser vision and destroy a section of his family's crops, while smashing his sink with his bare hands.
The next morning, Clark will receive news that Whitney and his family were all killed in a horrible car crash the night before. We will see him and his friends at the funeral. Leslie will get the idea that they should all spend the day in town, and we'll see some general childhood scenes. They'll stop off in Winslow's shop, where Winslow will console them over their loss. They will also notice that the wealthy Luthor children Lex and Lena are in the shop, but Clark will have to duck out early as his x-ray vision starts to kick in and he sees through everything around him.
At home that night, he will be talking to his parents about not knowing what's happening to him. Jonathan and Martha will tell him they have something they need to tell him, but before they do, he will hear that strange whirring sound again, accompanied by the Luthor children's voices. He will start running toward their mansion, but his super speed will kick in and he will blow right past it. Doubling back, he will arrive just in time to see the whole house explode in flames, killing everyone inside.
Back at home, Jonathan and Martha will finally reveal to Clark that he's not really their child, that they found him as a baby and have his ship buried in their field. Martha says she has to assume that these powers are a natural part of his actual species.
We then get a series of scenes of Clark training with Jonathan and Martha, the three together learning about his powers and figuring out how to control them. We'll also get scenes of him with his friends, like him trying to flirt with Lana, but due to his training with powers, he ends up missing out and she and Pete start growing closer instead. Little by little, Clark starts getting better, developing his super-strength, speed, x-ray vision, heat vision, and super-hearing.
One night, he finds out that Lana is going on a date with Pete, and feels sad about it in town, being comforted by Chloe. As they sit together, he hears that same strange whirring sound and recognizes Pete and Lana's sound in the same vicinity. He races to find them, spots the whirring item as something inside a present Pete is holding behind his back. He rushed past them, knocking the present from Pete's hand and into the water, where it explodes. Pete and Lana are both stunned, but Clark believes they're okay. Until he hears a similar whirring with Leslie's voice nearby.
He races as fast as he can to her house, arriving quickly, just barely managing to grab Leslie when what looks like a fancy toy she'd bought for her mother detonates. He pulls Leslie to safety but the sudden whiplash and the force of the explosion knocks her out and leaves her seriously wounded, while her house and the rest of her family are killed.
Clark calls 911 and Leslie is taken to the hospital. Chloe, Pete, and Lana all come to see her, while Clark is comforted by Jonathan and Martha. Wanting to be alone for a while, Clark goes on a walk through town, and stops in at Winslow's shop for some of the cookies Winslow prepares for the kids that come to visit.
Pete and Lana talk with Chloe in the hospital room, Pete mentioning how that could have been them, talking about how he had bought a present from Winslow that day to give to Lana but it had fallen in the lake and exploded. Chloe remembers how Leslie had just bought her mom a present from Winslow for her birthday, and how Whitney had bought a present for his cousin. They then remember the Luthors had been at his shop as well. Jonathan and Martha put it together, and they race out to find Clark.
Winslow comforts Clark about the fates of the Willis family. He mentions how he had once worked with Leslie's father in the Luthorcorp R & D department. Clark is surprised, not knowing Winslow once worked for the Luthors, and Winslow regales him with how he had once been a respected engineer and inventor, until his patents were stolen by the Luthors and he'd been forced from the company, leaving little hints here and there that the senator from the beginning, Leslie's dad, and one of both Whitney and Pete's parents had been involved. Winslow has a brief moment where his mask slips, but he quickly hides it and acts like he's perfectly content as a toymaker now.
It all starts to come together in Clark's head. He looks around the room, noticing the same toy that had exploded in the Willis house. He switches over to x-ray vision and recognizes the same gears and components he had noticed inside of Pete's present. He gets to his feet and says "It was you." Winslow tries to brush it off, like Clark is just imagining things, but soon it becomes clear that the jig is up, and Winslow activates secret mechanisms that lock his shop down and trap both of them inside.
Winslow apologizes to Clark, saying he has no beef with him, but however he figured it out, he can't let his cover be blown now, not when he's so close to completing his revenge. He activates a number of traps hidden within his toys, but is stunned when Clark is not phased by a single one of them. Clark, full of rage, lets loose a barrage of heat vision around the store, destroying everything in it and setting the building ablaze. Winslow asks "What are you?" and tries to run but Clark catches him in seconds and beats him down, punching at him and nearly killing him.
Jonathan and Martha arrive just in time, shouting at him to stop. Clark stops, just before landing the killing blow, and yells at them that he killed Whitney, and that he tried to kill Pete and Leslie. Jonathan and Martha say they know, but remind him that he is not like him. This convinces Clark to not kill Winslow and leave him in the burning building.
The cops shortly arrive and arrest Winslow, the cops assuming from all the evidence inside the shop, that one of his exploding toys malfunctioned, setting off a chain reaction, and catching himself in the blast. As he is carried away, he tries to claim that a superhuman child did all of this but no one believes him.
Winslow's arrest and implication in all of the bombings is all over the news the next day. Leslie has made a full recovery and is back at school. She mentions how she will be living with her aunt now. Chloe brings up Winslow's claim of a superhuman taking him down, and Pete remembers someone bumping into him to make him drop his present. Leslie says she was saved by something similar, but that person only saved her and left her parents and siblings to die.
Clark talks to his parents about it all. He doesn't know where his powers come from, but if he can use them to stop bad people like Winslow from hurting and killing others, then that's what he wants to use them for. Jonathan and Martha agree to support them and they start coming up with plans for how.
A post-credits scene shows a similar ship flying through space, a panel on the outside showing one life sign inside, a small flashing light showing the shape of a dog.
This is really the idea that got all of this started. I had an idea that to make Toyman work as a full movie villain, it would have to be set in Clark's childhood, when he is just developing his superpowers, with Toyman being this looming, predatory threat menacing Clark and his friends, his true identity kept secret. This would allow Clark to learn to use his powers to figure out the villain's identity, but would also keep Toyman a constant threat despite the distinct power difference between him and his super nemesis.
What do you think? Would you watch a movie like this?
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pinkys-plan · 3 months
Season 6 of this show has me missing Whitney. Things were so simple when Lana was dating just some fuckin’ guy.
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konboyblues · 8 months
that’s why i keep saying, if jay nakamura was an afghani refugee with a hijab, it would Occur To People that batman sowing discord in jon’s personal relationships and alluding to jay as a terrorist is directly tied to the editorial decision to have batman be the conduit for antibrown sentiment and post-9/11 grimdark fantasies. and people ate that shit UP! “oh batsy was just being cautious, you know how he is,” girl he was being RACIST. he been acting and being and performing racist acts and acts of hypersurveillance and general cop-like behavior since the writers chose him to drive their own collective trauma since 9/11. y’all forget that at one point, dc was making direct parallels between american soldiers going off to war post-9/11 to superheroes having a civilian identity by day while saving people at night (smallville, wb11, whitney fordman and clark kent).
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My DC Cinematic Universe: Superman (Part V)
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Chapter Five: A Support System
This section's gonna be a little different. Might seem kinda like filler at first glance, but it sort of is, in a way. After all, we'll need to fill out the normal everyday world of Clark Kent, and what better way to do that than with his supporting cast. Because Clark has quite a bit of supporting cast, and because we've got other things to focus on in this theoretical film, I'm not gonna go too in-depth this time. Buuuuuut, while this'll be light on character analysis, we'll still need to ask why these characters exist, and how they'll be seen in the film itself.
One more thing: we'll divide this section down by location, and I'll go into those locations just a little bit. After all, a city is its own character, so it makes sense to talk about the environments in which Clark normally finds himself. And so, without further ado...
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Smallville: Hometown Drama
Smallville, Kansas is the town that made Clark Kent. It is and should be the most normal town in the United States of America. What I mean by this is that, unlike the TV series, Smallville, and even unlike the original Superboy comics, literally nothing should happen here. This should be an extremely average and boring place to live. I realize that that's probably a little boring, but...yeah. Fuggin' exactly. Smallville's biggest crisis should be that time the Johnson's cows got loose and interrupted the Smallville High homecoming game. And yeah, the official report was that the fence gate was left open, but everybody knows that Carl Draper snuck over and let them out on purpose just to mess with quarterback Kenny Braverman and the team. 'Cause, y'know, Carl blames Kenny for stealing Whitney Fordman from him, even though Whitney isn't even dating Kenny ever more since he started flirting with Lana Lang during-you get it, you get the idea, you get the point.
But, that said, there are a few people in Smallville who are a part of Clark's adolescent and adult life, so let's talk about them, as well as throwing them into this Cinematic Universe I'm making.
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Gotta start with Lana Lang, the girl next door. And I'd like to preface this by saying that the most famous version of this character, from Smallville, is the WORST FUCKING THING ABOUT THAT SHOW. Period. Nothing against Kristin Kreuk, she did well with what she was given. To bad what she was given was just a box of new Cap'n Crunch cereal variety called "Oops, All Cringe!" I fucking hate Smallville Lana Lang. Mostly because her overly dramatic life and persona are completely against who Lana Lang is. And who is Lana Lang?
Like I said, Lana is the girl next door. She and Clark are good friends, as well as unrequited love interests. And that's almost entirely on Clark, because Lana's not as timid or shy. And yes, Clark is extremely reserved in high school, mostly because he's nervous about exposing himself and being a freak. He was NOT the popular kid, and Lana absolutely was. But because Lana is genuinely a nice person with good morals, she really likes Clark. Like, she REALLY likes Clark. And yes, she was ABSOLUTELY his first kiss, and she absolutely initiated it. The Clark-Lana relationship should be sweet and cute, and the most stereotypical teenager love story you've ever seen. But, in the end, Clark went to Metropolis and she went else, and they parted ways. Oh, and for the record, Lana knows that Clark is Superman. Didn't figure it out until a bit after Smallville, but she absolutely knows, and she texted him IMMEDIATELY when she figured it out.
OK, who's next? In Smallville, the show creators gave Clark two best friends, so I think that makes sense here as well. In that case...
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Pete Ross, the childhood best friend! Ah, Pete, why do people remember and forget you simultaneously? You were a major supporting character in Smallville, but only for 3 seasons, then didn't appear again until season 7, and never after that. Which is super weird, considering the major role Pete had in the comics. The best friend of a young Clark, Pete Ross is also one of the first people to figure out Clark's secret, independently. In the comics, he figures it out and doesn't tell Clark until way later, but nah. Let's just make it a secret that the two of them share as kids; change things up a little.
My version of Pete is still best friends with Clark to this day. I realize that Jimmy Olsen often takes that role, but he'll be a little different in this universe. No, Pete is Clark's best friend, and I'm tired of people forgetting about him! Yeah, he made a small appearance in Man of Steel, but his role as support was shafted, in my opinion. Pete should be Clark's confidant, then and now.
In high school, Pete, Clark, and Lana are a trio of friends. They each roll in slightly different circles, though. Clark is the quiet loner who reads a lot (he's a library kid); Lana is definitely a theatre kid and a cheerleader; and Pete is the socially aware activist kid who always volunteers for various charity and conservation groups. He's one of the town darlings/annoyances. On a side note, why are the socially conscious activist characters in media always women? I dunno, it's a weird trend in media for some reason. Anyway, Pete will one day become a progressive senator for Kansas, with a lot of hard work and dedication. But for now, he's still Clark's best friend.
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Now, these two are the major support, but we can throw in some other main ones. How about Kenny Braverman, school bully? In the comics, he actually becomes a Kryptonite-wielding villain named Conduit, but this version of the character is a bully. Don't need much more than that; after all, this is a movie universe, not a TV series. How about Carl Draper? Draper is a weird one in the comics; he's basically a stalker who always hated Superboy/Superman, and made a giant death prison to kill Superman and impress Lana Lang, his high school crush. Yeah. Um...I'm just gonna make him another bully alongside Kenny, and a former friend of Clark's at the same time. 'Nuff said, I think.
And then, other than people like the Kents' neighbor Ben Hubbard...there isn't really anybody else to talk about. The name drop of Whitney Fordman up there was meant to be a reference to Smallville, but nothing more than...oh...oh, shit, Smallville. Right.
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Hoo boy, Chloe Sullivan. Again, given the fact that this is a movie and not a TV series, Chloe as a character really doesn't matter. a character created for Smallville, she was the journalism kid, as well as a cousin to Lois Lane, and meant to be the other girl next door love interest character for Clark. And she was played by...Allison Mack. Cult leader Allison Mack. Yeah. Yikes. So, I'll just say this: I like Chloe as a character and character concept, but she carries a LOT of baggage. So instead, we'll bring in character Billie Cramer, who is the same in concept, but named after a male character in the comics who later goes to Metropolis University with Clark. Sorry, Chloe. Allison Mack kinda fucked over your character for me.
From there, Smallville is basically covered. Small town, small stories, and not much happening. But still, the people there molded Clark. And so, by the time he heads out of Smallville, he'll be going into a much bigger world. And with that...
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Metropolis: City of Tomorrow
Where in the fuck is Metropolis? DC, you really need to make a decision here. Because the most common location for Metropolis is New York. Which, frankly, is dumb. New York has both New York City AND Metropolis? That's a lot of city for a small area, just saying. Plus, would Clark have wanted to go very far from home? So, where is my Metropolis? Easy: Illinois. "But what about Chicago," you say? Well, one, it's closer to Kansas, and Clark wouldn't want to be too far from home, for his parents' sake. Two, we can place the city along the Mississippi River, which forms the western coast of Illinois and gives us the water that we need for Metropolis. Three, this'll be at the very tip of southern Illinois, far away from Chicago, and in a place where no major city exists. And five, and most importantly for me, that's where the REAL Metropolis actually is. It is, in fact, maybe the real-world place that loves Superman the most. Let's give 'em some love back.
But OK, with that said and done, why Metropolis? Well, Clark wants to go to school for journalism, because he believes in uncovering the truth, and he wants to be in touch with all sides of humanity, both the good and the bad. Basically, journalism allows Clark to stay down-to-Earth in some very literal ways. And Metropolis University in this universe is a pretty big deal, especially considering that the city is the home to major newspaper The Daily Planet. After graduating from Metropolis U, Clark settles in the city and gets a job at the Daily Planet, his dream job. One of his colleagues is, of course, Lois Lane, but the people of the Daily Planet are an extremely important supporting cast. Considering Clark rarely goes anywhere else, we should talk about them a bit. So, we'll start with the most obvious.
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Jimmy Olsen, the new best friend! I was SO tempted to give Jimmy his own post, but this series is gonna be long enough; I dunno if I can talk that much about Jimmy. That's a lie, actually, because I can talk a LOT about him. Now, some of you may be wondering why I used this GIF of Olsen from Superman: The Movie, instead of Mehcad Brooks from Supergirl, or Aaron Ashmore from Smallville. And the reason is that NEITHER OF THEM WERE JIMMY. The latter was his older brother named Henry James "Jimmy" Olsen, which YES, is stupid. And the former? That is Jimmy Olsen in name only. And why? Because...ah, shit, I'm getting into Jimmy in detail. OK, then, let's do this.
Jimmy Olsen is a kid. He's a dweeb, he's kinda naive, and he matches Clark for sheer optimism. He's either the most likeable person in the room, or the most annoying, or somehow both simultaneously. He's not suave, like Mehcad Brooks' version of the character. Honestly, that's the least Jimmy Olsen-like character I've ever goddamn seen. You know who actually was a lot more like Jimmy? Winn. Winn was Supergirl's Jimmy Olsen, and I DEFY YOU TO TELL ME OTHERWISE.
Ahem. Anyway, back to Jimmy.
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Jimmy is the unpaid intern who gets hired, and is then surprised that there's a paid option for this job, despite that being his career. He's the kid in high school who took pictures of EVERYTHING, and then just never stopped. He's not entirely sure who the mayor of the city is, but knows in excruciating detail through experience and an overly detailed annotated map where the best goddamn hot dog in the city is, and every hot dog vendor in a ten-block radius knows him and his order by heart. Jimmy is a city kid who somehow seems like he came from the country. Jimmy should be a massive nerd, kind of a ditz, and definitely a clutz, but not only is he the best photographer the Planet has to offer, he's also somebody who you want to hang out with. Jimmy Olsen is maybe, maybe about to turn 21, but has not and will not drink. He is the most vanilla human being possible, and I goddamn love him for it. He's also gone through a TON OF INSANE SHIT in the comics, from being turned into a giant turtle Godzilla, to getting becoming a superhero in his own right MULTIPLE TIMES, to becoming the love-interest to a fledgling God for a hot second...a lot, is what I'm saying. Jimmy Olsen is my favorite Superman supporting character, and that is a hill I am glad to die on.
...Jesus. That was a lot of overly specific headcanon to vomit out, even for me. But really, all of that? That's my Jimmy Olsen. Clark's best friend in the city, even if he is a few years younger, as well as a damned good photographer and...well, a pal. There's a reason he's called Superman's Pal, after all.
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Perry White, the stern-but-caring boss! Editor-in-chief of the Daily Planet, Perry's a strict traditionalist when it comes to this whole newspaper thing. Perry's actually had quite a lot of history in the comics, and while it is all genuinely interesting, I'm not gonna go into it here. Just know that Perry is a caring boss, but extremely strict when it comes to his job and those who write for him. One of the last great reporters and writers, as well as a genuinely good man with his own problems and troubles, Perry White is an understatedly important character in the Superman mythos. In truth, there doesn't need to be too much to Perry.
In terms of his relationship with Clark, he shouldn't be too involved with his personal life, but should be willing to offer advice if Clark looks like he needs it. He should choose his employees based upon their talent and their moral fiber, as he wants his reporters to find the truth, and nothing but the truth. If you lie, alter facts, or otherwise obscure the truth in your reporting, you're OUT, pal! And honestly, that's my Perry White: a classic reporter who expects only the truth from his employees and from himself.
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Speaking of the reporters of the Daily Planet, let's get into Clark's co-workers! Cat Grant is one of the best known, thanks to Power Girl, and as the gossip and fashion columnist, she makes her presence known basically immediately when she enters the office. While she's definitely a bit blunt, in person and in her writing, people actually do enjoy her blogs and writing, and she has a pretty good on-screen presence as well. She's a bit of an acquired taste, but Perry values her honesty. Also, she's a little bit of a rival to Lois in multiple ways, including initially for Clark's affection, but mostly in terms of her reporting and popularity. Cat Grant is considered by many to be the public face of the Daily Planet, and she doesn't shy away from that title, either.
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Steve Lombard made a VERY random appearance in Man of Steel, as was a very different version of the character than what we see in the comics. My version of Lombard is a massive blowhard, as well as the Planet's sports reporter, which aligns with the comic-book version of the character. He's hired by Perry because of his absurdly accurate sports reporting, and his sheer knowledge of the sport, as well as for his incredibly accurate predictions. The one downside about the dude is that he's the epitome of a meathead. His intelligence in in sports, and that's basically it. Still, he's VERY good at his job. Also, he THINKS that he's a rival to Clark for Lois' affections, but literally nobody else thinks that.
OK, last major person here is Ron Troupe, whom I can't find a GIF for. Makes sense; he's relatively obscure, and hasn't been in enough media for a lot of exposure. My version of Troupe is the politics and editorials writer for the Planet, as well as being one of the more serious and uptight members of the Planet bullpen staff. He tends not to go out into the field too much, but is well-known on paper. Perry hired him because of his objectivity and practicality, as well as a feverish devotion to the truth. And of everybody, Ron is the reporter most likely to succeed Perry White as editor-in-chief one day in this universe. YES! Not Lois, not Clark, RON. Somebody give Ron his day in court, please, he's way too neglected in comics and media nowadays.
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Let's get out of the bullpen, and into the city! Now, some people won't be featured in this first film, since it's a big city with a lot of parts to it. I actually do have some ideas for other films, but let's get through this first one before anything else. No cart before the horse, and all that. But since we're talking about the city, let's talk about Superman's predecessors: the cops.
The Metropolis Police Department, unlike the Gotham cops, are not corrupt and actually do their jobs. After all, Metropolis is a pretty safe city before Superman comes around. Supes definitely shouldn't be the savior from street crime, for should he be trying to replace the cops. Superman is there to stop the accidents, disasters, and large-scale crimes that the police can't handle on their own. This means that while the police are efficient, the villains of this movie are going to be a bit too much for them to handle. But, because Superman isn't a detective or a cop, he'll need to talk to and work with the police to stop these villains. So, who are our cops?
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The main liaison for Clark is Maggie Sawyer, a no-nonsense captain and leader of the newly-established Special Crimes Unit. As such, she's got a pretty good relationship with Superman. She prefers police work over relying on a vigilante, but Superman is hard not to trust in a lot of ways. So, she willingly works with him. Oh, and obviously she's happily married to her wife, Toby, who works for the Daily Planet alongside Clark. Maggie's one of the first out-lesbians in comics, and that ain't gonna end with me!
Maggie's the main policeman featured in this universe, but her partner Dan "Terrible" Turpin will also appear alongside her. Another hard-nosed detective, he grew up in the worst parts of Metropolis, and grew up to defend the parts of the city that don't get a lot of attention. Won't get too much of Turpin in this film, but we will use him to get across the idea that not all cops think Superman is necessary. He's not Superman's biggest fan, but he doesn't turn him away, either. Sort of like Harvey Bullock to Batman, if you get my drift.
Finally, I'll just mention that the chief of police is William Henderson, who respects Superman fine enough, and is on his way out, ready for retirement. Not much to say about Henderson, and he could honestly just be a name-drop by Maggie at some point. But with that, we move on to our final citizen of Metropolis...and one of my favorites.
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Meet the one and only Bo "Bibbo" Bibbowski. You might wonder why I included an image here when I didn't for Ron Troupe. And frankly, it's because Bibbo is too important. Because Bibbo, to me, is a representative of the civilian public that Superman is trying to save. The reporters of the Daily Planet are often putting themselves in danger in order to get the story, and they're supposed to remain objective. The cops are...well, the cops; of course they're in danger. But Bibbo is just...a guy. He was a sailor and former military man, he's a small business owner, and he's a guy on the streets of Metropolis. And, of course, he's Superman's biggest fan.
Now, that's not to say Superman only fights for those people who like him, and I actually want to reflect that through my version of Bibbo. Bibbo'll actually be one of the ways we start the movie, and how we're initially introduced to Metropolis. And because Superman is a fairly new figure in the city, he's not a fan when the movie starts. He's not an active detractor, but he isn't exactly a fan of anybody with power who places themselves above the little guy. And Superman does that literally, so why would he like him? Just another person playing dress-up and pretending to be hero. He listens to local shock jock Leslie Willis, who regularly expresses the same sentiments, but he's not as harsh as she is to Superman. He just doesn't really care for the guy. Over the course of the movie, we'll check in with Bibbo, whose establishment, the Ace o' Clubs, is a regular haunt of Jimmy Olsen and his friend Clark Kent. And so, Clark will get an idea of how Bibbo feels pretty early on, and he'll have to reflect on that.
However, over the course of the movie, Superman will act in ways that begin to change Bibbo's mind. As we check in on him over the course of the movie, the change in his attitude will be noticeable, if somewhat subtle throughout most of the movie. But then, the last time we see Bibbo, he'll be wearing his signature Superman shirt. Because by the end of the movie, Superman will have saved the "little guys" of the city, possibly even saving Bibbo directly. And that makes him considerably different than the other person in Metropolis with power who puts themselves above the city. That person, the real focus of Bibbo's ire...is the topic of the next entry in this series.
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Index: Superman
Part I: Why I Love Superman
Part II: On Lois Lane
Part III: The Kents
Part IV: The 'Rents
Part V: The...Frendts?
Part VI: Lex Luthor
Part VII: The Real Villains
Part VIII: Superman's Rogues Gallery
Part IX: The Story - Act One
Part X: The Story (Acts Two and Three)
Part XI: The Story - Climax
Part XII: Epilogue (Part One)
Part XIII: Epilogue (Part Two)
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 3 days
Hearts Under Fire
by writtenbythesea2026 Daily Planet reporter Lois Lane is investigating a new drug that has run rampant throughout Metropolis. With new intel, and against her father's wishes, she travels to a post in the Republic of Kandor led by special missions unit captain, Clark Kent. To protect his daughter, General Lane orders that Kent watch over Lois and keep her out of trouble. While the two do not get along at first, they find themselves drawn to each other in the middle of a war zone all while trying to expose and capture a terror cell involved in drug trafficking and illegal arms deals in the capital, Kandor City. All is fair in love and war, but will they make it out alive? Words: 207, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Smallville, Smallville Season 11 (Comics), Superman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Whitney Fordman, Oliver Queen, Dinah Lance, Dru-Zod, Tess Mercer, Arthur Curry, Bruce Wayne, Victor Stone, Diana Prince, Bart Allen, General Sam Lane, Perry White Relationships: Clark Kent/Lois Lane Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Military, Military AU, Lois needs a bodyguard, No Aliens or powers, Inspired by Twitter, Inspired by Fan Video via https://ift.tt/z1Fmc2u
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girlswithglitter · 2 years
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Lana and Clark in Smallville 1x01 *part 1*
part 2
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nicnacsnonsense · 4 months
lol, so it is implied that Lex arranged for Whitney to get the try out for the Kansas State football team as part of a plan to ensure Lana didn’t have a date to her birthday party so Clark could ask her instead. And honestly if I was Whitney in that scenario I’d be like, damn, I’m not even mad. Thanks Lex; you’re a bro.
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frostysfrenzy · 3 years
I don't know why I've been thinking about the many relationships of Lana Lang lately, but I have. And boy did she get thrown through the ringer. But some were better than others. Allow me.
So Smallville starts, Lana's with Whitney. It's the start of the show, we got no clue who this guy is. But you know, he protected her, he was good to her most of the time (nobody's perfect) but it wasn't always comfortable.
To me, Whitney was a high school senior, since he was already a hotshot starting QB for the football team and getting uni recruits left right an center. Add that with the fact that the guy enlisted in the army at the end of the season, and I'd feel safe betting on senior. Couple that with freshman Lana Lang, with the implication that they knew each other (and maybe even loved each other??) for a long time. I'm sorry but any way you shake it, that's just a tad weird. Sorry... Anyway....
Skipping Clark for now, moving to Jason. In this case, uni student, hs senior. It doesn't really bug me from that standpoint, (first year uni/high school senior isn’t all that unheard of) but obviously they had to hide it because of the nature of student/coach (authority figure in the school). The chance meeting, ‘love at first crash’ joy, it all seemed so perfect. Everything else with his mom and the witches and the stones just kinda... happened, threw a wrinkle in things. Other than the school policy, there's no problem with this one for me. Was it safe for her in the end? No. Was it fun while it lasted? Personally, yeah.... and I do stand by that they did love each other, they just weren’t really ready for that kind of life, not to mention all the witchcraft and family feuds amd missions that Jason succumbed to. And let's be real. Was Lana ever safe? No. Not really. But I can get behind the ship.)
I don't even want to start on Lex. Let's forget season 6 for a second and think about Nicodemus. You want to talk about uncomfortable age gaps? Try freshman maybe sophomore Lana with do we even know how old he is? Lex Luthor. In season one. I know it was one scene and she was high off her ass on weird flower dust but still *cringes* (credit to Lex for not accepting her invite)
Onto their actual time, season 6. For me, their relationship (at this stage in the show and their lives) was one of those in theory it isn't horrible (maybe a little) just the way it was executed wasn't cool. She may not have been manipulated into starting the relationship, although her post Clark vulnerability could have aided in it. Then she was manipulated into every other part of the relationship (like, oh I don’t know, being pregnant??!!!) (which in turn sparked the engagement and wedding. Ok yeah the wedding was forced by Lionel but hey) I’ll just say she wasn’t treated well, to say the least. Even at the 20th anni interviews, Kristin and Michael were like yeah that rather messy. 
Last but not least, Clark. Was it a mess? Sure, but that doesn’t mean it was all terrible. They were always (especially pre Lois) portrayed as a soulmate type pair, they always thought about each other, went back to each other. Literally, all 3 of those previously mentioned guys, her next bf was Clark. Obviously trying multiple times might be an indication that it’s not meant to be, but whatever. And while I don’t disagree with the popular fandom opinion that it should’ve been abandoned far sooner, it honestly would have felt really weird to me had she not found out the secret. Season 7 was their most open time (for like two episodes, sure, but hey, who’s counting?) Point is, she still loved him even though she knew he wasn’t always truthful, she just couldn’t shake him, despite everyone’s questioning her on it. The only reason she ultimately left him was because they physically couldn't be together anymore. Their ending was forced, but they left on personally good terms, which really hadn’t happened since Whitney. And she left to protect the one she always loved. Obviously Lana wasn’t The One for Clark, but I do think, in Smallville at least, he was The One for her. He was the best chance she had. 
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supercap2319 · 3 years
Honestly, Clark and Lana are my favorite Smallville couple, but wouldn't have hated a Bi, or gay Superman for Whitney Fordman. They kind of remind me of Steve Rogers, and DCEU Clark Kent.
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misspawa13 · 3 years
Smallville Temporada 1
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Y la media para esta temporada después de redondear es un 7. Está bien. Es una buena temporada. Disfruté viéndola nuevamente.
Normalmente no tengo problemas con la series episódicas y hubo muchos episodios que en verdad me gustaron, pero a veces la fórmula se volvía agotadora; sobre todo porque no siempre les daban tiempo a los personajes de desarrollarse mejor cuando había malentendidos entre ellos y los dejaban solucionarse en ese mismo episodio o cuando alguien decía algo crucial y al siguiente episodio parecía que nunca se hubiese mencionado. Es lo malo de querer enfocarse de lleno en que todo se resuelva en el mismo episodio.
Lo mismo pasó con respecto a los villanos de turno. Tampoco tengo problemas con este patrón, pero a veces se volvió cansino; sobre todo porque no parecían querer darle variedad a los enemigos. Y no hablo de variedad en habilidades a causa del meteorito porque ahí sí hubo diversidad, y tampoco hablo exactamente de los objetivos de los malos. Hablo de que a casi todos los afectados por la kryptonita los volvieron unos dementes y eso fue quitándole llamativo a los episodios, porque ya sabías que si alguien tenía poderes, era un loco.
Es por lo mismo que los episodios en los que no había metahumanos envueltos fueron de los mejores, o por qué los que tenían a alterados que no eran unos locos y que usaban sus poderes para el bien fueron tan interesantes. Si hubieran puesto un poco más de esta clase de cosas, habrían mejorado mucho esta primer temporada.
Los personajes principales son buenos y al atravesar sus diferentes pruebas fueron formándose como individuos y desarrollándose para el futuro. No obstante, ese cambio me pareció algo sutil en la mayoría y en uno que otro me pareció nulo
Al final sentí que Clark seguía siendo Clark; Lana seguía siendo Lana, Chloe siguió siendo Chloe y Pete... Bueno, siento que Pete ni siquiera fue un personaje en esa primera temporada; el chico literalmente pasó mayormente desapercibido. Y Whitney… Ah, he dejado claro mis sentimientos con respecto a Whitney, pero admito que también fue uno de los que tuvo un cambio bastante notable y eso siempre se agradece. Pasó de ser el patán arrogante a un hombre más centrado y hasta frágil en cierto sentido.
Al otro al que le noté un cambio significativo fue a Lex. El Lex que vimos al principio de la temporada no fue el mismo que vimos al final de ella. Pero es que Lex es un personaje excepcional. Me atrevo a decir que es el mejor de todos y sin duda el más desarrollado. A pesar de que a estas alturas podemos considerarlo un buen tipo, a veces le cuesta aferrarse del todo a esa bondad suya. Es sin duda mi personaje favorito junto a Lionel y los Kent.
Algo más que hizo bien la temporada fue dejar claras las relaciones entre los personajes y una de las mejores es la de la familia Kent. Amo el amor inmenso que hay entre Jonathan, Martha y Clark. Es evidente que tiene sus problemas; Jonathan y Martha tiene sus desacuerdos como matrimonio y Clark y Jonathan tiene sus problemas como padre e hijo. Sin embargo, el amor que se profesan entre ello es innegable e indiscutiblemente envidiable. No culpo a Lex por desear una familia como esa.
Y hablando de Lex, la relación que tiene él con Lionel es otro acierto de esta primera temporada. Es verdad que Lionel no aparece demasiado, pero los episodios en que lo hace y las interacciones que tiene con Lex son suficientes para dejarnos claro lo muy disfuncionales que son los Luthor como familia. Insisto que lo suyo se basa más en el pragmatismo y el oportunismo. Al menos en el caso de Lionel. Es obvio que a Lex le gustaría algo más, pero no es idiota. No espera que algo así pueda pasar, no con su padre.
La tercera relación estrella de esta temporada es la amistad entre Clark y Lex. Repito que amo este enfoque que le dieron a la serie y lo que sea de cada quien, ambos cumplen un excelente papel como amigos. No es sorpresa en el caso de Clark, que es un buen tipo con todos, tiene amigos de antemano y sabe cómo ser un buen amigo. Pero es refrescante ver a Lex en ese papel porque ya sabemos que su infancia no ha sido fácil, sus habilidades sociales tiene que ver más con su posisión que por su esfuerzo y en general, bueno, es obvio que nunca ha tenido un amigo verdadero al cual volcarse.
Por eso creo verlo cumplir el papel del gran amigo rico que siempre quiere complacer a su amigo y ayudarlo a ganar a la chica es genial. Sinceramente su amistad me encanta y va doler verlos distanciarse poco a poco.
Además, es interesante que tanto Lex como Clark presentan bien la bese a la pregunta que muchas de personas se han hecho a lo largo de la historia en cuanto al desarrollo de una persona. ¿Es por la naturaleza innata o por la crianza que alguien se vuelve lo que es? ¿Es Lex malo y Clark bueno por naturaleza? ¿O la forma en la que crecieron han influido en su desarrollo como personas? Es un tema que apenas se toca pero será bastante recurrente en la serie.
Y claro, ¿cómo dejar de lado la vida amorosa de nuestro héroe? La relación entre Clark y Lana también se desarrolló y lo más a lo que llegó es que ambos terminaron siendo buenos amigos. A pesar de que se conocían por ser vecinos, la verdad es que no eran amigos tal cual, así que fue lindo que al menos se acercaran más en ese ámbito. Obviamente que no pudo avanzar a algo más a causa de Whitney, pero es obvio que para el final de temporada ambos sentían algo más.
Y no tengo mucho más que decir al respecto. Una buena primera temporada y creo que cumplió a la perfección con el objetivo de sumergirnos en los principios de Clark antes de que se volviera Superman.
Veremos los que nos depara la próxima temporada, la que estoy segura será mejor que esta primera en cuanto a todo.
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funkymbtifiction · 4 years
Smallville: Whitney Fordman [ESFP]
Smallville: Whitney Fordman [ESFP]
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Functional Order: Se-Fi-Te-Ni Perceiving Functional Axis:
Extroverted Sensing (Se) / Introverted Intuition (Ni)
Whitney cannot wait to get out of Smallville. He longs for bigger things, better things. He dreams of becoming a football star for the team in Metropolis. He becomes incredibly depressed when his dad’s illness makes him believe he may be stuck in the family store for the rest…
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shewhotellsstories · 4 years
Random Smallville thought. Whitney Fordman. Clark is too nice for his own good. Like if you strip my clothes off (assault), string me up like a scarecrow, and leave me alone in a field where any number of awful things could happen to me....Yeah you can die. I didn’t get why Clark forgave him or why Lana would want to be with someone capable of that kind of cruelty. 
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