#let the kent super family be queer
Guess who!!
It’s Clark Kent!!! Smallville Clark Kent!
This is my last one for pride month 😭😭
Now this might make the fans that get really upset about sexuality headcanons angry but who cares they can deal with it.
Clark is bisexual.
He doesn’t really realise until he gets to like fifteen (around the start of the show) when he meets Lex and I definitely think he developed a small crush on him for awhile but he was still figuring things out and didn’t want to make his new best friend feel awkward. Later on his feelings changed into a more platonic feeling as he met more people but even now they’re enemies he always looks back fondly on their friendship and the feelings he had for him even if it makes him a little sad.
Even though he didn’t like Whitney because he was dating his crush Lana he also annoyingly found him attractive too.
He didn’t feel comfortable coming out for a few years because he was from a small town and he wasn’t sure how the people in his town would deal with it. He wasn’t ashamed of himself but he wanted to be safe even if they technically couldn’t hurt him unless they knew about kryptonite the harsh words could still hurt. He found that people in Metropolis were accepting and when he goes back home after coming out they accept him too and he tries to ignore any negative people.
He came out to Martha and Jonathan together and was happy that they accepted him. His mum seemed to know a bit more about it than his dad did but Jonathan wants to learn to better understand him. He becomes a big support in his life. His parents are very protective over him.
The first of his friends he told was Pete because he’s his oldest friend and he knows he can trust him. Pete is a little surprised but eventually understands it better.
He definitely told Lex too before the two started falling out and Clark also found out that Lex is bisexual and is able to go to him about any problems. Lex is incredibly protective of him and understanding and I totally believe that even after they fall out that’s the one thing they don’t target about each other because they both have experienced hardships in discovering their sexualities.
The thing that kind of started him thinking on his sexuality was when Lana asked him if he was having boy troubles while they were at her parents grave. It surprised him and he denied it because technically at the time he was crushing on her by it got him thinking a lot.
When he’s older he definitely helps people out if they are struggling with their sexuality. I think Conner would start questioning his sexuality and Clark would be a great help to him since he’s been where he is and understands.
Chloe, Pete and Lana are 100% ready to fight anyone who is biphobic towards him.
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ddesertmoon · 2 years
Batman Fic Recs Feat. Identity Reveal
ALL of the fics are complete or oneshots. Mostly gen, but there will be a few with ships. I’ll mention in description if there are any ships :)
He Knows by Ortholeine
“Timothy Drake is a civilian, a normal boy. Kind of. He's normal in that he keeps secrets and has some hobbies. Those secrets and hobbies, though, are a little unique...and completely, 100% revolve around the crime-fighting family of Gotham.
A good friend of the Waynes, Tim finds himself dodging his heroes' attempts to reveal their identities to him in a misguided attempt to keep the status quo. No one seems to want to let it rest, unfortunately for Timothy Drake.”
Funny, silly, goofy…. Exactly what I want to see in identity reveal fics.
The Waynes, Damsels in Distress by hitthedeck
“Roses are red, violets are blue, Bruce Wayne and his kids get kidnapped every other week. Some things are just universal, undeniable facts of life.
Or, in which Bruce Wayne is still Batman and his kids are still Robins, but they keep letting themselves get kidnapped because they think it's funny.”
this one is on the list because it’s HILARIOUS. I love it so much.
Plagiarism is Not a Joke, Batman by popsunner
“‘How old are you?’
Bruce very much would like to have the last two minutes back please, turns out, he does not want to trust them with his identity.
‘Twenty-three,’ He growls.”
I love rereading this one…. VERY funny
Pretty Boys and Identity Problems by DarnGoshit
“In an effort to get over his crush on Robin, Kon pursues a relationship with a civilian Gothamite, Tim Drake.
Or, Tim accidentally Hannah Montana’s his crush... and it works?”
Tim Drake/Kon-El
Ah, secret identity shenanigans…
Captain Marvel’s Adopted? by Len_suilon_mellon
“When Captain Marvel sends out a distress call, the only League member available is Batman. Bruce comes to his aid, but he finds out that Billy is a 10-year-old homeless orphan with black hair and blue eyes. Obviously, he makes the only logical decision and adopts Billy. Because it's Bruce—who's allergic to revealing life-changing information—the League is left in the dark.”
5+1 fic where the JL discovers Billy’s ID, really cute
Every Fiber of My Being by navpike
“As much as Dick and his siblings have argued, Bruce has never budged on his "Keeping Secrets Policy". There's not a person alive outside of the family that knows the secret identity of any of the Bats. Not even Dick's boyfriend.
Dick understands the need for some secrets, knows that keeping their identities safe keeps them and their loved ones safe, but when he takes up the cowl, team dynamics aren't the only things that begin to change.”
Dick Grayson/Wally West
In which the whole secret identity thing causes many problems. It’s SO GOOD, I promise
miss me? by envysparkler
“Jason’s plan to observe his family’s reactions to his resurrection…does not go as intended.”
kind of an identity reveal fic? It’s more the “Jason’s alive” reveal, but I’m going to count it anyway
knockoff bat by impravidus
“5 times people noticed batman was acting differently + the 1 time someone found out why (+ the time someone finds the real batman)”
Dick Grayson/Wally West and Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent.
There’s a bit of hurt/comfort, but it’s really really good
Rumor Has It by rotasha
“A rumor gets out about Bruce Wayne and he ends up coming out to the Justice League. This is news to Clark, who has been pining over Bruce for years.”
Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent
okay. So. I have MANY thoughts about including this here, and I could write a lot about how a super hero’s secret identity inherently has many queer themes, but I won’t get into that. I think it counts as a kind of identity reveal, so here we are.
letter of complaint by envysparkler
“Batman finds himself captured by the new crime lord in Gotham, who has a bone to pick with him.”
one of MANY of my favorite fics where Jason comes back and reveals himself as the Red Hood
hand in unlovable hand by batmans_cheerleader and leviathans_watching
“A sound caught his attention, and instantly Jason was poised to throw himself at whoever came through the door. Tense, he waited, but when the door creaked open to reveal not one person, but a whole team, he hesitated.
They were carrying someone none too gently along with them, and Jason could only watch, frozen, as they completely ignored him, dumping the person into the cell, not even wincing at the sick sound their head made when it hit the ground.
Jason barely had time to take in that all-too-familiar cowl before the door slammed shut, and he was alone. With Bruce fucking Wayne.
Nausea swirled in his throat and he forced it down. Puking in his helmet was not fun. And yeah, he knew that from experience. What kind of sick abuse was this? Or was it just an awful, awful coincidence?”
yeah. Just. Jason being forced to eventually reveal himself to Bruce when they’re captured together… I ate that shit up
From the Shadows by Wolfsbanesparks
“All Billy Batson wanted was to survive a particularly rough week living on the streets of Fawcett City. The last thing he was looking for was a new family.
All Bruce Wayne wanted was to ask learn a bit more about his upbeat teammate under the guise of official Wayne Enterprises business. But he could never turn his back on a child in need. Especially one as surrounded by mystery as Billy.”
Featuring identity reveals from both Bruce and Billy. There’s a lot more to the fic than the reveals, but there’s a LOT of suspense leading up to them.
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scribe-of-maat · 1 year
Ranking DC Pride 2023
9. Love’s Lightning Heart (???, ???)
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Starring The Flashlight and The Flash, I think? When he called the dude “Ray” in the beginning I thought it was gonna be The Ray, you know? This only scores so low because I’m not at ALL familiar with anything Multiversity and this story especially seemed to be absolutely thick with that corner of DC lore. I get there’s a Parallax type of thing happening but... this was kind of hard to follow for a payoff that’s pretty lukewarm if you’re not well-versed in who this story’s about.
8. My Best Bet (Jon Kent/Superman, John Constantine
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This is hit especially hard in my ranking because it’s the last story in the book and the only thing DC Pride about it is that it stars two Bs. They’re popular queer characters but I’m here for stories that are specifically ABOUT LGBT stuff, not about LGBT people doing stuff. There’s nothing to really talk about here.
7. Found (Xanthe Zhou, Batwoman/Kate Kane)
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I’ve been meaning to read Spirit World, and since I hadn’t gotten around to it Xanthe being LGBT was a surprise to me, but not as much as Kate Kane showing up was. It feels like someone threw a dartboard at WLW women and plopped in whoever came up, cuz I guarantee if I flip the newest Batwoman issue open to a random page she’ll have a girlfriend-slash-situationship that won’t be too happy about her seeming receptive to some flirting. But hey, I like Xanthe more now so there’s give-and-take.
6. And Baby Makes Three (Xiomara Rojas/Crush, Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy)
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I like Crush. I can’t claim to have read much of her, because for now that means enduring way too much Damian Wayne, but she seems like an incredibly interesting character. But I could not tell you why she’s here with Harley and Ivy. This, moreso than anything else, has a less than negative chance of being referenced again and it’s giving me even more of that dartboard feeling the last story did. Plus if there’s one thing Harlivy can do, it’s carry a story by themselves. I wish we’d gotten something about JUST Crush, is what I’m saying. I feel like this was a status update for Crush, like her washing ashore was meant to bridge the gap between this story and whatever she was doing the last time she showed up.
5. Teamwork Makes the Dream Work (Natasha Irons/Steel, Nubia)
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Listen, I will always have space in my heart for the Irons family. I love Natasha, and I love John Henry, and when DC lets either out of the ether every other year I’m front and center. That, and the recent super-push Nubia has been enjoying made this story one I was pretty excited to read when I realized who it was about. But THIS ART. These faces are TRASH. Even without looking it up I feel like there’s a 0% chance DC would give a nonblack artist this story, so it makes it especially confusing as to why the characters look like THAT. The actual content was fun and even though Io needs to come up off our queen posthaste, I didn’t have any (other) complaints. But it’s SOOOOO UGLYYYYY.
4. The Dance ( Minhkhoa Khan/Ghost-Makes, Thomas Blake/Catman)
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I knew Ghost-Maker was bi prior to reading this, somehow. I’ve been meaning to read anything about him because his design is so awesome but I was only really guessing this was Catman alongside him. I really don’t know anything about him, so this ranks so highly just because of Ghost-Maker. I don’t really have anything else to add here since this story’s ultimate purpose seems to just show off muscley dudes post-sex.
3. Anniversary (Lucas Trent/Midnighter, Andrew Pulaski/Apollo, Alan Scott/Green Lantern)
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These showcases tend to have like, one story that directly addresses inequality if you’re lucky. This is that story, and it’s such a good one. Midnighter and Apollo’s fame as the canon gay Superbat sort of eclipses anything else about them, but that reputation is put to excellent effect here. Plus, Alan Scott, one of my favorite Green Lanterns, finally shows up. Revitalizing that old slogan to make it clear the LGBT isn’t going anywhere was fun, too.
2. Subspace Transmission (Jules Jourdain/Circuit Breaker, Jess Chambers/The Flash, Andy Curry/Aquawoman)
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Jess was an extremely fun and memorable character from the start like, half a decade ago and that holds true here. I was super uninvested in the Circuit Breaker part of this story. I don’t know who that is, and even after reading this I genuinely don’t care. This made my heart hurt for more Teen Justice and Future State stuff in general. That Jackson Hyde cameo at the end was also perfect.
1. Hey, Stranger (Connor Hawke/Hawke, Tim Drake/Robin)
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I was definitely in diapers the last time these two characters spoke to each other. When there’s been THAT big a gap in timeframe I can’t be sure how emotional a reunion can be to a modern readership. None of that matters to my enjoyment, because Connor Hawke is far and away my favorite Arrowfam member and his recent resurgence (even if too much of it is attached to Damian Wayne for my taste) has been such a blessing. DC only trots this guy out three times a year but god do we eat good each time. They just need to do a LITTLE more with him.
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jasontoddssuper · 1 year
💕+ Summer Kent from DC!! I’ve seen them a bunch but never properly asked :)
Alr let's goooooo Summer's lore:
He was born in Metropolis to a dominican couple that divorced when he was a baby and his birth mom got custody of him with his dad pretty much abandoning him until he started occasionally visiting him when he was 10.They were both abusive to him in the classic 'cishet and neurotypical parents with a queer and neurodivergent kid' way and his mom was also racist to him by doing things such as insulting his apperance(his mom being a white woman while his dad was a black man).Summer looked up to Superman for as long as he could remember and after realizing his parents didn't love him,started dreaming he'd save him from them(*'Waiting for Superman' starts playing*)
When he was 10,Lex killed his parents while on rampage in a giant Lexcorp robot across the city and kidnapped him to inject him with the dna of the last Krytofang,a kryptonian species i created which are pretty much dragons but with telepathy.The reason for this was to turn him into a weapon to finally kill Clark,who found Summer after a few days of him being experimented on and took him in,becoming his adoptive dad and Lois his adoptive mom and baby Jon his little brother.Clark and Lois pulled him out of public school to get Lana to homeschool him so he wouldn't get bullied anymore and Clark started training him to use his Kryptofang powers with info from the Fortress of Solitude and that led to him becoming his sidekick under the name 'Sparks',as a reference to his new family being sparks of hope in his life(Jimmy included)and his fire powers.Lex did a smear campaign against his sidekick persona and that combined with his trauma from watching his parents die made him become a basket case with anger issues and violent tendencies
He meets Jason when they're both 11 thanks to Clark taking him on a mission with him and they have a rocky start due to their opposite personalities but quickly become best friends.Jason is a positive influence on him and helps him become more of an 'ideal' hero.He also becomes friends with Eddie via him and Clark asks Dick and Kory to mentor him!!Dick was Summer's first crush and he gets one on Kory too,with a mix of jealousy,but dosen't realize he's bi until he's 14.When he's 15,Jason realizes he's in love with Summer and Dick convinces him to confess by asking him to be his date to a school dance but Ditf happens and Summer shuts down for a good while
On june 1st,he flies to Gotham to visit his grave and gets into a fight with Mr Freeze who accidentally kills him by hypothermia.When Summer is dead,he enters his headspace and meets the ghost of the last Krytofang and they have a conversation that ends with him naming them 'Fantasma' and they convince him to cope with what he's been through in a healthy way.Clark ressurects him with the Kryptonian Regenaration Matrix using a piece of his hair,which makes him grow pink and yellow kryptofang scales around his nose and he also lost a few fingers to frostbite so he has prosthetics now,and him and Lois send Summer off to stay with Martha and Jonathan for a few months.Doing farm work,learning how to bake from his abuela and getting into drawing greatly help his mental health and by the time the Death of Superman/Reign of the Supermen comes along,he's become a ray of sunshine mom friend who's super feminine.During this time,he meets Rose and they have an enemies to vitriolic close friends to lovers to exes arc and Fantasma helps him learn how to use his unlocked telepathy
The KRM had been destroyed briefly before Clark's death but John and Summer manage to fix it together after forming a parent-child bond and they bring Clark back with it.Kon and Summer clashed a lot,especially because Kon had been created to replace his Papí,but do end up coming to love eachother like the siblings they are.He also starts loving video games when he goes back to living with his parents due to playing them with Jon.Summer resents Tim for replacing Jason and the same goes regarding Stephanie at first until the two of them and Cass got to know eachother better and became best friends.Thanks to the girls and Kon being trans people who are all gnc in their own ways,Summer's egg cracks and he makes a new identity for himself as 'Ember' and makes himself a femme costume with Dick and Kory's help.He also gets a sideshave and dyes his remaining bangs light pink and Clark gives him a kryptonian name to matching his new middle name:Va-El,based off 'Valentino'
He does many big heroic deeds,becomes hailed as second to only Clark himself as Metropolis' hero and i haven't planned it out yet but Mia,Chris and Jon Lane get introduced around this time and Duke is the 5th Robin in this verse instead of Damian!!Summer also gets a job at his verse's equivalent to McDonalds AKA McSupers LMAOOOOO.His plot in Utrh is that Bruce called him to Gotham to help deal with Red Hood,not telling him that the reason was that he has a feeling it's Jason and hoped he could get through to him,and him and Jason get into a fight where Jason eventually recognizes Summer and takes off his helmet,shocking him.Jason tries to go in for a hug,smiling and saying how much he missed them,but they fly off in tears at his best friend becoming a villain
They try avoiding him but he's always on their mind after that so Fantasma forms a mind link between them and Summer and Jason start having telepathic conversations every day for months and sometimes pay visits to eachother in their city's,reforming their best friendship that they'd thought they'd lost.Jason also gets his confidence in his feelings for Summer back and starts flirting with them all the time to show it,which flusters them and that they deny enjoying.Damian comes in and Summer takes up the a 'cool big sibling' role to him and he's one of the first people Damian genuienly befriends.Jason's an influence on them once more but this time in the opposite direction-He makes them more sardonic and brutal,leading to the Metropolis media framing Ember as 'evil all along' and Clark,Lois and Jimmy try to fight this but it hurts Summer so much that they finally join the Outlaws as a new vigilante identity,complete with a new costume:Ignite.The Outlaws in their verse are Jason,them,Rose,Eddie,Kyle,Artemis and Thaddeus,with the first four being the founding team and the last three joining in later
The team becomes found family over the course of Rhato and Summer eventually has an extremely bad day with the stress of vigilante work and missing the Superfam to boot and Jason comforts them,which leads to them kissing and having sex.Summer,dense as ever,still thinks he's not in love with Jason and they agree to be friends with benefits but act more like a couple than anything.Halloween comes along and they sneak out in (non-hero) costumes to take Jon trick or treating and stop by McSupers on their way back to the Outlaws base,where Summer finally has their love epiphany and bluters out a confession when they arrive home.Jason kisses them and confesses back,starting off with his realization at 15,and they finally start officially dating.The Outlaws disband on good term shortly afterwards
Clark ends up in a coma after saving Jon from Ultraman so Summer takes up the Superman mantle in the mean time,making their own costume that takes after their Papí's but also has their own touch on it with the other Superfam girls' and John's help.They also start mentoring Damian's Teen Titans generation with Jason,Stephanie and Duke and the team consists of Damian,Jon,Maya,Surren,Colin,Nell,Maps and Kathy.After a long time,Clark wakes up and Summer goes back to being Ember,with it being common knowledge that they were Superman and thus making Metropolis regret what they did to them,finally seeing them as the hero they are and loving and respecting him just as much as they do Clark.Also...Jaysumm have a daughter HDHDHDHR IK I'M CRINGE IK but her name is October because they started dating on halloween and she's a trans girl,pastel goth,has Mabel Pines Brand AutismTM,becomes Batgirl when she gets older and her parents call her 'Dragonita' <3
Edit:Two new bits!!They're are now 3 more Todd-Kent kids(found under my 'Los Todd-Kents' tag)and Jason gives New Ember a pink domino mask to symbolize him being happy with and accepting both sides of himself :>
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ameba-from-space · 2 years
I hope you don't mind me asking but i just went through all of your batfam/batman recommended fics and wondered if you had more? I'm super new to the dc fandom and finding good family/friend focused fics has felt like a challenge
Bestie it's not a problem, doing these lists has been loads of fun, I'm re-reading all my favorite fanfics and rediscovering all over again why I loved them in the first place
Let us begin
Of Bats and Robins (and Families) - is it too obvious that I fucking love fanfics where the league meets bruce's kids?
dying dream - Jason finds out what changed in the cave since he was gone
Trending - Tim is a sleepy baby
hit 'em up style - Bruce Wayne vs tampons: battle of the century
falling in love (is hard on the knees) - I know this sounds like smut but I promise it's not
Anything Like Me - Louis and bruce bonding
Reservations - The kids try to set bruce up for a date. Clark mopes.
I Measure Every Grief I Meet - What if Jason was not the one who died in Ethiopia?
We Alley Kids - Jason gets recognized and returned to where he belongs
Billionaire Down - Bruce and Oliver are asshole best friends
and it comes back around - Sometimes Brucie is a hero too
Bundle of Joy - Damian is a baby. Literally
sneaking into the Batcave seemed like a good idea until a bunch of bats glare at you - Guess what bitch, it's another fanfic where the JL meets the kids
Waynes? More like Wayne-kers - The Waynes are assholes and I love them so much
A Children's Story - No better words to describe it other than what the author said "Four batkids walk into a bank"
Hearth - Angst in my rooftop tag? It's more likely than you'd think
A Touch of Concern - Cuddle piles and overprotectiveness
The Bedtime Chronicles - Bruce figures a way to make Jason go to bed
Perils of a Job - Dick gets hurt, bruce worries
what a privilege to love you (to teach you all that I know) - A fucking masterpiece, beautiful and perfect, a story about the word "dad" and what it means to the batfamily. FUCKING BEAUTIFUL GO FUCKING READ IT
Their Five (Unexpected) Dates - The kids try to get bruce set up, fucking guess how well that goes
Clark Kent Reports - Brucie Wayne my beloved
Photos - Damian's baby pictures are found, feelings happen
The Arrangement - Bruce Wayne supports sex workers
Put My Money Where Your Mouth Is - Batman hears the league talking about bruce Wayne, pranks happen
A Day in the Life: Gotham's King - Lois lane writes about bruce Wayne
children of dust and ashes - Bruce avenges Jason
...And To All, A Good Night - Happy Chrismis, merry crysler
That the Ripest Might Fall - reverse robins short story about dick and his tendency to climb chandeliers
bad people don't live in our house - Baby dick is adorable
things kept hidden - Meta!dick Grayson is a ray of sunshine
The Superman Onesie - Dick Grayson owns my heart
What would you do, if it all came back to you? - Bruce makes video diaries after Jason's death, Jason finds them
The Jason Project - Bruce finds the bucket list of a dead child and finishes it
No Matter What - Queerness? In my Dick Grayson? It's more likely than you'd think
Hi Bi, I'm Dad - Bisexuality? In my Tim Drake? Its more likely than you'd think
Dad...I’m Bilingual - Bisexuality? In my Dic... Okay you guys already got the idea
Thinking back to the Season Before - Alfred is a fantastic grandpa
Proof - The boys meet each other before ever meeting bruce
Running Headlong into My Arms - In another universe with no superheroes, bruce Wayne still finds his family
In For a Pound - What if Damian entered Bruce's life much earlier. A GODDAMN MASTERPIECE BY @cdelphiki
I walk the streets at night (with monsters in my mind) - Bruce Wayne is a dragon, his hoard? Children
The Dark Knight Strikes Back - Bruce finishes Minecraft and the boy figure out how much he changed
Bat Out Of Hell - The batfam are a bunch of weirdoes
the lost sidekick society - The obligatory group chat fic
Slumber - sleepy robin
one shot, two shots in the night - Bruce writes a memoir, it makes me cry so hard, fuck, best shit ever
a hat fashioned from tin foil - conspiracy theories straight from Gotham
Anti-Social - Social media is a blessing
Not All Kidnappings are Bad - Bruce Wayne kidnaps a kid, no biggie
I'll Make the World Safe and Sound for You - Robins and band-aids
Built Together - Pillow forts! Pillow forts!
Oh god this list is way longer than I thought it would be, anyway enjoy my rec, just so you guys know I still have 4 more pages of bookmarks
Here are the links to the other ones I made: first part second part
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harrin-king · 3 years
a continuation of this post/head canon from a few months ago. i might write a part 2 to this, we’ll see. 
It wasn’t their best thought out plan. Nancy Wheeler wasn’t the first person in Hawkins to sigh out a “You’re an idiot, Steve Harrington” and she certainly wouldn’t be the last. Not when the idiot in question never seemed to think that there was any plan too reckless or too foolish or too downright ridiculous to enact in order to see someone he liked. 
Or loved. Or whatever. 
But maybe Billy was an idiot too because he didn’t say no when Steve proposed it. Rolled his eyes, yes. Scoffed, sure. But he didn’t say no. And it’s worked for them thus far- reckless, foolish, downright ridiculous thing that it was. 
When Billy steps out of the shower, it’s into a small bathroom spilling over with steam. Practice was strenuous this afternoon, Coach working them far past exhaustion in preparation for the semi finals game on Friday. And the showers at school are lukewarm at best, not to mention that using them means having to avoid so much as glancing at Steve so. Billy opted to shower at home. It’s not like Max or Susan shower at this time of day anyway.  
It’s almost time for dinner by the time he’s toweled off and put on sweatpants, laid his hair meticulously so it’ll dry right. He walks into the kitchen, smelling a stew or a roast or whatever the hell Susan made and he’s almost smiling.
But then Billy sees his father’s car keys hanging on the hook by the door and he turns his head to the living room where Neil is toeing off his boots- neither him nor Billy have quite adjusted to Susan’s request that they take off their shoes by the front door- and smiling tightly at Max while she halfheartedly tells him about school. Both of them look like they’d rather be anywhere else, but Neil is firm in his belief that they act like a family. Who they’re performing for, none of them know.
Susan, frazzled from the stress of cooking, calls from the kitchen then. “Dinner will be in five minutes! Billy, Maxine, did we get any messages today?”
Max looks to Billy, who only shrugs. He’s been in the shower almost the entire time he’s been home. Max huffs and walks to the telephone and it’s attached answering machine. “I’ll check, mom.”
“...Mother.” She corrects, after a pointed looked from Neil. Max rewinds the tape and hits play, then goes back to the homework she was working on before Neil got home.
There’s a brief message from Mrs. Henderson for Susan, requesting that she come over for coffee one afternoon, insisting that “Us mothers gotta stick together!”
Billy doesn’t have to look at his father to see the scowl on his face. Neil doesn’t like a lot of things. Not Max being friends with boys and certainly not his wife being friends with those boy’s mothers.
The next message begins to play, the speaker’s voice initially sending warmth through Billy’s chest, and then panic that he tries to mask with indifference.
“Hello, this is Kent Clarke from Bradley’s Big Buy. I’m calling the residents of the fine town of Hawkins to remind everyone about our super savers 15% off sale this weekend,” the call begins.
Max, no longer focusing on her work, narrows her eyes up at Billy, who’s doing everything to avoid her gaze. If he meets her eyes, the alarm on his face will be too clear. Or worse, he’ll be unable to keep from laughing at the caller’s pitiful attempt to sound like an adult.
“- If you have questions about opening a super savers card, give us a call at 260-867-5309. Thank you, and have Bradley’s Big Day!”
Billy exhales, chances flitting his eyes Neil’s way to see his reaction. He only grits his teeth, mutters. “Another one of those damn calls. How do these people keep getting our number?”
Even though the question was rhetorical more than anything, Billy says, “Must be a small town thing. This never happened in California.”
Neil’s been tamer recently. Less vile. So instead of insisting his son tack a “sir” onto the end of his sentence, or glaring at him for speaking in the first place, he only nods. Says, “Must be,” and heads to the table for dinner, Max and Billy trailing behind him.
But not without having their own silent conversation behind his back, which translates roughly to a What the ever living fuck? on Max’s end and a faux innocent No idea. on Billy’s.
Because it is not a small town thing. If Neil or Susan were to ask any of their neighbors if they received calls from Bradley’s Big Buy or Family Video or The Hawk promoting sales, they’d be given a confused expression and a shake of the head.
No, it was not their best thought out plan. But Steve was distraught over Billy’s insistence that he not call the house. He wanted the ability to request Billy’s attention when he forgot to ask for it at school, when a lack of time or too many listening ears prevented him from planning something with Billy in advance.
It was bad enough, he said, that Billy refused to let him sneak in through his window, or even come near Cherry Lane.
So one afternoon, high and half joking, Steve had said he could call the Hargrove house pretending to be someone else. If Billy answered and said it was safe, then they could talk normally. If Neil answered or the call got sent to the answering machine, Steve could change his voice and impersonate different businesses or people. They could have a code so that Billy would know what he was trying to say.
The High School’s “Event Coordinator” (a nonexistent title for a nonexistent position) calling to inform families about a dance or a new club meant that Steve would be parked down the road later, tucked into an alley and waiting for Billy to come kiss him or fuck him in the car for a few minutes, an hour.
Neighborhood Watch giving a warning about suspicious activity in the area meant that Steve was having one of his days. That he was feeling heavy, that he couldn’t get out of bed, that maybe he hadn’t slept in a few nights because of nightmares that Billy still didn’t know the contents of.
Billy has only gotten that call once and had left his house as soon as he could, not even waiting for nightfall and the convenience of leaving without questions from Neil. He’d made an excuse about a group project he’d forgotten to meet at the library for and hightailed it to Steve’s, holding him and stroking his hair until sleep finally came.
That was the last time Steve had called this late, at a time when he’d know Neil would be home from work. He generally doesn’t risk it otherwise. The code was to protect them from the off chance of Billy’s father answering. Calling at 6:00pm on a weekday was for emergencies.
A call about a store’s sale meant that Steve missed him, that he wanted to see him. That he wanted Billy to sneak out and meet him at their usual spot at the junkyard.
Which was very much not an emergency. Very much did not warrant a 6:00pm call. Still, Billy couldn’t help but grin despite himself. There was something about Neil listening to the voice of the boy who fucked and kissed and held and loved the son Neil couldn’t beat the queer out of, and not even knowing it.
Dinner dragged on. Helping Max with the rest of her homework lasted an eternity, maybe an eternity plus one with all of the withering looks Max was giving him.
Of course Max recognized Steve Harrington’s voice. Because Steve Harrington was an idiot and this plan wasn’t well thought out and they were reckless and foolish and downright ridiculous.
But when 10:00pm rolled around and the light leaching out from under Neil and Susan’s bedroom door switched off, Billy snuck out of his window.
To go see about this Super Savers Sale at Bradley’s Big Buy.
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simply-ellas-stuff · 3 years
My thoughts on Zack Snyder's Justice League because I watched it
The opening sequence, bc even tho the repeated scream audio was stuipid this opening was better
The new meeting between batman and Aquaman - that drawing on the wall in the og was unnecessary
Diana's extra badassery
The design of Stephen Wolf, because now he actually looks scaryish
THE BIGGER WITH IN THEMYSCIRA WHY THE FUCK DID THEY CUT THAT OUT?! - oh right, its because the previous director is sexist as fuck,
Stephen Wolf's Daddy Issues because that's fucking hilarious
Bruce explaining his want to find everyone bc of his promise
The close up on the fly things because that actually made it scary
Diana's extra badassery after getting the Arrow because WHY THE FUCK WAS THAT CUT?! This explains SO MUCH about how Diana knows SO MUCH about a time she wasn't alive in and I have NO FUCKING CLUE why it was cut!?
Arthur Curry is a Stripper - Confirmed!
Arthur and his trainer talking, but idfk why they kept the bubble thing Although I do like that they clarify that it's not just Mera who can do that bubble thingy
The scene between Stephen Wolf and the stone-wall dude person was cool and it explained why Stephen Wolf was so desperate
Zeus, Ares, and Artemis prepped for battle along with Poseidon in the flashback was FUCKING AWESOME!!! Diana's Aunt as well, the shows of the Green Lanterns, and the ring returning to the planet [Although they should've named Artemis, bc she can easily be mistaken for Athena - Also; Artemis' roman equivalent in the goddess Diana ]
Darkseid being in the flashback, which explains a lot
The Gods vs Darkseid was FUCKING AWESOME
Barry's awkward rambling after running into Iris
The Big Belly Burger Reference, nicely done
My dad says Iris' car is beautiful
The slow-mo crash gave me anxiety
My dad says, "I know you got all the time in the world but c'mon this is ridiculous" about that scene then "That beautiful car..."
Do. Not. Make. Diana. And. Bruce. Romantic. Don't. Fucking. Do. It.
The use of slow-mo is kind of redundant
Victor being fucking AMAZING even tho he's getting in trouble at school
Victor and Mama's discussion gives some life to the 2-Dlike Cyborg from the og movie, WHY THE FUCK WAS IT CUT?!
Victor's inner-world where he's still fully human
Barry being sarcastic as fuck towards his father lmfao
"Very attractive Jewish boy"
The reference to Grodd YAAAAAAAS
I still hate that Barry's lightning is blue and not red
The explanation of the Speedforce and Snacks
"What are your super powers again?" "I'm Rich" Still one of the best lines
I love Diana's shirt in the scene with Alfred
"Looks like you have a date, Ms. Prince" lmfao - Unless his name is Steve, I doubt it
I feel like Victor and Diana would be a good brother/sister duo, ngl
Burying the fucking box at your mothers grave was the stupidest shit I have ever fucking seen Victor.
Barry's utter fail at being normal around Diana
The underwater click-like dolphin speak was cool, but still kinda dumb knowing that later Aquaman speaks underwater just fine - ngl
Nice Liquidkinetics, Mera. Amber you're still a cunt.
Also, Mera says her parents died - Wasn't her father alive in Aquaman??
Victor seeing the bat-signal explains how he knew how to find them, honest
The badass entry of Bruce, Diana, and Barry makes me laugh
Barry is far too close to Bruce
Victor scared Barry LMFAOOOO
If Victor's father is the head of STAR Labs where the fuck is Harrison Wells?????
Diana's annoyance at Barry running ahead is such a Mom thing
Stephen using the bug thing makes SO MUCH MORE SENSE
Diana trying to make a plan and it getting ruined fits with the exasperated Mom theme she's got going on.
"I Belong To No One" I FUCKING LOVE IT
HEEEEEEEEELL of a push Barry lmfaooo
"Thank you Alfred" "Don't mention it" Mans is bored of your shit
Diana's x-move thing against Stephen Wolf YAAAAAAAAS BITCH
Diana saving Barry's ass - Accurate!
Victor taking over the Crawler makes more sense this way, honest
That jump onto the crawler was smooth as fuck Diana!
Stephen Wolf getting visions from the boxes also explains a lot about some shit
"I know the requirements, I wrote them" Suuuuuuubtle lmfaoo
Victor brining the box them also fits better
Why is this Stone looking mother fucker speaking Latin?
Hello Darkseid, you look particularly dramatic this evening
Victor's explaining how he knows about the box makes a lot of sense, why was this cut again??
Actually explaining the fucking Mother Box was Helpful
Mrs. Kent and Lois having a heart to heart holy shiiiit
Martha talking about how Clark's death was drowned out by Superman's - wooow
Ironic that Ezra-Flash's hero is Superman while Grant Gustin's hero is superman lmfao
Diana and Arthur chatting was cute, the quote was awesome and the Atlantians totally copped that quote from the Amazonians
Alfred being a sarcastic fuck is my favorite
Alfred being the voice of reason, as always
Arthur helping Barry pick a hat is AMAZING
Diana telling the boys to change, mom or big sister?? lmfaoo
Barry's social awkwardness gives me second hand embarrassment
This little infiltration arc makes SO MUCH more fucking sense
Every one being suited up and triggering the alarm is amazing
Mr. Stone fucking trusting his son is my faaaaaavorite
Barry looks like he's about to throw up
Arthur being antsy about not doing the resurrection makes so much sense
I love vision-Diana's Norse burial
The Military arriving was a sensible addition
The fancy ass dramatic ass arrival of Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Flash, and Cyborg when Superman gets to the monument is hilarious
Victor loosing control is the woooooorst
The Lasso of Truth almost got through to him but he's a stubborn fuck
Superman functioning in Flashtime is something I will never understand
Yeah lets shoot at the guy whose indestructible, right
"you should probably move" LMFAOOOO
Batman v. Superman part 2 insert eye roll here
headbutts like children - and that's cheating on the playground Clark.
Heat vision makes so much more sense than "do you bleed?"
Lois coming in cluuuuutch
I like Lois' appearance better than Alfred bringing her, it fits Lois better
Arthur and Barry now have rivalry lmfaooo
Mr. Stone being obsessed with the mother box is annoying as fuck
Mr. Stone is an idiot and he should've fucking left the box alone
That was a horrible death why was that necessary?!
Arthur being a pessimist in this movie is honestly hilarious, tho why is he anti-love??
Barry being surprised at Batman's richness is never not funny
"I'll take that as a yes" okay Clark, don't show off
"Its really me Ma" Best scene of the whole fucking movie
Barry and Arthur heart-to -heart "I thought you didn't car" "I never said that" BUILD THIS FRIENDSHIP
Bruce talking about faith never bodes well
"uh with the power of love" "Barry" LMFAOOOOOO
Since when does Superman have Geokinesis??
"just have to knock a little louder" Well, that's one way to knock Bruce
Nice crash boy
Straight up sounded like "Loud and queer" lmfaoooo
Diana leading the teeeeeeeaaaam Hell Yes!
I do miss the "I think we're all gonna die" lasso-Arthur scene tho. it was stupid - but funny.
THE TEAM SHOOOOT YES totally taken from Marvel but fuck did it look good
"you really are out of your mind" says the idiot who talks to fish
"not done yet" vs "your welcome" I like the second one better
Glorious hair Arthur lmfaoo
Fucking chair eject
Alfred doesn't even fucking blink when Clark arrives
Oh yeah, step back for the demi-god princess
The familiar flash buildup power ring will never not make me happy
Daaaaaayum Diana!!
Nice catch Arthur
Diana knows her mother and sisters are alive bc they sent the arrow to her, so why is he even trying it??
"Not impressed" Smooooooth
You sent Today at 5:44 PM
Them all standing there was straight up "Fuck with us, I dare you"
The epilogue was great but that dream was confusing, are we doing Alt-universe shit??
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intergalactic-zoo · 3 years
I was almost ready to comment on how this series is using single-word episode titles, just like "Smallville" did, but now we've got this mouthful playing on a book that was roughly contemporary with that show. It's pretty clunky, but whatever. 
It's nice that this episode gave us a break from the Luthor story, choosing instead to focus on Lois's investigation and some good character moments for the Kents and Lana's family. The mantra that "life is simpler in Smallville" gets an explicit repudiation, some fences are mended, and some new mysterious antagonists are introduced.
Spoilers ahoy! 
If not for the enormous amount of COVID-imposed lead time this series had, and the amount of time it takes to write and record and add special effects to a live-action TV show, this episode would feel like a course correction for a lot of the problems I've had with the last couple of installments. 
I'm writing this a little longer after watching the episode than I typically have, so I'm going to go plot-by-plot rather than chronologically through the episode. 
Painting the House: a cute scene, and a good way to remind us that, even with all the drama and the teen angst, the Kents are a loving family. 
Jonathan & Jordan: Jordan joining the football team is a neat plot point that goes in unexpected directions, given how that kind of thing has typically played out in Superman stories. I like the way that it sets up conflict with Jonathan in the beginning, but eventually he realizes that Jordan's not trying to take away the thing that makes him feel special. Jonathan being the one to convince Clark to let Jordan play—and making the case that Jordan's abilities just even the playing field with respect to his size—is a good moment of solidarity and understanding for him. 
And Jordan, for his part, really does seem like he's found what he needed. Being able to take out some aggression on the football field—and having Clark's support—ends up being the key to getting a handle on his anger and being able to solve some problems with kindness rather than sulking and violence. I also appreciate that at least one of our initial antagonists—Sean—has moved out of that role, at least for now.
Coach Clark: There have been lots of attempts over the years to saddle Superman with various character flaws, but I think the one that fits best is being overprotective. On the macro scale, you get "Must There Be a Superman" and "King of the World," and on a micro scale you get stuff like this, being a bit of a helicopter parent and nearly losing Lois early in their relationship by eavesdropping. It rings true in a way that other attempted flaws—being dull-witted or indecisive—haven't. So it's nice here to see him realize it and acknowledge his mistakes, and to realize that he doesn't have to make the same choices his father did in order to keep his kids safe. After all, Jonathan Kent I didn't have superpowers. It'll also be nice for Clark to have a place to be earnest, mild-mannered Clark Kent, since he's outside the Daily Planet environment.
Lana and Sarah: Somewhere in my drafts I have a post about poor Lana Lang, a character made to fill a niche—the Lois Lane analogue for Superboy—and has never had much of a life outside of that niche. Every time Lana is introduced into adult Clark's life, she has a different deal. She's a TV reporter with a British accent, she's married to Pete Ross, she's a successful engineer, but she's almost always the girl whose life fell to pieces in one way or another after Clark Kent left. It's not fair to either character—Clark's presence in a person's life should elevate them, not devastate them—and while I understand the reason for giving her a failing marriage and conflicts with her children, I do want to see Lana have a happy ending in some adaptation or incarnation. 
Anyway, I like Sarah as a character, and it's interesting to see how her story parallel's Jordan's, with her mother's overbearing overprotectiveness leading to conflict. It creates a contrast between how Clark and Lana are handling their respective teenage offspring, and gives them a nice bonding moment. It's easy to see how these bonding moments could turn into Lana trying to rekindle the old flame with Clark, and I really hope that doesn't happen, but platonic male-female friendships are rare enough on TV that I can imagine it's hard to set one up without everyone seeing a ship setting sail. 
Speaking of ships, I know that Jordan and Sarah are an obvious pairing, but I hope Jordan is smart enough not to try to be her rebound relationship (and ruin his reconciliation with Sean). But honestly, I kind of hope Jordan is gay or bi, giving a way to tie his feelings of being different and search for identity to the struggles queer kids commonly face in an explicit way rather than an allegorical one. 
Seriously though, let Clark and Lois have a strong marriage that doesn't need to be threatened by the Other Woman for unnecessary drama. Let the drama build out of normal family conflicts, not tropes that were sexist and outdated when they were common in the Silver Age. 
Lois's Story: "The news comes to Lois Lane" seems to be an ongoing theme, as the next lead in her story just walks through the door of the Smallville Gazette. Unsurprisingly for a story involving Lois Lane, this leads to a conspiracy involving disappearing workers and super-powered enforcers. Lois explicitly makes the point I said earlier, that the stories in small towns do matter, and too often get overlooked because there aren't enough reporters covering them. 
The action scene where Lois is attacked by someone with Kryptonian-level abilities is pretty good. I always like when Superman enters a confrontation by trying to de-escalate before fighting, and I always like when Lois enters a confrontation by trying to fight before calling in the big guns. The fight between Superman and the assailant (who I think is credited as Subjekt 11, but I assumed that character was going to carry forward and, uh, doesn't look like he is) showcases both a nice escalation as Superman learns what the guy's strength is, and some nice uses of powers. The CW effects teams have gotten pretty creative over the years. The one issue I have is that Superman slams the guy through a cinderblock wall right at the start of the fight, before he's tested those abilities, and I feel like that would have done some real damage if he'd guessed wrong and the guy was a baseline human. The No-Prize Answer would be that either he scanned the guy before hitting him and knew, at baseline, that he was a meta, or that he knew Lois wouldn't call him unless she was dealing with a metahuman threat. Still, it bugs me. 
I do hope we learn more about what Subjekt-11 was. Metahuman? Kryptonian? Some kind of experiment? I'm frankly more interested in the Morgan Edge stuff than alt-universe Luthor. 
The woman who takes out Subjekt-11—who I guess was also with Edge at the meeting last episode—seems to be named Leslie Larr, no doubt a reference to Lesla-Lar, the Silver Age Kandorian villain who happened to be an exact double for Supergirl, because every major character had a double living in Kandor. Whether that means she's Kryptonian or some other swerve is something, I guess, we'll learn later.
Other: I noticed an Easter Egg that I haven't seen reported anywhere else: The Whitty Banter Show! For those who don't remember, Whitty Banter was the host of a Metropolis talk show in the 80s and 90s; there's ads for it all over the Death of Superman Newstime issue. In trying to remind myself what Easter Egg I remembered catching, I also learned that Kryptonsite still exists! What a blast from the past. There was a time, many moons ago, where that was a daily visit for me, along with the Superman Homepage. 
And Blogger.com, for that matter. But those days are clearly far behind us.
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lostinanimage · 4 years
Do you mind me asking about your writing process? How do you get into the midst of the characters so well? I'm just asking because I really love your writing.
I don’t mind at all, but this might get long. (Spoiler alert: It got very very long. No one is ever going to ask me this again.)
I do have a very different process when starting something that’s fanfiction as opposed to something that is mostly or entirely original characters. (My checkplease fiction is somewhere in the middle but more toward the original fiction process because it’s almost entirely original characters.) I’m going to go with my fanfiction process because I’ve been posting 911:Lone Star mostly, but if you want more about my original stuff, let me know. I’m not sure which fandom you’re from. <3
First off, my fanfiction ideas usually come from gaps in the show or a changing something (like Carlos’s job) and blending from there. Because 911: Lone Star tried to cram so much into 10 episodes with way too many characters and emergencies on top of that, they *expected* viewers to mentally fill in some blanks. (Though they may explain those blanks later, it’s still something that’s expected at the time.) Filling in these blanks is what tends to inspire me to start writing fanfiction. (Which is why my checkplease stuff is mostly OCs. I like Jack and Bitty, but we knew so much of their story already. Telling Kent’s story gave me more space. Playing with how Jack dealt with switching teams gave me material for him.) For Lone Star (and some for 911), I honestly feel like I have a huge advantage when it comes to writing these characters. For Carlos (and Eddie), I’m a Mexican queer person from Texas. (For Eddie I did a big move away from my family—to California at one point even.) For TK, I have recovered from an overdose and I have mental health issues. I was relocated because of these things. I’ve lived in Florida (Majan) and Chicago (Paul) and I’ve spent so much time in NYC that I have 3 exes in the city. Someone from my Lone Star fic recently decided to read my checkplease fic as original fiction and quickly discovered that Lone Star is basically just a show made up of tropes and characters I like to write anyway. I also have friend who developed schizophrenia in his early thirties. (Sadly, he was a black man in the south so he was killed the way many black men with mental illnesses in the south are killed.) I still do lots of research, but definitely not as much as I would have to do without all these things. That said, I’ve watched so many parts of the episodes over and over again. Except for the failed dinner scene—which is hard for me to watch, I’ve probably watched every single Tarlos scene over 20 times to pick apart the way they look and move and interact with each other. It gives me a base to grow from. I’ve probably watched the entire series in full (muting that dinner scene lol) over ten times. For the My Salvation series and Tunnel Vision, I’d usually pull up the episode in the time I’m covering and at least watch pieces of it to remind myself what all the characters were doing. This also helps refresh me so that their voices stay in character. When switching between 911 and 911:Lone Star, I’d put on any random episode for at least a little bit to make sure I was back in the right mindset and not, for example, writing Bobby with Owen’s voice. The only character I don’t have to do this with is Judd. I lived in Texas for 18 years. I can write Judd’s voice immediately with no refresher. Jim Parrack (actor who plays Judd) grew up an hour from me and is only 2 years older than me. I’ve literally attended an event at the school where he went to high school while in high school at the same time. Thanks for hiring an actual Texan, Lone Star. Never met him as far as I know, but I grew up with people talking like that. I’ve been to Austin multiple times. I think one of the easy traps to fall into is misusing the advice to “write what you know.” Lone Star for me is a very good example for that because I just outlined how much I know about the facts surrounding these characters. But my actual personality and life history is not like any one of them. I’m divorced, but I don’t think Owen reacts to his divorce like I would. I’ve overdosed, so I was able to know how TK would feel physically, but I’m not like TK so it writing that meant asking “okay, how does *TK* react to this physical feeling. I’m a queer Mexican from Texas, but my personality is almost nothing like Carlos’s, so I can put in facts from my background, but I have ask how Carlos reacts to those things because he’s not going to react the same why I do.
Also, because it’s been a hot topic lately, don’t write what you don’t know. If you’re not Mexican-American and you can’t develop this very complex knowledge for how your use of Spanish changes according to your life situation, so don’t try to write it in. No one will miss it. I love writing Paul, but there’s a limit to what I can write about him being trans and black. That’s okay. I just won’t write him as well as a black trans man, but I might write Carlos and Eddie better than that person. And seriously, don’t write Judd and Grace with a Texas accent if you have no experience. People will only notice if you get it wrong. Still do a lot of research so that you have some ideas in your head! And then don’t actually try to use it. I know that sounds like super-weird advice, but if you’re writing a different culture, that’s my best advice. There are so many traits that make up each character. For example, I can put in aspects of my background when I’m writing Eddie, but I’ve never personally served in the military, so I don’t highlight that part of his character. Also, since I’m here, people who have never done sex work should stop writing it and stop using imagery around it when writing sex scenes. It’s annoying and almost always wrong. Stop. I don’t outline and I make almost no notes until I get to the point of a verse being so big, that I have to make a timeline to keep everyone’s ages in line. I’m not there yet for my Lone Star fic. All kinds of notes and character things do just kind of stay in my head. It’s hard to explain, but that’s how it is. I write almost entirely chronologically. To be fair, I started writing fanfiction at age 14, I graduated with a degree in creative writing. I published my first book in 2009. I’ve always done this many things in my head. My characters were likely not always this well-formed. However, a lot of the character work I do in my head can totally be written down. If you’d like, you’re welcome to pick a character and I’ll write out a full character sheet with what’s going on in my head that influences how I write a character. (For any of my OCs, I could do this. For 911/Lone Star, I could do Eddie, Buck, TK, Owen, Carlos, and Judd the easiest.) One of the things I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about while writing Tunnel Vision is exploring what my different back story would change about Carlos. He’s purposely less closed off because in my opinion he learned to shut off emotion even more as a cop. I think this is evident in the show not just in the police station scene, but also in the finale when TK sort of ends the relationship. There’s no way he’s that okay with it, but you can see that he’s prepared himself for that response. (As opposed to the dinner scene where you see more emotion because he wasn’t prepared for that rejection.) As a teacher, I feel like he’d be a bit more open and better at communication, so I’ve made those little changes. That said, I think it’s obvious that dialogue is my jam. This is why I have to stay so, so far ahead of posting to be able to edit my own stuff. I write quickly and I leave out words and my brain will correct mistakes unless I step away from a section for at least two weeks. I also envision things so clearly in my head that I need that time away to realize when I need more description or when I need to use names instead of pronouns, etc. Sometimes I’ll add dialogue in editing but usually nothing major. One of my favorite things about writing fanfiction is that I can put out all kinds of extra scenes and points of view. I actually have some of these things for my published works just sitting in extra files because I’ve needed to write other points of few to get the reactions right. Anytime I write half a phone call, I always have the other side written somewhere. Anyway, wow this got really long so I’m going to stop rambling. Clearly I don’t mind asks like this is. Lol. I’m still almost completely quarantined and my girlfriend is out of town. Send me all the asks you want. lol
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legionnairelass · 5 years
A Guide To The Legion of Super-Heroes For CW Fans
(@shadowofcroft​ @peskydoodles @denofgeek @karamelshakes @nerdyfancupcake @querlsdoxs @lenakluthor I haven’t spoken to nearly any of you, but could y’all somehow get this out to the people who’d read it?)
WHAT is the Legion of Super-Heroes? A bunch of futuristic losers who nerd out so hard about 21st/20th century heroes they decided to be heroes too.
WHEN is the Legion of Super-Heroes? Either the 30th or the 31st century- take the publication date of whatever comic you’re reading, add 1,000 years, and there you go!
WHO ARE THE MEMBERS of the Legion of Super-Heroes? Please don’t make me answer this. There are a lot. There was once a membership-cap of 25, but that got thrown away because more Legionnaires.
WHO INSPIRED the Legion of Super-Heroes? In the comics, it’s Clark Kent, Superboy at the time. Back when he lived in Smallville with Ma and Pa Kent, the Legion’s founders went back and time to prank him and take him to the 30th/31st where he got really good at the hero thing and  eventually evolved into (wait for it) SUPERMAN.
WHO FOUNDED the Legion of Super-Heroes? (This is gonna come as a huge shock, I know, but) Not Mon-El! The original founders of the Legion, sometimes known as the Legionnaires Three, were actually Imra Ardeen (aka Saturn Girl), Garth Ranzz (aka Lightning Lad), and Rokk Krinn (aka Cosmic Boy). The three of them sorta accidentally saved a rich, old, fun dude named R.J. Brande and he was like “huh, superheroes are cool”. Thus, the Legion was formed.
HOW DOES the Legion of Super-Heroes WORK? The Legion is a democracy, with a whole ton of rules called the Legion Constitution. Every year or so, the Legion holds elections for their leader, and whenever it is convenient they hold try-outs for new members.
WHAT is the Legion of Super-Heroes ABOUT? The Legionnaires come from all over the galaxy in order to defend peace, democracy, and freedom. They are optimistic, sometimes to a fault, and believe in Superman’s virtues above (almost) all else.
WHAT IS THE APPEAL of the Legion of Super-Heroes? Well, the Legion is normally really optimistic, really diverse, and really teenage. Characterization and inter-personal relationships are always a heavy focus, not just superhero, bam, pow, fisticuffs.
HOW DOES the Legion of Super-Heroes CONNECT WITH SUPERGIRL? The Legion has, historically, always been very involved with the Super Family. Supergirl became a member (alongside Clark Kent) way back in the Silver Age (those are the really old comics with story lines that read like crappy old fanfics off of Fanfiction.net and pages that reek of LSD which all the writers were on at the time). She’d come from the past to the future to join in with the lighthearted shenanigans, and help save the day. In fact, the Legionnaire Brainiac 5 was her most consistent love interest throughout the decades of Supergirl comics.
WHAT DOES MON-EL HAVE TO DO with the Legion of Super-Heroes? Remember how Mon got stuck in the Phantom Zone because of lead-poisoning? Yeah, so a thousand years in the future, Brainiac 5 developed a cure and saved him. With nothing better to do, Mon joined the Legion. It was pretty cool. He even had the most badass girlfriend- Tasmia Mallor aka Shadow Lass.
WHO IS THIS BRAINIAC 5 DUDE in the Legion of Super-Heroes? Brainiac 5, aka Querl Dox is a native of Colu, and a descendant of Superman’s villain Brainiac. He’s basically the smartest person ever to exist, and he knows it. Although he’s a sarcastic, antagonistic bitch most of the time, he’s one of the Legion’s greatest assets. Plus, he’s had a ton of love interests, most notably Supergirl, but also Laurel Gand (aka Andromeda), Lyle Norg (aka Invisible Kid), Nura Nal (aka Dream Girl), and (if we’re sorta counting the cartoon) Clark Kent (aka Superman).
HOW IS SATURN GIRL INVOLVED in the Legion of Super-Heroes? Well, let’s start off by saying SHE”S NOT MON-EL’S WIFE. With that out of the way, Saturn Girl, aka Imra Ardeen is one of the founding members of the Legion. She’s a ridiculously strong telepath. Sometimes she’s called ‘Ironass Ardeen’ because she’s so tough. She’s married to Garth Ranzz aka Lightning Lad and they had twin sons. Also, did I mention that in 1964 she became the first female leader of a superhero team??? Imra’s so cool, everyone should love her.
IS THE NIA NAL/DREAMER CHICK PART OF the Legion of Super-Heroes? ....No? Yes, maybe? Nia has been revealed to be the grandmother of Nura Nal (aka Dream Girl, or Dreamer), who’s a Legionnaire from Naltor with the ability to see the future and also kick a lot of ass and save the day because Brainy is pretty useless in combat scenarios. 
HOW GAY is the Legion of Super-Heroes? (Let’s face it. I’m on tumblr. I understand tumblr. This question is pertinent.) The Legion hasn’t had a on-going comic in recent years, so a lot of the gay shit is queer coding but... Shrinking Violet and Light Lass are wonderful farm girlfriends, Invisible Kid and Chemical King have been generally accepted as a gay couple since the 60′s, Shvaughn Erin can be read as a (poorly written) trans character, her love interest Element Lad more or less comes out as bisexual, Brainiac 5 and Invisible Kid came really close to being a canon couple before the series was rebooted, and Chameleon was canonically nonbinary in the reboot known as the threeboot. I’m sure there’s more I’m forgetting, but there are a lot of Legionnaires. Also, they all had a crush on a snake person at one point, which was, y’know, awesome.
WHERE DO I START READING the Legion of Super-Heroes? 1. You know that thought you just had about reading from the beginning? Take it, smash it on the ground, jump on it a few times, throw it in a trash can, set the trash can on fire, and then throw the whole thing into the abyss. The whole concept of ‘reading from the beginning’ will cause more suffering than it’s worth. Trust me. 2. Get your hands on the graphic novels Legionnaires Volumes 1 and 2 (here and here). This is the beginning of the rebooted Legion. I won’t confuse you (or myself, honestly) with those details, but the reboot reintroduces all the characters, and retells some of the popular original stories before moving into brand new territory. 3. Get some pens and paper handy. Be prepared to take little notes about who’s who as you go. Don’t worry- you won’t need these for very long. Just at the beginning. 4. read, Read, READ! And most importantly- enjoy!
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ao3feed-superbat · 6 years
And So the Sun Still Rises
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zmV2pW
by Scotty1609
Clark was mulling over what to do about the sound of shattering glass- whether or not to leave it for the morning- when he heard a high-pitched inhale of breath and a muffled, “Ouch!” So, with a sigh, he resigned himself to letting Bruce sleep and going downstairs to see what Richard was up to.
Or else, Bruce's super-boyfriend (established) meets his super-ward (recently established).
Words: 3739, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Superman - All Media Types, Young Justice (Cartoon), Nightwing (Comics)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Clark Kent, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth
Relationships: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Clark Kent, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Gay Character, Bisexual Character, Bruce Wayne is Bisexual, Bisexual Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent is Queer, Queer Clark Kent, Hurt Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson Needs a Hug, Pre-Robin, Established Relationship, Established Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent, Dick Grayson is Not Robin, Family Feels, Family Drama, Family Bonding, Meet the Family, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Light Angst, Mild Blood, First Aid, Clark knows First Aid, Also Clark is Great, Big Blue Boyscout
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zmV2pW
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Ask I got: So with your post on your writing and Kent its like yeah I usually love a lot of your stuff but whenever Ngozi's line about "Kent getting all he wanted and not getting to grow and Jack getting all he feared and growing" I'm just kind of shocked you agree with that cause I mean you know Kent didn't want Jack to OD and I bet losing Jack in anyway was one of Kent's biggest fears.
plus like here the idea of growth ends up being tied to being out or closeted. Jack's maturity and self acceptance ends up being reflected through how open he is, the high point of his arc and growth as a player ended with him coming out to the world. Which unfortunately bounces back and frames Kent as immature and ties that immaturity to being closeted. [SOME BITS TRIMMED FOR LENGTH] And then make him an antagonist and frame all of his interactions with Jack/Bitty and all of his victories as negative just kind of burn my tongue
even more so when fans intentionally or not run with all that framing and end up connecting all of Kent's issues with his choice to be closeted for his career condemn his choice and point to it as evidence of immaturity or lack of self love or warped priorities, when that choice isn't just the norm but literally the only one any NHL player has ever made at this point and a choice millions of us make each and every day for our own safety, success, and happiness.
My reply: People criticizing the link between immaturity and closetedness are really on point, I think. When I was supporting N's comments about "Kent got everything he wanted, and didn't grow, while Jack got what he didn't want, and grew", I didn't know the full content of 3.26, especially the fact that Jack was going to come out on television and that Kent's teammates were going to be pretty LGBT-hostile.
I mean, I do think that Kent is immature, especially in the sense that his social and emotional development is stunted, and that his immaturity is the result of his decision to go into the NHL and be a professional player from age 18, while Jack's relative maturity is the result of his time in rehab and at Samwell. However, I don't think Kent is uniquely immature in the NHL, and his immaturity isn't linked to him being queer—I think, rather, that immaturity is a result of the incredibly toxic masculinity an NHL career demands, and the effects of that toxic masculinity. Jack's unique because his talent, family history, and financial privilege have given him the advantage of being able to fight that toxic masculinity in the way few professional hockey players have been able to.
So, I'm from Alberta. Small town with a hockey rink and not much else. Major oil-producing sector. Grew up around hockey players. I did part of my practicum as a mental health therapist at a university counselling centre in Vancouver where they had a really strong athletics program, and I had hockey players on my caseload. And the hardest thing for me to communicate to people from elsewhere about hockey culture is how relentlessly, insistently hypermasculine it is. Everything you've heard about a "man box", everything from The Mask You Live In or Men's Work or I Don't Want to Talk About It. That's what gets pushed by coaches, by commentators, by everybody—toxic masculinity is how you play. Dominate, suppress your emotions, overcome pain, win at all costs.
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I am honestly saying that the entire feeder system for men's professional hockey is fucked up on a very fundamental level. From elementary school-aged kids getting up at 4am for practice and doing hockey every day and having no social lives outside of hockey, to teenagers leaving home before they're developmentally ready to be away from their families, having substance abuse issues at a grossly disprortionate rate to their peers, shortchanging their educations, and earning very little money. The system produces top players by getting them to focus on hockey at the expense of everything else, which includes their social and emotional development.
I'm talking about basic shit like "realizing when you are feeling an emotion and being able to identify what emotion it is". The inability to do this is called alexithymia, and it often comes from growing up in an invalidating environment where your emotions are never recognized, acknowledged, or accommodated. I'm talking about stuff like "not being able to tell someone about your basic wants and needs"—something that is really hard when the least expression of emotion is seen as "weak" or "gay".
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So when I say that Kent "hasn't grown" or is "immature", I mean that things went so bad at the Epikegster because these are skills he hasn't developed. When he spits out, "I miss you," it comes out like it's the absolute limit of what he's capable of saying. His entire sales pitch to Jack has been in terms of money, power, and dominance—You'll be on a great team; you'll earn lots of money; you'll be better than before. It's not until he's at the end of his rope that he admits to wanting Jack back because he misses him. And therefore he doesn't see why he's failing at persuasion; he doesn't realize that Jack has an emotional attachment to the Samwell players, that his priorities for joining a team aren't just about prestige and money.
Because here's the thing about toxic masculinity: there are the things Kent really feels and wants, and the things he is allowed to admit he feels and wants according to toxic masculinity.
Acceptable masculine interests according to toxic masculinity:
Unacceptable masculine interests according to this system:
Emotional intimacy
Intellectual curiosity
Artistic expression
Personal fulfillment
According to the system, Kent was only allowed to want to be rich, famous, and successful. Those were the only things he could admit to without being lambasted in international press outlets, because hockey media is sooooo fucked up.
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Jack's OD emotionally devastated Kent Parson—and he would have been pilloried for letting it show. In that moment, he wasn't expected to feel anything except humble, grateful, and happy. So that's how he acted. Being closeted is such a secondary concern here.
So in some ways "immature" is the wrong word because Kent is an incredibly mature public figure, polished and good at keeping his mouth shut; he's mastered the art of being what he's expected to be, at being what will let him succeed at his chosen profession. It's kind of like how PTSD is a disease, a dysfunctional set of behaviours, in a peaceful, prosperous society, but it's what keeps you alive in a warzone. It's why I don't counsel hockey bros as a chosen profession: I don't respect their athletic and professional achievements enough to work with them every day. I don't think it's worth winning a trophy if you were never home and ruined your marriage and failed to look after your children, and I'm not good at honouring a belief system that says it is worth it.
But I would define "maturity" as the ability to understand your own needs and fulfill them; to live your own reality and express it in a way that satisfies you.
The ways Jack "grew" were when he admitted that something was wrong and accepted convalescence and treatment instead of skating through the pain. When he got to know himself as an intellectual and artistic person as well as an athletic one. When he made space in his life for empathy and play. Because when you see NHL players being criticized on a personal level, what's it for? For having "big personalities", for being "unprofessional" and "unserious", for being "girly". For celebrating too much, dancing too freely, being political, intellectual, for questioning power hierarchies, and for putting their personal welfare ahead of their teams' success.
(Hockey players' compliance to power hierarchies is valued above all things, but that's a different rant)
Jack's moment of maturity wasn't kissing Bitty on the Stanley Cup ice; it was a year earlier, in his own room, when he understood how he felt and acted on it, and communicated it to Bitty, thereby achieving an emotional intimacy that was more important to him than hockey. In that same room, Kent struggled so badly to understand what he wanted and why, and to express it to somebody else, that he backfired in his intended aim, injured his friendship with Jack more deeply than ever, and hurt the person he wanted to express love for.
So the dichotomy of closeted/out is super new in the comic, and super new to analyses of Kent. A lot of what we've been talking about, and the theories we've evolved, have really not been based on 3.26.
And yes, like you, I'm really leery of letting that be a consistent part of the analysis. We don't know why Kent isn't out yet (my personal theory is that it was strategic) and I'm way more willing to say he's immature because of the way that interaction with Jack went to shit, than to say he's immature because he's doing the smart thing and surviving in a homophobic-as-fuck industry.
And, as always, a lot of my fic about Kent is about him developing those things his industry wants to punish him for having--why I write about him escaping to music festivals with queer pagan poets, respecting and supporting female athletes, caring for helpless animals, developing strong aesthetic tastes and artistic hobbies, finding spirituality, fighting back against his hierarchies, admitting his problems, or quitting to raise a baby. Because I want him to develop too. But I think the draft sent him to the desert in more ways than one, and it’s a struggle for him to thrive.
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pinbitch · 6 years
season five continues please don’t let anything like the last episode happen again:
-huh things went downhill for lana really fast. one episode clark breaks up with her the next she’s on suspiciously bright green unnamed drugs. okay
-clark just. ran to honduras. i lov him
-oh. lionel is here
-official smallville pig count: 2. it’s WILD that it’s taken this long and now we’re on a pig every episode rate
-whoa i think a guy falling on a circular saw and taking like 30 seconds to die is the grisliest death smallville has ever had
-now watch as despite lana stealing his car and also breaking into his house lex is completely fine with her cause that’s normal and healthy
-side note: i think my problem with the whole “i am entitled to your secret i cannot stand all these lies” thing comes from being a gay. like, no one is obligated to come out of the closet and Clark’s Secret feels a lot like that to me
-side note part two: how has literally no one on this show wondering about Clark’s Secret thought “oh, maybe he’s queer”? fucking wild, although maybe i should be thankful cause i don’t see that being done respectfully
-little girl just fucking murdered some fish by smashing all the glass in the house including their tank with her miiiiind poooooowers
-oh sweet lord i forgot how lovely clark is with kids
-lana: you must really trust me. lex: 100% me: she stole your car LAST EPISODE
-KRYPTO IS BACK but for some reason is called shelby now i guess??? okay???
-lois is as bad with kids as clark is good. excellent, great, wonderful. such rich pairing material
-lex getting aol video messages this is a noughties period drama
-evil guy with glass powers killed the fish not the little girl so we’re allowed to like her i guess
- do uh, diamonds count as glass now?
-clark adopting super powered kids is everything i want from this show
-this lex and lana storyline is making me actively look forward to when she is written out he’s been perving on her since she was FIFTEEN
-lana: what are we doing? lex: i thought we were enjoying an evening of chess. that exchange doesn’t really really need any input from me it’s already perfect
-the villain of this episode basically just hates capitalism which is fair. but also they murder people. not fair
-also they have a tinfoil face for some reason
-whoa. does... does lionel shave his armpits?
-lex is STILL trying to find “common ground” with clark cause he still loves him
-my boy broke through a wall then caught a lift this is what i’m here for
-bad guy took of his mask and lionel gasps but i’m there like “i have literally no idea who that is”
-lex luthor is what tony stark could have been we should be very glad he’s iron man instead. i just really love tony stark okay
-i pretty much unironically love the theme song now
-oh clark has a new ~mystery~ sugar daddy now
-lois is doing crunches whilst doing politics and i’m not sure who to thank or what i did to deserve this but OH BOY OH MAN OH WOW
-”clark kent is afraid of heights” is the best running joke this show has set up
-lois continues to have absolutely horrible taste in men and that is not just because she hasn’t shown interest in clark (or alternatively me) yet
-jfc lois just poured nearly an entire thing of sugar into her coffee. you don’t need to drink the bean juice if you need that much sugar babe, come join me in the leaf water corner
-alright by the 15th pun surely someone would have worked out that this guy is a hitman? i mean “it can get a little cutthroat”???
-he just invited lois to a coldplay concert. PERIOD DRAMA
-mmmmmm a classic hard thing shattering against clark shot whilst somehow leaving his clothes undamaged literally my favourite
-lois in the shower! CLARK SEEING LOIS NAKED! yeeeeeeeeees the episode is SO GOOD
-lois takes hour and a half long showers. i love her so much
-lois: why can’t i meet a decent guy from a decent family? me, openly weeping: YOU ALREADY HAVE
-mum kent finishing up the episode being completely right about absolutely everything yet again
-daddy kent shows up at his own grave (extremely extra) to tell clark to kill daddy luthor and he says it because lionel is gonna do something terrible but we all know its because dad kent is missing dad luthor and wants to have homoerotic arguments with him in the afterlife
-mum kent: jonathan, you know you’re the only man i’ve ever loved. me: well that’s not a very straight thing to say
-i haven’t had much to say about this episode cause i’ve been eating my tea whilst watching but i’m not convinced for a second that clark is actually gonna kill someone
-tractor throwing! yaaaay! now we know for sure it isn’t the real dad kent. he spent so long fixing the damn thing he would never just throw it at clark and break it again
-doctor: well lex you’ve never been healthier. me: seriously what happened to the blood purification thing. i genuinely don’t remember that ever being resolved
-lex: clark’s specialty is barging in where he isn’t invited. me: EXCUSE ME? E X C U S E  M E??? that is the most hypocritical thing i’ve ever heard anyone on this show say holy shit
-lois just referenced the night stalker. i see you babe. my girl is into true crime
-i’m actually so excited for Andrew Jacoby, Duke of Kenilworth to show up as general zod but that might actually be ages yet idk
-”i’ll be there tonight” why do fictional people always say this? “tonight” is such a wide bracket of time
-i’m not even gonna talk about lana’s arc this season
-clark just got sent to the phantom zone so that’s fun. no, not fun. what’s the opposite of fun?
-ooooooo, nice use of stock footage of riots
-i have no idea why people are actually rioting but it’s certainly injecting some drama into the last minutes of the season
-lana’s doing her big romantic speech to lex but the whole city is rioting and it doesn’t really seem like the time
-clark is gonna have to save an awful lot of people really fast at the start of the next season when this cliffhanger is resolved
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fyrapartnersearch · 7 years
Roleplay ad!!
Hey, guys! Name's Rhys, twenty one years old, and living in the CT. Currently, I am looking for both fandom and original roleplays-- I do want to mention beforehand, I don't want to be the one upholding the creation of story development. For the past few years, I've been forced into this, and I am especially burned out with having to deal with it all by myself. I need teamwork, cooperation, or a partnership won't work out, sorry. I do third person, past/present tense, and paragraph form. Semi-lit, please be prepared to do more than just a few sentences. Four-five paragraphs preferred, but I totally understand if the situation just calls for shorter responses, but not all of the time. The link right below this is a doc to some of my writing samples. Feel free to check them out! https://docs.google.com/document/d/18n3iuj4m9X1hBo9P2IezrKdTfkTrSKt0H34ZP6v3hHs I do m/m, f/f, m/f, f/m, any relationships; trans/nb, trans/cis, nb/cis, etc. I welcome all the LGBT, as I am of the queer community myself! Email or google docs only, please. LIMITS ------ -No unrealistic stereotypes of queer relationships, please. Yaoi, yuri, seme/uke, etc. Can't do that. Characters need to both have versatile roles; switching, so it's fair for everyone. Though, my characters do tend to be a lot more dominating! {{Very welcoming of BDSM, dom/sub, but this does not mean someone needs to be penetrated every single time in order for the dom to dominate. Get it? This can also apply to heterosexual relationships. I would literally love to see female characters who top, if you know what I mean. It's a pretty common thing, but not many people here seem down with it lol}} -Furries; blegh, no thanks. Beastiality, nekos, anything of sexual animal-related nature is a no-go, fam. -Vore, scat, bathroom stuff, pedophilia. You know the drill! ((I am not opposed to consensual, legal age and non-reproducing incestuous relationships in FICTION! Sex is fine, just no children resulting from it. Reminder; this is fictional.)) Okay, so despite those few limits, I am actually pretty welcoming of anything else. Smut, of course. Some kink a little out there that you want to suggest? Let's do it, dude. I am open to polyamorous relationships, any queer shit you're willing to throw at me lmao I am super OOC friendly and I am pretty much a garbled mess when I get to know you! I am open to crooked relationships, ones that don't function right, fluff and all cuteness, unconditional love-- my interests fluctuate! I am down, 24/7, guys! Here's a list of fandoms and pairings below. ------ ***=Craving Borderlands -Handsome Jack/Rhys*** -Handsome Jack/Rhys/Nisha*** -Rhys/Axton -Handsome Jack/Nisha*** -Fiona/Athena -Fiona/Vaughn -Rhys/Vaughn Until Dawn -Josh Washington/Chris -Chris/Mike -Jess/Mike -Sam/Beth -Matt/Jess -Emily/Matt/Jess Life is Strange -Max Caulfield/Chloe Price -Max Caulfield/Kate Marsh/Victoria Chase -Nathan Prescott/Warren Graham*** -Rachel Amber/Chloe Price*** -Rachel Amber/Frank Bowers DC -Dick Grayson/Jason Todd*** -Bruce Wayne/Dick Grayson -Dick Grayson/Koriand'er -Dick Grayson/Wally West*** -Oliver Queen/Dinah Lance -Harley Quinn/Pamela Isley -Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent -Diana Prince/Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Marvel -Steve Rogers/Tony Stark -Tony Stark/Bruce Banner -Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes -Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson -Clint Barton/Pietro Maximoff -Peter Parker/Harry Osborn*** -Peter Parker/Wade Wilson -Gwen Stacy/Peter Parker/Harry Osborn Uncharted -Nathan Drake/Samuel Drake -Nathan Drake/Harry Flynn*** -Chloe Frazer/Nadine Ross -Samuel Drake/Rafe Adler*** Game of Thrones -Arya Stark/Gendry Waters -Sansa Stark/Margaery Tyrell -Daenerys Targaryen/Jon Snow TTGOT -Asher Forrester/Gwyn Whitehill -Rodrik Forrester/Arthur Glenmore*** -Mira Forrester/Margaery Tyrell -Gared Tuttle/Finn -Gared Tuttle/Josera Snow The Walking Dead -Rick Grimes/Shane Walsh -Rick Grimes/Negan*** -Daryl Dixon/Paul “Jesus” Rovia -Luke/Nick -Javier Garcia/David Garcia*** -Clementine/Gabriel Garcia*** The Mortal Instruments -Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago -Simon Lewis/Jace Lightwood*** -Isabelle Lightwood/Lydia Branwell -Alec Lightwood/Magnus Bane Be More Chill -Jeremy Heere/Michael Mell*** -Chloe Valentine/Brooke Lohst -Jake Dillinger/Rich Goranski Dear Evan Hansen -Evan Hansen/Connor Murphy*** Infamous: Second Son -Delsin Rowe/Reggie Rowe -Delsin Rowe/Eugene Sims -Delsin Rowe/Hank Daughtry Steven Universe -OC/OC verse welcome! Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator -Anyone/your dadsona (for the love of god someone give me a good, not cliche john doe dadsona and you will win my heart!! I just want to play a dad lol bring me some great ass ocs) Heathers -Kurt Kelly/Ram Sweeney -Heather Chandler/Veronica Sawyer -Veronica Sawyer/Jason “JD” Dean - Some basic ideas that I do have pretty big doc ideas for; -The Last of Us inspired, using the general plot of the game. -Literally anything zombie-apocalypse inspired -Sugar daddy or mommy/Sugar baby*** -Big shot CEO/Rookie -Gladiator/Royal heir -Criminal/Law enforcer -Hero/Villain, Hero/Anti-hero, etc. -Jock/Nerd (this trope is my shit omg) -Medieval families, arranged marriages -Extrovert/Introvert*** -One night stands turned into something more -Childhood sweethearts -Supernatural; demon/spirit, demon/hunter, demon/human, angel/human, angel/demon -Best friends turned lovers -A few marine biologists go to an island off the coast to study the marine life there, which in turn, turns out to be something much bigger. ((Loosely based mermaid plot, can go into much bigger detail!))*** -Super expansive GOT-like fantasy plot with backgrounds, continents, etc. -Rivaling supernatural gangs (say, werewolf packs or vampire clans) -Soul mates; it can be like some of those AU’s where you don’t see color until you meet them, your tattooed timer counts down until then, or maybe even soul mates continuously reincarnating and one of the two has killed them for centuries in order to be “immortal”. For the first time, the victimized partner gets close enough that the other begins to fall and they start aging, together. -Young person (A) inherits an old mansion in a rural town from an unknown relative. A finds that the town is off-- people are starting to disappear, and no bodies are being found. A discovers their relative was hunting the “beast” by all of the information piled up in the attic and salt smeared in the cracks of the floors. B is a disguised demon in the small population-- they initially intended to get rid of A’s relative in fear of being exposed.. but it turns out, there is a much bigger threat than B or any of the other inconspicuous supernaturals among the town--- a monster is coming, and with it, a potential end to the world as they know it. Will B and A team up together? Can A look past B’s true evils, and can B learn to help a descendant of the infamous ‘monster’ hunters? -A doesn’t have any memories of their life, only being conscious and staring down at a mutilated body in a ditch. When they meet B, they learn why; welcome to limbo, they say. You just died. A has unfinished business; finding out who murdered them, why, and what else is holding them here. B is a reaper intent on helping lost souls pass over-- they were never born, and A shows them the delights of life before it’s taken. B learns to love A, and A doesn’t want to leave limbo. While A’s soul is clinging between realities, B must make a pivotal decision; squeezing tight on the concept of love, and letting A go. (BONUS!! REINCARNATION; A & B ARE GIVEN THE GIFT OF LIVING AGAIN, TOGETHER.) -Coming of age story between two childhood friends who are separated by circumstance, and after ten years, reunite and learn that your first love doesn’t have to be the one that got away. -Two friends drop their whole lives to go on a road trip once they turn thirty-- they elope together, leaving their unhappy lives behind them and in this grand scheme of mental breakdowns and tearful smiles, they find that love may be the only cure to a broken existence. ..and many more!! Thanks so much! If you've read through, please contact me at [email protected] and mention kiwi somewhere in your email. n_n Rhys xoxo
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lexpistachio · 7 years
There is someone that is totally okay with continuing to tag their Kent hate. I mean, whatever. Blocked and all. But I find it ironic that they say that we HAVE to interpret Kent one way, but we HAVE to let people interpret other characters however they want. Like get over yourself, please. Yes, check please has a happy, queer romance story. But is it realistic? I can't say it is. I'm sorry if I want more hockey and more about the characters I'm already invested in. I'm not sorry that it's Kent.
YES! Super agree with all of these. Some things that came to me today:
1. On Check Please being a happy, queer romance story, I get that, but I think what bothers me the most is how inconsistent the writing of Check Please is in that regard. Because Ngozi says this is supposed to be an exploration of a world that Bitty can thrive, but it didn’t start like that at all. There are all sorts of issues that were presented in the beginning that were abandoned in pursuit of the love story that she wanted all along.
Jack’s mental health issue was there as a tragic backstory and insofar as it provided a vulnerable!Jack moment for Bitty and which leads to possibly more tragic backstory. But that very important facet to Jack just vanished along and was forgotten when it’s a valid consideration when they were outing themselves to his front office and teammates. Or take the fact that it was very possible that the added pressure of being closeted and being in a relationship was what drove Jack’s anxiety up a notch, as she hinted when she presented the vignettes of Jack and Kent’s relationship just before the draft–that didn’t all seem to matter because this is suddenly a world cured of homophobia when he presented Bitty as his boo. (Meanwhile, in the real world, millionaire Ryan Getzlaf repeatedly called a ref “cocksucker” and only got fined 10k and Anaheim fans are raising money to pay the fine.) Or that N introduced the idea that Jack had very real issues about meeting his father’s expectations –very real when he ignored the hell out of Bitty because Bitty scored a GWG– but wasn’t real when it’s a huge possibility that his hypermasculine dad could have objections to him outing himself for a few months’ old relationship . Or take the issue of Jack’s bisexuality. It was additional drama to pile on Bitty when he was insecure about their months-old relationship, but Jack’s bisexuality was never discussed, or how relevant that is in his situation as a closeted pro athlete. Or maybe that Jack is Bitty’s first relationship while it was said in the comic that Bitty wasn’t even ready to be out to his family yet–and yet that was forgotten when Jack practically convinced him they could be out, together. There are so, so many more points I could raise here, but what I’m trying to get at is that I see this canon as a series of writing decisions that opens up real, tangible issues, but fails to follow up on them, blatantly ignores them, in the guise of, hey this is supposed to be a happy story so no no no no drama. I’m here, like, 
me: but what about– canon: NO. NO DRAMA. NO
And it’s not as if those were issues are imagined, she wrote them in canon in the first place and then abandons them, leaving me unsatisfied and uneasy while there are so many loose threads flying about. But we’re supposed to ignore them because twu wuv, yeah?
2. I’ve said this before, but why not Kent? Kent is a closeted LGBT who loved a guy for years who just turned out to be buddyfucking him the whole time–he can’t even grieve properly? There is relatability to his heartbreak, complexity to his transformation from that soft-looking boy in his teen years to that night where he’s sharp and cold as he lashes out in anger. That Captain with a broken heart who tries to grapple at his remaining dignity by playing with every inch of the skill he’s learned lends himself to all kinds of possibilities that is exciting to explore. I love it (and I’m happy people love him too!), and his whiteness or his ‘problematic’ behavior shouldn’t be a deterrent to exploring his interiority, because that’s what fandom does! Fandom is precisely the proper space to explore what you want to explore because pushing all kinds of boundaries is what we do when we talk about and write stories that give layers to this character that they claim should be one-dimensional. Quoting some intelligent lady: You can’t keep telling yourselves and everyone else around you that this is a space where you come to to expand storylines and to push back against toxic cultural messages, and at the same time maintain that this is a line too far, that this is not something that is within your control.
3. Moreover, he’s a closeted professional athlete – and his story matters because his story has consequence. If there is an LGBT player right now in the NHL, they’re closeted and as trapped as Kent is in that situation. I feel like when I read Kent fics, most are fully cognizant and acknowledging of the brunt of being in that precarious situation, and that’s why they’re satisfying to me. Jack and Bitty’s story is in a bubble because they’re like in an alternate universe that isn’t remotely this one; the bubble that is modern capitalism is likelier to burst than Jack and Bitty’s little fantasy life. It’s like they exist in a vacuum devoid of real life common sense consequences. So sue me for wanting my stories having cause-effect.
4. I’m looking forward to Jack and Kent meeting again because there’ll be hockey, and I signed up here for hockey, which, for a hockey-themed comic seems scarce and inaccurate about. Though that might mean N will get to fulfill her Jack NHL Suksez Storyline when he finally is better than Kent because he’s powered by love and pies gags
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thegoldenmisfits · 7 years
hi!! happy pride month!! do you have any SMH queer headcanons?
Happy pride!!!!!!
Queer SMH Headcannons
-so jack didn’t really pick up on anything to do with his sexuality until he was probably 16/17ish or so. He grew up not having developed crushes on anybody so for a long time it just never really was important. But once he went into the Q and just,,,, really really liked Kent,,, he was like I have never felt so desperate for another friend’s attention at all times. I have never missed being around a friend like I do Kent when we’re apart for just a day. This is what a crush must feel like. Since jack has never had a crush on a girl he was like, welp. guess this means I’m gay. It never really felt right to jack to identify with being gay?? Internalized homophobia aside, jack just couldn’t really accept himself under that label. It didn’t feel right; he still thought girls were hot but he only had ever had feelings for a boy. Jack didn’t intend to come out to his parents but,, he’s awful with phones,, and a text that was meant for Kent was sent to Alicia (which was and still is mortifying). So he and his mom had a talk. He came out as Gay(?) and she surprised him with being Bi. Samwell was when jack developed stronger feelings towards men and women. Obviously only pursuing the feelings he may have slightly had towards women because everything leading up to the overdosed convinced him he could never survive if he was anything but straight. Nobody knows jack isn’t straight. Jack doesn’t know hat he is. But in the future a boy will help him learn he’s demisexual/romantic, and that he’ll survive whatever life throws at him with a little help from his friends.
Bitty- Bitty has the strangest feelings when he’s home. Knowing, accepting, and embracing that he’s gay at Samwell has made it so hard to keep his mouth shut once off campus and down south. All throughout the day with mama and coach he has to prevent himself from blurting out something along the lines of “im super gay. super proud. and super in love and I want to gush all about it”. Watching what he says all the time has made him quieter and more reclusive at home. Only really coming down to bake, work out, and eat meals with the family. His mother isn’t sure what to do but coach says to let him work through it on his own.
-nursey knew he was not straight for a long time. But he didn’t want to think about it. If he didn’t think about it, it wasn’t real, his heart wouldn’t race excessively, his palms wouldn’t sweat and his fingers wouldn’t tremble.Upon discovering his bisexuality, he has attempted to come out to his mother more times than he can count. He successfully has come out, well, never. As soon as he hints towards being attracted to another gender, he turns it into aesthetic appreciation. Nothing more. His mother gets aesthetic appreciation. She was a nude model in college after all ("how do you think I met your father?"), much to nursey’s horror upon learning.
Lardo- lardo has no clue what she is and she frankly doesn’t give a fuck. Labels never concerned her. She’s just gonna go have fun and get laid. She likes how uncomplicated life is like this. Why fuck it up?
Dex- Samwell has forced Dex to come to grips with a few things1. He’s attracted to men2. He’s not straight3. No one can ever know4. He absolutely hates dining hall food and owes Bitty his life. Dex likes being in the closet in some aspects. He doesn’t like to talk or really even think about it, so nobody knowing makes talking about it impossible, and him feel much more comfortable.
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