#Why is sol in the hospital
crestedpalls · 1 month
fate is mentioned so many times in this episode its got me wondering about inevitability and just how terrifying it must be for sol. She tries time and time again to save her most beloved but he would rather face the cruelty of fate than let it separate them and that.... that makes me fucking bawl y'all 😭😭😭😭😭
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headcanonthings · 4 months
Sol: I’m Hickey's emergency contact. Nurse: So you’re here to pick him up? Sol: I’m here to be removed as his emergency contact.
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eljeebee · 6 months
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"Good evening," Louie said when they were let in by Bernie. He waved around. "It's nice to meet you!"
Sid smiled, "Good evening."
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"Good evening," Margaux said. "Welcome."
"Sid, hello!" Julie waved.
Seamus greeted as well.
"Seamus, you're rocking that goatee!" Louie exclaimed. "That looks awesome on you!"
"Thanks, man," Seamus chuckled.
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"My goodness, Penny, look at the girl," Bernie whispered, elbowing Penrose. "Doesn't she look like Jane Swanson?"
Penrose swore under her breath. "Oh my Watcher, you're right. Act normal, Bernie."
Julie turned to her family, "Everyone, they are our friends."
Louie clasped his hand together, "I'm Louie Davis! So happy to see all of you."
He shook Margaux's hand.
"So happy to see you too, Louie," Margaux said. "Margaux Vanderburg."
"Hello, uhm..."
"Just Margaux," she smiled.
"How about Aunt Margaux?"
"Oh, that sounds better," Margaux giggled.
Sid introduced herself next, "My name is Sidera Harper. Thank you for inviting us here."
"Such a lovely name," Margaux said as she shook her hand.
"Thank you Aunt Margaux," Sid giggled.
Julie turned to the private secretaries.
"This is Bernard Braxton, Mum's private secretary."
Louie and Sid shook his hand.
"Glad to be acquainted with you, children," Bernie nodded, smiling.
"And this is Mummy's assistant private secretary, Penrose Walters."
Penrose eagerly shook their hands. "Just Penny, Rosie, Rose, whichever you prefer!"
"You must've been starving," Julie said. "Come on, let's eat!"
They led Louie and Sid to the dining room, while both Penrose and Bernie stood in the foyer.
"But why is the girl Harper and not Swanson?" Bernie whispered.
Penrose elbowed him, but it hit his stomach, making him groan. Rolling her eyes, she said, "Gosh, Bernie, don't twist your knickers. We'll investigate later."
She left for the dining room.
Bernie let out another groan before following suit, "Young people are quite strong these days..."
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buckyarchives · 1 year
second, first meeting | chishiya shuntarou
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spoiler warning for ending of aib season 2
after the meteor, chishiya notices the all too familiar person. their a pull towards you - like maybe you’ve met somewhere? (gn reader)
words - 1.1k
a/n: WOW AIB 2 FINALLY OUT AND THE ENDING WAS REALLY GOOD I THINK. anyways arisu and usagis ending was so cute and i needed literally the “have we met?” scenario with ALL of them. and i’m a weak so i made this, very shoot, not beta’d, just a small and sweet drabble. enjoy reading!!!
Chishiya is alive.
He sure as hell didn't feel like it, but he was. The meteorite took a lot out of him, physically and mentally. Waking up in the beeping hospital room with a sudden new look on life, and he was going to do something about it. No more being a messenger for bad news, slowly tearing down people's hope one referral after another.
Dozens of people just experienced the same pain and trauma as he walked around him, some looking better than others. A girl with an amputated leg, a man in a coma as he passed by his room, and a girl and boy walking hand in hand with injuries littered over them. Humanity– always finding love in terrible suitaions.
Chishiya stood in one of the hospital common rooms, people-watching as he always does. God– it feels like a lifetime had passed since the meteorite. Chishiya was familiar with the whirring and beeping sounds of hospitals, people chatting and crying, and the strong smell of disinfectants and bleach. He was a doctor, all these things filled his life to the brim, it was familiar.
Even you.
You, who stood across the room; tucked into a corner (like chishiya), people-watching, snacking on crackers, and keeping yourself comfortably hidden. Yes, you’d caught his eyes. But something felt off deep inside his stomach, something was off about you. Almost like you were too familiar, chishiya could see a lifetime in your eyes and this is the only time he's ever seen you. Maybe, it wasn't?
Chishiya knew better than to laser focus on one person in the room, because your head perked up. Right into his direction, but chishiya’s gaze didn't falter– he couldn't even if he wanted to. The pull towards you was too intense, it made him dizzy. shock, confusion, remembrance? Flashed across your face, similar to him.
A small, sweet smile grew on your face. Fuck, what medication did they put him on? That meteorite really did a deal on him because suddenly he can’t breathe. For a moment he thought maybe his stitched came undone, half expecting to see blood soaking his scrubs when he looked down. But no– it was just you. Chishiya’s has never seen a smile so familiar, yet foreign.
Your eyes narrowed in his direction, like you were trying to read him. Something many people found difficult in the past, Chishiya didn’t put up a fight or a stone-cold face. Chishiya narrowed his eyes back, like a challenge.
So wrapped up in you that he didn't see the teenage boy wheeling a little too close to his toes in a wheelchair. “Ow!” chishiya yelped.
“Ah! I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” the boy began to spew out a plethora of apologies, frantically bowing his head to the elder.
“It's okay!” chishiya reassure, the sting in his toe had already been subdued– an easy injury compared to the bandaged and stitched-up ones he gained a few days ago. “Seriously, it’s okay.”
The boys' apologies slowed and he wheeled off, practically still bowing. Chishiya chuckled under his breath at the gesture. Looking back up to find you again, weird– what's got into him? Your spot ghosted empty and chishiya’s eyes frantically searched for you, only to find your back now turned to him and trudging down the hallways. Right as his eyes landed on you, your neck turned and you glanced back at chishiya.
A challenge indeed.
Chishiya curiously cocked his head, looking something like a cat. And then one foot in front of another, chishiya was following you down the hallway. He wasn't sure why, maybe he didn’t need a reason. I mean, he almost died, chishiya felt like he didn’t need a solid reason to do anything anymore besides what he wanted. And he wanted to follow the beautiful, mysterious, and weirdly familiar person around in a hospital. Like cat and mouse.
And that's how chishiya ended up in a quieter, more intimate area. Middle of a hallway, near a set of tables and a vending machine. Usually, where loved one would sit weary-eyed and waiting for good news. You came to a halt, chishiya stopped. You turned around slowly, that sweet smile that made chishiya’s stomach feel weird (apart from the wounds.)
“You're following me.”
Something that would so usually sound like a question, was a statement. Because it was meant to be, because you knew he was from the beginning. You intended on it. Chishiya already likes you. And hell– your voice almost gave him whiplash, so silk and sweet. Echoing distantly in his head, like he's heard it a million times before.
“And you wanted me too,” chishiya replied coyly. His voice felt so scratching and his throat burned as he spoke, being without water and unconscious for too long. Shoving his hands in his pockets, leaning back slightly. Even half dead he must keep up his cool-guy image.
You didn’t reply, only a wider grin growing on your face. And chishiya found it hard to bite back one of his own. How so uncharacteristic of him – he felt so warm.
“Maybe.” you finally said.
Chishiya hummed, beginning to close the distance – one foot in front of another – between the two of you.
You watched him intently, chishiya knew it. Normally he’d perceive this as someone sizing him up, but your eyes told a different story as they trailed up his body. Something that'd make his ears hot and red.
“Meteor?” you asked, gesturing to his wounds. Chishiya nodded. “Me too.”
It was awkward for a moment, but not uncomfortable. The silence was deafening as if it wasn't meant for the two of you. Like there were so many words only on the tip of his tongue, words unsaid, words he didn’t even know – but they were begging to be spoken.
You were the first to break the silence, stepping closer. Now only 2 or 3 feet in front of him. “Have I, sorry, this is weird– but, have we met before? Like even passed each other on the streets.”
“Not to my knowledge.”
You hummed, looking around to avoid the intense eye contact that tugged you closer, and closer and–
“Would you like to know me?” chishiya said, his eyes not leaving yours. A weird sense of home lay in your eyes, chishiya was ready to jump fully in.
You tried to cover the eagerness in you, waiting a moment. Dramatically tapping a finger to your chin as you thought. “I think that’d be nice.”
Chishiyas lip quirked up, following yours.
He may not know you the way he feels, but he will.
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mrinafria · 1 month
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[contains spoilers]
I'm an eternal digger of good narrative techniques. A decent story becomes great in my eyes if the narrative is done right. And it's one of the hardest things to do really, since there's no one-size-fits-all rule for what technique works well with a particular story and what doesn't. One of the primary reasons I keep obsessing over Lovely Runner is its' narrative technique. In all honesty, if it had a linear, singular narrative, I would not be hyperventilating over it on a constant basis (I still would just a certain amount, because both Byeon Woo Seok and Kim Hye Yoon deserve awards for what they are doing). One reason it has managed to knock it out off the park and take the top spot in my forever-favorite list is how wonderfully well the narrative is done.
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The primary perspective used in this show is Im Sol's. It's through her we're introduced to the story. Her perspective gives shape to the plot, the characters, because we learn things through her. Her perspective is absolutely critical for exposition. Without her thoughts and way of viewing things, you would never realize why saving Seon Jae means so much to her, or why she would bend the rules and bulldoze ahead when it comes to his safety (exhibit A, her leaving home on the day of the accident, despite knowing about her fate). She'd rather have him alive than have him in her life. Without her narrative, you'd think it's really all about a fan saving her idol (thanks to everyone who'd rejected the script listening to that pitch by the way, I'm grateful we have BWS and KHY as the leads because of that, I would not change it for anyone else). With Im Sol's perspective, you realize, she is not just a fan: she's an ardent admirer, a cheerleader, a well-wisher, a protector, an invisible friend trying to support her friend any way she can, someone who respects Seon Jae, sees him as an idol but also as a human, someone who wants to give back to him the same kindness, empathy and love she had once received from him over a radio call. To her, Seon Jae is first a guardian angel and then an idol, the angel who changed her view of life, made her appreciate things even amidst all that could be wrong with the world and her life. He saved her. Not just on that day at the hospital but every time she struggled and faltered since then, he was there, as invisible as it may have been. So this time, she wants to save him, no matter the price.
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Then comes Seon Jae. Oof. If Im Sol's perspective gives the story its beautiful, beautiful shape, Seon Jae's perspective breathes literal life in to the body of the story. The show wouldn't be what it is today if not for his perspective. Without his view into things, Im Sol appears as a fangirl going to extreme measures to save her idol, clinging onto him like a monkey (yes I mean the poster) embarrassing the heck out of herself, making you cringe (in a good, enjoyable way) throughout. Then you reach the end of episode 2 and it knocks the breath out of you because WHAT DO YOU EVEN MEAN. It all clicks.
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All this while we kept thinking Seon Jae was caught off guard and just kind enough to tolerate her antics, and maybe he'd slowly fall for her now, only to realize we were completely oblivious to a whole different side of the story. If Im Sol's narrative draws you in and keeps you hooked, making you root for her to succeed, it's Seon Jae's narrative that makes you irredeemably fall in love with them and sincerely, genuinely, desperately hope they get their happy ending together after all the storm.
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And the motifs. Walking/running, for instance. I'll focus on just one scene here. I recall seeing a bts where KHY is discussing the OG 2008 accident scene, and it explains how she has to slow down, while running away, for just a moment, only to be hit by the taxi driver. Have you ever been in a situation of absolute panic, desperation and stress, then suddenly found a familiar face or a name or a thing you could connect to, and felt a wave of relief rush through you? She sees Seon Jae, a person who is calling out her name. Even if she didn't know him back then, the fact that he knew her (and that he had his uniform on), gives her a sense of safety she badly needed that moment. That momentary relief, so visible in her features, then overtakes the crippling fear she felt running in the middle of nowhere with no one in sight in the dead of the night. Her body, already exhausted beyond anything, responds to the relief she feels for those few seconds, slowing down her steps.
And that is when she is caught off-guard and hit. That also might have added to Im Sol's anger at the hospital when she is screaming at Seon Jae, her internal anguish that if only she had not paused seeing Seon Jae, and kept on running, then maybe she wouldn't be hit, wouldn't fall, wouldn't lose her ability to walk. It's one thing to have tropes and symbolic things, but it's a very different thing to know how to use them effectively so they elicit very specific types of emotions/reactions out of people. Lovely Runner excels in that. All kdramas more or less have 'things' that take on different meanings for the couples/viewers. It's the way motifs are used to narrate the story in this one that has me going back over and over again to all the episodes aired so far. These are not just their 'things', these are 'things' that drive the plot forward, tell you about their characters, their personal motivations, what they mean to each other and so much more.
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This is getting longer that I intended it to be so will end with this. I feel valued when watching Lovely Runner. And I've seen people saying the same thing. It feels like they respect your critical thinking skills, and your ability to infer, so they don't spoon-feed you everything from the get-go, and you can't predict much despite it being primarily a rom-com. You'd be pulling your hair out (again, in a good way) trying to figure out what they will show next, and you will be somewhat or very far from the truth, which will compel you to think further about the story, the characters, long after an episode has aired...I can't remember the last time it happened with a drama. I love this storytelling.
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sweetestlamb · 24 days
Remember Me
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Author's note: I can't believe it's almost over. I'll miss them so much 😭😭 I've been meaning to write but life is lifing and I never have time so I quickly got this out and hope to post something else tomorrow.
Summary: I was made to love you in every universe.
It's like learning to breathe again after being submerged in water for too long, his lungs burn from the strain but his body knows what to do.
Inhale. Exhale. Remember.
Her smile on the rainy day and the way his heart stopped just for a moment to take her in.
The ache in his chest as she cried desperately lashing out in the hospital and the guilt that threatened to suffocate him.
How deeply he loved her and how full he felt when she finally loved him back, she never said the words but he felt her love all the same.
It was all erased without his permission and then suddenly it was pressing down on him until he could barely breathe. Memories. Not fantasies, or dreams or even hallucinations but memories from a life the he doesn't recall living but his heart does, it feels so real to him, so much so that he can't stop the tears from begin to pour from his eyes.
How could he forget her? How could she let him?
"Sun Jae? Are you in pain? Are you okay? I'll get the doctor."
He blindly grabs at his manager's hand stopping him before he can leave him.
"No. I need you to get Im Sol. I need to talk to her, right now."
"What? Why do you need to talk to her? You need to let this crush go! You almost died tonight, I was so worried about you!"
It doesn't make sense, nothing does anymore and he doesn't even know where to begin in explaining to Dong Seok, he just knows that he has to see Sol. He's never wanted anything more in his whole life, or lives.
"Please. Just get her."
He hears a deep sigh and then it's quiet again and now he just has to wait and hope that she'll come.
That she can help make sense of the mess in his head.
Although he tries to fight it, sleep is a worthy opponent and he loses the battle.
But at least in his sleep she finds him again smiling so beautifully that it's hard to believe that he could have ever forgotten her.
He remembers her laugh, the touch of her hand on his, and every kiss plays like a movie of someone else's life and it ignites a burning in his chest that he's only ever felt since meeting Im Sol.
I was made to love you.
He watches himself whisper those words to her and the gentle smile that forms on her face as she leans over to press their lips together.
But before they can touch he feels himself being shaken from his sleep and he almost rumbles, annoyed to be pulled from a memory so sweet but when he opens his eyes it's not Dong Seok that he sees but her.
His fate.
"What happened? Why are you here? Why are you hurt? You're not supposed to be hurt, I did all of this so you wouldn't ever get hurt!"
She wails at him, his chest tightens as he watches her cry again. Always crying for him.
"Sol. I missed you."
And that makes her freeze her eyes wide and glossy with unshed tears as she stares at him. He stares right back, lifting himself up into a seated position. He needs to sit for this conversation.
"What do you- I shouldn't have come here. I should go."
This time he takes her hand and refuses to let go. He's never letting go ever again. Even if it means he dies, death is worth the touch of her hand.
"Stop running away. I know you want me to live a long life but I can't be happy without you in it."
"What are you talking about? I wasn't talking about you when I said that I was talking about....uhhhh I meant-"
He lets her fumble trying to find a way to end her sentence but words escape her and he's done being without her.
" It's me. It's always been me and for me, it's always been you."
Her breath hitches and he reaches across to brush away the tears slowly trailing down her cheeks.
"I remember everything. I know why you pushed me away and I know why you're scared to be around me."
For a moment it's like she's frozen in time and then everything erupts and she cries like a child, like her heart is broken and she's lost everything precious in this world, like a weight has been lifted and she's gained everything she's ever wanted.
"Come here." He draws her closer hugging her tightly, healing them both.
He rocks her back and forth as she weeps in his arms and he hums soothing words into her ears.
"You did good. I'm sorry I forgot you, I'm sorry I left you all alone."
Those words make her pull back and she shakes her head viciously.
"I wasn't lonely. I was fine. Everything was fine, I did what I had to do and I'd do it again."
And he takes offense. Anger so hot it burns rises up in his chest.
"Do you love me?"
His words are hard, they bite the air and smack her across the face.
It's an accusation. And he sees her anger form right back like clouds before a hurricane.
"Do I love you?! You remember everything and you're still asking me that?"
"Yes! You're still lying to me. You'd be fine without me? Well I wouldn't be fine without you! I need you, more than life."
"If you stay beside me then you'll die!"
"And if I don't then I won't live!
He grabs her face as shouts his final plea, baring his entire heart to her on a platter. He's always been consistent.
"Do you understand? If I don't have you then life isn't worth living, Sol. I was made to love you and only you. In every universe. That's my fate."
"Why? Why can't you love someone else? Why can't I save you? Why is fate so cruel?"
That he has no answer to. He's never had to watch her die but she's endured that pain too many times and he knows that's what held her back.
But it's different this time. He's not going to die.
"Nothing's going to happen. They got him. He's never going to hurt anyone ever again."
"Are you sure? He's.. Really..."
She stutters in disbelief and he nods, "Your friend got him. He saved my life too."
"Thank goodness. Thank goodness."
She collapses onto his bed and he tries to suppress the tinge of jealousy that flares. It's not the right time and she loves him, he's seen it through space and time.
"So, stop pushing me away. Please."
There is only silence and then there's sobs and she's gripping his hand just as tightly.
"I..... didn't want to. It hurt everyday. To watch you and know that I couldn't have you, to know that I'd never hear your voice or feel your arms around me or be there to comfort you. I cried every night. I wasn't fine. It felt like stabbing myself in the heart a million times. I-"
"Shhhh. It's okay now. Just give me all the love you've been hiding. I'll take it all."
"Can I?"
She sounds so young and sixteen year old Sol flashes in his mind.
"You can."
She squeezes his hand before bringing it to her mouth and placing a butter soft kiss on his skin.
Then she leans closer and reaches up to caress his face. She stares at him as if she's drinking him in and she says as much, "This beautiful face. I should have enjoyed it more when I had the chance."
He blushes, not used to being called beautiful but he doesn't contradict her. Who is he to deny a compliment?
"Enjoy it now. You can even take a picture."
Her giggle is music to his ears.
"Your ego got bigger."
"Hmmm that's not all that got bigger." He fires back straight faced and then he smirks as her tell tale blush colors her face a vivid red.
"Where is your mind right now? What are you thinking about Sol? Hmmm?"
"Nothing! Shut up! I wasn't thinking about anything dirt-!"
And he probably shouldn't do what he wants to because those other timelines weren't truly them, or were they? It's all so confusing but ever since he watched himself kiss her it's all he's been able to think about. He wants to kiss her desperately, hungrily.
He's too impatient to wait for her to catch up. He kisses her hard, then soft then hard again and it's everything. A taste that he forgot that suddenly takes him over and it's all he can remember now. He twists his head remembering that she liked that, then swipes his tongue in a move that used to make her moan.
"Sunjae.." she moans into his mouth.
Still makes her moan.
"You know he's still recovering you really shouldn't be sucking his face off quite yet." A voice rings it loudly breaking the tension in the room.
She bolts away from him but he doesn't loosen his hold on her. Instead he turns his head to glare at the intruder.
"Get out."
"No. You'll have a scandal if I leave, who knows how far you two will go..." Baek Inhyuk replies with a salacious wiggle of his brows.
It's probably for the best.
There's so much he wants to do with her, and he doesn't want an audience.
He just wants Im Sol.
Now, and forever.
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buttercuparry · 19 days
Tell me why would Joe take on more debts to pay off the loan his adopted mom accumulated while caring for "him"? What sense is there to take on loans from not one, but two people, to keep off loansharks at bay and then working again to pay off those debts...
Listen I know Wut and Sol are Joe's friends, but they don't know that this new guy is THEIR Joe. This makes a difference in itself.
So Joe offering up a year of his life to Ming is not him choosing Ming over them. This is where people are making a mistake! There is no Wut/Sol vs Ming. If you absolutely have to compare, then a better fit would be Joe going to Tong vs Joe turning to Wut.
Wut is ready to take out money from his own savings to help pay off the hospital bills of this newbie, who reminds him of his old friend. As a good boss he would do it. As a guy who feels guilty over his friend's death, Wut would do it. But Joe REFUSES, ABSOLUTELY REFUSES to take handouts! He keeps on saying that his death is no one's fault but fate's decree. So he would rather work for a asshole and earn the money. It is who he is as a character, what the fuck can you do about it?
And about Sol? Again Joe refused Sol's money but accepted the job offer. That's a thing he did! He didn't dismiss Sol, and stupidly serve himself up to Ming.
Also let's talk about what happened back at Mrs Ing's house when Joe asked Ming to leave.
" I always get what I want" , this was Ming's threat to Joe. This is Joe getting threatened by the same guy who uprooted every single inch of Joe's previous life just because of his jealousy. Tell me why wouldn't Joe be afraid of Ming doing something drastic when not only is there a disease eating away at his new mom, but there also is the threat of bodily harm from goons. Why is it then so wrong of Joe to fight fire with fire? Why is it wrong of him to actively take control of a situation and make a deal with Ming.
And yes, Joe is being a active character here by listing his expectations of payment and the time period of his service. It is not Ming who made the deal. Joe managed to seal the deal before Ming could act out and destroy both Joe and his mom's life.
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wow, this episode was wild from start to finish — the makgeolli scene was ludicrous, sol's elder brother is annoying, and HOW DARE they end it on such a cliffhanger!!!
that said, i LOVED the parallels of sol switching the fan on for sunjae while he was sleeping just like he did for her in previous episodes (it was such a lovely, subtle bit of cuteness) — him unconsciously covering her hand with his own was an added bonus.
that boy is aware of her EVEN IN HIS SLEEP.
i think it's a testament to byeon woo-seok's acting that he's able to communicate the tenderness of his feelings for sol so well with just his eyes — i keep mentioning this, but there's a literal reverence in his gaze when he looks at sol that's simply uncanny. his whole face just softens when he looks at her!!!
kim hye-yoon matches this well with the way her face lights up when she's watching sun-jae — her smile is pure RADIANCE when she's looking at him.
there's such genuine respect and adoration in her expression that it just warms my heart.
sunjae confessing his feelings all in a rush was such a bittersweet experience for me — first love is often so sweet but also overpowering and bewildering — you can see from the beginning of the story how helpless sunjae is in the wake of his emotions for sol.
he put her into music and made her memory eternal!
having said that, i was NOT a fan of the way sol rejected sunjae at the hospital. i understand her reasons (since she's uncertain over her fate after the day of her accident / her having to return to the future) but she didn't have to be that harsh.
the poor boy even said "don't be so cold" 🥺
and the fact that she realized she was his first love and the song was about her — only to get kidnapped right after: EVIL move on the writers' part.
i think she'll manage to get out of this without getting paralyzed again (maybe with sunjae's help) — that's why the promo showed her walking in the future.
i know a little about the webtoon, so i'm pretty sure sunjae DOES remember her, he's just behaving coldly because she rejected him / or because after the accident past!sol returned and didn't remember him and he distanced himself ever since then.
either of those reasons would also explain his refusing not to do the movie that sol's presumably directing.
as far as sol trying to stop him from coming to the bridge — she probably realized something to do with his death. it might be related to her (and the taxi-driver) so she's trying to stop sunjae from meeting her and putting everything into motion again.
i think the first time she went into the past, it was to remember sunjae, the second was to prevent her accident, and the third will be her finally stopping sunjae's death.
hate to say it, but i think sol will have to go through sunjae dying again before she goes back into the past for the third and final time (probably when they're in university) and saves him at last.
she better save him and make sure they have a happy ending, otherwise this viewer is going to become a LOVELY HATER. XD
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kingprinceleo · 10 months
I’m kinda new to your blog and AUs, but I am very intrigued. May I ask a few questions?
Does Shadow not know that Sonic is Hoax? In that case, how does he find out? And how did Hoax get close to Shadow?
As for Fire and Water AU, what made Sonic change colors? Iblis, I’m assuming, in which case, how/why/when did he release it/get it?
Love your AUs so much 💖💖
ofc!!!! i love questions jfjhdg shadow doesnt know sonic is hoax! in their first couple encounters when their deal was made, hoax didnt know it was shadow either (he only has seen him in his work uniform)
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the hoax reveal has a lil something to do with this silly guy :] and getting close? depends on you if you mean not being murdered on sight or them starting to get comfy fjghjfd hoax originally gets access to biting shadow through striking up a deal with him that he wouldnt steal shadows blood donations from the hospital anymore if he could get it straight from shadow as for actually getting close? they meet up every few nights, feed hoax, they might fight for fun, cooldown after and chill sometimes, slowly developing a tolerance for each other -- yes it was iblis that changed his colors! sonic was raised by the Sol royal family from basically birth to absorb the flames of disaster into his body for the safety of the planet. a few years of rigorous training before their time was up and sonic had no choice but to go through the ceremony, he was very young when it happened. it was very painful for the lil guy, he wasnt allowed to cry, had to keep it all in but hey he got new colors and sick fire powers out of it fdjngdgjgd tysm aa !!
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asocial-skye · 1 month
my unpopular opinion about lovely runner is that i think that sun-jae actually killed himself in the original timeline, and that he was only murdered in the second timeline.
read below, for my analysis!
if you look at the sun-jae perspectives in the first timelines (i.e. before im sol came back to the future from the second try after her successful running away from the kidnapper), he's clearly miserable. He clearly hates being an idol, he doesn't seem to get on with his bandmates (i love that when im sol changed the timeline, baek in-hyuk and sun-jae became close friends again; they have good friend chemistry, and their relationship is genuinely sweet), and he definitely feels tremendous guilt over what happened to sol (he definitely internalized what she said in the hospital).
if we look at the murderer, the way that sun-jae would've died, which is being pushed off the balcony into the swimming pool, would become way more difficult, and harder to pull off. we didn't get the best look at that corpse, but there were virtually no signs of struggle. dude is kind of smiling, or it is more contentment (this could just be me not understanding facial expressions or byeon woo seok breaking character as a dead guy) if you look at ep 9, then we see that the killer would struggle against sun-jae, who's pretty broad and taller than the killer. even if the killer had the element of surprise, he'd still have to get sun-jae knocked down, which he couldn't do in ep 9 even with sun-jae still not expecting it, and then drag him to the balcony and push him off. also from what we see about this killer (which is practically nothing as far as i know; why does he even want to kill sol? is he like a serial killer who just kills random people, and then sol and sun-jae just happen to escape?) , but given that the murder that is confirmed is done by knife stabbing, it seems like just throwing him off the balcony is not usually his MO. people also stab themselves to commit suicide.
also if you look at his final interaction with sol from his perspective, he's suddenly onslaught with all of the guilt and self-hatred that he had dealt with fifteen years ago along with his current problems. he loves her no doubt, but he's also wracked with guilt over what he feels is his fault in putting her in a wheelchair, and also some despair over the fact that she doesn't remember. When all of those feelings smash together, who wouldn't fall into such deep despair that they'd consider something?
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crestedpalls · 15 days
Excerpt of a cheeky lil WIP:
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Emotions threatened to overwhelm Sunjae, and his breath came in sharp, painful bursts. His eyes clouded as he fixed his gaze on her, ignoring the hustle of the fan-sign staff buzzing around him backstage, ignoring his manager’s concern. Sunjae fixed his gaze on the woman in the yellow sundress sitting in the first row, observing her familiar interaction with the women seated near her. He stared vacantly at her cheerful appearance; his heart rate quickened, and his hands started trembling violently in his pockets. He dug his nails into his palms hoping to still the tremors to no use.
Sunjae's eyes flickered from her face to her rolling chair then back to her face, and he squeezed his eyes shut; memories threatened to overwhelm him at the mere sight of her. Memories of a girl who had come to him during one sudden shower, of a girl extending her yellow umbrella; shielding him from the downpour with the biggest smile he’d ever seen. Memories of his giddy 19-year-old self developing the sappiest crush on her and struggling to approach her after that. Memories of how he failed to shake her awake on their bus ride home, leading to her lying pale as death, unconscious and bleeding in his arms as he struggled to find aid. Memories of a girl waking up in a hospital room, having lost the ability to move her legs. And most devastatingly, of her heart-shattering wail, screaming that he should have let her die instead of subjecting her to this fate.
Sunjae had never seen her smile at him again after that. He’d never seen her again, period. How could he after what he’d done? His sin was too great for him to approach her again in this life, and he’d been good; he’d resigned himself to it. He felt lightheaded; a choked sob threatened to escape his iron defence any moment now as he struggled to process the scene before him. Sunjae had been good. He’d kept his distance as was right, so why was Im Sol here? Why was Im Sol at his fan-sign event? Why was Im Sol a fan of him? How could Im Sol be a fan of the very man who had ruined her? How could Im Sol be a fan of his bastard self?
(please dont judge this piece too much as its only a rough outlining of the visions i have for this one shot atpit! Oh and please dont hate me... I don't mean to provide more pain to this fandom but hurt and angst are the only things I can write teehee)
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angelharahel · 2 months
So I think that Sol will save herself while Sun-jae will run around like a maniac looking for her like we've seen in the drama teaser. If translated properly, she says something along the line of "I know what to do/expect now"... maybe she can girlboss it✊🏼 fighting~🫠
Maybe there's going to be a confrontation between Sun-jae and killer dude, but I don't think he'll get a major head injury messing up his memory... I think past!Sol will come back at the hospital, and he'll go-- she won't recognize him-- and he'll leave, hurt by her words, and they'll grow apart (naturally...).
I think "forgetting" her will be a coping mechanism but also a way to hurt present!Sol (2023 timeline) in the same manner as past!Sol hurt him (in 2008). Otherwise, refusing to cast in a movie she's specifically directing would not be warranted. Someone might ask him a question about her, and he'll play the card of "miss who?" (preview narration) because it hurts less that way-- he might find it easier to cope with his broken heart if he acts like he doesn't have a first love publically.
I think he'll debate whether or not he should go to the bridge for the time capsule (Jan. 1st). Clearly, the movie issue and past!Sol's rejection would make him reluctant to go and get told off.
I think she'll arrive first and someone will be there... someone we don't want there. Something major will happen, but she'll go back in time a third time (as young adults, so university time for her) in order to save herself, or maybe Sun-jae (if he goes to the bridge-- he might sacrifice himself).
My bet is on the manager (he's hella sus) attempting to confront Sun-jae at the bridge because he still wants retire in this timeline?? maybe?? And Sol will be there first, he'll think she's the reason why he's quitting and attempt to do something... Sun-jae might intervene and die? possibly... however, that's a stretch I'm not willing to bet an organ on.
This was so long but yeah! That's my guess:3
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almostwisegalaxy · 1 year
The glory
Ha Do Young x reader
Part 2
Following this meeting with Ha Do Young, I purposely bumped into him two or three times. During our discussions, I slipped in the information that the clinic in which I worked specializes in genetic research and analysis. Chatting with this man is entertaining every time, but in order to follow through on Dong Eun's revenge and mine as well, I must pursue our plan.
Today, I was called to school or teacher Dong Eun to check if the children had not been contaminated by rubella, which unfortunately caught one of the little ones.
So I went to the school infirmary to examine the children one by one. During this, I was able to meet little Ye-sol. A cute little girl, but when you know who her mother is, you start to be suspicious. Appearances are very often deceiving and I know that better than anyone.
I had to reassure them about the disease they are all afraid of getting and she was no exception.
"Ma'am, you're sure we're not ill, are you?"
“After the results, I will know more about everyone's condition and what drugs to prescribe okay”
"But my mum says getting sick is ugly and only for the weak. If I'm sick does that mean I'm weak then? And my mum won't love me like she used to?"
Park yeon jin what is this sordid mentality you instill in such a young child
"Getting sick isn't a good thing in itself, but that doesn't mean you're weak or ugly. It happens to everyone at some point. And it's to avoid that that you owe a lot eat fruits and vegetables
What a lie. Even I hate vegetables, but at the time I didn't know what else to say
" Okay "
So I leave it to continue my work and once finished, I transfer the samples to the lab. I should have the results in two to three hours no more.
Ha Do Young pov
I came to pick up my daughter following a call from her school regarding the health of the children. I pace the corridors and live in his class and I knock. Once twice, still no answer, so I decide to enter.
"You have nothing to fear. The children are all in good health"
I did not expect to see these two people together.
"Miss Yu?" I said interrupting them.
"Mr. Ha, what are you doing here?"
"I can return the question to you. I came to pick up my daughter"
" Okay"
"With that, Miss Moon, I'm leaving you. I'm going to the hospital," she said to Miss Moon. She then slips away, leaving us alone
"Ye-sol isn't here. She's in the canteen with her classmates-"
"How do you know Miss Yu?"
"She came at the request of the director to make sure that the children had not been infected with chicken pox like one of their classmates. But you must already know that"
"Yes, I meant personally"
"Why do you think I would know her outside of work?"
"Perhaps because you are trying to destroy my wife?"
"Oh, please. Your wife is the navel of the world"
"From your world here" I say as I leave the room
Y/n pov
After returning to the clinic, I made my report and took my bag to my son Chin-eunji's hospital. My Sunshine . My only support other than Dong Eun. I hurry to walk because his exit time has passed by 10 minutes, he must be wondering where I am.
When I finally arrive, it starts to rain. Fortunately, I always have an umbrella and its raincoat on me. I have to work harder to be able to buy us a car. I see him standing in front of his class
"Mom" he said running towards me
"How was school today, baby?"
"Yes, it was nice"
"Okay, put on your sweater and raincoat so we can wait for the bus in front of the school"
" Yes mom"
While waiting for the bus, the small downpour began to turn into a storm. Park yeon jin even to predict the weather is not good at you. Anyway, I hope this bus arrives soon. At this time a car parks right at our feet and the driver lowers the window on the passenger side.
"Can I drop you off somewhere?"
" It's nice of you Mr Ha, but my son and I are waiting for the bus"
“Given the storm that is coming, it is not likely to happen”
No, my plans for him must in no way include chin
"I wouldn't want to bother you and make your daughter uncomfortable"
"You don't bother me at all" interrupted Ye-sol.
His father then leaves me a look of contentment. I look at my son who is clinging to my leg and shivering with cold.
"Okay" I get chin up in the back to the side of ye-sol and I get up in the front
" Where are we going ? "
I tell him the address and he starts the car. For a good 10 minutes, the only voices that resonate are those of the children. Ye-sol tries to make conversation with Chin who answers him as best he can. Not that he is snobby, on the contrary, it is very difficult to find his words in front of people he does not know. But I see he's making an effort not to look rude. My little chick.
"It's raining heavily...... Do you like the rain more or the good weather?"
"Wouldn't that be a failed attempt to strike up a conversation?"
"Might be fine. I didn't want to let the kids be the only ones talking."
"Hmm, you just.....I prefer dark, cloudy weather"
"Can I ask you why?"
Because my burn itches less
"It's always good for a little nap"
"I see, and uh, how long have you been, doctor?"
"For three years now"
"And you seem to like it a lot"
"You can't imagine how much. Being able to know what is going on in the human body is fascinating. How the blood circulates, how illness is set up and the healing process, doing the calculations necessary to know what dose the doctor should give for this specific patient and the-oh sorry, I went too far"
"No, don't worry. It's good to see that some people can still be happy talking about a job they've been doing for years."
"I find that your wife is just as much. Every day, she does her job with mice"
" Yes of course......."
"I didn't mean to talk about your married life. Excuse me"
"It's okay, you didn't do it on purpose"
"Yeah, do I sometimes do that when I'm nervous?
"Because you're nervous? Will you make me feel uncomfortable?"
"Oh no, it's quite the opposite. I even think that you have a gift for putting people in trust because since we've been together there's been no awkwardness."
"Glad to hear that," he said, giving me a half-mouse-accompanied look. Y/n think revenge plan not q plan. Let's get out of here. Fast
"Uh, we've arrived, you can stop in front of the building"
Once out of the vehicle with my Son, I lower myself to the height of the car
"Thanks again for your help" I said giving her a smile.
"You're welcome. See you next time Miss Yu" and he left
"Mom, can we go home?"
"Yeah of course honey"
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Now coming to our equally obsessed pair. Let’s go chronically.
Look at him showing off and assuring her that he will take part in the game and win the medal just because he plans on telling her he likes her. Then looking at her before the match started and the moment he got out. Truly looser bf behavior 10/10 😂
Then waiting for the right time to propose because timing is everything and Im Sol ruining all his plans just like that is hilarious.
Then he goes ecstatic when he realizes that Im Sol doesn’t like Tae Sung.
Also he tries to be all suave but ends up being a heart-eyed idiot. What with him saying I dont like my pictures being take and proceeding to do just that to be contrary. Then poor guy tried to say he likes her in the romantic setup helped by his friend only to get cut off by her friendzoning him 😂
Of course he over did it and injured his shoulder. The realization that the one thing he dedicated his life to is beyond his grasp was heartbreaking. For few moments he suffered in silence and loneliness, probably regretting his every choice. Getting the surgery and the confirmation that his career as a competitive swimmer is over shattered all his hopes.
Then finding Im Sol in hospital, crying her heart out and wondering why are you crying more than me? was even more heart wrenching because for Im Sol, his injury left her feeling helpless. For her it was not the matter of him not loosing his career as swimmer but rather the fact that if she couldn’t prevent one small thing in his life, how could she turn the tide and prevent him from committing suicide? The very thought and her perceived inability to do anything made her cry even more.
On a lighter note, look at her taking care of him and bringing him and his caretaker food. Of course our loverboy kept standing outside waiting for her while she kept escaping his grasp😂
The best part in this entire antic was her taking two out of three chicken her grandma cooked and giving it to Sun Jae and his dad. And getting brewed gojo berry in return where she proceeds to drink her weight with the alcohol tea.
This leads her to a brilliant idea - go and follow Sun Jae and make him smile which she went on to do fantastically well not matter hiw much he tried to hide it from her. Between wall of perfection, unbeliebubble and amazing, Sun Jae has no choice but to smile like an idiot. He then went ahead to further his agenda as her number one fan by being relieved that this side works fine because how else will she rest her head on his shoulder?!
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Ming and Joe's Colors in My Stand-In, Part 2: Black and Blue
Part 1: Overview
Part 3: Red and Green
Part 4: Yellow/Gold
Part 5: Brown
Part 6: Random Color Moments
I received an ask a couple of days ago asking me about Joe and Ming's colors (which is something I've been thinking about for a while) and decided to answer that question in a separate post (which turned into a series). So, here I am.
I previously stated in my overview in part 1 of this series that:
Ming is black and red.
Joe is blue and green.
Yellow/gold is significant to both.
Brown also has some significance.
As you can tell by the title of this post, I'll focus on Ming's black and Joe's blue in this one.
Let's start with Ming since black is his primary color while Joe's blue is more subtle.
Brooding and mystery are some aspects that are associated with black.
Ming is the moody brooder who never smiles at anyone (except the people he loves: Tong, his sister, and Joe).
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There's also a mystery around Ming. We don't know that much about his past or his family. He's very private and tight-lipped about his personal life. No surprise there, considering his family home is dark.
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All that black on the walls, staircase, cabinetry, etc., gives the vibe that Ming's family is formal and strict. He's used to the black and its association with his family, it's a part of him, but he might not necessarily like it (hence his moody, spoiled brat tendencies, lol). However...
As we all know, the night is dark/black due to the lack of sunlight (hence why the night is universally connected to the color black). That's also where the symbolism of mystery comes from because what we can see during the day "disappears" (at least from view) during the night.
Interestingly, Ming becomes more himself during the night. He lets some of his walls down because he's comfortable to do so (arguably because he grew up surrounded by the color and is familiar with it).
We can see it in his actions. For example when he's overcome by his desire and kisses Joe on the first day they meet...
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And when he laughs (not just smiles, he laughs) at/with Joe during the darkness of night, when he's in his feelings while missing Joe and asks when he's coming back (Ming who never has to ask for anything), and when he's pissed at Tong for overstepping the boundaries Ming has clearly set up for him.
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And look at Ming wearing blue in that middle picture. That's one of Joe's colors. An obvious declaration (at least to me) that he's fallen for Joe even though he was obsessed with Tong during most of his relationship with Joe 1.0.
Blue is associated with, among other things, sadness and loyalty. It's often associated with water and, therefore, deals with, for example, deep and/or rushing emotions (think the deep blue sea and a rushing waterfall, to give some examples).
From what we've seen so far, Joe is definitely a sad person. Joe 1.0 lost his family at a very young age and has been lonely for a long time. We often see him surrounded by blue when he's in some kind of emotional state. For example when he wakes up at the hospital in a new body, when he's heartbroken and tells Ming to pack his shit and move out, and when he's at the hospital because Joe 2.0's mom is sick.
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Joe being blue isn't always obvious. I wrote in the overview in part 1 of this series that the blue shows up in subtle ways around Joe, and that's true. It's not screamingly obvious.
One of the reasons I was convinced that blue is one of Joe's colors is because of the loyalty aspect of it. And that's the loyalty other characters have towards him.
Like when Wut and Sol (who are, arguably, the most loyal characters to Joe that we've seen so far, even though I have personal beef with stalkerish Sol, lol) just talked about Joe 1.0 before Joe 2.0 came into the office, and when Sol wants to help Joe with money (even though Joe doesn't accept it).
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But also when Ming is wearing blue in that image above when he's in his emotions and asks when Joe will come back home, when we see how Ming is surrounded by the blue daily in his new condo (and wearing a blue robe while asking Joe 2.0 if he died on the same day Joe 1.0 had his accident), how Ming still has that blue watch he got from Joe, and how Ming's room has a blue light when he has his first, big, emotional fight with Joe 2.0 (while acting in the same way as he did with Joe 1.0).
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Even though Ming is fucked up might not have the best way to express or show how much he cares about Joe, he's definitely loyal to Joe. To the point where he will do anything to find him again (and constantly remind everyone else that Joe isn't dead).
I mean, the moody brooder who didn't want anything to do with the entertainment industry because he didn't like the spotlight (he was more comfortable in the dark), has clearly done the complete opposite to make sure Joe knows Ming is looking for him. Some might call it obsession, some might call it desperation, and some might call it dedication. I call it loyalty (to the pursuit of finding Joe and to Joe himself).
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What's interesting about black and blue is that they have some overlapping aspects/symbolism (which might not be that surprising considering dark blue is often mistaken for black).
Black is also associated with protectiveness which goes well with blue's association with loyalty and trust. Blue is also associated with depression while black is associated with brooding and pessimism.
Ming and Joe will clearly always have a relationship with deep emotions. Sometimes dark and coming out in a rush (like a waterfall that can't be stopped), sometimes more restrained and calm. But it will always be there.
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Just like their devotion to each other (when Ming gets his shit together, lol), Joe's loyalty to Ming, and Ming's protectiveness of Joe (which we saw a glimpse of in his reaction to Tong mentioning Joe's name).
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Whenever they get their shit together (mostly Ming), I feel like they will find a balance that suits them. Because their colors are clearly showing they're on the same page.
Part 1: Overview
Part 3: Red and Green
Part 4: Yellow/Gold
Part 5: Brown
Part 6: Random Color Moments
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lovely-peace · 1 year
Star point of view
Summary : After the holidays Sirius is worried about his best friend, but also about Sunny, which doesn't talk to Moony anymore. So he confronts Remus about what happened and is shocked about what he hears.
Warnings: Remus being an idiot but we love him, intense emotions, dramatic sryy, of course Angst
After I wrote the last part, I wanted to do something different with this series and I hope you enjoy :'))
Tell me please if you like to see different perspectives!
Masterlist part 1 part 2 part 3 part 5 part 6
Sirius pov
I was friends with remus since we went to first year. And yet I only got to know him through James.
Moony was always friends with little Sunny before we were a group and that's how we met them too. I love them both.
They are my family.
But they are so terribly stupid.
Sunny has always taken care of Moony. I used to think that was because they knew each other for so long and they wanted to help him because they were friends.
It wasn't until much later that I saw the tender look in their eyes when they visited him in the hospital wing. I don't blame Moony for not noticing. I mean, even I didn't see it until much too late.
But I do blame him for never talking to them about his feelings. He always loved sunny.
Why didn't he say anything?
I have been asking myself this question for years and only a few days ago I found the answer. When we were in the café.
He is afraid, not them. He's afraid that they don't love him the way he loves them. And that's so idiotic, because they really have always loved him. But he kind of blew it. Because in the meantime, I'm not sure if they still love him....
When we stood on the platform in the station, the train was not yet visible. This year I came here with James.
Because I was now a Potter.
I was so glad to be out of this house that I didn't realize until later how terrible Moony felt. He had withdrawn more and more since sunny gave him the cold shoulder.
And honestly? I couldn't blame him. But what I did hold against him was that he didn't tell us anything.
What had happened to Sunny?
It didn't happen overnight, especially with the love friendship they had. I was confused and angry.
Because they were both acting so stupid. And don't get me wrong, that whole thing is their business. I just don't want to see them so exhausted and hurt.
In the end, all of this was preventable if they would just be honest with each other.
When Remus met us, he looked terrible. He had huge bags under his eyes and looked like he was going to fall over at any moment.
"Hey." was all he needed to get out.
"You look terrible," I said a little too honestly.
At that, he looked at me irritably.
"Thanks, pads, that's what I really wanted to hear. I didn't even know that!"
James sighed and looked at him with a furrowed brow.
"Remus you should talk to them sometime. This can't go on."
Remus shook his head expressionlessly.
"They're avoiding me like I'm the worst person in the world. Believe me they don't want to talk to me, I learned that this summer."
He laughed bitterly.
"Moony what happened? Why are they avoiding you like this?" I finally voiced the thoughts that were solidifying in my mind.
He hesitated before answering. Then he looked away into the crowd and finally answered.
"I fucked up. So really."
At that, James laughed.
"We already knew that. The question is how?"
"I was stupid and insecure. I let it guide me-" but then he stopped. It looked like he saw something specific in the crowd. Or someone in particular.
"What's wrong?" I asked, following his gaze.
But then I saw a certain sun, which was staring ahead, as if they were trying to block out our moon.
How could someone have such a crush on someone else? No, it was more than crushes, I had learned that this summer.
"Talk to them. It's now or never. They can't run away here. If you want an explanation, you have to confront them, too." I advised him.
"Okay." he just said and walked towards them with heavy steps.
The chaos that followed I don't think I need to explain….
"YOU. HAVE. WHAT." I said stunned as he walked into our cabin.
He winced and sat down dejectedly at the window.
"i don't know what was wrong with me…. I suddenly had this urge to have them as close as possible and then I kissed them on the forehead - it just kind of happened!" he said quickly and without stopping.
I was just about to continue scolding him, when James spoke.
"What happened, moony? Explain it to us, please. "
And so he steered our conversation in that previous direction.
I have never been so upset about Moony in my life. Otherwise, it's always the other way around.
"So let me sum this up…. You always told them that you didn't know how you felt when they told you that they loved you, but then you treated them like everything was the same and now because they don't talk to you anymore you kissed them in front of everybody. Remus that's fucked up."
He said nothing and just looked out the window. He didn't even defend himself and my anger decreased.
I fucking felt sorry for him. I didn't know what he was supposed to do either.
James shook his head.
"Moony, you know you love them. You proved it again a few minutes ago. Then why don't you tell them?"
Suddenly I remembered Sunny's violent reaction to my insinuation that Remus loved them. Oh man he had really fucked up.
But when I saw remus' eyes in the reflection, I saw his tears. Remus was crying. Remus-I-never-show-anyone-what's-going-on-with-me-Lupin was crying.
I didn't say anything more, instead I just put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.
James and I exchanged worried glances. I knew we were thinking the same thing.
What the hell is going to have to happen to bring the two of them back together?
And the moon cried bitter and burning tears of love and sorrow at the same time as the sun, while the star just watched helplessly.
Taglist : @juleshadalittlelamb @fluffybunnyu @tendous-pretty-hair @helloitsmeeeeeee @valencia-rou
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