#Willy Wonka must be stopped
boomboxboi · 1 year
Would the Bucci-Gang survive Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory? 🍫
Bruno Bucciarati
Bruno would hands down lick that funky wallpaper.
And he would enjoy that quite a bit.
Then he’d go into the off limits bubble room.
He would try the bubbles and begin to float.
He also would not burp.
But he’d zip his stomach open so the gas could escape.
And then he’d get in a fight with Willy Wonka because his factory is funky and there can only be one funky man in town!
Leone Abbacchio
He would die on that chaotic ass boat ride.
Who wouldn’t, though?
That shit is a hungover man’s worst nightmare.
He would fall out of the boat and then drown in the molten chocolate.
RIP to Abbacchio.
Pannacotta Fugo
Physically: Yes.
Mentally: No.
The logic of that factory would cause Fugo to have an existential crisis.
When he left, nothing would make sense anymore.
Willy Wonka’s logic?
It’s too much for Fugo to handle.
He survived. But at what cost?
Narancia Ghirga
But it was worth it.
All that candy?
All that chocolate?
It’s Narancia’s dream.
Though, if he did survive, he’d have so many cavities.
His death would be in that room where everything is edible.
He would probably eat something that he shouldn’t.
The one thing that wasn’t edible.
RIP our hungry lil’ man.
Guido Mista
It isn’t his fault, though.
The Pistols just eat literally everything.
And they eat that gum that turns you into a blueberry.
Six little blueberries just floating around.
And then Mista becomes a blueberry by default.
He’s lucky they didn’t fall in that chocolate river.
RIP Mr. Blueberry and his six lil’ blueberries.
Giorno Giovanna
He’s funky enough to survive that hellscape.
In fact, he would outplay and outsmart Wonka in every single way.
Eventually, the two would become allies.
It would be everyone’s nightmare.
Also, he would love that wacky boat ride.
And would want to go on the ride again.
This is Giorno’s villain origin story.
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six-of-ravens · 1 year
Okay, saw Barbie! Have completed the cinematic event of the year, woo.
I think a lot of people, including my coworker who didn't like it, don't realize it's a satire making fun of those corporate fake-woke cash-grab movies we all love to hate. Like sure, it has some sincere moments, but it is VERY MUCH making fun of itself and other films like it.
Anyway, it was very pink, and the set was excellent, and Margot Robbie is gorgeous so I had a great time. Could've cut a couple of the musical numbers maybe, but it was pretty good. Definitely more fun than Oppenheimer, but both were really well-made films and tbh they did renew my faith in films and make me want to actually go to the theatres again (I always talk myself out of watching movies but! perhaps I shouldn't).
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your-averagewriter · 9 months
“Hearts for a sweetheart.”
Summary: Bumping into a sweet chocolatier evolves into something even sweeter (Timothée Chalamet!Willy Wonka x fem!reader)
Word count: 1.9K
Warnings: Kissing, swearing (once I think).
Walking along the street, I’m interrupted by a sea of cheers as a man in an elaborate get-up passes around chocolates and sweets with a strong smile. As he walks through the crowd, people push forward, reaching for the chocolates forcing me forward, almost causing me to fall to the ground.
After nearly tripping over from the force of the crowd, I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to look at the person, steadying myself.
“Are you alright, miss?” The extravagant man asks.
Looking over him I can’t help but smile a little at his top hat and jacket, finding it endearing combined with his gentle nature.
“I’m okay.” I say as he helps me stabilise myself.
“Would you like a chocolate?” He asks with a new kind of smile, a toothy grin as he extends his arm, a tray of chocolates decorating the plate.
“Thank you but I can’t afford your fancy chocolates.” I deny, looking down a little ashamed as the crowds of people still surround us although they’ve quietened down a bit now.
“They’re free. No price for you, or anyone.” He pauses after saying ‘you’, seemingly forgetting the rest of his sentence.
“Really?” He nods and I reach to take one gently. “Thank you, mister…” I pause, not knowing his name.
“Mr Wonka, chocolatier.” He grins as he tips his hat towards me with a smile.
“Thank you Mr Wonka, the chocolatier.” I smile before seeing him disappear back into the crowds.
I only see him a couple more times as he looks back at me with a smile plastered on his face, his top hat sticking out above the crowds making me chuckle before putting the small chocolate into my mouth, resting it delicately on my tongue.
Closing my mouth, I start to chew the chocolate, truly surprised by the delicious treat. It’s like nothing I’ve ever tasted before. I try to savour it but it’s gone too soon, making me wish it would last forever.
Mr Wonka, a name I would not soon forget, in fact I couldn’t stop thinking about the man: his chocolates, his fashion and most of all his endearing, sweet nature. Walking through the streets, making my way home I ponder whether I would see him again or how. He must have a shop or a stall or something similar, maybe with the other chocolate stores? It doesn’t seem like he’d fit in with those pretentious sellers who seem to have no love for the art of food, let alone chocolate.
After a couple of weeks I had saved up some coins, not enough to get me more than one chocolate I doubt, but it'd be worth it both for the delicious chocolate and to see him again. With my coins in my pocket, I wander through the town centre, keeping my eyes out for the chocolatier but I don’t spot him.
Making it to the palace of chocolate stores I begin to feel the cold nipping at my skin, regretting not bringing my jacket. I walk through the doors, feeling very fancy as I do so, looking at the patterned floors and incredible glass dome roof.
Feeling a slight shiver I hurry along, looking to the stores and suddenly seeing a new store: Wonka. Upon seeing the name I make my way towards the store, taking in the beautiful design and calligraphy.
Walking in I’m instantly taken aback by the extraordinary interior, colourful candy delights disguised as nature causing me to gasp. Frozen, I stand in the door probably looking quite shocked as after a few seconds I feel a tap on my shoulder causing me to turn around, eyes going a little wide at the slight shock.
“Hello miss.” I turn around to see Mr Wonka smiling. “I wasn’t sure if I was going to see you again.”
“You remember me?” I ask, tilting my head slightly confused.
“Of course I do, I only regret that I didn’t ask your name last time we met.”
“(y/n), Mr Wonka.”
“Ah, call me Willy, last names are too formal for me.” He chuckles and I nod before looking around.
“Your store is incredible.” I say, looking around awe-struck.
“Why thank you, would you like a tour?” 
“You’ve probably got more important things to do…” I say quietly with a soft smile.
“Nonsense! What could be more important than showing a woman as lovely as yourself around?” He asks with a charming smile. “Now, what kind of chocolate do you like?”
I think about it for a second, realising how long it’s been since I’ve had chocolate, excluding the last time I bumped into Willy. “The normal kind of chocolate?” I say, unsure.
“Normal kind?” He raises an eyebrow playfully. “Milk chocolate?” I nod.
“I think so, the chocolate you gave me last time was delicious, the best I’ve ever tasted.” I smile.
“Thank you, that means more than you realise.” He says softly, a tone of sincerity. “I’ll make you something special.” He grins. “Do you want to look around for a minute? I won’t keep you waiting too long.” He smiles, I nod before he seems to disappear before I even realise.
I walk towards the river watching as the boat goes round and round, the mechanisms seem incredible. Crouching down by the river I reach for a flower, inspecting the treat before taking a tentative bite from the petal. I let out a sigh, the treat tasting even better than I thought it would. Standing back up I take the flower with me, nibbling on the petals as I walk around the store, in awe at all the beautiful decorations.
A few seconds later, Willy pops up from out of nowhere, startling me slightly but with a small box in his hand.
“I didn’t mean to startle you.” He offers a small smile. He removes the lid from the box revealing a set of three chocolate hearts with delicate piping on top.
“Wow, these are beautiful.” I say, staring at the artwork.
“Hearts for a sweetheart,” He grins, flustering me a little.
“Thank you… How much do these cost?” I ask, trying not to be awkward but failing.
“Nothing, well except that I get to see your reaction, I think you’ll like them. I based them off of the chocolate you had a couple of weeks ago but made them better.”
“Are you sure? I have some coins.” I reach into my pocket, pulling out some coins but fumbling them leading multiple to fall to the ground. “Shit, sorry…” I say quietly before crouching down and reaching for the coins.
Willy does the same helping me pick up the coins as his hand accidentally brushes against mine. We both look up at each other before I look away embarrassed. He holds my hand, turning it over and placing the coins in my hand before folding my hand, covering the coins. He brings my hand up to his face, pressing his lips against my wrist with a small smile.
“Thank you…”
“Don’t worry about it.” He says as we both stand up again, I slide my coins back into my pocket.
He offers me the box and I take one of the three heart chocolates and place it in my mouth. 
“Oh my god, you’re a genius.” I sigh, enjoying the chocolate. “These are incredible.”
“Thank you.” He grins, a proud expression on his face. “Would you like anything else? A buttercup? Cotton candy cloud? Cherries? Gummy bears?” He shoots off options one after the other at a quick speed.
“What would you recommend?” I ask, tentatively.
“Please follow me.” He smiles, leading me around the store to a patch of flowers. Crouching down, he plucks a few flowers, matching them by colour and tying them to make a chocolate bouquet before passing it to me.
“It’s beautiful.” I smile. He pulls out one more flower and tucks it behind my ear.
“Don’t worry, that’s a real flower.” He reassures me with a soft smile.
“Thank you.” I say softly. 
“They’re chocolate, one’s white, dark and the other milk so you can work out what you like.” He says gently arranging the flowers. “Then you can come back and I can make you some more.” He chuckles. “The more information you can give me, the better the chocolate will taste!” 
“Thank you, Willy, but I should get going now, I didn’t realise it had gotten so dark…” I say quietly as I look outside.
“Time flies when you’re having fun.” He shrugs as we walk towards the door and I start to feel the cold breeze against my skin. “Are you cold?” He asks, tilting his head slightly.
“A little, I should’ve brought my jacket.” I dismiss with a small smile. “I’ll see you around, Willy.” I say, stepping out of the door and walking away.
About a second later, I hear him speak again. “(y/n) wait!” He says and I turn around as he walks towards me, pulling off his long magenta jacket and sliding over my shoulder.
“Now you’ll get cold.” I chuckle, pulling the coat around me a little tighter.
“I’m okay, I was getting a bit warm anyway.” He smiles before looking behind me into the night. “Can I walk you home?” He asks, sweetly. 
“You want to walk me home? I don’t live very close to your store…”
“Even more reason for me to walk with you.”
“Okay, if you’d like to, I won't stop you.” I smile brightly as he walks next to me.
“You know, you look really beautiful when you smile.” He says which only makes me smile more.
“Stop.” I chuckle. 
“But it’s true.” He smiles. “You’re truly the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on.” He says in a gentle but more serious tone.
“Thank you.” I whisper looking up to him before resting my head on his shoulder as we walk. “You’re really an incredible guy.”
“Ah, I just make chocolate.” He chuckles.
“Really good chocolate.” I smile. “And you make it look really pretty and your shop is incredible. I’ll have to come by more often.”
“I’d like that.” He pauses “May I hold your hand?” He asks gently after a short pause and I reach my hand out to his
Once we reach my home, I turn around to face him.
“This is me.” I smile. “I’m sorry you had to walk so far.”
“It was worth it.” He brings my hand to his face, pressing his lips against my hand again.
“Here, let me get your coat.” I say, beginning to slide the coat off of my shoulders but he stops me.
“Keep it, it gives you a reason to come back and see me again.” He says with a small smirk.
“Sneaky, very sneaky.” I chuckle, letting the jacket rest on my shoulders. “Get home safe.” I smile, as he begins to walk away. 
It takes me a few seconds to fight my thoughts off before I call for him.
“Willy?” He turns around to face me, standing about eight steps away.
I walk quickly towards him, pressing my lips against his briefly before pulling away. “I’ll see you in a few days.” I whisper with a soft smile.
“You’re not gonna see me for a few days after pulling that stunt?” He asks with a playful expression causing me to chuckle and nod. “Well, I look forward to seeing you again.” He smiles brightly.
“I won’t keep you waiting too long.” I smile before going inside my house, shutting the door after he walks out of sight. I let out a breath as I have to fight a smile, excited to see the chocolatier again.
AN: I love this movie with my whole heart!
Hope you enjoyed reading!
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storiesofsvu · 1 month
Midnight Baking
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Emily Prentiss x reader warnings: language, briefest mention ever of some unnamed stressful situation. (R doesn't want to talk about it because I was simply too lazy to come up with what was stressing them out, so...here we go. lol)
Emily stirred, her body twitching in her sleep as her nose scrunched up and she subconsciously went to pull the blankets tighter around her body. A cool breeze floated through the room from the open window, the summer night air far nicer than the scorching heat of the day. With it came a whiff of your shampoo, wafting off your pillow straight into Emily’s senses making her want to be impossibly close to you, the heat finally having vanished from the room. Rolling over she let out a groan as her body stretched itself out, pulling her slightly out of her deep sleep until her arm hit what was supposed to be your waist and her senses came to life when all she found was cold sheets.
She didn’t want to open her eyes, didn’t even want to fully wake up, but she wanted you and you certainly weren’t in the bed. She peeked one eye open, squinting around the bedroom to find it dark but the bedroom door cracked open and she wondered if you were in the bathroom. Her hand soothed up and down your side of the bed and not an inch of it held any of your remaining body heat, wherever you’d disappeared to it had not been recent. With a reluctant groan she pushed herself up to sitting, stretching out her body as she yawned, grabbing a hoodie from the floor and sliding her slippers on while she began her adventure through the house.
Upstairs was quiet, dark and empty aside from the soft snores coming from Sergio who Emily gave a little scratch on the head to as she made her way passed him. A light was left on downstairs but that was nothing new, it was instinct to always leave a couple on for the nights Emily was coming home from a case, never sure what hour she’d finally make it back to you. Wandering down the stairs she found the living room empty but a book upturned on the coffee table and a blanket crumpled up on the couch. Her lips twitched up into a grin at the thought of you burrito’d up with your favourite stories as she crossed toward the couch. She flipped the book over, sliding a bookmark into the open page before setting it back on the pile on the table, next neatly folding the blanket and laying it over the back of the couch.
A few steps later and she finally found the main source of light and you, both in the kitchen and she stopped in the doorway, leaning against the frame to watch for a minute. You were lost in your element and clearly had been at it a while, there was a smudge of flour on your cheekbone, three racks of cookies already cooling and incredibly sweet smells lingering in the air. She noticed the window was wide open and upon lingering for a minute realized it must have been to combat the heat from the oven. Her eyes trailed back to you, a frown taking over her features as she began to examine yours, you were more than focused, it was almost intense, your brow furrowed, eyes narrowed just the slightest as you stirred up ingredients. She could tell you were clenching your jaw; your shoulders tense and she just knew you were holding stress in your lower back, especially with the way you kept shifting from one foot to the other to try an alleviate any hip pain.
“Didn’t realize I was living with Willy Wonka.” She teased and you jumped slightly, pulling out an ear bud.
“You’re supposed to be asleep.” You pouted, taking out the other ear bud to safely drop in a ramekin before wiping off your hands as you turned to her.
“So are you.” She replied with a soft laugh, moving through the room to wipe the flour off your face, “what are you doing?”
“Well,” you let out a breath before rattling things off, “I’ve got sugar cookies and chocolate chip cookies done, there’s lemon bars in the freezer setting, I just put in a batch of peanut butter cookies and am working on cupcakes. But I don’t even know if any of it will turn out, I’ve been doing it all by hand so I didn’t have to use the mixer and worry about waking you up.”
“Jeeze, how long have you been down here?”
“More than a few hours…” you replied sheepishly, your body nearly sinking around itself, “I couldn’t sleep, didn’t want to disturb you so I came down here to read. But my brain just wouldn’t shut up, I needed something to make me think and I’ve always kinda been a stress baker so…” You vaguely gestured to the state of the kitchen.
“Is this about what you told me over dinner?” Emily asked, stepping toward you and squeezing softly at your elbow.
“Yeah.” You sighed, “and talking about it won’t help so I’d really rather not.”
“That’s fine.” She shrugged, glancing around, “well, can I at least help?”
“How are you helping if I don’t want to talk about it?” You turned to her with a furrowed brow and she laughed softly.
“I meant with the baking.”
“Oh!” You huffed out an embarrassed laugh, your hand coming to cover your face briefly before turning back to her with a small smile, “yeah, of course. That might even help distract me more.”
“Good.” Leaning in she pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek before rolling up her sleeves, “well, what’s the next step chef?”
You giggled softly, sliding the mixing bowl you’d been using over to Emily and guiding her through the next few steps. While Emily was pretty decent in the kitchen, she certainly would never claim to have your level of skill when it came to baking and that was because she was never about following strict rules. She liked to add in her own flair, skip certain steps or mess around with the amounts and while that always worked out to delicious dinners, it would definitely result in cupcakes with the texture of sandpaper or butter tarts that were left soggy in the middle.
Having Emily in the kitchen with you not only distracted you, it calmed you down, relaxed you to a sense of peace that you’d been craving the past couple of weeks. She asked what you’d been listening to when she interrupted and you admitted with a small smile it was the road trip playlist the two of you had put together of all your favourite songs. You knew it wasn’t a road trip but music was known to bring back memories and every time you heard any of the songs you were immediately transported back to the adventures the two of you had together the previous summer. They made you feel warm and fuzzy inside and always brought a smile to your face and Emily felt the warmth bursting through her at your admittance, a grin plastered on her face while you guided her through the steps to make meringue.
The sun was nearly creeping over the horizon by the time you were finally yawning, a warm and gooey tray of cinnamon buns being pulled from the oven. Emily placed them on a rack to cool, washing her hands before turning back to you to ask what was next. Instead she caught you with your hands on your hips, chewing on your lip as you surveyed the state of the kitchen.
“You mentioned something about Rossi hosting a pretty big get together this weekend, right?”
“Yeah. Retirement party for one of the other agents on our floor, why?”
“Cause I think I maaayy have gone a little overboard.”  Your nose scrunched as you glanced over to her and she laughed softly, stepping towards you to kiss the tip of your nose, relaxing it as she did so.
“It’s the first time I’d seen you genuinely smiling all week, I wasn’t about to stop you.”
“Thanks.” Smiling softly you leant into the embrace, kissing her gently, “hope you’re ready to eat nothing but baked goods for a month.”
“Can we start with the cinnamon rolls and call it breakfast?”
An uncontrolled yawn escaped you when you opened your mouth to reply and Emily chuckled, “only if we follow it up with a nap.”
“Sounds perfect.” She pecked your cheek before moving to the cupboard, pulling down a couple of plates to serve the cinnamon buns with.
Overall you ended up with two batches of cinnamon rolls, five sheets of cookies, three dozen cupcakes consisting of vanilla, chocolate and confetti, three dozen muffins (blueberry, carrot and cranberry orange) lemon meringue pie, apple pie, lemon bars, peanut butter balls and a black forest cake. Emily stashed some of it, whether in the pantry or the freezer to save for later and helped you pack up the rest for that weekend, where you discovered Rossi was more than ecstatic to have someone else providing the goodies. Because after all, you were the baker, he was the chef, you’d stay out of each other’s ways but you each had your specialties and you were more than happy to share, especially if it meant quality time in the kitchen with Emily.
@mickey-gomez @momlifebehard @daddy-heather-dunbar @maybe-a-humanbean @rustyzebra @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @supercriminalbean @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @scorpsik @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @regalmilfs4me @ara-a-bird @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @hopedoesntknow @venromanova @waitaminuteashh @noahrex @imlike-so-gaydude @wittygutsy @cx-emerald-cx cx cx @momily @nilaues @borinxnovak @soverign @v3nusxsky @mccdreamys-writes @l4yne @obsessedwjill @supercorpstan97 @asolitaryrose3 @lisqueen @mrs-prentiss @whitewinewithice @d33pd3sire-blog @daffodil-heart @maximoffcarter @i-lovefandom @chimnlex @moonlightjxuregui @chestnutninny @gamma-rae-bursts @just-moondust @idkifimasub @gaydragonwitch
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takenbypeter · 9 months
Hi! I LOVED your Wonka x reader fic! Could I maybe request something?? Maybe one where she's the last one stuck in the laundry after everyone else gets rescued and he needs to go back for her? I love angst and fluff haha
All good if not! Love you
Trapped In Your Own Thoughts
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Willy Wonka x reader
Words: 961
I am loving all the Wonka love I'm seeing, every time I write for a new character I wonder if anyone will actually request for them so seeing people request for Willy Wonka truly makes me heart melt
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Abacus, Piper, Larry Chucklesworth, Lottie Bell, Noodle and you stood in a straight line across from Mrs.Scrubbit as she peered from behind the counter. 
What you thought was going to be a tiresome scolding from the woman turned into something unexpected as she laid pounds of money out on the table. She first stated how Mr.Wonka had settled a deal with Mr.Slugworth covering all your bills. And one by one she went down the line addressing every individual until it was just you and Noodle left. 
“It’s funny,” Scrubbit says as she stares at the last pile in front of her before glaring directly at you, “Mr.Slugworth didn’t seem to leave a single sovereign for you. Guess you're not important eh?”
You stilled, unable to believe your own ears as Scrubbit smirked at your disheartened reaction. “…this must be some sort of mistake,” you muttered before getting cut off. 
“—No mistake at all,” she grinned a toothy grin, “in fact your name didn’t come up at all. So don’t just stand there. Back to work with you,” she ushers and stunned you look around trying to wake yourself from this nightmare that you found yourself trapped in. 
With a wave of her hand, you walked past them shutting the door behind you. “Now, for our dearest Noodle…” you heard her voice fade away as you walked to the laundry room in a daze.
You could not believe this was happening. Of course this would happen to you. You shook your head unable to stop the thoughts from swirling as you walked down the hallway past all the now empty rooms, past your own room until you came to the laundry doors. 
Climbing down the steps and looking around at the now lifeless room, it was impossible for you to do anything but dwell on the whole situation. 
You were stuck here. Alone. 
Being here with a group was one thing but alone? That was something you wouldn’t ever wish upon your greatest enemy, (that is if you had one). 
This had to be an error. Why would everyone else be free except for you? It didn’t make any sense. 
Then your mind slipped back to what Mrs.Scrubbit said about Willy making the deal. 
Did he know you were to stay back? No he couldn’t have. Right? Right. You tried to assure yourself before you even had the chance to doubt him any further. That man was too good and too precious for him to accept this deal knowing you’d continue to be held captive like this.
You went back and forth, replaying Mrs.Scrubbit’s words, trying to figure out what could’ve happened. 
Was Mrs.Scrubbit right? Were you just unimportant?
Your mind goes back to those few late evening conversations that you’ve shared with Willy. It was kind of silly for you to think anything from that. It was foolish in general for you to think so much of the young man, especially when you’ve only known him for a short period. But you couldn’t help but feel hurt. 
Was it that easy to forget you and move on?
Maybe all those experiences just meant something to you.
You could only grind your teeth as you dove deeper and deeper into your self deprecating thoughts. It was difficult to pull yourself out when there was nothing else or knowone else to distract you.
Your thoughts silenced as a screaming pile of bedsheets fell down the chute landing with a hard thud.
The fabric shifted and you spotted familiar brown curls pop out followed by Willy’s head. “I can’t wait for that to be over,” you heard him say as he grunted while climbing out from the chute.
“Willy…” you let out, more surprised than anything to see him. 
“Come with me, we’re getting you out of here,” he declared, running up to you without wasting a beat, “we already gathered everyone else, so let’s go.”
He runs back to the chute, waving for you to come over and you do so. Willy prepares an empty cloth bag as well as some laundry so you have a gentler landing and he then pats the empty spot. 
You prop yourself up occupying the chute and with your legs bent you hug them close as he scrambles to tug the bag up over your legs.
Thinking about it now, your wandering beliefs were all so idiotic, but for some reason in that moment, you couldn’t stop them from slipping past your lips.
“I thought you were going to leave me behind,” you chuckled. 
You meant for it to sound as just a childish passing statement but Willy immediately paused his movements, his arms coming to rest on both sides of the chute around your legs. 
“I’d never leave you behind,” he voiced.
It was impossible to stop a tiny shy smile from spreading onto your lips, “yeah, I know but, I don’t know it was just a passing thought.”
“Hey,” he lowered himself to meet you at eye level as you sat, “I would never leave you behind,” he repeated his statement from earlier, his tone soft and delicate yet firm.
It was a simple phrase, but coming from him it meant something to you. 
A new concern popped into your head, “wait, what about the contract?” You questioned, suddenly worried about the consequences that would follow. 
Willy replied with a smile that told you he already had an answer ready, “don’t worry about that, we have a plan.”
You nodded, allowing yourself to trust the boy before he wrapped your head tying a simple knot.
“I’ll see you on the other side,” he said, giving your leg an affectionate pat before sending you on your way out.
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astairo · 1 year
The Baker and the Chocolatier
Wonka(2023) x Reader
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Warnings: fluff, tiny angst
Y/n L/n was one for sweets and pastries. Her beloved goods were too irresistible to a mouth. She would bake day and night, day after day, if she could. She was beloved by many, with hundreds lining up to greet her a good day at the counter as they asked for a good or two.
Therefore, Y/n was happy. Almost.
Despite being the beloved baker, she longed for a different love, a love her lousy husband failed to give. She wanted to feel her heart pound and flutter, to feel the butterflies erupt and conquer her stomach, to feel the adrenaline rush of a hand in hers.
She wanted that love like no other.
It was rare for Y/n to get quiet days. It was so quiet that you could hear the soft breeze through the windows of the empty bakery. Y/n was enjoying the silence when a man in a ridiculous magenta coat and old-looking hat walked through the doors.
“Bonjour!” Y/n smiled at him. “Anything particularly in mind yet, sir?” she spoke as she gestured to the display of European goods. The man smiled and nodded, “A croissant and a hot chocolate, please!” Y/n nodded and got to work. “I haven’t seen you before,” she spoke as she prepared his hot beverage, “You must be new, then.”
The man chuckled in response, “I guess you can say that, but I don’t plan on staying long.” Y/n frowned, “Why not? It’s a lovely town.” It was true; the town had the loveliest people you’d meet.
The man chuckled again, “You see, I’m somewhat of a magician, inventor, and chocolate maker.” he boasted, “Which leads me to believe a person like me belongs within the streets of Gallery Gourmet.”
Y/n chuckled and shook her head, “What big ambitions you have,” she placed his order on the counter, “But it’s not as easy as you think it is, either.” The man quirked a brow at her statement, “You don’t think I can do it?” Y/n quickly responded, “I’m sure you can, just not as easy as you make it seem.” she spoke, taking the cash he had handed her and stuffing it into the register.
The man leaned in, intrigued by her words, “Paint me a picture.” Y/n sighed, looking him dead seriously, “You want to sell chocolate, right?” The man nodded, “In simplest terms, please.”
Y/n chuckled, “You can’t get a shop if you don’t sell chocolate, and you can’t sell chocolate without a shop.” The man frowned, “Then how would I get the shop and sell chocolates?”
Y/n smiled, his change in her hand, “Hard work and dedication; be persistent.” The man nodded in appreciation before smiling, “Keep the change.” She smiled, "Thank you, sir.” He flashed her a grin as he picked up his order and left.
Y/n was sure that that was the last time she'd ever see the man until one night, only a few days later.
Y/n was finishing up behind the counter when the door opened. “We’re closed.” She stopped when she heard the familiar chuckle, looking to see the man again. “I’m not here for your pastries.” he smiled, “I’m here to ask you a question.”
Y/n nodded and leaned onto the counter patiently. The man sighed and looked at her, “I want you to come to Gallery Gourmet with me.” Y/n’s eyes widened at his sudden request. “Gallery Gourmet with you?” she stood perplexed. The man nodded in desperation, “Yes, please.” She chuckled nervously, running a hand through her hair, “I barely know you.”
The man removed his hat, bowing dramatically, “Willy, Willy Wonka.” Y/n giggled and curtsied, “Y/n L/n.” Willy grinned and kissed her hand, “Pleased to meet you, Y/n.” He stood straight and adjusted his coat, “So what do you say? Will you accompany me to Gallery Gourmet?”
Y/n couldn’t shake off the lingering feeling on her hand. The adrenaline pumped through her veins as her heart pounded against her chest, and butterflies fluttered in her stomach. She blushed for the first time.
“Y/n?” Willy snapped his fingers in front of her face, pulling her from the daze. He looked at her for her answer. Y/n took a breath.
“I’ll think about it.”
Part II
Please participate in this poll 💖 it’ll help me know what to do with this story.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 8 months
Okay so Fem!reader shes the product of Mrs.Scrubbit and Mr.Bleacher’s one night stand (they were really drunk) and instead of being like them she is a kind girl and helps the people who are in the Landry shoot and she was there when Willy presented his items and liked him for his silly ideas and Willy saw her and was shock to see a beautiful girl like her and only to see her again after her “parents” imprisoned him and she was there to greet him when he went down the shoot and she apologizes for her parents greed and tries her best to help him (also Mrs.scrubbit is a little nicer to fem!reader because well that’s her daughter but is still cruel to her)
𝒩ℴ𝓉𝒽𝒾��𝑔 𝓁𝒾𝓀ℯ 𝓉𝒽ℯ𝓂
Taglist: @kpopgirlbtssvt
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You and Noodle had stopped to watch the man's intriguing show. Scrubbit’s laundry could wait, you thought.
You smiled and laughed when he grabbed your hand, inviting you to try one of his chocolates. He smiled widely at you, and he felt his heart skip a beat when he took a good look at you.
You were beautiful, your smile, everything about you seemed like a dream come true.
You were going to eat it when out of nowhere, the chocolate cartel came. They had tried it, saying they disliked it. They then had started to float in the air, and you and noodle looked in shock at the man.
He tipped his hat to the crowd, and the police soon came, making you and noodle quickly move and go back to your work.
You pushed the cart of laundry around, you both laughed in disbelief.
“That’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen.” You said.
“Wait… I think that was the man who came in yesterday.” She realized, you furrowed your eyebrow in confusion. “While you were out, another man, or the one you just saw, came in and signed the contract. I tried to warn him.”
You sighed, shaking your head to yourself. “Another one?”
She nodded, as you both walked then once reached it, brought the laundry down. Then going down with the others.
“So, what happened today?” They always asked after trips outside.
“Not much. We did see one interesting man, but Noodle thinks he signed the contract last night. His name was.. something Wonka." You said, shrugging. Noodle left to go finish up.
Just as you were saying that a man had fallen down the chute and into the laundry. He looked at you all back, confused and lost.
"You must be Mr. Wonka."
"Who are you?" He asked.
"Abacus Crunch. Chartered accountant. At least I was. Now, uh..." He stood up.
"He runs the place. And you best do what he says, or you answer to me." A women interrupted.
"Piper Benz." She offered her hand and helped him out from the laundry. "Plumber by trade."
"This is Miss Lottie Bell."
"She doesn't talk much."
"This is y/n." He motioned to you, you smiled again and he quickly recognized you.
"I liked your ideas. Glad to meet you, properly."
"You too.." he said, a small smile on his face.
"And I'm Larry Chucklesworth, Comedian." Another man said.
"They got you all too, did they?"
"I'm afraid so. We were in need of a cheap place to stay and neglected to read the small print."
"One moment of stupidity followed by endless regret."
He looked around, "There's got to be some way out of here."
"You don't think we've tried? There's bars on the windows, and a dog by the door."
"And even if you could get out, that contract is water tight."
"If you're not here at roll call, she'll call the police and they'll bring you right back, then charge you 1000 for the inconvenience."
He yelped when the dog barked at him, and the others got back to work. You stayed and eyed the man coming down the stairs.
"I can show you around." You said quickly, before Abacus had the chance. "If you'd like."
"He's on suds." Abacus said, you nodded and led him there.
"I'm sorry, about my parents by the way." You said as you rolled the cart.
He quirked an eyebrow at you. He didn't know who you were talking about.
"I'm sorry?"
"Oh, right. Mrs. Scrubitt and Bleacher are my parents. They'll do anything to get and save money." You said with a frown.
"Their you parents?" He was shocked, it seemed unbelieveable.
"You're nothing like them. You're..."
You looked at him now, curious as to what he would say now. He swallowed the lump in his throat nervously. "Never mind."
You continued to show him his job there. Then after a while, the whistle was blown. You all headed out, Willy talked a bit about his work, and you told him a bit more about yourself.
Then you were all sent to your rooms, you stayed with Willy, however, when you noticed he wasn't entering. You also saw Noodle coming in and waved to her. She waved back, and you motioned to the room.
"Told you to read the small print." Noodle said. He smiled slightly as he continued to stare out the window.
"Slight problem with that."
"You can't read? You asked him.
"I focus my studies almost exclusively on chocolate."
"I see."
"For everything else, I've relied on the kindness of strangers." He said, his gaze fixed on you as he said the words. You gave him a small smile.
"And look where thats got you." She said.
"This is the staff quarters. I like to decorate them all, makes it feel a lot less prison-y. Here." You said, handing him a small potted plant, the green contrasting to the gloomy room. He smiled at it, looking at it.
"You've got a bed." Noodle said, and he was going to sit on it but it collapsed.
"You had a bed..”
“Desk, and a wash basin/toilet." She continued.
And after a bit of talking between you, Willy and Noodle, you thought of a plan to help him.
“I could sneak you out. During the day, when I take the laundry. She doesn’t look over me so much as she does the others, they trust me.”
“That’s perfect.” He smiled, clapping his hands.
He found himself slowly becoming infatuated with you, not realizing it until the three of you were about to drown in chocolate.
He quickly confessed right before his head went under, and you didn’t get the chance to talk until the three of you were on the floor again.
You both stared at each other for a while, standing close to each other. Your hands reached up to cup his face, your thumb moved some of the chocolate from his lips and you captured his lips in a kiss.
His hands went to your hips, and you both got lost in each other until Noodle cleared her throat.
“Noodle! I forgot you were there.” You laughed nervously, you both turned to her, he was blushing and you could feel you cheeks heating up.
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sketches4mysw33theart · 7 months
Dear Chef
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Title:  Dear Chef  Synopsis: Willy Wonka receives an unexpected letter and, after asking you to read it, gets extremely excited about its contents.    Word Count: 1.5k  Warnings: None
You couldn’t find Willy. And that was unusual. You could always find Willy. He made his presence known wherever he went, one way or another.
He wasn’t in the wash house, pretending to work hard while his mind eloped to faraway places. He wasn’t in his room, pacing carelessly along the creaky floorboards, absentmindedly dodging the drip-catching buckets and mumbling to himself with one of his knuckles pressed to his mouthing lips. He wasn’t in Noodle’s room, talking the poor girl’s ear off about anything and everything his wicked mind settled upon. He wasn’t pacing the streets of the city, searching for vital ingredients or sharing his chocolate with the world; this you knew as the others were all still down in the wash house, playing cards for washing chores.
At a loss, you snuck back upstairs, heading to your own room to see if you could spot him sunning himself on the neighbour’s roof through your window, which he had been known to do on occasion – not that it ever made much difference to his milky complexion. However, you were stopped in your tracks as you turned into the open door.
Willy was there, standing by the window, a rakish splay of rich purple along the canvas of open blue sky, the soft curls of his hair shining in a chestnut glow beneath the streaming sun. The light breeze lifted the netting curtain as gently as breath, which stroked at the bareness of the arms sticking out of his rolled-up sleeves, but he was too entranced to notice. He didn’t even acknowledge you when you said his name.
Louder, you called for him, broaching the enclave of the room with lithe steps. At the echo of your voice, Willy turned his head to face you, an unreadable expression spread across the soft angles of his face, from his full doe eyes to his rolled-thin lips. There were bags under his eyes, heavy, foreboding, unforgiving, and it only added to the tension on his face. Immediately you stopped. “What’s wrong?”
His expression did not crack, but he swivelled his body to face you. “I got a letter, Y/N,” he said quietly, amazement tainting each inflexion of his whimsical voice. Emphasising his point, Willy threw up his hand, revealing the creamy envelope clutched in his nimble fingers. You caught his name on the front, above that of the city, but no other details besides. This letter must have travelled a long way.
“Oh, wow! Who’s it from?” you asked, enthusiastic but relieved. He’d seemed awful worried when you’d first walked in to find him there. To your surprise, his face did not lighten at your enthusiasm; if anything, it worsened, a crestfallen expression dawning on his countenance.
“I’m not too sure. I haven’t opened it.” He sounded as disconsolate as he looked, and you drew closer to him to take his free hand in yours. He smiled at that, his cheeks rounding and eyes illuminating.
“Are you okay?” you asked. Willy nodded, and with that smile on his face, you believed him.
“Yes, but…” A rosy glow spread across his freckled face, and he looked at you with his big eyes. “Y/N, would you mind, er… could you read it for me?” You gave him a gentle smile and reached to take the letter from his hand as you said, “Of course, Willy.”
The envelope was heavy and smudged with black marks and grubby fingerprints, with the shimmering red ink just barely legible. Letting go of Willy’s hand, you shuffled to your makeshift desk to retrieve a pair of broken scissors you kept around – it was surprising how often they came in useful.
Once you’d ripped open the letter, you turned to find Willy sitting cross-legged on your bed, hunched forward with his elbows on his knees and chin balanced on his fists, looking over at you expectantly. It relieved you to see that the thundercloud had been blown from his face, replaced by its usual sunlight of ages.
Opting to sit on the floor, you leaned back against the bed, your head resting lightly against the chocolate maker’s legs, ensuring he could see the letter over your shoulder. Little did you know, he spent the time with his cheek pushed into one of his balled-up hands, watching his other run through your hair as soft and free as water.
“Dear Chef,” you began reading, leaning into his touch.
We hope this letter finds you well. We miss you onboard! It’s still tough at sea but we’re planning to make port near you once more, around March. Have you opened your magnifique chocolaterie yet? Will we see you? Hoping so! We’ll be in town in a few weeks. Look for us in King's Market – we'll be looking for you.
Each person on the ship had hurriedly scribbled down their signature, sending their previous chef plenty of goodwill, and you read off each name diligently.
“This is only dated a couple of weeks ago,” you commented enthusiastically as you finished the letter, giving the scattered handwriting a quick final once over. “You’ll be able to see your shipmates again, Willy!”
You leant your head back to look up at him, where it fit perfectly on his lap. To your immense relief, he was smiling down as he stared dreamily out of the window, cupping your head in his soft hand.
“Yes,” he said, dreamily, “that’s wonderful.” Then, suddenly, he sprang up, unravelling his legs as nimbly as a gymnast but keeping his hand momentarily against your head to cushion its sudden release. “Gosh, so much to do now. I’ll have to wash this overcoat, clean my boots, make plenty more chocolate, collect some rose petals…” He continued mumbling to himself, some common domestic tasks and other ridiculously insane activities, as he raced to your desk and flung open one of the drawers, now alive with inspiration.
He came up with a pencil and grasped the smudged envelope, turning it over to scribble quickly along the back of it. You, now propped up on the edge of the bed and watching him with a fond smile, folded the letter up carefully as you spoke. “Willy, they won’t care what you look like – they'll only want to see you.”
He looked up at you with a small hum of acknowledgment, as though he’d already forgotten you were there. “Oh, this isn’t for them, Y/N!” He turned the envelope to show you a list of drawings of his to-do list – boots, coat, chocolate, rose etc. - finished off with a rough sketch of a shop, clearly labelled Wonka and surrounded by carefully drawn stripes and stars.
“If I want to get my chocolate shop before they arrive, I have to be in tip-top shape.” He tossed the envelope down and started pacing, twiddling the graphite pencil between his fingers as he spoke. “Now, we’ll have to start tomorrow, no, tonight, I’ll need to make much more chocolate, and we’ll have to be out early in the morning, plenty of city to cover. Where’s Noodle? She can help me, and I owe her a day’s worth of chocolate anyway, so I can…”
You were giggling, and that’s what finally stopped his rambling. “What?” he asked innocently, smiling, but it did little to stop your giggling fit. It worsened it, in fact, and as tears formed in your eyes, he couldn’t help but laugh with you.
“You think I’m going over the top, don’t you?” he asked when you’d both calmed into a silence of smiles and red faces, walking back over to you. Once he’d situated himself down beside you on the edge of the bed, he nudged your leg teasingly with his.
“No,” you said almost immediately because it was true. “You want them to be proud of you, and there’s no shame in that. But, we’re not going to get a shop overnight, no matter how clean you are or how many chocolates you sell.”
“Oh, stranger things happen every day,” he said confidently, but you looked at him with your eyebrows raised. “But I do think, on this occasion, you may be right,” he conceded with a smile. “Still, that doesn’t mean they’re not important. It just means that they can wait until tomorrow.”
As perfect a time as any, Willy yawned wanly, curving a finger somewhat uselessly to cover the cavern of his mouth.
“And that sounds like a good thing,” you laughed, as he smacked his lips, allowing his head to fall onto your shoulder. “Mm, I am rather tired,” he mumbled. With a contented hum, he nuzzled his nose into the soft skin of your neck, and you poked him gently in his side.
“It’s mid-afternoon, Willy, we are not sleeping.” Undeterred, he snuck his arms around your waist, snuggling in closer to the heat of your body. With a barely disguised grin, you were quick to hold him back.
“No, but we can just have a little lie-down, right? Then I’ll clean those chocolates and make those boots and collect those overcoats and… hm, what else was there?”
You laughed. "Yes, the chocolate shop will wait until tomorrow.” At that moment, the cathedral bell rang across the city, four pronounced bongs echoing along the cobbled streets.
“We have an hour until roll call.” Willy groaned as you pulled away from him, but was quickly quietened as you ushered him to lie down properly so you could join him. “We’d best make the most of it.”
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childotkw · 3 months
I can't decide if I like Chocolate Willy Wonka- Harry or Hate poems receiving Harry. They are both so awesome, and the way you write them are just ✨️majestic ✨️Would you be willing to write another snippet for either of them?
Why don't you have both, my dear?
"Here, my good man," Potter says, affecting an obvious and overly polished accent in a deliberate mockery of Tom's own. "You desperately look like you need a taste of something sweet. It might fix that terribly sour expression of yours."
The other man holds a piece of chocolate up to Tom's mouth with all the showmanship of a ringmaster. He blithely ignores all social conventions, invading Tom's personal space with the same belligerence he has had since they were children.
Somewhere behind him, Tom hears Abraxas inhale sharply at the flagrant disrespect.
Good natured chuckles echo around them from those too stupid or unimportant to know who Tom is on sight.
How easily they are swept up in another's act. Drawn along by flash and panache, too starry-eyed by a gleaming surface to miss the lack of substance beneath.
Potter's mouth is curled in a perfectly pleasant smile, but his eyes are bright with sardonic amusement, as if he can hear Tom's thoughts. Everything from the slight bow to the angle of his tilted jaw is a dare - and God help him, but Tom has never been able to resist.
He raises a hand, face bland and unimpressed, to take the offering. Potter childishly dodges his attempt, then hands it over with a bright laugh. He waits until Tom is holding it pinched between his fingers before twirling around him in a move overflowing with the grace of a dancer.
Or a dueller.
Potter slides behind him, almost hooking his chin over Tom's shoulder and fluttering his hands down his arms - but never quite bold enough to touch.
He's always known just what lines he shouldn't cross with Tom.
"I made this one special for you, Mr. Riddle," Potter breathes against the shell of his ear. He's dropped the accent, finally, and his natural voice drips down Tom's spine like warm honey.
"Do enjoy it."
"You're breaking my heart here."
Harry's shoulder snap back instinctively, and he spins on his heels because like hell is he showing his back to this fucker for longer than he has to. "You'd have to have a heart in the first place for me to break it."
Riddle's amusement bubbles forth in an airy chuckle. Harry itches to punch him in the face. See him try to laugh with a shattered nose.
"Oh Harry, must you hurt me so?" the Slytherin splays a hand over his chest, blinking innocently. "I couldn't possibly take your cruelty anymore, sweetheart."
"Oh I'll make you take more than that, Riddle," Harry snarls - then immediately chokes at the amused jump the other boy's eyebrows make.
"Wait, fuck - no. That's not - I didn't mean - stop laughing, you prick!"
Riddle does not stop laughing. Harry hates how handsome he looks in the afternoon light streaming through the tower windows.
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softlantern · 1 year
I had to post this second time, cause tumblr doesn't see my hashtags.:""D. Pain. It took me a week to realise that the problem is not in me, phphphph :D @cutepotatook
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1-2) Helper started to make Layra cute bentos, oftenly trying to come up with something creative and fun. He even makes entire “paintings” of space out of food.🌌🍎🌽
3) This two in my head have lots of nicknames for one another and it seems that they are always trying to come up with the new ones! Layra oftenly likes to call him: sharky, piranha, Colly, old man, granpa, Mr. Thorn🌲
4) They protect me from stress and horror of university, phphphph. The best protection team👏👊
5)Layra is really touchy kid and likes to express her love by hugging, running at them at full speed, jumping on top of them from high places, climbing on them, jumping into their arms, etc. Over time, Helper and Collector became accustomed to this behavior.
6) Just how my interactions with an c.ai of Collector goes, lol. xд
7) I have been thinking about how everyone else looked like in Collector's original universe and what theme it had and decided to draw how I see Julie in it. In my head, she is a craftswoman who likes to come up with different games and toys, which often require wit and logic. But I would love to hear more about Collector's backstory actually!!👀
8) I'm on my Willy Wonka hyperfixation again, help. And I just got to know that there's a musical (how did I live my life without knowing!?) and I love it with all my heart!! I love his voice there soooo much! The way it changes all the time and is so expressive, aaaa!! And I can't stop imagining Collector with his voice after listening to "It must be belived to be seen" for hours while drawing it. :D🍭
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faithiegirl01 · 8 months
Okay… okay…
I need a Willy Wonka (Timothée Chalamet version ovi 🙄) Hanahaki Disease fic…
Like could you guys just imagine the angsty vibes yet also the most fluffiest vibes from that?! Like the reader gets sick and decides to slowly just stop helping before also hiding away from Willy as much as she can. While poor Willy over here be all like “I don’t know what happened noodle, one day we were fine and the next she’s avoiding me?!” Then noodle who has obviously figured it out try’s so hard not to tell him at the request of the reader, but then she finds a way to get him to figure it out on his own. When he does obviously he’s running right to the reader to figure it all out.
Like come on?! I must have a fic like this. PLEASE someone, anyone write something along those lines!!!!
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panxramic · 6 months
My mind has been working over time in just making Death Family AU’s (it’s how I cope with all the recent news) and this might be the silliest one yet.
So. I was rewatching the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movies and I could not (specifically the first one) stop seeing Charlie as Chayanne.
A boy so kind and generous with a heart of gold. Who is very selfless and considerate of others? THATS MY BOYY. Someone who loves cooking and baking and who would also love Willy Wonka the biggest chocolate/candy maker in the world?
Chayanne and Tallulah are orphan kids that live on the streets. They try their best to get by, with Chayanne working overtime to get them food and and buy the medicine Tallulah needs as well.
Chayanne is the one that finds the golden ticket. He buys in extra bar of chocolate that’s where he finds it.
He brings Tallulah as his plus one to the factory, excited to finally to get a look inside of one of the most mysterious and dazzling candy making places in the world.
In this AU, q!Phil and his partner, q!Missa, run the factory together. However no one has seen them in years, as the factory has been running in secrecy. They are a mysterious pair.
The factory opens to the 5 lucky contestants that were able to find the 5 golden tickets.
Chayanne and Tallulah find inside an entire world of chocolate and candy. Sweets of every kind. And an odd set of workers… crows. They’re marvelous. They dance and they sing and they help make chocolate day and night.
When they first arrive they’re met with Missa, who says Phil is too busy inventing and can’t join them but will appear here and there. Throughout the tour one specific crow sticks to the group and ends up being very fond of Chay and Tallulah, the only two kids who don’t shoo him away.
And sure enough Phil appears every so often. He’s a wacky and strange character, more so than Missa. They’re both… weird. The kids side eye them, look down on them, all but Chayanne and Tallulah, who gleefully laugh and join in on their ruckus.
In the end, when the tour is over, Chayanne and Tallulah are the only ones left. They must say goodbye. It’s awful, they have nowhere else to go, no place to call home. But they must go.
Chayanne has the candy in hand, the candy that he was given and he can sell for thousands of dollars and finally give him and Tallulah a home. Instead of taking it he leaves it behind.
Missa reluctantly lets them go, knowing that this is just part of the test. We think Phil is indifferent, doesn’t want them around anymore. But secretly on the inside he’s hoping, wishing, for Chayanne to turn around and leave behind the candy and not sell him out.
And when he does, it’s the happiest moment for the two. It becomes the happiest moment for all of them.
Phil and Missa have two kids they can pass down the factory too, and two kids they can call their own. And Chayanne and Tallulah finally have that family they were hoping for.
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enjoymorestuff · 10 months
If Willy Wonka were real, I trust that Tumblr would react to him like the chocolate guy.
“What? He invented a drink that makes you float up to the ceiling? This fucking guy must be stopped.”
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animesmolbean · 6 months
A World of Pure Imagination
Author's Note: Real quickly, I have to tell you guys something. For some reason, Chapter 10 isn't showing up in the tags I have put the chapter on. I'm not sure why, but I am not reuploading it. So, if you haven't read it yet, go to my page and scroll down to it. Read it before you read this one. Thank you so much, and I'm sorry for the inconvenience!
Side Note 1: I almost started tearing up while writing this chapter.
Side note 2: Part 4 of me talking about a Wonka GIF, and Part 3 of me wishing Timothée Chalamet's Willy Wonka was a real person, so I can hug him lol. Poor baby didn't deserve any of this.
Hope you enjoy it! ♥️
Chapter 11: Sabotage
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The kiss was perfect.
It felt like a bunch of fireworks going off.
Yin hummed softly as he moved to wrap his arms around Willy's neck. Willy's wrapped around his waist. Willy's lips tasted like chocolate, as Yin figured, but it didn't stop him from wanting more. He deepened the kiss a bit, making Willy hum as he matched the rhythm.
The kiss stayed mostly chaste, but there was so much love pouring out that it felt more passionate and hungry.
Eventually, the two boys pulled away slowly, both of them panting softly. They stared into each other, hearts in their eyes.
"I'm glad you finally did that." Yin whispered before chuckling.
Willy chuckled softly. "Me too."
The two stayed in their position, just enjoying the embrace. Then, Willy heard his name being called.
"I'll be right back, my precious marshmallow." Willy kissed Yin's cheek before he reluctantly pulled away and walked down to the voice who called him.
Yin stayed by the tree, blushing hard at the nickname. He let out giddy giggles and hopped on his toes. He couldn't wait to tell Noodle what happened.
But then, he was pulled out of his sweet trance when Willy stepped on the candy ramp, his voice frantic.
"Ladies and gentlemen! Your attention, please! There appears to be a manufacturing error! Do not eat the flowers!"
Patrons asked what was wrong, some of them growing multicolored hair.
"It's appears the chocolates have been poisoned!" Willy exclaimed.
The announcement shocked everyone.
Yin couldn't believe it. He turned away to think. 'What?! Poisoned?!' Then he scowled. 'Someone must have sabatoged the chocolate when we were all busy. But who? There are so many candidates.' He thought to himself.
His thoughts were interrupted when he heard people screaming. He looked up and saw that someone had cut the rope that held the chandelier, and now the shop was on fire. Panicking, Yin jumped down and ran to the door, helping anyone he could out.
Once he got out, he bent over, breathing in and out slowly, calming himself down from what just transpired. When he leaned back up, he saw Slugworth looking down at the chaos, an evil smirk on his face.
Yin scowled and clenched his fists. It was no mystery who was behind this now.
(Time Skip to evening)
The fire had been put out. Luckily, no one was hurt.
Unfortunately, the shop was completely ruined. The once vibrant place was now burned into ash. The cherry tree still stood, but it was bare and crooked. It looked something out of a horror movie.
The wash house workers and Willy were in the destroyed shop, all crestfallen. But Willy was the worst shape; tearing up as his dreams were burned to ashes.
"How could this have happened?" Piper asked, looking around.
"I'll tell you all what happened."
Everyone turned to see Yin, standing in the open doorway, hands clenched into fists and a scowl on his face.
"It was the Chocolate Cartel. They did this! It's not much of a surprise, but I know it was them." Yin said with confidence.
The group knew he could be right.
"It's okay, Willy. We can start again, we can rebuild." Noodle reassured the heartbroken chocolatier.
"There's no point, Noodle. It didn't work." Willy whispered.
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"She promised she would be here. She wasn't."
"Wait, you didn't really think..." Noodle paused.
"No, I did. Just a stupid dream."
Yin jogged over to Willy and kneeled in front of him. "No! Don't say that, Willy. Don't you ever say that!" He said, his voice wobbly as he held back tears.
Willy didn't reply. He just looked at him. The look on Willy's face broke Yin's heart. He has never seen him so defeated. So heartbroken. So sad. He wanted to hold him and reassure him that everything would work out.
Yin felt a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, Yin. I think Mr. Wonka needs to be alone." Abucus told him gently.
Everyone else was leaving the shop. Noodle lingered for a moment, looking at the pair before leaving.
Yin took Willy's hands in his, squeezing them as he stood up slowly. He looked at him before leaning forward and pressing his forehead against his.
"I'm sorry. I am so sorry, Willy." He whispered, his voice still a little wobbly as he held back his emotions for Willy's sake.
He pressed a kiss onto the magician's forehead. Then, he pressed soft kisses on the corners of his eyes, then his cheeks, and finally, he pecked his lips.
For that brief moment, Willy responded, kissing back faintly before Yin pulled away.
Yin walked to the door, paused, and looked back at Willy. He looked down before he continued walking, leaving Willy alone.
(Time skip)
Yin was back in Noodle's room, having snuck into the wash house through the back door. He was pacing back and forth.
The others were presumably working; now that their hopes have been crushed.
But Yin wasn't about to give up. For an hour, he thought about what had transpired.
"I know that the cartel is behind this somehow. But they didn't do this themselves. They don't want to get their hands dirty. So, they must've paid someone. It can't be the Chief of Police since legally, he couldn't touch them. So who-"
The realization hit Yin like a brick.
"Scrubbit and Bleacher. Slugworth must've found out about what we were doing and paid those two to tamper with the chocolate to ruin Wonka's opening."
Yin growled in anger. He needed to tell Wonka about this now. He left Noodle's room and knocked on Willy's door.
"Willy. It's Yin. I need to tell you something important!"
There was no answer.
Yin knocked again. Still no reply. He decided to go in. He turned the doorknob, seeing it was unlocked.
When he opened the door all the way, he saw that the room was almost empty. None of Willy's stuff was here anymore. All thar was left of Willy's was the sheets of paper on the wall, with letters on them. Yin feared the worst. He needed to find him.
Without hesitation, Yin ran to the stairs that led into the lobby. As he did, he heard Scrubbit and Bleacher talking. He heard then talking about how Willy left the wash house to go to the dock. He was leaving town forever.
Yin couldn't believe it. He held back tears as sadness welled up inside him. But that sadness quickly turned into anger.
He stomped down the stairs. "You wrenched, heartless old hag! This was all your doing!" He exclaimed.
Scrubbit and Bleacher were shocked at the angry yell of a person they didn't know.
"Who are you?! How dare you call me such a thing!" Scrubbit yelled.
"Oh, spare me! The name is fitting for you! Now listen up, you pigs! I have some things to say to you!"
Yin's anger was at a boiling point. "You two are selfish, manipulative little trolls who pick on the needy to satisfy your sad, lonely lives! You are horrible people who force people into work and cruelly punish them if they don't comply. You two disgust me! Not to mention, you took advantage of an innocent man who couldn't even read your ridiculous contract! Despicable!!"
Scrubbit and Bleacher were taken aback by Yin's insults. But he wasn't done.
"Mark my words, I will expose your wrongdoings and make sure my friends, the people I see as my family, can go back to their happy lives while you two rot in jail for the rest of your miserable days!"
"You little brat!" Scrubbit went over to strike the boy with her hand, but he dodged and kicked Bleacher in his shin, causing the man to groan.
Yin pulled the doors open and ran out of the wash house. He didn't stop. He wasn't going to. He was going to bring Willy back, no matter what.
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pamithebunterfly2007 · 2 months
Zikusuki’s spiked treat (request for @expandismgold)
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Lux’s older sister, Zikusuki was cooking up something good, she was busy making blueberry shortcakes just to give it to random people, but there is something spike in those shortcakes, Zikusuki loves using this special trick of her own sleeve, making those blueberry shortcakes was hard for her because she has to add one special ingredient to the concoction, A Potion of blueberrification, she secretly puts it there just for the unaware person to eat it, and swell up into a big blue ball, or known as a blueberry. And this is the time where she is going to give it to someone very special, The Warden of Superjail, A cheerful individual that almost look like a replica of The Mad Hatter and Willy Wonka who runs a large prison under a volcano. (Seems a tad bit dangerous am I right?!) After finishing the spiked blueberry shortcakes. Her next stop is to give them to the Warden. Somewhere at a park, she decided to leave the shortcake on the sunny dirt path and hide beneath a bush, although bothered by the bushes twigs pricking her, she didn’t mind, and thus she waited until she see a pair of purple pants along with black shoes. “This is finally it” she thought with glee. “Oh my god, Must record the moment ASAP” as she grab her phone to secretly record the moment she’s has been waiting for, while The Warden is inspecting this odd looking shortcake, He took a bit at it, and it was scrumptious, So by then he ate the entire blueberry shortcake, he wished he wanted more of these, and it sure taste like heaven. Little did he not know that he is staring to turn into a rich blue color that is spreading around his entire body, and all of a sudden, he feels sort of strange as if he drank 10 gallons of blueberry juice. “I don’t feel so good, also why am I blue, What on Earth is happening to me?!” The Warden exclaimed in fear as he watch in horror as his belly budges out, as so those his butt, arms, legs, and cheeks filled to the brim with juice and rounded out into a big blueberry man. “Well Well Well, You’ve been hoodwinked my dearie, I add a special little poison to that shortcake you ate you blue bloated scumbag” teased Zikusuki in a playful manner, I have no clue what I’m going to do with you, I can roll you around or maybe hug you so tight to hear the juices slosh inside of you, and sorry hun, I hate to say it but your mostly going to be like that forever.” THE END. (Sorry if it looks rushed)
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firedragon1321 · 6 months
So here's a dumb writing thing.
I was thinking about Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and because writing is on 24/7 in my brain, I wondered who or what the antagonist is in the second half. The answer is really dumb.
Readmored for length, and because this is normally a weeb blog.
Note that the "antagonist"of a story is not the "villain". The antagonist is simply who or whatever is preventing the protagonist from achieving their goal. It can be a person, thing, or concept. Sometimes the protagonist's identity is difficult to spot too. But here it's pretty obviously Charlie.
I'm using the 1973 movie adaptation for this because it's the only one that actually answers this question.
The first half's antagonist is pretty clear. Charlie wants a golden ticket. The only way to get one is to buy a ridiculous amount of Wonka bars (or have someone else do it for you). Charlie's poverty is preventing him from buying chocolate bars. It is only through money randomly found in the gutter that he gets his chance. Therefore, the antagonist in the first half is Charlie's poverty.
Of course, that stops being an issue the instant Charlie gets the golden ticket. His goal now becomes something along the lines of "enjoy the factory tour", which is influenced by his poverty, but not threatened by it. So now who or what is the antagonist? Here's a list of people who aren't.
Slugworth- Slugworth is a threat to Wonka, but he's not the protagonist. He offers temptation to Charlie in the form of money. But this only addresses his initial antagonist (i e.- poverty). It initially seems he must return to poverty, so this is a good deal on paper. But the end of the film cancels this out.
The other four children- While they are in competition to win the factory, this isn't made clear to them or the audience until the very end of the film. Also, Charlie is not actively attempting to win the factory. You could argue they're his antagonists because he wants to enjoy the tour and they keep "interrupting". But this is shaky logic, as each individual "interruption" is a karmic punishment that has nothing to do with Charlie.
Wonka- You could argue he is the antagonist at the end of the film for a bit, as he keeps Charlie from his chocolate prize. But he isn't beforehand, and he isn't after Charlie surrenders the gobstopper.
Remember- antagonists do not have to be people. I also mentioned the only version that satisfactorily answers this question is the 1973 film adaptation. Not the book. Not Tim Burton's version. Why? Because there is a scene in that version only.
Fizzy lifting drinks.
The fizzy lifting drinks serve the same purpose as the temptations that lead to the elimination of the other kids. They exist to lure Charlie off the path (quite literally) and nearly lead him to a sticky end. Stealing them also directly leads to Wonka's antagonism at the film's conclusion.
Because the fizzy lifting drinks are in the same family as the infamous three course gum and the chocolate river, one has to wonder...
How much of the factory was an antagonist in disguise? If Charlie's goal was to enjoy the tour, all of the fates the other kids suffer would not be enjoyable. So triggering them himself would run counter to his goal. Not that the golden boy ever would. But just hypothetically. Does falling down a trash chute sound fun?
Assuming these fates were purposely planted traps (which with Wonka, who knows if they were), then- from Wonka's perspective- they exist to weed out children who shouldn't be allowed near his factory. The fizzy lifting drinks are just another trick in his arsenal. The only difference between them and the room full of golden geese is that they were Charlie's trial specifically. Even if Grandpa Joe had a hand in it, they were as narratively individualized as the television room for Mike Teevee.
As a counter argument, you could say the fizzy lifting drinks don't count because they show up partway through the tour. Or you could say Wonka really is the antagonist because he put them there. Counterpoints-
Wonka mentions the fizzy lifting drinks quite a few scenes before they show up, foreshadowing their importance
They have no other rival to harm/stop Charlie specifically except the boat ride, which is less a narrative antagonist and more the seventies being weird.
Wonka is playing the whole board. He's not going after Charlie specifically (assuming these are traps to begin with- he's so mad that it's impossible to know for certain). Also, his goal doesn't intersect with Charlie's, and no-one really knows what impact that goal will have on Charlie until the end.
Tl;dr- The fizzy lifting drinks are the primary antagonist of this film, and I will die on that hill.
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