#Wings of Valmar
knoproblem · 7 months
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Decided to go 180 out of my comfort zone to try and break outta this art block, so completely different style, human art, foreshortening, *and* fanart 😂
Did it work? Who knows, but I got to stare at my childhood video game crush’s butt for a few hours so I’d say that’s a win either way :3c
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gaungade · 2 years
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Millenia, the Wings of Valmar
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the-authoress-writes · 7 months
Wherever You Go
Tom “Iceman” Kazansky x Aviator!reader (Callsign: Thorn)
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Moodboard by @bradshawsbaby
Written for @roosterforme’s Top Gun Rocktober Playlist Fic Challenge
Synopsis: Tom Kazansky made a mistake.
Or rather, a series of mistakes.
He chose to take the assignment as an instructor at TOPGUN.
He fell in love with one of his students.
He broke her heart.
He chose to leave TOPGUN, and redeploy.
Now, he was stuck onboard the USS Nimitz with the woman whose heart he broke, with no way out.
Unbelievably, that’s not the problem.
Problem is, he still loves her.
Series Warnings: Teacher/Student relationship (but you already knew that) with no real age gap, warnings will be updated as the series progresses.
Warnings: Here be some cursing, because they are men in the Navy—they will curse.
Other than that, nothing really.
Author’s Note: “It’s only going to be a oneshot.”
Every author knows that those are the famous last words, and that is no truer than with this story.
I really, really thought I could make this into a oneshot but then I gave up on that.
Because I am so in love with this storyline, that it deserves space to breathe.
So this one shot is now going to be at most (hopefully), a six-part series.
Darn it, Val, what have you done to me?
Thank you so, so very much to @roosterforme for hosting the Top Gun Rocktober Fic Challenge, and for allowing me to use one of my favorite 80s rock ballads, “The Flame” by Cheap Trick.
Lyrics from the song will be peppered in throughout this series, because it’s too good not to, and the song is the reason this story exists, as it is what birthed the plotline.
Another thank you goes to the incredible @bradshawsbaby for making the stunning moodboard for this fic, which was beyond my wildest dreams!
Special thanks also to @valmare, the fact that I am writing Tom Kazansky x reader! fic is all your fault; but thank you so much for dragging me down with you, it’s been an absolute joy!
Not much plot happens in this prologue, but I think it’s important to set up the narrative.
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Ice cold, no mistakes.
That’s what everyone said about him, and he knew it.
He’d be lying to himself if he said that some part of him didn’t enjoy it, that reputation for perfection.
But now, as Tom watched her doing preflight for her CAP in the shadows of his little nook in the superstructure of the Nimitz, he knew that he was staring at the biggest mistake of his life.
He watched her hands lovingly run across the airframe of her F-14, and he inhaled sharply in remembrance.
He’d only been able to feel her touch him like that once, but it was more than enough to burn it into his memory forever.
As he watched, the large form of her RIO, LTJG Emmett “Romeo” Kinford, came up behind her, slapping her on the shoulder, which elicited a bright smile from her.
It tugged at his heart, to see her smile, even though it wasn’t the same smile she used to smile at him.
What he wouldn’t give to have her smile at him again.
She was the first woman he’d ever really loved, and he knew she’d be the last.
But he’d broken her heart two months ago.
It tore him apart to have to do that, but he had no choice—not if he wanted her to keep her wings, much less her title as Top Gun of TOPGUN Class 1, 1987.
And he knew she belonged in the sky, so he made the bitter choice, and he suffered for it—they both did.
He was still suffering.
It was why he’d chosen to redeploy, even though he loved teaching at TOPGUN, could easily have seen himself doing it for at least another few years, because he couldn’t stand to stay at Miramar, where he had so many memories of her, about her, with her.
He hadn’t missed the half-pitying, half-understanding look Viper had given him as he turned in his transfer papers—the now-Captain had always been intuitive.
“You’re a damn good instructor, Kazansky, we’ll be sad to see you go.”
“I’m sad to go, sir, but I… feel that I need to do this.”
A nod.
“Alright, son.
I’ll turn these in.
You and Kerner should get your new orders in two weeks.”
Within a week, he and Slider were deployed on the Nimitz.
One week after that, VF-1 chopped in, Mav and Merlin included.
“What the hell are you doing here, Mav?” Tom grinned, smiling for what felt like the first time in weeks as he hugged his wingman while Slider did the same for their former Academy classmate.
“I quit teaching.”
“What?!” Tom and Slider exclaimed, while Merlin sighed longsufferingly, shaking his head.
“You loved teaching!” Tom continued.
The dark-haired aviator shrugged. “It was boring without you there—no one else gave me a run for my money.”
“Sounds an awful lot like you’re admitting that I’m the better pilot, Mav.”
“In your dreams,” Mav scoffed. “But again, I will admit it was boring without you there.”
Tom smirked. “Love you too, Mav.”
“Fuck you, Kazansky,” his wingman retorted with a grin.
“No thanks, not in the mood,” Tom deadpanned.
Mav guffawed, making Tom’s deadpan melt into another grin, before the other pilot threw one arm around his shoulder, the other around Merlin’s upper back (as that was as high as it would go without effort, given the RIO’s borderline absurd height of 6’ 5”). “The Layton Boys are back!”
Slider interjected, “Technically, we’re missing Wood and Wolf.”
Mav rolled his eyes, “Okay, most of the Layton Boys are back—better, Ronald?”
Tom sighed, preparing for the bitchfest he knew was coming—he’d learned at Annapolis how much Slider hated his full first name.
(That wasn’t even mentioning the absolute hissyfit that would occur if the middle name was whipped out: Evelyn.)
(It was his great-grandfather’s name.)
“Yeah, Peter,” Slider retorted.
Okay—nothing was going to stop this now, to paraphrase the song—Mav was just as bad; Goose was the only one who could call him “Peter” and get away with it.
An all-too familiar pissy look came over Mav’s face. “Dickhead.”
“Petey Pocket.”
That was new—he and Merlin held their breath to see what would happen next.
Mav stared.
Slider stared right back.
A black-haired blur rushed forward, and Slider took off running, the flight deck now thankfully free of planes, the next CAP not starting preflight for another hour.
“Should we stop them?” Tom asked Merlin, as they watched the other pilot and RIO run across the Nimitz, a faint “Come back here, asshole!” carrying on the sea wind.
“If it’s all the same to you, I say let them go; you don’t know how wound up Mav’s been.”
He chuckled. “Fair enough—Sli could use the exercise.”
Eventually, Slider finally slipped up, and half-tripped on a padeye, allowing the smaller man to tackle him, the chase devolving into a wrestling match, which further devolved into what could only be described as a third grade slap-fight, before it finally ended with both men on their backs, heaving breaths into their lungs.
Tom and Merlin looked at each other, and in unspoken agreement, headed over to their RIO and pilot.
“Missed you too, Shortstack,” he heard Slider mutter, once he and Merlin came close enough.
“Didn’t say anything.”
“I know.”
“You done, you little gremlin?” Merlin asked, a wry expression on his face.
Mav glanced warningly at Slider, who silently raised his hands in surrender. “Yeah, we’re done.”
“Alrighty,” Merlin sighed, offering his pilot a hand up, Tom doing the same for his RIO.
Once both of them were hauled off of the flight deck, the aviators/infants stared at each other once more, and Tom was just about to pinch the bridge of his nose in exasperation, when Slider extended his hand. “Truce?”
Mav considered the extended hand for a beat, before slapping his hand into the other man’s. “Truce.”
Slider grinned, and used their clasped hands to pull the diminutive pilot into a hug. “It’s good to see you, Mav.”
A sigh. “You too, Sli.”
They finally made their way below deck, Mav and Merlin dashing off to report to the Air Boss, before they met again in the Officer’s Mess, the quartet eating dinner leisurely, as none of them had a CAP until tomorrow.
To their surprise, Tom and Slider found out that Mav and Merlin would be sharing their berthing, and Tom couldn’t help but wonder at the Hand of God making such happy coincidences occur (or perhaps the hand of a certain TOPGUN instructor).
The four of them easily settled into the layout they had set up on the Enterprise; who would take which bunk or locker, which segued into the boisterous exchange of stories between them.
In the midst of the familiar camaraderie, Tom could almost forget the ever-present gaping hole in his heart, ignore the pain which always threatened to swallow him whole when he was alone.
But bedtime soon came upon them, which drew the exchange of stories to a close, and had them all lying in their respective bunks, and soon, Merlin’s deep breaths could be heard, indicating the man was asleep.
Mav was, as usual, dead silent, which always made him unsure if his wingman was actually asleep.
And he’d tried to see if there were any auditory tells in the other pilot’s sleep, but there were none.
Maybe eventually, he would figure something out to give away a sleeping Mav, but hopefully, he was asleep.
Slider, however, was pitifully attempting to convey sleep, his deep breaths a little too measured, Tom knowing all too well how the man breathed when he was actually asleep.
Ron, loyal brother that he was, wanted to make sure Tom was asleep before allowing himself to drift off.
So he allowed his breathing to slow, gradually adding the slight rasp in his breath that he knew Slider was listening for.
The last week of being back in a berthing with Slider had been a testament to his acting skills, not having had to hide how he was sleeping (or not, rather) from the other man since the Academy.
Eventually, his RIO succumbed to the siren call of sleep, and Tom settled in for another cold night, in more ways than one.
He blinked up at the ceiling, seconds passing like sand through an hourglass, and though he could feel fatigue pressing in on him, he couldn’t fall asleep, despite all the techniques the Navy had taught him, his restlessness punctuated by the sound of the launch and recovery of two night CAPs.
But eventually, between one blink and the next, Tom woke up to the alarm clock going off.
Realistically, he knew he slept, but it really didn’t feel like it, he felt just as tired and weary as he always did.
He dragged himself out of his bunk, swiftly silencing the clock, as the Slider-shaped mass of blankets began to stir.
“Ugh—I hate mornings,” his RIO moaned.
“Shouldn’t have joined the Navy then, Sli,” Merlin cheerily fired back, feet thudding onto the berthing’s floor from the top bunk.
“Yeah, what the hell were you thinking, Kerner?” Mav grinned, already in the act of making his bunk.
“Why, oh why, God, did I have to be cursed with morning people,” Slider declared, finally throwing off his blanket.
“You love us, Ron,” Tom smirked, unable to help himself, the affectionate snark coming easy to him amidst his brothers, despite his exhaustion.
“Ehh—ask me again after I’ve had a coffee.
Or a dozen.”
The berthing rang with laughter, and as the day progressed, it confirmed to Tom that he’d made the right choice to redeploy, the brotherhood they had, the self-proclaimed “Layton Boys”, being exactly what he needed to nurse his broken heart.
Their CAP was uneventful, being flown with Mav and Merlin, the guard frequency filled with their light-hearted teasing and conversation, and they had to be the cheeriest four men on deployment in the Navy’s history.
But inevitably, another night slowly closed in, leaving Tom alone with his thoughts, his loneliness and pain threatening to overwhelm him as usual, and all the façades in the world couldn’t do a damn thing against thoughts and feelings from your own mind and soul.
The call was, as they said, coming from inside the house.
He felt like he was going crazy; he was losing sleep, he knew he was in too far, in way too deep over her, and he wasn’t sure when he would ever stop feeling like the world had fallen out from under him.
As he fought the urge to toss and sigh for the umpteenth time, he heard a soft “Can’t sleep?” from across the berthing.
Tom fought the urge to sit bolt upright, which was a good thing, as it kept him from banging his head on the top of his bunk.
When he caught his breath and calmed his heart some, he whispered, “Mav?”
“That’s me.”
“What are you doing up?” Tom hissed.
“Pot, kettle.”
“I—sometimes people can’t sleep, Mav.”
You couldn’t sleep last night either.”
“How do you know that?”
Mav kept silent.
“I knew you had to be awake,” Tom scoffed.
“Yeah, well.”
Here, Merlin stirred, turning in the bunk above Mav, which caused Slider to also stir and the two pilots held their breath, waiting for their respective RIOs to still.
When they did, Mav crept out of his bunk, grabbing something out from under his mattress, before leaning over Tom. “Come on—if we’re going to be awake, might as well be awake together.”
Tom sighed, nodding.
Maybe if he got up, he’d have some hope of feeling sleepy, and he’d be able to get some sleep.
Mav led him to the unoccupied half of the berthing, on the other side of the lockers, and plopped himself down on the floor between the empty bunks.
Tom took that as invitation to sit next to his wingman, and he leaned his head against the mattress behind him.
A soft noise which he belatedly recognized as the sound of a zip bag opening had him looking down.
Despite the darkness, his eyes had long since adjusted enough to see Mav holding out what appeared to be a cookie of some sort—chocolate chip, if his nose didn’t deceive him.
“Carole made these fresh before I shipped out.
Have some.”
“Thanks, Mav.”
“No problem,” the other pilot murmured, mouth already full.
Tom bit into the cookie, just the right amount of chewy and sweet, with the perfect amount of chocolate chips.
He must’ve made some sort of sound, because Mav chuckled. “Good, huh?”
“Don’t interrupt me, I’m enjoying my cookie.”
“I keep telling Care she can sell these suckers—heaven in a cookie, am I right?”
For the next few minutes, neither said anything, and no noise was heard save the sound of plastic rustling, cookies being eaten, and the distant sounds indicating deep sleep from their RIOs.
But then.
“You’re thinking about her, aren’t you?
That’s why you can’t sleep.”
Missile lock—tone.
“How’d you know?”
“Doesn’t take a genius, Ice, even if I am one.”
Tom scoffed, lightly bumping Mav’s shoulder, even though he knew his wingman wasn’t being hyperbolic—the younger pilot had a Master’s in Aerospace Engineering.
Mav good-naturedly took the bump, bumping right back.
When they had settled again, Tom whispered, “Can you blame me?”
“No, I don’t.
But you had no choice, Ice, Jester made that clear.
You were between the proverbial rock and hard place.”
“I loved her, Mav—I still love her.
And she loved me too.
And I broke her heart.
I can’t just… forget that,” he frustratedly said, running a hand through his hair.
“I’m not asking you to,” came the even reply. “All I’m asking is that you admit it.
It’s not good for you to keep this all in, you know?
Isn’t that what you told me before?”
“Yeah, it is,” Tom sighed—he felt like he’d been doing a lot of that lately.
“Have you told Sli?”
“Kind of,” he muttered.
Mav hissed, “What does ‘Kind of’ mean?”
“He… he knows that I was in a relationship that ended badly while I was at Miramar, but he doesn’t know that—” despite the fact that the two of them were the only ones awake in the berthing, he whispered, “that she was my student.”
Tom didn’t know it was possible to hear a shocked expression. “Way to bury the lede, Ice.”
“Tell me something I don’t know.
I just—I didn’t want to talk about it.”
“So you stonewalled your RIO?”Disbelief dripped from the sentence.
“I…” Tom vaguely gestured, “gently led him around the full truth.”
“You fucking Obi-Wan Kenobi-ed him.”
He sent the other man a glare even if he wasn’t sure Mav could see it. “You’re the worst therapist ever, you know that?”
“I’m a naval aviator and an engineer, Ice, forgive the slight fumbling.”
“‘Slight’?” Tom scoffed humorously, and in the darkness, he could see an ebony-haired head shake.
There was a joke that a more uncharitable person could have made about engineering in regards to him, but he and Mav were long past that, and he was grateful, something he never would have said before.
“You should tell him, you should have someone other than me who understands, who knows what you went through, Ice.”
Tom could see the point.
And it would feel better, he had to admit, even if it would trigger Slider’s mother hen instincts to the max, even more than they were right now.
“I’ll think about it.
And don’t think I forgot that you were just as sleepless as I was.”
“This about you, not me.”
“Uh-huh, sure—for now, you little shit.
Now hand over another cookie, will you, Mav?”
“The things I do for you.”
The plastic rustled again, and a cookie was placed in his hand.
And as he ate Carole’s heavenly consolation in a cookie, Tom reflected on just how he’d ended up in this position.
To be continued…
Next Part
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CAP: Combat Air Patrol
Women were not allowed to participate in combat units and fly combat missions until 1993, so a healthy suspension of disbelief is required to read this story, 😂…
The USS Nimitz (CVN-68) is the lead ship of her namesake class; commissioned in May 1975, she is the oldest US Navy aircraft carrier in service, and the oldest serving aircraft carrier in the world.
If you look at the nametags they’re all wearing in TG86, the second row says “TOPGUN 1”, so I’m assuming that there’s more than one TOPGUN session a year, at least in the TG/TG:M universe.
VF-1, a now inactive squadron based out of NAS Miramar, is the squadron that Mav and Goose belonged to before they went to TOPGUN, although it must be noted that, like most of the squadron patch designs in Top Gun, the patch design as seen on Mav and Goose’s flight suits, is incorrect and not matching the squadron designation.
I am assuming, though I have no confirmation, that Merlin was also part of Tom and Slider’s USNA class.
The “Petey Pocket” insult is a reference to the toy Polly Pocket, which is a toy from the late 80s, notable for its tiny size, which is being sold again by Mattel.
However, the toys did not come out until 1989, and they did not come out until much later than that in the States, and despite my best efforts to find a more period-accurate insult/comparison, the insult was too good not to put, so again, healthy suspension of disbelief.
“Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now” by Starship, from the 1987 film Mannequin, is the song Tom references.
A padeye is used to secure aircraft to the flight deck.
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league-of-blorbos · 5 months
My Theories for what each Darkin was as an Ascended
(to preserve my sanity, i'm only gonna talk about the main 5 darkin, which are all the darkin champions and xolaani, and i'll put them in order starting with the one with the most supporting evidence and the going down to the ones that i purely made up)
Xolaani: Bird
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We already know this one, we can see her statue in The Call cinematic and you can see feathers on her chest and a bird-like head shape. We can't tell what exact kind of bird she was, but she was definitely avian.
Aatrox: Angel
First off, it's never said that Ascended have to be based on animals. Every fan interpretation I see of Valeeva, a Darkin described in Twilight of the Gods, looks like a humanoid with venomous spines, so Ascended beings could theoretically also be humanoids with extra apendages (like Valeeva's spines or Aatrox's wings) but are just more commonly animals.
Second, we know Aatrox is trying to morph his vessel into looking as close to his former appearance as possible and it's implied he envies Kayle since she resembles himself as an Ascended. Kayle is an angelic human with wings, plus I feel Aatrox would try to reform himself with animal traits if he had them, but instead he looks, again, like a human with wings. Also there's the metaphors with Darkin being fallen gods, and the Darkin (mostly Aatrox and Rhaast) looking like demons, and that fits the trope of the fallen angel, you get the point, Aatrox is basically meant to be Satan so it works for him to be a corrupted angel.
Rhaast: Goat
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This is one I've seen a few other people headcanon, and it comes from one of Kayn's taunts as the Shadow Assassin where he calls the enemy a "two-legged goat" which is so oddly specific and I can't find anything it could be referencing, so the theory is he's taunting his opponent by comparing them to Rhaast, who as SA, Kayn has already defeated. I would also like to mention that Kayn's baggy pants paired with Rhaast's hooved feet and horns give him a satyr-like silhouette.
On the more symbolic side, goats are often associated with the devil (again, Darkin are based off demons) and to death and the occult in a similar way a scythe is despite both being common things found on a farm; they both seem innocent until put in the right contexts, which is perfectly ironic for a violent being like Rhaast.
Varus: Lizard
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In his short comic, we see a vague fanged head that wasn't shown when just Kai and Valmar walked these same stairs, so some theorized that this is what Varus looked like before being trapped. To me, the head looks most like it's reptilian. He could also be a snake or even a dragon, but in Runeterra we already have a snake Ascended with Naganeka and a humanoid dragon with Shyvana so I went with a lizard since it felt the most unique.
Naafiri: Feline
I remember seeing some people guess she used to be a cat when one of her teasers said that her becoming a hound was "ironic", and felines are seen as the opposite of canines. That's pretty much where the evidence ends, I'm just going based off vibes that maybe she was a big cat like a panther or a tiger.
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camille-lachenille · 5 months
Findis headcanons
Looks like a female version of Finwë
Tallest of her siblings (Fëanor non withstanding), she’s nearly as tall as Finwë
Semi verbal, she mostly uses ósanwë to communicate with her family and friends
She’s a very good painter and specialised in Vanyarin illuminated manuscrits. She can paint an incredibly detailed and lifelike scene in a centimetre square.
Likes dancing but only with her father as a partner. Never dances again after the Darkening.
Findis is the only one of her siblings to actually go along with Fëanor, even as an adult. He understands her in a way the others can’t bc he’s autistic too.
Arospec and Pan
Best friend with her mother
She has a service cat called Yaulë (cat in Quenya) for when she has meltdowns or shutdowns. It’s the cat equivalent of Huan in terms of intelligence (and size).
Wears lots of white and light colours, especially pink
She really like all her sisters-in-law and niblings but struggles to express her feelings so she comes out as stiff and formal. The ones she connects the best with are Caranthir and Turgon.
Married to Elemmírë (gender is up to the reader), they live in a cottage just outside of Valmar
Has depressive episodes and generalised anxiety after Finwë’s death and the departure of her family.
She’s very good at chess and plays a lot with Indis
As a small child, she once plucked feathers from Eonwë’s wings during a formal reception. The Herald never held another child in his arms after that and Finds still keeps the feathers in her treasure box as a trophy of her greatest deed.
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polutrope · 2 years
for the character asks, Melian!
You and @undercat-overdog both sent me this one! And it's a good one. A complicated character I've thought a lot about and still don't feel much closer to understanding.
Sexuality Headcanon: idk, pansexual I guess? she does not understand this question.
Gender Headcanon: Ainu (Generally fem-presenting. Sometimes tree-presenting, bird-presenting, etc.)
A ship: Not to be boring, but Thingol. It's a fascinating relationship to explore - just, WHY? I interpret their relationship as ultimately very tragic. I believe she had good intentions and did really love him, in her eldritch way, and it just goes so badly.
A BROTP A Gen relationship: Daeron. [put this explanation under a cut because it got a bit long - how shocking]
A NOTP A rarepairing: Eöl. I have this one cracky theory that she met Eöl before she met Thingol and it didn't work out. An unrequited situation would be interesting here also.
A random headcanon: I think she feels a lot of guilt for her unique 'intervention' in the affairs of the Children largely failing. Also I think the starry ceiling of Menelrond changes based on what's going on in her mind.
General Opinion: I find her the most sympathetic of the Ainur, whom I tend to side-eye quite intensely. [Also putting the rest of this below the cut].
A BROTP A Gen relationship: Daeron. Because:
... there were none more beautiful than Melian, nor more wise, nor more skilled in songs of enchantment. It is told that the Valar would leave their works, and the birds of Valinor their mirth, that the bells of Valmar were silent and the fountains ceased to flow, when at the mingling of the lights Melian sang in Lorien. (Of Thingol and Melian)
and although [the Sindar] were Moriquendi, under the lordship of Thingol and the teaching of Melian they became the fairest and the most wise and skilful of all the Elves of Middle-earth. (Of the Sindar)
[Daeron] it was that made music for the dance and song of Luthien, before Beren came to Doriath; and he had loved her, and set all his thought of her in his music. He became the greatest of all the minstrels of the Elves east of the Sea, named even before Maglor son of Feanor. (Of Beren and Luthien)
I know the implication of the last is that Daeron became great because of his love for Lúthien (I want to talk about this so bad right now but focus!) but I think it's no coincidence that the greatest elf minstrel ever had the goddess of song for a queen.
I have written their relationship as a complicated mentor-student type of thing with a maternal figure flavouring. My hc is that he's a bit of a prodigy from birth but Melian picks him out when she first shows up with Thingol. She takes him under her wing and turns him into a supercharged Song-wielder. More supercharged, perhaps, than a poor Child of Eru can handle. Oops?
General Opinion: I love how she interacts with the Children in a totally unique and intimate way; I love that she messes up; I love that she is the only Ainu to procreate (excluding Ungoliant maybe) and the tragedy of a being older than Arda, who will exist beyond Arda, losing her child; I love that she holds it down in Beleriand, defying Morgoth's power, through the whole First Age while all the other Ainur are, at best, sending dreams on streams and, at worst, binge-watching the Doom of the Noldor from on high.
Oh! And I love the stuff in NoMe about her being the leader of the guardians sent to Cuiviénen - the others being the Maiar who would later be the Istari (!!). I think it says a lot about how Tolkien saw her character that he gives her that role. Melian and Olórin would be another amazing relationship to explore.
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demonscantgothere · 1 year
10 Lines Tagging Game
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway ❤️
1. The cell was cold and damp, even for an Elf, lit only with the soft glow of dying torches lined across the walls beyond the bars that trapped her within a familiar place of confinement she had found herself in a very long time ago, so long ago it seemed almost a life age had past since then. || Litost, Saurondriel. Rated E.
2. The streets of Valmar were flooded with bodies robed in pink, red, lavender, and white. || Queen of Love and Beauty, Saurondriel / Martanis. Rated G.
3. The invitation was a simple cream envelope with a wax seal. || À Côté de la Plaque, Saurondriel. Rated E.
4. When the light of Telperion and Laurelin faltered there on the edge of the evening sky, flickering like two flames caught within the surge of a wind in the eye of a tempest, Mairon cast his gaze toward it. || Dark, Dark My Light, and Darker My Desire. Saurondriel / Martanis. Rated E (Archive Warnings Apply).
5. As they drew closer to the fortress across the barren, rocky plains, Galadriel sensed the uneasiness in her horse. || Beasts of the Hill and Serpents of the Den, Saurondriel. Rated E.
6. The forge was meant to be empty today. || Heart of Gold, Saurondriel. Rated E.
7. His thumb traced along the edge of her lips; they were soft and plump. || Bite Hard, Lest Remembrance Come After, Saurondriel. Rated E.
8. The beast’s wings beat against the storm brewing in the dark sky, clouds parting for him like a current in the sea to lead the way. || Daughter of Death, Saurondriel/ASOIAF crossover. Rated M (Archive Warnings Apply).
9. Despite her brother’s kind words, her boat was still ruined. || Though the Gods and the Years Relent, Shall Be, Saurondriel / Martanis. Rated E.
10. “Hello,” rang out a voice, high and clear, and Artanis looked up from where she sat on the grass beside the river, squinting against the bright rays of sunlight. || Twain Halves of a Perfect Heart, Made Fast, Saurondriel / Martanis. Rated G.
Tagged by @rebelrebelwrites, but I'm not tagging anybody, so there's no pressure. Do it if you want, and share your work with us! ❤️
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 4.18
Adult Autism Awareness Day
Anal Sex Day (Jim Jeffries)
Army Day (Iran)
Banyan Tree Birthday Party (Maui, Hawaii)
Celebrate Ben Solo Day
Coma Patients’ Day (Poland
Friend’s Day (Brazil)
I Love CSU Day (Colorado)
International Amateur Radio Day
International Day For Monuments and Sites (UNESCO)
International Erasure T-Shirt Day
International Juggler's Day
International No Declaw Day
Invention Day (Japan)
Laundromat Day
National Columnists’ Day
National Exercise Day
National Financial Advisor Day
National Lineman Appreciation Day
National Lydia Day
National Send Nudes Day
National Sleep Apnea Awareness Day
National Transfer Money to Your Daughter’s Account Day
National Transgender HIV Testing Day
National Velociraptor Awareness Day
Newspaper Columnists' Day
Paul Revere Day
Pet Owners Independence Day
Piñata Day
Real People Day
Sleep Apnea Awareness Day
Smile Big and Say Hi For No Particular Reason Day
Superman Day
Tax Freedom Day
Third World Day
Ushibuka Haiya Matsuri (Dance Festival; Japan)
Victory Over the Teutonic Knights in the Battle of the Ice (Russia)
World Amateur Radio Day
World Artisan Day
World Heritage Day
World Trifle Day
Youth Homelessness Matters Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Animal Crackers Day
World Food Travel Day
3rd Tuesday in April
Transportation Tuesday [3rd Tuesday]
Independence Days
Earth’s Kingdom (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Pinang (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Zimbabwe (from UK, 1980)
Feast Days
Agapitus (Christian; Saint)
Agia (Christian; Saint)
Apollonius the Apologist (Christian; Saint)
Bun-Bun Brothers’ Day (Muppetism)
Carista: Day of Peace in the Family (Pagan)
Corebus (Christian; Saint)
Cyril VI of Constantinople (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Eleutherius and Antia (Christian; Saint)
Festival of Matsu (a.k.a. Mazu; Taoist Sea Goddess)
Galdino della Sala (a.k.a. Galdin; Christian; Saint)
Lady Macbeth Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Laserim, Bishop of Laighlin, Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Max Weber (Artology)
Molaise of Leighlin (Christian; Saint)
Nihilism Day (Pastafarian)
Perfectus (Christian; Saint)
Plato of Sakkoudion (Christian; Saint)
The Underlings (Muppetism)
Vitruvius (Positivist; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [18 of 37]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [15 of 30]
Absolute Beginners (Film; 1986)
Alice’s Circus Dance (Disney Cartoon; 1927)
Apes of Wrath (WB MM Cartoon; 1959)
Baggage Buster (Disney Cartoon; 1941)
Barnyard Olympics (Disney Cartoon; 1932)
Forgetting Sarah Marshall (Film; 2008)
Gorky Park, by Martin Cruz Smith (Novel; 1981)
Holes (Film; 2003)
Legend (Film; 1986)
Mare of Easttown (TV Series; 2021)
Muscle Tussle (WB MM Cartoon; 1953)
The Razor’s Edge, by W. Somerset Maugham (Novel; 1944)
The Simple Things (Disney Cartoon; 1953)
Straight Shooters (Disney Cartoon; 1947)
Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (WB Animated Film; 2017)
Three Little Wolves (Disney Cartoon; 1936)
Winged Migration (Documentary Film; 2003)
Today’s Name Days
Werner, Wigbert (Austria)
Viktor, Viktoriya (Bulgaria)
Atanazija, Eusebije, Hermogen, Roman (Croatia)
Valérie (Czech Republic)
Eleutherius (Denmark)
Valdek, Valdeko, Valdemar, Valdo, Valdu, Valdur, Valmar, Valmer, Voldemar, Volli, Volmer (Estonia)
Valdemar, Valto (Finland)
Parfait (France)
Werner, Wigbert (Germany)
Andrea, Ilma (Hungary)
Galdino (Italy)
Dana, Hildegarde, Jadviga, Laura, Nameisis (Latvia)
Apolonijus, Eitvilas, Girmantė, Undinė (Lithuania)
Eilen, Eilert (Norway)
Apoloniusz, Bogusław, Bogusława, Flawiusz, Gościsław (Poland)
Ioan (Romania)
Valér (Slovakia)
Perfecto (Spain)
Valdemar, Volmar (Sweden)
Anthea, Ayana, Ayanna, Warner, Werner (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 108 of 2024; 257 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 16 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 3 of 28]
Chinese: Second Month 2 (Gui-Mao), Day 28 (Bing-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 27 Nisan 5783
Islamic: 27 Ramadan 1444
J Cal: 17 Aqua; Threesday [17 of 30]
Julian: 5 April 2023
Moon: 3%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 24 Archimedes (4th Month) [Vitruvius]
Runic Half Month: Man (Human Being) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 30 of 90)
Zodiac: Aries (Day 29 of 30)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 4.18
Adult Autism Awareness Day
Anal Sex Day (Jim Jeffries)
Army Day (Iran)
Banyan Tree Birthday Party (Maui, Hawaii)
Celebrate Ben Solo Day
Coma Patients’ Day (Poland
Friend’s Day (Brazil)
I Love CSU Day (Colorado)
International Amateur Radio Day
International Day For Monuments and Sites (UNESCO)
International Erasure T-Shirt Day
International Juggler's Day
International No Declaw Day
Invention Day (Japan)
Laundromat Day
National Columnists’ Day
National Exercise Day
National Financial Advisor Day
National Lineman Appreciation Day
National Lydia Day
National Send Nudes Day
National Sleep Apnea Awareness Day
National Transfer Money to Your Daughter’s Account Day
National Transgender HIV Testing Day
National Velociraptor Awareness Day
Newspaper Columnists' Day
Paul Revere Day
Pet Owners Independence Day
Piñata Day
Real People Day
Sleep Apnea Awareness Day
Smile Big and Say Hi For No Particular Reason Day
Superman Day
Tax Freedom Day
Third World Day
Ushibuka Haiya Matsuri (Dance Festival; Japan)
Victory Over the Teutonic Knights in the Battle of the Ice (Russia)
World Amateur Radio Day
World Artisan Day
World Heritage Day
World Trifle Day
Youth Homelessness Matters Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Animal Crackers Day
World Food Travel Day
3rd Tuesday in April
Transportation Tuesday [3rd Tuesday]
Independence Days
Earth’s Kingdom (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Pinang (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Zimbabwe (from UK, 1980)
Feast Days
Agapitus (Christian; Saint)
Agia (Christian; Saint)
Apollonius the Apologist (Christian; Saint)
Bun-Bun Brothers’ Day (Muppetism)
Carista: Day of Peace in the Family (Pagan)
Corebus (Christian; Saint)
Cyril VI of Constantinople (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Eleutherius and Antia (Christian; Saint)
Festival of Matsu (a.k.a. Mazu; Taoist Sea Goddess)
Galdino della Sala (a.k.a. Galdin; Christian; Saint)
Lady Macbeth Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Laserim, Bishop of Laighlin, Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Max Weber (Artology)
Molaise of Leighlin (Christian; Saint)
Nihilism Day (Pastafarian)
Perfectus (Christian; Saint)
Plato of Sakkoudion (Christian; Saint)
The Underlings (Muppetism)
Vitruvius (Positivist; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [18 of 37]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [15 of 30]
Absolute Beginners (Film; 1986)
Alice’s Circus Dance (Disney Cartoon; 1927)
Apes of Wrath (WB MM Cartoon; 1959)
Baggage Buster (Disney Cartoon; 1941)
Barnyard Olympics (Disney Cartoon; 1932)
Forgetting Sarah Marshall (Film; 2008)
Gorky Park, by Martin Cruz Smith (Novel; 1981)
Holes (Film; 2003)
Legend (Film; 1986)
Mare of Easttown (TV Series; 2021)
Muscle Tussle (WB MM Cartoon; 1953)
The Razor’s Edge, by W. Somerset Maugham (Novel; 1944)
The Simple Things (Disney Cartoon; 1953)
Straight Shooters (Disney Cartoon; 1947)
Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (WB Animated Film; 2017)
Three Little Wolves (Disney Cartoon; 1936)
Winged Migration (Documentary Film; 2003)
Today’s Name Days
Werner, Wigbert (Austria)
Viktor, Viktoriya (Bulgaria)
Atanazija, Eusebije, Hermogen, Roman (Croatia)
Valérie (Czech Republic)
Eleutherius (Denmark)
Valdek, Valdeko, Valdemar, Valdo, Valdu, Valdur, Valmar, Valmer, Voldemar, Volli, Volmer (Estonia)
Valdemar, Valto (Finland)
Parfait (France)
Werner, Wigbert (Germany)
Andrea, Ilma (Hungary)
Galdino (Italy)
Dana, Hildegarde, Jadviga, Laura, Nameisis (Latvia)
Apolonijus, Eitvilas, Girmantė, Undinė (Lithuania)
Eilen, Eilert (Norway)
Apoloniusz, Bogusław, Bogusława, Flawiusz, Gościsław (Poland)
Ioan (Romania)
Valér (Slovakia)
Perfecto (Spain)
Valdemar, Volmar (Sweden)
Anthea, Ayana, Ayanna, Warner, Werner (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 108 of 2024; 257 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 16 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 3 of 28]
Chinese: Second Month 2 (Gui-Mao), Day 28 (Bing-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 27 Nisan 5783
Islamic: 27 Ramadan 1444
J Cal: 17 Aqua; Threesday [17 of 30]
Julian: 5 April 2023
Moon: 3%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 24 Archimedes (4th Month) [Vitruvius]
Runic Half Month: Man (Human Being) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 30 of 90)
Zodiac: Aries (Day 29 of 30)
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absynthe--minded · 3 years
Fëanor’s Appearances in HoME, Part 1: The Books of Lost Tales
This is a project I’m embarking on at the request of my Discord server, cataloguing every appearance Fëanor makes in the drafts of the Histories with a quote and a location in the text. I’m including mentions of his works if his name comes up, as well as his relationships with other people. This is probably going to be edited a lot, as I’m not perfect and I’m just one researcher, so if I miss something, let me know and I’ll add it in!
This is not intended to support or debunk any particular textual reading.
I was informed that a list of these quotes (particularly focusing on his ties to his family) would be helpful, and I’ve had some interest in posting it here. I am presenting exactly what the text says, drawing from searchable digitized ePub files. I’ll probably make a masterpost, but for now the tag to watch for is “#fëanorspotting”.
Below the cut for Length.
The Book of Lost Tales vol. 1:
V. The Coming of the Elves and the Making of Kôr:
“Then arose Fëanor of the Noldoli and fared to the Solosimpi and begged a great pearl, and he got moreover an urn full of the most luminous phosphor-light gathered of foam in dark places, and with these he came home, and he took all the other gems and did gather their glint by the light of white lamps and silver candles, and he took the sheen of pearls and the faint half-colours of opals, and he [?bathed] them in phosphorescence and the radiant dew of Silpion, and but a single tiny drop of the light of Laurelin did he let fall therein, and giving all those magic lights a body to dwell in of such perfect glass as he alone could make nor even Aulë compass, so great was the slender dexterity of the fingers of Fëanor, he made a jewel - and it shone of its own……… radiance in the uttermost dark; and he set it therein and sat a very long while and gazed at its beauty. Then he made two more, and had no more stuffs: and he fetched the others to behold his handiwork, and they were utterly amazed, and those jewels he called Silmarilli, or as we say the name in the speech of the Noldoli today Silubrilthin. Wherefore though the Solosimpi held ever that none of the gems of the Noldoli, not even that majestic shimmer of diamonds, overpassed their tender pearls, yet have all held who ever saw them that the Silmarils of Fëanor were the most beautiful jewels that ever shone or [?glowed].”
Commentary on V.:
“Features that remained are the generosity of the Noldor in the giving of their gems and the scattering of them on the shores (cf. The Silmarillion p. 61: ‘Many jewels the Noldor gave them [the Teleri], opals and diamonds and pale crystals, which they strewed upon the shores and scattered in the pools’); the pearls that the Teleri got from the sea (ibid.); the sapphires that the Noldor gave to Manwë (‘His sceptre was of sapphire, which the Noldor wrought for him’, ibid. p. 40); and, of course, Fëanor as the maker of the Silmarils—although, as will be seen in the next tale, Fëanor was not yet the son of Finwë (Nólemë).”
VI. The Theft of Melko and the Darkening of Valinor:
“The other Elves heeded these things not over much, and were at times sad and fearful at the lessened gladness of their kinsmen. Great mirth had Melko at this and wrought in patience biding his time, yet no nearer did he get to his end, for despite all his labours the glory of the Trees and the beauty of the gems and the memory of the dark ways from Palisor held back the Noldoli—and ever Nólemë spake against Melko, calming their restlessness and discontents. At length so great became [Nólemë’s] care that he took counsel with Fëanor, and even with Inwë and Ellu Melemno (who then led the Solosimpi), and took their rede that Manwë himself be told of the dark ways of Melko.”
“Now Melko knew that it was indeed war for ever between himself and all those other folk of Valinor, for he had slain the Noldoli—guests of the Valar—before the doors of their own homes. With his own hand indeed he slew Bruithwir father of Fëanor, and bursting into that rocky house that he defended laid hands upon those most glorious gems, even the Silmarils, shut in a casket of ivory. Now all that great treasury of gems he despoiled, and lading himself and all his companions to the utmost he seeks how he may escape.”
“At length that daytide of festival is over and the Gods are turned back towards Valmar, treading the white road from Kôr. The lights twinkle in the city of the Elves and peace dwells there, but the Noldoli fare over the plain to Sirnúmen sadly. Silpion is gleaming in that hour, and ere it wanes the first lament for the dead that was heard in Valinor rises from that rocky vale, for Fëanor laments the death of Bruithwir; and many of the Gnomes beside find that the spirits of their dead have winged their way to Vê. Then messengers ride hastily to Valmar bearing tidings of the deeds, and there they find Manwë, for he has not yet left that town for his abode upon Taniquetil. “Alas, O Manwë Súlimo,” they cry, “evil has pierced the Mountains of Valinor and fallen upon Sirnúmen of the Plain. There lies Bruithwir sire of Fëanor dead and many of the Noldoli beside, and all our treasury of gems and fair things and the loving travail of our hands and hearts through many years is stolen away. Whither O Manwë whose eyes see all things? Who has done this evil, for the Noldoli cry for vengeance, O most [?just] one!” 
“Therefore does Manwë bid them now, an they will, go back to Kôr, and, if they so desire, busy themselves in fashioning gems and fabrics anew, and all things of beauty and cost that they may need in their labour shall be given to them even more lavishly than before. But when Fëanor heard this saying, he said: “Yea, but who shall give us back the joyous heart without which works of loveliness and magic cannot be?—and Bruithwir is dead, and my heart also.” Many nonetheless went then back to Kôr, and some semblance of old joy is then restored, though for the lessened happiness of their hearts their labours do not bring forth gems of the old lustre and glory. But Fëanor dwelt in sorrow with a few folk in Sirnúmen, and though he sought day and night to do so he could in no wise make other jewels like to the Silmarils of old, that Melko snatched away; nor indeed has any craftsman ever done so since. At length does he abandon the attempt, sitting rather beside the tomb of Bruithwir, that is called the Mound of the First Sorrow, and is well named for all the woe that came from the death of him who was laid there. There brooded Fëanor bitter thoughts, till his brain grew dazed by the black vapours of his heart, and he arose and went to Kôr. There did he speak to the Gnomes, dwelling on their wrongs and sorrows and their minished wealth and glory—bidding them leave this prison-house and get them into the world. “As cowards have the Valar become; but the hearts of the Eldar are not weak, and we will see what is our own, and if we may not get it by stealth we will do so by violence. There shall be war between the Children of Ilúvatar and Ainu Melko. What if we perish in our quest? The dark halls of Vê be little worse than this bright prison….” And he prevailed thus upon some to go before Manwë with himself and demand that the Noldoli be suffered to leave Valinor in peace and set safely by the Gods upon the shores of the world whence they had of old been ferried.”
“To this [Manwë] added many words concerning Men and their nature and the things that would befall them, and the Noldoli were amazed, for they had not heard the Valar speak of Men, save very seldom; and had not then heeded overmuch, deeming these creatures weak and blind and clumsy and beset with death, nor in any ways likely to match the glory of the Eldalië. Now therefore, although Manwë had unburdened his heart in this way hoping that the Noldoli, seeing that he did not labour without a purpose or a reason, would grow calmer and more trustful of his love, rather were they astonished to discover that the Ainur made the thought of Men so great a matter, and Manwë’s words achieved the opposite of his wish; for Fëanor in his misery twisted them into an evil semblance, when standing again before the throng of Kôr he spake these words: “Lo, now do we know the reason of our transportation hither as it were cargoes of fair slaves! Now at length are we told to what end we are guarded here, robbed of our heritage in the world, ruling not the wide lands, lest perchance we yield them not to a race unborn. To these foresooth—a sad folk, beset with swift mortality, a race of burrowers in the dark, clumsy of hand, untuned to songs or musics, who shall dully labour at the soil with their rude tools, to these whom still he says are of Ilúvatar would Manwë Súlimo lordling of the Ainur give the world and all the wonders of its land, all its hidden substances—give it to these, that is our inheritance. Or what is this talk of the dangers of the world? A trick to deceive us; a mask of words! O all ye children of the Noldoli, whomso will no longer be house-thralls of the Gods however softly held, arise I bid ye and get you from Valinor, for now is the hour come and the world awaits.” In sooth it is a matter for great wonder, the subtle cunning of Melko—for in those wild words who shall say that there lurked not a sting of the minutest truth, nor fail to marvel seeing the very words of Melko pouring from Fëanor his foe, who knew not nor remembered whence was the fountain of these thoughts; yet perchance the [?outmost] origin of these sad things was before Melko himself, and such things must be—and the mystery of the jealousy of Elves and Men is an unsolved riddle, one of the sorrows at the world’s dim roots. Howso these deep things be, the fierce words of Fëanor got him instantly a mighty following, for a veil there seemed before the hearts of the Gnomes—and mayhap even this was not without the knowledge of Ilúvatar. Yet would Melko have been rejoiced to hear it, seeing his evil giving fruit beyond his hopes.”
VII. The Flight of the Noldoli:
“But Fëanor standing in the square about Inwë’s house in topmost Kôr will not be silenced, and cries out that all the Noldoli shall gather about him and hearken, and many thousands of them come to hear his words bearing slender torches, so that that place is filled with a lurid light such as has never before shone on those white walls. Now when they are gathered there and Fëanor sees that far the most of the company is of the kin of the Noldor1 he exhorts them to seize now this darkness and confusion and the weariness of the Gods to cast off the yoke—for thus demented he called the days of bliss in Valinor—and get them hence carrying with them what they might or listed. “If all your hearts be too faint to follow, behold I Fëanor go now alone into the wide and magic world to seek the gems that are my own, and perchance many great and strange adventures will there befall me more worthy of a child of Ilúvatar than a servant of the Gods.” Then is there a great rush of those who will follow him at once, and though wise Nólemë speaks against this rashness they will not hear him, and ever the tumult groweth wilder. Again Nólemë pleads that at least they send an embassy to Manwë to take due farewell and maybe get his goodwill and counsel for their journeying, but Fëanor persuades them to cast away even such moderate wisdom, saying that to do so were but to court refusal, and that Manwë would forbid them and prevent them: “What is Valinor to us,” say they, “now that its light is come to little—as lief and liever would we have the untrammeled world.” Now then they arm themselves as best they may—for nor Elves nor Gods in those days bethought themselves overmuch of weapons—and store of jewels they took and stuffs of raiment; but all their books of their lore they left behind, and indeed there was not much therein that the wise men among them could not match from memory. But Nólemë seeing that his counsel prevailed not would not be separated from his folk, and went with them and aided them in all their preparations. Then did they get them down the hill of Kôr lit by the flame of torches, and so faring in haste along the creek and the shores of that arm of the Shadowy Sea that encroached here upon the hills they found the seaward dwellings of the Solosimpi.”
“Behold, the counsel of Fëanor is that by no means can that host hope to win swiftly along the coast save by the aid of ships; “and these,” said he, “an the shore-elves will not give them, we must take”. Wherefore going down to the harbour they essayed to go upon those ships that there lay, but the Solosimpi said them nay, yet for the great host of the Gnome-folk they did not as yet resist; but a new wrath awoke there between Eldar and Eldar.”
Commentary on VII.:
“Of the treachery of the Fëanorians, sailing away in the ships and leaving the host of Fingolfin on the shores of Araman, there is of course in the old story no trace; but the blaming of Fëanor was already present (‘the Tents of Murmuring’, p. 168). It is a remarkable aspect of the earliest version of the mythology that while so much of the narrative structure was firm and was to endure, the later ‘genealogical’ structure had scarcely emerged. Turgon existed as the son of (Finwë) Nólemë, but there is no suggestion that Fëanor was close akin to the lord of the Noldoli, and the other princes, Fingolfin, Finarfin, Fingon, Felagund, do not appear at all, in any form, or by any name.”
VIII. The Tale of the Sun and Moon:
“Now these revealed to [Aulë] much store of crystals and delicate glasses that Fëanor and his sons had laid up in secret places in Sirnúmen”
X. Gilfanon’s Tale: The Travail of the Noldoli and the Coming of Mankind
“Now appears for the first time Maidros son of Fëanor (previously, in the tale of The Theft of Melko, the name was given to Fëanor’s grandfather, p. 146, 158). Maidros, guided by Ilkorins, led a host into the hills, either ‘to seek for the jewels’ (A), or ‘to search the dwellings of Melko’ (B—this should perhaps read ‘search for the dwellings of Melko’, the reading of C), but they were driven back with slaughter from the doors of Angamandi; and Maidros himself was taken alive, tortured—because he would not reveal the secret arts of the Noldoli in the making of jewels—and sent back to the Gnomes maimed. (In A, which still had Nólemë rather than Fëanor die in the Waters of Asgon, it was Fëanor himself who led the host against Melko, and it was Fëanor who was captured, tortured, and maimed.) Then the Seven Sons of Fëanor swore an oath of enmity for ever against any that should hold the Silmarils. (This is the first appearance of the Seven Sons, and of the Oath, though that Fëanor had sons is mentioned in the Tale of the Sun and Moon, p. 192.)”
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fuckingfinwions · 3 years
in the maedhros-becomes-king verse, what happens to maedhros's other brothers besides maglor & curufin? do they get kicked out of the palace entirely, or just arent royalty anymore? do any of them try to find/harass/etc aredhel and turgon? do they approve or are upset about what happened to curufin?
For the most part they just aren't royalty anymore. Maedhros gives them like, actual jobs now, and assigns them rooms in the visiting guests wing rather than the family wing, but he doesn't kick them out onto the street. (He's too politically savvy to give them that obvious a rallying point.)
Maglor is Maedhros's official heir, so he gets to stay in the palace, and keep fucking the Servants. He approves of what happened to Curufin because it means he gets a new toy.
Celegorm is something like head of the National Park Service. It means he spends half his time on the road, camping and checking that people aren't over-hunting or secretly mining in a nesting ground or whatever. This is good for Maedhros because it means he's not around much to complain about his favorite little brother being tortured. Celegorm is upset about it, but he also tends to forget about things that aren't right in front of him. So he yells at Maedhros every so often, and Maedhros refuses to free Curufin or let Celegorm visit, and the issue dies down again.
Caranthir is chief tax officer. He's good at it, and it keeps him away from anything where he'd cause a diplomatic incident. His attitude about Curufin is mostly "better him than me." Caranthir doesn't think he's a threat to Maedhros's reign, but if Maedhros was picking a new Servant based on who's disappearance would piss of the fewest people, he might be on the top of the list. He's not sure why the king needs to make a brother into a sex slave, but a lot of politics is about bullshit signals rather than actual allocating money and governing people.
Amrod is chief ambassador to Alqualonde, and Amras is chief ambassador to Valmar. Mostly this involves writing a lot of diplomatic letters, but they do occasionally split up to go on visits. They are annoyed about their access to the Servants being cut off suddenly - Amrod was practicing fisting, and had just gotten to the point where he could get Turgon hard! That one of their brothers became a Servant is one of those things that's strange but they realize in retrospect they ought to have expected, like the first time an elderly relative dies/goes to a nursing home and you end up with their nice antique furniture for your bedroom.
Maedhros does not tell his brothers what he's doing with Ardehel and Turgon until several months after they reach Valmar. His brothers stopping the carriage on the road and raping/capturing the two Servants both ruins his point about demoting his brothers, and damages the promise he made to Nolo. Not that lying to Nolo isn't fun, but Maedhros prefers to do it on purpose.
Celegorm probably tries to get Aredhel at least once, but is stopped because Vanyarin guards don't have to listen to him, or even let him in the city after the first incident. Amras sees Turgon in the market square once and gropes his cock out of habit. Turgon yells in shock, and the only thing that keeps it from being a diplomatic incident is that Turgon doesn't want any official attention either, and Amras knows he can't make Turgon return without royal backing.
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saelwen · 4 years
Manwë x Reader
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Manwë x Reader
Request by a lovely anon:
Just an idea. How about Manwe and reader who is Melkor's child. Manwe decided to take care of reader and raise them after finding them alone. Reader grows to be good person and a bit of a troublemaker but never means bad. Wich Manwe is proud of them and supports them whenever they need his help. What do you think about this idea?
Warnings: Fluff, super protective Manwë
A small whimper grabbed the attention of the Valar’s King while he was walking peacefully in the massive gardens of Lórien. A deep frown on his soft features, Manwë follow the quiet sobs which led him to a giant tree. He looks behind it and saw a small child curled into a ball, crying quietly.
“Hello, child,” he said with a gentle voice.
You jump in surprise, looking up to him with big e/c eyes that were shining with tears. Your h/c hair tangled in a messy knot, with sticks stuck on it. Your black dress was all dirty and ripped, only covering the essential. You curled further and try to crawl away from him.
“P..Please...Don’t hurt me!” you whimper, lifting your hand to cover your face which Manwë notice that was broken.
He walks slowly closer to you, sitting down in one knee. “It’s alright, child...I'm not going to hurt you.” he grabs your hand gently, stroking his thumb softly against your bruised skin. “Where are your parents, child?” he said while looking around, confused by not seeing anyone around.
You let out a sob and shook your head, fat tears running down your cheeks. “I don’t know who is my nana but...but I know my ada...” you took a deep breath and look to your broken hand. “He’s really a bad person...” you whisper.
Manwë puts his other hand over your broken hand and closes his grey eyes. A bright light appears in his hand, it was warm against your skin. And like that, your hand was good as new. Your eyes widen when he took his hand off, seeing your s/c skin free of bruises. He smiles gently down to you and pushes a piece of hair out of your face, putting behind your pointy ear.
“There! All fixed up!” he stood up and extended his hand to you which you grabbed quickly since he was the first person who was kind to you and you felt safe in his presence. “What’s the name of your father?” he asked while leading you out of the garden.
You look around, watching in awe the beautiful butterflies flying around. “Melkor!” you said innocently.
As Manwë heard your words, stops walking and look down at you with a frown on his face. His ice-blue eyes studying you closely. “...Melkor?...” he whispers.
You nod and let out a small whimper, cleaning new tears from your eyes. “Y..Yes...Do you know him?” you asked.
He sighs and picks you up gently, walking towards a big mountain. “Yeah... I know him,” he whispers, almost to himself.
You cuddle your face into his neck, sighing happily as you let sleep take over you.
Years have passed and Manwë, along with his Queen, Varda, watches you grow into a beautiful and strong elleth.
He took you under his wing when he saw that there wasn’t any darkness in you. You didn’t inherit Melkor’s evil nature, you were only one of his poor victims. Abused during your first years of life, your life on his wicked hands for him to play.
The first time Varda saw you, you quickly had her wrapped around your little finger. You two passed the days walking in the gardens or watching the stars at night, Varda explaining to you every single star. She spoiled you with all she got, saying that she has to make you happy the rest of your immortal life since you had such terrible childhood in the hands of that psychopath.
The other Valar were a little suspicious of you, especially Aulë. It some time for them to warm up to you, to see that you didn’t possess darkness in you. But it only took a smile and giggle from you to melt those Gods’ hearts.
As you grew up, Manwë found out that you were a little troublemaker. Always pulling pranks on every Valar. It was chaos at first, Manwë had to spend one entire day listening to them complaining about your pranks.
Your pranks were soft but a little annoying and Manwë saw any malicious on them and try very hard to not laugh when Ulmo walk in covered in bubbles, saying that you put liters of liquid soup on the ocean, making an explosion of bubbles. But that quickly got under the control when you become a young adult yet you still are mischief and brave little thing in every Valar eyes.
“Ada!” your voice echoed through the throne room. You have been trying to find him all day, wanting to share the wonderful news with him. “Ada! Where are you?!” you shouted in annoyance, noticing the poor nervous ellon behind you looking around with wide eyes.
“My sweet child...Why all the shouting?” Manwë said calmly as he and Varda walked into the throne room. A huge smile spreads through your face as you saw them, running into his soft embrace. He kisses your forehead and let you embrace your mother, Varda.
“Ada! Nana! I want you to meet Lord Maedor!” you said, pointing to the shaking ellon in the middle of the room as he looks to the two powerful Valar. “He and I are courting! He asked me today!” you said with a cheerful voice, a massive smile on your lips.
Manwë looked to the golden-haired ellon with a silver eyebrow lifted, looking up and down to him. “Oh really?” he asked, his voice almost come out like a growl which made Varda put her delicate hand on her husband’s shoulder and taking a step forward, putting herself between Manwë and the poor ellon.
“That’s wonderful news, my daughter!” she said with a sweet smile. “Come! Let’s heard your story while we drink some tea!” Varda took her husband’s hand and led him to the large balcony, there were a table and comfortable chairs waiting for you four. She asked the servant to preparer some tea and sat down, pulling Manwë to his seat beside her.
You and Maedor took your seat and smile at each other, his eyes shining with passion. Manwë let out a cough, grabbing the attention of the two of you. “When you two met?” he asked firmly while looking to Maedor.
The poor ellon look to you and smile softly. “I met your lovely daughter during a trip to Valmar market,” he said gently, grabbing your hand and stroking your skin with his thumb. “We bumped into each other and at that moment, Y/n stole my heart.” you two giggle at the memory which made Manwë almost break the armchair under his firm grip.
“That’s very cute!” Varda squeals, clapping her hands together. “You two make a lovely couple!” at those words, a hard gush of wind run through you four, making you and Varda look to Manwë in confusion.
The four of you pass the rest of the day together, sharing stories and drinking tea. During the day, Manwë all ever wanted was to kick the ellon out of his palace. Telling him that his sweet child is off-limits. His daughter can’t be courting! She’s his little girl!
When the day came to an end, you along with Manwë and Varda, took Maedor to the massive doors of the Palace. “It was good to meet you, Lord Maedor! I hope to see you again soon.” Varda said with a soft smile.
“It was an honor to meet you two, Yours Graces!” Maedor said while bowing to Manwë and Varda.
The King of the Valar only nods, not saying anything which made Maedor shake in his boots. When Eonwë led Maedor out of the Palace, you turn to your mother and smile.
“Nana, could you please let me have a word with ada alone?” you asked while eyeing your father, who was now with a massive smile on his lips.
“Of course, sweetheart!” with that, Varda returns to her chambers, leaving you alone with your father.
There was a long silence in the room, the silver light of the moon bathing you two. You took a deep breath and look to Manwë, putting your hands on your waist.
“Can you please tell me why did you do that?!” you asked, your voice firm.
Manwë looks to you with innocent eyes, trying to look like he didn’t do anything wrong. “Did what?” he asked.
That made your head fume. “Did what?! You almost beheaded Maedor with your glares!” you snarl while walking back and forth. “You should be glad since I've fallen in love with a beautiful, good ellon! And on top of that, he’s a Vanyar! Aren’t they your favorites?!”
Manwë let out a sigh and look down, a silver curtain covers his face. “You’re right... I behaved like an orc.” his voice was full of shame which made your face soften. “I know you are a strong adult elleth but in my eyes...you are still my little girl... and I'm afraid that someone takes you from me.”
His gentle words made tears sting your eyes, trying to escape. “Oh, ada... No one will take me from you and even if they try, they would feel your wrath.” you giggle, cleaning a tear from your eye. “Maedor is a good ellon and he would never do anything to hurt me.” you walk to him and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him to a bear hug. “Will you promise me that you will give a chance to Maedor?” you whisper.
Manwë sighs and nods, resting his chin on your head. “I promise...but if he hurt you, me and your uncles Tulkas and Aulë will have a word with that punk.” you giggle and roll your eyes.
“I love you, Ada.”
“And I love you, my sweet little daughter.”
Hey Guys!! Here’s a new one shot with Manwë! I hope you like it and feel free to comment and tell me what you think!
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squirrelwrangler · 4 years
Wip- this silly fic about two OCs keeps wanting to pivot to be about the Kinslayings
@kazaera I thought this was timely and related, considering i wrote this not even 6 hours ago:
Elrond smiled, fulfilling his motive for pulling out the item in the first place as Helcerían took the opportunity to further describe for Elrond her time spent in Elwing’s company.
This recalled to Seregeithon of how Elros and Elrond had pressed him with questions when he helped Orothaiben and the other Nandor escort the twins back to the Isle of Balar. The boys, having learned of his origins, had been heartily disappointed that he had not stayed with Annael’s men, instead leaving for Ossiriand after the Fifth Battle, and thus had only met Tuor a few times when the mortal hero was a young babe. Helcerían was proving to be a fount of less disappointment. Helcerían relayed not only the simple day-to-day tasks of listening to musicians while working on weaving or showing Elwing the wings of the palace, be it courtyards for games, libraries and ballrooms, or the workshops for crafting of tinctures or paintings. Helcerian as another guest of Alqualonde’s palace instead of a regular attendee had been as lost to the proceedings and activities as Lady Elwing, without the background of ruling a large and diverse population in which to follow the many conversations that Elwing had with the queen and her advisers. Helcerian could discuss swans. She had, the Falmari woman admitted with a contrite sigh, pestered Elwing about her involuntary transformation into a sea bird and her long and arduous flight, until Queen Hwindie pulled Helcerian aside and told her to cease. Not that this was the only act of badgering, for Helcerian faithfully related how Elwing had been restless in Alqualonde despite her joy to be surrounded by long-sundered cousins and to enjoy the most beautiful port city in all of Arda. As delightful as the Swanhaven was, Elwing wished to camp outside the Halls of Mandos for her immediate family to return. Helcerian stressed how Elwing was overcome with both relief and fear when the Valar confirmed that her sons were not within its Halls but still alive back in Beleriand, and how she pressed both King Olwë and King Finarfin to ready their people to rescue the people of Middle-earth, her boys most of all, when she learned this. That she had to be held back from marching up the slopes of Taniquetil to petition High King Ingwë himself, a deed unnecessary for he had already descended to Valmar after Eärendil’s speech.
Seregeithon had watched High Admiral Ilse relay nearly identical statements to Elrond and Elros when the Teleri fleet first reached the Isle of Balar, but he knew the repeat confirmation heartened Elrond to hear of his mother’s determination and devotion.
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erislovelorne · 5 years
Ahri (lol) x fem reader reaction to you (her gf) fan girling over her KDA performance?
You had box seats at K/DA’s 10th-anniversary concert. Of course, after all, you had to come and support your girlfriend, Ahri, and all her friends on their big day! Although no one knew who you were, the record label kept all of the girl's sexualities and relationship statutes a tight secret. 
The concert was an intimate event, only the biggest fans were admitted. There was no cost to the tickets, only a contest run with where fans had to show proof of concert attendance and merch and just generally loving the band. One girl had grown up not able to afford concert tickets, but she was a huge fan of Akali, so she’d submitted a video of her dancing and singing Akali’s parts from almost every song K/DA had released in one take. She had front row seats and you could see the top of her pink hair from where you were up on the balcony. 
Despite the intimacy, however, it was being live-streamed to the entire world. You pulled the stream up on your phone, just to check-in, it had 3.4 million concurrent viewers. Wow.
You had met Ahri, Evelyn, Kai’sa and Akali in university, you’d all been in the music program together at Runterra Insitute of Technology. It was, as one might imagine, a very small music program. Ahri had been the student conductor of the choir and you’d been really struggling with your part. You’d worked up the courage to ask her for help and started meeting up regularly to practice. Eventually, you became good friends, then started dating in your senior year.
Kai’sa and Evelyn had been close friends since first-year orientation when they’d choreographed an entire routine to the school's spirit song and destroyed the casual competition in the dorky talent show put on by the RAs. At such a small school, there really were not that many music majors in your graduating class, so the four of them often had music theory classes together. Sometimes you did too, although you were only a music minor so the requirements were a little less stringent. Sona, Kai, and Valmar were the only others you remembered, although they were from the class above. 
For their senior music seminar project, the girls decided to all work together and do something fun, they wrote the song POP/STARs and choreographed the dance. You’d actually been the one behind the camera on the first blurry recording that was put up online. It blew up overnight, so much more than any of you had anticipated, and K/DA was quickly formed and just as quickly picked up by a record label. 
From there in a manner of years, the band skyrocketed to literally the most popular band on the globe, especially with the unexpected endorsement of Kayn from the Oddessey crew. They’d held that spot solidly ever since they gained it, redefining themselves over and over for the past ten years. You’d stood by Ahri’s side all that time, pursuing your own career unrelated to the spotlight, while supporting her.
The lights came down on stage, the group had just finished performing one of their biggest hits to incredible cheers and applause. Ahri took the stage alone. 
Tell me where do I go
Tell me where do I take us
My heart is starting to slow
May the water be safer
As I dive in
She was singing As We Fall, a song written by Valmar and Kai, the first out students at RIoT. It wasn't a well-known song, so why was she performing it you wondered. 
You felt a tap on your shoulder, startling you out of your contemplation. Akali stood behind you. How the hell had she gotten up here so fast? Then you remembered that besides being an international superstar she was also a world-renown ninja. You saw a flash of something shiny from the lighting and soundbox, looking over to see Kai’sa behind the controls. You barely noticed, but a pool of shadow behind the livestream cameras tipped you off to Evelyn’s location.
Akali gestured for you to follow her and you got to your feet, she led you out of the box and into the backstage area. You could still hear Ahri’s haunting voice reverberating through the building. 
You arrived in the wings of the stage just in time to hear the last few words of the song:
I can’t hold on much longer
We’re drifting out to the other side
Tried to pull us under
Keep holding out for the other side
The crowd was silent, waiting with bated breath, as the last note faded.
“I have a question to ask of you all,” she said. “I’m about to do something very frightening, my producers do not want me to do this, and I want to ask if you all will stand by me no matter what I say next. Will you?”
There are confused murmurs of agreement and assent from the crowd.
“I would like to introduce you to someone important, I have a partner. We’ve been together for twelve years.”
The crowd was shocked, “Ahri has a boyfriend?” several people murmured. 
Ahri looks towards you, gesturing for you to come to her. Akali pokes you in the back, pushing you towards the stage. You stumble out into the bright light and there’s a gasp from the crowd. Ahri comes over to grab your hand, kissing you sweetly.
“Hello everyone, I’d like to introduce you to my girlfriend,” Ahri waves to the camera. “Well, I say girlfriend, but I actually have a question for her.”
Ahri bent down on one knee, looking up at you and pulling out a small box. You gasped. 
“Would you be willing to be my wife?”
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Two blackbirds at four in the morning
Argon woke up to warmth and fog. He was dead and in Mandos. Those were facts that were as certain as his Manwe was the lord of the Valar and the Vanyar lived in Valmar; he could not recall learning them because they were so obvious.
Argon looked around, for lack of better terminology. The mist seemed to organize as he searched, into a hallway that he was standing in an alcove of. There was another person nearby.  They were familiar, though he couldn’t make out any features at all.
-Hello?- He greeted, though speaking made no sound here, merely left him certain the word had been said a moment ago.
The figure turned their attention towards him and was instantly in focus. -Hello Argon. I’d say it’s good to see you, but I’d hoped it would be longer before any more family members showed up.-
-Amrod? What are you doing here?-
-Lord Namo thinks it’s better for new fea to be greeted by family rather than unfamiliar maiar. And Grandpa  can be overwhelming at times, especially here.-
-I meant what are you doing dead, you didn’t have to cross the Helcaraxe and should have been in much better shape when you met orcs.-
-You crossed the Helcaraxe?-
-Yes, we couldn’t exactly take the swanships after you lit them on fire!-
-I’ll have to tell my dad that burning them didn’t help anyone at all next time I see him.-
-How on earth was burning the ships supposed to help us?-
-He claimed that you would all happily go back and appoint Uncle Nolofinwe high king of Tirion if we made it clear that going forward was impossible. My dad would have a force of loyal dedicated soldiers, and your dad would have cowards and those loyal to him, and none of us would ever have to talk to each other again. Of course, this is all what he explained afterwards, and he might be making up reasons that sound better than hatred of Nolofinwe.-
-What, at the time he said ‘burn those’ and you did, just like that?-
-I don’t know what he said at the time, I was asleep. I woke up and the ships were on fire.-
-That must have been surprising.-
-Especially because I was on one. When we get out of here, I’m learning to swim underwater, maybe I could’ve got to shore then.-
-You died when the ships burned?!-
-Yes. It’s why I don’t talk to my dad that often.-
-He’s here too?- Argon looked around nervously. -Did he die tripping over a log or something?-
-Ambushed by balrogs while charging the gates of Morgoth’s fortress, and outrunning every person whose job it was to guard him.-
-How did you die anyway?-
-Orcs attacked as soon as we reached land. I managed to take down their captain, but was surrounded. I don’t know if there were any balrogs.-
-I think they’re hard to miss. They’re supposedly fifteen feet tall with flaming wings. Not that I got a chance to see any, or even any orcs.-
-Wait, they’re fifteen feet tall and your dad was ambushed?-
-I don’t know how either. Anyway, welcome to Mandos, we’re stuck here for a while. Most fea can wander around and whoever they want, but I have to ask Lord Namo before I meet any other elves so I don’t disturb them, and my dad’s stuck in one room.-
-What about me?-
-I think you just get little pity and long abiding, not wrath of the Valar. You weren’t in the front at Alquaonde, right?-
-No, I was walking with Idril so Turgon and Elenwe could have a break.-
-Then you should be good to wander anywhere and talk to whoever you want, and if anyone tells you they’re willing to talk to me I can tell Lord Namo.-
-I’ll keep that in mind.-
-I suppose if you died as soon as you reached land you don’t know how my brothers are doing.-
-Well, it can’t be that bad or else they’d be here.-
-I guess, but I was still hoping for news.-
-Oh, there is one weird thing that happened. A giant light, twenty times as large as the biggest star, shining like Telperion half waned, showed up in the sky. It came from the east, and looked like it was headed for Valinor.-
-The orcs seemed unhappy about it at least, or maybe they’re always angry like that.-
-Everyone else seems to think the orcs are always angry, but I don’t know. I mean, people say my dad’s always angry, and he’s only angry like twenty or thirty percent of the time he’s awake, and almost never when he’s asleep.-
-Lately they’ve been saying your dad is mad, not angry.-
-Yeah, but even before he started threatening people with swords they said he was angry, and even on the trip across the sea he had other emotions.-
-Maybe orcs aren’t always angry, but the ones I saw were.-
-You know, they say orcs used to be elves.-
-Maybe they’re what happens when elves are always angry, and your face gets stuck like that.-
-If being angry could turn you into an orc, Grandpa would’ve done something to calm my dad down.-
-Like what?-
-I don’t know, taught him how to knit? But it would have come up.-
-Good point. So orcs must be something other than angry elves.-
-We could ask.-
-Ask what? Ask Grandpa why your dad doesn’t knit?-
-No, ask an orc where they come from.-
-Do orcs even come to Mandos?-
-I think so. I haven’t explored the whole place, but some sections of it discourage lingering more. I think that’s so the elves and orcs don’t bother each other.-
-So you want to go explore the parts we’re forbidden from, even though we both died trying to cross the sea when the Valar said we shouldn’t.-
-If it was forbidden, there’d be a wall; the door out of here just doesn’t let me near it. Besides, Namo said he’d take into account my repentance in trying to sail back when he decides when to let me out; I have to even things out with my brothers somehow.-
-Why exactly do things have to be even? Even your dad can’t call getting out of prison early disloyal.-
-No, but I don’t want to be the only member of the House of Feanor in Tirion for longer than I have to. They’ll make me decide thing in council meetings. They’ll make me attend council meetings in full, not leave as soon as Grandpa stops watching me.-
-Good point, I don’t want to lead House Fingolfin either. Let’s go find orcs.-
-Walk this way and think about being lonely, and every time you start to hear laughter turn aside. Then if we go down enough stairs, we’ll find the weird spot. Who knows, maybe we’ll even meet the orc who killed you.-
-I don’t want to talk to him!-
-Oh come on, I talk to my dad.-
-That’s different.-
-Fine, we’ll stick to orcs who didn’t kill you and somebody else killed or the first trip.-
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eriipuffs · 6 years
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The Wings of Valmar: Millenia
I’ve been so pumped ever since I heard Grandia II was coming to the switch.  It’s one of my favorite games from back in the day and I can’t wait to see my girl Millenia back to kick some ass!!! <3333333
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