winterwump · 1 year
Charles Choi and his many Kids…
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So I've had this headcanon swirling around my head for a while, and it originally came to mind after reading an analysis/theory post on the Lookism subreddit. ((I need to stay off that shit hole 💀💀💀))
Anyways, the post I'm referring to is the theory that Sinu Han, Diego/James Lee, and Johan are either Charles Choi's children or have been trained by him (with the training exception of one, that being Johan). This came about because the OP saw the similarities between Sinu, Diego/James, and Charles' invisible attacks and general speed. Plus Sinu lost his eye at a young age, and the OP implied that it came from training with Charles cuz he’s ruthless or whatever lol.
It's already a popular theory that Johan is Charles' son, so idk if I need to cover that lol. Plus I think there's about a year difference in age between Diego/James, so I think it kinda makes sense like time-wise (I HOPE).
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Now, with that sorry explanation out of the way, I can get to my own headcanon AU nonsense💀.
Okay so boom, Elite/Charles was a rolling stone kinda guy ((just like Gapryong lol)) and was laying pipe wherever the fuck and subsequently he has a few kids just...around. Mind you, this all happens before the BROKE ERA™ so he's just fuckin. For my HC, Diego/James would be the oldest and that babymama contacted Elite/Charles and was like: "pls get your son, he's got weird tendencies" ((Cuz I think Jame would’ve been aggy as a kid cuz he's good at everything)).
He [Elite] is like "whatever okay", so he’s raising James and another woman calls him up a year later and she wants him to take Sinu. And Charles is like "whatever okay" and raises Sinu. I like to think that somewhere in those years, Charles gets married, has Crystal, and gets divorced(?).
The BROKE ERA™ is in full swing so when Johan's mama is like: "Raising a kid is mad hard. Can you help me?", Charles is like "NAH" and leaves Johan fatherless.
Like just because Charles is raising his other kids, it doesn’t mean he’s a great dad lol. He's prolly really stressed and trying to get out of the red line that is poverty, and James' ass is NOT helpful lol. James is complaining about how he, and his siblings, should not be living like this or whatever, just know it sends Charles up a wall lol. Like how does this kid already such an inflated ego?! HE'S 10
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Chile anyways um, if you got this far, thx. This is a half-formed AU so nothing makes sense lol. Like the timeline is jank and the characters might be OOC. Just bare with me pls.
If ya'll like this AU, I'll keep it going. I just had to get this out. Bye!!!
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winterwhisperz-blog · 6 months
Hey i just read your touchstarved headcanons and I LOVE IT!!!
And Here’s my request is that can you do a scenario of TS boys with MC who can speak different languages??? (like Italian or French)
Don’t worry i am a patient person and I won’t rush you. And i hope you’ll make more scenarios of the TS boys in be future.
YES HI HELLO !! I am, SO SO SORRY for taking two thousand centuries to respond to this—I’ve been pretty stressed over work so I haven’t been able to write headcanons as much— BUT TYSM FOR THE ASK !! IM SO HAPPY YOUVE ENJOYED MY HEADCANONS !
I do want to apologize in advance that these are going to be shorter and less one-shot like, than my others. These will be more like my Kuras Headcanons I made awhile ago—(Life has been kicking my butt lately so my motivation has been LOW)
But I hope you still enjoy them !!
Also huuuuge thanks to @danyvhell-writes
For helping me with these ideas !! You’re a saint 🙏
Note: gn reader! Fluff
So, one of my besties would do this A LOT where she would just switch into Spanish and I’d just be there like ???
So I thought it would be funny if you did that with Ais here
Imagine you’re in some kind of argument, a stupid, light one you know— and to annoy him
He’s completely stunned, red eyes wide as you just start rambling, (very passionately) in a language he doesn’t understand
As you go on though, he just becomes utterly impressed, watching your mouth as he studies the words coming out of it (and just because he’s flirty LMAOOOO)
After you’ve had your fun, he comments something like “Impressive, Sparrow.” And then asks you, ofc, if you can teach him what you said
To tease him a bit more, you don’t tell him for a bit until he BRINGS OUT THESE GIANT PUPPY EYES
So you do start teaching him, just long evenings hunched over books or a paper as you teach him different phrases and words, the candle light dancing on his focused gaze.
And one day, out of the blue, he starts calling you Sparrow in the language you were speaking(and you also hear him practice words while talking with Princess—AND ITS SO ADORABLE)
After he’s becoming pretty good at it, you then proceed to tease other people(Leander) by randomly switching mid-conversation into a different language <33
NOW WITH THIS ONE, it reminded me of this really cool video of a guy switching between loads of languages in one song
IMAGINE showing this off to Leander one rowdy night at the Wet Wick
Maybe it’s even one of his favorite songs ??? And hearing you sing it in so many languages would absolutely knock him off his feet.
Another thing I think he’d go CRAZY FOR
Pet names, in whatever language.
Like ?? You call him something like “Mi amor…” for Spanish, or “Tesoruccio.” For Italian ??
He’s done for. Doomed. Dead. Will beg you to repeat it over and over while he showers your hands or arms with kisses.
He’s also one that would definitely be okay with you calling these pet names in public—he wants to be all smug that HES the one called yours.
He probably also learns whatever language you speak as well, might already know it because bro probably had tutors that taught him so many languages man.
In return for the pet names, he probably calls you something like “λατρεία μου” or “latria mu” (My adored !!! 🥹 in greek)
I’m guessing since Kuras is an Angel, he knows like ??? Every language?
So when he finds out you speak others, he’s instantly curious, impressed, and now it’s quiz time.
You pass by a certain object, plant, anything, and he asks you how to say it in your language(s). Even if he may already know, he likes to hear it coming from you, enjoying the glint in your eyes as you explain things.
Another thing he’ll do, is when you’re having a library date, he’ll hand you a book and request you translate it. Either from your language to—whatever language people speak in Eridia ?? Or from that language to yours.
These will turn into nightly strolls with you translating a poem or book as he strides beside you, golden eyes locked on every word.
In return, he’ll translate whatever text into a language you don’t know. (I wonder if angels have a specific language??)
A name for him, I think it’d be cute if you called him 아름다운 ���사 (Beautiful Angel in Korean !!)
Whether this is after or before you know he’s an Angel, he finds it both amusing and endearing. (Or painfully ironic if his life as an Angel is a tough subject)
OKAY SOSOSOSOSO !! Mhin evidently thirsts for knowledge, they’re a lil nerd and they’re rlly bad at hiding it (A mood really. one of the reasons I love them <3) and my friend mentioned they’re more of a listener? So like I can see them just—paying very close attention to every word you say
At times they may not seem to be listening to you as you ramble, or catch a few words of slang from your language(s). But they’re actually secretly a sponge and soak up every little detail.
And now this may be just me but Mhin gives off such I must impress you with all my random facts vibes.
They ask questions about the languages you speak, the slang, the meanings, how to pronounce things correctly, everything
And then they do their own research, soaking up all they can before appearing to you one day and just starting the conversation in your language(s)
When you show any sign of being impressed, they will look away blushing and try to act cool but nahhh buddy you aren’t fooling anyone we know you spent forever working on that
Similar to Ais, lots of late night lessons where you get to teach Mhin about your language(s)! Just you two looming over an open book, Mhin scribbling down notes, looking so concentrated and you even spot a smile starting to form as they start getting better and better. (I love themmmmm 😭)
Mhin asks you to quiz them a lot, and looks so !! !! Just proud of themself when they pass. (Before realizing it and their self loathing kicks in and they revert back to >:( ) You want to tell them that they don’t need to be quizzed but look at their face !! Let them impress you okay !! They’re top 1 student !!
If you want you can joke about them having to call you Professor(Mc) or something but ur just gonna get a deep frown and glare like 😒 nuh uh AHAHSHS
Ohhh vere my nemesis. (He’s the toughest for me to write i have to like mentally and physically ambush him in a fast food parking lot before I can get anything outta him)
(I love him so much though so here we go !! Thanks to my friend for giving me a lot of help in this one because otherwise I’d be a doomed woman)
My friend brought up since he’s a fox, he’s very sensitive to sound !! So when you’re speaking in your mother language, he notices how your tone might change, watches as your tongue moves against your teeth or the top of your mouth, idk but he makes it a sensual thing somehow 😭
Definitely flirts with you in your language(s), says the most outrageous thing and watches as you get stunned or flustered by it, absolutely delighted that no one but you (or anyone who’s unfortunately being nosy and can understand) knows what he’s saying.
Okay this may be dumb but it’s so funny to me imagine Vere like putting on his most smooth, seductive tone, convincing the people around that he’s gonna say like the most erotic thing but he ends up just saying something like 💀 “Avocados” in your language(s) or like “Leander looks like a chicken breast” he does it to see you laugh but also because Leander overhears and could tell his name was said and thinks Vere is like— finally coming around but only you two rlly know Vere is just sexily roasting him.
Due to recent lore being dropped, and in his lil character sheet, it says Vere has a huge love for the arts. I think it’d be really neat if you introduced him to things specifically written in your language(s) !! Like books that originated from your country, plays that are only acted in that language(s), just a tour of the language! And if he doesn’t know your languages(s) then teaching him is gonna be like 💀 somehow so flirty
Will definitely call you Professor(Mc) but he makes it sound absolutely horrendous and cringey and you will regret it you probably should turn back
Jokingly will ask if you’ll give him a golden sticker if he behaves—do it, just to humble him.
OKAY WE’VE REACHED THE END WOOOT WOOT !!!! I DIDNT THINK I’D MAKE IT !!! Been stuck in this endless void for ages !!
Hem hem, thanks so much for the ask !!! I’m so so sorry it took forever 😭 writer’s block nearly had my head this time uh oh
Thank you again to my bestie for helping me out !!
Now I hope you see the most beautiful sunset, eat your favorite dessert, learn something new, and have a happy spring !! 🫶🩷✨
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winterwriter8845 · 6 months
I'm gonna try to come back this site. I've been wanting to, but life is pretty hectic.
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theminisonproject · 10 months
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ONE WEEK LEFT! Hearth and Home submissions still open! Send us your minisons, form poetry, and visual art! Submit here: https://theminisonproject.com/zinesubmissions #submissionsopen #theminisonzine #winterwriting
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winterswrandomness · 4 years
Anxceit!! Pretty much just Janus flustering Virgil a lot, and they're both in love, and it's just fluff
Warnings: mention of tackling; kiss
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He found himself at a loss for words, and nearly for breath as well, as his partner played with a few strands of his hair while his arms were still wrapped rather loosely around their waist. They appeared so serene, as if they hadn't just tackled him onto the couch, their hair falling just right to frame their face and the smallest of smiles that still held so much meaning. 
   He was willing to bet that, unlike them, his face was as deeply red as a cherry at the moment. If it wasn't, it certainly felt like it when the other lowered their head to press their forehead to his. "Hey there," He breathed, earning a small hum in response as the other nuzzled closer. "Hi," They quietly replied, a gloved hand gently cupping his face, perhaps simply to have something to hold. The two stayed like that, quietly enjoying each other's presence, for a minute or a few. Then, they started by asking, "Virgil?" 
   He opened his eyes a sliver to be met with light brown, almost looking copper in the current lighting. "Yeah?" He responded, a bit curious but also holding a guess of what they may ask. Lo and behold, he guessed correctly -- "Can I kiss you?" They quietly asked, a request he almost felt more than heard thanks to how close they were. "You can," He answered, a small smile on his face. "But will-" 
   His teasing question was cut off by a gentle kiss, after the other huffed a small laugh, which he gave a soft noise in response to. When he realized what happened, he relaxed and wrapped his arms tighter around the other, mind fogging up with elation and the thought of his partner. After who knows how long, they shifted to lay down beside him, breaking the contact. He smiled softly at them, holding them close as he pecked a small kiss to their lips. They smiled back, mumbling, "I love you." 
   "I love you too, Jan." 
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General taglist: @that-one-bitch-who-fucks-pans @just-some-gt-trash @lady-of-the-roses-and-lilies @aerodynamicbitch
Send an ask if you want to be tagged in my general list or any specific writing, or if you want to be exempt from being tagged in anything!
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hotboywinter · 3 years
Ball Boy
(OP is a man, minors and misgendering kinks DNI)
I'm on my way to a sports camp for the summer. Sports have never really been my thing but I've been looking to be more active recently and the ad I saw about an all mens retreat emphasizing teamwork and bonding seemed like just the atmosphere I was looking for. I step off the bus and instantly feel out of my depth. I'm not the least athletic guy ever, but everyone here looks like they've never gone a single day without working out in their lives. Several of them are already tossing footballs around, shirtless and sweaty. Nervous and out of place, I seek out the guy I recognise as having organised the whole thing...
He's decked out with a clipboard and whistle, yelling something to a couple of guys who got a little eager and tried to slip into the lake without a lifeguard on duty. He doesnt notice me at first so I gently tug on his shirt. When he turns to look at me I cut to the chase. I tell him that I'm worried I wont be able to keep up with the rest of the guys here at my current level, and if theres anything I can do to help out or make up for it.
He looks me up and down, lingering on the way my tight little athletic shorts sit on my hips. He smiles kindly at me and says yeah, theres something I could do. They're organising into a team for an event against another camp later in the season, and he could really use a ball boy to help out. Thats great, I say, it sounds just my speed, when can I start? Right now, he says, guiding my hand to the bulge in his tight shorts.
My face flares up and I can't help but stare at him as he clamps a hand on my shoulder and pushes me down onto my knees in the dirt. He shoves his waistband down, letting his huge cock spring free, bobbing loose in the air above my face. I look in awe for a moment, acutely aware of the heat I feel pooling deep in my guts. I lick my lips and he grabs the back of my head, pulling my eager mouth against his balls, his thick cock laying over my face as I tentatively pull his left nut into my mouth. I wrap my tongue around it, releasing it with a wet pop and repeating with the other. Its then that I hear the other men at the camp start to take notice.
Woah, check that guy out. I hear one yell, the sound of a ball hitting the earth as he leaves his activity to come watch me. Then another. Then another. Until I feel the eyes of the whole camp watching me sloppily devour the heavy sack in front of me. By now a generous amount of precum has drooled off the head of his cock onto my face, but I couldn't care less as I get lost in the taste of him. I groan against him and he grips his shaft, muttering something about how much of a slut I am before jerking himself off, the action causing his balls to pop out of my mouth, smacking my lips wetly as I desperately try to recollect them with my tongue. Fuck, I hear him say, bucking his hips a little before I feel a thick rope of what must be his cum land on the space between my cropped hoodie and my little shorts. I feel it slide down my waistband and I hardly know what I'm doing before I've popped my shorts over my ass and exposed my sopping wet boycunt to the other men. I feel his cum coast down over my holes, and It's then that I finally look around.
Some of the guys already have their cocks out, other are nervously palming their shorts with sweaty hands. I see a couple of the men jerking eachother off to the right. I feel the organiser, coach I guess, yank my ass, snapping me out of my trance before pulling me over him in the dirt. He guides my lips over his dripping cock head, using my mouth to clean himself off. I gag heavily and sputter, a thick coating of my spit and his leftover cum shining his dick. I yelp as best I can around his cock when I feel him smack my ass, inviting the other men to come have their fun. I whine when I feel his thick fingers spread my ass and pussy, letting my juices glisten in the warm midday sun. I can't look behind me, the coach is keeping me locked in place as he fucks harder and deeper into my gullet. But I feel the first of what was going to be many cocks press against my holes almost immediately. It was going to be a long summer...
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Ok ok ok. For the drabble fic thingy. 94: You’re an idiot. I married an idiot. With Logicality. -Your mother
[Ask and you shall potentially receive! Good thing Logicality is one of the ships I write easily.]
"You're an idiot." Logan looked at his husband. "I married an idiot."
Patton had taken a bite of his slice of cake, which he requested the baker to add a cat shape in the center of and, by some slim chance according to Logan, the baker actually followed through.
This was evident by both Logan and Patton's slices of cake, each with the shape of a cat head made with a white chocolate fudge.
"But the cherry on top-" Patton made a gesture to the cherry on top of his slice. "-is?"
Logan sighed with a smile, looking from his light, flowing white and blue wedding dress to Patton, who looked both adorable and stunning wearing a blue suit with a tie that had cat print. "I don't regret it a single bit."
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Music Notes
Virgil angst! I have bad feelings so I’m doing a lot of self projecting! 
Word count: 312
Warnings: Angst, water mention [If you feel that anything needs to be added, let me know!]
Pairings: None
   Today Virgil had been down in the dumps, the world seeming against him. Although he had his family, they didn’t seem to want to talk to him. Granted, he hadn’t even make an attempt to interact with them today, but who could blame him? He made a post on Tumblr, and people switched around things, saying that his idea for something was a bit mixed up. They probably had good intentions, true, but that didn’t stop the fact that it hurt. 
   Now it was almost midnight, and he sat alone in his darkened room with only the chilling feelings and warmth of his blanket to comfort him. With a bit of struggle, he willed his outfit to switch to some pajamas. With the switch he was now wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, still with his trademark hoodie. He pulled off his hood, laying down on his bed and slipping his bulky headphones over his ears. He plugged the headphone jack into his phone and put his playlist on shuffle, acknowledging that the song that was shuffled to was one he could sing along to and use to let out his feelings. 
   Singing along, he let the melody and lyrics flow into his ears, letting it wash over him like a calming wave. But the thing with waves was that if you let yourself stay there for too long, you might start intaking water because of the rising tide. After a few seconds, Virgil was already too far. He listened to the lyrics, soon choking on silent sobs as he let tears start to grace the edges of his eyes. He kept singing along as tears ran down the sides of his face, voice quiet and broken. As the music died down, meaning this song was coming to an end, he wore a sad smile. A very small smile, but still a smile.
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lifebuoyjournals · 5 years
had a poetry idea yesterday but i completely forgot it now 
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aescapisms · 6 years
tantalus’ fruit
pairing: seb stan x reader
word count: 1.6k
warning: angst?????????
prompt: “Last time I checked you mean the world to me”
a/n: this is an entry to @honey-bee-holly ‘s  birthday writing challenge. I hope u like it :<
 As a personal assistant for an A-list celebrity you should’ve known the limits of your job. You should’ve known and lived by the first rule which was to never fall in love with your boss. But Sebastian Stan made it so damn hard to follow that rule. The first day that his manager introduced you to each other you thought that you were going to faint right then and there. Pictures does not give this man justice. People have said that he was built like a greek god and damn they were right. His hands were calloused but still felt right when your hands connected. The way his eyes lit up every time he laughs is just so captivating and there is really nothing that you would want more than to make this man happy.
Its been eight months since your name was added on his payroll and you have been doing a damn good job at being his assistant. You realized that he’s not just someone who ‘pretends’ that he’s a nice person, he’s genuinely a good person. There are times that he would stay up late because he’s waiting for everyone to finish up, he would often give time offs because he wants you to have fun or live your life a little, but of course you refused. You never really needed any day offs since you didn’t have anywhere else to go. You were writing your book and your
You were standing at the back while they were filming, it was your job to wait with a water bottle in hand and a towel. You watched him be immersed in his character, it was for his new romantic film and you can’t help but be jealous of how close Sebastian and his co-star was getting. “Ugh.” You kicked yourself mentally you can’t think that way. She’s a nice person, so what if they become close, you know for a fact that Sebastian is not taken and can get any girl that he wants. The man deserves to be happy, and maybe if he begins dating someone, you’ll finally be able to move on from this one sided love of yours.
“Hey Y/N!” You snapped out of your daze when Sebastian called out to you. You saw him walking towards you with a smile plastered on that beautiful face of his, that smile that makes your heart beat like a wild animal wanting to get out of its confinement. Despite the heart attack you’re about to get in 10 minutes or so, you decided to hand Sebastian the towel and opened the bottle for him. “Are you okay?” he asked you just nodded at him the both of you just walked side by side to his trailer. The director called it a day since the sun had already set and the scene they were supposed to do needed natural natural light for the scene.
Sebastian opened the door to his trailer and asked you to go in first, like a gentleman of course. You want to kick him because this shit right here is what made you fall for him. The way he smiles at you, and the way he cracks a joke every time he sees or even thinks that you’re sad. He always made sure that you were always comfortable, in your work and in your apartment. He always offered to bring you home especially on the days that the shoot went on until 2 or 3 in the morning.
The shoot ended at 2 AM so obviously you got home at around 3. “Hey, thank you for sticking with me today. I really don’t know how I could’ve handled that without you.” You smiled at him and told him that it was your job to stay with him.

“My previous assistants never really stuck with me that late without any complaints.” You laughed “Well I can’t complain, you’re holding my paycheck.” you saw his smile falter, “I was kidding Seb. It wasn’t that hard to stay there with you. You make every moment fun.”
“Y/N I—“ He was about to say something but he stopped when he saw you stifle a yawn “You know what, I’m sure it can wait. Go get some rest. I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 1 PM.”
“But you schedule is at 8 AM.”
“Please go rest until 1 AM, I can handle it until then, but you know I get cranky when you’re not by my side so…” You both laughed. This man had no idea the effect that he has on you. “Goodnight Y/N.”
Heading up to your unit you fumbled for your keys until you noticed that your doorknob was scratched up. And when you turned it, it was unlocked. No. This is not happening.
You quickly dialed Sebastian’s number and ran back down the stairs. “Seb— Help..Something’s wrong.” Sebastian did not hesitate to turn the car around and after a few minutes he was back in front of the apartment complex. When he saw that you were crying he ran towards you and pulled you close, “What’s wrong?”
“I think someone’s inside my apartment. I’m scared to go inside.” you managed to tell him in between sobs.
“Call the cops. I’m going to head upstairs and grab some of your clothes. You’re staying at my place tonight.” He told you and kissed your forehead. He had done it so quickly that it seemed like a reflex for him. Protecting you, and holding you close.
A few minutes later Sebastian came down with a duffel bag and placed it inside the car. “The police said they’ll be here in 5 minutes.”
And they were. Sebastian told them what happened and asked them to just message him if they come up with anything from the investigation. He never once let go of your hands during the drive to his apartment.
“I’m gonna make you some tea or hot chocolate to calm your nerves alright?” You shook your head to decline his offer. “I’ll be fine Seb. I just want to sleep.”
“I’m so sorry that this happened to you.”
That happened two months ago and Sebastian’s solution for that was the both of you to share the same apartment. It was cost effective and much more convenient for the both of you. So you agreed, you didn’t want to go back to that old apartment after what had happened. You just can’t stay some place where you don’t feel safe anymore. But out here, with Sebastian, you feel safe. You can’t help but wonder if it was the apartment or Sebastian himself.
“So, what did you think of the scene?” he asked trying to open up a conversation as soon as the both of you walked inside the living room. You placed your coat in the rack and shrugged. “I think it was great, you’ve played your character well and..” “And what?” “You guys really look good together” your throat tightened when you said those words, it was as if it was forcing itself to shut down just so it can have a reason to not say those words.

“You really think that we look good together?”
You never really thought that you could feel how it feels when someone stabs your heart with a knife but hearing that question feels like its close enough.
You nodded and thought that this might be the best time to bring you leaving up.
“Seb, I’m leaving.”
“What—Why? You can’t go back to your apartment. It’s dangerous.”
“No. Not that, this job. I’m quitting as your PA.”
Sebastian looked like a kicked puppy. The bags he was holding fell to the floor as he slowly walked towards you. “Why? Did I do something wrong?? Did someone offer you a bigger paycheck? Please tell me.”
“God no, Sebastian—“
“Was it something I did?”
“Paul talked to me earlier. Some paps almost followed us here and had taken a shot of us together. Us living together could ruin your career.”
“You can’t expect me to believe that you’re quitting because of that??” His voice cracked, almost as if he was about to cry.
“Its...If I’m being honest its been difficult for me.”
“Please just tell me what I did wrong so that I can fix it I don’t want you to leave”
“I’m in love with you Seb.” He just stared at you “I have been for a while now. Ever since you gave me that flower the one that you found somewhere and you picked it out because you thought it was beautiful and you gave it to me. I’ve been in love with you since then. And it’s been so hard. I’ve told myself that I shouldn’t love you because I’m just your personal assistant. You’re a celebrity and we live very different lives hell we live in two different worlds. You can never be with someone you know like me. And it sucks so bad because you’re my Tantalus’ fruit. No matter how reach you are I can never have you and there’s really nothing that I can do about it but leave before I invest so much in this one sided love.”
You felt his hands cup your cheek and wiped your tears away. He was smiling at you. “I’ve been in love with you the day you told the ‘Salty Winter Adult’ joke. I have been for the past months. And I’ve been waiting for the right time to tell you. I didn’t know if you liked me back I just hoped that you did because the time that I confess to you and it turns out that you don’t I know that it’ll break my heart.” He was crying too, “I’m just glad that you feel the same way. And besides, all this talk about different worlds? That’s just bullshit, because doll, the last time I checked? You mean the whole world to me. And if you’d let me, I’ll prove it to you. 
“Wait—Did you just ask me to be your girlfriend?” He nodded, your eyes grew wide “You like me?” You asked in disbelief. He laughed at your question but instead of saying anything he decided to pull you close and press your lips together. 
He was going to prove it to you, until you both breathe your last, and even after that. 
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winterwump · 1 year
Charles Choi and his many kids…:Part 2
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I’ll be working on a timeline sometime soon. It will be subject to change as the canon story goes on. If yall wanna make additions to this AU, I’d love to see it!!
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Okay so boom: There's a lil bit of a time jump ((will be referenced in the timeline)), and through the power of exploiting children and being a heartless businessman, Charles has made it into the Never Broke Again Arc™. He[Charles] is a “self-made” millionaire (possible billionaire? PTJ won't let me see his tax returns) who’s built his empire from scratch. 
Like in the early years of the NBA Arc™, Charles has made it a point to train his children to be as ruthless as he was when it came to fighting. Obviously, both James and Sinu excelled quickly, with James having a bit of a leg up on his younger brother. Charles could’ve been more proud, that is until Sinu runs away. Cuz who tf wants to stick around after their dad takes their eye? Like???
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Even though Charles loves his son, he like genuinely does NOT feel bad for doing that to Sinu. His justification for it is like: “It was to make you stronger cuz you kept fighting me through the pain” or “It hurt me to do that more than it hurt you” or whatever parent bullshit explanation lol. See, I told yall he wasn't the best parent LOLOL
So that led up to Sinu leaving and being found in the GARBAGE in Gangseo by the ladies. At this point, Charles has some money to spear as he’s doing business with some suits in Seoul ((The crew stuff hasn't started yet)), so he sends out some people to find Sinu (PUT A PIN IN THIS)
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That’s all for now. I hope this is good enough lol. I’m very much open to making changes depending on feedback (my asks are open💀💀💀). Anyways, I'll be back with a timeline....eventually. BYE!
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Monologue 3/3
     I see that you’re back again. I don’t understand why you feel the need to look for answers. Honestly, what makes you think my response will ever change? I’m sorry. That’s what you want to hear. My acceptance of the blood on my hands. But let’s face it, sis, he deserved it. I saw what you couldn’t.
     There was something there. Underneath his skin. He knew I knew something was up. He sent them after me. They whispered in my ears every night, about how he’d... I... Without me, that snake would’ve swallowed you whole. And after that, he would smile with those... fangs... of his. So I made sure he couldn’t.
     But he squirmed. That worm! He squealed for help. And you saw me. Now, you know what happened next, don’t you, sis? I sure remember it. So why are you still here?
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rozmorris · 3 years
‘All humans are alone… and weird’ - how I made my writing career by Elaina Battista-Parsons @BraveIrene77      
‘All humans are alone… and weird’ – how I made my writing career by Elaina Battista-Parsons @BraveIrene77      
Elaina Battista-Parsons says she likes to write about what makes her weird, or gives her chills, or makes her happy. Thus was born a collection of essays and verse that became a memoir, Italian Bones In The Snow. Here, she talks about everything that makes her, and her books.   Your Facebook name is Winterwriter Battista. Tell me what it means. Battista is my maiden name, and I really love it.…
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theminisonproject · 9 months
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TODAY IS THE FINAL DAY! Hearth and Home submissions closing at 11:59 PM EST! Send us your minisons, form poetry, and visual art! Submit here: https://theminisonproject.com/zinesubmissions #submissionsopen #theminisonzine #winterwriting
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winterswrandomness · 3 years
Silent Trust
AO3 link
Summary: Ren and Martyn manage to be among the final survivors and things are becoming tense in the server as the world tries to take its toll by attempting to have the hand behead the king to rid him of his last life.
Warnings: attempted murder, but no one gets hurt in the writing - implied past death - implied past killing - let me know if I forgot anything!
Word Count: ~900
Pairings: platonic renchanting duo
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He heard the shuffling of footsteps behind him, ears perking up at the noise, and turned- “Woah!” -exclaiming, just barely able to roll out of the path of an oncoming blade, he looked at his attacker, to find who it was. What he wasn’t expecting, well, he wouldn’t have even considered it to be his loyal hand should he be asked his guesses. 
   “Martyn?” Blocking another slash with his shield, Ren drew his sword as well and tried to pry for answers. “My dude, what’s the meaning of this? I thought-” Another block, the other advancing still. “I thought we were allies,” He called, something in his voice giving the opposing man pause, allowing the king to put more distance between the two as he held his red shield as a barrier. Martyn managed, quiet and shaky as it may be, to speak. “We are.” 
   And he meant it. However, the world didn’t spare him the bloodlust simply because he was only down to his second life -- it wouldn’t spare any of them. “Then why don’t we talk through this?” The king suggested, perhaps willfully turning a blind eye to the possibility of diplomacy being off the table. Not waiting for an answer, he continued, “Me hand, what troubles you?” 
   The addressed hesitated, grip on his weapon slackening, and the other lowered the shield a fraction as a show of faith in him. “I-” Martyn’s voice quickly died in his throat, realizing he didn’t have a reason to make an attempt on the other’s life. “I tried to kill you,” He murmured, only now registering what he’d done, wide eyes darting around for a moment before landing on the other, sword slipping from his grip. He didn’t try to step forward as he wondered, “Are- You’re not hurt, right?”
  “Have ye no faith in my defensive skills?” The king smiled, though it seemed strained, even if he was unharmed. He fully lowered his shield at seeing the familiarity of his friend, still holding the wooden barrier to the side. “I believe,” He started, relieving his voice of the accent and dropping the act. “The better question is, are you hurt, Martyn?” 
  He did one last review of his inventory, the interface open in the air before him, moving some arrows he hadn’t noticed before then dismissing the screen with a steady breath. He turned to look at the other whose tail was beating idly against the snow while Martyn removed dangerous items from his own inventory, the king gazing into the ender chest as if expecting something.
   The sight brought a small smile to Martyn, with him hesitating before carefully reaching out to pat the other's head, causing Ren to look up and allow the abysmal box to fall shut in favor of leaning into his hand. A moment of silence passed, or at least silence as they grew to know it. It was never truly silent on the server these days, from the fling of arrows or clash of swords to the flow of water in a river.  
   A type of silence passed over the two all the same.
   The hand was soon removed and the almost rhythmic crunching of a pat pat pat against snow slowed, soon ceasing entirely. "What were you doing?" The king questioned after a moment, glancing at the ender chest as if to point to it, the other quickly moving to place the dirt back. "I was putting away my weapons so I can't hurt you as easily," He answered as he patted the block into place. "Just in case, you know? I'm not taking chances right now." 
   Then Ren frowned. Only slightly, but still noticeable in addition to his ears drooping. "I think you're too hung up on this," He began, reaching over to lightly take the other's hands in his, specks of dirt still stuck to them. "I tried to kill you," Martyn responded, not meeting his friend's gaze. "I think that's plenty to be hung up on, especially since you'd be…" He trailed off.
   "Did you mean it?" 
   "What?" He snapped out of his thoughts a moment later, vision clearing as he looked up at last. "Of course not, why would I want that?" The king didn't respond immediately, starting to brush the filth off of his friend's hands. "I wouldn't be able to stand if you were killed by my hand," He continued in a murmur when the other didn't speak, watching as specks of brown fell to the ground. "I know," Ren finally said at last, knowing full well that the impact of sending a loved one to eternal rest was nothing short of excruciatingly painful. 
   "And I still tried," He weakly said, as if scared of being too loud.
   "I forgive you," Was the quiet reply, steady hands pausing then firmly gripping the blonde's. 
   "What if I try again?" 
   Ren leaned forward, bracing his arms on his crossed legs. "If you don’t trust yourself," He started gently, glancing up. "Then trust me. I know you wouldn't hurt me because you really wanted to," He returned his gaze to their hands after the weight of his words, the declaration of trust, was said, letting the other twine them together. Martyn leaned over as well with a small exhale to press their foreheads together, the two easily relaxing in what they'd grown to know as silence.
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Prologue: Of Everyone Here
The prologue of An Unexpected Production, the thing I've been on about since our cryptid count reached 700! Now, at 823 and growing, I present to you, The Prologue of AUP. (But first warnings, word count, and pairings)
Warnings: Misgendering (due to Virgil not being out yet) [Let me know if I missed any!]
Word Count: 698
Pairings: Platonic Prinxietea and the Creativitwins!
First period was almost concluded in its entirety, and students loudly chattered, filling the air with a lively feeling. The room was full of life and energy, just as drama class usually was. Some people loved it, being in such a social environment. 
   One of these people was Roman Pennypacker, the resident theater nerd who was known for his love of Disney, participation in school events and clubs, and constantly dressing up in the most absurd attire and costumes on the daily. He also adored the stage and spotlight, and the backstage production of plays. In grade school he always helped with sets for the Winter and Spring concerts, usually going up in front of the audience as an actor as well. 
   When a play production was in the works, he constantly posted to show the progress of props and backgrounds he was helping with. There never seemed to be anything wrong in his life, and no one ever seemed to take a second glance.
   Roman stood near the front of the class, rather loudly talking with his twin brother, who's name was Remus, and a girl about the project they were assigned.
   But as middle school goes, there are some people who prefer the quieter moments. Near the wall beside the door, Virgil Wills stood about a foot or two from his seat, hoping someone would approach him and ask to be in a group for this assignment. 
   Virgil was always a quiet student, hardly talking to anyone, or at all. But despite his silent nature, he paid attention in class and completed most projects. One of the downsides though, was being known by the world as a female named Violet, and while that wasn’t all that nice, he would bare with it for now. 
   “Let’s ask her.” He saw someone pointing at him. He looked up, but he didn’t take off his hood or remove his hands from his ears. He can slightly lip read, but the person was finished talking before he could and he could just barely hear murmurs from the class as they worked. Or maybe they were talking about him, spreading rumours. They wouldn’t do that, would they? Virgil wondered.
   Before he could ponder much longer, someone spoke, sounding much closer than he would’ve expected. He startled slightly, removing his hands from their position over his ears and listening as he shoved his hands in his pockets. “Pardon, but could you repeat?” He internally scoffed at his natural voice, since it was higher pitched than the usual "extremely squeaky girl" voice he had possessed all his life, as he dubbed it. 
   “I said, ‘Do you want to be in our group?’” He looked up to find Remus, who was a bit taller than him, standing next to one of the desks that was in the cluster of seats Virgil decided to sit at today.
   The hooded teen almost immediately snatched his bag from where it was on the floor next to one of the chairs, slinging it around his shoulder due to being overprotective over his stuff since there was a chance for theft. He took off his hood and tied his somewhat short hair into a bun (leaving his bangs which he brushed aside) so it was out of his face and he could focus better.
   "Sure?" He wasn't sure in the slightest. In fact, the way he said it sounded more like a question than anything.
   Nonetheless, Remus didn't seem to question his tone whatsoever, not even his expression flipping to the briefest moment of confusion. Instead, the loud and dark humoured twin lead Virgil to the front, Virgil dropping his bag into his seat, and started a conversation once more. 
   Virgil noted the names of who he was working with, and was certain there had been someone named Roman in his second grade class or something when he was younger, looking to the most dramatic one in, really, his whole school. They had yet to interact beyond simple greetings and waves, sure, but Virgil needed confirmation and he was going to have to ask. He guessed that being in this group would give him a good chance to try.
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