#Wish he'd get more moments like this with substance
drmcdreary · 10 months
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Close your eyes. I'll be here.
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You know that new anime where the guy hears his bosses porny thoughts about him whenever they end up touching? Think of that for Tomarry. I know you said you don't do porn for these, but that doesn't meant you can't make Harry experience a wide range of Tom's interesting thoughts! Also congrats on the milestone! :3
A Cherry Magic! AU. XD
Fandom: HP Ship: Tomarry RATED: M-Rated(for language and descriptions XD) TAGS: Cherry Magic! AU, Drama, Humor, Explicit Language, Innuendo, Flirting, Pornographic Thoughts, Magic(in-universe version), Homophobia(in thoughts only)
For Want of a Cherry!
It was just supposed to be a legend! A little folk tale that was supposed to shame people for not being sexually adventurous or something! Because, of course, people would have to put so much stock into whether or not you have sexual experience.
The day that Harry James Potter turned 30 his world was flipped upside down. His friend, Ron, had told him about that. little legend last week, teasing. him about the fact that he was still single. His wife, Hermione, who had been their friend since they were in primary school, had smacked him upside the head and told him that there was no shame in not being in a romantic relationship, nor was their shame in either sleeping around or not sleeping around.
He'd been on blind dates of all sorts over the years. Some even set up by his friends themselves, but maybe he was just really boring. None of them had elicited any kind of reaction, regardless of how attractive the other person was.
Maybe he was just one of those people who was not destined to be in a romantic relationship of any sort. There were people who went their whole lives not getting married and not having children, and they weren't miserable for it. It was completely possible to live a fulfilling life without having a partner at your side.
But the one thing that Harry could never really let go of was the fact that he was kind of bitter. People his age liked to go out to the clubs, or go drinking, or try out illegal substances. They were experimenting with different forms of entertainment and finding the places that helped them be themselves. And Harry had no interest in doing things like that.
He was probably the biggest introvert in the world, despite all of the sports he played back in school. Despite all of the events he had been forced to attend to support his parents and their business. Despite all of the dinners the company he worked for orchestrated constantly.
Harry James Potter was just avoidant and hated when he had to go places and be with people!
But deep down, he did wish that he could finally have some kind of reaction to somebody! Being, the perpetual third wheel that was resting outside of all of his friends and their romantic relationships was really annoying.
And now here he was on the day of his 30th birthday. Now, suddenly, frighteningly aware of the fact that that little tale that Ron had told him in jest last week was apparently true!
The barista at the coffee shop he went to every day had always given him a bad vibe. He couldn't really explain it because she had always been positively pleasant, but it always felt very fake. Enough for Hermione to smack him and tell him that judging without just cause wasn't good and made him look sexist.
He didn't personally agree with that but knew it was something Hermione took seriously, and he'd never experienced anything sexist save for the time a guy thought he was a girl back during fifth form.
But today the bad vibes were proven to have been legit!
He'd reached out to accept his iced spiced coffee and his hand brushed the barista's fingers in the process. His mind was instantly flooded with her voice despite her mouth being closed.
He's so hot! He'd be great boyfriend material if he was more masculine and less poof-y!
For a moment he thought he'd imagined it. But no... he'd frozen in place and as such, their connected hands revealed more of her mind to him.
Maybe I can turn him straight!
He mumbled a nervous word of gratitude and shuffled off before he could hear any more.
Harry had to find out how this worked and if it was there to stay!
Also, the barista was a homophobe. Nothing like vindication for the vibe check failing.
God, his hair is perfect. It just flops around when he moves and gets in his eyes so adorably! I want to tuck it behind his ear and cradle his face between my hands!
I wonder if my mom will make curry tonight.
Those glasses made him look so dashing too! I could stare at him all day.
Sandra looks like shite, as always. I've always been prettier than her so what does John see in her!
Maybe, if I play my cards right, I can get him to agree to come to dinner with me tonight. Maybe I can even convince him to come back home with me. It's his birthday after all. I'd treat him so well too.
Fucking birds shat all over my bloody car and now I have to deal with this bastard's cheery face all damn day.
I don't even like him like that but he keeps coming on to me and he knows how I feel about it but he just won't stop! I'll need to call my brother. He'll scare Ted away.
I would bend him over the desk in my office and eat him out so well he wouldn't be able to walk afterward.
Harry flushed instantly and looked around, finding himself trapped in the lift with about a dozen people and five of them were touching him at once!
A hand on his shoulder made him jump, and he found Tom Riddle, his boss, standing behind him. The person Harry was practically leaning against in the far corner of the lift to try and avoid everyone else! The owner of that delightfully built torso.
The only one on the lift who could possibly know it was Harry's birthday... meaning... those horny thoughts had been from... him...
"Are you well, Harry? Your face is flushed," he said, placing a hand directly on Harry's brow to check.
His mind was flooded with Tom's thoughts immediately.
His skin is so smooth. I want to put my teeth on his neck and leave it ringed in bruises. I'd have him sit on my face as I decorate his thighs with my marks. My tongue shoving so deep inside that he sees star-
"I'm fine!" Harry said, backing away a bit, only to be assaulted with the thoughts of too many people at once. He stepped right back into the near-circle of Tom's arms, and tried to ignore how pleased this seem to make the man who usually seemed so unaffected by everything.
Since when was he harbouring... thoughts of this nature?
About Harry of all people?!
Tom's horny thinking was definitely more preferable than a whole host of screaming minds all complaining about different things at once, but God, was it embarrassing. He just thought like that when his face showed absolutely nothing!
If we were alone in here, I could have my way with Harry all I want. Hell, I'm certain I could fuck him from behind without anyone even noticing him sitting all pretty on my cock. It's sixty floors until we get to ours after all. If I stand in the corner with Harry leaning against my chest, I could get him off well before we'd have to leave. Shove my cock between his thighs and fuck them good and hard and push just the tip in at the end- he'd be a mess all day.
And Tom's hands were just resting on Harry's waist, holding him still as his face displayed concern that did not match what his mind was going on about!
Eventually, Harry was freed from the confines of the lift, but still found Tom at his side, holding to his elbow with most avid attention. "Perhaps you should take off for the day," he suggested kindly, brows knitted together. "I'd much rather you be healthy and whole."
And in good condition for when I wreck that arse of yours.
Harry flushed and shook his head. "I'm fine," he reiterated. "I can work just fine." And get to his desk which was across the office from Tom's personal office.
"Let me know if you change your mind. If all goes well, I'll treat you to dinner tonight to celebrate your birthday."
And then take you home and fuck you good and proper.
So, it seemed... that Harry's body could react to something after all.
It just required Tom Riddle to be the one saying it.
A/N: Here you go! XD
I can't believe I did this.
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pacifymebby · 24 days
Summers in the Air Baby Heavens in Your Eyes
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Oblivious Danny X Oblivious Reader, no warnings just pining
You watched him from across the field not realising the melancholy sulk you wore on your face. Your lips a sullen pout, a little frown on your brow, tiny wrinkle at the bridge of your nose.
He was photographing Cathy again. You felt like he was always photographing Cathy, or Betty, or Gale. He never took photos of you.
Not that you blamed him, how could you blame him for anything? But especially not this. Not noticing you, when you were just one in so many women who were older, hotter, more life experience and substance. More intelligent things to say. More insight into the Vandals than you could have offered.
No, you couldn't blame him for paying more attention to them than you.
And yet it pained you still, when you had to watch him watching them. The way he'd rest his head to one side in the palm of his hand, his cheek squishing against his fist. The way he'd get that quiet smirk on his lips. The depth of his gaze when he was listening intently, taking every word in.
How could the boy who sees everything, never even notice you.
It broke your little heart.
Especially today.
Because you'd tried so hard to get his attention. You'd worn your prettiest white sundress, spent too long on your hair considering you were to spend the day sat in a field drinking beer with a bunch of rowdy bikers and their wives. You'd spent too long on your make up too, your lashes long and dark, your eyeliner delicately winged. Your lips a faint kissed cherry shade. And yet Danny had all but stared for a moment and turned his head swiftly away. Busied himself with prettier, more interesting women. Because of course he didn't have time for dumb girls like you.
At least that's what you were thinking as you watched him from across the field.
"Hey y/n." Johnny raised two hands in a still wave greeting you as he wandered over to your perch on the edge of a picnic table. "Whatcha doin sittin all alone for over here?" He asked, "y'know the girls are all sitting over there with Danny..." He said nodding behind him to where he already knew you knew the girls were sitting with Danny.
After all he'd been watching you pouting over at them all for the best part of half an hour now and if he was being honest, Johnny was getting tired with the sulk on your face.
"Y'know y'too pretty to waste your time sitting around with that sad little look on you all day..." He carried on. Johnny was a man of few words, tended to stay quiet unless he had something he needed to say, tended not to say things for the sake of it. So you knew he meant it when he teased you, knew he was talking to you now with intentions.
Still that didn't stop you rolling your eyes.
"Oh sure..." You replied with a sarcastic whine. You were trying to be more like Cathy, cause Cathy seemed to hold everyone's attention when she spoke. She was more grown up, more sure of herself. Everything you weren't and no wonder Danny was always pointing his microphone in her direction, listening to her with those deep, pensive eyes. He was always thinking about something and what you wouldn't give to have him share his thoughts with you. Better yet, be the one that so occupied his mind.
"Y'know I'm sure he'd love to be rescued by the prettiest girl at the picnic..." He said then, not even smiling at you, simply knocking your elbow with his to force your sullen glare back to him.
If you hadn't known better you'd have told him to fuck off. But you didn't get to swear at Johnny. Not just because you didn't want to disrespect him when your place in the gang was so flimsy anyway, but because over the time you'd known him, Johnny had become a bit of a father figure to you. Even if it did come across as merciless teasing you knew his remarks were supposed to be taken as friendly advice.
"He's workin..." You shrugged him off, wishing that you were brave enough to take Johnny's advice.
"Nah, he's heard every story Cathys got to tell... I'm sure he'd appreciate some new material to chew on..."
You gasped then, astounded he would dare say something so loaded to you, so heavily burdened with double meanings.
"Johnny!" You yelped, your cheeks burning scarlet as you whacked his arm and shook your head at him. "I can't believe you!"
"Oh come on honey you're smarter than that... You ain't shocked..." Chuckled Johnny, letting out a sigh as he stood up, "but hey, I'm just an old man, can't make you kids listen to me can I..."
And with that he wandered off, back to Benny and the boys, back to the bikes ready to rev an engine and start another deadly race around the homemade dirt track they'd all been busy carving out for themselves all day.
And you, well, you let your cheeks squish against your fists and let out a sigh, your eyes returning with longing to Danny. Danny who for a moment you could have sworn, had been looking at you.
For a moment your heart threatened to jump right out of your throat but when you took a breath and gathered composure you saw that he had returned his attention to Catchy and her cigarette as she waved it around and spun him another yarn about her beloved Benny and the trouble he was always causing her.
You knew you shouldn't have felt so bitter, Cathy had always been so kind to you. A real girls girl who had taken you under her wing, welcomed you into the fold. You just got jealous sometimes when you saw the girls with their men. How they had that one thing you wanted so badly. A pair of arms to wrap around your body when the sunset and the chill began to settle around you. Someone to kiss your neck by the fire, tickle their fingers over your waist until you shrieked and caused a scene and made the others laugh. You wanted to be the woman all the other women rolled their eyes at. Just once.
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He's taken too many pictures of you for someone who hasn't yet said two words to you. Too many beautiful pictures, and none of them, can he honestly say, are for the book. Not that he doesn't think the whole world would love to look at your sweet smile, your dewy dark eyes gazing just past the lens, just past him - much to his dismay. Not that he doesn't think people would be as mesmerised by you as he is... No. It's just that if he's being honest, even though you're not his girl, Danny has already decided he doesn't want to share you with anyone.
If only he could work up the courage to speak to you for once then perhaps he could tell you that himself.
He sat in the grass, elbow resting on his knee, chin resting on his closed fist as he held his microphone out to Cathy Cross and forced himself to tune back into another story about Benny. Fuck how he wished he could be more like Benny.
This was a story he was pretty sure she had told him before, about when her and Benny first met. How she'd given him the cold shoulder and he'd persisted. Danny could hardly get his head around that. The confidence, the self-certainty that Benny must have possessed to know that if he just kept trying he'd win a woman like Cathy over. A woman who was almost, almost as beautiful as you.
Benny who had the looks, those pretty boy puppy eyes that women loved, but with all the rugged edges of a man who worked with his hands and knew how to use them. A man with no fear, unscathed by anxiety. A man who knew exactly how to smile at a woman and slip so casually into her heart.
Danny wasn't that kind of guy at all. In fact ask any of the guys he was riding with what they really thought of him and he was sure he knew exactly what they'd say.
"He's cool yeah, for a pinko college boy..."
Yeah, he could dream, he could wear the colours and tear the sleeves off his denims all he wanted but at the end of the day that was what he was. A pinko photography major and that, that was why an absolute dream girl like you would never look twice at him.
"And 5 weeks later... I married him..." Cathy grinned, her voice singsong teasing, her hand on her heart as her eyes lit up with mischief.
Danny smiled, grinned along and tried to think of a question he could ask to keep her talking... To keep giving him an excuse to stay sitting there, pretending to look at her, when in fact he was really watching his periphery for little glimpses of you.
But in the end Cathy got tired of talking. She did as she always did and dusted herself down, gave him a wink and told him to ask some of the other girls what they thought of the boys and their "toys" as she always referred to the bikes.
"You should try asking y/n a thing or two, get a couple of lines to accompany all those pretty pictures you been snappin of her all day.... Yeah, I noticed that..." She grinned, "you boys think I don't notice anythin well, you're all dumb... Especially you honey, you're the worst..." She teased as she walked away with all the confidence of a woman about to wrap her arms around Benny Cross and demand a little attention knowing she'd get exactly that.
Danny watched her in disbelief, hoping his cheeks weren't as red as they felt. Stealing a nervous glance in your direction to try and gauge whether you'd heard Cathy's remark. Her voice carrying in the way it always did.
But you seemed oblivious. Actually you seemed exactly as you had done all day. Completely lost to the world, lost in your own thoughts. Sulking and pensive, real sorry looking. It made Danny want to drop his camera and his recorder and snake an arm around your waist. Ask you what was troubling you so that you might lean your head on his shoulder and let him tend your aching heart.
He wondered which of the bikers had broken your tender heart, tried to glance around them to see if he could see where your melancholy gaze landed. But he couldn't tell.
Every now and then he thought you might have been looking at him. Sometimes when your dark lashed fluttered slowly, your eyes glistening with a sulk, he was sure it was him you were gazing at from across the field. But then someone would pass behind him, one of the guys and he'd decide that Corky or Cal were a far more likely candidate for a girl like you's affections.
"Hey Danny..."
Danny heard Johnny before he saw him. Saw his dirty boots stop just in front of his before he looked up and saw the older man standing there in his deep blue denims, his hands waved in a still greeting. "Y'know I been thinkin you ain't gonna be able to keep riding with us..." He said. His words hanging in the air for a moment, not a hint of amusement.
Danny looked up at him with his head cocked to one side, trying to work out whether he was joking or not. Deciding very suddenly that he might not be. Scrambling to his feet to speak to him.
"What? I mean w...why Johnny?" He asked, trying not to reveal his panic, knowing however that he couldn't hide his racing heart and the sick feeling in his stomach. Not to mention the terror which had shot through him at the thought he might have earnt himself a fight with Johnny Davis. Fists or knives he couldn't take on Johnny and he didn't want to either!
"Well," he sighed with a unnerving smirk, "if you insist upon breakin my little girls heart I just don't see how you can... Ride with us no more... Don't see how that's gonna work?" He said, his smirk only confusing Danny more.
"What?" He asked, his eyes flickering between Johnny's and the space just over his shoulder where only moments before he'd had a perfect view of you sulking at the edge of that picnic table but didn't anymore.
"What's confusin you Danny? You seem confused?" Asked Johnny cocking his head to one side. His pout almost certainly mocking him.
"Uh... Well I uh, I don't know who you're talkin about Johnny..." He said scratching the back of his neck nervously, "I don't have nothin to do with any of the girls... Except when I interview them but I promise you I ain't been foolin around with nobody..."
"Yeah, yeah I know you ain't... That's half the problem..." He replied, turning over his shoulder to scan the crowd for you. "I mean look at her Danny boy, don't you think she's sweet? C'mon kid, I know you college boys ain't stupid..."
But when he turned around to nod Danny in your direction he found that you'd disappeared and he knew with a sinking heart that he'd acted too late. That you'd probably given up once again, gone and found Cal or one of the others to give you a ride back home where you would no doubt be crying your little babydoll eyes out into your pillow for the college boy who was proving to be more stupid than Johnny had imagined.
"Well," said Johnny, "you don't need me to tell you that... You been snapping plenty enough pictures all day..." He said leaving Danny to frown, his brow knitted as he watched the empty picnic bench mournfully.
"Oh well, too late now..." Teased Johnny, "she'll be off with one of the boys... Why don't you grab yourself a beer, drink yourself a bit of fuckin courage..."
And well, in your absence that was all that Danny could do. Rejoin the men who were all gathered around the fire with their girls. Drink a couple beers and try to nurse his pitiful heart as the night and his jealousy grew. Because all those other boys sitting round the fire had someone to hold onto, someone to tease and kiss. Someone to lean against them. Make them feel like a man.
And Danny had fumbled yet another picnic, let you slip between his fingers once again.
If you would like a less tragic part two please let me know x
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galaxyedging · 2 months
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You asked for it @magneticecstasy @missredherring @yorksgirl @inkededucatednnerdy
I take no responsibility for this fic. I didn't even proofread it.
Reed Richards x f!reader.
Warnings: Smut and powers and weird smut. Also, peer pressure. It's not in the fic. I'm just a sucker for it.
F is for...
The dirty bass line of Pony thunks through the thin walls of your changing room for what feels like the millionth time. It is a classic.
“Hey. That shady guy is back. How much does he pay you? It must be a lot, if he won't even take his hat and shades off in the club. You can't even see his face. Who knows what's under there.” Gina doesn't stop for an answer or stop picking through your things for the perfume of yours that she likes to steal.
Before you can process Gina is gone and all that is left in her place is a cloud of pilfered floral mist. The reflection in the mirror that looked so pleasing a few moments ago now is all wrong. Your hair needs to be tied back. The sequins and jewellery have to go. The high heels too. You don’t want to risk hurting your highest paying client. While you're at it, you remove the make up you'd layered on for the stage. He doesn't seem to go in for all that. He seems like he wants a girl he can take home to meet his folks. Which is probably why he ended up in here in the first place. It's the last place on earth you would find his type of girl, so it stands to reason it's the best place for him to hide.
“Hi. Did Gina tell you that you have someone waiting?” Adele fills the doorway of the dressing room.
Adele has been the manager for the past year. She's five foot nothing, all curved and attitude. She needs every ounce of it to keep the staff in check. Not one person here has a dad who didn't come back from buying milk or any substance abuse issues or any of those bullshit reasons to work the pole that people use to look down on dancers. They are here because they want to be. The pay is good for the hours. It fits around schooling and building other careers.
Days like this though you wonder if it's worth the pay. With Adele standing impatiently, you'd changed and made your way to room six, the one she'd told you, your regular was waiting in. He paid well and his request wasn't that weird considering his…situation. Slowly opening the door, the sleeve of his brown trench coat came into view. It always amused you that he thought that thing made him look less conspicuous. With the fedora and the shades he might as well have a neon sign about his head saying ‘I am hiding something.’
‘Hi, Reed.’ You greet him once the door is firmly closed behind him.
‘Hi.’ His posture relaxes once the door is locked and you two are alone, he even takes his hat and sunglasses off.
“How's your research going?” You hang up his hat and return for his coat.
“It's going.” You've learned that that's what passes for humour with Reed.
He's very straight laced even when things get…heated. It's all enjoyed with an under current of restraint.
“What would you like today? A regular dance…” you glance toward the pole “....or your special dance?” You come to sit beside him.
Reed was always a little timid at first. Once he was relaxed, he was confident and in control, he just needed a moment to acclimate.
“I'd like my dance, please, but…can I ask you something first?” His brown eyes study your for any hint of discomfort.
“Sure.” You shrug, you don't have to answer him. Besides, it's Reed, he'll probably just ask you about college.
“When you dance for me, do you feel that I appreciate it? That I'm present?” It's a genuine enough question. Only with your knowledge gleaned for Buzzfeed articles did you know that it was more than likely to do with his wife asking for a separation. If the rumours are true, he'd been even more obsessed with his research since that accident that gave them their powers.
Against your wishes, your heart clenches. “I do and you are very present, Reed.”
A smile tugs at his lips. “Thank you. I try and I do. Appreciate you, I mean. Sometimes my brain just won't shut off and these powers make my body feel…I don't know…needy?”
Years of training your face to not get you in trouble snap in place and stop the smile that threatens of Reed feeling horny without his wife and his first logical solution is to buy some relief.
“Well, what do you need now, Reed?” You perch on the edge of the sofa with your legs crossed, making sure he gets a good view of everything you have to offer in your tiny cutout bathing suit. “The usual?”
Reed nods eagerly and his hands practically fly to his belt buckle. In fact they go so fast that they fly past his belt buckle and stretch out another couple of feet in front of him.
“Sorry.” His sheepish smile is endearing as he wills his hands to return to their normal size.
“It's alright. Why don't we skip the foreplay tonight? You seem ready to go.” You couldn't help but notice the tent in Reed’s pants before he’d even ‘let it out’.
“Yes, please.” Reed sighs as he tugs out his already impressive cock.
As it is, it's long, thick, cut with a slight curve. It makes your mouth water but there is no way you are taking it in your mouth, or anywhere else with Reed’s current predicament. Speaking of, his cock begins to stretch. The girth doesn't change but the length is slowly rising. Even with the extra weight of the new inches, Reed is still hard and standing to attention. Eventually, three foot of cock sways before him.
Remembering that you are supposed to be a professional, you snap out of your gawking to get the lube and press play on your track. The first notes of ‘Pour Some Sugar on Me’ play as you straddle Reed’s thighs and pour a generous amount of lube over your chest and torso. As the song really gets going you shuffle closer to him, pressing your barely clothed pussy against his balls and start to grind to the beat. Reed whimpered at the contact. Normally you would tease him for more of those sounds but today you take pity on him. Looking him straight in the eye you lean forward to run your tongue up a section of his shaft. He tastes clean yet musky. It makes you determined to catch as much of his cum as you can in your mouth even if it does prove difficult.
“Again, please?” Reed pants while his hands find your hips.
He really is worked up today. Usually he allows a bit of teasing. He understands the concept of delayed gratification. He usually only takes control near the end. “Reed? Do you want me to make you come quicker today?”
“Yes but only if you do too. I want to feel you.” Reed is not the only one of your regulars that insists on your pleasure. He is the only one that you feel would completely give up his own for yours.
“I will. This really works for me, too, remember.” Reed can feel your sincerity as you move the flimsy piece of material covering your pussy to the side.
Reed’s incredible length slots between your folds and the valley of your breast. His arms wrap around you to pull you close. The two of you bounce up and down in tandem. Reed’s cock is trapped between you as your body jerks it off. The slick slide of your clit across the veins of his thickness builds your own release. The viscose sounds of body fluids and lube almost rivals the powerful cords of the song. Reed gets more vocal the closer he gets to the edge. His babbled pleas are muffled against your neck. His plush lips against the skin there is the closest you've ever come to kissing. It feels nice and a small part of you dares to dream. Whether it's the dream of the lewdness of jerking off a huge cock with your whole body, you come, and you come, and you come. Wave after wave of pleasure washes over you after your initial climax like jumping into the ocean. A gasped groan at your neck is all the warning you get to tilt your head up and stick out your tongue. Reed’s angry red head is shooting ropes of cum above you like a perverted confetti cannon. This time you manage to catch some on your tongue. It tastes just as you imagined. More importantly since you managed to catch it shooting out of a three foot cock into the air, it tastes like victory.
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With All That I Am
Billy Russo x Female Reader
Part 7 of my Accidentally on Purpose Series
Warnings: Hospitals, injury recovery, cockwarming, oral (f receiving), angst, hurt/comfort.
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There's something about Dominic Saintclair that Billy had never liked.
He could never put his finger on it. Maybe it was the pretentiousness of his actions, the way he looked like he'd never had a hard day in his life, the lackadaisical way he treated things as if they were replaceable.
The way he didn't understand that the most valuable thing he had, was the one thing he was mistreating right now.
"I swear, she doesn't know when to leave me alone." Dominic says loudly in the opulent bar, a place that was more red velvet seats and accented gold ornaments than anything else. It was somewhere Billy brought the clients he could impress easily, ones that didn't understand what the best brand of gin for a negroni was, or that whiskey shouldn't be served with ice. It was simply a place that glittered, gorgeous on the surface with no real substance... or character... not unlike the man in question.
Billy looks down at Dominic's cloned phone. All you had said was that you hoped he was having fun. 
"Maybe you're just not fucking her enough." One of his friends joke.
"Oh fuck off. I fuck her more than enough, maybe that's why she's so needy." It gets a round of laughter from his friends, and a disgusted frown from Billy.
At the bar, only a few tables away, Billy's hand tightens on his glass of whiskey, his back is to the group, and he's positioned in a dark enough corner to be unnoticed while still being able to hear the conversation.
"Anyways, enough about that, finish telling me about the red head." Dominic says, and Billy is forced to listen to him talk about other women when he has the best one.
Billy thinks about how stupidly simple it would be to kill your boyfriend, but doing it now would create more problems. You wouldn't know how much of an asshole he really was, for starters, you'd probably convince yourself that you'd been deeply in love with him before his untimely death. People tended to put dead loved ones on a pedestal, forgiving them unless their crimes were truly heinous. 
No, you had to see Dominic for his true colours first. Then, and only then, he would wipe your stain of a boyfriend from the earth.
Billy listens to Dominic say some more vile things, fully understanding his hatred for the man now. Dominic was manipulative, showing you one face, and yet secretly thinking something else behind your back. With a frown, he scrolls through your older messages.
You always seemed to be reaching for him, supportive of the things he said. He never voiced his support for you in return. 
What a fucking waste of space. To have someone as precious as you, and to take you for granted.
If he had you... he'd worship you. Without a doubt, Billy would kiss every inch of your skin, kneel at your feet if you asked, kiss you at every waking moment.
When another text comes in from you, he smiles.
As predicted, you text a second time after you've seen his read receipts and no response has come in from your idiot boyfriend.
'Are you alright?' You text.
The corner of Billy's mouth lifts, he wishes you were sending texts like this to him.
Dominic responds.
'Yes. I'm fine. Stop bothering me.'
Billy's smile drops.
You don't respond, but you see the message. He knows that you're hurt by it.
Billy's thoughts go violent again.
Anonymously, Billy has bought round after round of shots for the men, until they're wasted, and their lips are loose and he can soak in all the information possible. He plots while he listens, and he learns so much, until he could pick apart any man there in his sleep.
Their numbers dwindle, until it's just two men there, and he waits patiently for Dominic to stand on inebriated feet and head off to the bathroom.
Billy knows that Dominic is barely functional right now, having taken shot after shot, Billy is aware that Dominic will not remember any bit of whatever is happening right now.
With that information, he texts Dominic's companion from the cloned phone.
'Feeling better now, ordered an Uber, you can go ahead without me.'
Billy watches his friend read the text, finish his drink and then leave.
Too easy.
Dominic is so far gone that when he returns to his seat, he barely notices that his friend's things are gone, and Billy acts fast to stop Dominic from realising that anything is amiss.
"Saintclair." Billy greets, whiskey in hand, looking around to make sure that no one is looking, "Drinking all by yourself?" 
Dominic looks up at Billy and squints.
"Mister Russo?"
Billy hums the affirmative.
"Got room for company?" The words are bitter in his mouth.
Billy doesn't wait for an answer, pushing the inebriated man deeper into the booth and sliding into the space next to him. He hates this place, literally just designed for showing off, he glances at Dominic, who's lost in his own head, staring at his drink.
Nothing this man was thinking could ever be worth your time.
He raises his hand to the bartender, calling for another round of shots.
Dominic only has time to adjust his body, from his slumped, hazy demeanour, to appear like someone with all their critical thinking skills functional.
Billy spikes the drink with a little bit of melatonin, it's more than enough at Dominic's current level of intoxication.
"Wasn't drinking by myself, but the rest of guys have already left." Dominic slurs, and Billy raises his eyebrows, extending the spiked shot to the already drunk man.
He gives Dominic the opportunity to decline the shot, doesn't force it into his hands, just holds it out expectantly and watches the younger man choose his own self-destruction.
He kind of delights in it, the anarchy he's capable of. Each person has a role to play and it's always nice when they do it as expected.
Dominic throws back the shot with him and internally, Billy begins his internal stopwatch.
"I hope the job's treating you well." Billy hums, uncaring of what the man next to him has to say. He just has to make small talk for fifteen minutes, before the drug kicks in.
Billy asks about some of his coworkers, and then his phone pings, alerting him to a message. 
"Clingy." Is all Dominic has to say, looking at his phone when Billy inquires casually.
His eyebrows raise, watching his employee yawn, the drug beginning to take effect.
"If you don't like her that much, then why are you with her?" Billy asks, trying to keep the anger out of his tone.
"Why not?" Is the last thing Dominic says before he slumps over onto the table, asleep.
Billy blinks, an angry sneer growing on his face. What a careless piece of shit. He reaches for Dominic's phone, unlocks it and opens your messages the way he's done a hundred times before.
'At least tell me you're okay.' You'd texted.
"Prick." Billy swears, typing out a message to you on Dominic's phone.
'I'm alright sweetness, just getting ready to go home.' After a moment, he sends another message.
'I'm sorry about that last message, you don't bother me.'
He finds himself smiling when your text bubbles appear almost immediately.
'That's alright! I understand that you probably just wanted some time with your friends.' You say.
You were so quick to forgive, it made Billy's heart sour with the thought that Dominic didn't deserve your forgiveness.
'How was your night?' He asks, smiling fondly when he gets a picture of you wearing a fluffy robe and face mask.
'Very pretty, baby.' He replies, which earns a little '😳' face in response.
How sweet you were, saccharine and sticky, Billy could find himself eating you up quite easily.
'I mean it. I think you're fucking gorgeous.'
It takes a moment to get your response.
'How much have you had to drink exactly?'
Billy grits his teeth, looking over at the unconscious fuck. He barely ever tells you how pretty you are. It's why you think he's drunk now.
'A bit, but that doesn't make it any less true. You are beautiful.'
You don't respond immediately, Billy spends five minutes refreshing Dominic's phone until he gets a very shy 'Thank you,' in response.
He smiles, pockets Dominic's phone.
"Time to get you home, Saintclair." He says to the unconscious man.
He gets someone from the bar to help him get Dominic into the back seat of his car, uncaring of how he's placed, thanking the larger man with a hefty tip before getting into his car.
'You didn't tell me what you did today.' He sends before driving off.
He hears several different message notifications while he drives, and he can't help smiling, because for once, you were finally talking to him, and not as a stranger, but as someone familiar.
It was much harder to get Dominic to his apartment due to the lack of help he'd had from earlier, yet Billy made do with tossing the unconscious man over his shoulder, and then putting him down when they were in the elevator.
Billy really could have left Dominic anywhere, at the bar, or at the front steps to his apartment, or even at the door, with his keys in hand to have him wake up there in the morning horrified that he was so drunk he couldn't even make it inside.
But Billy drops Dominic on his bed instead, after accidentally bumping his head on a few door frames, he decides that he'd keep the drunk asshole safe this time...for you.
After, Billy sits in Dominic's living room, and opens up his phone once more.
'Okay, this doesn't mean anything but I went to a jewellery store today. I was looking at earrings and then I couldn't help looking at the engagement rings.'
Oh? Billy thinks.
'They were all shiny and even though I like shiny, they didn't feel like me you know? I feel like if we ever... uhhhh.... you know.... get married, I'd want something more unique you know?'
'Hello? Are you there? Did I scare you off? This isn't me asking for a wedding, I'm just saying.'
Billy sucks in a breath.
'I'm here, sorry, just got home.' he replies, tries to ignore the pain inside of him that worsens with the thought of you getting married to anyone other than him.
'Oh... Hi' you respond.
Billy smiles.
'Hi, do you have any ideas of what you think might be for you?'
He can almost see your excitement.
'Are you sure? If this is weird, you can say so.'
How cute, the way you care.
'I'd really like to see them.' He answers.
You send a link, and indeed, they're beautiful and unique and Billy can't help the thoughts of wearing it, and having you wear the other.
'These are the ones I've always dreamed of.' you add on with the attached pictures.
He bites down on his bottom lip, closes his eyes, and imagines how perfect your hands would look linked together, decorated with matching rings. The thought makes him hard.
'They have to be custom ordered though, really expensive, I'm sure we can find something cheaper.'
Absolutely not.
'They're beautiful. Tell me your ring size so that I can surprise you.'
He makes note of it when you send it.
'I can't wait to marry you.' He says.
'Well now I know you really are drunk.' You respond.
Billy has a quick moment of realisation when he remembers that you think you're talking to Dominic.
His smile drops.
'I am drunk. But you're still the most amazing person on the planet. I think you might be it for me.' And Billy means it. He means every word. He plans to marry this sweet girl that waltzed her way into his life and believed in him after two conversations.
'I love you.' Comes your reply.
Billy smiles.
'I love you too.' 
He stays with you until you fall asleep, telling you all the sweet things he's ever wanted to say, dodging personal topics that he doesn't know the answers to. When you're finally asleep, he stands, checks the time, and goes back to Dominic's room, dropping his phone onto the bed beside his sleeping form.
Billy almost considers hitting him, enjoying the thought of giving him a black eye in the morning, but that had the possibility of scaring him into not drinking again, and Billy couldn't have that.
So he leaves, walks out of your boyfriend's apartment, and does not set it on fire like he wants to. 
You stare calmly at the elevator doors. The smell of hospital filling the air around you. In a way, there was an ease to it, a comfort in the sterile cleanliness, a place designed to turn chaos into order.
You sip on your coffee, feeling refreshed after popping back home for a quick shower and supplies for Billy. You didn't want to leave, but you knew you wouldn't be able to stay while the nurses changed his bandages, the wound too fresh to introduce any foreign bacteria. So you'd decided to make yourself useful in the meantime.
Frank was still here somewhere, waiting for you to return so that he could leave. You'd both had tentatively agreed that Billy should not be left alone under any circumstance, surprised that you and his best friend had been on a similar wavelength when it came to caring for him.
Frank's in the waiting room taking a call when you see him. He gives you a little nod, and a gesture of his head that tells you it's okay to go see him.
You do exactly that, making your way to the nurses' station to sign in before heading to his room.
You stop short when at the door, you hear the sound of female laughter. 
It's not laughter exactly, it's... giggling.
It's obviously flirtatious, in that pitch that's just too high to be normal.
You hear Billy's voice next, too far away to make out what he's saying but he sounds polite.
Followed by more giggling.
Pure jealousy rears its head. 
You had only been gone for an hour and someone had taken the opportunity to begin flirting with your husband? 
Something dark blooms inside you, and you take a deep breath, and walk through the doors with your head high.
Two pairs of eyes turn to look at you.
"I'm back." You say calmly, smiling.
Billy smiles at you, his hair askew in every direction as if he hasn't ever heard of a brush. It's adorable, makes him look so much more boyish than usual. Your eyes go to the young nurse, that's currently taking Billy's blood pressure, quietly sizing her up, deciding if she was worth any sort of trouble at all.
"Hey baby, did you get one of those for me?" He asks, referring to the cappuccino in your hands.
You look down at him, close enough to see the tiredness under his eyes although you know this is the most amount of sleep he's ever gotten.
"Sorry, doctor said no." You respond.
Billy lets out a pained groan, and you can't help it, leaning forward to place a soft kiss on his temple.
He sighs, reaching up to take your hand in his, you watch his eyes linger on your wedding ring.
"I was just explaining to Becca here how easy it was to ignore the pain for so long."
Your eyebrows raise in amused displeasure.
"Yeah," she adds in with a wistful smile, "If he didn't pass out from the pain he probably wouldn't have gotten help in time."
Great, a reminder that you weren't there when he'd almost died. You're pretty sure that the only expression you show her is one of disdain.
'Careful,' you think maliciously in her direction, 'If he likes you enough he'll cage you like a bird.'
"How are his vitals?" You ask blankly, trying to get her out of here as soon as possible, ignoring the way Billy looks up at you in confusion at your clipped tone.
"They're uh, they're good! But-" She begins to say, but stops short and presses the back of her hand to Billy's forehead. You blink, clenching your teeth together. You're pretty sure this wasn't medically professional, and you suck in a slow breath to stop yourself from smacking her hand away from your husband.
"Are you feeling okay Bil- Mister Russo? Your heart rate is a bit high." she continues.
You glance up at her monitor in question, and sure enough the little number on screen next to the pulsing heart symbol was just a little above one hundred.
You knew that his heart shouldn't be going at near a hundred beats per minute if he was mostly stationary in bed.
Billy lets out a nervous laugh. You look down at him in confusion.
"Yean, that's- I'm fine- It's just... well... her." He explains, glancing up at you for a second.
Me? You think incredulously, blinking.
His heart is beating fast because you were near him?
Your anger dissolves as fast as it had appeared, stomach fluttering, you try to fight the smile pulling at your face but you inevitably fail.
He doesn't look up at you, so you grip his jaw, tilting his head up.
Absentmindedly, you're aware of the nurse excusing herself from the room.
You press your lips to his swiftly, delight spreading down your body when he groans against your mouth. You deepen the kiss and he accepts it eagerly.
After a moment, you pause, turning your head to look at the little monitor, His heart rate having gone up to one hundred and twenty.
"Still jealous?" he asks, with a cheeky smile.
You don't answer, leaning in to kiss him softly once more.
"Please." Billy begs.
"No." You whisper, bumping your nose against his, adjusting your body under the sheets so that you're both fully covered.
"Just a little bit." He tries to bargain.
"You move, and I'll stop. You cum, and I'll stop." 
He lets out a harsh breath.
"You're being really mean to me." He pouts.
"If you rip a stitch, I won't touch you until they come out."
He groans, frustrated.
Unable to resist, you clench around his cock.
"That's not fair." he gasps desperately.
"Sorry, this isn't entirely easy for me either."
Currently, you were both under his sheets, on your back, both legs draped over his hip, while he lies on his left side facing you. It was a position that had made it very easy for him to slip himself inside of you, allowing you to keep his cock warm. 
He swallows, looking at you with warm eyes.
"You feel so good around me. You know that?"
How was he allowed to say things like that while literally stretching you open? God, you could feel the tip of his cock nestled snugly in the very deepest parts of you, every inch of your cunt sighing in relief at finally being so full of him.
You feel yourself get smaller under his gaze, soft, gentle, unnameable in its unfamiliarity.
"If it feels half as good as it does for me, then yeah, I know." you reply easily.
He smiles, it causes butterflies to flutter in gentle circles within you.
"You're beautiful." he murmurs softly.
It's your turn to swallow and look away.
Your eyes are drawn to his bare chest, and the snake tattoo that resides on his shoulder. He could not be real with the way he made you feel, like all the air in the room had simply vanished by his command, held even further out of reach by the thickness of his cock sitting still inside you.
"You really mean that?" You ask, your insecurity gaining a foothold in your head.
He reaches for your left hand, raises it up to his face so that he can lay a swift kiss onto your wedding ring.
"I do." 
The door swinging open has your eyes widening from your shared spot under the sheets. Thankfully, you were still mostly clothed, where Billy was fully naked.
"Bill?" comes Frank's voice in question from his spot by the door.
Billy winks at you, before moving the sheet off your top halves to reveal you both to the open air.
"Hey Frank." Billy greets.
Frank takes one look at your positions and lets out a tired sigh.
"You two are fucking, aren't you?" The exasperated sound of his voice drawing a smile from you.
You can't help the laugh that leaves you, giving everything away. 
Frank's disappointed expression makes Billy laugh too.
"Alright. I'm walking out this door, I'll be back in five minutes, your pants better be on, Russo."
"Make it ten!" Billy shouts just as Frank gives another disappointed shake of his head, and leaves the room.
Clothed now, in long blue linen pants, Billy kisses your temple, one arm wrapped securely around you as you lie beside him.
"Thanks for being here with me." He says softly, his hands gripping onto any available part of you he could reach, anything to pull you closer to him.
"What? Is Frank not good enough company?" You tease, beginning to laugh when you feel the scratch of his beard as he kisses your throat.
"Frank is usually in the bed beside me." he says into your neck, and you laugh at the imagery.
"Plus," he says in a softer, more serious tone as he pulls away for a moment. You turn to look at him curiously.
"I've never had someone worry about me the way you do."
"Ever?" You ask.
He shakes his head, looks down.
You're not sure what he's thinking, but it looks like guilt, all soft lines and sadness and you ache to make him feel better.
You lean forward, cupping his jaw. His eyes are so open for you that you think you can see his soul in them- a dark web of shadows, that glitters with vulnerability the more you look. 
You wanted his vulnerability, you wanted him to open himself up to you, and share everything he was, everything he could be, until you were full of him.  
Until you could taste him in your mouth, even when he wasn't around.
"I'm here now, and I'll worry. I'll fight anyone that stops me from getting to you. Including Frank Castle." You promise.
His frown grows into a smile.
"You're sure you don't wanna ride me? I'll stay really still." 
You groan.
"No, no vigorous activity for at least four weeks."
"You riding me isn't vigorous."
"Yes, but I'd consider your orgasms vigorous." You reply, contemplating the way the muscles of his abdomen tended to tighten up when he came.
"Wait," Billy says in horror, "I can't come for four weeks?"
"You'll be fine." You huff.
"No I won't be." He protests.
"Just let me take care of you."
He couldn't argue with that.
"You hate me don't you?" Billy asks.
You try not to grin.
You turn to face him, clad in only your plainest underwear as you get ready for work. Somehow, he still saw beauty in you, even when you weren't trying. It was exhilarating.
Unfortunately you couldn't stay with him, a meeting had been scheduled that you didn't want to push back due to the difficulty in actually getting the meeting in the first place.
"Why? Is there something wrong with it?" You ask, turning playfully to show him the back and the front.
"Everything's fucking wrong with it," Billy grumbles from his spot in bed, head tilting back for a second in what looks like a plea to God himself.
"When I get these stitches out, you're gonna be in so much trouble." he says with a little grunt.
You hum, in thought.
"You know, now that I think about it, I don't think I'll wear underwear today." You taunt.
Billy groans loudly.
Something delightful blooms within you.
This was supposed to be wrong.
The more you think that, the more you know that this is the most right feeling in the world.
There was nothing in your old life that could ever possibly compare to him.
Usually, people coerced into marriage were subjected to inhumane treatment, impossible and abusive environments, that sucked the very living soul out of them.
The most soul sucking being done to you was when you'd been forced to deny Billy the pleasure of tasting you last night.
The pleasure of tasting you... because to him... it really was a pleasure.
You swallow, sitting at his desk, tense in his comfortable chair. You'd become someone he'd wanted.
Or maybe you'd always been. When had he decided to marry you anyways?
You blink, shock spearing through you.
What if your feelings weren't real? But simply a defence response to your circumstances.
A tired sigh leaving your lips. A shake of your head.
Would you want him if you weren't trapped by him? 
The question eats away at your sanity. You spin it around and around in your head and still you can't find an answer.
You're scared by it. By the notion of losing him.
You're also scared by the idea of staying with him, still not fully understanding what he was capable of.
Which fear was right?
And which one would break your heart? 
Billy says your name in question when he hears a door slam shut.
"Just me, Bill." Is Frank's answering voice.
"Where is she?" He murmurs, throat dry, looking up at the ceiling. The pain meds held him in a state of mild confusion, spaced out so that he wasn't in any pain, but unable to truly focus on the things happening around him.
He hears the slow pour of water, peeks an eye open to find Frank beside him. He struggles to sit up, tucking a second and then third pillow behind him for support and gratefully accepting the glass of water from Frank.
"It's only two, her meeting just started so you'll see her a little later."
Billy nods, ignoring Frank's gaze as he sips the water.
"I've never seen you so down bad before."
Billy's laugh bubbles in the glass he's holding.
"What can I say? I'm a romantic." He answers flippantly.
Frank snorts loudly in knowing disbelief. Billy frowns.
"You don't think it's fast? Is she... does she have something on you?"
Anger spears itself through Billy, some at Frank, most at himself.
I'm a monster, he thinks.
He turns away, not wanting Frank to read the expression on his face, wondering if his look of guilt alone will put the pieces together in Frank's head.
"It's not like that." He says easily, thinking to himself what a sick fuck he must be to coerce someone so glorious, so awe-inspiring, into marriage against her will.
He thinks he hates himself for it.
"She told me you got accidentally married. I can't imagine a version of you, however drunk, that would accept marriage."
Frank was getting too close. Billy had to say something to appease him.
"I'd met her before, at... a company party or two. I liked her, but she had a boyfriend."
When Billy doesn't continue, Frank is forced to prompt.
Billy stares down at the sheets. The very sheets you'd slept under last night.
"And when I met her in Vegas, they'd just broken up, and I wanted something with her, and I don't remember how, but the next day I woke up married to her and I was so happy."
It's mostly the truth, the best tale he can spin in his state.
"I know it doesn't make sense, Frankie, but when I'm with her... I'm the man I've always wanted to be."
Frank is quiet for too long now, and Billy is forced to turn his head and look up at his best friend curiously.
Both men stare at each other in silence for a moment.
"Alright, okay, I'm sold, bring her around to meet Maria and the kids." Frank says finally.
If anything, this was Frank Castle's ultimate seal of approval. Introducing strangers to his family was not an occasion to be taken lightly.
Billy grins up at Frank.
"I can't believe I had to lose my appendix to get her invited to a Castle family dinner. You're so gullible, Frank." Billy teases.
He's rewarded with a gentle smack to his shoulder.
You run your hands over the fabric of your dress, deep in thought.
Was it too much? You think you might be overdressed.
It was a lovely beige colour, maybe tan, knee length with a vintage design and little puff sleeves. You'd liked how it looked in the store. Now? You honestly felt like it was a little much.
Maybe Billy would be able to help you decide.
You call his name, walking out of your shared closet and toward the living room where you saw him last.
You spin the corner and find him already coming toward you.
"Are you okay?" He asks, dressed casually in a grey shirt and black pants.
You stumble over your words, your brain spinning too fast for you to keep up.
"W- yeah- I was coming to ask your opinion, but I am so clearly overdressed." You turn on your heel to go back into the bedroom.
"Oh no you don't." Billy says, and before you know it, he's grabbed a hold of your wrist, pulling you into his body.
You gasp, eyes widening on his face as he presses you against the wall of the hallway.
Your heart pounds in your chest at his proximity. Your need for him outweighs rational thought until you have to remind yourself that he's still recovering. If he touched you right now though, he'd find you already wet, and eager for him.
While you've been fighting your aching desire, he's taken the time to run the tips of his fingers across the apple of your cheek.
"God. You're so pretty." He whispers, warm eyes spilling euphoria into you.
He couldn't mean that. Could he?
You glance away, only to be forced into looking back at him when he grabs your jaw roughly.
The tension between you feels like an electric charge, that heightens as he gets closer. 
It's like he's never touched you before, like the sensation is brand new, and not months old. 
"I should change," You whisper, "This dress is too much."
He takes a deep breath, his hand glides from gripping your jaw to curl around your throat. Your breath stutters at the feeling. Something flutters low, an ache to be filled rears its head.
"You're gorgeous. In anything you wear. I'd want you in a ball gown or a potato sack."
Good lord.
When you smile, he brings his fingers up to press against your lips, exploring the shape of your smile, appreciating the softness.
"You mean that?" You ask, a little unsure.
His dark eyes devour you, unfocused as he looks at you, balancing on the precipice of admiring you and imagining just exactly what he wants to do to you.
"Why don't I show you?" He offers.
You reach to grip his elbows when it seems like he's going to kneel.
"No, we- you're still recovering and I don't think it's fair that I get to cum if you can't."
He lets out a low grunt, pressing his body roughly against yours, his palms against the wall on either side of your head, his forehead and nose pressed to yours. The intensity of his gaze makes you turn your head to look away, he's got the demeanour of a man starved, desperate, borderline unhinged.
He doesn't let you move far, fingers curling around the back of your neck to bring you back to face him.
"Little wife," he says so deeply that you're not sure if it's a promise or a threat.
"Lift your dress up for me, or I'll tie you up and lick your cunt anyway."
You gulp. The very thought of being helpless while he-
Fuck, but you didn't even have the time, Frank would be expecting you in an hour. 
You let out a breath, feeling more than seeing the smile that forms on his face as you begin gathering the materials of your skirt into your fists.
"Good." he says finally, and you can only feel your body throb with heat in response.
There's the gentlest kiss to your mouth, something of a promise, a pledge that when he's done with you, you won't remember how to walk.
You squeeze your eyes shut as he kneels, you know that when he reaches up to tug your underwear down the length of your legs, that he'll see the desperation he causes.
He swears when he sees it, drawing out the syllables as he witnesses the way your arousal clings to the little piece of fabric protecting your modesty.
You swallow, the materials bunched in your hands no doubt wrinkling with the force.
He takes his time, tracing coarse fingers over your calve, behind your knee and up your thigh, pulling gently to guide one of your legs over his shoulder. 
He doesn't bother to touch your centre, circle your sweet bud with his thumb like he wants to, he uses his tongue right away.
You take in a sharp breath at the contact. The tip of his tongue meeting your clit affectionately, like old friends reuniting.
A shiver goes down your spine, you crush your bottom lip between your teeth.
"Billy." You whisper softly, tilting your head back as his tongue flattens on you.
He takes it slow, remarkably gentle on your hypersensitive body, having gone relatively long in recent times without an orgasm, you feel like just the right move will pull you apart at the seams.
You let out a little groan, sighing as his pace quickens, his tongue pushing deeper, so that he can get a taste of you directly from the source.
It's primal, soft, ritualistic in the way that his tongue worships you, your eyes rolling back in your head as he draws you close to your peak.
There's an obscene sucking sound, followed closely by a hum of pleasure from between your legs. You feel your body tense, coiled tight on the precipice of bliss, thighs trembling as he keeps his tongue focused on your clit, lapping gently, and then a little harsher, to be gentle again.
His beard scratches your thighs, and even that is an aphrodisiac by itself, reminding you constantly that it's his mouth on you, his tongue on your cunt, his head between your thighs.
A sharp whine of warning, your stomach tightens, your breath stutters. 
A groan of approval from him, the soft twist of his fingers on your skin, as if to encourage you, to tell you how good you're being for him, and all you ever want to do now is be good for him.
Being deconstructed by his mouth should be a lot harder, and yet, Billy makes it look like a basic endeavour.
Your toes curl, head knocking the wall, you feel like you're coming apart, atom by atom, the force of your pleasure barely contained within your skin. You feel the walls of your cunt clamp down into a tight vise, as wave after wave of bliss fills every square inch of your body.
You barely make more than a quiet gasp- too inebriated on his tongue to even scream. 
He keeps licking you gently, lazily, trembling shudders working through your system until you're forced to tap his shoulder for a reprieve.
Another obscene sound when he pulls away, looking up at you, his mouth and beard shiny with your release.
He puts you back on two feet, but your knees buckle once the full weight of you is on them.
He stands swiftly, arms wrapping around you to pull you to his body keeping you upright, a small grunt leaving him.
You blink, struggling to restart your brain.
You realise his grunt is one of pain, as he tries to hold you up, it's what kickstarts your brain into working.
You grip his biceps, straightening your legs under you and willing them to stay that way.
"Sorry." You whisper, trying to take a deep breath.
"It's alright. If I could, I would have picked you up myself." He whispers back, and you raise your head to look into his eyes.
Something unnameable passes between you, you can't put a finger on it- but it feels like quiet appreciation for each other. 
He helps you to the couch, sitting you down before disappearing into the bathroom.
When he re-emerges, it's with a clean face and a damp washcloth. 
He encourages you down to the car after cleaning you and redressing you. You try to tell him that you're capable- but he won't have it.
He slides into the back of the car beside you, and almost immediately tucks your body against his, pulling your legs over one of his for comfort.
You sag, still fatigued from such a powerful orgasm.
Jesus, was it always going to be like that? All mind-consuming and explosive?
You smile when he kisses your forehead, tilting your head up to let him kiss you softly on the mouth.
Delightful, consuming, everything about him was just so... tantalising, you wanted to spend hours learning him, take days to map every thought in his head, every idea in his heart.
He was a dangerous enigma, a slippery slope.
And you were falling. 
When Frank pulls the door to his house open, he gives you both a very suspicious look.
After a moment, he lets out a long sigh of disappointment.
"You two better not fuck in my house." He threatens.
"How can you even tell?" Billy asks in disbelief, reading into the quiet accusations being made by Frank.
"Isn't it obvious?" Frank asks, opening the door wider to let you in.
"Hi Frank," you say in greeting as you walk past him. He says your name, with a small nod of acknowledgement.
You take a moment to appreciate their house, it's warm and cozy, with lots of baseball trophies lining the mantle over the fireplace. There's a lot of pinks and beiges, a cozy line of couches near the fire.
Before you can do more looking, you hear a woman's voice.
"Is that them?" She asks, spinning into the room.
This must be Maria, you think, as you watch her take Billy into an aggressive hug, giving him a kiss to the cheek before letting him go in a flourish, a look of violation comically painted on his face.
When she turns to you next, you gulp.
She's very pretty, with lovely auburn hair. You notice a large scar curving from the corner of her eye down to the edge of her chin.
You only get a second of awareness before she's taking you into a hold just as violent as the one she'd trapped Billy in. 
You can't help but giggle at her blatant showing of affection.
She says your name in greeting.
"I hear you kneed Frank in the balls. Well done."
You splutter for an excuse.
"I'm sorry-"
"-Don't be," she interjects, "I wished I'd seen it myself."
You smile, looking over to Frank, who is mid-roll of his eyes.
"That'll cost you later, big boy. Come! Dinner is almost ready." Maria says quickly, turning away and you let out a little chuckle in response to Frank's apologetic face. 
"Billyyyyyyyyy." You hear someone shout, and you watch in horror as a small blur begins racing to your husband.
Your mouth opens, subtly stepping in front of him, ready to catch said blur.
Frank beats you to it, grabbing his son under the arms and picking him up for a second before putting him back down.
"Woah there slugger, take it easy on Uncle Billy, he just had surgery." 
You sigh, moving away from Billy so that he can hug his godson in peace. You catch Maria staring at you. You give her a smile of apology before looking away.
"Frank, I want you to meet my wife," Billy says, turning the younger Frank's body in your direction.
You can instantly see the suspicious look on his face.
You tell him your name, extending your hand politely in greeting.
He takes it, shaking your hand politely, it's the best you can hope for, being a stranger in their home.
"You're not a gold digger are you?" Frank Jr. says suddenly.
It's met with lots of scolding from his parents. You can't help laughing at everyone's shocked expressions.
"Where did you even learn that word?" Frank says, exasperated.
"In school." Younger Frank answers honestly.
Billy straightens, gives you an apologetic look.
"She's not with me for my money, junior, I'm with her cause she's sweet." He wraps a hand around your shoulders, pulling you into his chest.
You can't look at him, leaning in and accepting the comfort.
You meet Lisa next, Frank's older daughter, she's polite, but you can also see the accusation in her eyes.
You figure it's nice, that at least there are people looking out for Billy, though, you almost want to shout his crimes so that you stop being treated so abrasively.
Billy had warned you that the Castles could be protective, that they'd like you once they got to know you.
You'd hoped that were true.
When Maria asks how you and Billy met during dinner, you both pause in horror as the answer comes to mind.
You let out a long sigh.
"We met a couple of years ago, at a Christmas party, my boyfriend at the time was working at Anvil." You say with a smile.
Maria nods eagerly in understanding. You can see how bad it looks.
"Alright," you say, finally having enough. Your fork clatters onto your plate and you watch Billy turn his head to you in alarm.
"Cards on the table. No, I'm not with him for his money- and I'm not pregnant either if any of you are thinking it. I like him. I like his stupid face and his stupid laugh and I feel safe around him and I never really had that before." You pause for a second, taking a sip of water before continuing.
"Sure, how we met wasn't the best, and how we got married was even worse, but I like him."
Billy reaches over, taking your hand in his, you glance up at him, your stomach tying into knots as you meet his eyes.
"He's my best friend." You finish.
You feel his hand squeeze yours.
Billy leans forward, his other hand cupping your cheek and hiding your mouths from view as he kisses you softly.
The entire table erupts into groans, mostly from both Franks and you can't help laughing into his kiss.
It lightens the mood though, and there's less tension in the air by the time dinner is finished. 
Everyone helps with cleaning up, and you find yourself drying dishes next to Maria while the rest of the family clear the table.
"He's not someone we'd ever thought could settle down." Maria murmurs.
You look up at her curiously.
She sees your confused expression and tries to explain.
"He's always just been so focused on himself, there were a lot of bad things about his childhood, and more in the military, and we just never thought he could be in a spot where he could live with someone. He tends to push people away after a while. Even us."
You look down, letting out a long sigh, wondering what you would do if he ever tried to push you away.
Accept it, you guess. What could you really do if he decided he didn’t want you anymore? Nothing.
“But don’t worry.” She interjects, you look up at her, eyes settling on her wicked scar for a second before you look down at your dish, “He likes you, he really does, maybe you did have a rough start, but I have faith in both of you.”
Your mouth pulls into a smile, you thank her for her kind words.
You play Jenga with them next, laughing and tickling Billy’s left side affectionately to distract him while he moves.
He grins, his hand remains remarkably steady while you torment him with your fingers. Everyone jeers, encouraging his loss, booing him when he manages to get the block on top of the tower without toppling it.
Your turn is next and you smile happily as you lean forward to make your move. You feel his hand on the small of your back, rubbing affectionately as you pick your piece. He doesn’t try to shake you or cheat like you did while you pull your piece out. The rest of the Castle family boo you in funny ways, and you have this moment of realisation that this is what family feels like.
When you get your wooden brick seated next to Billy’s, he kisses you on the temple, murmuring a ‘Good job, baby.’ into your ear in a low voice that has your body responding eagerly to him.
There’s a look that passes between you, something warm and electric, the silent guarantee that if you were alone right now, you’d be ripping at each other's clothes.
It’s Frank that drops the tower, after Maria whispers something into his ear quietly, and you smile at the way he looks at her in half betrayal and half adoration as everyone cheers for his loss.
You see it, you understand why these people are so important to him, the humanity inside each Castle is a unique thing, that makes the whole family unit just work so easily.
You’re glad to have met them, and you’re also sad when you have to bid them goodbye at the end of the night.
Maria hugs you both, Frank gives you an almost friendly pat on your shoulder. There’s a bittersweetness to it that you’ve barely felt before, a real family that you can be a part of, a promise to reunite soon that sparks hope inside of you.
You leave, hand in hand with Billy, a little bit happier than you were when you first arrived, feeling like you understood your husband just a little bit more.
In the car, he lets out a slow breath, tilting his head back. He’s in pain, you realise.
“My scar is starting to hurt.” he confesses, turning his head to look at you.
Your heart squeezes in your chest. 
“We’ll get you home and get some medicine into you, okay?” You say softly, leaning into him, till your nose rubs affectionately against his.
He nods, eyes drooping as he feels your hand move to cup the healing area of his abdomen over his shirt gently. He leans into you, resting his head into the crook of your neck, your other hand moving up to play with his hair.
You feel him sigh in bliss.
You tug your heels off so that you have better balance to support him, encouraging him to lean into you a little so that he’s in a little less pain while you get him up to your apartment.
His pain has worsened by the time you sit him in bed and rummage through your cabinet for his medicine. 
You get it to him first, making sure he finishes the glass of water you gave him before you begin taking his shoes off.
“You don’t have to-” He tries to sit up, “I can-” He grunts in pain when he curls forward too much.
You push him back gently, giving him a kiss to his forehead.
“Let me take care of you, yeah?”
You stroke his cheek with the backs of your fingers while you wait for him to respond.
“Yeah,” he sighs.
You tug his shoes off, and then undo his pants, giggling slightly when he struggles to lift his hips to help you.
You can’t help touching him, feeling over his thick thighs as they’re exposed to you. You kiss his happy trail when you see it, giggling when he groans.
“Tease.” He pouts.
You kiss his pout too.
Only after you strip him down to his boxers and carefully check his scar, do you tuck him into bed, moving to dress down for the night too. 
When you struggle for too long with the zipper, you sit on the edge of the bed beside Billy and ask him for help.
He kisses your exposed back when he gets the zip undone.
When you’re finally in your silky PJs, you slide into bed beside him, noticing that he’s still awake, but blinking slowly.
“Are you still in pain?” You ask, tilting your head to observe him.
“No pain.” He answers, “Groggy.”
You sigh in relief, sliding closer to him, till you’re pressed to his side. Your hand slides into his rough one, and you quietly enjoy the feeling of being next to him until he speaks.
“I’ve never had this.” Billy whispers. You raise your head to look at him, noticing how unfocused his eyes are, staring up at the ceiling, blinking slowly, as if to remind himself that he’s still awake.
“The old me would have never confessed to anyone that I was hurting.” 
He turns his head, glassy eyes focusing on you.
“But you… The way you fight for me makes me want to trust you more and more each time.” He swallows, “It’s scary.”
He raises a hand, cups your cheek and you can’t help leaning into him, closing your eyes in hopes that it puts him at ease, that he doesn’t feel stared at while he opens himself up to you.
“No one has ever taken care of me before. Not like you have. You look at me- and I- I mean something. You know?”
You open your eyes then, staring at him for a long moment, finding that your throat has closed up from your abundance of emotion.
“You mean a lot.” You whisper, your hand raising to cup his.
His eyes are glassy, almost on the brink of tears.
“I didn’t know.”
You’re in the kitchen making coffee two days after, scarily deep in thought. 
In the quiet of the morning you think about everything that’s happened. From Dominic dumping you to the despair you felt when your annulment request had been denied. You think about it all, and you think about your mother, whose call you had ignored yesterday after walking out of her house when you found out Billy was sick. 
You didn’t know how to approach her, or what you would say when she asked you the question she’d asked before.
Before you can think yourself into a downward spiral, an arm wraps itself around your waist. His hand is broad, spreading over your tummy and leaving warm tingles behind, his touch so comforting that you can’t help but smile and lean into him a little.
“Good morning, Mrs. Russo.” He grumbles softly, letting you know exactly what he thought of waking up alone in bed.
“What can I help you with, Mister Russo?” You tease, smiling as you both sway together.
There’s a moment of silence, filled only with the sounds of your shared breaths as you enjoy the presence of each other.
“I would like you to come back to bed. It’s a Saturday and you haven’t cuddled me for nearly long enough.”
You grin, rolling your eyes.
“Yeah? And what do I get if I come back to bed with you right now?”
He hums, nose pressing against your ear, one hand on your stomach and the other rising up to cup your jaw securely.
“I can think of many imaginative ways to thank you.” He murmurs, the heat of his breath tickling your ear gently.
It’s something you could never even think to dream of.
A/N: Sorry I've been so inactive... bad things have happened, just popping in to post this cause I don't want it to sit in my drafts for any longer.
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daytaker · 5 months
The Gang React to Weed
Happy 4/20, here's a thing.
(I'm imagining that demons have the same reactions to weed that humans do. I don't think they actually would have the same reactions, but theoretically...)
Oh, and to make my own bias clear: I'm not a fan, personally. I can't think about weed without thinking about the smell. The stink. So I'm not sure if the focus on the smell in these comes off as weird or not, but it's so powerful in my mind, it must be addressed.
Lucifer hates weed. Don't call that the Devil's lettuce, he wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. It smells like skunk. It's revolting. Don't use it in his house. Don't use it in his presence. Don't use it. It's antithetical to everything he believes in.
Mammon...would stone. I see him as someone who uses one of those vape pens on the DL (not nearly as smelly, so much safer to use in the House of Lamentation) but he'd also like gummies and weed brownies. Being stoned is just fun. It's pleasant. It's relaxing. Chill out, Lucifer, you're harshing the vibes, man.
Leviathan is nervous about weed. He has this idea that there's a way he's supposed to react to cannabis, and when he doesn't, he feels like there's something wrong with him. He's supposed to feel all chill and groovy, right? So why does he just feel dizzy? Why is he not relaxed? Why isn't he chill?! Why isn't he groovy?!?!?! He probably psyches himself out too much to enjoy it. He's too nervous about the social expectations.
Satan is kind of ambivalent to weed. He doesn't particularly enjoy it. I don't think he'd like feeling intoxicated in general because of the lack of control. But at the same time.... it pisses Lucifer off so much, how can he not appreciate that? He doesn't like the smell either, so if it wasn't for Lucifer, he'd be the one complaining about it, but as it stands, he's perfectly willing to enable his brothers who do like it.
Asmodeus doesn't mind it in moderation, and only in edibles. Again... the smell. He will not tolerate smelling like anything less than a bouquet of roses. He only really uses it socially.
Beelzebub can't have cannabis. And I know you know why. The cravings. You can't just take gluttony and make it hungrier. It Devours. Once, Mammon left some weed brownies unattended, and he was strung up by Lucifer for days, not because he brought pot into the house, but because Beelzebub ate them and went on a mindless rampage through the Devildom, eating his way through various businesses and even a few historic landmarks. Everything was game: stone, dirt, wood, you name it. The bottomless pit just became bottomless-er.
Belphegor likes it. Similar to Mammon, he doesn't want the hassle of Lucifer getting on his case, so he prefers the vape pen, since it's less smelly and also Beel-safe. It makes him feel cozy and relaxed, because if Belphie needs anything, it's something to help him fall asleep more easily.
Diavolo loves it! But since Lucifer hates it, he doesn't use it very often. I actually imagine he and Solomon occasionally hang out and smoke. Only very rarely, because he's much too busy to be fucking off with some tricksy wizard and getting high, but it happens from time to time.
Barbatos is indifferent to it. What's some intoxication in the face of millions of years of experiences and virtual omniscience? It won't affect him. But please, young master, if you must indulge, change your clothes after. The scent has a way of clinging to fabric...
Solomon loves weed! It's so fun. What a great way to take the edge off. Mind-altering substances are very fun for a guy who's seen it all, even if cannabis is relatively lowkey. When he senses that the moment is right, he'll whisk Diavolo away every now and then and hang out in some scenic location while smoking. He has a fantasy that one day, Diavolo will spontaneously suggest they make a pact during such an occasion. It hasn't happened yet.
Simeon isn't interested in getting high. It's not for him, or for any angels, really. I wish I had a more nuanced picture of him for this prompt, but I'm just picturing a meme with Simeon's face saying "Don't get high: get saved."
Luke is a literal child.
"What's that awful smell, Simeon?"
"Oh, that's just some Devil-grass burning. Some demons enjoy the sensations inhaling the smoke causes."
"Demons would like something like that!"
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kichiyosh1 · 1 year
Deceitful Youth: "II - Pretty face"
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Scaramouche was never a man that would stoop down as low as to change his own appearance just for another. Running a hand through the synthetic material of what is to appear as real hair, length long and went far below his shoulder blades, he can't help but laugh.
It lay snug on his head and framed his face perfectly. Blazer and school uniform already ironed and worn, though the length of the skirt does bother him. His signature red eyeliner stayed unmoving, little has changed of his face, not that more was needed to be done. A bit of mascara to emphasize his lashes and a swipe of cherry lipstick, the substance slightly graced his tongue, and the taste was more than unwelcomed in his mouth. Was flavor a necessary factor in cosmetics? ridiculous.
After all was said and done, the product of his efforts was staring right at him through his glass mirror. "I almost look like her", his pointer finger stretching a little bit of the skin under his left eye, tongue out to mock the image he was seeing of himself. He did look like her, the genes sure don't lie. He'd even go as far as to say his sister was a carbon copy of that woman's face. Still, he took pride in the fact he looked good in both genders, 'cause had he been born female than they would have been fucked.
The halls were filled with what you'd expect from an all girls school. They lined the hallways like busy bees, buzzing with whatever chatter or gossip that crossed their minds, while others were decent enough to hurry on over to their next classes. This was where he had to make a choice. He still needs to get his schedule from his class adviser, though unnecessary since he's already made sure he was in your class. Despite this, he had absolutely no idea where he was going. His ego would surely take a hit if he got lost on his first day, but same thing if he were to ask for simple directions.
The school had provided him with the details, but all of that was now lost in this maze of disarray. Fortunately(in a way), before one of his vein vessels could burst, something collided into his back, almost knocking the air out of his lungs.
"WATCH-! ahem" he had to clear his throat, he was not going to lose his composure over some stranger that almost had him toppling over. (he needs to keep his voice nice and dainty too, less he wants his real tone to get out)
"Please watch where you're going, it's really crowded so you should be mindful of the people around you." Like he'd give a shit. As long as the people around him minded their own business, then he'd have no reason to be in theirs. Really, the nerve of some people to be so clumsy as to inconvenience others. He'll make sure to remember the face of such an annoying cause.
The moment he turned around, was the moment he wished to cut off all connections with his brain.
"Pretty..." That wasn't his voice, it was yours. You, who had been his first spark of hope in his desolated void of sorrow. His gaze was unfocused, or perhaps he was too focused that his vision started to shake. It took all gears in his puny brain to process the words that fell from your delicate lips. You think he was pretty? him? rather, the 'she' version of the 'him' you used to know? his knuckles had turned white from gripping onto the fabric of his school uniform, unsteady breathes while you only looked at the person in front of you with nothing but fascination.
"Ah, my apologies. I just blurted it out without even thinking!" It didn't take long for you to recover from the shock of bumping into some stranger it seems. "You're not hurt are you?" you took a step closer, inspecting him of any injuries, while he stood there stiff as a board. Lower lip quivering and hair standing on end.
too close!
"I don't see anything, what a relief! Again I'm really sorry for the trouble. Hope to bump into you again some other time— in a, eh, not so harsh way next time hopefully?" You did a little wave, but before you could leave the conversation(which was very onesided) and be on your way, you noticed how 'her' mouth kept opening and closing like that of a fish.
"classroom... lost... schedule..."
His thoughts were in shambles, only able to mumble out what little had been on his mind before you came. Fingers playing with the fold of his skirt, figure shying away from yours. He was all red in the face and he's barely said a proper sentence.
"You're lost? good thing we crossed paths then, I haven't been here for too long either but I already got a good map of the place. I can show you to your room if you'd like?" Before he could even respond you'd already seized his hand, pulling him by the wrist as you continued down the hallway. He didn't even give you the details yet and you already had him following.
look at you, taking on the role of guardian angel
his guardian angel.
From outsiders, the scene itself was just that of an ordinary girl tugging along her lost friend to who knows where, and that much was true! but the details had been blurred.
The plot has yet to cross over that blurred line into something far more greedy and sickening.
important note! when I refer to scara as 'her/she' i usually only do so when in the pov of reader and others that don't know he's a guy<3
Taglist! (pls tell me if i forgot to tag you!)
@r0ttenhearts @kazuuhhaaaa @ahseya @reirea-002 @silaswritesthings @scaraapologist @magica-ren @sketcheeee @dan9a-00 @bdf2 @tearsin @randomnl @xinhar @after-determination-tale @valeriele3 @serossidechick @worldhardtibbysoft @darkxrain @cloudycloudd @lazy-sanns @scara-alzwari @silly-ez @featuredtofu @st4rcheese
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electrikworm · 2 months
Until the Storm Breaks
Relationships: Crosshair & Echo & Hunter & Tech & Wrecker
Content Warnings: Blood and Injury, Hallucinations, Cauterization, Graphic Description of Infection
With Wrecker badly injured and hallucinating due to poison, the Bad Batch are forced to take cover in a cave during a storm. A rough night for everyone involved follows.
Written for @summer-of-bad-batch Week 2: Injured and @augustofwhump Day 3: Poison and day 4: Filth, Screams and Open Wounds
I really wanted to fill this prompt for Summer of Bad Batch and August of whump finally gave me the inspiration to do so in a way I liked :)
Word count: 3,121
Read on Ao3
Wrecker's screams echo through the damp cave, making Tech's ears hurt. Tech's attempt to clean the large gash on Wrecker's side is disturbed by the large clones squirming.
“Hold him still.” Tech reminds his brothers.
“We're trying!” Crosshair hisses, struggling to stay atop his brother's legs as Wrecker kicks them. Hunter's holding onto Wrecker's one arm, whilst Tech has to kneel on top of his other one. Far from the ideal position to do first aid from, but Echo's already occupied trying to keep Wrecker from slamming his head back into the floor in his confusion.
“You're certain the poison isn't just killing him?” Echo says. Wrecker's head in a firm grip, he can see their brother's twisted, tear-stained expression, spit running from his mouth and down his neck. Tech has to admit he understands where Echo's concern is coming from. Wrecker by no means looks well.
But Tech's knowledge of the harmful substance in Wrecker's blood is sufficient. “I am certain. It is a hallucinogenic. What gives it its deadly reputation is the following confusion leading to the victims demise.”
“Can't we sedate him?” Hunter grunts as he wrestles Wrecker's arm back to the floor. Their demolitions expert is going to be covered in bruises by the end of this, but that will be a small price to pay for his survival.
“None of us carry sedative on us.” Tech pours disinfectant over the gash, hopping to flush some of the grit and mud out of it. The wound spans from well over Wrecker's stomach, across his side and onto his back. He's losing a worrying amount of blood. Closing the wound up in any way necessary is Tech's priority, but the amount of dirt caked in it forces him to spend some time trying to clean it best as possible. “I wouldn't advise any of you to wander out into the storm to get some from the Marauder.”
Wrecker knees Crosshair in the chest, making him groan. They're all lucky the poison weakened Wrecker. Treating him in his current state at full strength would be impossible.
“I hate this planet.” Crosshair huffs.
Tech nods. The mission has been a nightmare from the beginning. The hostile, damp terrain and native vegetation made traversal unnecessarily difficult. Their mission was set in an are known for its carnivorous plants.
The objective, destroying a separatist outpost, was completed with ease. If only they'd payed better attention to their surroundings afterwards. Hunter especially must be kicking himself for not noticing the plant waiting patiently for its next meal. It had grabbed Tech first. Tech almost wishes he'd been the one to get poisoned.
Not only is he less strong than Wrecker, more maneuverable, but then Tech would also not have to deal with the uncomfortable emotions that come with Wrecker acting as a meat shield for them again.
Of course, their bad luck hadn't ended there. Whilst they'd started moving a now delirious and bleeding Wrecker in direction of the ship, a storm broke out. The ground beneath them became knee-deep mud in moments and with lightning striking close and frequently, they were forced to take cover in a cave.
Wrecker yells, his desperate writhing almost knocking Tech over. Echo puts a firm hand on his chest to get him to quiet down, whilst Hunter hisses his name warningly. Tech opts not to remind Hunter that Wrecker likely can't understand anything going on again, that would only waste time. And they can't afford to do that.
The pool of blood accumulating under their brother on the cold stone floor has reached the limit of how big Tech would let it get. The wound is far from clean, but it's got to be sealed or Wrecker won't make it. Tech bites the inside of his cheek. They'll deal with any infection later, Tech just hopes the storm clears before the contaminated wound kills their vod.
Sharing a look with Hunter seems enough to convey that he's moving to the next step as Hunter nods in agreement. Tech fishes his electric soldering iron from his hip bag. Echo gives him a weird look.
“What are you doing with that?” He asks.
Tech had almost forgotten that Echo's only been a part of their team for a couple months. He wouldn't know that, whilst the crackling electricity at the tools end was usually used to solder wires and small technical parts, it's rather good at cauterizing wounds as well.
“Sealing the wound.” Tech answers.
“Wait a moment.” Echo says, putting a hand on Tech's to keep him from doing his job. “Cauterization is not advisable, it ups the risk of infection as well as the healing time.”
“Got a better idea?” Crosshair huffs. Echo's eyebrows knit together.
“The infection risk is already beyond high.” Tech begins pinching the edge of the gash together. “You will have to hold Wrecker down more firmly. He won't like this.”
Electricity crackles loudly and brightly as Tech powers the tool up, pressing it to Wrecker's skin. Predictably, Wrecker responds badly to the pain, fighting against his brothers with as much strength as he can muster. Tech lifts the soldering iron, checking that the edges of skin are fused well enough. When the skin, small blisters forming on the newly damaged area, holds, Tech moves on.
Thin wisps of smoke rise as Tech keeps fusing the edges of Wrecker's skin, making him glad he kept his helmet on. Even with the filter, he can smell the sharp scent of flesh burning. Hunter's senses are likely making the situation a lot worse for him. Maybe that's why he lost his grip on Wreckers arm.
In a surprisingly swift and coordinated motion, Wrecker brings his fist up to connect with the side of Tech's helmet. Tech falls to the side from the force. As he struggles to get his vision to refocus, he can hear the rest of the squad struggle to get Wrecker under control again.
Whilst his head throbs, Tech isn't going to let that make him put his brother's life in danger. He pushes past the dull pain, returning to his work. He'll probably get a bruise from this, even through the helmet.
Wrecker doesn't seem calmer after the outburst, if anything, he seems more distressed. He does however fight back a lot weaker. The futile attempt to break out of his brothers grips likely claimed most of what was left of Wrecker's energy.
As Wrecker flails weakly, his screams die down, replaced by sobbed pleading and apologies. Tech hates this so much more. What ever the plant's toxin is making Wrecker see can't be good and Tech isn't sure he wants to know more.
Echo, not having to hold on to Wrecker's head all too much anymore, has moved his hand to Wrecker's shoulder. He speaks quiet, comforting words. Tech doubts Wrecker hears, let alone understands them, but doesn't have the heart to say so out loud. There's no harm in trying.
Once Tech is done cauterizing the section of the wound he can reach, they maneuver Wrecker onto his front. He barely struggles anymore, an amalgamation of the poison, blood loss and futile resistance having worn him down.
Bandaging the wound almost seems pointless, an infection likely either way. But when Wrecker is no longer held down, he begins weakly scratching at the freshly sealed wound, so covering it is for the better. Tech would rather not have to repeat the process.
“We have to rest, but someone's got to keep an eye on him at all times.” Hunter says. He's right, there's no saying when the hallucinogenic will wear off. They don't need Wrecker doing something to harm himself.
Tech volunteers to keep an eye on Wrecker first, though that turns out to be a pointless discussion. None of them sleep immediately, kept awake by worry and the storm raging just outside their cover. They all sit close to their injured vod.
Wrecker tries to mess with the bandages a couple times, Tech having to pry his hands away from the material. Eventually, Tech opts to just hold his brother's hands.
At the start, Wrecker continues his confused mumbling ans sobbing, but as the poison wears off, so does that. He's still delirious, but shows some awareness of his surroundings.
Wrecker bumps his head into Tech's side. “Hurts...” He hisses between clenched teeth. Tech regrets not being able to give him anything for the pain, but they just don't know enough of how pain killers could react together with the toxin.
“You will be fine, vod'ika.” Tech says, trying to force a smile.
The storm goes on for hours, showing no signs of letting up. That spurs Tech to insist his vode sleep. He manages to convince Crosshair and Hunter, though they both lay close to Wrecker, Crosshair almost on top of him.
Tech watches Echo try to do the same, only to give up and resume staring out of the cave's opening and into the storm. That doesn't surprise Tech, their newest member struggling with both sleep in general and the cold. All their armor and blacks are some degree of damp and muddy, so the temperature is certainly bothering the ARC trooper.
Echo sighs, removing his helmet to rub at his nose bridge.
“You really have a thing for getting into near death situations.” Echo laughs. He pulls his knees closer to his chest, releasing a shaky breath. Tech wonders if the silence combined with the cold is bringing up bad memories. Luckily, Tech is very good at filling silence.
“As you've said many times before.” Tech smiles, removing his own helmet. Wrecker squirms about when Tech pulls one of his hands out of his grip, looking up at his brother. His eyes and pupils are blown wide. Tech wonders if Wrecker even recognizes him right now.
“I'm not called Echo for nothing.” Echo's said that many times before too, but Tech sees no point in highlighting that as well. Echo hisses when he see's Tech's face. “He got you pretty good.” Echo gestures at the right side of his own face.
Tech can't see the bruising himself, but guesses his right cheek bone has gained a new splash of color.
“I'm surprised he hit me at all.” Tech's deadpan response makes Echo laugh.
After a beat of silence, Echo gestures at Tech's hip. “You use that thing on injuries often?”
“That depends both on the mission and if we've had our medical supplies restocked recently.” Echo's commented before on how fast Clone Force 99 burns through supplies. Tech has spent time calculating the amount they'd really need, factoring in the downsides of their mutations and enhancements, but never bothered bringing it up. It's not like they'll be given what they need.
Echo sighs. “We need a medic.”
“We've always survived without one. It wouldn't be deemed necessary.”
“Kix would have a heart attack working with you.” Echo laughs. Tech remembers working with Kix briefly during the mission that lead to discovering Echo's location. From what Tech can recall about the medic, Echo's statement is likely accurate.
Echo runs his fingers along the joints of his prosthetic knees, sighing as they come away covered in mud.
“I will have a look at them for you once we're on the Marauder.” Tech offers. He's become quite familiar with Echo's prosthetic limbs and implants by now and has helped him improve or fix them many times.
“That would be greatly appreciated, vod'ika.” Echo rotates his scomp as he speaks. The dirt trapped between joints crunches, making Echo cringe. “I agree with Crosshair: I hate this planet.”
“We've certainly visited better.”
Echo leans forward. “How's Wrecker doing?”
Tech studies his younger brother. Wrecker switches between staring into nothing and squeezing his eyes shut, curled up tightly next to Tech. He's trembling.
“He'll live.” Tech is certain of that, has to be certain of that. But he's also certain that Wrecker isn't doing well at the moment.
They keep holding quiet conversation as the night goes on, but Tech must have dozed off at some point, as suddenly, Echo is shaking him.
“The storm's calming down.” He says when Tech's eyes fling open. “We should prepare to leave.”
After waking the others and getting Wrecker's chest plate back on him, they're out of the cave at the first hint of clear skies. Wrecker is semi-conscious, but too weak to walk. Tech and Crosshair each have one of Wrecker's arms slung across their shoulders.
The mud is just as bad now, slowing their pace to little faster than crawling, especially with Wrecker unable to muster the strength to drag his legs forwards by himself.
“Where we goin'?” Wrecker slurs, helmet clanking against his shoulder bell as his head lolls to the side.
“We're getting off this planet.” Crosshair grumbles, struggling to pull his foot from the mud as he speaks.
Hunter walks ahead of the group, seeming almost nervous. Tech assumes he's trying not to miss any further danger they might face.
Gradually, the ground becomes firmer as they approach the rocky terrain Tech landed their ship on. They still manage to track masses of mud into the Marauder. Tech groans at the thought of having to clean it all up later.
None of them take the time to shower now, but Tech's still grateful to be wearing dry clothes. They can worry about getting fully clean once Wrecker is taken care of by medics.
They help Wrecker change blacks, keeping his upper body free of clothes. After Tech returns from flying the Marauder into hyperspace, Echo and Crosshair are switching Wrecker's bandages. All three of them pulling disgusted faces prompts Tech to investigate further.
The wound hasn't started bleeding again, which is just about the only good news about Wrecker's condition. The blistered skin at the gash's edge is swollen and caked is drying discharge. Part of the wound has split open, but beside a small trickle of blood, the only thing spilling from it is pus.
No wonder Hunter's standing at the other end of the ship, trying not to gag. Pulling his Helmet back on, Hunter announces that he'll be in the cockpit.
Cleaning the wound goes a little better when they're not kneeling in mud, but unwilling to reopen the gash fully and risk further blood loss, Wrecker's body will just have to hold out against the infection until they can get proper medical help.
“We'd need three patches to cover that fully, but we've only got two left.” Echo sighs, handing them to Crosshair.
When the bacta patches are applied, Wrecker almost relaxes for a moment. But the pinched expression is back immediately. The part of the wound not covered by the patches they spread bacta gel on. Despite both of those measures, the fresh bandages they wrap around Wrecker's midriff are stained yellow and pink in moments.
Laying down, Wrecker gingerly prods the material covering the injury, hissing through his teeth.
“Don't worry, they'll throw you right in a bacta tank when we get you to a medical station.” Echo pats Wrecker's shoulder from his place next to their large brother. Tech's got one of the ARC's detached legs in his lap, occupied with cleaning out the joints.
Wrecker groans. “I hate bacta tanks. Always get dreams about being swallowed by some horrible monster.”
Crosshair and Echo laugh. Tech doesn't bring up that some of Wrecker's dislike of bacta tanks may come from the extended periods of time he'd spent in a isolation tanks as a cadet, not wanting to bring down the mood.
“How are you feeling?” Tech asks.
Wrecker sighs, leaning his head back onto Echo. “Bad.” He groans. “Everything hurts, my side is on fire and I feel a bit sick.”
“Well, please let us know before you throw up all over yourself.” Crosshair has a little grin plastered on his face.
“ Shabii’gar.“ Wrecker huffs, smacking the back of Crosshair's head weakly. He only succeeds in making Crosshair laugh.
“Not seeing things anymore?“ Crosshair continues.
“Not- Not anymore.” Wrecker shudders. “Vision's still blurry, and I feel... Weird, on edge.”
Tech hums in acknowledgment. That seems to track with what he knows of the poison.
Wrecker readjusts the way he lays, making what starts out as a whimper, but then quickly turns to a bitten back cry. He curls up a little more, both Crosshair and Echo moving closer at the noise.
“Can I have something 'gainst the pain?” Wrecker forces through grit teeth, sounding rather small.
Tech puts Echo's leg down in his lap, sighing. “No, you can't. I'm sorry.”
“What?” Wrecker inhales sharply. “One of the few times I want you to stab me with a needle and you won't?”
“It is not that I don't want to. It is simply not a risk I am willing to take. There is no data on how pain medication may react to the poison in your blood.”
“Aw, come on...” Wrecker pleads.
“No, Wrecker.” Tech rubs a hand over his face, straightening his goggles. “I will not be the one responsible when your heart explodes or organs liquefy.”
Wrecker huffs, pulling a displeased expression.
“Do you want more examples of what might happen to you?”
“No, I'm good.” Crossing his arms with a sigh, Wrecker turns onto his side.
“Is there something we can do to help?” Echo asks.
“Need me to hold you, Wreck'ika?” Crosshair adds with a mocking tone, unable to leave well enough alone.
Tech watches as Wrecker thinks, followed by a wide grin spreading on the large clone's face. “Actually, I do.”
Faster than he should, Wrecker sits up and starts pulling Crosshair onto the rack.
“Hey! It was a joke!” Crosshair fights against Wrecker's grip.
“Don't care.” Wrecker laughs. “You offered.
“Let go.” Crosshair hisses. “I'm retracting my offer.”
“Too late for that. Besides, I'm hurt. You're not going to be mean to me when I'm hurt, right?”
For some reason, Wrecker's silly comment makes Crosshair stop. “Fine.” He says as he does what Wrecker wants, ending up squished between the Marauder's wall and their large brother. For a man that just got pulled into a situation he definitively didn't want to be part of, Crosshair looks a little too comfortable.
Tech moves to the spot on the floor Crosshair had previously occupied, continuing his work on Echo's leg. Hunter joins them some time later, presumably once the smell of infection's cleared out somewhat.
It'll take them a few hours to get to the medical station. A long time, especially for Wrecker, who's feeling far from comfortable. But they'll keep him company and will try to distract him, hoping that that's enough to make the journey bearable.
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kabie-whump · 2 months
what if at some point Athos decided to punish Ventis with a drug that makes him PAINFULLY aware of all that's happening, in contrast with the way the nighspill makes him numb?
It's okay if you don't write it, I just needed to share it
(I'm sorry if my english is bad, it's not my first language)
ooo I just got back from vacation and I am thrilled to see this in my inbox! This is a very fun idea! Also I love it so much when people talk to me about my stories.
Decided to do a little bit of writing from Athos's POV, just to shake things up a bit.
// Non-explicit rape/non-con, forced drug use, sensory play (hot wax, ice), burning, bondage
Athos was getting bored.
The intimate moments he shared with his dear, sweet Ventis were pleasurable every time, sure. The genasi was good at what he did, even while he was dazed out of his mind off nightspill. But still, Athos couldn't help but wonder if there could be more.
Yes, Athos could do whatever he wanted to Ventis without worry of him putting up a fight. He did an amazing job lying there, making just enough noise to keep his master entertained, but there was never any enthusiasm on his part. It was all an act, a display in the form of soft moans and fists clenched in blankets, but there had been the occasional moment where he slipped and Athos could see the true numbness behind his eyes - the way he fought to stay awake.
Sometimes Athos found himself wishing Ventis would put up a fight, would show any indication that the things his master did to him genuinely made him feel something other than boredom.
It was the nightspill's fault. It kept Ventis calm, but it turned him into more of a mindless doll than anything else. Athos considered withholding the drug for a day, just to see what it would be like to use him without it, but he knew it wouldn't have the desired outcome. Ventis would be too distracted by the withdrawals to care about anything else.
Besides, Athos only trusted magic suppression cuffs so far, and he did not want to risk being shocked the second he touched Ventis. It would ruin the mood.
Athos needed to make him feel things, without taking away his nightspill.
The solution he came to was simple, really.
More drugs.
It took some research and some mingling with sketchier characters down by the docks, but eventually Athos managed to obtain a substance that should do the trick. It was meant to counteract the nightspill, to make Ventis feel everything.
And feel everything he did.
It was fun to watch it kick in, to see pretty purple eyes blinking hard, pupils shrinking to pinpricks.
"There you are," Athos whispered, his fingers brushing along Ventis's sharp cheekbone.
Ventis jumped, the hairs on his arms standing upright at that one little touch.
"Hm. This'll be fun."
He'd ended up having to tie the boy down. Apparently he just didn't know how to hold still when he could actually feel what was happening to him, and Athos had tired of struggling to pin him to the bed and dragging him back into place every time he made a weak attempt to crawl away.
This was so different from what he had become used to over the last year or so. Athos had always loved the sight of his pet lying still under him, eyes half closed, all sleepy and dazed as he took what he was given.
But this?
Athos watched with a grin as Ventis's body arched against the ropes, his lithe muscles straining. The blindfold over his eyes was soaking wet, standing out a stark silky red against his pale blue skin.
It wasn't sex anymore. Athos had tired of that some time ago and had since moved on to other little experiments - other ways to play with his slave in the hours before the drug wore off.
"Stop!" Ventis wailed as the light of a match flickered against his heaving stomach. "Please!"
Athos chuckled. He'd never heard Ventis be this loud and demanding before.
"That's perfect, treasure," Athos said softly, pulling the flame away for a moment before lowering it onto Ventis's skin once more. "You're doing very well."
"Please-" his voice broke on a relieved sob as the match was extinguished. "Please, no more."
"But you sound so pretty, darling. I never get to hear you like this."
Ventis's chest shuddered as he tried to regain control over his gasping breaths. His skin was covered in droplets of water and wax and little purple burns, all remnants of the sensory experiments Athos had conducted on him. His perfect face glistened with tears and drool.
"W-What did I do? Please, Master. I don't- ah!"
As Ventis babbled on, Athos dipped his fingers into the cold glass bowl on the bedside table, fishing out a fresh ice cube. He pressed its smooth surface to the freshest burn, watching with fascination as his whole body broke out into shivers. 
"Aw, so sensitive. We should do this more often."
@scp-1296 @sapphicccici @acer-gaysimpstuff @morning-star-whump @yeetmyskeet
@sleepyiswhumping @bitchaknso @unicornbeck @wounds-seen-and-unseen @3-2-whump
@looptheloup @lindsay00000008 @rainydaywhump
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Arranged!verse reader has guts of steal, probably as a coping mechanism from abuse, but I feel like they would be the suffer in silence type, and Alfred would hear them crying and feel awful and try to talk to Bruce about it.
"You'll get over it," Bruce said shrugging.
"I just wanted to-"
"And I need you to attend this."
You exhale slowly and nod. "As you wish."
"Don't pout," Bruce said turning his attention back to his desk, "It's ugly."
And when you turn on your heel and leave the room, he shrugs again. You'd do as you were told he was 95% certain. But the question of the other 5% made him decide to turn on the GPS on your phone.
The last time he'd found you as Batman, he'd gotten you talking. Not much. But there were bread crumbs you'd dropped. And he realized you probably knew things without really knowing you knew them.
And maybe if you were annoyed at him you'd be less... guarded.
Alfred stopped outside your door and knocked gently. He heard no noise from the other side.
For days you'd seemed more like a ghost than a woman. Like the little substance, you did have had been stripped away. More incorporeal than ever before.
Something had happened. Or was about to happen. It was hard to tell. But either way. A storm was coming and he knew it as surely as he knew it was going to snow when his thumb ached.
The door slamming distantly made him jump. And it wasn't until he looked up to see you sprinting down the hall. Bare feet and a white dress. Hair flying behind you like a banner. The thick carpet deadened your footfalls so thoroughly- for just a moment, his blood ran cold. It was like you WERE a ghost.
A sensation that only worsened when Bruce followed you down the hall. Not running. He didn't need to. This was his home turf. There was nowhere you could go that he couldn't find you... Christ.
Distantly another door slammed and Alfred listened. Frowning. Why hadn't you run this way. "Bruce," Alfred hissed. "Leave it-"
"I need to speak with her-"
"Don't. Not chasing her."
Bruce frowned and Alfred felt his eyes narrow. "She's a woman. Not a hound to bring to heel."
"Then how am I-"
"At dinner. Like a civilized human being."
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echoing--stars · 11 months
Hello worm. For your prompts, maybe Wind trying to show off to Wars how he’s just as much a hero as him despite his age? It can be fluffy or angsty, you decide. Also bonus points if Wind discovers Wars enlisted early and starts calling him a hypocrite
This was an amazing idea! I wish I could write more for it, but I hit a wall of fatigue (thanks flu shot and covid booster cries) so this is all I got. Maybe I'll come back to it!
(If you read this and would like to request a short snippet, see this post!)
Wind was sick of being treated like a kid. He didn't get as many watches as everyone else and never the second watch. They'd stopped early when he'd complained about the walk — even though Legend had been complaining for an hour. He was stuck with guarding civilians while the others battled the monsters. And now Warriors was getting his arm stitched up by Sky after taking a hit meant for Wind. He bided his time, however. Wind was mad but he wasn’t mean. He waited until Sky was finished with the stitches and bandaged Warriors’ arm. And then waited until they’d moved away from the battlefield and made camp. Warriors stood and stretched, then grabbed his waterskin, saying he was going to the nearby stream. Wind grabbed his own waterskin and followed. Warriors didn’t acknowledge his presence, but Wind knew better than to think he hadn’t been noticed. He wasn’t exactly trying to be sneaky, but he’d long since learned to not startle the captain, especially after a battle. When Wind kneeled down next to Warriors to fill his water skin, Warriors turned to look at him. “How are you doing, Sailor?” Wind pulled his waterskin out and slammed the lid back on. He rocked back on his heels before standing up. “How am I doing? I should be asking you that.” Warriors sighed and rubbed a hand over his forehead. He stood up and stepped away from the water before turning to face Wind. “I’m fine. The cut was small and Sky took care of it.” “You took a hit meant for me.” Warriors froze for a moment, and his eyes met Wind’s. Like this, their height difference seemed greater than normal. “It—” “I’m not a kid, captain! I can fight my own fights! You don’t need to get injured to protect me.” “Sail—Link. That sword was heading for your back while you were engaged with another enemy. It was coming from your left, so you wouldn’t have been able to block it with your shield. I took a calculated risk to save your life.” Wind opened his mouth, but no sound came out. He’d known the enemy was there, had sensed the attack. But he hadn’t realized how dire it almost was. As much as he wanted to believe that he could have escaped the attack, he trusted Warriors’ battle experience to know what he was doing. “Okay fine. What about not letting me take second watch? And me taking fewer watches than everyone else?” Warriors tried to respond, but Wind cut him off. “Or putting me on guard duty while everyone else fought the monsters in Twilight’s world a few weeks ago?” Wind could feel the heat in his cheeks as he ranted. “I am just as much of a hero as anyone else. And I’m sick of being treated otherwise!” Wind took a deep breath. He spoke his final words soft and cold as a steel knife. “And one last thing. I overheard something the other day. That you lied about your age to enlist early. You’re such a hypocrite.” Warriors sighed and his shoulders fell slightly. It was as if he’d aged years just in the past few moments. Wind didn’t feel bad about it in the slightest. Warriors gestured to a fallen log a bit further away from the river. “Sit with me?” Wind huffed, but stomped his way over to the log and sat as far away from Warriors as he comfortably could.
“Link, I know you’re a hero. You’re amazing. Maybe even the best of all of us.” Warriors looked up to the sky where, the stars were just starting to come out. Wind scoffed. Fancy words with no substance behind them. “I’m serious!” Warriors said. “You’re the youngest of us, but your skill in battle rivals even the best fighters among us. You defeated Ganon and saved your world—” “Before you even joined the army,” Wind muttered and crossed his arms. “Exactly.” Warriors rubbed a hand over his eyes. “But that’s exactly why you should get to be a kid sometimes.” That made Wind pause. Warriors took the chance to carry on. “We all grew up too fast. Nearly all of us began our journeys before we reached adulthood. Some of us never stopped once we started, or at least not for many years.” Warriors expression was grim. It reminded Wind of the old man. “If I can give you — and all the younger heroes, for that matter — a chance to be a kid sometimes, I will take that chance. Over and over again.”
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roguelemon · 7 months
This was meant to be a short little joke style theory but it turned into a character analysis so the before cut is the main interesting point and the rest you can read if you want my take on Vox as a whole, and what I personally would do with him nest season.
The reason why Vox hates the past so much is because he has so many regrets/ kind of hates himself for getting into the situation he's in where every waking moment is either dealing with his public image, dealing with Vals tantrum/manipulative bs (Yes I think Vox is being manipulated by Val I believe in the "Val can secrete a date r*pe drug type substance in his saliva") OR endlessly trying to make power grabs to "prove himself". The other overlords DO NOT like this man, I reckon that upsets him more than he lets on (my theory as to why he sent Velvett to that meeting instead) .
Vox focuses on "upgrading" because facing his past and where he fucked up is his literal worst nightmare. It just so happens that part of his past that he regrets (Alastor, whether you think it was a failed romantic proposal or not it CLEARLY had a big affect) is somebody who embodies the past.
He moves away from past technology to move away from Alastor. He constantly upgrades himself/ his products because looking into his past is not something he wants to do.
Of course, that only worked for 7 years, now Al is back he's FORCED to face at least some of where he fucked up which is why when we see him, despite being an overlord, he looks incredibly pathetic. It's not that his power level is so much below Alastor, (though that could be a factor) but he's facing his worst nightmare every time the deer fucker shows up.
Alastor pisses him off sure, but what really gets him so twitchy and almost paranoid is what Alastor represents, his past.
This isnt trying to defend Vox or whatever but I do think that he's the least objectively evil out of the Vees. To me he's a "doesn't want to be evil he just wants recognition and oops, now you've got it through bad means" kind of guy who's been teamed up with a sleezy manipulative asshole who doesn't seem to have any motivation other than just enjoying being a creep. And Velvette, who while we haven't seen anything super bad yet, she clearly endorses Val (the love potion advert) and is also more abrasive than Vox.
Its even more so shown in the finale when Vox is super exited about something (it's Alastor dying, but still) and the other two are just completely uninterested until it benefits them.
I've seen some people saying that Vox and Val are the main and Velvette is the one that's off to the side out of the three but despite doing, whatever you want to call THAT in the finale with Val, Vox is more obviously the one who doesn't line up with the other two as well.
Vox probably wished he'd pursued a deal with Alastor rather than the Vees because then he'd get what he wants, to be recognised and respected. Even though Al does mostly command through fear there is respect for him among those who are more powerful than him, all save Lucifer of course. Vox on the other hand has basically no respect from anyone who he doesn't mind control, Velvette treats him like Val control and Val is CLEARLY using similar tactics that he would on one of his 'employees' on Vox. (Acting super whiny/ guilt to get what he wants, pushing his buttons to get a reaction after his initial outburst didn't piss Vox off enough, THE RED SALIVA). While the annoyance between the three seems to be just petty bullshit I'm certain that, at least on a subconscious level that Vox knows that if he hadn't got in with them that he'd be better off. VoxTech certainly seems the most lucrative out of what the three control. And the other two wouldn't exist if it warned for the tech HE supplies. (Vox is the real backbone of the Vees). This man clearly SO DESPERATELY wants attention and to be adored. Rather than hating him like I do with Val, it makes me pity him. And THATS the centre of all this, he is pitiful and so has MORE room for character development.
Its fully possible that he blames himself for fucking up whatever proposition he had for Alastor when in reality, Al is just an ass but Vox can't see that
Of course this is just my interpretation, but it'd make S2 where the Vees are confirmed to be a bigger focus much more interesting if Vox also gets this internal dilemma/ self doubt.
They could still feasibly swing in either direction of characyer development and I'd consider it well written and thats what makes him so interesting to me. He has so much potential for both good and for evil, also for general annoyance and comedy.
If it were up to me I'd do the megamind route of FINALLY letting the character win against their enemy, only to end up pissed off about it because the person they pinned all their problems on wasn't actually the cause of them, then swing in a completely different direction because this is hell and the feel good stories are reserved for characters who believe in therapy. Maybe a song where Vox prevails, only to then later reprise in a version where he loses his sense of self a little, maybe finally realises how little the other two care after he finally bests Alastor in something but it doesn't matter because he "didn't get any new territory or souls" or something along those lines. A second song could be Vox actually coming into his own more with a song all about him, nobody singing over or with him. It doesn't even have to redeem his character it would just be singling him out as Vox, not one of the Vees.
This ramble was brought to you by the powers of procrastination. Congrats on actually reading all that shit. (And lmk if you'd add anything in your opinion?) =3.
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nihilistic-rick · 2 months
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Pre-break up.
Completely trashed on the K-lax crystals and the alcohol, he stumbled out of the bar, it was time to call it a night. Fishing for his keys in his pocket, he stumbled over his own feet trying to recall where he had parked. Shit, did he park the ship on the rooftop ? Ah fuck. He couldn't do rooftops at the moment. He couldn't do much of anything since he was getting trashed every other night, and substance abusing to the fullest.
He just needed to forget them for the time being, and lick his own wounds, and this was the only way he knew how to do it.
Stopping in his tracks as he heard noise from the alleyway he was passing by, he turned to look and squinted into the darkness. There was nothing there, yet he heard the noise again, almost like a can being kicked over. Reaching into his back pocket, fingers wrapped around the blade he carried, worst case scenario and he was too fucked up, he'd at least go out trying to fight.
Slow deliberate steps were being taken forward, he just wished his vision wasn't so fucked. There was noise again, this time it was the sound of a paper bag. He moved slowly and approached where the noise was coming from, when he saw it. The brown bag moved and he saw that it kept trying to head towards the wall. Raising the pocket knife over his head with one, he quickly pulled the brown bag away to reveal the source of the noises.
"Mew..." The most timid meow he had ever heard graced his ears, and he froze as he stared down at a kitten, who stared back with green hues, curled up, fear displayed. "Ah shit... Fuck.." he stepped back and closed his eyes, putting the knife away. He rubbed his face with one hand and looked down at the kitten. "Shit... Am I hallucinating..." Rubbing his face once more, he sat on his hunches, and watched the kitten. They were dirty and malnourished. "Hng.... Gave me a scare there little guy.." He couldn't help but smile a bit. "Are you lost ?.." Carefully reaching out for the kitten to sniff his hand, he eventually sat on his butt on the cement floor, waiting for the kitten to trust them. "It's okay... I won't hurt ya. Wanna come home with me ? I can make you something to eat."
Nihilistic carefully rubbed his fingers together, trying to get the kitten's attention. "Come on... You don't want to stay here..." He eventually ended up laying on the floor, watching the kitten, who came up to their face and nuzzled and licked their cheek. "There we go... I'm gonna grab you... Don't freak out..." In one swift move, he grabbed the kitten gently and scooped them up, as he stood up as well. "There we go... Let's go home Junior. I'ma call you that because I think you're a boy."
Post-break up.
"Amor she's adorable and how could you not have named her any sooner." Nihilistic watched Richard interact with the kitten, who was growing by the day, becoming the most mischievous thing ever. Not to mention he enjoyed watching the kitten and Richard having staring contests. The kitten would instigate it first though. "I don't know why I didn't name them sooner, though I was tempted to just not call them anything." He answered truthfully as he took a swig from his whiskey. "Ay dios mio, no. You need to name her. So what did you name her ?" His significant other faces them briefly waiting for an answer.
Nihilistic looked over at Richard and set his tumblr down on the counter. He watched the kitten, who was too busy playing with a toy mouse and running around and hiding under their blankets.
He said as he looked over at Richard and gave them a smile. "Ay que lindo, mira pero que preciousa eres." Richard went over to where Cleo was, and played with them. Nihilistic couldn't help but grin as he watched the two. "Babygirl is definitely going to be a daddy's girl." He admitted as he had grown fond and very attached to Cleo. As if she understood, she ran towards him, and slipped between his legs.
"Definitely a daddy's girl." Richard agreed with him as he looked on with a smile.
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floosies · 6 months
Where The Boys Are
Fic warnings: violence, mentions of weapons, mentions of substance/verbal abuse, smut, cursing, angst, strangers to lovers (18+)
pairing: mob!steve harrington x oc!fem
(a/n: sorry its taken a minute but i love this series deeply so don't think i'm not going to finish it)
series masterlist here
Part 5: Pretend You Don't Love Her
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Steve kept to his word, though he wondered if he would eventually get grilled by his boss. Still he couldn't deny the way he was always thinking of her. In his mind she was already his, his thoughts reeling back to the way she clung to him the day before, he knew her mind was made up on him like his was for her.
When she stepped out of the house, she looked like herself again, in her pinks and blues, nothing like that outfit she wore at the party. This was his Mia, the baby doll he'd fallen for back in the summer. He was leaned against his car, waiting by the passenger door for her.
She couldn't help the smile on her face as she saw him open the door for her. Once both inside the car she handed him the lunch bag she had in her hand. He took it cautiously, "what's this?" She happily answered, "breakfast sandwich, some cookies, and an orange juice. My way of saying thank you. I know it's really early-" He cut her off, his gaze looking at her softly, wishing he could kiss her then and there, "it's okay bambi we talked about this, it's no problem at all, thank you for the breakfast though."
Her heart was beating out of her chest, the way they were looking at each other, she just knew he felt it too, but she wasn't that kind of girl to use anyone for a rebound. Instead she deflected the moment to getting there on time. Her gaze dropping onto her book bag, but as always he had to have his way and started up another conversation. As he drove they talked over the radio playing in the background. The conversation mostly revolving around her studies and plans for after graduation which weren't many, maybe community college at most.
She shouldn't have mentioned it but her parents only want for her was to marry a good man. However, she got so caught up in her rambling she ended up admitting that a 'good man' just meant good for the family. He listened as she mentioned how they'd probably planned who she would have marry if she hadn't been dating Kevin.
Once they got to the school, she instantly regretted agreeing to go back to school, she'd only missed a day, surely it wouldn't matter if she missed one more. She turned to look at Steve, to make up an excuse, he could see it coming any way and put a stop to it. His hand placed on top of hers, "Mia you're a smart girl you don't need to be missing school. Someone tries to give you any shit you call your father's office and i'll come handle it." She huffed, "easy for you to say no one cared what you did everyone was scared of you." He laughed, "believe me everyone is probably scared of you too bambi, your last name is well known around Hawkins too." With an eyeroll she hopped out of the car. He called out for her though, "hey! Like I said. A call away is all." She looked back at him and nodded.
As he drove away his mind began to wander back to what she had said about marrying her off to any wise guy they deemed worthy enough. He knew she was being shy, but he would have to start getting more proactive about things if he intended to have her by his side. However he wouldn't have to do too much as Mia unconsciously was playing into his game.
What he didn't take into account is how quickly she would turn to rely on him. How she would stay up some nights just to talk on the phone with him while her parents were asleep, she claimed she just wanted a different point of view on things. Mia knew she what risks she was taking but in her mind it was always a situation that was dealt with as 'friendship'. He worked for her dad, of course he didn't see her in that light, she was just part of the job description. If he wanted to he could have cut it off from the start.
That's how she ended up hanging out with him on a lonely Friday night. Both Jenny and Suzie had dates, something she was mentioning to him on one of their infamous catch up calls during the week. It was still early enough in the night that her mother wouldn't question her daughter having last minute plans with her friends.
Steve hearing that his best girl was feeling lonesome wasn't going to let it slide. Of course he pulled some lie to get out of what he was doing at his father's office to go and see her. When he pulled up to her house she was already outside waiting for him, her face filled with excitement and jitters as she hoped her mom wouldn't catch her with him.
They weren't worried about her father because he was out with Steve's dad on business on the other side of town. So the two sped off in his car, the plan was to get food and go hang out at lover's lake for a bit. He felt like his old self with her besides him, like he was back in senior year himself. It'd been so long since he'd let himself feel this sort of way for a girl, not since the first time his heart had been truly broken. Maybe Mia knew about it, but she was a freshman when he was on his way out, so she probably wouldn't have cared much anyways.
Lover's lake was relatively empty for a friday night, but that just meant they could be at ease a bit more. Their conversation carried from one thing to another as they ate their burgers and drank their floats and shakes. Mia tried to convince him that her strawberry shake was better than his cola float, but he wasn't having it. The mood was so light, she hadn't realized how close they were in his car.
It wasn't til they finished their food and the conversation moved onto the topic of some notes she'd gotten in her locker that the mood deepened. Steve took a pause after she showed them to him. His mind wandered as she explained they'd come from boys on the team. He nodded along listening to her, but when she saw him place them on the console of the car, she took it as a sign to wait for what he was going to say.
His eyes followed hers, and she trusted his judgement, she knew he probably knew best anyways. Steve ran his hands through his hair, "do you even trust these guys? Because you shouldn't bambi, they knew about what your ex had done and none of them told you? But suddenly they wanna ask you out? Sounds like snakes to me. You don't need those kind of guys around you." She thought to herself, how Steve had known how Kevin wanted to break up with her so was it any different.
What she hadn't realized is she said it outloud though, Steve sighed, "I know and I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but in my defense I didn't know you the way I know you now. If I had been his friend I would have ratted him out to you the moment it happened. A girl like you deserves the world, and he wasn't ready to give you that." Mia's heart raced out of her chest as she heard the tone in his voice change, lower and breathy.
Gosh she wanted it, to pull him in and kiss him, he was close enough to her, but she shook her head and scooted back from him. This was her moment to put her foot down, "Steve you've been nothing but sweet to me but I can't do this. Whatever you want from me, I can't give you-" "Bambi I don't-" "Please don't start with the nicknames right now. I'm serious, I can't have you be a rebound or be the girl on the side in your life. You're older than me and you work for my dad, it's practically a death sentence." He tried to explain himself to her again, "Mia I don't know where you're getting this-" She scoffed, "I know enough about your history with girls around town Steve, listen just take me home. I don't wanna keep talking about this." True to her word she kept quiet the whole way back to her house.
As she stepped out of his car, he tried one last time to get her to see reason, "Mia I promise you it isn't the way you're thinking things-" she knew better, she always knew better, "I wanted a friend Steve, I can't do more than that. It wouldn't be right to either of us, plus I don't think I could give you what you're used to getting, at least not the way you go about it. Let's just leave this as it is, you work for my dad and I go to school, done deal. Goodnight." With that she shut his car door and ran off inside her house. His girl slipped right out of his hands.
There wasn't much time for him to let his feelings linger and dwell, with work being a distraction and his priority, Steve woke up the next morning and got ready to take out his pain on whatever fucker he got send to deal with. The drive to the office felt like hell, every other song on the radio was one that she had sung along to. He wasn't a quitter but he would have to back away for the moment, still he'd prove to her sooner or later that they're meant to be.
It was like a switch had flipped when he got in. Normally all the guys hung around the front, but today it was empty, unless he was there earlier than everyone else. His father's secretary telling him that he's waiting for Steve in his office. Something seemed off, and as he entered the office, he saw Mia's father talking to his dad. But as soon as Mr. Romano caught sight of Steve, he had pressed against a wall, his fist about to collide with the younger man's face when his father stepped in, "ask him first before you kill him." To which he spat out, "the fuck were you doing with my little girl at lover's lake last night." Steve was fucked, regardless of his answer, he was fucked.
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canonically47 · 7 months
thoughts on every ridonculous race duo including don at the beginning because i just finished watching it for the first time. continued in reblogs
don is such a fun host! he doesn't want anyone to get hurt, and doesn't push anything 'for the ratings'. and even so, he manages to have a lot of funny, witty moments. of course, chris is still my favorite host, but don definitely cuts it close!... especially because, let's be real, we all forgot anyone else in the universe. (don't come for me blaineley fans she's fine I SAID DON'T COME FOR ME STAY BACK PLEASE I HAVE A FAMILY)
the LARPers. definitely some... interesting characters. they're the prime example of total drama's flat and boring personalities, most of which were distributed in pahkitew island. i'm kinda mad that, of all those horribly mid and boring characters, we got the most mid and boring one back. hell i'd have preferred dave there, he'd had given us some substance to the story. i don't even remember the girl's name and i don't wanna google it. forgettable, but definitely annoying for as long as they were on screen.
the tennis rivals. good, but overhyped i think. at least, i've seen a lot of people talk about them and ship them, especially since their cameo in the reboot. i for sure thought they'd last longer because of that. i really liked their banter but they don't come close to my favorites. i will not be calling any of their agents. sorry :(
the geniuses. yeah they definitely existed! i mean their characters were fine and i really don't have anything against them, plus their concept is kinda fun. but i absolutely despise courtney's character and hearing her voice come out of another contestant's mouth made me hate her immediately. I STILL KINDA LIKE HER... like, her character design is fun... i just don't care for them that much
the vegans. they look sooo pretty and.. that is the sole reason i put them down as 'i vibe with'. i really don't care for them. i don't even know their names lmfao
the fashion bloggers. sooo fun whenever they were on-screen. unfortunately this show is so predictable and i can tell when a character's arc comes to an end and they're going home. i don't wish they stayed longer tbh? i like them but i think they've had their time. the wlw/mlm solidarity ever next to the ice dancers but we're getting to them. anyways, solid duo!
mom and daughter. ugh. fuck you
the adversity twins. i don't want to sound like a copypasta so i'll keep it short but GODDD THEY WERE SOOO ANNOYING. does NOBODY else feel this way?? i swear before i watched RR i only saw good things about them. HOW? LITERALLY HOW??? they are so fucking annoying and all they do when they're on screen is whine. "ooh mickey is allergic to breathing :((" "actually jay has a water allergy :((" AND THEN THEY HAVE THIS OP SUPERPOWER WHAT THE FUCK IS TEMPERATURE DYSLEXIA THAT DOESN'T EVEN EXIST ahem. excuse me. getting too worked up over thE WORST DUO. SHUT THE FUCK UP let's move on sorry i'll control myself
the step-brothers. idk about you guys but they are really close to being my favorite duo. just... their entire gimmick is so good. the build-up to finding out they're so similar... ough the bros ever. i was so sad when they got eliminated :( they were so funny AND fun. lorenzo is higher than chet because i like his character design more. tbh they're kinda the same person to me? but this is a mistake i made before watching RR, thinking every duo is the same person. which they're not, i quickly learned. at least not most of them. but yeah these two were very fun, they bounced off each other very well. i really liked them. they should've gone further methinks.
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Squirmy's New Friend
Summary: After losing his twin in the crowd at Mal & Ben's engagement party, a tearful Squirmy Smee comes across a strange but kind boy. Who might be more connected to him than first thought.
Squirmy hated crowds. 
It was something that constantly terrorised him on the Isle. Large, loud crowds were always a worry. Large crowds meant a deadlier stampede. More spreading of disease. Most likely to get lost in and be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of voices. 
Auradon seemed to have that same problem.
Hence, Squirmy's situation.
The engagement party of King Ben and Mal were well underway, and to say the number of people attending was huge would've been an understatement. Guests both Isle and Auradonian flooded the area where the party was taking place. The place felt so cramped in some parts (Squirmy could already see the pickpockets coming in from a mile away) as everyone moved about.
Then, to his absolute horror, he loses his twin in the crowd, becoming stranded in the middle of a crowd, voices speaking over the other and so many conversations happening at once and he couldn't get anyone to find his brother (his practical anchor in some instances). The noise had become too much. Squirmy had to get out.
And he did. Out into the garden, hiding behind some hedges with trees overhead where our current scene was taking place.
Squirmy sat under a willow tree, knees drawn up to his chest as he tried to calm himself from what had just occurred inside beforehand. He wasn't crying, but his breathing sounded laboured and hoarse.
Auradon wasn't what he had imagined it to be. In fact, if he were being completely honest with his opinion, the land of heroes hadn't lived up to the hype VK Day had made it out to be.
Granted, perhaps Auradon had just been having an off week. Squirmy was certain they didn't experience a villain takeover because a princess was heartbroken every week before he came here. Certain that wasn't Auradon's normal. 
But now, he'd never really get to know what Auradon's previous normal looked like. Not with the barrier being down, which will no doubt cause a bunch of new normals to occur. 
A part of Squirmy was grateful for the barrier falling, as it had allowed him and Squeaky to reunite with their father. But the other was less than enthused as the things that once tormented Squirmy will now leak into Auradon.
That latter thought made him feel guilty. As he knew if the barrier closed forever, other kids won't get to escape, and he'd never see his father again. But to completely open it... it didn't sit right.
Squirmy pulled more in on himself, his face hidden behind his knees. His mind was too loud. It was moments like this where he could use Squeaky's support. Or even Sammy's. He wished there was someone he could talk to, but knowing his luck, wishes were maybe not meant for him.
He feels something drop onto his hand. He looks up to look at his hand and immediately frowns at the white substance on it.
"Bird poop?"
"Cake frosting, actually!"
Squirmy jumped up from his seat, looking around a little panicked as he realised he wasn't alone. He then looked up into the tree he was sitting under and found himself staring at a boy, possibly around his age, maybe even a little younger. 
" You good down there, pal?", the boy asked, his voice sounding casual.
"Who are you?", Squirmy asked, taken aback.
The boy up in the tree grinned," I asked you first~", he sang cheekily.
"No, you didn't!", Squirmy jumped as the boy suddenly jumped from the tree and landed on his hands and feet. He looked up at Squirmy and grinned widely, his buck teeth the forefront and star of what was a set of charmingly crooked teeth.
" Well, I meant to~", the boy said sweetly, almost as sweet as the dessert still covering his mouth," I did still ask a question first, though. You good?".
" How long were you up there?", Squirmy asked. 
The boy raised his brow, looking unimpressed at Squirmy's deflection but deciding to play along," Long enough to be the first here", he said flatly.
Squirmy winced," So you were here for... all of that?".
"For every single choked-up sound you let out", the boy confirmed, his voice drawling. 
Squirmy reeled back and leaned a little further away from the boy. He felt bitter, 'Great. Bad enough, I got bullied for being a wuss on the Isle. Now I'm gonna have it in Auradon too', he thought, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
He felt a gentle tap on his shoulder and turned to find a plastic lunchbox gripped in the hand of the boy before him.
" Don't worry, I won't snitch about the crying", the boy said as he plopped down close to Squirmy, another lunchbox in his other hand for himself. 
The boy went straight into eating from the lunchbox, not waiting for Squirmy to join him or anything. The youngest Smee watched the boy in front of him scarf down the food before joining, eating his food with the same urgency without the mess.
The boy stopped for a moment to gaze up at Squirmy. He tilted his head, watching him eat. 
"Do your siblings try to steal your favourite food too?", the boy asked curiously. 
"What?", Squirmy asked, confused.
" My siblings make a game out of eating all my favourites without sharing. That's why I'm eating all of this without them", the boy said with a shrug," I'll share with them eventually, I just want to taste some of my faves, y'know. Do you have siblings?", the boy asked curiously 
Squirmy blinked, the boy had given him a lot to process. Eventually, he got to the question and nodded in response. 
" Two. My big brother and my twin brother"
"You have a twin!", the boy said excitedly," I have little twins in my family too!"
"How many siblings do you have?", Squirmy asked curiously. 
"Loads!", the boy exclaimed," Mostly brothers. I recently started getting more sisters and siblings. There's like-", the boy paused and silently counted the number of siblings he had," 13 of us, altogether. I'm 2nd eldest, but I was the first!".
'2nd eldest but the first?', Squirmy thought it was weird. He didn't quite understand and was rather confused. The confusion must have been visible on his face because the boy decided to elaborate. 
"I'm what the Mainlanders call "Adopted"", the boy explained, and suddenly, it made sense to Squirmy. Something else then piqued his interest.
Mainlanders? Squirmy was about to ask about that, but then the boy beat him to speaking by asking his own question.
" Don't take this the wrong way, but... you're oddly dressed for a Mainlander", the boy pointed out, mouth full of food at this point," You don't look like you're from the EverRealm either".
"Mainlander?", Squirmy murmured, confused.
"BAH! Auradonian if you wanna get technical about it", the boy scoffed, rolling his eyes," So where are you from?".
" You don't know?"
It was odd to Squirmy that this boy didn't immediately recognise him as a VK. From what he heard, the whole VK Day thing was televised.
The boy raised a confused brow and tilted his head to the side as he watched Squirmy," Am I supposed to?", he asked, confused.
Squirmy opened his mouth to respond... then closed it as he thought about it. There was a possibility that not all Auradonians (assuming the boy before him was Auradonian) would be interested in the VK problem. At least the young AKs like the boy before him. Heck, Squirmy wasn't initially very interested in what the fancy people in their castles had to say until he was signed up for the VK Day program by Harriet and his father. If they all were the same, then safe to say the boy probably wasn't interested in stuff like this at all.
"I guess not", Squirmy shrugged," I'm from the Isle".
The boy blinked twice," The Isle of....?", he drawled, waving his hands in a circular motion for Squirmy to get the cue he needed to be further specific.
Squirmy's eyes widened, surprised. This boy really knew nothing. 
"...The Lost", Squirmy said, finishing the sentence," I'm from the Isle of the Lost".
A beat passed. And then-
"OOOOOOOH", the boy exclaimed suddenly," The Isle of the Lost! That explains-", he pauses," Well- it doesn't explain anything to me right now, but I'm sure it will eventually!", he said cheerfully.
"Yeah", was all Squirmy said. His mind was busy playing catch up with the boy's weird but nicely nonchalant reaction.
"Sooooooo", the boy drawled out," Are you like... a kid of a villain, then?", he asked curiously as he leaned forward. 
"Uh... My dad is more of a henchman than any- what are you doing?", Squirmy said, falling back as he noticed the boy was now uncomfortably close.
His pupils were dilated, and he was straight-up sniffing Squirmy. Squirmy fell back and stared up at the boy above him, who was intensely smelling him everywhere he could. It made Squirmy, like his namesake, squirm. Because of that, the boy stopped and sat back. With a blink, his gaze returned to normal.
"Sorry. Sorry", the boy said sheepishly as he helped Squirmy up," I shouldn't have done that. Mother warned me Mainlanders don't like it when I or my sibs do that".
"Why were you smelling me?", Squirmy asked curiously after a second to compose himself.
"You smelled like someone I knew a while back....", the boy said earnestly with a shrug, playing with the fox tail lining the hood of his jacket." Anyhoo... your pops? You said he was a henchman? Whose was he?".
Squirmy was still a tad stuck on the fact he had just been sniffed by a boy he was definitely beginning to question the sanity of but still pressed forward to answer the question.
"Captain Hook's", Squirmy answered. 
Something changed in the boy's demeanour. It was small and mostly unnoticeable. Squirmy himself hadn't noticed something was off.
The boy stared and stared at Squirmy for a few seconds before speaking," .....You're Smee's Kid?".
"Yeah, wasn't it obvious?", Squirmy asked, gesturing to his clothes and their colour scheme, which the boy did look at with a contemplative stare. 
"Huh", the boy said softly. His gaze falls on Squirmy again with an unreadable expression.
"Wanna go grab more food with me?", the boy asked suddenly.
Squirmy walked hesitantly behind the boy, breath quickening as the voices from the party inside grew louder.
"Gosh, this place is even more packed than earlier. How's a guy even supposed to enter?", the boy commented," These sort of parties are never usually this big..."
"Do we really have to go inside?", Squirmy asked. He did make note that his new... companion had been inside earlier. And apparently knew how these sorts of events went.
The boy shrugged," We don't have to go in this way. We can just find the staff entrance and get in through the kitchen", he explained, taking hold of Squirmy's hand and dragging him around the building to find the staff entrance. 
"Have you ever been to these sort of things before?", Squirmy asked, seeing as this boy was somewhat knowledgeable on these sort of events.
"Eh, once or twice", the boy said shrugging," They aren't my scene. Think of it as a.... once in a blue moon sort of thingamabob", he added," I get invited. But I'm not really fond of leaving home much".
A home body? Squirmy could relate to that. 
"Same here", Squirmy said quietly," I'd much rather be at home napping".
They found a staff entrance and the boy led Squirmy by the hand through the long corridor until they entered the busy kitchen. Squirmy hesitated to move forward, so he had to be pulled by his companion. They got a lot of stares but the boy's glare usually sent the workers looking elsewhere to Squirmy's surprise. 
They came up towards the wheeled server trays and Squirmy's mouth watered at the sight of all the treats piled onto them.
"The food is made by the chefs working at Tiana's Palace in Bayou d'Orleans, so this stuff is going to be REALLY tasty", the boy explained.
Squirmy nodded. Honestly though, after eating trash for most of his life, even the bad Auradon food tasted incredible. So Squirmy trusted his companion's judgement. 
"So what do we do then?", Squirmy asked quietly. 
The boy grinned," We take some, duh", he said like it was obvious.
"Won't the cooks get mad though?", Squirmy asked worriedly.
"Probably", the boy said as he went and grabbed a few hors'deurves and started placing them strategically into places in the backpack he had been carrying with him since meeting Squirmy," But I don't care".
'Spoken like a true VK', Squirmy thought as he just watched the boy pluck the different finger foods and confections outside the eyes of the wandering chefs. It made him a little put off actually, but not by much. His new companion acted more like an Isle kid than he did. It made him a little curious to learn more about him.
And of course, the boy's kindness was certainly a large factor in Squirmy's growing comfort being around him.
The boy was doing well to ask Squirmy what he might like. The youngest Smee couldn't decide as he didn't recognise much of what was presented to him. So the boy decided to pack him a little bit of everything in a medium-sized plastic container so Squirmy could try it out.
"Mother will freak that I took her good tupperware but it's for a good cause", the boy said as he showed Squirmy the container with his treats in," This'll be for you".
Squirmy was thankful and a smile grew on his face due to the boy's thoughtfulness. The boy noticed his smile and grinned, proud to get such a smile out of this kid he had just met.
They were almost caught once by one of the staff workers. The boy had dragged Squirmy behind some flour bags as the worker went and took the wheeled tray to the main room where the party was taking place.
"That was close", the boy piped up.
"What are we going to do if we get caught?", Squirmy asked.
"Run, I guess"
" I'm... I'm not really a fast runner", Squirmy was ashamed to admit. His lack of speed was usually what got him caught by his bullies. He got ridiculed by Harry about it a few times and was expecting something similar to happen here. But to his surprise, his companion just giggled light-heartedly.
"Then I guess I'll just have to carry you then", the boy said with a playful wink and an air of truth.
Squirmy felt his face warm up a little. His rosy cheeks became a little more pink from the boy's response. 
"Can you even do that?", Squirmy asked, brow raised.
"You doubt me?", the boy said with an exaggerated pout.
"I find it a little hard to believe, is all", Squirmy said with a shrug, hoping to come off as nonchalant and cool about it," You'd have to carry both me and the bag". The full bag they filled with food by now.
The boy scoffed," Piece of cake! I've carried heavier", he said folding his arms.
"I don't believe you", Squirmy replied.
"-Now. You don't believe me right now. But soon, you will", the boy said confidently. 
"We'll see about that", Squirmy said shaking his head.
They were done filling up the bag. There was enough food in there to last a family 3 weeks in Squirmy's Isle-like opinion. For the boy, this will simply be a weekend's supply of treats.
" Now what? Do we go back outside?", Squirmy asked. He was quite eager to get further away from the ongoing party.
"I was actually going to check on my siblings", the boy answered," They're somewhere in that party room".
Squirmy felt his body freeze at the mention of going back to the party room. With all those people and all that noise with so little space-
But then Squirmy is reminded of his own twin. Who he hasn't seen in the last hour. Who's probably still inside somewhere, worried about him.
"Can we find my twin while we're at it?", Squirmy asked as they slipped out of the kitchen," I kind of lost him before I got outside...".
"We can split up to look for the-", the boy started suggesting.
"No!", Squirmy exclaimed, grabbing the boy's hand. His body shook a little and willed it to stop by thinking of other things," I- I'd like it if we stuck together".
There was silence for a moment and Squirmy thought for sure he had just embarrassed himself. But then he felt his hand be gently squeezed.
The boy gave him a soft, supportive smile," Okay. We'll stick together, then", he said gently before pulling Squirmy forward, taking him down the hall.
They walked together in somewhat silence. The boy was humming and took to walking on all the furniture he came across from tables to chairs. Squirmy giggled at the sight. Very few words were exchanged for that few minutes. Squirmy winced hearing the music getting louder and the voices becoming more clearer. Then the boy spoke up out of nowhere.
"Do you not like parties?", the boy asked curiously.
Squirmy hummed in thought,"...I like parties. Just... not parties as big as these". So many people. So much noise.
"Why?", the boy asked, curiously, as he hopped in front of Squirmy.
"There's so many people and so little space and so much noise. It hurts my head. I feel sick", Squirmy said honestly, those similar feelings bubbling up again as they got closer to the party room.
The boy looked sympathetic and thoughtful as Squirmy described his experience," Is that why you were shaking when I met you? You came from the party then?", he asked, his brows furrowed in concern.
Squirmy nodded," I lost my brother in the crowd and I panicked", he said as he took a stop to rest against the wall," Being alone always made me a target on the Isle. And the crowd was so big and so loud, I felt like I was about to crushed by it all".
"Sucks, man", the boy said sympathetically. He bit his lip in thought. They were close to the door now but the boy was hesitant to drag his new friend inside after what he heard. He had to think of something else. Luckily, something came to him rather quickly. 
"Come on", the boy said as he grabbed Squirmy's hand again.
"Where are we going? The door is right there", Squirmy pointed out.
"The balconies would be less crowded, I think. You'll be more comfortable up there", the boy explained.
" You'd do this for me?", Squirmy said, eyes widened in surprise. 
"You're my friend, of course, I would", the boy said with a friendly grin.
Friend. The word echoed in Squirmy's mind. He had few friends outside of his twin brother. Dizzy was his friend... Celia would be a potential friend if she was okay with it. But that was it. No one would really want to be friends with the wimpy, anxiety-riddled Squirmy Smee who would always get his treats stolen or wouldn't survive a day on the Isle without the protection of the Hooks.
But this boy did. He genuinely wanted to be friends with him. He went out of his way for Squirmy's comfort. Took food aside for him just because he wanted to. Offered to hide things about him to prevent further embarrassment.
Friend. The word made Squirmy feel... giddy. In ways he hadn't really felt before.
'My first Auradon friend', Squirmy thought in awe,' And he's so cool', he thought with excitement.
Speaking of said friend, he was currently walking on a table that had a vase on it. The boy carelessly kicked the vase off, letting it shatter against the floor. He apologised to Squirmy since some pieces fell close to him, which the latter dodged. The boy seemed more apologetic about him having a vase shard fall close to him than actually breaking the vase itself.
"Why are breaking them anyway?", Squirmy asked. He felt a little bad seeing people's things break.
"Because it'll annoy the grownups. Duh", he said it is like it was the most obvious thing in the world," Especially the old King. He gets antsy when things break", the boy snickered," All Mainlanders do though, really. The people here hate messes. Will give you the stink eye even if you did it on accident", he scoffed.
"You talk about them, the Auradonians, like you're not from here yourself", Squirmy said thoughtfully," Aren't you Auradonian too?".
Squirmy was worried. If his new friend was foreign and only here temporarily, they'd have to leave eventually. And will probably be gone for a long time. And it'll be hard to maintain contact, especially since Squirmy hadn't received a phone yet. Did his new friend have a phone?
The boy wrinkled his nose with a look of some mild disgust, like he was personally insulted by the idea of being from Auradon (and he was, just a little). He let out a small huff, brushing some of his long blonde hair away from his sky-blue eyes.
"I guess I am in a way", the boy said, his lips pulled back in disgust at even admitting it," My home is more a... a territory of Auradon than actually part of Auradon itself, let's say. So I don't really consider myself Auradonian, get it?", he explained. 
"Huh", Squirmy hummed thoughtfully," I... do get it... actually", he said, thinking about the Isle, a little surprised at the commonality between their homes being a part of Auradon but not feeling like its part of Auradon.
King Ben might argue the Isle was always a part of Auradon. But that argument wouldn't erase the feelings of 'otherness' all Isle kids felt when they came to Auradon. The Culture Shock. It won't erase the obvious differences between the Isle of the Lost and Auradon. The Isle, an ugly entity of a mark against the big, beautiful picturesque Auradon. Saying they are one kingdom... won't fix much right now
It was much easier to think of them as separate anyway.
The boy turned to look at him," Do you want the Isle to feel like it's a part of Auradon?", he asked curiously. 
Squirmy thought for a moment," Yeah, I do", he said. 
The boy hummed," I guess that's where our homes differ. My home wants almost nothing to do with Auradon anymore", he said before stopping in front of a door to open it," We're here".
The boy pushed open the door and kept it open to let Squirmy in first. Squirmy murmured a thanks before stepping in. He looked over the railing and down at the party where many people gathered. Luckily no one was on this balcony with them. They were alone up there. They both peeked over the railing to spy down on everyone below them.
"Spot your twin yet?", the boy asked.
"Not yet", Squirmy replied," Find your siblings?".
"Found about 3 so far. Spotted my mother and baby brother though!"
"Really? Where?", Squirmy asked.
"Girlie in the baby blue dress", he said pointing towards a specific door. Squirmy only saw the flare of a baby blue dress skirt disappear behind the door though. 
"Missed her", he said
"She must have gone to put Tootles down for a nap somewhere", the boy stated," Is your dad here too?".
"Yeah. Maybe my brother's with him", Squirmy wondered thoughtfully.
"That'll make it easier to find him at least. We can just look for your dad too", the boy said as he went and sat on the railing, feet dangling. 
"Yeah", Squirmy agreed. He turned to talk to his friend again only to his shock for a bird to fly past. Squirmy stumbled but his friend merely looked surprised and turned around. 
Squirmy's eyes widened as he watched the bird transform into a human child before his eyes. Their outfit was adorned in black-iridescent feathers, much similar to their bird form. The child watched Squirmy with curiosity stark in their dark eyes.
"Birdie", Squirmy heard his friend greet lightly," How's the party?"
Rather than speaking, the bird-child let out a squeaky chirp with a silly grin. His friend chuckled at their enthusiasm.
The bird-child, aptly named Birdie, then drew their attention back to Squirmy, who tensed up a little under their attention.
"Friend?", they asked curiously, head tilting to the side as they walked towards Squirmy. Their walk reminded Squirmy of the thin live chickens Amos Slade kept in his cabin near the outskirts of the Isle. And much like what his friend had done earlier, Birdie began to sniff at him, causing Squirmy to lean away uncomfortably. 
Luckily sensing his discomfort, his friend slid in and made the bird-child back away.
"Birdie, come on, you know the Mainlanders don't like it when we do that", the boy said shooing the child away to out distance between them and Squirmy," Sorry about them. Birdie hardly comes out here much".
"Friend?", Birdie repeated.
"Is this one of your siblings?", Squirmy asked curiously, remembering his friend mentioning he had siblings.
"Yeah! This is Birdie", his friend introduced them happily," And Birdie, this is...", the boy paused for a short minute and turned to Squirmy, face flushed and grinning sheepishly. 
"I uh- didn't get your name earlier", the boy said chuckling in shy embarrassment. 
Squirmy chuckled shyly too, because it just occurred to him too, that he never got his new friend's name either.
Birdie let a squawk that Squirmy didn't understand, but his friend did completely.
"I got distracted!", the boy excused as he heard his sibling sassily ask why he had forgotten to ask Squirmy's name when they met.
Birdie chirped with interest at that excuse. They looked back and forth between the two boys, reading into something neither Squirmy nor the boy were aware of. But they sensed it. And it made them grin excitedly, bouncing on their feet and pointing at Squirmy with a wild gleam in their eyes.
"Wendy!", Birdie squealed. And then began to repeat it over and over in an excited and almost teasing chant. 
Squirmy didn't get it. But his friend, judging by how red his face had become, did.
"It's not like that!", the boy squeaked," We just met today!"
But Birdie continued their incessant teasing, calling Squirmy 'Wendy' much to the Smee boy's confusion. Squirmy could see his friend growing frustrated and decided to intervene swiftly.
"My name is Squirmy", Squirmy said over their fighting. He could see his friend stiffen and pause mid-argument as his mind registered that he spoke.
"Huh? What's that?", the boy asked.
Squirmy's face turned a little pink and he shyly scratched the material of his jacket sleeve," I said... my name is Squirmy. Squirmy Smee".
Birdie let out a few animated trills and chirps, most likely commenting on Squirmy's name (they were, in fact, in fact doing that, and also asking about knowing the VK was a Smee) before turning to their older brother, who was stuck in a trance looking at Squirmy. Birdie elbowed the boy in the rib and he hissed in pain.
"Slightly!", the boy gasped as Birdie elbowed him in the rib," Ow... did you have to go that hard?".
Birdie huffed and pointed back at a waiting Squirmy, who looked confused at the exclamation. 
"Slightly?", Squirmy said confused.
The boy looked back at him with a small smile," Yep, that's my name", he extended a hand for a shake," Slightly Soiled, but just call me Slightly".
"Slightly", Squirmy repeated," Odd name", he said as he shook Slightly's hand. 
"Better than Squirmy though", Slightly said cheekily.
"Wanna do a betting pool on that?", Squirmy asked dryly. 
Slightly cackled," Nah, I'm good", he said with a huge grin.
Birdie watched this interaction with a knowing smile on their face. They looked at Slightly with a smirk and teasingly sang," Wendy~~".
Slightly growled and tried lunging at them, but Birdie transformed back into their bird form before Slightly could get them. Squirmy could hear them cackling in their bird form.
"Oh laugh it up!", Slightly growled glaring at the bird," Do you got a reason for bothering me right now?"
Birdie transformed back into their human form and sat on the balcony railing comfortably. A series of chirps, squawks and trills began, with some actual English that Squirmy understood. Though the only thing Squirmy made out was "brothers" "boy" and "Hook", the last one making Squirmy shiver.
Was Captain Hook here? Squirmy thought worriedly. If such was the case, then Squirmy had to find his father soon. If Captain Hook mistook any of the Auradon children for the Lost Boys as he often mistook Isle children, then they were in for a world of hurt.
"What did they say?", Squirmy asked nervously.
"Eh, they were asking me if I wanted to join a game with the rest of our siblings", Slightly said, sounding a little put off," Hey, um, can I ask you something?".
"Sure", Squirmy said.
Slightly licked his lips," Does... does Captain Hook have kids?", he asked hesitantly. 
"Yeah, he does", Squirmy answered quietly.
Birdie let out even more caws that Squirmy ignored in favour of watching Slightly. 
"How many?", Slightly asked, tilting his head.
"3", Squirmy replied.
"Any boys?"
"Just one. His name is Harry"
"How old?"
"I think he's 19 now..."
Slightly hummed before turning back to Birdie," Sound like your guy?", he asked.
Birdie chirped and Slightly turned back to Squirmy.
"Does his make up make him look like he just spent hours in the shower listening to Lana Del Rey and sobbing?", Slightly asked with complete seriousness. 
"Uh... I guess his eye shadow makes him look... tired?", Squirmy said with uncertainty. 
Slightly turned back to Birdie," Your guy?", he asked.
Birdie chirped and nodded their head.
"Ah, cool", Slightly said before turning back to Squirmy," My siblings are stalking him for funsies", he explained, no fanfare whatsoever which made Squirmy even more gobsmacked. 
"They wanted to know if I wanted to join", Slightly shrugged before turning to Birdie," I think I'll stick with my friend here for a bit. We're lookin' for his twin and his dad up here and I'd rather not lose him in the crowd y'know. He's a mainland kid, he won't be used to everyone. You and the others have fun though", he said with a wave.
Birdie nodded and transformed back into their bird form. But before they flew away, Slightly got an idea and called them back.
"Birdie, while you're down there, try to find someone who looks like Squirmy- or find Mr Smee!", Slightly said," And if ya got trouble remembering what he looks like, find Jake. He'll know", the boy said and Birdie gave as good as a nod you can get out of a bird before diving back down into the ground, some guests letting out loud yelps as the bird came too close to them.
"That should sort out the search for your family and my family", Slightly said with a nod of his head," Wanna head back outside? Birdie won't have trouble finding us if we left".
"Yes", Squirmy said immediately. Even atop the balcony away from most of the crowd, Squirmy still felt uncomfortable. Luckily, Slightly didn't wait to grab his hand and take him way.
The walk on the way outside was mostly quiet. Slightly made sure to leave a mess in his wake while Squirmy watched on amused but pensive. His pensive expression coming from his ponderings about his friend that he hadn't gotten to do earlier.
Slightly. It was such an odd name for an Auradon boy. Slightly, who seemed to have dozens of siblings. Slightly who didn't seem to be fazed by Squirmy's VK status. Slightly who met him with a cool exterior and a excitable grin promising chaos. A face more in line with a VK than an AK. That caused Squirmy to wonder. Who were his parents? 
Squirmy didn't know who Slightly's parents were. He figured that they had to be important though, as a lot of the Auradon guests at the party were nobility and royals, seeing as this was the engagement party of the High King and the Lady of the Court. Squirmy didn't get to ponder much further as Slightly spoke up.
"Are you close with Hook's kids?", Slightly asked suddenly. 
"Huh?", Squirmy said quietly," Yeah, I guess".
"You friends with any of them?", Slightly asked.
Squirmy shook his head," They're all way older than me. CJ's 16 and she's the youngest. We used to play together when she was younger but then she got older and got new friends", he rambled," Harriet babysits me and Squeaky a lot. She's the oldest. She's like 24 now I think".
"Harriet, Harry and CJ", Slightly muttered as they reached the outside gardens.
Squirmy continued rambling," Harry's kinda mean a lot. He always steals my squid snacks whenever I get some-"
Slightly growled hearing that, and the growl was animalistic Squirmy jumped hearing it," Jerk", Slightly muttered," I hope my siblings give em hell".
"Aren't you worried about your siblings?", Squirmy asked curiously. 
Slightly snorted," I'd worry about the Hook boy more. My siblings are a lot to handle", he said grinning.
"Harry's pretty unpredictable", Squirmy warned.
"So are my siblings", Slightly grinned," They can take him. If anything, this will be a fun challenge for them", he laughed," Nibs is probably itching to start a fight with him anyway".
Squirmy hoped that wasn't the case. While he was certain Harry wouldn't purposefully hurt a younger kid, Slightly's brother could still get hurt fighting the pirate. 
They got back to their spot (their spot, Squirmy thought with bashful glee) and sat down on the grass. The sky turned pink as the sun was beginning to set. Slightly handed him a container filled with the food he had collected for Squirmy, the latter taking it with a warm thank you before beginning to eat what was inside. As he predicted, it was all delicious. And while they ate, Slightly asked another question.
"And what about Hook?".
Squirmy froze," What about Hook?", he asked hesitantly. 
"What was he like to you?", Slightly asked curiously. There was something in his expression that Squirmy couldn't decipher. But he knew whatever it was, Squirmy's answer would be something that stuck to Slightly more than any other answer he gave for previous questions.
"He- n-n-not great", Squirmy stuttered, rubbing a hand around his throat, imagining the hand of an older man gripping his throat with murderous intent as he mistook Squirmy for someone else completely," How much do you know about him?".
Slightly tilted his head and there it was again. Another expression Squirmy couldn't decipher.
"I'd like to think I know a lot", Slightly said with a shrug.
"He's a lot like what the stories describe him to be", Squirmy said quietly.
Squirmy caught Slightly frowning and brows furrowed. Stuck between feeling sad for his friend and angry at Hook. And there was something else in Slightly that Squirmy noticed. Between the anger and sadness, there was... disappointment. An odd combination for sure. Why would Slightly be disappointed in hearing Captain Hook was a monster?
Slightly then spoke," I'm sorry you had to go through all of that", he said, sounding oddly remorseful for reasons Squirmy couldn't decipher. 
"It's not like it's your fault", Squirmy said with a shrug. But that seemed to be the wrong thing to say.
"But it is partly my fault", Slightly said suddenly. 
"But it isn't. You weren't even born when that happened just like me. It's neither of our fault. It's like what King Ben said. We're not our parents", Squirmy said.
Slightly seemed to go silent at that. Squirmy thought he got through to him but that turned out to be not the case.
"You... don't know... who I am?", Slightly said quietly.
Squirmy furrowed his brows," You're Slightly, we just met today".
"No, you don't know WHO I am", he repeated again.
Squirmy the figured his friend must have meant who he was descended from. 
"Am I supposed to?", Squirmy asked awkwardly. 
Squirmy watched as Slightly's mouth opened and closed as he thought on his reply. But then, Slightly finally replied. 
"I guess not", he said with a shrug, before going in to eat his own food.
Squirmy seemed like he wanted to ask further but then Slightly spoke up again.
"It's getting late. My folks will probably call us in and head home soon", Slightly said thoughtfully. 
All thoughts and questions Squirmy had, came to a stop as he realised his time with his new friend was possibly coming to an end.
"O-Oh", Squirmy said with a hard swallow,"...W-Will you be visiting again soon?", he asked.
"I don't know. I told ya before I usually only come here for special occassions", Slightly explained. 
Squirmy felt his heart break. He just couldn't lose his new friend so soon. And Slightly noticed.
"Don't be sad. I'll try and ask about visiting more often- and hey! Do ya got a phone? I can give send ya texts and we can call each other", Slightly suggested.
Squirmy remembered having received a new cellphone when he first arrived. He had it hidden back in his room at Evie's starter castle. 
"Yeah I do!", Squirmy said happily.
"Neat!" Slightly scratched around in his backpack and pulled out a pen. He took hold of Squirmy's wrist and wrote down a number on his arm.
"I don't have my own phone", Slightly admitted," But this is my Mother's number. I can use this until I can get my own".
"She won't mind?", Squirmy asked.
"Nah, my sibs and I always steal hers for games anyway", he said as he finished writing the number down," And there!"
"-And just in time too", Slightly said as the two boys heard a familiar caw of Birdie flying overhead and someone yelling out Squirmy's name," Seems like Birdie found somebody. Though I don't think its your dad or your brother".
"It's Jay", Squirmy said as he heard the son of Jafar's voice get closer and closer until the older boy found the two of them sitting together.
"Squirmy! There you are, buddy. We've been looking everywhere for ya", Jay said, sighing in relief.
"I was outside", Squirmy replied.
"I can see that", Jay said with a smile as he ruffled Squirmy's beanie-covered head before turning his attention to Slightly," And I see you made a friend. What's up, Slightly? Strange to see you all the way out here".
Squirmy's eyes widened as he looked between the two of them, surprised they know each other.
Slightly snorted," It's strange to be out here", he replied.
Jay snorted," I imagine", he said with a smirk," Thanks for keeping Squirms company here, man. I owe you".
"Eh, I'd do it again for free. Squirmy here is pretty cool", Slightly said, bumping his shoulder against Squirmy's with a fond grin.
Squirmy's face turned a lovely shade of red from that statement.
"Aww your first Auradon friend. Proud of ya, sport", Jay said giving Squirmy a gentle fist bump to the shoulder.
"Really? I'm your first friend here?", Slightly asked.
Squirmy flushed," Yeah...", he said embarrassed. 
Slightly grinned and puffed out his chest proudly," I shall carry that title with honor then!", he said with strong promise.
Squirmy laughed at the sight. It made him feel so warm that Slightly was taking all of this in stride.
Jay chuckled too," Come on, Squirms. Let's get you back to your brother and dad", he said as Squirmy took his hand," Slightly, I think your fam were looking for you earlier".
Slightly chuckled, watching as Birdie flew away," I think they know where I am. I'll be fine", he said before looking back at Squirmy," Don't forget to text later, okay?".
"I won't", Squirmy said with a smile as he committed the number on his arm to memory so he'd never forget it," Bye Slightly!"
Slightly waved back silently and watched as the two VKs walked away. 
Jay led Squirmy by the hand around the castle towards the front entrance. As they walked, Squirmy relayed to him all that happened after he lost Squeaky back at the party, Jay listening to everything the boy had to tell. This was, after all, the most Jay had ever heard him spoke. A tiny piece of the Smee boy's shell has broken off from this newfound friendship. 
"Glad you had a good time despite how it all started", Jay said sincerely," And Slightly's a good kid. He'll look after you if you get in trouble".
"How do you know him?", Squirmy asked quietly.
"Met him at a R.O.A.R tournament in Neverland. Tough kid. One of the only 10 year olds I'm not ashamed to say wiped the floor with me at the game. He's good", Jay whistled, remembering that tournament," You got pretty lucky to meet him".
Something scratched at Squirmy's brain at the mention of Neverland. And like that, pieces of a puzzle he was unaware he had built started to come together.
"How come?", Squirmy asked curiously.
Jay shrugged," The kid's hardly allowed out of Neverland. Plus he and his siblings's got a bit of rep here from what Peony told me. So they don't come here often by choice. Heck, you might even be Slightly's first mainland", he said," Not a lot of kids here can say they befriended a Lost Boy".
And like that, the puzzle was completed. 
Squirmy eyed his phone in his hand, the number he had on his arm now logged onto the phone. He sent the first message, hoping Slightly was the one to answer and not his mother (this made Squirmy ask even more questions).
Slightly('s Mother):
Squirmy bit his lip as he tried to find an appropriate way to ask his question. But figured, he might as well just jump in and take the plunge.
Why didn't you tell me you were a Lost Boy? 
Squirmy watched for what felt like hours as he watched the phrase showcasing that Slightly was typing below. But then the message came through. It was much shorter than what Squirmy was expecting truthfully, considering Slightly took minutes to type.
Slightly('s Mother):
It never came up.
Squirmy's eye twitched suddenly. He was uncertain why but he felt a spike of anger. Then another message appeared from Slightly. 
Slightly('s Mother):
Does it matter?
Squirmy took a minute to think. Did it matter that Slightly was a Lost Boy?
Squirmy thought back on his younger days, thinking about what the Lost Boys meant to him, as the son of Smee.
The Lost Boys weren't a group that came up in conversation a lot. They were backgrounds from what was known of the Peter Pan story. They weren't named in the history books, the pirates certainly didn't utter their names either. They were a singular unit. Peter Pan's sidekicks. Unnamed and unimportant. 
But Hook.... Hook hated them all the same. The Lost Boys invoked the same murderous rage that Peter Pan invoked as they were his kin, his underlings who followed his every command. And Hook always had trouble telling children apart. Particularly the Smee twins. From a young age, both boys only knew one thing about the Lost Boys: that in the group was a set of twins.
Twins that Hook often mistook the Smees for.
It caused some bitterness amongst the pity the Smee twins usually had for the Lost Boys. In a similar vein of how Harry felt bitter towards Peter and how Harriet felt bitter towards Wendy Darling. Had Pan just left Hook alone-
But then something in Squirmy's thoughts changed. Perhaps Auradon changed his thought process and he was gaining a different perspective. But Squirmy thought of something no one else in his life had really thought to question.
Could Pan even leave Hook alone? 
Captain Hook constantly ranted about how difficult it was to find Peter Pan's hideout. The years he spent searching for it. 
A grown man... obsessively searching for the home of several young boys... so he could kill them.
Perhaps then, it wasn't Pan who couldn't leave Hook alone. It was Hook who couldn't leave Pan alone. It was the grown man, who could've licked his wounded stump where his hand once was and sail away like the rest of the crew wanted to. But made the active choice to stick around and stalk the boy who made a bad decision, looking for any moment to strike him down. 
Peter Pan and the Lost Boys were as much victims of Hook as Squirmy, his brothers and Hook's own children were.
Squirmy's bitterness was not made for the Lost Boys. And it certainly didn't feel right to continue to leave it on them, for all the events of what happened.
Slightly... Slightly blamed himself for Hook causing Squirmy and other kids harmed. He felt guilty. Slightly, who spent the entire afternoon with him, feeding him, keeping him company, taking care to not put Squirmy in uncomfortable spots. 
Slightly cared. Slightly was a friend. Slightly was his friend. 
No. I guess not
The End
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