#Wow that Supernatural Finale really had nothing on this
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Excuse me I will be inconsolable forever about this. 
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Hello, Mr. Gaiman! I’m sure you get a ton of messages like this, but I still wanted to say thank you for the amazing representation in Good Omens. The show really helped me come to terms with my asexuality. For most of my life I knew I wasn’t straight, but I’d always had trouble with labels as nothing felt quite right. I felt like I didn’t fit in with anyone, and after taking a few poorly constructed internet quizzes I had come to the conclusion that I was asexual. This wasn’t exactly thrilling news for me. Practically all the ace characters I’d been exposed had been portrayed as cold, distant, and emotionless. All that “representation” did was make me feel more like an outsider. Asexuality was usually treated as something unnatural and practically inhuman.
A few weeks ago, I finally watched Good Omens after putting it off for a few years, and wow I really should have watched it sooner. For the first time ever, I saw a love story that I could truly relate to. Here were Crowley and Aziraphale, two asexual supernatural beings who were in love with each other. Seeing that made me feel like I could be asexual and that it could be just as beautiful, romantic, and real as any other relationship. Not only did I (and many other queer people) feel seen, but Crowley and Aziraphale’s relationship also touched the heart of my mostly homophobic mother lol. So thank you for all that you do Neil! You’ve quickly become one of my favourite authors! Representation matters.
I'm so glad.
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azure-firecracker · 2 months
I hate seeing Scully so distressed but I think Irresistible might be my favorite episode of the show so far. (Spoilers under the cut!)
I’m sure I’m far from the first person who’s talked about this but just…the realization that sometimes the scariest monsters are humans. And the fact that those are the cases that scare Scully the most because these are the ones she should be able to understand because there’s nothing supernatural about them yet they’re just as indecipherable as any supernatural being.
And God, Scully. The fact that she clearly hasn’t really dealt with any of the trauma from her abduction and the way it’s so clearly paralleled in this case with bodies…women’s bodies…being used for the purposes of others without their consent or their ability to retaliate.
How she’s so desperate to make sure Mulder doesn’t see how bothered she is and all the reasons behind that. Because she knows how worried he was about her when she got abducted and doesn’t want to worry him again. Because she’s built so much of her identity on her abilities and not needing to be protected by anybody else. Not to mention that she’s a woman in two different male-dominated fields and is probably averse to showing emotions at all just because of that.
She’s such a good character because she’s the definition of competent and collected, but here we see that just underneath that is a fear of needing others, of not being able to do everything right herself. And yes, she says she trusts Mulder with her life, but she hates the idea of needing to rely on him, of him or anyone knowing that she needs to rely on him.
And the ending. I need to watch it again for it to really sink in. I’m sure everyone has said everything there is to say about this already. Scully has just been fighting for her life in this desperate attempt to regain the agency and control she’s been missing since she got abducted, and of course it’s terrifying. And then Mulder gets there and all of this fear she’s been feeling all along sinks in but she’s so afraid of letting him in, of needing him or anyone. But he’s so gentle with her and he doesn’t let her brush everything aside the way she’s been doing all episode, and instead he really looks at her and he doesn’t even have to say anything but the way he looks at her just speaks volumes. He sees her, all of her, and he doesn’t need her to be okay all the time and all he wants her to know is that it’s okay for her to let her walls down with him.
And she finally does, and wow the way she just leans into him and lets herself go limp because she can finally admit that she needs to. And the way he holds her, not with the frantic worry he had while she was abducted but with all the care in the world like he could just to hold her there forever as long as it’ll make her feel safe. And for a second, maybe, she does.
Also correct me if I’m wrong but I think he was kissing her hair? It was hard to see.
Anyway I’m VERY in my feelings rn. Beautiful.
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train-wrecc · 2 years
niklaus mikaelson x human!female!reader –
warnings!: kidnapping, blood, murder, somewhat stalkerish tendencies mentioned?
word count: 2.03k requested by: @catmikaelson20
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。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
Klaus had noticed your arrival in New Orleans straight away, after all, it was his city, and he was the King of it, or so he liked to think.
Something about your piercing eyes which were always filled with curiosity and wonder as you wandered the city full of supernaturals, had caught his attention.
The city could get windy at times and he loved watching as you made your way through the French Quarter, your shiny locks swinging in the wind.
Klaus had thought he had been very stealthy, however, he was not. 
You’d always find him not too far from you, lurking in the shadows, it really should’ve creeped you out that some hybrid had been following you albeit it was the opposite.
You found it comforting in a way, knowing someone was always looking out for you.
Elijah, knew you were Klaus's current infatuation, so after a few months of suffering and having to watch Niklaus practically stalk you, he had decided he would introduce himself to you, seeing as he’d seen you around as well.
You thought it was by chance that you’d run into the Elijah Mikaelson, however, it was not. Elijah had figured out your routine and purposely ran into you on your daily stop at the cafe you had been working at. 
Elijah hurriedly walked into the cafe after you had been in there for 10 minutes, as he had seen you talking to your coworkers. You had accidentally spilled your coffee all over his crisp suit, your face besmirched with nothing other than horror. 
Your mouth had been agape, before you had finally shaken out of your daze, “Oh my god, I am so sorry! I swear you came out of nowhere, here, let me help you.” You quickly rambled.
“Don’t worry about it, I didn’t much care for this suit anyways,” He assured you, as you frantically patted napkins against the material of the suit in an attempt to dry it.
He placed his hand against yours to stop you, “It’s quite alright…” He said, waiting for you to fill in your name for him.
“Y/n, you’re the infamous Elijah Mikaelson,” You responded.
“Indeed, I am, Y/n.” He said, a charming smile on his face.
“You Mikaelsons are awfully famous around here… huh,”
“Yes, our family has some history in New Orleans, we practically built the city,”
“Wow, here, let me buy you a coffee or something to make up for your destroyed suit, although I’m sure it costs much more than a 5-dollar coffee,” You laughed.
“Well, I’ll gladly take the coffee,”
The both of you had settled into a conversation, as you strolled about the Quarter.
Elijah had been telling you all about the supernatural history of New Orleans, seeing as you had told him you knew about vampires, wolves, and witches, including how you knew he and his family were the Originals.
You had gestured to your vervain ring, as you had explained your numerous encounters with various supernatural beings.
You had even gotten talking about hobbies, and how you quite enjoyed writing, which had prompted a proposal from Elijiah, “It’s quite interesting that you mention that, my brother Niklaus is in desperate need of an editor or typist, he’s got a few things in the works, I’m sure he’d love your assistance.”
“Oh, I’m not sure I’d be much help,”
“I assure you he’d deeply appreciate it, and I’m sure you’re quite the novelist yourself,” He sang your praises, and you gave in.
When you first met Niklaus he tried to keep his guard up around you, trying to come off as intimidating, however, his plan had backfired.
“Y’know sometimes when I walk through the quarter, for some reason, I just feel eyes on me, like someone’s watching me, hiding in the shadows. Do you ever feel like that?” You’d told the hybrid. 
His face slightly twitched before he quickly hid it with a smirk on his full lips, “Love, I’m Niklaus Mikaelson, I’ve always got eyes on me, I have an exponential amount of enemies that’d love to get me when I’m vulnerable.”
The more time the two of you spent together, the more you somehow broke down the hybrid’s concrete walls.
Niklaus may have been stubborn, but so were you.
“Niklaus, you’re writing is exceptional, you don’t need my help, so why do you insist that I help you edit your work?”
“Love, my writing is exceptional because you edit it.”
“Nonsense. You know, with the amount of time we spend together, you’d think I’d know more about you, I mean I feel like you practically know everything about me…”
Eventually, Niklaus opened up to you about everything, from the years of abuse he suffered at the hand of his father, to his deep fear of abandonment, how he’d always felt odd due to being a “bastard” child.
You knew Nik had flaws, however there was something about him that pulled you in, maybe it was his dedication to his family and their long promise of always and forever.
It was something you wish your family had, that kind of closeness, that no matter what they did, you’d always go back to each other, however, your family was far from that.
From his insistent paranoia to his anger issues, you’d still fallen for him.
Secretly he felt the same, your outer and inner beauty, kindness, and caring personality had made him wrapped around your finger.
He desperately tried to hide it but failed.
Whenever you’d leave, he’d insist on taking you home, to ensure you’d made it safely, as well as insisting you texted him when you were safely inside your apartment.
Eventually, it came to the point where you’d see each other every day, Niklaus often stopping by your work for a cup of his usual coffee. It had gotten to the point where your coworkers had thought he was your boyfriend, which you’d always deny. 
However, there was a twinge in your heart that deeply wanted a relationship with the infamous hybrid.
Everyone could see that you both were head over heels in love with each other but the two of you, whenever anyone said anything you both denied what was right in front of you.
“You’ve truly lost your mind, Rebekah, there’s no way she feels any sort of way for me. She’s too kind. Too pure.”
“Yeah right, like Klaus Mikaelson has feelings for me!” You had laughed.
What finally changed the dynamic of your relationship was when you had been kidnapped by one of Klaus’s enemies.
You had been held hostage and tortured for days, before Klaus finally found you in the abandoned warehouse.
He had torn up the city looking for you, whilst threatening witches to do locator spells for him.
When he came to rescue you, you watched as he murdered your captors in cold blood.
He freed you from the ropes which held you, blood besmirching his face and clothes, as his eyes that glowed yellow returned to their usual blue color.
He pulled you into a tight embrace, clinging to you as he muttered various apologies, from being sorry for getting you kidnapped to having to see him end your captor's lives.
You simply gave him a weak smile, hands on his face, you wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth before smashing your lips against his.
He returned the kiss with fervor, before pulling away.
He opened his eyes, “We shouldn’t start this, Y/n, I don’t want to endanger you any more than I already have.”
After that Niklaus had kept his distance from you, however, returned to keeping an eye on you from the shadows.
You had had enough.
You had stormed into the compound yelling and demanding Klaus to come out. Once you had you’d told him off about how he had no right to decide what was best for you, seeing as you were a grown woman who could make her own decisions.
“Who are you to decide what’s best for me Klaus?! I am in love with you and I don’t care if that put’s me in danger!”
It felt like hours had passed as you and Niklaus shouted back and forth, voices echoing throughout the compound for Rebekah and Elijah to hear.
Somehow Klaus had come to the realization that you were more stubborn than him. He murmured a “Bloody hell,” before he shut you up with a kiss.
From then on, you and Klaus had begun dating.
You and Klaus were inseparable.
He always wanted to be near you, in order to protect you, and if he couldn’t he’d order Elijah, Rebekah, Marcel, or someone to guard you when he couldn’t.
He’d constantly surprise you with random gifts such as flowers, “Just because,”.
Klaus would always spoil you, and always insist that he pay for everything, “Love, you’re a queen, and deserve to be treated like it.”
Taking you on random dates, spontaneous trips.
Not long after you began dating, you’d moved into the compound, Klaus no longer wanting you to be living in your apartment by yourself.
Depending on your hair type: Nik would learn how to braid, after you’d complain about your arms aching after having finished doing your own box braids or cornrows /// having to braid your hair before you sleep so you wouldn’t get split ends or tangles in the morning.
He’d always deny it but he secretly loved cuddling, especially when he was the small spoon.
Constantly having to be touching you, whether it be an arm around your waist, his palm against your thigh, holding hands.
Learning to cook your favorite meal.
Waking up each morning to your favorite morning drink on your bedside table.
Catching him watching you as you applied your makeup, “I can’t help it, love, it’s not my fault you’re so gorgeous.”
Always wanting your attention, “Love, are you listening to me?” 
“Of course, I am, lovey.”
Needing to have one of your AirPods in, so he could listen to your music as well.
Countless nights where the both of you would just stay up talking about anything and everything.
If you wear glasses/contacts, he’d love when you wore your glasses over your contacts.
Whenever you would do some self-care such as face masks, he’d always want to participate as well, “Darling, just because I’m an immortal hybrid doesn’t mean that I don’t need to take care of my skin, I mean this isn’t just immortality, it’s SPF as well.”
Whenever he was stressed he’d love it when you’d play with his hair, it always soothed him and melted his stress.
When he’s upset he’d take some time to himself not wanting to lash out at you.
You and Rebekah were the best of friends and loved teasing Klaus together.
You’d eventually learn that Elijah had set you up, because Klaus had never really been looking for an editor or typist.
“Elijah! I can’t believe this,” You laughed.
Whenever Nik would wake up from a nightmare, you’d be right there for him, placing soothing kisses on his shoulder to comfort him.
You would be the first to say the L word, it had been after you and Nik had been dating for almost a year. 
You always knew you had strong feelings for Nik, however, they were really brought to light when you’d gotten extremely sick, and Nik spent every day at your bedside taking care of you.
You had been slightly delirious but you meant every word.
Nik had been laying next to you, the both of you facing each other after he had just made you your favorite soup.
Your hand reached for his own, clasping it. His blue eyes met your own, “I love you, Niklaus Mikaelson.”
It had left him slightly shocked, his mouth slightly agape, before a large dimpled grin spread across his face, “I love you too, Y/n Y/l/n.”
You both loved each other immensely and would do anything for each other.
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
A/N: Idk how to feel about this…
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lunaartgallery · 6 months
Hellven Updates | APRIL
Lets see whats new aye, got a lot of exciting stuff! Rejoice for I have FINALLY finished all 20 background sets. So 3D models and props are ready to go! That task was a chore in itself, probably my least favorite part of this project.
Eitherway, you'll get to see those backgrounds in the panels of the novel.
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Freebie - Concept panel
Novel: Onto the novel itself, Hellven is coming along well. I'm half-way through the rewrite. As a quick summary, Hellven was originally a script that I am turning into a full-length novel. That's why the rewrites are taking so long and I've had to push the release date of this first book later this year perhaps around summer. Out of 16 ( unedited chapters ) 9 have been rewritten clocking in at 240p, or 20-30p (4k words) per chapter. The whole "script" is sitting at 400p. I'm predicting this first book to be around 600 - 800 pages. This isn't a fanfic, so I can't really give updates on the novel as one would do for a comic. It's a strange adjustment, but I hope all of my comic concepts is enough to fill in the gaps while we wait.
Novel Mature content: Hellven is a dark supernatural poly romance, it will have mature content and horror imagery, but nothing explicit. Because of this, I've added a 18+ label to any work that is suggestive on my patreon. However, I want to make it clear that Hellven is NOT a smut book.
Hellven contain sex, as topics of sexuality and gender are big themes in the novel. The story caters more to people on the romantic character drama side rather than pure smut lovers. Graphic depictions of sex and genitals will not be shown. That said, I'm not opposed to NSFW material as a whole, far from it, but I don't want to mislead anyone.
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Freebie - Concept panel
Wow that was a long update. Eitherway, you can support Hellven over on my Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/lunaartgallery view behind the scenes content, concept and panels!
Bye for nows :)
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alexsoenomel · 2 years
Meeting Dean Winchester would include:
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You seeing him at a bar one night in your hometown 
Being absolutely stunned by his appearance 
Being genuinely surprised when he buys you a drink 
“You are here alone?” First question he asks you
“Sadly, my friend stood me up because her boyfriend is in town and since it’s Friday and I have nothing to do...buy myself a drink...or drinks.”
“Well let me buy you one instead.”
“I won’t protest that’s for sure. I’m (Y/N) (L/N) by the way.”
“Dean last name Winchester.”
Last name sounding so familiar to you 
Dazed and Confused by Led Zeppelin starts playing, your favorite
“Ufff this songs....man...”
“You like Led Zeppelin?” Him being genuinely surprised.
“Like father like daughter.”
Ended up talking about music and finding out you have a lot in common
 “Metallica?” He asks.
“Pink Floyd?”
“Van Halen?”
“Had a crush on Eddie since forever.”
Him telling you he has a brother 
“Is he a pain in the ass?”
Telling stupid shit you did when you were younger 
“You are telling me you got suspended because you put glue in that girls hair?”
“Hey in my defense she would always bully me and tell me I’m ugly but that comment about my mom really pissed me off!”
“I mean yeah I agree.”
You starting to get more and more drink while beers keep rolling 
Then it hit you.....his last name
“So Dean what kind of supernatural shit is going on in my town huh?” 
“What do you mean?”
“I heard about you. Your brother is Sam, right?”
His being drunk and speechless
“Well shit.....Is it Katie’s death?”
“Yeah. But wait how do you know about us? You are not spooked?”
“I heard about you two a while back when you saved my friend and her brother at Blackwater Ridge from a....”
“Yeah. Haley and I grew up together. Before I moved here for college..”
“Wow small world. You are still not spooked?”
“Not really. I think it’s pretty damn cool what you do. Murder, mystery with a supernatural twist.”
“And what about you? What do you do?”
“Journalist. Specialty not minding my business. You probably read my story about Katie.” 
“You wrote that one?”
“Yes what do you think killed her?”
“Well God damn.”
Him telling you about his hunting adventures 
“No way.... God is real? DEATH?!”
“Yes and yes.” 
Not looking at the time until midnight hits
Him taking you back to your place
“You shouldn't drink and drive Dean.”
“Shhhh I shouldn't do a lot of thing (Y/N) but here we are. Plus you are drunk I’m just tipsy.”
When you finally arrive at your place awkward silence filled the car before you unbuckle your seatbelt and kissed him
“You waste no time I see.”
“I’m drunk and horny. And you are coming home with me.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
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make-me-imagine · 1 year
Time to Kill
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Request: Jim Kirk + “Cozy Autumn day watching Halloween films”
Requested By: Anonymous
Pairing: Jim Kirk x Gn!Reader (established relationship)
Warnings: None, just some cute autumn fluff.
Words: 632
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You smiled with contentment as you finished laying the soft blankets on the bed. Lying down, you checked that the projection screen was set up just right before you dimmed the lights and turned on the fake fire nearby. The windows showed beautiful fall trees swaying in a light rainy breeze, and for a moment, you really did forget you were on Starship deep in space.
Halloween was approaching on Earth, and the whole ship buzzed with ideas of Halloween parties and costume contests. As you traveled to a distant area of space, you had time to kill, so the crew was allowed to do as they pleased.
Time to kill, also meant, the two of you could relax and have a cozy evening all to yourself. Something Jim was more than happy about.
Hearing a buzz at the door, you looked over to see it slide open, revealing Jim, clad in a cozy outfit, holding a tray brimmed with various foods and snacks.
You grinned as you locked eyes and you felt a warmth fill your chest as he walked over to the bed.
"Wow" He smiled as he looked around, noting all of the various changes you had made to give his suite the perfect autumn vibe.
"You like it?" You asked a bit uncertainly.
He smiled at you as he leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "I love it, its perfect."
You smiled in relief, before your eyes widened a bit, seeing all of the food he had brought. You recognized old Earth Halloween candy, as well as some of your favorite sweets. There were small cakes, chips and dip, and hot chocolate complete with mini marshmallows.
"And how did I do?" He asked with a smile.
You grinned up at him, "Perfect."
He clapped his hands, "So we ready then?"
You nodded happily as you gingerly moved the tray to the middle of the bed, allowing Jim to climb in next to you. He let out a relaxed sigh as he leaned back.
Looking over his shoulder he quirked his brow. "Where did you get all of these pillows?"
You grinned, "I'm a comfort hoarder, you know this."
He chuckled, "Right."
He reached out his arm as you settled in to lean against him, hot chocolate in hand.
Grabbing a PAD he started to flick through the various movies you had downloaded for the evening.
"Ooh, we have to watch this later." He smiled as he pointed at Beetlejuice.
You nodded, "Of course."
"Hmm, but first." He stopped on a movie in the list and your eyes widened. You had not downloaded that one.
Immediately you shook your head, "Absolutely not."
He scoffed, "Why not? IT's a classic!"
"I don't care if it's a classic, I hate it!"
"Oh come on, it's not that bad!"
"IT is that bad" you chuckled "I watched it as a kid and it gave me nightmares, and it made me hate clowns."
"If we aren't watching IT then we aren't watching Hocus Pocus."
You gasped as you sat up, setting down your hot chocolate before you spilled it. "Those movies are not comparable! And Hocus Pocus is so much better!"
He shook his head stubbornly and you pouted at him, your eyes glaring playfully. He glared back, but you saw his resolve failing as his eyes drifted to the pout on your lips.
He finally let out a sigh and rested his head back. "Fine, we can watch Hocus Pocus, BUT, we have to watch a different horror movie if we can't watch IT."
You thought for a moment before nodding "Okay, fine, but nothing with clowns!"
He chuckled, grabbing you and pulling you back into his chest. He pressed a kiss to your temple "Okay, nothing with clowns."
xx End xx
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @rexit-mo, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Star Trek + SNW Taglist:  @starfleetimagines, @groovy-lady, @asgardianhobbit98, @agent-catfish-kenobi, @starship-argo, @cs-please, @gatefleet, @tinymushrooms
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the-sprog · 1 year
Listen I love DCxDP crossovers as much as the next person, but every time I see people write John Constantine offer as a solution summoning something I cringe internally a little bit. John is all up for self-sacrificing and doing things you shouldn't but he does not fuck with other creatures he knows shit-all about.
On the other end, do you know who does fuck with creatures they know shit all about?? And keep summoning things and making deals with things they shouldn't be summoning or making deals with? And also doing this most of the times with the express intentions of dealing with the dead?
The Winchester Brothers.
Where are my season 15 fix-it fics where Dean does not give up, he does not say "oh well Castiel died after confessing his love for me I guess that's it" or where Sam does not say "well my brother died during a run of the mill vampire Hunt -not even because of the vampires but because of a rusty nail. Let me just abandon him forever after everything we've gone through and finally actually listen to him and get myself a family with my blurry wife and random son"
And instead they do again summon something that is completely separate from everything else they've dealt with before and they actually managed to contact Danny who somehow is the king of the Ghost Zone or whatever fucking shit you want. Maybe you can make the empty nocturne! That would be really fucking cool :O so Danny somehow gets convinced to bring back Castiel or Dean or both.
Ok now I'm actually thinking about it.
You can even make it adult Danny by simply following the Supernatural timeline. Danny gets his powers in 2004, when he's 14, the Winchesters start looking for their dad in 2005, and they're... 20 something. Castiel joins the brigade in 2009 (I thought he showed up in season 5 lmao it's been a while since I've watched it), Chuck starts writing the books- fuck I don't know. 2012? Was it season 7? **Looks it up** fuck nope he starts writing when they start, that's my mistake. I meant when does he show up. And that's together with Castiel. Wow. Give me Danny who is an in universe Supernatural fan. He's the prime target audience! Starts reading after he gets his powers because we'll they're ghost hunters but the ghosts are actually evil. So it's fine. And they're fictional anyway so no big deal.
But then Chuck stops writing (end of season 5) and Danny is extremely disappointed.
He doesn't learn the truth until 2018 (season 13) when Jack wakes up The Shadow and consequently shakes the Infinite Realms. Nocturne has to be somehow connected. Maybe they're not The Shadow themself, but a subordinate? Like Frostbite is the leader while the yetis are his citizens. And The Empty is the realm they live in.
Now Danny is slightly terrified because it means all the things that go bump in the night are real. Which is a scary as fuck thought. And also wonders why they've never had hunters in Amity, or why he and the other ghosts are different from the ones in the books.
But he can't really do anything. To help.
Hunters definitely have checked out the town. There's no way they'd fly under the radar. But either there are already hunters INSIDE Amity And they've staked their claim on the town, no outside hunters allowed. Or there's something wrong w the entire place that makes it so that people don't really realize anything is wrong with it. I til they're inside it. But when outside nothing :/ all normal.
I feel like it wouldn't be Dean who summons him though. As much as I love him, they are aware that pretty much only God could pull out Cas and Jack wasn't going to do it any time soon.
But Dean dying like that? No Sam is not going to let his story end like that. But they've pretty much exhausted all options. What's he gonna do? Make another deal w a demon that's going to ultimately make more of a mess? Who's gonna make a deal w a Winchester anyway?
I don't know how Sam would find a way to contact Danny. The Fentons were the first to make contact with the Zone, so the bunker's unlikely to have any resources. Bobby's gone, so that's a bust. He'd have to find something new. Something no other hunter has interacted with, ever.
Because let's be real. The Winchesters already did that plenty.
Maybe he stumbles upon Amity by accident and sees it as an opportunity, idk.
Sam's kinda more willing to give monsters the benefit of the doubt. They know angels are not all bad, they had werewolf friends, and so on and so forth.
So sure he might start off listening to the Fentons at first, but if he were to interact with Danny (as Phantom ofc) one on one he'd probably see that they're wrong.
Danny would freak out of course. On one hand, fuck man. He's a fan. That's so cool.
On the other, he knows nothing will stop the Winchesters. He's deader than dead if Sam was there to hunt him.
But alas, he'd do anything to help him get his brother (and Cas, as a treat) back. Who's gonna stop him? God? Jack? Idk man I feel like he'd let them have this one lmao. Or still Danny could definitely argue that he's the king of all afterlives, so what he does to his subjects is none of his business (since God (or at least Chuck couldn't) can't interfere w The Empty, only the afterlives he controls. So heaven and hell. Not even purgatory iirc)
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asherlockstudy · 1 year
Literally one year ago I made a vague post and a few people asked me what I meant, but I felt a little drained at the time and never explained but as GME3 is fast approaching, I am re-emerging with the questionable decision to write my thoughts on GME2. 
Bear in mind that some of the points might be negative as I have explained my conflicted feelings about this show before however don't let that discourage you from reading it because there's more to it than the negative points, trust me. Also, the post is GIF heavy so I put the rest of it under the cut.
GME2 thoughts: 
Rhett and Link can’t tell the difference between an evening show and a soft Only Fans account. I didn’t mind anything in the show (except for that sex doll with the fucked up eyes that creep me out),  I just...don’t understand completely: who came up with this project, how genuinely RandL like it and how it relates to their occasional irritation against shippers. 
In other words, for people who proclaim they don’t understand why people ship them, acting out explicit fanfics is a bold decision to say the least.
Like, the whole concept of the show is for them to drink so their boundaries go down and then when somebody goes a bit off the rails, everyone is like “oh no” and facepalming. What’s up with that? Either embrace the concept of your show or don’t do it at all. I mean, nothing was truly much except for the fanfic enactment which was a bit much, if you ask me, perhaps mostly because I can’t tell how comfortable they are with it. Sometimes, especially Rhett just doesn’t look totally okay with it. So why do it? For the extra fee? Really? Wow. As an example, neither Rhett nor Link felt okay with sucking Chase’s toes and, guess what, Chase didn’t want it either. Who’s the mastermind behind all that... And has Chase gotten his raise yet?
Let’s go to Rhett. I might be wrong but I have noticed that for his size, Rhett is kinda a lightweight. One beer and his eyes are glassy, his cheeks round and red. In the last GME, he had refrained from drinking because he wanted to handle the situation in case Link lost it. This time, 7 shots and a few more drinks during the show weren’t enough to make him drunk, or as drunk as Link, or make him lose himself into the moment and have fun. Conclusion: Rhett is not very comfortable with this project. Rhett is afraid of Link being unhinged. Why is he afraid of an unhinged Link? What can Link say or do that Stevie wouldn’t be able to handle and he would have to step in? It’s plain throughout the show that Rhett is constantly concerned about what Link might say next. What on earth can a Southern ex-hardcore Evangelist married at 20 say that is giving Rhett nightmares?
 Rhett confirming that Link does the fibonacci when he shaves his face lol Do they often talk about fibonacci shaving? Does he remember it from 20 years ago? How often does Link shave in the creative house? Questions, questions, questions...
Rhett fully knowing that Link had a story about hurting his dick. Link clarifying he meant one when he was alone. Rhett warning him “I am just looking out for you”. Thus, Rhett knowing Link hurt his dick when he was with somebody else and considered it a story that Link would regret revealing. So, is Rhett having nightmares because Link hurt his dick when he was with Christy and if so, why? No??? Notice Rhett getting lowkey tortured until Link finally wraps up his silly harmless story. He lost five years of life there. 
Link saying he wishes his Christy buttcheek tattoo faded away... because “this would symbolise the long time they have been together”. Okay... all right.
 Rhett confirmed as an ass man besides a vagina man. Like, just as he was saying he was always so fascinated by vaginas he almost gave them supernatural qualities, he now pretty much said the asshole is divine design! Link bumped Rhett’s shoulder at the mention of anal preference, pointing at him, once more giving Rhett a scare. (BTW the truth is Rhett is an #anything_goes man let’s be real XD)
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Link non-verbally proclaimed them both “team ass” but not with Rhett’s consent. 
Link said at two points in the aftershow that Rhett made him uncomfortable but I can’t for the life of me understand what he was talking about and it seems Rhett did neither. There was probably something that flew over my head entirely...
That’s just funny but Link in the end saying “After fucking all these years, we’re still surprising your ass”. This is not even a Freudian slip, this is a Freudian syntax! Next level shit XD Meanwhile Rhett: 
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#When ten drinks are not enough to save you from Link's syntax
And now let’s go to the sequence I was referring to in the previous (one year old) vague post:
The Bean daddy fic enactment was initially a thing of cuteness, indeed, but I have the suspicion there was more going on. Let’s see it step by step.
The cute thing started because Link somehow played the role of tentative Link shyly revealing his deeper feelings with exceptional skill. It was also cute when Rhett, while still impersonating fic!Rhett basically implored Link to not drop chocolate syrup on his clothes, hair and beard. He was having fun with it and he was being flirtatious and affectionate towards Link, though, again he was still supposedly imitating his fic version.
Link received passively Rhett’s flirty show, with moderate amusement. However, it is very important to note that he was nodding affirmatively throughout Rhett’s flirty request. He had a face saying “okay, I understand, I am not gonna drop the chocolate all over you”. That's important to keep in mind.
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Notice how Rhett asks Link to take care how he'll pour the syrup in character while Link is amused but also nods affirmatively that he does not intent to screw Rhett's outfit.
As soon as Rhett trusts Link won’t screw him like that, he drops his head back and opens his mouth waiting for the chocolate syrup. Then Link tells him seriously to hold on, he immediately changes to a sexy imitation of Rhett’s open mouth, saying something like “I just want to acknowledge…” Rhett raises his head, “Yess???”, still in the flirty silly mood, probably believing Link is improvising within the fic’s context. But Link says: “Don’t assume the position just yet, because I would like to respond to that”. At this point, clearly Link doesn't follow the script. Rhett waits but he is still in the flirty amused mode. Link does this characteristic hand motion which means something very clear “All jokes aside, I want to talk about something serious now”. Rhett takes note of Link’s hand gesture but he still doesn’t drop his flirty persona. Link announces to Rhett: “This is a test.” Rhett is clearly too far gone enjoying the fic enactment. He nods without clearly understanding. “This is a test…”, he agrees, nodding, until finally his brain catches up. “………of whaaaaat?”, he asks half-fic like, half-suspicious.
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Notice Link's serious gesture and Rhett becoming suspicious literally mid-sentence after Link says "this is a test".
Link starts to mouth something but immediately changes it and says slowly and cautiously: “Of my ability to be your true friend”. Rhett’s amusement is gone. He dismisses Link hastily, mumbling “I believe it” and assumes the position again. Link insists though, inching closer. “Because…”, he starts. Rhett immediately closes his mouth and turns to face Link alarmed. It seemed to me he felt vulnerable to wait there with an open mouth and Link so close.
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Notice Rhett dismissing Link and how quickly he closes his mouth once Link gets closer.
Link continued slowly, trying to fill the lack of words with facial expressions translatable only to Rhett and not us. “Because… the most entertaining thing to do… would be…”. “No, no it actually wouldn’t be”, Rhett countered quickly and still somewhat softly but there was fear and panic in his eyes in that moment. My assumption is that he was still being soft in order to not rile up the mildly inebriated Link too much. Rhett continued: "It would be the opposite of what you're actually thinking".
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Link tries to communicate with faces (including puckered lips) instead of fully formed sentences but Rhett understands. He's neither flirty nor amused anymore. He asserts what Link thought to do - the test, "the abilty of being his true friend", would have the exact opposite result from entertainement.
Link doesn't drop it just yet. He asks Rhett if he really knows what Link is thinking about. Rhett hums affirmatively. But Link says: "Cause I was thinking about being the hero by just putting it in your mouth and not getting it all over you. But now you are just telling me to get it all over you." Of course this is a lie. Rhett spent so much time making it clear he does not want syrup all over himself. Link nodded so many times, making it clear he understood and agreed. He made the gesture meaning "I am gonna talk about something different and more important". So, the test that he wanted to acknowledge that this whole skit was about was something different. But in the end he saw how negative Rhett was to the idea and quickly twisted his statements, now saying it was all about whether he would drop the chocolate on his...true friend or not, which makes no sense whatsoever as statements go and it is redundant, since it was established and agreed upon literally seconds before that he would not do it.. Rhett says something I can't catch, like "no, I know what you were thinking" or "no, you won't do what you're thinking" or something similar. Link then repeats in his twist of words that Rhett essentially urges him to drop the chocolate all over him and he has that rabid look he sometimes has near Rhett. Rhett then, again with his mouth open, says: "Okay, it's time. We've milked this moment enough". Rhett clearly tries to bring Link to his senses and avoid this moment lingering too much in people's memory.
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Link is bummed at Rhett's refusal however not "wounded type" of bummed. I guess it was more like, tipsy Link threw an idea out there, Rhett reacted poorly to it and Link was done like "okay it's on you that this test won't happen" but then got on with everything without more drama.
What was that test?
Well, repeating Link's words:
I would just like to acknowledge... This is a test. Of my ability to be your true friend. The most entertaining thing to do... would be...
Does anyone know whether there was more in this fic? Perhaps something more in it that Link wanted to acknowledge but Rhett didn't want enacted?
Maybe what Link wanted to test as "potentially the most entertaining thng to do" was his initiative alone? And it would be proof of Link being Rhett's true... friend. And Rhett knew what Link had in mind but he was adamant that it would have the exact opposite effect on the audience than what Link expected.
Hmm. I leave you to your thoughts and your mental preparation for GME3.
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eomma-jpeg · 1 year
Lolol i could provide a silly lil au here for you guys. It's not super well thought out but I um watched twilight and had vampires on my brain.
So Knives and Vash are obviously vampires thats a given, but Knives is the recluse who lures people into their castle or whatever has no qualms about feeding on humans and Vash is so enamored with humans. He thinks they're so cute and only watches them from afar for years and years until he finally builds up the courage to go and hang and he realizes they're not these lil pets they're like Sentient Beings
Whatever whatever MILLY is a werewolf, has been from birth but grew up around humans. Her family is so integrated and intermixed with humans that their scent is often masked by the human pop, so Knives doesn't realize for a long time that there's a werewolf clan like Next Door
Blah blah blah something happens like Vash is persuaded into bringing humans to Knives bc they like Vash and don't know he's a vampire and Knives is a manipulator obviously sooooo Vash (whos powers are dulled bc of poor feeding habits) lures sweet "innocent" Milly to the castle. She's nice and she doesn't say no to things and Vash knows that unfortunately
Cue Knives rolling up and being like "ehehe this big woman will make a lovely meal" and then chomps down.
Milly: "wow your bite is nothing like my brother's"
Knives: My Ego... Owie
And obviously Milly knew she was being led into a trap but she's wanted to come to the castle for ages !!! But she never had the chance to go in bc 1. She's a werewolf and 2. Meryl would never let her go on her own (meryl was indisposed this time lol... out of town)
So Milly's just happy to find out she has vampire neighbors lol. She's not particularly happy that the first thing they did was bite her but Millys also not going to admit that she Kind of Liked It
I have.... yet to decide if werewolf blood is good or not to vampires
I could see Knives avoiding drinking it just out of pride and I could also integrate the idea that werewolf blood sucks but I don't wannnaaaa
I want Knives to obsess about Milly bc that's the only way he knows how to like... love? He met her once and now he can't stop thinking about her !!! And so he's gonna do some dumb things to get her back to the castle lol
Like venture into town for the first time in a century and maybe get himself into trouble and Milly and Vash have to come to his rescue lol
And I want the classic scene where she offers her blood to him and its sexy and cool !!!
Romanticize vampires ??? Who, me ?
Uh and this is the classic werewolf in that they lose themselves on the full moon every month and Milly normally locks herself up with her family and they just chill for the night
But what ifff the town figures out Milly is a wolf and they capture her and are mean and Oh No! Knives goes into a blind rage bc he can sense she's in trouble and he may or may not take down some townsfolk
(Much to Vash's dismay)
But yeah I just like the idea of Knives having gone unchallenged in his power for a long time only to have this podunk small town girl who is So Powerful just fight back against him ONE TIME and now he can't stop thinking about her.
Wolfwood and Livio are in this au but I haven't decided where I want them. I think just they'd be townsfolk that help protect the family secret.
(Oh and ofc there's a tragic "Immortal Monster Vash falls for a Human and they live their lives together but Meryl ofc is a mortal and can't live forever....." lil side aspect)
But mostly I wanted the silly scene of Knives biting an innocent town woman only to find out she's a supernatural being who tastes really good and why can't he stop thinking about her ????
Thank you for letting me indulge in this nonny lolol
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jbuffyangel · 2 years
Hello! I finished TVD. I knew about Damon endgame beforehand, but from the moment I started the show and saw Stefan and Elena and their chemistry and connection, I was like: "Wow, I know Delena is endgame, so they must have done something amazing with Delena to top that couple right here." The problem is they didn't and threw Stelena away for nothing. I read your old reviews and they are amazing. Do you still think about them the way you did? Are you still watching occasionally?
Hi Nonnie! Welcome to the pain that is Stelena. I absolutely still think of them and they are one of the true great injustices in my television viewing experience. Especially after I read Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson's interviews when the show ended. I think they would have put Elena and Stefan back together in the end. When I listen to their perspectives on the show I think Stelena was endgame. I know Kevin absolutely wanted that. So it gives me some peace knowing that I wasn't totally off my rocker.
The show was actually moving in that direction in Season 6. Elena forgot all her memories of Damon & that would've played out much longer. She would fall for Stefan again (not unlike the sire bond storyline for Damon). They were all about balance on the love triangle. A supernatural element broke Stefan & Elena up and put Elena & Damon together, so they would've done the same thing to Delena. And then we move towards Elena becoming human, getting her memories back and having to make another choice.
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Julie likes to say that they couldn't reunite Stelena or do the final choice because Nina left the show, but honestly it was totally doable in Season 6. They broke Stelena up in like 6 episodes in Season 4. I had whiplash. It would've been easy to sell Elena was in love with Stefan again due to the memory loss. They like to blame it on Nina leaving but honestly I think they just took the easy way out. Delena was more popular. They didn't have to make an endgame decision and if Stelena fans were unhappy then they could just blame it on Nina... which is exactly what they did.
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And then they killed my Stefan.
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I do occasionally rewatch Season 1 - Season 3. I rewatch 4x01 on repeat and pretend it's endgame. Or I like to pretend Stefan and Elena visions of a happy human life was how it really played out. Stelena had a proposal (which Steroline basically coped which i found SUPER WEIRD) We saw their happy life together. I think Delena fans were really hosed on that end.
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I tried to have a podcast of TVD with my friend @lipstickandwifi but it just ended up with me yelling in every episode because I'm so ticked off at the writers.
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incesthemes · 7 months
final thoughts: supernatural season 10
wow holy shit that sure was a season. i'm not actually sure how i feel about it???? aside from the obvious brainrot it's given me and also the mental illness. idk i'll put down my thoughts and maybe by then i'll figure out how i feel.
for starters, this might rival seasons 6 and 7 for the "fewest amount of episodes i enjoyed" award. specifically, i liked 1-4, 8, 12, and 18-22. the finale... i'm unsure about currently. i'll have to think about that and come back to it in a few paragraphs. so 11 of 23 episodes is... whew. this season was rough for me for sure.
overall the balancing of the A plots with the B plots felt rather juvenile, even though the overarching plotling felt so much more present than it has since like, basically kripke era. it felt like for the most part, episodes started with a topical conversation between sam and dean, then they went off and worked a case that was hand-crafted to parallel the seasonal arc, and finally at the end they sat in the impala and discussed the lessons they learned today. feels more like kids programming than the TV-MA rating suggests, lol.
but see that's the thing, right? like i said, the seasonal plot felt so present compared to past seasons. everything was tied in together, nothing felt really out of place, it all circled back to the big picture of the season. for a post-kripke season, that's pretty damn awesome and a much needed relief. i've gotten used to half-baked filler episodes that hardly relate to the story at all and feel hamfisted in because they don't know what else to do, so it does feel nice that the plot was actually relevant, always an undercurrent to every episode and informing the characters' actions.
i just... well, i probably feel this way because of the poor pacing of the story. i mean don't get me wrong, i didn't necessarily love the A plots of those episodes either (for the most part), but like i mentioned in a previous post, i just don't think it's handled well. it's a GREAT concept but the execution is lacking in so many places between season 9 and 10. the dearth of serious developments throughout most of the season dampened the urgency of the plot, the lack of consistency in the mark's effects made it hard to predict where the show was leading, and the empty promises bored me. they're all absolutely terrible ingredients for a tense plot, so even though the plot was relevant in all these episodes, it felt stagnant and barren. there's really only so many times sam can fret about "dean getting worse" without dean actually, tangibly getting worse before i have to roll my eyes.
at the same time, a lot of those episodes i didn't like had some AMAZING dialogues and scenes in them. i know i've been raving about the parallels and mirroring between season 8 and seasons 9-10, but these seasons really are phenomenal at painting a Big Picture. they know what they want and how they want to do it; they just seem to really struggle with the details. dean confessing in a church to mirror sam confessing in sacrifice? sam lying to dean about burning the book of the damned to save him to mirror dean lying to sam about gadreel possessing him? sam getting charlie killed because of those lies to mirror how dean got kevin killed because of his lies? sam comparing himself to claire in order to highlight how he's abandoned his desire for independence? these are all really impressive story beats that on a higher level serve to contain these three seasons in some kind of sick brotherfucking ouroboros that's like, a narrative metaphor for how wrapped up in each other they are. they spin in circles around each other like binary stars, repeating each other's mistakes, throwing everyone else in their lives away, clinging to each other with a toxic ferocity and devotion that should kill them, that does kill them so many times, that ruins their lives and leaves them broken and bloody and alone except for each other. and still the story spins and spins and spins and never stops, because they never stop because they're insane. it's deranged. they're deranged.
i don't understand how there can be such a clear, amazing vision that's fucked up so spectacularly on an episodic level. i guess because i'm so used to seeing the opposite: the details are great, but the big picture is messy and unsatisfying. supernatural continues to defy logic, and it's utterly fascinating to me.
anyway i said i'd come back to the finale so here i am. i know cain foreshadowed the whole "dean will kill sam" thing in the executioner's song, but i really... don't think there was much substance to that to warrant the sudden development. sam continued to be, throughout both season 9 and season 10, pretty much the only person dean didn't nearly kill—and quite the opposite, since sam was the only one capable of placating dean when he had the first blade in his hand. sam functioned more as a grounding presence for dean, so the textual dialogue between the characters and the visual reality of it all just did not match up. and so when dean brought sam to him to kill him, it didn't really make any sense at all.
also frankly, the conversation between death and them wasn't all that convincing either: death claims with such self-assurance that sam would go to the ends of the earth to save dean at any cost, but sam and dean have both individually proven that they're capable of, well, not doing that. dean went to lisa after swan song, sam found amelia after survival of the fittest. and if sam is meant to be a mirror of dean in this season, then it stands to reason that, if sam made a promise to dean to move on (like dean promised sam in swan song), then sam would have made good on the promise. yes, sam is psychotic about his brother, but there's not only precedent for sam "moving on" (loose definition), but it would have been narratively cohesive to finish off the role reversal, if dean really had been sent into fucking outer space (lol). again: the textual dialogue does not match with the visual reality here.
so why did sam have to die? because, of course, they needed the cain and abel parallels. but they just... set it up so poorly, and they fumbled the mirroring, and in the end it felt weird and cheap. sure, bringing sam there to explain the circumstances and threatening him on pain of death if he interfered was totally warranted (sam is psychotic about his brother), but when he gave up? why would he need to follow through? there's a poor foundation for it, so the development felt very contrived and poorly executed. which is unfortunate, because i was looking forward to the fratricide. what's even more unfortunate is that this would have been such an easy fix. just make dean more aggressive toward sam. like deadass just have them fight more, have dean get uncharacteristically angry with him (though the thing at charlie's cremation was a nice touch), have dean actually visibly contemplate fratricide, yknow. something that isn't "oh my baby brother is the only person who keeps me sane" followed immediately by "i'm going to kill him." if you're going to have a prophecy, you need to commit to it!!! i'm just saying!!!
and now that i've written all that out, i think thaaaat's why sam's emotional speech at the end felt so cheap. there was no real reason for him to be in that position in the first place, and there was no support for the weight it was being given. honestly a shame, because i think the speech itself was very good and emotional; it just did not hit without the buildup to it.
and then not to beat a dead horse, but everything i said before was proven TRUE in the very next moment: dean killed death to save sam, because sam is his rock and his reason for living and he could never hurt sam, past present or future. like i said! dean really was a negative threat to sam this entire season!! sam was the only person who could even influence him positively!!! cas tried to do what sam so consistently did and dean beat him to a fucking pulp!!!! the tension was NOT there because dean is weak to sam; there was never any other option, or even a hint of it.
i suppose all that answers my question... i don't think i liked the finale, no. which is honestly surprising, because i think supernatural generally goes very hardcore with its finales. this might be the first one i've disliked? maybe? or no, i don't think i liked the season 7 finale either to be honest. but season 7 is season 7 so like. it is what it is.
i don't know. this season was bizarre, and there were a lot of moments that made me so, so much worse than i thought possible—like i thought the season 9 finale made me bad, but then they just kept going and good lord. i will not get over this role reversal plot any time soon. the concept was amazing, and i appreciate the level of commitment the writers had to this development. the mediocre execution really dragged things out longer than i feel they should have though, and as you can see i have plenty of criticism. it has so much charm though, and it finishes off the three-season wombo combo in what was meant to be a satisfying way—like i see what they were trying to do i just think they failed at it. so it's definitely no season 6, that's for sure. the vision was its redeeming feature, and GOD what a vision it was. i adore what they were trying to do with seasons 8-10 so i really can't dislike it yknow. because holy shit!!!
anyway i guess that's all. which means it's time for my detox, and after that i'll officially be in Late Season Supernatural, finally. i can't wait to see where that'll take me (i'm looking respectfully at red meat). i'm also watching season 1 with a friend, which is a delight because jesus christ this show has such an incredible foundation. if i get a chance between that and reading fanfic, i think i'll watch sharp objects finally, since it's short and sweet (not actually sweet, from what i can tell). so that'll be fun :)
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ded-and-gonne · 2 years
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by @firstpersonnarrator || Header gif by the divine @salvador-daley || possession prompt by anon
Part 4: Somebody’s in the garden
TW: main character injury; possession; two not-brothers flirting; my absurdist sense of humor heavily featuring a not-so-bright, omniscient-first-person narrator; a hazy grasp of Pilgrim-speak; bad gardeners; mimes.
AN: The night before Halloween is Devil’s Night, when the veil between the living and the dead is at its 2nd thinnest. After Klaus’s delightfully successful Devil’s Night prank, he’s feeling moderately guilty for scaring the shit out of Ben. So he has decided it would be best to target Ben’s vanity, and boost his not-brother’s self esteem by finally giving in and substituting ‘Evil’ in place of ‘Mean.’ Don’t worry, it doesn’t last.
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“Evil Ben? Is it just me, or is this garden surprising?”
They’d agreed to attempt a search for a hypothetical concept called a “kitchen” somewhere in their wing of the building. It had worked. But instead of being knee-deep in champagne like Ben prefers to be, they’re off bumping, unintentionally, into creepy buried gardens, and things of that nature.
Klaus had popped wood at the mere thought of owning a secret garden. To be fair, he had also just been fondling a green man.
Now, atop a set of low, rough-hewn steps, Klaus and Evil Ben stand looking out over a broad, circular patio of stone, surveying the strangeness beyond.
A perfectly Devil’s Night-ish kind of garden lies beyond, full of dead things that had formerly been alive.
It’s clear that the flagstones had once been leveled, engraved, and polished to a high shine. But the frost heaves that bedevil New England in winter have utterly destroyed the flat perfection of the patio over time. Flagstones thrust up like fallen gravestones, with ropes of ivy pulling at the gaps between.
Sad patches of brown grass dot bald earth where once there had been a lawn. The remains of an ancient orchard have devolved into nothing but a twisted stand of five skeletons and their splintered deadfall, all of it jagged and aggressively stabby. An intricate design of garden beds has been overtaken and strangled to death by tall weeds, persistently poking through years of matted, decaying leaves. Darkness. And urns.
Ben is currently scanning with intense eyes beneath matchingly intense eyebrows, and croaks, “What?”
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“Wow. Bennerino, you still don’t sound so good,” Klaus unhelpfully points out. “Huh. I wonder how your threats will sound now. Will you be miming them?”
Ben turns a face full of anger and accusations on Klaus. But he’s forced to admit to himself that he will not be picking any more tantrums for the foreseeable future. He deflates, and finally mimes *huh?* followed by *I fucking hate you.*
“No you don’t,” Klaus replies, exaggerating the shaking of his head no, as if he, too, has to mime.
Ben rolls his eyes, then nods with exaggeration, accompanied by miming, *Yes, I do. I really do.*
“This is fun! We should make up our own miming language!” Klaus exclaims. “We can use it as code when we get our first job detecting supernatural stuff and things.”
Ben mimes, *That’s stupid.*
“No it’s not,” says Klaus, once more exaggerating his head-shaking.
Ben mimes, *Yes it is. It really is.*
“We should probably discuss this when you don’t have to play charades. I hate to say it, babe, but you’re not very good at it.” Klaus flaps his hands, effectively miming *Nevermind all that.* “So, hey. Remember what I was saying before? About the surprising garden?”
Rolling his eyes, Ben huffs a deeply frustrated breath.
“Is this place supposed to have a garden?” Klaus asks, side-eyeing the vegetation.
Ben again looks to the heavens, then gives in and mimes, *I am unrolling invisible architectural blueprints with my hands, see me pointing? See me shaking my head no? There was no garden in the blueprints.*
Klaus mimes back, *You’re getting better at this, good job!*
Ben again mimes, *I hate you. I really do.*
*No you don’t.* Klaus is again exaggerating his head-shaking, when he remembers that he’s the one who can speak. “Blueprints? What blueprints? You got to see blueprints? I don’t believe you.”
Ben starts tapping his foot to indicate annoyance.
“So what was I saying?” Then Klaus remembers what he was saying, “Oh right.” He puffs himself up a bit to declare, “I, too, find this garden surprising.”
Ben slumps, indicating to Klaus that his not-brother is experiencing strong feelings of negativity, and should probably be left alone in contemplation. Lucky guess.
The entirety of the secret garden is enclosed by the building’s stone walls. Ben’s hidden excitement mounts as he descends the steps and takes in the view from a new vantage. It appears that the only point of access to this world of death and dead things is through the head of a green man.
Klaus wonders aloud, “How old is this place? Hey, Bennerino.” Ben bothers to turn and face Klaus, which is a start. “How old do you think this place is?”
*How the fuck am I supposed to know?* Ben really is getting better at being a mime. Especially the swear words. The next one’s easy: *I am feeling snarky and Evil as I ask you, ‘Why?’*
“Well, for starters, there’s the fact that this place looks really old.”
Ben’s eye rolling is just a safe assumption at this point.
“I mean, look at the walls.”
They both gaze about, mounting interest still mounting.
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Klaus is correct. It does look old. Really old.
Ben needs Klaus’s attention in order to mime, so he yells “Klaus!” as loud as he possibly can. Unfortunately, that isn’t very loud. His cracked wheezing hasn’t managed to break through the sound of Klaus thinking thoughts. In the meantime, Ben is gripping his poor, damaged throat with both hands, eyes scrunched in pain, and wishing he could whimper. Self care would help, but this is neither the time nor the place.
“Did you say something, Benji?”
Ben mimes, *There are no windows.*
“Anywhere!” Klaus agrees. “I know! That’s why I asked!”
*Yes, I too would like to know why there are no windows,* is hopefully what that body language conveyed to Klaus.
“Friday,” Klaus answers.
Yeah, that one was unclear. Maybe Ben just needs a little more practice.
*Same stone,* Ben mimes, gesturing toward the patio. *All the way,* Ben mimes, gesturing at the walls. *Nobody builds stuff like this anymore. It’s probably old old.*
“Tuesday,” answers Klaus. “Kidding! Just kidding. Old old. Yeah, real old old. Like maybe even Harvard-old. Did you know that our prissy ol’ dame was founded in 1636? I’m serious, silly! First institute of higher education in America. I looked it up in case it affected our property taxes.”
*Are you shitting me?*
“No, Ben. I don’t kink shame, but no, I will not take a shit on you. Not if I don’t want to. I do not give you my consent.”
*I hate you. I reeeelly do.*
“That’s ok. I grow on people.”
*Gross,* Ben mimes. A bentacle shoves Klaus away.
Ok, what was that? Ben hadn’t been able to keep himself from doing it. Literally and precisely, he had not been able to avoid doing it. One of his bentacles has just shown free will.
Ben comes close to that realization, or pretty close, and shies away before he can take in the full impact of that truly horrorfying thought. Ben is so nauseous right now.
Rough one. Meanwhile, Klaus is blissfully unaware of what has just taken place. “Very funny, Mr. Grumpy Guts. My guess is,” Klaus strokes his beard to increase the suspense, “it never had any windows. ooooWOOOOooooo” [insert scary twinkle fingers here]. “I mean, there’s no way to know that for sure, other than tracking down the architect or the stonemason’s ghosts. How deep do you think we are?”
Ben looks uncharacteristically tongue-tied.
He keeps miming what might mean *under* or *underneath,* or even more likely, *inside,* and pointing at his nauseous bellybutton.
“What? Under? Under what? Oh, are you hungry? I gotta be honest, babe, these charades are getting a little old. A little tired. No offense.” Klaus sighs, and pats Ol’ Grumpy Guts tenderly on the shoulder. “Nevermind, I’ll do the talking. Ok, ready? 3 words, 1st word, 6 syllables.”
Klaus is taking his life into his own hands by talking. He should know that by now, but he’s still happily pushing Ben’s buttons. “Kidding, kidding! Ok, so,” Klaus begins counting, “this is the sub-sub-basement, and these walls are wicked high, so that includes the sub-basement, too. Ben, I really think it might be as tall as the basement! That’s tall!”
All Ben can do is nod.
“I know what this feels like!” Klaus crows. “This feels exactly like I’m in a box with no lid. Buried in the ground. Doesn’t it feel a little klaustrophobic?” he asks. “Now that you know we’re at the bottom of three basements?”
Ben mimes in agreement, *Like I’m at the bottom of an open grave, looking up at a rectangular patch of sky.*
Klaus scratches his beard again, trying to look like he’s ruminating on whatever it was Ben just acted out. “Ben, I’ve thought about it, and there’s never a good enough reason to mime shooting yourself in the head. That’s not funny. I’d miss you.” Klaus is 100% serious.
*No no no, that’s not what I meant. Look,* Ben mimes, and draws a knife across his throat.
“Ben,” Klaus looks hurt. “Stop offing yourself. It hurts.”
Ben goes to grab handfuls of his hair in frustration, then realizes his fingers would just get stuck in all the product. He tries again. *You, look at me. I am digging in the ground with a shovel. See me shoveling? Good. Thumbs up. Second word: I have dug a long rectangle with four sides. A four-sided rectangle. See it? Good. Thumbs up. Third word: I have two fingers that are pretending to be legs walking. But they stumble into the rectangle and look upward to the sky.*
Ben continues. *All of that, see me drawing a circle, it means all of that, all of it taken together = a grave.*
Ben tries to growl, and grips his throat in pain. It’s obvious that Klaus thinks he’s miming strangulation.
*No, no, no, look at me, you.* Ben tries to mouth the word ‘grave,’ skipping all the theatrics.
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“To blave? To klave? A rave? What, you want to go dancing?” Klaus shakes his head in acknowledgement that that’s probably not what Ben is saying. “Nah, that can’t be it. Took me way too long to make you shake a tail feather at the wedding, why should a pit in the ground be any different. OH! Now I get it. A grave! Where?”
Ben wants to take a nap. Instead, he points at himself, then points toward the bracken vegetation beyond. It’s a wise choice, and evidence that Ben is capable of practicing self care. Maybe some peace and quiet will keep him sane while he contemplates the potential that his belly monster is sentient.
There’s something wyrd and wrong about the direction Ben has chosen to walk, but no matter how hard he squints, Klaus can’t quite make it out in the macabre gloom. Being Klaus, he naturally wants to explore it. But he also wants to naturally explore everything else, and anyway, Ben needs some alone time.
But, being Klaus, he gets distracted and addresses Ben, anyway. “Hey look!” Klaus excitedly points out a small rise to one side of the lawn. “We get our own tiny little miniature grassy knoll!” More like a lump in the lawn. A bump, a tiny mound.
Ben is past caring about something called a ‘grassy knoll.’ What the hell even is that, anyway? He’s also past paying attention to Klaus.
That happens a lot. With Ben and people other than Ben. Sometimes Klaus minds, but other times the lack of supervision suits his purposes nicely. It’s just that today, he minds. Because it’s Devil’s Night, and they have to be paying attention to each other if anyone is going to get scared. He would have thought that went without saying, but Ben seems to be playing dumb about this whole Devil’s Night business. They all had the same Dad, so they should all play the same games. Flawless logic. More or less.
Watching Ben follow a stone path off into the murk, Klaus tisks at the sere remains of their lawn. “We need a new gardener. This is just shameful.”
Klaus is now tip-toeing through the frost heaves.
Looking about, he calls after Ben. “Would you call this a garden? Or a courtyard? Courtyard sounds way too much like the Academy, and that is not my idea of heaven, so it’s a garden. Officially. It’s an official garden. Even if it’s a court- Ben, wait, hey wait a minute.” Ben has been ignoring him, ever since he started wandering away.
“Rude!” Klaus squawks in disapproval. “Has it ever occurred to you that I might have- Hey, wa-wait! Baby, baby, stop. Ben’nuh!”
Klaus decides that the frost-heaved patio is difficult enough to walk on even without falling to his detriment. At least falling to his detriment would give Klaus a chance to take a closer look at the swooping, interlocking designs carved on the stones beneath his feet. He makes a mental note to come back and fall elaborately (so as to catch Ben’s attention), and then moves on to poke about the patio’s periphery.
Dotted at regular intervals around the edges stand five huge stone urns, and — possibly to his own detriment — they have drawn Klaus’s attention. From a distance, it looks a bit like there might once have been some kind of dense, black liquid flowing over their lips, coating the outward swell of the great pots with slow droplets of the black, sticky-looking stuff. Up close they give off a sickening sweet molasses smell. Yet a faint note of something perfumy can be caught quietly lingering beneath the brutish odor of the burnt substance. Almost as if someone set fire to flowers, consigning them to the flames licking skyward from the urns. It’s as though Klaus can see the phantom flames — an image so strong and clear that he reaches up and rubs his eyes.
“Who the fuck were these people, and why?”
Klaus has to remember where he stashed his self control, if he wants to keep himself from touching. But despite all his stupidity, Klaus is not stupid. There’s enough about this space that seems just a bit off (or a whole lot off), that Klaus decides against living his most chaotic life. Under these wyrd circumstances, he decides to lean conservative, instead, figuring now is as good a time as any to give self-conservation a try.
“Wow. These guys were serious,” he observes aloud as he walks toward the tiny little miniature grassy knoll. “I don’t know what these people were up to, but it involved five mammoth burning urns filled with fire to accomplish it.” He kicks at the weeds as he passes.
He wants to know if Ben has any theories. “Yoo-hoo, Benneriiiinooo,” he calls after his not-brother, but Ben is busy following the path to the dark side.
Ben has set his sights beyond Klaus’s grassy knoll. It looks as if all this dead vegetation might be screening something beyond. There’s an impenetrable darkness back there, which strikes Ben as rather concerning.
He sniffs the air, and pulls back. Freshly turned earth, and a faint rotting smell. He flashes back to the Oily Darkness of Terror in Klaus’s room. The hair on the back of his neck stands up once more. He whips around, but neither Klaus nor anyone else is behind him.
Ben is coming to terms with the fact that he will be doing a lot of post-traumatic jumping from now on, whenever he gets that foreboding prickle at the base of his skull. Or his Bentacles announce they have (always had?) a mind of their own.
*Focus, Ben,* he mimes to himself.
“Sorry, did you say something?” Klaus calls out. Ben just flips him off while walking away. It’s his favorite way to end conversations. Second favorite being hanging up on Klaus, but he doesn’t get to do that much anymore.
A phantom gust of wind buffets him and sets the dead leaves still clinging to the trees a-rattling. Like teeth. Like bones. Rattle them bones. Like a death rattle.
Ben jolts at the sound of something distinctly alive, skittering off the stones ahead of him. It’s a purposeful sound, and Ben shivers. Was that something moving out of the corner of his eye? Something too big to skitter. Much too big.
Ben refuses to be terrified again tonight. He doesn’t have any terror left to give. It’s just not going to happen, he promises himself. But he’s still unsure of exactly what he’s walking into. Particularly because the light has gone dim and heavy, and all sound from the world behind him is dulled.
Klaus tries the Yoo-Hoo approach again. “Yoo-hoo, Bennerino!”
He descends the mound, ready to take off after Ben, like a little brother who keeps following you around, being annoying to get your attention. Exactly like that. But after only a few steps he halts, goes still, and stays still.
Klaus does not usually stfu without being told to. Ben is intrigued enough by the silent stillness to pause. Swinging around to see what could possibly have caused this miracle, Ben watches slack-jawed as Klaus is yanked backward with a jolt, heels dragging parallel lines in the dirt back up the knoll. Ben’s no engineer, but quite frankly, whatever just made that happen to Klaus’s body clearly considered the laws of physics more as suggested-guidelines-of-physics than laws.
“Klaus?” Ben’s voice sounds small to his own ears, because it is. It’s tiny, if it actually has a sound at all.
But the memory of Klaus’s prank still really gets under his nails. And anyway, he’s panicking.
*Oh, no. No no no noooo.* Ben gets his whole body into it.
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*You are not doing this to me again, you. Whatever nasty little joke you have fumbling through the darkness in your skull, you can forget it. You, I’m not falling for your shit again, you Klaus.* This tirade featured pointing really hard, a lot.
Eyes glazed and oblivious to Ben, Klaus starts to sing. Or not so much singing as chanting. Picture a little kid reciting a nursery rhyme, and name him Klaus. It would be cute if it wasn’t so worrisome. Something about that flat monotone.
Somebody is in the garden
Somebody’s in the garden
Somebodies in the garden
Some body is in the garden
Some body’s in the garden
Some bodies in the garden
Ben mimes at Klaus. *This possession-face you’re trying to sell me? I’m not buying. No really, Klaus, stop. You’re embarrassing yourself.* ‘Embarrassing’ is actually a rather difficult word to mime, but nowhere near as difficult as ‘possession-face’. Ben continues, undaunted. *This is sad. And boring.* He huffs and again turns to the dark side of the garden. *Whatever,* he mimes.
Klaus’s unflagging chanting is eerie, nonsensical. Every line sounds the same to Ben, like a Gregorian chant, and he can’t decide if the words are relevant, or just blather.
Ben finally digests what he’s heard. “Somebody is in the garden,” he mouths to himself. His nerves are now amped to full alert. Somebody’s in the garden?
Klaus’s phrasing is all running together. There’s no pause, now. No rhythm. As if it’s all just an infinite series of syllables. It’s fucking creepy, is what it is.
“Ok, Klaus. That’s enough!”
Klaus hasn’t heard him, because Ben can only mouth the words, stomp his foot, and hope he’s understood. Especially when Klaus with his eyes closed is a blind Klaus. And even with his eyes open, Klaus is somewhere else. In a galaxy far, far away.
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It has to be said, and it has to be admitted, that Ben isn’t usually the first to jump into battle. He likes to peacock, in red leathers, and to snap at people, literally, to indicate that it’s their time to do his bidding. And the Sparrows did do his bidding. Until they quickly agreed not to do that anymore, twice. But as proven unto Oblivion, when Ben needs to step up, he does. And he’s certainly well trained.
Meanwhile, Ben is just standing there slack-jawed, and he probably wouldn’t want you to know that. Moving on.
“Some bodies in the garden some body’s in the garden somebody’s in the garden…”
Ben powers up his courage and rushes the knoll. Charging purposefully, he’s half way up when he hits an invisible wall. In the blink of an eye, Ben is dragged backward, leaving two jagged marks in the dirt just as Klaus had done. The moment he reaches flat earth, Ben is tossed aside like an argumentative drunk from a bar (which Ben has no experience with whatsoever).
Oh Jesus, that looks like it hurt. Yeah, so, Ben has just been flung into the air at a high enough height that 1. he is flying, without touching the ground; 2. sailing straight over the stabby orchard of trees; 3. into the formerly impenetrable darkness beyond which no one can see except Ben; and finally, 4. so far that he crumples painfully against a hedge. Understandably, this causes Ben to have a fear-based emotional response. Looks like Ben, acts like Ben, but a Ben with his eyes huge and round, and a permanently ‘oh!’ shaped mouth.
From between Klaus’s normally-flirtatious lips blasts a harsh, grating baritone — a blast far louder and lower than Klaus could ever achieve, not in his wildest, most depraved dreams. “The key!” it booms. This is sufficient to distract Ben from pretty much everything else in life.
*Huh?* Ben is quick and to the point when he’s buying time. Which has never been terribly helpful.
“Seek, and thou shalt findeth to this prison a key! Such key that hidest in sight most plain. Do this bidding with haste, or thy next breath shall grow weak. The next, so much the weaker. Telleth me, shall I press thee to death as thou hast hastened and chastened me?”
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*Do you ever shut up?* Ben’s compulsion to snark overrules any pesky fear he might be experiencing. The ghost had lost Ben at the beginning, when the first ‘thou’ dropped.
“What am I to shut up?” Mr. Mouthy Withoutamouth is confused. “But no! I shan’t be diverted by thy Devil’s word-perversion. You speak it so recklessly, heathen sorcerer!”
No he didn’t just call Ben a heathen. But actually yeah, he did.
*What did you just say?* The ghost has crossed a line. In addition to allllll the other lines already crossed. Starting with possession. *Say that again.*
“Which part dost thou wisheth me to repeateth, heathen sorcerer?”
As Ben officially loses his shit and once again rushes the mound, the ghost expands his bouncy rubber force field beyond the mound in every direction. Ben is bounced back at the shrubbery like a ricochet from a trampoline.
Take a short break from contemplating what might be happening to Ben next, and instead take a moment to contemplate one of Ben’s key characteristics. During interrogation training, Dad had impressed upon the Sparrows that someday they might need to interrogate each other, and possibly even themselves. Ben defaults to training whenever he loses his mind. ‘First question,’ he thinks to himself. ‘How does this whoever-it-is have powers? He can’t be one of us, can he? He sounds wayyyy too old to have been born in 1989, even if he’s only talking all old-timey like that to get into character for Halloween. Or maybe for community theatre.’
The deep-voiced possessor of Klaus growls, “I pledge to thee an oath! This body shalt tear itself to shreds most small, shouldst thou tarry in thy quest.”
*I never agreed to a quest! Kiss my ass, Dusty McRotsalot.*
“Know of this McRotsalot, I do not. But of thee, Hargreeves? Thou art known to me.”
*I am?*
“Thou art, young Hargreeves. Thou art he who wakes the dead with screams. Thou dost dissemble in thy feigned ignorance! By the pricking of mine thumb, thine head dost now stand hexed. Hear, oh Hargreeves, thou art hexed! Be it ever so! Didst thou takest Giles Corey for a man to be so vexed?”
Most unwisely, Ben dost snarketh, *Are you done yet?*
To prove his hex genuine, the threat real, The Ghost of Giles Corey splits Klaus’s mouth as wide open as it will stretch. The spirit of the dead man gathers aether to itself, accreting his physical form in a way Ben never dreamt possible. In a feat of what can only be called magic, or possession, or the exorcist, or an exorcism, a head that is not Klaus’s head attempts to squeeze out of Klaus’s mouth. And not in the cute, messy way that Ghost Ben did. Remember? Way back in the olden days? The ghost accretes aether steadily until wispy, smoke-like hair and one eyeball try to emerge from an orifice that truly cannot open further.
Does Klaus scream? No. Does Ben scream? In his own way. Plus tears, because he’s afraid for Klaus. Deeply afraid for Klaus.
There is only one thought in his mind: getting his superhero on and saving the fuck out of Klaus.
Ben has just come to the startling realization that his damned not-brother Klaus is a light-bringer to this jaded world, even if it’s a red flashing light accompanied by sirens.
*So? What? You want me to find some key, is that it? Hey, moron!* he mimes through his tears. *I can’t find it if you don’t tell me where it is, now can I! Is it on one of the key rings?*
“Strange is thy speech. From whence dost thou come, and wherefore?”
*LA, and because it’s LA. Not for…other reasons. It’s not cuz I wanted to live here in Boston, or anything.*
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*Yeah, whatever.* Ben flips The Ghost of Giles Corey off. Or at least the Ghost of Giles Corey’s eyeball.
“Thou dost err most grievously, when thou mistaketh mine own self for a moron.”
*Do you ever stop talking? Threats, pfft.* Ben sneers in disgust. *You are talking to the only threatener in this household, Bitch Cassidy, and that’s me! See how I’m pointing at myself in the chestal region? I will be making all the threats in this house.*
“But I, young Hargreeves, I maketh good on mine own threats.”
Klaus drops to the ground, head bouncing off the dirt.
“HEY!” Ben attempts to shout. Though it comes out in barely a whisper, the eyeball hears him well enough.
Again Ben rushes the knoll, and again he flies backward into the hedges.
Ben takes a little longer to get up than he did the last time he hit shrubbery from a height. Rolling to his stomach, he catches a glimpse of Klaus.
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His not-brother is on his knees atop the knoll. Ben’s eyes burn with hot tears. Klaus is digging. Klaus is digging with his fingers.
“STOP!” Ben whispers. “MAKE IT STOP!!!! Klaus! Can you hear me, too? Klaus!” he whispers with everything he’s got.
Klaus does not stop. The two wet tracks down his cheeks are enough for Ben to know that Klaus is still in there somewhere. And he’s in pain.
*STOP! Stop,* Ben pleads. He drops to his knees and mouths the words, “Please. What do you want? Some kind of key? I’ll get you the key, I’ll get it for you, I’ll do it, please, just stop!“
“I was of the mind that thou wouldst. Given the encouragement most right and good in the eyes of-”
*STOP! You got what you want! I’m helping! So stop!* Ben mimes as loud as he can.
“Why shouldst I? Verily. Let the sight serve thee as thy inspiration.”
*But you’ve given me NOTHING! NOTHING! Some key? Is that it? That’s supposed to be enough to go on?* Ben jangles two mammoth key rings.
“Such tiny things as these?”
“In this century they are!” Ben whispers.
This century.
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Despite not liking history, Ben is certain that Giles Corey is not of this century.
*A skeleton key?* Ben asks, then realizes that with this guy, they might get hung up in a debate about bones. *About this big?* Ben’s back to miming illustratively.
Aaaand now back to whispering again. “Black, solid, heavy, metal. Iron? It wouldn’t be lead, would it?”
Giving him Ben’s signature head bobble/shoulder wobble, Ben sneers. *Ah. Of course it is.*
The entire conversation turns to bones after all.
“AND?! COME ON! LET HIM GO! You fucking bastard bitch, sad, BORING fuckin…violence…in your face!” Ben is trying so very hard to mask the feeling of panic overtaking his body, by getting pretty bitchy.
“Speakest thee English?”
*Get talking, asshole!* Ben vibrates with rage as he mimes.
“No sane, godly man would suggest such base, vile blasphemy,” the ghost declares in horror. “To speak from thy- Thou art no sane man.”
Ben looks again at Klaus’s poor, bloodied hands, still brutally attacking the baked earth.
Ben realizes he can see bones, and finally lets himself panic. *WHERE? WHERE? WHERE AM I SUPPOSED TO GET the bone key, fuckin asshole, motherfucking fuck my life, I-*
‘I can’t do this,’ is what Ben had intended to say. The feeling of inadequacy is stifling. Ben can’t breathe. For the second time tonight, Ben hyperventilates from sheer, blinding terror.
Which is not a thing that Ben would want you to know. Moving on.
“Thou art weak, heathen blasphemer. Thou art repugnant.” Ouch.
*Tell me what to do,* Ben whispers, in abject defeat.
The Ghost of Giles Corey begins to laugh.
Cold, man, cold. That’s just cold.
Two trickles of blood wend their way down from the corners of Klaus’s splitting mouth. Two trickles of tears wend their way down from the corners of Ben’s streaming eyes.
Klaus’s hands. His poor hands. Klaus. Maddening and lovable. His poor, mangled hands.
This, friends of the occult, is called ‘leverage.’
“The key, young Hargreeves. The key of Solomon ist what thou seekest. Fashioned of skin and bone, thou shalt find it in the ground amongst the bones before me. Seek, and ye shall findeth the key in the ossuary.”
“*Where?!*” Ben both whispers, and mimes. Ben is all in, raging and ready to bring this thing to an end. “*And WHAT THE FUCK is a motherfucking OSSUARY?*”
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I’m kinda hoping you won’t look up Giles Corey. I’m kinda hoping you will reblog, though. 🙏
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s9e21 king of the damned (w. eugenie ross-leming, brad buckner)
LOL cas you can let go now
dear lord i'm tired after just the recap. angels, metatron/gadreel, abaddon, crowley and his addiction, hellhounds, etc etc
angel handcuffed, slow clompy walk, "is that him??" cas appears. i giggled, not gonna lie
CASTIEL That brings me to why you're here. We have a prisoner. It's an angel from Metatron's inner circle. I need to know what they're planning, but so far, he's revealed nothing. DEAN So, you're done with the rough stuff, and you want us to be your goons? CASTIEL Well, you've had success at these situations before. If you don't want to do it, I understand. DEAN Who says I don't want to do it?
blegh. you know how i feel about the torture stuff, especially in relation to dean. and cas calling them in specifically just to torture information out of this angel. for a just cause though, of course, that makes it okay :|
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truly enjoying sam's hair this season combined with very proportionately sized sideburns and now that we're finally less orange looking consistently. lookin good mister padalecki. dean looks like a slight wreck and like he's dissociating
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wow show and boys, solving a problem without torture???? i am impressed! (seriously thank you eugenie and brad)
so much smiling and getting to put on this manipulative little show for the dude, fun to watch
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cute cute (ignoring this whole abaddon bringing his son from the 1700s thing to force his hand is.... whatever this is)
GAVIN You sold your soul?! Sold it?! For an extra three inches of willy?!
did we know this? i feel like maybe but i can't remeber lol
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so i wonder how much was shaved, he has enough hair i think he could have an undercut there and still have more than enough. wonder if that's part of why i like it so much more. i know i've seen him with it up in a bun a couple times so i could go see when that was but that's waaaay too much effort
oh, dean and his slice and dice mark of cain flashback. again, fic gave me the impression the mark was going to be central to goings on but there's just so many subplots nothing really is central
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maybe they should just keep a couple pairs of nitrile gloves on hand so, for example, they don't have to raw dog rifling through a corpse. a very slimy corpse
okay so crowley used sam and dean's go word and dean isn't telling sam because? (because he's not making good decisions either) and being all shifty
CASTIEL Just as poor judgement undid you all those centuries ago, your mistaken trust in Metatron will bring you down again.
rich coming from you, cas 😂
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okay weird fake solid blue birds. twitter product placement?? LOL
CROWLEY Hello, Dean. Love the crazy bloodlust in your eyes.
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must be really smitten now. bye abaddon, you were moderately fun and very beautiful to look at
CROWLEY You owe me. Do I get no credit for warning you this was a trap? [SAM looks perplexed.] CROWLEY "Poughkeepsie" ring a bell? I sense drama.
his gleeful little laugh was cute
DEAN Well, I don't know what to tell you. Them's the rules. He goes back. SAM The lore all says the same thing -- you change any one thing in the past, the ripple effect impacts everything that follows. CROWLEY Please. No one bends the rules like you two bend the rules.
made me laugh, points being made!
CROWLEY I'll cheer the day when the last trace of humanity leaves me. Feelings.
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DEAN First time I touched that Blade...I knew. I knew that I wouldn't be stopped. I knew I would take down Abaddon and anything else if I had to. And it wasn't a hero thing. You know, it wasn't... It was just calm. I knew. And I had to go it alone, Sammy. SAM Oh. Of course. So it was just another time where you had to protect me. DEAN You could've gotten nabbed by Abaddon, and she could've bargained her way out. We couldn't afford to screw this up.
okay but dean how about you have that conversation beforehand instead. asking for permission/begging for forgiveness
also can't remember sam turning in his seat like that before in one of these feelings-laden chats, really means business. so... effusive in his concern and everything lately
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sam's soaking up all the empathy leaking out of dean
SAM Look...I'm glad it worked out, okay? I am. And I'm glad the Blade gives you strength or calm or whatever, but, Dean, I got to say... I'm starting to think the Blade is doing something else, too. DEAN Yeah? Like what? SAM I don't know. Like, something to you. Look... I'm thinking until we know for sure that we're gonna kill off Crowley, why don't we store the Blade somewhere distant? Lock it up somewhere safe? Okay? DEAN No.
well i'm glad we get to hear about the effects of the mark/blade combo finally. it's really been the backburner plotline. again i know what it leads to, but not how we get there
this episode made the angel politics about as tolerable/interesting as i think they can get, so woo for that (missing the days of cas popping in and getting irritated because he's in the middle of an offscreen war)
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tits4life · 1 year
ok long ago in the dark ages few months back, back when I had no one who'll listen to my joongoo rambles, and I was newly in love, I would seek out fanart of him everywhere
I think the first time I saw kitsune joongoo was somewhere on pinterest and I was like "cuteee" But nothing much more but then that adorbs tart acc posted that fucking beautiful kitsune goo and I had DIED
I had,,, SOOOOOOOO MANY THOUGHTS. The possiblities. The scenerios. The imagination.KITSUNE GOO!!!!!
So naturally I drew him allot but I also had a very vivid imagination series kinda in my head---
Not really fic more like idea dumping(Kitsune goo x fem!oc you can say? Except I never decided her name)
There's this lady, in traditional attire and she's really nice but unsocial with society and spends most her times studying mythical beings, which makes everyone in town thinks she's a witch.
For that she lives deep somewhere in a forest in her home or what she calls her temple, in the privacy and nature where she studies the supernatural.
Something something happens she stumbles upon something something back to her temple-
She sets up the items she found in her ritual stand and begins reading the things written on the item peace and gasp
Suddenly everything glows and a hot man groans, standing on top of the ritual set up, well not a man… A KITSUNE!!
He's confused, he looks at her like "how am I here?" And she explains she, taken aback but also having done rituals to summon mythical creatures before, explains that she found him through something plot convenience something and he chuckles.
"Wow you talk really formally.. Huh, so I was incased to eternal sleep after…" and before he could reveal more plot he cuts himself off and grins at the lady.
"Your eyes are fixated on my tails, do you want to touch them?" He says and his 9 fluffy tails wag, inching closer to the lady's hand.
The lady being polite first tries decline but she's human she can't resist, TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH- Soft tail pats… Joon goo let's out cute fox noises (BAAAH M DEAD)
he chuckled and held her hand to stop her from totally getting engrossed only in his tail, and she retreats, embarrased, "ah, apologies, it's that I've studied your kind through only tales before, finally having met a kitsune.. I'm just in awe."
The lady explains, goo cuts her off and says "Goo. I have a name, call me goo.." He smiles, perhaps had gotten a bit annoyed by the lady continuously referring to him as a kitsune but he wasn't offended.
more conversation happens, goo acts flirty cause yes, one scene in particular I imagined
"May I study you? I'm very fascinated by your stature..." she asks innocently, but goo being the mischievous fox leans very close and whispers in her ears "You want to know how kitsunes show their love to people that respect them?"
She shivered and pulled back, "ah thatll be too much of an honour!" she exclaims naively,and goo melts cause she's so innocent and sweet
Some more stuff happens (actually its already getting so long so I'm cutting off small small imaginations I had Inbetween, my mind continued with this one story for A MONTH so it has lots of moments-)
Somewhere inbetween goo knows he has to go and take his revenge and get answers for how he was encased, so after staying with the lady in her temple until he regained his normal strength, he decided he'll have to leave.
The lady doesn't want to be left alone again, she has so much to learn about him too, goo feels he doesn't want to part ways either.. He hasn't felt this peace with someone since...forever. He would miss the gentle tail pats and getting his ear scartched too...
"Come with me, lady" He offered softly, smiling. "You have more to learn about the mythical world anyways.. And... I said I'll show you a kitsunes love too right?"
Idk why dafuq I felt the need to aesthetify the imagination,, god there's so much I skipped over too but it's so longgggg and so out of character
anyways yeah so basically I love kitsune goo.
I am so happy i saw this before I went outside and start chasing someone with a bat. This is so cute and adorable💝💝💝💝💝💝💥💥💥
why is kitsune goo not real. It's fucking sad that the earth will never see the true beauty😞😞😞
THE TAILS. THE TAILLSSSSS!!!gv!KUFVSACFYLIGYIFYF I NEED RTO TOUCH RHEM OII WANT TO QGVABBUscuuiqguhieefschiecfhniqfhqefhi;,jb klugbkuoawgefkUIW2GFIUGwfgugefbkudsgbvukgskdgu kzxb vhzvczhch ugca ug caugc uagc scg asogcacgaus couag df ugcui avgsfoiugfgqwqbkl hi oq 3yt 021yr hfe tc avc v c8agu ogo hchcoys
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cosmicjoke · 2 years
Wow, the parallels between Lestat and Memnoch are strong at this point.  This stuff’s breaking my heart. 
One thing I want to start off with is these quotes
“Lestat, don’t you see that what impelled you towards the complexity of Roger and his daughter, Dora, was the same thing that compelled me to come to you?  You had come to a point where you were reaching out for the supernatural.  You were crying to Heaven to be laid waste!  Your taking David, that was perhaps your first real step towards utter moral peril!  You could forgive yourself for having made the child vampire Claudia, because you were young and stupid.
But to bring David over, against his will!  To take the soul of David and make it vampiric?  That was a crime of crimes.  That was a crime that cries to Heaven, for the love of God.  David, whom we had allowed to glimpse us once, so much did we feel an interest in him and whatever path he might take.”
This seems to tie back into what I was saying in my post about Lestat turning David, that to me it felt almost like an act of self-recrimination and self-flagellation, like Lestat punishing himself or wanting to be punished for the evil he perceived inside himself.  His attack on David in Barbados was really spurred on by what had happened in the hotel room with the false David, with Raglan James pretending to be David.  Lestat’s initial happiness and desire to believe that David had at last agreed to join him in immortality, that he at last had a willing companion who might finally accept and understand him and put an end to his loneliness, leading him to ignore his own sense that something wasn’t right, and biting him despite it.  And then realizing it wasn’t David, but the Body Thief, the horror of that violation leading to Lestat’s knee jerk violent reaction, all of this basically occurred simultaneously, in the most damaging combination imaginable to Lestat’s psyche.  It was like a perfect storm which lead directly to solidifying Lestat’s negative self-image.  To believing he really, truly was evil, and that there was no longer any purpose or point in trying to deny that fact to himself.  And so he goes and he turns David against his will, like some desperate attempt to force himself to face his evilness, to accept it about himself and stop pretending he could ever be good, or ever even wanted to be good, and at the same time, a plea to God to strike him down at last, to put an end to his wickedness. 
But then there’s Lestat’s mistrust of Memnoch’s claim about him having nothing to do with Roger or Dora, and I feel like Lestat’s suspicions here should be heeded.  Because while Lestat might be childlike and impulsive, he isn’t in the least stupid.  So it makes me wonder.  It makes me fear for Lestat and what Memnoch truly intends for him.
This part
“I’m torn,” I whispered.
“Because I feel love for you,” I said. “and that’s something I always pay attention to, as we both know.  I feel drawn into you.  I want to know what else you have to tell me!  And yet I think you’re lying about Roger.  And about Dora.  I think it is all connected.  And when I think of God Incarnate-” I broke off, unable to continue.
I was flooded by the sensations of Heaven, or what I could still remember, what I could still feel, and the breath did leave me in a sorrow that was far greater than any I ever expressed in tears.
I must have closed my eyes.  Because when I opened them, I realized Memnoch was holding both my hands in his.  His hands felt warm and very strong and uncommonly smooth.  How cold my own must have felt to him.  His hands were larger; flawless.  My hands were... my strange white, slender, glittering hands.  My fingernails flashed like ice in the sun as they always do.
He drew away, and it was excruciating.  My hands remained rigid, clasped, and utterly alone.”
Lestat’s sense of loneliness here is powerful and so poignant.  The way he contrasts his hands with Memnoch’s, how he feels alien and alone in the presence of this perfect, angelic being, how he longs for his companionship and love, feeling his own love for him already, but fearing it, because of where his love has lead him in the past, and particularly, lead those he loves.  Lestat thinks of himself as a monster, who’s love brings ruin and devastation to those who’s focus it lands on.  I feel like he’s struggling here with that very fear, and also with his mistrust and uncertainty in Memnoch’s claims about Roger and Dora.  I think Lestat is uncertain also about Memnoch’s interest in him as a person, as someone he wants by his side, again because of his experiences in the past, this fear of abandonment and feeling himself unworthy of love, things which he’s felt so keenly all his life.
“He turned as if he’d just noticed I was looking at him .  He stared down into my eyes.  Then he bent forwards, his eyes very clear, and filled with myriad colors, and I felt his lips, smooth, evenly and modestly moist, touch my cheek.  I felt a burn of life through the hard coldness of my self.  I felt a raging flame that caught every particle of me, as only blood can do it, living blood.  I felt a pain in my heart.  I might have laid my finger on my chest in the very place.
“What do you feel!”  I asked, refusing to be ravaged.
“I feel the blood of hundreds,” he whispered.  “I feel a soul who has known a thousand souls.”
“Known?  Or merely destroyed?”
“Will you send me away out of hatred for yourself?”  He asked.”
Memnoch asks Lestat here if he’ll send him away out of a hatred for himself, and that’s what this feels like, like Lestat is afraid at this point to trust in anyone elses love, or to allow himself to fall in love with anyone, because he thinks so badly of himself.  Because he hates himself.  This is some seriously rough stuff.
And then there’s Memnoch’s own story about his fall, about how he was cast down by God for sleeping with “The Daughter of Men”, for daring to question and “accuse” God in his plans.  It seems impossible that the parallels between Memnoch and Lestat here aren’t intentional.  Like Lestat was when he had his existential crisis, Memnoch is horrified by the realization that human’s have developed souls which are earthbound and unable to enter heaven, or know anything beyond this kind of static, confused state, existing between realms.  And then when God casts him out of Heaven, Memnoch determines, if his fate is to die as a mortal, to at least do it by enacting some good in the world and to humanity.  He says
“If this was to be my finish, if I was to die in this mortal body as all men die, if some days or weeks or even years were left to me- whatever this body could hope to survive amid the perils of life- then I must do with it the very finest thing that I knew.  I must offer to God my finest.  I must go out like an Angel, if going out is what I had to do!”
This sounds almost exactly like what Lestat determined to do after he had his own crisis, when he felt certain that life was meaningless and there would be no answers in death.  He determined to give his life meaning by doing good in the world.
And Memnoch goes about it by trying to teach humanity all he knows, teaching them civilization and culture and art, again, very much like Lestat, who tried to put good into the world by being an artist, through finding the value in art as a means of expression and individuality, by being an actor.  And just like Lestat was eventually seemingly punished for it, drawing the attention of Magnus, resulting in his being turned into a vampire, Memnoch’s own actions are later interpreted as ruinous to man, as tempting him with knowledge out of the Garden of Eden.  Lestat quotes the book of Enoch to him
“And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were led astray...”
And Memnoch finishes the quote
“And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven.’  He stopped again, smiling slowly and bitterly.  “And what is the rest of it, Lestat, and what lies in between the lines you’ve spoken and the lines I’ve spoken!  Lies!  I taught them civilization.  I taught them knowledge of Heaven and Angels!  That’s all I taught them.  There was no blood, no lawlessness, no monstrous giants in the earth.  It’s  lies and lies, fragments and fragments buried in lies!”
And then he says
“The case I had meant to lay before the Almighty was that these people were above Nature and beyond Nature and demanded more of Him, and all that I had seen only upheld me in what I believed.  How they had taken to celestial secrets.  How they suffered, and sought for some meaning to justify that suffering!  If only there were a Maker and the Maker had his reasons... Oh, it was agony.”
Again, this is just like Lestat’s horror at meaningless suffering and death.  As his refusal to accept that meaninglessness.  But of course, rather than seek answers in religion or God, he seeks it through the exertion of his own will.
God eventually calls Memnoch back up to Heaven and he says to him
“’I have a word for you, my brave one, my arrogant one... I have a concept fo ryou to ponder in your angelic wisdom.  It is the concept of Gehenna, of hell... “’Fire and torment eternal... the inverse of Heaven.  Tell me, Memnoch, from your heart.  Would that be the appropriate punishment for you- the very opposite of the glory you forsook for the Daughters of Men?  Would it be the appropriate sentence- suffering everlasting or until Time is no more?”
Again I feel like the parallels with Lestat are pretty striking here.  God calls Memnoch “brave” and “arrogant”, and those are words regularly associated with Lestat.  Lestat, like Memnoch, questions Gods plan and finds the concept of death and decay and the meaningless behind suffering and death repellent and horrifying.  And what is Lestat’s vampirism but a “suffering everlasting”?  Memnoch tried to do good in the world, and for it, he was turned into the literal Devil.  As Lestat tried to do good in the world, and for it was turned into a vampire, both of them blamed for the downfall of others.  Mennoch all of mankind, Lestat the people around him. 
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