#Write me
dumblr · 2 years
When I ask you how your day was, send the essay. I’ll read.
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popcorn1989 · 2 years
hii (again lmao) could i request a headcanons with the witcher boys and how they would comfort you after you´ve had a terrible nightmare (like comfort/fluff) (especialy for cahir maybe :O)
that would be great thanks :D
ps.: the last fic was amazing btw >.<
Hi there,
I would like to thank you for a moment, and I think it's great how many ideas you have.
To be honest, I'm not sure if it turned out headcanon, because it turned out to be more than, I thought, it would be. So I only picked four characters that I thought could be super cute.
Hope you enjoy
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You tossed and turned in your sleep for a few minutes, when you woke up with a start, you immediately saw Cahir's attentive face. "It was just a dream," he said, taking your face in his hand. You glimpse your dream "It was so real" you said and noticed, how Cahir came closer and kissed you. "I'm here and as long as I'm here, no one can harm you," he whispered and lay down next to you. "I'll fall asleep, and I'm sure I'll dream about it again," you said, placing a hand on his chest. Cahir put his arm around you "Then dream that I am there and evil will not dare, to haunt you in your sleep" He kissed your forehead and played with your hair "I will stay awake, until I know that you are in a peaceful sleep" these words calm you down, you notice his closeness, his tenderness, and it doesn't take long until you fall asleep again. You will never know, that he watches over your sleep all night.
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You wake up from your dream with a racing heart and realize that the bed next to you is empty. Rience wasn't lying next to you anymore. You looked around the room, when you see him sitting on a chair next to you, he had been watching you, now that you are awake he got up, he had dressed. "I will eliminate what bothers you" he said in a calm and tender tone. You couldn't help but grin, and he gave you a questioning look. "Can you protect me from myself too?" you asked and saw his attitude change. "If you tell me how, then I'll try it" he said and lay down next to you, hugging you with his arms and resting his forehead on your temple, "Tell me about it" he said quietly in your ear. Before you both go back to sleep, you were able to tell Rience, all your doubts and explain your dream, even if Rience didn't really say anything about it, your life was getting a little easier, and you couldn't help it, but you felt that Rience was had fingers in the pie.
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When you wake up with a scream, you startle again when next to you, Jaskier also starts screaming. He put a hand on the side of his heart and yelled "don't do that to me" you looked at him a little confused, "sorry sweetheart, I was having an absolute nightmare." You saw how jaskier looked around the room and swallowed. "Okay, thought, we would be attacked" he turned slightly to you and looked at you. "May I tell you about it?" He gave you a quick look as if he had seen a monster then he nodded as you started saying a monster was chasing you in the dream, he hissed loudly. "God, stop it... it was just a dream, come here," he said, hugged you, and you lay back on the pillows. You thought it was so funny that you briefly tell, what the monster looked like, before he put his hand over your mouth to silence you. "Sleep Sweetie, Please"
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When you wake up, sweating and your hair disheveled, Lambert is lying quietly next to you, snoring. The dream kept coming back into your head and frightening you, so much that you tried to wake Lambert. It took a long time but when it came true he looked at you questioningly and patted your face "What's wrong?" he asked, and you were very pleased with the question. Lambert loved to laugh and crack jokes, but when it came to standing by your side, he was a rock and no one would dare hurt you. Also, there was something about him, that calmed you down, and he always knew the right words, just like now when you told him about the nightmare, and although he smirked, he managed to calm you down. You were allowed to fall asleep again, on his chest, and before you fall into a peaceful sleep, he had long since fallen asleep again.
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gurll23-1 · 2 years
talk talk talk to me🫶🏻
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otaku4life16 · 2 years
Depression makes the flame go out (Zuko and water tribe Prompt)
After reading a bunch of fanfics where zuko get picked up on a water tribe ship I have come up with my own angsty version. Its filled with lots of hurt but in the end Zuko comes out of it better with lots of family 
Something happens and zuko is separated from his crew and thinks that everyone is dead. He also somehow has a bunch of personal items on him that helps him remember people when he gets separated. these things are: his earth kingdom knife, paoi sho tile, a picture of his cousin, and maybe a hair ornament, lipstick, or play write scroll from his mom (maybe even something sentimental from Azula from when they were kids). 
The water tribe then picks him up and a bunch of misunderstandings and things happen: they get mad because he never looks them in the eye (zuko is being respectful), Zuko thinks that they are starving him (they have communal eating in the tribe and he doesn't know that), zuko is unhappy because they stole all his precious moments and wont give them back, some of the crew members are real jerks that work him VERY hard with extra/bad chores and manhandle him, and even Hakoda and Bato are mean to Zuko at first because apparently know one can recognize a teenager and differentiate him from an adult solider.
so after all the misunderstandings, the knowledge that everyone that likes him is dead (or so he thinks),starting to realize that his dad might not be the best, and that there is now no way he will ever get back home Zuko gets depressed. And everyday his depression gets worse. His slowly waning will to live makes his inner flame smaller.  Until finally it gets so bad that Zuko refuses to leave his hammock, has glassy eyes, is really cold, and doesn't react to sound or touch.
I’m not to sure what happens next but I think that Hakoda somehow gets an Earth kingdom medic to check him out and tell him whats wrong.After that happens it helps open the eyes to everyone about Zuko and they finally take care of him like family.
As always let me know what you think and if you are interested in writing something like this. You can use everything that I just listed or only a little I don’t care
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whimsicallyreading · 3 years
Write Me- Outtake
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A little plot bunny for the Write Me Au
CW- Mentions of PTSD, Trauma, War
Write Me (part one)
Therapy was a necessary evil, Rowan soon found out.
He spent an hour, twice a week, cooped up with a stranger who tried to coax his feelings from him. He'd never been an emotive person. Aelin was the rare exception, the one person he'd always gravitated to when something itched at him. She was always available with an attentive ear when he needed to release a burden from his shoulders, but upon arriving home, it became apparent he couldn't do that anymore.
Not that Aelin wouldn't listen now if he asked. She absolutely would. But the things that weighed on Rowan now were like boulders. Dark, heavy, and capable of crushing anyone who'd seen what he'd seen during his time imprisoned. Every night when the dreams woke him up, he'd turn to his left and see her peaceful face and praise all that was good that she was a heavy sleeper. He couldn't put this on her. She was so happy to have him home, and he was so glad to be with her again. Yet those choking pains still laid on his soul, so with her encouragement, therapy was the best option.
Thankfully, Yrene was a patient woman. A well-established favorite among the other veterans. She didn't coddle them or push them to be weepy and whiney. They'd all had that drilled from them long ago.
Instead, she was calm and collected. Never did she drill Rowan for information or push meaningless busywork that felt pointless to accomplish. Yrene chatted like she was an old friend, sometimes prying tiny bits of information from him he hadn't even realized he was giving.
Occasionally days came where he didn't want to speak at all, and she respected those as well. With time, he slowly felt the days going by easier. He jerked less at loud noises, could sleep with a nightlight instead of having every lamp in the house turned on, and his dreams became less foul.
Rowan wasn't better. Not by a long shot. He doubted he would ever fully return to normal, but he felt more capable of carrying those lead weights.
One of the few things that still plagued him, and he couldn't understand why was his inability to open up to Aelin.
She was his best friend-his guiding light through months of hell. Yet their relationship now that he was home felt strained. Aelin walked on eggshells around him, and her little quirks he used to love grated on his nerves. Rowan would snip at her and gripe, but she always handled his moods with a saints patience. While he'd been working on fixing other pieces of his soul, he hadn't paid attention to how she was handling having him back, not until the previous weekend.
A plane had flown overhead, and Rowan dropped the cup of coffee he'd been holding. His body locked up and froze. Memories seized his brain, but with controlled breathing, he'd been able to bring himself back relatively fast. He should have felt proud. Yet, when he opened his eyes, he saw Aelin at his feet, picking up the shards of glass with her bare fingers and snapped.
He'd grabbed her wrist and shook the glass from her hands. They'd exchanged heated words which now wasn't uncommon between them. The words that spilled from his mouth were unnecessarily hurtful, and Rowan let her go, exasperated. He walked out of the room, wanting to get dressed for a run to clear his head, and when the door closed behind him, a muffled sob sounded from behind him.
Aelin didn't know he'd heard. She'd purposefully waited for him to leave before letting his words affect her, and it broke his heart. How many times had he'd wounded her by lashing out?
They'd had passionate fights before, and she'd never been afraid of putting him in his place. Why would she yield and allow him to walk over her? How could he let himself treat her so poorly? Rowan fretted. He felt disgusted by his actions but didn't know how to go about repairing their relationship.
So when therapy rolled around Monday morning, he surprised Yrene by immediately talking.
"I don't understand," Rowan began restlessly pacing. "She's never let me get away with being an asshole. Even when we were teenagers, that woman would have my ass if I ever crossed her boundaries."
Yrene sat quietly in her chair as he marched a talked. She occasionally fiddled with the end of her sleeve, but her attention never wavered as he spoke.
"Something is bothering me. Aelin is bothering me. It makes no sense," Rowan ran a hand through his hair. "I love her. Words cannot describe how much I missed being with her while I was overseas. She is my heart. But for some reason, I can't stand to be around her."
Rowan stops his movement and turns to Yrene almost pleadingly. "What's wrong with me?"
Yrene looks up with sympathy and points to the chair opposite of her. Rowan slumps into the chair, wringing his hands nervously, waiting for whatever sage advice she has. Maybe even an additional diagnosis on top of his intense PTSD and depression.
That last thought sent his gut sinking. He couldn't handle bringing home another bombshell to drop on his wife. Another conversation where he would rage and grieve while she comforted him with a cracked smile- promising him that she would be by his side.
He couldn't keep doing this to her.
"Nothing is wrong with you, Rowan." Yrene starts gently. "Anger is a phase of grief, and you've been given an unfair amount of things to mourn- friends, your career, your regular life. This is a normal step in the process of recovering."
"It's not fair," Rowan rests his fists on his knees and leans forward. "None of this is fair to her. Life wasn't pleasant for her while I was gone. I'm fully aware that she wasn't off dancing and sniffing daisies. She suffered. I suffered. We were both in pain, and now that I'm home, I've been getting better, but she's still hurting. I can't keep hurting her like this."
"Then it's good you brought this up. This is the kind of thing I am here to help you work on." Yrene lifts a glass of water to her lips and takes a drink. "You said Aelin hasn't been communicating it to you if you've been hurting her feelings?"
"No," Rowan states definitively. "She's not."
"Well, I haven't spoken to Aelin, so I can't say anything definitively, but it's very common for loved one's to repress their own emotions when assisting their family member on their way to recovery. It's possible she feels like laying her emotions on you while you cope with yours will hinder your progress."
"That's not right, though." Rowan taps his foot. "I've never wanted her to feel that way, and I never wanted to become the asshole she doesn't feel comfortable talking to."
"It's not that simple. Have you tried talking to her about what you went through as a POW?" Yrene drops bluntly. It's the first time she's been so candid with the language surrounding his imprisonment, and it makes him cringe, but she doesn't stop there. "You have every right to go at your pace and discuss things on your terms, but Aelin is taking her cues from you. If you are uncomfortable speaking to her, it's likely equally as awkward for her to bring up her problems to you. Unless she is communicating and is pushing you for information, that could also cause tension. You mentioned something about her time while you were gone. Has she been talking about it often?"
"Not exactly," Rowan forces his fists to relax and his leg to still. "When I got home, she was staying with her cousin out of town. I found stacks of letters she'd addressed to me in our bedroom, and I read them before she got back."
Yrene raises a hand to halt him, "I won't ask what was in those letters, but I am assuming they probably read like a diary of sorts?"
"Writing is a very therapeutic process for a lot of people. It's an easy way to put down your feelings without the awkwardness of someone being physically present. A lot of people find that they are more vulnerable in writing than they are in person. Have you ever considered writing back to her?"
"What?" Rowan asked, baffled.
"Maybe it will make talking to her easier," Yrene shrugs. "It doesn't have to be profound letters, maybe just a few notes. Perhaps it will break some of the ice and make her feel more comfortable approaching you again and vice versa."
"I'm not ready to tell Aelin what happened. I don't want to upset her." Rowan lowers his tone, aching to stand up and pace again. It was something he'd been doing a lot lately. He was constantly antsy.
"As I said, it doesn't need to be profound. Thank her for doing your laundry. Say I love you. Compliment her. Leave it somewhere she can find it, and let her know you still love her. Aelin is not what you're mad at. You are angry with the situation you've been forced into. Express that to her."
"That works?"
"There is only one way to find out, and it doesn't hurt to try." Yrene reaches into the drawer of the coffee table and pulls out a stack of sticky notes. "Here, to get you started."
Rowan takes the stack, and they end their session together. He walks out of her office in a daze, and the walk home offers even less clarity. Writing was never his thing. He'd written Aelin letters before, the customary ones military spouses exchange while apart, but he was no poet.
Rowan is hesitant about this new assignment, but when he comes home and finds Aelin asleep on their bed in the middle of the day, he realizes he has to try.
At first, it feels awkward and clumsy. Rowan gets the first note out of the way immediately, taking advantage of her nap. He writes 'Sorry'  with a shaking hand and leaves it stuck to the screen of her phone. His heart writhes when he see's that she'd nestled one of his shirts under her head while she slept.
When Aelin wakes up, she doesn't mention the note, but the slight smile she gives lets him know he's forgiven.
He truly doesn't deserve it.
The following notes feel equally strange. Rowan sticks an 'I Love You' to Aelin's alarm clock and a 'You're beautiful' to her bathroom mirror. Of course, he means those things, but they feel paltry and empty, scribbled on a tiny square of colored paper. Still, Aelin never comments on the notes, but Rowan notes that she looks a little less tense. That's encouragement enough for him to keep trying.
The little notes feel too shallow for him, so Rowan tries to make them more specific. 'I love waking up to you in my bed,' 'I'm sorry I yelled,' and 'I would marry you all over again.'"
After the last one, Aelin acknowledges his notes with a kiss to his cheek for the first time. "I would marry you again, too. I'll see you after work."
Watching her walk out the door, Rowan found himself wishing she would stay. He should have held her longer that morning. Convinced her to call in sick.
Regret lingered in the back of his mind, but Rowan was content knowing she would enjoy herself at work. He'd met the owner of the small bookstore she now worked for, and he was a nice man. Aelin's eyes lit up as she gave him a tour between the shelves, and it was a better fit her personality overall. Rowan loved that she was happy at work. No longer was she being manipulated by that piece of shit at the bar. If Aedion hadn't run him from Orythn with a sheet of legal offenses, then Rowan would have had words with Erawan himself.
It would have been bloody.
Instead of feeling guilty, Rowan channeled his wistfulness into a longer note.
'I miss you when you are gone. Being around you has always been the best parts of my day. Some things never change.'
Aelin finds that note attached to her toothbrush, and when she stumbles into bed, he sees a sheen of silver on her cheeks. Rowan gathers her into his arms, pulling her into a deep kiss. They break apart, but Aelin remains tucked to his side for the rest of the night.
Yrene is ecstatic to hear their progress and encourages him to keep going. One day, he takes the time to count the envelopes Aelin had stacked on her desk. Neither of them had the heart to touch them. The day they reunited was still a fond memory between the two, but the memories sealed in those letters were painful.
It's a staggering number. Looking back, Rowan is astonished he'd managed to finish them all before she came home. She'd bled her heart onto those pages, and with all of the success his little notes had, had at healing their bond, he felt compelled to do the same.
Rowan writes his first letter. It's darker than he'd intended. He talks about his PTSD and how frustrated he gets with himself when he locks up. It's a few short rambling paragraphs that end with an apology for taking his stress out on her. That envelope, which he addresses with a red pen and stamps, he sticks in her purse, hoping she finds it later.
It's nauseating.
Rowan feels exposed. He's uncertain of how she will react to him admitting that he doesn't like it when she sees him in such a state. It's embarrassing.
At dinner the next day, he knows she's read it, somehow he knows, but Aelin doesn't bring it up. It brings doubts to his mind. Maybe he shouldn't have said anything? They were just starting to get back to normal. Dragging his shit into the middle wasn't helping.
That evening, they are both reading in the living room. The TV hums quietly on some old sitcom, and both of them are relaxed. Rowan wasn't ready for the show to switch from cheap jokes and laugh tracks to a commercial for an action movie. The sound of a gunshot sends Rowan into a memory.
His book is sent flying to the floor, and he curls over his knees, shielding his head with his hands. It takes several minutes for him to get his breathing under control, but when awareness to reality creeps back- Aelin is still quietly reading. His book is on the floor, but the TV is turned off.
It's quiet for several moments, but when Aelin glances up from her book and smiles, Rowan smiles back.
The letters come easy.
Rowan writes about his time in prison. His fears, lost friends, how the new scars came to be. Not only does he write about the hard things- some of his letters are essentially fan mail to his wife. They handle his attacks better, and with that, he finds his frustration with her waning. All of the reasons he loves Aelin come back to him in a rush. Sometimes it overwhelms him.
He loves her jasmine shampoo. The fact she's worn the same three scents since high school, and they are as reliable as the fire she has going every evening it dips below freezing. Rowan adores the way one half of her smile goes higher than the other. He spends a whole paragraph lamenting his hopes that their future children smile the same way. Kissing her is his favorite pass time. Her fingers combing through his hair while they watch another period movie is a close second.
With his mental state gradually improving, he notices a change in his physical body. Fat creeps back onto his ribs, slowly churning into muscle as physical therapy restores him back to his former shape. Over the course of months, his scars go from red to silver. The wan appearance of his skin disappears and days in the sun color him.
Aelin looks better too. She smiles bigger, laughs louder, and the shadows under her eyes go away. Her weight also increases, though Rowan would never say a damn thing. It's not in a bad way, either. She'd been looking so small. Her fire dimmed. He took it as a physical representation of her own recovery because she genuinely had suffered while he was away.
The letters become a part of their daily routine when Aelin starts writing them back. By the end of the year, it's no longer their sole way of meaningful communication. They talk. The letters recede into something like a love language.
Notes stuck in her shoes, envelopes tucked into his service dog, Fleetfoot's, collar. They include lousy poetry, stupid jokes, and small declarations of affection. Rowan loves it.
One day, he comes home from work and finds an envelope not hidden away. Aelin sits at the table, lip trapped under her front teeth and a green envelope between them.
Rowan glances between her and the letter, "Aelin?"
"Shh," she silences him as he unhooks Fleetfoots collar. "Don't talk. Just read."
He approaches the table with caution and breaks the seal of the envelope. Aelin's body is practically jittering with nervous energy, and the tears building in the corner of her eyes urge him to move faster.
Rowan slips the paper loose and looks at the contents. There is only two words.
It's Positive.
"What?" Rowan looks up and freezes when he looks at what Aelin has set on the table between him. A standard pregnancy test stick with two blue lines.
They'd started trying for a baby again. It was a big step for them both, but he'd been home for nearly two years now.
Aelin had experienced troubles before he'd been deployed that exposed how hard it would be for them to start a family. Their plans had been majorly derailed for obvious reasons, but they'd been prepared to accept that having a biological child may not be in the cards for them.
Fleetfoot yips as Rowan practically lifts out of her seat, note still in hand, to kiss her. "This is the best letter I have ever gotten."
"That's really saying something," Aelin laughs against his lips.
He chuckles with her and strokes a thumb over the arch of her cheek. "You've set the bar high. It's going to be very difficult to outdo this one. I thought my anniversary ballad would keep me on top for a while, but this?" Rowan kisses her again. "This is priceless."
She hums and leans into his chest, "You can make it up to me in other ways."
Their noses brush as they lean against the table, Rowan's hands wandering beneath the hem of her shirt. Aelin gasps as his hands smooth over her plains of skin, and she tugs at the collar of his shirt.
"Aelin," he rasps as she pulls away from his neck, the ghosts of her kisses still tingling. "I love you."
"I know," she lays her head against his beating heart, and they sink into each other's embrace. "You write about it so damn much."
"And I'll keep doing it, for a long time."
"A long time?" Aelin looks up at him from under her eyelashes with a peaceful look. "I like the sound of that."
Fleetfoot whines as they shut her out of the bedroom to celebrate. The pieces of their old lives come together in their second act. Neither of them thought this sort of happiness would ever show up in their cards. They celebrate late into the night, and when Aelin falls asleep, Rowan writes. He really thinks it's his best work, yet.
Carefully, he tucks it under her pillow for her to find in the morning. He sets his wife’s alarm clock for her and lays with an arm tossed over her waist- and when he falls asleep? Rowan's dreams are filled with tomorrows, sweet embraces, and strange children.
He'd write those down for Aelin, too.
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emmyuuxzz · 3 years
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edilmaangel · 3 years
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It’s better to look ahead and prepare than to look back and regret.
Kik edilmaangel1 add me
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What's your comfort movie?
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sadistic-girls-blog · 3 years
¿Han sentido tenerlo todo sin tener nada y ser inmensamente feliz?
Write me
Juste une chica
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highqueenofelfhame · 3 years
i’m a slut for the single only thing that can bring their love back to reality/break a spell being a kiss.
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elizabethanism · 3 years
The night is your cottage industry now,
the day is your brisk emporium.
The world is full of paper.
Write to me.
-Agha Shahid Ali, "Stationery"
The Half-Inch Himalayas (2011)
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popcorn1989 · 2 years
𝐿𝑒𝑡 𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔
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Pairing: Rience x OC (Own Character)
Warning: Burns, Erotic, Kisses, Long Story
Words: 2680
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Notes: Rience was sitting in his guest room and actually wanted to go, to Kaer Morhen. He was really curious, if he would find the Witcher and his surprise child there. But decided against it, because Sanya spits around in his head. And he had stolen this bottle from Lydia, maybe he could help her.
I've categorized the stories into parts, so you don't have to read it all at once, you can memorize the part you left off and read on when you have time again.
Prehistory - Klick here
You don't know how I feel - Klick here
Let me show you - Klick here
Don't tell me that
I fight by your side - Comming soon....
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ᑭᗩᖇT 1 ~
As always, Rience had teleported directly to her little hut. And the sight, was just too funny. Sanya sat on the bed, her bare legs immediately caught his eye. She had a burning candle, in her hand and touched it, to the iron at her foot. She sees Rience, she dropped the candle, threw a blanket over her legs and pulled her to her body. Likewise, she clutched her legs and looked at the wall in embarrassment. He smiled at how cute she was, she had actually tried to melt the iron, with a regular candle, but her taking his advice warmed his heart. He walked towards her, smelled the burned skin, probably she had tried for a long time and burned her skin, under the iron, but she just kept going, brave little ones, he thought to himself, as he knelt in front of the bed. Nobody said anything, and she was still looking, at the wall.
He reached under the covers and pulled out his foot. "Hey, stop it, you donkey," she said, but didn't resist further, as she watched him. Rience smiled, as she called him a donkey and gave a short snort. "Pretty cheeky," he said, still holding her foot, wanting to make sure she didn't pull it away. Rience saw her staring at him. "Who is cheeky here? You just burst in here, you don't care if I'm naked, or if I could be with someone" He looked at her, she was really cute, when she got upset "Ah, that means, you have someone, by your side?" he asked curiously, but noticed immediately how jealous it made him. She was shocked for a moment, then she looked sadly down at her knee and shook her head. "No," she said shortly. Rience looked, at her leg, unconsciously stroking her scars, with his fingertips. He saw her skin get goosebumps and smiled softly. "I told you, not a normal fire." When he says that, he took the candle, that had gone out, and turned it in his fingers. She mimicked him, surprising him a little. "What?" he asked, "I know what you said... I still wanted to try"
Rience gave a curt nod, "Shall I try it?" he asked, running his fingers over the iron, but couldn't help feeling her skin. He hadn't felt any skin, other than his, for so long. Surprisingly, she pulled her foot back under the covers. "No," she said hesitantly. He laughed again, "As you wish, maybe this will help you?" he asked, placing the candle, on the bed, before reaching into his pocket. He took a bottle out of his pocket, the contents were greenish, he turned the small narrow bottle, in front of her, with his fingers. Rience saw her examine his hand, before looking back at his face. He put the bottle back in his pocket, for the time being, because he didn't trust Lydia. "Why are you doing this?" He raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean? Because, I don't want to use the bottle, for the time being?" "No, donkey, I mean bursting in here, every time and pretend you live here" she said, grabbing his hand, because he decided to pull her foot back out of the covers, he left his hand in hers and didn't move away. "Why do you want to help me?" he thought about it, for a moment, but then shrugged his shoulders, he didn't know, he just wanted to. "Because, I realize that we're both kind of the same," he said then and saw her eyes narrow, she let go of his hand and snorted "Never in life, there's no one, who just like that, does something for others" Rience breathed a sigh of relief, grabbed her foot, as fast as he could and pulled him to him. She wanted to say something, he looked at her carefully, but she didn't.
Rience smiled briefly and snapped his fingers, letting the flame appear on his index finger. She didn't twitch, she didn't tremble either, not in the way Jaskier had reacted to his flame, he only now noticed it. She just looked at the fire. He didn't elaborate on her words, even if they were almost the same, as he had said to Lydia. "Well, may I try," she narrowed her eyes again, before looking down at the iron at her foot. Rience did nothing, he was patient and would wait for a sign from her. She seemed to realize, "What the fuck are you waiting for? Winter?" Rience snorted again, so he could suppress a laugh. "I didn't know how cheeky you are" he smiled at her, "But Now, I kinda like it" She rolled her eyes and slowly wiped her forehead. "Can you please..... Can you please try to remove this thing from me?" she said and put her hands together, as if in prayer. He laughed again and held the fire on the iron "Donkey" coming up from her briefly, and he smiled again. He really liked her a lot, he especially liked that she wasn't afraid of him, she even dared to insult him. But somehow, he knew she wasn't serious. The fire heated the ring, black smoke billowing into the air, she drew air through her teeth, but that was all she said, though her skin flushed from the heat, as her skin slowly began to peel and blister, he let his fire go out. Annoyed, because even his magic didn't do anything.
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ᑭᗩᖇT 2 ~
The iron was just black from soot, her skin was bruised, he hated himself, why couldn't he stop sooner? But all she did, was watch him closely and breathe deeply, when she was in pain "You're pretty brave, I'll give you that" "And you're still a Donkey, if you thought it would work" he laughed again, she had tried before, but he just ignored her comment. "Then I have this, but I don't know what it is, and I don't trust the woman. I stole this from, her" he said, taking the bottle out of his pocket again. Sanya grabbed it and opened it. "Acid," she said after smelling it briefly. "I've tried that before, it won't help." She closed the bottle again, Rience gave a short groan and considered whether he should persuade her to try it. "Don't think about it, it doesn't help, it just runs down and burns my leg" he let go of her foot "Maybe but not" "I thought you didn't trust her" "No, I don't either, but if she does, something wants, then she's very eager to get it." "What are you talking about?" she asked, Rience looked from the bottle, to her questioning face "Anyway, try it, if not then don't, it's yours, you can do what you want with it"
He saw her turn the bottle in her hand, and then she put it down next to it. Rience put a hand on her leg, but she pulled her leg back under the covers, she didn't want to be touched, he thought, maybe that's it? He stood up, "You're leaving already?" he turned back to her, "Not if you don't want it" "Since when are you interested in what I want?" Rience laughed and put his hands on his hips, somehow she was right. "I wanted to see if I could find anything else, to help you," he said, spreading his hands. She nodded briefly and looked down at her knees again, even though she didn't wear makeup and her hair was uncombed and messy, she looked beautiful to him. "Should I stay?" he asked, hoping she would open up and trust him, but she just shook her head. "Then I'll go" "And stay where you are," she said in response, looking back at him.
He cocked his head and smiled. "Certainly not," he said, deciding not to go. Rience went to her with quick and elegant steps. He sat on her, her legs automatically slid down, as his weight rested, on them, she gave him a questionable and suspicious look. "What are you thinking?" she asked, he hissed briefly, smoothed her hair with both hands and let it lie behind her neck. He studied her face, her shapely lips, her beautiful eyes, her long lashes, that fold up so seductively when she blinks. He licked his lips briefly, something he did when he really wanted something, he didn't realize it himself. Rience saw how she studied his face as well, she stayed on his wound for a long time. She didn't look disgusted, though. He stroked her cheek with his fingertips and brought his lips closer to her. Slowly, because he wanted to know her reaction, he didn't want to do anything she didn't want to do.
She didn't move, and so his lips met hers, and she even kissed him back. A pleasant tingling spreads in his stomach, he grabbed her face with his hand, pressed her further into the kiss, before his lips slipped from hers. "I know you're just as alone as I am," he whispered, kissing her again. This time she let him go, "But why are you looking for someone like me and get a nicer one?" she asked softly and looked at him. "What do you mean?" She laughed briefly, "Look at me, I'm ugly, I'm fat, and I'm useless...." She didn't get any further because, Rience kissed her again. "Don't tell me that. I don't want to hear that because, I don't think so at all. You're beautiful, sweet, cheeky..." he raised his eyebrow at the word cheeky "You're super intelligently, and you know, a quantity and above all you are very talented, oh and not to forget powerful, we just have to solve your problem" "you only want to help me because, I am powerful?" He looked to the side and shook his head "You're the donkey here" he said and looked at her again "You didn't really listen to me" "I can't believe you, Rience. I don't know..." He simply kissed her, closing her mouth.
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ᑭᗩᖇT 3 ~
He realized, that she were lost in his kiss, she had hugged him and his jacket was off. He let go of her lips and rested his lips on her neck, running his hands down her back. Furthermore, he wanted her so badly, he wanted to be with her, to be close to her, to be by her side, whatever the situation. She would never get rid of him, he wanted to tell her, but let it go, when he felt her start unbuttoning his shirt. He kissed her neck and gently bit into her skin, he ran his left hand over her already bare legs and noticed that he was getting more and more aroused. Rience was wary, she'd pushed him away before, but this time she let him touch her. As she uncovered his torso, she ran her hands over his chest and belly, he moaned slightly. How much he missed those touches. She grabbed his jacket and threw it on the floor when a small, folded sheet ended up on the bed. She picked it up and unfolded it. Rience actually wanted to pull it out of her hand, but she already saw her face. She looked from the piece of paper into his face. "Are you stalking me?" she asked, a smile breaking on her lips.
He took the paper out of her hand and looked at it, "You are much more beautiful in nature, this drawing doesn't even begin to show, how pretty you are" he said and threw the paper on the floor. She narrowed her eyes again, but Rience didn't give her time to think much. He kissed her again, tongue dancing in her mouth and gently pushing her into the pillows. She pulled his shirt off and then hugged him as tightly as she could. Her hands slid down his back and gripped his belt, tracing the belt, then undid it in front, first his sword belt, then his trousers. He helped her pull her behind, it was a bit clumsy, because he didn't want to get off her anymore, he also did it all lying down. She gave a short laugh, when she noticed that he was clumsy, but he didn't show it and pulled away the blanket, that was lying between them. But before he lay down on her again, he put his arms away from her. "Do you really want that? I mean, I want, I want you to be comfortable, I want..." "Shut up, donkey," she said, pulling him by the neck with both arms and kissing him.
He lay down on her and waited, after all, they had all the time in the world. He stroked her hair, looked into her eyes, for a long time, and he enjoyed her hands on his body, he wanted to feel that for as long as possible. But, at some point he just couldn't stand it anymore, when his hand ran along her round and soft body, and he got caught on her femininity, was he so aroused that he entered her, he moaned lightly as he thrust lightly into her again and again, her lips seeking his and caressing his shoulder as she settled into his embrace. It was the best feeling after a long time, and for a moment he could forget everything, even his still painful wound on his face. They both lose yourself in the movement, in the feeling and its attraction. Both needed it, at that moment. And it took a long time for the two to let go of each other.
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ᑭᗩᖇT 4 ~
In the evening, they were both still in bed, close together. Rience had Sanya in his arms, and she had laid her head on his chest and was stroking her hand over his belly. "You're still a Donkey," she said, and Rience started to laugh. "If you say that, then it will be true" "No, I mean you really are" she laughed now, as she sat up "I like you, but I still don't trust you, but that will probably only work out to change when I know what you want from me, when this iron is off my foot" "I don't want anything, the only reason I want to help you is that I like you too, and I know how it feels to be trapped. I want you to be able to use your magic again, whatever it is, I don't care" he said, stroking her face. "I forgot I got you anything," she said, getting up and taking the blanket to cover herself, she didn't seem to care, that he was lying there naked now.
She took a box from the table and came back to the bed. "Nothing in particular," she said, probably because, Rience raised his eyebrows. He watched her open it and there was a salve inside. "It will help with the healing, but there will be scars," she said, wanting to put something on the wound. He shook his head, however, and saw her cocking her head. He pulled her to him and kissed her briefly, "Scars are our companions, as is pain, sadness...." "Love" she finished the sentence. He smiled slightly, as he saw her blush. She cleared her throat "You're right, I have some of my own, and they're kind of a second skin" She looked down again, as she closed her little box "Are you staying tonight?" she asked and Rience was amazed, it's the first time she's shown him that she doesn't want to be alone no matter how many times she's told him to stay away. "If it's your wish," he said, stroking her cheek.
Sanya took the box away and snuggled up to him again. "Have you been to the fortress? Is it really there? Are there really Witchers? And more importantly, where exactly is it?" Rience laughed, "I'm sorry, I can't answer a single question, I won't look for it until tomorrow" he said, kissing her forehead.
to be continued....
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contro-futuro · 2 years
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Voglia di farmi squirtare sul braccio e poi prenderti a sberle
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gurll23-1 · 2 years
I’m searching someone to talk to (maybe about life? about everything you want tbh:))
just like or write me something 💗
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whimsicallyreading · 3 years
Write Me (Part Three)
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Here it is! The final part. I hope you enjoy. :)
CW- Anxiety, Depression
Temporarily moving in with Aedion turned out to be the best choice Aelin had made in a while.
It wasn't without challenges. Aedion was always hovering. Putting food in front of Aelin when she couldn't stomach more. He made sure she went to sleep and woke up at regular hours. Even if he had to carry her from the bed and put her at the breakfast table himself.
Maybe it was the change of scenery, but Aelin started waking up frequently during the nights with no recollection of when or where she was.
She'd stumble around Aedion's house deliriously searching for Rowan. Desperate for her familiar, safe harbor. Ambling around Aedions house, her confusion and distress only grew when she couldn't find her husband. The anxiety would build up until Aelin was in the throes of a full-fledged panic attack. Similar to the one she'd had on the street the night of the blizzard.
Aedion somehow seemed to have a second sense for when Aelin got to that point. He would appear in his slippers and robe like a guardian at her side. She would melt into his arms, and he would slowly rock of borderline hysterical Aelin until she regained her bearings.
Remembering that Rowan was gone always hit her just as badly as it had the first time.
Aelin would ask Aedion if he'd seen Rowan. When her cousin looked at her with pained eyes, she would beg him to tell her. Clutch his robes. Shake him. Aelin would demand answers even as the broken pieces of her heart splintered again.
He didn't need to say anything. The realization would always hit Aelin quick enough, sending her back into a depressed silence. So Aedion took her frantic pleas and thrashing limbs in stride. Sometimes he would join her in crying. Her cousin was good at concealing his emotions during the day, but his heart broke openly for her at night.
It would take well over an hour to calm her down again. Aedion never rushed Aelin or seemed bitter that she was taking away from the little sleep he got. When she settled down, her body would crash from the utter stress and exhaustion. He'd carry her like a child to her room and tuck her back into bed.  
Between Aelin and his infant son, the shadows under his eyes grew long and deep. He'd lean over the table in the mornings, head in his hands as he fought sleep. Lysandra wordlessly would poor him an extra thermos of coffee and rub the tension from his shoulders.
She felt so much guilt for burdening her cousin and his new family. They didn't need another dependent under their roof when they'd just had a baby. Every time she brought up her concerns, a fire would light in their eyes.
"You are family, Aelin." Lysandra had glared as she rocked a fussing Andre in her arms. "We don't want you anywhere else but here."
As much as Aelin worried, being with her family was helping. Her cheeks weren't as sallow. She hadn't realized how much weight she'd been losing as the hollow spaces of her body filled out once more. The shadows under her eyes were still there, but they were turning back into a light blue. Aedion's soothing was allowing her to get more sleep than she'd been getting at the apartment.
Even Andre was helping. Assisting Lys with the care of her nephew gave Aelin something to do that wasn't self-destructive. No creepy patrons were assaulting her or degrading bosses making life miserable. Just a tiny little boy with Ashryvver eyes who smiled when Aelin made a funny face and babbled happily in his bouncy chair.
The urge to write to Rowan ate at her. Aelin wanted to write paragraphs about Andre. Tell him about the Yulemas gifts they'd saved for her and the story Emrys had told her at Mistwards.
It was a slow death not talking to him. Still, she tried to refrain from picking up the pen. Writing the letters had become an obsession to shield her from reality. They kept an image of a living Rowan alive in her mind.
Aelin was slowly coming to terms with the truth.
Rowan. Her handsome, brave, kind husband is gone. Over a year had passed, and she knew that every waning day decreased the statistics that they would find him alive. Those odds had dipped below zero many months ago. She just hadn't been ready to face that yet.
Two months came and went.
As the raging Terresan winter released the land from its clutches and the kingsflame began peeking from the ground- Aelin knew it was time.
She called Emrys and asked if there was room for her to work at Mistward. He'd responded enthusiastically and offered her a job on the spot.
Aedion had taken over the rent for her apartment. He claimed that she was under enough pressure and assured her that they were making enough money to cover the meager rent three times over. It was a generous gesture, but Aelin didn't feel right taking money from her cousin anymore.
He and Lysandra didn't take well to the news of her new job. They were wary of letting her go.
"Lin," Aedion huffed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You've been doing so good. Are you sure you are ready to go back?"
Aelin took a moment to really think over her answer. "I think so. I'm not a hundred percent, but I don't think that will come for a long time."
"If you want to move in on a more long-term basis, we'd be happy to have you." Lysandra, her best friend, grabs her hand from across the table. "We love you. We love having you here. There is no rush to go."
Aelin squeezes Lys's hand. "I know. I love you too, but I'm ready to go home."
She only had a single suitcase with her. It took no time to pack and load it into Aedion's car. They drove home in comfortable silence, their collaborative playlist playing over the speakers.
It was a much more peaceful drive than the night Aedion brought her home. That car ride had been filled with emotion. Aelin was borderline hypothermic and numb from emotional torment. Her cousin couldn't stop glancing at her, fear in his eyes. She'd begun to waste away and hadn't even noticed.
Now, she was still mourning, but Aelin could see a future where she survived. Imagining a life without Rowan is still too hard for Aelin to linger on, so she lets Emrys' words guide her. She decided to take it one step at a time. Aelin would learn to live again and make Rowan proud.
Aedion pulls her luggage from the trunk and hugs Aeling tightly. Planting a kiss on her forehead, he runs a calloused hand across her cheek. "Call me if you need me. I'll be at your side in a heartbeat, cousin."
"I love you too," Aelin mumbles against his shoulder. "Take care of my nephew."
"Of course," Aedion gives her a final squeeze and departs. Aelin stands on the sidewalk and watches his car exit the parking lot and disappear from sight.
She takes a moment to prepare herself before going inside. The stacks of letters need dealing with. Some of Rowan's things she knew should be boxed and put into storage.
It would hurt.
Aelin would have to force herself to let go, but it was for the best. She couldn't let herself fall back in that pit of depression. No amount of her cousin's nursing would bring her back a second time. It was now or never.
"You can do this," Aelin whispers to herself as she sticks her key in the lock. Rowan wouldn't want her to give up. So long as she reminded herself of that, she could survive.
The knob jiggles.
Aelin frowns. Pulling her keys from the door, she twists the handle, and it opens with no resistance. Had she left her front door unlocked?
Cautiously, Aelin steps inside and hears the lilting sound of Rowan's vintage record player humming in the corner. The lights above her stove were lit, and her expensive candle was burning on the counter.
Aelin creeps into her apartment. "Whoever is in here better get the hell out."
"That's no way to talk to your good friend."
Aelin whirls around to find Fenrys sitting in her favorite armchair, his feet kicked up on the coffee table. "Honestly, I do you a favor, and you treat me like I'm a serial killer."
His blond hair is freshly washed and braided tightly against his head except for a single strand hanging loosely beside his face. Fenrys has a cup of hot tea clutched in his hand, and one of her books propped open on his lap.
None of that bothered her. No, Aelin could care less if he broke into her house and used her stuff. What made her blood boil was the fact it was Rowan's clothes he was wearing.
"Get the hell out." Aelin throws her suitcase down and points at him. "Get out."
"That's not what you wanted last Yulemas," Fenrys smiles as he slowly rises from the chair.
Aelin grabs the ornamental stag off her mantle and lobs it at his face.
"Woah! I'm just kidding," Fenrys ducks and sets down his drink. "I have good news. You weren't home, so I thought we'd hang out here until you came back."
Tears burned Aelin's eyes. "Get the hell out of his clothes. You have no right to touch his things."
"Aelin," his voice drops lower, and a genuinely worried expression crosses his face. "Listen-"
"Don't tell me to listen." A horrible sick feeling rises in her. She wasn't ready. Aelin needed Aedion to come back. Needed Fenrys to take off Rowan's things. She needed the fucking record player to stop playing their song.
She needed her husband.
"You break into my house. Take my dead husband's clothes," Aelin laughs lifelessly. "And you expect me to hear anything you have to say?"
"Aelin." A warm hand grasps her shoulder.
The world stops.
She can feel the familiar callouses through the fabric of her shirt. Smell the scent of pine and fresh snow. Her name never sounded better than when it passed through his lips. Both syllables send a shudder through the faultlines of her soul.
Very slowly, Aelin turns around.
"Rowan?" She raises a hand to her beating heart. This couldn't be real.
Rowan stands in the doorway of their bedroom. His green, knitted sweater no longer clings to the curvature of his arms. The sleeve hangs loosely around his thinned frame. His once beautiful hair is sheared nearly to the scalp, and bandages peek through the collar of his shirt.
The spark in his eyes is dimmed, but it grows exponentially as he soaks in the sight of his wife. His hand is still warm on her shoulder as it slides down her sleeve, and their fingers curl together.
"I'm home," Rowan's voice cracks.
They are a collision of featherlight touches and starved kisses. Her husband's lips are on her mouth, the corners of her lips, tracing the tear tracks down her cheeks. Aelin runs her hands from the back of his head, down his arms, up to his chest. She traces every new line and commits it to memory.
Whispered words pass between them. Aelin is sobbing, and Rowan looks at her as if she were water in a desert.
Aelin is pulled into his arms. Her head rests perfectly over his heart, and the thrumb of it beneath her cheek causes a new wave of tears to cascade down her face. For once, they aren't from pain.
She's so happy.
He rests his forehead against her hair. She can feel him inhaling her scent. Rowan's hands tighten around her. "I'm home, Fireheart. I'm not leaving again. I'm right here."
Fenrys disappeared somewhere, giving them privacy for their reunion. Her eyes glance around the room. Rowan's slippers are on his feet. The fireplace is stoked. His things lay in various places around the apartment where she hadn't left them.
"You didn't call?" Aelin asks her husband. There's a stab of angst through her overwhelming joy. Why hadn't he told her he was home?
Rowan drags a hand through her hair. It's grown out several inches from the last time he'd seen her. He'd always liked to play with her hair, even though he would deny it to his dying breath.
His hand stops on the back of her head, and a stressed sigh escapes his chest. "Initially, when I was recovered from the POW base, the field hospital I was located to was in a sensitive region, and communications were restricted."
Prisoner. Aelin bites her lip and closes her eyes. She knew it was a possibility, but even in her darkest musings, she never let her mind wander down that road. There were a million questions on the tip of her tongue, but Aelin knew her Rowan. He needed her to listen. So she did.
"After that, I was sent to a medical facility in Wendlyn about four months ago. I could have called you then, but I wasn't in good form. Physically or mentally. I felt like an entirely different person."
Rowan was trembling. He sounded so pained, Aelin had to bite her tongue to keep herself from crying again. It was a futile effort. Rowan tilted her head up so he could look her in the eye, and there was nothing she could hide from him. "I missed you so much, baby. All I wanted in the whole damn world was to talk to you, but it would have killed me if you saw me like that. I wasn't the man you knew, and I couldn't bring myself to put you through that, so I called Fen."
"He left to go get you," Aelin said aloud as the pieces of his story came together in her mind.
Rowan sniffs heavily and rubs his eyes, "Yeah. He helped me get back to myself, back to a state of mind where I could trust myself to be around you. It was bad. I only came home last week, but you weren't here."
The dam broke. Aelin had never been much of a crier, but this last year had turned her into a walking rain cloud. "I'm so sorry. I should have been here when you got back. Shit." Aelin rambled, "A lot happened, I just couldn't-"
Rowan shushed her and wiped her face with his sleeve. "I know. You were with Aedion."
Aelin blinks. "How did you know that?"
A real, genuine smile pulls at the corners of his mouth. His expression could only be described as adoration, even with the red eyes and blotchy face. "You left me a lot of reading material, love."
"The letters," Aelin is stunned for a moment. "You read them?"
"Every last one," Rowan confirms with a weak chuckle. "They were addressed to me; I figured you wouldn't mind. The last one conveniently told me where you went."
Aelin looks away. Those letters were something so personal to her it felt strange that he'd actually read them. Even if he was the intended recipient. For some reason, she felt embarrassed. He'd been through literal hell, and he'd read through a monologue of her complaining about her life. It made her feel very small.
He cups the side of her face, "Don't look away from me. Those letters-" Rowan cries in earnest, stuttering sobs rattle his chest. "There were moments where our life together seemed so far away. Like they were just happy dreams of a different life that didn't belong to me. I was struggling with that feeling up until the moment I got home. It's why I hadn't called you yet."
He presses a long, soft kiss to her lips that sends warmth down to her toes. "When I found the first letter? It was the first time I felt settled. I could hear your voice in every sentence, and they brought me back, Aelin. You brought me back."  
Rowan clings to her. He murmurs gratitudes in her ear, and Aelin just holds him. Relishes the feeling of her best friend standing in front of her alive. She doesn't know how long they stand locked in each other's embrace. Only when their legs start to tremble and their crying subsides does Aelin nudge him through the doorway. Together, they collapse onto the bed and crawl up to the pillows. Rowan grabs his favorite blanket and pulls it around them.
His record player is still humming in the quiet, and light rain patters against the window of their room. For the first time in a year, that numbness that had threatened to claim her was nonexistent. Their home was filled with peace, and contentment saturated her down to the soul.
"Please, don't ever leave me again," Aelin whispers in the quiet.
"I'm not going anywhere," Rowan promises. "We have a whole life to spend together."
Aelin looks at the desk across from her bed and notes the pile of opened envelopes. Over a year's worth of letters filled with her daily ramblings and desperate pleas for her husband to return. Time served with pain and uncertainty.
Rowan wraps his arms around her as he drifts off to sleep as if he's afraid she'll disappear when he's not looking. The road ahead of them isn't smooth. It would take a long time for them to fully heal.
Aelin doesn't care. She doesn't know what she did to deserve this second chance, but she would be damned if she took a moment of it for granted. They could get through all of the obstacles to come so long as they were together. Rowan is the love of her life, and she would stay by his side. To whatever end.
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emmyuuxzz · 2 years
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