#Xaden fluff
danikamariewrites · 2 months
First wanted to say I love your stories they are amazing! If possible, I have a request for a xaden x reader that’s preferably fluff. The reader is in the same quadrant as xaden but they aren’t super close. The reader gets hurt and Xaden takes them to the infirmary but the reader starts to freak out because of fears of needles/blood (maybe an anxiety attack?) reader tries to hide it because they are embarrassed but Xaden notices anyway and tries to comfort them. :)
Squeeze My Hand
Xaden x reader
Notes: thank you for requesting this anon bc I’ve been struggling for weeks to write and this gave me my spark back. this was the first thing I’ve finished (happily) in weeks💕
Warnings: blood, stitches, injury, and needles
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You couldn’t look down. You’d pass out which would make everything worse. It’s bad enough you can feel the blood seeping down your thigh. The last thing you needed was to see the liquid along with the gash.
Taking deep breaths you laid at the bottom of the Gauntlet, thinking about where you misstepped.
A pair of strong arms scooped you up, helping you to stand. Looking up you see Xaden Riorson’s dark eyes roaming your face. Worry set in on his features, wondering how you’re staying so calm in a situation that would have anyone else writhing on the ground.
“I’ll take her!” Xaden calls out to the Leader. You hadn’t heard a word anyone said in the last five minutes with the adrenaline and blood rushing in your ears.
“Can you walk?” He asked softly, taking you by surprise. “Kind of,” you mutter as you study the color of his eyes. The darkness of them holds the littlest flecks of hazel and gold, making them look kinder up close.
Getting to the stone stairs leading up to school you let out a huff. Without hesitation Xaden picked you up bridal style, careful of the still bleeding gash on your thigh. You suck in a harsh breath at the stinging sensation running up your limb.
“Sorry,” Xaden murmured.
He slowed his pace to not jostle you around as much. Even when you got to the top of the stairs Xaden kept you in his arms. He was warm and gentle with you. The initial shock of your injury had you too occupied to wonder why Xaden was helping you.
Even though you’re in the same Quadrant you rarely talk with Xaden. Like every other girl with eyes at Basgiath, you found Xaden attractive.
As he gets closer to the infirmary you subconsciously grip Xaden’s shirt. Your fist begins to shake, knuckles turning white.
Xaden looks down at you, noticing how bad you’re trembling. The color drained from your face as he pushed through the infirmary doors. Your eyes watch the move of every healer as Xaden places you on an empty bed.
You keep your gaze from the wound, knowing the sight of blood makes you nauseous.
One of the senior Healers comes to inspect your cut, gently moving your leathers to get the full scope of your injury. “You are going to need stitches. I’m going to cut your pants and then clean you up.”
You nod wordlessly at her, your eyes screwed shut. You had hoped that you would not need stitches. Needles are a big fear of yours. You never wanted one near you whether it was to help or harm you. A wild fear to have as a dragon rider, honestly.
Xaden’s hand covers yours, now fisting the sheets. You jump as he softly squeezes your fingers. “What’s wrong?” You open your eyes for the first time since the healer looked at you.
Taking a deep breath you give Xaden a reluctant look. Your cheeks flush bright red in embarrassment. Good Gods, how do you confess your stupid fear of needles to one of the toughest people you know. “Y/n, it’s ok. You can tell me.” Xaden reassures.
“Promise you won’t make fun of me.” You say sternly. Xaden holds out his pinky, “I swear I won’t.”
You give him a small nod. “I don’t like needles. I’ve never had stitches before and I’m terrified.” You hold Xaden’s stare for a long moment. Xaden gives your hand another reassuring squeeze, folding between both of his hands. The roughness of his palms rubbing against the smoothness of the back of your hand felt comforting.
“The Healer will put some numbing salve on your skin. It takes a few minutes for it to work, then you’ll barely feel it. And if you can, squeeze my hand if it hurts.” You blink at Xaden, surprised he is being supportive.
“Thank you,” you murmur, looking down at your lap. The Healer comes back with the supplies and starts applying the salve, just like Xaden said. When you saw the needle you tensed up, your eyes as wide as saucers.
“Relax,” Xaden whispers. Your eyes water as you look at him again. Xaden sits next to you, wrapping his arm around you, letting your head rest on his shoulder. The needle pricks your skin, the Healer working quickly.
You feel the needle every few passes. You squeeze Xaden’s hand, praying this ends soon.
“All done.” The Healer says, covering the stitches with a bandage.
Xaden gently kisses the top of your head. “Good job, y/n/n.” He whispers sweetly. A furious blush rising to your cheeks.
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riddlesb1tch · 2 months
'I' is Important
Xaden x reader
summary: You just love to annoy Xaden
warnings: none!
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As the sun's early morning rays entered your room, you rolled onto your back. Yawning, you sat in bed, stretching your limbs, cracking your joints to get some mobility back in your body. The cracking sounds resulted in a groan from the secondary resident of the bed.
Xaden lay beside you, bare torso catching the sun's light perfectly to show off the defined muscles on his abdomen. Muscles you had been…exploring the night before. 
Your cheeks heated slightly and you forced your eyes to move upwards to his face; his beautiful, perfect face that you rarely, if ever, saw peacefully at rest. Xaden lay on his back, dark hair spilling onto his forehead, chest rising and falling from deep breaths. You longed to lay your head on his chest and listen to the steady rhythm of his heart. Instead, you opted to simply admire his features so you wouldn’t rouse him from his slumber.
Mornings like this were your favourite. Seldom did you get to see Xaden sleeping peacefully by your side. Normally, he would be the one to wake you up and usually, you would fall asleep before him and didn’t notice when he snuck into your room during the night. Today, you would take the opportunity to see his handsome face at rest. During the week he was always stressed because of one reason or the reason (mostly you), so this peace did not show up often. 
You reclined your body, propped up on one elbow with your head resting on your fist, and you simply took in Xaden’s features. He occasionally let out adorable little snores that warmed your heart beyond measure. You loved that he felt safe enough to be able to sleep peacefully next to you and you just wanted to protect him at all costs. 
Suddenly, his breathing became quiet which meant he was waking up. He changed positions, turning to face you now. Your hand came up and gently brushed a strand of hair away from his eyes before settling on his cheek where your thumb stroked his cheek lovingly. He smiled slightly before opening his eyes and was met with the sight of you with your sleep-mussed hair and a sleepy smile, looking down at him. Out of all your looks, this had to be his favourite. The one where you looked like you had just gotten out of hibernation when you looked well-rested and stress-free with messy hair and sleepy eyes. 
“Good morning,” he muttered. 
Your smile only grew at the sound of his morning voice, butterflies ticking your stomach at the deep baritone.
 “Good morning,” you whispered back. 
You let your fist fall away and rested your head against the wall while your other hand came to play with Xaden’s hair, lightly scratching at his scalp and tugging at the strands. He hummed contentedly, moving closer to your embrace and nuzzling his face into your neck. You wrapped your arm around him while one hand continued to play with his hair, and rested your cheek on his head. 
He deeply inhaled, taking in your comforting scent and placed a kiss on your neck. Then another. And another. And another until you were giggling and blushing while on your back. 
Xaden pulled away with a bright smile, resting on his forearms and looking down at you with lovesick eyes. 
“God, I love that sound,” he said, then leaned down to kiss you. 
You gently cupped his face in your hands as you gladly kissed him back. He slowly rested his full weight on top of you and your legs wrapped around the backs of thighs to pull him closer. 
Xaden pulled away with huge smiles on both your faces and he bumped his nose with yours before resting his head on your chest. 
He inhaled deeply, then sighed. “I love you,” he muttered into your neck. 
You smiled, held him tighter and said “Love you, too.” 
Xaden lifted his head from your chest and asked “Who?” 
“Huh?” You looked at him confused. 
“Who loves me?” He asked. 
“I do,” you answered with your brows furrowed. 
“Then say that,” he said. 
“I just did,” you replied, laughing slightly. 
“No,” he shook his head. “You said ‘love you, too’ but you didn’t specify who loves me.”
You stared at Xaden for a good ten seconds before replying, “But if it’s coming from me, doesn’t that mean it’s me who loves you?” 
Xaden’s brows furrowed. “No, Bodhi also tells me every day he loves me. You could be talking about Bodhi for all I know. You need to specify who loves me,” he ended with a huff. 
You pursed your lips, trying to suppress a smile and nodded. “Okay, Xaden. If you say so.” 
He nodded in approval then said, “Good. Now, I love you, Y/n.” He nudged his nose against your cheek with a smile. 
You giggled. “Love you, too, Xaden,” you replied. 
His head snapped up from your neck to look at you with a stern expression. Once again, you pursed your lips to suppress a smile. 
“We just talked about this, Y/n,” Xaden said, sounding borderline annoyed. This is why you were mostly the reason Xaden didn’t seem at peace. You got a thrill out of annoying him. 
“Sorry,” you muttered, kissing his nose. “Retry?” 
Xaden looked at you with narrowed, sceptical eyes and said, “Fine. I love you, Y/n.” 
You gave Xaden a charming smile and watched that lovesick come over his features once again. You brought your hand up to stroke his cheek lovingly and looked deep into his onyx eyes. 
“Love you, too, Xaden,” you said and shoved him off, dashing to the door. 
“Hey! Get back here!” Xaden yelled, getting off the bed and coming after you. He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you into him right as you were about to open the door. 
He pulled you onto the bed, getting on top of you and pinning your legs with his. His knees went around your hips and he held your wrists by your head so you’d stop moving. 
“Say it,” he demanded. “Or else…” 
“Or else what?” you demanded, challenge in your face. 
“Or else this,” Xaden yelled before attacking your sides with tickles. 
You screamed, laughing and trying to push Xaden’s hands away but he was relentless with the torment until you gave in to what he wanted. 
“Say it,” he demanded. 
Finally when it was hard to breathe you gave in. 
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” you repeated while laughing and Xaden ceased the tickles. 
You inhaled deeply, trying to catch your breath, still smiling brightly up at Xaden. He mirrored your expression, looking at you with adoration before he gently cupped your face in his hands and leaned down to kiss you lovingly. 
He rested his forehead on yours and muttered one last time, “I love you,” to which you replied, “I love you more.”
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ervotica · 8 months
liam mairi x reader where he literally loses it during the torture chamber over seeing her hurt
pairing; liam mairi x fem!reader
warnings; torture lol, graphic depictions of violence and injury, liam is a little unhinged (as much as a golden retriever can be) and also the best bf ever. also xaddy makes an appearance <3
a/n; for argument's sake, liam is alive and well (also for my sake bc he's my baby and i adore him) this is a little different to the plot in the books as liam isn't *technically* there during the torture chamber scene, so this diverts from the original plot. this is gonna get like 4 whole notes but idgaf because liam is taking up my entire mind atm i just want that boy to smother me in love and i can kiss his perfect face<3
Knuckles crack against the already swollen expanse of your jaw and your neck whips sideways awkwardly as blood fills your gasping mouth. Your ears ring, vision beginning to blur and blacken at the edges as Liam roars.
You can't see him for the soldiers crowding your line of vision, but the guttural sound that rips its way from his throat is unlike anything you've ever heard before. It's raw, full of untethered fury that no one would expect from a kind soul like Liam. But, then again, no one's seen the lengths he will go to to keep you safe.
"I'm fine, Li," you murmur, neck cracking as you wrench your head upright to reassure him. The swarm of bodies part somewhat, and they back against the wall; you watch him thrash against the restraints, teeth bared like a predator; it's a stark juxtaposition to his usual - docile - countenance.
“Touch her again and I’ll kill you! I’ll fucking kill all of you!” he bellows, voice permeating the otherwise relatively silent chamber. It cuts through you like glass, and you wince as another blow collides with your cheekbone. You feel it shatter, growling through grit teeth at your attacker.
“You have all the power here,” he croons. “Tell us what we need to know, and I’ll let you go.”
“Fuck you,” you seethe. “You really think I’ll break that easily?”
He cracks his knuckles slowly, one by one echoing through the empty room as he paces, his head tilting curiously as though he's enraptured by your resilience. “No. But he will.”
Your nostrils flare, eyes darting to where Liam’s still struggling to break himself free. His eyes are dark, cerulean replaced with black onyx as the rage consumes him.
“You underestimate us,” you say simply; your chin juts out indignantly. “We’re not telling you shit.”
Your ribs are next to break with a sickening crunch, and when you scream, the sharp yell of your boyfriend takes up all the space left in your brain. It's all you hear, all you can decipher through the thick cotton wadded into your ears, the only thing you can manage past the searing flames that set your body alight with agony. Your lids start to droop, lips parting to croak something indiscernible; and Liam's begging, pleading with you to stay conscious, but even as you gaze up at him through sticky, tear-soaked lashes, the darkness wraps its cruel fingers around your throat and you can't fend it off.
You don't know how many days it's been when your eyes peel open, glued shut with sleep. Every nerve ending in your body ignites, set aflame with pure, unrelenting excruciation. Your chest heaves and the movement triggers another cataclysmic inferno; a sob claws its way from your throat almost involuntarily, your body relying purely on survival instincts.
Xaden's standing over you in an instant, a warm palm cradled against the curve of your jaw to keep you still when you shout and thrash, trying to rid yourself of the unyielding pain that courses through your veins like liquid fire.
"Shh, shh." He's doing his best to placate you, but you're manic, eyes wide and frantic as you attempt to orientate yourself in the room.
"Liam," you croak. "Where's Liam?"
"He's okay. He's fine. I need you to stay calm, okay?" A tear slips past your clogged waterline and runs over Xaden's knuckle, his thumb following its downward path to brush it away.
"I want Liam," you wheeze, a pain that transcends physicality blooming into your aching chest. "Please."
There's a scuffle and a flash of blonde before Liam is crouching at your side, a thick fingered hand anchoring against the top of your head.
"I'm right here, my girl. You didn't think I'd leave you alone, did you?"
You shake your head vehemently despite the throbbing in your temples, your own fingers looping around his wrist to keep him close, to keep him touching you.
"It hurts, Li," you whimper, and it's the first sign of true weakness he's seen you expose in this long, painful week. You're safe to fall apart now, safe with the knowledge that he'll help you put yourself back together.
"I know. We just need to get you fixed up and you'll feel better."
He tips forward on his toes to press his cheek to yours, and the warmth of his breath tickles at the shell of your ear. His face turns, nose squishing into the soft flesh of your cheek, lips puckered in a kiss against the corner of your mouth. You feel the scab, long dried over, and the groove in his lip where it's split; when he tilts his head sideways to watch you, your eyes fix on it.
"You're hurt," you sniffle. "It's my fault."
"Oh, this old thing?" He waves you off, flippant as the tip of his finger prods at the dried skin. "Doesn't even hurt, angel. Don't you worry about me."
"I do worry about you."
You use the little strength you have left to turn on your side, tuning out Liam's abrupt protests until there'e enough room for two on the bed. He knows what you want from no more than a pleading glance.
"I can't-" he starts, and the complaints die in his throat when your fingers dig into the worn fabric of his uniform.
"I need you," you admit. His shoulders slouch in defeat.
"You promise to go to sleep?"
He lifts your tender body, propping you against a muscular forearm as he slides beneath you, and settling you between two thick thighs, your back to his chest. His warmth seeps into your pores and he feels you sag, only succumbing to the exhaustion now you know he's safe.
Fingernails scratch at your scalp and dimples crater into the centre of his cheeks when your head tilts to nuzzle deeper into the touch. The flaring pain resides to a dull - but manageable - ache.
"I'm tired," you say, muffled.
"I know, my girl." You don't miss the thrum of his pulse, the way it picks up when he catches sight of the deep bruises that mar your skin, the swelling from broken bones. He's angry.
And he's going to make them pay for this.
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lateatnewyork · 8 months
Hii could I request a brennan story where they have been dating for a while and the reader is a kind of witch type but also very clumsy so she goes to brennan a lot for mending or they might be sitting together and he'll look over and she'll have a new bruise or scratch and he'll be like when/where did you get this ? And she's like idk with a lot of fluff
Brennan Sorrengail x witch!reader, Xaden x sister!reader (mentioned once if u squint)
Warnings: fluff, suggestive
Prompts: N/A
Summary: You come to Brennan for mending and he notices a bruise that he hadn’t seen before.
a/n i love brennan 🫶🏻
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Fucking Xaden, why did he have to go so hard in today’s lesson? I have bruises all over my body.
It’s like he purposefully went harder on me than the others. I climb up the stairs to Brennan’s room, wincing as I reach the top.
Clutching my stomach, I knock on his door. My shadows nip at the skin near my bruises trying to help me. “You’re not helping” I hiss at them.
“My love? What’s wrong?” He questions as he moves away from the door to let me in, “Fucking Xaden beat me up, I’m gonna get him good tomorrow,” I breathe out when he places me on his table.
“Before you start getting ideas to murder your brother, let me fix those,” his lips capture mine in a kiss that leaves my mind blank and my cheeks blazing.
Shadows tug on my t shirt lifting them up to reveal the bruises to Brennan, they’ve always liked him more than me.
“Darling, you have to be more careful, you come to me almost more than Violet used to go to Nolon.” Concern laces his voice as he mends the bruises.
I point to a place above my rib for him to mend and a couple more places around my stomach area.
The shadows disperse once they see Brennan getting to work on the bruises one by one. They come back to the healed skin, their soft, cold caress soothing my skin.
“All done, sweetheart,” Just as I’m about to hop off his table and get ready for bed, his hands hold me down and he pulls the t shirt up again.
“What are these bruises?” He says motioning towards the red marks on my hips. Confused, I look down to the marks he was looking at.
Seeing them, I let out a giggle, he looks up at me confused, “This is not funny love, if someone’s hurting y-”. I cut his concerns off and laugh out loud.
Looking at his bewildered expression, I try to explain without laughing “Those are the marks from last night,”.
His cheeks take on a deep shade of crimson, cupping his cheeks, I look into his eyes and whisper “You’re cute when you’re flustered you know”.
“I’m sorry” he begins to sputter out but instead I attach my lips to his.
“I like it when you mark me” I mutter out. He growls and kisses me hard. I gasp in his mouth when he picks me up by my thighs and presses my back into the wall.
My shadows pool at his feet, running up and down his thighs.
My hands run through his auburn hair, tugging and pressing at the places he likes. I smile against his lips when he groans into my mouth.
Tugging on his shirt, I whine into his mouth begging him to take it off.
“Brennan please,” I whimper.
He guides us to the bed our lips crashing into each other. His shirt comes off and my fingers deftly reach to undo his pants.
Panting he pulls away, “You’re not gonna be able to walk tomorrow,”
“Brennan, can you mend my fin-” Violet opens the door and steps into the room. Brennan and I were in a rather compromising position, him on top of me, shirtless, while my shirt had ridden up to reveal a bit of my bra.
We’re both frozen in place, but Violet is quick to shut the door and leave us alone. Just as we’re about stop resume our actions, Xaden barges into the door.
“Lieutenant Colonel Aisereigh, get off my sister, there’s a meeting you should be at” Xaden’s voice books across the room. Rolling my eyes, I get up and look over at Brennan, who has a pained expression on his face. He reaches on the floor for the t shirt we had discarded.
Stepping out the doorway, I wait for him to come out. “You’re a real hypocrite you know that,” I say to Xaden, who has his arms crossed.
“You yell at anyone who disturbs you and Violet during your me time, but then disrupt others” I start ranting, “Like honestly, I feel bad for Violet because she has to be stuck with your broody presence,”
“Your sister does have a point, you are a hypocrite,” Violet joins in.
“No wonder why dad liked me better,” I scoff.
“Well he didn’t seem to like you enough to make you the ruler of Tyrrendor,” He counters.
“Please, you only got it because your the oldest and self appointing yourself as king doesn’t count,” I argue.
“I’m the oldest by 2 minutes” Xaden looks annoyed now. Good.
“Yeah and the two minutes of peace I got while being in Mum’s stomach was probably the best time of my life.
The door opens and Brennan steps out. But neither, me or Xaden, stop glaring daggers at each other.
I smile in satisfaction when he pulls away first.
“Hurry up, Brennan,” He growls out.
Brennan buried his face into my neck, “Your brother’s going to make me have blue balls,”
“Come back soon enough, and I’ll take real good care of your balls honey”
a/n hope you liked it 💕
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shipmistress9 · 23 days
Fourth Wing Beach Day Thoughts
'Couple' shoulder ride fights! Silly. Messy. Take-no-prisoner vibe. Whoever stays on top the longest wins.
Rhi carries Tara, Bodhi carries Ridoc, Garrick carries Imogen, Liam carries Violet. Xaden watches, not that much into silly fun.
Bodoc are always the first to lose because Ridoc doesn't even try and 'falls off' at the slightest shove just to have another chance to kiss/cuddle Bodhi underwater again.
Tara and Rhi try their hardest, but they have no chance against Imrrick who always focus first on them as the most competent opponents.
Imrrick win every round.
Violet and Liam give their best, but they can’t compete with Gerrick’s strength and mass and Imogen’s determination.
Eventually, Xaden joins in after all.
Immrick taunt them, as if Xaden could make up for Violet’s smaller body and shorter arms.
Violet secretly agrees but is still determined to (try and) beat them this round.
She waits for Xaden to lift her onto his shoulders--but instead Liam suddenly yelps, rising above the water.
Xaden gives Imrrick a dark grin as everyone just gapes.
That round, Violiaden win.
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rowaelinsdaughter · 11 months
would you write some fluff about flying with Xaden??🫶
author note: thank u so much for requesting this anon!!! this is my first time writing him, so i hope you like it
𝖀𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖔𝖔𝖓 (𝖃𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗)
The rain beat on the windows incessantly, the moon blocked by the clouds and your boyfriend's arms around your waist.
With most of the students and teachers asleep, it hadn't been difficult to go to his room after weeks without having time for both of you. But you noticed that something was missing. No matter how comfortable you were, you were restless and Xaden noticed that.
“There's something wrong with you, right?”
“Mmm, no…”
“Mmm, liar. I know you angel and I know when you are restless or want something. "You don't stop moving your fingers and looking at me with puppy eyes."
You hide your hands in the sheets and turn so he can't see you. You hear his deep laugh behind you and his arms pull you closer to his toned body. His hands slip under your shirt (one of the many you had stolen from him) and he caresses your abdomen slowly.
You sigh and tell him what you've been longing for for a while.
“I want to fly” You turn in his arms to see his face.
Xaden raises his eyebrows. “Now?”
“Yes, now. You know it's my favorite weather and I've thought about what it would be like to fly in the rain, plus it doesn't rain that much either.” You hug him by the shoulders and caress the back of his neck. “Come on, Xaden, do it for me.”
His eyes connect with yours, giving you one of his smiles that you loved so much, revealing a dimple. He kisses you quickly. “I must love you too much”
"And you do it"
"Of course"
Sgaeyl and Aisha were waiting for you, having heard your conversation. You notice a smile on your white frame, you roll your eyes and stick your tongue out at him.
It's not my fault
Yeah, yeah…
You sit in the saddle, careful not to slip in the light rain, and look at Xaden with a euphoric smile.
“I was born prepared, angel.”
And so, your dragons begin to fly away from Riders Quadrant. 
Once away from the quadrant, you close your eyes letting the rain run over your features and a scream of pure happiness and euphoria leaves your lips, followed by a laugh.
You lie on Aisha's back and notice how the rain begins to calm down until it stops falling. 
You open your eyes and look to your right, finding a smiling Xaden, all to see you happy. You smile back followed by an I love you.
You caress your dragon and then say to it: Do you want to see the moon, Aisha?
Of course, Y/n.
Aisha starts flying towards the clouds and Xaden follows you blindly, like the first day you met. And then you see it in all its splendor. That night the moon was full and illuminated the world with its silvery glow. Xaden comes close enough to touch you and takes you under the shoulders and sits you down in front of him.
A shiver runs down your spine when you feel his lips on your ear.
"I love you, you know?. From the first day we met. And I fell more in love when you knocked me down the day we trained” His hands caress your waist “At that moment I thought you were the one, that you were for me and you are, angel. You are mine and I am yours.”
You didn't know when you had started crying, until you noticed the tears on your neck.
“So, I want to ask you something that I have been wanting to tell you for a long time, but I couldn't find the right moment, and today, when I saw you this happy, I thought it was the perfect moment.” With a movement he turns you to face you and being able to look into your eyes “Y/n, my sweet angel, will you marry me?”
You start to cry harder, you grab Xaden's cheeks and bring him closer to your lips, noticing how his hands tighten on your waist. “Of course you do, Xaden” And with those last words, you kiss him.
You had thought that night was magical, but Xaden had made it the best night of your life.
𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒅 ©𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒂𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒅𝒂𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒆𝒓. 𝒅𝒐 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒑𝒚 / 𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒍 𝒎𝒚 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌. 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒑𝒚 𝒎𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆.
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siobhanbooks · 5 months
Should I be revising for the incredibly important exams happening next month? Yes.
Am I writing Riorgail fluff instead? Also, yes.
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writergirl35 · 10 months
Whatever You Want Part 1
Liam Mairi X Female Reader
I found the lack of Liam Mairi content on this platform disturbing so I made one myself.
Summary: You and Liam have a friends with benefits thing going. But will your fear or falling for him split you up?
Warning(s): Illusions to smut, minor angst, female reader, use of y/n, y/l/n
You awoke to the rhythmic thumping of his heart, the warm skin beneath your cheek. Soft. Steady. Comforting. You inhale, allowing his scent to wash over you, and wrap you in complete serenity. The fresh, sharp, slightly minty smell of pine engulfs you. You smirk as you shift your gaze over to the carving Liam made of your green scorpiontail, Sorcha. He smells like the wood he uses to carve his figures. He smells like safety, like home. Liam shifts slightly, pulling you closer to him. You chuckle as he presses his lips to the exposed skin of your neck. “Morning gorgeous.” He mumbles against you, causing you to shiver with delight and anticipation. “Morning,” you reply as you angle your lips to meet his in a sweet and gentle kiss. Liam pulls away with a grin. “I guess our first sleepover was a success.” He teases, as he begins to trail kisses down your neck. You smile before you reply, lacing your fingers through his blond hair. Like silk. “I’d say so.” Liam’s kisses begin to travel lower, across your collarbone, between your breasts. “Round…” Liam quirks a suggestive eyebrow. ‘What would it be? 5? Or 6?” He grins as his blue eyes meet yours with an intensity that simultaneously heats you while goosebumps erupt across your body. You and Liam have been sleeping together for a few weeks now. It started simple enough. You were attracted to each other, and in the rider’s quadrant, you never know which day will be your last. After surviving Threshing and bonding with your dragons you and Liam chose to celebrate…with each other. You began to celebrate more and more. Your nights together began to blur into the day. Eating together, sparring together, studying together. Spending time with Liam was slowly becoming one of the best parts of your day. And your friends have noticed. Between the dirty jokes from Ridoc and the endless questions from Violet and Rhiannon, you and Liam constantly have to explain your relationship. “No, it’s not like that. We’re just sleeping together.” has been a sentence that you’ve repeated so many times. And now he’s here. In your bedroom. You’ve never spent the night in each other’s rooms. You both agreed that it was too intimate. But after last night’s… activities, he was too tired and too comfortable to even think about leaving your bed. Leaving you. “I wish.” you groan, caressing his cheek, enjoying the way his skin colored beneath your touch. “We have to get to breakfast before anyone notices we’re missing.” Liam huffs as he rolls away from you. Oh Gods. The blanket that kept you both warm last night is draped across his hips, exposing every delicious inch of his toned, muscular chest. Liam leans against the pillows, stretching his arms up and over his head before interlocking his fingers and resting his head back against them. The muscles in his abdomen tighten and flex. “That is not fair.” You groan as you pull a shirt over your head. “What?” He asks, a mischievous grin pulling at his lips. “I really hate you Liam Mairi,” you reply as you toss his shirt to him. You tug your pants up. Acutely aware of Liam’s eyes on you. Tracking your movements. “No, you don’t.” Liam’s grin turns into a genuine smile. Everything in you is telling you to give in. Allow yourself to be lost in him. Consumed in him. Like you were last night. No. You shake the thought away. You will not allow yourself to fall for him. To fall for him, and lose him… you couldn’t bear it. “Liam,” you turn to him as he gets dressed. “You have to go.” Liam’s brow furrows in confusion. “Before our friends see us together.” You clarify as you finish weaving the strands of your hair into a French braid.
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korrinamoe · 2 months
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Fluffy, smutty Riorgail fic for @sliebman10 for the 2024 @rq-gift-exchange!
After Violet asked him to share a secret with her, Xaden flies with her to one of his secret spots. A place no one else knows about.
Away from the chaos of everything, they finally get a moment that's truly their own. Xaden shares two secrets with Violet.
Here's a little excerpt:
And now it’s just the two of them. “Remember how I told you I’d give you answers if you asked the right questions?” Xaden asks. “You asked me to show you a secret, so I’m showing you two.” Violet scoffs. “That answers my question without answering my question. I thought you were going to show me some secret plans you’ve figured out with the others.” “This spot is the first secret,” Xaden says as he wraps his arms around Violet’s waist from behind. He tucks his chin on her shoulder and kisses the bottom of her neck. “My father used to bring me here to read, practice sparring, train harder, or whenever he felt like we just needed a break from everything going on in the world.”
Thank you to overjoyedisland and @yanny-77 for being my betas.
Read the fic here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57812662
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yanny-77 · 4 months
Are We There Yet?
An Empyrean Drabble featuring Xaden driving the Iron Squad to the beach. He has many regrets. Mainly that Ridoc's annoying as fuck and Violet makes him way too horny for him to be comfortable trapped in the car with her best friends.
Pour one out for Sawyer's pants. Sorry for what I had to do to you, man.
Read the drabble after the break or on AO3.
“Are we there yet?” Xaden groans. This is the third time Ridoc's asked in the last five minutes. Why did his girlfriend have to get saddled with the most annoying squad in the quadrant? Couldn't she have been matched with someone cool? Someone like Bodhi or Garrick. “Not yet, Ridoc,” Violet says, endlessly patient. It’s one of the many reasons Xaden loves her. “How much longer?” Her friend whines. “About two minutes less than the last time you asked,” Xaden grumbles. “What was that, Riorson?”  Xaden glances in the rearview mirror to see Rhiannon Matthias smirking up at him from the back seat where she sits wedged between Ridoc Gamlyn and Sawyer Henrrick. Xaden’s hands tighten on the steering wheel. His white-knuckled grip is the only thing keeping him from throwing one of these assholes out a window.  “I said it’s a nice day for the beach.” “Uh-huh.” Xaden tears his eyes away from the back seat. Because Garrick and Xaden are the only ones with cars, and because Xaden is dating Violet, he’s stuck driving the children instead of riding with his friends.  It’s a tight squeeze in his Sedan, a sleek dark blue Audi. The trunk is filled with their overnight back and floaties, which means that their beach bags are in the back seat. The cooler with their drinks and sandwiches is balanced on Sawyer’s lap.  The man’s legs keep jiggling up and down, jostling the ice and sloshing the water. “I’m not the only one who’s bored. Sawyer’s all jittery.” Ridoc presses his face against the window. “I know! Let’s play a game.” A groan comes from the other side of the back seat. “Guys, I really have to pee.” “I spy with my little eye something silver,” Ridoc says, ignoring Sawyer’s announcement. “Can you hold it?” Violet asks. Xaden chances a glance at her, taking his eyes off the road. She’s turned around, looking at Sawyer in the backseat with concern. A car changes lanes and Xaden has to swerve to avoid it. “Fuck,” Sawyer whimpers as he squirms in an attempt to get comfortable. “Be careful, Xaden,” Violet scolds. “You need to keep your eyes on the road.” “It’s in this car,” Ridoc hints. “Shut up, Ridoc,” Rhiannon says. “No one cares what you spy.” “We’re only forty-five minutes away,” Xaden says, irritation lacing his words. “You can hold it.” “I can’t. I’m about to burst.” “Can you just try, Sawyer?” Violet asks placatingly. She places her hand on Xaden’s thigh, rubbing gently to calm him down. Unfortunately, her touch excites another part of his body. A part that she’s getting dangerously close to. He’s going to have to immediately whisk her away to a secluded area when they get to the beach. Or a public changing room, whichever is closer. “Then Ridoc has to take the cooler.” Sawyer shifts frantically, trying to slide the cooler across Rhiannon’s lap and onto Ridoc’s, but then they hit a bump and he starts to panic. “It’s pressing on my bladder.” “Seriously, guys?” Ridoc’s voice is incredulous as he looks around the car. “No one has a guess for something silver.” “It’s Violet’s fucking hair!” Xaden shouts. “It’s obviously her hair. What the fuck else would it be?” Gods, Ridoc was so fucking annoying. Xaden could strangle him. “Jeez, you don’t have to be so mean about it.” Ridoc goes back to looking out his window. “I’ll think of a harder one this time.” “Please don’t,” Xaden and Sawyer groan simultaneously. Ridoc kicks Xaden’s seat in response. “How about we play the silent game instead,” Violet suggests. “This is so entertaining,” Rhiannon cackles. “I’m so glad you invited us to tag along, Xaden.” There’s a high-pitched sob from the back right, and Xaden looks up to see Sawyer’s face turning red. A look of horror spreads across the man’s features. “Pull over. Right now.”
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
Can’t Sleep
Xaden Riorson x Reader
A/n: I love writing soft Xaden
Warnings: none
The hall of the Third Year dorms were silent and dim. Given that it was almost 3 am you were grateful the hallway was empty. You couldn’t sleep. You had been tossing and turning for hours and just couldn’t get comfortable.
That’s why you were heading to Xaden’s room. You didn’t know what you were exactly. You had yet to put a label on your so-called relationship. But you didn’t care at the moment. You wanted to sleep and Xaden.
His shadows helped soothe you when you couldn’t sleep, not to mention you loved the way he held you. Xaden looked tough, but when it came time to sleep he was a cuddly teddy bear. You loved how gentle he was with you, how he held you close to his chiseled chest while you slept. If you ever told anyone that he would kill you.
Approaching his door you had second thoughts. You shouldn’t wake him up just because you couldn’t sleep, that was selfish. Before you could change your mind you felt shadows wrap around your ankle. You looked down just in time to see the shadows slip beneath the door back to their master.
The door opens to a shirtless Xaden. Gods there were no words to describe how beautiful he is. His abs always made you stutter whenever you saw them, you could never focus on anything else. You opened your mouth to say something but were interrupted by a yawn that had your eyes watering. Xaden gave you a tired smile and wordlessly stepped aside, letting you enter his room.
You padded over to his bed, tucking yourself under the black sheets. Xaden follows you, laying on his side so you’re almost nose to nose. “What’s wrong sweetheart?” His voice is laced with sleep, that sound was intoxicating. “I can’t sleep. I’ve tried everything else so I thought I’d come here.”
He nods, reaching his arms out around you, pulling you to lay on his chest. His shadows swirl around your back in a cool, soothing pattern. “I know what it’s like not being able to sleep. Of course I didn’t have you then, but we have each other now. And if this is what you need I’m here for you.” You cling to Xaden, finally resting your eyes. “Thank you.” He hums, “Try and get some rest ok.”
After a few minutes sleep started taking over your body. Your eyelids were heavy and you finally gave in. Xaden peaked down at you, on the verge of falling asleep himself. You swear you felt him kiss your head and before he laid down you swear you heard him say, “I love you, y/n.”
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riddlesb1tch · 1 year
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I do take requests but there’s no guarantee that I will write it :)
all dividers here and on my posts are by the incredibly talented @cafekitsune
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fluff: 🌹
angst: 🖤
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A Court of Thorns and Roses
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🌹 Hold me tight 🖤
🌹 Nasty bat 🌹
🌹 Guardian Angel 🌹
🌹 Opposites attract 🌹 (part 1)
🌹 Menace 🌹
🌹 Pretty Boy 🌹
🖤 All in Your Head 🖤
🌹 Drama queen 🌹
🖤 Nature's A Bitch 🖤
🌹 Loved You First 🖤
🌹 Morning Person 🌹
🌹 I Love You More Than I Love You 🌹
🌹 The Perfect Date 🌹
🌹 Under the Stars 🌹
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🌹 Morning kisses 🌹
🌹 Scarred stars 🌹
🌹 Being Mated to Cassian 🌹
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🌹 Never alone 🖤
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🌹 Bad Day 🖤
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Fourth Wing
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Xaden Riorson:
🌹 Strawberry Lips 🌹
🌹 ‘I’ is Important 🌹
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Liam Mairi:
🌹 Carved In Love 🌹
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Harry Potter
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Mattheo Riddle:
🌹 Headcannons: Mattheo x introverted reader🌹
🌹 My Girl 🌹
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ervotica · 8 months
𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢
liam loses it when you’re tortured (and comforts you after)
liam who survived
you make liam a wood carving
invisible string — smut, 18+, 2.6k words
liam cuddles you in the mornings... and smuggles you breakfast pastries
𝐱𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧
coming soon…
𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐜 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐥𝐲𝐧
coming soon…
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audra-0-0 · 1 month
˚ ༘ ೀ Welcome here!!
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{ Hi!! You can call me Odette. Just a delusional teenage girl. I’m half French, half Slovak so English isn’t my first language ✧˖° }
{ Feel free to dm me at any time if you need to went or just talk, this is a safe place. And request are open and really welcomed!! }
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Useful info
{ Basically here there are all the fandom and characters I write about but you can request more characters in the fandom mentioned earlier those are just my personal favourites }
{ Fandoms } : F1 ; Fourth Wing ; The Cruel Prince ; Marauders ; HP ; MCU ; Spiderverse ; AGGTM ; Bridgerton ; PJO ; Gilmore Girls ; Avatar
{ Husbands } : Liam (Fourth wing) ; Bronnan (Fourth wing) ; Xaden ; Jess Mariano ; Dain Greenbriar ; Max (F1) ; Luke Castellan ; Cardan Greenbriar ; Anthony Bridgerton ; Benedict Bridgerton ; Neteyam (Avatar) ; Remus Lupin ; James Potter ; Miles Morales heart 42 ; Hobbie Brown
{ Wifeys } : Rhiannon (Fourth wing) ; Imogen (Fourth wing) ; Jude Duarte ; Lily Evans ; Marlene ; Dorcas ; Mrs Zabini ; Daphne Greengrass ; Ginny Weasley ; Natasha Romanoff ; Heloïse Bridgerton ; Francesca Bridgerton ; Clarisse Larue
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My current pookies : … Liam Mairi, Max 33, Paul Aron
What I currently prefer to write abt : … Fourth Wing, F1, F2
What song I am currently listening : … In Between - Gracie Abrams 
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shipmistress9 · 2 months
Made to Order - 7 - Finale
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Here it is, the final chapter! Or is it? No, no, no, yes, it's the final chapter. This is where and how I wanted this story to end. (The epilogue and additional scenes are another thing.)😊 And after some insecurities, I'm now really happy with how it turned out, as well. So, I hope you'll enjoy it. 🥰
Previous Chapter
. o O o .
I’m not quite sure whether to kiss or to strangle Liam.
During one of her latest visits, he invited Violet to come and sit with him at the work table in the bakery—in my seat—instead of the sitting area in the front room. Because he had work to do and that way, they could still chat comfortably. Or that’s the excuse he used when we both know he’s just trying to make my life even harder.
The worst thing, however, is that the stupid part of my brain quite enjoys having her here. It feels good to have her around as more than just a customer, maybe even as a friend. It feels right.
But that’s also the problem. I shouldn’t get used to her this way. Instead, I should reinforce the boundaries between us, so something like the incident, as I’m calling it in my mind, won’t ever happen again. I should wean myself off her company so it won’t be as bad once she’s not a part of my life anymore.
But I’m far too fucking greedy when it comes to her. I might be strong enough to keep my distance, physically that is, always finding something to do when she’s here instead of getting too close again. But I’m certainly not strong enough to do what I should—tell her that her being back here isn’t appropriate, or that she shouldn’t come over every other day at all. Fuck, I’m not even strong enough to keep my eyes off her whenever she’s distracted.
She’s like the sun, bringing warmth and light into my life. And once she’s gone, it’ll be dark and cold, even though I know getting any closer to her will be my ruin.
. o O o .
“I don’t know how you do this,” she complains as yet another ‘petal’ tears. After Liam showed her the basics, she’s now practising making a simple flower from petal paste, just for the fun of it. But… she’s even worse at it than I was in the beginning. “I’m doing exactly the same as you.”
Liam chuckles and shakes his head. “You’re copying my motions well enough. Good observance, by the way. But it’s about more than just that. You need to apply the right amount of pressure with the ball tool to thin the edges and get these waves into them. And even more importantly, you need to work quicker. You’re too hesitant and by the time you’ve picked the right spot and angle, the paste is already too dry and hard. Less thinking, more action.”
Violet huffs and tries it again. And even though I’m in the process of measuring flour, I can’t tear my eyes away from her. The look of concentration on her face is just too cute, with that tiny line between her eyes and the way her tongue peeks out between her lips. Adorable.
Without a warning or any provocation, her eyes flicker up to meet mine, and I hastily turn away, cursing as I spill flour all over the counter in the process.
“Everything okay over there?” Liam asks, and I feel like punching him straight in the face for the fake innocence in his voice. “Not like you to be so clumsy.”
“Oh, fuck off,” I mutter, my cheeks heating up as I turn my focus back to the sponge mixture I need to prepare for the next cake. Honestly, how much of a fool can I make of myself? The answer is apparently ‘Yes!’.
This is why I still think throttling Liam for inviting her is the better option. As if I need more opportunities to fuck up. As if it’s not difficult enough already to keep my distance. Impossible, actually…
It only takes a couple of minutes, all of us working in comfortable silence, before I already can’t keep myself in check anymore again. Covertly I steal a glance over my shoulder at her, knowing just how much I’m risking here. If she looks up again as well, it won’t be long before she catches up on what’s going on. And I can’t let that happen, can’t ruin everything. Thankfully though, she doesn’t look up this time.
But I could swear I see the corners of her mouth tilt up into the tiniest of smiles.
. o O o .
“Here you go.” I place Violet’s usual cup of hot chocolate in front of her where she’s sitting at the work table, just like she did every time she came here for the last two weeks.
“Thank you.” Her voice is low, only little over a whisper, her eyes not meeting mine.
I nod, a little flustered, and immediately step back, getting some distance between us again. Generally, I avoid interacting with her directly since that seems to be the only way I can hold up the mandatory distance between us. But until now, Liam had always been here when she came over, providing some neutral ground between us.
Today, he is not here, though, and the awkwardness between us is so thick you could cut it with a butter knife. And I hate it.
“I... uhm… I have some macarons left from the weekend.” I don’t look her in the eyes, not directly, instead focus on the tip of her nose. I fear what I might do if our gazes meet. “They weren’t regular enough to make it onto the cake as decoration. Liam and I have already decimated them a bit, but you can have some, too?” It’s not a lie, not really. I did make a heap of macarons for the cake last weekend. It’s just that they requested vanilla and chocolate as fillings, and the ones with the raspberry mascarpone filling that are left now are the uneven cup filled with the additional filling I made specifically for her. Just like I’ve had some treat ready for her every time she was here during these last two weeks.
“Yeah, sure, why not?” Her lips twitch into a knowing little smile and I quickly look away. She’s so damn pretty…
I get the plate I prepared for her in advance, and when she thanks me when I place it in front of her onto the table, I merely nod.
“Mmhh, these are delicious,” she hums, her eyes fluttering shut. “I never knew macarons could be like this; they’re all but melting in my mouth. Amazing.”
“Glad you like them,” I murmur, quickly turning back to face the counter, even though my mind is too occupied to work just yet. Not just by how she sounded or looked though, even though that’s certainly distracting enough. But also… the incident aside, I vividly remember how I was looking forward to spoiling her with more pastries that day. And I just… I just hate how this, too, is something I can barely enjoy now.
I return to my work. Measuring, filling forms, passing stuff through a sieve, mixing ingredients. It’s the same as always, and I’m used to working in silence by myself. But today, with Violet sitting in the back of the room and quietly reading a book, it feels different. Awkward and uncomfortable. And I could swear I haven’t heard her turn a single page during the last ten minutes.
“So,” I begin, trying to come up with something—anything—to break this weird silence between us. “How are the preparations for the wedding going? Everything working out?” It’s already next week, I remember, feeling cold all of a sudden. My time with her is almost up.
Violet shifts in her seat, startled, and puts her book aside. “Uh, yeah! Yeah, it’s all set and prepared. I mean, I only know for sure about the parts I organise—” She gestures at the bakery around her and at a folder peeking out of her purse. “—but there’s no way everything isn’t perfect.” She snorts a short laugh. “Dain set up an entire team to organise everything, after all. Everyone had their own assigned tasks to organise and report back to him.”
“Well, that’s one way to do it, I guess. Sounds sensible, though.” I reply, just to not fall into another silence. I glance at her and catch her rolling her eyes a little.
This explains why she’s having so much free time to spend here, at least. But even though I don’t know what other tasks she might have had, isn’t it a bit… downgrading for her to apparently mostly being responsible for only the wedding cake? Not that I’d ever say out loud that a wedding cake isn’t important, but… I’m also a realist. When it comes to a wedding, there are other far more important things she should be involved in. Like all of them.
“Yeah, sensible is probably the perfect word to describe Dain,” Violet chuckles, running her finger along the top of her mug.
Something inside me cracks at hearing his name on her lips in that fond tone. Which is entirely inappropriate. But, fuck, I don’t know what to do, how to feel. I want her to be happy. I also want to be the one who makes her happy, but that won’t happen. I really should get over these feelings, they can’t lead anywhere.
“I bet you’re looking forward to when the big day has arrived.” I don’t even know why I’m saying this. Probably just to keep her talking. It’s not like I truly want to hear her answer to this. Not like some locked-away part of me wants to hear how much she doesn’t want it…
“Oh, by Dunne, yes!” Violet sighs, slumping against the back of her seat. “Honestly, I can’t wait for the wedding, for all this chaos to be over and settled.” She pauses before adding in a slightly more quiet voice, “Everything will be so much easier afterwards.”
I glance at her, can’t help it, but wish I hadn’t when I see that soft smile and the dust of pink on her face. Amari, what am I doing here…
“That’s… that’s good,” I mutter and turn back to getting my work done. I lose all interest in talking more, welcoming even the awkward silence.
When the time for her to leave comes, she helps me clean the work table, handing me the dirty dishes, and I nearly flinch away when our fingers get too close. I can’t do this anymore, not like this. This weird tension between her and me, it’s like torture. I miss the easiness from a few weeks ago, the lightness of our interactions. I miss—
A thought crosses my mind, an epiphany, and it’s all I can do to keep from gasping out loud as she walks past me to leave the bakery.
She pauses, giving me an inquisitive look. “Everything okay?”
I just stare at her, my defences momentarily not working. She… she’s… I’m…
Blinking, I shake myself up. “Um, yeah.” I clear my throat, tearing my eyes away from her. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Okay.” I can hear the smile in her voice but don’t dare look up. “See you in two days then?”
“Yeah. Two days.” In two days, Liam will be here again. Which is good. I can’t be alone with her again.
She makes another little noise, apparently waiting for something, but then thankfully turns and leaves. Once I hear the front door fall shut behind her, I all but tumble to the table and slump onto the bench opposite of where she sat, Liam’s usual spot.
I’m so fucked!
In the safety of the empty shop, I let myself examine my thoughts, my feelings. I want her, that isn’t new. I’m intrigued by her, attracted to her. I like her. But in that moment just now, there was something else as well. I missed her. Even though she was standing right in front of me, I missed her. Missed how effortless and natural our interactions used to be. It’s not just her looks. It’s not just her pretty smile, or her gorgeous hair, her laughter that I can’t get enough of. And it’s not just those alluring curves beneath her clothes that I won’t even let myself think about. It’s her. I miss her, miss being with her. Because… because…
I love her.
. o O o .
“Okay, this box was the last one for this cake,” I say as I check my list against the boxes and containers already on the counter in front of us. Liam and I are at a fancy restaurant we’ve delivered to before, at the staff entranced to be precise, with our van waiting outside. Just another normal day where countless weddings happen. “You got this, right? So I can drive to… the other wedding?” I hope Liam didn’t notice my short hesitation, but of course I don’t have such luck. Well, I didn’t expect this to be my lucky day, anyway.
He gives me that look, one eyebrow raised and his lips pressed into a tight line. “Are you sure you want to do this? Go there? I can do it too, if… if it’s too much?”
Letting out a sigh, I press my eyes shut for a moment. Because accepting his offer is far too tempting. No, I don’t want to go to Violet’s wedding. I don’t want to see the venue, the rooms, the guests, don’t want it to be real.
And Liam knows that. I didn’t have the strength to talk to him about my epiphany, but he’s far too observant to not have noticed my even gloomier mood, especially over these last few days. But it doesn’t matter what I feel. Or what he thinks I should do.
“I have to go,” I murmur. “I owe her that much, at least. And… and I think I need this, too. A clean finish.”
Liam’s face tightens even more. “I still think you should te—”
“Don’t!” I interrupt him. “Just… don’t, okay? Don’t go there with me, not today.” Because if he says one more time that I should tell her how I feel, I might do it after all. Because all the reasons why telling her would be bad feel insignificant when faced with the truth that I’ll lose her today. Which is already wrong in itself; I never had her in the first place.
Sighing, Liam shakes his head. He opens his mouth but then seems to think again and just grasps my shoulder as a form of comfort and support before carrying the first boxes to where he is to assemble the wedding cake.
And what is there to say, anyways?
As I drive to the location of Violet’s wedding, I feel more and more hollow inside, and I wish I could… could just not. But turning around and driving away, pretending it isn’t happening, won’t change anything.
When I reach the venue of her wedding, I snort humourlessly. I’ve never been to the big town hall before, but overflowing with flower arrangements and balloons in various shades of orange, it’s even more pompous than I expected. Perfect for this wedding, I guess, but horrible for Violet.
I find the staff entrance without any problems, which apparently also serves as the main entrance when just a smaller segment of the town hall got booked. Or as a bar, it seems. The wall behind the counter is covered by mirrors and shelves with various hard liquors and colourful glasses, flyers with drink menus lying on top of the counter. I recognise the familiar orange colour palette, and quickly look away.
Next to the counter, a woman around my age with her half buzz cut dyed a bright pink greets me as I get closer. She looks me over and then nods. “You must be the baker. I’m Imogen,” she introduces herself as I nod. “I’m the head of the staff around here.”
“I’m Xaden,” I reply, a little perplexed. Usually, my work doesn’t go along with introductions.
“Xaden,” she nods. “Guess we’ll be seeing you more often around here from now on. That is, as long as your cake doesn’t suck, of course.” She smirks.
I blink. “I beg your pardon?” Why would my cake suck? And why would I come here more often?
Her smirk grows as she sees my bewilderment. “This is the wedding of the year, if not the decade. If they like your cake, you can be sure you’ll get hired more often for events of this size in the future. So I hope for your sake you don’t blow it.”
As if I need any more pressure today.
Imogen beckons me to follow her and shows me where I can assemble and store the cake until it’s needed. It’s a relatively large room with enough space to work and an adjacent cool storage room, but also with a comfortable sitting area at the far back of the room. Probably for the staff to take breaks in between.
“You can work here. Let me know once you’re done so I can lock the room again.”
She points at a door at the end of the corridor and I nod. “I’ll do that.”
She leaves me, and I make my way back to the entrance room. It’s just a normal job, I remind myself. Normal procedure, just like always.
Except that, as I return to the van to get the cake and decorations, Violet is already waiting for me.
I stop in my tracks, just staring at her. She hasn’t seen me yet, which is good because I must look entirely like the fool I am.
The first thing my mind registers after once again being thrown off by her sheer presence is that she’s not wearing anything I would have called a wedding gown. Instead, she wears a frilly dress in some creme colour that deepens into a bright orange where it reaches just past her knees in some asymmetrical cut. And it’s not that she doesn’t look gorgeous, especially with her hair made up into a braided crown, bringing out the silver tips and making them even more stunning. But… this colour doesn’t look good on her. It makes her look pale and washed out. Such a weird choice.
Before I can contemplate her clothes any more though, she turns and spots me. And the radiant smile that spreads across her face is just fucking devastating. It’s not fair. Yes, it’s her wedding day and she’s been looking forward to it for her entire life. I know that. But why does she have to be so happy about seeing me? It’s not making keeping myself from blurting out what I feel for her any easier.
“Hey,” she greets me as soon as I’m close enough. “There you are. I’ve been waiting for you.”
“Yeah, here I am. Good in time.”
She’s been waiting for me? Why? Usually, I just assemble the cake and then let the staff of the venue take over. Sometimes, the customer wants to take a look at the cake before I leave, but that’s about it. None ever waited before.
“Is anything up? Any last changes you want to make?” She saw the finished stand only yesterday and was happy with it then.
But Violet shakes her head. “Oh, no. No changes. I just thought… Maybe I could help you in some way? Help carry everything into the kitchen, or something?”
Despite myself, I huff a small laugh and shake my head. “Thanks for the offer. But to be honest, I’d rather not risk you stumbling when carrying them on those shoes, and…” I trail off as my eyes wander down her legs and spot the simple flat ballerinas she’s wearing.
“I think I’ll manage,” she chuckles as she sees my confused look. “These are just for getting the last organisations done. I’ll switch into something else for the party later.”
That explains the dress then, I guess. Something more practical to get around. And maybe not ruining the grand moment when everyone sees her in her gown for the first time.
I take a deep breath and let it out in a slow exhale. Fuck, I want to see her in that dress. Want her to wear it for me. But all these wishes are nothing but pipe dreams. All I have left is this half hour it’ll take me to assemble and set up her cake. And even though it’s most assuredly a very very bad idea, I just can’t get myself to push her away. Not now.
“Alright.” I beckon her to follow me to the van. “You can carry some of the containers with the additional flowers while I take the stand.”
As we assemble and put on the final decorating onto the cake according to the sketch Liam prepared, being around Violet is easy again for the first time in weeks. Probably because I gave up on keeping my distance. I just can’t do it any longer, and the thought of telling her about my feelings flickers up again more than once. I keep telling myself that it wouldn’t be fair to tell her now, when everything for her wedding is already rolling. And this is what she wants, after all. It’s what makes her happy. No matter what else I might want, this is the most important point. That she’s happy.
I dread finishing the cake. It’ll mean that I have to leave to probably never see her again. But at some point, I can’t drag it out any longer.
“There, that should be it,” I say as I take a step back and examine the entire decoration for one last time. “Are you happy? With how it turned out?”
Violet walks around it, slowly examining the five layers and the river of blossoms cascading down and around it in a soft arc, and nods. “It’s perfect. You really did a fantastic job here.”
“I aim to please,” I say, throwing in something of a mock bow, and my heart sings as she laughs.
I should leave now. Before I do something stupid.
I turn to gather up the empty containers and boxes, and without a moment of hesitation, Violet is by my side and helps. Like it’s the most natural thing to do.
I swallow. I should tell her. I want to tell her. Maybe nothing will happen. Maybe she’ll just smile and apologise and tell me it’s sweet but she doesn’t return my feelings. It would hurt like hell, but it would be better than living forever with the thought of what could have been.
I let Imogen know that I’m done, then we load the boxes into the van while my thoughts battle inside me. My feelings, her feelings, the reputation I built, and Liam’s and my financial security. It all whirls around my mind like a kaleidoscope, not making any sense anymore. In the end, all that matters is her happiness, but…
I really think that I could make her happy, too.
I’m warring with myself, whether to linger and maybe tell her after all, all consequences be damned, or to leave before I can make a mistake. But before I can decide, Violet beats me to it.
“Okay, so,” she begins as I close the van’s rear doors. “There’s something… I forgot it inside. Could you… uhm… come so I can give it to you?”
Is she… nervous? It almost seems like it, especially with that faint blush on her cheeks. How weird. I should leave, right away, but… I’m intrigued and staying for just a little longer is too tempting to resist.
“Sure.” I even smile at her. “I have no other appointments today, so I’m in no rush.”
She answers my smile with one of her own, so radiant that I forget to breathe for a moment. “Perfect.” She turns and I follow. And my resistance grows weaker with every second.
She aims for her purse which is lying on the counter in the entrance area, but before she reaches it, a door on the other end or the room opens and a man pokes in his head.
“Ah, there you are, Violet. I’ve been looking for you everywhere. What are you doing back here?”
He walks over toward us and I get a moment to take in his appearance. Tall and built with the precise movements of a soldier, his brown hair is cropped short, his gaze unwavering. He’s wearing a clearly expensive suit in the same cream colour as Violet’s dress with a matching tie and pocket square flowers with an orange rose as their centerpiece. And somehow, I know exactly who he is.
The hair on my back rises, but I make sure not to let anything show. Even though I’d like nothing more than to—
“What is it, Dain?” Violet asks, growing a little more tense somehow. “I’ve been busy with some last preparations.”
Busy? She didn’t have to help me. Or… was she hiding from him?
Dain cocks his head. “Some last prepera—? Oh!” His attention shifts toward me. “You must be the baker then. Is everything okay with the cake?”
“Xaden Riorson,” I nod, accepting his outstretched hand—and maybe squeeze it a little tighter than I usually would. “And yes, the cake is ready.”
“Good, good.” He looks back at Violet and I’m pretty sure he already forgot I even existed. “The first guests are arriving already, my parents and your mum among them. We should all be ready to greet them.”
Violet sighs and rolls her eyes where her Dain can’t see it. “Sure!” she says with what’s clearly a forced smile. “I’ll be there in a minute. Just need to… settle something here.”
Dain nods and squeezes her shoulder. “Don’t be too late or you’ll miss them.”
He leaves, and I stare after him with strange emotions simmering inside me. How dare he? How dare he treat her like… like that? She’s still working to get all preparations done while he just flutters about and greeting guests? And he would greet their parents even without her?
“I’m sorry,” Violet sighs once the door closes behind him. “He’s… well, he’s Dain, I guess.” Her shoulders slump and she shakes her head, the fake smile fading from her lips. “I should probably hurry.”
And I should tell her. What I feel. My heartbeat accelerates as does my breathing. I can accept her marrying someone else when it is what she wants, what makes her happy. But this Dain? He clearly is not making her happy. I can’t let this happen, can’t let her be miserable just for the sake of keeping some stupid childhood promise. Not when she deserves so much better.
“Violet, I—” I say, ready to confess—to hell with the consequences—when she suddenly holds a piece of paper towards me.
Momentarily caught off guard, I take it, my muddled mind not understanding what it is. “What…?”
“It’s a cheque,” Violet explains, again with that hint of pink on her cheeks. “I know it’s rather old-fashioned, but… well, it’s your payment.”
I frown, perplexed. “You... could have just stopped by some day later and paid then,” I mutter as I accept the cheque and stow it away mechanically. Or they could have just transferred the remaining sum, just like they did with the down payment.
Violet blushes even more. “I know but… I wanted to have it settled today.”
I nod. It’s maybe better this way.
“So, now that all business between us is over with—” She wrings her hands nervously, a hopeful smile on her face as she looks at me. “I wanted to ask you… Will you be my plus one?”
I freeze. She can’t mean that. She can’t mean that, dammit.
“Wouldn’t that look a bit weird?” I mutter, averting my eyes.
Violet chuckles, nervously brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “Well, yeah. It would look a bit weird like this. But… there’s enough time for you to drive back and change into something more suitable. Do you own a suit? I… I could probably organise one if you don’t. Just need to make a few phone calls, and…”
I just stare at her as she babbles on. This… she... what? “No,” I interrupt her, drawing her full attention again. Is she just toying with me? “I mean, wouldn’t it look weird if the bride brought a plus one to her own wedding?”
Violet grows completely still, her eyes widening. “You… you think…” Her features—her entire frame, really— slacken as she stares at me dumbfounded. Then she laughs, short, disbelieving. “Xaden… I’m not getting married today.”
My mind goes blank. I hear her words, but they make no sense. “You’re… not getting married?” I shake my head. Of course, she's getting married. She said so… didn’t she? Or did she call it off, after all? What is all this then?
Violet shakes her head. Then she turns on her heels and looks around the room. With quick steps, she hurries toward the reception counter and picks up one of the flyers, then hands it to me.
It is indeed a drink menu, clearly specifically designed and printed for this wedding, the all-too-familiar orange palette everywhere. It has signature drinks for her and him at the top, followed by a few other drink suggestions. And at the very bottom is today’s date, followed by the names of the bride and groom. Amber & Dain. The ampersand is designed to look like an orange heart.
I stare at that last line, dumbfounded. Amber. Not Violet. Amber. Everything’s orange.
My hands tremble as everything I thought I knew crumbles to dust, leaving my mind in shambles. There’s too much I have to work through, to think about and reevaluate. But there is one thing at least I know for sure.
I lift my eyes back up to look at her, slowly. As if I could wake myself from a dream if I move too quickly. “You’re not getting married.” My voice is but a whisper, my head spinning.
Violet makes a little step towards me, her eyes soft as she smiles at me, full of promises. “I’m not getting married.”
I get it then, truly. My breathing picks up, my heart racing. I stare at her for a second, then two. Then my body is moving. Before I know what I’m doing, my hands cup her cheeks, sliding back to hold her head, and in the next moment, my mouth presses against hers.
The kiss is reckless and intense and hard, not right for a first kiss. Except that, right now, it is. I pull away for the briefest of moments, but before I can even think about what I did, she follows me, her lips on mine again in a heartbeat. Her surprised gasp quickly shifts into a low moan, her hands resting on my chest, clutching at my shirt.
My whole body is shaking as I’m leaning down to her, but feeling how she tilts her head up for a better angle and how her lips twitch into a smile against my own lets me melt into the kiss completely. Her hands slide up until her fingers tunnel into my hair, making me shudder for a whole different reason, and when she parts her lips, her tongue flicking against mine, I forget everything around us.
The softness and taste of her lips, the sweet floral scent of hers, the little noises she’s making as I lick into her mouth, it’s everything. I can’t get enough.
When the kiss ends, I can’t tell how much time has passed. Seconds? Minutes? A whole lifetime? Our eyes meet before she pulls my head down so our foreheads touch as we both catch our breaths.
“I guess that’s a yes to the plus one?” The soft laughter ringing in her voice makes me lightheaded, drunk on this moment, on her, on the revelation that… that I’m not losing her, after all. That all my gloomy thoughts were for nothing.
Laughter bubbles up in my chest, soft and freeing. All the reasons to hold back, to not let her know how I feel, were just a misunderstanding. They don’t exist. Which means…
I pull back to look her in the eyes, finally without worries but free to feel what I feel. “I meant to tell you this earlier, but I wasn’t sure whether you wanted to hear it.” I pause, swallowing. Gathering all my courage. “I love you, Violet. Of course, I’ll be your plus one.”
Her eyes widen, her lips parting in surprise. Moisture gathers in the corner of her eyes, making them glassy, and her fingers still in my hair tremble. She breathes my name, the sound like a caress, before she slowly leans in.
Her lips brush against mine again, soft this time just like the kiss that follows. And even though she doesn’t say the words back, I know this is just the beginning of our story.
. o O o .
So, this is the end. I hope you enjoyed this sweet little cake of a fic. Thank you all for the continued support and interest in this fic, and special thanks again to @taumoebaa for listening to my incoherent rambling. 💜 I'd love to hear your reactions, here and/or on The Riders Quadrant Discord server. 🥰 And don't forget to subscribe to the series so you don't miss out on the epilogue and extra scenes once I post them. 😊
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starfall-spirit · 7 months
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Summary: Liam and Deigh survived, but only just. So close to meeting Malek, trepidatious feelings begin to bloom from all sides of the trio.
AN: SFW, a little angsty, and a quick write with no editing. Enjoy.
Read on Ao3
Someone had driven nails into her skull while she was sleeping. That, or she just had the worst fucking headache of her life. Fighting past that pain, she began assessing the deep ache in her muscles, every one from head to toe. All pain aside, it was the bone-deep exhaustion that kept her from trying to open her eyes and process her surroundings. Unfortunitely, all that did was clear sleep's fog from her mind, making room for her recent memories to surface.
"Alive. Just barely." A warm hand wrapped around hers. Xaden. "He's in the next room. He made it, Vi."
At that she forced her eyes open, taking in the set of his mouth, his furrowed brow, and the soul-deep worry in his eyes. Eyes that had yielded so little in the time they'd known each other. She and Liam had started to change that, cracking his mask. "Liam's okay." She let out a heavy sob. "Deigh made it. Thank Dunne."
"It'll be a slow flight to Basgiath, but Malek hasn't claimed them yet."
The mention of flying had her reaching down her own bonds, searching for those two threads in her mental archives. "We are fine. There is no need for concern."
Still, Violet frowned. "Andarna?"
"She sleeps. And will continue to do so, entering her Dreamless Sleep. She has reached adolescence," he almost grumbled. "You should be in no hurry for her to wake, Silver One. Focus on your partners. And eat something, or I'll tell Sgaeyl's human to make you."
She huffed, but didn't protest, knowing her stomach was on the verge of announcing it's empty state regardless. Besides, she had other bones to pick at the moment. "How long has this been going on?"
Xaden swallowed. Long before they met, then. Still, his secrecy stung. "I told you I had secrets. If I had said something..." Not knowing what Dain had read beyond Athebyne, the logical side of her understood. Emotions shouldn't have a place in this discussion—No. They had moved past the no emotions and feelings stage out on the parapet. She had every right to be hurt by this. "It's clear the second and third years know what you're doing. Liam?"
She saw it. The flicker of hesitation. The urge to cover his brother's mistakes. "Not everything."
Violet swallowed. "I'm going to see him."
"Believe me, Xaden, this conversation is far from over. But I need space. And I need to see he's still breathing."
Forcing her legs under her, she trudged out to the hall, pushing open the cracked door beside hers—Xaden's she supposed. Bodhi's head jerked up from the book resting in his lap. "Well, welcome back." His lips tugged into something that could almost be called a smirk. "Don't take this the wrong way, but you look like death warmed over, mended or not."
"Gee, you must get all the ladies with lines like that. I just need a shower, but..." He nodded, face solemn once more. "Has he woken up yet?"
"Twice, though not for long. The toll on his dragon was heavy. In turn, Liam needs rest too. He'll come out of this just fine, Violet."
"Will he? Will any of us? Soleil won't just be a random name on the death role when we get back to the college, Bodhi." He flinched at that. "I'm sorry. That was cruel."
"It was honest. I'll leave you be."
The door snicked shut behind him, leaving Violet with only her own wild thoughts and Liam's breathing. Stepping forward, she let herself take in the color in his face. The exposed skin of his arms and face bare of any wounds. The rise and fall of his broad chest. Steady. Level. He was alive. "Thank Dunne," she repeated.
And with her relief another memory wriggled forward.
It's been. My honor. I love you, Violet. Another sob clogged her parched throat as she slumped into the chair beside the bed, still warm from Bodhi's natural body heat. People say crazy things on death's door. Had he even meant it? More than that, did she want him to? They're relationship had hardly begun, and now knowing he had hid things from her too. How was she meant to love two men she couldn't trust?
The fact remained, she did. Hurt as she was, part of her wanted—longed for a future with Xaden and Liam in it. If they lived, that is. She couldn't be sure she'd see her next birthday with Venin to worry about. Hell, she wasn't sure she'd see Xaden and Garrick graduate before they were killed without question by their own leadership. "Fuck," she hissed.
"Welcome to my world," Xaden said from behind her. The thud of his boots was near silent as he came to stand in front of her, offering a sturdy tray that held a bowl of stew, hot bread, and a glass of water. "You're no good to him wasting away."
"I told you I wanted space," she growled. "Here you are ten minutes later."
"I'll give you all the time you need. After that bowl of stew is in you." Huffing, she gulped down half of the cool water before taking the spoon and scooping up a slice of carrot and broth. "He said something to you before he passed out."
She took another bite, sighing as her headache already began to dull. Despite how open their relationship was among one another, saying those words to Xaden seemed a daunting task. He hadn't shown the slightest tension since their first night as a triad. Yet she hesitated. "He said he was honored to be my friend and shadow. And that he loved me."
"Meant. Every. Word." She jumped, stew sloshing onto the tray before she set it aside to scramble out of the chair and onto the bed. "Xaden can take me to the mat in a day or two if he's got a problem with it." If he had another quip for their wingleader, Violet quickly silenced it, throwing her leg over his waist to straddle him, claiming his mouth in a desperate kiss. She started to pull away when he flinched at her movement, but the pain had either faded, or Liam had deemed it worth suffering if it kept her mouth on his. "Vi," he breathed, flexing his hands around her waist.
"I am so fucking pissed at you both. But that can wait." Taking a deep, shuttering breath, she pressed her forehead to his. "I love you, Liam. As first my friend, now my partner. I love you."
He stroked his thumb along her bottom lip, a slow smile claiming his mouth. "Good."
Looking back to Xaden, she found only contentment in his eyes. They had many broken pieces to pick up, but they also had something precious. Something worth fighting for.
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