#Xavier x reader x Ajax x Kent
h4arts · 1 year
How woulf the Wednesday chacters act if they were jealous?
jealousy with the wednesday characters
-wednesday: she won't outwardly show it and doesn't exactly know what she's feeling because she's never really had a reason to be jealous before. she'll ignore you afterwards, thinking the feeling will go away until you confront her about it. it'll probably take a long discussion to explain why wednesday felt like that but you'll both work it out. (she might also threaten the person that made her jealous. might)
-enid: she doesn't get jealous very easily, in fact, she hardly does. but, there's always a little insecurity in the back of her mind that you're losing interest in her. you can tell when she is jealous though because she'll wear the cutest little frown on her face as she pouts at you. the easiest way to make it up to her is cuddles and kisses.
-xavier: gets jealous so easily, not joking. he won't even wait for you to leave the other person, he'll go up to you and be 10x more affectionate than usual. depending who you're talking to, he might drag you away. after you're both alone again, he'll still be mad about it (not at you obviously) but hugs and reassurance will fix it no problem. but, he holds a grudge against the person for a week after.
-tyler: definitely possessive but like, in a low-key way. he'll get jealous but you won't be able to tell but the person that made him jealous definitely will be. he won't fight anyone physically but a few choice words and a glare usually does the trick. you catch him doing it once but he just smiles, gives you a sweet kiss and says he loves you. you definitely won't see that person for a long time after.
-yoko: i feel that she wouldn't get jealous because she puts every last ounce of trust she has into you. she knows you can handle yourself and that you love her, but if things go south, she has no problem stepping in. in fact, she counts on you going back to her after the interaction to tell her exactly what you and the other person were talking about.
-bianca: she doesn't get jealous right away but it will for sure settle in if the interaction lasts more than a few minutes. she has trust issues due to previous relationships but doesn't directly confront you about it. she would drop subtle hints that she didn't like the interaction you had with whoever it was but you know her well enough to know what she means. to make up for it, you promise to bring her with you if you have to interact with them again for a project or something.
-ajax: notices and gets jealous right away. unfortunately, he has no idea what to do. usually he'll settle for going to stand with you, maybe looping an arm around your shoulders (if you're okay with it) as he buts into the conversation. his jealousy doesn't go away easily but if you lean into him and acknowledge that he's there, he'll be fine. and maybe hold a grudge against that person for a couple days.
-divina: she loves you so much she literally never leaves your side so she always knows what's going on. she's also fairly good with reading how you feel so she doesn't always feel the need to be jealous. but, on that days she does have a harder time, she'll just hold onto you a little tighter until you understand what she's feeling and glare at the other person. usually it's dull enough of a conversation to let her lead you away from the other person and spend time on your own with her.
-kent: honestly, i don't think the poor boy knows what's going on. at first, i think he'd believe you were just having a conversation with a friend he hasn't met yet until he realizes he's met all your friends and never remembered meeting that one. after that realization, he'd be the kind of jealous that's noticeable to everyone but him. as long as you don't seem uncomfortable with the interaction with the other person, he'll leave you alone. however, that doesn't mean he likes it because he absolutely loves when you give him all of your attention. probably pouts for a little while after too.
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rcsewcrld · 1 year
hi, can I request a Tyler Galpin x Fem!reader (romantic)?
Basically, reader is in the hospital due to an attack from the Hyde (she doesn’t know Tyler is the Hyde). She wakes up to find Tyler has been with her the entire time and stuff, saying how he found her unconscious. He says sorry, and reader is like; “what are you sorry for?”, to which he just responds with “not being able to protect you” (but we both know that’s not what he’s sorry for exactly). The whole time, Tyler just seems really guilty and stuff, and that makes reader worried, but he waves it off as nothing and just tells her how he’s glad she’s okay. That’s it really, sort of angst + fluff ifykwim. No Hyde revelation (yet). Thank you!
𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧’𝐭 𝐡𝐲𝐝𝐞 | t. galpin x f!reader pt. 1
1.7k words
contents: angst, fluff, swearing, slight gore, other characters platonic x reader, more parts coming, kind of want to do a happy ending?
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It was cold, dark and foggy in the forest the night that y/n had decided to take a walk. She felt like clearing her head as the past few weeks had been hectic. The girl felt at peace in the forest. She felt tranquilly alone, the leaves crunching beneath her feet, getting lost between the array of evergreen trees. The moonlight shone through the branches, highlighting the cracking bark.
y/n was thinking about her friends. How lucky she felt to have them. Xavier, Enid, Ajax… even Wednesday was her friend, having warmed up to y/n a few days ago, with slight persuasion from Enid, of course.
y/n’s head swivelled at the sudden sound. After a few moments she shrugged it off as a natural occurrence.
y/n now knew she was certainly not alone. Her head whipped around frantically, goosebumps crawling up her arms and the hairs on her neck standing up. A low growl emitted from behind her. Slowly, as to not further encourage whatever beast she had come across, she pivoted on her heel. She could only hope that it wasn’t the famous ‘monster’ that had been killing outcasts and normies alike, left right and centre.
To her dismay, the creature she met eyes with was difficult not to meet eyes with. Wide eyes bulged out of either side of its head, pupils pinprick small. Claws sharp, teeth bared, the creature pounced at her and knocked her to the floor. It lingered above her for a moment or two, as if contemplating its next move. Then, y/n let out a blood-curdling screech as it raised its claw and brought it down on her, leaving a large gash on her stomach and ripping her uniform shirt. Her eyes widened as she looked down to see vermillion seeping into the once pure white fabric.
Before the creature could go any further with injuring her, its head turned, as if it had been called and it ran off frantically. y/n attempted to cry for help but couldn’t get a sound out. Eventually, her eyes gave up on her, breaths shortening and only heaving from her lungs. The last thing she remembered was a tall, human figure approaching her and repeating her name, before it all went black.
“Ty?” y/n attempted to sit up before she noticed the various tubes and machines that were connected to her. Oh, she remembered. Her boyfriend looked over to her in relief, “Oh my God, y/n, I’m so happy you’re awake, baby. I need to call a nurse.” He explained, pushing the button on the wall that would alert the staff. “Do you remember what happened?” He shuffled his chair impossibly closer to her hospital bed, his hand remaining in her limp one. She simply nodded in response, not having much energy to speak. The girl looked up at her boyfriend, meeting his eyes. When she looked into them, she noticed something. A strange look that only someone who had known him for a while would be able to identify as unusual. The couple’s moment was interrupted as a nurse came rushing into the room, the teens’ whipping around to meet her eyes.
“Oh, thank goodness. We thought something bad had happened. Are you alright, honey? We’ve bandaged you up and you seem stable so a day or two and you can head back to Nevermore.” She explained. y/n nodded again. “Why am I not in the Nevermore hospital?” She asked. The nurse sighed, “Legal reasons. Your parents wanted you in a place where the professionals are less likely to be witch doctors.” y/n nodded hesitantly. “Okay. Are my friends allowed to visit?” She attempted to sit up more, Tyler moving his hands to help her. The nurse nodded, “They’ll be able to now that you’re awake. I’ll make a call to Principal Weems so that she can inform them.” y/n smiled for the first time at the though of seeing her friends. The nurse left to make the call.
“Are you sure you’re okay, babe?” Tyler asked, positioning himself on the edge of his girlfriend’s bed. She nodded meekly, “I’m okay. Just a little worn down. Are you?” “Just tired. I stayed here the whole time.” “Who found me? How’d I get here?” “I found you when I was walking through the woods to clear my head. It was terrifying. I’m so sorry.” He bowed his head in what appeared to y/n as sadness but what was truly guilt.
“What’re you sorry for, babe?” She gently reached a hand up to cup his face. To his surprise, he leaned into her action of affection. He shrugged slightly, “I dunno. That I wasn’t with you. I could’ve saved you from whatever did this.” y/n shook her head frantically, “No, no, Ty. This isn’t your fault. You wouldn’t have been able to do anything to that… monster. The thing is I’m safe now. Ty, are you sure you’re okay? You look a little pale.” She raised her hand from his cheek to his forehead, inspecting his temperature.
“I’m fine. I was just worried. I’m just glad that you’re okay.” y/n couldn’t quite figure it out but she felt that something was off about her boyfriend. She felt that he was being sincere but that look in his eyes she had noticed earlier, before the nurse arrived was something she’d never seen in Tyler before. However, despite being unconscious for the past 12 hours, y/n had soon grown tired. Tyler noticed her drooping eyelids and gently helped her lay back down. Sweet, she thought. He tenderly stroked his hand over her face, shushing her to sleep and when she her body fell limp with fatigue, he placed a kiss on her forehead with a gentle hum.
Light snores rose from her slightly open mouth as he whispered something that no one else would ever hear, with an immorally bitten back smirk.
“You have no idea what’s coming.”
y/n sluggishly blinked open her eyes and absorbed her surroundings. The near excruciating bright white of the horizontally placed hospital lights above her head made waking up a more treacherous job than in already was with her injuries. She shuffled back on the bed, noticing that Tyler had left, most likely for a shift at the Weathervane or school. Her mouth was dry from sleep, glancing at the clock she noticed she’d slept for three hours. She scanned the table at her bedside, not a single glass of water in sight. With no other choice, she pressed the button for the nurse to come rushing through the door.
“Yes, dear?” The same nurse from earlier asked. “Could I get a glass of water, please?” “Why of course. Your friends are in the waiting room. Would you like me to send them in?” y/n immediately perked up and shuffled into a higher seated position. She bit back a huge grin and replied, “Yes, send them in.” She was gone for a few moments before seven of her friends adorning their Nevermore uniforms came barrelling through the door, followed by a monotone Wednesday who entered calmly and closed the door behind her.
“Y/n!” “You’re alive!” “Tell us everything.” “Are you okay?”
“Guys!” Xavier mediated, the rest of them shutting up. “I’m okay, guys.” She smiled up at them, fiddling with her fingers. Bianca took a seat at the foot of her bed, Yoko by her side, “Where’s that loser normie boyfriend of yours, then?” y/n rolled her eyes playfully at Bianca’s description of Tyler, “I think he had work. I don’t know, but he found me in the woods and stayed with me until I fell asleep a few hours ago. He must’ve left during my nap.” She explained.
“Hang on a sec… Tyler said he found you in the woods?” Ajax asked, leaning against the wall closest to her bed. y/n nodded. The group all shared looks and y/n noticed a sceptical, wide-eyed Wednesday. “Wednesday, I know you always look like you’ve seen a ghost, but… you look like you’ve seen about twenty!” y/n observed. Wednesday shrugged, “It’s nothing.” She deadpanned.
“What’s going on, guys?” y/n queried, worried. “The thing is, y/n, love, it was Xavier who found you in the woods. Not Tyler.” Enid confessed. y/n looked to Xavier in confusion. “I was leaving my art shed when I heard screaming not to far into the woods. Then I saw you on the floor, called an ambulance and they took you here.” y/n’s brow furrowed, “Why would Ty lie about that, though?” She brought a finger up to her lips and chewed on her nail in deep thought. Divina brought her hand up to y/n’s knee and stroked it comfortingly. “I’m sure he had a good reason.” Kent encouraged weakly. A million thoughts were running through y/n’s head at once.
Was Tyler cheating on her and wanted an alibi or something? Was it something deeper than that?
“I have to go.” Wednesday spoke out of nowhere. y/n nodded, thinking nothing of it. Wednesday was a strange girl and her mysterious disappearances during important moments were nothing new. As Wednesday exited the room, y/n noticed Bianca’s little sigh of relief. y/n understood why Bianca wasn’t keen on Wednesday. She showed up out of nowhere, showing her up in almost every class and stealing the attention of her ex-boyfriend who she still liked. It wasn’t something that happened everyday and it wasn’t the most pleasant experience after a heavy break up. Although Xavier and Bianca were broken up, they were still friendly with one another and could stand to be in the same room if it was for the sake of their friend.
“Are you alright, y/n?” Enid asked. y/n shrugged, “I guess. I wish I could get these stupid wires off of me, I just wanna go back to school. Back to normal.” “You will soon. Now all you can do is rest. Visiting hours are up in a minute, so we better go. Get well soon, the nurse said you’ll be back in school later tomorrow.” Yoko smiled as everyone got up to leave.
“Bye, y/n/n.” “Bye!”
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a/n: tysm for this request, it was so fun to write! i’m defo gonna do a part two so if the original requester (or anyone else but the original requester would be great) has any ideas for pt. 2 that would be much appreciated! the angst is coming, i promiseee!!!!!! also, what do you guys think should be y/n’s reason for being in nevermore. i think i’m gonna go with her being telekinetic or psychic!
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dragon-chica · 1 year
Wednesday Holiday Preference
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Fandom: Wednesday
To everyone who does or does not celebrate, may you have a gentle holiday. And happy Yule ;)
Wednesday Addams: She fondly regales childhood christmases of pouring water on relentless carolers and stoking the fireplace with Pugsley to surely burn 'Old Saint Nick.', Wednesday also enjoys Old World christmas tales, specifically Krampus but tells you about many of the 'lesser known' stories and beings. Her family keeps up with the Victorian tradition of ghost stories for the holiday too.
Enid Sinclair: Super excited! She loves how pretty everything looks and all the beautiful lights! The winter months and all the cute dates to go on, such aesthetic cozy hot chocolate cafe dates watching the snow fall, ice skating, walking by the frozen lake, decorating and festive candles! So many 'cute' "ugly sweaters". She loves all of it and her instagram shows. It's also the best weather for cuddling up with you to stay warm and watch the snow fall.
Ajax Petropolus: He got you a gift months in advance when he was out with you and found the perfect thing, brags to Xavier for weeks how good he is at gift giving. You're gonna love it. 3 days before it occurs to him that he had no gift for you. PANICS texting Xavier that he forgot and is fully bundled about to trek to Jericho on foot in the snow before Xav (a real bro) walks into his closet and brings out the gift,
Xavier Thorpe: Holiday break has always been extra depressing for Xavier, a big empty house and not even an apology in the text that his father wont make it. The thought of being able to spend a time that everyone says is so filled with warmth and joy with you, has him giddier than he knows what to do with.
He really likes going for walks and is captivating staring at you in light snow. Pull him into the snow and get him to make snow angels, he hasn't done that since he was small and is in a fit of joy. Stick a snowball down his jacket After you've both been chilled to the bone go inside to watch some christmas movies, any you want (like Krampus or Elf) and snuggle under a blanket with some hot chocolate. You like baking sugar cookies and having him The Artist decorate them all.
Kent the Siren: Snowball fights! As soon as the first snow starts to cover the ground, Kent has dug out his winter gear and shows up at your dorm with and extra scarf and hat ready to drag you outside. He will not hold back either, but if you act hurt or sad he will come to apologize for the snowball and you ambush him. Never sees it coming. Also snowmen!
Bianca Barclay: She is one of those people that goes berserk buying presents, will have a list of what to get everyone in advance, "You don't even really like Wednesday though?" Bianca, checking her list: "So?" She will weather the worst holiday shopping rush and come out on top (will Siren Song someone into dropping the item she wants or throw hands if needed), somehow she never loses you in the stores even when you're lost, and you go out to a warm cafe afterwards like she didn't have a military scale gift operation before.
Tyler Galpin: Between his job and his dad's tight leash, he doesn't have much free time for cute winter dates, but after work he likes to look at the decorations and shop displays while he walks you home. (If something catches your eye he comes back to buy it as soon as he can.) Weathervane doesn't have a lot of Holiday Specials but he gives you 'complimentary' ones to try and experiments trying to make you little festive drinks when it's slow.
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wettestnjaay · 1 year
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Kent, Rowan’s Ajax & Xavier
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lachlanzeez · 2 years
being wednesdays sister and everybody falling for you pt2
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parts: [1] [2] [3] [4]
kent knew he had to do something, to get everybody away from you. So he decided he was going to use his siren song
My jolly sailor bold
upon ones summer's morning i carefully did stray down the walls of wrapping where i met a sailor gay
conversing with young lass who seem'd to be in pain saying: william, when you go i fear you'll ne'er return again
my heart is pierced by cupid i disdain all glittering gold there is nothing can console me my jolly sailor bold his hair it hangs in ringlets his eyes as black as coal my happiness attends him attend him wherever he may go from tower hill to blackwall, i'll weep and moan all for my jolly sailor, until he sails home
Wednesday went away, telling you she would be back she just needed to tell thing about something.
Kent sang as he got closer to you. You looked at him and started to walk towards him. The closer you got, the bigger kent's smirk went up. What he didn't know was that the rest of the gang were glaring at him.
next he felt himself get pushed back into the lake, turning back into a siren. He saw you get out of your song, looking around confused. Wondering why you were going near the water.
How dare he use his siren song on (name)?!? rowan thought. He was walking past and got stopped by bianca and xavier. Later on enid and ajax cam and joined trying to see if they can get you alone.
once they did they were all going to talk to you until kent decided he wanted to use his siren song on you. They were so angry, because they wanted to earn your love by loving them back. Not by a siren song that will make you not trust them ever again. Rowan got so angry he pushed kent into the pond, stopping the song and getting you out of the song.
Then wednesday came out seeing her friends glaring at something in front of her sister.
" you all like my sister!?"
-lachlan zeez
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alaspice · 1 year
𝐒𝐨𝐥 𝟎𝟑
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : Xavier Thorpe x Fem Reader
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Water is not your friend.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: almost drowning, blood, language 
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.8K
a/n this starts pre-canon in the school year before Wednesday shows up, This is big time Slow Burn, strap in.
For some who was so connected to the sun, you didn’t enjoy the heat. Heat is sticky and uncomfortable. It’s stuffy and suffocating, snatching any semblance of comfort. Worse of all, heat is harmful. The amount of times you had accidentally burned someone because you couldn’t keep yourself in check was too high for your liking.
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It was the insane heat that brought everyone here in the first place. Being the third week of school, the summer air had not yet left New England. With that came the agonizing humidity and scorching sun. Sitting around miserable, it was Divina who had the idea to go out to the lake. No one needed convincing to head down the considerably cooler water. 
While everyone was splashing in the murky waters, you stayed in the shallows. If you were heat, then the chill of water was your natural enemy. While it didn’t hurt you to be in it, water was just uncomfortable to you; you were insanely out of your element. 
You mindlessly meandered in the shallows as you balanced on the slimy rocks and plants. You had rolled up the legs of your flowing pants to above your knees, though the water didn’t even pass mid shin. The mud felt cooling on your soles as you kicked up clouds of muck, the occasional crawdad scurrying away. The pond smell has already faded into the background. 
You leaned down and ran your gloveless hands through the water, a small amount of the steam rising from your skin. A few water bugs danced across the surface, at your disturbance. Your fingers delicately flitted across the smooth stones, finally settling for a flat piece of siltstone. Plucking it up, you flipped it over in your palm before flicking it across the water. It skipped for a few seconds before disappearing into the dark depths. 
A sudden yelp brought your eyes up from the fading ripples and further into the lake. It had been Yoko. From her flailing form and the devious look from Kent, she has most likely been thrown. Smiling to yourself, you leaned back over and chose another stone to skip.
Out of your periphery, you saw a mass lazily floating over to you. Xavier was on his back, loose hair floating around his head like a halo. His eyes were closed to his surroundings but he seemed to know exactly where he was going. You grabbed another stone, and skipped it close to his head, a few droplets landing on his skin. One eye opened.
“You could’ve hit me.” Xavier’s words held no intent behind them. You and him both knew that his head was never your target. 
“Remember when we used to do this?” while it wasn’t a whisper, but your voice was quiet.  
“Hmm?” Xavier kicked his legs so he would drift closer to you. You looked at his hands. His fingers were splattered with the remnants of a deep purple paint.
“We used to see who could skip the furthest…member?” You skipped another rock “We would have Rowan judge.” 
Xavier rolled slightly in the water and got on his knees. He began fishing around in the murk, stirring up clouds in the once clear water. 
“If I remember correctly...” Xavier pulled his empty hand out, now covered in mud “I was the frequent champion.” He plunged back in
You scoffed “If I remember correctly,” you mocked his words  “you were a sore loser.” 
He feigned offense, his non busy hand smashing over his heart “Words hurt, (Y/N).” Xavier pulled out a smooth stone. “words hurt.” 
Xavier finally stood, and wound up to throw his rock. Letting go, it made one wimpy skip before disappearing under the water with a loud plunk.  
Your laughter was barking. It came from deep within you, and pierced the quiet air of the lake. You had to lean over to try and get any oxygen in through the mirth. Xavier stood shocked, his mouth slightly ajar and eyes wide. He had definitely not expected this outcome. You were beginning to calm from your laughter, a slight wheeze in your throat.��
“You spoke too soon, Xav.” You took a step deeper into the water. 
“I call a mulligan.” 
“Nope.” You popped the p “it’s 1: nothin’.” you leaned down to get another stone. Something more slimy than the stones bushed past your fingers. You pulled back fast. 
“What?” the humor was instantly gone from Xavier’s voice “What is it.”
“Oh nothing.” You walked to the side a bit “Probably just a plant or somethin’.” 
Xavier was still looking around your old spot.
“You’ll have better luck deeper in.” you gestured around you “I got everything good over ther-ahhh-” 
Something had wrapped around your ankle and tugged. You could briefly hear Xavier’s “Oh fuck!” before going under. 
One second you were screaming above the water, and the next, you were being dragged along the rocks. The luminescence of your skin was getting more evident the further in you went; the murky water glowing a sickly green. You shut your eyes against the long plants of the lake that kept smacking you across the face. You didn’t know how much time had passed, but you had run out of air long ago. 
Were you going to die? You could feel the desperation for oxygen go from your lungs down to your toes. Water invaded your mouth and nose and you no longer had the strength to force it out. 
You felt it in your stomach first. The hum was warming and it energized you to your core. Was this it? Were you finally passing on? Was this the release of death? The questions were short lived as the feeling reached your fingers. They began to move on their own accord, reaching out to the depths to your left. This wasn’t death you were feeling, it was raw power. 
You didn’t have time to think about it as the rush you were feeling was dying off, quickly being replaced by a primal urgency for air. You flailed against the current coming from whatever was pulling you, your hands desperately trying to find something to grip onto. Your limbs began to feel heavy as you began to lose focus on fighting. You could hardly register the new grip upon your shoulders as your head lulled back, unable to stay awake any longer. 
It was the first thing that came across your mind as you began involuntarily coughing, lake water gushing out of your mouth.  You were vaguely aware of a force on your back as you gulped mouthfuls of air. You didn’t care that it burned your throat. 
Looking up from the solid ground, you were met with the hazel eyes of Xavier. He was hovering, hands outstretched as if he wanted to touch you. Taking more gulps of air, you looked behind you to see Bianca, her hand running up and down your back. Through the shallow she was still in, you could see the silver scales of her tail. 
“Breath (Y/N).” she commanded, her hand still on your back “You need to breath” 
You leaned forwards, your forehead landing on the damp ground. You could feel the lakeside mud sticking to your skin, but you just didn’t care.
“What happened?” 
“You were pulled under.” Xavier spoke, his voice solemn “B dove in and was able to pull you out.”
“It was some sort of tentacled bottom feeder, I think.” While it wasn’t directed at you, you could still feel the anger radiating off of Bianca. 
“Thank you, Bianca” 
Getting your breathing more under control, you rolled over so you were resting on your back. 
Marcella gasped “(Y/N), your leg!”
You looked to see a dark puddle forming under your right calf. Sitting up to examine it, you found a pretty sizable gash from where the creature had grabbed you. It was the size of your palm and leaking deep red with streaks of gold mixed in. They caught the rays of the afternoon sun and seemed to glow even brighter. Your dampness was not helping stop the flow of blood. Bianca handed you a dry shirt. She examined the blood on her hand as you wrapped the dry cloth around your calf. 
“(Y/N), what’s this gold stuff?” Ajax quickly grabbed Bianca’s hand and examined the blood. She scoffed and quickly pulled it back
“Did that thing bite you or somethin?” the swim cap he was wearing was wiggling, the snakes trying to get out “Cause like” he gulped “discolored blood is like a huge sign of venom.”
“No.” you finished tying the cloth “It’s just ichor.” 
You had said is so casually that the group felt dumb they didn’t know that was. Eyes wide, Bianca swiftly put her hand in the lake. The blood clouded around her hand till it disappeared into the water. 
“Ichor.” you hesitantly stood, testing the pressure on your injured leg. “The blood of the gods.” 
Everyone nodded their heads, the pieces being put together. Everyone except Bianca
“Why would that be in your blood?” 
“Because my dad’s a primordial.” 
You took a step forward, stumbling slightly. You fell onto Ajax; he steadied you.  As you were beginning to gain your strength back, small tufts of steam began rising from your skin. You took another step forward. While it was with a limp, you were able to stay upright. 
“I’m going to head up to the infirmary, see if this needs stitches.” you gestured to your leg 
“I’ll come with you.” Marcella stepped forwards, but you held out your hands to stop her
 “Nah, it's okay, Marce. You enjoy the lake.” you took another step forwards, wincing slightly “I’ll see you all at dinner.” 
You turned, walking up the hill. As you went, you could shake what had happened. Not only could you not fully grasp that you had almost died, but you had definitely felt celestial power.
Only once before had you felt like that, and it had been the only time you had seen your father’s chariot. It was during an eclipse that he had come down to see you and your mother. In all of its golden glory, you could feel its power course through your veins as your child hands brushed over the detailing. The chariot was only slightly younger than time, and a relic of the old world. 
Whatever was down there was ancient.  
The group watched your retreating form, wincing at the limp you couldn’t quite hide. 
By now Bianca had dried off, and walked to be next to Xavier. He slung his hand over her shoulder as she leaned into him.  
“So her dad is like a god?” she was genuinely curious 
“Titan technically.” Xavier answered “Her dad is Helios.” 
“Wait…” it was Kent “Does that mean her mom like… fucked the sun?” 
Divina smacked his shoulder “Dude, come on.” 
Let me know if you want on the tag list
Taglist: @crosshairs773fp , @i-bitch-you-bitch , @gengen64 , @mariaelizabeth21-blog1, @l4venderia, @dyhlanobrien, @lil-iva, @wonderlandco​ @hiddenforestofspace, @mxltifxnd0m​, @parkersmyth, @honey-with-tea, @camspnt​ 
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jojojoy1 · 1 year
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Ajax Petropolus x reader
Summary: you're one of the most popular students at nevermore. You're best friends with Bianca, Yoko(whom is also your roommate), Divina and Kent. However, you are dating Ajax Petropolus, who is shy and quiet, totally not the kind of person you normally surround yourself with. To keep your popularity, you keep your relationship with Ajax a secret. He was fine with that at the beginning, but now he wants to tell people.
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You were stood with your best friends, Bianca, Kent, Yoko and Divina, at the fountain, talking about whatever. You had been dating Ajax Petropolus for 3 months now, however, none of your friends knew. You're one of the most popular students at nevermore, Ajax isn't. While you love Ajax, he just doesn't fit your persona. He had agreed to keep your relationship a secret because he wants to be with you, but maybe he wants more.
Ajax POV
I just stared at her. She is so beautiful, I want to go up to her and kiss her right now. But I can't do that cuz I'm not cool enough to be her boyfriend publicly.
3 months ago I thought I was making the right decision when I said we could keep it a secret, but it's killing me. Not even my friends know, and I hate lying to them.
"Ajax! Dude!" Xavier shouted at me, hitting me around the head, "You listening?"
"Of course he's not," Spoke Enid, "He's to busy staring at Y/N" She teased.
"I wasn't staring," I whisper, looking at the table, "I was glancing."
"Dude, you're totally in love with her."
"Go away," I turn to Wednesday hoping she will jump in and change the topic.
"Why don't you ask her out?" Enid exclaims.
"Yeah, take her into Jericho this weekend!" Xavier agrees.
"Guys, can we drop this?" I say. If we continue talking about Y/N I'm gonna tell them everything and she'll be pissed at me.
"Fine," Enid finally backs down, "So, Poe Cup is coming up,"
I stop listening to what their all talking about now. I need to talk to Y/N. I can't keep hiding this anymore.
Normal POV
You were sat in your dorm with Yoko when you got a text from Ajax,
'I'm coming over, we need to talk'
You were confused to say the least. Your relationship was perfect, what could he possibly need to talk to you about.
"Hey, you okay?" Yoko asked when you didn't respond.
"Yeah, fine. Umm, Yoko, Can I cash in one of my 'need you to leave the dorm' tickets."
"Yeah, I'll just go hang with Divina. Was that text really that bad."
"Yeah. Thanks by the way," You say as Yoko grabs a couple things before leaving.
"Sure, Don't worry about it."
10 minuets after Yoko left, you here a knock at your door. You get up and open it, and by no surprise Ajax is stood there looking the most stressed ever. He didn't wait for you to let him in, he just walked past you over to your bed.
"A 'hello' would be nice" You say, sarcastically.
"We need to talk."
"Yeah, about what? Everything is fine."
"No it's not!" Ajax had never yelled at you before, it took you by surprise.
"Don't shout at me. Let's talk this through." You walk over to your bed and sit down, encouraging Ajax to do the same.
Ajax sits and puts his head in his hands.
"I want to tell people about us. I want to tell my friends that I'm dating the most beautiful girl in school. I want to stop lying to people. I want to stop feeling like my own girlfriend is embarrassed by me."
You sit in shock at the small outburst. Ajax was a very laid back guy, he would just go with the flow, so these sudden demands of your relationship was a surprise.
"No! No no no no" Ajax lifted his head from his hands and it was obvious he was crying. "We're not doing the whole 'we'll tell them soon, just give it time' spiel. I'm done waiting. Either we tell them tomorrow morning at breakfast or we break up 'cause it feels like I mean nothing to you. Every time I see you in the quad I always look at you in hope of you acknowledging me, but you don't. Then I have to act like nothing's going on between us when Xavier or Enid says something. It's not fair Y/N. I don't want to keep hiding us. I deserve better. I deserve someone who isn't embarrassed to be seen with me. After I texted you, how long did it take for you to tell Yoko to leave?"
"Ajax I-"
"How long Y/N?"
"Almost immediately" You whisper, embarrassed.
"Y/N, do you really want to be with me?"
"Yes. Yes, of course I do."
"Then start acting like it 'cause I'm not waiting forever."
"We'll tell everyone tomorrow, I promise."
The next morning, when you and Yoko left your dorm to walk down to breakfast to meet up with Bianca, Kent and Divina, Ajax made a surprise visit. He was stood outside your dorm waiting for you. When you walked out the door he wrapped his hands around your waist, "Hey, babe."
You got very nervous as you still hadn't told Yoko about you and Ajax, "Hey" You said and kissed him on the cheek.
"So this is the mystery man I had to keep leaving the dorm for." Yoko chuckled, "Not who I expected, but better than what I thought."
"Who did you think I was dating?" You asked, curious.
"Bianca, Divina and I thought you and Kent were hooking up. But this is way better."
"Is that why Divina's been pissed at me recently?"
"Yeah, but she'll be happy you're not fucking her brother."
"We going to breakfast then?" Ajax said.
"Yeah, let's go" You said.
The walk to breakfast was better than you had anticipated. When you walked into the quad to find Bianca, Divina and Kent all eyes turned to you and Ajax holding hands. You guessed Yoko had messaged Bianca on the way down as your normal table was pulled over to make one big table with Xavier, Enid and Wednesday.
You walked over, Yoko going to the other side of the table to sit next to Divina, and of course Bianca had to say something, "Well hello lovebirds!" she semi-shouted as you sat down next to her, Ajax next to Xavier.
"Fuck off." You said, jokingly.
"Morning." Divina said, with the biggest smile you had ever seen.
"You look happy." You teased, laughing.
"I'm very happy." Divina replied.
"SO HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN GOING ON THEN!?!" Enid yelled in excitement, "'Cause if I'm not mistaken, just yesterday Ajax was seriously pining over Y/N?!"
"We've been going out for 3 months now." Ajax said, a smile covering his entire face.
"Enid, can you be quieter, soon only dogs will be able to here you." Wednesday said in her same monotone voice.
"Sorry." Enid whispered.
You all eat breakfast and talked until you had to go to class.
Every morning from now on, Ajax would meet you at your dorm and you, him and Yoko would walk to breakfast together, and the tables were always pushed together for you all to sit together. You couldn't be happier, telling everyone was the best decision you had ever made.
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yanpotatowriter · 1 year
Wednesday Masterlist
Multiple: Various Yandere x normie reader p1 Yandere Nevermore sirens x selkie reader headcanons Various Yandere x normie reader p2 Yandere Nevermore vampires x reader headcanons Various Yandere x normie reader p3 Various Yandere x normie reader p4 Yandere Nevermore werewolves x puppy werewolf reader headcanons Yandere Nightshade Sirens x Mermaid Reader Bianca Barclay: Yandere Bianca headcanons Yandere Bianca x reader who’s immune to siren song headcanons Yandere Bianca Barclay x Mermaid Reader Headcanons Divina Fisher: Yandere Yoko and Divina headcanons yokovina x reader trauma comfort headcanons Yandere Divina Fisher Headcanons Yandere Jealous Yokovina x reader Kent Fisher: Yandere Kent headcanons Yandere Kent Fisher x Clingy Mermaid Reader headcanons Yandere Kent x Mermaid Reader: Arranged marriage     Xavier Thorpe: Yandere Xavier Thorpe x reader: Arranged Marriage Yandere Xavier Thorpe headcanons Yoko Tanaka: Yandere Yoko and Divina headcanons yokovina x reader trauma comfort headcanons Yandere Yoko Tanaka x Harper headcanons Yandere Jealous Yokovina x reader Ajax Petropolus: Yandere Ajax headcanons Yandere Enid Sinclair and Ajax Petropolus headcanons Enid Sinclair: Yandere Wednesday and Enid headcanons Yandere Enid Sinclair Headcanons Yandere Enid Sinclair and Ajax Petropolus headcanons Yandere Enid Sinclair x blind reader headcanons Wednesday Addams: (No longer taking requests Wednesday) Yandere Wednesday and Enid headcanons Yandere Wednesday Headcanons Yander Tyler Galpin x reader x Yandere Wednesday Addams Yandere Wednesday x reader with trust issues headcanons Eugene Ottinger: Yandere Eugene Ottinger x Nature Manipulation reader headcanons Rowan Laslow: Yandere Rowan Lasow with Obsession that okay with Yandere Tyler Galpin: Yandere Tyler Galpin x normie reader headcanons Yander Tyler Galpin x reader x Yandere Wednesday Addams Soft Yandere Tyler Galpin x reader Yandere Tyler Galpin Headcanons Platonic Yandere Tyler Galpin Headcanons Gomez and Mortica Addams: Young Yandere Mortica and Gomez headcanons
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biggestsimponhere · 1 year
prompt list
prompt list two
rules for requesting :)
Fluff, Smut, Angst
• Tyler Galpin
- Everyone leaves, Everyone except you
- warm comfort
- Hatefucking, Hatefucking pt 2, Hate fucking pt 3
• Headcannons
- dating tyler headcannons
- more dating headcannons
- comforting headcannons
- more comforting headcannons
- dating an anorexic reader headcannons
• Xavier Thorpe
- the weather outside is frightful but that fire is so delightful
- meeting the family
• Headcannons
- dating a tall reader
- dating a short reader
• Wednesday Addams
- christmas music
• Enid Sinclair
- wolfing out
• Ajax pertropolus
- photograph
• Kent fisher
- dating kent headcannons
• Group imagines
- tea party
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h4arts · 1 year
What kind of dates do you think the characters of wednesday would take their partner?
dates with the wednesday characters
-wednesday: she would probably either take you to the library after hours or stay in her room. she would prefer a quiet spot so it's just the two of you. there probably wouldn't be a lot behind it, maybe just talking about your days or reading to each other. either way it was really just spending time with each other.
-enid: she'd want to go to town and shop. you'd probably go on a weekend earlier in the morning and go to all your favorite places and buy each other little inexpensive things that remind you of the other. if you bought clothes, there would definitely be a makeshift fashion show in your room.
-xavier: he would probably take you to his art shed and blast whatever kind of music you wanted. if you don't know how, he's teaching you to paint or draw. or if you did already know how, he'd make it a competition to see who could draw a certain thing better.
-tyler: movie dates for sure. he'd always be up to date on which movies are at the theater or if any new ones have been uploaded to any streaming services. he'd make a list of ones he thinks you would both like and let you pick. if you were watching at home, he'd have his bed set up with a mountain of pillows and blankets. if you were going to the theater, he would pick you up and buy you snacks or drinks if you wanted before hand.
-yoko: she would take you for a late night walk either through the forest or along the lake. conversation between you would vary but there would be lots of laughs and jokes. along the walk, you'd find a nice spot to stop and sit down and stargaze together.
-bianca: i feel like dates would be more like just hanging out. there wouldn't always be a plan so to say, just showing up at each other's rooms and talking for hours or doing each other's makeup. afterwards you'd both probably just fall asleep at whoever's room you were at.
-ajax: he would love making blanket forts and would even have a huge collection of blankets to make them with. he takes it very seriously too, like he makes a whole design plan to make sure it's the best fort either of you have ever seen. once it's made, he'd put a bunch of board/card games in there for you to play. he'd try to cheat, still loose, and then get mad about it.
-divina: i think she'd like to take you swimming around sunset because it makes the water look prettier. she'd do little tricks in the water for you if you didn't want to get in or if you did she's always hold onto you and stay relatively close to land. after, you'd take the long way back to your rooms to dry off and have a snack.
-kent: dates would be spontaneous, no previous planning. i imagine he'd just ask you in the middle of class or something like, "hey, do you wanna go to weathervane later?" and it would range from various activities. i also feel like rather than a date, he'd get you to ask a bunch of your friends to play a massive game of hide and seek or tag throughout the building and he'd always secretly team up with you.
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Am I the only one who finds distinct Adams apples hot like I just want to mark tf up outta they neck 🤭🤭🤭
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dragon-chica · 1 year
Wednesday Preference - Chapstick Kisses
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Fandom: Wednesday
For @crispinablr, and for Kent's flavor :)
Xavier Thorpe: He just used something bland like carmex or burt's bees, got a Mountain Dew one once with Ajax and would say 'gamer fuel' and kiss, lowkey disappointed when it was gone. Once you introduce him to other flavors he is hooked, to the chapstick and taste of your lips.
Wednesday Addams: One time you asked to borrow some chapstick from her and she said she actually likes the feeling of her lips splitting from aching dryness. You called bullshit because she has beautiful, healthy lips. You kiss her and swipe your tongue across her lip and glare "Funny how 'dryness' tastes like pomegranate."
Enid Sinclair: You never know what flavor Enid's kisses will be today, she had a huge collection of chapsticks, always tries out the holiday flavors (stocks up on the hot cocoa ones), lots of desert flavored ones and strawberry and cherry. You finally understand why all the songs going on about cherry chapstick.
Ajax Petropolus: His go-to is the most artificially tasting grape that even lightly tints his lips purple, you've come to love the overly sweet smell filling your nose each time you go in for a kiss.
Bianca Barclay: She wears those pretty clear lipsticks that sometimes have glitter or a little flower in them, her lips are so glossy and smell faintly of vanilla.
Kent the Siren: He likes cookie flavored ones, especially chocolate chip. Always uses good brands, he got hooked on EOS and can also entertain his boredom by tossing and catching it. Also when he can find a good strawberry shortcake one.
Divina the Siren: She prefers a lip gloss, the glittery ones that tint her lips a little bit pinker. Loves seeing how it leaves a coat on your lips after kissing, but also holding your chin and carefully applying it herself while you watch her. She's also tried some of Bianca's.
Tyler Galpin: A little vanilla off-brand tube he gets at the convenience store and he laughs and offers it to you when you ask how his lips are so soft. Lifts his hand at the last second, still within reach if you really want it, and adds "Maybe you should just kiss me more?"
Eugene Ottinger: Burt's bees :) Then he started making his own as soon as his bees were up and running.
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wettestnjaay · 1 year
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REQUESTED; “KENT x XAVIER x AJAX x chubby blackreaderfem reader: Okay so why I want to do was like her miss her period and then she's like oh my gosh I'm pregnant but she scared to tell the boys and so after you know trying to like hide it and not eating of course she faints and they found out that she's pregnant and of course they're willing to help her and they accept her then we know they want to be there for her and everything so yeah and you could add I could put like flashbacks of her pregnancy yk, like her 13 weeks of being pregnant and feeling the gender and giving birth with the 3 boys help her out a lot.” — @fezandashgirlfriend
pussy eating, female pleasure, SUB!READER, ROUGH!DOM!XAVIER, R&S!DOM!AJAX, SOFT!DOM!KENT, pregnant cravings, secretly pregnant, low self esteem, feeling insecure, making one feel good kink?blowjobs, creamie pie, oral sex (fem receiving), marking kink, claiming s/o kink, praise kink, pleasing and pleasure, cockwarming, breeding, impregnating kink, cumming inside, body worship, calling each other "mommy" / "daddies",, pet names; baby, princess, babygirl, doll.
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YOUD BEEN VERY TIRED LATELY.. ITS BEEN DAYS,, WEEKS AFTER YOUR LITTLE GAME WITH KENT, AJAX AND XAVIER, it was getting closer and closer to the day you were suppose to get on your period base off of the app you used to track it.
When that came, you weren't have any cramps or anything, and ignore it and waited a couple of days later and still their were no signs or any cramps or a drop of blood.
You left nervous and stupid from what you did with the boys and was over thinking all of your life choices.. 'How could this be??' you weren't even fully sure about if it would be true that your were pregnant, just so scared and dumb at the moment.
You were glad today was a relaxing Sunday, as you rushed out of the school building brushing off the weird looks and your friends calling for you, quickly going into a small store and grabbing a pregnancy test in your sleeve before pulling your hoodie over your head to make it seem as if it wasn't really you, as you finally took your place near the cashier and quickly place the test down.
The older woman gave you a funny look as you let out a dramatic chuckle and stumbled up among words "Me..?, Noooo.. of course not my friend is just uh.. you know scared to get one.. YEAH-thats right..Excuse me" you smiled grabbing the box and again before leaving a 10 dollar bill in the ladies hand and running out of the store..
You let out a breath as you welcomed yourself back in your dorm.., pulling the test out of your sleeve and rushing toward the bathroom to pee on the stick..
You being nervous and a bit of dumb you left the stick on the sink to wait about 5 minutes not even realizing your roommate.. Divina.. Kent's sister went into the bathroom shortly as you left.
Before you could stop her and grab the test, she had already have it in her hand looking at it closely.. "You're pregnant?" you looked at her in shock, before grabbing the test out of her hand and mumbling something, "No, nooo.. of course not! Don't tell anyone Divina!"
You fresh out of the dorm test tucked under your shirt held by the belt of your pants, you didn't even know where you were going you just need some air.
And you thinking "this can't get any worst.." and it does, you eyes are watery and your just walk and walk until you walk into a hard chess..
"Y/N.. are you okay baby?" you looked up to see Kent holding you waist looking down at you.
You tired your best to fake smile,, "What do you mean.., im like totally fine." and brush him off but his hand quickly was place on your chin lifting your head up to face him as he kissed your forehead, and down your face to your nose and upper lip and leaving a soft and passionate kiss on your lips before pulling you into a hug and whispered in your ear.
"I love you princess, if you need anything me, Xavier and Ajax are here.. Im here-okay?" this touched your heart, you just wanted to burst in tears and give him the test but you didn't, you chuckle and lean into kiss his lips before fake smiling and looking up at him, "I love you, now I have to go see what Divina wants to tell me-were all still on for tonight right?"
You were in shock from him needing to go see Divina,, the scariness in your chess caused your heart to be faster as you quickly walked away humming a small 'yes sure, that's fine.'
You rushed out of the school building and into the forest, you needed to clear up your mind, but you didn't know how you would just normal go hang out or cuddle with Kent, Xavier and Ajax whenever you were feeling down but you just felt as if you need to stay away, and avoid them until you got things back on the right track.
Its been hours as you walked into Xavier art-cabin and laid in a small sofa area he'd made for you when it was just you and hime dating, Ajax y'all's relationship shortly after and then Kent.
You stayed in that room for a good while, until you curled up into a ball, whimpering, and crying as you figured you'd ruined your whole life getting pregnant at the age of 17, while the boys were 19/18, how disgusting, you parents would be disgusted, you mom would want to kick you to the curve and outta her house.
You ended up crying yourself to sleep that night,, and forgetting about the late night plans you had with Xavier, Ajax, and Kent.
You were just so broken and sad, and depress.
You felt your still being shaken, you blinked your eyes open before spotting your three boyfriends in front of your face before you sink even more into the sofa before one pulled your in their lap, and the other sat around you holding your small legs and massaging your feet to wake you up more, you ended up moaning a pit as your pushed your hand into Ajax neck, while Kent and Xavier rubbed your left and right feet..
You let out a small cry and you felt them all get closer to you to comfort you because of your bad day, "Im sorry,, so'sorry.. I didn't mean to miss our little date.. I'm such a horrible girlfriend!"
They all kissed upon your face calming you down as you tried to stop the tears from pouring out of your eyes but nothing was helping so you just kept them closed as they all cuddled you closely on the sofa, Xavier quickly grab two blankets from the closet of the cabin and place them on all of you.
Before taking his stop in between your legs laying his head on your stomach before you quickly declined his head and pulled it to your breast letting him lay on top of your heart beat, as Ajax was on your left laying on your shoulder, and Kent on your right face stuffed into your neck as it kissed it to make you shudder your eyes before letting out soft snores and falling straight to sleep, over after another.
That might had been the last day you guys all were together, you started to avoid them as your pregnancy symptoms were getting worse and you were only a couple of weeks in.
You started were more baggy clothes and eating less, you tended to go to the bathroom in secret and ending up late to every class, Enid had asked what was going on but you didn't say a word,, you just stop talking to everyone but you knew nobody would think of your the same, a outcast pregnant,, an freak, a disgusting freak.
A 'girl' who can't keep her legs close..
The only person you could talk to about this was Divina, and you only did that because she was the first to know, and you trusted her; she didn't even tell her brother and you love her even more for that, you were so surprise and embarrassed to think she would.
You'd cry on her shoulder, telling her how much you missed Ajax, Kent and Xavier,, you wanted to tell them so badly but you didn't know how they would take it.. You didn't think they want want the baby at a age like this, nor they would want you anymore after you'd lied to them.
Divina tended to ask you question, yeah you were pregnant and carrying a baby which is going to make you gain weight but you were doing both gaining and losing but more of the decreasing.
She was scared for you, she didn't want you to lose the baby with your boyfriends know,, that would be very painful and a shame.
You told her not to worry about you like that, and told her you were perfectly fine and thought that the baby was just a incident and you were actual pregnant,, yeah your were in so much disbelief,, you played your god damn self.
Divina left you in the room that day and bought another pregnancy test which you took but ended up positive again, which had you nervous even more, it wasn't just some illness like the flu or a stomach bug you were actually pregnant carrying a growing seed of all of their sperm in your womb.
You ended up crying again in Divina's chess as she brushed your hair with her fingers,
You didn't up crying yourself to sleep that night also, just like the nights before and after,, base of off this symptoms you were such a crybaby, so whiny and need.. you just wanted your boyfriends attention your were craving their touch all over, you need them you had to be with them, while carrying their child or children.
Yeah, all of them thoughts in your head but did you tell them?
Of course not, because Y/N like to ignore her problems, do to you already being chubby and losing weight due to not eating but gaining from the baby it was pretty easy to cover up for a while,
That's what you were thinking before in the quad you were sitting with Divina at a table alone just you and her and you were feeling very light-headed, you looked around the quad to see your boys staring back at you, your mouth opened but no words came out as you tried to call out for help, a small hum of "Please" came out which caused Xavier to look faired into you, just like your eyes rolled to the back of your head just has you seen all darkness as you head fell onto the wooden-bench lunch table.
Divina was token by surprise as she tried to shake you and wake you up but you were out like a light, Ajax jumped out of his seat as Kent and Xavier rush with him to your side as they kissed your forehead, cheek, chin and nose rubbing your back trying to wake you but nothing was working.
That's how you were where you are now, the hospital, when you'd woken up to the white walls and tile floor you thought as if you were going to pass out again, you lifted up your head, rubbing your eyes just as your sneezed and the boys were quickly by your side with red pierced eyes pleading for you to explain..
You cupped their face one by one and planted a kiss on their lips before pushing over so they could all get in the hospital bed, you let your small tears fall out of your eyes just as you mumble, "Im so sorry.. I should have just told you guys but I was so scared of losing you guys.. but it felt like I'd already did."
They all gave you pecks on your face all over as your tears spilled out of your eyes and you held them closer to your skin wanting to feel more of them, "We love you, Y/N.."
"You're not the only one who created the baby girl." Ajax spoke up as he kissed below your ear.
Kent was in-between your legs this time, his head laying on your stomach softly before he kissed and started to rub it as he looked back up at you, "Doll, we love you, and the little growing inside of you also."
You pulled Kent into a kiss as they all started to praise you but you were brushing them off which they didn't like.
They wanted you to understand that they loved you, and they would leave you over anything, it was like they were obsess, too were their sweet red wine that they always needed and had to have you,
You were the missing piece to their puzzle, you were the happiness to all of their sorrows, you were like a angel sent from heaven to for them to do good for you.
Kent was very annoyed by you not believing him after they told you, "We're never leaving you or our baby, we should never leave you alone with a child,, they deserve two parent, they need you their mommy and us their daddies."
They took matter into their own hands and started to kiss your neck, your shoulders and your belly praising you after every kiss, "Y/N you're beautiful okay baby?"
Just as you opened your mouth to speak, Kent pulled your panties off throwing them towards Xavier as he and Ajax looking deeply into your eyes and kissed your lips once more before Kent quickly crawled up and plant a passionate kiss on your lips twice before they stuff your silky wet panties into your mouth.
Kent was kissing on your thighs while caressing them, squeezing and licking and sucking, maybe even biting on them, Ajax was kissing on your neck and shoulders while playing with your boobs with Xavier as he took one into his mouth and was sucking on it.
Ajax kissed your check as he in a pool of water in your eyes once again, "Our poor little princess, the symptoms making you so sensitive huh, let daddies take care of it, we'll make it all better we promise."
You just whined in response wanting more to say.
You tried to rise your hand and remove the panties blocking your way to speak but Xavier slapped your hand, and claim that "Good girls let their daddies take care of them and the baby"
Before you knew they were taking things a little to slow, your was moaning and whining about it too, but they ignore you, Kent finally attacked your pussy with his mouth,
Sloppy, saliva, drool all of that touching your wet silt before he rolled his tongue up and down reaching for your clit.
As he started to suck hard on it, flicking it with his tongue quickly just as if he was swimming, boy oh boy, were you happy to get what your were craving
Your head flew back just as the other boys kissed your face all over before crawling down towards Kent.
They all were attacking your sensitive abused pussy, one even said they were going to get you pregnant again to just see your pretty little pussy all fat and chubby again,
You looked down at them, seeing one smirk as he spread your lips open even more and kissed your thighs, Ajax and Kent were at it.
Licking you up, you wanting to burst just at the sight of it just as Xavier decided to join in you let out a loud moan, "Oh no, doll you gotta be quiet,, their are nurse and doctors around.. you don't want them hearing how good your feel about our tongues right?"
You avoid eye contact and hummed again the stuffed panties in your mouth.
Xavier tapped your on your face with two fingers getting all of your attention.
Just as those fingers were off of your face, they were near your entrance, you whimpered as you felt him circle his finger around it before pushing all the way in.
You moaned loudly again as if you were seeing stars, like seeing the future and seeing this happen again once your baby was asleep and they wanted to praise you for being such a good mommy
You back arched as your legs fell on to Ajax and Xavier shoulder, the two that were on the ends on Kent.
Kent must was inlove with your pussy, he was licking up all of your pussy juices before spiting on it and licking it up again, and again.
Your hands fell to your boob, as the other cradled your small baby bump rubbing it, to cool the baby down, just as your legs started to shake up.
Before you could cum the boys wanted to taste you, they moaned against your cunt shaking you up more, and licked long thick stripe on your pussy before pulling away.
their pants were off, cocks expose just as they each rubbed it around to pussy, flicking it on your clit and sliding it through your silt over and over making you back arch even more as your eyes started to roll to the back of your head.
You like out whines, whimpers and moans.
As they let out small moans, breathes and groans
As they popped their tip into you cunt letting it inside as they let a few inches in feeling your heart beating and their mushroom tips all fat and bumping into your womb, you held onto your belly was you watched them close as you started to moan a little louder as well and the clit plating got a little more serious to you, you were going to cum soon, you were going to cum hard.
And just by thinking of it,, the way your clench to them they looked at your witch smiles and devilish smirks just as your body shakes all together and you came all over their fat mushroom tips,
You whined wanting to be closer to them like asap, but Kent choo at you before kissing you tip lip and pulling out the pant replaying it with his middle and ring finger
Just as they all started to thrust into your pussy lips.
Shortly after they came all onto of your silt and clit, before scooping it with they dicks and shoving it right back into your cunt, all the way into your womb, you were for sure not just having one baby.
As months went by fast, you stayed in Xaviers dorm, y'all'd made a deal with the principal to stay together for the baby.
Kent would always bring Divina to watch you as he would run and get snacks or whatever kind of food you were craving,
Ajax would right down notes from each and every one of your class, and get your homework for him to help you do so you wouldn't fail or be come unsuccessful.
Xavier would stay and watch over you something, he just wanted to be close with the baby,, he had to he wanted to make sure you were care for the way he wanted you to be.
Not like Divina is bad, she just tends to ask you questions about your relationship and gossip instead of feeding and bathing you know.
Before you knew it, 6 months had pass and your bump as much bigger than before.
Kent and the rest of the boys would cry as they took pictures of your bump every month and see how much you had grown,
Shortly after 6 months, 7 months came, then 8 months and finally 9 months.
The baby or babies, Onyx, Lavender, Ruby, Hazel.. were born on December 24, Christmas Eve.
Onyx had Xavier face, but with Kents crystal eyes, and Ajax's nose, your lips, All of the babies were a mixture of the four of you.
After the birthday Xavier, Ajax and Kent were soft with you, they were proud dads, and happy to see you've delivered their new baby girls without any harm.
"Our precious princesses.."
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lachlanzeez · 1 year
Could you do one where the reader is wicth ( powers like scarlet witch) her bff is enid and evetually Wednesday and she dates kent
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PARTS: [1] [2] [3]
you are a witch, and enid's best friend since diapers. You told each other everything. But you didn't know how to tell enid about your crush.
your powers are telekinesis, energy manipulation, and some form of neuroelectronic interfacing. Like you're really powerful, that's why you're so popular and that's why you have so many friends. Even bianca wanted to be your friend when you came here. but you had a crush on one of your friends.
and it was a bad crush, that even wednesday started to wonder why you were so nervous around him and why you were always blushing at whatever he said.
You didn't know what to do so you went to ajax. Because your friends wouldn't think that you told him. "ajax!!" i yelled walking into the boys dorm. "(name)? are you okay? did they say something?" ajax said, quickly walking towards you asking you millions of questions. He was worried that something happened.
Ajax is your brother and he was always worried that maybe one day your friends would say something wrong and he would have to stone them. But you always told him that they wouldn't do something like that to you. But ajax and xavier were so protective over you it was suffocating sometimes. That's why enid had a crush on your brother, but you didn't really care, you wanted them together but your brother is to worried about you to even acknowledged enid which made you mad.
You told your brother first that you liked kent and then xavier because he walked in when you were talking to ajax. And they didn't really take it well.
"WHAT?!" ajax yelled when he first found out. "why would you like a siren?" xavier said, in a more calm tone. "'i'm going to give you so many reasons why you liking kent wrong!" they both said at the same time.
1- he's a siren 2- hes kent 3- hes bianca's best friend 4- hes pretty ugly ("no he isn't ajax!") 5- just everything!!
they did the list thing for a very very long time that you fell asleep halfway through it.
"(NAME)!!" i called, walking around the dorms trying to find my best friend. Me and (name) have been best friends in diapers and i needed to tell her something that involved her brother. And i didn't know how to tell her
1- i had a crush on her brother which is weird and 2- she's being very suspicious around kent and i want to know why. But i went back to my room to listen to my favourite song.
she-wolf - shakira
S.O.S. she's in disguise
S.O.S. she's in disguise
There's a she wolf in disguise
Coming out, coming out, coming out
A domesticated girl that's all you ask of me
Darling it is no joke, this is lycanthropy
The moon's awake now with eyes wide open
My body's craving, so feed the hungry
enid was dancing around the room while singing to her favorite song. She didn't know that ajax just walked into the room, going to ask enid where you were after you left while xavier and him were explaining the lists of reasons not to date kent
he saw enid dancing in her room. He was admiring her.
I've been devoting myself to you Monday to Monday and Friday to Friday
Not getting enough retribution or decent incentives to keep me at it
I'm starting to feel just a little abused like a coffee machine in an office
So I'm gonna go somewhere cozy to get me a lover
And tell you all about it
There's a she wolf in your closet
Open up and set her free
There's a she wolf in your closet
Let it out so it can breathe
Sitting across a bar, staring right at her prey
It's going well so far, she's gonna get her way
Nocturnal creatures are not so prudent
The moon's my teacher, and I'm her student
To locate the single men, I got on me a special radar
And the fire department hotline in case I get in trouble later
Not looking for cute little divos or rich city guys that just want to enjoy
But having a very good time and behave very bad in the arms of a boy
There's a she wolf in the closet
Open up and set her free
There's a she wolf in your closet
Let it out so it can breathe
S.O.S. she's in disguise
S.O.S. she's in disguise
There's a she wolf in disguise
Coming out, coming out, coming out
S.O.S. she's in disguise
S.O.S. she's in disguise
There's a she wolf in disguise
Coming out, coming out, coming out
There's a she wolf in your closet
Let it out so it can breathe...
while you were walking around the hallways at night singing that very known song that your best friend sings all the time. You didn't know that you boyfri- i mean your friend was watching you walk around.
staring at you with those mesmerizing bright blue eyes, divina was with him, she was tired seeing her friend and her twin ogling each other without the other one noticing.
so she did the most reasonable thing. she pushed kent out to were you were singing, making him bump into you with a flushed face.
And did she have the perfect plan. She just needed enid's help
-lachlan zeez
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jakesullysdreads · 1 year
“I’m Sorry” Kent x fem!reader
Warnings: mention of death, fluff, angst?
Word count: 960
Requested: No
Edited: No
Content: Wednesday character Kent x fem!reader. Reader is a witch. Takes place during and after the Poe Cup
Summary: Reader is nervous for her mans and only wants him safe.
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        Chewing on her lip, she shook her head. She was standing next to Kent on the dock by the lake waiting for the Nevermore student's canoes to pass by. The signal for Kent to enact Bianca’s sabotage plan.
        It’s not that she didn’t like the Poe Cup, she did. She just didn’t enjoy Kent ‘helping’ Bianca that way. It always made her nervous. The girl knew that her boyfriend could pull it off easily. The water is his element more so than those competing. But, it still didn’t ease her as she hoped.
        “I can feel you staring. Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” She spoke to the male siren.
        “You’re nervous,” he stated. 
        The girl opened her mouth to deny the accusation that came from his lips, but he beat her to it. 
        “Don’t try to deny it. You're chewing your lip. You only do that when you’re nervous,” the boy turned his body to face hers. “So, what is it?”
        She let out a shaky sigh. Her heart hammering in her chest she was sure he could hear it, even without the werewolf hearing that her fellow students had. The pressure in her chest felt like the stones used to press Giles Corey to death in the Salem Witch Trials. She felt as though if she had to endure the pressure and keep her feelings and thoughts about the plan to herself much longer, her tongue would stick out of her mouth much like poor Mr. Corey. 
        Kent might not be the brightest student at Nevermore, but he has a good heart. His intentions are always in the right place, even when it doesn’t seem like it. He always knows when something is wrong with her and at times, it drives her up a wall. But, she does love him and he loves her.
        “I don’t like the plan this year. Not with Wednesday competing with The Black Cats. We don’t know her and what tricks she may have up her sleeve. I don’t want you getting hurt.” She looked into his eyes.
        He smiled softly and leaned in to place a kiss on her temple. He rested his head on hers and whispered words of affirmation and promises of staying safe into her ear. Moments like these were their favorite, though neither one would ever admit it. Being alone, basking in the energy of one another. Whispers of sweet nothings and physical intimate affection they wouldn’t dare show around others. 
        They weren’t prudes, they were actually far from it. But they both felt that moments like these needed to be just them and not in front of the eyes of nosey peers. The couple would hold hands and be moderately physically affectionate when around others. Maybe a small kiss here and there but that was the limit.
        He pulled away from her and went to the end of the dock right as the canoes started to pass by. He hurriedly took his shirt off, looking back and blowing a kiss to the girl who looked as if she wanted to sink into the deck and become one with it before he dove into the lake.
        The girl ran from the quad at Nevermore, where she was awaiting her siren friends, to the lake. She waited for 30 minutes before Enid showed up, with Wednesday in reluctant tow, and told her that Kent had been hit in the face by Wednesday when he tried pushing their canoe into a buoy. She glared daggers at Wednesday, nostrils flared, before thanking Enid for letting her know why her friends weren’t there. She knew her glare wasn’t going to intimidate the raven-haired girl, but it made her feel a little better. 
        Upon coming to the dock, she saw Kent sitting with his legs over the edge. He was buttoning the shirt that was handed to him by his twin, Divina, who wore a sympathetic look on her face. Bianca stood there fuming over the fact they lost.
        “So let me get this straight,” the female siren started. “First you got trapped in a net shot at you by The Black Cats. Then as you’re pushing their canoe, a hand swims through the water and punches you in the face. And it wasn’t from anyone above the surface. It was just a hand?”
        “I know you think I’m crazy Bianca, but it’s true!” He defended himself.
        Divina lightly shook her head at Bianca, a signal that now isn’t the time, before her gaze landed on the girl at the other end of the dock. Her eyes widened before she started rapidly tapping Kent, catching his attention to turn around. 
        Kent felt his mouth go dry when he saw the person who his twin was freaking out over. He quickly jumped to his feet, rushing to the girl. 
        “It’s not as bad as it looks!” he hurriedly exclaimed, hoping his girlfriend wouldn’t get too upset over the red and purple-black eye he had acquired.
        “You promised you wouldn’t get hurt,” she whispered. 
        “I know! And I am so sorry! I had no idea it was coming,” he tried to soothe her. 
        He placed his hands on her cheeks, prepared to wipe the tears that were threatening to fall from her eyes. His heart broke with the knowledge that he was the cause of them.
        The girl didn’t say anything in response. She wrapped her arms around his torso, her head on his chest, and held him. Kent kissed the top of her head, holding her tighter against him. No words were spoken between the two. They didn’t need to be. Everything that needed to be said was spoken with the way they held one another.
                                                   “It’s okay.” 
                                                  “I’m sorry.”
                                                 “I love you.”
Let me know if you guys would like a part 2!
if it's rusty, not my fault, i haven't written in a long while
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Hey, guys! So I have been reading some Wednesday characters imagines , and so I might write about them. And the characters are:
- Xavier
- Tyler
- Ajax
-Rowan (he had, potential ok?!)
- Kent ( I forgot him, but yes I would write him)
So, send some request you guys!
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