A few days ago as I was yearning for my lunch hour to approach at work, an idea struck me. Continue reading if you want to suffer with me.
Imagine a character who doesn't need food to survive. If you want to spice things up, maybe they don't even need water. This makes it so much more convenient for their captor as they're held hostage, imprisoned, etc. Maybe there's a whole Cinderella thing going on, where their cruel guardian refuses to feed them.
But get this.
They may not need food, but they can still feel hunger. They can still lose a little weight (after all, eating not only kept the discomfort of hunger away, but it gave the character a healthy softness to their body). Their head can still ache. Their hands can still have a tiny tremor. The room can still dip and sway around them. Doing tasks is so much more difficult. Maybe, for their species, it's only this bad if they're accustomed to eating regularly. The longer they go without, the easier it'll be to deal with.
But it's not true. It can't be true. It hurts so much. It feels as if their stomach is collapsing in on itself. Their mouth is so dry that it's starting to go numb. They've sucked on their lips until they're chapped and raw. Their throat clicks with every empty swallow. Tiny white sparks swim across their vision whenever they stand. It had to have been a myth, that they could go without food or water. No living creature should have to endure this. No living creature should be able to.
(feel free to make additions - I ran out of creativity juice midway through writing this but I would love to see how you interpret it)
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Vincent Price as Mr. Scratch/The Devil - The Story of Mankind (1957)
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unknownmads · 1 month
real question …
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^thats me btw.
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burnt-tortellini · 2 months
drinking game: take a shot everytime @decadenttreeartisan calls me “baby will” OR i say “was that door always there???”
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ayselluna · 5 months
So I saw this on tiktok...
and there was a comment that says:
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Here's the full vid btw:
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duckyfann9871 · 5 months
The asexual x allo dating dynamic is so wack because you guys will have sex like once a month and they’ll be really needy for you but you’re like “?? We literally JUST had sex!” And they’ll be like “no we didn’t, it’s been like 2 weeks” and you have to remember how some people literally do this like every other day HOW
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masu483-160p · 8 months
Phil has been talking about wanting to be stronger. He has Rose's protection but still struggles while battling enemies. So what if he gets power from the Ender King.
Picture this: After a long back and forth between the crow and the God of the End, Phil makes a proposition. Philza becomes the vessel of the Ender King BUT phil is still in control. He will use his new power to protect his family and friends and when everything is over and he's back at home the Ender King can claim him as his new vessel and do whatever he wants.
Imagine the potential story. Phil is like this is fine guys dw but now he has an evil god whispering in his hear trying to corrupt his mind and turn him into a monster. And the realization that eventually, Rose and the rest of the gods will have to kill him to defeat the Ender King.
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tequiilasunriise · 1 year
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‘Frankie tries to ask out Cleo to Monster Ball, continuously fails or smth in some way throughout the episode because confessing and talking about romantic feelings is so complicated and scary and new, eventually they get some real good advice from a character (I really wanna say Deuce), and they end up working up their courage and confessing to Cleo on stage in the form of a really passionate rocker love song during Monster Ball’ truthers where you a t???
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monards · 3 months
… why are we excessively vilifying one of the characters who are meant to clearly show the concept of humanity being flawed and concept, when it’s clear she’s mentally ill and you guys haven’t done this to literally any other character we’ve met whose been more reliably established as worse… :3
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aropride · 1 year
if i could help people with small mildly inconvenient tasks for the rest of my life i would love that. but unfortunately capitalism
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titsthedamnseason · 10 months
so yes it seems obvious at this point that whether it’s tonight or not taylor is going to play i did something bad to announce reputation tv but my issue now lies in the fact that she’s been announcing albums with guitar songs and i’ve been on my hands and knees begging for idsb on the piano since this tour started ☹️
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majorproblems77 · 4 months
Bonus links update! Which means it's analysis time! (Only slightly late haha)
Hi all!
I emerge from the void! Exams are a doozy man, but here i am, And i am ready to analyse the hell out of this update cause ohhh man stuff is happening and I'm loving it.
For the important stuff! All art belongs to @bonus-links and the artist @ezdotjpg. Please go and look at their other stuff too! And I once again thank you for letting me do these. Its awesome to be able to ramble about things like this.
Find the original comic here! go reblog it, please? For me? :D
It's so much fun!
Grab some popcorn and some water because we hydrate here. LETS GOOOOO
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Slate taking pictures of all the plants and stuff is so sweet! I love them.
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Shout out to the pig picture, it's so cuteeeeeee
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The lil bug carrying his bag is giving me actual life okay i love him smsm
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Look at this little guy he is beloved, number 1 sidekick you can't stop me and my beetle propaganda
Speaking of little guys
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And I love his little headband hello that's the sweetest lil thing? did he bring that with him? Did Aryll give him one to useee?
were you not expecting me to yell about loft in the first panel I could? Then you came to the wrong post friend! :DDDDDDDD
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These two defo need to talk about it at one point, maybe after the entire team is together? Having a divide like this (While 100% understandable, loft was kinda a dick about it) will impact things.
Makes me wonder how it's gonna work. Will someone snap some sense into them? Will someone get hurt because they were arguing?
We know they dont really get along too well so I feel like this is the beginning of a greater arc with these two.
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Poor loft, he wants to make amends. Maybe try again in a bit? You'll get it.
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This made me chuckle, when in doubt, wolf is there to assist.
Also, these two have no beef, do we know if Wake knows the wolf from his adventure? I cant actually remember if it was mentioned at all. It would explain why he's so willing to apologise to him and not Loft.
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I love Aryll she is wonderful and deserves the world.
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As peony should, because peony is wonderful
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Tetra's face gives me, as soon as you finish talking I am going to grab you and shake you like a bag of potatoes while asking you a million and one questions.
Small Aryll hiding like that gives so much little sister energy i love her so much okay.
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oh... OH
SLATE? Who is sheeee? A sister?
Alsoooo, She looks an awful lot like loft....
More on this in a minute cause I've got a whole thing.
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Peony pulling them back from the memory, this is why i love her okay. She's wonderful.
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Okay okay okay I am excited about this so hear me outtttttt
I have a theory
Loft reminds Slate of a family member. More specifically his sister.
Thats why they are so cold to him.
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So, it's not just me right? There's a resemblance here. The way the hair falls and the colour.
If Loft got given that headband by someone here as he was helping and now that Slate has seen him wearing it and also not he's had this memory it would explain why he looks to the side like that.
He's looking in the direction that Loft left the screen, perhaps looking for him...
The response from Slate might be a trauma response without them realising it. He's acting cold to Loft because he reminds him of a member of his family that he can't put a face too.
Just a thought of course.
Thats all from me! :D
Have a great day yeah?
(Again sorry this is a little later than normal, I've been head's deep in exam revision for weeks now haha.)
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wildworldmp3 · 11 months
every episode of orphan black echoes is available in australia rn this feels unreal
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zaacoy · 2 years
Last non-art post I make for a while promise
If anyone has more screenshots of tang where he's just like
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the littlest guy, just so small, tiny even
please please please please pllleeeease send them to me(/gen) I desperately want more
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laniidae-passerine · 11 months
I’m probably deeply biased because he is played by Rahul Kohli but I’m on the 4th episode of The Fall of the House of Usher and I’m finding Leo Usher significantly more sympathetic than his siblings
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potatounicoorn · 1 year
Hear me out! Apollos fall to Chaos expect on the background it plays the ending of Shoemaker by Nightwish.
Like from point 3.10 forward it would be perfect in everyway. I cant even explain you how perfect it would be, you just have to listen to it and then youll understand.
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