#YES this is about professor henry hidgens
safireinakettle · 11 months
Sometimes you just gotta get a little gender envious of deranged characters with kill counts
It’s just part of being
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yourlocalabomination · 8 months
I’ve decided to make some last-minute…cuts.
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ashtxeman · 2 months
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Oh Henry Hidgens.. You aged like a fine milk.
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Heartbreaking! The character you love is played by an actor you fucking hate.
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andie-cake · 1 year
fuck it *uncryptids your neferata* (aka, rehabilitated!neffie's character sheet)
Neferata Hidgens, formerly known as The Witchwood Bat-Child
17 years old
Still doesn't fully care about pronouns, but generally goes by she/her anyways
Once an infamous town menace that wreaked havoc on the streets of Hatchetfield at night, HFPD officers Sweetly and Bailey finally succeeded in capturing the Bat-Child. Unsure weather it'd be more appropriate to hand her off to a doctor or a vet, they enlisted the help of local kooky reclusive biology professor Henry Hidgens, figuring he'd just put her down for them. Instead, the professor saw a money-making opportunity, and offered to take her in with hopes that he could make a lucrative tourist trap out of charging people to get a glimpse of her. Instead, she starting picking up on his speech and taking a shine to his music (his one weak spot), and he abandoned his initial tourist trap idea in favor of raising the girl into a functioning member of society. Surely he can still gain fame and recognition from that, right? (putting the rest under a cut bc this bitch got long as shit)
Neffie's relationship with Hidgens is tough to pin down. Neffie sees him as something of a father figure, and Hidgens definitely does care about her. He keeps her healthy and tries to ensure that her education is up to snuff, and they bond over him playing music for her. But there's still a big part of him that strongly wants to make a profit off of her somehow, though he's never said as much out loud to her. But if someone wealthy approached him with a hefty offer for her, like say, enough money to fund a musical, he likely wouldn't be able to turn it down.
The big two things Neffie picked up from being rehabilitated by Hidgens are his speech patterns/mannerisms and his passion for musical theatre. This gothy bat girl speaks almost identically to Hidgens sometimes, namely when she's excited or impassioned over something. Very dramatic, very bombastic. And while her taste in musicals is definitely more diverse than Hidgens' (for one thing, she's actually willing to check out shows written after 1993), she definitely shares a lot of her favorites with him. Though her all-time fave is 42nd Street.
It's this appreciation for theatre that drives Neffie to try and audition for the Spring musical after being enrolled in Hatchetfield High (a decision wholeheartedly supported by Hidgens), and although she isn't cast, she is placed in charge of the soundboard. Which in turn, places her in the booth, in the company of one Ruth Flemming. They're awkward around each other at first, but once Neffie genuinely compliments Ruth's knowledge of the light stuff and calls her headgear cool (it's a big metal thing that fixes your teeth!!!), they become fast friends. Neffie is also pals with Richie and Pete through Ruth, but she still considers Ruth her number one best friend. They have sleepovers and listen to cast albums together :)
On the subject of high school, Neffie being enrolled in HF High ended up garnering a lot of attention. There had already been theories floating around about the Witchwood Bat-Child being in human custody, but her being enrolled into school fully confirmed them all and folks were divided. Some were scared, some were fascinated. The HFPD was pissed that Hidgens didn't just put her down, but they were also the ones who let Hidge keep her in the first place, so they have no one but themselves to blame for that one. Generally, Neffie is regarded with cautious optimism by most folks. She's not a town menace anymore and she's genuinely a pretty sweet kid, if a bit quirky. But like, she's still kinda scary-looking, and no one's quite sure if she still drinks blood.
The answer to that is yes, by the way, she absolutely still does have to consume blood to survive. She can generally get by fine for a time by eating red meat, but Hidgens still has to prick his fingers a lot to keep her nourished. It's not particularly efficient, but it's enough.
At least, it's enough for Neffie. Not so much for Nibblenephim, whom Neffie's deceased birth parents sold their souls to to become vampires. During her feral days living in the Witchwood, Neffie was a very passive servant of Nibbly's, her natural drive to drink blood being enough to keep him satisfied. But now that Neffie's going out of her way to drink blood as infrequently as possible, Nibbly is not happy with her. And well, Neffie belongs to him. Her soul has been in his possession from the second she was born. So if he wants to ramp up her blood cravings, compel her to attack people and drink their blood like in the old days, try and intimidate her via nightmares and visions, he can very well do that.
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wigglys · 4 years
image sets that will haunt og tgwdlm fans
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awigglycultist · 3 years
Okay hatchetfield zombie apocalypse au bc why not ("but tgwdlm is a zombie apocalypse" shh no that's an alien musical apotheosis and also this is won't be the exact same as tgwdlm)
This ended up being way longer than I thought it would and also kinda ramblely (is that a word??) oops. So read the rest under the cut
Okay this takes place in 2019
Emma and Paul are together, emam ofc suggests they going to her cooky reclusive biology professor
This isn't the apocalypse Henry excepted and he doesn't like that, but hey he still prepped for an apocalypse so he's safe
Since this isn't a musical apocalypse and it'd probably be pretty hard to get money off of someone during a zombie apocalypse, so he's currently not trying to murder anyone
He let's Emma and Paul stay with him
But then Emma is like "hey you have room do you think my nephew, brother in law and his gf could stay with us? The gf's a nurse she could be helpful!!"
He eventually agrees
Then Paul's like "hey my coworkers are kid dumb asses there's know way they're surviving an apocalypse on their own can they stay with us? And also one of them has daughter and the other has a little brother (cough cough HCB) them too?"
And then Hidgens ends up agreeing to that, and then Alice and HCB are ofc both like "wait hold on our friends-" (ie: Deb, Ziggs, Grace Chasity (this would be HCB's friends not Alice's ofc), Cineplex kid (because I said so) Ethan (also Tony, my beloved) Lex and Hannah (once again, because I said so, do we seem them interact? No, but they're friends now)
And Hidgens at this point is like "well fucking fine I guess so! Bring em here we have a bunch of ppl already so why not!!"
All of these people, living under one roof (albeit a very big roof) is ofc chaos!
I'd imagine ppl kinda stay in groups a bit tho. Like the teens stay with each other for the most part. CCRP gang hangs out together most. Ect.
Still, very chaotic. The teens (really mostly Deb, Ethan and Lex) causing plenty of trouble. The adults all being dumb asses. Plenty of arguments between Bill and Ted ofc. And probably several arguments between the nerdy prudes (grace, hcb and cineplex) and the other teens. Probably one fight between Alice and Ziggs but it gets settled quickly and they figure everything out and clear the air and become good friends.
I mean you think this amount of ppl, particularly this certain group of ppl, are going to be well organized durning the apocalypse? Hell no!
Hidgens is the only one that actually understands shit about apocalypse, he's the one who prepared! (once again: although for the wrong one) so he's constantly having to be like "no we can't do that that's dangerous!!" Emma, Alice and Lex are the only other really competent ones.
Hidgens ofc spends his time trying to find a cure, Emma helps him. If life ever goes back to normal she has an automatic A in his class for the rest of college just for going through this shit and helping him.
Tom, Bill, and Tony are the dads. They're obviously dealing with the kids. But the do mainly try and focus on their own kid because... That their kid ofc they care about them the most. But they try to take care of the other kids too.
Bill has a rough time connecting with anyone besides Alice. But Grace was always nice to him church so there's that. And ofc Alice has gf, a gf he doesn't like a ton but now he's very much stuck with so he might as well try and get along with. They eventually do.
Tom ofc like I said cares most about Tim. But after him the next he cares most about are CaliforMIA gang. Lex and Ethan were his students (I know it's not confirmed that Ethan was one of students but he is now bc I want him to be), probably his favorite students, and that Lex's little sister who's only a few years older than Tim, ofc he's also gonna care a lot about them.
Tony also cares alot about Lex and Hannah, that's his son's gf and her little sister, once again, ofc he'll care about them alot too.
Becky absolutely cares about all the kids a ton!! She's a nurse who works with kids, she's very nurturing and mother like. She cares for and about them all fairly equally but Tim is her favorite because... Well that's her bf's son and she's known him the longest out of any of the kids ofc. Lex and Hannah end up loving Becky alot because she's so much kinder and sweet than their biological mother.
Before the apocalypse Ted took care of HCB, now he's still taking care of him ofc. Ted doesn't want to be taking care of any of the kids besides his brother. He wants to drink and party and stuff. I mean it's the apocalypse so why not? But he ends up taking care of Grace and Cineplex quite a bit too. This happens not bc others aren't taking care of them, they are being taken by the other plenty well (like I said the dads and Becky all care for all the kids they just have favorites) but because they see HCB going to Ted for almost everything and Ted doing stuff for/helping out HCB so they're like "well okay guess we'll go to him too" He's not happy about it. He already has to deal with his obnoxious little nerdy prude bother and now there's two more? But part of them reminds him a lot of himself when he was younger. Maybe that's why he doesn't like them, or also maybe that's why secretly likes them a ton?
Hidgens, Emma, Ted, Tom and Lex are the ones that go out most often because they're the only who are really able to fight off the zombies and stay safe a stuff (okay Ted not so much as the others but they bring him anwyay cause Henry's like "he looks like he can use gun or something" and Emma, Paul, Bill and Charlotte are all like "this is a horrible idea don't bring him" but they do anwyay. He doesn't kill any of the others so hey why not keep bringing him? Besides if something goes wrong they can use him as bait or throw him to the zombies to get them off the rest of the group /hj)
Other ppl in Hatchetfield exist of course and are out they're trying to survive. Sam and Pamela are some of the first to die that's karma bitch
Lex and Hannah were living with Pamela ofc when the apocalypse hit, the girls wanted to go somewhere safer but Pam wouldn't let them, then one day she went out and got turned into a Zombie, the girls quickly took that as their chance to escape and they went to Tony and Ethan and then ofc ended up at Hidgens'
Charlotte was with Sam before he turned into a Zombie and then when he did she ran to Ted & HCB and stayed with them before they ended up at Hidgens'
Gary and MIAH are together and trying to survive on they're own. Sylvia, Melissa, and Greenpeace Girl end up meeting each other and decide to gang up together and they're badasses. Dan and Donna are two focused on the news and finding out if Peanuts is surving (which yes, Peanuts, (as well as Papa Ed.. At least for a while) are doing fine) and they die pretty quickly. Holloway and Duke are doing great, Holloway's a witch so yeah she's good and ofc Duke is with her so he's good too.
Lucy is in Hatchetfield and she's already in the woods vibing with Chumby before the apocalypse hits (THAM doesn't happen in this universe and instead Lucy ends up finding Chumby own her own because uh??? Reasons??? Idk bc I said so) the two of them have no idea there's a zombie apocalypse. The Paul clones take this apocalypse as they're chance to escape, Paul23 leading the uprising ofc, they don't kill Paul and take his place tho, instead it's more like "there's a zombie apocalypse? Oh fuck yeah!" *escapes* "oh theres a zombie apocalypse oh no-" some try to stay in a group and live together, some try to go out their own. There's now a bunch of random Pauls and Paul zombies around town. The main gang do end up seeing the clones and they're all just kind like "uhhh wtf???" except Paul, he's absolutely freaking out, the clones kinda are just "uhh haha how do we explain this".
Spoiler alert: the world isn't destroyed. How? Not totally sure yet but probably through Hidgens managing to find a cure and time travel. Emdriod has traveled back in time to replace Emma, but oopsie she didn't travel back far enough so she can't kill Emma in Guatemala, so she goes to Hatchetfield in hopes she can kill Emma when no ones looking and just replace her then, but oh no there's apocalypse so thats a much bigger issue. She survives easily, she's strong af, doesn't need food, all that jazz. She and Emma do meet each other and it's another "wtf?" "how do I explain this?" situation. But Emdriod lies ofc and kinda explains what happened but said that she accidentally time travelled and leaves out the whole wanted to kill her part. Now the Emdriod has found Emma she does try to kill her, that's awfully hard to do tho considering Emma is literally always with a group of people, and Emdriod doesn't want to just kill Emma right in front of everyone bc then they'll all hate her and her goal isn't to just kill Emma it's too replace her. She end up giving up and she runs into Paul 23 and they bond of my doubles of someone and wanted to kill that somoen at first and then fall in love and kill zombies together :)
Ohh uhh other ships: Paulkins, Lexthan, Barneston, Potseed (Alice x Deb) ofc. Charted, Obnoxious Teens (HCB x Cineplex Kid) oh and ofc Holloduke. Uhh Bill x being okay for once, Ted x probably not dying for once (not too sure about that one yet) Hidgens x not actually trying to murder someone for once
Wait wait I just got idea: the zombie apocalypse occurs BECAUSE of Hidgens, he tries too bring back the working boys (remember his original backstory with accidentally killing them and stuff??)
Okay I think that's all I got for now
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(okay so this is really stupid but I’m currently writing the worlds longest and shittest Starkid crackfic on ao3 and this is a little bit that I just enjoyed writing and makes sense out of context)
“Get out of there I know it’s you two!” said Professor Hidgens as he rapped furiously on the door. After receiving no response, he yanked the door wide open revealing Scarfy and the sorting hat cowering in fear against the far back corner of the wardrobe.
“Aha!” cried Hidgens, “I knew Rumbleroar’s announcement would be about you two! Come out of the closet, now!”
“But I did that years ago!” protested Scarfy, as the hat nuzzled up against him romantically.
“In fact stay there, this way I've got you cornered and you can’t get away from me this time you little rascals”
“Please Professor,” begged the hat “we've told you everything we know!”
“I'm not so sure about that. Scarf man, get back on my neck!” Hidgens commanded, as he crudely yanked Scarfy out of the wardrobe.
The sorting hat looked on in fear as his lover was ripped from him, and Scarfy began to plead with the professor.
“We've been over this a million times,” he said, “your sexuality is plain and clear you're 'In love with Chad'.”
“Yes, yes I know that but is he in love with me?” Hidgens asked with longing in his voice.
“And again, how the fuck am I supposed to know that?” answered Scarfy “I’ve told you a million times already, I can only read people’s sexual desires if I’m on their neck. Please stop asking me this.”
“Still playing hard ball I see! Well perhaps I can persuade the answer out of you,” responded Professor Hidgens, as he pulled the scarf right up to his face and glared at it with unhinged eyes.
“Please, I don't even fucking know who Chad is!” Scarfy pleaded.
Tears of regret welled up in Henry’s eyes as he wagged his finger at the scarf and hat “Well let me tell you this, he is a thousand times the man you will ever be.”
“Well yes I'm a fucking scarf!”
“Don't talk about yourself like that, you may be a fucking scarf, but you're my fucking scarf – quite literally!” chimed in the sorting hat. “Now I’m warning you, if you harm my Scarfy again-”
“Oh yeh what are you gonna do, you’ve got no arms!”
“I’ll bite your legs off!”
“Monty Python references will only get you so far!” Henry retorted “Wait what do you mean if you harm him again?” he asked suddenly realising what the hat had said.
“I mean if you try to hurt my boyfriend again then I’ll-”
“But I haven’t hurt him yet?” asked Hidgens now very confused.
“Don’t try to gaslight us, I know what you did! You put him in a washing machine on a 3 hour, high heat spin cycle!”
“Without fabric softener!” added Scarfy in terror.
“My lover is many things, but machine washable he is not.”
Henry looked puzzled and loosened his grip on Scarfy “I don’t remember doing that?”
“Don’t lie to us, don’t do that to me!” protested the scarf.
“No that didn’t happen. Aha!” exclaimed henry, “You’re a liar! Which means you must be lying about Chad. Now come with me you worn out accessories, I’m going to squeeze the truth out of you, whatever it takes. Maybe I will put you in the wash, high spin cycle you say? No! I’m going to put you two in a motherfucking tumble drier.”
Henry cackled maniacally as the hat and scarf screamed in terror. He seized them both tightly in his hands and took them off stage.
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AU Grandpa Hidgens x Grandaughter Ava Matthews. Emma perkins x Paul Matthew's
Warnings None
Staying At Grandpa's
Emma have always looked at Hidgens as a father figure, but what if she has a child. Read now to see what happens.
It was a nice warm evening, Emma and Paul are both getting ready to go on a date, their little girl Ava, was getting ready to stay the night at Hidgens. Ava loved staying at her Grandpa's, he was fun. They would watch films, bake cookies and sometimes play games. He would read a story for Ava when it was bedtime, she loved story time with her Grandpa. In the morning he would make either pancakes or waffles for Breakfast and while she was eating he would have a cup of coffee and read the paper while listening to the little girl chatter away about rainbows and pizza.
Ava are you ready to go honey, paul yelled from the bottom of the stairs. He was wearing a blue velvet tux, his hair was neatly combed and he put on some aftershave. "Coming daddy" Ava said before running down the stairs and running to paul, who then picked up his daughter. Emma came down the stairs wearing a blue dress with a black cardigan and some flats, she was holding Ava's overnight bag, when she reached the bottom of the stairs to greet paul with a kiss.
"Hey Paul you go get Ava in the car and I will be out with the bag in a minute" Emma said to her husband. Paul walked to the car and opened the door, before getting Ava in the car seat and tried to strap her in. Ava laughed at his slightly reddened face, Paul was embarrassed that once again, he couldn't strap Ava in and will have to wait for Emma. Luckily for him, she was walking down the pathway when she saw Paul's slightly red face. "Please don't tell me you still can't buckle the carseat" Emma said with a teasing smile.
"Look Emma, my hands are simply too big and this thing is too small and fiddly" Paul exclaims. Emma came over and buckled Ava in with ease, then placed her bag and other things in the boot of the car.
They both got in the front and started the car and drove to Hidgens house "where are we going mummy?" Ava asked curiously, "we're dropping you off at Grandpa's where you're going to stay the night" Emma replied. "Yay Grandpa" Ava cheered excitedly. Emma and Paul smiled at each other as they approached Hidgens house.
Paul pushed the button and waited for Hidgens to reply. "Yes who is it, what do you want" Hidens said "Grandpa it's us" Ava squealed in excitement, the door opened and Hidgens ran out excited himself to see Ava. "Ah Little Bean, I have missed you" Hidgens took her in his arms and cuddled her.
Emma and Paul got out of the car and approached Hidgens, "Professor, can I trust you not to give her too much sugar after last time" Emma said with a raised eyebrow, "nonsense Emma, I didn't give her that much" Hidgens protested. "She was off her face, poor Paul tried to catch her in the garden but she's so fast, that she just went through his legs" Emma explained with a tired look. Hidgens let out a snort as he imagined the scene. "It's not funny shes lethal on sugar" Paul exclaimed, with a slight look of horror in this face.
"Don't worry you two as I say everytime, your daughter is safe with me. Now go and enjoy your night and she will be ready for you tomorrow" Hidgens said as he walked away to his house. Emma and Paul both looked at each other with a slight look of concern as they are well aware of the mysterious professor and his hijinks.
"Do you think he's going to listen to us at all Emma" Paul asked. "knowing him probably not, let him have fun" Emma replied knowing Hidgens will somehow give her more sugar then he should. They both got in the car and drove off for the night.
Meanwhile In Hidgens house
"Ok Little Bean, I have made a plan for us, do you want to hear it" Hidgens asked the little girl. "Yes please Grandpa" Ava replied "Excellent well I decided that we could do some baking first, after that we could watch some films of your choice, then it's bath time and then it's bed time how does the sound dear?"Hidgens explained. "I can't wait Grandpa, but didn't Mummy say we couldn't have any sugar?"Ava asked him, "yes she did and guess what Ava" Hidgens said "What Gramdpa, tell me" Ava replied back "Ah you see' what she doesn't know, don't hurt" Hidgen tells her. She nodded and gave him the biggest smile' he smiled back her.
They both went in the kitchen and gathered things, that they would need for baking. "right, what should we make dear" he asked the little girl "Cookies Grampa, I like cookies" she replied with bright eyes. "Of course you do dear" he said as he got all the ingredients out for cookies.
An hour later and a flour covered Hidgens, put the chocolate chip cookies in the oven, whilst a flour covered Ava, ate the left over chocolate chips. "Well dear, I think we should go and get ourselves cleaned up, don't you think" Hidgens asked his Grandaughter "yes Grandpa" Ava replied.
Time skip because I'm lazy
Everything was clean, Hidgens and his grandchild were no longer covered in flour, The cookies were ready and Ava was picking out a film for their film night. Hidgens brought in the cookies, on a plate with some milk for Ava and kneeled beside her whilst strolling through Disney plus. (because Hidgens definitely 100% likes Disney films, you can fight me on this) they both agreed on Tangled and started the film up. Time flew by and Tangled was finished, Hidgens turned it off and picked up Ava. "Bath time already Grandpa" groaned Ava "yes dear you need to be nice and clean for Mummy and Daddy tomorrow" Hidgens said as he walked to the bathroom "Oh but Grandpa, we could pretend and watch another film" Ava said with her puppy dog eyes. Hidgens chuckled but ran the bath, put bubble bath in and filled it up with toys.
After Ava was cleaned and dressed, ready for bed Hidgens layed next to her, her head resting on his chest, as she listened to him telling a story. After the story, he kissed her head and hid her good night. Ava feel asleep dreaming about all the fun, she had with her awesome grandpa.
The next morning, Henry Hidgens was slerping peacefully in his bed, dreaming about working boys the musical. Ehen the bed slightly dipped and he felt small arms wrap around his torso and a small "good morning Grandpa, did you have a good night sleep" from Ava. "good morning Little Bean, I did have a good night sleep, thank you" He said as he poked her nose, which made her giggle. He cuddled the little girl for a while, then they got up for breakfast. Ava started giggling at something which made Hidgens turn and smile. "What you laughing at my dear"Hidgens asked. Ava giggled harder "Grandpa it's your hair, it's crazy" Ava replied. Hidgens looked in the mirror to see that she was in fact, correct. He tried to flatten his hair the best he could, before picking up the little girl and spinning her, making her squeal in delight.
He walked in the kitchen, holding her before placing her on the counter and going through the cupboard for ingredients to make waffles. "So Ava, what would you like on your waffles today?" he gave out the options for her to decide, she decided her toppings of choice and He got them out of the Fridge then made the waffles.
Time skip because I'm still too lazy
After they had eaten breakfast and got dressed, Ava sat and watched Cartoons, while Hidgens read the morning Paper and drank his coffee. The phone rang and he answered.
"Hello professor Paul's voice rang through the phone "ah yes hello paul ,where's Emma?" Hidgens replied. Paul sighed and muttered "it's never where's Paul, always where's Emma" his voice faded as he continued to mutter under his breath, Emma came on to the phone.
"Hey professor, hows the lil one doing" Emma asked Him. "she's doing fine, very well behaved as usual, lovely company" Hidgens told her. They chatted for a bit longer and Emma confirmed the timeshe and Paul would pick up Ava, then they both said their goodbyes.
Ava was sat on the sofa, with her stuff ready to go home. When Hidgens came in with the cookies in a small tin. He smiled at her,before placing them in the bag and zipping it up, knowing he would get told off later by Emma. He then picked up the little girl and gave her extra cuddles before she had to go.
Half an hour passed and a loud buzzing rung through the house, alerted Hidgens. He pushed the button and repeated what he did yesterday, only to have the same reply. He opened the door and picked up Ava, who was standing right by his legs and walked to the car where Emma and Paul was.
Professor Emma called "look Emma how many times do I have to tell you dear, call me Henry. At this point i think you could even call me dad, I mean you have been a daughter figure for old me, for many years I really wouldn't mind you calling me dad" Hidgens told her.
Tears welled up in Emma's eyes, before she blinked them away and ran to give Hidgens the biggest hug, she could ever give him. "Thank you Dad"Emma said to him and He smiled at her calling him Dad.
The both turned around to see Paul a blubbering mess, they both laughed at him, before hugging again. Hidgens picked up Ava once more, kissing her head and she doing the same but on his cheek "Thank you for having me Grandpa, your the best Grandpa ever I love you" Ava said with a cute little voice. Hidgen had to fight the tears welling in his eyes, his heart warming up at the sweet sentence.
Emma took Ava out of his arms and they all bid goodbye. Emma strapped Ava in the car seat,then got in the drivers seat. Paul looked at her, before giving a brief kiss to Emma. The both looked at Ava, who had been caught stuffing her face a second time in a row.
Emma looked at Paul "you know Paul as much as I love the old man,sometimes I really want to kill him" They drove off waving to Hidgens, who waved back before going back in the house chuckling to himself, knowing what he has done once again.
The End
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papita-adobada · 4 years
Graduating From Single Life. (A Tedgens story).
For: @irismegau
"Come on Paul! Come with me! It's Alice's graduation, she would love to see you there!" Said Bill.
"No Bill, i'm sorry, you know how I feel about that kind of events." Said Paul, sometimes he acts like an asshole, i mean, i'm an asshole but sometimes he's worse than me.
"You don't have to stay there the whole ceremony! Please!" Insisted Bill. I was just standing there watching the world burn.
"No, Bill, I don't want to go, okay?" He said as he walked away.
Bill stayed silent for a few seconds, took a sip of his coffee and then looked at me.
"What?" I said. I don't like when people look at me for too long.
"What about you, Ted? Would you go with me?"
"Ugh, Bill, why me?" I also didn't want to go.
"Come on Ted, it'll be fun! Maybe you can meet someone new there." He said.
"Ugh, okay, i'll go with you, but this will be the first and last time, okay?"
I got home after a long and boring day at work. I took my shoes off and lied on my bed.
"Meet someone new, that's stupid." I said to myself.
It was 1:00 p.m when I woke up the next day. The graduation was at 2:00 p.m.
I got up. Bill said it was an elegant event, I don't have any kind of elegant clothes.
I was looking for something decent in my closet when I found one of those t-shirts that look like you're wearing a suit.
I put it on, put on some black pants and black shoes.
"It looks good" I said and then I heard someone knocking the door.
I took my keys, my wallet and my phone before opening the door.
"Hi Ted! Are you re-what on earth are you WEARING?!" Said Bill.
"You don't like it?" I said, his reaction was a surprise to me, I think I look amazing.
"NO I DON'T I-" He was about to explode. "You know what? There's no time for this, let's go." He sounded annoyed as fuck, I love to annoy him.
He drove us to Alice's school with a really mad and uncomfortable expression on his face.
We got out of the car and went straight to the school gym, there were some chairs and we sat down.
"Where's Alice?" I said.
"She's probably with her girlfriend and friends."
"Hm." I just wanted this to end as soon as possible.
"Ted, I have to go to the bathroom, i'll be right back." He said and walked away.
I was bored so I started to look around, there were some kids running, some teachers, parents, etc. When Bill said "Maybe you can meet someone new" I was expecting to see some hot moms or something.
Then, someone called my attention
It was a tall man wearing a white suit, pretty elegant, he had beautiful silver hair. I looked at him from head to toe and god, that was a good ass.
"That's what i'm talking about, hello naughty list." I said to myself.
He turned around and I finally saw his face. It was the most gorgeous face i've ever seen, even though he had a nerd face, he must be a professor... and he looks like he likes musicals.
Bill came back and the graduation started. I noticed the tall man wasn't there anymore.
It felt like forever, and we'd only been 20 minutes there.
"You can stand up and walk around for a moment if you want to, just don't destroy anything, okay?" Whispered Bill when he noticed my boredom.
"Sure." I said as I got up.
I walked around for some minutes and saw a huge green area with trees, flowers and all that shit.
I saw the hot tall man from before sitting under a tree reading a bunch of papers, then, I had a great idea.
I started walking in his direction. When I was close to him, I took my wallet out of my pocket and "accidentally" threw it on the ground.
"Hey!" He said. And holy fuck, his voice was so deep.
"Yeah?" I turned to him.
"I think you dropped this." He said while pointing to my wallet.
"Oh! Yeah, thank you." I picked it up.
"No problem...I-I like your shirt." He said, he sounded nervous.
"You do?"
"Yeah, it's...funny." He giggled and I fucking melted.
"Thanks. I'm Theodore, Theodore Richards, you can call me Ted." I said quickly.
"Nice to meet you, i'm Professor Henry Hidgens." He smiled as he shaked my hand. What a precious bastard.
I smiled back. I needed to say something, I needed to know more about him because...maybe Bill was right or maybe i'm just desperate.
"May I ask you something?"
"Uh, s-sure." He said, he looks surprised.
"Why are you here and not inside?"
"I'm...well...I don't like this kind of events, and I don't like being around a lot of people but the principal said I had to attend like the rest of teachers. I-I don't go out very often." He giggled again. "What about you, Mr. Richards?" He asked, and my name sounded great in his mouth, not gonna lie.
"I was bored." I said and sat next to him. "What are you reading?"
I have no idea what to do. This man just sat next to me and now i'm having a conversation with him. What am I supposed to do or say? I've never had long conversations with anyone, and he makes me feel even more nervous because he's cute as hell.
He just asked me what i'm reading, he will think i'm a nerd...
"Oh, i-it's nothing..." I said.
"Come on, show me!" He insisted. I couldn't say no to that adorable mustache.
I handed him the papers.
" 'Working Boys'?"
"Y-yeah...it's...uhm...i'm writing a musical." I said. Now this is the part where he looks at me like i'm a weirdo.
"That's cool duuuude, I like flashmobs." He said, he doesn't look surprised, he is not looking at me like i'm weird, it's like he already knew it.
"Yeah!" I giggled.
"Anyway, how old are you?" He asked. I don't really like to talk about my age but I don't want to be rude.
"I-I'm...62" I said.
"Well, you look younger, and you look...well-built." He said and winked at me, is he flirting with me?
My face went bright red.
"T-thank you. What a-about you?" I asked.
"I'm 41." He smiled.
No way, I can't be attracted to him, he's way younger than me but he's just too cute.
We talked for a while and exchanged our phone numbers.
We stayed in silence for a few seconds, it's pretty obvious i'm attracted to him, and I think he feels the same.
I'm just tired of all the young people, i'm bored of them but he's different, he's smart, sweet and kinda crazy.
I'm ready, i'm going to ask him out on a date.
"Hey." I said.
"I'm going to say this directly: you're hot." I saw his face going red. "So, would you go on a date with me?"
"I-I'm..." He was speechless.
He got up and ran away, did I say something wrong? Maybe it was because I said "hot."
Everything happened so quickly so the only thing I could do was follow him.
He entered into a bathroom stall.
I knocked the door.
"Henry?" He didn't say anything. "Ah, shit. Henry, listen, I don't know what happened, okay? Did I say something wrong, did I-"
My phone rang. It was Bill.
"Ted where are y-"
"NOT NOW BILL." I hanged the phone. "Listen Henry, I'm gonna be honest. I've never met anyone like you, I've always been an asshole but now... now I'm alone, I want to know you even more, I'm really attracted to you, I want you to go an date with me. Maybe it's to soon, I know, but you made me feel something that I never thought I could feel. "
He slowly opened the door.
"Ted...i'm sorry. I was scared...i'm way older than you..."
"Hey, we're both adults, isn't it?" I said.
"Hey." I put my hand on his cheek "Don't be scared."
He smiled sweetly, put his hand on mine, got closer and kissed me.
I smiled back.
"Is that a yes?"
He giggled.
Well, it wasn't the most appropriate place for our first kiss, but it didn't matter as long as I was with him.
Hello! Papita here!
If you have any Tedgens headcanons or ideas just DM or send me an ask!
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timoothy · 5 years
Another Tedgens fic
Show Stoppin Number never happens here, it’s just the characters living in the fortress during the apocalypse. It starts after Bill and Paul leave to get Alice. The Professor never turns bad and instead kind of comes together with Ted (because this is a Tedgens fic duh). Also Bill and Alice survive (just because I want them to. It doesn’t have anything to do with the plot, but they deserve it). I put in Hidgens original backstory (the infectious disease researcher thing), and Ted has a booze problem because he’s been rejected a lot, so it‘s gonna be a little angsty I guess.
TW: Ted is an alcoholic and verbal abuse is mentioned. And lots of f-bombs again, sorry
Words: around 9500 (I didn’t plan this, it just happened, sorry)
“Oh..hi.” The professor turns around to see Ted in the doorstep of the kitchen, leaning against the wooden door frame. Paul and Bill have been gone for over an hour now and Emma gets increasingly more nervous, just sitting in the living room and staring at the wall. “Hello Ted.“ “What are you doing?“ “I‘m making coffee. Do you want one as well?“ “Nah, sticking to booze.” He‘s not that much of a coffee fan anyway. “Don‘t you think you‘ve had enough of that?“ “The world is ending, we’ll die anyway. Calm down.” Some time passes, while the Professor keeps pushing different buttons. Ted just kind of keeps staring at him, because he doesn’t know what else to do. He’s bored and while he’s actually been exploring the house till now, he doesn’t want to keep going. Lots of panic rooms, is all he’s going to say. “So.. you’re not in the lab?” “No.“ “Man, you don’t need Emma, do you?” Hidgens hesitates. “You don’t believe they will make it. And they won’t, it’s fucking obvious. You wanted to protect her, that’s alright.” “There’s still a chance-“ “Ugh, come on! We both know that there’s not. They are dead by now.” “Emma won’t give up, so I won’t do that either.” Ted breaks away from the door frame now and moves over to the Professor, leaning against the kitchen counter right next to him instead. “What is your actual name? Like your first name?” “Henry.” “Why is no one calling you that?” “No one has used that name in relation to me since.. that doesn‘t matter.” “Why?” “I don’t know, good God”, he mumbles, seemingly annoyed now. “Well can I?” Henry hesitates before he shakes his head. “No.” “Cool..Professor’s great too I guess. Just fucking long, but I’ll deal with it.” Silence begins to settle over the room. “So”, Ted starts again, eager to keep the conversation going, “like..why are you here?“ “I live here, Ted.“ “Yeah, you do.” He‘s too drunk for this. “Hey.” It’s Emma, appearing in the door frame now. “Emma! There you go.” Henry hands her a cup of coffee, before he reaches for his own cup. “I’ll be in the lab.” And with that, he’s gone. Emma leans out of the door and waits for him to really disappear in another door, before she focuses on Ted just to say: “What the actual fuck?” “What?” “Leave him alone.” “Calm down, barista! I was just talking to him”, Ted tries to defend himself. “No! No, you were flirting. Stop trying to get into his pants!” “Ugh, I wasn’t!” He was. Mostly because he’s bored, but also because Henry actually is hot. Just the way he moves around the room with such elegance and ease has aroused Teds interest. And Ted‘s drunk. He‘s so drunk, he‘s fucking smashed. “Don’t fucking lie to me. Promise you’ll leave him alone.” “Why do you care so much, Perkins?” “He..He’s Professor Hidgens! He‘s great and way too nice and he has the biggest heart, so don‘t you dare use him because you‘re fucking horny and smashed as fuck.“ “You really have the lowest opinion of me.“ “It‘s just..he‘s been through a lot alright? And he’s been living pretty isolated lately so if you’re actually gonna keep flirting, he’ll probably be into it. I just want you to think about whatever you’re doing, before you do something alright? So fucking sober up first. Leave him alone, if you just wanna fuck. Treat him the way he deserves to be treated, if you actually like him. If you don’t, I’ll fucking kill you.” “Woah! ..alright. Jesus!” That’s when the doorbell rings and Emma literally sprints to the door, meeting the Professor who did the same thing. Ted just kind of follows, not hurrying at all though, in case it’s aliens. “Who is it?”, the Professor suspiciously asks. “It’s Bill, Alice and me. We’re back.” It’s Paul's voice. “Thank god”, Emma mumbles, impatiently waiting until the Professor told Alexa to open the gates. Just a few seconds later, the three of them come in. Emma wants to run to Paul but the Professor holds her back, cocking his gun. “Sing the beginning of Moana!” “Professor! Not again!”, Emma whines. “Yes, again! Think about what would happen if we let those creatures in here again. The last time was a close-run!” The three new arrivals manage to stutter a few Moana quotes, but all in one they completely fail again, to everybody's relief. Hidgens lowers the gun and Emma runs to Paul. They embrace for way too long. Then there's Bill and Alice and Bill just kind of pulls Alice in a hug now. Her eyes are red and swollen, she obviously cried earlier. “Is everybody alright?”, the Professor asks around, after he made Alexa close the gates again. “Yeah”, Bill buries his nose in Alice hair, closing his eyes for a moment, holding her like she’s all he’s got, which, to be honest, is true. And then there’s Ted, just kind of awkwardly standing in the entrance hall with no one to embrace. He pauses for a few seconds, then he just turns around and goes back into the kitchen, mostly because he wants to be alone. - Ted does think about what Emma said, he thinks about it a lot throughout the next few days. And to be honest, that’s the reason he mostly spends time by himself, drinking a lot, drinking too much probably. But what else is he supposed to do? Emma, Paul, Bill and Alice keep having fun in a group of four, playing scrabble and shit, mostly to distract Alice from the fact, that her girlfriend died. They don’t ask Ted to join and he doesn’t ask them either, because to be honest, he really does not want to spend time with them. He barely sees Henry around the house, so he figured he’s probably in his lab, doing science stuff. Ted didn’t mind being alone in the beginning, but after three to four days, it does get pretty boring. He‘s lonely too, but he would never admit that. So he starts wandering around again until he finally ends up in the lab, registering Henry as soon as he entered. He’s sitting on a stool, completely focused on something, which is why he doesn’t react to Ted entering the lab. Ted just kind of stands there for a while, staring at Henry while he does whatever it is, he’s doing. Now he sighs. “What is it, Ted?” Ted flinches, because he didn’t think Hidgens noticed him at all. “Nothing..nothing. Just snooping around, you know?” “I really do not.” “What are you doing?” “I am trying to find a cure. This alien disease is a genetic reconstruction, but I‘ve been thinking that there might still be a little bit of individuality in every single one of these creatures. Therefore, I might be able to convert it again.” “A cure? You can do that?” “I just told you, Ted. I‘m trying.” “I see.” He steps closer, looking over Henrys shoulder now. “Ted.” “Mh?” “You’re completely distracting me.” “Because I’m so hot?” “No! ..because you are drunk and I can smell it.“ “Wow. Thanks for that.“ Henry gets up now and takes Teds arm. He pulls him back a few steps, before he reaches for some tape and tapes a barrier between two tables. “That is the closest you’re allowed to get, understood?” Ted raises his arms and shrugs. “Alright. Sorry.” Henry goes back to his stool and leaves Ted standing behind the taped barrier. “So when you find a cure-“ “If.” “If you find a cure.. you could still only save those who weren’t like actually killed, right?” “If you ask because of that Charlotte, she’s definitely dead.” “I didn’t.” He did. “She must have meant a lot to you, I’m sorry that I have had to shoot her. But even if I didn’t, Sam removed her guts. She would not have survived if it wasn’t for the apotheosis.” There’s some silence for a few seconds, then Ted says: “I didn’t like her like that. She didn’t mean a lot to me.” “I’m sorry then. But you seemed grief-stricken and miserable after I shot her.” “I wasn’t.” He was. Not because he loved her, but because he felt guilty. He‘s the one who left her alone with Sam anyway. Just because she hurt his feelings. “Okay.” “She loved Sam. He was her husband. We just screwed around, that’s all.” “You did like her.” “No.” “Yes.” “I mean, she was alright, but it’s not like I fucking loved her or shit like that. I don’t do that.” “Don’t do that?” “I don’t love people.” “That is not something, people choose to do.” “I do.” “Alright then.” Henry focuses on his work again and that’s when Emma steps in. “Hey Professor.. and Ted.” “Emma, hey.” She ducks under the tape. “You’re not allowed to do that”, Ted quickly says. “Yes I am.” “No one is, except for Henry.” Emma turns around to him for a moment and raises her eyebrows, after he said the name. “Actually”, Henry says now, “Everybody is, except for you. And please don’t call me Henry.” Ted just stares at him for a moment, with his jaw dropped. “Alright.“ He slowly catches himself again. “But that was fucking mean.“ “I’m sorry Ted. What is it Emma?” “Do you have like a first aid kit or something? Bill accidentally cut his finger and we can’t find one.” “Yes, I do. Hold on, I’ll get it.” He gets up and leaves the lab. Emma follows him, but pauses next to Ted for a second. „Henry? So you‘re fighting for first name base now?“ „Looks like it.“ „Good luck, I guess. No one calls him that.“ „I will.“ “Yeah, sure.” With that she follows the professor. - Ted keeps visiting Henry in his lab over the next few days and they actually do talk a lot, with Henry engaging more an more. Ted also catches himself crushing on Henry, more than he thought and more than he can handle. Mostly because Henry doesn’t seem extremely annoyed by everything he does. He actually talks to him in a normal way, even when Ted says something wrong. He laughs about it, when Ted jokes around too. And let’s be honest, he’s so fucking hot. Ted tries flirting again, but he’s miserable at that, especially when he’s drunk. And Henry barely engages in it, which is why Ted stops after two or three days. He doesn’t want to bother Henry, who’s obviously not interested. It bothers Ted, it really does, but he accepts it, because he can’t force Henry to like him, right? It especially bothers him, that Emma was wrong about Henry having lived isolated and therefore being into it, if Ted keeps flirting. It gave Ted hope, but apparently Henry’s really not into it at all. So being his friend is alright too, Ted figured. He’s never really had a close friend. Charlotte was probably the closest. He thought of Paul as a friend, but Paul mostly seems rather bothered by all of his actions (not unlike everybody else). It’s not Teds fucking fault that he never really thinks before he opens his mouth. So he spends most of his time in the lab with Henry, whom he does have a crush on (which he perfectly hides) and tries to become his friend, even if Henry keeps asking Ted about himself. Ted’s never really been asked about himself and he really doesn’t want to. There’s so much he doesn’t want to talk about. And now Henry just keeps asking. “Are you drunk again?” “No? No.” “Don’t lie to me Ted.” “I guess.” Henry looks up, eyeing Ted skeptically. “Are you alright?” “Yeah, sure. Just bored.” Henry raises his eyebrow, before turning away from Ted and focusing on his work again. For some reason, Henry’s just always working, always there, always in the lab. Ted also noticed that he looks tired. More and more tired as the days pass and he can’t help but wonder, when was the last time Henry actually slept? Because he never seems to go to sleep. And every time Ted asks him about it, Henry just shrugs and tells him, he’s not tired at all. Obviously, both of them carry emotional baggage, neither of them wants or dares to talk about. - “You alright?”, Ted asks again, the next time, he’s at the lab with Henry. Henry looks particularly worn out that day and he barely spoke, only nodding at whatever Ted said. Sometimes Ted’s even gotten a monosyllabic answer, but that’s not the standard today. “Absolutely”, Henry mumbles. “When was the last time you slept? You look like shit.” “You really are empathetic, aren‘t you?“ He sounds so pissed. “I‘m sorry. But you look so fucking tired today. That doesn‘t look healthy anymore, seriously.“ “Just leave. Can‘t you see that you bother me with your presence?“ “I’m worried about you alright? You’re always in here, I never see you eat and I never see you sleep.” “And I never see you sober.” “Well, I’m fucking sorry I asked!” “Just leave please.” “No.” Henry looks up, for the first time now. “I am serious, Ted. Leave.” “No, I’m not gonna fucking leave.” Suddenly he remembers what Emma said to him in the kitchen, a few days ago. He’s been through a lot. Like what the fuck has he been through? It must have been hard, because he’s obviously not alright. Henry has turned away again. He tears his hair now and pinches his eyes. “There’s something I’m not seeing. I’m too stupid, Leighton would have known”, he quietly mumbles. “Who the fuck is Leighton now?” “I told you to leave.” Ted ignores Henrys answer and tears the tape barrier down instead, to go through. “Stop right there Ted.” Henry gets up and Ted comes to a stop, staring at Henry now, while he furiously crumbles up the paper he wrote on and ditches it into the trash can. “Henry-“ Ted watches nervously as Henry keeps going, keeps destroying everything he worked on in the last few days.   “Henry stop. I’m serious”, he says now, while Henry wipes off everything he wrote on the whiteboard, starting completely anew. “Henry!“ He finally comes to a stop, turning around to Ted. “Don’t call me that.” “I’m sorry.” “I won‘t ever be able to do it.” “It’s okay.” “It is not. I won‘t save one person. I have miserably failed again. I let them die.” “Jesus, calm down man. Is this still about the apocalypse?” “It is not, of course!” Absolute devastation shows in his face now. His eyes are watery and while he stares at Ted like that, the bags under his eyes seem darker than ever. “It’s not”, he mumbles again, before he attacks his scientific equipment, breaking beakers and flasks now, by throwing them either on the floor or against the wall. “Woah, shit“, Ted mumbles, before he rushes to Henry to pull him away from the glassware. He manages to hold his arms down, by pulling him into a weird sideways hug. “Stop!”, he just whispers, pulling him even closer, because god, Henry’s strong and Ted lost control over his strength, because he’s drunk and therefore Henry’s almost able to break out of the hug, reaching for another flask now. Ted quickly takes it from him. “It’s alright! You don’t have to do anything if you can’t or.. don’t want to. You don’t owe this to anyone. Fucking calm down now.” That’s when Henry stops resisting and starts sobbing instead. He slowly lets himself sink into the hug now, suddenly appearing so small, even though he’s actually taller than Ted. Ted softly starts stroking his back and the back of his head, trying to make him calm down a little. He also places a soft kiss on Henrys head, regretting it as soon as his lips hit Henrys hair, because what the fuck was that supposed to be? Henry breaks away from the hug and takes a few steps back, stumbling a little, which is why Ted dives forward to grab his arm, so he doesn‘t fall. “Seriously man, I’m not a doctor or anything, but I think you have a burnout”, he says, trying to ignore that his instincts just made him awkwardly kiss Henrys hair. Henry wipes the tears from his cheeks and turns away. “I do not. I’m fine.” “When was the last time you slept?“ “I don’t know. Stop asking so many questions.” Henry frees his arm from Teds grip, by energetically pulling it back now. Then he starts massaging his temples, like he has a headache. “Can you leave?” “Do you have a headache?“ “No, just leave.” “Why?” “I’ll leave then.” “You’re such a dramatic bitch, you know that?” There’s not even a reason for that. Teds so used to being mean as a defense mechanism, that he only ever realizes he was, after he already said something. But he can’t take it back now. He doesn’t apologize either. He’s way too proud to admit that it was wrong and it’s embarrassing too. Henry sighs and leaves the lab now, leaving Ted alone. Ted stands there for a while. He feels the lump in his throat, he knows that, for some reason, he’s about to cry. Suddenly, he feels lonelier than ever. He feels more rejected than ever, even though it’s his fault. It always is. Apparently it also was, when his parents kicked him out at seventeen, after verbally abusing him for years. He does know what rejection feels like. Maybe that’s why he’s got all those emotional walls build up higher than the empire state building. He hasn’t cried in years, but now his vision rapidly becomes more and more blurry as the tears gather in his eyes. He‘s sad and angry and completely disgruntled. And when he realizes that he still holds the flask, he took from Henry, he just smashes it against the wall, as the anger and the booze take over his mind. Then he starts crying, because he can‘t hold it back anymore. And consequently he just stands there, sobbing and crying and staring at the pieces of broken glass, he and Henry left on the floor. “Oh.” He flinches and quickly turns around, realizing Alice came in. “I was just..”, she hesitates, “just exploring the house.” He never really talked to her. He just saw her a few times, when she picked up Bill from work. And of course, they ran into each other in the last few days, but Ted doesn’t trust her enough that he’s okay with her seeing him cry. He’s not okay with anybody seeing that, to be honest. “Are you okay?” Ted nods. He quickly wipes the tears from his face and forces a smile. “Nah, you’re not. It’s Ted, right?” “Yeah. Can you just leave me alone? And.. fucking forget about it, too?” She hesitates but she nods ultimately, before mumbling a quiet “Sorry” and leaving the lab. - The next day, Ted goes back to the lab. He planned to apologize, even though he’s probably not gonna have the guts to actually do it. He delayed it as long as possible, which is why it’s late in the afternoon by now. But Ted really couldn‘t bear loosing Henry now. He‘s the only friend he has, if they actually are friends and it‘s not just Ted’s wishful thinking. When he enters the lab, he sees Henry sleeping, with his head resting on the table. Ted hesitates for a moment and thinks about coming back later. But that position does look so fucking uncomfortable and Ted can’t bear leaving Henry like that. He quietly taps over to him and touches his shoulder, carefully shaking it too, when Henry doesn’t react. He quietly groans and mumbles something, before he pushes himself up and opens his eyes. He looks sleepy, which is cute, but he also still looks tired as shit. “Ted?” “Yeah. You should go to sleep. Like in a bed, you know?” “No, I’m good.” “Jesus, Henry! Come on.” He pulls him up and carefully proceeds to pull him out of the lab now. “You‘re going to sleep and eat and you‘re not allowed to step through the tape barrier anymore.“ “Ted this is my lab.“ “I don‘t care.“ Ted kind of just pulls Henry through the house, to his bedroom, pushing him on the bed, as soon as they‘re in there. “Woah“, Henry mumbles. “What?“ “That push was kind of sexual.” “Jesus, Henry! I didn’t mean to.” Henry just kind of sits there, while Ted stands there, trying to find the guts to actually apologize. Henry goes first, right before Ted was about to open his mouth (he really was). “I’m sorry Ted.” “Don’t be.” “No, I really am.“ “It‘s alright.” “I should not have been so vicious to you. You were only trying to help.” “I was, but I mean, I wasn’t right either. I should have respected your request, your boundaries, you know? And you were right..about me being drunk a lot. I am.” “Do you want to talk about it?” “I really don’t.” Because deep down, Ted believes that Henry doesn’t actually want to know. He believes that Henry just asked because it‘s polite and he‘s polite. He‘s so polite and nice and.. good. He‘s a good person. Ted doesn‘t believe that he can say the same thing about himself. He‘s an asshole, a fucking creep (Emma called him that one and she was right) and he’s always saying the wrong things, using the wrong words. “I’m sorry for how I behaved. And for what I called you”, he finally blurts out. “It’s alright. I would have considered it funny, if it wasn’t for me being angry.” “You think me calling you a bitch was funny?” “Yes.” Ted smiles now. “Well, you’re welcome then.” “But don’t call met that again.” “I won’t. I actually respect you a lot you know. I was just.. mad I guess. And it was the first thing that came to my mind.” “It’s alright.” Everything is said now, but for Ted it still feels wrong to just leave. Henry’s sitting there, looking anywhere but at Ted, suddenly deep in thought and looking like a picture of misery again. “Are you hungry?”, Ted gets himself to ask. “Not at all.” “Alright.” After a few more seconds of hesitation, Ted decides to sit next to Henry, careful to keep a little distance between the two of them. He’s afraid to get too close and scare him off again, like he did when he kissed his head. He does not want to be pushed away again, once hurt enough. Also, he wants to give Henry space and respect his boundaries. But Henry doesn‘t seem bothered by it now. Because after sitting in silence for a few seconds, he actually starts talking. “Ted, did you know that I was an infectious disease researcher in my earlier years?” “No. You were?” “Yes. We were a team of seven. They were my friends.” “What happened?” “They got infected. I had to quarantine them in the lab and then I tried to find a cure.” “But you didn’t.” Ted looks up, afraid that he’s right. “You are right, I did not. I let them die. One after another until all of them were gone.” “But..but that’s not your fault though.” “It is, Ted.” Ted keeps quiet, thinking for a moment, before mumbling a confused “No?”. He seeks Henrys gaze, before he continues. “No, how much time did you have? Like a few fucking days? That’s impossible.” “It is. But still.” “Alright.” Ted reaches for Henrys hand. “You have to let this go. It’s not your fault. At least you tried to find a cure. It’s not like you are the one who infected them and they were not your responsibility. They were responsible for themselves and they knew the risk, right?” Henry just stares at Teds hand, touching his, and Ted quickly lets go of it, pulling his hand back. “They did, but they were my friends. I should have.. I should have saved them. I just gave up at some point”, he slowly continues, still staring at his hand, which now lays on his lab alone, lonely too maybe. “It’s still not your fault. Jesus, Henry! ..I mean Professor. Sorry.” Henry sniffles now and Ted figures he’s about to cry. He wants to hug him, but he doesn’t dare. So he just sits there, next to Henry but all by himself. Then Henry slowly moves over to him and leans his head against Teds shoulder, low-key reaching for his hand again and interlocking their fingers. He seems nervous and uncertain while doing it, which is why Ted hesitates, before giving in and leaning against Henry, gently squeezing his hand too. Henry slowly seems to relax now as he fully leans into Ted. “Henry’s fine”, Henry mumbles. “What?” “You can call me Henry. I hereby give you my permission.” “Oh..okay. I will then.” Teds heart is beating so damn fast. Faster than a cheetah can run and louder than gunfire probably. “There is a risk of it all happening again. That’s why I want to find a cure. What if one of you gets infected? Especially Emma or..or you.” “Me?” “Yes, Ted.” “Like.. you care about me?” His heart makes a little salto now, just thinking about it. Maybe Henry does like him a little. There‘s still a chance, right? “Of course I care about you.“ “As much as you care about Emma? She did bring you grocerys once.“ Henry chuckles now. “Ted, Emma is like a daughter to me.“ “So that‘s a no then?“ “No, I.. I don’t know.“ He looks up now, his eyes meeting Teds. And he‘s automatically so close, that Ted forgets to breath for a second there. They just stare at each other, then Ted leans closer. As if by reflex, not because he planned to. Henry shies away and stares at Ted afterwards, with big eyes. Not exactly shocked but certainly surprised. “Oh“, he mumbles. “Sorry“, Ted whispers, quickly turning away and pulling his hand out of Henrys. “Are you drunk?” “No.” It’s the truth. He‘s really not. “Did you.. did you want to..?” “I gotta go.” Ted gets up as quick as possible and goes for the door. Mostly because he feels like crying again and he really does not want to do that in front of Henry. “Wait.” “Just go to sleep, alright?” And with that he carefully closes the door. - It doesn’t take long, before he gets back to the booze. Just about an hour. Every bit of care he had for himself or his body is gone now. It’s late and everybody’s already asleep and Ted is totally plundering the bar. It’s not because Henry rejected him, not on the main anyway. If Henry’s not into him, that’s alright. Ted’s not that desperate, he’ll get over it. And he‘s not even sure what his feelings towards Henry are exactly. He hasn‘t figured it all out yet, so maybe there‘s still the possibility of withdrawing them. The feeling of those weird-ass feelings being left unrequited did hurt a little, that‘s for sure. He likes Henry so much. And he craves the nearness of someone, probably anyone really, but especially Henry. But someone as good and smart as Henry must probably have enough common sense to not like Ted, that‘s for sure. And he‘s okay with it. He’s not mad at Henry or anything, it’s not like it’s his fault. It’s just now, that it’s literally the end of the world, he realized that he doesn’t have anyone. He has lived more than half of his life without any contact to his parents and to be honest, it was still the better part. But now that Charlotte’s gone, he doesn’t even have anyone to screw around with anymore. That was the closest thing he had to intimacy and he lost that too. He really liked her. It wasn’t love, but maybe he could have made it work, if it wasn’t for that fucking scumbag Sam. She did deserve better. Better than Sam, but also better that Ted, if he’s being honest. Ted’s always been coping with alcohol and that’s what he’s doing now too. It’s the apocalypse anyway. They’ll die soon, so why the hell would he still be be committed to care for his health? He never really did, but still. - Ted stays up the whole night, sitting on the floor by the bar, staring at the wall, holding a bottle of booze. He dozes off every now and then, but he always wakes up again, about half an hour later. He‘s still there, after the sun has risen again. He‘s not sure how o‘clock it is, he completely lost his concept of time. “Ted?” It’s fucking Emma Perkins. He’s really not in the mood for another threat. He won’t get close to Henry anyway. Like ever. “Fuck off”, he mumbles. “Are you okay?” “Yeah.” “Ted, seriously. How much did you drink?” “Dunno, man.” “Alice?”, she calls out now, leaning into the corridor. “Yeah?” “Can you get the Professor?” “Sure.” “I’m fucking fine.” Ted tries to get up now, but his vision only gets more blurred, which is why he gives up almost immediately. Emma comes over to him and kneels in front of him. “Hey Ted?” “Mh?” “Fucking look at me, please.” “Why?” He looks up now, locking his eyes with hers for as long as he can bear it. Then he looks over to the door, registering Henry in the frame. “What is it, Emma?” “He’s fucking smashed. Like more than in general, I think.” Henry comes over to them, sitting next to Ted now. “I said I’m fine”, Ted repeats. “He couldn’t even get up”, Emma notes. “Can you get water? And bread?”, Henry asks. “Yeah.” She gets up and disappears. “Hey Ted.” “Hi.” “You’ve had enough, come on.” He reaches for the bottle and places it out of Teds reach. Ted’s too weak to stop him, too weak to care too. “Why the fuck do you care?”, Ted just mumbles, “or are you just afraid that I’m gonna throw up on your floor?” “Don’t be that way now.“ “Sorry for asking. No one ever fucking cared, s’all.” Ted tries to get up again now and he actually manages to do it. Really slowly though and he has to hold onto the bar not to fall, but it‘s alright if he ignores the headache and the fact that everything is blurry as fuck. “Ted, I..“ Henry got up to and tries to sustain Ted, by grabbing his arm and placing his other hand on Teds waist. “This is fine, I’m fine”, Ted mumbles, while he tumbles back and squeezes his eyes in order to gain a clear and sharp vision. „Do you want to talk about it?“ „About what?” “About your drinking problem, which clearly has its root in an experience from your past.” “Jesus Doc.” “It’s alright, I’ll listen to everything you want to talk about.” “Why would you want to hear that when I don’t even want to think it?” Ted gets louder now and more upset. “I can tell you, you know! I can tell you about how.. how my fucking parents kicked me out when I was seventeen. About feeling like a fucking loner all the time! Oh poor fucking Ted, get a hold of yourself!“ He‘s angry now and too drunk to care that he actually told someone. Henry just looks at him for a moment, sympathetically. “Why did they kick you out?” “‘Cause I’m.. fucking bi. They didn’t want that shit in their house. I mean they never wanted me anyway. It was a mistake.” “What was?” “I was. You know, my birth. I guess the fucking condom broke or something. I wish it didn’t.” “You are not a mistake.” “Well thanks, I guess, but I’m a sleazeball and that’s just.. that’s it.” “Oh Ted.“ “Told you I’m fine.” “You are not but that’s alright.” Ted hesitates, looking up now. “I’m.. I’m just..” He stares at Henry while he focuses on not crying. He blinks a lot and squints his eyes, quietly sniffling too. Then the first tear makes its way out of Teds eye, running over his skin and he just gives up. “Good God”, Henry mumbles, as Teds whole body begins to shake under the weight of his heavy sobs. Henry moves closer to Ted and pulls him in a hug. Ted lets himself fall against Henrys chest. He places his head against Henrys shoulder, sobbing now. His tears begin to soak through Henrys black turtleneck, but Henry doesn‘t seem to care. He simply pulls Ted even closer, slowly stroking his back now. “I care about you, Ted. Alright?”, he whispers, after quite some time. “Come on. I annoy you and that’s it.” “No you don’t.” “I do. I annoy everybody. It’s alright, I’m annoying as fuck. I annoy myself sometimes.” “You don’t bother me in any way, I enjoy every minute I spend with you. I just.. I am not good at showing this kind of admiration. And you make me feel confused.” Ted hesitantly looks up. „How the hell do I confuse you?” Henry places his hands against Teds temples now and gently tries to dry Teds cheeks with his thumbs. “I don’t know, Ted. I get nervous and clumsy when you are near me. And I can’t be that way in the lab.” “Oh.” That’s when Emma comes back. “Alright, I’ve got bread and-“ She hesitates, when she sees how close they are. Henry breaks his gaze from Teds, lets go of his face and looks at Emma. “Thank you Emma.” She puts it down on the surface of the bar, mumbling a quiet “There you go”, before she quickly leaves the room, uncertainly eyeing Ted, who’s still gazing at Henry. “I’m so into you”, he mumbles now. “What?” “I’m into you. Did you know that?” “Yes..no.. I mean yes I did, but only since you tried to kiss me yesterday.” Henry blushed while saying that and it‘s certainly the cutest thing Ted has ever seen. “But I.. I tried to flirt”, Ted notes. “I believed you did that because you were drunk.” “You’re an idiot. I wasn’t that drunk.” “You are drunk right now.” “But I’m of sound mind, seriously.” “I wouldn’t dare to hope that you actually like me. I‘m too old.” “But I like you. It’s just ten years.” “I‘m afraid it’s a little more than that.” “I don’t care either way.” Ted leans closer, to finally kiss Henry but Henry carefully pushes him back. “I’m sorry Ted, but you are too drunk for that.” “Don’t worry, you’ve got my consent. I want to kiss you so bad.” Henry slightly smiles now, blushing even more. “No, I’m sorry. ..and I’m sorry for yesterday.” “For what now?” “When I shied away. But I have to say, I didn’t expect it by any means.” “It’s alright, we can kiss now.” “Ted, no.. come on.” He reaches for the glass of water, Emma brought and gives it to Ted. “Drink up. At once.” “I can’t drink that quick.” “You surely can with booze.” “But not with water.” “Then drink it slowly, good God.” He waits, while Ted slowly slurps the water. “Alright”, Ted finally says, after a few sips. “You didn’t even drink half of it.” “I did!” Henry chuckles now. “No”, he contradicts before taking the water from him and holding the bread basket in front of him instead.   “You’re not gonna make me eat all of that, are you?” “Just one.” “Don’t force me.” “Ted, come on. Please.“ Ted pouts, but he reaches for a slice and takes a bite. “Are you happy now?” “That was one bite.” “Alright. Jesus, you’re bossy.” Ted somehow manages to eat the whole thing, emptying the glass too. “Do you feel better now?”, Henry asks afterwards. “Nah, I feel like I’m gonna throw up.” “Please don’t.” “I can’t control that. ..But I think I won’t.” “It is very likely the best, if you sleep it out.” “I’m not tired.” “Did you sleep at all tonight?” “A little.” “Right here on the floor?” “I guess.” “Come here.” Henry offers his hand, to keep Ted steady. Ted is still struggling to keep his balance. It was easier in the hug, when he could lean against Henry, but now that Henry let go of him, everything started to spin again. “Ted, are you alright?“ He slowly realizes, how much he clung to Henrys arm as he tried not to fall over. “Yeah.. a little dizzy.“ Henry places his arm around Teds waist and pulls him closer. He maneuvers Ted to one of the guest rooms, where he’s normally sleeping, when he’s not sleeping on the floor next to the bar. Ted stumbles a lot over his own feet but they eventually make it. Ted would probably never admit it to Henry, but he’s so fucking tired. And because of that, as soon as he sits on the mattress, he’s as good as gone. “Ted?” “Mh?” “Good Night.” Ted smiles. “It’s morning.” “Yes. Anyway.” “Are you gonna kiss me good night or nah?” He’s not sure where that courage came from, but it’s probably the booze. Henry chuckles and actually gets closer to place a quick kiss on Teds forehead. “Go to sleep now”, he whispers, before he disappears. - After he woke up it‘s six am. Ted‘s wide awake, but way too weak to actually get up, so he just spends about two hours laying there, thinking a lot. Thinking about Henry. Did whatever Henry told him yesterday mean he likes him? Like that he actually like-likes him? It sounded that way. But it‘s also possible that Ted dreamed all of that. It‘s too good, to actually be true, isn‘t it? Two hours after waking up, Ted spends another half hour trying to get himself to get up, despite the headache and the vertigo. He tumbles into the shower and stands under the steaming hot water for way too long, before he forces himself to stop. It‘s about nine am now and he can hear the others in the kitchen, but he hesitates to join them. Emma saw him cry, which is so fucking embarrassing and God knows what Henry thinks about him, now that he was so shamelessly honest. He probably just likes him as a friend. He cares about him in a friendly way. Ted was drunk and he probably over-interpreted everything Henry said. Ultimately, he decides to join them anyway, who cares if it‘s gonna be awkward? (He does, he cares so much, but he‘ll try to seem cool and relaxed.) When he enters the kitchen, Henry and Emma are doing the dishes. Of course Emma‘s there. She‘s always there. Alice is there too, just leaning against one of the counters, while talking to Emma. “Hey“, Ted mumbles, when no one reacts. Henry looks up and smiles. “Ted! How are you?“ “I feel like shit, to be honest.“ Not just physically too. “Do you want a coffee?” “No..no.” He nervously eyes Emma and Alice, who stopped talking to stare at him. He knew, it’d be awkward. He hesitantly steps closer to Henry, leaning against the kitchen counter next to him, leaning over to him to quietly say: “I.. can’t exactly recall everything, but, you know.. did I say what I think I said?” “You’ll have to be more precise.” “Jesus, Henry, you know what I mean.” “You mean, when you said you liked me?” “Exactly.” “And then you tried to kiss me.” “Jup.” “You don’t have to blush Ted.” “Well I didn’t fucking mean to.” Henry smiles now and finally looks up. “Alright, this is where we leave”, Emma notes loudly and Ted flinches, because he totally forgot about her and Alice. They leave and Henry continues. “I mean, don’t be embarrassed.” “But I am. It’s embarrassing.” “It’s not. Did you mean it?” Ted hesitates, looking anywhere but at Henry now. He thinks about lying, but where’s the point? “Or was it the alcohol speaking?”, Henry goes on asking. “It’s the truth”, Ted quietly admits, still not daring to look at Henry. “You do like me?” “Yeah.” “Good.. good.” “Why is that good?” “Why do you think?” “I don’t know?” “I like you as well.” “Oh?” “I like you Ted.” “Like.. in a romantic kinda way? Like a lover?” Henry smiles now while watching Ted, obviously amused. “Like a lover?” Ted feels dumb for asking. Of course not. Of course he doesn’t. “Yes. I suppose like a lover”, Henry continues, seemingly deep in thought now. Oh. Teds brain just stops working for a moment, he stares at Henry instead. Especially his lips. Fucking shit, his lips. They look so soft. He bets they are. “So you’re into me?”, he asks again, still too startled to actually believe his ears. ”I am.” “You are.” Henry moves closer to Ted now, his hand moving up to the collar of his shirt, nervously fiddling with the fabric. He gets so close, that Ted can feel his breath on his lips and he’s already loosing his mind, good God. “Henry?“, he still asks. Quietly. It’s more of a whisper. “Mh?“ “You sure?” Henry smiles now, avoiding Teds gaze, mostly because he’s indecently staring at his lips instead. “Yes.” They stare at each others lips for as long as they can bear it. Ted gives up first. He leans to Henry and pushes his lips onto Henrys soft ones. They really are as soft as they looked. Henrys hand moves up from Teds shirt collar, going for his hair instead and pulling him closer into a second kiss. Ted backs away a little, afterwards, and just stares at Henry for a few seconds. He’s overwhelmed by absolutely everything that’s going on inside his mind, not able to think one clear thought. “Holy shit, fuck“, he mumbles. “I rate that as a positive?” “You better fucking believe it.” He leans closer and they kiss again. This time, they keep going for quite a while, keep kissing. The kisses grow more and more passionate too, more heated. Teds hand goes for Henrys waist now and he gently pushes him against the kitchen counter, stepping closer. “I’ve been waiting so fucking long for this“, Ted mumbles now, against Henrys lips, “You could have dropped hints, you know.” “I know but I did not mean to like you. You said you don’t do love.” “Ugh, yeah, you’re right, I said that.” “Do you still mean it?” “I don’t think so. Shit, I really like you.” Henry smiles now and bites his lip, in a completely innocent way but it’s still hot. “Come here”, Ted mumbles, before pulling Henry closer. Henry does, pushing his lips against Teds again and running his fingers through Teds damp hair, completely messing it up. Ted leans closer to him, not yet (or maybe never) having enough of Henrys contiguity. His sanity is completely gone by now. He just lets Henry do whatever he’s doing to him, that makes him feel so jittery and warm and fuzzy. They stop, to breath, because apparently they both forgot. They are audibly breathing now, while still holding onto each other, with their eyes still closed, their foreheads touching. “Ted..“ Henry slowly removes his hands from Teds hair, carefully evening it too. “Huh?“ “Good God.” His hand runs down over Teds chest now, before he wraps his arms around Teds upper body. He simply kisses Ted again, while unobtrusively shoving his hand into the back pocket of Teds pants and pulling him closer. After that kiss, they just stand there, still embracing each other, with Ted resting his head on Henrys shoulder and Henry leaning his head against Teds. “Ted?” Ted smiles. “Yeah?” “You can always talk to me, you know that.” “So do you. To me, I mean, you can talk to me, not to yourself. You can also talk to yourself, but-“ “Yes, I understood. Thank you Ted.” “You’re welcome”, he mumbles, before looking up, “It’s your hand.” “What?” “You put your hand in my back pocket and now I’m not able to form a sentence anymore.” Henry chuckles, pulls it out and, just seconds later, completely breaks away from Ted. “You have my deepest apologies.” “No, I didn’t tell you to stop hugging me! Come back.” “Good God, you‘re despotic“, he mumbles as he pulls Ted closer again. “I‘m really not“, Ted contradicts. He lets his hand run up to Henrys temple now, before he leans closer and starts placing kisses on his cheek and jawline. “Ted?” It’s Bill. “Yeah.” He turns around to look at him, still pretty close to Henry, with Henrys arm still wrapped around Teds waist. “Oh”, Bill mumbles, obviously taken aback and overwhelmed. He frowns then. “Since when are you two..going steady?“ Ted turns to Henry and they stare at each other, quietly asking for an answer. Are they going steady? “Dad, leave them alone.” Alice appeared behind Bill and carefully reaches for his arm to pull him out of the kitchen. “They were totally making out in here.” “Alice!” Bill looks at Ted, apologetically but also surprised. Ted chuckles. “Come on”, Alice prompts again and Bill finally gives in, following her into the corridor. As soon as they’re gone, Ted turns back to Henry. “So..” He starts fumbling with Henrys hair, his arm resting on Henrys shoulder again. “So?” “Are we going steady? You know, are we dating?” “You ask that like you are afraid, I’ll say yes.” “No! Fuck, no! I.. I never really dated anyone, that’s all.” “And you don’t want to start?” “No, I want you. I want to date you so bad, Henry.” Henry chuckles now. “Alright then Ted.” “I’m so fucking nervous, that’s all. I’m sorry.” “Don’t be.” “Sorry or nervous?” “Both.” “I’ll try.” Henry smiles and Ted starts melting. Metaphorically of course. “You wanna kiss again?”, he asks. Henry nods. “Yeah.” - Dating Henry is even more great that Ted thought it would be. They cuddle a lot. Like a lot a lot. By now they are almost always touching in some way, holding hands or at least standing close enough for their shoulders to touch. Ted‘s not sleeping in his own bed anymore too, instead he‘s sleeping all cuddled up with Henry. And he would never admit it, not yet anyway, but he thinks he might be in love. It‘s only been a week, but every time Henry enters a room Ted‘s in, he gets all jittery and nervous. Henry went back to looking for a cure in the lab, but not after promising Ted to take it easy. Ted‘s about to visit him when Emma stops him from the living room. „Hey Ted?“ She steps into the corridor. He stops, but doesn‘t hurry to turn around to her. He‘s not sure how much everybody knows about Henry and him being a thing, but Emma must at least suspect it, because to be honest, they are not as sneaky as they think they are. “Where are you going?“ “Henry.“ That name earns a raised eyebrow from Emma. “It‘s Henry now?“ “Seems like it.“ “So you guys are together?” “Why do you care?” Ted goes full defense real quick. He’s always been that way. “I..was just asking.” “Listen Emma, fucking kill me if you want to but I actually like him.” “I’m not gonna fucking kill you. I wanted to apologize.” “What?” “I’m sorry for being so mean and everything. I had the lowest opinion of you and I was wrong. I have never seen Henry that happy, so..thanks for that.” “I’m not dating him to please you.” Her face lights up. “So you are dating?” “Yeah..yeah, we are.” “Cool.” “Cool?” “Yeah.” “I’ll go then.” “Alright.” - They’ve been together for about a month now. It’s late in the evening, everybody went to sleep but Henry never appeared, so Ted figured he’d look for him. When he enters the lab, Henry just sits there, doing nothing but staring at a flask filled with something. “You alright?” Henry flinches and halfway turns to Ted who came closer and now puts his arms around Henry from behind, resting his head on Henrys. “Yes.” “Sure?” “I think I was wrong about the reversibility of the apotheosis. Those reconstructions clearly are not reversible. I can see it now, clear as the day.” “I’m sorry.” Ted places a kiss on Henrys head. “You are not the one who crashed the meteor into the starlight theatre. It isn’t your fault.” “No, I know. It’s just..you wanted this so bad and I wanted it for you.” “You are sweet Ted.” “I want you to know that none of this is your fault. You tried and it’s not possible and that’s alright.” Henry keeps quiet. Ted breaks away from him a little to turn him around in his chair. “Say it.” “What do you want me to say?” “That it’s not your fault.” Henry smiles down-hearted. “Ted, don’t be that way now. I’m fine.” “Nuh-uh!” He leans forward and places a quick kiss on Henrys lips, pulling away afterwards. Henry follows to kiss him again, but Ted ducks away. “Only if you say it.” “Good God. It’s not my fault.” “There you go.” Henrys reaches for Teds head, pulling him closer, almost impatiently. They kiss again, for real this time. It grows more passionate, until there’s Teds hand, pulling on Henrys Turtleneck and finding a way underneath. He slowly pulls Henry up from the stool and gently pushes him against the desk instead. Henrys hand leaves Teds hair now, instead going for his tie and loosening it. He then proceeds to undo the first few buttons of Ted shirts, running his hand eagerly over his skin. Ted catches himself reaching for Henrys belt now, fiddling with the buckle. „Ted..“ Ted quickly backs away. „Sorry! Sorry.. too quick?“ Henry stares at him for a few seconds, lightly panting. „No, just.. bedroom“, he mumbles. Then he reaches for Teds wrist and pulls him out of the lab and to his bedroom. Ted just kind of follows him, stumbling a little but looking forward to wherever this is going. As soon as they‘re in there, Henry pushes Ted against the door and kisses him, while he blindly locks it. Then he goes for Teds belt. „Woah“, Ted mumbles. „Is that too quick?“ „Nah, I‘m so fucking into it. Just didn‘t expect it at all.“ „Sorry, it‘s been quite a while.“ Henry seems nervous now. „No no no, don‘t be sorry! It’s so hot.“ Henry laughs quietly, before he kisses Ted again, reaching for his belt again too. - They cuddle afterwards. Of course they do. Henrys head rests on Ted chest, Ted wrapped his arms around Henry and affectionately plays with his hair now. Ted can‘t safely and with complete security claim that he actually ‘made love’ before, but he’s pretty sure he did now. He‘d never say that though, because it sounds so fucking cheesy. Maybe it‘s just that cheesy. Falling in love and all of that shit. Ted‘s pretty sure he already fell by now. He stumbled for a while and tried to catch himself, tried to find his balance, but he didn‘t. And then he fell and he hit his head so hard that he has cheesy thoughts now.   He can feel the way Henrys breath hits his chest, the way Henrys hair is tickling on his skin and he absolutely adores it. “I’m in love with you“, he mumbles. Really quiet to be honest, because fear took a hold of him, after he opened his mouth. Fear, that Henry doesn’t want to hear that because he doesn’t feel the same. It’s quiet and Ted actually starts to hope that Henry didn’t hear it. But Henry did, he just needed time to process it. “You are?” “Uuhm..” Oh God. He fucked up, he fucked up so bad. Henry looks up now, looks at Ted with his gorgeous eyes. He’s lightly chewing on his lip, maybe to hide that it is trembling. Ted can see it tremble anyway.   “Sorry”, Ted quickly mumbles. “What is it?” “I’m sorry I said it.” “Don’t be.” “Are you gonna cry?” Henrys lip is still trembling and his eyes look kinda teary. “No.” “I’m sorry if I upset you. You know what? Just forget about it.” “No, don’t be sorry. I love you too.” “What?” Ted can hear his own heart pounding by now. “I said I love you too.” Henry leans closer to Ted now and kisses him. He then continues placing gentle kisses on Teds face, smiling now. “Sorry, I love you”, he says, “I love you Ted.” “Thank God”, Ted whispers. He’s relieved, he’s so fucking relieved. And it feels so good to hear it too. Nobody ever said that to him. He heard Charlotte saying it to Sam a lot, he remembers how he used to roll his eyes at those words. What a pitiful blathering. He catches Henry gazing at him, brightly smiling now. “I’m sorry. I haven’t heard that in a long time and I did not expect to hear it from anyone anymore, to be perfectly honest.” “Well I’ve never said it and let me tell you, that silence was terrifying.” Henry chuckles. “I’m sorry Ted.” “It’s alright.” “You really never said it?” “No.” “I assume you also never heard it then?” “No.” Henry pulls him closer now and places a gentle kiss onto his collarbone, before he settles on Teds chest again. “Now you did.” “Yeah it was great. You wanna say it again?” Henry laughs quietly, before he whispers another “I love you”. Ted smiles. “I love you too” And he means it. He’s never felt like that before. “Are we gonna use pet names now?” “No.” “Babe?” “Ted..” “Love?” Henry laughs. “Good God.” “So that’s a yes?” “No.” “Alright, Love it is.” Henry just gives up complaining and instead places kisses on Teds chest. Ted consequently places a kiss on Henrys forehead, Henry looks up and they kiss for real. “Good Night”, Henry finally mumbles against Teds lips. “Good Night.. Love.” Ted winks and Henry just kind of chuckles against Teds chest, not daring to object anymore. - Ted wakes up, when Henry tries to entangle himself from Teds arms. For some reason they ended up spooning over night. “Don’t”, Ted mumbles, still half asleep, before he pulls Henry back against his chest, holding him close. “Ted it’s already nine in the morning.” “We don’t have anywhere to be.” Henry hesitates, but seems to agree at last, because he turns around to Ted now. He reaches for Teds face and starts placing soft kisses everywhere. “Open your eyes. I know that you are awake. You talked to me.” Ted smiles and shakes his head. “I’m not awake.” Henry goes for Teds eyes now, gently kissing his closed eyelids and every bit of unkissed skin nearby. “Jesus Christ, you really are consistent“, Ted mumbles now, not daring to admit how much he enjoys it. He opens his eyes now, squinting at the light that floats into the room through the window, almost immediately closing them again. “No”, he just says, before he cuddles up against Henrys chest, buries his head in the crook of Henrys neck and places a few tired kisses there. Henry wraps his arms around Ted, seemingly giving up now. It doesn’t take long for Ted to fall back asleep. They end up laying and cuddling there way longer than Henry planned to but he can’t deny that he thoroughly enjoys every second of it. After some time he decides to get up though, because he can hear everybody else in the kitchen. He slips out of Teds arms, receiving a quiet groan, but nothing more. - When Ted wakes up again, Henrys gone. After a glance at the clock, he forces himself to get up as well. He enters the kitchen, where everybody is, for some reason. They are all either putting away everything or doing the dishes. Of course they are already done eating. Ted steps closer to Henry, hugging him from behind and resting his head against Henrys back. “Traitor”, he mumbles. “It’s not possible that you are still tired Ted.” Ted can hear Henry smile while saying that. “Well looks like you tired me out last night.” Bills hands shoot up to cover Alice ears and Emmas jaw drops. “Good God”, Henry mumbles. Alice laughs, much to Bills shock. She ducks out of his hands. “Dad, I’m almost 18!” “You’re still too young.” “Oh”, Paul mouths, only now getting it. “I’m out”, Emma declares and pulls a confused Paul out of the kitchen. “I guess we’ll leave you alone too.” Poor Bill. He suddenly seems so overwhelmed. He just leaves. Alice smiles and winks at Ted, before she follows everybody else. Ted might actually start to like her. Henry turns to Ted, biting his lip to keep himself from smiling. “So, now that everybody’s out of here, do you wanna make out?”, Ted asks. “You are unbelievable.” “You’re into it though.” “That’s right, come here.”
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needscaffeine · 5 years
You Didn't Know?(Tedgens Fic.)
Prompt by @princessstarkid . I hope you like this.
It was a normal day in Hatchetfield. The birds were chirping. The squirrels were gathering. And the students were moaning.
Our story take place at Hatchetfield Community College, where a Mr. Henry Hidgens and his boyfriend Ted Richards work. The time of day is 12:55, most of the students had been awake for several hours, so had the teachers, but they dragged themselves to the classrooms.
Henry watched as the young adults(and a few older ones) poured into the Biology classroom that day. He smiled, waved, said his good afternoons, all he got was a vacant stare and some mumbled replies. Ignoring this he continued with his cheery demeanor.
All went well, the students paid as much attention as they could, no disruptions, that was until the end of class.
To say the class was surprised would be an understatement. Nobody expected their math teacher to barge in. Or for Hidgens to smile so wide when he saw him.
"Mr. Richards, is there something I can do for you?," Henry at least tried to be professional. That could not be said for Ted.
"Nope! But do I have to have a reason to come see you?", He asked walking over to Henry's desk. The students all had slack jaws. Nobody knew what was going on.
"Ted, I'm in the middle of class", Henry said trying to get his point across.
"And I don't have one right now. Mind if I hang out?", Ted knew that his boyfriend wasn't going to say no.
"Fine, but I do actually have to teach so no distracting me", He said and then turned back to his class, "Close your mouths, Mr. Richards will be joining us for the rest of class"
"Babe, they heard the whole thing", This earned him a glare from Henry but a laugh from the students.
"Whatever, back to what I was sayi- Yes Dan?", He said pointing to the kid with his hand raised.
"You're gay?", Henry sighed, Ted laughed, and the other students went stiff.
"You didn't know?", Was the professor's response. With that he went on with class, with the occasionally interruption by Ted or a student to inquire more about his social life.
Henry wasn't one bit surprised by Ted's laid back take on teaching. It wasn't too different from his own. So when he walked into the classroom and heard chattering and music, he ignored it. Of course a few students stared at him, but they didn't say anything.
Henry eventually made it Ted's desk. He sat down and waited for his boyfriend to get done. It was kinda fun to watch him teach, it was like he was a different person, but he was still amazing.
Henry was very much lost in thought and was kinda startled when he heard Ted, very loudly, tell a girl to finish her work and plan her party later. He watched as Ted walked away from the board and toward Henry.
"Sorry for the noise. I don't usually mind if they chat, but they get a bit loud sometimes. So, why're you here? Business or pleasure?", He said sitting down on his desk top.
"Pleasure. I only have three classes today", Henry said smiling up at him.
"Lucky, but I'm glad you're here", He returned the smile. They talked about randomness for a little while, with Ted having to answer a question or two for a student, this lasted for about ten minutes before Henry groaned.
"Can you turn this crap off?"
"What the music? Sure, it's not like I chose the station, I let the students do that", Ted said pausing the pop music, "Is there something you'd like to listen to?"
"You should know me well enough to know what I'm going to say", Henry smirked, but grabbed Ted's phone. He put it on a playlist(that he made) and watched to see what the students' Reactions would be. Indifferent mostly, but you could tell a few of the students recognized the songs.
"Sir", One of the girls in the back of the room raised her hand, "You like musicals? I wouldn't have guessed that". Several of the students nodded in agreement.
"I'm dating Hidgens, and you didn't know?"
Summer break, it was they all had been waiting for. Both students and teacher's breathed a sigh of relief and got ready for their small break.
A few of the teachers stood by the door and said their goodbyes to their students. This causing them to get a good look at what was about to happen.
Ted Richards said goodbye to his last student, locked the classroom door, and made his way to Henry Hidgens class. Henry didn't even get to say anything because Ted kissed him right then and right there.
"They're dating?", Several of the teachers asked, mostly to themselves, but they're students smirked and simply said:
"You Didn't Know?"
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oh-theatre · 5 years
Sycamore High: Age-Old Question (Chapter 25)
A/N: Hey you should write a chapter not based on Tommy, Ted, or the professors....well the medallion says thats dumb so were not going to do that. 
summary: A certain figure reappears in the professor's life
words: 2,000
warnings: Swearing, forced kiss, kissing
Ao3 Link
“So he's off the play?” Henry asked as he set his things down walking into his classroom followed by his husband.
“He's off the play, and I talked to the principal-” Henry goes to interrupt but Chad is quick “And I set up a meeting with his parents, love I've done everything” Chad says closing the door, oh how he wished he’d locked it , making sure the blinds are closed. He'd rather not see any students until he needed to.
“Any sign of Tommy?” Henry asked Chad sighed walking over to him. “I'm just asking” He grumbled as he sat on the couch, Chad bounced over joining him.
“Ted met him this morning, both are fine” Chad informed plopping his head onto the professor's shoulder. Henry took his hands playing with them, he exhaled.
“Well Professor Hidgens I think you've covered all the bases” Henry teased, though he was still worried it was easier now. Chad nodded fully giving him permission to play with his hands, Henry had done it ever since they met, it was calming.
“I have!” Chad exclaimed giggling drowsily into Henry, who placed a soft kiss on his forehead. Chad might have fallen asleep right there had Henry not been so squirrelly. “What's wrong dearest?”
“Have you called Tommy's parents?” Chad sighed “I know he doesn't want us to but I really think they should know”
“Yes I know, I have called them but no response” Chad responds, Henry nods disheartened. “Are you satisfied now, love?” Henry smiles as best he can still fiddling with Chad's fingers. “Good, now we have about 20 minutes until class starts so why don't we eat?” Chad recommends, almost instantly Henry's stomach growled and he let Chad drag him off the couch towards his desk. They sat on opposite sides opening up their yogurt and oatmeal. “what's the plan for today?” Chad asks spooning a mouth full of yogurt, Henry sighs looking over to his lesson plans.
“They will be doing their research on environmental biology, continuing with the amazon fires” Henry informed, Chad smiled, he wouldn't admit it but they both knew talking about work could lift his mood. “It's interesting how passionate the class is, I expected half-asleep zombies who mumbled and agreed with anything I said but each class” He practically swooned “Its thrilling Chad, they are so bright” Chad chuckled at Henry's excitement.
“I'm happy you have a good class, I remember last year” Chad went on “Oh! And your first-year residency class-
“Oh I remember that” A third voice added, Chad turned quickly as a look of irritated fear appeared on Henry's face. Chads heart sunk as his eyes met the man who now stood in the doorway of Henry's class. “You hated everyone in our class, except me of course-”
“Debatable” Chad heard Henry mutter under his breath. He felt Henry takes his hand, rubbing his palm soothingly.
“You hated the class and were constantly on top of everything. You got every surgery, every doctor wanted you EVERY hospital wanted you.” He scoffs, Chad feels an itching. “And you threw it away for some measly teacher job-”
“After 17 years of being a general surgeon attending!” Chad chimed, Henry stifled a small giggle. “What did you do again? Oh right! You dropped out of the program-”
“No dearest he didn't drop out, he was kicked out remember?” Henry added innocently, Chad nodded smiling.
“My mistake, I don't really remember people I don't care about,” He said sweetly, he turned back to the figure “Jreg? Was it?” Chad asked Henry pursed his lips, trying very hard not to laugh.
“Greg actually” He seethed, Greg moved closer staring down a very bubbly Chad. Chad, being the person he was, stuck out his tongue teasingly before turning back to his yogurt. Henry watched him affectionately. Greg shakes his head before turning his attention towards Henry who simply raised his eyebrows. “I will still never understand why you settled for…” He took a look at Chad who awaited the insult as he had done many times before “Such a loser” Greg decides, Chad might laugh at how lazy it was. He went on to say something but Henry was too quick for him.
“A loser with two tonys?” Henry nods, Chad smiled, his hands becoming fidgety. “A loser whos students all love and who is constantly voted the best teacher of the year? I don't know Greg, I think he might have settled for me” Henry shrugged casually. Chad sighed cupping Henry's face.
“Never love,” He said, Greg rolled his eyes so hard they might have flown out. Chad turned back to Greg. “What do you want Greg?” He finally asked the inevitable question. Suddenly as though on cue, the door burst open once more the bumbling vice-principal waltzed in patting Greg on the back. “Oh no…” Both Professors mumbled in unison.
“Haven't you heard?” Greg asked his voice oozing with sarcasm “I'm your new coworker” He turned to Chad “And your new Co-Director”
“And I'm fine”
“You promise?”
“Hey! You asked me all the time now it's my turn” Ted argued holding up his hands defensively. Tommy pouted furrowing his brows, he sighed grabbing one of Ted's hands interlacing them with his own. Ted smiled brightly, clearly very proud of himself. “I love you,” He said, Tommy, rolled his eyes.
“Yeah yeah, I love you too” He shrugged as they walked into school, Tommy felt himself miss a step as the glowering arch of the entrance loomed over him. Ted caught him, offering support.
“You ok?” He asked cautiously, Tommy dusted himself off. He nodded, though Ted wasn't convinced and also disappointed when Tommy didn't take his hand again. They walked side by side silently through school reaching the auditorium doors as they had always done, but something was off. They stood idle hoping someone would say something, but alas. Finally, the warning bell rang and Tommy looked up. Before making his way to his own class he leaned into Ted for a moment whispering softly.
“It isn't you, I promise” He lingered only for a moment before briskly disappearing into the herd of students each with their own story. Ted sighed, his shoulders heaving before he was joined by Bill and Paul as they made their way into the theatre, taking their respective places. Chad entered the class his demeanor sullen as another man followed behind him. The man watched him in a way that made Ted fidget in his seat.
“Good Morning class” Chad greeted, leaving out a certain excitement that was typically present. “Since auditions are over and we can move on from that, we will be working on comedia del Arte and the idea of farce” A loud cough was heard, Chad turned annoyed to the man, he smirked “We will start by watching a movie this period, ne-” Another cough
“Yes, Mr.Jreg? Can I help you?” Chad asked the man to his right, biting down a smile.
“Its Greg, and I just thought you should introduce me,” Greg asked innocently, folding his hands. Chad raised an eyebrow before looking towards his students then back to Greg.
“Hmm, Nah” Chad shrugged, turning his lips upward “I'm good. Class?” He asked they all shook their heads needing no prompt. “Anyway moving on”
“That was very unprofessional honeybee” Henry cooed smiling
“Oh I know” Chad acted, stretching the ‘o’ “I feel absolutely awful!” Henry bursts into giggled, placing a kiss on Chad's forehead. He smiled up at him as they took their place once more in Henry's classroom. Chad sat clearly noticing the aftermath of whatever Henry did during their last lesson. “Dearest, this is very very unsanitary” Henry nodded not disagreeing.
“Well we can't eat in your class, it doesn't even have a couch!”
“No it doesn't, it's quite dreary,” Greg said bringing his own tray of lunch into Henry's class. The professors groaned.
“What are you doing here Greg?” Henry moaned annoyed, he felt a soft kick from Chad. “I mean, Greg, what can we do for you” His voice falling flat.
“I came to spend time with my two favorite- Hold up, my favorite person and his husband” Greg responded, Chad sighed taking his place once more in his seat.
“I'm clearly the favorite” Chad joked to Henry who had been stifling so many laughs today he might burst. “Greg, this is our lunch would you please leave?” Chad said more serious now, Greg pondered for a moment before deciding to sit down in the middle of the pair instead. Chad dropped his fork annoyed “I need to get something” He mumbled, before briskly getting up and exiting the class. Henry wanted to follow him but was quickly shoved down by Greg.
“Greg, what are you doing?” He asked, pushing his hand off of him “No, seriously, what the hell are you doing here?” Henry asked, his temper boiling over without the calm presence of Chad to keep him from tipping the lid. “Because I'm happy, and have been happy without you in my life. I have the most wonderful, most amazing, most perfect husband. I have a beautiful, talented, loving child-” Greg raised a brow, going to talk, Henry held up a finger “Yes, he's not ‘mine’ perse but I love him all the same. An amazing class, a great home and well the best life. So my quest-”
He was cut off by something physically stopping his words. His eyes went wide in shock as he felt Greg's lips meet his, Greg clutching the back of Henry's head. He regained control of himself pushing Greg off standing quickly. He searched frantically for any words that could describe what he felt right now. Enraged was at the tip of his tongue, baffled was working its way up but guilty? Guilty was already slipping out.
“Starlight?” A voice choked, Henry darted his eyes to the door seeing a frozen Chad standing in the archway. Now Henry could move, now he could speak. His eyes grew wide in horror as he pushed past the table making his way to Chad. Chad didn't back away, he didn't run he moved quickly cupping his husbands face. “Are you alright?” He asked, struggling against his tears. Henry laughed dryly, of course, his concern would be Henry over his own feelings.
“I'm fine dearest, I'm fine” Henry responded, feeling a weight lifted off of him. They hear a slow clapping from behind them, Chads eyes moved from watery affection to fiery anger.
“So moving, I mean wow” Greg clapped maliciously “Henry, I am truly disappointed in you, choosing..” He gestured to Chad who still had his arms holding onto Henry's arms. “Whatever he is, over me?” He laughed, he pushed past them stopping in the hallway turning back. “Unfortunately this isn't over”  
“Im home!” Ted called out into the apartment, He sludged his things onto the couch plopping down accordingly. He heard light shuffling and turned to see a happy Chad walk in followed by an unamused Henry. “Um...hi?” Ted greeted, Chad's smile only grew wider, they approached and sat on opposing chairs to Ted.
“We have some...things we wanna talk to you about” Chad started, Henry nodded analyzing his wording. “And we hope that...we don't mean to distress you in any way ok?” Chad added, Ted felt himself shrink.
“Oh my god… you want to get rid of me don't you?” Ted rushed, feeling his palms get sweaty. The professors shared a glance before shaking their heads wildly.
“No no no! Ted...never” Chad assured, Henry took a seat next to the boy, rubbing his shoulder comfortingly “Quite the opposite um actually” Chad informed. Ted froze, feeling things that he couldn't express. “We did a lot of digging, and research and met with a lot of people and…” Ted waited guiltily for the sweet words “We want to adopt you, Ted...if you'll let us”
And there it was.
“You want to adopt me?”
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id-never-letyoudown · 5 years
Anyway here's a big ol' post on this blog's Hidgens
He had an incredibly rough time growing up. Only his aunt and uncle were really supportive of him. He wished he could have been with them instead. He would sneak out to go see them when he could, before they moved
He encountered a lot of bullying in his school years. And he wasn't one to back down. So when things got physical, he got physical back. He would get in trouble and his parents would get involved. Which only made things worse.
Very smart boy, science was his best subject.
Piano and theatre, he loved them. He begged and begged for piano lessons, but nothing came of it. But he absolutely killed any play he was in.
As soon as he could he emancipated himself. Got a part-time office job until he finally graduated valedictorian. Then it was off to Hatchetfield University. He could have gone to Yale, Harvard, he had the marks. Had the scholarships. But he chose Hatchetfield, because that's where his aunt and uncle lived.
He met a man named Graham in college, who wasn't all that "honest with his true feelings. And would then end up leaving him at the alter to run off with his best friend." So yeah. His love life wasn't great. Unbeknownst to him, they didn't run off to be together. They ran off because they were sick. And close to death :) And had only said all those things to make him hate them, so it'd be easier for Henry to move on
*He was studying in a lab. Trying to cure a new disease that had cropped up seemingly out of nowhere. He happened to be immune to it. He was hoping to create an antibody for it with his own dna. And had nearly succeeded. Until his closest friends became ill. All because he had been in a rush to join them on the football field at five o'clock and skimped on the sterilization. When it spread to his friends there was a lockdown. He tried to complete his research but it was already too late. Luckily it doesn't spread after a certain stage of infection. He watched his friends die. *
*Imagine having everything crumbling down around you, and the one thing you think you can count on to lift your spirits? Ends up a somber disaster. Graham was the one who suggested going on with the wedding, if only to make Henry hate him more. He had no best man. No one sitting on his side. And no groom. *
*Graham and Chris are miraculously still alive. The disease completely fucked their immune system up though. And neither of them quite know how to explain themselves to Henry. "Hi we wanted u to hate us so losing us would hurt less, but turns out we're fine. How are things?"*
*When Henry started writing on Working Boys he changed their names. Because it was easier to turn them into characters that way. The play is about how he believes things should have turned out.*
He was an only child, and his parents denied his existence. Only telling people that "we used to have a daughter, but she died long ago" without a hint of remorse. And then, in his last semester, his aunt and uncle died.
See, I like to think PEIP has recruiters looking for a specific type of people. Those who wouldn't raise much suspicion if they were to go missing. You know?
He ended up inheriting their house, as he was the closest to a child they had. And they loved him so.
When the recruiter came to him, he was skeptical. Yet intriqued. But what was he going to do? The last family he had was gone, his fiancé left him. That all happened in the span of a month. He didn't know what he was going to do. Or how he was going to continue paying for the house. And hey, they were going to pay him well
His hair used to be pitch black. He used to wear it long, in a ponytail. Then in a bun once he joined PEIP
He was mainly working research and study. But he was one of their top marksmen. His uncle used to take him to the shooting range. Henry liked the quality time
He knew Xander from college, and was shocked to see him in PEIP. They might have been a fling back in the day *cough*. Henry stuck to Xander like glue during his first few days. Which is how he met John McNamara.
Now, he didn't fall for John right away. It was gradual. Slow. And then all at once. They fooled around, a lot. Xander knew about and encouraged it. The three of them have a sort of open relationship. Where in John and Xander have opened themselves to Henry. Because being in an organization like PEIP, shit happens. People die. These three have been through hell together. Nothing will tear them apart.
Here's where the drama kicks in, okay? Okay. Henry doesn't harbor romantic feelings for Xander. They're friends who occasionally fuck. Though this is subject to change. He does have romantic feelings for John. And Henry thought John felt the same. Until he came to him and asked for his help in proposing to Xander. And that just-oh, really got him thinking. Ofc he helped him. And it was beautiful. And he cried and just laughed it off as, "Oh, you two know I'm just a sucker for a good love story. Let's all celebrate." "Actually, Hen. I think we'd like some time to ourselves right now." "... Oh! Yes, of course! More wine for me."
He gladly became their surrogate, later on. And upon childbirth he was quoted saying "I should do this again for the epidural alone." But he will never do that again. Heavens no. "You two owe me a bottle of wine for every damn stretchmark."
The incident, yes. PEIP had a portal to the black and white. They had sent others through before. But were running low on volunteers. Because those who went through rarely came out the same. And the most recent? Well, they don't talk about Cross. Henry volunteered. He had always wanted to study it face to face. And when he went in there, he was in there for what felt like days, but it was only minutes. He got a crack in his helmet. And that was when he started seeing Him. When they pulled him out, right as he was about to strike a deal, he was visibly upset. when he looked up at who pulled him out, he said "I was so close." And lashed out. That's when his hair turned silver. And that's when he chopped it all off
He hears the black and white now. He's learned to tune it out. Of course, he was able to play it off. He didn't want to be poked and prodded at. And then PEIP retired him. He was compromised and a danger to the rest of them, they said.
Now he's a professor. But it's only to pass the time. PEIP used to take up so much. Now in his free time he plays piano.
He's the type of professor to say "there are no stupid questions.... Except for what you just said right there." V tech savvy. Loves slides.
Sometimes he hears and sees things that aren't there. Things from the black and white.
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ethan---green · 5 years
Ten Times Professor Hidgens Restored Emma’s Faith in Humanity Part 10/10
Read the rest here!
Emma didn’t remember the moment the other car crashed into hers. She could faintly recall the ambulance. The feeling of an oxygen mask on her face, the piercing sound of a siren, the pain tearing through her leg.
Her breathing picked up. She couldn’t afford an ambulance.
“Miss Perkins?”
She fell asleep. If she died, well, dead people didn’t have student loans or hospital bills.
The sound of people talking woke her up. She felt as though she had been sleeping for years, yet exhaustion still clouded her mind.
“Are you awake?” a middle-aged woman in white scrubs asked.
“Yeah,” Emma’s tongue felt heavy, “what happened?”
“You were in a car accident,” the nurse picked up a clipboard, “Just gonna run through a few questions.”
“What’s your name?”
“Emma Perkins,” Emma figured they were checking for brain damage, but it was still annoying. Every minute she lay in this bed was more debt.
“Age? Who’s the president?”
“I’m 29. Donald Trump,” Emma made a face.
“I feel you,” the nurse grinned, “Do you have any family we could call?”
“No,” Emma shook her head. “When can I get out of here.”
“We’re gonna keep you here for a few days, unfortunately,” she smiled sympathetically, “You fractured a couple ribs and your right ankle broke. We’ve set it, but you’ll be on crutches for a couple months.”
Emma groaned. “I’ll call someone to bring me my things.”
The nurse nodded. “Alright. This is Room 196. Your phone’s on the table. Press the grey button if you need anything.”
“Thank you.”
Emma’s contacts were depressingly empty. She texted Nora and received a rushed get-well-soon message.
Then she sent an email to each of her professors. Maybe they could send her the notes?
She had just sent the last email when her phone beeped. Someone had already replied.
TO: Emma Perkins
FROM: Henry Hidgens
Are you okay? Do you need anything? Where are you? I’d like to visit, if that’s okay.
Regards, Professor H. Hidgens
Emma smiled. It was nice to have someone who cared. She didn’t want to ask too much of him, but he had offered and she was desperate.
TO: Henry Hidgens
FROM: Emma Perkins
Hey Professor,
I’m alive. I need my laptop and a change of clothes, if it’s not too much to ask. My apartment number is 528. There’s an extra key under the five. I’m at Hatchetfield Hospital, room 196. I’d love a visit.
Sincerely, Emma
About thirty minutes later, a different nurse came through the curtains that separated Emma from the other three patients.
“There’s an elderly gentleman outside asking to see you. Do you want us to let him in?”
“Yes, please.”
Professor Hidgens came through the curtains soon after, carrying a bag.
“Emma!” he rushed to her side, “How are you?”
His wide blue eyes examined her for injuries.
“I’m okay, Professor,” Emma said quietly, “Just a bit shaken.”
“That’s understandable,” he held up the bag. “I brought your laptop, your charger, some clothes, and I grabbed some food for you.”
Emma could feel her eyes soften, a tear or two springing to them.
“Thank you for coming.”
“Of course,” Professor Hidgens sat down, “How on earth could I possibly not come see you?”
“Well, no one else will,” Emma pointed out, “I’m just one of your students.”
Professor Hidgens looked borderline offended. “Really, Emma? After all you’ve done for me, I could never see you as “just a student”.”
Emma was about to respond when the first nurse came in.
“We’re just going to give you a bit more medication,” she explained, fiddling with Emma’s IV, “Now, this might make you a bit sleepy, but trust me, that’s preferable to the pain you’ll be in without it.”
Emma nodded, staying silent. Sure enough, within five minutes, her eyelids began to feel heavy. In a panic, she grabbed Professor Hidgens’s hand.
“Dad...don’t go!” She slurred.
“Of course not, my dear,” he assured her, “I’ll be here when you wake up.”
Emma drifted off slowly. Once he was sure she was asleep, Professor Hidgens got up and searched for the nurse. Like hell was he leaving his daughter with a crazy hospital bill.
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shutthefuckuppaul · 5 years
TGWDLM Drabble cause I’m bored
Sleeping in a new bed, in a new house, and next to a new person had been a lot harder to adjust to then Paul had imagined. He found himself lying in bed not being able to bring himself to sleep. Emma didn’t seem to have this problem, it seemed the second her head hit the pillow she was out of it. Paul envied that ability, especially that night. It was reaching midnight and all Paul could do was toss and turn in bed. After about thirty more minutes of trying Paul gave up and slowly got out of bed.
Even after staying in the professor's house for multiple weeks, Paul still found himself getting lost. After a couple of wrong turns Paul was finally able to find his way to the kitchen. He poured himself a glass and water and sat at the table taking in the silence of the room. Paul had always preferred silence. He never understood why some people couldn’t go more than a couple minutes without talking. It made work awful because being stuck between Bill and Charlotte meant he never got a second of peace. But yet it had been uncomfortably quiet around the house. Emma was really the only person Paul had talked to as of late, Bill as to busy trying to comfort Alice who only ever left her room to eat and never said a word while she did. He hadn’t seen the professor in days. He saw Ted every once in a while but he seemed to spend most of his time down in the lab, presumably with the professor. As much as they had annoyed him during work, he missed talking to everyone on a daily basis.
Paul got pulled from his thoughts as he heard someone else enter the room. He looked up to see Alice standing awkwardly in the doorway.
“I was just trying to get some water.”
“Well would you look at that,” Paul said as he gestured to his glass. “So was I!” He saw a small smile form on her lips before she quickly turned it back into her neutral expression. “Haven’t been able to sleep well?”
“You could say that,” Alice said as she slowly poured her glass of water. She paused for a second just staring into the glass before speaking again. “I can’t stop thinking about her.”
“Deb...she’s out there...she’s,” Alice paused again looking into Paul’s eyes. “She’s dead.”
Paul froze. He didn’t know what to do. He contemplated going to get Bill because this seemed like a conversation for him to handle but decided against it when he meet her gaze. “Oh Alice. I’m so sorry,” Paul said as he walked over to her. Once he was in arms reach he hesitantly opened his arms up suggesting a hug. Alice quickly fell into it.
Paul hadn’t seen Alice in years, not since Bill finally realized she didn’t need a babysitter. And yet Alice was still able to find comfort in his arms. “I missed you,” she whispered into his shirt as she tried to stop herself from crying.
“I missed you too Alice,” Paul said as he started to rub circles on her back. He slowly lead her into the living room and sat her down onto the couch. “I’m sorry I lost touch with you, I promise it wasn’t anything personal. Hell, as much as I don’t wanna admit it, hanging out with you and Bill used to be the highlight of my week.”
“Really. I thought you hated it. You always complained when I made you watch the movies with me!”
“I was just joking with you, obviously,” Paul teased as Alice started to laugh. “What was the one movie that took you two weeks to get me to watch?”
“High School Musical!” Alice exclaimed. “God you really made me beg you for that one.”
“Yeah and it wasn’t even that good!”
“Excuse me you did not just insult one of the most influential movies of all time!”
“And what movie would that be?” Ted asked as he walked into the room. “You too really don’t know how to be quite do you.” Ted sauntered in and plopped himself down onto the couch next to them.
“High School Musical!” Alice said proudly
“Did you say High School Musical?” Henry said enthusiastically as he popped his head into the room.
“Uhhh, yeah I did. I’m Alice by the way. I don’t think we’ve actually met,” Alice said as she stood up and wake toward Henry.
“What a rude host I have been. I’m so sorry,” Henry exclaimed as he went to shake her hand. “Professor Hidgens, but you can call me Henry!”
“What the fuck? I took me a week to get first name privilege and she gets it on the first day. That’s bullshit,” Ted huffed.
“Language,” Paul whispered as he hit Ted on the arm.
“It’s not like I haven’t heard that before. I am seventeen,” Alice laughed as she sat back down next to Paul.
“Well maybe I just like her more than you,” Henry teased. “But back to more important matters, you were talking about High School Musical yes?”
“Yes we were. Do you like it Henry?” Alice asked.
“Do I like it? Sweetheart I own all three!”
“Really!” Alice exclaimed. “Oh,we have to watch it now!”
“Oh no we don’t, it’s too late to start a movie anyway” Paul said.
“Time is irrelevant,” Ted said. “It’s not like we’ve got anything to do tomorrow.”
Before Paul could answer Henry was getting up and searching for the disk. “Oh, I’m gonna regret this aren’t I!” Paul said as he slid down into the couch.
“It’s gonna be fun,” Alice exclaimed as Henry started to put the disk in.
Paul woke up to the light of the tv screen blaring in his eyes. It seemed like after the end of the movie no one had remembered to run it off before all passing out. It took him awhile to notice the person curled up next to him. He looked over to see Alice asleep with her on his lap. He smiled as he looked down at her. Even though it had been years, she looked the same as every other time she had fallen asleep during a movie night. He looked over to see Henry and Ted slumped on each other in a seemingly similar position. As slowly and quietly as he could he got up and started a slow journey towards the kitchen.
When he got there he saw Emma pouring herself a cup of coffee as Bill seemed to be frying bacon on the stove. “Mornin sleepy head,” Emma said as she pulled out another mug. “Black right?”
Paul smiled and nodded as he accepted the mug from her. “Sorry I left, couldn’t sleep.”
“It’s ok. You seemed to get better sleep out there anyway!.”
Paul smiled and walked over to Bill, leaning on the counter next to him. “I hope I didn’t over step.”
Bill stopped what he was doing and turned to Paul. “Of course you didn’t! I’ve been waiting for her to open up again. I’m happy she was able to do it with you.” Paul smiled again as he looked back and forth between Emma and Bill. “Breakfast is almost ready! Go wake everyone up.”
“You’ve got it.” Emma said as she set her cup down. Paul watched as she set off towards the living room.
“Would you mind setting the table?” Bill asked as he handed Paul some plates.
“Of course not,” Paul said as he moved towards the table. He smiled as he heard the sound of everyone talking from the other room. He was happy to know that there wouldn’t be anymore silence.
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