#Yandere werebear
I’ve decided to share some of my original work on here. Here is my 32 page horror one shot from Halloween 2022. It’s about a werebear
Revenant Part 1
This is a mature story for 18+. 
Triggers: Gore, mentions of Stockholm syndrome, slight noncon, masturbation, and sex. 
Totally unrelated but when I thought of a bear, my mind instantly went to The Revenant. Hence the title. There are a few tributes to that movie but the plot line is nowhere near the same!
    Whack! Whack! Whack! Crack!
  Loud whacking noises rung throughout the forest, while sweat ran down a brawny man’s back. Dark eyebrows furrowed together in utmost concentration for the task at hand. To collect as much wood as he could before winter came.
   Large, calloused hands tightly grasped the sharp axe. The sharp metal shining brightly in the sun light, like a star in the night sky.  
    With a precise swing, the axe easily cut into the tree like a knife cutting into tender flesh.
    Winter would be approaching soon. And Björn had to be prepared for the cold since he knew there would be too much competition in the forest for food and dry wood later on. 
    A large flock of crows flew above his head, causing Björn to snap his head up in concern. Honey brown eyes began to study the now silent forest with caution. Something, or someone, has disturbed his forest. 
    There were no trespassing signs all over the outer perimeter of his forest, so who on earth was brave enough to enter?
    Björn tightly grasped his axe before heading into the direction where the crows had flown from. He was going to have to scare the intruder or intruders off. Björn just hoped he wouldn’t have to use any force.
  The further Björn went, the less trees there were… the less life. Björn hummed to himself in confusion. Why would someone trespass into the barren part of the forest? There wasn’t many resources out here or even wild game that roamed those parts.
   When Björn was in the clearing, fresh tire marks from a carriage stood out to him. Had someone strayed off the path outside of the woods and wondered into this section of the forest? Yet the horse footprints that surrounded the tire tracks told s different story, causing Björn to sigh. Another case of someone being chased off course by bandits. 
    Björn strapped his ax to his back, continuing his way through the desolate area. He needed to be sure that there were no bandits on his land. Those scoundrels were always pouching animals here, limiting the resources for the ones who lived in the forest. Björn’s kind especially.
    Björn soon came to a shallow swimming hole. His honey brown eyes scouting the area for any trespassers. Yet he didn’t see anyone or anything.
   Björn was about to leave until the strong smell of iron hit him. Brown eyes wildly glancing around in horror. Had a body been dumped here? 
  And that was when Björn saw her. A small figure laying halfway in a shallow grave. The dirt covering her lower half in a natural blanket. Dried blood pooled around her head like a morbid angel. 
    Björn slid down the slope to get down to the water hole to her. Tan hands frantically searching for a pulse. His breath hitching in his throat when he felt the faintest of pulses.
    Björn slowly moved her (hair color) hair from her face, his brown eyes studying her pretty face in awe. 
   Had his prayers to the gods been answered? Had they finally sent him a companion after all these long, lonely years?
    A soft groan of pain left the woman’s lips, Björn quickly snapped from his musings. First, he needed to take her back to his cabin. 
     Strong tan arms carefully lifted the woman up, his brown eyes observing the locket held loosely in her dirt covered hands. The picture of a handsome man with long, silver colored hair staring back at him, as if mocking Björn that the woman he held belonged to another.
    Björn snatched the locket from her hand, flinging it far into the muddy banks of the swimming hole. She wouldn’t need that strange man anymore. She had Björn now and he would protect her better than whoever that was could. He was sure she’d learn to love him. Time was on his side, especially with the rapidly approaching winter.
    Björn cradled the woman in his arms, read to take the two of them on the journey home. The open locket facing Björn, foreshadowing something ominous was coming.
     “We found her carriage, your grace.” A scruffy man bowed to the ethereal looking lord, brown eyes nervously scanning the ground in fear. “And we were able to capture a few of the bandits, but she was nowhere to be found-“
    A loud slam rung through the room, the prince slamming his pale fists against his throne’s arm. Icy blue eyes glaring at the men in the room in anger. They had one job, to find his fiancée. To find his (your name).
    “Your grace. One of the bandits said they dumped her in the forest-“ Balder wildly swung his head around, stormy blue eyes staring at the nervous subject who had interrupted his conversation. (Your name) couldn’t be dead could she? His ray of sunshine, his entire world… she couldn’t be gone. They had been promised to be together since they were children and they had always been inseparable… Balder would know if something bad happened to her, he truly believed their souls were bound.
    “Kill all of those bandits and hand their bodies up at the gates. The people need to know not to mess with the Vetle family.”
     “We shall go searching then. Prepare the hounds.” Balder opened up the locket around his neck that held a picture of a beautiful (hair color) girl. His icy blue eyes full of determination. 
    “Don’t worry. I’ll find you.”
     Björn gently wiped away the dirt on the young woman’s face with a cloth. Brown eyes memorizing every detail on her pretty face. To the shape of her nose to the plumpness of her lips… Björn wondered if her lips would fit perfectly against his own… Björn shook his head clear from his perverted thoughts, despite his itching to kiss her, he knew it was improper since they were strangers. 
   Björn glanced her direction again, his eyes studying the way her lashes lightly fluttered when he brought the warm rag to her face or how she pursed her lips ever so slightly in pain.
   “You’re safe now.” Björn whispered, eyes softening at her. “I’ll take care of you.”
    Björn rose from his seat beside the bed. A giddy feeling consuming his chest. He should probably get to work on building a bigger bed so the two of them could lay together… he’s never laid with a woman before so this was all so new to him. 
    Brown eyes gazed at all the books he had on shelves, a smile crawling on his scarred lips. He wondered if she loved romance novels. Those books were his only companion in this desolate forest… the only things that kept him from completely falling off the deep end from his unending loneliness.
     Björn was determined to show her that he could be a good mate. He’s take care of her throughout the winter as well. He just had to gather even more food and wood now, maybe even some pelts. 
     Björn gave one last look to the sleeping woman on his bed before ultimately deciding to try to find her the softest pelts he could find. He wanted her to be as comfortable as possible.
   A hum left his throat at the thought of her being so thrilled to have new blankets. Maybe he should also go catch her some fish or even some sort of water fowl to make her a soup? Would she like a man who is a good provider? 
    Björn wandered through the forest, his brown eyes scanning for any elk or deer. Maybe even a moose would do… Björn just wanted to make her happy. 
    They were going to be a family after all.
    A week had gone by and Björn was proud of his work. His companion no longer made pained expressions and her lashes would flutter whenever he’d run his large hands through her soft hair.
    Just thinking about her made Björn giddy. The rugged man wished she’d open her eyes soon so she could see her future mate. He just hoped he was attractive enough for her…
    Today was another day of gathering for him. He was hoping to get some more nuts and berries to preserve for the winter. Björn was proud of his jam making abilities and he was happy to finally have someone to show them off to.
    Björn continued his was through the dense forest, brown eyes lighting up when he saw some blackberry bushes.
   Björn reached a tan hand out to one of the berries before placing one in his mouth. A smile lighting up on his face when the soft flesh melted on his tongue. They were sweet with a slight tart kick to them… perfect for jam.
    Björn began to pick the berries, carefully placing them into a cloth pouch. He’d try to leave a few behind for any other creature that may stumble across this find, but now Björn had another mouth to feed.
   Loud flapping noises filled the forest air, a large flock of bird flying across the sky, causing Björn to freeze in his tracks. Björn took a deep breath before allowing his ears to shift into that of a grizzly bear’s. Small round ears now resting at the top of his unkempt head. The ears twitching as they began to pick up the sound of hooves and dogs barking.
   Either there were bandits in his forest now or a search party has come for his companion.
   Björn growled, his brown eyes flashing a bright gold. He wasn’t going to let his companion go. His unending loneliness was finally quenched and he would rather die than be alone any longer.
    Björn set his axe and blackberry pouch against a tree before shedding his clothes. Dark, brown fur beginning to sprout on every part of his body, his face slowly elongating into a snout. Large paws soon replacing his hands and feet, Björn hunching his back, his body beginning to elongate and expand. A giant grizzly bear soon standing where Björn once was.
    The giant grizzly bear stood up on its hind legs before releasing a loud roar. A few barks leaving it’s throat before it charged in the direction of the dogs.
    Björn wasn’t going to let anyone disrupt his chance at a family.
   Balder lead a handful of men into the forest, icy blue eyes nervously glancing around. It was deathly silent, the only sounds being their horses trotting and the dogs barking… yet Balder couldn’t calm his nerves. The forest was never this quiet. It was almost unnerving. 
    The birds were not chirping and there were no animals rustling through the trees… did they know something he didn’t?  
   There were a few decayed signs outside the perimeter of the forest, but they were so old that they were not legible… Balder sighed in frustration. There were so many signs to not continue this journey but there was a possibility (your name) was here… and she was worth any journey. 
    “The dogs picked up a scent!” One man shouted from the front of the group, the dogs heading deeper into the forest. “The lady could be alive!”
    Balder felt his horse slow down, it’s head staring at the left of the forest, as if it knew something was there that he didn’t. A whiny leaving the white horse’s mouth. The horse rearing it’s head in fear. 
    Balder grasped the reigns of his horse, his blue eyes narrowing at the forest. Something was in the woods. Something that could be dangerous…
    Balder steadied his horse. A pale hand grasped at the threaded locket around his neck tightly. He had promised (your name) that he would always protect her… he swore he would save her. No matter what… Balder loved her… he would do anything for her.
    Balder took a deep breath before guiding his horse into the forest, following his men into the brush. There were only four of his most loyal men and five hounds… Balder was sure they would all be fine.
   The group of men headed deeper into the forest. The dogs leading them deeper and deeper into this labyrinth of a forest. Balder could feel the hairs on his neck stand up in fear. 
    Yet Balder had no idea why he was so scared. He’s been in plenty of forests and even a few wars. There had to be something here… and whatever it was, it definitely didn’t want them there.
    A whine soon left one of the dogs before the others begin to tuck their tails between their legs. The other dogs soon whining and barking, the dogs attempting to backtrack despite their master ushering them forward.
     “You stupid dogs! What are you doing-“ a terrifying growl filled the air. The horses crying out, each one rearing back in fear while the dogs ran off. The men all glancing around in fear.
    “W-what was that?” The youngest of the men whimpered, the young boy unsheathing his sword. 
    The other men unsheathed their swords as well, the men forming a circle with their horses. The men struggling to keep their horses still, since the horses continued to try to get away.
    “What is wrong with these horses-“ Before the guard could even get a word in, a giant grizzly bear had barreled into the group, easily knocking the men to the ground. The horses bucked their riders off in fear, desperate cries leaving their throats. 
    Ear piercing screams leaving the man’s throat as the bear proceeded to maul him. Blood splattering everywhere while the man’s comrades could only watch in horror as their comrade was being torn limb from limb by a monster of a bear.
    The horses cried before fleeing into the deep forest, leaving the men to fend for their own.
   Balder rose up to his feet, clutching his sword tightly. Two of his men bravely tried to save their comrade. Only for the bear to lose interest in the dead man, it’s large body easily swiping the men off to the side. One of the men screaming in pain, his leg now bent in the opposite direction. 
   The bear roared, grabbing the man with the broken leg with its strong jaws before harshly slamming him into the ground. While the other desperately tried to save his friend, only for his throat to be sliced open by the bear’s sharp claws. Blood spraying all over the bear’s face like a loose faucet. The bear then slamming the man in its jaws onto the ground again until his neck broke.
   A deep, guttural growl left the grizzly’s body, it’s golden eyes making eye contact with Balder. It’s scarred face throwing Balder off guard. That was no ordinary bear. That bear was a monster.
   Balder swore the monster smirked at him before it went to finish off his comrades, almost like it was checking if they were dead for sure. Balder froze in fear. His men lay still on the ground, only for this monster of a creature to continue tearing them apart. 
    “Lord Balder! Hurry! We have to go!” The young guard shouted, the young boy crying as he tried to pull his master away from the scene. It appeared they were the only two still alive. “We can’t die here. We have to save lady (your name)! Hurry-“
   The bear launched itself at the boy, the boy screaming while the bear latched its jaws around his left arm. Sharp teeth tearing off his arm with ease. Blood spraying all over Balder’s face. 
   The prince quickly snapping to his senses. Preparing his sword, Balder swung his sword at the bear, the sharp metal slicing into the bear’s side. A loud roar leaving the bear’s throat.
    The grizzly rose to its hind legs, forgetting about the young guard who cradled his torn appendage in fear. The young guard tried to father himself,  reaching into his pocket to pull out a small dagger to try to protect himself.
  The grizzly’s golden eyes narrowed at Balder. A growl leaving it’s throat, it’s large body easily towering over Balder. But the bear seemed to be telling Balder to fight it. To kill it.
    The prince gulped before bravely charging at the bear, Balder couldn’t die here. He had to save (your name)… he had to see her again. Balder had so much to live for.
    The bear easily swatted Balder off to the side. The prince flying into the air from the force of the blow, his back slamming into a tree. A crack ringing in Balder’s ears. Balder knew his rib’s were now broken from that monster’s strength.
    Blue eyes glanced off to the side, his broadsword laying a few feet from him. The prince slowly crawling towards his sword, trying his best not to alert the monster of his actions.
   The bear then turned its attention back to the young guard. The young guard beginning  to cry, causing the bear to release a few barks, as if it was laughing at Balder and his men. Were their lives just a game to this monster?
    The grizzly placed it’s paws on the young man’s head. The young man desperately trying to fend off the bear with his small dagger, ultimately begging the monster for his life. But the monster ruthlessly crush his head in instead by putting down its full weight. Blood and skull fragments now covering the bear’s front paws.
   Balder began to cry, the injured prince desperately  trying to crawl faster to his sword. He couldn’t die here. He wouldn’t die here. He prayed to the gods, to any god, that would let him survive this hell. To let him save his fiancée. To just see her one last time… to see his (your name)…
    The bear began to bark again, laughing at Balder’s struggle. The bear slowly approaching Balder, the bear huffing in triumph. The grizzly placed a paw on Balder’s forearm, stopping him just shy of a foot from his sword. Balder was so close, he was so close yet so far…
   Balder glanced up at the bear, it’s scarred face gazing at Balder in sadistic glee. With a loud snap, Balder felt his forearm snap under the full weight of the bear. A pained scream leaving Balder’s throat, the bear soon moving it’s attention to Balder’s legs.
    The bear placed a paw on each femur before giving them the same treatment as Balder’s right forearm. Loud crunching noises echoing throughout the forest. 
    “You son of a-“ the bear’s jaw was soon around Balder’s right shoulder, agonizing screams leaving the blonde’s throat as the grizzly bear began to shake him like a rag doll.
    The grizzly dragging Balder’s body over to a tree, the grizzly slamming the prince into the tree over and over and over again. Until the prince went completely limp.
    A satisfied growl left the bear’s throat. The bear dropping Balder’s body to the forest floor, golden eyes studying its handy work.
   Body parts and blood lay all around the bear. The grizzly glancing around for somewhere to put all the parts.
   A small cave soon sticking out to him. The bear growling before getting to work. 
    Balder’s blue eyes gazed dully at his comrades’ bodies. A single finger twitching before he went completely still.
    Björn washed away the blood off his body. The dark haired man gazing at his reflection in distaste. Would his new companion like his rugged appearance? 
    His face and body was covered in so many scars. Ranging from other animals and even some from the men he’s killed over the years. Björn hummed at the new scar already forming on his side from Balder’s sword.
   Björn was just lucky werebears healed faster than average humans. He wouldn’t want to have to wait a long time to recover when he had his beautiful companion to take care of. A beautiful noble lady…
    “(Your name)…” Björn whispered her name, trying to familiarize the name on his lips. A smile crawling on his face. He knew he’d have to wait until she woke up so he could call her by her name. It was only proper for her to tell him her name herself.
    Björn ran a hand threw his long beard before pulling out a dagger he had stolen off one of the men he just killed. Maybe he should trim it down like that blonde fellow’s? 
    Björn continued to study his reflection. Ultimately he decided to trim his beard down and clean his long hair as much as he could. He wanted to look presentable to his companion.
   Plus he now had some lovely horse hides to give her. Björn really hoped she liked them.
    Björn brushed his fingers threw his companion’s hair, his brown eyes softening at her calm expression.
    A few weeks have passed, he had noticed her leaning into his touch now. The action causing Björn’s heart to soar.
    Björn placed a gently kiss to (your name)’s forehead, desperately trying to hold back from his desire to kiss her plump lips. He wanted to properly introduce himself before he took their relationship to the next level.
    Björn rose from his chair from beside the bed, a hum leaving his throat as he stirred the turkey soup he had made in a cauldron over his fireplace. (Your name) seemed to really enjoy the soups he made, which in turn made Björn happy. 
    A rustling noise soon caught Björn’s attention, the wooden spoon in his hand almost falling into the cauldron at the sight before him. (Your name) was awake and sitting up.
    “H-hello?” (Your name) softly whispered, her voice hoarse from not using it in a few weeks. “Have you been the one taking care of me?”
    Björn quickly took the spoon out of the soup, placing it on the small wooden dining table he had before making his way over to the young woman. 
     Björn sat on his knees, his large hands holding her much smaller hands in his. Björn’s honey colored eyes studying her beautiful (eye color) orbs in awe.
     “Y-yes… I’m so glad you’re awake…” Björn nervously replied, a rosy blush coating his rugged features. “I don’t want you to over exert yourself. If you need to rest you can…”
    “Ah, but I feel like I’ve been here for such a long time…” (your name) replied softly, her (eye color) eyes glancing into Björn’s brown ones. “I don’t want to be anymore of a burden to you.”
    “You could never be a burden to me.” Björn smiled at (your name), the male practically melting under her gaze. “You can stay as long as you have to…”
    “You’re very kind.” (Your name) gave his hands a gentle squeeze, Björn trying his best not to cry in joy. “I don’t know how I can ever repay you… mister?”
    “Björn. My name is Björn Danner.” Björn brightly smiled at (your name). “What is your name?”
    “My name is (your full name).” 
    “You have a very beautiful name.” A chuckle left (your name)’s throat. The young woman gave Björn a smile so charming that it made his knees feel like jelly.
    “Thank you, Björn.” Björn shakily rose to his feet before motioning his hand towards the various books decorating the shelves in his cabin. 
   “If you’re feeling better, you can read a book if you’d like or…” Björn flushed before composing himself to continue speaking, “I could read a book to you…”
    “Thank you but I’m okay for now. I think I may need some more rest for now.” (Your name) politely replied. “Thank you, Björn.”
    “Would you like some soup? I just caught some turkey and I dried out the rest of it for winter.”
    “For winter?” (Your name) softly muttered. A frown was now prominent on her face. “I… I need to go home before then… I was supposed to be getting married awhile ago…”
   Björn clenched his fists before relaxing. He had already taken care of that situation. 
    “Winter will be here in a week or two already… I don’t know if you’ll have the strength to be able to make it back home quite yet.” Björn did his best to keep his composure, brown eyes shining softly at (your name). “I’m sure it’ll be safer once winter is over to head back.”
  (Your name) furrowed her brows in concern. She really missed her fiancé, Balder. He was a wonderful man who treated her so well. Balder would do anything for her… which is why she was wondering why he hasn’t left to look for her yet.
    Balder was the type of man who would send out a search party if she didn’t reply to his letters in a day. So she couldn’t imagine what he could be going through right now… (your name) just hoped Balder was happy whenever he was. 
   (Eye color) orbs gazed out the window, a frown gracing (your name)’s lips. Was Balder safe?
   Balder couldn’t understand how he was still alive… or how he could still even walk.
    Balder stared at his body in wonder at the faded wounds he received from that monstrous grizzly. It was almost as if his body was regenerating itself even faster.
    Balder began to notice a change in his body as well. He was growing more body hair, his hunger was unending, he was stronger, more muscular, and he was even faster than he used to be.
    Something abnormal was definitely going on, but the lord just couldn’t figure out what it was…
    Balder grasped the golden locket around his neck with a smile on his face. The gods had answered his prayers about not dying so now he just had to find his beloved. 
    The blonde continued making his way through the maze of the forest. The insatiable hunger returning to him again. Perhaps he would go find something to eat?
    Balder quickened his pace, unaware that his shadow was now that of a large bear.
    Living with Björn wasn’t so bad. (Your name) was slowly getting accustomed to her caretaker and his particular quirks. 
    “Would you like some jam on your bread, darling?” (Your name) glanced at the rugged man. She wondered how he got all of his scars. Was he a mercenary if some sort? Yet she doubt he possibly could be one, his docile demeanor did not give her any sense of danger.
    “Björn. Just call me by my name please.” (Your name) constantly had to remind her caretaker to not call her pet names. She knew he must’ve been alone for a long time and he more than likely became extremely attached to her, but he could not keep her here. 
     “Oh, I did it again… I apologize.” Björn but his lip, trying his best not to get frustrated that (your name) didn’t like his nicknames. She’s been with him for a few more weeks now maybe the Stockholm hasn’t set in yet?
    “Ah. It’s snowing outside, Björn!”  (Your name) gazed at the snow in awe. Where she came from, it hardly ever snowed. It was mostly just rain. 
    Björn’s cheeks flushed a rosy red, his honey colored eyes memorizing the way (your name)’s face lit up at the snow. 
    “I should bring some wood in to start a fire with. It’ll get pretty chilly soon.” Björn rose up from his chair, a soft hand grasping the sleeve of his shirt. Björn’s breath hitched, the male trying his hardest not to melt at the touch. Something below his belt twitching in excitement at the simple touch.
     “Please be safe, Björn.” Björn gulped, nodding his head since he couldn’t get his words out.
    The brawny male quickly shutting the front door, Björn shaking from the interaction. 
    Björn nervously shifted his legs, a soft moan leaving his throat when the fabric rubbed against his member just right.
   “Ah.” Björn placed a hand over his mouth, the man quickly moving away from the cabin to the large wood storage. Björn opening the door to it, shallow breaths escaping his throat. His cheeks flushed in embarrassment at how turned on he was from such a little touch.
    Björn glanced around the wood storage room, the man’s eyes glancing at a chair he had in the corner of the room. His large hand shakily holding his clothed member in embarrassment.
    Should he take care of his problem before returning? Björn glanced down, gulping at the sight of his noticeable erection. Björn sighed before slowly pulling down his pants, the large member springing up from its tight confinement. The light pink head already slightly leaking precum.
    Björn shakily placed a hand on his shaft, his breath hitching at the touch. He didn’t understand why he was so sensitive right now. Was it because she touched him?
   Björn slowly began to move his hand up and down, eyes closing as he began to imagine (your name)’s hand in his stead. Would she ever want to touch him like this? Could she even take him?
   Björn slowly began to pick up his pace, his thoughts racing in his head. Would she let him be inside of her? Would she let him give her his everything? His love? His seed? His offspring?
    Björn’s mind raced to (your name) rubbing a swollen stomach, the mental image of itself sending Björn over the edge. His hot semen spilling all over his hand and onto the dirt floor. Björn tried to calm his heartbeat. 
    He was so embarrassed that he thought such filthy thoughts of her when she didn’t even return a fraction of the magnitude of his feelings for her. Maybe (your name) was the reason he was slowly being driven insane. No. Björn had no right to blame her. He was the one with no self control.
    Björn cleaned himself up so he could return to the task at hand. He needed to make sure his darling was warm. Björn was sure she’d slowly give into his subtle advances.
   Balder gazed at his blood soaked hands. A shaky breath leaving his throat in shock. What had he done?
    Balder gazed at the full grown moose that laid mauled before him. It’s throat ripped out by some sort of savage animal. 
    Had the grizzly done this? No… it wasn’t the grizzly. Balder felt that hunger again, his blue eyes widening as white fur began to sprout from his arms. Tears falling down Balder’s face in realization.
    Balder was now a monster as well except… he was much larger than that grizzly. 
    Balder threw his head back, a loud growl leaving his throat before his face morphed into that of a polar bear. The only human part of him remaining was the locket around his neck. The soft fabric of the string stretching enough to accommodate his neck for now, but at the rate he was growing, he was going to need to store it somewhere.
    Balder knew he now stood a chance against that monster if he wanted to find (your name). All he needed to do now is learn how to control himself. He didn’t want to ever hurt (your name)… never.
    Björn rose up from his bed, his ears shifting to be above his head in alarm. There weren’t supposed to be any other bears in his forest. Not ones like him at least.
    Björn contained the growl in his throat, his honey eyes glancing at the form of (your name) sleeping softly beside him in the corner of the large bed he made for the two of them.
    Björn rubbed his hand through her head, (your name) unconsciously leaning into the warm touch. A smile crawling on Björn’s lips.
    He would check it out tomorrow. For now, he didn’t want to alarm (your name) of any danger.
    Björn bravely shifted his body to wrap around (your name)’s, the young woman unconsciously leaning into his warm embrace. A smile dawning on Björn’s face when (your name)’s shirt fell slightly to the side, revealing the soft skin of her shoulder to him.
     “You’re my family now, (your name)…” Björn muttered to himself, the rugged man placing his lips on her exposed shoulder. His teeth lightly grazed the skin before he stopped himself. “I’ll protect you.”
     (Your name) felt disgusted with herself for enjoying Björn’s touch. She was an engaged woman and here she was letting this man kiss her shoulder while she was ‘asleep.’ 
    (Your name) glanced at the sleeping Björn. Her eyes studying the various scars on his face. The slash across his nose and lip being the most prominent. She had to admit, Björn was actually really good looking. 
    His medium length, chocolate hair was a little wavy and he had a nice full beard. He was definitely her type even if he was a little rough around the edges.
    (Your name) placed her hand on Björn’s cheek, the man’s honey colored eyes snapping open immediately. (Your name) tried to pull her hand back, but Björn grasped her hand.
    “Can you… touch me more?” Björn whispered so softly, as if he would break if he spoke any louder. “I… please.”
    (Your name) sat herself up, both of her hands gently tracing over the scars on Björn’s face. A few soft moans escaping his lips. The man sitting up now before taking off his shirt. 
    (Your name) gasped at the various scars and burns that littered his muscular body. Björn smiling softly at (your name) in an attempt to reassure her.
    “They don’t hurt anymore if you were wondering.” Björn grasped (your name)’s hands in his, a smile sitting on his lips. “I’m very strong.”
     (Your name) furrowed her brows. How could Björn say that? she could tell he’s been through so much. 
   “Björn…” Björn perked up at his name, brown eyes focused only on (your name). There was nothing more important to Björn than this very moment. “Can I lay on your chest?”
  Björn blinked, trying his best to process that. The man quickly lay on his back, his hand patting his chest. Motioning for her to rest her head.
    (Your name) stifled a giggle at his cuteness. It was strange to describe Björn as cute but there was no other word she could think of to describe how adorable he could be at times.
    (Your name) gently laid her head on his chest. Her left hand lazily tracing circles on his prickly chest. 
    “Good night, Björn.”
    “Good night, darling.” (Your name) couldn’t find it in herself to correct him on his pet names anymore.
    Björn was so giddy. He felt over the moon at the progress he was making with his relationship with (your name). She no longer corrected him when he called her darling and now she touched him. 
    “Do you want any fish, darling?” Björn asked, a pretty smile resting on (your name)’s face. 
    “Okay, Björn. Thank you, I really appreciate you.” Björn swooned. 
    “Ah, of course!” Björn cursed himself for being so awkward. A small giggle leaving (your name). Björn was so cute. “I’ll go get some for you.”
    “Pease be safe, Björn!” Björn smiled at (your name).
    “Of course. I have you to come home to now, darling.” Björn winked at (your name), causing a blush to flush her cheeks since he caught her off guard.
    “I guess I’d miss you if something happened to you.” (Your name) fiddled with her hands. “I guess I’ve come to like you, Bjorn.”
   Björn smiled before heading out to door. (Your name) frowning at herself while her heart skipped beats in her chest.
    Why on earth was she falling for Björn when she still had Balder?
    Balder tightly grasped the locket he had found beside a frozen swimming hole. Tears falling down his face.
    She was here… it might’ve been a long time ago, but Balder was completely sure she was once here.
    Balder tightly pressed the numerous animal pelts he had collected over the last week onto his pale body for warmth. Icy blue eyes glancing the area for any other sign that (your name) could be around.
   Balder was starting to get frustrated with his search. He felt as if he was running circles in this frosted forest from hell. It was impossible to know your way around here and he had been here almost a month.
    Not to mention, he had no control over when he was a bear or when he was a man.
    Balder huffed before making his way back up the watering hole. He was going to continue his search. No matter how long it took. He wouldn’t give up hope in finding (your name).
    But for now, he’d go to the cave where his dead men resided with him. Their corpses were a reminder of what he must do. Balder wanted to save (your name) first and then come back for his dead men once him and her were home. 
  For now, that cold cave was his shelter. His makeshift home.
    Björn sighed at the sight of carnage he found. Various carcasses of moose and elk lay around the forest. This was definitely the work of a new werebear.
   Björn was careless. He should’ve made sure he killed all of those men before throwing them in the cave. Better yet, he should’ve destroyed all of their carcasses.
    New werebears were dangerous because they didn’t know how to control their animalistic urges or even when they shifted. Not to mention the insatiable hunger. 
    Björn was going to have to hunt this other werebear down before he disrupted the natural resources even more. Werebears are meant to be born, not created due to their destructive nature.
    And at the way this one tore apart the moose and elks, Björn knew this was the work of a polar bear. 
    Björn growled softly at the thought of that other bear finding his home and hurting (your name). 
    Like hell Björn would let that happen. He wouldn’t let anyone disturb his family.
    Björn continued his trek through the forest to get to the river. He was going to catch some fish for (your name) and make sure he covered their scent as much as possible. 
    He didn’t want to run into this bear quite yet. Björn needed time to prepare, time to put on more mass, and mod importantly, time to get (your name) to never leave him.
    (Your name) happily ate the trout Björn had prepared for the two of them. Björn sitting in front of her with his hands on either side of his face, his honey eyes admiring her.
   “Björn… how long have you been here?” Björn froze at the question, a sad smile stretching on his lips. Björn sat upright, placing his hands down on the table.
    “Most of my life.” Björn replied. “My parents left me here when I was very, very young.” (Your name) frowned, pausing her meal to place a comforting hand on his right hand. How could a family abandon their child in the forest like this?
    “It must’ve been so lonely…” (your name) whispered, her eyes gazing softly into Björn’s. 
    “I have you now though.” Björn smiled softly. “You’re the first person I’ve ever talked this much to… I really enjoy having you around… I… I don’t know if I could go through that again if you left.” 
    (Your name) bit her lip. Björn was such a sweet man. He didn’t deserve to be here all alone in the middle of nowhere… it wasn’t fair. 
  “Well, my fiancé hasn’t searched for me or he might’ve found my carriage and presumed I’m dead at this point…” (your name) muttered, Björn’s eyes shining at her words. “At this rate I might not have anywhere else to go.”
    “Then you can stay here. I can take care of you… of us.” Björn excitedly exclaimed before composing himself. “Ah. I didn’t mean to jump the gun. I just really enjoy your company.”
    “I enjoy your company too… honey.” (Your name) tested out the pet name she had been thinking of for Björn. He’s been calling her darling for a little over a month or two now, so isn’t it fair that she give him a pet name as well? Ways it strange how she was warming up to the idea of being with Björn?
    He was so patient and caring… he always listened to her. He was even more attentive to her than Balder was… it was astounding how such a loving man existed.
    Björn’s whole face turned a bright, cherry red. 
   “Ah… honey?” Björn nervously fiddled with his fingers, the rugged man trying his best not to dissolve into a puddle of goo in his seat. “I… I like it.”
    (Your name) giggled, her eyes softening at her companion. She could definitely get used to living with Björn. He was so soft and sweet… like a teddy bear.
     “I’m glad you like the nickname…” (your name) smiled softly, her lashes fluttering against her soft skin like the wings of a butterfly. “I… I mean it when I say I enjoy your company. You’re very sweet to me. Even when I can be a little cold at times.”
    Björn heart soared higher than an eagle in the sky. She was starting to give into him… but he knew he was going to have to keep being patient if he wanted her to fall for him completely.
  “And I enjoy your company, darling.” Björn opened his arms to her, (your name) happily accepting the hug Björn wanted to give her. “So very much.”
   A wicked smile crawled in Björn’s lips, his honey colored eyes flashing a gold. Björn was so happy she was starting to see things his way. It really saved him the trouble from having to go to the extremes.
    Today was the first day (your name) had been outside since she’s found herself under Björn’s care for the last half of the year. A thoughtfully made fur coat of various animal pelts wrapped around her small figure like a warm hug.
    “Honey. Please wait for me. My little legs can’t keep up with your long ones.” Björn chuckled at (your name) before slowing himself down. A soft smile resting on his face as he gazed lovingly at his future mate.
    “I’m sorry, darling. I guess I got a little too excited to show you around.” Björn gestured at the beautiful frozen forest. The trees appearing as if they were covered in iridescent crystals. “Right now it’s a winter wonderland.”
   (Your name) stared at the view in awe. Björn was right. The forest was very beautiful…
    Soft snowflakes slowly began to fall from the sky, their small, fluffy white bodies landing on (your name)’s head like tiny frozen kisses. 
   A giggle left (your name)’s throat, which in turn cause Björn to admire her happy face.
    “I’ll show you where the river is. If we ever get separated for any reason, meet me at the river.” Björn warned her, a stern look on his face. “There’s been a recent disturbance in the forest, so if you happen to run into a bear or a wolf, scream for me and I’ll come.”
    “But you wouldn’t ever let anything happen to me.” (Your name) smiled at Björn, taking his large hand in hers. “I trust you, Björn.”
     Björn gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. She was right. He wouldn’t ever let anything happen to her. 
    The two continued their trek around the forest until they came to the raging river. The two stopping for a break on the rocky bank. 
    “I’m going to go on ahead and cut a hole so we can catch some fish. The ice has a tendency to be thin in some areas so I don’t want you to fall through. The current is incredibly strong here so you could easily be swept under and drown.” Björn stated, the giant male motioning for (your name) to sit on a rock. “Stay right here, okay darling?”
    (Your name) nodded her head, placing herself on a large rock while Björn got to work. (Eye color) eyes observing Björn slowly treading through the ice, careful not to step on one thin pieces. 
    (Your name) then glanced around the clearing, her brow furrowing at the quietness of the forest. Shouldn’t there be at least a few birds or any sort of animals making the slightest bit of noise? They all couldn’t be in hibernation or migrated could they?
    (Your name) pulled her fur coat closer to herself, trying to shrug off the bad feeling she had. Having Björn there made her feel slightly safer, but she had a gut feeling that someone’s eyes were watching her.
    (Your name) glanced one last time over to the forest, a chill running down her spine at what she saw.
     There was a giant polar bear to the left and he looked ready to charge at them…
    “Björn!” (Your name) shouted, immediately alarming the rugged male, his eyes turning to her direction. 
    “Darling? What’s the matter?” Björn sucked in a deep breath, his eyes following her shaky hand pointing into the forest. Honey colored eyes meeting icy eyes for the first time in months. 
    Of course that noble bastard was a werebear now. Björn easily recognized this scent. The polar bear released a loud growl, the humongous white bear slowly making its way towards the pair. It’s sharp teeth flashing in the sunlight, attempting to entice Björn to fight him.
    “Run (your name).” Björn commanded, the male carefully, but swiftly made his way back to the rocky bank. “Run and don’t look back. I will find you.”
    “But Björn-“ Björn shook his head at (your name), his eyes pleading with her.
    “Go down the river. I will find you, I swear.” (Your name) meekly nodded before taking off. The young woman sparing one last glance, concern laced on her face.
    “Please be safe, Björn.” (Your name) then fled down the river, Björn quickly shedding his clothes, much to the confusion of the the polar bear. 
     A loud growl left the polar bear’s throat. Balder had finally found (your name) so why did she run? Was it because she thought he was a monster?
   Balder tried to chase after (your name), only for a familiar grizzly to stand in his way. Realization hitting Balder. Björn was the one who took his fiancée, Björn was the one who made him a monster.
    A loud roar left Balder, his anger and hatred laced in his battle cry. He wasn’t going to let this beast stand between him and reuniting with his love. 
    Björn snarled at Balder, the two bears circling each other. A deadly dance about to begin.
     Balder was the first to charge, his larger body easily shoving Björn to the ground. The grizzly jumping back up to its feet, it’s sharp claws easily swiping into the polar bear’s side. 
     Blood dripped from the wound, the polar bear hissing in pain. Balder quickly tackled Björn to the ground. Sharp teeth digging into the back of Björn’s neck, the grizzly desperately trying to get out of Balder’s hold.
   Balder was then flipped over, blood dripping from his jaws. Icy blue orbs glaring at the golden eyes of the scarred grizzly. He couldn’t believe his life came to this. To fighting a bear to save his fiancée.
     Balder roared, only for his face to be slashed from a powerful swipe from Björn’s claws. Balder was seething in rage. The hunger slowly beginning to hit him again.
    Björn huffed, his eyes glancing at the ice. An epiphany hitting him. Björn could tell Balder had little to no control over his bear urges, so why not take advantage of Balder thinking like a bear?
    Björn bolted towards the ice covered river. The polar bear growling in anger, immediately giving chase. He wanted to end this. He wanted to devour Björn for taking everything from him. 
    Björn began to dodge certain parts in the ice, careful not to alert Balder in what he was trying to do. 
     Balder slowed down, his icy eyes widening as the ice began to crack under him. Balder froze in place, the grizzly bear giving him a toothy grin. 
    A loud cry escaped the polar bears lips before he plunged into the icy river. The current sweeping him underneath the ice caps. Clawed paws desperately trying to swim to the top, only for the thick ice to prevent him from escaping. 
   Björn shook his head, carefully making his way back to his clothes. 
    That should hold his opponent off for awhile while he went to find (your name). Possibly even get rid of him already if he didn’t know how to swim. 
    Finding (Your name) was his priority right now at the moment. She couldn’t have gotten that far…
    (Your name) tried catching her breath, her hands resting on her knees. She had ran the fastest she could to get away from the bear. Tears gathering in her eyes in fear. 
    She really hoped Björn was okay. A shudder left her throat at the thought of Björn being dead. 
    (Your name) glanced around the forest, clutching onto her coat for warmth. It was slowly starting to get colder. The chilly air nipping at her cheeks in the way dogs nipped at the feet of sheep. 
    (Eye color) eyes shifted to the thick brush, a small cave now visible to her. 
    Björn should be able to find her if she went into that cave right? (Your name) took a deep breath before making her way towards the cave. 
    A strong gust of wind nearly knocking her over, the snowfall steadily becoming heavier by the minute.
    (Your name) trudged through the snow, standing just shy of a foot from the cave. A vile smell filling her nostrils, causing (your name) to gag. She’s never inhaled such a foul smell before.
    (Your name) placed an arm over her nose, bravely pushing forward into the cave. The snowfall now turning into a blizzard.
Here’s part 2:
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
Claimed by your bear mate
General Plot: Your dad is having some money trouble and your best friend is there for you.
Word count: 4K
Bear (Hugo) x female reader
W: angst and drama with a happy ending, nsfw werebear smut, vaginal and oral sex, some violence and attempted kidnapping, soft yandere vibe
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“I’ve told you a million times you need to get this replaced or the roof is going to cave in,” your best friend Hugo grumbled as he smacked the post that held the roof of your back patio up. 
Rotten wood rained down on the two of you and he raised his eyebrows and cocked his head. 
“Well of course it is, if you keep smacking it,” you growled, chasing him away from the post. This was very hard to accomplish as he was an nine foot tall werebear who weighed probably just under a ton.
His pretty russet fur sparkled in the afternoon sunlight and his light brown eyes bore down on you, while his muzzle wrinkled.
“Ugh, you’re so stubborn,” he growled, “you have a hard head, you know that?” 
“Hugo, I hear what you’re saying, but I can’t afford to replace the thing. I’ll just have to leave it as long as it will hold up. So stop banging on it!” you argued back. 
“You’ve never listened to a thing I’ve ever told you!” he snapped. 
You’d known Hugo since you were kids. He’d lived next door to you. He’d been a teenager when you were a little kid. He was the first person other than an adult you’d met when your family moved in and you got attached immediatly.
You’d never seen a werebear before and were convinced at 8 that he was your personal giant teddy bear put on Earth exclusively for you to cuddle. From that summer on you followed him around like a puppy to his annoyance, but he still bought you ice creams and made his friends put out their cigarettes around you. 
“I am listening! I told you I can’t afford it. You aren’t listening to me!” you snarled back. 
There was a whine and a crack and just as he predicted the roof caved in. Hugo had just enough time to grab you and pull you to safety before the whole thing collapsed. 
“See? I told you this would happen,” he said, still holding you against his furry chest, “what if I hadn’t been here?” 
“Hugo,” you scoffed, “you knocked it down with those massive hands of yours!” 
“Of course I did!” he said, “now I can rebuild it.” 
“I keep trying to tell you I can’t afford that right now!” you sighed in exasperation. 
“Then don’t pay me,” he grumbled, “before you start with me there’s no point in arguing, I’m going to come do it anyway and since when do you have money problems?” 
“It’s not really that bad,” you said, “they just reduced my hours at the factory so I don’t have extra for stuff like this.” 
“You should have told me, I could spot you for a while.” 
“Hugo, you’re my friend, I’m not going to ask you for money, that’s ludicrous!” you said. 
“See? Hard headed. Stubborn. You’re like a little ox!” he huffed. 
You suddenly realized he was still holding you and blushed reflexively. He was warm, his fur was soft, and he usually smelled like cedar wood and pine from his work as a carpenter. 
“Come on inside, there’s nothing we can do right now. Let me make you a sandwich,” you grumbled back, pulling away from him. 
He followed you in and a few minutes later you passed him four peanut butter and honey sandwiches cut into triangles. Hugo was a big grump but he loved honey and if you wanted to put him in a good mood it was the best cure. 
Peacefully munching on his sandwiches he explained to you what kind of roof he was going to put on your new patio and you smiled at how much you liked having him around.
“(Y/N)?! You home?!” 
Your dad’s voice echoed through your house and Hugo winced. 
“In the kitchen!” you called and he appeared a moment later, glaring when his eyes focused on Hugo. 
“You’re still hanging around with this animal?” he snarled. 
“Dad,” you groaned, “can we please not do this, this time? Hugo is a person just like you and me, just like all of the other Fairyfolk in the world.” 
“They don’t belong here!” 
“Stop it! Not in my house! Why are you here, dad?” you snapped. 
He schooled his features and you knew the ask was coming. You hardly saw your father unless he needed money. 
“I’m not doing so good sweetie,” he said, “got in a little trouble playing cards.”
You rubbed your eyes. 
“How much do you need this time?” you asked blandly. 
“Not much…just to get me by until this thing I got going pans out…5…6 thousand at most.” 
Your mouth dropped. 
“6 thousand dollars?!” you gasped, “dad, I don’t have money like that!”
“You’ve got good credit, you bought this house. Can’t you take out a personal loan?” 
“Dad, I bought this house with money grandma left me.” 
You were hardly surprised your grandmother didn’t tell him about the inheritance that was skipping a generation and going directly to you. 
“Then you owe me! I can’t believe that old bat gave you this whole house and didn’t leave me a thing! I swear, she always did hate me!” 
Feeling a little guilty that your grandmother had made it no secret what she thought of her drinking, gambling son, you walked across the kitchen to where you kept some cash for emergencies.
You fished the roll of wrinkled twenties you’d saved in a jar until it added up to a small chunk you kept in the house in case the grid went down or something insane like that happened and you had to deal in cash. It was a silly thing to be paranoid about, but you still had it. 
“Look, I can give you 5 or 6 hundred, but that’s all the emergency savings I’ve got.” 
Hugo growled. 
“Put that back,” he ordered, “you’re not giving him a dime.” 
Your mouth dropped open looking at him. Hugo had never liked your parents, but he’d never interjected directly. 
“This is a family matter,” your dad hissed, “get the fuck out.” 
“I’m not in your house,” Hugo said and took another bite of his sandwich, licking honey off of his fingers, “and it’s disgraceful that you’re here begging for money from your daughter for gambling debt! You should be a-fucking-shamed.” 
Deep down your father probably was ashamed, which is why he lashed out. 
“(Y/N) as your father I am telling you to get this animal out of here! He’s nothing but a flea bitten piece of shit no one wants!” 
Hugo stood up and looked down at the human man that barely came up to the top of his chest. 
“You gonna throw me out, human?” he asked, picking him up by the back of his neck and carrying him effortlessly like a naughty puppy out your front door, before locking it and returning. 
You leaned against the wall, pushing out a heavy breath. 
“God, I hate when he does that,” you groaned, “I want to help him, but it never ends!”
Hugo leaned against the same wall and looked down at you. 
“You were going to give him $600? How much money have you already given him?” he demanded. 
You looked to the side a little ashamed, tears pricking your eyes. 
“Oh I don’t know,” you said, trying to minimize it, “just a few hundred dollars here and there.” 
“(Y/N), I’ve known you long enough to know when you are lying, how much?” he asked again. 
You looked up at him and a tear slipped past your cheek. 
“Over the past year? Maybe ten thousand…but not all at once…it just added up,” you muttered. 
Hugo drew in an annoyed hiss. 
“You can’t even keep your house up! You can’t afford to do this…so what? He can just throw it all away while everything you’ve worked for falls apart?” 
Tears tumbled down your cheeks and you hid your face in your hand. 
“I know! I know!” you sniffled, “it’s just he’s my dad…how do I say no when he says he’s going to be out on the street? He has my mom calling me begging, talking about how there’s nothing in the fridge!” 
You let out a loud sob and Hugo felt horrible that he’d gone too far in his lecturing. He never wanted to make you cry. 
“Come here. I can’t stand it when you cry,” he said, pulling you into his big warm arms and holding your head to his chest with his massive hand. 
He just rocked you in his arms for a while, letting you breathe in his woody scent. When your sobs had slowed he wiped your cheeks with the thick pads of his hands. 
“I know you love him honey cake, but you can’t keep doing this,” he said, “people who care about you don’t drain you dry.” 
You nodded conceding his point, though you weren’t sure you could hold yourself to that. Your dad had his ways of bullying you. Usually he’d have your mom call you later and tell you a sob story about how she needed something or another…a car repair or something you couldn’t say no to. 
Hugo scooped you up like nothing and carried you to your living room, laying you down on the couch. 
“You take a nap, I’m going to go over to the lumber yard and pick up some stuff for your patio,” he said. 
You opened your mouth, but he held up his hand. 
“Pointless,” he said, “this is happening. Go to sleep.” 
He brushed the fuzzy knuckles of his clawed hands over your eyes so gently, pushing them shut. You sank back into the couch knowing it would be fruitless to argue. Hugo almost always got his way. 
You woke in the middle of the night. You were only aware it was night because it was dark when your front door was kicked in. 
Startled, you hopped up to see two large dark figures bending down to shove their huge forms through the opening. 
In the dim light spilling in from your kitchen you saw they were orcs! They were a clean looking pair, wearing expensive tactical gear with neat haircuts. 
“Well this is convenient, the scrap is right here,” one of them chuckled, smacking the other in the chest and pointing at you. 
You screamed and hopped over the couch, bolting for the backdoor but when you got there it was stuck. The damn debris from the rotten porch was blocking it. Panicked, you scrambled around your kitchen for a weapon, grabbing a knife. 
“There’s no use fighting, scrap,” one of them called to you as they stomped slowly through the house, not at all in a hurry, “your daddy already made the sale. There’s nowhere to run. You belong to the boss.” 
You couldn’t process his words, trying to figure out if you could fit out of the window over your sink. Your body was hanging halfway out of it when they dragged you back in by the ankles. 
You screamed in pure terror as the orc easily knocked the knife from your hand and wrapped his thick hand around your neck. A moment later there was a rumbling that sounded like a freight train and your entire kitchen wall caved in. Your eyes were like saucers, trying to peer through the dust at the enormous figure panting in the settling debris. 
“Hugo?” you wheezed as the familiar form of the bear slowly materialized. 
He didn’t wait to lose his advantage, though, and with surprising speed attacked the orc holding you. The orcs were big, but he was ferocious and he cared quite a bit more about you than they did. Faced with an almost ton bear bearing his teeth and claws, the orc dropped you immediately to defend himself. The other orc tried to help his friend and they all went down in a pile of green elbows and fur. 
You couldn’t stop screaming, terrified of what would happen if they overpowered Hugo. That didn’t seem to be as concerning as you thought when he grabbed one of them by the ankles and threw him into the other one. You heard bones crack as the two of them flew through the drywall that separated your kitchen from your living room, breaking all the furniture in their way to splinters. 
Feral and bloody, Hugo held out his hand to you. 
“Come with me,” he snapped.
You didn’t hesitate, practically climbing him to get to his shoulders and wrapped your arms around his wide neck. He dashed back out of your house through the hole in the wall, bouncing you in his arms, and jumped in the driver’s side of his truck.You were too panicked to wonder why his truck was oddly parked just out of view of your front window, not in your driveway as it would have been if he were visiting. 
He pulled out onto the street and you panted into his chest, trying to slow your racing heart. 
“Wh-what…what was that? They said something about my dad and a sale, Hugo what did they mean by that? What’s going on? Who were those people?” 
You were panicking, speaking rapidly and hyperventilating. 
“Shhh, shhh,” he said, petting your head with one hand with the other on the wheel, “I have a hunch, but first we need to go to my father and deal with this.” 
You had no idea what he meant by that, but just went limp in his arms, exhausted and running out of adrenaline. He roused you in front of his family’s house. Not the small one he and his parents had lived in next to your childhood home, but the big one his dad bought later that supported the bear pack.
Bears weren’t natively a pack species, but prejudices between humans and fairyfolk drove most were-people into odd miss matched packs for safety and community. Hugo’s dad, Riker, was the alpha and he would take over someday when his dad retired if he passed the largely ceremonial vote. They were far more egalitarian than, for example, a wolf pack, but just as loyal.
He’d always been nice to you when you’d met him, but you didn't see him very often, probably since you were a teenager. He didn’t bother banging on the door when he entered, his father had already heard him coming and was standing in the front room turning on the light when Hugo carried you in. 
“What’s going on, son?” he asked, squinting his eyes as they adjusted to the light. 
He looked just like his son with russet fur, on the more reddish side and light brown eyes, but he had streaks of silver and white running through it. 
“Her father fucking sold her,” he snarled, cradling you to his chest like you were a rescued puppy.  
Riker frowned and blinked at you, trying to remember who you were.
“(Y/N)?” he asked, “goddess, you were just a little thing the last time I saw you. You’ve grown so much. No wonder Hugo is always going on about you…” 
He shook his head and waved you all into the living room. As his dad handed you all small glasses of scotch to calm you down, Hugo explained how he saw the situation. Your dad had come looking for money earlier in the day, saying he had gambling debt. The same night, orcs break into your house implying he sold you. It was all pretty cut and dry when he spelled it out like that. 
“Wait…what were you doing outside my house?” you asked as it suddenly occurred to you that he had appeared just in time. 
“I’m always at you- I- I mean-I was…I-I left a…tool on your porch and I was just coming by to pick it up,” he said quickly. 
There was a long silence as Riker’s eyebrows went up and he took a long sip of his drink. 
“At 3am?” you asked. 
Hugo shrugged. 
“It was expensive, I didn’t want it to get stolen in your neighborhood…the crime has been pretty bad…” he rambled on.
“Okay,” his dad cut in to save his son, “that’s not really important right now. What is important is what we can do to protect (Y/N).” 
“I think the best thing you can do, Hugo, is mate her,” he said, as if that were the obvious answer, “with your bite on her neck it’ll be clear she’s under the pack’s protection and any Fairyfolk won’t want her.” 
“Woah,” you said, holding up your hands and stiffening in Hugo’s lap, “mate me? Bite me? What are you talking about?” 
Riker gave you a sort of sympathetic look and glanced at his son. 
“Bears bite their mates to mark them with a scar,” he said, “to any Fairyfolk it would be impossible to sell you. Any potential buyer would know right away you weren’t a maiden and your entire pack was going to chase them to the ends of this realm and the next to get you back. It’s not at all worth the trouble and a human…well they wouldn’t have any hope of keeping you.”
Riker’s pack had police officers, construction workers, ex-marines, fighting trainers, an entire biker gang…just a completely random selection of bears who all happened to be ten feet tall, doing the sorts of jobs bears did. They were not the sort of bunch you wanted chasing after you for anything if you valued your life. 
“Oh,” you said, “but isn’t that kind of important?” 
You looked at Hugo. 
“I don’t want you to waste your bite on me,” you said. 
He looked at you with the most sincere face he’d ever made. 
“It would not at all be a waste,” he said. 
Your cheeks flooded with color. 
“I’m going to give you two a minute to talk this over,” Riker said, hopping up and making himself scarce. 
You shook your head and your flush away. 
“You’re doing too much for me, Hugo,” you said, trying to hop out of his lap, “I can’t let you ruin your future like this.” 
He wrinkled his nose in pure frustration. 
“You are the most infuriatingly stubborn little ox I have ever known!” he snapped, “will you please just let me protect you without fighting me, once?” 
You crossed your arms.
“What do you mean for once? I listen to you all the time! You are the bossiest, grumpiest bear in the whole world!” you snapped back, “I’m trying to save you from a life of misery with someone you don’t love!” 
“I do love you, you idiot! I’m in love with you!” he snarled, “I’ve loved you since you were a little girl getting ice cream all in my fur! Do you think I would follow your bullheaded, ornery ass around every day trying to keep you out of trouble if I wasn’t head over heels for you?!” 
You drew in an incensed breath and hissed the next words out all in one angry breath. 
“Well, I'm in love with you, too, you surly asshole! I think it's pretty obvious I always have been. So…so…” 
You blinked at him, your mouth falling open, kind of losing where you were going with that as you processed what you'd both admitted.
“What?” you both asked at once. 
You both looked at each other and then years of pent up tension burst like a dam breaking. 
Hugo threw you against the couch and his massive body pinned you to the cushions as his tongue found yours. You clutched his furry cheeks in your hands, pulling him deeper into your mouth. You wanted all however many hundred pounds of him there were all over you. 
His tongue danced with yours, as his claws started stripping clothes off of you in shreds. 
“I’m going to mark you and mate you and make you mine,” he growled into your ear as he nipped at the skin with his sharp teeth. You heard the fabric of your shirt tear as he jerked it with them, leaving your breasts bare in the cool room. Your nipples pebbled and you arched your back into him. 
“Please…I need you,” you gasped, burying your fingers in his fur. You tried to grind your hips into the thick thigh pressed between them. 
“Goddess, I've waited so long to taste you,” he murmured, his tongue making its way in wet laps down your neck and over your stiff nipples. Taking your entire breast in his big mouth he practically drooled on you laving his tongue over one. Your fingertips jerked his fur until it stung, but your tiny hands were hardly even noticeable as he was solely focused on devouring your body. 
He’d waited a lifetime for this and he was laser focused on completing the task. The events of the rest of the night were lost on the two of you as he parted your folds with his fat fingers and started lapping at your pussy. 
“Ahhhh! Yes!” you screamed, tightening your thighs around his head. 
His fur felt so luxurious and soft, rubbing against the tender flesh. You stretched one hand behind your head to give yourself leverage as you ground your cunt into his muzzle.
He hummed and grunted, sounding just like a bear enjoying a comb of honey as he ate you. Pleasure built in your core until it came exploding through your body in a bright wave. If Hugo had been human you would have probably popped the bones in his neck with how hard you squeezed his head between your thighs. 
You tried pushing his head away, but he shoved your legs open, lapping up the juices that flooded your channel with long messy licks. 
“Ah! Ah! Ah!” you cried as his tongue brushed your oversensitive clit every so often until he’d gotten his fill and you’d been thrust into a second lingering orgasm. 
His eyes flicked up to you with nothing but predator in them and he tore open his pants without bothering to think what he was going to wear when he was done with you. The massive cock bobbing in front of him frightened you at first and you tried to scramble back on the couch only to be pinned in place by his big hand. 
“You can take it honey cake,” he cooed, as he eagerly lined it up with your wet channel and inched his massive phallus inside. 
He stretched you slowly, letting you get used to him as he watched your face to make sure he wasn’t hurting you. You were so much smaller, with tiny little hips compared to his large ones. Every so often he glanced down at his cock splitting your little body and groaned with satisfaction.   
“Minnnne,” he growled, unable to stop himself from thrusting it in the rest of the way. 
You gasped so full, your abdomen distended from how big he was inside you. He tried his best to start slowly, pushing himself in and out of you with firm, hard thrusts, but soon his muzzle and fingers were buried in your hair and he was pounding into you, drawing the breath from your lungs. You could only desperately cling to his fur as he took you, listening to him muttering your name and how fucking perfect you were in your ear. 
Eventually his words just devolved into growls and grunts, pushing your eyes back in your head and making your skin tingle. His thick cock stretched you beyond anything you’d felt before and the angle he rammed into you battered your G-spot pushing you relentlessly towards your end. You screamed into his ear without meaning to when you came and he would have been happy if it were the last sound he ever heard. 
As it rang, he stiffened, your pussy clamping down around him, milking his cock. He wished he could hold on longer, he wanted to stay buried inside of you for the rest of his life if possible, but your scent surrounding him, blending with his and your tight channel massaging his cock with your slick passage threw him over the edge. 
He emptied his hot cum into you, sinking his teeth into your neck. The bite hurt, but not like a violent pain. It was more like an intense pressure that pushed you into another, unexpected orgasm, your pussy spasming wildly and your body trembling. You gasped as pleasure and warmth enveloped you and finally went limp. 
You saw your blood staining his large teeth as he pulled away and you stiffened just slightly. 
“It’s okay, honey cake,” he purred, pulling your bruised body into his arms as he eased himself out of you gently. 
“So am I your mate now?” you asked softly, “forever?” 
He nuzzled your nose with his muzzle and hummed at you, licking the wound on your neck.  
You giggled, as it tickled slightly, and brushed his cheek. 
“Okay,” you said. 
“Oh. I thought you were trying to put me off,” a strange deep voice grumbled from the doorway. 
“I told you, she’s mated,” Riker told the orc standing there. He was wearing a designer suit and had long olive hair in a ponytail. 
“Ugh,” he spat, “fucking bears. Well, if she can’t pay the debt, the old man is going to have to do it himself.” 
“Who the fuck are you?” Hugo spat, pulling you to his chest to hide your body behind his huge arms. 
The orc grinned. 
“My name is not important,” he said, “what is important is the debt the little ladies’ father owes me that he now cannot repay.” 
“What are you going to do to him?” you gasped. 
“Don’t worry darling,” he smirked, “I’m not going to kill him if that’s what you think. Though I think you should know your father sold you to avoid a year of working for me to pay off his debt. I was never going to harm him unless he didn’t comply. It wasn't even that much money. You’re worth a lot more than $3,000. He really doesn’t deserve your concern.” 
You drew your brow.
“He told me it was $6,000!” you hissed. 
The disappointed orc just tipped his head at the two of you and made his exit. Riker glanced between the two of you and looked amused. 
“Why don’t you take (Y/N) up to one of the guest rooms and I’ll find you two some clothes in the morning,” he offered and with a huge blush on your cheeks you let Hugo carry you up the stairs. 
“Hugo…I’ve known you long enough to know when you’re lying, but…you don’t have to tell me the truth. Whatever the real reason was…I’m glad you were at my house tonight,” you whispered into his chest, “I love you.” 
“I love you, (Y/N),” he said, smiling wanly to himself as he kissed your head.
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strawberrypoundtown · 4 months
Last update: July 1st
A masterlist of all my works that is updated regularly. If you'd like to make a request, please click here to read my limits
Jesse Vi (Werewolf) x Fem!Reader:
Fluff moment 1
Jesse's Girl: Part 1
Clayton Briggs (Werebear) x Fem!Reader:
Pregnancy Fluff: 1 - 2
Dummies Guide to Hibernation: Part 1
Bruce Soli (Minotaur) x Witch!Reader:
Bullheaded: Part 1
Yandere!Minotaur x Yandere!Fem!Reader:
Part 1
Orc x Halforc!Fem!Reader:
Part 1
Part 2
Incubus x Fem!Reader:
Part 1
Demon x Stoner!Fem!Reader:
Horny moment 1
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kiwicopia · 1 year
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Synopsis: When getting shipwrecked on a strange, uninhibited island, you start to realize that this lost isle isn't as devoid of life as you thought. Monsters of myth roam the land and surrounding sea, lying in wait for a beauty like you. Will you survive, or will the slightest indulgence of carnal desire be your downfall?
Contents: female reader, yandere characters, monster fucking, blood and gore, slight gaslighting, manipulation, use of creature ability, mate-like mannerisms and intentions, cursing, kidnapping, slight Stockholm syndrome.
Notes: Main parts flow into one another like usual chapters. Part two is basically endgame with that specified character. The reader kind of sleeps her way around the island. Titles suck, but bear with me.
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1. The Cat's Meow (Nekomata!Itadori) | Part Two
2. Exquisite Equine (Qilin!Yuta) | Part Two
3. Screams of Satisfaction (Banshee!Inumaki) | Part Two
4. A Little Bit of Mischief (Azeban!Shiu) | Part Two
5. Man's Best Friend (Werewolf!Megumi) | Part Two
6. Fiendish Fantasies (Ghoul!Mahito) | Part Two
7. The Sweetest Melody (Adarna Bird!Gojo) | Part Two
8. Dark Luck (Black Stag!Geto) | Part Two
9. Shiny Little Trinkets (Dragon!Nanami) | Part Two
10. Sinister Stallion (Kelpie!Choso) | Part Two
11. Sinful Succulence (Naga!Higuruma) | Part Two
12. Grizzly Encounters (Werebear!Toji) | Part Two
13. Water Panther (Mishipeshu!Ino) | Part Two
14. Maze of Madness (Minotaur!Hakari) | Part Two
15. A Chance with God (Oni!Trueform!Sukuna) | Part Two
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♥️ Divider by benkeibear ♥️
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create-a-creature · 11 months
Rules of the Underdark
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My pen name here is Persephone! I write for monsters and fantasy species. My works will be with original characters, please do not claim them for your own or write for them without permission.
{Do not repost, claim, copy or translate my works. Do not claim or copy my characters.}
Will not write for:
If I am uncomfortable with an ask I will decline it.
Will write for:
-Inspired characters. Such as someone sending in an ask for an Orc biker x reader, or a Vampire who’s a barista, etc.
-Headcannons/Scenarios. Just short little ideas of what a character would do or how they would be like.
-Blurbs. Short stories that will not be super detailed and are more like fleshed out ideas.
-One shots. Full short stories, with detailed characters and plot.
I write for monsters and fantasy species. If I’m uncomfortable with a certain monster type, I will simply let you know and decline the request.
Some creatures I write for are…
(Just some ideas, I can’t list every single one)
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ghostlyforxst · 2 years
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𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐲𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐱𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠. 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐫-𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐰𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬!
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©𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐘𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐗𝐄𝐒𝐓 ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴘʟᴀɢɪᴀʀɪᴢᴇ, ʀᴇᴘᴜʙʟɪꜱʜ ᴏɴ ᴀɴʏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ꜱᴏᴄɪᴀʟ ᴍᴇᴅɪᴀ, ᴏʀ ᴛʀᴀɴꜱʟᴀᴛᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪꜱꜱɪᴏɴ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴏʀ.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
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Okay so this is a list of my short stories, with links leading to each post. Some stories have been discontinued, some are complete. And some are ongoing. I list the name of the story, who is paired in the story, what the character/person is from, and lastly if it's complete, ongoing, or discontinued. If there are multiple parts, they should all be linked.
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1.) The Phoenix & The King (1-?)
• King Harald Finehair X Jade Clegane OC
• Vikings & Game of Thrones crossover
2.) Lean On Me (1-2) - (2-2)
• John Marston X Reader
• Red Dead Redemption 2
3.) You Are Mine, And I Am Yours. (1-1)
• Toecutter X Reader
• Mad Max (1979)
4.) My Sweet (1-?)
• Dani Filth X Yandere!Reader
• Cradle of Filth
5.) My Sweet Domesticated Demon (1-1)
• Hellboy X Reader
• Hellboy (2004)
6.) One man's trash, is another man's treasure. (1-4) - (2-4) - (3-4) - (4-4)
• Bo Sinclair X Reader
• House of Wax (2005)
7.) Sudden Appearances (1-1)
• Dr. Nelson Wright X Reader
• Flatliners (1990)
8.) Giving into Desire (1-1)
• Jeff Hardy X Reader
9.) Swimming Lessons (1-1)
• John Marston X Reader
• Red Dead Redemption 2
10.) This wasn't supposed to happen, but I'm glad it did. (1-5) - (2-5) - (3-5) - (4-5) - (5-5)
• Peter Steele X Reader
• Type O Negative
11.) Life & Death (1-1)
• Death!Jeff Hardy X Life!Reader
• WWE (Supernatural entities edition)
12.) Lustful Desires (1-1)
• Incubus!Jeff Hardy X Human!Reader
• WWE (Supernatural entities edition)
13.) Leprechaun King (1-1)
• Leprechaun!Sheamus X Human!Reader
• WWE (Supernatural entities edition)
14.) Those Werewolf Eyes (1-1)
• Werewolf!Jon Moxley X Human!Reader
• WWE (Supernatural entities edition)
15.) Bear Cuddles (1-1)
• Human!Roman Reigns X Werebear!Reader
• WWE (Supernatural entities edition)
16.) Lokabrenna (1-?)
• Osferth X Reader
• The Last Kingdom & Vikings crossover
17.) Hellhound (1-3)
• Tyler Galpin X (Y/n) Wolfgang Von Frankenstein
• Wednesday (series) & Misfits (Sorta)
18.) Hail To The End Of The World~ (1-?)
• Gunnar Jensen X Reader
• The Expendables (movies) & The Walking Dead (Series)
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1.) NO TITLE (1-1)
• David X Reader
• The Lost Boys
2.) NO TITLE (1-1)
• David X Reader
• The Lost Boys
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midnightlee25 · 3 years
Yandere Werebear Saichi Sugimoto
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He is extremely protective of his darling borderline, paranoid that anything bad could happen at any time and he would lose them forever. 
Is another creature that you don't have to worry about having any cold nights. 
When he's human he stays in a cabin in the woods but he does have a cave he will stay in when in bear form, both are very cozy. 
When in bear form, he still knows who his darling is so he's not too worried about being around them but he is careful not to crush them by accident.  
His bear form is very large no matter what the moon is, being larger than any normal bear. 
 He still is as strong as a bear in human form. 
There is always meat in the refrigerator/ freezer as well as there being a garden where many berries are grown. 
He is a big cuddler even in bear form, especially if his darlings try to escape when he's sleeping. Even in human form he has a grip that can't be broken. 
However, there is no real escape for his darling living out in the middle of the woods, plus with his skills it's impossible to get very far adding the bear from means there is no way out of this. 
If he and his darling were to ever have children his overprotectiveness will become tenfold and he will become even more careful when in bear form even if they can do the same. 
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yandereloveraw · 4 years
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Drew myself as a yandere Cecalia, were-bear, & wendigo ^^
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cryptidcasanova · 2 years
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This is just a small way to show off the overwhelming amount of talent on this site. This will be updated regularly. 
To all of my friends, followers, and mutuals: you are astounding. I love you. You are incredible and I love getting to experience what you’ve created.
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- Andy Barber -
Collide by @avintagekiss24
I have heart eyes for this Alpha!Andy fic. I am truly captivated by both the writing style and the execution of this story, and how thrilling and unnerving the A/B/O dynamics can be if you are thrown into that world. It’s poetic and charming, and Brittany is massively talented. I’ve read it maybe a dozen times. Chef kisses all around.
- Ari Levinson - 
Taste of Honey by @imaginedreamwrite​
I’ve only just started down this rabbit hole, but Werebear!Ari is such an intense character! The writing is sensational, and the underlying ideas of Ari being protective and possessive and so in tune with the environment have the hair on my neck standing up. I love him. I’m scared of him. I’m scared of what else could be lurking in the shadows. Chef kisses all around.
- Billy Russo -
An Alter For Our Sins by @becauseicantthinkwritings
This is Demon!Billy content I am living and dying for. Billy is so sinful and seductive and protective. Chelsea, I am in misery...in the best way. He’s the monster of my dreams. Chef kisses all around.
- Bucky Barnes -
Still Waters by @bonkywobble
This is Cryptid!bucky. It’s swamp Monster!bucky. And it managed to be so sinister and heartbreakingly beautiful that this is a top contender for me. I want to run away from Bucky. I don’t want him to be alone. I want peace. I don’t know how Georgie did it, but I’m shattered and made whole all at the same time. Chef kisses all around.
Just a Scratch by @angrythingstarlight
Okay, full stop I am a sucker for Mafia/Mob!Bucky fics. They just hit some kind of way, and Star is an absolute casanova of a writer. If you are looking for a protective, domineering mobster you’ve come to the right place. Chef kisses all around.
The Girl In the Movies by @slothspaghettiwrites​
Have you ever been so enamored by someone’s writing? Because Sloth creates S tier content, and she wrote a wickedly saccarine Yandere!Bucky that will both charm and unnerve you. He’s so head over heels for the reader. I seize up after reading it but keep finding myself going back. Chef kisses all around.
First and Last by @navybrat817​
Alpha!Bucky is nothing less than an absolutely cunning predator. Navy, I swear I lose my breath every time a come across this story. The reader is super successful at evading her destiny - until she can’t of course. Bucky is possessive and powerful and I love it. Chef kisses all around.
- Nick Fowler -
Truth Untold by @lavendercitizen
Soft!Dark!Nick is a soft spot for me, and even if he is burning the world down he’s not leaving without his girl. Rae is such a beautiful writer, and the soft and possessive storytelling makes my knees weak. I know that I definitely wouldn’t tell him no. It’s a delicate display of power. Chef kisses all around.
- Steve Rogers -
Blood in the Water by @giorno-plays-piano
There’s just something hypnotic about Merman!Steve that brings me to a full stop. I know I shouldn’t be so invested, but here I am, and I’ve probably read this two-part piece of art a dozen times. He’s the hyperfixation when you’re lying in bed waiting for sleep to meet you. He’s the nightmare of your dreams. I just can’t handle it. Chef kisses all around.
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Both Digitalized and Traditional versions of art: Yandere imposter Werebear
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Revenant (Final part)
Minors do not interact!
  (Your name) nearly collapsed onto the cave floor in exhaustion. The young woman glancing up, her eyes widening in fear at the sight before her.
    The familiar silver cross pattern on the mutilated corpses were from Lord Vetle… Balder really had went searching for her.
    Tears gathered in her eyes when she saw one of the decaying corpses have Balder’s pendant around their neck. Her hands gingerly reaching forward, her skin touching the cool metal of the pendant, a choked sob leaving her throat. It was indeed Balder’s.
     Hot tears fell down her face, an anguished cry leaving her throat. Her poor Balder had perished at the hands of some sort of monster. 
    (Your name) began to sob, endless tears cascading down her face. She felt so horrible disbelieving in Balder. Of course he’d come after her, he loved her.
    A sudden huff caught her attention, her eyes widening in fear at the sight that stood before her at the entrance of the cave.
    The polar bear from earlier stood before her, it’s icy eyes gazing down at her. A soft growl leaving the bear’s throat, causing a loud scream to leave (your name)’s mouth. 
    (Your name) fell to the cave floor, one of her boots falling to the cave floor in her fear.
    (Your name) instinctively placed her arms over her head, trying to shield her neck in case the bear decided to latch on. Her tears falling down even harder when she felt the hot breath of the bear on the skin of her hands.
    A hot tongue excitedly rubbed across the surface of her hands, her eyes widening in surprise. (Eye color) eyes curiously peaking at the blue eyes of the snow white bear, tears gathering in its eyes. Why did those eyes look so familiar?
   (Your name) slowly turned around, the bear not moving an inch. A huff escaping it’s throat, the large, white bear plopping itself down onto its bottom. The creature trying to show her that he wasn’t a threat to her. 
   (Your name) twisted her body to sit upright. Her head tilting to the side in a curious manner. Why was this bear so strange?
   The bear held a paw out to her, eyes shining brightly at her. (Your name) carefully placed her hand in the polar bear’s paw, eliciting an excited noise from the bear.
    The bear then leaned its head in towards (your name).  Blue eyes curiously peaking up at (your name)’s, as if he was waiting for her to catch onto something.
    “You’re a very stranger bear-“
    “(Your name)!” Björn charged into the cave, wild brown eyes widening at the display before him. “We have to go.”
    The white bear quickly separated from (your name), the white bear’s large form blocking her from Björn. Confusion consuming (your name). Why was this bear so protective?? Why was this yet another action that was familiar? It’s mannerisms we’re just like…
     “…Balder?” The bear whipped his head around to (your name), an excited noise escaping it’s throat.
    Björn slammed his fist into the bear’s mouth, Björn’s hand hurriedly grabbing (your name)’s, dragging her away from the bear.
    “Hurry!” Björn nervously bit his lip, sweat dripping from his brow. He needed to get her away from the other bear before she realized the truth…
    The brunette giant easily pulling her away from the bear and into the blizzard outside. Björn stood in front of (your name), shielding her from the snow.
    “Grab onto my back, (your name)! And don’t let go.” (Your name) nodded, her small hand grasping the warm fur coat on Björn’s back. The male taking off with a speed she couldn’t even consider human. 
     A loud roar escaping the polar bear who tried to pursue. A huff leaving it’s throat before it turned its attention to the boot that sat in his cave. He now has something to track her with…
    Björn placed (your name)’s red foot into some warm water he had poured into a bucket from the hot cauldron in the fire place. He couldn’t believe how careless he’s been. She could’ve been harmed… frost bitten even. All because he was careless in making sure that nuisance was taken care of.
    “I’m so sorry. I should’ve realized you lost you shoe.” Björn fretted over (your name), his tan hands gently rubbing her cold foot in the warm water. “I’m glad you didn’t get any frost bite on your feet… I’d feel awful-“
    “It’s alright, Björn.” (Your name) smiled at Björn, causing Björn to flush. “I hope they’ll warm up soon- eep!”
    Björn placed a kiss over her toes, his soft lips lingering a second too long for (your name)’s tastes. 
   “Are you just cold on your feet?” Björn asked slowly, his eyes hooded over with an emotion (your name) couldn’t decipher. “I could… warm you up even more…”
     “Warm me up?” Björn fiddled with his fingers before motioning to the bed. 
    “Body to body heat…” Björn whispered before sucking in a sharp breath, his pants feeling restricted at the dirty thoughts that filled his head. “I… I’ll go as far as you want me to…”
    “Can I bathe first… I feel a little dirty…” Björn grasped his legs tightly in excitement. She hadn’t shot him down… does that mean… she would be willing to consummate? “And I’d like to shave.” 
    “Of course. I can get that all around.” 
    “Can you bathe with me Björn?” Björn gulped, his honey colored eyes meeting her (eye color) orbs.
    “Ah… yes… I’d like that.”
   (Your name) knew what he wanted and she might as well give it to him. Björn was barely holding back his urges just for her. Plus… she was finding herself wildly attracted to him as well. How couldn’t she? He was so cute.
     Björn held out a hand for (your name), (your name) grasping his large hand in hers. Björn lead her towards the bathhouse. His large hand quivering in her small one in excitement. 
    “I’ll get everything around. I’ll be back.” Björn sucked in a deep breath when (your name) began to disrobe in front of him. “Ah… I’ll go get those things.”
    (Your name) giggled, Björn was so cute. Yet a fear prickled in her. She had a feeling he was massive. And since this was both of their first times, it was going to hurt. A lot. 
    (Your name) was sure Björn would try his best to accommodate her. He seemed to be the type that would take care of her every need. 
    (Skin color) hands picked up a towel to cover herself until Björn came with the water for the tub.
    Björn slowly opened the door, (your name) smiling at the large man. His hands tightly clutching onto the cauldron to the point that his knuckles were turning white.
   “I… I got the water. I also have something to shave with.” Björn avoided gazing at (your name), focusing on pouring the water into the empty tub. 
    “Thank you, honey.” (Your name) held in a giggle when she saw Björn flinch at the nickname. “I appreciate you.”
      Björn nodded his head, rising to stand at his full height. His face a bright red. (Your name) placed a hand on his clothes chest. 
    “Do you need help with your clothes?” Björn almost melted right on the spot. His amber eyes focused on the cleavage of her chest that was barely covered with a towel. “Do you want me to take this off?”
   Björn gulped, his eyes gazing into (your name)’s, his large hands slowly beginning to take off his clothes.
   (Your name)’s eyes widened at how muscular Björn was. His muscles rippling under her gaze, her gaze soon following his hands that hesitantly began to mess around with his pants. 
   (Your name) placed her hand on the hem of Björn’s pants, causing him to freeze up. 
    “Kiss me, Björn-“ (your name) was suddenly slammed into the wooden wall of the bathhouse, large lips over her own. A strong tongue pushing against her mouth in a hunger she didn’t know Björn possessed. She quickly submitted, moaning as Björn’s and her tongue began to dance. His large hands grasping her hips as he pressed his body into hers.
    A gasp leaving her throat when she felt Björn rub his member up against her. She was right. He was massive and thick. 
   “Ah!” (Your name) moaned when she felt his hand pull the towel away from her body. Björn quickly pulling away from her to admire her body.
    “Your so pretty… so perfect.” Björn grasped her left breast before bringing his head down to her chest. “Giving someone like me a chance… ah I’ve dreamed of this…”
    (Your name) threw her head back, a moan leaving her as Björn suckled at her chest like a starving newborn. 
    “Ah, Björn!” Björn moaned at the taste of her skin in his mouth, the male pulling away with a lewd pop. 
    “Let’s take the bath and then… I’ll warm you up.”
   (Your name) flushed, her eyes widening when Björn practically ripped his pants off. His swollen member finally being released from its confinement. The light pink head already leaking precum from their heated makeout session.
    “Can I… can I taste you?” (Your name) asked, causing Björn to blush. 
    “Yes… yes you can. But I’m sensitive already so I can’t guarantee I won’t make a mess-“
    Björn gasped when he felt (your name)’s hot tongue licking up his precum, a lewd mewl leaving his lips. His amber eyes watching her kiss his large member, her two hands barely able to cover even half of it.
    (Your name) hesitantly suckling on the engorged member, her hands sliding up and down it’s length, causing Björn to moan and pant. (Your name) slowly picking up her pace much to Björn’s pleasure. Tears beginning to gather in her eyes as she gagged on the thick intrusion in her throat.
   “Ah! (Your name)! Ah!” Björn’s hands soon tangled in her hair, guiding her head up and down his shaft. “Ah! I-I’m already going to- I’m going to cum! Ah! I love you! I love you!”
   (Your name) felt something hot and salty fill her mouth, her ears not believing the words that fell from Björn’s lips. (Your name) quickly swallowed, Björn’s wyes staring at her lovingly.
   Björn pulled away, wiping the tears that fell from (your name)’s face. Tears gathering in Björn’s own eyes.
    “I love you… I love you.” Björn repeated, his lips kissing her cheeks. “I love you so much, my darling.”
    “Björn?” (Your name) squealed when Björn carried her into the tub, the large male placing her smaller body between his legs, his form wrapping around her like a jacket. 
    “We’ll always be together now.” Björn sighed content of, his lips pressing kissed all over (your name)’s face. “You’re mine.”
   “Björn…” (your name) wasn’t sure what she truly felt toward Björn but she was sure to some extent… “I love you too.” 
    Tears fell down Björn’s face, a happy smile on his face. The male’s hands wandering the curved of (your name)’s body.
     “I love you more. More than anything. More than my own life.” Björn whispered, (your name) not doubting a single word that slipped from his lips. She believed it. Björn had shown her the extent of his love and her consummating with him later on gave him a reason to say she’s his. “Let’s get clean.” 
    (Your name) smiled when she felt Björn run his fingers through her scalp, a content sigh leaving her throat. Living with Björn wouldn’t be so bad. Balder was dead. She had no one else to live for anymore.
    (Your name) laid bare on the bed, Björn’s large form hovering over her. A happy smile on his face.
    “I’m going to be as gentle as I can be. I’m really happy.” (Your name) reached a hand up to wipe away some of the happy tears that fell down Björn’s face. “I’m so happy I’m not alone anymore… that I met you… I love you.”
    “I love you too-“ a gasp left (your name) when she felt Björn press his tip into her. He was so big and he was stretching her so wide. Tears began to fill in her eyes when she felt him slowly thrust in. “Ah!”
    Björn’s hands tightly grasped (your name)’s hips, biting his lips at how tight she was. The smell of blood filling his nose, causing pride to swell in his chest at the thought of this being both of their first times. He was going to treasure this moment forever.
   (Your name) grasped Björn’s forearms, her body slowly getting used to the intrusion. She nodded at Björn to continue. 
    Björn gave one shallow thrust before he felt that animalistic urge slowly start to take over. The need to make sure she knew she was completely his. 
    Björn placed a hand on the top of the bed frame before his thrusts began to pick up in speed and roughness. (Your name) throwing her head back, screams and moans escaping her throat. 
     Björn feeling himself getting so close to the edge… to filling her… to impregnating her with his cubs.
    “B-Björn… I’m gonna… I’m-“ Björn smashed his lips to (your name)’s, her body convulsing as her orgasm finally came undone. Björn feeling himself cum deep inside of her as she tightly grasped around him.
    “Mine… all mine…” Björn growled, the male placing a possessive kiss to her neck. “I love you… my darling.”
    Björn pushed himself off of her, cradling her exhausted body in his arms. A victorious smile on his face. He was going to have his family. The one he dreamed about having since he was a child…
    Björn covered (your name)’s face in kisses, the large male pulling her close to his chest.
     “Björn… I love you too.” (Your name) whispered before falling asleep, a dreamy smile on Björn’s lips.
    Björn sighed as a familiar scent filled his nose. There was only one last thing to do now… It was time with kill the polar bear.
      Balder stood not far from the cabin, a growl leaving his throat. He was going to kill that grizzly bear. It was time to end it once and for all. 
   Balder rose up to his hind legs, his blue eyes widening when he saw the scarred grizzly bear waiting for him. That bastard… he took everything from him. He took his men. Took his life away… and… he took (your name).
    Balder charged at the other bear. The grizzly bear easily latching onto his throat, causing Balder to struggle. Loud growls leaving their throats as they began to fight. 
    Balder pulled away from Björn, blood gushing all over the snow, staining it crimson. The grizzly bear rushing Balder again, not giving the polar bear a single change to attack him. 
    Balder collapsed to the snowy ground. His icy blue eyes staring at the cabin below. Tears gathering in his eyes as he stared at the image of (your name) peacefully sleeping in bed below. She was going to be taken care of…
    He could feel his body finally shift back into being a man after months of being trapped as a bear. Björn not letting up on his jaws clenching around Balder’s throat.
    “Take care of her…” Björn froze, the bear quickly dropping a Balder to the ground. Björn glanced at the cabin below. His eyes widening when he saw the form of a sleeping (your name) in the window. 
     Balder didn’t have to tell Björn what he had to do. Björn would take much better care of her than that Duke could. Because Björn was never going to let her out of his sight. 
    Björn placed two paws on Balder’s face before crushing his skull. He wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice. 
    Björn huffed at the dead body before shifting back into his human form.  
     “You were a terrible revenant. Someone who should’ve never came back. Someone who should’ve stayed dead.  You couldn’t control your powers, making you a danger to yourself and others. It’s better this way. So rest in peace.”
    Björn then made his way back down to the cabin. A happy smile on his face at the future ahead of him. Björn had finally gotten his happy ending… a family.
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flowersandbigteeth · 1 year
Your werebear mate takes you camping
I've gotten a whole bunch of requests for a sweet moment with Hugo, so this is filling a bunch of them ^_^' This is a lot gentler and fluffier than the other ones, per request :)
General Plot: Hugo wants to teach you some camping skills, so you go on a hike!
Hugo (Werebear) x Female reader
Word Count: 2.5k
W: sweet, fluffy smut, vaginal sex, outdoor sex
NSFW Masterpost <-- previous parts
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“Why are we doing this again?” you griped as you smacked another mosquito off of your neck. You paused your march to spray yourself down with more bug spray.
The trees rose up around you, tall and old deep in the forest you were hiking through. Ahead of you Hugo cleared a path through the brush with his wide body, bending whatever saplings he encountered out of the way. 
“So that you can learn some survival skills,” he said cheerfully. 
He loved hiking and the great outdoors. It was one of his favorite hobbies. Usually he went by himself or with another bear from his pack, but this time he’d insisted you tag along. 
“You’d be totally helpless if you were lost in the wilderness. I’m going to teach you some things,” he went on. 
Something rustled in the brush and you skipped a bit to catch up to him and buried your hand in his fur. 
“When am I going to be lost in the wilderness?” you asked, “you gonna abandon me here?” 
A deep chuckle erupted from his lips as he snapped another sapling. 
“Of course not honey cake,” he said, “but you never know when you’ll need to know how to start a fire or set a trap. What if your plane went down in the forest and you had to survive until rescue came?” 
You let out a deep sigh, sure that would never happen. 
“Are we even allowed to be here?” you asked. 
You’d strayed from the trail long ago and now Hugo was leading you deep into the woods. Your pant legs were already shredded from brambles and the mosquitos were terrible. 
“Who knows?” he said, shrugging his massive shoulders, “but I have someplace special to show you.” 
“Is it much further?” you whined. 
“Not much,” he offered vaguely. 
While you dragged one foot in front of the other, you daydreamed about being in a nice air conditioned coffee shop with a large iced latte in your hand. 
“My legs are tired,” you pouted to Hugo, “if we don’t stop soon, I’m going to drop dead right where I’m standing.” 
You heard him laugh, before he turned to you and scooped you up in his arms. 
“I should make you walk,” he grumbled, “in a real life situation I won’t be here to carry you.” 
Giggling up at him you snuggled deeper into his arms, rubbing your face against his furry chest. 
“Good thing we’re not in a real life situation. I’d have already given up and would be eaten by wolves,” you said. 
You felt his chest rumble as he chuckled. 
“I bet you’d be delicious,” he said, pinching your bottom with the hand holding you up, “they would tell their pups stories about your tender flesh and lament that they couldn’t have it again.”
You looked up at him and narrowed your eyes. 
“Sounds like you’ve put a lot of thought into this,” you said, giving him a flat laugh. 
“Don’t worry,” he snickered, “if anything is going to eat you it will be me.”  
You patted him on his furry chest and giggled, your cheeks warming a bit. Somewhere in the distance you heard rushing water, getting louder each step Hugo took closer to it. 
Finally, the trees thinned and you peaked out of Hugo’s big arms to see a beautiful waterfall. Water rushed over the many large rocks that appeared to have tumbled out of the mountain creating shelves as the water worked its way down. 
“This is beautiful, Hugo,” you gasped, taking in the lovely green foliage that crowded the fall. At the base a clear pool filled with fat fish and multicolored river rock collected ice cold water from the mountain top. 
He set you down on a rock overlooking the peaceful scene, taking the pack off of your back and started setting things up. You’d brought plenty of supplies, since Hugo could carry a lot on his back. The only thing missing was a tent, as he informed you that it would be much better to sleep underneath the stars. With him around you didn’t have to worry about predators sneaking up on you in the dark. 
When he’d organized your little camp, he started a fire. You watched him step out of the old pair of jeans he was wearing and gasped. His body never ceased to excite you. Even covered in fur, you could make out the planes of his impeccable muscles, flexing as he kicked off his pants. You swallowed a sip of water from your bottle, taking in the thick cock nestled between his thighs. It took you a moment to even question why he was undressing. 
“Wh-what are you doing?” you stammered and he shot you a predatory flash of fang. 
“I’m going to catch us some dinner,” he explained, turning away from you and wading into the water. 
The sun was already getting low in the sky, the rocky mountainside casting long shadows over your camp. You had no idea how Hugo could see, but apparently his vision was much better than yours. Curious about his technique you watched him standing stock still in the rushing water, his sharp eyes cast down. It was a testament to his size that the water just moved around him. It would have knocked you off of your feet in a second, but Hugo stood like a statue. Then he was a blur, striking the water with his large hands. A second later he tossed a thick fish next to you on the ground. 
You jumped, surprised and hurried to capture the fish before it flopped back in the water. Comically grasping the fish as it thrashed in your hands, all you could think to do was walk a few steps away from the water’s edge and shove it in the pot you’d brought to cook with and stick the top on. 
Not sure what to do with the first fish, you certainly weren’t sure what to do with the three more Hugo tossed at you. When he finally got out of the water, he shook it out of his fur like a dog. He shot you a big smile as you tried to wrestle the other fish that were gasping for air. 
“Come here,” he said, taking one of the fish from you and scooping up the other two, “I’ll show you how to dress them. 
After that gross lesson, he put the cleaned fish on sticks, propping them over the fire. 
You sat down next to Hugo, cuddling into his warmth as the temperature dropped. The sun was already behind the mountain and the sky was turning a rich bluey-purple. 
“It’s official,” you said, “I’m never going into nature without you. I would never be able to gut those guys by myself.” 
He chortled, putting an arm around you. The campsite was filled with the delicious smell of roasting fish and your stomach grumbled with anticipation. When they were done, Hugo carefully extracted yours and sliced it up so you could eat it easily. He chewed on his right off of the stick. By that time the stars were popping out one by one in the inky sky. Out this far there was no light pollution so your mouth hung open as you took it all in. 
“There’s so many!” you chirped, as you leaned back into Hugo’s fur to observe them. “It’s beautiful.” 
He chuckled behind you, his belly full. 
“See? Camping’s not so bad, is it?” he asked into your ear. 
You felt his soft, fluffy fur brushing your neck and a shiver rolled over your body. Pursing your lips you gave him a fake pout. 
“Like I said,” you sulked, “I’m only coming out here with you. I couldn’t do any of this on my own.” 
He wrapped his big arms around you and squeezed you tight. 
“No one else better be taking you on camping trips,” he said, “or they are going to have to fight off a very angry bear.” 
You rubbed your cheek into his furry chest and yawned, tired after the long walk. 
“Let’s get you tucked in,” he murmured. 
He rolled out two sleeping bags and you pouted. 
“What’s wrong?” he asked, reading the disappointment on your face. 
“Nothing,” you snapped. 
His eyebrow rose as you fussily got into your sleeping bag and huffed, turning away from him. You were being a little childish because you were kind of cranky after the long hike. 
“It’s cold,” you pouted. 
You heard Hugo let out a rumbling laugh and drew your brows, annoyed that he found it funny. 
“Come here honey cake,” he said, extracting you from your sleeping bag like you weighed little more than a doll and pulled you into his. 
“Did you want to sleep next to me?” he asked. 
You felt silly, so you just nodded into his chest, snuggling into his warmth. He laughed again, stroking your hair. 
“I should have guessed,” he whispered, “look up.” 
You weren’t sure what you were supposed to be looking at, getting comfy next to your mate, but when you did your eyes popped. The sky was streaked with shooting stars. 
“I chose tonight because there is a meteor shower,” he said, his thick fingers brushing the hairs crowding your face out of the way. 
“This…this is amazing Hugo,” you gasped, unable to tear your eyes away. 
Hugo watched for a moment with you before his interests turned elsewhere. The pads of his fingers traced your neck and then across your shoulder blades. Instinctively, you cast your gaze on him, but he nudged your chin back up. 
“Don’t look at me,” he purred, “keep watching.” 
Your body was tingling with anticipation as he pushed your shirt up and tugged your bra down to get access to your breasts. His big warm hands cupped them and you could feel the delicious prick of his claws on your skin. You tried your best to keep your eyes on the many streaks of color lighting up the sky, but your eyelashes fluttered with pleasure. 
A low moan left your lips as his warm mouth closed over your nipple, circling it with his tongue. His touch was so familiar and comforting. You never wanted another person to touch you the way and the places he did. He possessed your body and you eagerly accepted his attention. 
“Hugo!” you gasped, arching your back so that he had better access to you. 
His fingers tugged at the other nipple, making you mewl out loud. Your panties were already soaked, feeling sticky against your skin. 
“Please, Hugo. More,” you managed to mutter and you felt his body, tucked so close in the sleeping bag, rumble with delight. 
His thick fingers unzipped your pants with surprising dexterity and slid them off you, leaving only your wet panties. A thumb traced your slit, stopping at your clit to stroke languid circles. You gasped and keened, pressing your mound into his fingertips. 
With a tearing sound, you realized his claws had sliced right through the chaste cotton panties you were wearing, leaving you bare for his fingers to explore. He dipped a thick digit inside of you, collecting some of your wetness before he circled your needy bundle of nerves with it. 
His mouth found yours, his thick tongue snaking out to taste you. Your peaked nipples brushed the soft fur on his chest, the sensation decadent and luxurious. He was so big looming over you, carefully holding himself up so he didn’t crush you. You adored the way he was incredibly strong but could be so delicate with you. 
You reached out to find his cock, thick and firm, dripping a steady stream of precum. Feeling his need made your insides melt to mush. Your mate wanted you and only you. He hissed in pleasure as you rolled your palm over the wide head, then down his shaft. 
You both moaned and grunted in pleasure as you handled one another. His cock was hot and throbbing in your hand, while he pinched and rubbed your clit faster and harder every second you touched him. He wound the thread of pleasure tighter and tighter until the stars were imprinted on the back of your eyelids. You screamed his name as he pushed you over the edge, bucking your hips into his big hand. 
“Who do you belong to, honey cake?” he muttered, “tell me who makes you feel good.” 
“You Hugo,” you gasped, hardly able to let out the words. 
You heard his approving growl before he pulled you on top of him, letting the sleeping bag fall back so your breasts were exposed to the night air. It was cool, but his big hands roaming over you were so hot, you hardly noticed it. 
“Take what you want, (Y/N),” he groaned, “I want to see you come apart on top of me.” 
You let out a little squeal, lowering your hips onto his thick cock. You always had to take it carefully, he filled and stretched you completely. It took you a minute to slowly descend so that your hips were flush. He let out a rumbling roar when you were fully seated. 
His eyes on you were glittering in the firelight as he took you in. 
“My mate,” he rumbled, “You’re so beautiful. Prettier than a sky full of stars.” 
His words propelled you forward and you bounced on his stiff shaft, pushing yourself higher and higher, towards your end. He cupped your breasts, kneading them and plucking your nipples until your head was thrown back, muttering curses to the silent mountain. 
It was good there was no one around to hear all of the loud, lusty noises you were making. As your pace got erratic, so close to cumming, Hugo took over. His hands gripped your hips, the tips of his claws pricking your skin as he thrust up into you. He took you hard, the sound of your ass slapping his thighs echoed around you. 
“Touch yourself for me,” he growled and you couldn’t deny him, parting your folds with your much smaller fingers and hazily circling your clit. 
Your other hand clutched your bouncing breast, teasing the nipple. All the while Hugo’s hungry gaze ate you up. The way he looked at you, full of sensual longing made you feel like a goddess. You knew he adored every part of you. Every bit of cellulite and every little scar his eyes met with a ferocious greed. 
Not able to hold back any longer, you erupted, hot pleasure washing over your body in thick ripples. He snapped his cock into you once, twice, then on the third time you felt a wave of searing cum fill you as he roared his release. You fell forward, spent, your nose buried in his neck. He stroked your back gently, not ready to pull out of you yet. He pulled the sleeping bag up around you so your skin, damp from sweat, wouldn't make you cold. 
“I love you little honey cake,” he hummed, his voice thick and low. 
“I love you,” you breathed into his neck. 
You let him cuddle and stroke you until you drifted off to sleep with him still inside of you.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 5 years
Wereiplier AU
Dire Werewolf
Has thick, black, scruffy fur that helps him blend with the shadows.
Under his fur though are a lot of messy scars that have never fully healed.
His eyes are red/blue swirls
Pink Werejaguar
Has a fluffy white stomach and snout (which has v light pink fur--shaping a small mustache)
Eyes are pale-yellow
Barbary Werelion
Has reddish-brown fur and black eyes
He’s very prideful about being the only one of his kind (as a lycan)
Keeps a fur coat that resembles the darker fur on his lycan form
Boreno Bay Werecat
Has blood-red fur
Very secretive about his hunts and whatnot
Clouded Wereleopard
His father Derek is one too
Likes to collect blankets, though he’s attached to a particular yellow one
An accident left his hindlegs deformed and scarred
Has black, mattered fur with a white stomach
A white ring around his neck is extra fluffy, resembling his cleric collar
Has golden eyes, although one was shot out after an incident with fireworks
Werewendigo (a wendigo infected w/ lycanthropy)
Has black fur with a purplish sheen to it
In lycan form his head is a skull with glowing pale-blue eyes, and his hands are frostbitten.
As a human he has sharp, pointed teeth and skin layered in frost
Wild Weredog
Relies mainly on hearing, as he’s blind in both eyes.
Has a white “mask” around the eyes instead of the usual black
Silver Werecoyote
Has some black spots around his eyes, resembling a mask
Wears a black cape almost all the time
V shy, but quick and stealthy at nighttime
Maned Werewolf
Has long legs and arms in lycan form, allowing him to evade traps easily
Is also excellent at sniffing them out and knowing if bait is poisoned
Moon Werebear
Usually neutral, but can be easily provoked into a fight
Has a bandaid on the bridge of his nose
In human form he’s got bear-themed tattoos (eg. a pawprint on his neck and “MOON” “BEAR” on his knuckles
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Request List
As promised, I made a list of all the current requests in my inbox! Now it’s up to all you guys to determine which requests you wanna see first! I’ll give you a day or two to pick and after that, I’ll make the official request list order!
Merc first meeting
Merasmus headcanons
Shower sex
Cut or uncut
Soft Sniper
Cheavy and no shit taking coworker
OCD s/o
Abandoned and parents return
Cold hands
Fav pets
Stoned sex with Sniper
Animal skull
Modern day
School au
Patreon feet pics
Mercs dealing with Snipes piss fetish
Spycrabs and pootis bird headcanons
Scout speaking French
Helping with period
Super sexy s/o
Cheavy NSFW headcanons
Christian Brutal Sniper headcanons
Mercpack fluff
Werewolf fur coloration
Cumming in pants
Sailor mouthed s/o
Lost voice
Speeding Bullet headcanons
Fav cartoons
Sub and watersports with Sniper
First respawn
Small aggressive tsundere
Monster mercs
Mercs and Halloween
Medic cuddles
Growing out beard
Mercs realizing they love their friend
Cheavy pining after Merc’s innocent friend
Busty under baggy clothes
Trouble sleeping
Sniper accidentally says I love you on phone
Labor during battle
Asexual s/o
Stargazing but forgot glasses
Nerd s/o
Sniper archery practice
Caught in rainstorm
Polar opposite
Monster merc cuddling tiny s/o
Cute Cheavy headcanons
Trick or Treating
S/o who would die for them
Ice skating
Model for wedding dresses
Green Mile reaction
Jackass movies
Human Cake
Shrunken s/o
Favorite/Least Fav foods
Heavy caring for sick s/o
Support bois with virgin
Crush walking in on them in shower
Dysfunctional family
Tomboy gone girly
Flower/Tattoo shop au
Handy during movie night
Jealous mercpack
Tattoo of merc’s name
Running away from mercpack
Fantasy Au
S/o turned into werewolf 
Professor Medic with student s/o
Omorashi kink
Angelic child with s/o but devil with mercs
Public sex
Saving from a spider
Tarrot reader s/o
Sundress without underwear
Tiny hands
Rough sex with support bois with fluffiness 
Heavy’s crush meeting his family
Dirty and sweet things in other language
Cheavy and daddy kink
Scout cuddling
High libido 
Sniper with piss, knife, daddy, blood kinks
Merc dies in front of best friend
S/o being harmed by someone on team
Scout’s ma death
Killed s/o
Accidentally killed s/o 
S/o’s last words
S/o cheats on them
Tortured to death
Terminally ill
Vampire Hunter Soldier
Jacking off
Knitted scarf or jersey
Support bois and passed pet
S/o and rubber bands
Shy s/o going feral
Bladder infection
Embarrassed mercs
Baking cookies
Comfort from friend
Engineer fluff
Wrapping up in blankets
Wearing merc’s clothes
Caretaker class
Falling asleep
Gift from s/o
Fav date things
Speeding Bullet first kiss
Carrying sleeping s/o
Holding newborns
S/o proposes
Cuddles on cold night
Werewolf traits
Mercpack fighting over s/o
Legendary Pokemon
Has to pee really bad
Past abusive relationship
Scout and bad family
NSFW mythology mercs
Biker s/o
Shirt kitten
NSFW Speeding Bullet camping
Daddy kink Sniper
Sex sounds
Piss in lap
Sex machines
Least favorite kinks
Getting topped
Sniper domming while in lingerie 
Whole kink list
Cheavy and kittens
Domme s/o
Give head or receive head
Share bodyheat
Wet bed
Lazy mornings
Cheavy cuddles
Werebear Heavy
S/o turned into child
Sadistic Medic
Dragon au
Fluster s/o challenge
Singing fucked up songs
Mario Kart
NSFW Support point of view
Sugar baby
Body hair
Crack knuckles
Werewolf Medic in heat
General Sniper headcanons
Thicc s/o
Winged s/o
Is water wet
Cuddling positions
Acrylic nails
Motherhenning when sick
Gaming youtuber
Lap sitting and teasing
Savage eater
Remote controller vibrator at dinner table
Orgasm and faint
Dirty talking
Short haired girlfriend
Wrestling and dry humping
Top, bottom, or switch
NSFW Zhanna
Weirdest kink
Scout calls Snipes daddy
Scout in lingerie 
Loud climax
NSFW Heavy and Scout
Ship giveaways
NSFW Helmet Party
Vibrator all day
Sniper and breeding kink
Cat and Mouse
Quiet sex in public place
NSFW Sniper going feral
Werewolf Sniper and vampire Spy
Sniper choking
Sniper in skirt and domming
Lingerie and roleplay
Gangbang with support
Accident with Sniper
Yandere Sniper
Sniper marking Scout
Daddy dom Sniper
Sniper called papa
Same role s/o
Poly relationship
Gray hair crazy hair
Mercs cheating
Rainstorm cuddles
VSCO girls
Wrong hole
Bug lover
Insecure s/o
Doesn’t like physical contact
Hyper empathy
Sniper and quiet reader
Realizing their in love
Stalked s/o
Speeding Bullet falling in love
Video games
Cosplay ideas
Fav color gift
Wiccan and brotherly relationship
Yandere Heavy and Cheavy
Absence seizures
Snorty laugh
Heavy Medic threesome
Daddy Sniper
Heavy dirty talk
Blood/knife play
Drawing little pictures
Zhanna and movie night
Sniper piss taste
Zhanna and female s/o
Soldier and Zhanna with adopted kid
Dick slips out
Medic Spy poly
Food kink
Pyro Scout NSFW
Spy and public sex
Spy stuckage
Medic sleep comfort
Biting kink
Breeding kink
Monster Hunter Sniper and vampire Spy
Getting ready for bed
NSFW Fem mercs
Morale praise kink
Voice winner
S/o beats past abuser
Fall off while fucking
Attractive personalty traits 
Quiet s/o
Lost glasses
Harpy egg laying
Good parent
Cryptid mercs
S/o killed by clone
Jerking it to thicc s/o
Panicked call
Masochism Tango for Medic
Sniper and Scout hometowns
Domming Medic
Crush confession
Human joining mercpack
S/o gardening
Scout, Medic, Spy playlist
Sniper Medic threesome
S/o wearing diaper
I Wanna Be Evil for Pauling
Spy x Sniper Playlist
Poly with support and Morale
Engineer learns he’s gonna be a dad
Demo new relationship
S/o wets bed
Snuff film
Soft sex with male rape victim
Morale fluff
Rifle practice
Rough sex
Medic’s daughter
Morning cuddles
Say Sike Right Now
Tik Tok memes
BBQ sauce on my titties
Porn star s/o
Kid coming out to mercs
Helping kid with homework
Bullied kid
Mercs as parents
Adopting kid
Engineer with daughter
High mercs
Fav vines
First time smoking weed
Piss and weed
Slasher mercs
Halloween costumes
Mercs and petplay
Kid with anxiety 
S/o with kid from previous relationship
Get Out of the Tank
Monster fucker
Parent mercs
Kidnapped by enemy team
Cursed cat images
Daughter dance
Area 51
Mutual masturbation
Dog breeds
Age regression
Picky eater kid
Crush playlist
Sunny having puppies
Arcade games
Kid cuts hair
Cheavy and petplay
Both Medics poly
Cheavy with daughter
Switch postions
Lolita fashion
Cute outfits
Overwatch mains
Sniper’s fav metal songs
Scout birthday celebration
Cook for s/o
Mercs wet themselves
Threesome with Scout and Sniper
Soldier x Morale headcanons
Sniper x Morale headcanons
Scout and Silent Hill games
Abducted by aliens
Sniper, Pyro, and Scout relationships
Babysitting kid
Anal or vaginal
Revenge time
Offense headcanons
Indiana Jones s/o with Soldier and Zhanna
Pyro and petplay
Noise sensitivity 
Not so dead after all
Pyro unmasked
Coach through labor
Shared shower
Crush in haunted house
5′11 s/o lifting
Spy and innocent love
Ultimate goth s/o
S/o gets pregnant 
Panic attacks
Shy kid
Scout x Pyro fluff
Romantic Disney songs
Niche taste in music
Scout throatfucking
Match ups x 22
Kink match ups x 10
Date a Merc x 7
Confessions x 35
Letters x 25
107 notes · View notes
flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
Can I request you to write Hugo? He’s grumpy and fluffy.
I love writing Hugo! I love werebears so much 🥺🥺🥺
General Plot: Hugo has terrible handwriting so you insist he gets a laptop to make your life easier.
Werebear (Hugo) x female reader
Word Count: 2k
W: nsfw werebear smut, vaginal and oral sex, outdoor sex, jealousy angst, biting
Tumblr media
Hugo had been dead serious about you quitting your job, so at that moment you were thumbing through the customer files of his carpentry shop trying to make heads or tails of his scribbled handwriting. 
“Hugo, what the hell is this?!” you yelled and you heard the saw stop from the workshop. A few minutes later he came in smelling like cedar and covered in sawdust. 
His warmth hit your back as he sidled up behind you at the big desk in the office you used to do your new job, business manager. That basically meant you did all the paperwork so Hugo could take more commissions. The arrangement had been working well for the past few weeks. He’d doubled the amount of orders he could take since you could handle the phone and organize shipping. 
“I can’t read a lick of this,” you grumbled at your werebear mate, “do we need to send you back to Elementary school? This is chicken scratch!” 
He grumbled behind you, leaning down over your shoulder. 
“No it’s not,” he snarled, “I don’t need to go back to school! You need to get glasses or something! It says very clearly….uh…” 
You gave him a look as he squinted his eyes trying to make out his own handwriting. 
“Well it doesn’t matter what it says,” he growled, “I’ve got a mind like a steel trap. I remember exactly what they wanted…it was…a dinner table…I think…or maybe an end table?” 
You crossed your arms at him. 
“I know you already said 'no' but we need to get a laptop or a tablet so you can type in the orders,” you chided, “I can’t call every one of these people and ask them to remind me what they wanted!” 
An hour and a half and two fussy fights later, you were standing around an electronics store with Hugo as he perused the ipads and tablet laptops they had for sale. 
“Can I help you?!” a perky blonde worker chirped appearing from nowhere.
You jumped and clutched your chest, it was like she’d been hiding or something. She was unnecessarily pretty, tall with big boobs and that perfect hourglass figure that had to be surgery. The store issue polo she was wearing was hanging on for dear life, lifting up at her flat belly to show a tantalizing strip of skin and bursting at her large breasts. You couldn’t help but feel slightly incensed when Hugo glanced down at her nametag. 
“Yeah…uh...Cherise…we’re looking for a tablet or a laptop or something, my business manager is complaining about my handwriting and insisting I get one,” he grumbled, still pissed off he had to be there. 
You glared up at him at being referred to as his “business manager” not his mate and glared even harder when Cherise grabbed him by the elbow, giving him a big, warm smile, and led him to the tablets. 
They spoke companionably as she showed him the models. Not wanting to waste anymore time, he quickly picked one and let her ring him up, all while you stood there fuming.
On the way back to the car, you’d talked yourself from self-righteous jealous rage down to heartbreaking insecure despair. Did Hugo not love you anymore? He’d gotten on just fine with the girl at the store, but with you he was sour and grumpy. He still hadn’t even said anything when you got into his truck and you were on the brink of tears. 
Suddenly he looked down at you, after his own annoyance had abated and he was happy to be on his way back to his workshop again, realizing you were being very quiet. You should have been overjoyed he got the thing you wanted.  
“(Y/N)?” he said frowning, “what’s wrong? You look like you’re about to cry. We got the thing…” 
“Why don’t you love me anymore?!” you sobbed, collapsing into tears. 
Hugo’s eyes got wide. He had no idea what he’d done, but he knew he’d fucked up. You rarely ever cried. He never saw tears unless he was fucking you hard enough that you couldn’t hold them back. These were not those kind of tears. 
“What?!” he gasped, trying to keep his eyes on the road, but also on you, “what do you mean? Of course I love you honey cake!” 
You shook your head, sniveling. 
“You’re so mean to meeee!” you sobbed, “I’m your business manager!” 
You hissed the words like they were poison. 
“But…that’s your job…” he murmured and realized that was the wrong answer when you sobbed even louder. 
He pulled off of the road, turning the truck off so he could focus completely on you. 
“Honey cake,” he cooed, trying to get you to stop crying, “what’s this about? What did I do? Tell me what I did and I’ll fix it.” 
You sniffed. 
“You called me your business manager,” you mumbled through your falling tears. 
He had no idea what your job title had to do with this. 
“Do you want a promotion?” he asked, “you can be president if you want!” 
“No!” you snapped, crossing your arms. 
The self-righteous jealous rage had returned. 
“I want to be your mate!” you snarled, “not some…side chick! I’m not some…some random girl who follows you around all the time! I’m certainly not your employee!” 
He was so confused. 
“You are my mate,” he said carefully and waited to see if that was right. 
You sniffed and nodded. 
“Then why didn’t you say that to the girl at the store?” you hissed, “you were totally nice to her! Do you want a mate like her?! With perfect boobs?! I’m pretty sure they weren’t even real! To Cherise I was just your business manager! ” 
Again, the words came out like they could kill, but this time all in a hurried, angry rush. Hugo looked at you for a moment and a smile grew on his face.
“Oh my god, (Y/N), you’ve got to be kidding me,” he laughed, opening up the door to his truck and getting out. 
You were triply pissed he was laughing at you and ready to tear his head off, when he pulled you out of your side of the truck and threw you over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes.
“Wh-what are you doing?” you cried, beating on his furry back, “put me down!” 
He smacked your butt with his heavy palm. 
“No,” he said, “I’m going to teach my jealous little mate a lesson.” 
“I am not jealous!” you screeched and he just chuckled. 
When he’d gotten you far enough into the forest that you were out of sight, he pulled you to his front and set you down on the ground, then got on one knee in front of you, so you were closer to eye level. 
You crossed your arms and looked away to pout, but he pulled your face back to him. 
“Look at me (Y/N),” he said, “I don’t want anyone else but you…I was being petty when I called you my business manager and I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it the way you interpreted it, I wouldn’t have even said it if I thought you’d take it like that. Whatever I did to make you think I don’t want you, I’d take it back if I could.”
You sniffled, starting to feel silly and he pulled you towards him to give you a big warm bear hug, that pretty much always fixed everything, caging you in with his knee. 
“But…” he purred, his hot tongue finding the spot just behind your ear, “I can’t let you get away with thinking those sorts of thoughts…Your boobs are exquisite and the fact that you disrespected them by comparing them to other, inferior breasts is offensive…” 
Before you could say anything he was tearing yet another outfit to shreds to get at your bare skin. 
“Hugo!” you shouted, trying to stop him, but he was much too big and focused to be deterred, simply pushing his tongue into your mouth to shut you up, while he picked you up and backed you into the tree behind you. 
When he’d gotten you where he wanted you, he went straight for your now breasts, mouthing them both like they were a treat. You would have struggled with him if he hadn’t started licking your nipple with his pebbled tongue, making your pussy leak. A big warm hand cupped the other, kneading it and you keened, your head dropping back against the rough tree behind you. 
You moaned while he worked your tits over with his tongue, moving from one to the other until they were hard, sensitive points. Occasionally his sharp teeth would graze the delicate skin making you hiccup a bit. Your head was thrashing as your hair caught on the bark of the tree. 
“These are so fucking perfect,” he murmured into them, “I can’t believe you…” 
He didn’t finish his thought, returning to licking and sucking you. 
“Pleaaase,” you groaned to Hugo, you were raw from being sad and you needed him. 
“Say you’re sorry…” he demanded, denying you. 
Just enough anger was still floating around in your head for that to catch your attention. 
“Me?!” you cried incensed. 
He swirled his tongue around your nipple and you groaned without meaning to, your eyelashes fluttering. 
“You insulted your breasts,” he pouted, “I won't give it to you until you apologize.” 
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” you squeaked, eagerly agreeing to his terms. 
“Say your breasts are perfect,” he said, nibbling one.
“M-my breasts a-are p-perfect…” you got out, your voice husky with need. 
“And Hugo can touch them whenever he wants,” he added.
“Hugo!” you growled, slapping his back impatiently. 
He chuckled and tossed you up a bit so your knees were hooked around his shoulders and he could get to your pussy with his tongue, before letting your back brace against the tree to keep you steady.
Juices from your already soaked pussy were dripping down his chin as he fucked you with his tongue. The thick appendage thrust in and out of you, making you cry out loud. He took his time, tasting you, before he started to lap at your clit and you came before he even got a chance to put his fingers inside of you. 
You heard his zipper before he dropped you down again and you felt his broad head breaching you. He pushed his hand behind your back to protect the bare skin from the rough tree, before slamming into you. 
With one heavy thrust, he bent down to whisper in your ear. 
“This is all for you, honey cake, no one else,” he grunted, pulling back out and pounding into you again. 
In response his name just tumbled out of your mouth again and again as his pace quickened. He fucked you like he was trying to prove a point, because he was. You were his and his alone and it bothered him that it even crossed your mind that he would want someone else, though it was cute that you were jealous. He’d already forgotten what the shop girl even looked like let alone her name, his whole focus was and would always be on you. 
You screamed, feeling his muscles tense as he forced himself not to maul you with his sharp claws as they prickled your back. He was slamming into you just hard enough that he didn’t bruise you. Fucking you took so much focus, but he loved it. 
He adored the way your hot walls tightened around his cock when he hit the right spot and the sound of your voice in his ear as you screamed his name. Your fingers were digging into his thick fur, not strong enough to hurt him in the least, but he savored the slight sting of your passion. 
“Touch yourself for me honey cake,” he groaned into your mouth and your hand obediently snaked down to your clit to finger it in the way you liked, since his were busy holding you up.
“Cum all over me, I wanna watch it…” he couldn’t help but grunt, as he felt your cunt squeeze him as you brought yourself closer and closer to completion. He loved seeing you like this, your head thrown back in passion, totally focused on pleasure. Your mouth dropped open and your brow drew slightly as your pussy flooded around his cock with your orgasm. 
“Hugo!” you screamed, your head tipping forward against him and he kissed it while he pounded through your peak. 
“Fuck, that’s it,” he growled in approval, pulling you off of the tree and yanking you up and down on his cock like a fleshlight, immediately throwing you into another, more lingering orgasm as he emptied himself inside of you and buried his teeth in your shoulder, revisiting your mating bite since apparently you'd forgotten it. The pleasure-pain combination made your eyes cross and you wailed.
“Mmmmm,” you keened, sated and happy, when he finally slid you off of him and cradled you in his big furry arms a few minutes later, licking the fresh wound.  
“Have you been sufficiently punished, my jealous little mate?” he asked as he straightened his pants and walked through the woods back to his truck. 
“I wasn’t jealous,” you pouted. 
He grinned. 
“Yeah, okay,” he said, letting you get away with it just this once. 
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