#Yeah they probably are very different but idc the vibes are THERE
ironunderstands · 9 months
forgive me for the person I will become when Adventurine drops, he’s literally just Childe in a different font you cannot give me a man dead ass eyes and that expression and not make me want to pick apart his brain
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bloo-the-dragon · 28 days
so *points at mer au eclipse and ruin* these bitches gay, obviously
but im curious as to like. how do they view each other. do they see themselves as human labels of relationships? do they kinda have their own word for each other or is it just "yeah im stuck with this fucker for the rest of my life and while i may act like its a horrible thing i really dont mind and even prefer it bc honestly i doubt we'd be able to survive without each other"
honestly they give an "idc wut its called we're bonded for life" vibe /silly
HJGFGH Oh definitely it's a 'bonded for life' kinda deal, literally as well as metaphorically. As for what to call it, well it's not romantic nor is it platonic - Queer-Platonic is the closest/best term for it and that's generally how i refer to their relationship! It's very much it's own special thing, and it differs greatly from typical human relationships. (Honestly if they were humans it would probably be super unhealthy lmao)
From Eclipse's perspective he doesn't really give any label to what he and Ruin have. At the very beginning it was a sort of mutual roommate situation that developed overtime into them becoming so much more, to the point that - as you correctly said - they would no longer be able to survive without the other.
Presently Eclipse is aware that Ruin is now his counterpart and has fully accepted that (again there's a story behind this happening that i hope to one day share should i ever manage to finish the fic gfjkg) but as far as an actual term goes? Hell if he knows, but he's content either way, even if he does grouch a lot!
For Ruin, it's more simple - to him Eclipse is his mate, his bonded, his partner for life. Now again this differs greatly from human and even your typical animal forms of relationships (especially with the mated for life deal) and it still falls very closely under the qpr catagory. Mers don't actually mate in the sexual sense (genderless beings and all) so for them to bond for life is to quite literally bind/tie their soul to another making them as one almost.
So long story short, it's a queer-platonic partnered for life kinda deal! Neither of them have any actual labels for it, it's just a 'we're attached at the hip and we ain't letting go'. It's truly queer!
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pomefioredove · 3 months
🙂‍↕️not really coherent reply sorry
vil is one of the only characters in game that treats yuu with respect, and as an equal.
EXACTLYLY. honestly it never ever sits right with me whenever yuu BREAKS THEIR BACK trying to help others (especially because barely anyone is doing barely anything to help them. LET THIS BITCH GO HOME!!!!) for them to just? barely acknowledge it? casually brush it off? the scene in book 3 where the tweels r like wanna help out? you can switch with these guys and ace is like YES double all of my current suffering and pass it onto them /ref all of the students complaining about losing their signature spells when yuu has NO magic at all to protect themselves with.. let’s be serious please. maybe im being a little dramatic! but thats literally my favorite character you are talking about get their name out of your mouth.
vil is literally the only other character who plays a similar role in the story.
... cause chars like trey and lilia are almost there, but distinctly different in their roles, while vil is THE mother.
THIS!! !! !!! !!!!! lillia is more of the father trope and trey is more of a big brother i’d say. they aren’t nurturing in the same way vil is. maybe it’s the ‘nagging’ slash instructing aspect of how vil interacts with people. i don’t even know how to put it into words but ur right vil is so mom. like. i dont know.. it’s probably his relationship with epel (and even the other first years?) that makes me associate him with being motherly but he’s just so. nurturing. so many moms in the media that i’ve (recently) consumed were teaching their daughters to be quiet and respectful as to not get punished/essentially outcasted socially. of course that’s not really what vil is doing with epel but. ugh. read my mind!!! ull understand then trust. the ONLY other character that sorta makes me feel the same way is jamil. illove him so dearly but i know. little to nothing major about his character aside from his relationship with kalim. yuu and grim. vil and epel. jamil and kalim. they should start a we dont get paid (enough) for this bullshit club
honestly i dont even want to project myself onto yuu i wanna be a helpful roomate or somthinf. wtf 😭 my hungry aggressive ass could NOT be yuu /ref..
rhats all i can put into words rigth now . evene though i got sidetracked a lot.. !! bht th part abojt yuu being motherly ! ialso wanted to reply to. wowww thats a lot of typos sorry my eyesight is a tad blurry 😭
"double all of my current suffering and pass it onto them" LMAOOOO 😭😭😭
I am such a yuu defender idc. LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!! it's why rollo is still such a fave of mine, he's like one of the only sane people. looks at yuu and is like jesus christ are you fucking okay.
and yes literally vil is just. I think the big difference is that he actually kinda likes being in charge? more so than yuu. he's a natural leader while they were literally manipulated and blackmailed into their position (I WILL SAY THAT I do think vil feels pressured to be a leader because of how he was outcasted/made out to seem mean and scary by his peers so he just kinda Filled That Role... but also I definitely do not see him as someone who'd enjoy following rather than leading. his own character VERY MUCH parallels yuu's in so many ways)
jamil is definitely different tho. he was also forced into his position as a caretaker but he doesn't have a parental vibe to him. tbh I couldn't tell u what it is but he's got his own thing going on (and he DOES parallel yuu in a way, I wish he was closer to them because there's potential but he's really Not)
BUT YEAH I get you. I feel like this is a weird thing to say but yuu feels like their own character to me 😭 like I have my own yuusona but yuu themselves is a little guy to me
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echobx · 6 months
Jiara has done nothing for JJ or Kie's character development. It has actually caused character regression. JJ was a bad friend to Pope last season and he didn't even apologize for the way he handled the whole Kiara situation. Pope deserved better than that. Idc what anyone says their friendship is not the same due to this. It doesn't matter that Pope and Cleo are a couple now. If I was Pope, JJ would be kept at arms length.
As for Kiara, she has a different personality each season so that's why her development is all over the place. The only thing consistent is her loyalty to the Pogues. She deserves a better storyline than just trying to "fix" JJ while he pushes her away until she gets kidnapped. Free my girl from the fans who only see her as their self-insert to ship with the overrated white boys, especially Rafe the Rat!
yeah, JJ didn't feel like himself and more like a bad copy of who he was in the seasons before in like 90% of s3, the only time he was the same as always was ep7-8 when he was with JB.
I don't know if I would say he was a bad friend to Pope, but he was obviously less of a friend to him, and Pope decided to balance it out by spending time with Cleo (which tbh was the one good thing that season) and for selfish reasons I want JJ and Pope to reconcile and go back to being lovesick fools for each other (I'm never gonna let jjpope die. idc about the haters)
the only way I can think of s3 in terms of jiara, is by looking at all of it as sibling vibes (bc that's all they ever had, there was never any romance) and just ignore that kiss that both actors visibly didn't put any work in to make it look like they actually care about the ship.
honest to god, i feel like both Madison and Rudy are probably the biggest jiara haters out there.
concerning Kie, I will always defend her against the writers, bc s1 I actually thought she had such great potential, but then fans wanted her with Pope, so that happened, and then fans wanted her with JJ, and it happened again. wanting a poc woman to be with a white man so hard that you pressure the writers into doing it feels sinister to me. at least she and pope had a tiny bit of chemistry.
but then again, her whole arc is heavily queercoded. and Madison (an actual queer woman) knows this and wants to embrace it, but they won't let her. and I can't even imagine how it must feel to play a character and hope for them to get good character development just for them to fuck you over every new season. s1!Kie was very much a "pick me" girl already, and they could've easily gotten her a great arc and away from this pick me behavior, but instead they leaned into it even more, and then they made her into a bitch who plays with her best friends feelings. her development is literally nonexistent. she stays the same rather shallow girl all the way through.
I watched s1 and hoped to see Kie evolve into a real girls girl, someone who doesn't repeat her dumb hurtful mistakes. but they destroyed it all bc as we have also seen with Sarah, they don't know how to write women.
and I sometimes even question her loyalty to the pogues bc if she was really all in, why would she ask JB to pick her over Sarah. like, I know it makes sense for her as a pick me girl to do that, but i still hate it. and it also seems like most of the time she treats being a pogue like a hobby instead of actual reality and the lives of her best friends. (which is one of the main reasons why her and jj will never work even if they had chemistry)
on Rafe, i do hope they keep Sofia as his gf (even tho RafeBarry is just so much fun) but as much as I hope that they don't pull the "he fixed himself to be with her" I just know that they don't have enough brains to actually know not to do this.
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jo-the-nerd · 7 months
ALSO SPEAKING AS SOMEBODY WHO ONLY KNOWS THE BARE MINIMUM OF GOOD OMENS AND THE INEFFABLE HUSBANDS i just wanna say im pretty sure bg3 has their equivalent in bloodweave (gale [the one played by tim downie] + astarion)
my defense:
autistic book nerd and king who has the Audacity to fight God + chaotic theater gay that gives cat vibes and may need Therapy
aziraphale and gale sound like the type that would have solidarity in old man knees . idek if thats canon for aziraphale but it sure as hell is for gale
aziraphale and gale rhyme holy shit thats becoming a legitimate bullet point AJSJSJSJA
the book nerds live in their own private library . gale has a whole ass wizards tower while aziraphale has his book shop (that iirc he doesnt even sell the books in it ???)
crowley and astarion are the same fruit men . i also dont know how to explain that crowley just gives me 8 strength vibes as well . even if he was an angel you cant tell me this man can lift more than three books at once
"fuck the gods that did nothing for us. what if we chose each other" vibes from the both of them (idc what the other endings for gale are hes denouncing mystra in my canon bc i say so <33)
is aziraphale the type to have a cat . he seems so . how about a cat w wings (<-a tressym) . theyd absolutely bond over that
if you replaced the cutscenes of astarions little hissy fits w crowley i think itd honestly still be pretty in character
if i manage to pirate good omens one of these days i will be confirming if my hypothesis is correct <33
Ooooh now we're talking :)))))) I'll try to be brief (< lying)
yup that's them.
'may need therapy' we all know they do, the 'may' is only there bc they either won't admit it (Aziraphale & Gale) or would have to get dragged kicking & screaming before ultimately weaseling their way out of it looney tunes style (Crowley & Astarion)
Aziraphale is an old man in all aspects except one (biologically), however Crowley is the same age and he would definitely have old man knees. he doesn't know what to do with his joints half of the time due to being snek
yeah there are no books being sold in that bookshop fgfjkfggnv. like, it's all first editions and what-not so i totally get not wanting to give any away but then why open a shop??? instead of a collection???
yk what, fair enough. Crowley is a noodle, those arms aren't doing much more opening doors for his angel. tbf he can lift multiple potted plants at once but that's more spite than anything
i could also totally see Astarion doing the Crowley Walk(TM)
"fuck the gods that did nothing for us. what if we chose each other vibes" so true, no notes.
aziraphale doesn't have a pet (yet) but I think he would love a cat (I mean, he's got Crowley hanging around, basically the same). A tressym is just a very peculiar step up from that (consider: it has it's own wings to match him and Crowley, which is really adorable!!)
crowley's hissy fits are great and can likewise be replaced with Astarion's.
similiar additions which would probably still be in character:
C slammed Aziraphale into a wall for calling him nice
C went out into the middle of the street when he got really frustrated/anxious and exploded lightning from his body
C agreed to take care of the bookshop, not selling any books etc. but tossed any books he was holding into some corner whenever
both of them evaded the immediate ire of their higher ups by pointing out a technicality that amounted to 'this word is explained to be different from the one you're using, but through a miniscule footnote on the last page of this giagantic book'
Aziraphale has an incredible hard time overcoming the trauma and toxic mindset upheld by his superiors, including how he views himself and his partner (that one's just sad, sry)
Solid ground for a hypothesis I'd say :))
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lovelivingmydreams · 5 months
Questions about powers in your Raven Poetry AU because there is a voice in my brain that is screaming at me to learn everything possible about this world’s magic system. (Sorry if any of these were answered in an earlier chapter and I forgot about it) (and I’ve only read up to chapter 30 so if any of these are answered in a later chapter… yeah.) (also feel free to not reply at all, idc)
So, in this AU, everyone has a power, right? And they manifest/become strong enough to be noticeable during childhood. (how does that part work?) Are there any cases of people who don’t develop powers? Or whose abilities don’t develop until adulthood? Are there any really useless powers/powers with no practical applications like… idk, always switching radio stations at the right time to catch the beginning of a song? Being able to fold paper perfectly? Being able to lower the IQ of anyone within a metre radius of you by exactly 3 points? Does everyone have a completely unique power? Are some powers more common than others?
Functionally, Roman has multiple powers. But technically (and I would assume legally), he only has one. Are there people who technically do have multiple powers? Like, could someone have super strength and X ray vision with absolutely zero connection between the two?
Focusing on Roman, do his different gimmicks have some kind of time limit on them? Would they ever time out at an inconvenient moment like mid-flight? Or do they magically fade away when Roman wants them to, or when it’s safe for the power to disappear? There is an image in my head of Roman frantically trying to come up with a poem for flight while falling through the air, but (based entirely on vibes) it doesn’t seem like such a scenario would be possible. I know you’ve mentioned that he doesn’t tend to do more than two, maybe three powers at once, but that he probably could if he had to… and what would the repercussions of that be? Does conjuring powers wear him out?
Really curious about what’s going to happen with the Fortunas Trinitae (hope I spelled that right) plotline, but if any of the answers to these next questions would spoil that, probably don’t answer? Ultimately it’s up to you if you want to do spoilers though. (Might not even be spoilers, like I said I still have 20+ chapters to catch up on)
Theoretically, could Roman summon powers of wealth creation, fortune telling, and luck manipulation? Or is there a plot device that keeps that from happening? Can Roman only summon physical abilities like the angel wings and fire monster? No, right? Cause he had that study boost thing. Are there any powers that he’s unable to conjure? Can he copy powers? Can he steal powers? (Is there anyone whose power is stealing/suppressing other’s powers?)
Virgil… definitely something is up with his spidey sense. Pretty sure that it has to do with Professor Daniel’s experiment thing, and also that I’ll probably find out once I actually read the rest of the fic.
uh. yeah. I think that’s all the questions I have? If there’s anything else you feel like sharing about the magic system, PLEASE DO. No worries if you haven’t thought super far into it, I just think it’s really interesting! Sorry for the long ask, and again, no pressure to answer. Have a great day!
Hi! No worries. I got so excited when I saw all these fun questions. It means so much to me that the world is of interest to you. So let's get started: (warning long ramblings under the cut)
Yes, everyone is born with some kind of power. Some cause physical changes in the body (like Logan's tail) and those will be noticable at birth. Other powers will present themselves sooner or later. Virgil's by example is a very intuitive power so he'd be using it from very young even if he didn't understand it yet. Roman's power wouldn't show up until he developed a certain way with words and found his passion for the performing and literary arts. In my head the power can change slightly with the personality of the person. The baseline is established at birth. But by example, Logan's curious nature made him understand all the animals. Someone else with the same 'baseline' power might have just developed 'animal instincts' or develop better senses.
There is always a power. Sometimes you don't realize it is a power until later. But developing a power is as much a given as having a heart or a brain. They might not all be equal but they are all there. There are always late bloomers but that's more a late teens situation. There might have been one or two cases of adults discovering their abilities. But that's more not realizing what it was. Like how do you know your power is attracting luck? Or maybe you have healing powers but every time you just figure you didn't hurt yourself as bad as you thought until you are seriously bleeding one moment and then perfectly fine the next.
There are plenty 'useless' powers. One of Virgil's teachers always knows when it's going to rain. There'll be a character who can change the flavor of food. Mundane stuff. We didn't give the main cast any of those cuz we were having too much fun comming up with them.
There are more common powers, you'll find that telekinesis is one of the comon ones. It manifests slightly different in every user though. But Ro's dad does a good job explaining that in a later chapter so that's all I'll say on the matter for now.
There is always a connection. Wether it is obvious or not. You get one power. That power can give you multiple benefits or be used creatively (Like using telekinesis to fly). But there is always a same point of origin. Being able to use multiple powers like Roman does is Extremely rare. So no Superman's in this universe except for in the comics where the artists can take liberty with the established rules behind powers if they really want to. Superman is an alien there cuz it gives a canonical reason to why he has multiple powers that have nothing to do with each other.
About Roman's powers. I'm pretty sure we elaborated on that before, but a refresher never hurts. Roman's powers run on his emotions. That's why he got so powerful when he was upset about Virgil being kidnapped the first time. So falling out of the sky likely wouldn't happen. It would mean he went form high emotional state to perfectly calm in a second. He always knows he's running out in time. He's practiced enough to be able to tell. Speaking of practice, the more practice he has with a power the easier it is for him to summon it. His charm barely requires any energy anymore as he's used it so much to keep his secret identity. Using a lot of powers or fighting for a long time, is emotionally draining of course. He'd get exhausted if he did too much for too long.
Trinitas Fortuna: He could defenitely do that. But they'd all only work temporarily. Maybe that's good enough for TF maybe not. We'll have to wait and see. If Roman can dream it he can do it. It does help if he is familiar with the power in question though. The study boost one was improvised and gets better with time. I'd say his limits aren't in his power but in his own disposition. If he's scared or grossed out by one it likely won't manifest. So stealing someone's power would only happen if it was the only way. And it would likely not be permanent as none of his powers are permanent. We don't have an All For One in this universe and I'm inclined to keep it that way. But there might be a few who can turn other people's powers off for a bit Erasure Head style.
Virgil. You should defenitely read on for that one yeah.
Something we'd like to add... Well not sure how obvious it is in the story. But in this universe, powers have been part of the human experience since forever. Every belief system has their own spin on where they come from. Scientifically it is just accepted as fact with no difinitive answer on the how and why of it. Of course there is an attempt at categorizing cuz we're humans and our love for boxes is only outdone by cats. So there are active powers (not always happening, only when you choose too. Roman for example) Passive (Can't turn it off. Ever. Like Logan). And within those you have a sub category of Body modifications. A power that changes the body of the individual from the standard humanoid form. Those can also be active or passive. There are still powers that lie in murky waters probably with this one, but it's the best they could come up with.
@skeletinmoss anything to add?
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candy-pants · 9 months
Oh no I’m so sorry!! I hesitated to say anything cuz I wasn’t sure if you were just taking your time lol. Sorry we’re down to the last day but let’s pack in a lot of questions in that case!! First off, Ashley is kinda slaying in that vid ngl. And I love learning more about latam Disney channel, thanks for sharing!! What show were they on?? And you have a point about Sabrina lol. Switching gears, ofc ik you love descendants and mal and Ben in particular, who are your favs outside of the core four and why? What are your fav ships besides bal and why? And what are your biggest hopes for rise of red? I hope you have a great holiday and enjoy your gift tomorrow!! Sorry again for the miscommunication!! -gcwca secret Santa
don't worry! i was thinking you were busy or something so i didn't say anything either sdjhdhdsj i know tumblr tends to be the worst functioning website on the planet but we're all still here so i guess that says something about us
okay this is gonna be a long one buckle up
1 - they were in a show called que talento! (yes with an exclamation point) and they were basically playing themselves if they went to high school and were still amateurs lol i really liked the theme song but only the show version bc the studio version sounds awful sorry bruno i know you produced it but it sucks
2 - out of the core four (and ben) i have to say uma is a huge fav for me, probably my 3rd favorite character of the franchise. when i heard china anne mcclain was back on disney channel to play her i was sooooo excited and i can't imagine anyone better for the role. i love that she has such a strong sense of justice and community even if her ways aren't necessarily the best. obviously i love that the franchise makes sure to let us know she and mal are two sides of the same coin and if they weren't both so proud and stubborn they'd be friends, but i like that uma isn't just a carbon copy of mal like they're very much two different characters. uma is driven by collectiveness and she cares so hard about everybody it's almost aggressive and she's such a great example of leadership on the isle (as acknowledged by both ben in d2 and mal in d3 (and as a side note i'm obsessed with mal, ben and uma's dynamic and i could ramble on about it for the next 10 years but that's not the point)) and if i don't stop now this is gonna turn into a mal vs uma analysis
3 - i really really love the idea that mal and uma are exes. like to me that's just canon and no one is gonna tell me otherwise bc it doesn't contradict anything! "and how would you know, mal? you've never had [a boyfriend]" so in my head she could have dated uma idc it was probably quick and messy bc they would have this toxic power struggle which ultimately ends in mal not letting her join the gang. i think they would absolutely kill each other as a couple now bc of how similar they are but as exes? hell yeah that's a vibe
as for present day relationships i'm a fan of harry and uma getting together at some point in the future bc lbr those two are in a weird situationship lmao i also love jay and gil!!! very unexpected but jay realizing how jaded he's become after seeing the beauty of gil experiencing things with such wonder and then deciding to do a gap year so they can travel the world together is something that can actually be so personal
ALSO i'm not usually one for crackships but harry x evie had me like 👀 in d3 bc sorry wtf is this
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
for the record i don't think they should realistically get together, i don't think they'd work out, but the chemistry is there and for some reason kenny chose to highlight it so idk
4 - oooo so rise of red. here's the thing. i'm fully expecting this movie to be bad sdjdshjdjhsjdh i'm mostly worried about these seemingly amateur writers they got. like. even if descendants is its own little fanfiction thing let's at least try to make things coherent inside its own universe. the fact that they all went to school together defeats the purpose of beast UNITING THE KINGDOMS but well anyway let's see what they're gonna do
i like jennifer phang as a director though! she did two eps of cloak and dagger (one of which is 2x01, one of my personal favs) and the pilot of secrets of sulphur springs, so i know she's competent. and mark hofeling is coming back which is GREAT bc changing the production designer would be a terrible move for a spin-off partly set in present day. i just wish kara saun would come back to do the costumes but oh well
i'm so excited to see your gift!!!!! i hope you have a great holiday as well!!!!!!
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bisluthq · 7 months
Q when someone is interested in u how much do they txt you? I had thing this thing w someone for few months.. We talked everyday. Then got dropped after they ran after someone else… yet they came back to me. Big important notice here we didn’t meet in person yet but will be. They have said many times they want to meet me/see where things go w me, constant watch my snap stories… if I snap msg them they do always respond … they just don’t txt me anymore and rarely initiate… do I just…. Ghost? Or wait till November to meet them? Which they said that’s fine and will wait to meet me then? I always have anxiety thinking they don’t actually like me even tho they reassured me few times to the point of them getting sick of it or annoyed …
I think it’s super dependent on the person and your dynamic. My bf and I don’t text much. We were friends for a while before dating and never really texted much beyond like sending each other memes or B2B/trade film articles and when we started dating sometimes we’d go a few days not talking. It bothered me at first because it was the first time I was dating someone I didn’t speak to every day like I was legit bothered by it and thought he didn’t want to take it seriously lol because we could go multiple days not talking or like one meme each kinda thing and I was like clearly he doesn’t really give a shit which is fine like we’ve all had situationships and whatnot like that’s ok idc but then he’d phone me and ask to meet up and we’d spend like a week together and I’d be like “I need to go home” and he’d be like “seriously????” or like we’d spend an hour on the phone if one of us was traveling for work and I was like “what the fuck does this all even mean???”
Anyway I wound up talking to my bestie about it (actually the friend he’s now a bit weird about because her and I did fuck and I didn’t disclose) and she was saying like her and I can go a couple months not speaking to one another but if we ever need each other we pick up the phone and we’ll do holidays and stuff together and if our families come to town we do stuff all together like we’re VERY close but yup she’s right we do go 2 months at a time with no communication beyond insta story likes. So she said that and I was like “that’s actually true and you’re like the love of my life and this is some random dude so why am I even stressing” and idk I’ve just accepted he’s not big into texting. We live together so I see him every day lol but when we travel we’ll talk probably every second day and send like a meme a day to make sure we’re both still alive. (Pertinent because I’ve traveled into a war zone while we’ve been together fucking Slava Ukrayine but yeah I went lol as I should and he stayed like as he should and I did send memes to make sure he knew I have not been drafted or killed like once a day maybe and we spoke every couple of days and he kept being like “what’re the sirens?” and I was like “‘nah it’s the Russians but don’t stress if i go down it’s in my flat not in the weird basement situation no one is in” - idk if it’s all Ukrainians btw but Odessa people are weird as shit lol? What’s wrong with us?? Anyway.
I think given you’ve not met in person though there’s a different dynamic there. My only long distance experience was ummm how do I say this ummm not good lol so I think if the vibe is fading just via text/talking like let the person go. But like maybe when you’re in the same place and you do get to meet up that might be cool idk your life.
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evelynhug0 · 2 years
my thoughts (live blogging) to this great chapter of an amazing TSHOEH fanfic
the two of them have the time of their lives. – yes they deserve it. i already want to cry. for no reason. i just want them to be happy but we all know what is going to happen i swear this story will give me a heart attack one day. how did i even survive reading the book. it fucked me up forever. 
awww my wasted babies… well actually only one of them is really wasted lol. 
sleepyhead awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww my babies!!!!!!!! now kiss!!!!!!
“Or the most beautiful girl on earth” I smiled, bright and proud, reaching out for her. – am i smiling like an idiot, blushing, covering my face with one hand because i cannot handle it? yes i totally am. oh my god this is so beautiful i am going to cry oh nooo i am really going to cry. great. my eyes are filled with tears after reading 10 sentences
(and we all know what wiped her out lmao if you know you know)
how am i gonna survive this. i am not stable enough emotionally
celia and evelyn living together would have been so cute aaaaah (at a young age i mean)
but then again evelyn would have probably turned every room into a mess on a daily basis hahaha
I stayed the whole day and night at her place – ah yes i love that. that’s so romantic and cute ah. i love this girlfriend content so much! i love them!!! 
On my way out, I almost forgot my Oscar on her couch. She brought it back to me. – lmao i am laughing. who thinks about an oscar when you have EVELYN FCKING HUGO around you??? 
she smirked, amused and proud that I would forget the whole world around her. – hahaha yes exactly!!! aww my cute babies!!! i love you!!! so much!!!! aaaaaaaaaah!!!
I kissed her hard and promised her I would call later. – oh my god bro i need vodka and i also need to open my windows because the thought of that kiss makes my face look like a tomato omggggggggg
i love this chapter already so much. i feel like i am there with them. feeling all the vibes & love aaaaaah!!! i can really feel everything! and it’s exciting and beautiful and it makes me hopeful (idk for what but yeah idc)
that I had ditched the after-party to have a romantic escapade - or worse, a sinful one-night stand - with Harry Cameron. – sorry but i am laughing so hard! Roger you are a bit dumb but I cannot really blame you! omg this is too funny hahahaha oh boy poor Celia.  A SINFUL ONE NIGHT STAND WITH HARRY CAMERON I AM SCREAMING!! SINFUL… ROGER HOW OLD ARE YOU? OK IT’S THE 50s i get it (ah no probably the 60s already)
I found myself laughing at the mere idea of it and that pissed him even more so I did my best to get a grip on myself and reassured him that nothing scandalous happened. – at least not between a very gay celia and a very gay harry hehehe oh Roger, if only you knew
I regretted nothing. – good girl
For a moment I thought it was Evelyn but I was wrong. Shirley’s chirpy voice greeted me on the other side. – oh no I wanted it to be Evelyn too Shirley pls call later ok
“No, of course, I haven’t, Shirley. I would never” I comforted her, sitting down on the floor. “I was just…celebrating.” – I would never is such an Evelyn thing to say tho. yeah… “celebrating” by going down on Evelyn (which is a good way to celebrate i think)
“Too many parties, Oscar winner?” – oscar winner is also such an Evelyn thing to say lol
Shirley was my best friend and a lesbian – good combo
“I met a girl, Sheer. I was with her.” – GOALS 
We ended things because we understood we couldn’t be together, too similar to each other and too far, me leaving for Los Angeles and embarking on the movie industry adventure…but feelings are tricky, and sometimes mind and heart have different paces to deal with things. – AWWWW but yeah it is sadly ‘normal’ to feel this way i guess. i know the feeling too :( 
I told her how incredibly happy I was with her, how she knew how to bring out the best in me and I hoped it would be the same for her. I didn’t believe it was possible to love someone the way we loved each other, almost as if we all were put on earth to find other people, and I was put here to find her and she me. I told her that I could no longer imagine my life without her. – i cannot handle this. my brain is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¨ nonstop… i really want to feel like this one day too. i really wish i had this kind of love.. ugh i wanna cry
“It’s not surprising that someone would love you,” she said. “But I’m glad you two found each other.” – wow this made me emotional. and it makes me hope that one day someone will finally love me… just like evelyn and celia loved each other  great i am making myself cry with this
too many different emotions, too much to handle right now haha
am i ready to continue.. no. will i do it anyway? yes! 
she said, “I’ll miss you but we’ll have all the time in the world when you come back.” – PLEASE DON’T DO THAT TO ME OKAY???? OKAY??? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH MY LEGS ARE SHAKING (MAYBE IT IS THE VODKA IDK) 
to distract myself from crying i will now imagine roger being mad af because he thinks that celia and harry had like sex for 2 days straight lol (straight is the wrong word anyway here)
She was helping me fold my shirts, stealing kisses now and then – awww evelyn being cute is one of my fav things!!!! we love a cuddly and soft evelyn don’t we 
yes we do
“Wanna learn French, love? I can help, if you wish – real french or french in bed? lmao i am the worst
Cece – i love this damn
I liked when she called me Cece, the pet name she picked for me. It was a shortening of my real name ‘Cecelia’, the one I rarely used after I changed my name to ‘Celia’. Evelyn once told me that she loved them both but that she found herself repeating and savoring the sound of my real name far too often than she would like to admit. I would smile so brightly whenever she called me ‘Cece’ because nobody had ever called me like that before. It was Evelyn’s way to call me, her way to say: for the rest of the world you might be Celia St. James, to me you are Cece, Cece Jamison, and I love you just the way you are. – STOP!!!! STOP STOP STOP STOP WHAT ARE YOU DOING I CANNOT HANDLE THIS!!!!!!!!!! I CANNOT HANDLE THIS!!! AH DAMN I LOVE THEM SO MUCH IT’S UNHEALTHY! I DON’T EVEN HAVE WORDS!!!! 
i love their love and i love how much they love each other and how soft evelyn is with celia aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah this is so gay i love it
I must admit: it stung at first. Harry came first once again…for once since we were lovers, I wanted to be the first person she would discuss her plans with. – i totally get that. she should have to CECE about it earlier
Nouvelle Vague Evelyn… me gusta hahaha also i wish that movie with her was real, even the thought of it has me almost drooling… ok this is bad i am a bad bi ugh
(i love how everyone wishes to see her boobs in the film but the only one who truly sees all of it is CELIA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH in your face gross men)
“what’s the City of Love without your sweetheart holding hands with you and kissing you by the Eiffel Tower? Questions, dearest Cece, questions…” – BRO! can i receive a card like this too? i would probably not survive it tho
She also wrote me a few letters, asking about me and sharing updates about her meeting with this or that producer. Some letters were awfully romantic, like the one that recited:  — dear lord, i need that vodka now
“What can I say? I was right and I stand for my words” she said, taking my hand into hers and placing a kiss on my wrist. – bro… just straight up kill me okay? dear lord how can i handle this… i’m almost out of vodka
I never let her letters go unanswered, sending back passionate replies, pouring all my affection into each word. – i bet you did, cece! 
The truth, Cece, the whole truth – this has lowkey mafia boss vibes and i am here for it
Max Girard is and will always be a highly questionable and rather disgusting man to me – hahahahahahahaha i am laughing out loud i love this. the ‘rather’ should be ‘extremely’ instead because he is a filthy gross ass dog
she flourished, blossoming like a beautiful flower. Never before she had looked so free, so wild and sensual as she did playing the role of that American tourist who stumbled into two petty thieves and embarked on a trip in the mountains with them. – Well, I wish I could watch this movie… And Celia sounds a tiny bit horny here haha i am here for it tho, i mean i totally get that. and she’s lucky… that wild and sensual woman is her GIRLFRIEND AAAAAAAAAAh
She teased the viewer, she played them like a fiddle but with a grace out of this world. – not only in movies lol
I don’t think it’s absurd to claim that Evelyn Hugo was truly born in that moment. She emerged from the French lake water like a nymph, like Venus on the shore of the Greek sea. – damn this is poetic. this chapter is so good! wow! so many feelings!!! where is my vodka
this is so gay i love it
I drove home to her barely containing my excitement. – hahahahahahaha
She was so different from the girl I admired on screen earlier and I loved the dissonance. The wild and sensual Evelyn Hugo everybody fell for wasn’t necessarily a lie, she was like that too, but I have always liked seeing the other side of her true self, when she let her guard down and let me look at her. At Evelyn Herrera. – great, every single word makes me go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even more than the word before. sweet jesus. how can i survive this. oh lord, help me. this is so beautiful and gay i cannot handle it. help me good god (i sound very religious lmao)
I pulled her closer and wrapped my arms around her waist. —- now kiss!!! (and more…hehe)
“Hold on, you’re not saying that just because of the lake scene, are you?” – oh evelyn!!!
“Even if that scene wasn’t bad at all. It gave me an idea or two…” – not me swallowing hard and blushing and now opening my window again sweet jesus
I made to kiss her again but she broke our embrace and parted from me. She loved to deny herself to you at times only to make you desire her even more. – ummm evelyn hello??? i was expecting something now ugh
“The slowing down and cutting just at the right time…it was all my idea,” she said, giving me her back, swaying. “Oh,” I said, crossing my arms, my eyes never leaving her. “You are such a tease, Evelyn.” – sweet jesus i cannot breathe
She looked at me over her shoulder, before facing me again. She raised an eyebrow at me, playful and flirtatious. – i am blushing please make this stop aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah oh god this is so good and this is so evelyn!!! this is perfection and it makes me wanna open every single window in my apartment as it is a bit hot in here oh god I CAN SEE HER FACE RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME AS IF I WAS WATCHING A MOVIE OH MY GOD
“I thought you liked a little tease, Cece.” – NOOOOOOOOOOOO OH MY GOD!!!! NO EVELYN DON’T DO THAT TO ME OH MY GOD!!! how can celia survive this? how did she not just jump on evelyn in that moment because that is probably what i would have done oh god i should shut up. i love how she says this as if she had done this only for celia that is so hot and so good!! 
I laughed softly as she started unbuttoning her shirt and flashed me a sultry smile, beckoning me over. – oh god. i need church. i need church. and i am out of  vodka. also why does it stop here? we cannot leave everything to our imagination hellO?????????
yeah stab me with that last sentence
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isagisyoichi · 3 years
SYNOPSIS: niko as your boyfriend
CHARACTERS INCLUDED: niko ikki aka my boyfriend hello
WARNINGS: swearing, pretend all the boys go to the same school and they're all friends for plot, normalize not writing serious boys as someone that practically hates their s/o and never opens up to them god bless, also no such thing as ooc since we dunno shit ab him so everything i say is law. SUPER LONG LOL, it's like 2k+ words 😭
A/N: i love my boyfriend and i'm v happy about all the attention he's getting (even if he will prob will b subbed out 👎) this was fun to write bc i think he would b very soft as bf and also i hate the notion that stoic and serious = boring and detached in a relationship. also first post w the new user yayyyy rip yoichisagis an end of an era for realsies.
FOR: fox anon my beloved this one is for u😩
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it takes a while for you two to get together, just because niko wants to think things through and be sure he’s making the right decision, as well as him being naturally apprehensive about this whole dating thing.
when you do eventually start going out, keep in mind you're probably his first real anything, so-
niko needs to take it slow for the first month or so because he needs time to adjust and get used to being in a relationship.
when he gets comfortable around you, niko starts to talk a lot more.
niko starts to talk about his interests more-soccer, stem stuff (idc i'll die by my hc that he's a stem boy), etc. and niko's really happy that you're genuinely interested in what he has to say :)
and as your relationship progresses, niko becomes more inclined to share his inner thoughts.
“this song is so bad, i hate it and how it's everywhere,” like, babe that sucks, but what do you want me to do, take it off the radio myself? 😭
you find out that niko’s kind of a hater LOL, but it’s okay, because it means he can be himself around you <3 and the mini debates you have with each other are fun.
he’s someone you can take shopping with you if you need a solid second opinion.
“ikki, is this cute?” you niko as you adjust the shirt you tried on in the fitting room mirror.
“no.” he’s so straight up LOL. “the blue one from earlier was better.”
“this one?”
“yeah, that one. you look really pretty in it.”
ngl though, niko’s not much of a mall person. he'd just follow you around like a little puppy LOL, but he doesn't mind too much because it's for you.
communication is important to niko!!!!! he wants someone that he can have real conversation about the things that matter to him, so he rly makes an effort to have that kind of connection with you.
niko's naturally funny but he isn't aware that he is lol.
but when he does try, i feel like his humor comes in the form of sarcasm and dry wit. likes poking fun at you here and there with a lighthearted jab.
"you're so weird, y/n," is the most common one.
niko’s naturally closed off emotionally (male aquarius 😒) but i, personally, think he’d really try and push himself to be more open with you, especially if you expressed for him to do so </3
he'd be really appreciative of someone patient and understanding of the fact that he doesn't open up easily, though.
but eventually, you become the person closest to him- niko confides in you a lot, which he’s grateful for because he usually holds everything in.
not one for pda or other lovey-dovey things in public, other than the occasional holding of hands but behind closed doors, niko’s so soft around you, it’s like he’s a completely different person.
also, i feel like niko’s real handsy with you, i get the vibe he’s super touch starved 😭
although it does take him a while to get used to physical affection, once he has, niko cannot get enough. he’s always touching you when he has no real reason to.
(and because you're his first relationship, i feel like it’s just natural that niko’s going to be kind of clingy towards you.)
“you okay, ikki?” you ask as niko suddenly wraps his arms around your waist from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“mhm,” he mumbles. “just wanna be close to you.”
niko likes when you sit on his lap when he’s on his computer. you can have your arms wrapped around his neck, your head resting in the crook of his neck, or you could just be on your phone or whatever, it doesn’t matter, niko just likes you near him.
you guys don’t really talk to each other when you do this, aside from niko occasionally checking up on you and asking if you need anything from him.
but other than that, you guys just enjoy each other's touch in silence. it’s one of his favorite things to do with you.
however, if you start kissing him in the middle of whatever he’s doing and keep it up for long enough, niko will drop everything to make out with you right then and there (also one of his favorite things to do with you).
speaking of kissing- you kiss niko first.
niko would try to plan your guys first kiss out because he wants everything to be perfect.
but, he ends up taking forever to execute it because he keeps overthinking and you can only wait so long before kissing him, so you take matters into your own hands.
his kisses are sloppy and juvenile at the beginning, but he’s smart and learns quickly what you do and don’t like.
likes being kissed on his jaw and forehead the most :')
if the team ever happens to see niko kissing you, they're gonna be so annoying 😭
"yooo niko's making big moves ‼️" "my son's growing up on me!😩" "good job *pats on the back*" and niko is red all over as he drags you away from them, muttering about how childish and annoying they are 😭.
but, they're all very supportive of you guys, even if they're embarrassing as hell 🙄.
they even give niko relationship advice- which luckily, he doesn’t follow (most of the time), because, let’s be honest, if you're getting unsolicited dating tips from a bunch of teenage boys, it’s probably bad 😭.
you’re the only person niko shows his forehead to. just know that having the opportunity to see it means that niko trusts you more than anyone else :’)
repay his trust by kissing his forehead lovingly and showering him with compliments whenever you can !!!!!!!!!!
“y/n, why’re you so embarrassing,” niko says under his breath, blushing as you hold his face and litter soft kisses on his forehead, rambling about how cute he is.
always looks for you in the bleachers when he has a game and you’re always the first person he talks to after.
and the fact that you make an effort to come as often as you can means sooo much to him. definitely considers you to be his biggest fan.
real classy with nicknames- uses “my love/love,” and “darling,” the most.
his favorite petname from you is "pretty boy." gives him butterflies each time he hears it.
the first time you call him that, he's confused, but after you explain that being called pretty is basically the highest compliment a boy can receive, he gets all soft on you.
only uses instagram to like and comment on your pictures and that's it 😭.
comments stuff like “you're so pretty” and "beautiful," without any emojis because niko refuses to use them LOL.
remembers the compliments you give him! they help with his self esteem and i feel like he values your opinion a lot.
so, tell him all about how cute and smart and talented and hot and funny he is and how much you love him and he'll replay it in his head 24/7.
i think he prefers to be the big spoon, unless he's sad- then he really wants you to hold him.
niko gives me homebody vibes, so expect relaxed dates, but still nice, yk?
what i mean is niko's not gonna take you out to get gas station food and call it a day 😭 he's classier than that and he always puts in effort towards dates.
he always plans them ahead of time and takes into consideration what he thinks you'd enjoy. and he insists on paying 🤗.
but, niko always does something special for days like your birthday or an anniversary, like go somewhere fancy if you wanted to or buy a nice gift you've been eyeing for a while.
helps you with your schoolwork, 100%. most of the time niko tutors you because he wants you to actually learn the material, but if you're feeling lazy and just wanna get it over with, niko will just give you the answers.
this is a big deal because i love him and all but, niko gives me the vibe he's super stingy with his work 😭.
"this is the last time i'm going to just give you the answers, y/n." niko sighs out. "you have to start doing your homework by yourself."
niko's said that dozen of times but he's still giving you the answers free of charge. can you guys say #whipped 🤣?
LOL speaking of school, if you ever text him during class, i highly doubt that niko would entertain you 😭😭 (it's out of love, though)
y/n 💗: hiii baby imy 🥰
pretty boy: do your work, y/n.
pretty boy: pay attention.
y/n 💗: fine ur so lame 👎
pretty boy: whatever you say. i miss you too, by the way.
he likes to moves your hair out your face because he wants to see your pretty face better.
which is why you have to do the same with him 🥰!!!!!! makes him blush like crazy.
gets soooo soft when you post him or even take pictures of you and him together :') just the thought of you wanting to show him off makes him soooo happy.
he won't entertain you if you make a tiktok, though LOL. he's very stubborn in his belief that it's stupid.
just stands in the background with his arms crossed if you try to make him do a dance or something 😭 (he does think you look cute, though).
niko has such nice eyelashes but i doubt he's aware of it 'cause he's, y'know, a boy 🙄.
"my eyelashes are ... cute?" he questions. niko wasn't even aware that such a trivial thing like his eyelashes could be considered cute.
"yes, oh my god," you gush. "they're so long and nice, i wish mine were like that," you groan, examining yours through the camera of your phone.
"you're so weird, y/n," he says, a blush staining his cheeks. "your eyelashes are nicer," he mumbles as he kisses your forehead.
he's one of those people that prefers to be alone, but you're the exception. you know?
niko likes to keep to himself most of the time, but that whole thing doesn't apply to you, because he'd choose to be with you over being alone anytime :')
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keiruvieg · 4 years
so i watched ep.24 of jjk and let me just say i had no idea who choso was and now i cant stop thinking about him. could you write hc's for him? thanks!
red moon
random Choso headcanons!!
a/n: i've been waiting for this😩😩 HE LOOKS SO FINE IN THE ANIME LIKE SIR? i didn’t put any manga spoilers either and just put in some hcs i could think of. this is so random i didnt classify it also so umm yeah
-uhh hcs with a lil bit of scenarios ig
warning: there’s some grammatical errors please forgive me for that
word count: 976
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First of- his voice I DIDNT EXPECT IT TO BE THAT DEEP- but his morning voice just hits different darling,imagine a deep but also rough voice? And the way he calls you in the morning to😩 it'd be so deep darling.
"Goodmorning bub" his voice resonates the room. It feels so good waking up to this guy "Goodmorning Cho" u smiled at him. He gets up out of the bed while rubbing his eyes. You just looked at him with so much admiration. " How was your sleep?" He asked you while rubbing his chest through his shirt."'twas good" you smiled at him which he gladly returned to you
heart eyes
He smells good tho!!!!! Like idc if he's a death painting or someone who come out of the curse womb but he smells really good!! Idrk how to describe it but yall know that musky smells with the hint of chocolates in it-i cant help but imagine he smells like tht
He likes bLACK COFFEE I DONT MAKE THE RULES-you always make sure to prepare him some too specially when he's really tired.
"Cho! Welcome back" your voice really reached him once he entered your shared apartment. He smiles really gently at you. "Im back darling" he says walking directly to you-towards your livingroom in which you make sure was clean and you really made sure that he got his coffee the moment he comes back. "Darling?" He called out to you "Hmm?" " Thank you" he directly said once he heard you hum in which confused you but at the same time warmed your heart. The two of you just bathe in each other's warmth in which a routine for the both of you whenever he gets home.
You!! Make!! Sure!! You!! Do!! His!! Hair!! Everytime!! If it aint you- he doesnt want it. Just the way your gentle hands brush on his hair with much caution not to hurt his scalp just make him melts so much he loves it
He loves your clips, he just find it amusing
He probably cracks his fingers and neck a lot bitch tht so hot
sad to say he always wins at uno games, he's really good with chess too!!
Man's really smart- being the oldest must've been hard to him because he needs to make decision not only for himself but also for his siblings to looked up too
Lovesss pet names!!!
He once heard it when he was prob roaming around
Now he calls you darling,bub,honey,baby.
Really good at deep talks too
He probably viewed alot from his 150 years of existence and just like to talk abt it i thought its really cute
Really reallyyyy protective
This man doesnt like to yell at all
Lots and Lots of patience
(being the older sibling kinda gives him that)
His sleeping position varies from him looking like a dead person to him facing a side to him having his arm in his eyes while rubbing his stomach and lastly to him laying on his stomach
He either wakes up early or late, no in between
Really really caring (prob an older brother intuition)
Loves chocolates!!
There was this time you made him chocolate milkshakes and he fucking loves it,now he ask for that everytime
As much as he loves coffee- he cant say no to hot chocolate either
I feel like this guy knows how to bake🤩
He once wear a gray sweatpants and a plain tshirt with his hair down aND YOU CANT HELP BUT STARE AT HIM THAT TIME AND HE JUST LOOKS BACK AT YOU AND YOU GUYS JUST GO ON WITH A STARING CONTEST
His hands are really big, but at the same time really rough
But this guy gives me gentle vibes
Swears alot!!
Prob just some basic fuck,shit,damn it when something doesnt go his way. AND HE ALWAYS SAY THAT WITH A LOW VOICE
You once offer him a tongue piercing- and he just looks at you bewildered
This man knows how to paint nails too!!
You prob ask him if he wants to cut his hair and he was like sure ill do it but you felt guilty abt his long hair so you'll just be like no❤️
This man is so mature to the point you cant even argue with him anymore
He prob likes to read at some point when he isnt doing anything
He doesnt like swimming at all he just doesnt find it fun
Kinda seeing him liking alcohol too
when..u..ask..questions..he..raises..his..one.. eyebrow..or..he..hums...
Dandelions by Ruth b. kinda gives me relationship vibes with him because he’s so caring and that song suits him so well
He’s a decent cleaner also, expect him to have your apartment//house clean
love language will always be physical affection and reassurements!!
he’s a really good friend too!!
he’ll probably be the one to know all your problems first soo yeah
this guy is a good listener too
he probably hums or sing you to sleep
just imagine a very low voice singing to you
movie nights with him are the best!!
he likes fries alot too
like any typa fries that any fast food can offer
ketchup? ketchup
you gave him a ketchup tshirt one time
he wears it whenever he’s home now
i feel like he like fall the most( the season ok)
and summer too( the type to just chill around and not swim yeah that)
overall this guy will probably the most sweetest person you can think of-the bestest of best friends-most reliable person-most hottest person too-this guy fits the brother//boyfriend//husband//friend type alot so yeah he the best i love him
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taylors-karma · 2 years
BB Rankings: My Favs Are Flopping Edition
Here’s my weekly ranking and thoughts on the houseguests, and boy am I just severely disappointed in so many people at this point. I’m actually sad because everytime I try to find people I like or think I can relate to they end up just sucking and idk what to do about it hhhhh
1. Taylor (Prev 1)- Idc how stressed out she may have made anyone, I’m still glad she’s HOH and she’s still a queen.
2. Turner (Prev 3)- He is quickly becoming my favorite. He’s hilarious, he hates Jasmine, he’s real and down to earth, and he’s playing a fine game in my opinion. The only one to directly question Kyle’s alliance idea and he gives zero fucks so....yeah he’s got me .
3. Joseph (Prev 4)- Moving up bc the others were letdowns. He and Taylor are super fun together and seeing them handcuffed with the accents has been very fun. I need him to stop playing the other side too much though because his game could be in jeopardy very soon.
4. Monte (Prev 5)- Moving up for the same reason as Joseph, but I’m starting to actually like and respect him. I have no idea what fucking happened week one but this Monte is so incredibly different than week one Monte lol. It took me a bit to start trusting him again after that, but I think I’m ready now. 
5. Brittany (Prev 2)- She is now sinking down with Michael because what the fuck girl....you’re playing into this shit with Kyle? Really? For what reason? She’s just a huge follower which is a red flag for me because not standing up for your morals is just pathetic and you can tell she really just wants to be liked and do I feel kinda bad? A little bit, but also.......idk I just wish she played her own damn game and stood up to whatever the fuck this race war bs is. 
6. Michael (Prev 6)- He stays here bc he’s still proving to not really care about what’s morally correct, and also it’s for an alliance with a showmance that sucks at the game? I don’t get it, and good for you for acknowledging that what’s happening is fucking wrong after production probably alluded to it but you’re gonna have to do a lot of work to get yourself back up on my list. I’m just super disappointed. 
7. Indy (Prev 10)- Hasn’t done much other than whine and complain like she usually does, but she’s leaving soon so I can tolerate it until then lmao. Still though, you can’t just say you don’t want to go to jury lol that’s not how the game works. 
8. Jasmine (Prev 8)- Like Indy, she hasn’t done much other than have a birthday and ask for a balloon to be put up. She’s annoying but hasn’t been hateful recently so I’m still just whatever with her. 
9. Alyssa (Prev 7)- Her game is just sad at this point. She would rather stay with the man who lasted 10 seconds with her than do anything game wise, and now that people actually want to work with her I’m starting to get pissed. I’m sick of people who don’t do shit making it far bc they’re young, white, pretty, and single. Alyssa needs to go.
10. Terrance (Prev 11)- Fuck Terrance. That is all. 
11. Kyle (Prev 9)- This guy sucks. He’s still pushing the all white alliance, he’s crazy over this woman who probably doesn’t even like him all that much, he betrayed his alliance for her, he keeps making racist remarks and comments, groups minorities together, stereotypes them, what else can he do? Never trust a white mormon boy from Utah who lives with his mommy and makes tiktoks. Jesus.
Now for my evicted houseguests, nothing changes other than me adding Daniel into the mix: 
1. Ameerah
2. Nicole
3. Daniel- I don’t think anything he has said has been genuine in anyway, and it’s giving me huge coward who knows he’s wrong but doesn’t wanna admit it yet vibes. Vague “I’m sorry” posts aren’t going to fix things homie. Do better. 
4. Pooch
5. Paloma Everyone else hasn’t done anything since last week to my knowledge, so they stay the same. 
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anomallysm-writing · 3 years
Wait can I have HCs for Hazamada x Josuke's Brother! Reader?? Like yea in Hazamada's eyes Josuke bad but when he sees reader he's just like "?? Pretty boy?? And he's nice to me?? They can't be related what"
I LOVE THIS IDEA (but you probably knew I would)
Imma write it in headcanon form this time because #I’m lazy but I still love this prompt so much also I’m just in the headcanon mood
Toshikazu Hazamada x Josuke’s Brother! Reader
So he meets ya and it’s just like “okay this dude’s a vibe”
But then he asks your name and you say “Y/n Higashikata”
But you’re so nice tf??? Is there like a different Higashikata family in Morioh????? He just needs to make sure you’re actually Josuke’s brother
After you confirm he just
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Well at least you aren't Josuke
Just gets to know you more cuz what tf else can you do
ANOTHER ANIME FAN????? YAY FELLOW DEGENERATE (not to say that’s uncommon in Japan)
Junko is becoming a distant memory
She was a bitch anyway
Soon he's visiting your house but
Ewwww Josuke's there
"Idc if it's his house too squish that fucking rat"
Yeah you're one to talk
He better know how lucky he is that he's cute 😫😫😤
Josuke's probably like "out of everyone in Morioh my brother has to choose one of the people that hate my guts"
Yes 🥰💞 get burn 👹
Also you'd force Josuke to let you and Hazamada use the game system
"Mom said it was our turn on the Atari" *your little shrimp nugget standing next to you, clinging to your hip and staring tauntingly into Josuke's soul*
Warning: moderately inappropriate topics approaching
If Josuke walks in on you and Toshikazu having some intimate time together, he's probably just gonna make fun of him a little. Blackmail you if you're unlucky because that’s how siblings are.
But if Tomoko finds out...
Well, you can bet your ass you won't be spending any time with Toshikazu for a while now
And you can bet your ass boutta get BEAT
Josuke ain't gonna heal that shit, your fault you dated an emo degenerate with a libido akin to that of Zeus
Inappropriate topic end
At least with Toshi you don’t really need to find a new friend group. You hang out with roughly the same people.
He’s gonna be with Koichi, who’s gonna be with Josuke (and let me acknowledge Okuyasu’s existence right here because he deserves it)
However, it isn’t very simple having Toshi and Josky coexisting in the same general area
Warning: top ten Tumblr blogs who’ve sworn 😱😱😱
Hazamada: next time you fucking put a hand on me I’m gonna fucking rip your face off bitch
Koichi: what did he do to him?
Hazamada: because he fuckin pushed me 👺
Yeah, drama starts up for the dumbest reasons, it’s inevitable. But you tolerate it.
All worth it to keep both your stupid brother and your stupid boyfriend.
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Sweaty balls man
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fairybinie · 3 years
describe your moots with one emoji and a sentence💘 ( ^▽^)σ)~O~)
NONNIE THIS IS SO LATE I WAS NOT IGNORING YOU i just wanted to do this when i had the energy </3 but here i go ;)
i tried not doing the emojis i have for their tags just so that it's different :D also this is in no order i'm just going down my following list lolz <3
@gyuuss - 🫂 i did the hug bc it reminds me of how we're partners in crime and we've always got each other's back, hugging ky is 100% on my bucket list <3
@bluhr - 🕊️ pretty sure i've said cia reminds me of a nature fairy one time i don't remember but she just reminds me of a dove spreading its wings to fly and it's like how she's spreading her wings to achieve all her goals, cia girlboss :') help did that even make sense i am not a poet
@yeoforce - 💐 as you all know i am a mika simp and these are flowers bc one time she bought me flowers :') and by bought i mean she sent this emoji saying she got me flowers and how we were going on a date help but i miss them very much and she'll always be my one and only <3
@envirae - 🦋 i also miss vira very much and butterfly just made sense to me bc idc what anybody says butterflies are hot JUST LIKE VEE my hottie !!
@moondust-zia - 🌙 okay i know i said i wouldn't do the emojis i have for their tags but i'm sorry zee zee will forever be my moon and i love looking at the moon since it comforts me and that's what she does and it's like the moon is always out even during the day, just like her :') and it makes me very excited knowing that the sun and the moon will be spending their life together soon <3 help this probably makes no sense out of context but it's okay we both know ;)
@iuwon - 👯‍♀️ this just makes sense, we both got this bunny thing plus it reminds me of our ******* thing (if anyone can decipher that look away) PLUS she is my sexy twinnie and we are together by the hip idc i miss her very much <3
@faetarou - 🎾 HELP IM SORRY FAEFI JUST REMINDS ME OF TENNIS NOW but yes she is my only child ever that i must protect even though she parents me most of the time which i shall choose to not talk about but i love how we're always there for each other :') the emoji has nothing to do with this faefi is just a tennis queen
@odxrilove - 🚔 this is only bc miss dubadu over here likes to push my limits therefore it makes me want to arrest her and put her behind bars so she can behave HELP KIDDING but dori makes me laugh a lot even though she interrupts me and sends weird memes ://///
@feyregels - ❄️ fey reminds me of winter plus i know she really likes it plus she's just so sweet and delicate like we must protect user feyregels and yeah she's so kind and caring <3
@iyeonjuni - 😠✊ this is only something that makes sense to us but yuh this do be cici's brand and it makes me laugh whenever she sends it but it also reminds me of how she's such a supportive friend and always has my back and is there for me through thick and thin and i just imagine her making that face when she hypes and helps me out :')
@junityy - 🤓 this emoji reminds me of how staller over here needs to learn how to spell IM KIDDING but yeah i immediately thought of this so ... take it for what you will ...
@wooyoung-a - 💌 this reminds me of how whenever sun is in my inbox it's like i'm receiving a love letter :') plus i love the soob content sun provides me with therefore i consider those to be my love letters <3
@luvshota - 😏 this is solely based on the pitbull jokes we have and it's just 😏😏 but yuh bff is very swaggy and cool and that's what this emoji is so true !!
@eternallyhyucks - 🥵 mita is just ... sexy tbh like HELP that's just the vibes i get when user eternallyhyucks is on my dash i'm like DAMN MITA HOTTIE so yeah ..
@luvrbin - 🕹️ HELP THIS IS ONLY BC OF THE FACT THAT JEL PLAYS EPISODE speaking of which cannot wait for playtime with jel and val i shall look forward to the memes they always make me giggle ;)
@ughopewrld - 🤡 LET ME EXPLAIN lola sent me joker and batman fan art the other day and ever since then i associated lola with the joker IM SORRY ITS JUST TOO FUNNY TO ME but also !! bc clowns are like funny right and lola always gives me a giggle when we interact <3
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nancydfan · 3 years
I think that Mia gets too bad of a rap from a lot of people.
Like yes, was she an agent of a super shady organization responsible for making a bio weapon that destroyed a great deal of lives? Yes. However we don’t know her motivation for joining them yet.
They could have lied honestly. Like The Connections could have advertised themselves to be a great, loving work environment and maybe Mia was young and naive and joined them. Or maybe she was desperate for money, and it was the only job that would hire her. Or hell, maybe she fully knew what they were and joined anyway, either on account of her morals being twisted back then or thinking that even though the company was evil maybe she could do good. Who knows, honestly.
Either way, with The Connections being a shady organization there’s like a very high chance that you don’t get to walk away from them alive. I’m sure if you quit they’d see you as a liability and take you out with no mercy. And that’s why I think Mia didn’t leave, because she knew she would be killed if she did, and maybe that’s why she took the job with Eveline, because it was more of a “you will do this or else” than an option for her (whether it was implied by her boss or if they were upfront about what bad things would happen if she didn’t take the job).
And maybe if her morals were twisted before I fully think meeting and falling in love with Ethan changed her if that was the case, because the Mia we see in RE7 and RE8 is a good person. We see that in how when the Baker’s rescue her she thanks them but tries to leave immediately and tries to warn them about staying away from Eveline (as shown in the note she left in the dlc “Daughters”). She could have tried to get them to call the hospital or her company but she didn’t, because she knew that she was under Eveline’s control and the longer she stayed there the more danger the family was. If she was a shitty person she wouldn’t have done this, she would have done everything she could to save herself.
We also see that in how she leaves a final video note for Ethan, telling him to stay away no matter what, because she didn’t want him to get dragged down in her mess. She knows how much Ethan loves her and I’m sure she knows if she sent a video saying “Ethan pls help” he’d come running for her, but she didn’t because she loves him and wants him to live even if she can’t be there with him. We see it AGAIN when she saves Ethan from Eveline’s grasp, when she tears him from the mold thing he was in and pushes him out so Eveline couldn’t hurt him. Fully knowing she’d have to face Eveline’s wrath.
And for everyone saying “why didn’t she just tell him then” I mean think about it. I think if this super shady organization found out someone they didn’t hire knew what was going on they’d kill them because again they’d be a liability and a threat. And that’s why she doesn’t tell Ethan because she doesn’t want him to be targeted and killed by them. I think if she had the opportunity she would have left The Connections but knows that it would result in her death anyway, and telling Ethan the truth would just end in his death if they found out and it was too risky in her mind.
And I think it’s this same form of protection that prevents her from telling Ethan he’s infected. She says (or at least we can assume that this was her) in Donna’s section that she didn’t tell him because she was afraid she’d lose him. I don’t think he’d divorce her if he found out he was molded (that doesn’t really make sense for his character), I think she was genuinely afraid he’d die (again) or worse begin to transform into a monster the way the rest of the infected did. And that’s why she keeps it hidden because she was scared to death he’d die or suffer a worse fate. Am I saying she was right in hiding it? No, but I think that everyone saying she’s manipulative and gaslighting are wrong because she truly loves Ethan and Rose, and I know she’d give her life gladly if it meant they could live.
I saw other people get mad because Rose is essentially being used as a bio weapon and how could Mia let this happen and I’m like?? She probably doesn’t have a say?? I mean yes Blue Umbrella is supposed to be “the good guys” now but like they’re still a huge organization, I’m sure Mia did her best to prevent this from happening and keep Rose safe but like at the end of the day what can she really do against a huge company?? If anything get mad at Chris because I’m sure he’s got some clout or something in that company that could have allowed Rose to live a normal life without Umbrella or maybe not being used as a weapon but idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ a lot of people were like “Mia’s sO annoying at the beginning of the game” but fam that wasn’t even her?? That’s Miranda?? Besides even if it was Mia that blew up on Ethan in the hospital (as per Ethan’s diary) 1.) people deal with trauma differently, and I’m not saying it’s healthy but she’s scarred and doing her best and 2.) probably was afraid if they talked too much about Louisiana Ethan would realize he was infected and then BAM he’s either dead or a mutated monster. And in the cutscene of Mia saying “you matter!” Can you imagine the stress of knowing your husband is Mr Mold Man and not being able to do anything about it, out of fear of what could happen to him? Like of course she’s upset and going to blow when provoked (not that Ethan was aggressive or anything just that he was prying into a very high pressure soda that is Mia’s emotions lol) because she’s been bottling this up and has no one to talk to, and after a while anyone would explode. I think she would have told him if he hadn’t answered that call. Also marriage is not rainbows and butterflies, sometimes you get into messy fights with your partner and sometimes you or the other person say things you don’t mean but at the end of the day you love each other and try to be better. If anything Capcom was depicting a normal marriage tbh.
At the end of the day Mia is not the bad guy. She is only human who tried her best to keep her family safe against all the odds and idc what anyone says, Ethan and Mia love each other and have a healthy relationship and that’s that.
I hope I do this ask justice cause this is the kinda ask I’ve been like hoping for cause you are absolutely gosh damn right.
I’m a chill person & I’m never gonna probably get up into someone’s face about anything cause it’s fandom. I’m not here to cater your experience. That being said, when I see some of these frankly bad takes on Mia I’m like
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We know Jack shit about why Mia joined the Connections. Literally nothing so people who have a whole solidified nasty opinion of Mia should probably just sit down. You don’t have to like her. But you also could like, idk, be absolutely dead wrong cause lol Capcom went, yeah we’re not gonna explain any of that.
I got the impression that in between re7 and re8 that they are hiding from the connections too but I may have misunderstood that In re8. I think it makes sense it’s the type of organization you do not leave. No matter how badly you want to and once Ethan came along, do people really think she’d risk him? Spoiler alert: no, no she wouldn’t.
Also, re7 started w Alan. He’s the one that let eveline get out of control so...I feel like people forget that.
I’ve been talking to a friend about people using the Miranda Mia against the real Mia and I don’t know how to kindly tell people that the game kinda absolutely explained that’s not Mia? I do think Mias got a temper which makes sense because Ethan is so even tempered that he can balance her out better. But Miranda Mia was a fuckin bitch. She was needling Ethan’s pain and mocking him. Do people think Ethan sat around for three years taking that? Ethan’s a big boy. He can take care of himself. He was even fighting back w Miranda Mia so manipulative and abusive takes belong in the toilet w the rest of the shit.
Mia blowing up at Ethan means nothing. My parents have proven to me marriage is not easy. You will lose it on people when emotions run high. It happens. There’s a world of difference between a moment of anger versus abuse. But you still love and forgive people for moments of anger because we all have them. And I’m sure Ethan can be just as much as a pain in the ass. I love him more than most and I’d be the first person to admit I’m sure he didn’t make it easy all the time either.
Mia held the truth from Ethan because she was scared not just for her but for him too. It’s a selfless kind of lie. We all do them so I don’t know why Mia is getting burned at the stake for it. I’m just not movable on this. That was a heavy thing to carry and she was doing her best.
As for Rose, I don’t even know what Capcom is doing. How can anyone else know? She’s special and powerful. Maybe she wanted that life? I think we can reserve judgement until re9.
Like I said above, no one has to like Mia. Maybe you don’t vibe w her or maybe you still just don’t care for her. That’s cool. But my gosh don’t lie about the kind of person she is. If you can’t acknowledge her world and heart belongs to Ethan and Rose, I’m just not sure what to tell you.
Sorry for ranting on your ask nonnie 😆 I really appreciate that you sent this in! It needed said imo
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lixbf · 3 years
ANYWAYS i spent wayyy too much time searching for german names but uhhhhh i present to you all: mondstadt characters but with names that are actually/more german!! (with some "explanations")
(disclaimer: some characters technically get a pass bc of different reasons. like kaeya is literally from a different country. and albedo is made of chalk so ?? idk where that places him. and some names are already german names or german words BUT thats either boring or. you just cant name your kid a random word in germany so they get different names too lol)
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amber: i just ~feel~ that she should be an annika idk
kaeya: this is just what if crepus had given him a new name and honestly i feel like crepus' name choices should be weirder than klemenz but lol
lisa: lisa? boring and overused. larissa? new and fascinating.
barbara: yeah thats already a german name but it makes her sound like she's be in her 40s or 50s so bibi it is
razor: tbh idk who gave him his name in canon but i feels like rufus esp would kinda fit his vibe
fischl: idc about canon imo her parents named her fiona but she goes by fischl to seem cooler and edgier
bennet: he's a max. that's it. maybe his full name is maximilian but damnit he's a max
noelle: i dont remember my thought process but i still think she should be called nathalie
sucrose: im really sorry but i dont like sucrose and i dont like the name sabine sooooo yeah
jean: she should've been julia idc it fits her
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diluc: again, crepus' name choices could be weirder than dominick but in my heart he's called dominick now
venti: no idea how archon names work but uhm imo valerian fits venti's whole carefree attitude
klee: i can just imagine jean yelling out "marie" or "katharina" very well
diona: lena would've been a perfect name for her imho
mona: i think someone from bibi&tina is called martina? anyways thats probably why i chose that name hmm
albedo: alberich fits his chalky, non-human vibe, andreas is a more common german name that kinda fits too
rosaria: roksana feels kinda edgy and she is a pretty edgy nun lol
eula: i just know her whole family has these super old and weird names and now she's stuck being called elfriede and she hates it
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