#You know who approved of it
afiend · 1 year
Could Tim have at some point really picked up on some conspiracy theory like the coffee beans in Plants vs. Zombies are actually capable of copying/cloning people and thought that would be the new Gotham threat?
Four days without sleep at night, staring at a cup full of brown stains, the Drake Kid thought so
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zombie-bait · 7 months
"old man yaoi" has become one of my new favourite phrases which is unfortunate because it is inappropriate in roughly 99% of real world scenarios
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fallenstarzz · 6 months
Who do you guys think was Kateaaron's real biggest hater: Andrew or the Vixens groupchat
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petricorah · 1 year
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lee from the tea shop boutta get it (wip) [id in alt]
edit: completed illustration here
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aroaceleovaldez · 8 months
honestly Percy and Nico's dynamic is made even funnier when you take into account how Will is written in TSATS. Like, oh okay then, Nico just has horrible taste in men and keeps getting smitten with boys who loathe everything he stands for. Percy stopped being Nico's type because Percy started to respect him too much. Cupid is yelling at Nico to raise his standards while Nico scopes out the latest guy who will treat him wrong to take on a date to the Underworld.
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amber-laughs · 28 days
thinking about how catelyn always wanted the direwolves to shut up and ghost was the only one who never made a sound
something something jon’s subconscious need for catelyn’s approval being born into his outer vessel
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xielianlover2 · 9 days
Book 6 when Hua Cheng was acting mad sus, I thought he was an imposter or something. No... turns out he was stressing about his y/n x character fanart
Which is... understandable. My soul would straight up leave my body if someone I know from irl looked through my ao3 history or some shit like that. He was straight-up panicking and tried SO hard to hide it
After I saw the statue drawings and one of them holding a flower, I started cackling so hard lmaoo he really brought Xie Lian to his NSFW lair... the one that is dedicated to said god pfft
Also, at first, I thought it was a bit creepy and maybe obsessive... but really, I write about my favorite characters all the time. I've had obsessions that have lasted years. I have hyper fixations that will probably never go away. So, is it really that bad? Honestly, I think it's kinda understandable and normal. If you are obsessed with someone for 800 years... carving a hundred-plus statues and murals is not that bad honestly
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likegoldintheair · 4 months
i'm like if someone who hated being touched was also deeply touchstarved
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velvetcloak · 1 year
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ulyana sergeenko | spring 2013
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spacebugarts · 1 year
Just rembered that Stiles' grandfather is canonically named Elias and I'm just... why would they name Derek's son Eli? Why make him so sarcastic and similar to Stiles, distinctly mention him PASSING OUT at the sight if his fangs, give him that strangely close relationship with the Sheriff, and even go as far as to have Stilinski PERSONALLY GIVE HIM THE JEEP???
At what point does it no longer count as subtext?
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nostalgia-tblr · 3 months
"are people not into that?" i ask, after posting my weird niche shit to the internet, despite knowing it to be weird niche shit.
#jsyk sylkius or anything adjacent to it does not “Do Numbers” in any way and i observed this some time ago#i assume that's the “rival ships” element at work but who knows really#that sort of thing is like femslash in that everyone approves of it but nobody actually reads or writes it#but who would have thought sylvie beating loki with a stick would not bring in droves of readers???! shocking twist there!#& i don't consider sifki a rarepair but my rarepair standards are VERY strict like if there's >5 fics a pairing is basically mainstream#chasing popularity would annoy me though & i just don't have the mental spoons to try writing stuff i wouldn't personally read#yeah i *could* put my blorbos to work in a coffee shop but what cost to my own enjoyment levels? AT WHAT COST FANGELA???#you can't please everyone so you may as well just please yourself and if anyone else likes it you've found some fellow freaks so yay#i don't mean please yourself in a wanking sense. though feel free to do that too it probably counts as a cardio workout idk.#BUT ANYWAY#fic related#ps i am v glad there's the “warning: loki” tag because i think/hope it acts as a filter for 'he did nothing wrong in his life ever' types#who are Valid & etc obviously but i write my morally grey characters to be morally grey and the tag might help avoid conflict#though tbh i write almost every character to be morally grey in some way so i can't claim to have left my comfort zone here#(i'm not joking when i say the 1987-89 run of Dr Who shaped my entire future fannish life from a young and apparently v impressionable age)
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leseigneurdufeu · 1 year
Jane Austen really said "girls, there's nothing wrong with being gentle and shy (Jane Bennet), there's nothing wrong with being headstrong and proud (Elizabeth Bennet), there's nothing wrong with being a bit foolish and passionate (Marianne), there's nothing wrong with being prudent and reserved (Elinor), there's nothing wrong with never getting married (Mary Bennet), there's nothing wrong with settling down for someone you wouldn't have taken had you had a larger choice (Charlotte Lucas), there's nothing wrong with being imaginative and making social faux-pas (Catherine Morland), there's nothing wrong with being a bit nosy (Emma), there's nothing wrong with making mistakes and regretting them (Anne Elliot). All you have to do is make sure your flaws don't guide your life, find people who will love you as you are, and make the best of what you have." and that was so based
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Bro the armor in Mass Effect 1 is goofy as hell, what ARE these fits
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What could be consider laws of the multiverse?
Or is there no such thing?
Aight aight
Let's go, explanation for time
For this one I will speak as creator
This is infos I've shared before on my site, and I got the greenlight to share it here !
Reminder that @neonross was the og creator of Out of Bounds and I am merely one of the artist and writers ( and alternatively the lore gremlin that make sure everything is smooth good lore lol ( so for lore clarification yeh I'm the good person to ask haha))
So here are the "laws" of the multiverse and how it works in wttmv specifically !
Those rules apply only in our story, but anyone who wants to use those concepts are welcome, of course ! Neon Ross's og intent was to have rules flexible enough for people to make characters and have fun with the concepts, but we don't mean to be an autority of any kind and ruin people's fun... Anyway, explanation time
It's not really "laws" so much as rules for ourselves and for our story, to give it nuances and stakes and the right amount of lore scratching complexity
Some characters however might tell you that these are laws lmao
✨Out of Bounds ✨
___-Lore Guide-___
Out of Bounds (OOB) is a realm existing beyond the multiverse, operating by its own rules and devoid of time. This guide provides insight into OOB's nature, its role in the multiverse, and the mechanics governing its interactions.
Nature of Out of Bounds
Definition :
• OOB is a space outside of alternate universes, akin to the Void Realm in Towags where forgotten characters and places reside.
• Awareness of this space is limited, known only to those who reside within or encounter its inhabitants.
Television :
• Floating televisions within OOB display AUs, acting as viewports or portals for interaction.
• Televisions serve as a primary means for Multiversers to observe and interact with AUs. ( While it is the primary way, note that there are exceptions and other ways to travel )
Shows :
• We call "show" the stories within the multiverse. Includes the Original, Variants, Alternate Universes.
• The Original cannot be touched or interacted with by anyone.
• Variants are copies of the original with very minor changes (art style, design, head canons). They can be interacted with on varrying degree, depending on the creator of the variant will.
• AUs are copies of Welcome Home with major or noticeable changes, from the story, to the characters and their designs.
Vintage Tapes :
• AUs are stored within vintage tapes, with the film inside representing the universe's timeline.
• Tapes categorize AUs into Fixed and Flexible, depending on the level of interaction allowed by the creators of each AUs.
Interference Mechanics :
• Interfering with Fixed AUs poses risks, as altering their storylines can lead to universe corrupt and/or collapse.
• Flexible AUs allow more interaction, often featuring crossovers and Y/N scenarios.
Out of Bound Spaces
Channels :
• Spaces integral to the multiverse system, including the Observer's TV room, the Archives, and Admin's film room.
Shows :
• The AUs themselves, contained in the multiverse, then OOB
Lost Media :
• Spaces not categorized as channels or tapes, such as the Keeper's domaine, Trader's space, and Stitcher's atelier. (Often time those are kind of like shells of dead/collapsed/modified AU, or pocket dimensions)
Pillars of Creation :
• Vast space outside of the multiverse, a galaxy-like zone full of stars, that is said to be where the creators of AUs reside. Very few characters go so far in the OOB.
In between :
• The void between the AUs. It is devoid of breathable air, often dark and lightless as well. Some multiversers are unaffected by the lack of air, but stay careful ! We don't know what lurks or leaks in the in-between
Diagram made by Bloomenvogel and Neon Ross for the Out of Bound as we see it in WTTMV
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Note : this diagram applies to wttmv, but feel free to use I with your characters if you want ! Just like all of those rules, we made those to help make the story as a whole
Out of Bound Inhabitants
Natives of OOB :
• The Out of Bound is often said to have a mind of its own... It will sometimes create its own variants of the core cast, for reasons still obscures to this day. Notable characters born from the OOB : Observer, Courier, Messenger
• Cast or OC characters that had their worlds destroyed/corrupted/collapsed, and who are left to wander in the multiverse. Most often they will end up in Peacekeeper's domaine until they can be rehomed in a flexible tape or new universe, or adapt to the Out of Bounds.
• A character that adapts to the Out of Bounds will then be called "Multiverser" along with the native of OOB
• Characters considered "refugies turned multiverser" in wttmv : Peacekeeper, Filante, Trader, ShopKeeper, Watcheye, Stitcher, Croupier
Multiversers :
• Multiversers are the inhabitants of the Out of Bounds. Often times, they are anomalies that have developped specific abilities allowing them to reside or survive in the Out of Bounds. Those abilities often includes being able to travel to multiple flexible tapes, but not always. A multiverser will almost always be a variant of a cast character, and rarely, if not ever, a y/n or fan oc. (If you wonder why y/n and ocs are excluded from being multiversers specifically, it's because Y/N is at its core a you self insert, but *you* are supposed to be viewers in the story. It's fine when in a pocket universe like Keeper's and Trader, a y/n can exist there, but in the oob it could causes some problems of logic with viewer influence and control, or the focus of the story could go astray to fit a y/n, which is not a story we want to tell. It kinda goes for ocs too)
I tried to say as much as I could without much spoilers... For the reminder, I already explained the main, general chronology of wttmv on the site
Ik, ik, it's a bit of a hassle to go search and look and all. Tbh the site is kind of a way to give a bit of a treat for the really big fans who are ready to go on a separate site to get lore lmao /lh
But now I get to ramble here too ! Hurray !
OOB is big and weird. The AUs and Variants can be interacted with only if allowed by the creators. Multiversers are the weird cast variants living in the oob. The OOB is kinda like an onion, it has layers. Most characters always stay in the multiverse part.
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avernusreject · 6 months
I want a dlc of purely just Tav/durge trying to win over Tara after moving in with Gale. If your wondering, your approval score each week is relayed to you by Withers after Tara, Mama Dekarios, and him have their weekly tea sessions.
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kitnita · 2 months
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wyatt johnston talks his sleep schedule   —   practice   —   04.02.24 
[what’s it like getting back at six am? i mean, is it like — a day or two, or how do you adjust to that?]   i mean, for me, i think it’s … um, i know i can kind of get through it a little easier, i know some guys, you know, have kids and some other responsibilities where they don’t have the luxury of being able to sleep all day, but, um … yeah, i mean, i had — i was able to sleep in as long as i wanted and get as much sleep as i needed, which, um … you know, i think helps a lot for sure. um, obviously, it’s not easy though. uh — so definitely kinda took a little bit, but, yeah, i mean, for me it’s pretty easy just to — i mean, sleep ‘til i don’t need to anymore.  [so how long was that? what time d’you get up then?]   um … i think it was around one or so? when i got up? it wasn’t — it wasn’t too bad. you know, obviously you wanna try to sleep at night too. um … so, yeah, i think it worked out, you know, worked out pretty well.
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