#You show
happy74827 · 6 months
Can you make more Joe Goldberg? You did such aan amazing job on the first one that I NEED a second one. Just please consider. Thank. Love your fics btw 💖💖💖
Lily of the Valley
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[Joe Goldberg x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Coffee might not be his favorite, but things can change when it involves a person like you.
WC: 659
Category: Fluff
Fortunately, I already had this small idea in mind for our lovely stalker man and this request really just put the icing on top of the cake. Hopefully it fulfills your needs 🙌 (also you’re too sweet… thank you so much for the kind words 💞)
Coffee. The hard, hot, and bitter drink that is the reason many people get out of bed each day and the reason why some people stay up until the early hours of the morning. He never understood the appeal.
But that didn't mean he didn't enjoy the smell of coffee beans roasting, the smell of fresh ground beans being poured into a filter, and the smell of the finished product. He didn't understand how something so bitter and disgusting could have such a calming and comforting smell.
Joe had been sitting in a booth in a coffee shop for the past few hours, watching the world outside go by, sipping a small mug of tea, and his current read, "The Woman In The Window" by A.J Finn, in front of him. His eyes were trained on the people going by, not really taking much of anything in. He was on autopilot, a default setting he slipped into whenever his mind was full of something else.
It was only when a waitress with a short, black pixie cut walked over to his table that his eyes come back into focus, and his thoughts began to slow down. She didn't look like she belonged in a coffee shop. With a long, floral dress, combat boots, and a cardigan, she was far too pretty and too interesting to be serving lattes. She was a rose in a garden full of daisies, a peacock among chickens.
Then, like a snap to reality, the sound of his name pulled him away from her and onto… you. The whole reason he was here in the first place.
If he thought the waitress was a rose, you were a whole bouquet.
"Jonathan! Are you going to order anything, or are you just going to keep sitting there, scaring all our other employees?" You said a laugh in your voice.
He hadn't even noticed the waitress had already left, and now, you were standing by the table, holding a coffee pot.
Yeah, he needs to stop letting his thoughts take over.
"No, no, I was just, uh, reading."
"Reading a book, or reading her?" You said, cocking your head to the side, indicating the waitress who had moved on to another table.
"Reading the book."
"Mhm, sure." You said, not at all convinced. God, he just wanted to kiss the smirk off your face. Those pretty lipstick-covered lips moving against his.
You shook your head, smiling.
"You want a muffin… or something? On the house, since you're a regular and all."
He looked down at the book again, then back up at you. Unlike the waitress, you were dressed for work in a black, collared shirt tucked into black pants and a black apron tied around your waist.
It told him a lot about you, like the fact that you were a rule follower organized. The other waitress played confidence to stand out. You wanted to blend in, but still, he noticed.
How could he not notice you?
"Blueberry, right? Your usual."
"Okay. I'll be back in a second."
You had just turned to leave before you spun on your heel and stopped.
"And, Jonathan,” you paused. "That book in your hands? Wonderful read."
As you walked away, he realized how his heart had started to beat faster, and he couldn't stop the grin on his face.
A bouquet? No, you were something far more rare and far more beautiful than that.
You were an orchid.
And when you returned with that perfectly shaped muffin and that award-winning smile, Joe decided this would be the last time he ever chased a woman. Because this one?
It was as though you were a mix between all his past loves and yet someone entirely new.
You were that new orchid in the greenhouse, the lily of the valley, and he wanted to nurture you and make you grow.
It's time to stop blending in; he would bring you out to bloom.
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dimitovva · 19 days
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You (2018)
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attachmentbarbiee · 3 months
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bumblesimagines · 2 years
Becoming the Quinn-Goldbergs obsession
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Request: Yes or No
Pronouns for y/n: he/him/his
Living in Madre Linda had its ups and downs. The community was tight-knit and you could practically always count on someone for something. As long as that something wasn't gossip worthy.
The soul sucking residents of your town were irritating to deal with and borderline hellish on a bad day. Over all, you were able to count on one hand the amount of neighbors you considered friends.
Until the new neighbors moved in.
The Quinn-Goldbergs. A young couple who were new to the wonders of parenthood. It only took an hour after their arrival for you to learn virtually everything about them through Sherry and her minions.
You met Love first. She'd been out grabbing mail when you returned from town with some groceries. She'd flashed a charming smile and seemed more than happy to chat until the duties of motherhood swept her away.
Popping open the trunk of the car, you slipped out of the driver's side and closed the door. Barely noticing movement in the yard over, you walked to the back of your car and began picking the bags into your arms.
"Hey, neighbor!" A cheery voice called out and you leaned back, catching sight of a brunette standing on the other side of the fence. She carried some envelopes in one hand, lifting the other to wave at you. "I'm Love! We just moved here a couple weeks ago."
"Nice to meet you, Love." You returned the smile, using your free hand to close the trunk before approaching the fence. She perked up and stepped closer, resting her hand atop the short picket fence.
"You must be (Y/N). Sherry mentioned we were neighbors."
"Did she?" You didn't intend to sound so ticked off about it but from the knowing look that passed over Love's features, she understood your distaste completely.
"I'd introduce you to my husband but he's off at the library. He's pretty serious about his books." Love chuckled lightly.
"Oh, really? I'm an avid reader myself."
"Seriously?" Her brows rose, eyes practically twinkling. "Oh, then I'm sure you two will get along!"
Only a couple days would pass before you were invited to a party and there you'd meet Joe, the beloved husband and polar opposite of Love.
It'd been a little awkward at first with neither you nor Joe knowing exactly what to say. That was until Cary spoke and you exchanged an exasperated look with Joe. Afterwards the conversations began, going from complaining about the residents to books and the library.
Love grew obsessed first. She often found herself over at your place with Henry, finding solace in the fact she finally had someone real and honest to talk to in the neighborhood.
She didn't realize the signs at first, too caught up in the bliss of what she believed was innocent friendship until she began keeping track of your day to day life and involving herself more and more.
She frequently cooked you meals and brought them over, insisting she just wanted to do something nice for you and 'I just really appreciate your company'.
Love only truly noticed her obsession when attending a birthday party and overhearing Sherry giggling about you and another woman. The dread, rage, and jealousy that erupted inside her was enough to push her into a full obsession.
Smiling softly, Love watched Joe tend to Henry as she picked up a slice of cheese from the table and took a bite from it. Without thinking, she began searching for you in the crowd of guests, taking slow steps until she neared Sherry and Kiki.
"I heard the reason they divorced was because she was seeing (Y/N) on the down low." Sherry whispered, nodding wildly when Kiki gaped at her. "I mean, I believe it. She's always flirting with him."
Love felt her body freeze, eyes dancing around frantically in search of you. It couldn't be true, could it? If you were seeing someone... No, you'd tell her, right?
Finally spotting you in the crowd, she walked forward, pace quick but not fast enough to draw attention to herself. You sweetly smiled at her upon noticing her and she felt herself relax, unable to resist smiling back.
"(Y/N), I was looking for you everywhere!" She breathed, turning her attention onto the woman you'd been speaking with. Looping her arms around yours, she tilted her head.
"Could I steal him for a moment?"
"Of course, no problem."
"Great!" Whipping out her best fake smile, she resisted the urge to sneer at the woman before pulling you away from her.
Upon recognizing her feelings, Love grew conflicted. She still loved Joe completely and hated the thought of ruining their family, especially after powering through the Natalie situation. So, she remained silent... Unaware of her husband's own dilemma.
It had taken Joe only a few days to realize his obsession. He had brushed off his desire to be around you and hear more about you as the want for a friend in the nightmarish town of Madre Linda.
Until he found himself putting on his favorite cap and watching you from the safety of his car. It had clicked the moment he turned his car engine on and began his typical monologue.
Joe was no stranger to obsessions. In fact, one could consider him extremely experienced in the area. There had been Nurse Fiona, Candace, Beck, Love, and Natalie. All of them shared some minor similar traits but the biggest one being they were women. You were not.
This realization had sent Joe through a bit of an identity crisis where he both distanced himself from you- limiting his face to face interactions with you, sending Love on his behalf- and kept an eye in you by continuing to watch you.
But, you had noticed his odd behavior and finally confronted him about it, much to his relief and dismay.
"Okay, what's up?" Joe blinked, tearing his eyes away from his wife and child. His throat tightened as he stared up at you, internally cursing and panicking.
"Wh-What do you mean?" He chuckled nervously. You raised a brow and plopped down beside him on the bench, noting the way he rubbed his palms on his pants.
"You've been avoiding me." You pointed out, giving him a look when he attempted to protest.
Time to come clean. Or at least, partly come clean.
Clearing his throat and exhaling deeply, he shifted to face you. "It's nothing personal, I promise. I've just had a lot on my mind between Henry and settling into the new neighborhood." He explained softly, reaching out to touch your shoulder.
"Is that all?" You asked, frowning at him. "You can tell me anything, Joe. You and Love are the only people here I actually trust."
Trust... Trust and eventually... Love. Joe was sure of it. You'd love him just as much as he loved you. He just needed to play his cards right and avoid drawing suspicion from Love. She'd done enough already. Natalie's decaying body was proof of that.
From then on, the couple tiptoed around each other, fully unaware they had similar feelings for you.
Joe found it easier to keep from Love. He'd already slipped into your house, taking small things he knew you wouldn't notice go missing. He kept them stored in a spot he knew Love wouldn't think about looking and plotted ways to make you fall for him.
Love, on the other hand, found it more difficult. She felt guilt and worry eating her up inside. She loved Joe wholeheartedly but she felt similarly about you. Eventually, she couldn't keep it up, desperate to get closer to you without risking Joe lashing out.
"Joe, we need to talk." Love called from the kitchen, staring at the freshly baked cupcakes in hand. She set them down on the island and sighed, looking up at Joe as he entered the kitchen.
"What's wrong?" He asked immediately, finishing his tea and placing the cup down. Dread filled both of their stomachs, staring at one another.
Joe worried she'd figured it out and attacked you impulsively.
Love worried he'd discard of you as easily he'd done with the others.
"It's about (Y/N)."
"What about him?" Joe asked, attempting to keep a calm and cool mask. Love dug her teeth into the inside of her cheek, fingers tapping against the island.
"I... I think I love him, Joe." She whispered and felt a weight lift off her shoulders. "No, I'm... I'm obsessed with him." She added just as quietly.
"Are you serious?" Joe stared at her, a wave of surprise washing over him. When the brunette nodded, Joe pushed himself away from the island and turned, listening to her panicked calls for him. Removing the painting and reaching into the little nook he had created, he pulled out the book and returned to the kitchen.
His wife blinked, brows furrowing. "W-What is that?"
"Guess." Joe answered, lifting the top off and pushing it toward her. Hesitantly, Love peered inside and reached in to pull out the silver ring. Her lips parted when she remembered having seen you wear it the day you had met Joe.
"Joe... Does this mean...?" Love trailed off, meeting her husband's eyes.
They had nothing to fear from each other. They could learn to share, learn to love you equally. They could plan together. They could finally have you all to themselves.
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frog-0n-a-l0g · 6 months
Joe Goldberg in the newest season is an English professor and what’s his name?
Professor Moore
Professor. Fucking. Moore
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ecnmatic · 2 years
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webbluvrsugar-recs · 3 months
lovesick!lovequinn moodboard!
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> I wanna thank you all for all the support I’ve been getting! It’s really meaningful to me, thank you so much! <3
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coolgrrrl123 · 9 months
Joe really fucked up cus if I was married to love Quinn I would just be loyal and never try to leave her and have a pretty pregnant loyal amazing wife that makes me bomb ass food
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punksocks · 1 year
Astrology Analysis: You - Joe and his many loves
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I heard the people loud and clear! I was a bit intimidated by this at first but as a longtime fan of the show my astrology opinion soon flowed pretty easily. Please enjoy and let me know what you think!
**You is a dark show, most of the placements here are underdeveloped/extreme shadow versions, please don’t feel disrespected if any of your placements appear here
*** major spoilers below (for every season!)
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Virgo rising: He’s able to appear as calm, intelligent, helpful, and overall more “normal” than someone who murders so much should be able to (he barely gets away with presenting like this and for some people he just irks them, but not as much as say a Scorpio rising would). People tend to want to believe he’s good within the universe of the show, even when he gets caught red handed. He’s also so analytical, he finds out everything about anyone he interacts with and takes note of all their responses. He tries to stay subtle and use information to connect the dots and he catalogs all the information he finds out to use later. He’s communicative in a very minimalist way too, no matter how much information he’s gathering on those around him.
Scorpio Sun: Like no one has guessed this before lol, but he’s really the poster child for a nightmare Scorpio boyfriend (on like extreme mode lol). He’s intense and attractive, and his ego is tied to possessing his partner. He needs to be in control and keeping them safe….but his view of what this means is distorted by his own ego and (later? Always??) psychosis. He’s a f*ckin menace. He’s such a if I can’t have you no one will dude, and he’s so frickin jealous my god. And he’s been cheated on before and he loses it when it comes down to it. But he’s cheated on/with his romantic interests before too. He’s very emotionally charged about the situations at hand and like a toxic water sign he never takes real responsibility for his actions.
Cancer Moon: I struggled a bit here because he’s so tied up emotionally but can easily falter when his idealized version of his love interests doesn’t work out. He’s both super fixated and fickle. Bc he’s a psycho… But who does that work for? I personally thought Cancer moon. He’s got deep mommy issues and he acts like a guy that has moon square his mars, an unfortunately common trait in domestic ab*sers. He’s constantly emotionally battling his anger and his s*x drive, and that he has a violent time actually working out his anger when it comes down to it (so many m*rders). He’s able to be very sweet one minute but literally k*ll the next. And he has a loose set of standards for his violent actions that screamed water moon to me (didn’t k*ll Love because she was pregnant… but that didn’t matter so much after she had his baby oml). Also, he frequently sees himself as the victim of circumstances he created which is kind of Cancer’s thing, especially in a man’s chart.
Virgo Mercury (conjunct rising): He communicates as efficiently as possible while overthinking and over analyzing every word in his head. He’s intelligent and good enough at analyzing literature that he’s able to bluff his way into being a literary professor (also he’s a white guy that’s why). He lies a lot but not in the way Beck does, he usually lies by telling as little as possible or changing minor details, which seems like a more virgo Mercury way to do it. He also moves really in a wirey frenetic way, especially when he’s scheming or fighting to get himself out of a corner he’s backed into.
Scorpio Venus (conjunct Pluto): (sorry Venus conjunct Pluto gang, it’s not you it’s him lol) he’s drawn to very passionate and beautiful women. Stunning s*xiness/attractiveness is an important precursor to a romantic fixation for him. Like he very frequently goes after one of the most complimented women in the room, but like in a Venus ruled way many of his love interests have something darker going on he wants to rescue them from. (He kind of breezes past Kate at first and she’s very pretty ofc but the least complimented on her looks in the show out of all his love interests so far). The more passion comes through, and the more “trials” (bad communication, rivals gotten rid of, cheating, etch) that are “passed” in the relationship, the more connected he feels to the women he’s interested in. I say trials in quotes because if things are going that sideways y’all should probably just breakup (I’m a Sagittarius Venus, no man is about to become my problem lol). And I say passed in quotes because he manipulates the situation as much as he can for his desired outcome (from stalking and stealing phones, to k*lling romantic rivals). He also stalks his love interests every time, on all their public profiles, just to find out who they present themselves to be, and this can be a habit in the most tame Scorpio Venus/Venus conjunct Pluto people lowkey. But he’ll escalate immediately to stalking them in person and getting copies of their itenerary and breaking into their phones and getting keepsakes of their things (oml his teeth jar, I’ll never forget). He’s very emotional and possessive and projects onto his romantic interests pretty much as soon as he says hello. Pluto just turns this intensity up as much as it can.
Aries Mars: because of all the m*rders. But lemme not skip ahead lol. He’s a chaser, he “competes” with rival love interests, and he loves his twisted art of winning a woman over. He acts on impulse s*xually. He’s super competitive but mostly in relationships and making sure he comes out on top romantically. He finished super fast the first time he got with Beck (sorry Aries mars, no shade). He reacts impulsively to most situations and violently when he feels threatened physically or emotionally. I feel like water mars can be overwhelming because they really feel anger and can act unpredictably but Joe is so freaking impulsive Aries mars just fit right, even with all this methodical Scorpio in his chart he’ll just take someone out without a plan because they say the wrong thing to him. Also again, moon square mars can be dangerous if underdeveloped in a man’s chart. Lots of explosive/ab*sive tendencies.
Scorpio Stellium: he needed to work on resolving his trauma and looking inwardly to figure out his emotional insecurities before getting all tied up in his possessive and wild ways, but oops that was like good healing advice before all the stalking and m*rder began.
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(My Beck section stayed empty the longest lol oh no)
Sagittarius Rising: Beck is lighthearted and fun, she likes to approach people in her life through a worldly attitude. She likes to come off as philosophical and like she’s enjoying all the little adventures in life. She puts a deal of effort into coming off as interesting. But she tends to sort of just attract abundance in her life, she has a lot of friends/romantic partners that tend to support her and her goals monetarily or otherwise.
Gemini Sun: She’s smart and vivacious. She takes pride in her writing skills and has a deep interest in “making it” as a writer. She also lies a lot, in major ways (infidelity and the death of a parent). Duplicity shows up in different ways for all Geminis but Beck has a lot of faces she shows to different people and ways she carries herself only in certain situations. Everyone knows a different version of her depending on who they are in her life. (Joe does not like this later on)
Pisces moon: (ok I changed this after I started it lol. Twice! When I tell you I struggled…) i had to refresh my memory on Beck’s emotional state oml. Ok ok I went through a few moons and I settled on Pisces moon, because she has such a fairytale/disillusionment arch with her whole season. She longs for the perfect romance and she really wants a knight in shining armor but she ends up idealizing her partners and her friends through this distorted lens and so she gets guys that are kind of douchey and has endgame with a total psycho. There’s a lot of infidelity and lies too. She wants to appear to be more magnetic and like “worldly” than she is and will often distort the truth to do so. (Her moon would square her ascendant and sun leading to identity issues) And of course Joe projects his idealized version of Beck onto her (Joe and guys like him are gonna project lol but this placement only enhances that)
(Also, Local Capricorn moon struggles to explain emotional motivations, lol that’s how it goes)
Libra Mercury: Beck writes and communicates in a creative and flowery way. She uses her words to come off as intelligent and balanced. She gets backlash from her professor for coming off as too superficial and lacking depth in her writing. She charms her way in and out of situations (until she can’t- Venus ruled meet pluto ruled). Her writing seems to align most easily with her how she thinks of herself(Sun trine Mercury).
Pisces Venus: at first I wrote this line as a joke but this is the only way I can think to explain it actually—— Beck does get very attached but also doesn’t? It’s that very specific Pisces/12th house placement vibe. Like people that are both emotionally involved and vulnerable but are like detached at the same time. Like tethered to everyone and nothing all at once. She’s sort of lost in how she identifies herself and constantly terns to be another way (I notice this quite a bit with Pisces placements). Also again she embellishes her past and lies about her present, and has a distorted view of her friends and romantic relationships that even she can’t seem to see through until the end.
Sagittarius Mars: ok for a few reasons. Beck doesn’t really have a textbook type (I feel like Sagittarius mars/Venus are less likely to have a set type and more likely to be attracted to personalities). She’s attracted to Joe when he comes off as cultured and interesting. When he gets overshadowed by her friends she starts to shrug him off. She has a passionate s*xual appetite and tends to have a few people she’s seeing at once. She also has a tinge of not like other girls energy I find to be common in Mars rising women.
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Libra rising: She comes across as a gentle, affable beauty. A lovely, community minded person that’s able to balance it all with her friends and her partner. She’s social, creative, and enterprising without coming off as imposing. No one sees all of that darkness she’s got bubbling beneath the surface, until she chooses to bring it out.
(As a Scorpio rising/Libra 12th house I think I subconsciously associate Libra/Venus ruled with hiding something under a very pleasant nature lol that’s my bias)
Cancer sun: she’s so invested in her family. Her ego is aligned with caring for others, especially those that are close to her in her family. She committed her first acts of violence to protect her brother (at least that’s how she tells it). She loves her son and her sibling fiercely and does the most work to keep them at ease. She uses her dark inclination in guise of protection. She’s manipulative and has fooled many people into trusting/underestimating her, by the time they realize she’s not on their side it’s too late.
Scorpio moon (conjunct Venus): she’s so in love!! Don’t betray her or she’s gonna get ya!! Fr though Love loves with her whole twisted heart, so she also feels betrayed and protects her loved ones with her whole twisted heart. Not a woman to be trifled with, (so ofc Joe trifles with her.
Pisces Mercury: I think she’s a better liar than Joe. She just constructs a truth all her own. She tells the stories she wants to because that’s exactly what she believes happened (Moon and Sun trine Mercury). Most people truly don’t see through her lies or feel the need to look through what she’s telling them
Scorpio Venus (conjunct Pluto): (I’m sorry scorpio Venus folks, I’m like trying to be cool here lol, it’s not a bad placement.) Joe and Love just both came into the relationship hot and passionate and jealous and possessive, lol. I really do think that Joe and Love mirror each other and I love how the writers handled their mad love. She takes on his problems as her problems, including k*liking anyone in Joe’s (I.e their) way. And once Joe made Love jealous, she did not hesitate to take Natalie out. So much passion and possessiveness and assuming that love in a relationship is forged through intensity and pain (their cheating, arguing, Joe’s probable emotional ab*se), definitely giving shadow Scorpio Venus being amped up 1000% by that Scorpio Pluto.
Pisces Mars: Unconventional because this is a passive aggressive placement but mutables can be m*rderous pretty commonly (I cannot tell you why lol just so many serial killer charts are peppered with mutable signs) and I’m going off of a few things. Love is in love with Joe, she falls for him when he projects being a total sentimental romantic (since Love is a femme, mars can show her type). She also cheats on Joe as she gets disillusioned. She’s usually pretty fluid even opening up their marriage to bring the sparks back. She also also does get that anger out indirectly…. through m*rder!! Lol
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Leo Rising: She often attracts attention but also chases it. She’s charismatic enough to be the front man in a band and to make Beck jealous. She’s flirty and fun.
Aries Sun: Impulsive and charismatic. She clashes with people around her. She is a great frontman for her band. There’s a lot of impulsivity in how she goes after Joe (sis needed a plan and her only plan was get him lol)
Scorpio moon: feels deeply and is very protective of how she feels. she’s very invested in getting revenge on Joe (which is fair he was a shit for trying to k*ll her). If she was the protagonist of any other tale I’m sure she would’ve gotten payback. But she follows him across country to torture him herself when all else fails and nothing can be done to hold him accountable. (Also moon square rising for how at odds she was with people believing the depth of her trauma and what was done to her and how much people projected onto her.)
Scorpio Mercury: She can’t really get a lot of people to believe her, and idk but I feel like Scorpio placements are the least likely to be believed when it comes to water placements. She lies to keep her revenge plan going but she has trouble faking it and keeping up with the lies. She communicates with intensity and pointedly. She fights to try to reveal the truth (unfortunately it doesn’t work out great).
Sagittarius Venus: she actually is pretty worldly and very charming. She’s enthusiastic in her relationships, but rarely in love. Pretty untethered in that we’re not really dating we’re just having fun sagittarius Venus sort of way. She cheats on Joe because she’s not serious about him. She gets mad and tries to leave when Joe gets too possessive and controlling of her of her.
Scorpio Mars: this was hard, I feel like I got everything else easy. I’m going with Scorpio mars because she was very much into revenge before reason. She went out of her way to try to expose Joe instead of just calling the cops when she had the upper hand and it backfired. She’s also protective in her quest for truth. At the heart of her revenge motives, she’s concerned that Joe is going to hurt other people. She also was attracted to Joe’s passion and intensity and how much of a romantic he seemed to be. (She got tired of him and went to someone more connected)
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(Omg poor Marienne right?? Christ, just minding her own business and pulled into mess…)
Scorpio Rising: She’s very alluring and has a kind of dark tinge to her appearance. She’s very perceptive and will call out someone out if they’re faking any behavior around her. She’s able to sense when something’s off with other people.
Virgo Sun: Marienne, for all her troubles, she works to stay grounded. She makes sure she does better for the sake of her daughter and her future. She bounces back through constant adversity and holds down a structured, healthy, and supportive routine. One of her big journeys in life seems to deal with her aligning her head and her heart (sun opposition moon).
Pisces Moon: She’s emotionally in tuned to her daughter and creates a loving environment for her. She’s very creative as well and her heart is in her work. She has struggled with addiction and keeps clean out of efforts to make a better life for her and her daughter. She has a lot of men lie to her and project onto her and deceive her in an effort to get close to her.
Virgo Mercury: intelligent and capable. When Joe is out of his depth on missing white woman syndrome (immediately, he’s out of his depth immediately lol) she swiftly corrects him.
Taurus Venus (trine Mercury): charming with her words. She writes and illustrates story books. Most people are attracted by her creativity and her calm nature.
Gemini Mars (square moon): just attracting (and unconsciously being attracted to) very duplicitous men. Both Joe and her ex try/tried to come off as intellectual and rational to get close to her before their ab*sive sides came out. She also fights her battles with her wits and knows how much to say and when to say it in dangerous situations.
*bonus: strong Lilith placements- Lilith conjunction/square/opposition 1st or 7th or 10th house (maybe in virgo): I’m totally becoming the Lilith lady lol, but nothing explains guys getting *weird* like Lilith does. Marienne has to have a significant Lilith placement in her chart. Her ab*sive ex husband trying to destroy her life unless she submits to him, but then Joe comes in to save her. Oops he’s actually obsessed with her and he travels across the ocean to track her down (he’s Joe, but even this is a lot for him) and he refuses to accept how desperately he’s trying to chain her to him to the point where Joe’s personality literally splits so he can keep Marienne under lock and key? Marienne already knew, in that exhausted way, that she had to make herself truly inaccessible in order to escape this obsession. It’s giving strong Lilith and bringing out the worst in bad guys.
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Capricorn Rising: She really seems to have her shit together and she takes no bs from anyone. And her dad is super rich so she grew up in luxury.
Pisces Sun: I said Aries before because she really didn’t like Joe and let him know it in the beginning. But I say Pisces because she seems to mirror some element of her environment. I had a friend say that since Pisces were the last zodiac sign they tended to be able to embody a lot of traits of other signs. I also have noticed that Pisces placements tend to have personalities that are mailable to the people around them. Kate acts different around her cultivated group of friends and her dad for example. Yet it runs so deep that she seems to have a different set of morals around different groups as well.
Aquarius Moon: Shes a bit…detached. She poisoned a bunch of kids and saw it as a means to an end, then she remade herself into a humanitarian to atone for her sins. But she’s fallen for Joe after he’s done some pretty inhumane things to “save” her. And now she’s perfectly happy to clean Joe’s record and take over her dad’s evil company. she’s pretty apt to take on her own morality and that reminds me of underdeveloped Aquarius moons. This is no shade to Saturn moons (I’m a Saturn moon too) but there’s something emotionally lacking from her lack of horror at finding out her boyfriend is a serial m*rderer and a bunch of the other wild sh*t she surrounds herself with. I thought about Capricorn moon but I couldn’t find any structure/career climbing in her overall actions. Aquarius seemed to fit better, especially with how at one point she really prided herself on being the most morally aware of her friends and saw her involvement in the arts as such a benevolent thing.
(Also lowkey I feel like a Capricorn moon would’ve sensed if their parents were pulling strings for them and wouldn’t be down with how randomly m*rderous Joe could be. Not the moral issue, not in this show, but the not knowing who he’s going to k*ll next issue— just like Kate’s dad ran into)
Mercury Capricorn: She communicates in a directly to the point sort of way. She’s verbally sharp and sort of pokes at Joe no matter how she feels about him. She tends to tell her friends how to hey their shit together.
Gemini Venus: She’s very clever and witty and all of her flirting/foreplay is bantering and screwing with Joe’s head by baiting him. She also knows all of her friends’ secrets.(is that an astrology observation?) Gemini placements tend to have a knack for getting information out of people)
Virgo Mars: Actually seems to go from annoyed by to attracted to Joe when he’s coming in to help her. She also is corrective when she’s upset. She handles her upsetting emotions in strategic way until she’s cornered.
Bonus - Rhys (major season 4 spoiler):
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(He was basically Joe’s love in the latest season— bc he loves himself!! But the real Rhys…Poor guy! Oml)
I have no idea bc he was an hallucination for 98%(??) of his screen time lol, but at minimum I’d say Capricorn Neptune in the 1st house. He came across as knowledgeable and in control and very ambitious. A lot of people related to his life story as he told it, a story of rags to riches… and he had a terrible stalker that projected a completely different personality onto him. And that’s all I got for the real Rhys.
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happy74827 · 2 years
The Devil's Tango
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[Rhys Montrose x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: A certain professor is not very supportive of your relationship with the mayor-in-running.
WC: 2,741
Warnings: It's You... the show is warning enough.
The amount of people I see begging for an x reader of this man, and that no one had done it yet is actually hilarious. You would think after the first reveal, the whole fandom would jump at the sight of this man.
Though, realistically speaking, it's probably because he's one of those characters that are so hard to get right. Plus the fact that Part 2 didn't help in his favor at all.
I do plan to write more of him, so this is just a little tease if you will.
“Hello, you.”
You jumped out of instinct, snapping your head towards the hoarse voice behind you. The chalk that you were currently using flew right out of your hand, soaring to hit the shadow that was now in front of you. Before it could hit your mystery stalker in the head, however, swift hands caught it just before impact.
“I… think you dropped this.” The sarcastic tone of an expired New Yorker made your fears fly away as your piece of chalk had. As you turned to meet the familiar brown eyes, you couldn’t help but give a slight smile.
“Oh, Jonathan,” You raised a hand to your chest, letting out chuckles in relief. “You scared me there, I wasn’t expecting anyone to visit at this hour.”
He stood in front of you blankly for a moment, as if someone had hit him with a “time freeze” superpower. You paid no mind to this of course, as it was a typical Jonathan Moore quirk. He clearly was very into his mind.
It almost reminded you of a certain… someone.
Jonathan snapped back to the present in no time with a soft, closed smile forming on his face. Within doing so, he handed you back your murderous chalk, before shoving his hands into the pockets of his trousers.
“Oh, no… no it’s totally my fault.” He apologized profusely, nudging his elbow towards the door. “The whole “not knocking” thing seems to be a nasty habit that only I can’t seem to get rid of.”
You nodded along to his apologies, despite already forgiving him the second you saw the familiar curls that fell down his forehead. It was pretty hard to hate the man that shared the same passion for poetry and was one of the professors that was teaching the same subject as you had.
“So, Jonathan,” you started, moving to lean your back against your desk. Your daily planner was down by your hips, along with the chalk. “What brings you to my classroom? Are you looking for some new recommendations?”
His face slightly faltered to the point where no normal, unobservant eye could witness it. The lip quiver, the slight wobbling of his left leg… they were all telltale signs of compressed emotions that an average joe wouldn’t think twice about — specifically, those who only knew the person on a surface level.
That wasn’t you, of course. You were observant to the point where it annoyed you. The constant paranoia that followed everyone’s movements practically ate you alive.
After a heap of silence, Jonathan sighed with his head facing downwards, his dark chocolate eyes refusing to look at you.
“It’s about Rhys Montrose.”
Your eyebrow raised in confusion at his words, your hands subconsciously resting on the desk, with your planner and chalk beside you. It was now you who had that blank daze.
“I…” You were absolutely speechless to the point where you could feel your jaw drop slightly. Jonathan knew Rhys? You’ve of course mentioned your relationship with Rhys to Jonathan himself, but you had no idea they had actually met. Honestly, you were still having a hard time believing that the nerd had met Lady Phoebe.
You straightened yourself, using your arms as leverage, as you looked at him with furrowed brows. “With how busy he constantly is now, I wasn’t even aware-“
“He’s not what you think he is.” Jonathan cut you off, his eyes shooting you to meet with yours. They were full of… worry?
“Jonathan, what are you—?“
His hands reached out to your shoulders, his body encasing you between himself and your desk. With every step he took closer to you, the more your eyes widened with confusion.
“You don’t know him, not like you think you do,” Jonathan whispered, “He’s a danger to society.”
You pulled his arms off of you, completely shocked by his tone. His phone buzzed as you looked at him bewildered, but he ignored his new text message. All he was focused on was you, just you.
“A danger to society? Jonathan, he’s just running for mayor.” You scoffed, turning back your attention to the chalkboard from before the librarian arrived. “You know, I didn’t take you for a man that’s into politics.”
“It’s not about fucking politics!” His hands slammed down on your desk. It caused you to jump, turning back towards the man only to find him mere inches from your face.
You tried to back away, but he pulled you right back in. “Jonathan—“
“You’re not listening!” His hands grabbed at your arms, his eyes darkened underneath the light you both stood under. “Rhys is a danger to society, he’s a danger to you.”
Jonathan continued to shake you and yell words into your ears, but everything around you went mute. The slightly muffled conversations from students down the hallways were silenced. You saw Jonathan’s lips moving, frantically, but you couldn’t hear. You didn’t want to hear.
“Jonathan, I think you need to leave.” You muttered to him coldly. It was a tone that would get anyone to stop and think, and he did just that. He paused, and it was then you gathered your strength and shoved him off of you for the final time. He stopped abruptly, his eyes questioning you.
He begged and pleaded with you to hear him out, but you refused. You refused to even glance in his direction. You were rarely an angry person, you usually kept it bottled up to come out in soft rants, but you were afraid if you said another word to Jonathan, you might just go ballistic to the point where you’d risk losing your valuable job, something you couldn’t afford to lose.
So, you told him to get out of your classroom once again and eventually he was forced to listen. He left when your familiar, upbeat students came pouring in one by one.
Despite the almost psychotic break dearest Jonathan had beforehand, class had gone rather smoothly for you. The students actually engaged with one another and focused completely on the short story at hand.
Not once had they gone off-topic. Then, of course, the devil shows up with a knock at your door, disrupting everything. It was one of the things you’ve hated the most, as you found it terribly rude, but your forgiving nature came into play when you realized it wasn’t the man you believed it to be. When you turned your head, it was Rhys who stood there with his hands crossed against his chest. He wore his signature suit and tie, which both complemented his figure and his eyes.
You gave him a slight smile in return, but the look he gave - the blue eyes devouring yours - had you following him outside the classroom rather immediately. You trusted your students enough to behave themselves.
Once outside the view of your students, Rhys gingerly wrapped his hand around your arm, guiding you to a secluded spot in the hallway that was sure not to draw attention. With Montrose's face being blasted everywhere as the mayor-in-running, it was hard finding privacy in public.
You were about to ask what it was that had him so upset to the point where he chased you down at work, but he beat you to it.
"Hello, darling," Rhys's voice sounded almost strained, tired even. It had been a while since you last saw him, not to mention that his friend Gemma had just recently become another victim of that so-called "Eat-The-Rich Killer," though Rhys had "admitted" that she wasn't his friend. If you recalled, he used the words, "Oh, piss off, you manky hypocrite" when he had last spoken with her. Still, the bags under his eyes suggested that he hadn't slept much the night before.
"Ah, nice to see you haven't changed your habits." Rhys covered his tiredness with a knowing smile as he gently leaned down to kiss the top of your head. "Maybe a psychology degree would be a better fit for you."
"Sorry," you apologized, looking slightly down. "It's just... not that I'm not glad to see that you're back, I really am, but are you okay? You look like you haven't slept for days, and you usually don't drop by the university unless there's a problem."
Rhys licked his lips, letting out a breathy laugh as he raised his hands to his hips. The tiredness in his eyes went away for a moment, resulting in him staring at you amusingly. A look that only took you a few seconds to realize you'd analyzed him once again.
You couldn't help but internally groan at yourself, but he only shot you another charming smile. It was one so enchanting that it made you swoon at the sight.
However, he eventually dropped that smile and sighed, caving into your concerns.
"I've had a long week," he confessed to you. "Oddly enough, I couldn't work my usual charm to get through to some... certain people, but I'm optimistic. Nothing a little persuasion won't fix."
"Me too, it's been a crazy morning." You agreed with a sigh. The incident with Jonathan within the previous hour was still fresh in your mind, haunting you to your core.
You never felt threatened by Jonathan, but as you recollected the scene, his body towering over yours with the desk blocking you from escaping. His arms held you, keeping you captive as he screamed about the man - the man who you loved with all your heart - wasn't the man you knew. That he was a façade, dishonest... an apparent danger to you.
Of course, you didn't believe Jonathan. You trusted Rhys with your life, but nothing about what Jonathan said sat right with you. He couldn't have known Rhys for more than six months, so why did he act as if he knew him better than you...
Rhys whispered your name, calling you back to face him. He was closer to you than he was before, with eyes that held his growing concern. As his hands gingerly reached out to caress your shoulders, you wanted to tease him about how he was now the observer, but you stayed quiet.
He didn't like that.
"Darling, what is it?" he pushed softly, his accent adding gentleness to his tone, "What happened?"
"It was… really odd," you muttered, your mind flicking back to your classroom, the way Jonathan's hands slammed down on the desk with sudden rage, how badly it made your heart skip a beat. "My coworker, Jonathan, he—"
Rhys cut you off. "You said, Jonathan?"
"Yes," you nodded.
"As in… Jonathan Moore?”
Huh, it seemed Jonathan wasn't lying to you about it after all. They really do know each other. The more you thought about it, however, made you wonder why Rhys never told you about him. He must have known you both worked in the same building.
You nodded to his question once again, lowering your eyes down toward the glassy floor beneath you. You didn't have to look at Rhys to know he was listening intently.
"Usually, Jonathan comes in to give or receive book recommendations, but today he was acting… really off," you glanced back up at him, as you began to quiver. "He was stating things about you, and shouting at me, and I… I don't know. It really threw me in for a loop."
Rhys' head snapped up at you like a lightning strike. His eyes no longer contained the concern he had held before. They darkened, as well as his voice.
"What did he say to you?"
"Something about how you were a danger to society, and apparently a danger to me," you shivered at the memory. "He shouted a lot of things really, but I canceled out the majority of them and threw him out, metaphorically of course."
Rhys mumbled under his breath. Unfortunately, it was something you couldn't quite pick up on. The only thing you could do was watch as he sucked on his tongue, making a face as though he was eating sour candy, before glancing up to meet your eyes again.
You stayed quiet, observing his newfound attitude. His jaw was clenched, with arms shifting towards the wall to encase you within them before letting his head fall and lean into you. He practically did what Jonathan did but with the wall instead of your desk, and despite the similarities, you weren't scared of Rhys. His eyes fluttered closed with his — now loosened tie — dangling out in front of you. His lips were only inches away from the base of your neck, and you couldn't help but take in his signature scent of grounded coffee grinds.
"Rhys," you whispered softly towards him, ruffling up his short hair slightly. He let out another sigh that unclenched his jaw and pushed himself closer to you. You couldn't help but notice how relieved he now seemed, letting out gentle, smooth huffs of air to take in the moment.
Unfortunately, as much as you'd like to stay like this — being you haven't had him for a week — you still had a class to teach. Regrettably, you forced yourself to peel away from his arms, whispering short apologies and promises to see him later.
You didn't look back as you retreated back to your classroom. Upon returning to your desk, you turned to see that every single one of your students either gave you a smirk or a knowing nod, and you couldn't help but threaten them with a pop quiz that you were positive they weren't prepared for. As expected, it shut them right the hell up.
Ah, the power of being a professor.
When Jonathan arrived home that night with his now empty red takeout bag, he couldn’t help but sense the feeling that he was being watched. His feeling turned out to be correct when he went to unlock the door of his apartment, only to find it already unlocked.
The professor froze momentarily, hesitating whether he should enter unarmed or retrieve a nearby weapon. But being in sight of absolutely nothing, he had no choice but to grudgingly step inside.
As expected, when closing the door behind him, the lights of his living room flickered on and within the light revealed the man he most desperately wanted to kill.
The unwelcome man sat on his chair like he owned the place. A martini resided in his hand as he gave a sarcastic smile. The yellow light mixed in with the fiery flames of the fireplace reflected the same unnerving expression.
“Hello, Professor Moore,” the man spoke with amusement as he turned to face the bearded killer. His accent had the falsified name rolled off in a tease.
The owner rolled his eyes as he dropped the bag he held down at his feet. His keys were put safely back into his pocket. He should’ve known this would happen.
“Despite how much I would love to carve out your marvelous attractive eyes,” the man stood up, swirling the drink in his hand as he approached the professor. “I have to admit, Joe, I underestimated your intelligence. I knew you were smart, since the very beginning mind you, but this was just… impressive.”
Joe ground his teeth. “What do you want with me, Rhys? Why are you even here?”
“Two things, really,” Rhys smacked his lips together, nodding his head as he looked down for dramatic effect. When he glanced back up at the professor, his amusing smile was gone. His hand stopped swirling the martini, keeping it eerily still, and his eyes darkened almost instantly.
“Remember what we talked about, Joe, with the replacement. I want it done within twenty-four hours. If not, as I said earlier, you’ll be going down for everything.”
Joe’s breath hitched as Rhys stalked closer to his body. The piercing blue eyes caused the professor to freeze in his thoughts, forcing him to watch for Rhys’ unpredictability.
“And if you ever come near my girl again,” his voice was ghostly, sending chills throughout Joe’s entire body. “I’ll be the one who throws your ass in the cage.”
As if he were a light switch, Rhys pulled his lips into a grin within seconds. In a calm manner, he forced his half-sipped martini into the professor’s hands before seeking himself out.
For the first time in a long time, Joe Goldberg felt uneasy.
*Rhys x reader being nonexistent on Tumblr*
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dimitovva · 16 days
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va-queer-o · 2 years
my only comments on YOU season 4 (Netflix):
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b871i · 24 days
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said he likes crazy girls
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johnnycagesrightnut · 21 days
Love Quinn I love you. I fear you are so me. I am so you.
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h4rryh4milton · 5 months
R.I.P Love Quinn you would’ve loved Fortnight from TTPD
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frog-0n-a-l0g · 6 months
Gil Brigham from You gives lasko
Like when he was in the cage and his hair was over his eye. Maybe like an older version
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